Document 14063964

Albany Offers Entertainment
Library School Tea
For All Hard Working Students
Has Guest Speaker
son Lakes. There is also the very
We see you're in Albany now. excellent Gideon Putnam Pool at
You're attending summer school, Saratoga.
Other pools can be
aren't you? Well, take our advice found at the Y.M.O.A., Y.W.C.A.,
and don't study too hard. We hate and at the Community Center.
Miss Helen Pay, former manager to quote that old maxim about all
But we mustn't neglect our golfof the College Co-op, who is now work and no play making Jack and ers.
In Albany you will find the
connected with Holiday House, Inc., Jill dull people, but really, there Municipal Golf course out New
was the guest speaker last Wednes- are loads of things you can do in Scotland Avenue or the Albany
day at the second in a series of
,„,. Country Club out Western Avenue.
library school teas designed to ac- Albany.
iai There is also the Schuyler Meadows
quaint future librarians with prom- away for amusement, just betake
in Loudenville. Now, there may
inent professionals in the book yourself to Washington park. You be those in our group who are
world. Her subject, "The Making of can hire bicycles built for one at 35 equestrians or equestriennes. For
Books," was interestingly illustrated cents an hour and bicycles built for you, there is The Ranch out Wesand well received.
two at 70 cents an hour. And down tern Avenue, the Troop B Armory
by the lake, there are also rowboats on New Scotland Avenue near Lake,
At the first of these teas, Miss for hire. You tennis fans will And and the Orchard Academy at the
L Marion Moshier, supervisor of courts there and also at St. Mary s end of the Western Avenue bus
Adult Education in New York State, park (Washington Ave. above Par- line.
spoke on the various ways the Adult tridge St.) or at Lincoln park (DelaEducation Department can help the ware Ave. near Morton Ave.). H
school and public librarian
She swimming is your sport, you can go
mentioned nine points for the li- to Mid-City park on the Albany7 No. Lake Avenue
brarian to bear in mind if she would Menands Road, to Lincoln park, or
increase her usefulness to her li- to McKown's grove at the end of
Cut Bate Drugs
brary and community, stressing es- the Western Ave. bus line. If you
Sandwich Bar
pecially that a librarian should free
herself from the "tricks of the twenty miles out New Scotland
trade" and think for herself. She Ave to nearby Warners or Thompurged librarians to make their libraries dynamic by cooperating with
churches, civic industries, and clubs.
Miss Moshier closed her talk by BRIGGS AUTO SERVICE
saying that if it came to a choice of
West St. near Lake Ave.
belonging to one of two groups, far
more satisfaction would be gained
One block from College
by belonging to the "group that
did" rather than to the "group that
got credit."
Former Manager of Co-op
Addresses Library Group
Class Visits N e w s Office
Under the direction of Howard,
Lanprecht, student, Dr. French's
Public Relations class toured the
"Times-Union" press rooms Tuesday evening, July 18. About twenty
students, who are principals or
prospective principals, made the
trip as a supplement to their study
of release writing. According to Dr.
French, several trips will be made
during the summer session to bring
the students into closer contact with
civic and public affairs.
Huested Hall
Breakfast 7:30-8:45
Lunch 11:00-1:15
Hair Stylist
805 Madison Ave.
100's Of Educated Eligibles!
in the Commons of Hawley Hall
Admission, 2 5 cents per person
Summer School
f, N o . 3
Social Activity
Continues Here
News Arranges Second Party
For Next Friday Night
At Eight-Thirty
Another informal party will be
held for the summer session students
and faculty, on Friday evening,
August 4, from 8:30 to 12:00 o'clock
in the Commons of Hawley hall at
the college. The admission - charge
will be twenty-five cents per person,
payable at the door.
This second affair of the summer
is in answer to numerous requests
received by the NEWS staff since
the success of Statesapoppin last
Friday night. At that time, approximately 140 members of the
faculty and the student body gathered in the Commons for a pleasant
evening of dancing and cards. Music
was supplied by a victrola and loud
speaker system. Tables and cards
were available in one section of the
room for those who preferred a less
strenuous activity than dancing.
Many of those present were content
l,o circulate about the room talking
wiLh friends and new acquaintances.
The faculty members who were
present entered enthusiastically into
the spirit of the party, organizing
bridge games and conversing with
students throughout the evening.
Next week a larger number of professors and instructors is expected
to attend, since the Syracuse guidance conference took place last
The chaperones for Statezapoppin
were Miss Mary Morton, Mr. and
Mrs. William G. Hardy, and Mr.
William Clark.
The party next Friday night will
offer the same type of entertainment. However, a new arrangement
is being planned so that those who
play cards will be somewhat less
annoyed by the noise of music and
dancing. As before, ice-cold cococola will be available for five cents
a bottle.
Garl land S p e a k s On
Nationwide NBC Hookup
Last week at the New York World's
Fair, Robert Gartland, State College
student now living at Spencer Hall,
had the honor of speaking over a
national hook-up. The American
Telephone and Telegraph Co, who
selected Mr. Gartland, maintains
one of the most Interesting exhibitions at the fair. Hundreds listened
as Mr. Gartland summarized the
benefits to be derived from visiting
what he termed "the greatest fair
on earth."
Because his first microphonic
effort was highly successful, he has
been invited to speak on "Albany's
Contribution to the Fair" on Albany
County Day in the near future, On
the same platform will be some of
the state's leading figures chosen
from all walks of life.
Mr. Gartland will introduce and
comment briefly on each speaker.
A huge Albany following is looking
forward to Mr. Gartland's performance.
