State College News
No. 17
Record Attendance Crowds Albany
High Gymnasium
State College was defeated by the
Syracuse University five, Thursday
evning, Feb. 20, The game was a
fast one, and rough on the part of
our opponents. A large Syracuse
delegation was present.
The official score and line-up follow:
State College
Name and Position Fb. Fp. Tp.
Fitzgerald, rf
2 11 15
Barry, If
0 0 0
Dowling, c
1 0 2
Lobdell, Ig
0 0 0
Curlin, rg
0 0 0
Keenan, Ig
0 0 0
Merchant, If
0 0 0
3 11 17
Name and Position Fb. Fp; Tp,
Dalley, rf
6 0 12
Leonard, If
3 0 6
Marcus, c
1 0 2
Martin, lg
1 4 6
Barsha, rg
0 1 1
Conlin, rg
0 0 0
Kernan, If
1 0 2
S 29
Score at half time—State, 14;
Syracuse, 19. Referee—Lawrence
S, Hill, A. [1. S. Scorer—Spriugmann. Timekeeper—Bliss. Time
of periods—Twenty minutes each.
A very important business meeting of the Consumers' League was
held on Tuesday, Feb. 25, for the
purpose of electing a delegatcto
attend the annual State Convention
in New York City which will be
held in the early part of March.
Miss Addie Jackson is the delegate
elected by the League.
Delegates Hear Excellent Lectures
Student of several colleges throughout New York State were
inspired and entertained over the past week-end by the meetings
held under the auspices of the Student Volunteer Conference.
About 200 delegates attended
the conference, coming from Cornell, lilmira, Syracuse, Cazciiovia
Seminary, Rochester Mechanics'
Institute, Rochester Theological
Seminary, Houghton Seminary, Alfred University, Alfred Agricultural, Micldlebury, Colgate, Wells,
William Smith, Hobart and others.
Stale's delegates arc Esther Christensen, Lovisa Veddcr, Helen Fay,
Helen' Cope and I lazel Henggc.
The delegates from the different
colleges were met at the train and
escorted to the College, where they
registered. At the reception the dele-
Event Takes Place To-morrow
The Class of 1921 will have another opportunity to display its pep
and individuality on Friday evening, February 28. They will hold
a dance in the gymnasium. The
hour set will depend on the time
of closing of the Hamilton—S. C.
T. game.
The committees are:
Music and Refreshments—Alida
Ballagh (Chairman), Helen Chase,
Catherine Ball, Esmery Darling,
William Strain, Theodore Hill,
Martin Barry, Ralph Baker.
Decorations — Amy
(Chairman), Esther Cramer, Esther
Miller, Alberta Silkworth.
These names alone signify the
success of '21's first social venture.
Watch them, State!
Dr, Abrams Gives Lecture
Father Dunney Will Speak
A very interesting meeting of the
Chemistry Club was held Friday,
Feb. 21, in Room 250, at 4:15 P. M.
The meeting was opened by the
president, Gertrude Blair, '19, who
introduced the sneaker of the afternoon. Dr. A. W. Abrams, Chief
of the Division of Visual Instruction, State Department of Education. Dr. Abrams' subject was
"Visual Instruction in Relation to
Science Teaching." He used stereopticon pictures from the Department to illustrate his lecture.
These nictures were very ititerestiho;, as well as instructive, and.
w'th their helo, he showed his plan
of visual instruction. He would
not have pictures Used just occasionally as a side issue in teaching,
(•Continued on page 3)
There will be a meeting of the
Newman Club next Monday afternoon, March 3, at 4 P. M., in the
College auditorium. Father Dunney will be the speaker, and his
topic will be "The Early History
of the Mass."
President Bruhachcr spent part
of last week in New York City, discussing plans for the new State educational movement to appoint an
Educational Reconstruction Conference. This work is not yet definitely organized, but is well under
gates became acquainted, There
was music at the reception, The
dinner was enlivened by cheering
and singing by the different delegations. The principal feature of
the evening was a talk on France
by Ralph Harlow, who was a missionary in Turkey and spent quite
a bit of time in France. Mr. Swart
acted as chairman.
Saturday morning Boras Gneisen,
a briliant speaker, gave a convincing talk on "Russia." The other
speaker of the morning was Dr.
John E. Williams, vice-president of
(Continued on page 3)
Most Exciting Contest of the
Season .
The first game of the season in
which an extra five-minute period
was required to decide the winner,
was won by the State College, team
in the Albany High School gymnasium last Saturday night by a
score of 19 to 18.
