Document 14064237

Frcel To Preside Debate Selects
A t Discussions New Members
On the basis of tryouts held last
On Publications week
Miss Elnora Drafahl, instruct(Continued from Page 1, Column 5)
8 p.m. both staffs will then attend
"First Lady" at the Playhouse.
To Choose Host College
Tomorrow at 9:30 a.m.. the business meeting of the organization
will be held. This will include the
selection of the host college for
next year and also the election of
officers for the coming year. Jean
Hotaling '50, has acted as SecretaryTreasurer of the Association for
this year.
At 10:30 a. m., Randolph Brown,
Jr., will then speak on "Producing
the Finished Yearbook," in Room
20. Under this topic he will discuss the financing, copy and identification of yearbooks. Also at this
time will be a discussion on "Organizing and Selecting the Staff of
a College Newspaper," in the Publications Office.
Will Bring Papers
The representatives from each
college are expected to bring issues
of their own college newspapers and
yearbooks and at 1 p. m. there will
be an evaluation of those submitted in the Publications Office.
Scheduled at the same time is the
panel discussion on "Financing the
College Newspaper," to be held in
Room 100.
or in English, has announced that
seventeen students have been chosen for the debate squad. Charles
Gruneisen '52 represented State in
their first debate on October 14.
from Siena, RPI, Union and State
debaters will be at RPI today at
4 p.m.
At last week's debate delegates
from Siena, RPI, Union and State
College discussed American Foreign Policy in the Far East. The
main theme of the first speaker,
Edward Wallen of Siena College
stressed education of the Chinese
and a stronger recognition of China
as a nation. Neither Charles Gruneisen of State or Klaus Eppler of
Union College considered the Communists a major threat to the Far
East. They felt the United States
should work with this group. Jesse Ivanhoe of RPI disagreed with
these two gentlemen, believing that
the solution to the problem is democratizing China.
Cast Of 'Patience' Lacks
Dragons, Lovesick Maids
Kapner Offers Plan Panek
For Special Insurance
Curtain going up! Wanted:
Dragons and Lovesick Maidens.
A group liability Insurance is now
Barbara J. Smith '50, Presiopen to the faculties of State Coldent of Music Council, announlege, Milne High School and stuces that "twenty Lovesick Maiddents who are ready to begin their
ens" are needed for the operetpractice teaching, by the Indemnity
ta "Patience" to be presented in
Company of North America through
March. The women's chorus has
Arthur R. Kapner and Lee Arononot reached the number desigwitz, insurance agents.
nated by Messieurs Gilbert and
The premium for a $100,000 pol-.
Sullivan; consequently, the deicy for athletic, laboratory, manpartment will welcome any feual training and swimming inmales who would appreciate a
structors is $4.75. The same prempart in the chorus.
ium for all other teachers may be
There is also a lack of "Draobtained for $2.38.
gons" in the male chorus. If
there are any men who would
care to keep the "Lovesick
Maidens" happy, notify the department.
The operetta group meets on
Mondays in Room 28 from 3:35
to 5:25 p.m. Tryouts for the
leading roles will begin in a
Shop Supervisors
"Kids" at the Albany Home for
Children, both boys and girls, are
anxious to learn something about
shop work, according to Susan
Panek '51, SMILES Chairman.
SMILES would appreciate it if any
students who have had shop experience and who would like to
supervise a shop class would notify
Miss Panek. The class may be
taught any night during the week.
SMILES is a voluntary organization for students who would like to
work with children at the Home.
103 Central Ave.
Delegates Return Home
As Conference Adjourns
Lape Announces
Spring Semester
Honor Students
Miss Ruth Lape, Registrar, has released the list of students who have
been named to the Dean's List for
the second semester 1948-49. In order to appear on the list, one must
maintain a B average, According to
tabulations, 111 members of the
Class of 1949, 93 of the Class of
1950, 105 of the Class of 1951, and
48 of the Class of 1952 have maintained this average.
('lass of 1949
I'lnni ('i|iri:ini, Itlrlinril r i n r k , Hcvei'ly
< '••)> loll.
Us. ICIIxulii-tli Crnss, Unnitliy Duly,
Mury H.iiiii'lsnn. (illviT Durliiifr. I'nlrli'lii Devlin, Mil rie Dli'lilnsnn. .In lie
Dnherly, (iliirln Kuril, ('liiirniiiine l''nlluii. .Inliu Fiivi'enu, Umlney
Seyiiinur I'Yi'sli. Chiirles Frail, .Insepli
Iln. (iciirjre
Freiirli. Irene tliiUiiwny. Use tiluek-
To Sign For Math Meetings
Students interested in the Mathematics Club may sign up on the
sheet on the bulletin board on the
first floor of Draper. The purpose
in signing is to state a preference
for the meeting night, according to
Ruth Marschner '50, President.
Central Variety Store
313 Central Avenue
Below Quail Street
Open Every Night Till 9
Annual Banner Hunt Postponed;
Commuters Plan
Youmans Will Crown Successor
Soc-Hop Donee
Campus Day will commence tomorrow with a football game between the Sophomores and the
Tonight In Page
freshmen. The afternoon agenda
Amid tears, farewells and
many yawns, the N.Y.S.T.C.P.A.
adjourned at Albany State last
Saturday ne'er to return until
1960. The conference followed a
well planned program, with 50
Commuters' Club will hold its anThere were speakers galore,
nual Soc-Hop dance in the Page
and the delegates had problems galore — how can you Hall gym tonight, Paul LeBrun '51, |
General Chairman, has announced.
get more money from faculty
There will be round and square
controlled finance boards, what
dancing to the music of Fred Alter
do we do when the yearbook
and his band from 8:30 to 12 p. m.
isn't "official" because there's
a picture of someone with a
Dungarees, plaid shirts, and
glass of beer? There was enterfancy socks will be the style for
tainment at the Playhouse and
the evening, frizes lor the boy and
wonderful hospitality at the
girl with the flashiest socks, the
dorm and sorority and fraterboy with the biggest feet, and the
nity houses even though quargirl with (lie smallest feet will be
ters were crowded and Albany
awarded. A door prize will also be
students slumbered in more ungiven, and the refreshments will
comfortable quarters. And savinclude cider and doughnuts.
ing the good wine until the last,
there was a banquet a la HerbThe gym will be dressed up to reerts with Miss Freel presiding
semble ti barn during autumn harat the honored table with speakvest. There will be a hayloft, corn
er Van Kleeck. It all totals an
stalks, pumpkins, and gay colored
excellent conference . . . Genestreamers throughout. Shoes must
seo, here we come in '50.
be checki d at the door and dancing will be in socks only.
Kfi'-'' 1 -^ >'VS'^
will include the men's and women's
field events, as the banner hunt
has been postponed indefinitely,
due to the disappearance of the
freshman banner.
The crowning of the Campus
Queen and the presentation of skits
by the Sophomore and freshman
classes will be the highlights of the
evening program, according to William Englehart '51, General Chairman of Campus Day.
10:00 a.m.—Sophomore - freshman football game
on age Field.
1:30 p.m.—Women's Field
Men's Field Events.
7:30 p. in.—Campus Queen Coronation.
Sophomore skit.
Freshman skit.
I oolba II Begins Events
LeBrun has announced the folWILLIAM ENGLEHART
At 10 a.m., Page Hall field will
lowing committees; Orchestra, Doris
Helen ! I :i I >< 'i- ill II II II . Hrni'e Hansen. Mar
be the setting for the opening evJacobs '52; Refreshments, Paul
trnrel lloel'iier. Mnrie Holy., Mary llin'ent of Rivalry, the gridiron meetWestfall '51; Decorations, Sally
an, Knberl llnrs'iiiiin, Auilrey .leriie.
ing between the freshman and
Tschumi '51; Publicity, Mary Ma.loAiin .leslin, Virginia Keller. Kversun
Sophomore men. Women's field
K l u l l . .1 :iin- Knii|i|i, Mary Krein, l t i l l l i
guire '52; Chaperones. Donald Cookl.ei.'i'. Heiiiiie I.ewU. Janet I^ewis. (Hive
events are scheduled to begin at
'53; Clean-up, June Zilm '53; Prizes,
I , ' I l e l i r e l l . \ . .lessle I.llilllllll, .luyee M r
1:30 p.m. and will include five evJoan Gardner '53.
Fnlliiin, Allies Melulvre. M.irv Mniiuiii,
ents: The fifty yard dash will be
Marie Markl
i. Itubert Men-ill. DureThe Soc-Hop will be informal and
run; a three legged race, a sack
thy Mlilueley, Hern lillne Murris. Samuel
Mnrrls, .leanue Mushier, (ieriihline Mill
Assembly today will feature elec- everyone is invited to attend stag
race, two women relays and an old
Inney, Mnrjnrie Miinre. Aniln Olson, tion of those sixteen most out- or with a date, according to Leclothes race complete the program.
.lime Olson. Mary O'NVII, Kninr.v lis
Brun. An admission of $.50 per perTlie class winning three of five
burn, Vii-^ini.-i (Islerwalil,
Lawrence standin • Seniors whose records will
On the agenda for today's assem- events will be awarded two rivalry
(isi rainier, 'I'helina I'.-iiinlmni. Derelhy be published in "Who's Who in Am- son will be charged. Tickets will
I"nIT, A r t h u r I'eillev. Mni'v .lane I'eris. erican Colleges and Universities." be sold at tine door and outside the bly are Lhree elections: the elec- points, and the same number of
.lime l'elers. Daniel ltiiler, Unseii, Lindley DeGarmo '50, Director of Commons all day today.
tion lor Campus Queen, the elec- points will go
_ to the
.. football victor.
lion lor Who's Who, and freshman Points To Count In Totals
Saniliel Selinllt, Surah Kthel Sclinlll, Press Bureau, is in charge of the
Niirnia Sehryver, Vvelte Seliweilnek. election. Those names to be voted
class elections. There will also be However, football points w i l l
Marearei Seani.ui. Helen Sins. Aliee on were submitted last week by
two special announcements, one count only toward total rivalry
Smith, Mnrjnrie Sinilli. Mllluril Sniitli. members of the Senior, Junior and
from Myskania and tire other from points and not toward the gaining
I l n r n l i l Sti.ry, A
i he Chair.
of tlie Campus Day Cup.
S w l n v e r , I I -1. • ll Tisehler. Nnrelle 'I'llnr- Sophomore classes.
mm. Jean 'I'ni
n, Abruliiini 'I'nip. I'erFourteen of the sixteen nominees
At the Student Council meeting,
Men's field events will follow the
sis I I . I ueker, ltnlierl T i n k e r , \ • i r n 111 i 11 chosen will be picked by the editors
last Wednesday, Campus Day was athletic contests of the women. The
Willie, Wi'inu Whitney, Irene Wilenx,
Nominations for Studciu Finance discussed. According to the rivalry three out of five points rule will
Carolyn Winiil, .Iiine Vnuinans. I'eler of the publication, and their names
nans, Olivia Yunker. .Insepli Zan will be published in the 1949-50 Board and for Student Facilities rules as found in the Freshman apply with the football punting for
(Continued on Pope //. Columns) edition this spring. The basis for Board have been completed, accord- Handbook, the Campus Day rivalry distance, passing for distance, a renominations is college activity and in., to M.uskania. Elections will be hunt can not take place, since the lay race, high jump and tug of war.
freshman banner was not in the Tlie evening events are to begin
interest. Those selected will receive held next triday in assembly.
hands of the freshman class on the with
""" "
a form lo fill out concerning the
the procession and coronation
elecactivities in which they have par- tions for 'all's representative on theMonday preceding Campus Day. /Continued on Page ;7, Column 11
However, the hunt may take place
Student Finance Board include:
The nominations lor "Who's Who" Michael Cortes;', Fred Harrington, ill a later dale, although this fact
are as follows: Jeanne Bovven, Mi- Lila Lee, Vivian Steele, ami Laura has not been definitely decided by
tlie Council members.
