
£ *
Ramblers Score; Now, Shoupie Give Their All
Falcons Triumph; For Cause of Hockey At State
3y Marie De Chene
They spent their time playing
Sheiks Lose 2
"Ground Sticks,
hockey four hours a day, and la-
crosse—a game very similar to, but
Mai-go Byrne
more brutal than, hockey—for two
l-M League Underway
hours each day. Then, if they
At the risk of being repetitious,
weren't too worn out, they went we again decry the procrastination
As Hammond Scores
1Bert Klley
boating, swimming, or hiking in which has unpardonably often t a their spare time—how they did it, ken possession of the women's tenAll this talk about Frank Sinatra
Last Wednesday the Ramblers
we'll never know—just
thinking nis tournament.
being as good as Bing Crosby is scored a victory in the second game
about it gets us tired. A nice, restvery fine, but just wait and see if of the newly formed football league.
As you have so frequently been
ful week!! Nevertheless, the gals told, WAA owns a cup which is prethirteen years from now Sinatra Led by Hammond they triumphed
owns a horse that xvins the Subur- 25-6.
sented to the winner of the tourney.
cramps in their legs, which Shoupie This cup, at present, has two names
ban Handicap.
All of the Ramblers scoring was
The fascinating game of hide and done before the Shieks succeeded
on it. But the cup is not, by any
The camp, which is for women means, new. Ah, no, it is artistically
seek in the gym continues. There in putting across a tally. The first
only, is the only one of its kind in more valuable for the fine, natural
are four doors leading directly into touchdown came as Hammond went
the country. Miss Appleby, the patina of years, and more interestthe gym and two into the MAA office across from the three-yard line.
woman who introduced and devel- ing for the bloomeriness of the
mezzanine. Each day a different Then Hammond sliced off tackle
oped women's hockey in America, slightly outdated statuette attached.
door is left unlocked. The boys con- and slithered 60 yards for the secis the director. She's about seventy, This means, that in the past seven
sider it great fun to tramp up and ond score. A pass from Hammond
and Mary gasped "You ought to or eight years, exactly two tournadown the three flights of stairs that to Kiley netted the third 6 points.
see her run up and down that ments have been completed.
lead to the sacrosanct timbers. Des- The final count came as a pass from
hockey field—she's as fast as a kid!"
It is ridiculous, that in as large
pite long trekst hat end in locked Dickinson found Hammond in the
Coaches, teachers, hockey enthu- a women's athletic association as
doors, the intrepid adventurers carry end zone.
siasts journey here for an intensi- this college possesses, participation
on. It is partly in the hope of findThen, late in the fourth period,
fied period of hockey. Many All- in the main event of the fall season
ing the door on the first attempt the Shieks found themselves. A
Americans have been trained by is so lukewarm that the phrase
that keeps the young athletes eager succession of short passes from
Miss Appleby, so, who knows, could "WAA tennis tournament" has a
to start afresh each day. They have Stolboff to Cote gained 50 yards and
be that Now or Shoup will make hopeless connotation.
never yet got it on try number one, the Ramblers goal line.
Kiornan's column some day in the Who Takes the Rap?
but on a few occasions after consultfuture.
And who is accountable for this
ing ouija boards, crystal balls, astroitate of affairs? The responsibility
logical charts, tea leaves, and The W e e k l y Schedule
Tues.—Falcons vs. Sheiks
should be shared by both the conOat-bin; thoy got it on the second
Wed.—Ramblers vs. Sheiks
testants and those in charge. No,
try. Since three is considered par
Thurs.—Falcons vs, Ramblers
we are not blaming WAA exclufor the course, a two is hence a
sively. But we do think that a
"birdie"—which is what the boys
is u n e - f o i i r t l i 1 l / l 1 1 lie l e n g t h o f t h e
It till! I
closer supervision of the particiSi'i'iiuii I, (inlj cnnviiH slmi's willi Held.
invariably get for their pains.
The football season at State was
Itnle VII
pants is called for.
111:1 v he worn.
Super Wall-Scaling
ushered in last Tuesday by a rousing sut'l rulilier solesIt II11)
T u c k i n g 11111I Blocking
We take this case as an example.
As well as being stimulating to 18-0 victory for the Falcons.
SiTtiitn I. A clonr imsH is mil' in
Section I. Actual blocking is perA freshman complained that she
their mental processes, the condiwhich llii1 liilll is in (light, II rluurly mitted.
Al Read drew first blood with an visible
Section :;. T a c k l i n g is done willi had written several notes to her
tioning the would-be basketeers get end sweep from the 30 yard line on
p a s s e r ' s IIIIIMIS.
ItOTlI H A N D S lilOKIMTKLV ON TIIIO scheduled opponent trying to arin scramblng up the nine foot wall the second scrimmage play.
It 1111) III
IlKAH, U K I . u W TIIIO MIOI.'I'. G r u b b i n g range a time for a match, but the
to the MAA office is invaluable. The
Scciliin 1. The luntfth of plny'ini: in front with one hand a n d h o l d i n g
In the second period, Daly went lime
shall he US millllles, lllvlllell lulu is not periiiilteil a n d will he |iena ll/.ed notes remained unanswered. The
cuts, bruises, torn clothing, etc. thus
equal 7-minute (j 11 Uriel's).
Tliei'e HI y a r n s , plus a llrsl down al lite spol match has not yet been arranged.
acquired aid in toughening them up
Khali lie 11 111- ininnle between <| 11.1 rtITS. nf 1 In- foul nr optionally at I lie orig- This should have been called to
and accustoming them to hardships. for the second score.
There shall he a ."1 minute intermis- inal line of seriininage.
the attention of the captain immeOne of the highlights of the en- sion
It is interesting to note that while
helweeii I lie seennil mill llllril
S e c t i o n '{.
T h e r e s h a l l he 110 s l i f f diately. It was not, however, and
the wall of the late-lamented comit serves well as an illustration of
Section L'. The (IITieials shall he a
Ituli- VIM
mando course measured but eight jaunt on a pass interception by referee
anil heai! linesman.
\ snhstiSi'i'liniiuigi' mid Down
the lack of cohesion in the organifeet, the corrugated steel mezzanine Fancher.
Inle shall repnrl his name anil the
Seelinn 1. After snap a n d d u r i n g zation.
The Sheiks threatened only once, mime 11I' I he player he Is replacing In the piny, any player of A may c a r r y
balcony goes better than nine feet
I„ is our belief that schedules
in the second quarter, when they the referee hel'iire hi' Is 11 part nf tlm the ball across Hie line of s c r i m m a g e .
from the floor.
An eligible
substitute may
Sect inn [i. Team A must have t h r e e should be arranged by the captains,
The stern moral lesson of "cheatr e t u r n In the game at a n y lime when or inure men on the line of s c r i m m a g e , with the assistance of the particiSeel ion !!. Tlie necessary distance to
ing shows, never goes" was brought yards out, three of them for the last lime is nut anil pruviiieil unit play lias
allien his wit lnlra wal.
lie gained d u r i n g a series of d o w n s is pants. Then, insistence on keeping
home to the youthful minds when
the appointments is imperative.
Itiile IV
In y a r d s in four downs.
Ken George injv.ed his knee as a
If a second or mure forward pilHH
Seelinn I. All p l a y e r s a r e eligible to The captains must hold the conresult of running into a gymnastic badly handled by receivers.
From behind I lie line nf s e r i m m a n e receive fiirwaril passes.
testants to their obligations.
Ramblers s t r i k e s Hie g r o u n d or goes nut of
Kule IV
"horse" placed under the balcony
Simon Steps In
b o u n d s behind 1 lie line, II is treated
for the reprensible purpose of fasas a tumble.
II p o i n t s
This year there was difficulty in
cilating the climbing.
Kule V
I point getting a captain for tennis. Josie
A successful I r.v-for-point
'1 p o i n t s
Action Common to 11 li'rcc-Kick or
Of course this new sport takes so
Simon stepped into the position late
HcrinimiiKc Down
Kule X
McCarthy Coulter
much out of the boys that they are Bininati
in the season. Now that there is a
Seellnii I. When a haeliward p a s s
too tired to play basketball—wniob Stolboff
or fumble striken the g r o u n d aiul is t i f f Side
0 y a r d s definite executive head, the games
saves valuable leather and rubber for
il UUI)' he advanced
by H o l d i n g (Defense)—(other t h a n
may proceed with more efficiency.
either side.
ball c a r r i e r )
5 yards
the war effort.
Let it not be, "Too little, too late."
Seel Inn L'. A blocked Kiel; may hi' H o l d i n g I Defense in laekling) . . . .
One question: Why are a basketiidvan
I by ell her team.
Simon made the statement that
1st down 011 spot of
ball players shoes considered more
Itulo VI
line of scrininiage all the contestants who have not
Free Kicks noil t h e Free Kick-Down H o l d i n g (Offense)
Ill y a r d s played their first round matches by
harmful to a gym floor than the W A A Riding
The kick-olT shall he T r i p p i n g . . '
In y a r d s
scuff lings of a few hundred jittermade I'm 111 one hull' lite distance of S l u g g i n g . .. .disiiualillent inn
'.j ills- Monday, will be dropped from the
Gains Popularity
A'H portion of lite Held. T h e safetytournament. If this had been done
latiee In glial line
kick front A's Kl-yard line.
I'M necessary delay id' game . . fi y a r d s a week ago, a more favorable progSeel ion 1'. When a kick-off is o u t Not report Ing
5 y a r d s ' nosis as regards this year's tourney
I.i y a r d s front line
A survey of the WAA fall sport nf bounds' between the goal lines, the St iff a rm ing
Camp Johnston Opens
might be expected.
calendar shows all sports now oper- optional i 111111111111 spin for tin- receivers
ating smoothly.
For W A A Members
Riding has proved to be the surCamp Johnston will become the prise of the season. What used to
scene of a real old-time weekend in be a minor sport has become, this
the woods tomorrow when State's year, a very popular one w th many
fairer sex don slacks and dungarees enthusiastic followers. So large has
and board the train for Chatham been the attendance, for the last
two weeks that not enough horses
tomorrow morning.
Camp Johnston provides an ex- were available. Peg Schlott, '45, will
cellent opportunity for all girls call a meeting soon to draw up a
with an interest in camping and schedule, arranging times and makout-door activities to get together. ing provisions for an adequate numThere will be plenty of fun, frolic, ber of mounts. In this way supervised
and food for all. Hiking and soft- hours and proper credit can be obball will be in the sports high-light. tained. All those interested should
There will also be a chance for those contact Schlott through Student
with the pioneer spirit to break loose Mail.
and indulge in other activities.
