Jewelry Drive A D To Present To End Tuesday Plays Tuesday

A D To Present
Plays Tuesday
Men Take Test
For Army, Navy
The pre-Thanksglving plays, sponsored by Advanced Dramatics, will
be presented Tuesday at 8:30 P.M.
In Page Hall. These plays will be
directed by Ruth Hines and Roslyn
Slote Hastings, Juniors.
Miss Hines' play is a comedy written about an artist who persistently
falls In love with his models and the
situation which evolves when his
wife discovers his latest love affair.
The artist is played by James
Crandall, '46; his wife, Janet Baxter,
'44; and his current model, Claire
Schwartz, '45.
Mrs. Hastings' presentation, in
contrast, is the fourth and fifth acts
of Shakespeare's tragedy, Othello.
This concerns the intrigue of Desdomona. with whom Iago makes
Othello believe Cassio is In love.
The part of Othello is played by
Bert Kiley, '44; his wife Desdomona,
Barbara Putnam, '45; Iago, James
McFeeley, '44; his wife Emilia, Ruth
Fine, '45; Cassio, Albert Read, '47;
Bianca, Elizabeth I. McGrath, '46;
and Lodivico, William Mallory, '47.
With the view of attaining either
the V-12 Navy or the A-12 Army
classification, fifteen men from
State underwent the regulation test
in the College.
Candidates for the Army A-12
group include James McFeeley, '44,
and Albert Beninati, Arnold Brown,
Herbert Ford, Herbert Friedman,
Philip Lashinsky, Emanuel Miller,
Leonard Skolnick, Joseph Stennard,
Harold Weber, and Frederick Wolinsky, freshmen. The Navy V-12
was sought by Michael Pontanova
and Paul Rocque, freshmen, and
Arthur Russell, '46. Will Ross, '46,
also took the test but was undecided
as to his choice.
The results of the examinations
will not be released for several
Christian Fellowship To Meet
The State College chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Willi
hold a mass meeting tomorrow in
the Green Room of the Wellington
Hotel at 7:45 P.M.
The program will offer a speaker, group singing of old Church
music, and a flue selection by four
State students: Ruth Herdman, '46,
and Nita Zail, Louise Rollema, and
Mary Naylor, freshmen, Louise Williams, '44, directing. The selection
the quartet will play is "Jesus Lover
of My Soul" by Aberystwyth.
Residence Council Meets
To Enforce Quiet Hours
After about 800 students reported
to the Health Office suffering from
colds due, in part, to lack of proper
rest, Dr. Matis E. Green, Assistant
Professor of Hygiene, appealed to
Residence Council concerning enforcement of quiet hour rules.
A meeting, attended by Residence
Council, two members of the Faculty
Housing Committee, one house
mother, and representative freshmen, was held Tuesday. The freshmen representatives included one
out of every ten freshmen in each
group house.
The situation was discussed with
an emphasis placed on the HousePresident's authority to report anyone who fails to observe Residence
Council Sponsors Hour
For Classical Music
Selection for the Music Appreciation Hour this week will include,
among others: Schumann's Concerto in A Minor, Schubert's Unfinished Overture to Figaro, Debussey,
Students owning records that they
would like to play, classical or otherwise, are urged to bring them to the
meeting. Requests for any selection
should be addressed to the Music
The Music Appreciation Hour is
sponsored by Music Council every
Tuesday afternoon in the Lounge
from 12 noon to 1:30 P.M. to compensate for the lack of music in the
College Curriculum. The selections
vary from classics to popular pieces.
Blood D onors
Jewelry Drive
To End Tuesday
Tuesday marks the close of the
Old Jewelry Drive sponsored by
Epsilon Phi. The drive has for its
purpose the collection of trinkets to
be sent to servicemen who will exchange them with the natives of
the South Sea Isles for various favors
and services.
Committees have been appointed
for collecting the jewelry in the
various group houses. The entrance
fee for dinner at Sayles Hall last
week was a piece of jewelry which
was presented by everyone upon entering the dining hall.
The jewelry collected at State will
be sent to the "Twelfth Night Club"
in New York City. This organization is sponsoring the Old Jewelry
Drive as a national project.
Exhibit In Creative Art
(Continued from Page I)
land Kemmerer, Lucille Kenny. Barbara Putnam, Beatrice Raymond,
Mary Sanderson, Grace Schultz, S.
H. Sidebotham, and Gertrude Yanowit/..
Sophomores whose names appear
on the list are M. Jane Becker, Betty
Diamond, Shirley Ford, Jean Griffin, Clara Hill, Doris Jenks, Lore
Kuhn, Joyce MacDonald, Elizabeth
I. McGrath, Virginia Milne, Margaret Pohl, Helen Rankey, and Roberta Van Auken.
The following members of the
Class of '46 signed up: Celena Axelrod, Audrey Bopp, Lillian Braun,
Doris Brewster, Edwin Cote, Christine Grummer, Mildred Hammond.
Virginia Hannon, Ruth Herdman,
Lois Holstein, Don Lansky, Jane
Mills, and Trudy Smith. Verna Debbold, grad-student is also a Blood
Chest Drive Sets
$500 For Goal
Last Call for Old Clothes Feldmahn
Shoes in Greek Relief Drive
Winter's set in; snow has
fallen; the temperature's dropping—Yes, contrary to current
belief, even Greece, the land of
sunshine and gaiety, becomes
cold and bitter in the winter!
What are the Greeks to do
when there is no coal or fuel?
Fighting alone does not keep the
blood warm! Clothes are needed
—warm, woolen clothes and
good shoes. The Old Clothes
Drive, sponsored by Classical
Club, will continue until next
Friday. The biggest demand is
for skirts, sweaters, trousers,
suits, and all types of children's
There is still time to send
home for any old clothing or
outgrown clothes of kid brothers
and sisters. Next to the Stamp
Booth in the lower hall of
Draper is a large box in which
all contributions are to be placed.
Charity Campaign Plans
To Break '42 Record
Phone 3-1514
91 State Street
The third annual Campus Chest
Drive will get underway Wednesday
and extend through December 17,
with Marguerite Bostwick, '45, as
Chairman. The $500 goal which has
been set can be attained if each
student contributes 50 cents or more.
In other colleges it is customary to
request one dollar from each student.
However, since the "Big Ten" is already receiving money for the war
effort from members of the College,
the minimum student contribution
for Campus Chest has been kept
at 50 cents as in previous years.
Group Houses, Commuters
The president of each group house
will be in charge of the drive for
that respective group, several students in the house acting as assistants. To reach the commuters, approximately thirty of the students
who commute will contact their own
group for contributions.
Inasmuch as the faculty is reached
by the Albany Community Chest,
they will not be solicited by Campus
Chest, but a form letter will be sent
to them.
There will be competition between
Sayles and Pierce Halls, and any
group house which achieves a 100%
contribution will have its name
placed on an Honor Roll. All departmental clubs, religious organizations, and sororities will be asked
for donations as well as the four
classes of the student body.
Miss Bostwick is assisted by the
following Juniors: Leah Tischler,
Publicity; Margaret Dee, Faculty
Letters; Jean Winyall, Group Contributions; Mary Now, Progress of
The total amount received in the
drive will be given to the National
War Chest which in turn will apportion the money among various organizations such as Infantile Paralysis, Tuberculosis. Greek, Chinese,
and Russian relief, and Bundles for
Last year's Campus Chest goal was
also $500, but the returns failed to
attain more than the $325 mark, in
spite of tin; tremendous increase in
war needs.
Mis Bostwick emphasizes, "Those
students who contribute to the Campus Chest will not be solicited by
any outside organization.
cents Is a relatively small amount,
for if each student were asked to
contribute to every organization,
the amount spent would greatly exceed what Campus Chest is requesting this year."
Assisting Miss Bostwick on the
central committee are Eunice Baird,
Ada Snyder, and Patricia Latimer,
Seniors, and Barbara Put nam, '45.
Dr. Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Women,
is faculty adviser.
Sophomores Plan
As a pre-holiday social event, and
contribution to the war effort, the
Class of 1946 will present an AuctionDance on Saturday, December 11,
at 8 P.M. in the Commons. General
auctioning will begin at 9 P.M.
This affair is the first of (.lie two
major war projects which the Sophomores are conducting for the United
War Effort as outlined in Rivalry
Rules, Section C.
This year, for the first time, ten
rivalry points will be awarded to the
class which is most successful in its
United War Effort. Judges will determine the winner on the basis of
interest, class participation and
Objects of interest and value to
the student body will be auctioned.
Included in the auction will be such
items as clothes, jewelry, pictures,
books, and articles from the Co-op.
The main attraction, however, will
be the auction of men for dancing.
Fifteen men will lend themselves to
the women of State for an hour of
dancing at a price ranging from one
cent up. General auctioning will
begin at 9 P.M. There will be a $25
War Bond given away, along with
dancing, booths, and refreshments as
additional features, Helen Slack, as
auctioneer, will supervise bidding for
men and miscellaneous objects.
Agnes Young, General Chairman
is assisted by Genevieve Sabatlni,
Refreshments; Isabel Malloy, Chapcrone Committee; Kathryn Kendall,
Advertisement; Mary Bess Vernoy,
Admission to the Auction-Dance
Is 10 cents including lax. Students
and faculty are invited.
De Cormier, Queen of
You Can't Beat Their
Ihere's no busier place than Washington, I). C. It's the
control room of America's mighty war machine. And
Chesterfield is the busiest cigarette in town. It's on the
job every minute giving smokers what they want. Its
Milder, (holer, Heller Taste makes it the capital smoke.
