Li E APE —QaaASL America's Vol. XX, No. 36 d-enAHAA. Largest Weekly for Public It Price 10 CSEA Reviews Wide Range Of Mental Hygiene Aides' Problems with Department Representing the Department were Commissioner Paul H. Hoch, Drs. Arthur W. I'ense and Richard V. Foster, assistant commissioners; Granvill Hii»s, personnel director, and Mrs. Muriel Gibbons, publicity agent. William Rossiter. of Rochester State Hospital, who is CSEA Mental Hygiene representative, headed a special CSEA on Mental Hygiene Committee, assisted by John E. Graveline, John Cottle and Mrs. Nellie Davis. Also on the Association team were Joseph D. Lochner, CSEA executive director: John J. Kelly, Jr., Association counsel, and F. Henry Galpin, CSEA salary research analyst. See Page 16 Tenia Levitt Issues New Rules On Travel, Other Expenses A L B A N Y , May 18—State Comptroller Arthur Levitt has promised a "continued scrutiny" of state encourage prompt employee part- travel expenses to prevent abuses icipation in the opinion poll and and announced he was ordering suggestions for distinguishable new regulations governing travel by state employes put into effect insignia. immediately. 3. CSEA urged application of One of the new rules requires the Attendant Rules to Student Nurses. The Department advised the head of a department or that Student Nurses under their agency to personally authorize present training hour arrange- attendance of employes at conment, received as much time off ventions. The comptroller said an invesas they would under the State tigation of all state expense Atendance Rules and that these Students must necessarily be vouchers for the past year, which under the jurisdiction of the he had ordered, had disclosed no evidence of abuse of «:isting rules of the State Education Destate regulations with one exceppartment and the Nurses Tralntion. (Continued on Page 3) Mr. Levitt said the "one exception" of abuse had "already been made public." He made no further reference but his statement indicated he was referring to the case of Mortimer Kassell, state tax official, who charged tiie state for meals and lodging at his wife's apartment. Health Dept. Unit Elects Officers Many Topics Covered Following here is a summary of the many topics covered, taken f r o m a letter on the subject to j Commissioner Hoch from Association President John F. Powers. They are: 1. The State furnish uniforms, required to be worn on duty or provide allowance for same. CSEA urged the Department of Mental Hygiene to make the neJohn F. Powers, president of cessary budget request. Dr. Hoch the Civil Service Employees Assoadvised that he approves and ciation congratulates Mr. Clark will make such request. LeBoeuf, director of vital records, 2. CSEA urged prompt action New York State Department of to allow female ward employees Health on his election to a two to wear white uniforms and pre- year term of office as president sented the various important rea- of the James E. Christian Mesons therelor. The Department morial Health Department Chapadvised that approval could not ter, C.S.E.A. The announcement be given before i.he spring of 1960 was made at the Chapter's Anbecause of various factors but f i - nual dinner held recently at the nal decision would "iepend on Health Department Building on resurvey of employee opinion now Holland Avenue, Albany. underway. Other officers elected for two It was suggested that CSEA year terms were: Dr. Walter C. might propose some distinguish- Levy, assistant director of local able feature of the uniform health services, vice president; which would clearly identify A t - John Burns, head account clerk, tendants from Nurses. office of fiscal management, treasCSEA urged continued atten- urer; Hazel Wixsom, receptionist, tion so th -t a final decision could secretary. be reached at the earliest date I n addition to Mr. Powers who possible and promised to canvass installed the new ofllcers, guests its Mental Hygiene Chapters to included: Dr. E. Hilleboe, Commissioner of Health, who was guest speaker, and Mrs. Hilleboe; Mrs. Meredith Thompson, wife of outgoing Chapter president, Dr. Meredith Tiiompson, director, bureau of environmental sanitaThis week, The Leader pubtion; Mrs. Clark LeBoeuf; Emmett lishes the first instalhncnt of Durr, Health Department reprethe annual legislative report sentative, C.S.E.A., and Francis prepared by counsel to the M. Casey, director of public relaCivil Service Employees Assotions, C.S.E.A. ciation. This report is a deI m m e d i a t e l y following antailed analysis of the Associanouncement of tiie newly elected tion's 1939 legislative program president. Dr. Thompson was preand how It fared in the Legissented witii an engraved gavel by lature. It is suggested that the Chapter as a token of apprereader* save this report for ciation for tlie notably fine manfuture reference. Prepared by ner in whicii he carried on the John J. Kelly, Jr., the report