Document 14063961

a-yPage 4
ANY. M. Y.
Sophs, Red With Rage, Revenge
Diapered Walrath by Duckings
SCA to Sponsor Show
Monday and Tuesday
A program of student talent given
for the benefit of SCA will be presented on the stage of the Madison
theatre Monday and Tuesday nights,
under the general direction of Fay
Scheer, '40, general chairman.
Among the students to appear is
Ethel Cohen, '41, who has often
sung to State college audiences. It
is expected that this novelty show
will be as great a success as last
year's presentation.
A part of the general admission
of twenty-five cents will be donated
to help send delegates to the Silver
Bay conference at Lake George. Last
year's conference was the first one
open to men, and SCA officials are
anxious to continue this project.
The double feature will include
"Dark Victory" and "The Lady and
the Mob."
hunt. Little Joe's disappearance
"Help! They got me, ma!"
Will YOU be next??? Even Tab- caused a miniature riot. The frosh,
ner wasn't safe! Even the janitor madly yelling for revenge, stormed
Is quaking in his shoes. The classes the Activities office and carried off
of '41 and '42 have at last let loose the surprised Kusak, who, incidenand given vent to their true feelings tally, returned an hour later garbed
of love and devotion to each other. attractively in a pair of flowing
And nob to be outdone, our stately pajamas borrowed through necesjuniors and seniors have staged a re- sity from the Psl Gams. Grattan,
vival of rivalry in the good old days. too, we hear, was taken for an interThe frosh made their initial ven- esting Journey along Central avenue.
ture with a beautiful coup d'etat
Once more the class of 1941 rallied
In Friday's assembly. A blare of and showed Bill Dorrance just how
bugles, a swish of curtains, a gentle a Soph ties knots. Then came the
thud—and Walrath made his debut
on State's stage—in diapers I The frosh with a supreme effort. Garwar was on. Here was the chance dephe was taken for a ride and
for action that all the red blooded forced to part company with a neat
'41'ers had been craving for. Forces pair of brown trousers at State
were organized, and Joe Larko was and Pearl. Stopped by an officer
splashing in the park pool at 3:00 of the law just when he was beo'clock. Perlman was relieved of his ginning to feel a slight draft, he S e n i o r s W i l l W e a r G o w n s
pants, and Williams was found in a pleaded not guilty and was allowed As customary, the seniors are to
rather brief costume just outside the to continue his journey up State wear their caps and gowns to the
street toward his Alma Mater.
The sophomores' final fling fea- two remaining assembly meetings
But the warfare wasn't limited to tured a barbering act—and lo! Hube after Moving-up day.
the men. The weaker (?) sex of Moore is now the proud possessor
the class of '42 showed Dower the of a misplaced hair part.
Draper hall showers, and within an Tuesday night brought more conGeo. D. Jeoner, Prop
hour the sophs retaliated by damp- fusion at Newman hall and a little
ening the respective spirits of Ryer- McCreary trouble in the men's locker
son and Devins. Friday night saw
a little confusion at Newman hall room. And still rivalry goes on!
and several sleepy sophomores were Only Minerva knows what tonight
placed in a position to prove that may bring.
water is still wet.
Jordan had his hair cut, and with
that closed round one of the battle MADISON SWEET SHOP
of the classes.
785 Madison Ave.
Monday afternoon, the sophomores, taking pity on their younger
friends who had been deprived of the
Home Made Ice Cream
joys of mascot hunting, decided to
furnish a live mascot for them to
Broadcast to Feature
New York Folk Tales
If you're planning to turn your
radio dial to station WOKO this
afternoon to hear State's weekly
program, take it from us—you're
in for a treat. The broadcast has
been directed by Dr. Thompson
and will feature a panel discussion on the folklore of New York
The discussion will be led by
Mr. Louis C. Jones, instructor in
English. Students who will tell
stories of folklore in various sections of the state include: Elizabeth McConnell, Nan Emery.
Betty Hayford, Elizabeth Sherwood, Margaret Mattison, and
Myndert Crounse, seniors.
Ballads and folk-songs will be
sung during the program by a
sextet which includes: Catherine
Krein. Kathryn Happel, and Donald Ames, seniors; Charlotte Nlelson, Robert Karpen, and James
Sherwood, juniors.
Piatt to Act as Head
Of Scout Organization
Under the direction of Leonard
Friedlander, '39, the new service
fraternity of State college has made
rapid steps toward permanent organ*
izatlon. Last Tuesday the charter
members elected their first officers,
in addition to the full acceptance of
the constitution, drafted by a committee headed by Paul Grattan, '41,
The elected officers are: president,
Richard Piatt, '40; vice-president,
Wilford Thomas, '40; recording secretary, William Haller, '41; treasurer, Albert Parker, '40; historian,
Leslie Gerdts, '41.
The fraternity, composed of former
boy scouts, expects to begin its function of service to the campus and
the city of Albany at once.
Dial 5-1913
Albany's Most
and Grill
(jutstanding (combinations
Dll I
State College News
I P C outstanding for his combination of
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and CHESTERFIELD, outstanding for its can't-be-copied
combination of the world's best tobaccos.
V>ihesterfields' can't-be-copied blend makes
them outstanding for refreshing mildness...
for better t a s t e . . . for more pleasing aroma
...outstanding for real smoking enjoyment.
When you try them you will know
why Chesterfields give millions of men
and women more smoking pleasure ...
Harper, Walrath and Merritt
to Assume N e w Duties
as Class Guides
Copyrilflu I9J9,
llGCUTT * MVIKS. iul>Al.U> C o .
,P/lch/no Star of the Chicago
Cubs. An outstanding pitcher
In the National League.
VOL. XXIII, No. 27
In order that the students may
find out how they stand in their
courses the administration is giving the student body the day off
on Friday, June 2, to talk over
matters wtih their instructors.
For many other students Friday
will be "reading day" to catch up
on back work and to prepare for
exams that begin on the following
Saturday morning.
The faculty will be in their offices from 9:00 to 12:00 o'clock
and from 1:30 until 3:30 o'clock.
Students are invited to come to
their offices and talk over the
problems of the school year.
Installation of New Officers;
Kelly to Wield Gavel
for Year 1939-40
Protest of Students
Annual Performance Receives
Favorable Comments on
Restores Budget Cut
Our lobby proved to be about
50% effective. A portion of the
budget has been restored—In fact,
$11,357 has been voted in the supplementary budget during the
final session of the legislation last
The total reduction in our
budget amounted to $11,270. The
partial cut means a reduction in
faculty salaries which are already
low and also a reduction in the
maintenance for the school.
At the present time, according
to latest reports, there will be no
reduction in the number of freshmen that will enter next year.
Opening Night
John Edge, '39, will preside in the
Student Association Conducts
H o u s e Committee Makes
year's final Student assembly today
Plans for Accommodations
at 11:10 o'clock. The newly-tapped
Special V o t e to Choose
members of Myskania will be seated
for Large Crowd
New Song Leader
on the stage with the present memThe second performance of "The
bers. The first order of business will
Myskania class guardians officially
Cradle Song," advanced dramatics
be the presentation of the student
announced the class officers for the
offering for the spring semester, will
classes of '40, '41, and '42, at the
budget for discussion and approval.
Moving-up day ceremonies last Fribe staged In the auditorium of Page
The inauguration of the coming
day. Walter Harper, Merrill Walhall at 8:30 o'clock tonight. Miss
year's student association officers
rath, and Paul Merritt were chosen
Agnes E. Futterer, assistant profeswill follow. After their installation
as the leaders of the senior, junsor of English, is in charge of prothe new president, Lloyd Kelly, will
ior and sophomore classes respecduction and Mr. William G. Hardy,
take charge of the remainder of the
instructor of English, is supervisprogram.
