Document 14064067

PA<3£ 4
Run, Jump, Yell, Eat, Play Ball
EEP Wins Trio;
A t W A A Super Sports' Spree
Nears l-M 7 itle
By Margo B y r n e
Girls of State—shake a leg—wiggle y o u r ears (it helps y o u r sinus
a n y w a y ) — l i m b e r u p those a t r o phied muscles in preparation for
that rowdy rumpus—Harp's Riot
(plug) or just in expectation of
The increased tempo of the i n t r a Spring, beautiful Spring.
m u r a l schedule has caused changes
Why, at WAA's a n n u a l Sports Spree
in t h e race for scoring leadership.
which is going to m a k e the steel
Hal Singer forged into the lead, disbeams of Page Hall Gym tremble
placing Chillemi, who was idle this
from 8 to 12 P . M . tonight.
week, as both individual and team
A t the door tags will be given
scoring record w e r e smashed r e out to assign the girls to teams (this
to build u p a healthy, happy spirit
E E P set what is perhaps an all
of competition). T h e n they w a n d e r
time high in i n t r a m u r a l competiabout and amuse themselves as
tion with 61 points. Two nights
fancy dictates. Badminton, basketlater Singer tallied 28 points against
ball, volleyball, dodgeball, p i n g KDR to smash another all time
pong and darts should cater to the
varied tastes of WAA's guests.
Other statistics show that SLS
For those whose talents r u n to
has either played the cleanest ball
watching r a t h e r t h a n playing, the
(or covered u p the best) for they
S a t u r d a y morning m a r t y r s will offer
have committed only 48 fouls in
a fencing exhibition. Is it for n o t h eight games. Potter still holds the
ing that these b r a v e souls have
offensive lead with 383 points in
routed their sleepy heads out of
ten games, while the Ramblers
bed on practically t h e break of day
claim the title of best defensive
every Saturday? If only to prove
that we appreciate them, let us give
The ten high scorers are as folthem riotous support this evening.
Those girls who can really take
G. Pts. Av.
a beating may join in the folk d a n c 1. Singer, EEP
10 90
ing. However, W A A assumes no
2. Chillemi, Dorm
8 81 10.1
responsibility for injury.
3. Dingman, Ramblers 10 79
To fittingly climax an exciting
4. Gipp, EEP
10 76
evening, a free lunch will be served.
5. Olivet, Finks
9 74
Need more be said?
6. Kiley, EEP
10 64
Dot Townsend and Mary Domann
7. Evans, EEP
7 84
are co-chairmen of the affair. Dot
8. Baden, KDR
9 55
urges all girls to come "for fun and
9. Flax. KB
10 53
frolic." She says, "Perhaps you'll
10. Bittman, KB
6 49
discover that some sports you never
Team statistics are as follows
have tried are loads of fun.
BePts. Opp. Om. Opp. Pis.
sides, who'd want to miss our Round
Scored Pts Av. Av. C o m .
Robin P i n g - P o n g g a m e ? "
383 238 38.3 23.8 83
For the uninitiated this is played
199 205 19.9 20.5 86
by several girls on each side i n KB
257 215 25.7 215 77
stead of the usual one or two. Each
192 210 21.3 24.0 79
girl attempts a r e t u r n and then
2:!7 292 23.7 29.2 92
passes the paddle on to the next.
17(1 230 22.0 29.5 48
Novel, yes? Don't forget you are
193 235 21.3 26.1 80
invited to join in a n d enjoy y o u r selves. Come one; come all.
Singer Leads In
Scoring Turmoil
Potter Club practically assured
itself of the i n t r a m u r a l basketball
championship Wednesday afternoon
when they defeated t h e second place
Rambler team. One w i n in their
next two starts will bring them the
trophy, now in College House's p o s session.
In gaining its third victory in as
many days, the State S t r e e t q u i n t e t
outpointed the R a m b l e r s 32-23 in a
hard fought game. T h e losers kept
within striking distance d u r i n g the
first two periods, b u t brilliant t e a m work and passing enabled the v i c tors to d r a w away in the second
half after leading 16-12 at i n t e r mission.
Monday night Potter C l u b avenged
an earlier defeat by overcoming
KB 38-26. The opponents were u n able to show the power that they
did in the first encounter, and E E P
held a comfortable lead throughout.
At halftime they were ahead 21-13.
Tuesday KDR fell as victims b e fore the Potter steamroller to the
tune of a 53-28 score. Singer set a
Four Stilt Standing in WAA
'Champ v$ Chump' Tourney
WAA's c h u m p vs. c h a m p p i n g pong tourney h a s finished the s e c ond round. In t h e c h a m p ' s c o r n e r
we h a v e the second r o u n d w i n n a h s ,
Helen Bushnell, Nora Giavelli, Lore
K u h n and J e a n n e Mullin.
In the chump's corner, the losers
wait their chance to r e d e e m t h e m selves. The winner of these matches
will meet the " c h a m p " in the e x citing finale, and the then successful
combatant is victor of the t o u r n a ment.
P a t Gregory, ping-pong's active
captain, says, "The g a m e between
Giavelli and Mullin this w e e k
should prove interesting because
both girls have excellent style."
new individual scoring record for a
single game as he rolled up 28
points to help his team r u n a 19-12
intermission score to a one-sided
In the other game Tuesday K B
defeated the Finks 31-29 in an overtime game. The losers had a 16-11
advantage at the half, but it took a
last second basket by Mennilo to
knot the score at 29-all. Kensky
put in the only basket in the extra
period, while Olivet and he stood
high with 15 and 12 respectively.
A n e w schedule of games has
been a r r a n g e d for the WAA b a s k e t ball t o u r n a m e n t . F r o m now on two
games will be played on Wednesday
nights and one on Monday afternoon.
Delta Beta Chi again defeated its
opponent by the usual one-sided
Domman and LaSalle a c counted for most of D - B - C ' c 34
points while BZ received its four
points from Casey and Stitt.
In the second game, the teams
were more evenly matched. In a
fast a n d furious struggle N e w m a n
was victorious over Psi Gam, 32-23.
Garfall, e a r n i n g 18 points for N e w m a n and Slack 17 for Psi Gam.
G E O R G E D. J E O N E Y , P r o p .
D I A L 5-1913
Try Our Businessman's Lunch
198-200 Central Avenue
As Bowling Nears End
The WAA bowling t o u r n a m e n t is
drawing to a close and a great deal
of interest is being shown in the
last games.
Psi Gamma, which has lost no
match as yet, holds a strong lead in
first place. Cooper House is second
and Newman Hall is in the third
Tied for t h e fourth r a n k
are Kappa
Moreland Hall and Phi
Delta are tied for the fifth position.
Newman Hall in two games, and
Kappa Delta won two games from
Gamma Kappa Phi. These contests
will be finished this afternoon, in
order to get the final scores.
The team standings are figured
according to a point system based
on scores. Cooper, in second place,
is only three points ahead of Moreland and Phi Delta, (tied for last
place), so it b impossible to predict
which team will finally come out
second, due to this slight difference.
Credit goes to Helen Stuart, '45,
for her league game of 213—the
highest score turned in so far.
Lois Dann, captain of bowling,
says that so far, this has been a
very successful season and that she
hopes to see the completion of the
tourney next Friday.
or black.
6 l() I\A
C r e e n , n a v y , r e d , jk n o
L o n d o n or n a v y .
Step in and Look Around
C L A S S I C S H I R T by A n n W y n n .
Simple, long-sleeved, with button
cuffs, b r e a s t p o c k e t . F i n k , b e i g e ,
blue, yellow or while. Sizes
Snappy Men's
5J to Jtt
226 North Allen St.
Albany, N. Y.
Reserve Memb<
lonesome Girls In Pierce
To Get Longed-For Break
Receive Summons
"Girls, girls! 150 real live men,
with legs a n d everything, are
coming here," shrieked Peggy
Pierce-Haller, r u n n i n g into the
room and collapsing on the floor.
"Keep calm, girls," said her
r o o m - m a t e , "she gets these spells
"No, you don't understand,"
enough to tell the girls that Dean
Stokes had really invited 150
RPI Naval cadets to a "closed
o p e n - h o u s e " at Pierce.
Tomorrow night is the r e d letter night for cadets and d o r m ites alike. Arc the girls in seventh heaven? Well—obviously!
