STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FEBRUARY n , 1938 Page 4 Hopkins to Play Tonight at Prom Sororities Conduct Rushing Weekend [iContinued from page i, column 1) Hogan, Elizabeth Kennedy, Marie (Continued from page I, column 5) | Lalonde, Helen Leary, Rosemary McJuniors and their guests who will Carthy. Ami McGuiness, Jean Malloney, Jeanne Murray, Enes Novelle, attend the Prom include: Betty Hayford, and Philip Carlson, Catherine O'Brien, Irene Pogor, '36; Christine Ades. and Kenny Helen Powers, Frances Riani, Adele Schaefer, Snowden, Albany; Duntan Tynan, Ronan, and Marjorie freshmen. and Carolyn Mattice; John Edge, and Alpha Epsilon Phi: Alice Abelove, Jane Wilson, '40; Gordon Tabner, and Marie O'Meara, '40; Dick Lons- Ethel Cohen, Estelle Engelhardt. dale, and Mary Noonan, St. Rose; ner, and Alma Knowles, '41; VirJoseph Bosley, and Marlon Kings- ginia Wegener, and Jerry Sullivan, ley, '40, Edgar B. O'Hora, and Frances Fordham. Field, '40; Fred Bowman and MarEleanor Wickham. and Hilton Dayton, Albany; Clancy Van Etten, garet Hora. Leonard Friedlander, and Lillian and Muriel Barry; Henrietta HalRivkind, '40; Ruth Lewis, and Jack breich, and Arthur Rothenburg, Smolens, Richfield Springs; William R. P. I.; Myndert Crounse, and Doris Torrens, and Betty Parrott, '41; Parizot, '40; Albert Architzel, and Charles Franklin, and Rita Sullivan, Ann Wellish, Albany; Don Loomis, "40; Robert E. Hertwig, and Alice and Mary Ruth Allen, Skidmore; Bartlow, '40; Clement Wolff, and Gordon Peattle, and Bernice LamMary Burlingame, '38; Larry Stratt- berton. Eleanor Greenglass, Doris Grossman, Dorothy Mix Shirley Myers, Janette Blanche Kirshenblum, Miriam New- Parker, Ada Parshall, Betty Pritchell, and Tillle Stern, freshmen. ard, and Frances Wood. Phi Delta: Olive Baird, Harriet Gamma Kappa Phi: Betty Gorgen and Betty Parrott, sophomores; Davis, Carolyn Emery, Alberta FrieMarion Cahill, Elizabeth Cottenham, knecht. Marion Keables. Marion McVirginia Davis, Carol Golden, Muriel Causland, Mary Neff. Catherine Howard, Loretta Kelley, Madeline Shafer, and Alicia Vail. Alpha Rlio: Geraldine Pleat, '41. Scesny. Doris Sheary, Grace Sussner. Sigma Alpha: Marion Ayotte, and Frances White, freshmen. Beta Zeta: Hattie Conkiln, Patri- ! Madeline Block, Betty Hiller, Adecia Culver, Doris Dygert. Mary Elson i line Kadgis. Helen Pitman, Florence Helen Lasher, Janet MacDonald I Reddish and Charlotte Theemling. AMAZING sooKorren -HteSe inmaui flVt NttHW DM* »ooiw HOW* COOK BOOK tff Grote Dial 5-1913 Geo. D. Jeoney, Prop WEBSttR'S NEW Boulevard and Cafeteria MODERN pcnow^[] VALUES < O 0 0 Grill booh I, oenison Eiwutnt UP-TO DATE F0R Al\t WITH CARTON FROM COLGATE-PALMOLIVf TOILETRIES OR VASELINE H A I R T O N I C 198-200 CENTRAL AVENUE Vol.. X X I [, No, i S Juniors to Meet 1941 in Debate In 11:10 Assembly „WMWM Be«W»»l UP TO * / — . ONLY • § y v ALBANY, .V. Y. State College Nexys FULL DETAILS M OUR TO/LET GOODS COUNTER T o p i c of F o r e n s i c B a t t l e t o Be P r o p o s e d Boycott Of J a p a n e s e G o o d s STATE COU.KGE FOR TEACHERS, ALBANY, Sophomore Virtuoso Wins Amateur Contest Everybody knows that there are five watering troughs in Draper hall but how many know that there is an unknown virtuoso right in our midst? Aye Aye! (as the egotists say) there is, and it's none other than George Stangler, '40. A master of the violin, this up and coming virtuoso recently captured a wrist watch, a trip to New York city, and an audition over a major network as first prize in an amateur contest broadcast from the stage of the Grand theater. Stangler will again appear on the stage of the Grand tonight in a special contest for prize winners. Optimism is running so high that Music council is already negotiating for an engagement. N. Y„ FI-HKI-AHY I S , 1938 $2.00 PER YEAR, j a WEEKLY ISSUES. Nightingale, Cox Will Head Senior Drive To Obtain Funds For Housing Project • CHAIRMEN OF ALUMNI FUND DRIVE Chairmen t o N a m e Captama T o Supervise Teams Of Classmates MISS BRIMMER TO AID The juniors and the freshmen will Committee t o Suggest Ideas take part in the second of a series For P o s s i b l e P r o j e c t s if intramural debates sponsored by For Construction Debate council, at 11:00 o'clock today, according to Warren Densmore, Richard Cox and Mildred Nightpresident of Student association. ingale have been appointed as cochairmen of the annual senior drive The speakers will debate the folto raise funds for future housing' lowing question: Resolved: that the projects according to Herbert Drooa,. people of the United States should president of the class of 1938. place an economic boycott against The plan will be worked as in the, Japan. The juniors have the afpast with the chairmen appointing firmative side and the freshmen will captains to supervise teams of worktake the negative. ers who Will compete with each other Bill Bradt, '38, president of Debate in raising money for the Alumni pro-^ council and chairman of intramural ject. The drive is carried on in CO-' debating, will preside. Two conoperation with Miss Bertha Brimmer, secretary of the Alumni assocstructive speakers for each side will | iation. , speak for five minutes. An intermission of five minutes will give each S t a t e D e b a t e s S k i d m o r e a n d Seniors will be asked to pledge up side time to prepare the rebuttal N i a g a r a o n S o c i a l R e l a t i o n s to $100 to be paid in installments speeches. The rebuttal speakers will over a period that may range from And Labor Problems have six minutes in which to refute five to ten years in length. These arguments of the other team and pledges may be made with the conAccording to William Bradt, '38, present their best arguments. Richard Cox and Mildred Nightingale, seniors, who will conduct the class dition that the installments will president of Debate council, plans begin "the first February after I seof 1938 in its annual drive to raise money for the alumni Winners of this debate will meet for five major events will be formucure a position." residence halls fund. the sophomores who were the win- lated in the next two weeks. The chairmen are arranging for ners of the last intramural debate. Tonight State will meet the committees to explore the possibiliTo the final winner will go theNiagara team In Room 5 in an ties of projects to which this money Debate council intramural cup. Oregon type debate on the National should be devoted. In the past the The junior team is composed of Labor Relations board. Sally Whelan classes beginning with 1936 have A Ruth Sinovoy. manager; Joe Bosley, and Thomas Lovalenti will uphold favored the erection of a men's first speaker; Dee Jesse, second the negative side for State. On the dormitory similar to that of the speaker; and Jean Strong, rebuttal. same date, Lizette Parshall, Betty * ** Mrs. Elliott to Lead Discussion present Alumni Residence halls for The frosh squad consists of Bill Hayford, Gar Arthur, and Richard women. Other projects considered On Marriage Education Cameron, manager; Lee Durling, Lonsdale Will speak at a meeting of are athletic houses for men and first speaker; Evelyn Olivet, second the American Association of Univer- L e t t e r t o S o p h o m o r e H e a d night from 7:30 women, an all-college social hall and 0 n Monday t o 9 : 3 0 speaker; and Dorothy Peak, rebuttal. sity Women on the subject of social E x p l a i n s Official S t a n d o'clock in the Lounge of a swimming pool. welfare. r\c c • D J Richardson hall, Grace Loucks EllThe fact that the president of the On Monday, February 21, a forum Ut Senior Body i o t t | author of "Sex Life and Youth," senior class has appointed co-chairMyskania Names Eight will be conducted at the Y. M. C. A. "Psychology of the Adolescent Girl," men for this drive is an innovation As Class Guardians on the subject of unicameralism. The Freshmen cannot be required by and co-author with her husband, Dr. for during the past years the presiThe Members of Myskania who speakers will be Charles Walsh, Has- Myskania to wear caps next year Harrison Sackett Elliott, of "Solving dent of the senior class lias acted will act as class guardians for this kell Rosenberg. Rita Sullivan and according to a communication r e - Personal Problems," will speak. The as chairman of the event. Drooz by ceived by Lloyd Kelly, president of topic of her talk will be "Education appointing