You can't beat Chesterfield's Right Combination of the
world's best cigarette tobaccos for real smoking pleasure.
Make your next pack Chesterfield . . . You can't buy a
better cigarette.
teffttghi 194J, LitiOtn tc Mum TOUACCO (
In a Friendly,
Miss Ruth E. Hutchins, Assistant
Professor of Fine Arts, has announced that the designs of the students
in Art 4, Creative Art, will be on
view in the second hall of Draper
from Monday, November 29, to Saturday, December 4.
State College News
ensigns at Colgate, were
loudly and vehemently .sounding oil
about I lie beaut il'ul "girl I left behind," when tliu Ranter, Colgate
magazine, decided to hold an official
contest to .select the Queen of Ihe
Naval Cadets.
Hundreds ol photographs of gorgeous "spcelwoinun" were submitted, i
and the judges with the Infallible
taste of true beauty connoiseurs
selected Miriam DuOoruilur, Slate,
'17, to fulfill Ibis majestic position.
it was rumored Hint the judges
were belli;; .slowly driven mad by
linages of beautiful women flouting i
above them, until suddenly they
found Miriam's photo luoblruslvely
reposing In this lavishing assein- '
From over a hundred competing
Clcopatnis, Helens of Troy, etcetera,
only twenty-four have withstood the
critical assault of the Judges. When
Before Assembly
Speech W i l l Launch
Campus Chest Drive
Alexandra Feldmahn, Assistant
Executive Secretary of the World
Student Service Fund, will speak
today in Assembly. Her purpose
here this morning is to point out to
the students the possibility of coordinating college fund-raising activities with the united national
drives. Her speech today is the introduction to the official opening
of the Campus Chest Drive which
begins Wednesday.
Miss Feldmahn, a Russian, came
from Russia about three years ago
at which time she enrolled as a
Junior in Pembroke College, graduating in 1942. She here received
the Student Government Association
award for the girl making the most
outstanding contribution to the life
of the college.
Before coming to America, Miss
Feldmahn attended the American
College of Sofia for two years. Her
varied experiences in college life
make her unusually well-fitted to
talk to a group of college students
while her life in war-torn Europe
enables her to understand student
problems in war-time.
The World Student Service Fund
writes of Miss Feldmahn: "Her fine,
strong and unselfish sense of values,
her organizational ability and her
experience and gift as a speaker fit
her exceptionally well to interpret
to American students the cause of
World Student Relief."
After Miss Feldmahn's speech, the
business of the meeting will take
place. The proposed two amendments introduced two weeks ago will
be voted upon. The one amendment
concerns changing the Board of
Audit and Control back to the old
name, the Finance Board, and the
second provides for an appropriation
of $10 to be used in buying linoleum
to be placed beneath the coke
Hardy Conducts
Debate Seminar
Debate Council held its first open
meeting In the Lounge yesterday at
4:30 P.M. Geraldlne Merhol'f, '44,
and William G. Hardy, Instructor in
English and faculty adviser for debate, were in charge of the meeting.
Debate seminars will be conducted
weekly until the beginning of second
semester, replacing debate classes
held in former years. All students
Interested In debate may attend
these meetings. Topics in which
everyone is interested will involve
outside reading and assignments Lo
stimulate lively discussions.
Definite plans have been organized
for debates with Union College in
Schenectady and civic organizations
here in Albany. Three or four other
colleges in lh(! capital district may
he scheduled for future dates.
The Council has tentatively planned debates between various college
organizations to he held regularly.
Sorority debates may also become
part of Hie program.
In former years, Debate Council
made trips to Colgate, Syracuse,
Vermont, and other colleges in the
stale. However, transportation facllliles prevent debate trips outside
of the Albany, Schenectady, or Troy
urea. The Council believes thai
nearby colleges will offer ample opportunity lor State debaters to hold
their own.
Seniors to Report to SEB
Miss Doris Kelly, head of Student
the selection was announced. A/c F.
Employment Bureau, requests that
A. Chance, proud contributor of the
all Seniors who have not yet turned
winning photograph, became the
in their folders or made special arMil i;mi DeCormier, '47
Man of the Hour and Miriam Derangements with her, report to the
Cormler became Colgate's Pln-Up
Rejoice State
. "We uro no! Student Employment Office us soon
as possible.
Sororities Climax Rushing
With Weekend Parties
120 Women Get Invitations;
Bids To Go Out Monday
Helen Bruckcr, '44, President
of Intersororily Council
WAC Organizes
War Activties
War Activities Council is now organizing the various groups in which
students enrolled on or before Nov.
12. Although sewing or knitting cannot be carried on at present, the
Council will have substitutes for
them so that every student may participate in some war work.
There is also an urgent need for
office workers at the Russian War
Relief headquarters. Those people
interested in either Surgical Dressings or R.W.R. should consult the
bulletin board outside the Dean of
Women's office for directions. They
should lot War Council know about
this outside work in order that a
record may be kept.
Plans have been made by War
Activities Council for the State Fair
—the first of the Big Ten for the
new year. All group houses have
been notified so that work may begin
soon. Any group on campus which
is not included in the houses may
also participate, should they so
The State Fair was inaugurated
last year, and proved to be a success.
Each group house took part in the
event by having a concession. This
provided a great deal of fun for
everyone, in addition to securing
funds for War Activities Council.
The sorority rushing season will
reach its climax with Buffet Supper
tonight from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. and
Formal Dinner tomorrow evening
from 7 P.M. to 11:30 P.M.
Formal invitations to these affairs
were sent out on the Monday preceding Thanksgiving vacation. The
190 Invitations sent out were distributed among 120 girls.
Frosh To Be Escorted
According to information released
by Helen Brucker, '44, President of
Inter-Sorority Council, the Buffet
Supper and Formal Dinner will
follow the same procedure as last
year. Sorority girls will call for
freshmen for Formal Dinner, and
accompany them home after it.
Silent Period will be lifted for
these occasions. In keeping with the
policy of the last two years, no
decorations of any sort will be allowed.
Sororities To Submit Lists
The rules concerning bidding are
also similiar to those of last year.
Each sorority must hand in a list of
the girls whom they are willing to
accept for pledgeship by 9 o'clock
Monday morning. Blanks will be
sent to all freshmen women through
the Student Mail on Monday morning. On these cards the freshmen
will list the sororities they wish to
join, in order of preference. The
cards must be returned to the office
of the Dean of Women by noon,
Hills To Be Sent Monday
After comparing the freshmen
preferences with the lists handed in
by sororities, Dr. Ellen C. Stokes,
Dean of Women, will send lists of
names of girls who may be pledged
to the sorority presidents by 5 P.M,
Bids will be mailed out Monday
night to girls living in group houses,
and the commuters' bids will be sent
via Student Mall.
When the pledges assemble at the
sorority houses on Tuesday at 5:30
P.M., the Silent Period will officially
come to a close.
According to the policy set two
years ago, each group may pledge no
more than fifteen members of the
freshmen class, and the pledgeship
may be extended for one year.
Upperclassmen m a y b e b i d
throughout the year, but for the
Junior and Sophomore classes, the
fifteen maximum must not be exceeded. This is because the fifteen
limit rule went into effect two years
ago when the present Juniors were
freshmen. The Class of '44, the
present seniors is the only one which
Is not affected by this ruling.
Whither To Go: P. O. or Commons?
Debate On Culture Will Decide
by Joan Borbrich
"Tomorrow and tomorrow and
tomorrow . . . . "
Yesterday it was Rome and before
that Greece! Where is the Golden
Age ol today and tomorrow? With
the passing of centuries, the center
of culture has darted from one
nation to another with amazing
rapidity. Several hundred years ago,
this sparkling gem this progressive
and brilliant metropolis—was lost to
the world. It has remained in hiding. Philosophers, doctors, artists,
poets, writers—all have pondered,
argued, and given their views. And
now, finally, it is to be settled!
The P.O. us, the Oommonn an the
Center of Culture will bo dismissed,
argued and fought over In a mock
debate to be held next Thursday
night, at 7:30 P.M. in Room 20.
Sunna Cooper, "Kippy" Marsh, and
Bert Kiley will uphold the honor of
the P.O. with Kiley up for rebuttal
while the Commons will be defend-
ed by Elaine Drooz, Lucille Kenney,
and Rhona Ryan Miss Ryan opposing Kiley as rebuttal speaker.
Will it be safe to enter Room 20
on that fatal night? Well, enter at
your own risk! Anything can happen . . .
Of course, there are good arguments on both sides. The Commons,
in its throe staunch followers, will
be represented by the Music Council,
the Ped and the Primer some of
the most cultural activities In State
but then the P.O. is peopled with
the world of tomorrow's ethereal
poets and "stream of consciousness"
writers! (In fact, as any P.O. fan
will tell you, all the worthwhile
writing of the past decade or so
has flowed from the mighty portals
of what is now known us the P.O.!)
But there! Awuy with all suppositious and fearful hopes, The
time has come when all will be
made clear. Thursday night the
new center of culture will makes Its
official debut!
Evening Above Par—
Ettebliihtd May 1916
By »h«Clii«oM9l8
No 11
Coiloffittte Digest
newspaper of the New Vork State
^ S f e i
W l m W u S e S Au$t
5-9373; Baxter, 2-5545; Stengel, 8-2804;
December 3, 1943
'i'ii'i! iihilorjgrituunto
^ t u f b y ' T h f
-•• m'l Office;,
ElCkort, i.0'732.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
4 2 0 MADISON Av«.