To Active Service
Exams W i l l Determine
Credit to Be Awarded
During the past week, most of
the r e m a i n i n g 41 m e m b e r s of the
Enlisted Reserve Corps have r e ceived their call to active duty, and
will leave within two weeks.
very few, mainly mathematics m a jors, had not y e t received their
orders, however.
In order to compensate students
for work already done during the
semester, Dr. Milton G. Nelson.
Dean of the College, released the
following notice.
At a special meeting of the C u r riculum Committee held on March
12, 1843, the following additions
were recommended to the President
of the College and approved by
Exams to Be Given
Senior students
now in army or
navy reserves, who have completed
have maintained good college record
and attendance
to March 24, 1V4J,
and who file a written request
the Dean, if approved by llie Curriculum
Committee, may be p e r mitted to try a proficiency
examination, in the subjects for which iwu>
If the results of said
proficiency examination justify
the Senior student
sufficient hours and points, lie is to
receive /its degree at commencement to be held in June, t°4J.
Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior
students (also Seniors not electing
about',/ now in army or navy reserves, who have maintained satisfactory college standing,
regular attendance
at classes
March 24, IV4.1, are to have the
courses for which they are regis
tured on this dale entered
their permanent
record card as "in
course," Upon completion o\ army
service and upon evidence that advanced study has been continued in
(i miinner satisfactory
to the Curriculum
may request in writing « proficiency
examination which, if passed
will yield full credit in
(lie course or courses recorded as
"in course" and for which said proficiency examination
is set.
Seniors May Get Degree
In order to carry this out, all
mid-semester examinations are to
be held before Wednesday.
Seniors, these exams will act as
final exams, and upon passing the
proficiency exam, they will obtain
degrees in J u n e ,
However, as
staled in the notice, a Senior must
have pursued his studies until the
present and completed his practice
teaching, as well as not having an
excess of cuts. However, registration with the Dean is necessary before the proficiency exam may be
For underclassmen, completion of
miil-seins with satisfactory results
will allow u student to apply for the
proficiency e x a m s alter he returns
[roil! service
Intersorority Council
Rejects Ball Suggestion
Now Showing
2 2 1 C E N T R A L AVE.
Girls' Basketball League
Nears End of Season
Psi Gamma Leading
C'OLLEttF Fn o
against the proposal to have Intersorority Hall March 20th, the night
before Dorm Formal, at a meeting
on Wednesday afternoon, The idea
was proposed when it was definitely
known thai the ERC's would be
All sorority girls attended u
meeting held Wednesday noon to
find out how many girls would
come to the dance if it were held
at the proposed date
definite could be decided till the
Illleibority Council meeting when
Veina Snyder Debbold, president,
announced that either a ball or
some function would be held later
in May.
Ex-State Teacher
Dies In Albany
Mr. Barnard S. Bronson, retired
head of the Chemistry Department
at State, died S u n d a y evening.
Professor Bronson was a g r a d u ate of the Stale Normal School at
Gcneseo. In 1008, he received his
bachelor's and
from Columbia University.
year he was appointed to the faculty
here and served until 1939.
His uncle was the late William
Milne, a former president of State,
in whose honor the Milne School
is named.
Dr. John M. Sayles, President of
the College, paid tribute to Mr.
Bronson's scholarship and recalled
him as a man "greatly beloved" by
his students. Said Dr. Sayles, "He
was an authority on dietetics, and
was the author of a book. 'Nutrition
and Food Chemistry',
which is used
extensively here and abroad."
Professor Bronson was also widely
known as an authority and lecturer
on birds and other aspects of natural
He was also a fellow of the
American Association for the A d vancement of Science.
Mr. Bronson also held m e m b e r ship in the American Ornithological
Society. A u d u b o n Society, A m e r i can Chemical Society, American
Museum of Natural History, and
the Albany C o u n t r y Club.
One of the rooms in Sayles Hall
is dedicated to Professor Bronson.
Since his retirement from Slate,
Professor Bronson had remained in
Albany, residing on Lenox Avenue.
Dewey Emphasizes Importance
Of Teacher-Training Institutions
Special Session
Begins June 26
Necessary Factor
Eighty-seven freshmen have to
date signified their intention of r e turning to college for the 1943 s u m mer session under the accelerated
conditions recently offered to the
Class of 1946 by Dr. Milton G N e l son, Dean of the College. The session is also open to Sophomores. This
session, which begins J u n e 20 and
ends on August 21 is entirely separate from the regular s u m m e r session which is this year scheduled
for July 5 to August 15.
One section of the accelerated
session will be made up of s u b freshmen, members of the incoming
freshmen class. There will probably
be from 25 to 30.
Those freshmen who continue the
eight-week course for three successive summers eliminate one full
year from their college schedule.
The Sophomores who attend this
session for the next two s u m m e r s
will reduce the time until g r a d u a tion by one semester besides gaining
six additional credit hours
The regular session is open to all
whose records will permit. It is
usually attended by those who wish
to lighten their regular college p r o gram, and teachers who have only
ten-year provisional certificates.
Students Are Reminded
Of Part In Democracy
Freshmen, Sophs to Sing
For Rivalry Points Friday
A week from today, during
assembly, the
Sophomores will compete for the
two points awarded for Rivalry
The contest shall be judged on
the singing of a class song and
the alma mater. This latter song
must be original in words and
Three faculty members will
act as judges.
Although last
year's losers, this year the class
of '45 is ahead in rivalry. The
present Rivalry score is 17'A for
the Sophomores and 2 for the
Forrell o Palace, Milne a Foe
To Seniors from Schroon Lake
• by liarhnrn I'lilnamSomething was different in the
P.O. last Monday something indefinable. There was almost an air
of formality in the place an u n heard of 1' O. atmosphere
11 was the editor himself who
solved the mystery, Pointing to a
railing, he said, "There lieth the
evidence!" And sure enough, midst
scarves, and gloves, lay three neatly
placed precisely on lop of each
"Why, they must belong to those
Schroon Lake high school seniors."
Whereupon the editor looked at the
associate editor, the associate editor looked at the desk editor, and
the desk editor grabbed a pencil
mid notebook and started looking
lor ilu' Schroon Lakers,
They weren't hard to Unit,
In every building a J u n i o r
Guide was ellieiently herding his
charges through the halls.
fust group die desk editor encountered were r e t u r n i n g from the gym.
where they had just played a
rousing basketball game with the
T h e score, they said,
elided at 4(3-40 in favor of Milne,
but it must be understood that only
llirce Schroon Lake Varsity men
were playing. "We're going to come
down again and really trim them,"
said one girl. Guide Ray Verrey
added that northerners "made Milne
look very foolish."
All in all there were seventeen
students and two faculty advisors
visiting the city. One of the advisors was Miss Nan Emory, a
graduate of this college in '39, The
thing that seemed to impress the
students most was the extreme
friendliness of everyone they had
They had dined at Sayles
Hall, visited the group houses, even
attended (.'lasses, and they said
"everybody had been swell". They
were also especially impressed by
the science labs and by the Farrell
The desk editor noticed that the
Schroon Lakers looked a bit sleepy,
and upon inquiring, she soon found
the answer
One Ho> Williford
gave the following disclosure:
"Some of the kids went down to
the Rainbow Room last night, but 1
was a good boy 1 stayed at the
hotel and played cards until 7
All of which may bring buck
memories of high school trips we
took not so long ago. . . .
Taking time out in one of the
busiest weeks of the present legislative session, Governor Thomas E.
Dewey issued a special statement to
Gov. Thomas E, Dewey
Krikktrlioikfr Xews f'hotot
Women Seek
Revision of Rules
Poll Voices Complaints
Against Residence Council
In an attempt to d e t e r m i n e the
basis and extent of the complaints
against Residence Council, a poll
was taken of fifty girls chosen at
A majority of the girls
interviewed were from the main
dormitory, b u t there w e r e
representatives from other group
houses—Moreland, Farrell, N e w m a n
and sorority houses. The form was
distributed equally to each class.
F o r t y - t h r e e of the 50 girls felt
that some revision of Residence
A majority of t h e girls
were in favor of proportional r e p resentation.
In reply to the question "Do you
think that there should be a r e vision of Residence Council r u l e s ? "
49 out of the 50 replied in the
Of this n u m b e r , 10
girls were in favor of the revision
merely for purposes of clarification.
Others mentioned
which they felt were unfair.
two rules to which they most o b jected were the ones about calling
the president of Residence Council
for late permission and the rule
banning blanket permissions. Mentioned less frequently were the
rules about having no late p e r m i s sions after a warning, and dismissing men from the houses an hour
before final curfew.