State College debaters will parti- chael William Dumblcton. Varga.
The Campus Chest drive, which is
cipate in tlie Hamilton College De- J o a n Farrell, Robert F r a s c a,
Student Facilities Board candi- headed bv Harold Vaughn '50, and
fa ite Tournament for Novice Speak- Bernadette Freel, Rulh Matteson dates
include: Alfred DeCeasare, tlie presidents of the four religious
ers on Saturday, according to Edwin Holliday, Benjamin Jackson, Earle Ruth Bauch,
Peter Talarico, and organizations, was also discussed
The Dramatics and Arts Council
Kurlander '51, Fresirient of Debate Jones, Audrey Koch, Christiaan Margaret Hosking,
Goldie at tlie meeting. The drive will open of State College will be host to the
Council. The debates will be on the Lievestro, William Lyons, Molly Mul- Brenner, Gerald Seniors;
Dunn, Stuart on November 14 and will extend first annual Drama Festival on Nonational
debating ligan. (Catherine Noonan, Anthony
Phylis Harris, Jeanne Hatch, Ihrough November 22. At next vember 4 and 5, according to Cathtopic of Nationalization of Indus- Prochilo, Rhnda Riber, Eurline Gates,
Thompson, L.vle Walsh, Diane S. and Joan Mitchell, Juniors; Herb- wick's assembly lhree speakers, rep- erine Noonan '50, President. Six
ert Holland, Florence (Closer, Ha .- resent in, I he World Student Sendee ? » e ; a c t P l a v s . a dinner, a tour of
Webber, Shirley Wlltse.
Hamilton College will hold three
vey Robimon, and Kenneth Woos- Fund; the Community Chest; and Malcolm Alterbury Playhouse, and
rounds of debate on Saturday for
ter, Sophomores.
ortaniiMtions which sponsor re- a luncheon are included on the agthe twenty schools entering the
From among these candidates two search in tuberculosis, heart dis- enda for the participating colleges.
tournament at Clinton. Harold
members will be chosen from the ease, cancer, and infantile paralyFriday evening at 8:30 p.m. in
Vaughn '50, and Janet Leonard '52,
Senior class, I wo from the Junior sis, will speak to Student Associa- Page Hall three of these colleges
will represent State on tlie affirmaclass, and one from tile Sophomore tion in regard to the Campus Chest will individually present one-act
tive. Thomas Godward '50, and Miss Agnes E. Putterer, Assistant class.
One of the prune duties of drive.
plays. Saturday the group will asCharles Grunelson '52, will lie theProfessor of English, has announced tlie commit
lee, tlii.s year, will be to
semble in tlie Lounge and at 10 a. m.
negative team from Slate particip- that the Advanced Dramatics class consider what
is to be done with the
will leave lor a tour of the Malating in the three rounds.
will present two one-act plays Tues- Student Union Fund.
coim Alterbury Playhouse.
Miss Elnora Drafahl, Instructor day at 8:30 p. m.. in Page Hall auThree more one-act plays will be
in English and debating coach, will ditorium.
Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Reser'Ped'
accompany the squad to act as one
Tile first play will be a tragedy
vations have been made at Keeler's
of the judges of the tourney. All under Hie din ction of Dorothy
At the request of the children at Restaurant for 7:30 p.m., and foldebaters will be feted at a dinner Mann '51. Tlie audience must imag- Page Space Contracts
Hie Albany Home. SMILES litis or- lowing tlie dinner, Professor Smith,
Saturday noon, bv the Hamilton ine the production as taking place
Pedagogue staff requests thai all ganized a girls' basketball team head of Dramatics at Alfred UniCollege Debating Club.
on a ship as there are no sets, at organizations which have not hand- which will play the girls at the versity, and Miss Jean Rosenthal,
cording to Miss Mann. Tile main ed in contracts lor page space in the Heine on Monday and Wednesday head of Theater Production Service,
Inter-Frat, Inter-Sorority Council
characters will be Joseph Crucilla 1950 Pedagogue to please do so. Sen- nights from H until 9 p.m. Anyone will be guest speakers.
'50, and Patricia Dargush, '52.
Slates Annual Christmas Ball
iors, except those whose picture who is interested should contact SuState .students will be admitted to
Walter Keller '51, will direct the was taken on the last Wednesday, san Panek '51. through student mail. all plays free with their Student
Margaret Hosking '50, and Jamet second play, a fantasy. The setting
may =go to the Hague
studio to
Miss Panek also announced that Association tickets, while other perWarden '51, Presidents of tlie Inter- will take place in old Egypt. Those check their proofs, today, Saturday Marjorie Davis and Henry Smith, sons interested in these productions
sorority and Inter-fraternity Coun- students taking lead parts are Mar- and Monday.
Sophomores, are organizing a chor- will be charged an admission,fee of
oils respectively, have announced ion Gorskie '52, Donald Ely and JoLists of Seniors will be posted next us at the Home.
$.50 per each group of plays. There
that Saturday, December 10, has seph Purdy, Juniors. Tlie commit- week on bulletin boards in lower
This Sunday another hike and will be no reserved seats.
been set as the definite date for tees are: Sets, George Kline '51; Draper and Husted. Dumblcton re- picnic have been planned and all The colleges participating in this
the annual Inter-sorority-Inter-fra- Props, Jane Cook '51; Costumes,
i „ m i i „ f n ™„i ™,„ j „ „
* n •«•
, ; • , , „ ; — -•• - - " quests that Seniors check the lists State students who are interested festival are: Union, Siena RPI
M ; PllbliCity
inln ZrZiU-T'
' l 0 s e e i f everything is as they are asked to meet at the Home at Russell Sage, Hartwick S t Rose
want it.
2:15 p.m.
and State.
Clothes Dryers - Study Lamps
Campus Day Will Feature Football, Field Events;
Queen To Hold Reign During Annual Rivalry Skits
I'lini'lrs ,IIISI.|III A i n y i i l , .Ii'im Anili'i'snn. Mm\v lliii'hi-r, Hurls' Ui'iiiler, Hi'l'tl-un \V. MliislicTir. U I I I H ' N
W i l l i . m i Itriiyili-n, U n t i l U r l i l p - r , .Jnini's
I 11. | > ii \
Mn ri In H u s h , D u n n hy H u l i l i ,
Kll'11 llnl'i' t'nrlui'l'i, .liisppll 1'lll'llKI'llll,
The conference will be concluded
by a banquet at Herbert's Restaurant. The speaker for this affair
will be Dr. Edwin Van Kleeck, Assistant Commissioner of Education
and former Editor of the News.
(iu/./.et 111,
State To Select
'Who's Who
For 1949-50
Student Voting
Forms Assembly
Agenda Today
List Candidates
For Elections
Florist & Greenhouse
State To A t t e n d
Corner of
DIAL 4-1125
Hamilton Debate
College Florist for Years
Special Attention to
Sororities and Fraternities
AD Students Direct
Sea Story, Fantasy
"Portraiture At Its Finest"
SMILES To Initiate
Basketball Program
OPEN 0:00 to 5:30 DAILY
Evenings by appointment
D&A Holds First
In Festival Series
tof)ugln ISM?, Licuri & M>u> Tu»»ao Co.
r»AOt ft
Who Is Who . .
"Who's Who" books are very numerous. Few
more apt expressions have been found than this
F r o m t h e collective m o u t h of t h e
"Who's Who." And "Who's Who in American Col- American collegiate bellows a s a leges and Universities" is an example of the use cred precept: "Become well-rounded." I n a teachers' college, t h e criof the phrase.
teria is doubly intense. I n order to
Lately, there has been question among the stu- t e a c h h i g h school s t u d e n t s "welldents concerning the validity of this publication. roundedly," it is presumed, one
Few people, it seems, have ever seen a "Who's m u s t have a t t e n d e d college "wellWho in American Colleges and Universities" book. roundedly."
does n o t occur t o t h e counselor
Niether the State Library, the Albany Public Li- of Iteducation
t h a t t h e accepted conbraries, or our own library takes the book. It is, cept of a complete college life m a y
according to one librarian, "obviously to make entirely obscure t h e experience of a
complete personal life . . . t h a t t h e
money, and of no value as a reference book."
"well-rounded" s t u d e n t is n o t n e a r It has been suggested that it is used as a ref- ly t h e "well-rounded" m a n .
ence book in businesses which hire people just out
It m i g h t be well t o investigate
of college. Due to the fact that it does not get t h e "well-rounded" idea as it is
applied t o collegiate life.
into most libraries, it doubtful how many princi- currently
Here a r e some of i t s r e q u i r m e n t s :
pals can use it to look up the names of prospective
1) You must be ACTIVE: This
is t h e core of t h e theory. You must
Nevertheless, this is no financial trap. There are be active within t h e college. Aci n this sense, m e a n s belonging
no obligations incurred by the people who are ttive,
o things a n d working for things.
nominated. In fact, they come out one paper cer- T h e things t h a t you work for a n d
tificate ahead. And apparently, in other schools, belong to must be organized, a n d
students do buy the book. Six hundred colleges m u s t have a group purpose. T h e
more things you belong to, t h e more
elect people to "Who's Who" every year, and the "well-rounded" you become. T h e
venture seems to be such good business that a greater t h e variety of your organ"Who's Who" of high schools is being planned. ized experience . . . t h e greater
your completeness.
The point is, that the book has little publicity
m u s t be SOCIABLE: This
value for the school, it is printed mainly so that m e2)a nYou
s you must be with college
the people whose names get into it will see them- people . . . people w h o a r e t h e m selves in print, and it has practically no place- selves "well - rounded," or w h o
"count." If you were alone for a
ment value.
time, you might, after all, forget
This seems a rather hollow honor for the mem- t h a t you were a t all.
bers of the Senior class who are involved.
3) You must h a v e a full SEX
Steps Ahead
Things are being done. The situation in Richardson has been notorious for the last few years.
Students and teachers, jamming the stairways,
have often had to wait four or five minutes, progressing step by step down one or two flights of
Richardson stairs. People going up have had to
push through the crowd. Increase in school enrollment brought additional crowding to the
single, turning stairway.
Campus Commission attempts, via posters, to
speed the process were not successful.
This year a Student Council committee was assigned to see what could be done. They suggested the necessity of action to Dr. Collins. The
student plan proposed was favorably received by
the faculty, and we can expect soon some experiments with the schedule (a few minutes variation of dismissal time on second and third
floors), to relieve the pressure on the stairs.
However, staggering dismissals would not help
much in an emergency. One staircase (plus access
to the peristyle roof from second floor) could be
a trap for people on the two upper floors.
At any rate, if the classrooms are to be fully
used, another exit will have to be added to the
building, and should be soon. Perhaps it could
be included in the plans for the enlargement of
Draper and other buildings.
LIFE: Explicitly, a full sex life is
essential to t h e scheme. I t m e a n s
t h a t you shall have dates o n weekends. You shall a t t e n d proms a n d
By EADE a n d S C H U L T Z E _
The Common-Stater
is given the widest latitude
author of this column, although
his viewpoints
not necessarily
"THE PLAY'S T H E T H I N G " . . .
At least as far as Margaret Webster is concerned.
T h a n x again this year to D&A for a n o t h e r opportunity to see t h e Marweb productions.
We were glad to see our new c u r t a i n s in t h e auditorium u p in time for t h e big doins'. Sort of shows
outsiders t h a t S t a t e is on t h e ball.
And . . . did you see Don Ely in J u l i u s Caesar representing SCT's troupers? Six w a l k - o n s were his a t
t h e request of M a r g a r e t herself.
GIVE . . . ENOUGH . . .
