State College News NEW VORK STATE ESTABLISHED VOL. Ill No. 10 STUDENT ASSEMBLY Dr. Matzki of Cornell Speaks Student Assembly opened last Friday morning Willi the customary singing of A1 liia Mater. The meeting was in charge of Myskania. Lyra Waterhotisc, '19, introduced Dr. Brubacher, who expressed his pleasure at being able to officially fcive his approval of the Red Cross campaign. lie said that although the country is war weary, still it will not deny the continued importance of the Red Cross. This organization exists primarily to soften the hardships of war, but also aims lo alleviate suffering in peace limes. It makes itself indispensable in case of discontinued on page 4 COLLEGE FOR BY THE, CLASS OI< ALBANY, N. Y., TEACHERS 1918 DECEMBER 19, 1918 Lecture on "Italy in The War" Prof. Clark of Rome, Italy, to Lecture a t Friday's Assembly Prof. Clias. Upson Clark, director of the American Academy in Rome and Head of the American School for Classical Studies in Rome, will give an illustrated lecture on the recent Italian offensive on the Piave river. Prof. Clark has been in Italy during most of the critical years of the war. He has traveled extensively in Albania, Galicia, and Montenegro. Being an expert photographer himself he has accumulated a stock of excellent pic- tures. His pictures on the Italian offensive arc said to be unusually interesting. Prof, Clark speaks Italian like a native and will be able to give the Italian point of view and reproduce to some extent the Italian atmosphere of the war. Students should be in their seats promptly at 9 o'clock in order that the lecturer may have all the necessary time. ART STUDENTS ATTEND LECTURE DR. ARTHUR G. WARD DEAD A R T H U R C. M A R O N E Y RETURNS Professor Zug Discusses War Cartoonists Head of French Department Passes Away at Ogdensburg. Dr. Arthur Gustave Ward, head of the French Department at State College, died Saturday at Ogdensburg, where he was taken for treatment the day before. Due, it is thought, to over study, Dr. Ward's health became so poor that he was granted a year's leave of absence from college during the summer, Treatment at local hospitals seemed to give no aid toward his recovery, and he was moved to Ogdensburg for special treatment last Friday. Continued on page 4 Corporal Arthur, C. Maroncy, former men's gym. instructor, returned to college last Thursday, Thursday afternoon the members of the Art Department had the pleasure of hearing a lecture on war pictures and posters by Professor George B, Zug at: the Historical Art Rooms. Professor Zug hn'S been at Dartmouth College for some time and is practically the only person to speak on his topic authoritatively. He opened his talk by declaring that in the early days of the war people said: "There is no art now; art is too unessential for warContinued on page 4 MCMAHON ELECTED CHEER LEADER Last Year's Leader Gets Lead of 46 Votes As a result of Monday's all-day balloting, Lawrence M. McMahon, '20, was elected cheer leader by 46 votes. Ralph J. Baker, '21, the other candidate, will hold the position of assistant cheer leader. The success which McMahon had last year undoubtedly won the election for him. Baker, being a new and untried candidate, came in second in the race, but his work in the position of assistant will surely show up his ability. With two such leaders as McMahon and Baker, State College will surely hold its own in noisemakiiig at games and assemblies. SPANISH CLUB Spanish Club, held its first meeting of the year last Wednesday afternoon at 3:50 o'clock in Room 209. Beatrice Sullivan, '19, the president of the club, presided. A short business meeting was held at which Miss Sullivan asked the members of the club if they would consider another day or hour for the ' meeting, since the Freshmen are now barred. Professor Stinard was then introduced, and gave an interesting lecture on South America. It is Continued oiv page 4 SANTA VISITS STATE COLLEGE G. A. A. Has Jolly Time. On Friday last, lo and behold, dear old Santa came to visit many happy children at State College. They were happy children indeed, for they all came promptly at seven with dolls and teddy bears, and even go-carts. They were good little children, too, from babies in long dresses to little boys and girls of ten, and Santa gave everyone of them a present. Three of these children were made doubly happy by a pleasant surprise from Miss Bennett, They were the winners of the G. A, A, song contest. One of these three little girls who brought honor to her .class before in the to the Freshmen, again became the Continued on page 4 PER YEAR F R O S H D O " K . P." Cafeteria Cleaned by Rule Breakers on Second Penalty