WMU'lllfUW^WWWWff* ul . STATE COLLEGE NEWS, NOVEMBER 3, 1939 Page 4 Student Marriage Poll Indicates Members of Council Frosh Commission Members Hear Choice for Connubial Careers Elect Judicial Board History of State's Traditions by June Haushalter < At a meeting of the Residence Campus Queen poll, neutrality Would you believe It, but that built for two, and bustles. The council held recently, members of poll, telephone pole and latest but President of the college at that ravishing beauty In white in Draper the judicial board were nominated by no means least at State, a marhall is at least 51 years old? Did time, Dr. Waterbury, did not ap- by the council and chosen by the riage poll! Results? Eighty-one to anyone ever tell you she was bought prove of dancing, and it was ac- administration. These members five students favor matrimony for with "blood money"? Yes, any stu- cordingly outlawed as a form of are: president, Mary Arndt, '40; teachers, which shows that optimentertainment. His smile of apdent who had to take a re-examvice-president, Ellen Best, '40; Ma- ism reigns high in the halls of State ination in any subject was forced proval at those students who gath- rion Kingsley, Helen Provost, as only 27 per cent of the teachers ered every noon at the door of the to contribute one dollar to the purseniors, and Charlotte Ritchie, '41. in New York state at the present room adjoining his office, and, ac- The duty of this board is to sit as chase of that fair lady. time are married. The freshmen were told this and companied by a piano, lifted their a court to judge serious Infractions However, take note, ye members of voices piously in hymns of praise, of residence rules. The trials will the fairer sex who hope to teach a lot more in Frosh commission would have quite disappeared could be held in the President's office. and marry too, results show that the last Tuesday in a discussion led by the faculty on the traditions of he have seen their companions— The regular meetings will be held men unanimously agree that a marwaltzing in the back of the room to on Thursdays at 4:30. One of the ried State college. woman can't teach and rear a Did you know that Miss Wallace the music of these hymns. Then topics to be considered is the old family at the same time, and do a came Dr. Milne—and June, 1890— rule that men must be out of girls' good job of both. of our Latin department was a member of the first Myskania? and the first official dance at State. group houses one-half hour before Signs of growing independence 1924 was the origin of the most- closing of the house, which Is 11:30 among Although t h e f a c u l t y had a the females in this twenhand in the selection of students cherished of all Movlng-Up day on Friday and Saturday, if the tieth century, men, can be well ilfor Myskania, the old Myskania songs, "Great Fires." Mr. Dens- couple intends to use the 1:00 a. lustrated by the fact that the madid the tapping (or trapping). And more, in speaking of this song, read m. permission. According to Miss jority of women admit that they howl Each Moving-up day the a letter from its composer, Dorothy Arndt, the board considers this rule would marry a man whose salary piano would strike up a rousing Davidson, calling attention to the useless and unnecessary. march, and the entire Junior class fact that it was originally called Residence council also ruled that filed across the stage; those for- "Great Fire"—the singular, The the familiar "Open house" Is no Geo. D. Jeoney, Prop. tunate individuals chosen for mem- great fire being the peculiar in- longer in existence. This function bership were snatched out as they spiration to do great things which will now consist of a blanket invita"tripped" across the stage. the College kindles in all its stu- tion extended to fraternities and men's group houses. Are you aware of the fact that dents. the library was originally the auHow many of the students apditorium, where all the students To Announce Desk Editors squirmed through twenty minutes preciate these glorious old tradiPromotions to the sophomore of chapel every day—with an ex- tions of State? How can they oe tra forty minutes on Saturday to kept alive? Let us hope that some desk of the STATE COLLKOB NEWS insure their good behavi' r over foresighted, loyal son or daughter will be announced in the November the weekend? of State will follow Mr. Densmore's 17 issue. The NBWS board constiCan you imagine State college suggestion, interview "Dean An- tution provides "that not more than without dancing of any kind? Ah, nie" and some of the older alumni, six nor less than four" appointJunior feature —but there was such a day—way dig into the old issues of the NEWS, ments be made. 198-200 CENTRAL AVENUE back in the decade before "Waltz and write a booklet on the tradi- writers, If any, will also be announced. Me Around Again Willie", bicycles' tions of State college. was not large enough to support them in their habitual standards and would continue to teach if their husband's salary proved inadequate. Alas, has it come to this? How soon will it be before the stronger sex wears the dress in the family? The majority of both sexes seem to agree that married teachers spend as much time in trying to build marital happiness as single teachers spend in looking for someone to marry! It might be interesting to note at this point that of the eighty-seven who answered the questionnaires, only three men and two women admitted that they have no intention of interfering with their teaching career by spending time in looking for someone to marry. Can It be Just disinterest, or precaution in not wanting to commit themselves? Dial 5-1913 Boulevard Cafeteria and Grill ALBANY, N. Y. *"sK Real Mild ness andfDeflfo07a6<& CHESTERFIELD'S RIGHT COMBINATION of the world's best cigarette tobaccos lou'll enjoy every Chesterfield you smoke because you'll find them cooler, you'll like the taste, and Chesterfields are definitely milder. There's a big preference for the cigarette that really satisfies. Chesterfield's RIGHT COMBINATION of the world's best cigarette tobaccos is the perfect blend to give you more smoking pleasure. Make your next pack Chesterfield ... you can't buy a better cigarette. Ctftii$lkt i»»», Uecirr * Mrm TOMCCO GO State College News Z-443 State Delegation Attends Meeting Debaters Attend Conclave; Freshmen Will Try Out Again Tuesday STATE COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS, ALBANY, N.Y., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1939 Pi Gamma Mu to Make History In Social Studies Department by Alice Abelove < since History III is not being offered Pi Gamma Mu, national honorary this year, Pi Gamma Mu members society in social studies, Is "making should conduct a session once a history" in the history of State col- week or every two weeks and invite lege. This organization, founded other students to participate in the here In 1932, has developed from study of current events. At these a discussion group to an integral meetings speakers from the Interpart of the social studies depart- nation Relations club, Forum of ment. This year the members have Politics, Pi Gamma Mu and gradadopted a program which, In prac- uate groups will address them. tice, makes them a part of our facPi Gamma Mu members will exulty. The program suggested by Dr. D. amine and grade freshman maps V. Smith, professor of socal studies, and ornament the map in the hall. and Mrs. Egleston, instructor in so- It will also be their duty to decorcial studies, Is designed to give the ate their bulletin board with news students experience—such as they pertinent to their field of study or might expect when they are teach- by developing an original story displaying social or political conditions. ing—by the following methods. Each member will act as an adWhen faculty members are ab- visor to freshmen and sophomores sent, Pi Gamma Mu members will who intend to become majors and take over their classes. Moreover, minors in the social studies field. they will conduct remedial classes The group itself is to undertake for freshmen who are behind in a semi-social hour to discuss curtheir studies. rent affairs, school work and their Merrill Walrath, president of the It has also been suggested that responsibilities in the aforemention- junior class, which is conducting an ed program. Occassionally majors informal party in the Commons toin the social studies will be Invited morrow night. | to participate in these discussion For present study the fol] groups. j lowing topic has been suggested by [Dr. Smith. VOL. XXIV, No. 8 Juniors to Stage Rally in Commons On Armistice Day Entertainment to Include Stunts, Songs, Skits Tuesday, November 7, five members of State .college's Debate counon War and Peace cil attended a statewide conference at Colgate university. The purMerrill Walrath, president of the pose of the conference was to acclass of 1941, announces that the quaint the many colleges with Injunior class will conduct a party formation on the topic recently in the Commons of Hawley hall tochosen by Pi Kappa Delta, debate morrow night from 8:00 to 12:00 fraternity, as the subject