The auxiliary officers of the class
ing sets. Alvin Weiss, '40, is stage
The Finance Board, having comof '40 are: vice-president, Joseph
pleted its hearings for the year, will
Cappiello; secretary. Dorothy Pritch"The Cradle Song" was well resubmit its recommendations for the
ard; treasurer, Stewart Smith; received last night and the house comporter, Alvin Weiss; manager of
student association budget. As a
mittee, chairmanned by Jane Wilson,
W.A.A., Florence Przyborowska; represult of the special conference con'40, is making plans to accommodate
resentatives to W.A.A.. Willard Fraducted with Dr. A. R. Brubacher,
an even larger attendance tonight.
ment and Frank Kluge; representapresident, Miss Helen Moreland,
tives to Finance board, Stanley Kulldean of students, and Dr. Caroline Sprague, Metz, and Brown Written by Gregorlo and Maria
Martinez Sierra, this tale of life In
man and Robert Martin; represen- Brown, Wilson and Friedman jcroasdale, professor of hygiene, the
to Head Publications
Head Music, Dramatic,
tative to W.A.A., Virginia Elson;
a Spanish convent was the outstand! committee has recommended an infor Coming Year
cheerleader, Geraldine Ewing; song
ing play on Broadway in 1922. With
D e b a t e Activities
crease of the student tax to $12 per
leader, Mary Trainor.
Eva LaGallienne playing the lead
student. This increase includes a $1
Other leaders of the class of '41 Officers and membership of the ; assessment for the Pedagogue and a The State college student publica- role, it was praised by press and
Catherine 11939.40 Music council, Dramatic and I $1 assessment for an Infirmary fund. tions of Lion, Echo, and Pedagogue public as the best play on Broadway
O'Bryan; secretary, Beatrice Dower; I Arts association, and Debate coun- 'The total request of the activities have announced their boards and in twenty-flve years.
treasurer, Roy McCreary; reporter, \ c\\ w e r e announced Moving-up day this year was less than last year, officers for the coming year.
The cast of characters for tonight's
Irene Poger; representative to j morning.
except for the Pedagogue and the The new Lion board consists of performance follows:
W.A.A., Louisa Chapman; manager, Alice Brown, '40. and Rosemary j infirmary funds. The activities to- the following: editor-in-chief, MarSister Sagrario, Mary Arndt; Sisto W.A.A., Madeline Hunt; editor of Brucker, '41, will be president and gether received 85% of the budget cia Brown, '40; business manager, ter Marcella, Rita Sullivan; The
Freshman Handbook, John Murray; | secretary-treasurer of Music coun- money.
I Betty Denmark, '40; managing edi- Prioress, Marcia Brown; Sister Joanrepresentatives to Finance board, 1 cil, respectively. The newly chosen
tor, Robert G. Agne, '41; art editor, na of the Cross, Rose DeCotis; MisSince the infirmary fund is to be John Alden, '41; advertising man- tress of the Novices, Eleanor Groll;
Daniel Bucci and Constantino Paris; members are Florence Halbreich and
representatives to M.A.A., William Jeannette Ryerson, freshmen. Lil- increased, the benefit each student ager, Blanche Kirshenblum; ex- The Vicaress, Maiy Koonz; Sister
Haller and Gerald Saddlemire; lian Rivkind, '40. and Lona Powell. is allowed from it will be increased change editor, Eleanor Dibble, '40; Tornera, Betty Clark; Sister Maria
from $10 to $15. In addition to that associate editors, Fred Day and Jesus, Ruby Stewart; and Teresa,
cheerleader, John Gardephe; song- '41, complete the membership.
leader, Mary Miller.
The Don Cossacks have already aid available already, this benefit Jeanette Evans, sophomores, and Ruth Donnelly; juniors. Also in
Assistants to Merritt in the class been engaged for an appearance also provides for guild nursing care Harold MacGregor, '40; circulation the cast are: Countryman, Louis
and for broken glasses at the discre- manager, Kenneth Haser.
of '42 arc- as follows: vice-president, early in the fall.
Francello, '40; Doctor, William BoJeanette Ryerson; secretary, MarJane Wilson, a member of the tion of Dr. Croasdale. The student The following constitute the new gosta, '39; Antonio, Ray Walters, '39;
jorie Gay lord; treasurer, Robert 1939-40 Myskania. senior campus will now be able to obtain $15 pro- staffs of the Lion: sophomore liter- Sister Enez, Nan Emery, '39;
Meek; manager to W.A.A., Harriet leadership society, is president-elect tection for $2.50 instead of $10 pro- ary staff, Nicholas Morsillo, Arthur and monitors, Loretta Kelly and
De Forest; representative to W.A.A., of Dramatic and Arts association. lection for $1.50. Mr. Clarence Hid- Hobday, Fred Wohlsteln, Leo Gila- Catherine O'Bryan, sophomores.
June Hau.shalter; reporter, Shirley Other officers are Mary Miller, '41, ley, assistant professor of history,
Anita Holm, Betty Burke, and
The committees in charge of the
V/urz; representatives to M.A.A., Vir- secretary, and Elizabeth Simmons, Is very much in favor of incorporat- dette.
William Dorrance; art staff, Ethel
gil Scott and Leslie Graves; repre- '42. treasurer.
Elizabeth Simmons ing the $1 raise for the infirmary. Cohen, '41; Ethel Long, '40; business production are as follows: sets and
lights, Marcia Brown, '40, chairman,
sentative to Finance board, Benson and Kalheiine Richards are the
The present and the proposed staff, Leslie Gerdts, Gerald Saddle- William Bogosta and Joseph Wells,
Tybrlng; cheerleader, Winifred Baur; new freshmen representatives. Mem- budgets lollow:
seniors; house, Jane Wilson, chairsongluader, Ira Hirsch.
bers-at-large arc Ruby Stewart. '40.
1 li:i!l III
The following will edit the man, and Ruth Donnelly, juniors;
Colli'}*!' N e w s
£2200.00 $2200.00
The officers of the Student asso- and Vivian Livingston, '41.
for the coining year: costumes, Lorraine Theurer, chair1 ami 00
1125.00 Pedagogue
1). A A. ClIlllH'll
ciation for the coming school year
1150.00 editor-in-chief, Marie B. Metz, '40; man, Rita Sullivan, Mary Arndt, and
association will have a tea W'AA C m u i r l l
are Lloyd Kelly, '40, president; Stan- in The
SOU.00 business manager, Walter J. SimM
of Dorothy P. Lalhrop In Iiiflriinii-.v
Ruby Stewart, Juniors; advertising,
ley Smith, '41, vice-president; Ralph the honor
:iooii,oo mons, '40; photography editor, Ste- Nan Emery, '39, chairman, Betty
Lounge of Richardson hall, Wed- I'IIKIU'IIJIIII
Tibbetts, '42, secretary; William Hal- nesday,
•;oo 00
Mil.on phen J. Bull, '41; advertising man- Clark,
3:30 o'clock. Miss Lalh- In! r i i m i i n i l N'Hirth
Eleanor Groll, and Louts
ler, '41, permanent secretary to rop, an at
11011.00 ager, William Brophy, '41; circulaAlbany artist, was awarded |j llilhi'lmll
Francello, juniors; props, Rita Bene250.00
1 r.d.oii
Alice Brown, '40; dict, '30, chairman, Rose DeCotis
the Caldecott Award for 1939. This
150.011 tion manager,
C o u n t f'.v
Ladlslau Balog, '40, student repre- is a national prize awarded annually Crush
100.00 publicity editor, Betty Kennedy, '41; and Mary Koonz, juniors.
