State College News NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE FOR T E A C H E R S ESTABLISHED HY THE CLASS or- 1918 VOL. VII NO. 2 Y. W. C. A. RECEPTION FRIDAY NIGHT A welcome to you, 1 <J26, from the College Y. W. C, A.I Our annual reception to the freshmen will he on (Tricky, September- 29, at S o'clock, when you will he accompaniccl hy your junior sisters and brothers to meet the V. W. C, A. Cabinet. The entire faculty will be guests of honor, so that if you failed last week to meet them all, or wisb to impress yourself upon certain ones again, you will have an opportunity t do so. Since variety is the spice of life, yon should all conic and sec what a good time you can have enjoying an old thing in a new way. You will be shown by Y. VV. C. A. that a reception is nol a stereotyped and altogether formal oral sion. There will be slums, re fresh men!.' and a little dancing. .All come: we want .100 strong. ALBANY, N. Y., SEPTEMBER 28, 1922 $3.00 per year ALL FRESHMEN MEET PROFS. AT FACULTY RECEPTION VARSITY FOOTBALL—1922 The faculty reception, held last Friday evening in the gymnasium, was a record-breaking ice-breaking affair. From the fust handclasp to the last it was a huge success. Every junior brother and sister proudly lead his oilier newly acquired family down to the "gym"—after being assured that that family was correctly tagged and labeled, Then each family began lo get acquainted with every other family and with the faculty. The faculty were delightfully cordial and friendly. They shook hand after hand and smiled smile after smile tirelessly. Twenty-four and Twenty-six alike could have continued greeting folks enthusiastically all evening, had nol Dr. Thompson started singing. Of course everyone joined in and liad a .'me and noisy time singing and cheering. More enthusiastic greetings—then Dr. Thompson again. This time he rather humorously prepared the eager group All home games to be played at Ridgefield. for the two interesting and amusing talks to follow. Dr. Bruhacher spoke FACULTY NOTICES first about the new-comers, and expressed every wish for their happiness Dr. John Mason Clarke is to speak ATHLETIC COUNCIL SMOKER and success. STUDENT ASSEMBLY lie very humorously in student assembly on Friday, Septem bar 29, Dr. Clarke is a graduate of The number of students at assembly The Athletic Council will hold ;. quoted a jolly bit of anonymous Shakesuearian verse which applied lo the class Amherst College and a member of Phi .HI Friday was one of the first indiea- smoker for the men of the faculty and Beta Kappa. I lis official title .ioiis of the large enrollment of this student body in the gymnasium Thurs- of '25. This caused a voluminous " Director of Science in the Slate Mu- year. After the opening singing, Presi- day evening, September 28, 1022, at 7:00: shout of laughter. 'He also acquainted us with the humorous possibilities M. seum of New York." dent Bruhacher addressed the students, President Bruhacher and Dean Hor- imong the faculty members, lie vaguely I'resident Thwing of Western R< lie snoke of the large collegiate enroll serve University will speak some time nenl since the war and the eonscqucn ner will extend greetings to the new •eferred to a perfect Mutt and Jeff comin the future in student assembly. Di problem of efficiency. Part of the en- men particularly, Professor Rislcy will linalion, but left their identity in Thwlllg is ''resident of the associated rollment is no doubt due to the drift speak on matters connected with college loubt. To impress one of his points chapters of Phi Beta Kappa, lie is to toward the " white collar " occupations, athletics generally, Mr. Snaveley will thoitt the splendid material for a foolgive a series of addresses at the differ- and the movement away from the jobs talk of his plans for the teams of State lall team, Dr. Bruhacher called upon for the year, and Doctor Power, chair- he coach to supplement his statements, ent colleges in this part of the State, such as Union and Rensselaer Poly- which necessitate " dirty hands." An man of the Athletic Council, will state