*G STATE COLLEGE NEWS, OCTOBER 15, 1937 ?e4 German Club Conducts Reception To Members The German Club of State college will conduct its annual reception for members of the club tonight at 8:00 p. m. in the Lounge of Richardson hall, under the direction of Carl Schoeffler, '39, president of the club. This club, whose membership is open to all students interested in Germany or of German descent, is for the promotion of an appreciation of German people, art, manners, customs, government and history. This reception tonight begins the year's activities along this line. A peppy German band, which is an innovation this year, singing, games, and refreshments will be the important features of the program. Society Will Present Operetta This Spring The State College Operatic society under the direction of Dr. T. Frederick H. Candlyn, assistant professor of music, will present The Sorcerer, a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta some time in April. This year's class is exceptionally TO SELECT EDITORS All those Sophomore reporters who are interested in advancement to the State College News board should work two nights per week in the News office. From four to six of these Sophomores, those who have shown interest and ability in the journalistic field, will be promoted to the position of Sophomore Dest Editor. From these desk editors will be selected all future editorial board members. CLUB ELECTS NEW OFFICERS The following officers for the year 1937-38 were elected at a recent meeting of the Library club: Frances Wolak, '38, president; June Palmer, '39, vice-president; and Louise Tyrell, graduate student, secretary and treasurer. The new officers have planned a series of teas and parties for the coming year. o'clock. All members will relarge, advertisements for men havCOMMERCE CLUB TO 4:35 ceive membership cards and the proing brought a deluge of the mascuMEET gram for the year will be outlined line population of State college. The Commerce club will conduct its and discussed. All commerce stuAll those interested in joining, first business meeting of the year on dents are eligible for membership especially tenors, please report to Wednesday, October 20, room 206 at and are urged to attend. the auditorium of Page hall on WedSchenectady's Legitimate Theatre nesday at 4:30 o'clock. • Flays Changed Every Monday • _ __ _ ONLY STOCK COMPANY IN EAST FREDERICK CALVIN and BEAUVAIS FOX, Mgrs., Present ERIE EMPIRE PLAYERS ^S^rin LAST TIME TONIGHT and TOMORROW * £ £ , uo , •Mill.ii-it. A fjyn'iiui'. • W • With Members of N e w York & London Casts State College Stationery wtton OPTICIANS. FREDETTE'* WITH SEAL O J Sheets OQr « T Envelopes i W » COLLEGE PHARMACY Opp. High School b&QAwibiaS&fdooroio* had (OMPt£Tfc OPTICAL 5fcP.VIC€ Geo, D. Jeoney, Prop Dial 5-1913 Boulevard and 198-200 CENTRAL AVENUE The Nation's Funniest Comedy PHONE RESERVATIONS TO SCHENECTADY Cafeteria Grill ALBANY, N. Y. 6-2323 Nights and Saturday Matinee: Bal. 55c and 85c; Orch. $1.10; Wed. Matinee: Bal. 55c; Orch. 85c. Tax included. PLAYING NEXT WEEK: Oct. 18 Thru 23 "PETTYCOAT F E V E R " M a A , k c S yby "As Gay as a Lark and Twice as Flighty" VOL, XXII, No. 5 Assembly Today Starts Rivalry Among Classes Senior Class Will Debate Sophomores in Rivalry for F i n a l C o n t e s t Today's assembly is to feature the first inter-class debate of the new college year. The sophomores will debate the senior class on the subject: "Resolved that inter-class rivalry be abolished." Chairman for the debate will be William Bradt, '38, president of Debate council and director of intramural debate. Members of the class of '40 who will uphold the negative are: Rita Sullivan, Jane Wilson and Lloyd Kelly. Edgar Perretz is manager of the team. For the senior class Sally Whelan, Leslie Knox and LeRoy Irvis will uphold th^ affirmative. The manager for the class of '38 Is Lizette Parshall. First and second speakers for each side will have five minutes eacn In which to present their arguments. After a five minute intermission the rebuttal speakers will each be given six minutes for their concluding speeches. This is the first in a series of intramural debates. The winner of this debate is to meet the winner of the junior-freshman contest for possession of the intramural debate cup which Is held at present by the junior class. Judges will be Miss Helen M. Phillips and Mr. William E. Wood, Instructors In English and Dr. William S. Salisbury, instructor in government. The remainder of the assembly will be devoted to a revote on Student association secretary and announcements. The following candidates survived last week's voting: Joseph Cappiello, Roswell Falrbank and Rita Sullivan. An intensive drive for the early payments of dues has been started by the treasurers of the upper classes. Last Friday the senior class voted a fifty cent tax on each member for this year. Edward Reynolds lias announced that collections will begin immediately. The Junior class has voted a Lax of $1.50 for the current year. Gordon Tabner, treasurer of the Junior class has announced that Room X will be open all day Monday and Tuesday for the collection of the class of 1939's dues. The Sophomore class has voted a tax of $2.00 per student for the year. Roswell Falrbank, treasurer of the sophomore class has announced that Room X will be open Wednesday for the collection of class dues. Every student of State College must pay his class dues or he will not be recommended for a teaching position In his .senior year. STATE COLLKGE FOR TEACHERS, ALBANY, N. Y., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1937 $2.00 PER YEAR, Cupyrighl \W. IIUOKTT & MYgSS ToiiACCQ C o . MORE PLEASURE Robert MacUregor, u graduate of last year, obtained a teaching position in Aruba, an island in the Dutch West Indies. Ho is employed by the Standard Oil Company, which maintains a school on the island for the children of its employees. Recently, Mr. MacGregor wrote a letter from Aruba which is Interesting and educational. Ports of is are reproduced below. "I suppose that you would be interested to know about this fair gem in the middle of the Caribbean Sea. I set sail from Bayonnc, New Jersey, on August 20 on the S. S. Esso Aruba, a large tanker belonging to SOCONJ, and arrived in Aruba on the morning of September 2. The Aruba has accommodations for about twelvo passengers and a crew of twenty-five. We had five meals a day and refreshments served by the captain in his cabin twice a day (liquid). 32 WEEKLY ISSUES. Crowning of Queen, Sport s Program, and Stunts Will be Highligh of Campus Day Activities Ryan and Dershimer Manage Tomorrow's Athletics On Front Campus Five N ominees For Campus Q u e e n CORONATION AT 7:30 Evening Program Features Class Skits, Dancing As Entertainment N o m i n e e s f o r C a m p u s Q u e e n . S e a t e d , f r o m left t o r i g h t , a r e M u r i e l G o l d b e r g a n d L u c i l l e Z a k . S t a n d i n g , left to r i g h t , a r c J a n e t D i b b l e , D o r o t h y C a i n , a n d A n n a Olsson. State Graduate in West Indies Tells Interesting Experiences ... they'll giveyou 'c S t a t e College NeWs Classes Start Drives For Dues' Collection Chesterfield ffn "When I sighted Aruba for the first time I thought that I might be having nightmares but then I found that there were two sides to the island, which was very encouraging. The side that I saw consisted of about eleven miles Of barren rock with a couple of high extinct volcanoes in the middle (high—about f>00 i'oet.i In about an hour we got around to the other side of the island on which the refinery is located. Aruba has a beautiful harbor with two channels cut in the reef and is one of the first five seaports in the world for tonnage shipped out per year. The refinery itself is the largest In the world next to Bayway, New Jersey. The whole end of the island consists of smoke stack, reducing, cross, low and high pressure stills, and the beginning of the construction of a new sixteen-million (Continued on page ^ column f>) Interest Huns Ham punt Over Queen's Identity When Rita Kane, comely queen of the 1935 Campus day, holds that jeweled crown over the head of one of our senior candidates tomorrow, will It be Dottie, Janet, Muriel, Anna or LuV There's your vital question for the week, if you want one. The answer---well, we don't know, but we can guarantee that you'll find out tomorrow night at 7:30. We have had blonde queens, brunette queens, auburn-haired queens, tall queens, short queens —In fact, nearly all