Document 14064135

f»AOt 4
WAA Plans
Winter Sports
• Too bad about there not being
any more football for woman—they
just love that game! Maybe we
could use that new system here instead of touch football. The new
system is called "look" football. Instead of touching or tackling the
member of the opposing team, the
one nearest the person who is carrying the ball merely looks at him
and it's called a down. In this game
it has never been known for anyone to get hurt. One more slight
rule—the member of the opposing
team must look at the opponent
carrying the ball at the same time
he is looking at him. This naturally results in some slight confusion
as some of the players in an attempt
to make a touchdown, go around in
dark glasses refusing to look at any
members of the other team. Some
of the players may call this unfair
and begin to start a rumpus—but
there's nothing in the rules against
it—so all we have to do is change
the rules and we'll have a good
The printers, by some streak of
fate, happened to be reading this
page last week and they couldn't
believe that the "gals" up here were
really playing football. It so happens that they print RPI's paper
and suddenly got the bright idea
that a game between State girls
and some RPT fellows would be a
perfectly wonderful idea. We finally convinced them that it would
not be such a good idea so that
took care of that. Judging from
the results of the last game that
was played, it really is a wise idea
to call off all such games where
there would be any type of rivalry
or a determination of one team or
the other to win. (Some of those
kids still haven't recovered.)
Tsk Tsk
Is there a gambler in the house?
'Cause if there is, we're willing to
bet that the tennis tournament
won't be played off this year either.
That poor chart is just hanging
there and no one ever writes anything on it. If some one would
only dig up that silver cup and
shine it up, maybe that would be
an incentive for those kids who
signed up to really play those
games. There's still only been one
little play-off and the first round
was supposed to have been played
off by the middle of this w e e k there goes a perfectly good tennis
About Basketball
Then there's that little matter
about basketball that everybody
had counted on so much this year.
Seems as though the plays that are
being put on are taking all the
available men that would be used
for basketball so the fellows can't
come to practice. Well the play's
the thing they say, and we suppose
there will be another year of plays
and no basketball. Last year we
didn't have the men, this year we
have. State wants a team and we
could have it. Well how about it
fellows—let's get going.
We keep getting more suggestions!
Wanna hear 'em. Well—one is that
we have a joke section on fourth
page. Now we don't exactly know
how to take this suggestion, but the
general idea is that we set aside a
few inches each week and use old,
new (and maybe otherwise) "funny
remarks" taken from other papers.
O.K. if you really want to laugh.
Another bright idea is that we start
a gossip column. Now whether that
was meant for fourth page or not
who knows — got any dirt Myrt?
Anwyay, to get back to the point,
whaddaya think? Should we tell
And did we mention how nice tho
WAA bulletin board looks—we did!
Well that's O.K., we'll mention it
again—because it certainly does.
That Is the reason why everybody
keeps signing up. Well good!
At the WAA Council meeting held
last Wednesday night, fall sport
captains were announced. Plans
for a WAA sports night and the
WAA tea were formulated. Volleyball as a possibility for a rivalry
sport was considered, but no final
decision has been made. A WAA
Splash Party was discussed, and Pat
Tilden, newly elected captain of
swimming is in charge. Other fall
sports captains are:
Basketball — Sweeney, Baker,
Life Saving—Craig. ,
Bowling—Campbell, Winters.
Fencing—Carey, Axelrod.
Ping Pong—Wakin.
Winter Sports—Tichy.
Sports Night
November 9th is the WAA Sports
Night. A hayride is to be the main
attraction. Since about fifty people have signed up to go on the
hayride, several wagons will be
hired. After the ride, refreshments
will be served in the gym and entertainment will be provided by
WAA. Just imagine hot chocolate
and doughnuts after several hours
WAA stars as Sweeney, Margot,
Mastrangelo and Diehl, producer
Mary Seymour and General Chairman Betty Margot promise a gala
The next WAA event is the WAA
Tea on November 15th which is a
reception for the freshmen and all
upperclassmen interested in sports.
This tea is to acquaint the frosh
with the WAA personnel and the
workings of WAA as one of the
leading organizations of State College. The various sports will be
explained and group discussions will
be held at the tea. Any questions
the frosh have concerning WAA or
its sports program will be answered
at that time. It was suggested that
a fencing match be the main feature of entertainment. A skit will
be put on by WAA talent. Mary
Quinn, '48, is general chairman of
the affair.
Awards for WAA credit were discussed and it was decided that the
following awards would be given:
Four sports for one year—Class
Four Sports for two years—WAA
Tee Shirt.
Four sports for three years—WAA
The award for four sports for
four years lias not been definitely
decided upon, but there will be an
award this year.
The Council was of the opinion
that this fall and winter sports program is general enough to appeal
to a majority of the student body.
Camp Johnston
Rules Changed
The following new rules were
made for future trips to Camp
1. No person may go to Camp
Johnston on WAA money more than
one time during the year. This
rule would allow more people to get
the benefits of WAA money.
2. No WAA credit will be given
for trips to Camp Johnston. However, those who needed one more
sport to get their numerals last
year will be allowed credit for going to Camp Johnston.
3. Camp Johnston captains are
Van Auken, '47, and Boyenton, '48,
and one of theh must accompany
all groups going to the camp. However if neither of the captains are
able to go, they may appoint a
member of WAA Council to go in
their place.
4. All groups desiring to go to
Camp Johnston must first secure
the permission of Mary Seymour,
WAA President, and must post a
list on the bulletin board at least
two weeks in advance of the trip.
This is to insure the group of their
date and to give WAA time to appropriate money for tho trip.
5. A minimum of ten people and
a maximum of twenty may go to
Camp Johnston at one time. This
Is so all people who want to go
have a chunce and the WAA money
is able to benefit a greater number
of people.
'47 - '49 Football Team
Beats Senior-Soph Squad
Sulli van. Nichols
Pass For Tallies
The annual football classic between the sister classes was held
last Wednesday, at 4:30, on Page
Field. The team of '47 and '49 defeated their opponent, the classes
of '46 and 48, 18-12.
Both teams had a good line of
defense to stop running plays, but,
were a little weak on passing defense. It was a clean, well played
game, with very few penalties being
Sullivan kicked off for the '46,
'48 team, and Dunn returned it to
the 25-yard line. From this point,
the team of '47, '49 marched down
the field for the first score of the
game, the tally coming as a result
of a series of passes, with Nichols
and Woodworth doing the tossing.
The try for the extra point was
missed when Dunn's toss to Thayer
was knocked down.
Woodworth kicked off and Bolles
returned the ball to the thirty-fiveyard stripe. After two incompleted
passes failed to net any yardage,
Sullivan heaved a long one to Bolles for the team's first down. On
the next play Bolles, on a reverse,
made four yards. Here the defense
tightened and the team was forced
to kick on fourth down. The quarter ended with the ball in the possession of the Junior-Prosh team.
Second Quarter:
Both teams were on the defensive
and the ball see-sawed up and
down the field. Mid-way through
the quarter Woodworth intercepted
a pass, leaping high into the air to
snatch the ball from the waiting
hands of Vaughn. He raced thirtyfive yards down the side-line and
crossed the goal-line standing up.
His pass to Dunn was caught out of
the end zone and did not count.
Third Quarter:
Woodworth kicked to Vaughn who
made a beautiful runback to the
mid-field stripe. At this point the
Senior-Soph combination started to
pull a few trick plays out of the hat,
using fake reverses, end runs, and
line plunges. As a result of these
plays they rolled fifty yards to
their first score of the afternoon,
Vaughn carrying it across on an
end run. The try for the extra
point was batted down. The score
was now 12-6 in favor of the '47, '49
aggregation. Holliday kicked to
Woodworth, who after returning it
five yards, slipped on the muddy
gridiron, and was downed immediately. On the first play, a pass
from Woodworth intended for Griffin, was intercepted by Bolles, who
ran it back ten yards. Here, because of the advantage of weight,
the Junior-Frosh team stopped all
running plays, and gained possession of the ball as the quarter ended.
Fourth Quarter:
Dunn passed to Woodworth for
eight yards and on the next play
tossed to Woodworth for a first
down. Nichols was the next receiver for Dunn's bullet-like pass netting ten yards, Woodworth then
took over the passing position and
threw one to Dunn for six yards
and another first down. Nichols
skirted left end for ten yards and on
the next play passed to Griffin for
eight yards and the third consecutive first down. The ball now rested
on the three-yard line. The SeniorSoph team, held for two downs, and
on the third down a short pass from
Woodworth to Griffin scored the
final touchdown for the JuniorProsh squad,
Nichols kicked off after the
touchdown and Bolles returned it
to the thirty-yard line. With six
minutes remaining to play, the '46'48 team began to roll forward.
Sparked by Sullivan's passes, they
scored on a seventy-yard drive.
Nichols was in the process of returning Sullivan's kick, when the
game ended, leaving the score 18-12
In favor of the Junior-Prosh team.
H. F. Honikel & Son
PHONE 4-2038
QnUideU (iemaA&d.
Even though the outlook for varsity basketball for the first semester is doubtful, there will be an
intensive intramural schedule. The
all stars of this intramural program, will make up a varsity team
that will play a light schedule second semester.
Varsity basketball could begin
first semester if MAA could get
some cooperation from other organizations as well as from some of the
fellows. It's too bad when there are
some fellows who are willing to give
up all outside activities to make a
promise a reality, that there must
be others who refuse to give up
Basketball used to be a part of
State and could again be if some
co-operation were shown.
Sister Classes
To Play
The return game between the
class of '47-'49 and '46-'48, will be
played next Wednesday at 4:30 on
Page Field.
It is expected that the same lineup will be used as in the previous
game last Wednesday. If both
teams play as well as they did Wednesday, it should prove to be an
exciting game, possibly with a different outcome. The Senior-Soph
combination had a few trick plays
which they used to their best advantage in making their first score
of the afternoon. If these plays are
blocked by the frosh-Junior squad
next week and no new plays are used, then the outcome of the game
will be definitely towards '47-'49.
The '47-'49 rooters will be counting on Woodworth, Thayer, Dunn
and Nichols to come through with
several touchdowns, while the Seniors and Sophs expect to see some
fast passing and running executed
by the Sullivan, Bolles and Vaughn
All in all, it promises to be a very
good game so come on out kids,
bring some peanuts and watch the
Worriers Bow
7o Passing Skill
Tuesday afternoon on the dorm
field Sullivan's Streaks defeated
Woodworth's Warriors, 32-12, in a
loosely played game. This was the
second game on the MAA intramural football schedule to be played.
Throughout the game Sullivan
and Nichols played outstanding on
the offense. Griffin and Thayer
stood out as defensive players.
Woodworth, leading his Warriors,
was outstanding in all respects.
McCarthy played a good defensive
Streaks' Victory
The Streaks victory was due to
the excellent running plays by
Nichols and Sullivan, and the
passes by Nichols where were cleverly executed from spread formation,
The Warriors had a disadvantage
of weight and couldn't stop the onrushing attack of Sullivan's Streaks.
Clever Passing
Most of the scoring In the game
was the result of passes. Sullivan
passed to Nichols, Nichols passed
back to Sullivan, who ran for a
touchdown. Thayer tossed the ball
to Griffin for another goal. More
clever passing was executed before
each of the other three scorings,
the ball being carried over the goal
line by Nichols. The two extra
points were made by Thayer. Both
touchdowns for the Warriors were
made by Woodworth.
It seems that the Netherlands
have Invaded our fair city of
Albany. A number—four to be
exact—of Dutch Merchant Marine Officers have been escorting fair State maidens about.
WAA credit will be given to the
select few who bring in the
most Hollanders. Such a competitive sport would be a stimulating addition to the Association and an advantage to the
Losers, don't be blue, "Things
are tough in Holland, too."
One of these sea-farers said,
"Why, I've never been kissed by
anyone except Ma!" One was
blond and three were brunettes.
There Just wasn't any saucy
little red-head!
Place all applications for the
contest on the Sports Desk.
Hoya! Hoya!
Swimming Class
In The Swim
If you should hear discussions
around school about the wonderful
times had swimming the last week
or so, don't be alarmed. No one is
dipping into the ice cold water of
the six-mile water works or other
nearby bodies of water, they are
members of the lucky 40 club who
go swimming at the Jewish Community Center on Tuesday and
Thursday nights.
Marion Craig, '48, in charge of
life saving classes, says that so
many have signed up, that they
have had to divide the class into
two sections. The beginners meet
on Tuesday night at 7 o'clock and
the more advanced class at 7 o'clock
on Wednesday.
