State College N e ^ s NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS _ VOL. XII. No. 33 ALBANY, N. V. F R I D A Y , MAY 2 5 , 1928 7%t—fy-M . ** 10 cents per copy, 82.25 'per y&ftp WHEN STATE "MOVED UP" AND MYSKANIA "TAPPED" THIRTEEN WILL DEBATE TODAY OVER CONSTITUTION •Ail m Student S e n t i m e n t Grows Against Document; Expect Attack Today In Assembly AIMS F O R DEFINITENESS Plans N e w Method Of Selecting Student Council From Four Classes A spirited for the forensic joint proposed contest assimbl) is promised today new constitution may he conducted when will the he dis- Monday and several fea- cussed. A vote Tuesday in the Student tures in tins sentiment tin week, he rotunda. against document and attacked it has heen is expected today when growing thai it brought will i up for discussion. While ciation eral as admitting needs new in the constitution The creation kauia, said ,,i he for general a he sev- expressed j that the and; use. judiciary, powers espccialls asso- unwieldy •.t" se\ end will have viewpoint may too complicated student constitution, activities opinion transfer the a revised leaders their that and from the i Mys- attacked, it was he saw today. Questions Judicial Power ( llie lil le an student pointed pracl advisory thai organization force its 'I he days made ami the the class, lis 'flu- was lun by in three to of '.ill; h'.liza'.eth been '_'«. an,| a more old form the committee Warren col ttee are Kiiunanucl i 01 brane, '_'«; 'Mi; Russell S . i x l o i i , '-'K ; ( hrissie \rvid Hurke, 'JK. FRATERNITY PLEDGES U MEN; TO INITIATE menial ,s ,\l Kappa uiglil \ \ ib s bibls •chool llie ,.ill being chaiig.s loda\ In OC.III advised die inemhel , In i,l sslnle base II,sine heller III.HI ,,i I., ill, lb, s I keep n resi ill I and ih I a bll tea. I Ml Willi ssolld esellls, I,,pi, was " i p.,, -una l l f l ' i - I , , , ill,,I ibe ,, s)olk ,,,Ihge ol ol ill, ol ibe A Is. cducalioii I hi , haplei, be folllld lo 1111, i, I 1 • I . 1, 111., I. • - ibe aluiiiiu in i (.. Nelson, and Dean oilier I'lolessoi I,unity the ml ihe prolessioual Sajles, the CI,unite II. The lerretl lile-da.s, Iraliiuily, ol final \ McUhr at ibe dinner, inilialion room bead ol I'lolessoi members to |,,r College the M William I'reviollh canihdalcs in John tlep.lllliiel.l, Draper degree according III,lies the dinner, ol l l l e l al \ r . l l l t •! - .creased In unhide seveia Thomas rows ol I', their Is',nil " ' ' " • and auditorium Hisiois I . , , | ibe Ail, ... " ' " ' " iibe brecl,. ballon, Kales o l McNicUe and Marian and M,„, "ere ' Albans liistilule The .lass e n . U'« -\Km-s Iiiclio... Ii amain-,, " • ' • ! his ed, -,,, I'al el.a ,|„ s. ssdl ,„l- U„ l „ „-, .. . . k. r-l.lU-rer svl I'loiellie K.oi, business l i i a n a g e i Isan imisi.n | J, , | , con ol baton bollom named Mildred and right, C Kridav, Lausley, l.aVerne juniors Mill' IIOIIKHI. .Vlitoiv They Carr; form an are, Alice first Hills, back arch pllblli'lls lluIs ,1, . ,, Man tie ihe llei Lam plays. reading lessor o l adviser and p ] ,(, M Klee.k, in n l . i let led business stall l aiupbcll l i i a n a g e i s; A. She basses pla.s is presenlatioii lis •stale I |> s, I M W '''• „ ,. .„,. " ' ; " ,,,,,,„, ,„ | ,, ,r,. M l l l i Ibailolle J«. ,, "All.e l u " m u •_.„ a j ;„ „.. loiies editor were of Kvi'illlu,' .News row ton (ierlnule' row, the canes for photo Hall, h'.ve- retiring the M ys- incoming board .ml year, pro is the l u c u l h Dearth"; lloian \ | v , , , -,{| .,-. " H l l " , and | I I 1 M I I ,, • \ | , |',,,-<)j,.". Kiibanl and recently ekcled other business hs by the list o| mi the l'i-dagogue and others, ihe members appointed This because si.n's IVilagogue , , | uul'orsi'eii juniors ol lllese ss ho dm Wiigln, _'K. tlehiyed circuiuslances aitoniing editor is Mealriie in-chief, Several bast' uccurred because hook will two ibis weeks alue ui the late Miss j probably week ,,i will in making W right appear ixamiualiou. its todas tluinig be and about appear saitl llie at ol l r Ul l l 1 1 " " j ' , , ; ; ' ' " " " , '" ' ,,,,-,, ,|,, , . ' lied membership llu- Mosing oil " ,„ " ' ,,„. ,, " " il In si I.a\ I M K. is ilse.ibai • i .ill gives ihaiici ibis lo wish, thin make took die -' liilm n,,i in .an sscai, some listami luck i.,i C.rliiide Mice III, .ins tinn dies their Mlv' dear siiulrlll an .\ ihe again dial ihcnisclves M' Hall it is who list's, Walts ssdl .In. reiar.s. ; ' " ' : M, Other ill cheer of new so.ig an l'mfessor ol sec ollicers leader; Hamilton member awards wen- Johnston, professor 11. he association Mi), leaders; cducalioii, Power, vice-president, bud,is. '.II. wiil '.H. and ihe Crace Ache l.eorg the studeul finance. Isabella liam student nl and pnsidenl, j \orr.s, faculty Athletic ical year, be Halt's, I'eik, York, board J. U. presideul retiring llie,are iliaiitt-. he next will l-ant-, Calhertne n, TDK CONSTITUTION Why students should proceed carefully in action on the proposed constitution is answered in a series of questions in the leading editorial on page 2. The Editor. b'liib ' • Scbleicii Slulhuglaw Craves UoUIICetlal a» i I'ulver M. J. association lii-.i«J>-. l^1''1 magi people live, thereby ,,i .shake b underling.." proves bin in I,nib th'sallslletl ovei I ;i ilui t , o l premise brench Kaiisles I b/.ib.tb '" lol air Hills Mildred i aniline in,i,I, al b'riday, Connies '"''I'I'IH""'' "Ibe "lapped" I,rase, " , l l'i, ihe IMIII I aesar, ssele organization ballon M. bs.lsn , t I', I loreiice Kohert tin not b'.aloll as ,.,,, Illll A l l ! tune cenmonies erne I'.ll/.lbelb 'II ' ' " ' l r , " ' ' '', " ' • " ' " ; ibe I p das li. ,,.„.. ' " ' U l a l l , ! " ' " ' " ' " .•lllllllli das. Jlllle ' -Hi,bills in W illiain , ,, ' " ' ^ , | ., bad 1 1 ,,, ,,i announced i',,r dramatic pmduc tl r 1 1 ' , , im '"' ' ' " ' " l " ,,,,,.,, week, 'I l l , ' n- thirteen in has next puhlicls ''•' •'• ' " "' l' ' -^ ..,,,, ,,,a ,,„,,.,. |, . .,,, \ l , , |,,„| , , , „ „ „ , , " casl p, b, say, dilliculh llie weekly ,,i Myskania in to u n e x p . . i. ,1 delays el iss members " ' -»"""'"> u. llie lllr .pe.ue's EARLY IN NEXT MONTH ' phologiaphy, in c h i e l were l.oi.i irietl the assisianl ,| Hiiiliis, I It I lie class Thirteen leaders m studeul ss ill he i n i t i a t e d i n n , m i l membership lor \ all Shirley puhlitalioii The \ | | in i Ilulbs, llie class. oflitels Joseph lilted dramatic', the member "' inblea. bed , , , , , . , , , \ ni s . iI,lad ,i.,,i. ,, M -,,,,„ U u l h | " ' I'' n i l " | l l ,. ' , ". ' '«' \ ! " ^ |j ' ' " ' ' " " background -, b\ a ( oil, ,',-. l r learning i particularly K " " "!'",'",' b l the roles , , | I ' ' J > ' A l l l r h bas more male pari-,. ha- bill three male parts. | ' PEDAGOGUE TO APPEAR h i s t o r y , w i l l ai I lor niauagei iug The repertoire, '•• ' " '•''••'I' .