mmmetmm* m fxss&'^tttsx^'ijsistseuaetaiiimeam Cfcpi-3 - * * < * * < , STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER «3, 1940 PAGE 4 Activities Unite, Begin Reforms ' 3 9 - ' 4 0 Dean's List Class of 1941 Abelove, Alice Agne, Robert Aitiim, John A new regime has begun! The Antonuccl, Josephine Grand Grand Central Terminal off Bag In, Lucy the lower corridor of Draper Is no HciiHiin, Neva Baldwin, Nornmn more. The heads of the six activiCase; Ernest ties located In the Publications Of- Clliise; Anita fice have banded together In comCasBavrt'nt, Hillth Dygertj Doris mon defense against the Interlopers Kiiftelliardt, Iflstelle. who have made It Impossible to Flrrrt, Eva accomplish anything in the office Evans. Jennetto Frlekneelit, Alberta at any time. (iliironilnn, Nicholas They have appointed a Publica(irceiihlatt, Sylvia tions Office Committee with full Godfrey, Stephen Marilyn power to set up and enforce any (IrofT, Ilartinann, regulations necessary to maintain a Howe. William good working atmosphere In the Iltii'h, Kathcrlne Dorothy Publications Office. The response Johnson, Kleine, Herman from the Student Body has been Larson, Itnlli good. bison. Rose Tushinsky, Bella Now that these new regulations I.nriccliln, Louise (printed on page 2) are known to MacDonuld, Jltriet the student body there exists no ex- .Manliclmmcr, Lois cuse for non-cooperation. Penalties Murphy. Douglas for violations will be set up and ad- Mahnken, Mario Bernloe ministered by the heads of the ac- Miirtowlen, Murray, .John tivities. Peak, Dorothy Undoubtedly the new arrangement 1*11 null). Helen will Inconvenience the students who Perrttttlio, Frances have made a habit of frequenting the Pogor, Irene Kei k, Bthel Publications Office, but the advanSmith, Stanley tages gained by the workers on the Swallow. Harriet several publications are expected to Snover, James Tobacco, Snlvntore more than outweigh any inconvenJulia ience suffered by the people who Tiinnell, Tookor, Shirley have no work to do in the office. Villi. Alicia Jordan, Agne Stage Satire, Comedy Duo Advanced Dramatics will again present two plays on the stage of the Page Hall auditorium on Tuesday at 8:15. Harry Jordan and Robert Agne, seniors, are the respective producers of two satirical comedies. Jordan's play is a modern version of the old story of Helen of Troy. It Is one of a series of "somewhat" historical plays. The cast includes Dorothy Mclsaac, Lauretta Servatius, and Frank Evans, juniors; John Wltthoft, '43; Don Vanas. The second comedy was both written and directed by Agne, who also is in the cast. Other characters are played by Kay Wilson, Frank Cassidy, and Tom George, juniors; George Kunz, '43; Harold Ashworth, Bob White, and Joe Higgins, freshmen. The Engineers Reply Reprinted From Rensselaer Polytechnic An article appearing in a past issue of Polytechnic has incited our collegues of the STATE COLLEGE NEWS to editorialize upon the actions of the precocious children at Rensselaer. Gentlemen, we are treading upon holy ground whenever we cross the threshold of a State dormitory. We are immature, conceited individuals who are to be treated with clemency (in order to avert the frustration of youth) by pedagogues well versed in child psychology, and the care and handling of illiterate children. They ridicule us because we migrate to their campus in groups. Perhaps the esteemed editors of the NEWS forgot their lessons in mass psychology, and in so doing fail to realize that our only object in such a movement Is to enhance the welcome that we so richly deserve. We are not placing ourselves among the unattainable stars when we say that we at Rensselaer are a body of unaffected individuals, congregated here with the only intention of pursuing an engineering education. Occasionally we may wander from the path. Any statement accusing us of laboring under illusions of grandeur Is a conclusion founded upon a false hypothesis. THE RENHHBI.AKU POLYTECHNIC. TUXEDOS FOR RENT • Without Accessories ...$2.50 Complete $3.50 COHENS MEN SHOP Dr. M. Q. Nelson, dean, will an(Continued from page 1, column k> nounce the names of new members Change Rush Ruling ently, it was easier for a larger of Signum Laudis, scholastic honnumber of students to maintain a B orary society, in this morning's asaverage for one semester, but It be- sembly. These members constitute Intersorority Council met a week comes more difficult to maintain the highest four per cent of the i ago Thursday for discussion on such an average for both semesters." Senior class and will be initiated a t rushing. According to Bertha Petit, the induction meeting to be held Council president, the rule forbid- Senior Class Leads ding contact between freshmen and The classes were represented dir- November 14. sorority girls from 5:00 P. M. to 9:00 ectly in proportion to their preceA. M. has been changed to read 8:00 dence; that is, the Class of 1941 Kodaks Cine Kodaks A. M. Council also decided to use once again leads the classes with 48, taxis for the night of formal dinner. followed by the Class of 1942 with Albany Camera Shop, Inc. 204 Washington Avenue Dr. and Mrs. Shields Mcllwaine 41, and the sophomores with 21. Aprecently pledged Phi Delta, and Dr. proximately 14% of the men of the ALBANY, N. Y. Watt Stewart is planning to follow college and 13% of the women of PHONE 5-4558 the college comprise the dean's list suit. Phi Alpha Tau has two new honorary members In Dr. and Mrs. for 1939-1940. Oscar Lanford, Shirley Mosher, Lillian Westfall, sophomores and Ann Dial 5-1913 Geo. D. Jeoney, Prop. Norberg, '41, joined Phi Delta, Sigma Alpha's new members include: Mary Mcintosh, Agnes Bennet, Olive Myers, Edith Jane Kupp, Mary Dun.ning, juniors, and Francis Bourgeois and Norma Enea, sophomores. Weill), Inabellc Wilbur, Alice Class of 1942 Augustine, Thomas Halter, Edward Brown, Janet Brook, Dorothy Hush. Barbara Caeehillo, RogO Caswell, Helen Carpenter, Mary nominee, William Fcrlier, Klsie Fillvln, I'eter Frlodcman, Edytlio Oavlord, Marjorle Ornubart, Hilda Ollinore, Blbsnbetli Gross, Michael Halpln. Edward Hlrsh, Beatrice Hausliiiller, June Johnson, Kenneth Kell. llltu Kyle, Shirley Kralz. Henry Lee. Alberta MeVov, Charles Miller, Evelyn Markarian, Michael Miller, Vincent N'avy. Blanche O'Donnell, Ruth Olcott, Bornlca l'assow. Harry I'erlinan, Bernnrd Real, Jane Roberts, Hazel Reig, llyniun Sehmachtonberg, Joanne Sommers, Roy Seifert, George Tlbbetts, Ralph Tims, Marjorle Class of 1943 Bailie, Marie Burden, Elizabeth Bengal, Alice Bombard, Owen Churchill, !•'. Jennie Clark, Barbara Dolfs, Ellen Cross, Anthony Orysswacis, Walter HalBtead, Marjorle Hughes, Laura Huyek, Dorothy Jacobs, Georgo Levin, Maurice Levinsou, Thelmn Masslnilllaii, Lucy Monitor, Shirley Oetkeu, Allien Sec,veil, Muriel Togler, Etholmuy Tyler, Winfleld Boulevard Phone 4-4SS1 At Htatc see Ed. Hoisted. '42 50c ELSE'S HAIR DRESSING HAIR STYLIST Licensed Zotos Shop 805 Madison Ave. Albany, N. Y, 198-200 C E N T R A L AVENUE ALBANY, N. Y. DO YOU SMOKE THE CfOAItfflTf THAT SATISFIES ifo ^ ^ i m r ^ ^ " ^ ^ ^ COOLER...MILDER BETTER-TASTING Chesterfield has all the qualities that smokers like best — that's why it's called the SMOKER'S cigarette. Smoke after smoke and pack after pack, they give you more pleasure. Chesterfields are made of the RIGHT COMBINATION of the world's best cigarette tobaccos. SUSANNE TURNER MARY STEELE and JEAN DONNELLY iMdibtri ef tha Women Flyers of America You'll find At the ANNEX Ten Eyck Hotel, Downing s Band, Formal Tonight Hertel Extends Blanket Bid To A l l Students, Faculty Sororities to Dance Following the traditional "last shall be first" policy, the Senior class starts off State's social season with Senior Hop tonight at the Ten Eyck Hotel from 10 to 2. Harder Downing and his Continentals, featuring Ernie "JumpliV Jive" Washington, promise to deliver to the satisfaction of all devotees of the dance. Downing, who has been connected with Glenn Miller and Tommy Reynolds, Is a collegiate favorite and has played at Colgate, Harvard, Cornell and Hamilton. He has promised an arrangement of "Life Is Very Different" especially for the elders who arc facing contracts and draft. VOL. XXV, NO. 7 ALBANY, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1940 Z-443 No Assembly Today, Walrath Announces Students intending to study, eat, sleep, or just wile away time by cutting assembly this morning can do so without having their consciences bother them. Merrill Walrath, '41, president of Student Association, has announced that there will be no assembly today. The program scheduled for this morning's Assembly, namely the traditional freshman sing wherein the freshmen were to entertain the rest of the students by their solemn singing of th° alma mater, "College of the Empire State," and the chain-gang presentation of "Life is Very Different." was suddenly cancelled when a sizeable number of freshmen were called away to participate in a number of tests. The freshmen will perform two weeks hence. Bulger, Smith Attend Parley Political Forum Sponsors Party Students W i l l Hear Results OF Presidential Election During Entertainment State College students of all political parties will gather in Page Hall Gymnasium Tuesday night to participate in an Election Watch Party, celebrate Election clay, listen to the election returns as they are broadcast over the radio, and dance away an evening. The affair, sponsored by the Forum of Politics, will commence immediately after the Advanced Dramatics weekly presentations. Admission Fee Three Cents Students will be asked to pay a very nominal admission fee of three cents plus a few additional taxes which bring the total to twenty-one cents per person. Members of the Forum are Inclined to believe that those students attending will be made at least a little tax-conscious. The tax list includes the following: four cents for national defense, two and one half cents federal, one cent state, eleven cents county, and a one-half cent poll tax. The Forum's party will present a little of everything that the members have decided should be part of an election night celebration. An orchestra has teen selected to provide music for dancing. The State College brass band will perform under the direction of Charles Reynolds, '42. 