Fiu began the scoring 'by making a clever shot from the field in
the first few minutes of play. McCarthy showed line form on the
floor and did some accurate foul
(Continued on page 3)
Professor Kirtland Discusses Composition in Picture-Taking
On Monday afternoon in the
auditorium, l-eb. 24, Professor R.
Sri. Kirtland gave a very interesting lecture, touching on the general
points to consider in taking a wellNIGHT
balanced picture. Accompanying
the discussion lantern slides were
shown to illustrate the salient
Hamilton College Will Play
This lecture was the first of a
be given by Professpr
The Hamilton College i\\c from series to The
second will occur on
Clinton, N. Y., will meet State Col- kirtland.
Mar. 3, at 4:45
lege Friday night, Feb. 28, The P. M. The subject will
"Develgame will take place before the oping and Printing." beProfessor
Sophomore Soiree, The Class of j Kirtland is an authority on this
1921 will occupy a reserved section subject, and will demonstrate his
of the bleachers.
Considering the evenness with
Concerning composition, Prowhich the opposing teams are
matched, the game promises ex- ! fessor Kirtland said that in order
insure that the picture be pereitcment.
manently pleasing, one should take
care in the choice of subject, PicPROFESSOR KIRTLAND tures haphazardly snapped of one's
friends, or of some casual scene,
will soon lose significance.
make a picture lasting in quality,
one should choose scenes whose
The entire hour of Student As- light, shade, masses, etc., arc
sembly on Friday, Feb. 21, was adapted to picture making. A litgiven up to Professor Kirtland, tle experimenting will make one
who spoke on the League of Na- capable of including in the picture
only the desired portion of the
He began by telling of the com- scene. In case any unnecessary elplexity of causes in all cases, and ements creep in, they may be elimihe used for an example the act of
nated by blocking out in the printgetting water from the spout of a ing process, The slides shown
well, showing the complexities that were taken from pictures which
made it possible. He applied this Professor Kirtland took himself,
to the causes of the War, which and were charming examples of
were of two kinds, causes of condi- artistic photographic principles.
tion and dynamic causes.
The principal causes of condition were: the great armaments,
the centralization of government,
and the intermingling of peoples. FRESHMEN HEAR TALK
The dynamic causes were the AusMOVEMENT
trian control of Servia, poison of
suspicion, money lust, war lust,
trouble over Alsace-Lorraine, and
On Wednesday afternoon, Feb.
the murder of an heir to the Aus- 26, the regular conference hour for
trian throne. To be free from war Freshmen women was interestingly
\ve must be free from causes. addressed by Miss Marion McDonMany of these causes still exist, as, ald. Miss McDonald is Captain of
for instance, suspicion, money lust, Troop One and local Field Captain
and great armaments. While some of the Girl Scout Organization in
of the causes mentioned do not the city. Her subject was "The
(Continued on page 3)
Girl Scout Movement."
Page Two
February 27,1919
No. 17
Published weekly, on Thursdays,
during the college year, by the Student Body of the New York State
College lor Teachers, at Albany,
New York.
The subscription rate is one dollar and a half per year. Advertising
rates may be had on application to
the Business manager.
Articles, manuscripts, etc., must be
in the hands of the Editor befort
Saturday of the week preceding
Board of Editorg, 1918-1919
Donald M, Tower, 'it)
Managing Editor,
Bernice S. Brenner, '19
Business Manager,
Caroline E. Lipes, '19
Assistant Business Manager,
Ellen Donahue, 'zo.
Associate Editors,
Dorothy M, Banner, '20
Kenneth P. Holben, '20
Elsie Hanbury, '20
Bertha West, '20
"State College on the Map" ha3
been our desire since time immemorial. Of all things that have
helped to do this, the Student Volunteer Conference of last week has
much. Three hundred delegates
colleges,— Cornell,
Syracuse, Wells, Colgate, Hobart
and others—were guests of State
College, housed by College people,
fed at the College cafteria, and entertained by the Students' Association at the basket ball game Saturday night after the evening session of the convention.
Three hundred people have now
returned to their respective alma
maters after visiting State College.
The real significance of their visit
will come years later, perhaps,
but the present significance is great.
State College is in a position to
entertain a convention.
lectures and study alone, but of
great advantage as the extra-curriculum lectures, concerts and talks
which are held frequently in our
Last year's superb
series of democracy lectures given
by our faculty, and the year's
serie3 on the peace conferences are
splendid examples of cultural advantages.
To the Freshmen and those upperclassmen who do not know
Professor Kirtland intimately, wc
wish to urge attendance at the
Monday photography lectures. In
adidtion to absolute material values
to be gained, those who go will
find a distinct pleasure in the personal contact and informal relationship with Mr. Kirtland.