All women belonging to WAA, are
invited. Sorority members may attend with freshmen women.
Emit J. Nagengast
Bobby Van Auken and Helen Slack,
sophomores, are in charge of arYour College Florist
rangements. Mary Kate MacKay,
"Coke"= Coca-Cola
'44, is in charge of food. Those going
Cor. Ontario at Benson St.
It's n a t u r a l for p o p u l a r n a m e s t o
are expected to supply their own
acquire friendly abbreviations. T h a t ' s
ration points.
Intramural Football Rules
Have a "Coke"= Come, be blessed and be happy
why you hear Coca-Cola called "Coke".
Try Our HusineHsman's Lunch
1 9 8 - 2 0 0 CENTRAL AVENUE
.. .from Idaho to Iceland
Have a "Coke", says the American soldier in Iceland, and in three
words he has made a friend. It works in Reykjavic as it does in
Rochester. 'Round the globe Coca-Cola stands for the pause that refreshes—has become the ice-breaker between kindly-minded strangers.
, 0 1943 The C-C Co..
State College News
Ground sticks,
Ground sticks,
And to this charming refrain,
Mary Now, '45, and Eileen Shoup,
'46, spent a week this past summer.
Where? At "The Hockey Camp,"
in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania. When? The week of
August 27—and from all reports,
that was some week!!
Every year, WAA sends a couple
of hockey enthusiasts to the camp,
to learn the latest techniques, new
rules of play, and to get lots of
practice—both playing and refereeing, in order to instruct State's
fair stick-wielders. Last year Kit
Herdman, '44, WAA's present head,
and Marion Duffy, '45, went to learn
all about hockey. This year, Now
and Shoupie were the lucky (?) gals.
However, Mary says that they just
learned all they didn't know about
the sport. Miss Herdman believes
the expense is justified, for the girls
do learn a great deal of valuable
hockey lore which is passed along
to the other girls.
Putnam Is Vice-President; Music Council Coronation of 1943 Queen
409 Votes in Landslide PresentsThibault Will Highlight Campus Day
lonight at 8:15
2 Distributions Give
Rivalry Begins Tomorrow in Front of Page Hall;
Conrad Thibault, radio and conFrosh Meet Sophs in Races, Banner Hunt and Skits
Smith Second Place
cert star, will appear on the stage of
Page Hall Auditorium at 8:15 P.M.
The climactic event of State's twenty-third Campus Day
tonight as the guest of Music CounAfter amassing almost half of the
cil. His program of songs will in- will be the coronation of the 1943 Campus Queen, Student
entire number of votes cast, Barbara
clude old melodies and popular Association's choice for the popularity title, tomorrow night
Putnam went well over the establishoperatic airs.
in Page Hall at 8:30. Vieing for the title are Trece Aney,
ed quota in the second distribution
Nancy Wilcox, '44, President of Kathryn Herdman, Patricia Latimer, Osnif Serabian and
of Vice-Presidential ballots to capMusic Council explains that this
ture the Student Association office
concert is a combination of the Mildred Wirosloff.
made vacant by Harold Goldstein,
policy begun last year to present
The identity of "Her Majesty" is to be kept secret after
outstanding personalities to the stuIn the first election held under
dent audience. The Council present- today's ballots are counted until tomorrow evening when the
the preferential ballot system. 749
ed Don Cossacks and Percy Grainger queen and her court enter the auditorium. Two of the revotes were cast. Three hundred
last year.
maining four candidates will attend the new queen and two
and seventy votes fell to Miss PutThe evening's program is as fol- are to accompany the old queen.
nam in the first distribution, six
_. _
„__. „_
T l i e campus Day program opens
short of the quota of 376. As a
the Rivalry Obstacle races folresult the second choices of Peggy
Plasir D'Amour Martini
lowed by the Banner Hunt in the
Dee's ballots were re-distributed
Star Vecino- Rosa
afternoon. The evening program
among the remaining four candiMy Lovely Celia (Old English)
also includes rivalry skits and dancdates, Miss Dee having polled the
ing. Co-chairmen for the entire
fewest votes witli her total of 87.
My Old Nag Ned— arr. by Somerprogram are Mary Domann and
The election, with a total of 409 votes
Nancy Wilcox, Seniors.
then fell to Miss Putnam.
Nature's Adoration- Beethoven
Forum will inaugurate a new Rivalry Obstacle Races
No Severe Competition
policy this year by centering all its
At 10:30 tomorrow morning, the
. .
Les Berceaux--Fa?/re
Although Leah Tischler placed
activities around the war effort. Obstacle Races between the SophoLa Belle Jeunesse—Poulene
second in the first distribution, with
Proceeds from drives, stamp sales, m o r e a l l d freshmen women will take
La Partida- Alvarez
105 votes, the second distribution
Barbara Putnam, new Viceand campaigns are to be used for the P l a c e °» t h e f r o n t l a w n °{ P a & e H a l 1 gave the runner-up position to Joan PresHent of Student Association
benefit of war work. In cooperation ° n ? Point for Rivalry will be awardSmith, with 122 votes. Nora GiaDi Provenza (Aria from opera La ... ,,,
. .. ... _
., _
ed for each race. There wil be three
velli held fourth place in both disTraviatta) —Verdi
aceg aIto
tnree Rlv.
tributions. Miss Putnam, however,
members will serve at the stamp a l r y p o i n t s . Katherine Herdman,'44,
was never challenged severely, holdNocturne Curran
President of WAA, is Chairman of
ing a lead of 265 in the first tabuThe Stuttering Lovers arr. by booth for one month.
The content of Forum meetings the races. Georgette Dunn, '46, and
lation and 287 in the final counting.
will be altered to provide variety Doris Patterson, '47, are Chairmen
Dreamer Malotte
and interest. Replacing the usual for their respective classes,
The Blind Ploughman- Clarke
F o r m u l a \ n . Vnles can't
book report form, discussions of new
An. i i l l l e e s t u
will be conducted. Movlie e l e e l e i l 4 . 1
10:30 A. M.—Rivalry
Dr. Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of
Sing A Song of Sixpence—Malotte ies, debates, panel discussions, and
Races, Page Hall
Women will address this morning's
S n l i s t i t i i l i o n : Till
Old Folks At Home—Stephen outside lecturers are scheduled for
Assembly. Her topic will be "What
1 + T"" ' = •'"'
future meetings throughout the year.
12:30—5:30 P. M.—Rivalry BanIs Your Contribution?"
ner Hunt.
the address by Miss Stokes, the
De Glory Road—Wolfe
IliNtrtliiitloil Histrihiitlnii official
8:30 P. M.—Crowning of Campus
announcements will be
Mr. Thibault began his musical urer of Forum will be held all day
Queen, Sophomore
made concerning the new Vice career as a member of a church Wednesday in the lower hall of
and freshman skits
President of Student Association choir. He has studied tit the Curtis Draper opposite the mailboxes. JeanI'litimin
Page Hall AuditorSmith
and the Campus Queen nominees. Institute of Music in Philadelphia ne Bailey, '44, and Rosario Trusso,
Balloting for Campus Queen is to after first receiving recognition as
be conducted this morning also. a baritone of the Philadelphia Opera Betty Hamilton, Judith Gerofsky,
Dr. Stokes' talk will deal not Company. He is continuing his
only with student contributions to studies at the present time which Sophomores, will compete for the Banner Hunt Revived
T h e traditional Rivalry
Voting for Campus Queen in to- the war effort but also student were begun under Emilio de Gogarzo. office of Treasurer. Only Forum
day's assembly will also be conducted contributions to the College. Her
Tickets for the affair are priced at members who have paid their dues H u n t , which was disco) mued last
y e a r w i l l b e r e v j V ed once again.
by means of the preferential ballot. speech will be directed mainly to $1.10. Students will be admitted by are eligible to vote.
The next meeting of Forum will
Banner Hunt will begin tomorrow
All freshman class offices also go the women.
the presentation of their student tax
be held October 27 at 3:30 in the at 12:30 P.M. and last until 5:30 P.M.
under this system. Myskania will
tickets at the door.
Lounge. At this time information Five points shall be awarded to the
The official announcement of the
begin the organization of the class
Committee heads for the program will be given regarding proper vot- class successful in obtaining and
Associaof 1947 Monday in Orientation when
are as follows: Mary-Dorothy Alden,
nominations for class offices will be tion will be made by Patricia Lati- '45, tickets: Jean Chapman, '45, ing procedure in state and national keeping the banner of the rival class
Asociaheld, with elections tentatively
house; Peggy Casey, '46; ushers; elections. Students who still wish until the close of the contest on
scheduled for the following Monday. tlon. Barbara Putnam, as a mem- Elaine Drooz, '45; publicity; Jane to join may come to the meeting or Moving-Up Day. Robert Sullivan,
ber of student council will receive Southwick, '44, programs; Eunice contact Jeanne Bailey, '44, Speaker '46, and Gloria Baker and Arthur
the key customarily awarded to Wood, '45, reception. These com- pro-tern, or Sunna Cooper, '45, Kaufman, freshmen, are in charge of
the Hunt. Two members of Myscouncil members on Moving-Up mittee heads have as their assistants Scribe.
Miss Bailey stresses, "Forum Is kania will be present at all times to
Day. She will replace Harold Gold- freshmen trying out for Music Counnot restricted to a certain few. All clarify any issues which may arise,
stein, the selection of last spring.
who are interested may join."
