^•^M^M^^J^^^mmm,mim^ State College News Z-443 ALBANY, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1940 Mu Students to Suggest Campus Queen Choices Honor Society Picnic Tuesday To Open Year's Activities; Professional Meet Soon Catherine O'Bryan, '41, president of the Delta Chapter of Pi Gamma Mu, National Honorary Society of Social Studies Students, has announced a new program for social studies majors who have passed their comprehensive examinations. The program will consist of six meetings to be held during the school year, the first of which is to be a picnic Tuesday. A L U M N I RESIDENCE H A L L No. 2 - Partridge Street view as seen by Harold O . Fullerton, Architect. Present plans call for the opening of the men's dormitory by Sept. 1941 Mike Mentions New Dorm Plans Mid Mire, Muck and Machinery "All right, you guys, let's get going on this job! We've got to get PTEB Inaugurates this thing done before June." With a good-natured smile and Change in Program this caustic reminder, Mike Vignola, contractor, pushed work on the new Applicants Must Cooperate men's dorm that Is going up opposite the girls' dormitory. With Bureau Officials With a roar, the tractors and The Part Time Employment Busteam shovels responded to Mike's words. Tractors darted here and reau has started its program for there pushing trucks out of the the year. As a new feature, applicamire, hauling cords of lumber. tion blanks are going to require a Since August 12, a peaceful field picture of the applicant. Due to the has become the prey of hungry new monthly reports required, and the new listing records, there will steam shovels. be more work. Ethel Williams, '41, Work To Be Done By June Peter Pulvio, '42, and possibly Har"Yup", said Mike proudly, "we're old Peigenbaum, '43, will assist Harry coming along fine. We've got a dead- Passow, director. line to meet by June 1 and by heck, The bureau wants more cooperawe're going to meet it." tion from the students who apply Puddles of water were collecting for jobs and Immediate reports on in the deeper portions of the ex- all leads they are given. People cavation. Mike pointed at the pools who fail to report at once will not and exclaimed, "Them!", and he be given help again. Many good added disparagingly, "They don't positions were lost last year bemean a thing. We're taking precau- cause people did not report back tions to make sure the water won't to the bureau. Students must also warp the basement floor the way it report if for any reason they lose did the floor of the Ingle room. the jobs they have. Everyone Ls With the special materials going in asked not to apply for work unless this floor, it'll never buckle. it i.s absolutely necessary. THE AlEXANDER TWINS.,. "All my contract calls for Ls erecThe bureau has some leads on tion of the building," Mike explain- work for Saturdays and the Christ- Dorothy and Grace, Famous ed. As far as the furnishings are mas vacation, but people who take Drum Majorettes for American concerned, the architect and Dr. vacation jobs must promise to be legion Post 42, Martinsville, Sayles take care of them," here. There are also a few room Virginia yQf/ M l ( J ] r £ "However as to the building Itself and board jobs open. Anyone who It will be about the same size, al-1 knows of an opening for students is though completely different from ! asked to contact Harry Passow at the girl's dorm. The architects call once, it Georgian style." Class Guardians Masculine Interior Planned Mike elaborated on the Interior of Myskiinlu announces the followthe building, There will be a bowling alley, lounge, a playroom, billiards, ing class guardians for the first i semester: Class of '41, William Hal- j ping-pong. i.'i', Stephen Kusak; '42, Bobert "To me this is just an average U s t a n l e y S m i t n , <4;ii M ary Mil size Job Mike boasted, "but Us , Madalyt M(,n.m W a l m U l ; M, going to be one ol my best. The ex terior is a lot like the outside of Beers, .John Murray. the girl's dorm. But the inside—It's going to be a real man's home. OTTO It. MEADK Everything Is going to be massive and heavy. A place where a man can go in, relax, and not feel he was In "The College Icwrlrr" a lady's boudoir. "Well, If that will be all, I'll get Albany, N. V. back to work. Come around again, 11)3 Central Ave and see how we're coming." Pedagogue Photographer To Start W o r k Monday Individual Appointments Unnecessary/ Seniors W i l l W e a r Informal Attire Mrrt£$ V AND SALUTE FOR REAL MILDNESS AA/D BETTER TASTE Ihese are the twin pleasures you look for in a cigarette. You'll find them in every Chesterfield you Geo. I), .icoiicy, Prop, Dial -'i I Hi." you the added pleasure of a cooler smoke,,. Make your nextpack Chesterfieldandjoin the millions ofsmokers who say and Grill < UNTKAL AVENUE The Pedayoijue announces that the official Pedayoyue photographer will start work Monday, September 30, at 9:00 A. M. in the former men's smoking room off the Annex. No appointments are necessary. Hours are from 9:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M. each day except Saturday for the next two weeks only. No other individual pictures will be allowed except those taken at this time. As to clothes, there will be no drapes. Senior women will have their choice for two poses, but for the other two are requested to wear •something suitable for Appointment Bureau pictures. Men can use their discretion, Look your best but keep informal, The senior fee of two dollars Includes nine application pictures, Proofs for Ihese must be returned to the photographer, The undergraduate fee of one dollar will take care of sorority or fraternity pictures. Freshmen can have pictures taken for personal use. Entertainment in Auditorium, Informal Dancing in Gym W i l l Follow W e i come The Class of 1942 will play host tonight to its sister class, (li > Class of 1944, at the annual Junior ReD & A PRESENTS - Cornelia Otis Skinner, modern monoception in the auditorium of Page logist, Thursday, at 8:15 p. m. in Page Hall. hall, commencing at 8:00 P. M. Paul Merritt, '42, president of the class, will be In charge of arranging for | Tax Sales Eclipne the reception. After a program In Student Body Votes the auditorium, dancing in the gymnasium to the music of an orchestra rectory Today! 193940 Returns instead of the usual victrola. will In Its initial report of the follow. semester the Student AssociaDean Nelson Gives Initial Entertainment by the Junior Class tion Finance Board announced Address to Association in the form of an original skit yesterday that student tax written, directed, and produced by sales through the first week In an assembly program featurmembers of the class will follow cf college had surpassed the Merrltt's formal welcome to the ing an address by Dr. Milton G. Nelquota for Ihe identical time period last year. freshmen An all-star cast consist- son, academic clean, the student body ing of members will witness this morning the IntroWith 799 yearly tax tickets of the junior duction of a resolution concerning sold and with 92 half-tax tickc l a s s will be 'he Student Directory for the com ets disposed of, this year's tochosen after ri- lug year. tal income to date reaches $10,140. However, the '40-41 gid a u d i t i o n s Until last year, the Stale College budget us passed last May conducted before Director)) was a college publication totaled $12,987.00. Just how a c o m m i t t e e and was issued free to .students. many of the 300 odd students headed by Ira However, a resolution passed last who have not yet fulfilled their Jean Hirsch, well year In a Student Association meetextra-curricular obligation will known in State ing brought about by a college eventually do so, can not, of for Ills prolific budget cut, placed the burden of the course, be ascertained. The musical ability. publication on the .students. This exact figures for each class A composer in year it was believed that advertising were nol disclosed. his own light would finance the booklet, but this a nd qualified plan failed to materialize. Last year, judge of musicales and dramatic students were requested to pay ten product Ions by virtue of his experi- cents for a Directory, Today it will ence at the college. Hirsch is keep- be decided whether or not they wish ing the details of the skit private to repeat this means of publication until their unveiling al the recep- or to do away with the 1940-41 issue entirely, tion. OnDi Debaters Launch Intramural Tilts Writes Essay — Wins Job "As I looked at the young faces In front of me, I thought how attractive, poised, and Intelligent they all looked. . . , They came from all over the country, and I am sine they represented different racial strains, different