Campus Chest will be s t a r t i n g its campaigning
for this year soon, a n d t h e c o m m i t t e e really h a s
some h o t rock ideas. T h e best one we've h e a r d is
t h e possibility of having t h e classes compete for
t h e total a m o u n t contributed by individuals in the
class. T h e winning class would be given as a n award
a "class d a y " where all members of t h e class would
be excused from classes on w h a t e v e r day t h e class
votes for a n d would include such class activities as
a class breakfast, etc. Sounds good if t h e administration agrees to it.
T o C a m p u s Commission for t h e job they did on
r e a r r a n g i n g a n d labeling t h e desks in t h e Commons
a n d also t h e "You're doing fine . . . " signs in Richardson.
To C o m m u t e r s ' Club for t h e publicity on their
Soc-Hop. Every time we turn a r o u n d in lower Draper we get a "sock" in t h e face.
To t h e NEWS a n d especially Bernie Freel on t h e
success of t h e Press Conference. All delegates we
talked to went away with t h e feeling of having gained
something a n d also got a good taste of State's trademark . . . friendliness.
WHY DON'T T H E Y . . .
Schedule MAA i n t r a - m u r a l bowling on a n o t h e r day
t h a n Wednesday so more J u n i o r s can get to the
Stop complaining about t h e ratio of m e n to women
a t S t a t e According to Mr. Sabol there a r e 856 men
(including vets) to 930 women. Not too bad, we
would say.
. B y HENRY S M I T H .
Clean t h e banners hung in t h e Commons during
Last Monday afternoon a n d eve- laughs as a n y modern comedy. T o the s u m m e r so they don't sag from t h e collected dust
ning, for t h e second time, M a r g a r e t
on them.
Webster's distinguished group of forehand there was probably a good
Skakespearean actors swept into deal of negative reaction. T h e wis- IN FAULT . . .
S t a t e College. To a d d to t h e festiv- dom of some of its techniques was
Last week we mentioned t h a t rivalry pushball was
ities, Miss Webster herself p u t in questionable a n d y e t t h e ingenuity postponed because t h e medical records weren't checka n a p p e a r a n c e a n d gave t h e a u d i - of its production was indisputable. ed. T h e fault doesn't lie in t h e medical dept., though,
T h e over-all effect of t h e i m - because it's almost impossible with only one school
ence a preparatory speech.
I t is pretty generally agreed t h a t pressionistic sets w a s one of t h e doctor to check all persons p a r t i c i p a t i n g in sports.
t h e performance of Julius Caesar most brilliant p a r t s of t h e entire
furnished t h e s t u d e n t with m u c h presentation. T h e r e h a s been a lit- R.P.I. (AND YOU'LL PARDON
food for discussion a n d t h e pleas- tle speculation about t h e visible THE E X P R E S S I O N ) . . .
ure seeker with a n afternoon of changing of t h e props a n d move. . . h a s offered t h e sale of t h e famous tor ingood e n t e r t a i n m e n t . " T h e T a m i n g m e n t of t h e furniture. In " T h e famous) P u p to S t a t e College. T h i s might interest
of t h e Shrew" was even more skillsome of t h e females here especially since t h e stall'
ful a n d as full of good
hearty continuity of t h e plot was much has promised to "Change t h e quality" of t h e magmore easily m a i n t a i n e d because of azine. For ourselves we can't see selling another
this feature.
college's m a g a z i n e - entertaining as it might be.
Otie Man'I OfU+uo-n
Once again our spotlight goes to
RPI, this time to pick up t h e first
of t h e series of "Town Hall' lectures of this year. T h e s e "Town
Hall" lectures a r e sponsored by t h e
s t u d e n t s of R P I a n d present to
their audience a n u m b e r ot n a tionally
The last SMILES sponsored afternoon, when who speak on subjects of vital i n the children of the Albany Home opened their terest a n d concern to every alert
doors to State students, was not enthusiastically and intelligent individual.
T h e speaker tonight will be Mr.
attended. Just because SMILES is now included Norman
Cousins, t h e brilliant young
under the budget, let's not forget that it rests editor oi t h e " S a t u r d a y Review of
on student interest in the "Home". The most im- Literature," who is a special conportant thing for the "kids" is the attention they s u l t a n t on I n t e r n a t i o n a l Relations
to t h e American Broadcasting Comget. And, the funny thing, is that the experience pany,
widely travelled, a n d a keen
is better than six classes in Education on how to observer ol world affairs. T h e topic
manage and understand children.
of Mr. Cousins' lecture will be a
very timely discussion on "Where
Do We Stand With Russia?"
Among t h e other
speakers for t h e year Is Pulitzer
rize winner Dr. B e n j a m i n Pine, a
nationally known o u t s t a n d i n g eduBY THE CLASS OF 1 9 1 8
cational authority w h o is Education
Editor of t h e New York Times and
October 28 1949
No. 6 the a u t h o r of many books of constructive criticism on education. Dr.
VUHOCIIItl'd Colleifliite I'ri'Hs
C'nlleKlilte DIITPHI Pine will speak on " W h a t Is Wrong
The unUargraduuto nuw8pu|icr of I ho New York State Col- With Our Modern E d u c a t i o n ? " on
lege for Tout-horn; publlxhoil uvury Friday of the College
your by the N13WH lluiiril for the Student AHHOCIIIIIUD. November 18. This topic should be
1'lionen: WIIIHO, 2-DIII2; I'rwl, 2-11120; Hclnin nuil Parrel), a vital concern to all of us, both as
8-0387; HoHselll, 02-1H1S. MumbiTM of the NKWS staff may .students a n d as future teachers.
be reached Tuuudliy and Wednesday from 7 to 11 ::)ll p. in. Even if you can't find a way to a t at H 1)107.
tend these lectures, why don't you
do a bit of individual research a n d
NIIIIU.KV ivil.isi:
I'ublle Helatloio. Kclltor thinking on t h e problem? W h a t is
\ M » l t i ; \ \ ItOHNKTTI
M|inrl» Kdltor YOUR opinion on these problems?
Clri'iiliitliin Milliliter
All Town Hall lectures a r e held
AllvertlillU MuiMiger
IIIIHIIKMIH MullUtflir at 8 p . m . in t h e '87 O y m on t h e
Keiilure Kdltiir R P I campus. S t u d e n t season tickets
Kxeliiiiigo Killtur
A*»Utdllte Editor are $2 a n d a Student Season Date
( . l l i l l . l i UI'N'N
AHWOCIIIIH Kdltor ticket is $1. Take 1 eed a n d take a d MAKV KKN'/.KI
Annoidute Kdltor v a n t a g e !
Smile Awhile . . .
functions, a n d be seen, escorted, a t
college affairs.
T h e significance is t h a t , a t t h e
end of four years of eagerly conscious "well-rounding," t h e diligent
student m a y find himself fulfilling
only t h e rusty stereotype of college J o e .
But education is life experience,
and experience, t h e d e p t h a n d t h e
width of it, does n o t confine itself
to t h e J o e conception. Experience
travels in two directions: outward
to society a n d inward t o self.
T h e outward process in t h e college picture embraces other collegiates. T h e o u t w a r d of life seeks
the broader rivers of community
a n d persons. T h e o u t w a r d of Joe's
life looks toward h i s college h y m n .
T h e inward experience of t h e
"well-rounded" is inert.
has pushed aside h i s inner world.
I only contend t h a t we have too
long worshipped t h e collegiate gods
of action a n d accomplishment. Too
easily laughed a t t h e searching
process a n d t h e feeling t h a t h e who
declines t h e furor of t h e college
life need n o t be called inarticulate,
and t h a t t h e quietness of w i t h drawal m a y be a n area of g e r m i n a tion for t h e m i n d a n d t h e emotions.
If t h e s t u d e n t who h a s passed t h e
four year test of well-roundedness
can find a world t h a t will accept
him gracefully . . . h e h a s been
doubly successful. B u t if h e is to
find the meanings of life quite foreign to h i s school completeness, h e
may look with regret t o h i s school
days as heralds of emptiness a n d
GamfuU QUeit:
9t% Meaning
*fU* £*f&u*nc* 0{ GolUye
To o u r mind t h e idea of modern NICE PEOPLE D E P A R T M E N T . . .
dress did n o t spoil t h e over-all efMary Vaughn in Room 109 Draper . . . really helpfect of t h e work one bit. I t in fact ful a n d always willing to take time to help students.
stressed to u s t h e everlasting qualFor you w h o POre over t h e newspaper exchange
ity of t h e play a n d its significance
even in this twentieth century. If rack, something new h a s been added . . . a n exthis was t h e intended effect we change with Cambridge University of England.
once more bow to t h e ingenuity of AND REMEMBER . . .
Miss Webster.
Only about ten more study days left until midFinally we come to t h e actual
performances of t h e major c h a r acters. O u t s t a n d i n g to us in both
performances w a s David Lewis. His
professional ability was unquestionable. T h e c h a r a c t e r of Brutus in
the afternoon was as clear to us
as if h e were t h e r e himself recreating his deed and suffering its FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28
In t h e evening he
his versatility beyond a 8:30 p.m. C o m m u t e r s ' Club .Soc-Hop in Page Hall
doubt. As t h e servant T r a n i o he
was satisfactory a n d when h e beSATURDAY,
came a pompous snob his every
gesture was as full of fun as t h e
C a m p u s Day
entire play. In contrast to Mr. Lewis, Kendall Clark's Anthony seemed SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30
practiced a n d insincere. His very 11
a.m. S t a t e College Sunday at Emanuel Bapline voice did not compensate for
tist Church on .Slate Street
the shallow calibre of his portrayal.
picnic and hike, students meet
As t h e head-strong Petruchio he
at t h e Albany Home lor Children
was a little better. Louisa Horton
was appealing a n d fresh In both 3
p.m. Pierce Hall Open House
Her portrayal of
Brutus' wife was sincere b u t of TUESDAY, NOVEMBER I
course h e r big m o m e n t was in t h e H
p.m. Kappa Phi Kappa monthly meeting in
evening as K a t h e r i n a , t h e shrew.
Her hatefulness in t h e beginning
Dramatics plays in Page
of t h e play was a little weak but
when she was being mauled by
Petruchio a n d his servants s h e was
12 noon SCA Chapel, Marilyn Allen '51, speaker
indeed a pitiful sight.
r>AOE 9
STATE C O L L E G E N E W S . FRIDAY, O C T O B E R 2 8 , 1 0 4 0
STATE C O L L B O B N E W S . FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 8 , 1 9 4 9
All in all we take off our hats THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3
to t h e company. They did a diffi- 12 noon Mrs. Messenger will
cult job in a most skillful m a n n e r .
Room 23
Under t h e guiding h a n d of t h e
" w o n d e r - w o m a n " of t h e modern FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4
theater this fine group of talented
D r a m a Festival
people brought to S t a t e College a n
experience they will n o t soon forget.
D r a m a Festival
to IVCF in
To Vote In Assembly Today On Senior Beauty Aspirants
For Campus Queen To Reign Over Traditional Ceremonies
This article is the first of a series
l>y members of t lie Campus Chest Committee written for the purpose of proviilliiK an insiirhl Into (lie work of the
Campus Cliesl Kami. The views of the
authors do not necessarily reflect those
of the State College News.
WSSF, UNESCO, WSR. W h a t does
this alphabet soup m e a n to you?
Maybe nothing, for you have t h e
privilege of being able to be In
college without their help. B u t , if
you h a d to go to college where t h e
campus was gutted with fire a n d
where only t h e foundations were left
of many of t h e class buildings, if
you h a d no books, only scraps of
paper to take notes on, n o place to
live a n d very little food, those letters might spell out hope for you.
