Page 4 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, NOVEMBER n , 1938 Yesteryear's Economic Ideas Face Students Today Women Students Lead State's Scholastic Men Almost 17 ',<• years ago to date, in proportion to their income, and ested in public affairs. To them has (Continued from page 3, column 51 State students were so interested in the elimination of slums, by lobbying fallen the burden of preceding genClass of 1941 (Sophomores) Alice Ahcliivc, H u b e r t Altne, JIIHOeconomic problems of the day that and persuading the voters to supply erations. Today, we are more conlihlni' Aiitomiri'i, lOrni'st CIIHO, Kulph they established a Consumers' sufficient funds. Students have in- scious of our burden, not only the Chirk, Alary KINIIII, AIIICTIII I'rii'kni'i'ht. league. The object of that league fluenced the legislature during the burden imposed by the great war, but I'riini'i'N (icorKc, NirlmliiH Giiuiomlno, was to acquaint the college students past four years to establish better also the burden that is on the shoul- William (fooihioiitfh, Sylvin (iiM'eiiltliitl, lloi'h, Siinih H o r o w i t z , Kllrn with the industrial problems of our working conditions for women and ders of every American citizen— Katlicriill) Hurley, lli'riniiii Klciiie, Ittlth l.urHim. country and to educate them in con- children, such as lighting conditions, "Whither the way for the working Helen I,HNher, llellu LiiHhifiHky, Marie Miihiiken, .lames Mnloney, Irimi Miiiiustructive measures for the solution of floor space, ventilation, heating, etc., man?" lieliner, Dorothy .Mix, Aiitm Noriier^, and they have succeeded. these problems. The Consumers' league sponsored It is uncanny how history seems to repeat itself in a cycle of seven- trips through laundries and clothGeo. D. Jeoney, Prop Dial 5-1913 teen and one half years. Today we ing factories and attempted to are faced with the very same prob- influence the New York state lems, the only difference being that legislature by setting up its own Do any of you recall the industrial situation is more com- lobby. the Roosevelt minimum wage bill plex. The most striking coincidence is and the Simpson eight-hour-day the fact that this league was inter- bill which were sponsored by the ested in "the living and working students of the college at that time? conditions of the women and chil- This same interest is evidenced by dren who make our clothes, can our the students of today who are in food, sell our merchandise, run ourfavor of the Fair Labor Standards elevators, and operate our tele- act which provides for a forty-four phones.'1 Today we are vitally in- hour week and a twenty-five-ccnt \:m-100 CENTRAL AVENUE terested in establishing proper hous- minimum wage. ALBANY, N. Y. ing for the working class of people Students have always been inter- Boulevard and Clarence Olneii, D o r o t h y I'eak, Itutb IVllctte, Katrine ItoyN, Ciithorln* Shllfcir, .lanet SliurtH, Stanley Smith, •lamcN Hnover, Maria Trl|>|>, r a l w a r d Trout, J u l i a T u n n e l l , TIIOIIIUH VIIHHIIUW. _L Don't Miss the Z-443 DUCHESS' TREAT HOc Served at All MOUTH 30c So ii t* Turin I'ish Snliul Similwit'li or RoilHt lleef Hiinilwich Hume Mudc Pie unci Ice Cream Coffee, Cafeteria Ice Grill Tell <>r Milk Creum SumhtCH «»r SCMIIIN. , . ,10c I Me u lit moid* HNr XTKA (Joinl 10c ltjtItllJ1lt*tf(M*H DUCHESS "College Food Shop" Corner \VtiHHftijfHni »V No, Luke Aves. «.**s?l y.-y.-y.y.- : * •-Wvxv-:*:- ••;•;.:•• •;->;••<;• • •;.•:•;•:•:•:•:•:•:• mm*. '%; •*m Mii wm/ 1 :» ^v.4 " te> $£ '">,< * » • . ife '*th *»* ro» fy u : • •-, 1 hese action shots of "Whizzer" White. .. famous All-American football star. . . show what it takes to be a triple threat man. :; WP; i ' A ami mm*** MzWM my\ m WMMM • *?•*: •:&$Ww -,?'•: •< •' : w #• *' :V:ft;*r>:-': '^m. •xv«'] * "$ » « t ...the blend that can't he copied ...BRIGHT COMBINATION of the world's best cigarette tobaccos Copyrighi 11)38. LiMitrr & MriKi TOOACCO CO. . that's the reason Chesterfield stands out from the others The reason Chesterfield is different is because it combines the smoking qualities of the world's best cigarette tobaccos in one cigarette. It's the right combination of these tobaccos. ..mild ripe home-grown and aromatic Turkish, rolled in pure cigarette paper...that makes Chesterfield a better cigarette for you to smoke... milder and better-tasting. S. C. A. to Sponsor Group Meetings In Coining Week e College^ews _STATK COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS, ALBANY, N. Y„ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER .8, Mrs. Roosevelt's Stirring Talk Shows Utter Stupidity of War I938 ^ V " ' - X X I I I , No. 8 Interfraternftf Will Issue FresW "Nobody wins a war!" That's Mrs. lacking free communication, some of Franklin D. Roosevelt speaking be- the people did not realize war was fore the State college assembly in a imminent. But, "the one encouragspecial Armistice day address last ing aspect of the crisis was—we "The only way to do away did know!" Merritt and Klug to Serve week. with war is to make up our minds Mrs. Roosevelt showed this trend INTERFRATERNITY HEAD Freshman Men Will Receive as Commission Heads that we have to find some machinery to try to search out the things in toward expression of public opinion for Coming Year Notifications Monday the world preparing war." in its relation to the executive Via Student Mail The various commissions of S.C.A. Throughout her talk, Mrs. Roose- branch of our government, The head including freshman commission velt stressed the fact that we must of a nation can know what to do ONE WEEK TO DECIDE with its recently elected officers will , begin to get rid of the fears that are from the reaction of the people. spunsor activities during the coining besetting us as a nation. She spoke What he says "means more because Council Selects Committees two weeks. I rather feelingly of her own experl- they are behind him." As she spoke for Annual Fall Dance Freshman commission will have i ences in France at the end of the of the co-operation of South Ameron December 2 its next meeting Thursday, Decem- last war; of her visit to a gloomy ican and Northern European nations ber 1, with Paul Merritt presiding, hospital where "battered soldiers in sending messages for peace at in the Lounge of Richardson hall at were being made over so that people her husband's request, she thought Gordon Tabner, '39, president of 3:30 o'clock. As a result of elec- could look at them, and they might it notable that, "they knew and were I Interfraternity council, has a n take their place in society." tions conducted last Monday, both nounced that all freshman fraternity unanimous In their decision that war I he and Gladys Klug will serve as bids will be Issued Monday morning. She called to mind the recent crisis was not the way to settle the quespresident and vice-president, respec- and its effect at the White House, tion." These freshman men who are to retively. Miss Helen Hall Moreland, with Its "sense of terrific doom and ceive fraternity bids will be sent a Commenting on what we can do, dean of students, who will discuss tension." ft was really amazing to notice to that effect by the council through the student mailbox. They etiquette, will be the mam speaker. realize that we, as a people, knew she stated that unless we search out must call at Interfraternity council Eevotes for secretary from Jane more of what was going on than did the things causing war, people will be forced to war to solve their office in the Lounge of RichardEvans, Alice Packer, and Ruth Wig- the officials during the World war. son hall for their bids before gins and for songleader from JoseEven in the countries concerned, difficulties —which it emphatically doesn't. The logic backing war is 12:30 o'clock on the same day. phine Truinbell and Evelyn Doyle, flawless when the individual reaches All bids must be returned with acare included in the program. the point where lie feels that he ceptance or rejection before 12:30 Thanksgiving Service either comes out of war ahead or is o'clock on Monday, November 28, the S.C.A. is sponsoring a Thanksgivkilled. day following Thanksgiving vacaing worship service at the Unitarian tion. chapel, located in the back of the To get peace we must do more school on Tuesday at 12.00 o'clock. than say we are individuals and No bids will be issued by fraterdon't matter in the general scheme Everyone is invited. Gordon Tabner, '39, president of nities between 12:30 o'clock on Monof things. We must stop shirk- Inter fraternity council which will day and the first day of next term. Monday, at 3:30 o'clock, in the Sophomore Group Advance