PAOK STATK COLLIOB NKWS. THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1048 4 Ptocutwie • • . To Recommend Passage By Legislature In Fall but failed to pass the legislature. The bill on education provided for extension of library services in rural areas and in New York City and the extension of guidance officials (1 for every 300 pupils); increased number of state scholarships; the elimination of tuition charges at state institutions of higher learning and at community colleges. It recommended the In case of rain, t h e classes will (Contmutd from Paget, Column »t proceed as follows: (Continued from Page 1, Column n The Seniors will move out first fined or imprisoned and given adebany High School. 3. Sophomores move down the and form double lines along the quate instruction on rehabilitation right stairs and follow the Juniors halls of Richardson. They will b e of delinquents. A minority report out of Page Hall, turning left at followed by the Juniors, Sopho- was given on juvenile delinquency the end of Page wallc to go through mores and freshmen, who will pass the Senior lines. through the lines. 4. Freshmen downstairs move The ivy speaker will follow the right to the left center aisle and freshmen upstairs come down left class speakers. stairs to follow Sophomores out of IPage Hall, turning right to go through the Junior lines. The classes will walk out of Page in double file, the couples splitting as they turn either right or left to form a single line on either side of the path. The Sophomores go through the Senior lines and the freshmen go through the Junior lines. When everyone is out of the auditorium, the Seniors in turn go through the Sophomore lines and (Continued from Page 1, Column V the Juniors through the freshman Powers '51, Secretary; and Sandra lines. Heslin '50, Alumni Secretary. Alpha Epsilon Phi's officers for Numerals next year are: Ethel Rosenberg '49, When the Seniors and Juniors Dean; Marie Holz '49, Sub-Dean; meet on Western Avenue, the Sen- Helen Tischler '49, Treasurer; Beviors will turn right and form their erly Coplon '49, Scribe; Rhoda Ribnumerals in the corner of Page er '50, Rush Captain; Adele Gerow field nearest Eusted, followed by and Helma Rosenberg, Sophomores, the Sophomores whose numerals Alumni Secretaii13?. will be formed behind the Seniors. Officers for .':,miM Kappa Phi The Juniors wil turn left and form their numerals in the corner near- are: Mary Jane Peris '49, President; est Milne High School, followed, in Patricia Rourke '49, Vice President; Elizabeth Ann Gibson '49, Treasurturn, by the freshmen. All classes will hold their num- er; Louise Klingman '50, Recorderals during the singing of the Alma ing Secretary; Shirley McCuen '51, Secretary; Edith Mater and the Ivy-Planting cere- Corresponding mony. After the Star-Spangled Paterson '51, Clerk; Lois Prescott Banner is sung, the morning exer- '51, Recorder; Frances Plannigan '49, Song Leader; and Gloria Bucci cises are ended. and Shirley Harwell, freshmen, Stag Marshals. The rivalry skits will'begin at 6:45 lERE'S p. m. in Page Hall. 'Directly after Other offices besides that of the skits the classes will meet in presidency for Beta Zeta are: Bevfront of Draper Hall and take the erly Sittig '49, Vice President; Ruth NO FINER CIGARETTE following positions: Matteson '50, Secretary; Joyce 1. Seniors stand on the steps of Parker '49, Treasurer; Eleanor THAN CHESTERFIELD. Draper. Adams '50, Chaplain; Barbara John2. Juniors stand to the right of son '50, Corresponding Secretary; the Seniors. Audrey Hartman '50, Recording I KNOW, IT'S MY BRAND." 3. Sophomores face the Senior Secretary; Mary Arden Lynch '50, Historian; and Jean Hatch and class. 4. Freshmen face the Junior class. Kathryn Loucks, freshmen, MarThe order of the songs will be shals. announced by the Song-leader. The Step Song will be sung first by the Seniors. After they have sung Walsh To Announce it once, they will move to their left cers and stand in front of the freshmen. Association The Juniors will sing the Step Song once in place and then will proceed (Continued from Page 1, Column 5) with their banner through the Mrs. Walsh will t h e n conclude t h e Husted side door of Draper and will indoor ceremonies with t h e a n come out the front door of Draper n o u n c e m e n t of class officers a n d singing the Step Song once more. S t u d e n t Association officers for The Sophomores will fill in the sec- 1948-'49. Recessionals will follow tion vacated by the Juniors. and t h e morning ceremonies will After the singing of the Step conclude with t h e forming of class Song, the Seniors turn and walk n u m e r a l s on Page field, with t h e down the sidewalk to Western Ave- p l a n t i n g of t h e ivy by Dale Sullinue toward Husted Hall. The Jun- van '48 a n d t h e ivy speech by Doroiors go back into Draper Hall, Soph- thy M e r r i t t '48. omores and freshmen following. teaching of two modern foreign languages to students in the 3rd through the 9th grades in public schools (1 shall be compulsory), established a minimum base amount spent per student throughout the state, and organized a commission to investigate, analyze and recommend methods of instruction in elementary and secondary schools. ;/ twaJUirarji State ews ALBANY. NEW YORK, Z.444 Five Sororities Elect Officers For Next Year .,..'< E X T R A FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1948 V O L . XXXII N O . 