Document 14064087

Basketball Teams
Begin Contests;
Leagues Blossom
Confidence Plus Competence
Bring Ferber, Hess Fame
Pool, Ping Pong
In Final Stages
Those muscular brutes who
are immortalizing themselves in
the thrilling and gory ping pong
The men's ping pong champion
and pool tournaments that MAA
will be decided next week when
Is offering as its pre-Christmas
Lashinsky meets the winner of the
fare do not lack for that InThe winter sports program which
•Margo ByrneFerber, Kaufman match. The toureffable something known as selfbegan after Thanksgiving vacation,
nament begun a little over a week s
is already off to a good start. Acago, ttand
»u -already
u c a u , .u
» ~semi-final
? we learned in sociology this
in »
Bob Ferber, State's tennis
cording to members of WAA Council,
Bert Kiley
stage seems to be setting a record aweek
that three stages ol opposition
champ, upon looking thoughtre
the season should be a fairly successfor tournaments at State.
- in Increasing order of intensity,
fully at the pairings for the ping
(Kilcy this lueek got tired of eat- ful one.
The seeded players have come competition, rivalry and conflict.
pong tournament, sat down and
ing oats and went out tor a good
This year, as in previous years,
- And like any good State College
dashed off two notes (2" by 4", through as predicted, defeating all
steak. He leaves behind pinch- basketball and bowling leagues are
opponents with ease. Viglucci, the student, we looked at the sports
with date). One was to his first
being formed between the various
hitter Lt. Andrew Takas, ex 'J/SJ
one dark horse who showed consider- situation in the light of our newround opponent, Bob Sullivan,
group houses. Mary Sanderson urges
able promise in the earlier rounds, found knowledge.
requesting a match appointment.
You'll have to excuse me for a al
members of groups interested in
was eliminated by Lashinsky, leaving R j v a | , . y n ( .|p S
The second was to his second
couple of minutes—the place is a forming
to play in the league,
the field clear for the favored con- P ' l r s t, w e agree that simple comperound foe, Charlie Turcotte, relittle unfamiliar.
Kiley's picture to pleaseteams
contact her as soon as
questing a similar paddle session.
roosts up above these words and
testants These two final matches t i t i
in n sense lmpel,sonali
A list of players on the
Whilst the virile ones of the will probably be the most interest- i s l l o t enough to get the student body
next to it there is a title proclaim- possible.
ing of the tourney. So far, the , s t i l . r e d u p , Q n the other hand, toss
institution were still rocking
ing to me and to all the world that her by Dec. 10 and a list of all
games have been too one-sided to l n n d a s n o f ,.,„„,
, r l ta n d w h a t
softly on their heels from the
I am now among the horses. It just those
in each group house interested
arouse much interest. The three re- l l a p p e n , s ? W e l l | f o r o n e fcning t n e r e
affair Ferber, mild-mannered
isn't at all familiar.
in bowling may be turned in any George Hess knocked them right
mainlng players have defeated their , s a s u d d e n
of cnUlUKia,sm
Very well, about sports it will be. time before Christmas vacation.
combined opponents in fast, straight s u c h a s wf , s a w i n t n e f o o l b a l l l e a g u e _
over frontwards with the calm
In the search for news I went down Games Wednesday
statement "Why I did the same
A military unit will fight like
to the MAA bulletin board. Very
The league basketball games will
thing with Francello and FanThe pool tournament has also demons to prove that it is the best
interesting. The pool tournament is be played every Wednesday night in
been running according to the form outfit in the service. The men don't
about racked up; the women were Page Hall. Miss Poster, who is a cher in the pool tournament."
They both won, too.
consider ideals. They fight for the
eliminated in the semi-finals. The licensed referee will referee the
ping-pong tournament is snapping games this year.
At present it is the same state reputation of the group. And in the
right along—looks as if a man will
as the ping pong melee with one same spirit a team will put forth
Practice has already begun and is W A A Draws Crowd
win it. There was no official notice
finalist already decided and onetheir best efforts for their house or
their class or any definite focal point
on the board about it, but I hear it held in the gym on Monday, Wedsemi-final match remaining.
rumored that Kiley is planning nesday, and Friday afternoons at In Paddle Tournament
Art Kaufman will uphold the o f allegiance.
competition, the
another tournament to give the boys 4:00 P.M.
The WAA ping pong tournament
WAA reports that up to this point has attracted an unusually large honor of the Annex against either personsmaividua
playing quite sensibly fool
a chance to exercise their muscles—
that the game is played for fun, for
tiddly-winks. He's a little afraid, the turnout for practice has not been number of participants this year. match Monday night.
their own amusement.
though, that the girls will take over. very large and the freshmen have Prompt playing off of matches will
Kaufman gained the final bracket
But this altitude does not make
Into the locker room I went to made up the greater part of the be necessary. Dot Gregory, captain in impressive tashion by disposing
u f e i n a n organized college program,
recapture the memories of the days
of his roommate, Bob Sullivan, 75- .
S i c i l y selfish point
when there were giants in the earth come out for practice are especially first round matches will have to be 40, in a semi-final tussle. Previously P l o m o u r o w n ,,
o f v i e w i t i s n o l oocl c o p y
completed by this afternoon. All
and a hundred men in each State urged to do so.
those who do not keep up to thehe had trounced Al Read and Jack
class. Carefully I brushed away Award Cup
Daly by large margins. Kaufman
. we
ve said n tbefore, personal
A cup will be awarded to the win- schedule will be dropped.
a l e fun
the spider webs that hung across
also holds the record run of the meet a" Pe * "
,» . ^
the door to the shower room and ning team in the basketball league Champ vs. Chump
with a 12 ball inning.
necessary but there must be a
stronger incentive. We aren't going
looked in. It didn't exactly look like
an abandoned Egyptian ruin, but ing league. Last year the basketball vs. chump contest. The losers in
Hess had trouble with Fancher s o l a r a s t o s a y o p e n c o n f l i c t l s
each match continued to play the but a 12-2 second frame gave him a doslinljlo. None of this desperate do
it did have an air of mild decay,
Delta Beta Chi team. This team was
Around the locker room I wander- given a good deal of opposition by losers of other matches. The champ lead
an eventual
l e s t u f f loi.s t a t e _
B u t in m o s t
Kiley for
in oofr dthe
activities the spirit
engendered, the memory of the days when a the Newman Hall team which placed then played the chump for the title. knocking out Miner and Miller.
of mudhundred of us used to dress for second in the league. In the bowlturtles.
freshman gym class in a space that ing league the Psi Gammas were the be played in the usual style.