ing responsibility, Mrs. Roosevelt supervise the bidding of freshmen This year Interfraternity council Lounge of Richardson hail, Marto Board Assistants said, in passing, "the only danger to next week. is composed of representatives from riage commission will conduct a our democracy is that the people from Reporters four fraternities. The representatives meeting. The questions at issue will will not carry their share of responare as follows: Kappa Beta: Harry be outgrowths of the recently consibility." Bergstein, Albert Architzel, seniors, The NEWS Board conducted a ducted null session. Dean Moreland Paul Sapolsky, '40; Kappa Delta When they do that, it's time to will also participate in the discus- meeting Monday night during which Rho: Joseph Bosley, John Edge, sension. This session will be under the six sophomores were selected to worry, for then they will turn to iors, Walter Simmons, '40; Edward direction of Carolyn Mattice and serve as sophomore desk editors of anything. We, here, want to remain Eldred Potter club: Gordon Tabner, Gordon Tabner, seniors, co-chairmen the Ni'.'ws for the remainder ol' thecitizens of a country where we can Bernard Gaffncy, seniors, Willard of the commission. The topic for school year. Edgar B, O'Hora and have something to say about things. Frament, '40; Sigma Lambda Sigma: Speaking of the Welles radio incidiscussion will be "Your Code of Jean Strong, seniors, co-editors of Debaters Represent .Thomas Laverne, Charles Shafer, the NEWS, announce that those pro- dent, she said, "if that is what mob Nine Chastity." State at Conference seniors, William Ryerson, '40. moted are: Alice Abelove, William psychology can do to us if we had Attend Conference Cameron, Beatrice Dower, Sylvia to face such a crisis, then all I can of Colleges The Interfraternity council was On the weekend of November 11 Greenblatt, Stephen Kusak, and say is—I'm ashamed." organized in the spring of 1936 with Lo 13 the annual fall council meeting John Murray. Last Wednesday nine delegates, "We are a free people and are Gamma chapter of Kappa Delta of the Student Christian Movemuin Each November, from four to six letting ourselves be ridden by fears members of Debate council, repre- Rho and Edward Eldred Potter club in New York state took place at Cosented State college at a debate conlumbia university. Stale's council, al- sophomore reporters who have been which amount to nothing if wo know ference at Colgate. They were John as members. During the last year lowed two members on this council, trying out for these positions are se- what we set out to do, and do it. Edge, Leonard Friedlander, Betty Kappa Beta and Sigma Lambda was represented this year by Marion lected. The selection is based on the In conclusion, Mrs. Roosevelt Hayford, Joseph Leese, Ann Lomnit- Sigma have been admitted to the amount of work done and the quality Rockefeller, '3D, president of Student I of this work, and on the general in- wished, "I want us to be the most zer, Edgar O'Hora, Gordon Tabner, council. Two seniors and one junior Christian association, and Robert I terest which they have displayed in courageous people in the world, not | Charles Walsh, seniors, and Janice from eacli fraternity compose the because we are afraid, but because Friedman, '40. Mr. William Hardy, organization. The organization is to Martin, '40. ' journalism. we have so much confidence In our instructor in English, accompanied promote and regulate more social acThe aim of the conference is to tivities between the fraternities of On Moving-up day in May three desire to be just, both at home and tlie group. outline Ihe program of the Student associate managing editors are abroad." The conference Is held each year the college, and to secure greater Christian Movement for the coming cnosen from Ihe sophomores to serve at Colgate to discuss the intercol- co-operation between the fraternities. year. Among the subjects lor dis- during the junior year. From these legiate debate topic for the season. This is the third year that there has cussion at the recent meeting were in turn, the editor and the managThe question at issue this year is I been organized rushing tinder the the budget for the coming year, the ing editors for the senior year are "Resolved: That the government supervision of the organization and commissions to be established in cer- chosen. should cease to use public funds for the result is that the freshmen have tain areas throughout the state, Ihe become well acquainted with the frapurpose of stimulating business." , The sports department of the Silver Bay conference for 1939 and Three of llu? delegates spoke at ternities and bidding has been postthe revision of the statemenl of pur- | NKW.H announces that the filling of Slate playgoers will be offered still the meeting on pump-priming. The poned until Thanksgiving recess. the positions of assistant sports edipose. Annual Formal tors will be done on a selective basis, ianother opportunity to view the of- speakers and their topics were Betty It was announced at the confer- depending on the same qualifications ferings of the Advanced Dramatics Hayford, "Theory Opposed to PumpInterfraternity council's annual ence [hat the Hi-Y Leaders Training as those used in determining sopho- class Tuesday night at 8:15 o'clock Priming"; Joseph Leese, "Failure of fall formal will be conducted this conference will meet at. State col- Ullore desk editors. The men's sports when the Page hall curtain ascends of Pump-Priming to Work"; and year on Friday, December 2. Joseph lege on Saturday, December 10. editor Is Charles Franklin, '39, andon plays lo be directed by Betty Leonard Friedlander, "Use of Em- Bosley and Bernard Gaffncy will be I lie women's sport editor is Betty Clark and Mary Koonz, juniors. ployment Reserves as an Alternative co-chairmen for the event. Committees for the affair will be chosen Clark, '40. People interested in tryMiss Clark's play will portray the to Pump-Priming." ing out may report to them. Newman Club To Offer .struggle between the Russian peasFriedlander, president of Debate from the following fraternities: arCub classes lor freshmen are being ' ants and the nobility. Its cast In- council, announced that the varsity rangements, decorations and bids, Novel Harvest Dance conducted on Monday and Tuesday cludes: Charles Walsh, '31), Frank team will meet with Skidmore In Kappa Beta; music, door, Edward Elnoons at 12:00 o'clock in room 111, Cassidy and Douglas Dlllenbeck, Ihe near future. He further staled dred Potter club; chaperones, cheek"Siichei your parlner, sachet that prominent men in the ileitis of ing. Kappa Delta Rho; publicity, Willi Olio Howe mid Leonard Kowal- .sophomores, and Ira Hir.sch, '42. back" will be ihe call tonight Committees for this play are as business and government are ex- flowers, Sigma Lambda Sigma. echoing back and forth in Die sk.\. 11111101' assoeialc managing editors, in charge this .semester. Saul follows: costume and makeup, Rita pected lo address the debate seminar: Commons ol Hawlcy hall. I )on'l (Iri enwe Id iiiul Sully Young, jun- Benedict, '3D; props. Mary Arudt, soon. l)i' .- in prt.M il, 'cause n ,s Newman iors, U*a (lift' editor and associate house. Rose De Colls, and .sets. Jane club's dance in lull "swing." Al i hi, barn dance managing edllor, respectively, will Wilson, juniors. Myskania Will Sponsor teach Ihe classes next semester. The vnu will be able lo do nol only The second play Is u fantasy, diattendance in llu se classes i^ Used rected your latest "jitterbug" dances but Campaign of Red Cross by Miss Koonz, The cost of in choosing reporters for next year, characters follows: J. Edinore Melalso round and square dances, State college will participate in Mary Trainnr, 40 student assowinch will be "called" by an.snii, '39, Marela Brown, Jean Mil- Die nationwide Red Cross drive lor ciation songleader. will be in charge Then,ii Powell, '40. Music, liolli chell, mid Edward ToiuuMan, Juniors, funds next week. Monday and of the student talent .show that Will Gracl Students Conduct swing ami hill-billy, will hi' furDorothy Peak, Julia Tunnell, sopho- Tuesday llvil Cross buttons will be be Ihe feature of this morning's nished In Jack Ryan, '40, and First Social Function mores, and Harry Pa.s.sow, '42. sold lo Hie members of the college assembly, according to John Edge, his orchestra. The following comprise the com- by a group of junior agents. Tin- graduate students conducted '39, president of the student assoThis drive Is being carried on tin-1 ciation. ilicir party of the year last mit tees lor Ihe fantasy: house, Ruth General chairman lor this Thursday evening in the