Several week3 ago the "News"
published an editorial on the seeming lack of respect shown by the
student body as a whole to the
speakers who address us in assembly on Friday mornings. However,
things may have improved since
then in other parts of the auditorium, the Freshman section
seems to be growing noisier every
week. And to think, Frosh, that
before wc were complimented because it was not our side of the
room from which the disturbance
came. Although we are so far
to one side that we cannot hear
how much talking the upperclassmen do, certainly we are well
aware of our own faults. If the
other classes have shown a marked
improvement during the past few
weeks, surely we do not wish to
be so far behind them in the matter
of showing respect to the speakers
which favor us from week to week,
or in showing consideration for
others. And if those other tlasses,
who should be our teachers in all
such things, are no better than we
are, let us try to show them that,
even if we are "green," we have a
little common courtesy about us.
And so, regardless of whether the
rest need criticizing along these
lines, or not, let us try, this week
to show Professor Risley, and
everybody else, that we know how
to be polite.
A real treat to fans came Saturday night at the game between
State and Massachusetts Aggies.
For the first time in our history
State had to play an extra term of
five minutes to decide the contest
above a sixteen-all score. A
more tense period is seldom seen.
It was a real case of stiff fight,
but Fitz's foul and basket brought
the purple and gold score to nineteen, against eighteen as run up
by two fouls on the Aggie side.
Clean sportsmanship pays in the
end. State College glories in the
principles of clean play evidenced
by her men in last week's games.
The announcement in last week's
"News" that Professor Kirtland
would "give a series of talks on
photography was read by all of his
devotees with great joy, To those
who have been so fortunate as to
listen to his delightful rambling on
this pet subject of his, the promise
of more seemed a special treat.
Education as given by State College, does not consist of classroom
When the proposition was laid
before the Freshman class, that
we have a Red Cross unit in College, there was a large number of
people who raised their hands, signifying that they would support it.
Well, there are just about a dozen
or perhaps fourteen of these people who come out to the meetings
and help sew. That is a very small
representation of a class as large
as ours.
Perhaps many of us have the
idea that it will be a bore to come,
but instead, it is really a lot of fun.
We have not forgotten the adage,
"AH work and no play makes Jack
a dull boy," and we play games
after our work is done.
Yon mav not know how to sew
well, but that doesn't make any
difference. You can at least make
an attempt, and you will be sure to
find a great many others in the
same predicament. Come on,
Freshmen, and help along the
movement which we have started!
Three days, it seems, is a short
time in which big tliing3 might
happen, Big things did liappen at
State College, Feb. 21, 22, 23.
We wonder how many "folks"
at College know about them, now
that their happening is past. We
can testily that many State College girls came to find out what
was going on, over Washington's
We wonder, too, how many of
our faculty realize that there came
to us—to our own College here, over
two hundred students, representing
eighteen different colleges throughout. New York State. We wonder if even a small percentage of
our faculty consider that there
came, as well, many prominent
speakers of this land and other
lands, some of them leaders of institutions throughout the world. ,
Would it not seem strange to
these new people to find an institution made up of students
alone? State College made an impression upon these earnest sisters
and brothers of ours—perhaps a
one-sided impression. Many of
them had never heard that such a
place as State College existed.
rhey noticed and mentioned the
hospitality of one faculty member
who kindly opened the library for
their use. We wonder, with this
thought in mind, where others were
to give their hand of welcome.
These others were missed by no
small part of the two hundred
travelers who came to a new country for these days.
"Sisters," '19 and '21.
We've been terribly busy at College this year—every one of us. In
tact we ve been so occupied with
work that we couldn't even find
time to talk to our friends as formerly. But it does seem a shame
when we become so industrious
that we have no time for courtesy
—not the Sir Walter Raleigh courtesy, that would force the men to
lay their coats around the halls for
the girls to walk on, but just plain
thoughtfulness for others.
doesn t take much more time to be
considerate and not only does it
create a much more cheerful
friendlier atmosphere but it also
raises the standing of our college
In the first place there's our
cafeteria. Of course we often have
only half an hour for lunch and
there are a number of things to do
before one o'clock—and most of
all it s so tiresome waiting in line
But how many of us consider the
girl ahead? She may have even
less time than we have, and if she's
at all meek or retiring she has
probably been pushed back at least
a dozen times. However, what do
we care? "Let's walk over her and
get up by Mary." Really, the cafeteria will soon be a fine example
of the survival of the fittest. It
seems that we would get through
the line just as quickly if we stood
in place —or if we are unusually
hurried why not ask to be allowed
to step ahead. If we're polite
enough to ask, the other person
naturally couldn't be so rude as to
Our library also seems to be a
scene of frequent forgetfulness. Because it is the only place we have
to study, some of the student body
appear to consider it a recreation
room. It is very convenient to
discuss the lesson with the person
on the other side of the table, but
I think most of us realize how hard
it is to study with these discussions
in progress — unless we are one of
the participants. Occasional questions can be excused, but for the
lengthier conversation let's depart
to the hall,
Most of all wc need courtesy' at
our games.
