Document 14064273

Social Studies Society
Plans Evening Series
D & A Affiliates State Sororities
To Stage Finale Induct Women
i Continued from Page 1, Column V
KltsiitiTiilil. Miiry Prnscirtorc,
For Annual Fair Maureen
Atari.vim Frost, Juno l-Iim'liigton, Mnry
A fine program of contrasting volume to indicate anger, Miss
prestations was offered to the Ad- Shafer allowed her voice to rise to
vanced Dramatics audience Tues- too high a pitch, thereby losing
day night. The first play, an Irish some humor.
Johnson, Florence IvlonowsKi, tragedy, had several moments of
I Continued from Fagel, Column a > [Juth
Praise should go also to Ross
Ikueli Kosiiiskl, Pile Mu-i'nv, (Ici-lrmk'
Gamma Horse Races. Throughout S m i t h , Oni'ol Vim Woei't, b e j o r e a w i n n - poignant pathos, especially after Federico, for his consistent cockney
the entrance of the keeners, but it accent and his slow, deliberate
the State Fair area, members of Mys- er, anil Aiileno VVnllncc.
kania will pass, selling their Chinese TIIOHO WoiiKii who Joined BeNi Zola did not reach the high climatic movements which provided fine
N'el.n I'.ortln, S h i r l e y ( nllii- point it could have. This seemed to
contrast to the necessarily rapid aciMin, Vlrjtlnlu l.'erlo.e, D o r o t h y ClieruThe curtain will drop on the 1951linii, .Inin- lH'IVcci'lilo. Kirlusiik, be due to a partial misrepresenta- tions of the other players. Florence
State Pair with the Finale present- tturbiirn U w , Mai'Biu'ol L i v i n g s t o n e , tion of the mother's role. Although Kloser and the principals all seemMiii'i.vim Meyers, Mur.v M u r r a y , Mildc- Martha Downey appears incapable
ed by the Dramatics and Arts Af- linc
ed too young for their parts.
Piiyno, (iri'lclicii ITell, Owen I ' r e s filiates at 11 p. m. in Page Hall. hiii Nil lie v Roosu, M n r l l y n Sniitus, of doing a poor job in any part she
The introduction of musical comundertakes,
Directed by Edward Kyle '52 Parol a d i r e l i t e r , Sylvin Si'innilor, (lliidys
and Richard Scott '53, the show on S m i t h , J (win no Von Mt-ton, unil Hnrlmrii more bitter and harsh in her strug- edies this year has been a pleasant
gle against the inevitable than experience—something which I hope
burlesque is entitled "The Bowery vim
C o n c l u d i n g the UMI of fronliiiu'ii who
Players." Prizes will be awarded at lolni'.l s o r o r i t i e s lire t h o s e w o m e n w h o would be likely for a woman who will be included in the agenda of
the end of the show. All entries of were pledged to l'lii Delhi. 11 Ineliiiles: has suffered so deeply in the past. Advanced Dramatics plays in the
organizations will be judged on or- U i d r c v B u r k e , Bnrharii C u n i h e r , NorGeorgina Maginess should be com- future.
1,'oUoos, J o - A n n o
iginality, appropriateness, and ap- ma
Nuln lo plimented on her very effective sets
Green, Kiihli H a n s o n , M a r i l y n
H a r r i s , and lighting, which established a Commuters Club Elects Historian,
House. mood of solemnity and bleakness
The judges are Dr. Townsend F r a n c o s H o p k i n s , K a t h l e e n
Vice President, Three Treasurers
Mar cue M a r t o n l , SlilrJey N o l l s , I'illicl
Rich, Professor of English, Mrs. 1'iri'siiil, K a r e n I'rlniKe, .lessle H a y n o r , right from the beginning of the
Rich, and Miss Catherine Newbold, V, laaliotli Itiu'kfi-, .lane S t a p l e s , Bar- play.
Historian for Commuters Club
Slonipi'l, f o r t u n e
MarInstructor in History.
chosen to replace Reta Lee White
ledProceeds from the Fair will go to jiii'le Wells iiiul P a t r i c i a Zylko.
'52, newly elected vice-president,
Tli" list i>!' iipiierc a s s n i e n who were ger, David Manly did a very coma fund in which Big-4 proceeds are Piinimlly
luiitIiitcil livui I'sH (laiiiina con- mendable job. Joyce Shaffer and Ed. will be Beverly Dodge '54, accordalso held. Freshmen women will re- s t s l s o f : Mnr:-::i'!'l Kiiwarils. M i n i l y n ward Kyle were effective in their ing to Mary Maguire '52, president.
ceive 12:30 hours for the affair, ac- S m i t h , .1 iinlors. a m i I ' a l r l c l a (lelirl ii'X roles with their flippant actions, Assistant treasurers appointed for
• " [.enure
Ciil'i'in'iin Til,
cording to Joan Ahr, 51, President licciirilliiK
second semester are Thomas GorPreslilent.
Phi Delia also hold forum I rapid-fire delivery of dialogue, and
of Residence Council, which is also liii.iiitlun for A.lkl P n p a s t r a l '.VJ. ac- their amusing song and dance rou- man '52, Irene Cackowski '53 and
open to the general public as well nil'iliiiK I " .Joyce Hn r i n g e r , Til, P r e s l - tine. At times, by increasing her Donald Duclos '54.
iii i n .
as the students.
As a result of the success of its
recent Social Studies Evening, Pi
Gamma Mu, a national honorary
social science society, has formullated plans to have a series of such
evenings, Michael Lamanna '51,
President, has announced. These
evenings will be open to all social
studies enthusiasts.
The next evening will be held in
March with the following committee in charge: Sally Ditmars, Naomi Schroeder, Lawrence Fanjoy,
and John Pheightal, Seniors. In order that the date, time, place, and
topic of this evening may be decided in accordance with popular
demand, the committee members
request that all students interested
in this program contact them immediately through student mail.
The keynote of these Social Studies Evenings will be an informality
which will enable those attending
to freely discuss topics of current
interest. Each meeting will feature
two faculty members speaking on
a topic which has been previously
suggested by the committee members and the faculty. Plans for these
evenings will also be assisted by
Forum members, who now hold their
meetings Thursday afternoons.
^ASIBST rest
State Co
Dunn Releases
Pledging Results
O f Frat Rushing
SatiricalComkOperetta,hlanthe, State Beats Harpur College
To Attack House Of Parliament
Those persons present Friday and
9 a n d 10 ln
f '
f age
t h e c r l m e of
rawing a
I rincina Mimifoc
">3 AQ
" VJOSIllg
Pandemonium broke loose as "Hiram" Walker dropped
Hall Auditoiium are in for a pleas- mortal. However, because of change i n a o n e - h a nn d p d niish s h o t lt 0o Dhrpnk
r e a K aa 4R-4R t i p nnrl «HVP A l ant surprise. "The Peer and the i n the death sentence to life im- ,
I, , ,
PV , ?,
*0-40 t i e a n a g i v e A l b a n y t h e l e a
w n i c n t n e y
Peri," better known as Gilbert and pr isonment by the Queen of the
n e v e r lost a s t h e y b e a t t h e C o -
Campus Fraternities Induct
suiiivan's "ioianthe," will be en- Fairies, ioianthe is permitted to live, lonials from Harpur College 53-49 before a packed house in
Total O f 97 Statesmen
acted on State's stage by members pro vided she leave her husband P a g e H a l l , W e d n e s d a y n i g h t .
An announcement concerning pie- of the operetta class. The produc- without explanation and never see
A m i n n t p a n d a half frep'/p e a v p S t a t p r h p i r f i f t h w i n
m i n u x e
dges to the various fraternities on tion will get underway at 8:30 p.m., n i m a K a i n
-, . ,
< l n a a n a l 1 i r e e z e g a v e O i a i e t n e i l r i l t n Win
campus has been received from announces Dr. Charles p. stokes and
James Dunn '51, President of the Karl A. B. Peterson of the Music
Inter-Fraternity Council. As a re- Department.
suit of the pledging, 97 Statesmen the
The comicof operetta
will satirize
have been inducted into fraternities, the House
House of Parliament,
Parliament, and
and will
riiiist' iiii'ilg-iMi i<> Kii|i|ni Di'lin Klio feature delightful music, a fanciful
l llll rll s i5 l l,
arc: Alvin l|r«iwii, ', . ' . " l 1'". ",'.'.'' plot, soloists, chorus, and orchestra.
W l l l t l T ( l l l d l l c l l , SlipllllllllH'I'S. A l s o lllThose members of the cast appearc l i i i k ' i l m i Ilii- list n r c : . l i i l m
H Hi'iiiu'll,
L e u ing on the stage from time to time
l.i'i, mi n l Ml in t v.. H o l i e r !
l'.il- will pe piers, fairies, and an Arcatriiiiil, UiiyiiiiHiil C u l l . A l f r e d C l e i n c n l e. dian Shepherd and Shepherdess.
