S t a t e College News Z-443 Choral Society To Have Annual Winter Concert Harpsichordist Kirkpatrick to Appear on Program as Guest Soloist The State college choral society, sponsored by Music council, will present its annual winter concert in Chancellor's hall, Thursday at 8:30 o'clock. Ralph Kirkpatrick, harpsichordist of world fame, will appear as guest soloist. Mr. Kirkpatrick was to have appeared at last year's winter concert, but a sudden illness forced him to cancel the engagement at the last minute. Kirkpatrick Well Known Mr. Kirkpatrick is a well known figure in the musical world. Not until his college days at Harvard, after the harpsichord had been obtained, did he begin his career. He perfected a technique of his own and before he was graduated from Harvard he was able to give a concert. His talent was soon recognized and he travelled and studied in Prance and Germany after being awarded the Paine Travelling Fellowship in Music. Since that time, Mr. Kirkpatrick has given concerts throughout the United States and Europe, and in 1937, when lie was awarded the Guggenheim Fellowship, he returned for more study. Mr. Kirkpatrick, beside presenting numerous concerts, has also been active in the teaching of music, having taught at the Mozerteum, a music school in Salzburg, Austria, and at Bennington college in Vermont. Brown Names Committees The chairmen of the committees lor the concert, according to Alice Brown. '40, president of Music council, are as follows: arrangements, Lillian Rivkind, '40; publicity, Rosemary Brucker, '41; ushers. Lona Powell. '41; and tryouts, Florence Halbreicli and Jeannelte Ryerson, sophomores. The ushers will be selected from the freshmen tryouts. Students will be interested in knowing thai Mr. Kirkpatrick is the brill her of Miss Kirkpatrick of our library staff. Tickets will be en sale beginning Monday. Student tux tickets may be exchanged lor reserved seals. STATE COLLEGEflogTEACHERS, ALBANY, Twenty-Seven Graduates Present At '39 Reunion Twenty-seven yearling pedagogues, members of the class of '39 conducted a reunion December 28 and 29. Mrs. Brimmer and Dr. Dorwaldt were guests of honor at a chicken dinner at the Charleen restaurant. After the dinner, twenty-four of the graduates went roller skating at the Capitol rink. The only casualty was Chris Ades who fell. Four stitches were taken in her chin with Dr. Dorwaldt doing the knitting and purling. Said Dr. Dorwaldt to last year's Campus queen, "You'll have to button your lip." Ice skating, buffet luncheon, and a big game and bull session at College house closed a successful reunion to which the entire class will be invited next year. VOL. XXIV, No. 13 Rustic Theme Will Permeate Commons For WAA, MAA Barn Dance Tomorrow ARRANGE FOR WAA-MAA BARN DANCE .... , : .... .-_... ......— Reid Will Provide Music for "Hicks" At Sports Shindig Round and Square Dancing, Contests Will Afford Varied Program The Men's and Women's Athletic associations of State college will present, their annual social function tomorrow night In the Commons from 8:30 to 11:30 o'clock. The price of admission will be twenty-five cents for stags and thirty-five cents per couple. The affair this year is a barn dance, featuring the music of Bob Ried and his Rustic Revelers Class t o Conduct Meeting (for tonight only), and square and T u e s d a y Noon to Plan round dancing. Jake Powell, '40, will W e e k e n d Details call the square dances. Fran Riani, '41, and Bill Dickson, Merrill Walrath, president of the '42, co-chairmen of the event, agree class of 1941, has announced that Marjorie Balrd and Frank Kluge, presidents of WAA and MAA re- that the dance will be "a swell the annual junior weekend will be spectively, the two athletic organizations which are jointly presenting a chance for students to sow their wild February 16 and 17. The weekend barn cance in the Commons of Hawley hall tomorrow night. oats." will consist of the Junior Prom, tea Rustic Theme dance and luncheon. The prom Decorations will follow a barnyard will be from 10:00 to 2:00 o'clock, theme that will make Old MacDonFebruary 16, while the luncheon and ald's place look like a Park Avenue tea dance will be the following day. penthouse. Rumor has it that the Catherine O'Bryan, vice-ore irlen \ janitors may even contribute saw and general chairman of the affair, "horses" for atmosphere (?). says that: I he committee is planAffair to lie First Formal Agenda to Include Report Aside from dancing, the program ning upon a national name band for From Social Committee of 1910 Dance Season j will subsidize several concessions dethe prom. Tentatively, the junior signed to arouse your sporting blood. luncheon will be ai a downtown resInterfraternity council has anLloyd Kelly, president of student Games of Chance taurant, a local orchestra will play association and member of Mys- nounced that its annual Interfraat tea dance. Tickets are now being sold kania, senior honorary society, has ternity ball will take place Saturday, The class will conduct a meeting announced that this morning's as- January 13, from 10:00 to 2:00 throughout the school which enTuesday noon in room 20. Nomin- sembly will be a business meeting. o'clock. The dance is tentatively title the bearer to one (1) chance on a delicious cake to be raffled at al ions lor Prom Queen will be of- The agenda will include a vote on fered. Further details for tile prom the Francello amendment, a report scheduled for the Lcunge and Bob i the dance. Upon entering the "barn" will be worked out at the class meet- from the Social Committee, and the Reid and his orchestra will furnish I you will be confronted by a jar containing (?) beans. Fill in the blank ing. introduction of several motions. i the music. and you will bring home the bacon. Roy McCreary, treasurer of the Joseph MeKeon, '40, general chairAccording lo a motion passed at There will also be a reward for the class.' requests that the juniors pay the last meeting of the student, body 1 man of the affair, says, "This will "corniest" dresser at the shindig, their dues if the weekend is to be on December 15, Mr. Francello's be the biggest blow-out Interfra- but no one with shoes on will be a financial success. For that pur- amendment will be the first order ternity has ever given." Interfra- kept out. For those "potato-hoers," pose a I able will be set up Tues- ol business. This amendment pro- ternity ball will open the 1940 for- who are susceptible to the "continday and Wednesday afternoons, poses to strike out Article III, Which mal season at State college. ental" angle, tiie Monte Carlo effect fnliii 12:30 lo 3:30 o'clock in the reads as follows: Decorations for I lie affair will I will be lent by a "penny-pitching" lower corridor of Draper hall in "All vt'ii iihirl.v I'lirolletl *tu<l*-itlH of be in the traditional manner. The | game. The hungry bumpkin and his front of the Kill's locker room. Nin Vnili Hind" ("llcttc for Teachers fraternity banners of all fraterni- belle may appease their palates on mill nn.v h|ii*riul Kltiilt'iilH of (IIIH collotfu ties represented on the council will a fare of cakes and candy sold by i CDIIHIHK <l mi ;.ii(/' /, nthtutil '/ slnill l i r r o m o IIH'IIIIH'I'H of MliH HHHOClllprominently displayed. Com- 1 Bill Haller, '41. and Doris Sturze, I l u l l u p o n [>ll.\ tUI'ltl o f t i l l ' l l l l l l l l i l ' l l l l X . " be and substitute in its place the fol- mittees have been chosen from the '42. lour campus fraternities. These are lowing amendment: List Committees "All i'CKiilurl> iMirolli'il iinili'i'Ki'iiilii- Kappa Delta Rlio, the Edward ElAssisting the co-chairmen are Ma!l!<> h t l l l l f l l l M o f S'l'W l l l l ' l l M o l e C o l l l ' K O , tired Potter club, Kappa Bela. and rie Luberda and Bob Leonard, freshfor 'IVurlit'i'N tiro mi'iulii'i's W litis it*hoSigma Lambda Sigma. I'itil i o n . " men. Other committees are as folThis is the third time that Mr. | The committees as listed by Me- lows: publicity — John Alden, '41, avoirdupois because it will make her Keon are: arrangements, Henry Nicholas Morsillo, Kay Peterson, perspire and that would tend to Francello's resolution has been Brauner, '42, chairman, Ray Cardampen friendships. She should brought up in the student assembly. roll. '41, John Murray, '41, William Mary Susan Wing, and Jack Vavahave a highly adjusted neuro-mus- Twice before it has been postponed ,Sewell, '41; music, Frank Kluge, sour, sophomores, and Marilyn Rich, cular system and an excellent sense because it was believed that there '40, chairman, Jack Ryan, '40, Jo- '43; decorations — Steve Bull, Roy of humor although she does not was not enough time for (lie delib- seph Schwartz, '41, William Thomas, MacCreary, Enes Novelli and Bernecessarily have to laugh at my eration that the measure required. '41; bids, favors and tickets, Louis tha Petit, juniors, Janet Kraatz, '42, and Bob Leonard, '43; music— jokes. Her biggest meal should According to Mr. Francello, the only Francello, '40, chairman, Lothar Les Graves, '42; faculty guestschange that the new amendment be breakfast." Schultze, '42, Jack Vavasour, '42, Jean Sears, '42. Some of the more conservative would bring would be the right to Harry Passow, '42. Frank Kluge, '40, president of MAA males said: Frank Kluge, "Why wor- vote to all students regardless of states, "It will be one of the best ry, this is leap year ain't it?" Larry whether they have paid their sturootin'-tootin' shindigs that was Bulog, "She's got to have that look dent tax or not. Players Will Present ever tossed in Hawley's barn." MarThe Social Committee is headed in her eye, nuttin' else." Willard jorie Btiird. '40, president of WAA Frumenl, "She shouldn't be an cx- by Rita Sullivan, '40, who is assistNewly Written Comedy seriously echoes Kluge's sentiments ed by James Chapell and Madeline teremist, especially in dancing." by saying, "It will be a good dance Robert "Moe" Stevens, of the Scesney, juniors; a n d Lotlmr Among Hie three one-act plays and I feel confident that all who thundering herd, says, "I like 'em Schultze and Kathryn Wilson, sophto be presented by the Elementary attend will enjoy themselves Imvery tall and Inasmuch I'm a gentle- omores, dramatics class on Tuesday, January mensely." man I prefer blinds, I mean blondes. 