CSEA Election Siate Completed See Page 16 — CMHH $-eAA>i(UU L i E ^ I America*B Largest Weekly for l D Public R Employee* ^age 3 Price Ten CenU Tuesday, July 30, 1963 Vol. XXVI, No. 47 E State Hospital Personnel Loss Looms As New York Plans Recruitment Drive City Reported Set To Boost Pay, Add Bonuses Jks A Lure 'Honeymoon Is Over' Union Threatens Picket Line In Rochester If All Demands Aren't Met (From R O C H E S T E R , July 2 » — T h e ican Federation Tin of State, County AFSCME, pickets around according City Hall If to Leader Municipal published its d e m a n d s AF\3iCME, over tlie vigorous protesti of tUa Civil Service E m p l o y e e Association, was granted reco^nltiou by City Manager P o r t « r W . Homer aa sole bargaining •igaufc for all city employees other Repeat This! are not has threatened State while off Is shaping up headache. as As on draws nearer, the Governor's ces f r o m A l b a n y One 1964 will absen- Increase a n d those close to R o c k e f e l l e r are getting political woried about thunderclouds the on the horizon that are g a t h e r i n g fast. Tlia malti tcoubla 1$ tiiat few Importaut ddclsioti<j are, or can, b j made while Rockefeller is on ( t u r o d i Employed otganizalions « r d already bet^InuUig to grumble •bout hU udavaltdbillty to discuss e r st»ttl<» loivi ^Uitidlng matters tiiat tUe^d group.! feel are vital to ilieir mambercihips. far, no big guns <C4>ttUuu«i out r s s « t ) now to throw a ring miniature which outlines of are a that master describes plan the plan the for a crash program and national is city's will now circulating personnel recruitment get com- learned, in New shortages and drive. underway has through Indlcatlon.i this fall on a level. — terned after tiie City's highly suocessful drive for police candidatea, which was conducted through paid advertisements and televlsloa pleas in addition to regular recruitment methods. Under the plan, which is b e l n « kept carefuly under wraps at tha present time, doctors, nurses, o c cupational tiierapists and other (Continued ou P a g e 14) In Utica Governor Number York than supervisory personnel and Let Employees Choose—Feily Although the recruitment goali uniformed firemen and policeJosepii F. Feily, CSEA president, was announced earlier this month, men. termed the picket tiireat "a typi- no details of specific ideas to atcal union Involvement at the ex- tract personnel were released. pense of ltd; membership. Can The Leader learned of these deanyone now deny the f a c t that tails f r o m a highly reliable source the union is more Interested in who would not allow himself to be gaining political power for its quoted. leaders than in advancing the T h e intensive e f f o r t will be welfare of its members?" coupled with pay Increases for cerFeily said " T h i s should prove tain groups of hospital employees, (Cuiitinued ou Pag:e 3) Including nurses. I t will be pat- thd ( u n o f f i c i a l ) c a m p a i g n t r a i l Rockefeller's A Amer- over. city, state O L D I N G the fort in New York is met. Govei liar's Absence On Campaign Trail May Bring Complaints H which petitive threat f r o m N e w York City, T h e Leader has Employees, AFL-CIO, reports, Men^F~Sygiena--D«pstftment, a j o b v a c a n c y c o n t r o l p r o g r a m . Is f a c i n g a f o r m i d a b l e Correspondent) h o n e y m o o n b e t w e e n t h e C i t y of R o c h e s t e r a n d t h e & The State 2,298 v a c a n c i e s a n d is a t t e m p t i n g t o s a v e $1,000,000 CSEA Election Slafe Is Set A t Leader press time, official announcement of candidates f o r statewide and departmental o f fices In the Civil Service E m ployees Association was made by CSEA Secretary Ha/el Abrams. T h e official candidate list wiUs handed to Miss Abrams by Mrs. Mildred O. Meskll, chairman of the C S E A nominating committee. Because of the late arrival of this important announcement, the candidate* story appears this year on P a g e 16, InstMd of Page 1. Union Counts Noses, Then Backs Dowii On Exclusive Bargaining Right Demand (From Leader UTICA, presentation July for 29 — city A union which employees has a been sociation w i t h " a b a n d o n i n g " Its initial s t a n d ficient An union membership Association to back up Its Correspondent) few weeks ago exclusive re- Employees As- a f t e r a show of h a n d s f a i l e d to produce suf- charged by t h e claim for such representative contends that the astonisiiing reversal and the abandonment of claim by the union (AFSCME A F L - C I O ) f o r exclusive bargaining rights «vai ba.sed on the union's "apparent and sudden realization that tiielr orgauization's oampaign wa.s d e m a n d i n g Civil Service representation. — — — was a failure and that a OSEA organization campaign among city workers had l)een successful." T h e C S E A spokesman said furtlier that " n o other explanation could be given for the complete r^sversal by the union." T l i e charges were leveled following a hearing last week before the Utica C?ommon Council, attended by nearly 100 city employees, i u i (Cuutluued ou P « g « 16> CSEA Resolutions Committee Meets ALBANY, resolutions Civil July 29 — committee Service bha Employees Ati^ sociatlon m e t recently bany to Th® of begin Its in review (Cuatluued ou Faff* I f ) Alof CIVIL ^age Two SERVICE DON'T REPEAT (Continued f r o m P a g e 1) have been fired—but you can expect them almost any week now. Oppositicm Holds Fire Lambasting f r o m the political opposition will be occasional for the time being but it is generally reported that the Democrats plan a heavy attack, charging the G o v ernor with neglect on fiscal policies, New Y o r k City problems and a host of other matters all because he is pursuing the Presidency of the United States. Unfortunately f o r Rockefeller, his Justifiable ambition to be President cannot be accomplished by Btaying in his own back yard. I n his terms, and in the eyes of those who want him as the GOP candidate, heavy exposure to the nation is not only desirable but vital. Everybody knows this, of course, but politics Is a rough game and all legitimate weapons are used to knock the opposition. on L o n « Island and Lieut. G o v . M a l c o l m Wilson will cover the Metropolitan and Hudson River Valley areas. (Carlino, f o r instance, has been the official spokesman against a referendum for o f f - t r a c k betting in New Y o r k City, a highly unpopular revenue raising measure in conservative upstate areas.) Democrats, natui-ally, are pleased with the opportunity to stir up voter dissatisfaction with the Rockefeller Administration. I f they can create the impression that the Governor's popularity Is on the decline In N e w Y o r k State, it not only could hurt Rockefeller at the j G O P convention but also increases I the chances f o r President Kennedy in this State next year. H e Takes His Chances T h e Governor is aware of all this but he knows that he must take his chances. R a t e d as the top problems are the 1964 budget and I what t o do about taxes. I t is these two items for which the Democrats are readying more and heavier attacks. D a y to day problems can be handled by others. Only R o c k e f e l ler can produce the answers to these big "headaches." I n the main, it is expected that he will stand on the total performance of his administration as the answer to his critics. So far. Rockefeller's main "line of defense" has been the capabilities of his cabinet members. W i l liam Ronan, his secretary; Budget Director T . N o r m a n Hurd and Sol Corbin, his counsel, have handled a mountain of problems, but most of the solutions got little or no publicity. Senate M a j o r i t y Leader Rockefeller showed his boldness W a l t e r J. Mahoney will be chief defender of Rockefeller actions and imaginativeness at last week's and policies in the western portion Governor's Conference by taking of the State; Assembly Speaker on the issue of civil rights and Joseph Carlino will " c a r r y the b a l l " considerably boosting his prestige LEADER In City Civil Service THIS by t h e w a y in which he handled the matter. He did this despite s t r o n g advice to the contrary. I n any event. Rockefeller faces the toughest year of his political life. N o t e : W e might sound crazy but a usually reliable source f o r inside political information advises us to keep an eye on former Vice Pi'esid e n t R i c h a r d Nixon. I t was pointed out t h a t Nixon's move f r o m Calif o r n i a has done a good deal to clear the picture in G O P politics there. But since his arrival in New Y o r k , N i x o n has spent most of his t i m e abroad, had appointments with heads of states, sought and gotten a good press on his Journeys. I t ' s h a r d to believe that the press buildup, the foreign visits are a build up f o r his future law practice in N e w Y o r k . I n the meantime, it should be remembered that Nixon is f o r Rockefeller and Rockefeller likes Nixon. I t is known that should the Governor not get the G O P Presidential nomination he i n t e n d s to work hard to get a man of his choice in t h a t spot. Could t h a t m a n be Nixon? Could be, says our source. Tiiefi<?ay, JnTy 30, 1963 TA's Dan Duffy To Retire After 22 Years Caring For False Teetli & Bass Drums A f t e r 22 y e a r s o f w o r k i n g a m i d c o l l e c t i o n s of f a l s e fiddles, pussy-cats, poodles, apple pies a n d carloads teeth, of um- brellas, D a n D u f f y called it quits this m o r n i n g . Supervisor of the Transit Au- thority's lost and found department since 1941, D u f f y Is c o m pleting his 53 years of employment with the T A and its predecessor agencies, the Board of Transportation and the B r o o k l y n - M a n h a t tan Transit Corporation. One of the more recent pieces of lost property entrusted to his care, was a bass drum inscribed " W e Love Our M e t s " . I t is interesting to note that this drum was found In the Polo Grounds station of the Independent Subway f o l l o w ing the 15-game losing streak of the Polo Grounds baseball team. D u f f y will be given a luncheon by his associates at Michael's R e s taurant in Brooklyn today, TuesADDENDA N e x t week we will report on the day, on the occasion of his retireadditions to the "bright young ment. men" in the Republican and D u f f y , 69, started his career DANIEL DUFFY Democratic Parties who have been with the transit system in 1910, suggested by our readers. Y o u can as a 16-year old o f f i c e boy with by postal card. U p to 60 such still add to the lists by writing at the B M T . W h a t started as a part- cards are mailed daily. Unmarked once t o " D o n ' t Repeat T h i s , " 97 time job during his summer vaca- ai-ticles aae returned to owners if D u a n e St., New Y o r k 7, N . Y . tion f r o m high school has lasted they are able t o describe and identify the property they lost. f o r more than half a century. • • • H e has been head of the Lost Property Department since 1941. B r o o k l y n P o 4 » l T w i c e a year he disposes of unO p e n EveninjifM \ claimed articles at an auction in T h e Brooklyn T e c h Community the subway concourse of the T A ' s Transportation Building at 370 Center swimming pool will remain f o r the summer season Jay Street, Brooklyn. If the o w n - open er's name and address is on a lost through August, Albert M. Fischer, article D u f f y notifies the owner teacher in charge, announced recently. The pool, located at F t . Greene P l a c e and De Kalb Ave., in downtown Brooklyn, will be open Ekstoin N a m e d Asst. three nights a week, Tuesdays Dopiiiy Cuiiiniissionc^r through Thursdays, f r o m 6 to 9 Bernard Eksteln. f o r the past p.m. M e n and women over the age T h e r e s p o n s e t o N e w Y o r k C i t y ' s c r a s h a d u l t e d u c a t i o n p r o g r a m , " O p e r a t i o n S e c - four years assistant t o the Com- of 18 are eligible f o r membership. Swimming Instructions for begino n d C h a n c e , " h a s f a r e x c e e d e d t h e o r i g i n a l p l a n s f o r t h e t r a i n i n g o f 375 c i t i z e n s b e t w e e n missioner of Real Estate, was reners will be provided by expert t h e a g e s o f 19 a n d 50. B y t h e t i m e r e g i s t r a t i o n c l o s e d r e c e n t l y , 455 w e r e a c t u a l l y e n - cently appointed assistant deputy Instmotors licensed by the Bureau r o l l e d a n d a n o t h e r 169 w e r e p l a c e d o n a w a i t i n g l i s t p e n d i n g I m m e d i a t e p l a c e m e n t . T h e commissioner of the Department. of Community Education of the p r o g r a m is b e i n g g i v e n i n f i v e schools t h r o u g h o u t t h e c i t y , a c c o r d i n g t o A c t i n g L a b o r I n his new post, which pays New Y o r k City Board of EducaCommissioner James McFadden. Group memberships are $15,000 a year, he will be in charge tion. " T h e response t o "Operation available to Industrial, fraternal, of the Sales and Appraisals, and and other organizations. Second Chance", C?ommlssioner crimination and prejudice. unemployed a chance t o get Leasing Bureaus. McFadden stated, "la overwhelmT h e r e 1« n o doubt that u n o n the 'employment express Eksteln Joined the Department ing evidence that the opportunity employment creates communt r a i n ' by gaining the necessary CIVIL SiSUVItE LEADRB September 1. 1959. several months to get the education that will lead ity tension and that many of skills that are needed f o r a America's LeaOinr Weekly a f t e r R e a l Estate was set up as a for Public Bmployeea to a better Job Is being eagerly our unemployed live in our g o o d Job and a decent wage. LRADUK PVillJCA riONS. INC. separate City department and has sought by our unemployed and our disadvantaged and minority E v e r y civil rights victory can 97 Uiiune St., New York 7. N. * . served under four CommisTelephone: BKekiniin 3-(i010 under-employed. group coraununities. o n l y be a hollow victory to Entered as •econd ciMi matter, October sioner to date. P r i o r to that he t h e minority group citizen w h o 3. 1939 at the poet office at New Our goal has been to give T h i s program is of particrork, N. T. and Bridceport, Conn., was chief counsel t o the New Y o r k does not have the necessary the citizens of these commuular importance in these times under the Act of Mar<-ti 3. 1U79 State Division of Housing in the Member of Audit Burea of Circiilatloni skills t o take advantage of nities and all citizens who are of social unrest due to dis8nb8cri|)tian I'rlce f.n.OO l>rr Yfar administration of Governor W . t h e jobs t h a t are open to him. luillviduul copleii, lOc Aver ell Harriman. T h e pilot project, which will last f o r e i g h t weeks, was developed by the N e w Y o r k City Department of L a b o r and the Board of Education. T h e B o a r d designed the curriculum a n d selected the teachers f o r the program. Official Written Exam on Sept. 14 for AIMED TO ASSIST MINORITY GROUPS \ Program To Edutate Unemployed And Underemployed Under Way; Crash Program Oversubsirlbed USE THIS HANDY COUPON TO LEARN OF CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN NEW YORK CITY CIVIL SERVICE For in N e w post further information York card City and Broadway, New service, and paste mail to York 7, N . Y . Charles applications for this on S. coupon Lewis, Room CHARLES S. LEWIS - Room 721 299 Broadway, New York 7, N.Y. T h e New Y o r k City Department of W e l f a r e . T h e Department of a 4-cent R e l o c a t i o n and the Neighborhood 721, 299 Oonsei-vation Bureau of the Housing and Redevelopment Board h a v e aided in the recruitment of trainees. positions Please send m e i n f o r m a t i o n and application blanks the able at the present time, please keep m e I n f o r m e d you. Name Address City, for e x a m i n a t i o n . I f this is n o t a v a i l - f u t u r e teats. T h a n k Zone State. yoi/r FREE on Pass!,,. To a Regular 2-Hour DELEHANTY Class I n discussing the pilot project Commissioner James R . Dumpson stated: " W h i l e only a small percentage of those on welfare can be considered, In any sense, e m ployable there is no doubt that this project may prove e x tremely valuable to this group a n d to the goals of the D e partment. I f . in a class of 400, (Continued on P » f « IS) PATROLMAN-$7.978 A Year After Only 3 Years! A G E S : 20 through 28 - M I N . H E I G H T S : 5 ft. 8 In. 80% of N . Y . City Police Officers were Delehanty Students! B E OUR G U E S T A T A R E G U L A R CLASS SESSION. M A N H A T T A N : T H U R S D A Y , A U G . 1st at P . M . or 6:30 P.M. Classroom A I R C O N D I T I O N E D for Your Comfort! J A M A I C A : M O N D A Y , A U G . 5th at 6:30 P . M . PRACTICE EXAMS AT EVERY CLASS SESSION! • Just Print N a m e & Address aud Bring Coupon With You THE DELEHANTY INSTITUTE 115 E A S T 15 ST., near 4th Ave., Manhattan 89-25 M E R R I C K B L V D . , near Jamaica Ave., Jamaica NAME ADDRESS POST O F F I C E -ZONEIs to be admitted F R E E to One F A T R O L M A N O a s a CIVIL TuA«(faf, July 30, 196,1 SERVICE LEADER Page Three Rochester Is Fated C5EA Art Contest Plarts With Union Pickets Set By Conference Areas (Coatinued f r o m Page 1) f r i e n d s of Abraham Chatman to conclusively t o Rochester city o f - put o r g a n i z e d labor behind f i c i a l * t h a t the whole question of insurgents. C h a t m a n , h e a d of responsible ployee and re-opened. without This should should delay and be C i t y ' s f o r m e r unrelenting tion done without the opposi- to f r e e choice by C i t y ployees as to who shall em- represent them. Indication mises granted here chester a political kept when this by city were ap- week. T h e Ro- Democrat story pro- the its recognition parent In that were and Chronicle, reporter Conrad Chrlstiano, said e f f o r t s were m a d e t o win the support of an ln.surgent Democratic movement from or- g a n l e z d labor. A P L - C I O Council President A n t h o n y Schneider denied this, but, I n a later article Christiano said h e learned that some labor leaders viewed the talk of a picket line as an attempt City Hall by July in the s t a t e w i d e the nual e m - A m a l g a m a t e d C l o t h i n g W o r k e r s of be A m e r i c a Joint B o a r d here, is a l - democratic representation ALBANY, the Art Show 29—Final plans have Civil Service Employees sponsored by the been completed by the f i v e C o n f e r e n c e s Association Association for f o r Its participation members and in the their with- Second An- spouses. A total of $300 will be awarded to the p r i z e - w i n n i n g oil paintings ing is being handled on a decen- Byck H o t e l . A l b a n y . C h a i r m a n Is lied w i t h f o r c e s i n i m i c a l to the entered in the f i n a l competition tralized basis this year, each of E d w i n Becker of the Civil S e r v D e m o c r a t leadership. In the C S E A exhibit a t the State the C o n f e r e n c e s has its o w n loca- ice D e p a r t m e n t . C h a t m a n ' s son A r t h u r , a n atexhibit at the State Exposition, tion f o r receipt and preliminary METROPOLITAN CON F E R torney associated w i t h the law Syracuse. August 27 thi-ough j u d g i n g of entries. E N C E — E n t r i e s will be received firm that Includes Insurgent S e p t e m b e r 2. f r o m August 5 through August 15 Where, When, W h o l e a d e r FrancLs D ' A m a n d a , f o r m e r at the C S E A branch o f f i c e , 11 Separate, s e m i f i n a l c o m p e t i t i o n Locations, dates and c h a i r m e n c o u n t y c h a i r m a n . Is l a w y e r f o r the Is about to get u n d e r w a y In each f o r each of the conferences are P a r k Place, N e w Y o r k C i t y f r o m A F S C M E here. !) a.m. until 5 p.m., Monday H o m e r , the younger C h a t m a n of the As-sociaiton's f i v e C o n f e r - outlined as f o l l o w s : through F r i d a y . Chairman is Helen CAPIT.