Commons Donnelly, lights and sets, Eleanor der the sponsorship of Myskania, I One of the features of this prowhin bung, hay seed event will ol Hawlcy hall. Games and dancing Grull, costumes, Ruby Stewart, props, senior campus leadership society, gram will be the stately swing music be thai farmerette, Delia Dolan, '39. Commit fees who have shar- I were enjoyed by all in attendance. Rita Sullivan, and makeup, Lorraine and in conjunction with tne nation- of Sam Coppolino, '39, and his State wide drive carried on yearly. The college jazz band. A trumpet duet ed Ihe work are: I Early in the evening refreshments, Theurer, juniors. consisting of eider and doughnuts, school has been asked to participate by the freshmen, Robert Meek and Leonard Varmelte, '41, tickets; wen- .served. by the local Red Cross society which Leslie Graves, will be another of ! College to Recess Anna Acee, '41, publicity; The committee responsible for this i The college will recess for Thanks- is now separate from the local com- the attractions. Ryan, music; Paul Gratfiin, '41, first social function of the grads giving vacation from Wednesday munity chest. decorations; and Denis Peper, Bernard Perlman, '42, violinist This is the second year thai State will play several classical numbers was as follows: general chairman, noon until U:10 o'clock the follow'30, door. Dorothy Goodwin; arrangements, ing Monday morning, November 28. students have participated in the for the more serious side of this Tickets for the dunce, which Elizabeth Grattan and Floyd Schnei- All absences immediately preceding drive. The present method was show. Monologues and songs by will last from 8:00 to 12:00 der; minister of propoganda, Sig- i or following the vacation must be used last year. Also during the various members of the student aso'clock, are fifty cents per couple muild Sehwaber; queen of the ball, Iapproved by the (lean of the college Mississippi flood of 1037 State stu- sembly will also be featured. The reand thirty-live cents per person, ' Charlotte Peck. dents raised over five hundred dol- mainder of the assembly will be givor college physician. ' lars for the relief of the victims. en over to a short business meeting. News Announces Six Desk Editors State Delegates Attend Meeting Clark, Koonz Direct Two One-Act Plays , Assembly Will Watch State Talent Show Page 2 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, NOVEMBER i8, 1938 STATE COLLEGE NEWS Established by the Class of 1918 The undergraduate Newspaper of New York State College for Teachers Published every Friday of the college year by the News Board representing the Student Asociation CommentstaterTelephones: Office, 5-9373; O'Hora, 3-2843; Strong, 2-9707; Hertwig, 3-2889; Bllzl, 3-9538 (THE COMMENTSTATER is given the widest Entered as second class matter in the Albany, N. Y. latitude as author of this column, though his viewpostoffice points do not necessarily always reflect those of the Feud for Thought Personal Viewpoints (EGO is given the widest latitude as author of this column, though his viewpoints do not necessarily always reflect those STATE COLLEGE NEWS, NOVEMBER i8, 1938 State's Stage Thrilling tragedies— Captivating character Superb setting of the STATE COLLEGE NEWS.V .PLAYGOER. Our hats are off to you, Advanced Dramatics! Those plays are still STATE COLLEGE N B W S J REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY getting better and better. Take last The feud is on I Yes, with a roar of defiance, Leo Tuesday's productions for instance. National Advertising Service, Inc. Miss Sullivan's play was a beautiCollege Publishers Representative himself burst upon an unsuspecting State college audiful—there's no other word—presen4 2 0 MADISON A V E . N E W YORK, N. Y. ence this week. Your Commentstater was highly hontation. Mr. Wells literally transCHICAOO ' BOSTON • Lot A n f l t l . l t • SAN F M N c n c o ored in being presented with a personally autographported us to the Atlantic with what ed copy shortly before its general circulation. Strangeis probably the most authentic and most original set we have had. ly enough, your Commentstater laughed at some of the THE NEWS BOARD It's almost a shame that we have feature articles, to the amazement and disgust of the EDGAR B. O'HOIIA Editor-in-Chief to really work to find something to entire NEWS board. However, 'lest our enthusiasm criticise, but that's getting to be JEAN STRONG. Co-Editor-in-Chief carry us beyond the realm of reason, we will employ the case. ROBERT E. HERTWIQ Managing Editor our critical mind to analyze State's humor magazine. In the first play, Mr. Wells', the OTTO J. HOWR Associate Managing Editor set was the first thing to catch the Why? Simply this—there is a time-honored feud anLEONARD E. KOWALSKY Associate Managing Editor eye. With lights perfectly subdued nually carried on by the members of the NEWS and to the mood, and sounds effects that SALLY E. YOUNG Associate Managing Editor Lion boards. How they ever work harmoniously with went off without a hitch, one was VICTORIA A. BILZI Business Manager the same printer is the subject of no little wonder. half carried away. Add to that, the JOAN M. BYRON Advertising Manager thorough prertending of Messrs. The NEWS, being strictly a journalistic effort, cannot GRACE B. CASTIOLINE Circulation Manager Weiss and Doran, and the supportcarry on this feud in its news columns, so the Coming work of the rest of the cast, menstater will endeavor to bear the NEWS' share of and you have the play which, THE NEWS STAFF the fight. En garde, Cuthbertl thrilled an altogether-too-small auCharles Franklin Men's Sports Editor dience last Tuesday. In the first place, we think that Leo deliberately * + + Of course, we did notice that many Betty Clark Women's Sports Editor tried to misinterpret the grand old game of football! of Mr. Weiss' lines were lost beThat taken care of, we William Ryan Assistant Sports Editor When "holding" and "passing" become technical terms cause of his character. It's just can add to the number of Joseph Bosley Assistant Sports Editor of the great indoor sport, then it is time for all loyal possible that that tipper bunk helped things that we want Campus muffle it—you've got to watch those touch-football players to raise their voices in righteous Feature Editors commission to take out of the insignificant details, directors-tomailboxes. For goodness sakes! indignation! In the second place, we resent their Saul Greenwald Charles Walsh come. The characters of the crew, What happened to ALL those imaginary stadium. It is quite evident that they have Associate Editors while not thoroughly defined were rules and regulations for notes never witnessed one of the hair-raising soccer games readily recognizable from their Albert Architzel, Charles Ettinger, Joyce Maycock, and the time that a note can wait played by the girls' gym classes on the greensward in speech, and we did so like that J. Edmore Mclanson, Alice Bartlow, to be claimed. It's bad enough Swede. Mr, Meltz gave the captain Robert Cogger back of the dormitory! or the W.A.A. archery outfit to have to fight your way to a hard unconcern that even for the mailbox, without having to —and if you don't believe us, see Betty Clark! Assistants to Business Board the short time he was on the stage thumb through a pile of last However, we wish to be fair! There were little Assistant Business Manager Harriet Sprague was marvelously sustained. Conmonth's advertisements. Assistant Advertising Manager Kenneth Haser gems of truth behind the facetious statements and gratulations to Mr. Wells! Thank you— Assistant Circulation Manager Mary Gabriel puns. In the play by play description of the imaginary As regards the second play, we EGO must again state that Miss DeBusiness Staff game between State and Dartmug, our hero, PorterCotis' versatility is going to prove Marion Ayotte, Ray Carroll, Elizabeth Donahue, Nor- edge, moves toward the Cafeteria, where he is repulsed her, in spite of herself, one of the man Levy, Miriam Newell, Betty Parrott, Enes by a strong line. That's no lie! And we might say, best actresses we have. Her poigNovelli, Madeline Scesny, Catherine Schafer nant portrayal carried the play ditto for the Annex. The congestion there from eleven above all petty annoyances—annoy, Reporters to one runs a close second only to Times Square on ances such as that bellying "cheater" Alice Abelove, Anna Acee, Josephine Autilio, William New Year's eve. that glowered down on the stage, Brophy, Janet Busackcr, Noreen Cappiello, Harriet Another high spot was the poem bemoaning the that hidden hand that closed the Conklin, Mary D'Arlenzo, Dora