lireat cheering was heard as the coach other cause of the greater educational the plans of that organization, In ad- oredicled great achievements for the technic Institute. interest is due to the continuation work litiou, it is hoped that Mr. Oliphant, year 1922-23 on the football field. Dr. Bruhacher is to give a radio which compels people to continue their former West Point star, Ail-American Dean Horner then heaped welcome dress at Schenectady on Oct. 12. He v'•" address the district superintendents education. However, State has no place football man, now Athletic Director at compliments upon the heads of '26, applicants whose only aim is the Union University, will be able to be They show every possibility of being a of New York Slate at their annua' prestige of a college course. We are present to talk on his specialty record-breaking class, not only in nummeeting on October 1.3, ber and scholarship, but in a return to The New York League of Women II at State with the purpose of perfect- Ubieties. Voters will conduct a " School of Citi- ing ourselves in the leaching profus- From the remarks of these speakers .lie normal long-haired feminine coifzenshin " in the auditorium on October ion. However, we should not neglect it is hoped that the new men of the| fures. Verily, verily, was '26 warned of 1,3, !4, IS. Among the speakers will be our subject matter for specialization College may become familiar with some the dangers lurking near it in the form Governor Miller, Ambassador Morgen- done. In order to be successful we if the things, other than those scholas of excess pleasure, hut being such a fine thau, Sir Adam Beck of Canada. Prof. must cultivate fitness, endurance and tic, that will make their stay here of class, the finest results were optimisticbenefit; and that men's athletics may be all'' predicted. The Dean heartily agreed Hutchinson, Prof. Rislcy and Prof. faithfulness. Walker of S. C. T.'s faculty will also Dean Horner invited the frosh lo the given a rousing start. Of course, there with Dr. Bruhacher on the football speak. A detailed program will he given cully Reception, their first social will be ample opportunity for gelling question. He amused everyone with his better acquainted in the course of the drole remarks about the verdant class at a later date, and the school will be function at State. evening. of '26, and well fulfilled Dr. Thompson's open to all student" who wish to atprediction of jocular talcs of college life. tend. Mrs. C. I . A. Whitney, of LouisMore singing, after a pica in vain for ville, is Ihc local chairman of the league. a name for '26. Refreshments? Surely. And splendid I hereby promise to pay Three Dollars ($3.00) for one year's sub- ones! The faculty certainly appeared to CALENDAR appreciate the human weakness of the scription to the State College News for the year 1922. normal adolescent for food. More introductions and chats were Thursday, September 28 Subscription payable on or before November IS followed by two short but enjoyable Athletic Council Smoker for Men of dances. , (Signed) the Faculty and Student Body The curtain, in the form of Charles, t the electric light switch, fell upon a Gymnasium 7:00 P. M. Street and No cene of happily tired individuals, who Friday, September 29 declared, as they drifted lockerward, City Y, W. C. A. Reception, Gymnasium that a most enjoyable time was had by 8:00 P. M. Oct. 14~Union Frosh at Schenectady. Oct. 21 -Rochester School of Optometry at Rochester. Oct. 28-R. P. I. Frosh at Albany. (Game Pending). Nov. 3-~Union Reserves at Albany. Nov. 10-Open at Albany. Nov. 18--St. Stephen's at Annandale. Page Two STATE COLLEGE NEWS, SEPTEMBER 28, 1922 BE GETTERS Tn these times of restlessness and disturbance throughout the country there is an impelling, driving force in Vol. VII Sept. 28, 1922, No. 2 the heart of us mortals—an awakening consciousness of our own individual selves. Of course, this force exists in Published weekly during the college us in varying degrees (so it is in all wo lecturers, whom we shall PLAINT OF A CO-ED year by the Student Body of