State College News Register for War Activities g«2) 1916

Register for War Activities (swp0g«2)
State College News
Z- 443
Kinsella Accepts
Government Job
To A i d Defense
Mr. Cooper W i l l Replace
Supervisor of Commerce
Dr. Thomas Kinsella, assistant
Professor and Supervisor of Commerce, and Dr. Wallace Taylor, Assistant Professor and Supervisor in
Social Studies in the Milne High
School, have both obtained leaves of
absence from their duties here. Dr.
Kinsella will assume a government
position lasting for the duration of
the war; Dr. .Taylor will be absent
for five months, working with the
League of Nations Association.
The Office of Production Management has claimed the services of Dr.
Kinsella as a consulting economist.
He will serve in an advisory capacity
in the Bureau of Price Control under the direction of Leon Henderson.
On Leave for Duration
Kinsella applied for a leave of absence from the college for the duration of the war and left for the city
of Washington on January 2.
Kinsella, a student of recent economic trends, was graduated from
State in 1930, obtaining his doctor's
degree in commerce at Clark University, in Springfield, Massachusetts. His notable dissertation entitled
Albany As a World Port published
in August, 1938, was believed an important factor in the obtaining the
appointment. Kinsella has been at
State since 1937 after teaching commerce in the John Adams High
School in .New York City. He is an
active member of the National Geographic Society and the American
which he secured the position.
choral society
Harpist Present
Wednesday Night's Test Finds
I ("
Varied Concert St^te Prepared ror blackout
By Bernard Perlman
Dr. T. S. H. Candlyn directed the
State College Choral Society last
night in a program that ran the
gamut from folk songs and hymns
through spirituals and opera—and
ran it all in top form. The chorus
sang with a freshness of tone and an
exuberance of spirit that remained
with it all through the evening.
Mary-Dorothy Alden, '45, and Audrey Benfield, '43, were featured
soloists, but it was Earl Snow's saga
of a Kentucky Moonshiner that
captured the audience's fancy and
had to be repeated.
Miss Betty Paret appeared both
as composer and performer. Oddly
enough, her best work was done
with the three classical pieces which
opened her program. The impressionistic, modern pieces, which comprised the second half of her program were tantalizing, but still
unsatisfying. It requires the artistry
of a Salzedo to create a mood compatible with the brevity of these
subtle compositions.
Retaining audience interest in a
harp program is somewhat of a feat
in itself, but Miss Paret held her
audience through her ability to
elicit all varieties of tone from her
The mighty Beethoven's Hallelujah which concluded the concert,
was done with a power and intensity of choral singing which overshadows performances of the past
three years. John Nordell, '39,
again demonstrated that he is one
of the outstanding accompanists in
the capitol district.
Post Wardens Chosen
To Check On Lights
In Each Group House
PLAYERS (I. to r.) Rhona Ryan, Roderick Fraicr, Rulh Schmidt, Hal Athworth,
Tree* Ancy, Bryant Taylor, Joseph Hisgini and Paul Banelou in ont E.D. play.
Elementary Dramatics Plays Previewed—
3 Msmbers of Cast Interviewed on Radio
State's students caught a quick
preview of William Koslenko's war
Drops Make The Ocean;
tragedy, "The Street Attends a
Funeral," when Lois Hampel, Bob
Nickles W i l l A i d Defense
White, and Gertrude Gold, sophomores, members of the cast, were
"Five cents please!"
interviewed over the Forrest Wil"
Just five cents, oneN Y A Funds Face Cut lis Quick Quiz Program on Thurs- twentieth
of a dollar, that's all
Taylor on Leave
day afternoon at 2:30 P. M,
Dr. Taylor, has obtained a five Declares Dean DeLaney
This is not the cry of a barkThis is one of the three one-act
months leave of absence, to accept
er advertising Little Egypt or
plays which will be presented by Elea position with the League of NaThe college has been warned of
the Bearded Lady, but rather the
tions Association. This organization a cut in the NYA funds—probably mentary Dramatics next Tuesday
shout of the ticket seller at the
has become an association dedicated to come after February! There will evening in Page Hall auditorium.
The other members of the cast are
dances following the home basto the advocation of an Internation- be no increase in the number of
ketball games.
al Federation at the close of the NYA students leaving their NYA Marjorie Breunig, Shirley Mills, and
But don't worry, The cause
present war. Taylor will direct addi- jobs. This regulation has been in Gertrude Myers, sophomores.
"When You Are Twenty-one" by
is a good one. The money to be
tional study of international rela- effect since November 21, according
collected will be given to the Red
tions in teacher training institutions. to Sara T. DeLaney, Dean of Wo- Ludwig Thoma, the first comedy, includes as its cast, Dora Aungst, BetCross or some other worthy orDr. Kinsella will be replaced by men.
ganization to help in the na"We are uncertain how much our ty Harper, James McFeeley, Arthur
Mr. Edward Cooper. Mr. James E.
tional emergency.
Gemmell has been engaged to take funds will be cut," said Dean De- Soderlind, Vera Willard, sophoMyskania thought of the idea,
over Cooper's duties. He has receiv- Laney, "but it is expected that the mores, and Shirley Wurz, '43.
The cast of the second comedy,
MAA considered the idea, MAA
ed a B.S. in commerce at Wyoming cut will comprise about 25% of the
okeyed the idea, and the stuUniversity and has credit for M.S. present s mount. The administration "Hands Across the Sea" by Noel
dents are asked to come across
degrees at Syracuse University and of the reduced funds is still unde- Coward, consists of Trece Aney,
with the cash.
termined. However, everyone's al- Harold Ashworth, Paul Barselou,
State College.
lotment will probably be reappor- Roderick Fraser, Joseph Hlggens,
tioned. We don't intend to drop Rhona Ryan, Ruth Schmitt, Sophie
anyone from NYA if we can help Weissblum, sophomores, and Bryant
Taylor, '43.
The State College Symphony has
been engaged to pl.iy between acts,
Talent Show In Assembly
under the direction of Earle Snow,
The traditional Talent Show will
be presented in today's assembly,
Students will be admitted by the
Miss Helen Curtis informed the
Willi 539 students signing up for
featuring the Four Men of State, a student tax. Reserved seats may be defense
STATU COLLBOU NEWS this week that
work, State College has takshe has resigned her position as Trumpet Trio, and the Rockettes, a secured for $.85, while general ad- en its first step toward actual parSecretary of the Student Christian new uallet group. Bill Grattan will mission is $.55, and student tickets ticipation in the war program. DeAssoeiaion. At the end of the se- display a "true" jam session. Edna sre $.40, tax included. Tickets may fense classes will not begin until
mester she will leave for Columbia Marsh, '45, will be the vocalist of the be secured from Dolores DiRubbo, next semester when each student
'44, or at the door.