types, That's one reason why precedent Is almost nil as far as speculation goes. The candidates are Dorothy Cain, Janet Dibble, Muriel Goldberg, Anna Olsson, und Lucille Zak—the odds, well there aren't any. What's your guess? Faculty to Attend Education Meetings lli'llbucher, Nelson, and Suyles To Go to Conferences Members of the State College administration will attend three educators' meetings during the coming week. Tomorrow, Dr. Mllto l G. Nelson, dean of the college, will speak at a Central School principals' conference at Syracuse. On Monday, Dr. John M. Sayles, principal of Milne high school, and Mr. Paul Bulger, secretary of the Appointment bureau will attend a conference of the Associated School Boards at Syracuse. Dr. A. R. Brubacher, president of the college, and Dr, Milton G. Nelson, will attend the meetings of the Association of Colleges and Universities of New York State on Tuesday in the College of the City of New York. The sixteenth Campus Queen of State college will be crowned tomorrow night, at 7:30 o'clock in the auditorium of Page hall, climaxing the gala events of Campus day. Beginning at 2:00 o'clock, the afternoon program will feature athletic events for both men and women on the campus in front of Page hall, The coronation of the queen, stunts given by each of the classes, and dancing in the gymnasium of Page hall from 9:30 to 11:30 o'clock, will constitute the evening's program, The sports events of the afternoon will begin with the seven inning Softball game between the seniors and the faculty. Dr. J, Allan Hicks, professor of guidance, and Dr. Ralph G. Clausen, assistant professor of science, will lead the faculty, and Thomas Ryan, '38, will lead the upperclassmen. The women's hockey game, directed by Dorothy MacLean, and consisting of the seniors and sophomores against the juniors and freshmen, will begin at 2:45 o'clock. The girls' athletic events, consisting of the three-legged relay race, sack race, obstacle race, and the ball relay, will be conducted at 3:30 o'clock, and will be directed by Virginia Mitchell, '40, and Mary Miller, '41. The winner of these events will be awarded two points in rivalry. The men's pushball contest, under the direction of Joseph Cappiello, '40, and John Yatsenik, '41, will start at 4:00 o'clock, and will consist of two periods of five and four minutes respectively. Two rivalry points will also be given to the class winning this event. Judges for the women's sports will be: Thelma Miller, and Jean Edgcumbe, seniors, members of Myskanla. Judges for the men's sports will be: Thomas Ryan, John O'Brien, and Patsy Miranda, seniors, and Lawrence Strattner and William Ryan, juniors. Christine Dershimer, '38, will supervise the women's activities In the sports program, and Thomas Ryan, '38, the men's. Rita Kane, who reigned over the Campus Day activities in 1935, will crown the queen, who will be chosen from the following: Dorothy Cain, Janet Dibble, Muriel Goldberg, Anna Olsson, and Lucille Zak. The candidate who received the highest number of the ballots cast in assembly last week will be queen. The second and third highest will be attendants of the queen. The rest of the queen's court will be composed of two attendants chosen from the women of each of the three remaining classes, and a page. (Continued on paffe 2, column .it Novak Announces Change In Magazine's Policies Jean Novak, editor-in-chief of the Echo has announced the new policy of the college literary magazine for this year. Tho quarterly will feature a section for freshmen contributions. The old policy of extreme seriousness will be altered and a spirit of lavity will replace it. A new feature of the magazine will bo an expression of the opinions of student leaders of the school on various current questions of college interest. TO SELECT EDITORS The STATU COLLBQU NKWS announces that sophomore desk editors will be announced in the NKWS on November 19. Page 2 STATE COLLEGE NEWS Established by the Class of 1918 The undergraduate Newspaper of New York State College for Teachers Published every Friday of the college year by the News Board representing the Student Association Telephones: Office, 5-9373;; Wolzok, 2-6752; Smith, 3-1814; Nightingale, 2-4144; Gaylord, 2-4314 Entered as second class matter in the Albany, N. Y. postoffice R C P R I H N T I D FOR NATIONAL ADVIRTIBPNO I V National AdvertisingService, Inc. Colltit PuUhhers >>ttrtunlallv§ 4 2 0 MADISON AVE. N E W YORK. N. Y. CHICAOO • BOJTOPI • LOS AROILC8 - SAR FRANCISCO THE NEWS BOARD SOPHIE WOLZOK DAVID B. SMITH ROBERT E. HERTWIO EDGAR B. O'HORA JBAN STRONG Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Associate Managing Associate Managing Associate Managing Editor Editor Editor MILDRED E . NIGHTINGALE CHARLES W. GAYLORD Business Advertising Manager Manager ViCToaiA A. BILZI Circulation Manager THE NEWS STAFF William Ryan Charles Franklin Betty Clark Men's Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor Women's Sports Editor Associate Editors Ramona Van Wie Albert Architzel Joyce Maycock Charles Ettinger Charles Walsh Assistants to Business Board Assistant Business Manager Grace Castigllone Assistant Advertising Manager Joan Byron Who Reads Your Mail? Some of our more curious students have discovered a new source of interesting literature, and in their own little way have been getting no end of amusement from their little "find." The time is any time and the place happens to be our student mail box. The people who are responsible for this breach of decency merely go to the box which promises to contain the most interesting mail and read it through. Our mail box is there for our convenience, and what mail may come to us we expect to open and read. This view and the enforcement of it may hamper those who are working their way through college via the mail box. It may disappoint those who rely on the mail box for their reading matter. But the arrangement will be perfectly satisfactory to us. And us is you. You may not like the grammar, but even you snoopers, perhaps especially you snoopers, would not object too strenuously to privacy for \onr mail. Do the others and they'll probably get the idea and do you. Interclass Rivalry Outstanding among the red letter days on every college calendar are those on which the sophomores engage the freshmen upon the field of interclass rivalry. Tomorrow marks another of these traditional battles on the State College campus. It is at these periods of organized rivalry that real class spirit has a chance to manifest itself. There can be no doubt but that such combats stir up the greatest fervor among the lower classes. Still, il. need not confine itself solely with them. Juniors and seniors will have an opportunity to root for sister classes. Rivalry is not something to be compared to the Spanish civil war, but is, in the last analysis, a means of further orientating the freshmen to the ways of college life— teaching them that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Class loyalty is something worthy of development, and rivalry is a sure method of aiding this development. It is not by the number of shower-duckings and outfits of wearing apparel ruined that the winning class is judged, but by its wholehearted participation and cooperation in such organized encounters as pushball, hockey, and stunts. Each class is given the opportunity to display its best in the field of sports, music, debate, and dramatics. These are opportunities that should not be overlooked by lower-classmen if rivalry is to play its part in college life. Again, tomorrow is Campus Day! Rivalry will be the major theme of the day —let's see some class spirit. • ••' Are You Interested? Class Stunts Will Amuse Regal Court Statesman (Continued from page 1, column 5) The identity of the queen and her If we are going to have gossip court will be kept secret until the COMMENTSTATER columns at all they should be briefcrowning tomorrow night, There is nothing that so thoroughly irritates us The coronation will take place on er and much more direct. If the as this remark that is too frequently flung at us. the stage, and members of the royal student body is as tired of reading "That may be true in college but I'm talking about party will remain seated, while puns on people's names as the Statespractical things in the outside world!" Although we stunts are presented by the classes man is of making them, it will be in order of seniority. The stunts will have always stoutly defended colleges and college stu- begin promptly at 8:00 