religions, and variegated family backgrounds, but I hey are starling out, with hope, I pray that life will treat them kindly and give them useful and happy lives". Eleanor Roosevelt, "My Day", July 10, 1040. One of the faces Into which Mrs. Roosevelt was looking when she wrote the above lines was that of Leonard ALBANY, N. Y. Copyilglu MO, UOCBTT «< Mvms TOBACCO CO. Kayle, (formerly Kowalsky), Leonard Kowalsky, '40 n XXV, NO. 9 State Welcomes Cornelia Skinner To Page Stage Famous Actress W i l l Appear In Program of Monologues Thursday Night at 8:15 Juniors to Fete Freshman Class 140 Students Placed Through PTEB, N Y A The PTEB has helped about forty students to find part-time employment since September ll). Due to a lack of local publicity, part of the PTEB appropriation will go to advertising in the local papers to acquaint tile public with tli(! workings of the Bureau. NYA has given employment to one hundred students despite a cut In funds. The possibility that more funds may be available later, makes it possible to forecast an increase in student employment, '^B ble. Choice of the queen will be based on popularity. The election will be held Monday, September 30 in the balcony of the Commons from 9:30 A. M. until 3:30 P. M. At this time students will vote for one senior girl to be Campus Queen. During the following Friday's assembly, on October 4, the five highest girls in Monday's election will appear on the stage as the official Campus Queen nominees. The final election will be held the next week, and Campus Day will be October 19. smoke...and it takes the right combination of the world's best cigarette tobaccos united in Chesterfields to give Boulevard Cafeteria Thatcher Park Picnic The picnic will be in Thatcher Park and all members of the socal studies faculty and the majors in the department are invited. Transportation to Thatcher Park will be provided, the buses leaving the college at 4:30 P. M. Refreshments and games will afford the members of the department and the faculty an opportunity to get acquainted. The second meeting Ls scheduled for early November and will be a professional gathering. At this time, the social studies program in the college and the new program sponsored by the State Education Department for the secondary schools will be discussed. The last scheduled gathering for the first semester will be a Christmas party. Comprehensive Examinations Early in the second semester, Miss O'Bryan announced, all sophomores who plan to take the comprehensive examinations will be (Continued on page >}, column 2) VOL. Modern Monologist Myskania will give instructions for To Inaugurate Campus Queen nominations in assembly this morning. Choice of candidates will be made Monday by Six-Fold Plan ballot on which senior girls are eligi- m-'iW 25th Year STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 80, 1940 PAGE 4 '40, one of the co-editors of the NBWH last year. Kovvul, and the other twelve faces had Just won Jobs with the PepsiCola Company In a nationwide contest conducted lust June among more than 300 college graduates. Kowal wrote an essay. He ls now working in the Uticu plant of the Pepsi-Cola Company. Dramatics and Arts Council will initiate its new policy of bringing famous artists to State College, when it presents Cornelia Otis Skinner, celebrated monologist, in Page Hall, October 3 at 8:15 P. M. State College students will see Miss Skinner In such monologues as "Motoring in the Nineties", "Homework", the satire "Being Presented", and the grim drama of "Lynch Party", or "Hotel Porch". Miss Skinner, coming from a family of actors, was meant for the stage at the outset. After studying at Bryn Mawr and at the Sorbonne in Paris, she made her professional debut with her father in Ibanez's "Blood and Sand". Other roles in other plays followed. Character Sketches But dissatisfied with this type of acting, Miss Skinner turned to the character sketch and originated her Modern Monologues, which form the basis of her career. Her success was instantaneous. In the course of a few years, her tours included such famous European capitals as London, Paris, and Rome. She has played four successful engagements in the British capital. The ambitious Miss Skinner, seeking a still wider medium, developed sequences of related scenes which approach full-length plays. For example, "Edna, His Wife", her solo drama in eleven scenes, runs as long as a three-act play. In this sketch she used scenery for the first time. The talented American actress appeared this summer at the Mohawk Drama Festival sponsored by Union College In Schenectady. Her presentation was well received by an enthusiastic audience. Radio and Writing In addition to her stage work, Miss Skinner has appeared in various radio programs. She has shown her writing ability by contributing humorous commentaries which appear frequently In The New Yorker and other lending periodicals. A collection of these articles has been published in a book entitled "Excuse It, Please!" which sold well. She has also written another book, called "Dithers and Jitters". Miss Agnes Futlerer of the English Department, has acclaimed her by saying, "Cornelia Otis Skinner has no peer In her field." This comment is heartily echoed by Stage magazine; "We like not only the one woman theater, but the one woman." General admission for the performance will be $1.00 or student tax tickets. Reserved seats may be purchased for $1.60, Debate Council will launch this year a scries of Intramural debates in addition to the customary Intercollegiate program, according to Paul Oration, '41, president. The intramural debates are designed to test prospective varsity debaters All members of the debate Hertel Forms Plans squad will participate in the now For Formal Senior H o p program. Approximately a dozen debates are planned. One or two may According to tradition, State's be In student assembly. first formal dance will be given by Under Ihe contemplated sot-up, the seniors. November first has been the squad will be broken up Into set as ilie date for this annual Senior Hop. teams, each of which will represent Robert Hertel, vice-president of a school organization. For instance, the senior class, is general chairman there are enough members of the of the event. Glenn W. Clark is NKWH MIKI Stulenman on debate chairman of the music committee squad to form learns of their own. with Encs Novelll, Stephen Bull, Thus there will be debates between Miriam Newell and John Alden assisting, organizations anil oilier groups. As yet unannounced are the place, Seminars will be conducted Thurs- the orchestra, and the price of the day afternoons. This year's seminars bids. will emphasize subjects and techLast year, for the first timo, the dance was held at the Hotel Ten niques of debating. Eyek Instead of at the Aurania The varsity intercollegiate season Club, as was customary. The most will commence In February and run significant feature was the reduction through Murch and April. The in the price of bids from $3.00 to vursity will be chosen from intra- $2.fi0. Len Fennell provided the music and was well received. mural debaters. • i PAGES Mental Stagnation 25th STATE COLLEGE NEWS Year The Commentstater- Established M a y , 1 9 1 6 By Ihc Class of 1 9 1 8 Vol. XXV Friday. September 27, 11)1(1 No. 2 Member Distributor Associated Collegiate Press Collegiate Digest Tlie undergraduate newspaper of the New York State College for Teaeliers published every Friday of the college year by the MOWS Hoard for the Student Association. Telephones: Office, 0-037.'!; Murray, 8-2848; Clark, 4-0878 Entered as 2nd class matter Albany, N, Y„ postoffice. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 4 2 0 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO • BOSTON • LOS AN0CI.ES • SAN f»*NCI5CO The News Board EDITOR-IN-CHIEF CO-MANAGING EDITOR CO-MANAGING EDITOR BUSINESS MANAGER ADVERTISING MANAGER SPORTS EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR JOHN A. MURRAY BEATRICE A. DOWER STEPHEN A. KUSAK RALPH CLARK BETTY PARROTT JAMES MALONEY WILLIAM DORRANCE EDWIN HOLSTEIN HARRY PASSOW '*8© ,,t 2 All communications should lie addressed in ilie editor mi i must, be signed. Names will he wllliliclil upon ruiiuest, The STATE COLLEGE MOWS assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed In Its columns' or cotuuiuniciitlntis us such expressions do not necessarily reflet 'is view. EYES OVER THE CAMPUS Camera "eyes" are blinking on the nation's campuses to record every activity and event of interest and importance to you. Each blink means another graphic picture of college life— and the best of these thousands of photos are brought to you in our Collegiate Digest picture section. Accurately and graphically explained with write-ups that tell the cpmplete story behind each picture, Collegiate Digest's photos give you a true record of campus life today. Follow this college picture parade regularly in STATE COLLEGE N E W S Beginning Friday, October 4 Beat the Blotter T h i s m o r n i n g t h e S t u d e n t Association will a u t h orize t h e Directory B o a r d t o publish t h e 1940 Student Directory in a m a n n e r similar to t h a t of last year, T h i s decision will c o m e i m m e d i a t e l y after an i m p l a c a b l e association h e a r s " i n v e s t i g a t i o n h a s s h o w n it impossible t o finance t h e p u b l i c a t i o n on t h e b a s i s of a n t i c i p a t e d a d v e r t i s i n g r e v e n u e s . " I t is useless t o r e h a s h t h e a r g u m e n t s favoring directory advertising. T h e fact r e m a i n s t h a t — m o r e t h a n a n y o t h e r s t u d e n t publication — t h e Directory is S t a t e ' s B E S T a d v e r t i s i n g m e d i u m . T o finance it, only o n e h u n d r e d a n d fifty dollars is needed. Possibly a Directory a d v e r t i s i n g c a m p a i g n might h a v e h a d a n a d v e r s e effect on similar c a m p a i g n s b y t h e NEWS, Statesman, a n d Pedagogue. Even so, t h e Directory m i g h t well h a v e s u p p l a n t e d t h e " t a k e " of t h e b l o t t e r b o y s . Tt h a s been c u s t o m a r y for a g r o u p of S t a t e m a l e s t o p u b l i s h a b l o t t e r e a r l y in t h e fall. A more l u c r a t i v e p a r t - t i m e j o b h a s y e t t o be discovered. E a s t y e a r , four a m b i t i o u s g e n t l e m e n made over o n e h u n d r e d d o l l a r s — t h e a p p r o x i m a t e cost of t h e 1939 Directory—in such a v e n t u r e . T h e n e w Directory B o a r d w a s t o have been a p p o i n t e d not later t h a n last M a r c h 15. Its work should have been c o m pleted in t h e spring, before t h e blotter boys g o t b u s y . N o w O c t o b e r a p p r o a c h e s — a n d still no blott e r ? W h a t h a p p e n e d t o t h e ^ 1 5 0 - $ 2 0 0 w o r t h of a d v e r t i s i n g usually s e c u r e d for t h e b l o t t e r ? W h y w o n ' t it a p p e a r in t h e 1940 Directory? Send your picture* of life end activities on our campus to: Collegiate Digest Section, 393 Fawkei Bids., Minneapolis, Minn. A l l photos used are paid tor at regular editorial rates. A Survey in Preface (he Critic- PAGE 3 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1940 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 87, 1940 Life a t S t a t e is r a t h e r pleasant. W e don't work too h a r d except during exams. We dance, smoke, a n d even drink. We chatter, we gossip, we r o m p u p to Beverwyck or out to the front campus. W e play in t h e gym a n d we sing in t h e auditorium. Outside of books, classes, a n d bad moods our life is light. Some of us enjoy t h e books a n d classes, a n d some of us wouldn't p a r t with our moods. Most of t h e time, t h e faculty is good, life is good, and all is good. However, sometimes one isn't quite so sure about t h e goodness of it all. Sometimes after a "bull session" one wonders. Here we are a t State. We have been called over a n d over again "the cream." Wc have been lauded for our intelligence, flattered for our ability. Ignorance Yet, despite so m u c h intelligence, how of many of us read a newspaper daily? Politics How many of us are well informed enough to discuss unemotionally t h e consequences of a Hitler victory? How m a n y of us can discuss intelligently why we prefer Willkie? How many of us can distinguish between t h e philosophies of Willkie a n d Roosevelt? Above all, how m a n y of us give three hoots one way or the other! We don't as a group care to be well-informed. We vote Republican because our parents do. We bring with us from our middle class backgrounds a distaste, even a dread for the unconventional. Many of us consider a n occasional beer or two immoral. We label as "queer" a n d ostracize those who differ with t h e multitude. Boys with challenging ideas have all too often in the past been compelled to flee to the locker room a n d become "soap boxers" or "locker room reds" in order to secure some kind of a n audience. We scoff much too readily at those with opinions we do not share. Our fraternities go out for the tall, blond boys, with blue eyes. If a boy doesn't fit this Frats standard pattern he m u s t have some Kusli compensating physical quality. T h e Pretty Boys sororities, in bidding girls, follow t h e same general logic. "Be d u m b but sweet" is the best advice a freshman c a n follow if he wants to crash a campus group. It is extremely tragic t h a t in two days of F r e s h m a n camp a frosh can make a bad reputation t h a t will follow him about the remainder or his college days The poor freshman, reacting abnormally to a n abnormal situation, is hastily judged nnd condemned by the I undergraduates a t camp. T h e latter, in turn, pass on the impression to their mates. As a consequence the I freshman is shunned by almost everyone a n d ends u p | hating the school. Fraternity a n d sorority politics have more t h a n once crucified meritorious aspirants to office. No organization on the campus is free from such politics. Myskania, which should be a n exception, is a n outstanding T h i s year, State studants returned Those realistic effects under J o e to Albany to fine1 tlie birth of a new Wilhey's direction smacked of a n policy under Drama ics a n d Arts encore. We a r e looking forward to Council: t h e policy oi' bringing celebrated artists before Page Hall a u - mere unforgettable work a s that Bnitus. diences. T h e first step in this direc- found in Barrie's Dear As to t h e orchestra, we should like tion was the a n n o u n c e m e n t of the I example. a p p e a r a n c e of Cornelia Otis Skinner, to h e a r a repeat performance of the famed monologi.st, a t Page Hall Rimsky-Korsakofl"s "Russian E a s t e r " next week. If fills is a sampla of overture which climaxed t h e final w h a t is to come throughout the concert of last year. We hope to see year, t h e n surely we m a y look for- the occasional appearance of guest - T h e Statesmanward to a .successful a n d enjoyable conductors with the orchestra In t h e Murray said to make it short and sweet. So here season on t h e college stage. D & A is lourse of the year. Another of B e e t h o to be congratulated for such a for- ven's symphonies will certainly be a it is: t u n a t e choice as its premier presen- d r a w i n g card if the m o v e m e n t s will SWEET DEPARTMENT: Anent the one sided r o tation. be played In sequence, not a s sepa- mance of the Senator and La Harvey. Senator meets With such brilliant competition rate pieces, such as occurred a t t h e Harvey. Home town talent appears. Senator disappears. Latin book doesn't clinch a thing. from t h e professional stage, the Ad- spring concert last semester. FAITHFUL FOREVER DEPARTMENT: Was t h a t vanced Dramatics class will be exIf we may see a n o t h e r delightful Moe's girl I saw Moe with Saturday night? T h a t wasn't pected to continue a n d expand t h e experimental work which was be- Gilbert a n d Sullivan performance by Moo's girl; that was Jane Curtis.—Was t h a t Hattle we g u n last year. We shall certainly • t h e Operatic Society, more fine c o n - saw with Miller the other night? T h a t wasn't Hattle; enjoy seeing more plays with u n - | certs by the Choral group, a n d ful- t h a t was Parrott. Or was it Studebaker? usual effects such as were seen In fillment of the above desires a n d DOTS AND DASHES DEPARTMENT: P a t Latimer "Bury t h e Dead." [prophecies, we shall be satisfied. and 5 R P I boys - - - - Georgia, 2-9707 Main Dorm - - - - McCreary and Buckman - - - - Peterson "the horrible example of degradation In the Ingle Room" Creogan finally admitting that some of State's State Slips Up women are pretty nice Friday, S m i t h a n d Column Left— -CommunicationsColumn Right Dower; Saturday, Smith and Ferroe? ? ? Where was Y o u h a v e tried t o d a n c e in t h e C o m m o n s a n d In your last Issue of the Niaws My hat, is tipped to the Editor. Bull when the vie didn't play? k n o w t h e result - y o u d i d n ' t , liul w h a t y o u d o n ' t you asked for criticism both con- T h e NICWH is good; it was good BIG SCOOP DEPARTMENT: Has Murray found k n o w is w h a t we ( i n c l u d i n g y o u ) are going lo d o structive a n d destructive. Personally enough last year to win a first class No. 4? wo a r e disappointed in the sup- I rating In national competition. Tills a b o u t it. Eitst y e a r S t u d e n t Association a