I t n l . e l ' l ( ' f i i l l l l l l l r l l . I'll.'ll-ll'S I ' l l l l l ' l l . S n l "Ioianthe" centers around the
n I-III, D'AII'iHise, W a l l e r D e e U e r , l l i - n r y
K l n e r l i i i e l i . W l l l i n n i I'Mnyil, J I I I I I C H I-'IIX, story of a fairy named
( i n r d i i i l e r , who, twenty-five years previous lo
],'i';i iiU
(: i.-111111i<>11<•.
I l.ippe.v.
llclli'V H u l l . K r i i n i ' l s Kellliell.V,
l l n l l l l l i i the action of the operetta, had com-
oi the year m a game that saw the score change hands seven
e plot becomes more interesting t i m e s b e f o r e t h e final b u z z e r SOUnded. T o n i g h t t h e P e d s w i l l
|«t c we learn %
that loUxnthe's
son, t
t o w j n thei
fina, h o m e
f t h e
e x p e n s e
a et p - lneTVIPV Wwill
h^e r d ' n,n l',
f f fr
h?a l f„ m o r t?
a L, A*
u e
e s e o bS
t tt U
1 1 J c lnln«P
o s e t nHeI P <*Pn<jrvn Wprlnparl™ n r
" 2*
season Wednesday a t
ence Interest is aroused when the O n e o n t a .
Sparked by Bob Brown, who playson falls in love with Phyllis, a
ed his best game of the year, the
shepherdess who is a ward, and who
Elizabethans Star Peds took an early 17-10 lead only
returns his love, not knowing his
to see Gene Kobylarz, hi^h scorer
mixed origin.
In Jonson Masque for the visiting Green and White, hit
Many various characters make up
with several push shots to tie the
the cast, including the comicnl Lord
George Washington was forced
game at 22-22. Bob Tabor hooked in
Chancellor, and the typical soprano
to take a back seat on his birtha shot that started State on a scorlead portrayed by Phyllis. Charm is
day to Queen Elizabeth, the Earl ing
punch which lasted until
the key-note in this rollicking operof Essex, Sir Thomas More, Falhalf time. At that point in the game
etta, and the delicate irony throughstaff, Dame Quickly; Francis the victors were ahead 31-27.
Krilf.'. .In»i'|lll
I'nt I'leli.
out this satire is thoroughly in keepWaller
l l l v e r s , Ka.vBacon and other famous characing with the setting, those appearThe second half started and it
iii 11 ii ,1
ters of fact and fiction, The gaK l i ' l m r i l S l i n i i i l s . All'reil S l m r l ,
ing on the stage, and the consistent
took six minutes and thirty secthering
personS l a i i l ' i i r i l , A n I n n ' S l i m e . I l i i r n l i l '1'ii.vlnr
unreality of the plot.
ages was prompted by an Eli- onds before State could score from
iiiul W l l l l i i n i
W i i l k i T . I'l'esl
the field; it wasn't until 3 minutes
/.abcthanized English Evening.
A hilarious conclusion accents
EEP Pledges 16
later that they scored their second
The theme was carried out by field
this biting comedy, as a simple inI ' l e i l n e s In Hllwill'il
in the final half. At that
l i r e : lieui'Ke Sellilcl'll '•"'-. (ili'llll llri'll/.el.
the rendition of several selec- point goal
sertion in the letter of the law solves
State was trailing by four
.lerve, a m i H a r r y
I.a ( I r a n u ' e .
points. The last ten minute's then
teenth Century musical instru- made up for any lack of action
.loli II ( Y i i i r a ,
ment, by members of the Russell during the start of the second half.
s l'Miini'ii,
L e w i s . I'l'lllll'ls IllllII'I'S. K e l l l l e l h
Sage Faculty and Dr. Louise Zongrone scored to tie the game
Tomorrow night from 9 p. m. to
e l i s i u i . t i i ' i i l ' p ' WIMIII. .lulin ViMlllt; anil
Tone of the State College Fac- at 41-41 and Evens and Picciano
1 a. m. Pierce and Sayles Residence
lliilti'i' It v i m . : ' r , ' s h m i ' i i .
ulty; the presentation of a Ben both hit for Harpur to give the lead
K a p p a llfiii h a s pleiliieil Ki'eil H u r t l e . Hulls will hold their annual formals.
All'reil I ' M I I I H I I I , H a i i i e l
I t u l i l n s ' i u i . a m i A "Candyland" theme will predomJonson masque by Marjorie back to the visitors. It was here
I l l l i e r inate at the Pierce Formal, while
Smith and Dr. Vivian C. Hopthat Fallek tossed in one of his
pledges a r e : M a r v i n I ' I M T I I H I T . T l i i ' i n l n r e
kins; and an Interlude from one-handers and Walker scored to
Sayles will feature a "Lotus Land" A State College Faculty member
lil I'.-in n s . i i i . A l f r e d ll.>(
Midsummer Night's Dream di- give State the lead in the waning
z i n u e r . .1,i)111 I l a n e r y .
M t i e r . theme.
will be guest ot honor at a oook
Ki'iinli M i n e r . H a i i i e l M e y e r .
rected by Bob Donnelly.
minutes. Walker added a foul shot
Pierce's formal, to be held in the party at the John Mistletoe BookItapp.
I t l l e s s . Hnliei'l
An air of mystery was added to and Zongrone made a two-pointer
Ingle Room, will be highlighted by shop, Tuesday, from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30
C e n r u e Si'llill'l'i'l'. K e l l l l e t l l
Selin u m i a k
I T , I Hiane Shu ;ier, Ariiidil Sii.n i. l i e I .
Bob Massey's orchestra, and deco- p.m. and 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., to the evening when the group was to give State a five point lead with
en S l i i r i i i mill Itii'liiii'il Sienel. f r e s h
served a steaming potion from four minutes left. Rubenzoble and
rations typical of a candyland celebrate the publication by the Harmen.
the Wassail Bowl. Seems that Felter scored a lay-up and foul to
Ihenie. Cut-outs of nine foot candy vnrd University Press of Snircs of
17 Join SLS
only the concocters and the Elicut the lead, and Leney's foul clossticks, ice cream cones, peppermint Form, a book about Emerson's eshave
zabethans know what it is, but ed the gape to 50-49 when Carter
lieen p l e d j i e i l In SiLilua l.lllllliila S i m u l a : sticks and lollipops will be scattered thctic theory written by Dr. Vivian
and Tabor scored the final points
'twas quite delicious.
throughout the dance hall. Com- C. H. Hopkins, Assistant Professor
K e l l l l e l h W u e s l e r Ti'J, l t m l e r i e l i
of the game with two minutes reer, I t l l d o l p l i I l.S.l [11.>I.•. .Illeli
S e l a r n l l l l . mittee chairmen for the dance in- of English. Dr. Hopkins did work
a m i Alan Sweil'/.er, Siiplinlilin'en.
elude: Decorations, Joan Bennett with the Emerson manuscripts at
id' S l . S a r e : It ll III ll
s . Ili'i'inii I'euiiK, llnlllllii
It was more then fitting that this
M n i i s s n , W i l l i a m (.iniiiii. . I n i n e s and Refreshments, Arline Richburg University
while on a sabbatical
week's program for the game featur'I'll
p s m i . I l a r r v W H I T , Sianle.v
leave during 1948-49. She had an
ed pictures and stories about the
A crowning of the queen cere- American Association of University
freshmen stars, Walker and ZonKleilllh
il H e n r y IV
niony will take place at 11 p.m., by Women fellowship to assist her with
let li. I n h l l l e l l .
grone; they once again proved their
Mary Frisk '51, last year's queen, this work.
The delegates to the Eastern value to the team as they teamed
The queen will be chosen from
Dr. Hopkins' extensive and thor- States Association Conference, to be up with Brown to share the spotaniong nine candidates and her ough knowledge of Emerson and his held in New York City from April light in State's victory
court will consist of four attendants, works Is well known to State College 5-7, will be Edwin Kiuiander, and /Continued on Page 3, Column V
A grand march, lead by the queen students, especially students who Ruth Liepmann, Seniors. Theresa
and her court, will follow the crown- have studided Emerson in Dr. Hop- Porta and Daniel Joy, Juniors. Daving ceremony.
kins' American Literature classes. id Manly '52 was chosen as an alNewman Club and Hillel have anSayles Hall's formal will feature Spires of Form will, therefore, be ternate, but will attend the confernounced their plans for the coming the music of Don Burt and his or- '"' particular interest to this group, ence. Dr. Kenneth Frasure, Assistant Professor of Education, will be
week. Included on the agenda are
a lecture, a meeting and a supper chestra. Chairmen ol the affair In- The book party will be open to the Faculty delegate.
In order to present the true views
elude: Decorations, Barbara PI'aus students of State College as well
In the February edition of the
of the student body, the delegates
Newman Club, according to Ger- '53; and Programs, Mario DeScvc '53. the Faculty.