o'clock. relieved to hear that this week dents against any such attacks, we sometimes wonder Edward Reynolds will have charge things are going to be different. This if the attacks do not carry some justification. of the senior stunt. Those in the week we throw out evasion, and emWe like to believe that college is not apart from cast include: Earle Cleaves, Paul brace the catechetical method. You but a part of life. But has college been a part of life Dittman, Percy Foreman, Charles know Gaylord, Henry Groen, Leslie Knox, to you, or has it been a bulwark against life. Are you George Mallinson, William Mollen- Q. Who goes with Fay Forman? so completely concerned with your clubs, fraternities, kopf, Helen Moore, Agatino Natoli, A. Charlie Matthews, we are almost sororities and dances that you are deaf to the rolling Mildred Nightingale, Elizabeth Appositive, goes with Fay Forman. echoes of world events that today may quiver and peldoorn, and Charlotte Libman. This will tell very little (all we The junior stunt, which will be shake the very walls of your school and some day may directed by Margaret Smith, will in- know), and will infer nothing, and shiver and tumble the school itself? So, are you in- clude the following: Christine Ades, will therefore be very dull. terested? Are you Interested in the turmoil that is Helen Bifarella, Myndert Crounse, Q. Is that wave in Warren's hair a even now engulfing Spain, China and Japan? Are Delia Dolan, Kenneth Doran, LeoPermanent? Marcel? nard Priedlander, Richard Lonsdale, you Interested enough to prevent It from similarly Joyce Maycock, Edmore Melanson, A. Neither. It is natural, at times engulfing your own country? Are you interested in June Palmer, Mary Margaret Pappa, your own country? Do you know about the living Marion Rockefeller, Pearl Sandberg, ghastly, but it is neither permanent conditions of the people who will some day send their William Torrens, Joseph Wells, or marcel. Or finger. children to you? Do you realize that as teachers of Helen Zeman, Mary Nolan, Doris Q. Did Meehan chaperone Gamma O'Hare and Jean Strong. Kap's vie party Friday night? He a new generation you must not merely be interested The leader of the sophomore stunt didn't have a date, we know. but you must be willing to do something. will be Betty Clark, and her cast A. No. The lout just came apparNo, we would not have you cast aside your dreams. will include: Florence Adler, Robert We would have you know what is happening without Anibal, Frances Becker, Bernice ently to eat apples. Helen Blake, Audrey Con- Q. The rushing tactics of what sorthe ivy walls of this, your sanctuary. We would have Bishop, nor, Jean DeFillippo, Norman De- orities resemble a Chicago protecyou give careful thought to your responsibility. Man Neef, Betty Denmark, Kenneth Haser, has turned always to his teachers when flame, sword Marion Kingsley, Richard Piatt, tion association getting business? and shield have failed him. And so will man always Ruth Santway, Miriam Shapiro, A. The rushing tactics of all sororLorraine Smith, Robert Stevens, turn to his teachers. It is the responsibility of his Anna-Lisa Swensson, Doris Parlzot, ities resemble a Chicago protection teachers to point him In the right way. It is their Virginia Elson, Arthur Phibbs. Mar- association getting business except Chi Sig. They are more conservative duty then to knoiv what are the results of the wrong- cla Brown, and Isabel Ramel. and resemble in method the Catholic way. It Is their duty to teach him what to use to re- Cyril Kilb will direct the freshman place the flame, the sword and the shield. And you stunt, and the cast will include the Church at the time of the InquisiRichard Abernathy, Jack tion. will be his teachers! Can you who have seen only your following: Adam, Robert Agney, William Camnarrow, petty, selfish interests point him the right eron, Ethel Cohen, Elizabeth Cot- Q. Did Ruth Mullen's out-of-town way? Can you teach him to think when seldom have tenham, Glen Clark, Bea Dower, Bob boy friends kiss her goodbye? you thought yourselves? You shrug your mental Hertel, Frank Filippone, Rose Lison, A. Well, really! Marashinsky, Roy Mc- Q. No. I mean it. shoulders? Don't! You have been too busy reading Beatrice Creary, Eugene McNally, Robert A. Not Friday night, anyway. and copying those of some one else. But some day Mesek, Dorothy North, Clarence Q. What co-ed will be next on the you will leave your college. Some day you will be Olsen, Irene Poger, Stanley Smith, EEP circuit? called upon to think for yourself, to help solve great Joseph Withey. A. Betty Gorgan if the boys have The judges for the stunt are: Dr. anything to say about It. problems. Will you be ready? You will be teachers. You can be the leaders. So, we ask you, are you in- Caroline Lester, Instructor of mathe- Q. Who Is Campus Queen? matics, Miss M. Asenath Van Buren, A. One of five people. (This l.s of terested? instructor of commerce, and Miss course conjectural, an individual exMarjorie Wheaton, assistant to the pression of taste. Bets at even dean of women. money will be taken if arranged in The announcement of the winner notes addressed to the Statesman.) of the stunt will be made by the Q. Who Is promoting the little rojudges during the dancing, which mance between a Mt. Saint Mary's will start immediately after the transfer and a small brunette sophcompletion of the stunts. omore of Psl Gamma? (Subtle, ain't The Life and Death of a Spanish Town, by Elliot we? You'd never know we meant Paul, Random House, New York, 425 pages. Havko and Wilson!) By Charles Ettinger A. Almost all of the O'Toole boys. (On sale and rental in the Co-opt Q. What will it amount to? A. Time alone will tell, but maybe In the peaceful island fishing town of Santa EulaThings are right in the swing . . . the answer will come out at the lia Del Rio, bathed In the mild climate of the Mediterranean and the security bred of untold centuries of vie parties, guests, Initiations, and Boiler-maker's Ball tonight. a rushing good time for everyone Q. Is Betty Hayford busy? unhurried industry, lived a group of human beings, concerned. A. Yes, almost always. fishing, farming, drinking, singing and dancing, never Isabel Ethlngton, '39, and Alma Q. Was the table-dance-floor ardreaming that the roaring of fascist bombing planes Smith, '40, were formally received rangement of the Commons for the EEP's dance Saturday night well rewas soon to start the village dogs barking,—and then into Phi Delta Monday night. Chi Sigma Theta said the final ceived? to stop them—forever. True, a town may some day vows to Patricia Golden and Kath- A. Yes, it was. Things like this rise again, but It will be a strange town, a ghost town, ryn Maloney, juniors; Mary Arndt, show the progressive spirit of this lacking the age-old tradition of peace, industry and Alice Brown, and Edna Fuller, sopho- zippy organization. They will go far. 'This, too, is conjectural. No bets love of pleasure that were the life of the people of mores. Wearing the white rose, emblem- will be taken.) Santa Eulalia. of formal membership into Q. Do you think that catechetical It is interesting to note Mr. Paul's style of writing atic Kappa Delta this week were: Eliza- method Is such a good idea that as the book progresses. One Is Inclined to think that beth Lockwood, '39; Marjorie Balrd, maybe wo better let Wlnchell know he could not make up his mind which style would be Helen Blake, Rosalind Frey, Marian about it so he can cash in on it in best suited. In the beginning it Is ordinary prose; Kingsley, Doris Shultes, Lorraine his gossip column? Smith, and Mary Tralnor, sopho- A. No, indeed, then gradually there appears a noticeable lack of verbs mores. Q, Arc there any objections to memand articles. The sentences are short, Impressionistic, Similar proceedings took place at bers of Myskania being seen disportmodern, and seem to have been written down spon- Psl Gamma recently when Marcla ing themselves at the local "spots"? taneously, with more thought of a complete picture Brown, Janet Byrne, Florence Gebe, Thi! Fort Orange Grill for example? which they are building than of individual meanings Helen Henze, and Janet Thomas A. No. The great of all governments were received Into full membership. have followed David Windsor's lead, of words. Guests at Psi Gam Included Jane and abandoned sacrosanctily; one deMr. Paul lived among the people of Santa Eulalia Andrew, Jane Miller, Norma Dixon, plores the choice of si ots, however, for five years, was accepted