HUPPS PAOI • Religious Clubs List Activities ?w* STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1 9 4 8 faculty QootnoUl Eade To Preside Over Assembly Graduates To Meet Faculty A t 'Icebreaker' ty An article dealing with Renais(Continued from Page 1, Column 1) sance lyric poetry by Dr. Catherine W. Peltz, Assistant Professor of (Continued from Page 1, Column 8) fessor of Education and Mr. Fos. After having attended an Intersick, of Milne High School. Hillcl, SCA Schedule English, will appear in a forthcom- . Group Council Convention of AlSocial activities for the "Ice- bany State ....„....„ ing Issue of Modern Language l s i n f a v o r o f presenting a show to t, Teachers College in NoAnnual Chapel Service t Quarterly, a Journal published at t h e student body for the bettering breaker" will be under the direc- yember 1946, Jean Redden and Her^ of Monday noon Hillel and Student the University of Washington, Sestudent-faculty relations. tion of Morris Gerber. Other com- b e r t p r a v e r students of Oswego Christian Association will hold a ttle, Washington. Jennings formally welcomed the mlttee heads include: Publicity, g t a t e college for Teachers formed their annual Thanksgiving Chapel. Mr. Edward Sabol Co-ordinator freshman members to Student Angelina Robinson; Arangements, a council on their own campus, The Albany Diocese Newman Clubs 0 f pi'ei^ services and Public Rela- Council. Bs, also, informed them of John Frasure; Refreshments, Su- N O W after a lapse of two years, have scheduled a meeting at RPI tions, attended "College Night" at t h e d u t i e s a n c l functions of the zanne Freedman; and SCAG con- the Council is again functioning for Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. Binghamton High School, Council. test, Mary Jane Carver. auspices of the social North under tne Also slated for this weekend are November 16. While in this area, he The report of the War Memorial l All graduate students are invited studies department To bring grcata Tri-City meeting of Inter-Varsity a i s o addressed groups at Worchest- Committee was read. Members of ° l n e Party and may bring hus- e r interest in traditions of tolerChristian Fellowship, to be held at e r | schenevus, Unadtlla, Bingham- the committee are Harold Vaughn, bands, wives or friends. Tickets are a n c e a n d understanding toward all Union College, and a trip to the ton and Norwich. During this re- Anthony Frochilo, Audrey Koch, prised at thirty-five cents and two o f the racial religious and cultural International Zionist Federation of cruitment tour, he attended "Ca- and Shirley Wiltse, Juniors. The re- for sixty cents. Faculty members differences which exist in the U S America Training Farm in Averill r e e r D a y " a t proctor High School, P o r t considered the possibilities of will be admitted free of charge and I G C lias scheduled debates on raPark Sunday. Utica. ah Ink fountain, a scholarship, the may also bring husbands, wives or C\A\ a n d religious problems speech To Hold Thanksgiving Chapel . " A s o n was born to Mr. and Mrs. support of a German child through friends. es a n d fllms Th n a y e ft'j ' Monday at noon, Hillel and SCA Richard S. Hauser, Instructor In CARE, or the purchase of an organ Election of officers for the Grad ten and staged a musical show for will hold their annual Thanksgiv- Biology Sunday, November 14. for Page Hall to be used by the Club will be held after Thanksglv- the entire student body ing Chapel in the Unitarian Church student body. ing vacation. A tentative meeting The club'is hoping to'send several totla The service will be led by Catherine Juniors May Order Rings Rodney Felder '49, Secretary of fwrlo) 1m b «u >t leld -V »» the cafeteria Representatives to the state-wide o Grant '49, President of SCA, and Afkr Thanksgiving Vacation Student Board of Finance, made a 11:30 a.m. All graduate inter-Group Council meeting being Marvin Wayne '49, Hillel president. ' " " " ••—"••«•"»» »-«.—«.• budget report. He informed the students may attend held later this year. The SCA Choir will render a Juniors may order their class Council that a number of students KJe ,I 1 A c L J . Thanksgiving litany. This service rings November 30 and December 8, have not vet paid their student tax ™ !°' ^nnounces bchedule classes will resume 8:10 a.m. Monwill be open to all members of Stu- acording to Mrs. A. B. Gleason, repJames Brophy '49, Chairman o For Thanksgiving Vacation day, November 29. dent Association. resentative of the Gleason Com- the Rivalry committee, stated that Dr. Milton G. Nelson, Acting Students will not be excused from Dr. Frances Colby, Instructor of pany. These rings will be available the Rivalry Cup had not yet been President, has made an announce- any classes on the day preceding English, will open the Advent sea- for Movlng-Up Day. returned but that the Sophomore ment regarding Thanksgiving vaca- and the day following vacation, exson at the first chapel after vacaSeniors who have not yet ordered class has until December 1 to re- tion. Thanksgiving vacation will cept on the written permission of tlon, Wednesday, December 1. Mu- rings may do so at this time. turn it. begin Tuesday at 5:25 p.m. and Dr. Nelson. sical selections from the "Messiah" will accompany the service. The "Life Is Very Different" Club, for frosh only, will meet on the first Tuesday after vacation, November 30, at 7:30 p.m. in the Lounge. At this meeting, the Christmas Chapel will be planned. There will also be a speaker at this meeting. "IT'S GREAT ENTERTAI Newman To Hold Rally Sunday afternoon there will be a Newman Club Rally at RPI in the 15th Street lounge. John Brophy '49, President of Newman Club, has announced that buses will leave Newman Hall promptly at 2 p.m. The highlight of the day will be an address by Rev. John K. Daleyi Newman Chaplain of Columbia University. Also listed on the program ls a reception, a short welcome by the Most Rev. William A. Scully, DD, Coadjutor Bishop of Albany, entertainment, and refreshments. Duffy To Lecture Also scheduled for Sunday Is a lecture by Rev. Walter Duffy, OFM, Professor of Scripture at St. Anthony - on - Hudson Convent, who will use as his topic "Promise Fulfilled." This program will be held at the Playhouse at 3:30 p.m., and all members of Newman Club are invited. Helen Eaton '49, Vice-President of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, has announced that IVCF will hold a Tri-City meeting tomorrow night in the Old Chapel at Union College at 8:15 p.m. The guest speaker will be Donald R. Fullerton, lecturer and Bible teacher. All those Interested In attending should meet at Pierce Hall promptly at 7 p.m. A visit to the Intercollegiate Zionist Federation of America Training Farm In Averill Park, New York, Is scheduled by IZFA for Sunday, according to Adele Gorow, President, The farm, run on a collective basis, Is training students for living in Palestine. It was founded near Albany during the fall of 1948 by IZFA members representing several colleges. The State College group will meet at the Troy bus at the Plaza, at 9:30 a.m. Lunch will be served at thi! farm and everyone will be back by 5 p.m. Miss Qerow urges those who plan to attend to wear jeans or slacks. Miss Oerow also anouncos that there will be a mooting of IZFA on Tuesday, November 30, In the Commons, ui 7:30 p.m., to colebrnlu Partition Day A local speaker has been obtained for the evening and skits, singing, dancing, and refreshments will completo the program All Stale students arc Invited to attend. Mutic Council Slates Tryout For "Pirates O l PeniancV Music Council has .scheduled the dales for iryoui.s of solo parts lu tin- operetta "Pirates of Potiisance." Tryouls for women parts will be held Monday, November 20 at 4:3Q pin , those for the men will be held Monday, December II at 4 30 p.ui Hath tryouU will lake place In room 2H Richardson, MAKE YOUlcfc TNE ICll'LtMifc CIGARETTE MORE COLLEGE STUDENTS SMOKE CHESTERFIELDS than any other Cigarette... ' "IVflu I'J m, I HAM: & Mum I State College News Oswego State Reorganizes IGC BY LATEST NATIONAL SURVEY ALBANY. NEW YORK. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 2444 Four Fraternities . , c Richard Zeller '49, President of Inter-Fraternity Council, has released the names of students pledged to fraternities during the past week at pledge services held Monday and Wednesday evenings. Sixty-eight students pledged to fraternities. This is thirty-two less than the hundred men pledged last year by State College fraternities. KI)R Pledges Nineteen Kappa Delta Rho has pledged Alfred Dl Cesare and Wayne Gallagher, Juniors, Geraid Brophy, James Corsetti, Francis Falk, Lawrence Fanjoy, Thomas Flannery, and Eugene Petrie, Sophomores Robert Donnelly, Robert Hausner, Edward Kyle, Kenneth Orner, Edward Peene, Harvey Robinson, Kenneth Rutley, Alan Stephenson, Douglas Thorne, William Wheeler, and William Wiley, freshmen. EEP Admits Twenty-Four Pledges for Edward Eldred Potter Club are: Ernest De Lucco, Graduate, Herbert Ginsberg '50, Theodore Bayer, Donald Burt, George Lampman, Daniel Tauroney, Benjamin Worrell, John Whalen, Sophomores, Ell Ballin, Robert Bell, Walter Cole, Arnold Dansky, Frank Dl Gregarlo, Robert De Rue, Robert Eich, Daniel Joy, Charles Kohrs, Robert Lannl, Wallace Moore, Joseph Perslco, Edward Slkora, Donald Sonberg, Anthony Sterantino, ancl Thomas Yolc, freshmen. k •i A. S. C. S. VOL. XXXIII NO. lO T r I r •- n I n • I ICA Conference I o t n d boronty Kush renod The fourth annual Inter-Collegiate Conference was held at Brockport, November 19-21, with State being represented by Robert Kittredge '49, Audrey Koch and William Lyons, Juniors, and Gerald Dunn '51. The Conference was opened by the President of ICA, Dee Sterritt, of Brockport, and a welcome was extended to the delegates by the president of the college Dr. Tower. For the first time since its start, all eleven teachers' colleges were represented at the Conference. Topics discussed by the various groups included: Student Government, Assembly Programs, School Spirit, Social Activities, the New York State Teachers Association, Publicity, Publications, and Recruitment. Each group then reported its accomplishments at a general sumup meeting which was held each day. Highlights to come out of the Conference included a resolution to Dr. Francis T. Spaukling, Commissioner of Education, urging State support, of Varsity Athletics for the Teachers Colleges. The Conference also decided that each delegation should try to gain greater recognition for ICA in the individual colleges, and that a quarterly news letter would be circulated by the Brockport delegation. A committee of delegates judged several seals which were submitted by students of the various colleges, and a seal for ICA was adopted. An Invitation to Oswego for next year was accepted. On Saturday morning each college had on display banners, jewelry, and various publications. After a dinner Friday night, the delegates were guests of the Brockport Dramatics Group at Its presentation "Elizabeth the Queen," by Maxwell Anderson. Saturday evening the Conference officially ended with a banquet, at which Mr. Raye Conrad, Coordinator of Field Relations at Brockport, was the guest speaker. fourteen Join