W S S F stands for World Student
Service F u n d , t h e branch of WSR—
World S t u d e n t Relief — established
in this country for raising money
to aid students of w a r - t o r n countries. UNESCO, t h e United Nations
Educational, Scientific a n d Cultural
Organization, enthusiastically backs
WSSF iu its efforts to restore education as the builder of t h e world's
Alter years of fighting a n d working on reconstruction, today's students a r c resuming their studies
with what few facilities they have.
Maybe they have no classrooms,
maybe they c a n only study from
meager village libraries, maybe they
have no labs or scientitic equipment to experiment with, maybe
they have to live with fifteen other
students in a small shack with little food and clothing. Yet they do
have t h e u n d a u n t e d courage to continue working u n d e r all hardships
until they get a degree. Yet a n u n believable n u m b e r of, t h e m contract T. B. from lack of food,
w a r m t h a n d rest.
With t h e funds W S S F is able to
raise on American campuses, it is
able to give some aid to these students. It sends t h e m books or helps
them mimeograph their own, it
sends them clothing, it sets up rest
camps for those who have contracted T. B., oi gives il financial aid
to the neediest.
However, they can only begin t h e
relief with their present million
dollar budget. How about it, S t a t e ?
Will you help a n o t h e r student to
continue his education? Your dollar
can mean he'll have a book to learn
from, or a pair ol' shoes to wear
to school. It's all up to us who
study under no handicaps. Will you
give to Campus Chest next m o n t h ?
T h e drive starts on November 14.
State Department
Offers Awards
The Department of Slate lias recently released a s t a t e m e n t , which
announces t h e opening of competitions lor United States Government
awards lor g r a d u a t e study, postdoctoral research, a n d opportunities
tor university a n d secondary school
teaching positions in t h e United
Kingdom, Belgium, Burma, Netherlands, Greece, France, Italy, Luxembourg. Philllppines. New Zealand,
I r a n a n d Norway, during t h e academic year 1950-51.
T h e Fulbrighl Act, t h e Public
Law 584, of t h e 79th Congress, is
making available g r a n t s to successful candidates, which will cover
maintenance, tuition, and funds for
travel lor one academic year. R e quirements lor eligibility include a
college degree to have been a c quired by the time of receiving t h e
award, American citizenship, and a
sulflcienl knowledge of t h e language of the country chosen for
residence, winch would enable a
student to complete his course of
Applications for g r a d u a t e awards
must be submitted to t h e Campus
advisor, Dr. Edward P. Shaw, ' T O fcs.sor of French, in Room 12, Richardson, before December 1. 1949.
Dr. Shaw urges interested students
to see him immediately.
H. F. H®nikel & Son
Founded 1905
Phone 4-0030
157 Central Ave.
SCA Schedules
Sunday Services,
Chapel Program
Messenger To Speak
At Noontime Meeting
S t a t e College Sunday, a t r a d i tional p a r t of Campus D a y Weekend, is scheduled for t h i s coming
Sunday by t h e SCA, according t o
J e a n n e Bowen '50, President. Among
the other activities p l a n n e d for t h e
week by t h e religious organizations
is t h e weekly SCA chapel t o be held
Wednesday noon in t h e U n i t a r i a n
Church. Mrs. Charles Messenger,
the former Baroness Leja of T o r i n off, will speak to IVCF T h u r s d a y
noon, according to Doris Price '50,
T h e special service for S t a t e College Sunday will be held a t t h e
Emmanuel Baptist C h u r c h o n S t a t e
Street a t 11 a. m. Rev. A r t h u r J e n nings, Minister of t h e c h u r c h , will
preach t h e sermon. Dr. E v a n R.
Collins, President of S t a t e College,
will read t h e scripture a n d Miss
Bowen will discuss t h e activities of
Mrs. Messenger will speak on t h e
topic "God or Gold" in Room 23,
•recording to Miss Price. At one time,
Mrs. Messenger was one of t h e richest women in Europe. S h e was i n timately acquainted with t h e d a u g h ters of t h e Czar a n d t h e Kaiser of
G e r m a n y . During World W a r I, h e r
car:tle was turned over to t h e R u s sian Red Cross. W h e n t h e revolution broke out in Russia, s h e w a s
imprisoned three times a n d finally
she escaped to this country. Some
of h e r experiences she will reveal
in h e r speech on T h u r s d a y .
Marilyn Allen '51, will speak on
Left to r i g h t : Earline Thompson, Eleanor Adams, B e r n a d c t t e Freel, Audrey Koch, R u t h M. Hollitlay.
the topic "Christianity Is ChallengThese Seniors a r e selected on t h e basis of beauty a n d t h e four n o t gaining t h e crown will a c t a s a t t e n d - ing" for t h e SCA chapel this Weda n t s to Her Royal Highness. Tomorrow n i g h t t h e r e will be a vibrant hush. T h e n t h e Queen, followed by h e r nesday. Faul Wilbur '51, will be t h e
leader and M a r t h a S p e n c e r a n d
court will enter to reign over t h e evening program. W h i c h one will 'oe crowned by past Queen J u n e Youmans? Mildred Vincent, Juniors, will sing
a duet.
QaciMif, fyootnotei
Students May Deposit Posters
On Campus Commission Desk
S t u d e n t s may leave posters to be
Edward J. Sabol, Co-ordinator of approved on t h e Campus C o m m i s Field Services, spent last week vis- sion desk in t h e Commons for a p iting schools on Long Island a n d proval by Charlotte Skolnick '51,
in Westchester County, talking.with
students, guidance counselors a n d Poster C h a i r m a n . Members of t h e
admissions, Poster Committee will put up a n d
placement and graduate follow-up. remove all posters, according to
Elmer C. Mathews, Director of Florice Kline '50, G r a n d Marshal.
Teacher Placement Bureau, a t t e n d ed t h e a n n u a l meeting of t h e New Dean Stokes Requests Notification
York S t a t e School Board AssociaS t u d e n t s a r e reminded that, a c tion in Syracuse, October 23-25.
Robert Burgess, Professor of Ll- cording to t h e catalog, n o s t u d e n t
brarianship, addressed a breakfast may change his place of residence
nietting of alumni of t h e D e p a r t - without t h e consent of the Dean of
ment in connection with t h e r e gional meeting of t h e American Li- Women. Dean Ellen Stokes asks
brary Association held October 3-5, t h a t students secure this permisin Atlantic City.
sion before t h e move is made.
Miss H. Carolyn Howard, Assistant Professor of Librarianship, served on t h e Catalog Committee for
H.M.S. Pinafore
the "Junior Reviewers Catalog of
Best Books for Children," which is
Complete on L P
being distributed by Houghton, Mifllin Company.
A bibliography by Miss Mabel E.
150 C e n t r a l Ave.
J a c k m a n , Assistant. Professor of LiOpen Evenings Until 9:00
brarianship, "Books on Minority
Groups for High Schools," was p u b lished
in t h e May, 1949, Wilson
Dr. Elizabeth Morris, Professor of
Education, attended the conference
on "Construction Forces in EducaF r a t e r n i t y Jewelers
tion" in celebration of t h e seventyBADGES,
fifth anniversary of Wellesley ColJ E W E L R Y G I F T S , FAVORS
lege, October 10-18.
C M ' l l PINS,
Clothes Dryers - Study Lamps
L. 0. Balfour Co.
Central Variety Store
1113 Central Avenue
Itelow Quail Street
Open Every Night Till 9
Day after duy at the University Store in Alliens, Georgia,
us in college shops throughout t h e c o u n t r y , you e u n
a l w a y s find
Write or Call
30 Murray Ave. Wuterford, N.Y.
Telephone Troy Adams 8-2523
CocU'Cola. For with si talents
is t h e f a v o r i t e
Ask fur it either way . . . both
U n i v e r s i t y of
Georgia students and ice-cold
mean the unite
© 1949, Tin Coca-Colo Company
State Releases Plans For New Student Dormitory
KDR Trips Suspenders
To Capture League Title
ABC Trips Varsity Quintet;
State Maintains Third Place
Architect's Drawing of Proposed
Work on t h e n e w combined dormitory a n d S t u d e n t Union will begin as soon a s t h e S t a t e acquires
title to t h e property now owned by
the S t a t e College Benevolent Association, o n which t h e building is
to be erected, according to Dr. E v an R. Collins, P r e s i d e n t of t h e College. Early this week t h e sale of
Sayles a n d Pierce Halls, was a u t h orized by t h e S u p r e m e Court of t h e
S t a t e of New York. It is expected
t h a t the final t r a n s a c t i o n will be
completed some time n e x t week.
To Show Visitors
Through Pierce
Pierce Hall will open in its e n tirety from 3 to 5 p.m. S u n d a y . Visitors will be escorted t h r o u g h three
floors, according to B a r b a r a C a r p e n t e r '51, G e n e r a l C h a i r m a n . T h e
Welcoming Committee will be composed of the dormitory officers:
P r e s i d e n t , Marjorie Hills '50; VicePresident, Miss C a r p e n t e r ; Secret a r y , A n n Brown '52; a n d T r e a s u r er, Victoria E a d e '52. Mrs. Gladys
R a n d , Social Director, will also be
a m e m b e r of t h e receiving line.
Refreshments will be served in
t h e Ingle Room, according to Ethel
M a r t i n '53, C h a i r m a n of Refreshments.
Xmas Gift Suggestions
rob qtedt&t
T h e new building, designed by
Harold O. Pullerton, Albany, who
was also t h e a r c h i t e c t fo Pierce
and Sayles Halls, will be of a style
similar to the two dormitories
which will flank it. T h e general
construction c o n t r a c t of t h e $1,300,000 project h a s been awarded to
S a n o - R u b i n of Albany.
A large s h a r e of t h e credit in the
origin of t h e S t a t e Dormitory Authority, under whose supervision
dormitories are being constructed
a t all eleven s t a t e teachers' col-
Y OU will be proud to ute
this smart, new writing paper
the same as we are proud to
offer it to you.
Your monogram will be
printed in the new, distinctive Stratford style, or, if you
prefer, your name and address will be printed on both
the sheets and envelopes.
Your choice, too, of several
different styles and sixes.
Come in and see them.
Slate College Co-op
Tel. 4-6419
leges, belongs to t h e S t a t e College
Benevolent Association, according
to D r . Collins. U n d e r t h e leadership
of Dr. J o h n M. Sayles, President
Emeritus of the College, t h e Alu m n i Association
t h a t a dormitory c a n be profitably
run by a local organization. Utilizing t h e experience gained by Dr.
Sayles a n d his associates, the S t a t e
Dormitory Authority was created
to supervise construction of housing
a t each of the state
teachers' colleges.
Not only h a s t h e a u t h o r i t y t h e
duty of construction, it h a s also
conducted a n a t i o n - w i d e check to
d e t e r m i n e t h e specific
needs for college s t u d e n t s . As a r e sult of this survey, desks a n d beds
will be specially designed, t h e beds
to have specially constructed m a t resses, a n d also two large storage
drawers built under them, Dr. Collins h a s stated.
T h e dormitory itself will be constructed as shown in t h e above
drawing, with t h e exception of the
across the Dorm
Courtesy of T h e Times Union
Field. As t h e present c o n t r a c t reads,
the walk is n o t included in t h e
plans. T h e building will b e four
stories high in t h e shape of a flattened " H , " with t h e two wings b e ing 155 feet by 40 feet, a n d t h e
middle section extending 178 feet
between them.
T h e building will
Column 11
have a capacity of 300 s t u d e n t s , iConlinu'dfromPuycl,
with all t h e rooms being built for , l l e l l i , A l ' l l l l e Z r l l H I g n M . U l l ' l l l i n l /.I'll
occupancy by two people. S t u d e n t i lass of 1950
Union offices a n d lounges will be
i ; i ! i A I I I I S I I I . I.iiwi'eiiee llneli,
located on t h e lower two floors of lllllllllel.
the middle section, with space on IliTtriT. .liinii's' llliii'kliurii, Anna Itumi,
('undid', Sarah Caruso, Shirley
t h e t h i r d floor being set aside t o .Inn
A n n . I I'l'tnlllllskl, .Irl'nlllr 1'ide
a n d Iman.