Thacher Park Picnic
Lures Administrators
Ed. 206, Ed. 207 —not "Bingo"
but "Picnic." Following the custom of former years some of the
students in the summer session
who are taking courses "Secondary School Principalship" and
"Administration of Secondary
School Curriculum" will meet for
a picnic in Thacher Park.
Lyndon H. Strough, who teaches
these groups, and Dean M. G.
Nelson, will test their skill in
soft ball and Chinese Checkers
with the members of the class.
The date for the event has been
placed tentatively for Tuesday of
next week, barring a high wind
or hurricane.
A committee chosen from the
two classes is making arrangements for the event.
Albany's Libraries
Available to State
State and City Libraries
Assist Summer Students
The College Library has a large
and varied collection of books that
is comparable with any college of
its size. Nevertheless, out-of-town
students may be unaware of the
other excellent library facilities
Albany offers.
The State Library in the Education building on Washington Avenue has a large number of titles in
many departments and is especially
strong in the fields of Education
and American History. While students may not borrow directly from
the State Library, they may obtain
such material by leaving definite
requests at the loan desk in the
College Library. Only books that
are not available at the College
Library will be borrowed from the
State Library. However, material
to be used in the reading room of
the State Library may be reserved
for two weeks.
The Albany Public Library, located at Washington Avenue and
Dove Street, will loan books to
State College students upon presentation of an application blank endorsed by the College Library. These
blanks may be procured either at
the College or at the Albany Public
Library. The nearest branch is Pine
Hills on Madison Avenue at Ontario
More Positions Secured
The Appointment Bureau of New
York State College for Teachers
lists the names of five graduates
who have been given 1930-40 teaching positions during the past week.
Those who have been appointed
are: Frank Petronls, '35, commerce,
Dobb's Ferry; Mildred Moshier, '30,
commerce, Morrisville; Mary Sparacine, '30, English and history, Beaver Palls; George Waddington, graduate-student, '39, history, Hooslck
Falls; and Walter Reynolds, graduate-student, '39, science, Greenville,
Forum Will Discuss
Censorship Question
Milne High School Library
Is Scene of Special Tea
State Requisites
Reach New High
Cut in Budget Necessitates
All members of the summer school
Drop in Registration
student body are cordially invited
For Fall Term
to attend a special tea in the Milne
High School library, Wednesday Dean Nelson recently announced
afternoon, August 2, from 2:45 to that the registration for the bloom4:00 o'clock. Faculty and members ing Freshman class at State College
of the graduating class of the will be limited to approximately
Library School will be hostesses.
250 students. During the past six
An open forum discussion of the years, freshman registration has
topic "To censor or not to censor been approximately 300 students.
fiction" is planned. The panel will This decrease in the number of
consist of a principal, librarian, entering freshmen is a result of the
teacher, parent and high school action taken by the Board of Regents
and the cut in the State Budget.
The question of censorship has The only transfers to be admitted
become a vital issue In many schools; will be three year Normal School
some parents have recently threat- and college graduates. This group
ened to protest to the State depart- will be about 185, as it was last year.
ment about books made available The number in the graduating
to their children in our schools. classes of the coming years will be
Such books as Drums Along the decreased by the number of students
Mohawk, Gone With the Wind, who are forced to leave because of
Good Earth, and stories by Stein- low scholastic average, high number
beck have been the subject of heat- of cuts, and financial reasons. These
ed controversy within the past year. vacancies will not be filled by stuBoth sides of the question have dents who intend to enter classes
earnest supporters among parents here after two or three years in
and educators in this state. The another college.
more basic principle is involved in Under the new system, the class
the argument of whether there of '43 will consist of approximately
should be censorship of any type 170 women and 80 men. This two
whatsoever in public education. to one ratio of men and women
Many foreign countries, notably has been the proportion admitted
Germany, preserve strict supervision for the past four years. The class of
over the offerings of their schools '39 was the first class to Include 100
and libraries. The American tradi- men and 200 women. In previous
tion has been one of "hands off" freshman classes the registration
to a large extent. But this question consisted of 50 men and 250 women.
of censorship has two obvious sides
to it, as well as a number of degrees This decrease in registration to
of moderation within each view- 250 students will strengthen the
point, and it should be a lively sub- aim of the administration toward a
higher standard for this college. A
ject for debate.
degree that is earned, whether in
Superintendents, principals, lib- regular session or in summer school,
rarians, and English teachers, es- will be more cherished now than in
pecially, are urged to come to this previous years when entrance retea and to make their contribution quirements were not so strict.
to the cause of better understanding On the other hand, the limited
of this interesting problem.
number of students to be admitted
has extensive implications for the
regular session year of 1939-1940.
Library School Grads
The school budget based on a system
Are Credit to State of student tax collections, will be cut
More than half of this year's $600 as a result of the decrease of
graduating class in the State Col- 50 students. The budgets for all the
lege Department of Librarianship organizations and the medical fund
have secured positions for Septem- has been made out on a basis of 300
ber, Miss Pritchard, head of the incoming freshmen.
department, announced last week.
More are expected to join the elect
Johns Hopkins Awards
this summer.
Ph. D. to Ralph Baker
Since its first class in 1927, many
graduates have made names for
Ralph H. Baker, instructor in
themselves in the library world. social studies in regular session,
Among them are: Miss Ruth Evans, received his degree of Doctor of
'36, Junior Supervisor of Libraries Philosophy from Johns Hopkins
In the State Department; Miss University, Baltimore, this June.
