Document 14063916

Page 4
Newman to Have
Courtship Forum
The problems arising out of Courtship and Marriage will be aired and
settled by Newman Club members
when they conduct their regular
monthly meeting and open forum
Monday, November 15, at 7:30 in
room 206.
Under President Tom Ryan's direction, plans are going forward for
publishing a club paper; and holding
a party and dance early in December.
Leading the discussion on Courtship will be Father John Forman, of
St, Mary's Church, Albany. Problems
and cases troubling State's students
have been submitted for consideration by the forum. Following a
short talk on the subject, the meeting will be "thrown open" to discussion by the members.
In addition to the conference on
amours, lectures on the church services and history are planned by
Fr. John W. Keefe, club chaplin.
Moreland to Speak
Varsity Debaters
Before Commission
To Meet Vermont
State to Uphold Affirmative;
Cancel Skidmore Debate
There will be a meeting of the
freshman commission in the Lounge
of Richardson hall, Tuesday at 3:30
Debate council will open its intercollegiate season tonight by meeting Plans have not yet been completed
Vermont university at 8:00 o'clock in for observance of Debate council's
the lounge of Richardson hall in a tenth birthday which takes place
two - man - team debate. Leonard this year.
Friedlander and John Edge, juniors,
will uphold the affirmative for State
in the argument: Resolved that a
one house legislature is better than
the present bi-cameral system,
The debate schedule for Thursday,
November 18, with Skidmore has
been indefinitely postponed, according to Mr. William G. Hardy, instructor in English and sponsor of
Debate council. The next announced
debate will match State with HamilOPTICIANS.
ton on Thursday, December 9, at
Utica, where the Utica Rotary club
will act as host. The topic is Resolved that legislation is necessary to
make labor unions legally respon- 6SCo\mb\aSt?ch>roto«kaH
o'clock. Carolyn Mattice will be in
charge of the meeting.
Dean Helen H. Moreland will continue her speech on etiquette.
Shirley Meyers has been elected
secretary of the commission. Revotes
will be conducted at this meeting
for the office of president, Micky
O'Brien and Ada Parshall; vicepresident, Lois Glenar, Ann McGuinnis and Frances Wood.
Get Your Greyhound Bus Tickets
— at the —
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Geo. D. Jeoney, Prop
State College News
VOL. XXII, No. 9
Assembly Passes
On Constitution;
Vote Resolutions
Chrisler, Haas Direct
Tuesday's Productions
N. Y., NOVEMBER, 19, 1937 $2.00
Classes to Clash
In Rivalry Sing
Freshmen to Receive Bids
From Fraternities Monday
Jeanne Chrisler and Vera
Haas, juniors, will direct the
Advanced Dramatics class plays
to be presented Tuesday night in
the auditorium of Page hall at
Assembly Program Features
8:15 o'clock.
Rivalry Song Contest
Miss Chrisler's play will be an
By Lower Classes
Irish symbolistic drama. MemFriedlander Heads Meeting;
Organizations to Complete
bers of the cast include: Thomas
Radical Changes are
Rushing Period Before
Median, grad; Sally Whelan,
The Student assembly will feature
'38: Ken Doran, '39; Rita Sulli- a sophomore-freshman sing, accordNewest Features
Coming Recess
van and Ruth Donnelly, sophoing to Warren Densmore. '38, presimores, and Jack Gardephe, '41.
Introduction of an anti-teacher's
dent. Each class will offer four
oath resolution, and the adoption of
songs Including the Alma Muter,
Committees assisting M i s s
a motion providing for an attempt
Chrisler are: Gar Arthur. '38;
own class song, other Class' song,
Interfraternity A n n o u n c e s
Dee Jesse, Edith Cassavant. [and /lrm in Arm. The judges for
at organizing similiar bodies in other
Betty Hayford. Jack Nordell,
capital district colleges constituted
the sing will be Dr. Hicks, professor
Constitutional Rules
and Virginia Bolton, juniors.
the main business of the Constituof guidance, Mrs. Egelston, instructFor F a l l R u s h i n g
tional assembly when it held its anMiss Haas will present a social ! or in history, and Miss Pelz, innual bi-weekly meeting in Room 20,
structor in English.
comedy. In her cast are: Jack
The Interfraternity council which
Tuesday, November 1G.
Nordell and Ray Walters, jun- I Well! all the practicing is over
has supervised rushing for the
iors; Bob Karpen, '40; and Dornow. Alter many rehearsals and
Under speaker Leonard Friedlansecond time since it was organized,
othy Posson and Rose De Cotes,
much hard work, both classes are
der's direction, the assembly adoptwill issue bids Monday, at the end
I fairly aching for the contest and are
ed the report of the rules committee,
of the rushing season, to Freshman
headed by William Bradt, '3!i. which
The director has chosen the j ready to tear each other apart.
men. The bids will be issued by the
had framed a constitution for the
following committees; Joseph I There is some doubt in the minds
council in the Young Women's
Leese, Charles Walsh, Elizabeth
Christian Association office in the
Loekwood, Virginia Hall, Dec
Resolutions introduced at the sesCommons.
Jesse, and Kay Lynch, juniors. Stan Smith, president of '41 says
sion include the following:
The Interfraternity council was
"Juniors and seniors, please note—
••Rcsovled. there be reapportionorganized in the spring of 1936 by
all overripe fruit must be checked at
ment of assembly districts every ten
Gamma chapter of Kappa Delta Rho
the doors." Lloyd Kelly '40, presiyears following and according to the
and the Edward Eldred Potter club,
dent of the sophomores told us that
federal census, and (2) that the govto secure greater cooperation in the
he agrees heartily with Mr. Smith in
ernor be given special power to envarious fraternity activities at State,
this respect but differs with him in
force this provision."
and to promote and regulate more
many others.
"Resolved, that this Assembly opsocial activities between the fraterBoth classes will win easily. Lloyd
pose the inclusion in the New York
nities of the college. This is the
State Constitution of a teacher's S o p h o m o r e s o n N e w s S t a f f Kelly, representing the soph opinion
Alfred Trehannon, '38, president second year there has been organabout the sophomore throats remarks of the Interfraternity council which ized rushing under the supervision
Receive Advancement
"the sophomore class Is In E-l con- is supervising men's rushing.
of the organization, and as a result
"Resolve that the speaker appoint
From Reporters
dition (E equals excellent; 1 equals
freshmen have been acquainted with
a committee to consult with capital
first placet. The only way we can
fraternities, actual bidding postdistrict colleges on the advisability
Wedneslose is to have them all (throats; cut.
poned until the Thanksgiving recess.
of organizing a convention in each
Stan Smith /or the freshmen says,
of the colleges of this district." This day night, the NEWS Board selected
The members of Iiiterfraternity
sopho"It's a toss-up, with the freshman
was unanimously adopted at the sescouncil are Alfred J. Trehanon and
sion, while the other resolutions were more desk editors for the remainder i tossing up the sophs. Kelly's cohorts
Warren I. Densmore, seniors, and
referred to hearing committees for j of the school year, according to stand as much chance as a hair on
Edge, '39, Gamma of Kappa
a billiard ball. We wish to make an
further consideration.
Delta Rho; and Richard Cox and
STATE COIXBUU NEWS. Those who appeal to your sense of fair play to
taking place throughout the nation, Herbert Drooz, seniors, and Bernard
In addition to the resolutions, the were promoted include: Robert CogAssembly voted to give the speaker 1 ger, Saul Greenwald, Otto Howe, protect the sophs."
starting on Armistice day and con- Gaffney, '39, Edward Eldred Potter
Both Marys (Trainor and Miller) tinuing until Thanksgiving; the days cluk The officers of the council
full power to appoint committees. In Leonard Kowalsky, David Minsberg,
are hard at work leading their resaccordance with this power, Speaker and Sally Young.
are Trehanon, president, and Gaffpective classes on the harmony, mel- for the the drive at State college are ney, treasurer.
