SIO 217C: Climate Spring 2014 Atmospheric Vertical Structure Discussion Questions

SIO 217C: Climate
Spring 2014
Atmospheric Vertical Structure Discussion Questions
1. What is the approximate mass of the atmosphere above a 1 m2 area at sea level? What
approximate depth of ocean below a 1 m2 area has the same mass?
2. Physically, why does pressure vary non-linearly with height in the atmosphere?
3. How much energy is required to lift a 1 kg mass to a height of 10 km? How long would it
take a 100 W light bulb to use the same amount of energy?
4. Is scale height larger or smaller when the atmosphere is warmer? Does pressure decrease
more rapidly or more slowly with height when scale height is larger? What is the physical
reason for this?
5. In ACC Fig. 1.1, note how the relative decrease of pressure with height is more rapid than the
relative decrease of density with height in the troposphere. Why is that? Note how the
relative decrease of pressure with height is less rapid than the relative decrease of density
with height in the stratosphere. Why is that?
6. In GPC Fig. 1.3, at what altitude does the tropopause occur in each latitude band? Explain
your reasoning.
7. Does total atmospheric mass vary over time? Why or why not?
8. As the Earth warms, will global mean surface pressure increase, decrease, or remain the
same? Why? Will global mean surface density increase, decrease, or remain the same? Why?
Will global mean pressure at an elevation 5 km above sea level increase, decrease, or remain
the same? Why? Will global mean density at an elevation 5 km above sea level increase,
decrease, or remain the same?
Difficult Question
9. Would it be possible for a planet to have an atmosphere where temperature increased with
height starting from the surface? Why or why not?