the New tilings because "variety is the spice of Smith and Brown, were friendly rivals. York State College for Teachers at life)." Now if we are endowed with a On one occasion, Brown filled an enOnce I had a little bird, Albany, New York. slight degree of this force, we are con- gagement in a town in which Smith had And his song The subscription rate is three clol tent to lead a peaceful, tractable exist- recently lectured. He stayed at the same Was the sweetest ever heard. lars per year. Advertising rates may ence along the paths of least resistance. liome where Smith had stayed for sev^ I le is gone— ral days, His host and hostess had one be had on application to the business Thus do mortals, unable to conquer en- child, a live-year-old daughter, who imSome cat got him. vironment and circumstance, toil away mediately became great friends with manager. Once I had a while pet mouse, (Articles, manuscripts, etc., must be their years. And then there are those Mr. Brown. But to his chagrin, her A bit of fu/.z; in the hands of the editors before Mon- of us who arc blessed with the ninth de chief topic of. conversation was the ncrits of Mr, Smith, whom she reA wiggly, dancintr, little mouse, day of the week of publication.) ree of this consuming force—they garded as " the greatest man in the Yes, he was— want to live and subsequently help world." Brown determined to alienate Editor-in-Chief Some cat got him, His first others to do the same. They crave to the young ladv's affections. ROHERT MACFAKLANIS, '23 was to pluck a splendid blossom find (heir own individual selves. The step Once I had a lovely beau; from the llowcr garden next door and Managing Editor desire gradually bccomcsinore consum bring it to die little miss, saying: Mad a bus; until it burns like an intense flame, VERA NOLAN, '2.3 I'll bet Mr. Smith never gave you a Lots of cash to spend, you know. A search is made for fuel to satisfy pretty flower like thai." I could cuss—• Business Manager that flame, and college is found at the She replied with some scorn, " Why, Some cat got him. GRACE FOX, '23 end of the quest. As the four years le gave me a whole bouquet," —Pitt Panther. Mr. Brown accepted the temporary pass in this institution, the happy mor- defeat, Subscription Manager but when a while later he found tals have such an interesting time " disthe little girl sobbing over some child EIRA WILLIAMS, '23 covering themselves" that they want to ish grief, lie took her on his knees, consoled her, and finally took a dime from She (as the baud strikes up) — Assistant Subscription Manager teach others the process. Surely this is Tchaikowski's '1812'?" his pocket and gave it to her, saying: RUTH TEKFT, '23 Perhaps it was a way of thinking " I'll bet Mr, Smith never gave you He—"Very likely; I asked for the something like that expressed in the dime," oldest wine in the cellar."—Passing Assistant Business Managers above paragraph that influenced so many " Why," said the little miss, more Show (London). students to wish to enter State College scornfully than ever, " he gave me a EDITH SAUNDERS, '23 this fall. Perhaps the flame burncci quarter." ANNIE OLSEN, '24 more vchcucntly in some of the appli- When it came lime for Mr. Brown to NOMENCLATURE cants than in others, and that was the depart he had made no further progress. Associate Editors reason they were admitted to the class So he said good-bye to the parents, then 'remise—Rensselaer is a very unique DOROTHY DANGREMOND, '23 of '26 in preference to their less for lifting the little girl into his arms, he town. tunate fellows. However, regardless of kissed her as gallantly as he coottld. DORIS BUTLER, '23 Explanation: your motive in coming to college, "There," he said, " I'll bet Mr. Smith—Dili meaning one. DOROTHY BENNETT, '24 are glad that you are here, 1926, and never kissed you that way." Cat.—Eqm's meaning horse. member that Stale College needs you as " No," replied the maid, " but he Reporters much as you need her. kissed mama."