Friedlander announced t h a t h e
would appoint a committee of eight
The section of the Interfraternity
members to attend a meeting of the four to six sophomore reporters are today. The sophomore songs are, drive is being sponsored by MyskanSuperintendents and Principals of selected to this position. Their ad- Alma Mater, To the Sophs, To the ia, and the chairman is Elizabeth council constitution which has governed the bidding activities of the
New York State, meeting in the vancement is based on the amount Frosh and Ann in Arm. The frosh
Lounge December 4, at 9:30 a. m. to of work done during the year, the songs are, Alma Mater, To the Appeldoorn, '38, member of Myskan- organizations is as follows:
Article IV—Formal Bidding,
discuss the part of "The Constitu- quality of this work, and the general Frosh, Viva La. Sophomores, and ia.
Section A. There shall be no
Arm in Arm.
tional Convention in Secondary Edu- interest evinced in journalism.
The committe chosen to assist in
voting for Membership until ten
From these six desk editors three
this drive is composed of Jean
days prior to the issuance of bids
Betty Hayford, '39, chairman of associate managing editors will be
as prescribed under Section B of
Strong, Fred Bowman, Ruth Lewis,
the labor relations committee an- selected in May from whom, in turn,
this article.
Marion Rockefeller, Richard Lonsnounced a hearing on the resolution will be selected the editor-in-chief
Section B. Bids shall be issued
calling for a bill of rights for labor, j and two managing editors who will
dale, and Joseph Muggleton, juniors.
through t h e Interfraternity
on Tuesday noon, November 23, in Iserve in this capacity in their senior
The school has been asked to parcouncil on the Monday immedRoom 109,
j year.
Announcement of the Leah Loven- ticipate by the local Red Cross,
iately preceeding Thanksgiving
Attending the session, in addition
Assistants to the Sports depart- heim Prize for excellence in English which is now separate from the Al- Day.
to the large group of State students, ment will be announced in the near composition during this present col- bany Community Chest.
(Continued on page 2, column 3)
were several representatives from the future. All those students (sopho- lege year has been made official by
Hackett junior high school social mores and juniors 1 who are interest- Dr. Harry W. Hastings, Professor of
studies classes.
ed in either men's or women's sports English.
The next meeting is scheduled for are asked to report to the NEWS
This contest is conducted annually
Tuesday. November 23 at 3:30 in office on Monday and Tuesday for students of this college. The
Room 20,
nights to try out.
winner will receive the sum of $25.00
Which is offered by Jerome LovenThis morning three State college •
heim of Amsterdam.
The requirements and details as- students and one faculty member the conference, "Main Springs of
sociated with this competition are are leaving as representatives of the War and Peace." The subsequent
International Relations club to at- round tables are divided into three
as follows:
1. The prize will be given for the tend the Middle Atlantic Conference sub-heads: "Regional ana Cultural
best essay submitted by an under- of International Relations clubs to Groupings in the Maintenance of
by Leonard Kowalsky
be conducted at St. Lawrence uni- Peace," "The Place of Neutrality and
Heh, heh, hell! sneers the Inquir- of State, slated "Yes, I don't."
2. Plays and stories will not be versity, Canton, New York, today I Reciprocal Trade Agreements in the
ing Reporter, and again goes on one
Betty Goigan, '40, answered so en- considered.
and tomorrow. The delegates are Maintenance of Peace," and the
of his unannounced excursions into thusiastically tiiat we asked why. 3. The manuscript should be from Herbert Drooz and Ramona Van "Clash of Ideologies."
the more personal side of State col- "So 1 can see what dates I've had in 1500 to 5000 words in length.
Wle, seniors; Leonard Friedlander,
Miss Moll, who will talk on
lege. This time he dares the undar- years past, and so I can laugh like
4. The manuscript should be hand- '39; and Mr. Robert Rienow, in- "Europe—Crisis and Opportunity,"
able, the unheard-of, the un—well, (censored)!"
ed in on or before May 2, 1938. Each
was born and educated in Vienna,
It's pretty daring anyway - -for he June Palmer, '39, doesn't keep a manuscript should be signed with a
Tills conference, which attracts
dares to ask the pretty State lassies diary. "No, supposing it should be fictitious name, and accompanied by delegates from colleges and univer- ! Austria, and has lived In twelve
countries of Europe, doing social
- "Do you keep a diary?" and what found V"
an envelope in which are given the sities in Delaware, Maryland, New work and teaching, She has taught
replies does he get? List, my childJersey,
Harriet Sprague, '40, that gal of title of the essay, the fictitious
in Sweden und has traveled extenren, we tell all.
"sharp tongue" when queried coun- name, and actual name of the the District of Columbia, is being sively through central and northern
conducted by St. Lawrence univer- Europe as a speaker, organizer and
Jean Strong, '39, upon being quer- ter-queried, "Why did Mary Astor author,
ied, immediately screamed most hid- keep a diary? Of course I do."
5. Special credit will be given for sity in cooperation with the Carnegie conference delegate. She was the
Endowment for International Peace. official interpreter at the Women's
eously, mind you, and refused to
We questioned Frances Field, '40, originality of thought.
make a statement. The only con- and she questioned right back —
(j. The manuscripts will be judged The program for the two days will International Congress in Vienna in
clusion to make is that she has a imagine it, the audacity:-- "Why? by a committee of three, who will! include speeches, round table dis- 1930.
Speaking four languages
Do you?" Eli, eh! Frances, don't get award the prize and at their dlscre-1 cussions, teas, luncheons and mov- fluently, her first-hand knowledge
guilty conscience.
Betty Appekloorn, '38, confessed loo personal.
of events in Europe makes her poplion give honorable mention.
that "I used to, but not any mom Regina Murphy, '39, is most pracular as a lecturer.
7. Manuscripts should be loft in the conference.
Among the principal speakers will j Professor Scott, a native of Quesince my brother read it."
tical. She keeps a diary so that "If Room 24 of Richardson Hall.
be Miss Marie Luise Moll of Vienna, bec, is a well known writer in the
Ruby Stewart, '40, boastfully ad- I forget something I Just look It up
social worker and teacher; Professor field of public and international afmitted: "You beteha I keep one."
to see what happened."
College to Recess
F. R. Scott, of the Civil law depart- fairs. He has written a number of
Our query set Thelma Miller, '38, Florence Nelbach, '38, was most
Thanksgiving recess will begin at ment, McGill university; Miss Amy books
to soliloquizing: "Just think what romantic about it. "Why, yes. Don't
with social and eco12.00 o'clock on Wednesday, accord- Hemingway Jones, division assistant nomic dealing
questions of Canada, and is
would happen if people were to read you? Gee, I think they're wonder- ing
Presimy diary. What u surprise they'd ful." Then she sighed! Ah, me. Life dent A. R. Brubaeher. Classes will of the Carnegie Endowment who is intensely interested in International
in charge of International Relations affairs.
get." And then she frankly admit- is so romantic.
resume at 8:10 o'clock, Monday, Nov- club work; and Dr. Henry Reiff, of
ted, "Sometimes I even shock myself
Next week the Inquiring Reporter ember 29. All absences immediately the
St. Lawrence university faculty. Miss Jones is a well known partiwhen I read it." Oh you, Thelma. will cross-examine farmers on "Do preceding or following the vacation
in the International RelaAt
the first session of round table, cipant
Miss Roberta Hertwig, '39, well- you keep a dairy?" And we're not must be approved by the dean of the
tions clubs' conferences. She will
known socialite and campus figure throwing the bull either.
conduct the meetings called to discollege or a college physician.
discussion of the central theme of cuss
the club work,
Board Names Six
As Desk Editors
as mail from home...
