PAOK STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, MAY S, 1050 • Procedure Slate Procession; M.U.D. (Continued from Paget!, Column b> B. All classes will hold their n u Class Speakers m e r a l s until t h e Alma M a t e r a n d t h e Ivy Speech a r e finished. After t h e S t a r Spangled To Top Program B a n n e r is sung t h e m o r n i n g Tapping Of Myskania Will Highlight Morning (Continued from Page 1, Column 5) been g r a n t e d membership in K a p p a P h i K a p p a will be announced. Scheduled after t h e above honorary a n n o u n c e m e n t s will be t h e slate of officers for the following d e p a r t m e n t a l clubs: Classical Club, P a n Amigos, F r e n c h Club, Commerce Club, M a t h Club, a n d Science Club. Marion Oliver '50, will n a m e t h e officers of Commuters Club. T h e P o t ter Club. Award will t h e n be g r a n t e d by Clarence Hldley, Assistant P r o fessor of Social Studies. T h e religious organizations including Hillel, Inter-Varsity C h r i s t i a n Fellowship, Newman Club and Student Christian Association will announce t h e winners of their elections. Stokes to Award Cup Dr. Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of W o men, will n a m e the members of Residence Council and will award the Inter-Sorority Cup. T h e directors of F r o s h Camp, the C h a i r m e n of t h e Junior Guides, and t h e a l u m ni councillor will end the a n n o u n c e m e n t s before the Moving-TJp Day procedure begins. T h e Seniors will s t a r t moving-up with their farewell song, "We '50 Salute You." Florice Kline '50, G r a n d Marshal, will direct the classes during the procedure. Audrey Kooh '50, song leader, will direct the singing of "Where Oh W h e r e " and "Arm In Arm." To N a m e 1950-51 Officers After t h e classes have moved up, t h e outgoing members of Myskania will tap the new members. T h e ann o u n c e m e n t s of the officers of the following extra-curricular activities will be n a m e d : State College News, D r a m a t i c s and Arts Council, Music Council, Pedagogue, C a m p u s Commission, Press Bureau, Debate C o u n cil, Primer, MAA, WAA, I n t e r - G r o u p Council, SMILES, Radio Council and F o r u m . T h e final list of officers to be n a m e d will be the President, t h e Vice-President, the Secretary of S t u d e n t Association and t h e class officers. T o conclude the morning program will be the recessional, the forming of the numerals, the ivy speech and the national a n t h e m . T h e e v e n i n i program will begin at 7 p. m. with t h e freshmen a n d S o p h omores presenting their skits. T h e various classes will sing their songs, the rivalry cup will be awarded and the day's program will end with the Seniors singing the "Great Fires." exercises will be finished. VI. Sing A. T h e Rivalry skits will begin a t 7 p.m. in Page Hall. Directly after t h e skits t h e classes will meet in front of D r a p e r and take t h e following positions: 1. Seniors s t a n d on t h e steps of D r a p e r . 2. J u n i o r s s t a n d to right of t h e Seniors a n d face t h e Library. 3. T h e Sophomores face t h e Seniors. 4. T h e freshmen face t h e J u n iors. B. T h e order of Songs will be a n nounced by t h e Song Leader. C. A n n o u n c e m e n t of Rivalry r e sults. D. T h e S t e p Song will be sung first by t h e Seniors. After they have sung it once, they will move to their left a n d s t a n d in front of t h e freshmen. The J u n i o r s will sing t h e Step Song once in place a n d t h e n will proceed with their b a n n e r in t h e Husted side door of D r a p e r a n d will come out t h e front door of Draper singing t h e Step Song. T h e Sophomores will fill in t h e section vacated by t h e Juniors. E. After t h e singing of the Step Song, t h e Seniors t u r n and walk down the sidewalk to Western Avenue toward H u s ted Hall. T h e Juniors go back into Draper Hall, Sophomores and frosh following. CAMERAS RECORDS FILM DEVELOPED mm isoTE SHOP 156 Central Ave. 62-0221 Open Evenings Until 9:00 H.F.Hanike! & §*?n Pharmacists Founded 1905 P h o n e 4-2036 157 Central Ave. ALBANY, N. Y. Florist & Greenhouse Corner of O N T A R I O & BENSON DIAL 4-1125 OTTO R. MENDE T H E COLLEGE JEWELER College Florist for Years Special Attention to Sororities and F r a t e r n i t i e s 103 Central Ave. TO OCR LINE OF NOVELTY ANIMALS WE HAVE ADDED THE AUTOGRAPH mmu 0n[y $2.00 - F.0J. G^-ogs We Think He Heals Them All Come in and Check on Him. WHITE on Him, DRAW on Him, WHAT A DEMON FOR PUNISHMENT! ^futUut a££tudtMt0kitM<''' Comnutnicationd, Cafutal CamfuU By PAT To t h e Editor: I am going to answer Mr. P r o chllo's letter of last week word for word and t h e n we'll see if he will •continue lying or a d m i t t h a t he is unworthy of his position In our student a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ! Every accusation I have made is completely and absolutely true. There is n o t h i n g to be gained by lies on my p a r t because I cannot get back the money I lost on t h e c h a r tered coaches. I s t a n d by my claims —past, present, and future. Mr. Prochilo says he was not asked for a bus ride a n n o u n c e m e n t in assembly. I signed up on the list in Husted for a n a n n o u n c e m e n t a n d I spoke to him before assembly. Has Mr. Prochilo forgotten t h e a r g u m e n t we had on the second iloor of D r a p er Hall after assembly t h a t day? Ask him! Has he forgotten t h a t he told me he didn't care how m u c h money I had invested in the bus trip, even if it was a million dollars? Ask h i m ! Has he forgotten t h a t he said my a n n o u n c e m e n t didn't pertain to the student body as a whole? Ask h i m ! As for my notice in the paper—I never asked to put in an ad and I never expected one for nothing. Ken Orner '52, asked me for a n article. Since the regular News staff didn't p r i n t this "Soph" issue we c a n ' t blame anyone. As for prooi t h a t Mr. Prochilo did have something to do with m u t i l a t ing my signs I submit t h e n a m e of D.ivid Manley '52. This young m a n was appointed by Mr. Prochilo, along with two others, to h a n d l e t r a i n a r rangements. Mr. Manley was b r a z en enough to sign his n a m e to an ad and p u t it immediately over mine on the bulletin board in lower Draper. I brought this ad before Myskania. Ask t h e m if I d i d n ' t ! Arguing over t h e c h a r a c t e r of some of our Myskania members is like debating whether cream puffs have cream. T h e y have c h a r a c t e r , but how much and what kind is a different m a t t e r . Mr. Prochilo say:; t h a t no one would stoop to such business, but I say, and am willing to go on proving, t h a t he stooped to further his personal aims. It would not look very good if a project u n d e r t a k e n by the student President were d e feated. Do you deny any of these facts Mr. Prochilo? Can you honestly say t h a t a single word i have written is false? Keep tills up—the s t u d e n t tody is losing ail its faith in you. Norm S c h r a m m '51. BRADY Tonight a n d tomorrow n i g h t will be Albany's last c h a n c e s to view a production of this year's stock comp a n y of t h e Playhouse. Saturday night, t h e Playhouse will close its doors, to open again early in t h e fall. T h e c u r r e n t production, "Born Yesterday," is one of the most h i larious of t h i s year's presentations, and h a s been extremely well received by t h e city's theater-goers. Playhouse regulars who appear in this production include J u d s o n P r a t t , Dodie Bauer a n d T h o m a s Rogers. On Wednesday night, May 