\L CONFERENCE—Enand AFSCME business agent ence locations across the State Peterson, C r e e d m o r e State HospiJack Clcotte met f o r an hour I w i t h three finalists f r o m each tries will be received f r o m A u tal chapter. and a half last Thursday. C o n f e r e n c e to be sent t o S y r a - gust 1 through August 15—exSOUTHERN CONFERENCE— County C h a i r m a n R o b e r t E. O ' - case f o r the g r a n d prize j u d g i n g . cept S u n d a y s — a t the m a i n desk Entries will be received f r o m A u B r i e n also participated In the disBecause the preliminary j u d g - In the lobby of the S c h i n e - T e t i gust 1 t h r o u g h August 15 In the cussions. A l l anyone would say Occupational Therapy S»'^p In a f t e r w a r d was t h a t another m e e t H o m e 33, R o c k l a n d State -spiing will be held. tal, O r a n g e b u r g , N e w Y o r k f r o m I t was reported that the A F S C M E 8 a m .to 4:30 p.m., Monday w a nt s grievance procedures through F r i d a y . Viola Gustanson, established and hearings available R o c k l a n d S t a t e H o s p i t a l Is chairt o m e n b e f o r e they are f i r e d at man. the city m a n a g e r ' s discretion. CENTRAL CONFERENCE—En- £ast Hudson Chapter Wins More Benefits For Its Memltership tries will be received f r o m August 5 through August 15 at the m a i n Assistance Assured For Hudson River TB Aides Facing Job Loss ALBANY, tion has Mental at Hygiene Hudson sixty confirmation that Is c o n t e m p l a t i n g River State the closing Hospital The Civil fits for believes •"great it can number" employees Hospital at of the absorb the a affected Hudson River and "is m a k i n g a study In regard to this r e t e n t i o n . " In addition retain the to e f f o r t s to help employees at Hudson j R i v e r , the D e p a r t m e n t said, " I t is our intention to o f f e r o p p o r t u n i - TB affecting for Erie CSEA Forces Survey Of Police Out-Of-Title Work their pay (From Leader Correspondent) BUFFALO, Earlier to Dr. ters in July 29—After this month, in a letter Paul sioner of H. the Hoch, commis- Department of M e n t a l H y g i e n e , Joseph F . Felly, CSEA president, said t h a t ciation tal members expressed possible their noted to Assohospi- concern of that proximately the the over adverse e f f e c t s f r o m r e p o r t e d closing Feily at the T B there unit. are ap- sixty employees with parenthetical their the title "TB" and attached with tlie the in- Civil the actual CSEA members feel the the city's new missioner, violates the Service Civil Hlfi:her There police the at either to Hudson River Rochester HosState H o s p i t a l or the E d s e w o o d Division of P i l g r i m S t a t e Ho-;oital. director of Garrison the is State 2. U n e m p l o y m e n t insurance c o v erage e f f e c t i v e July 1, 1963. claimed this is planned work out illnesses, etc. CSEA has of title and is c o n t r a r y to the Stat^ posting vacation, sick personal leave credits. Out-of-Title of leave ac- future with the administration of and the East Hudson P a r k w a y A u t h ority t o discuss other changes in work Work arrangements In which the the Association employment to rights York. WESTERN CONFERENCE—En- tiles will be received f r o m August 12 to August 16 at the G . E . X . in B u f f a l o f r o m 12 noon to 9:30 p.m., M ' j n d a y through F r i d a y . V i c t o r E. Neu, president State Hospital of the chapter Gowanda Is chair- man, D e l i v e r y , Judging its members are Interested. by New In all conferences, paintltig.i to and delivery from the of pre- liminary j u d g i n g sites is the trant's responsibility. O t h e r engen- safeguard eral regulations include: W o r k s of these Eligible — O i l P a i n t i n g s . T w o o r i g (Continued on P a g e 16) of Duties, Same Pay are reports t h a t patrol- work of desk lieutenants, t h a t Inare performing detectives. Also, captains are f i l l i n g in f o r Inspectors, lietutenants tains and p a t r o l m e n for for cap- lieuten- ants. Such the "temporary Commi.sslon a assignments", has permanent been told, character and the e f f e c t is t o deny p e r m a n ent p r o m o t i o n to q u a l i f i e d m e n . A L B A N Y . July 29 — B a y a r d S. of vising toll collectors to cover v a c a tions, men are regularly assigned to the acquire New Director Forster been Law. chiefs of pital have com- spirit his present title faces a reduction in salary. presently distance, paintings past year under H o w a r d E. F i n ney, du- to ference who, becau.se of choose to submit t h e i r prac- and patients chair- tice, g r o w n more c o m m o n In the the expects Dankow, is promotion. ties of deputy commissioners the tuberculosis Jane School, rank losei tlie parenthetical ' " r a " after Department Upstate m a n E n t r a n t s In the C e n t r a l C o n - o f of work clothing to m a i n t e n a n c e I workers. spectors The which agreed assignment without comments, S e r v i c e llshment of the survivor's death t o death benefits and the providing Civil has stitution, where he m a y r e m a i n i n T B service, an employee who transfer Friday. Syracuse S t a t e week. A C S E A spokesman indicated The Authority Board turned a r e a , d o w n C S E A ' s request f o r estab- t h a t f u r t h e r action was planned police officers to higher cor- T h e D e p a r t m e n t points out that Buffalo explore from Erie County Commission responding larger salaries. unless transferred to another requests the last the b e n e - through supplied. 4. S e m i - a n n u a l Service Employees Assn. chap- retain of 3. T r a v e l and m o v i n g expenses | Civil Service L a w . to employees promoted or transT h e East Hudson chapter is referred. questing a meeting in the near that may its m e m b e r s , I t w a s a n n o u n c e d chapter additional at the car® repeated they Authority has secured desk M e d i c a l Center, Syracuse from 3.30 ^.m. until 4:30 p.m., M o n d a y by mail or o t h e r f o r m of delivery u n i t a recent meeting provided the f o l - j ing toll collector w h i c h was abollowlng f o r their employees, |ished e f f e c t i v e A p r i l 1, 1963, which should address them t o : T h o m a s approximately Ran<ier, U p s t a t e M e d i c a l Center. 1. G r i e v a n c e procedure—tenta- :has resulted In toll collectors tl d r a f t was submitted to C S E A , working out 0 ftitle to relieve super- 756 I r v i n g Avenue, Syracuse 13210, the ties to transfer the employees no differential." Parkway T h e B o a r d of the East H u d s o n — A t the same time, the Assocla- | ment Hudson Employees Assn. Department employees. t l o n was assured that the D e p a r t - East Service A s s o c i a - P a r k w a y A u t h o r i t y , responding to [personnel. T h e B o a r d also refused o f requests made by the chapter, at to recreate a position of supervLs- July 2 9 — T h e Civil Service E m p l o y e e s received Information the new Office T l aiLsportation. H e serves at If the Commission charges are finds correct. It can the order of the practice stopped or refuse to tlie c e r t i f y Police D e p a r t m e n t payroll. pleasure of the G o v e r n o r . Foie.ster Wiprud of succeeds New York Arne City, reiilgned last Marcii. T h e C. who position pays $25,200 a year. Since 19(il, Foster has been Reappointed James R M a c D u f f w a * recently reappointed a m e m b e r of the Louis G . S u n d e r h a f t , unit c h a i r m a n , and UTICA MEETING — Representatives of the Civil Service Employees Assn. are seeen here D. Lochiier, CSEA f l e l d m e n ; Vernon f i c e r of the U.S. Operations M i s siou to L e b a n o n . salaried poiil will end July 1, 197:1. mait. l e f t , are A. J. Uoniielly. C S E A f i e l d rei)r ntalive; director. f r o m iet'l, are Patrick G. Rogem. Council of S t a t e University O o l - j as they m e t recently w i t h Utica M a y o r Frank M . lege at O n e o n t a by O o v e r n o r Dulan, siecond f r o m right, to present the CSE.\ R o c k e f e l l e r . T h e term f o r bhU u n - p r o g r a m for Utica City employees.. S j^ed. f r o m deputy director of the o f f i c e . He served at one time as executive o f - executive ident; Joseph Standing, director of C S K A T i p p e r , C S E A third vice pres- S. SuHUi'l Bi>rrelly, of the Oiiieda chapter. CSI'.^, itiid John J. Pender, C S E A County fleld- CIVIL Page Four Where fo Apply for Publk Jobs Th« following New York system. directions SERVICE LEADER U.S. Service News Items By MARY ANN BANKS tell City on the transit Law Scheduled Major For Overhauling N E W Y O R K C I T Y — T h e Appll-, rt^u tt m o • * ' , , ,, T h e House Civil Service Comcatlons Section of the New York I , , . , . , vowu o ; mittee began hearings on legislaCity Department of Personnel Is i . , , , ^ . , \ , A^iujf ^cH j^jQj^ designed to overhaul the dual located at 96 Duane St., New York compensation laws governing Fed7, N.Y. ( M a n h a t t a n ) . I t la two eral civilian employment of reblocks north of City Hall. Just tired military personnel. west of Broadway, across from This Civil Service Commission The Leader office. proposed material would enable S T A T E — First floor at 270 Broadway. New York 7, N. Y., comer of Chambers St., telephone BArclay 7-1616; Governor Alfred E. Smith State O f f i c e Building and T h e State Campus, Albany; State O f f i c e Building, B u f f a l o ; State O f f i c e Building, Syracuse; and 500 Midtown Tower, Rochester (Wednesdays only). Any of these addresses may used for jobs with the State. T h e State's New York City O f f i c e Is two blocks south on Broadway f r o m the City Personnel Department's Broadway entrance, so the same transportation Instructions apply. Mailed applications need not Include return envelopes. P.O. Go Popcorn, Employees' To Polo & Kids Grounds More than 1,000 children of employees of the New York Post O f f i c e were transported to the Polo Grounds, recently, to attend the New Y o r k Mets-Houston Colts Candidates may obtain applica- baseball game. tions for State jobs f r o m local Each of the children received offices of the New York S t a t « Employment Service. FEOERA.V. — Second U.S. Civil Service Region O f f i c e , News Building, 220 East 42nd Street (at 2nd Avo.), New York 17, N . Y., Just wefrt of the United Nations building. Take the I R T Lexington Ave. Line to Grpnd Central and walk t w o blocks east, or take the shuttle f r o m Times Square to Grand Central or the I R T Queens-Flushing train f r o m any point on the Mne to the Grand Central stop. Defense Dept. Sets August-September Draft Quota -12,000 Although the June da-aft quota was down to 4,000, this month's quota has been set at 7,000. T h e August and September draft calls will be somewhat higher, according to a recent release f r o m the Department of Defense. A n increase to 12,000 has been set for both months. T h e Increased call Is designed to fill the A r m y ' s estimated requirement of 23,700 f o r September and, at the same time, maintain current strength. Including the proposed September call, the total number of Inductees since September 1950 will be approximately 2,845,460. Eours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. T e l e phone number is Y U 6-2626. Applications are also obtainftble at main post offices, except the New York, N.Y., Post Office. Boards of examiners at the particular Installations o f f e r i n g the tests also may be applied to for further information and application forms. N o return envelopes are required with mailed requests 226 candidates filed for examifor application forms. nation for laborer which is scheduled to be given August 3 at room FREE B U O K L E T by V. S. Gov- 200, 241 Church St. in New York ernment on Social Security. Mail City. There will be exams for •nly. L» '»r, 17 Duane Street. testing of medical, competitive and New York 7, N. Y. physical abilities of the candidate. 226 File Building Inspectors Publishes Assn. LondlorJJenant a baseball cap, lunch and candy before departing f r o m any one of the five departure points. Those children who departed f r o m the A booklet outlining the duties 33rd St. Post O f f i c e were greeted and responsibilities of landlords and wished well by Postmaster of and tenants Is available, free of New Y o r k Robert K . Christencharge, to anyone requesting it berry. f r o m the Association of Building T h e event, which marked the Inspectors. T h e Association la the ninth consecutive year of summer exclusive representative for all of outings f o r children of postal emNew Y o r k City's Building Departployees, was sponsored by the New York Post O f f i c e Employees' R e c - ment Inspectors in collective bar- Responsibilities Hours are 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. more retired military personnel to reation and W e l f a r e Fund. Monday through Friday, and eligible for Federal civilian jobs. Saturdays f r o m 9 to 12 noon. It would also deny veterans prefTelephone COrtland 7-8880. erence rights to retired military Meetings Mailed requests for application personnel hired for future Gov- Recruitment blanks must Include a stamped, I ernment civilian Jobs, On Government Time self-addressed business-size en-1 T h e Commission feels that there •elope and must be received by i are over 40 existing statutes v/hlch Called **Inappropriate** the Personnel Department at least ; are both confusing and inequitable T h e Civil Service Commission Ave days before the closing date and has submitted the proposal in has taken a stand by declaring for the filing of applications. i order to repeal these inequities. that it Is "Inappropriate" to hold Completed application forms The proposals would provide for membership recruitment meetings which are filed by mail must be the following major changes: for Federal employee unions on • Allow the Crovernment to hire lent to the Personnel Department Government time. and must be postmarked no later any qualified retired military perI n the past, employee unions than twelve o'clock midnight on sonnel and permit him to retain were allowed to hold one 45the full salary of his civilian job the day following the last day of minute meeting per year in many receipt of applications. in addition to the first $2,000 of _ . .. o f ' h i s retired militaiT pay and 50 of the Federal agencies. Under The Applications Section of . . . ' • ^ this new policy, membership meetpercent of the remainder. the Personnel Department is near • Pi-ovide that retired military ings can still be held on Federal the Chambers Street stop of t h e , , ^ ^ * ... ^ Pei'sonnel enter the Government facilities but only after working main subway hnes that go through ^^^ service under the same conditions hours. the area. These are the I R T 7th as anyone else. I n other words, Now that the unions have o f Avenue Line and the I N D 8th they would not receive veterans ficial recognition and more power Avenue Line. The I R T Lexington preference and would compete through the new labor-manageAvenue Line stop use Is the with non-veterans on the basis ment program, the CSC feels that Brooklyn Bridge stop and the B M T of civil service seniority factors. It would not be good management Brighton local's stop Is City Hall. • Allow non-retroactive changes practice to continue to permit Both lines have exits to Duane in cases where sucli changes would them to hold meetings on GovStreet, one block f r o m the P e r - have an adverse e f f e c t on retired ment time. sonnel Department. military personel already in Government, except when beneficial. • Permit retired military personnel now holding Federal jobs on the day before the effective date of the proposed legislation to elect to have the present dual compensation px*ovisions apply to them and retain the benefits they now receive in connection with their military service. Tuesilay, July 30, 1963 bainlng. In Booklet R . John Sacco, president of the group, states that the organization ia distributing this infoimatlva publication " i n the interests of public service and edification. M a n y of the laws relating t o building construction and m a l n talnance are so complex that only an expert can understand them. This booklet is written in l a y man's language and clarifies many points that may have been confusing many people." I t is available in both English and Spanish. Among the subjects clarified in the booklet are rent control requirements, occupancy limitations, responsibility f o r repairs, renting and subletting, painting requirements, evictions, heat, fire protecJ o i n s StafF tion, Janitor service, and general A L B A N Y , July 29-John Devine malntalnance. of the Newburgh News joins the Copies of this booklet can be ob- public relations staff of the State tained by writing E.R. Rudy, di- Department of Public Works rerector of public relations, Associa- cently. He has been appointed astion of Building Inspectors, 277 sistant director of public relations Canal Street, New Y o r k 13, N . Y . at $11,000 a year. YOU DIDNT FINISH^ HIGH SCHOOL • H O W D O Y O U EXPECT T O GET A JOB, GET A P R O M O T I O N , OR M A K E MORE MONEY?? You can finish HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME in your spore time a t thousands have done. If you ore over 17 writ* for FREE BOOKLET and FREf Yau can »hot llniihshoves HIGHyou SCHOOL LESSON hov^. AT HOME In vour snara flm« at thou. JIO JlJlOWjIJ AMERTCAN" S C H O o f , " o e i t T 9AP.8 ISO W St., New lurk 3G, N.X. Ph. BR 9-3001 D«iy or Nicbt I I send m* your free 58~page High School Bookl«t and Free Lesson. Nomt Age Ad<lr#M VMM Cily I Zone State |OUR 66th YEAR| Apt.. Meet Tom" Canty C.S.E.A. Insurance Representative Thomas G. Canty is a native of Batavia, N.Y., a graduate of Notre Dame and did graduate work in insurance at New York University. As many of you know, Tom haa represented Ter Bush & Powell, Inc. since 1950, and has worked in various parts of the State. For the past few years, his energies have been concentrated on the Western Conference of the Civil Service Employees Association. Prior to joining Ter Bush & Powell, Mr. Canty was active in the Life Insurance business and was a branch manager for the John Hancock through 1949. Tom is married and resides in Williamsville, N.Y. He is active in the Elks and Moose Clubs, the Notre Dame Club of Buffalo, and is an avid sports enthusiast. TER P O W E L L , INC. SCHENECTADY NEW YORK BUFFALO BA8T N O R T H P O R T SYRACUSE * • I I I Tuesday, July 23, 1963 CIVIL SERVICE LEADER 170 Positions As IBI\1 Key Puncli Operators Are Offered By State An open-competitive Department of has announced will remain Civil that open examination Service an for the expected until August now position 170 12 is for being by tlie New filled by Previous Experience In Communications Valuable In Clerk Jobs Overseas Tiie ous are State Filing T h e one test. I t is a p e r f o r m a n c e test plication f o r m s w r i t e t h e positions open are expected t o be w i t h the I B M type a l p h a b e t i c key Y o r k State I>epartment of I n t h e A l b a n y a n d N e w Y o r k C i t y p u n c h m a c h i n e . T h e s e e x a m i n a - S e r v i c e : 270 B r o a d w a y , R o o m areas. T h e e x a m i n a t i o n is sched- tions will be g i v e n in t h e A l b a n y N e w Y o r k City; o r L o b b y , of $169 w h i c h allows t h e applicant t o earn $4,265 w i t h i n f i v e years f r o m t i m e of a p p o i n t m e n t . R e q u i r e m e n t s f o r t h e posit i o n are t h a t the applicant a t least three m o n t h s have experience w i t h t h e I B M t y p e key p u n c h m a c h i n e or v a r i t y p e m a c h i n e ; o r successful completion course of study of acceptable with either of these machines. T h e r e is, f o r this position, only offer salaries Positions with the F e d e r a l A v i a - NEW HOTEL C H E S T E R F I E L D 130 W . 49 ST., N.Y.C. AT RADIO CITY • TIMES 1100, ernor A l f r e d E. S m i t h S t a t e GovOf- Albany. Agency states of are Virginia, Washington, Infergroup Relations Title Open W i t h A E C V e r m o n t , a starting salai-y of $9,475 per a n Virginia, a n d num. Applicants submit are a Form Instructed 57, to "Application plicants w i l l be r a t e d o n ence PHONE CO 5-7700 and is open In annual now previ- 300 l o c a t i o n s salary of In $4,110, offered is o n e o f s e v e r a l in foreign posiitons countries to which men and women. Qualifications Tiie positions cierlc, secretaries and clerk steno- Commission, 220 East 42 St.. N e w grapiiers. F o r m e n , tiie position Y o r k C i t y . Miss L e e will also i n t e r offered is tlie c o m m u n i c a t i o n s view applicants at this o f f i c e . F o r qualifica- appointments or further informa- and records clerk. Tiie tions for the munications typing position clerk of com- is t y p i n g tion call Y U k o n 6-2626. rate 50 for clerk words per and 80 words per Tiie requirements sitions are Visual Training steno- or minute f o r these tiiat tiie applicant be American good general citizens, and be po- DR. J O H N T. F L Y N N in Optometrigt health. information FOR FOR T H E E Y E S I G H T TEST OV C I V I L SERVICE R E Q U I R E M E N T S be - OrtliopUt 16 PARK AVE., N. Y. C . (SW Additional I n f o r m a t i o n Further CANDIDATES PATROLMAN FIREMAN minute, o v e r 21, single, iiave no dependents, may Cor. sstli MU 9-2333 be Street) W A 9.5919 The DELEHANTY INSTITUTE M A N H A T T A N : 115 EAST 15 STREET. Near 4 A v e . (All Subwayi) J A M A I C A : 89-25 MERRICK BLVD.. bet. Jamaica & Hillside OFFICE HOURS: Aves. Mondiiys to Tliursditra 9:30 A.M. to 0:00 P.M. Kriduys 0:30 A.M. to 5 P.M. Closed SaturdsTV' 50 Years of Success in Specialized Education For Career Opportunities and Personal Advancement AIR CONDITIONED CLASSROOMS Prepare N O W f o r Following Exams: PATROLMAN— N.Y. Police Dept. BUS DRIVER — N.Y.City Transit Autiiority ^ HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY DIPLOMA 3 The clean new look in Cookware WARE and wltti sliortiiand. training. REVERE being grapliers, Federal Employment" to experi- for A p p l i c a t i o n s M a r t i n Stahl, P e r s o n n e l O f f i c e r , a n d f u r t h e r I n f o r m a t i o n m a y be U.S. A t o m i c E n e r g y Conamission, o b t a i n e d at a n y U . S . P o s t O f f i c e 378 Hudson St., N e w Y o r k 14. 