SLS Daniel Brlggs and Dona id Jalbert, Juniors, Lester Le Vlness, James Laz/.o, Edward Stearns, Sophomores, Walter Cote. Ross Federico, Wallace Hclnze, George Lcln, Robert Millie, Donald Putterman, Henry Smith, Herbert Van Glubt, and Kenneth Wade, freshmen, have pledged to Sigma Lambda Sigma. Pledged to Kappa Beta are Samuel Morris '50, Malcolm Fallck, Education Fraternity Theodore Strauss, Saul Rubcnsteln, Sophomores, Mitchell Burkowsky, Slates Talk By Linton Howard Graber, Herbert Holland, Superintendent of Schools of William Kirman, and David WanSchenectady, Mr. Harry J. Linton, der, freshmen. will address a closed meeting of the educational fraternity, Kappa Phi Kappa, Tuesday, according to Roberf Merrill,, Graduate, Mr. Union Is one of the area's leading educators and his talk will center about "The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Merit Rating A lalk im Civil Service opportun- System." This type of evaluation is ities for college seniors and gradu- used in Ihe Schenectady school al e.s will be given today by Mr. system. Carl Tinner, Head of the Education, Health, Welfare, Examination Heel Ion of the New York State Civil Sei vice Department. lly (iOIDII) IUU.NM.K The discussion Is being sponClul ii gown? Col a gal? Tell you sored by Orud Club, and will be who I you're gonna do. You're headheld in Room 20 at 11 a.m. Any In' for a formal. Yup, a real, honest, Junior or Senior who does not have golly all llshliooks, formal. Mean to an assembly seal IS invited to at- say you ain't, heard? Mean to say you 'don't know thai It's just one, tend. little ol' week away? Mean to say All college students interested in you ain't beared thai half of all obtaining Jobs In technical and pro- those ilckeis are sold? Mean lo say fessional llelds will be given an ex- you've already bought one? Mean amination early next year. The lo say you're goln'? Well. Fry ma students must have been residents hldel' ol New York .Stale for nl least one The above monologue, written year, and inusl be graduated by Willi all due respects to Al Capp, Is June HMD. This examination will lu reference to Ihe coining Christeliminate the experience quullilcu- inas lornial. Formal, did we say? llou.N and reiiulreiuenls for secur- Why, you've heard of ".swing find IIIII a job, thereby providing a bet- Sway wllh Sammy Kaye?" This will ter opportunity | l "' college gradu- be "Mil the Boot with Freddy ales wllh no previous experience. Clute." The decoration plans have been Mr Tremer will speak with any Inleresled students about thin ex- rolling along full steam and Diveramination and the opportunity of son Klun 'ID, chairman, promises college students In New York State thai Ihe Aurunln Club will be decked out lo the "nth" degree. (You Uoverumenf. Tremer To Speak O n Civil Service 194B FOB LMjhe4r CA°I'eg! Formal Dinners, Buffet Suppers Conduct Services, Students Attend Pledge 68 Men Admit Larger Number To KDR, Potter Club; SLS, KB, Select 30 3, SIGN Houses Present Varied Themes Signum Laudis, Film To Highlight Schedule Ceremonies For Tuesday Evening Assembly Today The Signum Laudis presentation, a movie, and the announcement concerning the Myskania Christmas Party will highlight this morning's assembly. The report on the interCollegiate Association Conference held at Brockport, November 19 through 21 was given in the Student Council meeting Wednesday night. On the program first today is the presentation of Signum Laudis which will be made by Dr. Edith Wallace, Assistant Professor of Latin. Next, a film will be shown by Dr. Floyd E. Hendrickson, Assistant Professor of Education. Myskania will announce its plans for a Christmas Party, and general announcements will follow. Pearl Pless '49, Grand Marshall has stated that students may use the back doors in leaving assembly, In order to alleviate congestion. Robert Kittredge '49, William Lyons and Audrey Koch, Juniors, ancl Gerald Dunn '51, reported in the Stud: nt. Council meeting on the discussions in which they took part at the I.C.A. conference. They discussed recruitment, school spirit, student tnx, the New York State Teachers' Association, and general problems arising in flic various teachers' colleges. Mis.-, Koch was elected .secretary of the I.C.A. at this conference. Students May Obtain 1 9 4 8 - 4 9 Directories The new pocket-sized State College Directory is now available to all students, according- to Francis Flanagan and Dorothy Parr, Seniors, Co- Ed i I ill's. If may be obtained at a desk in lower Draper upon presentation of the student tax ticket. On Monday, the remaining copies will be sold for fifteen cents. From among eleven entries submitted In the Cover Contest, the design of Beverly Hllber '50, was chosen. Judges of the contest include Dr. Catherine W. Peltz, Assistant Professor of English. Dr. J. Wesley ChildiTs, Professor of Spanish, Mr. Paul H. Petit, Instructor In English. Patricia Kirwin '52, Royann Halm '51, Ann Huno '50, and Hie Co-Editors. The contest was conducted through Miss Hutchlns and the Ail Department. HELEN COOK President, Intersorority Council Request Students To Donate Gifts The annual Christmas party at the Albany Home for Children, which is sponsored by Myskania and SMILES, has been scheduled for Thursday, December 17, according to Cathrlne Donnelly '49, .-resident of Myskania. The parly, which will feature Santa Clans, a Christmas tree, gifts, food and entertainment, will be held from 4:30 until 7 p. m. for children 3-6 years of age and at 7 p. in, lor boys and girls 7-17 years of age. There will be a collection in assembly Friday for the defraying of expenses of the party. Students will bo able to donate presents for the party from Monday until Wednesday, December 15, Boxes decorated with class colors will be placed in lower Draper for this purpose. Freshmen are requested to purchase gifts for children 3-G years of age; Sophomores, for children 7-1) years; Juniors, for children 10-13 years; and Seniors, for boys and girls 14-17 years of age. Student* are requested to wrap presents in gift wrapping and label with a secure tag with the age and sex of the child for which the gift has been purchased. Students, interested in providing entertainment, should contact Jean Pulver or Donald Langsley, Seniors. // Buffet Suppers and Formal Dinners will culminate sorority rushing this weekend, according to Helen Cook '49, President of the InterSorority Council. Miss Cook has released information regarding the issuance of bids to sororities and the termination of the silent period. Freshmen to Attend Buffet Suppers Buffet Suppers will be held at the respective sorority houses tonight from 6 until 9 p.m. The themes as follows are: Kappa Delta, Kappa Delta Nursery; Psi Gamma, South Seas; Chi Sigma Theta, Roman Hotel; Gamma Kappa Phi, Aquarium; Beta Zeta, Club 680; and Phi Delta, Cafe. Invited rushees will attend Formal Dinners tomorrow from 7 until 11:30 p.m. For its theme Kappa Delta will present Winterland; Psi Gamma, Fairy Tales; Chi Sigma Theta, Mardl Gras; Alpha Epsilon Phi Symphony; Gamma Kappa Phi, Gay Nineties; Beta Zeta, Heaven; and Phi Delta, Night Club. Sororities to Submit Bids Monday Each sorority will send a complete list of bids to the Office of the Dean of Women by 9 a.m. Monday, according to Miss Cook. Monday, rushees will receive preference blanks in the Student Mall. Rushees will mark these and return them to the Office of the Dean of Women by 5 p.m. At this time sorority presidents may obtain lists of rushees who have chosen their sororities. Miss Cook wishes to stress that great care and discrimination be used by students In checking their preferences. If a rushee does not receive a bid from her first preference, but does receive one from her second, she will be obligated to join (Continued on Page 6, Column 5) A D To Present Comedy, Drama Advanced Dramatics will present two plays, a comedy and a drama, Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in Page Hall, directed by Joan Farrell and Rhoda Rlber, Juniors. Miss Farrell's play Is a comedy of situations in which the husband and a sister become Ihe victims of a wife who believes In psychoanalysis. Miss Rlber states that her play is a social drama which lakes place during the war years. II makes a play on military pomp and dignity. The cast for Miss Farrell's play will be Jean Valuchovic '49, and Richard Clemens and Beverly Huber, Juniors. The committees Will Include: Costumes, Daniel Rider '49; Sets, Joan French '50; Makeup, Marie Jones '50; Publicity, George Christy '511; Lights, Catherine Noo- Forma/ To Change "Swing And Sway With Sammy Kaye To "Lift The Boot With Freddy Clute" As Plans Progress know, the one thai comes after the mill and before Ihe oth, This Is known as hilling the happy medium, i The new, HOLD look will be leal tired, lie says, with Ihe theme centering about a combination of Christmas and winter. •should I here be any doubt In the mind of any member of Student Association us lo Ihe desirability of attending the n II air, the follow Inn points are listed lo clear away any such mental reservations. 1. Seniors, (his Is the last Christmas formal thai you can attend, Possibly, never again will you have Ihe opportunity lo see your fellow instil ul Ion members, decked out in all their llnery, with orchids blooming like dandelions, tWell, they'll be wearing llowers.i '.! Juniors, this is practical experience for Junior Prom, come February. Here you may learn the line art of sliln-klcklng, Ihe elaborate skill ol elbow-bumping and you might, even gel, to dance! 3. Sophomores, want to go to a party- a real, honest-lo-goodness, approved dunce? This Is your chance to enjoy the eleganl atmosphere of the Aurania Club and not have lo be bothered with such distractions us, "Where's the cup?" 4. Freshmen, this Is your first, big, college dance with all the trimmings. Want lo Impress your friends, back In llowling-on-the green?? You want lo go to Ihe Christmas formal, Enumeration of the oilier advantages, for all classes, would Illelude dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., bids priced at three dollars and a swell lime. The date's been set for Friday and Ihe place is the Aurania Club. All State College students are Invited to attend, so Come one, come all, No doubt at all, For nil evening of fun, IT'S the Christinas Hall! liaii '50. Miss Klber's cast will Include Ellen Fay, Joseph Keol'e, and Donald Langsley, Seniors; Robert Frusca, William Duinbleton. Anthony Proclulo, Richard Clemens, David Cilenday. Phyllis Witt Penn, Earle Jones and Eurllne Thompson, Junnlor.s; Waller Keller, Joseph Purdy, George Kline, Sophomores; and, Roborl Donnelly, Roslyn Lacks, and Edward Kyle, freshmen. Hi charge of committees will be Joseph Cruclllu 'SO, Costumes; Marjorle Lyons Til), Props; Jean Valaehovic '41), Lights; George Christy '50, House; Joan French '50, and Crueilla, Makeup; and, Catherine Noonan '50, Sets. «ww—nww""1 "*»»• mtm MMMMNHli r Mot 1 STATE COLLKOE N E W S , Where Is It? FRIDAY. DECEMBER At 'Ik* GmWUHidl 3, 1948 S T A T E C O L L E G E N E W S . FRIDAY, GammanStateb By BILL LYONS About a year ago the legislature of New York appropriated money for new dormitories at teachThe Common-Stater is (liven the ividest latitude as .By JOHN