2 6 Student Association Elects Jennings President; Myskania Taps Third Elected Judiciary Body Lone Candidate Sweeps Office; Eade Secretary For the first time in seven years, a male faction constitutes the majority of Myskania, seven members being men, six, women. All seven members on the recommended list were tapped for the Judicial Body this morning in Page flail Holz, Peris To Head r . n j Qfaff w ' ^ n ^ n e other six coming from the suggested list. J "':'* r u t u r e r e a a g o g u e Otarr Tapping ceremonies began after classes had "movedHip" Jean Pulver will assume the duties to their new seats and participated in the singing of "Arm Substantial Margins Registered In Elections John Jennings was elected President of next year's Student Association on the second distribution, his closest opponent, Cathrine Donnelly, trailing by 257 votes. Donald Langsley, the third candidate for the office, was eliminated on the first distribution. Heinz Engle, the only candidate for the Vice Presidency, polled 903 votes out of a possible 950. His landslide victory is no surprise to the members of Student Association. Eadc Wins Secretaryship The race for Secretary of Student Association was much closer. Mary Eade won the election on the second distribution edging out Jane Cook by 43 votes. The election for Secretary was the closest of all the Student Association elections, Alice Gersh trailed Miss Eade by over 200 votes. The contest for Grand Marshal was next closest with Pearl Pless beating out Margaret Seaman by 72 votes on the second distribution. Lawrence Appleby was far behind either of the runners-up. Name Koch Songleader Audrey Koch, Songleader for the Sophomore class this past year, will take over the duties of Songleader of Student Association next year. Jeanette Hatch was Miss Koch's closest opponent. The quota wasn't reached, however, until the fifth distribution. ^ ^ Offi of Editor-in-Chief of the State Col- j i??Hp N S^ 1Z ™ZJ°?«™ peH= Mane Holz and Mary Jane Peris JOHN JENNINGS President Brophy, Vaughn, Ely, Head Lists In Class Voting n Arm." Eloise ., Constance Worth, Myskania President, and Stanley , , , ,, „ , « ,, , , . .» Copyright 194*. ucanr k K w 1 \ Gloria D o n a t a a n d Rodney Pelder t n e secollc l Pair t o leave t h e stage and escorted BARBARA will preside over the Business staff HOPE HOUCK, back to the second chaii= of the Senior honwith Virginia Waite, '49, as Circula- orary society. Miss Worth pinned on the traditional purple Hon Manager, and Marion Furlong a n ( j g o i ( i t a s s e ] before Miss Houck took her seat- beside Managers, and r u e as co-Advertising n/rTT I U I *• : u J.I_ o n A "<' • Mj TheAudrey three J eAssociate Editors forb T> U the coming year will be Ruth Cook- Brophy. Miss Houck has been active in both S.C,Ar,.ajid inghani, Bernadette Freel and Shir- D. and A. .-,•-ley Wiltse. Rosemary Stoddard will JOSEPH LOUIS ZANCHELLI was the next name boomjoin the Board as Exchange Editor. ed out and John Francis Dooley and Helen Mary Kisiel "led Announce Pert Staff the third member to the stage. Zanchelli has worked on Additions of Ped Staff include Agnes Mclntyre, Literary Editor; Campus Commission and M.A.A. this past year. Raimond Pilato, Photography EdiWhen all members were in their places Ann May and Miss tor; Elfriede Laemmerzahl, Art Edi- Diehl left their stations and circled the auditorium twice tor; Anita Melewicz, Business Manager; Virginia Keller, Advertising before tapping the fourth member of Myskania, JEAN ANN Manager. Other members of the PULVER who will be Editor of "State College News" next Senior staff will be Cathrine Don- year. nelly, Marjorie Fusmer and Glenyce The fifth member and third man tapped was ROBERT Jones. ELWYN KITTREDGE who was escorted to the stage by Alice Junior staff members include Robert Preyer, Sally Giaconia and Jean Williams and Miss Kisiel. This year's Vice-President Mabel Totten, Literary; Anna Buno, will serve on Student Council next year. Elise de Seve and Jean Hotaling, Alice Prindle Walsh and William Dundas Baldwin marched Photography; Audrey Hartman, solemnly around the auditorium for the sixth tapping. Art; Joyce Dodge, William Dumbleton and Florice Kline, Business; CATHRINE MARY DONNELLY, new head of D. and A. Grace Friedman, Shirley McCuen, Council, then took her place on the stage. Alice Reilly and Shirley Sheets, AdNext on the list came JOHN WILLIAM JENNINGS who vertising will preside over Student Association for the coming year, Evans, Frail Run Athletic oroups A/lcCabe Heads Marshal Post Goes To Pless Press Bureau "Not even Frankie Swoonatra could make me! mill Dentyne Chewing Gum! That nifty flavor, really tend* me—I mean It rtally doei. And the' way Dentyne help* keep my teeth white, I wanta turn on the old imile all the time." Dentyne Gum —Made Only By Adam* ,, were appointed Co-Editors-in-chief Abrams stepped to the front of the stage to signify that of next year's "Pedagogue" staff. ceremony was about to begin. Wilma Frances Diehl and Elsie Landau, '49, will fill the new Gloria Lillian Gilbert left their places to leati :off with''trie position of Public Relations Editor tapping. Meeting in the back of the auditorium they prow iin j6B.n opencEr, 4y, M tin HI fifing 1 1 1 J_I • i i_ n. i i A1 i i_i Editor. The other Senior Board ceeded down the aisle, halted and Abrams announced the member of the editorial staff will first member of the '48-'49 Myskania, JAMES URELL be Robert Van Dam, '49, next year's BROPHY, next year's Senior class President. Ch°ltS '^Bus"1' st Marian Cornelia Mieras and Ruth Vivian Seelbach were As a result of last Friday's elections, James Brophy reached the