10, the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo will m a k e a one-performance appearance a t the Palace T h e a t e r . T h e Ballet Russe ended its e n g a g e m e n t at t h e Metropolitan Opera House in New York last S a t u r d a y night and then left immediately for Boston where six performances will be made. T h e company will t h e n go to Portland, Maine a n d from there come to Albany to end one of its longest seasons, 36 s t r a i g h t weeks. T h e entire company and g r a n d orchestra will appear in Albany. In the Albany performance, four ballets will be on the program, "Swan Lake," " P a quita," "Blue Bird," and "Raymonda." Reserve tickets are now on sale. At ST. LAWRENCE and Colleges and Universities throughout the country CHESTERFIELD State Z-444 ollege ALBANY. N E W YORK. SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1950 ews EXTRA VOL. XXXIV NO. 26 Elect Jim Jiusto Overwhelmingly To Lead SA; Organization Heads Prominent On New Judiciary Baldino, Keller W i l l Serve S A For Coming Year Myskania Taps Eight M e n ; Spotlights Varsity Athletics A male majority will characterize the 1950-51 Myskania judiciary body. Eight men were elected, with only five women J a m e s Jiucto was elected President chosen from the candidates. of S t u d e n t Association for 1950-1951, by an overwhelming majority, deThe traditional and solemn Myskania tapping ceremonies feating his only opponent, Paul began after the classes, linked and swaying back and forth, Kirsch, by more t h a n live hundred had sung the "Arm in Arm" song. As the song died away, all ballets. Jiusto comes to Hie office by present in the Assembly were seated and hushed. Myskania way of Student Council. of 1949-50 filed lo the second row of seats on the stage, leavV.ctoria Baldino a l o comes from S t u d e n t Council, to lead Student Asing the first row empty. Christiaan Theodoor Lievestro acted sociation as Vice-President cuuing as the speaker, announcing the names of the new members, the 'jeming year. Miss Baldino was while Earle Francis Jones, President of the retiring group, elected on the third distribution over pinned the new members with purple and gold tassles. William Wiley, her closest competitor. WILLIAM HOWARD ENGLEHART was the first member of the 1950-51 Myskania to be chosen by tapping. His R i ' l r Named Secretary T h e (lection for Secretary of Stuname boomed out as Rhoda Joanne Riber and William Albert dent Association went to the fifth Dumhleton stopped in the aisle beside his row in the Assemdistribution before Rosemary Keller bly. Englehart led the Junior Class this year as its President, reached her quoin. Miss Keller led JAMES J I U S T O MARY FENZEL and will serve on the new Student Council. t h r c u n h o u t all five distributions, to President of SA Editor State College News defeat J e a n n e Corie.linno, her last Audrey Emily Koch and Anthony Louis Prochilo were opposition, and (^atn the position. the second pair to leave the stage. Their slow walk around Mary Borys was named Songlendthe Auditorium ended beside JAMES ALFRED WARDEN. er for Student Association on the is known as a varsity athlete, and acted as President first ballot, gaining her quota, with Male Presidents Board Appoints ofWarden four hundred votes more t h a n Louise Inter-Fraternity Council this year. Pet field, her nearest rival. Mis. Warden took his position on the stage, Eleanor Borys will n'.so be Class Songleader To Lead Classes Fenzel New Head RuthAfter Adams and Shirley May Willse tapped the first woman for the second successive year. member of the new Myskania, who was PATRICIA ANNE Virginia Norton reached her quota on the second distribution, defeat- For Second Year J A I. Miss Jai was escorted to the stage and took her place as V O f ' 5 0 ' 5 1 'News' ing Rita Bissonctle and Charlotte the third member to look out on the sea of excited and anxIn the class elections held last Next year's Editor ol the Stale Skolnick, to become G r a n d \Tnrshnl of r u m p u s Commission and Student week, men were elected to I he (ollege News is Mary Fenzel, an As- ious faces. Miss Jai is a new member of the Student Facilities i!. n. ol cl.i.s presidents, in ail eases, sociate Editor of this year. Board, and Women's Sports Editor for the State College News. Association for 1950-1951. lor the sc. oiid year in a row. HelCo-Bushies-i Managers for 1950-51 GERALD ERNEST DUNN, a new member of Student intith Scl.iillze will lead the Class are Goldlc Brenner and Gerald Keturn Two In S.I5.I'. Council for the Senior Class, and a Senior Board member of of li;51 in its Senior year. T h e J u n Seniors d e f i e d to the Studc Dunn. Public Relations Editor will iors chose Harvey Robinson as their Board of Finance for the eomi be Evelyn Wolfe, and Business M a n - the Stale College News, was the next to be tapped. Ruth Matproxy; and next year's Sophomores year, include two second-terme ager, Joseph Purdy. Advertising and leson Holliday and Anthony Louis Prochilo circled to the will be guided by David Palmer. These two are Theodore Bayer a Circulation Managers a r e J a n e Cook back of the Auditorium before stopping beside Dunn, and Beverly Kuhlkhi. Also elected lo I To serve with Gchultnc, the class and Beverly Kuhlkin, respectively. ol '51 elected: Rita Bissonette, Vice- Other Board members include H a r - escorting him to the stage. Board are Paul Carter and Robi President; hiitli Breen, Treasurer; vey Milk, Sports Editor, and Paul Kreilillg. Prom the Class of 19. The new President of Student Association, JAMES EDClarvce J. Perrefta. Songleader; Buchinan, .Senior Sports representaArlene Evcrsnn ami Doug las, Thor WARD JIUSTO, was fifth to be tapped. Miss Koch, descendRhodu Sleuer, Cheerleader; and tive. have been named to the Board ing once again from the sta<re, and Lyle Stewart Walsh Student Council representatives will Finance. Junior Associate Editors this year brought Jiusto to the rostrum. be Elizabeth Cahlll, Gerald Dunn, T h e Student Facilities Board poinclude: Virginia Adams, Norine Mary Fade and William Engelhart. tions went lo: Seniors, Patricia J As silence fell again, Earline Selina Thompson and Diane Cargill, Victoria Fade, and Grace The new Secretary and Publicity Diami David Wetherby; Juniors, Ma S m i t h . Junior Exchange Editor is Sue Webber walked solemnly to the row where DONALD reclor will be appointed by the Presiinn Oorskie and K e n n e t h Untie Dorothy DeCicco. J u n i o r Circulation PAl'L ELY, member of Student Council this year, was seated. dent in the fall. and David Thomas, Sophomore. Editor will be Barbara Joyce. In the elections lor J u n i o r Class Seventh member to be added to the new Mvskania was Patricia Jul will be Women's olfleers the following were n a m e d : Sports Editor. Junior Sports stall LLOYD JOSEPH PURDY, tapped by Catherine Margaret av-President, M.irenee Kluser; incmbeis include: Robert Jaeoby, Noonan and Walsh. Purdy litis been active in his class and in Harris, Rockhill VI'icasurir, Marjory Farwell; Secre- Theresa Porta, and Anna Sullivan. Dramatics, and will be Business Manager of the State College tary, Pat Dargusch; Publicity DirerThe Sophomore staff includes lar.v; Rosemary Keller, Songleader; News next year. David Thomas. Marjory Baker, Cheerleader; Edward Sophomore reporters who will At last another woman was tapped to break the suspense. K a m k e ; and Student Council inemWAA and MAA voting this .spring be's: the back Joan P.: unci I, Frank Iole, i v m p e l e lor the posts of .Sophomore Miss Adams and Webber walked from De k Editor m November a r e : Marhas resulted in I lie election ol Ph\ 1- Henry Smith an.I William Wiley. of the Auditorium, and as thev paused, Lievestro called out ion Hem, Irene Breziusky. Mary lls Harris, President of Women's 'I he CI o.s of 1953 \oled Patrick Burke. II Cook, In lie Dick, Do- PHYLLIS MAE HARRIS. .Miss Harris will head WAA next Athletic Association; If o n a I d Carlo, Vice-President: J o h n 1,all- ris Dohcrly, Margaret Hebert, Henry KnciUull has been ell isen as head ol year, and has been active in the affairs of the Class of 1951. ium, '1 reasurer; Ami Oberst, Secre- Kaszcwslu, Edward Lilldsey, Eslher I he Men's Athletic Assoi'liilloll Both The ninth member, and the third woman to be announced, lai\ , Ho .e Keller. Songleader; Marprexn .