duties of Ciiapter president for begins this week on Page 16* the past tliree years. Counsel's Report On Session Begins Leg Employees Tuesday, May 19, 1959 A L B A N Y , May 18 — A wide range of problems effecting employees of the State's Mental Hygiene Department were discussed here last week in a meeting between Department and Civil Service Employees Association officials. Annual "When thousands of vouchers are audited each montli," Mr. Levitt declared, "it may be anticipated that from time to time particular individuals may find ways of abusing the state's travel New PR Director for Stats Tax Department A L B A N Y , May 18 — Frank H. Otwell of Delmar is the new public relations director for tiie State Tax Department. The job pays $8,652 a year. He succeeds Norman Gailman, who recently was promoted to deputy commissioner and director of administration for the department. Mr. Otwell is a former newspaper editor. His appointment is provisional. fmployees policies to their personal advantage." He pledged "continued scrutiny" to detect "instances of abuse," and added "such abuse will be stopped promptly." Rules Amendments The Comptroller indicates that the new rules would clarify such uncertainty as may exist with respect to the legality of certain actions, particularly the situation in which a State employee on a per diem allowance received reimbursement for lodging taken at the home of a member of his Per Diem Allowances family. A new rule prohibits reim2. Amendment to Section VII, bursement for such lodging or for lodging at the home of a relative Paragraph 10, Subdivision e (Per Diem allowances). under any circumstance. By virtue of Section 109 (2) of Another new rule also makes the State Finance Law the Compclear that granting of per diem troller may fix for any state destatus will be made only in situapartment, institution, agency or tions in which the per diem allowpart thereof a per diem allowance ance is less than the normal travel for meals and lodgings in lieu of expense allowance. The only exthe submission of an itemized ception to this rule will be for claim. Requests for per diem members of Boards of Visitors, allowance must be made in writmembers of Visiting Committees, ing by the head of the DepartBoards of Trustees, College Coun(Continued on Page 3) cils, Regents, and other part-time nonsalaried persons engaged in State service. In all instances per diem schedules shall only be approved after written application by the head of the Department, or, in the case of the Executive Department, by the head of the Division concerned. Tobacco Tax Man of Year Rules governing expenses at conventions have also been amended to require permission by the head of the department, or, in the case of the Executive Department, by the head of the Division concerned, to exceed maximum allowances. The new Rules follow: 1. Amendment to Section Buying VII, Plan Issues Up'tO'Date List Of Participating Stores A new up-to-date list of merchants affiliated with the Public Employees Buying Plan was released today by the Plan's director and appears as a special section in today's Civil S e r v i c e Leader. These merchants have agreed to make rebates to the Plan on purchases made by members. All members of the Civil Service Employees Association are automatically eligible for these rebates on any purchases made from the stores listed. In most cases the rebate amounts to 7'/i> per cent, but discount houses and a few low mark-up lines allow rebates of only half this amount. Operation of the Plan is quite simple. The purchaser makes no identification at tlie time of purchase, except that on purchases of over $200 a notice should be given to the merchant after the purchase lias been made. Sales slips are then sent to the Public Paragraph 12, Subdivision c ( R e imbursements for Expenses I n « curred at Conventions.) The above subparagraph is amended by the addition of the following: Requests for permission to exceed the maximum allowance stated in Rule 10-d will be acted upon by the Comptroller upon written request of the head of the Department concerned, except that in the case of the Executive Department the written approval of the Division head. Employees Buying Plan, 97 Duane Street, New York 7, New York, with a summary of the slips enclosed, a self-addressed, stamped envelope, and identification as an Association member (a Leader label will do). The Plan makes the rebate to the Consumer and collects from the Merchant. The Public Employees Buying Plan is a non-profit corporation sponsored by the Civil Service Leader as a service to public employees. I t is intended that the list of merchants will be extended to cover most products and services in all areas of New York State. Fair-trade priced merchandise is not covered by the Plan. Photo by Sliniin John J. Purcell, right. Director of the Miscellaneous Tax Bureau of the State of New York, has been named "Tobacco Tax Man of