There the public
watches, criticizes and judges us,
There the visiting team meets us,
notes our actions and reports them
when it returns to its home college.
The games are our advertisement
for State College, and we don't
want to be advertised as "roughnecks." Above all things don't let
us lower ourselves by clapping
when the opposing team fouls. Give
them that hand clapping in sportsmanlike appreciation of good playing. Due to our college spirit, we
certainly are overwhelmed with excitement at the games and then
when someone shoots a basket and
just misses everyone unconsciously sighs and gives forth a despairing " Oh." I'm not trying to label
this act with the Discourtesy Sign.
It isn't because we are at all disgruntled or discouraged, we simply
forget ourselves, It must be rather
hard on the boys, though, to hear
the bleachers groan over "a lost
basket when six have already been
made in ten minutes. Of course
they understand — but if we just
keep still or grin, there won't be
the slightest doubt but that we're
back of them " for better or for
Kappa Delta Rho extends a cordial welcome to L. Paul Manville,
Henry Lacey, and Henry Wood us
peldge members.
During the student volunteer
conference of the past week,
Brothers Good, Clark, and Warne
of Beta chapter of Cornell, and
Brothers Freitag, Kidder, Cheney,
and McPhcrson of Delta chapter
of Colgate, were entertatined by
Brothers Hofmann, Barry, and
McMahon attended the Sophomore
soiree at Skidmorc Friday night.
Last Monday night Van Lobdcll
entertained the chapter at his
home in Robin street. A lively
business meeting was followed by
eats and a mighty good time.
Sunday evening Gamma gave a
dinner at the Occidental-Oriental.
The brothers from Beta and Delta,
and pledges Wood, Manville, and
Lacey were our guests.
The cafteria served delicious
meals to the " Convcntionitos."
Several of the college girls acted
as waitresses.
Birge Williams,
) Mrs. Caroline
18, was a recent guest at the college. Mrs. Williams has occupied
the position as cashier in the Troy
Y. W. C. A. cafeteria for some time.
Syddum Hall is entertaining several Syracuse girls who are delegates to the Y. W. C. A. convention.
The group of girls living in the
Practice House at present are,
Mary Ann Hardenbergh, Bernice
Bronner, Madeleine Sackett and
Geraldine Jennings.
The Practice House girls entertained Mr. York, head of the commercial department, and Mrs. York
at dinner Wednesday evening.
Delegates from Wells College
were entertained at the Practice House. Miss Hardenbergh was
hostess for the week end.
The class in advanced cookery
prepared the lunch served Friday
in the cafeteria. In this manner
the class obtains experience in extensive cookery,
A great many of the girls from
this department attended Mrs.
Tenling's lectures on Food Values,
given at the Ten Eyck during the
past week.
Page Three
M a g d a l e n a A n d r a e , '19, delightfully e n t e r t a i n e d her K a p p a Nu
s i s t e r s a t her home in C o h o c s last
F r i d a y evening.
J a n e Schnitzler, '20, s p e n t t h e
p a s t w e e k end in T r o y as t h e g u e s t
of M a r y Kinsella, '18.
G e r t r u d e B u r n s , '20, E d n a M a n e t h , '20, a n d E d i t h Sullivan, '19,
s p e n t the past week end a t their
respective homes.
E l i z a b e t h O'Connell, '20, spent
t h e p a s t week end in N e w Y o r k
Miss Gladys Gilkey a n d Miss
H e l e n H u i e of Cornell w e r e g u e s t s
a t t h e H o u s e during the conference.
W e are glad to r e n o r t t h a t M a r ion I . B l o d g e t t , '17, w h o h a s been
v e r y ill with p n e u m o n i a at her
h o m e in N e w b u r g h , if. n o w i m p r o v ing.
M a r g u e r i t e Ritzer, '20, s p e n t t h e
p a s t week end at the H o u s e .