The News Board
,*.,i> i.i
be itdilrnRSGi] In I li
iliior mill
T h f B ^ A T i f , C O r , L R M M N m v s b n « . C M Uno ' l ^ p o n Z l . T t y
r'ir oiilnlona uxprcsseil In Its columns or coiiiimiulonHoiiH
fur opinions uxi
ns such expressions (In not necosimi'lly reflect is view
All rniiiiiiiiiiicai Inns
Second Anniversary
Tuesday is December 7, Pearl Harbor Day.
vear a g o it w a s j u s t a n o t h e r
•, , '
, c, .
T U : ,,„.,.- ;<
s t u d e n t s a t S t a l e . T h i s y e a r it
ories of t h e College t h a t two
different from t h e one we a r e
clay of classes for
,.,ili ,..,11 f,ii-ili mom
will call forth m e m y e a r s ago* was as
a t t e n d i n g t o d a y as
that which students attended fifty years ago.
The past year has wrought many changes at
State College. A year ago on December 7 the
changes evident since the 'first day of i r amy"
were few. Students had been asked to sign up for
war activities; a certain very few had given blood;
the men of the college had begun to leave, slowly,
one by one. But Slate College remained much the
However, on Tuesday, we students will not be
able to look back over a year of such comparatively
little change in a world which is being so radically
revolutionized. State College is no longer a world
apart from the other. State College has entered the
What is the great difference? There are some
who point out the fact that there are but few men
in the College. For in the year most of the reservists have been called. There are .hose who
point out the increased student participation in
war activities. There are those who point out the
extra-curricular activities, run almost exclusively
i, , ,,
by women.
But these are only part ol a greater
', i
r ,1
i i i
I he v e r y a t m o s p h e r e of the school has
S o m e h a v e t e r m e d it " w a r h y s t e r i a ,
T h e Dean has had to reorganize t h e cut s y s t e m in
an effort to stem excessive a b s e n t e e i s m from classes.
Side by side with an increased interest in war
work, p r o b a b l y best c h a r a c t e r i z e d by the success
of t h e ' ' b i g T e n , " h a s s p r u n g up an indifference, to
the school a n d classes.
,,,, • •
, , ,
, ... . , . ,,
,. f f
, ,, •
I h i s is what has m a d e S t a l e ( ollege different this
y e a r from last y e a r . For an e x p l a n a t i o n all one can
say is to use that well worn phrase, "C'est le guerre,"
What will we look back on next year, State College? A year of growing indifference, or a year of
worthwhile endeavor;-'
Debate Hits Back
{anizalion rested on I
While a s l e e p y h e a d
pillow retailing at $ 2 « 2 , o n l o o k e r s p o i n t e d , s h i n n i n g
with the dull imr'.s h e a d ! "
D e b a t e Council
.struggled lo regain consciousness by reorganizing,
ed tt hh ee ss tt uu dd ee nn tt bodv
b o d y aa rr ignuim
be allowa n d offered
mee nn tt ss tloo be
allowed |,| | j V ( .
v ,
I' i i, I , a
. v
\ e s l e r d u y s D e b a t e S e m i n a r was Argument N o ,
I h e ( ouncil p r e c e d e d its offering with notes in
mailboxes a n d p o s t e r s , p e r h a p s lo turn round a m '
w a k e n t h e e r s t w h i l e o n l o o k e r s w h o might be t e m p i
ed lo doze when the s h o u t i n g was d o n e . A r g u m e n t
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n and her sensitive u n Every once In a while a j a u n d i c e d d e r s t a n d i n g of c h a r a c t e r . She overA.D. critic a t t e n d s a n evening of shadowed all on the stage with her.
plays in P a g e Hall t h a t are really P u t n a m looked properly ethereal
" - d o n e , a n d in grateful a p p r e c l a - as Desdemona, but, perhaps it was
tlon ls a
P t t o burble over with praise, t h e c o n t r a s t with Fine—somehow
We'll have to do t h a t this time, be- she seemed to lack t h a t undercause R u t h Hines a n d Roz H a s t i n g s c u r r e n t of spiritual s t r e n g t h t h a t
P ° m b ' n e d h *9 do a b o n g - u p job t h e D e s d e m o n a should project
McTuesday before last.
Foclcy as Iago w a s very fine in
R u t h Hines presented an a m u s i n g come scenes, but seemed a bit overbit of froth about a p h i l a n d e r i n g done in others. T o this critic it
artist. J i m Crandall, as t h e artist, seems t h a t Iago should be quietly
wavered a t first between playing menacing, r a t h e r t h a n the meioAlfred L u n t a n d H e n r y Aldrich. d r a m a t i c villian. AI Reed t u r n e d
T o w a r d the end, though, he leaned in an exceptional bit as the ebullient
to the Lunt interpretation, so it Cassio. His u t t e r n a t u r a l n e s s was
t u r n e d out all right. Claire S e n - startling in c o n t r a s t to some of
wartz was delectable as his c u r r e n t others.
n a m e i but slightly over-done. T h e
Which brings us to our pet peeve.
English is spoken
r e a i sensation and surprise of t h e S h a k e s p e a r e a n
evening was our beauteous B a x t e r as like any o t h e r English. Not contint h e u n d e r s t a n d i n g wife. She carried ually declaimed to the rafters. Only
t h e p i n y ,.jg n t along, a n d consider- F i n e a n d Reed sounded like real
i n g |t,>s n e r first, role, did an a m a z i n g people s p e a k i n g real words.
j o r j vvitli tempo, interpretation, and
But t h a t is admittedly only a
gesture. Orchids to youse, Baxter, carping criticism. Everyone was good,
me gal. You were fine.
even extraordinary at times. AlT h e climax of the evening c a m e t h o u g h we've found fault with some
when t h e c u r t a i n s opened on Mrs. on a small point, we t h o u g h t t h e
Hasting's short selection of .scenes p-oduction w a s a joy on the whole.
from Othello, which she had j u d l - F r a n k l y , everyone,' Othello
ciously cut to form a one-act play, terrific. T h e r e ' s no other word for
Looking back, we can r e m e m b e r it.
only T r u m b u l l ' s Macbeth, and MacSue Yager s a n g in intermission,
«*°'* m ^ f i
and Essex to com- and very beautifully, Ave Maria
pare with this beautifully unified, to the a c c o m p a n i m e n t of a piano
and excellently directed production, and giggles and c h a t t e r from those
It was no a m a t e u r i s h b u n g l i n g job blessed infants in Milne. May this
on the p a r t of the director or the critic suggest t h a t Milne be barred
from all further A.D. plays? They
Kiley, as Othello, s t a r t e d off t e r r i - a r e only an a n n o y a n c e to everyone
bly well, but lost his c o m m a n d of a r o u n d , and obviously don't gain
t n e stn
e ° as t h e m u r d e r scene a p - a n y t h i n g from the evening, except
proached. P e r h a p s it w a s because some evil glee from any w a r n i n g
J j
T c c | ( | y p i n o t,k, s o a u p e r b R j o b a g
loo){s g i v e n % h e m
It w£8 too
Dosdemona's faithful maid, Emilia, they h a d to spoil to some degree
Teddy carried off the laurels for the w h a t was otherwise a memorable
whole evening for h e r clarity of evening.
by KIIONW RYANIn a fabulous palace called S a n Stalingrad, and the millions of R u s Simeon sits a n old m a n with a long slans killed a n d wounded (good ridsad face, and a frightened heart dance, King Hearst thought to h i m This man is the king of a tribe self i it was Ihe sprinkling of American planes a n d tanks we got over
ca led
" T h e Yellow Journalists." He there
g g ™ ™ ^ ™
S ° f i S America really won t h a t fight after
unfaithful wives, ghost stories, and all! It's all simple, you see. And
a terrible race of people culled the it was easy for an old frightened
m a n to forget how bitterly lie had
"Bolsheviks" or the "Reds" or the campaigned
against Lend-Lease.
King Hearst is also worried about
,. ,
a very good movie that's just been
1 lie n a m e ol his king is William m a d e showing those Russion ogres
™ d bv_ fighting the G e r m a n s bravely. It's
R a n c l o l p h H e n r s t llu, Fn\sl
sides being head of the "Yellow,, culled "North Star," and King WilJournalists,"
he is member
a n o tfed
her 1 , n m d l d n ' ' " k e " °'U' b l t ' H " s " ' "
T h e ,00-; Americans
a r t ofjolly
to all his editors a note saying I hat
' ' , a l i , i ! " i h " lim
America is "North S t a r " was to be Ignored by
| o w g wll() | ! i m | . ,j,.,,
the Hearst papers, and if II were
made for Americans, ignoring t h e ever reviewed, il was to be labelled
me nt
, ' w h k l h w o u l c l m ™ n l n i l 1 - the "Bolshevik propaganda.''