•. as , ,i-xeiiiled • • , ! i •\ | . , , , , , , , , . , " . liianagei. Clarence have M i c l i . n 1 T , peduio, _">, as " M a t e y " , a butler; Marj • YoUllg, '.'« fob", | in igii i.,u , 11, u •, | „ , p,,,,, I I ISiJrrS'S the ofhceis were I'ulver, .. co.icbini ,„„ ,„,,,,.,,.. |:lllK|„ |„ X | |',.,IM, „ „ „ „, p,,, | I s e l s l l ,„ , bos In Width e.hloi II, l.a\ appolllletl iuclutles II, a siiapsbol all,I, Man,,u ball the Hetty classmates; ,.,,,„. , I.,,,,,,,.,', , ,i,„iie N | , , . ' ' playwright, ind she is -,anl lo eiijos di Mais ph, ,1 ogi a p l , ssdl hi M,„io„ Walls and II ap|ionilet| I'.dllOIS junior al members Kluabeth 1 . ,1,-s, K a l b S I l l l l , Inn Shilhng'la'w are e, Km). The eleven be between M vskania Scbleicii, i l l l l , " s, , i H I s ss a-, 11, sly i HI I lis l lie ll 11,el -, o l , i interviewed will lo ibe Mllloll were llie were french, new M. ,h,„ ,„„„.,, „. ,,,,, ,.,,,„„,, ,„,, lliBhl „,„,,, lllllllli. I "l 1 llu ,,| mail.' ,s K-enioi l e a l i o , , 1V, ,a- i- l. , ol11,11s uexl K a se ads ei Using I'loi,- out" tbirtecn Caroline link in Ileitis. nlil,allon M. u l M bang Hi ,i III i l l - . i | ol ami I. i proli spoils,,i nielli allairs, Shillinglaw, William "niove limed I t r o u u , ' . " ' . newly were'appoiuled lol's. pi i -eiiiors J. llu gl n. I, i l l , , in- ssolld lell, Mice Hills, I ' l o m n c is n M l l b l l l e e l i I .'Hole C j ' | , ;|lMl.' j ' ( i i | r ,„,. "" ' I s , IS I lis assistanl faculty be llu ,1 l i l l l k i , i . l u in,' ssa-, ha - Hart glial respeel pa I llu „l a Has. I r a l c i 111) \ , lieili, I lie ie I oiiceplioiis". A l \ id lip in Connies, i • - - ' - v.< H,,- The uier, ibe .,. , o 111111 11111 < hi Illll,I upon undergraduate class. losephiue ""l,..'licit club pla, ed ol I'll linncl lb ii in Hubert l lie ing mil,ill l-'lni -i-ni e Ilolloiu, I I' Walls. ear H r u l i i s , a play In Sir lames oihei characters r e : ith i e d U 1UJJ I L M L i n i U l\J Palmer, Watts And Francois Are II M." HHume, will be presented touiglu and | ^ ' •l b, ', - '•'•'",''. '•'". ^ "Mr.a('"•,',' '',': Ke"r iuc kl 1 a r ,, l , a l Art Editors; Sloan Heads !„„ v"'"'" Graves Heads Student Associatu ,„„!„ |„ ,|„. a,banced dra I ;. .-'j" '-, ,-'»• \ " V , , 1 ; ' r Humor Department , , W nglu _K. a, Mabel I'urdie ; Nancy ion; Brady And Norris Are I "' " ''ass. M o r g a n , _'K. as " b a d ) I a r o l m e Kanev' ; Other Officers The editorial board ol the I'eila The performances will be given in Kinds W i l l i a m s , '_'K, as "Joanna T r o u t " ; I Ie , ei isi l i eai ns I >l. I i n school, Kappa I nivei-sils poiul.d is a- social it- Craves, gogl lumla coniiuissioner lol.l al al more the -in, ediic.Hion, i r . i l e i mis i iics.las a ban Wilev. secoiid,.n Hi ,.„ nil Co,,,, -p hs 1 \ ii Uulli BROWN TODAY NAMES Dramatics Class Presents "Dear Brutus" {RETIRING MYSKANIA r fa Tomorrow Wit M S ar StateCa PEDAGOGUE EDITORS , " * i -' ^ WILL j N I T , A T E j3 • I loll Cane right, -eiiior HERE NEXT TUESDAY^ •lb, to generally I The the McMnlleii, | I.KADKKSII left k.tnia. maintain chairman; '.)l ; K a l h e r i u e l inn-, sub ol 'Jo. I'OK class, vague, M ember, I'IIUIUH by live junior class. laws. too seven j incoming nominees has older Hills. (irei ii, to be from the sophomore entirely Alice sin which from the members from group claims, lum, by constitution definite by members association the changed the the student three submitted member milled heen time, to devised submitted nominees one heen several thai In- members : president, vice- J by senior en J have since '.election secretary, nominees to posted changes officers of -hall elcclcd »;i. of has following ol unless decision. method president, rendering committee' council ciation thai the Myskania, empowered minor ilie neu dent is judical l>) A by constitution ago, "ill uei ,1 f o r upiuioii Mcl/lcr Nt'.ws board. made by Miss instructor in phys- anil Dr. ol physics. awarded (arlelou Dean keys to K. Wilthe STATE COLLEGE NEWS.MAY 25, 1928 "'' 2 State College News E S T A B L I S H E D BY T H E C L A S S OF 1918 The Undergraduate Newspaper of New Vorlc State College for Teachers " T H E NEWS BOARD W I L L I A M M. F R E N C H Editor-in-Chief Kappa Delta Rho House, 480 Morris St., West 4314 T H O M A S P . FALLON Business Manager 13 Garfield Place, West 4874-R L O U I S J. W O L N E B Managing Editor 54 West Street, W e s t 6200-M MARGARET J. STEELE Associate Managing 224 Jay Street, Main 2691-W MARGARET H E N N I N G E Advertising Newman Hall, 741 Madison Ave., West 6484 Editor Manager Published every Friday in the college year by the Editorial Board representing the Student Association. Subscriptions, $2.25 per year, single copies, ten cents. Delivered anywhere in the United Slates. Entered as second class matter at postoffice, Albany, N. Y. The NEWS does not necessarily endorse sentiments expressed in contributions. N o communications will be printed unless the writers names are left with the Editor-in-Chief of the NEWS. Anonymity will be preserved if so desired. The NEWS does not guarantee to print any or all communications. PKINTED BY MILLS ART PRESS, 394-396 Broadway—Main A l b a n y , N . Y. May 25, 1928 2287 Vol. X I I , No. 33 NEW CONSTITUTION NOT A PANACEA; THESE QUESTIONS NEED ANSWERS The constitution to be presented to the student association today for adoption represents long work by the committee But the student association should not on adjustments. adopt the constitution without weighing each article separately. With all the work of the committee, the constitution still needs polishing if it is to be adopted. In its present form it should not be swallowed blindly. Questions which the committee should be prepared to answer include: Can the new executive council enforce the point system as well as Myskania? How does this committee propose that it be done? Should an executive council be empowered to charter all organizations, without the approval' of Myskania? That power has resided with Myskania since it was founded. It has worked well in its present capacity. Why change a system that works for one that may not? How much emergency