for this o'clock. year's debate, namely: "Resolved The theme of the party will bear that the United States should folout the idea of "Armistice day." low a policy of strict economic and William Brophy, general chairman military isolation toward all n a of the affair, says, "We juniors are tions outside the western hemisphere involved in international or really going to celebrate this Armiscivil conflict." tice day because it may be last Represent State Armistice day we'll ever celebrate." At the luncheon meeting, repreThere will be no charge to members sentatives of the various colleges of the class of 1941. spoke on different phases of this Expect Turn-out question. State's deputation, made Last year at this time, the class up of Jane Wilson, '40; Louise Snell, of 1941 presented a "Suppressed DeJohn Murray, Paul Grattan, juniors; sire" party which was well attendand Mr. William G. Hardy, instructor of English, contributed informaed. Brophy expects a large turntion primarily on the Open Door out for the first junior party of the 1 Policy. "Is it advisable for students to year. work their way through school and The debate squad of State college Arnold Ellerin is in charge of enTomorrow delegates from the j does working one's way through itself will play host to the squads tertainment. He plans a combinatwenty-one colleges who are mem school hinder marks?" of the nearby colleges of Skidmore, tion of stunts, songs, and skits, r e This program is far reaching in Union, RPI, St. Rose, Siena, and bers of the New York state Stu This morning Stanley Smith, '41, Bard at a luncheon Tuesday, No- dent Christian movement will gath that it extends outside the confines vice-president of the Student asso- volving around the war and peace vember 28. The subject for dis- er here at State college to conduct ' 0 fTchco77n mVeTrless" of aToclal ciation, will conduct the weekly as- theme. P i Gamma Mu cussion will be the same as that of their semi-annual Executive coun- , s e r v l c e p r o g r a m . According to Walrath, the party sembly which features Judge Edthe Colgate conference. Doctor cil meeting. Each of the twenty-1 m c m b e r a are attending meetings of ward Scheiberling. Judge Scheiber- is designed to revive the spirit of Rienow, assistant professor of social one colleges except those with an v a r l o u a A l b a n y g r o u p s t 0 s U m u i a t e ling Is a man well-known in Al- the class. "There has been a lag," enrollment of over 5,000, are to be j l i v e l y cll.SCuSSions at these meetings, bany both as a lawyer and as a says Walrath, "The spirit is there, studies will be the speaker. represented uy two delegates, the j T h e a b o v e program is now in ef- Legionnaire. Choose Freshmen The subject of his but it must be re-awakened. If At this time Miss Sntll, secretary prcsldent of their chapter and one I f e c t and will be carried out by the talk will be "The Significance of '41 comes through the way it alof Debate council and chairman other member Four delegates are rotation method; that Is, one stu- Armistice Day." He is particularly ways comes through, it will be a of the Freshman debate team, an- expected from Cornell, Syracuse, Co- d e n t w i l l t e a c h classes for two weeks, well-qualified to speak on this sub- bang-up party." nounces that the following fresh- lumbia, and New York university. I B r a d e m a p s f01. two weeks and so ject because of the numerous poTo Decorate Commons The council will have luncheon forth, sitions which he has held. He is a men have been selected for the All told the group is trying to The Commons will be liberally squad from Tuesday's try outs: Bea tomorrow noon at the Fenimore house, after which they will live up to the difinltion of the ideals | Past State Commander of the Am- decorated with flags, guns, and trice Bailey, Robert Bartman, Sol mCooper erican Legion, a member of the Nae e t ln tho L o u n e of Richardson | of Pi Gamma Mu as formulated by omon Greenburg Laura Hughe's i h a l 1 t 0 s c u s S tional Legislative commutes of the olive branches. This will not be a Dorothy Htiyck, Ruth Rebman, El, f ? executive and fi- Dr. S. Howard Patterson of the Uni- same organization, and is the pres- costume affair. Refreshments will nanclal plans for t h e c sie Rothe Muriel Scovlll Verna °mlng year. I versity of Pennsylvania: "Scholar - ent chairman of the State Legis- be served during the evening to the hey wl 11 a l s l a y p l a n s 0T Snydcr, and Bernadette Sullivan. I ^ c , f ° J the ship, synthesis and service." lative committee of the American music of the Commons' "vie." Owing to the fact that many of I S * fL"?™ „ S t u d ? n t F u n * | " w e Legion. In addition, he served a The chairmen for the various the freshmen did not know about Dmner at College house in the eyeterm in the Supreme court. committees are the following: genthe tryouts, an aditional one win' ^in" ethe ^ H ^Ingle b e foUowec^by^a, room of the meetog Alumni For the first time ln his career eral chairman, William Brophy; arbe held Tuesday at 4:30 o'clock in Residence " " ' " ' '"hall. " """ ' "'" as vice-president, Smith will con- rangements, Edna Austin; refreshroom 2B of consist Richardson hall.aspect SpeechI duct the assembly due to the ab- ments, Marilyn Qroff; publicity, Kirby Page, well-known writer es should of any of sence of Lloyd Kelly, '40, president James Maloney; decorations, Betty America's relationship t o w a r d s and lecturer, sponsored by SCA and Saylcs, Nelson, and Hastings | of the Student association. Kelly Prltchard; entertainment, Arnold other countries during the present the Albany chapter of the FellowEllerin; cleanup, John Murray. To Address Alumni Group i has been called out of town. crisis. Mr. Louis Jones, Instructor of ship of Reconciliation, Albany Youth ,-.„„,„,„ „i,„„ ( „ e v„~„ n ,• English and coach of the freshman council, will speak Thursday night team, announces that a debate with at 0:00 o'clock at Trinity Methodist R £ its twenty 3 ifth wS ul rhnrrh on nn the tho tnnif Wn On «-»-<« aie us iweniy-nun topic "Miicf Syracuse has been scheduled for church "Must We Go ™'°. anniversary tomorrow night. Plans to War? sometime in November. have been formulated by Robert Stevens, '41, general chairman, for a banquet at the DeWitt Clinton by William Dorrance hotel at C:30 o'clock. The function Now that cold weather has ush- sitting beside him, Injected her will be attended by more than one- ered ln the front parlor and sofa views. "Love is like wearing rose hundred alumni and active mem- season, the Inquiring reporter roam- colored glasses. You can't see a bers, ed from the Activities office to the thing, yet what you do see is beauby June Haushalter •— turns! Thru the courtesy of Clapps' i Alumni, as far back as the class third floor of Richardson and back, tiful. I'm ln love with my dog." You've noticed those clever pep- Book store and the State college j o f l f l l 5 . have responded to invita- searching for an explanation of "in the rotunda of Draper hall, py posters around the college, ad- Co-op, an exhibit of the p r e s e n t ' t l o n s s e n t l ° »" l j a r t « of the coun that universal phenomenon, love, with Minerva listening ln, Mike Walvertising the Milne Book Pair. But best sellers in the form of a race- try. "Have you ever been in love and rath admitted, "I am id love. It'sdo you know what the lair really track has been planned. Visitors Dr. John M. Sayles, acting presi- what is It like?" the news hound elevating. My mind no longer travIs? Did you know it is one of the are invited to bet on the book that dent, will be the principal speaker Inquired of his victims. els along paths of vulgarity and most important dates on the Milne will head the Herald Tribune Book of the evening. There will also be a "Josie" Sullivan, cornered ln the coarseness but treads only in the high school calendar? short address by Dr. Milton G. Nel- inner sanctum of the NBWH office, sublime." Leaving this sublimated Lint for tho next week. It all began four years ago when There's a Poet's Corner, and a son, dean, and Dr. Harry Hastings, reminisced, "Yes, I was ln love once. lover, the reporter met Betty Parthe senior class, under the direction section devoted entirely to music professor of English. Jack Boyd, na I'd get crazy impulses. I did things rott on the third floor of Richardson of Miss Wheeling, supervisor of too. Near this Is a Grandstand of t l o n a l vice-president, and Howard then that I wouldn't dare to do who answered, "I've been ln love English, sponsored the first book World Events—and by way of con- B. Ortner, national executive sec- now." numerous times. When t was In lair and hobby exhibit. It was so trast, a funhouse showing a col- retary, and delegates from Alpha At the mailbox John Murray, run- the Impressionable stage, my heart popular that it became an annual lection of humorous arid light works. chapter at Mlddlebury and Beta ning through his mul', replied, "I'm was broken. I fear I have never affair, and a traditional activity of Yes, It's to be a regular county, chapter at Cornell will be present ln lovf. with the mest beautiful recovered." the senior