Document 14063927

' * *
STATE COLLEGE N E W S , M A R C H 18, 1938
Page 4
As the first of the reports Myskania will submit to Dr. Brubacher on
the revisions for a five-year curriculum, the following deals with the classification of the different extra-curricular groups in State college.
Robert W. Frederick, professor of
Myskania wishes to inform the education; April 5, Diagnostic Tests
NBWS and other publications of for the Program of IndividualizaState college as to the consistency tion in the Junior-Senior High
of form that should be adopted in
the future in reference to the societies on the State college campus.
In a report submitted to Dr. Brubacher, Myskania classified the local
societies according to the definitions
as worded by the National Committee on College Societies.
The following are the interpretations of these divisions on our
I. Honor societies (where there is
a scholarship requirement).
A. Signum Laudis—scholastic
honor society.
B. Pi Gamma Mu — social
science honor society.
II. Professional societies
A. Kappa Phi Kappa—educational professional society.
Ill Campus leadership
A. Myskania — senior campus
leadership society.
IV. Interest groups
A. Student Council.
B. Class officers.
C. Athletic associations.
D. Religious clubs.
E. Departmental clubs.
P. Peace Club and International Relations Club.
G. Press Bureau.
Social groups
A. Sororities.
B. Fraternities.
School, Dr. Earl B. South, assistant German Club to Entertain
professor of education; April 26, InThe German club will conduct a
dividual Procedures in Social Studies, kaffeeklatsch on Friday, March 25,
Helen Halter, assistant professor and in the Lounge of Richardson hall at
director of social studies, and Carl- 7:30 o'clock, according to an anton A. Moose, supervisor of science; nouncement by Carl Schoeffler, '39,
May 3, Contribution of the Library president of the club. Games, ento the Individualized Prorram, Miss tertainment, and refreshments will
Thelma Eaton, instructor in library be a part of the evening.
science; May 10, Differences in Personality and Emotional Adjustment Dr. C. Currien Smith,'assistant proin the Junior-Senior High School, fessor of education; and a Life CurDr. Elizabeth H. Morris, professor of riculum as the Individualized Proeducation; May 17, Curriculum Pro- gram, Dr. J. Allen Hicks, professor
visions for Individual Differences, of guidance; May 24, the History of
Pedagogue Sets Deadline
Do you want a Pedagogue? Hurry
before it is too late. The deadline
for the Pedagogue is Friday, March
25. All those of you who want a
Pcd must be sure to sign for It
before this date, either in the Activities office or with any member of
the Ped staff.
Individualization, Dr. William M.
French, professor of education; May
31, Individualization and the Democratic Ideal, Dr. Arthur K. Beik, professor of education.
-Hu&e -ftunaui hooki
Here's the reason so many smokers
ike Chesterfields . . .
Thousands of casks of mild ripe
Chesterfield tobacco are kept in storage all the time—every pound of it
aged - years or more to give Chesterfield smokers more pleasure.
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that's the watchword for
Chesterfield tobaccos
. G O ! * ' Betel**
All-State dances are a success,
as the results of the two experiments with them show. The one
last Friday night was certainly
proof of the fact that students
will turn out to an informal, inexpensive dance, and give it
their whole - hearted support.
Ticket sales totaled 298; the
sophs lead the list with 81; the
juniors rank second with 61,
then come the frosh with 55, the
seniors with 42, the grads with
18, and outsiders bought 41. High
ticket-sellers were Virginia McDermott and Arnold Ellerin,
freshmen, who lead with sales of
54 and 41 respectively.
The net profit on the dance
was $26.31, of which $25.00 went
to the victrola committee; the
remaining $1.31 was divided
among the four classes.
The College Pharmacy
Phone :i-»:i<)7
7 No. Lake Ave. at Western Ave
The mild ripe tobaccos — home-grown
and aromatic Turkish —and the pure
cigarette paper used in Chesterfields
are the best ingredients a cigarette
can have. They Satisfy,
6S Columbia JJifidbareio* kad
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Copyright I'JK,
Liuiiirr & M Y V U
ToitAi ( a Ct>
$2.00 P E R YEAR, 32 W E E K L Y ISSUES.
W. A. A. and M.A.A. to Entertain College
At Social and Athletic Sports Night
Hershkowitz A n d Hessney
Will Act A s Chairmen
Of Annual Event
Virginia Hall, '39, will direct a
comedy which will be presented in
Scene of Activity Will B e
this morning's assembly, according
In Page Hall; Program
to an announcement by Warren
Offers Novelties
Densmore, '38, president of Student
M. A. A. will don skirts tomorrow
night, and the women will adopt
The cast consists of Garfield
pants for the second annual change
Arthur, '38, and Ruth Sinovoy, Cathof views, known as Sports Night.
erine Lynch, Dee Jesse, Charles
Committees from both councils have
Walsh and Joseph Leese, juniors.
been working under the leadership
Committees for the play are: sets,
of M. A. A.'s Duke Hershkowitz, '39,
Marion Minst, '39; props, Garfield
and his assistant, Louise Hessney,
Arthur, '38; costumes and make-up,
'40, of the girls' faction.
Jeanne Chrisler and Charles Walsh,
Not only the two sexes will join
hands, but also the old and new
Additional business today will congyms. Page hall court will see the
sist of revotes for N. S. P. A. dele- Lewis, Smith and Bergstcin to be
beginning of the activities at 8:00
gates to the Mid-Atlantic district
Representatives to Group
o'clock when the athletic program
meeting at Vassar college. The canwill be started. At 9:30 o'clock, the
didates are: Chrisdne Ades, John
Kappa Beta fraternity is now a
athletic program will be concluded,
Edge, Betty Hayford and Dunton probationary member of Interfraand the carnival will hold sway in
ternity council, according to the anthe Commons.
The committee which was appoint nouncement of Alfred Trehanon, '38,
The Bills, Hopke and Torrens, are
ed by the president of Student! president of the council. Nahum
Thelma Miller, 38, president of Women's Athletic association. and
conniving to show some of the old
Council to consider the feasibility Lewis, David Smith, seniors, and
tumbling spirit that's been missing
of an honor system at State college Harry Bergstein, '39, will serve as John O'Brien, '38, president of Men's Athletic association.
since the between-the-half acts of
feels that its report must have the representatives of Kappa Beta on
last year's basketball games. Their
approval of the student body, if any the council.
programs will be carried out with the
degree of accuracy is to be attained.
According to the regulations of the
aid of Bill Thomas and Al Weiss, and
Therefore, a questionnaire will be council, a fraternity applying for
will consist of group work, double
presented to the student body in entrance must serve a probationary
acts, a "three in a bed" skit, and inassembly, which will attempt to period of one year. Kappa Beta, on
dividual work. As an additional featguage student opinion on the matter. probation since last fall, will thereure, a rope-climbing contest will be
The feeling current among some fore automatically become a fullFaculty Committee Approves Change conducted with two teams of five
students that the absence of an fledged member next September.
men each competing. The ten men
honor system in a teacher's college
After Easter Recess
Kappa Beta, the third fraternity
participating will be the four men
is a disgrace to the profession, added to organize at State college, was
to the realization of an acute need formed early in the spring of last Head of the Federal Bureau
Following the submission of a in the tumbling act, and six men
for some new system, gave rise to year with the purpose of establishreport by Myskania, senior campus chosen from the gym classes.
a motion in assembly calling for the ing a group house for men. After
leadership society, to Dr. A. R. BruThe fellows will not have to suffer
On Organization
appointment of a committee to in- obtaining a house last September,
bacher, president of the college, the a straight defeat this year at the
vestigate the possibility of introduc- it has expanded as a fraternity into
faculty committee on student activi- hands of the women basketballers.
ing such a system. This committee its present size of 44 members.
ties has approved the suggestions of
According to the method of attack
has been working with faculty memMyskania for increased hour privi- planned by Ed Melanson and Betty
organbers, while at the same time an inY. W. C. A. and the Syracuse leges for weekends after the Easter Allen, the hoops will be bargained for
quiry has been sent to individuals ized in the spring of 1936 by Gamma ium,
by two mixed teams, each one conAlumnae
association will sponsor a vacation.
at other schools regarding the relalecture
open forum by Reed E. The new hours include an exten- sisting of three men and three girls.
tive success of the honor system In
Vetterli, head of the Federal Bureau sion of time from the present week- The fellows who have accepted the
these colleges. Now the committee means of securing a greater amount of
Investigation of the New York city end hour of 12 o'clock to 1:00 o'clock challenge to play under girls' rules
of co-operation among the fraternidesires to turn to the student body : ties of State college. It also lias as its area. The topic for discussion will for members of the senior, junior are Len Friedlander, Walt Simas a whole for an expression of opin- purpose the regulation and promo- be on the organization and the work and sophomore classes, but the mons, Wheeze Lehman, Arnold Ellion, since this question affects each | tion of more activities between the of the F. B. I.
houses will be closed to guefts after erin, George Amyot, Mike Walko,
Tom Ryan, Bill Hopke, and Herb
and every student individually.
various fraternities at State.