Day The second Freshman penalty day of the year came last Friday. The frosli whose name had been posted on the bulletin board by the soph vigilance committee, assembled in the lower hall at 4:15 p. in. From here they were escorted to the college cafeteria, where they had a taste of real army life, doing K. P. Pots and pans were scoured, tables cleaned, floors scrubbed, under the able' supervision of sophs and cooks. Hooray for Inter-class spirit, '21 and '22! AMY SHELLEY WRIGHT The sudden death of Amy Shelley Wright, '20, occurred at her home No. 102 Jay street, city, on Friday, December 13th. Funeral services were held from the home Monday. Besides her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Shelley, she is survived by iier husband, Continued on page 3 ADDITION TO FACULTY Mr. Fulsome to Instruct in Mathematics State College is fortunate in acquiring on its faculty Mr. Fulsome, who is to take charge of MathemaMr. Fulsome studied for tics I. two years in Dartmouth college. From there he went to Manchester, i\T. H , where he taught until 1908. Continued on page 4 THE FRESHMAN OFFICERS ARRIVE Late — but not daunted! Not a bit! We had to have that many elections because we were all so desirable! We wanted to elect everybody, and tried valiantly to pull off that stunt. You see — we arc original Freshmen I Our first election happened on November IS. The meeting was called to order by Donald Tower, '19, a member of Myskania, after which the class of '22 nominated officers. That first day we had a strenuContinucd on page 3 $1.50 Y. W. C. A. CHRISTMAS PARTY Corporal Maroney Settlement Youngsters Entertained after being discharged from Camp Grant, 111., where he was in an O. T. C. As yet Mr. Maroney has nor decided whether lie will return as an instructor this year or not. The entire student body hopes that he may arrange to remain as instructor, and to coach the Basket Ball team, as lie so.ably did last year. Y. W. C, A. held its annual Christmas patry last Saturday afternoon in the college gymnasium. Every year the C. A. Christmas party has been an event looked forward to, for every one always has such a good time. However, this year's party surpassed all previous ones, for we not only enjoyed ourselves imContinued on page 3 VARSITY STARTS PRACTICE Three Letter Men of Last Year's Team are Back The basket-ball, season has Barry, '21, all stars of last year's started at last and' is going at a Varsity. good rate of speed. Captain FitzArthur C. Maroncy, last year's gerald, '19, has had the men work- coach and physical director at the u p out in the Albany High gym- college, is back in town. He was nasium every night beginning Mon- in the O. T. C. at Camp Grant, HI., day from S:30 until 7:00. The men but was mustered, out of service are being worked 'hard in dribbling tvvo weeks ago. His splendid work and short passes. with the team last year makes him The outlook for a successful sea- a desirable candidate for coach. son is bright, With.the return of. Lawrence S. Hill, city physical Lieutenant Curtin, '19, a winning: director, has also been named for team surely can be built around, coach. ' ' • ; " ' > • • > , . > • • Captain Fitzgerald and Marty' Page Two THE STATE COLLEGE NEWS Vol, III December 19, 1918 No, 10 Published weekly, on Thursdays, during the college year, by the Student Body of the New York State, College for Teachers, at Albany, New York. The subscription rate is one dollar and a half per year. Advertising rates may be had oh application to the Business manager. Articles, manuscripts, etc., must be in the hands of the Editor before Saturday of the week' preceding r blication. Board of Editors, 1918-1919 Editor-in-chief, Donald M. Toiver, 'ig Managing Editor, Bernice S. Bronner, 'IQ Business Manager, Caroline E. Lipes, 'to Assistant Business Manager, Ellen Donahue, 'so. Associate Editors, Edivard T. Sfringmann, 'so Dorothy M. Banner, 'so Kenneth P. Molhen, 'so Elsie Hanhury, 'so Bertha West, 'so EDITORIALS MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. EVERYBODY! . That is what the " News " wishes for everybody at college, Go home and have a glorious vacation, fill) of good limes and real Christmas spirit. Then come back, rested, loaded with New Year's resolutions, and full of the spirit which will conquer the exams ahead, and bring the first semester ,to a victorious ending. The next issue of the " N e w s " will be published January 9, 1919. The New Year will be more than a week old, so the " N e w s " wishes everyone a Happy New Year now. And may success be I he cause of much of the happiness! IS COLLEGE TO BE A DEAD REFORMATORY? Everyone knows that the spirit of State College