25th Year Freshman Class to Elect Officers in Monday Poll Draft Hits Alumnus; Army Calls Fluster The second number, friends, in this momentous lottery of patriotism, the second number is 192. And 192, to be specific is Harold Fluster of 122 Dana Avenue, Albany, State, '39. Yes, conscription is real. At latest reports, the draftee is doing as well as can be expected. In fact, he feels fine. "A year's vacation—a new uniform—and we've practically reserved tickets for the PurdueForclham game! Heck, why should I be mad?" Fluster grinned. He doesn't know yet when he will be summoned by the authorities of the Selective Service Act to enter his year of training. In fact, he doesn't even know how he'll look in a uniform, but Fluster and his mother both agree a year away from home should be "good for me." Seven Nominees Seek Presidency Finance Board Representatives To Be Chosen by Seniors: Clark Creates Vacancy The Class of 1944 will march to the polls in the Commons of Havvley Hall on Monday to elect its 1940-1941 officers. The election will he held from 9 a. m. until 4 p. m. under the supervision of Myskania, senior campus leadership society. It is imperative that all those who are candidates in the election pay their student taxes and class dues before 3:30 P. M. today. The names of those who have not paid by then will be stricken from the list. Hertel Heads Committees Headline For Withdrawals Bob Hertel, who emerges from Nominees whose names appear on vice-presidential obscurity to head Syracuse Scene of Convention the list of candidates more than once the dance committees, stated: "The of Principals, Board Heads; must withdraw from all but one committees have worked hard to Cole Addresses Group nomination by 3:30 P. M. today. make the class of '41's last big This may be done by placing a formal a social success, and we hope Dr. C. Currien Smith and Paul sealed note in the Myskania box inthe attendance tonight will justify Bulger, acting assistant principal of dicating the office for which the our efforts". Milne High School, represented State Juniors to Face Sophomores candidate desires to run and those College at the eighth annual meetfrom which he wishes to withdraw. O n Issue of Men's Hours,Heads of the committees for Sen- ing of the New York State School All new nominations, which may Frosh Squad Announced ior Hop are: Ada Parshall, arrange- Boards Association, October 27, 28, Satires On Program still be made until 3:30 P. M. today, ments; Paul Grattan, publicity; and 29 at Syracuse. More than eleven Included on the program are a Debate Council will present a must be presented to Myskania in a Stephen Kusak, chaperones; Carol hundred local principals and super- number of plays and satires about heckle-debate between juniors and sealed envelope. Candidates whose Golden, programs; Glenn Clark, intendents attended the meeting. candidates and political parties. One sophomores at 8 P. M. Thursday in names still appear more than once music. Bertha Petit, bids. on the list because of a new nominaDr. Ernest E. Cole, Commissioner parody concerns itself with Hitler, the Milne Little Theatre. Louise Snell, '41, will serve as tion will be given until 9:00 A. M. Dr. and Mrs. Henry and Mr. of Education and President of the Stalin, and Mussolini. Three members of the senior class will stage chairman in debating the question, Monday to withdraw. Myskania will and Mrs. Faul Bulger will be the University of the State of New York, this skit entitled "Three Little "Resolved: That New York State cancel all nominations of those not was the principal speaker. Other chaperones. Among the faculty speakers on the program were Dr. J. Maids Are We." College for Teachers inaugurate adhering to these rulings. guests are: Dr. and Mrs John M. Cayce Morrison, assistant CommisJanet Sharts, president of the men's hours." The affirmative is to At its last meeting, Myskania ruled Sayles, Dr. and Mrs. Milton G. Nel- sioner of the State Education De- Forum of Politics, busy with plans be supported by the Juniors, Jeanette that in all future elections nominason, Miss Sara Delaney, Miss partment, Dr. W. Howard Pillsbury, for the political rally is general Ryerson and Ira Hirsch, while the tions will be closed twenty-four Agnes Putterer, Dr. and Mrs. Don-superintendent of schools of Sche- chairman of the affair. "I believe sophomores, Verna Snyder and Ralph hours before the withdrawals. nal V. Smith, and Dr. and Mrs nectady, and Dr. Hu Shih, Chinese that the program has enough variety Toepfer, will argue for the negative. List of Candidates Ambassador to the United States. and features to please any student Robert W. Frederick. Following is a list of candidates of State College no matter what Council Plans More Bulger Comments Bids to Sell for $2.50 particular political party, he or she "This debate is a follow-up of the for Freshman Class offices: Bulger, in commenting on the con- may belong to," said Miss Sharts, one given in Assembly," stated Paul President: Patricia Carroll, William Bids are $2.50, on sale with the Forrest, Dim Haaley, l.ymau Juckctt, red and silver programs at the table vention, expressed his astonishment "and the small admission fee will Grattan, president of Debate Coun- I'lill Bernard Skolsky, Robert at the voluntary attendance of such allow the students to have a good cil, "the students have been so re- While;Murphy, Vice-President I l,oln Dnim, near the girls' locker room. a large number of local educators. time while listening to the returns ceptive to the heckle-debate that Mary Joyce, Patricia Latimer, Pauline To complete the Senior Hop week- Said Bulger, "The first thing that of the election." Pasternak, Rhonn Ryan, Mildred Wclrwe are planning six or seven more Irtloff; Treasurer! Adella Hiiecl, Charles end, all the sororities on State Col- impressed me was that such a numon subjects pertinent to State. Sug- ('apel, Robert Combs, Arthur Cornwel), lege Campus will hold their annual ber of people would sacrifice so much gestions as to questions for debate Paul Ferenick, Verne Marshall, Mary MetJralh, Beverly Preston, Henry Rliufall house dances tomorrow evening of their time solely because of their Service Fraternity will be very welcome." iMiek, Arthur Smlerlin, Mary Stengel, interest in education". Grattan has announced the selec- Carol WIIIK; Secretary: Kay Dornn, from 9 to 1. In his capacity as Director of the Mason (loss, Lois Hiimpel, Helen llencstion of the following members of They will be semi-formal and as Student Employment Bureau, BulTo Drop Delinquents the freshman debate squad: Edythe ny, Teddy Jay, Cannellne Los'urdo. Clarence Oiirr, Margaret Uaychoff, Janet has been the custom in former years, ger found It an unusually good opBaker, Marjorie Bruing, Charles G. Smith, Mary HI lull) linker, Jean Thomas; the houses will be open to couples portunity to cultivate the acquaintPaul Grattan, president, announc- Capel, Rita Daly, Irving Fudeman, WAA Representative) Itlta Daly, Mary from other sororities during the ance of school board members ed Wednesday that Service Fra- Lois Hemple, Joseph Higgins, Verne Domain), Agues Frank, Pat Prey; WAA ternity, the State College organiza- Marshall, Rhona Ryan, Bernard Mmmirer: Kit llerdman Jeanelle Shay | throughout the state. dances. .MA.A Iteprceatatlve: Malcolm Kvuns, tion composed of former Boy Scouts, .1 MHi-i.h MeC'nUC, William Miller, Vim The chairman of the dances are Cole Stresses Home Rule will undertake a major reorganiza- Skolsky, Earle Snow, Marlon Sovik, Scliul/,e, Fred Belt u maker; Plminco as follows: Chi Sigma Theta, RoseHoard: Helen Beckorlo, Russell Blytho, Dr. Cole in his address to the con- tion. This step has been taken, Presi- Vera Willard, and Harry Wurtz. Janet Sharts, '41, varsity debater, Arthur Cornwall, Don Donilck, Helen mary Brucker, '41; Kappa Delta, vention, emphasized decentralization dent Grattan explained, because a will coach the newly organized Kelly, Verno Marshall, T. Oney; Hont> Kay Peterson, '42; Gamma Kappa of the state's school system. He large proportion of the members of squad. letidorj Frank