Swimming Camp
Each year, one member of the
class is chosen to go to swimming
camp during the summer. This
camp is set up for the purpose of
increasing enthusiasm among college students for swimming as a
sport. Representatives from various
colleges in New York attend the
camp. Upon completion of the
course, they are qualified to instruct Senior Life Saving. Prerequisites for the course are a surface dive executed from the edge of
the pool and swimming 400 yards
which is about the length of the
Strokes and Techniques
The first few lessons are concerned with perfecting strokes. On perfecting the crawl, side stroke and
breast stroke, along with getting
used to the flutter kick, our enthusiasts are ready to learn the different holds used in the rescuing of
drowning people. Then comes the
written test on technical perfection.
After that comes the actual use of
the techniques learned — the students "save" the instructor. If all
goes well, graduation is held in 17
weeks. Sounds hard? It is. It
takes perserverance to go to the
pool for 17 weeks—especially when
it's cold. Then the ice and wind do
their part in chilling a great deal
of the enthusiasm. A Senior Life
Saver really earns her badge and
shield. At the end of three years,
the physical test must be passed
again in order to renew the certificate.
With such a large class this year,
it is hoped the enthusiasm the class
has begun with will be maintained
so that next year there will be 40
new Life Savers to grace the beaches
during vacation.
This certificate has been found
to be an excellent aid in getting a
job as counselor at a summer camp
or as a life guard at a summer resort.
Barber Shop
210 Central Avenue Albany, N. Y.
Western & Quail
15c a game for school leagues
from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
State College News
State Maidens Say Ya Ya
To Netherland Invaders
Vasuum Repair Shop
101 \tt CENTRAL AVE.
A L B A N Y , N. V,
Seniors To Present First Big 8 Tonight
Campus Night Climaxes Weekend Events
Assembly Today
To Include
Class Elections
Financial Resolutions
To Be Discussed; Voting
For Campus Queen
Ghostly Night Promised
For Hallowe'en Spirit
Is that a ghost over there?
Or a spook perhaps?
around the corner is Hallowe'en
—the day of days—when spooks
and ghosts run rampart, when
everyone puts on strange costumes and wears a mask to
hide their familiar faces, and
when no one knows or cares
who it is, so long as he remains
disguised and unknown.
Here at State there'll be fun
and frolic for all the spooks.
Last week the Classes of '47
and '49 had a Barn-Dance
with all the Hallowe'en trimmings. Tonight the Seniors will
present the first Big-8 of the
season in a true atmosphere of
the ghostly night, including
cornstalks and pumpkins. And
last, but not least, many group
houses will celebrate the great
great day with costume parties
next week.
"Blue Devil Club" To Open In Gym A t 8:30 P.M.
Featuring Floor Show, Dancing, Bridge, Cabaret Style
Senior President
General Chairman
Floor Show To Provide
Music, Skit, Dancing;
Davis Directs Program
The Senior Class will officially
open the first of the Big-8 Programs with the Blue Devil Club,
Members of Student Association
which will be held tonight at 8:30
will vote for Campus Queen and reP.M. in Page Hall gym, sponsored
vote for a member of the Student
by the Class of '46.
Board of Finance from the Class of
The gym will be decorated in
'47 in Assembly today. Members of
cabaret style, with fifty tables
the Sophomore Class will elect a
around the gym floor. The tables
vice-president and delegate to StuI will be decorated with colored crepe
dent Council, and two financial resoj! paper and an illuminated pumpkin.
lutions will also be brought before
Pumpkins in the corners and
the assembly.
orange and black crepe paper
streamers on the walls will create
Voting will be conducted on the
the general atmosphere. I n keepfollowing financial resolution preing with the cabaret plan, the ensented last week by Philip Lashintertainment will be in the form of
sky, '47: "Be it resolved that: The
a floor show with a series of consum of $12 be taken from the Stunected acts.
dent Association Surplus Fund to reFloor Show
imburse Shirley Passow for expenses
The nine o'clock floor show of
incurred last Spring by the Veterans'
the Blue Devil Club in the South
Entertainment Troupe."
American manner will feature Jim
Miner who will sing "Tico Tico;"
A resolution spnsored by Student
Genevir e Stiles singing "Green
Council will be read by Gerhard
Eyes;" and "You Belong To My
Weinberg, '47, Vice-president of StuHeart" rendered by Agnes Young
dent Association, as follows: "Be it
Dean Gildersleeve Speaks and Hal Weber. Elizabeth Hamilresolved that: The sum of $2,000 be
ton and Philip Lashinsky, *47, will
On Post War Teachers
taken from the Student Association Student Christian Association will
provide the rhythmic music. DurDean Virginia Gildersleeve of
Surplus Fund and be added to the close Campus Day week-end with
ing the show Muriel Navy will play
Barnard College, spoke WednesStudent Union Fund." The surplus the traditional State College Sunseveral numbers, including a South
American selection and a boogienow totals over $4,700.
day at the Trinity Methodist
on some of the particulars of
woogie number. The Spanish chorus
A great number of blank ballots Church on the corner of Lark and
the San Francisco Conference,
Registrar Posts Names
will round out the first show with
from the freshmen class has neces- Lancaster Streets. The service will
also of an International Social
"Down Argentine Way" and "Causitated a revote for the member of be held at 11:00 A.M.
and Welfare Council which has
ga." Members of the chorus are
Student Board of Finance from the , As in the past, the service will
been formed. Dean Gildersleeve
Mary Louise Casey, Genevieve SaElizabeth Van Denburgh, RegisClass of '47. The tabulation of last b e conducted mainly by State Col
believes that the teachers instibatini, Betty Hamilton, Dorothy
week's election is on Page 5. The
Margery Cramer, Barbara
Brinkfor the second semester, 1944-1945.
assembly will also vote for a Campus
Reiff and Marianne Davis.
teachers of tomorrow, will play
Queen who will be chosen from the
a very important part in this
Between the floor shows there
customary, Dr. John M. Sayles, the Dean's List; 34.6% of the Class
five nominees elected in Assembly President
council. In her estimation, it is
will be refreshments, bridge and
of the College, will read of 1946; 24% of the Class of 1947;
last Friday. The candidates are Mrs. the passages from the scriptures.
the job of these institutions to
dancing. Mary Bess Vernoy will
Helen Slack Shure, Harriet Brink- The pastor of the Trinity Methodist and 20.2% of the Class of 1948.
train their teachers so that they
direct games designed for the audiman, Genieve Stiles, Mary Louise Church. Dr. Goewy, will deliver the Class of 1945:
may educate the next, generation
ence's participation, which will inJanet
Casey, and Barbara Reiff.
clude ducking for apple for a nomiin thoughts of international
Jeanette H. Cosgrave, Elizabeth
Members of the Class of '48 will General Chairman
nal fee. Cigarette girls will make
peace rather than in war.
vote today for a vice-president and
their way through the audience
Virginia Greemun, '46, has been Davis, M. Isabelle Davis, Marie
with cigarettes, candy and gum,
a delegate to Student Council. NomMargaret Dee, Anna Diland barmaids dressed in white
inees are posted on the Bulletin appointed general chairman of the DeChcnc,
event. Mervin McClintock, '48, is in lon, Ruth Donovan, Elaine Drooz,
blouses, black skirts' and orange
Board in Heusted.
charge of the ten State College men Marion Duffy, Marilyn Eber, Grace
aprons will preside over the coke
who will usher. Alice Knapp, '47, Fielder, Ruth Fine, Agnes Fitzpat- To Use Excess Profit
and other refreshments, consisting
New rules for electing attendants, the director of the choir, has an-, Doris Fleishman, Anne Fritz, Campus Commission received per- of cider and donuts.
pages, and ushers for the annual nounced that the choir will in- Helen Fritz, Dulcie Gale, Florence mission at a meeting of the Stu- Second Show
Campus Day event were announced clude Charles Behensky, a graduate Garfall, Cecile Goldberger, Florence dent Finance Board Wednesday to
Following the games, the "Indian
Richard Smith,
Alice Graham, Marilyn Guy, Eleanor use the accumulated profits from
at Student Council meeting Wednes- student;
Knapp. Harold Weber, Mary Ellen Hayeslip, Rena Heinig, Marie Hun- running ihe coke machine and the Love Call" will usher in the second
day night. They are:
show at eleven. Joan Mather will
(Continued on page, )h Col. 21 Telian, and Virginia VanVranken, ter, Joan Hylind, Martha Joyce, Used Book Exchange to cover re- sing
"Lullaby of Broadway." Miss
Juniors; Alice Williams, Justine Ann Keehle, Marian Klock, Marge pairs for the mimeograph machine
Maloney, and Beverly Bistfoff, So- Krikker, M. Lore Kuhn, Anita and to provide keys for the mem- Casey and Genevieve Sabatini. will
do a "Southern Soft-Shoe Shuffle"
phomores; and Reggie Ballenback, Leone, Jean Llnehart, Margaret bers of Campus Commission.
Al umni Association
Jean Harris, Barbara Houch, Mu- Loughlin, Jacqueline Montgomery, The keys will be awarded to the in the black face act. A small skit,
riel Davis, Mary Beth Osborne, Letty Palmateer, Miriam Quinlan, Senior and Junior members this featuring Terry Elliot and Ruth
Plans Luncheon
Wilma Whitney, Lorraine Pray, Joan Quinn, Helen Ramroth, Alice year, and hereafter only to the four Elgie imitating a witch and a little
Janet Lewis. Joan Wurzler, and Raynor, Hazel Revell, Dolores Rop- incoming members on Moving-Up girl, has been written to present
The Eastern Branch of the Alum- Sandy Monroe, freshmen.
Day. The design for the keys was a novelty introduction to each
ni Association will hold a luncheon choir, which Will sing in the pro- ke, Marguerite Rouchaud, Clara made by Leah Tischler, '45, last floor show. "Ponyboy" and the
"Big 3," "Atcheson, Topeka and the
meeting, Saturday. January 12, at cessional, will render two anthems
year's Grand Marshall.
Santa Fe" will be sung by the
12:30 P. M. President of this during the service, and will unite Seyl'l'ert, Grace Shults, Reglna
mimeobranch of the Association, Mrs. with the regular church choir in Slawskl, Joan Smith, Phyllis Sny- graph machine in the Publications chorus to complete the entertainGenevieve Shony Moore of the singing the hymns. Barbara Car- der. Robert Spensley, Louise Stone, Office was taken over last year by ment.
Milne High School faculty, will rier, '46, is chairman of the publi- Rosaria Trusso, Josephine Valonte, Campus Commission,
(Continued on page lt, Col. 5)
preside at the meeting. Miss city committee with Joy Beckers, Beatrice Wheeler, Elsie Whipple, money needed l'oi repairs amounted
Blanche Avery of the College Fac- '47.
to $7.80.
Class of 194(1:
ulty is treasurer of the group.
The excess profits, approximately News To Hold Cub Classes
Miss Helen Moore, member of the
$90 this year, have been turned
The Business, Advertising, and
Class of '24, will address the meetover to War Activities Council in Circulation Departments of the
ing. Miss Moore was formerly a
previous years. Since this organ- NHWS will hold cub classes each
missionary in Japan. At the ad- that i lie entire program will be Mildred Brumer, Marian I. Carter, ization has been dissolved, Campus Tuesday from 12:00-12:30 P.M. in
Ruth Cassavant, Ruth Colvin, Mar- Commission will include the apvent of the war she was interned
Attendance at these
gery Cramer, Marianne
Davis, propriation for the keys in its Room 111.
in the infamous Santo Tomas Albany,
Kathleen DoRonde, Elizabeth Dor- budget next year and will turn classes Is compulsory.
prison camp. Santo Tomas, scene
Cub classes for the freshmen who
man, Patricia Dunning, Tlielma back the profits to the Student
of many Japanese brutalities, is
are trying out for the Editorial
Elliott, C. Elizabeth Faust, Patricia Association.
situated in the center of Manila. Hayes Schedules Meetings
Staff are also held at this time in
Feehan, Audrey Ferris, Jean Flinn,
Before conversion by the Japs it
Room 206.
was a famous college noted for its
Prlscilla Hayes, '40, President of Herbert Ford, Julia Geores, Theresa
The purpose of thq classes is to
Nellie Glod,
Virginia To Choose Directory Cover
beautiful buildings and campus. Residence Council, has announced Gleason,
Agnes Young, '4(i, Editor-in-Chief acquaint those trying out with the
Miss Moore will relate her own that meetings will be held twice a Greenmum, Jean Griffin, Elizabeth
of the NKWH and to instruct
experiences as a prisoner of war month; the first Thursday of the Hamilton. Priscllla Hayes, Mar- of the DIRECTORY,, has announced policies
them in the procedure to follow in
to her fellow alumnae members.
month al 4:30 P.M. in Room 111 jorle Healey, Doris Ives, Roberta thai a group of teachers and stu- making
up an issue. The training
Presently at home in Albany, and the third Thursday at 7:30 Jubson, Audrey Johnston, Adele dents will choose the cover design and experience
to be gained in cub
Miss Moore expects to do further P.M. in I he Ingle Room In Pierce,
Monday from those submitted by classes are necessary for anyone
studying at Columbia University These meetings are opened to the Lovoeky, William Mallery, Naomi the classes of art students in Miss who
wishes to make the NHWS
next semester.
whole Student Body.