quota for President of the class of 1949 on the first distribution. The class of '50 chose Harold Vaughn for its next leader while Donald Ely is '51's choice. The class of '49 has selected the following as its officers: VicePresident, Rodney Pelder; Secretary, Helen Calif ano; Treasurer, Announce Board Members Robert Kaiser; Song leader, MarNew members of Student Board of garet Smith; Cheer leader, Mary Finance are Rodney Pelder, Robert Cheatham; Publicity Director, MarKaiser, Millar Smith and Robert jorie Fusmer; W.A.A. Manager Tucker, Juniors, and George Glen- Margaret Seaman; W.A.A. Repreday and Ben Jackson, Sophomores. sentative, Elsa Moberg. Robert Hardt was eliminated from Sophomores Choose Officers the Junior ballot by preference. The roster of officers for the Student Facilities Board will be class of '50 consists of Vice-PresiJennings was tapped by Miss Seelbach and Miss Williams. manned by James Brophy, Robert dent, Lyle Walsh; Secretary, Diane Wilcox, Juniors; William Dumble- S. Webber; Treasurer, William Dooley again left the stage accmopanied by Rita Shapiro lon, Robert Preyer, Sophomores, and Dumbleton; Editor of the Freshand soon the name DONALD GENE LANGSLEY echoed Rita Blssonette, '51. man Handbook, Shirley Wiltse; throughout the auditorium. State's "insurance" man will Songleader, Susan Miller; Cheeroccupy the number eight position next year. leader, Evelyn Komendarek; PubThe next name which rang out was AGNES JEANNE licity Director, Edith Minch; W.A.A. MC INTYRE was led back to be "tasseled" by Miss Manager, Jean Hotaling; W.A.A. Women's Athletic Association for Editor of the who Pedagogue. Representative, Eleanor Adams. Evans,assisted 49, willbyhead the Mieras Baldwin. MissofMclntyre was alsoHONEY named Literary theJuanlta year 1948-49 Beverly Next and year's Chairman I.G.C., JOYCE SIMON The slate of officers for 1951 are Sittig Vice-President. Charles was next to be tapped by Mrs. Walsh and Miss Gilbert. Miss rounded out with Vice-President, Frail, '49, will head Men's Athletic Dramatics and Arts Council, Mu- James Jiusto; Secretary, Jane Cook; Association. Simon took her place beside Miss Mclntyre leaving only three sic Council and Debate Council have Treasurer, Alice Gersh; Songleader, Miss Evans' and Miss Sittig's co- vacant places. announced their presidents for the Jeanne Hatch; Cheerleader, Ruth workers on W.A.A Council for the The next male member to ascend the stage was ROBERT coming year. Cathrine Donnelly will Publicity Director^ Virginia coming year ore Treasurer, Ruth K E N N E T H W I L C O X e s c o r t e d by M i s s S h a p i r o a n d M i s s head D. & A., Jean Munro, Music owens; Szatkowski VV.A.A. ivianagei, Phyl- Smith, '50; Otlice Manager, Ruth Seelbach. The Junior Class President will serve on Student Council and George Christy, Debate lis Harris; W.A.A Representative, Matteson, '50; and Secretary, AudCouncil. Patricia Jai. Facilities Board next year. rey Weller, '51. Other appointments to D. & A. in- Release New Student Council CATHERINE SUZANNA GRANT was the last woman to Frail will work with Lyle Walsh, clude Eleanor Guarino, Til, SecreThe Student Council Represents '50, as Vice-President; George Glen- be tapped for Myskania with Miss May and Miss Mieras doing tary, and council members are Don- lives are as follows: day, '50, as Financial Secretary, and the tapping. The tapping was concluded when Baldwin and ald Ely from the class of '51, Earle Class of 1949: Robertson Baker Patrick Dooley, '51, as Secretary. Jones, Phyllis Witt Penn and An- Jean Ineson , Robert Klttredge, Clif Announce Tabulations Miss Shapiro descended the stairs to tap the thirteenth memthony Prochilo from the class of '50. ton Thorne. ber, ROBERTSON WILLIAM BAKER. Miss Smith and Miss Matteson Miss Munro will be assisted on Class of 1950: Robert Freyer reached the quota of 4113-1 points Music Council by Jean McNeil, Sec- Audrey Koch, William Lyons, An in the third distribution followed retary, and Joan Erlandson, Treas- thony Prochilo ,,, , ,„. , ,, , .,, closely by Eleanor Adams, '50, with urer. June Peters, Bernudine SnyMiss Weller came into Class of 1951: Betty Cahtll, Put- 4300 point der, Jacob Schuhle and Allan Camp- rick Dooley, Huzan Panelc, Heliuuth the lead in the fourth distribution bell will represent the chorus. Or- Schultze and reached the quota of 7251 chestra representatives are Audrey points. Campus Commission for next year Koch and Doris Price, Sophomores, N a m e M a t t e s o n W a l s h Frail was elected President of Is inndo up of four Sophomores and, with Harry Mills and Barbara Smith i ! r ] j U , Jean McCabe has been elected Men's Athletic Association on the representing the operetta. Junior OUlde Heads six freshmen. The four members second distribution, his closest com- Director of Press Bureau, State's from the class of '50 include David. Mary Odak '49, will assist Christy Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Women petitor being Joseph Amyot, '49. established organ for outside pubas Vice-President of Debate Council has announced that Catherine Honor Council Released licity. Earle Jones, '50, will act os Jack, Renee Harris, Florice Kline and Susan Miller, ,, with Mary Rega, 50, as Correspond- Grant, '49, will be Chairman of Assistant Director, HftUOr Council, highest honor hi The present freshmen who will, a J Ann Joslin Frosh Camp tm W o m e ext S? Tvt!