I inj-ni li.v r u n a w a y ,
lounges to provide overnight a c - I l c i i r l i ' i l a h a u l ' . M n r l c I lel'iii'lu, KMsc
commodations for c o m m u t e r s or lii'Si'Vi', All'i'iul HiCi's'ai'i'. I.i'i-iii' h e d g e ,
I.i'ila l i n z i i r r . Kcfjlna
weekend visitors.
Lape Announces
Honor Students
It is expected t h a t t h e building
will be ready for occupancy by next
Dr. Collins lias also a n n o u n c e d
t h a t t h e bids for the addition to
Draper Hall will be opened November 2, a n d if a satisfactory bid is
received, construction will start, b e fore C h r i s t m a s .
1 > 11 •• k i •• •.
l l u n i ' . i . I i i i r u i l i . v Kilsiui, .loan
Ki'iini'lli lii'iirgi'. Aih'h' IJ i • i-i i w . X u r n i M
C l n l i l i h.
I I . r l i , i-i
(Hi. il.inv.
< i li • I-1:I 1,'uiilil.
t'lvili'i'l'i'li I I M I T I I I J ; I I I I I ,
I.ids I I I , I S . M n r j u r i e M i l l s . S l u a r l
r l l . I l e l l \ l l i i i l i i u . I.vnn K u i l i . f r a u d ' s
l.i'.inai'il Kuhlenz, A u d r e y
K u e h , Clur
l . . \ n e l i . .lean \ l e \ e i l . I' 111111 • Miilal'sliy,
Krlv I I I I I M ' I
r. I l u l l i Mai'seliiiei', N o r ma Miller. Kililli Mlueli, A u s t i n M o n rue,
e.v. M a r i l i a
N a i a l l e M u r r a y . Anna Nn l u l l , Tlininux
l l ' l l r l e l i . (ienrue l l s l u i l ' l l , I ' a u l l n e Pnl
I'leli. A r t h u r
I'hllii. M a n Kiiinliill. M n r v Itega'. W a r
Uriel,. Itheilll Killer. Al'llnlll
I.' I I I . h i , r. . l e a n l i
Illlis, l ' h | | l | i
l!,,se. \\ INI
iilel'. I I n
Daily Orange Staff Seeks Fordham A/lascof Ram, Poses
As Telegram Photographer, Engages In Auto Race In Bronx
This is t h e sad tale of four Syracuse "Daily O r a n g e " staffers a n d
the F o r d h a m mascot r a m , t h a t they
set out to steal. T h e following n a r rative is in t h e words of one of the
culprits called Bill. His accomplices
were Ed, Marty, a n d Paul.
New Dormitory of S t a t e
By defeating t h e Suspenders on
Tuesday, K D R took over top honors
in the American League. Scoring
very early in t h e game on a Hausner
to Durkee pass and scoring on a n
interception by D u n n in the third
q u a r t e r K D R h a d a large enough
lead to work on as they beat back
a last minute a t t e m p t by the S u s penders to tie t h e game. T h e game
opened with t h e Suspenders kicking
off a n d after a series of downs
K D R got t h e ball deep in Suspender territory. A pass a n d they h a d
six points. H a u s n e r passed to Dunn
for the extra point a n d the score
was 7-0.
"Tlie four of us left Syracuse a t
12:30 last Wednesday a n d arrived
in M a n h a t t a n a r o u n d 7 p.m.
Wc started out for Rose
(Fordham i over in the Bronx. We
parked across from t h e c a m p u s a n d
went inside. Paul a n d Marly went
ahead, but t h e rest of us were soon
kicked out by a cop, so went back
to the car.
Paul conceived t h e idea of taking
my camera in a n d posing as a
p h o t o g r a p h e r to
get a plx of the F o r d h a m captain
and the r a m .
When Paul a n d Marly started off
with t h e camera, most of them
were game lor t h e plx. bill Marly
heard one guy t h o u g h t Paul might
be from Syracuse so Marty cleared
out before he got nabbed.
Well, Paul got a shot of about
20 guys s t a n d i n g in front of the
gym where t h e r a m was locked up.
He caught a glimpse of the rain,
but t h a t was as close as a n y of us
They kept questioning his Iden-
French Club Arranges
Daily 'Table Francaise'
T h e F r e n c h Club is initialing a
new system in t h e way of Informal
K l r m a n '63,
President, h a s a n n o u n c e d .
group will meet dally In the caletr• int from 12 to 12:30 p.m. where
they will e a t a n d converse In
French. All s t u d e n t s who a r e Interested uro invited to drop In a n d
take p a r t In this "Table Friincalse,"
according to K l r m a n .
cd to t h e m to be stolen, t h a t a n .laniee S e w . m l . SIMrlev Sliapli'n, S h l r l e v
alarm h a d been sent out. At first S h - e l - , l . e n n a l ' i l S k . i l l l l e l , , I'lal'l S l e i l
li V h I III Sleele. \ l a l ' \ S l l l i e l i , 11 III ll
we t h o u g h t it funny to think wc Sin.I
I'll I n l T l ' n p . I M l l l l e W e i , h e r .
were driving a stolen car, but when W i l l i a m W e r n e r , .luiie W l i l l e i n a i i . Ilnsethey sold they'd turn us in—OH m a n W i l K e v , S l i l r l c i W l l i s e , W a l l e r
Finally, they decided to let Paul
go. He grabbed a. taxi to within a
C l a s s o f 10.51
block of the car a n d came walking
A l l e n . Nn
As we were driving up, we spotdown. When he got opposite, he ted Ed, a n d pulled over, the cops i h m i . A l p i T i , i , , .1 I.I H a l l ls| i. I.aura
l l e r u i - r , W e r n e r Hernias, .lermiie Hern
dashed in and told me i l was driv- behind us. T h e n we learned I h a t si in. Ann l l i e i ' h Alum l l r a n s e h . Alice
ing In Ed's absence while he looked Ed had told t h e cops t h a t either we l l l ' e r l l I, . M l . I l l ' r l i l l e r 'I'll l u r e l l l ' e .
for P n u h to get going. We knew or some F o r d h a m guys h a d his ear - e i e . P a u l I ' l l ' ] . . . I,
then we couldn't get t h e r a m .
and sent the cops In search ol it. K M , H I Mush. M i r i I ' . i h i l l . P a u l C a r l '
Aiii'ra C i i l . h i n i,| , ' l a r k . i:,l V I I I . ' I ' l i l l l p
a n o t h e r car full of When they saw t h a t everything was M i l . I n M l | l , l.v , r K a l h l e e l i l l e v l i l l ,
H I : m i r - . \l n i l i e w
liniinl'rlii, A l F o r d h a m guys pulled up alongside on the level, they laughed a n d gut sii
i in I l i n n . . I . I . I I I I: I,, i
\ \ llllani Kuule
us. W e rolled u p t h e windows, lock- quite a kick out of It.
tity, a n d Paul, p r e t e n d i n g to be
i n d i g n a n t at such insolence, became
angry a n d told t h e m to call the
ed t h e doors and took off, m e at
Ed took over a t the wheel, and a
the wheel, a n d them right behind
good thing he did! We h a d no
sooner got started when a n o t h e r
Imagine me first time I hail ear was following us. We t u r n e d
driven In Now York,
and being corners a n d went the wrong way on
I didn't know anything one-way streets a n d they followed.
about one-way streets a n d the city We knew they were really offer us
traffic laws. We c u t corners on and the chase was on.
two wheels, raced
through red
We tore across the main drag in
lights, but lost t h e m when I hey
stopped to pick up some more guys. the Bronx, up a n d down narrow
side streets, In one of I hem. cars
T h e n we proceeded to search for were parked oil both sides, a n d us
Ed. Just us wc passed a busy Inter- we went speeding through, a cur
section in front of I he gate to the pulled out In front of us To avoid
campus, a police c a r pulled
up hitting them, Ed swerved to the
along side and told m e to pull over. right, a n d elipped another parked
They asked for my license a n d t h e ear, but we kept going. All this
car's registration. I h a d my license, time we must have been going
but Ed had the registration with about (id!
T h e n wc headed back lor I he
They 'old me our car was report- main drag, even going through red
lights t h e r e , almost In front of the
Myskania Releases Warnings
cops. They followed, but we finally
Fur Violation Of State Traditions lost them when we got through a
green light on a guarded corner
My.'.kaiuu h a s a n n o u n c e d
that and they h a d to stop lor the red
Patricia Rotlibuii 53 h a s received a light.
third warning a n d t h a t Marjorie
We headed for Marty's place
Blair '53 h a s been Issued a second
warning for t h e violation of S t a t e pronto, dropped Marty a n d Paul
College traditions.
Miss H a t h b u n a n d headed back for Syracuse.
T h u s ends
episode of
will a p p e a r before the assembly tocollege life I
day to apologize.
li H I K h z ili. ih K i m l i . Sin- l i a l l n . Alii'e
i ; , i ' - l i . Si ii i n l l , O i l m a n . A n d r e w l i i v e n
I I I'll-.,
In, ii.
I I . m i l . Mn r l l v I I l l e l i e r i , .liilla
II.... r
Kli/.alieili l l l e k s , lads 11,dla m l .
I-I, i
P.ii rlelii
P i /.. 11,, • 111 K , - l l \ . K
da K i l l
P " l l K II - ' l l l i m i n e K lilll'. Kl'l'll
K H...IV.' r. P a u l l . e l i l ' l l l l . I . e - l e r l,e
V III. I ' I I . , I l.e\ I . I l e l r l l
I ,1,1 i • I ll.'.',
P . n n . ili
H i l d a M i. Is. ii7.ii- M . n i M e l , - . !
I'lll I \ l I.' ' I " " •. 1 . . Ml M i l i ' l l i ' l l .
\l " ' . . r l . d u in U.iriiiri i . H u r l - \l n i ' s
I din I I P.i'i. II
..I.i 11 i'
I I - . II M.I I t 11. i i i - l i . i r n , .lean (IWells.
Pan . .In.ill
Pel I ' l l l
M Ml.. 11' I Pel, l - e | |
\ | | | \ ll.l I , I
I'lll .1
(I mi 1'itjic
it, Column
Students M a y Borrow
New Library Classics
Miss Alice M Hastings, Assistant
l i b r a r i a n , lias a n n o u n c e d thai t h e
llbiar.V has received approximately
iilieeii new classical records for the
use of tlic studenl body. T h e s e r e cordings may be borrowed overnight
during t h e week or from Friday to
Monday morning, weekends.
T h e new records include compositions by Bach. Brahms, Chopin,
Debussy, Dvorak, (lould, J o h a n n
Strauss, Richard Htrauss, Verdi a n d
biggest events on
this season will be
which is t o be held
December 9 t h .
The p a r t i c i p a n t s will come from
fifty different schools t h r o u g h o u t
the S t a t e . Each school will send two
Registration on Friday will open
the conference. O n S a t u r d a y a full
day h a s been p l a n n e d . T h e r e will
be a banquet a t Herbert's a t noon,
fcllowed by discussion groups in t h e
afternoon. Some of t h e topics for
discussion a r e : athletic finances,
playdays, competition credit, a n d
awards. S a t u r d a y n i g h t will feature
some sort of e n t e r t a i n m e n t a n d
Sunday the conference will close
with a banquet a t Herbert's.
T h e half ended with the SuspenMiss H a r r i e t Brown, a former
ders on the K D R 10 yard line after tennis champion, now director of
having marched from I heir own 15. physical education a t Skidmore, will
D u n n Scores
be the m a i n guest speaker.