the Y e a r " by the National Association of Tobacco Distributors. This action was taken at the concluding session of the NATD's 27th annual convention in ChicasJ recently. This annual av.'ard in the form of a bronze plaque, was presented to Mr. Purcell at a luncheon meeting of state tax oiBcials at the Conrad Hilton Hotel. Competing for this honor were the tobacco tax administrators of all the f i ' t y states of th union. The plaque reads as follows: "For praiseworthy performance in the administration of New Yorlc Cigarette Tax Law, for an outstanding record Oi executive ability which has earned the meritorious recognition and profound esteem of the industry, his associates and contemporaries in federal and state governments." A complete list of merchants affihated with tiie Public Employees Buying Plan appears In today's Leader. In the photo above, Mr. PurWe welcome any suggested addi- cell recei-'es the award from tions and will be pleased to invite Harry O'Rilcy, Tax Commissioner them to join the Plan. of the State of Kansas. U.S. Seeking Accounfant In Area Around New York Attendant Job Opening Awaited by New Yorkers A large number oi New Y o r k City residents — both men and women — are waitinc for the official opening for ipplicants of the big examinations for attendant, a Job requiring no formal education or experience. f i l i n g starts June 2 and runs through June 22. For the first time in the history of the job, men and women will be examined together. F o r merly, attendant tests were given separately. T h e results of the examination will be used to set up separate lists for men and women eligibles. Applicants must be residents of New York City. Besides the attendant jobs, eligibles on *.hese lists might be appointed, with their consent, to Jobs as watchiiien, housing guards, process servers and meseengers in hospitals. Many of the appointments from the male list will be for rotating shifts. Applications may ' e made, when filings open, either in person or by mail. The forms may be obtained free by the applicant or his representative at the A p C I V I L ISt^UVICE I . E A D K R America's Leading New8m.igazlnc for Public Employees I.KADKK I ' U I I I . I C A T I O N S , INC. •7 lliiiinr ai.. New Vnrk 7, N. t I'eleiihane: HReUnian 3-(iOIO SntereU ba aeootul-rlaRfi maltcr Octobei a. ll):)l). at Iho post' o f f i c e at New York, N Y under Iho Aet of March 3. 18vn Mcnioer o i Audit Bureau of Circnlallnna Suharrliition ITIce »I.OII I'er Vrai liiiIKlililiiI t'oplea, lOo R R A I ) rile I.etiiler every weeb for >l(ih (tppurluiiltiei plication Section of the Depart- lot; may act as a rental attendment of Per.sonnel, 96 Duane ant In the provision of towels and swimming or sports equipStreet, Manhattan. ment to the public, or similar Exam in October tasks. In addition to a written test, T h e written test will probably not be held until October, but candidates will oe required to demands for appointees may ad- pass a q u a l i f j i n g medical and physical test prior to appointvance that date. An attendant gives information ment. A f a i r degree of physical to the public, and delivers mes- strength and agility Is required. title and number of the position. sages, papers, and small supplies; T h e last women attendant list Here are the locatiors: may act as relief receptionist or was established in January, 1955, New Jersey: Accountant and doorman, or as a checkroom at- with 1,282 names. I t expired last auditor, G S 9-11. Send f o r m 67 tendant; may be responsible for January. T h e current list f o r to Board of U. S. Civil Bervice the disposition or use of minor men, established In December, Examiners at the U. 8. Naval amounts of City property, such 1957, with 1,118 elig'bles, Is Air Station, Lakewood, N . J.: as cleaning materials, locker keys, scheduled to expire In 1961, but R a i i t a n Arsenal, Metuchen N . J.; or other it?ms of small unit there are fewer than SOO names or at Headquarters, Fort M o n value; may collect small fees for remaining on it. mouth, N. J. use of City property: may act as T h a t is the r e r j o n the new Western New Y o r k State: A c a parking assistant or parking e x a m i n a t i o n has now been countant, G S 9-12. Send f o r m 67 fee collector i-i a City parking I scheduled. to the Board of Civil Service $100 Allowance Examiners, Rome Air Force Depot, Griffiss Air Force Base, N. Y . For P.O. Uniforms A uniform allowance of $100 is now in effect for U.S. Post Office letter carriers, it has been announced. This does not apply to those with a uniform allowance date other than April 22. Carrier.s who originally became eligible for an allowance on any other date, will keep their date of eligibility as their allowance anniversary date. T h e existing procedure for obtaining reimbursement, within the above maximum allowances, is continued. All bills must bear a notation to the effect that parts Durchased conform to