Laura Grey, '29, Supervisor of ele- Mr. Baker was a graduate of New
mentary school libraries, White York State College for Teachers in
Plains; Miss Margaret Myer, '27, June 1933 and received his master's
librarian at Russell Sage College; degree from Columbia University.
Miss Georgiana Maar, '35, librarian
Mr. Baker is spending the summer
at the Stratford Avenue Experimen- in Baltimore on a grant from Johns
tal School, Garden City, who is Hopkins to publish his dissertation.
teaching library science this sum- The dissertation was entitled "Bimer in the Buffalo State College.
tuminous Coal Commission."
Two recent graduates were married While at Johns Hopkins Univerthis June: Clara Reissig, '35, to Evan sity, Mr, Baker was made a member
Pritchard of the Goshen KJgh of Phi Beta Kappa, honorary naSchool faculty; Sally Rudd, '36, to tional scholastic fraternity, for the
David Porter, Jr., teaoher in the excellence of the work he has done
Castleton High School.
on his doctorate.
School News
Published ftp/ the students of the Summer Session,
New York State College for Teachers
Publication office—Room 135, Milne High School
on the
Kathleen Kenny
Frank Augustine
Leonard Kowalsky
Matilda Bauer
Dora Mason
Alice Brown
Adeline Miller
William Busacker
Frances Murphy
1 P, V. Damanda
Isobel McCampbell
r - ( J e $ i DePorest "
Miriam Newell
• •" Prank Evans
Enes Novelli
Prances Field
Elfreida Sullivan
,•': i Janice Friedman
Hazel Tamblin
Marion Hinden
Veronica Thompson
Mary Holleran
William Vrooman
Otto Howe
Prudence Wagoner
Robert Hunter
William Clark
For comparison and contrast with previous
Faculty Credos, T H F , N E W S presents a Student's
Ideal of Education.
I believe that education must serve a three-fold
We hope you're strong enough
purpose in a democratic country. Consequently, any after the heat of this week to hold a
curriculum which looks directly to these ends is a paper and read it. Personally, we
useful curriculum.
feel that the effort involved is just
First—preparation for intelligent citizenship. That too much.
implies some understanding of the individual's social
Dr. Vreeland's classes are wonderresponsibility, and the problems contingent upon ing who "Genevieve" is, since he uses
that responsibility. It implies the achievement of a that name very freely in his socsense of real values in an uncertain existance. To this iology lectures. They wonder if Dr.
end, we must work with social education particularly— Vreeland simply became tired of
studies of the world of yesterday, today, and to- using the "John and Mary" analogy
morrow. We must teach the skills necessary to en- and switched to the more euphoneus
The N E W S will welcome any contributions
from rich that intellectual background — reading, writing Genevieve, or whether that name
its readers. All articles must be signed but names and analysis. We must teach people to express them- is the index to the great romance in
his life
will be withheld from publication on request. Com- selves in words.
Second—an appreciation of man as man, and the
We've always admired Dr. French
munications may be left in the N E W S Mailbox in essential sacredness of the individual. To this end,
as an exponent of physical culture,
the basement of Draper Hall.
students must work and play together, learning co- thinking his uprightness most reoperation with and liking for other people.
markable. We learned that he is
July 28, 1939
Third—the development of interests. No man is also an able and avid exponent of
Volume 1, No. 3
so to be pitied as he who is bored with his work, and horticulture. So now we wonder if
has no absorbing avocations. He has never learned that smooth tan is a result of garthe art of enjoyment.
dening or golfing
Toward these three goals, then, education must
We hear there's a bridge tournaHere we are—fourteen hundred or more of u s — point if it is to become more than an escape from
gathered together for six weeks of concentrated true reality for some, and an irritating grind for ment on in faculty circles. Dr.
Brown and Dr. Rogers, we are told,
work. Most of us have been working hard all year others. Toward these ends the school must shape are the Culbertson and Lenz of
and feel we need a rest. We should like to be ab- its curriculum.
State College, and as a team are inJanice Friedman
We've wondered what
sorbing sunshine in one of the thousands of glorious
caused that far-seeing expression in
vacation spots this country offers.
Instead we
Dr. Roger's eyes. Probably he's
are here to absorb intellectual ultra violet rays
envisioning the plays with which
from the country's professorial elite, and we should
he'll confound his opponents . . . .
We've always been keen to know
do well to count the benefits to be derived therefrom.
just what the faculty do while we're
• Many students fail to recognize the obvious
toiling away these afternoons. They
advantages of summer school. The staff is variehie to the Ridgefield Club for relaxagated and cosmopolitan and stimulating. We have To the Editor:
tion. Tennis is the favorite sport
a chance to rub elbows with important people in
I'm writing this letter to illustrate the way we suf- and they tell us Dr. Birchenough
the teaching profession from all parts of the country. fer class pests who insist on leaving their mark on wields a wicked racket
We noticed several
I t is true that classes come every day, that the the professor. I hope if you recognize yourself in these
around the halls and peristyles
weather is hot, that it does not seem the time of examples, you will abandon such habits. Now here is muttering and gesticulaitng wildly.
what I mean. . . .
year for books, nevertheless, let us try to appreciate
We weren't surprised for we've
"May I get personal? Are you married?"
what summer school offers. Particularly if you
Now, I ask you. Is that any kind of an inquiry to come very close to it this summer.
We were relieved, however, to discome from a small community, where opportunities make of a professor? Well, they do it every time.
that these all belonged to Dr.
for intellectual development are slight, you should
Then we have these sun-tanned Amazons who try Howell's oral interpretation class
go away with wider horizons—a better teacher, to exhibit as much of their acquired sun-tan as decency and were merely preparing an aswiil permit—and more.
citizen, and person.
signment. What a man!