power shall the executive council have? This is an unlimited power, as conferred by the proposed constitution, in spite of the verbal assurances of committee members. W h y should this emergency power be provided for, when the legislative branch can be summoned at any time? How much .influence would an advisory opinion carry? If Myskania is to be a court, why not give it the power to make decisions that have some power behind them ? Why expose Myskania to the expedient of making itself unpopular? How often would Myskania be expected to render an advisory opinion? How are the representatives of the classes on the executive council to be nominated in their classes? The constitution is conveniently vague on this point. Are the Y E U S board, finance board and others considered as "committees of the association". If not, this should be explicitly stated, to avoid a possible interpretation in the future. When one is making a constitution is the time to provide for eventualities. If no penalties f o r . t h e infraction of traditions are included1 in the new by-laws, how is Myskania to apply such penalties? This may, be a point well worth considering. Is ratification by a majority vote sufficient? Most constitutions r e q u i r e ' a two-thirds or three-fourths vote. Is the committee afraid that not more than a bare majority of State College students favor this proposed constitution 5 Why should it be harder to amend the constitution than to adopt it? Is this a Mctternichian attempt to preserve the status quo, once the constitution is adoped—if it should be ? How a r e the by-laws to be amended? Shall Myskania members be deprived of the right to be members of the Student council? Shall they he penalized for their "leadership in scholarship, literary effort, debate, dramatics, athletics, and in undergraduate affairs generally?" If the student association wants a certain person on the executive council, should it he deprived of the right to place that student leader there? If the election of members of this student council is to he postponed until t\vo weeks alter Moving L'p day, what will be done in tin- case of lengthy revotes? Win mils' this election be postponed until alter Moving l ' p d a y : Is it not to be assured that the student-, shall not elect more than one Myskania, member, besides the student aa.socialioii president, to the ol'ljce? , ft would be etnbarassing, the NEWS admits, to compel' three' or 'four Myskania member, to resign, alter they hail been duly elected, just because Mys kania also sought to honor them. Is this not a system that proposes eventually to MIII-II tute the student'council for Myskania ? li it is, State i ol lege i, retrogressing to the point where it was eleven yeai ago. Myskania was founded to carry on the duties oi a studenl council. Has Myskania tailed.' li Myskania has not laded, why change the present system? hoc-, the Committee propose to a d d t o the executive, judicial and legislative branches oi the government a new branch the investigatory ? Is it taking the United Mates senate as a example? If not, win doc, it provide lor in \ estimations and appeal-, by a small, a hopeless minoril) ol twenty l i v e ' iJocs not the Committee know that a hand ol radicals might, under this provision, upset the workings ol an otherwise well balanced government? Will not much lime he squandered by needless investigations and appeals 5 Why did the loiiunillce net the figure at twenty liver li not at hast l u o bundled students are interested in a prob I,-lit, should it be presented to a student assembly; Shall the student association have its rulings blocked by a dis satisfied, recalcitrant, devilish minority of twenty live? These a r e all questions that the committee must he pre pared to answer. T h e student association will be a ha wary about adopting tin' committee's panacea lor its woes until ijuesiions are answered. T h e N E W S (Joes not oppose the new constitution as such. It admits the present one is inadequate. Hut so is the pro posed constitution faulty. And the old one has worked for some ten years. Festina leute make hast slowly. MUST STATE B'trSHOCKED^TO SAFETY SHOULD COME ACTION? FIRST* Students' will welcome the statement by Commissioner of Public Safety Lasch, .to'the effect that lie is willing to be convinced that some form of traffic protection is needed at-the corner of State street, Robin street, I'Jiglewoud place and Western avenue,<. ,; . , T h e recently tabled'motion to call this situation to Ihc iittention of the commissioner may he permitted to die. But a motion suggesting the installation of -spine form of traffic protection should he adopted today. The NEWS does not necessarily insist upon a traffic' light, although it believes one necessary. White markers for'regulation of pedestrian traffic would aid immensely. It was suggested recently that there seems to. he little congestion at .the corner, t h e N'KSVS invites the maker of that suggestion' to cross at the corner during the period After from eight to n i n e o'clock, and again at noon. several vain attempts, he may be able to cross the street with safety, provided he looks several ways al once and has some jumping ability. There is lots of room at the corner, admittedly. That is one of the factors making it dangerous for the pedestrian. It would be less dangerous if he were not given the whole wide area in which to walk. The NEWS has been informed of narrow escapes at the corner. One was recent. Shall State College sit by, without comment, until someone is injured or perhaps killed at the intersection? The .student assembly should act today. No other business should be given priority. Safety should come first. In the death H I Mollie Krlieh, State College has lost an excellent student and a good citizen. Her death, coining almost on the eve of her graduation, i- parlii ularlv lamentable. The students have losl a friend ami die College has lost a promising daughter. .MR. K A P L A N ' S "V'ICK >l'S C I R C L F " State College has a "vicious" circle," according to a writer of anonymous notes liberally plastered oil bulletin boards this week. The NEWS figures in' this allegedly "vicious circle," the writer would have the student public believe. The "vicioticircle" runs something like this: "The- support or shall I say, lack of support,-given by the undergraduate bod) doe, not warrant a 'write-up' by the- NEWS. Dm can't one .ay just as readily that the