The girls stressed the fact that
a great deal of the difficulty seemed
to arise from a misunderstanding
of the rules and their interpretation.
On one of the forms was the s u g gestion that some method be found
whereby girls could air their c o m plaints and ideas
A report of the
poll was compiled and sent to
Residence Council.
Dr. Smith Assembly Speaker
Dr D. V. Smith, Professor of
Social Studies and Chairman of the
Department of Social Studies will
address Ibis morning's assembly
Tin 1 title of his address is "Long,
Too Long, America", a quotation
from Wall Whitman's I.euros
(trass. This quotation, written with
the Civil War in view, Dr, Smith
will apply to the present conflict.
Dr Smith has recently been a p pointed President of Cortland State
Teachers College by the Board of
Regents of the University of the
Stale of New York.
N E W S from
office in the State Capitol. A c c o r d ing to the Governor, State College
and all other institutions t h a t a r e
training young people to become
teachers are playing a major role
in the furthering of democracy and
Governor Dewey believes that it
is the d u t y of student teachers to
acquire as much knowledge as
possible to ht them for their role
as educators of future American
youth. He stresses the importance
of broadmindedness on the part of
future teachers, and the need to
realize the vast scope of their r e sponsibility as members of their
chosen profession.
Following is Governor Dewey's
complete statement:
State College can be a vitally
important factor in the years that
lie ahead. The 850 m e m b e r s of the
student body will in t h e future be
teachers for thousands of young
American boys and girls.
Maintaining the high s t a n d a r d s
of American education will lake
extra effort and sacrifice in w a r time. But the result will d e t e r m i n e
the quality of our teachers of t h e
ftil tire.
It is the duly of all those who
have chosen teaching as their p r o fession to avail themselves of every
possible means, not in conflict with
our war effort, to receive t h e widest
training on education. They must
keep an open mind on t h e p r o b lems of our rapidly-changing world,
always remembering that they will
be responsible in the years to come
for the education of a new g e n e r a lion of American citizens. They
must remember that American boys
now dying on
throughout the world to preserve
our free institutions. It is their
special privileges to instill in t h e
youth they will leach profound d e votion to the principles of our free
Thomas E. Dewey,
Not only does Governor Dewey's
statement complement the opinions
of Dr. George D, Stoddard, C o m missioner of Education In the State
of New York, but also those e x pressed by many of the State College faculty in the series Why
in Teaching?
now being
featured in the NEWS.
Debate Squad Schedules
3 Meets In Near Future
The Varsity Debate squad will
engage in three major discussions
in the forthcoming week.
This evening in the Lounge, a
group of Sophomores will engage
the Uuniversity of Vermont on the
lopie Post-war Reconstruction.
Following this, Mrs. Verna Snyder
Debbold and Dorothy Huyek, Seniors, will travel to Colgate next
week-end to participate with speak
LIS from that college on
Sliouhl be the Form of World Governmenl After llie War?
On March 2(i, Solomon G r e e n berg. '43, and Harry Wurtz, '44, will
take part in a round table discission
with Columbia University at New
York on Should the United States
Government Guarantee Jobs After
the War'!
After that, a discussion
on Post War Planning with New
York University will take place.
Established May, 1916
by the Class of 1918
No. 21
Friday, March 19,1943
Vol. X X V I I
Associated Collegiate Press
Colltgiatt Digest
The undergraduate newspaper of the New York State College for Teachers published every Friday of t h e college
year by t h e NEWS Board for the Student Association.
Phones: Office, 5-9373; Slavln, 2-9726; Burrows, 2-2752
• • n i l l N T U Ton NATIONAL ADVMTiaiNS »T
National AdvertisingService, Inc.
ColUf Puhlithtn Rttnutilalivt
New YORK, N. Y.
The News Board
All communications should be addressed t o the editor
and must be signed. Names will be withheld upon request. The STATE COLLEGE NEWS assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed in its columns or communications as such expressions do not necessarily reflect Its
Dawn, 1943
The ERG is going. The draft and the other
reserves are taking their toll. Stale College is
striving for a satisfactory enrollment next year.
Seniors are asking themselves "Should I take a
job? What about a fifth year?" Others speculate about Russia, about marriage in war-time.
.Some draw blueprints of a future in a world
that may never come.
It is an aimless existence that we, the youth
of today, are leading. We are the generation
that never had a chance; uncertainty is our inalienable heritage. Everywhere advice assaults
us, advice we cannot possibly take in lull or in
part, Already the even pattern of college life
that those before us knew is a myth. We have
lost the ability to enjoy life, sacrificed the power
to take what we want from it.
OH YES? Wake up, young America—this is
"no time lor comedy." For too long a period
now have we deluded ourselves into the above
state of mind. Perhaps we have been rather unfortunate—so has Germany. Must we then invent a Treaty of Versailles on which to pin our
injuries? There is but one answer that we, as
students of democracy, can make. That answer
is NO.
We have definite choices to make, definite
places to assume, just as fully as any Noting
people of any other age. We have to wade
through an ocean of ill-aimed advice, we have
to decide whether our main duty lies in the
present or in the future. Then we have io do
something about ihe decisions we reach.
Lei's not immediately jump to the conclusion
that our place as teachers in the peace is the
major concern ol our lives. Perhaps the United
Nations will find thai experience has been the
besl teacher for the totalitarian states, and that
outsiders will be bitterl) resented bv the conquered countries. When- then are our fundi)
laid plaits for romantic careers? What pan then
due-, Ik'sliu) play?
lake lime out- -breathe, \oung America.
(.laiilv the issue before vou. Then, proceed,
lor nothing will be able to iiop wm from at
laming the goal v MI elect. Vou are siill and
aluavi will be yourself, soul decisions do and
always will make your own future. Votti chance
ii as good ai the next person's. Your chance is
bciicr than thai alforded io anjone belore you,
jot a challenge has been thrown to you in a time
when vou are best qualified and besl able to
meet it.
Democrat) is behind you. Democracy has not
failed vet. Democracy will not fail now, milevs
we loigel that we aie iis lore hbcarcrs. And
ihen, voting Aiiienia, and iheu?
War Fronts by Ryan
Poet to Private-More Publicity
Major Contribution of Teaching
Dr. Lang Reports
Planned (or State Lies In Lessons of Democracy
This is the second and final inservers of chaotic anarchy.
ChilA year ago last September, t h e
stalment of an article by Dr. Allen
dren will not be ruled by m a n d a t e s
appearance of a new prof in t h e
By Committee
J. Hicks, Professor of Education, on
which they obey because they fear
English department evoked a steady
Free Frenchmen Revolt In Savoy;
Giraud Repudiates Petain Rule
The startling development of this
week of w a r was the guerrilla w a r fare begun in the Savoy province of
Under the leadership of
the old general Cartier, free F r e n c h men began to challenge Nazi d o m ination. And in this Alpine p r o vince, with its high peaks, rushing
streams, and sudden avalanches it
looks as if the rebellion can hold
out for quite a time. I t is reported
that Allied planes a r e dropping
arms and food by p a r a c h u t e . A n d
the American, sitting by his radio,
felt humble in t h e realization that
half-starved F r e n c h m e n knew p e r haps more certainly t h a n lie that
"freedom is a h a r d - b o u g h t thing."
In B u r m a the J a p a n e s e suddenly
launched a new offensive.
admitted that they had to readjust
their lines as a result of t h e a t tacks, b u t reported their infantry is
being supported by t h e R. A. F.,
which was bombing J a p a n e s e positions.
In North Africa G i r a u d pulled off
one of the smoothest diplomatic
moves of this w a r by repudiating
the Petain government.
This left
his pro-fascist supporters with the
choice of resigning or changing
their political views. Rigaud and
Bergeret resigned.
It looks from
here as if the ticklish situation in
North Africa between democratic
and pro-fascist forces has been
cleared u p by one swift move.
The Russians continued
epic advance t o w a r d Smolensk, and
reported the c a p t u r e of several villages along the w a y . In t h e K h a r kov area the situation continued
without a noticeable change, w h e r e
Russian troops a r e staging their
titanic defense against the G e r m a n
motorized forces. (It seems titanic
and epic are t h e only words to use
when talking about t h e Russian
At home, interest in p o s t - w a r
plans was aroused by the Eden
visit. Eden is believed to be s t r e s s ing the Anglo-Soviet p o s t - w a r tie,
since Britain is evidently planning
to abide by the spirit and the letter
of h e r t w e n t y - y e a r treaty with the
Soviet government.