University to complete her Masters morning
may take only one course at a time,
in Student Personnel.
although lie may start another as
Miss Ada Parshall, '41, has been
soon ss that is completed.
employed to act as secretary during Cooper Won t Be Alarmist On Topics
Over one-half of the total numthe second semester. A permanent
ber of "signees" were interested in
appointment will be made next fall.
first aid while a slightly smaller
Miss Curtis planned to leave last Pertaining to Teacher-Training, Placement
number checked home-nursing. The
June, but she was asked to stay for
auto mechanics course did not atBy Betty S. Gravelle and Stengel
this semester while the sponsorship
may complete four years of college in
tract as large a number since only
of SCA was transferred to the newly
State College students can plan three years, necessary additions to about one-fifth signed for it. Classes
formed A l b a n y Federation of
on a continuance of the five-year the faculty and other expenses would
in nutrition, signalling and comChurches, The Federation will be- program in spite of the present war demand approximately a five per
munication, and publicity will ivmk
gin financial support of the secre- according to Dr. Hermann L. Coop- cent increase in statu appropriations. next as regards size. Shop mechantarial position this month. Miss Cur- er, Assistant Commissioner of Edu- Even though the shortened course is ics was the least popular with only
tis points out that this will not affect cation for Teacher Education and available it could not be made com12 students choosing it.
the program of SCA.
Certification. On this and on all pulsory.
More concrete defense work in
other questions pertaining to teachDuring her four and one half
"There is no teacher shortage at the line of sewing will be carried
years of work at State, Miss Curtis er-training and placement Dr. Coopthe present time," said Dr. Cooper, on by over a hundred State stuhas guided the organization from a er refused to be an alarmist.
dents who are t o be assisted and
The Board of Regents will hold a "except possibly in the field of
YWCA into the present SCA for
meeting next week at which the ad- science, but these positions can be supervised by members of the faculboth men and women.
visability of shortening the courses filled by women." Not many teachers ty or their wives, since all Red Cross
in teacher-training institutions will have transferred from the schools sewing must be done under superExamination Schedule Released
probably be discussed. Dr. Cooper to defense positions and the ma- vision.
jority of these are teachers of shop
In spite of attendance at defense
Miss Elizabeth Van Denburgh, believes that there is not sufficient work not liberal arts.
classes, State students must keep
Registrar, lias just released the ExIn conclusion Dr. Cooper who up their college work, according to a
amination Schedule for January, or to telescope it and thus "lower the
served in the last war stated the terse statement by college authori1942, This schedule is printed in full standard of teacher education."
Should the college course be only effect of the present conflict on ties. Defense classes are to be
on the back page. Payment of fees
for the second semester has been changed to include the entire year college students would be a shortage considered as compulsory as college
classes, once they are entered.
scheduled for January 21, 22, and 23. Instead of 40 weeks so that students of husbands.
SCA Secretary
Resigns Position
Students Take Part
In W a r Program
To prepare State College group
houses for the city-wide blackout
scheduled for Monday evening, a
practice blackout was conducted
Wednesday night by four faculty
members. The trial resulted in a 90%
efficiency, unusual for a first a t tempt at such a new experience. Dr.
Louis C. Jones, Instructor in English,
expressed complete satisfaction over
the "absolute willingness to cooperate on the part of the students."
Special post wardens and sub-wardens were appointed in each group
house to check on lights and supervise the efficient carrying out of the
rules. The chief aims of the blackouts were: To get all lights out as
soon as possible; To get people in the
safest and most comfortable places
available; in short, to create the least
amount of trouble for the city airraid wardens.
Houses Blackout Quickly
Two and a half minutes was the
longest time taken by any house,
this in a large dormitory where the
warning whistles could not be heard
well on the top floor. Twenty-six seconds was the record. The most quiet
houses proved to be the quickest, and
not a single personal accident occurred.
Opportunities were given the students to ask questions and many i n telligent suggestions from them
brought about changes in the procedure. "You've put us in the cellar—
why? We were told not to go there."
—was the most common question.
Dr. Jones explained that cellars were
found to be the safest places from
the danger of shattering glass and
shrapnel splinters from falling
bombs, as well as the most spacious,
and well ventilated places.
Rooms Should be Lighted
The rooms that the students will
occupy during blackouts should be
lighted if possible, Dr. Jones believes,
but in order to avoid any escape of
light, he advocated making test before the city blackout. Radios should
be run also to relieve the tensity of
the situation, though any luminous
dials must be covered first. "Remember," Dr. Jones said, "you can see a
100 watt light 12 '/it miles through the
air, a match \<± mile and a headlight
20 miles. And bombers have orders
to bomb the lights."
When asked about the actual possibility of an air raid here, Dr. Jones
replied: "If America should get
token suicide raids, I think we have
a reasonable chance of getting them,
more so than New York City, since
Albany is in a triangle, where there
are definite military objectives: e.g.,
the General Electric Company, the
American Locomotive Company, t h e
Watervllet Arsenal and large oil deposits. If tlie trans-Hudson bridges
were demolished, troop movements
would be held up for many days,
while traffic was re-routed through
New England."
Clear Cellars and Attics
To add to safety during air-raids,
attics and cellars should be completely cleared of papers and other
inflammable material, since the first
bombs would be Incendiary to light
fires to indicate more important objectives.
Dr. Jones, Dr. Mary Goggin, I n structor in Latin, Dr, Robert Rlenow,
Assistant Professor of Social Studies,
and Miss Sara Tod DeLaney, Dean
of Women, conducted the trial blackouts. Further instructions concerning the city blackout, particularly in
reference to students present In the
college at the time of the blackout,
will be given by Dr. Janes in this
morning's assembly.
>:w \
Established May, 1916
by the Class) of 1918
Friday, .Taiiimry (», 1042
No. 14
Associated Collegiate Press
Collegiate Digest
The undergraduiite newspaper of the New York State College for Teachers published every Friday of the college
year by the NKWS Hoard for the Student Association,
Phones: Office, 5-0373; Dorrance, 3-2843 j Hols'teln, i>-2Sl">:
Orunwald, 3-0338.
Entered as second class matter Albany, N. Y., postoffiee.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
The News Board
All communications should bo addressed to the editor ami
must be signed. Names will be withheld upon request.
The STATE COLLEGE NKWS assumes no responsibility
for opinions expressed In its columns or communications',
as inich expressions do not necessarily reflect its view.
In Def ense orF rive
No Union Now...
To The Student Body:
Far away and long ago, there was a college. In that
land and in those days, college was a place where serious minded young men and women went to assimilate knowledge, and to develop Independence of thought
and maturity of mind. And, surprisingly enough, some
young men and women who went there actually did.
Mention has already been made that at this college
there were both young men and young women. Obviously this created a problem. Even in those times, the
male of the species was universally possessed of a desire to be in. the company of the female, and the female of the species was endowed with a liking for the
company of the male. Since these likings were complementary, the result was preordained: the female
was often seen in the company of the male.
The phenomenon created a great disturbance in the
minds of the Directors of the College. These men, all
learned graybeards, pondered much, consulted among
themselves, and finally brought forth a ukase: A restriction of the movements of the youths was necessary.
Since they were wise and shrewd, they easily saw that
to remove temptation, it was necessary to restrict only
one of the sexes. Since they were men, they decided to
restrict the women.
Accordingly, they brought forth, after much cogitation and cerebration, a set of regulations designed to
remove all that was imprudent and evil
in the movements of the female of the
species. Reaching into the hat once
more, they produced an administrator
of the regulations—a woman.
Deciding, as they had, to entrust the reputations and
the actions of their young girls to this administrator,
they had searched as far and as thoroughly as they
could to find someone with a superabundance of the
proper qualifications, and they had succeeded. The
person whom they chose was old enough to have none
of the outlook or the follies of youth, she was of an
unblemished moral character, and she was possessed
of a perfect understanding. Above all, she was just.
