o t a t e College News "PATIENCE" OPENS TONIGHT AT 8:30

o t a t e College News
VOL. XVII, No. 22
$2.25 Per Year, 32 Weekly Issues
Directs Production
Classes to Take Moving-Up Day Seats Almira Russ, '34, to be Managing Editor on News Board; Circulation Manager is New Position Created. 43 "cubs" Elevated to Staff Positions.
for Practice Today, Grand
Marshal Says.
G. A. A., Troubadours to Present
Gilbert and Sullivan's
W i t h a chorus o f maidens the G i r l s '
A t h l e t i c association's and T r o u b a d o u r s '
presentation o f the G i l b e r t and S u l l i van operetta w i l l open t o n i g h t f o r its
first p e r f o r m a n c e at 8 : 3 0 o'clock in the
a u d i t o r i u m of Page h a l l .
n i g h t ' s p e r f o r m a n c e w i l l open at the
same time.
D r . T . Frederick H . C a n d l y n , head
o f the music department, w i l l be the
piano accompanist f o r the operetta. T h e
d r a m a t i c s in the operetta are directed by
M a y b e l l e M a t t h e w s , '34.
T h e tickets for the presentation arc
priced at f i f t y cents fur general admission and seventy-five cents f o r reserved
The principals f u r the operetta are as
f o l l o w s : W i l l i a m W i l l i a m s , special student, as the Colonel Caverley ; W i l l i a m
N e l s o n . '3-1, as the M a j o r M u r g a t r o y d ;
G r o s v e n o r as the Duke D u n s t a b l e ;
John Black, as Reginald H u n t h o r n e ;
' W i l l i a m Jones, '35, ;,s A r c h i b a l d Grosv e n o r ; George K e t c h a m , '3-1, as the
s o l i c i t o r ; M a r i o n l.lovd, '3-1, as A n g e l a ;
H e l e n Cadieux, 'X\ as P a t i e n c e ; and
A m a l i a Pesko, '?i.7', M a r i o n W h i t e and
A l i c e O w e n , j u n i o r s , as the maidens,
Jane, Sophie, and F.ila.
T h e chorus includes: Helen C r o m i e ,
Hazel S u t t o n , Ethel D y e k n i a n , ( i e o r g i a
Roberts, Lois B u r g d o r f ,
Rausch, Isabel H e w i t t ,
Costa, I.aura Fletcher, s e n i o r s : Jessie
Eaton, Laura Vrooman, M a r i o n Mleczek,
M o o n - . Katherine W o r d e n ,
Benedict, Philip R i c c i a r d i , T h o m a s
( i a r r e t t , and Robert Robinson, j u n i o r s :
Susan S m i t h , l.ucile l l i r s h . Ceorge
T a v l o r . W i l l i a m A l l a r d , sophomores,
and Frances Studebaker, Glenn U n g e r e r , and E d w i n D e n n i n , f r e s h m e n .
Conuuittee chairmen i n c l u d e : costumes. T h e l m a S m i t h and D o n a l d Benedict, j u n i o r s ; husin.ss managers, Jean
C r a i g m i l e and Robert R o b i n s o n , j u n ior- -. 1- Alice I l U p a t r i ; 1. 14 l i . I I M
F l l e u M u r p h y and Ravniond H a r r i s ,
s e n i o r s ; p r o g r a m s , Elizabeth K a m m e r e r . '34. and John Bills, '35. ; „ u | adv e r t i s i n g . Fthel Xotz. '3?i.
T i c k e t s may be obtained in the
rotunda of Draper ball today or al the
door tonight and t o m o r r o w n i g h t .
T h e j u n i o r class w i l l conduct a din
no- i
iug in the cafeteria o f 1 lusted
ball on T h u r s . k n night, al 5 30 o'clock.
( i l i a Bishop i , gi neral c h a i r m a n f o r
the dinner.
Above, Maybelle Mathews, '34,
w h o is in charge of t h e presenta t i o n of " P a t i e n c e " t o n i g h t .
Robert R o b i n s o n w i l l be president o f
the class o f 1934 f o r next year, a c c o r d ing to the class elections w h i c h took
place F r i d a y .
T h e other officers f o r the c o m i n g
w a r are as f o l l o w s : vice president,
Jean C r a i g m i l e ; secretary,
l l a u g ; t r e a s u r e r , H i l d a B r a d l e y : song
leader, J u l i a S b i e b K ; r e p o r t e r ] Bessie
S t e t k a r ; g i r l s ' athletic m a n a g e r , D o r o thy K l o s e ; g i r l s ' athletic association
council representative, M a r y
men's athletic manager, G e o r g e K e t c h a m : men's a t h l e t i c council representatives, C h a r l e s K i s s a m and W i l l i a m
X'.-lson ; finance board representatives,
Robert M e v e r s and F l l e u N'oon.
Rehearsal f o r M o v i n g - U p day w i l l
be the feature o f this m o r n i n g ' s assembly at 11:10 in Page h a l l a u d i t o r i u m .
R a y m o n d H a r r i s , '33, g r a n d m a r s h a l
f o r M o v i n g - L ' p D a y , w i l l be the d i r e c tor.
T o f a c i l i t a t e the rehearsal, classes
w i l l be asked to take the positions
designated f o r them on M o v i n g - U p
D a y , in assembly this m o r n i n g . Seniors
w i l l occupy the center section o f the
a u d i t o r i u m f r o m the f r o n t r o w as f a r
hack as necessary ; the j u n i o r class w i l l
(ill the section on the assembly's r i g h t
d o w n s t a i r s , and the c o r r e s p o n d i n g secl i o n in the main balcony ; the sophomore
class w i l l take its place in the t w o rem a i n i n g sections o f the m a i n balcony,
the f r e s h m a n class w i l l be seated in
the section on the assembly's l e f t and
in the mezzanine upstairs. Sophomores
and j u n i o r s , w h o cannot find seats in
their o w n section w i l l be asked to fill the
empty seats behind the seniors.
I ' n d c r the d i r e c t i o n o f the class m a r shall, at a signal given by H a r r i s , the
seniors, s t a r l i n g at the f r o n t r o w . w i l l
move left across the aisle to the f r e s h men section. T h e j u n i o r s w i l l move
f r o m t h e i r places in the r i g h t hand section o f the balcony ti fill the seats left
vacant by the seniors. T h e s ophomores
m o v i n g f r o m die balcony w i l l till the
mezzanine first and then coining d o w n
the r i g h t - h a n d s t a i r w a y w i l l fill the
j u n i o r section. T h e f r e s h m e n , s t a r l i n g
w i t h the first r o w w i l l empty the d o w n stairs section, proceed up the l e f t stairw a y , and wait at the top of t h e S t a i r s ,
' f l i c f r e s h m e n , iccupying the mezzanines w i l l take the sophomore seats in
the l e f t side o f the balconiiy. T h e m a i n
body o f freshmen w i l l c o n t i n u e
the l e f t section, then the center and
r i g h t sections.