C r u s h Itiislli'lliull . . .
sentative to M.A.A.; and four cheer- by a committee ol the American (ii'iit'i-iil C u m ]
'.'011.00 feature editor, Eleanor Pratt, '40;
' 500.0(1
Tickets for the performance are
leaders, Marion Kingsley and Gordon Library association lor the best il- Alhli'lli' ( olltlilgt'll(') 1
art editor, Doris Shultes, '40; senior
fifty cents regular and seventy-five
Peattie, juniors, and Daniel Bucci lustrated children's book of the year. \ 1 \ . \ I'rem. I l i i i r u u . .
50.00 literary staff, Lorraine Smith, Eleaand Jack Gardephe, sophomores.
cents reserved. Tickets for balcony
(10(1.00 nor Groll, :ind Helen Lannen.
Officers of the Debate council are:
seats may be exchanged throughout
president, Janice Friedman, '40; Di'lmti' (.,11111II
500 (Ml
The following comprise the board today.
vice-president, Jane Wilson, '40; s i i n l i ' i i l C o u n c i l . . . ,
treasurer, Lee Durllng, '41; corres- Si'.-i'i'tui'iiil 11111I
Harriet Sprague, '40; managing ediponding secretary, Louise Snell, '41. ( l l l l l illKi'Ul . . . .
•nil.Oil tor, Edward Tomasian, '40; business
700.110 manager,
Other members are Anne Lomnit- Ki'liu
Haskell Rosenberg, '40;
225 (III
zer, '40, and John Murray, '41.
25.00 advertising manager, Gadlin Bodner,
T riMlsuri'i-'s Itolill .
1200.110 '41; art editor, Alice Abelove, '41;
Plans are being made to inaugur- | I V I I I I K O K U I Newman club has announced thai
associate editors, Howard Duncan,
its oflicers fur next year will be: ate next year's debate schedule by
VS13.imi.CHI »l 5.II 1.00
Marcia Brown, juniors, Robert Agne,
Pi Gamma Mu, National Social
president, John Ryan, '40; vice- Thanksgiving, and it is hoped that
'Janet Sharts, Robert Hertel, sopho- Studies fraternity, presented, for the
president, Alice Brown. '40; secre- at least three debates will be underIntersorority C ouncil
mores; circulation manager, Robert first time, a citation to the member
tary, Catherine O'Bryan, '41; treas- taken during the first semester.
of the faculty who, according to the
urer, Helen Leary, '41.
Elects New Off icers Cogger, '40.
The council members will include
The Echo staffs are made up of results of a student vote, has dona
Intersorority council, made up of
Ami Cashman, '42, as director ol
I lie representatives chosen by each the following students: literary staff, the most to further intellectual life
publicity; Rosemary McCarthy, '41.
F o r P r e s i d e n t ' s P r i z e of State college's twelve sororities, Anna Calutti, '42, Fred Weed, '40; at State college. This year's award
was presented by Thomas LaVerne,
in charge 11I social activities; Mary
Miss Agnus E. Futterer, assistant has selected its officers for the com- business stair, Ethel Cohen, '41.
'30, to Dr. Robert Rienow, assistant
Gabriel, '40, director of religious professor
presiof English, announced that
professor in social studies.
events; Fred Ferris, '42, in charge of the president's
speaking conNew Residence Council
arrangements for meetings; Paul test will lake prize
Next year's members of the fraterplace Thursday in Phi; vice-president, Francis Field,
Cirattun, '41, as head of membership Page hall auditorium.
Elects Arndt President nity will include Herbert Frankel,
40, Gamma Kappa Phi; secretary,
freshcommltloe; and Beinice Bishop, '40,
'30, and William McCracken, Fred
girls will compete for the Geraldine Thompson, '40, Beta Zettt;
According to the announcement of Weed, Sadie Flax, Catherine Smith,
as editor ol the "Newman Newsman." men
prize of twenty-flve dollars, offered treasurer. Belle Lashinsky. '41, PI June Palmer, '30, the officers of Stewart
Smith, John Walden, Fay
The newly-elected council, headed by Dr. Abram R. Brubacher, presi- Alpha Tuu.
Residence council are: president, Scheer, Robert Martin, Rita Sullivan,
by K.van as president, has already dent of the college.
Since Its organization, the council
Haskell Rosenberg, Marjorie McNair,
completed tentative plans for the
Best; secretary, Jean Mitchell, jun- Walter Harper, and Esther Lane,
program of next year. The club's The seven girls are: Louise Do An- has fostered successfully friendly re- iors.
juniors. Officers for the coming
activities are divided into three gelis, Eleanor Harris, Rita Kell, Alia lationships among the various sororResidence council Is the organiza- year will be elected at the Pi Gamma
groups: spiritual, intellectual, and Leary, Alice Packer, Frances Pratt, ities and established a uniform set
of rules, pertaining mainly lo rush- tion of house presidents from all Mu banquet on Wednesday night.
social. The council has scheduled and Lauretta Sorvatlus.
the women's group houses on the
two Communion breakfasts, two They survived the preliminary try- ing.
Members for this year have been:
dances, it week-end retreat, and a i outs, conducted in Page hall. Mr. According to Miss Scheer, next campus.
Thomas LaVerne, Josuph Leese,
The officers for the present year Franklin Kehrig, Jean Strong, Richlecture. The council has also de- William Clark, Mr. E. Steven Merton, year's program is now being planned
tennined to increase the club's par-1 and Mr. William G. Hardy, instruo- and will include the annual Inter- are: June Palmer, Kappa Delta, ard Lonsdale, Marion Rockefeller,
ticlpalion in the Albany Diocese, the tors in English, aided Miss Futterer sorority tea in October, formal rush- president; Victoria Bilzi, Newman Frances Fallon, John Doran, Albert
Inter-collegiate O.Y.O., and the Na- In judging the eighteen girls who ing in December, and Intersorority hall, vice-president; and Jeanette Architzel, Helen Zeman, Ruth Butball early in May,
Barlow, Phi Delta, secretary.
ler, and Rose Perta.
were selected for the tryouts.
tional Newman Club federation.
Councils Announce
1939-40 Activities
Newman Club Elects
Ryan to Presidency
The RIGHT COMBINATION of the world's best cigarette tobaccos
They're Milder... They Taste Better
Myskania Certifies Heads Assembly to Act Drama Class Will Present
On New Budget
Of Classes for Next Year For Ensuing Year "The Cradle Song" Tonight
No. Pearl S i
Boulevard Cafeteria
D l w
State Magazines
Select Officers
Dr. Rienow Receives
Pi Gamma Mu Award
E s t a b l i s h e d by t h e C l a s s of 1918
T h e u n d e r g r a d u a t e N e w s p a p e r of N e w York S t a t e
College for T e a c h e r s
P u b l i s h e d every F r i d a y of t h e college y e a r by t h e
N e w s B o a r d r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e S t u d e n t Association
T e l e p h o n e s : Office, 5-9373; Howe. 2-4314; Kowalsky,
2-1243; Young, 2-9761; Gabriel, 3-9538
as second class matter
in the Albany, N. Y.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers
4 2 0 ' M A D I S O N AVE.
N E W Y O R K , N. Y.
Ralph Clark, Beth D o n a h u e , M i r i a m Newell,
Olivet, B e t t y P a r r o t t .
Edward Colmar, Madeline G r u n w a l d , Robert Leifels,
Paul Merritt, R u t h Neisen, Allen S i m o m n s .
Ineunt Novi
And now it is our turn. For two years we have
made our contribution to every issue — writing
stories, pondering over headlines, proofreading, composing editorials, and, most fascinating of all, doing the make-up. Eagerly we have looked forward
from promotion to promotion until the time when
we could take up the reins. Now that time has
come, and it is with a pleasant sensation that we
grasp our pen to write these thoughts.