JENNINGS. ers' colleges. This was done partly to alleviate author of this column, although his viewpoints do Guest Columnist not necessarily reflect those of the STATH COLLEGE the crowded conditions of post war enrollment, but W i t h Caution! Look I n d e r s t a n d t h e full m e a n i n g of R i v a l - N E W S . more specifically, to correct the long-standing neg- AllApproach Directions! Proceed W i t h C a r e ! ry a n d its effects upon individual lect of dormitory facilities for state colleges, Since T h e Life Y o u Save M a y B e Your associations. T h e Juniors a r e b e When I told someone t h e other d a y t h a t I w a s that time, little or nothing has been heard from Own! T h e s e a r e t h e signs, familiar ginning t o feel, a n d rightly so, their going to write this column, they c o m p a r e d t h e event to those w h o travel t h e nation's importance t o t h e general scheme to Thanksgiving . . . something a b o u t t h e turkey the state. highways, t h a t w a r n of t h e i m p e n d - of things. Speaking as a Senior, I not being t h e only thing t h a t was stuffed. Here I go In the meantime, Albany, as well as ten other ing dangers wherever o n e flow of feel t h a t a very i m p o r t a n t t r a n s - anyway, a n d like my predecessors, I invite all comteachers' colleges have had to struggle with greatly traffic crosses another. Their value formation h a s taken place i n our ments, criticisms a n d news from t h e column's readers. increased enrollment. Every possible resource has lies in t h e fact t h a t they call t o ranks. The delegates to t h e Inter-Collegiate Association been called upon, with students being placed in mind t h e necessity for individuals After almost four years of study Conference have turned in their report t o S t u d e n t to manifest a n active interest i n a n d contact with a world of new Council but t h e overall impression of t h a t report is private homes, locker rooms and barracks. We their own a n d other's welfare, ideas a n d personalities, i t is right worth mentioning. T h a t is, when compared t o t h e are not alone in this problem, and probably have As s t u d e n t s , we a r e literally a t t o expect this group t o give evi- other colleges, Albany c a n be proud of its position. less to contend with than the majority of private t h e crossroads of one semester's a c - dence of m a t u r i t y In j u d g m e n t s Regardless of t h e gripers a n d d e t r a c t o r s in our stutivlty o n c a m p u s . T h e warnings, r e - a n d behavior. Of all t h e four groups dent body, we m a k e a pretty fine showing as regards colleges. Disregarding the swollen post-war enrollment, garding o u r social a n d academic I think t h a t their making adjust- student government, academic s t a n d a r d s , curriculum, h a v e been given, a n d n o w ments to new situations, a n d clari- and just plain know-how of organization. Students however, you will find that the dorm facilities of pursults is t h e time t o consider seriously fying their specific roles in s t u d e n t from some of t h e other schools c a n ' t imagine a stuthe teachers' colleges of New York State have too our collegiate futures. T h i s period activities is most difficult, for their dent organization without faculty intervention. And long been neglected. It' comparisons are needed, m a r k s t h e e n d of t h e initial a d - extended experiences h a v e m a d e we may kid about our Dooleys a n d Langsleys with take a look at Pennsylvania's colleges and then j u s t m e n t s t h a t freshmen have h a d t h e m highly critical of all group their "Article 5, section 6 r e a d i n g s " a t o u r business to m a k e t o a new, a n d i n some proceedings. This is n o t in itself a meetings b u t when you see a meeting t h a t doesn't look at Cortland or New Paltz. What help Albany cases, a n o t so wonderful set of e x - disastrous condition, b u t o n e to be conform to a n y set procedure, you c a n appreciate has received with living quarters has come mainly periences. T h e y a r e often subjected desired, if other values a r e n o t for- efficiency. Sure we have our faults, but looking back to a great deal of personal tragedy gotten. T h e presence of some sort we can see progress a n d we'll m a k e more as time from the alumni. No, the problem of dormitory space is not a post- t h a t goes unnoticed i n o u r larger of i r r i t a n t always makes for better goes by. T h e next time t h a t you hear someone gripcircles, yet if they c a n w i t h - administration, a n d this acts a s a ing, ask yourself how much t h a t person h a s done war problem, but one that has existed and shows school s t a n d t h e pressure of these events constant reminder of our own limit- to better things here a t S t a t e . You'll be surprised every indication of growing considerably. Enroll- t h e changes i n their outlook better ations a n d t h e need for cooperative at the conclusions. ment in this year's freshman class far exceeds that fit t h e m for their status a s adults, s t u d e n t action. One of our weak spots is our S t u d e n t - F a c u l t y reof either the Sophomore, Junior or Senior classes, Sophomores a r e beginning t o u n - I n a n o t h e r respect we have lations . . . they're on a book-basis with little social reached t h e crossroads In relations activity. containing the so-called war students. But while Now a suggestion for their betterment with members of t h e faculty. O n all comes from the faculty itself. They have .suggested the state cuts through red tape and waits for prices levels we have evaluated t h e merits a faculty talent, show a n d from t h e reports there to go down, the immediate needs of "tomorrow's teaching procedures, a n d seems to be a good deal of talenl among t h e m . Such •Q-mmuMca tiottd. ofin certain turn, our own class responses a show will have a second contribution. Any profits teachers" are going sadly untended. As one graduh a v e been carefully catalogued. O u r derived will be donated t o Hie W a r Memorial that ate of State has so aptly put it, "You can't live in To t h e Editor: success or failure in college is largeNow I believe it is good time t o ly determined by t h e effectiveness the student body decides on. Nothing definite yet, blueprints." but it sounds like a fine idea. ask where t h e fraternities a n d s o The state's cry for more teachers has been of these personal contacts. rorities on this c a m p u s a r e going, if Hot Rock I d e a : Why not put blocks under the It is imperative t h a t we preserve answered with the increased enrollment of this they a r e going a n y place a t all. "shorty" lockers in t h e men's locker room. They year's freshman classes . . . and the need for new T r e m e n d o u s c h a n g e s a r e occurring our own personal integrity; how- would be appreciated by t h e members of t h e Back ever, this should n o t be done a t dorms has been forcibly demonstrated. Unless or a r e about to occur all about u s . t h e expense of others. T h e way to Benders Brotherhood who occupy those lockers. the state takes some action on the new dorms, W i t h o u t going a n y farther t h a n t h e u n d e r a t u n d i n g ' is" broad a n d is "beset There was a movement among sororities and fraternities lo move t h e pledging period into t h e sechowever, the need will cease to exist. You can't see ^ ™ these " i f 8 - £changes. ! . J i S ! S C a m P U S W G CEU1 w i U l m n n > ' P h > ' s i c a l a l l d spiritual ond semester. I t s supporters fell that such a change train teachers on the sidewalks. obstacles. We m a y n o t agree on t h e State College is rapidly e x p a n d would eliminate much of t h e confusion among the ing. We should be proud of t h a t methods or principles of living, b u t prospective pledgees and would also give t h e organifact, b u t more i m p o r t a n t we should there is n o t h i n g in t h e field of h u - zations a better opportunity to judge t h e freshman. be making plans to enlarge, expand m a n relations t h a t should prevent, What happened to it a n d what a r e t h e a r g u m e n t s a n d modify o u r social activities, a s our walking together in peace. against such a move? I n a n a t t e m p t t o c o o r d i n a t e t h e social service they revolve a r o u n d fraternity a n d a c t i v i t i e s of S t a t e a n d e l i m i n a t e d u p l i c a t i o n . Five sorority life, t o keep u p with t h e it possible for every m a n a n d wo- The cafeteria plan that flopped m o t enough subscribers i and h a s been resurrected sounded like a m a n s t u d e n t lo make his or h e r o r g a n i z a t i o n s on c a m p u s , S C A , Hillel, N e w m a n , college growth. good one. O n e of the reasons given fur its failure This growth c a n mean several choice after sane deliberation. T h e TGC a n d S M I L E S h a v e c o m b i n e d their efforts in was that some students did not want, to "tie t h e m things to t h e fraternities a n d s o - exuberance a n d vitality exhibited a n " A l l S t a t e C o m m u n i t y S e r v i c e . " In c o o r d i n a t selves up for Institution food." That m a y be, but rarities. They c a n profit by i t a n d during t h e pledge period m u s t n o t ing their a c t i v i t i e s they a r e a t t e m p t i n g to e n l a r g e grow with it o r they c a n be left die during four years of m e m b e r - there is also an adverse feeling toward t h e cafeteria brought, on by its prices a n d by Hie a m o u n t s and t h e scope of their work. behind to die by strangulation a t ship because of a n u n f o r t u n a t e quality of its food. W h e t h e r this a t t i t u d e is founded their own h a n d s . As t h e s t u d e n t choice m a d e in t h e first .semester T n i s n e w Service o r g a n i z a t i o n will work with or not. possibly more knowledge as to how the sugbody gets larger t h e responsibility scramble. gested plan will be set up would ease many minds C l i n t o n S q u a r e S e t t l e m e n t H o u s e , Booker T . of the social life among t h e s t u - T h e potential pledges must be and bring in more customers. W a s h i n g t o n C e n t e r , A l b a n y H o m e for C h i l d r e n , dents Is going to fall more a n d more given more time. Pledging during Buy 'em. wrap 'em, and drop 'em. We're speaking t h e Y M . C . A . a n d city h o s p i t a l s . H e r e is ato these organizations. A large s t u - t h e second semester a t t h e earliest c h a n c e t o work with u n d e r p r i v i l e g e d children dent body makes it almost impos- will help alleviate this problem. T h e ol Hie gifts for t h e kids a t Hie Albany Home. On sible to m a i n t a i n enough all-col- fraternities a n d sororities must Monday, boxes will be put in lower Draper tor refor t h e c o m m n u i t y . . . a c h a n c e t o o b t a i n lege social functions to satisfy t h e modify their pledge procedures to ceiving these gifts bill that's not all for you to do. e x p e r i e n c e , a n d t o t r a n s l a t e t h e o r y into a c t i o n . whole body during the course of a have them correlate more with t h e Make plans to a t t e n d t h e C h r i s t m a s party at. Hie A\side from this, it p a y s off