1 he k i v n o t c
K a r r i : , said
tCanlinueil (in f>.iK.- i, column 5'
S i x t y - e i g h t appointments and p r o m o t i o n s to the 1933-34 staff and b o a r d o f
the S T A T K COLLEGE N K W S are announced today by the r e t i r i n g b o a r d . A r e c o r d
n u m b e r o f " c u b s " has been p r o m o t e d to the r a n k s o f r e p o r t e r f o r n e x t y e a r .
F o r t y - t h r e e t r y - o u t s have been p r o m o t e d to this p o s i t i o n .
Are News Heads
M e m b e r s o f the new board w i l l r e ceive g o l d beys on M o v i n g - U p D a y .
T w o silver beys have been a w a r d e d b y
this year's board to H a r r i e t D u n n , ' 3 3 ,
a senior associate editor, and to J e a n
Watla'iis, '^?i, w h o has served as c i r c u l a t i o n manager this year.
Five senior associate editors a n d
five j u n i o r associate editors have been
named. T h e senior associate e d i t o r s
Bessie S t e t k a r , T h e l m a S m i t h ,
and K a t h r y n W i l k i n s . j u n i o r s ; a n d
R u t h B r o o k s and V a l e n t i n e R e u t o w i c h . sophomores.
J u n i o r associateeditors i n c l u d e : Celia Bishop, D i a n e
Bochner, and M a r i o n Mleczek, j u n i o r s ;
and Florence F l l e u and H i l d a H e i u e s ,
W i l l i a m N e l s o n , '34, was a p p o i n t e d
sp.irts editor f o r next year.
F d i t o r i a l " c u b s " w h o w i l l serve as
reporters m i next year's staff i n c l u d e :
M a r y T o r r e n s , ' 3 5 : and Rosella A g o s t i n e . Flaine B a i r d , P h y l l i s B o s w o r t h ,
Bowes. I.oretta
Frances B r e e u , Flsa C a l k i n s , H u l d a
Classen. D o r i s Coffin, M a r g a r e t D i e t z ,
Frances D o n n e l l y , K a r l fibers, R u t h
F.dmiinds. B l o d w y n Fvans, Jacqueline
F l a n i g a n , M e r l e (iedney, M a r i e Geesler, F.lizabcth ( i r i f f i n , Elizabeth H o b b i e ,
Dorothy Derrick. Mary Hudson, A u brey
Kalbaugh, Virginia
I.avoiinc Kelsev, Jeanne l.esnick. Janet
L e w i s . D o r o t h y Meserve, M a r t h a M a r tin,
Rockow. Dorothy Smith. Helen S m i t h ,
E d i t h Scb, ,11, CI,-mi K n g . r e r , N i n a L'11in.in, M a r i o n W a l k e r , and E l i z a b e t h
W h i t m a n , fr< shmen.
Fonr of State College Faculty to Retire Soon;
Deans Pierce and Metzler to Conclude Duties
M A K I I I N I I O W A U I I , '34,
W i l l i a m I I . M, 'In-, and M i
f women, a
pa,Us o i m i l l i n e r s
I Stale College. Fach
has m a d , no - m a l l mark in the field o f
e d u c a t i o n : both have endeared ihein
- e h , - I,, the s i n , l i n t - of this College.
T w o other members o f the f a c u l t y
w i l l a l - o re m e this w a r . T h c \ a r e
Professor C l i f f o r d A . W o o d a r d , bead
,,l the biology ,1,-pa
-lit, and M r s
I Ion nee D. I i ear, i n s t r u c t o r in home
economics a m i Sup, r\ isor in c l o t h i n g
m M i l n e H i g h school
I I, an M e l / l e r w i l l retire f r o m o f l i i .
l b . id.a of ,, crystal ball w i l l b, the
me school year.
gen. ral lb. me of the nit . l i n g . In this ( letob, I- In - t . o f t h e ,
ball, the j u n i o r , w i l l look hack over the I or leu w a r - , sine, l'L'3. I ) , an M e t z l e r
Slate College
a c t i \ ities of then- three years, ami lore
l b - was g r a d u a l . . I f r o m K n i w i - i l v ,,l
M I - f u l i i r . events, Miss Bishop s.ii.l
his Pb D ai
D r . I l a i n W . Hastings, c h a i r m a n of
( lark i i n n , r-ilv . in IK'J_>, and b e a m ,
the F u g l i s h departinent, w i l l speak
pai t i n . n l . at
M a v h c l l e M a t t h e w s , president of the
Sviaciis. u u i w t s i n
in I M S
class, w i l l also address hie g r o u p .
\'i\\ to 1'HK, Dean Metzler served as
Bishop has appointed the I..Iscl
lovving committees : I
I. |. an C r a i g if tin ( ollegc ,,
mile; .in.n.ii
-in. M a n
, li.-iii III;III.
I l i / a h u l i Salese.
, on, i,l tin- lev
M , \ i . k h and M i n i r a R n - in,I Stnl.
Rob. I I
i. c h a i r m a n ,
S l u . l d s . and A h e . O w e n ;
I >, .,n M e l / I . i l i s l s a i
g b i s p i Mi,-,,
is, H i l d a
Bookheiiu. c l i a i r n i a i i ,
T h o m a s t i o i n r . s . a n b a n i r l i s in the \hilh
decorations, Roe, . B a n c r o f t I , „ ! . , / , , „ /
/ ,,,,,/r.
I I , i- also joint edit o i o f
c h a i r m a n , Flleu \
M g e b r a " , and " T b . o r ,-v
merer D o m l h v Kl,,.,-. M , , i „ p r i n d h , [ " I olleg.
t i n M u u w r ami I h . n l . - . R'ohson ; | I), I, i n i i n a i i t s "
wailr.ss, • K a l h , M I llaug
Dean Anna Pierce has served as
as aa
Publiritv , , a n n i i i l , , includes: M a
Ilv i n . u i b e r o f t h i - College since
H o w a r d . , ban man. k a l h . l i n e IHKi, ^ h e w a - g r a d u a t e d f r o m State
F i t / p a l i i . k ,-,ii,l 'I b, hna S m i t h . p i , , I i o i l e r . , then the N e w Y o r k State N o r
g r a m s , Marion Mcleczek, c h a i r m a n , in.,I School, in IKK4
F o r t w o years
M a r i o n K . I K and George K e t c h a m ; } , , i i , i
h . r g r a d u a t i o n , Miss
f a c u l t y , I . u n a CouuelB and W i l l i a m I,night at I isle
In IKRn she r e t u r n e d
in Slat. I ollegi in l b , , apacity o f in
i - i r u , l o r ,,t F u g l i s h and mathematics.
i F r o m \W\ i,i I'm 1 ', sin s, rve.l a-, p r i i i
eipal o f thi primai'v department o f the
j Mo,lei scl
I. In i"(W she became in
I s i r u c l o r in elementary school methods,
and ,il thai time, look over the direc
ti,,n o i the social l i f e o f the w o m e n o f
lli< College. Dean Pierce has w o r k e d
' under the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f three presi
dent-- I),-. F. P. W a t e r b i u v . D r . W i l liam I. M i l n e , and D r . A . R. B r u b a c h e r
She has also served this College when
il was Iml a Stale N o r m a l S c h o o l , when
it was a S|,,te N'ormal College, and
now, ih,- \ ' i w Y o r k State College f o r
Mi s
lerview, Mis
,p<- that in-.
