"^-v STATE COLLEGE NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1941 PAGE 4 Maloney's I Coach Summons Baseball Players Myskania Mu$covite$ Trim Frosh Femmes The Myskania Muscovites ambled on to the Page Hall Gym on Baloney Eighteen Candidates Report To The advent (?) of spring brings those girls who were seeking credit the heels of the bathrobed Frosh Amazons amidst peals of laughter with it the hope of fine weather for for skiing and tobogganing. Dottle Hatfield'For Diamond Squad, from the many spectators Sat- the opening of WAA's spring season Huyck and Betty Knowlton would Seven of.Them Veterans urday night. the Monday after Easter vacation. repeatedly arrange hours for their But this demonstration was Last night the Council chose cap- respective sports, only to have rain State College baseball plans for slight in comparison to the ova-J.R.M.1941 got their start last Monday in tion accorded Dr. D. V. Smith tains for the various sports, and dampen their hopes. However, a the Page Hall gym, when the initial when he appeared in his football their names, together with the few people did obtain credit on their W e Liked Bee call for candidates netted 18 aspir- helmet, navy blue jacket, stiff hours of the different activities, will own, at home or elsewhere. Those who missed Clair Bee's re- ants. shirt front, and white trousers, be announced In the next issue of Folk dancing, under the direction marks at the MAA banquet a week As in previous years, G. Elliott topped off by an enormous cigar the NEWS. of Virginia Lay and Sylvia Tefft, ago today did themselves a great in- Hatfield will serve as baseball coach. protruding from his smiling lips. With the opening of Spring sea- made the Lounge a delightful place justice. He's one of the most inter- Louis Greenspan, '41, will serve as The big stunt of the evening esting after-dinner speakers we've team manager, and Larry Balog occurred just before half-time son, WAA has to look back on a to be on Monday and Wednesday ever heard, and from the alternate takes over the captaincy. when the team members disap- mid-winter season which was only afternoons. The numerous spectaaisle-rolling and rapt attention that peared in couples, returning partially successful. Some of the tors did not seem to bother the Of the 18 men who reported at was so prevalent that night, we smeared with lipstick. D. V. also blame may be laid on Ole Man dancers who cavorted over the floor Page, seven are veterans of previgather that most opinions will coinous years; six are freshmen; four shared the same fate —lucky Weather and some on the poor in gay spirits. The annual Folk cide with our own, man, choice of hours. A classic example Festival attested to the popularity One particular point of Coach come from the sophomore class; two Incidentally—did you know that of the latter Ls volleyball. Rose of this pastime. from the junior class; and ths reBee's made at one of the serious despite the 99-9 scoreboard re- Cachillo and Catherine Busch, coFeme Grenier reports that the junctures of his talk, impressed us maining six from the senior class. port, Myskania actually won captains, were forced to wait until Greenspan stressed the point that 15-9? keglers of State showed vast imrather deeply and seems worth pon4:30 before they could obtain the provement as the season progressed, dering a moment. Said he, with all positions on the team roster are gym, and then met Mihis competi- and many girls rolled more than reference to State, "Every Ameri- still open, and any men of the coltion on many occasions. This was tlie minimum requirement of games can boy should have the privilege of lege who have had experience still explained in a previous issue. going to a small college". Drawing stand a chance to secure a berth. Tennis Squad Begins for credit. from his early experience at a cer- The regular squad usually numbers On the other hand both badminPre-Season Practice about 15 members. tain big university, he defined a ton and ping pong proved very professor at such an institution as The men who came out are: Larry popular. The ping pong tables were "a fellow who talks for .an hour and Balog, Charley Bennett, Hal Duffey, EMIL J. NAGENGAST then runs". He hailed the small Vince Gillen, Pete Stanger. and Bill Five Lettermen Now Available/ In constant demand with a waiting list the order of the day. Susie Wing college as a place where closer, more Haller, seniors; Ed Casler and Clay Pearson and Smith Captains YOUlt COLLEGE FLORIST supervised the badminton, at the democratic relationships between I Sprowls, juniors; Van Ellis, Bob •ame time that Ken Carey, and Pat student and teacher make for more | Leonard, James Portley, and Prank Corner Ontario at Benson St. Willi the coming of spring the practical training. Vero, sophomores; and Harold Ash- members of the tennis team are tun- Latimer were heading ping pong. If a sports editor may be permitt-1 worth, Kenneth DuBois, Graham ing up their racquets and preparing The weather played havoc with ed to wax educational, we'd like to Duncan, Red Evans, Aaron Kob- for the oncoming season. expand Coach Bee's remark with lenz, and Rich Young, frosh. A few of last year's veterans have emphasis on the local scene. DIAL 5-1913 G E O R G E D. J E O N E Y . P R O P . State should feel proud that it has already removed their equipment' so much of the democracy that Bee from winter hock and have been '• admires and considers so vital to a Intramural Council practicing in the gym. Indoor pracreal college education. Evidences of tice will continue on the Page Plans Spring Sports court the existence of such a spirit arc every Tuesday and Thursmanifest everywhere—both in the day afternoons from 4:30 to 5:30. classroom and outside. But have wc reached the desired peak? Are stu- Vero Wins Foul Shooting Title; and on Wednesdays from 5 to 5:30. TRY OUR BUSINESSMAN'S LUNCH dent-faculty relations at State as According to Stan Smith, co-cap' 2 1 ' Contest Now Underway close as they might be and should tain of the squad, "all positions will be? Though the trend is unmistakebe wide open, and anyone having This is the "in between" season in bly in the right direction, there's sports, the time when intramural ambitions of making the team must \ still a great deal to be hoped for, players look back upon the regular be present at the practice sessions One of the biggest obstacles to basketball schedule and forward to in the gym." A L B A N Y . N. Y. 198-200 CENTRAL AVENUE student-faculty democracy is the the softball season. Having lost only Pramcnt and warped Idea that any friendly adDel Mancuso says that softball vance toward a teacher is a care- will start as soon after Easter as Vavasour, five lettermen will bo fully planned attempt to "apple- the weather will permit. Ho ex- returning from last year's varsity. polish". Such an Idea makes the pects that play will begin about the Besides Smith, there is George Pearson, the other co-captain, Hank teacher wary and the student cor- first week in May. Brauner, Al Stiller, and Harry Kenrespondingly hesitant. There's a In connection with spring sports, sky. Moreover, there arc some very barrier of suspicion that must be smashed before anything Ilk • norm- Bob Seifert Is interested in finding promising candidates who should considerably. al student-faculty friendship can en- out how many men like to pitch bolster the squad horse shoes. Intramural Council has Among these are Bob Jones, transsue. the facilities for the sport. fer student from Cortland and capAnd now, having waxed educatain of the tennis team there last Intramural Council has been contional we wane, firmly convinced year, Bernard Bernhardt, winner of ducting Individual basketball conthat Clair Bee knows what he's talktournament, conducted in the ing about in more fields than bas- tests as "fill in" activities. Prank the Vero won the foul shooting contest, fall. Doug Manley, Ed Reed, Bill ketball. last week and was awarded a medal Marsland, and Allen Stone. at the MAA banquet In recognition Baseball at Ridgefield Formidable opponents have been Lou Greenspan, fiery manager of! of ills feat. He took his allotment, of lined up, ami with a lew breaks 25 shots on the first day of the conthe baseball squad, flashes us the from the weather the team should word that the 1941 diamond battles test and sank 23 of them. His nearly complete the campaign with a better, will be waged at Ridgefield Park. | perfect score discouraged many fel- record than last year's '2 wins and Ridgefield will also be the site of lows from even trying. 3 losses. Art Flax is In charge of tine "21" prc-season and between-game praccontest, which Is now underway. tice maneuvers. In the past, the dlamondeera have been forced to The first round in which twenty- D I A L 8 - 9 0 3 8 devote a large slice of their energy six fellows were scheduled to enEl se's H air Dressing to fighting neighborhood urchins gage was played Tuesday and Wedfor possession of Beverwyck Park nesday afternoons. The eight playHAIR STYLIST for practice. With this energy pre- ers who survived are expected to play the .second round this afterserved, a hot season is forecast. LICLNbl-l ) Z O T O S BHOF noon. The contest may be completed B 0 5 M A D I S O N AVE. A L B A N Y . N.Y. this week. Chessmen to Meet Yale BOULEVARD CAFETERIA After a stiff bout ...pause and Stale's chessmen will continue their drive against big-time opposition April II) when they clash with the crack Yale squad here. Due to misunderstandings, the match scheduled with Cooper Union lor last Sunday was cancelled. KODAKS D I N N E D S 2 5 C A N D UP DELICIOUS SANDWICHES AND SUNDAES 7 3 0 A M T O I I : 0 0 P. M . OPPOSITE THE HIGH SCHOOL MADISON SHOE REBUILDERS 807 Madison Avenue You Pick tip Your Phone We Pick Up Your Shoes K-2:J:ID 8-:^:IO CINE KODAKS Albany Camera Shop, Inc. 204 Eat at J o h n ' s L u n c h W A S H I N G ON ALBANY AVENUE N, Y. P H O N E 8- 4 S 5 Q TRADE AT YOUR COLLEGE HABERDASHER (' A K O 1, K K 1 N (i 1) It K S S K S mill .1 I-; A N II A It l ' K It CO A T S Drink Home Mutlo Ice Cream anil Lunches 785 Madison Avenue 3 Doors from Quull Street 2-9733 We Deliver CSNAPPY MEN'S SHOP oca\ ill ADAM HATS 2 2 1 CENTRAL AVE. WtoMmm$& Albany, N. Y. •*!»