these expects to arouse semester were announced in assem- Ruth Finkle. bly last Friday. These guardians act On February 24, State will parti- the sophomore class, from Myskania, and the Preparation for Marriage." the class more completely in pledgEarlier in the afternoon Mrs. Elliott ing to the fund. as sponsors for the classes and cipate In an entirely new type of dis- senior honorary society. supervise their meetings and elec- cussion with Skidmore, which will be The letter further states that will meet with a faculty committee tions. he highlight of the debating year. action for the re-establishment of to discuss the subject "Guidance in Viewpoints of such clashing organi- this tradition must come from a res- Personal Adjustment." Guardians for the freshman class Mrs. Elliott is a well known auzations will be presented as the C. I. olution introduced from the floor of will be Muriel Goldberg and Richard thority in the field of Eugenics. She Cox; for the sophomores, Herbert O., A. F. of L., government and labor, Student assembly and that Myskania was chairman of the National StuDrooz and Sophie Wolzok; for theand consumer and employer on thehas no power to revive the tradition dent assembly conducted recently at The appointment bureau announjuniors. Dorothy Cain and John subject of labor. The speakers will by decree. Miami university, and she has ledces the following placements: Hilda O'Brien, and for the seniors, Thelma be Bill Bradt, Roy Irvis, Percy Formany student discussions on the The reason for this is that the mal! and Edgar O'Hora. Heines, '35, High Bridge, New Jersey, Miller and Sally Whelan. Student association on May 22, 1931, problems of marriage and the home. library; Dorothy Lurenz, '37, Athens, A selected group of men and French and Latin; Paul Dittman, '38, abandoned by resolution the wearing women of the student body will meet Adams Center, commerce; Helen of caps as a tradition. Therefore, with Mrs. Elliott. Sororities and fraternities are co- iSautin, '37, Johnstown, mathemetics only the student body has the power operating by conducting their meet- and science; Lillian Rushmeyer, '38, to revive it. ings on other nights next week. | Bolton Landing, commerce. According to Kelly, a consideration of this question will be included in I by Leonard Kowalsky adequate investigation of them is the next meeting of the sophomore Those students who attended necessary. To carry on this work, he class, which petitioned Myskania for assembly last Friday listened to an has appointed seven faculty commitj interesting talk delivered by Dr. A.tees among whose members are Dr. this action. R. Brubacher, president of the col- | J. A. Hicks, Dr. H. W. Hastings, and Following is the letter received by I lege. The purpose of the discussion Dr. J. M. Sayles, and one student Kelly: by David Minsbcrg "To the Sophomore Class: was to explain to the .student body committee composed of Myskania. was away from his classroom for Some men live lives which are ad- only the details of the proposed five year three or four days before his In regard to the request for themired by all who know them and The work of the various commit- establishment of a tradition involvcurriculum at state college. death. all who hear about them. One of tees is to consider questions that Husted is important to us today The student body first learned of arise in regard to the proposed ing the wearing of caps, Myskania these was Albert Nathaniel Husted, the president's plans when a com- changes. For instance, how should pronounces the following: That the in commemoration of whom the not because lie taught for fifty-seven munication from him to Myskania the curriculum be modified? What establishment of any tradition must science building of State college lias years, but because he embodies all the qualities a good teacher should appeared in the NBWH of November should be the relation between the come from the action of the Student been named. have. He was loyal, to his country 12 of last year. In it, the president liberal arts courses and those of the Association. Traditions do not oriIn 1855, Husted, a young man, in risking his life for it, to his school suggested to Myskania that they be professional training? What courses ginate by the action of any one class. came to teach mathematics at thein giving his life services for it. His Instrumental In expressing to himshould be offered In the fifth year? Myskania advises that the ques- N. Y. State normal school. He was industry, ever-present and delightthe sentiment of the student body What should be the place of thetion of the Freshmen caps be successful and well liked and conin regard to this question. In last practice teaching In this curriculum? brought before the Student Associa- tinued in that position. In fact, ful sense of humor, and wise council mark him as a figure never to be Friday's assembly, the president was In conclusion, the p r e s i d e n t tion if desired. According to thefrom that date on, he taught every forgotten. All these traits are atgiven an opportunity to present his year of his life except for some time proposition in person to the student strongly urges the student body to minutes of the Student association during the Civil War, when he mus- tested to by his associates and students, who knew him well. lake an interest in his five year plan, of 1931-32, the wearing of Freshmen body. for he feels that only the students caps was abolished by Student Asso- tered a company of normal school In 1905, in Professor Husted's fuIn explaining his purpose, the themselves can best judge the pres- ciation on May 22, 1931, by a vote of boys under his captaincy and left tieth year of teaching at State Norto fight for the Union. president feels that the new regu- ent curriculum and suggest changes. the entire assembly." mal college, a fellorship fund was lations In certification and licensing He advises everyone to discuss these Leaving behind some of his boys started in commemoration of his el teachers, recently set up by theproblems with the faculty and to exburied on the battlefield, Husted re- services. It has at present about Stute Board of Regents, demand press his opinion to Myskania TO HAVE HOLIDAY turned tci Albany and taught till $8,000 in its treasury and is expected various curriculum adjustments. In an interview with the writer, 1890, when the normal school became in several years to reach its goal of Slate college will not be in sesMoreover, since a new ruling requires D l . Brubacher stated: State Normal college. In 1905, he$10,000. In 1934, in the Alumni sion on Tuesday, Fewuary 22, the completion of thirty hours of was made head of the mathematics Quarterly, which was dedicated to "The college student body has an graduate work within ten years after oppori unity to share realistically in Dr. Brubacher, president, a n department. In 1906, when the col- Professor Husted, the late Dean graduation in order to retain one's curriculum revision. nounced this week, inasmuch as lege building on Willett street burn- Anna Pierce, honored his memory in I earnestly teaching certificate, a fifth year may solicit recommendations through the ed down and moved to its present an article about his life and personWashington's Birthday is a legal be deemed necessary. location on Western avenue, Profes- ality. Today a plaque in recogniMyskania Committee. Through this holiday. sor Husted moved with it. He held tion of his achievements, is placed Therefore, in order to understand cooperate effort we seek greater Milne High school will not the position of professor of his de- at the entrance to the building that iully the resulting curriculum prob- vitality and effectiveness in the propartment until his death in 1912. Hebears his name. lems, the president feels that an cess of self-education." have classes on Tuesday. Debate Council Plans Program Myskania Rules /i u / . On lap Wearing Y. WC. A. to Present Prominent Eugenicist Appointment Bureau Announces Positions President Brubacher Presents Plans for Five Year Curriculum Husted Hall Receives Its Name From Teacher, Civil War Captain A^hesteriield ... they light the way to MORE PLEASURE CefWJfbi i'Ji^i tlSCKTl * M Y I W » T O I M < X O C O , Page 2 S T A T E C O L L E G E N E W S , FEBRUARY 18, 1938 STATE COLLEGE N E W S , FEBRUARY 18, 1938 STATE COLLEGE NEWS Established by the Class of 1918 The undergraduate Newspaper of New York State College for Teachers Published every Friday of the college year by the News Board representing the Student Association Telephones: Office, 5-9373;; Wolzok, 2-6752; Smith, 3-1848; Nightingale, 2-4144; Gaylord, 2-4314 Bntered as second class matter in the Albany, N. Y, poatoffice M«IIS«NT«D POD NATIONAL AOVIRTKINd • » National AdvertisingService, Inc. Colhm Publishers Ritnuntatlvt 4 2 0 MADISON AVE. N E W YORK, N . Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON • LOS ANOELCt - SAN FRANCISCO THE NEWS BOARD SOPHIE WOI.ZOK DAVID B. SMITH ROBBRT E. HERTWIO EDGAR B. O'HORA JIAN STRONG MILDRED E. NIGHTINGALE CHARLBS W. GAYLORD VICTORIA A. BILZI Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Associate Managing Associate Managing Associate Managing Editor Editor Editor Business Advertising Circulation Manager Manager Manager THE NEWS STAFF William Ryan ._ ...Jlfen'a Sports Editor Charles Franklin _ ...Assistant Sports Editor Betty Clark _ Women's Sports Editor Sophomore Desk Editors Robert Cogger Saul Greenwald Otto Howe Leonard Kowalsky David Mlnsberg Sally Young Associate Editors Muriel Goldberg, Ramona Van Wie, Albert Architzel, Joyce Maycock, Charles Ettinger, Charles Walsh Assistants to Business Board Assistant Business Manager Grace Castlglione Assistant Advertising Manager Joan Byron Business Staff Doris Parizot, Alice Bartlow, Marcia Brown, Kenneth Haser, Harold Haynes, John Newstead, Mary Gabriel, Elga Schiavl, Harriet Sprague The Honor System Recently Student council has appointed a committee to investigate the possibilities and practicality of an honor system at State college. Under an honor system students would not be proctored during examinations. The National Student Federation of America is strongly in favor of honor systems in colleges. Yale students are conducting strenuous campaigns to revive an honor system which had been abandoned some years previously. The supporters of the Yale drive cite t h e highly successful operation of the system at Princeton. A Princeton editorial commented on the Yale movement as follows: ''The brave few at Yale who wish to set the wheels turning once again will have to realize that only with time will the plan achieve smooth-running operative efficiency and that thus there is bound to be disappointment and disillusion in the early stages of the movement." Objectively, the honor system seems the perfection of high idealism in self-education. But making the matter personal, bringing it directly to sou, would you "crib" if you were flunking an examination and a cooperative friend were sitting next to you ? Would \on pass a few answers to a friend of yours who was embarrassed by the factual realism of some enigmatic problem? In other words, would you feel that your honor would have to be directed to the school or to a member of your fraternal organization? The answer to these questions is left to the committee. A Sense of Humor? During recent assemblies some poor misguided people with horribly deformed senses of "humor" have taken to laughing uproariously at all situations. People who make announcements never know whether they will be disregarded by their "listeners" or whether their every word and even their everyday appearance will be greeted with bursts of uncomplimentary gaiety. There is a difference between humor and insulting hilarity. Student Opinions on Five- Year Curriculum Personal Viewpoints Comment stater The Commentstater this week is given over to stu dent opinion on the subject of the five year curriculum I planned for State college, All opinions in this column I were derived from about fifteen students about the school who are interested in this topic. These students have given their ideas on how to improve the curriculum of the college by adding or subtracting certain courses to or from the present setup. One of the most interesting ideas was "I think that one of the most constructive additions would be a course or two in philosophy, There Is definite need for such a course to help students who are training more or less intensively for a profession such as teaching in which a richer background is necessary. I believe that in college we should start on the fundamentals of a definite philosophy besides an educational one. I also feel that any additions that could be made in making the training in practice teaching more practical, such as is done in the field work of Bennington or the laboratory work at Syracuse. This would help to make life easier for the beginning teacher." Another idea expressed was "If a student spends four years of his college life studying to teach his major and minor subjects, I believe that the fifth year should be devoted to the study and appreciation of cultural subjects which will assist him in his cultural social life. A teacher should be as well equipped socially as he is professionally, In order to be successful in his profession." Another concrete proposal was stated, "I should like to see a n addition of something quite practical if we are to have a practical education. By this I mean the addition of a commerce course in the general curriculum for freshmen. Each day all of us have contacts with business and will continue to have them in our contacts as teachers. One concrete example is typing, for every one of us at one time in his college career is required to do a typed report. The typing room is empty several hours a day and excellent use could be made of it. A course in everyday business transactions would also be useful in our economic life and we would become better acquainted with practical business procedures." Another suggestion is that the freshman year be more carefully planned as a n orientation course with philosophy and sex education and marriage courses to be added to the year's work. This student would also like to see freshman mathematics made an elective for those about to major or minor in the course. Random ideas are that we should extend our physical education department with additions made to the staff in that department. Another was that a speech correction course in drama be required of all students. Another student wished that more emphasis would be placed upon the social life of the college. Most of the students who were asked seemed to believe that our liberal arts departments should be broadened so that a wider horizon of culture might be obtained. A philosophy department and at least several courses In that subject were felt to be a necessity. Surprisingly the seniors especially wanted more practical work in leaching and In handling extra-class affairs. We'd like to toss at least a bouquet of gardenias to the Junior class for a weekend that packed the old wow. All the committees and chairmen of these committees should be congratulated for the success of the culmination of their work. To those of us who are afflicted with Coodmania the class of '39 should be a patron saint with Berigan and Hopkins already to their credit in swinging two formats. We'd like to suggest that the sophomores get started immediately In locating a band seeing that the New York deal for one of the country's best 'cat-tamers' dropped into oblivion with a n excess demand of one thousand blades of the very green grass. Get on the ball, keeds, and show up your old rivals. 41 41 * « In the past few years a number of crusades have been started in this school which for some reason or other has fizzled out. One of these was the drive to ressurrcct the old Y, M. C. A. In the form of a men's club. Here was a good idea that should be given another fling if possible. The men of this college have been dead for so long that we'd like to see something T, N. T. them out of their complacency. Even M. A. A. lacks support in their efforts for more sports from tiddley winks to football for the men of the college. We wonder if the men even have hair on their chest at this stage of the game or do they wear chest wigs. # # # •!< Another idea that went the way of all flash around this place was the one we flushed from our cranium last fortnight and that was the idea of a freshman dance of an Informal nature. Too bad. If the greenies can't organize such a dance why doesn't student council sponsor another spring informal as they did last year. 