(Continued on Paije 5, Col. It) Ruth Hulchins' department.
SCA To Hold
College Sunday
In Trinity Church
Students Named
ForDean s
EtUblithtd May 1916
By (hi Clan of 1918
No. 6
October 26, 1045
Vol. XXX
Associated Collegiate Press
Collegiate Digest
The undergraduate newspaper of the New York State
College for Teachers; published every Friday of the College year by the NEWS Board for the Student Association. Phones: Berbrlch, 2-0120iO'Null, H,»538; Four, 8-1011;
Cramer, 2-9870.
R u m o r s t h a t P v t . J i m B r o p h y , ' 4 8 , i s in b e d w i t h t h e
m e a s l e s a t F t . M c C l e l l a n , A l a b a m a . . . S 1/C A b e Sherer, '47
now b r o w s i n g a r o u n d in J a p a n . . . t w o b a t t l e s t a r s , t w o Oak
L e a f C l u s t e r s , a n d o n e D o n W a l s h , ' 4 5 , b a c k v i s i t i n g w i t h int e n t i o n s of r e s u m i n g h i s s t u d i e s h e r e n e x t s e m e s t e r . . . P v t .
R o d n y F e l d e r , ' 4 8 , r e t u r n e d t o F o r t D i x a f t e r a n o t h e r look a t
S t a t e . . . A l B a l k , ' 4 7 , h a s b e e n a m e m b e r of T h i s M a n ' s
A r m y since O c t o b e r 11 . . .
All communications should be addressed to the editor and
must be signed. Names will be withheld upon request.
The STATE COLLEGE NEWS assumes no responsibility
once there wuz a girl at State
for opinions expressed In Its columns or communications
gee wuz she dopey
as such expressions do not necessarily reflect Its view.
she didnt have no glammer or nuttin
she was just mopey
The News Board
E L I Z A B E T H S. O ' N E I L
D. B E R B R I C H
Elegy For Elizabeth
Tea And Tell
Various' individuals and groups on campos have
been trying for years to create an understanding
between students and faculty. I n ' 1 9 4 4 , the faculty
were included in the Big Ten series. This borught
about the beginning of a spirit of st-ident-faculty
relations. The practice has been kept up for two
years, but the spirit is failing. Last year Myskania
staged a basketball game with the freshmen for
the specific purpose of raising funds for a student
faculty tea. They gathered together enough money
for two teas, both of which were successful.
This year, Myskania played the freshmen women
in a game of touch football. Everyone agreed it was
a rugged way to earn the price of a cup of tea, but
nevertheless,' approximately thirty dollars was collected at the game. This will provide for two or
three teas. The success of these teas in promoting
favorable student-faculty relations depends upon
the general interest and participation of both students and faculty. So far, no better method has
been suggested.
At the teas last year, the card games seemed to
promote an understanding between students and
faculty more than anything else. Both were amazed
to find the other was actually human.
We feel it will not inconvience any student or any
teacher too much to go to the Lounge for maybe
only ten minutes to play cards or chat with each
other and have a cup of tea. We are progressive
in many other ways, but we definitely seem to lag
in student faculty relations. We have the money,
we'll have the food, we'll be able to spare a few
minutes; so how about a little cooperation!
her clothes they were so messy
and the poor girl she was floored
Speaking of College close-ups, we when a lady said upon her face
have been shocked into coming close the expression it was bored
up to our own "personal developthen the lady told her many tales
ment" as depicted by the national and showed up all her knowledge
charm consultant, Ruth MacDonald and said the real true galmmer girls
Osborne. In her lectures this past were in a neighboring college
week, Miss Osborne has tried to give
well at first the girl was very sad
an objective opinion of the college she wept an entire day
girl, in general, and State College about that untactless lady
who had so much to say.
in particular.
Miss Osborne, a teacher herself but then the State girl got a thought
for many years, has been traveling that put her in a rage
to campuses throughout the country that Cleopatra did all right
in an attempt to compare and sug- and she never went to Sage
gest improvements for the personLT. HARRY PASSOW
ality development of the nation's
While we're on this scintillating
college girls, What she wanted to subject, I had the awfullest dream
President Harry Truman made another trip to
present to us in her lectures and about it Monday night. I dreamed Capitol Hill on Tuesday to urge legislators assembled
private consultations was a chal- my boyfriend (yeah, I got one) came for a joint session of house and senate to adopt a
lenge to each of us to make the best sailing home from the Pacific, all universal military training law. The President's proof our gifts. She maintained, and resplendant in his Navy blues, and posals include (l) a year's military training for men
we agree, that any girl can be at- when I met him at the New York between 18 end 20 years of age (2) a "small" profestractive if only by putting emphasis pier, he looked deep into my little sional arm (3) a strengthened national guard to be
beady eyes and said, "Darling—your augmented by an organized army, navy, and marine
on one attractive feature.
corps reserve and (4) a "general reserve" of all men
makeup's all wrong!"
who have had military training under the present
We were amused, annoyed and
even resentful We've had fun trying on the various lotions, creams NOW, VOYAGER?
The president, in his address to the joint session,
Boy, that Mary Seymour and Peg
and lipsticks—we've laughed at the
portrayals of the college girl slink, Casey sure are dumb. They been pointed out that it was not his intention in proposing
shuffle, slouch and slump—but we coming here for four years now and universal military training to show lack of faith in
the United Nations to keep the peace but rather to
were shocked and resentful when
we were told that Miss Osborne in- they still don't know Albany from assert that the United States was prepared physically
variably found a pronounced atti- a hole in the ground. I hear where to back up the actions of such an organization. "We
tude of superiority and indifference they were coming back from a week- must face the fact that peace must be built upon
to the rights and privileges of others end at home on the train and they power as well as upon good will and good deeds," said
Mr. Truman.
on all teachers' college campus 3s,
The United States, as a military and political leader
We were also told that Miss Osborne dumped all their luggage and themfound us more willing to judge the selves out at Schenectady.(An under- of the World, must assume leadership in making the
faults and flaws in others. We must standing conductor saw that they United Nations more than a conference of good inadmot that, to some degree, we are got safely back on and off at the tentions. By its actions and by its decisions it can
point the way for all the nations to follow and lead
prone to look for discrepancies but
this is the result of our training right place, though so everything the way to a true and lasting peace.
But, the United States cannot, with Britain, hold
as future teachers. It is also a part turned out all right.)
the secret of the atomic bomb for itself and then
of our training that we try to correct deficiencies. We offer as a LOST ANYTHING IN THE MAILS? accuse Russia and other nations of distrust and lack
of faith; nor can we advocate cmpulsory military
concrete show of our defense the
If you've lost anything in the training arc! a strong army and then censure USSR
establishment and work of the InterGroup council whose objectives in- mails this past year, you can rest for holding maneuvers in the Crimea; nor can we
clude tolerance for and understand- assured somebody's making good use suddenly, without any warning or hint of such action,
ing of others' beliefs and practices. of your misfortune. Last Wednesday terminate lend-lease and then resent Britain's rethere was an auction of contents of moval of her major transport vessels from U. S. servAny attempt to take stock of pres- all packages mailed to non-existant ice; nor can we idly stand by and watch revolt in
ent institutions, practices, or person- New York City addresses. Postmas- Java and Indo-China without active interest—and the
alities and effect improvements is ter Goldman got rid of one hayfork, list grows longer and longer.
a step in progressive education. The four pitchforks, 20 dozen domaged
The United States, because of her present posijolt from Miss Osborne's visit did baby diapers, a bull pole guide, 10 tion, cannot deal in a high-handed or two-fneed
us good if It has helped us keep on corsets, a billiard cue, nine bras- manner. The world looks to this country for leadersieres, a telescope, six girdles, two ship and we must provide it not by lip-service but
pairs of skis, three pantyforms, a by our,actions, We must preach faith, trust, cooperahockey tick, 950 pairs of hosiery, tion, and united action and we must act it. Wo must,
1,050 jars of shoe polish, 211 cameras, by our own actions, bring an end to the present bickerTo the lOditor:
four fishing rods, 129 doll faces and
A n Easy Way To Help
The lack of organization in the a pup tent. (It's too late to redeem ing and dissension and strive for the cooperation and
For two consecutive years, State College has con- Sophmore gym classes is limiting anything you've lost now, rut guess union that was the United Nations' during the conducted a series of programs designed to aid the the benefits which otherwise might that'll teach you to put i return flict.
be derived. Because the classes are
The president's plan for compulsory training is a
War. The Big 10 in '43-'44 and the Hig-H last year so large, several hockey teams are address on packages after > his . . .) positive step in that it docs indicate to the United
enabled the college to invest a large sum in War playing on the field without the
Nations that we are ready to sacrifice, to endure, to
us to back up our "good will and good deeds" and the
Bonds and to aid patients at Rhoad's Veterans supervision necessary since most of
the daily indecision on the p irt of support anything that will insure a strong United
Hojpital by purchasing badly needed library equipexperience. Although the rules which the students as to where the eiass States. Our ultimate high purpose In this is so enable
have been developed for the protec- will be held—the dorm field or :'.io will and deeds of the United Nations with strength if
T h e Student Union will also benefit in a few tion of the players have been pre- gym. A solution to this problem necessary. It may be described as an initial step in
years when the bonds mature. Even though peace sented In a class lecture, the partici- would be posting a notice on iho preparing tor peace just as other nations before have
Huested bulletin board before the prepared tor war. The arguments against compulsory
has been declared and War Activities Council has pants art! ignorant of their practical first gym class.
training are either personal or point to a "vicious
./•been dissolved, it is hoped that the students will application . The lack of closer suFurthermore, it classes held at the oyole ol armament." It might be worth an experiment
pervision results in haphazard and
,' realize l,he need for a,continuation of the Hig-8 this dangerous playing, and the inexper- dorm field could be uxcused by ten to determine whether right and might on the same
side can be the key to peace,
i year and will support the different programs. The ienced players do not have the op- minutes of the hour, It would enable
The present session of Congress is faced with these
. Student Union Fund neds a lot of support and at" portunity to develop any degree of
class in time,
problems and has these decisions to make. We may
, , tendingUhe Senior jBig-8 tonight is an easy way
all watch with deep interest for our future is in the
Another source of confusion is
Discouraged Sophs
to do i t .
How's your sophistication surviving these days,
State? Do you compare favorably with the Russell
Sage co-ed? Elizabeth M . Osborne doesn't think
• much of you, you know.
For an ex-English teacher, we don't think Miss
" O " knows, much about psychology. First of all,
never expect to win your audience if you mention desirable traits of a young lady, many of
which your audience possesses, and then ridicule
your audience with statements that are a contradiction to everything you professed two sentences
before. Secondly, if a member of your audience
dozes off, it could be that your speech isn't quite
up to par. Or, maybe she's tired. And, if some
are late for the lecture and apologize with an explanation to boot, the gracious and charming thing
to do would be to accept the apology and forget
the tardiness.
Miss Osborne went on to say that we must be
tolerant of others. State students, she said, are very
intolerant and constantly looking for faults in
others. They are, on the whole, characterized by
,. either oi two facial expressions—a blank one or a
bored one.i We would ilke to remind Miss Osborne
that Statefhas clone more for the furtherment of
inter-collegiate arbitration and inter-cultural understanding than any other college in the State.
What State has clone has been clone solely on student initiative. True, we are aware of the faults
in others, but it is part of our training as teachers
to know and understand those faults. If we have
learned to see more, it is because we think more
since all student activities are student-sponsored.
We have no faculty advisors to do the thinking for
us, As future teachers, we feel a little thinking and
initiative on the part of the individual student
is essential.
We do not mean to imply that State is perfect.
It is not. We are proud, however, for what we have
accomplished without the aid of faculty and bankroll. We expect to be given credit for it. We are
more than willing to listen to constructive
that may aid us in making State more perfect. Miss
Osborne presented a few good points and we thank
her for those hints,
We will endeavor to overlook the almost nasty
way in which they were presented and dwell on
putting them toward our own advancement. How
about it, Slate? Let's take the intelligent criticisms
to heart and really work on them,
f'.S. Don't forget to wash your ash tray.
Crowning of Queen Highlights Campus Day
Athletics, Hunt,
Skits Scheduled
For Campus Day
Campus Queen Candidates
Student Council
Lists New Rules
For Rivalry Hunt
Frosh, Sophs To Vic
For First Rivalry Points
Tomorrow, State's 25th annual
Campus Day will mark the opening
of organized rivalry between the
freshmen and Sophomore Classes.