Indians are the sole rightful possAfter all, any 100';
e s s o r s of A m e r i c B i
Tll(, ,„„,, A,nel._
knows that people aren't, going to
leans think all this baloney a b o u t light for a n y t h i n g else bill the
alliances with oilier nations Is I hi
sacred rights of private properly and
rhey know the Englishman- ,-,.,.,. ,,„„,,.,„.>„,,' ,, m „ ' s 7 ,'„. | ) m | ) a .
just out for "Empire," and the R u s - y a n d a !
sians waul "World Revolution," and
But King Hearst lsn'i going lo
the Chinese aren'l "white" people, let people think he Isn't
fairand ihe French have tunny ideas minded about il! Ah. no, On his
about morals. Ilui lately these jolly editorial pages lie sees thai we gel
fellows have been gelling worried, what is supposed In be the unbiased
An awful lot of dumb clucks lousy viewpoint of the Russian War. He
Intellectuals, and Communists leach shows pictures of the Russian Army,
T i ^ T , ' ' " ' ' ^ ' ' " ' I ' ' n ' " T " This lakes care of covering the war.
ing thai the onlv salvation lor T h e n on Ihe rest of the pages are
America i> a firm alliance with news stories about how there are
h e great government of the world, liu.'usands of Com.nunLst.s in governI lie
and inent positions, and how we niusl
Wheeler and Johnson and Hoffman watch out for those wicked ogres
„ k o | l m | H( „ „
)j( ,
i Russians i and how America comes
out on a limb if thai ever happened. first. And lo William the First, a
Ho tills old man is frightened. Russian will always carry a bomb
And what frightens him most Is that in one h a n d and a cat o' nine tails
country inhabited by ogres called In t h e olher.
T n ^ W
',ls " " n " m , s
castle, in those dark hours when
even a king must doubt himself, the
m a n ishow
Ho keeps
those Russians
I is a lest of s t u d e n t interest.
Y,!!! d e b . ' ,
lessons, i n s t r u c t i o n in p a r l n n e n t a r y p r o c e d u r e , reqi nucllruedmeedn t in
s ofi h eo u St seim
d ei n ar er a dpilnagn s a, nadt t raa clittle
t t h ework,
d e b a as
, S " b 0 ( , ? " " S bad P u s s i m !!,'o''
mn i j , neiause m e bad Russian peopie have been very stupidly defendInn
w h o waan'tagainst
suoh n tbad
• i i ,i
, i
i t
m i n d e d , Ihe l e a c h e r s - l o - b e , the s h o u t i n g o n l o o k e r s ?
A r g u m e n t N o . 2 is a similar test
d e b a t e s beI ween college o r g a n i z a t i o n s ; the first of which will
be held next T h u r s d a y .
Do o t h e r g r o u p s c a r e
uihAtkW H y a l i n e / rnuT?
Buy alter all, King Hearst used to lie always thought were tnriurei
and bullil'cl h'to sub
( K l n „ 11(,u,sl, n o v e r l i k , ( | | l l t ! ] m ( ,
Jews either). But Hearst found the mission to a tyrannical government,,
answer to the fact t h a t these R u s - how they can light like demons In
' s ' " " l,li'llf;"1>ti» » • ? « « * >Y")(I " » ' " , ; d B f 0 n s e " ' ^ a t government?
B 8,
h a d editorials written on lt keeps wondering, a n d he grows
whether debating roU?
N o w t h e C o u n c i l c a n a s k , " W h o 8 in a l e t h a r g y .
the other day. What really won the frightened, as only an old miataken
Russian war wasn't the defense of m a n can be frightened.
Women Superfluous In State?
College Males Give Opinions
by Betty Hamilton
'•,; \\i
• *
(Kippn turns the column over this week to Lt.
Andrew Tahas, former Nuws member home on leave
He was Pvt. Lowell (NMD Lower, ASN 72660662
and an ambitious lad. He joined t h e a r m y with f
burning ambition to do great things a n d become famous. Nothing was going to s t a n d in his way.
Lowell achieved his first fame the second day h
was in the induction station. A high and might
corporal stood in front of the newly-arrived an
asked in gentle tones if there was anyone who warned to become a mess sergeant. Lowell did.
corporal directed him to the nearest mess hall, aril
assured him t h a t he would be taken care of.
He was. All went well until Lowell, acting until
orders, went out the back door on the double caning a garbage pail. T h e pail was full, the floor wn
slippery, and the mess officer was just, coming fhroii-i
the door. T h e upshot of It all was t h a t there was .
collision, the dry cleaner got an officers uniforn
and Lowell got six more days in which to learn Imv
to walk without falling.
They shipped him eventually from the induction
station to what was to become his outfit.
figured t h a t he could start here with a clean sltiti
and since he wanted lo leave no doubt as to his ambitions and intentions, he sough out his platoon leadei
to have a man to man talk wiUi him.
"Sir," lie said, giving as fair an imitation ol ;i
nighball as he could scrape together, "I am Pvi
Lowell. I want you to know thai am
time you want a n y t h i n g clone you should
feel free lo call on me. I am very anxious
lo get ahead. If I can ever help you
just let me know."
Right then and there his platoon leader told him
a few things that he could do and a few places where
he could go. Lowell was shocked. He had never
heard language like t h a t before.
Training started and Lowell managed to prove
over and over that lie was indeed willing lo put oul
one hundred percent. He proved over and over lluil
he was very eager and very much on the ball. Whatever he did, he did wholehearted],, and energetlealh
When he was taught to hit the , '"ound, lie lili n
vigorously, It took a week In the hjspital to restore
to him the use of his arm. When they had poison
gas identification, he wanted to be sure to gel ihe
odor of phosgene, so he look a great big sniff. II took
a pulmotor squad half an hour to revive him. When
they fold him to dig a slit trench he dug a six-looi
foxhole, and they had to lift him out when lie found
it was too deep for him to climb.
Time passed, and after three false alarms he got
a furlough. Lowell went home, proudly cairying with
him a ring that lie had .shown to all ihe
boys and with which he was going lo
.suiprise the Apple of His Eye. When he
got to his home town lie dropped his bag
and look off like a big bird for the house
of his One and Only. Ho rang the doorbell and his
heart gave a leap when She appeared. She was glad
to see him,
"Lowell, you old dear, come in," she spake. He
came in. She continued, as a prosperous looking individual hove Into sight, "Lowell, I want you lo meei
my husband. He works In the new defense plant."
When Lowell went back lo camp he was a shallered man. He walked Into I lie barracks, look Tin
Picture off his shelf and tossed it into Ihe neare i
trash can
flint night he lost Ihe ring in n pokei
Lowell's outfit was alerted, and aliei
the proper
ami of delay and confusion they moved
to a Port of Embarkation. He was cheeked, recheek
ed, injected, outfitted, and finally found himsell on
a transport. The trip across was uneventful save
that he distinguished himself in a lifeboat drill h>
casually stepping over the side and info n non-existent boot. They threw him a line and hauled him
back on board. Then the Old Man chewed h
Lowell was shocked. He never had gotten used lo
language like Hint,
All good soldiers wind up in combat. Even soldier*
like Lowell do, His outfit went Into action, and
Lowell found himsell one day slalidlli
guard ill a lonely outpost far aiiead ol In
He had jusi arranged himsell
comfortably and had been sleeping old
» little Willie when he was awakened In
voices Two Nazis, out on a reconnaissance had walk
ed rigid by without seeing him and were even now
headed toward his outfit.
Lowell was a man of uctlon, lie sprang lo hi,
feet. He grasped Ills rifle and pointed it at them
I hen In a loud, manly voice he shouted al them ihe
only Ciermiin word he knew
"Sauerkraut," said Lowell.
They looked around, and they understood ihe IanMilage ol the pointed gun. They raised their hand-.
Lowell motioned them to move back to where lie could
Iind sinne help, xiioy moved.
As Lowell marched his prisoners back he thought
ol the wonderful scone when the General would present him with a medal. He could hear Ihe citation
being rend and could hear his bravery beln r extolled
He saw in Ids mind's eye ills n a m e in the hometown
He envisioned the hero's return. Life was
Beautiful that moment for Lowell (NMD Lower.
I h e n he looked down at his rifle a n d dimly noticed
that It wasn't loaded,
Jones Letter
Sent to Soldiers
Big Ten To Present Number 3;
Christmas Package, December ?5
T h r o u g h o u t t h e next couple of
weeks, m a i l call to approximately
400 servicemen in m a n y p a r t s of t h e
world will feature Dr. J o n e s ' second
letter, consisting of 500 words, which
was mailed Tuesday.
Because he feels t h a t the boys get
all t h e news of S t a t e activities from
various o t h e r sources, Dr. Jones tells
t h e m of t h e whereabouts of other
fellows in his interest, thereby keeping the m e n In contact with each
other as well as with the College.
According to Dr. Jones, there has
been an enthusiastic response to the
first letter, sent out earlier in the
semester. Approximately 125 replies
have been received to date, in which
t h e men, as Dr. Jones states, "if
It w a s C a r r P a n g b u r n , '45, who they're in t h e country tell about the
had the unique a n s w e r : "I used to army a n d describe activities in camp,
say it w a s n ' t any fun because there and if they're over-seas, talk about
wasn't any competition but when t h e weather."
my g r a n d c h i l d r e n g a t h e r around
Among some of the Interesting obmo and ask me about the Great servations t h a t Dr. Jones has made,
W a r , 1 will say it was a tough is the fact t h a t it takes longer for
fight t h e r e were hundreds of them. letters to reach t h e European theaTherefore, I'm joining the M e r c h a n t ter, t h a n it does to reach the South
Marines w h e r e it is safe."
Pacific area.
T h e letters are proving very successful in keeping an accurate, daily
Mark Blunt Injured Seriouslyrecord of addreses. As soon as a
changed address is received, the
While Tobogganing Monday
correction is m a d e in the files in Dr.
Jones' office.