class, a project in which fair—even a livestock exhibit (of a l t n e banquet, women in State. I go ou', of my way Down ln the Annex, munching a every member of the graduating animal books) and a prize Jam and Dr. Howard A. DoBell, professor to do things for her and she Just sandwich, Ralph Tibbetts mourned. class participates. Under the guid- preserves shelf, (the masterpieces of mathematics, Howard Anderson, goes out of my way. She hasn't "I'm in love. It's disheartening, ance of several practice teachers, of literature), j Leslie Graves, and Robert Carr, even noticed me. She avoids me." heart-rending. Unfortunate cirthe students plan and build the As a novel feature, a Christmas I sophomores, recently Initiated mem- Seeing the subject was too mournprevent me from achieventire exhibit, and make the neces- table has been planned. Here books I t>e>'« of Kappa Delta Rho will be ful for further discussion with this cumstances ing my love and happiness. Pity sary arrangements. gentleman, the reporter departed. me, I suffer." recommended for Christmas gifts' the guests of the evening, The reporter exKappa Delta Rho is the oldest soPractice teachers supervising the for students in Junior and senior In the commons, Jack Vavasour's tended his condolences and left. affair this year are: June Amacker, high will be displayed. For the past clal fraternity on the campus and laconic summation was, "Love is a Looking over a book in the Co-op Marcia Brown, Dorothy Hill and few weeks the faculty of Milne was organized by the late Dr. Abram feeling of having your feet In the was Jane Wilson, beauty queen. She Rita Sullivan, seniors. "County have been besieged by students for R. Brubacher. As the "Qamma" sig- clouds and your mind in the gutter." coyly replied, "I don't think I'd know Fair" has been selected as the theme contributions to a table which Is to nifies, it Is the third chapter to be At this point Lloyd Kelly comment- what love is." (Ed. note—we have this year, and the Little Theater feature the special Interests of In- Instituted in the national network, ed, "Love is a great thing If you our doubts.) With nothing mare to where the fair is always conducted, dividual teachers and supervisors. which now numbers twenty chap- put feeling into It." be obtained from this symbol of will take on all the atmosphere one The students will have an oppor- ters. The reporter then drifted up to frigid reticence, the reporter returnconnects with that picturesque phase tunity to display curios and souvAlthough the function is an ln- the library where Stan Smith gave ed to the Activities office where of American agricultural life. enirs they have gathered. novat on in Gamma's history, Otto a typical fence-straddling reply. Bob Agne unsympathetieally analmThere's going to be a fen is wheel The Fair will be open to visitors J. Howe, '40, president of the fra- "A sensitive person is always im- ed the emotion. "Love in a aaJMashowing a balanced reading diet. from 8:00 to 4:00 o'clock every day ternity, is confident that the spirit pressionable. A sensible person signed condition of insanity ami I It's seven feet high—and it really from Monday thru Friday. of reunion will make it a suocew. doesn't admit it." Rita Sullivan, am sane." State SCA Heads To Convene Here Assembly Guest To Talk on Peace KDR Plans Silver Anniversary Banquet State Students Interpret Love According to Their Experience English Department to Sponsor Fourth Annual Milne Book Fair IM—iiiiiMiti illII ^ i . ^ « i inaiiii STATE COLLEGE NEWS 2ty? itplrrmat Established by the Class of 1918 Member ^Resurrection ! Associated Golle6iate Press Distributor of Gblle6iate Di6est The umlergrtiiliiiite Newspaper of New York State College for Teneliers Published every Friday of the eollt^ge year by the News Hoard representing the Student Association Telephones: Office, 5-D:i73; Howe, 2-4314; Kownlaky, 2-124U; Voting, 5-1033| Gnbrlel, 3-0iiS8 Entered as second class matter in the Albany, N. Y. postoffice • CommentstaterFar be it from us to let sleeping dogs do anything but lie, but if you can give ten good reasons why the following particular little bow-wow should be allowed to snooze any longer, you're better than we are. Last year an editorial in the STATE COLLEGE NEWS of March 31 proposed a policy of Friday afternoon dancing in the commons. So what happened? Student interest was aroused temporarily; the idea was KCPKIMNTID FOR NATIONAL ADV(*TIIIN<t BT generally accepted as a "swell suggestion"; and the National Advertising Service, Inc. administration, according to all reports, expressed approval of the plan. So what, momma?? So nothing, College Publishers Representative son—nothing at all. This proposition proceeded to go 4 2 0 MADISON AVE. N e w YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO • BOSTON * Lot AltOILff • SAN FMHCISCO the way of countless others. It died an unhappy death, and unless action is taken soon, we suppose a funeral is in order. THE NEWS BOARD Now, why must such a well received proposal LEONARD E. KOWALSKY Editor-in-Chief sink to the insignificance of the filling of OTTO J. Hows . Co-Editor-in-Chief gradually an annex sandwich? We're for Friday afternoon SALLY E. YOUNG Managing Editor dancing in the commons from 3:30 to 5:00 o'clock as BEATRICE DOWKR Associate Editor suggested in the aforementioned editorial. Surely STEPHEN KUSAK Associate Editor the emptiness of the library and the congestion in the commons at this particular time indicates the JOHN MUTSRAY Associate Editor feasibility of adding such a social function. Bridge SAUL GREENWALD News Editor games, ping-pong, chess, and rushing don't seem to BETTY CLARK Sports Editor quite fill the bill for the average student who is MARY GABRIEL Business Manager drawn to the commons to "get a lift" from the week's school work. KENNETH HASKR Advertising Manager Class and committee meetings, 11:10 and 12:35 classes, and practice teaching have managed to keep THE NEWS STAFF too many students from enjoying noon-time dancing. JAMES MALONKY Men's Sports Editor These students would surely benefit from the proFRANK AUGUSTINE Assistant Sports Editor posed plan—and even those unfortunates with 3:35's ARNOLD ELLERIN Assistant Sports Editor on Friday could enjoy a half hour of dancing. Since JUNIOR BUSINESS STAFF there are no other events scheduled for Friday afterRalph Clark, Beth Donahue, Miriam Newell, Evelyn noons, this Intellectual and social gap might well be SOPHOMORE BUSINESS STAFF filled in a manner which so obviously benefits stuEdward Colmar, Madeline Grunwald, Ira Hirsh, Robert dent social contacts. Remember how well the afternoon sessions of dancing on the clays of our dismissal Leifels, Paul Merritt, Allen Simmons. for Thanksgiving and Christmas recess were received last year? Let's dance! "Let It Withdraw?>> Permission to continue the 193S-39 point ratings was granted by the Student association last year with the explicit understanding that the Point System Revision committee would begin immediately a revision of the old procedure and submit its recommendations early in the fall. To date, nothing has been heard from this committee. "Not only has it been dormant, to all intents and purposes, it has been non-existent." Is it the intent of the Point System Revision committee to continue the laxity of enforcement which has characterized the operation, or better stated, failure to operate, of the system in previous years? Is it the intent of the committee to continue the point system as State's number one farce? If not, why have no violations of the present system been reported? Why has no action been taken on the formation of a new system? State college needs a point system. But it would be far better to return to the pre-point system days rather than continue a system unsound in theory and unworkable in practice. If the committee is to be at all sincere in the performance of its duties, it must get to work. It must offer a plan which is not doomed to failure at the very outset. In evolving such a plan it might be well to give serious consideration to the following recommendations): 1. Under the new setup, the committee must possess the power to punish all offenders. Too long has this body been a 'glorified research bureau' for Student council. Passing the punishing buck has not worked. 2. All thought of using a mathematical formula should be forgotten. Each office should be considered as an individual case. Hearings should be conducted before points are alloted any office. 