—Judge. MARGERY BAYLESS, '24 9tat? (&Mt$t Jfouta And now that you have decided t< Beneath the moon satisfy the dame of "finding your inch He told his love; lere is the original of all the mothervictual self," you will discover many in-law The color left her cheeks, stories in the world. things that can he acquired to help you \s Mr. Bui on the shoulder of his coat HELEN ORU, '24 Caveman was gnawing at a make that "self" more interesting and bone in his eave one morning, Mrs. It showed up plain for weeks. MURIEL WKIIKU, '25 attractive to everyone concerned. One Caveman "-lied :,i and said : " Quick ! —Judge. of these acquisitions is—wisdom. That Get your club! Oh, quick!" is a splendid thing to possess, and there' What's the matter?" growled Mr. is not a more efficient place in which Caveman. Native—"Constable Hicks caught a to acquire it than in State College. It " Saber-toothed tiger chasing lesperate criminal last night." will help you to discover and broaden mother! " gasped his wife. A CHEER FOR THE TEAM Stranger—" I low do you know he your own particular interests and This year from the start looks as if: thereby find yourself, ft will make you Mr. Caveman uttered an exclamation las desperate? " of annoyance: "And what the deuce Native—" Wall, he wouldn'ta been it were goin? to be a big one in ath- entertaining to others in that your con letic sport. There seems to be plenty versation and ideas will be intelligent do I care what hanoens to a saber- ranisaekin' around in of maid Hanson's toothed tiger? "—'Judge. house if he hadn'ta been."—Judge. of good material on hand out of which and liberal. Therefore, get wisdom! teams can be built which will carry the The only other acquisition that we Purple and Gold to victory. This year will mention now is—understandin NEWS BOARD COMPETITION THAT ALBANY TO BOSTON is also different from any other because The key to a comprehension of the HIKE of the fact that it marks the beginning natures of others is the thorough un The "State College News" anof intercollegiate football at State. dcrstanding of one's self. Thus, first nounces the opening' of competition The great and unparalleled advanFootball. It has a good sound these ind yourself, and th>n you will be able for editorial appointments to candi- tage of being alive in this blessed line autumn days. Whether or not itj to find others. Your sympathy, discre dates of the two under classes. 20th century is that there's usually will become a permanent part of our tioti and friendliness will depend upon Rules governing the competition enough excitement going on to keep athletic program depends entirely upon your intelligent perception of the situa- ire: the average human's mind busy. One you, the student body. If the men gctj tion or person, as the case may be. cannot live without excitement. One encouragement and support, the thing Your understanding will determine 1. Students may offer themselves might exist—but that's another story. is candidates by submitting their will go over as it ought. If they have What I'm working up to is the to play alone, with no backing, every- your number of friends, good times, names to the editor-in-chief or the curious makeup of the human brain thing will slump. The team may not and to a great extent your social life. managing editor before October 16. that begets ideas great and small, the Therefore, get understanding!! Candidates will then be assigned win every game. That is a lot to exdaily excitement begins to nect in a sport that has just been started And so. 1926, why not experiment as to do specified work; those who wish moment But if they have your support, you may 'getters " for the next four years and to compete for business managership pall, Just let a person get sick of everyday things, and immediately the ee what the result will be? Get yourunder the direction of the business be sure every inch of ground will be contested. What the team needs now self, get wisdom, and get understand- manager and the others under the di- wiggly things in his (or her) brain (that the psychologists tell about) beng!l! rection of the managing editor, is a fair chance. 