Page 4 State College News STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FEBRUARY 23, 1940 THE WEEKLY BULLETIN This bulletin will be the medium for all announcements of an official nature. Students and faculty are requested to look to the bulletin for information. Notices for the bulletin must be in the NEWS mailbox not Utter than 5:00 o'clock on the Wednesday of each publication week. PART TIME EMPLOYMENT at 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of Students seeking employment are electing officers for the coming requested to come to the PTEB year. The meeting will be in the office to fill in schedule blanks Lounge of Richardson hall. for the second semester. Blanks Richard Piatt, President. | will be found on the PTEB desk SOCIAL CALENDAR and may be filled in any time during the day. It is imperative that Feb. 23—Assembly, Talk by Mary Jeanne McKay, NSFA president, schedule changes be made as soon Auditorium, 11:10 o'clock. as possible. Feb. 23—Sophomore L e a p Year Mary Jane McNamara, Edgar Perretz, Directors, | Party, Commons of Hawley hall, 8:00 o'clock. ART EXHIBIT Feb. 24—Basketball games, FreshStudents are requested to watch men vs. Albany Business College, the bulletin boards on the second State college vs. St. Michael's, floor of Draper hall and the liGymnasium of Page hall, 7:30 brary display cases for exhibits of o'clock. reproductions of Italian master- Feb. 25—SCA "State College Sunpieces such as those shown by day," First Presbyterian church, the Museum of Modern Art at New State and Willett streets, 11:00 York. o'clock. Ruth E. Hutching, Assistant Professor of Fine Arte Feb. 26—Open hearing for activity heads of point system revision STUDENT EMPLOYMENT plan, room 109, 4:30 o'clock. BUREAU Feb. 26—Service fraternity meeting, The following books are on reLounge of Richardson hall, 7:30 serve in the library: o'clock. Barr, Characteristic Differences in Feb. 27—Advanced dramatics class the Teaching Performance of to present two one-act plays, Good and Poor Teachers. Auditorium of Page hall, 8:15 Beale. Are American Teachers o'clock. Free? Feb. 28 — Religious commission Donovan. School Ma'am. meeting, round table discussion MacDougall. Techniques of Teacher led by James Robinson, young Self-Placement. negro minister, Lounge of RichRyan. Your Clothes and Your Perardson hall, 3:30 o'clock. sonality. Feb. 28—Lutheran club supper. Umstahd and Others. Institutional Feb. 28—Adult Education council, Teacher Placement. Albany Town Meeting, room 20, U. S. Department of Interior Bulletin, 1932, No. 17, Monograph No. 8:00 o'clock. 12, National Survey of Secondary Feb. 28—Debate, College of St. Rose vs. State college, Lounge Education, Selection and Appointof Richardson hall, 8:00 o'clock. ment of Teachers. Paul Bulger, Director. Feb. 29—Debate, University of William and Mary vs. State college, SERVICE FRATERNITY Lounge of Richardson hall, 8:00 The State College Service frao'clock. ternity will meet Monday night State Debate Squad To Have Home Meets Entering the second week of its home schedule, the State debate team will engage St. Rose on Wednesday and on the following day, the University of William and Mary. Dorothy Johnson a n d Janet Sharts, juniors, will represent the college squad In an Oregon style discussion with our Albany neighbors. The resolution of Phi Kappa Delta, national debate society, will guide the discussion. It states: "Resolved: That the United States should follow a policy of strict isolation toward all nations outside the western hemisphere engaged In civil or international conflict." On Thursday, Anne Lomnitzer and Betty Denmark, seniors, will participate in a round-table discussion with the debaters from the South. , Thomas Augustine and Vincent Miller, sophomores, entertained the Fordham debaters yesterday, Last Wednesday, Haskell Rosenberg, '40, and Olen Walrath, '42, met the Rochester branch of Niagara university. All of these round-table discussions concerned the Phi Kappa Delta question. Sullivan Will Continue Dancing Classes Today Rita Sullivan, '40, has announced that the classes of Instruction for freshmen who desire to learn how to dance will be resumed starting today at 3:30 o'clock in the Lounge of Richardson hall. As in the past, music will be furnished by Esther Stuhlmaker, '43. Upper-class girls will assist Miss Sullivan in this instruction. There is the possibility of combining both the boys' and girls' classes in lieu of separate meeting. Classical Club to Visit Exhibits in N e w York The Classical club is planning a weekend trip to New York city, according to Betty Bunce, president of the club. Some of the members of the club will leave Albany tomorrow, with Miss Edith Wallace, assistant professor of Latin. The remainder of the group will join them in New York Sunday. Among other things, the club members will visit the Italian exhibit in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Z-443 STATE Chesterfield presents a Combination you can count on for MILDNESS AND BETTER TASTE Ihe perfect blend of the world's best cigarette tobaccos in Chesterfield gives you the two things you want and look for in a cigarette . . . Real Mildness and Better Taste. Then, if you add that Chesterfields are far cooler, you know you have a cigarette that really satisfies. CLARK CABLE AND VIVIEN LEIGH liMSi mm ForSale ft:! You CO" " " " ; s b e * ««°"lJo.o kl >"° "» :¥ . . . .4 •"• ZJT Will sacrifice PHONE: 2-8023 '"•trr. Geo. D. Jeoney, Prop. Boulevard D i a l f. liti;IS Cafeteria and Grill 18S-200 CENTRAL AVENUE ALBANY, N. Y. esterael The Cooler, Better-Tasting, VOL. XXIV, No. 18 Students Will Receive New Statesman Issue SCA Anticipates Varied Program DEFINITELY MILDER Cigarette u 1&€»» State and RPI to Battle On Page Court Tomorrow According to Marcia Brown, '40, Editor-in-chief of the Statesman, we can expect the second issue of that publication to be on the market before this morn- F r e s h m e n t o C o n d u c t T e a ; ing's assembly. Morford Will Discuss Point Revision Committee Present plans are for its disWar and Religion tribution at one of the tables in Line-up at Full Strength to O f f e r R e s o l u t i o n s the lower corridor of Draper SCA is continuing its plans for with Frament, Havko for N e w System hall in time for assembly snitch- the mid-winter program. Fresh-' Back in Condition ing. This issue will be larger, Lloyd Kelly, '40, president of the better, and will contain greater man commission, Student and Religion commission, Social Action Student association, has announced | variety in makeup, style, conHOPE TO AVENGE LOSS that this morning's assembly will tent, and print. We wouldn't commission and Club X will have be a business meeting. The first think of telling you some of the meetings in the immediate future. Freshman commission will sponContest Will Be Final Game order of business will be the report nice things which you will come "All-College-Lounge-Tea" from the standing Point System Re- across when you rip open your sor an for Senior Members vision committee. The text of the copy and devour its contents (or Thursday from 3:30 to 5:00 o'clock. Bryant Taylor, president of Freshof Varsity Team committee's recommendation is: just devour it, we don't mind), I. ItCNolvcil Unit Article V, Section but you can be sure of sumpin' man commission and general chairState has its last opportunity to Z lm amended by ntriking out purt (d), special nice, and on State's intel- man of the tea, announces the following committees: publicity, Wilsalvage something from a mediocre II. IteNolvod Unit the by-laws bo lectual level, too. No mention umonded by striking out xection (I mid season tomorrow night, when the was made as to variety in source, liam Phipps; hostesses, Shirley HiiliHtifiitiiift tlie following: cagers face RPI's visiting aggreEastman; arrangements, Dorothy but we'll bet the student body Hoctton 0. A HyHtem providing for gation. The Engineers, traditional Barbara came through with its contribu- j Roth; re-arrangements, it more democratic distribution of offoe of the Teachers, invade Page ficcx in hereby OHtitbliHht'd: tions—or did they? I Kerlin; food, Dorothy Huyck; floorwith a record that has seen them show, Van Ellis and Don Vanas. n. Thin HyHtem: HIUIII be known IIH the "Major-Minor Office Plan." victorious in 8 out of 10 starts in Social Action Commisison h. The .Student iiHHOelatlon HIUIII decontrast to the home team's 4 out Tonight Canterbury club and SCA termine which offices nhall bo major of 11 record. However, this is the mid which minor, will cooperate with the local Peace one game of the year when State c. All offices not listed as major or council In presenting the Reverend minor shall ho known as unclassified fans can disregard past form and Richard Morford, minister of the offices. expect to see the home quintet play House of Friendship, at 8:00 o'clock d. A person may hold one major ofits head off in an effort to gain fice and no minor offices; or two minor in the Lounge of Richardson hall. the major prize of the hoop camoffices. There shall he no restriction The subject of discussion will be on the number of unclassified offices paign. I The Student Employment bureau "Religion and Problems of War." which may lie held. G. Elliot Hatfield, whose squad Tomorrow the Social Action