Then there are those who sit on the edge of their
We wanted to ask Mr. Kennedy
Besides the intellectual offerings of the summer seats, with their eyes glued on the clock, waiting for
where we can obtain some of those
session, there is the further opportunity to renew old the bell to ring, at which lime they rush over people pills mentioned on the Huested
friendships, to make new and stimulating contacts and chairs in their way, grab hold of the edge of the bulletin board. Those pills which
with other people, and to broaden an.l awaken desk and try to get that personal touch from the will "raise a volatile ferment of
teacher (polishing the old, or young, apple).
vapid and languid brain cells." We
interests which will increase professional ability.
really feel the need
A further word of advice. Those of us who
We went to the Statezapoppin
have been here before at summer school know that
Friday night because we were guarthe great majority of students who come are earnest,
anteed the pleasure of meeting the
faculty. Well, we already knew the
hard working, conscientious people. The great
three who were present. What hapmajority take full advantage of what the New York
Tuesday marked a perfect evening and Union pened, professors? Don't extra-curState College for Teachers offers in the academic Campus proved the appropriate setting for the open- ricular activities appeal?
way. But there are benefits that are neglected by air performance of George Ade's "The College Widow,"
Among extra-curricular activities
this week-end Is the informal party
many even in that majority. Go and see your starring Sally Eilers.
vivinstructors. Talk over your problems as a teacher aciousness was sweet as the "college widow." It is given by the girls at Moreland Hall
with them. You will find them a sympathetic, un- Interesting to note that Miss Eilers is a perpetual tonight. Dr. St. John is invited, but
says he won't come as a chaperon,
derstanding and helpful group. And don't con- student. "When she is not acting in a play, she jas it's too restricting and prohibitive
fine your talk to professional shop-talk. Talk to enrolls lor courses at the University of California in ! for a good time. Wu hope there
Los Angeles. Last winter she took Will Duranl's course won't be too many restrictions,
them as man to man or as woman to woman. in
the history of philosophy."
though we do feel that wherever
Whatever your problem, the staff is here to listen,
Ross Hertz, as "Stub" Talmadge, was outstanding Dr. St. John is, there won't be many
eager to listen. All those names in the catalogue in portraying a very distinctive magnetic personality. restrictions.
The lighting by Robert Brown was unusually efwith Ph, D's after them represent men and women
However, we feel thai restrictions
are necessary,—especially for wouldlike yourselves. Our contention is this: that after fective, notably the bonfire scene.
colorful costumes and simple sets blended jbe columnists. Therefore, we'll imsix weeks of summer school, if you have failed to withThe
the multitude of banners <R. P. I. not Included), I pose some on ourselves and put an
add to your list of friends one member of the crealing the whole of Union Campus into a gay colleI end to idle chatter. And then all
faculty, you have in a way failed to take all that giate atmosphere.
I of us will be happy.
Though the action of the play, directed by Jose
summer school offers. If you can add to academic
We wonder who is so active in
benefits one new friend you have truly profited, Ruben, takes place in 1904 with the costumes and the Journalism room from 2:00 tp
music of the period, the attitudes, the enthusiasm
Who would venture to say which is more valuable— (for football), and expressions are as modern as our 4:30 o'clock on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. Do you know,
the intellectual advancement or the friend?
"hero-factories" of today.
Mr. Clark?
Summer Opportunity
Dr. G e n e v a D r i n k w a t e r
"Cordial and friendly," "Very interesting and stimulating." These
are Dr. Drinkwater's impressions of
Albany and of New York State College for Teachers. She is genuinely enthusiastic about becoming acquainted with people and enjoys
making contacts with all types from
all localities.
The catalogue tells us that Dr.
Geneva Drinkwater secured her
Ph. D. from the University of Chicago and that she is assistant professor of history at Vassar college.
But it does not tell us such pertinent
facts as that she is a native of Missouri and attended Stephens college and the University of Missouri.
Her graduate work was continued
at Bryn Mawr. She has taught at
colleges in Missouri and Minnesota
and at the University of North
Dr. Drinkwater's great absorbing
interest is Ancient and Medieval history. As a result she spent a year
and a half in Italy studying at the
Vatican school in Rome, and reading
Latin documents in the manuscript
writing of monks of the Middle
Ages, from the archives of the
Subiaco monastery.
She enjoys golf and horseback riding, and derives great pleasure from
her library of fine books and from
her many albums of phonograph
records of symphonic music.
This brief and entirely inadequate
presentation of Dr. Drinkwater
should be amended to include some
mention of her warm, vividly attractive personality.
Her innate
charm was indicated in the first
paragraph, for she has found in
others what she is herself—"cordial
and friendly," "very interesting and
D r . E d w a r d I. F. W i l l i a m s
Psychologist, philosopher, writer,
amateur photographer and collector,
in other words. Dr. Williams. This
veritable miracle man has been in
our midst for several summers, but
few of us know what a fascinating
fund of knowledge he possesses.
Dr. Williams is interested in opera,
symphony and the drama; the latter, in his opinion, is developing
more here than abroad. He enjoys
traveling, has been in Mexico, Canada, and every state but two. Sometime he plans to spend a year going around the world.
Two years ago he published a
biography of Horace Mann, and he
is associate editor of the Educational
Forum. Through this magazine he
has met many well-known authors,
thus adding to his magnificent collection of autographed editions. As
well as these books he owns many
ancient manuscripts, dating from
the time of Ancient Egypt, Abraham,
and from the medieval period. Also,
he has original sheets from the St.
James version of the Bible.