The new regulations were immediately put into effect, and they proved to be an overwhelming and instantaneous success. Everyone was enthusiastic about
them. Their framers were hailed as bringers of a new
high in youthful morality. Everything was ducky.
That is—almost everything. As time went on, and
the students continued to live under them, several
old features were noticed. To begin with, a main provision of the whole set of regulations was that all of the
women should be in their homes at a certain hour.
This was to have kept them from doing any number
of things, all of them undesirable. As it worked out,
the rule forced everyone to do early what he ordinarily would have done late.
The curfew hour was found to interfere with normal
activity. It became almost impossible for many of the
girls to attend an evening showing of a
motion picture except on weekends.
Peculiar differentiations were found
to exist. It was necessary for a girl who
went to a dance wearing a short dress
to return to her house at the regularly prescribed hour.
If, however, she wore a long dress to a dance, it was
possible for her to stay out as much as three hours later. It was particularly difficult for many people to
understand why a difference in the length of a dress
that a girl wore should produce a difference in the
length of time that she could stay out.
The process of saying good-night ran into difficulties
all its own. The crowds of couples at the doors of the
larger residence houses became embarrassingly large
as the final minutes of grace drew near each night.
Many a youth could be seen holding his beloved in a
good-night embrace, while she, with one half-open eye
on her watch, kept track of the last few seconds before a dash to the door became necessary.
To eliminate excessive nocturnal osculation, a spotlight had been placed at the front door of the major
women's residence. It was soon evident that the only
thing that had been eliminated had been the front
door as a place of osculation. Ingenious youth found
new places.
The graybeards took no notice of these phenomena.
They rested secure in the knowledge that they were
doing the best that they could to Insure the highest
behavioral standards for the youths in their care. And
their efforts were praised in all educational circles.
The youths, in their turn, abided by the rules, and
longed for their vacations to come so that they could
go home and once more live normal lives.
In a time of national poril many things
which were planned for peacetime activity
must of necessity be scrapped. Yet there are
other projects, seemingly extraneous at the
moment, having such great import for the
future that they must be abandoned only
after the most careful consideration and
thought. One such peacetime project is the
five year teacher-training program of the
State of New York which is at present under
fire from many quarters, not the least from
the students of State College.
The five year plan is not only a program,
it is part of a philosophy oi education which
believes that teachers should have increased
preparation not only in the academic fields,
but in the cultural and social as well. The
training of teachers is an evolutionary process, calling for acquisition of skill and development of personality over a long period
of time and in a wide range of interests.
Costly research and national surveys proved
that teachers who were graduates of a fouryear course were too young and a little
socially underdeveloped to enter upon a heavy
teaching burden immediately after leaving
college. Their training was believed too concentrated ; the products of that training were
lacking in ability to understand material in
more than two, or at the most, three fields.
The five year program was instituted to
correct these faults in the teacher-training
setup by spreading the work over a five year
period and by requiring courses in four different fields of work. Campus-teaching is
done in the fifth year when the trainee is
more mature socially and has a greater command of subject matter.
An attempt to shorten the training period
because of the war will bring back the previous difficulties.
An attempt to shorten the program for
the men who would remain to carry out even
a four year course would not warrant the
expense and energy.
An attempt to shorten the program would
lower the standing of the teaching profession.
An attempt to shorten the program would The Weekly Bulletin
definitely be unjust to a post war world
- leaehers meel Moodily,
w:i> c i m s s
which will more than ever need excellently•liiinuir.v 12 HI H:lll A, M. in
over one hundred ulrls
trained teachers, who by their abundant skill HIT wiliin;- to volunteer Kin,in 221), Mlliui.
In i lie lleil Cross
and training and knowledge would help to services
If a sowing machine can he
create a better educative process for the,i fur this work. January u gCA1 Chorus,
Anybody knowing a possiuuunifo, 8:30 l . M,
generations to come.
ble ilnnnr of Hiieh a mil.liuniiiry II .Slale-HI'I has-
Registration For Defense
All those students who failed to register
with the War Activities Council during the
recent drive, will have an opportunity to do
so this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
from 10 A, M. to 3:30 P. M. in Room 107.
State Basketeers To Meet
RPI In Page Gym Tonight
• Communication The Women's Morals
And Their Protection
elilne Is ruij llGbtuil to Inform the Dean of Women.
There will be an exhibition i>f ereallvo art by
i Iw members of Art 1
lliroiiKliiiui Hie week of
.laniiary 11. I'lotures will
b« hunt; In I he second floor
corridor of Draper Hall.
Second Homester Mngllah
ki'llmll came, I'atfe Hall
fc'ym, 7:.'lll I'. M.
January 111 -Koriim meeting, Miungo, 8i8Q 1'. M.
The committee appointed by Myskania to investigate
the possibilities for establishing a so-called "student union" in the Farrell Mansion, voted unanimously at its last
meeting to drop the matter and suspend further investigations. The reasons for this action were numerous and
came after weeks of investigation.
Communications from numerous other colleges which
have organizations similar to the one proposed disclosed
situations which would never be met at State College, especially in the light of present conditions. Administration, in almost every case, was by a full-time director
who was either a full member of the faculty or whose
salary was a part of the college budget—either situation
impossible here. In most cases, upkeep expenses were met
by the college budget or by fees too great and too numerous to be met by the State College student body at present. In every case original furnishings for the building
were purchased either by the college or from donations
of a generous alumni association. Briefly—investigations
into the programs of other colleges and universities with
situations most nearly comparable to our own, brought
no plan which could be adopted or modified and used at
State College to support a "student union" considering
the need, activities, and financial situation of the State
College student body.
Under ordinary conditions, the fact that no program
of another college could be modified to meet our situation an original program could have been planned. However, the involvement of the United States in a war has
necessitated the decision to drop the matter on the
grounds that it is both impractical and not feasible.
Furnishing and Maintenance Estimates Made
A preliminary arrangement of activities and space allotment led to the belief that approximately $4,000 or
$5,000 would be necessary to merely furnish the building. Basing the upkeep expenses on the figures available
at the time (which have risen considerably since then
and are still going up), it was estimated that another
$4,000 would be necessary for upkeep—including heating, care of grounds, repairs, and general rehabilitation.
These figures were kept at an absolute minimum, it was
believed, and were based on prevailing prices. With the
United States at war, even if the money were available,
it might not be possible to purchase furniture, fuel oil,
and other things necessary to furnish the Farrell Mansion adequately so that it might be used as a center for
all extra-class activities of the student body.
The problem of financing the program became increasingly difficult. First of all, no money was available at the
moment nor was there any prospect of getting any money
until the payment of student taxes next September. Secondly, purchase of furnishings on a time payment basis
is both impractical, expensive, and extremely poor
finance since the action would have no assurance that
payments could be met in the future years.
Type and Number of Future Students Unpredictable
It was impossible to estimate the number of students
attending State College next year and the war years to
follow just as it was impossible to estimate the character of the student body to come, the activities of this
student body, and the financial situation which they
would meet. It was not extremely difficult to envision
a State College student body next year composed of a
larger proportion of women than ever before, a femaledominated student body living in a war world under
financial conditions altogether different from our own,
engaged in activities altogether different from our present extra-class activities. Certainly, if our present plans
for war activities are developed and are engaged in by as
large a proportion of the student body as have volunteered during the first few days of registration, the need for
a "student union" as planned for by the student body at
present, is completely erased. There will be no time" for
the activities we engage in today nor will there be a place
for many of our present extra-class projects.