De Michele, Frieda The time is soon coming when door. Her performance was such, Diamond, Dennis Dole, Beatrice Dower, Doris Dygert, Mailbox situation. True enough, Leo. You have to all good little sororities will start Betty Elson, Sylvia Greenblatt, Adeline Kadgis, Helen use gridiron tactics to get the note that means life or polishing up their pledge pins—not that we doubt if the audience, as a Leary, Mary Grace Leggett, Rose Lison, Beatrice death to you. to mention other things! But be-whole, even noticed them. Close behind her came Miss DonMarashinsky, Ann McGuinness, Hyman Meltz, Wilfore that comes Thanksgiving (and To return to our analysis, we refer you to the nelly. While she had a beautiful liam Miller, John Murray, Catherine O'Bryan, Evelyn how) and right now—Greek news. Olivet, Clarence Olsen, Sally Pine, Irene Pogor, cover of the Lion, We was robbed. We perused the Phi Delta offers us the following character outlined, it's a shame that Elizabeth Pritchard, Anne Rattray, Charlotte Ritchie, "mag" page by page, but we couldn't find any trace information: Jane Weir, '41, recent- so many of her speeches were—so to Isabella Robinson, Ruperta Simmons, Louise Snell, of "Racket Boosters" or "Slivers from the Skirt of a ly became a pledge, while Alicia Vail speak—lost in dialect. The same thing happened to Miss Groif. Tillie Stern. Whirling Dervish"—all of which goes to disprove the and Marian McCousland, also sophoMr. Walters, in his brief bit, was mores, were initialed. Phi Delt conreliability of the magazine. We also deplore the free ducted a buffet supper for their fac- a thoroughly adequate son. We advertising given a local establishment by the poem ulty, and the following new honor- never- realized the possibilities of on page 13, column 2. Disgusting! ary members were initiated: Mr. the Walters brogue before. The keening group deserves special men"All the worhl'h a stuffo and all the men and women We are forced to admit one thing. Leo promised Jesse F. Stinard, professor of Span- tion, Their wailing was most exmerely playurH." ish, and Mrs. Stinard; Mrs. Martha us a laugh per issue, and we found one. That was in Egelston, instructor in history; and cellently done. May we also con—SIIAKIOSl'KAKK. the editor's statement that the game scheduled be- Mr. D. W. Snader, supervisor of gratulate Miss Sullivan for her conEvery once in a while something appeals tween State and Notre Dame was purely fictitious. mathematics, and Mrs. Snader. tribution lo the night's entertainWeekending it at Phi Delt were Eve- ment. to our cultural taste and at the same time Touche, Richard! One thing . . . we heard several lyn Hamman, Esther Smith, '37ers, entertains us. Such a combination was comments from the audience to the and Mary Burllngame, '38. effect that Ihey came to ba amused achieved in the Greek tragedy presented In our book of wedding announce- and while they didn't dislike good ments go two more, these from last year at Commencement time. they would like a few laughs. Kappa Delta; Marie Judd, '30, toacting, Watch plays you put together Ralph Derby, and Emma Meade, '36, on the the This year, so far, we have not even same bill. to Raymond King. heard a rumor about the follow-up to this by J. Edmore Melanson, '39 The preview of the Mask and Wig Our weekend guest book begins to I Broadcast the Crisis, by H. V. Kaltenborn, Random overflow, show gives us promise of a pleasant drama. Frankly, we are worried. We feel House, with the latest news from 1938, 300 pages, $2.00. Phi Lunibda. Visitors were Winifred December evening in the near futhat one of the best innovations may have (On sale in the no-op) Hurlbut, '31, Esther Mead, Nile ture, We've needed a group to reHot off the press, and hot off the wire is this source Clemens Perrine, Lucile Wameley, place the defunct Troubadours — been dropped from our calendar. It is not written by the source itself; a fact manual writ- '32, Genevieve Sharly, '34, Marion maybe the College house lads will often that good new ideas filter in, and book ten by one of the main factors himself. Porter, '35, Marie Maynard, Mar- do it. H. V. Kaltenborn, the radio commentator who garet Burncltc, Virginia Dann, '36ers, when such ideas do, we believe that they covered the Czechoslovakia!! war scare for the Colum- Helen Sautiu, Minnie Georgcff, Eveshould be continued and enlarged upon. bia Broadcasting system, less than two months ago, lyn Lindros, Laura Ferris, '37, and Work on last year's play started very lias compiled a new type of story on tin; scene behind Gertrude Tryon, Martha Scheld, the day-by-day description of events as they rapidly Kaihryn Carlson, and Josephine early and we believe that if we are to im- occurred. The book Is written In a diary style, Willi Pesko, "lllers. Thi! Appointment bureau anprove that production, plans for the drama stenographic minutes of the many "flashes," interviews Visitors at AEPhi, were Martha nounces there will be a meeting of and comments from Paris, Rome, Munich, London, Rolllick Plotnick, "17, and Florence should begin immediately. The drama fits Washington, Prague, and New York as they were and graduate students In Ellen, '35, AEPhi announces the birth seniors 20 at 4:30 o'clock on Thursday, nicely into the Commencement program broadcast during the heat of the crisis. of a baby daughter to Bess Hart- I room December 1. The meeting will be By reading the radio .scripts, just as they were man Rosen, '35. and was interesting and could be more so read over the air during this period, one can relive, Lo explain the workings of the buAt. Sigma Alpha, Linwllla Buyer reau. Suggestions on applying for a with more carefully laid plans started now. and the rapid development nl the Czech and Florence Ringrose, both ol class position will also be a feature ol I he from September 12, when President Benes nl "ill, were visitors. Mrs, Frances Jf the idea has been dropped, we sug- troubles first spoke on the conflict, until the summation of the Ci'cllln, supervisor ol French, and meeting. Immediately alter the regular gest that the sponsors start planning U>\- outbreaks with the Munich conlercnee, Raymond Fiskc, instructor In chemmeeting there will be a sp rial HirelIn the short time internum!! since the conclusion istry, have consented to become honanother spring production. If they ft el of the four-power conference, Kaltt-nbarn has written ing of those persons who have sinned orary members of tin; sorority. up for committee work. Mr. Paul there is a lack of interest in such a produc- a masterly humiliation nl all thai transpired during Alpha Rlio announces the mar- Bulger, secretary ol the bureau will clic month ol Si |)h iiibcr. riage (I Belly Slawson, '35, to War- return from his 'gel -acquainted' lour tion, we think that if they appealed lo the tin lit "In September, ' writes Kail inborn, "war came ren Harmon ol Rochester, and of dramatics clasf or the student body Ihcy closer than II has come since the Aiinlslice We were Hllth Wtlllgll, ':s.r>, to Charles MaGlll, of the state's high schools Wednesday, in,m war, I am eonviiuid, by ilie mobilization Bath. (leralilino Pleat, Katrine could find numerous volunteers to aid in suved The deadline for the one dollar nl world i pinion for peace. When Ilie ensis came, we Hoys, sophomores, Kathleen Butler, the work. had mastered a force of which we knew almost nothing '40, Augusta Sliumann, and Eliza- contribution is Monday, November in 1014. America, with the only tree radio .system in beth Arthur, seniors, have been In- 20, the day after Thanksgiving recess. The payment may be niado State has too few cultural advantages the world today, led the way." itialed Into full membership, ut any time In room 121 A, "The best argument for peace is not argument at of this type, It would be a great shame if Vivian Salisbury, '38, Margaret all," he continues, "but complete Information. In the '34. were weekenders at 1939 to C o n d u c t Revote a worthwhile th'ng should be dropped. efforts (f one great broadcasting system to bring the Walsworth, Alpha Rho, while Janice Vogel of The senior class will conduct reAfter all the Greeks had a word for it— American people complete information on the Sep- Syracuse university, Gertrude Hoff- votes for the office of W. A. A. reptember crisis, I played a part. This book Is a record man Cohen, '20, and Lee Glcckner. resentative today, immediately after we hope it isn't—Nuts! of it." '30, visited at PAT, assembly. Well, here we go again! It seems we were only babes in arms when they had the last war. So they're back to get us now. It's only a matter of time. The flags have already begun to wave. Last Sunday's newspapers all carried a touching article—it was paid for, in many instances—to the effect that we should give our aid to the poor oppressed; only last Friday, did our speaker fondly hope that we would face catastrophe bravely, should it come. Well, we say fooey! There's been Just about enough of this war talk. We say wake up from this darn-fool stupor and take a look at what our so-called world leaders are trying to argue us into. It's about time that the youth of this country did something about the situation, and it's going to be we college kids who are going to have to do the leading. 