Page 4 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, OCTOBER 29, 1937 Smith, Dower Will Lead Class Nelson and Bulger Newman Will Have Attend Conference Annual Communion Members Especially Emphasize "Extra-Class Activities" Stanley Smith and Beatrice Dower L a s t S a t u r d a y t h e Central School will lead t h e freshman class through its first year at State, as president Sections of t h e Association of Acaand vice-president respectively, as demic Principals convened in Syrat h e result of a n election of t h e class cuse. T h e meeting was a t t e n d e d by which was conducted by Myskania Dr. Milton G. Nelson, d e a n of t h e college, a n d Mr. Paul Bulger, secrelast T h u r s d a y . tary of t h e Appointment Bureau. The various o t h e r officers who T h e topics for discussion were: were elected a t t h e same meeting "Extra-Class Activities" a n d "Cafeare as follows: Robert Mesek, sec- terias in High Schools." T h e subject r e t a r y ; Rosemary Brucker, treasurer; "Extra-Class Activities" was p a r t i c songleader, M a r y Miller; cheerlead- ularly stressed. ers, Dorothy Peak a n d S t e p h e n Today teachers a r e being placed Kusak; reporter, I r e n e Poger; repre- in charge of a wide variety of e x t r a sentative on M. A. A., S t e p h e n Bull. class activities. Many schools have At a meeting conducted t h e prev- clubs, including such unusual ones ious Tuesday u n d e r the supervision as knitting a n d rifle clubs besides of Myskania, F r a n c e s R i a n i was t h e more common d e p a r t m e n t a l and chosen as representative on W. A. A. journalistic organizations. T h e cabinet of t h e class met Wednesday noon with Muriel Goldberg German Club to H a v e Hike a n d Leslie Knox, members of MysT h e G e r m a n Club will conduct a k a n i a a n d f r e s h m a n class guardians, hike, weiner a n a marshmallow roast to draw up t h e year's budget. A S u n d a y afternoon. Meet a t t h e meeting h a s been scheduled on Mon- Western avenue e n t r a n c e to Draper day for class discussion of this bud- hall a t 2:00 o'clock. I n event of rain, get. No further plans have yet been the hike will take place Monday aftformulated, according to S m i t h . lernoon at 4:30 o'clock. N e w m a n club will conduct its a n n u a l communion breakfast S u n d a y morning. Mass will be said a t 8:30 o'clock in t h e grotto a n d will be followed by breakfast in the Vincentian I n s t i t u t e cafeteria. F a t h e r J o h n F o r m a n , diocesan director of the Christian Doctrine, will officiate. About one h u n d r e d a n d fifty people a r e expected to attend. T h o m a s Ryan, '38, will be the toastmaster. Victoria Bilzi, '39, is general c h a i r m a n of t h e Religious Activity committee. She is assisted by Charles Kelly a n d Joseph Wells, juniors; J a n e t Byrne, '40; a n d Ellen Hurley, C a t h e r i n e O'Bryan, Evelyn Olivet, and Leonard Varmette, fresh- FLORIST "Buy Where the Flowers Grow" Bonded Member of F.T.D.A. Dial 3-3318 Ontario at Benson St. FREDETTE'* COLLEGE PHARMACY 65 Columbia&ftferofow had 7 No. Lake Ave. One Block West COMPL€T£ OPTICAL 5fcRVlC£ Dial 5-1913 Geo. D. Jeoney, Prop Boulevard and Cafeteria Grill ALBANY, N. Y. Will Conduct THE SENIOR HOP With Joe Haymes and His Orchestra N. Y., NOVEMBER, 5, 1937 $2.00 PER YEAR, 32 WEEKLY ISSUES. Senior Hop Opens State Social Season Sorority Dances to Climax Week-End Students Elect Len Friedlander Assembly Head Sororities Will Conduct Annual Fall Dances Tomorrow Night Constitutional Convention To Conduct Bi-weekly Assembly Meetings LIST C O M M I T T E E HEADS HOP CHAIRMAN H a y m e s Orchestra to Give Novel Entertainment For S o c i a l i t e s N E W S ' LIST C O U P L E S With the election of Leonard F r i e d lander. '39. as speaker; Richard T a x i s to C o n v e y C o u p l e s N e w H o u s e R u l e s for W o m e n Lonsdale. '39, as clerk; and the apAt Reasonable Prices Extend Late Leaves pointment of J. Edmore Melanson, T o Colonie Club '39, as publicity director, the State T o 2 : 0 0 o'Clock College Constitutional Assembly, the Tonight the dance "is t h e t h i n g " first of its kind 10 be established in T h e second event on the weekend's frr all those S t a t e college couples any college of the state, got under social calendar will be the annual who have intentions of a t t e n d i n g way Tuesday a t the first session in | fall house dances conducted by the the Senior Hop at the Colonie club. room 2U6 of Draper hall. sororities of State. Dancing will be C h a i r m a n for the occasion. Miss T h e assembly inaugurated its sesfrom 9:00 o'clock to 1:00 o'clock and Dorothy Cain, vice-president of t h e sions with the adoption of the orgirls will be allowed late leave until Senior class and member of Mysganizing committee's report to have 2:00 o'clock. kania, has announced t h a t dancing an assembly of the entire studenl T h e sorority presidents a n n o u n c will begin at 9:00 o'clock and will body, headed by a speaker and clerk, ed the committees for Ihe house continue until 2:00 o'clock. Joe and divided into senatorial districts. dances as follows: Haymes and his lads will be on h a n d T h e group heard Mr. Robert Rienow. lor the swing session. Delta Omega: general c h a i r m a n . Instructor in government and faculty Alice Holt. '38; food, Betty Clark, '40; In order to facilitate t r a n s p o r t a advisor, s t a t e t h a t if was the intendecorations, lrnia Anderson, 38; ortion to and from the club the taxi tion of t h e assembly to exert preschestra. Billie Castiglione. '39; cleancommittee has a r r a n g e d a novel sure "wherever necessary in its up. Peggy Hora. '39: programs, idea for those who may desire to interests, and m e n to "buttonhole" iDorothe Posson, "40. take advantage of it. Through t h e the delegates in order to effect the Eta P h i : general c h a i r m a n , Milcooperation of one of the companies adoption of the issues favored by the Cmtrtrxi/ HI Times-Union dred Kornmeyer, '38; programs. group." Dorothy Cain, '38, who is in charge in this city taxis will be available Walter Hampden, in the role ol . J e a n n e Chrisler, '39; orchestra, Mary of all committees for I lie Senior Hop. for t h e price of $1.60 per round trip. Immediately following the elecS t a r t i n g at nine o'clock taxis will be Leah tions, students introduced resolutions CltlHWXdt fill, which he has made Nolan, '39; refreshments. obtainable a t the following points: Sweet, '39; clean-up, sophomores. for consideration by the various sub- famous. State College Players S t a t e College and Washington Ave.. Kappa Delta: general c h a i r m a n , committees, whose duly will include Dormitory, Chi Sigma T h e Virginia Hall. '39; orchestra, VirTo Broadcast on Radio Women's the conducting of hearings a n d reta, G a m m a Kappa, Psi G a m m a , ginia Mitchell. '40; a r r a n g e m e n t s . search on the various issues. T h e S t a l e college students are being , K a p p a Delta. Eta Phi, Delta Omega, Ruby Stewart. 40; clean-up, Marion following resolutions were offered given a chance to go on the air in a l i l l ] c | A . E. Phi. Kingsley. '40; decorations. Ellen Best for discussion: '40; chaperones, J a n e t Montfort. '40; series of half hour playlets over sta-1 T o those interested in modern "Resolved: T h a t this assembly go programs, Lorraine Green, '39. on record as favoring the use of tion WABY on Wednesday evenings i swing bands and new modes of prerevenues from taxes on motor ves e n t a t i o n s Joe Haymes' original Chi Sigma T h e t a : general chair- at 8:15 o'clock, hicles or gasoline for highways purman, Lucille Zak. '38; music. Betty ,.,,, , , , „ , , . ,', , ,, style and individual direction should T o I n t e r p r e t " C a p o n s a c c h i , " j Baker. '39; a r r a n g e m e n t s . Margaret poses only." I h e programs are u n d e r the d i r e c - | H f o v e , 0 b e a n o y e l t y T n o u g h "Hamlet" and "Cyrano" "Resolved: T h a t in the Bill of Fehlner, '39; programs and novelties, Hon ol Robert Hiiikleman, and the I Haymes' orchestra of last year is Rights of the New York HI ate Con| C a t h e r i n e Lynch, '39; refreshments,: casts are made up entirely of S t a t e j the present Tommy Dorsey aggregaMonday Night tion, this year's group has proven to stitution there be inserted the Alice Brown. '40; clean-up. sophocollege students. This past week the be equally as popular. Among his following: ' t h a t there shall be proDramatic and Art council will pre- mores; chaperones, Eleanor