Therefore, since the need for a "student union" has
passed temporarily, since the program at present is
financially unsound and impractical, and since it appears
more feasible that the monies and energies and activities
which were to have gone into this project are now needed for more important and lasting programs—the committee has voted to drop the matter of a "student union"
until this great crisis in our national history has reached
its victorious solution.
IS — commerce
I nib mooting, Hoom 808,
,1 Mo I*. M.
January 15 — Kappa 1'hl
Kappa meeting, Lounge,
7:30 J'. M.
January IB- Newman Club
Holy Hour Service, Vlnconlluii Grotto, 7 V. M.
Chairman of Myskania Committee
Investigating Student Union
Eagles Will Encounter
Hobart Squad Jan. 16;
Merritt Rejoins Team
The influence of the war and the
draft means more than a chilly wind
here at State.
We swung back into the saddle; after a vacation of syncopation and
hibernation to find that half of
State's womanhood returned flashing rocks on the finger, while a
seemingly equal number of men
were on the verge of leaving for
military training.
Basketball Affected
Affecting the sports front is the
news that Morris (Moose i Gerber
has joined up with the now famous
V-7 of the Naval Reserve Corps.
"Moose" just nosed out his local draft
board, but is subject to call upon
very short notice by the Navy.
Next comes our former stellar eager, Bill Forrest, who signed up and
was accepted by the Marines. Bill
Thanksgiving vacation.
At this time we hear that Co-captain Bill (Deacon) Dickson has been
in the 1-A class since last September, and his deferment expired yesterday. What the score will be with
the present set-up remains to be
Neither Dickson nor Gerber will
have to leave the team for the present unless an emergency arises. This,
we consider especially good news.
Merritt Returns
And more good news comes with
the announcement that Paul Merritt
will be able to play basketball once
again. Paul has been pronounced
physically fit to play basketball by
the college medical staff, although
he may only play for limited periods.
State will tackle RPI tonight on
the local court and it seems that the
boys cau chalk up another victory
for Pedagogy.
The State basketeers, presumably
refreshed by the Christmas vacation,
will resume activity this Friday
when they meet RPI on the Page
Hall court. This will be the only
game between these two teams this
RPI has played only one game so
far. That one was against Hamilton,
RPI emerging the loser by two
points. The team faces several difficulties going into the game tonight.
Not only has RPI played only one
game in comparison to State's five
contests, but the squad has lost at
least, temporarily the services of one
of its most valuable men, co-captain
Bert Hawks. It is to be expected that
the team may have trouble accustoming itself to State's small court.
Eagles At Full Strength
As the Eagles round into midseason form, Bill Marsland appears
to be the "white hope." Although
only a sophomore, his steady, wideawake all-around good play has
earned him a position on the starting five along with co-captains Hank
Brauner and Bill Dickson. Brauner
is the team's leading scorer with 52
points in five games. Dickson's direction of the floor play has made
him invaluable to the team. Paul
Merritt, a veteran of last year who
has been unable to play with the
team until now, may start in the
RPI game. He has been coaching
the freshman team but has not
worked out with the varsity until
this week. Leo Griffin will probably be the fifth man.
Hobart Next
Point Decides Victor
In Basketball Opener
Western Hall gained the distinction of being the first victor of
WAA's basketball season by taking
a close contest from Cooper House
with a score of 21 to 20. The game
was tightly fought with both sides
displaying a great deal of speed.
Jane Greenmun and Marge Ackley
led Cooper.
At the end of the first half, Cooper
was leading by three points, but
during the second, Western began
piling up points and wound up with
a winning one-point margin. Enslow
made a spectacular shot close to the
center bringing the victory to her
In the second game, Moreland beat
Commuters A by a 20 to 5 score. The
Commuters trailed with but a single
point until the last few minutes
when their passwork began to click.
Dorm A's combination of LaSalle,
Domann and Herdman proved too
much for Dorm B, who lost 16 to 6.
Gerber Enlists In Navy;
May Finish College
All you loyal feminine basketball rooters may heave a sigh of
relief. Contrary to all previous
reports, "Moose" Gerber will
definitely remain at State and
on the basketball team.
"Moose" has enlisted in the
Naval Reserves and will be allowed to finish his college career. Through this Gerber gets
a V-7 classification in the Naval
Reserve and will become an ensign in the navy when he finishes his training. He is also on
call during the summer for preliminary training.
"Now I have something to look
forward to. It's great to be able
to continue playing for State,"
said "Moose," voicing the opinion of most of State College's
athletically-minded students.
Monoghan Bowls High Score
Yesterday Ann Monoghan bowled
a high single score of 175, thereby
leading the WAA league and pacing
her Newman Hall team to a victory
over Psi Gamma. Thursday the
Newman team will meet the winner
of the Junipers-Wren Hall match
which is to be completed Monday.
A game with Hobart on the Page
court January 16 will be the final
game of the semester. Hobart's Ave
is pretty much of an unknown quantity as this will be their opening
game. Several veterans including
co-captains Roy Weber and Herbert
Fitch who played on the squad which
beat State last season have returned
and Coach Speed Wilson is expecting to have a good team. Hobart
has included such teams as the University of Rochester, Colgate, and
RPI in its schedule.
Freshman Team
Points For Game
With RPI Five
by Bert Kiley
With due respect to the "Victory
in '43" campaign, the frosh basketeers have definite plans for "Victory
in '42." Tonight, the RPI freshmen
are to be the first victims of this
Santa's presents have been tuckMill
ed away; the boys have a week's
hard drilling under their belt; and
have high hopes of stopping what is
touted as "RPI's best freshman
team in years."
Making up for a snowless ChristThe yearling engineers won their mas, ole man weather has provided
only start this year. However, the the fairer sex of State with a white
RPI'ers are used to cavorting on blanket of snow just right for skiing
a miniature prairie and they may and toboganning. Winter sports
find their activities a trifle hamper- captain Sylvia Tefft has appointed
ed by the general petiteness of the Dotty Huyck to supervise skiing,
Page Hall plant. The frosh will be but as yet there is no one in charge
at full strength for the contest, of toboganning. Rumors have it that
Warren Kullman's injured schnoz- there is no toboggan! However, anyzola having healed.
one interested in captaining the
Glancing quickly over the season sport should contact Sylvia.
to date a few impressions stand out:
Rita Hickey (of boys' basketball
First, a large bouquet of Wash- fame) will watch over the figureington Park Lake seaweed to the eight cutters. Girls skating on their
YMCA's coach, Art Lee. The fresh- own time should turn in their recmen's "buddy" from the frosh camp ords to Rita.
draped the jayvee uniforms over the
A new bowling rule has been insturdy shoulders of the "Y" varsity troduced!! There has been such an
and turned his behemoths loose. This enthusiastic turn-out of feminine
outfit is one of the best semi-pro keglers that the Rice Alleys have
teams in the district and much harm been swamped and girls have had to
to the frosh's morale might have re- wait some time for their turns. At a
recent Council meeting, it was deDismissing the "Y" incident as cided to give credit for games bowlunfortunate, the frosh seemed to hit ed at other alleys besides at Rice's.
their stride in the second half of
However, no refunds will be made
the Delhi game. They displayed on these games.
what they had previously Licked—
WAA's ping-pong tournament has
an effective defense—and worked upset one of the great unwritten traas a unit in chalking Up the first ditions of State College—The masfreshman victory in—well, quite a culine control of the ping-pong table
It is not a State secret that the in the Commons. It appears that
frosh's prospects this year were a more girls than men are playing
little on the tattle-tale gray side. these days on the table moved up to
Their bowing to a crippled Acad- the balcony. Twenty girls are still in
emy team seemed to bear out the the contest with Kit Herdman, Claire
direr predictions. The team has Schwartu and WAA's president, Kay
come a long way in the few weeks Peterson, at the top of the ladder.
since then. They have not "ar- Captain Marge Ackley declares all
rived," but they seem to be on their matches must be played by January
Just the thing to brighten up that t i r e d - o u t
wardrobe! Help yourself to a breath of
spring in the middle of
January . . . even if you
can't go South. Sizes
9 to 15.