'Twas fun and we're sure it wouldn't interfere with any of tiie amoeba-like life of some of our davenported lounge lizards. As you can gather from the general tone of this egoism, we're sore. Truly, we hate to see a few people doing all extra class promoting and then having the rabble shooting off their lip about the ruling class of the school. Okay, but if you want to be the turning worm you've got to do a little twisting of your own because some smart bird will devour you instead cf aiding in the revolving process, EGO Committee T o Consider Honor System For State Appointment Bureau Dorothy Cain, '38. will act as chairman of the committee to investigate the practicability of an honor system at State college, as announced by Warren Densmore, '38, president, in last Friday's student assembly, Assisting Miss Cain will be William Ryan and Richard Lonsdale, juniors; Robert Martin, '40; and Betty Parroll and Shirley Tooker, freshmen. Statesman Prom is over. Everybody is happy. . , , and broke. Now there's nothing to do but sit around and wait for Soiree. Since our last issue we have received a signed and sealed document from the Junipers stating that the not-so-long-ago highly publicized Romance Club, wb - ' nd trailed to an Ontario str. t nai -out, was really founded at thp Ju iei club by one Jonathan Peru a 1 itsenlk. We're sorry that we mis id you, dear readers, but we'll do better. Attention, Lonsdale! You'd better confess who she was or our curiosity will bring you no good. And who is that cute KD who thinks only of Radio broadcasts? Flash 1 There's nothing like having a UP man spin a webb around you. Kind of dusty, that. Resolved: that I will not do any more one-arm driving on roads that are lined with fence posts. Signed, Bob Ilertwig. The queen went to church over the weekend. Where was Red? He was left waiting at the church. Who was the KDR neophyte who obtained such startling measurements at Wren Hall? Believing those figures would be too much. They don't grow them anymore! Heard in passing: O'Meara's new competition is Howard. We might comment that the eyes seem to have it. H. T., "37, was very much in evidence. It looked almost like a News Board reunion. And we wouldn't spell it Bored, either, from all appearances. Why did Paul forsake Zannieri's luxurious limousine for his latest expedition into the hinterlands? Maybe it's because it's no fun trying to raise money over the 'phone to get home at five o'clock in the morning, even if the charges are reversed! Is Ken really serious about Bettye or is it just one of those Platonic things? Don't ask us. We thought the lady had other heart interests. And we might throw a bit about Shamus who, it seems, has decided to grin and Barrett. Well, what with spring coming on, you've got to be prepared for things like t h i s . There'll probably be a lot of cases of "Love in Bloom" before very long. What lucky lad is hanging his hat over on Hudson since Porky moved to Madison Avenue? Do ye ken anything about it? We wouldn't be knowing. Flash! It would seem that Bill Brad l is making good on some of those social theories he talked about on Moving-up day a couple of years ago. Our Bill is going socialite in a large way. Recent addition to list of State's couples: Lenny and Lil. Good alliteration, that! Just whom is Walrath really interested in? He's here today and gone tomorrow. The result of that friendly little struggle now going on between Rog and Larry will be most interesting to us, A quick survey showed that the odds are even. Parting shot: it is expected that JKS will be seen in the near future (Monday night?) in the company of an old flame. We haven't space for a real farewell, but here's a quick goodbye! THE MAN OF STATE The Appointment Bureau will conduct a meeting with all seniors and graduate students on Thursday, February 24. At this time, .students who have been working on the subjects of ethics of position seeking and personal appearance and interviews will tell of the main points discovered in their extensive study. These results will be of interest and inestimable aid m guiding all seniors and graduate students at this tune when interviews are becoming all-important. During the past week many students missed InTo get down to the old routine--Tin Dramatics and Art associa- among the recent visitors at Sigma terviews and possibly jobs by not having their program cards completely filled in the files ol the Ap- tion ol State college will present Alpha were Peg Harris, '34, Norma hoii i' Goslar, famous European pointment Bureau in Room 121 of Milne High .school. dance mime Monday evening, Feb- Blake, '35, and Louise Smith, '37. the Greek prom-trotters When principals and .superintendents are pressed for ruary 28, at 8:15 o'clock, in Page Among were Ev Haminan, 37, and Minnie lime they can not and will not wait for hours while hull auditorium, according to Sally McNiekle, '34, up at Phi Delta. Mary some student is being hunted throughout the city ol Wlu'lan, '38, president of the assoc- Lam, '37, paused momentarily at iation. Kappa Delta. Albany. The persons with the filled schedule cards Miss Goslar, who was born In Delta Omega has pledged Janet received tiie positions. Dresden, Germany, is considered the liusacker, '41, and Phi Delia has Interviews are not "in the dim, distant future" any greatest dunce mime of modern pledged Iris Burnett, '41, while Alpha more. As a senior or graduate student seeking a posi- times, for .she places the emphasis Rho did likewise by Mary Carr '40 first ol all on her dancing and not Only one marriage! That's praction you may be called to the Appointment Bureau at on the miming; she is not merely any moment of the day for an interview. Watch your an entertainer, she is a first class tically a new low, but here Is the good news: Phi Lambda announces pearsonal appearance so that if you are called in from artist, whose dancing interprets hu- the marriage of Doris E. Bell, '34 to man ('motions vividly. a cluss or lunch or are Just caught wandering about J. Rueker McDaniel. The Phi LambTickets may be obtained for the das also have some new honorary the halls you will look your best Tidiness In clothes price of one dollar, or in exchange members, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert and person is essential for the student tax ticket. Veay. Lotte Goslar, Mime, Will Present Program Hellenics Purple and Gold Will Meet St. Michaels on Home Court • Vermont a n d Hartwick Run! State's Losing Streak T o Four Straight Sports Councils Plan Carnival W.A.A. and M.A.A. To Conduct Sport Dance Tomorrow P*ge3 The Pitcher's Box Beginning Monday, plans for the W e a t h e r F o r c a s t C h a n g e s -W. D. R Although old man Sol and high Suffering from another unsuccessPlans o f t h e Sports temperatures have not yet arrived, fid week end, during which they indoor spring sports will get under Tonlght the State squad will once State's acquatic enthusiasts will be bowed to Hartwick and Vermont, the way, and will culminate in an indoor Winter Carnival again make a desperate bid to break Spring Carnival to take place on going it at the Public Bath pool State Teacher quintet will meet St. back into the win column . . . after located at Central and Ontario, to- Michael's on the home court tonight. March 26. Sheets have been placed With a forecast that shows warm, climaxing a nine-game winning on the W. A. A. and M. A. A. bulletin morrow afternoon between the hours Although having been defeated on sunny weather, the Women's and streak by a loss to Pratt two weeks boards, and all who are interested of two and five-thirty. its own floor, the Winooskl Parkers should sign up immediately so that Men's Athletic Associations have re- ago . . . the Hatfield proteges dropUnder the guidance of Louis Fran- possess the offense and defense the plans can be completed without luctantly but definitely called off the ped into a slump to string up a total cello, '40, manager, the boys will be which is so essential to the make-up the usual delay that accompanies planned sports carnival for tomorrow of four consecutive losses . . . night, and instead will conduct a grouped according to their abilities of a stubborn and powerful machine. these projects. Outplayed by a powerful Vermont with everyone getting an even break. For the third time in as many Thelma Miller, '38, who with John barn-sports dance with Duke Hersh- aggregation the Hatfield squad rang kowitz, 39, general chairman. During the