is improving. Real college spirit has been born here, and organizations are going to.nurture it along until we have famous traditions the same as any college. The students are "playing u p " remarkably. The Frosh have shown that they arc really with us — and the other classes have been " there " all the time. The men are working hard to make a team. They have worked hard all year to keep a college spirit going while they were in the ^ S. A, T. C. But is is admitted, world-wide, that " All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," The men of this college do not go about with an injured air, nor arc they consumed with self-pity. But they arc justly indignant that all they can do is to work. For some absurd and idiotic reason, social events, especially where dancing is desired, are branded in this institution as though they were to be responsible for some hideous plague, Yet how harmless such things really are! Consider the Junior-Frosh Reception. Did anything unlawful happen? Was there ever a nicer " p a r t y " held in our gym? And; there were men, some of them outsiders, there too! Was there ever a more dignified and delightful ball held than either of the two military STATE COLLEGE NEWS, DECEMBER 19, 1918 affairs at the Vinccntian Insti- be punctual in their attendance at assembly. This was, no doubt, tute? College is dubbed by outsiders as added to the announcement as a ai reformatory, All students know hint concerning the feelings of our that, And we begin to wonder President on the matter of student ourselves if it isn't to become such attitude toward the weekly assema place. True, the girls can have bly periods. very proper little parties where Last week's " News " contained they play infant games, and may an editorial comment on the lack of even dance with each oilier. But a courtesy in student attitude toward maul Shivers and horrors! Peda- speakers. It is not necessary to gogical dignity of future teachers re-hash that matter, and it is Unmight suffer! fortunate; that this nevy phase of The foregoing may sound slight- the question has to.come up, but ly exaggerated and somewhat too when more than half a semester is sarcastic, But sincere pleas don't gone and people have not learned seem to get us anywhere, Serious- to be prompt, it becomes necessary ly, are we ever going to be old to take sonic action. enough to be allowed the joys all To lecture to college people on normal adults enjoy? If we are to such a subject as punctuality is be trained men and women in one ridiculous — so ridiculous that the or four years, (it to control high " News" will not attempt to do so. school students, can we not be There is not a person here who spared the indignity of being needs to. have the necessity and treated as irresponsible children even decency of respectful punctunow? ality pointed nut. If dances, properly supervised Therefore it is only necessary to and chaperoned dances, could be stale that every student is expected held at college, and we could invite to be in his or her seat promptly men from, and outside of, college, at 9:05 every Friday morning. And there would not be the tendency to every student must and will be frequent places less desirable. Ex- there. perience 'has taught parents that it is best to allow their children to have pleasures at home, for they A FROSH SPEAKS FOR will have pleasures somewhere. By RED CROSS analogy, Ye Powers that Be, let us have some of our pleasures — the While we are making preparakind we really want — at " home"— tions for a Merry .Christinas, we under the wing of our own Alma should not forget that there are Mater. many people who are suffering and who need help from us all. We are given an opportunity this week PAGE 2, COLUMN 4 to show our thouglitfiilncss of them bv doing something for the Red Yes, look! Page 2, column 4, Cross.. A Red Cross Membership is headed "tax slackers." It is a Drive is being held in college under column that is a disgrace to State the leadership of several captains College, yet is one of those " neces- and their lieutenants, These peosary, evils," apparently. ple will be sure to look us all up, In all, thirty-six hours have been and when they conic to us we given over by Mr. .Hidl'cy to col- should be ready to say good-bye lecting the student, lax. The to our dollar bills with a smile. "News" has bceir giving weekly rePerhaps, now that the war is minders, student assembly notices over, we think the work of the Red have emphasized the importance of Cross also ceases; but, very much this' duty, and common conversation to the contrary, it goes on just the hasiljeld the matter in-constant at- same. There' may be no sick and