Myskania Sponsors
Red Cross Campaign
Dr. Hastings Gives
Essay Requirements
47 miles off shore, the
Nantucket Lightship guides traffic on
the Atlantic Coast. Mail and supplies
come aboard once a month—one of the
most welcome arrivals is the supply of
Chesterfields give
more pleasure to smokers
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C&pyiighi \w, Uootvt m MYimi TOBACCO <•<>.
Delegates from State College
To Attend Regional Conference
State College Lassies Confess
Diaries are Personal Treasures
Established by the Class of 1918
The undergraduate Newspaper of New York State
College for Teachers
Published every Friday of the college year by the News
Board representing the Student Association
Telephones: Office, 5-9373;; Wolzok, 2-6752; Smith,
3-1848; Nightingale, 2-4144; Gaylord, 2-4314
Entered as second class matter in the Albany, N. Y.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Collet" Publishers Representative
Managing Editor
Associate Managing Editor
Associate Managing Editor
Associate Managing Editor
Business Manager
Circulation Manager
William Ryan
Charles Franklin
Betty Clark
Men's Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
Women's Sports Editor
Associate Editors
Ramona Van Wie Albert Architzel Joyce Maycock
Charles Ettinger
Charles Walsh
Assistants to Business Board
Assistant Business Manager
Grace Castiglione
Assistant Advertising Manager
Joan Byron
Business Staff
Doris Parizot, Marcia Brown, Kenneth Haser, Harold
Haynes, Robert Cogger, John Newstead Mary
Gabriel, E ' ? a Schiavi, Harriet Sprague
Florence Adler, Betty Bunce, Giacinta Capuana,
Robert Cogger, Margaret Collins, Virginia Elson, Saul
Greenwald, Eloise Hartmann, Otto J. Howe, Charles
Kelley, Leonard Kowalsky, Hilda Kronovit, Freida
Kurkhlll, Robert MacKenzie, Edmore Melanson, Thelma Miller, David Minsberg, Beinice Mosbey, Arthur
Phibbs, Louis Rickman, Lillian Rivkind, Elga Schiavi,
Miriam Shapiro, George Stangler, Barbara Van Patten, Sally Young.
Support Red Cross
Sponsored by Myskania, the annual Red
Cross drive will be under way in State
College on November 22 and 23.
The Red Cross needs no explanation,
apology or proof of its benefits to be put
before the public. This same public has
seen the Red Cross in the headlines innumerable times, working in regions from which
other beings fled in terror. As soon as disaster hits a region, before the victims have
time to realize their danger and loss, this
unselfish organization is on the scene to
provide food, shelter, and comfort and to
alleviate suffering.
Naturally, an organization of this sort
has to depend upon the unselfish contributions from those who wish to help, many of
these people realizing that they may be
prospective users of this same fund. State
college, realizing the none too plentiful
means of its students is setting the minimum at ten cents. During the drive show
your humaneness by exhibiting either ten
cents or a button.
On Cross Country
With the basketball season almost upon
us, it seems a fitting time to say something
about cross country. From a minor extraclass sport existing only for the few who
were interested in running against their
own records, it has grown in power and
prestige until it may now he said to be one
of State's major sports.
The record of last year's and this past
season's successes is sufficient evidence to
establish the validity of the claim. The
planned schedule for next year will establish the sport in State college and State
college in the sports world. One of the
teams asking for a meet is Colgate; other
colleges are becoming interested. With
most of the excellent and experienced runners underclassmen, next year's team
should be strong. The best of luck to you,
State harriers.
Personal Viewpoints
-Commentst a terWe have heard in the past rumbles of rebellion
against the current curriculum in State college.
Through carrying out what Dr. Brubacher's letter suggested last week, these critics have a chance to express
their opinion and they may constructively improve the
organization of the school.
Of course, it goes without saying that we are not
dealing in personalities but in the construction of a
schedule of activities that will adequately prepare
State's students for the Job of teaching. Can you suggest a method which will improve and modernize the
system as it proves inadequate? Have you any ideas
on how to improve the practice teaching and methods
courses in State so they would prepare you to face
Teaching's tripping tilts? Heated bull sessions have
heard many "redicals" denounce destructively the
whole order. What we'd like to know is whether or
not this is the usual amount of hot air or rather we
do have a few 'thinkers' rather than hot 'alrtists'
about our college.
A problem of any college, we have always felt, is
the fact that we do lose touch with the outside world.
We become too engrossed in our petty problems such as:
who are we going to take to prom?; what of our petty
politics?; and in our curriculum we often feel that we
study a subject just for the mark at the end of the
semester rather than for the practical side of it. We
believe that at least the curriculum should be an approach to real life and though we feel that at present
we have no constructive ideas, at least we can have
some by April, and we feel sure that the members of
this student body, with their formal training of education courses and the like, should be able to present
some practical suggestions. This is your school and
you'll always have to point to it as such; are you going
to point to it with pride as a progressive institution or
what? The cards are in your hand, it's your deal, the
chips are showing, you can no longer bluff, you've got
to put up or shut up
And now thanks for Thanksgiving. It comes at
Just the right time—when your nerves are beginning
to become coffeeish and you're beginning to lose your
perspective. Work, either at studies or on frittering
time away has caused most of us to become exhausted
and droopy so that when the old twelve o'clock bell
rings next Wednesday we're going to feel as happy as
the Commons crowd always seems to be. We advise a
nice little rest from the tedium of the school day and
we know you'll just rush back with a Postumlike
bounce. We are badly in need of sleep ourselves and
intend to spend the entire time upon two subjects,
gourging ourselves with food and sleeping all day the
rest of the time. We'll be relieved as the ventilators
after Mascot hunt when we get that needed sleep.
Another thing that we're afraid of is that the
student body may be losing interest in the Constitutional assembly. It really has been stressed a lot but
we think the main trouble is too much time being spent
on trivia and not enough speed towards the ultimate
ends- of the assembly. We do not feel that it is Leonard
Friedlander's fault but rather do we believe that he
has not received the cooperation which he should be
able to expect. At their last meeting we felt there was
a little too much quibbling about technicalities. Now,
this may be very Interesting to our parlimentarians—
but to us ordinary mortals it is a trifle boring. We'd
like to see this thing go over with a bang and not up
with one. For these reasons we'd like to suggest that
the students give Len a little more cooperation and
that people who are not interested in the thing at all,
except for their own personal prestige, or to develop
their art of argumentation, get out—scram. We'd like
to suggest that now that the ground work is complete
that the matters of interest to State students be
brought up in the assembly and the dull and dry committee work be left to the committee. We are all for
you and we believe with the right typo of publicity
you'll have something there, but for heaven's sakes,
make it interesting to us morons.
And as tills column seems to be devoted mostly to
union and organization, inseparable—we'll continue in
the same vein. What ever happened to the idea of
All-State dances. We went to one last spring and had
as much fun as a monkey at a county fair. It was
swell, no kidding, and why no more? It was an inexpensive way to come into contact with the whole
college as one usually only does at formal and costly
dances. We had a fair orchestra and the crowd was
out to have a good time and had it and It was not
the drain on the boy's pocketbook that even a movie
date would exceed. We'd truthfully like to see more
times when the fellows could drag their latest sleeploser to an inexpensive social function which would aid
in uniting the college, We hope you aren't asleep now,
but if you are remember that Thanksgiving is right
around the precipice,
Men Will Receive
Fraternity Bids
(Continued from page 1, column S)
Section C. All bids must be
returned to the Interfraternity
council by 12:35 o'clock of the
first Monday after Thanksgiving
Section D. No bids shall be
issued to freshmen between the
first Monday before Thanksgiving Day and the first day of the
second semester.