Bishop, Marjorle lireunInt,'. Maureen Harmon Vincent Pape, Phi, Ethel Appleton, '42; Psi Gamma, stressed "home rule" in education the fraternity were not actively inThe State College Town Meeting Helen Sisclowsky, (ill Snyder, Jane for the state's municipalities. terested in the work of the group. Marjorle Gay lord, '42; Beta Zeta, SuirihwU'k, Dorothy Towns-end; Cheer* assembled last night in the AudiInstead of speaking on condiThe reorganization, which is In Hattie Conklin, '41; Alpha Rho, tions in China today, Dr. Shih pretorium of Page Hall under the guid- lender: Hal Ashworth, Doily AunifKt, charge of Robert Bunn, '42, aims to June Ifaiillmm, Dolly Dlltillilio, Kay Madeline Fagan, '42; Alpha Epsllon sented a talk on New York State eliminate the delinquent members of ance of Debate Council. Divine, Ralph FK'ilrk'kS, Os'nlf SeriiPhi, Florence Halbreich, '42; and influence on the Chinese Renais- the fraternity, to make it closer Town Meeting Successful liiau. Bunny Squire; Publicity Director I sance. Pill Delta, Charlotte Ritchie, '41. knit, and more efficient. The group, The affair assumed the propor- Ken Dubois. which was organized in 1939, nowtions of a political rally, complete Budget Adopted has more than fifty members. with bunting, a band, and noise. As At its meeting of the Freshman As soon as the reorganization lias each citizen entered the auditorium, Class last Wednesday the budget for lie chose a pin indicating his choice been completed, the fraternity plans the year 1040-1941, appropriating a to commence activities. Among the of the candidate In the coming elec- total of $550.00 was passed. The Resolved that on the conclusion of all Student Association and first of the tasks to be undertaken tion; tha political sentiment of the itemized budget follows: class elections, the numerical results of such elections, and revotes will be a survey of men's housing meeting was ascertained by countMl IMiNT-CI.AKH OF lllll incidental thereto shall be posted. The numerical results of elecfacilities. Tills survey is to be taken ing the proportionate number of M \ \ (lluHkctlmll) 1200 tions for Campus Queen, Prom Queen, and Myskania nominations in cooperation with the office of the pins. The various parties were sup- CIHHH tun sioo •shall not be posted. ported in speeches by members of Dean of Women. Town * I") Debate Council; minorities (Social- IMmtiiiic PeduKUKiic I'll lure * 41) Iii reply to a request for un interpretation of this resolution's ist, Prohibitionist, etc.,) Janet Freshman rurly * 40 constitutionality, Myskania rules as follows: Sharts, '41; Republican party, Louise (Jumpun Day * tS Keeler, Miller to Stage * lift Snell, '41; Democratic party, Fred Moving-I'p l>ay Inasmuch as Article IV of the Constitution vests "all legislaCIllHN llllllllllel * IA Political, War Dramas Ferris, '42. CIUXH Itanner If 10 tive power in the assembly of the Association," and since the Miscellaneous * »5 purpose as outlined in Article II is "the management of all matFinance Board Election Advanced Dramatics students will ters of student interest not academic in nature, it would seem present plays Tuesday evening in The Senior Class election for reElection Results Page Auditorium at 8:16. presentative to Finance Board will that in the absence of any specific prohibition that the Student take place on Monday. Ralph Clark, Ruth Keeler, '42, is directing a play The complete numerical results of Association holds life and death power over the publication of in which one of the boys who fought all elections to be held at State '41, has resigned because he is a memits election results. T h e Association may authorize the publicain the lost war returns from the College in the future will be pub- ber of the Nwws Board which retion of its election results; it may forbid such publication; its dead. The second play, directed by lished in the STATB COI.LKOH NHWS ceives an allotment In the Student Vincent Miller, '42, la appropriate for power over their publication is limitless, T h e resolution is thereas soon as they are released by Association budget, The constitution Tuesday night as it Is a political Myskania. of Finance Board prohibits persons fore constitutional. satire concerning election. from.holding two such positions. Heckle-Debate Returns to State Myskania Announces Wagar s ICE CREAM esterfield Open evenings 20 Central Ave. Cafeteria TRY OUR BUSINESSMAN'S LUNCH Dial 8-9038 State College^{4ews Dean Announcti Top Scniora Honor Students Sororities Initiate, < Nothing Else So Good 1$ So Good For You Ci>i>y>l»lil 1440, I.IC«OT Jr M u m ToiAtui C». MORE AND MORE...AMERICA SMOKES THE CIGARETTE THAT SATISFIES Pin mm wmvntimmw**! PAGE 2 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1940 STATE COLLEGE NEWS 25th y«r Skeleton In The Closet Eittblishtd May, 1916 By<hiCU»oM918 Tol. XXV F r i d a y , November 1, 1940 No, 7 Member Distributor Associated Collegiate P r e s s Collegiate Digest T h e unilcrgrntliinte n e w u p n p e r of t h e Now Y o r k S t a t e College for T e a c h e r s p u b l i s h e d every F r i d a y of the college y e a r by tlie N E W S Board for the S t u d e n t Association. T e l e p h o n e s : Office, 5-0373; M u r r a y , 2-0888; Clark, 4-0373 Entered a s second class matter Albany, N. Y„ postoflice. KtPREBtNTIO FOR NATIONAL ADVIHTIIINa BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 4 2 0 MADISON A V I . N I W YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO • BOSTON • LOI AH.II.I3 • S M FMHCIIC0 The News Board JOHN A. MURRAY BEATRICE A. DOWER STEPHEN A. KUSAK RALPH CLARK BETTY PARROTT JAMES MALONEY WILLIAM DORRANCE EDWIN HOLSTEIN HARRY PASSOW EDITOR-IN-CHIEF CO-MANAGING EDITOR CO-MANAGING EDITOR BUSINESS MANAGER ADVERTISING MANAGER SPORTS EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR All c o m m u n i c a t i o n s shon a d d r e s s e d to t h e editor anil m u s t be signed. N a m e s will be w i t h h e l d upon request, T h e STATIC C O L L E G E N E W S a s s u m e s no responsibility for opinions e x p r e s s e d In Its columns' o r c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , as such e x p r e s s i o n s do not necessarily r o l l e d Its view. R 8P 35 S 400 E W h o Shall Judge? Con HUM it I horn to lirntlicr Pro— On I'ro we often sicked h i m : Whatever P r o would claim to k n o w — Old Con would c o n t r a d i c t liiml — Christopher Morleu. The Twins Editorialized in the October IS issue of The Siena News is a plea for decision debates. Such debates are requested because non-decision debates lack the flavor, the combat, and the suspense of decision debates. Decision debates are better prepared, better received, and better for you. So says The Siena News. To all of which we of State must reply—the facts do not bear out such conclusions. Decision debates have no place in the collegiate world, if that be an adult world. In any debate, the emphasis should be on the proposition, and the solution must rest "somewhere between" the two extremes. Otherwise the subject is both undebatable and unfair. Decision debates are too "one-sided" in the dual sense of the term. They involve inordinate speaking to the judges, as both justice and the audience are forgotten in juvenile attempts to triumph, And without casting aspersions on the characters of debate judges, it is difficult to cite many instances of squads losing decisions within their own bailiwicks. Debate Council is to be congratulated on its continuance of the non-decision policy, even though such a policy makes a desired State-Siena meeting an impossibility. I would suggest that the two colleges debate the issue of Decision vs. Decsionless Debates, if only they could come to some agreement anent the judging of such a meeting! m The Rumor is Not Unfounded Heard from a more than reliable source that all outsiders would be barred from the noontime dancing held in the State College Commons. Seems that there were 18 boys from Siena Indulging in the art of dancing one noon at State, and It didn't set so well with the male sex, although the female group didn't mind in the least, Or are any rumors unfounded. T h e unusual, sentenceless paragraph and rhetorical query printed above in "Siena Sites????", personal column of The Siena News, raises once more the problem posed in last week's STATU COIJ.KOK Nittvs editorial, "Admission by 'Invitation' ". Siena was not mentioned by name in that issue. Nevertheless it was an influx of Siena boys, self-styled, at noontime and KIT men at the Campus Night dancing which prompted that editorial, Frankly, Siena boys are not wanted at noontime dancing. T h e Commons is too small for outsiders, and such dancing is for State students and their "Invited guests". If "the female group didn't mind in the least" and the women of State are so enthusiastic over the boys of Siena, why is it that the latter stand around gaping and not dancing when they descend en masse on our Commons? No, the rumor is not unfounded. Idiots Delight -The CriticThe skits on Campus Day might set was quite realistic. The actors be likened to the waves of the sea, began at too high a plane and conThey rose and fell, going from peaks sequently