3. The new system must be a flexible one. The committee should be given 'interim jurisdiction' to administer details of operation not important enough for consideration by the student assembly. This powrer would include: the right to lower and nii.se point ratings and make such additions and changes a s it deems necessary. Such changes would be temporary' in nature and require two-thirds Communications The N K W S IIKSIHUCN no responsibilities for c o m m u nications p r i n t e d in (bin column. All c o m m u n i c a t i o n s m u s t bear t h e s i g n a t u r e of t h e a u t h o r which will be withheld upon r e q u e s t . To the Editor of the STATE COLLEGE NEWS : This letter is in answer to that unwholesome missive published by you in last week's paper and signed "A Freshmanette." My dear Freshmanette: I am afraid that perhaps the balcony is far too conducive to sleep; you seemed to have lost the entire logic of the debate against Mr. Agne's amendment. We were not attempting to aid Emily Post nor spare the feelings of fellow students. However, we were attempting to preserve the democracy at State collcgo which we already have. For your benefit I shall recapitulate the reasoning which defeated Mr. Agne's amendment; this (as shown by the vote) is not necessary for the rest of the student body. We opposed the amendment because we thought independent candidates would be afraid to run for fear they would not get any votes and thus be disgraced. Secondly, we wanted to know why It was more democratic to publish the votes than not to publish them. Is it more democratic just because the national government does it? The student body deserves the highest praise for defeating the amendment. Those who voted for the amendment and those who voted against the amendment acted as they thought best, not because they were high pressured! Arthur Seld, '40. * * * Dear Editor: We, the students of State college, pride ourselves on our democratic form of assembly but there Is one phase of it which is incompatible with this view. Not every one who attends assembly has the right to indulge in the most important part of democratic government, namely that of voting. There is no doubt in my mind that this situation should be rectified. With this point of view, I am proposing the following amendment expressly striking out Article III which reads as follows: "All ri'Kiilarly unrolled s t u d e n t s of Nenv York State College for Teachers" a n d a n y special s t u d e n t s of this college shall become m e m b e r s of t h i s a s s o c i a t i o n upon payment of tile b l a n k e t l u x , " and substituting In its place the following amendment: "All r e t t a l a r l y enrolled u n d e r g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t s of New York Slate College far Teachers a r e m e m b e r s of this association," The following are some substantial reasons to warrant the adoption of this proposed amendment: I. actual SI, voting, :i, lo pu) I. Our s t u d e n t g n \ e r u m e i i t should he run like our (jut e m i n e n t as much as possible, I'm nii'Ul of a fee should not he a ijuiillfieutlon for Our present s y s t e m hlls hurt! those who a r e unable Hie s t u d e n t lux ilue to t h e lack of funds, S t u d e n t tux is paid for m a t e r i a l services to he rendered, 5, An it Is n o w , when t h e open ballot is used, everyone voles w h e t h e r be or she has paid the lav or not. II, Assembly Is c o m p u l s o r y . ISvuryulIt) must ijo. It Is not fair n o r Just to force a person to a t t e n d assembly when he or s h e cannot vote on the m e a s u r e being p r o - approval of the committee. Every year the NKWS has sounded out against Louis Francello, '40. • » • the point system; this year is no exception. Will (Editor's note: An anonymous contribution consome action be taken? Will some attempt be made cerning the political aspect of fraternities has been to make this system serviceable to the Student as- received. If the author will make himself known, the letter will be considered for publication.) sociation? If not, we say "Let it withdraw!!" ..,••,'!.<••': STATE COLLEGE NEWS, NOVEMBER 10, 1939 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, NOVEMBER 10, 1939 Page 2 *"•• No news is good news. So this week must be a good one, for there's been a definite lack of anything happening. Anything, that is, that wasn't really expected. We expected Joe McKeon to go to Senior Hop, but there was a little bit of a surprise when we learned whom he took. Sort of a case of keeping in the Simmons family. We expected Alma Knowles at Hop, too, but the Joe Rowland angle wasn't quite the usual thing. We expected more, too, that didn't disappoint us like: Del Galonian getting two freshmen on a string at once—Feeney, and Singer—and I Muriel Scovill, that cute little freshman, looking very happy last weekend with a boy from back home —and invasions from Union anu Law School that you can inquire i more about by asking Ruby Stewart and Alice Brown. ' And so everything has been rath| er usual and unsurprising. Not to Bob Walter tho—the noonday brawl in the Commons last Friday, that some like to call rivalry, (all in the spirit of fun), ended in a torn coat among other things for him. That's the result of freshmen not learning the alma mater when they should. You can't get away with anything with Merritt and his class, you know. Have you heard about the new plan Kelly is inaugurating for himself—beginning in the near future —he's decided that a rolling stone may gather no moss, but it sure does have a lot more fun—anyway, it's worth trying. Tuesday was a great day for Senator Grattan—funny he doesn't get interested in girls and stuff like he does in politics. Interested in just one, that is. Van Ellis is decidedly not suffering from that trouble—he seems to be rather settled In his preference for Millie, What's all this about the very colorful gathering Friday nite — Pauline Bronstein and Friedlander, the old, old grad of one year back, were still having just as good a time the next nite—much to the sorority sisters' disapproval. Sometimes it's better to be conventional! We expected a girl to be interested in who made the varsity basketball squad but we didn't expect her to come all the way up to school at night to see if Ellerin did make it. Down in Kappa Beta, it's now "Change Partners" for whole dances instead of single sets. All in all, there was one unexpected light in this rather dull week—Herb Oksala was seen to walk a girl home from school Wednesday it's a good thing some people do things unordinary once in a while. Well, sorors and fraters, you can drag those extra cots back up into the garret and pack those extra blankets away in moth balls again, for the alums that swooped down upon you last week have left the fold again. Pi Alpha Tau welcomed back Arlene Simon and Janice Jacobs, of '38, and Lillian Frank and Anne Kalichman, of '39. "June Lily" (Palmer), Ginny Furey and Marge Crist stopped in at KD. Back for Hop and house dances were three Gamma Kap alums—Mildred Nightingale, '38, and Joyce Maycock and Joanne Byron, both of '39. Chi Sig said hello to Mary Margaret Pappa, '39. SLS had its share of visltings alums too—Frank Hildebrandt, Earl Cleaves, Ed Bromley, and Bill Mollenkopf, all of '38. Norm Gunberson, Leo Plante, and Tom Breen, '37ers, came around to 495 State street. Kappa Beta saw Dave Smith, '38, and Moe Sweetgall, '37. Last week the Greeks welcomed several faculty members into their fold. Dr. and Mrs. Sisk and Mr. Lionel Pearson became honorary members of Sigma Alpha. Dr. DoBell was Initiated into KDR. And all those new pledges. MY, my,—a jolly red lollypop to you and as good luck in your freshman rushing. The Phi Delts have three new pledges, Charlotte Ritchie, '41, and Louise DeAngelcs and Doris Sturtze, sophomores. Gladys Broughton, '41 and Olive Myers, Hazel MacCombs, and Mary Mcintosh, sophomores, have given their pledges to Sigma Alpha. Many undergraduates among the men, witnessed the formal Initiation ceremony for the first time last week. Howie Anderson, Bob Carr and Les Graves are now honest and truly (black and bluey) members of KDR now. Hank Germand, Jimmy Sherwood and Thorpe DeVoid, all of '42 and Ernie Case, '41, were initiated into Sigma Lambda Sigma. Phi Lambda initiated Leah Wilklns and Loretta Garry, both seniors; PAT, Arline Greenfield, '42. Six sophs were formally gathered into the AEPhi group: Paul Bronstein, Ruth Edwards, Elsie Ferber, Edythe Friedman, Bernice Lenowitz, ard Blanche Navy. Wearing a KD pin for the first time were Gen Ling and Betty Cummings, class of '42. Next to June they say October Is the month when the most wedding knots are tied. At least It Is a big month for Alpha Rho. Three weddings have been announced: Clara Hookey, ex '42, to Hallock Gerow; Katrine Roys, ex '41, to Anthony Farrara; and Phyllis Tucker, '36, to John Pattengill. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN This bulletin will be the medium for all announcements of an official nature. Students and faculty arc requested to look lo the bulletin for information. Notices for the bulletin must be in the NEWS mailbox not later than :~>:00 o'clock on the Wednesday of each publication week. I' NIV It It NI I Y St.' IIO LA KSIII I'H H o l d e r s of t ' o i v e r s l t y S c h o l a r s h i p s in t h e f r e s h m a n class a r e ! Aekley, Marjorloi lllllllo, .Marie H.; llcnzal, Alice; lllusiar, ICnilly K ; Iloiah a r d , Owen W . | llozzono, .Marion; Cusllue, A r m l d a lit. I Churchill, c'rcdcrleu J e n n i e ) Clark, Harharti It..; Combs, l l e t l y j . ; < ousliis, K a t h e r i a e ('.; Dunlin, O e r t r u d e ; Hut Is, l.eouar .M.; i''u!rrhlld, .Mary A.; I ' e r r a r o , Itlta V.i r'rencli, H u b e r t I..; ( t u r n s e y , l l a r b a r a M ; (Jeorge, Hath A.; (ioriuan, .lulla 1J,; ttrmuimaii, dalle K.; H a s t i n g s , J a m e s (I.I Holly, I'lllen K.i Hutches, I.a lira I..; II i n c h , Dorothy K.