the speci- fications set forth by the Post Office Department. An added notation must state that the merchandise has been delivered to the purchaser. Bills for submission to the Department must total at least $25.00, unless such bilUs) are the final ones for the year, in which case they must be so marked. Unused Tmiform balances may not be carried over f r o m one allowance year to another. Also, r e imbursement will not he made f o r the purchase of any Hems which do not conform with the official Uniform Specifications of the Department. \ • I T h e r e Is a strong nted f o r ac- 57 to the Board of Civil Servlct Watervllet Arsenal, In many Federal In- Examiners, Watervllet, N . Y . stallations in the area near New Hudson Valley: Accountant, O S Yoi-k City and throughout New 9. Send f o r m 57 to the Personnel York State. M a n y c f ihese Jobs Officer, 329th F ; g h t r Group have no cut-ofT dates announced, ( A D C ) , Stewart Air Force Base, N. Y . and are open continuously. North Country: Accountant, Generally they require a minimum of experience. Those Inter- G S 11. Send f o r m 57 to T h t ested should send their applica- Board of U.S. Service Examiners, Air Force Base, tions to the addresses noted on Plattsburgh the listing below, specifying the Plattsburgh, N. Y . countants Western New Y o r k State: A c countant and auditor, G S 9-11. Send f o r m 67 to the Board of U.S. Civil Service Examiners, Seneca Ordnance Depot. R o m u lus, N. Y . Capitol District: Accountant and auditor, G S 9-12. Send f o r m Exam Study Books to help you get a kigher grade on civil service teifs may be obtained at The Leader Bookstore, 97 Duane Street, New York 7, N. Y. Phone orders accepted. Call BEekmon 3-6010. For list of some current titles see Page IS. Application forms and mora information on thesf examinations are available at the installations listed; at the Second U.S. Civil Service Region, 641 W a s h ington St., New Y o r k 14, N . Y . l or at any main post o f fice. CAREER GIRLS, HOW ABOUT THIS? Ambitious young woman with spare evening hours can add substantially to her income by operating a pleasant, interesting business in the feminine hygiene field associated with beauty culture. N o cosmetics or gadgets to selL Owner is compelled to dispose at a sacrifice to give full time to her f a m i l y . . $6,000 worth of new equipment (all paid f o r ) , an apartment to live in, goodwill, excellent address, and plenty of actual billing to start off in an air-conditioned studio. Purchaser will be trained and business turned over f o r $2,500. I n quiries strictly confidential. P.O. Box 22, Albany 1, N. Y. or telephone AL 5-6928 B l u e S h i e l d is so g o o d t h e S t a t e of N e w Y o r k chose it as the p l a n t o p a y y o u r doctor's bills. A n d m o r e t h a n 160,000 S t a t e E m p l o y e e s a n d t h e i r f a m i l i e s a r e n o w covered under the Statewide P l a n . F o r t h e S t a t e w i d e P l a n offers, a t t h e l o w e s t p o s s i b l e cost, t h e c o m b i n a t i o n o f B l u e Cross, Blue Shield a n d M e t r o p o l i t a n M a j o r - M e d i c a l . . . a c o m b i n a t i o n t h a t g i v e s y o u protection you can depend on! BLHl S8IE^ IS A V A I L A B L E BLUE SHIELD PAYS YOUR DOCTOR A n d p a y s generous a l l o w a n c e s f o r t u r g i c a l a n d In-hospital m e d i c a l care, p l u s a l l o w a n c e s f o r anesthetists' f e e s a n d r a d i a t i o n t h e r a p y . P r o v i d e s p a y m e n t i n f u l l f o r n o n - m a t e r n i t y c a r e b y a n y p a r t i c i p a t i n g p h y s i c i a n if y o u r a n n u a l f a m i l y i n c o m e is $6,000 or less ( $ 4 , 0 0 0 if s i n g l e ) . NEW YORK STATE EMPLOYEES BLUE CROSS PAYS MOST HOSPITAL BILLS IN FULL S i x t e e n units o f a special s e r u m a t $32.50 a u n i t , o n e of t h e m a n y i t e m s n e e d e d t o h e l p a p a t i e n t f i g h t his w a y t o r e c o v e r y , c o s t $ 5 2 0 a n d i t w a s c o v e r e d b y B l u e Crossi N e w drugs a n d m e d i c i n e s , n e w l i f e - s a v i n g e q u i p m e n t , n e w a n d m o d e m n i q u e s a r e a l l p a r t of t h e k i n d o f p r o t e c t i o n f o u n d only w i t h B l u e Cross. / tech- MAJOR-MEDICAL* PAYS UP TO $15,000 IN BENEFITS P r o v i d e s a d d i t i o n a l c o v e r a g e f o r such l e r v i c e s a s h o m e a n d o f f i c e m e d i c a l care, h o m e a n d o f f i c e specialist consultation, p s y c h i a t r i c care, prescription d r u g s a n d m e d i c i n e s a n d x - r a y a n d r a d i u m t r e a t m e n t . P a y % a f t e r a $50 d e d u c t i b l e , 8 0 % c f c o v e r e d m e d i c a l expenses. A n d M a j o r - M e d i c a l a l o n e p r o v i d e s u p t o $7,500 i n m e d i c a l expenses in a c a l e n d a r y e a r and $15,000 t o t a l f o r e a c h i n d i v i d u a l . • D Y If Yir" JDIJLJV/JES^ ^^IKSCS! L^JTFILJPSSSSL 9 