come. Myskania shall he responsible for 'will sponsor a panel discussion for The team has built up a terrific tlie proper enforcement of this system. will to win t o m o r r o w . Just seniors and graduate students in mission will conduct a tour to the faces RPI tomorrow night. (I) The election of officers to all posiSouth end of Albany. It is urged the fact that RPI is the foe is tions covered by the major-minor the auditorium of Page hall from enough, but in addition the boys plan shall take place before the 10:00 to 12:00 o'clock tomorrow. that all students interested in seelast school day in April with the ing the acute housing problems of vividly remember a 34-28 opening exception of .Student association The discussion will center around Albany meet in the Rotunda of season loss that they are bent on officers previously provided for. j the question, "What the high school avenging. Besides that, five memCI) All elections shall he provisional principal looks for in the beginning Draper hall at 9:45 o'clock. until certified by Myskiiula. Student and Religion Commission bers of the squad will be out there (II) No person shall he certified to of- teacher." Wednesday, from 12:00 to 1:00 j hoping to end their basketball cafice when such certification shall The five principals who will talk o'clock, Dr. T. Z. Koo, brilliant Chireers at State with a victory. result in a violation of this system. include: Mr. Arnold Copping, Ber- nese leader and member of t h e ' The State varsity debate squad is Home Court Edge (I) iMyskaiiia shall have the power to lin Central high school, Berlin; Mr. Worlds' Student Christian federaBecause past performances rarely entering its pre-spring schedule with require tlie rcslinuitinu of any person holding office In violation of P. Remington Furlong, Coeymans tion staff, will address the assembly a debate with Bates college on Wed- mean anything between these two I his system. Central high school, Coeymans: Mr. , at Albany Business college. A 11m- nesday at 8:00 o'clock in the Lounge foes, there is little sense in analyzing Following the report which Will Ralph J. Stanley, Hadley-Luzerne 1 ited number of State students who of Richardson hall. respective records. Worth looking be read by Walter Harper, '40, Central high school, Hadley-Lu- have neither a 10:00 o'clock nor at, neverthless, is the home court The squad has almost finished its committee chairman, the association zerne: Mr. Edward Thompson, la 12:35 o'clock class on Wednes- ; seminar activities. The past few domination that these two teams will discuss and vote on the three Berne-Knox Central high school, | day have been invited to attend. periods have been devoted to dis- have exerted over each other in amendments which have been post- Berne-Knox; and Mr. Richard R. A planning committee for Club cussing and practicing the Oregon the past. RPI, as usual, has been ed for the required two weeks. The Wurth, Rocsselville Central high ! X met under the leadership of Ed- style of cross-examination discus- invincible against everyone on the amendments are as follows: j yar Perretz and Geraldine Ewing, sion. The schedule of forthcoming '87 court. Their only two defeats school, Roesselville. seniors, for the purpose of deckling I hereby propose the following came at the hands of Stevens Tech anieiidmeiit—striking out Article i l l At the discussion, two hundred the nature of future meetings. The contests, however, will include panel and Union; both were played away discussions, Oregon discussions, and which reads: ".All regularly enrolled leaflets containing a bibliography Tuesday meeting will feature dif- the formal style debates. from Troy. In fact, the "Cherry and students of New York State Colletfe for Teachers nnd any special students cf books which may be obtained ferent types of dancing—social, White" have in the two years that of this college shall become members from tlie Pruyn library on job- mixers, and Virginia reels. Anne Lomnitzer, vice-president of j of this association upon payment of seeking will be distributed. Debate council, and Betty Denmark, they have played in their new gym Ihe blanket l a v " : and substituting, "All seniors, will represent State college lost only one game at home and at regularly enrolled iinilergraduale stuThe Student Employment bureau dents (if New York State College for against Bates in the Oregon style (he same time have won only one the following placeTouchers are members of this associa- announces discussion Wednesday, on the timely on the road. Possibly, the Enginments: Anita Fralick, '34, science, tion." topic: "Resolved: that the United eers' record this year would not I move lo amend Article XI of (lie dramatics, public speaking, Town State can best serve democracy by be as good were it not for the fact Cniistlfution of the Student association of Webb, Old Forge; Anne Kalichthat only three games have been remaining neutral." by striking out the words: "majority man, '39, personnel work, New York I played away from familiar surof the members of the student associaThis question is a simple stateSeniors Will Meet Monday tion" and substituting in their place State Training school for Girls, HudOn the other hand, ment of the national forensic fra- i roundings, tlie following! "two-thirds of the mem- son; Jane Wilson, '40, junior high To Clarify Plan's Aim be s of the Student nssocliitIon voting." library, Scotia; Mrs. Joyce Edwards, ternity, Phi Kappa Delta, question. State's Invincibility over RPI in Kcsnlvcd: That amendment II to the Joseph McKeon and Janice Fried- Mr. Hardy, debate coach, says that Page hall has been equal to the Student association constitution Is here- '40, music and sewing, Glen Palls; Engineers' domination at Troy. In by repealed; the following to be sub- Eliznbcth Wheeler, '40, substitute man, seniors, co-chairmen of the he expects an "enlightening discusfact, RPI has never beaten State stilulcil In lis place: "Voting on amend- in commerce, Schaghticoke; Helen 1940 Dorm drive, have announced sion," ments lo the constitution and budget on the Page floor. Plans are being formulated for a sliull take plucc on tin* balcony of the Bernard, '39, mathematics and guid- the list of captains who will assist in forwarding the campaign. A Full Strength ('ominous of Hawley hall under Mys- ance, Le Roy; Darwin Van Keuren, trip to western New York. In adkaiiiii's supervision, This voting shall '40, commerce, Ancles; Buel Arnold, certain number of classmates will dition a delegation will go to ColFor the first time in several have Ihe siime rules as elect ions of ofLora be assigned to each captain who will gate university to attend the New weeks, State is at full strength. ficer*. The president of Student as- '39, commerce, Jamestown; contact them in regard to pledges. soelutioii shall determine the lime of Engelson, '37, commerce, Rochester York State Debate conference. Both Frament achieved his great perelections." The list Includes; Business school, Rochester. formance against St. Mike's, playof these events come In April. Mory Arndt, Marjorle Baird, Jane ing with a bad cold and a weak Barrett, Ellen Best, Alice Brown, wrist, while Johnny Havko was cut Joseph Capplello, Ruth Donnelly, over the eye early In the game. C ha pell To Welcome Janet, Ellis, Louis Prancello, Walter Both are fit and ready to go toOld-Timers Tomorrow morrow night. Harper, Otto Howe, Prank Klugo, Leonard Kowalsky, Helen Lannen, RPI has come up with a scoring Mary Jane McNamara, Roger Morby William Dorraneo The return of the natives will threat recently in the person of an, Doris Parizot, Eleanor Pratt, "Contrary to the statement in the southern drawl. "1 have taken occur at State tomorrow when many Sophomore Bert Hawks. He's been Nuws," Mary Jeanne McKay, pres- speech training at college and have Dorothy Pritchard, Paul Sapolsky, of the alumni return to be treated, hitting doi.ble figures consistently, Fay Scheer, Walter Simmons, Rita ident of NSFA, who spoke here worked with northerners for years," feted, and seated by Jimmy Chapell, and with Rusty Carman, rangy last Friday, Is not twenty-fivo years She broke into a broad southern Sullivan, Mary Trainor, and Jane '41, general chairman of the second center, should paco the Donaldmen Wilson. old. "I am only 23," said Miss dialect with, "Mow yo' all, honey annual Alumni day. When queried, attack, There will also be a meeting of Chapell said, "We're trying to make McKay In an Activities office Inter- chile'.' Why sho' nuff, honey lamb. view Friday afternoon. Apparel- I can talk like that too, although the senior class Monday at 8:00 this a traditional event in order to led smartly in a wine crepe suit, I think most southerners who do o'clock in the Ingle Room of the rekindle some of the old college Drama Group to Offer Alumni Residence halls to clarify spirit among our grads and bring Miss McKay declared, "A girl of talk that way are putting on." One-Act Presentations my tender years is easily hurt by She described Vassal' as having the object of the Dorm drive. Dr. them closer to their Alma Mater." Dramatics will enter a misrepresented age." one of the most unusual styles in John M. Sayles, president of tho Invitations have been sent out [ ItsAdvanced second week of the current seacollege and Mrs. Bertha Brimmer, to over 