| J e n n i n g s , S h l r l e j I. ; J o i n s , Winifred l'\; M u c h , N o r m a C. | Ivlreher, J o h n A.; li mix, t l e o r g e J . ; 1 I.uff, liiirlutiu K.i McAllister, J e a n I :, i McCuuu, Mary A.; MeMalllia, Mury J . | Murelietta, I'eler A.; M a r b l e , Kathleen M. ' I ' . ; Mosher, Shlrle.t IS, i Miichlcrk, Anni O'Neill, ICulh I..; r l n k h o i u , I'lorcuce K|,| Itusscll, Dorotlo II.; Scovill, Itliotla Muriel; s c u i n o u s , tlrilce M-; Hhnnlts, I,aura It.; sliuiile.t, Itntli M,| s m i t h , J a c k I I . : s i n d i e y , Mildred K ; Sullivan, llernat l e l l e ; T a y l o r , llr.vaat C l T u r n , Sylvia A.; T o i l e r , Ktlielmiiy: T y l e r , Minified IV. I Wells, J e a n |5, | anil W h i t i n g , Mac. ISIItahuth Van Dunbiirgh, Registrar. CO-OP HOI I t s T h e Co-op will be open every S a t u r d a y from Hil.i until lllltl o'clock until Christmas. Margaret limnetic, .Manager. I ' A H T T W K IIMI'l.OVMHNT T h e I'TBH a n n o u n c e s t h a t Its official m a i l b o x h a s been c h a n g e d from o u t s i d e (lie m i m e o g r a p h room In t h e lower c o r r i d o r of D r a p e r hull lo a sec- tion ill t h e box outside t h e Activities office. lOtlgar I'erret/., Director. Alt I i : \ I I H H T ' t h e r e will he a n exhibit of costumed life sketches by m e m b e r s of the d r a w lug and sketching class for two weeks on tlie second floor of Draper hull. Until IIS. I l a t c h i a s , Assistant Professor Fine Arts. I.IIIKAHY TO ( I.OSI', 'the L i b r a r y will he closed tomorrow. Armistice d a y . Mary 10. Cobb, Director of the college library. SOCIAL CALICN'DAIt Nov. Ill—Assembly, Talk by J u d g e Si'helherliug, Auditorium, I 1; I n o'clock. Nov. 10-13—Canip J o h n s t o n Weekend. Nut. 10-1*-—Stale ICxoctltivo Council of Student Christian assot-iatloa fill mooting, Nov. Ill—liuppa Delta vie parly, :IKII Western avenue, 8:00 o'clorli. Nov. Ill—Hniisewaraiing party at La Malsoti Lraiieaise, Htllll u'elock. Not. II — K a p p a Delia Kbo tweiily-flflh a n n i v e r s a r y liiiiinnet, Do Wilt Clinton hotel, ll:.10 o'clock. Nov. I I — J u n i o r I'lirly, Coiuiiiuiis of llowlcv hull, Hi Oil o'clock. NllV. Li—Modern Interpretive ikineiiiK class, Lounge, iliill o'clock. Not. II—Club X mooting, Lounge, 13:00 o'clock. Nov. 11— I'rcshiunu coiumlssloa meeting, Lounge, Si HI) o'clock, Not. Ift—Marriage commission meetInil, Lounge, :i:Mu o'clock. Nov. Hi—Tea for prospectlvo members of L i b r a r y school, IYulinurc Cooper house, :i;li0 o'clock, Nov, III—Talk by Mr. Itlrliy I'age, Trinity Methodist c h u r c h , H:0u o'clock KDR Victory Over Potter Clinches Football Title Females Will Find Fun And Freedom In Frolic Page I WAA Plans Intramural Basketball Tournament Come on, girls. Step right up to the WAA bulletin board and sign up for Camp Johnston weekend which begins this afternoon and continues through Sunday. The price for the weekend, including transportation, food, and just everything, is only $1.25. Those who are trying for Lotta Bunkers credit will have a grand c opportunity to roll up the points, Touchel and others can go and just have a good time. The activities inBaloney clude hiking, sleeping, eating, WAA basketball will have undersinging and nutting. And, girls, gone a complete change when the Camp Johnston is a wonderful season opens after Thanksgiving place to go and relax after midAnother season of Intramural vacation, according to Madalyn sems. football went into the books this Beers, '41, captain of basketball. This Madalyn Beers, '41, is general — B. C. week as Kappa Delta Rho rolled on j. R. M : change consists mainly of the elimLast year's mystery was the lo- chairman of the event, and is to its second consecutive championination of class teams and substiIt's a sort of "we knew it all along" being assisted by the following: cation of the phantom burglar who ship by sweeping through the last tution of teams from the residence feeling that keeps us from being Betty Knowlton, '42, food; Fran two contests on its eight-game continued to wreak havoc upon halts and the commuters forming over-exuberant at the way KDR Wood, '41, publicity; Jean Wells, schedule. On Monday the titlehold- the site of Camp Johnston. This ploughed through opposition that an Intramural tournament, Hower's clinched what was already a year's unsolvablc problem is the '43, transportation; all frosh, | was by no means entirely feeble ever, this plan will not interfere clean-up. foregone conclusion by smashing out location of WAAers who have a to their second consecutive Intra- with the traditional soph-frosh ria 13-0 victory over Potter club. live, active interest in this season's mural touch-football championship valry teams, which will try for two sports. Inexplicable and provoking out of three games. The team winWednesday It won by forfeit over this week. ning the two games will capture Avalon-Spencer. This powerful out- is this unprecedented absence of In fact, when, since the first rivalry. fit has now swept through two un- I devotees of fall sports. Of course, klckoff some weeks back, was KDR's defeated seasons, during which time in the past some certain sports The Intramural teams will consist second championship ever disputed? only a scoreless tie last year could have lacked the magnetic pull of one or two teams made up of which others possessed. At presIn lieu of over-exuberancy, we be considered as a blot upon a great can at least offer a toast to a team girls from the dorm, one team each record. One hundred and fifty- ent this is not the case. All the sports are suffering from the same that has really taken its football from Newman Hall, all the coopernine points were rolled up in seven Alfred Aggies Inflict Third seriously blight—lack of interest. and won league honors ative houses combined, all sororities contests this year while KDR's goal Loss by 16-39 Score; fairly. Among the vanquished are combined, and from the commuter Where does the fault lie? What line remained uncrossed. Only two Agnello Shines those eager to dispute this latter group. Girls playing on the rivalryis the cause for this apathy? The points, an automatic safety, marpoint; frankly we can't see their teams will still be eligible to participate in the intramural tournared anotherwise spotless defensive I program of the association has point. Another season of cross country ment. The team winning the largrecord. Although the "champs" been pared clown to prevent dissi- has ended with the State harriers of interests on the sports True, KDR's record may have its est number of games will be prehave a squad equally versatile, their pation still seeking to dent the winning blemishes, but are they actually program presented; and incidentally superiority over all other teams in to avoid conflict with the varied side of the ledger. The Purple and more pronounced than those in- sented with a basketball cup. Florence Prosser and Madeline the most important phase of the six- ! activities connected with other or- Gold runners travelled to Alfred last curred by the other teams? At any Hunt, class managers for the senior man game, blocking, accounted for ganizations. The policy of the Saturday and lost their seventh con- rate, they hardly seem glaring and classes respectively, will their great success. j association is now to offer a small- secutive meet by a score of 16-39. enough to detract in any measure assistjunior Madalyn Beers and Elsie Roth, Beyer of Alfred finished first with from the champs' sweep to their Monday's hammer - and - tongs er choice of sports in one season; '43, in carrying through the program. battle with Potter Club was one ; but, by varying the types present- a time of 16:17. He was closely fol- second consecutive league victory. Managers for each of the intraTo Bill Brophy goes much credit mural teams will be chosen from of the best contests of the year. j ed each season, to provide a wide lowed by three more of his teamThese two rival fraternities, Pot- j selection throughout the whole year. mates. Tho first State man to break for his keeping the winning com- the groups which they represent. To all Dorothy Roth, '43, and Hattie Deter the underdog but at full strength Therefore, further diminution of the tape was Gene Agnello with a bination well organized. lor this game, point for one an- each season's sports would result time of 17:13. Bob Cooke placed those who participated—congratu- Forest, '42, will manage their class seventh and was followed by Han- lations! other in any and every sport and j in almost a total cessation of the sen, teams during the rivalry games, Francello, Manley, and DeNike, Incidentally, we, as many others, which will be independent of the put on a great battle. The losers association's activities. in that order. Agnello performed are wondering at this rumor that tournament. • Publicity for the association's | program has been adequate. Per- very brilliantly this season, and, af- tho grads will organize a team to Girls who are trying for basketter a slow building-up process, showStandings Wednesday ! haps it should have been superlameet KDR. Intramural council ed all of the form which was ex- assures us that it has no official ball credit must participate in ten tive, instead of merely adequate. Nighl pected of him. The freshman talent word of such a tilt. How about it? hours of general practice, and play In two-thirds of the intramural W. L. T. Perhaps this season's fiasco can also gave promise of brighter seaWhat's happened to this thing games. 