To our very recent predecessors we say goodbye, and wish you at least as much good luck and
success as you have enjoyed at the helm during the
past year. You have set a journalistic goal for us
which will be difficult to attain.
We look forward to a year of service, a year of
gratifying endeavor, and a year of satisfaction to
you. The ideas of our editorial policies may differ from yours, but we hope to meet upon the common ground of compromise. Ineunt novi, and we
do so to carry on with undying effort.
N.S.F.A. Suggests
The delegates to the N'.S.F.A. conference conducted three weeks ago have brought back one idea
which would be very much to the advantage of this
college to put into practice. We are referring to
the setting up of a faculty-student committee to
regulate and plan social activities for the entire
ensuing year.
Such a committee, as we see it, would have two
functions. One would be to plan the social calendar
for the year, arranging for dances, obtaining speakers for assemblies and teas, and preventing conflicts
in the date of events. T h e second function would
be to regulate and equalize the year's social program, filling in gaps between the major events with
suitable activities attractive to all.
The past year has been more than ample proof
of the need of such a committee. The schedule of
some weekends has been so crowded that adequate
support of them was Impossible, while other weekends have been practically barren of social activity.
Student council has the initiative to provide for
such a committee. The extant faculty committee
on student affairs, augmented by two or three undergraduates, could well serve in this capacity. Here
is a challenge to the newly-elected student administration to perform its first constructive measure of
the new year.
Commentstater '40 accepts the position vacated by
his illustrious predecessor, He and the new board
wish to express their thanks to the '39'ers for the
work they have done, cooperation they have given,
and hope they will continue their educational growth
both in the teaching field and in the newspaper world.
The teaching profession has need of such leaders as
you, and it will be enhanced with the prestige that
you will add. 1939, we. the new board, salute you!
* * * *
Clubs Announce Sororities Name
1939-40 Officers Officers Elected
For Coming Year
M a r y Trainor H e a d s S.C.A.;
Robert Martin Will Aid
During Next Year
At Final Meetings Designate
The following organizations have
New Sorority Leaders
elected their officers for the year
for Y e a r ^ 3 9 - ' 4 0
last meetings of the year,
S.C.A.: president, Mary Trainor,
'40; vice-president, Robert Martin, sororities conducted their elections
'40; secretary, Alice Parker, '42; and of officers for 1939-40. Following
are those selected:
treasurer, Ada Parshall, '41.
Delta Omega: president, Betty
French club: president, Mildred
Selden, '40; vice-president, Clarence Clark, '40; vice-president, Helen
To the outgoing seniors, future leaders of our state, Olsen, '41; secretary, Beatrice Mar- Roickle, '40; treasurer, Janet Buwe extend our most cordial wishes for an early ful- ashinsky, '41; treasurer, Roy Som-sacker, '41; secretary, Miriam Tick,
fillment of your ambitions. Graduation should not be mers, '42; and reporter, Virginia '40; corresponding secretary, Marjorie Tims, '42.
an end for you but a beginning in a new and harder Thomas, '42.
Kappa Delta: president, Norma
place, the world. Don't let it frighten you. You, and president, Sadie Flax, '40; vice- Wells, '40; vice-president, Marjorie
many thousands of college students throughout the president, Geraldine Ewing, '40; sec- Baird, '40; treasurer, Grace Moon,
country are graduating this month and next. People retary, Lee Dtuiing, '41; treasurer, '41; secretary, Lona Powell, '41; corthroughout the nation are looking up to you—you Anthony Sardisco, '41; and corres- responding secretary, Barbara Ferponding secretary, Dorothy Johnson, ree, '41; critic, Janet Montfort, '40;
who are the potential leaders of a new generation— '41.
chaplain, Helen Blake, '40; marshals,
to help them find a way out of strife and hate which
Spanish club: president, Leslie Armede Black and Mary Klein,
threatens to engulf the world in another war. You Gerdts, '41; vice-president, James freshmen.
Psi Gamma: president, Ruth Donhave it in your power to inculcate the youngsters Snover, '41; secretary, Helen Miller,
'40; vice-president, Florence
under your guidance with the spirit of democracy, to
'40; and reporter, Marjorie Tims, Przyborowska, '40; secretary, Florhelp them find themselves in this world of economic '42.
ence Gebe, '40; corresponding secrestrife. Don't shudder, seniors, lift your heads h i g h Mathematics
president, tary, Marcella Sacket, '40; stewardgo forth to your new positions in society and carve Theron Powell, '40; vice-president, ess, Marion Walker, '40; marshals,
Harold MacGregor, '40; secretary, Marjorie Gaylord and Marie Cramer,
a niche for yourselves in the world.
William Weyant, '41; and treasurer, freshmen.
* * * *
Charlotte Crosby, '40.
Chi Sigma Theta: president, Alice
Commerce club: president, Ros- Brown, '40; vice-president, Rita SulIn the short space of a single day, the jolly juniors
have been transformed into grand old seniors. The well Fairbanks, '40; vice-president, livan, '40; treasurer, Katherine Hoch,
Florence Gebe, '40; secretary, Lois '41; secretary, Elizabeth Donahue,
seniors have handed down the traditional burden and Game, '40; and treasurer, Carl Mar- '41; corresponding secretary, Eleanor
have placed it upon their youthful shoulders. Practice otto, '42.
Groll, '40; reporter, Margaret Furey
Com-Forum: editor, Otto J. Howe, '42.
teaching awaits the class of '40 when they return
Alpha Epsilon Phi: president, Fay
from their diverse occupations over this summer. Milne '40; associate editors, Florence Gebe
and Bernice Bishop, juniors; pub'40; vice-president, Dori.s
high, with all its trials, is ready to challenge the best lication, John Ludwig, '40, Muriel Scheer,
Grossman, '41; treasurer, Estelle
in them, to test their abilities as future teachers. So, Howard and Lena Drapalski, sopho- Englehart, '41; secretary, Miriam
mores, and Carl Marotto, '42; ait Shapiro, '40.
'40, your future lies in Milne high.
editor, Audrey Connor, '40.
Gamma Kappa Phi: president,
German club: president, Mary Frances Field, '40, vice-president,
One last plug before the N E W S year
officially Arndt, '40; vice-president, Lothar Dorothy Pritchard, '40; treasurer,
ends. Seniors, you who have not pledged
your Schultze, '42; secretary, Anne Lom- Betty Parrott, '41; secretary, Harriet
financial support for t h e proposed
dormitory—pledge nitzer, '40; and treasurer, Leo Gil- Sprague, '40; corresponding secreadett, '42.
tary, Esther Lane, '40; marshals,
now. Pledge as m u c h as you c a n a n d pay it when
Italian club: president, John Cara- Ethel Applelon and Marion Duffy,
you can. T e n years is a long time off. T h i s is mia, '40; vice-president, Josephine freshmen.
your last opportunity to help the college t h a t h a s Autilio, '41; secretary, Anthony SarBeta Zeta: president. Geraldine
disco, '41; and treasurer, Eugene j Thompson, '40; vice-president, Luella
given you a liberal education.
Agnello, '41.
Hess, '40; treasurer, Dori.s Saunders,
40; secretary, Hattie Conklin, '41;'
alumni secretary, Dorothy Mix, '41;
chaplain, Eloise Hartmann, '40;
marshals, Shirley Kyle and Dorothy
Mcisaac, freshmen,
Pi Alpha Tau: president, Belle
Lashinsky, '41; treasurer, Ruth FreeAll seniors a n d g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t s man, '42; secretary, Frieda Diamond,
To the Editors:
Friday in Assembly the following resolution will interested in securing a teaching '41; reporter, Goldy Clopman, '42.