( C o n t i n u e d from p a g e !)
b e c a u s e then they are m e r e l y s u b j e c t s of p a s s i n g interest. H e would
h a v e them used every d a y as a
s t a r t i n g point from which to s t u d y
t h e subject a t hand. T h e y should
be a challenge to a r o u s e t h e stud e n t ' s interest, not m e r e l y in t h e
p i c t u r e s themselves, b u t in finding
o u t m o r e of the subject.
should help the pupil o r g a n i z e his
m a t e r i a l a n d should t e a c h h i m o b s e r v a t i o n if he is m a d e to discover
e v e r y t h i n g he can find in t h e m . Aft e r D r . A b r a m s h a d finished, Miss
Blair closed the m e e t i n g in t h e
customary manner.
F l o r e n c e S t a n b r o , '21, s p e n t t h e
w e e k end with L o u i s e P e r r y , '21,
at Melrose.
D o r i s Smith, '16, w h o is a s t u d e n t
v o l u n t e e r , spent the w e e k end at
t h e h o u s e a n d a t t e n d e d t h e convention.
T h e b i r t h d a y of M y f a n w y W i l liams, '21, w a s eclebated by an informal
( C o n t i n u e d from p a g e 1)
N a n k i n g University, w h o s e t h e m e
w a s "China's Needs."
T h e Saturday afternoon meeting
w a s given over m a i n l y to the disc u s s i o n of p l a n s of Y. W . C. A. a n d
Y . M. C. A. for w o r k in t h e m i s s i o n a r y field for the c o m i n g y e a r .
M r . S t e p h e n P y l e s p o k e for t h e
Y . M. C. A. work, and Miss G l a d y s
T o p p i n g for the Y. W . C. A. w o r k .
T h e s e t w o a d d r e s s e s w e r e foll o w e d b y a sacred solo, s u n g by
M a r y E . W h i s h ('21), a c c o m p a n i e d
b y M i s s M. W i l l i a m s ('21).
D r . Carleton, w h o h a d been e n g a g e d in medical w o r k in China
for t h i r t y years, told a b o u t h e r
w o n d e r f u l experiences in t h a t field.
H e r a d d r e s s w a s n o t o n l y v e r y int e r e s t i n g b u t v e r y i n s p i r i n g as well.
A b a n q u e t followed, h e l d in t h e
D e v o t i o n a l services w e r e c o n d u c t e d in t h e e v e n i n g in t h e audit o r i u m b y Miss Sara Schnell', s e c r e t a r y of t h e S t u d e n t V o l u n t e e r
C o n v e n t i o n , whose t h e m e w a s " S e r vice." . D r . A r t h u r T . F o w l e r t h e n
s p o k e on t h e " A u t h o r i t y of C h r i s t
in t h e W o r l d T a s k . " T h i s w a s foll o w e d with a talk b y R a l p h H a r l o w
o n t h e " W o r l d Need of C h r i s t " .
T h e S u n d a y . a f t e r n o o n session
was given over to t h r e e - m i n u t e
talks, T h e lirst s p e a k e r w a s Miss
H e l e n Huie, of China, a t p r e s e n t a
s t u d e n t at Cornell,
Miss H u i e ' s
speech was u p o n t h e nced3 of h e r
country, She w a s followed by M r .
Merces P a r l c h i a n , w h o voiced a
s t r o n g plea for A r m e n i a . T h e n e x t
speaker, Mr. J. R, Garcia, of Cuba,
and a student at Colgate, s p o k e in
behalf of the e d u c a t i o n a l n e e d s of
Cuba and a l l t h e o t h e r L a t i n - A m e r ican
Garcia was M i s s M a u d e B r o d h e a d ,
of Syracuse. S h e s p o k e ' a b o u t her
experiences a s a S t u d e n t V o l u n t e e r .
Mr. A l e x a n d e r S t e w a r t , of Union,
told why he w a s g o i n g t o b e a m i s sionary, Mr. S. Ralph H a r l o w , the
last speaker, also c o n d u c t e d t h e
Qiiestion Box,
T h e evening session was held at
7:30 in the E m a n u e l
Church, After a very convincing
talk by Mr. S. Ralph H a r l o w on
" O u r Soldiers in F r a n c e and W o r l d
Soldiers," a r e p r e s e n t a t i o n from
each college unit recited a verse of
scripture which e m b o d i e d the principles that t h e y will e n d e a v o r to
follow in their S t u d e n t V o l u n t e e r
work during t h e c o m i n g year. T h i s
m e e t i n g constituted the final session of a very enjoyable a n d instructive conference.