3. In May of each year at least five gin to get wiggily-er and an idea is You may have been disappointed in born. That was the way the Albany some of the past performances of our has occurred. They work for better re- of the sophomores will he chosen, on varsity teams. You may have said that ults next time. Did Yale neglect her i strict basis of merit to permanent (Continued on page 4) it will not be worth the cost. But State football team after its poor season two positions as associate editor. is not the college that will forsake her years ago? You bet she didn't, and her Work on the " News " offers stuteams just because they have heen dc team came back strong last year and lents interested in English an oppor- t offers an opportunity to serve th" feated. Any bunch of people anywhere olayeel championship football. lias tunity to obtain first hand experience iest interests of the college. The can support a winning team, but it State as much spirit as Yale? You bet in running a paper, if a start is madeINews Hoard hopes that 1926, cspetakes those with real college spirit: to she has. Everybody up and root for the in the freshmen year and work is cially, will respond heartily to this get "to Tether and boost when a defeat'team, It works every time kept up to standard. To all students, I call for reporters. MILDRED KUHN, '24 AGNES NOLAN, '24 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, SEPTEMBER 28, 1922 Page Three NEWS FOR THE FROSH SILVER BAY MEETING When you first opened the door of Tuesday, October 3, in the auditorcollege this fall wasn't the first words ium, there will be a Silver Bay meetyou heard, " Have you seen , ing. Betty Rentier will lead, and sevThe following girls arc living at Announcements of the wedding of my freshman sister." But long be- eral of I lie girls who went to Silver Gamma Kappa Phi house: Kathtrinc Doris Sweet, '18, and William Corwitb fore now every junior has met his oi- Bay this year will speak about the Brown, '22>\ Marion Cline, '23; Susan have been received. lier freshman sister or brother and most interesting happenings during Collier, '23; Ethel Cummings, '23; El- Psi Gamma welcomes Ruth Ellis, '24, most all of the 303 mcm.bcrs of 1926 those eventful ten days. There will mina Curric, '23; Mary Koncclik, '23 as a pledge member. have been escorted and introduced be slides of the very, very amusing Mildred Ktihti '24; Eleanor Maiderer, Mrs. Jessie I'allantine, of Albany, N and sung to. First it was registration, snapshots taken at Silver Bay, these '23; Marion Rose, '23; Mary Smith, Y., is acting as chaperon at Psi Gamin; then the Faculty Reception, then the being more or less humorously ex'23; Hilda Tcfft, '23, and Dorothy this year. sing on Saturday afternoon and the plained by Winifred Dunn. Every Wcstcrman, '24. Kappa Delta was glad to welcome Vesper service Sunday. Hut arc the one is cordially invited, Miss Hazel Rowley was a week-end over the week-end I larriet Rising, '21 ;itinlors through yet? Not at all. guest at the Kamma Kappa Phi house. Marion Bitmap, '21, and Sylvia Potter They may even help nut the sophs a Gamma Kappa Phi announces the '22. bit by advising that the Freshman LIBRARY NOTICE marriage of Mildred Mann, '19, to Clara Knickerbocker, ex-'22, was Handbook be read more thoroughly, The library is purchasing duplicate Reginald Lee of Deposit* N. Y. The married June 28th to Roland Snyder And haven't you noticed the way the copies of the- books for which there is marriage took place on June 30, at Kappa Delta extends congratulations. juniors smile when the words " fresh- the greatest demand. Since it wifl he Glens Falls, N. Y. Kappa Delta heartily welcomes her man," and " party," and " last of Oc- less difficult for students to secure referThe Delta Omega house was opened new house mother, Mrs, Stilson, of tober" are mentioned? If you haven't ence hooks, the library will not he open September 18, The following girls arc Franklin, N. Y. just mention them and see. It may in the evening. Reserved books may he living at the house; Doris Johnson, We enjoy having with its at tin be that the juniors are planning drawn at live o'clock