School Press Review an article subwill
ald Brophy '51, will hold its ninth
week to determine how State
Col- mitted and written by Norine Carlecture at Newman Hall, Thursday
hot im-1' i^iT Si». Grace Smith and Victoria. Eade,
J u n l o r E d l t o l s oi ihe
at 7:110 p.m. Benediction will prenromoted among
amons stuState
tionsss mav
maj be
oc piomoieci
stu- N
published. The
wicede the lecture and there will also
, , , ,
be a short business meeting to disB
i n c utL
munity life, how more emphasis may , ' ' " L ^ f n i V n
,°f '
cuss final plans lor the mission and
be developed upon human reta- SwfcaUoi2
Communion break fast.
At the Student Council meeting an the four class Presidents, Hel- tions in professional education, and The problems of newspaper writBrophy has also announced Hint
the first mission held in many yearn held Wednesday night an appro- Si'hultze '51 Harvey Robin- finally, how college may help stu- ing, the composition of a good news
will begin with mass being cele- priiition for the Varsity Bowling son '52. Peter Te fer '53 and Al- dents to develop and maintain a story, the techniques of news coverbrated in the small Grotto at 7:30 Ten in was considered, the proposed l'rcd Cleniente '54. Haymond Call constructive outlook in the face of age and the headlines of a newsa m., Friday, March 1).
ainendineiits to the constitution were '54, Student Council member, will present day tensions.
paper were discussed ln the siory.
According to Barbara Stein Til, discussed and the assembly sehed- also be a member of the Committee,
II also included the opinions of tho
Hillel has scheduled a supper party ulc was set up for the remainder Thomas Codward '54 spoke on the Campus Sororities
Junior Editors and the pertinent
anil musical revue lor li p. 111., Killi- nl the semester, A was possibility of bringing a debate
problems of the News.
iln.v at Ilii' Pi'deriil Street Synago- appointed for the InvestimillDii of Honorary Society to the campus
The School Press Review Is pubSlate
gue. Botli the party and the revue the signing a new ring contract. A an.I requested permission to use
lished by the Columbia Scholastic
are sponsored by B'nal B'rlth. motion was passed to Investigate the $25 ol the Debate Council Budget
Included in the agenda of the Press Association of which the News
All students planning lo alti'iul arc niclluids used to finance the char- in urder to finance the charter. Hlu- sororities anil fraternities are three, is a member. The Association has
asked to sign up on the Hillel bulle- ters for the houorarj .societies mi dent Council voted to Investigate open houses to be held by Kappa given our college newspaper a first
tin board, m-ordlng to Miss SU'ill.
the previous methods used by the Delta Rho, Beta Zeta and Alpha class ruling for teacher's colleges
Included for today's assembly is other honorary societies in limine- Epsllon Phi as released by their re- In the Eastern United States. The
ing their charters before making a speetive Presidents, James Dunn, articles contained In the School
State Debaters Will Meet a program .sponsored by Primer decision,
Kathryn l.ottcks, and Charlotte Press Review were written by both
presenting the liilcrpretution <ii
In the establlshinenl of the as- Skolnick, Seniors. The pledging of college and high school students.
With Vic inity Colleges
Mime nf ihe articles found in the
hunk this year. An appropriation st'inbly programs for second semes- Joan Bolz '54 to AE Phi Tuesday,
Debute Council sent HUP U'IIIII nt
$1-12 requested b\ the Bowling tcr a unit mu was passed to eliinin- February 2d was also anouiieed by Meeting Of Honorary Societies
consisting ui Clarence Spain aiul Team
J 0 Feature Vickery A s Speaker
order that they may parti- ate the rivalry debate scheduled lor Miss Skolnick.
Thomas Giklwnnl in debate both cipate in
March !). The date for the event
Beta Zeta lias scheduled Its open
Toursides nl the national question at nament will also be on the assem- will be posted on the Senior class house tonight from tl to 12 p.m., Dr. William Vickery, Professor of
the UiuwT.ih nl Connecticut Tour- bly agenda. Finally, the proposed Bulletin Hoard.
while AK Phi will hold its open Interculturnl Education will speak
nanii'iil luclai and tomorrow.
Peter Teller, as newly elected house tomorrow night from H:Hl) to ut a joint meeting' of Kappa Phi
AssociStale will meet the following col- ation Constitution will be consid- Sophomore President, has been ap- 12 p. in. The Kappa Delta Rho in- Kappa and Signum Luudls Tuesday
leges at i he tiitiriiainent: Dartmouth ered.
pointed to report those individuals vllalion for Its open has been evening at H P.M., In the State
College, Harvard University, Massawho are out oi their assembly seals extended for Sunday, March 11, from College Lounge according to Arthur
chusetts Institute of Technology,
The Committee appointed to In- because of announcements. All per- li to ti p. in. The house Is located at Petersen '50.
Syracuse University, Yale Univer- vestigate the possibility ol signing sons are requested to contact Tel- 2-11 Manning Boulevard und Dunn
His topic will be "The School as
sity, and the University of Conuec- a ring contract is composed of wil for by 12 noon the day of the as- slates that both students and fac- a Community Center. Refreshments.
Hani Englchiirt '51, Chairman sembly.
ully are Invited to attend.
will be served.
Pierce, Sayles
To Hold Formals
I omorrow Night
Local Book Shop
To Laud Hopkins
ESA Delegates
To Conduct Poll
Newman, Hillel
Slate Activities
NEWS Editors
Publish Review
Agenda Includes Financial Motion,
Amendments, Skit For Assembly
Chesterfield with the brand you've been
smoking...Open a pack...enjoy that milder Chesterfield aroma.
And—tobaccos that smell milder, smoke milder. So smoke
Chesterfields... they do smoke milder, and they're the only cigarette
that combines MILDNKSS with NO UNri.L'ASANT AHl-R-TASTlj.
,111 A M i i M
Do We?
Money, Money . . .
M A A wants more money. I t came to Student
Council W e d n e s d a y with a motion unrecommende d b y S t u d e n t B o a r d of F i n a n c e , a s k i n g for 142
d o l l a r s t o s e n d t h e S t a t e College V a r s i t y B o w l i n g
t e a m to a t o u r n a m e n t in E l m i r a .
W h a t ? A n i n c r e a s e in t h e M A A b u d g e t ? A b u d g e t a l r e a d y s p e n d i n g 8 t h o u s a n d d o l l a r s of a 26
t h o u s a n d dollar b u d g e t ? W h a t , n o r e c o m m e n d a t i o n
b y S t u d e n t B o a r d of F i n a n c e ?
T h i s s i t u a t i o n s o u n d s familiar. I n fact, it s e e m s
a r e p e t i t i o n of a n o t h e r a p p r o p r i a t i o n of financial
n a t u r e in m a n y w a y s .
M A A s h o u l d receive i t s m o n e y . T h e a t h l e t i c D e p a r t m e n t in this i n s t i t u t i o n seldom h a s t h e w a r m
feeling of s p o n s o r i n g a successful t e a m . E v e r y o p p o r t u n i t y for success in t h i s field should b e e x ploited.
Other Things . . .
The Common-Stater
is given the widest latitude as
author of this column, although
his viewpoints
those of the STATE COLLBOS
Hashing in t h e morning sun. Behind not necessarily
t h e m , huddled in t h e farthest cor- News.
n e r of t h e great hall, stood t h e freshmen, crumpled bids in hand. T h e s e F O O D F O R T H O U G H T
As a n a f t e r m a t h for B r o t h e r h o o d week a n d in hopes
men h a d spent three sleepless n i g h t s
mulling over t h e problem of which t h a t B r o t h e r h o o d doesn't stop w i t h t h e e n d of B r o bid to sign a n d they h a d all r e a c h - therhood week, I t h i n k Lincoln, who w a s n ' t a m e m b e r
ed t h e s a m e conclusion. They h a d of a n y church, w a s a t h i s greatest w h e n h e said, " I
decided t o flip a coin—the sure s o - would Join a n y c h u r c h whose sole qualifications for
lution to such a weighty problem. membership w a s t h e Biblical i n j u n c t i o n : 'Thou s h a l t
They were so confused a t this point love t h y Lord t h e y G o d with all t h e y h e a r t , with
t h a t it took them fifteen m i n u t e s thy soul . . . a n d t h y neighbor a s thyself." . . . W h a t
to decide which coin to flip. T h e t e n - c h u r c h do you belong t o ?
sion was mounting, cameras whirring, teletypes clicking, t h e steady ONE MAN'S O P I N I O N
T h e Potter Show t h a t opened S t a t e F a i r was one of
drone of Drew Pearson's voice a s
h e broadcast a play by play descrip- t h e t o p performances these eyes h a v e seen a t S t a t e
tion—and now! the climax—the e n d . . . undoubtedly t h e most hilarious . . . a n d considof t h e road to Cathay, t h e sight of ering t h e time spent on it I c a n s a y i t w a s t h e best
t h e seven cities of Cibola—the e n d production S t a t e h a s seen . . . this gives t h e answer
of a semester confusion! T h e coin to t h e "Big-4" question. If o n e frat c a n whip a m a s a n d flipper h a d been chosen. T h e terpiece together i n less t h a n a week, w h y c a n ' t
closer a whole class do t h e same, t h u s c u t t i n g o u t several
to their radios—the men in Korea m o n t h ' s work t h a t e n d s u p i n a mediocre show with
held their breath—Harry took h i s bad feelings? I t seems t o m e t h a t P o t t e r ' s show is
h a n d o u t of our pockets. T h e flip- t h e best a r g u m e n t to do away with t h e "Big 4" as it
per's finger flicked—the coin flash- exists today. I t h a s been proved t h a t all t h e time
ed in t h e air, h i t the floor, bounced s p e n t on such plays is n o t needed—so h a t ' s off to
once, twice a n d finally came to rest Dave Manly a n d t h e rest of t h e P o t t e r m e n who gave
s t a n d i n g on end and the whole world S t a t e " I T S F I N E S T HOUR."
cheered as all the men joined t h e
D. A. R.
While on t h e subject of S t a t e Fair, I believe t h a t
this year's w a s one of t h e best we've h a d . . . t h a t
G a m m a K a p b a n d gave it t h a t extra carnivalish flavor
. . . hope it keeps u p , , , a n d c o n t r a r y to all reports
a n d stories, t h a t wrestling m a t c h between Honest J o e
and t h e F r e n c h Angel w a s n o t fixed.