16, is "A Husband for Mag" which Freshman Commission Looks are not really necessary but will be given its first performance a pleasing disposition is essential. Rogers Will Supervise Will Hear Frederick on any stage. The girl must be a good dancer with Bryant Taylor, '43, president of Membership Round-up The play, a comedy, was written a cooperative nature at the right Walter Rogers, '40, vice-president moments. The athletic type Is pre- Freshman commission, announces by Mrs. Julia Carson, a graduate of ferable but I absolutely will not that the group will have its first State college who also wrote "The of Kappa Phi Kappa, national eduaccept a Jitterbug because tall people meeting of the new year Tuesday Madonna Speaks" and "Birthday" cational fraternity, will supervise look like loose-jointed, runaway an- at 3:30 o'clock in the Lounge of while a member of the play writing the annual round-up of members class. Samuel French has shown some time this month. At this telopes, galloping around a dance Richardson hall. Dr. Robert W. Frederick, principal Interest In the play and it will prob- time, principals of New York State floor. She can but she shouldn't ably be published soon after Its smoke, drink, or swear, Just to put of Milne high school, will be the presentation on the Page hall stage, high schools will address the group and explain to them what is exguest speaker. Dr. Frederick is an up a big front." The play Is a comedy with its set- pected of a beginning teacher. So here's the set-up girls, the men authority on aids to studying and John Murray, '41, Is in charge of have spoken, but the echoes will study plans and was selected at this ting in Scotland. The other two linger on. However, we still main- time to speak since it is believed that plays to be presented on the same compiling a n esoteric handbook and tain that, "When a girl begins to his talk will be of particular aid to night are "Love of One's Neigh- another publication for student con* wear high heels she gets ft different the freshman class now approaching bor" and a folk tragedy, "Day's sumption on the principles of eduEnd." cation will be circulated soon. Its first mid-year examinations. slant on life." Juniors Set Date For Annual Prom State's Stronger Sex Present Qualifications for Ideal Co-Ed Here il is. Kmmd two. Follow ing the old adage. "Turn ubuul is fair play." the men of Slate now give their opinions on what the Ideal Girl of State should possess. First on the program is Max Sykes, '40: "She must have a nice figure, be small enough so that my arms can fit around her, steer clear of jilterbuggin' and have personality a la carte. No premium on looks, must be cooperative, and have the skin you love lo touch. She should give a little attention to her escort and provide a good incentive for leaving a warm house. In short an 1U90 lass with a 1940 model will do the trick." Bob Ague, '41, gives his viewpoint which follows: "She must not dance al all, be free of jitter cooties, and not wear spiked heels. She must look well in dark glasses but not wear them; no painting fingernails and be capable of fighting back." Charles Qulnn, '41: "She must be a blond, talkative, pleasingly plump with a little oomph, personable disposition, and cooperative. She must not be Jlltcrbugglsh, or goody-goody. She must be a good dancer and ready for good, clean, fun. I'd like a girl with whom I can have a good time, not a nice time." Len Kowalsky, the edltor-ln-c— feels that, "nature's preparation Is the most satisfactory. She must have Jitterablllty and no excess of N. Y., FRIDAY, JANUARY S, 1940 Morning's Assembly j Brotherhoods Schedule To Feature Business Interfraternity Ball STATE COLLEGE NEWS, JANUARY 5, 1940 Page 2 STATE COLLEGE NEWS Member Associated Colle6iafe Press Distributor of Colle6iateDi6est The liifilarffrilllunfe NoWsp'ttpft of New York State College for Teachers Published every Friday of the college year by the News Hoard representing the Student Association Telephones: Office. 0-03731 Howe, 2-4314j Kownlsky, 2,12-13; Young, 5-l«r>3; Gabriel, 3-0538 Entered as second class matter in the Albany, N. Y. postoffice Committee "ft /er — Commentstater (THE COMMENTSTATER is given the widest latitude as author of this column, though the viewpoints expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the STATE COLLEGE NESWSJ Resolved: T o h a v e a faculty-student curriculum c o m m i t t e e s e t u p d u r i n g t h e spring t e r m of 1940. I n several of t h e most recent publications of t h e N a tional S t u d e n t Federation of America, t o which S t a t e college belongs, t h e r e appeared several articles r e g a r d i n g s t u d e n t - f a c u l t y curriculum committees which • • P m i N T I D roll NATIONAL ADVERTISING I V should prove t o be interesting for State students, e s pecially specialists i n t h e teaching field. National Advertising Service, Inc. T h e curriculum i n a n y college or university should College Publishers Representative supply s t u d e n t needs, lay t h e foundation for future 4 2 0 MADISON Ave. New YORK. N. Y. life a n d t r a i n t h e students for democracy. Even CHICAGO ' BOITOII • LOI I K I L I I • SAB FMNCIICO i n a professional institution such a s ours, t h e r e is a definite need for courses which meet s t u d e n t needs, such a s courses in m a r r i a g e and family relations, honor courses or seminars for exceptional students, LBONARD B . KOWALSKY Editor-in-Chief courses In democracy, a n d a course on t h e culture of OTTO J . Hows Co-Editor-in-Chief SALLY B . YOUNO Managing Editor minorities of o u r own country. As we keep pace with new ideas a n d practices I n t h e educational field, so BHATMCE DOWER Associate Editor should we keep pace with t h e changing needs of t h e STBPHBN K U S A K Associate Editor s t u d e n t s i n t h e college. J O H N MURRAY Associate Editor Value of New Courses SAUL GRBBNWALD - News Editor Since t h e college exists for t h e s t u d e n t s (even BBTTY CLARK S p o r t s Editor MABY GABRIEL Business Manager future teachers), it seems logical t h a t they ought K B N N B T H HABER Advertising Manager to have a voice i n m a k i n g curriculum r e c o m m e n d a tions which, t h e y feel, would be valuable to t h e m in their lives over a n d above those professional courses which a r e required by their major field. JAMBS MALONEY Men's Sports Editor I n t h e same N.S.F.A. bulletin a r e two practical suggestions: First, t h a t a p e r m a n e n t s t u d e n t curricuSOPHOMORE DESK EDITORS l u m committee of n o t less t h a n 3 nor more t h a n 5 WILLIAM DORRANCB, J U N E HAUSHALTBR, A N I T A H O L M , m e m b e r s appointed by t h e student council, should be E D W I N HOLSTEIN, CARL MAROTTO, HARRY P A S S O W . Examination Blues set u p . Contact between this student curriculum comJUNIOR BUSINESS STAFF m i t t e e a n d t h e faculty curriculum committee should R a l p h Clark, B e t h Donahue, Miriam Newell, Evelyn be m a d e a t periodic meetings of a joint committee t h r o u g h o u t t h e school year. Secondly, t h e r e should Olivet, Betty P a r r o t t . be established a p e r m a n e n t joint committee of faculty a n d s t u d e n t s to study curriculum changes t h r o u g h STEPHEN A. KUSAK Issue Editor out t h e year a n d t o recommend changes a t t h e close of t h e school year for t h e following term. I n t h e J a n u a r y 5—Basketball, Siena Coln u a l R e t r e a t and Corporate C o m spring a n open forum session of both faculty a n d stulege. munion. dents should be conducted for t h e purpose of s u b mitting to this curriculum committee a n y suggestions J a n u a r y 11—-Music Council Winter M a r c h 2 — Basketball Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. concert. or changes t h a t should be made. J a n u a r y 12 — Basketball, Niagara M a r c h 2—MAA Alumni Day. Recommendations T o o often we h e a r of t h e ill-feeling t h a t e x i s t s M a r c h 9—WAA Folk Festival, University. Some recommendations from such a committee a r e M a r c h 17—Newman Club S t . P a t a m o n g f r a t e r n i t i e s a t S t a t e ; t o o s e l d o m d o w e find J a n u a r y 13—Interfraternity Ball. suggested below: rick's Day dance. J a n u a r y 1(1—Elementary Dramatics, a c k n o w l e d g m e n t of " g o o d will a m o n g m e n " — S t a t e 1. Establishment of marriage and family relaM a r c h 19—Senior Banquet. presentation. tions courses. March 28—French Club Banquet. m e n . T h i s p a s t week s a w a friendly g e s t u r e a m o n g J a n u a r y 19—Basketball, P r a t t I n s t i 2. A marking system of pass - fail r a t h e r t h a n April 10—Religion R o u n d Table a n d tute. fraternal organizations that deserves considerable grades, with a record of marks kept in t h e Buffet Supper. J a n u a r y 19, 20, 21—WAA Winter April 12—Sophomore Soiree. Dean's office to be referred to only in cases of r e c o g n i t i o n . M a y w e call a t t e n t i o n t o t h e p r o m p t recommendation. Weekend a t C a m p J o h n s t o n . April 13—MAA-WAA Sports Night. ness w i t h which a l l fraternities a n d g r o u p o r g a n i z a 3. Lifting of load of required courses for freshJ a n u a r y 20 — K a p p a P h i K a p p a April 18, 19—Music Council Operm e n a n d sophomores. meeting i n t h e Lounge. t i o n s e x t e n d e d t h e privileges of t h e i r h o u s e s t o a etta. 4. System of comprehensive examinations in t h e J a n u a r y 31—Library closed. April 19, 20, 21—Camp J o h n s t o n f r a t e r n i t y whose h o u s e w a s t e m p o r a r i l y u n i n h a b i t major field. February 1—Library closed. Weekend. 