Vetterli is a man of w ide and j12:00 o'clock.
Oksala. They outnumber the hostvaried experience. After receiving 1 The regulations on hours to go into esses of the event, Grace Yorkey,
his L. L. B. degree from George effect after spring vacation entail an Ethel Little, Betty Allen, Delia
Washington college in Washington, added amount of discretion on the /Continued on page .',, column V
D. C he went directly into police part of the student body, for the
service for the Federal government. reputation of the college must be the
In 1926 he was put in charge of the prime consideration of those who
F. B. I. office in the western part of fake advantage of the added time
4by Saul Grcenwald
Willi the coming of spring, a i through elevator shafts, chimneys, the country. From there he was Residence council submitted to the
transferred to the Philadelphia office organized women's houses the quesyoung man's fancy <or woman's) and garrets.
There are certain restrictions set and in 1933, lie was placed in charge tion of accepting the responsibility
turns to the spring cleaning of the
school property, to the wide open up by Student council governing the of the New York city office. He was of complying strictly with the impliThe fourteenth annual round table
spaces, and of course, Love. There size and placement of the mascot. the key man in the recent break-up cations of the new rules. The voting Conference will be conducted at
is, however, no love lost between the The mascot shall be a small statute
returns indicated an overwhelming State college on April 9. The conmembers of the soph and frosh of about six inches high and not
ferences will be conducted for the
According to recent statistics on majority acquiescing.
classes. The rivalry spirit has grip- more than eight pounds in weight. crime, Vetterli pointed out that of
The main points and reasons given benefit of school teachers and adped botli classes so that they are A sealed report of the hiding place the 392,251 arrests, 75
ol tlie crim-1 u v Myskania in its report on housing ministrators in the capital district.
running "neck and neck," not neck- will be handed in to the president of inn Is escape
Dr. J. M. Sayles, professor of edudue to insuffl- I regulations include:
ing, competing for the remaining Student council at least three days cienl, interest irrest
cation and director of training, and
on the part of the
before the hunt begins. The mascot public. He further
rivalry points.
1. Since most of the State college Dr. William M. French, instructor
showed that
The sophomore class is officially cannot be hidden in the Administra- about 50$ of the population of the students are self-supporting finan- in education, will be co-chairmen.
ahead with a score of 11'- to 5 ' i ; tive offices, Milne high, Library, Co- prisons have men and women under cially, they possess, naturally, a
There will be nine round table
strong sense of responsibility.
unofficially the freshman class has op, Janitors offices, on roofs of 21 years of age.
conferences during the morning. The
to its credit five more points which buildings, locked up or barricaded
At the meeting Mrs. Gilbert L. 2. Rules were faithfully adhered to. chairmen of the different sections
is due them for finding the sopho- or in anything that must be taken
3. It is difficult to attend functions will be: administration, Dr. C. C.
Auken, a Syracuse Alumnae, will
more banner. Before getting offiof nearby colleges because of the Smith, assistant professor of edupresent
presicial rivalry points for finding the
The rivalry program for the retime element involved in transporta- cation; commerce, Mr. George M.
banner, they must present it lo the mainder of the year has been set dent of tlie college, who will intro- tion.
York, professor of commerce; eleduce
evenpresident of Student council the day up.
The men's pushball contest, ing.
mentary principals and teachers, Mr.
proceeding moving-up day.
counting three points, will be conWalter Le Baron; home economics,
Helen Burgher, Syracuse Alumnae, in a college town, is dependent upon Miss Anna K. Barsam, assistant
Tlie sophomore class won the ducted the day preceding moving-up
rivalry sing in the first semester, 2'^ day. The class stunts, counting is the general chairman and Marion an urban schedule of recreational professor In home economics; lanpoints; women's sports, ,'i points; three points, will take place in the Rockefeller, '39, is student chairman activities.
guage and library, Dr. Harry W.
5. Most of the houses of residence Hastings, professor of English;
men's pushball, 3 points; and men's afternoon of moving-up day while lor the event. They will be assisted
are from one lo three miles from mathematics, Mr. H a r r y Birchbasketball. 3 points, Tin- freshmen the rivalry sing, counting three
won the debate in tlie second semest- points, will be conducted in the and students: R. Christine Dersh- the entertainment section, making a enough, professor of mathematics,
er, 2V4 points; girl's basketball, 3 evening. The announcement of the imer, '38, chairman of publicity In trip of at least twenty minutes each and Miss Ann L. dishing, assistant
points; and they found the sopli winner of the rivalry will follow the I lie college; Fay Scheer, '40, chair- way a necessity.
supervisor in mathematics; science
man for publicity in tlie community;
banner, 5 points, unofficially.
and industrial arts, Dr. Carleton
Moose, assistant professor of science
Under the direction of Student and Roland Waterman, '39, chairman
The next event in rivalry which
will be the week following Easter council and at the suggestion of the for newspaper publicity.
The Canterbury club will conduct and Dr. Harlan B. Raymond; social
recess, is the search for the sopli president of the college, rivalry has
Dick Lonsdale, '39, is chairman of a social meeting at the home of studies, Miss Helen Halter, assistant
mascot, which counts five points for been organized. In the past, there tlie ushers who Include: Warren Dean Moreland on Wednesday night, supervisor and professor in social
the winning class. The sophomore has been unorganized hunts con- Densmore, Herbert Drooz, Muriel from 7:30 to 10:00 o'clock, according studies; tests and measurements, Dr.
class is determined that the frosh ducted in a "slipshod" manner dur- Goldberg, seniors; John Edge, Betty to an announcement by Marjorie Earl B. South, assistant professor
will not find its precious mascot as ing the period of rivalry. The un- Hayford, June Palmer, Juniors; and Jobson, '38, president. There will be of education,
easily as it found its banner. They organized rivalry has resulted in the Rita Sullivan, '40, Several Syracuse entertainment and refreshments, and
All conferences will be at 10
expect to chuckle up their sleeve as destruction of school property and Alumnae will also act as ushers for all Canterbury club members and o'clock. The students of State colthe poor begrimed frosh climb injury of some of the students.
Episcopal students are invited.
the lecture.
lege are invited to attend.
Sophomore Class Has Small Lead
Over Spirited Freshmen Rivals
All-State Dance Ends
As Financial Success
M A R C H 25, 1938
Reed E. Vetterli
To Give Lecture
Dramatic Class
To Present Play
During Assembly
Kappa Beta Becomes
Member of Council
Meetings for practice teachers will
be conducted every Tuesday in room
20 of Richardson hall at 4:30 o'clock,
according to the announcement of
Paul Bulger, secretary of the appointment bureau.
Following appears a schedule of
the meetings including a list of the
topics and speakers who will address '
the teachers: March 15, The New
High School Population, Dr. John
M. Sayles, professor of education and
director of guidance; March 22,
Pacts about the Milne High Group,
Mrs. Prances Crellln; March 29, Alternatives to the Recitation, Dr.
VOL. XXII, No. 20
Committee Will Distribute
Student Questionnaire
On Honor System
Practice Teachers
Will Have Meetings
S t a t e Cdllege News
they'll give uou
Women to Receive
Extension of Rules
Faculty To Conduct
Annual Discussions
S T A T E C O L L E G E NEWS, M A R C H 25, 1938
S T A T E COLLEGE NEWS, M A R C H 25, 1938
Page 2
Established by t h e Class of 1918
The undergraduate Newspaper of New York S t a t e
College for T e a c h e r s
On page one of this issue is a story a b o u t t h e
fourteenth a n n u a l r o u n d table conference on April 9.