in b e t t e r r e l a t i o n s with year. attitudes that t h e pledges bring in- Home on T h u r s d a y . December Hi. Any inconvenience P r a t e r n i t i e s a n d sororities c a n to t h e organization. I t is not fail- t h a t you may have will be amply rewarded by the t h e city. happiness that you can give lo some youngster. E a c h of t h e five o r g a n i z a t i o n s involved is open- look forward lo yet a n o t h e r alter- to expect t h e pledges of 1948 to native c o m m e n s u r a t e with t h e col- abide by t h e traditional procedure ing a d r i v e this week to recruit w o r k e r s . You c a n lege expansion. W h e n t h e college of 1940 merely because such a p r o sign with t h e m . T h e people of A l b a n y need your completes its plans for dormitory cedure is traditional, and academic expansion, which a r e Getting a college education is help. D o n ' t let t h e m d o w n . well in t h e blue print stage now, serious business t o today's college there is t h e possibility t h a t we population. Fraternities a n d sororl- I'KIDAY, lil'XTOMHEK :) wlll find our college life restricted ties must be prepared to alleviate STATE COLLEGE NEWS to t h e exclusive use of these facll- t h e resultant pressure for brief per- 3:30-4:30 p.m. IVCF Bible Class. Room ISO. Mrs. Travel' will speak. Fstablished May 1916 itles. At t h a t time t h e fraternities iod.s but on n level paralleling the Sorority Buffet Suppers. and sororities on this campus are degree of maturity shown by the(i-9 p.m. By the Class of 1918 7:110 p.Ill Religious service al Congregation going to be forced to justify their college population. Ohav Holem at 4-11 Washington Ave continued existence by being able Wo can advance in yet a n o t h e r RATING—ALL-AMERICAN sponsored by Hillel to present a strong, healthy, m a - realm a n d one with more f a r December 3, 1948 No. 10 Vol. X X X I I I lure a n d progressive attitude reaching consequences Hum wluil I Momber liiiirlinitnr toward college life a n d post-college have discussed up to this point, SA'ri'KDAY, m:< I : M W ; K i AsHoelntial Colloglnto 1'rens fiillcirlute I HITCH! life. We must bear in mind thai for Fraternities and sororities on this l l ; 3 l l | i l i i . IVCF Annual Banquet at Howard Thi! undorurndunto iii'Wnpii|ii'r of the New Yuri; Stale CutJohnson's lego fur Toneliura; |>IIII1IKIII<II even l-'phliij of da- i-allegc us t h e latter means the leaching campus must offer lo each member something that will aid in making 7-11 p i n . your by the NKWN lloiird for t In- Ktinleiil Assncliiiloii profession. Sorority Formal Dinners. IMioncn: I'ulvcr, Spencer, ami I'III'IOIIH. Utll'J'l: I.itnilnu, t h e actual physical him a better teacher. Their exist- Sl'NDAY, l)K( UMBKH 5 Troy, 27ISW; Wallc unil .Icnie. sirjHT Members of iln- Beyond Hewn muff may lie roncheil Tni'iuliiy unci Wecliiexiluy from growth of t h e college, however, enee is not justified, and further, Luther C l u b ' s C h r i s t m a s Parly i.i'l'ruy 7 lo 11:30 P. M. lit 8-IM07. there a r e oilier changes occurring, their existence is intolerable if they 3:30 p i n . T h e complexion of I lie .student body either actively or passively pcrpet- ll p in KDW banquet lor members a n d has undergone a change, a n d if we uale In us any altitudes that a r e The News Board pledges al ('anion Ueslaurani on S JEAN PULVER EDITOR I N C H I E C can judge by t h e present national contradictory to a healthy educaPearl SI ELSIE LANDAU . . P U B L I C R E L A T I O N S EOITOR trends t h e change will persist for tioiuil philosophy, MONDAY, l ) l ( I M l J l l i (I JEAN SPENCER M A N A G I N G EDITOR siime I line to come. T h e recent war All ol us, regardless of our p a r R O B E R T V A N DAM SPORTS EDITOR and present draft h a s m e a n t and tlcular field of teaching a r e faced II p in Area College !( 10 inecl un: "How ('an VIRGINIA WAITE C I R C U L A T I O N MANAGER will mean t h a t more and more of Willi the responsibility of fostering We Teach (tin ('hildren UnderstandMARION FURLONG ADVERTISING the men s t u d e n t s will be entering in our students for the sake of a ing." AUDREY JERUE ADVERTISING S t a t e at a later age bringing with better way of life [or all, a healthy n I : S D A Y , i t i ( i M i n i; 7 lulcrG L O R I A DONATO BUSINESS them a "world experience" above altitude of understanding, RODNEY FELDER BUSINESS and beyond that which is gathered ance and yes, love for all men 3:30 p i n SOA's "gel together" 111 Lounge When Hie fraternities a n d sorori- 3:30 p i n ROSEMARY STODDARD EXCHANGE EDITOR fiom high school life. Commerce ('lob ineeiuu1. Room 301 RUTH COOKINGHAM . . ASSOCIATE EDITOR What is 11 t h a t Hie fraternities ties on this campus erect their reBERNADETTE FREEL ASSOCIATE EDITOR am! sororities c a n do in this year <|Ulremeuts for membership along H I : I ) M : S I » . \ Y , l ) l ( i.VHHIt K SHIRLEY WILTSE . . . . ASSOCIATE EDITOR 411-41) to aid a n d strengthen their lines ul religion or race, they a r e Noon Chapel Barbara lloiick i n .peak position? I have already e n u m e r a t - acting counter in Hie responsibility A l l I'u 111 III IIII left I IllllH H l l o l l l i l b e i n b l r e « » c i l l u I l i e c c l l h i r m i l l ed one step thai can be taken, that placed mi us as future teachers; T i l l i t S D A Y , 1)1 ( I Mill K 9 111 ItMI III! H I K I I C I I Name* Will b ewllllliebl ll|ji.a leillll'Hl ol t h e increase in their numbers II they are fostering in us, directly 12-12 31) p in Ralph Wlllaughby ol IVCF " T h e Tim BTATH ('Ol.l.llKlK MOW'S u». >•» n,, rt-Kimimllillliy Ousi ul Christliiniiy" in Km 23 for ii|ilnloiii) ci|ircnicil I" it* ciiliiiiiini or i iniiiilrniliiiiii is gratifying t o see that a begin- or indirectly, altitudes counter to nlng has already been made in my this responsibility, Their existence 7 Mil p i n IIH audi i'*|>riMulinin ilii iml neceamirll v refleci IN view Christian .Science Mccling in Kin 111 other recommendations, but a lol is not justified If we are seeking to 7 4fi p i n Rev J e r e m i a h Smith 1 1 lecture on Joun Spencer more can be done brum Into tin- leaching profession ISSUK E D I T O R "The Reloriiiatlon-Aliglicanisiii" al They must continue to put. their a desire to improve II, to aid Its Newman Hall bidding and rushing procedure on a growth a n d to mow with it. II p i n . SCA (ieneral Meeting Christmas more rulioual basts thereby making tslgnedi Mike (iijiuuiio '411 Progrum in Lounge. Service . . . College ygUkMjM Calendar Religious Clubs Plan Activities For Next Week DECEMBER 3. 1948 PAGE 3 Sophs Hail Return Of Cup,- Experts Found in Men's Locker Room Advise College Students To Give Exams 7"o Talce It Easy While Driving For Civil Service I n order t o make college s t u d e n t s more conscious of accident p r e v e n - age should be t h e world's best driv'ersonnel Posts tion over C h r i s t m a s vacation, t h e ers. You a r e young, strong a n d h a v e Hallelujahs a n d w h a d d a - y a knows, t h e C a m p u s D a y c u p is back irom its mysterious j o u r ney. With conscience a s its guide, the cup decided to climb from Lumbermans Mutual Casualty keen, active minds. By actual tests Salaries Will Range IVCF To Hold Banquet, some dark corner o n t h e day Company, i n cooperation with t h e your e y e - h a n d coordination a s a before t h e old cup o r a simfirst." Up To $6,235 Yearly National Safety Council is sponsor- group r a t e s Hillel Initiates Services ilar one h a d to be r e t u r n e d to "But, unfortunately, being young ing a safety drive during t h a t perPersonnel Officer examination the Rivalry Committee. A freshFor Student Participation m a n , nameless, found t h e cup iod. I n conjunction with this, a n means other things too. I t m e a n s h aAs been a n n o u n c e d by t h e U. S . editorial contest is being sponsored t h a t you're n a t u r a l l y cocksure, o v - Civil Service Commission for filling wrapped in newspaper on top Lectures, religious services, b a n er-confident, a n d don't care a h a n g a t t h e same time. the following positions i n W a s h i n g ol h i s locker in t h e men's quets, a n d social meetings a r e about danger. I t m e a n s t h a t you ton, D.C., a n d vicinity: Personnel locker-room. He (Saints preMuch literature has arrived a t among- t h e plans scheduled lor p r c take chances a n d speed into tight Officer, Personnel Assistant, E m serve us 1 gave it to Tony Frothe N E W S of rice during t h e p a s t C h r i s t m a s activities by t h e various spots from which even your b e t t e r - ployee Relations Officer, Employee chilo who in turn informed Don week, emphasizing t h e need for religious clubs on campus. T h e Oneg t h a n - a v e r a g e ability c a n n o t always Relations Assistant, Employee Ely of its recovery. Luckily, such a campaign. One survey cited, S h a b a t will be celebrated by IZFA save you." Counselor, Personnel R a t i n g E x a n o t h e r cup h a d not yet been m a d e by t h e chief psychologist of n e x t Friday, with Hebrew songs a n d T h e c a m p a i g n h a s emphasized aminer, Position Classifier, P l a c e purchased, although plans were L u m b e r m a n s M u t u a l Casualty Comdances following. • underway. pany, involved 100 motorists who t h e fact t h a t people do n o t always m e n t Officer, Placement Assistant, Inter-Varsity Christian FellowOf course, it is regrettable were psychologically studied after drive t h e same way a s they did t h e Occupational Analyst, a n d Salary ship will hold its Annual Banquet t h a t the cup decided to leave their arrest for a traffic violation. day they took their drivers test. and Wage Analyst. a t Howard Johnson's a t 6:30 p.m. the Sophomore Party a n d go T h e following results were o b - Many s t u d e n t s will be behind t h e Salaries for these positions r a n g e Special entertainment, furnished into hiding, causing t h e Dean tained: " O n e driver was insane a n d wheel for t h e first time since S e p - from $b,727 t o $6,235 a year. T o tember, a n d will n a t u r a l l y be a litby t h e Tri-City chapter, a n d a qualify, applicants m u s t have h a d to censure t h e Sophomore Class one w a s a n active epileptic. T h r e e .speech by one of I n t e r - V a r s i t y ' s and officers but it, is back and were handicapped physically, s i x tle rusty. O t h e r s will be trying t o 3 years of experience i n general s t a l l members will follow t h e dinperhaps it, is best to say n o had serious hearing defects a n d 18 make a n impression on someone personnel administration or closely and will take t h a t extra little related work a n d from 1 to 3 years ner. All interested in a t t e n d i n g t h e more about if. had vision defects. chance t h a t could be t h e last one. in specialized phases of personnel banquet should contact Theresa II would be interesting "In addition, t h e psychologists The C a m p a i g n material pointed work. College study m a y be substiS a l a m o n e '49, by this evening. though, Lo know who had the found t h e following facts about t h e out in conclusion: Drive as if your tuted for t h e general experience a t At, t h e IVCF meeting T h u r s d a y , cup and where lie had it. Per- drivers: anti-social in Iliree i n life depended on it—it does. the r a t e of 1 year of education for at 12 noon Ralph Willaughhaps (he cup was in the sain:' stances; i m m a t u r e in 14; overly e x 9 m o n t h s of experience u p t o a by, a n Area Inter-Varsity Staff place as t h e one that clisapcitable in 2(i; unreliable in 28; egom a x i m u m of 4 years ol" education rcpre.