The members of Interfraternity
council will be located in the Y. W.
C. A. office on the balcony of the
Commons from 9:00 to 12:35 o'clock
Monday and will deliver to freshmen
bids that have been addressed by
Gamma of Kappa Delta Rho and
Edward Eldred Potter club. The
freshmen who have bids waiting for
them will be notified through the
student mail box, Monday morning,
to call for them at the office in the
Commons. The bids must be returned to the same office on the
Monday immediately after Thanksgiving recess from 9:00 to 12:35
o'clock. Bids must be returned with
a notation as to the choice of the
recipient regarding acceptance or
refusal of the bids.
State's Stage
Page 3
Well folks, here we are again . . .
There isn't much to say, (there never
is) but we aim to please . . . as ever.
First and foremost we wish to tell
the author of that very nasty letter
which was signed Oscar Q. Schnazzlepuss, that, if he expects to have
that sort of trash published in this
respectable (?) column, he must sign
his name. The NEWS (long live the
News!!!) does not print material
received in anonymous letters.
Now that that's off our chest, we
want to know where a certain senior
learned how to skin the cat with the
grace of a nightingale. The vestibule of a trolley car is no place to
practice though.
O'Hora has found new fields to
conquer and seems to be doing quite
Observed at Advanced Dramatics
play . . . Edge and Jane, Larry and
Rita . . . scandal, I'll say.
Santi didn't aide over the weekend.
What's the matter kid?
Stan, why did the lass with the
slumberous optics leave via the window? Don't you know that it isn't
Just wait folks—things will Chris
(llize) around KD if the photographer from Back Bay doesn't act a
little less Ginny.
Grad Poland never previously
seemed to get enough of good old
S. C. T., but he seemed to have a
Neff Saturday evening.
Commons gossip: Crounse doing
the Big Apple-durn well the other
noon . . . Minny seems to have moved from Lake Ave. to Wester.: Ave.
Was it because Wobble studies at
Psi Gam, Minny?
Ned says (a) Ruby is his favorite
gem. It looks that way.
Sully, it's time you found out that
Marion is a one man girl. Stay
away, his dukes are hard.
Since she lost that dexter (ous)
touch there is less mins(t)ing around
We predict that Bob will again be
a frequent visitor to Green Island.
He couldn't get located any other
Max usually know(le)s what he is
doing, but he is married now.
It's the bull around Brucker we
think, (Ed. note: So does everyone
Before we close here is some advice to the frosh.
It is time for the rush-bug . . .
You had better stay hidden.
If you're food for thought,
You're sure to get bidden.
Well we're off to a grand, glorious
and much needed (?) vacation.
Tuesday evening's plays were received by another large audience.
We are glad to see that the plays
are being so well-attended, for the
class is continuing to do a great
many worthwhile things.
Furey's play was handicapped by an
which, we later learned, could not
have been foreseen or avoided; but
in spite of this, the clever comedy
lines got over to an enthusiastic audience.
Miss Hayford was very well cast
and made the character she portrayed a convincing one. Mr
Walsh acted a bit too much on the
college-boy type, but he had some
very good spots, especially in the
last scene.
Too much of the play, however,
was played far up stage with the
actors hidden by furniture. Many
stage pictures, too, were confused.
Miss Walsh had to play most of her
best lines up-stage. She displayed,
however, a very appealing stage
presence. We should like to see
more of her work.
We felt that the set for that type
play might have been more interesting. And, please, costme committee,
a more careful attention to colors.
The peach and red In the opening
scene was probably Bohemian but
One more week end before vacait was a little hard on Lhe eyes
tion, and then four days of empty
Miss Lockwood's play was such a sorority houses—no frosh, and no
difficult undertaking that she is to Slate, Union, and R. P. I, men on
be congratulated for the wonderful the doorstep.
Phi Lamba played hostess to a
smoothness and etfecUvtness of the
performance. Several men new lo horde of alums last Saturday and
State's stage made an appearance, Sunday (we're getting tired of sayand we are looking forward to see- ing last, weekend). Among those
present were Nile Clemens and Doring more of them.
Mr. Weiss has a line voice, and othy Hurlbut, '30; Winifred Hurlbut
seemed well-suited to thai, rugged and Ethel Dyckman, '31; Elinor Wiltype of part. His scenes with his son, '32; Lucille Wamsley, '33; Emily
wife, however, were better than the Hurlbut and Genevieve Shorey, '35;
ones with the sailors. In those and Velma Leighton and Evelyn
latter scenes we felt that he might LIndros, '37. Did we say horde?
The Psi Gam alums conducted a
have been much harsher, and more
cruel. O'Neill's brutes, Mr, Weiss, bridge party at the chapter house
last week.
are are not to be crossed.
Kay Quinii, '37, spent Armistice
Miss Minst's, of course, was the
performance of the evening. Her day at the Chi Slg house, and word
sensitive and mature handling ol conies that the Chi Slgs have a
the part set a high mark lor future couple of new pledges Delia Dolan
Advanced Dramatics actresses to and Mildred King, both juniors.
The lone visitor at Gamma Kappa
aim at Mr. Doran's bit was finely
done. He is one of our lew players Phi this week was Eleanor Nottingwho can make an accent convincing, ham of last year's graduating class.
Eta Phi had a trio back around the
but we could not see enough of his
fireside; Carol Hill, '30; Helen
facial expression.
Looms and Dorothy Rusk, both '37.
The set was really fine, and defi- Betty Beaulac, '39, and Betty Jones,
nitely in keeping with the mood of '40, are among the new members of
the play, but, although the first Eta Phi.
impression of the lighting seemed
Three sisters just "back from the
to strike just the right note, we be- field" came to Phi Dolt this weekgan to regret It as the play went on. end: Evelyn Hamman, Martha Mae
Again, we are glad to see the class Smith, and Frances Smith, all '37,
attempting ambitious things, and
Have fun during vacation, and a
wo hope that they continue to re- word to the wise—if you rush now,
ceive the fine support of the student you'll have your Thanksgiving when
body and their friends.
the semester is over! Nuff said.
W. A. A Starts Program
State Harriers
For Winter Activities Lose Last Meet
To Delhi Aggies
W. A. A. Will Present
Basketball, Bowing, Riding,
Volleyball, a r e Among
1937-38 Sports
Lecture on Skiing
W. A. A. Presents
Athletic Awards
Miss A b e r n a t h y A d d r e s s e s
Athletic Association's
Annual Banquet
culmination of its fall seaW. D. R.
son, Women's Athletic association
After reading your article of this conducted its annual Fall Award
past week, I have been stimulated to Banquet, Tuesday night in the cafewrite a reply in the hope that it teria. The guests included Dr.
Croasdale, Dr. Dorwaldt, Dr. Green,
may find print.
I agree that your analogy of the Coach and Mrs. Hatfield, Miss
great sophomore team of Rockne Hitchcock, Miss Johnston, Miss
and our college basketball team was Moreland, and John O'Brien, presiwell-founded; I also agree that a dent of M. A. A. The speaker of the
winning team should not be broken evening was Miss Ruth Abernathy
up. What happened to Terry's win- of the State Hygiene Department,
ning Giants when he broke them up Division of Physical Education.
after the 1933 campaign? Terry did
During the banquet Marion Klngnot possess the experience and sley, '40, led the group singing A. A.
shrewdness of Connie Mack who songs. Thelma Miller, '37, president
kept his '29, '30, and '31 teams intact. of W. A. A. then introduced Dr.