> will be Seniors. Mayakls. Wilmonte Nash, Barbara i a \ Maker. Cheerleader; F.lward was MARTHA JEAN DOWNEY. .Miss Downey, escorted to Peace, Ruth Poole, Elizabeth Plait, Al.o in WAA wiling. Paliieia Jul I III;!'- :\ . PibliclU Din etor; and lo has been elected Vir"-Prcsldenl ; the "'i, ;li ni Council ihey elected: Wil- Jordlne Skull, and Muriel Woodman. the stage by .Miss Noonan and Miss Willse, will head Dramatics and Arts Council for the coming year. She, too, has new Tie.i uri'i' i . Phoebe Fuller '51!: I'ain Kelehiun, 'fed McCarthy, l.ichOlfiee Mamo'cr. Marjory Farwell a 1,1 S nil and Louis Vlon; lor a chain taken a prominent part in the activities of her class. 'f)L\ and Secretary, Betty Ann Cuy- sw; ep In" I he men, in every oll'iee Yearbook Names As the atmosphere became more tense, with the sense kemlall '53. lor which the.\ were nominated of the competition becoming more keen, Miss Thompson and ( l a s s e s CIIIMIM' Mitchell Editor Miss Riber descended into the hushed Auditorium to tap 'flic ela.s.s: s \ ole.I the lollow in-, ELLIOT KIRSCH. Kirsch has been tin active member T h e Pedagogue has release I the people as llie.r managers and rep- Strehlow To Top mimes of new staff members lor ofPAUL Election Commission this year, lie was escorted back to resentatives: 1051: Manager, F r a n 1950 -11)51. AssMing Editor Joan the stage, and took his position as the tenth member chosen. ces Hkldmore, Representative, Mary Mitchell will be: Personnel Editor, 1 mi h'eed; 1951! Manager, K\ elyn Publicity Bureau MARY JESSIE FADE was the fourth woman added to Fobs Pre; ((ill; Business Manager, h'rdlc, Representative, Joan llagPress Bureau lists the following III leu Agnelli); Photography Editor. the Myskania roster. Miss Adams and Holliday came gi rl.\ , lUfiH Manager. Ruth Poole; iillieer.s lor the year 1050-11)51 Di- Elsie Shaw; Art Editor, Barbara Na- from the rear of the Auditorium (o pause as Mr. Lievestro In pre.senlative, A11 It l Apo.slolldes. rector, Maialyn Strehlow '51, Assist- tall; 1 llerary Editor, J e a n u e i t e /.eNamed in the Honor Council lor called the name of this year's Vice-President of Student Asant Di eel or, Theresa Porta 'liU; Secthe Class o! 11)51 are Phyllis Harris ri larv-'l reiiMtrer. Harvey Kobm.son lains; and Virginia Roth. Advertis- sociation, and a member of next year's Student Council. anil Kililh Paleisnn Trophies award- 'a!!; and Corresponding Secretary, ing Manager; all Seniors. Also a p After Jones presented Miss Fade with her Myskania tased at I hi1 Moving Up l)ii.\ cere- picked from the freshman tryouts. pointed lo the Senior stall are Domonies were the Baskellmll cup to Robert CllaminaU'o. Strehlow ris Donato and Patricia Brady. sel and she joined the ranks of the new members, Miss Riber Associate Editors from tile Class and Diunbleton descended into the tense audience to escort Myskania: and the Howling cup to has served the past year on the ol 195a are Florence Kloser, DonGllininu Kappa Phi. Hoard as Secretary-Treasurer. ald P u i l e r m a n and Marola Walsh. IIELMUTII WILLI SCHULTZE to the stage. Schult/.o has MAA Kcsults New members, chosen Irian the Members of the Junior stuff Include: been an outstanding member of Student Council, active on In MAA voiing the officii of Presi- Class of 1951! a r e : Maureen Davis, dent went to Ronald Roekliill '51. Patricia Devil I, Evelyn Kamke, and Victoria Baldino. Kathleen Cody, Press Bureau, and will be President of the Seniors, Elected to assist him are Robert Lillian Kiunlnsky. Freshmen chosen Kathleen Donovan, Marjory F a r The thirteenth person to be chosen from the audience Brown '52, Vice-President; T h o m a s to the Hoard are: Robert. G i a m m a - well, Mary Anne Fitzgerald, Mar- and announced by Lievestro was LOIS LILLIAN PRESCOTT, garet Geinniell, Marlon Gorskle. HeKing '51. Financial Secretary; and leo, William Taylor, and Peter Tellens Grossman, J o a n Haggerty, who will be Senior Assistant at Frosh Camp in the fall, and Secretary, Francis Streeter '53 ler. Theresa Porta, and Grace S m i t h . Senior Personnel Editor of the Pedagogue next year. Lead Athlet ics PACK a STATE COLLEGE NEWS. SATURDAY, STATE MAY 6 , 1 S 5 Q Student Council 1951 1953 1030 X 100 Quota + i President Student + 51501 1 i Association Jiusto Kirsch . Blanks 1 77700 23000 2300 Total Vice-President Student Association 1 Saldino 30600 Manley 26300 Wiley 23300 Yole 20000 Blanks 2800 S t u d e n t Council 103000 Cahill Dunn 3 Eade 49900 E n g l e h a r t 425'0ti W o l f e Blanks Loss 10600 2 35400 32500 30500 4600 206 x 100 Quota 103000 103000 1 2 10500 1890O 22500 19100 20600 14600 15800 22600 25000 12900 14100 4400 5000 Beni Corlgliano Dlonne Dunn Keller Wildman Blanks 10300 Total 3 1 24500 22800 20500 29300 28100 27500 37700 5900 10300 9700 10300 10300 Cahill Dunn 37200 E a d e Englchart Wolfe 51500 B l a n k s Loss 14300 Totals 10300 Blssonette Norton Skolnick . Blanks Total Student Facilities Board 1950 1030 X 100 Quota + 2 + 1 1 1 33700 44700 22600 2000 2 44400 53300 103000 103000 34334 I 26800 33600 40200 2400 Buchman Jai Wctherby B l a n k s .... Loss 103000 T o t a l .... lb 2949 4121 4121 6138 2858 410 1 la 29061 36737 34333 2867 1 103000 T o t a l s 1951 1 38000 29400 29400 6200 Gorskie L e i g h .... R u t l e y .. Blanks Loss Totals 103000 1952 1030 X 100 + 1 + 1 Quota 1 Total 103000 1030 X 100 Quota 51501 1 Ballard Bennett Burke Danzis Gorskie lole Smill 103000 Wile> Blanks Loss Totals Songleader I 1 Totals 51700 B a l l a r d . 36400 B e n n e t t 14900 B u r k e ... lole 103000 S m i t h Wiley Blanks . Loss |- 1 1 Prof. 2100 1400 4300 1500 2000 2000 4500 1700 2100 4900 100 2 3 l-'KN'KKI I'II-IIIKIIII-*.. - 2304 T o t a l 6721 Krchniak 2800 2838 3108 2900 L o s s 5400 200 T o t a l s 4100 4112 4500 4512 4513 4613 4300 4313 4513 400 400 1 401 1 33600 33600 33600 6 26600 26600 26600 4607 2916 5321 204 1 4807 3618 5321 205 1 Bernzwelg 5 Dionne 2705 D u n n 5539 Helbing 3205 20600 26600 26000 5a 2747 5321 3230 5032 4582 5321 359 1 4311 1909 2404 (1721 3408 4815 4613 5013 402 1 Ketchum Krchniak •McCarthy 5007 Scott 4521 Vion 5321 Blanks 307 Less 1 6 - 4613 41)13 2605 6721 3610 5115 5215 5315 403 1 5321 4152 5434 5293 5321 1076 1 9 5321 4181 5321 5326 5321 1127 lla 5416 5720 6721 6721 D i o n n e .... Ketchum Krchniak McCarthy Scott Vion B l a n k s ... I uss 751!) 6818 0420 703 1 0721 6818 6794 825 1 33600 33600 B a t t i s t i .... B r e n n e r .. Buchman Ely Engelhart F e n ; el Harris Hatch Jai Kirsch K u h l k i n .. Maginess Milk Panek P r e s c o t t ... I'urdy S k o l n i c k ... Warden Wolfe Loss Blanks B r e n n e r .. Buchman Ely Engelhart Harris Jai Kirsch K u h l k i n ... Maginess Milk I rescoll i'urdy Skolnick Warden 1 ,oss Blanks Total 20601 I 1 i 31800 11400 6100 8200 7000 13600 17000 4000 la 20601 18040 6765 8900 8915 15175 20185 4350 69 3 20601 21717 20601 10775 20601 20185 1)305 9990 16550 22160 4550 9445 10270 17046 20601 4755 11354 22615 20601 5987 6!) 