In the third q u a r t e r O'Brien threw
a pass on a n e n d - a r o u n d but Dunn
intercepted and r a n for a touchdown. T h e extra point a t t e m p t was
stopped. However, the Suspenders
came back into the game when
K n u t e Owens slashed the right end
and raced t h r e e - f o u r t h s of the field
for a score. F a d i n g back to pass for
the extra point Owens once again
r a n the end for a score. With time
r u n n i n g out t h e Suspenders were
forced to take to the air, however,
with darkness closing in their accuracy wasn't good enough for the
lying score.
The delegates w h o a t t e n d t h e
conference will be housed in t h e
various dorms a n d cottages for t h e
. B y PAT M I .
T h e y h a d t o wipe t h e blood from a g a m e . A n d i n a decidedly u n g e n t h e field when It was all over. B u t t l e m a n - l i k e gesture, t h e cads of t h e
our infant soccer t e a m emerged opposition scored two goals in t h e
from Wednesday's fracas with n e w last q u a r t e r while we scored n o n e .
found experience a n d inspiration. Wait until t h e Sporting News h e a r s
Anwyay, t h e fans h a d a good time. about t h i s !
Old timers here a t S t a t e h a d t o Defense Strong
look twice when they saw t h e e n Our backfield played a n excellent
thusiasm generated by t h e t r a d i tionally ultra-staid S C T rooting (sic) g a m e , however, a n d t h e d e section. And, if t h a t weren't enough, fensive assignments were well c a r the old timers must have been floor- ried out. ABC must have scored
ed w h e n t h e most rabid ( a n d loud- during t h e time-outs.
(The score incidentally, was 3 - 1 .
est, incidentally) spectators turned
out to be a contingent of soccer Consult t h e school newspaper of
Albany Business College for more
m i n d e d FACULTY members.
Maybe t h e game wasn't h a r d a n d complete details.)
Another game for t h e team will
rough, but when the referee warned
t h e players n o t to h i t on t h e break, tentatively be scheduled for n e x t
h u n t i n g week. As soon as final details a r e
a r o u n d for the eight ounce gloves. a r r a n g e d , t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t will
And d o n ' t let Ben S a n t o r a tell you be m a d e via t h e bulletin boards.
t h a t h e got t h a t shiner because he
The s t a r t i n g lineup for S t a t e w a s :
walked Into a door.
Tom King—Right Wing.
S t a t e Scores
Dean Strickland—Inside Right.
Amicable relations between ABC
Bill Reynolds—Center.
and S t a t e disappeared faster t h a n
Bill Adams—Inside Left.
the '53 b a n n e r once the game s t a r t Ben Santora—Left Wing.
ed. T h e boys went a t it fast and
Dave Wetherby—Center Half.
furiously, and a t the end of three
Bill Taylor—Right Half.
quarters, t h e score, t h a n k s to a goal
Dave Duncombe—Left Half.
by Dave Wetherby, was tied a t 1-1.
Bob DeRue—Fullback.
If t h e game ended there, t h e peds
Paul Bullock—Fullback.
would probably have been as conArnold Dansky—Goal.
tented as the proverbial cow, but
T h e substitutes were Nunez, Cosrules, suh, demand four q u a r t e r s to tillo, Wilbur a n d Burke.
SLS And Rocks WAA Adds
Battle To 0-0 Tie Two New Sports
With only a lew games to go in
One of the
Ihe IM F'ootball season, the c h a m pion of one league is KDR a n d WAA's schedule
E E P seems to be on their way to their conference
the weekend of
the other league title.
Have t h e S t a t e girls become u n friendly? W h y a r e t h e frosh u n h a p p y h e r e a t S t a t e ? W h y have
WAA activities this- fall proved less
e n t e r t a i n i n g t h a n formerly? iFerh a p s t h e sports column Is n o t t h e
prtoper place t o m e n t i o n t h e a t t i tude of t h e upperclassmen, b u t t h e
WAA hayride h a s shown t h a t t h e
situation is serious.
Groups Formed
Usually all informal affairs such
as a hayride proved to be a n evening of fun a n d friendship. T h i s y e a r
it wasn't fun. T h e upperclassmen
stayed in their own group while t h e
frosh did t h e same. Naturally, a
few interested upperclassmen tried
to break up t h e groups, but their
efforts were wholly unsuccessful.
Why should t h e r e be two distinct
groups? I t seems to m e t h a t t h e
situation can be traced to our sorority rushing rules t h a t a r e newly
being tried this fall. I'm n o t saying
t h a t our present system is good o r
bad. However, t h e effect on t h e frosh
is definitely distressing.
Issues Made
If you stop to talk to a freshman
in t h e hall, or h a p p e n t o . m e e t h e r
a t t h e Boul for lunch, immediately
other sorority girls s t a r t talking. If
they don't make a n issue of it, you
feel t h a t they have. Because of this
insecure feeling, t h e upperclassmen
feel it is a lot safer a n d easier t o
simply ignore t h e frosh. T h e result
is t h a t t h e freshmen h a v e found
S t a t e an extremely unfriendly college, and have h a d to t u r n for
Bob R e n o Is r u n n e r - u p with 181 friends to their own classmates e n for seven games. Number
three tirely.
m a n is Ray Rapacz with 165.
Probable Solution
3 Tot.
W h a t c a n be done about i t ? A
130 145 180 455
great deal—and t h e first step can
113 172 134 419
be taken by WAA. This organizaKussillback
117 203 137 457 tion is made up of all t h e women
145 164 180 489 here a t school regardless of class or
159 151 214 525 sorority. When we a r e out on t h e
Vateitu RsO-undufx
night at the Playdium,
WAA To Hold afterWednesday
t h e first game totals h a d been
summed up and the game h a d been
tucked neatly in the local win colState Conference umn,
t h e five m e n who comprised
the Albany Business College bowling
This week WAA h a s announced
team looked like pushovers for the
that it m a y possibly be adding
S t a t e s m e n . T h e State r e p r e s e n t a two new sports to its program.
tives h a d h a m m e r e d the maples for
These sports will include water bala total of 852, bettering the lads
let, and group roller skating. I n
from lower Washington S t r e e t by
field playing hockey, volleyball, or
order to have these activities beSLS, Rocks Tie
664 835 845 2344 any other sport, we are only i n t e r a m a r g i n of 188 pins. Things looked
Wednesday saw a scoreless tie come a p e r m a n e n t p a r t of WAA,
rosy for the home team, but not for
3 Tot. ested in being friendly with our
between SLS a n d t h e Rocks. Playing enough girls must sign t h e interest
long. Before the second game h a d Walsh
168 149 147 464 t e a m m a t e s . Attempting to win class
en a wet field with a slippery ball sheets which will be posted on t h e
hardly gotten under way, ABC Rapacz
169 160 146 475 and sorority affiliations are c o m both teams found the going rough bulletin board.
bombarded the teachers with a suc- B u r t
173 129 — 302 pletely forgotten, a n d only a feelthroughout most of t h e game. S L S
There will be two very able girls cession of strikes, taking the lead
167 — 145 312 ing of sincere friendship prevails.
t h r e a t e n e d as t h e game was going who will teach t h e water ballet, so
and never relinquishing it. In fact, McDonald
175 162 190 525 This same attitude should carry
into its final minutes on a series of it would really be to any girl's a d the S t a t e s m e n , in a complete re- L a m a n n a
201 189 390 over into school. T h e r e is no reapasses by Hopkins but fell short as vantage lo take a n enthusiastic i n versal of form, dropped the next
son why the freshmen can't be just
the Rocks sparked by Gibb tight- terest in this sport. In regards to
two g a m e s by margins of 34 and 28
as good friends as upperclassmen.
ened their defensive.
roller skating, this would offer a pins respectively. T h e only bright
No m a t t e r how the upperclassmen
very good opportunity both for spot, in the second tilt was Mike
feel, It is t h e frosh who a r e sufferIntercollegiate Standings
T h e game s t a r t e d with the Rocks learning to skate a n d for those who
L a m a n n a ' s classy 201, but t h e effort Siena
0 ing this year. Such a change in life
kicking off the SLS. But SLS could already are acquainted with the
was in vain.
5 and curriculum from high schoo Is
not gain a first down and had to sport to improve their style. So,
McDonald Leads Peds
kick. On the first play Blattman girls, if you would like to see those
5 in the three upper classes tried to
passed 20 yards to McGory, however functions added fo the program,
Don McDonald continues to be ABC
9 act a little more friendly toward
I mil was the last big gain of the sign up on t h e WAA bulletin board. the iiiotl, consistent bowler on the P h a r m a c y
1 11 the frosh and stopped ignoring
quarter. T h r o u g h o u t the remainder WAV I'layilay At Sage
squad. P u l l i n g together games of Law
them, their freshman year would be
of t h e first half neither team did
much happier. WAA h a s always
Nexl week on November 5th,
Hoop Squad Drills Begin
any damage.
stood for cooperation a n d friendthere will be a WAA playday a t
Heavy losses from last year's var- ship—let's try to live up to t h a t
Russell Sage. Anyone who wishes to squad. Mike Lamanna's 201 was
Conditions liail
high In t h e singles department, his sity basketball five t h r e a t e n havoc objective.
With both t e a m s trying to score go should sign up. a n d also if they only competition being McDonald's
to this year's record. Six key m e n ,
on passes the third quarter found
190. L a m a n n a also recorded a 189 in Jock Marks, Paul Carter, Sy Fersh,
each team throwing the pigskin should mention this at the same his only other game. For t h e oppoTom O'Brien. Marv Lansky, and
around but due to bad conditions lime. Then a team will be picked sition. Bill Spellinan. who recorded
J i m Jiusto a r e not playing ball this
no long drive was started. As the from those who have signed up.
a big 606 against Pharmacy last year. Some of t h e freshmen have
The girls who wish to take riding week, was the high scorer with a
game went Into Its final quarter it
looked good In drills, and may proFor the fourth week we have
turned into strictly a passing con- lessons should sign up on the board. 525 triple a n d a 214 single. His 214
vide t h e needed substitutes; out- been running a contest to see who
lost as both teams realized thai one T h e lessons may be $1.50 or $2.00, effort m a d e the difference between
is the football expert of S t a t e (ed.
score would be enough for a vic- bill no more. Girls, when you want victory a n d defeat In the final
been Bob Tabor, Art Wegand, and note— this does not lncldue t h e
tory, T h e Rocks
came to go riding, please mail in the game.
f'ootball brains- on the News sports
through as Gibb tossed to lilatl- hcurs you a r e able to go in order
Singleton, F r a n k Haines, and Bob staff, i At first not too much interIIIIIII lor about III) yards, but Unit of preference to Lois Present t '51, Siena Holds First
On t h e basis of Wednesday's Jacoby, looking extremely good In est was shown but for the last two
was all. S L S look over a n d started so that an organized group can be
scrimmage games, show signs of weeks response h a s been excelleht.
lo click. Willi Hopkins passing to formed. T h e n ll may be possible fo m a t c h e s t h e Siena squad still holds
first place. They swept three games varsity ability.