failure- of tin- NEWS to advertise the activities of the ball team is a great factor in decreasing the attendance at game's: To u-o ihc first argument reminds me of a snake eating its tail to save itself from starvation, for that, too, would In- a vicious circle. . . ." The N E W S received a similar letter'from Mr. Babe Kaplan last week. Now whether the NEWS is the snake of the tail is not clear. Hut the point is this: the editor of the \ does not see just how writing a lengthy epitome of the sar.sils ill its clash with Jamaica more than a week alter the event—could have brought out inure students to the event. Perhaps Mr. Kaplan would have the NEWS print in big, black letters some insipid slogan as "Support Yoiu Team," or "State Musi Win." Baseball for several years has m i been a particularly thriving institution at Stale College. But the \ i u \ - . believes that it fills a need for lln- limited lew that are in terested in it. Il could not, with all the pre--, a'gentiug m the power of ibis publication, get the suppori thai basketball has here. Baseball at Stale ha- not the pulling p .wer thai basketball has. It had u-, m..n in the day , when the NEWS gave il columns ol free advertising. The N E W S pledges its support io M a n Colkgr iii-umi MI • and activities. But the N M \ S sea-, hllle lie. d for i( to nukea mountain mil of a uiole lull, o r ' a n inflated .iclisils ,,ni of baseball : not when such a p n . i i d u w c <u!li< I , ,wih the NEWS' sensi oi journali-iu. "Ili'.XKY K< ) K lll'DSi H \ T . ).\" I I KMSIII'.S I'.K K i K \ | ' i l \ \ \ | ) New Myskania Members Have Led In State's Undergraduates Activities For Three Years •Nearly half the members of the new , ,, , ,. , ., Myskania are Albanians, and all but three are residents of the Capitol District, a tabulation shows. Robert J. Shillinglaw and Mildred l.ansley have been schoolmates in the .line grammar school and same high chool. Both are graduates of public school 21 and of the Albany High School. Records of the major activities of the thirteen new members of the honor organization follow: <;. I . A V R R N E ( A U K . a graduate "f Hancrlinit IliHi School, llalh, lias a record of three ce-ao, MI l».Ill basketball and lease-ball varsity teams, lie is pre idem id the junior class eif ibis year. In Ins sophomore year, ('.in was chairman of the- pole-rush; a membei of the finance board, and the l.ion staff, lie took an active pari in class day and Mov; o i - T p day stunts, the first and second years For two s e a o n s he has of bis college life. airVce" Hut! and the Y. M. ( ' A. have him .a. Iheir roll of membership. I arr is a Kappa Delia Rho, t'oinmi'icc and ynvrriiincnt .in- l i s chosen major and minor studies. KI.IZAIIKTII ICATClN will ncxl year be eel the Hetiiut class. \m ,f social and athletic aetivil Mis Faton's ,-,11,-M- life ui the basketball team in ,sili,„, a- inanailcr of Kills' Io- in s i : an.I in her ihiol, a ehairinaiisl , In- ii.c I'm the niin,,.- pro u. e .ii inurements, and refreshments io. the jllliini I, a dance She is a member of the li. \ . A. V. \\ I . A., debate council, and had chain. ,1 ,,,, -sistei system lln- w a r . Mi-s in French. is a major in Ku'ylish and a' in I 11,-, s ,.,,, ,tv is Camilla Kappa I'hi She iI -,:,,- ,,f He, s's Albanians m the new Mv-kania I'l MIMAS 1'. I-'AI.I.ON'S list ,,f Mil',,-,- ainl an g its oulsiandinu iviiies numbers elect of the N i - « s a I,,, e-y, a Movimi l ' p dn\ vcai. a l,a-k,-t in Ihc third viai of s pi hll-l ..lie „•-, manayer on lln- XK.SS la l y, ,1 ibis ...ii. I'.,snl,s Ibese, In has had main and ..-Hied experiences such as simony le 'din's eh OILS, coullibllliliK n, Ihc- l.iou, taking art in Moviuc-l/p ,lav stunts, and plaviui; cilb !b Treillbadoiirs. The executive nil lad bun in if, ni.-uili, -l ship la-1 w a r ; he lias v . 1..-.I uiih ihc con-tilution commitlcc. l-'al ,-n's inline is als I the books ol the C a n n e i . c , N'ewnian, and News clubs. Fallon is II, WirXrAM ind York: H> mi • ill.nil S h e place-,1 lie j II 0.00 i M ..pil/ln igen. then sail s e . i n Ii up die l l u d v . i i Mi ,,a,s In -:,, is done lll.llly ,,i SSldl ,1 the' A m u-iii M.ii in. i M a r i n e r ill , ( oleridge ssiole the III t h e , al ol more h i eel, e t i n , , a s„pl„„„„,, .l.l.l. lln-i Mbaiiiaii lie is ma i„ II K I'liclisb M i , - 11,11I, ill e.i.-h ,,!' In a slid lie, I'lw II M I WSI.I-A I in m , n c II- V. W . I'r.sld le- I HI ' V' I' I, „ b, \ -,11'ai rimiiim c,-, ' • led l b , li.ihi.ll.'d „ i d , , ,, M i l n a u k . - e ,chen sin .e , - , , o n , , in I I,,., . n i l , . II basketball. , la-. lb.,,,, „„|c !,, F ,, lime n o i k , 1 in 1,1le, c, , , ii ,'ul II 1 , n i e l l i cut I ihc . In <n 1,11,1 1, ihc ml Ill, ,,-lc sb.,1 1' •s.pUrr. I ..,pl s . l , .,1 I I l/ABKTII li l i e u III life I'l l.\ l-.k as ., •% l i b " •d a , i,, lb ,i In,bin tl, , 1 ,,l 111,- s . „ i . - . • - | . b test, M , , e i , , , . l ' p -lac s'l'u'l'l'l." Mi, I'nlc , b.-el ,,l, , Id:.., ,,, the . Inin m a n S i , , 1 tin- 1 lln- i n w i . i fx, ,b„ , ,1 ||,,.|, V » ,, S | 1 ,1 l„ . ', In- ;: el:,, ,1 ;: : !b \ \, i, lb ,, c , „ , | ,,,,,. SI, k a n i a oeeln.ills , o , | . , , c o , I, ., had b, lad I'- 1 - b o , beel ., Id d 1 - " " the N l » • "!• l b , o . - i e " • 1P d II ll, ,i , , ,,, ,i , . , . , il, ,i a ; ,, • II.IIIK',1 , e- ',1 Ih . , line" a 1 i -a -, hod, 1 " •""• I; " l : l b' 1 I . - , . . , 1 !•;,•',/,'••:;,: \ S ,1. Oil SI, In C , -a I I n , I , , n , ,,c, ,tup:ii|, pa - a e , ai„l e , , u , u l i , ,| . .oi-i.l, laid, ih, I,a,hue - n 1111 • ,,, d o , , . 1 SS\ ,,, ho ."Pl„ ,,u the tun, i l i a , l , h v. o l . in l l n - ainl II i, niin,ii" ,,|,al, I'C Willi i I ,i, II l-iipl.unl III, I ll, o l is i n k i n g I I , ia -..., I,.,,I ih, \ , „ a m s p . m a n , I.e., | , , , l -,,.,, I„ | , „ , epic the e , !l,,i, p,-i h a p u , ms.l a lli,ill ih, pi i, in- , , I I l n , | „ | ,, |, „ In an hnplidllliai, A I n , , ,, , | , , , | | , ,, , m i ,|j ; i l with American ways, I I , h a ' little snipaths ssilh t h e American alTeilation I'm a d o p t i n g ihc- I m i . h " M . - u i h u k " ui p r e l e i e u e e I o l l i , h'ngh-.h " M e n u " . 'II,- point oul thai t h e iJtitch c o m p a n y uigagiug l l i i , | , . u u a e l tip l - ' n g h - h form. T h i s is a truly g o o d b o o k , a n d .. syorlhy p i n i o n lo o t h e r s in t h e t i o l d e n H i n d s e r i e s , will) s s h n l i n is u u i i u r i i l . , .