94 94 103000 103000 103000 103000 103000 Buchman Ely Engclhurt Harris Jai Kirsch Maginess Milk 1'icscotl I'll lily Warden 1.1 iss Blanks Total 86771 21442 42328 37328 20664 87992 21442 42328 37328 20664 88214 21442 43328 37328 21664 63549 82763 37664 57321 26000 9 28221 64549 82763 37664 59321 26000 9 28221 65549 85763 37664 59542 26000 II 28221 7a 21221 24885 54107 86977 114445 21221 24885 55107 90977 114445 24885 58107 94977 114445 24897 58141 95088 114445 24897 62141 97530 114445 111206 19221 76985 90214 21442 43328 39328 21664 67549 85763 37664 59763 26(100 9 28221 114206 115206 114445 114445 76985 91214 22442 45328 39328 22664 68771 87763 37664" 62763 26000 9 28221 77985 92214 25442 47328 40328 22664 68771 88763 37664 64763 27221 9 29221 78095 92254 25454 47514 40351 22687 68835 88850 37675 64775 27238 16 29233 82101 94254 26454 49514 41351 Loss 1 26700 33500 35100 7700 .5 la 27013 33872 34334 7778 .5 Totals 10300 10300 Total 1030 - 100 I 1 2 34334 I 1 69835 88850 37681 67787 29460 16 20233 9 1 11 12 12a 66141 99752 114445 114445 83101 96254 26454 49514 43573 70H4O 90072 41 Otil 69008 35466 16 20233 68141 101973 114445 114445 88101 101266 69141 107979 114445 114445 92328 108493 80141 110200 114445 114445 96334 117493 80515 110805 114445 114445 96535 114445 51735 41573 72810 1)1072 43681 73008 35466 Hi 29233 53735 47573 70846 92072 45681 76008 55735 48794 82073 100078 55037 49130 82312 1110082 16 29233 Hi 233 1 + 1 Alumni Secretary 1030000 1030000 10301100 1030000 1030000 1,1.1 II 89856 89976 95243 11227(1 112462 12191)8 114445 114445 114445 114445 114445 114445 1535 II2110!) 100775 I 14445 114445 1144 15 56937 57067 116342 115571 00809 18 31322 1 la 96834 11414.1 114115 II Ilia ll;>374 11441a SATURDAY, PAGE MAY 6, 1 9 S O •Totals 13700 1951 206 x 100 + 1 1 Publicity Director Buffo Davis Blanks 4100 5300 T o t a l s 10800 400 S o n g l e i id or Borys 20600 B l a n k s Totals 3 1 26600 26600 3 4 7700 7900 11500 8400 10000 336 x 100 Quota 1 Bissnnette Brady Gates Kaehn Blanks 2 3 5300 8000 10500 ( h e r r l v i d e r 4400 Kiimkc 4500 5100 Pawner OOOO 7100 8600 S e y m o u 400 400 1500 B l a n k s Totals 20600 20600 20600 Treasurer Preen Kuhlkin E l i m . by P r e f . Blanks 1 17400 Totals Sei r o t a r y S t r o h l o w - E l i m . by P r e f . 20600 Publicity Director Songleader Hutch P.rretta Blanks 3200 No Candidate. • 7900 12100 <>l>» Totals 20600 Cheerleader Steuer Blanks 17300 2800 Totals 20(100 1 | 1 13301 1 I 1 President DnnnelU Jacobv Pill Ionium Kobinson Blanks Li iss Totals Armitage Donnelly Jacobv 1 Mil lerinaii Itdliinsiin Blanks Loss Totals Vice -l'rt'sldcnl 31406 39116 39709 l'olals 1 2200 8300 3500 3400 1)000 200 BosUirk I'Vilerlro King Kloser Mario Blanks l'olals Treasurer Brown I'urwell Juengllng Taiitum •> 8700 4100 3500 9600 700 20000 26600 '' 1 10400 11600 1400 10,100 12200 1300 21100 20000 26000 1 *> 2300 6700 11100 8400 2500 00(1 7400 liaOO 9400 21100 700 20000 26600 :i 1030000 1030000 1020000 IllJIIiliia Totals = 16801 1 p r c s j d e n t H u g h e S J 2600 5100 J * c ° » s e n ^ 0 0 b l m Palmer Smith 26600 26600 Blanks 1 Totals 15600 9600 V i c e - P r e s i d e n t 1400 B e n i n a t i Carlo 26600 K e l l y Panton 1 Telfer 9100 B l a n k s 16100 1400 Totals 26600 Carlo 1 Teller 24600 Blanks 2000 940 % 3 ° 5900 9700 7900 700 33600 Treasurer Berkhofer ° Bevins 12200 16900 B o d e 9200 Cifarelli 1100 2500 C o y k e n d a l l Lannon 33600 33600 G i a m m a t e o Weigand 2 3 Blanks 3900 11700 13600 7700 8500 Totals 1110 14200 1 3600 10900 7500 2300 8500 9100 10100 800 1200 1400 B e r k h o f e r Bevins 33600 33600 33600 B o d e Coykendall 4 Lannon 17900 B l a n k s 12900 2800 Totals 33600 26600 Secretary 2 1 Castaldo 12000 14600 H i l l e r 4600 Obcrst 8800 10000 W l l c l e r s o n 1200 2000 B l a n k s 3 1 2800 11200 12500 14700 12400 13300 16100 5600 5900 1600 1900 '2800 20600 20600 33600 33600 33600 Totals Bode Lannon Blanks 1 2 3 3500 3600 4100 3100 3300 4000 4400 4800 4900 2300 4100 4300 4400 10000 10800 11200 2600 2900 2800 3100 3800 800 1200 800 1 16200 800 7300 2000 7200 100 Totals 33600 Cheerleader 1 5400 17900 4300 1000 4400 600 33600 33600 33600 A d a m i a k 4 4800 4300 5500 4600 12700 1700 Baker DeSeve Lebanson 5200 Smith 6000 7300 B l a n k s 5800 6700 14300 16100 T o t a l s 2300 3500 5 6 1 7700 10200 7700 10400 12300 BOO 4100 26600 20600 1 5100 5800 7200 4300 •} 6300 6000 7500 4900 rn, 'ii for t h e y e a r 1050-51. M b s W e l - Pi G a m m a M i l . H o n o r a r y S o c i a l 1 T lies b e e n a F r o s h i ' a m p ( ' o l i n s e l - S t u d . e s F r a t e r n i t y , a n n o u n c e s t h e iii ; n r t w o y e a r s a n d last y e a r s h e following n e w m e m b e r s t o I h e D e l t a \< a s S e c r e t a r y - T r e a s u r e r M i s s W e l - c h a p t e r : from t h e C l a s s of 1950: Daub, Arthur Funila. ler will be a s s ' s l c d l c Lois P r e s c o t t H e n r i e t t a '51, Si n i o r A s s i s t a n t , V i c t o r i a B a l - tMi i r l c s M a r g o l i n , M a i y Alice R e g a , d i n o '52. T r e a s u r e r , a n d H e l e n P i l - I r w i n T e l t e l b a u m , a n d D i a n e M Webber. f r o m t h e ( l a s s of 1951 i h e r '52, S e c r e t a n i nine Doris Brody, David Clark. Kathleen Devlin, Sallv Dil m a r s , LeBrun W i l l Direct (It r a i d I limn. S u e (lallo, Evelyn C o i r s Charles Hubbard. William IsNew Commuter G r o u p ley, P a t r i c i a J a i , P a u l K i r s c h , C a r o l (' iiniuul I T ' S C l u b h a s h e l d i t s I el v. C a r o l } n P a r r y . J o a n P e r i n e , i f r t e n s , a n d 1 h e n lilts h a v e b e e n N a o m i S r h r o e d e r . a n d L u n e l l e S u l l i r e l e a s e d a • t a l l o w s : 1'rr; i.lenl for I h e i a n . T h e C h e s of 1052 is r e p r e s e n t \ i i r 1950-51 w ill be H a u l 1 ,e U n i t ) ed by L i l l i a n K a i n l n s k , \ a n d E l s i e '51. H e will be assist eil by V i c e - T h o r p e . P r e s i d e n t M a n M . e ' U T e '52, S e c r e - Pi O m e g a PI ( h o u s e s O f f i c e r s t a r y M a r y S c u d i r i '53. a n d T r e a s Pi O m e g a Pi, H o n o r a r y C o m m e r c e u r e r Salf\ T s e h l l l l l i '51 F r a t e r n i t y , a n n o u n c e s llie elect ion ol t h e P i l l o w i n g o l l i e e r . s : P r e s i d e n t , Charles Hubbard '51; Vice-President, M i l l e r To Head Primer Robert Kreiling '51; Secretary S u e For 1 9 5 0 - ' 5 1 Publication G u i l d ' 5 1 ; T r e a s u r e r , J u l i a n Do, a n d Historian, Eleanor tiesI l u l i p Miller '51, h a s b e e n m i m e d s i n g e r '51, a s Hie n e w E d i t o r - i u d u e l ol t h e New m e m b e r s i n c l u d e : f r o m t h e P r i m e r . He will be a s s i s t e d by J o a n C l a s s ol 1950. E d w a r d B r l g n a l l , J o a n 'I it u s '52, L i l e r a n E d i t o r ; Art E d i I'll l a n d s o n . C a r r o l l G a l l i v a n , A n n tor, P a u l K i r s c h ' 5 1 ; B u s i n e s s M a n Green, Philip Malalsky, Elizabeth as o r , M i l d r e d B u l l i o n '52 J a n e M u r p h y , M a r i o n Oliver, a n d K a t h c r i n e S t a l k e r ; f r o m t h e C l a s s of Two Juniors To Head 11151: H e l e n A g n e l l o , J e r o m e B e r n sle.u, Ann Braasch. J a m e s Corsetli, New Student Guides J u l i a n D e Lysor, M a r t h a D o w n e y , Joyce Schaler a n d David Shepurd, Charles Hubbard, Mary Kasmeyer, J u n i o r s , will bo t h e C o - C h a i r m e n of R o b e r t K r e i l i n g , G e o r g l n a M a g i n e s s , t h e S t u d e n t G u i d e s for 1950-51. B o t h D o r o t h y M a n n , D o n a l d M c D o n a l d , s t u d e n t s have been active a s guides Florence Paris. R o y a n n Sulin, a n d Paul Wostfall. lu t h e i r S o p h o m o r e y e a r . 