Tills season has seen an improveseemed to be about twice the size of champions and proud possessors of Seek Winners
The prophets about college are
ment. Kit Herdman has been heard
a phone booth. Things were so the bowling cup.
looking forward to possible winners. Swimming For Rivalry;
crowded then that more often than
to comment on the Increase in the
The girls Ping Pong tournaments
not you found yourself putting your with Dot Gregory, as captain, start- Lore Kuhn, last year's champ, is, of Life-Saving M a i n Feature feeling of rivalry. In the approachcourse,
shoes on someone else's feet.
ing winter season there is an oppored this week and games will continue honors. Her lightning serve and
All girls who are interested in tunlty for a still greater participaEnough. I felt a tear coming into to be played every Monday, Wed- ability to place shots at any spot on
my eye and I hurried out before I nesday and Friday at 3:30 P.M. in the table make her an opponent to swimming and Senior Life Saving Hon of houses as units,
should break down and weep for the the gym. Ten hours credit will be be feared. Giavelli, Garfall, and Seh- are urged to sign up on the WAA , n r M 0 U jCi <!
" . f ' !f",
, , • ,,
good old times. I went down to the given—three hours supervised and her best in ping pong, Garfall bulletin board so that classes can be rTJ,t
organized and a pool procured.
. n o , basketball league is strictly
Commons to watch the athletes doing seven unsupervised hours.
wartz are also to be considered as
, „,
inter-house. Last year the Deltatheir stuff at the ping-pong table.
Jean Linchart and Ginny M lne B e l a c h i l c a m f o r m e d o f s u p o r l o r
Fencing classes will begin the week possible winners, having ended up
Th: girls finished their game and after Christmas vacation. The near the top in previous tourna- have charge ol Senior Life Saving. p l a y c r s f r o m s o v o l . a l n o u s o s m f t d e
then I played a couple. Man must classes will be held on Saturday ments. Of this trio, Giavelli looms To be able to take Senior Life Sav- a n u n b o a t a b i c . combination. T h e
truly be decadent—my beskirted op- mornings from 10:00 to 12:00 A.M. as the strongest contender. Her ing a test must be passed equivalent t e a m w a s s o f n l . , sup erlor, in fact that
ponent beat me easily and cheerfully. To date there is no instructor avail- speed in making returns is bewilder- to the one given at the end of Junior
o p p o s l t i o n w a s squelched in morale
Vanquished, I made my retreat.
able. Peg Bostwick will be in charge ing to watch. Schwartz plays a Life Saving, although this primary
before a g a m o w a s plnyed
I wandered farther and came upon of the classes and says that all tricky cut game which is fast and course is not essential.
t o a m n a s dispersed this year.
one who wishes to make it known freshmen should come out for fen- difficult to combat. While not at
Since rivalry points will be given
Domann and Latimer, former
that I am unfair in saying that sport cing.
her best in ping pong, Garfall still for swimming this year, a large at- members of D-B-C are still teamis dead. There is a basketball team.
still presents a threat for her tendance is expected. Scoring will mates on the Chi Sig team, while
game is consistently good. Two un- be based on distance and obstacle the KD's, if they have a team, will
Culled from the men at the school
knowns also feature in this contest.
it boasts stars from past years and
This year the WAA basketball pro- Eunice McGlynn and Margie O'- races. Natators who are talented use Herdman, Townsend, and Sunnew, promising freshman talent.
ulong the lines of doing the side- derson, all strong players. LaSalle,
Hammond, Kiley, Pancher, and their gram will feature a new activity. Grudy an; considered by some ex- stroke with a lit candle In their the other member of this sextet, has
perts to be good enough to provide mouth will be especially valuable to her choice of either the Dorm outfit
cohorts stand ready to do battle on
the court. They are skilled, they will be in charge of a class on the strong competition.
I heir respective classes.
or Beta Zeta's.
are practiced, and they are eager.
Unfortunately they are also without
afternoon at 4 P.M.
any opponents.
Be not discouraged, brother. Do
not give up hope. I'm still going ouL
to find some sports at State. There
Emil J. Nagengast
Is a story of a women's touch football
league that I'm going to investigate.
Your College Florist
And while up near Sayles Hall I
think I'll drop in on the knitting
Cor. Ontario at Benson St.
tournament and see how the girls
are making out.
Have a "Coke" = Swell work, Leatherneck
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ii..MI. Tlmi's why y o u liair
CoeuCela eallni ''Coke".
Stat^Collegc^ News
E. D. Plans Plays;
John Jacob Niles To Appear,Futterer Names
Singer Guest of Music Council
Author of "Songs My Mother
Committees/ Cast Never
Tills "jug-eared," blond-haired
Taught Me" and foremost
Breunig, Grand Marshal/
Wins Election By 5 Votes
promoter of folk songs ln this coun- man of fifty-one looks much youngIS".. . 1 , * M
. . .
try is John Jacob Niles who will be er than he is and often relaxes by
First Elected Marshal;
the guest of Music Council on Jan- standing upside down in a corner.
uary 12 in Page Hall. Via a pro- His father initiated his son's career
To Head Campus Group
of American folk songs, bal- by teaching him seventeen verses of
Students of Elementary Drama'Barbary
Breunig, '44, defeated
tics will present a trio of plays in
Georgia Hardesty Bombard, '44, by
the Page Hall auditorium on Tues- privileged to hear a native of Ken- in a school contest in Louisville. At
five votes, to become the Grand
day, January 18, at 8:30 P. M. Un- tucky who has sung before the this time, he was encouraged by a
Marshal for this year. Of the 662
der tile direction of Miss Agnes E. President and sophisticated audi- music critic to continue his singing.
ballots cast in last Friday's elecNiles' music is played on a dulciFutterer, Assistant Professor of ences in Paris and London as well
tion, 334 votes went to Miss Breunig
English, the three plays are: "Prin- as working-class groups of middle- mer manufactured by himself, the
and 328, to Mrs. Bombard. The
instrument resembling an oversized
cess Marries the Page," "The Boor," aged and elderly people.
election was precedent-breaking in
guitar. He always sits in a chair
and "That's Hollywood,"
that it marked the first time the
The publicity committee is at
entire student body elected the
a (able in front of him. In a highwork with an extensive publicity Penalty Cuts of Students
Grand Marshal, a major office unpitched, clear voice, Niles sings of
campaign. Rehearsals are being Explained By Dean Nelson
der the Major-Minor office plan,
black-hatred maidens, rebel soldiers,
held, the cast having been selected
When the Grand Marshal's sole
lhe birth of the Christ Child, and
by Miss Futterer.
All student absences for which
duty was to supervise Moving-Up
Members of Casts
no excuse blanks have been filed
Day procedure, the office was filled
The songs gathered in two books
The cast for "Princess Marries
and unexcused absences on clays
by a Student Council appointment.
the Page" includes Elizabeth Mcbefore and after holidays will
The Myskania resolution revising
Orath, Eileen Moody, Helen Ranbe considered penalty cuts, Dr. Taught Me" and "Singing Soldiers"
Campus Commission added another
key, Janet Donahue, Helen Bui'szak,
Milton G. Nelson, Dean of the
to the office, that of
verses of "Mademoiselle From ArmAgnes Young, and Adele Kasper.