And in Congress, Senator Ball
introduced a resolution calling for
a United Nations organization to
consider definite p o s t - w a r plans.
Connally, C h a i r m a n of t h e Foreign
Relations Committee, pointed out
that this lacked approval of the
White House or of Hull, and warned
of letting debate on p o s t - w a r policy
interfere with the present war,
The Parting Shot
by Ellen S w a r t o u t shifting the emphasis to c h a r a c t e r i Advanced Dramatics rang down
the final curtain on s t u d e n t - d i r e c t e d
Bert Kiley, as n a r r a t o r , made an
plays Tuesday, March 16, with the
easy, nonchalant e n t r a n c e to help
presentations of Mary S t u d e b a k e r
prepare the audience for the "new
and Rliona Ryan, Junior?.
trend in d r a m a . "
The curtain
Miss Studebakcr's play, a m u r d e r
opened on an empty stage enclosed
drama, was well cast with Hal A s h by dimly-lighted drapes. Expert
worth and Ruth Schmilt sharing the
lighting, which so effectively created
center of the stage.
the ethereal, o t h e r - w o r l d a t m o s Even though the set lacked depth
phere, was a contributing factor to
and appeared over-crowded, the
the fine, polished production.
The entire cast is to be complanned and balance was m a i n mended for proving that unity of
tained throughout Ihe entire pereffect can overshadow individual
performance a n d leave a single i m The fundamental weakness, h o w pression of good w o r k m a n s h i p . I t
ever, lay in the failure of the cast
would be unfair, however, to omit
to sustain good voice projection.
special mention of Trece Aney, who
There was a definite need both for
portrayed a tremendously difficult
increased volume and tempo for a
role which d e m o n s t r a t e d h e r fine
truly excellent production.
dramatic ability.
Vera Willard's
Miss Studebaker skilfully utilized
pantomine, too, deserves c o m m e n t
the slow movement of the rocking
in that it epitomized the difficulty
chair and the steady tick of the
of acting without tangible p r o p e r clock to create an uncomfortable,
quiet, mysterious mood.
But the
This State College Play season
play failed to build toward the
could not have e n d e d more successstrong, dramatic climax intended.
fully nor with nicer memories. As a
Miss Ryan's offering for the e v e n parting note, thanks to the s t u d e n t ing was decidedly the better p r o directors who made Tuesday night
duction. This director had fewer
plays worth seeing.
It would be
technical problems as far as set and
fatal not to mention t h e c o n t r i b u properties are concerned than did
tion of George Edick, the star of
her partner, Miss S t u d e b a k e r . But
the intermission e n t e r t a i n m e n t of
this in itself created difficulties of
the final show.
an entirely different n a t u r e by
Old Gripes, Old GloryDear
For two years I've been wading
through the gripes and grouches of
every abnormal eccentric in the
college and so I finally say to m y self, "Nobody's more abnormal or
eccentric than me, so I guess I'll
write a letter to the editor too."
I've been saving my gripes for two
years and I got a lot on my mind.
First off, every time I go to A s sembly, I get caught In a traffic jam
outside the auditorium that's got
New York City beat fifty ways
When I finally push, crawl, or get
thrown to the door, I find out that
the cause of all this is two people
who are collaring everybody lo give
them a "Soapbox". Now I his isn't
nothing personal against "Soapbox"
- f a c t is, I'm kind of partial to it
myself. Bui I'm against mobs—and
anybody who says there isn't a mob
outside of Assembly just don't have
all their buttons. Why can't they
put it in the rotunda like the NKWS
Are they afraid nobody'll read it?
Second thing I'd like to know is
what happened to the Annex
sandwich? I got all excited—told
my landlady she wouldn't have to
put up my lunch anymore- wo was
going to have decent lunches at
school, and what happens?
What happened to the Committee and most important, the sandwich?
And one more thing - t h e lower
hall of Draper was all fixed u p nice
at the beginning of the year. Why
does the whole thing have to be
spoiled by some dirty old unpainted
lockers? We're never going to i m press nobody that way.
Well I guess I had my say. Can't
think of nothin' more.
Me Too
* *
Dear Editor:
Once, about a century and a half
ago, there lived a gentleman with
T h e r e was a war
going on; he was in it A good bit
of time he spent in trying c i r c u m stances, bravely, watchfully — and
The gentleman of p e r severance ended up with a song.
Now, another war; again we're in
it. Perhaps we can call assembly
a trying circumstance and boast
we're brave, watchful (lor Noon)
and hungry.
We end up with a
song too, just like the gentleman;
in fact it's /lis song. Bui the groans
and grumbles immediately preceding the song reveal a decided difference from the gentleman with p e r severance.
Can't we, at least under the guise
of patriotism, sing the Star Spangled
Banner with some of its original
emotion and enthusiasm?
Do Bell and Henrickson
To Photograph Activities
each one of us ERCS
release a WAAC for more active duty.
. ..
Don Vanas stepped o u t of the role of typical Association President long enough to instigate a much
needed budget reform, a n d while it is not his a m e n d ment that stands on t h e books, a large share of the
credit rightfully belongs to him. He broke the i c e . . . .
We point with pride to Frances Bourgeois and her
Press Bureau, the u n s u n g heroes of the Publications
Office who day in and day out go quietly and efficiently about the business of keeping the name of
State College before t h e reading public . . . Working
without benefit of the noisy "glamour" of the NEWS,
or the sororal "glamour" which seems to characterize
the Ped office, this B u r e a u is the true publicity committee of State, as far as the s t u d e n t body goes. . . .
Cap't. Jack Ryan, bomber pilot, has been reported
missing in action since March 6th . . . Was recently
decorated for bringing the bomber "Sweat P e a " home
after a raid on St. Nazair . . . The controls were practically all shot away, and fire broke out in the cockpit . . . Letter from Howie Anderson . . . "Well &
Happy" . . All he could say of his recent experience
. . . Censorship . . . 1st Lieut. J i m m y Chapelt's now
in charge of a company . . . "I spend quite a bit qf
time nights trying to catch u p on my work" . . . Pvt.
Roland Waterman, awaiting shipment overseas, sends
word of his marriage to the former music teacher at
Adam's Center . . . Now a WAAC. . . .
Ensign Ed Holstein's studying Diesel Engineering
at the Univ of Cal. . . . Is staying at Lambda chapter
house of guess what fraternity . . . "It has been raining California^ sunshine for about two weeks straight"
. . Den Comi r e t u r n e d to camp after 10 days of convalescent leave following a major operation . . . Is
now in the same hospital with Scarlet Fever . . . Scarlett O'Hara's r e d - h o t sister . . . Red Cross Field Director Carl Tarbox is located at a secret base somewhere
in the Pacific . . . "No town, no place to go, so there
are certain aspects that raise longings for the states." .
Aviation Cadet Glen Lingerer notes publicity c a m paign . . . "Sounds as if the Pres. & faculty & studentsare pushing for all they're worth—to keep SCT up
ahead—Good work" . . . Is a reporter on the Grand
Rapids Camp paper . . . Barlman, Capel, Howard,
Peters, and Palmer were transferred to Jefferson Barracks . . . O'Conner to parts u n k n o w n . . . A m s e n d ing NEWSES . . . Ralph Clark describes his recent
transfer in typical fashion . . . "Last S u n d a y , without
any warning, wo were told that we were all going
to T r u a x Field in Madison, Wis. J u s t what we were
to do there wasn't clear. It isn't yet " . . .
Cpl. Wm. J. Ziibon, C a m p Chaffee, Ark., sends a
laconic card . . . "Thanks for them thar NEWSES . .
Swell idea" . . . Some of the boys saw a picture of the
candidates, but never found out just who was Prom
Queen . . P a t Latimer . . . Doug Dillenbeck's among
the wonderees . . . j u s t landed in town this week,
closely following his letter . . . Expects OCS plus
finance . . . Bill Hopke, Sioux Falls, S. D., expects to
come East on furlough at the end of this month . . .
"The news of College House's liquidation was a bit of
bad news for me. I lived there nearly 5 years, and
had come to regard the House as a 2nd home" . . .
Was House Manager. . . .