could not carry the emoof hilarity and good fun, to sloughs tion of the play to the heights it when there was nothing but silence should have reached. and a bewildered audience. Let it not The program last Tuesday night be said, however, that a good time was not as good as the first one, was not had by all, for there were for various reasons. Two comedies enough puns on familiar subjects to can be entertaining, if their humor keep us all laughing. The seniors be- is sustained. Harry Jordan's play gan it with goodnatured digs at the about Helen of Troy was clever teaching profession, and school insti- enough, but it could have been imtutions. It sort of petered out. The proved by a more careful delineation juniors, poor people, let the bars of characters. The old man didn't down a bit farther than good sense quite ring true, and neither did the would dictate. The sophs put on a crowd, Lauretta Servatius made a show of Individuals. Bob Walters gracious Helen, and Don Vanas a stole the laurels for the evening as romantic Paris, after he got over the redheaded rube. And those danc- the incongruity of his costume. Iners I It remained to the frosh to cidentally, a ncgress of that day come forth with the prize perform- would not have worn a bandanna I ance of the evening. Proceeding Bob Agne wrote a play, directed with a combination of Pins and it, and acted in it. Very praiseNeedles, Idiot's Delight, and Nin- worthy, Indeed, had it been a good otchka, they carried their little sa- play. But it wasn't. It was long, untire through to a very unusual con- wieldy and, at points, ridiculous. The clusion. theme of sanity and insanity was For Its first plays Advanced Dra- obscure and needed working over. matics took us down in a submerged Individuals, however, deserve credit submarine and left us there at the for their performances, Prank Casbedside of a bored business man who sldy made a competent clairvoyant had decided to stay in bed for a in his white turban. Little Bob week. Tom Augustine, in attempting White kept clamoring for snow to to transmit the gripping fear of everyone's delight. He should have death far under the sea, did not had a bigger part. quite reach his goal, although his Life s Great Moment STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1940 Changes—Faire and Fait The CommcntiUtcr Bull sessions are wonderful things—two or more people of either sex get together and start talking about some innocent subject, and the next four or more hours are sure to be full of ideas, phrases, curses, prejudices, heated debate, and smooth persuasion. One thing is certain—that the final subject will have absolutely no relation to the original topic. For example, the original subject may concern the advantages of two five-cent cigars over one ten-cent one, and end with any topic from sex to religion, education to communism, tolerance to politics. So it was last week, when three of us started talking about the relative merits of Willkle's smile as compared to Roosevelt's, wandered to the sophomore performance in assembly, and after seven or eight more detours arrived at the subject of courses in State College, and eventually resolved our arguments into a heated discussion about one specific course—Hygiene, Hygiene as taught in State College consists of a number of highly specialized topics which many of us are naive enough to call "capable of being pre-med stuff" and some generalizations which concern themselves mainly with personal hygiene. The idea advanced was that the administration would do well to revise such a course to meet the needs of State College, an institution devoted primarily to the training of teachers for the State of New York. AH Certainly the absence of practical asFirst A , a pects related directly to class room teachCourse m g a n d t h e n y g j e n e involved is noticeable. Missing A S p CC i a ii zec [ study concerning itself with the structure and diseases of the eye or the ear have little value in a classroom should a child faint, A study of foods rich in certain vitamins and diseases caused by a deficiency of a certain vitamin is knowledge—but knowledge which cannot be applied is valueless. Few teachers would have derived enough practical information from the present hygiene course to do anything should an accident occur in the classroom other than rush the child to the health room or a hospital while the child may be painfully suffering from lack of immediate first aid—first aid that should have been applied, but was not because the teacher had never been taught the fundamentals of practical first aid. The consensus of opinion agreed on a need for a revision of the present course in hygiene. The revision would be simple-—it would merely involve emphasis on the practical aspects of hygiene as related to the teacher, personally and professionally. First aid as applied to classroom situations would be the all-important purpose of our course in hygiene. Although most other courses are taught with the premise that the student is to be a teacher and emphasis is continually concerned with classroom procedures, hygiene is one of the few courses which has remained theory nnd pedagogically impractical. It Is difficult to believe that a short seven Succss days ago, the now business-like publicaClaimed tions office was the smoke-filled, fllthFor Purge strewn, crowded, close, foul-odored Activities Office—the haven for refugees from Gideon Hawlcy's upper hall. But it is encouraging to find that this same group who had "infected" the Activities Office to such an extent that it was necessary to purge, fumigate, and deodorize the room even to the point of changing its name, have seen fit to cooperate to the fullest extent and have refrained from nesting on the benches, chairs, railings, and tables of the neatly kept Publications office—chivalry is not dead I True, there are still a few offenders but with the vigilant Publications' Office Committee on its toes, these "criminals" are slowly joining the numerous students who have seen fit to cooperate with the new administration. The Weekly Bulletin I'HIOHM IIDKIIAII 1'riinH Uiirunu will Lnko eiii'i! HI' liny publicity fur iifflri'H' mill lifiiKii'N (other limn III'IIII'H llHt, Kvnilitiltlott, uiipiilntitiuniH to touching position*, which nra routine iliitloK of tho bureau), provlilhiK I hi' xtuileiil (luHll'lllg NIK'II publicity pays tho pontage, i''rcniiiiiaii anil sophomores Interested In trying out for the h u m a n may still ilo so by c o n t a c t i n g tlunartn Simmons', There will be u short 1)iisiiicHH meeting of all Pronn liuroaii members on Monday In room NX) at 12:00 noon. S t u d e n t s wlui IUIVII not filled out Press Bureau form c a r d s should do so liiiinedliilely. Kiipi-rlii SliiiiiiiniH, Director, HTATKHMAN I'KO .MOTIONS Tho Statesman hoard announces I he election of David Keller, 'II, (» u,,. hoard us p h o t o g r a p h y editor. Allan W loll, ' « , IIHslshint advertising manager. C o n t r i b u t i o n s are now being iiceopicd for Die second Issue of I he Slalesinan. Ilhmcliit lili'Mliciiblum, Kdltor, HIONIOK OI.ANH E M O TION The .Senior Class will elect a member In BMnunOB Hoard, Monday, to roplaco Italph ('Inrli, lOlccllons will bo coudiicled from 11:01) A. Reprinted from "The Normal Leader" Fredonia Normal College The current issue of Life con- has buttled on the philosophy that tains a neat example of the lntcllcc human beings are more Important tual dishonesty and commercial than efficiency—a direct contrast mlndedness that grips the press of to Mr. Willkle's record. this country. Mr. Luce lacked the guts to say Editor Henry R, Luce of Life flatly what the past Issues of Life gives a prominent place in his maga- have made obvious—that Wlllkle is zine to his editorial, "This Great his choice. Nor does he glvo the Moment"—an editorial on the presi- very good reason why Life wants dential election. The editorial gen- Wlllkle—because Li/o must cater to eralizes beautifully for considerable its "big-business" advertisers who distance until the writer realizes are making the magazine a very that he has not said the only thing profitable enterprise. he actually wants to say. So he InBuried on page 102 of the same corporates the word "efficiency" into his thesis, glamorizes it, and says, issue of Life, and sharing the read"Everything else boils down to just ers attention with a "before and afone word: Efficiency, And It is per- ter" advertisement for corsets, is a haps by the word Efficiency that the dynamic and honest article by man or woman who lives American Fiorello LaOuardla in which he says can best make his decision at this bluntly that Roosevelt is tho only moment in history , . , I give you man for "this most difficult job in this word as the password or secret the world." weapon by which this Republic will Wo can understand that as a proeither find or lose salvation." fit-making publication, Life must The obvious implication of the protect its heavy investments. But v/ord, "Efficiency" Is that Wendell wo resent the deceitful, dishonest and M, In 4:00 l>. M. on I he balCommons, Winkle, business-man de luxe, is the unfair methods it has seen fit to use, cony of theHoy Me d r e a r y , epitome of the word, as opposed to Unfortunately, Life Is no worse In President, Idealistic Franklin Roosevelt. To this regard than the overwhelming (ilCKMAN Ol.llll carry the Implication further than majority of publications of the counQorman Club win meet Mr, Luce would like, Mr. Roosevelt try. Wednesday noon In Honin 2(1 to formulate plans for tho minimi iiullng. Members a r e invited to the a n n u a l Mnonnofcluir concert tomorrow nlghl in (leniuinla Hall In Troy. George KIIIIZ. President, HOCIAI, CAI.KNDAH Nov. I t'lVHliinan c h o r u s rehearsal, Lounge, :i:,'«) I', M. Nov. I Senior Hop, Hallroom of I lot i-l Ten IQyek, 10:00 I', M. Nov. 