T e l e p h o n e s : Office, 5-9373;; Wolzok, 2-6752; S m i t h , W h a t does it m e a n t o you? Have you grasped its deep
3-1848; Nightingale, 2-4144; Gaylord, 2-4314
seated significance a n d possibilities for practice t e a c h Entered as second class matter in the Albany, N. Y. ers? Did you notice t h e wide field of subjects coverpostoffice
ed by t h e various conferences? I t is true t h a t you
c a n a t t e n d b u t one conference, but to a n y enterprising
senior who is looking for a job one conference Will be
a m e a n s of m a k i n g valuable contacts. All t h e principals a n d s u p e r i n t e n d e n t s of t h e capital district will
Colhi* Puilitkm RttrttintaHv$
be a t this conference. Incidentally, it is t h e principals
a n d s u p e r i n t e n d e n t s whom you m u s t meet if you i n tend to secure a teaching position. W h y wait for t h e m
to call for you? G e t u p a n hour earlier a n d a t t e n d
t h e conference. T o quote a n old adage—"It is t h e
Editor early bird t h a t catches t h e worm."
national AdvertisingSemce, Inc.
Group Approves Resolution
T h e All-State d a n c e (a g r a n d a n d
glorious affair) Is over, a n d t h e
Supporting Conservation
scramble for dates for Soiree is u p o n
For State Lands
us. As we said before, t h e early bird
P a r i - m u t u e l betting on horse races,
over-all t a x limitation on real estate,
a n d conservation of s t a t e forest
lands were t h e issues of t h e d a y
when t h e Constitutional Assembly
convened for its weekly session.
gets t h e worm, b u t who w a n t s a
Note o n t h e Activities
blackboard; R a n d , we'll m e e t you a t
t h e bridge in W a s h i n g t o n P a r k a t
four o'clock—Kelly. Now we're c e r t a i n t h a t Spring h a s arrived, w h a t
with love a n d stuff blossoming o u t
on all sides. According t o experts,
the best place is u n d e r t h e bridge. ( I s
t h a t right, Sully?)
Following t h e r e p o r t of t h e h e a r ing committee, headed by Larry W.
S t r a t t n e r , '39, t h e assembly defeated
a p l a n for over-all t a x limitation o n
real e s t a t e ; which, according to t h e
Becker h a s been seen with Valley
advocates, would establish a m a x i m u m t a x r a t e of 2 percent o n t h e lately. W h a t h a s h a p p e n e d to N e w assessed valuation of real property. stead?
T h e committee unanimously r e c o m T r y as h a r d as we might, we
mended t h a t t h e resolution be d e - couldn't get t h e Walsh-Powell c o m +
feated following a h e a r i n g a t which bination to change a dance with us
I n last Friday's rivalry debate, ''Resolved t h a t S t a t e two representatives of t h e S t a t e Friday n i g h t . C a n it be a n affair?
Orchids of t h e week go to t h e
Editor college should have a n honor system," t h e r e was very Budget B u r e a u were chief witnesses.
little indication of interest in this m a t t e r so vital to
A heated discussion m a r k e d t h e irate girl who told some too, too
talkative boys in t h e library to s h u t
Are you satisfied with t h e present adoption of t h e resolution calling for up. S h e wasn't fooling either. We'll
Manager S t a t e s t u d e n t s .
establishing a system of " p a r i - m u t u e l
Manager system or can't you t r u s t yourself? C a n you, p r o s - betting a t horse races." T h e original order more orchids for h e r w h e n she
pective teachers of t h e s t a t e of New York, sit back resolution did n o t include t h e limita- does likewise to some sororities a n d
fraternities w h o persist in h a v i n g
and do n o t h i n g when you have a n opportunity t o tion " a t horse races," a n d so this improptu meetings there.
speak your m i n d a n d prove yourself capable of c a r r y We see t h a t t h e H o f f m a n - G r o e n
h e a r i n g committee t h r o u g h E d m u n d
ing out t h e trust t h a t must be placed in you as a Caine, '40, c h a i r m a n .
affair h a s fizzed, a n d they a r e back
Charges of "discrimination" were in circulation now.
Robert E. Hertwig
Despite t h e a d v e n t of Spring,
hurled a t t h e p r o p o n e n t s of t h e
W h e n t h e s t u d e n t committee of six makes their a m e n d m e n t , a n d only after consid- Cooper is still in the N o r t h l a n d .
report on t h e H o n o r System, why n o t t a k e some i n t e r - erable discussion was t h e a m e n d T h e sophisticated collegians of
S t a t e t h r e w a dubious light on their
est in t h e discussion instead of sitting back on t h e i m e n t approved.
Debate on t h e resolution continued r e p u t a t i o n s t h e other day by r u s h end of your spine a n d trying to sleep or read t h e N E W S ?
for considerable time, with a t t e m p t s ing out t h e front door to see a high
Last week EGO stated that the lights in We, too, think t h e N E W S is good, b u t why n o t give to obtain a vote proving unsuccess- school p a r a d e . All of which goes to
ful. After motions to table t h e plan prove t h a t there may be s o m e t h i n g
Hawley hall were better suited for a dram- some other activity a break?
h a d failed, t h e Assembly voted in to t h a t old legend about t h e brass
atic production than for reading. From
favor of t h e resolution.
people do your t h i n k i n g for you. W h e n you fill out
d a t i o n of t h e r e t e n t i o n
Did a n y o n e ask Wy Marge went
student comments heard in the corridors, the questionnaire to be passed out in this morning's in Rt ehceosmt amt ee nconstitution
of t h e Con- to Union last weekend, a n d , if not,
we gather that EGO is not alone in his be- assembly do not j o t down the first t h i n g t h a t comes servation clause, Article 7, a n d 7a, why not? Quoth t h e R a v e n ( n a ) ,
was submitted to t h e college group "nevermore."
to your mind. Give each question careful deliberaliefs.
by T h o m a s Lovalenti, '39, c h a i r m a n
Does Howe have a secret yen for
tion a n d t h e n write down your own opinion—not your of t h e committee on Conservation.
Definitely something should be done to neighbor's. After all honor a n d honesty come from
the h e a d m a n ' s Nan? Pictures don't
I n his r e p o r t to t h e Assembly, lie.
eliminate, or at least to lessen, the number within a n d n o t from without.
Lovalenti pointed out t h a t the plan
And we've h e a r d vague r u m o r s of
h a d proven inviolable in p a s t years,
* *
of shadows that fall across the pages we
a n d t h a t in t h e opinion of Conserva- a Poly Sci exam . . . just a n o t h e r
Yes, spring is here. Couples are taking a d v a n t a g e tion authorities, it should be preserv- proof t h a t you c a n fool some of t h e
try so desperately to read. Does it not seem
of t h e w a r m w e a t h e r a n d a r e out s u n n i n g themselves ed in t h e C o n s t i t u t i o n despite d e - people some of t h e time, etc. . . .
ironical to study about the eye strain causState's a t h l e t e s have h a d their say
on the campus. This year let's show our civic pride m a n d s of interests w h o a r e clamored by poor lighting when even as we read, and keep t h e campus clean. Smoking is all r i g h t in ing for " c u t s " of s t a t e forest lands. this week, so we'll have to be on
By a u n a n i m o u s vote, t h e Consti- h a n d to see t h e show.
our eyes are straining to dodge glare from its place but it is one sure way of m a k i n g t h e campus tutional Assembly passed t h e resolu- We a r e going to take up t h e torch
tion favoring the r e t e n t i o n of this of our next door neighbor "Ego."
look like t h e floor of t h e Commons.
old-type overhead fixtures.
clause in t h e Constitution a n d also We are giving advance notice to t h e
I t is a n insult to t h e c h a r a c t e r a n d pride of S t a t e voted in favor of removing section pests who still insist upon frequentWe suggest removal of the overhead
s t u d e n t s to have to be continually reminded about 16 of Article 7, which calls for a p - ing the N E W S office.
lighting system and installation of modern
civic pride a n d cleanliness by h u g e placards on pillars propriation of over a million dollars
"Ace's" date last Friday
table lamps of the indirect lighting type. a n d doors a r o u n d t h e college buildings. I t is up to a year for t h e p u r c h a s e of additional n i gAfter
h t it is hazardous to guess who
lands for reforestation purposes,
Statistics compiled from tests show these you, as students of S t a t e college a n d citizens of New Included in t h e list of new resolu- Q u i n n will take to Soiree.
we h e a r t h a t several
indirect lighting lamps to be best for read- York state, to be proud enough to show t h e general ! tions introduced a t recent sessions of Incidentally,
youse guys have axes to grind.
ing because of the wide spread of light and
"Resolved t h a t this Assembly go There's nothing we like better t h a n
Keep your campus clean a n d be proud of i t ! ! !
on record as favoring the inclusion a little enthusiasm, even if it is m i s freedom from glare.
in t h e New York S t a t e Constitution directed! We'll m e e t you in t h e
The library is the most frequented
of a provision prohibiting child Park. Choose your weapons. We'll
labor; requiring state a n d federal take cream puffs a t ten paces!
building on the campus. Its lighting sysincome taxes for s t a t e employees;
establishing split-sessions for t h e
tem is the worst. Can't something be done?
four - year
terms lor legislators; raising the
T h e Prodigal P a r e n t s , by Sinclair Lewis, pps. 264, salary of members of t h e legislature;
a n d establishing initiative a n d popDoubleday Doran, N. Y„ 1938.
ular referendum in t h e state.