5. Reading period before final examinations. February 1—Basketball, McGill Uni- May 2—Music Council Spring Conable, Along w i t h t h e usual r e s o l u t i o n s , r e n e w e d 6. Inclusion of vocational guidance in t h e freshversity. cert. e n e r g y , a n d sense of a n t i c i p a t i o n , t h e N e w Y e a r m a n orientation program to help a n d advise February 2 — Basketball, Brooklyn May 3—Intersorority Ball. freshmen about w h a t to do in the world's work. a t S t a t e seems t o h a v e come in with a c o m m e n d a b l e college. May 4—House dances. T h e purpose of such a committee, therefore, is February 3—Basketball, P r a t t I n - May 4—WAA-MAA Play Day. s p i r i t of c o o p e r a t i o n . to respond to t h e needs of t h e s t u d e n t body for a stitute. May 16—Movlng-up Day Banquet. T h e r e c e n t poll c o n d u c t e d b y t h e N E W S i n d i - curriculum t h a t is more varied and t h a t best meets February 9—Basketball, Siena col- May 17—Movlng-up D a y . t h e needs of most of t h e students. T h e r e a r e a great lege. May 18, 19—Moving-up D a y Weekc a t e d t h a t a large p e r c e n t a g e of s t u d e n t s w a s def- m a n y variations to t h e plans, but most of t h e larger February 16—Basketball, Vermont end a t C a m p J o h n s t o n . universities a n d colleges follow to some degree t h e University. initely a g a i n s t t h e existence of f r a t e r n i t i e s a n d s o May 23, 24 — Advanced Dramatics systems a s outlined above. At t h e beginning of 1940 February 1G—Junior Prom. presentation. rorities, p r i m a r i l y because of t h e a n t a g o n i s m t h e y —a new year to try new experiments—we should conFebruary 17—Junior Luncheon. May 25—WAA Spring Award F e s sider some sort of plan lor t h e establishment of a fostered. M a n y h a v e referred to t h e m a s a n e c e s February 17—Junior T e a Dance. tival a n d Alumnae Weekend. student-faculty committee which is s:.< successful in February 2 4 - B a s k e t b a l l , St. Mich- J u n e 15—Alumni and Class D a y . s a r y evil, m a i n t a i n e d only fur t h e p u r p o s e of s t i m - other institutions of higher learning. aels College. J u n e 16—Baccalaureate. u l a t i n g a collegiate s p i r i t . A n d y e t , d e s p i t e t h e s e February 28—Religion Round Table J u n e 17—Senior Breakfast. and bullet supper. J u n e 17—Senior Ball. criticisms, here is a c o n c r e t e e x a m p l e of t h e good March 1, 2, 3--Newman Club A n - J u n e 17—Commencement, fellowship t h a t s u p p o s e d l y d o e s n o t exist. Per- THE NEWS BOARD ~"~" THE NEWS STAFF Social Calendar for 1940 A Friend in Need ®tji> Siphtmat h a p s it is a good o m e n ! b u t if this friendliness is p r e s e n t b e n e a t h t h e surface, w h y should it find expression o n l y a t a t i m e of n e e d ? W h y n o t bring it o u t in t h e o p e n in other ordinary, every-day ways? If t h e N e w Y e a r could bring forth a resolution like t h i s , S t a l e would be a b e t t e r place lo live in, a n d f r i e n d s h i p s be b r o a d e n e d . would So let's resolve lo m a k e t h e spirit of 1 9 4 0 a c o o p e r a t i v e i n t e r f r a t e r n i l y s p i r i t . Neces- s i t y shows that it can be d o n e ! Lest We Forget For y e a r s e d i t o r i a l s offering constructive sug- g e s t i o n s for t h e i m p r o v e m e n t of S t a t e college b a s e appeared in t h e STATI-; COI.I.I'.OI: N ' K W S . Hut wbal h a s h a p p e n e d t o those s t u d e n t s w h o s u g g e s t e d t h e write-ups? W h e r e a r e t h e fine, s c h o o l - s p i r i t e d m e m - b e r s of t h e s t u d e n t b o d y who h o u n d e d t h e e d i t o r s ? T h e y h a v e r e p e a t e d l y failed t o see t h e issue t h r o u g h . C o n s e q u e n t l y , i d e a s t h a t m i g h t h a v e spelled cess for v a r i o u s innovations have gone suc- into the waste-basket. W o r d s in b l a c k a n d w h i t e m a y s e e m effective; but a little action with consequent Improvements would be far more impressive. So let's not just read and forget; let's act! THE WEEKLY BULLETIN 77I(N bulletin will i>i the medium for (til announcements of an official nature. Student* and faculty are requested to look to the bulletin for information. Notices for the bulletin must be in the NHWH mailbox imt later than r>:()[) o'clock on the Wednesday of each publication week. "The time 1ms come," the walrus said, "To tallt of m a n y t h i n g s " Yes, yes; as we gaze into our crystal ball for 1940 All, t h a t eternal triangle. I see three tall people two P a r t - t i m e (employment men a n d a girl. It looks like "Snuffy" Quinn and T h e P a r t - T i m e Employment Bu" R e d " Stevens a r e vying for the favor ol Dot Prltchard. W a t c h closely, they're neck a n d neck d mean reau requests t h a t those students who a r e going lo need p a r t - l i m e the fellows). T h e love bug in going to be kept pretty busy. employment during t h e second s e Here come two freshmen, Vains ami A d a m s They mester a n d who a r e n o t already seemed to bo a n unusual combination especially a s placed, please make their special needs known to t h e bureau as soon dancing partners. Yonder, we see Interfraternily Bull in swing ; as possible' i whether they have made (we hope). T o w e r i n g above the rest, I can see Killor- formal application or nol) so t h a t diller Simmons. I c a n ' t see who the lucky lady we may be better prepared to help Is, Isn't t h a t " S p u n k y " McKcnn over there swinging when appropriate jobs are u n e a r t h his p a r t n e r a r o u n d ? 1 can't sec her face. Maybe j ed. Edgar A. Parrot'/, she's Irish, Will 1940 find this Mac-Wilson affair Mary J a n e MacNamara, getting serious? Ami Kluge Liable finally settling Directors. with Soesney'.' Art D e p a r t m e n t All, but here, we find 1940 putting a neat little Crafts have been introduced Into brunette back in circulation. Yes, yes, he's in t h e t e a c h i n g g a m e now. B u t h e r h e a r t still belongs t o the a r t courses within t h e last year. At present six of t h e students In Handy, eh, R u e s ? Here come some prospective steadies - Bob the studio classes of t h e a r t departLeonard with Helen Ueahey, Will they elicit? Ask ment uiu modelling In clay in t h e B r o t h e r Bull, Bob. " P i n k y " a n d "Kosio" s t a r t e d llKo Milne Industrial Arts shop. Some y o u - a n d look a t ' e m now close a s t w o m i n u t e s . of their work, together with blockAnd Paul M e r r i l l does his h e a r t belong to K a y printed textiles will soon be on disor is it shared by t h e donor of a n initialed gift, ( F i r s t play in our library exhibit case. W a t c h for them. letter la M.) l l u t h E, D a l , hiiis, — T h a t serious-looking chap over t h e r e (guess they Assistant Professor of Fine Arts, call h i m T o a d ) displayed a pretty p a c k a g e h e g o t I'ud Snapshots from Buffalo t h e o t h e r day. Nice to sue you back, All persons wishing to contribute Betty, s n a p s h o t s t o t h e Pedagogue ure a s k T h a t ' s all for n o w ! ! Page $ by Hayesllp Happy New Year! Curriculum E s t a b l i s h e d by t h e Class of 1918 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, JANUARY S, 1940 fd to put their prints, unmarked, m an envelope with their n a m e on it a n d hand it to either Marie Mclz .ir .Stephen Bull, Please retain negaI HI', Marie Met/,, Editor, Pedagogue. Social Calendar J a n 5 Assembly, Business meeting, auditorium, 11:00 o'clock. J a n . i> Varsity a n d freshman basketball Bailies with Siena College, gymnasium ol Page hull, 7:00 o'clock. J a n , (i WAA-MAA B a r n Dunce, Commons of Hawley hall, 8:30 u n til 11:30 o'clock. J a n . 0 - F r e s h m a n Commi.'islon meeting. Speech by Dr. Frederick, Lounge, 3:31) o'clock. J a n . 10—Meeting of t h e L u t h e r a n Club a t t h e Friendship House, 5:30 o'clock. J a n . 11 Meeting of Menoruh In Room 211, 3:30 o'clock, J a n . 