'J lloeiiey Conference, ICiiumi WIIIni-d School Troy, 10:00 A. M. Nov. •• Sorority Call Kovmals, Sorority Houses, 0:00 I'. M. lo l ;0Q A . M. Nov. | •Kresbmiin Bloclions, Ci IIIIIIH 'llaleony, 0:00 A. M. lo 1:00 I'. M. Nov. I -Hloctlon of Senior ('hiss representative lo Idnance Hoard, Com ns Iml cony, 0:00 A. M. to •! :00 Nov. I liuslnesH mooting of P r e s s Hiireaii members', Itooin 100, |O:<HI noon. Nov. 4—Student* and IteI Bioll (' mission meeting, final hill; by Itev. Welles, L o u n g e ; 8:80 P, M. Nov fi Advanced D r a m a H"s. Page Hall Aiiillloi'lum, M:In P. M, Nov. 11 li'onim of Polities Political H a | 1 y, |i]|ee||,in vyilteli P u n y , P a g e (lyiiinasliini, ():,')() J>, M. Nov. I M I i i r i i i i n i CM til) Meeting, idiom 2(1, 12:00 noon. Nov. (I "Life !H Very Different Club' 1 bull session on freshman a d j us t men t Lounge, B;8Q p . M, Nov. 7 Heellle-Dehale between the j u n i o r ! a n d the Hiiihomoros' Milne Little T h e a l r e , 8:00 P. M, *•» 0/fi Maloney's Baloney -J.R.M.CAREFULLY P R E S E R V E D three-year record hung in balance when the 1940 edition of the harrier fleet invaded Canton Ag. School at Canton last week in the season's terminal trot. Beginning in 1937, the locals had chalked up a spotless record of ten consecutive defeats prior to Saturday's run in the north country. The Canton meet was a crucial contest. It was at first feared that the chillier climate of the upstate county might impel the boys to quicken their pace to an extent that would prove fatal to our jealously guarded record. The crafty Purple and Gold outfit, however, solved the problem of keeping warm not by hastening, but by trotting in close formation well behind their rivals, who served to break the frigid drafts that might have spelled doom to our .standing of the past three years. Not only did the team manage lo lose against such tremendous odds, but they capped the season with a perfect loss. Not one State runner was unfortunate enough to finish among the first five. Our fears of a victory in this last encounter were unfounded. The record stands intact. All of which strengthens our suggestion of last week that cross country be substituted by some other fall sport, preferably soccer. Word comes to us that one member of the team, after noting our comments of that issue, proposed that "Yours Truly" should go out for cross country himself since he had been so generous in dishing out criticism. In our mind, that's something like challenging John Kieran to pitch for the St. Louis Browns merely because he didn't list them In first place in the final standings. Moreover we're not interested in offering constructive criticism in this case because we don't like cross country from an objective standpoint, and feel that most non-participating students share our sentiments. This is not a pure act of panning a losing team. The boys have been striving hard to win every meet. But if we must have a losing team, why can't we have one In a sport like soccer, where spectator appeal is many times greater? To go a step further, it is our belief that if soccer were initiated at State, the increased interest would in time produce a winning outfit. This we base upon two reasons, rirst, the requirements of a good soccer player are less exacting than those of a top notch cross country man, thus making more material available. Secondly, if soccer should make a hit, there would automatically be created a demand for coaching of the team. The lack of these two elements, material and coaching, has been responsible for the tragic record of cross country in the past three years. To MAA Council wc throw out a proposal which wc feel has the backing of a great majority of the student body: that steps be taken to abolish cross country effective next fall; that financial adjustments be made to substitute a soccer team to meet other nearby college outfits. In any event, Council should take some serious action to determine satisfactory means of repairing what Is obviously a Haw in our sports program. Incidentally, this department has received no written response to our pleas of past issues for communications representing student opinion. Comments concerning the bettering of our fall sports program are especially appropriate for this time. We only ask that all communications be signed; names will be withheld upon request. A EMIL J. NAGENGAST VOUIt COLLEGE FLORIST Comer Ontario at Benson St. State Trackmen LoseTo Canton A s Season Ends Opponents Place First Five Men In Defeating State, 15-40: Opponents W e l l Drilled State's harrier squad wound up the current season last Saturday but failed to "spring the works" when Canton fed them the dust, 1540. However the odds were against the poorly-trained Teachers for they were stacked up against one of the best teams in this territory. Canton's assets were: careful and extensive training, a coach who ran with his outfit, a doctor present at all times, and a cinder track without any hills. PAGE 3 W A A Tidbits State Girls to Wield Sticks Attention all you vivacious females whose athletic activity has been somewhat curtailed by the "Doc's" reporting that your blood-pumper murmurs or doesn't tick In the correct rhythm . . . dispel discouragement because you feel unable to participate in active sports. Counsel's latest brain child . . . a craft club will be an answer to your plight. All you other members seized by the urge to tinker in your spare time . . . keep eyes alert for more detailed notices about the C. C. Any helpful hints on how to make something out of nothing will be welcome. Prepare yourself, A. A.'ers, for a Fall banquet with a punch, Tuesday, November 19 at 5:30 o'clock in the cafeteria. The newly formed movie company of Beers and Johnston promise interesting entertainment in the form of developed celluloid depicting the antics of the outdoor girls at Frosh camp, Indian Ladder. Camp Johnston, on the hockey field and at archery practice . . . Flash . . . mayhap a double feature if Doctor Douglas also previews her rare shots of life at Frosh camp . . . Mark the date . . . Nov. 19! ! ! Brief bits . . . Saddle sitting's proceeding with increased popularity as Body, boots and britches swing into action every Saturday. . . . Splashing sinking . . . swimming, gains in popularity by losing . . . weight. Art of socking shins proceeds at a steady pace in front of Page Hall Monday, Wednesday and Friday . . . Shooting the bull i's eye) Is fast becoming an easy accomplishment for members of the Robinhood 'an every Tuesday, Thursday ano. Friday . . . "Birdie Batters" (badminton players to you) will soon end their outdoor season. Z'V, Mile Course Canton's cinder and dirt course is two and three-quarter miles long. The time of 14:24 negotiated by Joe Leonard of Canton, was classified as "darn good." Those who finished in the money were: Leonard, Clark, Golden, Marrolti, and Lapski, of Canton, who took the first five positions, respectively. The Statesmen bringing in the forty-tally were: Agnello, Marshall, Hansen, Miller and Portley. Manager Bob Cooke gave us his personal impression: "This year's Canton team is bidding for a possible national run. Mr. Dana, the coach, is fairly sure that his team may bring home the bacon. After seeing them run, I don't doubt it a bit." Female Angle Despite the loss, State's glory was upheld by virtue of a humorous quarter-mile race between seven Canton lads and one Stat:.' man (the manager). While waiting for the cross-country team to traverse the course the Informal race was started by (or for?) a "beautiful St. LawrTennis Championship ence r.o-ed." Leaving the team upon graduation are captain Gene Agnello and Jim W o n By Bernhardt Snover. These two lettermen have carried the purple and gold colors The past week saw the completion since they came here in their fresh- of the tennis tournament with man year. Bernie Bernhardt, a freshman, winning the championship. The tourney this year proved to be the most successful in its history. It marked the first time that a tennis tournament has been completed in the fall. But more important, it showed that the class of '44 has a wealth of tennis material. The Both the varsity and freshman other finalist besides Bernhardt was basketball teams are rapidly being Levin, also a freshman. Another parrounded into shape for the season ticipant who showed great promise which reopens Saturday, December 7. was Clarence Orr, who was defeated On that memorable date, State as- by Bernhardt in the semi-finals. This