'Kappa Delta Rho .... 8 0 0 be an object lesson to future pub- sons to come as they finished well licity directors to plaster sports up in front of the State runners. called cross country? Saturday's deThe teams will play on a regular Albanians 4 1 1 all the place; to learn to rely With Agnello, Cooke, Hansen, De- ! feat at the hands of Alfred marked schedule which will be published on 'College House 0 2 0 uponoverother the seventh consecutive State loss media besides publiRobin Hall 3 2 1 cations and bulletin boards; to Nike, Manley, and Snover as a nu- in two years. We passed off last the WAA bulletin board the Monday cleus, State should have a much ImThanksgiving vacation. UnAvalon-Spencer 2 4 1 year's winless season as an off- after that word of mouth adver- proved team next season. less otherwise notified, the games Kappa Beta 2 4 0 realize year, but with a similar record on is most potent — how else Potter Club 1 4 1 tising whispering At the beginning of the schedule the books for 1039, we're wondering. will be played on Wednesday nights campaigns be so from 7:00 to 9:00 o'clock. The genSigma Lambda Sigma 0 7 0 would just completed, the Purple and Gold Can we do the same? effective? "A picturo is worth a eral practices for all the girls will * Completed schedule thousand words." Hence the sight squad looked rather weak. After a A few weeks back we recall cam- be held on Monday from 3:30 to of an enthusiastic AAer participat- few weeks of training, the men were paigning for added student intero'clock, Wednesday from 4:15 are the only team which held KDR ing in her favorite sport with ob- all in good condition, and the run- est in cross country. Now we won- 5:00 to 5:00 o'clock, Friday from 4:30 ning of Cooke and Hansen threw a to less than three touchdowns and vious der whether our arguments were to 5:00 o'clock, and Saturday mornenjoyment, and telling themselves missed marring the win- people about it, should be worth at much more favorable light on the so hot. It's like the old question nings from 10:00 to 12:00 o'clock. ners' great defensive record by a least ten posters. Still these enthus- season. Then came the first meet, of the hen and the egg; which Beers announced that all girls very scant margin. Herb Oksala's iastic ones cannot buttonhole all against Delhi on the Washington comes first, the rah-rah spirit or interested in the sports should sign glue-fingered pass-catching was the the women in tne college. There- Park course. The Teachers lost this the winning team? up with their group's team and offensive factor which put the game fore posters and announcements meet by the close score of 23-32. The ever-present chess team, make this new method of basketball Gene Agnello placed first for State on ice. and handbooks are indispensable as he took fourth place. Cooke fol- whose season never ends, will car- participation a success. College House supplied the real in backing up the verbal publicity. lowed him close to finish as num- ry on its tradition of meeting the fireworks of the week, though not biggest inter-collegiate competition Once upon a time, when ideals ber five. important from the standpoint of were still in vogue, the association's of all state groups with a journey Next, State journeyed to Morris- to Ithaca tomorrow to clash with league standings, by uncovering a award system was changed. It was EMIL J. NAGENGAST savage scoring attack in their last decided that tangible awards for vllle where they competed against Cornell. State chessmen who will two games. The Central avenue each and every sport were unnec- a strong Aggie squad. The speed of participate include Art Fox, Steve YOUR COLLEGE FLORIST boys became the only team to score essary. The system substituted the "soil-tillers" can be easily seen Shaw, John I loose, Bob I'atton, over thirty points on two different provided for the award of a skin since they ploughed the Teachers and either Roy Sommers or Jim Corner Ontario at Benson S t occasions as they stampeded Ava- stamped with the association seal under by a 15-40 score. Francello Glllen. lon-Spencer and SLS by a 33-6 and at the end of three years of partici- was the first man to finish and he 36-0 in concluding their schedule. pation in sports. All other nmall took fifth place. He was closely This sixty-nine point offensive out- awards were dispensed with en- tailed by Cooke and Agnello. Morburst left them second only to the tirely. And, truly, this system did rlsvllle had four men tied for first M e n a n d W o m e n o f S t a t e "champs" in total scoring. They coincide with the purpose of the place as they literally ran away from now have won six straight and an organization- to establish sports- the Statesmen. Albanian defeat at the hands of manship and develop a sense of For two consecutive years now the "Better Specialty Shop" Have your Laundry Robin Hall, highly improbable, the inherent value of sports. Hut harriers have gone without victory. would lodge them in second place. 1 Called for and Delivered 231 CENTRAL AVE. ALBANY is tin association being so highBetween Robin & Lake minded that it in defeating its pur- ;ii:l MM,lis,in A v e . REASONABLE RATES Albany, N. v. pose ! Oksala Is Star In Monday's Win; CH Victor Twice iMaione. New Season to Open After Thanksgiving Beers to Supervise State's Runners Conclude Season MADISON'S Rival Sports Editors To Clash Over Radio The Award System Revision Committee would undoubtedly he deeply interested in hearing the opinions of association- members Flash! An unprecedented ovunt on mi effective, successful system in the sports history of Statu col-| of making athletic awards. lege is scheduled to transpire MonNote to the Unobservant day night at M:an, when the Purple Tennis is no longer with us. Tho and (lold will clash with rupruson- >I'oiii'ts tiro closed, ("est fin!. Hut talivos til' HPI, Union, and Sluna unfinished business Includes the all at once! throe-way championship playoff. The occurrence: liny Shudt's Resultant quandary In which tenweekly sports quiz over station | nis captains find themselves: forget WHAZ of Troy. Jimmy Muloney, about the whole thing, or merely '•II, men's sports editor of the NKWS, postpone until .spring season? will carry the banner for Slate at the program, which is to fen-1 lure the participation of sports edi* I WANTED tors from Capital district college An Alert Air-iYliiulctl Student papers. I to Organize a £0-Member Five dollars hangs in (lie balance. FLYING CLUB Station WHAZ operates on a fro-1 ijueney of 1300 kilocycles (by the Compensation Will Be Granted authority of the Federal Communications commission). II. ('. Muldoiiii—Sliidenl Mall PRINCLY'S Stationery - Printing - Engraving 50 Xinas Cards for $1.00 Name Included Dial 2-3157 WILLIAMS LAUNDRY 3-5482 See "Elv" Williams, '42 for particulars PURCHAfaE MATCHMAKER 2.98 Shirt and Skirt In New Football Colors REGULAR 6,88 VALUE STATE STUDENTS . . . ICat and Save at (lie . . , SPECIAL MADISON SWEET SHOP IDEAL RESTAURANT BAGS Suede, Buffalo, Fubrio Calf New Smart Styles 1 Central Ave., Cor, Lark llonic Made Ice Cream and Lunches 1.00 up OTTO R. MENDE 785 Madison Avenue GLOVES & MITTENS "The College Jeweler'' 3 Doors from Quail St. Wool, Angora, Fabric Pigskin, Kid, and Suede 103 Central Ave. Albany, N. Y. -0733 We Deliver 1.00 u p • • — • • • i,i Fajte 4 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, NOVEMBER 10, 1939 Vaudeville Makes the Headlines Seniors to Have To Introduce Unique Tradition Annual Banquet Eastern Alumni Elect Students to Attend Officers at Meeting Inter Faith Meeting by Edwin Holstein The second annual Inter Faith If any outsider chanced to drop say. It means that a new spirit into the Activities office on No-has been born in the journalistic conference for Jewish and Protescircles of NYSCT. The pen has Class Makes Plans to Honor vember 1, he would have undoubttant Christian young people will be edly noticed an unusual air of been swapped for the "treaded Sunday a t the First Presbyterian Late College President; boards." The NEWS of the future "hushed" expectancy on the part church (next to Russell Sage) in or the sophomore reporters. Al- may be published orally in the Troy. The theme of the conference Hop Successful student assembly — with feeling Arrangements are rapidly being though they worked hard, it was and gestures. What an innovation!! will be "The Effect of the Present not with their habitual jollity and World Crisis on American Youth." shaped up for the traditional senior good cheer. They labored over Think of it. Soon we may see a principal speaker will be Rev. fall banquet which will be conduct- "heads" and