™ £? ' Ruth Matteson and» Lyle " Walsh fall W.A.A., is shared this year by Miss The remaining officers of the or- be marshalling during assembly ses49 Treasurer. The ?four incoming Evans and Miss Sittig. The wards ganissatlon include Margaret Von- sions are Rita Blssonette, Anne Sophomores on council are Walter Sophomores, have been chosen co' oi a w h i t e AH,.,. ~i IV' —r "* Jacket is given to those ada, '50, Secretary-Treasurer, and Braasch, Lois Oruden, Martha Farmer, Joseph FriPdmnn '''••''">•"-••» , ; . .. .'•• G U i d e S f o r J u n l o i s consl th '48 '4H ' dered highest In inter- Gerald Dunn, '51, Corresponding Downey, Alice Gersch, Virginia Gersh and Edwin Kurlander. est and activity in W.A.A Secretary. Norton. Councils Choose New Offi cers "Come on, Johnny, mother promised us Dentyne Chewing Gum if we only sat through it once!" Female Rule Broken; Men Gain 7 To 6 Lead Appoint Pulver N E W S Editor For Next Year PAGI 2 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, F R I D A Y . MAY 7 . 1 9 4 8 STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , NUMERICAL TABULATIONS Student Council 1949 180 x 100 + 1 Quota 4 + 1 1 la lb 2 Baker 6900 3601 3601 3601 Donnelly—Eliminated by preference Gourley 700 935 953 953 806 806 Orleco 600 788 624 Hoffman 400 588 624 Houck 1100 1382 1445 1445 Ineson 1000 1376 1439 1439 Keefe 200 247 247 Kittredge 3000 4081 3601 3601 McOabe 700 794 848 848 518 518 Peris 500 500 400 500 Thayer '." 400 400 Thome 1100 1476 1539 1639 Tucker 900 1041 1131 1131 789 836 Wood 500 735 Blanks Loss 56 59 59 3 3601 4 3601 5 3601 6 3601 953 806 624 1545 1539 953 906 624 1545 1539 1053 1015 1200 1171 1763 1845 3601 1157 3601 ,3601 1184 1425 59 59 1403 1545 1745 1839 1939 1231 1340 945 945 1839 11.31 836 3601 President Student Association Donnelly 3601 Jennings Langsley Blanks 59 2180 1387 9 59 2072 1945 2280 i89 2627 ™ 27 59 r"?*** ° ££:::: Gersh . 127 Blanks 59 Quota f- 1 = 3601 1 la 1100 1580 2900 3476 1900 2284 1800 2616 7000 3601 800 1472 2000 2432 400 400 100 100 39 „ + 2 1680 3576 2484 2616 3601 1472 2432 3 1876 3824 2728 3056 3601 3a 1928 3601 2792 3096 3601 2776 2796 1 14700 11200 8800 33700 10900 14200 1500 Total 1 = Hatch Hoffman 4 Keyton Koch 3601 Peretta 3820 Smith 3596 Blanks 3601 Total 3196 95000 3 15300 12400 1951 273 x 100 Distributor Collegiate Digest I'lie undergraduate newspaper of the New i'ork State Col2100 lege for Teachers; published every Friday of the college year by the NEWS Board for the Student Association. 95000 I'liones: May, 2-0445; Coleman and Roehford, 2-0120; Zlnnl, •I 95:18; Clark 2-0870. Members of the news staff mny be reached Tues., and Wed. from 7 to 11:30 P. M. at 30107. 1 90300 4700 1 35700 38900 18500 1900 2 44200 48500 95000 95000 1 18800 40800 34500 900 2 49900 42700 2400 95000 95000 95000 + 1 4 + 1 2 3 4 4330 4730 4830 1125 4660 4770 5180 1310 1420 2150 2250 2455 2135 2140 2445 2320 2520 2720 2125 2225 2225 5461 5461 5461 = 5461 5 5035 6 5535 5390 5905 6a 5640 6b 5461 2300 205 49 305 49 95000 3445 3552 4595 1 9 5 0 3482 4230 Carosella Freel—Eliminated by 5461 5461 G l e n d a y Jackson Karpiak B 315 327 1931 ' " " k s 98 111 111 L o s s 1 20400 Preference 25300 4160n 4300 2900 Total 95000 5 31000 6 + 1 1 la 19200 19200 2700 2928 4100 4442 2600 2980 22200 13572 3600 4208 3900 4242 2600 3398 3600 3866 4600 6120 2000 2114 2000 2304 3500 4336 700 852 5700 6270 2800 3332 2000 2418 6300 7288 900 038 192 Zanchelll Callfano Fay Felder Klnn Mclntyre Miller Seaman .... Wilcox Blanks Loss Total ll> 13572 3276 4877 3212 13572 4643 4445 3862 4069 6903 2201 2420 4829 939 6676 3535 2650 8100 967 252 13572 2 13572 3276 4877 3212 13572 4643 4445 3991 4069 7003 2201 2408 5372 3 13572 3476 4877 3712 13572 4843 4445 3991 4069 7132 4 13572 3576 4977 3712 13572 4843 4574 4191 4069 7132 2496 5710 6424 6776 3535 2650 8129 967 252 6776 3635 2908 8567 967 252 Student Facilities Board 950 x 100 Quota -j- 1 5 6 13572 13572 1 + 1 3605 Bissonctto 4977 6882 3888 4146 Skolnlck 13572 13572 Blanks 4843 494.< Total 4574 4879 4258 4416 1950 4069 4169 Diiinhlcton ,, 7390 7577 B , ° J £ r 6500 6600 7152 8742 8971 3764 4022 4022 3084 9110 9640 9903 996 1096 1090 252 252 252 • • 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 05000 95000 Total Baker Houck Landau Langsley McCabe Peris « Pless Slttig Zanchelll Felder Mclntyre Wilcox .._ Blanks — L08B - + 1 „,.„ - 7 13572 7449 4346 13572 5048 4908 5183 4169 8144 7001 B309 _. 10851 1196 252 8 9 10 II I la 12 12a 13572 13572 13572 13572 13572 13573 13572 7449 8925 9341 9837 9930 10804 12148 4575 13572 13572 13572 13572 13572 13572 13572 5786 6391 6845 B003 8087 5808 6204 6800 5599 5966 8696 9268 11047 13167 13329 7130 7335 7702 8465 8567 0914 10343 11044 12178 12334 11351 11876 13229 14358 13572 1296 1296 1596 1596 1617 252 252 252 252 420 17622 13572 0984 12012 13705 13705 13572 13572 1749 2241 420 606 40300 95000 05000 05000 95000 95000 95000 95000 95000 1949 Benlnatl Brophy Feinandes Wilcox Blanks Loss I 8300 •17400 14800 23200 1300 OftOOO .1 Total 25529 Secretary 30452 31667 6180 3621 365 33388 Callfano 31667 Erea Gardner . 