11—Kappa Delta R h o Smoker for tlie faculty, ;ifio Western Avenue, 8:30 o'clock. J a n . 11 — Music Council's Annual W i n t e r Concert, a t Chancellor's hall, 8:30 o'clock. BEAT Cagers Top Hamilton Five, Face Siena Squad Tonight Maloney's Baloney In w h a t m a y v e r y likely d e v e l o p into a rivalry t h a t will p a r a l l e l o u r r e l a t i o n s w i t h R l ' I , S t a t e ' s v a r s i t y court team faces Siena C o l l e g e for t h e first t i m e this e v e n i n g on t h e Page hall floor. Having pushed over t h e .500 m a r k * during t h e recess a t t h e expense of Hamilton, t h e t e a m Is after its third victory in this inaugural con test with t h e Loudonville outfit. Originally t h e contest w a s viewed a s somewhat of a setup because this Is Siena's first season in full fledged intercollegiate basketball, b u t a s t h e F a v o r i t e s V a n q u i s h C o l g a t e H a n d i l y b y 5-1 S c o r e ; season h a s gone so far, t h e game Draw Two Games definitely looms u p as a real o b stacle on our slate. State's chess squad scored its Siena t h u s f a r h a s been impresthird consecutive win S a t u r d a y , D e sive in recording top-heavy vic- cember 1G by defeating a hlghlytories against Oneonta Normal, Nor- i ated Colgate team by a nearly p e r wich and Albany P h a r m a c y a n d far fect score of 5-1. Not a S t a t e m a n from disgraced i n losses to St. F r a n - lost a game i n t h e h a r d - f o u g h t cis a n d Niagara (Roch. B r a n c h ) . m a t c h a t t h e Sigma L a m b d a S i g m a In losing by a 46-37 score to S t . fraternity house. Colgate received Francis, t h e Bunoski-coached t e a m its one point a s a result of two drawn games. was also impressive. A top notch Art Coffin, one of Colgate's e x New York city outfit last year a n d perienced lettermen from last year. going pretty well this winter, t ^ Metropolitan team was held down by L a d m w , n ft , o n g d l . ! i w n . c u l c o n . J. R. M.~~ Frosh Still Seek First Conquest In Siena Clash Suffer Third Straight Loss At Hands of A c a d e m y ; Gerber Tallies 1 6 Touche! B. C. Among o t h e r t h i n g s falling u n Snow Sports W i t h hopes for their initial w i n der t h e hackneyed simile " a s old a s r u n n i n g high, State's frosh cagers With t h e coming of snow a n d a p t h e hills," is t h e school spirit t h e m e will play host to t h e Siena yearlings parently a fairly long period of cold which characterizes t h e work of so weather, t h e snow sports a r e e n m a n y editors who can't think of a i t h e Page hall court tonight. joying a boom. Washington p a r k Siena is a newcomer to t h e frosh a n y t h i n g else t o write. lake is littered with skaters, a n d A few m o n t h s back we slipped in schedule a n d t h e team's power is the skiiers a n d tobagganers will u n a clamor for s t u d e n t support of t h e little known. They have played doubtedly be m a k i n g trips to t h e cross country t e a m which h a d for four games thus far this season a n d hinterlands to clutter u p t h e t o u g h so long r u n its collective h e a d off were beaten quite decisively by Al- est slopes they c a n find. . . . T r a c k ! ! with no one from t h e college look- bany Business College. A probable Slalom 1! G e l a n d e s p r u n g ! I ing o n . starting lineup for t h e Loudonville Skidmore T h o u g h we're n o t claiming to have T h e play d a y mentioned some penned more significant m a t e r i a l boys includes Delaney, Whalen, L o n since then, we've avoided school lo. Pennock, and Coughlln. Coach time ago In this record h a s really spirit. I n fear of falling over back- F r a m e n t will probably s t a r t P o r t - amounted to something. I n s t e a d of ward, a communique rushed to u s ley, Bora, Gerber, Bombard, a n d being a three-way play day a s t e n tatively planned, it h a s boiled down shortly before press time h a s con- Ellis. to a purely non-competitive event vinced us t h a t t h e Siena game t o O n December 15, t h e S t a t e frosh night, a contest t h a t will in all squad played what was probably between S t a t e a n d Skidmore w o men, to take place on S a t u r d a y , probability mark t h e start of a keen its best game of t h e season t h u s J a n u a r y 13 here. rivalry, merits a "support your t e a m " far against Albany Academy, t h o u g h Shouts a n d Whispers outburst. Now t h a t we've almost reached Accordingly we present C h e e r - losing 40-31. Against the highly r a t e d leader Gardephe's message in full: Cadet quintet, t h e Green a n d W h i t e the halfway m a r k i n this year's "Our college rivalry with Siena fought a brilliant uphill battle all activities, S t a t e students a r e comtlie way, and t h e outcome w a s n o t ing o u t of a self imposed coma t o s t a r t s Friday night, I hope. Siena. I test on t h e number one board. Steve "I'm calling a p e p meeting for assured until t h e final m o m e n t s of show a little bit of school spirit— Little is known about t h e Nia-1 Shaw, number two m a n for t h e 3:30 Friday afternoon in t h e gym.the contest. at least our cheering squad hopes so. T h e p e p rally scheduled for gara (Roch.) outfit which turned | Purple a n d Gold, eked out a w i n It's about time we got a little spirit, T h e game resolved itself Into a this afternoon will indicate w h e t h e r a little organization, a little conhack Siena in a close game. T h e over Bob B r a n d t . battle between Gerber a n d M a - we will cheer wildly a t t h e S i e n a On t h e third board, J o h n Hoose, certed support for our team. Rochester team lost by two points honey, Academy star. T h e s e t w o land subsequent) games, or w h e t h e r Slate's veteran, had an easy win to a St. Mary's (Minn.) outfit which were deadlocked a t t h e finish with we will sit calmly a n d admire t h e over Tom Keith. J i m Gillan, playin turn lost to our perennial conseven field goals and two free throws grotesque a n t s - i n - t h e - p a n t s antics querors, t h e University of Niagara, ing number four board for t h e for totals of sixteen points apiece. of t h e cheerleaders. Ah, pour le Teachers, won his first g a m e in i n 2". B r o o k l , \ i. I'ul.i -'•> WilKIHT by a single tally. Captain Touhey, with eight tallies, sport, mes amis—and remember, tercollegiate play by beating Bob II UriinUl.i n Tilly ,"••' I'lillnvili'iil Siena is led by Howie Tucker, Al- Oldman. lllllllllhill .".1 iii'i.nki.i n C u b ' ;lj a n d Plunket and Gabriels with seven everything sports. I Minn III H r m i k b n I'i.I.y II" bany boy a n d former Catholic Leaapiece provided t h e margin of vicSport you, sport your new beau, Mai Pilsworth, Colgate's n u m b e r i t r i i i i k l . i II I'I.I.Y 17 .M I'll III 30 tory. gue High School high scorer, who five m a n , was easily beaten by Bob N e w a r k K n g . III U r o n k l ) n P o l y .'II sport your new clothes,—just sport III) M i d i ll 'j:. Wriiiiiiit scored twenty-six points against Patton in a lightning seventeen move Anything Despite some fine guarding by —at t h e barn dance M.OIII III SI. L a w r e n c e ,~i7 Norwich a n d almost always hits checkmate. Henry Kratz, filling in Bombard and Feeney, Mahoney w a s goes! 1 MiOIII 2D II Miiiilintl.'iii Mil,ui ;i3 .Inliii M i i r s h n l l ,Y2 all over t h e floor. W h e n Academy double figures. at t h e number six position, w a s SI, . m i n i ' s 112 I'nill -'II look the ball it was Mahoney w h o Bright spots on our own side come held to a tie by Don McCluskey of Si M a r y ' s Mujciirit led the fast-breaking offensive a n d r Minn i HI in t h e form of Will F r a m e n t ' s stel- the \im\ Raiders. Si M a r y ' s scored. On Sunday, December 17, t h e Col- M i i B i i r u ill lar performance against Hamilton IMH'II 1 17 Tlie same story applies well to II \V ii'iu :i'". s lifiirti when he tossed in 22 points, t h e ';:ite squad journeyed to R P I a n d .lllllll I'lUT.ill .i.i I : MiiKiiru Gerber who constantly led t h e defeated t h e Engineer chess a g g r e first time a State player 1has hit \ ft'lll.llll ,'.•! Hiii'liiiuillli •".7 S l a t e frosh attack, with a n excelgation, 4-2. us Yrniiinil 30 Moreland Defeats J u n i p e r s ; 1 i . i r i II I h lent eye for the hoop. Given t h e I'M,,Menu V.'l ill 12 I'l Commuters, Sorority W i n STATI': ( O I . I . H 1 \ i r i n i i l l l 12 17 same support as t h a t received by Tun Hutlio i the Academy flash, Gerber might Mri rill 1 With time fast growing short i n SlllllllOIIH ' 'VVt ll try to K«'1 Siena's song a n d well have led the State outfit to the girl's i n t r a m u r a l basketball playDII'UMHI o learn it; also new cheers a n d a Kllcrlii ' oil, six [earns clashed In three fast ciiupia songs of our own. Give us KIllKl' ' games Wednesday night. a good nol ice, willya?" I'l'illll.'lll " I I' T h e llrsl tilt saw the mixed sorTlie usual I'W who watched T u e s T h e singing ui Siena's song Is a n I'urll.'j I l:l III ority squad literally " m o p - u p " t h e day's intramural basketball games lllllllllll.llll admirable idea, just as t h e playing HAMILTON weak dorm B team by g a r n e r i n g we're treated to a thrilling surprise ,1 Slate's alma mater by t h e R P I 11 i-l. r l m i . ll K,., ' I'lnx twenty-six points to the ARH's one. :t when SLS liea: l\ downed t h e h i g h - Land ul our gume I here would have lli'iirj ' Illlllsfll Van Valkenburgh proved high point O n . Is '' ly-touted Poller Club live. In t h e W i i l l c r . . . been had lh<\\ dune it. And speakII .,,.!,.,,,,[,, O nlayer for t h e Greeks, making a O.'I'll.T ing ol bands, why isn't it possible 1 III-IIII-II ' lllllll lolal ol six baskets. Close g u a r d i n g 1 Standings Wednesday lor some ui i ur musically capable MI.IUII » I..null . . . by Baird, Duffey. a n d Rianl t h w a r t e d \\ i 11 i i i i i i \\ Iliilnlinril . lo gel together a small outfit to play I) all efforts by Beard and Rockcastle I u|ii'ui. II.nis.' :l » ..