Field events for girls are to take
place in the morning and the rivalry
banner hunt is scheduled for the
afternoon. The traditional coronation of the Campus Queen by last
year's Queen, Mary Now, will highlight the evening activities. The
new Queen will be elected in today's
Assembly from the following nominees: Harriet Brinkman Mary Louise
Casey, Barbara Relff, Helen Shure,
Genevieve Stiles. Following the coronation, skits will be presented by
the freshman and Sophomore classes.
Field Events
Rivalry field events will begin at
10:30 A.M. between freshman and
Sophomore girls. There will be no
athletic events for men as in past
years. Field rivalry will include a
100-yard dash, relay, 3-legged, old
clothes, and sac race. Margaret Seeman, '49, will lead the freshmen and
Patricia Tilden, '48, Sophomore
Women's Athletic Association Manager, will head the Sophomores in
the sports events. One point will be
added to the Rivalry score for each
event except the three-legged and
sack race which are each worth onehalf point.
The banner hunt will be held in
the afternoon from 1:00 to 5:00 P.M.
Each class will hide its banner on
the Campus as designated in the
Rivalry rules.
Change In Rules
James Miner, '46, chairman of the
Rivalry Committee, has announced
that some changes have been made
in the official banner hunt rules.
Robert Baker, '49, chairman of the
freshmen banner committee, will be
assisted by Gerald Dunn and Gerald
Griffin, freshmen. Harold Vaughn,
Mervin McClintock, and John Bolles,
Sophomores, will comprise the Sophomore banner committee.
The evening events will open with
the crowning of the Campus Queen,
whose, identity will not be known until she walks down the oisle attended
by her court. These will, include two
Seniors, two Juniors, two freshmen,
and two pages from the Sophomore
Class, all of whom have been chosen
by Student Council. They will also
appoint two ushers from each class.
Following the coronation, the
freshman and Sophomore classes
will each presenl half hour skits.
One and one-half points will be
awarded to the class presenting the
best skit. These will be judged on
the basis of cleverness, ingenuity,
execution, and audience enjoyment.
Virginia DIGregorlo and Borbarn
Otto, Sophomores, are directors of
the Sophomore skit and Harry Mills,
'4i), is chairman of the freshman
skit committee.
Following the skits, there will be
dancing In the gym. At. this time,
the Campus Day Cup will also be
awarded to the class that has won
over one-half of the total rivalry
points for the day:This is the second
year that a cup, which will have
the class numerals engraved upon
it, has been awarded to the winning class.
Backstage Of Pages
Rooms 2 1 , S3, 201
Are Out Of Bounds
F r o m left t o r i g h t : H e l e n S h u r e , H a r r i e t B r i n k m a n , G e n e v i e v e S t i l e s , M a r y
L o u C a s e y , B a r b a r a Reiff
Identity Of Reigning State Queen To Be Unveiled;
Grads Return 7o Campus For Day Of Gala Events
Tomorrow night the heralding of
the pages, and the strains of
"Pomp and Circumstance" will, for
the 22nd consecutive year, reveal to
an electrified audience State's new
Campus Queen. Escorted by the
Royal Processional and dressed in
the traditional long black erminetrimmed cape, she will proceed
down the aisle to the stage in regal
splendor. Her court includes two
Seniors, two Juniors, two Sophomores and two freshmen, all of
whom have been chosen by Student
Council. The two Sophomore pages
are also chosen by this organization.
When the procession reaches the
stage, Mary Now, last year's queen
and at present a chemist at the
Schenectady, will place the crown
on the Senior girl the new Queen
chosen by the Student body for her
beauty and popularity. The Queen
will be entertained by the freshman
and Sophomore Rivalry Skits, sitting on her throne on one side of
the stage and surrounded by her
She choice of Campus Queen is
one of the outstanding honors
awarded to any State Girl. Her
identity, which is secret until the
breath-taking moment when the
procession begins Its walk down the
aisles, Is one1 of the most eagerly
Campus Day Schedule awaited events of the year. It also
Field Events—10 A.M. on the marks a time lor the renewal of
friendships among the graduates
Page Mall field.
and many other, who will be here
Banner Hunt—1 to 5 P.M. in visiting Campus Day weekend. Few
college buildings and cam- can forget last year's Campus Day
when pretty Mnry Now was crowned
by Pvt. Put Latimer, Queen ol '44.
Coronal ion of the Queen—&
Although Campus Day was inP.M. in Page Hall,
augurated In 1920, the first Campus
Rivalry Skits—8:30 P.M. In Queen was not elected until 1022.
the Page Hall auditorium. Since then, speculation always runs
at this time of the year as
Cup Presentation and dancing high
to who the new Queen will be.
—in the gym after the The five Seniors who received the
most nominations in the Assembly
rivalry skits.
voting a week ago are determined of excitement and Rivalry spirit.
by Myskania and shall compete for With both banners free somewhere
in the buildings or on the Campus,
the honor.
each class is determined to gain
The coronation will climax a day possession of the others. With five
of gala activity. The rivalry field precious rivalry points involved, it's
events which will be held In the deemed essential to "get that banmorning will be closely contested. ner" and above all, keep it. In the
The fact that the Class of '47 won banner hunt practically anything
last year has increased the incen- goes but both Sophomores and
tive of this year's Sophomores to freshmen are encouraged to rego all out in their efforts to win,
and any lack of Freshman spirit member that assault with intent
to murder is a crime at State too
certainly isn't noticeable.
and even with a banner at stake.
The banner hunt in the after- Remembering last year's fiasco, benoon never fails to produce plenty cause the frosh banner was hidden
in a too dangerous place, both
classes should profit by the experience
and not have a repeat perDaffies Red Devils To Vie
formance. Which all adds up to
For Silver Cup Tomorrow
"it's gonna be a good game and
may the best man win."
The Campus Day Cup has
Both classes are expending much
been taken out of hiding, poltime and enthusiasm on the Rivalished vigorously, and is waiting
ry skits this year, according to
eagerly to see what the newest
Virginia DIGregorlo, '48, director of
the Sophomore skit and Harry
engraving on its gleaming sides
Mills, '49, director of the frosh skit.
will be. Will it be 1948? 1949?
Although neither will reveal any
Tomorrow will tell.
facts about their respective skits,
the talent Involved and the secreThe Campus Day Cup will be
tive atmosphere engulfing the audipresented to the class securing
torium and the little theater at
the largest number of points
from the field events, banner Milne during the past week lead
one to conclude that both will add
hunt, and skits on the program
to the evening's entertainment.
tomorrow. Tills cup was first
to the winningLast year a cup was rescued from
classes of '22, '23, and '24. I t
the moth balls to be awarded to
was then hidden away until
the victor class by the reigning
last year when it was once
Tension will undoubtedly
again brougl to the fore, 1947 Queen.
be high tomorrow with much to
was added to the Illustrious list
win or lose. Who will be the new
ol winners.
Campus Queen? Who will get who's
"To I he victor belong the Banner? Who will win the sports
spoils"—so come on Sophs!
events? Who will present the best
Come on frosh. The Juniors skit?
have donated their services as
To all the returning grads, State
stretcher-bearers, and "firsthangs out its welcome sign and to
All hospitals have
both the freshmen and Sophomores
v.nrned to stand by. The Campus Day Cup awults Its owner. —good luck and if you don't win
tomorrow, there's a long year
James Miner, '46, chairman of the
Rivalry Committee, has announced
that changes have been made in the
banner hunt rules.
The official rules, as designated
by Student Council are as follows:
1. Time
a. Hours of hunting shall be from
1:00 to 5:00 P.M. on Campus
2. Notification
a. Notification in writing shall be
made to the president of Student Association both when a
banner is placed and where.
(Diagram if possible.)
3. Removal
a, The banner can be removed
from its hiding place only during the hours designated for
b. When a class finds and removes the banner of a rival
class the president of Student
Association or a Myskania
member on hunt duty must be
notified as soon as possible.
4. Location of hunt
Searching may take place in the
following places:
a. All of Page Hall except back
b. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors of
Draper Hall and basement.
c. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors of
Richardson Hall.
d. Commons—not in drawers or
cabinets of private offices.
e. Outside of buildings on Campus.
Searching may not take place In
the following places:
a. Lockers and administration offices in Draper.
b. Entire building of Huested
o. Attics
d. Power House
e. Library
f. Tunnels
g. Roofs
h. Drawers or cabinets of private offices in Commons
i. Room 201 (Draper), Rooms 21,
23, Richardson
5 Restrictions
After each class has hidden the
the banner or banners In its possession they may not be removed
and rehidden until after hunt.
If a class moves Its own banner,
it is regarded as an offense nullifying the hunt for that banner
for that semester and the banner
is given to the opposing class. On
the other hand, If a class moves
the banner of the opposing class,
the banner becomes free and both
classes may try to take possession
of it.
6, Proctors
Myskania shall act as proctors
of the hunt. Two members shall
be on duty at all times. They shall
be judges in any controversy or
in the case of any difficulty which
may arise.
7. Manner of hiding.
Part of the banner or some marker
displaying the colors of the banner and directly attached to the
banner (may be connected with
string to banner) must be visible
while the banner is hidden on
Campus Day.
Campus Day Beginning Noted
Twenty five yrars ago, State
held its first Campus Day—a field
day of Interclass sports. Two years
later a crown of autumn leaves was
placed upon the head of the first
Campus Queen, who was decked In
autumn foKage. Tomorrow night
the queen in her trimmed ermine
robe will be crowned with a jeweled
crown. Campus Day has gradually
grown from a program of field
events to the most Important event
In the fall semester.
STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , F R I D A Y / O C T O B E R 2 6 , 1 9 4 5
Dean Nelson Teaching U. S. Servicemen
A t Shrivenham University In England
During the summer while the
State students 1 were blissfully enjoying their Variations, Milton G.
Nelson, Dean of the College, left
for" England to take up the temporary position as a member of the
Shrivenham Army University, England, which is located between Oxford and Bath.
. The University is now in the
second eight-weeks term. The first
term, which began August 1, terminated at the end of September.
Between semesters there was a
week vacation, which Dean Nelson
used to the best advantage by
taking a trip to Scotland. Harry
W. Hastings, Professor of English,
who is also located at the University, accompanied Dean Nelson on
this trip to Edinburgh, Loch Lomond and other points of interest.
On their return to England, they
stopped at Chester to visit Professor Bradbury, who is now teaching
at the Liverpool University and has
previously taught three Summer
Sessions at State.
Week End Trips
Weekend trips supplied further
opportunities to take in the surrounding points of interest. Such
trips were made to Windsor Castle,
Eton College, Winchester College,
Oxford University, London, and
Stratford. . During their visit to
they were
enough to see a presentation of
"Much Ado About Nothing" in the
Shakespearean Theater.
The Shrivenham Army University enrollment consisted of 3,600
American soldiers for the first
semester. Soldiers stationed in the
European Theatre may obtain permission to attend one term at the
University. Since his arrival in
August, Dean Nelson has met
several men from State.
School Schedule
Although Dean Nelson has had
the opportunity to do quite a bit
of sight seeing, his stay in England
has been by no means all play and
no work. The school clay begins
with reveille at 6 A. M. Afterwards
Dr. Nelson goes to his office where
he remains for the entire day except when he is teaching. He
teaches three classes each day—
one in School Administration and
two in Principles of Secondary
According to Mrs. Nelson, the
Shrivenham University is the first
school of Its kind. The purpose of
the University is to permit the solIdiers .stationed overseas to continue
with their 'education. The enrollment is open to officers as well as
enlisted men.
Expects Returns
Although Dean Nelson went to
England expecting to stay throe
semesters, as things look now it
is expected that the University will
close at the end of the second term.
If this is the case, he will leave
England before Christmas and will
probably return to Albany before
the first of the year.
Dean Stokes Announces
Chaperon Cards Needed Sayles Hal! Femmes Mourn
Af Loss Of
Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Women,
has announced that all organization:; planning events for which
chaperons are nocessary must hand
in the chaperon cards at least one
week in advance or the event can
not be held. Chaperon cards may
be obtained in Dean Stokes' office.
In order that the chaperon duties
may be evenly distributed, there is
a filfi in Dean Stokes' office of the
faculty members who are available, a record of which events they
have chaperoned previously and
what type of events they wish to
chaperon. Stokes has urged
that students consult this file before selecting chaperons.
Larkin To Present Conceit
The Peoples Concert Bureau of
Albany will present the distinctive
American pianist, Dorothy Larkin
Robitaille, on Wednesday, November 1, at 8:30 P.M. at the Albany
Institute of History and Arts. The of admission will be $1.50, and
l.ekets will be on sale at, the Albany Institute of History and Arts
and the Van Curler Music Store.