In his travels about this country
he has taken many photographs of
historical and literary interest. With
some of these he hopes to illustrate
another book wliich will deal with
the lake country of Ohio, his native
To Do Or JSot To Do
1. Do try to be earlier than the
2. Put your time for studying
on a budget-plan (twenty four hours a day).
3. Return library books on
time; save your money for
a coke.
4. Work hard, but get in your
fun. (Try the impossible).
5. Do your own assignments;
sponges are for cleansing
6. Study one hour when awake
rather than two when asleep.
7. Put your professor's lectures
through a sieve; what comes
thru will be all you need.
8. Keep your chin up; you're
likely to step on it.
9. Keep up your correspondence even tho your term
papers suffer.
10. Cut those heavy arguments;
there's enuf hot air this summer anyway.
1. Don't clutter up your mind
with non-essentials; the essentials will clutter it up
Don't let the heat get you
down, even if the work does.
Don't forget that the instructor occasionally takes the
Don't think that crabbing
avails anything; crabs usually
land in hot water.
Don't intersperse neighborly
comments with the lecture
of the instructor; only a few
of them pause for breath.
Don't copy your neighbor's
notes; your own may be
Don't forget that talking too
much is as bad as talking
too little; give the instructor a chance.
Don't forget that having test
answers correspond with your
neighbor's arouses suspicion;
besides, it's adolescent.
Don't yawn audibly in class;
quiet down to a roar.
Don't be a pessimist; you
can't go below an E.
State College Pushball Contest
Represented in World s Fair
by Frances Murphy
Have you been to the World's
Fair? Well, don't miss it.
Here are a few pointers from
two sightseers who have already
gone exploring there. Arm yourself
with a map of the grounds. Take a
little or a lot of money as you like.
Carry your lunch if you wish, but
it's a nuisance, for it's much more
fun to eat at a sandwich or hot-dog
stand or in a foreign restaurant.
It will be a big task to see the
entire Fair, but no one need stay
away on that account, for it is
easy to get to, to look at, to get
around in, and, yes, it is even
conveniently comfortable.
You will want to begin the day
by having a look at the future city
inside the Perisphere; it will help
you to understand the motif of all
that awaits you on the grounds.
And the Helicline! What a sweeping panoramic view it affords as it
curves downward from the Perisphere exit! Such bright colors
and strange shapes! Such huge
statues and multi-colored buildings.
Such inviting gardens and cooling
fountains! There is no observation
window in the sky-piercing Trylon,
so don't ask to go up.
Take a stroll from the Theme
Center through Constitution Mall
to the distant Federal Building; it
will give a comprehensive close-up
of the heart of the Fair. Then to
save the feet and conserve time,
take a sightseeing train from one
point to another around the grounds.
You will be interested to note that
State College is represented in the
New York Stale building by a
picture of the annual freshmansophomore pushball contest,
An attractive array ol literature
and Frances
in the form of travel books, school
books, best sellers and reproductions of portraits and historic documents, awaits you in each of the
foreign buildings. Some of the
articles are merely the regulation
tourist souvenirs, but if you choose
wisely, your time and money will
be well spent.
If you are interested in the problems of Europe — and who isn't
right now—be sure to visit the
Czechoslovakian exhibit. It is the
tomb of liberty and is supported
by the friends of that country in
America. This particular exhibit
was nearing completion when Hitler
made one of his thrusts, and Czechoslovakia as an independent nation
was no more. A hush falls and
voices barely whisper as each new
group surges into the building.
In the amusement area, don't
miss Billy Rose's Aquacade. It's a
beautiful spectacle with seventy-two
swimmers performing in intricate
designs. See it at night if possible.
There's a good day's Fairgoing
for one in this program and you will
have seen a vision that will keep
you wondering for a long while.
BUT by all means, prolong your
visit until after dark, for at night
the vast panorama of the Fair becomes a sea of multi-colored light,
and elaborately patterned pyrotechnic displays as the Lagoon of Nations
fills the night hours with brilliance.
The time has come, the walrus
said, to speak of many things—
but he didn't have the things to
talk about that we have today. He
couldn't talk of 8:10 classes that
strange people were anxious to get
to. They have a reason though,
it's much cooler in the morning
than it is later in the day. He
didn't know about the cool spots
beneath the trees out on the campus, or about those miserably sticky
seats in the afternoon classes at
State during the summer. In the
time of the walrus there were none
of the hot-air-conditioned lecture
rooms that we have here at State,
so he couldn't have spoken of them.
The poor walrus had never heard
of these famous men of education
whose names are borne by our
various halls. He wouldn't have
known Andrew S. Draper, whose
work as Commissioner of Education was essential in setting up the
system of public high schools we
have today. He hadn't heard of
Page, or Hawley, or Richardson, or
any of the rest, so naturally he
couldn't have talked of them.
Probably he'd never even heard
of Albert Huested and the State
men he took with him to the Civil
War. Perhaps you've never noticed
the plaque on the wall of Huested
Hall, as you enter from the peristyle on the Draper side.
Most amazing of all to Carroll's
little pet might be the Annex when
twelve o'clock has gonged and our
football players might well seek
He might even be a bit amazed
to see some of our teachers of high
school safety courses parking their
cars around school. Their boards
of education might give them as
much of a surprise as the walrus
might get from watching them.
Woe betide the student teacher
who follows the example of our
instructors. Imagine yourself squatting on the desk or gazing out the
window when you did your practice
Then too he might wonder if
they aren't human but it seems as
if some of the profs might take off
those coats during their lectures.
Everyone would feel much more
comfortable, including themselves.