Mark Blunt, '4G, was seriously
T h e files are still lacking several
injured last Monday night while
addresses, a n d the student, body is
tobogganing near the Municipal
urged to cooperate in securing the
Orchestra to Participate Country Club.
addresses of Ray Hughes. Daniel
Mark along with several other
In Pageant, Musical
Bucci. Milton Adams, J o h n Kirclier.
State College fellows was enjoyRichard Beach, William Archer,
ing Albany's first real snowSeveral i m p o r t a n t future a p p e a r George Evans, Henry Ruback, Richstorm when t h e accident ocances a r e now being planned by the
ard Rigner, Donald Miturn, James
cured. T h e other men fell off
S t a t e College Symphony O r c h e s t r a .
Spence, Joseph Kaska, Harry K a r the toboggan a n d Mark conT h e first project on their p r o g r a m
chemer, Charles Gilman. Alonzo Du
tinued down t h e hill alone takingis the C h r i s t m a s Pageant, one of
Mont, Lester Dryden, K e n n e t h Dorall the bumps and h a r d knocks.
the "Big Ten," which will be given
an, and S t e p h e n Bull.
An a m b u l a n c e was called imon D e c e m b e r 15. F u r t h e r plans for
mediately and Mark was rushed
this p r o g r a m have not been dislo the St. Peter's Hospital for
closed at this time.
examination. It was discovered
One of the major features of the
that he suffered from a broken
Concert to be held in F e b r u a r y is
vert abrae and several
the piano concerto, A Minor
Mozart, which will be played by
As Mark will be confined to
F r e d e r i c k Wolinsky, '17, a c c o m Mark Van Doren will open the
the hospital for two or three
panied by the Orchestra.
first in a series of radio discussions
m o n t h s , visitors and letters will
for Education for Freedom, Inc., on
be more t h a n welcome.
At t h e present lime, the O r c h e s t r a
the American educational problem,
should be addressed to him a t
is w o r k i n g on music for the Albany
Monday evening, December 13, from
St, Peter's Hospital, New ScotLight Opera Company, a purely
10:15 to 10:30 P.M.. Eastern War
land Avenue, Albany.
civic organization whose main purTime, over radio station WOR and
may receive visitors on Tuesday,
pose is the centralization of local
the Mutual network.
Friday a n d Sunday from 2:30
talent. This organization presents
Education for Freedom. Inc. is a
to :i:30 P.M. and on Wednesday
o p e r e t t a s and olher light musicals.
new organization formed by a group
and S a t u r d a y from 7 to a P . M .
Tile p r o g r a m in which tile College
of American citizens for the purpose
Orchestra will participate in "Vienof informing the American people of
nese Dreams," a dramatized concert
the need for preparing for our free
by J o l i a n n Strauss, T h e perform- College Library
citizenship through education.
ance will be in March.
New Books to College
In the initial broadcast, Mr. Van
A n u m b e r of violinists, an imAlary 10. Cobb. Director of the
p o r t a n t part of an orchestra, are College Library, bus released a list Doren will discuss the principles and
needed lo complete the c u r r e n t of recent books which were placed aims of Education for Freedom. Inc..
and from that will branch out into
In connection with this. on the shelves for .student use this
a development of his own ideas as
Rosalind (iiiisbiirg, '-Hi, Conductor week.
expressed in his new book, Liberal
of the Orchestra, s t a t e s : "Anyone
Among the fiction are Valley of Education,
Who can play the violin will be Decision, D a v e n p o r t : Number
Mr. Van Doran, who received a
Dos Passos; Iliini/iii Hill, du Jvlaur- Ph D. from Columbia in 11120, has
ier; Tin Ship. F o r e s t e r ; Men At been associate professor of Columtt'ii/-, H e m i n g w a y ; Ho Lit lie Time, bia University since 1935. He was
M a r q u a m l ; With Is Tin (lair, Sin- literary editor of Tin Nation from
Green, Dorwaldt Limit
elair; Kati Fniniiialr,
T a r k i n g t o n ; llUM-li,1"), and motion-picture critic
Kerr ii Sunday,
T a y l o r ; for the t h e s a m e from l!l.'!,r)-:iH.
Hours For Office Calls
Kv< nl St. Mark, Anderson; (,'«»Phis new series of broadcasts will
Due lo two recent ... 'ilficiinl (//( s in llu Xitilit, Baron; Mrs. Par- present each Monday evening, a
events Dr. Crousdalc's lem ig and hiiii/luu,
n u m b e r of distinguished educators
Ihe need lo schedule special physical
Non-fiction books on aeronautics, and leaders of thought, Including:
examinations office culls lo the government, geography, and travel W a l t e r L i p p m a n n , noted journalist;
college physicians will be limited lo are also available.
Robert Hutchills, president of Ihe
specified hours,
University of Chicago; Joseph A.
Hull) Dr. Green and Dr. Diirwall Quiet Hours Problems Solved
Brandt, president of the University
of O k l a h o m a ; Slringfellow Burr,
will be available daily from H:.'iu lo
.Since Hie disturbance concerning president
of SI. J o h n ' s College,
9:30 A.M. and from II! noon lo li
P.M.: Monday through T h u r s d a y Quiet Hours seems to be working out Annapolis; I'itirini Sorokiu, profrom 11 A.M. in 111 noon mid from :i by Itself, Dr F.llen C. Stokes, Dean fessor of sociology at H a r v a r d Unifurther versity; J o h n U. Net', professor of
lo -I P.M.; Fridays from 111 lo 11 A M, of Women, believes Hull
action will not be necessary unless economic history at the University
and from i.' to :i i' M.
During oilier hours ihe doctors Hie situation becomes over-bearing. of Chicago; Alfred Noyes, educator
In order to establish a s t a n d a r d - and a u t h o r ; Robert I. (laiinon, S.J.,
will be available only b\ special a p pointment. Serious accidents, how- ized bookeeping system for sorority president of F o r d h u m University;
ever, will be given attention at any houses, a meet ing was held Wednes- Mortimer Adler, a u t h o r and u memday
House T r e a s u r e r s and repre- ber ol the faculty of Ihe University
This precaution has been taken sentatives ol the sorority house- of Chicago; and Alexander Meililefor the benefit of both Ihe doctors mothers and Housing Committee jolin, writer and professor emeritus
al the University of Wisconsin.
were present
and llu students.
E v e r y o n e k n o w s t h a t t h e women
do a lot of griping about t h e noticable lack of men a t S t a t e . So a
m e m b e r of t h e s t u d e n t body decided to get the m a n ' s point of
vief of this unfavorable ratio.
T h e first m a n in sight w a s collared a n d asked his opinion of the 10
to 1 ratio. T h e u n f o r t u n a t e male
w a s Robert Sullivan, P r e s i d e n t of
'46, whose c o m m e n t w a s : " T h e ratio
a t S t a t e is strictly N.G. W h a t upp e r c l a s s m a n could say it is good,
when back in some corner of his
brain they have tucked a w a y m e m ories of the frat rush parties, formats, basketball games, i n t r a m u r a l
sports, and those m u r d e r o u s (!!!)
rivalry pushball contests? No girls
- this ratio definitely is N.G."
In the Commons were found two
more p r o m i n e n t m e m b e r s of the
masculine clement in school, namely
H e r b Brock, '44, and Fred P a n c h e r ,
W h e n asked about the situation, Herb said, "It's wonderful!"
F r e d replied, "Personally I don't
T h e activities a r e largely
s u b o r d i n a t e d to t h e i n t e r e s t s of t h e
women. T h e y d o m i n a t e everything.
T h e trouble is t h a t t h e r e a r e too
few fellows, a n d not too m a n y girls."
Over in the Annex a r e a w a s Art
Russell, accelerated sophomore. He
mused over the p r e s e n t S t a t e ratio
for a few m i n u t e s and then s t a t e d :
"I don't like it because t h e r e a r e no
fraternities. And it is p r e t t y bad
when girls s t a r t t a k i n g over men's
sports football
Yes, and i m a g i n e our feelings when
we walk into class and hear some
girls say, 'Oh, Brcnda, look!' But
we m u s t a d m i t there is a nice selection."
State Symphony
Plans Activities
VanDoren Heads
until December 15.
Two days before t h e C h r i s t m a s
usually rises a n d everyone feels like
singing. After t h e "Christmas P a c k age" t h a t ' s exactly w h a t will h a p p e n .
S t u d e n t s will g a t h e r a r o u n d a large
Christmas tree, outside, a n d sing
Christmas carols.
It Is a big program for such a
small price, only 35 cents, including
tax. In t h e n e a r future, tickets will
be on sale in all t h e group houses,
and also a t a table in t h e lower
hall of Draper.
In previous years, t h e College h a s
indulged very little in C h r i s t m a s
celebration. W h o knows? P e r h a p s
the " C h r i s t m a s Package" will initiate
a new tradtion.
T h e cooperation of both t h e student body and t h e faculty, t h e p u r chase of one ticket by every individual at S t a t e College, will bring
the contribution of t h e " C h r i s t m a s
Package" closer to the $1200 goal
of the "Big Ten."
Music Hour Committee
Adds Drooz andTurcotte
Awards Offered
For Radio Plays
In conjunction with the continued
interest of t h e student body in the
weekly recording hour program, two
new members have been added to
the current committee. Elaine Drooz,
'45, and Charles Turcotte, '44, began
their duties officially this past week
assisting J e a n C h a p m a n , '45, a n d
Fred Wolinsky, '47, who composed
the original committee. Mtss Drooz
will have c h a r g e of publicity.