|,,lo-„,„ I „ „ i i l , | Ilk, ,d -li, I,, I no, S , , n ,, , I, SI,, ' •• - ," I,', \ ' SS HI enl,?..'ll,-Kc bo - ' I I, l . \lham In -lie, ,L, , |h,|| |„ !> i llllllllll I I s aillhol Sp, \|„ '-X'l-v. -''"a, I,, l i'lsll'i like 1, lib ell alleiidanl , u i i h - a u | , „ „ | , in ,,i. ,.p, ,, I, ,l|,,p , s | „ , . , , | i-, Ihc- i n n , o l i h , bay sslucli u, • ,c ' , . n I n , iniuie . I he b r a v e l y ,,l t h e -hip'- c o p , in, , u, p i , o M , i i g di clii ssilh his c , . p l a i n Io hie- swlli t h e iniitnii , i , ink T h e i n . , I a n d . . e e p i i l U , , , • !,„ „ . , n l n p i . m h described I is b a s e d l a i g c l c „ n ue ,c , , ,,| i , , „ l l ( | |,s the a l l l l n o h o i t h o s e Ihll lln In,, ,|. lite app, n d l \ III. hide a H a n , , n p l l o u o l IJ it- o r i g i n a l ccolici passed upon | h e 'I I I I lln p . i p u . a n d iu s e d Io M i n i , il„- \ n e i u :, He- , , n , | hi l o r y , in,till, a I of which I, de ,. n p i i o i i p.ll-lll cc , s \b.ei.,. l ' p day ,-..,,.,-, , Na-sa urn ii !, a n d i, ,,|- i , a lis a h III ill i - w i s ill a i olllrlllpol il , l',,sss t i n , t i t l e - , a n d In, Adinirally ,,ir,,. Hi- eoinieil, ll is I ikJY i l l III.,I I le ,", | I I ,tic I,a |,, 'I h e In, .1, l i n n s u i l b •1 poplll.ll ,ne . .tint o l I newspaper. d i|, I I I , , II S\c CI i-s t h e s e a , c e l l , I,, . nd(Arl -Il I , , , ih l i o n - , . ., , \l(l III N - i I I I 1 li 1.,,,,,,, I I . el bask, l b , I'l,. C O bar) ., h,-.,' In- i- II •sii'iii plays ' l l n " r.-mpe'si '' ,'hi- ' .' let pla.\ - and a mi sual eoliiedi in I,,-,- s .,pl, V \ n,n S,ai : Ihi- >. ,u tin- i, • m . e d j , and ••fuel,- .limine" Tl„- s,,,,,, iirnil l! ha- ,,,1 hei , a, I, ,,! ,h. ,|, ll-iipi i . s i n t h e , I , n o li there, on the class l i K I I T K l ' l i K I.. MAI.I. , . „ , , tl, |,o/c sp.-akinu , , , n i , - i in be, r,-,., Keen -.,.ir ha-, -, ,-n her an active Kappi l.l.-scelc iphc him French. can. in l..-i -,pb,a • war. n a Iciiic in Albans cvas her see 1, 1 , . , , cere - in no d e a l i n g vs ith Ih, life a n d . i c c u i p h s h discovered die H u d s o n r i u i li i p r i n t e d o n a line tin t h i s , o . n a m well i l l u s t r a t e d ss ith i ,-|,i, uluct i. an ., son m i h i s s . o . i g e . S i n c e l i l l l e I- kiiossn ,.l ill, , a i l s erllior.ln.chi.. F.VKI.VN i;K W'KS.,-,,, ,.],.,, ,., ,,, indent asso.iaiion, has bee in.I .. , to,lei,I aiiaiis from her fo-diniati o n In- cvas elected vice-pi e-idenl ,,l b.-i , i , lln- s e n I'olbiwiii), sli,- b e a m , „-,,,,.,,-, In- in association and llien in bee ,,ear, was ,-„-, pri si,lei,I. Miss t ; u . , , ,. ,;. IV. \ \ M l / / o n v 11 mho n. M. FRENCH elect of the Ai-.svs, hcyan Ins work fur Hi, .NEWS as a reporter and advanced ilirnuiili Onpositions of desk editor and managing d i p , , In bee,one head of the paper for his „ ui... vear. This ve.'u the NEWS scan him in il, Columbia I'less convention. in both In, sipbomore and junior years he was co-din-ei ,f a class in journalism. His fralcriiiu • „ nee-lions include Kappa Phi Kappa. I'i (;„„„„, Mil, Alpha I'hi (.annua ol which |„. i s . , . tarv, and Kappa Delia Klin. French . , "aim- in history with a minor in l,i„|.,,. l i e graduated from F.lmira Hi,I, school, and his home is in that city. Kl.liKKXCK fiOKMI.KY, of Schcm-, i„l lireelcel the II. A. A. n u i i c a l c.nii.-de ',!,,' year. She was also business and -t ,,,,- ,„.,,, iter for three one-act plays pic-,I ,human. She wrote the words for lln ,,,,,!, iioo••junior sine and the Moviny-Fp elai -,,. if last year. S h e has beam a inembei ,,,' il„ Ouaiterly lioaid, and next year will sec- In, d tor-iii-chief of that periodical. In 19 >; \li-s lioim'ey was chairman fen the V U | . A. bazaar stunt, and i h i . yeai -In ,,.,. •elected to lie-ad the eommiitees for il,,- |-'r,.M : fete seme-, and the decorations fin tin- jum., ca dance. Miss < i.o oil.-, majors in Fuel,. Clarity Alone Shows Constitution Need, Cochrane Writes TIII'.MI' ins'l'i . ,, j a!", ' md ,v"" I \'„' ; n,. I "".' | '"' lb, In Ip i.l <l il Mi I,on, U.I 28 DANCIOS J UN hi 18 ,, a b-i- « „ Ihi, , | , appioval ,1 Io -ok ,,,!, e.l lb, , , „ , , much Wai i-eii It, l o , l „ . , „ c club, c m , a |, , | | m i l |„- al the A m , n o M o n d a y n i g h t , J u n e IH, M a b e l I 'I he' l l n - l e , c u l l s Veiled Hot lo change die il.^r p i , s i o i i - l s .. l i o r the chilli i Das,,I MiyerholT's oicheslia vsill play D o r o i h y K a h i e i-, c h a i r i u a i i ol lite m i b n eolnuiillcc. STATE COLLEGE NEWS, MAY 25, 1928 LANSLEY APPOINTS CABINET OF Y.W.C.A DR. RICHARDSON LAYS CORNERSTONE FRIDAY; DR. DEARBORN SPEAKS Pulver, Hills, Watts, Mc Nickle, Grundhofer To Assist New President faculty Dr. Leonard W o o d s Richardson, if ,,t ihe V. cabinet \V. C. tu a s s i s t tivities next A. today in t h e service the n e w nllicers a r e : as.soi-iaiioiM ac- education W a t t s , 'J'), d e n t ; C a t h e r i n e \i. Marion Fox, (iraham, '30, the elective '- >. treasurer; Kadierine itiidefgradnate representa- tive. laid inclement was Dr. the c o r n e r s t o n e brief. Ned weather, Dr. Dearborn, Graham was named L a n s l e y to h a v e c h a r g e of ship for The the Dr. P. Dr. William II. icliug president, presided. chorus, directed by world fellow cabinet I'nlwr. '-"'. ing,; Kvehn iiuinhi i s h i p ; M.-N'icle. '.."). - . o c i a l ; M. S c b l e i r l i , convention,; newspaper llcatrice b.nid Alice room, according I'lnrei I'h. of i the V. '-">. is W. v.>ek-cnd Women's planning at to '31, t . social -co A lion service. I brislian have Tlioinp '31. lloehiner, l i o r i n l i y, '-">, social Young ciaiion Mall, l-ox, iWotln 's College not included, to Edwin tinalso Kleeck, merly women's R. ago, The due to The names II. Miss Charlotte J. Panzieri-I logan a Lake, in Peda- 1 college the eight o'clock com- I.....1.I Wh o l III lll\ is b o t h a d v i s o r s a n d r h a p r m n c s . A l t h o u g h t h . pi .in.ON purp isc i make plans, i l k we. I, end w i l l 1" ' Uional and iml all w n k Kein I'u 2'), c h a i r m a n ol lb. -oci.d .'on in charge o i 11ii | I I . I L M , I I I I Russell Commencement LS, a c c o r d i n g G a i n i n g ; , 'JX, p r e s i d e n t a n d AS. • ol II Fvc-rv v e a r , a j o i n t n ,1 cabin. ii,-wl.\ e l e c l u l c a b i n e t a n d is held for t h e p u r p o s e ot get (piaillted. T h i s v e a r , a- l a - ' w-ai l e h e l d at 'I'll pson's Lake At tin . i n e e l i n g , llu- w o r k ol y e a r is d i s c u s s e d , a n d p l a n s for I III.