(Continued on Page S)
^l?^!*?-' ''
Forum to Center
PIans onwar
Stokes to Speok
To Assembly
.ampus Chest
'43 Drive 1943 Popularity Parade Gets Flying Start; Crowning Finish Ahead
Students in charge of Campus
ll.V llllXtlT 1111(1 Ktwitfl'l
Chest are now making plans for the
Miss America, 1943, could be
annual drive which will begin early
the athletic type. She could be the
in December.
tall, bolnde Nordic—or, oh, la, la,
The committee in charge is com- Ires French! Or dark and sultry
posed of the President and Vice- —or the all round "swell fella." But
President of Student Association, what will Miss State College, also
and the Presidents of the three '43 vintage, be?
religious organizations, Student
To be prosaic and also alphaChristian Association, Hillel, and betical, we'll begin with La Aney—
Newman Club. Patricia Latimer, Hie illimitable Trece, She switches
Eunice Baird, Ada Snyder, Seniors, from French to Southern, then to
and Margin et Bostwick, Juniors, Viennese without the slightest difficulty. She acts, she has ideas, she
are this year's members.
organizes so much for Aney? (Our
The purpose of (.'ampus Chest is tongue in our cheek).
to hold une intensive drive each
She's small, Is Herdman, but our
year and contribute the proceeds to
can swing a mean hockey stick.
the various charitable organiza- Kit
Anything in the athletic line is Kit's
tions in accordance witli the wishes meat,
obviously she is WAA's gift
of the student body. Campus Cheat to thefor
list of candidates. (P.S. She
was established in 1041 to do away has dimples,
flush In the
with soliciting of funds for charity pan, however. too—no
Ouch 11
by individual associations during
Pres. Pat has beauty—Prom Queen,
the school year.
remember? Also brains (see the
Lust year Campus Chest amount- Dean's List). And brawn—S.A.'s
ed to $327.13 of which $7S went ot Latimer is no slouch when it conies
Madame Chiang Kai Shek for the to sports, either.
She presides
relief of Chinese students, $25 to the pleasantly and practically. Any chalWorld Student Service Fund, $25 to lenges?
Candidates for Campus Queen, left to right I Trece Aney, Mildred
the Tuberculosis Association, $100
We come, ut last, to Serubiun—
to the the Red Cross mid $100 to the long may she wave! Osnif? Heavens
Wirosloff, Patricia Latimer, Osnif Serabian and Kathryn llerdmaii.
STATU COLUKJH NEWS SO that copies forbid!
"Don't call me namesi"
of the publication could be sent to She's Ozzie to all her many f a n s the State College men in service.
peppy, pleasant, polsonable (oops,
more names!i. Susceptible m a l e s line forms at the right for "Oh You
Beautiful Man" act. 'Sniff said.
End of the alphabet—and are we
Weary! But never let it be said that
we slighted a Senior Class Marshal.
Especially when her name is Wirosloff. She's tall, she's tan, she's
torrid—and don't kid us, Millie, those
A's don't grow on trees! Dark horse
in the beauty-brains competition.
Campus Queen? Who knows?
Put them nil together--they won't
spell "Mother," but what do you want
for a student tax ticket? You could
try pulling them out of a hat, but
none of you ure magicians so don't
expect rabbits.
Lei's try a synthesis of hyacinth
und biscuits with apologies to Carl
Sandburg, Finally, seriously and sincerely—combine Herdman's dimples,
Pat's golden curls, Alley's Rooshian
accent, Wirosloff's expressive eyes
und Ozaie's Jocularity — composite
Campus Queen.
But, you sigh, there can be but
one Campus Queen! We sympathize,
we sololiquize—tough one! Ah lml
The preferential ballot will solve all
your difficulties. All you need is a
Nominees for Campus Queen
will be requested to sit on the stage
during assembly.
EtUbliiticd May 1916
By Iht CUsi ofl 918
Vol X X V H
O c t o b e r 15, 1943
No. 5
Associated Gdllegiilte P r e s s
Collegiate D i g e s t
Tlie unilurgruilutite n e w s p a p e r of the New York S t a t e
College for Teneliers; p u b l i s h e d every F r i d a y of t h e College venr by the N K W S B o a r d for t h e S t u d e n t Association. P h o n e s : Office, 5-0373; B a x t e r , 4-5045! Stengel, 8-28041
I'lekert. 2-27iT-'.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
4 2 0 MADISON A v e .
N e w YORK, N. Y.
I he News Board
All confiruuiilcutlonrf should be addressed to tin; editor and
must lie signed. Names will ba withheld upon rcqtmsl.
The STATE COLLHGM NKWS assumes no responsibility
for opinions expressed in its columns or communications
as Mlieh e x p r e s s i o n s do nut neei-swurlly reflect Is view.
It's Your Bankroll
4. T h e P.O. is n o t a lounge, quote
Dr. Sayles a n d C a m p u s Commission.
"It is a room set aside for only
those w o r k i n g on t h e N E W S . " T h e r e fore it s e e m s logical t h a t t h e N E W S
a p p r o p r i a t i o n should t a k e c a r e of
any improvements in their room.
S t u d e n t Association h a s a l r e a d y
given e x t r a money for t h e i r n e w
light fixtures. T h e lights m a y help
t h e N E W S Board to p u t o u t a b e t t e r
newspaper, but w h a t have c u r t a i n s
got to do with i t ?
5. W h a t is t h e r e to t h e r u m o r t h a t
the m a t e r i a l for these c u r t a i n s w a s
ordered a week before t h e proposal
was even submitted to t h e s t u d e n t
6. W h y w a s n ' t someone from t h e
new Board of Aud't a n d Control
present to furnish definite a n d a c c u r a t e i n f o r m a t i o n ? W h e n we elected s t u d e n t s to this position we h a d
hoped this new organization would
be superior to t h e old F i n a n c e
We were a w a r e of all of these
facts a t t h e time of t h e Assembly.
F o r t h e a n s w e r to why we didn't
speak o u r minds then, please see
Article 1 of this letter.
What a rat race!
A Couple of Cynical Seniors
Student Association's spring headache, the budget and surplus, put in an early appearance this
year with its debut at last week's assembly. The
misdirected discussion of student government finances accomplished very little in the way of spectacular, definite achievement. Eventually the
resolution appropriating $100 for curtains was
oassed just as so many other amendments and resolutions—without adequate discussion. Perhaps the
final vote was slightly closer in this case, but if
more students had considered the matter more It seems t h a t in t h e S o u t h Pacific in vacant fields, a n d worked t o we're taking toll of 5 J a p planes for gether in school activities, a n d d r a n k
carefully, the vote would have been even closer.
every 1 American. I t seems t h a t lots of milk, a n d were speed d e m o n s
The student body is not entirely at fault. Cer- despite our heavy losses over Europe, in their jallopies,
tainly, there was enough interest evidenced; even we've n o t yet gone above t h e 10% T talked to a navigator recently
the freshmen with their limited knowledge of the loss set a t t h e m a x i m u m figure for w h o w a s n e d o u t a s a p i l o t _ ,.z g o t
effective a n c r a f t operations.
technical stuff perfectly," lie
t n e
procedure participated in the discussion. Instead
Well, those a r e j u s t figures. W h a t ' s s a i d i " b u t T couldn't fly by t h e seat
of quibbling and arguing about picayune points, interesting to m e is t h e story behind o f m y p a n t s , " H e admitted he was
the students could have participated in a worthwhile them. I t ' s t h e story of t h o u s a n d s c r a z y t o f l y , a n d it h a d almost killed
and intelligent discussion. Why they did not may of boys who left t h e peaceful life of n i m w h e n h e w a s w a s h e d o u t . But,
an American town, left their colleges, y o u see where my moral is leading,
be attributed to two factors:
a n d high schools, a n d jobs, a n d girls, d o n . t y o u
H e dldn.t h a v e m u s .
1, The information concerning the surplus was to become t h e best d a m n fliers on c u l a r coordination, the f u n d a m e n t a l
erroneous. Supposedly, it is the duty of the Board the face of t h e e a r t h . Now l e t s not 0 [ a g 0 o d pilot
. . .
. , . ,. . . ,
of Audit and Control to clarify such issues. Student fool ourselves. They're n o t superb o 0
They're j u s t our b r o t h e r s or , A n d , x , s a f y ' n ,ff n l s h ' ^
Association made elaborate plans in abolishing the men.
a l n l a
lts cra
the boy n e x t door, or our s t e a d i e s - '
< * e d »P t o
Finance Board and establishing the Board of Audit to us they look e x t r a special, but be, a n d most of you know how I p e r and Control. Yet at a time when the student body they're really just t h e American t«hoenrael l ey v ear mw aa s folne en d Bl°urt t r esaadyi n tgn aift
was directly concerned with its money, the Board home-grown variety
T h e n t h e question before t h e board t n i s w a r s n o u l f i t e a c h u s t e a c n e r s
might as well have been non-existent.
is, w h a t m a k e s t h e m such good something. We should learn, a n d so
2. A resolution relating to financial matters can- pilots? Well, t r a i n i n g h a s a lot to should our school administrations,
t h a t extra-curricular activities hve
not be considered thoroughly on such short notice. do with it. We gladly spend about come
into their own.
Time is needed to gather specific information and
If we have to, we'll learn our Trig
one pilot, a n d give t h e m planes
to prepare constructive discussion. In the case of worth a q u a r t e r of a million dollars. a n d our history. We can memorize
facts anytime. B u t we can't m e m last week's resolution, this would have been ex- We see they get only t h e best
tremely helpful especially since the Board of Audit But besides t h e training, w h a t orize co-operation, a n d working t o factors e n t e r in? Morale? Sure, gether, a n d building muscles in a
and Control was inactive at the time. If all resolu- other
Patriotism? S u r e . Yet there's still classroom.
I say t h a t t h e most
tions concerning Student Association finances were something else, a n d it's just a theory i m p o r t a n t single factor in our fliers
tabled for one week, the surplus would be wisely of mine, a n d I w a n t to pass it on success is w h a t they learned in group
sports, a n d working together in a c spent. Otherwise, various organizations may con- to you.
tinue to make demands upon the extra money and You know t h e song, " J o h n n y Zero" tivities. I say that, knowing t h a t
about t h e boy w h o always failed his there are still some a r o u n d here
deplete the fund until there will not be enough tit school-work, a n d t u r n e d out to be who place all their faith in raising
a time when it is needed more desperately.
a hero. Did you ever t h i n k w h a t a nice docile teachers, who will w a n t
Student Association finances need not cause any lesson t h a t is for us future t e a c h - nothing else t h a n high Regents averLook a t it this way. There's ages in their classes. Phooey, I say,
undue worry as far as the actual money is concern- ers?
a boy in your class who just c a n give me a couple of J o h n n y Zeros,
ed. But the association does need to consider ser- never r e m e m b e r when Zachary T a y - W h a t if they don't know how to
iously the management of this money. The surplus lor was i n a u g u r a t e d . And in his conjugate a French verb? They've
is large enough to cover improvements if the student spare time he tinkers with a u t o m o - shown t h a t they know something
biles, a n d builds model airplanes, m u c h more i m p o r t a n t on t h e b a t t l e body so wishes, but student association cannot and
plays football. And I say, brave- fields of t h e South Pacific a n d
afford to be short-sighted in its decisions,
ly, t h a t those activities a r e far more Europe. I'm never going to worry
Why hasn't The Board of Audit and Control done i m p o r t a n t t h a n learning isolated about a kid who doesn't know where
to put a relative pronoun—alter all,
anything about the 100 students who have not as dates, a t least in a time like this.