-a'iitatiu', will speaK on the peared last year. centric in 31; not normally alert in for 3 years of general experience. topic " T h e Cost of Christianity." . 41; inferior intelligence in 42; little No substitution for specialized e x sense of responsibility in 45; alcoTo Sponsor Monthly Services _ perience requirements is allowed. A program ol religious services V^^ll^—J J\. t-lr>ns4 c- holic in <lti; overly suggestible in 48; No written test is required. to be held on t h e first Friday night ^CUllarlCI /XlSENQS and emotionally unstable a n d i m Information a n d application pulsive in 57." ol each month will be sponsored by The Choralettes will present a n forms may be secured at most first Another suggestion, for a picture Hillel. T h e lirst s: n i c e will be held evening program of singing a t t h e this lime, is to "Get some of t h eSaratoga Veterans Hospital, S a r a - and second class post offices, from tonight a t 7:30 p. 111. a t the C o n Civil Service regional offices, or co-eds to pose, with their faces all toga, on Monday evening, Decem- from t h e U. S. Civil Service Comgregation Ohav Sholem at 441 ^m* _ . smeared with lipstick (to look like ber 13. Dr. Charles Stokes, ProfesWashington Avenue. VjOVeminQ Dodv c u t s ' . This is to dramatize t h e fact sor of Music, h a s anounced t h e mission, Washington 25, D. C. A p "The Reformation - Anglicanism" +t 1 that 1 hey enjoy dating, but hope dates for trying out for t h e oper- plications should be sent t o t h e will be Hie topic ol Rev. J e r e m i a h D r . Minnie B. Scotland, Assistant Commission's Washington office their holiday escorts won't smash etta. S m i t h ' s , O.F.M., lecture a t the r e g - Professor of Science, represented not later t h a n December 14, 1948. them u p in an automobile acciMr. Karl Peterson, I n s t r u c t o r of Ular Newman Club meeting T h u r s - s t a t f a s a Delegate to t h e House of dent." Music, director of t h e Choralettes, day, at 7:4.> p. m. a t New- Delegates, governing body of t h e To switch lo plain facts which has announced the group will sing Dr. Stokes h a s anounced t h a t m a n Hall. R a t h e r Smith, who N , . W York S t a t e Teachers' Associalia.-, been conducting a seiii's ol tion, at the Hotel Statler, in Buf-should impress every one of us who at the Veterans Hospital, Saratoga, try-outs for t h e female leads in t h e drives, Mr. Franklin M. Kreml, D i - and that soloists for t h e evening operetta. "Pirates of Penzance" will lecture.s al N . w m a n , is Prolessor ol ('alo, November 21 to 23. Church History al St. Anl hony-on.Several S t a t e gratis were elected rector of t h e Northwestern Univer- will be Phyllis Witt P e n n . '50. a n dbe continued Monday afternoon a t Ihe-Hudson. Rensselaer, N. Y. | 0 supervisory capacities. Accord- sity Traffic Division, I n t e r n a t i o n a l Lucille St.Priest. G r a d u a t e . Guest 4:30 p.m. in Room 23. Try-outs for IZ.FA wi.l sponsor tin- Oneg S h a - ,,,g | n Miss Scotland, Miss Helen Association of Chiefs of Police soloist will be Mrs. Sylvia Dickstein, the male roles will also be held bat al Hi- Tifcrelh Israel S.vnago- McCormick, a recent g r a d u a t e is states thai of all persons involved who is associated with the Hague Monday afternoon a t t h e same time and place. gue, 404 Partridge Street, al I! p. 111. president of t h e association, ami in fatal accidents, before Ihe war,studios. the rate for d r h e r s under 20 years Friday, Dec. mbt r 10. Miss Marjorie Blythe '47 is third ol age was H!)'. higher t h a n averTo Lead Ccnfircgulioii In SungVice President. Dr. Harvey Rice. age, a n d for persons between 20 Rabbi Joseph T.ibacliiuk has in- President of Oswego S l a t e Teachers and 24 year.-, old was 2 4 ' , higher. Vited I he State group lo lead In-- College, and former Professor of Evidence shows that these figures con :c ation 111 Hebrew sohgs and History at Slate, is F o u r t h Vice still hold today, Mr. Kreml says in loli. dance alter the regular Friday President. a letter addressed to the college-age night s e n ice.-. 111 t lie synagogue Commissioner Pierpont Graves, driver. "Actually, persons of college vest:'.-. I lie lawyer appointed by t h e AssoA " J a m an;l Jelly" nour will be elation, was conferred the signal held in t h e Lounge Tuesday, honor of being given life-membcr- Schedule M e e t i n g : O n M e m o r i a l by SCA at 3:30 p. 111. T h e ship in t h e group. This is Hie sec- -.. , . Koi- 1 '5 . C.h.ih man ol pnrpi.'se ol ibis "hour" i.-. lo have ond time in one hundred and three , a, \V.: r . .1 in - Commit t ei . has all inlen .1 d students mcel the years t h a t such an honor h a s been uincunei'.l there will be a n open meeting Thursday noon. Albany niniMers informally. R e - given. ro 1111 Hit) for t h e purIre.-luncnl will be served. Miss Scotland also attended the in T h e SCA Christmas celebration meeting of t h e Academy of Science lin e 1 : iiifnrmin ', .-.1 udeni • who will be held Thursday al ol which she is a member, in New ire nit s l"d hi the committee's H p. m. 111 I he Lounge. Music will York's Museum of Natural History, , r . -.- An 1, ic I ion-. a-Mi'.'s-ed predoininaie wil-h recordings ol November 12 a n d 13. T h e Main lop- in in - 0 • • lie • will • e an wered O h n s t i u n s carol. b\ Fred Waring'* ics of discussion concerned Biology . 1 11: . t i n c . tilee Club, and Handel's "Messiah." Technology. T h e Cliri-1 ma • cards which were sold hi s c . \ members will be dis- To Exhibit A r t i s t ' s Illustrations Iribilled Monday and Tuesday o n e s t u d e n t s a r e invited to view an side of t h e Commons. exhibition of some of t h e illiislraTI1K COLLKOE JEWELER _ . . . lions lor "Stone Soup" and " T h e r u e r s h Posts Lost & r o u n d List U t i l e Carousel" by Murcin Brown, l(i:5 Central Ave. Alice ( lersh 'al. l e a d ol l.osl a n d author. artisl a n d until recently Found depart mcnl. has announced librarian in T h e Children's Koom llial 11 lisl ol all articles found ol T h e New York City Public l.iwithin the pasi year will be posted b r a n T h e illustrations will be 111 Monday. All students a r c re- t h e Lounge for a week beginning ipiesied lo look over I he list December ll Miss Brown will inland make claims for a m arliele.- dress Hie Albany branch ol T h e which In lone In I in 111. All articles American Association ol thnversily liol claimed duriin the week will Women Monday evening, Dereiube sold al Hie Annual Losl ami her 13, on Ihe .ub.ieel of books lor Found .Sale I he lollow ing week, cliildn 11. State Choralettes To Entertain Vets State Teachers Impromptu Parties So Easy with Coke OTTO R. SvlElOE Mai I'appin iV Orchestra S :.">() - I I:,'!() K\ei'\ Saturday Night I'/orisl & Greenhouse liiTivshniciits Sold 'Slate" KriU'csi'iilal i\ <• ( 'dl'IKT (ll ONTARIO A; liKNSON V d m i s s i n n :"iUt* JACK liKOl'IIY DIAL-1-1125 COU.KOK FLORIST FOR VFAKS Trinity Meihodist Special Altcntidii to Sororities ami Fratcniilics I.ARK & I.ANCASTKR zlsk fur it either way . . . both tiiiJc-murks mean the same tiling BOTTLED UNDtR AU1IIOW1Y OF THE COCA-COIA COMPANY BY ALBANY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. © 1948, llu, Cocu-tolu toinijimr \ STATE COL.LEGK NEWS. FRIDAY. DECEMBER PAOB 4 3. 1048 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, State Bowlers Rout Law; Four Teams Tied For First Place Now Hold League Lead Woa-Jfoo In Pin League .1y PAT JAI , WAA Council held its first open meeting Tuesday afternoon, This Four teams remain undefeated In meeting was called so that winter the Intramural Bowling League and captains could present their schedare deadlocked for first place. The ules and ask for suggestions. leaders are Van Derzee, Potter, Basketball captains presented KDR, and the Beavers, each with plans for having two leagues chosen six victories. The battle for first place in the at random to play. After winners Potter, paced by Eich and Cortese, of these are decided two new Intercollegiate Bowling league beElly Adams, Ruth Smith, Juniors, leagues will be formed. Two winners gan anew Wednesday night at the and Phyllis Harris '51, basketball whitewashed the Fearless Five. PotPlaydium after a week's lay-off. from each of these leagues will play captains, have announced plans for ter won the first by if wide margin for the cup. It was suggested each The Statesmen started things off the season. This year there are six- while the last two games were fairof these leagues will play for the with a bang by sweeping three teen teams in the leagues and the ly close. Jerry Dunn was high man cup and that a list of referees be games from the Law School and scheduled games begin on Decem- for the Fearless Five. posted so that the teams will know rolling into first place. ber 11. Van Derzee took three games who they are. Two leagues of 8 teams each will from the Faculty by forfeit. Also Siena Defeated Bowling System Set Siena, State's number one rival play during the first half of the sea- by forfeit, the Beavers won over A new system for the bowling for the top berth, dropped into sec- son. These teams will be picked at the Jerks. club has been worked out. Only ond place due to a 2 to 1 defeat at random. When these games are The Gents moved up in the leatwo games will be bowled and one the hands of the Pharmacy squad. completed, the teams will be lined gue standing by taking three wins point will be awarded to the winner This same Pharmacy five knocked up in each league according to the from KB. DeLucco had a 462 triple of each game. Official days are the State quintet out of first place number of games they have won. and Poulos a 175 single to pace the Monday and Thursday from 3:30 four weeks ago. State's three-game Then two new leagues will be form- Gents. Gornbeln had a 408 triple to to 5 p.m. Each team will consist of victory and Siena's loss enabled the ed of teams number 1, 2, 5, and 6 lead KB. five players and will roll once a Statesmen to go in a one-game from the first league, and teams 3, KDR copped three games from week. There are to be no elimina- lead. 4, 7, and 8 from the second league, the Fools, finishing well out in tions and the winner is chosen on a For individual honors, Hank Far- in League A; and the remaining front in the third game after two percentage basis. Edythe Kelleher teams will be placed in League B. close ones. Santora had a 434 tri'50 and Audrey Weller '51 are cap- ley with a mighty 220 and a three- These leagues will play and then ple and Schultz a 158 single for game total of 526 was high man tains. for the varsity. Don McDonald was the two top teams in each will play KDR. Degregaria was high for the Swimming Thursday Night off for the basketball cup. losers. runnerup with 486. The Jewish Health Center will Team standings to date are: be open on Thursday nights for 2 3 To. No Eliminations State 1 swimming until February. After McDonald Won Lost 152 166 169 487 There will be no eliminations this Team February Life-saving will be held at Carosella 125 147 139 411 year so all the teams will be able VDZ 6 0 the same time. Credit for these Walsh 152 140 177 469 to play a full schedule of games. Potter 6 0 clubs will be given on a percentage Farley 175 220 131 526 A team is to have at least five play- KDR 6 0 basis oi the number o; practices Mullin 149 157 170 476 ers on the floor and one scorer Beavers 6 0 held. within five minutes of the assigned SLS 2 1 Sevoral suggestions were made 753 830 786 2369 time. The game must be forfeited Gents 3 3 for Winter Sports with Ken Fearless Five 1 5 2 3 To. if there is not a full team. Law 1 Thompson '50, as captain. Two new Jerks 0 3 121 136 177 434 sets of skiis have been purchased Rask KB 0 6 122 123 111 356 Team Lists Due Today by WAA and they can be borrowed Thomas 0 6 148 176 139 463 All lists of teams must be hand- Faculty for a weekend or any time during Williams 0 6 ed to one of the basketball captains Fools . 