600 ROOMS are starting ing and 100 words per minute w i t h located D.C. now shorthand; Connecticut, West A retaries, 55 words per minute, t y p - sylvania, R h o d e Island, SQ. U.S. G o v e r n m e n t of 45 words per m i n u t e ; f o r sec- T h e U.S. A t o m i c E n e r g y C o m i n the D e l a w a r e , mission is seeking a n Intergroup K e n t u c k y , M a i n e , M a r y l a n d , Mas- relations specialist t o f i l l a posisachusetts, N e w H a m p s h i r e , N e w tion in the N e w Y o r k Operations Jersey, N e w Y o r k , O h i o , P e n n - O f f i c e . T h i s G S - 1 2 position o f f e r s tion N o w r i t t e n test Is required. A p 18 FLOORS • Civil A g e n - w h e r e this e x a m i n a t i o n a n n o u n c e c y ' s E a s t e r n R e g i o n h a s s t a r t - m e n t Is posted or b y w r i t i n g t o the e d r e c r u i t i n g f o r t w o G S - 1 1 Executive S e c r e t a r y , B o a r d of U.S. Civil Service E x a m i n e r s , F e d e r a l positions. T h e positions are Aviation Agency, Federal Buildair carrier operations specialing, N e w Y o r k I n t e r n a t i o n a l A i r ist a n d g e n e r a l a v i a t i o n opport, J a m a i c a 30, N e w Y o r k . erations Inspector specialist. s t a r t i n g a t $8,045 p e r y e a r . SPECIAL CIVIL SERVICE COURTESY RATES New The Federal Aviation positions the o f f e r e d by tiie obtained b y w r i t i n g to Miss A d e l e S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t are, f o r w o m e n , Lee, S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t recruiting 1 communicatioris and records o f f i c e r a t t h e U . S. C i v i l S e r v i c e Aviation Specialist's Salaries To $8,045 The positions overseas. s e a s l i v i n g Is o f f e r e d . T h i s $3,420 t o $4,265 per a n n u m . Increments of clerics w i i o h a v e h a d r e l a t i v e promotional opportunities and additional allowances for over- title. f i c e Building, posts Department this examination. Department experience. T h e Federal T h e title o f f e r s a salary of f r o m uled f o r S e p t e m b e r 14 and f i l i n g and N e w Y o r k C i t y areas. w i l l be accepted until A u g u s t 12, For further information and apT h e position o f f e r s f i v e y e a r l y State seelcing c o m m u n i c a t i o n s York of I B M k e y p u n c h o p e r a t o r . T h e vacancies will be the offered Page Thirteen Be Our Guest at a Class Session of Any Deleiianty Course. USE FREE COUPONS PRINTED ELSEWHERE IN THIS PAPER Or Pfione f o r Class Schedules and FREE GUEST CARD. ^ ^ ^ CLASSES NOW FORMING: To Start in Sept. ^XDebignm' C^muip^ To Prepare f o r Forthcoming COPPER CORB STAINLESS STEEL Exams f o r : METER MAID (Parking POLICEWOMAN TRANSIT PATROLMAN Meter Attendant) F I R E M A N — N . Y . Fire Dept. CITY PLUMBER MASTER ELECTRICIAN LICENSE MASTER PLUMBER LICENSE Classes Will Commence Later This Fall f o r : REFRIGERATION OPERATOR LICENSE STATIONARY ENGINEER LICENSE Enroll N o w f o r Any of A b o v e Classes, inquire f o r d e t o i l l . 8 " Covered Skillet^ 10" Covered Skillet • PRACTICAL VOCATIONAL COURSES: Now . . . world-famout Revere Ware introduce* a complete new lin* of low-silhouette cookwar* designed to harmonize with today's modern, work* laving kltcntntl Gleaming italnless steel inside and out for t o t y cleaning . . . with a solid copper core that i p r e a d i heot rapidly, cooks foods faster. Slim-lint Bakellt* handles with retractable hanging rings. Interchangeabl* covert with safety-grip f)ng«r guards. On display nowl Licensed by N.Y. S t a t e — A p p r o v e d f o r Veterans AUTO MECHANICS SCHOOL 5-01 46 Road at 5 St.. Long Island C i t y Complete Shop Training on " L i v e " Cars with Speelallxatlon on Automatic Tronsm/ssioNS DRAFTING SCHOOLS ManhaHan: 123 East 12 St. nr. 4 A v e . Jamaica: 89-25 Merriclc Blvd. a t 90 A v e . Architectural—Mechanical—-Structural Drafting Piping, Electrical and Machine Drawing. 1-Qt. Covered Sauc* Pan' 2-Qt. Covered Sauct Pan 3 Qt. Covered Sauce Pan RADIO, TV & ELECTRONICS SCHOOL 117 East 11 St. nr. 4 A v « . . Manhattaa Radio and TV Service & Repair. Color TV Servicing. " H A M " Licees* Preparation. 2-Qt. Cov«r«<i Double Boiler S-Qt. Covered Soue* Pot' 5-Qt. Covered Dutch Ovoir DELEHANTY HIGH SCHOOL 9-Cup Percolator ^ A c c r e d i t e d by Board of Regents 2-Qt.Whi>riIngToq|(«ttf* 9-Qt. Whistling Tea K t t t i t NOEL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES 245 W. BROADWAY, N.Y. W O 6-1430 91-01 Merrick Boulevard, Jamaica A Collego Preparatory Co-Educational 'Academic Higli School. Secretarial IraiRiag A v a i l a b I * f o r Giris a i aa Elective Supplemeaf. ,Sp«clal Preparation In Science and Matkemollci f o r Students Who Wish t o Qualify f o r TeehNoiogicol and Engineering C o l l e g e i . For Information on All Courstt Phont GR 3-6900 k A A A A A A A A A A A A A i 4A 4 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4 A A A A 4 A A A A ^ CIVIL Page HhL SERVICE LEADER TuesflaT, July 80, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Americana Largest Member Wepkty tor Public Audit Bureau of Ptihlixhpd Employees Circulations 7 iipsdny by eviry LEADER PUBLICATtONS, INC. 212-BEekmaii 3-6010 97 Duane Street. New York 7, N. Y. Jerry Finkt-Jplein, Publisher I I'niil Kyer, Editor Joe Deasy, Jr., City Editor ' Jaiites T . Lawless, Associate Editor Mary Ann Banks, Assistant Editor N. H. Mager, Biisintss Manager Advertising Ki"|ir« e«'nla!iveB: A I J J A N Y - Joseph T . Bellew - 303 So. Manning Blvd.. IV 2-S474 KIN(;.ST()N, N . Y . - Charle» Andrews - 239 Wall Street, FEderal 8-8350 Service Employees Association. $5.00 to New I P r e s i d e n t , Public Relations, of A. J. A r m s t r o n g Co., Inc. Questions Necessity Of Uniform Allowance Editor, T h e allocation Bill Y 30, 1963 M in enterprise detail, and that New p e r s o n n e l in m u c h The for City police we are happy City plans to to the same manner report as does did a first rate, Imaginative candidates. Attention this this time week, again for industry. job in that It, not but like about this competition is t u r n e d only also will the public realized that to give amount of rent help. New It York City employees competent hasn't toward scales so it's going to boost the pay, Include bonuses recruitment residents benefit involved. service been able pay for The requires to get It do something and other area undoubtedly a is from City at has the cur- it and "addi- tary Metropolitan drive. But in to exodus keep to competitive nel as it New York u p its levels of area by City employment. service paying it will have competitive If the to keep the S u c c e s s b y N e w Y o r k C i t y in a t t r a c t i n g h o s p i t a l person- will now the put the result of is t i m e , line rather right than State job now, in a vacancy for holding the it. tighter control State spot than is laundry or dry cleaners I ' m presented with a bill or woman, who brings his or her uniform, shirt, or what have you. are like HER as we are n o t even in the same salary bracket unifonn If as the majority need-be we o f f i c e would gladly convert her our w i t h dark trousers. w i t h is these proposals we the HER from you Office of the a the staff Secre- of the most helpful, and tele- State most of dedi- Miss Lash civil our servants civil service everywhere are and friendliness made superb to public a perfect relations for herself. DISTANCE knew w a j received, h o w phone that request It w o u l d WE'RE deter or "I CERTAIN be sounded a major simple, chore If it be Lash's that morning. for document, the document processed? office had But received this did not about has heroine. If hold would Miss our legal before? that replied Please a certain night mail KNOW you. D e p a r t m e n t of Correction. W e f e e l of discouragae DON'T receive the expeditiously respectable m o u n d help This Week's Civil Service Television List tell servants made DIVISION f o r all employees w o r k i n g f o r the D a n n e m o r a State Hospital to first name), civil hope Cleveland received," should we for been f e e l it nicest, telephone and be we want her Division, the WE'VE because LONG DID D e p a r t m e n t of Correction submits proposal we single MLss L a s h o n t h e l o n g d i s t a n c e think the but we mailed W h a t we are really t r y i n g to do away that else, a impression. Miss Lash. normal dress t o a u n i f o r m of some sort. than anywhere Ohio. COOPERATION state enough, employees Vic® country. on THE of personnel. the a n d is her. stranger Inasmuch we REASON Is W e feel t h a t we are entitled to fair compromise WE MET among ONE heroine reason Corporation recently the same allowances or some sort of Public R e l a t i o n s in Administration (we don't know in Columbus, BECAUSE cated In the the government this the trousers We Questions Answered On Social Security In State W h e n I bring m y suits, shirts, and this is only f a i r and m a y al.so serve s u g g e s t as a morale booster. advancing the R I C H A R D J. R O B E R T S , programs. to start it FOR Ohio to IN Miss Lash phone a salaries. IS of w h e t h e r it be a u n i - f r o m keep hearing about t h a t are Just S t a t e i s f o r u n i f o r m personnel. W h e n the in SO f o r m or not, is basically the same. the l o n g run. S t a t e w o r k e r s in institutions will b e n e f i t any IT how Possibly a w h i t e shirt and blue tie, "lures." will be h u r t by this p l a n n e d MORE member t o this as we call it, Public contact can create a lasting public relations ing sufficient about State M e n t a l Hygiene Dept. hospitals in the just which Is equal to that of any man, competing ians, o c c u p a t i o n a l therapists, etc. we herein School of A Lasting Impression allow- story of h a r d - t o - g e t h o s p i t a l p e r s o n n e l , such as doctors, nurses, dieticWhat It k n o w n is A d j u n c t P r o f e s s o r of University T h e views expressed in this column are those of the writer and d o not necessarily constitute the v i e w s of this newspaper. T h e cost of clothing or up-keep American compete York the o f f i c e employee's are respond- of clothing as the core of York uniform tional I n c r e m e n t . " Move That Line! O S T of us r e g a r d c o m p e t i t i o n of u n i f o r m personnel, I would like t o make TUESDAY, Mr. Margolin Leader ance f o r D e p a r t m e n t of C o r r e c t i o n non-members. By If.O J. MARGOLIN W i t h reference to the most r e cent 10c per copy. Subscription P r i c e $2.22 to m e m b e r s of the Civil Your Public Relations IQ L e t t e r s to the editor must be sig:ned, and names Kill be withheld f r o m publication upon request. T h e y should be no longer than 300 words and we reserve the ripht to edit published letters as s e e m i appropriate. Address all letters t o : •^he Editor. Civil S^-t' i^e Leader, 97 Duane St., N . Y . 7, N . Y . the document Miss the Lash, you "but ask I'll do m y wasn't through easy. that BUT It required morning's BACK TO the mail several to phone come came a n d as polite as o n e could wish. "YES, DID receive the she WE reported. "It and, providing the receipt WE will the and are acceptance Miss in by minutes of up an with Miss document be e x a m i n e d papers THANKED to line." W E K N O W T H A T the chore Miss Lash voluntarily took best by our tommorrow Lash, and we answer. Lash, unruffled this morning,'' attorney order, you underdigging should shortly receive morning." particulary like her reply: " Y o u r quite welcome. G l a d w e could help you. Please Below are questions in Social ^get benefits. Does the c h a n g e a p Security problems sent in by our ply to me even t h o u g h I h a v e not T e l e v i s i o n p r o g r a m s of Interest c a l l u s a g a i n i f w e c a n b e o f a s s i s t a n c e . " readers and answered by a legal worked f o r several y e a r s ? " to civil service employees are WE MAKE T H I S report because Miss Lash's actions Y e s . U n d e r the law as amended , broadcast daily o v e r W N Y C , Chanexpert in the field. A n y o n e with should be a s t a n d a r d for all civil servants. a question on Social Security in 1961 you need ju.st 9 quarters nel 31. F O L L O W E D AS A model in every government agency, T h i s week's p r o g r a m s telecast should write it out and send it to of coverage to q u a l i f y f o r benet h e r e Is n o d o u b t t h a t c i v i l s e r v i c e w o u l d s o o n h a v e t h e b e s t fitjs:. I t does n o t m a t t e r w h e n you over N e w Y o r k City's television the Social Security Editor, Civil possible public relations. Service Leader. 97 Duane St., Ne\» earned the 9 quarters as long as include: y c u have the required number. H E R E I S W H A T Miss L a s h did within the f r a m e w o r k of Y o r k 7, N e w Y o r k . Tuesday, July 30 U n d e r the law as it stood w h e n good public relations: " I heard that b e g i n n i n g with you reached age 65 three years S:00 p.m.—^Department of H o s • She performed a helpful chore. 1961, a parent w o r k i n g f o r a son aeo, you would h a v e neded 13 pitals T r a i n i n g P i o g r a m f o r Nurs• I n t h e public Interest. or daughter was covered by so- quarters of coverage. So it a p - ing P e r s o n n e l — w i t h Louis H a l • T h e n c o m m u n i c a t e t h i s a c t i o n w i t h i m p a c t by cial security. M y m o t h e r helps me pears t h a t you are now eligible. pryn. " T h e P l a c e of the A g e d in w i t h my housework and 1 pay h e r ; T h e people in your social security our S o c i e t y and the R o l e of the Is she covered by social s e c u r i t y ? " o f f i c e will be glad to help you C h r o n i c Care F a c i l i t y . " No. Domestic service p e i f o r m e d apply f o r benefits. 4:00 p.m. — Around the Clock — In or about a son or daughter's Police Department Training Proprivate home is not covered. E m g r a m . " D e t e c t i v e D i v i s i o n . " Asst. "1 a m 71 years of age and have p l o y m e n t by a parent in a son c i Chief Insp. W a l t e r H e n n i n g and daughter's trade or bu.»iinefs lb c o v - n e v e r worked under social securInsp. M c M a n u s . ity.. M y husband died in 1957. I ered, however. 5:00 p . m . — N u t r i t i o n and Y o u — applied but w a s denied social se• • • I v a B e n n e t t of the N u t r i t i o n B u r curity b e n e f i t s because he had eau and guest. " I ' l l be 65 in September and will only t w o years of work under sor e t i r e on September 30. H o w soon 5:15 p . m . — T h e Big Picture— cial security and needed credit f o r a f t e r t h a t should I apply f o r my U.S. A r m y f i l m series. a t least S in order f o r m e to get »0(-ial s e c u r i t y ? " 6:30 p.m.—Airman's Worldpayments. Does the recent change Y o u should apply f o r M>clal m U S . A i r F o r c e f i l m series. in the law apply t o m y c a s e ? " curity 2 or 3 m o n t h s b e f o i e y c u r 8:00 p.m. N u t r i t i o n and Y o u — Yes, It does. W o r k e r s who r e t i r e m e n t date. T h i s will allow I v a B e n n e t t of the N u t r i t i o n B u r reached r e t i r e m e n t age or died in a m p l e time to c o m p l e t e details eau and guest. lfi57 or earlier now need credit of your claim, and will inpuic 8:30 p . m . — A i m y Special—U.S. f o r only a year and a half of work t h a t your f i r s t check is Jstued A i r F o r c e F i l m series. Since your husband had t w o yeai's* 10:30 p.m.—^Department of H o s w i t h o u t delay credit, you m a y now be eligible pitals T r a i n i n g P r o g r a m f o r N u r s « • • f o r widow's benefits. T h e r e f o r e , ing P e r s o n n e l — w i t h Louis H a l " 1 was 68 in M a r c h of this year. you should g e t in touch w i t h your pryn, " T h e P l a c e of the A g e d In 1 w a s told at 65 t h a t 1 needed t w o social etcurity o f f i c e about a p p l y our S o c i e t y and the R o l e of the w o r e quarters of work under M)- ing f o r benefits. Chronic Care Facility." cial security to get benefits. A saying LET exactly US the ALL gram. "Detective right go forth things. and do likewise. exploring Division." 6:00 p.m. N u t r i t i o n and Y o u — I v a B e n n e t t , N u t r i t i o n Bureau and guest. 6:30 p.m.—Airman's World— U.S. A i r Force f i l m series. 7:30 p . m . — O n the Job—Fire D e p a r t m e n t T r a i n i n g series. our national purpose. 10:30 p . m . — D e p a r t m e n t of H o s pitals T r a i n i n g P r o g r a m f o r N u r s ing P e r s o n n e l — w i t h Louis H a l pryn. " T h e R o l e of the A g t d i n our Society and the R o l e of t h e C h r o n i c Care F a c i l i t y . " F r i d a y , August t 4:00 p.m. — Around the Clock — T h u r s d a y , August 1 Police Department Training pro8:00 p . m . — D e p a r t m e n t of H o s - g r a m . pitals T r a i n i n g P i o g r a m f o r Nurs5:00 p . m . — N u t r i t i o n and Y o u — ing Personnel—with Louis Hal- I v a B e n n e t t , N u t r i t i o n Bureau and guest. our S o c e i t y a n d the R o l e of the Saturday, August 8 C h r o n i c Care F a c i l i t y . " 3:30 p . m . — T h e B i g P i c t u r e — 4:00 p . m . — A r o u n d the C l o c k — U.S. A r m y f i l m series. Police Department Training pro7:00 p . m . — P u r p o s e f u l Ameripi-yn. " T h e R o l e of the Aged In gram. 6:80 pm.—Airman's World— cans—State Department teriei analyzing our n a t i o n a l purpose. 7:30 p . m . — O i l the Job—Fire P i r e D e p a r t m e n t T r a i n i n g course. t r l e n d told m e there was a i-hange * Use postal zone numbers on 8:00 p m.—Citiisenship EducaW e d n e s d a y , July 81 D e p a r t m e n t T r a i n i n g course. In the social security law reducing your mall to Insure prompt lectures in clvlo 4:00 p . m . — A r o u n d the C l o c k — 9:00 p m.—Purpo.seful A m e r i - tion — F i l m ihtt a m o u n t of w o r k l e ^ u i i e d to delivery. Dtpaitmtui ftertes i)tu(iie«. Puilcs D t p t u t m e n t T i a i n i i i g U.S. A i r F o r c e F i l m Series. T:80 — On the Job — CIVIL Tiieflifar, Jufy .10, 1963 SERVICE L E A D E R Paipe Sevp* ELICIBLE5 ON NEW YORK CITY LISTS 9590 TYPIST GROUP 3 .... 40. ( V ) F r a n c i s H . A n a g n o s , 85.- A l b e r t B r o w n s t e i n . 82.450. r a n o , 80.575; 148. R u t h Slade, 80.- 152, M a r y K . P e n b e r t h y , 80.425; 1. ( V ) A b r a h a m P a c a n o f s k y , 500; 41. A n n a M . E l b e r f e l d , 85.450; 91, M a r i e Moss. 82.450; 92. H e r - 500; 149. I d a D o c t o r o w , 80.500 a n d 153, M a r i l y n A . Vespoli, 80.425; 99.075; 2. ( V ) Bruce T o m p k i n s , 42. ( V ) V i n c e n t D . Desalvio. 85.- bert B . L a v i n e . 82.375; 93, A l i c e M , 150, W i l h e l m i n a M i t c h e l l , 80.500. 154, A n d r e w Jackson, 80.425; 155. 98.550; 3. ( V ) G u y B. W a t e r s , 97. 425; 43. R o s e R o m a n o , 85.375; 44. Coyne, 82.375; 94. F a n n y P . M c 151. C a r o l y n Stelnhauer, 80.500; (Continued on P a g e 9) 575; 4. R o s l y n Moskowltz, 97.375; June G . Johnson, 85.375; 45. M a v i s Peek, 82.225; 95. I r e n e C, M u r p h y , 8. G o l d l e K a t c h e n , 93.775; 6. D e b - E. Cree, 85.150; 46. M i n n i e B e r g - 82.150; 96. R i t a F , R h o d e s , 82.000; o r a h G . S t a f f o r d , 93.775; 7. ( D ) m a n , 85.075; 47. Clarence E. 97, R o s l y n W . S c h w a r t z , 82.20; 98. E r m e l l n d a G o m e z , 93.200; 8. V i o l e t Brooks, 84.850; 48. C a t h e r i n e Josephine S z y m a n s k l , 82.00; 99. L u d e l , 91.150; 9. S y l v i a S o h r , 91.- Stubbs, 84.850; 49. D o r o t h y M . L i l a Ross, 82.00; 100. H e l e n W . 100; 10. H e l e n R a p p e , 90.325; 11. S e t h e r , 84.775; 50. R o b e r t E. S c h r e l b m a n , 81.925; 101, M a r l o n ( V ) S t a n l e y K a u f m a n , 90.000; 12. Prankel, 84.700; 51. Rose H a u p t - U r o v s k y , 81.925; 102. E l i z a b e t h Names & Addresses . CJynthia J. Davidson, 89.800; 13. man, 84.700; 52. S y l v i a Blitzer, M c L o u g h l l n , 81.925; 103, F r a n c e s lines on robber atamp. PersonS a r a h Robbins, 89.050; 14. M o l l y 84.700; 53. B e t t y R o t h e n b e r g , 84.- E, Cleaver, 81.925; 104. E l e a n o r alized, your name and addre.ss. D o n n e r , 88.975; 15. ( V ) A l e x a n d e r 475; 54. F a y e M . R o m e r , 84.400; D o d a , 81.850; 105. L y n n P . W i l s o n , etc., beautifully done In print B e l l . 88.950; 16. H o l m e s C. W e l s h , 55. R a c h e l R o s n e r , 84.325; 56. 81.850; 106, D o r o t h y R , S o l o m o n , with tiny carrying: case for $1.25. Send check or M.O. to L. Ray, Q.P.O. Box 2305. 88.900; 17. A d a M . S m i t h , 88.750; A n n e Bernstein, 84.25; 57. H i l d a 81.775; 107. V e r o n i c a E, Mui-phy, N.Y. 1. N . Y . 18. F i e d d a B. R l c h m a n , 88.675; A c k e r m a n , 84.250; 58. Louise Am.s- 81,775; 108, Sylvia Berlin, 81,775; 19. Louise C . Lewis. 88.675; 20. den, 84.025; 59, R u t h Schur, 83.TYPWRITER BARGAINS F l o r e n c e L . R u b i n g e r , 88.525; 21. 800; 60. L i n d a J . E h r l i c h , 83.800 109, S h e r r y R . S h u l m a n , 81.700; Smith S17 50: Underwood-$22 60: othera Adding M«.. 110, Bessie M a n g e l , 81.700; 111. and Pearl Bros., 476 Smith, Bkn, T R 5-3024 ( V ) Ernest J . F a v a r o , 87.900; 22. Typewritors P h y l l i s W a s s e r m a n , 81.625; 112, N e l l e G . Sisty, 87.775; 23. Felicia 61. B e a t r i c e Pressey, 83.650; 2. Mimeographs G o l d s t e i n . 86.950; 24, T h o m a s M e - Leslie J . U r q u h a r t , 83.650; 63. K a t e Scher, 81,625; 113, R u t h L . Addressing Machines Auto Emblems Eisen, 81.625; 114. A n n a M . P a u l , d i n a , 86.725; 25. A n n e A t l a s , 86.- R o s e l y n Frederick, 83.650; 64. Guaranteed. Also RenV*b. Kepaira 81.475; 115, R u t h G r e e n b e r g , C3EA AUTO EMBLEM. Attractive Blue650; 26. G o l d a R . S e g a l . 86.575; G e n e v a T a y y l o r , 83.650; 65. Louis ALL LANGUAGES 81.400; 116, M y r t l e W , H a r g r o v e , 27. V e r n e t t i a Jacobs, 86.575; 28. Silver. Reflective Scotchllta. 8 Inch W . Lewis, 83.575; 66. D a l e I . W a l TYPEWRITER C O . Emblem. $1.00. Discount To Chapters 81.400; 117, Belle R a v i t c h , 81.400; D o r i s M . K u s h n e r . 86.500; 29. den, 83.500; 67. W i l l i a m F . A l e x For Resale. Inkwell Printers. 1220 CHeliM 3-8086 118. Ernestine L a w r e n c e , 81.325; J e r o m e H . G a i l , 86.275; 30. H e l e n Hertel. Buffalo 16. New York. ander, 83.425; 68. ( V ) W i l l i a m A n o W. SSrd ST.. N E W YUKK t. N. T. Bull, 86.275 a n d 119. E m a Jackson, 81.325; a n d Parsons. 83.400; 69. ( V ) W i l l i a m 31. G e r t r u d e W . Samuels. 86.- B . E a s t m a n , 83.325; 70. I r i s A 120. Z o n a W i n s t o n , 81.325, F R E E B O O K L E T by U. S. G o v 200; 32. B e t t e D a v i d , 86.050; 33. R o t h m a n , 83.275; 71. P e a r l W 121, C a r o l K a t z , 71.175; 122. H e l e n H . Gelb, 85.900; 34. F l o r e n c e R o a r k , 83.200; 72. ( V ) W i l l i a m E A n n e Glauber, 81.175; 123. H a t t l e Sales A Service • recond. Refrl?». Stoves. ernment on Social Security. M a l l Waah Machines, combo links. Guaranteed P a s t o r , 85.90; 35. ( V ) J a m e s T . T u c k e r . 