week also saw the beginning saults the Engineers. Coach Hatfield has started scrim- of another tournament, that of pingmages 1 n preparation f o r this pong. A very large number of parencounter with RPI. The squad has ticipants have signed up among already been pruned to a slight de- which are many top-notch players. gree and the main cut is expected Therefore, plenty of competition can during the first part of next week. be expected by all. Consequently, anyone who in the This cut will give Coach Hatfield a near future wishes to indulge In a small enough squad with which to game of ping-pong should not be work. On the whole, Die chances for this surprised If ten games are before season seem pretty good. The four him. • -r -r ~r y v varsity lettermen from last year provide a dependable nucleus. Nearly all of last year's freshman team are frying out for varsity berths. This gang showed they could really play ball during the latter part of last year's Freshman schedule. The Freshmen's prospects are not as bright. In their workouts under Walt Danllwlcz, they have not as yet shown much. With good hard work, howover, the end of the season may show results, but not much hope can be held out for the early' games COMPACT RADIOS O P on the schedule: The boys Just don't have enough experience yet. QUALITY At Hockey Meet Tomorrow Bully! Sticks! Offsides! These and many other similar cries will echo over the campus of Emma Wlllard School In Troy as another Hockey Conference gets under way tomorrow. WAA is sending a strong eleven to match sticks with teams from Russell Sage, Skidmore and Ithaca colleges. Officially called an Umpiring Conference, it is sponsored by the Mohawk Field Hockey Club and gives promise of affording ample opportunity to the girls to pick up many pointers about the feminine art of playing field hockey. During the clay, the games will be umpired by twenty-five embryo umpires Who will be striving to pass their tests. Each team will play the other, and from the girls participating, the officials will pick an honor team. An outstanding event of the afternoon will be a demonstration game between the honor team and the Mohawks (a prominent women's amateur team). Two years ago the Mohawks suffered a surprising defeat at the hands of a similar honor team. Incidently, our own Hitchie, of the athletic department, is a member of this team and is also chairman of the Conference. The team which will represent State tomorrow is as follows: The girls plan to,wear the snappy, new blue frosh uniforms. Kliclit w i n g Klglit Inner Center Left i n n e r Left w i n g Itiglit Imlfbiiok Center liiilflmek Left liiiiriiixk l i l g h t fiilllmek Left fiilllmek Goalie. Snlisiiliiles J u n e IlnuHhnlter l.ouimi Cliupman Madeline H u n t Dee I'cnk llnnitliy T o w n s e n d Leila Ln Snlle J u n e Oreenmun Mary FillrctllUl Win Jonex KII.V U c r i n e Virginia I'olliemtM Kit l l e r i l m u n Kltu Duly Another feature of the day, bound to prove of great interest, is a movie of hockey technique which will be presented for the girls. The evernecessary lunch will be served to the girls in the school cafeteria. Besides the college groups, there will be teams representing Albany Academy, Emma Willard, Milne and Delmar High Schools. In a practice game Saturday, the Frosh girls gave the upperclassmen a trouncing to the tune of 4-2 to offset the 3-3 tie of the week before. The upperclassmen had the edge for tlie first three quarters, but the Frosh flashed to victory in a concerted drive in the last quarter when their team finally started clicking. Songleader Elections Intramural Basketball Scheduled by Council Starts Next Thursday The schedule for the intramural basketball league has already been completed and it will begin to function next Thursday. This early start is due to tlie fact that each team will play every other squad two games instead of the usual one. The games will be played on every Tuesday and Thursday, and every other Monday. Since there will be eight teams, EEP, KDR, SLS, KB, Ramblers, College House, Frosh, and Grads, in the league, the schedule is not expected to be completed before the latter part of March. Madalyn Beers, president of WAA, has announced that there will be a re-election for songleader sometime before Thanksgiving. Mary Susan Wing was named to this office in the spring elections, but at the same time she was also made a Junior class member of WAA Council, and she chose the latttr office. Jeanne Schmactenberg and Dottie Brooks, juniors, will therefore be renominated for the office. The elections will be delayed until such time as WAA officers can make up a list of those eligible to vote. Varsity, Frosh Train For RPI New 1941 PHILC0 Transitone O T T O It. M E N D E "The College 103 Central Ave. Jeweler" Albany, N. Y. Drink cm m Model P T - 2 5 only $9.95 ki'li esliinp MADISON SHOE REBUILDERS 807 Madison Avenue You Pick Up Your Phone We Pick Up Your Shoes 8-3339 8-2230 Appliance Shop 112 Central Ave. Phone 4-4169 Albany, N.Y. fi A[fl E THAT REFRESHES Boiili'd under authority of The Coca-Cola Co. by ALBANY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. its N. ALLEN STREET =td "Delicious and refreshing,"—ice-cold Coca-Cola never loses the freshness of appeal that first charmed you. Its clean taste is exhilarating and a refreshed feeling follows. Thirst asks nothing more. ALBANY, N. Y. STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1940 PAGE 4 State Women Turn Domestic; Knit Mufflers for RAF Pilots And that's how the history of the "At State I found very much the Say, students, have you met her same kind of student; boys and girls foreign doll collection came out. yet—your new Dean of Women? We who are largely self-supporting, who "I've always had a few dolls set up confess we got so interested inter- who are working really hard to get in the office, with a bit of scenery viewing her this week, we quite forHolstein Asks Aid Who say's the women of State an education; if that wasn't what got to take down those notes every they wanted, they wouldn't have to from their native country," she College aren't domestic? Haven't you For Vic Committee reporter's supposed to consider make the sacrifices they do. I want laughed. "They brighten things up. noticed that they've turned to the stock-in-trade, Notes don't seem to talk to them and come to know It hasn't been an easy job, getting very feminine task of knitting? exactly the kind of dolls I wanted— The Student Association now important when Miss DeLaney is their stories better. Since the beginning of the German not dressed-up baby dolls, but those describing her pleasure in finding owns some one hundred-twenty onslaught this fall, severe1 ofj the Glancing around her office, Miss women at the Dorm and at the vari- records, practically all of which how similar State faculty and stu- DeLaney remarked, "They painted it with hand-carved faces showing defous sorority houses, under the able are antiquated. The committee, <•' Tits are to those of Blackburn Col- for me this summer — it's quite inite character and personality. Old Tlllnois, the school whose peasants, flirtatious maidens, merry direction of Miss Harriet Howard, headed by Edwin Holstein, '42, deans) i she relinquished when she bright and cheerful, but all that children—that sort of thing. I'm Dorm Social Director, have under- has during the last two weeks toe': cream and brown—I think it needs a ot, I Albany. very fond of them." taken the knitting of sweaters, muf- been playing records borrowed spot of color." "I i, . Blackburn," she admitted, mostly from personal sources. flers, and sox for soldiers of the The fifty dollars appropriated "and tin mason I first consented to Royal Air Force. What is now merely a small piece for the improvement of the new leave was uecause the friendliness D i a l 5-1913 Geo. D . Jconey, Prop. of woolen yarn will soon be a com- system has been spent, leaving no and the social background of the people at State strongly resemble the fortable warm muffler gracefully surplus for the purchase of new fluttering in the breeze as the pilot records, needles, and so forth. In atmosphere I've been used to. At order o obtain money to make Blackburn, you know, not only the swoops low over enemy territory. Can't you just visualize the lu- these necessary purchases, the studying is done by the students, gubrious expression of one ot tnese committee requests that the men but all the other jobs of running the unfortunate young men changing to who dance this noon contribute college. absolute appreciation as he dons five cents to the newly installed TRY OUR BUSINESSMAN'S LUNCH one of the sweaters made by one of collection box. Women will not our enthusiastic young ladles? C. P. LOWRY be prohibited from offering conUpon being questioned, Miss Bea- tributions. Watchmaker and trice Dower, the Campus' choice, reThe committee feels that the plied, giggling in that characteristic, existing situation can not conJeweler ALBANY, N. Y. charming manner of hers, Yes, I m tinue for the entire year; the 1118-200 C E N T R A L A V E N U E 239 Central Ave. Albany, N. Y. making the darlingest, snuggiest, generosity of individuals