•- < 5< Delicious and / Refreshing /A i can taste its quality and feel its refreshment, Thirst asks nothing more. So w h e n y o u pause t h r o u g h o u t the d a y , m a k e it the pause that refreshes YOU TASTE ITS QUALITY MANHATTAN SHIRTS 117 8 . P E A R L .Is Ada i lim (/ III "!\litililiiiolm III " Oil Huh dull/ S P R I N G STYLES When you lift an ice-cold bottle of Coca-Cola to your lips, you MADISON SWEET SHOP State College Girls Prepare New Program As Mid-winter Season Ends with Ice-cold Coca-Cola. ii.iiiiiii under milliorliy of Th« Coc»-Cola Company by ALBANY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. !«fl N. AIXKN STKKKT ALBANY, N. ¥ . . , . . • i »i.lirtnl * ii • • ^ — ^ - • . . - E g . . - . . > . . . • : .. Z-443 State to Vote O n Association, Class Nominees ALBANY, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, APRIL 85, 1941 Drawings in Draper Star Smith Brother John Smith made history. Two Smith brothers made cough drops. And Stan Smith's brother George, of Buffalo, adds another jewel to the bright crown of the Smith family. His exhibit of Myskania Announces Thursday architectural drawings on the A s Dead Line For Elections second floor of Draper is ample O f College Organizations evidence of his claim to fame. The center drawing of the Their peak to come with next group, depicting the interior of week's elections, State College poli- a church with emphasis on iltics today approached the final lumination effects, has attracted stretch. The scheduling of nomin- much student attention. ation speeches of the Student AssoUsing both interior and exciation office seekers for this morn- terior plans. Smith's drawings ing's Assembly opens the final phase are characterized by careful deof the political battle. tail and planning. In black and Almost all of next week is to be white and colors, the large devoted to the class and student as- drawings havs occasioned enthusociation elections. First votes will l siastic admiration and approval be taken Monday on both class and | from passing students and facStudent Association offices. T h e | ulty members. balloting, which is to be conducted by Myskania, will take place in the Commons from 10 A. M. till 4| P. M. On Wednesday, first revote< will be held, and if another set of revotes is needed, they will take place Friday. Debaters Attend Model Assembly Alumnus to Lay Stone Tomorrow For Men s Dorm iAfQL. XXV, NO. » ^4ii Nelson Unfolds Proposals For State Five -Year Plan • . Leaders Predict Education Goals To Una* ergo Shift Ceremonies W i l l Begin at 2:30; Bulger Becomes Director, Augustine, Assistant W. Earle Sutherland, '19, President of the Alumni Association, will lay the cornerstone of Sayles Hall, State's first residence hall for men, tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 P. M. The ceremonies will take place on ths Partridge Street site of the dormitory which is scheduled for completion June 1. Mrs. Bertha E. Brimmer, Executive Secretary of the Alumni Association, announced late yesterday that Mr. Paul G. Bulger, Vice-Principal of Milne High School and Director of the Student Employment Bureau, had accepted the position as Director of Sayles Hall. Thomas Augustine, '42, will be assistant director. Dr. Milton G. Nelson, Dean of the College) late .yesterday released the details of the Five-Year Flan of teacher training as it will materialize at Slate College. Differing specifically from the five-year plans of other New York State colleges, the "Albany plan" resembles them in one fundamental: it aims at students with greater breadth of knowledge from their undergraduate courses and with more complete specialization in their graduate studies. According to leading State educators, it will Introduce a new kind of education for a new kind of student. Its eventual goal is better educated teachers. Proposals for the fifth year will necessitate two changes In the under-graduate curriculum. The Class of '43 will take, instead of Methods, six hours of Education 10 next Fall. Sayles To Accept Judge Newton B. VanDerzee, Results To Be Printed Chairman of the Board of Visitors, The University of Rochester, will present the dormitory for the In conformity with the resolution passed by the Student Association scene of the ninth annual New York use of the college. Acting President early last semester, the complete State Student Assembly, is host this John M. Sayles, for whom the new numerical results of all the elections weekend to eight members of State's hall is named, will accept for the will be published in the STATU varsity debate squad, who left yes- college, OoLusaia NKWN on Moving-Up Day. terday to attend this convention. Mr, Bulger in his capacity of dirWarning has been Issued by My- This assembly, organized in the ector will act as a friend and counskania that only those who had form of a model legislature, is at- selor to the men. He and Mrs. Bulpaid their student tax would be al- tended by delegates from approxi- ger will occupy a special suite of Curriculum To Change lowed to vote for Student Association mately 30 colleges and universities rooms provided for them on the Methods appear in the senior year officers. Likewise, those who wish of New York State, and aims to second floor of the building. under the title of Education 114to vote for class officers must have train students in actual legislative Men May Work Methods and Preliminary Campus their class clues paid. procedure and civic responsibility. Working on a basis of 100 men The distribution of fingerprint Teachings. This is the preparatory This morning Myskania will anresidents the Board of Directors exIntercollegiate representatives will nounce that starting May 10, an cards to all the members of the stu- course to six hours of advanced camaudit of all class finances will be introduce bills in committee on the pects to furnish employment for 22 dent body at the beginning of as- pus teaching during tlie graduate men. The employment provided will following current issues: the St. year, which undoubtedly will entail undertaken. Lawrenci> Seaway, Free College Edu- cover the cost of board, since every- sembly this morning will mark the some cadet teaching in public high beginning of a week-long campaign Candidates To Speak cation, Compulsory Automobile In- one living in the dorm will have to schools. In compliance with Election Com- surance, and Civil Service Reform. pay room rent. There will be no to fingerprint all the students atRevision of the English departtending State College. This effort mission regulations, candidates for After this morning's election of provision for work for freshmen exment regulations is also in line. the Student Association presidency, officers, the assembly will divide cept by special permission of the is being sponsored by tlie STATU COI.- These and other details will be exvice-presidency, and secretaryship, into four committees, each of which Dean of the College. Work will con- I.KOK Nisws In cooperation witli the plained to present sophomores in are to speak this morning. In addi- will draft a final form from the sist of setting tables, office manage- Junior Chamber of Commerce's pre- Individual interviews with Dr. Nelson tion to the candidates' speeches, will bills and proposals. The final bills ment, cleaning, and taking care of sent drive to fingerprint all the citi- from this week on, to enable them to be the talks of the campaign man- will be acted upon by the General the grounds. Applications for rooms zens of the City of Albany. draw up schedules for the coming may now be made through the agers of each candidate. The Assembly tomorrow. year. Alumni office. Upporclnssmen will Fingerprinting Voluntary speeches are limited to a total of be given preference in choice of Characterized, by a professional The fingerprints obtained in this four minutes—three for the candirooms. date, and one for his manager. campaign will be filed with the attitude, the fifth year has been Directories O n Sale New York State Bureau of Civil divided into two distinctly different Candidates to be heard from inIdentification. These prints, whose semesters, One semester will be clude: President, Vincent Miller, Betly J. Parrott, '41, Editor of the Intersority Council collection is entirely voluntary, arc devoted almost entirely to campus Harry Passow, and Ralph Tibbetts, teaching and courses In education. 1040-1941 State College Directory, to be used lor identification pur- The 15 semester hours of credit will juniors; Vice-president, Howard announces that the 10 remaining Schedules Annual Ball poses in case of accident, or emer- be compiled from one three-hour Lynch James Portley, Bryant Tay.copies of this year's issue will relor, and Don gency. content I academic i course; three sophomores; secretary, FrankVanas, Bishop, William l m a u i o n s l l k , f o r 5 c i n , h c C o . o p u n _ Sorority women from the 10 Greek Before assembly this morning, /Continued on putjv ,i, column 2) Forrest, Bertram Klley, Patricia lil Wednesday. Since lhey will be of letter groups will entertain guests cards containing spaces for the Latimer, and Earle Snow, Freshmen. no use to anyone after this special at the opening bull ol fnter-Soror- prints and deserlptlonal data conHarry Bora, '43, candidate for vtce- sale. Miss Parrot! will personally Ity Weekend Friday. May 2, at the cerning each individual will be disi Con I hiucd mi iim.ic ./, column l> dispense with any remaining vol- Auruniu Club from HI P. M. to tributed. These cards will be filled Fraternities to Dine umes in n bonfire. 