140 140 140 420 the week. Skating parties will be today. Any girl who starts on one 134 196 489 Constantikes 159 Individual high averages: planned to go to Cohoes where team at the beginning of the seathere are good facilities. WashingTeam Av. 690 709 763 2162 son is not allowed to play on any Name ton Park can also be used. Lamanna, Beavers 175 other team. Ping Pong Planned Rapacz, VDZ 162 Present standings; Scheduled games will be played A ping-pong tournament has been SLS 160 Won Lost Tuesday and Wednesday nights Monroe, arranged by Lucy Lytle and Mary Team Elch, Potter 155 and on Saturday morning. General State .. 17 7 Lou Reed, captains. The first two Burt, Beavers 152 16 8 practices will be held on Monday Siena rounds must be played off by F„eno. Potter 148 15 9 afternoon and at other times. DefChristmas. When the singles cham- Pharmacy 147 14 10 inite information as to when these Cortese, Potter pion is decided a doubles tourna- RPI Wilson, KDR 144 8 16 practices are to be held will be ment will be played. Later it is ABC Morris, KDR 143 2 22 posted on the WAA bulletin board. Law hoped to arrange a mixed doubles Bennett, Fools 143 tournament with MAA. ®i:; During the meeting, copies of the WAA constitution were passed out to those girls attending the meeting. One will be posted on the bulletin board for anyone else who is interested. Farley Standout For State Team Holliday Heads Football At a meeting of this year's football captains Al Holliday was elected next year's manager for the Intramural Football program. The play-off game between KB and Potter was also discussed. It was decided that if at all possible the game should be played, but due to many conflicting factors no date for the game has been decided upon as yet. Rain has caused the postponement of the game and darkness and the basketball season are two of the obstacles to be overcome. THE HAGUE STUDIO W A A Cagers Form 16 Teams ;•; Special : College : Rates Manager Joe Carosella has announced that the Intramural Basketball league will begin play Monday evening, Dec. 6. All who are interested in entering teams should notify the MAA manager. There will be a meeting of all team captains and managers at 12 noon, today, to discuss rules, schedules and other regulations for the coming season. Large Entry List In this sport the largest entry list, consisting- of seventeen teams, has been made. This may perpetuate the use of a two league system to accommodate all the teams that enter the league. Potter Club, last year's champions, are out again to put in their bid for the league title. EEP, which was undefeated in league play last year will again field a strong quintet. Teams and managers: 1. Finks McLaren 2. Angels Tucker 3. Bulls Hoyt 4. Potter McGrath 5. Gents Ballin 6. VDZ Engelhart 7. SLS DeLyser 8. Mitey Mites Dombrowski 9. Fools Bennett 10. Beavers unnamed 11. Lovers Wiley 12. KDR Dunn 13. Schmoes Kellar 14. KB unnamed 15. Scrubs Wilbur 16. Cough Drops Loucks 17. Carpetbaggers Duncombe Hungry? COLLEGE CAFETERIA Serving COFFEE and DONUTS !) to 10:30 DAILY! TO GOOD TASTE! I y li„ g of The B u c k i n g 1- •Portraiture At Its Finest" HOLLYWOOD COMES EAST TO TAKE YOUR PORTRAIT TRIB on Men's Basketball Opens Monday TIME iI' . ItfU.<50V£, $5.40 under th# 20c-a-copy newtitand price — $1.50 under t h t r e g u l a r 1-year subscription price »="ch'darktb;rdoUbieSoie its rich, dark b f„ a i mark I' for campus, -i-~ less or s w h e n you subscribe through us at the Spe-^_ _ cial College Rate of o n l y + 5 , 0 0 Pharmacists Establis heel 1906 Phone 4-2036 157 Central Ave. ALBANY, V. Y. Evenings by appointment x SM ART B U Y AT *&** Save TELEPHONE 4-0017 $5 65 under the 20c-a-copy newsstand price — SI 25 under the r e g u l a r 1 -y e a r subscription price 811 MADISON AVENUE w h e n you subscribe through us at the Spe- ^ • — cial College Rate of only * 4 . / J Where all the Students Meet SWEET SHOP dollars Willimantic .||. ALL US PEOPLE: Did you ever play basketball In high school, Mr. O'Brien? TOM O'BRIEN: Yes . . . I uh . .. well . . . US: You have quite a reputation as a writer, Mr. O'Brien. Just what type of literature do you write? O'BRIEN: (Blushing) Aw-w-ww ... US: Mr. O'Brien, you're a sterling Scrimmages With RPI basketball player, and you consistSpark Practice Sessions ently score in double figures. To what do you attribute your success? A tall, rangy Maritime Academy O'BRIEN: (Slightly redder) Oh, team that figures to cause the I'm not that good . . . you see . . . State courtsmen plenty of trouble well, will invade Page Hall tonight for a basketball bill that promises to supO'Bie," I soon discovered, is a p i y plenty of thrills and spills. little bit modest. His friends Out to avenge last year's loss to though, weren't so short on words, and praised him to the skies. Some the same Mariners, the "Peds" will field a last, but sadly short team. quotes: " 'O'Bie' is one of our standout Maritime will bring back almost 'ham-and-eggers.' He's also a char- the .same tall team as last year's which usecl a powerful double pivot, ter member of the club." "When he went to high school he outscoring State: 63-40. The Jayvees was one of the best players on the will play the Blanchard Post in the basketball team; literally a star!" preliminary at 7 p. m. Scrimmaged RPI Born In Albany As a warm up for tonight's game Tom is lucky enough to be a native of this area. He was born in the Varsity went into a series of Albany, and went to Van Renssel- tough scrimmages against RPI's aer High School. While there he Varsity and finished with a scrimstarred in Basketball, Baseball, Soc- mage game against the J.V. last cer, was elected president of the Wednesday night. Sophomore Class, and was editorwhen the scrimmage was over Faces Plattsburg O n Wednesday J?™ f ™ ! n V ' H T ^ n ^ i T . 1 If; Navy .luuii S t ,.IUCI e giciuutmuu grad a t o n u rxav.y in 1944 iati. "I went to boot at Sampson, and then to quartermaster school at the Gulfport N.T.S. I made the basketball team there, but the other guys were so good that the only thing I did was to blow up the basketballs once In a while." "Then," I asked, "you used to dish out wrong sized uniforms over the counter?" "NO! NO! NO!" he shouted. "A quartermaster in the Navy isn't the same as in the Army. I learned Navigation and signalling; and worked on the ship's bridge." Well, you learn something new every day. Discharged in 1946 Discharged in the spring of 1946, Tom came to State the following Tomorrow night Willimantic September, spending the summer doing, as he called it, "absolutely State Teachers come in to start a home and home series with State. nothing." New to the schedule this year, WilHe has been on the starting var- limantic fields one of the better sity five ever since lie came, and Teachers' College teams in the East. this year will probably be one of The prelim, also at 7 p. m., pits the thc outstanding players on the J.V. against A.B.C. tc.un, due to i.i.s experience. To complete a crowded hoop bill, Team Better This Year a game with Plattsburg State "The team will be better this Teachers' College is scheduled for year—but we have a tougher and Wednesday night. Traditional rivals, longer .schedule. The first five Albany and lattsburg split even games will probably be the toughest in two games last season. that we'll have. We have a good schedule though. It's well balanced, Pep Rally Held Wednesday but it is good for a team to face A small but loud group of Slaters some superior teams. Here al State, Tom is exceptionally well known for his writing. A short story in last year's "Primer" aroused much favorable comment. Fraternity Jewelers One professor is known to have utBADGES, STEINS, RINGS tered ; JEWELRY GIFTS, FAVORS "I don't care wno is m my creative writing class next semester, as STATIONERY, PROGRAM'S long as one is Tom O'Brien." CLUB PINS, KEYS Especially commendable, and MEDALS TROPHIES sadly lacking this year, are "O'Bie's" guest columns in the NEWS. A Write »r (all clever satirist, Tom's comments on CARL SORENSEN school problems generally brought WATERFORD, NEW YORK immediate action. Tel. 044 Rensselaer's loss is Albany's gain -watch for him this Friday night. stretch PHONE S-191X these money-saving, special r a t a l . . , tut ^,.y>;r) Home Made ICECREAM 'MEET AND EAT AT THE BOUL" Enter your order today, through — SANDWICHES Luncheon Served Daily - OPEN DAILY AT 8 A. M., , State College Go-op. Tel. 4-6419 , Z=3 D W. L. D O U G L A S f S H O E C O . , B R O C K T O N 15, MASS. 108-200 CENTRAL AVENUE drew toward a close, Monday night saw three two-game victories for - VanDerzee, Potter and KB, in the evening tilts in the Page Hall gym. The first contest was staged between VanDerzee Hall and Sayles Hall Annex. The State Street boys whipped right through Ontario by taking two straight, 15-4 and 15-3. The second game, which was to be played between the Angels and the Mitey Mites was forfeited. In the third encounter of the evening a Faculty team, walloped in the first game, 15-2, came back to tighten up the second game, only to lose by the score of 15-9. KB faced and downed SLS in the latt set of the evening. Both these games were very close and showed prolonged volleying. KB eked out the first, coming from behind, 1513 and had an even tougher battle in the second when they overcame a five-point disadvantage to win 18-16. More games are planned to round out the schedule for this year's league. lomorrow In rage Varsity Squad Takes A Break! • to Sophs Trip Frosh, 14-0 Playing in mud up to their knees the class of '51 pushed over a 14-0 win on the class of '52 to add to their rivalry victories. After an all day rain on Friday the 19th, Pa b e Field turned into a bucket of mtif which was a handicap to both teams. Neither team could do much on the ground and thus they took to passing, and it was the more accurate passing of the Sophs that gave them their victory. Second Half Good The game turned into a thrilling contest during the second half as the frosh tried several long passes and completed a few of them to advance deep into Gremlin territory. However, the game had its more amusing moments when runners stepped into one of the mud-traps and were grounded without being lagged by the opposition. II / MMSRTC^V V '/ / m I \? MZ V M-"m Our omi Educational Travel Stf\i\<& NOW READY TO SERVE YOU Established especially to advise and assist the student traveler . . . this new division is n o w ready to help you plan vacation travel . . . organize your foreign study p r o g r a m . . . handle all a r r a n g e m e n t s for g r o u p s o r individuals. A m e r i c a n Express buys steamship, air, rail tickets . . . makes hotel reservations . . . a r r a n g e s sightseeing and other details. 