•Ill- w i l l 1,111,1
- i,-iv glad to
ill retain) ball.
" 1 ,1,
Mis P
ce lisis ai
g h.-i publica
lions the
illowing hooks
of I i l , r ;
re for A , l \ i-,,i s of Y o u n g
d C i l - K " , "( atalog o f S i n
, of Student
, I, ,n l l . a l l h
,1 A d v i s o r s ,,f
\\ -in,
and K i l l s " ,
,,i- \ \
la I. head o i ibe B i
iine.l In- A B
Colli, ,i,
Pb I: al Stat. College
in, n i l , , , ,-f l b ,
M ,
I) I
ii . instruct • in
iioini, I -up, rv n-oi of
M i l n e H i g h school, reel .,-,!
her II S I, gi,-,- at Teachers' C o l ge,
I o l n u i h i ; university, in 19IK. and I
A M in |<<23. She studied in Europe
in the vear I1).'', 27 M r s l-r.-ar is also
a member o f th, Beta chapter of O m i
croii N u , national h o n o r a r y b o m , < r n
„„,/ ||, |
SOI H l V .
e, Marion Howard, '34,
a m I below, Jean C r a g m i l e , ' 3 4 ,
w h o will be a d v e r t i s i n g manager.
Pulitzer prize plav
w ill he presented by t h
advanced dramatics class as i i - annual
social I plav on Tuesday night. M a y 23, at
rsonal « 30 o'clock, in | i „ - a u d i t , '
.1- among tin slu
that I shall a l w a v -
M a r i o n C. H o w a r d , '34, w i l l head t h e
A l m i r a Russ, '34, w i l l be m a n a g i n g
editor, and D a n V a n L e u v a n and R u t h
W i l l i a m s , sophomores, w i l l serve as
associate m a n a g i n g editors. Jean C r a i g m i l e . '34, w i l l lie a d v e r t i s i n g m a n a g e r ,
and K a t h r y n l l a u g , '34, w i l l serve as
finance manager. T h e position o f c i r c u l a t i o n manager has been elevated t o a
hoard p o s i t i o n , and w i l l be filled by M i l dred Facer, '35.
TI plav w i l l be directed by M i s s
Agnes I
-I.ml prof
,,l E n g l i s h .
A mod, I ,,| il
•el for the plav has
been completed I
Mis- l,race M a r t i n .
t i n , l,,r in line a i l s in M i l n e H i g h
I h i - w i l l piobablv he used f o r
,, l i n i n g purposeM l d i t i o i i s to the cast as announced in
l b . last
f the \ ' i w - are B e r n a r d
' Is. r he I and \ \
in Reagoll, seniors ;
R,,h, i t Robins
Philip Riccardi, and
I',, ti.-.li, I. j u n i o r s ;
l o i n s , Lois O d w e l l , I in-ill- l l i r s h ,
\ ' , , l , i , l i i i . R e i i l o w i c b , M a i i o i , Heine
in,urn ami |,,bu I l i l K , sophomores; and
I eo M i n k , i i and I n . - . t i n Davis, seventh
M i l n , l u n i o i H i g h school.
( o i u i n i i l e . s (or the plav a r e : house.
- T h e l m a S m i t h , ' 3 4 . adv. i i i - m g , L.-liiia
I C o n n e l l y . ' 3 4 ; - . , - „ n , l props, H e l e n
j Danabv and D o n a h , K n l l i i i , j u n i o r s .
Students w i l l be admitted upon pre
seiitation o f student lax tickets. Those
who wish reserved seal- w i l l have to
pay t w e n t y five rents i x t r a
tickets w i l l be sold for seyentv-five
..-.its and <
M a r g a r e t W a l s w o r t h , '35, w i l l serve
as as-isiant c i r c u l a t i o n manager. B e a nie.
Burns and Elizabeth
sophomores w ill be assistant a d v e r t i s i n g
managers, and Julia Riel. '35, w i l l act
as assistant finance manager. P r . i m o lioiis lo the liiisjiu-ss staff w i l l be a n nounced next vw.-k.
lit, ir i n - c h i e f - e l e c t .
n a member of the N'KWS staff
..- w a r - , s.iwiiig as " c u b " , r e desk editor, and associate m a n d i l o r . She was editor o f the
, •Iiiiian handbook ibis year, a n d
as general publicity c h a i r m a n
i u n i o r week end activities i l l
I rhruan
creed as reporter a n d
l a t e .'ditor,
She was an
| a s s n t . i ; „ ( . , , ! ; , , „ • ,,f ,| u . handbook, a n d
has In,-n active in the activities o f t h e
Young W o m e n ' s C h r i s t i a n association.
Van Leuvan and M i - W i l l i a m s served
as " c u b s " hist w a r , and as r e p o r t e r s
and desk e d i t o r - f o r t h i - vear.
William Nelson Will Be
1934 Y.M.C. A. President
W i l l i a m N e l s o n , '34. w i l l head t h e
College V o t i n g Men'-, C h r i s t i a n assoi iatioii f o r the next vear. as a result o f
ele, lions eon,In, led recently ( H h e m f l i , i i - elected are : vice president, T h u r s i,,n
Paul, ' 3 5 ; secretary,
C h r i s t i a n , 'S?: treasurer. Robert M e y ers, ' 3 4 ; and council delegate, E v a n
Pi d i e h a r d , '3o.
N.-lson has served on the Y M . C . A .
cabinet f o r t w o years. ' I b i s year he
was council delegate. I n this capacity
he represented State College at student
conferences at C o r t l a n d N o r m a l school
and C o r n e l l u n i v e r s i t y .
Page 2
State College News
Established by the Class of 1918
Tonight, with the opening presentation of "Patience",
the first co-operative production between the Girls' Athletic
association and the men's Troubadour organization receives
its final test, For several years there has been some disTHE NEWS STAFF
cussion of such a joint production as this, but this year
marks the first joint presentation of the two organizations.
Y. W. C. A. House, 219 Ontario Street, 2-1187
In times when co-operation is nine-tenths of living, it is
Managing Editor noteworthy that such an attempt as this has been made.