DuBois, group presented Shakespeare's Mei- vocalists are included Miss Honey hibition of any discrimination on | '38. account of race, creed, color or sex.' " sent Waller Hampden, internationIt was the first Burns, Ronnie Chase, and Clyde Psi G a m m a : general chairman. rlmiil nj Venire. Rogers, each of whom has plenty of "Resolved: T h a t this assembly be ally known actor. Monday night at Marion Bisnett. chaperones, time 11 nit the play had ever been variety, personality, and individualon record as favoring the establish- 8:30 o'clock in t lie auditorium of Page Helen H e m e , '39; music. Lizcttc presented in an English-speaking ity. During this past year, Mr. ment of a one-house legislature in hall, according to Sally Whelan. '38, IParshall. '38, and J a n e Schwerzmann Haymes played at many of the leadNew York Slate." i'39; clean-up, Florence Gebe, '40; country with Shylock using a Jewish ing Eastern colleges and universities. "Resolved: T h a i this assembly president. refreshments, J a n e Wilson, '40; dec- accent. His growing list of fans and admirMr. Hampden will oiler a program orations. Marcia Brown, 40, favor the inclusion in the s t a t e conNext Wednesday the group will ers lias given him the undisputed stitution of a provision in:' protect- of dramatic sketches, including Alpha Epsilon P h i : general chair- present Tin Bride nl Lnmmerinoor. title of "America's Swing Stylist." ing citizens against irresponsible scenes from "Cyrano cle Bergerac," man, Barbara Levy, "III; refresh- Several other plays are also in line labor groups. Chaperones for this "hit of the "Hamlet." and "Caponsacchi." He "Resolved: Thai lIns assembly be has performed in "Cyrano" over one ments, Freidn Kurklull and Ruth for Ihe group, most ol I hem adapted week" will be Mr. William Hardy, Pekarsky. juniors; e n t e r t a i n m e n t , m favor of a Bill of Rights tor labor thousand limes, and "Hamlet" gave (Continued mi page /, column Hi including the right of strike, collec- him his reputation as a .Shakespear- Sylvia Muffs. '38; decorations, Gol- lor radio work by Mr. Hiiikleman. die Weinlrailb, '38. and Sylvia Weiss, live bargaining, peaceful picketing ean actor. '39. and protection against labor InjuncWaller Hampden, an American tions." G a m m a Kappa P h i : general chair"Resolved. Thai Ihis assembly be who commenced his acting in Eng- man, Christine Ades, '39; decorations Lillian in favor ol reserving Hie right in land as a member of the S h a k e - Marie O'Meara, '40. and "III; orchestra, Joan .declare win lo Hie people " this spearean company, nas been a c - Rushmeycr, by Sully Young Then, when he had not yet a t t a i n resolution was Introduced lo obtain a claimed our d u e l contributor to the B r u m and Joyce Mayeock. juniors; Waller Hampden, who is coining ed the age of twenty-five, his great statement ol policy and nut as a classical tradition in ihe t h e a t r e He refreshments, Muriel Barry and Fa ye lo Page hall auditorium Monday opportunity came. H. B. Irving beprojected amendment to the State has n reived decorations and honors Foreman, juniors; programs, Janet night, is widely known as an Amer- came ill and he was given the from both French and American Gurney. '39, and Harriet Sprague. constitution. ican actor who has achieved dis- chance to play in London the part T h e assembly will convene bi- I universale!- Inr his excellence in in- 411; clean-up, Lois Game. '40. tinction in the t h e a t r e for Ins ol Hamlet, and later Romeo, in te: pi etui loll and purity in diction. weekly and special meetings will bi Beta / e t a : general c h a i r m a n . Shakespearean roles, and that nl which he made a remarkable, unHe is the luiirili president of the called whenever deemed uecessurj equalled run of eleven week in Initialed by Edwin Gladys Fluster, '38, refreshments, Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac bj the speaker. In the interim be- Players club Glasgow. He lllt'll returned to New Belly Sherwood. Helen Bernard, Booth. Bui. what else do \ on know aboul York with the script ol' "The Sertween mei i ings ii is expected that juniors and Eloise H a r l i n a n n . '40, committee hearings will be i (inductTickets may be obtained tomorrow a r r a n g e m e n t s and decorations, Helen linn? How did he happen to go on vant in the House" and began his ed on Hie resolutions introduced a and Monday ill Ihe Van Curler Crosier and Betty Dodge, juniors the singe and w here did he start V llle career of a d o i - m a n a g e r , and Why'-' Whal are his hobbles'.' T h e i he i egular .- essions Music Store mi S t a l e si reel and Virginia Elson, '40; clean-up. answers lo these questions have been lias devoted his life to a presentation I n addii urn to ueI ing as a "presMildred Hullcck, Dorothy Hill, Ger- found, and are now presented lor ol I he classics which has been the ivstill ol years ol study and delire and discussion group," the alilnie Thompson Doris Saunders, your iiiliirination l'irsluiH'ii I liain (Unix votion; his work has been rewarded mi nihil.', a n ing i ht'otigl i I heir H( miand Evelyn Roberts, sophomori s; Mr Hampden was educated al lorial in 11 in inn i ings. tt ill contaci To Knli'iluin isscmhly programs Schwartz, Elea- ll.ii vai d and while there three con by a very appreciative and grateful public nor Schwartz minors, and Charlotte i In ,r '. a n o n delegah iiul v, ill fur flit-1 nig inn ii" Is were struggling lor i luce again in i his morning's I Mummery, '-In iIn r curry i i publicity campaign Mr. Hampden's mam hubby e ilmt supremacy his desire in be either a: .• eniblj, Ihe Ireshlnell will be explaining lucts regarding the "I being a gentleman larinei He Pi Alpha Tan geiierul c h a i r m a n a singi i cello player in actor He nil! la led nil o one ol HI ale's old.(•III l l l i e l t l ' i l l I h e c o l issues and Ihe sent Allelic Simon '3D decorations. Eve al: i) de.- II e(l an edllcal Inn so he (aim nas a ninety acre larin near Uulgei I and liiosl mtel e I in:1 I null les Ihrougli lege groups on I hi I'.laleck and ( ' i d l e Pockrosa soph- pleted his college career first. When fleld ('oniiecl Kail which is lilt \ -live I lull: 'I l i e llpjlcl ( l a : lllt'll Will it l l l r tale 11 II* newspapers ol Here omores; i clrcsliinciii s, Anne Kalich- college had become a part ol the mill . Iroin New York •1 c he pad: the bouse In Witness Ihe ' I 'milin 'li il llllf/i •'. I "III .11 II ': ' in ihe iiian, '39; bids. (lei li nil,- Lerner '39; pasl, he- musical talent had its turn spends his I line when not 111 annual pi oei • inn ol I In1 Iresh a n ilutiolis Mildred St i d l e r '39 in being Ihe object ol developiuenl, theatre or on lour, lor he coimmiic; Ha li. nun chill) up anil dott n I he Relations Club Names tale every night, excepi Pl.l Delia . general chairman, Mar- and lo it he devoted a period ol In till aisle, singing in very dubious lon Young, "ill, music, Helen laiwry study in both the cello and voice till e Del ore matinees, taking a Irani iiniin and accord Life is Forman As President \lull and iiulli Lew is. juniors; invltal ion:, lor he lined the cello and had a line Inr twenty-five miles, and driving el \ I 111 |i'l clll ." Al a luiel meeting ol Ihe I n t e r n a Ihe rest ol iIn- way in his own car I Jons Anderson 311; a r r a n g e m e n t s bass-barilone voice. Egged on by the tauiiis .nut iiniial llelalloiis club Tuesday noon, During Ihe day lie relaxes in a • ('milnun </ mi /«i(/r '/ iiiliimn i> Filially Paris begun lo lose its leers nl lippeniass Irieuds tins Ihe following oil leers were elected: cap and overalls, mowing the lawn, novelty, and he longed lor ihe thea"ehuin-giilig ' procession gives president Percy Formal) "ill: vicetre. He had started acting in prep spraying his fruit trees, working on Armistice Holiday Ihe freshmen a chance in show president, be Roy Irvis. "ill. recording school days, when, at ihe age ol the engine ol his car, or perhaps II al Mull and good sportsman Slide college will not be ill session sixteen, he played the part of S h y - trimming ihe hedges. • c r r e l a n . lianiona Van Wle. "ID; When he ship mi Thursday, November 11, Dr. A. H. lock in the "Merchant of Venice." bought tlic farm twenty years ago cui re..ponding secretary, Betty AusIill. 