2 A. M. out by those individuals who wish Each sorority will conduct open to have their fingerprints taken, At Annual Banquet house formal dances Hie next night. They will be fingerprinted by an May 3, Bert ha Petit. '41, President expert here at the college during iiilcrfrutcrnity Council has scheof Inter-Sororll.y Council and gen- the early pari of next week. duled the annual Interfraternity eral chairman lor the weekend, anbanquet for Wednesday at 0 P. M. nounced yesterday. Permits Identification at the Trinity Methodist Episcopal Hal De Pen's orchestra, widely by David Slav in < Emphasis is placed on the follow- Church, Lark and Lancaster Streets. and 'energy-producing' i plenty of known in lis native Hudson Valley "Lite is not so bud here," writes starches!." ing facts by the sponsors of the plan: and in collegiate circles, has been that the collection of the prints Is Stephen A. Kusak, '41, general Many Karchmor, '40, now a $38 a Home people have been under the engaged to play lor Hie bull, fol- entirely voluntary, and that these chairman, announced yesterday that month private, first class in ComImpression ihui war-time regulations lowing successful appearances ill files have not been used for criminal Arnold Ellerin, '41, will serve as pany "G" 174th Infantry iRll'le), have been Imposed in I he camps, Cornell, Hamilton and Green Moun- identification. Rather, a means is toustmasler, and that. Mr. William G. 44th Division, Port Dix, New Jermill Ihui there Is a censorship ol tain. It has been characterized as sought to permit definite Identifica- Hardy and Mr. Louis C, Jones, both sey . mail. Karelunoi' dispels this un- "solid and versa!lie—good in sweet, tion of all the citizens of the State of the English department, will bo Rumors have been Hying around founded idea. "Our mall is not cen- swing and jump music." of New York. At the present time, ihe chief speakers. The entertainthick and fust that life In the train- sored in or out." Assisting Miss Petit are the fol- more than 15,000 unidentified per- ment committee under Harold Feiging camps is far removed from civilbaum, '43, lias completed tenAnd all time Is not spent on army lowing committee chairmen: Doris sons are burled annually in the tative plans for the program, but Ian existence, that, the men are mil Grossman, Alpha Epsllon Phi; Ada United Stales. business either, "We have our weekwell-housed, and that they lack the they will remain secret until their Kulherine ends tree, providing of course we Parslmll. Beta Zela; conveniences of modern life. performance. aren't caught lor special details or Iloeh, Chi Sigma Thetu; Barbara In letters to Mr. Pnul Bulger, haven't been in good behavior all Ferree, Kappa Delta; Catherine Special guests for Hie banquet will Director of the Student Einpluy- week . . . It must seem odd in hear Simpler, Pill Delta; Dorothy Tomp- Choral Society, Orchestra be tlie honorary members of the ineiu Bureau, Kurehmer explains of going to a dunce via trucks. A kins, Plil Lambda; Bella Lashinsky, To Present Spring Concert four fraternities and also members that few of the conveniences of dance was held lor us in Trenton. PI Alpha Tail; Lydia Bond, Psl of the fraternities who are on tlie home are lacking, that "we have . . the girls are provided by Hie Gamma; Mary Mahar. Sigma Alfaculty. The annual spring concert of the radios . . . we van buy daily papers. YWCA and the Stale Teachers Col- pha, all seniors. Slate College Choral Society in eon-' Newspaper vendors come around the lege; frankly speaking tlie famines junction with Hie Symphony Orcompany streets twice a day with are rather nice and friendly here to Seniors to Roller Skate chestra will be presented Thursday, metropolitan (N. Y. C.i papers." Kappa Phi Kappa Pledges tin' soldiers, their attitude towards May H, in the auditorium of the AlEstelle Engelhart and Irene Poger "The tents weren't anywhere as us improving all the time Charles Quinn, '41, president of bany High School at 8:30 P. M. The were appointed co-chairmen of the bad as 1 thought they would be Karchmer, however, lias two the State College chapter of Kappa chorus will be under tlie direction Senior class roller-skating party When I moved in, but the barracks lamentations to make. "The only Dr. T. F. H. Candlyn and the or- ("positively last fling—" Roy Mcare nicer—they're air-conditioned. bad part about tills place is the Phi Kappa, lias announced the of chestra under the baton of Bernard Creary, Senioi President) at Midpledging of six new members last "Now that we're in barracks, an mud, and I guess we're not the only Perlman, '42. Soloists scheduled for City Park Wednesduy. Buses will Important change has taken place' ones. One thing very obvious about night. Those to be admitted to tlie na- the performance are Jean MaoAUis- leave from Washington Avenue at in tlie manner of serving our m e s s - this life is that it's very unconducler, '43, soprano, and Jack Nordell. 7:15 P. M. Admission and round trip we're using ohlnawaro instead of tlve to academic endeavors. I've tional educational fraternity are '40, pianist, Herman Klelne. '41, Edgar Tompbus fee will total 40c; Students may (he field mess gear and have KP's tried to study for civil service exbring on the food. The meals are ams, but I've found very little time kins, Thoriie DeVoid, Leo Griffin, Co-chairmen for the concert are sign up at a table In the lower hall Baird Poskanzer, and Edwin Casler, Jeanette Ryerson and Florence Hal- of Draper Monday, Tuesday or pretty good. The food is ample to use the books I have with me." juniors. brelch, Juniors. Wednesday. NEWS Will Back Fingerprint Drive Encamped Soldiers Enjoy All Conveniences'-Karchmer PAGES STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL tS, 1941 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL SS, 1941 STATE COLLEGE NEWS **hr Established May, 1916 By (hi Class oM918 Vol. X X V Friday, April 25, 1041 No. 23 Member Distributor Associated Collegiate Press Collegiate Digest The nndereniiluiite newspaper of the N e w York State College for Tpnchpm published every Friday of the college year by the N E W S Board for the Student Association. Phonus: Office, D-0373; Murray, W'fd2B8-M; Clnrk, 4-0373 Entered as second class matter Albany, N. Y., postofltce. • i r m i l N T I D FOH NATIONAL ADVMTIBINH »Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publisher! Representative 4 2 0 MADIION AVI. N i w YORK. N. Y. CHICAOO • BOtTON • LOS A M I U I • SA» FKANCISCO The News Board JOHN A. MURRAY BEATRICE A. DOWER STEPHEN A. KUSAK RALPH CLARK BETTY PARROTT _ JAMES MALONEY . WILLIAM DORRANCE EDWIN HOLSTE1N HARRY PASSOW EDITOR-IN-CHIEF CO-MANAGING EDITOR CO-MANAGING EDITOR BUSINESS MANAGER ADVERTISING MANAGER SPORTS EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR All communications should be addressed to the editor and must be signed. Xamos will be withheld upon request. The STATE COLLEGE NEWS assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed In Its columns or communications, as Btich expressions do not necessarily reflect Its view. The Campaign Bottleneck Section 8, part (d) of the By-laws of the Constitution of Student Association says: " T h e commission (Election Commission) shall regulate and supervise pre-voting activities, including assembly nominations and acceptance speeches." In that vague, simple sentence lies the most deadly power given to any association commission, for that commission has taken it upon itself to disqualify any candidate not conforming to its acts. Nowhere does the constitution give it this power. By so doing the commission over-steps its bounds, stifling and strangling instead of regulating. There are issues in our student government that need a public airing, yet if any one candidate should challenge his opponent to a debate ( a s M r . Molineux suggests), Election Commission would disqualify him. This does not set well with free democratic election principles. Our elections are not interesting to students as the low voting percentages testify. In other colleges of much greater enrollment the whole student body votes because it is aroused; it knows what it is voting for; it wants to see improvement in student government instead of stagnation. Election Commission, however, substitutes for any spirit of candidate competition two measly, unimportant, and unimposing posters for each candidate and a host of boring sedatives in Assembly called "acceptance speeches." T h e commission cannot very well regulate what it, by usurped power, forbids to take place: i.e. pre-voting activities. Since the Election Commission has failed in its function, since it furthermore kills rather than creates, since it cannot possibly justify its existence under present conditions, Student Association should use Section 8, part (e) of the By-laws (giving a majority of students veto power over the acts of the commission) and veto the whole set-up. Abolish Election Commission and give the candidates a chance to show the Association what makes it run (or fail to r u n ) . The Albany Plan A milestone that may prove to be as legendary at State College as the 1914 conversion of Albany Normal School to a liberal arts teacher's college has been reached this past year by the faculty and administration of this college. As released by the office of the Dean this week, the "Albany Plan" for a five year teacher training program is without a doubt a trail-blazer in the educational field. Despite the temptation, the writers of the plan have carefully skirted any tendency toward overspecialization in the five year program. Students will be well versed in four fields rather than two, and, as a result, will receive a much better education than the ordinary State graduate who receives his master's degree here or somewhere else. In turn, they will be better teachers, Eor years, some educators have charged that the average teacher is a culturally shallow individual. They have maintained that too many graduates of teacher-training institutions carry their narrow backgrounds into the classroom with them. Even in State College, departmental recluses, who know little, if anything, beyond their own field, may be found among undergraduates, The Great Peculation by Jatpir Molineux, NEWS Political Editor This is the second in a series of six articles by Mr. Molineux presenting a personal analysis of the forthcoming Student Association, class, and organization