158 offices a n d bureaus in 26 countries to serve you. PLANNING STUDY ABROAD? Write American Express Company, Educational Travel Division, 6 5 Broadway, N e w York 6, N . Y, for 3 2 - p a g e booklet describing opportunities for study and details of educational facilities In all foreign countries. AMERICAN EXPRESS ALBANY, N. Y. Travel Service «5 Kroudwny and (ill) Fifth Ave., New York, N, Y. I 52 B R O A D W A Y — A L B A N Y Mtn's Shoes Exclusively • Win In Volleyball As the short Volleyball season When you travel. .. always protect your fundi with American Express Travelers Cheques I SODAS — CANDY - I T attended the MAA Pep Rally, Wednesday night in the Page Hall gym. Monroe, State s The student team from Van Derzee Hall trounced a picked faculty six Football Expert Austin Monroe emerged as State's in three volleyball games to start the night's activities. The tumbling top football expert of the week. In the last football poll for this year club, in the persons of Al Holliday, Austin picked eleven out of twelve t h c V a r K i t v a n d J V h a d b e e n 1JUt J a correctly. The entire poll was very ' ' >' M i » e ^ Rl »th Matteson, Eleanor u U8h a Adams " ° " Twho ^ " ^ pleased f^'i ' a»d D i w " L o s t W e e « » d " close and Fran Andreone who was Hathaway, seemed last week's winner placed a close w i t h ,.h<? ' KCO nng punch of the team, Glenday strutted their stuff to the second. The Sports Department inh a d L h e Varsity work on passing appreciative crowd. Most of them tends to conduct another poll for ,ul(1 „ i a v s had never before seen "tramboline" the winter months. Monroe's scores ' '" Besides last year's returning tumbling, the specialized form of are as follows: Yale 7, Harvard 14. players, Marzello, O'Brien, George, gymnastics demonstrated by the Syracuse 7, Columbia 28. Fersh, and Lansky, several new- club. Michigan 34. Ohio State 7. comers looked very promising, The male members of the club Northwestern 28, Illinois 7. Among these are Bob Brown, Ed Stanford 7, California 21. Matthew, Paul Carter, Jim Warden will substitute lor the cheerleaders for Friday and Saturday's games. Oregon 14, Oregon State 0. and Jim Juisto. They promise to exhibit skill in Oklahoma 34, Kansas 0. tumbling to compensate for the SMU 21, Baylor 7. Schick, Frail Coach J.V.'s N-rtli Carolina 14. Duke 13. The J.V.'s, under Walt Schic'< temporary loss of the cheerleading Penn State 21. Pittsburgh 0. and Charley Frail, seem to have a squad, which the State rooters witPrinceton (i. Dartmouth 7. well rounded team with both height nessed in action on Wednesday Tulsa 14. Arkansas 42. and speed. They used a zone de- night. fense against the Varsity and gave them a tough time during the first hah. your further — by taking advantage now o# (<3r^\ PAGE State Meets Maritime Tonight, ^ J ^ f l j BOULEVARD CAFETERIA Make 3, 1 0 4 8 L. G. Balfour Co. OPEN 9:00 to 5:30 DAILY H. F. Henikel & Son .By PAUL BUCHMAN. DECEMBER «ili PAGE e STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, Primer Opens Three Contests To Student Body DECEMBER 3, 1948 n \ "i' Formal Dinners, Suppers Qacutty QoobuUei. Library Secures Cords Available To End Rush Period (Continued from Page 1, Column o) Mr. R. S. Knouse, professor of Record Albums For Registration the second sorority, If she does not merchandising has been attending receive a bid from her second the American Vocational AssociaAccording to the Registrar's Of- choice, but does from her third, she tion Convention in Milwaukee fice, all students must secure cards will be obligated to join the third. Wednesday through Friday. He will For Student Use Several contests open to the gen- attend meetings concerned with eral student body are now being distributive education and the of distributive education conducted by Primer. These include training the annual cover design contest, teachers. Mr. Knouse will also attend a a prize illustration contest, and meeting of the National Association one for the prize short story. Joseph Keefe '50, Editor of the of State Supervisors and Teachers Primer, has announced that only Trainers in Distributive Education. Dr. Charles L. Andrews of the three manuscripts have been submitted to the literary staff to date. Physics Department will speak at All of these are now in the art the meeting of the American Physiroom, where they are being illus- cal Society at the University of Chicago on the subject of "Diffractrated. tion Patterns of Electromagnetic He also announces that the an- Waves Near Rods and Apertures." nual contest for the cover design of The lecture will concern work done the Primer is now under way. The by Dr. Andrews over the past five winner of the contest will receive years at the Research Laboratory ten dollars and written credit for of General Electric. the design in the Primer. Anyone Msis Ruth Card, Instructor in interested in submitting an entry should consult the posters in lower Biology, was married to Mr. Lester Draper for the rules of the contest. Hannett Wednesday, November 24. Miss Helen James, Assistant ColA prize illustration contest will lege Librarian, attended the conalso be conducted. The object of this contest will be to produce a ference of Eastern College Librarpicture 4;;i x 7 1 - inches in one or ians at Columbia University, New two colors suitable for line repro- York City, on Saturday, November duction. The prize for this contest, 27. which closes December 16, is five dollars, and a Primer credit line. The prize story contest will begin January 3. Contestants will be asked to write a story of less than 2500 words based on the prize illustration. The closing date for this contest will be February 7. The winner of this contest will receive the spotlight of the magazine center spread, and a two color illustration. Members of the Primer staff are not eligible for this contest. "Tschaikowsky's Piano concerto number 1 in B flat minor," "Highlights from Puccini's Madame Buttery," "Bach Organ Music Played by E. Power Biggs" and "Russian Folk Songs Sung by Alexander Kipnis" are the newest record albums available at the college library, according to Miss Mary Elizabeth Cobb, College Librarian. These albums may be borrowed at any time during the day and should be returned at any time on the following clay. Records borrowed on Friday are due the following Monday. A list of all the albums in the library is available at the main desk. Miss Marion Soule, Library Assistant in charge of audio-visual aids, is responsible for the records and anyone wishing to take out selections should contact her. The library also acknowledges gifts from I lie following members of the faculty and student body: Mrs. Anna K. Barsam, Dr. Gertrude E. Douglas, Mr. Thomas Gibson, for registration for the second semester of 1948-'49 school year next week. These cards must be returned to the Registrar's Office as soon as possible. Freshmen are requested to coma in on Monday and Tuesday, upperclassmen and graduate students on Thursday and Friday. Any students who expect to complete their undergraduate work in January and who are planning to raturn next semester to begin work on their Master's Degree must also [He an application lor such degree at the same time. Any students who ire not expecting to return to college next semester should notify the office to that effect. Dr. Harry W. Hastings, Mr. Clarence Hidley, Miss H. Carolyn Howard. Miss Mabel E. Jackman, Mr. Everson Kinn. Dr. Milton Nelson, Miss Anna E. Pierce, Dr. Charles Stokes and Mr. Burgess. Any rushee who refuses to accept a pledge from a sorority which she has mentioned in her preference blank, shall be ineligible for general sorority rushing and bidding for one year from the date of her refusal. Any woman who breaks her pledge shall be ineligible for a period of two years. A pledge, wishing to be formally initiated, must have maintained a "C" average until that time. Formal bids will be in Student Mail Tuesday morning. Silent period will terminate 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, when pledge services will be held. Schedule Address By Stewart Pi Gamma Mu members will hear an address by Dr. Watt Stewart, Professor or History, on "The Recent Revolution in Latin America" at a regular meeting of the fraternity, Wednesday, according to Marvin Wayne '49, President. Dr. Stewart's address will be open to any person who desires to attend. CHESTERFIELD is the cigarette I smoke in my new picture, WALDORF HAS APPOINTED AN INNOCENT AFFAIR. I always enjoy their MIKE FISK Campus Representative TUXEDOS MILDER,BETTER TASTE... Single and Double Breasted TAILS ALL ACCESSORIES !•—O—It II—I—It—E FOR SALE $47.50 • Each Tuxedo is full-cut, well tailored . . . and All Wool. Just in lime lor your coming formal occasions. • Each Stale man presenting this Ad will receive u S.r> discount. WALDORF Tl'XKDO CO., INC. Open Truii's, Til «) P.M. - Opi). roslollice ALBANY 1-5011 ALBANY. N E W YORK. FRIDAY, DECEMBER Z-444 MORE COLLEGE STUDENTS SMOKE .CHESTERFIELDS than any other Cigarette.. . BY LATEST NATIONAL SURVEY Untight Win, tarn &. Mm« TUB, lO, 1948 CHRISTMAS TO ALL VOL. XXXIII NO. 11 Aurania Club To Open Doors Tonight To State For Annual Inter - Fraternity, Inter - Sorority Ball Sororities Close Rushing Period With Pledging Welcome Frosh Girls With Buffet Suppers; No Group Fills Quota Sorority rushing was concluded Tuesday night with pledge services and suppers, at which 100 freshmen women, two Sophomores, three Juniors, and one transfer student were pledged. The acceptance quota was raised to 20 girls per sorority, and therefore there has been an increase of 14 women over last year. However, no sorority succeeded in filling its quota. Following is the list of pledges: Kappa Delta Joan Bennett, Janet Bookstaver, Lois Cosman, Jean Faville, Joyce Hampel, Helen Pilcher, Evelyn Swenson, Margaret Shutt, Joyce Leavitt, Ruth LaGraff, Doris Van Evera, Jean Hope Rugg, Marion Newton, Laura Griffin, freshmen, Judith Davis, Transfer. Psi Gamma Veronica Thornton, Kathleen Ryan, Mary Ann Fitzgerald, Margaret Gemmell, Ann Sullivan, Rosemary Stevens, Olga Bajjaly, Ann Adams, freshmen. Chi Sigma Theta Arlene Everson, Kathleen Donovan, Virginia Farrell, Jean Powers, Patricia Kirwin, Marcia Walsh, Elaine Sawner, Joan Bostwick, Jeaninne Burke, Ailecn O'Brien, Patricia Graff, Beatrice Magee, Ruth Hopper, Florence Kloser, Ann Reed, Ann Gorman, freshmen; Natalie Murray '50. Alpha Kpsilon l'hi Charlotte Alter, Edna Balshan, Jacqueline Coplon, Shirley Feinstein, Helena Grossman, Adele Hochberg, Lillian Kaminsky, Roslyn Lacks, Helene Patlen, Marilyn Rapp, Eleanor Rosenblum, Ruth Sliair, Elaine Shampansky, Rita Stanger, Beatrice Swire, Elaine Tinkelman, Estelle Weisblatt, freshmen; Doris