124, D i a n a TRACY REFRIGERATION—CY. 2-690O only. L e a d e r , 97 Duane Street, 83.175; 73. Joyce M L , M e n d e z , 81.175; R l g s b y , 85.875; 36. F l o r e n c e D e r - Glaude, 83.125; 74. G a i l S t r o m L a n d , 81.100; 125, Joseph W , Jones, 240 B H O St. & 1204 Castla Hills Av. Bx N e w Y o r k 7, N . Y . TKACT SERVICING CORP. m a n , 85.750; 37. S y l v i a G i l g o f f , 83.125; 75. D a v i d R u d y k o f f , 83.- 81,100; 126, V i v i a n A . F e l d b e r g . 85.675; 38. ( V ) Paul W . W h i t e Jr., 125; 76. R u t h Boullain, 83.050: 77 81.100; 127, F r a n c e s L . C o h a n . 85.650; 39. G e r t r u d e Davis, 85.600; B e r t h a E. A h e r n , 83.050; 78. B a r - 81.100; 128. S y l v i a S o k o l o f f . 81.100; bara V . W e d d e r b u r n , 82.900; 79 129. ( V ) Samuel T . F o r d h a m . 81M a t t i e J. J e f f e r s o n , 82.900; 80. 075; 130. S y l v i a G o l d m a n . 81.025; RATES Catherine Barreca, 82.900; 81. 131. Bella G r e e n f e l d , 81.025; 132. B e r t h a K e l l n e r , 82.825; 82. R u t h L o r r a i n e M . Sullivan, 81.025; 133. E. T h o m a s , 82.825; 83. ( V ) Jose L . N a o m i Bruce, 81.025; 134. Enid G . Suarez, 82.800; 84. M a t i l d a J. Silverstein. 80.950; 135. M a r g a r e t T r o n t , 82.750; 85. M a r g i e O. M a c k , D. B e r n a r d l n l . 80.875; 136. M a r INSURANCE COMPANY 82.675; 86. Constance O ' B r i e n . 82.- g a r e t L . O l s c h w a n g , 80.875; 137. A|>[)Ilratlons have closed and tliousnnds of men will compete for these ntlnictlve Jobs! N O W 19 THE TISIK TO A C T ! Get the best possible preparaCITY HALL OFFICE 60; 87. R o s e W e i n b r o t , 82.60; 88. DorLs R e l k i n . 80.875; 138. R o s l y n tion for the OfTlcinl Written Exam and puiis with a higli rating. 3 2 5 B R O A D W A Y , N . Y . C. W a l t e r W . H a g u e , 82.60; 89. Adele Haber, 80.800; 139. Rose Schneider, ONE FREE CLASS A T DKI.EIIANTY W I L L CONVINCE YOUI P . M a n n a r i n o , 82,525; a n d 90. 80.800; 140. Esther B a r a n o w i t z , 80.800; 141, S y d M e l m e d , 80,725; PRACTICE EXAMS AT EVERY CLASS SESSION! 142. B e t t y S t r o n g , 80.725; 143. L i n d a E. L h e r . 80.650; 144. S y l v i a S h e r m a n , 80.575; 145. E l i z a b e t h 115 E. 15 ST.. N.Y. 3 Elberfeld. 80.575; 146. Pauline To A l l Phono GR 3-6900 " E v e n at nine cents a mile a K r a u s e , 80.575; 147, M a r i a D , S e r ALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ g o v e r n m e n t e m p l o y e e can c o m e CITY, STATE & FEDERAL out well on his m i l e a g e a l l o w a n c e . " EMPLOYEES O N This is a flat promise m a d e by Joseph Schecter, owner of the R a m b l e r A g e n c y at 1700 J e r o m e A v e n u e in the Bronx. " T h e R a m bler will deliver better than twenty miles p e r gallon In ordinary, e v e r y INVESTIGATE! day use and as much as thirty miles on a long haul If driven at a r e l a t i v e l y modest rate of s p e e d . " 1366 39th Street M r . Schecter stated bluntly to a (ll<>(. l.tth SI l I t U Aves.) Leader reporter. "Maintenance BROOKLYN UL 4-3100 costs and other operational costs are quite l o w . So any g o v e r n m e n t e m p l o y e e who has trouble meeting his expenses on nine cents a mile need only switch to a R a m b l e r . T h e government e m p l o y e e doesn't have T h e c o n « of a n a c o u s t i c suspension speaker Is M a n g e r Hotels no longer to subsidize Uncle S a m or N e w mounted o n v e r y f r e e suspensions, so compliant t h a t operate the M a n g e r DeWitt Y o r k State with his c a r allowance they are unable t o provide the elastic restoring f o r c e Clinton in A l b a n y . H o w e v e r , if he switches to a small compact car." required I n a spealcer system. w e h a v e installed a n Enter- Shoppers Service Guide 3 Appliance Services -Attention! I p' SV 2 0 % OFF BUS DRIVER-CONDUCTOR A u t o insurance S TAT E - W I D E Be Our Guest at a Class TUES.. July 30 at 7 P.M. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS Prepare in Air Conditioned Comfort! RAMBLER AT SCHECTER'S DELEHANTY INSTITUTE RAMBLERS QCQ ha Candidates for- The Finest in SPEAKER SYSTEMS with the exclusive TRIAD RAMBLER AR ACOUSTIC SUSPENSION PRINCIPLE IMPORTANT NOTICE: prise T e l e p h o n e for y o u r c o n v e n i e n c e in m a k i n g r e s e r v a tions a t N O EXTRA C H A R G E TO YOU. Dial Operator a n d ask for Enterprise 6886. SPECIAL HOTEL RATES FOR STATE EMPLOYEES IN NEW Y O R K CITY AND ROCHESTER N E W YORK CITY *a.00 s/ng/0; *14.00 twin PAR-. AVENUH •-•J 34th STRESF Every room with private bath, radio and television; most air-conditioned. ildUl lUfeulAOt 1>D w.jt seth at Av«nu« of lh« Ann«rlc«» Every room with private bath, radio and television. 100% Alr-Conditloned. •:• • •• •• ••• ROCHESTER *7.00 »lngl9i '12.00 twin Rochestiir's lirjajt, b«st locittd hotel. Ev«ry rajni Aith privita bath, t.v. ind ladio; many air •canditionsd. FOR AeSERVAnONS AT AIL In N B W Y O R K In A L . a A N V (Oil In R O C M t S T m C I T V - call M u r r a y f BNlaroriu fJ Hill ettSO nurrtxr) - c « ' MA-i-ilon ••7«00 $35- HIGH -$35 SCHOOL DIPLOMA IIS 5 WEEKS GET your Hieh School EQUlvalency Diploma which la the legal equlva lent ol 4-years ol Hlch School. Thi« Diploma U accepted tor Civil Service posltloDi and ether purpoaei. ROBERTS 3-4000 SCHOOL 517 W . 57th St., N e w York 19 Please mation. (IRT subway at door) This ml.sslng restoring f o r c e is then re-Introduced by t h e cushion of a i r enclosed in tlia sealed cabinet. T h e speaker cone works a g a i n s t t h e elastic air cushion Instead of against its o w n m e c h a n i c a l suspensions. Prepare Fnt Your P L a z a 7-0300 send m e F R E E inforH3L Name Addiesa :ity The AR-2 is a lower cost version of our basic acoustic suspension design, with a 10-inch woofer and two 5 inch, specially treated cone tweeters to cover the treble range. The AR-2a consists of an AR-2 speaker system to which the AR 1 3 / 8 inch super-tweeter (the same one used in the AR-3) has been added to e x t e n d the extreme high-frequncy response. AAid-range u n i t s a n d super-tweeters a r e independently adjustable. SIZE. ]3V2" X 24" X I I V j " depth SUGGESTED AMPLIFIER POWER (RAAS)i 20 w a t t s minimum per channel A n acoustic suspension cabinet must be relatively small i n order t o provide t h e necessary a i r - s p r i n g . ( T h e enclosed air in a larger cabinet would n o t f o r m a cushion springy e n o u g h to be e f f e c t i v e . ) Since this air-spring Introduces less distortion t h a n m e c h a n ical suspensions do, t h e small enclosure size is a c c o m p a n i e d by increased r a t h e r t h a n c o m p r o m i s e d reproducing quality, especially in tihe bass. I n 1955, speaker systems designed f o r highest quality bass reproduction r a n g e d In size f r o m 6 t o 15 cubic f e e t , a n d their prices r a n g e d f r o m $400 t o $800. T o d a y , o w i n g m a h i l y t o A R ' s i n t r o d u c t i o n of the acoustio suspension design, t h e g i a n t enclosure has a l m ^ t passed f r o m t h e scene, a n d speaker prices ftM a quarter of w h a t they were. Most I m p o r t a n t o f all, i t Is possible to achieve a n undistorted naturalness I n musical reproduction t h a t w a s not previously attainable. .n, Ph You'll Find A Complete Selection of Quality AR Speaker Systems at HiGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA PACKARD ELECTRONICS A Divisian If you are over » l , you can vviure a Ulsli 8i'l)ool Ulpluiiml Acirpied tor I'lvll Service punltluiii. Our •ourne will prepare you In a iliort iiuie—ouUtaiidlnic faculty—luw rat<t —caU Mr. Jerouie at ii-5tiUU. MONROE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS E. Tremont & Boiton Rd., Bronx Kl 2-5600 of Magic-Vue TV 33 UNION SQUARE W. NEW YORK OR 4 4 3 2 0 1 Page CIVIL Rinltt YOUR H O S T MICHAEL FLANAGAN PETIT PARIS RESTAURANT ACCOMMODATIONS F O R PARTIES. OUR COTILLION R O O M . SEATING 200 C O M F O R T A B L Y COLD BUFFETS, $2.50 UP FULL COURSE DINNERS. $2.70 UP OPEN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY AT 5 P.M. — FKRE PARKING IN RRAR — 1060 MADISON AVE. ALBANY Phen* IV 2-7864 or IV 2-9881 SPECIAL RATES for Civil S e r v i c e Employees Prior Armed Forces Experience Valuable For Air Specialists SERVTCIi: 111 East c h a i r m a n of call Mr. fense S t a t e Civil R e c r u i t i n g f o r positions in c o n - De- struction Commission. U.S. I n his letter of resignation, the and Army real estate Engineer in the Di.«:trict of- F e d e r a l bracketed in positions with GS-5 and GS-6 salaries $4,345 t o $4,830 p e r of annum. to the Idea t h a t prior the requirements of this position. I t is also noted t h a t the overseas have allowance for a time of his Commission. News 220 E. 42 St., N e w Y o r k transportation movement from e f f e c t s at the lers, airplane pilots or navigators. the candi- experience alone. For further information apply- 6 J. 4200, E x t . St., WttKL\ FREE INSTRUCTIONS Anne's Knitting Nook 41 G r o v e Avenue. Albony, N.Y. Near New Scotland A v e . Tel. 489-2040 " B i i . t Wliprf Your All<iw»ii<'«< Riij* Mor»" NEW YORK STATE CORRECTIOr4 & M. H. REG. UNIF $59.85 Quality SLOAN'S Uniforms CATSKILL, NEW YORK "FOR UrAMTY AT A lUMCOl'M" ALBANY BRANCH OFFICE F R E E B O O K L E T by U.S. G o v e r n m e n t on Social Security. M a i l only. L e a d e r , 97 Duane Street, N e w Yoric 7, N . Y . by ProfessoK Hotel 42-44 BROADWAY ALBANY - MENANDS rOR INFOKMAJ'ION iccarding ndvw UnlDf. Please write or mil JOSEPH T BEIXEW 803 SO M A N N I N G BLVD. A L B A N Y 8. N t PhooM IV S-M74 r e d o r k i l o w a t - ^ FACILITIES • • Free Perking Free Limousine Service from Albeny Airport • Free Leunderinn Lounge • Free C o f f e e M a k e r t in the Rooms • Free Self-Service Ice C u b e Machines • Free Use of Electric Shavers Moke Your Reservation Eorly By Calling HE 4-1111 In N.Y.C. Call MU 8-0110 SGHINE TEN EYCK HOTEL state & Choptl Sts. Albany. N.Y. ARCO CIVIL SERVICE BOOKS and all tests PLAZA BOOK SHOP 380 Broadway Albany. N. Y. Mail & Phone Orders Filled L ^ s r Y E A R M O H A W K 6\ MILLION IN NIAGARA PAID NiA6ARA OVER DOLLARS T A X E S / 126/000 / y — MOHAWK M O S T OF T H E M IN N AND HAS INVESTED OVER A BILLIO/^ DOLLARS | HAS SHAREOWNERS Y. S T A T E LIVE / / IN PIAMTS ANP EQUIPMENT j "'^151000 PER EMPLOYEE /y REPPY ^ YOU'RE A ^ MATHtMATICAL MAYFLOWER - ROYAL COURi APARTMENTS Furnished, Unfurnished, and Rooms. Phone H E 4-1994. ( A l b a n y ) . 6 E N I U 6 ^ In Time of Need, Call M. W . Tebbutt's Sons 176 State 12 Colvin Albany Albany HO 3-2179 459-6630 420 Kenwood Delmar HE 9-2212 Over OintiUBulkbed I'Htri of Funeral tienlce * Use postal z o n e numberH on your mail to Insure prompt •livery. COAT OBrT. API'RO\Kll l.-KG. INIFOR.MB FOR N.Y.S. EMPLOYEES THESE OUTER $68.75 SPECIAL RATES ALL SAFETY OFFICERS NEW CNDBB THE NEW MANAr.KMKNX OP 8CHINB liOTRI.S WILL CONTINDB TU H(»NOK PLUS or CIVIL SERVICE KNITTERS! STAYS TEN EYCK The 8, 212-SP-7- 1 0 % DIHCOI'iNT rin All Furrlin»«i Complrtr l.lne «f Viirnfi, lTnp<)rt<>d A DompfiHc — TH(>IWIII(II«, HnR«, rictiirrfi. Nrrill<u«ri< ^niiplit^ HA i ts EXTENDED Y. 351. 136 STATB STREET FOR N. Pagliaro, C p r o t m tTATI CAPITOL i ^ j l ^ Sm yovr fHndfy trvvml oganf. SVtUAL con- «(»,. KKHSKY J.',«.8ft REfi. SHIKTS. < AI'S AM> TIES Coiiiact oiir l.ornl K<|i. or Wrilr Ilirrvt MARGARET WHITING IN on TIRES STRICTLY DISHONORABLE which Infoimatlon, POLICE RTEFER COATS WILDCAT allows CARD IN young people of promise m a y be- qualify CSEA DUNLOP CESAR ROMERO gin careers as air t r a f f i c c o n t r o l position YOUR Au9. 6 - Aug. 11 provide an avenue through to SHOW Tues., July 30 thru Sun.. Aug. 4 T h i s e x a m i n a t i o n is designed to date Bldg., 17. COIONIE Summer Theatre appointment. Each vl.soi-y appraiser, G S - 1 2 pays $9,- tion forms, c o n t a c t the U.S. Civil further experience in the A r m e d Forces will apply to personnel T h e real estate position, super- ing to these positions and a p p l i c a Service P a r t i c u l a r note should be given and his household D R I V I - I N GARAGE AIR CONDITIONING • TV No parking problemi at Albany'* lorgMt hotel . . . with Albany'i only drlv«-in forogo. You'll lik* the comfort and convonlanca, tool Pomily rotoi. Cocktail loung*. the For 30, 1963 tact the A r m y Corps of Engineers, G e n e r a l said he was p l a n n i n g to fices in N e w Y o r k C i t y and L o n g A v i a t i o n move to Washington, D C . H e I s l a n d has begun. T h e s e positions a r e : construcAgency is n o w s e e k i n g p e r - praised progress of civil defense management engineers . s o n n e l t o f i l l p o s i t i o n s a s a i r readiness under the R o c k e f e l l e r tion ' waterways) and construction a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . t r a f f i c control specialists in engineer, ( w a t e r w a y s ) . These posiG o v e r n o r R o c k e f e l l e r accepted this country a n d in stations tions are in GS-9 and pay $7,125 the resignation w i t h regret. overseas. These titles are per a n n u m to start. The July 478 a y e a r t o fitart. m e n t area, f o r himself, his f a m i l y Wellington Tiiesdjiy, C D H e a d Resigns Army Recruiting A L B A N Y , July 29 — General For Local Office A. C. M c A u l l f f e h a « resigned as place of residence to the a p p o i n t - HOTEL LEADER NIAGARA r r I MOHAWK INVeSTOR OWNED-TAXPAYING Tiiefi«1ay, July 30, 1963 C I V I L S E R V I C E L E A D E R Eligibles On City Lisfs ( C o n t i n u r d f r o m P a g e 7) B e t t y W . G i l m o r e , 80.350; 156. E v e l y n J. Bf^iermann. 80.350; 157. Ceceil Levinson, 80.350; 158. E v e lyn F r a n k e l , 80.275; 159. R u t h Storch, 80.275; 160. F r a n c e s A . L e n n o n , 80.275; 161. R a e L e v y , 80.275; 162. Z e t o r a H . Parks, 80.200; 163. K a t h l e e n R . Giles. 80.200; 164. A n n a b e l T . Noto, 80.200; 165. M a y belle P. R e n z , 80.200; 166. R u t h A l e x a n d e r , 80.200; 167, D o r o t h y I. M c B e a n , 80.125; 168. Be.ssie R o t h f e l d , 80.125; 169. C a t h e r i n e Gille.spie, 80.125; 170. R i t a P a r d o , 80.050; 171. M a r i e W e b s t e r . 80.050; 172. M i l d r e d G o l d . 80.050; 173. T h e l m a A. Lock.speiser, 80.050; 174. F l o rence T . T u r n e y , 80.050; 175. J e f f ^rey A. S i m o n , 80.050; 176. L i l l i a n H . K a u f m a n , 79.900; 177. Rose Singer, 79.900; 178. I r e n e M o s k o witz. 79.900; 179. Joan A . R i e g e r , 79.825; and 180. Belle B. KoLsky, 79.825. 181. R u t h P . Amols, 79.675; 182. V i v i e n n e M . M a n d l e r , 79.675; 183. Rose U n g e r , 79.675; 184. M a r i e T . M c B r i d e , 79.675; 185. ( V ) G i l b e r t Jamison, 79.650; 186. E v e l y n F e i n stein, 79.525; 187. K a t h r y n J. C o t ter, 79.525; 188. B e r n i c e Danzigeri 79.525; 189. Eileen P . S c h a e f e r , 79.450; 190. M a u d e G . C r a w f o r d , 79.450! 191. Eliner J. Blakely, 79.450: 192. ( V ) Cleveland H a m m o n d . 79.425; 193. V e r o n i c a S. L o w e . 79.375; 194. P e a r l i n e E. Betts, 79.375; 195. D i n a h G o l d m a n , 79.375; 196. For the first time in five years, L . B. R o z e e and tli€ Courtesy Club have opened t h « door and authorized a full scale member* •hip drive which provides for the admission of a number of fully privileged member*. e therefore take gient ple;tsure in extending y o u this invitaiion to join Courtesy Club at once. T o faciliiaie your immediate decision in view of the limited duration o£ this drive, we ask you to carefully read the f u n c t i o n s , aims and benefits to you of tha Courtesy Club. T h e n compare o u r p u r * poses with your tlesii es. 1 ^ I S Itt ^ i you believe, us we do, tlint the day'to-dof grind of nercMoiy work entitles you to J portion of plrosine evrty now and then an tagerly autit i/niird "evening on the town" tometimes disofijxiints you by turning into just another innil innitnitively served in a restaurant that dot\u't seem to care very much about you your evenings out me more widely separated uould tike be<(iuse the High Coit of Living cannot be denied pMi essential expe)ises muse you to accept dinhg, ^ travel or enterl/iin/nent aciommodationi 0 I cut or two below u'lmt you prefer ^ ^ i you are vacation minded and. your heart seizes the idea and shouts "shoot the worksl" while your wallet groans and whispers "taht H easy!" ^ In short, you en joy the good life and you seek more fun as well as more fun for the montyt i YOU BELONG IN COURTESY CLUB Doris Corn, 79.375; 197. Roof^evelt Carter, 79.375; 198. A r l e n e A. Sybal.skl, 79.375; 199. R a c h e l M e l a med, 79.300; 200. L i l l i a n M . Olsen, 79.300; 201. H a r r i e t B. B u r d m a n , 79.300; 202. Rose Beccard. 79.300; 203. I r m a D. Fergu.son, 79.300; 204 A n n e H i r s h f i e l d , 79.225; 205. A n n e Gartenhaus. 79.225; 206. I r e n e L. R e b m a n n , 79.225; 207. Florence Levine, 79.225; 208. Suzanne M . S a m m o n , 79.225; 209. M a r y J. B r o w n , 79.225; and 210. Sylvia G o l d b l a t t , 79.150. 211. M a x i n e L. Boddie, 79.150; 212. Sally M a n k o v i t z , 79.150; 213. B e t t y A. Lewis, 79.150; 214. ( V ) R a l p h J. C o l e m a n , 79.125; 215. Elaine R . Jones, 79.075; 216. Ida H . Levine, 79.075; 217. C a r o l M a n - GRFA ri.Y INCREASES IF you A C T N O W C o n n . , Hartford, 50 State Street Va«, M c L t a n , P.O. Box 354, Tel. 356-8130 Pa« Philadelphia, 101 S. 13th street, Tel. MA 7-0438 Weit Indies, Jamaica, 7 Melmac Ave., Kingston 6 C O U R T E S Y CLUB j. « member ofi N t w YORK SrA I V Rl VI ADK AN i ASSOCIA I U)N NA110.\AI. ASM)(;iAtlON OF I R A V H , t)R«.ANI/AI IONS MOTH, AS.SOCIM U).\ Oh NKVV YORK AMUUtAM i'tAN KLbOKi Y O U R 241. H e l e n M . Butler, 78.625; 242. Augusta G . Schubert. 78.625: 243. M i l d r e d L e v y . 78.625; 244. Susan R . Busell. 78.550; 245. Naomi G o r e n , 78.550; 246. H o w a r d H . F L E . ^ S U R E NOW NOWl P C Smith. 78.550; 247. Vlctorli S w e e n e y . 78.475; 248. Rose S l l v M m a n , 78.475; 249. A n n i e Ea.slev 78.475; 250. R o b e r t L. Evans, 78 475; 251. L i l l i a n P e r l b e r g , 78.478 252. A n n a b e l l e Clare. 78.400; 253 H i l d a Shapiro, 78.400; 254. R i t a M Jewell, 78.400; 255. H a r o l d T W a l k e r , 78.400; 256, Sylvia serman, 78.325; 257. Helen L . D o does, 78.325; 258. Rose Aster. 78. 325; 259. M a r a i n F e l d m a n , 78.250 260. V e l m a L. M a z y c k , 78.250; 261 T i l l i e Pallie, 78.250; 262. Elsa W G u d a t , 78.250; 263. Elizabeth Breslin, 78.250; 264. Elsie Grossman. 78.250; 265. Eugenia T . M a l e ^ , 78.250; 266. Elaine Branch, 78.250: 267. S a r a Landis, 78.250; 268 E d y t h e Zeiler, 78.175: 269. Estelk S. L i v i n g s t o n , 78.175; and 27C P a u l i n e Stephens, 78.175. TO BUY, SELL A RENT When Presfiiicd Ai 28 Leading Re«tau. tanis whi<h you wlect fiom our constantljr cxpandiiid list / I w o u l d like to be accepted as a Courtesy C l u b member. ' I ara t n c l o t i n g 110.00 on the clear understanding that* NAME. ADDRESS (PLEASE P R I N t ) " l l . ^ L in the fields oi It doesn't take fancy figuring 10 under* stand the extraordinary valut of this bombshell offer. It will be mapped u p as fast as we can register new members! YOU MUST ACT NOW y^s 1) I will be registered M a fully privileged meiDl>er and I can cxcrcise these privUegea at all i.^e thousands of Rozee Reciiimended Eitablishiuenti throughout t h t country and overseas. F E N 8) I will receive, at my special bonus for acting now, 86 special dining chetjues good for 28 free luxury dinners at selected Establishments. 3) It is agreed that if I am not 100'^;, happy at the overwhelm' ing values and benefit! of mv Courtesy Club membership, I may, within 10 days, return all the material you send ma and receive my $10.00 back at onc*. O n this firm money*back guar* antee, please R U S H me mv membership card and ItlitCo ualerial. OR HOME —PAGE menis, but also to act as a poiiu of contact between these FMablishmenti and our members. In thU way, your praise, suggestions or crilici.sm pertaining to any of ^e«e Establishnients li amplified bv tlie combined itrength of your three hundred thousand fellow memben. Your evenings out, your vacations, your pursuit of pleasure will be the more enjoyable when backed by the confidence that all Ro/cc Recommended Kstablishments are anxloul to plea.se and delight you. Thev open their doors to yoU and they "PPieciation of ^ou^ patronage most irnaU-Iv cftec.it.g a substantial cash alJowance on your bill. Needless to say, you become • very customerl You receive peyiodic Updated Directories of Ro/ee Recommontfcd Eslablisiimenls. The 96-page Directory lista thousands of Establishments throughout the United Statei and Canada as well as o\eiseas. Every month you will receive the Courtesy Club Courier which contain! up-to-theminute new listings, news of singulav interest In the fields of Dining, Travel & Entertainment as well ai the special currently being featured, . ,. ,, . , „ Menihershtp_^s, ent.tl.ng you to all the privilege, Courtesy Club offers. mchuUng the substantta ca.sh allowances at alt Rozee Recommended Establishments and ^^^^^ arrangements, are $10.00 per year. All membership* applied for through the mail, and accepted jj^g gj-^ registered and sent to the new member u^j^r ^ lo.jav mouev-back guarantee. In order to as. G^^G juccesi of a siiort, intensive campaign, the Establishmentg and the Club unite in making this amazing/ value-packed offer You Will R«<< i\c Sprdal Dining Cfiequei Good For 2 5 p r e e d i n n e r s 2 5 P . O . B O X 777, «7 D U A N E S T R E E T , N E W Y O R K 7, N . Y . To- O . C . , Washington, 734 15th Street, N.W. i "^nly those establishments who meet, and toniiimc o iuee(, the statuhiids of .service, product and int« n)iiy deniaiided by Courte.sv CUub are accepted as Ro/re Rccoinmended F.stabli.shincuts. It is N O T the policy ol the club lo saturate an area villi Ro/ee Recon>inended Fsliil)lisbments. It is our aim, raiher, to select these Esiiililislimciiis V'ith a view to assuring \ou that you may paironi/e ea< h of tliem in the c o n f i d e i K c - tliat vour pleasure and salisfaclion Vill be the paramount consideration. 