elections. Molineux is given the widest latitude as author of these political interpretations although his opinions do not necessarily reflect those of the STATE CoLLEoeB NEWS. Two things occupied the politi-* cal scene this week and are some included the $300 mandatory inwhat connected. The first is the crease in the infirmary fund. When passed, but far from forgotten budg- it became known that there would et and the second, the somewhat hid- be 1000 payments, the association den connection of it to the outcome completely neglected its past exof the forthcoming presidential con- J P e r l e " c e , a " d P a s s < : d a b u d S f t Which provided for an increase to $14.00 test. tax and a budget which was an inAs for the budget, the Student Aseven over the budgets asked sociation should be ashamed for Its crease last year by the organizations. lack of interest in general, its bick- for 1000 payments of $12.00 each would ering, and Its laziness in allowing have $12,000. The activities a budget to go through that is un- could provided operated on the same necessarily large. Briefly the activi- budgetshave provide the same proties put one over on the students in gram asand they provided this year, that they were absolutely prepared the necessary increases for the questions put to them. The of $600.00 couldmandatory have been students who asked questions did so and the budget could stillmade— have without any way of actually pinbalanced. The last time an ning the activity representative been increase was made in the student down. Long financial reports were tax, students were given someread and the student had to accept thingthe their money. $1.00 was them because they knew of no way added for to the tax and the students to challenge them. Obviously the were given the Pedagogue. Another activities could have gotten almost $1.00 was added and the students as much money as they wanted were given a $15.00 infirmary fund simply by fast talking. The students Instead of the $10.00 This are so ignorant of what is done with year an increase of $2.00fund. has been the money in their tax that all they The students have passed a could do was to bicker to cover made. for over $14,000 and are gettheir ignorance. So much valuable budget ting the same thing they could have time was wasted by this bickering gotten for $12,000. Simply stated, that the students were glad of the Student Association has been chance to vote for the budget as a the whole instead of "ad seriatim." Mr. swindled out of the sum of $2,000. Murray hit the nail on the head It was unusual not to see Mr. and was almost laughed at when Walrath on the rostrum Friday. Mr. he said that voting on the budget Tibbets, a candidate for president, as a whole was an "extremely lazy had a beautiful advantage in front way of proceding." of the students that Friday. Whether or not he took full advantage of Students Set For Sprint his opportunity over his opponents The whole trouble lies in the fact will be decided this week in voting. that State students sit on the edge of their seats in assembly ready to Speech Order Changed sprint to lunch, The apathy shown Some students have been wonderis justification for making attend- ing why election commission has ance compulsory. It seems almost made a sudden change in the order inane, but it is nevertheless true of the campaign speeches to be dethat, the supposedly adult State livered in assembly this morning. In students have to be forced to taking past years, the order has been secrean interest in what happens to their tary, vice-president, and finally money. Those who are in activities president. At the request of Debate are in them for the fun of it. Na- Council, the order has been reversturally, larger budgets will make ed by election commission so that larger programs possible and a cor- the presidential candidates will responding increase in the enjoy- speak first. Immediately upon the ment of working on an activity. It completion of his three-minute is the function of the students to speech, Mr. Passow will jump into a know enough about the extraclass waiting taxi which will take him program to act as a check on activi- to the Empire State Express in order that he may be in time to introduce ties requests for money. his bill at the New York State StuIn this case their stagnation has dent Conference on Public Affairs made it impossible for them to car- at Rochester. Mr. Passow's bill prory out this function. Unless, in fu- vides for "Free University Education ture cases students are interested, for All Deserving Students in New activities may gain complete control York State." and abrogate the democratic principle on which the association is Again, the three-minute limitation will work a hardship on those founded. candidates who really have a pro$3000 Increase Needless gram to present. What would give The activities operated roughly the students something to think on $11,400 this past year, When it about would be a few debates on was believed that only 900 payments major issues of the campaign. Hold were possible next year; an increase them where and when you will and of $13.00 would have provided for a the students will come, listen, and $11,700 budget which would have appraise sensibly and fairly. The Weekly Bulletinnii'i.o.MA i i;i: There will be a panel discussion on Seniors enn |)iiy their [iva dollar (OG education at the weekly meeting of I'nr 111]111111111s ami touching certificates Club X at Tuesday noon. to Mr. Doyo any tlmo boforo May 10. Kllli.'rl I'. AjJIIC, Hoy MeCrt'iiry, '11, {'resident. Progldaiit, rilOKX.KAI'il DEADLINE Tlio doiiullno tor students submitting photographs (or I ho Hliiilont oxhihit Is April 28. Minimum xl/.c oil prlntH In ;i" x I." Photographs should bo givon to either nno of, (he oo-ohnlrmon. I'lormicn IlllUny, liliuii'lir Mollloonu, CONTENT I>I;AIH.IM<: Undergraduates who arc parlli'lpaliui; In Uio Leah l.iivonliolin t'rlao Contasl iriiiii iiavu ihi'ir short xioi'loH lii by May 1. Dr. ShliliU Mcllwiilno, I'rofoHsnr of KngllHli, I'l III.IIITY I (III STATII The iil'ufes'ulonill, uncial, and recreational ucllvltlcu of Slali' Cullugu will he islmwn nluloi'lnlly In an early Issue of "New Vorlv Stale lOiluealloii." It will lie apin'cclaleil II' all uludullis who have good phoiugrapha of [''rushiiinn Camp life, athletics, field n i p s , ami llin lil.e. ul,mil I hem to me. Dr. Ilollcll, Professor of MiitliunmlluN. T o i l SINN ONLY Any freshmen interested In applying fur the position of Assistant Manager uf baseball please see me. I.OIllN lirt'l'UNIIIIII, Manager. SUA SUA revoles will be hold Monday and Tuesday In the lower hall of Draper. SOCIAL CALKNDAK Apr. 25—Junior Class Meeting, auditorium, 12 M. Apr. 25 li'l'osh Chorus, Lounge. '.\:'M V. M. Apr. 211 College Hound Table, auditorium. HI A. M. Apr. 211 Wren Hall r'nniuil, Wren Hall. II I 1 . M. Apr. 2U-27 Delegates In iiltend Newman Club Federalloa Conference at •Syracuse University. Apr. 21)- Club X Mooting, I/oitnge. 12 M. Apr. 211 Newman Club Vie Concert, Lounge. 8:80 I'. M. Apr. 21) Fresh Debate Meeting, Room 28, :i:,'l() V. M. Apr, 211 French Club Mealing, Lounge. 7:011 V. M. Apr. .'Ill Classical Club M c e l l n g, Lounge. 7:.'lt) I'. M. Apr. .'Ill Holler 'Skating I'lirly, .Seniors, Mill ('111' Itlnk. 7:80 1'. M. Mil) I Inici'iiallomil ltchilions Club, Lounge. 8:80 I1. M. May I Chess Club Meeting, llooin 804. 7:8(1 I'. M. May I Newman Club Meeting, New man Hall. 7:80 I'. M. Round Tabic discussion on "Old Maids." Danelug and rcl'resliineiils. May 1 Varsity Debute with Mldillebury College, Lounge, 8:80 1'. M. May 18 Discussion on Catholic sex rallty for girls by Hev. William cuhill, Newman Hall. 8:80 ] ' . M. May 20 Catholic si'*' morality discussion for boys, Newman Hull. 8 :,'I0 I'. M. The Band Plague The CommentstaterEveryone who knows about it is sick of it and everyone who has had anything to do with it is completely fed up. Every year, the several colleges in this district, as in other districts, sponsor a number of formal dances—dances which require music and consequently the services of fairly decent bands. There are, of course, agents in this district who pay rather high income taxes as a result of monies collected as commissions for supplying these colleges with musical organizations. On the surface, the setup is a rather nice one—except for one big fallacy, namely—music committees seeking dance bands invariably end up with an outfit that they had not agreed to in the beginning and were forced to accept because of contract obligations and the pressure of time. These are not idle words—for details, the chairmen of music committees for the major formals of this year have on record sheaths of telegrams, letters, and exchanges. The following instances are but brief examples to illustrate the point. The junior class this year dealt with agents whom we shall call Smith and Jones. These men promised the music of "Red" Nichols and his band for the February 21st affair. Long days of waiting, worrying, telephoning, conversations, telegrams, and Worry letters about the Nichols* contract brought and only excuses from our reassuring agents Wait and promises of speedy action. Finally came an announcement that "Red" Nichols had no band! Barred by a contract clause promising to deal with one agent, Matthews was forced to sign Al Kavelin, a more obscure band. The climax to the affair came with the two agents, who had previously tried to cut each other's throats, calling each other crooks, each claiming commission money. They were not far wrong in the names they were calling each other and the whole affair left a nasty odor in the noses of many. Soiree offered a repeat performance with one of the aforementioned agents. They had profited by the experiences of the Prom committee, and made an agreement releasing the committee from the clutches of the agent if not satisfied by an agreed-upon date. They went through the sensations of nearly hiring Dean Hudson, Dick Rogers, and Terry Shand—and finally gave up in disgust when the final signings fell through time