and. ALBANY, BUFFALO, JAMESTOWN, N E W Y O R K , ROCHESTER, SYRACUSE, UTICA, WATERTOWN •Vi«vldi4 by M«li«(cUUa Ufa l u v m t CenjiMlt^ CSEA Confers With Meitta( Hygiene Department On Numerous Employee Problems THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEE By JOHN F. POWERS Presidrnt Civil Service Rniployees 4ssurialion tiie Staff Attendant position co oadge and shield used premaintain proper relationship on viously, The Depaitmen. advised that the basis of responsibilitiet of 'j the positions. The Association it was apposed to the granting of feels that the present arrange- Peace Officei siatus to its InstiSafety Officers as its meiit relative to the Attendant tution Last yei.r New York State celebrated the 75th Anniversary of positions does not provide the opinion was such status was not training and promotion opport- necessary and it did not want the installalion of the Merit System. Many fine words extoling unities necessary to encourage Safety Officers subject to call the system were uttered and written during the commemorative the continued improved care of in emergencies which may arise ceremonies which spread through the year. If one listened and read, the mental patients in line with off the Institution grouids, which one would be apt to be lulled into a sense of security and wellbeing the great accompli.shments in re- might result from the change of that the evil of political patronage which the law was passed to cent years in he professional status if made. The Department overcome had completely disappeared. However the words of praise p,dvised it would take steps to were stl'.l lingering in the air when the Grand Jury of Suffolk treatment of thesu patients. The Department assured us of determine if the opinion of the County chanred that certain political leaders and officials within their support of an appropriate Institution Patrolmen relative to the county had extracted political payments from highway and arrangemrnt designed to achieve the new breast shield, and cap public works employees. This is not the first time we have heard the purpose of the Association's badge was aisregaried. The nev/ of this form of extraction from public employees by political leadproposal and that the Depart- style of these items «'ere adopted. ers. Rumors of this practice in other parts of the State have been 11. CSEA urgea Departmental coming to us. ment has discussjd this matter Also we note Li the daily press from time to time, that in with the Civil Service Depart- active support to appointment of ment and the Division of the a Personnel Officer or Training certain ereas local civil service is not in too healthy a condition. 3T i-Hour Week Budget, and the matter is still Officer in each Stal. • Institution Recently charges and allegations have too frequently been mada 4. A 37>2 hour work week for pending, but the Department will to be filled by promotion from that the administration and examination system of local civil Institutional administrative and continue its efforts to make pro- within the Department The De- service is being subject to abuse and corruption. office employees was discussed. gress in this toward the objective partment indie .te^ its approval Bad Si{i;iis Shou ing of the proposal to Ret Personnel Recently CSEA filed a group desired. These ai'e bad signs — and should evoke from every public Officers at least ni the larger grievance on this matter and reExtra Nig?it Pay Institutions and will continue to employee loud protests and demands that corruption in the civil presented its members affected service system of the State not only is intolerable but should im8. CSEA urged Departmental give attention to this matter. at a hearing before the State 12. The Association conveyed mediately be cleaned up. Grievance Board. The Depart- support to its request fcr extra No public servant can live in security and dignity with « ment assured :JSEA that it was pay for night work .-shifts and the request of auxiliary Firemen additional system which tolerates examination paper tampering or enforced in favor of the reduced work for time and a half pay for and Safetymen for week for these employees provid- overtime work. The Department compensation for extra fire duty political contributions. The concept of the merit system is too fine, ing the required additional em- advised that it is in favor of both to be accorded in those instances the quality of the public employees too high to be besmirched by ployees wre made available. T h e of these proposals and is on re- where regular employi-et. put in any abusive practices. The rumblings of the evils present are too extra hours on Institution loud for either the Civil Service Employees Association or any Department requested the needed cord in support of them. 9. CSEA urged that gasoline or grounds subject to cail for fire public employee to remain complacent. W e should immediately new positions but these have not mileage allowance be given em- duty. The Department advised wage a holy war to eradicate any and all of the civil service ills been established. 