Phi Delta: president, Marie Metz,
be presented for consideration of t h e s t u d e n t body. position for 1939-40 a r e asked to
If you c a n p r i n t this in your columns, I a m sure it leave their summer addresses a n d '40; vice-president, Eleanor Pratt,
telephone numbers on their schedule '4'); treasurer, Harriet Davis. '41;
will facilitate its discussion.
cards in the Appointment bureau of- secretary, Ruth Keeler, '42; corresWHEREAS both t h e Linn a n d t h e Echo can be
ponding secretary, Dorothy Doughfice.
There will be a short but impor- erty, '42; reporter, Evelyn Towle, '42;
WHEREAS improvement cannot be made under
t a n t junior class meeting T h u r s d a y marshal, Geraldine Ewing, '40.
the present s e t - u p because of s e p a r a t i o n of funds
Alpha Rho: president, Philomena
at 4:30 o'clock in room 20 of Richand talent,
ardson hall. T h e purpose of this Iannotti, '40; vice-president, Kaarin
WHEREAS by consolidation a saving of $450.00
'41; secretary, Geraldine
meeting is to a c q u a i n t all juniors Tervo,
can be made, be it resolved:
with the procedures of t h e Appoint- Pleat, '41; alumni secretary. Kath1. T h a t t h e Lion a n d Echo be consolidated,
leen Butler, '40; reporter, Virginia
ment bureau.
2. T h a t for t h e first year t h e consolidated
The following s t u d e n t s have r e - Thomas, 42; chaplain, Alice Thomas.
magazine be co-staffed by the present board of t h e
ceived positions according to a n a n - '40.
Lion a n d t h e Echo on an equal basis,
nouncement made by Paul Bulger:
Sigma Alpha: president, Ellen
3. T h a t t h e n e w magazine be published q u a r t Clement Wolff, '39, social studies Pcderson, '40; vice-president, Rose
and English, Otego; Virginia Strong, Ritter, '40; treasurer, Adeline Kadgis,
4. T h a t $850.00 be appropriated for the new
'39, commerce a t Avoca; Margaret '41; secretary, Charlotte Theemling,
Hora, '39, history, F r e n c h , a n d li- '41; corresponding secretary, Agnes
brary, Oswegatchie; Olive King, '39, Bennett, '42.
Will t h e new magazine be better t h a n the combined
Latin and French,
Phi Lambda: president, Betty
contributions of both t h e Lion a n d Echo1} Yes. First,
Ruth Cowell, grad, reference librar- Hardie, '40; secretary, Jean Cady, '41;
the Echo a n d the Lion a r e both too conscious of t h e
ian at Carnegie library In P i t t s - treasurer, Mildred Labrum, '40.
other's field a n d lean over backwards in a n effort to
keep from infringing on each other. T h e valuable
middle road of literature -well written yet humorous
or satirical material is left untouched.
Second, t h e
staff organization of t h e consolidated magazine will
be more efficient.
Writing on this point in the last
Issue of t h e Echo, Gordon R a n d says, " T h e a d m i n i s trative a n d creative strength available lor publication
work in S l a t e college is damaging divided at the
present time. Neither magazine h a s a large enough
personnel to do t h e job right. W h a t is more discouraging, neither magazine is organized lor effective cooperation.
. . Combined, the two boards, organized
competitively, would produce ample material lor one
magazine. Responsibility would be reasonably divided.
would work lor promotion,
time-cramped upper classmen. It works for t h e NBWH,
it can work for a magazine." By putting all our e n ergies into one magazine, we will turn out a better
publication in which nil good material c a n be used.
T h e most Interesting feature is t h a t this can be
done with a $450.00 saving. In these times of budget
cutting, a justified saving will be welcome to us all.
If the assembly so desires, this money c a n be turned
over to tiie Pod which is sadly in need of it. Surely
it would be better to invest this money in something
we all want r a t h e r t h a n continue spending it on something with which lew a r e entirely satisfied.
We have talked consolidation for years. Now let's
try it.
Respectfully yours,
T o m Luverne, '30.
burgh; Kenneth Holmes, '39, science
at Clinton Heights; Elizabeth Phllpott, grad, librarian a t Pearl River;
Norman Murray, grad, science at
grad, science a t Red Hook; Melba
Fox, grad, English a n d library at
Hausley, '311.
junior high school English a t T u p - educational fraternity, h a s elected
per Lake; Joseph Cutler, "III, com- il.s officers for the year 1939-40, a c cording to the a n n o u n c e m e n t s of
merce at York.
Lawrence Wenz S t r a t t n e r , '39. They
are: president, S t e w a r t J. Smith,
•10; vice-president. Walter
'40; secretary, Ladlslau Balog, '40;
and treasurer, Paul Hapolsky, '40.
Htudents who wil1 work during the T h e faculty sponsor continues to be
summer vacation or who may leave Dr. Arthur K. Heik, prolessor of eduschool and enter business or indus- cation, who h a s advised the society
try should secure a Social Security since Its organization In 1027.
account number. Applications lor
A year of active work will be ended
account numbers may be secured with a dinner lor t h e outgoing a n d
from any employer and should be incoming officers.
Alter t h e exsent to Bureau of Federal Old-Age amination period, a faculty-student
Benefits, 00 Stale Street, Albany.
outing is being planned under t h e
Under the Social Security Act all direction of the new president,
employers In commerce or industry
T h e society is p l a n n i n g to honor
are required to keep a complete Dr. A, W. Risley before his retirerecord of all salaries, wages or other ment.
remunerations paid to employees. In
Outgoing senior officers
order to do this, it is necessary that S t r a t t n e r Include;
employees present Social Security T h o m a s Laverue; secretary, William
account numbers to their employers. Torrcjw; treasurer, Robert Agono.
Smith Will Be Head
Of Kappa Phi Kappa
Student Workers to Get
Social Security Number
Page 3
Crowded Assembly Witnesses
Tapping of Myskania Members
Board Announces Howe and Kowalsky
As "News" Co-Editors for 1939-40
A s s o c i a t e Editors for Y e a r
t o C o n s i s t of M u r r a y ,
Dower and Kusak
News Board States Complete
C h a n g e in O r g a n i z a t i o n
of D e p a r t m e n t s
Leonard E. Kowalsky and Otto
J. Howe, juniors, have been selected by the NKWH board as coeditors of the STATU COLLBQH NKWS
for 1939-40. Sally Young, '40, will
be managing editor.
This marks the second consecutive year in NKWS history that such
a system of co-editors has been
Under this system,
Kowalsky will be editor the first semester while Howe takes charge
during the second semester.
Grcenwald Fills New Post
In other departments of the NKWS
staff, the board decided upon a drastic revision and reorganization including promotions, abolishments,
and the creation of new positions.
The position of associate managing
editor has been abolished and is now
known as associate editor. Holders
of that office are: Beatrice Dower,
Stephen Kusak, and John Murray,
sophomores. All three were awarded
NBWH board keys. A new position
of news editor, carrying board
membership, was also created and
will be filled by Saul Greenwald, '40.
Mary Gabriel, '40, is to head the
revamped business department and
will be assisted by advertising manager Kenneth Haser, '40. The position of circulation manager was
abolished and its functions are to
be assumed by a junior business staff
consisting of: Ralph Clark, Beth
Donahue, Miriam Newell, Evelyn
Olivet, and Betty Parrott. The following compose the sophomore
business staff: Edward Colmar,
Madeline Grunwald, Robert Leifels,
Paul Merritt, Ruth Neisen, and
Allen Simmons.