33600 Publicity Director 33600 33600 33000 L i n d s a y Simon Smith 9100 B l a n k s 1 21300 7600 3700 1000 18500 6000 T o t a l s 33600 33600 Totals Councils Choose Appoint Lebow Signum Loudis Takes Nineteen IGC Leader New Officers At a b o a r d m e e t i n ; of I n t e r D r a m a t i c s a n d Arts Council a n d M u s i c C o u n c i l h a v e a n n o u n c e d t h e G r o u p C o u n c i l , C a r o l L e b o w '51. w a s Chairman for n e x t year. n e w P r e s i d e n t s a n d s t a f f e l e c t e d for c h o s e n ilia c o m i n g y e a r . M a r t h a D o w n e y V i ' . ' e - C l i a i r m a n will b e N o r i n e C a r h a s b e e n c h o s e n h e a d o l D & A , a n d gill '52. M i s s L e b o w a n d M i s s C a r C l a r y c e P e r r e t t a will d i r e c t M u s i c gill h a v e b e e n a c t i v e for I G C t h i s year. Council. E l s i e T h o r p e '52, will b e S e c r e t a r y , Appointments to D & A include Secretary. Caroline G a z u l i s ' 5 3 ; a n d M i s s C a r g i l l will a c t a s T r e a s T r e a s u r e r , S a r a D a n / i s '52, a n d f r o m u r e r . S e v e n n e w m e m b e r s w e r e e l e c t t h e f r e s h m a n c l a s s , B a r b a r a N e w - ed to t h e B o a r d . T h e y a r e : L o i s Prescott a n d S t u a r t Gates, Seniors. combe a n d Donald Collins. M i s s P e r r e t t a will b e a s s i s t e d o n M i l d r e d B u t l e l n , K a t h l e e n C o d y , a n d M u s i c C o u n c i l by S e c r e t a r y , J o a n S o p h i e D y w a n , J u n i o r s , a n d V i v i a n Eckert '51, T r e a s u r e r , D o n a l d B u r l . T o d d a n d J o s e p h L o m b a r d ! , f r e s h J a m e s W a r d e n '51, seven m e m b e r s m e n . f r o m t h e c l a s s of 1952, a n d t w o f r o m 1953. T h o s e from '52 a r e : G o r d o n B e n nett, Mary Borys, K a y m o n d Kelly. Lawrence LaJuhn, Marian Newton. H e l e n P i l ' h e r . a n d Elsie T h o r p e . T h e n e w officers for t h e y e a r 1950Lois B c h l e i n a n d L o r r a i n e M i g 51 for K a p p a P h i K a p p a . H o n o r a r y l a c e i o will r e p r e s e n t '53 o n t h e E d u c a t i o n a l F r a t e r n i t y , will b e : A r Council. t h u r P e d c r s o n '50, P r e s i d e n t , W i l l i a m Isley ' 5 1 , V i c e - P r e s i d e n t , H o b Name W e l l e r To Direct e n R e n o '51. S e c r e t a r y . J o h n L e h r '51. T r e a s u r e r . C l a r e n c e L a r s o n '50, W A A Freshmen Camp Historian, a n d Faculty Sponsor. Dr. A u d r e y W e l l e r ' 5 1 , h a s b e e n n a m - C. A. M o o s e . ed D i r e c t o r of F r o s h C a m p for W o - ' l a k e s N e w M e m b e r s Songleader Keller MacFarland Petfield Newcombe Wildman Blanks Godward Heads Debate Council T h o m a s G o d w a r d '51, w a s elected P r e s i d e n t of D e b a t e C o u n c i l f o r t h e y e a r 1950-51. H e will b e a s s i s t e d b y Edwin Kurlander '51, V i c e - P r e s i d e n t ; E v e l y n E r d l e '52, C o r r e s p o n d ing S e c r e t a r y ; J o y c e L e o n a r d '53, The Seniors are: Edythc Compton, Recording Secretary; Walter F a r '51, T r e a s u r e r ; a n d Robert Mary P l a i n e r , Doris Pock, Jewel P o l - m e r lak, Frederick Truseolt, W i l l i a m B e r k h o f e r '53, Publicity D i r e c t o r . Werner. T h e new Council m e m b e r s a r e : T h e incoming Seniors a r e : M a r i - T h o m a s G o d w a r d '51, Evelyn Erdle lyn A l l e n . M a r y C a h i l l , R u t h C o o k - '52. C h a r l e s G r u n e i s e n '52, R o b e r t i n g h a m , A n d r e w G r e e n s t e i n , J a m e s B e r k h o f e r '53, a n d J o y c e L e o n a r d J i u s t o , L e s t e r L e V i n n e s , M a r y M a r k - '53. H a r o l d V a u g h n '50, h a s b e e n appointed honorary member to t h e soy. J o a n M i t c h e l l , H e l e n R o b i n s o n . Council. Howard Bosnian, Helmulh Sehull/e, Frances Skidmore, and Richard Watson. THREE SPEEDS AHEAD S i x m e m b e r s of t h e C l a s s of 1950 a n d t h i r t e e n m e m b e r s of t h e J u n i o r Class h a v e been accepted into Signum Laudis. the honorary scholastic ,'oeicty of S t a t e C o l l e g e . Three Honorary Groups Post New Members Commerce Club Elects 206 x 100 Quota HnstW Irk l i e n Kllll! Totals + 1 Totals Vice-President K laser Mann Blank.-. 1030000 1 Buchman Purely Schultz Blanks 107; '71 11 Ilia 98256 11444a II 111 i 114445 114445 I I I lla 15400a 114445 129772 42 59508 10301 President 105827 114445 97101 96971 114445 11444a 114445 114445 114415 107971 11444a 911451 42 311803 Secretary Dargusch Myles Blanks Totals Quota 1 + 3600 6 0 0 1900 1 6900 W h e e l s lanks 5800 B B l a n l c s 1000 Totals 86156 114415 01031 15 Brown Farwcll ^ l m g Herrman, Anne Thompson, Earline Blanks 7834 I 18 32322 6851 + 1 00 1030000 1030000 1030000 1030000 III) Buehiuaii Ely I'.'ugelhuii Harris Jai Kirsch Pri'Mott I'urdy Warden Loss Blanks \!l piiiiiiiiuiili'iiiliiiii HIIIIIIIII I"' uililivmuiil ID lliu u.lllur Ullil D o l a u .. lliiial lie »l(iliml Sinmu will liu williln'lil uinni nii|Ui'ill Tim S'l'A I K riiLLIOliK NliiWS aaniiitiuai im ri'niiuimlulllty E v e r s o u fur ii|.ln|.'ii» i>i|irt>ii*uil In ii" I'II IIIIIIK "I iniiiiiiiriuliiiu T h o m e n» mull iU|irt'«»liiiu iln mil iii'i'i'naurlly ri'Cluci 11.1 view. Blanks 3 4 17221 20221 21221 11221 22885 22885 22885 49107 51107 51107 14885 14885 83756 83756 85977 114445 114445 114445 17221 17221 17442 105985 106985 108985 16221 16221 18221 72985 73985 74985 1030000 1030000 1030000 1030000 1030000 13 MIHIIIIII'I' CII-IIII»IIII'«» Miiniiifi-r T o t a l I'ulilli !<•• In I IIMI- I'.illlnr . . s , , , , , | - l.illlui Ni'iilur S|i,irU M.inl...iI Irniliil Mniinu.'i- S t u d e n t H o a r d of f i n a n c e Ailn rll-lnii lluiiiiiior III5:J Ilii»liii'i.» Miitiiiid'r I.\i lui IIB i- lillli.r AH»IMIIIII. I i l l l n r Am.ii.liil.. liilllur Quota ISMM luir l i l l i m AHMMIIIII' I i l l l n r la (> 6721 4113 5816 5516 5915 603 1 Total 33600 33600 33600 Totals 6a Buyer Carter ESTABLISHED MAY 101H C o r s e t II ... BY THE CLA6S OF IOIB UeLyser . . Di G r o g o r i o RATING—ALL-AMEUICAN K rolling M a y 6, 1950 No 2(1 K u h l k i i i Blanks •-:.! it ••• In I lili-l Loss (IKItAI.I) I I I N S KVKI.YN N O I . I I IIA It \ I. V Mil K . . . . . I'Al I. Ill ( IIMAV IIKVKIII.l IU III KIN JA.NK COOK JOMHI'll I'l K i l l ( i;< l;I.IA IIATTISTI \ I I 1 ( . I M \ AIIAMH - - N O I U M I Villi I I I . V I C T O R I A HAWK (ill.1(1-; h l l l ' l ' l l 1904 0721 4500 2100 2200 2000 4500 1700 2200 5000 200 1 2405 4829 3105 2305 1 0800 4600 L o m b a r d ! 2400 • M c C a r t h y 2300 S c o t t 2000 Vion 4600 Blanks 3a 2205 4627 2405 2305 2005 3 114445 1 Quota Suggested List: 1900 2200 STATE COLLEGE NEWS (•III.Illl': l l l t l . \ M ; l l 8 + Ketchum 2200 •l MA 111' Dionne 5321 1 Quota 103000 VOL. xxxrv Totals 20600 26600 2661111 T o t a l s Totals . 1 52600 11500 12300 13700 S t u d e n t H o a r d of f i n a n c e 11500 l!).r)l 1400 1030 • 100 Borys H a t c h ... Perretta Petfield Pllchcr Blanks . m^\ Blanks Bernzwelg 51501 1 14800 44200 32200 11800 Tiller Thomas Todd Blanks la 34333 31000 31097 6506 3 Scott Vion 260 x 100 2 70 163 + 1 = 6721 1 Blanks 60 27 30 X 1000 Helbing McCarthy Peace Davis 4 + S t u d e n t Council B a l d i n o — E l i m . by Ballard Behringer Bennett B u r k e .. Danzis Gorskie lole Kyle S m i t h .. Wiley Blanks 1030 Dunn Lombard! 