4051 Halloran 365 Munroe Blanks 95000 Total Treasurer 95000 Recommended List: Pulver Blmou Ves «23 ouj 710 ooo 872 785 730 1 12400 1500 3900 200 No 100 81 204 46 (14 134 186 1 6300 5500 6000 200 2 9800 18000 18000 18000 1 7200 3000 2100 2700 2800 200 7600 3500 3 8500 4500 3300 3400 200 4300 700 800 18000 18000 1H000 18000 1 17(100 200 18000 8 27 4 14 31 25 8000 3100 5900 300 6800 400 9400 600 18000 4 18000 2 6500 3200 3 10400 4700 3200 400 6900 18000 18000 18000 1 4600 4700 6200 2300 100 2 4800 6100 6900 3 200 500 18000 18000 18000 Total Publicity Director Hartman Total 18000 W.A.A. Representative Adams Kelleher Blanks 18000 2 6300 4 8400 3 7000 1 6000 1300 2600 3300 4400 400 2900 3300 5000 500 3900 6600 500 9100 500 » 11900 6900 7900 600 15800 27300 27300 27300 1)1000 1 17700 300 18000 Publicity Director Bogdanskl I'usmer ... Blanks f 10200 1300 18000 18000 18000 18000 Salm Blanks 8200 13700 5200 200 Total 27300 C a 14300 13000 t e 1951 Total 27300 27300 273 x 100 Publicity Director Rohr Szatkowskl Blanks (- 1 13651 1 5900 8700 9700 3000 President Dunn Ely Miller Thome Blanks 27300 12300 14300 700 „ 3 2 6800 10100 10300 13800 13000 100 500 27300 27300 27300 W.A.A. Representative Jai Maginess Blanks „ 15000 11800 500 27300 11500 5800 700 2 10500 15800 18000 Total 27300 27300 Secretary Cook 1 12500 W.A.A. Manager Harris Longo Patterson Weller Blanks itJob Total 3 14800 2 12900 1 1200 3800 4600 7300 400 2 12800 27300 27300 MAA 5500 8400 600 Total .. 10400 900 27300 191 x 100 Quota = Vice-President Carosella Frail—Elected to t h e Presidency Jackson Marzello Van Dam Walsh Blank 3 16000 180 x 100 4- 1 = 9551 1 + 1 1 2000 President 2300 7200 2100 5300 200 2700 7300 2400 6100 600 2800 8000 19100 19100 19100 7600 700 Amyot . 8900 * r n " 7; Howarth 9400 Blank 800 Total 19100 Don't Forget Mother THE 6REENS SEE/YV A. L O T NEARER WHEN YOU SWITCH TO S P A L D I N G W O O D S / NEW MODELS...PERFECTLY BALANCED TO PUT MORE ^SWINGING WE16HT" BEHIND THE BALL .... ADD POWER AND ACCURACY TO YOUR WOOD GAME....THEIR PATENTED GRIP GROOVES 1 6200 6700 6000 200 : 8001 9901 19100 1910' 1?0 WAA 14500 + 1 'resident, 4834 2 + 1 Vice-President 1 860 590' Evans Slttig Cards — Gifts OTTO R. MENDE STATE COLLEGE COOP Turn C O L L I » I J I W I L K H 103 C E N T R A L AVE. \SK*wm<**W. Y O U R GRIP THE SAAAE GOOD FOOD WAY TOR. EVERY SWLNONEW SPALDING In n Friendly, 1 (1100 9500 400 Comfortable Atmosphere Total 1(1000 1 a 0100 5400 000 7900 0500 600 600 18000 18000 Florist & Greenhouse Corner of ONTARIO & BENSON DIAL 4-1125 "Stute" Representatives JACK BROPHY GEORGE POULOS WALT SCHICK jfaf***? COLLEGE FLORIST FOR YEARS W.A.A. M a n a g e r Fllzinorris Seaman Blanks I 7600 10200 200 Total 18000 QUAIL (SB B 2 1 + 1 WOODS you'RE usiM6.' 2 1 13600 11500 2200 Quota = /vew SPALPIN6 27300 Songleader Hatch Paretta Whitcraft Blanks Total SPALDING 27300 7 _ Cheerleader 1 7600 13200 6100 400 5000 5900 6200 400 Treasurer 1 Eade—Eliminated by Preference Gates 4900 Gersh 10200 Haswell 5400 Purdy 6500 Blanks 300 Total Vice President Englehart Jiusto Stevenson Blanks 2 4800 4700 200 400 Editor of Frosh H a n d b o o k Cookingham Heslin Konopka Stoddard Wiitse Blanks a 4700 18000 Total 1 3900 8600 5000 500 17600 Total 700 8400 9100 18000 W.A.A . M a n a g e r llotaling Matteson—Eliminated by Preference Smith—Eliminated by Preference Blanks 27300 Total 9700 8000 300 Total 3800 3100 3400 4500 Khulkin Mitchell Reimenthal Wolfe Blanks Quota Total 95000 W.A.A. Representative Evans Eliminated by Preference Lytle Mldueley Mobci'B Sittlg—Eliminated by Preference Blanks Blanks Total 21 3 5100 5700 1 6300 3200 1100 4000 3100 300 4 11400 5800 I 3400 14500 10(1 31068 24472 36005 2105 90 2 4200 4500 18000 10600 2200 200 7900 300 58600 Total 29500 Cheerleader 0900 Cheatham Blanks 95000 Total 42700 Sung leader 47100 Mills 5200 Smith 95000 Blanks 3 1 3800 4000 2100 2900 4900 300 Songleader Hare Miller Schaln Blanks 18000 Kaiser Blanks 47501 Myskania f 4- 1 = 9001 Lisker Smith Blanks 2 22815 3 10874 31668 19420 31483 1465 90 18000 Total Total 13000 16700 Vice-President 22800 2200 Felder Gibson 95000 Mclntyre Blanks Total Brophy Donnelly Grunt It l i n i n g s Kittredge JEAN PULVER '49 Editor-in-Chief 95000 President 950 x 100 Quota = 2400 15300 300 Cheerleader Donbrowskl Keyton Komendarek Sheets Blanks 19001 95000 Vice-President Noonan Walsh Blanks Total 1 + 1 5461 5461 5461 Total 18000 Treasurer Dumbleton Herrman .... Kensie Lee Vonada Blanks Quota 1- 1 = Total Total 4 23900 1949 Feldcr Hardt—Eliminated by Preference Kaiser Smith "".'.'.' Tucker 5461 Blanks 2560 3220 3385 2850 3450 3500 3220 3375 3440 2530 5461 5461 5461 1730 1830 5 105 49 49 95000 7800 10000 200 Secretary Bcwen Conway Smith Webber, D. M. Webber, D. S. Blanks 47501 3 20800 13400 President Jones Vaughn .. Blanks Total 180 x 100 Suggested List: Sittlg Member Associated Collegiate Press 37100 41000 46200 59800 11900 15500 17400 21900 1800 2400 3000 4200 Student Board of Finance 100 100 104 104 950 x 100 39 39 82 82 Quota = 1 + 1 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 Baker Evans Houck Landau ... Langsley McCabe ... Peris Pless No. 26 1 + 1 4 + 1 4300 1100 4500 1300 1600 1900 2200 2100 5800 1100 1400 1 + 1 M a y 7, 1948 950 x 100 Quota = Cahlll Cushing Dooley Friedman Moriarty Panek Prescott Richards Schultze Skidmore Skolnlck Blanks Loss Vol. X X X I I Minch White Blank 9001 + 1 Quota 95000 1950 la 4330 1125 4560 1310 1650 1930 2220 2125 5561 1105 1430 1630 5 5 49 49 2 33600 59300 95000 •180 x 100 Quota RATING—ALL-AMERICAN 2166 2301 Vice-President Engle 3601 Blanks 1628 Total 18000 18000 18000 Feathers Freyer Koch Lyons Prochilo Rlber Thompson Tunkel Blanks Loss = 47501 1 30300 47000 16400 1300 Total 3601 3601 948 1157 518 1950 By the Clan of 1918 1 + 1 = 3601 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000 180 18000 18000 18000 Grand Marshal 9 10 11 Appleby 3601 3601 3601 Pless 2349 Seaman 2610 3240 3390 Blanks 3601 3601 3601 2960 3967 3601 Total 2584 2987 3137 236 545 590 59 59 80 Songleader Baker Houck Ineson Kittredge Thome Tucker Blanks Loss Total + 1 Total Total Established May 1916 950 x 100 Quota CLASS ELECTIONS STATE COLLEGE