as one of iliem, was Elizabeth O'Donnell, and Edith' Dotty, and suggests the High HaL on christened Xumeu. He says in his opening paragraph: Esterbrooks. lower Green Street. ". . . I knew all of them, their means and aspirations, Weekenders at EBPhi w o e Nina Q. "Is Johnny O'Brien there?" their politics and philosophy, their ways of life, their Laube, "i(i; Eunice Cotton, '37; Mary A. No answer. Lies of blood, their friendships, their deep-seated hat- Riley, '35; and Wilnia McLenethan Q. Won't II be nice if this year's reds and Inconsequential animosities." in Part I '36. queen looks less campus, and more which is appropriately entitled "4000 B, C. to 1930 A. Beta Zeta announces that It has queen? D.", the author Introduces the Inhabitants of his welcomed Miss Asenath Van Buren A. Yes. adopted town, from the two idiot sons of Anflta, the of the commerce department, and Q. Wliaf have the Bleecker Boys not postmaster, to Pedro, the "best waiter in the world." Miss Anna Palmer, mathematics Hint we ain't? He brings out all the intimate details of their every- supervisor, info honorary member- A. Dates at the Phi Delt vie party. day life, describes their appearance and mannerisms, ship. Q. How do you like your Pod proofs? until the reader knows them almost as well If not To conclude the list of Initiations A. No answer. better than they knew themselves. Even the animals this week Alpha Rho pinned Vivian Q. Does anybody here know "Willie of the town come In for their share of publicity, the Salisbury, '30, and Frances Canaduv the Clutch"? cats, the dogs, the cows. And all through this first '30. A. You mean the nut who leers at part come flashes of what is to come, of the ruinous Mildred Ladd and Harriet Tim- Innocent Boulevard lunchers from strife which Is to leave only a few stray dogs, lonely, mers, both '32, and Eleanor Gage, the corner? wandering among the shattered houses of what was '33, signed the guest book at Gamma Q. Precisely, and what corner? Santa Eulalia, a Spanish town. Part two records its Kap. A. Oh, any old corner. downfall, from the first fascist seizure of the governSo, In conclusion, a word to the Q. Have we had enough of this? ment, to the ruthless scattering of the remaining pop- freshmen . . . you names will be in A. Enough Is too much. ulation by the Italian bombers. here some day! THE MAN OF STATE. Book of the Week: Destruction in Spain Page 3 STATE C O L L E G E NEWS, OCTOBER 22, 1937 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, OCTOBER 22, 1937 The Pitch ers Box W. D. R. Frosh to Exceed Sophs In First Pushball Game Fall Season Conditions In F a c u l t y - S e n i o r Ball G a m e t o D e c i d e A n n u a l C h a m p i o n s h i p ; Soph-Frosh W o m e n to V i e for Rivalry Points General -B. C- Graduate Writes OfLife in Aruba (Continued from page I, column 2) dollar hydrogenation plant. We had quite some time wasted getting through the customs but we put some things over on them because they were just getting over the hang-overs from the Queen's birthday two days before . . . "We then went up to the school with the principal. The peculiar thing about all the buildings in Aruba is that they are built up about two feet from the ground on concrete piles with basins in them, The basins are filled with crude oil to keep all termites from getting in the building. It is impossible to see them around but if as much as a blade of grass touches the Duilding they have arrived. The science lab is the best equipped lab for Chemistry and Biology that I have ever seen in a school of twice its size. We have quite a collection of local marine life, beautiful coral and the like. . . . I am also coach of kittcnball (softball as it is known in the States). We have to be In school by 8:00 . . . and get out at 4:00. The whole afternoon is devoted to study because the kids won't do homework at night. The tropics is not conducive to very much extra work on the part of either student or teacher . . , Tommy Ryan, '38, manager of And another Indian Ladder outing men's athletics for Campus Day, has We shold like to remind you lovers announced that tomorrow's sports has limped off toward the limbo of of football and softball that Intraprogram will begin at 1:45 o'clock forgotten things. Still, there's quite mural Council has requested that the when the Juniors and Sophomores a collection of snapshots to help dorm field be used rather than the preserve its memory, F'rinstance, will clash in a softball match. back lawn of State . . . we wonder if the merry mob tnat crawled on Following the opening softball hands and knees Into Halle's cavern, Dr. Hicks' arm is In condition to last the whole seven innings of to- F r e s h m e n F a c e N i n e T e a m s , game will be staged the girl's hockey and then collectively bumped its game, under the direction of Dorothy heads on the ceiling . . . Appledoorn morrow's contest . . . the seniors C. B . A . A g a i n P r o v i d e s MacLean, '39. In this contest, the hotly pursuing the elusive little white have been looking over the upperT o u g h O p p o s i t i o n seniors and sophomores will match cylinder around the lot . . . Lil Hines class crop for Lazerries, Crossetties, skills with the juniors and freshmen. and her climbing skirt . . . adventurand DIMaggios . . . but, then, the screw ball of Hicks may prove too The yearling schedule which has The obstacle race, sack race, three- ous Palmer leading her innocent vicbewildering . . . even for six in- just been released is at last offered legged race, and ball relay will then tims along unknown trails. Of to the eyes of the red and white follow. After these races, in which course, the buses got lost. Who ever nings . . . basketballlans. After revision, draft the sophs and frosh will vie for Varsity practice has been con- and final revision of this program rivalry points, the faculty-senior knew it to fail? fined strictly to fundamentals . . . we are finally allowed to print it. softball game will be staged. At The three archery meetings this passing, cutting, pivoting, ana shoot- It is subject to further revision, how- freshmen camp, the faculty "snow- week consisted of the first round of ing have been more than emphasized ever, If Coach Hatfield finds it nec- ed under" the upperclassmen and elimination for the tournament. For . . . with the elimination of the essary. thus, tomorrow's clash will establish those who still qualify there will be center tap, stamina and speed this or upset the faculty's superiority two rounds each at twenty, thirty, The final schedule contains a total year will be bigger factors than ever of nine games, limited to this num- with the bat. and forty yards from the target. If before . . . the "galloping sopho- ber in order to give Freshmen more at that time there are any ties, there The faculty line-up at freshman will be further play-offs for the mores" have anything but cinched time to get orientated in studies and varsity berths . , . the frosh of last other activities. No more than one camp brough into the limelight sev- "champeenship." year still have the lightning speed game will be played a week end, eral heretofore unknown stars with Those hockey lassies are really which will be such a determining except the combination of February both the bat and glove. It is un- working hard polishing off their known at present whether the refactor 18 and 19. These two games may be nowned Hicks-Clausen combination, game. Why? They're muchly excited We hear that Barney Tuttle may changed to distribute the schedule which proved its worth in subduing at the thought of a practice game "All the drinking water is brought be among the missing this year . . . more evenly. There are no games the upperclassmen earlier last with Skidmore that is looming up Barney proved a valuable dog in scheduled for the few weeks preced- month, will be used tomorrow. In in the not-so-distant future, and from New York City . . . The only Barrington's machine a year ago , . . ing semester examinations, nor dur- the faculty's last appearance DoBell they want to be certain of coming thing we miss Is fresh milk, having to drink KLIM, a milk powder mixout on top, Here's luck, gals! Throughout varsity practice Coach I ing the course of the exams them- held down the initial sack, Bulfer On October 29, 30, and 31 . . . Hal- ed with water which tastes fairly and Hardy comprised the keystone Hatfield has been stressing a "fast I selves. When I get back in the States Although the games are limited in combination, Rlenow "pulled 'em lowe'en, remember? . . . there will good. break" which will be necessary this be a weekend at Camp Johnston. next June I will buy a quart of milk down and picked 'em up" at the hot number, our squad by no means season . . . basketball hasn't reThe food committee guarantees that and drink it on the boat dock. revied such a shakeup in many years faces a less formidable array of op- corner, and Salisbury. Fullager and there will be a different kind of "Our outfits in which we teach Kinsella played out in the oats, as the elimination of the center tap ! ponents than last year's freshmen. menu . . . NO HOT DOGS OR HAM- school are very interesting—slacks, has produced . . . this change not I The frosh open the season against The traditional soph-frosh push- BURGERS ! ! ! white shoes and socks, shirts or polo only will necessitate a smooth and the all-powerful Mont Pleasant High ball contest is scheduled for 4:00 The tennis tournament is pro- shirts, no neckties, and sleeves rollfast-clicking combination, but will cagers. Last season the Dorpians o'clock. Joe Cappiello, '40 has been require stamina that has never be- proved victorious over the State appointed to direct the sophomores gressing rapidly, with only two more ed up, and no coats. "At the present time we are in bore been displayed by an entire : yearlings in both games of their while Johnny Yatsci.ik, '4i, will lead rounds to go . . . maybe we'll end up ahead of the male racquetteers after the rainy season which means a basketball five . . . with the "fast home-and-away engagements. Nott the freshmen. break" which will require lightning j Terrace, Cohoes, and Rensselaer Thirty-seven freshmen and twen- all . , . those still in the racquette- shower about three times a day for speed the twenty-minute half's will were all three on last season's Frosh ty-nine sophomores have been made wielding business are O'Bryan, Winn, about five minutes duration. We Miller, Sullivan, O. Balrd, Criefelds, can see the shower coming and duck be "hours" to the basketeers . . the I schedule. eligible for tomorrow's contest. It change will make way for quickly - \ However, C. B. A. will return to is uncertain as to whether the su- and Haberer. Keep it up, and youfor the nearest shelter. Soon the rainy season will be over and the executed, baffling plays and once ! Page Hall for the first time in twoperiority of numbers in the Frosh may land in Forest Hills. This week saw the publication of weather will be like Florida's all the again speed is the prerequisite. years to match forces with Slate's ranks will give them an edge over first year men. From ner standing experienced Sophs. Last year a new handbook for all members rest of the year. It would not be surprising if Couch in the capital district Catholic loop, the the class '40 was twice severely of the W. A. A. containing practical I have had very little opportunity Hatfield developed two teams tins she promises to be extremely prob- beaten byofthe Green of '39. It Is facts about the qualifications and to tour the island and the refinery, year in order to relieve the strain lematic. without question that the two trounc- requirements for various sports, it which I will do at my earliest conof 20 consecutive minutes of ball Our boys split with R. P. I. last ings of a year ago will give the should prove to be a valuable refer- venience. I have visited Orangestad, playing on one quintet . . . should year in their two meetings. As the Yellow Banner boys call over ence for any bewildered Anastasia the capitol of Aruba, once, but have this be clone the .sophomores would varsity, the frosh Lot at Troy but the first-year men. the Athlete. Incidentally, what has be- had no occasion to take pictures. However, possibly fall automatically into a came through on the Page court to freshmen have plenty of power, the come of Cuthbert? Maybe he's wait- When I have had some opportunity and second-string team . . , prove victorious. despite the handicap of inexperience ing for the next round of the men's to better view the natives and their tournament cut at the Munici- homes I will write you further conThe "fast break" will undoubtedly Milne High last season fell twice will give the sophomores plenty of golf pal course! tend to make the game rougher . . . before the heavy onslaught of tne opposition tomorrow. cerning them." with five men continually weaving, Barring ton-coached aggregation. It The girls are sharpening their Tommy Ryan will act as head fingernails in preparation for the ducking, and running in the execu- was doubtful for some time whether ber that fall season ends November tion of a play there is bound to be a the traditional Milne High fracas judge during tomorrow's contest. annual Campus day scraps. At least 12, and the fall awards banquet is little "rough stuff" . . . this has been would be booked this year on the The other field judges will be there won't be any major pushball November 16. Those lucky, lucky Johnny O'Brien and Patsy Miranda, disasters this year! I demonstrated by the ever swelling Frosh schedule. people who get awards then are the casualty list . . . Wednesday night's The set up for the coming season: seniors, and Bill Ryan and Larry Advice to recent practice-skippers ones who have completed credit, Strattner, juniors. practice added three more to the Dec. 4 Mont Pleasant. In any of the fall sports . . . remem- you know. In case of rain tomorrow, the list . . . two split lips and a scalp 10 R. P. I. (Troy). pushball contest will be postponed laceration . . . with the elimination 17 Milne H. S. one week and a soph-frosh basketof the center tap each play will Jan. 7 Rensselaer H. o. (away). ball game staged on the Page court begin with all five men in their pre2L Cohoes. will touch off the men's athletic determined positions . . . such was events. The pushball fracas, hownot the case formerly when the Feb. 12 C. B. A. 18 Nott Terrace. ever, will not be called off unless It beginning of a play depended solely 11) Mont Pleasant (away). is completely washed out. A damp upon the center's ability to "stick" more dense, more dense, no,—I guess by Inquiring Reporter 25 R. P. I. or slippery field will not hold up the ball where if was wanted . . While out looking for a bit of good I don't know." the contest. This season Coach Hatfield's squad clean (?) fun the other day ye In- (At this stage of the game ye inwill once again use the fast-cutting quiring reporter again took It into quiring reporter wishes to take time Tournament Enthusiasm "figure 8" offensive . . . Wednesday his head to startle various State out for the pause that refreshes. night for the first lime this year story is getting a little too hot Meets Lingering Death students with one of his superbly This the varsity squad went through a to handle even for a man of his 1111-lntolllgont questions. The an-adventureousness.) What's the matter with you short scrimmage using the "figure Hickman Leads State Harriers State men? Can't you finish 8" . . . swers received were so unusually In Cross-Country Trial There, now that I am refreshed, I what you so anxiously started? The Frosh have to dale disclosed brilliant that ye same Inquiring re- shall continue . . . our friend John When the intramurals started In the first cross-country trials no definite outstanding players . . porter took it into his same head to O'Brien, '38, stated, "How should I In the various sports, you men competition will be keen for first- of the year staged last Saturday make a story out of them for ye know? Go ask student association rushed to sign up for the differstring posts . . . probably throughout afternoon, Frank Rickman, '40, won sume paper he usually prints his president, he Is supposed to know ent activities. After the deadline the entire season . . . the Frosh with plenty to spare over his nearest nonsense in,---namely, ye STATE C01.