After reading in t h e local newspapers t h a t Siena
The Jewish C o m m u n i t y Center has about a n Irish priest who is set in
become one of the organizations t h a t his ideas about
feather-brained college would play in t h e New York basketball tourwill a i d S t a t e College in its new y o u t h ; Jenny, who doesn't conform n a m e n t if they were invited despite t h e basketball fix
Community Studies course which is to t h e priest's concept of youth, I c a n only say t h a t probably S t a t e would play in t h e
being organized by Dr. William Vic- comes to t h e village, falls in love NCAA too, if invited . . . but in both cases it sounds like
kery. By using this plan in working with t h e local school teacher, a n d w h a t monkey said to t h e chip—abbadabba d a b .
with various community
agencies convinces t h e priest t h a t youth is R E C O G N I T I O N
and activities, one of t h e newer still good, level-headed, a n d happy.
I think t h a t C a m p u s Commission finally got t h e
concepts in teacher training is b e A o n e - m a n show by artist Robert recognition it deserves with t h e adoption of its coning employed, t h a t is, t h e use of Emerich is now in progress a t .the stitutional a m e n d m e n t ; it removed t h e election of t h e
this method to broaden t h e future Albany Institute of History a n d Art. G r a n d Marshal from t h e h a n d s of SA to t h a t o r tencher's u n d e r s t a n d i n g of his stuT h e wheel of chance h a s finally ganization a n d t h e recognition is t h a t C.C. a n d its
come to rest and Radio Council affairs aren't so i m p o r t a n t t h a t t h e whole s t u d e n t
T h e Jewish C o m m u n i t y
broadcast its WPTR
disc body should have to worry about w h o will be its
will also r u n a series of exhibits
jockey show a t 12:15, instead of head from year to year . . . i t does a lot of work
of t h e paintings of o u t s t a n d i n g a r t 1:15, every Sunday afternoon. O u r . . . a lot of committee work a n d it is n o t a major
ists during March a n d April. T h e
organization on c a m p u s .
s t a r will be Guy Lombardo.
paintings of Arthur
known illustrator of books a n d m a LAST CHANCE
gazines, will be displayed
from a disc jockey show on WABY, b u t
Tonight will be your last c h a n c e to see t h e Peds
March 1 to 15 a t t h e Center library. final plans have not yet been made. in action on t h e Page Hall court . . . only one more
T h e r e is still time to see T h e SilA brotherly and very thankful away game left too. . . a n d a l t h o u g h o u r team won
ver Whistle this week end, but T u e s - pat on t h e back to everyone w h o and lost record wasn't good, I believe t h a t this year
day, M a r c h 6 will bring a n o t h e r helped or contributed last week to we have one of t h e best teams S t a t e h a s h a d since
Broadway comedy to t h e Playhouse, the cause of Brotherhood: let's a i m t h e w a r . . . a few breaks a n d our record would h a v e
J e n n y Kissed Me by Leo G. Carroll. for m a n y more years of t h e same been t h e opposite from w h a t it is . . . congra ts to
It is a light a n d wholesome story good work.
the team; we enjoyed this season . . . see you tonight
despite t h e BZ open house for R P I a n d S t a t e
Now t h a t t h e frats a n d sororities have their new
blood, watch all t h e new cliques form, watch how old
friends i?) m a y drift a p a r t because some went one
way a n d others went a n o t h e r way . . . note t h a t J o h n
and Jim, t h a t Mary a n d Alice maybe a r e n ' t such
good friends a n y m o r e . . . b u t t h a t ' s one of t h e a d vantages of frats a n d sororities . . . yes, lie's a good
fellow, but h e belongs to—.
Where were you during t h e a t o m bomb raid? . . . I
have been nsked to s t a r t a. contest to pick t h e "girl
I would most like to crouch and cover with." . . . any
" S M I L E S to s p o n s o r p a r t y
for children a t
H o m e , Clinton Square needs volunteers." These a r c
two p l e a d i n g s for help which a r e p e r e n n i a l .
T h e c a s u a l o b s e r v e r , or t h e casual s t u d e n t r e a d s
a n d c o n t i n u e s on his n a r r o w p a t h . W h y should h e
work for n o t h i n g for such a n ignominious c a u s e ?
A s s u m i n g t h a t t h e a v e r a g e s t u d e n t here is n o t
p a r t i c u l a r l y i n t e r e s t e d in forgotten " c a u s e s " o u r
casual s t u d e n t is still p a s s i n g b y at his own h>ss.
Is o u r casual s t u d e n t well p r e p a r e d for his p r o fession when h e receives that piece of p a r c h m e n t
in J u n e ? H e ' s not . . . t h a t ' s because he lias not.
t a k e n full a d v a n t a g e of h i s o p o p r t u n i t i e s to learn
a b o u t c h i l d r e n , their h a b i t s a n d p e r s o n a l i t i e s .
O u r e d u c a t i o n profs c o n t i n u a l l y implore u s to
learn a b o u t c h i d r e n a n d those i n t a n g i b l e " t h i n g s ' '
not found in t h e p a g e s of o u r texts. .More of ns
should h e giving it a t r y . . .
OF 1918
March 2, 1051
M ••in In
•illli'il c".. II,. I.llr I '
No. 17
• W M | I I I | I I T u f ili,< N , . \ v V i i r l i S k i l l ' C n l
I'llr T I ' U I ' I I I T H . i n ;
•a I ' I ' I T V
K r l i l i i v u f l In' t'lilli'Ki'
li.V I h i ' M O W S
I'm- i l „ . s i ii, I n n
A s , , i . i . i i 1..11
H : l ' V n i t i ' l , '.Mlill'.'; W i . l i , ' . M I I I . ' I I J ; M i l l , , ."1 il.'ll I
lii'l'H " ( 111*- M O W S
In- r i ' i i i ' l i i ' i l
7 i n II ;til | , 1
11 :i i o n , '
College Calendar
p.m. S t a t e vs, Qeneseo, Gym.
Midnight Beta Zeta Open House.
1 I:N/.I;I
<ioi.mi<: s n . x u i / .
I ' A I ' l . I!l C I I . M A N
a.m. Sayles Hull Formal.
a.m. Pleii'o Hull Formal.
8:30-12 Midnight Alpha Epsilon P h i Open House.
h i
K i l i l u r In I l i i i ' l
(11- M I I I I I I K I I I U
( <i M i i n i i u i n u
I'lllllll' Kl'llllillllN l.ilili'i
4'irciiliit Inn Miiiiiiuor
llllnllli'HN MlllllllfUl
- - - .
NOItl.MC ( A U O I I . I . .
p.m. B'nai li'rith Dinner a n d Musical,
Federal Street Synagogue,
Kill t o r
A l l vi
H N I I I M I I I I IM i n l i l r i ' K M ' i l 111 I h i ' I ' l l l l n i ' ii n i l
In. H I U I I U I I .
In. w l i l i l i i l i l
Tilt' S'I'ATIO r i l | , | . | . ; ( l K
IINHIIIIII-.S 1111 i - i . » j i u i i » l l i l l l l .v
I'UI' l l | l l l l l l l l l H l-Xliri-HHKll III IIM m i n i m i s
o r 1 0 ill 111 II llU'tl I tfllltj
12 Noon
8.C.A. Ohupel, Unitarian Church.
p.m. F o r u m Meeting. Lounge.
p.m. Newman Lecture, Newman Hull.
p.m. Christian Science Organization
Meeting, Boom u i .