4n immediate cash allowance of at least 10% trom reg..lar adver.iscdTi^Te schedules is grani.d under contract bv all R o n e Recommended Establishments to Courtesv Cilub mcmheis. Ibis allowance is granted when Items are paid for at the lime purchase is made or service used. To obtain this important deduction, It is never neieslary to .show \our card until the bill is presented and payment is to be made. This allowance applies at resiajiranis to nieiubers and their guests! At hotels, inoiels, etc., this allowauce applies ou accommodations to husband, wife and children under 18 years of age. This substantial cash allowance applies on accommodations and food where rate so applies. Ouite naturallv, it cannot apply on tax, tips, telephone calls, charge accounts, special group or convention rates or liquor wlfere prohibited by policy or l..w. .,, , • . • , I . ^ou xoill also eujoy special bonus arrangements «t such things as .sporting e\ents, theaters, contert.s. recreation areas and oilur attractions throughout the year, 'lhe.se special events or attractions of limited duration are speciflcally contracted for and are featured in the monthly Courtesy Club Courier as they occur. It is the purpose of Courtesy Club not only to screen and careftiTIy select the Ro/ee Recommendetl Establish- RIGHT OFFICES heim, 79.000; 218. B e a t r i c e M. Hirsch, 79.000; 219. E v e l y n A. G r e e n . 79.000; 220, L e e Stark, 78.925; 221. B e a t r i c e Schorr, 78.925; 222. H e r m a n M c K i e , 78.925; 223. M i r i a m R . L e r n e r , 78.925; 224. M a r y F. G r e e n e , 78.925; 225. Delia A. M o r a m a r c o , 78.850; 226. A l v i n K . N e t t l e t o n , 78.850; 227. E d y t h e i Z a r e t s k y . 78.850; 228. M a r i l y n A. Cerni. 78.7775; 229. Y o l a n d a K e l l y , i 78 775; 230. Esther R a l s t o n , 78.775; ]231. M a r y F . Conlan, 78.775; 232 G e r t r u d e R . P e a r l , 78.775; 233. [ E i l e e n M . M c l n e r n e y , 78.775; 234. Vernese E. R a n d o l p h , 78.775; 235. •Stella K a u f f , 78.700; 236. R e n e e F r a n k e l , 78.700; 237. Helen V o r e n .cky, 78.700; 238. M i c h a e l P. Q u a r j tararo, 78.700; 239. Ro.se S. T h e l e n , 78 625: and 240. Josephine T h e s : trup, 78.625. COURTESY CLUB ...BUT REGIONAL P n p * Nlii( H Pag« C I V I L Ton Nursing Positions Dr.C. F.Terrenco T h e New Y o r k State Psychiatric Is Promoted A s Institute is now recruiting for two Dep. Commissioner registered nurses t o work in their S E R V I C E L E A D E R TIM'S Jay, July 30, R E A L ESTATE titles Is f r o m $5,000 to $6,140 per annum depending upon experience. For further information tact the Department of con- Medical Genetics, New Y o r k State Psyspecial clinic f o r deai patients. chiatric Institute, 722 W. 168th A L B A N Y . July 2 9 — D r . Chris- T h e starting salary range for these St., New Y o r k 32; or cal L O 8topher F. Terrence. director of the 4000 ext. 105. a Rochester State Hospital since 1951, will become deputy commisTAKE THE BIG STEP sioner for program administration Houses - Dutchess C o u n t y in the State Department of Mental TO BETTER LIVING! Hygiene next fall. COUNTRY LIVING IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY WITB AIX CITS CONVENIENCES His appointment, announced by Dr. Paul H. Hoch, commissioner, la effective In October. T h e position pays $25,000 a year. Dr. Terrence Is a career State tmployee, beginning his service at Brooklyn State Hospital. He is a Split Ranches $14,900 graduate of the Long Island ColrAMn,T ROOM OR EXTRA BEI>ROOMS ft «ND BATH OPTIONAL lege of Medicine and a diplomats 109-15 M E R R I C K BLVD. of the American Board of PsychiaJ A M A I C A . QUEENS try and Neurology. PICTURESQUE MOLLIS! 7-ROOM $15,990 G l.'s NO CASH $590 C A S H Houses For Sale, Columbia C o DOLT. HOUSK on 3 acrea, convenient to Albany, eiiuini kitchen, S bedroom», 1 Va b;ittH, ripaciouH cloaet«, floor to ceilin? (irei)l.ioe $12,000. ARTHUK LRK of Red Rock BaU Cliath.im, NV. CH 2-7342: 2-6261 Farms & A c r e a g e s , N Y S t a t e MODKKN 5 KM. country home, gar, cliiclom coop, 3 acre* $4,800. 125 ACRK3 FARM, 8 rm house, view, $S.OO0. VIIiLAGR STORE, llvlnf Q t r s , $7,.".00, ^50 ACRK DAIRT farm, 55 haid. 19G'2 Income $19,000. AaUlnir »jr..OOO. CABIN COURT & restaurant fUDt. H uniH. acres. $9,000. Pttitvion, Rfillor, Rte. 20. Sloausville, K.Y. Lookin? for a better way to live? Addesleigh Apartments are just minutes from the heart of Jamaica. Yet, you'll live amony pleasant suburban surroundings, among: private homes and garden apartments. You'll enjoy a private " G r a m ercy P a r k " . . . community recreation room . . . send your children to nearby schools... travel easily by bus, subway or road. Your elevator apartment is a marvel of modern convenience . . . generously proportioned rooms... more than ample closets... walk-through kitchens . . . lobby telephone . . . and (optional) air conditioning! E F F I C I E N C I E S f r o m $95 Full cash investment $675 Properties For Sale N e w York State 1 B D R M a p t s f r o m $138 Full cash investment $1,170 PICTURESQUE country estate, 3 acres, beautifully landscaped, 6 room house, modern impvts. $10,000. NEW modern 4 rm bung., Insulated, modern kitchen, elec. range, refrigerator. Large lot. $6,000. CHOICE lots, $500 to $1,000 per acre. Excellent location, panoramic views. Off Rt. 28. M. LOWN, SHANDAKEN, N.Y. Dial 914 OV 8-9984 2 B D R M a p t s f r o m $154 Full cash investment $1,415 3 BDRM apts f r o m $171 Full cash investment $1,6G0 Gns & Utilities I ml tiffed Sales Office on premises JA 3-1901 Offering by prospectus only Ranches $12,900 Cape Cods $11,900 168-25 Hillside Ave. Large L o h Fully L a n d s c a p e d Blacktop Driveways Concrete Walks (PARKING FACILITIES OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK NO DOWN PAYMENT C O P P E R $82 Principal, Interest & Taxes MODELS OPEN DAILY C o r n e r o f H o p e w e l l Road { W h i t e C o r n e r s Road) a n d Route 82, H o p e w e l l Junct i o n , N e w York. JA 6 - 6 3 0 0 AVAILABLE) act;. TODAYi Beautifully decorated model features * 3 bedrooms * Mosaic tile bath * Eat-in kitchen • Sliding glass wall to outside dining terrace • Huge built-in wall even and range • Ex< quisite dining room • Full 450 sq. ft. basement • Concrete patio. 12 m i t o Poughkeepsie mi. t o W a p p i n g e r Falls DIRECTIONS Take Taconic State Parkway t o H i g h w a y 52, t u r n n l e f t t o Route 376, r i g h t t o Route 82, l e f t on 82 t o M o d e l s . FOR I N F O R M A T I O N OR EVENING APPOINTMENT 3 AMERICAN HOMES AR 6-5660 DIrwtIons: From Bklynt Atlanti, Ave., Mii.lPn Blvd., or Stiore Parkway Soutliern Stats Parkway to Sprliiudfl,! Blvd. Then left to llStli Ave or from N.Y.C.j Long Inland Kxpresswiiy to Francis Lewis Blvd. South «n Francis Lewis Blvd. to Si>riiis(iel.l Blvd. left to model. Hlodcl opi-ii Sat. & Sun., 13-e P.M. and by upiioiiilnu-nt. D e c o r a t e d M o d e l H o m e — S p r i n g f i e l d Blvd., 118th A v e . , C a m b r i a Hts.. Queens Call 914 CA 6-5380 STAINLESS Jamaica G S H E S " nW/jm'^i PER MONTH PAYS E W A R E CORE VETS ST. A L B A N S — C A M B R I A HEIGHTS The clean new look in Cookware R E V E R E FOR N G N BUTTERLY & GREEN 3-Bedroom A t one time, he served as assistant professor of clinical psychiatry at the State University Medical College in Brooklyn. DETACHED Exceptional house — neat-as-a-pin and has everything . . . modern up-to-date kitchen — very large living room — full sized dining room — 3 cross ventilated bedrooms — walk-In wardrobe closets — extra main floor powder room — professionally finished nite club basement —• lavishly landscaped garden plot with multi-colored flowers, shrubs and greenery. WORLEY HOMES Addeslei^h I Cooperative" ilpartments 196.1 ST. A L B A N S $15,990 SPRINGFLD GDS $15,990 T O SETTLE E S T A T E G.I. SACRIFICE Detached Colonial. OYj large rooms, • Etiflieh colonial • 4 master bedmodern kitchen and baths, nite cliili rooms • modern kitchen & l)alh • basemen^, sarage, landscaped tranU-iis, white walled basement • oversized earag-e • everything gone • numt all appliances. sell, desperate. QUEENS VIL. $20,990 ST. A L B A N S V I C . $ 2 6 , 9 ^ DET. L E G A L 2 F A M I L Y Owner Leaving Country 5 4 8 room apartments, ativani- Detaciied l6?al 3 family stucco and lined kitchens Sc baths, Hnislied base- Bhinylp, 2 O-room apartnienta plus ment, beautiful trees & ahnihs. itnbasement apartment, take mediate occupancy, live rent free, all rentable over hiffh G.I. mortiraffe, 5,500 su. aplianccB plu«. ft. landscaped garden, 2 car srarage. STEEL G.I. N O CASH DOWN F H A $690 DOWN QUEENS HOME SALES 170-13 8" Covered Skillet^ 10" Covered Skillet 1-Qt. Covered Sauce Pan 2-Qt. Covered Sauce Pan 3 Ql. Covered Souce Pan Now . . . world-famous Revere Ware introduces a complete new line of low-iilhouette cookware designed to harmonize with today'* modern, worksaving kitchensi Gleaming stainless steel Inside and out for easy cleaning , . . with a solid copper core that spreads heat rapidly, cooki foods faster. Slim-line Bakelite handles with retractable hanging rings. Interchangeable covers with sofety-grip finger guards. On display now I _ = 1 = = = = ^ Hillside — INTEGRATED JAMAICA PARK Jamaica llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli^ S O L I D BRICK = NO CASH G.I. 1 F H A $600 S j r ' " . ^ 8 b.;.lroom,, flnUhed l,a,e.„ent. cement block garaee. new cas reducJd""t(^ " »l«oi.i.i..s. h . I . o o I , & transportation. Hu.rill.e, = = = $16,000 Ask For B-1155 = = I E-S-S-E-X ^ Ave. 143-01 HILLSIDE AVE. JAMAICA T a k e 8tb Ave. ' E ' Train to Sutphln Blvd. Station, O P E N 7 DAYS A WEEK = AX 7-7900 2-Qt. Covered Double Boiler 5-Qt. Covered Sauct Pot 5 Qt. Covered Dutch Oven 6-Cup Percolator' 2 Qt. Whistling Tea Kettle 3-Qt. Whistling Tea Kettle HOUSE OF ABRAMSONS 1395 FLATBUSH AVENUE BROOKLYN, N.Y. FLORIDA BRADENTON Farms & A c r e a g e s , G r e e n e C o , A.I.O.B. a bedroom hom.. Priced below co«t $18,090. Owner LEON'AKU A'I'rRACTTVB YR rnd resort boardinr BECKER, U Blydenbufgh Ave., Stmtli. house. New recreation room with bar town, N.Y. 11787. Tel. ANdrew 6-o0.1" & liceno. In scenlo hamlet nr ski slope. Will talk business. F a r m s & A c r e a g e s - U l s t e r C o . TO SKITLB Mtste, 3-0 rm homes, laic, rlifhtfl. 3»/a acres. $13,000 all 3. HANDYMAN'S Special: « rooms, all Improvements. rarare. bm. >3.500. Cat- LARQK country home in mountains, near lake. $4,200. alogue. Jos. F. Saccoman. 118 EluienMAURI REALTY dorf, Klufaton, NY, FK 8-5100. I'alenville. NY Dial 51H OR K-331» Catukill. NY Dial 61H-l>43-3001 Summer Places, Dutchess C o . SUMMER COTTAQR. 4 raxi A bath, elec, trio, water, walking distance to luke Forms & A c r e a g e s $6,780 Terms, $8,(00 da. $50 per mo. Schoharie County LAKESHORE properly on 60 acre lake. «a.600 A up. Southu-u Dutchess Really. AS FOR FREE BROCHURE — retirement Betty Archer. Rt. 83 A 87rt, Hopewell homes from :i^.50U & up. K. UluudKood, Junctioa. N.Y.. Dial OU CA I1-710U. Realtor, W. Maia, C&bleukill, NT CIVIL Tiieiday, July SO, 1963 R E A L OFFICES READY TO SERVE YOU! Call For Appoinfmenf DETACHED 12 rooms. 2 cobinet kitchens, 2 modern baths, full basement, outomotic oil heat, excellent location. Owner f o r c e d to tell o t onco at $15,000. Civilian $450 down. NO CASH Gl JAMAICA • OFFICES AT NO CASH DOWN WE HAVE HOMES YOU DESIRE Save Thousands of Dollars WE HAVE APT. RENTAL SERVICE LIVE LUXURIOUSLY WITHOUT RENT FAST IL 7-3100 JA 9-4400 103-09 NORTHERN BLVD. 13519 R O C K A W A Y BLVD SO. OZONE PARK I Roosevelt and Hempstead Offices A d on This Page BETTER REALTY LAURELTON New! YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR 8 ROOMS with enclosed porch, petio, woll-te-wall carpeting with leads of extras, 2 car garage, 55x100 plot and oil heat. S700 down. FREEPORT T rmg. 4 bedrmii, S full Intlif., luxuriously flninhed bH^^ftiDnt. Detached KaraBe. Large nar<1»-'ii iilol. Ideal for children. CloFe to nhoo). •hoppinir and gubwny bus. LONG ISLAND HOMES MA 3-3800 IV 9-5800 17 South Franklin St. 277 NASSAU ROAD HEMPSTEAD ROOSEVELT BETTER REALTY ALL S OFFICES OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: 9:30 A.M. TO 8:30 P.M. IN BEAUTIFUL CAMBRIA HEIGHTS 8 MOM TUDOR 4 BEDROOMS Modern eat-in kitchen, Hollywood boths tull party basement, many appliances, seporate g a r o g e , ^or^e gorden plot. Only » 1 7 , 4 9 0 G.I. N O C A S H — NON-VETS LITTLE C A S H KINGDOM HOMES OL «-4 4 4 i"*-" "'iS""" Bronx W H Y PAY RENT? A UNK SELECTION 1-FAMILY HOMES Forms & A c r e a g e s Columbia County OHOKE T.(yrS AND AOREAGB FHiOM f l O DOWN. $10 uiouthly. «,000 ft. |)iiviil«! I tui'h ou 10 mile Copake Lake. Watt-r iikiiijg, tr<:« dookave, 8 volt u urw». Full prk« fi-oni $400. Write Ur brochiiie. Olfic* near Shell Station CD Shojf Lukeehoie Acrei, Copake, N.Y. MANY LOCATIONS Forms & A c r e a g e s - Ulster Co. $1,500 C A S H D O W N SILHOUETTE TU 2-2600 ACOESSIULE wooUtil aeiea^e, joint 40.000 OI'KN 7 UAVS 1294 iAST 6UNHILL RO.. IX. ttcien, Btute ovuned torest. Huutiuv 4 tiNhiuv aiea. Ternia, UowarU TviwilUsvr, HvjiiviUiiiuu, il.Y. sit> lond- from bus. $900 down. HEMPSTEAD i ECONOMY IS THE BEST SPRAWLING, Ranch with 1h« lowest heating bllll Three b e d . roms, large enclosed porch, 50x100 plot. A1 condition. $&00 down. HEMPSTEAD I I A WEEK IV 9-8814-8815 135-30 R O C K A W A Y BLVD.. SO. OZONE PARK JA 9-5100 160-13 HILLSIDE AVE., J A M A I C A OL 7-1034 OL 7-3838 larg^e brick and asbestos shingle, 3 rooms up, & rooms down, oil heat on 45x100 plot with g a r a g e . G O O D HOMES Price $22,300 OTHER PROPERTIES IN QUEENS & NASSAU APTS. FOR RENT CO-OP A P T S . F O R MORTGAGES SALE ARRANGED HAZEL B. GRAY 168-33 LIBERTY AVE. JAMAICA AX 1-5858 - 9 Choice I ^ t s «ni] Acrt-age • • CALL W. F. BENNEn Multiple Listing Photos 1672 CENTRAL AVE. ALBANY UN 9-5378 HEIGHTS G.I. NO CASH DOWN! Alpine Swiss Chateau Brick / S toue / Tim btr AVa I'luti, futuriatlo kitchtn, S t(>ije colored tile bath, fluiblitd tattmtrjt. Dolai'tifd garave. All attpiiuiii^ii lucluUed. LONG ISLAND HOMES 168-12 Hillside A v e . RE 9-7300 Avoid Landlord Problems! m Why Pay Rent? Buy Your ^ Own Home. CAMBRIA HEIGHTS $18,900 6 R O O M S , Hollywood kitchen and bath, w a l l to wall Ing, g a r a g e , finished basement, 40x100 plot. • • • ST. ALABNS $18,990 $990 Cash Down \V. HKMrSTK.'%D L E G A L 2 - f a m i l y , 4 l a r g e rooms down, 4 rooms g a r a g e . 120x200 plot, oil heat. Asking $24,500. $2,500 DOWN i carpet- 6 R O O M Cape, brick and shingle, modern throughout, expank I o d attic. up, 4 car $28 WEEK Ltd. HOMEFINDERS, Fieldstone M 9 5 0 192-05 LINDEN BLVD.. ST. ALBANS Belford 0. Harty, Jr., Brolier i i i i i i i ^ INTEGRATED ALBANY ATTRACTIVE HOMES (MONEY IN THE BANK) HOME • < BETTER THAN BUY A FROM $10 down, $10 niuiitlily. 2,000 It private beach on 10 mile Copake I.nkt. Water skiing, free Uookaee, 3 courses. Full price fmm lt'400. Wiite ^ Xor broehriire. Offi<-e near Shell Station on Shore. Lakeehore Aoree, Coimke, N,"y. CAMBRIA KlVlilUSlUl!; OUiVB. * SH pnvaU •partnieiita InterraolsL rttml«b*d UlsMT 7-411» basement beautiful 14 SOUTH FRANKLIN STREET, HEMPSTEAD. L. I. Farms & Acreages, Columbia County INTEGRATED a scaped 50x135 plot, one block OI'BN 7 D A ¥ 8 RE 9-7300 C A P E COD, detached. 1 f a m i l y , V A C A N T — move right Into « ROOMS, Hollywood kitchen this beautiful stone and shingle and both, full basement, garage, home, iocoted on beautiful tree 50x140 landscaped plot, excel- shoded area in suburban Nasdent location. sou County: huge bedrooms, finished bosement, g a r a g e and $800 CASH DOWN large plot. Gl opproved. $500 Big selection ot new ond on controct, $300 on closing resale homes with little or poys oil. Price $15,500. no cash down. Trades accepted. Call now! en LIST REALTY CORP. 168-12 Hillside A v e . CAMBRIA HEIGHTS A1 $18,000 finished uated THIS IS THE COLONIAL BRICK/BRICK/BRICK FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 8:30 P.M. CAPE COD COLONIAL SOLID Brick C a p e Cod. 4 bedrooms, HEMPSTEAD ALL 5 OFFICES OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK BUY A BETTER HOME FROM BETTER REALTY THIS IS THE CAPE BEAUTIFUL, Mother and Daughter l e t en a professionally londicoped 50x138 plot, 5 rooms en first floor, nite club finished basement with bar and petlo. One look ond you are fn love with it! $1,500 down. HO 4-7630 Like 5 STOP! LOOK NO MORE! 199-24 Hollis A v e . St. Albans, N.Y. STREAMLINED kitchen, modern SPACIOUS 11 rooms end 2 both, beautiful suburban plot, baths, full basement, automatic nice neighborhood. Many exell heat, extras. Owner lives tras. Full price $12,500. rent free. Fuli price 114,000. ERING DEPOSIT .(l^gjj, HEMPSTEAD & VICINITY STRIDE REALTY JAMAICA CORONA R RMS.. GAR. ff»,000 5 KMS, GAH. f».500 JAMAICA, 2 FAMILY, ST. ALBANS T 12,750 BT. ALBANS, 2 FAMILY $lfl,600 HOLLIS, DETACHED $1B,500 THERE ARE NTIMKROCS CTHFR PROPERTIES. JAMAICA 159-12 HILLSIDE AVE. ACT CONVENIENT Bank Foreclosures JA 3-3377 MUST Long Islond YOUR BIG CHANCE LEGAL 2.FAMILY MOLLIS VICINITY YOU V A L U E S Long Island INTEGRATED NO CASH DOWN LEGAL 2 FAMILY L E A D E R E S T A T E LONG ISLAND 5 S E R V I C E GIs NO CASH QUEENS VILLAGE GEORGIAN C O L O N I A L MANSION 7 ELEGANT ROOMS V^ork tovlng icience eat-in kifchen, formal dining room, lor^e living room, ftnUhed basement. Hollywood both, lovely londtcapod grounds. OFFERED FOR A QUICK SALE c l R O O O $590 CASH NON VETS TRYME REALTY U 8 - U HILLSIDE AVE., JAMAICA OL 8-6100 Open 7 Days o Sufrolk County, L I . . N.Y. Week Farms & A c r e a g e s O r a n g e County BRF.N'l'WOOD, f'.e50 dowu. m month, 8 U^rooui rani'h, lai't;e i)lot $7.5UO. 4 ROOM retirfmrnt lioine, ((lk«) oI tows, t'lty convenleiK'ttt. HOC EZ ttiiue. Wiiiiy otii.r*. .M«>LAIJUHL1N KKALTY, Others. E. Krytr. Htfntord, HKlUleKlr«t Ave.. fireDtwuod, ptioue 610 towu. HY »14 X>1 15U « M16. C I V I L Page Twelve S E R V I C E L E A D E R Tiiescfay, July 30, 1963 City Planning Commission 39,887 To Compete Honors Long-Time Aides At City Hall Ceremonies In Bus Driver Exam; Sample Questions Given T h e City P l a n n i n g C o m m i s s i o n h o n o r e d its commissioners and years stafr m e m b e r s in monthly T h e D e p a r t m e n t of Personnel will give the examination for surface c o n d u c t o r , ( N . Y . C . T . A . ) , o n O c t o b e r 26 t o t h e 39,887 c a n d i d a t e s w h o filing filed line operator- during the June period. As an assist t o those readers w h o are taking the examination, we will, ^or the n e x t m o n t h , p r i n t a p o r t i o n o f t h e l a s t e x a m i n a t i o n w i t h t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g a n s w e r s so t h a t participants The will be able t o see whether answers to these questions m a y or n o t they are adequately prepared. be found in next week's edition. brief who have ceremonies meeting of served the preceding the Commission city the for over regular held In the 20 semi- Board of Estimate Chamber at City Hall last week. The certificates and Career Service Awards were presented to forty veteran public servants by the Commission's Acting Chairman Francis J. Blousteln, himself a veteran of thirty years of city service. Heading the list was Commissioner James G. Sweeney who entered City service in 1922. Others among the twelve persons receiving the over-35-year awards were: Esther Albert, William T . Collier, Theresa E. Cooney, John J. Dvvyer, John T . Gibala, Nathan Ginsberg, Francis A. Lang, R o - mer secretary of the Commission, Irving F, Ashworth, Sylvia B a r asch, Arnold Blitzer, Michael A . Oanade, James P . Cuffe, Frank De Filippo, Benjamin Goldstein, Serglus Gottlieb, Harry Halbreich, George J, Kazdin, M a x K o z e r o wltz, Abraham Leshan, Julius Loewenthal, Alex Manzinos, S l g mund Mazur, James X . Molloy, Mildred M . Popper, Isldor Rabinowitz, Metra Ratner, Louis Robertl, Louis Schulman and Robert L . Taylor. 21) An employee of the transit driver ( B ) Queens, and so does la-st run for the day, notices that authority must notify the o f f i c e the driver ( C ) the Bronx, and the reading o fthe engine oil preswhenever he moves and changes the driver in Queens ( D ) Queens, sure guage has dropped to zero his address. T h e logical reason for and the driver in the Bronx. when he is about 20 blocks from this requirement is to: 30) T h e niunber of pedestrians the end of the run. He would do ( A ) enable the authority to fur- who were thrown to the ground is best to nish correct information to cre( A ) complete the run and let ( A ) 2 ( B ) 5 (C)17 ( D ) 10. ditors ( B ) enable the authority 31) T h e person who made a statetlie next operator report it ( B ) i ^ert M . Lewis, Ada Morton, Louis V. Schlrano and Abraham Skeer. to contact the employee in time ment about the runaway car was stop and make the necessary reT h e twenty-eight persons who N o Change of need ( C ) prevent the holding ( A ) Herbert Field ( B ) Mai-y Jones palrs ( C ) complete the run and of two jobs ( D ) help the post ( C ) Gloria Jones ( D ) Fred|Black. report the condition on arrival received Career Service Awards There are no changes In the o f f i c e , if necessary. 32) Herbert Field is older than ( D ) stop the bus and telephone f o r 20 years of service or more, key answers in examination numQuestions 22 to 33 Inclusive are M a r y Jones by about headquarters. included. In addition to 'blousteln: ber 9386 for railroad porter. T h e based on the description of an ( A ) 25 years ( B ) 35 years ( C ) 37) A man can drive safely only Commissioner Lawrence M. Or- test was taken by 11,322 candiautomobile accident given below. 