I am of the belief that our basket- Croasdale, who presented the speakball team of last year that won the er.
last five or six games should be alMiss Abernathy spoke of her work
lowed to profit by the experience of in high school athletics throughout
Mack in keeping together rather the state, and the conditions with
than to split them up as did Terry, which teacher's have to cope in
and fall to come through to victory. carrying out an athletic program.
The following honorary varsities
Not to be too. critical . . . but we were announced.
believe that "Onlooker" made a seriSecond Varsity
ous grammatical error in his last
sentence . . . can you find IT? . . . lAV Oniiik
however, we appreciate the argument I'l Alios
V. Mitchell
given in his letter . . . we'd like to CU" 1'. Jobflon
add to it thougli . . . what happened U\V M, Jobson
to Connie Mack after he did sell MI Anderson
out his players? . . . hasn't he been liK Rolcklo
in the cellar ever since? . . .
CII MacLean
We're looking forward to the BF
KH Petit
Soph-Frosh football game this p. m. C
.. . with extra special enthusiasm . . .
CII Mitchell
remember sophs . . . the frosh
Hit Itriisacher
weren't any slouches in pushball . , .
LI? Hlnes
and don't let anyone kid you about
111'' Hossney
U\V King
this idea of 2-hand "touch" football
MI Anderson
. . . those "touches" aren't any love
taps. . . .
M. H u n t , A. Kgan, D . N o r t h , A. H o u a n .
Tonight our practice school opens
I). CrlefleldH, F. Haberer, II. Miller,
its basketball season against St. P.
Joseph's on the Page hall court . . .
keep an "eye" on the Milnites this M. Kenbles, G. Moon, A. Rattray, I.
year . . . they're going places . . . Robinson.
Joseph Melanson wrote fourteen
letters this past week to the ol'
grads . . . inviting them to vie with
the varsity on December 3 in State's Get Your Greyhound Bus Tickets
opening game of the season . . . this
— at the —
engagement means tnat the Hatfield
squad will play two contests before
the traditional R. P. I. fracas . . .
7 No. Lake Ave. One Block West
meeting Bard on December 4 . . .
Victors Set N e w Record;
The Women's Athletic association
Dorothy Hoyt, '25, is Speaker;
W i l c z y n s k i of S t a t e
has already started its extensive proStores to Display Styles
C o m e s in Second
gram for the winter season 1937W. A. A. will conduct a Lounge
1938. Within the whole season there
will be one long season from Nov- Tea Wednesday, December 1, at
Marring the Purple and Gold's
ember 15 to February 18, and one 3:30 o'clock. The feature of the tea long string of victories, a strong, well
short season from February 21 to
balanced Delhi team nosed out the
Council, '25, of Schenectady, and in- Pedagogues, 20-35, at the same time
March 25.
breaking a two year record for the
The following sports are offered
Hoyt is leaving for Europe early in 2.8 mile distance to take the final
in the long season:
as a member of the Amer- meet of the season last Saturday
Basketball, with Betty Allen, '39, December
Girl's Ski Squad to participate afternoon.
as captain and Mildred King and ican
various types of ski races all over
Delia Dolan, juniors, as assistants. in
Two years ago the Rams let the
the continent. At the tea she will
Miss Allen has planned a very inclu- speak
methods of arousing inter- record of 13:45 for the 2.8 mile
sive program for this year. There'll est inofskiing,
how to obtain the Washington course be broken by
be second and third string teams, if greatest enjoyment
skiing and Cary of Delhi who came in the time
necessary, so that everyone can get some of her more from
thrilling skiing breaking 12:41. This came close to
in some playing lime. In order to experiences. She will
also provide setting a new intercollegiate record
meet requirements, candidates for a display of books on skiing,
which wilh Cary doing an average mile in
credit must attend ten times, in- should prove of interest to veterans
cluding Iwo of first three practices or beginners.
Showing both teams to be in tip
and play in three of five inter-class
Honigsbaum's, the leading women's top form, the first fourteen runners
Bowling, with June Palmer, '39, as sport clothing shop in Albany, will came in under the old mark of 13:45.
captain, and Harriet Green, '39, and give a style show. Incorporated with Also showing the closeness of the
Rita Sullivan, '40. as assistants. The the women's fashions will be sam- race, the time separating the winRice Alleys al Quail Street and ples of what the well-dressed sports- ner from the tenth man was 23 secWestern Avenue will be the head- man will wear this season. The two onds.
Starting over a muddy, slippery
quarters of the group, which will displays will include clothes for all
meet on Tuesday and Thursday from kinds of winter sports events, for course in the rain, the two teams alternately took the lead until at the
3:30 to 5:00 o'clock. Completion of bolh participants and spectators.
ten games will satisfy credit requireSeveral of the Hardware and halfway mark at the penitentiary,
Sporting Goods Shops in the city the Rams, in close team formation,
Lotta Bunkers, which has the same have offered to display all the winter took a commanding lead over the
captain as during lhe fall season- sports equipment—toboggans, ropes, Purple and Gold.
Phyllis Arnold, '39, and Marie Metz, sleds, sleighs, bobsleds, hockey skates, Willi the finish coming closer the
'40, camp chairman. Lolla Bunkers hockey slicks, pucks, racing skates, State harriers increased their pace
has set a definite cost for weekend figure skates, skiis, jumping poles, to calch up with the Hillbillys, and
$1.25, and is sponsoring a very full ski boots, harnesses, snow shoes, rac- during the last mile both teams were
sprinting, the Rams to keep their
program. There will be hikes around ing snow shoes.
Albany whenever desired and outings
Besides Miss Hoyt's book display advantage, and the Peds to cut their
at Camp Johnston every weekend. on skiing, there will be three others, opponents' lead.
Riding, captained by Kaiherine on skating, snowshoeing and tobog- Tony Wilczynski, '39, came in on
Conklin, '38, which will be held at ganing, and information on snow Cary's heels, one second behind him.
Frank Rickman, '40, coming in sixth
the Troop B Armory, New Scotland trains.
place, prevented a too complete shutAvenue on Mondays at 3:30 o'clock,
out in the scoring. Louis Francello,
Sophomores To Meet
wilh instruction by S e r g e a n t
'40, Walt Russ, '39, getting into their
Freshmen In Rivalry stride, were too far behind to do
Swimming, wilh Janet Montlort
With fifty rough and ready
and Betty d a r k , sophomores, as cofreshmen and sophomores rearWith the excellent prospect of
captains. This sport will follow the
having six or seven meets next year,
ing to go, rivalry will continue
same schedule that was offered in
plus the fact that the team loses
this afternoon at 3:30 on the
the fall season, meeting on Tuesday
only one man through graduation,
Dorm field in the form of a
and Thursday at the Jewish Comthings look very bright for the team
football contest.
munity Center. There are tentative
next year. Four letter men will replans for a swimming meet with
Although eleven men constiturn to form the backbone of the
Oneonta Normal sometime early in
tutes a team, each class will
team. They will be helped by the
March, if it does not conflict with
have plenty of men in reserve
return of Steve Swazalowski, '40,
A. A.'s national affiliations.
to take the place of those injurwho was forced to quit cross-country
ed in the battle.
The following sports, which are
this year because of chronic appenoffered for the short season, will be
According to Joe McKeon, '40,
dicitis troubles.
played by lhe men and women tohead of the sophomore eleven,
gether and will require attendance
the game will be played under
len limes for credit.
the regular intercollegiate footBadminton, caplained by Marion
ball rulings with the exception
Rockefeller, '39, will meet from 4:00
that there'll be no tackling. To
to 5:00 o'clock on Wednesday and
get the pigskin carrier the boys
Friday. The gym will be open from will have to touch him on or
8:00 to 11:00 o'clock lor those who
about his "seat of gravity."
are free at that time.
Johnny O'Brien, '37, will be the
official referee.