As the Press Bureau of State college apFor t h e past few months, critics in New York,
Speaker Leonard Friedlander, '39,
proaches the end of its third year of exist- reviewing Sinclair Lewis' new book, " T h e Prodigal a n n o u n c e d t h a t at t h e next meeting,
ence, we cannot help commenting on its P a r e n t s , " have been u n a n i m o u s in s t a t i n g t h a t it h a s Tuesday, March 29, he would appoint Gee! Your Greek reporter h a s
a lower quality t h a n Lewis' other books, W h a t they a n assistant clerk a n d also three
rapid growth. With its recognition by the forget is t h a t " T h e Prodigal P a r e n t s " is different from .students from the Capital district spring fever—but a strong loyalty to
to assist in contacting the con- the NKW.S—therefore this column.
student body—through a four-point listing "Babbitt," "Arrowsmith," a n d " I t C a n ' t H a p p e n Here," area
delegates when they conT h e r e were guests galore over t h e
its intimacy to our everyday lives—more i n t i m a t e
on point system—-It emerges from under the in
verge in Albany for the Convention weekend.
Alpha R h o e n t e r t a i n e d
even t h a n is "Babbitt."
April 5.
R u t h Goldsmith, '30, while Mary
guiding arm of the NEWS as a powerful inFrederick William Cornplow a n d his wife Hazel
M a r k h a m , '36, a n d Emily Hurlbut,
dependent organization worthy of more a r e typical well-to-do city business people, with all their
'34, visited P h i L a m b d a .
Bids F o r Soiree T o Go
Grossman, '36, enjoyed t h e hospitalconsideration than it now receives in State immaterial worries. Their college-bred children a r e
intermittently becoming steeped in C o m m u n i s m a n d
On Sale T u e s d a y at $ 3 ity of AEPhi. G a m m a K a p p a P h i
a t t e n d i n g formal dances. T h e other c h a r a c t e r s — G e n e
Bids for t h e Sophomore Soiree, to e n t e r t a i n e d Odette CoiirUnes a n d
Helen McGowan, both from t h e class
We feel that Press Bureau should be Sigla, earnest, violent C o m m u n i s t ; Mr, Staybrige, ex- be staged in t h e Aurania club April of
'37, while a t BX the n a m e s of
cessively dignified a n d consciously Impressive; A n n a - 8, will go on sale next Tuesday m o r n granted all the rights that other student or- belle, his d a u g h t e r , n a t u r a l a n d lovable—are types of ing in room X, according to the a n - Helen Clyde, '37, a n d Miml Rogers,
ganizations have. Two outstanding needs the American h u m a n creature which eats, breathes n o u n c e m e n t of Joseph Cappiello, '30, were enrolled in the guest book'.
sleeps, invariably, but does not yet know how to general c h a i r m a n of t h e event, T h e
And have you noticed a new face
of Press Bureau right now are a place on and
price of t h e bid will be $3.00 per around college this week?
student association budget, and an office
Ann Wilson, a former member of t h e
T h e m a i n thread of t h e story shows how t h e C o r n already completed indicate class of "IS), and a member of Ela
of its own. Letters cannot be sent out plow brood find life by discarding traditions which t h Plans
a t Soiree will be one of the g r e a t - Phi.
Followwithout involving financial expenditure for
est social events to occur a t S t a t e .
Still the
their prodigal parent.'-,, Die children, perched on An a n n u a l event of the sophomore EBPhi now pledges lull in line—
claims Mildred Balden,
stationery and stamps. Also a typewriter ing
the dilemna of accepting either the outworn creed of class, Soiree usually opens the spring '40, a n d Bette
Allen a n d Violet
is of vital importance to a publicity group. their 100% American family, or the more appealing social season with a burst of colle- Cagunek,
way of living to be happy, ehoose the new creed.
giate gayety.
AEPhi entertained ten poor childThe NEWS office is and always has been
Plenty of swing will be available ren a t a party on S u n d a y . Sort ol
With the ever-present satire, .sometimes corrosive,
the most crowded office in the activities with a genuine u n d e r s t a n d i n g of t h e m a t e r i a l spirit for its friends, being supplied by Art a good deed for t h e y e a r !
S h a w a n d his New Music. A m a s t e r
Sigma Alpha h a s extended a n Inroom. When both the NEWS staff and the t h a t drives all good Americans, with a knowledge of of t h e latest styles in swing, S h a w vitation
to members of t h e faculty
the bustling smull town atmosphere, Lewis brings home
Press Bureau staff attempt to work there his point with no lack of frankness a n d straightfora n d other sororities to a t t e n d its
Boston. A musical sample of w h a t courtesy tea tomorrow from three to
at the same time, the congestion becomes wardness, a n d leaves us believing t h a t our m a t e r i a l Soiree lias in store for t h e swingsters five o'clock. We'll be seeing you I
creed today is all wet a n d should be a b a n d o n e d . W i t h - who will a t t e n d c a n be obtained
impossible. Hence the demand for a sepa- out
H o - h u m . And a word to t h e males
a doubt, this Is up to p a r with t h e other novels every Wednesday noon In t h e Com—Intersororlty weekend is acoming
rate office.
Lewis h a s written—the critics, it seems, c a n be wrong. mons,
on. H o - h u m again!
Let There Be Light!
Book of the Week:
Lewis Triumphs
Press Bureau Grows Up
W.A.A. Completes Plans
"Record" Honors
Of Spring Sport ProgramRyan with Place
On State Squad
natiield to upen
pi £ competitive
Spring Season
Music Council
To Give Operetta
Published every F r i d a y of t h e college year by t h e News
B o a r d representing t h e S t u d e n t
Assembly Kills
Tax Resolution
Page 3
A . . .
11 C
Baseball Season
Sport Captains A n n o u n c e
Hershkowitz Also Captures
Operatic Society to Present
T h e Sorcerer' April 28-29
On Page Hall Stage
-B. C.
So you h a d fun a t C a m p J o h n s t o n ,
Honorable Mention as
T h i s week Women's Athletic assoMusic council of S t a t e college will
in spite of getting lost o n t h e t e n ciation h a s completed p l a n s for a
Court Star
present " T h e Sorcerer," a Gilbert
more extensive spring p r o g r a m t h a n
a n d Sullivan operetta, on T h u r s d a y
Schmitz, L e h m a n , Van K e u r a n , Last it h a s ever offered. S p r i n g sports
The Record, official c a m p u s news- maps a n d compasses, a n d bicycles
Season's Veterans, R e t u r n
will begin Monday, M a r c h 28 a n d paper of Buffalo S t a t e college h a s for those long, long hills?—and t h a t a n d F r i d a y nights, April 28 a n d 29,
in t h e a u d i t o r i u m of Page hall. D r .
continue until T h u r s d a y , M a y 19.