in lendcoziest, blue muffler 1 I only hope a ing personal records has been aphandsome pilot gets it". Incident- preciated very much, but the ally, Bea is knitting her phone num- committee feels that the assober into her masterpiece which will ciation would like to hear its own be completed sometime in the future. records In the Commons. And, moreover, unknown to then leader, Miss Howard, many of the girls are planning to inclose letters with their individual offerings. To prove conclusively that our women possess all the necessary characteristics, those who are not so versatile offer their services to the other needlecraft arts. Many "Dr. Tommy" is gone, but he has are engaged in sewing hems on diapers for the poor children who left more than one memory behind have thus far not been able to find him. Tangible proof turned up this week with the announcement by refuge from these war-torn areas. Miss Mary Elizabeth Cobb, head librarian, that Dr. Thompson turned over to the library the manuscript of his book, "Scottish Man of Print Vote Results— Feeling," before leaving for Cornell. Association Decides The book was published about ten years ago. He also donated fourteen victrola Meeting last week in the first records made by John Gielgud, many business assembly of the year, the of them Shakespearian selections. Student Association passed two re- Another precious addition to the solutions, the first of which incor- library collection are three recordporates a radical change in Student ings of the late Dr. Brubacher Association procedure. speaking on "Aims and Methods of This measure, the Murray Resolu- State College" and "The Problems tion, provides for the publication in of Citizenship." the future of the numerical results "We are fortunate," Miss Cobb of all elections at State with the commented, "to have this material, exception of the Campus and Prom which is a vital part of the history Queen elections and the Myskania nominations. The provisions of the of the college and so close a link Murray Resolution are basically with the man who served it ably those of the Agne Amendment for the last quarter of a century." An elaborate edition of Shakewhich was defeated last year. speare, illustrated by Rockwell Kent, Also passed by the Assembly was was the recent gift of Miss Helen a resolution introduced by Fred Fay and Miss Eleanor Foote of the Ferris, '42, proposing that the Stu- John Mistletoe Bookshop, in medent Association set up a committee to investigate the possibility of aid- mory of Dr. Brubacher. They also ing the Incoming freshman class contributed a folio of plates entitled each year in its social orientation. "Little Churches of France" In memory of Miss Eunice Perine, late retired art Instructor. The library has set up a system of Rehearses — Celebrates indexing these records, manuscripts, The orchestra held its first party and books, all of which are available yesterday afternoon after rehearsal for student use as well as for student In room 25. Jane Southwlck, '44, was organizations. general chairman, of the affair which was a Hallowe'en party with entertainments and refreshments galore. The orchestra Is now rehearsing for its first cotneert. which will be held December 12, "Better Specialty Shop" probably in the auditorium of the 231 Central Avenue Albany High school. Boulevard Cafeteria 50c Tommy Donates Books, Records MADISON'S Dial 8-9038 ELSE'S HAIR DRESSING HAIR STYLIST Licensed Zotos Shop 805 Madison Ave. Albany, N. Y. MADISON SWEET SHOP Home Made Ice Cream and Lunches 785 Madison Avenue 3 Doors from Quail St. g-MSS We Deliver SKI WEAR Jackets, Hooded, Fully lined 5.98 Down Hill Ski Pants, Fully lined 2.98 up Skating Skirts, Velveteen - Flannel 1.98 up Ski Suits, Garbardine - Byrtl Cloth Jacket 7.98 All wool, Reversible Skirts, New high shades, 1.98 up Exclusive But Inexpensive State College News Foreign Dolls, Plain People Interest New Dean loday, more than ever, people are taking to Chesterfield because Chesterfield concentrates on the important things in smoking. You smoke Chesterfields and find them cool and pleasant. You light one after another, and they really taste better. You buy pack after pack, and find them definitely milder. For complete smoking satisfaction you can>t buy a better c 9areH Make your ^ ^ \ ' * """CHESTERF/ELD Copyrljki 1M0, IwonT ft M T O J Toucco Ca Z-443 ALBANY, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1940 Women Triumph As Carroll Wins By Close Margin Latimer Takes Vice-Presidency On Lop-Sided First Ballot; Only Two Men Elected Freshman Election Results WAA Milliliter Hcrtlman* 80 Shay WAA Keprenriitiitlve Domann 55 Daly Frey 55 Frank MAA Representative Schulze 81 Miller Shoemaker 47 Kvaim Clieerleiuler Rantliam 57 Serahiiin Frederick 30 Alingst Dirnhho 21 Publicity Director McNIff* 03 DuBols ^***"" ^ < f v VOL. XXV, NO. I SEB Publicizes Report; 76 Graduates Placed Voting « Monday, November 4 President Carroll 82 Hiinley Forrest S3 Young Willie 18 Skolsky Vice-President 115 Da mi Latimer* 28 Pasternak Ryan Wlrosloff 0 Treasurer Combs' 03 WIIIR McGrath 23 •Cornwall Ca pel 17 Soilerllntl I'\;renclck 13 Pros ton It u hak 12 Stengel Hueci ~~ 25th Year 85 Assembly Speaker 288 Found Jobs In Year 1939-40 For the first time in twelve years, a woman, Patricia Carroll, has been .Smaller Teacher Demand Seen elected to the presidency of the In Five-year Period While Freshman Class. She is also the Graduates Still Increase third woman in twenty-five years 80 who was able to muster enough votes Revotes -- Wednesday, November 6 to outrun her male opponents. PaThe annual report of the Student MAA Representative President tricia Latimer was elected viceEmployment Bureau of State Col85 Forrest 82 Schuho* 103 Slioemnkor president and Robert Combs, treas- Carroll* lege, released this week exclusively WAA Representative urer. The regular election was held Treasurer to the STATE COLLEGE NBWS by the Domann* 85 Frcy Monday In the Commons under the Combs* director of the bureau, Paul G. 80 McGrnth 45 Cheerleader supervision of Myskania, senior SO Cupel 3CI Bulger, disclosed the fact that only Itanl bam* KHi Frederick campus leadership society. Revoting 76 members of the class of 1940 were Revotes -iTodayj took place Wednesday. Revotes for placed in teaching positions. This secretary and cheerleader are figure represents 33% of those in the Secretary SoiiKleiider It. E. BELTON—Negro lecturer class who were seeking positions. The Do run scheduled for today. r.osunlo Southwlck Snyder who will address the assembly report covered the placements of the Townsencl • Elected. Women Wage Campaign today. Mr. Belton will discuss Bureau during the fiscal year from Negro literature, folklore, and October 1, 1939 to September 30, Results show that the women have spirituals. He also will sing a few 1940, captured all major offices. They spirituals. wiiged a vigorous campaign, seldom United States Follows College; The Employment Bureau succeedseen at State College. Posters were Roosevelt, Mead W i n Election ed in placing 288 people in teaching placed in the halls, while the positions during the past year, a n nucleus of the "word of mouth" nounced Bulger. The number of campaign was centered at the How much was the United States president would win 35 states. He teachers with previous experience "dorm". Carroll's campaign was who were put in new positions was highly organized. Forrest's manager on the ball, anyway? How close did won 39. The United States electorate was 110. The remaining 178 who were placed cards in all mailboxes, but the country come to the State Colplaced were without any teaching his figlu was fruitless. 11 got under lege election prediction? Well, they rather nice about following the lead | outlined for it by the prognosticadidn't do badly at all. experience, 104 of them having way too late. In the October 18 issue of the tions of the STATE COLLEGE NEWS. either graduated or received their One-hundred and ninety-eight Lenora Davis Heads Project; There is another part to this masters degrees from State last were eligible to vote. One-hundred STATE COLLEGE NEWS, the report on June. The other 74 who were placed and eighty-three cast their ballots. the News-conducted straw vote ap story. On Election Day, the eighth First Cargo to Refugees are people who had graduated in Since these figures are unusually peared. That report told the students grade of the Milne School Social To Embark Dec. 1 past years, but who had not been high for a class election, they show of the college that, by their vote, Studies classes conducted a straw they had chosen Wendell L. Willkie vote. The students of the Milne placed in any teaching position since whut an organized campaign can president by a narrow margin. The i School indicated their choices in the Under the sponsorship of Sara their graduation. accomplish. Revote figures show that Carroll NEWS analyzed the election results, election. They were quite wrong. DeLaney, Dean of Students, and Salaries Stated was elected on the slight margin of and drawing its conclusions on the The students who voted that day with the approval of President The report dealt in part with the three