29S Elk Street
The Undergraduate Newspaper of New York
State College for Teachers
Finance Manager
The Mascot Hunt
Chi Sigma Theta, 678 Madison Avenue, 2-6126
Advertising Manager
Phi Delta, 20 South Allen Street, 2-')8.36
160 Western Avenue, 3-6935
Staff Director
Y. W. C. A. House, 219 Ontario Street, 2-1187
Harriet Dunn and
Elizabeth Salese, Bessie Stetkar, Thelnia Smith, and
Kathryn Wilkins. D E S K EDITORS: Ruth Brooks, Valentine Reutowich, Dan Van L.euvan, a n d Ruth Williams,
sophomores. REPORTERS: Luisa Iglesias, Rose Kantor,
Carolyn Kramers, Hilda Smith, and Edith Tepper,
seniors; Celia Bishop, Diane Bochner, Hilda Bookheim,
Beatrice Coe, Marion Mleczek, Rose Rosenheck, and
Elizabeth Zuend. juniors; Florence Ellen, Bessie Hartman,
Hilda Heines, Emily Hurlbut, Olga llyra, Anna Koren,
and Esther Rowland, sophomores.
Katherine Haug, '34. CIRCULATION MANAGER:
Watkins, 'ii. BUSINESS STAKE: Beatrice Burns, Mildred
Facer, Edith Garrison, Frances Maxwell, Elizabeth
Premer, Alma Quimby, Julia Kiel, and Margaret Walsworth, sophomores.
Published every Friday in the college year by the
Editorial Board representing the Student Association.
Subscriptions, S2.25 per year, single copies, len cents.
Delivered anywhere in the United States. Entered as
second class matter at postofiice, Albany, X. V.
The N E W S does not necessarily endorse sentiments
expressed in contributions. No communications will be
printed unless the writers' names are left with the Editorin-Chief of the NEWS. Anonymity will be prese. ced if so
desired. T h e N E W S does not guarantee to print any or
all communications.
Vol. XVII, No. 11
May 12, 1933
Albany, N. V.
The announcement of the retiring of four members of
the Stale College faculty within the next year marks the
end of years of valuable service which each of these persons has given to State. Dean Pierce and Dean Metzler
will conclude their duties this year as leaders of the activities of the College, It is with regret thai we, of the
student body witness the curtain fall upon their part in
the official family of State. Each has been a vital part
of the College living of every -Indent; the retirement of
each will leave a large gap in die complete picture of the
College, a gap winch it will be difficult to fill,
However, the slutting -amis of lime h a \ e determined
that with the graduation of the class of 1933 into tin- world
of today, comes die graduation of these members of our
faculty from their duties at Mate College. The years
of service which they have shown, the number of pleasant
contacts they h a w made, the memories and idea- which
they will leave behind as a part of them ,cl \, •,. will make
this graduation a commencement oi fuller meaning, oi
discovery In the richness of such contacts and memories
We shall miss the presence of these persons; we hope
thai they shall remember that they will never teas,- to
be an integral part of Stale's life.
These are not the best of times for graduates of colleges to gel jobs when they b a s e then alma maters in
June, yet youth i- ever confident, ami while ii n u k e , allow
antes for the times, u is op
'I he questionnaire
which, like die poor, is always with u-. io.es us an in
tereslillg viewpoint on die expectations oi ,. uioi This questionnaire was laken ai
g -, moi , ..l the
College .,1 Ails and Pure Nicnc, and lb. I ollcgc o| f.n
gineering ot \ e w York lllliyersily I ,i I . . . o till i|tii Hon
nam- revealed that senior, expected to h, earning $1,51)0
a year by the Ju d of Septeinbei aiti-i graduation, bin
this year they expect to earn only at tin ial, ol SI.JiHI
It is apparent that idea-, have changed a bit and hie
money" is nol expected to come so soon alter beginning
life work. A- some one observed lew n i l , , tin linn ,gone by when we bear youth sa> "Aw, 30 a week isn't
cigarette money."
Hul times will change again and the college men with
the rigid stuff iii them will succeed. It is better if they
do nol expect a, much as they expelled a few years ago
STATE CDIX«,I<. N E W S , May 13, 1932
The annual mascot hunt has been going on this week
with much industrious activity on the part of the freshman class each night to locate the hiding place of the
mascot. Dirt, dust and grime from hitherto unknown attics,
closets, anil cellars seem to have become the prevailing
badges of the class of 1936. Attempts to subdue members of
the sophomore class who happened to be in the buildings
during the time of the bunt resulted in a shifting of interest
from the search for the mascot to the subduing of any
unfortunate sophomores who happened to be present.
The issue of the MEWS ibis week might well be labeled
the election number. The time has come for the old order
lo change, yielding place to new. and each activity on the
campus has been busy selecting or electing those who are
to carry on for next year. It is at this lime of the year
that the inevitability of such a procedure becomes apparent.
Each board and organization has been busy considering a
prospectus for 1934. all have chosen carefully and well.
D / ^ / ^ I ^ Q
D U U l \ l j !
E r i e water. By W a l t e r D . E d m o n d s . Little, Brown.
Boston. $2.50. 500 pages.
In his newest novel, E r i e water, Walter D. Edmonds has added the third of bis stories of the Erie
canal to this newest saga of American literature. His
former books are R o m e haul, a story of the Erie canal
in its heyday, and T h e big barn, dealing with the
country just north of the canal in Civil war times.
E d m o n d s was born in Boonville, New York, a town
on the picturesque Black River canal, which, with its
neighbor, the Erie canal, fascinated linn from childhood, l i e was graduated from Harvard in 1926, where
he became seriously interested in writing. He now
makes his home near Boonville, where he delight-,
especially at threshing time, in assimilating tales of
the old days, heard from farmers, boaters, ex-lumbernieu and tramps.
E r i e water is a -lory of the romance of the building
of the great "1111.1]" which made New York supreme
aiming American cities. The " C a u a w l " created more
towns than the Cold Rush. It had its own taprooms,
its legends and its songs, ami its heyday was a glamorous one. uiiimpeachably American.
T h e Canal is really the her., of Mr. Edmonds' story.
We watch its digging, as it . in- through swamps, hill
sides and woods; we see the shanties go up ami the
gangs conic in; we see the b n g - l r M i ami the blacks
from the South in lighting competition; we see the
locks being made, the water creep in and the boats
come down ihe ways. \ ] | this we follow through the
eyes of Jerry howler, a young l a r p c n t e r , whose fortunes rise with the "( auawl". and wln»c wife, Mary,
er, bought from a ship i aptain
had been a Redempl
" E r i e water i- a narrative brimful of \merican character F a r m e r fi Iks. Re vol ut i
i n y d e r a i l s , a wandering Revivalist, engineers, masons, innkeeper-, lightlingered ladle-, K ang bosses, and rough-and tumble
lighters the whole pro. ,-,-i,,n passes by, first with the
jingle ..I the Pennsylvania hells, later with the horn
in.le- ..I the canal boat-. These are the men and
women ..I blood, humor, ami idiosyncrasy. T o read
about tin-in is an adventure in ilsell "
H o w to enjoy music. By Ethel Peyser, Putnam,
\ e w York
1933. $1.50. 157 pages.