As Pitchers
officially a n n o u n c e d t h a t T o m m y bicycle business is no joke! We're
Frederick H. Candlyn, assistant
Riding a n d Lotta B u n k e r s a r e con- Ryan, '38, c a p t a i n of State's basket- " u p hill a n d down dale" as they do professor of music, will direct t h e
Tuesday afternoon seven potential
say. And how come nobody was music, a n d E d i t h Cassavant, '39, will
hurlers a n d t h r e e prospective back- credit for these two sports need not paign, h a s been selected as a forward tough enough to go swimming—or be t h e s t u d e n t assistant, according
on t h e All-State T e a c h e r s t e a m .
stops for S t a t e ' s baseball
fall in accidental—like?
to Muriel Goldberg, '38, president of
Kay Conklin, riding c a p t a i n , h a s " D u k e " Hershkowitz, w h o played a
answered Coach G. Elliott Hatfield's
T h e b a d m i n t o n t o u r n a m e n t seems the council.
call for battery practice a t Bever- set requirements a t t e n h o u r s of during t h e p a s t season, was given to be lagging more t h a n a little. Only
T h e cast includes: Sir M a r m a d u k e
wyck P a r k . Coach Hatfield h a s a n - riding. Classes will meet a t Ans- a n honorable m e n t i o n .
two of t h e play-offs of t h e second Pointdextre, J a m e s Sherwood, '40;
nounced t h a t he will s u m m o n all pach's Stables a t 3:30 o'clock on
T h e editorial board of The Record Elson a n d B e r t h a Petit t r i u m p h e d Alexis, Charles Matthews, g r a d u a t e ;
c a n d i d a t e s for t h e other seven var- Friday, for $1.00, a n d a t 10:00 o'clock
has been fostering t h e selection of over Dottie North a n d Thel Miller, Aline, Helen Moore, '38; Dr. Daly,
sity positions as soon as t h e ground on S a t u r d a y for $1.25.
a n All-State t e a m for several years. respectively. It will take some fair- Robert K a r p e n , '40; J. Wellington
Lotta B u n k e r Requirements
has dried up sufficiently a n d all
Candidates for L o t t a
Bunkers This h a s been t h e first time, how- ly snappy a n d consistent playing to Wells, David K r o m a n , '35; Lady
other conditions are suitable for
credit m u s t complete three short ever, t h a t S t a t e College h a s been get t h a t t o u r n a m e n t finished by t o - S a n g a z u r e , I n a Young, '38; M r s .
P a r t l e t t , Elizabeth C o t t e n h a m , '41;
Those reporting for pitching a s - hikes, one long hike, two c a m p week- asked to participate with t h e other morrow n i g h t !
and Constance, Charlotte Libman, '38.
s i g n m e n t s were: P a u l Schmitz, '38;
May we ape t h e Playgoer to throw
T h e Music council committees a r e
"Wheeze" L e h m a n , '39; F r a n k Aug- L o t t a B u n k e r s captain, P h y l Arnold, a selection.
a few bouquets to W. A. A. council
T h e selection of this All-State for its c o n s t a n t efforts to e x p a n d as follows: general c h a i r m a n , Miss
ustine, " T o a d " F a l r b a n k , J o h n n y has scheduled spring weekends for
Shearer, a n d " D a r " Van K e u r a n , April 1-3, April 8-10, April 29-May T e a m Is m a d e possible through t h e this year's program? I n spite of a Goldberg; a r r a n g e m e n t s , Dorothy
sophomores; a n d Roy McCreary, '41. 1, May 13-15, a n d Moving Up day cooperation of t h e eleven T e a c h e r - reduction from last year's budget, Cain, '38; advertising, Betty Baker,
" S h a m u s " O'Brien, '38, Caley Aug- weekend, May 21-22, Besides these, training institutions in t h e state, t h e total n u m b e r of women p a r t i c i - '39; costumes, M a r g a r e t Mattison,
ustine a n d Gordon Peattie, spoho- weekends will be sponsored by W. A, who t h r o u g h their individual school pating in A. A.'s program h a s i n - '39; tickets a n d tryouts, Alice Brown
mores, reported as prospectives for A. whenever six people sign up. T h e papers m a k e their selections which creased materially. More equipment and Lillian Rivkind, sophomores.
m a x i m u m cost of a weekend, for arc sent to Buffalo S t a t e college for was needed in nearly every sport
the backstop position.
O t h e r committees a r e : sets, Miss
t r a n s p o r t a t i o n and food, h a s been tabulation.
because of t h e greater n u m b e r of Rivkind, F r a n c e s Riani a n d Lona
J o h n n y Cullen, '37, will be t h e only i established by W. A. A. council at
Ryan, who led S t a t e in scoring this p a r t i c i p a n t s . This equipment h a s Powell, freshmen; props, Miss Brown,
veteran baseballer of last season I $1.25. T h e required hikes m a y be
missing from t h e S t a t e battery this made either a t C a m p J o h n s t o n or past season, was a running m a t e to been provided. A greater i n t e g r a - Doris G r o s s m a n a n d Marie Lalonde,
spring. However, Paul Schmitz, '38, through t h e outskirts of Albany. Super of O n e o n t a who also led his tion of t h e p r o g r a m as a whole was freshmen; costumes, Miss M a t t s o n ,
a v e t e r a n boasting three years of . T h i s season bicycling will be incor- squad in scoring for t h e 1937-38 sea- needed to include t h e interest of Alice Abe love, Rosemary Brucker,
pitching experience for t h e Purple ! porated in t h e L o t t a B u n k e r s pro- son. Witmeyer, elongated Buffalo everyone in t h e association. More a n d Mary Miller, freshmen; lights,
and Gold will be on deck again this gram. If it proves successful it will S t a t e center, who likewise claimed events have been planned to fill this Betty Appeldoorn, '38, a n d Adele
season. Schmitz h a s been a first- probably be adopted as a separate high scoring laurels for his school, need of t h e organization in general, R o n a n , '41.
was given t h e coveted pivot position a n d new sports have been added t o
string hurler for the past t h r e e years sport next year.
on t h e first-string quintet. M a n a r a l appeal to individuals. T h r o u g h o u t
and from all indications this spring
Although swimming is a t h r e e - of Brockport a n d Weldon of Cort- the year t h e facilities of C a m p J o h n - INTRAMURAL BOWLING
he will repeat his brilliant performston
ances of past years. I t was Cullen season sport, credit m u s t be secured land were selected to fill the two
Tomorrow n i g h t W. A. A.'s a n d M. POH,
IV f. Pot. I'iiiimgi)
and Schmitz who carried t h e b r u n t ! in one season, a n d m a y not be re- guard positions.
A. A.'s joint S p o r t Night m a r k s t h e
1 S. L. H
(1 3 .750
of State's pitching a t t a c k a year ago. peated during t h e year. Spring coc o n t i n u a n c e of a custom s t a r t e d last
All O t h e r s . . 8 -1 .007
captains, Hal G r e e n a n d D o t North,
"Wheeze" L e h m a n a n d D a r " Van have decided on nine hours of swimPorter C l u b . . (I .'1 .007
year, which will tend to gradually
K e u r a n saw a bit of action last year ming for credit completion. At the
work toward g r e a t e r co-operation
on the mound a n d it is highly p r o b - Jewish C o m m u n i t y Center o n Tuesbetween
t h e two organizations.
College House II I) ,B00 (1807
able t h a t they will see plenty of day a n d T h u r s d a y from 8:30 to 10:00
Another bouquet for M. A. A. a n d
4 B .115
action this spring.
" T o a d ' Faii'- , o'clock there will be instructions for
W. A. A.! And how about coming
7 8 .-l«7
bank a n d J o h n n y S h e a r e r both play- i beginners, water games, a n d p r a c tomorrow so t h a t you c a n throw your
1 S ..'i.'i.'t 5(111
;i I) .250
ed "off a n d o n " last season a t infield i tice racing. T h e two c a p t a i n s are
K a p p a Itotii
1 5 .107 1834
posts, F a i r b a n k a t t h e initial sack a n d now in communication with O n e o n l a
Bowling along merrily, the S t a t e
S h e a r e r a l t e r n a t i n g positions about Normal School, m a k i n g tentative a r the infield.
McCreary, the only r a n g e m e n t s for a r e t u r n m e e t with keglers have continued rolling UP
high scores in t h e singles a n d triple."
freshman coming out for the battery, t h a t school.
with Ed S i m o n d s of Avalon, a n d
is . orking out like a veteran.
Tennis captain D o t Criefelds h a s Bill T h o m a s of Sigma Lambda SigT h e schedule for t h e ensuing seadecided
t h a t since the courts do not ma, sharing t h e high singles honors
son is as follows:
by Joseph Bosley
open until later in t h e spring, a t t e n d - of 212 together. Simonds also carLast year t h e Men's Athletic asso- a place for t h e witticisms of m e n
ance a t instruction classes will be ried off t h e high triple honors this
April I'.",
with perverted senses of h u m o r .