NEWS Student Association PAGE F R I D A Y . MAY 7 , 1 9 4 8 0o< and Tap-Fill* al your Pre only. SPALDING SETS THE PACE IN SPORTS Special Attention to Sororities and Fraternities WESTERN AT AOI STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , 4 Religious Clubs Announce Lists O f New Heads Name Brophy, Grant, Wayne, Presidents Marvin Wayne, '49, will preside over Hillel, John Brophy, '49, will be in charge of Newman, and Catherine Grant, '49' will be at the hilt of Student Christian Association for the year 1948-49. Inter-varsity Christian Fellewship has elected Ruth Price President, while Wayne Palmer will be the Reader of the Christian Science Organization. Irma Rosen, '48, President of HMlel has announced the following Slate to serve under Wayne: Ethel Rosenberg, '49, Vice-President; ArI«ne Zeilengold, '49, Secretary; Hortemse Zeilengold, '49, Historian; Lorraine Greensteln, '51, Treasurer, •Ad Gerald Reisner, '49, Editor of the Hillel News. Announce Newman Officers Eleanor Holbig,' '48, President of Newman, has released the following names as officers of Newman Club: Alice Reilley, '50, will assume the duties of Vice-President; Betty Cahill, '51, is Secretary, and Mary Randall, '50, the new Treasurer. ' Marian Mieras,. '48, President of S.OCAs,? has announced that Jeanne Boweh, '50, will be the new VicePresident, Inez Shippen, '50, Treasuret»l:«tt&d Audrey Weller, '51, Secretary. IVCF Releases New Staff Helen Eaton, '49, will be the VicePresident under President Price, according to Evelyn Boetcher, '8. Ruth Leier, '49, is the new Secretary, LeRoy Dodge, '50, the Treasurer, Rob'eW-Peters, '49, Missionary Secretary, and Theresa Salamone, '49, the ( .aocial Chairman. Elect Califano Commuter Head Helen Califaiii) '49 hits been elected President of Commuter's Club for the following year. Harold Tunkel '50 will be Vice-President of the organization. The remaining officers include Delaphine Verck '51, Secretary, and Sally Tschumi '51, Treasurer. Primer Board Hardt To Direct Selects Wingate Forum Activities Editor-in-Chief For Next Year Gifford Wingate will take over the reigns of the Primer for next year, Other editors include Alvin Feldman, Literary Editor; Hilda Rivenburg, Art Editor and Joseph Keefe, Business Manager. Senior Staff is made up of Ellen Fay and Leonard Koblenz, Business; Theresa Salamoni, Art; Persis Hockridge, Literary. Junior Staff includes Ruth Framback, Frances Konopka, Norene Thorson, Harold Tunkel, Business; Christian Lievestro, Philip Rose, Art; Joan French, David Mooney, Louis Proctor and Marian Zimmer, Literary. Sophomore Staff is composed of Julia Hewett, James Juisto, Eleanor Rochiec, Judith Oxenhandler, Business; Stuart Goldman, Paul Kirsch, Robert Roulier, Frederick Truscott, Art; Carolyn Finch, Frederick Knoerzer, Martha Spencer, Jeanette Teal, Literary. Honorary Group Adds Members Pi Gamma Mu, the honorary Social Studies Society at State College, announces its new members. The four Senior members are Madelyn Breish, Marjory Clark, Shirley King, and Stella MacLaren. The members from the Junior class are Mary Bacher, Jean Bassett, Marie Bennett, Stella Bogdanski, Phllomena Cerro, Clara Cipriani, Dorothy Daly, Patricia Devlin, Joyce Dickerson, Cathrine Donnelly, Juanlta Evans, Jps>Ph Francillo, Irene Galloway, Betty Hohenstein, Marie Holz, Jean Ineson, Jo Ann Joslin, Robert Kaiser, eLonard Koblenz, Mary Krom, Joyce McCollum, Haiv old Mills, Marjorie Munro, Thelma Pangburn, Ann Schallt, Yvette Schwedock, Mary Scutt, Margaret Seaman, Helen Sins, Millard Smith, Robert Tucker, Lloyd Wheeler. .« FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1 0 4 8 Joyce Simon, '49, will lead the activities of Inter-Group Council for next year and Robert Hardt, '49, will take over as Speaker of Forum. Patricia Devlin is Vice-chairman of I.G.C. with Gloria Enea as Secretary. New members who have been appointed to the Board are Dorothy Butch, '49, Joyce Dodge and Frances Konopka, Sophomores, Stuart Goldman and Judith Oxenhandler, freshmen. Release Committee Heads Audrey Hartman, 49, has been placed in charge of publicity with Selma Nadel and Charlotte Kaplan, Sophomores, heading the literature committees. Barbara Cooper, '51, will take care of the freshmen program. Elect Forum Board According to the Forum elections John Fay, '49, will be Clerk for the coming year with Seymour Fersh, '50, assuming the duties of Treasurer. Molly Mulligan, '50, and Robert Tucker, '49, are co-Editors of next year's Soapbox. The new Board who will direct the activities of State's voice of world affairs consists of Leslie De Weerdt, John Fay, Robert French, Hardt, Leonard Koblenz, Miss Simon, Tucker, Juniors, and Fersh and Miss Mulligan, Sophomores. COKE AND MUSIC FOR HAPPY MOMENTS Model ALBANY, N E W YORK, Session Approves Bills For Consideration T H U R S D A Y , MAY 6, 1948 AT 8:30 A. M. VOL. XXXII NO. 2 8 Will Ballot-Happy Myskania Closes Eventful Year Reminiscent, Sad 27 /Announce ]i Election Results, t New Myskania Tuesday meetings, suppers, the Orphan's parties, an assembly skit —and more important, hours of hard work in State's Interest—FriTo Recommend Passage day morning a weary, ballot-happy Myskania will close its year's work By Legislature In Fall as the second student-elected MysAt the model session of the legis- kania in State's history. (Three lature held last week-end three bills years ago Myskania was democraton housing, juvenile delinquency i.