Suite by R i m s k y Korsakoff and Le.s- Preludes by Litzt
will comprise the major p a r t of
Tuesday's p r o g r a m to bo held from
12 to 1:30 P.M. in t h e Lounge.
State students who are interested
in writing radio plays will have an
opportunity to exhibit their skill
in the n i n t h a n n u a l competitions
of D r a m a t i c s ' Alliance of Stanford
Each c o n t e s t a n t will be eligible
for one of four awards. In addition
to these, a new prize of $50 is being
offered for prose or verse radio plays
on American themes as introduced
by Stephen Vincent Benet. Coincidental with this award is the r e c ommendation to radio production
O t h e r awards a r e : the Anderson
prize of $100 for verse d r a m a in
Odd Pennies to Cover Postage
full-length or once-act form; t h e
In Mailing Service DirectoryEtherage a w a r d for full-length
comedy, also $100; and t h e G r a y
award for d r a m a t i c criticism which
Hundreds, perhaps thousands,
brings $25 a n d recommendation to
of bright copper coins are Jings t a n d a r d periodicals.
ling merrily in the little penny
plays presented in competition, t h e
boxes placed by Myskaniii in all
most produceable will be staged by
group houses, in the Cafeteria,
the Hillborn T h e a t r e , the only s u m and in the Co-Op.
mer repertory t h e a t r e of n o r t h e r n
These pennies are being colCalifornia.
lected for a purpose. Myskania
There are no second prizes; howdecided to send a complete list
ever, honor leading plays are sent
of servicemen's addresses to all
with the winners to Samuel F r e n c h ,
the former S t a t e men now in
NBC offices, MGM, and other such
the service. Good? Bill s t a m p s
reknown producing units a m o n g
are needed to mail these lists I
communities' theatres', as p a r t of
And so, t h e Penny Box Drive
the Alliances' effort to introduce new
started . . . .
playwrights to the country a t large.
It began last Monday and will
Many other exceptional privileges
continue until Wednesday.
are offered to the r u n n e r - u p s ; ineveryone drops a little odd
cluding critical review of t h e seachange Into one of I hose boxes
son's best contributions.
now, the lists can be sent to the
T h e final date for present series
men by Christmas.
is March 15, 1944. Those who intend lo participate in the contest
should send for registration forms
Treasurers' Books to be Audited
and information a t once. All inTreasurers of all student organiza- quiries and contributions should be
tions, as well as the class treasurers, addressed lo: D r a m a t i s t s ' Alliance,
are requested by the student auditor Box 220 Z. Stanford University, Calilo leave I heir books in Room 305, fornia.
Draper Hall, by Monday noon.
T h e books must be up lo date. If
I lie auditor has a question concerning Hie records of any organization,
she will contact the treasurer of
that organization.
Otherwise, the
books may be picked up Tuesday at
Western & Quail
l.'ie a game for school leagues
from i) A.M. to (i P.M.
"Do not open until X m a s ! " T e n
days early, maybe, but t h e "Christm a s P a c k a g e " is well in keeping with
t h e season. Bridge games flourished
a t "All S t a t e Special"; s q u a r e - d a n c ing entangled t h e feet of many after
the "Gay Nineties Revue"; and now,
the Big T e n presents Number 3—
the " C h r i s t m a s Package I"
Sponsored jointly by Newman
Club, S t u d e n t Christian Association,
Hillel, a n d D r a m a t i c s and Art C o u n cil, t h e third feature in the "Big T e n "
program will be presented W e d n e s day, December 15, a t 7:30 P.M. in
the Page Hall Auditorium.
W h a t does t h e "Christmas P a c k age"
hold in store?
Like most
Christmas pacKages, the one p r e sented to t h e s t u d e n t body h a r b o r s
many surprises. Perhaps if we peek
a little we can see the outline of a
pageant, telling t h e story of C h r i s t mas with a musical background of
Christmas carols; or the tableaux
lo be presented in the gym by some
of the d e p a r t m e n t a l clubs and Milne
students. Also—but t h a t must keep
In a Friendly,
Phone 8-1514
91 Slate Street
Hammond CopsDash Event
In l-M Field Day Feature
Coaches Praise
Football Hopeful
Autumn Season
Expires In Peace
Have a "Coke"= Good winds have blown you here
Department Store
North Pearl Street, Albany, N. Y.
DIAL 5-1913
Try Our HwsineHsman'H Lunch
...a way to say "We are friends" to the Chinese
loday, to Chinese and Yank alike, Have a "Cote" are welcome
Jrefbes,—bis become a symbol of good will,
1 0 8 - 2 0 0 CENTRAL AVENUE
China knew Coca-Cola before (he war. Where Coca-Cola is on hand
words. Around (he globe Coca-Cola stands for the pause that re-
Mate Lollege News
Johnston and McGrath
The football season has hit a temporary snag in the form of six inches
of snow. The girls are perfectly
M A A Council Stars;
-Margo Byrnewilling to play regardles of the eleDickson, Kiley Shine
ments, but the field cannot be used
We encounter State's usual lethThe MAA field day of November
in its present condition. Even if argic acceptance of WAA's efforts
Bert Klley
19 followed the form book and favorthe snow melts they will have to in the droves of women who are rewait until the ground hardens. This fraining from signing up for the
Word comes floating in from that ites triumphed in all but one event.
by Marie De Chene
apparently is the best condition for ping-pong tournaments. You should,
familiar and beloved figure at all Men ineligible for active sports were
WAA's fall season has gone the the field, despite the obvious advan- by now, be aware that along with
State sports events during his twopermitted to compete in less stren- way
of all seasons and now the win- tages of a softer turf for the players. the traditional all-female tourney,
and a half years tenure here, Malter schedule begins. Much as we of
Several games have been scheduled MAA is condescending to sponsor a
colm "Red" Evans.
off on a field slippery from melting the sports department look forward but the prospects for playing them mixed-doubles tournament.
Bed's Revery
to new material, it seems a shame are not too good. However, plans
In view of the fact that male
Inspired by our "memory" column snow.
to let old familiar sports pass into are going ahead with continued en- companionship is at a premium hereOnly
place-kickof a few weeks back, Red went into
a revery and came up with two ing, did this year's efforts better last one last lingering survey of the been interviewed, with interesting abouts, one should not overlook this
year's initial field day.
opportunity to enhance one's social
flash-backs of his own. to wit:
"who, what, when and where" of results.
life a bit. Consider the possibilities
The KB-Potter game of '42 occu- Hammond Easy Victor
The 80 yard dash, feature of the women's sports at State since Sep- Sullivan Confident
of romance over a ping-pong table.
pies a tender place in Red's memtember.
Bob Sullivan, Pierce's reknowned
ories. Potter twirler Seifert just day, was won by two yards by the First, of course and as usual, there coach, seems to think that his team Any man might be fatally lured by
couldn't find the plate and KB ob- favorite, Regis "Hepper" Hammond were the tennis tournaments—an has what it takes to win. He named the trick shots and neat returns of
ligingly showed him where it was in the slow time of 10.4. Trailing open tourney for both sexes, and individuals who were expected to a girl who was truly handy with
by denting it ten times in the first him to the finish line were Kiley, one for women only. Bob Perber, spark-plug the Dorm squad—Leda her paddle. (We are frequently surinning. At which point our Malcolm Tabner and Poulos in that order. '46, won the open tourney after a La Salle, as an end; Myskania's Kit prised by the inducements we feel
took over the mound duties and ac- It was anybody's race for 40 yards, hard-fought match with Flo Garfall. Herdman; Gen Sabatini, blocking called upon to offer pour le Sport).
But to return once more to our
cording to the NEWS reporter "pitch- at which point Hep turned it on. Koine Things Never Change
back; Baker, with her running prowed masterful ball." He must have, The fact that a good portion of the The women's tourney was, like last ess; and Jean Davidson, an all- tried and true gripe, how about a
definite tightening up of the orfor the final count read Potter 11, stretch was under a blanket of year's, not completed, although over round star.
ganization of these tournaments to
KB 10. Malcolm omitted his ownsnow probably slowed up the con- twenty girls entered the contest.
"Best team on campus. When the prevent their going the way of all
testants. Guarino won last year's
efforts from his account, we add.
However, a few rounds were played field clears up, the girls will really
Red also has fond memories of sizzler in 9.4, but Tucker turned in and WAA has promised to carry prove themselves champions," says tennis tournaments? What is needed is a high handed, dictatorial boss
that sensational two yard pass that a 9.2 performance in a qualifying on from there, finish the tourney, Bob.
who will toss out all the uncooperaEEP Riz Hansen threw to the Dorm's heat.
The punting contest was won by
tive jerks who habitually roam
Merritt, said blooper being good for
coach of the fierce Psi Gammas, around the college, season after
Ensign Bill "Deacon" Dickson, '42,
about 40 yards for the Dorm.
takes a rather philosophical attiRed also reports on the football a former IM and varsity star. His Mary Now and Eileen Shoup, was tude towards the whole situation. season, acting as bottlenecks.
games the paratroopers play in then- boot, which went for 46 yards, was another popular sport, with fifty- Upon being questioned, he looked
spare time. Real honest-to-good- the best try put forth. The ball's seven WAA'ers going out for it. WAA dreamily at the sunset behind Frieness tackle, with no equipment— angling towards the sidelines cost tried to arrange a play-day with hofer's Bakery and said: "Having Basketball Dominates
him several yards, only perpendiouch!
