North Penn School District GENERAL FUND REPORT Financials - July 2014 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES July 1, 2014 ‐ July 31, 2014 Beginning Balance, July 1, 2014* REVENUE Current Real Estate Interim Real Estate Public Utility R.E. Tax Payments in Lieu of Tax Earned Income Tax Real Estate Transfer Tax Delinquent Real Estate Tax Interest Earnings Athletic Events Student Fees Tuition from Patrons Rentals Service Local Gov LEAS Other Local Revenue Basic Instructional Subsidy $ 15,682,072.01 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 866,594.79 $ ‐ $ 179,195.29 $ 7,942.49 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 45,620.50 $ 5,293.75 $ ‐ $ 3,393.70 $ ‐ Special Education Subsidy Special Ed Aged Pupil Transportation Subsidy Property Tax Reduction Alloc PA Accountability Grant State Social Security Other State Revenue Federal Revenue Sources Other Financing Sources $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 344,153.65 $ (13,019.31) $ 159,052.09 $ ‐ Revenue & Beginning Fund Balance EXPENDITURES Regular Instruction Special Education $ 763,003.07 $ 312,416.02 Vocational Education Other Instructional Programs Nonpublic School Programs Preschool Programs Pupil Personnel Services Instructional Support Services Administrative Services Pupil Health Services Business Services Operations, Maint, Grounds Pupil Transportation Other Support Services Noninstructional Services Capital Project Other Finance Fringe Benefits Suspense $ 851,903.00 $ 23,027.46 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 184,622.17 $ 153,505.61 $ 693,069.65 $ 14,242.06 $ 105,062.69 $ 1,100,762.08 $ 382,163.14 $ 108,888.60 $ 45,248.44 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ Ending Fund Balance, June 30, 2014 $ 42,489,185.63 $ 17,280,298.96 $ 59,769,484.59 ASSETS Cash & Cash Equivalents Investments Payroll Tax Escrow Account Taxes Receivable Interfund Receivable State Subsidies Receivable Federal Subsidies Receivable Other Accounts Receivable $ 61,185,903.38 $ 681,080.08 $ 25,661.95 $ 3,387,386.59 $ 2,523,941.85 $ 1,918,491.89 $ 3,176,908.33 $ 432,907.24 $ 115,066.03 Blue Cross Deposit & SEPaST Prescription Trust Inventory $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 228,641.56 Total Assets $ 73,675,988.90 LIABILITIES Judgements Payables Accounts Payable Prior Year Payables Accrued Salaries, Benefits, Taxes Deferred Revenues $ 3,387,525.73 $ 2,811,309.27 $ 6,940.00 $ 9,835,033.96 $ 2,603,609.34 Less:Total Liabilities $ 18,644,418.30 Fund Balance‐Inventory Fund Balance‐Blue Cross Fund Balance ‐ Medical Fund Balance‐PSERS Fund Balance‐Unrestricted $ 192,286.29 $ ‐ $ 2,700,000.00 $ 13,406,187.00 $ 26,190,712.34 Equals: Fund Equity $ 55,031,570.60 $ 4,737,913.99 $ 55,031,570.60 * - July 1 beginning balance adjusted for 2013-14, period 13, transactions G:\Business Office\_DirBusiness\FinanceCommittee\2014-2015\GenFundFinRprts2014-15Financial July 2014 North Penn School District TREASURER'S REPORT GENERAL FUND REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES July 31, 2014 Period 1 2014-2015 Budget Period 1 July 31, 2014-YTD % of Budget 36,793,222.00 42,489,185.63 154,497,868.00 15,682,072.01 1,460,000.00 0.00 0.0% Interim Real Estate Tax 205,210.00 0.00 0.0% Public Utility Reality Tax 13,900,000.00 866,594.79 2,200,000.00 2,850,000.00 225,000.00 0.00 179,195.29 7,942.49 115.5% Description Beginning Fund Balance 10.2% Real Estate Tax 6.2% Earned Income Tax 0.0% Real Estate Transfer Tax 6.3% Deliquent Taxes 3.5% Interest on Investments 2013-2014 Budget July 31, 2013-YTD % of Budget 24,427,674.00 35,763,284.06 146.4% 149,022,685.00 10,994,443.99 7.4% 600,000.00 0.00 0.0% 215,000.00 0.00 0.0% 13,000,000.00 1,136,655.57 8.7% 0.00 0.0% 2,000,000.00 2,800,000.00 183,756.85 6.6% 225,000.00 8,161.77 3.6% 80,000.