200 alumni and male memthe North. "The girls there are wearTurning to matters of greater son with Ihe presentation of two executive secretary of the Alumni gravity, Miss McKay aired herself on ing Scotch kilts. All they noed now association, will take part In tho! bers of State's faculty. The soph- pJays Tuesday night directed by is bagpipes and they could enlist isticates will be given an opporthe American Youth congress. "I Irene Poger and Robert Hertel, mooting. tunity to c o m p a r e reminiscences juniors. think ihe newspapers of this coun- in a Scottish regiment." in "gab-fests," cards, ping-pong and The pretty southerner confessed j try shamefully smeared the Youth Hertel's play Is a dramatic tragedy volley ball. Even a basketball game Group Installs Officers congress. They deliberately distorted she was a jitterbug at heart. "Tho which deals with the Serbian peasis on the program for "those who dunce crime passed mo by when I At its meeting last Monday night, the Congress' Washington meeting was in college. Now in my third tlie Slate College Service fraternity can lake it." In tlie evening the ants. The cast will be: Hyman Meltz to give the impression of radicalism, year boys will receive a buffet supper and Louis Greenspan, juniors; out of undorgraduato work, riot, and immorality." In a slight I regret not having learned to jit- installed these new officers for and pusses to tlie basketball game, Louise Do Angelis and Vincent Milsouthern drawl she added, that terbug. I am crazy ovor tho shag, 1940-1941: Paul Grattan, '41, presi- "all for free." ler, sophomores; and George Kunz, dent; William Haller, '41, vice-presithe papers "played up tho hisses shuffle, and Lindy, '43. Perhaps one dent; Benson Tybring, '42, treasand boos. Actually tho boos were of you boys will teach me to Jitter," Assisting Chapell in his preparMiss Poger's presentation is a urer; Alfred Stiller, '42, recording isolated and infrequent," she said. she coyly suggested. (Ed. n o t e - secretary; Robert Rich, '43, cor- ations are: Dennis Hannan and | fantasy in pantonine, The cast In a response to a question, she Miss McKay learned to Jitterbug Louis Greenspan, Juniors; Howard includes: Ann Rattray and Barbara explained her almost negligible that night at the Sophomore party.) responding secretary; and James Anderson and Clay Sprowls, soph- Ferree, juniors; Lauretta Servatius, Portley, '43, historian. omores; and Jack Bradt, '43. '42 and Muriel Scovell, '43, Bureau Will Have Panel Tomorrow State and Bates To Debate War Chairmen Announce Dorm Drive Captains mm Westland Hills Colonial house, Living-room, dining room; large knotty pine paneled studio; first floor lavatory; electric kitchen, including G. E. dishwasher and range. Four bedrooms; 2-car garage. House r e c e n t l y re-decorated throughout. Many other unusual features. Assembly Today To Feature Vote On Amendments Cor^Eca I'OU TEACHERS, ALBANY, N, V., FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1940 Pretty Southerner Airs Views On Styles and Youth Movement Page 2 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, MARCH 1, 1940 STATE COLLEGE NEWS E s t a b l i s h e d by t h e Class of 1918 Member Pointed Matters Associated G6Ue6iate Press Distributor of Commentstater STATE COLLEGE NEWS, MARCH 1, 1940 oftf? itplimrai L a s t week seemed to have been a n off week for everyone, including Ye Diplomat, b u t things seem t o h a v e been perking u p lately. W e saw Kelly solving a few problems a week a g o tonight, b u t it was purely business. After all, Mary J e a n n e m a y have wanted to investigate t h e E E P situation. C e r t a i n statistics have been r e ceived from t h e Bell Telephone comp a n y about t h e peculiar phoning h a b i t s of S C T students. Walden, it seems, waits u p until 1:00 a. m. before h e whispers his words of love via t h e line. John, doesn't she g e t in until then? Vanas, of course, is also peculiar, never m a k ing a call u n d e r a n hour a n d thirty minutes, a n endurance record; while Curly Taylor whispers his love words in a tone so soft t h a t she doesn't need t h e phone to hear t h e m . Hellenics T h i s week again more pledges, "In a n a t t e m p t to m a k e a d e m o c r a t i c distribusinged a little, p e r h a p s , by t h e i r tion of offices a n d t o p r e v e n t a n y s t u d e n t ' s devoting week's sojourn in a n o t h e r region, The uuriergmduiite N'ewspnper of New York Stute College an u n r e a s o n a b l e a m o u n t of h i s t i m e to e x t r a - c u r for Teachers are safe a t last in their respective r i c u l a r activities," S t u d e n t association adopted a fraternal homes. At formal i n i Published every Frldny o( Hie college year by the News point s y s t e m several y e a r s a g o . T h e association, tiation last Saturday, SLS g a t h e r e d lloiinl representing the Student Association a n n u a l l y a c k n o w l e d g i n g t h e w e a k n e s s e s of t h i s in fifteen new m e m b e r s ; Maurice Telephones: Office, S-0878: Howe, 2-4314; Kowulsky, 2-1248; p r e s e n t s y s t e m found in section 6 of t h e by-laws J o h n s o n a n d Charles Reynolds, Young, D-10S8; Gabriel, 8-0588 of t h e constitution, h a s allowed it t o exist, a l t h o u g h sophomores; George Kunz, T o m Entered as second class matter in the Albany, N. Y. i n a d e q u a t e l y enforced a n d a d m i t t e d l y unjust, both O'Connor, Andy T a k a s , M a c C a p postoffice to office holders a n d potential office holders. T o pon, Cliff Swanson, T e d Kosinski, day, t h e association will receive r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING B r Don Vanas. Curly De Nike, B o b for a n e w system in assembly. National Advertising Service, Inc. Laurer, Eugene Guerino, Luke Z i l (1) T h e ratings, a s provided now, have prevented College Publishers Representative les, a n d Walter Grzywacz, frosh. one person from exceeding a m a x i m u m of t e n points. 4 2 0 MADISON AVE. N E W YORK. N. Y. Their formal initiation was folCHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES ' SAN FRANCISCO Necessarily, some people, a l t h o u g h capable of doing lowed by a banquet a t which D r . more w i t h o u t e n d a n g e r i n g t h e i r a c a d e m i c activities, Sisk was made a n honorary m e m have been required to give u p a small office or ber. THE NEWS BOARD m e m b e r s h i p on a t e a m . K a p p a Beta h a d already inducted OTTO J. HOWE Editor-in-Chief (2) T h e n u m b e r of p o i n t s assigned each office some of its pledges, b u t It conLEONARD E . KOWALSKY Co-Editor-in-Chief was evolved by a n i n t r i c a t e m a t h e m a t i c a l formula. ducted formal initiation service last SALLY E . YOUNG Managing Editor T h e v a r i a b l e s were ( a ) t h e n u m b e r of h o u r s spent R e a d i n g t h e newspapers we see executing t h e duties of t h e office a n d (b) a factor 1 astrologists taking cracks a t t h e Monday night for Moose Gerber, BEATRICE DOWER Associate Editor of prestige which w a s a r b i t r a r i l y assigned. T h e r e - coming year, so what h a r m is t h e r e '42, who was unable to a t t e n d t h e STEPHEN KUSAK Associate Editor previous ceremony. fore, a n unscrupulous person m i g h t easily keep h i s ! I.I our " s t a r " gazing? J O H N MURRAY Associate Editor Sunday Psl G a m m a initiated Mary office in t h e lower b r a c k e t s by r e d u c i n g t h e hour SAUL GHEENWALD News Editor We see Kaufman, losing his Irving a n d J a n e Williams, sophovariable. BETTY CLARK Sports Editor "grecn"-ness a n d taking girls to MARY GABRIEI Business Manager (3) T h e r e h a s boon c o n s i d e r a b l e difficulty in e n - College house, maybe even to t o - mores. Carolyn Burrows. Dorothea K E N N E T H HASER . Advertising Manager forcing t h e point system d u e to political expediency night's shindig—Tabner still sing- Fisher, Marie Bailie, U n a U n d e r wood, a n d Clarice Weeks, freshmen. and personal selfishness in office holders. ing "Arndt We F a i t h f u l ? " — ! This Sunday Dennis Dole. '41, "Smoofhy" Singer getting smoother Proposed F l a n Bill Phipps, Owen Bombard, Curly THE NEWS STAFF and smoother—"Cutey P i e " Miller T h e n e w plan, which c a r r i e s t h e title of "MajorTaylor. Bob Leonard. Warren W a g JAMBS MAI.ONBY ...... Men's Sports Editor Minor Office Plan," is a s o u n d a p p r o a c h to t h e set- getting cuter a n d cuter a.s his i n - 1 ner, Herb Leneker a n d Jack S m i t h , tlement of these three difficulties. T h e committee terests become Took(er)—Hertel fi- freshmen, will take t h e vows of S O P H O M O R E DESK E D I T O R S nally realizing t h a t Blackburn i s ' climaxed its deliberations M o n d a y with a meeting KDR, After the service there will WILLIAM DORRANCE, J U N E HAUHHALTBR, ANITA H O L M , I competition—Sprague T y n a n heropen to all activities c o n c e r n e d . be a banquet at Jack's r e s t a u r a n t , EDWIN HOLSTEIN, CARL MAROTTO, HARRY PAKSOW. I self down to one—Stan being F a It proposes to repeal Section fi a n d to strike with Mr. Swanker as guest speaker. ville Forever lo Lucille—Max still J U N I O R BUSINESS S T A F F out t h e fourth clause of Section 2, Article V, of Next Monday morning will see Ralph Clark, Beth Donahue, Miriam