April L'll
It. I*. I. required. F u r t h e r m o r e , t h r e e 01 the not quite reach Bill Steele's record ciation decided to set up a more p r o Another exhibition of cooperation
• I t a l - i l ten playing hours required for credit,
April Hd
gressive p r o g r a m of athletics for t h e
* I I ; i m i l i " i i must be done under her supervision set last week, it makes everyone eye
Mm 11
men of S t a t e college, An I n t r a m u r a l was evidenced last Friday a t t h e
His high triple
May 7
*Cort)uml on either t h e W a s h i n g t o n P a r k or him with respect.
tryouts for t h e M. A. A. minstrels
May 1:1
was 538. I n second a n d third places council was appointed to assist in when t h i r t e e n m e n turned out for a
May 21
' H a n wick Washington Avenue courts. As soon
May 27
Pratt as these courts are opened, a r r a n g e - respectively, we find Bill T h o m a s September, M. A. A. a n d I n t r a m u r a l p r o g r a m which will take a t least
fifty m e n to be successful. Why not
June 1
*lt I' 1 m e n t s for t h e t o u r n a m e n t will be with a high triple of 495, a n d J o h n n y
C a r a m i a of Avalon with a 492 total. council have functioned together t o put your shoulder to t h e athletic
While other t e a m s have been playwheel, a n d make it t u r n a little
Bowling Continues
ing a t a .500 clip, Sigma L a m b d a field of activities in order to satisfy faster? T h e r e is certainly room for
Bowling, with J e a n Mitchell a n d Sigma h a s forged ahead from fourth the variety of inclinations of t h e more shoulders.
Incidentally, t h e
Olive Baird a.s co-captains will be place to lead t h e bowlers. Avalon men. T h u s , bowling, pool, boxing, c h a r t for t h e ping-pong t o u r n a m e n t
carried out along t h e same plans as hall h a s also paced S. L. S. to climb tumbling, a n d other activities were has been conspicuous by its absence
during the winter season.
G a m e s out of second division in eighth place added to the old reliables.
this week. I t s r e m n a n t s must be
Representatives of the Women's will be played a t the Rice Alleys at to first division in fourth place.
Many fail to appreciate the oppor- scattered to the winds by this time.
Athletic association of Skidmore, 3:30 a n d 4:30 o'clock on Tuesday
tunities t h a t t h e fellows in charge T h e s t u d e n t who destroyed it should
Russell Sage a n d S t a t e colleges m e t and T h u r s d a y for 15 cents a game.
Potter club dropped to third place are trying to make available. Some certainly be proud of himself. A n y recently a t Russell Sage to plan a W. A. A. will give a 60 cent refund while Iota club, who was tied for
fail to u n d e r s t a n d t h a t by signing one who considers it a pleasure to
triangular spring play clay to take to those who complete t h e t e n r e - first with P o t t e r , dropped to t h e
activities a n d n o t participating, draw up one of those c h a r t s should
place sometime after spring vacation. quired games.
fifth position,
they defeat t h e very purpose of the try it some time.
Li high pinnage, Charles Schafer entire program. This h a s been stated
T h e idea grew out of the tennis
J i n n y Elson, archery c a p t a i n h a s
T h e athletic program is far from
and archery meet a t Skidmore to a r r a n g e d to hold her classes at the of Avalon still leads with a total of
a n d restated countless times, but it perfect, but it can be perfected only
which S t a t e women were invited. It dorm field on Tuesday, T h u r s d a y 2,377, closely followed by S a m Copseems t h e emphasis would not be out | by t h e experience of the men as
is hoped t h a t the play day will and Friday from 3:30 to 5:00 o'clock. polino, Albany, 2,228; F r a n k Rickthey p a r t i c i p a t e in and criticize t h e
become an a n n u a l event, rotating Ten hours will be required for credit. man. Avalon, 2,119; J o h n Edge, Col- of place a t this time.
Basketball games have been forfeited
among each of the three colleges.
A t o u r n a m e n t will be conducted dur- lege House, 1,895; Bill Thomas, S. because players have failed to appear activities presented.
L. S . and Ed Simonds, Avalon,
Your suggestions a n d criticisms
This year's meet will be held at ing t h e last half of t h e season.
1,840, and Ken Holmes, All-Others, for the games. P r o g r a m s have fail- would be appreciated because you
the dorm field, and the sports offerFencing classes will meet in the
inknow the effectiveness of t h e present
ed will include badminton, soft bull gym on Monday a n d Wednesday 1,783.
This condition should be js e t - u p . Let's hear from you, now!
In t h e play-off for the supremacy
volleyball, archery, deck tennis, a n d from 3:30 to ;>:oo o'clock a n d on
eliminated now t h a t there exists |
A tennis t o u r n a m e n t Friday from 4:30 to 5:00 o'clock of t h e I n t r a - m u r a l basketball league, such a variety of activities t h a t every i
will be r u n off during the afternoon under the instruction of Herbert the Albany Lower-classmen stacked man can sign in tne field of his
on the Washington Park courts. A Frankel,
Credit requirements a n d up against P o t t e r club with the lat- interests.
mixed t e e n of Russell Sag,' and captain have not yet been a n n o u n c - ter taking t h e m a t c h by a safe m a r Dinners 25c a n d up
T h e bulletin hoard in front ol the
gin of thirteen points, the score
Skidmore women will play an exhi- ed,
Delicious Sandwiches a n d
men's locker room was set up for
being 34-21.
bition game of lacrosse.
Until April 30, baseball, with
During the first half both teams the convenience of the m e n t h e m Registration for the day will be Louise Hessney as captain, will be
7:30 A.M. — 11:00 P . M .
were evenly m a t c h e d , but by t h e selves. All material t h a t h a s been
held from 2:00 to 2:30 o'clock, when held in t h e gym on Monday and middle of t h e second half, having ' put there has been for a purpose,
Opp. t h e High School
each woman will be entered as a T h u r s d a y from 3:30 to 5:00 o'clock. ferreted out their opponents' play-1 and that purpose was not to provide
member of one of three color teams. From then until the end of tne sea- ing, the Potter boys went to town
However, each team will consist ol son t h e sport will be conducted on Willi llerny Gaffney scoring points
the dorm field on Monday, Tuesday from the center, corner, or making
women from all three schools.
Geo. 1) Jeoney, Prop
Dial 5-1913
At 2:30 o'clock t h e games will and T h u r s d a y from 3:30 to 0:00 the impossible come true In beauti- I
begin, a n d teams will r o t a t e from
ful follow-up shots. Gaffney scored;
one sport to a n o t h e r each half hour for credit.
half the P o t t e r club points, while
Points will be awarded to the teams
T h e one innovation In the spring Brophy was high for t h e A l b a n y '
which wins in each sport, a n d at program will be golf, captained by boys.
the end of the day a prize will be Peggy Horn, Instruction will be
fn the .second tilt College House
given to t h e team amassing the given in t h e gym on Monday and was never in a n y danger from the 1
Wednesday from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock All-Others taking the game by a
greatest n u m b e r of points.
At 5:30 o'clock there will be a b u l - by J e r r y Dwyer of t h e Municipal 33-15 score. Cecil Marino a n d Abe
let supper a t t h e home of Miss Isa- golf course. Credit requirements in- Wasserman, with p a s s - \ ork " p a r exbella J o h n s t o n , which will be follow- clude a course of six lessons for $1.00 ec.lence," enabled their team to
ed by songs a n d folk-dancing. A and playing of thirty-six holes a t score with ease. They themselves
charge of 25 cents will be made upon flie Municipal Golf Course for 50 helped p u t t h e g a m e on ice by their
registration to cover t h e cost of t h e cents on weekdays a n d 75 cents on cut-in shots, a n d scoring from under
Bowling Program
Shows Progress
Intramural Council Requests
Cooperation and Suggestions
State and Skidmore
Will Have Play Day
Cafeti eria
Page 4
Sports Night Event
Will be Cay Affair
(Continued from page 1, column 5J
Dolan, Lucy King, and Louise Hessney.
A real match will be offered the
badminton fans by Marion Rockefeller. Whitbeck Ousick and his
partner, city champions, will meet
Al Sloman and Teddy Lipschitz.
Cusick is also the singles champion,
while Al Sloman was runner-up in
last year's tournament. Sloman is
at present the athletic director at
the Y. M. H. A. The match, which
is one of the highlights of the evening, will be preceded by a contest
between the two finalists from each
of the men's and women's tournaments at State. The preliminary
will place two mixed duos on each
end of the floor, a man and woman
on each side.