tention. Yet thirty or more people wounded soldiers to care for in the have shown themselves .slackers. future, but there arc always homeSome of these are honor men who less and needy ones, put in such have returned since the last day of conditions by (ires, earthquakes and collection. Accordingly, ;they have epidemics. It is always the Red one more chance, and their names Cross that is on baud at such times. are omitted from today's list. Although we personally do not The matter of excuses is easily know of these misfortunes, neverdisposed of. The above paragraph theless they exist all over the shows that ignorance of the matter country. is not possible. It may be hard A great effort is being made to for some to get $Si00, but others have a one hundred per cent memhave done it, and it is only fair that bership in the Senior, Junior, all do so. Moreover, during the Sophomore and Freshman classes, five-weeks period of vacation any- as well as -in the faculty. There is one could have earned $5.00. a desire that each person in State Particularly disgraceful is the College may be seen wearing a fact that the upper classes .have the Red Cross button. While we are longest lists. This is too small a buying our Christmas presents, let's matter to comment on. • be sure to lay aside ONE dollar for While the entire college suffers the good cause; and let's make a a black eye by a weekly slacker list decision that that dollar is- not to in its publication, far worse is "the be touched for any other purpose. effect on the individuals. They are Cone on, Freshmen, and everymarked people whose only chance one! Let's have a record that will to drop out of the limelight is to be worth showing to those outside pay u p — when it is almost too of our College! : ' '22. late. It is to be hoped that the issue of January ninth will contain no such NOTICE TO READERS column as the one which inspires this editorial. Christmas vacation offers a chance to earn $5.00. Who All articles handed in to the will fail to do so? Board for consideration on the editorial page must be signed by the name of the writer, If desired, PUNCTUAL ATTENDthe name will be withheld when the ANCE AT ASSEMBLY article is published. This custom is in use among colleg publications At the end of the notice concern- generally, and has been followed ing to-morrow's lecture on " Italy by the " News" since it's foundain the War," which was sent to the tion. Such a rule' is necessary for " News " by President Brubacher, obvious reasons. Future contributhere occurs an exhortation from tors will please note the above the President himself that students statements. TAX SLACKERS NOTE—The list printed below contains the names of those students of State College who are slackers in the matter of paying their student tax. This list will be published weekly until it ceases to exist. Names will be dropped as fast as tax is paid. The names of those honor men who have just returned and have not had opportunity to pay are omitted this week. They will be added hereafter if unpaid. (Signed), MYSKANIA. SENIORS Curtis, Marion Forster, Agnes Cosier, Amelia Hall, Lclah Hicks, Eula Johnston, Florence Pollock, Katheriiie Putnam, Marion Sullivan, Edith Vogel, Marl ha Wood, Bessie JUNIORS Bennett, Lanita Cofmers, Jean Ames Corr, Elizabeth Graves, Emma [-Toga 11, Anna Possom, Marion SOPHOMORES Applcton, Isabel Lavery, Clara FRESHMEN Chapman, Neva Dix, Mary Hals ted, Dived Nichols, Belle Nichols, Viole' Silver, Edith Sweeney, William OFFICIAL NOTICES The .holiday recess will begin at the close of recitations on Friday, December 20, and regular work will be resumed at 8:10 o'clock on Friday, January .1, 1919. The attention of all students is called to the following provision of the attendance rules: "An absence on the opening or closing clay of a' semester or upon the day instruction ends or is resumed at a recess or vacation period, shall count the full number of permissible absences in a given course." During this week notices will be sent from the Dean's office to all students whose work has been reported by their instructors as unscatisfactoryfor the first half of the semester. No student should feel that he is discredited by the receipt of such a notice, but should clearly understand that credit for the semester in the subject in which he may now be deficient depends in large part upon his zeal and industry for the remaining weeks of the semester. All students should perhaps be reminded, that the following rule is in operation this year: " N o credit toward r graduations shall be given for anj course in the major' or minor group with a grade below BULLETIN BOARD RULES 1; Section One shall be used for njtices of outside activities of interest to college students. 