Paces Win Over Harpur
C r i t i c i s m of e x i s t i n g s y s t e m s a n d p e r s o n a l i t i e s
is t h e t r e n d t h i s t i m e of t h e y e a r . T h e u n c e r t a i n t y
i n t h e m i n d s of Seniors s e e m s t o j u s t i f y this critiI t w a s t h e d a y t h e whole world
cism. A t t h e m o m e n t certification for t e a c h i n g in h a d been waiting for. Millions of
N e w Y o r k s t a t e h a s a s a r e q u i r e m e n t five y e a r s anxious e a r s were glued to t h e
speakers of their radios waiting
of s t u d y .
for t h e latest developments. T h e men
I n J a n u a r y ' 5 0 t h e S t a t e E d u c a t i o n D e p a r t m e n t in K o r e a (Red a n d United Nations)
c o n t i n u e d for a y e a r t h e i s s u a n c e of r e n e w a b l e h i g h refused to fight for t h r e e hours
school t e a c h i n g certificates u n t i l M a r c h 1, 1 9 5 1 . t h a t m o r n i n g a n d B.B.O. (British
gave a
Y e s t e r d a y , t h e r e b e i n g n o r e p o r t from t h e E d u - world wide broadcast
c a t i o n D e p a r t m e n t o n t h e m a t t e r , w e w e r e t o a s - t h r o u g h t h e courtesy of H. S. T r u s u m e t h a t w e n e e d e d a fifth y e a r t o t e a c h in sec- m a n a n d C o m p a n y .
o n d a r y schools.
And a t Albany S t a t e Teachers'
I t s e e m s q u i t e e v i d e n t t h a t t h e s t a t e is g o i n g College, t h e scene of all t h e action,
five groups of m e n stood in t h e
t o c h o k e a fifth y e a r d o w n o u r t h r o a t s e v e n t u a l l y .
Commons smoking a n d whispering
A s s u m i n g t h a t t h e r e is s o m e s o u n d , i n t e l l i g e n t r e a - nervously a s they awaited 9 a.m.,
son for t h i s , w e a r e still " u p in t h e a i r . "
H - h o u r . Finally, a t o n e m i n u t e b e fore nine, Mr. William
W e a r e confused b e c a u s e c e r t a i n p e r s o n s of good
a u t h o r i t y h a v e voiced o p i n i o n s , q u i e t l y , of c o u r s e , Council, grabbed his scepter a n d
t h a t t h e S t a t e will n o t r e q u i r e a fifth y e a r for commenced t h e long, slow trek to
certification u n t i l 1952 o r l a t e r . T h e i r r e a s o n i n g t h e Lounge, A t last i t was time for
bids to be r e t u r n e d a t S t a t e ! B e seems logical in t h a t t h e y expect t h a t , b y J u n e ,
hind D r . F i n i s h e d t h e four fraterm a n y t e a c h i n g p o s i t i o n s will b e left v a c a n t , b e - nities (?) lined u p in order in p r e c a u s e of t h e d r a f t .
ference. (There w a s a little trouble
W e a r e also confused b e c a u s e of t h e i n c o n s i s - over this since each group preferred itself b u t i t didn't last long; t h e
t e n c y of t h e S t a t e ' s p o l i c y . W h y d o social s t u d i e s , i n t e r f r a t e r n i t y spirit prevailed a n d
E n g l i s h , a n d l a u g u a g e t e a c h e r s need a fifth y e a r of they all filed out in a n orderly fashand banners
s t u d y m o r e t h a n C o m m e r c e t e a c h e r s ? If i t ' s b e - ion—paddles, pins
c a u s e C o m m e r c e t e a c h e r s a r e m o r e in d e m a n d , w h y
d o L a t i n t e a c h e r s need a fifth y e a r ? T h e y ' r e in
I t ' s t i m e for t h e S t a t e t o m a k e t h i n g s clear.
T h e r e ' s e n o u g h u n c e r t a i n t y of future for y o u n g
people without complicating matters.
FRIDAY, M A R C H 2, 1991
i l u IUM i i i T C h K i i r i l )
"Wliut's MI re ma rli «ili I v about it? lie's way below the class ageragel'
*«]$. 8
1u w
Bob Brown,
this year's
and Gold
FRIDAY. M A R C H 2 . 1 9 5 1
Bowling Quintette Takes Two Contests,
Stretches Lead Over Siena To 4 Games
Idle SLS's Lead Slips As Potter, Give 123 Pins;
Beavers Triumph In IM Bowling 'Sink' Hits 215
In Intramural bowling this week, Potter Club closed
in on league-leading Sigma Lambda Sigma by taking three
games from the Fearless Five by forfeit. The third-place
Beavers also gained on the idle leaders as they took two out
of three from the Finks.
In other games in the circuit, fourth place Kappa Beta
dropped two to the Rousers, and the Saints moved into a tie
with KB for fourth by edging the sixth ranking Jeeps twice.
r S f l S
I \»\*9
W / «
wo; Deek Vv in
Carrying t h e t h i r d a n d deciding
game down t o t h e last frame, S t a t e ' s
Varsity keglers came t h r o u g h with a
six pin win over P h a r m a c y , t a k i n g
two of t h r e e games W e d n e s d a y
night. Meanwhile second place S i ena was dropping two to ABO, t h u s
falling four games b e h i n d t h e
league leaders.
Getting off t o a slow s t a r t , S t a t e
dropped t h e first g a m e t o t h e boys
O t h e r games s a w t h e Splits take
from P h a r m a c y , a s they felt t h e eftneil
' * i r s t Same of t h e season, from fects of giving u p a 123 p i n h a n d i cap to t h e druggists. T h e second
K D R , a s t h e Boulevard boys took game w a s salted away by t h e P e d s
two, a n d t h e Thurlow t e a m take by 49 pins, b u t it was t h e t h i r d a n d
t w o from
tlle Snafus
deciding g a m e t h a t raised t h e t e n plngfcheflrst by 17 pins- after drop- sion to a fever pitch.
In t h e t e n t h frame of t h i s g a m e ,
A T\f*
Burkowsky S t a r s for K B
State was behind a s Don M c D o n a l d
Individual honors for t h e day
stepped to t h e line. T h e pressure
' »"*^» V»VIIHb*l
by Mitch Burkowsky,
was on as Mac needed a s p a r e t o
I n a game of rough a n d tumble, K B c a p t a i n , a s h e h i t for a 212 pull t h e g a m e o u t of t h e fire. W i t h
t h e J a y Vee's took their fifteenth middle game a n d a 523 triple. How- members of all four t e a m s w a t c h i n g ,
win of t h e season from a n outclassed ever, t h e K B t e a m faltered after Don picked u p t h e needed spare, a n d
LaSalle Alumni team from Troy, taking t h e first close one, a n d t h e State took t h e game by six pins.
T h e final score was 60-45. T o n i g h t Rousers edged t h e m in t h e second
While S t a t e took i t s two games, i t
t h e P e d s meet t h e ABC Varsity game by 11 pins, a n d t h e n walked
in a r e t u r n m a t c h on t h e Page Hall off with t h e third g a m e by close to also gained a n o t h e r g a m e o n t r a i l ing Siena, a s t h e boys from L o u d o n Court.
100 pins.
Peds their
j u s t first
eeked o uwhen
t a n byGPotter's
h i t for
a m e s of Lyle
200 were
in ville could salvage only o n e g a m e
overtime victory, t h e home forces 207, a n d Bob Kirby, who came from t h e t h i r d r u n n i n g ABC t e a m .
were in command of t h e game from through with a 205, although t h e Sinkledam Hits 315
the first whistle.
Potter t e a m was rolling without opLeading t h e t e a m t o victory w a s
Stress Ball Control
position as t h e Fearless Five for- Bob Sinkledam, w h o h i t for a 215
Opening slowly, t h e J V s were i n feited t h r e e games. T h i s extended middle g a m e a n d a 553 triple. D o n
control of t h e ball for several m i n - the Five's c u r r e n t streak to 27 with- McDonald a n d C a r m e n Corsi e a c h
Tiie Angels face t h e Rettops a n d
utes, b u t held t h e scoring to a m i n - out a win.
contributed a 203 in t h e t h i r d g a m e
P o t t e r Club meets K a p p a Beta in
imum while they stressed passing,
Those five Statesmen you've
tomorrow's i m p o r t a n t
opporseen walking t h e Draper Halls
The m a t c h with ABC, held over
basket-ball contests. K D R will open
tunities to open u p . Because of t h e
with their heads bowed (luring
from earlier in t h e season, w h i c h
t h e clay's activities in a game against
stress on ball control, t h e score
this past week a r c probably t h e
the Redskins a t 1:30 p.m.
a t half time was 29-15, with t h e hold on third place, encountered was originally slated for yesterday,
varsity bowling quintette.
Monday, t h e Vermonters squeezlittle difficulty except in t h e second has been postponed until T h u r s d a y
visitors on t h e short count.
afternoon a t t h e Siena alleys. G a m e
ed by t h e Rettops by a 35-30 count.
But G a m m a K a p p a P h i , now
Opening up in t h e attack during game, which they dropped by 29 time for this m a t c h is 4 p . m .
T h e winners, a h e a d by one point
the holder of a h a r d won victhe second half, both sides quickLeague S t a n d i n g s
a t t h e half, staved off a belated
tory over these same varsity
ened t h e pace, with only t h e score game, however, they h i t 860, high
rally by t h e Rettops, a n d won on t h e five, a r e proudly boasting- their
indicating t h a t t h e m e n from L a 36 15
s t r e n g t h of a 14 point second half
five top-notch keglers for "AllSalle kept on even t e r m s with t h e toppled t h e wood for a 199, a n dSiena
Albany Business College .... 18 33
effort by Bill Tierney. Tierney h a d
locals. I n t h e last quarter, J o h n Hubbard supported with a 190.