A. Black bodice with brightly
printed skirt.
B. Spring Navy with lingerie
C. Beige, pink or blue to lighten
the winter,
. . . Second Floor
I-M League Near*
Half Way Mark
After a fortnight layoff, Intramural basketball squads returned to
action this week. Most of the teams
have already completed their quota
of tussels for the first half of the
schedule which comes to a. close
next Thursday.
Scoring a victory over the Kappa
Standings Wednesday
Potter Club
SIKCIIII I.iiinliilii Hlffmu. . . . 5
Kiipim Hutu
Kiiitpii Delta Kilo
Sitylcs Hull
TlioniiiN More
Beta squad, Sigma Lambda Sigma
tightened its grip temporarily on
second place.
In recording its win over the Lake
St. lads, the SLS aggregation piled
up an early lead and was never in
danger. Jordan led the winner's attack with 10 points.
Sayles Hall began the new year
by scoring its first victory of the
current campaign over Thomas
More, 23-22. The contest was one of
those close affairs, with only one
point separating the teams in any
of the quarters.
PTEB Asks Student!
To Fill In Applications
Stewart Co-Author Of New Textbook
Builders of Latin America i s the
title of t h e new and timely book Just
Written by Dr. Watt Stewart, Professor of Social Studies, i n collaboration with Dr. Harold Peterson of t h e
history department at Buffalo State
Teachers College.
This book will go o n sale shortly
as a high school text, and contains a
series of biographical sketches of
m e n famous in Latin American history. I n a n attempt to unfold the
history of Latin America through the
lives of such illustrious patriots as
Sarmiento, De Toledo, and Padre
Dr. Stewart h a s traveled throughout South America, making a n intensive study of the history of its separate states. I n 1936-1937, Dr. Stewart
spent a n entire year traveling in
South and Latin America with Dr.
William E. Dodd, late Ambassador to
Germany, and Professor of History
"If part time work is desired by
at t h e University of Chicago.
any student during t h e second s e mester, he must fill out a n e w a p In the preface t o the book, t h e
author declares that t h e work was plication with the Part-Time E m written at the suggestion of Dr. D o n ployment Bureau," explained Harnal V. Smith, Professor of Social
old Feigenbaum, Director of P T E B .
Studies, who expressed t h e need in
T h e new applications must be
the schools for a thorough knowledge
of Latin American history. Portions filled out regardless of those filled
of t h e book were used i n manuscript out last semester. T h e entire PTEB
form in Milne High School, and Dr. application flies will be disposed of;
S t e w a r t also expresses in the preface
therefore, no leads will be given out
his appreciation to these Milne s t u until s t u d e n t s comply w i t h t h e new
d e n t s for their contributions.
Upon declaring his intention of
No applications will be accepted
w r i t i n g this book, Builders
of La- which d o not c o n t a i n t h e s t u d e n t ' s
tin America, in t h e s u m m e r of 1914, complete schedule for t h e second
Dr. Stewart was given a Social
semester. If schedules h a v e not been
R e s e a r c h Grant to finance his i n received from t h e registrar's office,
vestigations. He is now writing a
and the s t u d e n t is in need of Immebook on Chinese I m m i g r a t i o n i n
diate work, F e i g e n b a u m should be
consulted personally.
January Examination Schedule Released
Exclusive to the STATE COLLEGE NEWS
Since the College has scheduled June 1 for Commencement, shortening the year by two
weeks so that the Faculty Workshop may make full use of all facilities, examinations will be
completed in one week, from Monday, January 19, through Saturday, January 24. Examinations will be given in three shifts during the day; all examinations will be two hours long.
Note the changed hours.
Examination Schedule—January 1942
Commerce 3
Education 121
English 17
French 0
History 2a
History 2b
HiHtory 2c
History 2d
History 2e
History 2f
History 2g
History 22
History 123
Spanish 0
Spanish 10
.. 200
. . 301
Education 1488
English 10
English 143
French 10
French 115
Dixon's marriage. When asked w h e ther or n o t she had a romantic proposal, she said, "No, we. were Just
talking about things, and all of a
Mary Klein c a n ' t r e m e m b e r any
definite proposal. " H e m i g h t have
proposed to m e a t H o w a r d J o h n son's," s h e stated. S h e doesn't e x pect to be married for " y e a r s a n d
years" since h e r prospective h u b b y
is going into t h e a r m y a n d s h e Is
"devoted t o t h e idea of s p e n d i n g a
few years a t teaching."
Bea Hirsch completes t h e list of
S t a t e women engaged d u r i n g C h r i s t m a s vacation, b u t a n a t t a c k o f
m u m p s m a k e s it impossible for h e r
to tell us a n y of t h e interesting d e tails.
Mary J a n e Evans (Mrs. J o s e p h
Bosley), J a n e F r e e m a n ( M r s . S y d ney C a r t e r ) , a n d Elsie J o h n s t o n
(Mrs. H e r b e r t G u m a e r ) a r e t a k i n g
no chances. They really c a u g h t their
m e n . " I don't like a n y t h i n g best
about my husband," said M a r y J a n e
" I just like e v e r y t h i n g
about h i m . " O n e t h i n g J a n e F r e e m a n likes particularly a b o u t her
h u s b a n d is t h a t h e doesn't m i n d
w h e n s h e talks baby talk.
Listen girls! T h i s is encouraging.
Elsie J o h n s t o n who h a s j u s t a n nounced h e r marriage, took t h e step
a year ago Thanksgiving, a n d s h e
isn't disillusioned yet. S h e still
t h i n k s " H e r b is j u s t wonderful."
Kjustave Lorey
Lorey Of
DIAL 5-1913
G E O R G E D. J E O N E Y . PROP.
Art 7
Commerce 8
English IBe
English IBe
General Helen co 2
Latin 108 . .
History 120
Poll. Sci. 101
. . 208
. . 302
. . 100
. . 101)
. . 100
. . 101
"Join Us at Johnson's"
. . 208
. . 300
.. 250
.. I l l
Art 4
Commerce 110 .,
Earth Science 4
Bducatlen HIO .
Bducalion 118 . .
History 110
Music 2
Music 3
You 11 find
At the
O T T O R. M E N D E
103 Central Ave.
.. 250
.. 100
.. 20(1
.. 201
.. 202
Kiigllsl) 1(1
Hygiene (Women)
ll.Vglelie (Men) . . .
History 124
I.llllll 2
201. •JO'I
Illl III
Chemistry 111 .