after time. Fortunately Bill Grattan's fine performance at the swing concert, Grattan was still fresh in the minds of students Saves and old standby Bob Reid was available. Sophomores The Sophomores were pulled out of the position of having no band a dozen days before the dance. The Soiree committee not only pulled Soiree out of the fire but came through with the largest crowd in years and a neat prof it—something like stumbling over an object and picking it up only to find it a pocketbook full of bills. The malignant growth of swindling agents is not confined to State. RPI and Union ran the gauntlet of hiring the Dorsey brothers, Tommy and Jimmy, only to find that Jimmy had an option in his contract with the Strand Theater in New York which made it imposible for him to play on that day while Tommy had accepted another engagement on another option at VMI for $4500. Naturally the agents knew about the options, but greedy for the healthy commission they get as contracting agents, they completely forgot to mention the option to the college committees. I t is easy to see how this detail might have been overlooked, however. Legal actions were contemplated, but were finally dropped when it became evident that such actions would have tied the hands of the committees and prevented the signing of another band in time for the formal. There are two distinctive points to this Invective tirade which should be made at this time. First, we should not sit back and allow ourselves to be stepped on by unscrupulous agents as we have for altogether too many formals. Future committees should feel bound to deal only with the agents of the individual bands or the band leader himself. They must, by all means, steer clear of all free lance agents who have continually promised but failed to produce. Legal The college student agent has time and Hopes time again proven himself no match for Strangle an agent who is acquainted with the legal ropes by which the agent can strangle the college committees into submission and "commission." Perhaps some enterprising college students in this district might form an agency and do themselves and the district colleges a good turn. The fact that 105 couples, the largest group in attendance in years, enjoyed themselves Is ample concrete evidence that a name does not make a band. Either Grattan or Reid was better than any of the so-called name bands we have had in past years, secured through professional agents. Had the Soiree contracted for only one of the bands, It Is probablo that the Soiree-goers would have felt that their $2.20 was well invested, not even begrudging the $.20 tax. Seldom, if ever, in past years have formals fulfilled tho number of sets promised on tho p r o g r a m s Cheap Soiree, with Its continuous dancing gavo Hands tho dancers more than was promised. Satisfy Briefly stated, two bands, neither of which Is known outside the Capital District, were able Individually to attract and satisfy a larger crowd than ever before at a reduced price within reach of the State College student's pocketbook. Another vice not mentioned is the practice of sending the leader of a well known orchestra together with an orchestra, not his own, but rather a pick-up group of the agent. This possibility is eliminated with Capital District orchestras. For a specific instance of this vice, tho Intersororlty Ball committee for lust year has definite data. The case Is a clear one against professional agents who have continually defrauded and swindled college music committees. The sooner our formal music committees contract with Capital District bands of known quality and scruples, the better music we shall have at our formals and the price will be within reach of all I Area Educators Summer Jobs Available For Students at PTEB Will Investigate theA.Part-Time Harry Passow, '42, Director of Employment Bureau, this week that the BuDefense Affairs announced reau has sent out 350 reply cards State Faculty Members Head Sectional Discussion Croups Of 17th Conference Here Area educators will meet at the college tomorrow at 10 A. M. for the 17th annual Round Table Conference. Dr. Robert Frederick, Principal of Milne High School, is general chairman. Covering every phase of education the conference will discuss national defense through mathematics, industrial arts, regional literature, etc. Guest speaker in the French section, in Room 28, Richardson Hall of which Dr. Thomas G. Bergin. Professor of Romance Languages, is chairman, will be Henry Daymont. Huston to Speak Dr. Harry Birchenough, chairman of the mathematics section in Draper Hall, Room 206, at 10 A. M„ will introduce Dr. Ralph Huston of RPI, speaking on "The Use of Elementary Mathematics in Making and Breaking Codes." Especially interesting in the light of world events will be a talk by Dr. Mary A. Goggin, Instructor in Latin, on "Greece, a Year at the American School at Athens." Dr. Edith O. Wallace, Assistant Professor of Latin, is chairman of the classical section in Room 111 of Draper Hall. A study of Southern literature, "The Colonel, Uncle Remus and Jeeter Lester, or Literature Below the Line," will be presented to the English and Library group by Dr. Shields Mcllwaine, Assistant Professor of English in the Milne Library. Dr. Harry W. Hastings, Head of the English department, is section chairman. Moose Chairman Also participating from the faculty of Milne High School will be Dr. Carleton A. Moose, Assistant Professor and Supervisor in Science, who will discuss plans for next year for the State College Film Loan Library, as chairman of the science section to be held in the Milne Little Theatre. Clarence Hidley, Assistant Professor of History in State College, chairman of the joint commerce-social studies meeting in the Lounge introducing a lecture on "Socio-Economic Problems Taught by the Workshop Method," by John Fitzgerald of Wethersfield, Connecticut. , Members of Service Fraternity will act as guides for visitors. Student Elections (Continued from page I, column II president, and Kathryn Herdman, ,44 candidate for secretary, will not speak. In addition to the general elections, this week and next also bring all the organizational elections within the college. Since all results must be presented to Myskania for certification by Thursday, all the organizations such as Nnw.s, Dramatics and Arts Council, and Debate Council and others securing Student Association support, arc obliged to hold their elections early next week. With the elections comes what Is virtually the end of the allied-currlcular year. Next Friday morning's Assembly will be the last one of the year which will bo devoted to business. The report of the committee investigating the student Association constitution in regard to the live-year plan will be discussed at that time. to prospective summer employers, and that answers have been coming in, offering many kinds of positions. All thoss who are interested in applying for summer work are urged to apply at the PTEB office, 110 Draper, beginning today. The Bureau asks that all applications be in by the early part of next week. All the leads for summer work will be posted on the small bulletin board to the left of the entrance to the PTEB office. A variety of positions are now waiting to be filled. They include musicians, waiters, waitresses, masters of ceremonies, sports directors, hostesses, countermen, carpenters, and handymen. Some of these positions pay excellent salaries. Passow also stated that experience will not be necessary for all these positions. Applicants interested may call at the PTEB office for particulars. Five Year Plan iContinued from page 1, column 5) hours in Educational Research Problems; a three-hour seminar in Education, and six hours in advanced campus teaching. The second semester will comprise subject matter courses exclusively; that Is, specialization in the student's chosen field of study. Research, in Albany or any other suitable place, class meetings, and seminars will combine to add substance to the foundation studies of each person's major and minor interests. Degrees Presented Bachelor's and Master's degrees will be awarded upon the completion of the five-year program. No degree can be given at the end of four years, because State College degrees carry with them teaching licenses. It is obvious that distributing degrees at the end of four years, even though requirements for the Bachelor's degree (124 hours) are completed, would mean the death of State College as a teacher-training institution, as it would permit entrance of men and women who have no idea of studying further than for the Arts diploma. Dean Will Not Teach Removal of all school administration courses and guidance from the curriculum means the absence of Dr. Nelson from the teaching faculty for the first time in 16 years. These subjects, designed for school principals and superintendents, will henceforth be offered only in summer session at State, for "sixth year" people. Transfer students may apply for admission, but those having an Insufficient number of credit hours in Education will have to study for another year and a half after graduation from the under-graduate college, to be eligible for teacher certification. Employment Bureau Announces Positions PAGES The Niw MORRIS DINER Miss Irene Semanek, Assistant Director of the Student Employment Bureau, announces the following placements; , Class of '37: Lewis Wilson, Gllbertsville. Class of '38: Frances Wolak, Spencertown; Jane Miller, Washington'vllle, M, Frances Breen, FRtlH NYS Training School for Girls, Hudson, Class of '39; Faye Foreman, PASTRIES Saugertles; Doris Munroe. "-"-(ford; Mary Sparacine, Fonda a. i. EVERY Adams, Berlin; Jean Strong, Hi 'ington; Kay Lynch, Schohnr SIX HOURS Richard Lonsdale, Whitesboro, C.a i1 of '40; Lorraine Smith, Montgom ery. Class of '41. Charles Quinn, Tannersville; Robert Agne, Rensselaer Falls; Leslie Gerdts, Washingtonville; James Snover, Cambridge; Mary McCall, Schuylerville; Jean "Serving delicious food 2lt hours a day" Schaeffer, Edmeston; Dorothy Peak, Schaghticoke; Madalyn Beers, Valley Falls; Stephen Kusak, Canan• daigua; Dorothy Johnson, Richmondvllle; John Alden, RlchmondHAMBURG GROUND FRESH FROM PRIME STEER BEEF ville; James Aldrlch, Richburg; Mary Mahar, Randolph; Helen MilCOMPLETE DINNERS DAILY FROM 40c to 65c ler, Mannsville; Mary Sharpies, Winthrop; Mary Lang, Ellenburg. 