first two weeks there games, the State college cagers fell O'Brien, '38, is heading this carnival, up their fourth loss last Saturday Carnival Tickets Exchanged will be general swimming, and, after before the barrage of baskets netted regrets that in the past, the various night . . . the offensive drive of Those students who have already State's "Figure 8" crumpled before that, the program will consist of by their enemies, when the Hartwick sports programs have come to a dead bought their transportation tickets the Vermonters' impregnable zone competitive contests, both team and Indians invaded the Page hall court end and now they seek and urge the for the ill-fated winter carnival can individual, ranging from beginners last Friday afternoon. A very hard- cooperation and at least part time use them in gaining admittance to offensive . . . to our "Johnny Weissmuller" experts. trying Purple and Gold attempted interest of everyone. W. A. A. and the dance which will be conducted Tonight not only a strong but a Be there, fellows, and enjoy a wet again and again to overcome the re- M. A. A. can concoct glorious plans, in the Commons from 8:30 to 11:30 highly touted St. Michael's outfit vengeful Oneonta basketeers, but al- but without your cooperation and time. will visit Page court . . . the Univero'clock. sity of Vermont managed to score By the way, don't forget to bring though It bombarded the enemy attention, these plans will continue According to Thelma Miller, '38, ten cents (the cover charge). In basket innumerable times, very few to live in langour and die the same president of W. A. A„ and John but a 46-42 win over the St. Mike return you receive towel and soap. of the shots swished thru the hoop. disinterested death. In the past, O'Brien, "38, president of M. A. A„ boys . . . and . . . although State Spring Ping-Pong empty bulletin boards and in- there will be a winter sports carnival added the Winooskl team to their Game Details list of wins earlier in the season . . . Everyone who was rusticated in completed plans have remained as Coach Hatfield entered his second mocking memorials to the frustrat- next year, and, profiting by the mis- a hard fought battle will certainly the test ping-pong contest will be takes, it will be held immediately be in store for the statemen tonight given a chance to try his apple- string for the first minutes of the ed attempts of the State college stu- after the Christmas vacation. . . . Bill Thomas . . . recently elected polished skill in the spring tourna- game as was his wont during past dent body. Do not let these new On its success depends the ambicheerleader by the student assembly encounters. Before he replaced them plans go the half-baked way of the ment. tious plans of W. A. A. and M. A. A. . . . will be on hand to give Marlon There wiU be a sheet posted on by the regulars, the Indians were others. for making the carnival an annual M. A. A.'s bulletin board for the leading 7-0. The first-stringers met The spring intramural sports, affair at State. Also, it will be de- Kingsley and Steve Kusak aid in paddle artists to sign on. The win- with very little success. Paced with which will be held in the Page hall termined whether or not other leading the State cheering . , . ner of the tournament will play Jim seven point deficit, the Hatfield men gymnasium, are as follows: boxing schools in the Capital District will In a letter to the sports departSnover, '41, winner of last year's tried desperately to penetrate the In- and tumbling, for men only, under be Invited to participate In the car- ment . . . Buffalo State College h a s asked our cooperation... along with tournament. Joe Bosley, "39, andvaders' goal. During the remaining Paul Schmidt and Bill Torrens, for nival. minutes, State r a n up a total of which the time will be arranged; the nine state normal schools . . . Ken Haser, '40, are in charge. Hill-biUy Band Tommy Meehan, grad, reported twelve points, nosing the lead away mixed volley ball, for men and Duke Hershkowitz has announced in selecting an All-State basketball that there was a nice turn out last from Hartwick who ended the half women, Monday, Tuesday and Thurs- that the Texas Rangers, well known team . . . as the sports editors of the Monday night. He, with his assist- trailing by one point. day, from 3:30 to 5, under Earl on the air over the N. B. C. network, campus papers of the eleven teacher ant Bill Barrett, '40, were busy inDuring the second half the air- Cleaves and Louise Hessney; folk will play ragtime, hill-billy, and the training schools will select t h e five men . . . it Is a probability that structing the aspiring "Gene Tun- tight defense which State displayed dancing at the same time under popular pieces as well. State will not recei.e t h e recognineys" how to box and helping the ad- kept th' Oneonta team scoreless June Palmer and Stan Kullman; All you folks who enjoy the weekly vanced men to improve their stance until i' had to take refuge in a pyramiding for girls, Monday and round and square dances, come and tion due them—State has basketball and punch. It will culminate in the time-c »t. It seemed that at last the Wednesday, from 3:30 to 5, and Fri- get it tomorrow night. Yes, one-affiliations with but two (Buffalo Spring Indoor Sports Carnival on boys were clicking, but Fate had day from 4 to 5; badminton from 8 third of the dancing will be devoted State and Plattsburg Normal) of the other ten teacher training schools March 26th when several of the boys another ace up its sleeve and that to 10, Friday morning, from 3:30 to to square and round dances.. will give boxing exhibitions. Those ace turned out to be Monahan, cap- 5 Wednesday, and from 4:30 to 5 Wear your oldest and most dilap- In the state . . . We appreciate however the fact hankering to use their fisticuffs can able forward of the Hartwick quin- Friday. There will be no activities idated clothes so that they will be still join by coming down Monday tet. His amazing overhead shots on Washington's birthday, Tuesday, in harmony with the surroundings. that we . . . as a teacher training night at 7:30 in the Page hall gym. from anywhere near the basket, February 22. The Commons will be transformed institution . . . were asked to present Intramural Bowling League combined with a most disconcerting Any further information may beinto a barn, (imitation, of course), our opinions and comments on five Sponsored by M. A. A. and Intra-1 dribble made him the most danger obtained from Thelma Miller. so let's see some farmers and farm- elegible men for such an All-State team . . . mural council, a bowling league, ous man on the visiting squad, erettes. which consists thus far of twelve' A cle.sperate drive to enemy terriThe Rangers will present a novel five-men teams, has been formed, t o r y . f n i l e d t 0 n e t a s c o r e f o r t n e floor show that will tickle the insides under Frank Rickman. '40, manager.; h o m e t e a m a n d t h e g a m e e n d e d Intramural Basketball Standing of State. In addition, the entertainThe league which will start to io ao Monday's Games ment committee headed by Charles function February 22, will use the • ' ' Manso, '41. will provide several K. D. R. vs. All Others, 7:30, Rice Bowling Alleys on Quail and Vermont Although bowling has ended for pleasant surprises. K. B, vs. Troy-Schenectady, 8:30. Western avenues every Tuesday and : Succumbing to the Oneonta five I this year according to W. A. A.'s Thursday's Games Wednesday afternoon" from four to had a greater effect psychologically I schedule, there has been some slight Committees that have been apsix, and evenings of those same days ' upon the State team than any other , agitation for bowling to be continued pointed are: entertainment, Charles College House vs. Troy-Scheuec. loss sustained this season. Stopping during the coming spring season Manso, '41, Mary Tralnor and Martady, 7:30 from seven to ten o'clock. ion Kingsley, sophomores; publicity, This has undoubtedly been prompted Avalon - Spencer vs. College M. A. A. has been abl to obtain I off at Burlington Saturday night, Edmore Melanson, '39, and Virginia the alleys at a very reduced and I the Albany team was "swamped un by the great success of the sport this Mitchell, '40; tickets, Gordon Tabner House, 8:30, reasonable price. A match of three der" by a deluge of baskets netted by • winter. The surprisingly large and Dorothy MacLcan, juniors; lle Team Standing Won Lost Pet. "ames will cost thirty-five cents,!