2. Section Two and Three shall be used for attractive posters for college meetings such as clubs, lectures, etc. These notices shall be STATE COLLEGE NEWS, DECEMBER 19, 1918 For Sale POPCORN 5c. MAIN BUILDING LOWER HALL Thursday, December 19 w r i t t e n on paper or cards n o t s m a l l e r t h a n 4 x 5 inches or l a r g e r t h a n 8 x 12 inches. 3. Section F o u r shall he used for n o t i c e s of c o m m i t t e e meetings, e v e n t s of s t u d e n t interest o t h e r t h a n m e e t i n g s , and notices of o r g a n i z a t i o n s o t h e r than m e e t i n g s . T h e s e notices shall be w r i t t e n o n p a p e r or cards not smaller than 4 x S inches or larger than S x 12 inches. 4. L o s t and found articles, w a n t ads., and for sale notices arc to be placed on the " E c h o " bulletin b o a r d in t h e basement. 5. All n o t i c e s must he dated a n d m u s t be w r i t t e n in ink. 6. All notices must be taken d o w n within t w o days after the date of the c e n t advertised. Dec. 12, 1918 MYSKANIA. KAPPA DELTA RHO NOTES P r i v a t e " E l i " W h i t n e y , ex-'19, h a s been m u s t e r e d out of Cornell S. A. T . C. and is h o m e for t h e h o l i d a y s . H e is to enter Cornell in J a n u a r y , t a k i n g the course in Civil Engineering. L i e u t e n a n t Gerald Curtin, '19, of C o m p G r a n t , 111., has r e t u r n e d to college. P r i v a t e A r t h u r W o o d w a r d , '18, has been m u s t e r e d *out of service at C o m p McClellan, Aiiniston, Alab a m a , and is h o m e for the holidays. F i r s t L i e u t e n a n t A. E. D c d i c k e w a s in t o w n last week-end. G a m m a entertained at dinner at t h e college cafeteria and at a p a r t y a t P r o c t o r ' s F r i d a y evening. A l t h o u g h it w a s Friday, the thirt e e n t h , t h e r e were thirteen m e n a b o u t t h e table. Four new men, R a l p h B a k e r , '21, Maurice H a t h o r n , '21. R i c h a r d O'Brien, '20, G e o r g e S c h i a v o n c , '20, w e r e entertained by the following K a p p a Delta R o m e m b e r s : E d w a r d S p r i n g m a n , '20, D o n a l d T o w e r , '19, V a n Lobdell, '20, L a r r y M c M a h o n , '20, Gerald Curtin, '19, K e n n e t h H o l b e n , '20, M a r t i n B a r r y , '19, " E l i " W h i t nej', ex-'19, R e g i n a l d Bruce, '21. ALPHA EPSILON PHI Alpha Epsilon Phi extends her sincerest sympathy to Ruth G. Greenblath, '21, in the loss of her sister, Mrs. M. L. Cramer, of Schenectady. E d y t h e Sherman spent the weekend with friends in Schenectady. Sarah Rabiner, of our alumnae, recently entertained the girls at her h o m e on Morris street, Many of us are planning to attend the Alpha Epsilon Phi Convention to be held during Christmas week in N e w York City. D e l e gates from all chapters will be present. HOME ECONOMICS NOTES Miss W i l s o n a n d the girls of the P r a c t i c e H o u s e g a v e an informal tea to the H o m e E c o n o m i c s faculty, Dean Pierce, and the Senior If. E, girls. F r a n c i s B a r m a n , '16, w a s recently a visitor at S. C. T . Miss B a r num ha« c o m p l e t e c h a r g e of all the H . E. w o r k at Sullin's College, Bristol, Va. A n n a M o r e y K i m b l e , a two-year course g r a d u a t e of 1912, is returning to college to begin w o r k in the cafeteria as paid cmploj'-ee. Mrs. K i m b l e is t a k i n g up this work in o r d e r t o . p e r f e c t herself in cafeteria m a n a g e m e n t , with the view of later s t a r t i n g a lunch r o o m . T h e r e are a b o u t t h i r t y regular b o a r d e r s in the cafeteria at present. SENIOR CLASS NOTES A t the Senior class m e e t i n g held d u r i n g p a r t of chapel period last F r i d a y m o r n i n g , H a r i o t P o o l e was elected class cheer leader and J e a n e t t e Rcllcr w a s elected class s o n g leader. T h e a n n o u n c e m e n t that the Seniors would not be allowed a party this year was m e t with much indignation by 1919. JUNIOR NOTES At the J u n i o r Class meeting held last F r i d a y m o r n i n g VicePresident G e o r g e Schiavonc presided, in the a b s e n c e of H a r r i e t Resingj Class P r e s i d e n t . T h e resignation of V a n Allen Lobdell from the A t h l e t i c Council was accepted. H i s s u c c e s s o r will be elected later. Mr. Schiavonc forcefully urged the p a y m e n t of class dues and blanket tax by t h o s e who have not a l r e a d y done so, in o r d e r that t h e reputation of '20 be kept up to its usual high s t a n d a r d . T h e m e e t i n g w a s closed with a s h o r t class sing. Y. W. C. A. T