p p r o p r i a t e d some posedly new NKWH, M u r r a y promised year, it will win a n All-American us something entirely different. rating. eighty-five dollars to p u r c h a s e speakers a n d wire to W h a t did we get—a change in type. Compare tills year',', NKWH Willi p u r c h a s e s p e a k e r s a n d wire to extend the college W h a t difference does the kind of | this year's freshmen. T h e freshmen Di:nA 11. type make? We can read grey type owned sound jacitities of Room 207 t h r o u g h o u t t h e l lie I'llllllllllllS, need please only a lew professors 11 Vlll'nll) il, ' h u l l . Il',\ ulltH I " -II III III III I'M t i l l , ' |;|| halls of D r a p e r a n d t h e C o m m o n s . II w a s a r g u e d or black, but what wc want to read and a lew other people in order to W i l l I " ' I'Hlllllll'll'll 'I'll II I'HlllI .v, I Win,Ir Wl'l'li is news. gel along. A newspaper must satisfy l l e l i i l i r r .'I, In H "X iif t h a t news bulletins could be delivered direct lo '-'I in mi inlniiii's We want something vigorous, I everyone all tlie lime. (Jan a n y paper Hi, i, i r , h u n h i i m :i :m ''•'mini*; ' • ' , " ' '•<< I! W l ' l ' l i s t u d e n t s between classes a n d thai music for d a n c i n g alive, a n d interesting. Is the NKWH do tills? |i in 'I'lir I n uiil * .i iv ujii'ii I' 1 1 '" Hi.' I'IIII.IWIIIH W'l'i'h I,, .ill ii|i|ii'ivl,'issnii'ii Tr,\ lnl would be i m p r o v e d . S t u d e n t Association agreed to .supposed to be a weekly bulletin ' I'liniiun,. Mil iiilimli'H ul' When Hits yeai's Nmvs Hoard Hills IIMIHl |.IV|IIUV ,i u v n ls " " " ' • ' ivi'i'iTi'il in UOHIII• IIIKI'IIH.IIIIII ni "M.\ this n o t knowing just what would result, Difficulties board? Why do wc have posters in : eunie across w lib a new type of inn ' '"''' , i " 'II Hi' 'illim in V ll'U . nl In i h i n ! . i n . ' M » l HlK l'1'H'lllllt i n n s . arose a n d it was found that t h e a p p r o p r i a t i o n would the hall? T h e reporters should learn print thai was in satisfy t h e prnI'ulll (trillion lll'l'lllll I'l'lll, about news value. Stories have ni' lli'tmli' (mini II not suffice. I ' l ' i ' s l l l l ' l l l ,,t Uiwlll „ thousands of different angles, yet gtessives, T h e new lype ol Leadline I'lisiili'iil d i d lli:s i i : \ | a n d style ol tlie story were designed Clllllli'll. you always use the same style, a n d s He t h a t a s it m a y , it now remains for S t u d e n t I In' »,\ i i i i i l i i u i i m . i i , i i.i "< I A I . ( \ I , I ; M I . \ K In gel a\wi\ h u m the old fashioned • . i h i ' i l i i l i ' I'm' i. in.-11.. i- ,IH Association t o remedy t h e sad social plight in which type of approach. We like In know standardized •"•I'ti'inhiT .',"> .r II it i,. r 1'1','sl, "past performances". 111,111 about people. There are over a I'liiluvvt. l»l I'l .V, Allililui'l it finds itself; i. e., " t h e y shall have m u s i c " lo thousand students at Slate, all ol Tradition at Slate College Is deep Mnnil.n :i s mi ,, „, :ni -11,i Sl -.•. Hull ll.nill . the deeper the l radii ion. the h a r d e r d a n c e a t noon, ' l " i ' i 'i' -''I Slmnii l,i whom have feelings, ideas, a n d emo\\ i .1 1 ,i i r :n ii" SIUIIHI Muniisliliii'i'.. P r o m a s t u d y of t h e p r e s e n t s y s t e m , il can be tions. T h e human Intoresl angle Is II is in break, When one w a n t s lo II I'll s s , W I I I M I U I Mil i Mi| i» M'll'l} fur I'IVHIIIIII'II s mi nut merely Important, ii Is vital change tradition, he must proeede II Ami • . I' ' " 'It I'l'llll'l'llll \ 11,, |1 HI seen s o m e t h i n g is wrong in Room 2 0 7 . N o t being People waul news. 'I'liiir»iln.i 7 :iu li Mil si I'inn > 1 1 1 slowly. So wilh the Ni-:ws. " ' ] ; , ' ' " ! " ' - " N'U'iin h r i m , i I'l l u l l s .\ |,III . . I l l l l H e l e c t r i c i a n s , we cannot s a y what, Likewise, ii has ! I ' " " l l n l l t t l i - W I I I ' l l l l l l x 'II I Tlie NKW.N is beginning In adapt s lli'i-iiunl I'l'iliiiiiii, " l.ilku A v r . li mi |, I,, been revealed t h a t o n e speaker in I he C o m m o n s is i Why lias thoru been no feature Ittseii in Its environment t h e d e ••"'I'li'inhrr :>|| si'A 1 1'hv ( iiinliicliir. on Dean DuUinoy? One of the :l11 wholly Inadequate. Thus only one course is left story '!, I I'i Hi.' (li'i'i'k H I M in; s i r : ( o i si it biggest stories ni last veto' was the m a n d s a n d opinions of tlie student lli.'HIi'i' In'1,1ml ii,,. \ | I'll,' It.'.'.lill'liri I'lilllll'll o p e n . If S t u d e n t Association w a n t s In d a n c e it must proposed change in the Commons body, it Is beginning lo shed itself ' " ' ' " I It.'Kllll' halls h.l'. I •. 1111»11" 111 •. I .1 IIII11.1 [ 111 a p p r o p r i a t e . It must p a y for a c o m p l e t e o v e r h a u l i n g a n d In the Annex. It was rumored, ul I lie checking reins which, until »J Mr-Ill ul' |lrll.lllii'H Hull " ' ' I " ! " ' ! ' I I'l i l l i n i u m Mu I ' " 1 " ! ' ' "I TIlilti'lH'l' inil'K i l l hi' lii I'l'li'ii I h i s vi'iir of t h e present outfit a n d it must furnish t w o new whispered, and shouted, but no one now, have held past NKWH Hoards w "I'll'lllil) in -I III) fur I',,,' A T l l ' i i l l Ili.llM' H u r l , Will 'i' 1 .; mill mic lii I Miiilli's s p e a k e r s for Die C o m m o n s , preferably, fifleen-inch found out about tlie Urubaeher Mi' under control, Why not wall? See III' l l s l ' l l . IIIIIJUI'U, I'l'iinllli'.s I'm' iiiii'Miitjiiil w h a t the next lew months h a v e to mortal until it was announced by s p e a k e r s . T h i s should t a k e no more t h a n fifty dolOilubor l-s Hniukui'u nt u r r In l i e t'Mlrl offer. T h e n criticize a n d oritivieo nlilh'llc.sn'i'H VII'I'M Del I it III,,, iiml i u s I'HIIIUVH: I tu 0 mill l a r s . It is n o g r e a t price for a system that does a n Sullivan In assembly. W e should WtlWnrd 10lil|'i.|| I'niiri' have found out the details through nhurply. T h e things you don't like i l l i ' s l i i l i i I w i l l ' l i b i a : il I n efficient j o b . I lull I'm' irriiHliini.|i mull, about the NIOWH were twenty-four III l l l l l l l l l l ' S h l h ' I! Wlll'll the Ntjvvs. Where were you? limn, III inlniiti'.s Inti' nt mm H.'l.ilirl' 1-8 H i m i i ' l l y m u n i T h e F r e s h m a n H a n d b o o k invites t h e class of 1944 limisi's I'm' I'l'nshai,,,, f|.„|,| Let's have news—. Let's have a years in t h e making. They c a n n o t i Inn' :i wni'iiliiKh IVnully ' : l « l In ID UK) |i, in m t o d a n c e e a c h n o o n . L e t ' s b e good e n o u g h h o s t s t o real paper. We have t h e material, be removed In a single issue. "Rome l'i ir i lii'.r Wiii'iilngs In S li. lilll'lll'll)' llllllHOM. in »nini>lirllii< Ki'lilny mill was not built In a day." why not t h e paper? give them what was promised. iii'liilii'i; BOA Ki'Di'i'iil m o a t Siiliinlii.v nlnlils fullowlnu Short and Sweet Contrary to the News The Weekly Bulletin 1 ing, I.UUIIUi', lll.'ll) p . I I I , •HP 0f) Maloney's Baloney •.."Vtf ra. -J.R.M. State Mercuries Getting Set For First Encounter Team Facing Many Difficulties,Eight Freshman Answer Call to Practice • F O R E M O S T ON STATE'S a t h •*• letic front this week is t h e newly organized I n t r a m u r a l pigskin p r o g r a m , one which t h e directors a s s u r e us will be t h e most efficiently m a n a g e d a n d most interesting in m a n y a year. I t is true t h a t t h e games did not begin a s per schedule on Wednesday afternoon, b u t it h a r d l y seems fair to pin the quirks of J u p e Pluvius upon t h e shoulders of t h e good Council members. Intramural Football Rules Rule I Suction 1. Only cnnvus shoes with soft rubber solos nuiy bo worn. Utile II Section 1. A I'li'iir puss is ono in which llin hull Is in llijrlit. n rlonrly visible (llsliinco rift or leaving the pilsner's lunula'. itulo i l l Section I. Tin; longtli of playing time s'li.'itl ho 28 minutes, ilivhlod Into four i'i|ii.il T in in ule quartern. Tliero shall In. ono inliitito between quarters. Thorn slinll ho n .", in I ii nt •• Intermission between the si'.'