College, has announced.
heading the Commission.
entieres"! were collected ln the first
Marjorie Cronin, James McFceley,
The total action exercised by
World War when, as a ferry pilot,
With this revision of Campus
and Clyde Cook will act in "The Dr. Nelson in the case of each
Boor." "That's Hollywood" will star
Commission, for the remainder of
he was able to visit various soldier
student is dependent upon the
Arthur Russell, Arlene Polsky, Bert
the year, the present members and
units, making notes on their singing.
number of excuse blanks apMarjorie liieuiiig, '44
Kiley, Helen Slack, Esther Albright,
the class marshals will comprise the
proved by the Dean, blanks filed
After studying in France and in the
and Rosann Hayden.
committee. The coke machine, when
but not approved, and absences
Cincinnati Conservatory, he held
for which no blanks have been
it is re-established in the Commons,
such jobs as a rose gardener on Long
will be under the charge of the
Island and chauffeur and guide to
Committees have also been apCommission. Rules governing the
a rich New York spinster, still clingpointed with Advanced Dramatics
Faculty attendance is also
coke machine are to be drawn up
students acting as advisers for each
ing to his original purpose of coltaken, a limited number of days
together with warning students who
lecling songs.
being allowed for sickness durfail to observe the rules.
Sols: Margaret Worsley, c ring the year. Faculty members
The Kentuckian has a liking for
Campus Commission is also planman; Arlene Polsky, Helen Burs/.aii,
are allowed only 25 per cent of
bright-colored shirts and corduroy
Gloria Marcantonio, Eileen Moody,
the number of absences for
Four Houses Contribute ning to revise the rules concerning
posters, making them stricter so
pants. Often he takes off his coat
Marjorie Cronin, Audrey Johnston,
which students may be excused.
and rolls up his sleeves while sing100°/ 0 in Campus Drive that only attractive, well-made
Helen Rankey, and Arthur Russell.
signs of a college level will be post. ing. Many have labelled him a
Elaine Drooz, Lucille Kenny, and
The annual College Campus Chest ed in the halls of the college,
"hillbilly singer," but this does not
Gertrude Myers are A.D. advisers.
Freshman try-outs will be held
phase Mr. Niles since he considers Drive, under the chairmanship of
House: Mary Louise Casey, chairthat some of his best friends are Marguerite Bostwick, '45, concludes under the new system, similar to
man; Agnes Young, Roberta Jobtomorrow. To date four group those for other Student Council or(Continued on page itl
son, Harriet Brlnkman, Rosann
houses, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Chi Sig- ganizations. After this year, the
Hayden, and Leila Sontz. A.D, adma Thcta, Gamma Kappa Phi, and out-going members of the Commisvisers are Martha Sprenger and
Psi Gamma have reported 100 per sion will appoint tlie new members.
Mary Dorothy Alden.
In recognition of the critical imcent returns. This in itself Is an The chairman, Grand Marshal, will
Hound Effects: Gcraldine Van Al- portance of the Post-War Employindication that the anticipated goal be chosen in the spring elections
len, chairman; Eloise Crump, Isa- ment problem, to stimulate intelliof $500 may yet be realized.
from the junior members of the
bel Malloy, and Jean Whitney. gent planning for the lives and fuMartha Joyce, Patricia Mulcahy,
The collective sum of money do- group.
and Roslyn Slote Hastings will ad- tures of Americans everywhere and
This election also marked anothnated by the students will be conto foster and encourage constructive
tributed in part to the National er innovation presented by Mysthinking on employment after vicThe shortage of men this year
Poskanner, tory, the Pabst Post-War Employ- effects a change In the Christmas War Chest while the remainder will kania, Absentee voting from last
chairman; Winifred Lulkoskl, Ab- ment Awards have been establish- parties which the sororities are spon- be given over to the Red Cross. Or- Friday through Monday was possibie Swyer, Helen Slack, Shirley ed. Their purpose is to provoke soring tonight. In previous years, ganizations under the National War ble for all students unable to vote
Ford, and Ruth Elgie, with A.D. ad- mature and responsible discussion the Christmas parties were mainly Chest include the Chinese, Greek, because of a legitimate absence. This
procedure will be continued in all
visers Ruth Pine, Ruth Hines, Edna and to develop and assemble prac- chat and "vie" parties, but since and Russian War Reliefs.
Student Association and class elecMarsh, and Barbara Putman.
tical and workable plans and Ideas there are so few men, most of the The responsibility for group house tions.
Props: Betty Hamilton, chairman; for re-employment and to make parties will be affairs solely for the contributions lies witli the appointMiss Breunig will have as assistJeannette Buyck, Miriam Phillips, these plans available for the benefit women.
ed representatives therein. Howants on her committee all the class
Barbara Relff, Eleanor Smith, and of all Americans.
ever, a table will nevertheless bo marshals.
They are as follows:
Because of the unusual amount of
Margaret Pohl. A.D. advisers will
A series of seventeen awards to- Illness throughout the college, Resi- maintained in the lower hall of Frederick Fancher and Elsie Stockbe Irene Heck and Josephine SimDraper
taling $50,000 will be paid to the dence Council has set 1 o'clock as
man, fi'eshmen; Shirley Ford and
contributors as well as commuters. Helen Slack, sophomores; Martha
Costumes: Dolores Huvar, chair- persons submitting the best manu- the hour when girls must be signed
the faculty participated Sprenger and Mary Sanderson, Jun
man; Mary Pallotta, Nancy Rand- script on plans or Ideas for the In at the group houses, Instead of In Although
the Albany Community Chest
unVirginia ....,,
Mnseimiim u j—
crson, Adele Kasper, Evelyn Wolff, solution of post-war employment. the usual 2 o'clock permission. Drive, they have also responded to lors;
iors; Virginia Moschak, Mildred
Janet Donahue, and Esther Al- The awards will be made solely on Quiet hours will be enforced to the campaign at the college.
Wirosloff, and Herbert Brock, senbright. A.D. advisers are Margaret the value of the plans presented, prevent any parties being held in
Last year the goal set was also iors. Mr. Brock was Grand Marshal
Schlott, Claire Schwartz, and Grace not on literary merit. A first prize the group houses alter 1 A. M.
the first semester.
of $25,000 in wai' bonds (purchase
parlies will be terminated $500, but returns fell short since
Members of the former Campus
pricei will be paid for the best plan. at Dale
11:30 P. M.
There will be a second award of
allotted time. Disappointed with Commission will also assist Miss
Varied themes and forms of en- receipts, the committee had consid- Breunig next semester, namely:
$10,000 In bonds, and fifteen $1,000
tertainment are planned for the ered approaching the students again Mrs. Bombard, G. Bertram Kiley,
Seminars for Debate
during the second semester but Mary B. Stengel, seniors; Florence
Garfall, ex-chairman, Joan Hyllnd,
Any citizen of the United States,
Kappa Delta's parly will be high- plans did not materialize.
To Be Held Weekly
Barbara Putnam, Leah Tlschler,
Including members of the armed lighted by a vie parly from II to 11
Concerning last year's results, juniors; Marie Liebl and Muriel
Although Debate Council Is con- forces, Is entitled to enter the com- P.M. and by a vlsll from Santa Claus
Manuscripts must be and the exchange of gilts from 11 Miss Bostwick says, "Lot tills not Navy, sophomores.
tinuing Its policy of having seminars, petition.
plans have been made lo hold I hem mailed not later than February 7, o'clock to 1 A.M. Jennetle Buyck, happen again. If everyone contributes at least 50 cents, and we exweekly Instead of bl-innnthly dur- 1044.