He was only a turkey in a
wooden cage, but he captured
the hearts oi many. And if a
few stray gobbles awoke some
of the Sayles Hall femmes in
the wee hours of the morning,
no one seemed to mind when
"Thanksgiving" is no ordinary
turkey. Far from it, lie is a
very extra-ordinary turkey, for
"Thanksgiving" lias lived at
Sayles Hall. The first hesitant
gobbles as lie sallied forth
through those strictly feminine
halls were met with gasps of
glee and howls of surprise, but
the quint, soothing hand of one
of States science majors reassured him in these moments of
And then one fine day
'Thanksgiving," his white feathers glistening, his brown eyes, was taken from his
cage and transferred to a now
abode. "Thanksgiving" is now at the Lanford residence, for Marge Cramer, his
(osier "mama," just couldn't
i. :..;) him any longer.
Religious Clubs
Exhibit To Open Unite Activities
In Draper Today Newman Plans Panel,
An exhibit of Shakespearian pictures and materials will open in
Room 207, Draper, today under the
sponsorship of Dr. Vivian C. Hopkins. Miss Ruth Hutchins, head of
the Art Department, has announced that her department will also
display a collection of photographs
of Peruvian silver of the Spanish
colonial period at this time.
Dr. Hopkins' Shakespeare Class
will set up the portraits and pictures of her exhibit. The photographs oi the Peruvian silver consists of several plates from the
collection of Dr. Watt Stewart,
head of the Social Studies Department.
Shakespearian Exhibit
The Shakespearian exhibit includes picture post cards of London
and Stratford, views of the Elizabethan stage, pictures of Elizabethan costumes, and modern costumes and staging. Some prints of
the life and times of Shakespeare
will also be shown, including a
portrait of Queen Elizabeth, typical
sailing vessels, and court scenes.
Views of the Polger Library in
Washington, District of Columbia,
including the model stage and
murals, will be displayed with a
few pictures of such modern
Shakespearean actors as John Gielgutl and Maurice Evans.
The exhibit sponsored by the Art
Department consists of photographs of Peruvian silver from the
16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. Silver craftsmanship at this time was
a very skilled art and many ornate
and intricate designs were created
then which are often used for table
services today. There will be plates
of Peruvian incense burners, eating
utensils, spurs and stirrups and
many other articles which were
used in colonial times in homes of
the wealthier people. Some of these
pieces today are to be found in
antique shops in Lima or are owned
by the very wealthy.
Dr. Stewart obtained this fine collection of plates from Dr. Taylor,
a former instructor here, who purchased them while in the service in
Stokes To Give
Concert Nov. 5
Program W i l l Includ
Brahm, Klengel, Fairre
Mary Louise Casey, '4(1, President
of Music Council, has announced
that the council will present an Ensemble
Charles F. Stokes, Professor of Music, assisted by bis wife, Margaret
Anderson Stokes, in Page Hall on
November r> at 8:30 P.M.
Dr. and Mrs. Stokes gave a performance here last year. He fore
(oining to Albany, Ibis duo ap" F u l l Democracy" Theme O f First A n n u a l I G C
peared in Ohio, Kentucky, New
For Eleven State Teacher Colleges In Page Hall November 2, 3 Mexico, and Texas.
"Wanted: Full Democracy" that George Stoddard. Commissioner of be open, and all In I crested State The program will include Brahms
is the theme of the First Annual Education, will Introduce the .speak- stud"nts may attend an> of I hem. Simula No. .', .1 major, the second
of three sonatas for violin and
Inter-Group conference which will er of the evening.
piano, which represents one of Brabe held here Nov 2 and 3. Delegates
Inter-Group Council lues also arhms' most melodic works. The duo
from the eleven State Colleges for ranged for several other outstanding To V o t e In Assembly
Teachers will meet on these two days speakers In Hie field lo address the O n Financial Resolutions will ulso play tionula in (1 major for
to discuss ways in which Inter-group delegate:,. Mr. Hcroerl I. Seainans, iCmi' inn i! 11 tun pat/c I, Cut. 11 viola and piano by Marcello, arranged from the original by Alfred
relations in the school and the com- Director ol the Fdueailonal Organmunity may be aided and developed. ic 11 inn, National C'oi terenc" nl 1, Wriuen nominations for mem- (Million. Marcello was an eminent
bers oi ihe Queen's courl will be Italian lawyer, composer, and poet.
Mrs. Eleanor Hoosevell, who has Christians and Jews, will speak dur- :o.:d.' ai w urate class meetings.
This selection will be followed by
worked for the growth of Democracy
'.!. Ai eoiie who held a posil ion on several pieces for viola and piano
for many years, will be present to John W. Dnvi Piesidenl of West ihe courl in ihe pasl v, ill not be eh- written by Paul Klengel entitled,
address the final session of the con- Virginia Ktale College, and Dr ml" ogam
li'tmt nl, Mil Soul Hint ml [In Wiilf/x,
ference next Saturday night in Page Charles Ilendrv and • i ,i 11 Com- 3. Candidates will be selected pri- and K/i ration ami Consolation.
Hall. So much is Mrs. Roosevelt inmai'ih lor la mil \,
Klengel was u celebrated Saxon
terested in problems that she- are also on the program.
I. I he Preside] a anil viee-presi- eomnosei' and conductor, a brother
"The Spri' u.fl'ld •-'lory," a movie ili nl ol ,'-'iudci'l Association and the of ihe famous 'cellist Julius. The
has stated in a letter to Mrs. Shirley
Passow that she will also attend oth- dealing with Hie elimination ol |u- three class presidents will choose program will be concluded with
er sessions of the conference during 1vei He delinquency in the Massachu- 1 he al tendillils Horn Hie lis! of nom- Honttt<t o/mn ii by Gabriel Fauru,
ett.H low/, will lie shown In Die dele- inei s.
the two days,
who wins famous as an organist and
A Hlud'ail v, Lo has been on Ihe compciHur and director of the Paris
The day session on Friday will gates during Ine conference. ()ue of
coin I in her freshman, Sophomore, Conservatory for many years. This
run from 9:30 A.M. to 4:3!) P.M.. and
delegates will meet in Hie evening 'be different aspeols ol Ihe movie or Junior \eiir may still be a candi- iieleeliou i.s an exceptionally modern
from 7:30 to 10:30 I'M The con- \;;,i\ then alleilnit lo rewrite it in date for Campus Queen,
sonata for violin and piano, especference will open Saturday af 9 A.M. iine with lln problems under eonH v is also announced ai the ially since it i.s one of the groat
and last until 3 P. U. The final sesmeeting thai The Student Union early works of its kind, pre-datiiig
Mrs. Helen Slack Shore, '-16, Presi- board and Inter-Group Council will Brahms and Franek.
Hlon will begin Saturday night at
8:1ft P.M., when Mrs. Roosevelt will dent of Student Association, i.s chair- each lie allotted a half-hour nl
Admission is free and the concert
deliver the closing address.
Dr, man of the conlerence. Sessions will Ire.shniau orientation Monday.
i.s open to the public.
Hillel To Hold Picnic
The State College religious clubs
have planned a diversified program
for the near future which will include a Hillel picnic, a Newman
Ciub round table discussion, and a
Caiueroury Club meeting. Student
Christian Association and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship are
holding noon services every week.
All oi the religious clubs have
organized to present a joint program of activities for the year.
Joseph Palevsky, '46, President
of Hillel, has announced that the
club has planned a "WeenieMarsh' Roast" for Sunday afternoon from 2 P.M. to 5 P.M. at
the Washington Temple Garden.
The general co-chairmen for the
event are Rita Roberts and Dolores
Whindeiman, Sophomores. Shirley
Gross, '47, is chairman of the entertainment committee and Julia
Boxer, '47, is in charge of the
publicity. Miriam Mcirowitz and
Edith Tanenbaum, Juniors, have
been appointed to the refreshment
committee and Albert Feldman and
Mcrvin Wayne, freshmen, to cleanup. Palevsky lias announced that
everyone is invited to attend the
picnic. There is a poster on the
Hillel bulletin board for those who
wish to sign up.
Newman Club
Newman Club will have a meeting on November 1 at 7:30 P.M. at
which there will be a round table
discussion on the atomic bomb led
by Betty Rose Hilt and Ann Cullinan, Juniors. Refreshments and
dancing will follow the meeting.
Newman Club Council has appointed Dorine Holland, '48, as
director of the choir.
Marjorie O'Grady, '47, President
of Canterbury Club, has announced
that there will be a club meeting
Sunday at 0:00 P.M. at the Parish
House of St. Andrews Church.
Patricia DeRouville, '47, will speak
to the group on the rural Sunday
School. There will be entertainment and a supper.
Weekly Chapel
Student Christian Association is
holding a weekly chapel service
every Wednesday noon at the Unil
tarian Church. At these services
guest speakers address the group
on subjects of timely importance.
On Wednesday, Albert Reed, '47,
will lead the chapel and David
Gray, a graduate student and an
ordained minister, will speak on
"Science and Religion." Any member of the student body may attend.
Hillel and SCA will 'hold a combined Thanksgiving chapel service
in November.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship i.s now conducting a daily
prayer time at 12:10 in Room la ,
Huested. Sally Holmes, '47, has
announced thai the organization u
holding a Bible study hour o«
Tuesday at, 1:30 P.M. and Wednesday al 3:31) P.M. in Room 151,
Huested. Miss Holmes invited all
interested students to attend.
United Program
The religious clubs will sponsor a
unified program of events this year
to promote a closer union between
members ol the various faiths. The
club's first activity will be lo
present a movie in assembly on
November It. It will follow this up
wiih a dance on November 10 for
Hie bciieli: ol Campus Chest. The
Religiaus Chilis Hig-ll i.s scheduled
h.r December 19. The combined
organizations are planning church
visitations for December ii, 7, and
Seniors To Present
Big 8 Tonight
from iiaiji I, Col, 1/
Davis, '4(1, general
chiuuarii, has announced the following
Genevieve Sabatini; Tickets, Georgette Dunn; Music, Barbara earner; Hcli cshmcnt.s, Virginia 1.01lley; Publicity. Belly Hose Diana ml; and t'huperono.s, Georgene
Lovecky. Haleheck girls will bo drill in. Virginia Eflley and
Harriet Brinkmait.
Tickets are $,BQ and are on sale
in the lower hall of Draper.
RediUU - - Intelligent Voting ZUctiOHJunior
Member of Student Board of
Prevents Quota
' Quota —
1- 1 = 369
In Late Election Jennings
The Student Board of Finance Waken
election which was held last Friday Blanks
resulted in one of the oddest and
most unusual set-ups that State College has ever experienced. Results,
as they now stand, are open to in- pended by everyone concerned will
terpretation from several different be well-spent In return for the
realization that the Class of '49 is
thinking, and voting in an adult
State College's Constitution states manner. Voting of this type by the
that votes are to be re-distributed newcomers at State should be apuntil some candidate has achieved plauded and welcomed.
a quota In last Friday's election,
Re-election for a Junior member
no candidate received a quota;
therefore, no candidate has been to the Student Board of Finance
elected to the position of Junior will be held today among the six
member of the Student Board of Fi- candidates originally nominated.
Quota Presents Problem
This is a situation seldom encountered since the quota is (the
number of votes cast) divided by
(the number of people to be elected
plus one) plus one—or 736 (votes
cast) divided by two (one candiMyskania W i l l Direct
date to be elected plus one) plus
Third Event In Series
one, which equals 369. In this election, however, the total number of
Myskania will sponsor a student
blanks in the last distribution num- faculty tea Nov. 1 in the Lounge
bered 82, approximately eleven per from 2:30 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. This will
cent of the votes cast. This large mark the third event of a series,
a number of blanks prevented any initiated last year to further stucandidate from receiving a quota. dent-faculty relationships.
The majority of these blanks occurThe first tea, held as an experired after the first distribution, many ment last November, was also sponafter the second distribution.
sored by Myskania. As it was considered
a success by both the faAt first glance, this seems to indicate a lack of knowledge concern- culty and the student body a second
ing the operation of the preferential meeting, made possible by student
ballot and a lack of interest in vot- contributions, was held in February.
ing among members of Student As- Following this precedent, the prosociation. Further study of the sit- ceeds of the Myskania-frosh football
uation, however, leads one to draw game will defray the expenses of
the first tea this year. There will
an entirely different conclusion.
be at least two more gatherings of
Blank Ballots Kill Election
this sort next semester.
Since the blanks seemed to fall
Students will have the opportunity
In definite groups, it is logical to
assume that the majority of blanks to speak with the members of the
were cast by the freshmen. In other faculty whom they already know,
words, the freshmen, not knowing- and to meet those with whom they
several of the candidates running wish to become acquainted. They
for the office, listed the ones they are invited to challenge members of
knew and left blank all the others. the faculty to a bridge game, or to
This is intelligent voting since votes discuss their problems with them.