.,ml unit llilnl periods. Suction i!. Tlie Ol'lh'luls slinll ho n roforoo null Insul linesman. A substitute slinll report Ills mime mi,I I lie mime of Hie player ho Is replacing to the referee before lie Is n part of the ganio, An eligible substitute may return to I lie game at any lime when time Is mil anil provided one play has ensued since his withdrawal. Kill.' V I I Tii.kllim mill liliH'kini; .Section t. Actual blocking Is permitted. Seellon 'J. T a c k l i n g Is done Willi IUITII IIAN'llS I>K]''INITK1.Y ON T U K ltKAii, IIIOLOW T I I M iiKi/r. Grabbing In front with one hand unit holding Is not permit ted and will he ponalTzod with il Ill's! down al the spot, of the foul or optionally at the original line of sel'lllllllllge. Section il. There shall he nn slllT-nrmIng. Knle VIII Scrimmage noil down Sect Ion I. After snap and during the piny, any player of A may carry the hull across the lino of scrimmage. Section 'j. Team A must hnve three or more men on I lie Hue of scrimmage. Secilon II, Tin; neces'siiry distance to be gained during a series of downs Is in yards in four downs. Seellon I. All players are eligible to receive forward passes. T h i s year's cross-country t e a m departs from t h e usual custom of electing one member to serve in t h e capacity of both captain a n d m a n a ger. Eugene Agnello, '41, v e t e r a n l e t t e r m a n will pilot the outfit in this year's campaign. Robert Cooke, '43, who was one of last season's p r o m i s It nle IV IVlllllth'H mill 1'llforceitH'lll ing entries, will be unable t o r u n Soellon I. If or more forItlile IX during the current season, b u t will ward puss fromn second behind the line of •Scoring take over t h e managerial duties. . .11 p o i n t s si'i'linniiign strikes the ground or goes' Touchdown mil of bounds I,,'himI the line, It is A successful try-for-point . .'J points Early S t a r t treated us a fumble. Drop kick or place klcl ..1 point As a n example of t h e promised Rule V Otherwise Breaking another tradition, t h e . . 1 points Art ion I'onlinon to ti I'ri'f-kieli or (hull from Held efficiency, we have been informed 1940 Mercuries have scheduled their . .'_' points NcrlinmiiKe ilown Safely t h a t t h e policy of paid officials i n - first meet with Morrisville on OctoSeellon 1. When a liaeltwaril puss or It ule X a u g u r a t e d last season will be con- ber 5, this being a d e p a r t u r e from fumble strikes the ui-minil and Is reSide B Yards tinued, but with a n added touch. A the pact to t h e effect t h a t n o S t a t e covered il miiv he advanced by either off Holding (Defense) (oilier then c e r t a i n a m o u n t of ignorance of t h e cross-country squad would take to side. li Yards Seellon L», A blocked kick nuiy ho ml- hall currier) Holding (Defense in Inckllng) rules last year, both on the part of the track before the middle of Octo- viineed hv either team. tsi down on spot or Kill,' VI players a n d officials, led to many ber. T h i s was planned lo give t h e line of scrimmage. I'Vee kicks noil Ihc free kick down instances of Indecision which us- r u n n e r s a n opportunity to adjust Holding (Offense) 10 Yards Soellon I. 'I'lic kick-off slinll he m a d e ifi Yards ually ended in quibbling a n d h a r d themselves a n d get in shape for from min hull' I ' . I ihc distance of A's Tripping ilIs<|ualllleallon—.Mi disportion of I lie Hold. Tim safely-kick Slugging feelings all around. their arduous tasks. This early con- l'i A's III v.l. line. Innce to goal line. As a step to remedy, a t least lo a test, it is feared, may not give t h e Seellon J. Wlicn il kick off is mil of I'nneeesstirv delay of game ".> Yards fi Yards' degree, these difficulties, all paid S t a t e s m e n time to get in the peak of h o u n d s lid w e n the g.nil lines, Iho o p - Xnl reporting tional I n b o u n d s'pn-l for Hie receivers is SHIT -arming Ifi Yards from line officials have been t a u g h t the six- condition. i fourth I ' , ! the length of Ihc Meld. of scrimmage m a n rules by Coach Hatfield a n d More difficulties appear on t h e a r e being subjected to a sort of horizon with Dr. Andrews, w h o "civil service" exam to determine coached t h e boys in the past (sans t h e i r ability lo administer them. a pecuniary r e t u r n ) now unable T h e officials, however, are by no to continue due to numerous currim e a n s t h e only ones who need know cula!' duties. Coach Hatfield is e n the newly devised rules backward deavoring to make some a r r a n g e a n d forward. It is chiefly for t h e m e n t whereby h e may observe t h e F r e s h m e n , beware! Terror stalks bers of this committee whose n a m e s benefit of the players t h a t wc outfit while attending his many t h o u g h t it advisable to publish the other tasks. in tlie halls of Hie college! T h e will be known are t h e co-chairmen. Marion Adams a n d T h o m a s regulations which appear elsewhere C a p t a i n Confident Black Legion is on t h e prowl! Feeney. T h e other members, about on this page. May we urge all who Meeting last week in solemn d e - sixteen of them, will remain u n However, despite these adverse cira r e participating or expect to parcumstances, Captain Agnello says, liberative session, the class of '43 known. Their duty is to discover i n ticipate to study them carefully. "We've been practicing individually instituted a new organization within Many may wish to regard this for t h e past two weeks a n d a s soon S t a t e College walls—the Black L e - fractions of tradition a n d general a s a n insult to their knowledge of as we get a n opportunity to work gion. I t ' s purpose—lo keep t h e misbehavings by the freshmen—and sports or something of the sort. We together in a unit, things are bound freshman class, '44, under control. to report them to the Black Legion. Tlie Black Legion will t h e n a d emphasize for their benefit t h a t the to look brighter. Its membership—known only lo a minister clue punishment. official rules which appear in the After last Friday's stirring a p - select few. And its methods—those In the meantime, other a n d more NKWH this week differ in many im- peal in Assembly, tlie surprising who arouse its w r a t h will see only pleasant things a r e in store for t h e p o r t a n t aspects from those which number of eight freshmen showed too well a n d too soon. freshmen. To show them t h a t t h e have governed play in the past. A up for the initial practice. Since a I n past years a l S t a t e , rivalry h a s collective heart of the sophomore successful season demands t h a t each cross-country "fleet" Is composed of t h e 113 approved players a n d t h e of eight members, t h a t m e a n s there been conducted in a desultory, u n - class is in the right place, t h e class half score or more officials be thor- will be a t least five freshmen on organized m a n n e r . Occasionally a of '43 lias planned a n e n t e r t a i n m e n t burst of action h a s m a d e t h i n g s for the frosh. Friday n i g h t a t 8:00 oughly acquainted with them. S t a t e ' s varsity squad. After g r a d u a - lively, but ordinarily t h e frosh have P. M., t h e freshmen will be t h e guests Of special interest to those inter- tion a n d injuries took their toll, we gone their own way, paying little of t h e sophomores in Page Hall. I n ested in intramural football from find t h a t only three veterans r e - a t t e n t i o n to t h e traditions of t h e oilier and more simple words, Soph the spectator angle should be t h e main. They a r e : Eugene Agnello, college a n d to t h e edicts of the s o - Reception will take place. fact t h a t t h e new rules have been '41, captain, J i m Snover, '41, a n d phomore class. Not so any more, Myskania will be introduced. formulated with a n eye to speeding F r a n k Hansen, '43. promises sophomore president, B r y - Rivalry rules will be read. A skit up t h e contests a n d making scoring, a n t Taylor. T h i s year t h e s o p h o - will be presented. Jack Ryan's o r theoretically a t least, easier. Under Schedule Announced mores a r e taking into their own chestra will play. Frosh a n d sophs Before Thursday's meet it is e x - h a n d s t h e enforcement of rules t h a t will dance. T h e evening will be the new schedule, games arc booked for five days a week instead of t h e pected t h a t t h e " g a r d e n e r " will so long liav« been unenforced. At thoroughly enjoyable. four of last season. T h i s should have completed his weeding out pro- the m e e t i n g of t h e class of '43 last Everyone will go home. eliminate the eye-straining twilight cess a n d tlie " j a d e " lads will be Wednesday, t h e Enforcement C o m And then tlie Black Legion will games so prevalent while last year's moulded into the finished product. mittee was formed. T h e only m e m - take over. To date there arc three meets p r o g r a m was straggling to a n e n d . T i d - b i t s : Though basketball is yet scheduled. T h e first is October 5 a t Opener Proves Washout; in t h e far offing, J i m Chappcl, this home; next, October 19, Delhi, away; State Chess Team year's manager, h a s voiced a n a p - a n d lastly C a n t o n of St. Lawrence, Gridders Prime to Act peal for recruits as assistant m a n - for which no date h a s been agreed' M a y Enter League upon. All home encounters will be agers. Aspirants from the class of '42 Rain intervened to prevent t h e in Washington