Skidmore, but the famous Albany lost several of last year's letterRe his previously mentioned pitch- cular distance being measured. He weather dampened all such hopes.
Winter Plans
women, and having had some prom- W A A
ing talents, Red states that he
According to Helen Bushnell, arch- ising stars nailed by the draft, and
The winter program of WAA,.
has twirled one inning since donning
one for 38 yards. Young's 58 ery captain, twelve women have re- playing a suicide schedule, if we win which officially began after the
the OD and that was a no hit, no lifted
and Sussina's 52 yard punts of last ceived credit—an increase of eight half our games, I, Frederick Arling- Thanksgiving vacation, got off to a
run, no error effort and that IM year were never challenged.
over last year. "C'est la guerre"— ton Shoemaker, will be surprised." good start with basketball practice
batsman and assorted sluggers in
The place-kicking event also came evidently the nearest a female could "But," he added significantly, "we Monday afternoon. Other sports to
the year of our Lord 1953 had better off as expected. Kiley's boot of get to romance was to shoot arrows do have a few cute little tricks."
be offered are bowling, ping pong,
plan on a "none for three" day when 53 yards went straight and true to into a red, white and blue target Kunz Praises Scramblers
badminton, volley ball and fencing.
facing Red's boys.
The Chi Sig Scramblers have a
The captains of basketball, Mary
the end zone. His closest competitor, and dream of Cupid. Or could it
Three Good Men
Hammond got off a 38 yard effort. be that 'twas merely an outgrowth head start, with one victory to their Sanderson, '45, and Mary Seymour,
We would say, and nobody has to Kiley's kick was considerably better of the well-known game of darts?
credit. Kunz has gone back to the '46, ask that all those who wish to
agree with us, that the three most than Tassoni's 41 yard winner of a Campers Have Fun
Army routine, leaving his team in take part in the league this year
natural athletes it has been our year ago. However, both Tassonl and
Those intrepid souls who braved good shape (but good!). The news- form teams and give their names in
pleasure to watch and play with Young, last year's favorites suffered the wilds of the Chatham woods will paper at his Post was blessed with before Christmas vacation so that
long remember those two Camp an amusing account of the whole games can start as soon as school redoing our sojourn here are Bill Dick- an off-day.
Johnston week-ends, successfully affair. "I have coached amateurs opens. The league games are now
son, Prank Hansen and Johnny Sus- Kaufman Hits Bulls-eye
The accuracy passing was won by conducted by Bobby Van Auken. but I have never coached profession- scheduled for Wednesday nights but
later on in the season the gym will
These boys could play practically a dark horse. It was the only real News is that there will be more, so als BEFORE!!!"
anything and play it well. Of thesurprise of the day. A tie between you who missed out on the fun be The elusive Mr. Fancher, Sayles be made available to WAA two
Hall's guide, was unable to be con- nights a week. Till Christmas time
three, Dickson was probably the Shoemaker and Dickson was broken sure to go this winter!
Riding concluded WAA's formal tacted, but with such bright lights practices will be held on Mondays,
closest to being a finished product. by Art Kaufman. The 1947 MAA
He played with an effortless smooth- representative placed one directly in fall program. The sport carries over as Serabian, Daly, and Clark, the Wednesdays and Fridays to get the
ness. In fact you had to play against the basket on his first try, thus into the spring, so final hours may girls can't help but provide a good teams into shape for the coming
the Deacon to realize how good he duplicating Welch's feat of a year be completed then.
No sports survey would be complete
Bowling, under the captaincy of
ago. Kaufman's victory made it a
Clara Hill, '45, and Eunice Smith,
Hansen was the flashiest of the grand slam for MAA Council, Kiley without mentioning the manly art Tournaments Take >poilighl
lot and with good coaching and de- and Hammond running this year's of the gridiron, therefore why be The MAA sponsored ping pong '45, will take place on Tuesday and
veloping might have become quite an show and "The Deacon" being a different? For, even without men, tournament got off to a speedy start Thursday afternoons at 3:30.
State had football this year! The this week with Ferber's decisive
Fencing is to be offered Saturday
athlete. While not the team man former president.
Ferber and mornings at 10 o'clock. Peg BostDickson was, he had a great com- The distance passing contest was clash of the season (O.K., O.K., so win over Sullivan.
wick, '45, will captain the sport. Last
petitive spirit and was a handy fel- called off because of lack of time. it was the only one!) was that of Lashinsky are favorites to win.
low to have around, We can still It may be held at a future date. The the Chi Sig Scramblers to a 12-0 Kaufman, Hess and Sullivan are year's instructor, Mr. Cochran of
predicted to end up in that order in the English department at Milne,
hear the uproar in the RPI gymcontestants have Tassoni's 51 yard victory.
And thus endeth the season, and the pool tourney which MAA is also has entered the armed services and a
when Riz sprung his behind the record to shoot at.
new instructor is being sought.
back dribble in one of the varsity's
The field day marked the end of not with a whimper but a bang.
lost causes.
the football season. MAA expects to
Whereas Dickson and Hansen start its indoor season soon. Furcould take their sports or leave them ther plans will be announced.
alone, "Long John" Sussina was an
addict. John was always ready for
anything from ping pong to football,
Emil J. Nagengast
though his weakest points seemed
to be the milder contests like dart
Your College Florisf
shooting. His cutting off a throw
from the outfield to turn a two-run
double into a double play was just
Cor. Ontario at Benson St.
about the nicest bit of softballing
we have seen.
" C o k e " s Coca-Cola
Ir't natural foe nouular unmet
lu acquire friendly abbreviation*. That'* why yuu hear
Coca-Cola called ''Coke".
Rushing Closes
As 94 Freshmen
Join Sororities
KD, Psi Gam, Chi Sig,
Gamma Kap Get 15
Dean Asks Students' Aid
In Class Of '48 Interviews
In an effort to select the possible centers for interviews for the
school year of 1944, Dr. Milton
G. Nelson, Dean of College,
asks all State students to inquire
as to the number of people in
their home district who expect
to enter State College in 1944.
The week before Christmas will
give students ample time to unearth the necessary facts.
Approximately thirty freshmen will be admitted to the
college in January, 1944. They
will participate in the accelerated
course that the students entering in January of 1943 have already begun. This course enables the incoming freshmen to
graduate in June, 1947, rather
than in June, 1948.
State Movie Will Be Released
In Honor Of College Centennial
Celebration Slated
For May 5, 6
When prospective members assembled at the sorority houses for pledge
supper and service on Tuesday evening at 5 P.M., silent period and
The College will celebrate its one
To Portray Incidents
rushing season came to a close.
hundreth anniversary of existence
The number of women pledged
of School
as a teacher training institution in
this year exceeds that of last year
by only two, with 94 out of the 120
In connection with the centennial
will run through two days, May 5
who attended buffet supper and forcelebration of State College, a techand
mal dinner accepting pledgeship.
nicolor movie entitled "Tomorrow's
On May 7, 1844, the State LegislaThis year, four sororities filled their
Teachers" is being made. The film
ture authorized the founding of the
quota: Kappa Delta, Psi Gamma,
will be released in May.
New York State Normal School. EnChi Sigma Theta, and Gamma
Showing characteristic incidents
rollment of the first class, entering
Kappa Phi.
and scenes and representative stuon December 18, 1844, for nine
KD pledged 15, as compared to
dents in the college, the movie is
months of study, totalled twentylast year's 14; Psi Gamma 15 to last
being produced and enacted by memnine. The late William J. Milne, who
year's 13, Chi Sig 15, as compared to
bers of the faculty and student body.
was named principal of the school
last year's 14; AE Phi pledged only
The college life of a typical State
eight women, five less than last year.
student in academic training and in
status of the institution to New York
Fifteen women were ushered into
relation with her fellow students
The faculty of the College will State Normal College. It was in
Gamma Kappa Phi, the same numand faculty, culminating in her first
ber as last year. BZ obtained 14 represent this institution in various 1908 that the first students of a fourposition as a secondary school teachfreshmen, compared to last year's parts of the state within the next year course of study were graduated
er, will be shown in the movie.
from this secondary school teacher11, while Phi Delt pledged 12 again two weeks.
Shooting Starts
rethis year, plus three upperclassmen.
Nancy Wilcox, '44, Director of the
Scenes in Washington Park, the
Varied themes were presented for College, Dr. Robert W. Frederick. ceived permission from the Board of College moving picture, "Tomorrow's "Boul" and other college meetinglast week-end's entertainment. KD Principal of the Milne School, Dr. Regents in 1914 to grant baccalaur- Teachers."
places are also included. When comhad buffet supper with a cafe atmos- Allan Hicks, Professor of Guidance, eate and master's degrees and change
pleted, the scenes will be compiled
phere, but returned to the Christ- and Dr. C. Currien Smith, Assistant its name to New York College for
to form a sound movie with a runmas spirit for formal dinner. Psi Professor of Education will attend Teachers.
ning commentary explaining State
Gam entertained at the dinner with
Moving-Up Day has been schedcustoms, organizations, and tradia "Candlelight Inn" theme.. Chi Association of Secondary School uled to coincide with the centennial
Sig had no buffet supper; the trimcelebration,
Dr. Frederick will deliver an adOfficial shooting of scenes began
mings for formal dinner were red
set at Friday, May 5. The tradithis week. Earlier in the school
and white. AE Phi's formal dinner dress on the topic "Does the Present tional pageant and Music Council
. ,
... .,
. . year, outdoor shots of the college
table was decorated green and white. System of Academic Credits Promote concert will be supplemented by
keeping with the mystic spirit a n d a c t i v i U e s w e r e t a k e n .