T h e piuj
e ol tin- bandy manual, a- staled bj the
author, i- "in give an each..Id lo those who love music
bill 'don't know a thing about it', to those who need
explanationiisi, with,ail l e . h i m a l terms, and lo
those embarrassed souls who , lap in ihe wrong place,
during . on. cr Is " It I-, |, ,r ihe listener who know- abso
hitch nothing about inn-i. , -,n e that he know il ihi aulilill and that he i exposed lo •thing lloin
win. h he n . c u e - les, than I- hi- due
, ii .,,] in. hide ,in Ii a,
Sophomores Lead Freshmen In Inter-class Rivalry, 8-3;
Moving-Up Day Events To Decide Final Award 01 Gup
1933-34 College Catalogue Is Ready For Distribution;
Records New Requirements For Majors And Minors
Several hundred copies of the 193334 College catalogue have been distributed during the past week, according
to Miss Elizabeth Y'aiiDenburgh, registrar. The catalogue includes some
changes in the system of numbers for
the courses and in the requirements for
commerce, and adds several new English courses.
Courses 1-99 inclusive are for undergraduates only : 100-199 inclusive, for
juniors, seniors, and graduate students;
200-299 inclusive, lor graduate students
only. 'Ihe numbers of all methods
c u r s e s have been changed to 50. Eur
a commerce major, nine instead of
eleven courses are required, and for
a minor in commerce, the number of
courses has been reduced from eight to
five. English 42. English Prose Writers
of the LSth Century, a two hour, one
semester course: English 43. Renaissance Literature, a two hour, one semester course: English 140, American
Folk-Literature, a three hour, one semester course; and English 141, Scottish
Literature, a three hour, one semester
course will all be added to the curriculum next fall.
The Alumni association of Stale
college will d.-dican- the Cideon HawId library on Alumni day. Saturday,
June 17. Special rooms have been
assigned a- class reunion headquarters,
including the class of 1932.
The events of the in..mine are as
follows: registration in the Rotunda
if Draper hall : class meetings at the
"Class Reunion Headquarter,": Half
century chili meeting; (Juarter-ccnlury
club meeting ; the dedication of the
n.-w library In Dr James I. Wyer : with
/-'</,., a i / / , . ,1
a s s i s t e d I n ,1 , - o m i u i l t e e , , |
-||„. ,,.|,,,„,,,,
,., |,|| , | u , | „ , , | 1 , M I I ,
•nb ,h.in in. n. i. presenting mam „! ill. ,,f ,|„ l„,ard and staff are has,-,I upon
' hi--cs
. ,| K , „,„),, ,|,, m . |„ ,(„. ,„,.,,.,,, stari
lllelllhel . a n d . Ilhs
E l e e l i o n ol o l l i . e i s h n i h e l i o i i h
s, m e n ' s n i i n s t i e l o i e a m z . i , „ , „ .
P o t t t T
liusw'eei. Re,.'hs'weo'n,„'' ",•' oi'ih!,151
' " " "''
•1 I I I !
I lie F . d w . l l . l F l d l c d
, mbl. .
class, .
I l i p to
„||M .1
W i l l
, ,
I hill Will
I • oinc
R'I, h a u l h a l l n e x l sa.
unlay n i g h t , l i o n , II 30 u n t i l I ' 00
11 I I I , in
MiidcM a
. . . . i n i i i i P a c - ha
, , . .
D a n c e S a t u r d a y Night
' '"'"^
I tin ' win lln' Uigur and ihe loimd
are i OII-III ,, h.,w 1 In hand dill.-i- from ihe on hi Ha,
win lln I uglish h.a
,,l ., l e a n , and how lo h i . n
lo mod. in a- well as I„ ihe old inn-i.
Philip I,urn- . as-i coil pi .a, - oi ,,i inn -ii at \ , w
York university, has wnlleii ab
the hook "I think
IhaI lln- little bool will go ,, I,,in/ win toward help
iug the general publii to reali/i lln- forma ami l..i
mahlics i,i imi-ii ami gam a sense ol the beailly ami
i ii b plea-m .- in it
Eleanor Waterbury Will Be Editor
Of Year Book; 31 are
on Staff
Eleanor Waterbury. '34, will he edi
tor-ill chief of the 1934 /Vi/.n/m/yi,.'.
seumr year I k, and Dorothy Criflin,
'34. will be business manager, as a result
of elections conducted last Friday night
by the retiring l',;liiti<>!/ne board.
Fiye ,,iher hoard positions were filled
by members ol this year's junior class
I he literary board is as follows: literary editor, Celia Bishop; photograph
Mate College chorus ; luncheon on the
campus with music lo the Albany High editor, Almira Russ ; and art editor.
school hand, under the direction of Jean Craigmile. The business board po
-hi-.n- are advertising manager, KalhPrank P.ail.w.
In the aft,cities iii the auditorium, including a ,,,,.,• |'||,. M \MOU
business session, recognition of new i .,.,'
,. '. ,
'.., •
classes as me,
- of the I lalf-celiturv
' '"' '•''"'"•'al -lal
• next year will
md Ouarler century clubs, a one act | be: literary staff, Shirley Diamond,
play, "'Ihe Baker's Dozen", directed In 34. and Eleanor Brown, l.ucile Hirsh,
Beverly Diamond.'30. will. lb. follow
r ; „ h a , ,m- Lea, n,-y . and Ya|,-ui„,c Reu
IIIL' cast: Prances I,ay nor. .i2. Samuel
Dorrauce, \^, and Ah,,,a Lewi-, 'M ,'"«»"h. - p b o n i o r c s ; photograph staff.
There will aKo he several special lea Diane Boclmcr, Alice Fit/palrick, May
lures ,,i entertainment, and a recepiioii hell,- Matthews, and Hannah Parker,
to the class of 1933 in the Lounge of junior-., and Florence Ellen, Hilda
Richardson ball After the Craduate Heine,, Marguerite Fischer, F.-lh.-i
Council dinner in ill.- cafeteria of R,,yy hind, and Ruth \ \ iilianis, -.,ph .
I lusted hall, tie..- will be a Board of mores; a n -.all. Ruth 11 ill-., it. Evelyn
Directors' meeting, the college ( l a - R„-h. and lb-leu Rich, sophomore.,;
Day iweiil, wilh the participation oi the I ,,„„•!, editors, Elizabeth Zuend and
\hmini, and filially the Torchlighl pro I Rogei Baiicn.fi, j u n i o r s ; ami hiimoi
iessi,„, ,,i ihe class,- ,.f 1033 and I'M! j , . , ! , , , , , . | S ( ,III,I!I Christian. '35
with the induction of 1933 into die
Th. hu-in,--- • lall" w ill h.-a- lolh.wMinimi association, which will lalo k a t l u i i m Bell, Marion Pike, Robcrl
place on ihe campus in front ol Draper R,,biiis. m , R,,„, R,,senbe, k, and Fab.-lhh.'dl,
Winter, juniors; and Pearl llauiehn.