'•I.'), is In charge of arrangements,
pect I hem to. there will be no need
ing the next semester,
Some of the rules of Hie competiAround a Christmas tree, the Psi for extending I he campaign. The Juniors Will Banquet
The seminars have been fairly tion are as follows:
Gummas will exchange gills to- Individual contribution Is small In
well iillended, about twenty-five sluI, Each entrant shall .submit his night. Winifred Lulkoskl, and Gene- comparison with the aeoompllsh- A t Ten Eyck Jan. 7
denls bring present for these meet- own plan mot, to exceed 2,000 wordsi vieve Sabulinl, sophomores, are In
iiienis It will eventually achieve, if
Members of the Class of '45 Will
for stimulating Post-War Employ- charge of the program.
the entire college can contribute 100 gather al the Ten Kyck Hotel on
During the coming Weeks, debates ment In the United States,
('hi Sigma Thela will begin the per cent, we will know that we have Friday, January 7. a! 0,30 P. M. for
2 All manuscripts must be writ- evening's program al fi P. M. with a fulfilled a highly significant task." their annual banquet. Dr. Louis
and discussions will be prepared by
members of the Debule Squad on ten in English on one side of the card parly. Knit iliilnineni will be
Assisting Miss Bostwick on the Jones, Assistant Professor of ISngtopics already chosen. Model de- paper, preferably typewritten. Each furnished by the freshmen
central committee are Eunice Balrd, llsh, will be the guest speaker.
bales will be held as part of I lie niiinuseiipl must bear the entrant's
Dorothy Palk, '45, Is in charge ol Ada Snyder, anil Patricia Latimer,
Caroline Lester, an officer in
seminars with Dr. William Hardy, signature, his home address, and the program for AE Phi. Theirs will seniors, and Barbara Putnam, '45. theDr.H|iars
ami formerly a Math
Instnielor In English, as critic.
be a "date" allalr with songs and Acting as faculty adviser Is Dr, El-teacher In .Slate, Is In Washington
During the Christinas vacation,
.'i B.\ submitting an entry In this exchange ol gifts.
len Stokes, Dean of Women.
and Is thus unable to attend the
two ini'iiibcrs of the Varsity Debate competition, the entrant agrees lo
Simla Cliuis will nl.'o visit the
The total proceeds In the Campus dinner. Bast scar Dr. Lester a t Squad, who live near New York Oily. be bound by all the provisions of (lamina Kappa Phi's tomorrow and
Chest Drive, will be tabulated In tended the banquet.
will attend an Inler-rollegiale de- these rules,
i here will be exchange of gifts, From the NKWM after Christmas vacation.
Norn Crumm, '45, Is In charge of
bate In the City.
4. The Hoard of Judges shall 0:30 to II P. M., there will be Open
The Council has made a tentative have the right to require any en-House in Gamma Kap for the other
Elizabeth Howell, '45, heads the
schedule of intercollegiate debates trant io furnish satisfactory proof girls.
ehaperone committee.
Music Council Requests Songs
to be held sometime next semester, that he is the author of the manuFlorence Garfall, president of the
There were no such debutes last script and plan he submitted.
Music Council requests any college juniors, requests that all who In.semester duo to transportation diffiAny further information regard- the evening's entertainment at Beta songs which students sing in group tone! to go sign up before January
culties. Some colleges have found ing these awards may bo obtained Za'lu. Mirian Kloek, '45, is In charge.
on the list posted opposite the
A date party is scheduled for Phi houses or off-campus for its collec- 4women's
that short trips will be possible next from the Pabst Post-War Employlocker room.
tion of Stale College songs which
ment Awards, 551 Fifth Avenue,
Since class funds will cover most
lias been started. Class songs and
carNew York 17, New York,
Ilia Alma Mater have ulready been of the dinner cost, each person a t nival Is the theme.
tending the bnnquet will pay a, small
Included in the group.
balance of fifty cents.
Evening of Dramatics
Slated for January 18
Chest Campaign
Ends Tomorrow
Prizes Given For
Post-War Ideas
Sororities Slate
Xmas Parties
Established May 1916
By the Clan of 1918
No. 13
December 16, 1943
Associated Collegiate Press
Collegiate Digest
The uiiilei'gi'ailuate newspaper of the New York State
College Cor Teachers; published every Friday of the College
by the.
the Niows
MOWS Hoard
IOKO year ii.v
ltnarii ftj'f tim_HMident ^Vssnciatlon. I'liones: Office, 5-1)37:1; Baxter, 2-5346! Stengel, 8-2804
I'lckert. ii-liTiTJ.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
The News Board
J A N E T K. B A X T E R
•MTO.I. 2
The Thirteen Again
To the Editor:
What has happened to democracy?
I am quietly going beserk from seeing the large-scale favoritism that is
going on in the sophomore class. It's
my pet peeve that in the Class of '46,
the same people are always selected
to head the committees and take
charge of its activities. Their henpecked president used to be a swell
fellow, but he's been run down to a
basic skeletal structure by a pack of
females with exhibitionistic tendencies. This pack controls the president and the class.
Now '46 has no shortage of ability
—they're a talented group. But any
, „ , - , ,
human whojs mentally healthy can
a great many
sophomores other than the Chosen
Pfw who are every bit as capable of
accepting responsibility. But they
aren't given a chance because God's
Children, the Terrible Thirteen, have
established their autocratic little
clique in the place of control. The
one exception to this hard and fast
rule was the Campus Day skit. For
that small blessing we are extremely
grateful. However, on the whole, it
is a rank situation,
other classes have the right idea—
bUt a lesson on "How to Have an
integrated Cooperative Class" might
be well taught to '46. Let their cast
a n c i committees consist nf representeach different group—
n ti V es from
residence hall, sorority, non-sorority,
0 r commuter—and give the campus
factions a chance to stop subversive
activities and work together. Bring
, .
i , i i r ,i
the talent and[leadership of others
out' of the shadows.
-••—•.• a
» co
operative, interested Class of '46.
Down with the Chosen Few! Down
with Dictatorship!
Just Plain Bitter,
Class of '45.
The Critic Debates
By Verna
All ciitmiiunlciitItitiM slimilil hi' itdilrosfleil lo tiiu oilllor nnil
iniiHt. lie slfjiinl. NHIIICX will he wiililielil iipnn request.
Last Tuesday night I walked down
The S T A T E C<II,1,10(1 H MOWS iiHBllllies no responsibility
fur opinions uxpresseil In lis columns o r eonimunlcittloiiH to Huested to the debate wondering
if I would have any company in
as siii'li expressions iln inil neH'.«nrll.v reflect UH view.
the audience, recalling the age-old
problem of how debaters always
Number Eight?
struggle to get anything that fairly
The year's unusually peaceful rush season is over. resembles an audience here at State,
not, mind you that it is any different
The seven sororal groups, despite last week's ruf- from
most other colleges. But my
fling, are preparing to recline in their respective worries were for naught; the mirniches for another year. Nearly everyone is happy. aculous had happened; "Mine Eyes
S. Bcbbold
the defenders of the Commons,
where I take it, said coke may soon
be found.