Clark Named Sports Editor
An even more drastic reorganization was affected in the sports department as Betty Clark, '40, former
women's sports editor, was advanced
to the NBWH board and position of
sports editor. She is to be assisted
by: James Maloney, '41, men's sports
editor; Prank Augustine, '40, and
Arnold Ellerin, '41, assistant sports
editors; and a reportorial staff.
All associate editors, sophomore
desk editors, and former reporters
are advised that competition for a
new post of feature editor will begin in September of next year.
As usual, the NKWS board completed its appointments for the year
with the naming of a number of
members of the freshmen class as
reporters on the editorial staff. The
sixty-two reporters named will compete for the post of sophomore desk
editor, to be filled in late November.
Reporters competing for this position are required to work out on
the NKWS Tuesday and Wednesday
nights beginning in September.
Sectarian Groups Name
Heads for Coming Year
The results of the elections of the
religious clubs for the coming year
have been announced by the retiring presidents.
Lutheran club: president, Marie
Mitt./,, '40; vice-president, Robert
Ague, '41: secretary. Margaret Ledbetier, '\2: treasurer, Bertha Petit,
Menorah: president, Haskell Rosenberg. '40; vice-president, Sylvia
Greenblalt, '41; secretary, Helnia
Lels. '42; treasurer, Muriel Rapoporl '42
Canterbury club: president, Ellen
Jebbett, '40; vice-president, Arthur
Hobday, '42; secretary, Ethel Williams, ''tl: treasurer, Roy Hummers,
'42; publicity director, Elizabeth
Olmsted. '42.
Eat at John's Lunch
Dinners Vw anil Up
Delirious Sandwiches and
7:11(1 A.M. — UlQQ I'-M.
Op|i. (he High School
Leonard E. Kowalsky and Otto J. Howe, juniors, who will serve as
co-editors first and second semesters respectively during the coming year.
L o n s d a l e C l i m a x e s C e r e m o n i e s w i t h Failure to Tap M e m b e r ;
N e w M y s k a n i a Includes Five M e n a n d Five W o m e n
T h e s t u d e n t body was tense, a n d
members a n d guests for
Movlng-up day arose from
scats as Christine Ades decended
the platform to s t a r t the a n n u a l t a p ping of Myskania last F r i d a y in
Page hall.
Anxiety was c h a n g e d
to a n outburst of applause as " C h r i s "
called out t h e n a m e of P r a n k Kluge
a n d t h e first member of t h e '39-'40
Myskania was chosen.
Betty Baker, Edgar O'Hora, R o b ert Hertwig a n d Leonard
Friedlander each did their p a r t to a d d
to t h e tapping ceremony by r e t u r n i n g respectively
Kelly, Howe, a n d Kowalsky.
t h e n a surprise!
As everybody
anxiously awaited t h e tapping of t h e
sixth member, Marion
rose, slowly walked toward t h e stairs,
made a n about face, a n d took h e r
position behind her chair. T h e s t u d e n t body knew t h e n t h a t t h e new
Myskania would be decreased by a t
least one member. I n regular order
Friedman, Trainor, a n d Simmons
were tapped. J e a n Strong,
making h e r tour through t h e a u d i ence, returned to the stage e m p t y h a n d e d a n d everybody t h o u g h t t h a t
a n o t h e r vacant seat was t o appear
on t h e stage. But, no, Miss Strong
called out t h e n a m e of Marjorie
Baird, who because of illness went
on record as being t h e first m e m ber in eighteen years not t o be prese n t a t t h e tapping
a r a t h e r hesitating trip t h r o u g h t h e
auditorium, returned to his position
on t h e platform without a n y m e m ber of the class of '40 on h i s a r m .
Everybody waited for a n a n n o u n c e ment like Miss Strong's, but t h e
end h a d been written to t h e tapping
for t h e year 1939-40, in order of their
tapping, are as follows:
assembly. Last year thirteen m e m bers were selected but this n u m b e r
was reduced to twelve when D u n t o n
T y n a n transferred
to law school.
These twelve h a d seen fit to choose
ten new members—five
men and
five women.
T h e members of the new Myskania
State Wins Over
Varsity Netmen
Bard Team 19-0
To Oppose Siena
At Loudonville
Frustrated In live previous attempts to win a ball game, the State
I varsity baseball team unleashed itB r o o k l y n P o l y , C o n n e c t i c u t self with all its fury and buried
a weak Bard college team beneath an
D e f e a t S t a t e 6 - 3 , 7-2,
j avalanche of 19 runs to win easily
in M a t c h e s H e r e
i by a 19 to 0 score at Bleecker Stadium, last Saturday.
Tin- State college tennis team is
Slamming the opposition for a
looking forward to its second victory total of fifteen hits which included
, I the season as they meet Siena a triple and a home run by Toad
college at Loudonville tomorrow. Fairbiink, State won as it pleased.
Their first meeting resulted in a 7-2 With walks sandwiched by base hits,
victory for State, the only one the the Purple and Gold found itself
Purple and Gold racqueteers have appeasing a victory-starved appcbeen able to garner.
i tile that had begun against R.P.I.
Last Saturday, State met the rep- a month ago.
resentatives of Brooklyn Poly in a
Dar Van Keuren was invincible.
contest which resulted in a G-3 tri- Encouraged by some hitting which
umph for the Brooklynites.
!had been so woefully lacking in the
The match with Connecticut State other contests, he really pitched himTeachers
afternoon self a ball game. Bard garnered
again found the Statesmen on the seven hits, only one of which was
short end of a 7-2 score. Con- for extra bases.
By the end of the fifth inning
necticut State is one of the leaders
in the New England Teachers' Col- | Slate had pushed over twelve runs.
lege conference and seemed too pow- Most of those, however, were unerful for the local boys. However, learned. Ten Bard miscues aided the
the Stale team put up a good fight : home team's cause. The final seven
and a closer match is expected when runs were all earned.
A very Interesting sidelight was
a return tilt Is played on May 30
at New Britain, Conn. This match that Waller Danilewicz, Purple and
was originally scheduled for last Gold short slop who has been batting right handed all year, swung
week, but was washed out.
Thus far this season, the team has from the portside In the contest and
had little success. Eight matches smashed three singles.
The Brooklynites can look forward
played so far have resulted in only
the one victory. The Statesmen to a tough battle, and Slate may
were downed by R.P.I., Hobart, Bard, win.
Brooklyn, and Connecticut State,
with Middlebury boasting two wins.
With but few veterans operating
H O W A R D E. M A R S T O N
recently, sonic of the defeats may be
attributed to inexperience. However,
in these defeats, valuable material
lor next year's team Is developing.
Captain Ken Derail states that
Exclusive Kyeware at
freshmen recruits have been performing well, despite repeated team
Moderate Prices
All three of the remaining games
will be played on foreign courts.
Hotel T e n Eyck Building
.Slate tans' clloits to witness the
83 State Street
locals in action have been thwarted
by the inability of the management
to obtain the Use ol Albany city
Good Food and a Friendly Fire
at t h e
if msms
%SL UlrAtrrn at Quail
I ' K A M i K M (ill will serve IIH president <>f MAA next your, ilu played v u r Hlt.v b a s k e t b a l l iliin year, unci is a m e m ber of Kappa riil Kappa and K d w u r d
Kidred I'ollcr chili.
I.AM; S. WII,SON will lie p r e s i d e n t
of D r a m a t i c s mid Arts council t h i s
coming your, Miss Wilson was ii inemllcr of (lie directory hoard h e r frosh•IIIIII mill sophomore yours, t r e a s u r e r of
DrumuflcH mill Arts council h e r sophoinoro .vein, mid mummer or F r e s h m a n
Debute mid t r e a s u r e r or llelmto council
this year.