-ized trom a self-perpetuating body and education were passed, while a to one elected by Student- Associabill on state subsidation of all tion.) schools was defeated 39-20 after Their self-cooked meals have been much debate. These bills will be re- a continual source of enjoyment and commended to Governor Dewey and indigestion to Myskania's memto the state legislature when it convenes next autumn. Debate Council from State was represented by Stanley Abrams '48; Jo Ann Joslin and Mary Odak, Juniors; and William Dumbleton, Robert Preyer and Arthur Root, Sophomores. bers. Dean and Acting President Nelson, and Mrs. Nelson came to dinner one night, and THAT night the dinner was good. Shapiro and Walsh To Address Dooley served steak. Morning Assemblage isic One of the first dinners was cooked by Eloise and Stan, and accordState's thirty-fifth annual Mov- a t ing to them it was spaghetti. Ruming-Up Day exercises will be h e l d n e or has it that they had come upon in Page Hall auditorium tomorrow' es a new formula for synthetic rubmorning at 9 a. m. New members of)r ' ber, and Scoop is reported to have Myskania will be tapped, leaders of„I discovered a way to make it palatall student organizations for 1948-, " able. "Drown in tomato sauce to '45 will be made known, and the, r I kill taste of spaghetti, add cheese traditional moving-up ceremonies!, to kill taste of sauce, and then eat will take place with the singing of bread to kill the taste of the cheese." "Where Oh Where" and "Arm In... As to who cooked the best meal, lu Arm Through Friendly Ways." during the year, that varies with a Walsh to Open Assembly " whichever member of Myskania is asked about it. After the procrssion or all classes,!! from Draper to Page Halls, Alice^s The Christmas skit, narrated by Walsh '48, President of Student As-L Abrams, included Worth the melosociation, will open the assembly,.dramatic actress who didn't have Elect Speaker Vntm St. Francis with a welcoming address. Class. the rent, Dooley the villian, Baldwin HELEN KISIEL Registration was held Thursday speakers are first on the program; " as Santa Claus, and May the old night at the DeWitt Clinton Hotel. Grand Marshal The Sophomore and freshman they are Arliene Riber '48; John' Friday morning the Speaker was classes will present their Moving- mother with "matted" hair. Jennings '49; Herman Blavatnick The annual orphan's party at elected from St. Francis College, Up Day skits tomorrow night at '50, and Lois Prescott '51. New York City, and the Secretary 6:15 p. m, in Page Hall. Earle Jones Christmas included an innovation, Officers of various campus o r - e from Champlain College, after which will direct the Sophomore skit, "He one Mrs. Santa Claus nee Diehl, as ganizations will then be announced 2 the delegates adjourned to commit- came, he saw—," and Goldie Bren- well as traditional Santa (Baldwin) by members of the faculty Dr.T. tee hearings on bills and to hear ex- ner will direct the freshman skit, who, it seems, had a little trouble with his Santa pants. Ellen C. Stokes. Dean of Women, „ pert testimony on housing, juvenile Minerva's Side Street." wnl announce the new members of" Myskania lost 3 to 5 in field delinquency and education. The Sophomore skit was written Rcs;dence Council, Inter-Sorority I Fundamental goal of the model by Earle Jones and Robert Freyer. events with the frosh, probably beCouncil and the Junior guides. I n session was to develop techniques The cast includes Robert Freyer, cause they are intellectual types. ter-Fraternity-Inter-Sorority CounAnd there was a famous basketby which a number of individuals Lyle Walsh, Florence Blasko, iPaul cil will be announced by Stanley? can discuss a common problem and King William Lyons, Arnold Rice, ball game, in which Twink as fourth Five sororities elected officers for Abrams '48; Hillel by Irma Rosen, arrive at a solution reflecting the Ann Morgan, Joan French, Lindley forward ran in and out of the game best of which that group is capable. De Garmo, Mary Calandra, William as she was needed; Shapiro's back next year during the past week. '48; Newman Club by Eleanor Hoi-" big '48, and Student Christian As- .' This was carried out when the con- Dumbleton, Margaret Vonada, Lorice still aches from it, and it took two Helen Cook '49, new President of sociation by Marion Mieras '48. } vention convened Saturday morning Schain, Robert Frasca, Joan Romu- to make a basket. Following the Senior farewell and the three bills were passed lus, and Anthony Prochilo. At meetings, Wunnms was known Beta Zeta, will preside as President of Inter-Sorority Council next year. song, "We '48 Salute You," the acwithout too much discussion. Chairman of sets and props is as the efficiency expert, and SeelPropose Non-Discrimination The offerers of Kappa Delta so- tual moving-up ceremonies will take Catherine Noonan, of lights, Edythe bach "distributed funds." Mieras, around two a. m. (yes Myskania did rority are: Ouzanne Anderson '49, place. This year's Myskania will The bill on housing included pro- Kelleher, of sound, Heinz Engel. then tap the members who compose ' visions for housing for migratory The freshman skit was written by work that late sometimes), could President; Leslie Weber '49, Vice the 1948-'49 group. ' workers, subsidation of private con- Goldie Brenner, Barbara Cooper, giggle over Klsiel's jokes. President; Barbara Smith '50, All In all, for them it has been a Bulger to Announce NEWS Staff struction of multiple dwellings for Morris Berger, and George Kline. Treasurer; Mary Lucas '50, RecordPaul C. Bulger, Co-ordinator of low income groups, no discrimina- The cast includes- Kenneth