39: ireasurer. Robert Agone, '30. Brubacher, president of the college, He went to England and joined the he tried farming but had to give it Attendance and participation An announcement was m a d e conin the event is compulsory lor .announced this week, inasmuch as Benson Company, in its Shakespear- up, due to his extensive work and cerning the special student memberall Ireshuieii. T h e rest of Ihis I Armistice day is a legal holiday. ean repertoire. For three years he lack of dependable help. Now hay ship in the Foreign Policy associamorning's program will consist On Friday, December 12, Rabbi played with Sir F r a n k Benson's is tiie only crop produced on the tion. Itaniona Van Wie and Percy of special music under the direcBamberger will address the s t u d e n t company, acting in more t h a n seven- farm. He also plays tennis, swims, Forman, seniors, are the represention of Mary Trainor, '40, S t u assembly on the international peace ty major and minor roles of S h a k e s - or plays the cello In his large worktatives of S t a l e college. dent association song leader. peure in English provinces. question. (Gonlinued on page », column 41 Council Presents Walter Hampden Walter Hampden Prefers Music, Singing, and Farming as Hobbies At the Colonic Country Club Friday November 5 9:00 - 2:00 o 'clock Bids $2.50 JOE HAYMES IK >\T.Y BURNS AMERICA'S SWING STYLIST ATTRACTIVE VOCAL SOLOIST The Senior Class WW Welcome You STALK COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS, ALBANY, OPTICIAN!?. Get Your Greyhound Bus Tickets — at the — 198-200 CENTRAL AVENUE Radios, Vies Repaired The Class of 1938 VOL. XXII, No. 7 GOING HOME? Public Address Systems For Rent 1HINNY CROUNSE State College News EMIL J. NAGENGAST Page S T A T E COLLEGE NEWS, N O V E M B E R , 5, 1937 STATE COLLEGE NEWS Established by the Class of 1918 The undergraduate Newspaper of New York State College for Teachers Published every Friday of the college year by the News Board representing the Student Association Telephones: Office, 5-9373;; Wolzok, 2-6752; Smith, 3-1848; Nightingale, 2-4144; Uaylord, 2-4314 Entered as second class matter in the Albany, N. Y. postoffice STATE COLLEGE NEWS, NOVEMBER, 5, 1937 eral aid be invo».<id, that a more accurate Fraternities Plan method be evolved whereby aid be given where ability and financial need demand To Induct Fledges it, and that this aid be a permanent insurance of help during the four years of Kappa Beta to Conduct Dance college. for Pledges in Commons N. Y. A. is most certainly a step in the Well friends (?) here we are again. The Edward Eldred Potter Club spite of numerous reports of right direction. Perhaps, the much talked In lynchings, poisonings, etc. resulting will conduct a formal initiation of federal scholarship is now in order? from ous sub-collossal efforts of last Statesman for one faculty member and nine unweek, we have escaped unscathed dergraduate pledges on Thursday at and are ready to do our worst. National Advertising Service, Inc. Willie be true or will he be a the fraternity house at 203 Ontario Colliit Publishers Hctiresentative street. m(or)an? 4 2 0 MADISON A V E . N E W YORK, N. Y. The pledges to be initiated a r e : CHICAGO • BOSTON • Los ANGELES • SAN FRANCISCO We also hear that last year's John Gordon Rand, '39; John Eckel, Howand Anne are no more. ard Duncan, Frank Kluse, Edward Some of the practice teachers who Tomassion, Darwin Van Keuran, THE NEWS BOARD Techniques of Teacher Self-Placement were holding out for an A will now Stanley Kullman, Edward Bottom, SOPHIB WOLZOK Editor-in-Chief settle for a C minus with a week's Richard Piatt, sophomores; and Dr. DAVID B. SMITH Managing Editor by William A. MacDougall, Ph.D. vacation and sing like a larkCmuch- Robert Frederick, assistant principal ROBERT E. HBRTWIO Associate Managing Editor Holt Printing Company needed). EDGAR B. O'HORA Associate Managing Editor of Milne high school. Grand Forks, North Dakota, 238 pages JBAN STRONG Associate Managing Editor Minsberg seems to be Kappa Kappa Beta fraternity announces The title of the book is self-explanatory. Various MILDRED E. NIGHTINGALE Business Manager Beta's leading socialite (?). that it has pledged 13 men for this CHARLES W. GAYLORD Advertising Manager factors influencing teacher selection are taken up We wonder if Trehanon is a per- semester. They are Herbert Frank^l, VICTORIA A. BILZI Circulation Manager in detail. Personality, health, Intelligence, training, manent transfer from Pen Yan to '38; Irving Smith, Gadlin Bodner, Arnold Ellerin, Louis Greenspan, etc., the commonly thought of factors in job getting Troy. Who is going to the Hop with THE NEWS STAFF are discussed. Seemingly irrelevant topics in the Betty? We'll bet that the loser Herman Kleine, David Kotler, Norman Levy, Hyman Meltz, William William Ryan Men's Sports Editor realm of teacher placement as prejudice, distance to will go with one of the twins. Miller, Daniel Preston, Abe Savitsky, Charles Franklin Assistant Sports Editor school, "pull," and luck are explained. "A candidate Whew it's getting cold in here and Jack Shapiro, freshmen. Betty Clark Women's Sports Editor may have all possible preparations for a job and com- fellows—Shut the door our Queen is Their pledge dance will be conAssociate Editors coming through the window. ducted Wednesday night, November plete investigation concerning it, he may know that We understand that there was Rat 10, from 9:30 to 1:00 in the ComRamona Van Wle Albert Archltzel Joyce Maycock his qualifications are the best among the applicants, (tray) dancing at Cobbleskill's barn Charles Ettlnger Charles Walsh mons. George Stangler, general yet mere chance may determine the election regardless dance last Friday. 'These alums— chairman has secured Lew Rider Assistants to Business Board o'boy). Assistant Business Manager Grace Castlgllone of other factors." and his orchestra for the event. McHugh has her man but she is Assistant Advertising Manager Joan Byron Other committees are: music, HarSection II of the book deals with the application still hunting. Business Staff Rumor has it that EEP and KDR ry Bergstein; decorations, Harold photographs. Mistakes in attire and pose are enumerDoris Parizot, Marcia Brown, Kenneth Haser, Harold Fluster; refreshments, Harold Cahn; ated and then illustrated with many excellently ex- will have their hell week next week. publicity, David Minsberg. Haynes, Robert Cogger, John Newstead Mary (Boy—what fun!!?). Gabriel, Elga Schiavl, Harriet Sprague pressive pictures. Errors commonly found in men's Seeing that we are still all in one Reporters and women's photographs are shown, and these pic- piece we may as well continue Florence Adler, Betty Bunce, Giacinta Capuana, tures are followed by perfect application photographs How did the German Club hike Robert Cogger, Margaret Collins, Virginia Elson, Saul | end in a dance at Sigma Alpha? Greenwald, Eloise Hartmann, Otto J. Howe, Charles which are free from the discussed defects. Can it be that Prankel is interestKelley, Leonard Kowalsky, Hilda Kronovit, Freida The section of the book which will probably be of ed In Grossman—or is it love? Kurkhill, Robert MacKenzie, Thelma Miller, David What did the Gazette say about Minsberg, Bernice Mosbey Arthur Phibbs, Louis Rick- most value to this year's seniors and graduate students Romeo Harper and Ginny Mitchell? Members of the Point System Reis the one on the letter of application. Aptly put are man, Lillian Rivkind, Elga Schiavl, Miriam Shapiro, The big secret of the week. Crist vision Committee for la37-8 were George Stangler, Barbara Van Patten, Sally Young. such "don'ts" as: is going to house dance with whom? announced in last Friday's assembly by Warren Densmore, president of "I am one of the teachers who failed to find a job Nobody knows, but we hear it was student association. William Molon a dare. I dare you to find out. last September." (Ed. Note: Eddybody can find out!) lenkopf, '38, was appointed head of "I am looking for a place where my work will Was it Bleecker club or College the committee. The last thing the NEWS editorial wishes be appreciated." House with Phi Delt Saturday night? Assisting Mollenkopf are the four class presidents; Ruth Hoffman and Is it him or the car Flossie? to be is preachy, but the question if misapDon't mention financial conditions which make Here's our latest associated press Patsy Miranda, seniors; Harry Bergprehended library books comes to the fore It necessary for you to teach. stein, Pearl Sandberg, and Joseph report— again. Stevens did a Wilson shift for the Leese, juniors; Doris Parizot, '40; Other important and interesting sections of the and James Chappell, '41. Last year, the library committee, comR. P. I.