Huested Hall
Breakfast 7:30-8:45
Lunch 11:00-1:15
7 No. Lake Avenue
Cut Kate Drugs
Sandwich Bar
Hair Stylist
805 Madison Ave.
West St, near Lake Ave.
One block from College
Problem of Lunches
Summer Student Survey Shows
Perplexes Students
Average $115 Expense Budget
by Jean De Forest
A survey reveals the fact that it
costs the average non-working student $115 for the privilege of attending a summer session at New
York State College for Teachers.
Room and board requires forty-eight
dollars with an extra ten dollars for
noon lunches. Books take varying
amounts from four to fifteen dollars.
Most of the people at summer
session have two definite intentions:
economy and serious study. Movies
and sports, of course, claim the time
and interest of many, but the girls
seem to plan a very small amount
for this item, depending, it seems,
on the boys to see that they get
their necessary recreation. This is
especially interesting in light of the
fact that men average a lower expense than women, considering
only those who do not work.
In decided refutation of the article in last Sunday's Times, labelling
college summer schools as country
clubs, is State College? And, in this
column, we'll endeavor to prove that
we aren't enrolled in a concentration
camp either.
The men at school are making
fashion news this summer. Oreen
and sky blue gabardine seem to be
very fashionable. Even members of
the faculty prove susceptible to this
If colorful personalities
emerge as a result, we'll give the
fashion a rating of four stars.
Occasionally events occur to break
the monotony of study in the Commons. A serious looking principal
was much amused when a co-ed apIt is also interesting to note that
proached him and asked if she might the room and board average is conborrow his pipe. We understand siderably lowered by the great numthat some of the girls in the dorm ber of girls who cook their own
come prepared — and pouch their meals.
own tobacco.
It is difficult to state an average
There are three tall, dark brothers total cost or an average for any
in summer session. Aside from hav- particular item because of widely
ing all this in common, they are varying styles of living. We have
good at shagging. Did you spot the plutocrats, on one hand, who
them at Btatezapoppinl
pay sixty dollars or even more for
Miss Morton, Supervisor of Hous- room and board, gallivant around
ing, and head resident at the dorm, in cars, and Insist that summer
is good at remembering names. She school costs at least $200.
knows the names of everyone but
On the other hand there are
a dozen or so. Miss Morton must
have that invaluable habit of recog- many who work for their room
and board in private homes and
nizing names instead of faces.
who do part-time work in
Chi Sig broke up the summer many
the Library, Cafeteria, Annex and
school doldrums by journeying to wait
on table at the various group
Thacher Park, Sunday, for a steak houses.
Two of those interviewed
roast. The Delta Omega girls have figured on
about breaking
carried the idea further by having even." Some"just
augment their rea hot dog roast every Saturday night sources by taking
kidding jobs
in their own backyard.
(taking care of kids, to you!). A
Steal into the auditorium some unique way of vacation living plus
day and slip into a seat. You may educational advancement plus econbe charmed into forgetting that omy equals the method practiced
term paper by hearing Tom Garrett by at least two couples who are
at the piano. The man can play.
We'll dispense with the customary
phrases with which columnists usGarrett Plays Piano
ually conclude, and add—we hope
that this isn't a column to end all
At Noon In Page Hall
Do You like music? Do you
like modern swing or the old
Superiority of Women
fashioned classics? Are you inGaining in Popularity terested in listening to an exThe much-discussed but ever- cellent pianist who is well-versed
popular controversy regarding man's in both modern swing and the
superiority over woman was revived classics? Tom Garrett plays every
in the midst of a bull session at noon in the auditorium of Page
Spencer Hall. Many sensible argu- hall—he plays to an empty house
Just to amuse himself. Why not
ments were put forth in favor of
each over the other, but the weight get together and spend a few
of evidence seemed to favor man's minutes in the auditorium noons?
Keep up on the music of the
being superior to woman.
"Women who spur men on, are day as it Is played by Garrett.
greater than men who achieve" because back of the success of all (or
most) great personalities has been
Lucille B e a u t y Salon
the guiding and inspirational hand
of a woman—be it a mother, sister,
wife, or sweetheart. Nothing Is so
Evening Appointments
great and forceful or penetrating as
"inspiration" to aid in lifting a man
from oblivion and obscurity into 208 Quail St.
sudden prominence.
It is the woman that really deserves the credit while in reality the
man, selfish as man Is, gives to the
Joseph Barbagallo
world the Impression that HE has
succeeded, that HE has achieved,
that HE has reached the pinnacle
of success through the "sweat of his
404 Washington Ave.
Let us not be disillusioned—let us
give credit where credit Is due.
living in trailers and attending
Mid-Day Classes are Cause
State college summer session.
Of Hunger Frustration
For a dash of faculty to add to
this hearty meal of figures, I quote
a professor (name withheld) on this The lack of any definite lunch
subject. "Last year I managed to hour in the summer session schedule
spend a little more than I earned." of classes, has resulted in a peculiar
So you see the faculty is beset with state of affairs for some students
financial worries even as the most here. A goodly percentage find that
they have barely the ten minutes
inexperienced undergraduate.
between classes in which to grab a
Transportation is strictly an in- snack
11:00 and 1:00 o'clock.
dividual item, and no average could Othersbetween
are stabbed with hunger
be computed because of the widely pains before the 12:30 bell releases
differing regions from which people them. This situation has caused a
come. Another cause of variance lively debate among various groups.
is the use of cars. Those who have One insists that "brunch" is the
cars here spend an extra ten to best method because it saves money
thirty dollars to keep them going, by providing one combination meal
depending on the extent of week- at about 11:00 a. m. instead of both
end trips.
breakfast and lunch.