The general chairman of the events Sarah I,,gam ("aria Nielsen, Lillian
for M ui Dav i- D E
a Wither, panic, |,,lia Red, and baleen Wallace,
'17. associate edi
if Yr-.v I'm '• V/,//a ,,,|ih,,inures
I o.n i he ,,ii,,i.| ..i lie . 1,1--
Tolk oiig .Hid dan. ,', "ihe or. he-Ira and il- I n ah.•-,'
and "how 0. bsti n lo moder
u :,
Mi-- Pei , i I,.,- n ,-d main diagiaim ami iniple,
null . hnn al language win- h will nil. i. I the
' di
-sled ,,| I I I . m i
whuli will I. II v..II win a
events for women and the push-ball
contest for men on the night preceding Moving-Up Day, each of which
give two points to the victors; banner
rivalry, which will give five points to
the class successful in obtaining and
keeping the banner of the rival class
until the close of the contest; the class
stunts on Moving-Up Day which obtain
three points for the class that has the
better stunt; and the inter-class sing on
the night of Moving-Up Day, which
will give three points to the class whose
prize song is superior with regard to
its composition and rendition.
The class that receives the most
points under the interclass rivalry rules
shall be awarded a silver loving cup
after the Moving-Up Day sing.
With the score of 8-3 the sophomore
class is leading in the annual inter-class
rivalry which will end after the Moving-Up Day sing next week. The sophomores gained their leadership by winning the annual sophomore-freshman
basketball game for men, which gave
them three points, and the inter-class
sing on March 24, which gave them the
remaining five points. The freshmen
received three points by winning the
annual sophomore-freshman basketball
game for women.
There are six more events that will
be counted as part o: the inter-class
rivalry: the mascot hunt, taking place
this week, which awards five points to
the freshmen if they find the sophomore
mascot, or five points to the latter if
the freshmen fail to find it; the track
K. i.ni ih i hiisiian, , • will hi g. n
. i..l .i .oiiuan
I Minuiill,-.
n.i ihe
dance will in,hide de, ... ,ii,.,u , Bel
inn-1 K. ib. 1, '.i.S. lacully, k k b a r d Mai
gi MII, '.ii, ,i, lu-stra, l haili
'3-1. and piogianis, John Bdl . 15
I'h, dan,, will h, niloiuial
deCMialiMi,- AIII c.iisi i ,,| lln l,,ui Col
hge ,1a hauuei
lacully em .1 will
II Hold
Ihompson, piolessool
ol l-.ugb h. and Mrs Thompson; Pro
<i t i l l , I I I
- l a t e h a , e l all nam
l l a i l w i e k a l 1 H i , >nla
H in
lol inn,
Page ball
-.ol I , , , „ , . . - \ , , | | , | „ a i | o l t h e IOI1I
m e n , depailmeiil. and Mrs V,.rk
Ml I lan-nce llidley, assi.staill piole,
.ol ..I hi l . a , . and Mi
III.lie) , and
Di Doiinal Smiih, ,,- islam pro lessor
..i hi i o n , and Mi ,
Page 3
Is Grand Marshall
The set of resolutions affecting the revision of the inter-class
rivalry rules and College traditions proposed by Myskania was
passed in last Friday's assembly
by student vote.
The revision will first be in
Changes made this year will include the abolition of tug-of-war
for women and pole-rush for
men, and the substitution of track
events for women and a pushball contest for men on the night
Each victory will count two
points. Class athletic managers
are acting as captains of the
'track and push-ball teams.
Letitia Connelly Will Edit
Magazine Next Year;
Seven to Assist
Letitia Connelly, '34, will head the
1933-34 editorial board of the Lion, humor publication, and Elizabeth Zuend,
will retain the post of business
manager on the now board.
Miss Connelly was associate editor
of the Lion Ibis year, and previously
had served as a staff member for two
years. Miss Zuend was assistant business manager in her sophomore year,
and business manager this year.
The new managing board will also
include: Kenneth Christian, managing
editor; and Mary Williams. '34, and
George Taylor, '35, associate editors.
Eileen Wallace, '35, will be assistant
business manager; Florence Ellen, '^,
advertising manager; and Margaret
Jacobs, '35, assistant advertising manager. Keys will be awarded to the incoming board members as a part of the
ceremonies on Moving-L'p Dav, Friday, May 19.
Phi Lambda sorority welcomes Mildred Facer, '35. into plcdue membership.
Assembly Adopts Rules
for Inter-class Rivalry
Sorority Tea Will Be
Tomorrow Afternoon
Above, Raymond Harris, '33,
who will be the grand marshal! for
the annual Moving-Up Day exercises next Frida\ norning.
Tvdward DcTemple will he president
Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority welcomes of the class of 1936 for next year, as a
Rose Einhorn and Martha Rolnik,
result of elections completed Friday.
freshmen, into full membership.
Other officers for next year a r e : vice
president, F'laine Baird; secretary,
Members of Lutheran club will meet Frances Studebakcr; treasurer, EdWednesday, at 5:30 o'clock in the ward Oldfield ; song leader, Rose EinFriendship house. Election of officers horn ; reporter, Blodwyn Evans.
for next year will be conducted, and
Men's athletic manager, Robert Polplans for a social event will be discussed. Lois Burgdorf, '33, president, and ; member o f men's athletic council,
Paul Bulger; Girl's Athletic associawill preside.
tion manager, Marjorie Kalaidjian; and
G.A.A. representative, Jacqueline EvWELCOMES MEMBERS
The office of finance board repSigma Alpha sorority welcomes ans.
Florence Hoornbeck and Blanche Lcp- resentative will be decided by another
per, freshmen, and Rose Waite and revote. The nominees a r e ; Emma
Dorothy Kuehn, sophomores, into full
Mead and George Decker.
Gamma Kappa Phi sorority will conduct a tea tomorrow afternoon from
Gamma Kappa Phi sorority wel3:00 until 5:00 o'clock for members of :omes into pledge membership, Gladys
the College faculty and all sororities Robarge, '35. and Patricia Ericson, '36.
at the sorority bouse, _'! N'orth Main
K a t b r y n K a u g . '34, and Evelyn
There are a few additional copies of
Slaehle. '35. will be co-chairmen for the
"Pedagogue," senior year book,
tea. O t h e r c o m m i t t e e s will include:
ii. ulty t arol. u Christ; insui 53 md available for sale. Anyone who wishes
refreshments, Frances Stumpf and to buy a "Pedagogue" and has not
signed up niay secure a copy from
Carolyn Simonet, freshmen.