-Alfred game. include those concerning employment of teachers For further information ask any The method of gaining informaposed of faculty and student members, or- book in outlying possessions of the United States and in fellows. tion will undoubtedly be the same as ganized a drive for the returning of books Indian schools, teacher placement bureaus and agen- Reg(ular) Don't look now but methlnks Koof last year, according to Molaccidentally taken from the library without cies, employment of teachers in city schools, and the walsky and Pekarsky may be seen that lenkopf. Slips will be distributed to bein^ registered. We are happy to an- ethics of the teaching profession in lob hunting. together at odd times. officers or participants of various Now we will have to Hop to it and activities to obtain duties, hours, and nounce that a fifty per cent improvement • * + * « clean up the dirt for next week. responsibilities of these offices. Lathas been noticed. MAN OF STATE. er this information will be used to When letters of application are a mare vital issue, However, to get at that remaining perdetermine point-ratings of various the NEWS will print more information in regard to centage, the NEWS, in conjunction with the activities. library committee, is conducting a cam- them, offering suggestions and showing "model" letters. Those seniors or graduate students who are interpaign. The set-up of the plan is simple: Every group house has a member whose ested in reading Techniques of Teacher Self PlaceWe predict that all fourteen of the duty it is to see that such library books are ment may borrow the book from the Appointment houses will be full to the doors and returned. A basket will be placed in the Bureau, located in rooms 121A and 121B of Milne High windows with guests and alums — Activities office for this express purpose. school. and we also predict that house (Continued from page l, column 51 dances will be a howling success—if shop-studio In the red barn. ReadNo questions will be asked, as it is assumed some of the dates are any indication ing plays, perfecting production that the person is merely acting in behalf —But to get back to this week's plans, or rehearsing also take up of others. No record is kept by the Library some of his time. news— of what or how much is returned from each Gamma Kap comes through with Music has been a source of comfort two announcements—Dr. and Mrs,and solace to him. His cello goes house — all that need be done is to bring Hicks have accepted the sorority's with him on tour, and is his daily them and say "lost books." invitation to become honorary mem- companion through the summers Let us add a word more about the bers—and the engagement of Eliza- s p e n t on the f a r m . He uses library. The library is not to keep books beth Morris, '37, to George Vunck, a his music, if only for a comedy • Commentstatergraduate of Fort Union Military Ac- scene, using the cello lor a few from circulating. On the contrary, to facilThis morning the freshman class will make its ademy, Virginia. squeaky notes In one scene of itate this, there is a practical system of annual parade around the auditorium of Page hall. "Caponsacchi," and singing the More marriages in the oiling—Psi withdrawal. Abide by this system. It pays. We have been waiting for the occasion with great Gamma announces the marriage of comedy serenade In the balcony gusto, because we remember our own freshman days Edith Estabrooks, '35, to Russell W. scene of Cyano de Bergerac. His friends have tried to persuade him and the moments of mental anguish we had to endure Wilson of Houston, Texas, and the to give a concert, singing to his own nuptials of Peggy Roets, '37, to Wilfor the duration of the procession. But we realize liam Johnson of Syracuse. cello accompaniment, and although Last week's editorial "Abolish N. Y. A." now that the experience was well worth the jibes and More initiations and more recruits he has never yet sung or played the on a personal appearance, he has created such heated discussion through taunts of the otherwise friendly uppcrclassmen, for swell the ranks—-D. O. formally in- cello may possibly do so, il luted Betty Clark and Helen State's corridors, that we feel a clarification we were carrying on one of State's oldest and most Rolckle, sophomores -Eta Phi boostHe lias been awarded decorations popular traditions. of our stand is definitely in order. ed the total membership by two and honors from many universiti- s Last year's procession was the object of a great more members, when Betty Beaulac, and institutions, The honor which We recognize that many college students need aid to get through college; we deal of comment. The freshmen paraded with more '39, and Betty Jones, '40, pledged he prizes above all is presidency of the Players Club, founded by Edwin recognize that the present set up of N. Y. A. lack of respect than In any previous year. The bolster- recently. will make a large week- Booth, which custom has made a has done much to help these students, we ousness of the situation got out of hand to the extent endPhiofDelta it by conducting its Annual life position, so that there have been also recognize; that in some cases jobs have that the president of student association practically Founders' Day tea tomorrow—lncl- only lour presidents—Edwin Booth. dently the D. O.'s also celebrated Joseph Jefferson, John Drew, and been flagrantly accepted where; the finan- had to call out the Slate Militia. their Founders' day with a similar now Hampden. The Alliance Francial need was not entirely pressing, and We don't blame It on the freshmen of last year. tea. The Phi Dells were caise presented him with a silver still we maintain that N, Y. A., as it is now, Naturally they were new to the school and the custom. annual guests on Sunday at the home of medal for service to the cause of should be abolished. Instead, we criticize those upperclassmon who had Mr. and Mrs. Wood, their new fac- French literature and drama in presHowever, we suggest that federal aid previously belittled the tradition to the class of 1U40. ulty_ ,members. entation , , - -- of — Cyrano; -.,.....w, the National to students be reorganized on a more prac- We say that it is the duty of the Juniors and seniors Beforeat we conclude, we'll books take a ' Institute of Social Helen- s. a.iwarded glance the various guest tical basis. The trend of modern educa- to uphold the traditions of the college. If our trad- Murjorlo Kelly, '37, and Peggy him Its gold medal for distinguished tion is to see that finances shall not be a itions are worth having, they are worthy of decent Woodruff, '30, week-ended at Alpha public service in presentation of the classics, and the American Academy Rho, while Psl Gamma's guests In- of Arts and Letters awarded him Its barrier to keep talented students from in- respect and obedience. creasing their worth to society through a To the freshmen we say, make this morning's cluded Jayne Buckley and Jean first gold medal for purity of diction Humphrey, both '3(i, and Jane An- and quality of his speech on the college education, N.Y.A., as it now stands, assembly an opportunity for you to show your sports- drews, '37. stage. From Williams college and is not on permanent enough ground to in- manship, and your ability to take It In the approved That's all for now, and hero's luck Vale university he received the honsure aid for a student throughout his four "frosh manner." It may take a bit ot courage, but on Saturday night, girls—may you orary degree of Master of Arts; remember that we all have done It, and we'll be have a successful evening, and hero's Brown and Syracuse universities years at college. hoping nobody dances on your feet awarded him the degree of Doctor We suggest that a new system of fed laughing with you, not at you instead of the floor! of Letters. •iraigEHTCO FOR NATIONAL AOVIRTIOINO BY Appointment Bureau Densmore Names Point Committee Relieve Your Conscience! Hellenics 'Tradition Was Made to Keep' After N. Y. A, What? Walter Hampden Enjoys Hobbies State Harriers Win Third Straight Meet from Bard 'News' Gives Names Of Couples for Hop Page 3 LEGITIMATE PLAYS PRESENTED in ALBANY and SCHENECTADY FREDERICK CALVIN and BEAUVAIS FOX announce that their noted Broadway Company will henceforth open its weekly Broadway Hits Thursdays, at the ERIE THEATRE, Schenectady | /Continued from page 1, column 51 instructor in English, and Mrs. Purple and Gold Keeps Hardy; Mr. William Wood, instrucRecord of n o Defeats tor in English, and Mrs. Wood; Mr. Paul Bulger, secretary of the ApIntact Playing thru Friday and Saturday