51 years ( D ) 61 years. if he has had good driver training, ton. Judge Pauline J. Maiter, f o r - dates. I t was given June 22. Read the description carefully be- 33) T h e car shot forward imme- is alert, and is fore answering these questions, ( A ) less than 80 years old ( B ) daltely after DESCRIPTION OP over 25 years old ( C ) familiar (A)|Mrs. Jones placed the shift AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT with the road he is on ( D ) f a m i in "di-ive" ( B ) Mr. Field stepped T e n persons were injured, two liar with traffic laws. on the accelerator ( C ) Mrs. critically, when a driverless auto Jones stepped out of the car 38) Of the following, the subway — Its accelerator jammed — ran ( D ) Mr. Field got out of the car. station which Is closest to the New wild through the busy intersection York Coliseum Is at 8th Ave. and 42nd Street at 34) Sudden stopping of a bus is ( A ) Columbus Cii-cle on the I R T 11:30 a.m. yesterday. The car to be avoided mainly because Broadway Line ( B ) 7th Avenue Btruck a truck, overturned it, and on the I N D Jamaica Line (O) ( A ) some injury to passengers mounted the sidewalk. Several 5 th Avenue on the B M T Astoria may result ( B ) some damage to Line ( D ) 59th Street on the I R T persons were bowled over before the bus may result ( C ) this Lexington Ave. Line. the car was finally stopped by colmight tie up traffic ( D ) this lision with a second truck. Police might cause a skid. 39) A particular bus seats 34 paso f f i c e r Fred Black, badge number 35) T o make a smooth normal sengers and stands half that num82143, said that the freak accident stop f r o m a speed of 30 M.P.H. on ber. T h e total passenger capacity occurred after the car's driver, a dry roadway, the operator of a of the bus is ( A ) 41 ( B ) 51 ( C ) 61 ( D ) 68. Mrs. M . Jones, 39, Queens, got out bus should apply the brakes of the car with her daughter, ( A ) using a pumping action, 40) T h e fare register box on a with heavy pressui'e on each bus shows the total number of Gloria, aged 3, while the engine application ( B ) and maintain cents collected. A t the beginning was still running. Mi-. Herbert steady brake pressure until the of a run the register reading of Field. 64, of the Bronx, a passenger bus stops ( C ) and gradually in- a certain box was 15750 and at the In the car, accidentally stepped on crease the brake pressm'e as the end of the run the reading was the accelerator when he tried to bus comes to a stop ( D ) and 17145. Tile total number of 15 get out. This caused the car to then partially release them as cent fares collected during the run shoot forward, because the shift was the bus comes to a stop. was in "drive", and 5 pedestrians ( A ) 83 ( B ) 85 (O) 93 ( D ) 95. 36) A bus operator, making his were tlirown to the grouud. THB FISHER 500-C QUESTION 75-Watt FM-Stereo-Multiplex Receiver 22) This accident occurred With Thesa Outstanding Features ( A ) late in the morning ( B ) • STEREO BEACON Instantly signals and automatically early in the morning (C) eai'ly switches to stereo or mono operation, using a nev/ siliin the afternoon ( D ) late in the con diode switch for completely silent operation. • Powevening. erful 75-watt audio amplifier w i l l drive the most ineffi23) T h e number of persons who cient speakers to f u l l room volume. • New FISHER were injured, but not critically, is GOLDEN SYNCH RODE front-end for noise-free FM re( A ) 2 ( B ) 5 (C);8 ( D ) 10, ception free of Image or spurious signal interference. 24) This accident occurred a block The FM front-end is the 'most sensitive ever designd for away f r o m a receiver. • The FISHER DIRECT-TAPE-MONITOR system. ( A ) Grand Central Terminal Civilian engineers are n o w being sought f o r positions • CONTROLS for the FISHER 500-C. Speaker Selector ( B ) Times Square ( C ) Union in this district a n d overseas w i t h the U.S. A r m y E n g i n e e r (SPEAKER 1, SPEAKER 2, SPEAKER 1 + 2 , EARPHONES), Square ( D ) Pennsylvania StaBass, Treble, Balance, High Filter, Low Filter, MPX Filter, District, N e w Y o r k , Corps of Engineers. F i l i n g , f o r these '' tion. Tape Monitor, Loudness Contour, Tuning, Volume (AC 25) Tiie runaway car was finally e x a m , Is o p e n n o w . OFF), Selector (TAPE HEAD, PHONO M O N O , PHONO Civil engineer, GS-9, at a sal- position is o f f e r e d in Goose Bay, stopped just after it STEREO, FM AUTOMATIC, FM STEREO, FM M O N O , AUXLabrador. ary of $7,125 per year. ( A ) mounted the sidewalk ( B ) TAPE.) • CONTROLS for the FISHER 800-Ci Speaker SeConstruction engineering techConstruction management encollided with a second truck ( C ) lector (SPEAKER 1, SPEAKER 2, SPEAKER 1 - f - 2 , EARnician, GS-7, at a salai-y of $5,540 crossed the intersection ( D ) gineer (Waterways), GS-9, at a 'PHONES), Bass, Treble, Balance, High Filter, Low Filter, per annum. T h i s position is o f salary of $7,125 per year. bowled over several persons, A M Bandwidth, (SHARP, BROAD), Tape Monitor, Loudfered in Thule, Greenland. 26) I t can be inferred f r o m the Structural engineering techness Contour, Tuning, Selector (TAPE HEAD, PHONO Secretary (Stenography), GS-5, description that the driverless nician ( D r a f t i n g ) , a S - 8 , at a M O N O , PHONO STEREO, FM AUTOMATIC, FM STEREO at a salaiy of $4,565 per year. This auto had salary of $6,650 per year. FILTER, FM M O N O , A M , AUX-TAPE PLAY), Volume and Thule, ( A ) power brakes ( B ) power Civil engineer, QS-7, at a sal- position Is o f f e r e d in AC OFF. Greenland. steering ( C ) a turn Indicator ary of $6,650 per year. For all engineering positions ( D ) an automatic shift. Clerk-stenographer, OS-3, at a the applicant must i>ossess a de27) T h e number on th® police o f - salary of $3,820 per year. ficer's badge is T h e overseas positions that are gree in engineering or a profes( A ) 82314 ( B ) 82418 (0)|82143 now being o f f e r e d f o r men only sional engineering license. A p plicants for the aS-13 and GS-12 ( D ) 82341. are the following: positions must have three years 18) Tlie first name of the di'lver Construction management enof the oar is gineer (General), GS-13, at a sal- of progressively responsible ex( A ) M a r y ( B ) Fred ( C ) Gloria ary of $11,150 per year. This perience. New from New For Y o u , . . The FISHER 500-C Engineering And Stenographic Titles Offered By Army FISHER, the finest receiver is featured at ( D ) Herbert. position is o f f e r e d in Thule, 19) Accoi-diiig to the accident de- Greenland. •oriptlon, the adult passenger lives Consti-uctlon management enla gineer (General), 06-12, at a ( A ) the Bronx, and so does the salai-y of $9,475 per year. This Electronic Workshop F R E E B O O K L E T by U. S. GOTernmeut on Social Security. Mall only. Leader, 87 Duane Street, 97 Duane S t , New York 7, N.T. 26 West 8th Street Ntw York OR 8-0140 CIVIL TiiesJay, July 30, 1963 S E R V I C E L E A D E R STATE ELIGIBLE LISTS Labor Dept. Opens Office To Aid Minority Croups Find Civil Service Jobs A crash program to f i n d jobs in specifically any aimed resident ha^ been civil service at can Negro take I n a u g e r a t e d by the N e w and private and Puerto advantage " C a r e e r s In G o v e r n m e n t " — p r o g r a m designed to aid persons Industry of Rican these cation for unemployed forms and In aiding the city, papers t h a t m a y be necessary state or federal b e e n l o c a t e d In 1178 F u l t o n level—has a new St., in S t u y v e s a n t section of Acting office the J. Theodore of McFadden H. Lang, It is of major unem- ployed in g e n e r a l and in p a r - Dr. chairman the importance at this time t h a t the Labor and in collecting f o r such jobs. Brooklyn. Commissioner James at Bedford ticular our City Department of minority and of Labor groups. While underemployed minority stationary fireman are citizens be encourage t o c o n - t h e C i t y Civil Service Commission sider civil service e m p l o y m e n t ing sought by N e w Y o r k a n d Personnel Du'ector j o i n t l y de- pos.sibilities. on a veloped t h a t jobs are the k e y t o Specifically, t h i s center will provide informa- It is my belief the and for v i c t o r y can only be a hollow persons interested In careers In civil service. In making the announcement, Commissioner McFadden said: of the Labor's Department broad attack imemployment particular the in and Puerto Ricans. Training, grading, and literacy the openings are to have and a a up- programs development vital full if of job we are employment prosperous healthy T h i s particular p r o g r a m h a s the we have had for information about Jobs w i t h the city, state federal government advice on where application. to Our and file an counselors are prepared t o assist in f i l l i n g out the necessary appli- City Initiates N e w Schooling Program To Aid Minorities (Continued f r o m P a g e 2) three-quarters were gain e m p l o y m e n t to the city amount and to able to the savings state would approximately $600,000 annually. Our interest in recruiting f o r this p r o g r a m is part of our continuing e f f o r t to cut costs w h e r e posible and to g e t Jobs f o r our employable clients." H a r l e m Y o u t h Opportunities U n l i m i t e d , H A R Y O U , and the Central Brooklyn Citizens Advisory Com- m i t t e e on L a b o r w e r e also aiding r e c r u i t m e n t of tion, trainees. I n HARYOU will addi- supervise a research p r o j e c t t h a t will measure the success of the p r o g r a m in the Harlem community recommendations and for make possible changes. T h e M a y o r ' s C o m m i t t e e on E x ploitation, which Includes Harry V a n Arsdale, Jr., president of the Central Labor Council, John J. O ' R o u r k e , Pi-esident of Joint C o u n cil 16, T h e New York Office of t h e C o m m o n w e a l t h of P u e r t o R i c o ; T h e U r b a n L e a g u e and o t h e r r e presentatives from cies. originally initiation of private agen- recommended the the program. F i v e d i f f e r e n t courses are being given. T h e y a r e : Basic education f o r beginners, basic education f o r Intermediate paration and advanced, f o r h i g h school pre- equiva- lency e x a m i n a t i o n , English f o r betinners, mediates. and English for home a decent J. Bowens, a personnel there cies in 250 the City The $6,800 days of of initial Inter- at the new york 7, f o r LKUAL New York, Ntw Yori«. Dated. ' i HON. s. s.A.MUKi. Ui KAI,C0. surro-, " " ' y - irale, Ntw Yoik DONAHUE. Cleik. t'ounly, ( L 3.) i'HlLIf A. ^ . ^ j Leader, . 7 '» V 97 Duane Y «• a (EXCL. OF THE DIV. OF 1 Feltfl, F., Albany 790 3 Hulbert, P., Stanifonl 3 Yousey, K., Lake Uizcr PARKS) 940 832 800 COl RT. ASSISTANT TAX V A L U A T I O N E N G I N E E R — I . O C A L <;OVERNMENT 1 Kitchen. T.. Menands 884 2 Morrill, J., Albany 790 PIEASAMT ASl E on BEAUTIFUL LAKE GEORGE Escape the crowds . . . enjoy the Real Lake George I Superb food, lovely accomod.. all water sports, dancing, cocktail lounge . . . all thi«. for as low as $68 wk. & up. Color Booklet S. Colonial Village, Bolton Landing 7. N Y Tel.: Bolton N. H. 4-{)052 NOTICE ._ 7!tl 700 '''SI 700 01 COLONIAL VILLAGE Information Atebteii e m m e n t on Social Security. 801 VACATIONS „ I CITATION. — THE PEOPLE OF THE CITATION.—THB PEOPLE OP 1H1-. STATE OF N E W YORK, By the Grace of STATE OF N E W YORK, By the Grace of God. Free and Independent, To At- God Free and Independent. torney General of the Stato of New York, To: Martha Jane Cooke, I'hoebe Dodds. and to "John Doe" the name ".rohii Samuel Cooke, David Cooke, Jack Cddke. Doe" being- Jlctitioua. the alleg-ed husband Laura Thompson, Olive Davidson. Mabel of Minna Godebard, also known as Tilley and Evelyn Wasson. YOU A R E HEREBY CITED TO SHOW Minna W. Godehard and Minna Godebard deceased, if livini? and If dead, to the CATTSE before the Surrogate's Court, New executors, adniinislrators, distributees and York County, at Room 504 in the Hall as-siifns of "John Doe' deceased, whose of Uecorde in the County of New York. New naniee and post oflice addresses are un- York, on August 21, 1003, at 10:00 A.M., known and cannot after dilipent Inuiry why a certain writing datcU April 18, be ascertained by the petitioner herein; l.l:ii3, which haa been offered for t)robatP by and to the distributees of Minna Gode- Mary Elizabeth Cooke n^idintr at ."ilO bard, alfio known as Minna W. Gode- East 78th Street. New York. New York, bard, and Minna Godebard. deceased, should not be probated as the Last Will whose names and post ofTioe addresses are and Testatment, relating to real and perunknown and cannot after dilig-ent in- sonal property, of Anna Cooke, decca'^cd, QUiry be ascertained by the petitioner who was at the time of her death a resident of 519 East 78th Street, in the herein: beinsr the persons Intere.sted as creditors, County of New York, New York. Dated, Attested and Sealed, July 10. 1903. distributees or otherwise In the estate of HON. 8. SAMUEL Di FALCO, Minna Godchard, also known as Minna Surrogate, New York County D. Godhard and Minna Godehard, deceaaed, (L.S.) Philip A. Donahue, who at the time of her death waa a resident of Hotel Nevada, 2035 BroadCITATION. — THE PEOPI.R OF THE way, New York, N Y. STATE OF N E W YORK, By the Grace Send GREETING: of God Free and Independent, To Moiiy Upon the petition of The Public AdVan HasRelt, Bernanlo De ministrator of the County of New York, De Swaan having his office at Hall of Records, Swaan Van Hasselt, Salomon De Swaan Oliva, Abraham Luis De Swaan Oliva, Room .309, Boroush of Manhattan. City and County of New York, a« adminis- Peter De Swaan, Aenne Freud De Sw;ian. Leo Guillermo De Swaan Oliva. The trator of the foods, chattels and credits following are Infants under 14 years; of said deceased: Boris Lionel De Swaan de Jong. B< tiv De You and each of you are hereby cited to show cause before the Surrogate's Court Swaan. Robert Sol De Swaan, Carrie De of New York County, held at the Hall Swaan: Infants over 14 years; E.lurado of Records, in the County of New York, Leo Martin D& Swaan de Jong, Carole De Swaan de Jong, Annie on the 17th day of September 1903, Elizabeth at ten o'clock In the forenoon of that Adriana De Swaan de Jong. Geert De Carrie De day, why the account of proceedinss Swaan, Tommy De Swaan, of The Public Administrator of the Coun- Swaan, Bram D « Swaan being the perty of New York, as administrator of the sons interested a« credltoi-s, legatees, degoodfi, chattels and credits of said de- visees, beneflclariea. distributees, or otherDE ceased, should not be judicially settled. wise In the estate of ABRAHAM I N TESTIMONY WHEREOF. We hav« S W A A N , deceased, who at the time of his death was a resident of 175 We»:t caused the seal of the Surrogate'® Court of the said County of New York to be 72nd Street. New York City. Send Greeting: Upon th» petition of HRNRY WOLFhereunto aftlxed. SON, residing at 8 Auerbach Lane, LawWITNESS, HONORABLE JOSEPH rence, New York, A. COX, a Surrogate of our laid You and each of you are hereby cited County, at the County of New (Seal) York, the 3rd day of June in to ehow cause before the Surrogate's the year of our Lord one thou- Court of N « w York County, hekl at the cand nine hundred and sixty- Hall of Records in the County of New YorK, on the 20th day of August. 1!»63. three. at ten o'clock in the foi-enoon of that Philip A. Donahue, Clerk of the Surrogate'i Court day, why th« Intermediate account of •roceedings of ANTJE DE S W A A N , IRVCITATION. — Fn.E No. P7fl2, 1963. — ING ATKINS, H E N R Y WOiJ'SON and THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW SOL DE S W A A N . as Trustees of the YORK. By the Grace of God Free and Trust under Paragraph "FIFTH C" u/w ABRAHAM DB S W A A N . Deseased, Independent, to the heiri at law. next of not b « Judicially fettled, and of kin and distributees of A L E X A N D E R should 500.00 for T. RIJKOFF. Deceaied, if living, and if why payment of the sum of any of them be dead, to their heirs at legal services rendered by KUHZ & Kl^RZ law. next of kin, distrlbnteei, legatees, should not be approved by the court. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have executors, aUniinititrators. assignees and successors In interest, whose names ai-e caused the seal of the Surmgatr s Court of the said County of New York unknown and cannot be ascertained after to be hereunto alfixed. due diligence. YOU ARE HEREBY CITED WITNESS, HON. S. SAMUEL TO SHOW CAUSE beofre the Surrogates (L.S.) Dl FALCO. a Surrogate of our Court. New York County, at Room 604 said county at the County of in the Hall of Records In the County of New York, the 3rd day of July, New York, New York, on August 20. ill tb« year of our Lord one 1063. at 10 A.M.. why a certain writing thousand olno bundrtd and dated January 8, 1063, which has been sixty-three. offered for probate by N A D I N E LVOFF, P H I L I P A DONAHUE., reniding at 3 Kaut 88th Street. New Clerk of tb* Surrogates Court York City, should not be probated as the last Will and Testament, relating to rejl and i)ers()nal property, of ALEXANDEit T. UIJKOFF. Di'ceased. who was at the time of his death a resident of F R E E B O O K L E T b y U . 8. G O T •J Ka»t UlSlh .Sireet, iu tl\e County of . „ , . c w « « >• aud Scait'd, June 24. 11103. JUDGEMENT DOCKET CLERK, CO. CLERK'S OFFICE, WEST CO. 1 Cooke, T., White Plains 861, 2 Fishnian, R., Mt Vernon 774 3 Unger, F., Dobbs Kerry 772 8.15 "I-* DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE A N A L Y S I S — E M P L O Y M ENT 1 Bcrwitz, C., Albany 880 2 Wilson, H,, Albany 870 3 Kasper, H,. Albany SOO vacan- and application f o r m s . NOTICE Research) — P I B M C WORKS Elderinp, A., Brooklyn Ra<llifr, R., Scotia Bellair, P., Albany Geoffrey, I)., Latham Vyce, J., Albany Filor, S.. PoBhkecple Hummel, W.. Schenectady Grow*, N., Commack Hannan, R,, Albion Calkins, R CLE'iK. F A M I L Y M'EST CO. 1 Czaikowskl. P., Yonkers title. further 778 — P R O n r C T I O N A N D MARKETING SPKCIALIST (lllimi Miule Prmliietn)—SOCIAL 070 W E L F A R E , EX( L. OF INSTS, !»tt5 1 Clissold, E.. N V r 842 !tl7 i Edwards, F., NYC 83f» 8nn 8Ht SENIOR CIVIL ENGIN EER (PlivolfBl Rff<7!l iienrrli)—IM HMC WORKS HOn 1 His?, J., Albany 883 8(i:t n 8.5'J 1 Parts, H., Alb.niiy 1005 884 S ' l 2 Pucino, N., Beacon 883 S'H 8 Hies, J.. Albany 830 SECRETARIAL STENOGRAI'IIER, ERIE INVESTIGATOR CO. FINANCE 1 Foyster, E., Buffalo 870 Sr.O 2 Colvin, H., Laikawanna 87fi 863 S:i8 8 Lesandro, B., Kenniore 784 8:i.l 4 Sparrow, B., Buffalo 8'M) P R I N C I P A L STKNO<iR A f l l E R , 801 MID-IU DSON Llll. SYSTEM 1 Dcyo, J., Poutrbkeep«ie 853 DEPrTY announced 172 thA Infitn,) 1 Llltenberg-, 9., Brooklyn DIRECTOR OF MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT—EAI I'LO V M ENT 1 Ble, E., Port Wash lOOF. 2 Hopper, N.. Latham n(>8 3 Slavln, J.. Huntinpton 870 4 Berne, H., Albany 850 r O M C E L I F X T E N A N T , POMCE DKl'T.. 5 McBrlde, N., Jackson HI 800 V I L L A G E OF OSSINING, WEST. CO. 1 Mery A., Osslnlnir !>23 FOREST SURVEYOR — CONSERVATION Department had were the of time Personnel that LEGAL g r e a t number of requests t h a t and recruitment of bringing for the not job will be available office. economy. b e e n initiated because of At salary 1 2 .1 4 ^ 6 7 8 fl 10 be- basis. ASSISTANT SrPERVISOR OF VENDING SERVICES—SOCIAL W E L F A R E (Kiel, of ASSISTANT C I A ' I L ENGINEER (I'liyslonl T h e position requires t h a t the L a b o r , will be in c h a r g e of the applicant h a v e at least two years new p r o g r a m . H e has h a d 23 years experience on h i g h pressure boilexperience h a n d l i n g civil service ers; or one yeai- of the above e x and personnel matters, perience and one year in an acA complete up to date listing credited school. of city, state and f e d e r a l g o v e r n C o n t a c t the Applications Secm e n t jobs as well ,, as the , require^ tion, N e w Y o r k C i t y D e p a r t m e n t ments and applica ions f o r each ^^ p e , , o n n e l . 96 Duane St.. N e w the Negroes annum work. e x a m i n e r with the D e p a r t m e n t of as i t f a c e s all our citizens and per rights v i c t o r y to the person w h o is George of on problem civil wage." " C a r e e r s in G o v e r n m e n t " is part every continuous title offers a N e g r o ' s struggle in the N o r t h tion, Job counseling and guidance that SENIOR SPECIAL TAX — T A X A T I O N AND 1 Rosenfeld, A.. Brooklyn 2 Benjamin, I., Brooklyn .T Valk. D., Brooklyn 4 Welch, R.. Rochester 5 Mortnian, D., Brooklyn fi Sebmit, F., Buffalo City Now Recruiting Stationary Firemen For $6,800 Titles group PERVISINO RANK E X A M I N E R BANKING Snlllvan, J., Malverne Spencer, G.. Tarrytown Colter, J., Brooklyn Miller, H., UrooUlyn Bartsch, H.. FhiPhinir Breslau, W., Bronx . , , . ; Davenport, A., Hewlett Gorlh, Philip Biiftalo RpynoUlo, W.. Garden City Bottinl, W., Hempstead WintRfh, L., New.irU PnisaltlB, P., Rlcbmond 1 2 3 4 .') fi 7 8 9 10 11 13 persons, of this c e n t e r : . SENIOR PLRCNAF^INO A N E N T — O F F I C E OF G E N E R A L SEKVICES 1 Ryan. J„ Albany nSO 2 Murray, B,, Albany 903 programs. to enter g o v e r n m e n t service on the person York members Pape TTitrleen Until l> P.M. At NYState Thruway Ext 21. Go Right iJr Modem - Active Resort - Accom. 250 Spacious Rooms - Private Showers ir Olympic Style Pool ^Kiddie Wading Pool if Popular Band - Entertainment nightly Beautiful Cocktail Lounge-Bar if Wide Variety of Sports ^ Three hearty meals a day ic Finest Italian-American Cuisine if Free color brochure and rates BLARNEY STAR HOTEL Fast Durham 4, N.Y. Greene Co. Our Slogan—Best Food & Service Ever for '63 $44 to 9418 Wkly. Incl. DelWWiuB Meals On Route 146 In the center of K. Durham Newly decorated casino & dining room. All rooms with adjoining baths. No rising bell. Breakfast served from 8 till 10:30 Supper from 4 to 6:30. Free Kve. Snacks. New modem swimming pool. Dancing nightly to Jim Rooch'n Band featuring Joe Tining write or Dial 518 ME 4-2884. Matt McNally, Prop. J . 