'Nuff said!!! Hellenics Another Tragedy? Book of the Week: Current Events Vs. Crisis Appointment Bureau State Harriers To Meet Aggies In Final Contest Minerva Competes with Mailbox As State College Social Spot W. A. A. to Begin Winter Schedule Page 3 Brass Knuckles Ah—there It is. Of course! It's This is not Professor Quiz but almost as good. Question—Just what as easy as nothing. Minerva is is your conception of the word shorthand for one of the chief gath- Sports Include Hiking, RidMinerva? The Roman goddess of ering sports of State college students. ing, Basketball, Swimming, wisdom? Nope, sorry. All right, Didn't know that, did you? Well, Fencing, Bowling .C.F.F. R i v a l S q u a d s W i l l C o m p e t e then, the Roman name for the we didn't realize it either until we heard five out of six dates made with Wednesday, November 16, was the Greek goddess, Athena. Wrong o n Local Park Course We wish to extend our sincere again! The name of that white Minerva as the "center of attrac- date of the end of Women's Athletic condolences to M. A. A,, the junior Tomorrow at T w o tion"—as the chemist would put it. association's fall season, and the bestatute in the rotunda of Draper class, the basketball team and to So one fine afternoon, we planted ginning of the winter season which The State cross country squad will hall at N.Y.S.C.T.? We'ell, you're ourselves in a seat near this illus- will extend until January 20. With the fellows who know Larry Balog. Larry has been consigned to a life launch its final effort to eke out a getting warmer. Come on, you'll win trious statute, held a note-book be- the change in seasons, Elizabeth of leisure pending the mending of a victory and prevent a winless sea- a prize yet. fore us and opened our eyes and ears Allen, '39, president of the associa- heart made weak by an active Inson when the harriers play host to to all. We were not disappointed. tion, announced a new program of terest in the athletic life of State. Morrisville Agricultural college here Here is a brief resume. sports. Congratulations to the class of tomorrow in a meet marking the end Act I, Scene 1: A girl stands Bowling will be captained by Olive 1941, which he'll Join next year after of this year's schedule. alone, her arms loaded with books. Baird, '41. Games will be played at convalescence. The trot booked to start at 2:00 She is apparently watching for the Rice Bowling alleys on Tuesdays o'clock, will be run over the same Chatter someone. Suddenly another girl and Thursdays from 3:30 to 5:00 Camp 3.4 mile Washington-Lincoln park rushes over to her exclaiming, o'clock. Completion of twelve games On this page you will find a n course employed in last Saturday's "Where were you, I waited and will be required for credit. All-State intramural squad chosen Concerning encounter with Alfred. waited near the mailbox." Other Virginia Mitchell, '40, captain of from participants in State's touch Undismayed by the string of three girl: "The mailbox! I said Minerva. basketball, has made extensive plans football season. The list was comQuery defeats behind them, the boys are It's 100';; safer." Exit two girls. You for the season. Basketeers will meet piled as the concensus of votes from all the more vehemently pursuing see, the mailbox has a rival. in the gym on Mondays from 3:30 to officials of the sport. B.C. their practice program with the inScene 2: At two-thirty in the 5:00 o'clock, on Wednesdays from We advise that you read it over tent of putting forth their stiflesl Well, here we are, riding our petsame afternoon two lellows stand 3:45 to 5:00 o'clock, on Friday from carefully. If you think that your competition in the coming clash. Not hobby again. Yep, you guessed it, by Minerva's spear looking for their 4:30 to 5:00 o'clock, on Saturday was slighted, by all means, since 1934, when cross country was Camp Johnston and its apparent dates. Here they come. "Hurry up!" from 9:00 to 12:00 o'clock. Rivalry roommate let us know. We hope that in forminitiated here as a varsity sport, has lack of LURE! We admit we're one exclaims, "let's get to the park— games and some of the interclass ing the next squad of this sort, the purple and gold found it neces- stupid, to begin with, so it always the devil with classes when the games will be played on Wednesday we shall be able to contact all the sary to bow to all competition. A takes time for us to catch on to weather is so nice." The girls afternoons. In the interclass com- players engaging in the sports insimilar fate looms before the team these subtle tilings. But this one has sigh, "Oh!" And they walk out petition each class team will meet volved. If it fails to come through with a us hollering "Mammy" and chasing with the fellows. Romance is in each of the other class teams twice. victory tomorrow. Attendance at two-thirds of the the squirrels in the park. We just the air. State fans are again reminded that don't get it. And lyah! yah!) we Scene 2: A group of girls just practices will be required for credit. the best vantage point for spectators aren't the only ones who are puzzled. out of a class simultaneously stop Fencing Classes will be along Inglcwood place where Everyday, ordinary, normal people before Minerva. Remarks are fast Fencing classes with Ruth Larson, the harriers swing into the final can't quite dope it out. So we and furious. "That so and so spring- 41, as captain, and Herbert Frankel, stretch. haven't a chance of solving the prob- ing a test on us!" "For Heaven's 39, as instructor, will meet in the New Record Set lem. sake, Fran, what was the answer to gym on Monday, Wednesday and In last week's contest which the Ah, but wait! Maybe you canthat third question?" "Forget about Friday afternoons after 3:30 o'clock. Peds dropped to Alfred, 3G-19, a new render invaluable assistance. Hunh? the test, how was your date last Due to congestion in the gym, the time was set for the 3.4 mile course Here's the situation—Camp Johnston night?" "Tall and dark — period!" exact time for classes and credit reby the opposition, Guilford finish- is located on a lovely little plot of We timed them. It was ten minutes quirements have not yet been defi• • • • ing first in 17.20. nitely decided. ground overlooking a creek out in before the group broke up. Russ and Manley displayed the Chatham; the cabin is watertight Swimming will bo continued as a Act II, Scene 1: Early in the best performance for State, finish- and warm (well, as warm as you afternoon. This time a fellow stands fall sport, since time was taken out ing fourth and fifth in 18:15 and could expect a cabin to be); eighteen besides Minerva. Finally a girl joins of the swimming schedule when the Albany's Most Complete 18:20 respectively. Russ also showed of the twenty - one bunks are him. Girl: "Since you're so nice to pool was repaired. up well in the previous meet against equipped with inner-spring mat- walk me home, I know you'd love Riding and Lotta Bunkers are Cobleskill. and Progressive tresses; tableware is sufficiently to carry my books." And off they full-year sports and will continue Manley, a sophomore, is showing sufficient; and the kitchen oil-stove go. under the same regulations for the great progress this season, and ac-works like one of the new electric Scene 3: Two fellows on their whole year. Department Store cording to Captain Tony Wilczynski, marvels. So much for the cabin it- way home stop before the statue Thp badminton tournament has should prove valuable to next fall's self. The surrounding country is and critically view it. First boy: "So been extended until the end of this aggregation. pleasantly hilly or pleasantly flat, de- this was the cause of all the trouble week to facilitate the completion Since 1859 New uniforms have been received pending on how you take your coun- last year. My oh my!" Second boy: of the finals. Semi-finalists were by the squad members and were tryside. An outdoor bathtub flows "A measly finger at that!!" You Frances Riani, Dorothy MacLean, donned lor the first time in me past the