Dr. Caroline Lester, Instructor in
should be cast only when a knowledge of the candidate's ability is Mathematics, Miss Annette Dobbin,
Instructor in French and Spanish,
known to the voter.
Although the large number of Dr. Mary Goggin, Professor of Latin,
blanks prevented any candidate and Miss Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of
from receiving a quota, and a re- Women, will pour.
election will have to be held, the These events are a part of a proextra work and time that will be ex- gram, inaugurated two years ago in
*49 Casts Blank Ballots
Nullifying Voting Results
Faculty, Students
To Attend Tea
Former Classmate O f Dr. Hicks1
Broadcasts German
So, to quote Frank, "We became
sharks at bridge, chess and poker."
They were allowed to go to school
and get college credit or work for
the Germans—but at 7 cents a day
"not many of the fellows took to
that Idea." He said that at one
time many of the prisoners went
around spouting verses from the
Bible, predicting the end of the
war. Being an ardent fan of the
Drama, Frank enlisted the aid of
a fellow prisoner, Jerry Johnson,
Mae West's leading man at one
time, and together they directed
and acted in camp plays put on by
their fellow internees. Frank was
discharged from the Canadian Army in July, 1945, and enjoyed a
civilian's privilege for one day. He
then enlisted hi the U. S. Army—
but was again discharged when
Japan surrendered. The former
It is strange to think that one
334 of your classmates might turn out
to be a traitor to his country. Yet
this is exactly what happened to a
classmate of Dr. James A. Hicks,
320 Professor of Guidence.
While Mr. Hicks was attending
82 Grinnell College in Iowa, there was
— also a bright young student there
736 named Fred Kaltenborn. Kaltenborn
was a very lively, quick fellow, according to Dr. Hicks, and was an
expert debater and a very active
member of the debate team. He
seemed to be well liked by his fellow-students except for a certain
Clubs To Hold
Initial Meetings
ror This /ear
Two departmental clubs have announced their plans for coming activities The French Club will hold
its first meeting of the year Wednesday at 3:30 P.M. in the Lounge,
and Chemistry Club, at a meeting
this week, formulated plans for the
initiation of its new members.
Laura Heermance, '47, president
of French Club, states that Miss
Constance Titterington, a former
student of State College, will speak
at the meeting of "Le Cercle Francais" on her experiences as a Student at McGill University in Ottawa,
Canada. Following the lecture, the
group will sing traditional French
songs and popular American songs
with French words. Games will be
played and refreshments served.
In the future, the club expects to
show several movies on Canada.
Tentative plans are also being made
for a joint Christmas Party with
the Spanish and Classical Clubs.
At its meeting this week, final
plans were made for the initiation
of new members into Chemistry
Club, according to Miss Marjorie
Cramer, '46, President. A banquet
will follow the initiation, although
allowances are being made so that
those unable to attend the banquet
may also be initiated.
An unusually large group numbering 58 have signed for Chemistry
Club. Due to the increased enrollment, Miss Cramer is planning to
hold several more activities this
an effort to provide for studentfaculty meetings outside of the classroom. The faculty Big 8's, presented
in '44 and '45, were also introduced
for this purpose, as well as to aid in
securing funds for War Activities
From He//" Describes Experiences In Prison Camp
He started out as a teacher and
ended up in the Canadian Army!
So began the trials and tribulations
of one Frank Hardmeyer, former
State man, class President of '36,
and member of Myskania.
When September, 1940, rolled
around, Frank, firm in his belief
that the U. S. would enter the war,
went to Montreal to enlist in the
Black Watch Regiment, a crack
infantry unit in the Canadian
Army, and became a "Lady From
Hell." After intensive training, he
was sent overseas to England.
There he took part in the historical
raid on Dieppe. Captured in 1942
by the Germans, he spent two
years and eight months in a prison
camp near Breslau. While there,
Frank reported that the German
officers in charge kept the captives'
hands chained together for one
year. Alter that things eased up a
bit. The prisoners were given supplies sent by the Red Cross and
were told to amuse themselves.
Student Named
For Dean s List
(Continued from page 1, Col. 3)
Martin, Joan Mather, Eileen Moo
dy, Pauline Myers, Celia Nager,
Blanche Packer, Joseph Palevsky,
Anne Peterson, Margaret Pohl,
Helen Rankey, Dorothy Rider, A.
Jeanne Roset, Carmela Russo, Gloria Russo, Elinor haw, John Skaden, Genevieve Smtthling, Abbie
Swyer, Barbara Updyke, Edythe
Weaver, Norma Werner, Jean Whit
ney, Esther Will, Mildred Wolf, A.
Evelyn Wolff, Margaret Worsley,
Susan Yager, Genevieve Young.
Class of 1947:
Joan Alverson, Boudina Armstrong, Ruth Bentley, Eleanor Binn,
Julia Boxer, Ludima Burton, Ruth
Capala, Mary Ann Carey, Thelma
Carlson, Helen Caughran, Edward
Cohen, Clyde Cook, Anna Cunningham, Dorothy Daly, Patricia deRouville, Doris Dikeman, Jean
Doughty, Sarah Dunn, Eleanor
Durbeck, Lois Fillman, Lucille
Friedman, Dolores Ganslow, Laura
Heermance, Betty Hilt, Dorothy
Hladik, Mary Honcharik, Helen
Honeycombe, Janet Inglehart, Gertrude Kasper, Helen Kilboume,
Shirley Knights, Ruth Lape, Philip
Lashinsky, Justine S. Lewis, Ruth
Lilienfeld, Ann Lucsok, Elizabeth
McDowell, Gloria McManus, Ellen
Maloney, Elizabeth Margot, Caro
line Michel, Jane Mills, Vivien
Nielsen, Robert Penrose, Gloria
Pirowski, Rosalie Pooler, Doris
Quinn, Doris Raymond, Ruth Reynolds, Charlotte Roscoe, Muriel
Rubin, Madeline Shaw, Concetta
Signorelli, Harriet Standish, Mary
Stolfo, Dorothy Sturzenberger, Edith
Tanenbaum, Mary Telian, Mary
Tessier, Lela Tosh, Christine Truman, Virginia Tucker, Virginia
Van Vranken, Gerhard Weinberg,
Herbert Weiner, Mollie Weinstein,
Shirley Whipple, Eleanor Willard,
Louise Winters, Frank Woodworth,
Helen Ziembic, Calvin Zippin.
Class of 1948:
Viola Abrams, G. Marie Agnew,
Joan Aldous, Ethel Angle, Margaret
Ardito, Eugenia Baranowski, Orietta Behrens, Kathleen Bell, Betty
Brebeck, Eleanor Byrne, Theresa
Case, Vera Chudiak, Carol Clark,
Cecdia Coleman, Muriel Dando,
Virginia DiGregorio, Peggy Eggert,
Marjory Elmore, Hilda Fiedler, Julia Genovesi, Anne Gilleo, Margaret
Groesbeck, Elizabeth Gurka, Norine
Hager, Marion Hancock, Robert
Hardt, Marjorie Harland, Gladys
Hawk, Eleanor Holbig, Gloria Jaf
fer, Jarmilla Janecek, Betty J. Jones,
Wallace Koene, Helen Kisiel, Marian Krogh, Helen Lengyel, Annalee
Levine, Sheila Maginess, Theresa
Mahoney, Evelyn Mattison, Ann
May, Paul Meltdown, ESizabeth
Merrill, Miriam Mlllman, Marcia
Moss, Anna O'Mara, Alice Prindle,
Mary Regan, Arlene Rlber, William
Ross, Eleanor Schneider, Helen
Simkins, Jean Stapleton, Marilyn
Thomson, Paula Tichy, Patricia
Tilden, Marionlee Watkins, Ray
Frank Hardmeyer, '36, right, in British Uniform.
Weiss, Doris Wester, Donald White,
Alice Williams, Shirley Williams,
school teacher-turned-veteran has
Elaine Woods, Frances Zinni.
been through most of Europe and
still believes in "Seeing America
and fellows wore visiting—from
Milne. The girls don't look as old
While at State, Frank was active as they did when I was here—but
in debate and dramatics. After he that was nine years ago."
was graduated, he taught Drama
Now that Frank is a civilian
7H5 Madison Ave
tics in Albany High School for one again, he plans lo attend Cornell
year. Then, a wanderer at heart, University and take a course in
Tasty and Delicious
he worked at various jobs including Hotel Management.
factory worker, night watchman,
bartender, writer, and In this latter
field, he achieved some recognition.
Enjoy Yourself
Following up his flare for dramatics, Frank related that Miss Futand Lunches
terer is one of his best friends, and
that all through his college years
he was her "personal handyman."
7 No. Lake Ave.
College Pharmacy
When we asked his opinion of
Dial 2-9733
air of arrogance about him which
made close friendships difficult.
Dr. Hicks knew Kaltenborn quite
well. They were graduated together
and both served as officers in the
U. S. Army during the first World
War. Kaltenborn then taught for
a while in Iowa.
In the early 1930's Mr. Kaltenborn
went to Germany for a summer trip.
It was then that he became acquainted with the Nazi party, their
ideas and their plans for conquest.
While in Germany he met a young
German girl, a member of the Hitler
Youth movement, whom he married.
Perhaps it was his marriage to this
girl, perhaps it was his German ancestry, or perhaps it was Just that
the Nazi system appealed to his sense
of arrogance, but whatever the reason was he stayed in Germany and
became a German citizen.
When the war broke out Kaltenborn began a series of broadcasts
from Germany attempting to spread
German propaganda. He used much
the same method as the famous
"Lord Haw Haw", calling individual
people by name and praising the
military strength of Germany.
American soldiers have attempted
to locate this famous propagandist,
but according to the last reports
they have as yet ben unable to do so.
His wife has been questioned but declares that she does not know where
her husband is. It is certain that
when he is found he will face trial
and probably death as a result of
his part in the war.
However, it must be remembered
that the case of Fred Kaltenborn is
an exception and by no means a
usual occurrence The vast majority
of American citizens of German ancestry remained loyal to the United
States during the war. Fred Kaltenborn was just one of the few people
who found that they fit better into
life in the homeland of their forefathers.
Guidance Ass n.
To Hold Meeting
Dr. Ralph B. Kenney, Assistant
Professor of Education in the College, has arranged for the Capital
District Guidance Association, a
branch of the National Vocational
G.clance Association, to hold its
professional meeting in the college
on Tuesday, October 30. Dr. Kenney is not only a trustee of the
Capital District Association, but he
is also a trustee of the National
Vocational Guidance Association.
This conference consists of sixty
counselors and directors of guid
ance from the capital area. The
group will meet on Tuesday and
will have a dinner in the Cafeteria,
They will then conduct their meeting in the Lounge in Richardson.
Mr. Raymond Haidville, who is
from the Bureau of Guidance of
the State Education Department,
will address the Association on
"Guidance in Action."
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IOI | j
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203 Central Ave.
' " *?
'46 - '48 Takes Victory
To Even Series Score
Athletics Start
MAA Speeds
Ping Pong Sets; Interclass Rivalry
Posts Winners On Campus Day
Intercepted. He ran around right
end for a first down and then Wood- MAA swings into the lead this
Dashes, Races Spotlight
worth passed to Griffin for nine W « ] T with "the ping-pong tourney
Higlight Football
yards. Here the defense tightened as eight games have been comMorning's Activities
The Soph - Senior
aggrega- and took over the ball. A reverse pieted in the first round. Judging
tion evened the series by defeating from Sullivan to Bolles netted ten from the speed with which they The rivalry sports events will get
the '47-'49 team 19-12, Wednesday yards, and on the succeeding play have played these games, the final underway tomorrow morning as the
And what super things the frosh afternoon at 4:30 on Page Field.
Dunn intercepted and ran in back championship game should be Sophs try for their first rivalry
have planned for the Sophs tomorThe return of "Red" Evans to the ten yards. In the closing minutes played within the next two weeks, points against a determined frosh
row and vice verse! We expect line-up proved to be the deciding of the first half the '47-'49ers filled
The regular games are played 2 squad.
Dorothy of the frosh squad to come factor of the game, as he ran, passed the air with passes in order to bring out of 3, the semi-finals 3 out of
The two teams will participate in
s ant
looking rather gray because she and blocked for the winning team, about a score. But this was to no
> the finals 4 out of 7.
a number of races and dashes.
didn't realize that the Sophs were
Up to the present day, this has avail as the half ended 13-0 In favor Miner Wins
These will Include a three-legged
going to dress for the occasion. But been one of the cleanest, hard- of the Senior-Soph group.
Considering the games which race, an old clothe race, wheelshe will undobutedly overcome her fought football games with only Third Quarter:
have been played so far, the Miner- barrow and sack races and a
shyness and really enter into the three penalties being called.