Park, a course are being sought in particular. Un- run 1 opening games of t h e I n t r a m u r a l 3 '.. to ' I ' miles in length. again State's chess t e a m l.s Once der consideration by MAA is a plan to beg in its intercollegiate wars. football league from starting on to invest a portion of the athletic Howevc>r, this year a new a t t r a c t i v e schedule Wednesday. O u t s t a n d i n g contingency in a n Insurance policy feature is to be included In t h e clashes coming up next week, which to cover injuries sustained in sports. Intramural Council ma tchc•s with a n inter-collegiate o ir renders should Unci most interestleague In the process of being ing, are the College House-Ramblers Plans Full Season formed . In addition to S l a t e , niem- go on Monday, a n d Potter Club's bei's in •e R P I , Union, Colgate, a n d meet with the Central Avenue stalWith the football season already Cornell . It is expected t h a t this warts. On Mondays a n d Wednesunder way. the I n t r a m u r a l Council league will facilitate team matches days the pigskin chasers will take lias several other spoils planned a.s well as s t r e n g t h e n the play of the the field at, 4:45 while the other for t h e a u t u m n a l season. tncnibci days will find tlie kick-off a t 4:30. Tennis, along with football, got T h e S t a t e s m e n ' s first league e n lbs s t a r t this Week. Regis H a m ; niond, who is in charge of the counter will come tomorrow in a I t o u r n a m e n t , hopes to gel as many clash Willi Union. With all of last I mutches completed this fall as the yeai's varsity intact, tlie Purple a n d weather permits, ('mid forces should be t h e favorites. The hounds ol the commons will So thai promising freshmen may be j be glad to know thai a n o t h e r ping- given a chance lo display their pong lournameni Is scheduled. It prowess, ten boards will he contested | will start as soon as the table or tit t h e Union game, Welcomes the Students of the ; tallies are completed, T h e r e is a College Back to Albany possibility ol having two tables. The Intramural Council also a n nounces thai a golf tournament will 'or State College Howlers: | be held llns full ll there a r e enough I people interested, and II the weulher We hope you will liiul it I permits, There are also plans being convenient a m i sensible to made for a bowling league to begin in tlie near future. m a k e W hit ne y 's y o u r Sophs Form Black Legion To Fill Frosh With Fear You '11 find At the ANNEX WJMX/neqfb Wagar s IGE CREAM RICE ALLEYS Eat Nothing lilso So Good h So Hood For You at John's Lunch Dinners 35c a n d Up Delicious Sandwiches a n d Sundaes 7:30 A.HI. — 11:00 I'. M. Qnjj, the High School W e s t e r n anil Q u a i l shopping headquarters this year. W A A Captains Announce New Time Schedules Weekend at Chatham Planned; Hockey, Badminton, Archery, Swimming Continue Today After a m i n o r controversy over the use of t h e campus in front of Page Hall w a s settled to t h e m u t u a l satisfaction of both MAA a n d WAA, girls' hockey practice started with a fairly good t u r n - o u t Monday. However, t h e r e a r e several berths waiting to be filled, a n d Gussie H a u s h a l ter a n d W i n Jones will welcome a n y newcomers this afternoon, Practices a r e held Mondays a n d Wednesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 P . M. and Fridays from 3:30 to 4:00 P . M. Lotta B u n k e r s Lotta Bunkers, t h e hiking unit under t h e direction of Susie Wing, h a s m a d e p l a n s for four weekends a t Camp J o h n s t o n near C h a t h a m . T h e first outing is scheduled for October 11 through 13. T h e charge for t h e weekend including transportation, is $1.25 since WAA shoulders p a r t of t h e cost. F u r t h e r weekends a r e planned for November, J a n u a r y a n d April. Any group desiring to go to C a m p J o h n s t o n on a weekend n o t scheduled m a y do so with the consent of t h e c h a i r m a n . Both outdoor badminton a n d archery h a v e also started with a good n u m b e r of enthusiasts. B a d minton, in charge of Betty M a r s t o n and Lois Hafley, will be played d u r ing the fall season only, in back of the library, a t 3:30 P. M. on M o n days, Wednesdays a n d Fridays. Archery will be played in back of the college under the direction of Anita Holm a n d Dottle Brooks a t 3:30 P. M. on Tuesdays, T h u r s d a y s and Fridays. Swimming Renewed Swimming, a very popular sport last year, will again take place in Public B a t h No. 3 located on Central Avenue. F r a n Shapley a n d Winnie Baer will supervise the sessions through t h e fall a n d winter seasons, Today a n d every Friday from 2:30 to 7:00 P. M., a n d one night a week not y e t decided upon, there will be no charge. However, on Tuesday afternoon a fee of ten cents will be levied. T e n hours are necessary for swimming credit. Kay Wilson, captain of riding, h a e set 10:00 A. M. on Saturdays for t h e j a u n t s . T h e cost will be $1.20 per ride with $3.00 returned to each p e r son riding t e n or more hours. Anyone desiring credit for tennis may play on t h e Washington Avenue Courts a n d keep a record of h e r hours. Sally Beard will also conduct indoor lessons for beginners for t h e first few weeks. Dial 8-9038 ELSE'S HAIR DRESSING HAIR S T Y L I S T Licensed Zotos Shop 80S Madison Ave. Albany, N. Y. MADISON'S "Better Specialty Shop" 231 Central Avenue For Sport wear T h a t is "Tops" Willi the College Crowd Skirts 1,98 up Sweaters 1.00 " Jackets 2.98 " Blouses 1.00 " SPORT DRESSES REVERSIBLE COATS 35c BOWLING W E W I L L BE GI.AD TO F r o m !):00 A. Al. to 6:00 P. M. SERVE YOU. Exclusive But Inexpensive •«*• PAGE 4 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER S7, 1940 New Director To Register '41 For Placements Bureau Headed by Semantic W i l l Interview Seniors Starting Sept. 30 The Student Employment Bureau will officially open its doors to all seniors and graduate students for registration on September 30. Those registering this year will be listed permanently with the bureau. Not only those interested in teacher placements will be helped, but the bureau will also receive calls for other positions. Registration Registration will take place in Milne High School in rooms 121A and B any time between the hours of 9:15 A. M. and 12:00 noon, and between 1:15 and 4:00 P. M. Miss Semanek will allow about five minutes for each interview. At this time students will obtain registration blanks and make payment of the registration fee. Applicants may check their hometown references in room 121A. Students, according to the alphabetical arrangement of their names, will come for appointments at the bureau on the following days: Monday, September 30, A's and B's. Tuesday, October 1, C's, D's, and E's, Wednesday, October 2, P's, G's, H's, and I's. Thursday, October 3, J's, K's and L's. Friday, October 4, M's, N's, and O's. Monday, October 7, P's, Q's, and R's. Tuesday, October 8, S's. Wednesday, October 9, T's thru Z's. Folder Schedule Those who are unable to obtain interviews on the days mentioned will be taken care of Thursday and Friday. Folders may be brought in at any time, but in order to facilitate office procedure the following schedule for folders has been adopted. A's thru E's, due October 14. F's thru L's, due October 28. M's thru R's, due November 11. S's thru Z's, due November 25. Board Announces Editorial Classes The following are instructions to all candidates in the class of 1944 who aspire to positions on the STATU COLLEGE NEWS during the coming year: The Junior editorial staff will begin instruction to those who signed up on Activities Day, Tuesday at 12:00 noon in Room 111,. Announcement of the time for business and sports classes will be made shortly. The system of advancement in the editorial department of the NBWH begins with a semester of study of style, type of story, punctuation, etc. Following this the "cubs" will work on the paper itself until Thanksgiving of their Sophomore year when they will be eligible for appointment as Sophomore Desk Editors. On the NEWK at the present time, the class of 1943 is working in competition for advancement to the position of Desk Editors this fall. On Novembor 11, the NEWS Board will choose four to six of those now trying out for positions on the Sophomore Editorial staff. Of the six chosen three will become Junior Associate Editors on Moving-Up Day. From the three Associate Editors will ultimately be chosen as Editor or Co-edltors-in-Chief. Last Year's Faux-Pass Necessitates Re-vote Failure last year to elect a Student Association songleader will require extensive balloting by three classes and the association throughout the next three