Newell, Evelyn j the S t a t e College S t u d e n t Association Constitution exercising his Sykes-Appeal on t h e Ihe white rose of Kappa Delta on blondes — Another T h i n M a n M u Olivet, Betty P a r r o t t . which a s s i g n s t h e d u t y of e n f o r c i n g t h e point sysJean Buckman, Doris Sutton, Emily tem to S t u d e n t council. O n e i m p o r t a n t section of loney keeping t h a t date a t Her- Blasiar, Shirley Long, Jeanette bert's—Murray's slogan getting to Issue Editor the r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s p r o v i d e s t h a t t h e power of e n BEATRICE A. DOWER Becker, J a n e Curtis. Muriel S c o be S t a t e ' s by-word: forcement be given to M y s k a n i a . vell. Shirley Eastman, Lois Hafley, "I'm n o t perfect, I'm just good, Mildred Matlioe, Betty Mansion, T h e new method will provide two classifications of offices; namely, major offices a n d minor offices. ask m e ! " You could do it too with and J a n e t Leet, freshmen pledges. Provision h a s been m a d e t h a t offices or m e m b e r s h i p 6 A's—The News Board will not go And speaking of pledges, Shirley in other activities not included u n d e r t h e two group- to sec t h Empire State building Ott, Mildred Studley, a n d J u n e Confucius may or may not have said it, but ings be u n d e r s t o o d to be unclassified. A n y person while in New York. Semple a r e now wearing t h e pledge today's assembly will be devoted to a business can hold o n e major office a n d a n y unclassified ofpin of Psi G a m m a . Ellen Swurthout. Stuff in General: meeting of the Student association. To the average fices ho desires, or he m a y hold t w o minor offices Didn't W a l r a t h a n d T i b b e t k do '4;!. lias taken t h e first vows of well a t t h e sophomore party. A G a m m a K a p , a n d Charles T r i m m , seat-owner in Page's auditorium this may mean and a n y n u m b e r of t h e unclassified. Secondly, since this s y s t e m is based on outside S c a r l e t t blonde a n d a bewitching '43, h a s promised S L S . one of several things: (1) a delayed lunch hour, observation of each activity ( a l t h o u g h each activity b r u n e t t e ! — S i g m a Lambda h a s in(2) a grand opportunity for reading the States- head h a s been consulted for h i s s u g g e s t i o n s ) , t h e a u g u r a t e d a new parlor game . . . T h e r e a r c a few Lean year parlies this week; so boys, cross your fingers man as well as the usual NEWS, (3) a morning nap, system will p r e v e n t digital m a n i p u l a t i o n s . T h e girls paddle Ihe guys of their and hope for a n invite to G a m m a T h i s looser s t r u c t u r e , it is believed, will permit choice. P e t e Fulvlo, now called t h e Kap, Sigma Alpha or AEPhi. (4) an ideal time to cut the weekly gathering altoa person in a major position to hold a smaller office, Unpopularity Kid, suggested it. gether. This last weekend saw m a n y old thereby correcting t h e first objection. G a r d e p h e seems to have made t h e faces back in town. T h e r e were What does a business meeting mean to you? Last, by i n c o r p o r a t i n g t h e e n f o r c e m e n t of t h e N o r t h h a u l , now. Hard to keep Virginia Bolton, '39, a n d Stella system with M y s k a n i a ' s certification power it is up with these things. It's for you, you know, as well as the "other guy." Sampson, '38, a t Psi G a m m a ; a n d hoped to accomplish a d e m o c r a t i c , fair distribution Stuff, to Finish Joyce Maycock, '39, at t h e house Today we vote on three amendments to the con- of offices. Some of these fellows remind you on 303 Quail street. Grot Jackson stitution. Have you bothered to read them, conof J o h n Roosevelt while h e was a t Rice, '38, parked h e r luggage a t sider them, and make your decision, or are you H a r v a r d . He always got home from Sigma Alpha last week a n d renewed going to stand up and vote only because you're K a y Lynch, '39, | parties j u s t in time to go to class old friendships. in his t u x . . . . Kluge h a s n ' t h a d dropped in to say hello to her C h i tired of sitting down and want to stretch? Don't his n a m e in this column for a long Sig sisters, a n d Marg Mattison, '39, let the filibusters and politicians do all the disAny member of t h e larger t h a n usual audience time. C a n ' t anyone think of a n y - was welcomed back to K D . P h i cussing get in there and say what you think. thing interesting about Kluge? Lambda opened its doors to Mary Who goes to school here, anyway? You do! Well, a t t e n d i n g this week's A d v a n c e d D r a m a t i c s plays will A d d r e s s to t h e N E W S . M a r k h a m , '36. probably remember Tuesday, F e b r u a r y 26, a.s t h e all right . . . date J o e Wilhey gave h i s a n t i - w a r play, "Bury t h e Dead." Actors, director a n d h a r d - w o r k i n g members of tile stagecraft crew deserved t h e applause they received a n d more besides. W e were glad to see them T i l t ' M M V S ii.sMiint'H ill) lM>N|H)UKihItlll(*N Tor r o m i t i i i u i n t t i o n s printed hi strive for effects; the flashes of light a n d rumble fills I ' l i l l l l n n . A l l riilllliulllii'lltitiiiN IIUINI h o u r t h o slicillll HIT ill' II Iliur Three or four cheers for Advanced Dramatics w h i r l ) w i l l hi 1 willilii'lil u p o n ri'iiiU'Ht, of cannon, t h e silhouettes on t h e wall, t h e radio if they were responsible for providing the excel- voices, t h e music, t h e c o n v i n c i n g stillness of the corplent musical entertainment between the two plays ses all combined to find a n d s u s t a i n t h e mood. IndiTo t h e r e a d e r s of the N E W S : etbook of the average S t a t e collast Tuesday night. But a couple of hundred boos vidual parts were well-cast. Hy Meltz, part soldier, As t h e Alumni association pledg- lege m a n simply could n o t s t a n d to you if you were one of the highly impolite in p a r t philosopher; Roy Sommers, t h e irate, inef- ing drive g a t h e r s momentum, every the strain. the audience, which expressed its appreciation by fectual general; J o e Blackburn, a soldier who thinks, senior will be approached for a .'!. It would be a h a r d s h i p to o u r restlessly squirming and jabbering throughout. too; t h e women, Mary Miller, Anne R a t t r a y , M a r i - s u b s t a n t i a l pledge to be used to commuters, who would be without build a combined field house a n d a place to "stay over" a night or Since it. seems impossible to reform the listeners lyn Grol'f, a n d K a y Wilson, giving t h e feminine slant men's dorm. This i.s not an oc- two in Albany. themselves, perhaps those in charge could revise on w a r ; t h e difficult p a r t s of the corpses who gave casion for blind action it behooves •I. It would very definitely afsenior to consider very t h o r - fect t h e morale of t h e male stuthe type of entertainment between plays. What's meaning lo words without m o v e m e n t or facial ex- every oughly w h e r e h i s money-to-be-wethe matter with the ''community sing" idea? It pression; in fact, not a badly-played p a r t a m o n g t h e hopo is going. We all, of course, dent body Instead of living on the cooperative d e m o c r a t i c basis w a n t to see a new building going which is concomitant with smallworked once before, we recall. Since the members twenty. up for State, a n d we want to do T h e audience, literally silling on the edges of of the audience insist upon expressing themselves group living, they will become, in u t m o s t to a s s u r e a bigger, beteffoct, mere hotel-guests, not e n vocally while awaiting the rise of the curtain, their seats, waited expectantly a n d eagerly from one our ter S t a t e college, when wo g r a d u a t e there's no reason why they shouldn't do it on a "spot" to t h e next. T h e play was long but never and find o u r places "in the pas- joying the privileges of r u n n i n g dragged once. T h e few flaws in timing were over- ture." A field house would ful- their own affairs, m a n a g i n g their larger, more unified scale, is there? shadowed by Hie unity a n d suspense held throughout. fill this desire bill would a men's own finances, s u b m i t t i n g in their own discipline a n d m a i n t a i n i n g t h e T h e most d r a m a t i c m o m e n t s were t h e conversations d o r m ? democratic ideals to which S l a t e between tlic corpses a n d their "women" where personal I a m not a t all convinced d i a l college, both s t u d e n t s a n d faculty emotion became stronger t h a n t h e sociological idea I In" desirability of building a men's stand so definitely committed. Now bear in mind nobody o p Are you bored with ii all? Do you lie awake behind the action. AH In all. a vital, timely play pre- dorm i.s a s generally conceded a m o n g t h e s t u d e n t body as it is poses building a fine new fieldnights wondering what to do and why? Then sented effectively with t h a t certain "punch." a s s u m e d lo be. In the last t w o In c o n t r a s t t o t h e s t a r k n e s s of t h e battlefield w a s weeks 1 have talked this over with house, to contain gym, little theasink your little teeth into the following problems tre, bowling alleys, etc. Dial's a if you can find the answers you're belter than the blue a n d white iV> living-room scene of "Quality dozens of S t a t e college men, a n dfine thing and fills a crying need. S t r e e t " directed by H a l t i e Conklin. A charming, I hey were u n a n i m o u s in their omwe are: But we do not fool that the c o n well-rounded performance, Us best asset was t h e puce phalic opposition. 