front door of the cabin. In guessed it, they were freshmen. and Dorothy Mclsaac. Alfred meet. lact, camp is a reasonably exact By that time we were both confacsimile of an attractive place to vinced and tired. So what did we do? Went down, donned our coat spend outdoor weekends. That's why we can't understand . and hat, waded through some notes why people act as though the space I in the mailbox, went up. and waited were plastered with small-pox quar- for our gal friend—near Minerva! antine signs. Do let us know what is wrong— we just can't stand this horrible Tabulation of a poll, conducted suspense of not knowing what causes among the athletic officials of State camp to stand lonely and unused— by the sports department of the and not knowing what to ao about NISWK this week, resulted in the se- i t ! lection of the All-State Intramural touch football team. With the close of W. A. A.'s fall K.D.R., league champions, and Alseason, live sports will be deleted bany, runners-tip, each placed two from the schedule for at least one men on the first team, while College season. They arc archery, badminhouse and Potter club each contriton, hockey, soccer and tennis, capbuted one member. The second Men's intramural athletics are tained respectively by Grace Moon, team was monopolized by College blazing ahead at lull speed. Spurred '41, Virginia Elson, '40, Louise Hesshouse and KDR, College house gain- on by the fine success of tennis, ney, '40, Marge Bnird, '40, and Olive ing four positions and KDR thetouch football and the other sports, Baird, '41. The captains have reother two. the council has been working on new ported to the associations the following persons who will receive credit Bill Ton-ens, shifty sparkplug of fields. the College house team, was voted The spotlight at the present time for participation in fall sports. the most valuable player in the is focused on bowling. Three matches Archery: Woolschlager, '39; Kingsleague and given the quarterback have been played to date, the win- ley, Scheer, juniors; Dygert, Kadgis, position. Bill "Wimpy" Barrett of ners being the Gratis, the Commu- Larson, Parshall. sophomores; Albany was placed in the blocking ters, and Sigma Lambda Sigma. Adams, Bush, DeAngelis, Evans, back position with "Toad" FairTills year's bowling teams will Fram, King, Kyle, Lee, Muller, Ozbanks of KDR rounding out the have three members on each squad. iiion, Rubar, Sturtze, Trowbridge, backlield. In the end positions arc Intramural council has decided to Trumbull, Wing, freshmen. Paul Sehniil/, of Albany and Will equip Ilie team with new cotton Badminton: MacLean, '39; Bunco, Frament of Potter club, both excel- swiat shirts, each team having dif- Elson, juniors; Caganek, Conklin, Ellent pass receivers and def nsive ferent colors, Larry Straltner, son, Mix, Norberg, Parker, Pritchard, men. Steve Bull of KDR completes president of Intramural council, has Riani, Robinson, Sollecito, Stern, the team at center. placed Dan Bucci in charge of the Tripp, Wilhelm Woicik. sophomores; Sample "Wlii-cne" Lehman and Walt matter. Norman DeNeef, head ol Black, Brege, Burnett, Bush, CumRound-Trip Fares Harper of College house and Bill the bowling committee, states Unit inings, Fram, Haushalter, Johnson, When you start the annual pilgrimage home to Syracuse Brophy ol KDR compose the back- the Palace alleys have reserved six Langworthy, Mclsaac, Olmslead, $4.35 get a good square meal (we presume you're Rochester Held of Ilie second team, with Col- jalleys lor Stale students on Mon-lpediey Peterson, Shapley, Surdam . 7.15 not immune to the charms of a home-cooked lege house's Edge and Peal lie, and 'day nights. '-Irc.shmen. • 1.50 drumstick!) remember the sage advice of the New York KDR's Quultroehi lining the lines- ! I'Vi cing will MI; n hi- in lull wing. I Hockey: MacLean, ':!!); Field Buffalo, N, V. K.K5 Puritan Fathers . . "Always travel by Greymen's positions, To lial i' I wi iil.\ -se\ en men have Heshiiey. King, juniors; Chapman . G.50 hound and save your money for a rainy day Boston, Mass. In topping the league, undefeated ll-'liilied Hair inleiitlon.s oi part ici- j Kolcv. Hunt. Peak Petit, Wood On-oiita, V V. 2,80 or a really swell party!" You can manage the KDR an.a: scd a total ol Ilia pomis l.uting in this brilliiini paslimc. New |,sophomores; Burnett Dueil, Gilmore 4 05 whole out-of-town week-end for a little more Bhiffhamton in u inuiii!', i ev en games 'II ic onl.\ lincing equipment will be purchased Grenicr, Hirn, Holu: Irving, Myers than you'd spend hanging around the college. Geneva, N. Y, . , 0,30 Lentil lo In Id Ihriil : c role: s was Al- oou. Plans hlivc be n mad • to con- O'Ddinell, Pollicmiis, Tims, fresh5.10 The nip, at Greyhound's low fares, cost less Auburn bany I'oughl lliein lo a thrill- duct these contests in the Milne high mi n Cortland, N. Y. 4.80 than half as much as driving a car . . . even ing IMI lie Iiicidciilull), Albany was gymnasium on Monday and Wednes. Burlington 0.30 Soccer: Baird, King, Klngslcy, a pre-Mayflower model! unseored on, iltliough pluying twolday from •):)<) to 5:30 o'clock. This Przyborowska, Scheer, juniors; Hunt, Ithaca, N. Y. 5.95 scoreless lies j sport lias been intrusted to Herb Miller, sophomores; Bricrton, Beard, GREYHOUND TERMINAL Tin- final standings show KDR on | Trunkal, '30. C. Buscli, M Btisch, Caslimnn, Dully, top, then Albany, College house, RoThis afternoon at 5:00 i'clock will Gullotli, Inglis, Williams, freshmen. 350 Broadway I'el. 4-0105—4-0100 bin hall. Sigma Lambda Sigma be the deadline for all those wishing Tennis: Kurlaliski, Woolschlager, Commuters, Spencer, Avalon, Poller lo participate in basketball, tumbling, seniors; Koziol, Prahler, juniors; club, and Kappa Beta. and bowling Basketball will be- Baird, Burnett, Beers, Berkowltz, Those wlio aided in selecting this gin on Tuesday, November 29 at Beers, Croinie, D'Arrlenzo, Glenur, team were the individual captains, 7:30 o'clock, and will continue ut Hunt, Larson, Miller, Pogor, Ritchie, members of Intramural council and Hint time whenever games are sophomores; Doyle, Lenowitz, Niesen, AflVAthe president of M.A.A. Sturtze, freshmen. schduled. Winter Season WMhtetyS Council Chooses All-State Team m W. A. A. Announces Awards for Fall <M YOUR M* • P/16RIMS-- M.A.A. Intramurals Beffin Winter Season -eS^ 7 GO BY GREYHOUND GREYHOUND Page 4 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, NOVEMBER 18, 1938 Revival of Barroom Epic to Depict Demon Rum's Curse Shades of John Barleycorn! As As old-timers will no doubt reDan Parker would say, you could call, "Ten Nights in a Barroom" was have knocked me over with the the most outstanding in a series of Lexington Ave. Express when I dis- dramatic efforts to impress the nacovered via last week's NEWS that tion with the evils of intemperance. the College house players planned to It was originally published under the venture into the field of the illegiti- title "Ten Nights in a Barroom and What I Saw There." Written by mate stage and revive that uplifting Timothy Shay Arthur in 1854, the drama, "Ten Nights in a Barroom." book had a sale in the fifties second It was my impression that this saga only to that of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." of the swinging door had gone out Like Mrs. Stowe's novel, it was with the Eighteenth amendment but dramatized and played throughout not so, this—the greatest tear-jerker the country with great success. It of them all—is scheduled for pre- satisfied the appetite for the sensa sentation Wednesday and Thursday tional and the lurid and yet was ennights, December 7 and 8, in the dorsed by the clergy. Its popularity auditorium of Page hall. The alcoholic gem is under the advisorship of Mr. William G. Hardy, instructor in English. MADISON SWEET SHOP Realizing that this play had 785 Madison Ave. 2-9733 slipped the memory of the many who had been fortunate enough not to Luncheons see it, I decided to investigate the Home Made Ice Cream subject In order that State students might be well informed about it. was maintained up to 1919 when it began a decline that would not be checked until the repeal of prohibition. This act prompted countless revivals, as well as many burlesques, but it is hoped in dramatic circles that this version by College house will put an end to all such attempts. French Club Will Hear Talk by Guest Speaker The French club will conduct a meeting on Wednesday evening, November 30, at 7:30 o'clock in the Lounge of Richardson hall. Marie Peetz, '39, president, announces the program will feature Mile. Ruth Dyson, a member of the faculty at St. Rose college In Albany, as guest