such with a look of poster reading: The NBWS spon- The William E. Montgomery, D.D., pased on Tuesday evening. November grim, "do or die," determination sored by Advanced Dramatics will tor of the First Presbyterian church 31, according to Walter Harper, '40, on their faces; for on that evening present "Printer's Ink and Paper," in Glens Falls. president. they made their thesplan debut. ; in three blots, or, "The NBWS and Statesman will have a competitive The plan for such a conference In short, they "thesped." This is the first of two annual talent show in the Assembly soon." was made early last spring by Rabbi The NBWS board said they wanted banquets conducted by the seniors. Joel S. Geffen of the Temple Bethel You think this is radical and and Rev. William J. Clark of the The first takes place in the fall and it and they got it—everything from the second is conducted in the spring the mouth organ a la Ingoglia and impossible—not a t all. This jour- First Presbyterian church in WaterTrumbull's homicide of Dan Mc-nalistic vaudeville show has set up vllet. before Moving-up day. Approximately 500 young Gee to the conventional amateur a tradition; and traditions grow like people attended the first conferThe committee which had been hour and "punny" skit—ha-ha!? drawn up to investigate the feasi- This, incidentally, won the ball and moss on the left hand side of a ence which was conducted in the tree facing east. Did not some- Temple Bethel last spring. bility of purchasing a memorial jacks—first prize. body once say "From little ideas plaque in honor of the late Dr. Students of the colleges in the "What does all this mean?" you big things do come"? Abram Brubacher has not reached Capital district are cordially ina definite decision as to whether it vited to attend. Newman Club to Have would be more advisable to ask the Self-Slenderized Girls support of the entire student body Sports Dance Friday or to confine the memorial subGeo. D. Jconey, Prop. To Stroll State Halts Newman club will sponsor a sports scription to the class of 1940. dance as one of its annual affairs In Attention all girls—all girls of "The experiment which we recentState interested in acquiring en- the Commons of Hawley hall Friday ly tried out, namely, the hiring of night from 9.00 until 12:00 o'clock. a good band not in the 'big name' viable sylph-like figures and grace The price is fifty cents per couple classification has proved very suc- comparable to that of Zorina. Stroll down to the Lounge Mon- or thirty-five cents stag. cessful for our Senior Hop," was Enes Novelli, '41, general chairday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock and all Harper had to say about the man, says that "girls and boys partake in the latest feature ofhop. fered to you, the fair sex at State, shouldn't be afraid to come stag bemodern interpretive dancing. cause variety will be the spice of Vic Party at Kappa Delta Here's your opportunity to work the party." There will be squareKappa Delta sorority invites all off that excess poundage In a dancing, and jitterbugging. men of State to a vie party tonight pleasurable way and under the The committees for the dance are: from 8:00 until 12:00 o'clock at the direction of a professional danc- tickets, Mary Gabriel, '40; refresh198-200 CENTRAL AVENUE sorority house a t 380 Western ave- ing Instructor. ments, Michael Gross, '42; chapernue. ones, Mildred Swain, '42. At a meeting of the eastern branch of the Alumni association, Dr. Arvid Burke, *28, was elected president for the coming year. The meeting was conducted In the dining room of the Alumni Residence hall with Miss Hemstreet, '26, presiding. Other officers elected were Miss Edna Horan, '34, vice president; Mr. Lulu Charles, "32, corresponding secretary; and Doris Riddick, '28, member-at-large. A major part of the meeting was devoted to a discussion on international affairs presented by the social studies department under the direction of Dr. Donald V. Smith, professor of social studies. Participants Included Dr. Robert Rienow, assistant professor of socal studies, Dr. Charles A. Barker, Instructor of social studies, and Mr. Wallace Taylor, supervisor of social studies. Dial 5-1913 Boulevard Cafeteria ALBANY, N. Y. them all for 'Cotton Queen" became the hat the right combination of charm and love llneu typical of the modern American girt. For real smoking pleasure the pick of them all i i Chesterfield because Its right combi THE PICK OF THEM ALL FOR is Chesterfield because of its right combination of the best American and Turkish tobaccos XYeal mildness is more important in a cigarette today than ever before because people smoke more now than ever before. That's why so many smokers have changed to Chesterfield... they are finding out that for Real Mildness and Better Taste the pick of them all is Chesterfield. MAKE YOUR h Cowitfai •>». • * * • " * * * • » • TOMCCO Co. Men to Receive Fraternity Bids Monday Morning 'King Swing' Will Reign At Lunch Session Soon DON COSSACKS TO RETURN TO PAGE HALL S* | esterfield THEY REALLY SATISFY > | Vol. XXIV, No. 9 Cossack Chorus Will Inaugurate Music Programs Jitterbugs will have a chance to really go to town Wednesday, November 29. At that time the noon-day dance period will be given over to thirty-five minutes of the hottest swing ever to blast forth from the vie Chosen Freshmen to Receive Sweet music, the bane of the Council Notifications Music Council Will Feature jive devotees, will be cast to the In S t u d e n t M a i l | winds in order to present the Russian Male Chorus first all-swing noon-time proFor Fourth Time gram. All freshmen fraternity bids will be issued Monday morning in the This mid-day innovation is Music council will inaugurate this Lounge of Richardson hall under purely experimental, and, if it year's series of presentations when the supervision of Interfraternity is well received, will be repeated they again bring the world-famous council. The procedure that the at frequent intervals. To apDon Cossack Chorus to the Page freshmen will follow will be exactly pease sweet music lovers, an allhall auditorium Tuesday evening, the same as that used last year when sweet program is under considDecember 5, at 8:00 o'clock. Serge the place for issuing was changed eration. Jaroff. the noted conductor, will from the Commons to the Lounge. lead the group again this year, Freshmen who are to receive bids Extensive Record will receive notices to that effect The Cossacks are now In their through the student mailbox. Those sixteenth year as a choral organreceiving notices must call at a ization and have appeared in every table in the Lounge for their bids country of Europe and other conbefore 12:30 o'clock Monday. Bids tinents. To date they have premust be returned, either accepted sented more than 1,800 consecutive or rejected, on Monday, November Serge Jaroff and the Don Cossack Chorus, who have given concerts concerts—a record which no other 27, between 9:00 and 12:30 o'clock. M e r i t a n d Q u a l i t y of W o r k in every country of Europe, will appear in the auditorium of Page hall choral organization has equalled. Council Membership on Tuesday, December 5. This will be the fourth appearance of the The program offered by the CosBasis for Selection sacks is a colorful collection of the Interfraternity council was foundfamed choral group at State college. songs of the Russian "old days." of S o p h o m o r e s ed by Kappa Delta Rho and EdAs hi the past the program will be ward Eldred Potter club in the divided into three groups so that sprint; of 1936. Kappa Beta was Six sophomores were advanced those attending may enjoy the seadmitted two years ago and Sigma to the sophomore desk by the NEWS lections more fully. Lightly-sung Lambda Sigma was granted mem- board at its meeting conducted church music, quaint, dreary folkbership last year. The purpose of Monday night in the library of 1 songs, and rousing military arrangethe organization is to regulate so- Newman hall. Leonard E. KowalAnnual Red Cross Campaign ments accompanied by the cuscial activities between the frater- ' sky and Otto .1. Howe, co-editors Pedagogue Staff (o Adopt tomary cheers, calls, and barbaric Under New Service Group nities and to secure greater co- of the NEWS, announce the list Unusual "Make-up" Policy dancing, will complete the evening operation between the fraternities. of those promoted as follows: program. The Cossacks, although Representatives of the lour lra-1 Howard Anderson, William V >r- This ,\ear the Service fraternity The new State college publication, ternitics which compose Interfrater- ' rance, June Haushalter, Anita H ilm. will take charge of the annual Red | the Statesman, will be in the hands an entirely male chorus, achieve reCross drive al State college accord- of State readers before the Thanks- markable effects with voices beaunity council are: Kappa Delta Rho: Carl Marotto. and Harry Passow. tifully blending in complete scale ing to Richard Piatt, '40, president. ! giving recess. Otto Howe, Walter Simmons, seniors, The members of arrangements. Each November, not. less than The new .service fraternity is coand Stephen