- all the answers around here." Teh, had passed and the matches had squad is uniform in Ilia! it Is med- rival, Louis Francello, '40, tch, O'B, Couldn't you help us just begun, the fervor and interest iocre . . . i.uuio Nisws. This time trial clinched four vara little In solving this crime? apparently died out. The tennis sity berths leaving three still open Pushball odds have soared a bit Now for the question and answer tournament is almost five weeks Next we encountered Bob Gorman, since last week . . . they're up to for competition among the other asgame--old and as yet the third round 39, who reddened and said, "I know pirants. Captain Harold Haynes, '38, 0-1 . . . on the sophs . Question: Who or what Is Wobble? the secret but I ain't talking," Well, has not started. The committee Tony Wilczynskl, 39, Frank Hickon intramurals has been forced that got us and we stalked off 1 Hounds foolish doesn't It?) man, Louis Francello, and Steve S a n d b u r g to M a k e to post notices on the bulletin Suawlowski, sophomores, us a result Well, to begin with I was Just as toward the vicinity of Phyllis Ryan, board asking the tennis particiinnocent as you, my dear reader, as '41, who replied with that true pride D e l m a r A p p e a r a n c e ol Ibis, .stepped up into varsity posts. pants to continue their matches. to the nature of this, er, ah, 'Wobble of 1111 aspiring NKWH reporter. "I'm Hickman, Francello, and Saawlowtiling." But I soon found out. Oh, not sure Just what a 'Wobble Is, but In golf, the tournament has Carl Sandburg, well-known mod- .ski, I lie sophomore trio, are expected now that you ask me, I'll try to find yea!! reached the resting stage. For ern poet and lecturer, will appear at 10 hll the shoes of the missing letter out." the past two weeks it lias been Bethlehem Central High school in men of last year, Joe DuRusso and "I wouldn't like to be quoted," said in the semi-final round and Delmar Monday night at ti:U() o'clock. Ed Reynolds. Being u star reporter myself (?) Hetty Appoldoorn, "but I warrens from all aspects il will remain Many of the .students are ac- The four freshmen out for varsity you, there's more hero than meets I had no Inclination to discourage thei e, quainted with Sandburg's winks, two berths under the tutelage of Tony the I." (Oil, boy, am I getting hot any such display of enthusiasm, so Tins horse shoe contest lias of his best-known being "Chicago" Wllc/ynski are molding Into splendid I hastily retreated over to Betty now.—ed notei been called off because of inand "Smoke and .Steel " Rougli form. Due to the short time given Hayford, '39, who wildly exclaimed, Sounds like a new verson of a clement weather. We hope that energy combined with a very real over for practice, if still remains to "Wobble? Sure I know, That's , hula-hula dance or the "big apple," It won't go the way of all the and lyric tenderness underl! m some be seen what they can do under stiff (This answer had to be censored by .said Edith Cort, '38. rest—-long start and dead finish. of his best poems, and merit for competition, As a result of practice ye editor, or I could have made a "I think if is a kind of a duck," swell climax to my story at this him the title of "Troubadour." Dur- sessions, the two men who appear And how about more of you said Mister Edgar B. O'Hora, "a sort point and called It a day and gone ing (lie program, Sandourg will read likely to go places are Walt Kilmer guys showing up and putting of a duck that fulls halfway off each home, That's why I hate all editors. some of liis poems, and discuss sev- and Jim Snover, some pep into the boy's volley leg as it struts." eral folk songs of (air country. ball at 4:00 o'clock on the camOil well, there'll come a day . . . . The course the hill and dulcrs run pus in back of Draper hall. "The more I think of it the more Meanwhile, I leave you with the old Tickets are on sale at tne Co-op is a mixture of the Washington Park Men! Wake up! Finish what it reminds me of something dense," saying, a rolling stone gathers no for SO cents. Students tickets are and Lincoln Park courses. The total you have started! distance is fi.O miles said Miss Peg Winn, '38, "Dense, moss.) being sold at 25 cents. Frosh Hoopsters Schedule Games Mystery Shrouds State College; Who or What is This Wobble' Five Veterans Keep Track Team Berths Page 4 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, OCTOBER 22, 1937 Y. W. C. A. to Conduct Campus Days in Previous Years Meeting in Lounge Have Presented Varied Events Dr. H. C. Phillips Will Address 'News' Reporters Council Invites to Meet Wednesday Tryouts to Tea Wolzok Announces Meeting College Men and Women by Charles Walsh ^ For Editorial Staff the arrangements as a result of a A d v a n c e d Dramatics Class It was on October 20, 1920, that revision of the college constitution Young Women's Christian AssocThere will be a meeting of all reWill Present Plays State college students got together In the preceding year. iation will conduct a mass meeting porters of the STATE COLLEOE NEWS Tuesday Night on the campus, "for a day of sport," Historically, Campus day reached Wednesday at 4:30 o'clock In the on Wednesday at 12:00 o'clock in Its peak In 1924. On that memorunder the direction of the Physical able occasion, Colgate university met Lounge of Richardson hall. room 206 of Draper hall, according Dr. Harold Cooke Phillips of CleveThere will be a tea for the fresheducation club, the State gridders at Ridgefleld land, Ohio, a college speaker of nato the announcement of Sophie The program has always consisted Park. According to the NEWS of tional repute, will be the main men tryouts for Music council on Wolzok, '38, editor-in-chief, a n d November 18 in the Lounge of Richof athletic contests between the the time the State team scored a speaker. All academy and high member of Myskania, senior honorclasses on a Saturday afternoon, moral victory, Colgate winning by school students as well as college ardson hall, according to Muriel Goldberg, '38, president of the coun- ary society. with festivities following in the the comparatively close score of 33 men and women are invited. This meeting will include not only evening. These have been climaxed to 0. The first meeting of the National cil. by the coronation of the Campus Traditions began in 1900 when Preaching Commission convening in The committees are: general chair- the sophomores who were promoted Queen from 1922 on. Other features State college had 100 per cent pay- the capital district October 24 to 27 from last year's cub classes but those of that Campus day in 1922 were ment of Student tax and a football will be conducted Sunday, October 24 man, Muriel Goldberg, 38; arrange- upperclassmen who held staff posiments, Dorothy Cain, '38, and Betty relays of Eskimo running and ele- team. Today we have reacquired at 3:30 o'clock in Immanuel Baptist tions previously and are interested phant running. The first queen was payment of the tax, and our men's church. The speaker will be Miss Baker, '39; publicity, Margaret Mat- in continuing news work. a member of Myskanla, as have been athletic program Is on the up-grade, Muriel Lester, "the Jane Addams of tison, '39; invitations, Alice Brown Students who are unable to attend all of her successors save three. She so we can feel that tradition has England" well-known British social and Lillian Rivklnd, sophomores. was attended by five girls in Oreek been upheld. worker. The winter concert, January 14, the meeting are advised to comrobes with headresses of their class In 1928-1930, student participation will be the council's first presenta- municate with Jean Strong, '39, colors. This year, 1922, was also was so active that It was necessary tion of the year. The Sorcerer, an associate managing editor. Those marked by the presentation of the to issue tickets of admission. who do not attend will be automaticoperetta, will be given in April. first stunts. ally dropped from the staff. This This year marks the 17th anniverThe first plays of the season by applies only to the reporters on the In 1923 the theme of the day wassary of Campus day as a State colthe Advanced Dramatics class will editorial staff, not the business staff. a circus. The events were conduct- lege institution. The program will be presented Tuesday night in the ed in the gymnasium, each class differ but slightly, if at all, from The purpose of the meeting is to Frances Riani Wins First Post auditorium of Page hall. presenting one act in the circus, that of recent years. Student counrevise the list of staff meetings, and In Freshman Elections On November 8 the Dramatics and explain the new system of collectwhile clowns amused the crowd be- cil Is in charge of arrangements, and ] Myskania Is jealously guarding tne tween the acts. At a meeting of the freshman class Art association will present Walter Former programs have even in- secret of the Queen's identity, as last Tuesday, Frances Riani was Hampden, one of America's foremest ing news stories. well as that of her attendants, Members of the business staff, and elected manager of women's ath- actors of the legitimate stage. He cluded faculty participation. At one point the high spot of the day was Not until the strains of "Pomp and letics. Revotes were taken last will give readings from Cyrano de the business cubs should watch for a "faculty sack race," while every- Circumstance" are begun will the Thursday for the remaining class Bergerac, Hamlet, and many others. announcements in the Nuws of body gathered around for a basket mystery be solved, and the sixteenth officers. forthcoming meetings. The Dramatics and Art association queen will parade slowly down the lunch in the evening. Revotes Included: president,, Fred has joined the Living American Art aisles and ascend her throne to reign Day, Barbara Ferree, Stanley Smith Myskania held control over the Folders D u e Monday activities of the day from 1923 to over the student body of State col- and Clarence Olsen; vice-president, Association. The association will All senior folders must be in the present four shows, each containing John Alden and Beatrice Dower. 