h e Y. W . C. A. H o u s e , which is located at 31 South Lake. Avenue, is n o w a p e r m a n e n t institution. Miss Card, the physical education i n s t r u c t o r , is acting as h o u s e c h a p e r o n c . A t p r e s e n t nine girls are living at the H o u s e : Bettlah K e t t l e , h o u s e president; H e l e n Reitz, L e o n a B a r o n , Marion Benedict, D o r o t h y Buel, Elizabeth Scott, M a r y Allen, E l e a n o r Coulter and Leila C o c k e n e r . ACCORDING TO LAW All men below the age of 19 m u s t take m i l i t a r y t r a i n i n g for 90 m i n u t e s each week. I t is advisable that m e n a r r a n g e to take this drill in the evening. See David A a r o n , ' '19, for m o r e definite inf o r m a t i o n on this subject. FRENCH CLUB A t the meeting held December 9, Elisa Rigouard, '22, took charge after the singing of " La Marseillaise." Miss Rigouard talked on the significance of " Peace D a y " in France, illustrating this by reading a letter from France, written three days after the signing of the armistice, A translation of Mark Twain's " T h e N o t o r i o u s Jumping Frog of Calaverous County," was also read. N E W Y O R K S T A T E COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS OFFICIAL CALENDAR F R I D A Y , D E C . 20: 9 a. m.— Student Assembly — Illustrated Lecture, " Italy in t h e W a r , " Professor Charles Upson Clark. Auditorium. 5:50 p. m.— Christmas vacation begins. A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY N E W YEAR FRIDAY, JAN. 3: 8:10 a. m.— Instruction resumed. 9:00 a. m.— Student Assembly, Auditorium. Y. W . C. A. P A R T Y Continued from page 1 menscly, hut, w h a t is far more important, we helped to make it possible for twenty-five kiddies from the South E n d S e t t l e m e n t to have a happy C h r i s t m a s party. F r o m the lime the y o u n g s t e r s trooped into flic g y m n a s i u m , each accompanied by a C. A. sister, until they r e l u c t a n t l y departed, fun and m e r r y - m a k i n g were in order. " A l l those big g i r l s " joined in playing the g a m e s much to the great delight of the children. And, if by chance, you had forgotten the w o r d s of one of the s o n g s or the tune, ,or even both, there was no need for w o r r y , 'for the children s a n g lustily, a n d j u s t " l o v e d " to s h o w such big g i r l s how, to play. After s o m e t i m e had beau thus pleasantly passed, an announcem e n t w a s m a d e to the effect that we were about to witness one of the largest and m o s t s t u p e n d o u s p r o d u c t i o n s of the movie world, the p r o d u c e r h a v i n g paid most ext r a v a g a n t s u m s to secure the s t a r s , setting, etc. After we had laughed and wept to capacity over the h e a r t - r e n d i n g m e l o d r a m a , we relieved the tension of it all by playing m o r e g a m e s . Games were in o r d e r until interrupted by the a p p e a r a n c e of no less a p e r s o n a g e than S a n t a Clans himself. . H o w those youngsters laughed and clapped their hands And when when they s a w h i m ! Santa Clans g a v e each one of t h e m a p r e s e n t from the C h r i s t m a s tree it almost seemed as if their j o y was complete. T h e r e were cats in addition, p o p c o r n , ice-cream, apples — j u s t e v e r y t h i n g that y o u n g s t e r s enjoy so much. -At 5:30 p. m. t h e y o u n g s t e r s left the g y m n a s i u m with their presents hugged tightly to them, and their pockets filled with apples. E v e r y o n e voted the party a huge success. AMY S H E L L Y WRIGHT Continued from page 1 S e r g e a n t Alfred M. W r i g h t , to w h o m she was married about a year ago. Mrs. W r i g h t w a s an active m e m ber of the J u n i o r class, and was aictivc in all college affairs. T h e college suffers a g r e a t loss in her decease, KAPPA DELTA Harriet Rising, '20, lias been at home because of illness during the past week. The Kappa D e l t a girls enjoyed a Christmas party at the House Wednesday night. Page Three Fearey's for Shoes 23 No. Pearl St. Cotrell & Leonard Makers of CAPS, GOWNS, and Hoods Broadway, Albany Bradt Drug Co, 7 Central Ave. 5S6 Broadway 9-11 No. Pearl St. Lenox Lunch and Restaurant Good Thing* To Eat 3 Central Avenue Albany, N. Y Agenh For H a r t , Shaffner Of M a r x C l o t h e s Regal Slioca EAT HOSLERS ICE CREAM Irs THE BEST Cotrell & Leonard 472 to 478 Broadway HATS A N D SHOES FOR MEN WOMEN'S OUTER A N D UNDER GARMENTS W O M E N ' S FOOTWEAR, F U R S A N D FUR COATS Fine Qualities — Reasonable Price Shampooing — Scalp Manage—HairDressing—Manicuring M R S . T-.EE 2 6 7 O n t a r i o St. A l b a n y . N. Y. Phone