weeks. Student Council seeks a decision not later than Campus Day. During the coming week the senior, junior, and sophomore classes will meet to consider nominations for this office. Maestro Perlman Conducts Classes Bernle Perlman announces that he will teach others in the art of conducting at classes to begin Wednesday at 3:30 in Room 28. Experience with some musical instrument is necessary, and the course is limited to freshmen and sophomores. The State College Orchestra, which plans a highly varied program this year, will make its first appearance in a concert to be held in the Albany High School auditorium some evening shortly before the Christmas vacation. The college chorus and orchestra will combine in the spring for a presentation, and the orchestra will give another concert later, with an unannounced soloist. All undergrads and grads who play instruments and are interested in music are urged by Bernle to join the orchestra. Sororities Open Houses to Fros h Punch Parties W i l l Climax Informal Rushing Period; Plan Formal Dinners Fraternities Plain Rushing Activities The inter-fraternity smoker of last Wednesday formally opened the fratemit" iushn<? season. The individual fraternities are now planning a series of parties and smokers as parts of their rushing programs, that will finally terminate with the distribution of bids the Monday preceding Thanksgiving, and their return on the Monday when classes are resumed. Sigma Lambda Sigma has invited a large number of freshmen men and their guests to attend a Moonshiner's party, to be held tomorrow night, at 8:30 P. M. at the fraternity house. Having established a new house at 12 So. Lake Ave., Kappa Delta Rho will conduct a house-warming for the faculty and students of the college after the SCA bonfire tomorrow night. KDR and Edward Eldred Potter Club will be hosts to the freshmen men on October 1 and 2, one half of the alphabet to be entertained by one of the fraternities, while the other is to be received by the other fraternity. SLS and Kappa Beta will conduct their smokers during the following week, on October 8 and 9. Hawley Blackout Startles State Sept. 24, State College, Albany, N. Y.—More than 50 students studying in the library of Hawley Hall this week responded to a black-out warning and spent nearly one hour in the air raid shelter, formerly the basement book stacks. Librarians on duty reported there was no panic after the first unexpected alarm. Readers gathered their possessions calmly and filed downstairs to continue their work. Morale, the editors are glad to report, continues hip1 Officers Tomorrow Student Christian Association will install Its 1940-41 cabinet at the annual torchlight ceremony tomorrow night at 7:30 P. M. in the Greek Theatre behind. Residence Hall No. 1. Robert Agne, '41, president of SCA has announced that Mary Miller and Robert Patton, '41, are co-chairmen of the committee in charge. The entire student body and members of the faculty are invited to attend. Guests are requested to enter the field from the south side of the dorm. Ushers will guide them from the steps to the theatre. Geo. D. Jeoney. Prop. Dial 5-1913 Boulevard Cafeteria and Grill mR-200 CENTRAL AVENUE .*•«.*'•«; .•/2&0*2* Plans for the open houses which are to replace the Intersorority Tea held In previous years were discussed at the first meeting of Intersorority council which was held September 18, 1940. They will close the informal rush period. Each sorority will hold open house for all freshmen women from 7:00 to 10:00 o'clock September 30, October 1, and 2. On Monday, Kappa Delta, Alpha Epsilon Phi, and Phi Delta, will entertain groups of freshmen divided alphabetically, for periods of forty-five minutes each. On Tuesday, freshmen will visit Gamma Kappa Phi, Phi Lambda, Pi Al pha Tau, and Alpha Rho, and on Wednesday, Psi Gamma, Beta Zeta, Chi Sigma Theta, and Sigma Alpha. The new officers for Intersorority Council are: president, Bertha Petit, vice-president, Ada Parshall, secretary, Bella Lashinsky, and treasurer, Kay Shafer. This year a junior from each sorority, as well as the sorority president, will attend council meetings to acquaint the incoming seniors with the working's of council. This year council has decided that each sorority will have but two formal rush parties, a formal dinner to be held on Saturday, December 6, and a buffet supper to be held either December 5 or December 7. ALBANY, N. Y State College News Z-443 ALBANY, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1940 Lack of W P A Skilled Workers Halts Memorial "RANGERS OF FORTUNE' For a Top Performance in smoking pleasure^ — ^ Make your next pack (chesterfield THEY'RE COOLER, MILDER, BETTER-TASTING Aii over the country, more smokers are buying Chesterfields today than ever before because these Cooler, Better-Tasting and Definitely Milder cigarettes give them what they want. That's why smokers cull Chesterfield the Smoker's Cigarette. »j makers like yourself know they can depend on Chesterfield's Right Combination of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos for the best things of smoking, Chesterfield smokers get the benefits of every modern improvement in cigarette making. Copyright 1940, UCVITT A M»w> Tuucc* Co, VOL. XXV, NO. 3 Dower, Knowles, Miller, Newell, Powell, Scesny Capture Student Nomination Dr. Sayles Attributes Lack O f Technical Workers To W a r Absorption Tlie search for a successor to Queen Jane I has finally narrowed to six candidates. Voting last MonThe Brubacher Memorial Room" day for Campus Queen resulted in which was planned and promised to the nomination of Beatrice Dower, the students of State College last Chi Sigma Theta; Alma Knowles, year has not been erected because Psi Gamma; Mary Miller, Kappa the work could not be done by WPA Delta; Miriam Newell, Alpha Epworkers. The local WPA has no silon Phi; Lona Powell, Kappa Delta; workers capable of doing this job. and Madeline Scesny, ' Gamma The work is specialized, and for that Kappa Phi. as heiresses apparent to reason, skilled technicians are an the throne. absolute necessity if the job is to be a success. Skilled electricians, tin Final Balloting smiths, and plasterers are not availFinal balloting for Campus Queen able at this time. will be conducted Monday on the These are the reasons advanced Commons balcony from 9:00-4.00 by Dr. John M. Sayles, acting presiP. M. All tax-paying members of dent in a recent interview. the Student Association are eligible to vote in this election. Sayles Explains Voting last week was unusually Dr. Sayles explained that it was light, although a much more imhighly improbable that there would pressive turnout is expected for be an early start on the work beMonday's final test. The actual recause the war situation would necessult will be withheld until the ceresitate the employment of all these mony of cornation on Campus Day, workers in industry. October 19. The $200 that was appropriated by This marks the first year that the Student Association to aid in more than five candidates have been this work is in a local bank, payanominated for the regal honor. A ble to Stanley Smith, '41, and Harry two way tie made this necessary. As Passow, '42, who are the remaining customary, the correalation between members of the student committee the Prom Queen nominees and Camappointed for this purpose last June. pus Queen nominees was very high. One hundred dollars was also apThis year all five of the 1940 Prom propriated by the class of '40, makQueen nominees were named. The ing a total of $300. newcomer to the group was Mary A N UNPRECEDENTED TIE — made possible this year the nomination of six senior girls for the exalted Miller. WPA Shortage Upon being questioned as to this position of Campus Queen. The successor to Queen Jane I will be, left to right, either Beatrice Dower, Speculation as to the outcome runs shortage of labor, Dr. Donnal V. Alma Knowles.. Mary Miller, Miriam Newell, Lona Powell, or Madeline Scesny. rife in the student body. Sororities Smith, of the Social Studies departI are gathering strength in an effort ment, said that the only men who to capture this election, partly beNews Polls to Survey are on the WPA are manual laborcause of the prestige to be gained, Injured Girls Feel ers, and these would not be capaand more so for its affects on sorState Political Views ble of doing the job. The reason ority rushing. Gay Despite Crash A poll of student opinion that the job must be done by WPA Campus Day Rivalry will be taken next Friday With cheerful smiles, Bea workers is that $300 is not a suffimorning in assembly by the Dower and Mary Grace Legcient sum for the purpose. October 19 will also start the STATU COLLEGE NEWS in an efgett greeted