The second half opened with Woodworth game has been the straight dash. There will be, as far
spirit of things when she notices the _,. . 0 l i a r # __
Woodworth kicking to Vaughn who m o s t exciting. Each of the players as it is now known, no relays.
happy expressions on the faces of
The serdors-sonhs won the toss r e t u r n e d t h e ball to the thirty-five * ? " o n e of the games and so the Practices Held
the rest of her class—who expect to mJB£$8SM
yard line. Here, a series of passes third
to be played. In The frosh have held two prach
M h had
andj elected
to ,kick.
kicked ww«n
} e r succeeded in beat tices so far and another is schedwin the cup.
j Z
' ~ l u ~"7f~T
auuivan doing
doing the
the "pitchmg
pitching * ^ , ? f
, * , n g W o o d w o r t h In a fast 21-14 third uled for this afternoon. Mickey
These events mean a lot in count- and Dunn received. On the fh-st w e r e b a t t e d d o w n ^
Seamen, '49 who is in charge of
ing towards rivalry points and so as play, Bolles^intercepted a pass in- t h e J u n ior-Prosh team took over game,
these events for the frosh class,
T h
many as possible from both classes tended for Nichols and was downed a n d m a d e t h e f l r s t f l r s t d
says that the final teams will be
should turn out to help their class mmediately. The ball was now in the second half, on a pass from are not available as they were not picked today and that those not
get those points. Each of the lead- the possession of the '46-'48 team. Nichols to Weber. After completing recorded on the sheet. The fol- coming to this final practice will
ers of the sports events Is more than Sullivan faded back, threw a pass this pass, Nichols failed to connect lowing, however are the winners of be eliminated.
able to lead her group in game par- to Evans, but the ball feel to the on the next four attempts and the the matches that have been playedThe frosh are counting on speed
ground as an incomplete pass. Evans, Senior-Sophs took over. On the Sullivan beat Mills Dickinson
in these races and the frosh who
triAbout Tourneys
around left end for the first touch- thrown by Evans nestled into the umphed over Dunn, Feldman was have come out for practice have
MAA is stepping right along in down of the day. Sullivan completed outstretched hands of Bolles who defeated by Crandall, Weinberg showed, according to their captain,
their playoffs in the ping-pong tour- a jump pass to Vaughn for the extra scored the final '46-'48 touchdown, and Minor won their matches from "lots of enthusiasm and willingness
ney—must be their really interested point.
This play carried sixty-five yards. Palevsky and Woodworth, respec- to really get in there and work."
In finding out who the champ is
Dunn made a spectacular run back , . A " e r receiving the kick-off, the tively, Welner beat Herold and Frosh Possibilities
Some of the frosh who look like
from the rest of the names on that of Evans kick, carrying from his ,47"49 squad marched to a touch- Weber defeated MacCarthy.
list. As we recall, MAA finished tyn
goal line to the mid-field wTdworth S e d ^ n t Z Si!3'"- The winner of the match between possibilities for these races are
their ping-pong tourney last year stripe. Griffin made eight yards f ,
I ™ » S m ™ ? ^ / ° r , a W a S n e r and Lashinsky will prob- Anderson, Pless and Hawkins along
Pitzgibbons and Rodak who
too, and that last game was certain- around left end and on the next y l r L Z ^ * ^ ^ ^ l o r
ably play Kaufman in the semi- with
because of their speed, will probf nals
ly worth waiting for. We hope the play Nichols carried for the Frosh- TOnent^O vard lin P X n o w
' K a u f m * n is the defending ably run in the three-legged race.
last playff this year is as good—and Junior for a first down.
mss T r o m N I L t n w ^ , 7
« beaten Califano and Owens are also posit probably will be!
p a s s i r o m INlcnoiS t o W e b e r r e - Z i n n i n In f-h« f l n n l m m o «# t i , «
sibilities for either the straight
P.S.—The WAA tennis tourney is Nichols threw a pass to Griffin suited In pay dirt. The extra point season last vear
dash or the sack race.
still being played as far as we know. which fell Incomplete. Failing to failed. The score now, 19-6, Wood- „ ,
Says Captain Seamen, "it's wonFa
gain in the air, the team took to worth kicked off to Sullivan as
„ ,
And then too . .
derful working with kids who show
We were walking along the hall
so much enthusiasm and who are
both of the matches and will play willing to plug all the way to see
the other day with a dear friend line held and took over the ball on Fourth Quarter:
when all of a sudden some water
the frosh come out on top. With
from one end of the field to ? f t h e s . e e*mes' h o w ever, have yet kids like these, we can't help but
spurted out of her left eye. Not play went around right end for five tforth
wishing to seem to impertinent, we yards. A pass from Sullivan to t h e i r a s s- Both teams tightened
and it looked as
Judging from last year's results, Sophs Confident
let the matter ride. A few seconds Bolles put the ball in scoring terri- i f t n eP a mdefense
°uld end without Zippin, Weiner and Mallery all
later the same thing happened. This tory and on a tricky reverse Evans
The Sophs are also confident
e chances of showing up in the that they will be the winner of the
time our curiosity got the better of scored his second touchdown The another score. With the ball In the
cup to be awarded to the winner
our good judgment so we politely in- score was now 13-0
back to throw a pass, and Zippin and Mallery has not yet of the most rivalry points tomorquired, "Well dear, and what seems
. . .
' . .. _, . seeing the defense spread apart, been played. Both of these players row. Pat Tllden, '48, captain of
to be the matter with you today?"
As the quarter ended the Frosh- streaked down the middle of the are more than proficient and the the Sophs, has also received coTo which a very un-courteous reply
was given. To make what could be Junior squad started rolling, making fleld f o r a touchdown. The at- same should be a good one. Unless operation from the athletic minded
tempted run for the extra point Mallery has some unexpected plays women in her class. Among those
a long story short (if we had enough two successive first downs.
failed. The game ended with the h e intends to use, Zippin will prob- participating for the Sophs will be
room, ha ha) this Is what the trouble Second Quarter
Fischer, Osborne, Tichy and Young.
An intercepted pass by Evans put score 19-12.
ably win this match,
was. Seems as though the dear girl
Tilden also had a statement to
was walking through the lower hall of a stop to the drive of the '47-'49
make, "All I have to say is that
Draper, sighted the fountain near team. Sullivan completed a pass to
maybe the frosh have spirit, but
the fellows lockers and became thirs- Bolles, but on the next pass, Dunn
Kill.. I
Kill.. V I I
we've got the skill. Victory is ours!"
Section I. Only canvns Hhoes with
ty—all In an Instant. She went over,
Hofl rnhlier poles' may bo worn.
turned the handle and that's where
blocking is perKuli* I I
the trouble started. Seems as though
Sect ion I. A clour |m»H in one In
Volleyball Practice
Section 2. T a c k l i n g ls done w i t h
which lliu hull Is in HlKlit, a clearly
the "fountain" is incorrectly termed.
Volley co-captains Ellen Rochboth h a n d s
definitely nu the rear,
It should be called a geyser. The
below the belt. G r a b b i n g In front with' ford and Jean Connors announce
p a s s e r ' s hanil.
poor girl unfortunately got in the
one h a n d and holding Is not p e r m i t t e d that approximately forty girls have
Kule I I I
ml w l
" "a Penalized 10-yards plus a
inn I. T h e
l e n g t h of p l a y i n g t" l r s ,
way and now has what is known as
' • 'Iowa at the s p o t of the foul o r signed up to play and have turned
shall he 28 m i n u t e s ,
H20 spurtitls. All in a days work.
at the original
line of out for practices. Due to the fact
Crushes Crushes
four e(|ual 7-iiiiiiuto q u a r t e r n .
There scrimmage.
that the gym is being used on
, - , , , , .
, .
i. shall be one m i n u t e between q u a r t e r s .
Section :t. There shall be no stiff- Tuesdays and Thursdays by MAA,
A little out of our line—but noteSparky Vaughn, acting President There shall be a 5-mlnutu intermission
volley ball cannot take place in
worthy. Looks as though one of the Of M.A.A, s i n c e F r a n k W o o d W O r t h ' S between the second a n d t h i r d periods. a r m i n g ,
Hllle V I I I
case of rain. Otherwise, it will be
Chemistry 18 profs (or is there only recent resignation, has scheduled two ,.„?"'•'"""
Scrimmage, null Down
. ",' '""d'Hs
held on the dorm field, as usual.
lute shall r report
bis n a m esnail
and be tha
Seel Ion 1. After s n a p a m i d a r i n g
one) has made quite a hit with sev- _ . .
name ofand
I lie head
p l a y e rl i nbe
H.-L. "'force
e s mIs
a n .r e pAl a c isnugb s tto
l the play, a n y player of A may c a r r y Because of these inconveniences,
eral of the Sophomore students in State encounters next week with the referee before he Is a part of the the ball across the line of s c r i m m a g e , being present at least two thirds
his class. They uncovered a cut that Albany Med. and Albany Pharmacy uaine. An eligible s u b s t i t u t e may re'1. Team A inusl have three of the required time will suffice,
t u r n to the g a m e at any t i m e when orSection
re men on the line of s c r i m m a g e . if it occurs that an insufficient
was printed some time ago in the Colleges.
I lino is out ami p r o v i d i n g one play
Section it. The necessary
NEWS of this prof, and immediately
Due to the unexpected occurrence has ensued sinceK uhis
lo be gained d u r i n g a series of downs' number of practices are held to
l e IV
set it up on one of the files ir the of Woodworth's resignation, the exis lo y a r d s In four downs.
gain the usual ten hours credit,
Section 1. If a second or more forP. O. Before anyone can pass by the act dates of these games are not ward
Section 1. All p l a y e r s urc eligible according to Rochford.
pass from b e h i n d I he line of
In receive forward passes.
file he must turn, face the picture certain. It is probable, however,
Rule IX
and smile—not leer—smile. It's a that State will play Albany Med.
I reeled as a fumble
case of doing one thing or another on Wednesday and Albany Phar- ^ ' T Z ^ Z nR ut l el V W l i n " if° IK
tl p o i n t s
—the other thing being crawling on macy on Thursday.
Action Common to it 1'rcc-Klck or
Successful t r y - l ' i i r p o l n l
I point
Also, the set lineup for the games
NcrlmmiiKc Down
the floor past the file. Things like
:• points
I. When a b a c k w a r d p a s s Safely
that always helps pass the time of has not yet been determined. The or .Section
finable s t r i k e s the g r o u n d anil Is
following, however, are the possibili- n vered It may be a d v a n c e d by
,-> y a r d s
either side.
No More Suggestions
uscMolhcr than
Sect ion u'. A blocked kick may be
ball c a r r i e s )
G yards'
O.K. O.K., so we won't have a who starred last year against the
ly either team.
In a Friendly,
Holding Defense In lacklliigl
R u l e VI
joke section—honestly things aren't Siena team, will play left end; Thaylsi
I'rcc Kicks mill t h o I ' r c c - K l c k Down
so bad that we have to have one—
lb y a r d s
Seel ion I. The
be H o l d i n g (offense)
when ze public doesn't want It. van, who played last year on the made from one-half the d i s t a n c e of T r i p p i n g
in y a r d s
safetyWe have heard more people say,
disqualification— I/J diskick
"No, really, we don't think we Siena,
tance lo goal line
:.', When the kick-off Is out I'nni
would like it too—toolsh." Now Vaughn, proving shifty and light in of Section
saury delay of game . . fi y a r d s
hounds between the goal lines, the Not r e p o r t i n g
5 yards
when we figure out what toolsh several of the contests last year, opiioinil Inbound spol for the reStiff a r m i n g
15 y a r d s from line
means, we'll let you know. Anyway will probably also star in the line- ceivers Is '/, ihe length of l l i i ' field.
of s c r i m m a g e
that takes care of the suggested up this season. Several other possiJoke section. Any more suggestions? bilities for line positions are Nichols,
G E O R G E D. J E O N E Y . P R O P .
Griffin, Mills, Holllday, Tabner,
The football game last Wednes- Dunn, and Zanchelll, all who have
day ended in defeat for the team taken part In the Intramural games
that won the week before so now this year.
everybody is happy. That is everyIf these games come through for
body Is happy except the Junlor- the start of lnter-colleglate football,
frosh team and they feel terrible it might well be the start of a series
because one of the Junior players similar to the one held last year.
The most of the Best
made two touchdowns. Now why
should the Juniors feel awful? Well
for the Least
the Junior wasn't playing for the
Juniors, he was playing for the
Soph-Senior squad. Confusing isn't
it? But that's the way those guys
are—they'll always help out. Nice 210 Central Avenue Albany, N. Y,
work—if you can get it.
Superior Pass Attacks
Intramural Football Rules
State To Play
Med., Pharmacy
Football Squads <.»•''
Barber Shop
. ,
State College News
N O V E M B E R 2, 1 9 4 5
Inter-Group GonferenceTo Open Today;
Mrs. Roosevelt Will Speak In Page Hall
John Davis
P*&<f*am rf-an OhU^GoiU^lcUe
9:30 A . M . — I t c g l s ' l r n t l n n .