George Amyot, the floor arrangements committee of the Page hall
district next will make way for the
volley ball fracas which has been
set up by Louise Hessney. This debacle will be in line with the general plan of the evening, consisting
of competition b e t w e e n mixed
groups. On opposing sides of the
net will be three-girl and threeman combinations chosen from Kay
Adams, Mabel Farrell, Marion Lawless, Margaret Hickok, Virginia
Strong, Betty Dodge, Bill Hopke,
Bill Torrens, Al Weiss, Bill Thomas,
Clarence Ols'en, and John Gardephe.
where more or less humorous games
will be played,
The services of two men of undaunted personal fortitude and undinted courage have been obtained
for the affair at a very great price.
The barkers, without whom there
could be no carnival worthy the
name, are Paul Dittman, '38, and
Joe Bosley, '39. Later in the evening, refreshments may be obtained
at a price.
sary of the founding of the club In
Chem Club to Present
April, 1913. The Chemistry club is
Tonight at 7:30 o'clock, in the
"The House of Magic" one of the oldest and best known
German Club Will Meet
Lounge of Richardson hall, the
German club will conduct a Kaffeeklatsch, according to Carl Schoeffler,
'39, president of the club. After the
meeting there will be German Folk
dancing under the direction of Karl
Sense, '39, in which the entire club
will take part. Refreshments will
be served.
On Monday night, April 11, the
Chemistry club will present in Page
hall auditorium, "The House of
Magic," to be given by the General
Electric laboratories, according to
William Mollenkopf, '38, president
of the club.
The program is arranged so that
it coincides with the 25th anniver-
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For the
S t a t e College News
XXII, No. 2i
Assembly Favors
State University
In Lively Meeting
Speaker Friedlander Names
Beatrice Shufelt, '40,
Herb Frankel, fencing instructor,
will present two protegees from the
class which he is conducting. The
two femmes de guerre, Ruth Larson
and Ruth Thompson, will display the
talent they have been grooming.
Stan Kullman and June Palmer
are heading a group of ten Terpsichorean artists of the old school to
offer a program of folk and square
dancing. Stan has promised some
really original "stuff" in the line of
music gathered from no less famous
hill-billies than Mom and Pop Kullman themselves.
After George, of the Amyots, has
cleared the Page subterranean chambers, the crowds will be diverted to
the Commons, which will be completely renovated for the dancing.
Booths will be put around the sides,
and the victrola will furnish continuous dancing. Chris Dershimer
has charge of these arrangements.
Entrance to the Commons will be
at a price. There will be a grabbag of tickets at the door, ranging
in price from one to ten cents. You
pay the price stipulated and the rest
of the entertainment is free, including entrance to the various booths
organizations on the campus.
The club invites all science students of the school and all those
who are interested to attend this
demonstration. It also extends its
invitation to the science teachers in
the public schools of the capital district. Admission to the demonstration is free.
large and small
Cojiyii^ln 1MB, 1-iu.l.n & MviHS I OM< i o < u
A state university where students
of New York state might attend a
liberal arts college, "free of tuition
charge," was pushed one step farther
toward a reality when the Constitutional Assembly voted at its regular
weekly session, Tuesday, to favor the
resolution calling for the "inclusion
In the state constitution of a provision for a state maintained university."
Following was a debate on the
majority report of the hearing committee which opposed the resolution
on the grounds that there was no
need for the proposed institution
because of the policy of state aid
existing at the present time, and
because it is "impracticable on financial grounds." The majority, led
by Virginia Wegener, '39, offered as
a substitute the doubling of the
number and stipend of state scholarships.
Irregardless of the majority arguments, the minority report, offered
by Norman Levy and Edward Trost,
freshmen, was given approval by the
college group. In stating the case for
the state university, Levy said, "Many
high school graduates today, who
should go Into higher education cannot do so merely for financial reasons. In a recent study in New York
State, 44 percent of the high school
students questioned were uncertain
whether they would attend college;
ninety percent of these students listed financial reasons as the deterring
Following discussion of I he resolution, a motion calling for separate,
"article by article," consideration or
all controversial amendments to the
constitution when it is voted on in
the November referendum was introduced. This was proposed to prevent
a recurrence of the fate of the 1915
constitution which was killed because
of several controversial issues contained in the document which was
submitted as a whole for approval,
rather than article-by-article.
Speaker Leonard Friedlander, '39,
announced the appointment of Beatrice Shufelt, '40, as assistant clerk
to Richard Lonsdale, '39.
Newman Club
Annual Retreat
Introspection will be the theme
of the Newman club annual retreat which begins tonight at
7:45 o'clock at the Holy Names
Chapel, corner of Madison avenue and Robin street. The retreat master will be the Rev. T.
H. Kay, professor of religion at
the College of St. Rose.
Victoria Bilzi, '39, chairman of
the committee on religious activities for Newman club, announces that two lectures are planned
for Saturday, at 10:00 and 2:00
o'clock at the Chapel.
The club members will attend
a Mass at the Vincentian Little
Grotto, Ontario and Morris
streets following which they will
conduct a Communion Breakfast
at the Vincentian Cafeteria.
Tickets are on sale for the breakfast at 50 cents per plate.
Sigma Lambda Sigma
To Conduct Initiation
Will Induct Members of Faculty
Into Honorary Membership
On Saturday afternoon at 2:00
o'clock, in the Lounge of Richardson
hall, Sigma Lambda Sigma will conduct its first formal initiation for
eleven pledges.
The men who will be inducted are:
Richard Loucks, '40; Eugene Agnello,
Francis Cassidy, Glenn W. Clark,
Dan Flinn, John Gardephe, Delfio
Mancuso, Howard Merriam, Robert
Patton, Edward Trost, and Joseph
Wlthey, freshmen.
Following the initiation, the fraternity will conduct a formal banquet
at 8:00 o'clock in the Wellington hotel. Al I he banquet the fraternity
will Induct into honorary membership
the following members: Or. Abram
R. Brubachcr, president of the college, and William G. Kennedy, assistant professor of chemistry. Dr.
Rienow, instructor in government, is
their present faculty advisor and
honorary member.
William Mollenkopf, '38, will ue ihe
speaker for the fraternity to welcome
the incoming members. The speaker
lor the new members will be John
Gardephe, '41,
After the banquet the fraternity
will adjourn to the commons of
Hawley hall for dancing.
Art Shaw, Master of Clarinet,
Has Rapid Rise to Musical Fame
by Lcn Kowulsky
i Columbia network. The band was a
Every Saturday night from (1:30 to i sensation overnight.
7:00 o'clock. Ihe coasl-lo-coasl netThe following season Shaw and his
work of the Columbia Broadcasting band were featured at. the French
system p r e s e n t s the rhythmic Casino in New York, and later al
"grooves" of Art Shaw and his New Ihe Adolphus hotel in Dallas, Texas.
Music. Exactly one week from to- I After a successful engagement here,
night from 10:00 to 2:00 o'clock, the he went on tour playing engagements
sophomore class of Slate college will ill many of Ihe prominent mklwestpresent the same swing-master and crn universities. Returning to New
his orchestra al Its Soiree in Ihe Au- York, he appeared at Ihe Paramount
theater where he played to recordrania club.
As master of Ihe "gob stick," the breaking crowds. Leaving Broadway,
clarinet, Shaw's meteoric rise to mu- Shaw soon gained a hosl of new
sical prominence has been a colorful friends in Pittsburgh, where he filled
one. As a youngster, he was excep- jan engagement at the Willows, one
tionally fond of music, so much so of Hie city's largest night clubs, A
that he undertook an intensive study Subsequent tour included engageof Ihe saxophone. Imagine his fam- ' incuts al a number of eastern colily's surprise when he was given his leges and universities, among which
first job playing his sax al the age were New York university, Lafayette,
[Cornell, Harvard, New Hampshire,
HI thirteen,
Williams, and many others.
'The first slep in his professional Howdoin,
Al Hie present lime Shaw Is filling
career came when he obtained u job an
engagement in Boston.
playing Willi Red Nichols and Ills
That Shaw is undoubtedly one of
orchestra. Following this, he traveled In ihe Pacific coast where he was ihe outstanding swing musicians of
featured with Irving Aaronson's or- Ihe country is proven by his recent
chestra. Also al this time he began appearance on the CBS Swing Sesarranging for ihe orchestra and thus sion and by Ihe fact that he broadgained attention for himself In musi- leasts regularly over the national
I networks. His clarinet solos alone
cal circles.
After finishing at the const, Shaw [are ample evidence that he belongs
returned to New York where he en- in the same category as Benny
tered radio work. Playing on many Goodman.