234 Central Ave. PLENTY OF W E NEVER Phyllis Esposito, grad, has accepted a position at Alburg, Vermont, PARKING SPACE Albany, N. Y. CLOSE to teach for the rest of the school year. BRYN VOGUE the lovely slip with the glovelike fit 2.98 Eat at John's Lunch m- I DINNERS 2SC A N D UP DELICIOUS SANDWICHES AND SUNDAES 7 : 3 0 A. M. TO 11:00 P. M. OPPOSITE THE HIGH SCHOOL TRADE AT YOUR COLLEGE HABERDASHER pRINK CSNAPPY Thanks to its brilliant design, Bryn Vogue's charmingly scalloped bodice fits you lovingly, without a suspicion of a wrinkle or a single seam over the bust. Its clever 4-gore bias contsruclion has no side seams to ripple. Made of Burbizon's own silk-and-rayon Satin Seraphim. Petal Pink, White, Black. Sizes 84-44. Short lengths: si-89. MEN'S SHOP SPRING S T Y L E S MANHATTAN SHIRTS ADAM HATS 12 uuNci uor ill 117 S. PEARL 221 CENTRAL AVE. BARBIZ0N SHOP—SECOND FLOOR «J STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL 85, 1941. PAGE 4 Coach Hatfield Announces Six Game Schedule Favorable Weather Conditions Hatten Practice Sessions; Daniels Rejoins Squad Baseball Schedule May Maloney's Wednesday 7—RPI Saturday 10- Pratt Wednesday 14- R P I Friday 16- - H a m i l t o n * Wednesday 2 1 - Hamilton Friday 23- -Pratt* •Home. C o a c h G. Elliott Hatfield recently | ^ m a d e public t h e 1941 edition of the T » n n i < ? T e a m SnOWS S t a t e College varsity baseball s c h e - ' « ' , m > • ««»II " , l w " ' dule. T h e card features twin conPromise in Practice t e s t s a g a i n s t t h r e e old-time rivals, RPI, Hamilton, and P r a t t Institute. All in all, t h e local lads will play Five Veteran Courtmen Report; six contests in about t h r e e weeks. H. Kensky Shines in Drills T h e opener takes place with R P I at T r o y on May 7th. W h a t would ordiW i t h the s t a r t of t h e season's narily be a home contest for S t a t e will be played on a n e u t r a l diamond schedule just one week a h e a d , t h e i n T r o y on May 14. Home games will tennis team is rounding i n t o s h a p e be played on t h e 16th a n d 23rd of nicely. May against Hamilton and P r a t t Favored by surprisingly warm respectively. weather, the team h a s been o u t doors during t h e past week a n d all Prospects Uncertain candidates, veterans especially, have A quick perusal of t h e game card shown considerable progress since reveals t h a t t h e S t a t e s m e n have no t h e beginning of practice. simple job to bring home the bacon. However, the s t a r t i n g lineup h a s Unusually favorable w e a t h e r dur- n o t yet been chosen a n d all c a n d i ing spring recess gave t h e S t a t e Col- dates still have a n opportunity to lege baseball c a n d i d a t e s a n excel- m a k e t h e team. Practice will conl e n t opportunity to get in some tinue all next week at t h e Ridgefleld practice earlier t h a n was expected •Y' courts a n d it is obligatory t h a t this year, according to t h e s t a t e m e n t all a s p i r a n t s a t t e n d t h e n e t workissued by Larry Balog, captain. outs. I n addition Balog a n n o u n c e d t h a t Up u n t i l now H a r r y K e n s k y h a s W a l t Daniels, a n o t h e r veteran of shown remarkable prowess and t h r e e previous years' experiencs h a s probably will be t h e n u m b e r one tossed in his cap for consideration m a n on the t e a m this year. Besides for a b e r t h on t h e t e a m roster. Kensky, there will be four other letDaniels is one of S t a t e ' s finest t e r m e n r e t u r n i n g : George Pearson c a t c h e r s a n d will be seeking his old a n d S t a n Smith, co-captains, H a n k position behind t h e plate again this B r a u n e r , a n d Al Stiller. Moreover, year. His slugging ability h a s won there are some very promising c a n h i m distinction a m o n g his fellow didates who should bolster t h e squad considerably. Bob Jones, last year's t e a m m a t e s in t h e past. c a p t a i n of Cortland's t e a m , a n d T e a m Yet U n n a n o u n c e d Bernie B e r n h a r d t , winner of t h e As yet the t e a m h a s not been se- t o u r n a m e n t conducted in t h e fall, lected. However, since t h e w e a t h e r a r e expected to provide stiff c o m p e h a s t u r n e d out so ideally, spring tition for the veterans. O t h e r c a n d i practice is going a t full speed, a n d d a t e s include Wally Manley, Ed t h e t e a m is likely to be a n n o u n c e d Reed, Bill Marsland, Al S t o n e , and Gerald Rock. very soon. This year's tennis schedule is one Louis G r e e n s p a n , varsity baseball m a n a g e r , has a n n o u n c e d several u n - of the most difficult in years. Neverusual opportunities for u n d e r c l a s s - theless, the t e a m expects a very m e n who seek to make a n a m e for successful season. T h e t e a m will themselves in the sports world a t cover a lot of territ ry in t h e c u r S t a t e . These opportunities are open r e n t tennis wars, traveling over to candidates for t h e position of 1,200 miles before the schedule Is a s s i s t a n t m a n a g e r of baseball. All completed. T h i s year for the first time the men interested should contact G r e e n s p a n a t once. F r o m those men n e t m e n will be equipped w i t h u n i who come out the future m a n a g e r s formed jerseys bearing the S t a t e insignia. of baseball will be picked. WAA Swings Into Spring Beckoning Fans Outdoors has been thinking about all winter," ^ J ^ J ^ ^ A A ' —upons. When the W a s h i n g t o n Park Spring season was inaugurated by courts open, tennis e n t h u s i a s t s may WAA with t h e a p p o i n t m e n t of c a p - ! o b t a i n credit for g a m e s played t a i n s for spring sports this past there. Until then c o - c a p t a i n s Mary Irving and Mary D o m a n n will s u p week. Tomorrow and every S a t u r d a y ervise practice in the gym. hereafter Kay Wilson will captain T h e bullseye will be t h e aim of riding groups. Since there are only girls out for archery u n d e r t h e s u p six horses at the stable and this ervision of R u t h O'Donnell. T h i s sport proved very popular in t h e sport will be offered on Tuesdays, fall, a r r a n g e m e n t s have been made T h u r s d a y s and Fridays at 3:30 P. M. for three groups to meet. At 10 A. in Iront of the library. M. experienced riders will canter, at .Swimming will continue under t h e 11 A. M. the beginners and inter- i direction of F r a n Khapley with t h e m e d i a t e s will have their chance, omission of the T h u r s d a y night sesas will a similar group a t 12 noon. slon. A fee of one dollar will be c h a r g ed each girl every Saturday, but all those who complete a t least ten h o u r s riding will be refunded five dollars, as is the regular policy ol WAA. WATCHMAKER Softball practices are scheduled AND JEWELER for Mondays, Wednesdays, and F r i 2 3 9 CENTRAL AVE. ALBANY, N. Y. days at 3:110 P. M. J a n e Williams, c a p t a i n , has announced t h a t ten h o u r s will be required for credit. Any girl interested may s t a r t playing this afternoon In back of the library. Miss J o h n s t o n intends to teacli golf technique at practice sessions in back of the college on Mondays a n d Wednesdays a t 3:30 P. M. I n a few weeks t h e more expert players C. P. LOWRY Baloney -J.R.M, S t a t e sports have again lapsed into t h a t t r a d i t i o n a l spring lull which places t h e sports editor in t h e e m barrassing position of having n o t h ing to spout about—assuming, of course, t h a t he does have s o m e t h i n g to say otherwise. At any r a t e , we'll do our best under the circumstances. As far as the great majority of the s t u d e n t body is concerned, a t h letics for 1940-'41 a r e finished. As a m a t t e r of fact, two full varsity schedules a w a i t completion. S t a t e ' s n e t representatives, captained by George Pearson and S t a n S m i t h , are already limbering up for t h e opening of t h e current n i n e - m a t c h tennis c a m p a i g n on May 3 a g a i n s t C o r t l a n d S t a t e Normal. On t h e diamond front—the one we're most concerned with — another force s t a n d s ready to launch a n a t t a c k on May 7 against the R P I baseballers on t h e Troy Battlefield. S t a t e h a s a r e p u t a t i o n t h a t is none too good with the bat a n d ball. L a s t year's nine wound up its s e a s on with t h e decidedly unimpressive record of no wins in eight s t a r t s , to cite a single instance. Despite our poor showings in t h e p a s t o n t h e diamond, we see no good reason why home ball games c a n n o t enjoy a s t u d e n t interest rivaling t h a t of t h e court clashes in P a g e Hall. S t a t e c a n m a k e no claim of possessing a collegiate a t m o s p h e r e while its students are unwilling to support its daytime a t h l e t e s . If t h e s t u d e n t body h a s no y e a r n ing to a t t e n d our few home baseball games, there is but one logical course. T h e sport should be abolished — a step we'd regret a g r e a t deal. A suggestion to those in c h a r g e of baseball and MAA Press B u r e a u : W h y n o t some novel publicity to spare t h e boys the disgrace of playing to a n empty house a g a i n this season? W A A Plans Elections To Determine Officers T h e n o m i n a t i o n list for t h e WAA elections to be conducted Monday h a s been released by Madalyn Beers, president. J u n e H a u s h a l t e r , Anita Holm, and K a t h e r i n e Peterson, juniors, are c o n t e s t a n t s for t h e top honor of the presidency. Any member of WAA may vote who h a s received credit in a t least one sport during any o n e of t h e seasons since last spring, T h e WAA bulletin board lists other c a n d i d a t e s . DIAL 8 - 9 0 3 8 Else's Hair Dressing HAIR STYLIST