Anyone who h a s not yet tried their
l.eVliiess and Petrule, SLS moved have another picnic.
from R P I to remain undefeated
skill at predicting football scores we
m n '10 .Minis only lo have their last Forty Victims Surprised
thus far this season. On the other Ten Veterans Return
will explain the rules. All you have
few passes baited down by the
last week the WAA hayride went
Out of a turnout of thirty men,
Hocks. Taking over with only sec- oil in a l a t h e r normal fashion until hand, t h e Law school won their only ten a r e returned from last to do is fill out t h e following couonds Icll Clibb threw n long des- il was time to go home. Forty u n - llrst g a m e of the season by taking year. T h e veterans a r e Ted Bayer, pon, with what you think will be
peration puss onh In see it llilor- a.'siiiiiing victims were walking u n - the opener from Pharmacy, but the Bob Brown, Joe Dolan, Bob Haus- the correct scores, tear out t h e cotidruggists came back to cop Hie
llon, put it in the News mailbox
i'i'pli',1 as I he game ended.
der Ihe Noriniinsklll bridge when
next pair. Next week, the S t a t e s - ner, Al K a e h n , Link Marzello, Ed outside the P.O. by 4:30 today a n d
Matthews, Mike Owens, Dave W a n T h e standings lor Ihe leagues as screams nun.; forth from petrified men will meet the Law school for der, and J i m Warden. Three men wait. T h e one who conies closest to
Ihe first time this season. T h e postthe correct scores wins a carton of
id Wednesday are
poned m a t c h between Siena a n d who didn't | lay last year, but are Chesterfields. Last week J o h n C h a heard were III! scurrying feet going
Hfalc still remains a controversial familiar faces a t t h e school, prom- gares was the lucky winner—no, h e
in various directions. T h e cause for
American League
issue. In fact, S t a t e stands alone ise to add needed strength to the was the football expert of S t a t e .
VV L T I'ls. all this dilemma was the sudden in Its desire lo roll off this m a t c h hoopsters. J i m Coles, Bill Dunn,
appearance of three ghosts. Now
an,I Malcolm Fallek arc back lo
li I) II hi w Inn great scientist could have an which was not bowled due to a misBoston College — .Villanova
bolster the team.
Hut ponders
5 1 II II) OS! lanalion for this phenomenaV u n d e r s t a n d i n g on the part of those
Involved. Siena Insists upon rolllnig
:i :i 0 ii Perhaps Miss J o h n s t o n knows!
Eleven freshmen complete the Cornell
the three games a t the completion squad. They are Jerry Blsson, Abe
2 2 I ft
ol the schedule If the three game Blattman, Lou Cifarelll, Ray Gibb, F o r d h a m
1 3 1 li
set should make a difference In t h e Ted McCarthy, Paul McOonvllle,
0 - 1 1
Votes Monday
llnal standings, but the opinion of Joe
McCornuiek, Jerry
( I I I
George Gleuday,
President of the S t a t e s m e n is that the m a t c h Dave Palmer, Joe Pasquarella, a n d Illinois
National Lean lie
MAA, announces t h e following m e n should be bowled as soon as possi- Hal Smith.
W L T I'ls. lor the off ice of frosh representative ble, thus eliminating what might
T h e schedule h a s been completISEP
3 0 o ii on MAA Council; F r a n k Fay, Ray possibly be a "pressure m a t c h " a t ed for the season, a n d Is almost t h e
3 1 0 (i Gibb, Dick Jacobson, a n d Ted Mao- t h e end of t h e bowling season. T h i s same slate we played last year, Two
is t h e present controversy.
1 3 I) 2 Cai'thy.
games were dropped, a n d the result Ohio S t a t e
1 2 0 1"
Voting will take place in the ComDon McDonald's consistent bowl- Is a nineteen game season. P o t e n Texas
I 3 0 1* mons on Monday, October 31, 11)41) ing h a s paid off in t h e Individual tially
t h e strongest
opponents, SMU
from 8:30 a . m . to 4:30 p . m . All average d e p a r t m e n t , for " M a c " is Queens, P r a t t I n s t i t u t e a n d New
"Minus one point for not showing members of MAA urn urged, a n d currently leading t h e Statesmen
Britain promise t h e roughest oppoup a t c a p t a i n s ' meeting.
eligible to vote.
with a 183 average for nine games. sition o n t h e schedule,
State College N e %
Campus Agenda Loyalty Oaffis Under Discussion;
G/'s Enroll For College
To Offer Skits, Fewer
education. The commission also
Hey, Staters, are you ready and called upon citizens to "condemn
the careless application of such
Athletic Events willing to pledge your loyalty oaths words
as 'Red' or 'Communist' to
New Queen To Reign
Over Evening Activity
(Continued from Page 1, Column 5)
of the Campus Day Queen at 7:30
p.m. in Page Hall. The new queen
will be crowned by June Youmans
'49, last year's queen.
The Sophomore class will present its skit first, after which the
class of '53 will give its presentation. Three rivalry points are gained by the group judged as winner.
, Ruth Liepmann will direct the
Sophomore skit, "The Saga of Slucie." The skit was written by Richard Buck and Donald Brooks. The
main cast includes Joyce Leavitt,
Gordon Bennett, Harvey Robinson,
Joan Bennett, and Henry Smith.
The freshman class skit, 'Death
of an Informer," is directed by Graham Zeh and Jacqueline Oothouse.
The skit was written by Graham
Zeh and the characters in the cast
include Aliki Apostolides, Franklin
Hodges, Mary MacParland, Daniel
Kelly, Louise Petfield, Nicholas
Chura and Richard Jacobson.
At the conclusion of the skits,
the queen and her court will leave
the auditorium. Dancing will follow in the Gymnasium. Here, the
judges are to announce the victorious class and Anthony Prochilo
'50, President of the Student Association, will award the Campus
Day Cup.
IGC Sched ules
to the United States when you
leave your Alma Mater behind and
step over thresholds of high
According to the New York
Times, it was cited that, at the
closed meeting of the Education
Policies Commission held two weeks
ago in Rye, New York, General
Dwight D. Eisenhower, President of
Columbia University, and Dr. James
B. Conant, head of Harvard University stated that "state laws requiring special loyalty oaths of
teachers were a menace to educational freedom."
This commission, established in
1935 by the National Education Association and composed of twenty
leading educators, declared also
that "state laws requiring special
oaths for teachers, or laying down
detailed prescriptions for the school
curriculum, or establishing uniform tests and criteria of loyalty
impair the vigor of local school
autonomy and thus do harm to an
important safeguard of freedom in
teachers and other persons having
views different from those of the
Another trend in the educational
field is that fewer G.I.'s entered
college this Fall. Now the classrooms are dominated by those fellows direct from high school graduation. However, State fared well in
the enrollment for this semester.
From a class of nearly 400, we enrolled three G.I.'s while Colgate has
eight from a class of 340, not to
mention that City College of New
York with its enrollment of 3,400
freshmen, has one G.I. We got the
lead, kids!
Editors Post Directory Lists
In Lower Hall For Corrections
Christina Sanzo and Lila Lee,
Seniors, Co-Editors of the Student
Directory, have announced that the
list of names A-K have been posted for today on the Sorority-Fraternity bulletin board in lower Draper.
Exchange Exchange Editor
In Albany-Paris Confusion
As one of the duties of Exchange Editor, Cecelia Battisti
'51, sent out letters to a number
of colleges requesting exchange
issues of their papers.
One request was for the paper
from the Sorbonne, Paris.
It was with enthusiasm that
she opened their reply; it was
scanned the numerous sheets;
and it was with incredulity that
she realized they had sent her
registration papers for enrollment!
Who was planning to study
at the Sorbonne? No one in the
PO at the moment had ever
heard of the place.
Plans to. study there have not
been included in Cecelia's crystal ball outline. However, since
she has the application blanks,
she's considering it.
Somewhere in the linguistic
confusion that must have resulted in changing the NEWS
letter f r o m
"Albanian" to
French, the Sorbonne gathered
they were receiving the Exchange Editor as an Exchange
Student, rather than Exchange
Announce Second
Term Honor Students
(Continued from Page 4, Column 5)
Audrey Rnclcnborg, Marylou Reed, Robert Reno, Leonn Rlchter, Carol Robertsun, ltftmilii KiM'klilll, Howard Rosinan,
Virginia Roth, Robert Roulier, Naomi
Seliroeder, tlclmutli Schultzo, Judith
Sei'obnlck, (llurln SIlvurHlein, Francos
Hlcldiuorn, Barbara Stein, .Tolin Stovcmson, lOugi'iie Sullivan, Mario Thurlow,
Nancy Tompkins, JjTiMlei'lck 'I'ruscott,
Nancy Wagoner, .tunics Warden, Laura
Wan-en. Norma Woallierwax, Eugene
Wclis'lcr. Niilalic Weissblum, Audrey
Wei er, David Welherliy, John Whaleli,
.loan Wliltcrnrl, IOilwni'il While. Caroline Williams, lOvolvn Wolfe, Jeanetto
Class of 1953
Kiili.v Anderson, Ivathryn Italian!,
Hurls Baxter, lOdu-ii llimleuiann Donald
Urooks, Ann Brown, Richard Buck,
Raymond (.'hamplln, Kathleen Cody,
Henry .1. Colpoys, Jacqueline Coplon,
Beverly Cowles, Maureen Davis, Muriel
DessiiMoz. Sara Dobbins, Arlenp Everson, Murjorie Karwell, Howard Oraber,
Charles (Iruneison, .loan Ilaggerty, .lane
Hall. Thomas llolman, Daniel Joy,
William Klrinnn, Gwendolyn Klabr,
Donald Lander, Kiuh Iicipmnnn, Dorothy Ijlpgur, Ileal rice Mutfce, Virginia
Manrer. Teresa Mazzllli, Helen I'allen.
Waller Terry, Joseph l'ers'lco, Helen
I'llchci', Mary 1'ryor, Anita Uaelne,
Shirley Itlpley. .lean Bugg, Marion
It in z. Blaine Sliaiupansky, Miriam
Hill II li. Kiln Stranger. Elsie Thorpe.
Men • T« lie, Kslclle Welslilatl,
.lean Welch, and Marv
McCarthy Wins
Frosh Presidency
By Close Margin
Vice-Presidency Goes
To Ketchum O n 3rd;
Elect Miller Secretary
Edward McCarthy was elected to
the Presidency of the Class of 1953
on the eighth distribution. His closest competitor was Herbert Davis,
who trailed by 21 votes. To the office of Vice-President, the freshmen elected William Ketchum, in
the third distribution. None of the
candidates for either office reached
the quota.
Eleven distributions were required
to determine the representatives to
Student Council. On this distribution, Jeanne Corigliano, Ruth Dunn,
Richard Jacobson, and Graham Zeh
were named to the Council. Only
Zeh, who was elected on the tenth
distribution, attained the quota.
Elect Alter Five Distributions
Marilyn Hiller led the vote for
Secretary through all five distributions, and won over her closest
competitor by 42 votes.
The race for Treasurer was won
in much the same manner, with
Rudolf Bode leading in all distributions. On the third, he was elected
to the office.
On the second di: ;ution, two
class officers were elected. They were
Natalie Wildman, Songleader, and
Jeanne Simon, Publicity Director.
Wildman reached the quota.
Freshmen Lead
Rivalry Scoring
In First Events
Students Elect, Area
Drama Students
Hear Speakers Q
During Assembly
The agenda for today's assembly
includes the announcement of the
results of the freshman elections,
elections to the Student Board of
Finance and to the Student Facilities Board, nominations for
Myskania and for delegates to
the Eastern States Conference,
and addresses by Dr. Evan R.
Collins and two speakers for Campus Chest.
Students are lo vote for two Seniors to the Student Board of Finance from among the following
nominees: Miciiael Cortese, Alfred
DiCaesare, Frederick Harrington,
Lila Lee, Vivian Steele, Laura Varga, and Margaret Vonada.
President Collins is scheduled to
announce the selection of members
of the Senior class to the honorary
organization, Signum Laudis.
include Mr. Hallis
Harrington, President of Albany
Community Chest, who will discuss
the Albany Community Chest, and
Mr. Philip Eggington, an Englishman who holds an executive position on WSSF, who will give a talk
on the World Student Service Fund.