Most summer students come wellstocked with clothes and incidentals. The other school of thought conSome, however, plan to buy in Al- sists of that great army of sufferers
bany, and most of the girls can't belonging to the 11:00-12:30 classes.
tear themselves away without at Consider the problem of these poor
people. We hurriedly gulp a thimleast one new dress.
The frequency (a nice, educa- bleful of tomato juice and a cup of
tional word) of going home for the coffee at 7:30 and dash to an 8:10
weekend is entirely unpredictable. lecture. At 10:30 we are beginning
Distance has little to do with it. to get sleepy, but certainly not
Many drive or ride long distances hungry. Eleven o'clock comes with
to be at home every weekend, while no desire to eat yet. And so to
many others go home but once or class. 11:30 arrives and ctill the
perhaps not at all during the ses- pangs of hunger are not stirring.
But wait, oh wait, till 11:45—then
The summer students are sup- 12:00—oh, heaven, is this class ever
porting the government admirably going to end? Will my stomach
in at least one department. Stamps ever be the same again? At last—
and stationery comprise a consid- at long last—the hands of the clock
erable proportion of the amount creep to 12:30 and we rush to the
spent for incidentals. Girls are far Annex. Ah yes, and what do we
ahead of the boys in this respect, find? A line a mile long (more or
writing approximately eight letters less), moving forward at a n infinia week, while the boys let it go tesimal pace toward that Promised
at one or two. One boy said he Land of beautiful sandwiches and
might manage three during the six wholesome, thirst-quenching drinks.
weeks. Wonder who's the lucky girl We finally stagger to the counter,
weak and dazed, convinced that on
getting half a letter a week.
the morrow we shall join the converts to the two-breakfast method:
one at 10:30 and another at 12:30.
•Average Expense Budget
College Pee
$25 So now we eat twice when we're not
Room and Board
48 hungry in order to avoid being loo
hungry when we eat once. If that's
not a paradox, I'll eat my books.
I t li III II V I' (1
Total Average Cost
fro in face,
a r in s a n d
*Non-working students.
IC'KM I'y elecI Extremely variable.
trolysis with
now insulated n o o d l e ,
painless, rogrowtti linIIOH'HIIIIIJ.
after miirliH
mi your skin, Now $i.oi) Treatments,
Watchmaker and
Coltf UltlttlOllH fri-u — ro< 1m11111111l.1l
171 Central Ave.
17 Western Ave.
Phone 3-4088
Good Food in a Friendly
Comfortable Atmosphere
I, No. 4
New Data Issued
For B. S. Degree
Higher State Requirements
Will Affect Beginners
In ' 3 9 S e s s i o n
A U G U S T 4,
Dean Releases Exam Schedule
Every course will have a final examination which will be
held according to the period schedule given below. A schedule
of room assignments will appear in the N E W S next week.
All 8:10 classes
Wednesday, August 16, 8 o'clock
All 9:10 classes
Wednesday, August 16, 2 o'clock
All 9:40 classes
Tuesday, August IS, 2 o'clock
All 10:10 classes
Tuesday, August IS, 2 o'clock
All 11:10 to 12:00 classes
Tuesday, August IS, 8 o'clock
All 11:10 to 12:30 classes
Tuesday, August IS, 8 o'clock
All 12:10 classes
Wednesday, August 16, 11 o'clock
All 1:10 classes
Tuesday, August IS, 11 o'clock
Staff Completes
Plans for Party
Dancing, Cards and Chatting
Offer Entertainment
In t h e C o m m o n s
The Teacher Certification DiviTonight for the second time this
sion, New York State Education
summer, the Commons of Hawley
Hall will be the scene of a gay turnDepartment, has established the folout of faculty members and students.
lowing special requirements for the
At 8:30 o'clock the doors will be
degree of Bachelor of Science (Eduopened to all students of the sumcation) in addition to those stated
mer session here at the college, as
in the annual session catalogue,
well as to faculty members and
1939, pages 10 and 11.
guests. Admission is twenty-five
cents per person, payable at the
After July 1, 1941, the validation
of a certificate for teaching the
common branches, issued upon four
years of approved preparation (fourThe theme of the decorations will
year course in Normal School or
be a summer garden, but the full
three-year course in Normal School
plans of the committee have not
Illness Takes Small Toll
Professor at State Presents
plus college work sufficient to qualibeen disclosed. Guests are foreAt State Summer Session
"Body, Boots and Britches"
fy for degree), shall be extended by
warned, however, that the decorathe Commissioner of Education to The heat wave experienced last
State College faculty and students, tions will be suggestive rather than
include the teaching of an academic week brought the thermometer to a those interested in folk-lore, and all realistic, so that no one may be kept
subject in the junior high school on
citizens of New York State will be away because of hay fever.
evidence that the holder thereof has high of 95 degrees, but summer happy to hear that Dr. Harold W. Music for dancing will be supplied
completed an additional thirty sem- school students merely took off their Thompson's book on the folk-lore by means of the college victrola and
ester hours in approved courses, coats and attended classes as faith- of our state will be published in loud speaker system. Recordings of
twenty-two of which shall have been fully as they did the first day.
the orchestras of Artie Shaw, Count
in academic or content courses. Reports from the summer session
"Body, Boots and Britches," an Basie, Jan Savitt, Glen Miller, and
Forty-five additional semester hours office indicate that of the 1381 stu- appropriate title for such a rich, others, are on the program for the
are required for teaching an aca- dents in attendance only 21 have heady book, means In substance that evening. The larger part of the
demic subject in the senior high been reported as being absent two or a great variety of material has been floor of the Commons will be kept
school, thirty semester hours of more times. Week-end casualties included. New York is in reality clear for the dancers. The commitwhich shall have been in academic are at a minimum with no signifi- a great rural state, and its culture tee promises that all "jitterbugs"
has been contributed to by a melting will be confined to one corner of the
or content courses.
cant number of absences on Mon- pot
of nationalities. French-Cana- room, so that the more conservative
A person who has earned credit days, according to Dr. Ralph Beaver dian, Irish, Dutch, Italian—all of can move around In comparative
toward the degree of Bachelor of in charge of summer school atten- these peoples have given color to our safety.