West 888-J L. G. SCHNEIBLE Pharmacy School Supplies—Textbooks Ordered O N COLLEGE C O R N E R FRESHMAN OFFICERS Continued from p a g e 1 ous time. Our president, Eunice Rice, w a s elected c o m p a r a t i v e l y easily, but the rest! W e decided to hold a second meeting. I t m e t in the Auditorium, December 2. W e acquired a treasurer that time, Gladys Lodge, and a vice-president, Gladys Thompson. But w e had to meet again for our other officers. On December 6 we nominated s o n g leaders w h o aren't elected yet, and cheer leaders, Winifred Dunn and Kaithryn Merchant, Finally, on December 13, there evolved a secretary, Marjorie Maxwell, a reporter, Sophia Rogers, and a cheer leader, Kathryn Merchant. W e still have a s o n g leader to come, and w e still want to elect all of our candidates! Page Four STATE COLLEGE NEWS, DECEMBER 19, 1918 L. I., is visiting her sister, Miriam STUDENT ASSEMBLY Smith, '20, at the House, this week. Continued from page 1 The i girls entertained some of aster or famine anywhere. Ameri- the alumnae at a Christmas party cans, by subscribing to this cause, Wednesday. The girls were in can carry their ideals to all parts costume. of the world. Lovisa Vedder, '20, spent SaturDr. Matzki, medical advisor of day and Sunday with Maud Rose, women at Cornell, was then pre- '18, at her home in Scotia, sented. She spoke of the campaign of the government to advise woETA PHI men in matters physical. The demands of war brought forth woman The Eta Phi girls were delightas. a leader. For. her to continue fully entertained at the Kappa in this capacity, health is neces- Delta House last Friday evening. sary. In order to prevent women Professor Frank Stanbro, of from returning to their old super- Schuylerville, N. Y., was the guest ficial point of view, the govern- of his daughter, Florence Stanbro, ment is taking steps to educate '21, on Friday. them. A campaign has been instiMiss Jane Smith, of Troy, N". tuted, nation-wide in scope. In Al- Y., spent the week-end with bany it has taken the form of lec- Louise Perry, '21. tures, many of them illustrated, at Rev. W. Owen Williams, of Chancellor's Hall. Granville, N. Y., spent Friday with his daughter, Myfanwy Williams, '21. ART STUDENTS Continued from page 1 time." But as time went on it beKAPPA NU NOTES came evident that artists not only Katherine Breen, '17,'has acceptwere giving the most valuable serv• ice in the way of maps, camouflage ed a position with the Department work, etc., but also by their pic- of Agriculture in this city. Private Kenneth Sullivan, who tures and cartoons were doing more than anything else to break has recently returned from France, down the German morale. Louis was the guest of his sister, Edith Raemakers alone produced one Sullivan, '19, last week. thousand cartoons of such bitterness and appeal that the Kaiser ofSPANISH CLUB fered twelve thousand gulden for Continued from page 1 his body, dead or alive. At first interesting to note that although all the work was purely voluntary, Spanish is spoken iti the countries but after a while the various gov- along the western coast of South ernments appointed several artists America, Portuguese is the official from each country to work offici- language of the whole of the eastally. ern part of Brazil, and that pure Professor Zug then showed a Indian is still spoken in the inlong series of pictures and cartoons terior, while dialects of English, representing work of artists of French and Dutch are spoken in England, France, Italy, and Am- the Guianas. erica. Among the British artists Professor Stinarcl also described were Muirhead Bone who has pro- very vividly for us the social con duced a book written on the West- ditions now existing in South ern Front; Joseph Pcnnell, who America. He demonstrated how has been working on an artistic many centuries must pass before record of the war; Frank Brang- the races can become absorbed wine, famous for his lithographs; sufficiently to bring about such a Bairnsfather, noted for his humor; unity of feeling that South America and Ncvenson, who is thought by can progress as North America has many to be the greatest artist of done. the war. There are two striking characteristics of Nevenson's work: DR. ARTHUR G. WARD Its deep pathos and its new theme, 'Continued from page 1 namely, life seen from an airplane. Dr. Ward, who survived his wife The French were represented by by only three years, leaves two many artists of equal grade; of whom Foraine, Fadct and Favre daughters, one five years of age and one three. One sister, who restood out most prominently. Professor Zug is inclined to judge the sides in Syracuse, also survives. The funeral