1 1 No 174 69 80 796 934 920 797 1600 1600 1600 B a t t i s t i 17000 17221 1500 1500 1500 B r a a s c h 1100 11221 22000 22885 3600 3600 3700 B r e n n e r 47000 48107 1800 1800 1800 B u c h m a n 14000 14885 Dooley 1800 1800 1900 E l y 77000 82756 6000 6100 6400 E n g e l h a r t 147000 114445 17000 17221 Fenzel 400 99000 102985 2500 2500 2500 H a r r i s 16000 16221 Hatch 1200 1200 1300 67000 70985 Jai 3800 3800 4000 J i u s t o A u t o m a t i c a l l y E l e c t e d Kirsch 84000 85771 1000 1100 21000 21442 4300 4400 4400 K u h l k i n Maginess 41000 42328 3800 3800 4100 Milk 36000 37328 300 400 400 P a n e k 20000 20664 8000 8221 Petrie 33600 33600 33600 P r e s c o t t 62000 63549 79000 82763 Purdy 4a 4 37000 37664 Skolnick 1600 1604 1604 W a r d e n 54000 57099 26000 26000 Wolfe 1600 1604 9 Loss 3800 3809 4009 28000 28221 Blanks 1800 1808 1809 Krchniak lc 3935 4121 4121 4121 3777 522 1 20600 20600 Quota 5300 + Ketchum 20600 20600 K o s z e w s k i 5 Grand-Marshal Downey Dunn Eade Schultz Quota = = 1 la Student Council 2500 2842 B ernzwelg 7200 4121 4400 4400 D a v i s 4000 6138 D i o n n e 2200 2713 Dunn 3 0 0 385 1 Helbing 103000 Secretary Quota Totals 137 x 100 4 + 1 Totals Total 4121 + 1 4 + 1 List: Yes 336 x 100 Wheeler Blanks 1950 Myskania Recommended NEWS. CLASS ELECTIONS NUMERICAL TABULATIONS Student Association COLLEGE BLUE MOTE SHOP Whitcraft N e w Prexy J o a n W h i t c r a f t will s e r v e a s P r e s ident of C o m m e r c e C l u b n e x t y e a r . T h e list of a d d i t i o n a l n e w l y e l e c t e d olfieers h a s also been released. A s sisting Miss W h i t c r a f t in p r o v i d i n g for t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n will b e V i c e Pi c s i d e i i l B e l l y A l l e n '52. 78 — 45 — 33 1/3 156 C e n t r a l A v e . 62-0221 O t h e r o l f i e e r s for t h e n e w y e a r a r e T r e a s u r e r S o n i a S t e p l i a n i a n '52, a n d S e c r e t a r y R i i d e s h e i m '52. Jlianila McMillan '52, h a s b e e n n a m e d R e p o r t e r for t h e C l u b . KE Open E v e n i n g s U n t i l 9:00 OTTO R. D D E THE COLLEGE JEWELER 103 Central Ave. TRAVEL Photographs Taken En Your Hometown THE HAGUE Nil Madison Ave. STUDIO Tl. 1-0017 OTSDAM GAME State College NevifS /V, ^ W J STATE COLLEGE NEWS. SATURDAY, MAY 6, 108O PAOI 4 Forum Elects Officers; Campus Commission Kline Will Head Leigh Leads SMILES; Stein, Braasch, Names New Members Lists New MembersF o r u m a n n o u n c e s t h e election of New Radio Group Elect Newton, Reynolds I L E S announces t h e election of Brophy, Wright, C a m p u s Commission h a s a n n o u n c - t h e following officers a n d m e m b e r s : George Kline will head Radio newS Mofficers for t h e year 1950-1951. ed t h e election of n e w members from T h e S p e a k e r of F o r u m for 1950- Council for t h e coming year. C a r o - T h e y a r e : President, E d m u n d Leigh; h e Class of 1953, a n d t h e n a m e s of 1951 is W a l t e r Robinson. Robinson line Williams "51, will act as Vice- V i c e - P r e s i d e n t , Marian Newton; Religious Heads tthose m e m b e r s w h o move u p t o t h e h a s been a n active m e m b e r of t h e President, a n d Patricia Brady, also Secretary, Alta Reynolds; T r e a s B a r b a r a S t e i n '51, will be t h e new presiding officer of Hillel. G e r a r d Brophy '51, will direct Newman Club, while Anne B r a a s c h '51, will preside over t h e S t u d e n t Christian Association. F l e t a W r i g h t '52, will become t h e n e w President of I n t e r Varsity Christian Fellowship. T h e o t h e r incoming officers who will assist Miss S t e i n in Hillel for t h e coming year a r e : Doris Brody '51, Vice-President; Dorothy Lipgar '52, Secretary; Arlene Blum '52, T r e a s u r e r ; Renee Gewirtzman '52, IZFA C h a i r m a n , a n d Helene Patlen, Editor of t h e Hillel News. J u n i o r staff. These people will assist t h e new G r a n d Marshal, Virginia Norton '51, who w a s elected on t h e second distribution by S t u d e n t Association. F r o m t h e Class of 1952, m e m b e r s who will compose t h e J u n i o r commission a r e : Jacquelin Coplon, M a r i lyn Lewis, K a t h l e e n Ryan, Evelyn Swenson, a n d Estelle Weisblatt. New members of t h e Class of 1953 are: P e t e r Bon, Betty A n n Coykendall, Helen Hagel, Ann Riley, Owen Smith, a n d M a r l e n e S o u t h a r d . F o r u m of Politics for t h e past t h r e e years. Editor of t h e Soapbox, F o r u m publication, is Paul B u c h m a n '51. B u c h m a n h a s held t h a t job since J a n u a r y of 1950. T h e remainder of t h e officers include, from the Class of 1951, S u s a n Gallo, Secretary; a n d from t h e Class of 1952, Marion G o r skie, Treasurer. T h e new m e m b e r s of t h e B o a r d are: Juniors, Eleanor Rojcewicz, C e celia Battisti, F a y Richards, a n d Naomi Schroeder; a n d Sophomores, Jess Barnett, a n d Sophie Rugare. a Senior, will be S e c r e t a r y - T r e a s u r er of t h e organization. New members have been added from every class, including t h e o u t going Seniors. George Christy, R i c h a r d F e a t h e r s , a n d Lorice S c h a i n have been n a m e d honorary members in recognition of t h e work done this year. O t h e r new members include: D o n ald Ely, 1951; Vasilili Pantelakos, Joseph Persico, a n d Lucille B e h ringer, J u n i o r s ; a n d Harold S m i t h a n d William K e t c h u m , Sophomores. urer, J o a n T a n t u m . All these officers are Juniors. New members appointed to t h e B o a r d a r e : Malcolm Fallek, 1951; F r e d Bartle, Mitchell Burkowsky, Evelyn Kelsey, R u t h Merry, J o a n fvoeder, a n d S a n d r a Slotkin, J u n i o r s . F r o m t h e Class of 1953: Nadine Anagnost, Connie Chadwick, Louise Daley, Ilene Murcott, Wilma Nuber, J e a n Ogden, Helen Osborne. J e a n n e Osbcrne, Marguerite Rizzo, Vivian Todd, Elaine Topper, Natalie Wildm a n , a n d K a t h l e e n Wright; Vice-President Elizabeth Cahill '51, Secretary Marie Adamo '51, a n d T r e a s u r e r J o h n O'Brien '51, will a s sist Brophy in directing Newman Club affairs for t h e year 1950-51. T h e new Vice-President of SCA will b e Helen Pilcher '52, while Nancy Wheeler '53, a n d Ruby Anderson '52, will assume t h e duties of Secretary a n d Treasurer respectively. IVCF announces that the other new officers for t h e coming year will b e : Vice-President, Vincent Aceto '53; Secretary, Naomi Schroeder '51; Treasurer, William Whitwer '53. and Social C h a i r m a n , Nadine Anagnost '53. AFTERNOON AND EVENING EVENTS Coke p a r t y i n Commons— 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. 7 p. m — Skits begin. 8:15—Songs Draper. begin on steps of Clothes Dryers - Study Lamps THOUSANDS O F ITEMS Central Variety Store 313 Central Avenue Below Quail Street Open Every Night Till 9 Major Nathan Adams, /f#6uM %40 Personnel Manager, (/.