'I'll most im- slruction of a men's dormitory, Whatever becami of the "annual" tireel ; play oi the action. Lydln Bond a n d Shirley Van Valkcn- poi'taut reasons fur I In opposition Willi t h e accompanying u n d e r m i n presented two years ago ai ('ommeni ement time? burg gave their usual line i n t e r p r e t a t i o n s . T h e new- lo Ibis dorm a r e as follow ing iif our present system of g r o u p 1. II will mean Ihe eventual, if and fraternal living, is fur Ihe Why can't we all selI magazines or fudge or some- comer, George Heifer!, h a s a good voice a n d a n Interesting eyebrow. We would have enjoyed seeing his mil t h e immediate dissolution of ultimate good of ihe Etude I body. thing and buy a fewclocks for some of the I)raper eyes, too, 11 lie h a d given us a chance. T h e set was all fraternities a n d group houses. let's see a big t u r n o u t nl Monhall classrooms ? Where di< he proposed honor hardly dainty enough lor t h e a t m o s p h e r e of "Quality Kven under tho five year plan daySo night's meeting (Editor's note, system go andw h y ? W h a t ' s I he reason for t lit S t r e e t " but t h e costumes redeemed it in part. I here will still not bo enough m e n see page 1> a n d everyone make it on t h e c a m p u s lo fill both a dorm clear t h a t we a r e most desirous of difference in the number of minutes girls in difOn t h e whole, t h e plays seemed to carry out como u r present facilities. One or | putting fids pledging campaign ferent group houses accumulate before being cam- pletely t h e most i m p o r t a n t phase of t h e d r a m a t i c s and the o t h e r would have to go guess [ over, with a bang hut for a fieldpused? Mow can the traffic jam on the winding li- course t h a t of e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n in n e w fields. W e which house, not a d o r m ! brary stairs be regulated? Knough?? It's too much should p a r t i c u l a r l y like to see f u r t h e r use of light2. R o o m a n d board, rates would Very sincerely, ing effects in s e t t i n g t h e mood of u play. l)o prohibitive. T h e h a r d - h i t poolsfor us! Ktib K a i p c n . Golle6iateDi6est Open for Business The Critic 'Let's All Sing—' You Tell Us Communications Maloney's Baloney Purple and Gold Bows to Speedy St. Mike's Outfit Page 3 College House Beats Frosh KDR In Crucial Game Meet RPI In Season Finale Potter Holds Second Spot With Win Over Ramblers Yearlings Overwhelm Delhi; College house continued on t h e Gain Victory Over A B C victory trail in t h e men's I n t r a m u r a l A s Hansen Stars Frament Only Bright Spot basketball league by defeating both K D R a n d Robin hall during t h e past In Colorless Contest; T h e green a n d white clad f r e s h week. K D R in losing t o t h e Central Havko Injured avenue boys dropped out of a sec- men of S t a t e will meet t h e j u n i o r Q T A T E bullets may yet be mowing down t h e Russians on t h e M a n n e r ond place tie with Potter club. Trojans of R P I tomorrow n i g h t o n S t a t e dropped its seventh g a m e of P o t t e r strengthened its hold on sec- the Page hall court in t h e final ^ heim line if t h e dream of a certain "Union, R P I , Siena, S t a t e rooter" a n d Schenectady Union Star correspondent is by some miraculous pos- the current season last S a t u r d a y ond place by swamping t h e R a m - game of t h e season. to a n extremely fast S t . Michael's blers. sibility realized. This contest will be colored by Such a roolcr wrote D a n Duval, sports editor of t h e Star, last week, team by a 55-40 score. T h e visitors T h e KDR-College house game, all t h e traditional rivalry between proposing a post-season cage t o u r n a m e n t this year, throwing State, r a n t h e Purple a n d Gold into t h e Tuesday night, was one of t h e h a r d - the two schools. T h e play should Union, R P I , a n d Siena together for t h e benefit of t h e Finnish Relief ground in t h e first half a s they est fought of t h e year. Square Car- be m a d e more bitter by a desire built u p a 34-16 lead by t h e i n t e r - ney kept College house i n t h e lead for revenge on t h e p a r t of t h e fund. Says his letter: mission. S t a t e came back t o close Teachers w h o lost t h e first g a m e " W h y can't these four n a t u r a l rivals be m a t c h e d in a post-season the g a p to 9 points in t h e closing all t h e way with his long shots. in Troy by a score of 38-31. T h e t o u r n a m e n t ? Union meets neither State nor Siena d u r i n g t h e regular sessions, but faded in t h e late m i n - T h e K D R boys didn't seem to be freshmen a r e now in t h e midst of able to find t h e basket a t all as season while R P I plays only Union a n d State. Both S t a t e a n d Siena utes. they wound u p on t h e short end of a t h r e e - g a m e winning streak a n d would like a crack a t the Dutchmen, while R P I would be far from opposed they don't w a n t t o see t h e string F r a m e n t ' s six baskets i n t h e clos- a 22-11 score. to a third scrap. UPI may also enjoy a chance to take on Siena. State Ace Parker's brilliant scoring was broken. is confident ( h a t it h a s a chance against the Union five since it beat ing period o n about as m a n y shots Frosh Swamp Delhi McGill which in return beat t h e Garnet by more t h a n t e n points. Siena gave him scoring honors o n t h e t h e highlight of t h e SLS-AvalonOver t h e past weekend, t h e frosh swamped Norwich which finally lost to R P I after three overtime periods, S t a t e side a n d kept t h e team w i t h - Spencer game Monday. P a r k e r got 47-15." in reach of t h e victors for a while. a total of 22 points, t h e largest managed to win their third a n d fourth games a t t h e expense of Bad Breaks According lo i h e anonymous "Union, R P I , Siena, S t a t e rooter." t h e Delhi a n d ABC. O n Friday night Men's Intramural Basketball Brauner's fancy pivot opened t h e t o u r n a m e n t should consist of two games t h e first night with t h e winners the yearlings traveled to Delhi a n d W o n I.IWt clashing on the second. II seems to us t h a t t h e only logical m a t c h - u p scoring, but t h e visitors r a n u p a n came home with a 53-38 victory on ('Olll'g-I' HllllHf H 0 lor t h e first night games would be State vs. Union a n d Siena vs. R P Iearly lead with four consecutive their string. Hansen was t h e s h i n I'lltllT ( l l l l l .... II 1 in t h e light of the McGill a n d Norwich angles. M i g h t ' w e append t h e baskets. S l a t e braced a n d t h e two Kilpini Di'lhl K i m . . . . . . . (I 'i ing light of this contest as h e rolllearns battled up to a 13-12 count. llllllllilrrN . . . . 1 :i suggestion that the "District Intercollegiate Basketball T o u r n a m e n t " be ed hi a total of 20 points. Gerber Nigrum l a i m h l l i l Si^inii . . . . :i 1 The next few minutes saw t h e home played a t I lie Albany Armory. Two Albany teams have been suggested and Bora were next high with 9 lliihlll Hull .... 'l 1 as contestants. Troy a n d Schenectady are within a ten-mile radius. team fold a n d give S t . Michael's (JrmlH 8 and 8 tallies respectively. T h e Green . . . % At this stage, I'Viisli . . . . 'i With four vicinity student bodies to draw from, plus t h e outside interests a t e n point lead. r(i> and White took command of t h e Aviilnn-Spi'iM'i'r .... 2 Which such a t o u r n a m e n t should arouse, ii seems t h a t there would be Ihe substitutes were coming in thick game a t a n early stage a n d were .... 1 a and last. T h e boys h a d n o c h a n c e 111 He difficulty in filling (he drillshed to capacity each night. never headed. At half-time, t h e lo get settled a n d were confronted T h e idea slated by "Union, RPI, Siena, State rooter" i.s a n admirable by a n 18-poinl deficit when half- individual score of t h e year. SLS Statesmen were leading 28-20. one indeed. I t must be remembered, however, t h a t no plans have been Upset ABC won Ihe game in t h e last minutes time rolled around. laid; this h a s been merely one individual's suggestion, waiting for somewith 49 points to Avalon-Spencer's T h e following night, t h e Teachers J u s l about everything In t h e way45. one lo take up t h e cry. Might we suggest that, even in spite of t h e odds met a high-flying Albany Business against such a t o u r n a m e n t becoming a reality, t h e cry come from State. f bad breaks h i t t h e T e a c h e r s in Last Thursday, College house college outfit a n d clipped their the first half. Havko was c u t over, T h e idea lias already spread. Roy Shudl, in his Troy Recant sports colswamped Robin hall by a m a m m o t h wings to t h e tune of 29-26. This umn (his week joined his voice with thai of Dan Duval in acclaiming such the eye and h a d to end his activities | score of 54-14. Phil K a u f m a n was win was r a t h e r startling since ABC for t h e evening, while s t r i n g e n t ofa toil, ucy high for t h e winners with 14 tallies. had r u n u p