Volleyball, with Louise Hcssney,
'40, as captain, will have practices
at 3:30 and 5:00 o'clock on Monday,
Tuesday and Thursday.
Dinners 25c and up
Pyramiding, wilh DoroLhy MacOPTICIANS.
Lean, '39, as captain will practice
Delicious Sandwiches and
from 3:30lo 5:00 o'clock on Monday
and Wednesday and from 4:00 to
7:30 A.M. — 11:00 P.M.
5:00 o'clock on Friday.
65 Columbia & $da»obo* kaH
Opp. the High School
Folk Dancing, captained by Juno
Palmer, '39, will meet from 3:30 to
5:00 o'clock on Monday, Tuesday and
Fencing, with Ruth Thompson, '39,
Good Food and a Friendly Fire
as captain and Herbert Frankel as
instructor will practice from 3:30 to
5:00 o'clock on Tuesday and Thursat the
day, and from 4:00 to 5:00 o'clock
on Friday.
The Winter Sports program directed by Kaiherine Adams, '39, has not
yet been definitely scheduled, as no
one can predict a snow fall. When
it snows, there will be tobogganing,
captained by Frances Rianl, '41;
skiing, caplained by Mildred Pangborn, ' '40; skating, captained by
Marie Mel/,, '40; and snowshoeing,
captained by Miss Adams.
In connection wilh the Winter
Sports, a Winter Carnival has been
tentatively planned, by W. A. A. and
Dial 5-1913
Geo, D. Jeoney, Prop
M. A, A., with cross-country skiing,
skiing to be judged on form and
sliced, skating races, a snowshoe relay, tobogatuiing and skiing for
everyone and dancing in the Commons at night.
As a culmination of the short season, there will be a W. A. A.M. A. A. Sport Night on March 25,
featuring volleyball, basketball, badminton, pyramiding, tumbling and
dancing after 10:00 o'clock.
An innovation in the winter scheAMI AN V, N. Y.
dule will be the Lounge Tea, emphasizing Winter Sports and equipment.
ttlestrrn at Quail
Y o u ' l l be thankful for the saving!
• ^ O U R trip back homo over Thanks* giving week-end will be fun for all
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Page 4
Juniper Group Houses
To Conduct Formal Dance
"Dutch Treat"Dating
Becomes College Issue
by David Mlnsberg
Your inquiring reporter sits down
to write with a smirk on his face—
and can you blame him—it was a
very pleasant job he chose; in toto,
interviewing and hounding all the
beauties at State college. As usual
we started on the freshmen. We
accosted Ginny McDermott in the
hall and she seemed not to resent
it so we proceeded with this question, "Do you favor 'dutch treats' on
a date, that is each party paying his
own expenses?" "What! definitely
not!" She stamped her foot indignantly, "Do you think I'm going to
pay a fellow to take me out?" Cowed, we quietly sneaked off into a
corner for a half-hour until we regained our bravado, and then deckled that the mens' viewpoint would
be more welcome.
I favor them, because I'm liable to
make myself too popular on the
campus." Our other pulchritudinous
assay was Muriel Goldberg. She,
with that Myskanial attitude, answered, "Is this another case where
it's the woman who pays?" John
O'Brien summed up the thought of
the male student body in his concise
statement, "If she's willing why I
won't try hard to stop her."
Remember this discussion the next
time you go out on a date, and see
if you can't make some practical
use of these suggestions.
On Saturday evening, December 4,
"The Junipers" and the "Junipers
Juniors" will conduct their first annual Co-Operative Formal in the
Commons of State College. Dancing
will hold sway from 9:00 until 1:00
Representatives on the Grand
Committee for the event consists of
the following: Lillian Mosher, '38,
and Antoinette Mont, '38, from the
"Junipers;" Molly McClure, '38, and
Antoinette Don Vito, '38, from the
"Junipers Junior."
Members of the Program Committee are as follows: Louise Hessney,
Helen Provost, Elsie Winslow, sophomores, and Rose Lison, freshmen.
Arnold Ellerin, a young, Innocentlooking freshman, was the next victim. To the query Ellerin answered
gravely. "Once in a while it's all
right, but the fellow should not make
a habit of paying."
We left this wise frosh and approached two sophomores. "Toad"
Fairbanks, who was busy, answered
gruffly, "Custom being what it is,
and I having money In my pockets,
I'll prefer to pay the way." Approaching Doris Shultes with precaution (remembering our experience
with that freshman) we received a
more verbose reply: "If the fellow
and girl go around for a long time,
then it's different. Besides girls as
a rule don't have money, and the
fellows work, so . . . "
The Juniors were more solidified
in their opinion. Marion Minst said,
"If the fellow brings it up, he should
pay." Dee Jesse exclaimed, "It's
a terrible idea. I'd rather stay
home." Eddie Cassavant said, with
mature sagacity, "In an informal
date, it's all right but it would be
embarrassing in a formal date."
Representing the junior men is Joe
Wells. We cornered him and he
finally gave this off, "I wouldn't
like it. I'd feel kinda foolish proposing the idea of paying to her."
It was among the seniors, however,
that we found the most diversified
comment. Millie Nightingale replied, "It's not a bad idea in a way;
but let me go no farther than to say
that I will not cater to such an idea
under any circumstances."
Dittman confined himself to the
brief remark, "Yes, a great Idea—If
she's a rich widow." Our Campus
Queen, in one of her more condescending moods, retorted to our query
in this wise, "I'm afraid to say that
Appointment Bureau
To Sponsor Panels
At the senior and graduate meeting conducted last Tuesday by the
Appointment Bureau, the major aim
of the meeting was revealed to be
the formation of committees to study
three topics for panel discussions.
These topics are: personal interviews
(including personal appearance), application letters, and ethics of job
At the Appointment Bureau office
in room 121 A and B there are blue
booklets on the desk in which interested students are asked to sign. The
committees are to be made up of
volunteers, those who have the inclination and the time.
with a smoker
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Stop at the Hotel Tudor and
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The Hotel Tudor is located
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Vol.. XXII, No. io
Assembly Invites
Prominent Men
To Address Body
Leaders in State Affairs,
Business Men to Talk
On Current Issues
Chetn Club Celebrates
Ag (Silver)
Shades of 2,2 di-methyl, 4 isopropyl, 5, 6, di-ethyl nonatrleenyne, 3, 5, 71 The Chemistry
club celebrated its silver anniversary with a sumptuous spread
in the cafeteria Tuesday night.
Past presidents were much in
evidence, as President Mollcnkopf introduced assistant professor William Kennedy, who was
the first president of the club
when it was organized in 1912,
and Mrs. Kennedy of the class
of 1914; Miss Gladys Crodge,
1922-23; Clyde Slocum, 1928, and
Miss Irma Melthouse, 1931. William Fullagar, '36, and Ray Fisk,
'37, were expected, but were evidently lost on the way. Professor
Barnard S. Bronson and other
members of the chemistry department were also present.
After what consensus of opinion indicates was one of the
most satisfying meals, (unlimited ice cream), in the history of
cafeteria banquets, the club adjourned to room 250, where a
horde of neophytes were initiated into membership, upon presentation of skits for the edification of their elders. One eager
aspirant was introduced to H20
through the medium of a funnel,
while President Mollenkopf and
the faculty came in for unexpected ribbings.
N. Y.,
Fraternities End
Formal Rushing;
37 Men Pledge
14 Pledge Kappa Delta Rho;
23 to the Edward Eldred
Potter Club
3, 1937
Fraternities To Dance
At Annual Fall Event
Fraternity members and their
beautiful "money - spender - oners" will truck on down to the
effervescent rhythms of Bob
Reid and his orchestra at the
Interfraternity formal, next Saturday night in the Commons of
Hawley hall, from 9:00 to 1:00
o'clock. Such is the announcement of Dick Cox and Al Trehanon, seniors, and co-chairmen.