8ACST0 & SON F R E E C R U I S E to the B A H A M A S III ihi Hwi of M'mi Bmh! ON IHl OCIAN At LINCOLN SOAO MAll Alr-Conditioned BARLOW'S 'HOTEL E. I>iirham 10, N.Y. Dial 618-631-3.") 13 Swim, Fish, Bicycles, Handball, Tennis. Shuffleboard, Movies, Cocktail Lounge, Casnio, Orch. on Premises, Hor.scs, Golf. All Churches near, 3 delicious meals daily. Showers, Bath. Hot and Cold Wat«r aU Rms. Acc. 100. $40-$45 wkly. Scand A Irish Mgm't. O. C. Barlow, Prop., n k l t . _____ 2 Olympic Pools, Private Beach SWIMMING NITELY T I L L 10 P.M. Nightly Entertainment • Dancing Coffee Shop • Cocktail Lounge A Paradise for Honeymooners 4 5 0 * dally per person I (lout)le occ. to Dec. 15 Add $ l July I to A u g . " LAKESIDE HOUSE OFF RTE. 32 Add $3.50 lor 2 Complete Meals Junior MA.P. Family Resort. 2 lakes, good fishing, swimming, boating, sports & 3 delicious meals a day. Free eve snacks. AU for $46 to $50 wkly; Housekeeping cottages, accomm. 6; $66 to $75 wkly. Brochure. C. Fauble, Rt. 6, Box 260, Kingston, N.Y. Dial 014-338-3409. • 3 6 of 329 Rooms F R E E B O O K L E T by U.S. G o v e r n m e n t on Social Security. M a i l only. L e a d e r , 97 D u a n e Street, N e w Y o r k 7. N . Y . * your Use postal z o n e numbers mall to insure on prompt delivery. SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO CIVIt SiRViCE CMPlOYtES Ntodquorfsri MISS UNIVIRSE N.Y.OFnCE JU 2-2125 GEORGE CASPER General Mgr. WHITESTONE INN On Rt. 32. Catskill 6, N.Y. Tel. Area Code 518 OR 8-9782 A trne family reoort. I'rivate batht. Bot and Cold water all roomi. IndlTtdual col taces—8 hearty Ital.-.^mer. meal* dally New Filtered HwlminliiE I'oul. CblldrenV Playgronnd, Casino, DHnelng. T V Bafl From f 4 7 Vl'e^kly. Children nndc* l<i Fre« Brochure. MiamLBe^boui ^ T H I S FREB ' B A H A M A C R U I S E • SHOWER OF S T A R S C H A I S E L O U N G E S «.»^ATS T O P E N T E R T A I N M E N T J h P A R K I N G IN O U R L O T • WIN A F R E E VACATION • TVll^EVEBYROOM INCLUDESl Special Olicountt To iVERYTHING] Lcivll tirvlM Employtit 2nd CHILD FKEI ICONMI fUllll KAM •OMIIIUI In (Mf MONTHLY RATES iMiiu uiiiicM niN $2.50 :£!ilLCY 3-4646 " Mall I, ^Ul, * Street, Only Dial 518-943 4011, Leeds 5, N.Y. OIRECIIY ON THE OCCAN AT 19th ST., MIAMI BEACH CIVIL Paffd Foartfwn SERVICE Tu^iday, Jiiljr SO, 196.1 LEADER ^ Below is the c o m p l e t e prorress of N e w T o r k C i t y examinations, listed by title, latest prorress on tests or list and other I n f o r m a t i o n of Interest t o anyone promotion takinc examinations, City and civil service open-competitive the last number certified f r o m or each eligible list. Only the most recent step t o w a r d a p p o i n t m e c t la listed. IltiM luteal A«!()tii|n(iHt, S (H'rllfieil June 10 Protreat CertlHrd 1,1 Account clPik, 5 wrtidnd June a i i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 AiltiiiiiUtr.itiva as'it., oroiii., (Criminal C o u r t ) , 1 certified March 29* Adiiiinisir.itiva asst., prom., (Kducnlion), 3 certified April 4, A(l(iitni>itr:alve a.iHf., prom., (Family Coiirl), certified July 2 !!.!!! AdminiHlrative ;isat., prom., ( H A ) , 3 certified June 6 Adminintralive asHt., prom., (HoBpitals), 4 certified April 18 Adiiiinistrative asst., prom., ( P u b l i c Evenia), 20 certified March 8 Adminiitrative aast., prom,, (Public W o r k s ) , 1 certified June i A d m i n i i f n U i v a .thhI., prom., ( P u r c h a s e ) , 4 certiflpd July 16 AilrninistrativB asst., prom., ( T A ) , 3 oprtitlcd June 25 ,.,.. A i r i>t»llutii)n iimpeclor, 1 certified June 2U Announcer, 7 certified June 5 Arcliilvcl. I ctMlilied May 1 A w s s o r . pri)m,, (real property assps-iment), .i certified July 11 Artsociata attorney, prom,, (City Rent Sc Rehab. A d m i n . ) , 3 eert., Mij si Artitli.iit worker, prom., (Hiichways), ;J7 ci-rliticd July 8 Ah'^I. ccountint, » r o u p 1, 2 certified June 5 An^t. accoiitilml, ifroup 2, 3 certifitni June 5 Awil. accountant, ffroup 3, 37 certified June 5 Ahh>. acconutant, group 4, 97 certified June 5 ArtHf. accountant, 1 certified April 23 Art.^l. accountant. (Comptroller), » certified April 1 A.«it. actuary, group 2. 2 certified May 20 AhmI. actuary, group 1. 9 certified May 29 Art4t. arctiitect, 10 certified June 6 Aant. aicliitwt, prom., (Kducation). 1 ccrtifiHd July 2 Amt. a r liitpct, prom., (Bd. of Higher E d . ) , 1 certified June 13 Aa«t inlMtcpt. prom,, ( H A ) . 1 ccrljliPd May 6 ; ar-liiipct, firom., ( T A ) , 3 rprtifled .May 7 ass(!SMor, 13 certified June 17 Artxt. ailortiey, 4 certified April 23 Ami briditrt A tunnel maintainer, prom.. ( T B A T A ) , 1 certifiM July I t A^^t. briflu^ & tunnel maintainer, 3 certified July 11 As-^t. civil enifineBr, prom., ( H i g h w a y s ) . 4 certified May 22 Aunt, civil enififieer, prom., ( H A ) . 3 certified May 24 AmhI. civil piiuitippr, prom., (Public W o r k s ) . 8 cei'tifted July 0 A-nt. civil eiii;iiieer, prom., ( T A ) , 2 cprtitied June 2t5 A m i . civil ptinlncer, prom., ( W a t e r S u p p l y ) . 1 certified June 28 AHst. dlifctor (child w e l f a r e ) , prom., ( W e l f a r e ) , 7 certified July 11 Artnt. itiri'cior of program review, prom., ( Y o u t h B o a r d ) , 1 certified July 10 A«st. electrical engineer, 14 certified June 7 Aant. plertiical engineer, 22 certified April 23 A«'U. electrical engineer, prom., ( E d u c a t i o n ) , 6 certified April 10 Ami. elpctrii.'al engineer, prom., (High E d u . ) , 3 certified April 22 ASIU. foreman, prom., (Sanitation), 15 certified .•\pril 24 AaHt. gririlensr, prom,, ( P a r k s ) , 4 certified June 10 AnHt. g.inlener, 121> certified June 10 AshI. lioiHiiig manager, prom,, (Housing A\itliority), 9 certified July 8 . . . . Arirtt. meilianical engineer, prom,. (Public Workit), 3 certified July 12 AhmI. planner. .S certified April 4 Aiint. planner, prom., (City Planning Commission), 3 certified April 17 Anat. rent examiner, ( J u n i o r ) , 3 certified April 6 Asst. rent examiner, (real efitate management trainee), 17 certified April 8 . . . . Asrtt. re.sident l)uilding gupt., prom., ( H A ) , 3 certified April 5 Aasl. si ill Ml MuperviHor, prom., ( T A ) , 6 certified June 6 Asst. m;iti«lian, 2 certified June 17 A'wI. slati.sli<'ian, 1 certifted July 3 Aast. HtocUnian, 9 certified June 3 Asst. siiixjrvisor of recreation 3 certified July 12 As>l. sm> r. il. e:<tale manager, prom., (Marine A Availatlon) 9 cert. May 3 Asat. supervising real estate manager, prom., (Relocation), 9 eert. April 8'3 As-^t. siiii. real e*tat« manager, prom., (Real Estate), « certified April 22 . . Asst. supervisor (luisea $ s h o p s ) , prom.. ( T A ) . 3 certified May 28 Ansl. ,Sui>.!rvisor, prom., ( W e l f a r e ) , 3 certified April 26 Asst. mii>"rvisor, ( L i g h t i n g ) , prom., ( T A ) , 3 certifled June 5 Asst. train <lispaltlier. prom., ( T A ) , 15 certified June 13 Attrtnlant. 74 crtilified June 5 Attendant, ( f e n i a l i ) . 33 certifled June 28 Attorney trainee. JO certifled July 9 Audio visual aid ItKchuician, 3 certified July 11 A u t o tnadiiuisi, i n certifled July 15 Battalion chief, prom., ( F D ) . 14 certified July Boiler>iiak*^iii lielpf>ii. 7 certified July 9 Bridgn 4 tunnel ohicer, 14 certified July 8 1 8t7 'i 24 4 20 14 204 1 8 2f> 2 19 1 51 4 27 14 11 07 83 14 20 10 1 1. I 5 135 H3 lt.,'> 37 4 3 12 1 1 7 I 31 23 37 37 109 3(50 60 3 I'i 3 15 22 113 ^ 21 24 27S SI 9 9 8 3 89t 4 3J S'Ti 10 H 20 Ifll l i 80 NEW MEMBERS — conferral of newly- de!ii«ned " M . A . I . " f o l d pins upon sU four m e m b e r s of New York State Insurance Department's real stitute of Real Estate Appraisers; Benedict Howard S. T h o m p s o n , appraisers of the estate appraisal bureau, took place recently In N e w ment's real estate bureau a n d H u b e r t Y o r k C i t y . L e f t to r i g h t a r e : N e w Y o r k gional vice-president, A m e r i c a n Superintendent Thomas Thatcer; Insurance Arthur K. Be- man. president, m e t r o p o l i t a n chapter, A m e r i c a n I n - A, Schneider, R o g e r L . Sullivan, Joseph A . C o y l e a n d depart- Eller, Institute of reReal Estate Appraisers a n d vice president of the E q u i t able L i f e Assurance Society. private hospitals, m i g h t be stirred City Plans Hard Drive For Hospital Personnel up prematurely. The recruitment drive t a i n t o a f f e c t private hospitals in the Is and cerState metropolltaa area. B o t h would n o t only be ak a (Continued f r o m and other 1) would in recruiting be hard bufc pressed N e w Y o r k Olty paya nurse.3 aides keep current s t a f f members. professional groups will be o f - , a m a x i m u m salary of $4,580. M e n P l a n f o r Nurses fered C i t y e m p l o y m e n t , with new |tal State H y g i e n e D e p a r t m e n t a t bonuses Page disadvantage also benefits for certain groups. tendants receive $4,265. E x t r a Increments are not counted here. Should the City f o l l o w a sugges- One plan sideration under would serious give all to connurses Attendants specializing In psychiatric work or tion t o Increase the nurse.? aide In infectious or communicable d i s W h i l e the first aim of the drive scale, the State would be In real eases a bonus of $240 a y e a r i n will be to obtain h a r d - t o - g e t pro- trouble in this area. addition to base pay. fessional help, it eventually m a y O n e reason details of tha p r o F o r nurses w o r k i n g the 4 p.m. extend to all levels of hospital e m - g r a m are being kept quiet Is that to m i d n i g h t s h i f t , a $520 d i f f e r ployment, and here is where the N e w Y o r k C i t y o f f i c i a l s are a f r a i d ential m a y be in the works. T h o s e State could get hurt. A t present, | t h a t opposition, particularly f r o m w o r k i n g f r o m m i d n i g h t t o 8 a.m. would In formation LIHUE'-LOR o f I'LVMTN-itor. asat., 1 certified June 18 borough w o r k s , 15 certified 1 9 certified J u l y 12 June 11 Jr. intiiiect. 13 certified J u l y 1 J u n i o r a t t o r n e y , 12 certified M a y 28 J u n i o r phy.siciat, 1 c e r t i f i e d M a y 22 14 04 2 r.ihorilory 98 aiile, 7 certified June 6 L . a l ) ' ) r i l ( > r y aide, grroup 1 , 1 4 certified June L i t i o i e r , SR. certified J a n u a r y 8 Liundry worker ( m e n ) , 3 0 certified M a y 2 4 License in.si»ector, 40 certifled June 4 Li^ul-jnml. prom., ( F D ) , 30 certified July 1 6 . . . receive, according to re- 11 ports a $370 d i f f e r e n t i a l . 45 A similar bonus plan Is b e l n ? 394 22 317 considered f o r titles r a n g i n g f r o m doctors to dieticians. For New York State, the city c a m p a i g n could cause considerable headaches. A number of State 71 C s o l a m . pioni , ( K H i . 20 certifled July 1 230 m e n t a l hospitals are now short i n 783 Oar cleaner (railrond porter), 170 certifled April 26 2.800 7 3 8 Car clean T. 14-5 . ertifled June 10 vi 2,9:>0 Maint-uner'd helper—g:roup A , 40 certified June 13 the v e r y categories in w h i c h tha 516 Oar iiispe'^tor, pro^i., ( T A ) . 20 certified July 18 60 Matfil,liner's helper—Grp. B, 11 certified May 3 C.irpenler U « t belnf Mtsblished M linf.tinei S h e l p e r — G r o u p C, 16 certified J u l y 16 3 7 2 C i t y plans to recruit. C.isliiiM. 4 «Mlift>*1 July l a 27 M.ilntainer'A helper. G r o u p D , 7 certified M a y 9 312 Cashinr (Transit authority), 10 certified April 5 25 .M.iinlainers h e l p e r — s r o u p R, 5 certified June 12 513 State Position Clieniisl. (bioi'lieniislry), 9 certified June 2*1 10 Miintenince m a n , 30 certifled June 11 1.039 8 Chi'^^ marine engineer, 1 certified July 12 12 •M in.u 'iiient analysis trainee, 8 certified July 26 2A Cliicf projrtet dHvelopment coordinator, S certified July 11 2 Maiin.i eniiineer. ( u n i f o r m e d ) , prom., ( K D ^ 1 certified May 27 Mental Hygiene Department o f 48 C i v i l etigiiiivr, 11 certified June 17 137 Marine oiler, 4 certifled July 9 ficials report they feel it Is posCivil ensineer, 18 certified July 12 I 124 Marine Hloker, 4 certified July 9 8S».5 Civil piiKineer, prom., ( T r a f f i c ) , 2 certified June 28 2 Mate, prom., (Marine & A v i a t i o n ) . 7 certified May 9 sible to save $1,000,000 under t h e 25 Civil eni:lnei>i'. prom., (Marine A A v i a t i o n ) , 2 certified June 3T 2 M-di' il ortlcer, 14 certifled May 3 14 new vacancy control program Civil eiKlneer, |)roni.. ( H . M . 1 certified June 27 5 Medical record librarian, 7 certified May 9 25 Civil eiiijineering draftsman, 3 certified June 13 I I Mena^-'ria keeper, 3 certifled June 14 18 without any drastic cutbacks a n d Claim examiner, 1 certifled April 25 22 M-sscnuer, 125 certified April 17 •• 138 Claim examiner. certifled April 29 62 M.donn.in in.slruotor, prom.. I'i'Al. 3 certified June 5 15 without requiring attendants t o Cleaner ( m e m , 13 certified March 14 2.137 Niim^'iic key punch operator I Rem R a n d ) , 5 certified June 11 ...... 21 double up on duties. But, if t h e Cleanet. womi n. 9 certified July 1 2!t8 aiipliance operator, 77 certified A p r i l I ' I 3,222 Clerk, (building). 40 certified April 25 300 OILI S t a t e loses s u f f i c i e n t personnel t o 61 Clerk, (e<Uication), 30 certifled April 39 «!»0 OILEI. 4'-> c e r t i f i e d J u l y 3 L':III\ini< meter a t t e n d a n t , 21 certifietl J.nnuary 15 457 N e w Y o r k City, it could be c o n CtiMk. ( T » & T A ) , 29 certified April 26 900 ( w o m e n ) . ."IH c e r t i f i e d J u n e 2 8 520 Climbi'r 4 pruner, 22 certified June 7 25 I ' L I K I I U m e t e r a t t e n d a n t ceivably d e t r i m e n t a l to t h e h o s I'ilrolin III. certified June 26 784 Collegi) adtnliiuirative asst., prom,, (Higher Education), S certifled July 19 . . 5 1 pital Personnel examiner, prom., (Bd. of Kd.), 1 certified June 5 ColleKn adminirttrative asst., prom,, (Hunter Collere), 8 certified June IT . . 18 programs. 5 I'tfiwouuel examiner, prom.. (I'ersonnel i. 3 certified May 22 Collegii offioa asst. ' A " . 35 certifled May 2 278 20 T h e most recent d e p a r t m e n t f i g Colli'it aecifti.irial asst. " A " , Group 1, 30 certifled July 8 56 Peisoniiel examining trainee. 5 certified July 3 20 Phirmacist, 1 certified June 6 Colloga offiert " A " , Group 2, 29 certified July 11 232 15 ures show t h a t there are 42,000 Colleg-i olYlert asst. " B " , prom., (Hunter College), 12 certifled June 17 40 Pliot.>stat operator, 13 certified April 17 2 f i l l e d jobs and 2,298 vacancies. certifled June 27 Colli'ijo ol«,-,» isst. " B " , prom., (Queens College), 3 certifled July 10 36 I'li,v-.i(ist, 68 Piumbinic inspector, 8 certifled July 16 Ci>ll'i4e otfli'.i asst. "B", prom,, (Higher Education), 2 certifled July 10 3 T h e d e p a r t m e n t has a shortage Coll-i4.- aeci.'larial as«t, " A " , Group 2, certified July 11 48 Priu«'ipal fimrerprlnt tech., prom., iCriminal C o u r t ) , 2 certified July 10 2 Ci>llei!.i rte-relarial asst. ' A " . Group 1, 28 certified July 11 70 Principal home economiit, prom., ( W e l f a r e ) , 1 certified July 11 1 of attendants In some areas, and Program review a«at., 8 certified July 16 Collfgi) sei't. asst. " D " , prom., (Hunter College), 8 certified June 17 32 8 CiiniiilonnMiM niierator, cerlillet^ May 0 32 Prtyrholo^ist, Ifroup 21, 1 certified July 10 1 not in otliers. T h e r e are no plans ifroup 22, 1 certified July 10 Com(>ulT pi.);;iamnier, 1 certified July 5 29 Psyvholo^ist, 1 f o r any cutbacks in jobs under Puhli • health sanitarian, 5 certitied Juiie 6 Ci>iiiiMil'*r progr.uuming trainee, 15 certifled July K 102 .... Coiiiliietor (surface Iiu9 operator), 101 certified May 27 . . . . . 8 , 4 9 9 Puhli.' service officer, prom,, (Public Events), 1 certified July 15 1 the G o v e r n o r ' s economy p r o g r a m . Pur.lia^e inspector (fuel & supplies), 1 certified April 9 Conductor, I certifled June 10 2.441 7 Constnictiou insDecior, 27 certified May 21 T o achieve the $1 million sav10 Radio operator, 8 certifled April 25 Coric 'liixi o ' i ' f r , (these certifications are from Exam N o . 9 2 4 0 ) , 1,135 Railroad clerk, 90 certified June 14 ings, the d e p a r t m e n t is a p p r o a c h 11) ceriiHed July 8 320 i Uailioad U a i l i o a d clerk, prom., prom., ( T A ) May 6 328 3 certified May O'.mv. I..III .)Hicer, (exam no. 9377), «1 certified July 8 37 7 I Real ing the matter on a cash basis, R e a l astata astata management m a n a g e m e n t trainee, t r a i n e e , 40 40 certified June June 17 17 40 Coneili'iii otfi'-er ( m e n ) , 1 certified July 12 Real est ita manaser, 2 certifled July 3 89,7 not on a j o b basis. I t Is e x p l a i n e d Cone.-lion ollirvi, women, (exam no. ( I 3 0 3 ) , 1 certified July 0 •45 ^.inii ilion man, 596 certified June 27 900 Cimi'''lii>ii olti'^r. women, (exam no. 9430), 1 certified July t 27 .H.iti-ifai'iioii clerk, prom., (City Ret,Mtiter), 3 certified July 16 16 t h a t if an assistant director's Job Court alien.I,lilt, 13 cPrtlfied June 7 282 Seowmau, 7 certifled July 2 20 Com I reporter. 7 etutilled March 11 1'''' Senior accountant, prom,, (Real Kstate), 22' certified June 11 115 is v a c a n t f o r several months, the CoiMt leuort-'r. 3 certified March 28 245 •<-iiior .appraiser (real estate), 3 certifled July 1 ao savings would be the equivalent 5 Dci'-kli.iiil. 1 ivrtitled July 16 113 H-nior buyer, prom., ( P u r c h a s e ) , 3 certifled July 16 prom., (Comptroller), 1 certifled July 10 4 of the pay f o r an attendant. D^'iiiitlili >11 insuH-lor, 4 certified July 16 5 Sr. civil engineer, (Sanitary), prom., ( P u b l i c W o r k s ) , 4 certified July 3 D ' p u l v .lii.'l', iMMiii., (1?'D) 0 certified July 1 27 Sr. civil enifineer Using $5,000 a year as a v e r a g e Sr. key punch operator ( R R ) , prom , l T . 4 ) , 8 certifted July 9 11 E l i v i n . a l en^jui.'er ( U K Signals), prom.. ( T A ) , 8 certified May 38 8 Senior license inspector, prom., (I..icenee«), 6 certifled July 15 5 pay, only 200 jobs could account ICIeciilc'il iMi^ineei'ing draftsman, 2 certifled June 13 5 si. pioliatiim otti(;er, prom,, ( P r o b a t i u n ) , 23 certified June 27 130 f o r the goal .sought. Kleclrlc'il ius|i"Mr, 1 certified May 8 90.5 Senior atenographer, prom., (Hospitals), 0 certified June 14 75 Ele.'inci HI s helper. 6 certifled June 18 a. t .S'ni)r nupervisor (Child W e l f a r e ) , prom., ( W e l f a r e ) , 4 certifled July 12 , , . . 15 B u t d e p a r t m e n t o f f i c i a l s say KiiifiiieeriiK .iidrt. 2 certified June 5 3 •ml, prom.. ( P o l i c e ) , 151) ctriified June 27 3,'»0 they can achieve the savings w i t h Foi.iiiiii ( U K W a t c h m a n ) , prom,, ( T A ) , 3 certified June 18 10 ST.Hioniry enifiueer, ( e l e c t r i c ) , 12 certifled J u l y 16 S'lieiiiiit of liiiusiug caretakere, prom., ( H . 4 ) . 12 certified June T 7ii S t a t i o n a r y euKlneer, p r o m , , ( H o b p i t a l s ) , 6 certifled June 12 ,,, out taking any drastic steps and Jfoi 'in 111 (liiuliwiy Jk rtewer mainl.), pioin., (I'litilic W o r k s ) , 18 cert. J u a j 87 13 S t a t i o n a r y engineer, p r o m , , ( S a n i t a t i o n ) , 12 certified M a y 29 ... J'lH.'iiiiii (1,Kilting), prom., ( T A ) , 4 certified June 18 7 St itioii,uy en«ineer, p r o m , , ( H A ) , 1 certifled .May 2 6 without undue hardship f o r preF o o - n i m ( w i t e r HUpply), prom,, ( W S . , G., & K ) , 10 certifled April 19 . . . . 30 St.itiiiiriry enitineer, p r o m , , ( S a n i t a t i o n ) , 3 certifted June 14 ,.. sent employees. {Jen-I il p.iiU foieunn, prom,, ( P a r k ) . 4 certified July 11 21 Struetuie mainfaiuor—jroup A , p r o m . , ( T . \ ) , 6 certifted June 18 H'li -11,(0 liiiK h manager, prom, . ( E d ) , 29 certified June 28 29 Structuia m a i n t a i n e r — g r o u p D, prom,, ( T A ) . 4 certifted June 7 . T h e r e are to be no l a y o f f s , under H.Kiiinu list.. i-ertifled June 18 360 sirmiuirt maiutaiiier—grroup E , p r o m . , ( T . \ ) , 2 certifted J u l y 1,5 d e p a r t m e n t policy. But if N e w H(>iittiii{ carel iker. Group 10, 4 certified May H 118 Siipei visiiii; iiousinir rroundsmau, 5 certified J u l y 11 Hou<iiu caret ikei, (iioup 11, 10 certified May 8 lSi3 SuiierviHiiij steuo, p r o m , , ( K d u c a t i o u ) . I certified June 11 20 Y o r k City is as successful In its Bousiiiif cai^iliikcr. Group 12 9 certified May 8 124 Sup.trvisinif steiio, p r o m . , ( H o s p i t U ) , 6 certified June 14 Hoiisiiiit ('<)iiimunily activltiee coordinator, 1 certifled May 37 1 ^ " h o s p i t a l recruitment as it was in S I I P . M viaini; steuo, p r o m . , ( P u n h a b e ) , 1 certified June 1 3 Uoiisiii'; til em ill, 7 certified July 15 lOO Siuiarvisor (T>usea & s h o p s ) , p r o m . , ( T A ) . 6 certified M a y 28 ''its drive to get police c a n d i d a i e j , H'liMiii.t 4U ird. 17 certifled July 3 191 ^iipervis IR, p r o m . , ( W e l f a r e ) , 28 certified May 28 H«ii.siii!; iiisiieetoi, 70 certified June 18 I3i. S i i i i e i o f radio operutoiu, 8 cer tifte.L J u l y 0 K there could be au exodus f r o m buiisiiK miottly nun, 3 certifled April 11 112 •>I>'L I \) line dispatcher, prom ., I TA I, 16 certifted June 7 .J, , I n s t a t e e a i p l o y m e n t . AIIWM.ti,,! N A p r i l 13 12 S I I I I I>.