The defenders of the
P. O. where, the "cremo de la ereme"
may be found
I quote Mr. Kiley)
offered it up as a hallowed and revered spot at State College.
Marsh and Sunna Cooper did a
witty job of backing their side,
Our critic was especially enchanted
by the "knee of lab table" pose
The sororities feel secure; non-sorority members Have Seen the Glory" etcetera, et- adopted by the rebutta man for
manage to lead normal lives and mingle with the cetra. I had some thirty-two living the P. O Mr. Kiley, and the ease
ivr^.i nt ti,,.™ „„t.Un ii™ ow.r.,1 ^;^,-io a nd breathing souls to listen with with which the venom was added
Most of those outside the sororal circle m e a n d l n c i d b e n t l y t o c n j o y t h e m _ s o n o a t l y .
W e l l
d o n c , s i r !
regard the whole system with rather unflatering in- s e l v e s w i t n m e .
But still there are those who want to
The, shall I say, dis-oitss-ion for
prod sororities a bit more.
Last week's poll and t h e evening was on the question of
t - i
* u
• r
,i t
r u whether the P.O. or the Commons
conversationai snatcnes indicate m a t some sun , s t h e c e n t e r o f c u i t U r e at State Colhold the usual feeling of resentment.
And among i e g e i a t y p e of f o r e n s i c h e c k l i n g .
the freshmen, there are still traces of disappoint- As it turned out the question
seemed to be NEWS vs. Commons or
ment and deflated egos.
Miss Ryan vs. the Coca Cola Co.
Apparently dissatisfied non-sorority members fail In case you don't follow me, that
to realize that at any time a group of students may effervescent product called the
organize a sorority. Such an action would call for "coke" was tagged a cultural stimuextremely careful organization in addition to finan- lus and presented as Exhibit A by
card. And, after musing
The possibilities are definitely worth investigating. Christmas
on the subject- for a while, I became
There are many outstanding independents possess- convinced that my Christmas greeting the necessary leadership to instigate such action. ings would be offered to—surprise—
If there are even thirty or forty women interested the faculty of State College.
Dear faculty, I don't know why
in joining the sororal fold, there should be a strong long
ago you didn't take a colleelivi
leader capable of coordinating the group's efforts. baseball bat and beat, our brains out
Whether Slate actually needs one or more addi- and thus end the matter quickly,
tional sororities, either sectarian or non-sectarian, Or perhaps 1 am over-stating the
by using the word "brains." I
is questionable. The advantages and disadvantages ease,
have watched you ask some simple
of the sororal system should be carefully considered questions, having an Important bearing on the entire course, and all of
before any steps are taken.
us have .sat with blank laces and
empty ryes, and ottered no answer.
Servicemen's Christmas
you have sighed, but only faintAll year we've been reminded that there is more And
ly, and started leaching us all over
to do than sil and wail for our men in service to again, I have watched you hand
come home. We've been prodded into participation back exam papers, which almost
in the war on the home front. Yes, we've seen everyone lias flunked, and you have
said, "I guess I made this one too
action, and we're proud.
lough," and you knew, and wo knew,
Should we be asked to sil and wait, the words that the fault lay all Willi tin- '•'Inwould be met with accusations of "Sahalcur!" or dents.
"Fool!" Hut this is today's message to those who Dear faculty, I ihank you now lor
your continued courtesy and forewould serve,
bearanee, as we muddle through the
Along wilh our Christmas vacation come holiday business known as gelling a liberal
furloughs for hundreds and hundreds of men of theeducation. And the credit lies entirely on your side, It' some of us do
Armed Forces. The railroads and bus lines cannot actually, once, unbelievably, have
accommodate all of the holiday travelers, and thesomething resembling a thought. I
I hank you for your forcbearancc
plans of some must be frustrated.
We're not expected to remain away from home when none of us reads the books
that are required reading. I thank
during the Christ mas season, but surely we can stay you for overlooking the fact that a
home, refusing any invitations to travel to other greut many themes have a suspicicities. It's our turn to sit and wait, to let service- ously familiar tinge, as if they'd
been handed down for years and
men make use of the transportation facilities.
years. It's nice of you to let us
It will be much easier to wish a serviceman Merry think we've fooled you. Good for an
Christmas, knowing that we may have helped him inferioritycomplex
to get home.
Dear faculty, thank you for be
Hammond/ Fancher Lead
State In First Showing
We'd like you to meet a friend of ours—her name is
Lilian. Lilian's a cute kid. She doesn't always figure
l e score out perfectly but there's not much that
escapes her pretty brown eyes. Right now Lilian's got
s o m e t h l n g o n h e r m i n d .
I t s e e m s that not long ago a
rousing editorial proclaimed to the world at large that
what State College needed was tolerance and in as
huge hunks as possible. Lilian got a little sick of the
word tolerance being handled about and suggested at
a bull session of "'bright young Juniors ' that maybe
a little understanding would go a long way. This provoked a lengthy discussion of the merits of understanding.
Certain notable incidents of intolerance
were brought forth such as name calling groups "d . . .
Jews," "d . . . Catholics" and "d . . . Protestants,"
Last night Lilian wrote the nightly letter to John,
her boy friend, who is in Italy. Lilian lias always
talked over everything with him and she wauled to
ask him about this. But it didn't look right when
she got it. clown on paper. What could she say? "Dear
John—Which do you think is better—tolerance or
understanding?" The words lay baldly on the paper.
Lilian stared at them long minutes before she reached
out and slowly tore the paper to bits.
We also have another letter from LI. ICil lOrwin, '37,
Camp Rucker, Alabama who says " . . . it seems that
the activities, the spirit, tire customs and I radii ions
are all carried on in the manner which I knew. I am
glad for that is State. I noticed the item about the
Frosh marching around the auditorium singing "Life
Is Very Different." It was ten years ago that 1 did
See what I mean?"
stupid error showing all
A/C Herman Bluniel has been stationed in Basic
that we're missing the Flying School at. Greenwood Mississippi . . . Pfc. Sanli
of the subject, and you Porcino was assigned to Fort Ontario . . . LI. Bob Gorup your hands, and ask man, '39, Is now at Jefferson Medical College in Philaus whether we're in kindergarten or delphia, Pp.,, doing classification work . . . Pursuing
knowledge at. MIT—but only during the week Is Bill
Dear faculty, thank you for being Mursluml, '-M . . . . Pvt. Paul Bulger, who nave up Ills
understanding when we come weep- former dignified title as Director of SEU, is stationed
ing Into your offices alter flunking now In Camp Lee, Virginia . . . Daniel Bueci has been
a mid semester, or doing something removed from Savannah, Georgia lo an AFO number.
more than ordinarily foolish, or . . . Private Hemic Skolsky is now si inlying radio in
having our love lives go wrong. You Truax Field, Madison, Wisconsin . . . Charlie Reynolds
must have heard il all before, but has been assigned to engineering Induing courses at
you always manage lo acl as if il Newark College in New Jersey . . . Lt. J tilth Neuhs comwere something new and different plaining thai he has been lost in I he shuffle somewhere
i m c | important
I'he had noth- nl State College is with a Bomber Si|. in Maxwell
i,,^ 0 1 1 v o u
Field, Alabama.