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 75,000.00 0.00 0.0% Athletic Events 153,500.00 0.00 0.0% Student Fees 70,000.00 5,293.75 7.6% Rentals 16,000.00 0.00 0.0% 78.9% Tuition 57,850.00 45,620.50 40,000.00 38,211.00 95.5% 451,379.00 3,393.70 0.8% Other Local Revenue 70,210.00 12,736.37 18.1% 41,446,400.00 331,134.34 0.8% 7000 State Subsidies 37,899,740.00 1,266,167.65 3.3% 5,485,717.00 159,052.09 2.9% 8000 Federal Subsidies 5,720,609.00 161,964.03 2.8% 0.00 0.00 124,100.00 0.00 0.0% 223,077,924.00 17,280,298.96 7.7% TOTAL RECEIPTS 211,813,344.00 13,802,097.23 6.5% 259,871,146.00 59,769,484.59 23.0% TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 236,241,018.00 49,565,381.29 21.0% 1.2% 0.0% 9000 Other Financing Sources ***EXPENDITURES*** INSTRUCTION 102,000,752.16 763,003.07 0.7% 1100 Regular Program 92,718,840.00 1,102,832.71 37,886,937.08 312,416.02 0.8% 1200 Special Ed Program 34,571,425.00 314,725.09 0.9% 3,725,500.00 851,903.00 22.9% 1300 Vocational‐Technical 3,679,879.00 840,004.75 22.8% 333,756.50 23,027.46 1,523,172.00 13,007.62 0.9% 11,700.00 0.00 0.0% 1500 Nonpublic School Programs 11,700.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 1700 Dual Enrollment 0.00 0.00 0.0% 111,035.00 0.00 0.0% 1800 Pre School 113,404.00 0.00 0.0% 144,069,680.74 1,950,349.55 132,618,420.00 2,270,570.17 1.7% 6.9% 1400 Other Instructional Prog. 1.4% Instruction Sub Total SUPPORT SERVICES 8,235,291.97 184,622.17 2.2% 2100 Pupil Personnel Services 7,687,598.00 164,668.94 2.1% 6,178,828.16 153,505.61 2.5% 2200 Instructional Support 5,198,345.00 267,415.57 5.1% 12,815,159.79 693,069.65 5.4% 2300 Administrative Services 5.2% 2,629,874.47 14,242.06 3,112,399.36 105,062.69 12,670,966.00 664,219.00 0.5% 2400 Pupil Health Services 2,634,486.00 7,558.84 0.3% 3.4% 2500 Business Services 3,973,640.00 146,745.74 3.7% 15,154,134.36 1,100,762.08 7.3% 2600 Operation & Maintence 14,757,831.00 985,488.64 6.7% 14,760,258.93 382,163.14 2.6% 2700 Pupil Transportation Svcs 14,452,932.00 422,630.03 2.9% 1,798,026.81 108,830.93 6.1% 2800 Data Processing Services 1,572,286.00 105,477.97 6.7% 388,768.44 57.67 344,079.00 1.21 0.0% 65,072,742.29 2,742,316.00 63,292,163.00 2,764,205.94 4.4% 2,475,501.34 45,248.44 2,438,022.00 13,107.41 0.5% 69,557.04 0.00 0.0% 3300 Community Services 59,539.00 0.00 0.0% 213,500.00 0.00 0.0% 4600 Improvement Exist Building 0.00 0.00 0.0% 2,758,558.38 45,248.44 2,497,561.00 13,107.41 0.5% 13,985,000.00 0.00 0.0% 5100 Debt Service 13,943,289.00 21,553.79 0.2% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 5200 Fund Transfers 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 5800 Suspense Account 0.00 209,454.00 0.0% 0.0% 2900 Other Support Services 4.2% Support Services Sub Totals NONISTRUCTIONAL SVCS 1.8% 3200 Student Activities 1.6% Noninstructional Svc Sub‐Totals OTHER FINANCING USES 1,150,000.00 0.00 0.0% 5900 Budgetary Reserve 15,135,000.00 0.00 0.0% 2,500,000.00 0.00 0.0% Other Uses Sub‐Totals 16,443,289.00 231,007.79 1.4% 227,035,981.41 4,737,913.99 2.1% 32,835,164.59 55,031,570.60 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 214,851,433.00 5,278,891.31 2.5% Current Ending Fund Balance 21,389,585.00 44,286,489.98 G:\Business Office\_DirBusiness\FinanceCommittee\2014-2015\GenFundFinRprts2014-15Rev-Exp July 14