KKI,I,V has keen
president or I lie Student association for
next your. H e Has class t r e a s u r e r Ills
rrcshnimi your us well as a m e m b e r of
t h e d i r e c t o r y board, president of his
s o p h o m o r e class, and vice-president of
the Ntiidoiit.aHSOclution this year. Kelly
Is a member of Kdwurd Kid red P o t t e r
OTTO ,1, IIOHIO will serve a s coeditor ol t h e NKWS a n d editor of t h e
C o m - F o r u m this coming year.
was a member of the d i r e c t o r y hou,rd
his s o p h o m o r e your, associate e d i t o r of
the freshman handbook his s o p h o m o r e
year, a n d a member or the J'resH b u reau for t h r e e years as well a s ' connected with the NlOWH board t h e last
two y e a r s .
co-editor or t h e N K W S HIIH n e x t year.
Ho was oditor-in-chior or the lUI'i I'ri-shmmi H a n d b o o k and an associate e d i t o r
or t h e LionKowalsky is a m e m b e r of
K a p p a I'lii K a p p a a n d K a p p a Ilota.
•IANICE I'll IK DM AN will serve UH
president of Debate council next year.
She has been a member of t h e v a r s i t y
d e b a t e siiiiud two years, a n d w a s secretory of Deliutu council her Junior year
us well u s c h a i r m a n or t h e Junior r e ception lor freshmen.
Itl'IA Si: I,I,I VAN will serve on Debale council the ensuing year,
Hull!vim wits secretary or tier freshman
class, vice-president or t h e s o p h o m o r e
class, s e c r e t a r y or Student association,
and p r e s i d e n t or tills year's Junior clans.
She IN a member or I'i (hiiuma Mu a n d
fill Sigma Theta.
MAHV T R A I N O R will be the new
president of .Student Christian association.
Miss T r a i n o r was t r e a s u r e r of
,H('A t h i s your a n d lias been class sonic
leader throe years and college song
leader t w o y e a r s . She Is a m e m b e r of
Kuppn Delta.
WATVJ'KR SIMMONS will lie business
There they stood—the old a n d t h e niiinager of next year's
new Myskania, smiling amidst t h e mill president or liilcrfruteruity council.
rousing applause of t h e crowded Simmons was president of his freshman
a. member
of the
board this yeur, and has played varsity
hiisUclhull for I wo years.
He is a
member of Kappa Delta Hho a n d K a p p a
MAIM OK 110 HAIKU will servo as
WAX president for tile year 111,111-40.
Miss Itaii'd was vice-president of h e r
freshmen class and n member of WAA
for t h r e e yours, she Is a m e m b e r of
K a p p a Delta.
Make Your
The Greyhound
Likely as not you can buy your Grey- Sample One-Way Farw
hound ticket home with just the money New »<»''« . >-••>«
you get from the second-hand store for Itlehfleld Springs 1.55
last semester's textbooks—and you know Syracuse
that's not very much! With fares so low < or Wind
and Super-Coaches so comfortable, it's Ithaca
no wonder Greyhound is the easy course WaU'ilowii
that everybody's taking to get out of col- Ogdeiwhnrg
lege I See your local Greyhound agent— Auburn
and, incidentally, have a nice vacation! Geneva
•JI-O n m u o u i i v
Uuffa O
Page 4
Pardon Mr. John Porter Edge!
Real Rivalry Score Is 3054-17*A
Edge on the night of May 19
(Moving-up Day to you), the rivalry
score between the sophomore and
freshman classes was not and is not
27% to 17% I According to John,
(a math major—tch, tchl) a mistake
was made somewhere, sometime,
somehow in determining the totals—
and it is therefore with great pleasure that the STATE COLLEGE News
rectifies the mistake:
The correct, official, unadulterated score was and is: 30% to 17%.
Short pause while members of the
reading audience cheer, boo, or turn
the page. For those of you who
demand proof, listen my children
and you shall hear a brief history
of rivalry (the official kind) at
State during the year '38-'39. So
get out those pencils and rulers,
and start checking carefully.
Way/way back last October, Campus day saw the sophomores gaining 3 points for men's pushball and
2 points for women's athletic events,
while the freshmen were awarded
1 point for women's athletic events.
There followed a long lull in rivalry affairs. Then Thursday evening
during the last week of the first
semester, the sophs threw a bombshell by finding 1942's banner (for
which feat 5 points were given
on Moving-up day). Next day came
the assembly debate on "steadiness"
in all its aspects, and the elated
sophs gained 2% more points.
Women's basketball furnished the
class of '41 with 3 additional points,
and the rivalry sing in assembly
gave them 2% points.
Then came a great turning of the
tables, worms, or luck—as you will.
The frosh emerged victorious from
the men's basketball game, and thus
accumulated 3 more points. McKown's Grove saw them also carry
off the men's 3 baseball points, although the soph women again helped
balance the score by gaining 3
points from the female baseball battle. In football, after two tie games,
the frosh pulled down 3 more points
by coming out on top In the third
But, alas! The class of '41 once
more came through. The discovery
of the mascot brought them 5 extra
points, which were also awarded on
Moving-up day. Then, determined
for revenge, the excited frosh proceded to walk away with a little
rope as well as the 3 tug-of-war
You know as well as we do the
story of May 18 and 19: men's pushball—2 points for the frosh; women's
athletic events—2 points for them
there, too; stunt^-3 points for the
sophs; and sing—1% points apiece
for the red and blue alike,
So there it is—add it up! And
if you can get anything but 30 %—
17%, well— just show us!! We're
willing to be convinced
And now that all official mathematics are cleared up, we find that
the frosh fellows are athletically
superior to their rivals, but that in
nearly all the women's events the
sophomore Amazons seem to have
the edge on the gals of '42. And
thus, fellow citizens, ends rivalry till
the arrival of 1943 and its little green
Len Fennell and Band
Alumni Association
'All Neckties to Go*
Eddie and Toya
To Play for Seniors
To Conduct Reunion TwoSay
wide-eyed people went on
Initiation of Class of '39
Will Highlight Activities
The Alumni association of the college will conduct its annual Alumni
day this year on June 17. The all
day program of events is highlighted
by meetings of the various classes,
the presentation of "The Cradle
Song," and the induction of the
class of 1939 into membership.
Registration may be made on June
17 from 9:00 to 11:30 o'clock in
the rotunda of Draper hall and from
11:30 o'clock on in the rotunda of
the Residence halls. Alumni desiring to attend the luncheon to be
conducted at 1:00 o'clock in the
Residence halls and the Advanced
dramatics offering at 4:00 o'clock in
the auditorium of Page hall, must
make reservations with the Alumni
office on or before June 13.
The morning program features
meetings of the various classes, the
half and quarter century clubs, and
a general business session in Page
hall. In the afternoon, Dr. and
Mrs. Brubacher will receive those
alumni in attendance. The day's
activity will be climaxed by the
beautiful, traditional torchlight ceremony at 9:00 o'clock.
a rampage last Tuesday morriing.
They were out for blood—I mean
ties,—dripping from the ends of a
long, long, silvery pair of shears.
Toya and Eddie decided to
make a rag mat from old r a g s new neckties found around the
necks of activities-minded students. So—giving ample warning
to those who shall enter the activities office, they set out for
their rag-ties.
And did they find them—and
how. Victim after victim walked
into the spider's net that they had
spun, With the help of Borneohaired Lenny, our scalpers went
to work.
As the "elite" walked into the
office, Eddie grabbed their ties
while Toya cut them off. Polka
dots, red and blue striped, black,
blue, in fact all colors of the rainbow were exhibited in the line
that was strung accross the activities office.