/''</ Is issuing a call to all you soldier boys in the
Dear faculty, In short, thank you
for everything. We, your graceless, class of '44, They are planning a special seel ion which
near Illiterate, forgetful and seem- will be devoted lo Informal pictures of the boys in
ingly hopeless students, won't I urn Service. So send what you have or lake some pictures
out quite as badly as we might be- and send them to Dodie Earring. Make il an extra
cause you've tried so hard to make special seel ion for us and for you.
rational reasonable beings out of us. WRONG NUMBER
All through our lives there will be
We are mil turning Into a Complaints department
moments when things you've said
but a favorite topic in the P. O. lately concerns Ihu
be remembered,
question why, when you call Gamma Kap. does a
you've pounded Into our protesting
male voice answer "Police Station."
heads will be suddenly useful. And
I'm afraid that's about nil I he reward you'll get. And I have a sus- Weekly Bulletin
picion It's about, the only reward you
want, Thank you for being that
sic ii
r I'll) I ' K I M I I s
way It's nice to know there are
M l n UOI'IH Kell.l
H i l . I d It H IV a. In Vr
I lull all HdlliU's i
people who will sacrifice so much • Mil
\ 1'
i I'l 11 I'll,' 1
Hi >ir
nl II.!.'Ill
for so Utile.
1 i H i , l i i m l i V I d c.Y
Ihi'lr I'olil
S i l l . 11. a,
Dear faculty, a merry, merry
I'M re
A 1.1 UIe Willi r a i l s lo
Christmas. And a New Year bring- .ni.'.'
Clil'lm lliua vaeiilli I I
, r „ u 'H b y
ing you students who always do ret u r n
term papers on time, always know H e . ' . I l l a, r 17 , w i l l n o | he
llec, 17 Clii'lsliiias vacathe answers, and love their work as l l l l l l l t o loivt ' a p i ' l u r e III
in II A. M.
Hie I'ml
much as you do. Just about the op.Ian. II — t'liiNHc.H nm il mi),
M II r y D o n m i i i i , ' I I .
S;l(l A. M.
posite of us. You deserve them.
J a n . 7 J u n i o r Clans. Iianparticularly
too clearly
whole point
don't throw
Basketball Game Basketball Scrimmage Underway;
Tonight; Eagles
Unpredictable Season Expected
Amidst flying balls and violent compare very favorably with the
To Meet A B C
scrimmages we peered timidly over best products of any court.
Forum recently released the names of soldier correspondents to he girls who signed up to lighten the
cares of the Sr 'vice men. We would like to quote a
letter received from a State soldier about a recent
column of ours.
" . . . write a letter!" My pal hasn't seen one yet
Gertrude Myers deserves credit
and neither have I but they are welcome at any time.
for stepping In at the last minute
Lord know.; that letters fill in lots of lonely spaces.
to uphold the honor of the Com- The folks at home should really go out of their way to
mons for Lucille Kenny, unavoid- write. A fellow gets a lot of thinking time in the
ably absent, and Elaine Drooz gave
p u n c h to a r g u m e n t s in s c a t h i n g
Maybe this is the soldier whose name you received
tones—all in fun, of course.
in the Student Mail. Have you written that letter yet?
The desicion goes to those who
upheld the P. O. Their delivery was HAM, RAH
better and their arguments were
We talk a lot about college spirit. Here's what one
better. Their opponents unfortun- soldier thinks about it. "Of course there is nothing
ately turned the Debate into The wrong with endeavoring to produce spirit and cooperaNews vs. the Commons.
tion in any institution but it should also be remembered that enthusiasm and cooperation cannot be produced by over-emphasizing petty meaningless activities.
Can you imagine even for a moment the Russians
heroically defending Stalingrad because they were
inspired by the spirit of '4(1; or thousands of Chinese
giving their lives in support of an annual Junior Prom?
. . . . Real school spirit—in truth, and spirit—can be
obtained only through common objectives, common
beliefs—ideas and Ideals that we really believe in and
that mean something to us." This letter is from Sid
Weinman, stationed at Miami Beach.
cial security. A house and sufficient funds to run
it is the main requirement after a substantial number of members has been attained. This step would
not be as difficult as it seems if, instead of organizing an entirely new sorority, one of Stale's exsororities were revived. Since 1940, Pi Alpha Tan,
Phi Delta, Alpha Rho, Sigma Alpha and Phi
Lambda have all disbanded. And before that time
other groups had broken up for varied reasons.
Members of such sororities could easily be contacted as to whether any of their organizations
could be revived. Financial assistance and contriby RIIONA RYANbutions of furniture would aid a new group immeasurably. After these preliminary steps were It occurred to me that with ing courteous. As in those days when
taken, the new group would serve a period of pro- Christmas nearing —and even my half the class has cut, and you reblighted soul warms up come Santa sist the temptation to point out the
bation before being accepted permanently by Inter- Clans
lime- it would be appropriate fact that yon have to come to class
sorority Council.
to use my column as a kind of regardless. And when we make som i
the balcony in the gym in an a t tempt to see how our basketball season was getting underway.
spectacle below dispelled any qualms
we may have had in respect to our
athletic prowess for the coming
As a powerful
whizzed by we noticed that it had
Shoupie. Perhaps this is a good
omen. In previous years the league
games have been sadly lacking in
good passwork.
In swift succession we get a
glimpse of Groden, Garfall
Straub who played on Newman
Hall's team last year and did a
bang-up job of pulling their squad
up to second place in the league.
Slackie and Gette Dunn were also
in their regular places on the basketball court. As usual, these two
sports-demons filled their positions
more than capably.
After taking a quick glance at the
veterans out for practice, we noted
that, the number is relatively small
in comparison to the representatives
of the freshman class who turned
out. Gloria Baker and Fran McCormack, both of the class of '47,
Having considered our stars of
former teams and the new and
powerful material apparent in the
class of '47, we feel that this season
will probably be more exciting than
last when the winner
powerhouse) was known before the
league even began. With the breakup of the Delta Beta Chi's, this
year's league is much more evenly
divided, and the outcome is far
from certain. Each team has its
strong points and its individual
KD has a powerful group with
Herdman, Townsend and Sanderson in the lineup. But Chi Sig with
Garfall, Latimer and Domann, and
BZ with LaSalle and Dunn loom as
strong competition.
Newman Hall will put an experienced and capable team on the
field. O'Neil, Groden, Straub and
Maggio have all seen action.
Another strong combination Is a
so far nameless team which stars
the invincible Slack.
No team from Sayles has yet appeared and only one from Pierce is
signed up. Sanderson urges that
more representation from the dorms
be made.