> expert hands of the Vermonters. iamount of strikes and spares have guests, Marlon Rockefeller and Albany Uppers .... 5 0 1.000 whereas the regular games at twenty From the outset, the Burlington pj^d up ^ the individual averages so George Amyot. juniors; clean-up, Kappa Delta Rho 4 0 1.000 cents eacli would total sixty cents— team showed its superiority by lead- high that Captain June Palmer will Louise Hessney, '40, John Edge, '39, 3 2 .600 Potter Club a clearcul gain of twenty-five cents, ling with a 22-3 score at the end of have no little difficulty in selecting Paul Dittman, Herbert Drooz, and 3 2 .600 College House In case of schedule conflict in the seven minutes. At this juncture, her honorary varsity. Among those Densmore. seniors 2 2 .500 All Others afternoons or evenings, notify your Coach Hatfield, who had started his who have consistently scored w e n • warren In addition to the ticket commitAvalon-Spencer .... 1 4 .200 captains who are listed below or the , "first-stringers," substituted t h a t above the hundred-mark are Irma tee, there will be a representative in 1 4 .200 Troy-Schenectady manager. This will facilitate in j team with Walko, Amyot, Hurd, Ba- Anderson, Edith Bailey, Olive Balrd. each group house selling tickets, and 0 4 .000 Kappa Beta making out the schedule. 'log, and Barrett, who succeeded in Jeanelte Barlow, Lois Bowman, also, in front of the W. A. A. bulletin The league will be composed of I holding the home learn to a 28-12 Agnes Bullion, Harriet Green, Mar- board, tickets may be obtained. Results garet Horn, Blanche Kirschenblum, group houses, commuters, and lndep- .score; at the half. Monday, February 14 J undent teams. The following men The second period was fought on ! une Palmer and Ruby Stewart. Ablany Uppers 22—Potter Club 8. have been appointed captains of more even terms but the bearers of; The highest score for the season— Troy-Schenectady 20 — Avalontheir respective teams: j the Purple and Gold were unable to 162—was bowled by Olive Balrd on Spencer 14. Charles Shafer, Avalon h a 11; overcome that tremendous advan- January 20. As proof that one need n o t De a Jimmy Chapelt, Spencer hall; George I tage which their opponents had a c - l seasoned veteran to parti Pearson, Kappa Beta; Bob Stevens, quired in the first half. Thus did cipate and be successful in a sport, Are you one ol those unfortunate | Kappa Delta Rho; Homer Leggett, State sustain its fourth defeat A A can offer the shining examples of Dee Jesse, Emily Vogel, Anne Mc- students who haven't time to parti-1 Potter club; Abe Wasserman, College against nine victories. Guinness and Jean Maloney, all cipate in the winter sports program? [ house; Louis Weiss, Iota club; Tom State vs. Vermont novices this winter, who hit scores If you are you'll welcome a new Breman, Albany Orads; Al Shapiro, Vermont of 142, 133, 113 and 111, respective- addition to M. A. A.'s list of activAlbany; Jim Snover, Troy; Dan -me6e ivunoui booh ities for the men—-a chess tournaly in games early in the season. F.P P.G. T.P. Preston, Schenectady; and Bill ment. Beauchcmin. r.f. Ryan. All Others Sheets have been posted on the State Frosh to Meet The foul shooting contest is now JAllen, r.f M. A. A. bulletin board for those in progress. The contestants can go Nicholson, 1.1 2 Milne for Preliminary students who are interested in chess. into Page hall gym between eleven Hart, 1.1. 0 Although handicapped by a lack Having been on all week, the inand twelve-thirty O'CIOCK In the Minckles, ,r.... 0 of practice, the Frosh cagers faces dependent entries will close today, morning and between gym classes, IBelardmelle, c 3 a strong Milne High five with a and the tournament, under the capBe sure you have a member of In- Hawkins, c . 0 fifty-fifty chance of beating them able handling of Lee Durllng, '41, tramural council to act as counter" Warden, r.g 0 tonight In the preliminary tilt before will start promptly Monday. for your shots. Muldlcworth, r.g. 0 the Stale-St. Michael game. ToDurllng plans to conduct the tourHoward, l.g. 0 morrow, the Frosh will travel lo nament on a group house rivalry • T,, l.g. 0 Schenectady where they will stack 0 up against the Mont Pleasant Red basis. There will be one representaW . A . A . S w i m m i n g T e a m cmndeii. i.g o tive from each group house and Raiders who gave them a schellackWill O p p o s e O n e o n t a Total 19 47 ing lo the tune of 43-8, ealier in the three "independents" in the tournament, It Is requested that each As a culmination of the friendship season. group house either appoint or hold between Oneonta State Normal and Slate J K l P G T.P. George Amyot, '38, Frosh coach un elimination contest to determine N. Y. S C. T., W. A. A. has arranged 1 I) 1 says Ihat if the boys don't show a bit who will represent them. for u meet between I he school swim- jKyun, r.f, VALUES 2 4 more fighting spirit in snagging the ining teams. In the first event of Amyot, r.f. An elimination tournament among ! UP TO (1 1 •1 ball off the backboard and allowing those who don't live at a group its sort, the girls will have an oppor- Simmons, l.f. j. 1 (unity to defend the glory of State. Walko, If 3 their opponents to get behind them house will be conducted during the WITH CARTON FROM COIOAU-PAIMOUVS 2 as they did in the game against the week to determine who will be the TOILETRIES OR VASELINE HAIR TONIC . 0 1 The eliminations held last week Lehman, c () Delhi Aggies, thoy will be handing three "Independent" players in the fUU Of IMS AT OUR WIUT GOODS COUNm 0 0 under the supervlf'oii of Janet Barrett, c 5 the game over to Milne on a silver tournament. There will be a total 3 1 Mont fort and Hetty Clark resulted in Pranient, r.g 0 platter, 0 0 of ten men laking part, the selection of a learn of eight girls. Peluso, r.g The College Pharmacy (1 1 21 The starting lineup will include They are: Ruth Lewis, '39; Janet Balog, r.g Possibly, after the eliminations for •1 1 0 j Johnny Yulsenik and Charles Quinn, representative p|ay?rs during this Moiilfort and Florence rrsyborowska, Hershkowitz, ig Phone 3-0307 A M I A N V , N. Y 1 0 0 guards, Roy McCreary, center, and week, play will start Sunday aftersophomores; Iris Barnett, Louisa Hurd, l.g 7 No, Lake Ave. at Western Ave — | Walt Danilewicz and Herb Oksalo, noon. If you want any additional Chapman, Marion Keables, and Dor2(i forwards. Total 12 information, write to Lee Durllng, othy North, freshmen W. A. A. Bowling Proves To be Great Success M. A. A. Will Sponsor ! Men's Chess Contest! AMAZING BOOK OFFER >2L° Z 4 0 < M •A T tf\ STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FEBRUARY 18, 1938 Page 4 Regina, Queen of State's Lasses Rules Prom Night Pageantry Amid the 'ohs' and 'ahhhs' of the Prom assemblage—the special sound depending upon the sex of the noise maker, Janet Dibble placed the crown upon the head of her successor, Regina Murphy, queen of the beauties of '39. The court of pulchritude was the sixth in the history of the school and was by all comments one of the most beautified with three brunettes and one blonde acting as the attendants to her majesty. Carolyn Mattice was the sole blonde with Chris Ades, Betty Hayford and Pearl Sandberg composing the brunette bevy for her cohorts. With the stomping syncopation of Claude Hopkins in march time the crown passed from the light locks of Janet to the darker tresses of Regina. The girl with the royal name easily portrayed her part with regal grace gowned for her coronation in white crepe. Her court attendants were fittingly fascinating in their gowns of grey net (Pearl Sandberg); purple chiffon (Chris Ades); white flowered taffetta (Carolyn Mattice); rose lame (Betty Hayford). Miss Murphy who was elected by her classmates, returned to the custom of wearing white which her predecessor departed from last year when Miss Dibble wore a gown of black net. This is enough to please the women, for the men—all information desired has been given in the local newspapers and the remaining information can be found in the Directory. Spanish Club Will Meet Sophomores to Pay Dues There will be a meeting of the Spanish club on Thursday, Feburary 24, at 7:30 o'clock, in the Lounge, according to an announcement by Louis Weiss, '39, president. Entertainment will