Miss Elizabeth Anderson, supervisor Mr. Collins in Room X.
The price is S4.25, William Collins,
• if commerce in M ilne i ligb school, will
circulation manager, slated.
be patroness.
Classes to Rehearse
During 11:10 Assembly
(Continued from l>unc I, column 3)
be a synchrononous m ovement of all
the classes."
Practice of the Ivy song under the
direction of Katherine Long, Wi, College song leader, will follow the rehearsal.
Revote for Girls' Cheerleader will
take place. The candidates are : Hilda
I leines, '35. and Margaret Dietz, '36.
avor that neimer
toe P'oossesses alone
Hourly in die I7tli century, tobacco seed
from America wuw taken to Turkey. Different noil,
dilfcrcul climate, dilfcrcul temperatures ni^ht
tluy, and different farming method** produced
entirely new tobacco — HIIIUII in size, Itul very
rich ami aromatic.
Four certain spot* arc fumous lor the quality
of their Turkish tobacco — X a u l h i a u d < avalia in
lester field
Greece; Hnmsoun and Smyrna in Turkey. And it
is principally from these places that our buyers
m~i the Turkish for Chesterfield.
These Turkihh tobaccos are hleuded, in just the
right amount, with Domestic tobaccos. It is this
blending and cro»a-bl(mdlngof)\\»i the right amount
of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos which gives
Chesterfield u (lav or thut neither possesses alone
c war elk
tit/a re//<
~thafs Aululw
Association Conducts Election for
Cabinet Officers for
Coming Year.
Ceremonies Will Begin at 8:30;
Feature Will Be Tapping
of New Myskania
Almira Russ, '34, will be president of
the Young Women's Christian association for the coming year, as a result of
the elections conducted this week.
The result of the other elections were
not announced when the N E W S went to
press. The vice president was chosen
from Beatrice Coe, Dorothy Griffin,
Marion Pike, and Kathryn Wilkins,
juniors; the secretary, Elaine Baird,
Jacqueline Evans, and Lois Potter,
freshmen; treasurer, Laura Clarke,
Loraine Loder, and Esther Rowland,
sophomores; and undergraduate representative, Daisy Bryson, Sarah Logan, and Harriet Ten Eyck, sophomores.
Miss Russ will be state chairman of
the New York State student conference
next fall, on October 27 and 28. This
conference will be conducted at Cornell university. Miss Russ has been a
member of the committee which plans
these conferences for the last two years.
She served as undergraduate representative on the College Y.W.C.A. cabinet
this year and as chairman of the conferences and conventions committee last
As soon as the elections are completed,
the cabinet for next year will be chosen,
Laura Styn, '33, retiring president,
said. The installation of the officers
and the cabinet will be conducted the
last week in May.
The annual Moving-Up Day ceremonies will begin at 8:30 o'clock next
Friday morning, with the senior class
leading the procession of classes across
the campus from the front door of
Draper hall to the auditorium of Page
hall, where the exercises will be conducted. Raymond Harris, '33, will be
g r a n d marshal.
In order to begin the ceremonies on
time, m e m b e r s of classes are urged
to assemble at their respective positions
at 8:10 o'clock. The following places
have been assigned for assembling:
seniors, Rotunda of Draper hall;
juniors, first floor of Husted hall,
facing east doorway; sophomores,
lower corridor of Husted hall, near
the annex and facing the staircase; and
freshmen, lower corridor of Draper
hall, near the College Co-op. Students
w h o do not march with their classes
will not be admitted into the auditorium until after the class speeches
have been given, H a r r i s said.
The program will be as follows:
singing of the College Alma Mater,
class speeches by Elizabeth Gordon,
'33, Thomas Garrett. '34, Janet Norris,
'35, and William Baker, '36; presentation of awards for extra-curricular
activities; presentation of athletic
a w a r d s ; senior farewell s o n g ; moving-up of classes; " t a p p i n g " of the
new M y s k a n i a ; a n n o u n c e m e n t of incoming student association officers and
The members of Mvskania, new and
old, will lead the line of recessional
from the front door of the auditorium,
followed by the senior, junior, sophomore and freshman classes. The line
of march will extend to the front campus, where each class will form its class
Ivy Speaker
While the classes are in numeral formation, the senior class ivy will be
planted by Frank Young and Ralph
Harris, seniors. The ivy speech will be
given by Margaret Rausch. This will
be followed by the ivy song. Students
are requested to remain in numeral formation until after the ivy ceremony
is over.
The class stunts in which the freshmen and sophomores compete for rivalry will begin at 2 :30 o'clock in the
afternoon. The stunt chairmen are as
follows: seniors, Cecelia F o x ; juniors,
Jean Craigmile; sophomores, Marion
Heinemann; and freshmen, Ivy Shepard.
The annual intcrclass sing will begin
at 7:30 o'clock and will be conducted
on the court in front of Draper hall
The order of songs will lie announced
next week. After the shiK, the judges
will announce the results of intcrclass
rivalry and the award of the intcrclass
rivalry cup will be made.
A new ceremonv that will be incorporated this vear is the handing down
of the College SOUKS to the song-leaderelect by the outgoing song leader This
will be done before the senior junior
step song.
Dancing in the Page hall gymnasium
will follow the sing. Students arc requested not to bring outside guests.
Class marshals who will assist Harris arc: Naomi Albrerht and Ellen
Murpliv, seniors; Shirlev Diamond
and Robert Robinson, juniors; Wilfred !
Allard and Helen Rich sophomores:
Emma Mead and Martha Dashnaw
Girls' Athletic association will conduct its annual post Moving-Up Day
bike next Saturday morning. Buses
will leave the Washington avenue
entrance at 10:00 o'clock for Camp
Harriet Ten F.yck, '35, will be general chairman for the trip. Committees
will include the following : food, Emily
l-furlbut, '35, chairman, Minnie Mc| .Vickie, '34, June Blowers and Evelyn
Hovl, sophomores, and Jacuclinc F.vAbove, left to right, Almira Russ, '34, president-elect of the Young Women's Christ i m Association William
aiK Lara Hendricks, and Rose GilNelson, '34, president-elect of the Young Men's Christian Association; Dean Anna 1E. Pierce, who will retire
freshmen ; entertainment, Janet
in June.
| .'s'orris, '35, chairman. Daisy Brvson,
Below, Robert Robinson, who will head the class of V>M next year; Katherine Long, '33, college song
Sally Logan, and Lois Mclntyre. sophleader in charge of the Moving-! p Day singing; and Dean William H. Metzler, who will retire next October
omores, and Illodw vn Evans, '36 ; buses,
Dorothv Klosc and Celia Bishop, juniors; chaperons, Naomi Albrecht, '33;
advertising, Ruth Hilkert and Helen
Rich, sophomores; and clean-up, Elaine
Baird, Genevieve Ciirlcy, Ruth Duffy,
Three more seniors have received
The members of the Young \ \ - a n - and ( harlolti Rockow, frcshiuen.
teaching positions during the last week,
The varsity baseball team will oppose il's Christian Association house will
according to Professor John M. Sayles, the I lartwick nine at Oneoiita tomor- onduct a spring house dance on Satprincipal of Milne High school and row morning ai '):()() o'clock for the unlay night, May 20, at the house a,. j \ Y i J H a m R o g e f S , ' 3 4 , I s
third game of the seas
MM Ontario street. The "Slate Colli
, , ,., i ,
-i ,i
secretary ol the placement bureau.
i ]_... it,.,,,,!...