> line uperatoi-, 1 certifled J u i i e 1 0 CIVIL Tiipsclay, July SO, 1963 S E R V I C E L E A D E R Pa^re Fifteen Murphy Names 365 Policemen As Heroes For Meritorius Acts William Malloy rescued a woman from a burning house and directed several families to safety. T h e three officers were forced to report sick as a result of these rescues. Sergeant Paul Pevonak and Patrolman George Dorney arrested two youths for assault and robbery.. Sergeant James McCord, Patrolmen Michael McClacherty, and John Lynch arrested a burglar. Sergeant James F. O'Connor and Patrolman Daniel J, Sullivan Police Commissioner M i c h a e l M u r p h y has announced t h e most recent list of policearrested a man who broke into an m e n cited f o r meritorious acts of duty. T h e s e citations are applicable on f u t u r e p r o m o t i o n apartment and assaulted a woman examinations. Those cited were: with a knife. T h e prisoner was Patrolman Donald T . Palmer tlon. T h e prisoner was disarmed disarmed of the knife. Hanorable Mention Sergeant William Ambrose and and Willaim Rusch shot and ar- of a loaded gun after an exchange Patrolman Alan Resch apprePatrolman James McNamee arhended two men who had c c n - rested a man who was fleeing the of shots. rested a woman who had robbed after he had fatally mitted an armed robbery. Patrol- scene Commendafion three persons. man Resch shot and killed one wounded a patrolman following an Patrolman Maurice Roche arSergeant Peter R . Speranza, attempted robbery in the vicinity perpetrator after he fired a shot rested two men who had commit- Patrolmen Peter J. Ford and John of the Pennsylvania Railroad Staat him at close range. ted a payroll robbery shortly be- E. LaPiedra arrested two men fore their apprehension. Four burglarizing a restaurant. Imitation guns were found In the Sergeant James F , O'Connor and prisoners automobile. Patrolman Thomas Long arrested Patrolman Edward O'Callaghan three youths for attempted robdisarmed and arrested a man who beiT. was in possession of a loaded gun Sergeant Thomas Doyle, Patin a hotel. The officer received rolmen Herbert Murray and powder buras of the hands when Thomas Jacovellis arrested three the prisoner fired a shot during a men who had committed a burgstiTiggle with the officer. lary. Sergeant Thomas Doyle, PatrolMeritorious Police Duty man Eugen Stasiuk, and Richard Patrolman Ernest SJagus and Savage arrested thi'ee men who Robert Waller arrested three men were in posession of two guns and f o r armed robbery and grand a knife and had conspired to comlarceny (automobile). A loaded mit an armed robbery. gun was found in their automobile Sergeant Joseph B. Flynn and and the prisoners were found to Patrolman John Costello arrested have committed several other sima man who had committed assault ilar crimes. and robbery in a store. Patrolman Robert T . Gibbons, Civil Service Arithmetic & Vocabulory $2.00 Sergeant Rowan P. Kelly Jr. off duty, arrested two men he oband Patrolman Henry FeiTell arserved committing a burglaiy in Cashier ( N e w York C i t y ) $3.00 rested a man for assault and roba store. beiT. Civil Service Handbook $1-00 Sergeant Lewis Kaplan and Excellent Police Duty Clerk G.S. $3 00 Patrolman John Cassldy arrested Captain Arthur Pitt and Patroltwo youths f o r burglary. man James Phelan an-ested a Clerk N.Y.C $3 00 Sergeant Gino Tenaglia and man engaged in altercation and Patrolmen Ramon Sabbatini and Federal Service Entrance Examinations $4.00 disarmed him of a loaded gun. Captain. Elmer Ferber, Patrol- Thomas Norrls rescued five chilFireman (F.D.) $400 men Anthony Graffia and Frank dren from a burning building. Detectives Edward A. Saboski Sabino arrested a man who stabHigh School Diploma Test $4.00 and Daniel J. Wipper and Peter bed another. Home Study Course f o r Civil Service Jobs $4.95 Lieutenant Francis M . Sullivan, Fitzpatrick arrested a man for Detectives Daniel J. Quill, and Ed- a fatal stabbing committed during Janitor Custodian $3.00 a robbery. ward E. Murphy, after InvestigaMaintenance Man $3-00 Detectives Frederick G. Kuhner, tion, arrested a man wanted for William M. Corbett, John Francis several cases of forgery. Parole O f f i c e r $4-00 Lieutenant John W . Diefenbach, and Joseph A . Flynn arrested a Detectives Julian J. Scavetta and man who had fatally beaten a Patrolman 54.00 John F. Mulvihlll, after investi- woman. STOP WORRYING ABOUT^ YOUR CIVIL SERVICE TEST and Francis J. Dalton arrested three men attempting to cash stolen checks taken in a burglary. Detectives Edward F. Martin and Richard H . Walker arrested four youths who had committed three assaults and robberies shortly before their apprehension. Detectives Rosario Bocina, James A. Smith, and Patrolman Eugene Smith participated in the arrest of six youths for unlawful assembly and felonious assault In connection with the shooting of two other youth.s. T w o of the prisoners were disarmed of guna. Detectives George A. Kelly and Thomas E. O'Brien arrested two men responsible for Installation of Illegal telephonic equipment (cheeseboxes) f o r purposes of bookmakln^. Detectives Edward Colon, Henry O'Reilly, Patrolman James O ' Donnell and Pasquale Campanelll arrested two men who had assaulted and robbed a cab driver, A loaded gun w&s recovered by the officers. Detectives Frederick L. Mohr and Richai'd A. Corbett arrested a youth who had murdered a woman. (To Be Continued) PASS HIGH Earn High School Equivalency Diploma the EASY ARCO WAY Personnel Examiner $5.00 Postal Clerk Carrier $3.00 Real Estate Broker $3 50 School Crossing Guard $3 00 Senior File Clerk $4.00 Social Investigator $4.00 Social Investigator Trainee $4.00 Social W o r k e r $4 00 Senior Clerk N.Y.C $4.00 Stenotypist (N.Y.S.) $3.00 Stenotypist (G.S. 1-7) $3.00 Surface Line Operator $4.00 FREE! You Will Receive an Invaluable New Arco "Outline Chart of New York City Government." With Every N.Y.C. Arco Book— ORDER DIRV'CT-.MAIL COUPON B5e for 24-hour tpcciol dolivtry C.O.D.'s 40c extra LEADER BOOK STORE 97 Duane St.. New York 7. N. Y. Pleas* land m« _ _ _ _ _ copiai of book< chockod tbovo. I •nclos* chack or money order for $. gation, anested a youth who had fatally stabbed another during altercation. Sergeant John Armstrong and Patrolman Kenneth Helmeyer arrested a man for assault, robbery and rape. Sergeant James Brew, Detective William Perlitz, and Patrolman iPfwwwwrwfWTfrrwrrrrrrrw^ • Qualify This Summer! • • • • • • • SCHOOi Eqvivalenai DIPLOMA • N. Y. State di^ ^ V V ^ ploma U tho legaV h equivalent of gradu^ Ration from a 4-year High School.^ ^ t it valuable to non-graduates of.^ • High School for: ^ • Employnnent • Promotion ^ ' Advanced Educational Training * Personal Satisfaction ^ Our Intensive 5-Week Course pre-.^ •pares for official exami conducted-4 ^at regular intervals by N. Y. State' ^Dept. of Education. DELEHANTY INSTITUTI M i l Egst 15 Sf.. N.Y. I Address I j AOdreM .. Stato. to luro to include 9% Selei T u for civil service for personal satisfaction Write or Phone for Information Eastern School AL 4-502f 721 Broadway N.V. 3 (at 8 St.) Please write me Tree about the Birh School E<iulTalenc7 claee. Name Addrets Boro PZ...L8 FREE LECTURE Electrician Electrical Inspector Electrician's License By P A U L HEINRICH TUESDAY, AUGUST fi at 6:15 P.M. MONDELL INSTITUTE 230 W 41 ST. 7-2086 CrVUi SERVICE COACHING City, 8tat«, Federal, promotion B x a i n a Jr A A»at Civil Meih. Electr Engr Civil, Mech, Electr, Eiixr Draftsmaa ELECTRICIAN-ELECTRICAL IN8P. S U B W A Y CONDLXTOK-BUS DRITEB Maintenance Helper Federal Gntraoc* Stationary Fireman HS Equiv. Dipl. Subway Exams PC Clerk-Carrie* MATHEMATICS-ENGI.I.SH civil Service Arith, algr, KPoni, trig LICENSE PREPARATION Engineer, architect, iturveyor StHtionarjr, Refrigerstion, Electrician Classes Days, Evcnlngg MONDELL INSTITUTE lfi4 W 14th St (7th A v ) ('II 3-3876 230 W 4 1 St (Timpi Sq) W l 7-2089 Over 62 Tear* Clvii Service TraiuiDf I TRACTOR-TRAILERS & TRUCKS j I AVAILABLE FOR I Instructions and Road Test I , For Class 1 - 2 - 3 Licenses MODEL AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL • | I • I I CH 2-7547 145 W . 14th St. (Bet. 6 & 7 A v e s . ) • ^ O P E N D A I L Y 8 A.M. to 10 P.M.. Incl. Sat.. Sun.. & Holidays | AIR-CONDITIONEDI • Start Classes MON., AUO. Stti ^ Metl Mon. & Wed,. 5:30 or j t 7:30 P.M. ^ ^ Be Our Ooeet at • CImi ^ t H M x > -"i JS. Name City Detectives Willam Corebtt, John A. Francis and Robert Rose arrested two suspects who were found to be in possession of a quantity of heroin valued at $250,000,000 which was recovered. Detectives William M . Corbett John Fi-ancis and Joseph Flynn arrested three men f o r ai'med robbery of a milk tiiick driver and recovered a loaded gun. Detectives Terence G. McTigue, off duty, arrested a man f o r assault and robbery and disarmed him of a knife. Detectives Ai'thur V. Deutcsh Your City Z«n« Admit t* ONB H.S. E«alv. CUtt SCHOOL DIRECTORY BtUlNEbH dCUUULA i MONROE S C H O O L — I B M COURSES Keypuoob. Tab Wlrmg. SPfiXTIAi mwranwE a w n w w b — i B i f i PBJCPARATIOM FOR CIVIL SHEj VICB IBM TGSTB. (Approved tor V«ti.), •wltcbboard, typing, NCR BookkMplnff machine, H.S. Equivalency, EnglUb for Foreign bora. Ifed. Legal and Spanish mo< ! retarial. Day and Bv* ClaMes. Eaat Tremont AT*., Boitoa Bead, Brona. Ml «-CeOO. I SHOPPING FOR LAND OR HOMES LOOK AT PAGE 11 FOR LISTINGS CIVIL SERVICK L E A D E R Tuesday, July 30, 1963 Feily, Schuler Top Slate For CSEA 1963 Elections ALBANY, July 29—Joseph F. Feily, of the Department i Of T a x & F i n a n c e , a n d A l b e r t D . S c h u l e r , o f t h e D e p a r t m e n t I U n j A n B f l c l c s D O W I I of w w w Motor Vehicles, t h e o f f i c e of Both are for the president Albany Felly, the first an nn nu ua a ll a City The of time, as Civil Service candidates Employees for' " will head Election Park in list Schuler, a list of seeking of who results will to the statewide are October, Sheraton 9 in Utica Reversal Assn. (Continued f r o m and representatives terms. official the selected residents. CSEA m v^oE^n. m ceceit- ii ini fgt at the been incumbent, and departmental two-year have be be to be elected in the its Pagre 1) Association cose on pre- behalf of its meeting. Harry W. By WILLIAM ROSSITER CSEA Mental Hygiene Representative t o i m e m b e i s h i p in the city, at the! New which sented oftlcers reported held In? office ^ ^ ^ ^ York f a Rx For State Emplooyees Association, c o m m e n t e d on the Hotel. union's request f o r an election t o NEW YORK candidates 1 d e t e r m i n e representation. H e said, has been f o r w a r d e d t o O S E A SecSecond vice president—Arthur | . . ^ S E A is not a f r a i d of an election. r e t a r y Hazel A b r a m s by M r s . M i l - M i l l e r and V e r n o n A . T a p p e r . ^ l i e Association represents a m a T h i r d vice p r e s i d e n t — V i t o F e r r o jo^-^ty employees of the city of dred O. Meskil. c h a i r m a n of tlie Utica, exclusive of f i r e m e n and O S E A N o m i n a t i n g C o m m i t t e e . Mrs. and Charles L a m b . F o u r t h vice p r e s i d e n t — C l a u d e ! policemen, beyond any question E v e Armstrong served as secretary E. R o w e l l and H e n r y S h e m i n . t o the c o m m i t t e e . and W8 c a n prove it. T h e question F i f t h vice president—Fi-ed Cave Indpiiendent N o m i n a t i o n s T h e C S E A constitution provides for Independent nominations, by petition, f o r o f f i c e r s of the Association. Such petitions must be signed by not less t h a n f i v e p e r cent of the memijers of the Association. and petitions f o r members of the State Executive C o m m i t t e e must be signed by not less than t e n percent of the members in the d e p a r t m e n t for wliich the n o m i n a tlon Ls proposed. Such nominating petitions must be filed w i t h the secretary least of the 40 days meeting, or Association before by the August at annual 29, 1963, A n y member nominated must be a m e m b e r in good standing of Association the on or b e f o r e July 1, 1962. T i l e names of candidates i n dependently nominated will be printed on the o f f i c i a l ballot w h i c h will be distributed by mall to all CSEA members at least ten days prior to the election date. and for statewide o f f i c e departmental representatives m a y submit pictures and a resume t o T h e L e a d e r f o r publication prior to t i w election. Candidates wishing to avail themselves of this space must submit pictures and a b i o g rapliy of not more t h a n 100 words no later In than A U G U S T the 16. f o l l o w i n g list of candi- dates, tlie names of those seeking office are ordt?r. listed in according alphabetical to established oustom. First Adams vice and president—James Raymond Q. Castle. CS^A Art Show (('untinu(>d f r o m P a g e liial workcs may 3) be submitted by • a c l i artist, but only one will be Secretary--Hazel J. Departmental Representatives The seek following departmental A l b r i g h t contended election the union Albright tire and James J. L e n n o n . Banking—Leonard Civil Service—Irving tlie title Commerce—Stanley plan Fieedgood. Conservation—Elmer Ellis which ployees and the Louis Colby. Correction—Richard W or shortly thereafter In most would a true the give career to service a six-point p r o g r a m submited t h « Association are adoption of a Arnold and CSEA model grievance Davis. three Longhine. years ago with and an of now Industrial is at an unemployed average on $100.61 in soma exa- the now expansion of the forty-hour workers $100.00 production hourly rate week was workers earn of | Robert Wood Public Service—Ruth PiatofT. Resigns From Public W o r k s — V i c Cimino and, M i c h a e l Sewek. Stale Service S t a t e — E d w a r d Gilchrist. Tax & and Finance—Samuel Bernard Wood, Social W e l f a r e — R o l a n d Spencer former Taconlc Hygiene—(three to be July Park $2.78. Charles Monroe and Al- Peter future Issues of The of the Tlie Suffolk County Mental Commission f r i e n d s and o o - w o r k e r s upon resignation from State the workers other to workers IS WRONG the national average STORY think representing the state past Parkway sentM him with in when employee, as so! workers Gains for Industry comparing — only ara com- much attendants earn all made civil service employees nurses In Our be of t h e p s y c h i a t r i c workers in industry and registered should departments. come machines. W e more diligent, re- earn only $83 p e r week i s $100.61 p e r civil servants and in more dedicated, week. private conscientious, their jobs. T h e survey didn't the IF THEY rescue with could build a better public higher tices i m p r o v i n g . I n Is c a l l e d public Image-itls. salaries And every study good public employees 10 years. Em- chapters pre- a momento for THE DECISION servant. Y o u r quest CSEA that you success in mination our is to if prac- obviously false regardless symptom. and we wish to public Improve gains. yourself us y o u r h e l p legislative employment an our rush to t a k e our case to t h e representatives give would organization relations help Image people, are, s u f f e r f r o m this I T I S U P t o us p e r s o n a l l y to and relations, such of h o w g o o d t h e i r i n t e n t i o n s and and mention wages. SOME FEEL our lot. I t takes w o r k to m a k e In other rests with every work for you the attempt programs. — civil we re- to obtain Your deter- needed. his many kindnesses to them during the dinner. In oil his new company, position he will with reside an the case load of Its p.sychiatrlc so- college level courses and t w o years cial workers by p e r f o r m i n g of experience in a social cleri- to be gap I W o o d had been actively e n g a g e d for a p p r o x i m a t e l y to of other should salaries of better informed about his Service lighten designed and one Employees I o f c i v i l s e r v a n t s a s u n d e r p a i d , h a r d w o r k i n g Association, and second vice presi- e c o n o m i c w o r r i e s w o u l d b e o v e r a n d t h e p u b l i c health aide, thousands largest However, Service ployees f r o m tlie T a c o n l c and East Suffolk Creates Mental Health Post operate to m a k e educated, after 14 yeai\s. in employees industry showed that civil servants are m o r e efficient, better Post R o a d I n n , Claverack by his Ross who A RECENT idea University—Dr. D.M.H. salaries paid boldt, A n n Bessette, D u n c a n M a c - 'jMohansic State P a r k was tendered Pherson, Charles E c k e r , I r v i n g S. a testimonial dinner at K o z e l ' s State the done. to German. also mains elected)—Joseph Bucarla, P e t e r dtjnt of the S o u t h e r n C o n f e r e n c e , Pearson, Julia DulTy, M a r i e H e r - ' e m p l o y e d as superintendent of Fisher, I r m a Department. parable with when 29 -Robert president State chapter. C i v i l and Issy Tessler. Mental YOBKTOWN, Em- Schmahl. paid t h a t t h i s is t h e y e a r a l l e f f o r t s s h o u l d $66 p e r w e e k Motor Vehicle—Bernice LaRosa i mett In the are SOMETHING I L a w — H a r r y Ginsberg. low mark w h o s e c o n c e r n Is f o r h u m a n b e i n g s , a s I m p o r t a n t rules. and many In this direction. Isn't the work vacation work leave States several years ago. F o r average this been of L a b o r a n n o u n c e d York, is t h a t p a y raises grades and and and I m p l e m e n t a t o l n of attendance L a b o r - Abraham Schwartz grades Incomplete Judiciary—William John W o l f f . there a health insurance plan, a revision schedule, DOES employees in In I n d u s t r y Insurance—Sol Bendet. Sullivan. of lower procedure, and other entries, as space allows, cuse f o r f i n a l j u d g i n g . United the number are New remember by mental Churchtown, N Y . are sent to S y r a - There Rochester, judgment tion of a new position of flenU-flnalists nationally. of permanent, A T T E N D A N T S A R E In g r a d e 5 a n d c o n s t i t u t e t h e in by A display of c o n f e r e n c e winners thii medicine symptoms no-return. workers In bloc em- Health Board announced the crea- before industrial this average city oonferences. T l i i s will be f o l l o w e d a week week WHERE city. Hudson A r t Council, will be held on August of Langworthy. Leader. State of the and States that topped that DeLisi of provided by the however, throughout 70 m i l l i o n 1963 t h a t be I r e a c h e d O t h e r Items called f o r under Corcoran. picture. by a j u r y 18, the Joining ; a m p l e , Education—Harry appear P r e l i m i n a r y judging, to be done per to Executive—Jack agency the July cific provision f o r a f o r m a l salary Handler. during and of $113.42 a w e e k stated, salary structure by •mployed, bewildered state Is d i m i n i s h i n g . T h e U . S . D e p a r t m e n t on a " s c i e n t i f i c " basis w i t h a spe- Varmette. in governmental a EMPLOYMENT "what can tire employees into all t i m e h i g h represented." as representatives: N e w s of the annual meeting and Clearly mark and f i r m l y attach t o • a c h work submitted: their name, i the date f o r m a i l i n g ballots will whicli that alleviate in Agriculture M a r k e t s — W i l l i a m F. m o r e i m p o r t a n t than a c a m p a i g n t h e D e p a r t m e n t of M e n t a l H y g i e n e (also o t h e r State a g e n i^u^^n. i against the union was the Associaregarding their pay checks. L e t m e explain. ^ control—Edward O . • tion's a f f i r m a t i v e p r o g r a m on be- c i e s ) M I N I M U M P A Y F O R attendants in the D e p a r t m e n t of gorenson and B e n j a m i n V e r i n g - i half of employees in the city. H e said wliat was really needed was M e n t a l H y g i e n e is $66 p e r w e e k a n d t h e m a x i m u m , a f t e r ham. Authorities—Raymond W a l k e r an I m m e d i a t e o v e r h a u l of the e n - 5 y e a r s o f s e r v i c e , Is o n l y $85 b e f o r e d e d u c t i o n s . len, should engulfed wliat purpose ts Hennes.sey. tion to g i v e the illusion Wenzl. employees t h a t only by Jr., and Dr. T h e o d o r e Volmes. Artists and 1964 t o h e l p devoted, career employees. T h e little guy has practically the union really seeks is an elec- Treasurer—John •llgible f o r a cash prize. N o e n t i y used. Abrams in f i s c a l s t a g n a t i o n t h a t h a s a f f e c t e d so m a n y of its an e l e c t i o n ? " Clara Boone. oards are i s , " he said, " o f Rossiter. H e a l t h — E m m e t t Durr and Oliver Deadline f o r Biog;raphies Candidates and W i l l i a m S T A T E had better prescribe strong f o r its civil servants in CSEA Resolutions Committee Meeting (Continued f r o m resolutions agency, at the to Pace be considered Association's meeting in October. 1) annual man, said t h a t the group will c o n vene a g a i n on August 21 and 22 In Albany for consideration. of additional resolutions. H e out t h a t all resolutions pointed submitted cal work and llason w i t h c o m m u - general o r m e n t a l hospital, out A t t h e t w o d a y session, tlie on or b e f o r e August 20, 1963 w i l l par- nity agencies and public groups. patient cllnlo o r doctor's o f f i c e . group approved 87 resolutions be reviewed, edited and consoliMouiars f o r each c o n f e r e n c e h a v e A n e x a m i n a t i o n w i l l be held T i l e beginning annual salary Is which will be placed on tlie docket dated by the C o m m i t t e e . O n o r beau distributed t o all chapter n e x t winter, but In t h e m e a n t i m e $1,190. T i l e r s will be c a e mental before the delegates at the f o r t h - b e f o r e S e p t e m b e r 10, the c o m m i t presidents F o r f u r t h e r I n f o r m a - e m p l o y e e s are being h i r e d oti a liealtli aide assigned t o each o f ' ! c o m i n g m e e t i n g , o n O c t o b e r 8, 9. tee must r e p o r t t o all chapters t l i * tion contact C S E A headquarters provisional basis. T l i e m i n i m u m the f i v e clinics located In various j a n d 10 In N e w Y o r k C i t y . disposition o f resolutions s u b m i t ^r y o u i c h a p t e r piesldeut. qualifications twa y^^ird aC pjiit4 of biic oouutxy. I U e u r y Shetulu. oommUtde c U i l i - U l . StMKJlal bulletins outlining j