LICENSED ZOTOS SHOP 8 0 5 MADISON AVE. ALBANY. N.Y. DISTINCTIVE FOUNTAIN AND LUNCHEONETTE 187 CENTRAL SERVICE AVENUE Saturday 3—Cortland State Friday 9—Norwich* Saturday 10—St. Peter's Wednesday 14—Conn. State Saturday 17—RPI Wednesday 21—Conn. State* Friday 23—St. Peter's* Saturday 24—Siena* Wednesday 28—RPI *Home. Princeton Seeks Revenge Over State Chess Team State's chess t e a m will renew its Intercollegiate wars this weekend as It encounters P r i n c e t o n here in Albany. T h s m a t c h will take place a t Brubacher Hall on S u n d a y afternoon. I n a previous e n g a g e m e n t t h e S t a t e s m e n drubbed t h e Tigers, who are seeking to avenge this previous defeat. T h e a t t e m p t on t h e p a r t of the chess t e a m to obtain a radio station for S t a t e College h a s failed. T h e federal g o v e r n m e n t advised against it because only "simple language" must ba used on t h e air. Since chess radio m a t c h e s require t h e use of symbols, the g o v e r n m e n t refused t h e license, a t least u n t i l after t h e national emergency is over. 25th Year State College N e v ^ Softballers to Open New, Faster Season KB, Potter Club Now Favorites To W i n Pennant This Year T h e I n t r a m u r a l Softball League will open its c a m p a i g n Monday afternoon on the Page d i a m o n d . T h e league will consist of eight teams, KDR, E E P , K B , SLS, R a m b lers, BAR, College House, a n d t h e newly organizsd G o p h e r s . Since t h e council h a s p r e p a r e d a 28-game schedule, each t e a m will m e e t every o t h e r league m e m b e r once. All games are to be played according to t h e 1941 rules. Moreover, gloves may be used by players of all positions i n s t s a d of only first b a s e m a n and c a t c h e r as last year. " W i t h t h e new rules." Del M a n cuso, who is in charge of i n t r a m u r a l softball, said, "we will undoubtedly play a faster b r a n d of softball and draw the s t u d e n t body to t h e games." Because SLS, last year's p e n n a n t winner, h a s lost fix men from t h e first t e a m , K B a n d P o t t e r Club are considered as pre-season favorites. However, both S L S and College House should give K B and EEP quite a battle before t h e season is over. Moreover, there is a possibility t h a t some d a r k horses may develop. As last year, two g a m e s will be played every day; the first will begin a t 4:30 P. M. and t h e second at 6 P. M. ALBANY, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, M A > 5, 1941 Z-443 Nelson Clarifies Activity Outline For Fifth Year Professional Duties W i l l Take Grad Interest OK Campus; A l l Should Have Training A n n o u n c e m e n t of details of t h e Five-Year-Plan in last week's NEWS, by Dr. Milton G. Nelson, D e a n of the College, this week r a i s ed a storm of comment on the place of t h e fifth year s t u d e n t in e x t r a curricular activity. Although he declined to decree t h e a m o u n t of activity of the g r a d uates, Dr. Nelson said they " p r o b ably would not w a n t to p a r t i c i p a t e " in extra-class activities as they a r e now organized. A r r a n g e Year's Study Reason for his s t a t e m e n t is t h e a r r a n g e m e n t of the fifth year of study. " I t seems likely t h a t the intensively professional nature of t h e g r a d u a t e year will a u t o m a t i c a l l y divorce the student from his former interests. Class schedules for t h e g r a d u a t e s may differ from those of the rest of t h e college. O n e strong a r g u m e n t advanced in favor of the participation of graduates is their experience a n d m a turity of judgment. Extra-Class Activities Needed " T h a t Is exactly why I hope g r a d u a t e s will be ineligible for any s t u d e n t offices," Dean Nelson c o m mented. "We consider participation in extra-class activity i n v a l u able in the development of ,ie u n der-gracluate. If graduates w e n allowed to retain the offices they they held in their senior year, or to be n a m e d for new ones, they would soon supplant the underclassmen who should be getting t h a t executive a n d administrative experience, "However I do believe the g r a d u a t e class should develop e x t r a class organizations of their own. T h e most beneficial, as far a s their progress is involved, would be professional. W.' don't want to say t h a t the colorful pleasures of their college years arc over, but in the fifth year, it is time people began to t a k e a different and more professional viewpoint." Wings, Not Books, Facing Day, Kusak Stove K u s a k a n d Fred Day a r e u p in the air in more t h a n one sense these clays. Scarcely a week ago K u s a k w a s celebrating the contract he h a d earned to teach m a t h in C a n a n daigua, half an hour's ride from his Rochester suburb home. T h e n i g h t the contract arrived, our blond Myskanian was served with his selective service summons. A few days later he signed to be tested for t h e air corps. M u c h to his surprise, he found Day in t h e office with t h e same idea. B o t h fellows were permitted to c o m plete their exams. They'll know in a m o n t h if they're In. 41 Chooses Snell A s Ivy Speaker Exclusive to the STATU COLLEGE News. T h e election of Louise Snell, '41, as the Moving-Up Day ivy speaker was announced this m o r n i n g by Myskania. At the same lime, the choice was made public of t h e t r a ditional torch n i g h t speakers. T h e r e sults reveal t h a t C a t h e r i n e O ' B r y a n will serve as class prophet, D e n n i s H a n n a n will be class poet, a n d R o b ert Hertel will write the class history. T h e numerical results of t h e balloting are as follows: lv,V S ilea Li' Cliiri'IU'l' uiscn I. Snell m <!'! I'loplii'l .I'llin (liinlcplic . . ( Miin• iiin- o'Hrviin liln uk liiillnlx . . . . I'lH'f l-'rcil Day 1 lentils I hi mm n lllhlurluu .liniicx ChiiiiclJ . . . Itnherl lien,.I . . . Hlu nk bullets III el liS I Clausen Names Camp Assistants Intensified Program Outlined To Begin New Orientation For Incoming Freshmen I n a u g u r a t i o n of a "freshman's F r e s h m a n C a m p " became evident with the a n n o u n c e m e n t yesterday of a corps of 10 upperclassmen c a m p a s s i s t a n t s by Dr. R a l p h G . Clausen, director. Selected to assist t h e faculty counselors were t h s following: H e r bert Oksala, '41; Robert Meek and Harry Passow, j u n i o r s ; H a r r y Bora, Robert L a m e r , Robert Leonard Joseph Levin, sophomores; Robert Combs, B e r t r a m Kiley and Robert White, freshmen. Division of campers into cabin units will depend solely on the faculty advisory group to which they have been assigned. Supervision of a faculty counselor, who will later be the adviser of t h e freshmen, will mean t h e beginning of a new a n d intensified o r i e n t a t i o n program. George Kunz, '43, p r o g r a m dlrec-, tor reported t h a t plans for t h e faculty skit have been originated by Louis C. Jones and William G. Hardy, English instructors. T h e only o t h e r upperclassmen who will a t t e n d t h e camp a r e : Henry B r a u n e r , '42, stud e n t director; A r t h u r Flax, general arrangements; Owen Bombard, finances; T h o m a s Feeney, athletics, all sophomores. Faculty assisting Dr. Clausen will be Dr. J. Allan Hicks a n d Dr. D. V. Smith, former camp directors; Dr. C. L u t h e r Andrews, a n d t h e following faculty advisors: R a l p h H. Baker, R a l p h Beaver, P a u l Bulger, Edward Cooper. Louis C. Jones, Robert Rienow, Henry L. Sisk a n d Derk V. Tieszen. Church Representatives To Attend SCA Dinner FOR S T A T E C O L L E G E B O W L E R S RICE ALLEYS WESTERN AND QUAIL 1 5c BOWLING FROM 9:00 A. M. TO 6 : 0 0 P. M. 7Tfa©HB'S W [ ttlr*trrn at Quail A c&e>; Moreland Hall Finds formless' Location Residence Council, viewing t h e proximity of t h e new dorm a n d Moreland Hall with disfavor, whispered into t h e e a r of t h e group house. Blushing modestly, Moreland Hall picked itself up, lock, stock, a n d barrel, a n d moved to a more discreet distance. This explains t h e m i g r a t i o n of Moreland Hall from 165 P a r t ridge to 1009-11 Madison Avenue. Pride and joy of t h e occupants is t h e u l t r a - m o d e r n l y equipped "green room." T h e girls are now working their way t h r o u g h college, living in t h e lap of luxury. Grattan to Give Repeat Concert Bill G r a t t a n ' s young orchestra, whose "Southern Fried" m e t w i t h overwhelming success a t Soiree, will present their second swing concert before a State audience on T h u r s day, May 15, In t h e Page auditorium a t 8:30 P . M. T h e p r e s e n t a t i o n , u n d e r sponsorship of Debate C o u n cil, will feature J o h n G a r d e p h e , '41, as m a s t e r of ceremonies. Bill G r a t t a n , leader a n d organizer of t h e local band, s t a t e d : "We h a v e a surprise In store for t h e S t a t e audience, a n d also a n u m b e r of new a r r a n g e m e n t s . " T h e 16 selections scheduled for t h e p r o g r a m will all be swing n u m b e r s . T h e orchestra h a s b e e n concent r a t i n g on its a r r a n g e m e n t s of t h e Anvil Chorus, the Volga Boatman, which displays t h e technique of t h e b r a s s section, Kansas City Moods, a n d Swanee River. O n e of t h e m o s t o u t s t a n d i n g selections will be a novelty n u m b e r , '"Taint What: You Do It's the Way That'oha Do It," in which Tom McTague, first s a x a p h o n e player, will sing original verses introducing solos by t h e other m e m b e r s of t h e orchestra. ' - t . v'dUBUV, NO. «4 —fr ^Jfe,— Musical Groups Will Give Joint Spring Program Orchestra and Choral Society W i l l Display State Talent At Albany High School T h e a n n u a l Spring Concert s p o n sored by Music Council and presented by t h e Choral Society in conjunction with the Symphony O r chestra, is scheduled for May 8, a t 8:30 P. M. in t h e auditorium of Albany High School. T h e Choral group, u n d e r the leadership of Dr. T. F. H. Candlyn, Assistant Professor of Music, a n d accompanied by J o h