American" honors in t h e t e n 8 43
20 points for t h e night to pace botli
Centra was hitting from all angles,
W i t h o u t bowling this week, since P h a r m a c y
pin g a m e :
as t h e Peds rolled into high gear, h i s league leading S L S team was S t a t e - P h a r m a c y M a t c h
"Dick Hoover" Wilkinson.
On t h e same night, t h e Finks
Giordano Paces P c d Scorers.
idle, Clarence Oarr retained his lead State
3 To.
" S t r i k e - S p a r e " Gazulis.
trounced t h e Rousers, 59-37 a n d t h e
136 145 129 410
Scoring honors for t h e n i g h t were in t h e race for individual honors, as Burt
"Ned Day" Blaising.
Beavers rolled over t h e Commuters
160 150 135 445
taken by Edson, of LaSalle w h o h i s 181 average gives him a 17 pin Cassetta
by a 48-26 count. Don Sonberg's
"Andy Varlpapa" Mayakis.
158 151 203 512
split t h e nets for 14, and Doug Hoyt lead over h i s nearest rivals. T h e Corsi
19 was high for t h e Finks, while
" A n c h o r - m a n " Salm.
181 215 157 553
who chipped in with 13 for t h e race for second honors is much Sinkledam
the Rousers were lead by T o m
148 179 203 530
T h e now renowned challenge
loosing cause. Peter Giordano led tighter, however, as Lyle Walsh a n d McDonald
Soule's 17. Don B u r t and George
match between G a m m a K a p
the home forces with 13, closely Bob Demcrs have 164's followed by
L a m p m a n each h a d 14 points for
783 840 827
and t h e Varsity took place S u n followed by C e n t r a with 11 a n d McCormick's 161. Juisto rounds out
the Beavers.
day afternoon a t t h e Rice AlPharmacy
3 To.
Jim Bennet's 9.
the first five with his 160.
Angels T o p Annex
leys. Although t h e men took t h e
94 125 125 344
Last Friday night, t h e J u n i o r s
In games on S a t u r d a y , t h e Angels
first a n d third matches by large
185 155 144 484
just managed to pull a close game
topped t h e Annex, 55-38; t h e Knicks
margins, t h e Green and Gold
145 121 150 416
with Cobleskill o u t of t h e fire, a s
beat t h e Redskins, 56-32; a n d t h e
triumphed by one pin in t h e
149 120 132 401
they h u n g on to win by a single
T h i n g s r a n u p a record 82 points
136 147 147 430
basket, t h e final count reading 50
in swamping t h e VDZ live, 82-24.
123 123 123 369
Lo 48. In this game t h e Peds m a n a g (Incidentally, t h e Varsity gave
Dick Seigel outscored t h e VDZ team
ed to blow a half-time lead of 17
by hooping 38 points.
832 791 821
With t h e m e n or t h e Class of 1954
215 pins each game.)
Last night, t h e S a i n t s met T h u r Art Goldin, hitting from all a n - rallying after t h e Soph women h a d
low, SLS laced t h e R a m s , a n d V a n gles, led all scorers with 20 points. taken t h e first poinUs of t h e Rivalry
Derssee played t h e Commuters, in
Swim, t h e freshmen have m a i n t a i n STUDENTS a n d F A C U L T Y
games played too late to meet t h e
ed t h e four point "spread" between
News deadline, T h e Tilings meet the
the two classes in rivalry points.
Beavers a n d t h e Finks tangle with
For t h e women of '53, t h e whole
Thurlow in lieNl week's top names.
story is told by citing two names—
156 Central Ave.
Loraine Migliaccio a n d Lois Behlan.
Open Evenings Until 9:00
Teaming to take oil three events,
they outdistanced t h e frosh women
Stale College's Varsity
in t h e crawl, t h e backstroke relay,
team will ask Student Association
and the free-style relay.
for $142 dollars in today's assembly
With t h e men, t h e story was just
(Continued from Page 1, Column ,r>i inectiny, In finance the entry ol the
the reverse, t h e men of '54 taking
T h e tables were turned on I he learn m t h e New York S t a t e Col- Team
four events out of five, including
previously " h o i - h a n d e d " Peds last, li .;iute Bowling T o u r n a m e n t to be
the 50 yard dash, taken by Bob
Friday night. T h e terrific shooting In hi in Klmini earl)' ill March.
Sigma Lambda Sigma .. 24
3 Rivers, the breast stroke, in which
Uihmu'.h the request comes b r pace that broke all Page Hall s orft F r a n k
.. 25
Putter Club
ing records t h e week before was I'uiv Student Association unrccoiiiSmalllng, and t h e underwater swim,
missing from t h e Peds and in turn
which was copped by Bill S t a a t s .
1(1 Bill Kleinhomer swam e l l with the
the Re.I Dragons irom Oiu'onla had c , be,-aiiM' ul t h e general poli- Kappa Beta
no trouble in hitting with profound cy l he Hoard, I he latter has waived Saints
1(1 back stroke title. T h e Soph relay
" P o r t r a i t At I t s F i n e s t "
accuracy. A three m a n One.ail i a t - Hi one wee'; walling period or- ,lei ps
15 team of Paul Ward a n d Paul Heltack gave Coach Slovenski's epau- pin ii'ih reiillired ol linanrial mosinger
let its sixth victory this ,\ear b> tions. T h e Bowlers pleaded t h a t t h e Finks
venting t h e freshmen from making
motion must be presented today, or Thurlow
a 71-alt count.
a clean sweep.
Only once was the outcome ol the
T h e Sophomores will meet the
game In doubt Unit \WIN a l t e r five
. 12
111 freshmen next on M a r c h (i, 7. a n d
Mix men will travel to Klmini to Snafus
minutes el i lie second hull h ul mine
by when S t a l e drew up to trail In r, |iii sent Stale. T h e team h a s $32 Splits
27 games will be played,
40-311. However, in I lie next two min- In,in a budget hue, which Will be Fearless Five
utes Oneontu scored eight points II ed to supplement, the requested
lo break t h e game open. Both Hunt - $142. A $1)0 entry fee has to be
illgtun an I ('live .Jucobseil stole Al- hied by next Tuesday.
'I he entering teams will be dibany passes a n d scored, and Al
\ ided into three divisions, depending
Kulin dropped in two set shots.
OPEN 9:00 to 5:30 D A I L Y
Al Kaehn, who .scored 2ft points, upon the enrollment of the school.
and Hob Brown, who played Ills
PHONE 1-1911
Evenings by a p p o i n t m e n t
Usual great game, were t h e only Lack Of Adequate Rehear.als
Statesmen who kept the home team Halts W A A - D & A Fracas
in t h e name. Outside ol Kaehn's
Due to lack of adequate r e h e a r and Brown's shooting
I he
ALBANY, N. 1 .
T E L E P H O N E 4-0017
were stopped cold; even t h e high sals, the "basketball" game between
scoring " N a t e " Kullek was held to
p l|iniieil until Tuesduy at II p. in.
two field goals.
Angels Face Rettops In I M Play;
Vermonters Rally To Win By Five
Things Hit Record 82
A s Siegel Scores 38
Gamma Kaps Top
Varsity Bowlers
'54, '53 Split
Rivalry Swimming
Peds Beat Harpur,
Drop Oneonta Tilt
Keglers To Ask Appropriation
To Finance Tournament Journey
« %
f»AOI 4
Schultze Reveals D&A Council
Second Semester Will Sponsor
Rivalry Schedule Theatre Exhibit
prepared by the ediAnnual Debate Dropped torsAn ofexhibition
LIFE, entitled "Theater—
Ritual to Broadway," will be
From Assembly Agenda From
on view on the second floor of DraSophomores and freshmen clashed per beginning Wednesday, and conagain as Rivalry sports were con- tinuing through Tuesday, March 20,
tinued Tuesday, February 27, with according to Martha Downey '51,
swimming events held at Public Bath President of Dramatics & Art Council. The exhibition undertakes to
No. 3.
Men's competion, for which two suggest some of the reasons—relipoints were given, included a free gious and social—for theater's perstyle relay consisting of a four man ennial and universal appeal.
team and backstroke, breaststroke Twenty-five panels (including one
and underwater swimming.
devoted to a meticulous documentaWomen's events were the crawl tion of all the illustrations) make
consisting of a three woman team; up the display. After an introducta candle race; and backstroke, free ory panel suggesting something of
style and side stroke two woman the variety of places of theatrical
teams. Two points were awarded.
performance, the exhibition opens,
March 7, 13, and 15 basketball with a section on The Beginnings
games will be played by both men of Theater. The second second secand women. Three points will be tion deals with Tragic Theaters. Six
awarded for the two best games panels will make up this section deaout of three. One point will also ling with Greek tragedy and Shapebe given for cheering.
spearean tragedy.