Commerce n
Earth Science
Kit neat Ion 200
French M
French |0D
Our man
Qormtiii 4 '•
(ireeli I
2 ...
. . 200
.. 301
. . 20(1
.. 101
. . 101
Art (1
Hlology 5 ..
Commerce I)
Kngllsli 115
History i .,
History 141
Latin 100 . .
li'dtieullon 103 ..
I . l l i r a r i i i n s l i l p 12
Music I
Music I
Spanish 3
Hi l o i n
Biology 14
C i i l i i i i i e r e e 13 . ..
Hlology 2
(lel'IIIIIU » .
Nothing Else So Good
la So Good For You
rjormnn lo
l / l l l l ' l l l ' l l l l l H l l I p 23
Mn I lii III111 i I III)
foil. Sci. 12
r - V T •••^"»"*
. . 20H
.. 1(11
.. 301
. . 2011
20, 23
.. 10(1
Art 3 . . . .
('iiininerce I
Gorman o
History 122
M n l l i e i i n i l i e s :i.\
Mathematics 311
S p a n i s h 8 ..
. . 3011
. . It it)
. . 21
.. 28
101, 111
Llhrarlanshlp 10
Mathematics 105
Spanish1 A
rosstlmo fo
for the STATE COLLEGE NEWS. For nos(Editor * Note:~Tbls schedule was complete and accurate ut the presstlmo
Litile changes In time a n d / o r room of examinations, and tor schedules of confllc t examinations, consult the official bulletin
board in Draper Hall,
(White Bread)
(Delicious Toasted)
Albany, N. Y.
> l t i » l ' " "
' »*«»«»*•**»••
(See Page Two)
State Coltege News
Music By Redman,
Low Bids Mark
T h a n k s to t h e quote from a
r e c e n t edition of t h e STATE COLLEGE N E W S ( t h e one posted on
43 Junior Prom
Committees For Luncheon
Are Released By Mattice
T h e J u n i o r P r o m of t h e class of
1943, with a n a m e band a n d a forma l coronation theme, is scheduled for
F e b r u a r y 20. D o n R e d m a n ' s recently reorganized band h a s been e n gaged to furnish music from 10 P. M.
to 2 A. M. a t t h e A u r a n i a Club. I n
addition to these attractions, the
price of bids is decidedly lower t h a n
in past years—$2.75 including tax.
Because R e d m a n h a s but recently
reorganized his band, t h e J u n i o r
class was able to h i r i h i m for t h e
a n n u a l dance. R e d m a n h a s done a r r a n g e m e n t s for both Paul W h i t e m a n a n d J i m m y Dorsey, doing D o r sey's Deep Purple, He uses his own
s o n g Chant of the Weed as his
t h e m e . O t h e r musicians agree t h a t
his ideas a n d conceptions a r e u s ually well ahead of t h e times; his
1926 a r r a n g e m e n t s were in the jazz
idiom of 1941. He a n d his H a r l e m
orchestra have been heard on t h e
air waves with the Mills Brothers.
T h e h o t - c h a Harlem maestro h i m self is a n interesting personality. He
is one of t h e shortest orchestra leaders in captivity, measuring only a
little over five feet. R e d m a n is also
a confirmed cigar smoker.
Midnight of February 20 will see
t h e coronation of P r o m Queen,
when one of the live girls n o m i n a t ed yesterday by t h e J u n i o r class will
receive the crown, symbol of sovereignty, from t h e h a n d s of last
year's Queen, Marion Duffy.
J u n i o r luncheon will complete t h e
formal weekend of the class of '43,
and will he held on S a t u r d a y , F e b r u a r y 21, a t Jack's R e s t a u r a n t .
Byron Benton is general chairm a n of the luncheon; Morris G e r ber h a s charge of a r r a n g e m e n t s ;
Marion Adams will be t h e speaker,
a n d Shirley J e n n i n g s is in charge
of place cards. T h e price of t h e
luncheon will be eighty-five cents.
T h i s year the Junior class voted
to dispense with t h e a n n u a l t e a
dance, usually held in the afternoon
following J u n i o r luncheon. Due to
t h e fact t h a t so many members of
t h e class have to work on S a t u r d a y
afternoons, it was decided t h a t t h e
best policy would be n o t to hold t h e
tea d a n c e .
Jones' Blackout Warning
Goes Over Big In Florida
t h e wall opposite t h e Publication Office), a few h u n d r e d a r m y lads in T a m p a , F l o r i d a
t h i n k t h a t o u r own Dr. Louis
C. J o n e s is no less t h a n a professor of P h y s i c s a n d an a u t h o r i t y on light.
It all came about when Dennis Dole, '41, showed t h e N E W S
story on S t a t e College's private
blackout to t h e Major for w h o m
he w o r k s . Impressed by Dr.
J o n e s ' s t a t e m e n t on light visibility, t h e Major ordered signs
like t h e one you see in t h e lower
hall of D r a p e r printed and distributed.
Dr. J o n e s is living in hourly
expectation of receiving an
h o n o r a r y degree in science from
some Florida university.
Reinhardt Cancels
D&A engagement
Max R e i n h a r d t , the famous director w h o w a s recently exiled
from G e r m a n y , h a s cancelled his
e n g a g e m e n t of F e b r u a r y 25 with t h e
D r a m a t i c s a n d Arts Association. Mr.
R e i n h a r d t , in a letter to Elizabeth
Simmons, President of D. &A., e x plained t h a t a broken a r m necessitated t h a t h e drop n o t only h i s
a p p e a r a n c e a t S t a t e College but also
his entire tour.
T h i s famous actor, playwright,
a n d producer was to have directed
the first rehearsal of a play before
an audience. Miss Agnes F u t t e r e r ,
Assistant Pr.ofessor of English, w a s
to select t h e play from a list s u b mitted by Mr. R e i n h a r d t a n d to
choose t h e cast by a system of competitive t r y - o u t s in which a n y S t a t e
College s t u d e n t could participate.
T h e D r a m a t i c s a n d Arts Association h a s not m a d e a substitution for
Max R e i n h a r d t ' s p e r f o r m a n c e because of t h e s h o r t notice t h a t w a s
given. T h e next p r e s e n t a t i o n will be
B a r t o n M u m a w , t h e interpretive
d a n c e r , w h o will a p p e a r on April 15.
Following a successful career a s
one of t h e Ted S h a w n dancers, he
has given m a n y recitals t h r o u g h o u t
the c o u n t r y . S t u d e n t s m a y obtain
tickets in e x c h a n g e for s t u d e n t tax.
All o t h e r s e a t s will be reserved for
Defense Classes
N o Instruction Available
For Auto Mechanics Now
Classes in first aid, nutrition,
h o m e - n u r s i n g a n d a i r raid p r e c a u tions will s t a r t n e x t week, according
to S a r a T. Delaney, Dean of W o men. As yet, t h e r e have been no a r r a n g e m e n t s m a d e for t h e a u t o m e c h a n i c s course d u e to lack of instruction.