(Continued from page 1)
s h o o t i n g for the Aggies. H e began
the scoring for the A g g i e s by a
score from t h e foul line. P a r k h u r s t
showed he w a s there, too, b y m a k ing a neat shot from the field. T h e
Aggies were n o w in the lead, b u t
only for a minute, for D o w l i n g
picked the ball from the air a n d
made the m o s t s e n s a t i o n a l s h o t of
the evening, from the center of t h e
field. State w a s n o w o n e point in
the lead, but Smith soon p u t t h e
Aggies ahead b y m a k i n g a field
shot. Fitz, s e e i n g a good c h a n c e
to g e t even, put the ball in t h e
ring from t h e foul line and tied
the score—5-5,
D o w l i n g s o o n c a m e t h r o u g h with
a n o t h e r field basket, a n d w a s alm o s t i m m e d i a t e l y followed by o n e
of Barry's nifty shots, which h e
made after b r e a k i n g up the o p p o n e n t s ' p a s s - w o r k in his u s u a l
speedy m a n n e r .
M c C a r t h y m a d e a few m o r e s h o t s
from the foul line, F i t z e n d e d up
the first half w i t h a s h o t from t h e
foul line and m a d e the score 10 to
8 in State's favor.
S e c o n d Half
i n the second half B a r r y s i m p l y
picked the ball from his o p p o n e n t ' s
hand and t h r e w the ball t h r o u g h
the r i n g . M c C a r t h y b r o u g h t up t h e
A g g i e s ' score a few p o i n t s . T h e n
Dowling made another sensational
basket from t h e j u m p ball. P a r k h u r s t a n d Smith scored for t h e A g gies again, a n d tied the score.
T h e score r e m a i n e d a tie for several minutes. Curtin was t h e r e in
keeping the A g g i e s from s c o r i n g ,
as he g u a r d e d the A g g i e s ' b e s t
B a r r y was e v e r y w h e r e .
and again he b r o k e u p t h e A g g i e s '
pass work, a n d suddenly he w e n t
up t h e floor a n d b r o k e t h e tie.
T h e Aggies c a m e in with t w o
m o r e points a n d again t h e s c o r e
was a tie. A n d s o e n d e d t h e second half, with a s c o r e of 16 t o 16,
and both t e a m s fighting h a r d .
N o w came t h e e x c i t i n g period of
the e x t r a five m i n u t e s ' play. F i t z
soon put State in the lead by d r i b bling the ball down t h e field,
llirough the A g g i e g u a r d s a n d c a g ing the ball.
H e soon followed
with a foul b a s k e t . M c C a r t h y m a d e
t w o foul b a s k e t s a n d w a s fighting
for Shoes
23 No. Pearl Jt.
F R I D A Y , Feb. 28:
9:00 a. m „ S t u d e n t A s s e m bly,
from O t h e r P e a c e Conferences, Prof. A d n a W .
Risley, A u d i t o r i u m .
8:00 p . m., B a s k e t b a l l g a m e ,
H a m i l t o n College v. S t a t e
College for T e a c h e r s , Albany H i g h School Gym.
9:00 p . m., S o p h o m o r e class
party, College G y m n a sium.
CAPS, GOWNS, and Hoods
S A T U R D A Y , M a r c h 1:
3:00 p . m., College d a n c i n g
class, G y m n a s i u m .
; SS6 Broadway
Cotrell & Leonard
Makers of
Broadway, Albany
Bradt Drug Co.
7 Central AT*.
4:00 p . m., N e w m a n Club,
R o o m 211.
9-11 No. Pearl St.
Lenox Lunch and Restaurant
Good Thing* To Eat
with his players to m a k e more
points when the final whistle blew.
Massachusetts Aggies
Name and Position
Fb. Fp. Tp.
M c C a r t h y , rf
8 10
P a r k h u r s t , If
Smith, c
Gasser, r g
Gowdy, lg
Albany, N. Y,
Agents For
S t a t e College
N a m e and Position
Fb, Fp, Tp.
Fitzgerald, rf
Barry, If
Dowling, c
Curtin, r g
ICeerian, lg
Nicholson, Ig
3 Central Avenue
Score at half t i m e — S t a t e College, 10; Mass. Aggies, 8. Referee
—Hill. S c o r e r — S u t h e r l a n d . T i m e
keeper—Bliss. F o u l s committed—
Aggies, 8; State College, 11, T i m e
of p e r i o d s — T w e n t y m i n u t e s .
(.Continued from p a g e i j
H a r t , SKaffner & M a r x C l o t h e s
R e g a l Shoes
71 SiMr St
Cotrell & Leonard
472 to 478 Broadway
Fine Qualities — Reasonable Price
For Laundry W o r k quickly
and well d o n e come t o
71 Central Ave.
exist at p r e s e n t , they are liable to
c o m e back.