If you want a sample of what
of the major shows he made quite a
name for himself, So .successful was Shaw iloes when he "swings on
ho that he was persuaded to form down," tune in on your radio tomorhis own orchestra. This he did and row night to WOKO, or drop over to
immediately obtained an engagement the Commons Wednesday noon and
at the Lexington hotel In New York hear Shaw's scintillating s w i n g
city where he broadcasted over the emanating from the vie.
Dramatics Class
Plans Annual Play
Coward 'Hayfever' is Choice
With Sinovoy and Kelly
In Starring Roles
$2.00 P E R YEAR, 32 W E E K L Y ISSUES.
Governor Herbert Lehman
Will Address Assembly
The cast for the annual spring
play of the Advanced Dramatics
class was announced this week by
Miss Agnes E. Futterer, assistant
professor of English. The play this
year will be Noel Coward's "Hayfever."
Included in the cast are: Judith
Bliss, Ruth Sinovoy, '39; Sorel Bliss,
Jeanne Chrisler, '39; Simon Bliss,
Kenneth Doran, '39; David Bliss,
Tom Kelly, '37; Myra Arundel, Marion Minst, '39, Edith Cassavant, '39.
Sandy Tyrell, Ray Walters, '39;
Jackie Cory ton, Virginia Hall, '39;
Clara, the maid, Dee Jesse, '39;
Richard Greatham, Jack Nordell, '39.
The stagecraft class will work on
the set for the play as its major
project of the year.
Members of the Advanced class
who will serve on committees are:
house, Gar Arthur, '38, chairman,
Virginia Bolton and Marion Minst,
juniors; advertising, Elizabeth Lockwood, '39, chairman, Edith Cassavant, Dee Jesse, and Ruth Sinovoy,
juniors; props, Catherine Lynch,
chairman, Vera Haas, Jeanne Chrisler and Ray Walters, juniors; costumes and makeup, Virginia Furey
Honorable Herbert II. Lehman,
and Betty Hayford, juniors; and sets,
Charles Walsh, Piter Hart, and governor of New York state, who
will be the guest speaker in today's
Joseph Lcese, juniors.
Spring Social Season
Edgcumbe and Miller
To Open With Soiree
To Attend Discussion
One week from tonighl marks the
opening of Ihe spring social season
when Ihe .sophomore class will conduct Ihe Sophomore Soiree from
10:00 to 2:00 o'clock in the Aurania
club, to the music of Art Shaw and
his New Music. Joseph Cappicllo,
vice-president of the class, will act
as general chairman of the event.
Bids, which have been set at $3.00
per couple, will be on sale daily in
room X until next Friday.
The latest stylos and syncopations
in swing will be supplied by Shaw
who is a national favorite. At the
present time Shaw Is filling an engagement In Boston and will come
to Static directly from there. Shaw
also broadcasts over the CBS coastto-coast network every week from
this spot.
Chaperones for this affair are: Dr.
Robert Frederick, professor of education, and Mrs. Frederick; Mr.
George M. York, professor of commerce, and Mrs. York; Dr. William
S. Salisbury, instructor in social
studies, and Mrs. Salisbury; and
Paul Bulger, secretary of the appointment bureau.
Guests will include: Dr. Abram R.
Brubachor, president of Hie college,
and Mrs. Brubacher; Dr. Milton G.
Nelson, dean of Ihe college, and Mrs.
Nelson; and Miss Helen H. Moreland,
dean of women.
Following are Ihe committees
which will aid Cappiello: music,
Marian Kingsley, chairman, Elinor
Dibble, Irene Semanek, John Eckel,
and Max Sykes; arrangements, Harriet Sprague, chairman, Eleanor
Prat I and John Newstead; publicity,
Uhlan Rivklnd and Stewart Smith,
co-chairmen, Alice Drown, Louis
Francello, Arthur Phlbba, and Paul
Hiipulsky; programs a n d
Eleanor Groll, chairman, Betty Denmark and Doris Parizot; chaperones,
Ruth Donnelly; invitations, Haskell
Rosenberg, chairman, Helen Blake
and Marcia Brown.
Dr. S o u t h Will Be S p e a k e r
Dr. Earl B, South, assistant professor of education, will be one of
the speakers at the ninth spring
meeting of the eastern branch of the
American Psychological association,
which is being conducted at New
York university today r id tomorrow.
Dr, South's topic will be "Significant
Trends in Published Articles in the
Social Studies."
Jean Edgcumbe, p r e s i d e n t of
Young Women's Christian association and, Thehna Miller, president of
Women's Athletic association, seniors, and members of Myskania, will
be representatives of State college
at the annual meeting and dinner of
the Student Christian Movement in
New York state, which Is being conducted tonight' in the Riverside
church, Riverside Drive, New York
The program will begin at 4:30
o'clock with a reception which will
be followed by the meeting and dinner. The guest speaker will be Professor Reinhold Niebuhr who will
discuss, "The Kind of Student Christian Movement We Need."
Miss Edgcumbe will be one of the
student speakers. Her topic will be,
"What Y. Has Done for State College."
Noted Visitor is Interested
In State College Students
And Their Work
Student Revcte on N. S. F. A.
Will Comprise Remainder
of 11:10 Program
Governor Herbert H. Lehman will
address this morning's assembly,
according to the announcement
made by Warren I. Densmore, '38,
president of the student association
and member of Myskania.
In consenting to address this
morning's assembly Governor Lehman was forced to leave innumerable
bills, Including several pertaining to
education, that are awaiting his
Since his visit to State college
several years ago Lehman has maintained an active interest in the college. Shortly after the Constitutional Assembly was formed last fall,
Governor Lehman sent a letter to
Speaker Leonard Friedlander congratulating him with the hope that
the good work would continue until
the new constitution is put before
the general public this fall.
Governor Lehman came into national prominence in 1928 when he
was elected lieutenant governor of
New York state by a plurality vote
of 14,000. Since that time the public
has shown their confidence in his
honesty and ability as an administrator. In 1930 he received a plurality vote of 505,000. In 1932 Lehman
was elected to the governorship of
New York state with the enormous i
plurality vote of 849,000 and was reelected in 1934 by a vote of 808,089.
In 193G he was reelected to the governorship for the third time.
During the presidential campaign
of 1928, Lehman was chairman of
toe Finance Committee of the
Democratic National Committee.
Recently Lehman has achieved
nation-wide prominence, not only as
governor of the state, but through
his participation and activity In
national issues,
After the address by Governor
Lehman there will be revotes on
N. S. F. A. delegates. As a result of
last week's voting, Dunton Tynan
was elected delegate, and there will
be revotes on the names of Christine
Ades and John Edge.
N.S.F.A. Proves Successful Here
And in Other American Colleges
by Da \ id Minsberg
Recently the Slate college student
body elected I wo out of three delegates to all end the Middle Atlantic
Regional conference of the National
Federation of America
which will Hike place at Vassal' college on May 7 and 8, (1938). Richard Lonsdale, '39, who Is the N, S,
F. A. representative at State, will be
the third delegate to the conference.
At this convention representatives
ol 27 schools In seven slates will be
present; Ihe main topics of discussion will bo, "Successful Handling of
the Honor System," "Proportional
Representation al work on the Campus," "The Student Council and the
Campus Peace Program," and several
oilier such topics of genera) and individual interest.
However, to understand the importance of this conference, we must
first obtain an Intelligent knowledge
of the federation and Us purposes,
ideals and activities. What is the
N. S. F. A,? It is, In its own words,
"a service organization for student
councils and students; a clearing
house for Information of value and
interest to students; a forum of expression of student opinion; and a
medium of contact between America
at large, and Ihe American campuses.
What are its ideals? It strives for
a spirit of cooperation among students of the United States; the
development of Initiative in Intelligent discussion of campus, national
and international problems and the
vigorous and effective expression of
that initiative; and the fostering of
universal understanding toward international peace.
When did the N. S. F. A. begin?
It was begun in 1925 after the Student World Court conference at
Princeton University. Today il has
a membership of 125 colleges all over
the country,
The "Weekly Reporter," official
mouthpiece of the N. S. F. A. is in
essence a digest of current thought
in colleges and for Us main purpose
it has the solving of student problems In administration. Recently
it reprinted on editorial on freshman
orientation from the State college
Nmvtf; It expects soon to print an
article on ihe functions of Myskania
at State.
Willi fuller participation in N, S.
F. A., State can expect to become
recognized as a college of Importance
all over the country.