Ludlum year of fun in the remembering, but ing Secretary; Earllne Thompson hard work with lots of worries in tion in providing housing, exten- and Waller Keller, leads, and Gene '50, Corresponding Secretary; Carol Field Services and Public Relations, sion of rent controls, and state en- Petri, Jacquelyn Mann, Alan Pike, the doing. A big hand for Myskania; Scutt '49, Critic; Fay Richards and will announce the NEWS Board for couragement of conversion of build- Joan Whitcraft, Martha Downey, tomorrow's crop will have a tall Willa Hellwig, freshmen, Marshals; the coming year. Members of Demurk to grow up to. bate Council will be announced by ings for further housing. and George Kline. and Jeanne Moshier '49, House Rita Shapiro '48, now President of Juvenile delinquency recommenMusic is under the direction of President. the Council; Beverly Blstoff "48, dations included community plan- Richard Thome. Co-chairmen of Hold No N E W S Class Friday Officers for Chi Sigma Theta Director of Press Bureau, will make ning of community centers of recre- sets are Patricia Jai and Stuart Ann May '48, Editor-in-Chief of ation under state subsidation, Gates. Chairman of props Is Ele- the State College NEWS, has an- are: Jean iPtilver '49, President; Ag- known its officers; the Editor of graduate schools in 3 universities anor Gessinger. Co-chairmen of nounced that no Journalism class nes Mclntyre '49, Vice President; Primer for next year will be named for training youth counsellors, year- make-up are Susan Panek and Ruth will be held tomorrow afternoon. Alice Reilley '50, Treasurer; Mary by C. Rogers Nielsen, Editor-inChief; Gloria Gilbert '48, will name ly physical examinations of all Breen. Classes will be resumed next week. A ''ontinutd on Page $, Column II _ the head of Pedagogue; WAA leadschool children to discover tendeners will be announced by Wilma cies lliat would lead to unacceptable social behavior, restoration of deDiehl '48; MAA officers will be linquents to homes and approval of named by John Dooley '48; Chairhome conditions of delinquents by man of Inter-Group Council will investigators. If parents are found be named by John Jennings '48; delinquent and not able to provide and Dorothy Difrin '48 will announce homes lor the children, parents Dramatic and Arts Council memcould be charged with a felony, bers. Dr. Charles F. Stokes, Professor of Music, will name mem(Continued on Page b, Column Si bers of Music Council for next year. (Continued on Page %, Column $1 Jones, B. Drenner To Direct Skits omorrow Night Five Sororities Elect Officers For Next Year Company G«at¥ne-Gffiat RK0RD \ Z-444 }. Traditional Ceremonies In Page Hall ToS Initiate t; State's Thirty - Fifth Moving-Up Day Weekend Signum Laudis Elects 20 More Members Seven members of the class of 1948 and thirteen members of the incoming Senior class were accepted into Signum Laudis, the honorary scholastic society of State College. The members from '48 include Stanley Abrams, Marie Bennett, Marjorie Harland, Gilbert Holliday, Ask for it either way . .. both Ann May, and Myra Rosenberg. Frederick Baron, Dorothy Daly, trade-marks mean the same thing. John Fay, Irene Galloway, Persis Hockridge, Mary Iatauro, Donald BOTTIED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY Langsley, Joyce McCollum, June ALBANY COCA-COLA BOTTLING Olson, Ethel Rosenberg, Yvette Schwedock, Abraham Sherer, Joyce 1948, The Coca-Cola Simon are the Junior members of Signum Laudis. tate College News LINES FORM It's Bob Eberly's waxing of "You Can't Run Away From Love." — Decca Record Release B O B E B E R L Y , the romantic ballad singer, gives some old but good advice to cuddlesometwosomes on this click-disc. And B o b has another good word for smokers. As B o b sings it, "I've tried a lot of different brands of cigarettes—but C a m e l s suit me best." T r y Camels on your " T - Z o n e " - T for T a s t e T for Throat, See for yourself why, with B o b Eberly a n d countless other smokers who have tried and compared, Camels are t h e "choice of experience," Myskania KDR, KB, EEP Elect Officers For '48-'49 flAoK fBflpfe SK, W»ig Cfi0l$ it** *** bfatl The new officers of Kappa Delta Rho, Kappa Beta and Poller Club for the year 1U4H-'4D arc: Kappa Delia Him: President, Clifford Thome '41). Vice President, Robert Baker '41), Pledge Master, Jack Morris '50, Recording Secretary, David Durkee '1)0, Treasurer, Albert Holliday 'fill, Corresponding Secretary, Donald Ely Til. Kappa Beta: President, Abraham Trop '40, Vice President. Seymour Fersh 'SO, Treasurer, Irwin Waxmiui 'SO, Secretary, Arnold Rico Til), Representative to Inter-Fraternity Council, Thomas I.lsker and Marvin Wayne, Juniors. Potter Club: President, Michael Capuano '41), Vice President, Joseph Bivlano '41), Treasurer, Lyle Walsh '40, Secretary, James Jiusto '51, Representative to mterFralerulty Council, John King '40. Seniors To Sponsor Moving-Up Day Dance The Senior Class will sponsor an informal dance Saturday night In Page Hull gym, from I) p. ni. until l a. in., according to Francis Mullin, President. Admission will be $1.60 per couple. Frank D'Amlco and his orchestra, from Troy, will play lor the dance. The decorations will reflect the moving-up day theme, and refreshments will be served. Dorothy Difl'in Merrltt and Isabels Cooper are co-chuirmen of the affair. Chairman of music is Evelyn Jamison. . An explanation of the term "in-' formal" lias been proferred by the dunce committee, "While the dance will be a 'dress-up affair,' formal clothes will not bo worn."