mat. & eve. pointment Bureau. Results With Frank Rickman. '40, leading Monday, at the CAPITOL THEATRE, Albany the purple and gold harriers to vic- Faculty patrons and patronesses Playing thru Tuesday and Wednesday mat. & eve. and tory, State clowned the Redskins will be: Dr. A. R. Brubacher, president of the college, and Mrs. Brufrom Bard to the tune of 19-36. // // Review Rickman was closely followed by bacher; Dr. Milton G. Nelson, dean Tony Wilczynski, '39, and Captain of the college, and Mrs. Nelson; Dr. Harold Haynes, '38, who finished in -B.C. William French, instructor In educaKOIH'I-I ShiTwooil'H Pulitzer I'rlze Winner two-three order respectively. Our tennis tournament, unlike MIMI the .New York Theatre GII11<]'H HmiiHli Hit tion, and Mrs. French. This gives the Pedagogues their that of M. A. A„ has reached its Playing in SCHENECTADY: thru Saturday night, A feature for all State college last stage. There remains only the third straight victory over the Bardsters in as many starts and it also women will be the fact that they final play-off between Helen Miller November 6 and Peggy Winn. Here's luck, may keeps the Peds' slate of no defeats will have late leave until 3:00 Playing in ALBANY: Mon., Tues., Wed. mat. & the best girl come out on top andover a two year period clean. o'clock. Description of Race then hang on to her aces until the eve., Nov. 8 thru 1 0 As an added feature of this week's championship play-off next spring. At the start the entire Bard aggreSenior week-end there will be house The Hallowe'en week-end at Camp gation took an early lead over State, Johnston went over in a big way,but, nearing Madison Avenue the dances at sorority houses on Satur// // except for the pineapple. Wonder of purple and gold passed the Reclmen day night. to pace Testi of Bard. Increasing A Scotland Yard Mystery by Kdirar Wallace wonders, it didn't rain! And no one The following is a list of those (iri'iilt'Nl Detective Story Writer HIIMIG Colian Doylo got lost on the new ten (?) -mile in speed, the Redskins forged ahead at ERIE THEATRE, SCHENECTADY; Thurs., Fri., Sat. mat. St to take the lead In the first six persons who have signified their inhike. eve., Nov. 11, 12 & 13. places. At this point a State spec- tentions of attending the Senior Leading the archery tournament tator was heard to groan, "Gosh, at CAPITOL THEATRE, ALBANY: Mon., Tucs., Wed., mat. & are Elda Hayes, Marion Keables, State will never overcome that lead!" Hop: eve., Nov. 15, 16 & 17. Grace Moon, Frances Riani and IsaSeniors and their guests who exHowever, at the halfway mark bel Robinson. Captain Millie Mosler pect to attend the Senior Hop are: TK KIOTS (tux included)—Nights, at 8:110: 5fic, 85c and SI.10 has posted on the A. A. bulletin State was in a winning position and Paul Dittman and Mildred NightWcrincNfluv ami Saturday Matinee, at 3t30i 55u and 85c board a list of those who still lack going up Morton avenue the teach- ingale; Christine Dershimer and Sl'l.l IAI, IMS( ( i l XT TO STATU COI.L.EGU STUDENTS and ...... ers widened tne distance between I'ACl I.TV: Klic BcntN for OBc; S1.10 H«<tH for 850. I'leuso hrlnsr completed credit in archery. Jack Benjamin, Albany; Estelle M. them and the Bardsters. Testl of Identification, One would think that by this time Bard was in the lead by a 150 yard Sommers and Marvin Dwore, Union; that Robinson girl would know which margin over the nearest State man. Thelma Miller and William Forman, side of a horse is the top! But no,Francello, Rickman, Wilczynski and Albany; Joseph Vidmar and Mary she still insists on riding in a more or Haynes now attempted to overtake Brannigan; Margaret Murphy and less up-side-down fashion. This has him. Frenk Meron, Troy; Rose Berkowitz to stop some time, though. She Testi Loses Course and William Sitrin, Utica; Marjorie can't go on falling off indefinitely! Testi, confused and unsure, went Strapp and John Murphy, WaterStart saving your pennies, g a l s - out of the course at Hackett Jr. vliet; Donald Brinton and Mary Hatfield Stresses Set Shots Fall Awards Banquet is coming up High School. This gave the lead to Gabriel, '40; Ramona Van Wie and and Relaxed Shooting in a little over a week. It's going to the teachers, with Rickman in first David Benner, R. M. I.; Earle Cleaves The two fall tournaments, golf and be different, this year, too. There'll place. At this point the purple and and Sophie Wolzok; E l i z a b e t n Monday and Wednesday after- tennis, have been brought to a prebe an outside speaker, some veddy gold had men in the first seven Kelso and Edward Olmstead, Bingschnozzy decorations and LOTS of places giving them n chance to win hamton; Gladys Finster and Joseph noons saw State's varsity basketball mature end through lack of interest. squad being sent out through the fun I by a perfect score. DiMattina, N. Y. U.; Muriel Goldberg first actual practice sessions of ine Several rounds remained to be playCamp Johnston Week-ends: Coach Hatfield Testi, seeing his mistake, retraced and Harold Friedman, Albany Law; current season. There will be about three out of his steps and quickly forged ahead Arlene Simon and Harold Kantor, placed special emphasis on set shots ed when the tennis contest was callevery four, maximum cost, for food to fight doggedly for fourth position Rutland, Vt.; Josephine Maurice and as well as run-in cockups throughout ed off Wednesday by Patsy Miranand transportation, $1.25. Minimum with Russ and Francello. The boys William Zeng, R. P. I.; Marion Kelly the week. da, '38, manager of intramural athnumber of people—five and a lead- fought every inch of the way butand Johnny Rowan, R. P. I.; Mildred letics. In one bracket, the second "The premium on good ball haner. Council wishes Lotta Bunker en- the Redmen with the prospects of Katz and Seymour Berger, N K . C ; dling" were the key words of Hat- round had not been played. One thusiasts to feel that Camp is ready a perfect score against them deter- Ruth Thompson and John Brewster, field's talk to the players Monday for use at any time, so that they may minedly went ahead to beat them Schenectady; Edmund Bromley and afternoon. The fellows were fur- game remained to be played in the golf tournament when it was ended, go whenever it is most convenient out for place. Rose Cawley, Gloversville; Harold ther instructed to relax when shootto them. also on Wednesday. ing and to determine the angle at A Haynes and June E. Arnacher, '40; Delhi Meet Next Committees for week-end of Nowhich the ball will rebound off the Doris Munroe and Harold Marohn, Interest ran rampant but in the A week from to-morrow the hill vember 5, 6, 7: backboard. wrong direction. Rumor has it that General Chairman — Virginia El- and dalers meet the Delhi Aggies Albany. Due to the appearance of the "fast at home in the second rroet of the son, Betty Smith and Robert White, break" on the basketball court this some of the players expect the tourPublicity—M. Baird, A. Dowd, C. season. The team that State is fac- Albany; Barbara Levy and Lester year as a result of the elimination nament to continue on next spring. ing this year is not as formidable as Golden, H. Lasher. Komblith, Jr., M. I. T.; Leonard J. of the center tap, Coach Hatfield John O'Brien has stated that this it was last year. The Delhians have Guests—J. Montfort. lost several lettermen through grad- Quant and Kay spoore, '37; Harold will undoubtedly be forced to build will not be an actuality. In fact, if Transportation—F. Haberer. uation and have not as yet found Reissig and Virginia McDermott, '41; two teams of equal strength for the more interest is not shown In this Food—Hessney, North. Catherine Schmeider and Cecil Mar- coming campaign. Monday afterCleanup—S. Thompson, B. Dower, men to replace them. Last year the ino, '39; Hester Price and John noon, in the first scrimmage session tournament, it will not be carried harriers eked out a 26-29 victory. E. Vail. This year, with a much stronger O'Rourke, R. P. I.; Lucille Zak andsince practice began a month ago, on at all. The outstanding feature of the team, State hopes to win by as much Fred Swinnerton, Amherst; Kath- Mike Walko, Walt Simmons, Will arine Conklin and Edward Trombly, Frament, Tom Roberts and Merrill golf tournament was the number of a perfect score as is possible. Albany; Eleanor Miller and Charles Hurd comprised one quintet, while defaults which could be crowded In. However, it will be a nip and tuck Ainglwood, Albany Law; Henry the other formation consisted of There were three games actually battle for cross-country