Geo. D. Jeoney, Prop
The Senior class has been very
fortunate in securing the services
of Len Fennell and his orchestra to
play for the Senior Ball on June
19. Fennell's great band has had
a continuous run of more than
five years at the George F. Johnson Pavilion in Johnson City and
has shown up well in comparison
to the finest swing bands of the
country that play there weekly.
The band is distinctive in that
it does not play all of its numbers in its own style. Instead it
uses the best arrangements that
Shaw, Goodman, Clinton, Dorsey
and others have made, such as "Begin the Beguine," "What Is This
Thing Called Love," "Marie," "Sugar,
foot Stomp," "One o'clock Jump,"
"Song of India," "Shoot the Likker
to Me John Boy"—Just to mention a
few are some of the best swing things
Fennell plays in the style we have
heard many times. This year's Senior
Ball promises to be the best in years.
Boulevard Cafeteria
and Grill
VOL. I, No. 1
News to Sponsor
Informal Party
Dial 5-1913
Almost New
CALL 2-7173—Mornings
Summer School-
R e q u e s t s for Socials
During Summer
What — the SUMMER
When it comes out — every
Where it is sold—in the Rotunda, the main hall of Draper,
every Friday.
Who puts it out—the Journalism class.
What it contains—administrative notices, feature articles by
visiting professors and students,
editorials, news of college social
events, discussions of current
How you can get it—by subscription at twenty-five cents
for the five issues, or single
copies on sale every Friday, for
five cents per copy.
Dean's Office Releases
'39 Registration Figures
LJorothy Quackenbush,
with her smile and her Chesterfields, keeps smokers happy
from coast to coast
(Mm American Aviation 1938-1939) Ilka
all charming T. W. A. hoilaiwi, ii at
your torvicu char acrau llm tovnlry.
Coprn'xiii 1939, Uaarrt * MVWKS TOBACCO CO.
v^hesterfield's happy combination of the world's best tobaccos
gives smokers just what they
want in a cigarette. . . refreshing mildness, better taste, more
pleasing aroma.
When you try them you will know
why Chesterfields give millions of
men and women more smoking
pleasure...why THEY SATISFY
P r e s e n t Enrollment Decrease
Result of Four Years'
Normal Course
The Summer School News is
sponsoring an informal party in the
, Commons of Hawley hall on Friday
A decrease of 131 students in enevening, July 21, from eight to
rollment over 1938 at New York
twelve o'clock. Admission is twentyState College for Teachers is indifive cents per person, and all stucated by final reports from Dr. Mildents, faculty members and their
ton G. Nelson, Dean. The total
friends are urged lo come.
figure of 1939 is made up of 836
The purpose of the party is to rewomen and 553 men.
vive the spirit of campus life and
Dean Nelson attributes the deenthusiasm which seems to have
crease to the offering by Normal
been dormant during the summer
Schools of fourth year work, since
sessions here at State college. So
the drop has been primarily in
many students move from class to
Normal graduates. There has also
class for six hot weeks, making few
been a slight drop in undergradpersonal contacts either with feluates, while the graduate student
low-students or with members of
Benefits from Carnegie Gift
body, numbering 724 this summer,
the faculty. Those students who
Reach All Departments
"compares favorably with 1938," accommute, or those who live in
cording to the Dean.
rooms other than group houses, are
apt to find themselves with no op- This year the State College library
The all time high for State Colportunity for social contacts. Those will receive the benefits of the Carlege summer sessions was in 1936
students who live in a group house
when 1587 were registered.
find that their acquaintanceship is possible the enlargement of the
State College has attracted ten
largely delimited by the walls of
non-resident students representing
orders for new books have been rethat particular group house. In ceived and purchasing proceeds
seven states. The student who has
order to bring together into a more rapidly.
travelled farthest to attend the sumcompact body the men and women
mer session is Lawrence Lacey, of
Purchase lists made up of departDr. Milton G. Nelson, dean of the Houston, Texas. Other out of state
engaged in summer study at the
College, and in order to foster a mental requests are sent to the college, who Is director of the sum- students are Edna
Corporation which does mer school session.
Waterbury, Connecticut; Martha
spirit of friendliness during the Carnegie
the purchasing directly. For this
Trossen, Mishawaka, Indiana; EdSummer Session, we announce this purpose an office is maintained at
ward Fahey, Dalton, Massachusetts;
informal "get-together," or what we j the University of Michigan library. Milne Library To Be
Ethel Parsons, Bernardston, Massacall "STATEZAPOPPIN."
Lists must be carefully prepared by
chusetts; Alice Rozier, West Palm
Available To Students Beach,
Music and room for dancing will the librarian with complete biblioFlorida; Catherine Hinckley,
be supplied throughout the evening, graphical information. According to The model library of the Milne Burlington, Vermont;
tables and playing cards will be
Wolfe, Lancaster,
available, and there will be every
David Souders, Lancaster, PennsylStuart for the purpose of making vania; and Anna F. Petty, Coraopportunity for idle, or not-so-idle, been spent.
chatter. Several of the faculty hav i The books are assembled in four available a rending room for teach- opolis, Pennsylvania.
already expressed their intention of classes: American and British books ers and principals of secondary
attending, in the hope of meeting in print, out of print books, and schools.
The most popular department actheir students in an informal at- books from the European continent.
to registration figures is the
Hours are from 9:1)0 to 4:00 History Department,
followed by the
Only two books have been requested
o'clock, except the lunch hour from English and Education Departments,
Those who desire refreshments from other continents, one from Aus- 12:00 to 1:00 o'clock,
all of which have unusually large
will find coca-cola for sale at the tralia and one from India. Such
The largest single
There is a fine of five cents per enrollments.
usual five cents a bottle. So dress requests are handled through British
class is Education 103, "Psycholoday for each book kept overtime.
for a good time, bring your own cig- agents.
gical Study of Problem Behavior."
arettes, if you will, and Join the
Serving these 1939 summer sesfun.
sion students is a staff composed of
sixty-eight faculty members and
seven administrative
Prominent Librarians
Each year it is my pleasure lo welcome the students of the
Twenty-two of the thirty-six visitTo Present Lectures
ing professors and twelve of the
summer session who seek lo use the facilities of New York Stale
The library school of New York
thirty-two members of the regular
sumState College for Teachers is sponcollege faculty here this summer
soring during its summer session a
have Ph.D. degrees. Seven visitors
mer for further study in your chosen fields. We think your
series of four lectures by persons
and fourteen regular faculty memchoice a wise one if you make the must of the opportunities
prominent in the field of librarianbers have M, A. degrees.
ship. The first of these talks was
offered here.
The thirty-six visiting professors
held last Wednesday at 2:45 p. m. in
como from widely separated points
room 28, Richardson Hall.
This year, as in I he past, we arc hoping to stimulate and
ol the compass, and represent inMiss L. Marion Mosier, editor of
guide you in the art of teaching. Yours is an important Disk,
stitutions in seventeen states out"New York Libraries" and superside New York. Members of the
sesvisor of adult education and the
regular staff of such nationally
public library division of the New
sion return to your high calling better equipped to do your
known colleges and universities as
York State Department of EducaVassar, Brown, Wisconsin, Princeindividual tasks.
tion spoke on "Adult Education and
ton, and Michigan are at State this
the Young of New York State."
Whatever we may do lo help you will make us happy, for
Miss Ann E. Kennedy of the libin thai way we serve the public schools of New York Stale.
The summer session extends to
rary extension division of the State
August 10. Classes will end on
Accept, (hen, our greeting. The opportunities at Stale
Department will speak August 9th.
August 14, but examinations are
Dates for 1-he other two speakers are
are many; we await only your acceptance of litem.
announced for the remaining two
Library Uses Funds
For Book Purchases
for Mow
Smoking Pleasure
Price, Sc per Copy
Dean Nelson Greets Summer Students