I say the reason our boys a r e such let's not forget t h a t / c a n ' t drive a
yet paid their student tax fee? Undoubtedly some good fliers is because they played car, or play football, or shoot down
of these delinquent payments result from a good football on sand lots, a n d football live Zeros in one day.
reason. Surely, the student body deserves some
War Fronts
*7/te Playmak&U.
Register Now
Dean Announces
Honor Students
To the Editor:
T h e w o r k of t h e r o b b e r b a r o n s
w a s sissy stuff c o m p a r e d to t h e
r a i l r o a d i n g t h a t w e n t on in a s s e m bly last week. L e t u s consider these
1. A r e we o r a r e we n o t supposed
to s p e a k o u r m i n d s in a s s e m b l y ?
We h e a r so m u c h a b o u t free speech
in our "democratic, s t u d e n t government," a n d y e t w h e n a few individuals tried t o oppose t h e m e a s u r e t o
spend $100 on c u r t a i n s , they w e r e
quickly t h r o t t l e d . T h e N E W S h a s
spent w e e k s t r y i n g to a r o u s e school
spirit a n d i n t e r e s t in t h e proceedings of t h e assembly.
Did they
have t h e i r t o n g u e s in their c h e e k s ?
2. As for t h e g r a n d , old faculty, we
a p p r e c i a t e h a v i n g C. C. S m i t h come
a n d s i n g to u s Activities Day, but
he w a s t h e only one of t h e m a n y
invited w h o found time to a t t e n d .
3. H o w a b o u t t h e slogan, " M a k e
it do o r do w i t h o u t ? " T h e poor
f r e s h m a n m a y h a v e been o u t of
order a t t h e t i m e , b u t w h y w a s n ' t he
given a n y c h a n c e a t all to p u t forth
his excellent i d e a ? H e w a s only
a c t i n g in a c c o r d a n c e with t h e m a n y
posters a n d a n n o u n c e m e n t s u r g i n g
us to m a k e t h i s o u r biggest y e a r
in t h e w a r effort.
Or h a v e we
changed o u r m i n d s a n d decided to
live in our own little world?"
T h e r e h a s been a great deal of discussion a m o n g
the s t u d e n t s this week concerning t h e a p p r o p r i a t i o n
of $100 by t h e S t u d e n t Association for c u r t a i n s . T h e r e
were enough s t u d e n t s w h o t h o u g h t t h a t $100 was a lot
of curtain money to investigate t h e situation. As it
t u r n e d o u t we c a n afford a lot of c u r t a i n s . W h a t some
people would like to know is—where did we get all t h e
money a n d why didn't somebody tell us. I t is r u m o r e d
t h a t today in Assembly t h e Board of Audit a n d Control
(the only board without a plank) will deliver a few
monosyllables c o n c e r n i n g the s t a t e of our budget—
said budget being several h u n d r e d dollars to t h e good.
This newly c r e a t e d board h a s a big job to do we'll
admit—and we'll a d m i t t h a t it's only h a d a little time
to get s t a r t e d . B u t one of t h e main r e a s o n s for
abolishing F i n a n c e Board w a s its inefficiency. W e
expect bigger t h i n g s from the n e w one . . .
. . . T h e N E W S Board a n d c l a s s m a t e s of J a n e H e a t h
were saddened a t the news of t h e recent d e a t h of h e r
father. To J a n e , friend a n d loyal worker, we extend
our deepest s y m p a t h i e s . . .
This week we would like to r e p r i n t p a r t of a letter
written by a soldier from S t a t e . Everyone r e m e m b e r s
Stan Abrams, president of t h e class of '45 last year
and it seems to us t h a t S t a n gets across pretty well
what a lot of our boys f e e l . . . .
" . . . . / w a s (/lad to hear that you liked State and
Ihc people of State; they're tops, and if it's a firm
for the future you're looking for, you can
have that In State College . . . . I would like to be
back in Albany once more, back In Sayles Hall
leu femmesi,
back with the men who once were and
are no more.
One year at State has put it in my
blood and I hope it will do the same for you.
I don't know how well any of the kids remember
I hope I'm not entirely gone and forgotten.
For I
still hope to get back when this whole mess has
blown over and the air is again clear. But the Boul,
chapel, the N E W S , and all the other components
Stale are plainly before me even here in God's forsaken country . . . . I have a copy of the NEWS and
my yearbook and all have been read and re-read over
Don't work too hard, be good and for gosh
don't fall for an RPI lug . . . "
. . . . As for o t h e r people . . . . Bob B a r t m a n says t h a t
the Army h a s finally recognized h i s true worth . . . .
He h a s been promoted to P F C . . . . Nick Morsillo is
now receiving basic flight t r a i n i n g as avaiation c a d e t
at Bainbridge Army Ah' Field . . . . 1st Sgt. Bob Teeter
writes from C a m p Van Dorn, Mississippi t h a t his
most interesting experience was r u n n i n g across Dr.
Wallace Taylor's n a m e on his K . P . list . . . Bob Seifert
received his pilot's "wings" a n d commission as second
looie from R a n d o l p h Field, T e x a s . . . . G r a d u a t i o n
from t h e Air Corps W e a t h e r School a t NYU included
Alonzo DuMont, 37, Bob McGregor, '37, Mike DeGoia,
'36, Alan Woodcll, '42, a n d Harold Bulk, '41 . . . .
J o a n i e tells us t h a t Hank Ruback, '44, is now a t
Yale studying communications . . . . And to Dale Wood
a n d Terry Smytlie who are back today (we h o p e ) , we
say hello fellows it's good to see you back . . . . Dale
g r a d u a t e d from O C S yesterday . . . Handsome, d e bonair Ensign Ed Holstein is in Seattle, W a s h i n g t o n
when he isn't out in t h e little boat, we h e a r from
a u t h o r i t a t i v e sources . . . . And Fred Beyer of t h e
rakish air boys is in Albany, Georgia . . . . Bob Peters
is in Drew Field, Fla.
Can't resist a plug for tlie N E W S . . . . A letter from
J i m Zubon in C a m p Chaffee, A r k a n s a s . . . Quote . . .
I am with split seconds to split a n d actually find
myself r e a d i n g t h a t notorious r a g called STATU COLi.niiK NEWS . . . . Unquote . . . You're welcome, girls.
The revolution a g a i n s t the P.O., s t a r t e d by t h a t
radical Red, T r e c e Aney, h a s a s its new m o t o "Down
with the press a n d the STATIC COLLISUU N E W S . . . . T h e
NEWS might retaliate with "Down with the C o m m o n s
herd—up with t h e P.O.—letariat
Anyone who knows of a soldier who in not gutting
his, or would like one of, the N E W S , please gut in touch
with Lillian Gross . . . . Also p i c t u r e s of t h e boys,
especially in action, can be put to good use. . . .
Weekly Bulletin
(icurKlii l l i i r i l c s l j , ' I I , iippciilH h i .-ill S l i i l i ' I'ulli'Ki' h l u
lIlMIlN I'm' r r , i n I'll,ill I n n s hi 111,' liluuil InlliK
T i l l ' l|llulll hi
In- illli'ii I'ur S i m . ' i'ii||i.|fi. i i n j - , .Nnvi'iiilii'i- |, |H n i m h u n d r e d .
Klmli'iiirt hiii'i'i'hh'il HIHHIIII K | . | III l i i u r l i Willi M U H l l i m l i - H l y
by J e a n n e Bailey
Tuesday evening, Advanced D r a - rise to her usual heights, she did
prove her ability to carry the p a r t 11111111 - 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 I \
of a h a r a n g u i n g , hen-pecking wife.
T h e second play, a comedy dirS l i i i l i ' i i u wiKliiiitf IHII'I Mini' I ' l u p l u ) iiii'iii u r n } sltfii u p
ected by R u t h Fine, did not offer the III ll
I llll' Hl'llll III' WlllHI'll.
actors so much opportunity for c h a r Mllidc C I I I I I I C I I pi'i'm'iiirt I'c>111-j111 T l i l l i i l i l l t , I'llixu
acter portrayal, since It was mainly O c t . H aIf!
ll. Ainlltiirliim, S;lh P.M.
a play of plot. T h e story was not Old. HI (.'milium D a y , H I I M I H T U m i l f r o m lli.'tu I ' M in
,*:;il) P . M . In c i i l l u g o ImlldliitfH. O b s l u i d u NU'UH In nl'i
unusual but It h a d a certain a m o u n t
d a y NKIIH a n d
of audience appeal. Special praise
IjMHtii, I ' a u u H a l l a i i i l l l i i r l i i m , «.11(1 P . M .
goes to Bill Mallory as t h e butler O c t . ('iililjillif
Ml I n i i ' i ' v a i ' H l l y ( ' l i i ' l x l l u i i l-'i-lli>vvMjiip m u n l l i l y m o o t who really looked and acted like a
lliu, WuIlliitfUill l i n l c l ( i i ' c c n I t o o i l l , N;IMJ P . M .
O c l . Ill -Muutllltf ill' P a n A l l l l g u a H | H I I I I H 1 I C I I I I I a t 1 :M\ P . M .
Considering t h e choice of plays, ocl. Ill:'ollll'HucuuUi
ciiiitiiraiini, imder misulces of M U M Hoboth actors a n d directors succeeded
duly, WIIMIIIIIKIOII Avciini! HyniiBiiKiic, t :.'1(> P.M.
in fulfilling all t h e possibilities in Oct. l!(l 'rim American llallail NIIIKCI'H', iflllii HelBiimHtor,
dlroctlnif, Albany liiHllliitii nf Illiduiy unit Art, 135
the productions.
\\ uniting tun Avu. Student tlokots fitly cunts ulua in*.
Today is the last day on which the student body matics raised t h e curtain on their
may register for War Activities. Throughout the first plays of this season,
week it table has been maintained in the Rotunda at
Mary Dee Alden, director of t h e
which students could stop and register for any first play, presented lo the S t a t e
type of war work they desired. Up to the time College audience, a novelty in t h e
form of monologue.
Despite t h e
at which the NEWS went to press, only one-eighth difficulties
encountered In t h e proof the student body had taken the trouble to do so. duction of a monologue, Miss Alden's
No one need be remined of his responsibilities plays as a whole, succeeded in holdin regard to the war effort. It has been repeated ing t h e audience's a t t e n t i o n . At
limes t h e m o v e m e n t was static beoften enough, The machinery for organized war cause
of a m o n o t o n y in lines, but
work in the College has been set up by War Activi- this fault lay in t h e a c t u a l conties Council, Now it is up to the student body to struction of t h e play.
decide if it should be left to rust.