supremacy Groen and Ruth Hoffman, Duke Hershkowltz, Bill Torrens, played out of the total possible fifbetween the two schools. In running Frank Quattrochi, Larry Balog, and teen marked completed. Edward Reynolds and Helen Will- Bill Barrett. Delhi the harriers will go over a Naturally the fact that there were shorter distance, and they have to lams; Ada Bukowski and George Foot Injuries kept Captain Tommy so many defaults Indicated the fact Sabey; Mary E. Roc and Don Gillget used to this distance. Ryan out of Monday's practice sesDebate Council Celebrates During the past week they have anders, Oregon Univ.; Herbert Drooz sion but Wednesday afternoon he that there was no Interest. Since been running over the 2.8 mile and Florence Zubres; Immaculate was back on the floor displaying a tournaments such as these two can D e c a d e of E x i s t e n c e ; be carried on only with co-operation, Washington Park course. Haynes Pasture and Tom Lovalentl, '39; bit of his old caglness. Names Schedule it is again evident that their posiand Wilczynski have been emphasiz- George Mallinson and Carolyn EdTo date there has been no varsity tion is critical. Patsy Miranda and On November 12, State college will ing a faster pace and a longer stride. wards; Warren I. Densmore and cut, although one Is expected to be John O'Brien, '38, president of M. A, act as host in a debate with Ver- The freshmen, profiling by their Mary Dowling; James Campbell and made in the Immediate future. A., have called repeatedly for Intermont. The topic is: "Resolved that mistakes, have shown a vast im- Stella Sampson; Leslie Knox and Whether the elimination of the est. They are concerned w i t h one-house legislature is better than provement in practice and are ex- Virginia Furey, '39. center tap will have an effect on the Oilier students and their guests number of men kept on the varsity handling this program as the men the present bicameral system." The pected to do much better against desire it. They can base their deciwill be: Janet Thomas, '40; and roster is not known at present. State college team, composed of Delhi, sions only upon the interest shown. James Qulmby, Hamilton College; The Washington Park course gives William Bradt. John Edge, and In their practice periods this week If the men of Stale are desirous of Leonard Frledltmder, will uphold the cross-country enthusiasts a birds- Mildred Shultes, '36 and John Wit- a bunch of rollicking freshmen retaining certain features of their beck, R. P. I.; Stanley G. Kullman, eye-view of the whole nice as it goes affirmative. busied themselves in tne gym mak- program, they must show that they The tentative schedule for Novem- twice around Ihe lake and once '40 and Eloise Hurlman, '40; Gordon ing basketballs bounce all over the want Ihe things which they have dearound the tennis courts to finish on Tabner, '39 and Helen Lowry, '39; floor In an effort to put them clared themselves willing to support, ber and December is: Sullivan, '40 and John Edge, through the seemingly elusive hoop. November 12 Stale vs, Vermont the straightaway on Englewood Rita '39; Arthur Phibbs, '4J and Carol With the first cut of the season over, Place. at Slate. Home lime during the coming 1 Kniffen, '41; Karl Ebers, '36 and Walko and Amyot have settled their Novembel It) State vs Skldmorc week I he boys will run again in com- Jean Strong, '89; Edgar O'Hora, '39 charges down to stiff workouts in an at Stale. and Francis Field, '40; William Mc- effort to formulate the nucleus of State vs. Hamilton petition with each other to see who jcracken, December (i '40 and Joyce Chapman, the frosh team. will make up the first team. The away. '40; Erwin Sltllg, '35 and Frances time trial will also show how well December 13 State vs. Hard the boys can do tills short course. Canudoy, '39; June Palmer, '39 away. {Continued fiom pane I, column II and Alonzo Dumont, '37; Ginna Secretary Announces Summary Statu college has made arrangeIt is expected that floor leaders Wegener, '39 and Jack Blendell, State 24:55 1 Rickman ments wilh the Albany branch of the for the various districts, publicity Quarterly Publication Albany; Harriet Green, '39 and RayStale 25:24 2 Wilczynski Young Min's Christian Association mond Stack, Niagara Falls; Mildred The fall issue of the New York leaders, and committee members will Stale 25:26 3 Haynes for a series of six programs. Two Rogers, '36 and Harold Vvorth. Slate College Alumni Quarterly has be appointed by Speaker Frledlander Bard 25:32 •1. Testi speakers from Slate college will Albany; Ruth Hills, Mt. Holyoke, been published this week, according in a few days. Bard 25:43 5, Carrole speak at each program. These have and Robert Johnston, R. P. I.; Ruth to Mrs, Bertha E. Brimmer, secreThe first hearing on the resolution State 2(1:17 Itus.s ti been scheduled for January 10, 17, Lewis, '39 and Dean Carpenter, tary of the Alumni association. supporting the establishment of a State 26:21 7 Francello 31; February 7, 21, and 28. Morris; William frving and Dorothy Mrs. Eunice R. Messent, '22, In-Uni-nuneral legislature In New York Bard 26:26 It He.sta The Debate council Is also arrangWhyte, '36; John Meyer and Virginia structor In English, is editor of the State will be held by the hearing Bard 26:37 I). Dalton ing programs with the Kiwimis, Hall, '39; Gordon Peattlo, '40 and publication and Alfred Trehanon, committee on this subject, WednesBard 27:03 Monarch, Women's, Lions, and Ro- 10, Peters Bernice Lumberton, '39; Dorothy '38, Is undergraduate editor. State 27:28 day, November 11. The committee, 11. Mauley tary clubs and the Y. W. C A, These Grahame, '37 and Samuel Brush; State 27:31 This issue is dedicated to Mrs. leaded by Sally Whelan, '38, is 12. Snover will be luncheon a f f a i r s with Marjorie Dorrlainm, '39 and Clif- Letitia Caldwell Coniell, '81, who died assisted by Antoinette Mont, "38; State 28:23 13. Szuwlowski speeches and floor discussions. ford Sllhworth, Walden; Henry Tay- October 9, five days after celebrating Mike Walko, Fred Bowman, Dorothy Bard 28:58 14. Haberman This year tin; Debate council oblor, Watervllet, and Florence Gebe, her 102nd birthday. Among the McLean, and Charles Walsh, juniors; Bard 28:59 15, Burnett serves its tenth anniversary. Dr. '40; Charles Kelly, '39 and Marlon many articles is one by Miss Martha Barn 29:10 16, Roy Harold W. Thompson, professor of Rlenljes, '39; Helen McGowan, '37 C. Pritchard, professor of librarian- Lloyd Kelly, Fred Weed and Jane State 29:14 Wilson, sophomores; and Betty 17. Kilmer English, sponsored debating at State and Fred Stunt, '37. State 29:41 ship. Kennedy, '41. college first In 192(1 lit. Chun Fall Season IDIOTS DELIGHT CRIMINAL AT LARGE Basketball Varsity Continues Practice Men's Contests End Incomplete State to Debate Vermont Friday Student Assembly To Discuss Policies S T A T E COLLEGE N E W S . NOVEMBER, 5, 1937 Page 4 Newman to Hear "Flying Priest" Sororities Appoint Y.lrV.C. A. To Conduct Dance Committees Discussion on Crime AFTER THE HOP Drop In At MADISON SWEET SHOP (Continued from paye 1, column 31 Betty Allen, and Jayne Walrath, junIce Cream Sandwiches iors, and Marie Katzmaier, '38; reNewman club will sponsor a lecThe Y. W. C. A. announces its freshments, Mary Buiiingame, '38, ture by Rev. Paul Shulte, known as plans and activities for the coming Lillian Hines and Bernice Lamberton, juniors; clean-up, Marie Metz, "The Plying Priest," Wednesday, No- season. EMIL J. NAGENGAST vember 10, at 8:15 o'clock in Page On Tuesday, November 16, a panel '40, and house committee. Alpha Rho: general chairman, hall. discussion on the crime situation FLORIST The lecture will be supplemented in New York State, will be conduct- Florence Scheiderich, '38; invita"Buy Where the Flowers Grow" by Rev. Shulte's latest sound pictures ed in the Lounge. Frederick Moran tions, Mildred Bodin, '38; refreshBonded Member of F.T.D.A. entitled "The Plying Cross in the of the parole district of New York , ments, Isabelle Ramel, '40; decorArctic." General admission is one State Capitol, and Edward Mul- 'ations, Hope Sweet, '39; music, Kay Dial 2-3318 Ontario at Benson St. dollar, while student tickets are fifty rooney, former Police commissioner O'Brien, '39; floor, Jean Shaver, '38. Sigma Alpha: general chairman, of New York city, will lead the discents. Harriet Papemaier, '38; refreshThe ticket committee includes cussion. On Monday night, November 22, ments, Ruth Hoffman and Mary Patsy Miranda and Tom Ryan, seniors; Rita Pomeroy and Larry Strat- Y. W. C. A. will sponsor