•ell nea v e a r a r e m a d e . I to of t h e Gilbert class. According to t r a d i t i o n , the presid e n t s oi t h e c l a s s in e a c h of i t s f o u r w a r s . v\ i 1 ] s p e a k . A s t h e p r e s i d e n t ill the f r e s h m a n . w a r h a s left college, K u l l i G. M o o r e , w h o w a s freshman t r e a s u r e r , will s p e a k o n t h e first y e a r ' s a. t u i n . •. I r a n , is K. Griffin will t e l l of the a e l i \ i t i e s ol t h e i l a s s in its s o p h o m o r e \ e a r ; Ki. h a r d A. J e n s e n , f o r t h e j u n i o r \ e a i ; a n d G i l b e r t ]•'.. G a i n i n g , for t h e iasl y e a r Lulli I Irubel is e l i a i r i n a n of the i n i i i i . e on a r r a n g e u i e n l s . S h e will lie a s s i s t e d In ( eeile H a r r i s o n and l-.ii/ahelli S t r o n g . K o s i n a l l o l i n e s is in . h a i i , . of t h e p r o g r a i n s . c l a s s of day. Ludluni will '31, according T h e offee between Clara again lead the to a r e v o t e Mon- of vice-president is tied Belle Shutts and Charles Worstall. tied Hurdette Howard for the and office will be Waller Meat r i c e Win girls' athletics direct of treasurer. the Steenburgh while men's wele G. Lyons at Edith while A. the I, , .iincil. I . a n M , . - Ihe council an ••MM, will retain ehoiil then ,ul. - \na de' ate Inn colli buig", KI. in I. Id ii \'lWs "'I be , olllicil lo, r o u t e Is Willi K'li a n d M o u n t I I. ,K , ,|., , CLASS . h\ incut ,,| m i , •,., I'lll- i h e I n s t t i m e in s e v e r a l w a r s , tl i i, -.Inn, n c l a s s h a s been a b l e to c l a i m lb,- l a u r e l s oi i n t e i , d a s s r i v a l r y . " . \ , ! . v . ' , ' , e ' l : p if. I., i l i . i l f Ihree p. II lilt t 1- polllls DINF. two taken weeks to Albany was operated on F o r a time Francis of Daniel council men's will Peck in w a r d i n g off complication, was daughter, R. V a n J. Charlotte, 7 8 , to K l e e c k , '27. performed May The 12, lid- ceremony Mrs. the but \l in Van Kleeck of Kappa Delta datir Sunday and SHOES Rho. For FORMAL WEAR And will STREET WEAR the class and athletic lead t h e c l a s s the class finance G. R KINNEY CO., Inc. Charles council. songs VERY LITTLE Q 48 North Pearl St. ONLY TOURIST PHONE Albany cheers. sophomore board. PASSRNOIRS MAIN3444 B. J Qrehotn—Dancing—Sportt Swimming Pool AUBupmmStiuUntand Univtrtity'Taurt wUk Cotttf CruUl (f Duirai f t o n o o i . Of TOREIQN TRAVBl, I Utn.Vtmn»>Xmn N KOBLENZ DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, Fountain Expert WATCHES, JEWELRY Pens Watch and Novelties and Jewelry U.I SO. I'I'.AKI. S T . AI Miidlson A v e . Repairing A L B A N Y , N. Y $6.50 to $8. Get Your Bartering Done At FEAREY'S The College Barber Shop 44 No. Pearl St. f84 Ill AME8-A8WAD CANDY SHOP, Inc. . •..> I in-J» h lh. . wi ONTARIO ST. NEAR WASHINGTON AVE. NEW YORK STATE NATIONAL BANK 222 CENTRAL AVENUE Ik THE C O R N E R A B O V E ROBIN STREET" HOME MADE CANDIES and DELICIOUS ICE CREAM SANDWICHES. COFFEE AND PASTRY I'A I R O N I Z I C JOURNALISTS TO FLKC'I THE We Clean and Dye all kinds of Ladies' and Men's Wearing Apparel 811A MADISON AVENUE Phone West 273 Hewett's A RELIABLE PLACE TO BUY RELIABLE (6. & M. NL'HCIALTY S H O P SILKS 80 N o . I ' e a r l S t . C o r . C o l u m b i a DANKER 331 CENTRL AVENUE (hoiue M "SAYIT WITH FLOWERS" All,any, N. V. •\U uml 42 Maiden Lane Ocu. Klein Market WOOLENS I'uiU-rm ALHANV. N. V. Phone U . Jeuney West I he S l i o p fur t h e M u d e i K it C e n t r a l A v e , F e a t u r i n g t n e latest in h o s i e r y , u n d e r w e a r a n d f o o t w e a r . • A trial will c o n v i n c e y o u . tixclmivi but nut expensive AND Mi-CaWa (it) STATE HT1IEHT A m e r i c a n C U m t r r a aufo IE) y era I . ill h and MeuU, Poultry I'eyetubUt Special ticlwol it general Van K l e e c k is a m e m b e r of D e l t a O m e g a manage Corr C o l l i n s will be t h e the by night. D u e to h e r h i g h a v e r a g e s d u r i n g h e r course, Miss Erlieh was regarded by p r o f e s s o r s a n d s t u d e n t s a s a n ideal t y p e of a s t u d e n t . All praised her a t t a i n : ments and expressed regret over h e r death. D e a n A n n a E. P i e r c e was especially a f f e c t e d by t h e g i r l ' s d e a t h , s a y i n g t h a t in h e r p a s s i n g t h e C o l l e g e h a s lost o n e of its best s t u d e n t s a n d a f u t u r e t e a c h e r by w h o s e w o r k t h e i n s t i t u t i o n e x p e c t e d to g a i n d i s t i n c t i o n . M i s s E r l i e h w a s a m e m b e r of a f a m i l y n o t e d for its a m b i t i o n for e d u c a t i o n . A brother was graduated from Harvard and while t h e r e won a scholarship which e n t i t l e d h i m t o a E u r o p e a n t r i p in o r d e r to o b t a i n o p p o r t u n i t i e s to b r o a d e n h i s education. H e r m o t h e r c a m e t o A l b a n y and r e t u r n e d w i t h t h e b o d y to t h e family h o m e at X e w B r u n s w i c k , N , J . M i s s E r l i c l i w a s a m e m b e r of the Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority. reporter. White, Tan and Combination ue.- points ; men , and g i r l s ' basket "JUST AROUND and commence- i..,. Ii H I I . in n - 1,. MolldlV. litite fatal are SPORT OXFORD in a ,-s 11\ o n e p o i n t , h a v . n g a t t a i n e d a , . . . , - oi lo point - w h i l e tin- s o p h o m o r e s c o i n I I.- p o i n t s . A silv, i" c u p on w h i c h ll„ l".il n u m e r a l s will be e n g r a v e d , w a s . I U . I I . I M I IO t h e w i n n i n g c l a s s . I !,, s,,pli,an,in--won the following v. in f a l l sum c h a l l e n g e , live p o i n t - , ; p,.le i u- Ii. t w o p o i n t s ; m a s c o t h u n t , five p., ni . pi i.-e M o v i n g L'p da> s o n g , t h r e e point-. I h n . l a s - , c l a i m s p o i n t s I,,I ,11, lug ol w a r . t w o p o i n t s ; l TO th, I.III. i,,I ,1 I- was she Donhauser. successful Cath- will will r e p r e s e n t A. Cairns Norman I D elected Lewi of athletics. Marion Gilbert the win SCHNEIDER AND ABRAMS ^ " ^ f f J Z ^ L ELECTED BY COUNCIL CONTEST BY ONE POINT chneiiler appendicitis Erlicli where secretary. Driscoll erine H r o d e r i c k has been elected at their Mr. Elizabeth Mary member I Wllhe:.i M.r.llie. I labels ,,| the KK ill. '-"' in iioiincc.l \loi her graduated p e r i t o n i t i s d e v e l o p e d a n d s h e died included. morning, June .7, teacher, within SENIORS ELECT CURTIS C u r t e s y , Albany livening Ne TO BE TOASTMISTRESS (luissj,. C u r t i s , '2X, was THE JONES' ANNOUNCE "!'