a total of 101 points f i c i a t i n g — p u t t i n g it politely— left So In R P I , Siena, and especially Union how about i l ? Please note, half the team with two or more fouls T h e second game saw t h e frosh against S t . Joseph's of B e n n i n g t o n barely nose out SLS by a score of on t h e preceding night. Meliski, CuncnrdU nxis: we Imrc beaten McGill a n d N i a g a r a (of N i a g a r a ! ) oer m a n . T h e St. Michael m a r k s 37-35. Al Oetken was high for t h e ABC center, h a d 43 points against P P A R E N T L Y our minor—shall we say slip—of last week in charging m a n s h i p throughout t h e lTjlf w a s frosh wilh 14. St. Joseph's b u t was held to 12 the frosh with a defeat a l t h e hands of Delhi in a game they really little short of phenomenal. K a p p a Bela finally got rid of tallies by t h e Teachers. Hansen won, served lo prod the yearlings on to victory over ABC a n d in t h e secSecond Half t h a t goose-egg in t h e win column again proved his scoring ability a s ond Delhi game. In fact, we're so apologetic after those brilliant games S t a t e opened the second half with j on Monday night by beating t h e t h a t we've got! en our master statistician, Phil K a u f m a n , to dig up evi- what, as closely a s possible resembl- [ G r a d s 15-13 in a n overtime game. he tallied 10 points. Bora a n d F l a x came next with 7 and 5 respectively. dence to show the frosh better t h a n the varsity. I t ' s like this. ed t h e regular starling five—sans T h e boys in green a n d white downed ARC S a t u r d a y night, 20-26. Havko a n d Ellerin — a n d .shortly! ABC h a s beaten Green Mountain Junior college, 49-4G, leaving t h e frosh had t h e crowd thinking it would be six points belter t h a n t h e Mountaineers. Green Mountain lost to t h e a ball game yet. Led by F r a m e n t , \ Siena varsity, 59-51, making our frosh two points under Siena. Siena the team whittled the S t . Mike's trimmed (he State varsity 52-45 on J a n u a r y 5. T h e sum total: t h e frosh lead to nine points, buL t h a t was a s a r e five points better t h a n t h e varsity! Satisfied now, frosh? Stop far as it could go. About t h e n t h e fourth personal caught up with heckling us! Seriously, though, the frosh have been playing a very different brand some of t h e beys a n d t h e cause was lost. Toward t h e e n d , wholeof ball in these past few games. A win over t h e R P I frosh, a n d we'll sale substitutions h a d t h e team actually call 'em good. By no m e a n s h a s H a n s e n been hindering tho wearing a groove in t h e floor b e team in t h a t new brand of ball. tween t h e bench a n d t h e scorer. 'Phe c u r t a i n will ring down tomorrow on a n o t h e r S t a t e court c a m paign a s well a s on five college basketball cai eers. T o F r a m e n l , S i m mons, Kluge, Havko, a n d B a r r e t t lotsa luck! Despite t h e fact t h a t W A A C o u n c i l P r o p o s e s R P I lias r u n up an excellent record this season, tomorrow night's should Amendment on Awards be a hotly-contested clash between the old rivals. An a m e n d m e n t to t h e WAA constitution revising the athletic a w a r d s system was formulated by WAA council a t Us meeting in t h e Pine room a t the Dorm Wednesday n i g h t . T h e a m e n d m e n t proposes t h a t two awards be given lo the girls who I State's chess squad suffered its 30 hours for t h e s i x - m a n team or participate in t h e sports offered. first defeat of t h e year last T h u r s - about five hours per m a n . Thirty After e a r n i n g credit in four sports : day a n d Friday at the h a n d s of t h e hours of pure brain work I And for t h e year, freshmen would r e famous NYU team by a score of 4- Ihe day after a tough match with ceive their class n u m e r a l s in their Surely a n exhibition of Iclass colors. After t h e third year 2. Yes, we said Thursday a n d F r i - Union! day. T h e m a t c h began on T h u r s d a y stamina a n d e n d u r a n c e n o t often of activity, girls would receive a key | with Ihe WAA seal on il. T h e three night, a l 8:00 o'clock a n d continued seen on college campuses. until George the janitor threw t h e Their good showing against NYU years for eligibility would n o t n e e teams out of the Lounge at mid- has built up their reputation, since essarily have to be consecutive. night. Play was resumed on Friday NYU has been rated as t h e third There would be no r e w a r d for afternoon u p in one of the com- best team in t h e country. T h e NYU four years participation. merce d e p a r t m e n t rooms. This players admitted t h a t this h a d been As it is now, t h e only award given session lasted lor another four hours one of t h e h a r d e s t matches that, hy WAA i.s a skin Willi the WAA seal fill Sieve Shaw, t h e last m a n play- they have ever played. stamped on it. A girl receives this j ing for State, finally resigned. after three years' participation In The record of t h e squad now ' This sets a local record for t h e stands al four wins a n d one loss. four sports per year. longest chess game played. II. lasted The victories have been scored fur a total of eight hours actual against Cornell, C o l g a t e , Union, playing time, wilh an elapsed time and RPI, T h r e e other matches ol 23 hours. Art Fox's game Willi have been definitely scheduled by OTTO R. MENDE Irving Rivise. number one m a n forJohn House. '41. c a p t a i n - m a n a g e r . "The ('< it!((/( i Jeweler'' I he Violets, lasted lor a mere six Cornell and Green Mountain Junior hours a n d Bob Ration, Ihe only college are coming here to play, Coca-Cola had to be 103 Central f ve. S t a t e m a n who won Ills game, pol- anil State Is going to Colgate for Albany, N. Y. g o o d to get where it i s . . . ished oil Ins opponent In just a a return match Utile over three hours. the drink that people the J o h n House, playing al t h e numw o r l d over e n j o y . . . w i n t e r ber i l u r e board, losl to Morris Weil/, M e n a n d W o m e n of S t a t e in jusl a little longer period. J i m . . . s u m m e r . . . e v e r y day in MADISON SWEET SHOP (iiliun got II draw in about five the year. Its clean, exhilahours, while Hoy Sommers managed \ to gel one in just tour hours even. rating taste brings a happy Delicious and Have your Laundry T h e aggregate lime spent playing after-sense of complete reRefreshing chess in t h e S l a l e - N Y U match was Called for a n d Delivered Home Made Ice C r e a m freshment that everybody ( a n d Lunches REASONABLE HATES J.R.M. A Hard-working Chess Team Goes Down to Defeat for First Time w, Drink cea\ welcomes. STATE STUDENTS . . . Ettl a n d Save a t Hie . . . IDEAL RESTAURANT 1 C e n t r a l Ave., Cor. Lurk WILLIAMS LAUNDRY 3-5482 See "Eiv" Williams, '42 for particulars 785 Madison Avenue 3 Doors from Quail S t . -0733 We Deliver THE PAUSE 5^j -*^mmm^- t THAT RE F ^ i DoiiLiI under uuiliorily ol The Coca-Cola Co, by ALBANY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. na No. Allen St. Albany, N . Y. STATE COLLEGE NEWS, MARCH 1, 1940 Page 4 THE WEEKLY BULLETIN This bulletin will be the medium for all announcements of an official nature. Students and faculty are requested to look to the bulletin for information. Notices for the bulletin must be in the NEWS mailbox not later than 5:00 o'clock on the Wednesday of each publication week _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .*•— MAKE-UP EXAMINATIONS T h e schedule for make-up e x aminations has been posted. All students who are to take these tests are requested to take special note. Elisabeth Van Denburgh, Registrar. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Pull orchestra rehearsals are being conducted each Wednesday night from 7:30 to 10:00 in room 28. Bernard Perlman, Conductor. ANNOUNCER TRYOUTS All students Interested in trying out for the position of announcer o n the new public address system, a r e requested to see Merrill Walrath today. Tryouts will be conducted on Monday at 4:30 o'clock In room 209. ART EXHIBITIONS T h e Art 6 class will take charge of the two exhibit boards on the second floor of Draper hall. One board will be used for "Art Today" and the other for "Art Through the Ages." All student contributions, especially fine photographs for the modern art exhibit, will be appreciated. Ruth E. Hutchlns, Assistant Professor of Fine Arts. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT Miss Edith Neil, registrar of the Interboro Institute, will talk to all students interested in Foreign Language-Secretarial training on Monday, at 11:00 o'clock. T h e bureau would like to thank the volunteers who did such fine work on the student meetings. Paul Bulger, Director. Clubs Announce Future Programs - SOCIAL CALENDAR Mar. 1—Assembly, Business meeting, Auditorium, 11:10 o'clock. Mar. 1—Canterbury, SCA Peace discussion, Friendship house, U p per State street, 8:00 o'clock. Mar. 2—Student Employment bu-1 reau panel discussion, Auditorium, i 10:00 o'clock. Mar. 2—Tour of South end of Al- | bany, leave Rotunda of Draper hall, 10:30 o'clock. Mar. 2—Alumni day, Gymnasium, 2:00 o'clock. Mar. 2—Basketball game with RPI. Mar. 4—Tryouts for Public Address system announcer, room 209, 4:30 o'clock. Mar. 4—Meeting of senior class, Ingle room of Alumni Residence halls, 8:00 o'clock. Mar. 5—Advanced Dramatics, plays, Auditorium, 8:00 o'clock. Mar. 6—Chemistry club meeting, room 250, 7:45 o'clock. Mar. 6—Debate, Bates vs. S t a t e college, Lounge, 8:00 o'clock. Mar. 7—Freshman commission "AllCollege-Lounge-Tea," Lounge, 3:30 o'clock. Mar. 7—Commerce club meeting, room 206, 3:30 o'clock. 