consist of a skit presented by members, and will be followed by refreshments. All are invited to attend. Attention all Sophomores! Dues are overdue I Room X will be open on Monday and Wednesday, February 21 and 23, and Monday and Wednesday, February 28 and March 1, from 10:00 to 3:00 o'clock. Dues may be paid to R. E. Falrbank, '40, at any time. EAT AT JOHN'S LUNCH Dinners 25c and up Delicious Sandwiches and Sundaes 7:30 A.M. — 11:00 P.M. Opp. the High School Dial 5-1913 Boulevard FREDETTE'* VOL. XXII, No. ir, STATE COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS, ALBANY, N. ""•> News Y„ FEHK I'ARY Geo. D. Jeoney, Prop OPTICIAN?. eColl O and 198-200 CENTRAL AVENUE Cafeteria Grill ALBANY, N. T. (OMPL€Te OPTICAL 5fcRVlCt New Dancing Classes Develop Board to Report State fs Embryonic Swingsters On Point System In Assembly 25, 1938 $2.00 PER YEAR, 32 WEEKLY ISSUES. Dramatic and Art Council To Present Lotte Goslar by Saul Grcenwald In view of the important part pert tutelege of Chris Ades, '39. They that dancing plays in the social life line up in back of the leader and her through the intricacies of of State students, your reporter follow the two-step and fox trot. After found out that fifty more rhymists much hard practice, they dance toMollenkopf, '38, With Help will be released by the dancing class gether getting pointers from their Of Student Assembly j Appointment Bureau to practice their newly learned steps instructor. Famous Continental Dancer in the Commons during the noon Revises Point System To Give Interpretations The men's dancing class started Places Four Teachers hour. Of Human Desires last Saturday with an enrollment of The assembly this morning will be The dancing class was started by The following placements have a business meeting concerned with a couple of enterprising upper class- about twenty-five willing and able WHELAN IS CHAIRMAN a report of the point system revision men in the latter part of last sem- apprentices in the art of swing under been announced by the Appointcommittee according to an an- ester. Its purpose is to encourage the direction of Minny Crounse, '39. , ment Bureau: Gertrude Loftus, Although it is too early to predict nouncement by Warren Densmore, the art of dancing among State stuP a g e Hall Auditorium to B e '34. commerce and history at anything, rumors have reached us president of Student council. Scene of Coming Recital dents and to make them feel more that the dancing spirit is flaming 1 South Otselic; Agnes Buskirk, The committee report will be de- at home at State; the latter state- in their gallant breasts and they On Monday Night '37, librarian of rural schools at livered by William Mollenkopf, "38, ment applies more to the freshmen seek to conquer the fair maidens of chairman. He has been assisted in than to the upper classmen, Due to State when their lessons have been ; Petersboro; Mary Esther Plank, Dramatics and Art association will Hie preparation of this report by "Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen" and completed. '37, English. French, and library present Lotte Goslar, famous EuroWilliam Bradt, Herbert Drooz, K. others, the class has grown until it pean dance mime, Monday night, at at Hermon. and Florence NelLeRoy Irvis, Ruth Hoffman, Anthony has reached fifty potential Fred 8:00 o'clock in the auditorium of bach, '38. English at Bolton LanMiranda, seniors; Betty Hayford, Astaires and Ginger Rogers. Page hall, according to Sally WhelPearl Sandberg, Harry Bergstein. ding. an, '38, president of the association. The members of the class take Joseph Leese, juniors; Lloyd Kelly, Miss Goslar started her ct.reer at When students receive their Doris Parizot, sophomores; Stanley their instructions seriously. They the age of eighteen and traveled all in earnest and are trying very notification from the appointSmith and James Chapell, freshmen. are over Germany. She finally made a to develop their style so that ment bureau after having seen After tabulating the slips showing hard debut in Berlin and received an ofthey can come into the Commons the time spent on the various activi- and compete with some of the light the appointment bureau office Jfer of a contract, which she rejectties the committee believes that the headed "willies" who hog the floor about a vacancy the folder of •ed the first time, but accepted the following revisions should be made: every noontime. Perhaps it would 1940 Soiree to Be in April; second. She began a tour of Europe, credentials is immediately and Pres. New be a good idea to put these "willies" and has been enthusiastically reCappiello, General Head, automatically sent by the burEditor Com-Porum 6 4 ceived both in Europe and America. into a separate class and make them Names Committees Vice president Y. W. C. A. 3 5 learn some of the more formal aseau. Students in the past have Committees for the presentation Member 'vie' committee.... 1 2 | pects of dancing. are as follows: advertising, Virginia misunderstood this and have Bolton, '39, Jane Wilson, '40; tickets, Feature editor Pedagogue 2 3 Plans for State's next great social come to the Appointment BurThe girl's dancing classes are con Virginia Furey, '39, Ruby Stewart, Circulation manager ,..^u ... = c von- event, the Sophomore Soiree are eau and have asked to have '40; and arrangements, Dorothy Pedagogue 5 ducted thrice a week under the ex- now under way with Joseph CappiHaner, '38. ' their credentials sent. Advertising manager Lion „ „ 3 ello, vice-president of the class, as Associate editor Lion 4 3 The ushers for the event are general chairman, according t o The committee suggests that the Eleanor Miller, Edith Cort, Muriel Lloyd Kelly, president of the class. Potter Club to Induct following amendments to the byGoldberg, Dorothy Cain, Florence The music committee, under the laws of the Student association be Freshmen at Banquet Nelbach, Janet Dibble, seniors; Betty chairmanship of Marion Kingsley, is adopted. Hayford, '39, and the members of the considering a number of orchestras The Edward Eldred Potter club council, RESOLVED: that section 6d of and an announcement will be forththe by-laws be amended by striking The patrons and patronesses for coming shortly. Among those being will conduct its formal initiation at out the words "points than the maxconsidered are "Fats" Waller and a banquet to take place tomorrow the affair are: Governor and Mrs night at Keeler's restaurant at 6:30 Herbert Lehman, Mayor and Mrs. imum set by the point system" and The senior class drive to obtain Dick Messner. inserting "more than ten points." Following are the committees o'clock. Nineteen freshmen and one John Boyd Thacher, Dr. and Mrs. funds for future housing projects is RESOLVED: that the following be now under way with the appoint- I which will function for this affair: sophomore will be Inducted into A. R. Brubacher, Dr. and Mrs. M, G. membership in the fraternity. inserted as section (ih of the by-laws. ment Nelson, and Dean Helen Moreland, of 24 captains according to music, Miss Kingsley, chairman, EliFollowing are those who will be Mr. and Mrs. Mark Graves, Mr. and "A standing point system committee the announcement nor Dibble, Irene Semanek, John of Mildred Nightinitiated: Theron Powell, '40; John shall be appointed under the follow- ingale and Richard Cox, co-chair- Eckel and Max Sykes; arrangeMrs. Frank Cowdery, and Major and ing provisions. ments, Harriet Sprague, chairman, Alden, Daniel Bucci, William Cam- Mrs. John Warner. men of the drive. 