Science (Education) previous to dance. This record holds in spite history.
Besides music, the NBWS staff,
June 30, 1939, and who satisfies all of the number who attend the
Enriched by students' contribu- whose members are acting as hosts,
the requirements for this degree
provided tables and cards for
prior to January 1, 1943, will be World's Fair for week-end recre- tions, this book, told in delightful have
those who wish to use them. Try to
issued a certificate under present
arrange a bridge game before you
requirements. However, all persons The records show that excuses to all the lore of New York State.
State College, proud to have the come, or else see what you can do
starting summer session study and range from illnesses caused by vacwhen you get here tonight.
training during the Summer Session cination to serious cases of sunburn. author of so distinguished a book as
Chaperones are Miss Hayes, Dr.
of 1939 will be expected to meet the One person was excused to appear a member of its faculty, is eagerly
awaiting the dute when J. B. Lip- Brown, Dr. St. John, Dr. and Mrs.
new and higher qualifications for in court for a traffic violation.
plncott and Co., will publish "Body, Hicks, unci Mr. Clark, according to
validation to teach junior and senthe party committee. General chair"My
und Britches."
ior high school subjects as indicated
tendance at summer school is always
An earlier book by Dr. Thompson, man is Janice Friedman, and decorin the preceding paragraph.
very good," commented Dr. Beaver. "Henry MacKenzic, a Man of Feel- ations are in charge of Miriam
He Indicated that most of the legi- ing," is widely regarded by compe- Newell. The staff of the NKWH is
Student in Three-Car
timate absences were caused by per- tent critics as one of the most acute assisting.
Illness or by illness or death interpretations of Scottish literary
Collision on Wet Road
society and literary fashions In the
Last Sunday evening at about in the family.
late eighteenth and early nineteenth Moreland Hall Co-Eds
7:30 o'clock, Lloyd Mann, now living
Swing Troubles Away
at Spencer Hall, was the principal for irregular attendance. "Once in
Dr. Thompson is one of two men Summer session students at Morefigure involved in a three-car col- a while a car will break down," was in this country who have been
lision. Mr. Mann was returning to the final admission of Dr. Beaver granted the degree of D. Litt. from land Hull have been enlivening evenings of study by interspersing them
Albany after spending the weekend In adding one more excuse to the Edinburgh University.
with u little swing.
tit his home in Hurleyvllle, The list,
They shag, practice the grapevine
accident, however, occurred at Mounwith the radio hop, and combine
Park Picnic Popular;
taindale, New York, just ten miles
Six New Appointments
new steps. A new dance
from Hurleyvllle.
Pedagogs Prove Power and make
the Moreland Hop, is shortly
Announced by Bureau The picnic cru/.e has not affected step,
Mr. Mann was operating his car
expected to emerge as a result of all
at a reasonable speed and was exThe Appointment Bureau of New State College to the same degree this activity.
ercising great caution because the York State College for Teachers an- this summer as In previous sessions.
Betty Dodge shines when It comes
roads had recently been oiled. As nounces the following additional
F o r t y members of
Lyndon to shagging. Jean DeForest Is an
he rounded a curve, a parked car appointments lor 1939-40; Marjorle SU'QUgh's classes, however, broke adept at the grape vine. The radio
forced him to apply his brakes. His llickok, '3D, Katonah, commerce and the traditional classroom routine hop Is Helen Williams' preference,
(Mir went into a skid and swerved French at Campbell; Frank John- Tuesday afternoon to pluy tradi- und site's excellent at It.
into the cur ahead. The application son, '39, Cortland, mathematics and tional softball at Thatcher Purk.
Other students have formed a
Of brakes on the oiled road no doubt science at Staatsburg; Charlton After an exchange of games in habit of dropping In for these swing
udded to the force of the Impact. Schoeffler, '30, Albany, commerce at which Thomas Ryun became the sessions which are gaining quite a
Fortunately no one was injured Krlssler Business School, Pough- hero of the afternoon by a series reputation, after un evening's study
and an investigation Is now under keepsle; Virginia Small, '37, Utica, of spectucular plays, the group of at the library, Dancing Is usually
way. Mr. Mann sets his damage at commerce at Vernon; Ruth Mitchell, educators sat at tables along the in full sway from 9:30 'til 10:00
$100. None of the operators hud In- graduate student, '37, Scotia, English cliff's edge to gorge potato salad, o'clock.
surance. Three hours' work on Mr. unci library at Coeymuns; and Mil- hamburgers rolled In bacon, Ice The originators of this dance hour
Mann's cur was necessary before the dred Klaes, '311, Pottghkeepsle, Eng- cream and melons, all prepared pre- ure fond of the "Beer Barrel Polka"
trip could be resumed.
lish and commerce at Tlconderogu. viously at the college cafeteriu.
and certainly "have a barrel of fun."
Attendance Reports
Dr. Harold Thompson
Show Few Absences
Writes Book on N. Y.