a Polk Brannigan, seniors; music, Peggy Get Your Greyhound Bus Tickets ner, juniors; Rita Sullivan, '40, and Festival in recognition of member- Winn, '38; programs, Ruth Kerley ship in the World Student Christian and Rose Ritter. juniors; chaperones, Helen Powers, '41. — at Hie — Federation. There will be special Dorothy Huntington, '39 and Bardemonstrations in costume of folk bara Van Patten, '40; clean-up. Doris dances of different countries, follow- Brooks, Louise Smith, and Helen 7 No. Lake Ave. One Block West ed by other folk dances for general Gregory, sophomores. participation. Eloise Hartman, '40, Phi Lambda: orchestra. Gertrude constitutes the committee for this Tryon, '38, and Mabel Parrel, '39; | refreshments. Martha Scheid and Dr. A. R. Brubacher, president of event. Geo. D. Jeoncy, Prop State College will be represented Kathryn Carlson, seniors; clean-up, State College, has announced the first four per cent of Signum Laudis, at the conference of the Student Bernice Freymeyer, Beulah Gifford, senior scholastic society, for the Christian Movement to be held this and Betty Hardie, sophomores. coming year. This society, which week-end, November 5th to 7th at consists of the highest ten per cent Cutler Union, University of Roch- [and Marie Southard, freshmen; and of the senior class, will'announce the ester, Rochester. New York. Those Miss Helen Curtis, State college secremaining six per cent in the spring. representatives are: Jean Edg- retary for the Student Christian William Mollenkopf, with the high- cumbe, '38, president of Y. W. C. A.; Movement. Dr. Laurens H. Sulye, president of est average in the senior class, be- Marion Rockefeller, '39; Mary Jane MacNamara, '40; and Carolyn Emery St. Lawrence University, Mr. Prank comes president of the society. | W. Price of Nanking, and Mr. Paul The remaining members of SigHarris, secretary of the National num Laudis are: A. Joseph Natoli, The new members will be initiated council lor prevention of war, arc a at a dinner at the Candlelight Inn : Elizabeth Christen, Herbert Drooz, few of the prominent speakers. Mr. 198-200 CKNTRAL AVENUE Margaret Takacs, Dorothy Clapp, on November 13, at which Dr. Bru- Harris is being brought to State Harold Reissig, Cecelia Sullivan, Ida I bacher and possibly Dr. Harold college b.v Y. W. as a speaker later MacDougall, Ruth Thompson, Wil- I Thompson, professor of English. I in the year. , will speak. liam Bradt, and Helen Callenius. Mulrooncy, Former Police Head, And Moran Will Lecture Public Address Systems | For Rent H1NNY CRODNSE Radios, Vies R e p a i r e d VOL. escriptiofi OPTICIANS. GOING HOME? Mollenkopf Heads Scholastic Society COLLEGE PHARMACY Boulevard and State College News FREDETTE'* 65 Columbia J/- pdcvrotiwekad COMPLETE OPTICAL StRVKt Dial 5-1913 Cafeteria Grill ALBANY, N. Y. Chesterfields give everybody more pleasure Take out a pack and it draws 'em like a magnet. . . right away smokers crowd around for that refreshing MILDNESS and BETTER TASTE XX11, No. 8 Y.W.C.A.toHave Panel Discussion Concerning Crime Cupyfiglil 1937, l.ieocTT & M Y M S TOBACCO CO. Struggle Of Century— Swing Versus Poetry N. Y., NOVEMBER 12, 1937 I Rabbi Bamberger Will Be Speaker At 11:10 Today $2.00 P E R YEAR, 32 W E E K L Y ISSUES. CLASS PRESIDENT Sophomore Class Will Have Party In Ingle Room How much culture have you or do you want? Or do you? Well, we have a question to test your cultural quotient (C. Q„ according to Pressey). The question is "What are you doing next Wednesday evening?" No, my little peach fuzz, I'm not asking Commissioner Mulrooney Students Will Hear Lecture you for a social encounter, but Program to Include Dancing, rather I'm trying to find out To Address Students; On Current Problems about your appreciation of finer Games, Refreshments; H a g a m a n to Speak things. In World Today Admission Free If you're going to be home Young Women's Christian Assostudying—well, maybe you rate Rabbi Bamberger will be the guest The sophomore class will innovate ciation will conduct a panel discusnormal. However, if you wish to speaker today in Student assembly, sion on crime at a meeting, Thurs- j be rated in the upper ten you'll a class get together in the Ingle according to Warren Densmore, '38, day, November 18 at 3:30 o'clock in be listening to Robert Frost, one room of the Alumni Residence president. His topic will be "Labor room 200 of Draper hall, according of America's greatest modern halls tonight from 8:00 to 11:30 in World Peace." Rabbi Bamberger to Jean Edgcumbe, '38, president. poets, who is appearing at Chanlias been active in international and o'clock according to Lloyd Kelly, The topic for the entire panel will cellor's hall on the above date. governmental affairs for many years. be "How Serious Is the Crime i n ' president of the class. However if you're just a jam He has had a great deal of experNew York State?" mad, moronically inclined perThe program of the evening will ience in promoting the cause of sonality you'll be over to the Among the speakers will be Edfeature entertainment by the Big labor in America. Fireman's ball at Troy listening ward Mulrooney, former police com-1 Apple dancers of the yellowltes. to the swingy syncopations of mis.sioner of New York City, now Rabbi Bamberger took a four year Dancing, games and refreshments Russ Morgan and his orchestra. head of the State Department of pre-thcological course at Johns Hopwill complete the evening's activities. So, what do you rate in this Correction; Frederick Hagaman, a kins and graduated in three years Lloyd Kelly, '40, president of the party is intended primarily member of the Federal Bureau of j test, we wonder? But we'll be with highest honors as valedictorian sophomore class which Is conducting forThis the purpose of reacquainting the Investigation; and Mr. Hebling from I seeing you poetically swinging. of his class. Next, he attended the a class get together tonight in the sophomores and arousing class spirit. the Coxsackie Industrial school, Hebrew Union college in Cincinnati Ingle room of the Alumni Residence There will be no charge for the got Cox.sacklc, N. Y. | and there covered the regular five halls. together. Mr. Mulrooney, who will lead the year course in three years. Joseph Cappiello has been apdiscussion and consider the subject At the time of his ordination, he pointed general chairman for the from the viewpoint of the causes was the youngest Rabbi in the world event. Committees who will assist of crime, has been commissioner of and remained so for two years. He Mr. Cappiello are: arrangements, the Department of Correction of the I is the officiating Rabbi at Temple John Newstead, chairman; refreshState of New York since February, Beth Emeth in Albany ments, Miriam Shapiro, chairman; 1936. He began his career as a Will Explain Aims of Council; L. F r i e d l a n d e r Appoints entertainment, Marie O ' M e a r a, He lias been a Rabbi in this city patrolman on the police force of Goldberg to be Chairman chairman; chaperones and guests, for nine years and during tills time Committees' Members New York City in 1896 and advanced ! Marion Kingsley, chairman. has been very active in community by promotion until he became police District L e a d e r s | The State College Music council affairs both here and in New York commissioner in 1932. He held that • will conduct a tea on November 18 The class will vote Tuesday to elect position until 1936 when he accepted After Speaker Leonard Friedland- city. Rabbi Bamberger Is an active from 3:30 to 5:00 o'clock in the a vicepresident and an M. A. A. remember of the Inter-racial council his present position. presentative. er, '39, of the State College Constiof this city and has spoken to many Lounge of Richardson hall, accordDue to the election of Rita SulliHe is also chairman of the New tutional Assembly announced that gentile and Jewish congregations re- ing to the announcement made by van as secretary of the Student assoYork State Alcoholic Beverage Con- there would be hearings between the garding economic conditions. Last i Muriel Goldberg, '38, president. regular bi-weekly meetings, commitThe tea will be for freshmen try- ciation, the office of vice-president trol Board. Mr. Mulrooney should be year he was awarded a $500 essay able to present some very interesting tees were appointed to carry on the prize from competition throughout outs for the council. The main pur- was vacated. The nominees are: sidelights because of his long asso- research and hearings on the six the United States. During his