Margo Byrne
We are hereby wishing everyone
Beit Kiley
a very Merry Christmas. Full of
In the winter a youna HUM'S
, „. , , .
,. , , , ,
, ,
,, • , ,
The 1943 version oi States bascheer, although slightly croupy, we
fancy lightly turns to thought* of k b „
hope that everyone eats too much
getting out of buying Christmas ^ . ^ m e c U n g ^
and sleeps too much so that she
ness College quintet on the Page
Finding ourselves in our Christ- b o a ' r c i s
feels the need of lots of healthy
mas, New Year's and per usual
T h e ' a t a t e
a t t a c k
w i U probably
exercise to maintain a safe balance.
state of grandiose good mentions b e
, ' „H »
n r o u n d
Our reasoning goes like this, if
and completely without the means H a m m o n d i P l a y t a g t n e Supporting
of carrying them ou we shall satj
,44 ^ B a l k
you all get In the habit of going
w l Ub e B m £,
isly the intrinsic altruism of our B o b D l u k i n s o n a n d F r e d P a n c h e r ,
skiing and skating and tobogganing
nature and stay within the limits
in the -next couple of weeks, maybe
former varsity eager Dave Lehman,
you won't be able to break it when
strewing lltr'o Rifts via the Out Bin.
now a member of the junior class
you return to ye olde institution of
Close Your Eyes
and junior transfer George Yamin.
Of course you have already had Both these boys may find it imposlearning. Then, my children, all
your b'g present—a decent column sible to get i lie necessary time off
next semester you will go out and
for your perusal as served up by the from work.
g-at worn out in the service of WAA,
NBWS' legend, Lt. Andrew Takas. ABC Has Tilt Pinch
fall into bed at the desired early
The rest will be as lumps of coal
The Business College, as have all
hour and sleep a full eight or nine
in the suspended stocking.
schools, has fell the pinch of the
First we shall send n large packet manpower
hours a night. Then Dr. Green will
of pins to Cohnte for the boys to have been working with an abbrenot have cause to complain about
pin up Mile. DeCormier's very pin- viated squad of eight men and have
the various sneezes, sniffles and
upable picture.
also experienced difficulty in arepidemics she has been treating the
When we come to Myskanin we ranging practices. In contrast to
past couple of weeks. And Dean
are faced with the difficulty of the Slate aggregation, which is
what to give to people who seem to strictly an undergraduate
Stokes' problems in regard to quiet
have everything. But we have a gift the Business College will be under
hours will be solved and the sports
that should touch them—nine com- the tutelage of I heir regular coach,
reporters will show up bursting
fortable chairs for the weekly ap- Art Lee.
All girls who are interested in with bits of news.
Practice Trouble
We'd just, like to say "thanks" to
and Senior Life Saving
The flu, jobs and uncertainty of
In short, a beautiful peace will
Carr Pangburn for passing up a a schedule have combined to work
courses sign up on the sheet on descend on all our lives and healthy
cozy 4F for the Merchant Marine. against the State quintet. However,
WAA's bulletin board. To date, only happy smiling faces will be legion.
He didn't have to go.
Bert Kiley, MAA head, has promisBob Ferber is the men's ping pong ten people have done so.
To our fair ones and MAA we ed intensive drills after New Year's
dream up several big husky fellows in preparation for games that are champion of State after beating Phil
come second semester. Great stuff, being negociated. Contests with the Lashinsky last Tuesday in the final
match of the MAA tournament. The
this marijuana.
Siena Frosh, Union B team and Incontest was close. Lashinsky and
Bacilli and Viri
dependent and military fives are
Ferber alternated wins for four
Here is another offering to the planned.
games but Ferber took the final one
populace; especially those susceptiDue to the fact that the old unible to colds, Influenza, grippe and forms were given away and new to gain the title. Bob has an exscarlet fever: room temperatures ones have not yet been obtained, cellent serve. Failure to return sevin the environs of 68-72 F, relative the team will cavort in borrowed eral of them was the main reason for
Lashinsky's defeat. Bill Dickson is
humidities of more than 30, and a Milne jerseys.
reportedly the only one to have
few sanitary drinking fountains that
beaten Ferber in ping pong here at
do not serve luke-warm water.
We give to Inter-Sorority Council
After vacation MAA will begin its
a new member—a democratic and Intramural Pin League
winter program. Due to the shortage
intelligent sorority. Yes, we actualof manpower, smaller basketball
ly think it can be done.
W i l l Start In January
teams will be experimented with.
We mark "fragile" and shin to
Pvt. John Sussina a bottle or liniWAA's intramural bowling league Three man teams may be tried. In
ment for that sore arm that must will get under way immediately fol- this way it i.s hoped that a league
lowing the Christmas vacation. So can be formed.
be keeping him from writing.
Instruction in boxing will also be
To the faculty of the institution far, there are only six teams signed
we proffer a student, who is neither up for the league. These include: given. It is the intention of MAA
a retentive-memory stooge nor dead Kappa Delta, Phi Delta, Beta Zeta, to draw all physically able men into
weight, but a real 180 proof scholar; Farrell House, Commuters Club, and its athletic program. The absence
to the students some functional ed- Psl Gamma, last year's trophy win- of any regular gym classes for the
men makes this necessary.
ucation courses.
Tlie Page Hall gym is available for
Clara Hill, '4G, captain of bowling,
Our colleague Ryan, Rhona will
get a letter felling her that her expects, however, that I he rest of use of MAA Tuesday and Thursday
column Is manifique and the only the sorority and group houses on nights, and will probably be open to
intelligent thing in the paper, etc., campus will enter teams in the lea- them some afternoons during the
The MAA pool tournament is at a
My God, Sports!
Practice and league games are
The basketball team gets a win held 3:30 on Tuesdays and Thurs- temporary standstill. Someone moved
over the Business College tonight.
days at Rice's bowling alleys. The the Sayles Hall pool fable so that it
The Pvdtwtmw gets our picture cost, is only twenty cents a game, i: .low impossible to use it.
and $2.50, which should be enough and after fifteen games are com- deadlh.. for completion of the tourfor anybody.
pleted a refund of sixty cents may ney was Dec. 17, but since there are
only two more matches to be played,
Music Council gets n pretty or- be obtained from WAA.
chid for providing us with first
At the moment, the greater per- the champ will be decided after
class entertainment during our ten- centage of bowlers Is to be found Christmas vacation. Kaufman is to
ure here. D and A already has our among the freshmen. It, i.s earnest- play the winner of the Kiley-Hcss
life-blood via the AD play route.
ly requested that more mulch to finish up the lourney.
V. S. Treasury Department
Thai just about empties the sack nien come out for the sport.
The girls' ping pong tournament
except for a one-way tickel back
to Slate, come the big clean-up, has gotten off to a fairly good start
G E O R G E D. J E O N E Y , PROP.
DIAL 5-1913
for all you boys and girls who wear wilh five matches being played in
the first week. There were 30 girls
the OI.'