W o r l d peace is desired. A n a t t e m p t to gain tnis is being m a d e
by t h e i o r m a t i o n of a L e a g u e of
N a t i o n s , the p r o g r a m of which is
as follows: every n a t i o n shall s c u d
delegates to m e e t i n g s which shall School Supplies—Textbooks Ordered
be held at stated i n t e r v a l s . T h e r e
shall be a n executive council consisting of t h e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s of five
g r e a t allies a n d r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s of
four other s t a t e s . T h e r e shall be
a S e c r e t a r y G e n e r a l a n d a b o d y of
his assistants, a p e r m a n e n t commission to decide upon military
Collage a n d School Supplies
a n d naval q u e s t i o n s , a n i n t e r n a Fountain Peni
tional bureau of labor, a c o u r t of
arbitration, a n d a p e r m a n e n t con> Cor. Wathiniton u£Uka Am. Ntar Stat* Cell*!a
mission t o assist in t h e m a n a g e m e n t of colonies.
P r o f e s s o r K i r t l a n d then read a
few of t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t of t h e
D R E S S S U I T and C A P and
t w e n t y - s i x articles of the consti- G O W N .
F o r d e t a i l s , i n q u i r e of t h e
tution and discussed them, s h o w - " N e w s , " B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r .
ing t h a t t h e y violated t h e D o c t r i n e
of W a s h i n g t o n , M o n r o e ' s D o c t r i n e ,
t h e Constitution of t h e United
295 Central Avenue
S t a t e s , a n d the s o v e r e i g n t y of t h e
U n i t e d States, H e said t h a t those
principles were usable w h e n we
w e r e an isolated nation, b u t n o w
Prlcu Rtatonablt
t h a t we have g r o w n s o much, they Even/thing of the hat.
Try our Special Noonday Luncheon, joe,
do not apply.; W e should practice
Lunchei put up to take out
ncighhorliness, a n d should t h i n k
of o t h e r c o u n t r i e s besides America. Open Day andNlght
TIL. W N T ttooj
T. J. B r e n n a n
Page Four
Couldn't Faze Ethel
Ethel had her quick wit working
that minute!
She was sitting with a gallant
" Ow did yer get that black eye,
captain in a charmingly decorated
" 01 slipped'art* fell on me back." recess, On her knee was a dimin" But yer face ain't on yer back." utive niece, placed there pour les
In the adjoining
" N o — nayther was Flannigan." convenances,
room, with the door open, were the
rest of the company. Finally the
little niece was herd to say in a
jealous and very audible voice:
A certain romantic young Mr.
"Auntie, kiss me, too."
Had a girl and he often kr.
"Certainly, clear," returned Ethel.
But he asked her to wed
"But you should say twice, dear;
And she solemnly said,
" I can never be more than a sr." two is not grammar,"
As Shakespeare said when he was
The poem printed below, clipped
facing the bold, bad lion, "All is
from "The Ridge," published at
not cold that shivers."
William Smith College at Geneva,
ha* a special appeal to you, hence
we print it.
" W h y does he call that Lizzie
Hangar the Kipling garage?"
Thoughts From a Fevered Brain
" Why he heard that Kipling's
(With Apologies)
favorite poem was ' Hunka Tin. "
When Pat's last paper is finished,
and the themes arc marked and
When all the errors arc red-inked
Heard in English Class
and the poorest pupil has won,
' Freshman—"A chair is an article I shall rest, and faith I shall need
of furniture used by one person."
it, lie down for a month or two,
Instructor—"You had better 3ay Till the Department down at Al' designed for one person.'"
bany shall put me to work anew.
A steamer was leaving the harbor at Atliens. A well-dressed
young passenger approached the
captain and pointing to the distant hills inquired: "What is that
white stuff on the hills, captain?"
"That is snow," replied the captain.
" Well," remarked the lady, " I
thought so myself, but a gentleman
has just told me it was Greece."
" Did you hear what they do
with the transports when they are
"No, what do they do?"
"Dock 'em."
" Pa, why do they say in the
market reports that wheat is nervous?"
" I guess, son, it is because it
expects to be threshed."
Then I shall go to the movies, and
sit in a nice ca3y chair,
And sec things that aren't literary
and my brain won't have hard
And only the Prinny shall praise
me, and only the Prinny shall
And no one shall work for honor
and tin one shall work for fame,
But each for the joy of the money,
each in his separate school,
Shall teach the thing as he sees it,
for an exam that is sure to fool.