1835, when Student council took over lege for an evening. Secretary, Virginia McDermott and twelve pictures chosen as the best Appointment Bureau on Monday at Robert Mesek; treasurer, Rosemary contemporary art by today's critics. the latest, according to an announceBrucker and Elizabeth Cottenham; These pictures are constantly being ment from the bureau. Those students who have not filled out their cheerleader, William Haller, Stephen featured in the magazine Life. schedule cards properly are requestKusak, Dorothy Peak and Charlotte Several exhibits of the Dramatics ed to do so at once. On these cards Ritchie. Songleader, Howard Merriam and and Art association will be given at must be shown the student's whereabouts for each hour of the day, The NYA Campaign has received was doing, After the executive allot- Mary Miller; reporter, John Murray Lounge teas in conjunction with Miss both in class and outside. Perrine of the art department. and Irene Poger; representative on ments have been made, it Is discovnumerous criticisms recently, but the best editorial support for the ered that It is less than 45 million M. A. A., Stephen Bull, Louis Greenspan, and Roy McCreary. campaign has come from the Cam- dollars, EAT AT JOHN'S LUNCH pus News of New Jersey ColDinners 25c and up lege for Women, but Hunter is This executive deviation from an Three Graduates Leave also strong in Its backing. However, obvious legislative intent means that Delicious Sandwiches and to Teach High School at the same time, two editors, the the money alloted to student work Sundaes heads of the Bucknellian of Buck- will provide work for only 220,000 Three people have obcained teach7:30 A. M. — 11:00 P.M. nell U n i v e r s i t y and of the ing positions since the last announ, fUtifi.y m-routiio 39 Opp. the High School Silver and Gold of the University students instead of 310,000 as was cement, according to the Appointof C o l o r a d o have sent forth the case last year. A great many ment bureau. much criticism. Their view Is that students, who came back to college These people are Harry T. Gumaer, '37, History and E n g l i s h at Glenfield; Luella Wersen, '36, Ariththere Is nothing for them. These metic and Geography at the Amshould help the president to balance the budget, Their criticism of the people are the constituency of the sterdam Junior High school; and at the national office for getting NSFA college, and It is necessary to look Ward Donner, '37 Graduate student, Economic Citizenship and Football Into the campaign has been particu- out for their needs. larly strong. The N. Y. A. was founded as a re- coaching at the Troy High school. The reply to all of these ideas has sult of the united efforts of all been threefold: funds are definitely groups interested In education, and, needed; although the budget needs In this effort, the N.S.F.A. and to be balanced, the money doesn't student councils throughout the have to be taken from the youths, country, regardless of political viewfor a billion dollar military machine point, took a leading part. Is of less value to the future of the Realizing the fact that a new country than the government's effort Is necessary, a nation-wide social program Is expected to be; the national office entered this cam- campaign has been embarked upon paign as a way of aiding the decision to secure an executive restoration ifiUon made by at least 85% of the dele- of the full amount of N. Y. A. approOPTICIANS. gates at the last Congress to ask priation, or an additional appropriaLegitimate Theatre, Schenectady for more money for youth, and all tion. This campaign will bring to Federation actions are based on the the attention of the country, and the • Plays Changed Each Monday • decisions of Its student council mem- president, the desirability of restorNights: 8:30. Matinees: Wed., Sat., Z;30 ing these cuts. Several meetings bers. COMPlCTt OPTICAL SfcRVlC-e Several student presidents have have been held, delegations sent to visit officials, and every effort has written in, commending the campaign. One president wrote in tell- been made to secure the participaing exactly what they were doing at tion of as large a group as possible. FREDERICK CALVIN and BEAUVAIS FOX his college, They have, as in many Just recently the expression of the Present other universities, a N. Y. A. com- united opinion of the people to mittee, which Is composed of the whom this is an Important problem Dean of Men, Dean of Women, was given. As yet the result Is un- The Uptown Optometrist Director of the Employment Bureau, certain, A llroudwuy Company in the Broadway Hits Assistant Comptroller of Men, the N.Y.A. Director, and the president 171 Central Ave. of A. S. U. S. C. This committee Between Itohin St. and Lex. Ave. must pass upon all those desiring appointments, and investigate Into Get Your Greyhound Bus Tickets Albany - : - N. Y. each case; consequently, those who A Comedy Sensation by Mfirk Reed — at the — are trying to slide under the bar are DIAL 3-7045 OapHviouH an a lark and twice as flii/hty Literary Digest. eliminated. This Is a great help, for those In dire need are given the Jolly holiday for unyonu on phumro bent Herald Tribune. 7 No. Lake Ave. One Mock West positions with higher pay. There has been a cut in the N.Y.A. NEXT WEEKi OCT. 25 THRU OCT. 30 budget to quite an extent. The facts Dial 5-11)13 Geo, D. Jeoney, Prop are that two years ago, at the request of educators, relief administrators, and outstanding citizens of every A Thrilling Courtroom Melodrama, by Ayn Kami type, the President established the N.Y.A., a government agency to help young people, who were the Nights itux included): 55c, 8So, $1.10 worst victims of the depressions. Bulking large In the work of the Wciliicsduys and Su I unlays lYlutiiu-<>, 55c, H5c N. Y, A. was the student aid program, which enabled many students otherMAM. OKDLKS: Mail sell-IllllllCbsd .slumped envelope wise unable to, to remain In school. with check payable to LMl'lHi; l'l AVi;i(S, Inc. Last year the N, Y. A. spent somewhat over seventy million dollars; 1'IIONK KKHICRVATIONH: SOHIONl'H TAI>V 6-8333 this year Congress appropriated to ALBANY, N. Y. 188-200 CENTRAL AVENUE It "a maximum of 75 million dollars," being Impressed by the work that It Guardians Announce Freshman Revotes N. S. F. A. Outlines Arguments For Federal Aid Job Retention x '^rssnrsa •?ss \ ^^:?: t^™*™. Good Food and a Friendly Fire COFFEE SHOP ^SLi tt(e«trni at Quail FREDETTE'S Now Playing, Thru Sat., Oct. 23 Francis E. Cox EMPIRE PLAYERS GOING HOME? "Petticoat Fever" COLLEGE PHARMACY "NIGHT OF JANUARY 16th" Boulevard and Cafeteria Grill State College News VOL. XXII, No. 6 Hop to Feature Haymes' Rhythm At Colonie Club C a i n is C h a i r m a n of E v e n t ; Dancers to Enjoy Swing T o 2:00 O'Clock BIDS ON SALE IN ROOM X H o n e y B u r n s is V o c a l i s t ; Girls H a v e Late Leave To 3 : 0 0 O'Clock State's 'cats' will swing to the music of Joe Haymes and his swing stylists at the Senior Hop on Friday, November 5. Dancing will take place at Hie Colonie Country Club from 9:00 o'clock to 2:00 o'clock, according to Dorothy Cain, chairman. The music of Joe Haymes is well known to the devotees of modern rhythm in the New England section. His vocalists, Honey Burns, Ronnie Chase, and Clyde Rogers are known for possessing that certain something necessary for jam band singers. The fact that the dance will be conducted at the Colonie Club will be an innovation for the only previous dances that have been there were the Senior Balls at the close of