So gather round the Yule lo > niul signed up originally, which leaves
permit us to add our Hal baritone len of the primary mulches to be
lo the chorus and say:
So far, Marilyn Kriinz has defeatMerry Christmas, kiddie
ed Alice Ewing; Flo Garfall won
Try Our Businessman's Lit neli
In a Friendly,
over Janice Reben; Lucille Rapp
vanquished Joy Beckers; Kit Herdmiin conquered Sally Whileomli; and
Peg Allans bent Fran McCormlck.
Because of Ihe spirited interest
shown tills year and Ihe unusually
large number of parliclpants II will
198 2 O 0 C E N T R A L A V E N U E
A L B A N Y , N. Y.
probably lake some lime for the
lourney lo be concluded.
Matches may be played on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from
3:30 to 4:30 p. in. In the Page Hull
gym. Further Information may be
B O N D S secured from Dot Gregory.
Those interested in obtaining WAA
STAMPS credit must have three supervised
and seven outside hours.
Sophomore W i n s
MAA lourney
Emil J. Nagengast
Western & Quail
Your College Florist
15c a game for school leagues
from D A.M. to (I P.M.
Cor. Ontario at Benson St.
Phone 3.1514
91 State Street
College Students
Learn Russian
"No A4oi7 For Servicemen"
Is Forum's Plaintive Cry
State Comes To Aid
OF Destitute Greece
"I haven't time to write."
"There's nothing to say."
"But he's married!"
Oh, yes, there are plenty of
excuses and alibis—plenty of
supposedly good reasons a State
girl can give for not yet writing
to the serviceman whose address
was given to her by Forum.
What is all this raving for?
Several hundred girls signed
their names on a sheet of paper,
thus pledging themselves as
college correspondents to some
former State man. They were
asked to write immediately to
keep the servicemen posted on
State news. They were asked to
make sure that the address was
correct and to keep Forum posted on changes of address.
To date, at least half of the
girls who signed up have not
Although last Friday officially
ended the Old Clothes Drive, stuNicholas Slniapkln, a native Rusdents continued handing in coats
sian is conducting classes in Rusand other articles of clothing as
long as the box remained in the
sian at the College every Monday
lower hall of Draper. Geraldlne
and Thursday from 7 to 9 P.M. in
Merhoff, '44, President of Classical
Huested Hall. Approximately twelve
Club, the group sponsoring the drive,
State College students attend the
announced that the campaign was
Old clothes and still new "oldMr. Nicholas Siniapkin was born
fashioned" clothes have been liberand educated in Russia. He taught
ally contributed by the student body.
engineering before coming to AmerWarm coats, suits, and woolen
ica around 1921. At present he is
dresses and sweaters composed the
an electrical engineer for the City
major part of the collection.
Public Works. His son, who also
The clothes received were in good
condition and will satisfy the need
attends the classes, is a student in
that originally stimulated this drive.
the Milne School.
The clothing will be sent to the
In his classes, Mr. Siniapkin
Greek Church on Lancaster Street
teaches about the geopraphy and
which is the head of the Greek War
civilization of Russia as well as the
Relief Association.
language itself. Discussions of such
On the last clay of the drive, Miss
things as the Cossacks and White
Merhoff said, "By their cooperation
Russia add interest and humor to
and enthusiasm in this project, State
the classes. Paintings and artists John Niles
students have shown their willingwill be discussed in the future, and
ness and ability to help on another
(Continued from Page I)
songs, beginning with Dark Byes, hillbillies. Moreover, he is the only of the many present war fronts of
will be learned in Russian.
folk singer who is rated as a re- civilian life."
Since it Is not too late to begin the cording artist for RCA-Victor ComRussian lessons, students who are pany along with Toscanini, Caruso,
interested are urged to attend. There and other music notables.
College Banner Arrives
is a small fee of ten cents per hour.
Niles feels that the United States
The State banner, given to the
has failed to make use of its folk
by the lour classes, arrived
music to build up a strong national
spirit as Germany, Italy, Russia, and last Saturday, according to Patricia
Photo Club To Be Organized
England are doing now. Because Latimer, President of Student AssoPrecipitated by the unusual dis- Americans do not realize the import- ciation. The banner will be hung in
play of student interest in the recent ance or beauty of their own folk the Commons.
Photo Exhibit, a photography club is songs, Niles feels it is his job to help
now in the process of organization. write them down and keep singing
A short meeting of all those interest- them so that the ballads will not be
ed in joining will be held Wednesday, lost to people of future centuries.
January 4, in Room 109, Draper.
Dr. Louis C. Jones, Assistant ProThose interested who are unable fessor of English, will have Mr. Niles
to attend are asked to contact Anita as a guest in his folk lore class. The
Feinstein or Helen Stuart, Juniors, singer will give a program of his 1054 Madison Ave. Albany, N. Y.
via student mail.
ballads for the students.
Sayles Holl Annex Steps Out;
Men Pool Clothes, Cor, Money
A line in the State College Directory reads "Sayles Annex, 203 Ontario Street, 2-2013," listing the lone
residence hall for men on campus.
Complete with eighteen men, a pool
table, and Bob Sullivan, house manager, Sayles Annex is the remaining
incentive for Pierce girls to hold
open houses for college men.
As even the gay young sophomores
will remember, last year's already
weakening ratio of men was scattered in KDR, Potter Club, Sayles
Hall, College House, and SLS to
mention a few. 203 (the former
SLS house) now stands alone with
approximately 40 per cent of the
State men under its roof.
For those unfortunate souls who
haven't seen the interior of the
"Modern Man's Mansion," a tour
will acquaint them with it. The
living room has in its center a large
pool table, or should it be said the
living room centers around the pool
table? Incidentally, a pool tournament open to all male students was
held this fall- so the pool table is
still in the middle of the living room,
of course. There's Jim Miner and
Al Beninati sitting on top of the
piano supervising the "eight-ball"
Dick Smith and Jim Conley, freshmen, are official hash-tossers when
anyone is hungry between those
comfortable, cold walks to Pierce
at 7:15 in the morning and six at
night. As entertainment between
courses, Manny Miller comes out
with his Mineola Shuffle, a combination of She Had to Go and Lone It
at the Aslor and Why Don't You DoRight.
"Happy is the day when the Annex gets its pay." At the beginning
of the year, poker was the favorite
pastime of equalizing those what
has with those what hasn't. A
Communistic system of share and
share alike is now in order, what
with Christmas holidays and the
usual empty jeans drawing near.
"If one fellow has the money, we
eat," is the motto.
Art Kaufman's '32 Chevrolet affectionately dubbed "Queen Vickie"
tarries the weight of many a nightly visit to the Boul. Before starting
on their nocturnal life, all the men
rush for one of Clyde Cook's sport
coats and Mark Blunt's red, white,
and blue tie.
Former State men now in the
Service have popped in now and
then to be welcomed by McFeeley,
Russell, and Sullivan. George Kunz,
Pete Porcino, Clancy, Oarr, Ed. Holstein and Dale Wood are a few of
the visitors to the home of the
low end of the 15:1 ratio.
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