speaker, Announcing The Opening of the New Qbenaus StudiQ Harmanus Meeker Hall Bldg. 161 Washington Ave. Geo. D. Jeoney, Prop Dial 5-1913 Boulevard $20.00 <loz. style Cafeteria ONE FOR $1.00 and Grill 198-200 CENTRAL AVENUE With a Special 30-Day Offer for One Art Sketch Portrait ALBANY, N. Y. Agency Prints at $2.00 per doz. Half rates on other style photos and an extra large portrait included with orders of $5.00 or over. th e worj State College^ ws ^"443 STATE COLLEGE Corfpnn FOR imp TEACHERS, TrArmroc AALBANY, , . , ^ „ , "XN. T U " —2, 1938 STATE Y.,I->FRIDAY, nDECEMBER State Dramatists Portray Evils To Portrav Of Intempilerance A. E. Phi Will Sell Seals To Fight Tuberculosis John Edge to Play Lead Role in Unabridged Revival of Liquor Saga Whether it was the pre-holiday spirit or Just State college's charitable nature, the student body certainly supported the Red Cross drive. Now, once again the clarion call for aid to a very worthy cause is heard. As we happily approach our Christmas recess with thoughts of peace on earth, good will to men, we can not disregard the cry to "Fight Tuberculosis." Beginning next Monday, Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority will hold their annual sale of Christmas seals at a table near the annex. Frieda Kurkhill, '39, has charge. It Is hoped that the students will greet this sale with as much enthusiasm as they did that of the Red Cross. Remember everytime you lick a seal, you're "licking" the tubercular germ. Residence Halls To Have Formal Scheer, General Chairman; Bob Reid's Orchestra to Furnish Music Tomorrow night the girls of the Alumni Residence halls and their guests will dance to the music of Bob Reid and his orchestra at their formal, to be conducted In the fngle room from 9:00 to 1:00 o'clock. Preparations for the event have long been under way, and it promises to be a huge success. Mary Trainor, '40, head of the social committee, has named Fay Scheer, '40, as general chairman of this affair, the fourth annual fall dance to be conducted at the residence halls. Assisting Miss Scheer are: Margaret Smith. '39, arrangements; Dorothy Peak, '41, music; Kathryn Adams, '39, Virginia Davis, Helen Lasher, sophomores, guests; Mary I Ruth Kimball, '40, refreshments; I Eleanor Jones, '39, decorations; Mildred King, '39, chaperoncs; and Barbara Howard, '42, clean-up. Interfraternity Council To Conduct Dance Tonight Play Will Be Highlight Of Assembly Program is the word that best describes Chesterfield's can H-be-copied blend It is the RIGHT COMBINATION of mild ripe home-grown and aromatic Turkish . . . the world's best cigarette tobaccos . . . that makes Chesterfield different from all other cigarettes. And it's the skillful blending of these tobaccos with each o t h e r . . . for flavor, for aroma, for mildness and for taste, that luis made Chesterfield the cigarette in which mil/ions of smokers find a new pleasure in smoking. hesterfield • . . the blend that can't be copied ...a HAPPY COMBINATION of the world's best cigarette tobaccos a*ftigUt j938, LIGOBTT & Mviins TOBACCO CO. Gordie Randall's Swingsters Will Furnish Music at Annual Ball Today's assembly promises to The first dramatic effort of the, have something a little different College house players, successors to | in the line of entertainment for BIDS ON SALE AT $2.00 the ill-fated Troubadours, will be a | the student body. The main feathrilling' revival of that oft-burle-. ture of the program will be Gaffney, Bosley Chairmen; squed masterpiece, "Ten Night in a I nothing else than a play preBarroom." This presentation is to New Late Permission sented by the Advanced Dramabe performed on Wednesday and Rules for Girls tics class, with Rita Benedict, Thursday nights at 8:15 o'clock '39, directing. in the auditorium of Page hall. Interfraternity council will conHistorians among State's stuThe revival is to be portrayed duct its annual fall formal tonight dents—with special emphasis on wholly in serious vein, faithfully refrom 10:00 to 2:00 o'clock In the romantic historians—should be producing the techniques of the Eastern Star hall, located at the definitely interested, for the play players who delineated its diverse corner of Lark street and Hudson is a drama with a fifteenth cenand Inspiring characters in those avenue. Music will be furnished by tury ftalian cathedral as the days when this stirring drama was Gordie Randall and his N.B.C. orbackground. chestra. one of the chief and most universally well-regarded instruments for the Jean Chrisler and Lester DryThis marks the first year that, this flagellation of the Demon Rum. den, seniors, and Mary Koonz, event has been conducted outside the '40, will portray the characters. confines of the college. The grant"Ten Nights in a Barroom" was Committees for this play are: ing of 3:00 o'clock permissions is dramatized by William Pratt from sets, Nan Emery, '39; props, also an unprecedented action. the famous novel of Timothy Arthur Faculty guests include Dr. A. R. Alvin Weiss, '40; costumes and Shay, ft deals with the tragic story Fifty-Eight Freshman Men Co-chairmen Bernard Gaffney make-up, Rose DeCotis, '40, Brubacher, president of the colof a once happy town brought to and Joseph Bosley, seniors, have Join Four Fraternities lege, and Mrs. Brubacher; Dr. Mila sad ruin through the influence of promised that this year's formal ton G. Nelson, dean, and Mrs. Nelthe Sickle and Sheaf, Simon Slade's "will be bigger and better in every as New Pledges tavern. son; Miss Helen H. Moreland, dean way." They want it especially noted that they have "imported" an orThe organized rushing season un- of students; Dr. Robert Frederick, All Male Cast chestra for this dance. The cast of characters finds John der the direction ef Interfraternity professor of education, and Mrs. State students will recall Gordie Edge in the lead role of Joe Mor- council was concluded last Monday Frederick; Dr. D. V. Smith, profesRandall and his swingsters as the gan, the village drunkard, The part when fifty-eight freshmen pledged sor of social studies, and Mrs. Smith; Favors Policy of Reciprocal band which was so enthusiastically of his noble wife, Fanny, is played membership in the four fraternities Miss Helen Curtis, Student Christian received here in previous tea dances. Trade Agreements of U, S. by Robert Hertel, and Louis Green- of State. Gamma of Kappa Delta Movement secretary; and Mr. WilGordie Randall is best known in span is the angelic daughter, Mary. Rlio pledged twenty-five, the Ed- liam Taylor, supervisor of social this vicinity for his popular radio Alvin Weiss is cast as Simon Slade, ward Eldred Potter club, seventeen. studies in Milne high school. At last Tuesday's meeting of the :program, "The Spotlighter." Couples (o Attend tlic notorious vlllian, who i; killed Kappa Beta, eight, and Sigma Forum of Politics a new amendSenior girls and their guests are ment was passed and added to the Bids for this affair will sell for by hi:-; sen. portrayed by William .Lambda Sigma, eight. Torrens. in a drunken passion. Tlie twenty-five pledges of Kappa as follows: Delia Dolan and Frank Forum's constitution. It divides the $2.00 and they may be secured at any The oilier players are: Doug- Delta Rlio are; Howard Anderson, Kluge, '40; Virginia Wegener and membership rf the organization into of the fraternity houses and in the las Rector a;, Mehitabb Cartwrlghl, William Archer, Thomas Augustine, John Blenclell, Albany: Hilah Foote I wo groups, one to be called active Rotunda of Draper hall daily from llii' lively Yankee girl; William Edward Baker, Robert Bunii, Francis and Richard Cox, '38; Kathryn and the other contributing. Active 9:00 to 3:00 o'clock. Bids will also H< pi:.' as the landlord's wife; Rob-, Carney, Robert Carr, Edwin easier. Adams and John Walden, '40; Mar- members will have the special privi- be sold at the dcor. ert Kaijien us Mr. Romaine, the I Frank Chrislenscn, Leo Giladetl, garet Smith and William Hopke, lege of holding office and voting Fraternity Committees Committees for tlie formal are as philanthropist; Waller Harper as I James Gillan, Leslie Graves, David 39, lor officers and will pay twentythe Pride of the Village; Cecil Mar- i Hayeslip, Edwin Hi istein, Kenneth Juniors: Mary Trainor and How- five cents du.'s per semester. Con- follows: door, Frank Kluge, Homer ino as SampD Swlckvvcll, ihe lively11 Johnson, Robert. Jesepli Larko. ard A. Duncan, '40; Grace Cullen tributing members will have all but Leggett, and Richard Plait, juniors; Yankee; and Thomas Augustine as I Carl Marotto, Charles McVi.v, Rob- and Joseph Cappiello, '40; Esther Ihe special privileges extended to music, Gordon