T h e r e will be four divisions of
t h e first aid course; two, instructed
by Mrs. G. Vinall, Social Director
of t h e Girls' Dormitory, will m e e t a t
Pierce Hall, Tuesday a t 7 P.M., a n d
S a t u r d a y a t 9:30 A.M. Another first
aid class, u n d e r t h e instruction of
Dr. Dorwaldt a n d Miss J o h n s t o n ,
will be held in Room 101, Husted, a t
7 P.M. Wednesday night.
Of t h e four h o m e - n u r s i n g classes
scheduled for this semester, only two
will meet. T h e other two will s t a r t
as socn as materials for t h e teachers
come from W a s h i n g t o n . Home Economics teachers from Philip S c h u y ler High School a n d Albany High
School a r e in charge of n u t r i t i o n
classes a t 7:30 P.M. Tuesday a n d
Air raid precautions classes, open
only to s t u d e n t s w h o have been special post-wardens, will be instructed
Monday and Thursday nights a t
7:30 P.M. by Dorothy H i n m a n ,
c h a i r m a n of all a i r raid courses.
All women who take a n d pass t h e
e x a m i n a t i o n in a i r raid precautions
will receive a certificate to t h a t effect while m e n passing t h e exam will
obtain a s t a t e m e n t allowing t h e m to
go to advanced defense work if they
wish to.
S t u d e n t s will n o t be able to complete two defense courses by t h e e n d
of t h e semester. Due to a n insufficient n u m b e r of teachers, some
courses will HGt s t a r t on schedule.
All s t u d e n t s a r e ur red to watch t h e
bulletin board outside of Room 107.
New Cards for PTEB
Since all of last semester's application cards have been destroyed
either because of changes in schedules or different types of work d e sired by individuals, t h e P a r t T i m e
E m p l o y m e n t B u r e a u urges all who
desire jobs this semester to fill in
new cards. I t was m a d e clear t h a t
anyone w h o did n o t comply with
this request would n o t be given a n y
Increase In Living Costs Fails To Effect Wage Rise
Don't be too optimistic, S t a t e
College! T h e fact t h a t a serious
s h o r t a g e of qualified teachers is
t h r e a t e n i n g m a y seem encouraging
on t h e surface. However, one look
a t t h e pictured g r a p h should dispel
all u n d u e e n t h u s i a s m on t h e p a r t of
would-be teachers. T h e m a i n reason
for t h e growing decrease in teachers
is t h e Inadequate salary paid t h e
average member of the teaching
profession today.
in spite of t h e rising cost of living, t h e salaries paid to teachers
have n o t increased proportionally.
Living cost h a s gone up 11%, a n d
food prices have increased 19%. T o
compete witli this, teachers a r e being forced to leave the classroom for
defense industries, t h e National
Commission for t h e Defense of D e mocracy t h r o u g h Education reports.
W h e r e a s t h e incomes of factory
workers have received a n average
30% increase, a n d t h e cash income
from farm products h a s increased
45%, t e a c h e r s ' salaries on t h e whole
have r e m a i n e d static. Few schools
h a v e a t t e m p t e d a n y solution for t h e
situation, a l t h o u g h some cities have
added a 10% "cost of living bonus"
to existing salaries. T h e Oommls-
sion advocates t h a t this system be
used In o t h e r communities.
At t h e p r e s e n t time, there is a l ready a n acuto shortage of teachers
In r u r a l village a n d elementary
schools, particularly In certain s u b ject a r e a s such as science, industrial
arts, a n d business education. T h i s
shortage actually t h r e a t e n s to u n d e r m i n e educational s t a n d a r d s ,
Since m a n y communities h a v e r e duced teacher qualifications to meet
t h e s h o r t a g e , a decrease in t h e quality of school work h a s ensued. D u r ing t h e c u r r e n t year it is expected
t h a t between 5,000 a n d 10,000 e m e r gency certificates will be issued t o
a n d partly
Corresponding with t h e decrease
in teachers available, t h e enrollment
in t e a c h e r s ' colleges a n d schools of
education h a s also undergone a
m a r k e d drop, declining as m u c h as
20',' in one state.
T h e r e should bo a n average n a tionwide increase of 15% In teaching
salaries, w a r n s
t h e Commission.
S u c h a n increase would tend to hold
m a n y qualified teachers within their
chosen field a n d to Induce s t u d e n t s
to consider teaching as a career,
Otherwise t h e existing shortage in
t e a c h i n g personnel Is certain to b e come worse. Those w h o leave t h e
profession now for better paying
positions a r e a p t to r e m a i n In their
new fields after t h e emergency is
Definite steps m u s t be t a k e n to
relieve t h e situation. T h e C o m m i s sion believes t h a t "the times p e r m i t
a m o r e generous financial s u p p o r t
of t h e schools."
Keep 'em
Milne Revives Movie-Past
Sheik Valentino Reappears
Begin Next W e e k
Defense Industries Attract Low Salaried
Save Your M f e ^ g t j c , /
Albany, N. Y.
202, 200
History i'i:i
Mora rlii IIH1II|J
Biology 10(1 . . .
Education MC
Education 201A
English 100 . .
Gorman 1
LotlH U
Latin I B
Latin \C
Education 120
English :i . . .
1 Br-
Chemistry 5 .
Education 14F
English 113A
Frond) 3
History 114 .
Mathematics -I.
Mathematics 4
Mathematics 1
Commerce 14 .
By Jeanette Shay
"Do you want to see t h e nicest
present I got for Christmas?" said
Jean Kafka to her unsuspecting
roommate. Whereupon s h e held out
h e r left hand, and there upon her
t h i r d finger was — well, you know
w h a t . B u t J e a n was wrong if s h e
t h o u g h t s h e was going to be different, for six o t h e r girls h a d similar
presents t o show to their r o o m m a t e s .
A few S t a t e femmes w e n t even furt h e r a n d got their m e n in t h e flesh.
J u s t imagine getting a h u s b a n d for
amused to hear t h a t s h e is "fading
from Black to Brown." H e r future
hubby calls h e r e Mediocre. W h e n
asked w h a t s h e likes best a b o u t h i m ,
she replied, "I like his black curly
hair," a n d she added, "Least of all
I like h i s jaloppy." S h e confided,
" T h e first t h i n g h e w a n t s after we're
m a r r i e d is twins."
M a n y of t h e future brides were
very surprised when they received
their proposals. "I was completely
surprised," said E r m a Inglis. " I r e ceived t h e ring before t h e proposal.
Freddie tossed t h e box a t m e a n d
said, 'Here, see if t h i s will fit,
You c a n quote m e a s b e ing flabbergasted," declared J e a n
Kafka, " b u t I love it." Millie Mattice
expected a ring for C h r i s t m a s . "He
proposed last year w h e n we were
coming home from a d a n c e , " she
We've all h e a r d of girls getting
m a r r i e d "when P a p a consents." E l eanor G r o u n d s ' m a r r i a g e d e p e n d s o n
Uncle S a m . She'll be m a r r i e d in
July if h e doesn't interfere. W h a t
she likes best about h e r m a n is h i s
a p p e a r a n c e but she doesn't like h i s
h a b i t of always being on t i m e .
No d a t e h a s been set for J a n e t
Chemistry 8
Commerce 1
English 20
English 38
French I
G r e e l i 103
. . 200
. . 302
. . 100
Biology 12
Commerce 2 . . . .
. . 301
<b, <u
Although Men Scarce At State
Diamonds Sparkle On Left Hands
ChemlHtry 21
Education 200A
Economies 3
Economies 103
English 40
English 121a
English 121b
Sociology 4
Science l a
Science 1b
Science l c
Science Id
Science lo
S c o n c e If
Science l g
Science Hi
Science II
Science U
Science Ik
,'1:00-5:00 I*. M.