ten- pose of the tea is to acquaint the Ladislau Balog, Joseph Cappiello, ciation with organizations combat- resolutions introduced by the stu- ure here, lie has helped in the re- council members with the freshmen, Frances Field, Leonaid Kowalsky, dents. and to inform the freshmen who arc Lillian Rivkind, Doris Shultes, Waling crime. The committee which held the building of the Trinity, Dutch ReThe discussion will be augmented first of the proposed series of public formed and Lutheran churches trying out just what the council ter Simmons, Robert Stevens and Jane Wilson. b.v contributions from Mr. Hagaman hearings was the uni-camcral legis- which had burned since his appoint- stands for. Muriel Goldberg, '38, will be genBecause of the illness of James who will talk on rural crime, and Mr. lature group headed by Sally Whelan ment to Albany. eral chairman of the tea. The com- Quinn and his subsequent absence Hebling who will present new ideas ; '38. He is a member of the Board of mittees who will assist Miss Goldberg on reform. Considering the resolution favor- Central Conference of Rabbis which are: arrangements, Dorothy Cain, from school, another M. A. A. repThis meeting undoubtedly will be ing the use of motor vehicle revenues is one of the most influential coun- '38. and Betty Baker, '39; publicity, resentative must be chosen. Those of genuine interest to all those who for highway purposes only, are Vir- cils of its kind in the United States. Margaret Maftison, '39; invitations, nominated for this position are: attend. The college men arc espec- ginia Hall, '39, chairman; Sally! Following tlie address by Rabbi Alice Brown, '40, and Lillian Rivkind. Frank Augustine, Ladislau Balog, Walter Harper, Homer Leggett, and ially invited to come and participate; Logan and Abe Wasserman, seniors; Bamberger, Warren I. Densmore, '38, '40. Arthur Seld. in the discussion. Elizabeth Lockwood and Julius j association president, will call for The committee has planned a proHershkowitz, juniors; Harry Karch- ! general announcements before ad-j gram of entertainment for the freshmer, Mary Arndt and Robert Martin, Mourning the meeting. men. sophomores; and Adele Ronan, Jack Mesek and Robert Hertel, freshmen. Holding hearings on the resolution regarding the protection of people against irresponsible labor groups are Betty Hayford, '39, chairman; William Bradt,Florence &ubres, Jean Joyce Mnycock, '39, who will serve Tonight. State College's national I Novak, and Edward Reynolds, senas chairman of the Lounge commithonorary educational Fraternity, iors; Jeanne Chrisler, Caroline Mat-1 tee for the coining year, lias anKappa Phi Kappa, Chi Chapter, will tice, Betty Austin, and Larry Stral.fThe letter printed here was read and explained to Myskania by Dr. nounced her assistants, plans for conduct its annual fall banquet at ner, juniors; Marcia Brown, Betty A. R. Brubacher, president of the college. Myskania asks the student teas and rules for the use of the Wellington hotel on State street. Denmark, and Kenneth Haser, sophbody to peruse its contents and cooperate with Myskania in making Lounge. Dr. Risley, profe.ssor of the History omores; and Frank Fillipone, '41. the answer an intelligent and helpful aid for faculty consideration department, will be the guest speakThe Lounge of Richardson hall Ramona VanWie, '38, heads the' of student, opinion. The letter follows: er. will be open every day from 10:00 uncommittee on peace, aided by Char- Myskania, til 4:30 o'clock. There will be someFormal initiation was held last lotte Fox. Marion Dayton, Victoria State College has been operating a five-year curri- one always present to supervise, and Tuesday in the Lounge of Richard- Bil/.i, William Hopkc, and Regina son hall for the following new mem- Murphy, juniors; Dave Minsberg, culum since li)14, the fifth year being on the graduate Hie rule, allow no smoking, eating or dancing. bers: Paul Dittman Lon Helmer, Sally Young, Esther Lane, and Edgar level from the start. and John Stromei, seniors; George Perretz, sophomores. The first lea will be November New regulations in certification and licensing of teach- 17, and will be in honor of Amyot, James Spence, William Ryan, Announcement of the temporary Joseph Wells, Thomas Lovalenti, floor leaders for the fifty-one sen- ers demand curriculum readjustments and consequently Good Book week and Is sponsored by Michael Walko. Carol Lehman,, atorial districts has been made by six different faculty committees are now at work on spec- the library school. Charles Franklin. William Torrens, Speaker Friedlander. Prances Wolak, '38. who is presiific assignments of curriculum problems. Ed more Melanson, and Charles Kelly ' dent of library school, will be chairThe leaders with their respective 1 believe it will be profitable to know the students' mind juniors. districts are as follows: District 1. on some of the problems that confront us. As the liaison man of this tea and she will be assisted by June Palmer, '3D. The principal highlights of the Delia Dolan, "39; District 4, Arthur evening will be the presentation to Held, '40; District 24, Doris'Parizot, group between the student body and faculty, Myskania Other groups sponsoring teas durDr. Risley of an honorary key. Dr. '41); Districts 25-26, Betty Hayford, seems peculiarly qualified to formulate student opinion. t.he year will be the Women's AthRisley, a graduate of Colgate Uni- '39; District 27, William Torrens, '39; I therefore invite you to explore that opinion ami to report letic Association, Young Women's versity, superbly exemplified during District 28, Marion Rockefeller, '39; Christian Association and other his college years just what an all- District 30, Christine Ades, '39; Dls- your findings to me not later than April 15, (Easter recess) campus groups. Plans are already uround athlete should be. He Is well irist 31, Marion Minsl, '39; District underway for a Christmas tea, acknown throughout Eastern and Cen- 32, Albeit Arehilzel. '39; District 33, Your assignment; Desirable Curriculum Changes and cording to Miss Maycock. tral collegiate football circles as an Harriet Hprague, '40; District 34, The assistants to Miss Maycock authority on this national pastime. Bernard Qaffn, v, '39; District 35, .lildilians. are: reception, Florence Nelbach, '38, Suggestive questions: During Hie years in which Dr. Risley Margaret Fehlner, '39; District 36, and Roger Moran, '40; publicity, has served us head of the History Robert, Agone, '39; District 37, Dee (a) Is the present curriculum sufficiently realistic? Marlon Forman, ".'0; departmental department, he has been Instrumen- Jesse. '39; District. 40, Joseph Mug(b) Is the College curriculum, as you have experienced work, Joan Byron, '39; kitchen, Lois tal In initiating many new and ex- gletou, '39; District 41, Kalherine tremely liberal educational ideas. Adams, '39; District 42, Edgar B. it, an adequate instrument for the self-education of State Game, '40; serving. Helen Biforella, '39; decorations, Janet Montfort, '40; His presence has given Inspiration 0'Hora,'39; District 43, Roger Moran, College undergraduates? William Torrens and to new as well as old members of '40; Districts 45-46, Thomas Loval(e) Are the liberal or cultural offerings sufficiently entertainment, Ruth Lewis, juniors; clean-up, Berhis division. enti, '39; District 47, Arthur Damper, broad and thorough ? nard Oaffney, '39; facu.ty, Eloise Members of I lie faculty who are '39; District 48, 49, 50, Stanley (d) What points of strength and what defects in the Hartman, '40. Smith, '41; and District 51, Ramona members of Kappa Phi Kappa are: professional program are revealed by your experiences The faculty advisors for the comDr. Brubacher, Dr. Nelson, Dr. Van Wiu, '38. mittee are Miss Helen H, Moreland, in practice teaching? Sayles, Dr. Fredericks, Dr. Hicks, Speaker Friedlander announces dean of women, Mrs. Anna Barsam, Your cooperation in this study is earnestly desired, Dr. Belk, Dr. Smith, Dr. French, Dr. that the next session will be conassistant instructor in home ecoD. V. Smith, Mr. Hidley, Mr. Bulger,! ducted Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 A. R, Brubacher, nomics, and Miss Laura P. Thompo'clock. ami Mr. Klncella. President son, manager of college cafeteria. Speaker Names Assembly Heads Kappa Phi Kappa To Have Banquet fa a lap ofsmokers turning to em every day STATE COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS, AI.HANV, Council to Conduct Tea for Freshman A Five Year Curriculum Maycock Will Be Lounge Chairman