"Printers of Stale College A£e»
Eleanor Parsons and Katherine
Brocoll, of Wells College, were the
gucst3 of the Kappa Delta girls
during the student volunteer conference.
Marjorie Bryant, '20, entertained
Helen Foote, of Johnstown, over
the week end.
Mary Gralm had as her guest
during the conference Sara Van
Wagenen, of Cornell University.
Mildred Oatcy, '19, Harriet Rising, '20, and Marion Baker, '20,
spent the week end at their homes.
Distinctive Photography
4 4 No. Pearl St. Albany, N . Y .
M a i n (Mil
Clinton Square
Mae Marsh in "Bondage oi Barbara"
NEXT WEEK — M O N . , T U E . A N D W E D .
"Midnight Patrol"
NEXT W E E K — T H U . , F R I . A N D SAT.
Pauline Frederick in "Woman on the Index"
Marion Levitt, '18, visited the
girls on Wednesday.
Irene Herman, ex-'20, now of
New Paltz Normal, spent the week
end in Albany.
Sophia Rosenswcig, '19, entertained all the girls at her home in
honor of Miss Herman.
Among the juniors who attended
the Prom and the other junior week
end festivities were Jennie Rosengard, Edythe Sherman, Goldie
Bloom and Julia Dobries.
Omicron Nu will hold a sale of
ice cream and cake in the cafeteria
next Tuesday afternoon, March 3,
after three o'clock.
Albany Art Union
Owing to a ruling of the College
administration the manager of this
Bureau was not permitted to meet
Seniors in the College rotunda on
Friday of last week, in accordance
with the announcement posted on
the bulletin board and published in
the "State College News."
In expression of our sincere regret at our inability to keep an appointment which wc made in good
faith we are offering, for a limited
On the bulletin board in the main
hall is displayed a sample of the
commencement program booklets
An intelligent Frenchman was which will be used by 1919, Members of the class are asked to exstudying the English language.
"When I discovered that if_ I amine this booklet, read the notice
and then place orders for as
was quick I was fast," he said,
"that if I was tied I was fast, and many booklets and announcements
Friday, Feb. 28, will be
if I spent too freely I was fast,
the last clay on which these orders
I was discouraged.
Orders must be ac" But when I came across the will be taken.
by cash payments in
sentence, ' T h e first one won one companied
in charge are: to all State College Seniors who
prize;' I was tempted to give up Edith Morrison, chairman;
register with us for teaching positrying to learn English."
Sicbert, Hariot Poole,
tions for next year.
Our office is conveniently located, on lower .State street, near
the Hampton Hotel, where wc
An Irishman was painting his
shall be glad to meet any Seniors
barn and was hurrying his work
SEVERAL FORMER STUwho arc interested in securing powith all his strength and speed.
sitions for next year. We guaran" What are you in such a hurry
tee to give you value received and
Take Up Studies Again
for. Murphy," asked a spectator,
will positively make no charge of
" Shure, I want to get through
Stanley G. Fitzgerald, a gradu- any kind unless you secure a satisbefore me paint runs out," replied
ate of the Class of 1917, has re- factory position through our aid.
turned to College. "Big Fitz" has Ask for list of State College gradtaken up several courses, which he uates whom we placed in first-class
" Sedentary work," said the col- will pursue for the rest of the col- positions last year.
lege lecturer; " tends to lessen the lege year.
Several men have resumed their
" In other words," butted in the studies in the Industrial Departsmart student, " t h e more one ment, Among them are Henry NEW YORK STATE
Lacey, '19, John Tobias, '19, Isasits the less one can stand."
" Exactly," retorted the lecturer, dore Chesson, '19.
50 State Street, Albany
Thomas Castellano, '19, is again
" and if one lies a great deal, one's
registered at College.
standing is lost completely."
Phone Main 3062
Students desiring to work an hour
or more a day can make wages of
more than #1.00 per hour selling
America's War for Humanity
and Life of Roosevelt. Send at
once for free outfit, F. B. Dickerson
Co., Detroit, Mich, enclosing 20c.
in stamps for mailing outfits.
"CHO-SECO" Ink Pilltf Smash
The High Coet Of Ink
When all the students and alt the teachers in
all the schools get acquainted with the " C H O SECO" it will not be long before all the
business houses and all the homes will simply
demand the "CHO-SECO" because they
know it W R I T E S J U S T R I G H T . Docs
not corrode pen. Does not fade. Leaves no
Aik y a w dealer or call at beadqiartera
W. A. Choate Seating Co.
11-13 Steuben St.
PAone Main 32