••UK " I'i ,\ ui our home names? K„|i|i:l II.'Mil Itll.I < vnn nii.-1'n " lo slip any through t h e n e t for t h e " T h o u g h roundabout, there is a I'.,Hi I' I lull • T Is Ill K Ill dorm. 10 I rush I compai ison t hut may he drawn to A I . H A W ACADKMV Following this walkaway, t h e \ , . , l „ i , S|„'ll.,'l I •,, Ml',' III i l l . ' Illlll'l Slllll', '!."n lllllll I'd •liov, ihc relative power ol Siena I , r milliliters downed t h e dorm's t e a m lliiliuiii'.i 1 n '.:. II llll and s t a t e , it's significance may be A l l e n I ,i,l, •) 1 . m i s m o o t e d I S l u l i ' , Hi C, 8-4. Up to t h e end of Ihe first ' . l l l l , I i I , ll. I Ml,. discounted by sonic who don't be7. l.nlil'ii'ls •'! half, both teams remained scoreless, It i l l . til H u l l I'llllllll't 'I lieve in complex comparisons, but IMI|.[II HIII and the playing was fast a n d close. Tiilillr.l I there's no denying t h a t it's interestHi, 20 mark since Grovcr Hotaling IVi'lt I In the second hall Busacker drew lliinsihirli'l' •) made 20 even against Montclair si i iiil I'I IIII i Kl >R trounced t h e ing. first blood for team C by shooting a s l u m II On December 15, Siena swamped during t h e 1032-33 season. (Taii.s 30-1 Held goal from short range directly ITlill " Norwich University 08-20, T h e fol4 llllllillKluilll ° The Hull a n d Blue got off lo an in front of t h e basket. Trowbridge Pol i i r IH d the score in t h e last lowing night Norwich, playing a t Kusi'iisli'iii II added two more points a few seconds earls lead ol 0-0 with t h e States- hall'-nuiiuie ol p!a\ and then went ItlM's huge W gym, dragged t h e Ill II Tuliils later. T h e lour point lead proved i n n men unable lo liil t h e cords until n in win in mi overtime period Engineers Into two overtime periods ' • • i i , , , , u l I ,11 Alhillij A 11,1. III.' . adequate, however, when G r o u n d s , Anile Kllerin's conversion of a poor KDR llli I lew i.i,Maries 111 over- before the hitter could trim Ilium— III; S l u l i . 111. switched from g u a r d to forward Hamilton pass into a tally after whelming i h e Clnuls b.V 20 points and then by a paltry two point 1 .nils i i i l s s i . l : A l l i u m A.a.I.'in.. , for i h e second half, began sinking three minutes ol play. Scoring on margin. Ill'l shaded Slate' In their II; Mull'. I shots that totaled eight points for margin lo 25-22 as the whistle meet last month 31-38. And now both sides left the count 12-0 the commuters. sounded. State plays Siena. against Die Purple and Gold a t t h e a victory. T h e contest was a r a t h e r In t h e fastest encounter of t h e Three times did Hamilton forge Notes on t h e Hamilton g a m e : In end ol I lie. lust quarter. rough one with aeh team drawing evening, J u n i p e r s lost a h a r d - f o u g h t ahead in t h e see-saw third q u a r t e r , spite of t h e surprising crowd of Even h e r e game lo Moreland, 12-20. T h e d e T h e second quiirler saw the I l a n i - but F r a m e n t ' s brilliant offensive several h u n d r e d on hand, there were j twelve personal fouls, the Academy look a slight edge, feated led 12-0 u p to t h e end of lltonians stretch their lead to sev- play as he netted all but o n e tally only nineteen paid admissions.; en points a n d t h e n fall into a 17- scored for S l a t e In t h e ten m i n u t e ' s We've never seen so m a n y Annie completing six, while the G r e e n a n d the first half, however Mary M i l ler soon changed t h e color of t h e 17 deadlock a t t h e h a n d s of a S t a t e play left t h e Clinton, N. Y. outfit Oakleys before they poured in like White converted five, With each succeeding game, t h e situation in t h e second half by offensive topped by F r a m e n t ' s c h a r - on t h e short end of a 34-31 score water, T h o u g h it h a s been gen- | ity shot follow-up of J o h n n y H a v - with t h e final period coming u p . erally agreed t h a t t h e play was frosh offense seems to imorove. making good five close shots. T h e puss work against Academy In a pie-vacation encounter, r i ko's long looper. With Hamilton T h e persistent H a m i l t o n squad ragged, tlie spectators (Who paid) leading 22-21 after several addition- suceeded in fighting twice to ties got their money's worth. T h e see- has been much better t h a n t h a t valry reached t h e basketball court when the more experienced sophs al ties, Havko slipped in another in t h e finishing quarter, tlie last sawing score In t h e final quarter displayed in previous games. Tlie S t a t e frosh will have a n - downed a plucky freshman squad long shot to shove t h e Statesmen a 40-40 deadlock with t h r e e m i n - saw t h e length of many a good s e t Info the lead for tlie first time, 23- utes of playing time left on t h e of nails hastily diminished. Coach other crack a t Academy n e x t week, 19-10. T h i s w a s t h e first of a t h r e e game series in which one class m u s t 22, with less t h a n a m i n u t e of t h e clock. F r a m e n t ' s foul shot broke Donald, always in search of a good when Ihe Cadets come to Page half remaining. T w o foul tallies t h e tie In t h e game's hectic final game, w a s a t h i s usual balcony Hall In t h e preliminary to t h e v a r - win two out of t h r e e in order t o gain t h e five rivalry points. sity Niagara tilt. by F r a m e n t bolstered t h e locals' minutes. perch. State Chessmen Win Third in Row How the Foes Go :;. i Potter, KDR Score Wins in Hoop Play Girls' I-M League Swings Into Action Page 4 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, JANUARY 5, 1940 College Faculty Visits Conclaves During Holidays State Has Representatives at Syracuse, Columbus and Washington 'Queen Mary' At KDR Committed To Drydock T h e boys from Western avenue came home last Monday to receive a very frigid welcome a t their house. I t seems t h a t t h e "Queen M a r y " (the furnace u n der camouflage) h a d been s a b otaged during t h e farewell blowout which took place t h e r e last December 14—and 15th. An emergency housing problem was immediately solved w h e n t h e other fraternities cooperated t o give shelter. I t is rumored t h a t some of t h e lads even m a n a g e d to secure room in a sorority house (lucky t h e m ? ) , However with delicate salvaging operation on a scale similar to t h e raising of t h e Squalus, t h e "Queen M a r y " was soon p u t in a seaworthy condition again. , French Red Cross Receives Money Lambelle Station Director Acknowledges Gifts Students Sent In t h e October 20 issue of t h e STATE COLLEGE N E W S a l e t t e r writ- Library School Visits Renowned Book World of Great Metropolis $> T h e Library school went to town during C h r i s t m a s vacation — t h e town, N e w York City, t h e occasion, the a n n u a l t r i p conducted to study the book world of t h a t great m e t r o p olis. T h i s group of twenty-four, d i rected by Miss M a r t h a C. Pritchard, Professor of librarianship, was officially h e a d q u a r t e r e d a t t h e Hotel George W a s h i n g t o n in New York. T h e formal t r i p lasted from Friday, December 15 until Thursday, D e cember 21. T h a t doesn't mean, however, t h a t everyone rushed home— on t h e contrary, a few (see J a n e Wilson) r e m a i n e d for several days. This is t h e first year t h a t t h e trip h a s been t a k e n during t h e C h r i s t m a s vacation. Previously i t was conducted a t Easter. T h e a d ministration h a s endorsed t h e new p l a n because It provides time for recuperation after t h e trip. T h e trip started a t 11:00 o'clock the day b e f o r e vacation. The group arrived shortly after 2:00 o'clock a n d a t t e n d e d a lecture given by Miss Mabel Williams, supervisor of work with schools a n d editor of "Books for Young People." S a t u r d a y afternoon, all day S u n day a n d all t h e other evenings were free. S i n c e "All work a n d n o play m a k e Jill a dull girl," t h e t r i p h a d a variety of a m u s e m e n t , e n t e r t a i n m e n t , a n d non-scheduled sidetrips. Radio City was overwhelmed w h e n it saw the S t a t e college library school coming. They w i t h stood t h e onslaught, however. Several groups visited Andre K o s telanetz's p r o g r a m which features Tony M a r t i n . T h e s t u d e n t s were fascinated watching t h e Intricacies of presenting a radio program. At the end of t h e broadcast, Tony M a r tin introduced h i s wife, Alice Faye, to t h e audience. Other groups visited t h e following p r o g r a m s : K a t e Smith's, t h e H i t Parade, F r e d Allen's Town Hall. Special n o t e : several members of t h e tour a t e with Allen a n d his wife, t h a t is, they were in t