Kusak, '41; Edward ! the staff of the magazine are quite Eldred Potter club; Wlllard E m - four nor more than six sophomore operating with the dean of stu- 1 reticent about divulging the eonColorful Background inent. Theron Powell, seniors, a n d ' reporters, who have been trying dent \s office lo make this year's I tents of the issue, since they wish The Don Cossacks are the sole Paul Cirattan, '41; Kappa Beta: I out for these positions, are select- drive a success. The campaign will I it to be somewhat of a surprise. survivors of the famed "Eleventh George Slangier. Haskell Rosen-1 ed. Selections are based on the ] take place Monday and Tuesday. . They say, however, that it will re- Lost Tribe," which was almost comof work done, the quality berg, seniors, and Arnold Ellerin, amount of that work, and general interest I Paul Orattan, '41, is general chair- semble neither of iis predeces- pletely snuffed out in the last World '41; Sigma Lambda Sigma: William displayed in journalism. man. He will be assisted by thesors, the Lion and the Echo, It War. The Cossack background is McCrucken, William Ryerson, senfollowing committee heads: Norman will contain more cuts, more ma- prevalent throughout the program On Moving-up day three asso-1 Baldwin, '41, tables; Howard An- terial, more contributors, and will in fiery crescendo, and softly diiors, a ml Robert Hert.el. '41. In accordance with the consti- elate editors will be chosen from derson, '42, annex; Robert. Bunn, be printed in a manner not yetminishing reminiscences. tution of Interfraternity council, these sophomores to serve during '42, mailbox; Benson Tybring, '42, seen at State. Curiously enough, the entire no more bids will be issued from the junior year. From these, in commons: Wilford Thomas, '41, chorus are magnificent specimens turn, the editor and managing edi"The Pedagogue, the State col- of powerful physique, while the con12:Hti o'clock, Monday, until the Milne High; Ira Jean Hirsh, '42, tors are selected. first < 1;i \ of next semester. facultv contributions; Charles Rey- lege year book, will be better than j ductor is contrastingly small, but All sophomores not promoted to nolds, '42. publicity; William Hal- ever before," said Marie Metz, '40,1 siipei'humanly possessed of capable, Fraternity Dances editor-in-chief, Tuesday. The lour fraternities will con- the sophomore desk are eligible to ler, '41, men's group houses. energetic leadership. duct i heir final rush dances this compete for posts as feature writThe theme this year will be a | The formation of this group dates weekend, three of them coming to- ers. This position may lead to semost unusual one. involving the back to the days of the World War T h a n k s g i v i n g Recess lection as NEWS editor on the folmorrow night. use of color, an innovation in year when they were confined together The college will recess for book make-up. The coming issue in an enemy prison camp. After Sigma Lambda Sigma is sponsor- j lowing Moving-up day. Attention vacation from will Lave twenty more pages than their release they turned to the ing a novelty "Fireman Dance" to- is called to the constitution of the Thanksgiving night. The dance will be in a rent- NKW.M board which provides that Wednesday noon, November 22, last year. Because of the origin- United States for security but as until 8:10 o'clock the following- ality of the theme, Miss Metz is yet are not citizens of this country. both these offices are to be filled ed fire-house. Monday morning, November 27. planning to enter the book in na- The various touches of nostalgia Tomorrow night Kappa Delta Rho, (Continued in pa fit .'., column hi tional year book competition. have been put into song and are Kappa Beta, and Edward Eldred now an essential feature of the proPoller club will dance. Kappa Delgrams. ta Rho has planned a carnival with all the concessions to be found at Student tax tickets may be exthe county fair. Kappa Beta will changed for Music council admisby Herman Kleine have a "Football Frolic'' with the sions. Those who are not members "Harold W Thompson was born rnli-rali theme running throughAt the close of a course in Am- of the Student association may seto write Body, Boots anil Britches," out, Potter Club's dance will be in erican Literature, a pre-med stu- cure tickets for one dollar and a the Commons from 0:00 to 1:00 said a recent issue of the Library dent confessed to his professor, quarter at the table set up for this o'clock. Dob Reid's orchestra will Boohs Nctos, "Dr. Thompson, I took your course purpose. supply l lie music. Dr. Thompson, professor of Engbecause you talk loud enough so lish at State and author of the new that I can hear you, even though I ! Frosh, Sophs to Sing book, had this to say: can'l always understand you." lings To Turn On Heal "1 enjoyed writing my latest book Before Student Body Dr. Thompson was one of the it Dance In Commons because my students helped mo Today's assembly will feature the first fifteen Fellows of the Guggenheim foundation. In recent traditional inter-eluss rivalry sing Hey guys, hey gals, burrow your with it. It was they who provided years lie was awarded a grunt from between the freshmen and sophoold sport clothes out of the attic mu with material from practically mores. Both classes will sing the and moth-balls and head for the every county in the state. the Rockefeller foundation. Alma Muter, followed by a song to Commons! Slip on your brown "Through Body, Boots and BritFor further information on the themselves, a nong to the other saddles and other Jitterbug ac- ches I hope to prove that history life of tills Slate college faculty class, and an original Alma Mater. coutrements. Fellows, grab a can best be taught through the member, I refer you to "Who's According to inter-class rivalry horse, mule or woman! For to- songs and folklore of the people, Who in America." rules, the event will bo judged on night, all roads lead to Newman Five years after coming to State, the singing of the original Alma club's first blow-out, their Sport's rather than through such data us who was governor when. It was Dr. Thompson had u chance to be Muter. Three points will bo awardDance, in file Commons from active in the field of his favorite ed the winning class. Judges will 0:00 to 12:00 o'clock. Art Card- nol very long ago when the only hobby, inuslc. He re-organized the be three members of the faculty. ney Willi his King's Cadets will forms of journalism were poetry music department in 1020 and Leonard Kowalsky, editor-in-chief do his best to keep the writhing and song." headed it for four yours until he of tlie STATU COLLKOK NBWM and membugs in time with rhythm and For more than a century, Dr. j was succeeded by his close friend, ber of Myskania, senior campus syncopation, both sweet and hot. Thompson's Scotch-Irish family I Dr. Thomas F. H. Candlyn. But his best will have to be darn have made their homes in Chauleadership society, will introduce a good if lie is going to hold down tauqua county, the far west of "Being professor of English," Dr. motion to abolish tlie office of class Stale's crew of high flying, New York state. Thompson commented on his full- reporter, and to create, in its stead, jumping, undulating jitterers. time job, "is just like any other , the office of publicity director, to The young Harold Thompson folThe udmislson will be thirty- lowed family tradition by attending has never left State. He has re-job. People don't realize how much take charge of all class publicity. five cents stag and fifty cents Hamilton college. He was gradu- fused all invitations to loach else- time it does demand, per couple, The committees for ated from there us valedictorian of where except in the Cornell sum"For example, I can't consider my J SCA to Conduct Worship the dance are the following: the centennial class. He became mer sessions. job well done unless I personally Thanksgiving meditation will be Mary Gabriel, '40, tickets; Mi- a member of SOT's faculty dihave conferred with each of my It was ut Cornell that Dr. Thomp- 300 students. Keeping up with cur- observed by Student Christian a s chael Gross, '42, refreshments; rectly after earning his A.M. and on Tuesday a t noon in Mildred Swain, '42, chaperones. Ph.D. at Harvard l» lOlfi. Except son first learned why students en- rent books consumes much of my sociation All State rolled with such apparent enthu- time. The remaining time I en- the Unitarian chapel. for periods of study abroad, he siasm in his lectures. college students are invited to a t joy using in personal research.* > tend. "I Enjoyed Writing Latest Book"-Dr. Thompson You'llfindthat Chesterfields are cooler, better-tasting, and definitely milder . . . you cant buy a better cigarette. NEXT PACK STATE COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS, ALBANY, N.Y., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1939 Service Fraternity Statesman to Make Will Conduct Drive Debut Before Recess M I M P H I OFFER WO. (Mi year** pick of nation of the world's best tobaccos gives Z-443 Board Announces New Desk Editors and Grill smokers Real Mildness and Better Taste. State College News