visitors this week sophomore and freshmen classes on Dr. Smith also stated that whether Miss Sara Tod Delaney, who was fort to determine the attitude from their hospital beds. The their drive for the rivalry cup. Toor not we become involved in the recently appointed Dean of Women, of the student body in retwo girls are recovering from night Myskania will explain the war, industry will need all its skilled will address the student body in gard to the current national injuries sustained in an accirivalry rules to members of the two workers, consequently none will be political situation. assembly this morning. This will be dent Saturday evening. classes in attendance at the Sophoon the WPA. the first opportunity that the colStudents will be questioned more reception. Bea is being treated in St. Since it is improbable that the lege will have to hear the new dean. as to their choices for presiPeter's Hospital for facial Madalyn Beers, '41, has been State will see fit to make any approdent, vice-president and U. S. Merrill Walrath, '41, president of bruises. After another week named over all supervisor of wopriation for this purpose, Merrill senator from New York in the the Student Association, has alsr there, she will convalesce at men's sports and William Haller, Walrath, president of Student Assofall elections. Also asked will her home in Ballston Spa. stated that class marshals, two for '41, has been appointed supervisor ciation, will transfer the money be student's attitude on the Mary Grace, who Is now in of men's sports. The two preside over I each class, will be announced, and from its dormant position in the third term question. the Saratoga Springs Hospital, the Women's and Men's Athletic j will be presented with the ribbons local bank to the Student Associais receiving treatment for inTo determine how opinion Associations, respectively. tion funds. of their officeternal injuries. Is divided among the various Meanwhile, the Hawley Hall ComLast Friday, a resolution was Pushball Encounter classes in the college, each Friends and organizations mons will remain in use as the reI passed authorizing the Student Asperson will be asked to tell Feature of the athletic rivalry on have brightened their outlook creation center. A sum of $50 was j sociation to finance the 1940 Direcwhich class he Is in, and Campus Day, as always, will be the with many notes, gifts and appropriated in last Friday's Assemwhether he is eligible to vote tory from its surplus fund. This first soph-frosh pushball encounter flowers. Although the girls are bly for new speakers and wiring tliis fall. amount is to be paid back to the during the afternoon. Also during at present in a too critical for the Common's system. the course of the afternoon, several association from the proceeds of condition to receive many visother rivalry events, including woitors, their college friends will the sale of the books. men's field hockey, will be held. soon be able to visit them. Work on the directory has already In the evening, the various classes begun. The cover, which was dewill present command performances signed this year by Marilyn Rich, before the newly-crowned queen and '43, has already been sent to the Sophomores To Greet her attendants. Robert Hertel has printers. The list of students is now been appointed overseer of these being compiled. To eliminate any skits. Skit directors include: Enes Rival Class Tonight possibility of error, the list will be, Novelli, '41, Ira Hirsli, '42, Byron «I l e s s u f f e , ' e c l ' " a n automobile acci- checked with four separate college The Class of '43 will play host to- Benton. '43, and Robert White, '44. The chances are 5-1 that the 1840 ine chances are D-I tnat tne mw d t , Saturday night, listings. Dancing will follow tlie Campus night to its rival class, the Class of Campus Queen will be a brunette. Day activities in the gymnasium of The Directory is expected to be on The chance are also 5-1 that the At least, five of the six senior wo- new Campus Queen will hail from sale before the Thanksgiving recess. '44, at the annual Sophomore Re- Page Hall. men nominated last Monday can be what is vaguely defined <us the Cap- As usual, the book will be in the ception to be held in the auditorium regarded as being within the ital District. Only Madeline Scesny freshman color. In case of any of Page Hall, starting at 8:00 P. M. Hertel Announces Hop/ brunette classlflcaton. Only Lona out of Yaphank, L. I. can claim ex- changes in address or telephone Bryant Taylor, president of the class, is general chairman. number since registration, the board Dance Set for Nov. 1 Powell remains to represent the emption from thai location. Alma The reception will be one to wel-' blondes which gentlemen allegedly Knowles is an Albany girl, Mim must be notified. The book will sell come the freshmen to the college Robert Hertel, vice-president of prefer, If the term brownette were Newell is of Colioes fame, and Troy for ten cents. and therefore there will be no the class of 1940, in his capacity as is home for Lona Powell. Bea Dower wore generally accepted, Mary Mil- claims residence in the North Counrivalry during the evening. The general chairman of tlie dance, has ler might have been listed as a try at Ballston Spa. Mary Miller has sophomore president, Taylor, will Inter-Friternity Council brownette. As for the redheads, they the singular distinction of already introduce the members of Myskania announced that Senior Hop will be to the freshmen, and Inform them conducted November 1st at the Hotel evidently didn't stand a chance. living in Scotia, tire immediate doLimits Frosh Rush Hours of the sophomore rules. Any infrac- DeWitt Clinton. main of the present Queen Jane I. Everything about this year's nomLast year, the senior class Initiated tion of the rules will cause immeretiring sovereign, Jane Sherinees has to do with five-sixths. the At its meeting Monday night, In- diate action by the newly formed a policy of using a low priced orcheswood Wilson, '40, is at present This morning five of the candidates librarian in the Scotia Junior High ter-Fraternity Council revised the sophomore "Black Legion." tra, and passing the saving on to the will be seated on the Page Hall School. She will venture to Albany ruling on freshmen remaining overBarbara Kerlin and Byron Ben- students. Tlie concensus of opinion night in fraternity house. From now stage. Only Bea Dower, last year's on October 19 to place with relucton, sophomores, have organized a was that tlie dance was highly sucProm Queen, will be absent. At pre- tant hands her symbol of authority until fraternity bids are issued in minstrel show which will entertain cessful. sent, she is in St. Peter's Hospital upon the head of the one in six November no freshmen may be In a the freshmen. After the program Although no announcement has fraternity house between 3:00 A. M. in' the auditorium there will be making a rapid recovery from injur- selected as queen. been made so far, It is assumed that and 7:00 A. M. dancing In the gym. the bids will range around S2.50. V v... ,.;1 Speaks Today starring in Poramount's picture Year Election Monday Decides Victor Dean Delaney FRED MAC MURRAY 25th SIX SEEKING CAMPUS QUEEN HONOR . P i G amma Mu (Continued from page 1, column V Invited to attend a meeting. At this time, members of Pi Gamma Mu will discuss the nature of tha comprehensive examinations and a review program that will help the sophomores prepare for their examinations. The fifth program, planned lor March, will deal with professional organizations to which social studies teachers may belong. Faculty members who have attended the American Historical Association meetings, those of the National Education Association, the National Council for the Social Studies, and others will report on the annual conferences which they have attended. These reports will be followed by a discussion of the advantages of memberships in these various organizations. The last meeting of the year will be of primary Interest to seniors. At this time, the problem of placement will be the subject under discussion. It is hoped by members of Pi Gamma Mu, that through these meetings, social studies majors will receive a greater benefit from their preparation then would be the case from mere attendance In classes. Officers of Pi Gamma Mu for the year are as follows: Catherine O'Bryan, '41, president; Arnold Ellerin, '41, vice-president; Dorothy Johnson, '41, secretary; and Estelle Englehart, '41, treasurer. Robert Hertel, '41, in his capacity of program director will be in charge of carrying out the plans of Pi Gamma Mu this year. SCA Will Install Odds 5-1 New Queen Locale Girl or Brunette II * "i H