h e same r e s t a u r a n t a t t h e same time. ten t o Miss Arlene P r e s t o n , ins t r u c t o r in F r e n c h , by M m e . G a i dier-Bily, m o t h e r of a S t a t e college a l u m n a , n o w d i r e c t i n g a R e d Cross s t a t i o n in F r a n c e w a s p r i n t ed a p p e a l i n g for funds for t h e continuation of t h e work. Collection bowls w e r e placed in t h e Co-op a n d room 10 of R i c h a r d s o n hall a n d t h e money w a s cabled to F r a n c e t h e next d a y . A letter acknowledging t h e r e Dr. Robert W. Frederick, p r i n ceipt of t h e money h a s j u s t been cipal of t h e Milne school, D r . J . received. I t r e a d s a s follows: Allan Hicks, professor of guidance, "To Miss P r e s t o n , Dr. C. C. Smith, assistant professor The local c o m m i t t e e of t h e of education, Mr. Paul G. Bulger, F r e n c h Red Cross of Lambelle, h a v secretary of t h e student employment ing received t h r o u g h t h e i n t e r m e bureau, a n d Mr. Warren I. D e n s diary of its devoted friend, M m e . (Continued from page 1, column II more, supervisor of English, r e p r e Gaidier-Bily, y o u r g e n e r o u s gift, T h e c h a i r m e n of t h e committees sented State at t h e fifty-fifth a n t a k e s upon itself a t a s k of t r a n s nual holiday conference of t h e AsT h e S t u d e n t Christian Associa- m i t t i n g to you t h e h o m a g e of its for t h e junior weekend are t h e folsociated Academic Principals of t h e tion will present its first speaker profound g r a t i t u d e a n d its very lowing: S t a t e of New York conducted a t of t h e new year, T h u r s d a y in t h e lively s e n t i m e n t s of acknowledgThe committees for t h e prom a r e : Syracuse, December 27-29. Lounge a t a special meeting from ment. music, Enes Novell!, chairman, Doris Associated Principals 3:30 until 5:00 o'clock. T h e s p e a k The c o m m i t t e e , assailed from all T h e theme of t h e principal's con- er, Dr. Roy B u r k h a r t , P h . D., whom sides by n e w w o r k s and by diverse Grossman, Roy McCreary, Bob Mesek, Glenn Clark; invitations and ference was "The Extension of P u b - Miss Helen Curtis, p e r m a n e n t sec- t a s k s : bids, Doris Dygert, c h a i r m a n , Hazel lic Education." Consideration of retary of SCA, describes as a n outCreation of military stations, Brown, Charles Quinn, Delfio M a n this theme a n d t h e discussion of s t a n d i n g counselor, author, a n d m i n hospitals, infirmaries, chapels Clarkie's group did this a n d rode cxiso; chaperones, Loretta Kelly, a n increasingly important youth ister, will speak on t h e topic, " P r o m on t h e front, etc. . . . R u n n i n g c h a i r m a n , Virginia Donley, Ellen t h e S t a t e n Island ferry one evening. problem featured the general a n d Friendship to Marriage." and f o r m i n g infirmaries beHurley; a r r a n g e m e n t s , Robert Her- T h e girls were impressed by t h e sectional meetings. Highlight of hind t h e lines, first aid stations, Dr. B u r k h a r t , whose congregat h e business meeting was t h e adoptel, c h a i r m a n , J o h n Bakay, Char- S t a t u e of Liberty a n d t h e New York infirmaries, chapels, for ruined O t h e r evening pastimes tion of a resolution changing t h e tion of about two thousand resides lotte Ritchie, Gadlin Bodner; pub- skyline. families a n d refugees, etc. . . . association's name from t h e Asso- in Columbus, Ohio, is m a k i n g a n h a s g a t h e r e d with a word of a c - licity, Paul G r a t t a n , chairman, Mi- were t h e c u r r e n t Broadway plays. ciated Academic Principals to Asso- extensive lecture tour of this sec- k n o w l e d g m e n t , t h e generous help riam Newell, Carol Kniffen, Sylvia Among those which were seen were ciated Principals. T e n years ago tion of t h e country. He comes to which h a s come from a friendly Grcenblatt, J o h n Alden, Dennis ' H a m l e t " with Maurice Evans — a similar resolution was defeated the SCA Marriage Education com- country a n d r e n e w s to you its sen- H a n n a n , S t e p h e n Bull; programs, the four hour performance. "Little mission of S t a t e directly from t h e Foxes" with Tallulah B a n k h e a d . by a n overwhelming margin. Mary G r a c e Leggett, chairman, T h e [student assembly at Colgate u n i - t i m e n t s of profound g r a t i t u d e . " When they were not sight-seeing, K a t h e r i n e Hoch, Mary Sharpies. new proposal passed without de- verslty. eating, or getting lost in t h e subbate. Committees for the tea dance a r e : way maze—yes, they did t h a t a n d | Miss Curtis regrets that Dr. B u r k general c h a i r m a n , Stephen Kusak; sometimes h a d to hail a cab to take Opening day, Dr. George M. Wiley. \ h a r t ' s crowded schedule c a n not be a r r a n g e m e n t s , F r a n c e s Riani, chair- them to their destination—, t h e associate commissioner of secondary ; arranged to allow him to speak b e man, Marion McCausland, Constan- group visited libraries, schools, a n d education sounded t h e keynote: • fore our assembly on Friday, but dino Paris, Arnold Eiterin; decora- the American Stratford press. T h e "More Intensive Cultivation." R e - the meeting is open to all s t u d e n t s tions, Carol Golden, chairman, Helen I most outstanding library was the ports followed on the testing p r o - [ o f t h e college who are interested in Jones a n d Hardy to Meet Lasher, Joseph Withey. Clarence 0 1 - Pierponl M o r g a n library where t h e gram, Regents Inquiry, a n d health the topic. T h e speaker will GamS t u d e n t Writers, Actors sen; music, Gerald Saddlemirc, group saw original manuscripts a n d aliel physical education problem., plete his activities in the Capital At the Wednesday evening banquet, I district by making visits to Russell Mr. Louis C. Jones a n d Mr. Wil- c h a i r m a n , Charles Manso, Betty the famous illuminated manuscripts. Dr. F r a n k P. Graves, commissioner Sage and Skidmore. On t h e night liam G. Hardy, instructors in E n g - P a r r o t t ; programs. Virginia McDer- At t h e Morgan library, Mr. K u p . a u of education, acted as toastmastor. of his visit here. SCA will present lish, have a n n o u n c e d t h a t they will mott, c h a i r m a n , Edna Austin, Ada thority on illuminated m a n u s c r i p t s The principal address was delivered Dr. B u r k h a r t to the Albany Youth conduct a meeting Tuesday at 4:30 Parshall; chaperones. Louisa Chap- spoke to t h e group. S t a t e college T h e students in charge o'clock in t h e Lounge for all those man, c h a i r m a n ; refreshments. Ruth will have a n opportunity to hear this by Maurice Hindus, author a n d com- council. m e n t a t o r on international affairs. of t h e presentation here at S t a t e interested in writing or acting for Larson, c h a i r m a n ; Dorothy Berko- distinguished speaker on founder's day, which marks the twenty-sixth He spoke of "What Next in Europe?" will be Dorothy Johnson. '41. and the forth-coming S t a t e college series wltz, Margaret Park. Theron Powell, '40, co-chairmen, of radio programs. A special need Reunion Dinner Luncheon committees consist of anniversary of the library school. T h e I rip was over on Thursday, with Dorothy Peak. '41, a n d Eivion has been expressed for students who the following: general chairman, T h e annual reunion dinner for Williams, '42, assisting. William Haller; a r r a n g e m e n t s , Viv- but the memory lingers on—. want to write scripts. S t a t e graduates was conducted Plans which have been formulat- ian Livingston, chairman, JosephThursday evening at the Chamber ed throughout the year will result ine Antonacci, Joseph Schwartz; of Commerce building. Sixty-three Political Forum Stand in a series ol spring broadcasts sim- speakers, Tillle Stern, chairman. C. P. LOWRY principals joined State's represenPleases Walton L e a g u e ilar to, bin wider in scope than, tatives a t this informal g e t - t o - g e t h S t a t e students, particularly m e m - the initial series presented bust W a t c h m a k e r and er. Also in attendance were Dr. M e n o r a h Club Will Meet Carclton Power, professor of science, bers of the Forum of Politics, may year. Menorah club will conduct a Jeweler Mr. Jones find Mr. Hardy a t e a n d Dr. Carelton Moose, supervisor pride themselves upon a write-up meeting on Thursday at, 3:30 of science. Both were in Syracuse the forum received in the December particularly anxious to have the e m o'clock in room 211. Dr. Harold 171 Central Ave. Albany, >J. Y. for the New York State Science issue of "Outdoor America," offi- phasis of this year's " a i r " schedule W T h o m p s o n , professor of Engcial publication of the Izaak Walton placed on a l l - s t u d e n t participation. Teacher's association conference. lish, will address the group on They hope to make the programs Active at the conference in es- League of America. WALDORF"Jewish Folk-Lore." student written for student porThe league whose motto Is d e tablishing valuable new contacts and trayal witli faculty writing, direcfense "of woods, waters and wildrenewing old ones was Mr. Bulger. tion and general supervision at an I n his conversations, he sought in- lite" draws particular satisfaction j absolute m i n i m u m . formation on the progress of State from the s t a n d