1, Members of the committee shall Eleanor Pratt, and John Newstead; eron, James Chapell, George Clark, The selections to be offered by Each captain will head a team of publicity, Lillian Rivkind, and Stew- Alfred Cooper, Frederick Day, Doug- Lotte be appointed by the president of the Goslar are entitled 80 What?, Student association on the Friday classmates who will work to secure art Smith, co-chairmen, Alice Brown, las Dillenbeck, Leslie Gerdts, Paul Prima Ballerina, Intoxication, Spinbefore Moving-up day to hold office pledges. Every senior will be asked Louis Francello, Arthur Phibbs, and Gratton, William Haller, Cyril Kilb, Hter, Dan Cupid, and Once Upon a to pledge up to $100, payable in in- Paul Sapolsky; programs and bids, Jack Mesick, Robert Mesick, Louis Time. for one year. Eleanor Groll, chairman, Betty Den- Pasquini, Gerald Saddlemire, Hel2. ft shall be the duty of the com- stallments after graduation. Tickets may be obtained at room mit tec to collect data pertaining to Last Wednesday night, Dr. John mark and Doris Parizot,' chaperones, muth Schoen, James Snover, and X or at the door. Reserved seats Merrill Walrath, freshmen. the point system, recommend revis- M. Sayles, professor of education Ruth Donnelly: will be $1.00. " " " » " i j , invitations, invitations, Haskell Haskell ions to the point schedule in an an- and director of training, addressed Rosenberg, chairman, Helen Blake nual report to the Student associa- an mooiinu meeting r.r of ,,„,,i„i captains and1 -•--' chairmen, and Marcia Brown. tion not later than March, and keep conducted at the Alumni Residence According to Kelly, a meeting of a record of office holders under the hall. In his discussion, Sayles , the sophomore class will be conduct„.., Dr. „ , , on^co e d m xt point system, reporting violations to urged everyone to support the drive ' Tuesday in room 20fl of the Student council since It gives him an opportunity to j Draper hall to discuss further the , , ,,,.,...,,, ,.„,,.„,,,.. 11 mm RESOLVED: that'll™ following be "*** the institution of state college garni i * Soiree Also the, question nserted as section G 1 of the by-laws, cnfol,\ «n« e eP rivl »«* e »f f i n i n g a practl- of Fiashmen caps will be considered, Lotte Goslar, the European dance emphasis on her dancing, and not "All education here. here. He He also also mime who will give a program Mon- on the miming. She is a fine artist, 'All outgoing outgoing members members of of oorganizan a n i s t - cnlly ">' free ' education tions tinder the point system shall pointed out that the class of '38 Is day night under the sponsorship of not merely a clown or entertainer. Presbyterian Church submit a report of hours spent on the first to assume the initiative of Dramatics and Art association, In her dancing she presents all the their activity, and the duties requir- launching this drive. Previous classbegan her career at an early age. human emotions; she is unique in Will Conduct Service ed to the point system committee by es had been asked to do this, She was born in Dresden, Germany, Moving-up day." In conjunction with the Y. W. and ut the age of eighteen started her method of presentation for she Dr, Sayles, in suggesting the buildC. A. and the student body of State ing of a men's dormitory, envisioned attending Palucca's dancing school. portrays life vividly, frankly, with the time when the entire block on [college, the First Presbyterian church She was immediately taken Into her a subtle realization of the pathos which the present dormitory is lo- 'of Albany is sponsoring its second performing group and for three and tenderness that is at the basis cated would be the future campus of annual College Service on Sunday years travelled all over Germany of comedy. Her dancing Is personal, State college. morning. with Palucca, but finally left to per- I varledTand full of Imagination and Tlie Rev. Eugene Carson Blake, fect her own dance Interpretations, I.strangeness, which is original with Following are the names of the her. People laugh at her parodies, captains who aid in launching the pastor of the church, which Is locat- with which she won the enthusiastic which are masterpieces In action and drive: Doris Anderson, Earlc Cleaves, ed at the corner of State and Willet applause of all Europe, (gesture, but there is In them the Three State college Juniors will Martha Conger, Edith Cort, Janet streets, announces that State college She made her debut in Berlin, and I present a fifteen minute radio pro- Dibble, Paul Dittinan, Antoinette will sing with the choir and serve immediately received an offer from element which distinguishes the gram over station WABY, Wednes- DonVito, Molly Dowling, Carolyn as ushers for the service. Rev, Robitsehek, which she at first re- humorist from the joker, and which day night, March 2, from 8:18 to Edwards, Percy Forman, Ruth Frost, Blake has prepared a special sermon fused but finally accepted after her displays 11 real acting ability and knowledge, 8:30 o'clock, to discuss the organiza- Greta Jackson, Phyllis Jobson, Bev- topic for the student congregation. second recital. The entire student body is cortion and workings of the Constitu- erly Johnson, Eleanor Miller, FlorShe toured the larger cities of A review from a Berlin press condially Invited to attend the service tional Assembly. ence Nelbach, Edward Reynolds, Germany, Including Berlin, Munich, tains the following statements: which begins at 11:00 o'clock. John Schonenberg, Jean Shaver, The speakers will be Leonard Dresden and others, and Sweden. "Lotte Goslar is the greatest dance Fricdlandor, Richard Lonsdale and Harriet Shear, David Smith, Alfred 1 Members of the student commit- She is considered far more than inline of today. Everything is temtee working with Rev. Blako Include: Trehiiiion, Gertrude Tryon, Lucille ,). Edmore Melanson, Juniors, officers Jean Edgeeumbe, '38, president of either a dancer or a mime, as her perament, Impulse, passion, blood, ol the college assembly. The pro- Zak, and James Zubon, seniors. Y. w. C. A. and member of Mys- engagement to appear In a perfor- fire, fantasy. She always carries gram, one in a scries of regular talks, kauiii; Helen Curtis, Student Chris- mance for the League of Human you away; she Is original, interestis sponsored by the Albany Business tian Movement secretory; Betty Rights shows. The leader of tho ing, She has no model, ie has no and Professional Women's Club. Dr, Dr. Sayles Will Speak Allen, '30, chairman; Charles Gay- Czechoslovakia!) section says: "We pattern, she Is a distinct personRobert Rienow, instructor In gov'38; Kay Adams, Jeauette Bar- have to say that Lotte Goslar Is no ality." At Educators' Meeting lord, ernment, will introduce the round low and Dunton Tynan, Juniors; ordinary dancer, This woman Is untable discussion. A review from Prague says; "In One of the speakers at the elgh- Virginia Elson, and Elolso Hart- doubtedly today the greatest living Speaker Friedlauder also announc- I teonth annual meeting of the super- mann, sophomores; Ada Parsh&ll, mime, whose silence cries out, as wliatover country Lotte Goslar appears, people always laugh tremened today that he has received com-1I visors of student teaching of the '41. Maeterlinck would say. All of us dously at her performances. The inendiitlon of the Assembly's organi- National Education association, to understand her--and only, when you inspiring force of her great parodlszation from Supreme Court Justice be conducted February 28 to March have seen her, will you understand tlu talent Is reconfirmed to this Charles Polettl. Library To Open Earlier 1 at Atlantic City, will be Dr, John what a mighty interpreter of our The State college library is now thoughts and wishes we possess in woman by unamlmous a c c l a i m In his letter to the speaker, Polettl M. Sayles, professor of education and open evenings from 0:00 10 9:30 Miss Goslar. We know that she wherever she goes." said, "May I commend you for the director of teacher training. interest of the student body of State o'clock, according to Miss Mary offers us more than an entertaining These statements present briefly Sayles will discuss a paper by college in the Constitutional Con- Dr.Dr. Cobb, director of the college library. evening. She will give us coiuage the reasons for the great success of Iinga O. Helseth entitled, "SuperLotto Goslar are entitled, vention. I can think of no more Indue This innovation, which la of experi- with her art to continue In our difexciting subject for those interested visory Practices Involved. in ... . U M HW- I mental nature, is Intended mainly ficult fight against the stupidity and as the greatest living dance mime, because of her great ability, by which in our government." tion of the Student into Responsible for extension students, but will also blindness of humanity." she so skillfully interprets human Group Direction." I be of service to regular students. Miss Goslar always places the main emotions in a sincere manner. Sophomores Plan For Social Event Chairmen Name Team Captains Lotte Goslar, European Dancer Has Brilliant, Eventful Career Juniors Present Radio Program . you'll find MORE PLEASURE in Chesterfields milder better taste Cepynghl I'JiH. liworrr & MTmToiMao Co,