The Freshmen challenged SophoThe Perennial Life of Comedy is
mores to a debate. The class of '53 the over-all title of the third sechas been given the opportunity to tion, while the final section is conchoose the topic. Two rivalry points cerned with the Theater in the Mowill be gained by the winning team. dern World. This last section of the
The Frosh Big-4s will be produced exhibition begins with Ibsen and
April 21. Plans are being formula- Chekhov, fathers of Contemporary
ted for definite rules. Meanwhile drama, and includes pictures from
classes are contiuing under the past many current productions.
rules. Reharsals are being held as
The text for the exhibition was
written by Francis Fergusson, who
Rivalry Softball will be scheduled wrote the distinguished critical
for April according to Helmuth study, The Idea of a Theater,
Schultze '51, Chairman of Rivalry
Two other announcements concerning rivalry have also been released. This noon in Room 250, there
will be a rivalry meeting. The traditional debate between the SophoFounded 1905
Phone 4-2036
more and freshman classes has been
157 Central Ave.
removed from this year's assembly
Prcn Representatives
To Attend Conference
Seven members of the State College News will leave for the Columbia Press Association Conferference to be held Thursday through
Sunday, according to Mary Fenzel,
Editor-in-Chief. The conference,
sponsored by the Columbia Press As.
sociation is held annually at Columbia University.
Those members of the News staff
who will attend the conference include Mary Fenzel, Editor-in-Chief,
Norine Cargill, Victoria Eade and
Grace Smith, Associate Junior Editors; Henry Koszewski and Elizabeth Piatt, Sophomore Desk Editors;
and Robert Jacoby, member of the
Sports Staff.
State College News
Dr. Robert Rienow, Professor of
Social Studies has been appointed
to membership on the Syllabus Committee on Local and State Government for grade seven. Appointed by
the New York State Board of Regents, the committee Is made up of
specialists from various parts of the
State. Dr. Rienow will begin work
with the committee shortly on a
suitable course outline in Citizenship Education for seventh grade.
Robert Burgess, Professor of Librarlanshlp, had a review of Berelson, The Library's Public, published
in the winter issue of the International Journal of Opinion and Attitude Research of Mexico.
Dr. William E. Vickery, Professor
of Inter-cultural Relations, spoke at
a men's group in connection with
the observance of Brotherhood Week
by that group. The meeting was
held in Hoosick Falls on February 15.
Dr. Louis Clark Jones, formerly
on the faculty, is listed as an expert on American super-natural
folk-lore in the new biographical
directory, Who Knows What?
. v & W : * * : * - ' ' - '• • " • ' • ' • ' • : - ; * ; v : ^ : : : : . : . . , .
Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests
Number 14...THE BEAVER
H.F.Honikel & Son
4 0 P E N DAILY AT 8 A . M . < i
Fine Line Pencils
"How eager
can they get?"
$1.50 ea.
$ .98 en.
Hitch Hiker & Team Bags
3.95 -a.
2.75 ea.
Hand Made Bulletin Board
2.85 ea.
1.70 ea.
54 Gauge Picture,que Nylon Hose
1.99 pr.
1.80 pr.
All Wool Gill's Ankle Sox—Assorted Colors
.69 pr.
.50 pr.
Dormlterries—A Tiny Cloth Wrap Around ....
2.50 ea.
.50 ea.
Loafer Sox (Plain)
Loafer Sox (Fancy)
Assorted Bennies and Crew Caps
Prices As Marked
Tie Racks
Lap Boards
10 ea.
* fiJ.cU
d.t -~p t xtuU
J;or once in liis life, our fervent friend admits that
eagerness can be over-done! He's alluding, of course, to all
these quick-trick, cigarette tests—the ones that ask yon to decide on cigarette
mildness after just one pull', one snilf, one inhale or one exhale! W h e n the
chips are down, he realizes cigarette mildness can't
he judged in a hurry. That's why he made . . .
Many Books
Indelible Pencils
3 for 5c
The sensible
test . . . the liO-Day Camel Mildness Test
which asks you to try Camels as your steady smok(—
on a pack after pack, day after day basis. No snap
judgments needed. After you've enjoyed Camels—and only
lor .'50 days in your " T - X O I I C " ( T for Throat,
T for T a s t e ) , we believe you'll know why . . .
More People Smoke Camels
than any other cigoreffe/
Varsity Bowlers
Advance Toward
League Crown
Cassetta Hits 243 Came
As Keglers Whip Siena
The Varsity Bowling Team widened their league lead to five full
games over Siena toy victimizing the
Green Indians in two of three
matches bowled Wednesday night.
The Ped keglers captured the first
and third games with scores of 895821 and 908-824. Siena piled up an
impressive 942 pins to State's 842
to take the middle encounter.
Prankie Cassetta and Don McDonald paced the victors with triples
of 582 and 568 respectively. Cassetta
had a 243 in the third game to set
a new seasonal high for the
State Holds League Records
This accomplishment gave State
a monopoly on three league records.
Cassetta's game is the High Single,
Don Burt holds the High Triple of
603, and Don McDonald holds the
triple of 596 and a 547 effort
high triple of 596 and a 547 effort
by Harbeck kept the boys from Loudonville in contention.
State has three matches left to
roll with the second division clubs,
ABC and Pharmacy, and needs only
five wins to insure the League
Crown. These encounters will not be
rolled off until after the Easter Vacation because of the NCIT Basketball Tournament.
Elmira Tourney
For the first time in the history
of the College, the Varsity will carry its colors into the New York
State Bowling Tournament at Elmira, on April 7-8. The Purple and
Gold keglers have a good chance
to cop some of the prizes on the
strength of their steady team average and the handicap they will be
allotted under the tournament ruling. The Statesmen also have the
advantage of seasoning, as Carmen
Corsi and Frank Cassetta will be
bowling on their home alleys.
Climb And Cower;
New Lab Opens
"Climb up to your ivory tower; it won't last for more than
four hours- - - " But once there
you'll be viewing the world not
through rose colored glasses, but
through a mass spectroscope.
Feel like soaring to great
heights? Because it's round and
the spiral stairs to the Ivory Tower," the new nuclear chemistry
Once there, you'll see a dramatic sight—a garret gone science. Half of third floor Busted has been divided Into three,
green-walled rooms. There's even a cosy nook for storing radioactive elements.
If you're more arty than scientific, you'll still be satisfied.
In a far off corner, obllvous to
its surroundings, proudly stands
a greek statue.
Grad chemists will sec more
of the "Tower" than undergrads.
Nuclear chemistry is a 300
When life becomes too burdensome, why not retire to the
"Tower." See how the nuclear
half lives,
tape Announces
First Semester
Honor Students
Music Council Stages Operetta,
'lolanthe', Two Evenings In Page
Crucilla, Thorpe
To Sing Leads
In Performance
,, •
\A/|// (
n m m o n r O
F T III V < U I I I I I I C l l l , C
Shooting Work
For College Film
Martha Downey '51, Director, has
announced that intensive shooting
for the State College movie "Tomorrow's Teachers' will begin next
week. It is expected that the film
will be completed by May 15. The
actual filming is being done by the
Audio-Visual Aids classes, under the
supervision of Dr. Floyd E. Henrickson, Professor of Education, who
is acting as technical advisor.
The movie is being re-made from
a former film on the college which
was produced during the war. When
completed, the present film will be
shown in high schools throughout
the state as a medium for arousing
interest in the teaching profession,
publicizing the college, and recruiting future teachers, says Miss Downey.
President of Music Council
This evening at 8:30, Page Hall
will be the scene of the opening
act of Gilbert and Sullivan's comic
operetta, "lolanthe" or "The Peer
and the Peri." This annual production, presented by Music Council and produced by the Operetta
Class, will also be presented tomorrow night.
The operetta satirizes the House
of Parliament and concerns the difficulties brought about because a
fairy, lolanthe, has committed the
crime of marrying a mortal. The
principal roles are portrayed by Joseph Crucilla, Grad, as the Lord
Chancellor and Elsie Thorpe '51 as
Lists Cast
Other principals of the cast Include; Lord Mountararat, Eugene
Webster '51; Lord Tolloller, Alfred
Short '54; Private Willis, Frank Giannone '54; and Strephon, Gordon
Bennett '51. Principals of the female
cast are: lolanthe, Helen Kosinski
'54; Queen, Louise Petfield '53; Celia, Mary MacFarland '53; Leila,
Virginia Maurer '52; Fleta, Nancy
Burdick '51; and Helena, Marion
Schock '54.
Marian Newton '52 is the accompanist and Irene Gerserlitch '54 is
the assistant pianist. Heads of committees are: Costumes, Esther Corsa '51 and Jane Jennings '52; Makeup, Joseph Crucilla, Grad; Properties, Eugene Webster and Gordon
Bennett, Seniors; Sets, Robert Donnelly '52; and Dance, Marian Schock
Admission by Tax Tickets
Tickets for the production, which
is under the direction of Dr. Charles
F. Stokes and Karl A. B. Peterson
of the Music Department, are on sale
n t m u s i o s t o r e s a n d t h e Co
"°P' G e n "
e r a l a d m i s s i o n is
90 a n d
seats sell for $1.25.$ Student reserved
tax tickets may be used for one night only.