t h a t State's political EMIL J. NAGENGAST In t h e first program last year students already in the field. J u s t forum has taken in supporting a the history of S t a t e college was congressional bill calling for a n end before t h e Christmas recess, Buli YOUR COLLEGE FLORIST re-enacted for t h e radio audience. ger visited schools in Westchester to the use of t h e nation's water- j Hundreds a n d Hundreds of I Consequent transmissions were deways as dumps for rubbish. County and on Long Island. Corner O n t a r i o a t Benson SI. NEW voted to t h e various d e p a r t m e n t s of Dr, Donnnl V. Smith, professor Science, was Dr. Howard DoBell, the college a n d educators of the I 'it u I (iriilliin II n 11 Dun Iturci of social studies, delivered a paper professor of m a t h e m a t i c s . He a t - Capital district. at the annual conference of the tended conferences of one branch, American Historical association. the American Mathematical Society. T i n s conference was also conducted The society and association was in "What's New W e Show" December 27-29 and at Washington, session December 20-30 at the Ohio BOTANY TIES IIICKOCK ACCESSORIES FOR HIRE D, C. Dr. Charles A. Barker, pro- State University in Columbus. fessor of history, took part In a You'll f c c 1 at round table discussion of "Local Hisease a n d look tory." Haberdashers Hatters S t a t e college faculty members were well distributed throughout t h e east e r n states during t h e C h r i s t m a s recess. T h e principal's conference a t Syracuse, t h e a n n u a l meeting of t h e American Historical Society a t Washington, D. c , a n d t h e " P a r l i a m e n t of Sciences" a t Columbus, Ohio were all attended by various members of our faculty. Juniors Arrange Annual Weekend SCA to Present Dr. Roy Burkhart State Will Resume Radio Transmissions fw Interfratcniityl Ball l Tuxedos MEN'S "Parliament of Sciences" S t a t e ' s lone representative at "The P a r l i a m e n t of Sciences," more formally referred to as the American Association for the Advancement of Send Her Flowers From inChllfietjd Welcomes the Students of the College Back to Albany SKINNER'S Central Ave. K»y McCreary Albany Htcvf) KiiHtik Eat at John's Lunch Dinners 25c a n d Up Delicious Sandwiches a n d Sundaes 7:30 A.M. — 11:00 P . M . Opp. (be High School ' '• » cSNAPPY S H O P ADAM HATS 221 Central Ave, We hope you will find il convenient and sensible to make W h i t n ey ' s your shopping headquarters this year, butter In a S T E T S O N HATS 117 So. Pearl St, I). Jeoncy, Prop. Dial 5-1913 Boulevard Cafeteria and Grill Si',. or Willi M i n i m i W i l l Mlllli-r We a r e a specialty house, striving to do one thing a n d to do it well dealing in men's formal attire EXCLUSIVELY. Waldorf Tuxedo Co. W E WILL BE GLAD TO SERVE YOU. Waldorf 'Tux' Geo. 108-200 CENTRAL AVENUE State College News ALBANY, N. Y. "Mi'll'« I ' l m m i l ttii llnmilwity <>I>||. I'liHliirriiii Wear—Kxilimlvuly" 'ml F l o o r I'liono 1-fiOll Open lOvi'iiliiifH by Appointment Z-443 Amendment Bill Fails to Secure Student Approval Constitutional Interpretation Quickly Blocks Passage of N e w M e a s u r e STATE COIJJJGE FOR TEACHERS, ALBANY, N. Y., Public Address System. Will Begin Operations T h e public address system which was voted upon in assembly before Christmas recess Is now being installed in our buildings. T h e wiring will be completed during the examination period and the system will be ready to operate a t t h e beginning of the second semester. Room 207 in Draper hall, central control room of the system, will contain a victrola, radio, and microphone. Announcements will be recorded a n d amplified during the day. T h e repetition of the same voice thus effected will make the a n n o u n c e m e n t official. T h e system was given a n experimental tryout Friday, for dancing after the Siena game. Many complained t h a t t h e music could not be heard in all parts of the Commons and they said t h a t more speakers a n d experience are needed before this p a r t of the system will be acceptable. Students, however, a r e in favor of the idea as a whole a n d recognize t h e system as a step in making life more efficient here at State. FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1940 Bulger Announces Senior Meetings T h r e e C o m m i t t e e s to Report on ' H o w to Secure Teaching Position' VOL. XXIV, No. 14 Fraternities Will Sponsor Annual Formal Tomorrow COUNCIL PRESIDENT Mr. Paul G. Bulger, director of the S t u d e n t Employment bureau, a n - ' I nounces t h a t a series of four meet! ings dealing with t h e subject. "How Opponents of t h e much discussed ! to secure a teaching position." will Francello a m e n d m e n t resorted to a [ be conducted during (he sec nd little used provision of our constisemester for senior and graduate tution in a successful a t t e m p t to students. block t h e measure's passage during T h e first three meetings will be Friday's business meeting of t h e called on February 8. 15, arid 22 S t u d e n t association. At stake was from 4:30 to 5:30 o'clock in room Lhe principle whether or not n o n | 20 of Richardson hall. T h e s u b taxpaying students might vote a n d J jects to be discussed at these meetparticipate in Student association ings are reports of the following a flail's, student committees: Committee on Debate Thorough, Hitter Ethics of Job Hunting, Committee Twice postponed in order t h a t on Personal Interview and Appeartime far sufficient deliberation ance, and Committee on Letters might be assured, the proposition of Application. T h e fourth meetwas discussed on the floor for more ing will consist of a round table t h a n fifty minutes. Debate was j discussion by high school principals unusually thorough and bitter. P r o ! in the auditorium on March 2 from ponents were led by Louis Francello, , 10:00 until 12:00 o'clock. '40, mover of the a m e n d m e n t , Norm a n Baldwin a n d Dennis H a n n a n , Volunteers from seniors and gradjuniors. Joseph McKeon, '40, J o h n uates for the Ethics committee a r e M u r r a y a n d Louis G r e e n s p a n , j u n '. asked to report Monday in room iors, directed t h e opposition. | 121-B, Milne, at 3:30 o'clock. Advocates of lhe a m e n d m e n t a r This year the registration of t h e Walter Simmons, '40, president of gued that it was undemocratic to SEB includes a total of 278 s t u - Interfraternity council, which is forbid n ; n - t a x - p a y i n g s t u d e n t s from | dents. Of this number 239 are sponsoring t h e I n t e r f r a t e r n i t y Ball voting. T h e tax operated as a poll seniors a n d graduates and the other tomorrow night in t h e Lounge. Myskania Will Also Announce tax. I n a s m u c h as all students had t h i r t y - n i n e are resident graduate Results of Banner Hunt to pay at some time If they desired | students who have re-registered. teaching recommendation, further Between Underclasses The SEB has made available for penalty was unnecessary. the college a large county and town Opposition Adamant This morning's assembly will be : m a p of New York state in room Opponents replied t h a t the very highlighted by a speech given by existence of the S t u d e n t association Senator Joe R. Hanley, who will j 121-A of Milne. S t u d e n t s may conFutterer to Direct Program a n d subsidiary activities relied upon speak on some timely subject. Sena- : suit it a t any time. Miss Eleanor of T h r e e O n e - a c t Dramas t a x - p a y m e n t . All governments h a d | tor Hanley. majority leader of the Schwartz, '39, drew the m a p . in Annual Presentation During examination week, Mr. voting qualifications a n d it was not | S t a t e Senate, was elected to the inconsistent to require t h a t if taxes I Assembly in 192G and in the same I Bulger will journey to Tarrytown D r a m a t i c s a n d A r t association be paid, t h a t payments be m a d e ! year became majority leader of the ! to address a pre-college conference early enough to be of real use. ! S e n a t e to fill the vacancy caused i of high school seniors on Slate col- will present t h r e e one-act plays Serious objection was voiced to t h e ; by t h e retirement of J o h n Knight. lege. This is p a r t of a n educational Tuesday night a t 8:30 o'clock in "unconstitutional precedent" which He was re-elected to the Assembly ! guidance program being sponsored the auditorium of P a g e hall. Student tax tickets may be exchanged h a s permitted n o n - t a x p a y e r s to vote both in 1932 and 1934 and for thir- ! by the YMCA of T a r r y t o w n . in t h e past. Student Employment bureau also at a table in l h e hall for a regular teen years has been a lecturer on ticket. Reserved seats T h r Previous Question [announces the following uppoint- fifty-cent the Chautauqua platforms. A resolution moving t h e previous j m e n t s to teaching positions during will be seventy-five cents, or a regPol lowing his talk before the a s ular student ticket m a y be turned finestlen was also subjected to d e /Continued on page, -i. column 31 in with twenty-five cents for a r e bate. P a r l i a m e n t a r y law forbids sembly. Senator Hanley will be a served seat. such practice, but comments were guest at a luncheon to be given in elraked effectively under the c a t c h - the Alumni Residence hall. Other T h e plays a r e being produced by all "point ol order." Even after guests attending t h e luncheon a r e : the elementary d r a m a t i c s class u n Judge and Mrs. Edward C. Van the passage of t h e previous question, der t h e direction of Miss Agnes E. numerous inquiries and points of Derzee; Dr. H e r m a n n Cooper, a s Futterer, assistant professor of Engsistant commissioner for teacher order were made concerning the lish, with t h e cooperation of Mr. education and certification, and procedure to be followed on the Debate squad announces its t e n - ' William G. Hardy, instructor of decisive vote. O n this vote, Kelly Mrs. Cooper; Di. and Mrs. Milton lative varsity debates for second English, and his class in stagecraft. permitted all present to take p a r t G. Nelson; Miss Helen Hall More- semester. T h e debates include trips To make t h e p r o g r a m more varied iConlinucd on pane '/, column '/» /Continued on pane //, column 5) to such leading colleges as Niagara, and Interesting, t h r e e plays of enAmherst and Colgate. tirely different moods have been At the last meeting Louise Snell, chosen for p r e s e n t a t i o n this year. •11, spoke on blblographies, In the /Continued mi page J/, column i) future, varsity seminar members will conduct round-table discussions each week at freshman squad meetings. .,.!