Although Lucille K e n n y did not
Number Drops From 204
To 145 Second Semester
T h e second semester Dean's List
for 1942-43, released by Milton G.
Nelson, D e a n of t h e College, shows
a decrease of 59 n a m e s as c o m p a r e d
with t h e first semester list. I t i n cludes 10 m e n a n d 135 women. Of t h e
10 m e n t w o a r e from t h e Senior class
o n e from t h e J u n i o r class, a n d seven
from t h e Sophomore class. F o r t y o n e Senior, 61 J u n i o r s a n d 43 S o p h omores c o n s t i t u t e t h e c u r r e n t list.
« IHHS of Mill: Siiiiya Hiilslian. E d i t h
Heard, AiU'lla Ituccl, J u n e Carlson,
Kiin'i'iire I'nlicn, Madura llallc.v. Itlt.i
Duly. G e r t r u d e Diiiiiin. ,loHeplihu> DeCiisl.'iir/.n.
Elgin, Piilrleiii P r e y , ltuili Frieilinan.
( t r u s s , Hetty H a r p e r .
lleriluiau. J e a n
Kiil'kii, (i. Bert n u n
Kile}', KuKeniti
LillCllllllBC, Pllll'U'lil l.allnicr, Nillale I,evine, Helen M.ii-1 inniilil, Evelyn Me(iiiwan,
Mil riot),
Mlsiirelli. JVaiilic Mniire, Mary Mnrelimisi', Winifred M u m s . Anne M u r p h y ,
Ilannelnre Hehoen,
J e u n n e l l c Slia.v, AtiKcln Slracn, CnlliI'l'lue Smith, J a n e l I,. Smith, Ada Sn.vih'i'. M.irj.Mi'i'1 l.iiih. \ i
y Wiiciix.
Kli/.iilielli W i l l i a m s , anil H u r r y W u r l z .
C'IIIHH of IDlii: I'aliicrine llll lerniiin.
KIIIII Itliilie. All
fmldhiirtoii, Coastal
( ' i t , b u m , I'lihilyn Cook, Ellssnhelh
CollN'll, Clara
Haley. Balielle Davis, Marian K. Davis,
Vi'l'kin Dei'lieilrnsian. Ann I
Anna Dillon. J a n e l Donahue. Marilyn
Eher. Muriel Keldman, (trace Fielder,
J e a n n e l-'illiiian. ltuili I'iiic Anne I'YIliS,
Dulcie (Inle, huelle (iiinle.v, Martha
( i a r d i n e r , Florence (larl'all, J u n e Center,
Norn (iiavolli, Cecile (iolilliei'tfer, H a r o l d
(ioldsleln, Marnlyn (lay, Nancy Hull.
C a r o l i n e Huslirimek, Eleanor l l a y e s l i p .
Irene Heck,
Iteiiii llidni|i. Kllaiilii'lli
Howell, Marie Hunter. J o a n Il.vlind,
P e a r l Is'ken, M a n i l a Joyce. Ann Keehlo.
Lucille K e n n y . Estelle Konloleon, Anila
Leone. J a n e l Malher, Marlon Miinzer.
Mary Now, Lolly Tallin
-r. Miriam
quililiin, J o a n
IJuiiia. J a n e
( t r a c e SIIIIIIK, J o a n Smith. P h y l l i s Snyder, Marion Sollle, J o s e p h i n e Valetih,
Miirirarel Wales, Amies W i l l e d . Cm'
Iruile Vanowilz. anil Anila Zli'irler.
( l u s h of liilii: HInulcy A b r a m s , Mar
jjuerlle A n d e r s o n , Mildred Alisoluicnt,
Sylvia Hnrnk. T h o m a s Boyltin. Dili*riel P.rnkni.'iii. Carolyn Brumal, ltuili
P a u l i n o e l e v e n , Virginia Cornell. Frederick (You'll}', Elizalielli l l o r m a n , C
Elizabeth F a u s t . Patricia Feehaii, M.
Hubert I'Vrlii'i'. NVIIIc Clod, J e a n (iriffill, Belly
Hans,'ii. Priscllla
Doris Ivi-s. Adele Kaspi-r. Solum Krois
lierg. Mnrjji' K r l k k e r . ltuili Krilejrer.
Link. Xanini
M a r t i n , J a m e s Miner. Dorothy Myles,
(Vila S a n e r , Llizulioili O'Xeil, Blanche
P a c k e r , Doris (.nihil Alma Itosei, Carmola Itiissn. Ceilevleve Salilllini, Marie
Hciulder, T e r e n c e Suiylh, Clara Stopp,
Sidney W e i n m a n , Helen Wnjtiil, a m i
Margaret Worsley.
Orchestra Plans Sophs Threaten Green Gremlins
1943-44 Program In Rivalry Banner Hunt Tomorrow
D.V. Smith Gets "Plastered"
During Luncheon Speech
I t was certainly a n impressive
speech. I t certainly left a n i m pression.
Dr. D. V. S m i t h , P r e s i d e n t of
C o r t l a n d S t a t e T e a c h e r s College,
was addressing a luncheon m e e t ing when his speech, in reality,
brought down t h e house. T h a t is,
t h e plaster came down—plaster
a n d plaster. T h e ceiling fell with
the kind of ideal timing t h a t perh a p s comes once in a lifetime. I t
was crumbling h u n k s of plaster,
instead of tomatoes or orchids,
which Dr. S m i t h found himself
He a n d his company, deciding
maybe all wasn't so safe as it
might be, sought out a c h u r c h
house where D. V. finished his
speech in peace.
By t h e way, freshmen, if you
h a d come to college a year sooner
you probably would have h a d t h e
pleasure of getting acquainted
with Dr. D. V. S m i t h , t h e former
Professor of Social Studies a t
S t a t e College. Too bad you missed h i m .
After a successful first rehearsal,
the S t a t e College Symphony Orchestra, under t h e direction of Rosalind
Ginsburg, '46, will u n d e r t a k e its first
venture a t t h e W a r Bond Rally
at Albany H i g h School on November 9. Before T h a n k s g i v i n g , Miss
Ginsburg p l a n s to present a n assembly program, featuring some of S t a t e
College's musical t a l e n t along with
the orchestra. After C h r i s t m a s , t h e
exact d a t e is n o t yet known, t h e
orchestra h a s been engaged to play
for the Albany Light Opera Company.
T h e program will feature
music by S t r a u s s .
For t h e second semester, t h e orchestra h a s scheduled its own concert, a n o t h e r assembly program, a n d
a program for t h e Women's Club, in
accordance with t h e custom s t a r t e d
by Bernard P e r l m a n , '42.
Quoting Miss Ginsburg, " T h e first
rehearsal was a complete success,
despite t h e lack of violins. T h e brass
and woodwind sections a r e excellent,
and all violinists are urged to come
to the Little T h e a t r e a t Milne on
Wednesday, a t 7:45 P.M. T h e r e is
also a need for a tuba player, a n d
A person who is n o t present at the i n s t r u m e n t will be furnished."
a n Assembly in which a S t u d e n t
Association election is held m a y not
vote in t h a t election unless h e or
she h a s a legitimate excuse.
a. A legitimate excuse consists of:
1. Practice teaching a n y time from
11 to 12.
2. Working in t h e cafeteria from
The S t a t e College Directory, under
11 to 12.
b. A time a n d place shall be speci- the editorship of J a n e Southwick,
fied by Myskania when persons with '44, is sponsoring a cover contest in
which any s t u d e n t may submit an
a legitimate excuse m a y vote.
Note: On Friday, October 15, 1943, entry.
a person having a legitimate excuse
The only rules in the contest are
may vote from 12 to 1 in Page Hall t h a t the sketch be made on paper,
at a special table for t h a t purpose.
size 9 by 13';: or 6 by 9. S t a t e College Directory a n d 1943-44 m u s t be
printed somewhere on t h e cover.
New Residence Council Rule
The contest closes October 22nd,
on which d a t e the Directory goes to
Geraldine Merhoff, '44, President press. As yet only two of t h e three
of Residence Council, a n n o u n c e s the judges have been chosen. They are
Council decision in regard to hours Miss R u t h H u t c h i n s , Assistant P r o for college functions. T h e ruling is fessor of Art, a n d Dr. Howard DoBell,
t h a t a n y exception to t h e regular Professor of M a t h e m a t i c s .
closing rules for a n y college function
Three new members have been
m u s t be secured from t h e Council.
staff this
Among these exceptions a r e Music added to t h e Directory
Council's presentation of Conrad week. T h e y a r e Charles Turcotte,
Thibault, a n d t h e A. D. plays. Resi- '44, Virginia Tucker, Philip Laschindents m a y get permission for ex- sky a n d B a r b a r a Crocker, freshmen.
Myskania Resolution
Directory to Sponsor
Cover Design Contest
tended hours on these nights, if
those in charge of t h e functions
Christian Fellowship to Meet
speak to t h e Council.
SCA, Newman Club and Hillel
Schedule Full Program for Year
by Siinna Coopci
In order not to lose sight of our war effort. To s t a r t t h e year off,
religion a t a time when we a r e fight Newman Club will m a i n t a i n the
ing to preserve the very right of S t a m p Booth
the balcony of the
religious freedom, along with our Commons for lour weeks. For furo t h e r i n h e r e n t privileges, the t h r e e thering morale, each m e m b e r will
m a i n religious organizations of t h e assume t h e responsibility of writing
College h a v e placed unusual e m - letters to a wounded soldier in Attica.
phasis on a thorough planning of Newman Club
T h e Newman Club choir, newly int h i s year's program.
stigated tills year, will sing benedicS t u d e n t Christian Association
tion, go caroling at C h r i s t m a s time
SCA's o u t s t a n d i n g presentation of a n d participate in the "Big T e n "
t h e year will be t h e celebrity, Emily program for December.
K i m b r o u g h , who Is c o - a u t h o r with
Among Newman Club's primary
Cornelia Otis Skinner of "Our H e a r t s
events of tills Fall is the Mass which
Were Young a n d Gay." Miss K i m will be held a t t h e G r o t t o of Our
brough will m a k e Iter guest a p p e a r - Lady of Lourdcs, Sunday, October
a n c e a t S t a t e on March 3. At 24.