Brody, Miriam Koblenz, Sophomores. Be - Zeta Esse Juengllng, Victoria Eade, Evelyn Kamke, Kay Carpenter, Jeanne Hayes, Betty Adams, Mary Borys, Blanche Bus, Janet Rose, Anita Racine, Patricia Devltt, freshmen; Marilyn Cohen 'SO. Gamma Kappa l'hi Antoinette Blaisinff, Eugenia Cer(Continuta on Page 3, Column S) Tlie Modern Language and English Departments arc to add new courses to their curricula next semester and for the year 1040-50. Dr, Shields Mcllwaine, professor of English, has announced the addition of En. hill wliich is to be a course In Phonetics. This course, winch is to be required ol those who plan to major in English and minor in Speech, will be taught by Dr. Paul Boomsliler, professor of Speech, commencing next semester. Dr. J. Wesley Ohllders, professor of Spanish and head of the Department of Modern Languages, has announced the addition ol several new courses. These are: A course in scientific German, Ge. 5, which is to be a two hour course. French IIS, a course in French civilization. This is a one semester three hour course. French 304, advanced. This Is to (Continued on Pago 6, Column 6) Snowy Christmas Will Be Theme For Decorations Classes To Sing For Rivalry Points During Assembly DeGarmo Judges Potatoes, Competes In National Contest Farmers are not the only ones to judge potatoes. Students do it, too. In fact, one of State's students is quite superior at it. Lindley DeGarmo '50, came out first in last year's contest for prize potato judgers, and fifth in this year's contest. He doesn't just judge spuds, though. He can actually tell you, just from glancing at the eyes (of the potato, that is) whether that particular apple of the ground is a sharp Long Islander, or whether it is native Californian. DeGarmo is connected with the vegetable department of the 4-H club, r u n know, heat, hunger, horror, and hollandaise). That's where he got his learning. DeGarmo is now taking part in a national contest for judging vegetables in Detroit, Michigan. He is on one of two teams competing in the contest representing New York State. EEP Schedules Party, SLS Plans Annual Caroling Eldred Edward Potter Club will hold an informal date partj tomorrow night for member*;, pledges, ana faculty members, according to Harold Vaughn '50, Chairman, Sigma Lambda Sigma's traditional Carol Sing will take place Thursday, with Jacob and Margaret Schule, Seniors, acting as Co-Chairmen. Potter Club will entertain its guests at the fraternity house, 415 State Street, from ii to 11:30 p. m. The committees for the evening are: Refreshments, Leonard Skolnick '50, Jack Feightal '51, George Poulos, Graduate; Entertainment. William Pawluckie '49; Decorations, Mi:hacl Cortese '50; Clean-up, Walter Schick, Graduate, Jack Kirby '49, Richard Feathers '50. The SLS sing will also include a dale party lor those members wblnng to bring dates. Those attending will meet in the rear of Draner at 7:30 p. m. The group will proceed from there and will visit the various group houses on campus. This includes the college dormitories and all sorority and fraternity houses. The sing has been traditional since 1937 and has been held each year since that time, with the exception of the war years. A d d New Courses To College Curriculum A n n e x , V a n Derzee T U X E I) 0 S 15^ B'WAY State College News MERRY To H o l d Xmas Parties Christmas parties have been scheduled by the men living in Sayles Annex and Van Derzee Hall, and their guests. The men ol Sayles Hall Annex will celebrate the approaching holidays with a date party, tomorrow evening at H:3() p. in., according to David B. Caiman '51, social chairman. Eugene Petrie and Gerald Dunn, Sophomores, are in charge of refreshments, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Andrews have been invited to attend as chuperones. Van Derzee Hall will begin its annual Christmas celebration on December 1(1, with a dinner in the lounge at li p. in., followed by carol singing. A vie dance is scheduled to last from H:30 to 11 p. in., and at twelve, Santa will bring gifts accompanied by poems lo all the men of the house, according to Robert Frasca 'SO, social chairman. Today's assembly will consist of the annual Rivalry Sing between the freshman and Sophomore classes. Also slated for the program are nominations for delegates to the Eastern States Association Conference, and an announcement concerning the Myskania Christmas Party. The annual Rivalry Sing between the freshmen and the Sophomores will take place this morning. Each class will sing a class fight song, an original class alma mater, and a song to the rival class. The procedure for seating for the sing has been announced by Perry Pless '49, Grand Marshal. The Sophomores and Juniors in the balcony will remain in their seats. The freshmen in the left hand section ifacing the stagci will remain seated until all the other freshmen are out. The frosh in the section on the right will move immediately to the center section, so that the center section will contain both groups, leaving the right section vacant, so the Juniors can move to their new seats. The center section will leave, one row at a time, and go down the right stair case to the Junior section downstairs. The Juniors will move to their right and go up the stairway nearest Richardson Hall to the section left empty by the freshmen. After all the Juniors have left their seat.1, the Seniors will move to their right and up the same stair case to till the left section, which will be emptied by the last freshmen. A report will also be given on the recent ICA conference, held at Brockport by members of the State delegation. Nominations for delegates to the Eastern States Association meeting will also take place. Myskania W i l l Hold Annual Xmas Party Thursday night, Myskania will hold its annual Christmas party at the Albany Home lor Children in the Home's Chapel, according to Catherine Donnelly '49, Chairman of Myskania. Millard Smith '49, will play Santa Claus at the younger children's parly, which will be held from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., and Ronald Roekhill '51, will be Santa at the older children's party at 7 p.m. Ellen Fay '49, I he Good Fairy on Station WROW, will portray the Good Fairy for the youngsters in the afternoon. A collection will be taken up in assembly today to help defray the expenses of tood and decorations. Cartons for all classes have been placed in lower Draper Hall, and Donnelly urges all students to buy their gilts as soon as possible. She also asks that sorority members attend the Christmas party before going lo ihep- group house affairs. Commuters' Club Will Stage Seasonal Festivity Tomorrow The Commuters' Club Christmas laity will be held m the Commons, tomorrow, from H to 12 p. in., according to Co-Chairmen Paul LeBruii and Paul Wilbur, Sophomores, The evening will Include dancing, entertainment and refreshments. The committees lor the affair include: Entertainment, Helen Galliano '41); Refreshments, Paul l,eBrun '51. Mitchell Burkowsky '5a; Tickets, Mary McGuire '52, Admission will be twenty-live cents and everyone Is Invited to attend. Co-Chairmen Announce Completion Of Plans j y For All-College Affair Tonight the doors of the Aurania Club will open for the annual Christmas Ball which is sponsored by Inter-Fratemity-Inter-Sorority Council. Fred Clute and his orchestra will furnish the music from 9 p. m. until 1 a. m., according to Co-chairmen Helen Cook and Richard Zeller, Seniors. The Aurania Club will be decorated in a theme fitting to the season of the year. Everson Kinn '49, Chairman of the Decoration ComHELEN COOK mittee, has made plans for decoraPresident, Inter-Sorority Council tions for the effect of a snowy Christmas. Open To All Students Miss Cook and Zeller wish to remind students that the ball is not restricted to sorority and fraternity members. Any student and his guest may attend. They also wish to explain the presentation of a smaller dance this year. Last year a name orchestra was hired and the Christmas Ball was held in a large place. However, Inter-Fraternity - InterSorority Council lost money because attendance was not large enough. This year the Council wishes to present a smaller dance and hopes to remain financially in the black. Tickets are still on sale at the booth at the door of the Commons. Persons attending the ball will be able to purchase tickets at the door for $3.00 per bid. List Committee Heads Other committee heads are: Mary Jane Peris, Orchestra; Abraham Trop, Flace; Jean Tolman, Bids; Dolores Sloekcr, Programs; Marvin Wayne, Chaperonos; Thomas Lisker '49, Concession; and Earl Jones IMC'HAIM) ZELLER President, Inter-Fraternity Council '50, Publicity. Chaperones for the Christmas Ball will be: Mr. Frank Carrino; (Continued on Page 3, Column bJ Religious Clubs S/afe Big-4 'Holiday Time' Futterer Releases Cast Wednesday evening at 11 p. in., Page Hall will be the scene of the Religious Clubs annual Big-4. The presentation, called "Holiday Time," is sponsored jointly by Hillel, Newman Club, and Student Christian Association, and is under the chairmanship ol Jean Hoffman '49, Catherine Noonan '50, and Barbara Carpenter '51. Unlike previous years' productions, there will be no admission charged. The Liiinaletfes, under the direction ol Mr. Karl Peterson, Instructor of Music, will open the program by singing Christmas Carols. Dancing in the gym will follow the program. Narrators tor the various religious groups will be Hosalyn hacks '52, Hillel; Anthony I rociiilo 'SO, Newman; and Harold White 'SO. Nancy Burdlck '51, Kenneth Wade and Murui Dessimoz, freshmen, SCA. Other committees include: Lights, Jean Valchovic '49 and Edythe Kelleher '50; Publicity, Jean Teal '51, Elaine Slutkol'l 'SI, and Earl Jones 'SO; Decorations, Barbara Stein, Marilyn Stnhlow, Helen Agnello, Sophomores, and Robert Donnelly Programs, Rhoda Stelier, Robert Ulilholtz, Helen Moeller, Sopho mores, and Kalherine Dando and Marietta Wiles, freshmen; and Make-up, Rhoda Klber 'SO, and Dorothy Mann '51. For ED Productions The easts for the Elementary Dramatics plays, which will bo presented on January 18, have been released by Miss Agnes Futterer, Assistant Professor of English and Director of the plays. Cast in "The Happy Journey," a comedy by Thornton Wilder, are Jacqueline Mann '51, Ma; Beverly Huber 'SO, Carolina; Henry Smith '52, Arthur; Frederick Knoerzer '51, Pa; Jane Cook '51, Beulah; Joseph Keefe '50, Stage Manager. The cast for "The Feast of Ortolans" by Maxwell Anderson includes Stuart Goldman '51, Pomplgnon; Joseph Crueilla 'SO, Beaumarchais: Maynard Playfoot '51, Champforl; Barbara Carpenter '51, Duchess Du Gramont; Martin Bush '50, Condoreet; Dorothy Mann '51, Mile. De Sombreuil; Walter Keller '51, Philippe of Orleans; Richard Gutta '51, La Harpe; Carolyn Williams '51, Theroigne; Harry Mills '49, Chenier; Joseph Purdy '51, General Ctlstine; George Kline '51, La Fayette; James Baumgarten '50, Servant; George Christy '50, Chef; Frederick Knoezer '51, St. Cusflne. The roles in "A Husband For Mag" by Julia Brainard Carson are to be played bv Anita Fox '51, Mag; Donald Ely '51, Dooglas; Joseph PUrd.V '51, Tammas; Joan Ferine '51, Janet; Walter Keller '51, Rob; Joseph Crueilla '50, Angus; Edwurd Kyle '52, Peter.