Rand, '39, Stanley Kullman and John Eckel, juniors; (lie gambler who meels a dark and ert Meek, Paul Merrill, Vincent Lane and Alfred Marlow, R.P.I.; them. checking, William Brophy and Roy .Miller, Hubert Moore. Lothai Priscilla Morton and Roy Knowles, terrible death. The Forum went, on record as faISchullne, Benson Tybring. Albany Medical school; Rita Sulli- voring the policy of Reciprocal McCreary, sophomores; chaperones Committees van and Lloyd Kelly, '40; Marjorie Trade Agreements of the United an: guests, Otto J. Howe. '40, and Those who pledged Edward Eldred Cominitlci s for this presentation' Baircl and Edmund Bromley, '38. States, ihe purchase of th" Com- Stephen Kusak, '41; publicity and Potter club are: Alfred Buhner, Edare appointed us follows: stage Marion Kingsloy and Homer Leg- monwealth and Southern Corpora- flowers, Charles Shafer, '39. and Burke, William Dickson, Wilmanagement, Joseph Lecse; cos- iward I gett, '40; Fay Scheer and George lion by the United States govern- Delfio Manciiso. '41; arrangements lllam Dorrance, Marlin Ewing, Leo tunes. Robert Agone; publicity and and bids, Paul Sapolsky, '40, chairSlangier, '40; Florence Pryzbrowska advertising, Rrberl Merlin; busi- Griffin, Rober! Hilton, Ira Hiisch, and Robert Marlin, '40; Helen Lan- ment through the T.V.A., and the man. Richard Ribner, '39, George ness, Julius lleish; and props, Francis Hoif, Niclu las Morsillo, Wil- nen and Daniel Roe, Union; Marian policy of finding homes for op- Pearson, '40, Louis Greenspan and George Nouiall. The faculty ad- liam Mat I hews, Virgil Scott, Riley Tolcs and Albert Masick, Cobleskill. pressed minorities. Joseph Schwartz, sophomores; decvisers are Miss Agnes Futterer, as- Sprowls, John Vavasour, Glen Walft was voted by the Forum to send orations, Saul Grcenwald, '40, chairSophomores: Louisa Chapman and ralh, Elvion Williams, Stanley sistant professor of English, and Mr. Ralph Clark, '41; Ada Parshall and a letter of thanks to Miss Van Den- man, Herbert Frankel, '39, harry William G. Hardy, instructor in Eng- Woodin. Steve Kusak, '41; Carol Kniffen and burgh for the work she did as notary ; Karchmer and Haskell Rosenberg, Kappa Bela's eight pledges are; lish. Stanley Smith, '41; Beatrice Dcwer public when the organization recent- juniors, and Irving Smith, '41. Henry Brainier, Edward Colmar, Tickets for this dramatic revival Arthur Fox, Harry Passow, Bernard tContinued on piujc '/, column II ly sponsored a registration booth Chaperones and guests will infor absentee voters. may be secured in Ihe rotunda of Perlmaii, Allied Stiller, Norbert clude: Dr. A, R. Brubacher, presiDraper hall, at College house, and at Wiseman, and Allan Wcodell, dent of the college, and Mrs, BruVan Curler's Music store. bacher; Mr. Edward L. Cooper, inThe freshmen who pledged Sigma structor In commerce, ar.d Mrs. Tlie producers of this melodrama Lambda Sigma are I lie following: Cooper; Dr. Rob'rt Rienow, instruchave aiuii unced thai their version Peter Fulvio, Thomas George, Harry tor in social studies, and Mrs. Riewill run tin! gamut of melodrama. | Jordan, John Mitchell, Mnxson iiiow; Dr. Ralph G. Clausen, assisSuch incidental music as is deemed Reeves, Charles Reynolds, Allen hant professor of .science, and Mrs. Guess we're Jusl optimists at he'll find plenty of company, feasible lor ihe numerous laughs Simmons, and Edgar Tompkins. Clausen; Mr. Clarence Hiclley, asi ('mil him tl mi jKlj/l nam ';. column ^) Tliis year saw the first appear- heart, While practically everyone Here are a few interesting facts sistant professor of history, and Mrs. else raved and ranted about the supance of all of Slate's I'aternlties about tlie pond as a skating rink. Hidley; Mr. George M. York profesworking in accord with Intorfratern- ercooled weather, complaining about It is under the direction of ihe city sor of commerce, and Mrs. York; Debaters to Try Out ily council rules. According to bad roads, bad colds, and what not, park department which provides a and Dr. Earl B. South, assistant For Freshman Squad council regulations no further bids we 11 lie smart les) Just sat back and crew of about thirty-five for upkeep. professor of education, and Mrs, All candidates for the freshman will be issued to freshmen until chuckled a little. Tlie reason lor Clearing of the ice is begun any- South. such merriment is apparent. Cold time from December 15 to the 25th, debate squad are requested to at- ihe second semester. weather means drop in temperature, depending on the weather. Noi until tend Iryouls io be ccnducled Wednesday at 4:30 o'clock in room 21) S.C.A. Members to Hear drop in temperature means me the lee is seven inches thick, how- Freshmen to Receive freezing of liquids, the freezing of ever, is anyone allowed upon It. of Richards; n hall. All members ol Bids for Rush Parties Rochester Rabbi Speak liquids means ice, ice means skating, Even then, tlie thickness Is measIhe freshman class are eligible for Mary Agnes Mehsger, president of ured every to make sure skating mi tins none oilier than a H ( this roinpetiliun, wi ipousor Rabbi BernI Inlersororlty council announces that heck of a good time on Washington there Is no danger. < 'ondldiilrs for ihe squad intisl stein, pastor of llu Temple B'rilh park pond some fine wintry night. '"•" new formal rush period for No actual count has been made, I freshmen women will take place prepare a I Jin e-iiiinul e speech ell her Kodi sh in Roela stei is their speakII one lias not been skating ill but ii Is estimated that s mistimes ! next weekend. December 9, 10, and 11, •i' of Thursday, ai 3:30 o'el ck in defending or attacking ihe recently Washington park, one has simply seven or eight thousand people lake at all the sorority houses, negotiated trade agl'eenu ills ol the Hie Lounge ot Richardson hall, His missed a great experience. Jusl advantage of the pond between the I Freshmen will receive their bids United States, (Ireul Britain, and topic will lie the "Jewish Christian look at this picture, It's a typical skating hours ol 11:00 to 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning and must return Canada. Members selected on the Heritage." A butl'ci supper will lie served at winter night you know, cold but ol one day. Jusl about everything I them immediately so that llu basis el lliise talks will represent sorihe class of 11)42 in Intercollegiate 1(1:00 u'cli ck and the meeting will rl: ai', lots ol stiiis, snow all around, is provided lor the enjoyment of the lasl iiiiltl 7:30 o'clock, All those etc, etc. You walk through the park skater, The pi nd is cleared to jusl , Titles will gel , hem back Monday. compelll tell. wishing io attend ihe supper can nil bundled up t<> the chin Willi your above the bridge, and adequate On these bids Will b ' listed Hi" 11 ree Last year the freshman debate sign on the S.C.A. bulletin board skaies slung over your shoulders. lighting is assured. The large brick a Hairs, buffet supper lor Friday, squad completed the most ambitious The price will be thirty-five cents. Even if you do just about break boalhouse unci comfort station of formal dinner for Saturday and tea schedule in college; history. In aclmorning, December 10, your neck getting down the hills or tlie summer becomes the skating dance for Sunday. The freshman diiii n to ilie two rivalry debates, IheSaturday Hl-Y clubs section of even if some cute kid bumps into you "shack" of the winter, with plenty will check those they wish to atmeetings were arranged with Cor- the stale will meetof inI Ills the Lounge of witli a sled, who oares? The re- of seals, a wood covering over the tend. nell, Syraeuso, Siena, Vermont, and Richardson hall, under Ray SweetSince the sorority women call for sult is well worth it. Soon you floor, and all. Best of all, there's B.P.I, it is expected that this man. The S.C.A. of State college Whia merrily by over a long stretch no charge. the freshmen girls for formal dinyear's eollBdUle will include some of will be present at this meeting which of Ice under the bridge and over the So, dear Santa Clans, we ask only ner, commuters are requested to rethese schools with one or two ad- will be followed by a luncheon at cracks, with worries left miles be- one thing for being good teaeher- main in town that evening. It is ditions. hind, Whether one can skate or not, | ettes. Please don't let the snow | also desirable that they inform the the Ten Broeck restaurant, dean, by Friday of next week, where melt I | the sorority girls can call for them. Fraternities End Rushing Season Forum of Politics Adds Amendment ^jkilljul VqjfcKXIH, No. o Winter's Advent Revives Memories Of Skating on Washington Pond /