Interfraternity Council does
an encore in giving the members
of its fraternities a chance to
show their stuff in the field of
terpsiehorean endeavor, as this
is their second combined dance.
Truckers, jecpers, shaggers, camel - hoppers, and Susy - Q - ers
should run rampant.
All arrangements are under
control of Interfraternity council members. As usual, the unlucky pledges will do their cleanup act.
Bids will be $1.75 a couple.
Famous Lecturer
Will Comment
On World Affairs
American Neutrality to be
Subject of Discussion
In Assembly Today
Thirty-four freshmen and three
In an effort to provide accurate
Harrison Brown, famed journalist
sophomores pledged membership to
information on government and curtwo of State's fraternities Monday.
rent politics for the state's future
and world traveler, will lecture in
This concludes the organized rushteachers, Leonard Prledlander, '39,
assembly today, according to Warren
ing season under direction of Interspeaker of the Constitutional assemDensmore, '38, president of student
fraternity council. Twelve freshmen
bly announced today that leaders in
association. The topic of his lecture
and two sophomores were pledged
the state government, prominent
will be "Can America Be Neutral?"
business and professional men, have
Mr. Brown is a prominent writer
been Invited to speak, and submit
and lecturer on international affairs.
one sophomore to the Edward Eldred
to cross-questioning at public hearHe graduated from Oxford and is a
Potter Club.
ings on the controversial issues inregular contributor to the London
The fourteen pledges to Kappa
troduced at recent sessions of the
Spectator and Continental
Delta Rho are: John Bakay, William
He has seen service in the British
Whether or not New York state Is
army during the war. Mr. Brown
Vincent Glllen, Stephen Kusak, Roy
to have socialized medicine will conhas followed avidly European affairs
McCreary, George Noonan, Herbert
cern the members of the assembly at
and Is in close contact with EuroOksala, Constandino Paris, Charles
its next meeting, Tuesday, December
pean statesmen. A few years ago,
he wrote "background" articles on
men; Ray Carrol and John Havko,
social, economic and political conFollowing the alms of the Assemsophomores.
ditions in Scandinavia, Russia,
bly as set forth in its constitution,
The Edward Eldred Potter pledges
Japan and China. These articles
members of the group have arranged
are: Richard Abernathy, John Alden,
have been syndicated in four foreign
to speak before high school assemDaniel Bucci, William Cameron,
countries and have been widely read
blies, in the Capital district. AcJames Chapell, George Clark, Alfred
by students of international affairs.
cording to members of the faculty,
Cooper, Frederick Day, Douglas Dolan Chooses Committees
It has been learned that State
To get his "background" informaDillenbock Harold Duffey, Leslie
For Third Annual Dance;
college's Inauguration of the assemtion in China, Mr. Brown wandered
Gerdts, Paul Gratton, William Haller,
bly plan for active participation in
Bob Reid to Play
off the beaten track in the Interior
Cyril Kilb, Jack Mesek, Robert
government has attracted the attenof China for three months. He inMesek, Louis Pasquini, Brooks Robtion of the State department, and
erts, Gerald Saddlemire, Helmuth
The Alumni Residence hall will terviewed the Chinese leaders in
that slmiliar groups are to be set
Schoen, James Snover, Merrill Wal- conduct its annual fall formal, Fri- the recent rebellion and got their
up in .secondary schools throughout
rath, freshmen; and Thoron Powell, day night from 9:00 to 1:00 o'clock, viewpoints in regard to Japanese
the state modeled on our assembly. Sophomores Elect Two Officers;
In the Ingle room, according to aggression. Between 1928-33, he resided in Berlin and wrote commenIncluded In the list of resolutions
Freshman to Meet Today
The Interfraternity council con- Dorothy Clapp, '38, president.
taries on the German government
Introduced at the last meeting of
stitution states that no bidding shall
the Constitutional assembly are the
The sophomore class will have a be done before the Monday preced- the affair and is assisted by the up to the occupation of the Hitler
meeting sometime next, week to dis- ing Thanksgiving and I he bids must social committee, consisting of Mary regime.
"Resolved that this assembly go cuss banner rivalry and the methods be returned the first Monday after Ann Pomponio, '38, Edna-Marie
His first address was a round table
on record in favor of an amendment whereby they might win the rivalry Thanksgiving recess.
Jesse, Hilah Foote, juniors, Gerald- discussion in the Lounge yesterday
Committees for banner
to the New York State Constitution points.
The Interfratcrnity constitution ine Thompson, '40, and Betty Jane afternoon upon the topic "Awakenproviding for ( D a direct and open rivalry have been appointed and are forbids either fraternity to issue fur- Parrott and Elizabeth Cottenham, ing the Chinese." His lecture in toprimary for all elections of officers getting their material ready for pre- ther bids to freshmen until the freshmen. Preparations and plans day's assembly is "Can America be
and (2) a permanent system of regis- sentation to the class.
are being carried out under the sup- Neutral." Then tonight, he will have
second semester.
ervision of Miss Helen Burgher, so- a group discussion on "Fascism and
The results of the revote election
tration of voters In mandatory elecCommunism."
cial director.
In the sophomore class arc: Joseph
tion procedure."
Women's Debate Squad
"Resolved that this assembly favor Cappiello, vice president and Larry
Mr. Brown comes to State college
Faculty guests include: Dr. A. R.
the Inclusion in the New York State Balog, representative to M. A. A. Meets Vermont Tonight Brubacher, president, and Mrs. Bru- under the auspices of the Institute
Constitution of provisions for the Plans are going forward for an an- Today the women's team of the bacher; Dr. Milton G. Nelson, clean, of International Education. This
socialization of medicine for the uni- nual banquet and a Christmas parly. debate squad will meet the women's and Mrs. Nelson; Dr. William institute is sponsoring his tours
There will be a freshman meet- team of the University of Vermont French, instructor in education, and throughout American colleges and
versal good In the state."
"Resolved that the State of New ing immediately alter assembly to- at 4:00 o'clock. State will be re- Mrs. French; Dr. Robert Frederick, universities. Previously, he has lecYork set up a University of New day according to Stan Smith, presi- presented by Jean Novak, '38, and professor of education, and Mrs. tured in Vassar college, Bard college
York state. This university is to be dent. Freshman cheer leaders have Rita Sullivan, '40. The subject is Frederick; Dr. Howard DoBell, as- Columbia university and Skidmoro.
an actual education plant, corres- their new uniforms and are anxious "Resolved: That the several states sistant professor of mathematics
adopt the system of unl-cameral and Mrs. DoBell; Miss Marjorie
to show them off.
ponding lo Ohio Slate university."
There will be a freshman party legislatures." On December 9, Law- Wheaton. assistant to the dean of
Heading the committee to conduct the first week alter Christmas vaca- rence Strattner, and Gordon Tabner, women; and Mr. Paul Bulger, perhearings on the socialized medicine tion. Committees for the affair art;: juniors, will debate with Hamilton sonnel
resolution is J. Edmore Melanson, chairman, Louis Greenspan; enter- college at Utlca before a meeting of
Committees have been appointed
'30, assisted by Josephine Pesko, '38; tainment, Cyril Kllb.
the Civic Club. The subject for disby Miss Dolan as follows: music,
Herbert Engel, '39; Cieraldlne Ewing,
Dues will be collected next Monday cussion will be "Shall we have legis- Hilah Foote, '39, chairman; Mary
Beatrice Shufelt, Sadie Flax, Edlation making labor unions responsiand
FreshAnn Pomponio, '38, Virginia Wegemund Caine, Mary Arndt, Kathleen
The Junior banquet will be conner, Jane Schwerzmann, juniors;
Butler, and Edgar Perretz, sopho- man! Please pay up your dues.