services were held poster, "We'll Get Them," by Favre as the greatest poster of from his late home at 851 Myrtle avenue last Tuesday morning at the war. eleven. A large number of stuIn closing, he said that England dents and faculty attended. has produced the most picturesque Dr. Ward came to State College, work, France the most tragic, Italy occupying the in French, in the most beautiful, and.Louis Rae- 1911. Previous chair that time he had maker.s, representing Holland, the taken A. B., A. and Ph. D. demost commanding and effective. grees in Yale University, and had studied in European universities. From 1901 to 1911 he was an inSOPHOMORE NOTES structor in Yale. At this time it seems fitting to At the Sophomore Class meeting quote a paragraph from a tribute Friday, Dec, 13, the following paid to Dr. Ward which was members, were- nominated for song printed in the issue of October 3rd: leader: Mary Whish, '21; Esther " * * * To such students Miller, Katherine McGarahan, 20; whose rare good fortune it was to Miss Katherine Bald. A commit- have come into daily contact with tee of songs and cheers was also him there is a distinct sense of loss. appointed, consisting of , Alidah To work for him was a constant Ballagh, Esther Miller, Martin pleasure, His courses were not Barry and Ralph Baker. Further limited to the material contained penalties for disobedient Freshmen within the covers of the books were discussed by the class, used. They were educative in the largest sense of the word, They were a constant appeal to intensive DELTA OMEGA and extensive study. His kindliness and enthusiasm were infectious. Marthai Gifford of Canaan, N, Y„ One could not remain long in his spent the week-end at the House presence and be indifferent to the as the guest of her sister, Jessie inspiration of his personality. We feel that we have lost touch with a Gifford, '20. Mrs. L. R. Cutler of Ereeport, very near and true friend," CHRISTMAS AND N E W YEAR'S CARDS DAVIS QUALITY CARDS GIBSON ft CO. CARDS FOR C H R I S T M A S G I F T S FOUNTAIN PENS F I N E STATIONERY LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES SCHRAFFTS CONFECTIONS BRENNAN'S STATIONERY STORE WASHINGTON AND LAKE AVES. OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL PRICE, SERVICE AND QUALITY PRINTERS w Vrintert of Stale College £ \ > HAMILTON PRINTING 2 4 Q HAMILTON STREET COMPANY A L B A N Y . N. Y. ALBANY ART UNION Distinctive Photography 48 North Pearl Street Albany, N. Y. Main 991 SANTA VISITS COLLEGE Continued from page 1 pride of her class, and stands out as the writer of the best song. To her was awarded the first prize. Adalcnc Hall, '20, may some day become famous through her ability. Their song is well worthy of being known by every G. A. A. girl. Learn it. It is tuned to the chorus of "Smiles," There are clubs enough in College, There are clubs of every kind, There are clubs that delve in " l i t " and science, And they surely do improve the mind; There are clubs for music, French and Spanish (And they all are splendid in their way), But there's one that brings us all together — And that one is our G. A, A. G. A. A. will bid you welcome, For no matter who you are We are sure that you will find enjoyment, With no thought of class or creed to mar; We don't care if you are not athletic Or can't make a basket once a day, But we say, if you have caught our spirit Then, come on girls, to G, , A. A.! and Katherine McCarthy, third. Much credit is due them for their clever songs. Catherine Boland stands out not only for her cleverness in song writing, but as a cheer leader too, for she was elected such unanimously by G. A. A. Much praise is due to the committee in charge for the unusual success of the party. They were Harriet Woolsey, '20, Marie Barry, '19, Ernestine Owen and Winifred Dunn, '22. Everyone enjoyed the cleverness of Santa, whose roll was played by Miss Futtcrer. During the evening each class gave a clever stunt. The Freshmen class, represented by Eunice Rice in baby clothes, was brought to the party in a go-cart by her bigger sisters, and they recited a piece about the " Freshmen class, it ain't seen Christmas yet." Everybody had a jolly good time. ADDITION TO FACULTY Continued from page 1 He then went to Honolulu, and was head of the mathematics department in the McKinley High School for seven years. At the end of that time he returned to college, this time to Columbia, where, after two years, he received >his degree of Bachelor of Arts, During part of this past year he has been patriotically doing his bit by farming, since The other two winners .wet* he Was unable to enter active Catherine Boland, '19, second prize,. service.