A C o m m u n i o n breakfast at
present, she is in Hollywood assisting Newman Hall will follow the .serin a movie production of her c o - vices. Ai the next few meetings,
w r i t t e n novel.
F a t h e r Cahill, chaplain, will be presEvery year HCA organizes a club ent lo explain a n d discuss the Mass.
exclusively for freshmen. Such an
Next spring, Harp's Riot, traditionactivity is Club 47 which will hold al Newman Club dance, will also inits first meeting October 28.
clude a variety e n t e r t a i n m e n t proO t h e r Fall projects for HCA Include g r a m . This social affair will be held
t h e S t a t e College Sunday Service on St. Patrick's Day in the Commons.
which will take place in t h e First Hillel
Presbyterian C h u r c h til 11 A.M., a n d Hlllcl aims to devote a great deal
t h e T h a n k s g i v i n g Service a t the U n i - of time this year in cooperation with
t a r i a n C h a p e l on November 23. A the college war acllvlies.
panel discussion is also being p l a n Hillel h a s also formulated plans
n e d between the rarer sex (such as
Naval C a d e t s a t R.P.I.i a n d a group to celebrate all religious holidays.
T h e first will be a Succoth celebraof freshmen women.
tion at the Congregational Ohav
Among t h e war acivities of SCA Sholom on October 20.
will be a p a g e a n t in December p r e s T h e most i m p o r t a n t religious a c e n t e d in collaboration with Newman tivity In t h e spring will be tlie PassClub, Music Council, a n d D & A. All over services.
proceeds will be turned over to t h e
During t h e year, Hillel will present
"Big T e n . "
several lecturers who will speak on
Nearly all of Newman Club's u n - a variety of topics concerning rell
d e r t a k l n g s a r e correlated with t h e gion a n d t h e war.
The October monthly meeting of
tlie State College c h a p t e r of I n t e r varsity C h r i s t i a n Fellowship will be
held October 1G in the Green Room
of the Wellington Hotel.
Robert Lazear, Schenectady missionary-elect to Columbia, will speak.
School, Nurses' T r a i n i n g School,
R.P.I., and Union will join witli S t a t e
at thi.s meeting.
The entire s t u d e n t body is invited.
A group will leave Pierce Hall for
the hotel at 7:30 S a t u r d a y evening.
by Betty O'Neill
"Two little G r e m l i n s
Sitting o n a stoop,
Comes a Blue Devil
And knocks t h e m for a loop."
Beware green little G r e m l i n s !
W h e n t h e Blue Devils let loose t o morrow, a n y similarity between your
b a n n e r a n d t h e t a i l - e n d of a Salvage
Drive will be purely self-explanatory.
F r o m 12:30 u n t i l 5:30, any Gremlin
who h a p p e n s to be underfoot will be
badly t r a m p l e d on.
You call yourselves t h e "Green
A more a p p r o p r i a t e
n a m e is n o t to be h a d . There's
n o t h i n g greener, certainly, a n d w h a t
is a Gremlin, b u t a pest. P e s t s a r e
always b o t h e r s o m e , but never of
m u c h value. R a b b i t s , for instance,
eat up g a r d e n s , a n d all they a r e
good for is t h e i r hide. So with you,
little Gremlins.
B u t don't fret—
we'll tan your
Boasts h a v e r u n g out from several of y o u r m e m b e r s , t h a t t h e
Green G r e m l i n s will heckle the Blue
Want to Win a Bond?
Buy Ticket to State Special
T h e rabbit to be pulled out of
the h a t October 30 a t t h e AllS t a t e Special will be in t h e form
of a $25 W a r Bond. This bond
will be won by some student in
the donation contest t h a t night.
Everyone is urged to buy his
ticket now. $120 is t h e aim of
each presentation, t h e total profit
being used in some contribution
to t h e war effort.
C o m m u t e r s c a n buy their tickets Tuesday a n d Wednesday at a
table in t h e lower hall of Draper.
A ticket a g e n t in each group
house will be available to s t u d e n t s
living there.
T h e goal set by Myskania a n d
S t u d e n t Council will be a t t a i n e d
only t h r o u g h t h e cooperation of
all S t a t e s t u d e n t s . So—all you
Staters—back t h e attack by backing the first "Big T e n , " t h e AllS t a t e Special.
Commuters Club Holds
First Meeting of Year
T h e C o m m u t e r s ' Club held its first
meeting for this year last Tuesday
in Room 100 of D r a p e r . At t h a t
time, plans for t h e year were p r e sented by Dorothy Dralle, '45, President.
Letty P a l m a t e e r , '45, was elected
Secretary of t h e club. Members made
tentative a r r a n g e m e n t s to serve a t
the W a r S t a m p Booth. A Hallowe'en
party is planned for Friday, October 29.
Although tlie club now h a s thirty
members, Miss Dralle declares, "All
commuters a r e invited to join. A
good program is planned."
T h e next meeting will be a luncheon party on Tuesday, October 19
nl noon.
Devils until t h e end. T o m o r r o w ' s
B a n n e r H u n t will tell t h e tale. T r u e ,
t h a t they a r e — c a n slip into u n s e e n
places. B u t , c a n they avoid S a t a n ' s
watchful e y e ?
T r u e , also, t h a t you o u t - n u m b e r
us by almost t w o to one, b u t t h e
Sophs h a v e t h e s t r a t e g y to dodge
the s w a r m s of G r e m l i n s t h a t g u a r d
your t r e a s u r e .
E v e r y nook a n d
c r a c k will be t h o r o u g h l y investigated. No holds will be b a r r e d in securing t h e b a n n e r from t h e v e r d a n t
So it a p p e a r s t h e contest is t o be
N u m b e r s vs. B r a i n s , or Green
Gremlins vs. Blue Devils.
quality will prove most a d v a n t a geous?
P r e d i c t i o n s a r e not in order, b u t
don't be too s u r p - i s e d if, after t o morow t h e halls of S t a t e College
vibrate from t h e ferocity with which
the Sophs b u r s t forth, a n d t h e walls
echo their t r i u m p h ! !
Campus Day.
(Continued from Page 1)
Coronation Ceremony a t Night
T h e p a r a m o u n t feature of t h e
Campus Day tradition is t h e crowning of t h e new C a m p u s Queen in
the evening.
Tomorrow night a t
8:30 P.M. in P a g e Hall, t h e s t a r t of
the Royal Procession will be a n n o u n ced by two Sophomore pages. T h e
a t t e n d a n t s , t w o women from each
class who h a v e been chosen by S t u dent Council, will lead t h e Procession. T h e new Queen, donning t h e
traditional long black e r m i n e - t r i m med cape, will be t h e last to e n t e r
the auditorium. T h e Procession will
then go up a n d down t h e aisles a n d
up onto t h e stage, where t h e 1941
queen, Marion Duffy, will crown
the new C a m p u s Queen, who will
then occupy t h e t h r o n e a t the corner of the s t a g e .
E n t e r t a i n m e n t will be provided
with t h e p r e s e n t a t i o n of t h e S o p h o more a n d freshman skits. A new
system is being i n a u g u r a t e d this
year by a w a r d i n g one a n d a half
Rivalry points to t h e winner of t h e
skit. T h e j u d g e s will base their decision on cleverness a n d ingenuity,
execution, a n d audience enjoyment.
Following t h e skits, t h e new C a m pus Queen will lead t h e Recessional
to the g y m n a s i u m w h e r e d a n c i n g
will conclude t h e evening's festivities.
Re:NEWS Advertising Manager
At a recent m e e t i n g of the N E W S
Board, J a n e P i c k e r t , '44, Business
M a n a g e r of the STATU COLLEGE N E W S ,
was officially g r a n t e d t h e right to
combine her duties with
usually designated to t h e Advertising M a n a g e r . This c h a n g e was necessitated by the resignation of
C a r m e l i n a Losurio, '44, former Advertising M a n a g e r , who h a s left
DIAL 5-1913
Try Our Businessman's Lunch
In a Friendly,
1 9 8 - 2 0 0 CENTRAL AVENUE
Department Store
Noi th Pearl Street, Albany, N. Y.
I M Stages Two; Frosh Expect to Mangle Foe;
Ramblers Ahead Sophs Plan on Frosh Massacre
Falcons Also Triumph;
M A A Plans Revisions
Bert KHeyStudent Association
N. Y. State College for Teachers
Dear Children:
This is your boy Bertram, speaking. Bertram, who is Director of
MAA, member of Myskania, Sports
Editor of the
A •!
mailbox commisar of Campus Commission, loyal Rambler, incurabe
Tuesday night ham, and a God-forsaken commuter to boot. Oh yes, I
got classes too.
Let me see, there must be something else. I work eight or sixteen
hours a week (depending on what
time I get home Saturday night)
loading box-cars. I allow myself the
luxury of an occasional date.
This full life permits me from
four to six hours of sleep per night.
It also permits about four to six
hours a week of studying. I imagine
I could get along until warnings before the lack of studying caught up
to me; but I'm good for another
week at the outside without sleep.
Yes, that's right—something has
to go, before I do. Shall we go over
the list together?
My boys need me on MAA. In fact,
I feel that I've been neglecting them.
The NEWS doesn't need me, but I
must spread the Oat-Bin to the service boys in the far-off Brooklyn
Navy Yard. I also like writing the
tripe. Since I'm taking AD, it is
to my advantage to be present at,
direct, and be in plays.
The mailboxes are an ideal spot
to work off my Monday morning
spleen throwing out small and undated notes. The box-car loading
is de rigeur. The occasional date
is pleasant. I love my Ramblers
deeply and could not bear to part
with them.
What does this leave? Good old
Myskania. It has been the custom
in the past for busy Seniors to put
in their appearance in the black
nightie and leave the work to the
others. And I might add that there
is a lot of work to Myskania.
In my biased opinion, this year's
Myskania is the best that I have
seen. I do not arrive at this decision by considering the members
individually, but by what they, as a
group, have done. There is no need
to go over its accomplishments;
I'll spare you that.
I find it impossible to put in as
much time on this organization as
it requires. I could follow precedent and content myself with the
Friday morning appearance, but
the kids deserve a better break than
that. I do not have time to be more
than a figurehead—and we want no
more figureheads on Myskania.
And so I hereby tender my resignation from Myskania to the Student Association. I give it to you
because Myskania is your organization and I feel that you should know
why I have taken this step.
And to you members of Myskania:
I'm sorry, kids, but I really don't
wish to share the credit for the great
job you arc doing.