Tentative plans for include scenes from dormitory life,
frosh camp, class rooms, practice
teaching classes in Milne, and extracurricular act.vities. Emphasis will
Ruth Lape, Registrar, has released be placed on the individual departthe names of students who have ments, especially the Education Debeen named to the Dean's List for partment.
the first semester 1950-51. According
The movie will have it- initial
to tabulations, 87 members of the
Class oi 1951, 83 of the Class of 1952, showing during the summer at the
65 of the Class of 1953, and 40 of New York State Fair at Syracuse.
the Class of 1954 appear on the Following this, the movie will be
Seniors and graduate students are
available to special groups, and will invited to attend a conference on
Dean's List for the first semester.
be usea in recruiting work.
( I l i N N 1)1' I (IB I
•The First-Year Teacher" to be
Mario Ailuino, Helen Agnvlln, Marineld Wednesday afternoon at 3:30
lyn Allen, Cecelia Uuttiml, Karnurn
p.m. in Page Hall Auditorium. BeHensnn, L a u r a Kertfer, W e r n e r Hernias,
i- Hernslein, Ann Bierly, Kiln
ginning teachers will conduct a panItisHnlletlc,
Itnellel discussion concerning their proiiiiiii, I'.'iul MnlltK'k, .lane l.'nuU, Until
blems and experiences for the bene('iiiikliitfliiiin, J u l i a n liel.yser, Gerald
fit of Education 23 students also,
Hiinn, J u a n KeUert, William Knuellian,
Irwin Fallows, Lawrence Kunjoy, Walaccording to Elmer C. Mathews, Diler F a n n e r , IClliel Fen r. JuHepli FriedStudent Council planned the ag- rector of Teacher Placement Bureau,
Knurl dales, Jean Hamilton,
Wanda H a r e . Willn Ilelhviur, Uerniird enda for today's assembly at their
An earlier conference will begin
N E W S Delegates
J a c o b s , I':• ii-it'iii Jul, J a m e s JhisUi, Al- meeting
Wednesday night. The
in the
lien Knelm, Klmeilu KililiiiK, Hubert Council also approved their budget, with a general meeting
Lounge at 1 p.m.; then the particil'a ill I.eHrun, Jnlin I.elir,
Seven To Conference ICrelllug,
Keiinelli I.Milium. Donald McDonald, and several reports were heard.
pants will reconvene into various
The assembly agenda includes subject area groups and take part
Seven members of the State Col- I'lillllji MulPiiKky, llnriitliy Mann, J n e nominations for the Junior Prom in sectional meetings.
lege News staff are attending the qnelxii Mann.
Moore Asks Hike
Alsn .limn Milcliell, Doris Myers, Queen. The Sophomores will elect
26th annual meeting of the Teachers Virginia
Mathews states that the purposes
NuiMoii, Lillian Dlseu, Fhuviiee the editor of the Freshman HandCollege Division of the Columbia I ' a n s , Nancy Ti>ni|ikliiH, Kcliili l'alei'of the conference are to determine
book. Those nominated include: Ma- what kind of problems teachers are In Teachers Salaries
Scholastic Press Association, which snii. Frederick I'aul, .limn F e r i n e , rion
Ben., Irene Brezinsky, Rae Di- lacing today and to examine and
I'eiTelln, Mnrtfnret
is being held today and tomorrow, Clai'vee
A proposal to increase teacher
Uiilierl lleim ileien iti'iiiinNdii, iti.nniii oiine, Frank Hodge, Henry Koszewcompare techniques used to help sug- .salaries was presented to the Legisaccording to Mary Fenzel '51, Edi- llui-kliUI, Howard K.isnuin, Virginia
gest plans for teacher induction and lature Tuesday by the Moore Corntor-in-Chief. The meeting is being Knili. llolierl Uciuller, Itiiyumi Hull",
and Muriel Woodman. A
held in New York City in conjunc- Viii'ina Sniidlierif, Norman Selirniinii, Southard,
job training. The conference is to mittee. Virtually all minimum salary
tion with the C.S.P.A. Convention. Until Sandler, lleliimlli Nclinle/.e. lOlsie to the Eastern States Association of serve as an aid for the Seniors and scales for teachers would be inSlmw, lilurhi Silvei'sieln, F r a n c e s SkidThose attending from the News (Continued on Page 6, Column IJ Teachers Colleges Conference in or- graduate students who plan to teach creased by $500 and teachers would
be granted a $100 cost-of-living
staff this year include: Mary Fender to get a title picture of what the in the future.
bonus for the present school year.
zel '51, Editor-in-Chief; Norine Car.students want. The delegates are
Both the college and the Capitol
State aid to education would be
gill, Victoria Eade, and Grace Smith, D&A Will Present
Edwin Kurlander, Ruth Llepmann, Area School Development Associa- increased
by $20.5 million and would
Juniors, Associate Editors; Robert
Seniors; Daniel Joy, Theresa Porta tion are working to sponsor the pro- replace the schedule set up by the
Jacoby. Junior member of sports University Players
and David Manly, Juniors. The con- gram for the conference. The teach- 1947 Feinberg Law. In small school
staff; Elizabeth Piatt and Henry
Information received from Robert stitutional anundments proposed er Placement Bureau Student ComKoszewski, Sophomore Desk Editors. Donnelly '52, states that Dramatics last week will be discussed, and the mittee will collaborate with the or- districts the new starting salary
would be $2500 with increments reMiss Fenzel will be a member of and Arts Council will sponsor the rernaind r ul the assembly will be ganizations to conduct the panel dis- sulting In a maximum of $4600 after
the panel discussing "Editorial Po- University Players in two plays April given over to announcements.
sixteen years.
Limits are now
licies and Practices," while Miss (i. The University Players, a group
The Council approved their bud$2000 and $4100. Higher scales are
Eade will take part on the panel of professional actors who gradu- get for next year, and they heard College Red Cross Unit
recommended for New York City
discussing "Tlie Exchange Program." ateel
from Catholic University, a report concerning class rings and
and cities of over 100,000 population.
The panels discussing "Features and Washington, D. C, is directed by one on the manner in which the Creates 'Gray Ladies'
In all cases minimums would be
Feature Writing" and "Photography Rev. Gilbert Hartke, head of the honorary soc.etics on campus finThe State College Unit of the Am- higher for teachers with thirty
and Photo-engraving" will Include epeech and drama department of anced their charters. The reports
hours of approved graduate trainMiss Cargill and Miss Smith re- that college.
were given by William Engelhart '51, erican Red Cross has organized a ing.
The group has toured the country and William Hawkins '53, respec- Gray Ladies' Unit in which students
The proposal has been endorsed
from the urea colleges work at the
presenting its productions to high tively.
by the New York State Teachers'
Maschools and colleges with the aim of
KDR Arranges Plans
William Wiley '52, was appointed
promoting the professional theater. chairman of a committee to investi- ternity Hospital. Eighteen students
Productions in the past have been gate the possibility of taking Men's
For First Open House
Kenney To Give Holiday Excuses/
limited to Shakespeare; however, Athletic Association out of the bud- State College have begun work as
Spring Recess To End A p r i l 2
Kappa Delta Rho has scheduled shaw's plays were added to the se- get and putting it under a separate members of the Unit.
an open house Sunday from 3 to 6 lection this year,
Any students who are now interSpring recess will officially begin
student tax.
p.m., according to James Dunn '51, T r ,e B ,. 0U p w l j | present Shakesested in working as Gray Ladies at 5:25 p. m., Wednesday, March 21,
President. All guests will be escort- pem-e's Much Ado About Nothing
should contact Mary Lou Noble '52, according to Dr. Ralph B. Kenney,
Bureau Makes Three Placements
ed throughout the house.
i m d Shaw's Arms and the Man. SluPresident. The students who are Professor of Guidance. School will
The house, which Is located at dent tax tickets can be used for
The following placements have now working in the Unit were asked reopen at 8:10 a. m., Monday, April
241 Manning Boulevard, was ac- admission to one performance.
been made, according to Elmer C. to pass a psychological test and 2.
quired by the fraternity late In FebThe afternoon prices are $1.50 for Mathews, Director of Teacher Place- then to act as social workers in the
Dr. Kenney states that attendance
ruury, and lias been occupied since reserved scats and $1.20 for regular ment Bureau: Harold Vaughn '50, hospitals. The Red Cross requests is compulsory on the above-mentionthe second semester. This will be seats. Prices for the evening are South Glens Palls, Junior High thai the students who enroll as ed dates. Students who desire to be
the first time that the house has $1.80, reserved, and $1.50, regular. Social Studies; Royann Halm '51, Qray Ladies complete twelve hours excused on these dates for excepbeen shown. Both faculty and stud- Tickets will be sold outside the Com- Van Hornsville Commerce; Doris of class work in order to become tional reasons should see Dr. Kenents are invited.
mons beginning Wednesday.
Ryan '51, Edwards, Commerce.
ney in advance.
TPB Sponsors
Panel Sessions
Of Beginners
SA Assembly
To Include Poll