Richardson Hall).
10:00 A . M . — I N T U l t - t U t m ' i '
RELAT H I N S : T i l f ] X I ) S , PBOBLMXIS
A Woril of Welcome.
Helen S h a r e . P r e s i d e n t of. Stn(lulll Assoc in I inn.
i'.'ini|iiis Slluiitions, Needs unci
A Siucleiil
L e a d e r : Dr. Louis I'. .lotion,
11:00 A.M.—Siinic Presold T r e n d s ami
( P a c e Hull).
Virginia S l a l e College.
12:30 P . M . — l.i
The Concern of
.lohn M. Snylcs, President of
Albany S l a l e College.
C h a r l e s W. m i n t . P r e s i d e n t ,
Dnei'lllll S l a l e College.
I l e r b e r l I.. Neumann. Dli lor
N a t i o n a l Conference of Christ i a n s anil .lews.
1:30 P . M . — K x h l i . l i s .
2:00 P . M . — W H A T IS ll.W'PKNINCI
IX p r i l l , 1 C L D I ' C A T I U X .
i l ' n g c Hull)
Han of S p r i n g f i e l d
film. "It
H a p p e n e d In S p r i n g f i e l d . " Discussion li.v Dr. Ralph Sponcc,
D e p a r t m e n t id' Kilneallon. and
(ifinlc and High School Prog r a m s ill t lie I n t e r til'olip lie
Miss Marion lOduioud,
Delrnit P u b l i c Schools.
4:30 P.M.—iOxhll.iis.
7:l!0 P . M . — M i c t i o n el' Student Delegates.
8:15 P . M . — \ NKW A P P I U I A C I I TO
I X T i n t <: IK i l l '
A Mieiod raiiiii on School ami
I G C Presents
2-Day Program
Couilnunil.v Issues and P r o b lems In l n l c r - l i r o u p Relations
( P a g e Hull) Dr. Charles liendry ami St n IT, Committee on
C o m m u n i t y I n t e r - r e l a t i o n s , New
York City. C o i n m e i i t a l o r : Miss'
.Marian Bdiuond.
!):G0 A . M . — M e e t i n g of s t u d e n t Delegates.
10:00 A . M . — C U L L 10(110
INTIOI! ( i l i n l ' P
C h a i r m a n Dr. Wall S t e w a r t ,
Albany Stale College Coliililil.
lee on I n t e r - 0 roup Relations.
I Lounge] The Nine College Exp e r i m e n t a l P r o g r a m . Dr. Lloyd
Stale I'.
A Report l i
Trenton. Prof.
Herllia Lawrence ami Student
ltcpi'esontal Ive.
Inter(Ironp Council.
1 2 : 3 0 P . M . — I.unci
Eleven State Colleges
To Send Representatives
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt will address the first Student Conference
on Inter-Group Relations tomorrow
in Page Hall at 8:15 P. M. Student
delegates and speakers representing
This morning Inter-Group Couneleven State Teacher's Colleges and
cil will present Dr. John W. Davis,
five states will be present at the
President of West Virginia State
College, West Virginia Institute, in
Assembly to officially open the
This will mark Mrs. Roosevelt's
Inter-Group Conference to be held
third appearance at State.
here today and tomorrow. FreshTo Analyze Problems
man class voting will also take
Mrs. Roosevelt will analyze the
problems of Inter-Group Relations
Frosh To Vote
in the light of her travel and experience with different
The freshman class will vote by
throughout the world. No admission
preferential ballot to elect its offiwill be charged for this meeting.
cers for the year. Nominations are:
5 Slates Represented
President, Jerry Dunn, Joan Wurtzelected.
II.'\v Things
Look lo Me.
The five states represented will
ler, Robert Baker, Robert KlttI Imprniupl tt n minute sp. host
be West Virginia, Ohio, New Jersey,
redge; Vice-President, Agnes McAll Slildeni Delegates.
Michigan, and New York. John W.
Intyre, Nancy Palkenburg, Beverly
Davis, President of the West VirStittig, William Blasberg; Secretary,
laek mi Inicr (Iroiip Problems.
Conference Speaker
Ll..\ .1 Allen
ginia State College will speak this
Jean Pulver. Lee Emmerling, Elsie
morning in assembly on some of the
Landau, Persi.s Hockridge, Wilma
Report of Si IIIII in Coinmil
present trends and problems in
Whitney; Treasurer, Mollic Whellees.
Inter-Group Relations. Miss Marley, Marie Hols, Colitta FiUsimDiscission
I lops'.
ian Esmond of the Detroit Public
mons, Robert Kaiser, Janet Lewis;
Concluding Stalcuieiiis,
School system will review present
Publicity Director, Katherine Grant,
day Grade and High School Golden, Barbara
grams concerning this subject, and
Helen Califano, Jean Anderson,
i Pauv Hull), c h a i r offer suggestions for teachers. The
Mary Bates, Jo Ann McDonald.
m a n : Th.- IHflil Reverend (I.
aims and accomplishments of the
Student Council, under Article IV
i (lldliain, D.D.. Illshop
Nine College Experimental Program
el' A i..lll\ .
Section 2, Sub-section (g) 3 of the
will be explained by Dr. Lloyd AlConstitution, has enacted the follen Cook, Director of Ohio State
lowing executive directive: The at- I I
University. A report on the proWhitney's Hangs Sullivan
tendants, ushers, and Sophomore
first two of a series of four one-act gress of intergroup relations in
pages for Campus Day shall henceFor "Back To School" Sale
plays in Page Hall, on Wednesday Trenton, New Jersey will be given
forth be selected in accordance with
night at 8 P. M.
by Professor Bertha Lawrence and
the following provisions: 1. In class 3 A d d i t i o n a l Names
Two Stale girls went on a
a student representative.
meetings individual written nominshopping
wantTheresa Jones, '46, director of
scheduled for October 31, were List Aims
ations shall be held separately for
postponed because of the illness of
each capacity.
2. Nominations Press Bureau, has announced that
Shirley Passow, '46, Chairman of
did ihey find — Bob Sullivan
one of the leading members of the Inter-Group Council, has expressed
should be only for beauty. All who the names of Elizabeth O'Neil, Josesprawled
have once served in any capacity, phine Maggio and Joseph Palevsky, women's dresses!
the aims of the conference: "If we,
shall automatically be excluded Seniors, have been added to "Who's
as future teachers, are to help realNo, Mr. Sullivan isn't trying
Boxer Directs
from nomination for the same cap- Wlio Among Students In American
ize full democracy, we must equip
to create a minor riot. Can he
The first of these plays will be ourselves carefully. Here is what
acity in future years. ',). The Presi- Colleges and Universities."
directed by Julia Boxer, '47. This we can do now:
dent and Vice-President of Student
"Who's Who" has requested that all started two years ago when
selection is based on an old Irish
Association and three clas; presi- Press Bureau submit, the names of
1. Learn to understand, laterSullivan,
superstition of a will-of-the-wisp group relations as they make up
dents shall select attendants, ush- three more students to represent
lovely ladies, laid his photo
which leads unsuspecting victims life on tho campus, in the school,
ers, and pages from those nomin- Stale College in their publication.
"took" for the Pedagogue in
through the moors to a steep cliff in the community and in the world.
front of Hawley Hall for Hie
where certain death awaits them.
Plan Conference
2. Determine what shall be our
with the next highest votes elected
1944 issue.
The part of the country woman attitudes toward members of all
The Inter-Collegiate committee of previously by preferential ballot.
racial and ethnic groups, and what
Student Council has tentative plans
Then one bright August morn,
A meeting of all the heads of
Mary Card. '49, will take the part values we shall affirm.
for State College participation in a
Whitney's, one of Albany's local
of the waif. Gloria Jaffer, '48, is
3. Develop skill in handling inStudent Government Conference to State's organizations with Press Budepartment stores had an intaking the part of the poet's wife tergroup situations, so that every
be held at Geneseo State College reau is being planned and will be spiration for an incentive for
and Virginia Day, '47, of tlie maid, member of the group we influence
for Teachers. The date lias not announced soon. Miss Jones will be
their "back to school" sale.
shall be well adjusted.
yet been decided upon. The com- present at the meeting to answer What better incentive than
All State students who plan to
Tlie second selection has been demittee plans to set up displays in any quetsion asked by the organiza- State College? Now the quesscribed as a "satire on Freudian attend the conference are asked to
the surrounding high schools in the tions in regard to the service of Press tion is, "What was the incenpsychoanalysis." This strange story come to the meetings early enough
near future.
tive . . . Slate or Sullivan?"
has an entirely freshman cast. It to obtain seats.
includes the following: Henrietta,
Beverly Coplin; Stephen, William
mid Mabel, Dorothy Primer Announces
Results O f El ections
Tlie war is over, yes, but tlie suf- Nn/.i
every sities in whatever lodging was avail- Schedule I'lays
fering and hardships of the past school and university in the coun- able-- -without proper living condiTwo more plays are sclied led
Patricia Feelum, '46, Editor-inyears cannot be erased so quickly. try of Czechoslovakia. In the city tions, without necessary supplies,
It will be years before conditions in of Prague 2G0 students rose up in with nothing but the burning de- for November 13. The first of these Chief of the Primer, the college anwill be under the joint-direction of nual literary publication, lias anforeign countries have returned to rebellion, but to no avail, for an sire to continue their education.
Cook and Joan Alverson, nounced the results of tlie Primer
normal. Americans have been call- immediate order for their arrest
If is to such students as theso Clyde
ed upon to do their share
was issued. The following day 160 Unit, tlie proceeds of Hie Campus Juniors, while Betty Rose Hilt, '47 elections.
is in charge of the final drama.
Tlie students who were elected to
State students will have tlie op- were publicly massacred and the Chest Drive will go, under tlie ausCook and Miss Alverson havo tlie following positions are: Literary
imprisonpices of the W.S.S.R Although the
portunity to do their share—in the
war is over, the foreign students chosen a comedy depleting' the Staff, Virginia De Gregorio, '48;
coming Campus Chest Drive which ed.
will be held from November !) to This is only one example of the desperately need all the help pos- I roubles of a young married couple Sophomore Business Staff, Barbara
20. The goal as announced by conditions which have existed in sible In order that they may even- celebrating their first anniversary. Otto, Mervln McCllnfock; Junior
Marjorie O'Grady, '47, Chairman, Europe during the war years and tually return to their universities The cast Includes-—Henrietta, Mary Business Staff, Edna Sweeney;
Is $1 per person and the' money which arc still prevalent. Hundreds with tlie same opportunities as tho Anne Standing, '49, Henry the hus- Senior Auxiliary Art Staff, Marband, Joseph Zanchelll, '49, and garet Feehan; Senior Auxiliary
students in this country.
collected will be distributed among of
students were forced into exile
the World Student Service Fund, In order
The money given to the Albany Mrs. Tucker, the maid, Edith Dell, Literary Staff, Patricia Fish, Elizato
edubeth O'Neil; Junior Auxiliary Litertlie Rod Cross, and the Albany War cations.
War Chest will be distributed among '48.
ary Staff, Helen Jennings, Larry
31 local Welfare, Health, and CharMiss Hilt's play is sot in the Ren- Bollt; Auxiliary Publicity Manager,
The condition lias been somewhut acter Building Agencies, and IB niilssiince erlod, taking place In a
The W.S.S.R should bo of partiMarilyn Warshiiw, '47,
cular interest to State, where stu- similar in China. Most of the uni- War-Related Relief Services. The
dents- are privileged to continue versities before the war wore lo- share given to the Red Cross will cathedral In Milan. Tho action
along their field of endeavor with- cated near the const. As the Jap- be used for both national and inter- centers around u love triangle. The Maggio Wins Cover Contest
out interference. In fact, hero at anese armies advanced toward the national relief.
cast of the drama is as follows:
N.V.S.O.T. the government is nld- university towns, the students wero State students will have the op- Mary Ellen Diener, '47, as Cecilia,
Agnes Young, '4(1, Editor-ln-Ohtef
lng the students to acquire an edu- forced to flee Inland, by foot. After, portunity to show their appreciaof the Directory, has announced that
a weary Journey of sometimes more tion for the many privileges they
tlie design submitted by Josephine
Six years ago this month, Novem- than a thousand miles these stu- enjoy by giving their all to the Duchess; and William Blasberg, '40, Maggio, '40, will be used on the cover
ber 17, to be exact, officials of the dents would establish their univer- Campus Chest Drive.
as Lodovlco.
of the '45-'46 Directory.
Freshmen To Choose
Leaders For This Year
Campus Chest Drive To Aid Students Abroad
Dramatic Group
Will Sponsor
One-Act Plays