Your boy, Bert.
The IM football games will be
continued next week according to
the previously announced schedule.
The Falcons, flashing a very
tricky attack, succeeded in downing
the Sheiks in last Tuesday's game
by a score of 18-6. The scoring
honors were very well divided among
the members.
The Falcons scored all their points
before the hapless Sheiks were able
to put across a tally. Their first
count came as Coulter pulled down
a short pass on the Sheik 15 yard
line and went across unmolested.
Then Read received a teammate's
lateral and made the second Falcon
touchdown. Finaly, Daly swept wide
around right end from the 1 yard
line to score.
The Sheik's lone six points came
late in the contest. It was added
as Bininatl, advancing a flat pass,
outmaneuvered the secondary to gain
the Falcon's goal line unscathed.
In a game played last Thursday
the Ramblers, sparked by Dickinson,
went to their second straight triumph
when they blanked the Falcons 36-0.
By the same means they became the
only undefeated team in the IM
The first three touchdowns were
counted as Dickinson broke away
and ran wild early in the game.
Two of the scores were made as he
received passes deep in the enemy's
territory and the third came after
a long twisting run. Then Hammond took a pass from Kiley to add
the fourth six-pointer.
Soon after, Tabner in attempting
to advance the ball was tagged in
back of his own goal line for a
safety. Dickinson gathered in the
kickoff which followed and ran it
all the way back to end the scoring.
McCarthy was a bulwark on the
defense for the Ramblers. Throughout the game Tabner and Fancher
threatened to break loose, but
through lack of a diversified attack
they failed to come through.
MAA is considering plans to revise
its schedule so that more men may
W A A Rivalry Races
To Be Held Tomorrow
The Rivalry obstacle races, a regular feature of the Campus Day
Program, will take place tomorrow
morning at 10:15 on the Page Hall
field. Pat Patterson, '47, and Georgette Dunn, '46, are in charge of
teams for their respective classes.
Since this is the first rivalry event,
there will be considerable interest
on the part of upperclassmen as
well as the competing classes. This
contest will show something of the
spirit of each class and give a preview of the tempo of coming contests.
Kit Herdman has arranged for
three races in the form of relays.
The first will be the traditional
suitcase race with four girls from
each class participating. In the
next event, a three-legged race,
four couples from each team compete. The final contest will be the
fifty yard dash in which three members from each side are to he enterW A A Net Tourney
ed. One point shall be awarded to
the victor In euch contest, allowing
Entering Second Round for a division of points.
Three members of WAA council
The women's tennis tournament is will act as official judges for the
at last in full swing, with all the day.
first round matches completed. All
first round games were to have been Sophs Challenge Juniors
finished by Monday afternoon, and
according to Josio Simon, captain
The Sophomore girls have chalof tennis, this has been accomplish- lenged the girls of the Junior class
to a hockey game to be held Sunday
The first round scores are us ut 2 o'clock on the Dorm Held.
follows: Hilt defeated Nuccitelli, 0-0,
Last year the Rivalry hockey game
6-2; Scudder beat McOlinn, 0-3, 2-0, was a very close contest, with '45
0-7; Polsky defaulted to Davidson; coining out on top to the tune of 3-1
Hollis lost to Bohen, 0-2, 0-1; Garfall after a previous game ended in a
defeated Callahan, 0-1, 0-3; Simon 1-1 tie.
won by Cohen'n default; Egerton
beat Knapp, 0-1, 0-3; Shoup lost to
Uiavelli, 0-2, 0-2; and .lane Braithwaite won over Mury Bruithwaite,
Emil J. Nagengast
6-4, 4-6, 6-4.
Only one match of the second
Your College Florist
round is completed, and so Flo Garfall is the pnly known contestant
Cor. Ontario at Benson St,
for the third round, as a result of
her defeating Bohen, 6-2, 6-1.
by Hilt and Bittner
Double, Double
Toil and Trouble.
Sophomores burn and
Freshmen bubble!
Dubbed by the Dean, "Indigestible
Mouthfuls," the Frosh spirit has
been more than the Soph's diet can
take. From the first moment they
arrived, their class name has been
spelled with a small F. Their manacled spirit smoldered, as they
watched the Sophs entering the
front door of Draper, as they had
to suffer through that Sophomore
skit (?) and Sophomoronic Sullivan's slurs shout out against them,
as they fumed at seeing rooms once
ship-shape now a wreck. Now because they have trifled with fiery
spirits; the blaze which they have
kindled can never be extinguished.
Hockey is Answer
One way to show their exuberant
spirit is HOCKEY. At every hockey
practice you can see ten Freshmen
to one Sophomore. Are they so
good? Of course they have had
a year's practice and a representative at hockey camp. But where is
their organization, their team, their
SPIRIT? The Gremlins have all
this and Freshmen too! You can
see the go-gettingness of their team
in Gloria Baker's elusive passing
and nifty teamwork. Her leadership
has iivened the Frosh. For seeing
Gloria in action is seeing the Sophomore's on their road to defeat.
Betty Margo has the long drives
and the ability to take over the
field in any position. What a surprise to see the crafty wing, Anne
Mastrangelo, steal a "sure shot"
from under the Sophomore's nose
and go flying down to Shoupie's
territory. She can stop practically
every ball and every Soph. Center
Fran McCormick is their gal, Doris
Doran covers the backfield like a
"vet," Lois Fillman, their speedy
inner will be among the many seen.
Some of them knew nothing of
bullying, corner shots, roll-ins or
even how to hold a hockey stick.
But they have learned! Practices
are showing more coordination and
players more speed and accuracy,
players more speed and accuracy.
Next Wednesday is THE day. The
Frosh have, to their credit, many
industrious practices—Sundays as
well as week days. Can the Sophs
say the same?
Our goalie, Tillie Telian, a morale builder of the Green Gremlins,
is sure to be a demoralizer of the
Blue Devils.
Thrice the Gremlins Green have
tried. Thrice and once the Sophomores whined. Freshman cry:
by Johnston and McGrath
The dauntless Blue Devils, armed
with hockey sticks and sporting a
look of fierce determination, will
meet the Green Gremlins on the
hockey field—and disprove the
theory that green things burn slowly!!
Shoup, fresh from hockey camp
and "Slackie," that demon of all
sports, will spearhead the offensive.
According to one of our undercover
men, the Blue Devils may have a
tough time in distinguishing their
opponents from the bright green
field between the Dorms.
Employing the usual Gremlin tactics, the frosh have attempted to
undermine our defense by trying to
clear our own Burczak off the field.
Such refined sabotage has proved
unsuccessful so far. This is unfortunate for the frosh, since Burczak is doing a bang-up job (and we
do mean that literally) in holding
the goal in the place of Mike Buetow,
Strong Forwards
Up in the forward line, Shoup and
Slack, aided by Kendall, Maloy, and
Dunn will lead the Blue Devils in
their attack. This dynamic quintet will be staunchly supported in
the backfield by Lulkowski, Sabatlni, and Van Auken.
Seymour is in the line-up as fullback, and if we judge her fighting
spirit by her exhibitions on the basket-ball court, she will prove to be
an invincible opponent.
In looking over the prospects of
the Soph team, we must not neglect
the obvious capabilities of the frosh
Undoubtedly, you have heard of
the phenomenal speed of those Green
Gremlins—now if they would only
direct their energy to such things
as coordination in their passwork,
they might get results!!
Two of the proud bearers of the
Green flag will be McCormick and
O'Grady. It is too bad that such
good fighting Irish spirit will have
to be repressed, but remember they
are contending with Sophomores!
Flip Malloy ought to give Mastrangelo plenty of stiff competition.
Both of these girls seem to match
up fairly evenly when it comes to
covering their side of the field—
Mastrangelo does her job as wing
very well, but superior intelligence
will be the decisive factor.
Who is that Gloria Baker, anyhow? Too bad the Frosh have to
have one good player—it makes it
hard for the rest of the team.
So come out, Freshmen, we'll need
somebody to clean up the torn and
battered green bodies after '46's
•Margo ByrneWe are constantly amused by the
little anecdotes in regard to horseback riding, which drift in from
time to time.
There's the one about the horse
who balked in the middle of a four
lane highway and refused to budge,
scaring the daylights out of its rider and her companions who didn't
know whether to get off and push
or just attempt to lure it over to
the shoulder by remote control.
And then they tell about the time
relen Coh'^i, with one foot flying
free from the stirrup and her horse
traveling at a fast trot, turned her
head to yell, "Am I posting, kids,
am I doing it right?" How she was
staying on at all, much less worrying about the technicalities, puzzled
her associates.
Mary Straub reports meeting a
likely looking group of men, who
were a little too eager to display
their equestrianship and challenged
the State College maidens to a race.
The gals sent them on their way but
But what we like best is the remark made by the stable owner who
discovered his customers were from
this institution. "State College?"
Well, the next time you come I'll
send somebody along to teach you
how to ride." Then he started looking his nags over for evidences of
Open Tennis
Nears Completion
Next Monday afternoon Flo Garfall and Bob Ferber will meet on the
Washington Park courts to settle the
tennis championship of State College.
In the semi-finals this week, Flo
Garfall triumphed over Josie Simon,
and Nora Giavelli was upset by Bob
Last Sunday Garfall beat Simon in
straight sets, 7-5, 6-4. Simon put up
a courageous fight and it was only
Garfall's powerful drives and ability
to cover the court that enabled her
to come out on top. The break came
in the eleventh game of the first
set, when Garfall broke through
Simon's service for the first time.
The other match went to three
sets, 6-0, 4-6, 6-3. Throughout the
whole match Giavelli was bothered
by Ferber's unorthodox style of play.
She recovered to take the second
set, but a rest between the second
and third sets seemed to cool her off.
Have a Coca-Cola=Welcome, Short-Snorter
M r i
A L # N Y , N. V.
liege News
Freshman Class
BAC Explains Present Status
To Vote Monday O f Student Associations Funds
-by Betty LaFaro-
'47 First Class to Use
The focal point of the student the college budget. Ostensibly, these
New Preferential Ballot body's queries, qualms, and conjec- duties are clear and well defined.
The class of '47 will initiate three
, new voting procedures when its
' members vote for their class offi'< ,'
cers on Monday at 3:30 in Room 20.
This year's freshmen class will be
the first to use the Preferential
Ballot in a class election. Another
innovation will be the one minute
speeches by all candidates for class
presidency, preceding election. The
third change concerns the time and
place of voting. Previously, class
elections were conducted all day in
the Commons. This year, the balloting is to be completed in approximately half an hour at the close
of Orientation meeting.