Gamma Kap entertained at buffet or Impede the Reorganization of other entertainment to commemorate ofIn
Dr. Floyd Henrickson, Assistant
supper with an Army Canteen; at Secondary Education?"
is saving the major part of its prothe anniversary
formal dinner the theme was nauti- speech on the program will be an Alumni Day is scheduled for Sat- gram for Santa's surprise gift to Professor of Education and Director
cal. BZ used Greenwich Village for address by Dr. Paul Mort, Teachers' urday, May 6. All activities for this the student body. Sponsored jointly of Audio-Visual Aids to Instruction,
buffet supper setting, and a Roman College, Columbia University, en- day will be held at the College. The by Newman Club, Student Christian is the producer. The script for the
scheme for formal dinner. Phi Delt titled "Paying the Bills."
Association, Hillel, Music Council film was prepared by a committee
This meeting which is to be held program will begin at 9 A.M. with and
had a cabaret scene for both affairs.
Dramatics and Art Council, the headed by Mrs. John Hall Blackburn
registration of the returning alumni.
Following is a list of the sororities on December 22 covers the war per T h e
third feature in the "Big Ten" pro- of the Alumni. Faculty members of
iod and also looks toward the peace
Half-Century and Quarter Cenand their freshman pledges:
will be presented Wednesday the committee include Dr. James G.
tury Clubs will meet until 10 o'clock gram
that will follow.
7:30 P.M. in the Page Hall Hastings, Dr. Louis C. Jones, and Dr.
Kappa Delta:
The last meeting of this group when the entire group will assemble auditorium.
William G. Hardy. The committee
Joan Alverson, Sue Campbell, Vir- took place June 7 at which time the in Page Hall Auditorium.
has met at intervals during the last
ginia Day, Mary Ellen Diener, Helen president represented the associaLuncheon in the cafeteria will be
tableaux representing three months,
Honeycombe, Janet Inglehart, Ger- tion at the meeting which convened followed by a business meeting. thePicturesque
Christmas customs in other lands yvilcox Directs
trude Kasper, Eunice McGlynn, Mar- at the Education building here in During the afternoon, the alumni will be given in the gym by departDirector of the movie is Nancy
jorie O'Grady, Dorie Raymond, Dor- Albany. The meeting was"called by w i l 1 b e shown the movie, "Tomorrow's mental clubs and Milne students, w i i C 0 X i '44, w h 0 is assisted by Trece
othy Rider, Patricia Russell, Ger- the Slate Department and was com- Teachers."
under the supervision of the Student A n e y i J a n e t Baxter, Jeanne Bailey,
trude Smith, Elsie Stockman, Elaine
Christian Association. Following the J u n e Carlson, and Kathryn Herdposed
i^nnofio r-™
pr m
o „ Honing
education organizations, members class reunions will comprise the re- tableaux, the pageant will be preman,
Seniors; anrf
and Jeannette
CosPsi Gamma:
from the State Educational Depart- mainder of the Alumni Day program. sented. As its story, the pageant grave, Barbara Putnam, and Jean
ChristHelen Bode, Rose Marie Brock, ment, and representatives from the
Winyall, Juniors. Sally Richards,
mas carrying with it vague but '44, is Art Director while Helen BushMary Carey, Avis Chamberlain, Julia Board of Regents. The purpose of
poignant sentiments of the ChristCollier, Miriam De Cormier, Rose- the meeting was to discuss the sec- Vacation To Begin Friday
mases of yesteryear when sparkling nell, '45, has charge of props.
marie Devine, Jean Hembury, Ann ondary school curriculum now in use
Lighting is under the supervision
lights met dazzling snow and when
Lucsok, Joan Magrew, Ruth Mc- in the State.
Registrar, announced
that the there was no fear of the bells and of Andrew Yager of the College
Carthy, Mary McLaren, Doris PatJohn M. Sayles, President of Christmas vacation will begin at chimes of Christmas being outshout- janitorial staff. Students assisting
terson, Mary Elizabeth Sullivan, theDr. College,
will spend Monday, 11 A.M. next Friday morning and ed by the black-out sirens. This him are Herbert Brock, '44, and
Christine Truman.
Tuesday and Wednesday in Newthat classes will be resumed at 8:10 presentation will be given by Music Arthur Kaufman, '47.
Chi Sigma Theta:
York City at a convention of faculty A.M. Monday, January 3.
Council and D and A.
Jeanne R. Cavanagh, Helen Cisek, members from all the other State
stuChristmas carols will provide the
Audrey Cox, Martha C. Dunlay Colleges. The purpose of this meet- dents will leave for home early next
Sarah M. Dunn, Marietta Hanley ing is to discuss the "past, present, Friday, the STATIC COLI.ISUB NEWS will background for the pageant but will
Betty Rose Hilt, Lois E. Holstein and future of State Teachers' Col- be distributed on Thursday instead play an even more important part in Tryouts For
the program later in the evening.
iConlinued on paye Hi
of Friday.
After leaving the auditorium, the Scheduled Wednesday
participants in the program will
After the Operetta society meetgather around a large Christmas tree
set up in the front of Page Hall ing next Wednesday at 3:30 P.M. in
Room 28, try-outs for The Mikado
to sing Christmas carols.
by Marie Scudder
Unsuspecting Greeks and indepenwill take place.
Of those interviewed. (i(i percent
Supervision of the house and
dents were collared in the halls to
Candidates for the part of the
Stale they are political machines tickets
is by Newman Club. Hillel Mikado will be required to sing a
answer a questionnaire which rep- do not approve of sororities Hi
I hat hurt a lot of people and inter- has charge
of the financial report.
resents a consensus of opinion on their membership to women Willi fere with jusl elections."
part of the selection, A More HuMembers of the committees repre- miiin Mikado.
sorority rules and activities. In res- similar religious affiliations
The Wandering
A practical Soph in giving a nega- senting
the various groups giving the MinLstrel will be used to choose
ponse (u various questions poked at "promotes bigotry, divides students tive reply to the 15 quota question
them, sixty State College women into separate groups, produces liini- says thai "some sororities would be- evening's performance are Eunice Nanki Poo; Flowers Thai Bloom In
scrawled "Yes" or "No," providing a lalions of friendship, and precipi- come loo large; the houses on cam- Baird and Eleanor Hayeslip, repre- Tin Sjiiiinj for Ko Ko; Our Great
basis for a sororily slapdown in tates religious differences already pus cannot accommodate larger sentatives from !SCA; Marguerite Mikado, A Virtuous Man for Pish
(Did terms of percenls.
preseni which we are trying lo over- groups." One Senior termed the 15Boslwick and Marie DeChene from Tush; Tin Sun Whom- Rayn Arc All
Newman Club; Ada Snyder and Alduzi for Yum Yum; The Criminal
111 axil nun 1 "undemocratic."
Replying to "Would you change
Sonya Balshan from Hillel; Nancy Cried for Pitti-Sing; Three Little
the present freshman quota of fifOnly one woman would abolish Wilcox and Mary D. Alden from
for Peep Bo; and Alone and
teen?" 50 percent ul l he answers religious barriers in sororities five formal dinner, had she Hie oppor- Music Council; Trece Ane.v and Maids
)'i / .l/nv for Katisha.
read "Yes" a variety ul reasons being
Elizabeth McGrath from D & A. Miss
given lor this affirmative opinion. the same denomination produces
Of the seventeen independents Edith Wallace is the faculty adviser.
There will also be short try-outs
"The large number ol freshmen more unity and loyally, tinner who filled out I he questionnaires, Tickets are already on sale in the for the part of the Noble and for
women this year," and "there are friendships and more harmony, An ten would like to belong to a sorority. group houses and at a table in the the part of the umbrella carrier
so many freshmen Kills that a great lipperclassman slates that it causes Twenty-live percent of all women lower hall of Draper. The price, who has no lines and whose main
number of super ones will be left less conflict and dissension in such interviewed agree that less timo in including tax, is thirty-five cents.
duty in the operetta is to carry an
umbrella over the Mikado,
out" sum up the general reasons for a closely knit group as a sorority. the semester should be devoted to
Her opinion is that women who have •usliing freshmen, although one
this answer.
David Kromun, a former State
A member of the Class of '47 in a common religious background are Senior sorority woman protested P j Gamma Mu Meets Toni g ht
student, has already been chosen to
speaking against the quota system that rushing is simplified if religious vehemently, No!! Hie rush period
play the part of Poo Bah. Last
states that "all people don't show affiliations are similar.
is too short as it is."
Clarence A. Hidley, Assistant Pro- year, Kroman took the role of the
Two Seniors, one Junior, and a lessor of History, will speak to Grand Inquisitor in The Gondoliers.
promise until others get to know
Twenty-five women want silent
Nora Crumm is directing the
them belter, and most sororities have period abolished; 35 indicated their member of '40 suggested that the the Pi Gamma Mu members at a
already pledged the maximum num- approval of it, One frosh "would number of sororities be increased to combination social and business chorus for the first semester while
ber allowed them."
like to belong to a sorority that is accommodate the rise of students meeting tonight. The meeting will a new music instructor will direct
during the second semester.
in the incoming freshmen classes.
be held at 8 P.M. in the Lounge.
Campus Scenes
Faculty To Attend
School Meetings
Package Third
Big Ten Show
Poll Shows Wide Opinion