7 '/less Drive Captains to Approach Classmates for Pledge to Building Fund mr M B e c a u s e of their right combination of the world's best cigarette tobaccos, Chesterfields give you a cooler, better-tasting and definitely milder smoke. You can't buy a better cigarette ,S, (Jack andc%o6 Measles :, For Sale Annual N e w m a n Retreat N e w m a n club will conduct its a n n u a l r e t r e a t next weekend beginning a t 8:00 o'clock Friday night a t t h e Holy Name's academy. Other services will be on Saturday morning a t 10:30 o'clock and Saturday afternoon a t 2:30 o'clock. T h e Reverend Francis F. Woods, D.D., will be the retreat master a t the Communion breakfast, to be conducted on Sunday In the small grotto on the corner of Ontario a n d Yates Streets. Mass will begin a t 8:30 o'clock. Geo. including G. E, dishwasher and range. Four bedrooms; 2-car garage. House recently re-decorated throughout. Many other unusual features. I). Jeoney, Prop. WHP 11 mm Will sacrifice PHONE: 2-8023 Dial 5-1913 Boulevard Cafeteria The Cooler... Better-lusting DEFINITELY MILDER Cigarette and Grill JB8-200 CENTRAL AVENUE ALISANY, N. Y. I Copyright iy40, LlCQSTT & MYMS TOUACCO CO. FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1940 Voi,. XXIV, No. 19 Seniors Show Preference SCA Will Sponsor Class of '40 Will Celebrate Chinese Aid Week For Proposed Dorm Plan To Help Students Annual Banquet March 19 DISCUSS PRACTICALITY You can't mistake the extra pleasure you get from Chesterfields. ww STATE COI.I,F.GE FOR TEACHERS, ALBANY, N, Y., Sayles Outlines His Plans; 1940 Shows Opposition to Field House netter Taste ' T h e d e p a r t m e n t a l clubs, after a comparatively inactive period following mid-terms, are now completing plans for future meetings. Chemistry Club T h e Chemistry club will meet Wednesday a t 7:45 o'clock in room 250 of Hosted hall. T h e guest speaker will be Mr. Francis Norton of the research laboratory of the G e n eral Electric company. Mr. Norton Forum Will Meet will talk on the subject "Polarized T h e r e will be a meeting of t h e Light a n d Bentonite Sols." Forum of Politics Tuesday from 2:30 Italian Club to 4:30 o'clock In room 206 of R i c h Wednesday, February 28, the ardson hall. I t a l i a n club inaugurated a new prog r a m which will be followed in future meetings. T h e p l a n calls for a series of literary discussions on such subjects as: Petrarch, Michiavelli, and modern I t a l i a n literature. S t u d e n t members of t h e club will take turns leading the discussions on some particular phase of Italian l i t e r a t u r e in which they are interested. Spanish Club Leslie Gerdts, '41, h a s resigned Westland Hills Colonial as president of Spanish club. James Snover, '41, will take over his duties. house. Living-room, dining Mathematics Club room; large knotty pine T h e r o n Powell, '40, has resigned from the presidency of M a t h club. paneled studio; first floor Harold MacGregor, '40, will assume lavatory; electric kitchen, t h e duties of Powell. Z-443 and ^^ Please Put 'Used Cokes' In Their Empty Cases Sure, it's all r i g h t to go over to the m a c h i n e a n d buy yourself a Coca-Cola. But It's not all right to j u s t leave the bottle a n y where you h a p p e n to d r i n k It! Miss Thompson, m a n a g e r of the college cafeteria, makes an a p peal to the students. Empty cases to the left of the machine p r o vide ample space to deposit empty bottles. State College News Chesterfield's Twin Pleasures are - COMMERCE CLUB There will be a meeting of the Commerce club in room 206 on Thursday. Florence Gebe, Vice-President. Those members of the senior class who a t t e n d e d the Dorm drive meeting in the Ingle room Monday night went on record as being in favor of a combination recreation center a n d dormitory. T h e meeting was called to clarify the objects of t h e Dorm drive. T h e approximately fifty seniors present almost unanimously agreed t h a t the dormitory would have no ill-effects upon fraternities, sororities, and group houses as they exist today. T h e session lasted from 8:15 to 11:15 o'clock. Dr. Sayles, acting president, outlined his plan. T h e seniors responded with questions on t h e dormitory. T h e practicality of a field house was thoroughly discussed. A considerable portion of those present expressed their opposition to the building of a field house without a dormitory. T h e concensus of opinion was t h a t further investigation of finances was required before a n y t h i n g further would be done. No satisfactory plan was advanced for the upkeep of such a building. Field House T h e field house as proposed would consist of a gymnasium, bowling alleys, recreation center, and showers. Dr. Sayles expressed his doubt of the possibility of a loan to build a field house which had no ostensible means of self-support. T h e discussion revolved around the field house and the purpose for which the money is to be spent. T h e drive started Tuesday morning. According to Janice Friedman, '40, c o - c h a i r m a n of the drive, there will be no compulsion to pledge. Tt will be entirely personal. Each senior will be approached by a c a p tain in the next few weeks. He may feel free to pledge or to refuse as lie sees fit. Said Miss Friedman, "I cannot emphasize too much thai no one is to be coerced into this. T h e only thing I regret is thai the weather kept so many seniors away from Monday's meeting." Dorm chive captains will have an informal get-together Thursday night iii the Ingle room of the Alumni Residence hall. Mrs. Brimmer, executive secretary of the alumni association, is sponsoring the affair. Hey, kids, do you see t h e slush outside? Well, slush means spring, p r i n g m e a n s summer, and s u m m e r m e a n s hikes and bi cycling. So. guys a n d gals, s t a r t shining your hiking shoes a n d painting your bicycles, for now you will be able to take a long hike or ride a n d spend t h e night at one of t h e famous youth hostels m u s h r o o m i n g in this area. This morning in assembly Charles Han-is, field r e p r e s e n t a tive of t h e A m e r i c a n Youth Hostel association, will discuss youth lostels. Organized In Europe, hostels have spread to t h e United S t a t e s where they are springing up all over t h e country. Newman to Conduct Its Retreat Tonight Breakfast and Guest Speaker Will Follow Mass Sunday T h e a n n u a l r e t r e a t conducted by Newman club will begin tonight in the Academy of Holy Names at Madison avenue a n d Robin street. Rev. Francis F . Woods, D.D.. will be r e t r e a t m a s t e r a t the services tonight a t 8:00 o'clock and tomorrow at 10:30 a n d 2:30 o'clock. T h e Rev. Woods is assistant p a s tor a t St. M a r g a r e t Mary's church and teaches in the Convent of Mercy. Before coming to Albany about a year ago, he t a u g h t in Catholic Central high school in Troy. T h e r e t r e a t will be followed by a Corporate C o m m u n i o n and breakfast Sunday m o r n i n g . Mass will be at 8:30 o'clock in the Small G r o t to at O n t a r i o and Yates streets. T h e breakfast will be in the cafeteria immediately afterwards. Mr. Walter H a h n , professor of economics at St. Rose college and a g r a d u a t e of New York university, will be the s p e a k e r a t the breakfast. Mary Gabriel, '40. is general c h a i r man of the breakfast, assisted by the following committee heads: publicity, Virginia Folhcmus, A2: faculty, Mary Krengloskie, '42; tickets. Mary Ozmon and Margaret Furey, sophomores; e n t e r t a i n m e n t , Lauretta Servatius. '42. T h e retreat is conducted annually during the Lenten season. Its purpose is to provide the students with the opportunity for meditation and to hear talks p e r t i n e n t lo their college lives. Collegiate Press Offers Hints For Getting Straight "A " Grades IACI'I H u n t i n g for a s h o r t - c u t to a straight A average? II you a r c heed the following nine-pain! program lo .scholastic success a program formulated for you by the ever-helpful editors ol the Midland of Midland college: 1. Don'l give your prof apples Too obvious. 2. Find mil his hobb.N and follow this up with well-planned questions to draw him out. 3. II the eiilire class walks out of tin- classroom when the prof is 10 minutes late, be I he only one to wail, even it it's hall' an hour. This procedure is good lor a B-plus any day. 4. Always greet an instructor, never using his first name, bill a cheery "Good morning, professor." 5. When sifting at t h e faculty table in the dining hall or walking about the administration building, always walk with your head down as if in deep thought, pondering some weighty problem in m a t h or Guests Will Include Dobell As Principal Speaker, Bulger, Frederick Speaker Wilt Discuss Hanson H w a n g , N o t e d Leader W i l l E n t e r D i s c u s s i o n in Lack of Youth Hostels philosophy, tor instance. This is highly I'ecvmmended to get. on the honor roll. II. Oiler lo wash I he professor's car. put up his storm windows or do any in He job a r o u n d Hie house, but don't iiccepl any money lor the work. 7. Apple polishing procedure in classrooms Includes silling in the front row, responding lo professorial humor wilh loud, hearty guffaws and liberal use of big words. This is important never use a two-syllable word where a five-syllable word will do. fi. Curry u lol ol big reference books around. T h i s is tremendously impressive and is worth an A minus in any class. 