, . , , . ,
-^ niooks, w t e i a n miner, and I'lavbovs will provide Ihe music fo
Lillian Howe will teach commerce at Bob Riveuburg, a New Era Undent, I the "dance. Mrs. Bertha E. Briinniei
Walden; Dorothy MeGeoch will teach j «>ll make up State's battery. The rest [executive secretary of the alumni asso j William Rogers,'34, will he president
the first through sixth grades at lid.- ','f, ''"', |'m,'"111' '" H* '"Hows: Young, nation, and Mrs. Gladys Rand, house of Kappa Phi Kappa, national honorary
, .,
'., .
, ... . . left field; Detlefson, center field; Ben mother, will serve as chaperones.
educational fraternity, for next year, as
ron; and Mane Redmond will be m L , l i c t , rightlield. The infield ,,,11 ,'„
Commillees for the dance include: a result of elections conducted at a
the English .history and library depart- elude: llavward, first base; Meanev, chaperones, Laura Stvn,'33 and Sarah ineetiii|. of the fraternity last week.
ments at Edmeston,
M-eond base; Drake, third base; and I ou.an '35; orchestra. Alvina Lewis, RoK.-r W Bancroft, '3-1,'will serve as
Ccraldiue hint has also received a |,,.|. ,.„„,-,, „)„„.,,,,,,,
| • u .„„, | ) „ r i l t | l v Atxvcll. '3-1 : decora IN ice president.
position leaching Latin and bioIogN
The three remaining earncs ,„i State's lions, Isabel Hewitt, '.(3, and Gertrude I Other officers for I'U.i I "3-1 include:
I Ins brings Ihe total ol seniors and U-hedulc are as follows: Ma\ -'II St C o m - and Agnes Crouch, juniors: -ccrclarv, Robert Robinson. '3-1; trea
graduates placed up to thirn live, Mr. \ St, pheiis at Auiiandale on Hudson ' n i're,biiienis, Alii e McF.wan, and | surer, I e., PI;
-. '3-1 : and fai ulty adSaGes office reported.
\ | ; i v >.\ s , Stephens al Ridgelield I Marion Pike, juniors, and Mildred I), Arthur K. Beik, professor of edit1
park diamond.
Mas 17 I lartwick j Youngs, pecial student ; and clean-up, | cation.
William Collins, \\S, is the reliriug
college at Ridgcfu Id park diamond.
Elaun Baud, F.sther ( arls,,n, ENCINII
Examinations to Benin
• Dal.I, and I harlolte U o . U w , ire I
i I president
Three Seniors Receive
Positions During Week
Annual Dance May 20
1936 Conducts Dinner
Meeting Tuesday Night1
Miss Anna R. Pierce, dean of worn
en, Dr I luimal V. Smith, assistant pro
fessor of history, and Di Karl ) Doi
waldt, instructor in Ingicne, were j
speakers at the first ilium r meeting .,1
the freshman class conducted Tucvla-, \
night in the cafeteria ol lliMcd hall
Julia Merchant, N i. c pr, idem. Wa- !
general chairman
Tliecoinmitteesa'-sisiing Miss Merchant were : finance, Karl Kbcrs ; music.
Rose F.inhorii; decorations, Agnes Wilson ; pulilii i n , I'I.one Hand ; speakers,
Virginia Flora, lounge, Vincent Done
hue; waiters, Francis Hardtneyer; and
clean up, Dorothy Win le,
Following the dinner the class adjourned to the Lounge of Richardson
hall, when several itlUJlln were pre
senled and Roger Bancroft, '34, captain
elect of varsity basketball and coach of
liit \')M, team, presented certificates |o
Ihe member-, of the basketball team.
Kappa Phi Kappa Head
May 31, registrar states
Newman Club Elects
Officers for 1933-34 <">WNS
I inal examinations NN ill com
meiice Wednesday, Mav 31, at
'COO o'clock, Miss Elizabeth \ an
Dcuburgh, registrar, anuouin ed
today. The schedule for exami
nations will he posted on the
l.iilli tin hoards in the rotunda of
Drapei hall, ami in the corridor
ol llu od ball, Monda.N afterMil
N. P. F R E D E T T E
, xamiualioiis ti.<• davs, a- Mon
'his. lime \ .\a- the date sch,
dulcd ill the College catalogue
ioi liual i saininations lo begin
A (<ll 'I' I'KOM
Floyd H. C jraves
8 4 5 Mmlihon
Sew man < I ill
•ml.ers el,
d oil,
V»i All Pertre.-s
i ers for I'M I 11 ,,i the regular meeting
T h e c o u n t r \ 's Inrgesl m n k e r of a c a d e m i c c o s t u m e s
" ' I he 'new o'l'li, ers'"ele, tc.T'for next
l»P-»»"> " ' " " ' " " " « • » / / . * / « * Bu,*«u
Near are: Hilda Bradley, Ml, presi I ( J O T R P X L & L E O N A R D ,
A l b a n y , N. V.
dent; Katherine Kearney, '35, Nice i i,
president; llelene Sheehan, '3.S, sec j ,
rotary; Beatrice Bums, '35, treasurer;
(;iuauu« Pluud
Margiirel llof, to, reporter.
Senioi << .urn illois NN ill be: I lelen
I loheilN and |ane Mi Donald, junior*;
IUIIIOI I ouiii illoi M.IIN Ma/,ii. I at
O c r i . l S I S ' I'lUCSCHIlTIONS I'll.l.l'.l)
lierine Morgan,Hophoinoies; and junioi
colincilloiH to I,esln,,en: Helen Belir,
Hewitt lluildinti,
Hoont 10. 61 Columbia
Street, Albany, N. Y.
l-.lizabelh Beniiell, I ouise I lawison,
Helen Donahue, w.phomniCH
The Van Ueusen Charles Company
470 llrosulwiiy, Albany, N. V.
General Printers
Keep Beautiful at Palladino's
Drill's and Pharmaceuticals
36-38 Heaver Street
Telephone 6-3402
<il Steps
• '•
uj I'earl
I1'inner ami Marcel
at Popular
133 No. Pourl St.
K i l z 85 So. Pearl S t .
II No. I'euil SI,
Dial 3 - U 3 I
Dial 5-20-15
Dial A-M>M
Hair DobbinH