Cortland seniors will be graduated one day later
than originally scheduled . . . The desired speaker, at
present wondering what he will say in Ibis morning's
assembly, refused to miss commencement at ihe college he will shortly leave . . . Without wishing to
bruise a single petal of one of our more delicate
roses, it should be pointed uut that the S t a m p Booth
requires a bit of attention
. . The wise money is
betting tluil there will be soldiers at Slate by Ihe end
of the semester . . Will relieve the shortage I'm' our
stronger sex. . ,
No one in Residence Council bothered to answer
last week's question, so we shall take them for another ride .
We have only been very late twice,
and both times the Council was fair, so this is no
voice crying out in the wilderness against the tyranny
of abused power. However, this having I representative for 160 girls is exceedingly undemocratic, and
the least Residence Council could do in the interests
of fair representation is to instruct each of the I
satellites of Pierce Hall to elect a delegate Io the
Newman Hall & Cooper House also suffer in this
matter of unproportional representation, but remedying the situation for ihem would necessitate a complete reorganization of the Council. At least they arc
better off than the 4 orphans who just ain't got nobody, unless you consider the councillors, who, suffering the odium of appointment, take part in some
mighty inner-working of the Dorm
Said councillors arc probably executing their present mysterious duties in a commendable manner, hut
serving as representatives to Residence Council would
be another matter. Therefore, instructing the satellites to elect delegates would be the best but, since it
would do away with any discrepancies, if they exist,
between the will of the co-eds and the choice of "older
& wiser" heads
Well, Residence Council, how about it?
The Publicity Committee, formed
for t h e purpose of advertising State
College to prospective students,
held another meeting last Monday,
at which reports of activities now
in progress were given, a n d plans
were formulated for the future.
Photos to Be T a k e n
Dr. H o w a r d Do Bell, Professor of
Mathematics, and Dr. Floyd H e n rickson, Assistant Professor of E d u cation for Visual Aid, a r e working
together taking a c t i o n
photographs of college activities, which
will be sent to local and h o m e town papers.
For example, this
week a snapshot will be taken of
girls who a r e working on the nearly
completed service flag. This will be
printed in an Albany paper, and
will also be sent to the h o m e - t o w n s
of the girls in the picture. Press
B u r e a u is working in conjunction
with Dr. Do Bell and Dr. H e n r i c k son in this new advertising c a m paign. Recently an article appeared
in the New York Times, sent by
Press B u r e a u in regard to the new
accelerated program being offered
Schroon Lake Visits State
Last week, as part of t h e p u b licity campaign, a group of Schroon
Lake high school seniors w e r e e n tertained by the group houses, and
buildings. The J u n i o r Guide s e r vice supervised under the direction
of Patricia Latimer, '44. The P u b licity Committee has contacted the
Albany C h a m b e r of Commerce, and
have reached an agreement w h e r e by all future high school groups
visiting the city will be reported to
the college, and will be offered the
same opportunity.
Alumni Contacted
The plan to contact State College
alumni and ask their aid in a d v e r tising their Alma Mater h a s been
put into action. A form letter, composed by Mrs. Agnes Underwood,
Secretary to the Alumni Association of State College, and typed by
students under the direction of Mr.
J a m e s Gemmel, Instructor in C o m merce, has already been sent to the
alumni in the towns from which the
college has received applications.
Dean Nelson has announced that at
present there arc about three h u n dred such applications.
The committee has scheduled its
next meeting for a week from Monday.
Stewart's Peru Exhibit
O n Display In Draper
Featured on the second floor of
Draper Hall is an exhibition of posters, photographers a n d maps of
Peru. Dr. Watt Stewart, Professor
of History, organized the display.
The posters were used to a d v e r tise the second census ever taken
in Peru, in 1939. Innocent people
were afraid of ihe census takers,
not knowing what it was for.
These posters were used as propaganda to get the people to cooperate with the census takers.
The photographs in the display
were taken by Dr. Stewart. They
include a bull light, Inca ruins, and
shots of native life.
"Why Remain in Teaching?"
is the fifth of the series written
eminent faculty
The second and the greatest contribution we can make to our
pupils is to help them u n d e r s t a n d
democracy, believe in democracy,
and learn to live democratically.
Each of us should face this t r e mendous task with the b u r n i n g b e lief that the central purposes of our
lives a r e : to believe completely in
the capacity of all children to learn
to live "good" lives as m e m b e r s of
a democratic society regardless of
IQ's, colors, religious faiths, social
origins or occupations of p a r e n t s ;
to put forth every possible effort to
assist children to learn to live such
lives in o u r schools; and to work in
every feasible way to help develop
a national and world society" in
which it is increasingly possible to
to live
after leaving the schools.
Having such central purposes as
guides, what should we do in our
schools? Above all, we ourselves
must practice democratic living in
the schools. Basically this m e a n s
that we will respect the personalities of all children no m a t t e r how
inept academically, annoying in b e havior or at variance with o u r b e liefs they may be.
In our classrooms, we will be
democratic leaders of children, not
fascist dictators nor side-line o b -
32 State Seniors
Accept Positions
Provisional Certificates
Issued for One Year
A release from Mr. Paul G. B u l ger, Director of the S t u d e n t E m ployment Bureau, indicates t h a t 32
Seniors have signed contracts to
teach in various New York State
public schools. The annual salaries
range from $1300 to $1725.
The graduates of '43 will receive
provisional certificates to teach for
one year.
If the duration is not
ended by that time, the certificates
may be renewed; otherwise, teachers who shall have g r a d u a t e d this
J u n e must return to college to c o m plete a fifth year.
Ruth Dee was the first Senior to
obtain a teaching position. She will
become a member of t h e Social
Studies Department of the E d m e s ton Central School, Edmeston.
Others who have signed contracts
are: Lois Hafley, to teach Social
Studies at Schroon Lake; Doris
Sayles, Commerce and Math, N e w comb; Barbara
Cornwall; Mae Whiting, English
and Library, Rhinebeck; Betty T a y lor, Social Studies and English,
Webster; Anne Muehleck, Science,
Roessleville; Anne Bromley, C o m merce, Kinderhook; Mary Crouch,
English, Penfield;
Delfs, Commerce, Walden; Shirley
Eastman. Social Studies, Phelps;
Ethclmay Tozier, French and Latin,
Canaseraga; Helen Dann, English
and French, Andes.
J a n e t Leet, English and Latin,
Harpcrsville; Dorothy Cox, C o m merce,
'Civvies Get Break of Pierce Canteen
Poor little civilians! T h e USO
recreation centers aren't very hospitable to them, no matter how
patriotic they may be
Their soldier friends get free rides on s u b ways, b e e coffee and sandwiches,
adoring smiles from young ladies,
dances, parlies . . .
Smile, little civilians; there's a
place for you al the Pierce Hall
With either this generous motive
or a fiendish one to remind t h e men
of their fate, the Pierce Hall women
have chosen a military theme for
their Spring Formal which will be
held next Saturday, 9 P . M . to
1 A.M.
Bernie Collins and his orchestra,
who played for the Fall Formal,
will return for the affair, promising
Io act as "Military Mixmasters."
Acting in the capacity of officers
and their wives will be Dr and
Mrs. Sayles, Dr. and Mrs. Nelson,
the Bulgers and the Brimmers.
Eunice Baird, '44, is the Canteen's
of Ceremonies.
Sanderson. '4f), is in charge of
decorations. Others in charge of
a r r a n g e m e n t s include Erma O l m sted, '44, refreshments;
Cushman, orchestra; Vera Willard,
'44, programs; and Marie Soule, '43,
So, little civilians, next S a t u r d a y
night, you can pretend you're leaving camp, headed for town and the
Pierce Hall Canteen.
The A r m y
hasn't anything on you.
to do otherwise.
Children will
share in planning with us a n d will
be encouraged to assume responsibilities for the control of their o w n
actions according to the degree of
their maturity. This does not mean
that children will live according to
momentary impulses and fancies
for such would be anarchy out of
which self-discipline could never be
It does mean t h a t as
teachers we recognize that children
can learn to feel democratically and
to behave democratically only as
they have guided experiences in
living democratically.
Those of us who decide to stay in
teaching in these times m u s t hold
up our heads and face the future
with dignity and courage because
we believe deeply that we can serve
the general welfare. We will teach
more effectively than we h a v e in
the past to the end that pupils who
may leave our schools to win the
war or to build the p o s t - w a r world
will be competent to meet their o b ligations and opportunities. We will
believe in the educability of all the
children in our schools and will,
through the examples we set and
the procedures we follow, help all
children to understand democracy,
to believe in democracy and to
learn to live democratically.
also serve who teach, for we mould
the youth who will shape the
American way of life of the future.