and may be reMarjorie Smith, Elizabeth Rentier Kappa Delta house several new bouse something nice to make up for the tained until nine o'clock the following Marjorie Mathewson, Milliccnt liur- mates. The girls living at the house sophomore get-wise meeting. mornings Hooks drawn on Friday afterhans, Edith Vandcrburg, Mary Vedder this year are: Hetty Macquecn, Ella loon may be retained until Monday am! Helen Means. Chase, Mildred Eve, Margaret Demurmorning. The engagement of Miss Nellie est, l.ewellyna Gill, Pauline George, It is hoped that> the change in service Parkhurst, '21, to Leland Foster, '22, Mildred Smith, Helen l.eary, Marilla MEMOIRS OF SUMMER SCHOOL will be more satisfactory for commuters Van Gelder, Martha Rftylcy, Delia So often we think of memoirs as Did equally satisfactory for all other was announced during the summer. A miscellaneous shower was given at lladsell, Margery Pay less, and Marion connected with events that belong to Indents. Miller. the house on Wednesday evening to the comparatively dead past and but Miss Alida Ballagh, '21, whose marriage Kappa Delta welcomes, as pledge little connected with the future. But FROSH RULES IN FORCE to Mr. Prank McClure takes place members, Mary Hull, May Lewis, and the memoirs of summer school is a Gladys Mersereau. October 3. living, vital record, because the sumPenalty Committee Meets Miss Alice Dessert, of Kingston, was Marjory Potter, '21, is with us mer school is a growing institution The following sophonvores have the guest of Milliccnt Burhaus at the tgain, wc are glad to report. " Marj." with an enrollment that increases been appointed as members of the s studying at Library School this every recurring year. Boards of edit penalty committee: house Friday night. Announcement was made of the mar- year. Ruth Moore, Chairman, cation arc beginning to see the necesFlorence Leming, riage of Marian Moore, '20. lo Mr. Ar Mary Grahn has been seen around sity of hiring up to date teachers and Florence Craddock, thur Coleman on July 1st. They spent college, renewing her many acquaint- •ire willing to defray a fraction of the F.lisc Bower, the summer in California. ances before she leaves for Radcliffe, expenses of the members of their V'eruicc Wilson, Louise Perry, cx-'21, called at the where she will lake courses 'p'reparat.if-y faculties who attend the summer Harriet Voorbies, Dorothea Diclz, '.o her M. A. Eta Phi house last Thursday. session or are willing to increase the Floyd I.andon, The following girls are living in the salary of teachers who spend a profit;-' Jerome Walker, Eta Phi house this year: Florence This college year brought the open able summer in an educational instiEdmund Crane, Dorsey, '23; Viola Holmes, '23; Fthel ing of Newman Hall at 741 Madison tution. Stephen Merrill, Harry Rude, Rusk, '23; Marjorie Sibley, '23; Fir; avenue. It accommodates twenty-six Experienced teachers are not in a Edwin J ticket t, Williams, '23; Margaret Eaton, '24 girls who arc looking forward to an class by themselves when it conies to John Collins. Jane McKennan, '24; Aileen Wallace, enjoyable year. They extend an ina recognition of the value of summer The penalty committee had a meet'24; Gertrude Coleman, '25, and Flor- vitation to the student body to visit work. Regularly matriculated college ing on Monday, Sept. 25, and the ence Lceming, '25. frosh arc to obey all rules after Tuestheir new club house. students are flocking to summer day, Sept. 26. Alpha Epsilon Phi-Eta welcomes as At the first meeting these officers school. Perhaps, it is the ambition to The date for the Sophomore gctpledge members Sophia Weinberg, '25, were elected: take a few extra courses or the aim wise meeting is still pending, and Gertrude Kriegcr, '25. House Chairnvan, Elizabeth Gib- to finish college in. a shorter, period Eta girls had as their guests this bons. then the required term, or it may be week Frances Jacobs and Ruth Wilko- Secretary, Martha Doody. the painful necessity of making up witz, both of Kappa (Cornell). Treasurer, Marie Millet. flunked hours. Chi Sigma Thcta has as house girls