£Mrforce ^ ? \ ^ - o H.F.Honikel & Son Senior Weekend WellerDunn To include Ball, FRIDAY, MAY 1 2 , 1 9 5 0 Kern if Schedule T r r Pharmacists -R_ A topscholarand ROTC HonorGraduate, C a d e t Lt. Col. N a t h a n A d a m s enjoyed his final military ball in 1940, soon left for Fort Sill's Field Artillery School. Following a three month course, Lt. A d a m s decided t h e Air Force was t h e place for him. Hi' applied for pilot, training, was aeeepted, proceeded to Maxwell Field. He won his wings a n d reported to t h e ,'Hith Fighter G r o u p in P u e r t o Rico. T h e group soon r e t u r n e d to t h e S l a t e s , giving A d a m s a chance lo m a r r y his college s w e e t h e a r t . |_| COLLEGE CAFETERIA Serving COFFEE and DON UTS <) to 10:30 DAILY! Audrey Weller a n d Gerald Dunn, Juniors, have released plans for women's a n d men's frosh c a m p t o be held September 15-17, with t h e m e n A class b a n q u e t a t Jack's R e s t a u - holding theirs a t Lake Cossayuna, r a n t on T h u r s d a y , J u n e 15, will com- a n d t h e women returning to Burden m e n e e t h e festivities included in t h e Lake. big Senior Weekend which will conMiss Weller h a s announced t h a t tinue t h r o u g h t h e G r a d u a t i o n Exer cise, Monday, J u n e 19. Herbert G i n s - all girls interested in being counberg is General C h a i r m a n of t h e selors at Girl's Frosh C a m p in SepWeekend. According to Richard tember, 1950, m u s t place in Dean F e a t h e r s , B a n q u e t C h a i r m a n , t h e Stokes' office today a card c o n t a i n guest speaker at t h e banquet will be ing the information listed on t h e Dr. Townsend Rich, Professor of Dean's bulletin board. Applications not handed in by today are a u t o m English. atically void. Interviews will be held On Friday night, t h e a n n u a l S e n - Monday. Tuesday, and Wednesday. ior Ball will be held at the Aurania Club from 9 to 1. Herbert Ginsburg, Faculty members are especially inC h a i r m a n of the event, lias a n - vited to attend t h e camp, as there nounced t h e following committees: will be many activities in which they Arrangements, Ann H e r r m a n n , Deco- can participate. T h r o u g h this media rations, Marie De Carlo; Tickets they may get to know their prosand Programs, S a r a h Caruso; Music, pective students in a more informal Carroll Gallivan; and Publicity. atmosphere. Edith Minch. Dunn, director of Men's F r e s h m a n J'o Held Alumni Day Admission I- t h e dance will be Camp, has announced t h a t prospec$2.40. an;l alumni are especially wel- tive counselors must sign up by tocome, according to t h e c h a i r m a n . day on the sign-up sheets posted in S a t u r d a y will be Alumni Day, of t h e following places: MAA bulletin which Earle J.mes is c h a i r m a n for board, outside t h e Dean of Women's t h e class day events. T h e day's pro- Office, and on the S t u d e n t Council g r a m will be highlighted by a r e a d - bulletin board. Koch Prepares Booklet; Ginsburg Heads Events L. G. Balfour Co. F r a t e r n i t y Jewelers J E W E L R Y G I F T S , FAVORS BADGEH, STEINS, RINGS C L U B TINS, REVS STATIONERY, PROGRAMS MEDALS TROPHIES W r i t e or C a l l CARL SOUENSEN SO M u r r a y Ave, W a U r f o r d , N.Y. T e l e p h o n e Troy A d a m i 8-2523 Wi t bin months) A d a m s was overseas, Hying " r h u b a r b s " (missions against enemy t r a n s p o r t ) . He flew (iii l'-<17 missions within seven m o n t h s , returned to t h e S t a l e s late in 1944 for rest and reeuperation. V-.) D a y curat', and A d a m s decided to m a k e t h e service a career. H e choose personnel work as his career field, was assigned for training to t h e Adjutant (Jonoral's School a t Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia. Now a regular Air Force Major, he heads a !12-man section a t Moiling Air Force Hase. Hi' advises his C o m m a n d i n g Ollicer on select ion, assignment a n d promotion of all officers a n d a i r m e n in the c o m m a n d . If you are single, between the ages of 2 0 and 26Vi, with at least two years of college, consider the many career opportunities as a pilot or navigator in the U. S. Air Force. Procurement Teams are visiting many colleges and universities to explain these career opportunities. Watch for them. You may also get full details at your nearest Air Force Base or U. S. Army and U. 5. Air Force Recruiting Station, or b y writing to the Chief of Staff, U. S. Air Force, A l t : Aviation Cadet Branch, Washington 2 5 , D. C. U. S. AIR FORCE ONLY T H E BEST C A N BE A V I A T I O N C A D E T S ! /"L ing of t h e class will and prophecy and a short skit in t h e evening, as well as t h e a n n u a l torchlight ceremonies. Set Baccalaureate For Page T h e Baccalaureate service win oe held on Sunday at 4:30 p. m. in Page Hall. T h e String Ensemble and t h e Choi-alettes will lend their talents in t h e program lor t h e afternoon. Lyle Wals'.i is making preparations for a Senior Breakfast on Monday morning. Seniors may bring their p a r e n t s ' a n d friends to this final get-together. T h e n the Senior; will g a t h e r at the Palace T h e a t e r for their final commencement exercises. T h e Processional will begin at 9 a.m., (Continued on Page )h Column 5) SMILES Plans Picnic For Kids S M I L E S plans to take t h e kids to the Six Mile Waterworks for t h e a n n u a l Spring picnic, Sunday. T h e 1:uses will h a v e the Albany Home at 12 noon and will r e t u r n by 5 p . m . Stokes, Peterson Science Groups Install Officers; Direct Program Debate Budget Music Council, u n d e r t h e direction To Meet Here of K a r l A. Peterson, Instructor in a n d Dr. Charles F . Stokes, For 2nd Session In SA Meeting Music, Professor of Music, will present its Warren W i l l Direct Tomorrow's Program Tomcnow, according to Dr. Charier: L. Andrews, Professor of Physics. S t a t e College will play host to t h e Second A n n u a l Science Congress sponsored by t h e Eastern Zone of the New York S t a t e Science Teachers Association and the Knickerbocker News. Mary W a r r e n of'ip Schuyler High School will direct t h e program in which seventy high schools are expected to participate. D e m o n s t r a tions of principles a n d applications in the fields of biology, chemistry, pnysies, e a r t h s a e n c e , and junior h'gh scic-r. •(' are to be : iven. Any pupil of a Junior or Senior High School in tlie Eastern irea is eligible to enter t h e contest Dr. Evan R. Collins, President, will give t h e welcoming address, and a n other by a scientist will be ilven at a General Assembly. Judj... wi'l consider each entry in terms cf t h e following: originality, thorout n ss.. technical skill, and p r e s c n t a l i r n . Due consideration will be given to t h e contestant's age a n d grade level. Today's assembly will be dominated by budget considerations. Also included on t h e agenda is t h e i n auguration of t h e new S t u d e n t Association officers. Anthony Prochilo '50, SA President, will give the oath of office to J a m e s Jiusto '51, President-elect; Victoria Baldino '52. Vice-Presidentelect; and Rosemary Keller '53. Secretary-elect. After these ceremonies, the outgoing Myskania will file off the stage to be replaced by the 1950-51 Myskania. T h e new president will then lead t h e assembly in discussion ol next year's bttdgi t. At Student Council Wednesday n i g h t Julian De Lyser was appointed Cla.-s Board of Finance auditor, and '53 gave a financial report on its Big-4, showing $181 profits, Bostonian Wins Hearst Contest Harold Vaughn '50. Slate's representative in the Hearst O r atorical Semi - finals, was edged oia oi tlie limning by Roland Weyand of Boston University, Wednesday afternoon in Annapolis. Ac: empanied by Mrs. Vaughn a n d Elnora Drafahl, Debate Coach, Vaughn was entertained for lunch by the Maryland State Senate, and was among t h e guests of t h e Hear. 1 t Oratorical Society on an evening riverboat outing, lollowing the contest which was held in the Naval Auditorium. At this writing, it is not known in w h a t order Vaughn placed. T h e winner will participate In the national finals, to be held next week in Annapolis. According to Muriel Dessimoz '52. Prizes will be solicited from inGeneral C h a i r m a n , a good supply of food will be on hand. T h e e n t e r t a i n - dividuals, lirms, and organizations interested in foi tering the scientific ment will feature softball games. talents of our secondary school stuCommittee chairmen include: Re- dents. T h e Science Congress a n freshments, Virginia. Maurer and nounce- t h a t t h e area colleges will J o h n Bowker, Sophomores; G a m e s ecopcrrtc as they did last year in and E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Fred Bartle '52; offerin a s-\;ol:iiship a:; the G r a n d and Songleader, Natalie Wildman P-ize r.