More Blood Donors Needed;
Make Appointment Now . In a mighty muscle
Sits a little red corpuscle,
Feeling very sad that we're at
One can quickly tell
That he's tired of his cell,
And yearns to join the new
Transfusion Corps.
He sits there in despair—
Longing for fresh air,
Wailing 'cause the draft has
passed him by;
But his master is in college,
Concentrating on more k n o w l edge,
And "doesn't have the time" to
hear his cry.
surge of curiosity on the part of t h e
s t u d e n t body. This new addition to
the State College faculty w a s
friendly, young, and dashing—even
when h e wasn't in a h u r r y .
A Baltimorian by birth, D r . V a r ley Lang had attended J o h n s H o p kins University, taking his college
education in one long sweep. A t
present, he is one of three people
to have achieved a doctor's degree
by going from two years of u n d e r g r a d u a t e schooling into four years
of graduate training.
By this
process of six years of concentrated
study, he achieved a Ph. D.—casually skipping over the usual B.A,
and M.A.
Before coming to State, Dr. Lang
had taught at Hopkins for t h r e e
In past years, he spent his s u m mers down by the East Shore in
Baltimore, deep sea fishing. T r a m p ing around, hanging a r o u n d the
boats, living with the fishermen. . . .
"The amazing thing," Dr. Jones
says, "about Varley, is his e s s e n tially poetic mind. He constantly
sees relationships and subtle new
answers and meanings to things
that we lesser people miss. He's a
great deal more of a poet than just
when he's writing poetry. A n d he's
very much of a realist, too."
Dr. Jones paused a few minutes,
as if to weigh his thoughts. Then
he looked u p and said, "Among all
the people I have known, he—more
than anyone else of his age—has a
supreme sense of value for t h e right
word al the right time."
In March, 1942. Dr. Lang p u b lished his first book of poems, "The
Stars Are Small."
When asked
how long he had been seriously
writing poetry, Dr. Lang smiled
impishly and said, "I guess I didn't
feel the 'call' until I was about
Co/trtt'sy Central Studio
Dr. Varley Lang
"The Stars
Small," Dr. Hastings says, "He e v i dently has done more than j u s t
blow the dust off old books in the
university library.
"The title does not so much d e scribe the fifty poems within as to
give the pitch, like a tuning fork;
for the poems vary considerably,
but they all have that imaginative
sharpening of experience, which
brings man and the stars into p e r spective:
And now 1 must
by man, the stars are
. . . It is now one year and seven
months since September, 1941. Only
yesterday, this poet-prof left State
to say in a few days at Army h e a d q u a r t e r s : "Private Varley Lang reporting." . . .
"vmCollege Jeweler"
103 Central Ave. Albany, N. Y.
This much we know is true—
Our friend may be in you—
Along with several others of his
All you have to do is sign up,
And then get in the line-up.
Red corpuscles will finish u p the
Martin, English
and Dramatics,
Studies and English, Liberty; Marie
Shirley Wurz, English and D r a matics, Liberty; Marie
English, Lake Luzerne; Marjorie
Studley, Math and Social Studies,
Lake Luzerne.
Also Jean Ure. English, Canajoharie; Betty Bailey, Social Studies,
Painted Post; Shirley
and Library,
James Wahler, Commerce, Bolton
Landing; Mary Fairchild, Science,
Edmes'-m; Patricia Gibson, Science,
Clyde; Lenora Davis, Social Studies,
Odessa; Ellen Swartout, English
and Dramatics, Odessa, and Barbara
Clark, English, Montieello
Upon graduation, Jean McAllister
will be employed as a Civil E n gineer in the General Electric plant
at Piltsfield, Massachusetts.
Dorothy Eastwood, a g r a d u a t e
student, will
teach Library
Forum to H o l d 'Hash Session'
Forum members will have an o p portunity to voice their complaints
and suggestions in regard to the
organization al a "hash session,"
slated for next Wednesday in the
Lounge at 3:30 P. M. A formal
program has not been planned for
the meeting, the only other order of
business being a discussion of the
Russian War Relief Drive.
A box for the drive will be put in
the lower hall of Draper next week.
Everyone is urged to make as many
old clothes contributions as possible,
and they will be utilized for R u s sian relief.
Pepsi-Cola Company, Long Island City, N. Y, Bottled locally by Franchised Bottlers.
State, Milne Seniors Meet
In Basketball Game Today
Potter Club Takes
Basketball Title
In Intramural Loop
It seems as if I n t r a m u r a l Council
missed the well k n o w n boat in r e gards to a bowling league. There
has been talk about starting a
league since last December, but a p parently it was just talk and no
action. The starting date was postponed so many times that now it's
too late in the season to begin.
P e r h a p s the uncertainty of a call
to active duty h a d created an
I - d o n ' t - c a r e attitude, but if the
league had been started when it
was first proposed, it would have
been completed by now. The t e n sion due to uncertainty among the
reservists is great. Some of this
tension can be relieved by participating in organized sports.
Sports for Diversion
Now that the ERC are going there
will probably be a tendency to drop
softball from the Intramural p r o gram. We hope that this will not
happen. However, if the number
abandoning of a softball league,
I n t r a m u r a l Council or whoever is
left should attempt to have some
sort of organized sports.
Tennis, ping-pong and horsehoe
tournaments should be arranged so
that the men who are still here may
have a diversion from the u n c e r tainty of active duty in the services
and from the memories of their
school chums who have already left.
In winning the intramural b a s ketball championship, Potter Club
showed that it was in a class by
itself as it handily defeated all but
one of its opponents. This lone d e feat, at the hands of KB, was a
closely fought contest in which the
dorm fraternity played its best ball
of the season to earn the win.
High Scoring Quintet
In the second round, however,
Potter moved at a fast clip, scoring
at will against most teams. In no
game in this half were they ever
With Evans and Kiley taking pop
shots, Gipp, hook shots, and Singer
dropping them in under the basket,
the State Street champs had a high
scoring combination. Their attack
was r o u n d e d out with a deft under
the basket passing attack which
played havoc with their opponents
Potter is now in possession of the
intramural football, basketball and
bowling trophies. The Ramblers
have the fourth (softball), having
won it last spring.
Although not very high in the
race, in our estimation SLS also
won a championship, that of having
the most sportsmanlike team. While
other players yelled and griped
whenever the referee culled one
against them, (most of the times
the referee was in the right), the
SLS boys took the adverse decisions
with a smile or shrug of the shoulders and kept on playing,
they realized
referees are not infallible, especially
student referees that we have here.
Others neglected this fact and e x pected every game to be called
perfectly. We do not wish to justify
the mistakes of the referees, for
they made many, but rather we
would like to see these mistakes
taken in a sportsmanlike manner
because after all, sportsmanship is
the real objective in every athletic
Chump to Play Champ
In Ping-Pong Tourney
During the past week Potter Club
became the indisputable champs of
the intramural basketball loop. As
a result, they will gain possession
of the trophy now held by College
House and will retain it until a n other season is completed.
positions are uncertain to date as
several games are yet to be played.
Last Thursday K B eliminated
Potter's last possible opponent when
they handed the Ramblers their
third straight defeat. K B took an
early lead and were out ahead 14-7
at the intermission before going on
to win 31-23. The losers were u n able to click offensively or defensively.
Scoring honors went to
Rabineau with 10 and Dingman
with 17.
Earlier in the evening
scored an easy victory over SLS as
both teams played with four men.
SLS closely pressed the victors d u r ing the first half, but were unable
D'B'C Continues
Winning Streak
Basketball again this week held
the limelight in the girls' sport
In the league games on
Wednesday night Moreland was d e feated by D - B - C , BZ went down to
Psi Gam while on Monday Psi Gam
bowed to Wren.
Monday's game was u scoring
spree with Psi Gam coming out on
the short end of a 39-32 tally. For
the first time in the league a player
was put out on fouls making it
necessary for Psi Gam to finish the
game with only 5 players.
I'si Gamma
Beta Zeta
On Wednesday, the first game
saw D-B-C triumph
fas usual)
over the Moreland six. The winners held their opponents scoreless
until the second half when Weaver
put in ;i foul shot to save Moreland
from a shutout
The game ended
with the score of 8-1.
Sometimes life seems very futile.
This is one of those times. I r e m e m b e r that w h e n I was a freshman, I thought it would be g r a n d
to have a column of my own. Now
I've got one and w h a t good does
it do me? Absolutely none.