Nominations opened last Monday
and closed yesterday at 3:30 P.M.,
approximately one-fourth of the
class being represented on the list.
The nominations are as follows:
President: Betty Jane Bittner,
John Coulter, Miriam DeCormier,
Fred Fancher, Margaret Palmatier,
George Poulos, Elsie Stockman,
Joseph Franceilo.
Vice-President: Harriet Abrams,
Jane Braithwaite, Lee Braun, Rose
Marie Brock, Julia Collier, Evelyn
Dorr, Gertrude Kasper, Patricia
Kearney, Ruth McCarthy, Irene McCormick, R. Paul Kenrose, Marjorie
O'Grady, Gertrude Smith, Mary
Elizabeth Sullivan.
Secretary: Celena Axelrod, Alice
Becker, Sally Dunn, Frances Fegley,
Mary Hayes, Helen Honeycomb, Joan
Keenan, Eunice McGlynn, Carolyn
Michel, Catherine Quinn, Doris Raymond, Dorothy Rider, Elaine Uffman.
Treasurer: Ann Callahan, Clyde
Cook, Rose Devine, Robert Dickin(Oontinued on Page Jt>
tures seems to have become that
august body known as the Board of
Audit and Control, formerly called
Finance Board.
The Board, advised by two faculty
members, Mr. George M. York and
Mr. Edward Cooper, is composed of
four Seniors and two Juniors. Its
purpose is to distribute the student
assessment t$12 per person) among
the various activities and to control
Forum Chooses
Bailey Speaker
Jeanne Bailey, '44, is the new
Speaker for Forum, as a result of
the elections Wednesday in lower
Draper. Betty Hamilton, '40, was
elected to the office of Treasurer.
Miss Bailey will officially assume
her executive duties Wednesday,
when Forum holds its second meeting of the year in Room 28 at 3:30.
At this time, members will have
the opportunity to sign up for the
various activities and committees
within the Forum organization,
some of which are Poster Making,
Stamp Booth, Panel Discussions,
Movies, Book Reviews, Soap Box,
Guest Speakers, and Refreshments.
The Forum Board has planned
variety programs for the ensuing
meetings. College "gripe sessions,"
information on Army insignia, personal appearances of WACs, and
attending the State Legislature constitute but a few of the plans.
Those people who still wish to sign
up for Forum, as well as those who
have not yet paid their dues, will be
able to do so at the meeting Wednesday.
Why then the chaos, melee and general disruption which have permeated the last two assemblies? What
is it all about?
Various members of the Student
Association have attacked the Board
on the ground that it has been inefficient and negligent. Mr. York,
defending the Board, stated that
"if it, (the Board) has been inefficient, then it has been so by being
too conservative, conservative to the
point of saving approximately $1500
of the Association's funds." The surplus as it "stands on the books" is
$2513.44, an unprecedented sum,
Against this, however, w( must consider expenses already on the horizon.
Lost year's budget was $10,824.30.
To date we are $840 short of that
sum. Forty members of Student
Association have not paid their dues.
This means that assessments have
been collected from 830 students,
amounting to $9,984. The total
amount of expenditure this year is
Large Surplus
Some of this amount has been
accumulated in the following manner: Drapes, $100; $50 more alloted
to the original budget for the Freshman Handbook; and refunds for
students who have left since the
beginning of the semester. Therefore, of our standing surplus, the
$1,323.44. This accruement is greater
than anticipated because several
organizations did not use their full
allotment. Five hundred dollars
was returned from the $1800 established for the budget of the Pedagogue, and $533.40 from the Infirmary Fund. But, Mr. York hastens
to point out, "If these sums had
(Continued on Page >i>
War Activities Registration
Falls Short of Former Years
Dean Warns Against Cuts
Correcting what he has termed
"wishful thinking," Dr. Milton G.
Nelson, Dean of the College, issues
the following statement: "Certain
upperclass students are hereby
reminded that any student who
is absent from a class in excess
of the number of the semester
hours carried by that subject is
considered to be delinquent in
attendance. This maximum number of absences includes absences
for AM. reasons whatsoever, both
excused and unexcused.
"This means that a person who
has been so unfortunate as to
have any illness cannot expect to
absent himself voluntarily from
classes. It seems that the person
who has gone through the most
of the semester without any absence whatsoever is justified in
asking for special excuses in order
to accomplish some personal purpose."
SCA W i l l Sponsor
Service October 31
Student Christian Association will
hold its traditional State College
Sunday service In the First Presbyterian Church on State and Willett
Streets next Sunday, October 31, at
11:00 A.M.
Doctor Howard Lane Rubendall,
pastor of the First Presbyterian
Church will delivei the morning address.
Eunice Baird, '44, President, and
Dr. John M. Sayles, President of the
College, will speak. The SCA choir
wMl also participate.
Queen Pat Dons Royal Robes to Lead Campus Day Processional
by Virginia Efflcry
"Mirror, mirror, on the: wall,
Who in fairent of them all?"
Everyone had his own opinion,
but what about the student, body as
a whole? Days of suspense dragged
by, and then Campus Night appeared
with all its stored-up anxiety.
The auditorium
was packed.
Rumors of who was to be "Campus
Queen" spread. Handkerchiefs were
twisted, newly painted nails were
peeled. The audience tried to sit
Then, as the lights dimmed, Kit
Kendall and Peggy Casey, Sophomore pages, sounded the trumpets.
The doors of Page opened wide and
the new Campus Queen, clad in
while satin, made her grand entrance.
Put Latimer, will) her
"beauty, bruins, and brawn" was
leading the Procession.
Cheers? The hall shook with I he
spontaneous roar of approval. Smiling, Queen Patricia approached the
stage where mil's Queen "Duff"
(Marian Dully Quinni attended by
O/./.ie Serabiaii and Kit ilei'dinun
removed the crown from her own
dark hair ami placed il on Pat's
head. Tlie lircalh-taking moment
of crowning passed, ami midst
the applause, "Her Majesty" and
attendants. Trece Anc.v. Mildred
Wirosloff, Dorothea Smith, Nancy
Mall, Uuncvievc Stilt'.s. Marie Scudder, UegiiiM Srliinvk ami Kiiliii'c
McCllyun. seated themselves on the
stage, Here I he Queen and her
Court remained during tlte rest of
The 11)43 Campus Queen, Patricia Latimer, sainuimlril by her court, Itnh Hoy, page Imy, and
the program.
Heft to right) Kcgiiia Srluicclt, Maris Scudder, Nancy Hall, Trece Aney, Mildred Wirosloff, Dorothea
What next? The Soph and Frosh
Smith, Genevieve Stiles and Kim ire McGlynn.
skits, per usual. The Frosh did their
best in trying to win by sheer lung searching look ill their eyes were covered the secret hiding place of
When Myskania members saw
power but the "Blue Devils" walked seen dashing from building to build- the '47 banner—the Inside of a that "green" Jonesie was being
away Willi the first. U» rivalry ing and splashing around the muddy gym mat.
badly stepped on, they "put their
campus. The banner hunt was in
Turmoil boiled as tlie "Blue foot in" and the '47 banner cume
But that Is not all that happened full swing and many a bruising Devils," clinging to tlie green cloth, into their possession. It will bo hidrushed from Page Hall right into again in the near future.
Campus Day, for at the eventful brawl followed.
hour of 12:30 P.M. the "Gruesome
Frosh trouble began to bubble the arms of tlie gruesome, black and
Down-trodden and down-hearted,
Greens" and tlie "Blithe Blues"—a when keen-eyed Peggy Oasey un- blue-some, Gremlins.
tContinued on Pago J/>
Two-Thirds of Student
Body Fail to Sign Up
With World War II entering its
third year, only 336 students of State
College have registered for war work,
representing approxmately onethird of the entire student body. As
compared with 531 registered in the
past year and 539 the year before,
the enrollment has dropped considerably.
The class of '47 led in the registration with a total of 125. Ninety-four
students from the class of '46, 69
juniors, and 47 seniors completed
the list.
Volunteers for 20 Activities
Of the 20 activities offered, Typing
and the Stamp Booth received the
most entrants with totals of 121 and
102 respectively.
Various college
clubs and organizatons have also
donated their services to the Stamp
Eighty-four potential blood donors
signed up last week. Georgia Hardesty, '44, Chairman of the Blood
Bank, said that release slips have
been issued to registrants under 21.
Any student who has not received
a release may contact her. Miss
Hardesty emphasizes that November
4 is students' day at the Blood Bank
and that volunteers are needed to
complete the quota of 100 set for
Other courses and services with
their registration figures are as follows: Knitting, 95; Surgical Dressings, 85; Blood Donors, 84; Office
Work, 77; Elementary First Aid, 72;
Nurses' Assistant, 46; Nursery School
Assistant, 36; Sewing, 31; Poster
Making, 24; Home Nursing Training,
21; Advanced First Aid, 21; Nurses'
Aide Training, 12; War Records, 12;
Dramatics, 6; Writing, 5; Salvage, 2;
and Rationing, 1.
Faculty Membership Increased
President Sayles has appointed
two additional faculty members to
War Activities Council: Dr. Harvey
M. Rice, Professor of History, and
Dr. Mary G. Goggin, Instructor in
Latin. Other faculty advisers are
Dr. E. C. Stokes, Dean of Women, Dr.
M. B. Scotland, Assistant Professor
of Social Studies, and Dr. L. C. Jones,
Assistant Professor of English.
Next week will be the last opportunity for students to enroll in some
activity. With 20 varied courses
offered, there is a place for every
college student to volunteer his services. Final registration will be in
the Office of the Dean of Women,
first floor Draper.
SEB Requests
44 Registration
Miss Doris Kelly, bead of the
Student Employment Bureau, requests thai Seniors and graduate
students who have not yet registered
and wish to. do so Immediately.
Otherwise, the bureau will not be
able to as.si.st them in obtaining a
teaching position.
There is a registration fee of five
dollars plus an additional lee of
three dollars for all inexperienced
teachers that is, Seniors.
Every registration, once placed in
the files of student Employment
Bureau, is permanent, and tlie registrant may return at any time to
secure assistance in obtaining a
Miss Kelly stated that, although
most of tlie Seniors have already
registered with the bureau, there
are still several who have failed to
do so. The required folders may be
obtained in tlie Student Employment
Office in Milne. Seniors are urged
to complete and return these folders
as soon as possible since they must
all be In before Thanksgiving vacation.