votes. In the original election basis of college straw votes all the gave Willkie 252 votes to Roosevelt's Sayles, a State College Red Cross she received 82 votes, in the revotes, way back to 1924, made a predic- 103. They elected Barton over Mead, unit is being formed. Lenora Davis, salaries received by the teachers 8f>. Forrest evidently captured the tion as to the outcome of the elec- 248 to 106. Milne didn't do as well '43, is chairman of the project. The placed. Wages received by beginning as it might have. unit's work embraces a four-point teachers varied from $920 to $1,500. votes -ir all other candidates in the tion which was held last Tuesday. The STATE COLLEGE NEWS did much program: knitting, sewing, first aid The average salary received by men The NEWS predicted that Rooserevotes. '. "therine Herdman won instruction, and organization work. and women who were teaching for the WAA managership by ,i single velt would be re-elected president, better. and that he would win with a plurvote. Tentative plans indicate that a the first time was $1,202.50. The ality of about 8,000,000 votes. special room will be opened for stu- average salary paid to experienced Two Men Elect d It is a well known fact by now dents wishing to work at school. teachers who were placed by the higher, Out of eight offices open to men, that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was Newman Club Plans Supplies will be furnished and fin- Bureau was somewhat so far, only two have been elected. re-elected president. He won by ished work collected. The Red Cross $1,414.30. In its placement work, the Fall Pumpkin Duster will send the materials collected, Bureau served to save the teachers Revotes for song leader will be held about 5,000,000 votes. today. Two women and one man are It would seem that the NEWS was mufflers, scarfs, socks, sweaters, who were placed a total of $18,480.90. out for that post. The women al- a little over-enthusiastic in its pre- The annual Harvest Dance spon- and other items, to countries where This is the amount that would have ready have the secretaryship, al- dictions, although generally correct. sored by Newman Club will be held they are needed. Thus State students been collected by commercial agenthough there will be a revote for A week ago, the NEWS made a n - next Friday, November 15, in the will aid refugees in China, Europe, cies in fees for placing teachers in the same positions that were filled that office today also. other prediction. At the top of the commons from nine to twelve, and other lands. by the Bureau. There will be a meeting of all first column of the editorial page, According to Enes Novelli, '41, The program will go into action Freshmen next Wednesday noon in there appeared a cryptogram which general chairman of the "Pumpkin Bureau Record Good room 20. contained predictions for both the Duster", there will be music by Bill as soon as possible, I t is scheduled to last at least this year. InterComparison with the records of For the first time In the history national and state elections. That Grattan and his orchestra. There ested students will receive instruc- the employment agencies of other of the college Ihe STATU COLLEGE NBWS cryptogram, which is explained com will be square dancing and Virginia tion and help complete projects. teacher-training schools throughout is publishing the complete numerical pletely on the editorial page today, ! reels as well as swing, Student teachers will instruct in results of a major class elction In was eminently correct. I t predicted. Miss Novelli also revealed the knitting and sewing, and a qualified the state shows that the State Colthe adjourning column. The Murray that Mead would be elected by a names of the chairmen of the corn- instructor will give the Red Cross lege Bureau has a remarkably good record. State graduates who are Resolution authorizing Myskania to plurality of 400,358 votes. At the mittees: Robert Leonard, '43, decor- first aid course. seeking positions must compete with release the numerical results was time of this writing, Mead is lead- ations; Betty Barden, '43, chaper Assisting Miss Davis are; Marion the graduates of 71 other teacherpassed by the Student Association at ing by 445,000 votes. The crypto ones; Rita Ferraro, '43, tickets; Duffy, '42, chairman of the commut- training institutions in the state. In its meeting of October 25. The fol- gram predicted that Roosevelt would Jack Gardephe, '41, publicity. placing a total of 288 t e a c h e r s lowing week Myskania ruled that be elected with 400 electoral votes Tickets may be purchased at the ers committee; Tom Feeney, '43, graduates of several years back inthe resolution was constitutional. to his credit. He won by 468 votes. Newman Club table for fifty cents chairman of the men's committee; cluded—the Employment Bureau has and Burnice Duell, '42, chairman of The prediction was made that the I a couple. the group houses committee. It is made one of the best records in the hoped that material from State will State. Seniors Elect Paris be ready to sail for Europe on a ship At the same time it is apparent leaving December 1. that the ratio of teacher placements To Board of Finance to the number of graduates available is a very poor one. The reason for Constandino Paris, '41, was elected this lies not in the Bureau, but in Employment Bureau Senior Class Representative to the I the fact that the teaching field is Finance Board last Wednesday. He now, and has been for several years, Lists New Positions ij overcrowded. The question, "When should we was elected in revotes over Harold Sponsored by the Forum of PoliDuffey, '41, 30 votes to 21. tics, the poll taken two weeks ago In go to war?" produced a wide variety The results of the original voting Assembly has brought forth the fact of answers. One-third of those votThe Student Employment Bureau Teacher Demand Decreases on Monday gave the following num- that State College students—men ing answered, "In two years," while announces that the following people The demand for teachers in New ber of ballots to the candidates, all and women—are overwhelmingly for a slightly smaller number thought have obtained positions: Ellen Bost, York State is decreasing. From 1936 seniors: Lloyd Clum, 1; Harold Duf- conscription and against war. Thethat we should enter the war only if '40 Social Studies, Math. East Spring- to 1939, the demand for teachers in fey, 22; Carol Kniffen, 9; Constan- poll, which was taken by a commit- we were attached or invaded. The field; Frances Breen, '30, head the state decreased 30%. Although dino Paris, 32; and Robert Patton, 7. tee under the chairmanship of Alice rest of the votes cast on this ques- librarian, Bath; Anna Olsen, '38, this decrease In teaching positions The election was held lo All the va- Abelove, '41, was answered by more tion varied from "Immediately" to Latin, French, Savannah; Charles was evidenced, there has been no cancy created by the resignation of than half a thousand students. "Never." It is interesting to note Arnold, '30, substitute, Schenevus large decrease in the number of Ralph Clark, '41. The conclusion drawn from the that of the 143 students who voted Frank Augustine, '40, Project Globe students who are being graduated results of the poll Is that the ma- for the United States to enter the Supply Co., Rochester; John Cryan, from teacher-training institutions. war, eighty-six were women, and '35, Math, Science, Hancock; LorArmistice Day Recess jority of the students at State are only Although there was not a suffififty-seven were men. etta Buckley, '36, Library, Kings cient demand for new teachers to opposed to United States entry into the present war. This conclusion is The question relating to conscrip- Ferry; Helen Cashman, '40, substiMiss Elizabeth Van Deuburgh, borne out by the fact that 342 stu- tion revealed that State's attitude tute, Allamont; Ida May Hacker, provide an opportunity to employ more than 76 of the graduates last Registrar, announces that the dents stated that they did not ap'40, Commerce, Allamont; John college will be officially closed on prove of America's entering any toward the war has not been chang- Cridluud, '41, Coaching, Albany; An. June, the Bureau was extremeby the draft act; that conscrip ly active during the year, receiving Monday, November 11, in accord- war, almost three times the number ed lion Is not thought of as bringing t n o n y c » l l a l e . '41. French, Spanish, 585 calls for teachers and making ance with the nation-wide ob- of students who sanction entrance the war closer; that conscription is History, Dover, Delaware. 1655 recommendations to fill those servance of Armistics Day. The for various reasons. The college also favored as a United States policy; The bureau has compiled a list of calls. Of the calls received, 51% of library will be closed. Indicated a very strong tendency for and that it is preferred to com- books which it recommends to all the positions were filled by people hemispheric defense. pulsory military training. those seeking positions. recommended by the Bureau. State Initiates Red Cross Unit Forum Poll Reveals State Pro-Conseription, Anti-War