At the Student Council meeting
this week, it was decided that the
funds from the Campus Chest
would be granted to the World Student Service Fund, to the Disease
Funds, which include tuberculosis,
heart disease, cancer, and infantile
paraly.-is. to the Negro Scholarship
Fund. Save tlie Children Fund, and
to the Community Chest.
'Pedagogue' Lists Hours
To View, Choose Pictures
Seniors, if you want your idea
of a glamorous picture in the
Pedagogue, make your choice of
prools at the Hague by this
weekend or the choice will be
left to another, namely the
Hague Studio. Seniors may examine their proofs any time from
9 a. m. to 8 p. m. today, or from
9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow.
Underclassmen will be able to
pick up their likenesses on the
18, 19, 21, and 22 of November
from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Orders are now being taken
outside of the Commons for
those students who want their
Pcd "strictly personal." If you
want to see John Doc (providing that's your name) in exquisite gold letters on the front cover the cost is S.50.
At the same table Graduate
students may put in their bid
for a subscription at the price
of $5.
According- to Bill Dumblcton,
Editor, the "dummy" has been
completed and this year's edition will have several novel features. All of these features are,
of course, a big secret.
p ^
Arrange Plays,
Playhouse Visit,
Drama Festival Association is presenting its first organized festival
today and tomorrow at State College, according to Catherine Noonan '50, President of the Dramatics
and Art Council.
List Agenda
The festival's agenda of events is
highlighted by a speech to be given
by Miss Jean Rosenthal, head of
the Theatre Production Service in
New York City, at a dinner tomorrow in Heeler's Restaurant at 7:30
p. m. Other events scheduled are the
presentation of two groups of three
one-act plays each, at 7:30 p.m. today and 2:30 p.m. tomorrow in Page
Hall, and a tour of the "Playhouse"
tomorrow at 10 a. m.
The reception and registration
will take place today at 2:30 p.m. in
the Lounge, according to Miss
Noonan. At 7:30 p.m. in Page Hall,
Union College will present, the first
play, "Where the Cross Is Made";
Russell Sage, the second, "Overtones"; State College, the third,
"Giant Stairs." Following the performances, there will be a discussion of the plays in the Lounge, led
by Professor C. Duryea Smith, head
of Dramatics at Alfred University.
To Tour Playhouse
At 10 a. m„ tomorrow, the members of the association will meet in
the Lounge to go downtown to tour
Malcolm Atterbury's "Playhouse,"
where they will also see a rehearsal
of "Our Town." Lunch will be eaten
at 12 noon at Farnham's.
At 2:30 p.m. in Page Hall, RPI
(Continued on Page (>, Columns)
The rivalry score as it now stands
as a result of Campus Day Activities, is seven to two in favor of the
freshmen, according to William
Lyons '5(1, Chairman of the Rivalry
The first event which was played
on Campus Day was football and
it was won by the Sophomores, giving them their total score of two.
The men's and women's athletic
events played in the afternoon were
won by the freshmen, giving them
a score of four.
The other rivalry event of the day
was the traditional skit. The SophWins In Fourth Counting:
omores presented "The Saga of
Marjory Baker led all the way to Slucie" and the freshmen gave "The
Myskania has announced the acbecome Cheerleader of the Class of Deatli of an Informer." This event
" of
"'' the
"~~ '"""'
"~~" of* "Bert
'53. She was elected in the fourth was won by the freshmen, boosting
Jablon from the. group. The suggestdistribution, winning over her near- their total score to seven, and ened names for replacement of the vaest competitor by 105 votes.
abling them to take the Campus
Music Council of New York State cancy were posted yesterday, and
Questions arising as to why peo- Day Cup. The cup was presented by College for Teachers will present a nominations will be open until
ple were elected who did not reach Anthony Prochilo '50, President of Stokes-, cterson Concert in Page Tnursday, if any member of Stutheir quota is explained by the fact Student Association, to Edward Hall Auditorium on Wednesday. No- dent Association cares to submit the
name of any person whom he
that the candidates were eliminated McCarthy '53. member of the Rival- vember IB, at 8:30 p. in,
Dr. Charles F. Stokes, Professor thinks should receive the position.
according to the lowest number of ry Banner Committee, at the dance
Accoruing to Myskania, any freshvotes until one person remained held in "age Hall Gym. The class of Music, will play two instruments,
and therefore was declared elected. of '53 is the first class to win the I lie viola in a work of Handel's and man who receives a warning he conCampus Day Cup in their freshman the violin in the Sonata in D major siders invalid should contact Audyear since the class of '49 won it in by Prokofieff. Mr. and Mrs. Stokes rey Koch '50, immediately via stu1945.
will play together in the sonata, ck nt mail or the Myskania mail box.
Debate Council has scheduled a
Lyons has announced that the Mrs. Stokes accompanying her husMyskania also announced that trl-school debate with Champlain
rivalry sing his been scheduled for band on the piano.
second warnings have been issued and RPI today, according to Edward
December 2nd during the assembly
Mr. Karl A. B. Peterson, Instruc- to Herbert Davis, Carolyn Gazulis, Kurlander '51, President of Debate
period. Oilier events which will take tor in Music, will do a group of Robert Giammatteo, Sanford Mil- Council. Debates will be on the naplace during the first semester will French art songs and a group of ler and Mary Ryan, freshmen, for tional topic: Resolved that the
Plans for this weekend have been be women's Field Hockey and Push modern soims "Blue Are Her Eyes." violation of Slate College tradi- United States should nationalize the
announced by Phi Delta and Kappa Ball, bul, as vet. they have only by Walls, included among the mod- tions.
basic non-agricultural industries.
Delta Rho.
been given tentative dates.
ern songs, lias a personal interest
At 5 p. m., RPI affirmative will
to Mr. Peterson, as he Is acquainted
Phi ])i itn will have an Alumni
debate Albany negative in Room
wilh Hie composer, and lie is using Request Students Sign ion. Champlain affirmative will deLuncheon and Ten tomorrow, acMr. Wall's original copy of I lie mucording In Margaret Hosking '50, Pettit Joins Thespians
bale RPI negative in Room 101 and
sic. "Sea Chanty" is a surprise in- Degree, Exam Lists
Albany affirmative
will oppose
.President. The luncheon will take
tended lor the audience by Mr. PetChamplain negative in Room 111.
place at 1 p.m. in Wagers, Western
erson, and will conclude the proAl. 7:30 p.m., Champlain affirmaAvenue at Quail Street. The tea
requested that all students wdio tive will debate Albany negative in
Or. Paul B. Pettit, Instructor in gram for the night.
will follow at 2:30 p.m. at the Phi
English, has laken the part of ProRoom 100, Albany affirmative will
Delta House.
lor their degree at the end of the debate RPI negative in Room 107,
fessor Williird in Thornton WildAccording to John J. Morris '50, er's play, "Our Town", which will
first semester, and students wdio and RPI affirmative will oppose the
'News' Meets Competition,President, four members of Kappa begin at the Albany Playhouse
failed lo lake their final examina- Champlain negative in Room 111,
Delta Rho Fraternity attended a Tuesday and will (dose Saturday.
tions in June because of excused abThe Albany affirmative will be
KDR Northeastern Regional Con- November II). Dr. and Mrs. Pettit
sences will please sign the lists desBelieve it or not, there are
ference lasl Saturday at the Delta are also Patrons of the Playhouse.
ignated for these purposes outside upheld by Vickie Baldino '52, and
four newspapers now on campus
Chapter at Colgate University. Repof the Registrar's office, immedi- George Christy '50, in the afteror about to lie on campus, The
Catherine Noonan '50, President
noon and Marion Gorskie '52, and
resentatives from Slate College's of Dramatics and Arts Council, lias
Husv Bee, The 1'itchfork, the
Harold Vaughn '50, in the evening.
(lamina Chapter were James Dunn, announced Unit special rate tickets
forthcoming Gremlin, and the
For those completing their cle- Thomas Godward '53, and Paul LeLawrence Fanjoy, William Isley, will be offered to students. Although
I rees, the purpose In signing this Brun '51, will defend the negative
and Oeorge Waldblllig, Juniors. tickets cannot be bought through
class newspapers are really
list is lo indicate the way In which in the afternoon, as will Robert
Morris also announced thai there D&A, tlie Council has arranged to
keeping the NEWS on its toes,
one desires his name and the de- Berkhofer and Walter Schneller
will be a KDR Banquet for mem- provide fur reserved seats at the
but the NEWS welcomes the
gree for which he Is registered to freshmen, in the evening.
bers, Sunday, to be held at the Playhoiae performances. Students
appear on Ills diploma. The other
Canton Restaurant, South Pearl may make reservations from Tueslist, Indlcaling those who missed Elect 2nd Four Percent
At present, the Sophomores
SI red. al (i p. n
iiiial examinations, will enable the
day lo Thursday al a table which
are (he most Informed students
Registrar to .'cliedule a make-up To College Honorary
will be outside of the Commons.
on campus. Why? The Busy Bee,
Student lax tickets will have to be
The names of I he newly elected
of course. It is a fact that Hie
Capital District Groups
presented al this lime,
members of Signum Laudis will be
Sophomore Class is the first
announced in assembly today by Dr.
class lo edit a class newspaper
As Twenty-Six Women N'ove
Include Movie On Navigation
Evan R. Collins. The new members
two years in a row. The Bees
The College of Si. Rose, Russell
Dr. Ellen C. Stokes. Dean of Wo- will be inducted into the society at
are really buzzing!
Sage, and Union will participate, In Plans For Math Club Meeting
men has stated thai as of Nov. a meeting on Wednesday, November
If you've read The Busy Bee—Willi Slate, in an Intercollegiate
Rmh Marschner '50, President of
1, ten girls have moved into the new HI, at 7 p. in. in Van Derzee Hall.
meeting of the Inter-Group Council 11 it' Mathematics Club, announces
dormitory at 2115 Western Avenue,
These new members comprise the
on Mondm nluht at 7:45 p.m. in thai a inciting of the club will be
which will be under I he supervision second highest four per cent In
have, since lie claims thai everyDraper ill. according lo Audrey held Tuesday at 7 15 p.m. in Room
of Jean Rector, Graduate. Dean scholastic standing of the Senior
one in school grubbed copies of
Harjman '50, Chairman. Stuart 150, Hilsted, The program is to inStokes also staled that vacancies at idass. The highest four per cent of
I he first edition before the
Goldman '51, will lend the discus- clude a movie on Celestial Naviga303 Western Avenue have been fill- the Senior class was selected last
Sophomores got a fighting
sion on 'How Can We Teach Our tion, preceded by an introductory
el by approximately sixteen girls, spring at the end of the Junior year,
Children Understandlng'1 " All Slate explanation by Joint Moimey '51.
whose head resident will be Mary according to Margaret Bet/,, Assistreason
students are urged to attend, ac- All interested students are Invited
Davis, Graduate, formerly in charge ant Professor of Chemistry and Fa
cording to Miss Hartman.
to attend.
of the Game Room ut Sayles Hall, culty Director of Signuln Laudis.
Discussion In Lounge
According to Audrey Hartman '50,
Chairman of IGC, there will be a
general discussion concerning ths
Seminar topic on Tuesday at 3:30
p.m., in the Lounge. This year's
topic was chosen by the Student
Association and everyone is urged
to attend this meeting, Miss Hartman has stated.
State To Hear
Jablon Resigns
Myskania Post
Debaters Meet
A t State Today
103 Central Ave.
Phi Delta, KDR
Schedule Events
Florist & Greenhouse
Corner of
DIAL 4-1125
College Florist for Years
Special Attention to
Sororities and Fraternities
"Portraiture At Its Finest"
To Meet With IGC
^ l
OPEN 0:00 to 5:30 DAILY
Evenings by appointment
Copyright 194';, I iiA.ur d Mvut ToiACM Co.