• FRESHMEN REELECT elected loastmislress for the senior LUDLUM PRESIDENT DAUGHTER'S MARRIAGE b r e a k f a s t , J u n e 18. I lie b r e a k f a s t will b e e i t h e r at t h e AT MEETING MONDAYM r . a n d M r s . F r a n k A . J o n e s , of I >e W i t t C l i n t o n h o t e l o r a t t h e T e n l-'.vck Ma> with Miss been Jones. D e h n a r , h a v e a n n o u n c e d t h e m a r r i a g e of \s camp. school s e e m e d a s t h o u g h t h e s u r g e o n ' s skill h a d ger limited of a almost . . Dr. J. Stale." included was S h e w a s to' h a v e been hospital, for- publications C. .1. D e y o , secretary treasurer. •outlaeioi's. were in t h e s t o n e . was M a t i n w»>n. Steeiibiirgh, stall: box gogue F.ilu-1 Mrs. conferences Mildred Marion Win bonk preside, i '_"i, the become prize Stricken L'p T h i n e R y e s " a n d Pedagogue pany, w e r e p n b h c i h : l.oni-e •J»>, d e v o t i o n - , ; the all are: '311, p u b l i c i t y . Caroline ami the m e t a l member H i l l s , '_"J. b a z a a r : K'uth W a l t s , '_"», m e e t Cntiidhofer, C o p i e s of ambition and the w i t h h i g h h o n o r s at t h e J u n e and Dr. T. F r e d e r i c k I'andlyu, sang "Lift life ment. Graves, The the education Dear- dean thwarted E r l i e h , '29, t o o b t a i n a c o l l e g e grasp. education. Metzler, has of'Mollie when state Dr. Frank of the the department, spoke. represented 1 of Van Miss organization. appointed Hetty by Death Richardson of a v e r s e of " C o l l e g e of t h e E m p i r e Miss oldest Friday, -tale c o m m i s s i o n e r vice-presi- Norn's, '31, sccrctarj ; { the ceremony and l.ansley, Kulli to her born Miss here, P a g e hall iiunu-cl year. Besides ERLICH, '28, BLOCKED IN LIFE'S AMBITION 10 BECOME TEACHEk m e m b e r b o t h in a g e a n i l in p o i n t line M i l d r e d M . L i m s l e y , '..">. p r e s i d e n l - e l c c l DRAMATIC HEAD MARRIES ALUMNUS Attention To UrymiUuiton 198 Central Avenue - a t Robin Albany, N. Y. Branch ol the Boulevard Restaurant 108-1 10 State Street 7613 STATE COLLEGE N^WS, MAY 25, 1928 SAMILTOH TO PLAY VARSITY NINE TODAY PERILOUS CROSSING MAY BE REGULATED Bridge, Dancing And Lecture Notes Engage Diphtheria-Exposed Deltas '28 A N D '30 S I N G B E S T MISS FAY IS OFFICER The seniors and sophomores are State College's best songsters, according to OF BOOKSTORE GROUP the results of the Moving Up day song Delta O m e g a is not receiving Miss Helen T. Fay, manager of the contests Friday. this week-end except envious State College Co-op, was elected secreTIIL" award for first place in the prize song glances of t h e o t h e r undergradtary for the coming year of the College competition was given to the seniors. The uates. W i t h final examinations but Bookstore Association at a convention of music for tlie senior song was written liy Allan A n d Whiston W i l l B e a week away,',the entire roll.of resi- Lasch Promises To Consider that body held at Atlantic City May Violet fierce and the words by llorothy Walts. The music of the sophomore prize dents in t h e sorority's house, 55 Battery In First Of Two Suggestions For Traffic 14-18. T h e College Bookstore Associa- song, which was awarded first place in sophoSouth Lake avenue, is cutting Game Series ..!" Direction tion is part of the American Booksellers more-freshmnn rivalry, was written by Esther classes right a n d left. Waters. Margaret Burnap wrote the words. Association which has members and rep- Judges for the competition were: Dr. T. W i t h the approval, and at the '"If State College students or any- resentatives from practically all the col- I ' i ' l i e k II. ( in:llyn instructor In music, The State College and Hamilton colurgent orders of the .board of and Dr. Leonard Woods Richardson, head of leges and universities in North America. body, else think that they have some lege baseball teams will meet in the first department. health, the members are staying Miss Kay's position will make her a theTheLatin worthwhile suggestion to make the class song-leaders were: Anne llolroyd, of a two game series this afternoon at borne this week. Holly Sautter, delegate to Los Angeles, Cal. next spring Marian Sfoan, 'J9; (ilndys Hates, '30, streets near Stale College safer, I will Ridgefield Park at 3:30 o'clock. '28, is the innocent cause of the lie as a representative of the eastern section Ml. trouble. Holly was so inconsiderbe glad to bear what they have to say." >f the association. The retiring secre' The Purple and Gold nine has profited This was the gist'of a statement'"given tary of the association is May E. Dennis by the R. P . I. cancellation and may ate as to expose the Delias to diptheria. to a representative of the STATE COLLEGE if Washington university, St. Louis. have the services of the invalids KucBy way of diversion, the girls are N;:ws by Commissioner of Public Safety One hundred and seven delegates ataynski, Carr and Twinning. studying notes for final examinaFrank J. Lasch. r . tended the convention from all parts of tions, dancing and conducting a Commissioner Lasch told the N E W S the United States. The discussions of Kuczynski probably will not play third m a r a t h o n bridge tournament, reporter that he passes the college even- trade problems and contact with others as his ankle is brittle and may be hurt Blood tests were taken this week, day and finds no reason, as far as he can n the same field were the chief business qasily at that position. H e probably will and if they show no positive- resee,;for the erection of any traffic con- if the convention. play right field, giving State the benefit actions, the girls will be released trol light or the stationing of a traffic AND next week. patrolman at any of the college interof his big bat on the offensive. Allan, GERMANS FROLIC TODAY THUR.. Flfl., SAT. sections. He points out that'the six-way State first string hurler will go to the German club will have a picnic today „MAY 24.25-26 crossing al Robin street,. Englewood mound this afternoon and will have grove. A steak supper •THL HIONkEK SCOUT" place, Western avenue, Stale street anil it M c K n o w i Knox of Hamilton as an opponent. Groups will meet at With Fred Thompson and Nora Jane the park entrance, is not crossed by many w i l l be