Can I write w h a t I please? No.
Can I hand down gems of wisdom
and wit and deal with history and
life at State in the m a n n e r of David
Certainly I can't.
I can only relate the doings of WAA
and its athletic m e m b e r s . Can I
go blithly along the path of H e r b
Leneker. m a k i n g enemies and losing friends with my verbal shafts?
I can only say that the winter sports
is about to reach,
reached, or has passed its height.
Can I sneak in a plug now and then
for F o r u m , my favorite organization?
I hate to think what Pete
and David would say if they found
a n y t h i n g unathletic in the column.
And the thing that really hurts is
that they would be justified.
Nothing New
It's not that I dislike writing
about sports; it's j u s t that there's
pracically nothing new to say about
You write the story once
and then you say the same thing
about another team the next week
and then the n e x t year you begin
all over again. More has been said
in the same vein by the Assistant
"I have become a cliche expert
as you have probably observed by
this time, if you are the observing
type (and if you a r e n ' t you should
be and had better m e n d your w a y s ) .
In saying that one team defeated
another in leu different places on
the same page and still incorporate
a m e a s u r e of variety, I have r e course to the series, beat, won, conquered, downed, cowed, was victorious over, licked, overcame, o u t fought, t r i u m p h e d over, etc. I r e sort to horrible makeshifts such as
hoopsters. kegler, raqueteer, loopster.
1 1 1
. • • • • • • • i —
When the State five comes c h a r g ing on the floor they will be led
by "stocky" Art Flax, ace player
a n d two year letter man.
behind him will be "Big Ed" Reed,
Moose Gerber (three year letter
m a n ) , Howie Lynch, Leo Flax, Hal
Singer and Gene Guarino.
This will be a close and exciting
game, so may the best team win
and to the Red Cross goes the spoils.
I - M Benefit Game Tuesday
An all-star squad composed of
two m e m b e r s from every league
will meet Potter Club Tuesday night
in a charity game for the benefit
of War Council. The price will be
in the neighborhood of ten cents.
Bowling Tourney
This week m a r k s the final week
of the women's t o u r n a m e n t . In one
of the final series of matches played
last Tuesday, Psi Gamma defeated
Moreland Hall, and Gamma Kappa
beat Cooper House in the first
games of their matches. The final
games of this series will be completed by this afternoon.
Yesterday, Kappa Delta bowled an u n completed match against Phi Delta.
This match will also be finished this
D I A L 5-1913
Try Our Businessman's Lunch
»<it T«t W*
Western and Quail
15c a Game for School League
From !):00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M.
"You probably read that in your newspaper
a while ago. That war correspondent found
how our f i g h t i n g men e v e r y w h e r e w a n t
Cocu-Cola. It must have something special
to be the favorite o f the fighting forces.
There's taste you don't find anywhere this
side of Coca-Cola, itself. And there's that
welcome feel of refreshment that goes into
energy. Take it from me, Coke is g o o d . "
226 North Allen St.
Albany, N. Y.
'College of the Empire State,
Mother: of an Army Great'
And So Begins
The Alma Mater
Canteen Theme
For Dorm Formal
Collins will Syncopate
A t Pierce Hall Dance
From Normal School to College:
State's Achievement in 100 Years
In December 18, 1844, twenty-nine men and women entered State Normal School as the first class. They entered a school which consisted of a
rehabilitated depot building where
the students did their own janitor
work, for a fee. When the class
graduated the n e x t August as the
class of 1845, attendance at the
school had risen to over 100.
The student at State Normal
School before the Civil War went
lo a school where there were
The Second Service Command
"separate entrances for the sexes"
called the following State College
and where a "young man could be
ERC's lo active d u t y :
expelled for peristing in breaking
to C a m p
U p t o n,
the rule which prohibits gentlemen
March 3], will be
o| the school from 'ailing upon
Arthur Flax, Leo Flax, Howard
young ladies of the same after 0
Lynch, Edward Reed, and David
i'. M."
Slavin, Seniors; Bernard Bernhardt,
Students in Civil War
During the Civil War, 179 stuGraham Duncan, Leonard Freed dents marched away to war, most
maii, Etlore Gradoni, Joseph Higin a State College company headed
gins, Avrom Koblenz, Henry R u by two professors.
A plaque in
back, Bernard
honor of those who died hangs in
Snyder, Alan Stone, and Warren
the rotunda of Draper Hall.
The Class of 1891 was the last
Richard Beach, J. Michael Hippick,
to complete the Normal School
Max Braun, and Donald Walsh,
course fur then after students were
Sophomores; and Joseph Harder,
graduates of a State Normal College,
Harry Lazer, Robert Rubenstein,
This change was due in a large part
and Richard Zeller, freshmen.
lu the efforts of William J. Milne,
Simultaneously reporting to Fort
wliu became principal of the school
Niagara will be Herbert Leneker,
in I88'J. With its new status the
Normal College began to take on
and Rolf Toepfer, Seniors; Raymond
some of n , present characteristics.
Verrey, '44; and John Donley, and
The nucleus lor the present sorori.billies VallDetta, Sophomores.
ties and fraternities, clubs and p u b In order thai everyone will get
lo Upton together, the men from
lications was born. But the really
the Albany area have decided to
important changes came in the
leave on the !t.:i2 A . M . train from
acadi mic program,
Stale Normal
College was really growing up. ll
became the institution from which
All the Stale College men are
New Yoik Stale drew its secondary
planning lo meet at the Information
school teachers and in conjunction
Desk of the main level of Grand
with this new advance the admisCentral Station al 12:'M P. IVI. In
case the Albany train is late in
Stale Normal College became a p r o .
arriving at Grand Central, everyone
I'ossional college.
is in wail lor lhal iniin before leavFirs) Four- W a r ( l a s s
ing for Upton.
Mm Ihi' acme was nol yet reached.
Sull no! saiislied wilh the training
100lli anniversary next year, 11)44,
and degrees offered, Dr. Andrew
ii can look back on a century of
Sloan Draper, then Commissioner
steady advancement
The prevent
of Education, further enlarged the
sludeiil mi whom the State expends
program so lhal by II10H the first
$450 yearly, who is ollered the valour-yeai class was graduated and
iled extra-class and academic proStale Normal College became an
gram ol the College, who ran claim
institution solely for the training of
,iii equal looting wilh any student
secondary school teachers.
from the linger universities and
The school had reached lull colcolleges in the country has a k i n legiale status, one equipped to train
ship with those liisl students who
secondary school teachers in both
entered a Stale Normal School
liberal arls and pedagogics. It only
which consisted of one dclapidated
remained for the Moard of Kegcnls
building of loin recitation rooms, a
in IIJI4 lo designate the college at
lecture loom and an "nparlmenl for
the New York State College for
library and apparatus," and oil
Teachers, wilh the authority lo
whom the Stale was willing to
gialll baccalaureate and mastei's
spend $45 yearly lo teach them how
to teach others. The physical d i | Thus when New York Stale Colferences are evident, but the goal
lege lor Teachers celebrates its
still remains the same.
Army Reservists
1844-1944-—Time marches on and Slate College has marched with it.
It has inarched on from an idea lo a reality, from a small beginning to an
ever-growing and developing institution,
iilestnn at Quail
Psi G a m m a
Cooper House
K a p p a Delta
N e w m a n Hall
Gamma Kappa
Phi Delta
Moreland Hall
But enough of this meaningless
chattel', I must go back to the business of this column.
winter sports season is rolling along
and reached its height last Friday
with its s u p e r - d o o p e r tops Sports
z 443
G E O R G E I). J E O N E Y , P r o p .
198-200 Central Avenue
The WAA bowling t o u r n a m e n t is
now in its last week, and it seems
t h a t Psi G a m m a is the uncontested
winner, having a lead of 11 points
over its nearest competitors, Cooper
House and Kappa Delta. Psi Gam
has 20 points, as compared to the 9
points earned by the other two
It is interesting to note that Psi
G a m m a has lost only one game of
the many
Since I have been in the sports
d e p a r l m e n t , I have watched the
.stifling of my originality, the m u r der of my initiative.
they come to the surface with d y ing cries, but relentlessly, I push
them down.
With a firm hund I
smother their dying struggles. I'm
an intellectual dead end kid.
In a Friendly, Comfortable
T h e proceeds of this game will
go to the local chapter of Red Cross.
Leading the Milne cagers will be
tall, rangy Hal G a m e , recently s e lected All-Albany.