5 Elimination of the split work ployees who use personal cars on this extra duty was required only which lately ^oo many newspapers have intimated exist in too grounds for the in very few Institutions and the many local government units. shift was requested. The De- institutional (Continued from Page 1) l n « School which they attend. The Department will furnish CSEA with detailed information concerning time off duty of Student Nurses under present arrangements. The Department assured CSEA that in those cases where an employee who had accumulated sick leave and vacation credits and subsequently entered nurses training and after completion of same accepted appointment as an employee, that upon such appointment the employee would be given the sick leave and vacation credits he had at the t'.me he entered nurses training. CSEA urged that all institutions be advised on this. The Merit System and Suffolk County partment advised that the split convenience of the State, to con- situation would be looked into. work shift has been eliminated serve their work 'ime or do their Mile ge Payments where found and if CSEA can job better. T l u Department adpoint out any present instances visd that on the basis of CSEA 13. The Association proposed of this, corrections would be request last year it issued lousi- that the Department refrain Memoran- from payment of the mileage almade. CSEA will circularize its ness Administ'-ation Chapters to determine instances dum No. 879 dated August 26, lowance for use of personal cars (Continued from Page 1) Paragraph 14 (Overtime meals) where a split work shift may 1958 to all its Institutions auth- on State business at less than the ment concerned or, in tlie case The above paragraph is amendstill exist so that same can be orizing the furnis I'ng of gasoline maximum rate established by the of the Executive Department, by ed by the addition of a sub-parareferred to the Department for for use in operation of vehicles State Comptroller of 8(? per mile the head of the Division. No such graph as follows: of employees on Institution adjustment. in view of the present cost of application shall be approved ex5. The amount of $2.50 repre8 CSEA urged an increased grounds where such use is ap- car operation. The Department cept at rates lower than the maxisents the limit of reimbursement proved in advance based on nenumber of Supervisory and Staff advised that reimbursement at mum set forth in paragraph d to which the employee is entitled Attendant positions to enable cessity or advantage to the In- less than 8(1 may only be made above. Lodging receipts must be for food actually consumed at submitted. In making a per diem adequate supervision and to en- stitution. a restaurant in the course of a in those cases wliere employees charge on an expense voucher a able relief for employees off duty Tile Department advised t h i t single meal. The vouchers will be insist on using personally owned full day will begin with breakfast by assignment of employees of it could not approve request of a honored only when accompanied cars in instances where the State and end with room charges. the same supervisory level ratlier CSEA Chapter that the State by an itemized receipted bill reis willing to furnish a car and Cliarges for a portion of a day than by employees in subordinate contribute to the cost of auto in certain instances of travel of will be computed in accordance flecting the items of food conpositions. Such proper staffing liability insurance of cars of professional staff to in-service with arrangements made with the sumed. The utilization of any part would eliminate the unrea.sonable maintenance employees used in training sessions wiierein such head of the Department concerned of this allowance for items other amount of out-of-title work performance of their duties and training is of future value to at the time per diem allowances than food or for credits is unwhich CSEA claims is now being suggested that such employees authorized. the employee as v/ell as "to the are fixed. performed, and would enable request their Institution for the Department. 4. Amendments to Section V I I , payment of salary for actual necessary transportation involved. Per diem allowances may also work performed. 