Vice-Treasurer, Katherine Hall. We are especially proud of our own this year: Marjorie Sinnott, Dora Critic, Mary Morrissey. O'Shaughncssy, Frances Flanncry, The first social event will be an summer session. A majority of the Ada Bussc, Mary Maher, Betty Mc- At H o m e " to the entire student departments of the regular session Luncheon or dinner 12:00—1:00 arc represented. Wc have a student Mantis, Margery McGcenie, Jean body. organization which provides enter- f their experience and kindness, and Dardesse, Veronica Noonc and Mary tainments for Friday evenings and there does seem to be an indefinable O'Hara. Alumni Miss Margaret O'Sbaughnessy was •\ugusta Knapp, '22, and Hope Per- plans trips for the Saturdays. This something that attracts the teachers the guest of her sister, Dora O'Sbaugh- sons, '22, arc teaching in Higlianld, summer the Music and English de- to the pupils—perhaps it is the buoyoartments were right there when it ant spirit of youth for as one man nessy, for the past week. N. Y. Sybil Balme, '21 and Cora came to amusing the students. Then I. " T h e works of man are never Miss Mary Carney, '19, spent last Mcservc, '21, are teaching at Wap- there was the organization of the so beautiful as when they are falling week at the Chi Sigma Thcta house. pingers Falls, N, Y. School Superintendents and Princi- to decay; the works of God are most Chi Sigma Theta welcomes Marie Mrs. Lynn Barnes—Dorothy Ban- pals which held its weekly meetings beautiful when they arc young." ner, '19, is living in Berlin, Vt. Millet, '24, as a pledge member. and provided interesting speakers, and While there arc a few who both Conserve your vision Have your eyes examined for the second summer our college onsciously or unconsciously do their est to discourage students from paper has been issued. We feel that a great deal is lo be teaching, wc always meet many who gained by the association of teachers make us more than glad: that we are THE UPTOWN OPTOMETRIST and college students. The students Itraining for the profcss on which we 171 Central Avenue Phone West 3756-J are attracted to the teachers because have chosen. Eygta»*es Spectacles 'ROUND THE COLLEGE State College Cafeteria Francis E. Cox Page Four That Albany to Boston Hike (Continued from page 2) STATE COLLEGE NEWS, SEPTEMBER 28, 1922 OSHER'S MUSIC ASSOCIATION Just at this time of the year the numerous organizations of college are making plans for the college year. Music association has as yet no definite plans. Mr. Colin Hagcr, a member of the Class of 1917, has asked Dr. Thompson if the girls' chorus may give a radio concert, and it is expected that this will take place some time soon. Undoubtedly music association will arrange for several good concerts and entertainments as it has done in the past. It costs no more to use our Superior call and delivery service and it saves you time. WEST 2344 Remember this number—you'll need it when your Shoes need Repairing. OSHER'S Shoe Repair Works. 28 Central Av., Albany, N. Y. to Boston hike originated—from wigg\y things in a brain. Now that hikei idea was a whizz, as ideas go. In the first place, there was enough red-hot romance in a walk, knapsack on back, over 200 miles of Did and historic country, td start anyDody's head to jigging and to make mybody's heart do nose-dives and :ail spins. And both of our hearts ind heads,—there were two of us.— :lid the aforesaid until we lost all ;rack of—everything. To proceed. We worked a whole HOME ECONOMICS NOTES ivening planning a route. We studied he map of Massachusetts until we Miss Agnes Moore, '18, sailed Sep:ould recite it backwards and both tember 16th for Old Nutali, Africa, to vays from the middle. Wc had a six take up Home Economics work in a 'ard list of places that wc planned to mission school. She expects to be isit. Outfits, knapsacks, camp cook- gone 5 years. Miss Marion Fleming, '16, has ng—wc lived in atmospheres of them or days. We even dreamed about joined the Home Economics Faculty em at night. 