n Nordell, '39, pianist, will offer outstanding selections, while the orchestra, u n d e r t h e baton of Bernard P e r l m a n a n d I r a Hirsh, juniors, will render four n u m b e r s . Selections F r o m Pinafore The success of the HMS Pinafore which was recently presented by t h e Operatic Society h a s prompted t h e chorus to include in t h e p r o g r a m the solos The Hours Creep On Apace, which will be s u n g by J e a n McAllister, '43, s o p r a n o a n d When I tvas a Lad, w h i c h will be r e n d e r e d by Clarence Olsen, '41, baritone. Several o t h e r selection from Pinafore will also be blended into a medley for t h e chorus. Audrey Benfield, '43, soprano, will be assisted by t h e Choral Society In Poor Wayfaring Stranger, a nativo A m e r i c a n folk-song of p o i g n a n t beauty. One of t h e selections to be featured is Waltzing Matilda, an Australian folk t u n e which was sung by the Anzacs and t h e British troops as they m a r c h e d into Bardia. Also to be presented a r e Cu' the Yowes, a traditional Scottish folk-song, a r ranged by Dr. Candlyn, the lyrics for which were written by B u r n s . Nordell Given Solo Nordell, aside from a c c o m p a n y ing t h e chorus, h a s transposed t h e harp selection from Capriccio Espagnole by Rimsky-Korsakoff For t h e piano, a n d accompanied by the orchestra will render t h e solo p a r t s of this number. Hirsh will conduct t h e O v e r t u r e to t h e £>arber of Seville, by Rossini, and the first m o v e m e n t of Schubert's Unfinished Symphony in B minor. P e r l m a n will direct the o r c h e s t r a in Mozart's Concerto in D Minor, The latter selection, composed originally for t h e violin, is a m a s t e r p i e c e of o r c h e s t r a t i o n , and calls into play all t h e resources of t h e o r c h e s t r a . T h e following S t u d e n t Association revotes were posted yesterday: R o b e r t F. Agne, '41, president Secretary: William Forrest, P a t r i - has a n n o u n c e d t h a t t h e S t u d e n t cia Latimer; N.S.F.A.: Robert Leon- Christian Association will give its Dramatics Students ard, Shirley Siegel; Music Council: a n n u a l d i n n e r for representatives of Trece Aney, Charles Capel, C a r m e l - the churches of Albany in the cafeW i l l Enact Rice Hit ina Losurdo, Mary M c G r a t h ; S o n g - teria, T h u r s d a y , May 9, at 0:15 leader: Dorothy Cox, Harley D i n g - P. M. S t r e e t Scene, a social d r a m a in m a n , I r a Hirsh, Earle Snow, J a n e Rev. E. B. Maynard, C h a i r m a n of three acts by Elmer Rice, will be Southwick, Mildred Swain. I the Advisory Board, Dr. J o h n M. presented by t h e Advanced D r a m a Class revotes include: J u n i o r s : i Sayles, Acting-President, of the Col- tics Class as its a n n u a l Spring Vice-president, Marjorie Gaylord, ! lege, Miss S a r a T. De Laney, D e a n presentation. T h e performance, u n Assembly Will Consider Alfred Stiller; Sophomores: Secre- : of Women, Mrs. M a r t h a Egelston, der the direction of Miss Agnes E. Five-Year Plan Report t a r y : Mary McCann, Shirley Mosher; i n s t r u c t o r in History, and Dr. R a l p h F u t t e r e r , Assistant Professor of E n g Editor. F r e s h m a n Handbook, Shirley ; Clausen, Assistant Professor of lish, will be given in Page Hall AudiT h e chairmen for the concert a r e Siegel, Andrew T a k a s ; F r e s h m e n : Science, assisted by SCA s t u d e n t torium, Thursday and Friday, Muv J e a n e t t e Ryerson and Florence T h i s morning's assembly will c o n - Cheerleader: F r a n k Bishop, Robert members, will act as hosts to t h e 22 and 23 a t 8:30 P . M. llalbreieh, juniors. J o h n G a r d e p h e s t i t u t e the last business meeting of While. church guests. T h e play describes life on New anil Carol Golden, seniors, a r e in t h e Student Association for the J York's lower East Side. While there charge of a d v e r t i s i n g and publicity. year, President Merrill Walrath, is a central theme, most of the a c '41, stated yesterday. tion centers a r o u n d the myriad T h e c h i d topic for discussion will c h a r a c t e r s which p u t in their u p be t h e report oi t h e committee _ A _ _ . A . ^ f* II I l ' I Ipearance at numerous intervals Tibbetts Releases Plans headed by Alfred Stiller, '42, which has been investigating the advisaFor Traditional Events O / \ n S W e r V . O r n e l l U S L U r e in throughout. e .scene takes front of aT hthree-story t e n e place ment bility ol revising the .Student Assobuilding, and an elaborate set is ciation constitution in order to inA proiessor with a passion for I k a l i a n , numerous m a g a z i n e articles, now being built. Ralph Tibbetts. general c h a i r m a n clude the fifth year s t u d e n t s . anonymity, and a hair style t h a t I i u u l t l u ' addition in 1929 of "Bergin" T h e following tire those who will lu lllr lml1 " ' " ' Miss Florence T. play major roles: Robert Ague. nl Moving-Up Day activities on Preceding the business at the a s - rival., Wendell Willkic.s is leaving May Hi, yesterday released the sembly will be the a n n o u n c e m e n t S t a t e College ill six weeks, He iglBulleu, once ol Wallasey. Cheshire, Frank Cassidy, Hyman Melt/, names ol the class speakers. They of the remaining members of Sig- probably known less lo S t a l e Col-1 Engliind. His d a u g h t e r , Winifred T h o m a s Vassilew, seniors; T h o m a s are as follows: Catherine O'Bryan, Albany Augustine num Laudis by Dr. Milton O, Nel- lege idler six years' residence a s ' Mandeville, is a t t e n d i n g Anna C a l l u t i , Louise •11, Harry Passow. '42; Elizabeth head ni ihe romance languages de-1 Acucit'jny lot Girls son, Dean ni the College, Di'Angells, F r a n k Evans, Harry J o r - Barden, '43; Bernard Slcolsky, '44. pari on ni, t h a n lo [he outside world. Next tall lie will take up resi- dan, Kulli Keeler. Dorothea MacW a l r a t h also announced the n a m Si nut directors are Paul G r a t t a n , Tliat's because T h o m a s G o d d a r d del ice al Cornell University as p r o - Isaac Vincent Miller. Loretta Serving of Fred Ferris, '42, as c h a i r m a n Wilson, juniors; •II; Dorothea Mac Isaac, '42; George of the Freshman Orientation C o m - Heigni likes ii thai way. T h e t r u t h lessor and curate ol the world-fam- ialiii.s, K a t h r y n mit tec Kllzabrtli (iravelle, '44, will abnilt linn in thai Ihis Who's W h o in oils D a n t e Collection lis is sorry to Barbara Kerlin, J a n e t Wood, sopho- Iviinz. '43; Hub 11 While and A r t h u r revels in be- leave Slate, i "There is a n unusually mores; Paul Barselott, '44. T h e r e are Soderhuid. 'II All s t u n t s must have also serve on the committee, whose Aincrica-berth-holder 1 harmonious lacullj here—-none I've also three students from Milne 11 n- approwil oi C l a r e n c Olsen, other members are to consist of the iie , unknown. He lien hold a 1'lii Beta K a p p a disliked oh. ol course, the students F r a n k Belvillc, J a n e t Haul, and censor Three" rivalry points are h e a d s ol the two freshman c a m p s awarded for the class stunt. and the two Junior Guide c a p t a i n s . ke\ and a l'h I) Ironi Yale Uni- are Intelligent, but did you ever Hilly Huberts. versily, he may be awaiting t h e a p - culch a S l a t e College s t u d e n t reudWith the rivalry score s t a n d i n g pearnnee of the two latest of ills j lug a book lie didn't have to, for at 12-11'a in favor of Hie sophoNew Dramatics Class Named live books next month, he may b e j s o m e course or o t h e r ? " Dr. Bergin mores, tense interest is centered in Whiffen Appointed Engineer a continental traveler of no m e a n can be engagingly frank.) At the the rivalry events which are still to r e p u t a t i o n ; but the thing t h a t d e pleased to be Miss Agnes E, F u t t e r e r , Assistant eiiiue, Both the girls' and the boys' New "Chiel J o h n Whiffin as- lights T h o m a s Bergin is t h e fact same lime he is sumed the duties ol principal pow- that si range students identify him, traveling igain, lor It is one of his Professor of English, yesterday a p - softball games will be played o n londest pleasures. j pointed the following sophomores to WAA-MAA playday, Muy 10 a t er plant engineer on May 1, Mr. ii at all, as "the m a n who never 1 d o n ' t like being in one place the Advanced D r a m a t i c s Class for 3:30 P. M. T h r e e points are a w a r d e d WilliICM, recently employed a t the wears a coat and whose h a i r is a l - | s o long people can 'Oh, there next year: Betty Burden, Byron B e n - for victory in each of these, O n H o y s S t a l e School, O r a n g e County, ways waving in opposite directions," goes Bergin late to class; I wonder ton. B a r b a r a Clark, J a n e Curtis, May IS a t 3:30 P. M., in front of New York, Is filling the vacancy A native of New Haven, Conn., he if lie's sick or something,' Travel- Lenora Davis, Morris Gerber, Doro- Page Hall, the girls will scramble caused by the death of J o h n H u n t , worked his way through Yale to fill ing's the only way a m a n c a n keep thy Huyck, B a r b a r a Kerlin, George for two points in track a n d f ield chief engineer of S t a t e College, two in expenses where iris scholarship his personality known to himself," Kunz, Elizabeth M a r s t o n , J u n e Mel- events. T h e boys will seek two p o i n t s m o n t h s ago. left off. Ho has been to Europe of- he insists, ville, Muriel Scovell, Jacqueline in a tug-of-war on May 6, T h e According to his record, "Chief" ten, can claim as the chief tangible His other notions of fun include Shaw, Shirley Siegel, P a u l Skerrit, push-ball contest (two points) Is Whiffen has had extensive exper- results of the tours three critical not chaperoning college dances a n d Ellen Swartout, Betty Taylor a n d scheduled May 15 a t 4:30 p , M, ience in power plant supervision. J a n e t Wood. studies published in S p a n i s h a n d j not playing bridge. in front of Pago Hall. Bergin Dusts O u t Headquarters Good Food in A Friendly, Comfortable Atmosphere Honikel's Pharmacy Tennis Schedule May T