0. If you must close your eyes while in deep t h o u g h t , wrinkle your forehead and otherwise look worried or the professor may get the wrong impression — a n d grade a c cordingly. Editor's Note: You m i g h t try studying, too! Lounge Friday T h e S t u d e n t Christian association will sponsor a Chinese Aid drive next week to raise money to help Chinese s t u d e n t s to continue their education amid w a r - t o r n conditions in China. "Chinese Aid Week" will be climaxed on Friday by the appearance of Mr. Hanson Hwang, noted Chinese s t u d e n t leader, in the Lounge. Chinese Aid week, which is sponsored nationally by the World Student Christian federation, is conducted in colleges t h r o u g h o u t the eastern p a r t of the United States. As a method of raising money, the Chinese Aid drive features Chinese dinners which are served in college group houses. These Chinese, or economy dinners, h a v e rice as the m a i n course, a n d t h e money saved by economizing is contributed to t h e Chinese fund. P l a n s have been Walter Harper, '40, president of made to have these Chinese din- the senior class, who will act as ners served in S t a t e group houses foastmaster a t the a n n u a l senior on Friday evening. banquet. T h r o u g h o u t next week, tags in the shape of Chinese coins will be sold near the Commons and the Annex. T h e money from this sale will also go into t h e fund. T h e week's activities will culminate on Friday when SCA presents Mr. Hanson Hwang, noted Chinese speaker. Mr. Hwang will lead a Seven m e m b e r s of the N E W S discussion a t a Lounge tea Friday board will a t t e n d the a n n u a l Coafternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 o'clock. lumbia Scholastic Press association All students are invited to attend the discussion. Mr. H w a n g is now convention in New York city next an exchange s t u d e n t a t the Uni- week. The p a r t y will leave Wednesday noon and will r e t u r n S u n versity of Pennsylvania. T h e convention proper will T h e committee in charge of the day. Chinese Aid drive a t S t a t e college assemble at the School of J o u r n a l consists of: Alma Knowles, '41; ism, Columbia university. Berniee Duell, Betty Cummings, Those m e m b e r s of the board who Peter Fulvio. and Benson Tybring, will go to New York a r e Betty sophomores. At a joint meeting of the First Clark, Mary Gabriel, Saul Greenand second cabinets of the Student wald, Kenneth Haser, seniors; and Dower, J o h n Murray, Christian association conducted re- Beatrice Ralph cently, the n o m i n a t i n g committee Stephen Kusak, juniors. was chosen, consisting of the follow- Clark, '41, will also attend. ing members: Mary T r a i n e r . RobThe STATU COI.USOK N E W S is a ert Martin, and Geraldine Ewing, m e m b e r of the Columbia Scholastic seniors; William Haller, '41; Ralph Tibbelts and Hazel Roberts, soph- Press association and sends a delegation to the scholastic press conomores; and Don Vanas. '43. vention annually. A varied program is in store for the delegates. F a m o u s journalists will a d d r e s s the group and will offer advice on newspaper work. Delegates to Attend Columbia Press Meet Advanced Dramatics Will Continue Plays Advanced d r a m a t i c s will present two one-act plays Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock in the Page hall auditorium. Barbara Van P a t l e n , '40, and Jean Marie Scott, '41, will direct I he presentations. Miss Van Fallen's is a comedy concerned with the r e t u r n ol a younger sister lo Hie home she left for a si age career. Her two older sisters attempt to conceal the facts of their father's will from the prodigal d a u g h t e r ; however, in a surprise ending, I he sisters learn the folly of their action. T h e easl includes: Beulah Gilford, Belly Hurdle, seniors; Anne R a t t r a y , Geraldine Pleat, juniors. Miss Scott's play is both a satire in id a miracle play. T h e action lakes place Hillside of a city wall in fourteenth century France. The main characters are a blind man, his wife; a paralytic, and his wife. The cast of I his play will include: Kluiso lliiiliniin. '40; .John Gardephe, Joseph Withey, juniors; Josephine Trumbull. '42; Don Vanas, '43; and a crowd of about seven men and State DANCING AFTER DINNER Prosser, General Chairman, Names Committee Heads, Directs Function T h e senior class will have its a n nual banquet Tuesday night, M a r c h 19, in Jack's r e s t a u r a n t at 6:00 o'clock. Beside the traditional dinner, t h e class of 1940 will p a r t i c i pate in dancing in the large b a n quet room, according to Florence Prosser, '40, general c h a i r m a n of t h e affair. , Although the cost per plate will be seventy-five cents, ten cents of t h a t a m o u n t will be paid by the senior class treasury t h u s m a k i n g t h e cost per senior, sixty-five cents. Harper Is Toastmaster Walter Harper, president of t h e class, will be master of ceremonies. Guest speaker for the evening will be Dr. Howard Dobell, professor of m a t h e m a t i c s . O t h e r guests include Mrs. Dobell, Mr. Paul Bulger, d i rector of a p p o i n t m e n t bureau, and Mrs. Bulger, Dr. Frederick, principal of Milne high school, and Mrs. Frederick. T h e banquet will be conducted in the blue room a t Jack's r e s t a u r a n t . After the dinner, the seniors will dance in the spacious banquet room on the floor above. Music will be supplied by t h e special recording machine provided by the caterers. Committees assisting Miss Prosser are: arrangements, Marion Walker and Max Sykes, co-chairmen; Mary T r a i n o r ; programs, Marion Kingsley; decorations, Marie Met?,; e n t e r t a i n m e n t , Gordon P e a t lie; and faculty invitations, J a n e t Montfort. Banquet Conies Early T h e banquet this year is p u r posely being conducted much earlier t h a n it was last year. Last year, I he senior class had its banquet the night before Moving-up Day and encountered a number of difficulties. T h e banquet conflicted with the junior banquet which is traditionally conducted on that night. The difficulty of having the same speakers also arose and since May h a s always been the m o n t h of banquets, the seniors have set theirs for Tuesday. March 19. Students Draw-up Plans For Men's Co-operative House " W'lKiliiiiliiiuiht stilt•tiiidshorlnlii tii dmi/ht (I.'" "Howttliont ijvl lint/in lilt ,s//o i (•(•;•.'" Such may be the rapid run of conversation which may be heard 111 Stale's newest g r o u p house Brubiichor hall. No, It's not t h a t palatial red-brick mansion i,cross the street, it's a s t r u c t u r e on Madison avenue which has gone in for the latest imported E u r o p e a n camouflage fashions. It should be direct from Paris, but we'll bet it's Ilic Finnish influence. Whal we really mean is, that Spencer hall, pardon us, Brubueher hall, is undergoing some fundamental organization changes and is now headed in the cooperative direction. T h r e e of the more interested residents of the house advanced the cooperative plan when their house m a n a g e r fell the a g r a r i a n urge and served notice that he was soon to leave fur New T h e scenery for these presenta- England. Faced with the unpleastions will be m a d e by Mr. Hardy's ant outlook of Indulging in a midstagecraft class. semester search for rooms, the boys hit upon the new idea for group-living and drew up a set of ANNOUNCEMENT plans. However, tho plans hud Due to the recent cut in the to be altered when it w a s found s t u d e n t budget, there will be t h a t the risk did not justify the no issue of t h e Niows published investment in the opinion of tho noxt week. fellows interested. All kinds of ideas were then p r e sented by the resourceful fellows. Some of the freshmen members of the house felt t h a t it. would necessitate selling the assembly seats which they purchased a t the b e ginning of the year. Others w a n t ed to sell them anyway. It wasn't long before a bright little lad found I he solution—they m a d e up, ahem, some very clever sayings of thai ancient oriental philosopher (and t h e Greeks had a word for it) namely One Pun Confucius, and sold them lo the various radio a r tists and newspaper syndicates throughout the country! Well w h a t of H V The point Is they remedied the situation. Their problems wei'O not over fr.r a plan was needed to convince n e x t year's male frosh of the a d v a n t a g e s to be gained by living there. T h e way this matter wos t a k e n care of is a professional secret and we p r o m ised not to tell. T h e fourteen present m e m b e r s of the hall a r e already planning a h o u s e - w a r m i n g which will t a k e place soon after E a s t e r . In the m e a n t i m e tho affairs of the house will be vested in a house m a n a g e r , a social director, and other officers.