the school year. Bids for the hop will be on sale all next week in Room X, according to Christine Dershimcr and Edith Cort, bid co-chairmen. The price of the bids will be $2.50. The girls will have special late leave until 3:00 o'clock. The faculty chaperones will be Mr. William Hardy, instructor in English, and Mrs. Hardy; Mr. William Wood, instructor in English, and Mrs. Wood; Mr. Paul Bulger, secretary of the Appointment bureau. The faculty patrons and patronesses are: Dr. A. R. Brubaeher, president of the college, and Mrs. Brubaeher; Dr. Milton G. Nelson, clean of the college, and Mrs. Nelson; Dr. William French, instructor In education, and Mrs. French. All seniors who are going to Hop will please register their names and those of their guests at the bid table before Tuesday, whether or not they have yet bought their bids. The co-chairmen of the music committee who secured the orchestra are Kathryn Hobble and Margaret Burg. Senior Hop's week end will be rounded out by the various sorority house dances on the following evening. S T A T E C O L L E G E F O R T E A C H E R S , A L B A N Y , N . Y., F R I D A Y , O C T O B E R 29, 1937 State Board of Regents Makes Safety Education Compulsory by Leonard Kowalsky Safety education was tne point Alice Marble of Utlca. Miss Marble stressed at a meeting of teachers is director of the Utlca Safety Counconducted October 24 to 26 in Syra- cil and has already set up a very program of safety educacuse This new topic in the f i e l d 'effective Uon l n ^ m j c n s c h o o ] g a n d pJay_ jatiOn is Is now made innrip rinmmiL of education compul sory by an act of the New York. |grounds. , Regarding the actual teaching of State Board of Regents passed last j s a f e t y e d U c a t i o n j D r G e b l . g e M September. Wiley, Associate Commissioner of According to this act, all pupils Education says' in elementary and secondary schools, „ u , s vecognizea that the materials both public and private, are required l h a , m a y b p d e v e l o p e c , i n t h e u n l t s to lake instruction in safety educa- of instruction in connection with tion. Under the present plans, the safety education may be found in course will embrace safety on the various fields or areas of the school highway and in traffic, in the home, program. Tn some schools this is in recreational activity, in industrial done in the social studies in connection with civics and citizenship. and occupational situations and safeIt, is also noted that purposeful inty in the school. What the course structions Is oft-times given in con aims ultimately to do is to make | n e c t i o n w U h The "tea"ehFng"of'heaTth the pupil sulcty-conscious, and thus LM h y g i e n e , safety materials are develop safety habits in every situa- a l s o a r t iculated in connection with lion of daily life. , h e w o r k l h a t is d o n e m practieal A course in safety education was and industrial arts. Units of vital offered in the summer session of interest have also been developed in 1937 at State college under Miss connection with the work in science," $ 2 . 0 0 P E R Y E A R , 32 W E E K L Y Dr. Salisbury Will Address Today's Student Assembly Campus Day Features Crowning And Stunts Well. Campus Day saw the crowning of Lucille Zak, '38, as Campus Queen of 1937 by Rita Kane, who was queen in 1935. Miss Zak, chosen as the most beautiful girl of the senior class, and her charming court reigned over the events of Campus night in regal splendor. Stunts presented for their entertainment were won by the seniors, fresh, sophs, and juniors, in order named. Due to drizzly weather, Ihe baskcteers started their season early, with the boys and girls each playing a game in the Page hall gym; however, the girls' hockey game and their rivalry athletic contests are still to be conducted. Get out and root for your class! Students Direct Milne Activities Many junior, senior, and graduate stutidents of State college are helping with or sponsoring extra class activities in Milne High school. Gertrude Tryon and Karl Bohrer, seniors, are helping with home rooms 22(1 and 323 respectively. Elizabeth Appekloorn, "ill, and Gertrude Wilkes, graduate, are assisting Willi .senior dramatics. .Students who are sponsoring clubs arc us follows: Airplane, James Speuco, "ID; Boys Athletics i7), Merrill Hui'd and Walter J. Kuss, juniors; Boys Athletics iiii, Raymond J. Marling; Boys Athletics <8), Mr. Sweeteull and John W, Policy; Cooking (boys), Helen Zenutn, '30; Dancing 7 'section 1), Mary Jaueili Smith and Josephine Maurice, seniors; Dancing (.section 2i, Anne Burr, '3ti, unci Preida Kurkhill, '30; Dancing (.section 3), Anne luillelimiin, '30. Dramatics, Josephine Cypher, '3B, itiul Nan Emery, '3D; Game, Galen Plumb, '37. and Herbert Frunkel, '3D; Glee, Christine Adas, '30; Marionette. Bl'ltu Decormler, '30; Newspaper, Miss Moore, H. O. Dixon, graduates, and Ramona Van Wie, '38; Sub-deb, Muriel Stewart and Lucille Lancaster, seniors; Sub-deb, Elizabeth Philpott, 'SB, and Marion Rockefeller, '3D; Typewriting. Marlon Lawless, '311. ISSUES. Photo by courtesy of Timcn-Union Lucille Zuk, '38, who became the sixteenth queen to reign over the State college campus in an impressive coronation ceremony which climaxed Ihe Campus Day festivities last Saturday night. Constitutional Convention and Related Principles Will b e S u b j e c t T O DISCUSS MINORITIES Student Assembly to Vote For Final C a n d i d a t e s For Secretary Dr. W. S. Salisbury, instructor in social studies, will speak in today's assembly, according to the announcement made by Warren I. Densmore, '38, president of the Student association. Dr. Salisbury will talk about American principles and American constitutions as related to the coming Constitutional Convention of New York state. The convention will be held in Albany in the coming year. Dr. Salisbury's talk will include a discussion of the desirability or undesirabillty of minority groups in New York State and their affects on government; minority groups of the past and present; the real strength of the Federal Constitution and the New York State Constitution. He will also discuss the constitution ln the light of past experiences. After the address by Dr. Salisbury, Myskania, senior honorary society, will pass the ballots for revotes for the office of secretary of the student association. The remaining candidates, after several eliminating votes, are Joseph Cappiello and Rita Sullivan, sophomores. In filling out your ballots write your class numerals on the first line, your vote on the second, and sign your name on the third line. Constitutional Assembly Following Dr. Rienow's speech in assembly two weeks ago, a resolution was introduced in last Friday's assembly which read "Be it resolved, that the Student association sponsor a Constitutional Assembly and authorize the chair to appoint a committee of seven members." The resolution was unanimously adopted. Warren I. Densmore, president of the Student association, appointed the following committee: Leonard Friedlander, '39, chairman; Dorothy Clapp and Henry Groen, seniors; Edmore Melanson, '39; Marjorie Baird and Haskell Rosenberg, sophomores; and Rosemary Biwcer, '41. At a meeting Tuesday, with the advice and aid of Dr. Rlenow, instructor ln government, the committee decided upon the following temporary plan of organization; 1. An assembly composed of all members of the Student association. 2. To be presided over by a speaker who will be assisted by a clerk. 3. A publicity head whose duty will be to collect and disseminate publicity of the activities, resolutions and proceedings of the assembly and to see that this Information is sent to all the newspapers throughout the state. 4. The assembly will be divided into groups of members from the fifty-one Senatorial Districts. Each group will bo represented by a floor leader, The committee has termed the purpose of the Constitutional Convention to be: "The purposes of the State College Constitutional Assembly are to encourage thoughtful consideration of the probable issues of the Constitutional Convention; and to exert pressure wherever necessary in the interests of this assembly." Plans call for the first meeting of the assembly on Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in Roo:n 20 of Richardson hall. At this meeting plans for organization will be announced, and election of permanent officers held. It has also been planned to inaugurate Issues and business to be considered by the assembly. All students interested are invited to attend.