Virginia Mitchell, '40, and Irene ducted Wednesday evening, Decemmores; and Irving Smith, '41.
Pogor, '41; arrangements, Freida ber 8, In the College cafeteria at
Considering the reapportionment
Kurkhlll, '39, chairman; Sylvia six o'clock. There will be dancing
resolution Is Charles Walsh, '39, aidWeiss, '39, Helen Gregory, Charlotte In the Ingle room of the Dormatory
ed by Charlotte Libman, '38; Allecn
Crosby, sophomores, Edith Sollecito, immediately after the banquet until
Hansett, '39; Sadie Flax and Fred
Madeleine Scesny, and Frances Hoff- ten o'clock.
Weed, sophomores; and Robert
man, freshmen; refreshments, MarBy David Smith
The "Big Apple" will be the feaAgue, James Chapell, Leslie Gerdls,
Miss Marlon Cheseborough, Instruct- lon Walker, '40, chairman, Charlotte
A Greek drama, crowning the fes- or in Latin, will supervise the cos- Neilson,
Blanche Klishenblum, Lontl Powell
Evelyn Roberts, Mildred ture at the after dinner dance. All
tivities of Commencement week-end, tuming.
and Robert Patton, freshmen.
Hallock, sophomores, M a d e l i n e juniors are urged to try their luck
with the "Big Apple," "trucking,"
Is the latest addition to State's lyThe entire cast Is to be made up Beers, Mary Casson, Alice Vail, and
ceum program, announced Miss of Slate college students. Tryouts Dorothy Borkowitz, freshmen; In- "Susie Que," "shagging" and other
Edith O. Wallace, assistant profes- for the various parts of both actors vitations, Frances Wolak, '38, chair- fancy dances which they might invent in the meantime. For those
sor of Latin, who Is In charge of the and chorus will be today, at 4:00 man, Ruth Cass and Dorothy Mac- who
are not inclined to resort to
production. The play, the English o'clock, In the Little Theatre In Lean, juniors; guests and flowers, fancy steps, there will be plain, conversion of Euripides' "Electra" will Milne high school. They will con- Esther Lane, '40, chairman; Faith servative dancing.
Fallon, and Margaret
The Scarlet Scrcnudors will sup- bo presented in the new Richardson sist of the reading of a bit of verso, Ellis, Betty
Juniors; Marion Kingsley,
Tickets arc on sale In room "X"
ply music for a "Collegiate Swing" Memorial Greek theatre, the out- the tryout for dancing ability, and Smith,
Sullivan, Mary Tralnor, Alice and all group houses at sixty cents
sport dance to be conducted tonight door amphitheatre located In the the tryout for singing ability. The Rita
Rushmer, and Fay Scheer, sopho- each. Tickets may bo had from any
by the Young Women's Christian rear of the Alumni Residence halls. minor acting parts will be filled by mores;
Dorothy North Beatrice of the officers of the junior class.
having representative parts read.
Association In the Commons of
Dower, and Francis Rianl, freshTho speaker of the evening will be
llawlcy hall from 9:00 to 11:30 The Greek play differs from our
To fill any of the parts of tho men; decorations, Katheri'ne Ad- Dr. Harold W, Thompson, professor
o'clock, according to Mary Tralnor, modern productions in that it Is production, the applicant must do ams,
usually presented out of doors, and
of English. Other guests will be Dr.
'•10. chairman.
Helen Z O m a n and Edith A. R. Brubacher, president of the
In that they have no heavy stage the following;
Everyone is invited to attend since property, the setting and mood being
1. Be certain that he will be hero Davis, Juniors; D o r i s Saunders, College anil Miss Helen If. Moroland,
there Will be no dancing alter the conveyed through the dancing, sing- In June.
Lillian Galllmore, sophomores, and dean of women.
basketball game. Tickets are twenty- ing, ami verse-speaking of a chorus.
2. Be willing to practice two hours Shirley Tooker, Louisa Chapman,
live cents por couple and twenty
Hetty Appoldoorn and
Rosalie Curupezza, and A l e n o
Miss Agnes Futlerer, assistant u week.
cents for stags.
Cromie, freshmen; programs, Mil- O'Brien, seniors, will act as Myskania
3. Bring sneakers with him on Fri- dred King, '39, chairman, Ruth Pek- advisors at the banquet.
The committees consist of the following: decorations, Christine Ades, the acting and staging problems, as- day.
Tho committees for tho banquet
arsky, Ruth Saxby, a n l Jeannette
4. Bring with him a passage of Barlow, Juniors, and Betty Denmark, are as follows: generul chairman,
'39, chairman, Murjorio Balrd and
Rulh Haul way, sophomores, Virginia William E. Wood, Instructors In verse that he has chosen to read. Rosalind Prey, Marjorie Baird, and Pearl Samlberg; arrangements, JanMcDermott and Belly Parrotl, fresh- English.
The lead roles of tho play, Orestes Florence Pryzbrowska, sophomores; et Gurney; waitresses, Sylvia Weiss;
men; chapcroncs, Elolse Hartnmnn, Dr. T. Frederick II. Oaudlyn, as- and Electra, will bo played respect- clean-up, Dorothy Peak, '41, chair- faculty, Mary Halpin; entertain'40; floor show, Carolyn Muttice, '39, sistant professor of music, will direct ively by Hugh Norton, '30, and Mar- man, Dorothy Mix, Marion Keables, ment, Victoria Bilzi and Joe Bosley;
chairman, Betty Hay ford and Juno the choral singing. Miss Margaret Jorie Whcaton, '30, assistant to the Roberta Wilhelm, Virginia Woiciek, programs, Eleanor M o G r e e v y ;
Palmer, Juniors; food, Normina Buck Hitchcock, Instructor In physical dean of Women,
Julia Tunnel], Laura Frost, and Do- ticket*, Helen Lowry and Mike Waland Janet Thomas, sophomores; ad- education, will direct the choral
All students of State college are ris Dygert, freshmen, and Madeleine ko; vlctrola, Bill Ryan; publicity,
vertising and tickets, Virginia Elson dancing, The choral verse reading I eligible to try out regardless of prev- Block, '40.
Henrietta Halbreich and Gordon
and Marion Kingsley, sophomores.
will be coached by Miss Futtorer. ious experience.
Residence Halls
Plan Fall Formal
Two Lower Classes
Meet, Make Plans
Y. W. C. A. to Conduct
Dance in Commons
$6<t %&
2 blocks sail of Grand Control
304 Eatt 4?nd Slruef
MUrray Hill 4-3900
State College N % s
Commencement Week Next June
To Feature Greek Presentation
Daily rates: Single rooms,
from $ 2 . 5 0 ; double, from
$3.50, Special rates by
the week. 6 0 0 r o o m s each one an outside room
with private bath,
The Chemistry club will celebrate
its twenty-fifth anniversary at its
annual benquet Wednesday night,
November 30, in the college cafeteria, according to William Mollenkopf, '38, presiednt of the club. All
the charter members and past presidents have been invited to attend,
and all members are urged to come.
At this lime, approximately fifty
new members will be initiated. The
Initiation committee is composed of
George Malllnson, '38, Joseph McKeon, '40, Robert Clark and Anthony
Wilczynski, juniors.
Mr. John J. Sturm, assistant instructor in chemistry, and George
Malllnson, '38, are co-chairmen of
the banquet committee.
Juniors to Have
Annual Banquet
Chemistry Club Dinner
Will Mark Anniversary
CopyriglK 1SJ7,
liocvrr * M Y M S TOBACCO Co,