He will be
flanked by such stalwarts as DeMoss (leading scorer of Milne this
y e a r ) , Edick, Swartz, Culp, Soper,
Mitchell, Holmes and Casner.
Occasionally when I'm typing my
assignment, I say to myself, "Didn't
I just finish this story?
But no,
that was last week." With a realization (jf the utter futility of it all,
I consider that 1 might be, in fact
will be, doing the same story a year
from now. At this point 1 scream
She will play
the " c h u m p " to determine this
y e a r ' s feminine ping-pong champion of State College.
Those who will battle it out for
the title of '•(.•hump" are J e a n n e
Mullin, Claire Schwartz, Sylvia
Borok and Nora Giavelli. They are
all e x p e r t players, anyone of whom
is capable of giving the "champ" a
h a r d battle for the title.
Kit H e r d m a n was victor in the
t o u r n a m e n t last year, one of WAA's
most successful
to overcome a 22-17 deficit and
came out on the short end of a 4433 score.
Beach led the scoring
with 16 while Ashworth garnered
Monday eve the Finks took a
close win over the Dorm quintet.
The cellar gang tried h a r d to break
their losing streak and held the
lead at several points, but saw their
14-12 halftime advantage disappear
in the final Kink drive and fell on
the short end of a 30-26 score.
"Irish" O'Leary was "red hot" for
the winners with 14, while Chillemi
and Gillan each garnered 10.
Tuesday Potter gained its tenth
victory as they overcame the Finks
45-32. The league leaders had little trouble controlling the play and
stayed out in front
They led after two periods of play
24-16. Gipp and Evans scored 14
and 10 while Tucker p u t in 8.
Lore K u h n defeated Jeanne MuJlin in a fust and skillful game to become the "champ" in the WAA
ping-pong tourney.
This afternoon, at 3:30 P . M . the
Milne Seniors will tangle with the
S t a t e College Seniors in Page Hall.
T h e price of admission will be
30 cents per head.
Psi Gam Leads
Called to Duty
O f State College
Spring Formal, one of the dorm's
social highlights, climaxes the season of Pierce Hall dances tomorrow
night in the Ingle Room. For the
second lime Ibis year, Bernic Collins, RPI and St. Rose favorite will
lead the way in gay and colorful
patterns. From 9 P. M. to 1 A. M.
couples will celebrate the close of
the "Golden Era" when men were
men and not 1A.
The theme of the dance, in step
with the ERC's will be a P i e c e
Canteen. To create a martial a t mosphere, the universal if not popular one al the moment, creative
freshmen will bang gayly-colored
(lags and banners. Programs will
also bear out the theme. Charming
canteen hostess will be Eunice
Baird, who will greet the guests as
they arrive.
Two special features will highlight the dance. Enticement n u m ber one will be informal dress, a
custome inaugurated last year at
the request of comfor-loving miles.
Second and spotlighted feature of
the evening will be the talent show,
copied from the famous Stage Door
Canteen, where actors and artists
stroll leisurely in at odd hours to
entertain the soldiers with their
sparkling wit and personality.
Committees for the dance are as
Evelyn P u t n a m , house;
Mary Sanderson, decorations; Erma
Cushman, orchestra; Vera Willard,
programs; and Marie Soule, c h a p erones. Guests will be Dr. and Mrs.
Sayles, Dr. and Mrs. Nelson, Mr.
and Mrs, Paul Bulger, and Mrs.
Bertha Brimmer.
Vacation Begins Thursday
Dr. Milton G. Nelson, Dean of the
College, has announced thai Spring
vacation will begin on noon, T h u r s day, April 1, and will end Monday,
April VI, at 8 A. M.
Dr. John M. Sayles
President of the College
Entrance Requirements
For the degree of Bachelor of
Arts, sixteen units of approved secondary school work arc required.
English four years must have been
completed satisfactorily, and the
remaining twelve units should be
divided among foreign language,
studies. Requirements for the d e gree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce are the same as above, or
the academic diploma in commercial
subjects as prescribed by the Stale
Board of Regents.
There in no tuition for students
at Stale. The only expenses are for
board and room, session fees, laboratory fees, student tax, and books.
Those desiring to earn part of their
expenses will find many opportunities to do so,
For majors in any subject save
Commerce, five years of preparation
are necessary in order to receive a
teaching certificate.
For further information, write to
Albany, New York.
Many a Senior's Heart 7humps
When SEB Sends Out SOS's
"Will Miss Smith report immediately lo the S t u d e n t Employment
The professor
calculus class had been interrupted
handed it to Miss Smith who tried
In control her knocking knees. Was
it a lead" Was il an interview wilh
a superintendent or a principal'.'
She grubbed her books and ran
headlong through the halls to the
Milne practice school and to the
employment oilice on the first Hour.
Mr. Bulger, Director of the Bureau, met her al the door, led her
into ihe inner oilice, and introduced
her in Mr. lionising, principal of a
cenlrali/.cd school ill a town along
the Mohawk River. He wasn't an
ogre ulter all. lie had friendly eyes
and a cheerful smile.
He asked
Miss Smith about her major s u b jects, how she liked practice teaching, and about her e x t r a - c u r r i c u l a r
activities. He explained that there
was a math-science position open in
his school and showed her pictures
of a large, modern building, surrounded by tennis courts and an
athletic field,
Before Miss Smith
left the oilice she had been ollered
a position lo teach live classes a day
at $1500 a year.
What is the SEB? it's a college
employment agency which assists
in placing seniors, g r a d u a t e students, and
leaching positions and in other
Holds for which the bureau may r e ceive calls. The only charge is a
$5 registration lee, bill the student
who is placed by the bureau saves
between $10(1 and $150 by being r e lieved of registering wilh a commercial agency.
This year many of the students
have already been placed in some
ol the best schools of the state.
Those placed will obtain temporary
certilicales, while others plan lo r e turn In complete their fifth year.
!)H' , of the servicemen have indicated thai they wish their folders
curried on by the SEB, since they
want to return to leaching after the
For those who have been
placed Ibis year the average salary
for beginning teachers is $1400 or
It's a friendly place we have here
at State College and, like bread cast
upon the waters, a little friendliness
will be repaid thousand-fold. State,
like any other place in the world or
like the world itself, is just what
you make it. Come prepared to
make friends and you will find
them. Come with a chip on your
shoulder and someone will knock it
off. But the students at State will
do more than meet you half way.
Each and every person is given a
chance to find his niche, to discover the circle he is happiest in,
to do that task for which he feels
himself best suited. Sex, race, r e ligion, or creed are no barriers.
Each is given his chance, and nol
only do the fittest survive, but the
weakest are aided and made more
fit. State is what you m a k e it.
Thou the moulder of our Fate
Thee we sing today
New theories of education place
the teacher in the classroom as a
guide and mentor r a t h e r than a
jailer. Thus is the classroom r e organized and democratized. State
College shows it believes in these
theories by allowing the students
almost complete freedom in their
own governmental affairs and in the
running of their own organizations.
What better practice for Democracy
in the Classroom? A n d as for new
theories, we practice them all, from
the new Socisfl^Studies program to
six-man football.
Thine' the hand with clasp so
Holding tho' the years be long
If it's fun you're looking for,
we've got plenty of it here. You
can dance in the Commons, take
part in rivalry games, go out for
sports, eat, drink or be merry. And
fellows, there's a ratio here, too, It
used to be 4 to I (that is, four
women to one man) though at the
present time circumstances beyond
our control have increased the
ratio. Dormitory life is fun, too.
You can always find someone ;n
your group house who thinks as
you do, and who is interested in the
same things you are. Then there
are "bull sessions" and then some
more "bull sessions."
Thou tlie burden of our song
Thee ire sing today.
What's more, State College is a
practical place.
Is that a funny
thing lo say about a college?
shouldn't lie. They actually teach
you things you can use after you
graduate, and also give you a license to teach these things.
Classes are fun to go lo; there's
a variety of extra-class activities,
enough to take care of any person
wilh any range of interests; there
are many entertainments; (Albany
is an interesting place). There is a
social life worth talking
What more can one expect from a
State Fully A c c r e d i t e d
A student from State College is
accepted for transfer or graduate
work on the sume basis as a g r a d u ate of any other first class college in
the United Slates, it has been given
full approval by such accrediting
associations as the Association of
American Universities, the Middle
Stales Association of Colleges, und
the American Association of Teachers' Colleges.