MON., TUES.. WED. Festa who has been playing good ball school children and that college students .1 an,! at 5 o'clock, according to Elsie MAY 28-29-30 who use that intersection arc "old / m i n i , '_">, recently elected president. at the hot corner in his last two appear•WICKEDNESS HREEERRED" Marion Botto, '30, is the newly elected enough to take care of themselves." Non-members have been invited. With Lew Cody and Aileen Pringle ances at that station will attempt to fill president of the junior class. .Mice I le h is invited comment anil sugges Tony's shoes there. Walsh has been elected vice-president tioii from ibe student association how ' Hamilton, who has played a .schedule and Mildred Coutant, secretary. DIRECTION STANLEY COMPANY OF AMERICA of very strong teams won two out of its Miss Botto was re-elected class treas- ever anil promises to consider any sue f~^ MARK MARK">P •jix games. However the defeats were urer. Representatives on the finance gestions for their full worth. Sinn- the at the bands of such strong teams as board a r e : Kathryn Watkins and Fred- first mini was made hen- to have lights erected near the college, the high school Colgate, St. Lawrence and Syracuse. erick Crumb. ol 12, it has been announced R. P. I. and Rochester bowed before the label Grundhofer and Rudolph Wurlh | a , n , Hamiltonians. will he representatives on the girls' and hat a control light will be erected at Lake and WcMcru avenues for the pro' The probable lineup men's athletic councils, respectively. it Hamilton tection of the student-, of the Albany State Anne Moore is the new manager of High school. Pierce, cf... tt Klein, lb girls' athletics and Israel Kaplan, of Church, ss' if I,i commenting about the traffic condiWhiston, c men's athletics. VVarboys, lb Goff, If Gladys Bates has been re-elected song tions near the college, Commissione Chatfield, c Kuczynski, rf leader and Kathryn Webster will kail Lasch slated that the streets are wid Warren, .3b with with Griffin, 2b class cheers. Margaret Burnap has been enough that traffic can be seen ver Hassard, If easily. Taylor, cf elected reporter. W. C. Feilds Knux, p Kinsella, ss •Rbgell, 2b Emil Janning and Festa, 3b HALL HEADS COUNCIL Lawton, rf Chester Conklin Allan, p scheduled for last Gertrude Hall, '2'), will he president The baseball gamt ALSO OPERATING ALBANY AND REGENT Saturday between State and Rensselaer HI l l e \>r i m a t i • and A r t iiiucil next Polytechnic institute at Troy was called \ ear. The othe ' officers a THEATRES IN ALBANY I.olli e Dili ee off because of rain. Allan who was i l l . and li Mirer, R u t h Six contestants will compete in the slated to pitch will be ready for the Hugl 1. . Irs. 1. I I l o l t e Jones freshman prize speaking contest MonHamilton engagement today. Van Kim' . is Ibe i i r i n g presiday, at 8:15 o'clock. The speakers will be Dorothy Abrams, Dorothy'Brandow, Contance de.Guzman, HOME OF FILM CLASSICS Mary Gpodell, Ruth Hughes ami Wil' 'Dependable Flowers'' helmena Schneider. The winner will be EXCL USIVE PICTURES Park l« 'JWeyruph Flower* In all awarded twenty-five dollars given by C. H B U C K L E Y , O w n e r Two members of the present College President .\. R. Brubacher. Of the World faculty are resigning at the end of the NEXT WEEK NEXT WEEK BIOLOGISTS TO ELECT semester to take positions elsewhere, Officers of the biology club for next and one will be married. Miss Edith M. Leek, assistant super- year will be elected at the annual visor of French, will take charge of the picnic at Little's pond Tuesday. Those FtOWER SHOP French department in the high school of nominated for'the different offices a r e : !J,_ Amityville, Long Island. .Miss Leek for president: Emily Czurles, Aune y? was graduated in 1925 from Slate Col- Sterling, Marion Fox, Elsie Zuencl and With Madge Bellamy lege with the degree of bachelor of Katherine Terpenning, juniors; for Rnfh Hannahs, arts. She taught in Northport High seiTciarv-tYeasjirer: (3d school for two years and returned to Chrissie lloffbcck, Henrietta Levei|tle, P h o n e Main 3775 With this College to take her present position and Marg'aVet Steele, sophomores. in the Milne I ligh school. ,PP ' Miss Janet Sheffield, assistant supervisor of practice teaching in English, George O'Brien With Tom Mix is accepting a position in the English department of Saugerties High school. Miss Sheffield was also graduated from State College and has studied at Columbia university for her master's de gVce. I-'or tW'i .•ars she has silpcn ii the teaching English in the Mil 8 4 5 Madison A v e . DIAMONDS High school. Miss .Alice M. Parkman, instructor in WATCHES commerce, ha.-, reigned to be married H o m e S a v i n g s liauk Ithlg Strand JEWELRY this summer to Paul Coolidge, oi Pin-, l i N , Pearl St. Mi N . Pearl St. fifeld, Maine. Miss Parkman will make «9 N O R I I I P A E K L S T . her home in that cits'. Telephone West 3 4 6 2 - 3 4 6 3 OPIKVIIU' Siiiiml I hftilre PROCTOR'S Grand HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE BOTTO HEADS JUNIORS, REVOTES SHOW TODAY R I TZ. STRAND WEEK WEEK O F MAY 28 OF MAY 28 Fool? for LucK 5treet of 5ifl" SIX YEARLINGS SPEAK FOR BRUBACHER PRIZE LELAND CLINTON SQUARE 3 INSTRUCTORS LEAVE; 2 PICK NEW POSITIONS t 7 TfoePlayQirlT STEUBEN STREET Corner J a m e s iPaM to L@vc Hello 100 Years Dependability JflUujii H . <Srau?s James Mix PALLADINO BEAUTY SALONS DRUGS And PHARMACEUTIC Boulevard (Oriental and (Occidental AMERICAN AND llestannmt CHINESE COLLEGE CANDY SHOP 2(B Central Avenue (near Robin) FRY OUR T O A S T E D Open II until 2 A. M. SANDWICHES D a n c i n g 10:30 till 1 A. M„ Kxcepl Suiulit Phone Main 7187 44 State St. "We Understand Eyes" You will need a NEW WATCH in your new position. GUARANTEED WRIST WATCHES and POCKET WATCHES b'KO $IVM) UP R. H . B R A B B , J e w e l e r 81 S I A T K S T K K K I' Produced EYEGLASSES OPTOMETRIST 50 N. Pearl St. Albany, N.Y- OPTICIAN a n d distributed un- der ideal conditions. Poachers particularly a n d t h e public gen- A GIFT from Van Heusen Charles MEANS BOULEVARD DAIRY CO,, Inc. MORE T h e Van Heusen Charles (Company 231 Third Street, Albany, N. Y. T e l e p h o n e West 13 14 PRINTING OF ALL KINDS NiiiJeiitv niiJ t iuinl'.s til the Stale College for Teachers will be given special attention erally w e l c o m e d at all times. 470 Broadway Albany, N . Y. K/fiHc Arr Pr«cc IVllllS f \ l I i ICSS W4-396 Broadway Main 22»7 Printers ol' State College News