< i Hi N/ft.'i wiiiiii n it ill nut I fore gents. This column, being a Discussions al debate seminar true gentleman, will conform and man II <t Male mine have stressed war and neutrality 'iti'i prc)t r lil'l in' t'liiim nun oil lake up lhe ladies' response.',. by Merman Kleine "Would y..u marry a Slate m a n ? " and pan-Americanism. T h e war and | llllll ,s. neutrality questions have replaced was the leading female question, May 1 present Professor Walker .'7 mi n II ill kiss mi tin first dale. S'i< i ill I In mi n will nut mini II 1 h.s question was to find out wheth- pump-priming as the primary dis- professor of economics a n d one of er the women had their matrimonial cussion topic. the most congenial members of our II hili in college, The tentative varsity schedule in- illustrious faculty? FLASH! T h e NHWS a n n u a l ques- eyes out for State men. Apparently Newly-returned from a two-week tionnaire on .student social interests l l a y do not as a general rule. As cludes debates at home with Fordhas been completely tabulated. T h e man) as 1 3 ol the women firmly liam, Bales, Hartwiek. Siena, N.Y.U., vacation, Professor Walker reports T h e varsity h a s a history of his holiday doings reads d y n a m i t e Unit will sky-rocket this replied they would uol enter con- and Skidmore. tiny college on t h e Hudson to fame nubial relations with Slate men un- trips scheduled tentatively in March like nothing more t h a n the short has finally been prepared. Already der any o i u l i t i u n s . "Even if they in Connecticut university, Connec- and simple a n n a l s of a poor home, o i l e r s are pouring in from Holly- were the last men on earth," one tion! College for Women, Smith, body. wood for lhe movie rights. But no, the proud vixen wrote. Upon glancing Wesleyun, and Amherst, T h e squad "As a m a t t e r of fact," he correctNHWS has magnanimously refused al these figures one gent remarked, plans trips in April to Niagara, ed himself, "I did travel as far as a n d will continue to refuse all base "II ever by some mischance, a State Rochester, Hobart, Nazareth, and Schenectady one day. I also got movie oilers so that il might reveal limn proposed to one of these frosty the State convention at Colgate. in quite a bit of reading, including At the last seminar, the debaters the new, well-known book of Dr. the findings first to you, lhe studeni old maids, she would probably jump out of her high heels with joy." decided not to use multi-ordinal Thompson, which I enjoyed greatly." body. Our next question dealt with the words because these words of many Alter today's publication t h e reSettling down to more Important sults will be sent by e a r n e r pigeon respective dating power of RPI, definitions lead to confusion and things, I asked Professor Walker Union, Siena and S l a t e on the colmisunderstanding. squadron to Finland so that it might his opinions of t h e effect of t h e cheer up t h e Finnish soldiers a t the lege's women. T h e results were European turmoil on our national amazing, It has been often charged front. With customary generosity economy. LAST ISSUE t h e NHWH does its noble p a r t for h u - that S t a t e women consider neigh"I believe Unit this time there This is the last issue of t h e manity. T h e questionnaire will be boring pastures greener t h a n the will be no such economic effect as STATU Cni.i.nia: NKWS for this s e n t to the Library of Congress so home pasture. This confirms it. the last war b r o u g h t about," he semester, duo to t h e incomplete t h a t il may be preserved for Ameri- S l a t e men rate after both R P I and said. " I n 1914 we were a debtor Union men with our women. No p a y m e n t of s t u d e n t tax. T h i s can posterity to behold a n d marvel. nation. E u r o p e a n nations sent back is also the last Issue to be edited (Ed. note—The writer of this story longer a r e State men t h e center of to us bonds a n d stocks •which they by Leonard E. Kowalsky. Is prone to exaggerate. T h e Janitor the female universe. No, they are held in this country for munitions T h e next Issue of t h e NBWH sent t h e whole pile of questionnaires ogres a n d fiends to the ladies' minds. a n d supplies. At this period, we a r e T h e i r Prince Charmings dwell no will appear on February 0 with to t h e junk heap yesterday.) distinctly a creditor n a t i o n . " longer a t State, but in t h e dllapiO t t o J. Howe a s editor. And now for t h e q u e s t i o n n a i r e Commenting f u r t h e r on t h e war, iCoutinued on page l , column U t Society decrees t h a t ladies come b e • • Hanley Will Speak In Assembly Today Elementary Dramatics Will Present Plays Varsity Debate Squad Plans Team's Schedule News Tarns Down Movie Offers To Reveal Findings to Students Reid's Orchestra to Furnish Music at First Formal of 1940 Season McKEON IS CHAIRMAN Price for Bids Is Lowest in Four-year History of Social Affair Bob Reid and his orchestra will supply the music for t h e fourth a n nual Interfraternity Ball which will take place in the Lounge of Richardson hall tomorrow n i g h t from 10:00 to 2:00 o'clock. Joseph McKeon, '40, general c h a i r m a n of t h e ball, anticipates at least eighty couples will attend the affair. Bids for the dance will sell for $1.50 a n d may be procured a t any fraternity house from a member of t h e committee. T h e price of bids is tlie lowest ever charged for any major formal a n d is expected t o a t t r a c t t h e largest crowd ever to a t t e n d this a n n u a l ball. Bob Reid to Play S t a t e students need no introduction to Bob Reid and h i s orchestra. T h i s band lias played a t various S t a t e dances probably more t h a n any other orchestra a n d is known for playing both sweet and swing music. B a n n e r s from all four of t h e campus fraternities, K a p p a Delta Rho, Edward Eldred P o t t e r club, Kappa Beta, and Sigma Lambda Sigma will be prominently displayed. No Outsiders Allowed . Although none of the fraternities nor Interfraternity council h a s ruled on t h e matter, McKeon, '40, has expressed the opinion t h a t no outsiders, t h a t is non-fraternity men, will be admitted. "Since this is sponsored by fraternity men, it should be a closed affair and no outsiders will be admitted." Chaperones for t h e ball will be Mr. Wilfred Allard, supervisor of French, and Mr. W a r r e n I. Densmore, supervisor of English. Committees Announced T h e committees as listed by McKeon, a r e : a r r a n g e m e n t s , Henry Brauner, '42, chairman, Raymond Carroll, J o h n Murray, a n d William Sewell, juniors; music, F r a n k Kluge, '40, chairman, Jack Ryan, '40, J o s eph Schwartz, a n d Wilford Thomas, juniors; bids a n d tickets, Louis Francello, '40, chairman, H a r r y P a s sow. Lothar Scultze, a n d Jack Vavasour, sophomores. Walker Comments on Vacation; Talks About New European War he added, "Don't get me wrong: I m not an advocate of war, but from one viewpoint there is sufficient, justification for our entering the war. When brute force, brutality and militarism become r a m p a n t in a world, it is time for decency to make a stand against it. I t Germany should emerge victorious, il would be fatal to all our accepted s t a n d a r d s of morality. "In my thirty years of teaching, I have observed several definite changes in lhe school system," Professor Walker mentioned after leaving the problem of world economics. "For one thing, there has been a shift in t h e type of study, from what I'd consider t h e impractical courses to those of more utilitarian natures. S t u d e n t s have become more broadened, themselves, They do more traveling a n d as a rule, have more money, T h e y read much more t h a n their predecessors, for sheer enjoyment as well a s from necessity in their courses. "My most Interesting experience in teaching h a s been teaching, If you students of S t a t e have a s much pleasure as I have h a d teaching, t h e n truly life a t S t a t e Is a song."