. . 200
. . 250
Chemistry 8
Chemistry 18
Biology 13
Commerce 111 . . .
Education 1ICh . .
Education 1 4 0 S . . .
Education 115
English 140
French 8
Mathematics 1A
Mathematics I B
Mathematics 21
Poll. Sci. 100A
12:00-2:00 P. M.
9:00-11:00 A. M.
Commerce 7
Commerce 10
Education ML
English l B n
English l B b
Llbrarlanshlp 17
Physics' 1
P h y s i c s 14
P h y s i c s 21
Sociology 104
To those fluttering females
who never h a d a c h a n c e to have
Rudolph Valentino moon a t
t h e m ; tonight you c a n discover
what true love is like! Milne
School will p r e s e n t t h e great
lover in a revival of his last
picture, "Son of t h e Sheik."
This picture will be o n e of t h e
three old-fashioned moving pictures t h a t t h e Senior Class of
Milne School will present t o night in Page Hall.
Chaplin a n d F a t t y Arbuckle in
"The Knockout," a n d O u r G a n g
in " T h u n d e r i n g Fleas."
Sooooooo, girls, if your boy
friend overwhelms you in t h e
future with passionate words of
love, blame it on Valentino.
State To Assist
In Radio Defense
Script Production Planned
To Bolster Civilian Morale
"Radio for Victory!" With this
slogan t h e Albany City a n d County
Defense Council, will begin a n o t h e r
phase of its war emergency program.
T h e new venture is scheduled to
get under way F e b r u a r y 5, T h e
group will work on t h e project u n der t h e direction of Dr. William H.
Hartley, Assistant Professor of E d u cation; Dr. Robert Rienow, Assista n t Professor of Social Studies, and
Dr. Louis C. Jones, Instructor in
English. G r o u p m e m b e r s will work
on a radio script production prog r a m for t h e purpose of building up
civilian morale. While it is not exclusively a S t a t e College project, a
large number of S t a t e students are
members of t h e group.
Group meetings a r e scheduled for
every T h u r s d a y from 7 to 9 P.M. T h e
work planned is divided into three
sections: research, writing a n d production. Scripts t u r n e d o u t will be
presented a t Radio Center. Script
content will be based upon t h e m a terial for which t h e Defense Council
asks, T h e m a i n job is t h e general
production angle; acting is t h e second step.
At t h e present time, more people
who can take s h o r t h a n d a r e needed.
This qualification is necessary for
the interview angle of t h e project.
People working in all branches of
service will be interviewed by group
members to d e t e r m i n e w h a t p a r t
civilians c a n play in t h e emergency
T h e m a t e r i a l obtained
through these interviews will be incorporated into scripts a n d p r e sented to t h e station.
S t u d e n t s who h a v e a flair for
writing, d r a m a t i c s or directing will
find ample outlet for these bents in
this branch of t h e civilian service
program. Those Interested should
contact Dr. Jones.
Victory Book Campaign
Will Start Next Week
As an additional effort to aid in
war work, t h e Books for Victory
Campaign will s t a r t officially Monday.
T h e campaign, national in
scope, is sponsored by t h e American
Library Association a n d h a s for its
purpose t h e collection of books for
men in t h e service,
Miss Mary
Cobb, College L i b r a r i a n , in oharge
of t h e drive a t S t a t e , h a s appointed
a faculty m e m b e r from each d e p a r t m e n t to contact t h e faculty a n d a
student committee to solicit t h e s t u dents. T h e m e m b e r s of t h e s t u d e n t
committee a r e ; R i t a Kell, '42, c h a i r m a n ; Mary Powers, '41; Betty
Knowlton, '42; Lois Hafley a n d
Clarice Weeks, Juniors; Roderick
Fraser, '44.
T h e faculty h a s already c o n t r i b uted 300 hooks.
Books should be deposited in t h e
large box opposite t h e Co-op.
Sayles Declares
No Change Made
In Spring Recess
Plan Outlined to Students
Concerning Naval Aviation
Dr. J o h n M. Sayles, P r e s i d e n t of
t h e College, yesterday denied r u m o r s
t h a t t h e Spring vacation h a d been
reduced to four days. T h e d a t e s r e main M a r c h 25 to April 6, At t h p
same time, Dr. Sayles released a
communication from t h e Navy D e p a r t m e n t concerning a new p r o g r a m
for male s t u d e n t s interested in b e coming Naval Aviators (Class V - 5 ) .
S t u d e n t s of t h e college were m i s led by s t a t e m e n t s of a n i m m i m e n t
cut in vacations of t h e New York
S t a t e schools published by various
local a n d out-of-town newspapers.
W h e n asked whether S t a t e College
would be affected by a n y c h a n g e In
vacation or semester dates, D r .
Sayles stated t h a t t h e a d m i n i s t r a tion contemplated n o change in t h e
college c a l e n d a r which is In o p e r a tion a t t h e present time. T h e r e vised second
which m a d e room for t h e F a c u l t y
Workshop in J u n e , published in t h e
STATU COLLEGE N E W S of October 17,
1941, still r e m a i n s t h e official college calendar.
Male college students interested in
becoming Naval Aviators will be
able to complete their c u r r e n t college year if they successfully pass
their physical examinations a n d e n list now. College juniors a n d seniors m a y be deferred from call t o
active duty after completion of their
college year if they so request. S o p h omores m a y be enlisted a t once by
t h e Naval Aviation Selection B o a r d s
provided t h a t they c a n present l e t ters from t h e registrars t h a t t h e y
are currently enrolled in college a n d
have reasonable expectations of
completion by t h e end of their p r e s e n t school year of half t h e n u m b e r
of credits required for a degree.
10% Cut Imminent
In College Budget
T h e long-feared cut in t h e S t a t e
College activities budget is i m m i n e n t today as t h e enrollment, n o t
up to par in September, h a s d e creased even more since t h e first
I t is estimated t h a t a
10% general c u t will be necessary
In order to relieve the depleted financial s t a t u s of t h e college,
Of 1000 taxable students expected
in September, only 942 u n d e r g r a d uates w e r ; enrolled. At t h e p r e s e n t
time, there are only 900 s t u d e n t s ,
including graduates, in t h e college.
T h e r e was a total of 1025 s t u d e n t s
a t S t a t e In September. Since t h a t
time 05 m e n .;nd women h a v e left
school, for t h e army, marriage, t o
take jobs or for other reasons. E a c h
of these 05 students were refunded
half of their s t u d e n t tax, t a k i n g
$455 dollars away from t h e complete
sum reserved for t h e activities
T h r e e items cannot be reduced,
the F r e s h m a n Handbook, which h a s
already spent its money; tho infirmary fund, which receives three d o l larfory t a x ; a n d t h e P e d » b » „ » i — O h receives one dollar
from each tax ticket. O t h e r i t e m s
will be forced to take a ten percent
cut in order to balance t h e budget.
Until oil refunds on taxes a r e
made, there will be no definite a c tion taken to effect t h e t e n t a t i v e
Harris Assembly Speaker
P a u l H a r r i s , lecturer, t r a v e l e r
a n d f o r m e r m e m b e r of t h e N a t i o n a l
Council for tho P r e v e n t i o n of War,
a d d r e s s e d today's assembly on t h e
Good N e i g h b o r Policy,
Mr. Harris h a s toured South
America, surveying a t t i t u d e s t o w a r d t h i s policy.