-f t i e Science Congress, T h e '53. winnei of thi.' Congress will be sent Miss Dessimoz urges t h a t there be at th< newspaper's expense to p a r t i gocd a t t e n d a n c e at the affair, which cipate in the National Science Fair Latest placements for t h e coining is open to everyone. " T h e success of to be hel 1 later in May at Philadelyear have been released by Elmer C. the picnic depend;-, on a good crowd." pnia. Mathews, Director of t h e Teacher Placement Bureau. W o m e n In M i n o r i t y A s Masculine Members Dominate Myskania; They are as follows: Verner L a r sen,' Ludlowville, Social Studies; Future Seniors O f 1951 Replace W e a r y Spokes In Big W h e e l Anne Morgan, Bradford, Commerce; Gloria. McManus, Piermont, Library: "Gad, are they ever going to tap Leo Crowe, Hillsdale, Junior High another woman? That sure is a new Social Studies a n d English; J a m e s look in Myskania eight m e n ! ! " Kut^M Quinlan, Jr., Greenville, Junior High English a n d Social Studies; Shirley Tradition held forth as t h e Myseasier, Kendall, Math, Latin; J e a n kania tapping proceeded as usual McClure, Catskill. Social Studies, the Sophs practically fell out of t h e English. balcony a n d t h e tense audience Also Lois Fillman, Pleasantville, downstairs craned their necks to see English 10; Howard SutlilV, Wills- who. boro, Science; Samuel Schalil, Hun/ | Bill Engelhart took over as n u m sick Falls, Science; Natalie Murray, Kerhonkson, English, F r e n c h ; J a n e ber one, repeating his namesake's Finch, Newark Valley, English 11. 12; warm welcome lo t h e other new .lAx'l m- -.11 Albert Benlnatt, Kerhonkson, Math, members. rMrft / • ' -fl B Social Studies; Arthur Spaulding, Where, oh where was number two? O e r m a n t o w n , Science; Anthony P r o - At last, two tappings later, Jim War- rS&nljHjr d chilo, Clarence, English 9, 10; Sally den was dragged to his place by Giaconia, Moravia. Latin, English. the anxious tappers. In the m e a n WuM Y ^H K^^B Also, Lucille Barnum .Middleville. time, I'al Jni, sporty editor like exEnglish 10, 11, 12; Eileen Hayes. number three, was gracing the platMHQ,]| P a n a m a , Commerce; Willurd Orr, form. Ollboa, Science, G u i d a n c e ; Peter Number hair. Jerry Dunn, whose Talarlco, Oswego, Commerce; Shirley Sheets, Massena, Elementary; adept gum chewing fascinated the Shirley Willse, Delimit - , English 9; audience, kept the seat in the family. Mary Calandra, Marcellus, Spanish, Jim Jiusto, gavel wielder for next English; John Tkaczow, Cobleskill, year, joined the growing ranks, soon Pictured above, h i t lit right, s e a t e d : William Engelhart, J a m e s WarSocial Studies, English; Diane M. to be followed by Hon lily, former den, I'a trie i:i Jai, Gerald Dunn, J a m e s Jiusto ami Donald Ely. Standclass President, and Joe I'urdy of Webber, North Hose, English 7. 8. dramatic fame ' a n d money manager ing', left to right; J a m e s I'urdy, Phyllis Harris, Paul Kirsrn, Mary Eado and lli'lmiilh S c b u h / c . for tin' News next y e a n . s^ss •LV- JS * W » *'%jw'.*i*i._.,'.7V! Conceit Banquet, History For Frosh Camp I o Feature ensembles, Lhoruses mm 1 Hungry? "'*«,•<* VOL. XXXIV N O . 2 7 Council's A n n u a l Spring Mathews Lists New Placements Founded 1905 Phone 4-2036 157 Central Ave. ALBANY, N. Y. Help W a n t e d : Lady with desire to work a n d help build h e r own future in newspaper business in Gulfport, Mississippi. I n v e s t m e n t of $1,000 required. Circulation, editorial, advertising, or office supervision still open. Write, wire or phone today. Gulfport Pictorial Review, Phone 396W. ALBANY. N E W YORK. Z-444 ' A T iBLEEt Kuhlkin Requests Organizations To Submit Bool<s For Auditing Beverly Kuhlkin '51, Secretary ol S t u d e n t Board of Finance has asked the Treasurers of all Student Association Organizations to turn in books by Tuesday afternoon to Dr. Cooper in 301 Draper, At last a n o t h e r woman was tapped before we got too worried; WAA I'hyl Harris and 1),VA Marty Downey took their predecessors' places. But more men were yet to come and Paul Klrsch was next. Petite Mary Made skipped up the stage, soon to be loomed over by Dutch Scliult/e iboth former C o m m o n - S l a t e r a u t h ors i. Number thirteen was not to be found thai morn, but Lois I'ITM'OU will be keeping up a family Myskania heritage. MLc And there you have it the new crew who will be forming that row on the Assembly plaUumi earl) F r i day next year, Wonde. wdiat tort of conglomerations they'll be cookln; up on Tuesday nights? iFood, that is! i Spring Concert tonight at 8:30 p.m. in Page. T h e evening's program will include numbers by t h e women's chorus, string ensemble, choralettes, men's glee club a n d t h e orchestra. New risers will be used for the first time by t h e chorus. Among t h e selections to be r e n dered by t h e chorus a r e t h e following :"It's Spring," by B o l a n d - R i n g wald; " T h e Last Song," by RogersHarris, and "A Blossom Falls," by Ravel-Gibb. T h e chorus is a combined group of sixty-five voices. String Ensemble To Perform Following their songs, will be t h e string ensemble's playing of Bolozoni's "Minuet," a n d Domenico S c a r latti's "Burlesca." Participating in the ensemble a r e Dr. Charles F . Stokes, Professor of Music, violin: Mary E. G r e n a n d e r , I n s t r u c t o r in English, violin; William G. Meyer, Instructor in Modern Languages, cello; Willard E. Skidmore, P r o fessor of Modern Languages, bass; Philip Filipi, G r a d u a t e , a n d Sophie Rugare '52. The Choralettes, a group of sixteen girls, will render four numbers. Two numbers, known to most people, "Holiday for Stjings," a n d "There Arc Such Thnigs." will be sung by t h e group. T h e men's glee club will give a series of five n u m bers, before intermission begins. T h e orchestra will conclude t h e program with three selections. Students wiil be admitted by showing their student tax tickets. State s rrogram Receives Award "State College Speaking." a semimonthly radio program, featuring discussions on current school and community problems, h a s received a stale PTA award. T h e discussion groups are made up of three State students a n d Elnora Drafahl, I n structor in English, a n d a r e broadcast Friday evenings over W P T R . Several programs have been r e corded and are being featured a l the Cornell Institute for PTA leaders. Plans are being made to r e . cord all future programs a n d send the recordings to rural PTA groups that are unable to obtain "live t a l ent." These programs have been about such topics as comic books and m e n tal health problems within t h e state. T h e next program is being broadcast tins evening. J e a n Welch, Evelyn Erdle, Sophomores, a n d R u t h Dunn '53, will d t c u s s t h e topic: "Al What Age Should Our Teenagers Begin Driving t h e Family Automobile?" Undergraduates Form Next Year s Schedules Next year's Juniors an I Soph.imores regislei n for their 1950-51 , lu.s i s lhis i . ,,t week. C u e sumuiarv Mieel an 1 two trial schedules must be completed and returned to the Registrar's Office before Wednesday, May 31, or the office will believe that the students not handing in their sheets wish to withdraw from College. Their places will be filled by traius:ei> who ) v v . applied for entrance. Register no,v for the summer session