1 used to have a favor- of the University of Illinois. te nightmare in which a pair of khaki An informal social meeting of the valking breeches chased me down an Home Economics Faculty was held ndlcss road carpeted with aluminum Saturday evening at Miss Gillctt's rying pans. That was the way of home, 570 Western Avenue. he Albany to Boston hike, Then as is the way of great ideas nd excitement in general, things be PEDAGOGUE BOARD to happen. It is not the custom NOUNCED f enthusiasm, however bombastic it • nay be, to remain at fever pitch for Editor-in-Chief ays and days. Finals were coming Agnes Scott Smith n tooth and claw, and one must Business Manager • nakc room for Finals, at least. There Ruth Tefft »'as so much to do to get ready! We adn't realized—:! To cap the climax, Subscription Manager athetic letters began to arrive from Delia A, Hadscll »rtain loved ones. You, dear reader, Literary Editors aye received such letters. Your Elinor C. Kucll amily upon occasion 'has performed Vera Nolan hat most acrobatic feat of tongue Kathcrine Shipman cncrally known as " throwing a conMarjoric Sibley iption fit." Of course. " All families throw fits, Joke Editors 'hat's what they're for." Extracts Doris Butler allow: Elsie Leonard " Wc would catch our deaths of old." " Mad dogs (wholesale) would Athletic Editor evour us." " Tramps would drown Ethel Seymour s in trout streams." " W e would Art Editors et lost." " We were foolish." " We Ethel Cummings /ere crazy." " We didn't realize—" Laura Ebcll What would we do next?" (hopesssly) " Et cetera." " Et cetera." Advertising Manager Et cetera." Helen B. Leary Insidious fears began toidcvour our lithcrto unapproachable sang froid. Assistants itrange as it may seem, families, alKathcrine Betz hough they may do a bit of unnecesEdith Saunders ary talking, are sometimes right. We Mildred Smith lidn't want to die a horrid death, etc., Photograph Editors :tc, etc, Marjoric Blythc I'm sorry. I should have preferred Susan Collier o render in answer to your editor's Erva Littell equest for a " writeup " of the hike, : glowing account of Lenox, Lee, the lerkshires, Concord, Lexington and ill the rest. But the greatest ideas, fully, and watch it materialize. Until ike the sweetest flowers, arc often then, your editor waits, lorn to blush unseen, certainly, this And that was the way of the Al>ne wasted itself on desert air. Some- bany to Boston hike. Requicscat in lay we plan to raise it from its pace. ignominious neglect, dust it off cart-1 RUTH MOORE, '25. GREETING CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS prasitutgtmt (gift Jtyrjp 2 4 4 W A S H I N G T O N AVE. BERBERICK South End Florist ALBANY, N, V, TELEPHONE WEST 1 3 3 8 W Quality SILKS And Dress Goods At HEWITTS SILK SHOP Over Kresges S and 10c. Stores 26 S E C O N D A V E N U E ALBANY, N. Y. 15-17 No. Pearl SI. Ideal Service Ideal Food 2 0 8 WASHINGTON A V E 6 door* a b o v e Lark St Regular Dinner 40c.—11 a. m. to 3 p. m. Supper 4 0 c — 5 p. m. to 8 p . m, SUNDAY SPECIAL: Regular Dinner, 40c Special Chicken Dinner, 60c. 12 Noon to 8 P. M. Special Rales to Students Ideal Restaurant G. Wiley & Bro. Dealers in All Kindt of N EVERSHARP pencil to suit your every need can be found in our large •tock. We repair . Eversharps, too. Fresh and Salt Meat and Poultry A 348 State Street, Corner Lark Telephones 544 and 543 IF YOU CO-OPERATE WITH THE "CO-OP" ESTABLISHED - 1087 - " s j ^ j j r n j * CORNER-HUDSON M£."*> BD.PEARL. We will supply all your College Needs ALBANY PRINT SHOP, Inc. 394-396 BROADWAY ALBANY, N. Y. Special Attention Given Work for Student Societies PRINTERS OF THE After Every Meal STATE COLLEGE NEWS FRANK H. EVORY & CO. General Printers 36-38 Beaver Street ALBANY, N. Y. 91 Steps East of Pearl Street mil JRnai? tfawlffea Expert Hemstitching, Buttonholes, Buttons, all kinds of Pleating, Trimmings and Embroidery 260 Uric Street, Albany, N. Y. PHONE MAIN 5875 1 s § The i i S sMt i Flavor Lasts STAHLER Central Avenue's Leading Confectionery and Ice Cream Parlor A large line of fancy box chocolates, booklets favors, etc. :: :: :: :: LAST (BUT NOT LEAST The Gateway Press C-f9 - QUALITY PRINTERS AT YOUR ELBOW—WEST 336 Central Avenue 2037