14. CSEA conveyed to the De- be granted to members of Boards Paragraph 10, Subdivision d. CSEA will canvass its Mental The last sentence of second The Departnr.ent advised that Hygiene Chapters to urge all em- partment a request from a Chap- of Visitors, Boards of Trustees, of Visiting paragraph, page 38, reading It has surveyed many institu- ployees who use their cars on ter that two Attendants be as- Regents, Members tions to establish proper super- Institution grounds for the con- signed in all Institutions to ac- Committees and such other part- "Lodging charges for accommodavisory staffing and has made venience of the State, to save company any patient off tlie time nonsalarled persons engaged tions taken in the home of memmuch progress in the matter but time or do a Jetter job. to re- Institution grounds. Tiie Depart- in State service. Per diem sched- bers of the traveler's family or a great deal remains tc be done. quest of the Director in tlieir ment advised that the assign- ules approved in such instances relatives will not be allowed", The Depart.nent assured that Institution approval of issuance ment of employees to accompany will be based on written applica- is eliminated. Substitute the f o l continued attention would be of gasoline for such purpose. patients must be left to the tion of the head of the Depart- lowing: "Under no circumstances given and that the additional 10. CSEA asked Departmental judgment of the supervisory staff ment or agency concerned, or, in will lodging allowances be reimnecessary reclassifications or pos- support to tlieir legislative ef- member responsible and must be the case of the Executive Depart- bursed for accommodations taken ment, by the head of the Division. at the home of members of the itions would be requested. CSEA forts to attain Peace Officer based on variou.^ factors. 3. Amendment to Section VI, traveler's family or of relatives." urged continued attention to this status for Institutijr Safety O f 15. CSEA urged the Departimportant problem. ficers, also that such officers be ment to consider other important 7. CSEA urged greater atten- permitted to wear side arms dur- factors in addition to patient activity and support to accomp- press the appreciation of our tion to the establishment of more ing night patrols to enable ade- population in determination of lish reinstatement of four weeks members and j ' our representaadequate promotional and train- quate protection of Institution staffing structure. Tlie Depart- vacation for all einployees. The tives who attended the meeting ing opportunities for Attendants. grounds and facilities, and self ment advised that where an em- Department advised tliat it for tlie spirit of cooperation Some time ago the Association protection, and to encourage re- ployee can demonstrate object- promptly opposed the reduction shown by you and your associproposed an arrangement where- spect from potential law break- ively and satisfactorily to the of vacation allowance for new ates. We would like any further by tile entering title would be ers who may feel that InstituDepartment that his duties and employees when it was initially comments you may wish to make Psyciiiatric Aide Trainee at tiie tion facilities are a soft touch in responsibilities require title class- proposed and that it has restated concerning the items listed heresame salary as Attendant and view of the fact that Institution this objection on various occa- in. We are confidexit that you ification adjustment, the Departunarmed. after completion of a training S a f e t y ' Officers are sions and that it supports the will give further attention to the ment will not be bound by the course of 75 hours and <ne years CSEA also advised the Departproposal to amend the State At- items that require same and we patient population measurement satisfactory service be automati- ment that the Safety Officers tendance Rules ' o reinstate the hope that the Department will and will recommend reclassificacally appointed to Psychiatric objected to the new form of cap, four weeks vacation for all em- make every effort to achieve protion which in its opinion Is justbadge and breast shield provided Aide at a higher salary grade. ployees. gress on the various improveified and in the "^est interest of ments sought by our members Appreciation Expressed This plan would also provide them in the last year and that the service. I (Mr. Powers) wish to ex- and referred to herein. Xur upward salary adjustment 'olf (heV desiiid to return to the cap, 16. CSEA urged Departmental LevittOrders Amendments To Travel Expense Rules City Tries Out N«w X-ray Posts VX-6 Battery Additive Aid As Cost Cutter Open in City Health Dept. CITY H. A. HONORS 15 FOR SUGGESTIONS Albert H. Morgan (seated center), director of management of the New York City Housing Authority, congratulates Evelyn Perlman f o r her cash-award-winning suggestion in recent ceremonies, at which a total of $220 was awarded. Seated ( l e f t to right): Theodore Braun, Miss Perlman, Mr. Morgan, Charles Cino, Carmen J. Curcio and Peter Brescia. Standing: Helen Bell, Louis Rosenbloom Alan J. Ross, Shirley Albert, Daniel J. Lo Cascio, Irma RabInowiti, Leroy McClammy, and Leo Brause. Not shown are Walter Osborne and Florence Landy. City T.A. Workers Set For Elections May 27 More Appointments Made to Tax Posts A L B A N Y , May Tax Commission 8 — T h e State has announced New Y o r k City is offering jobs to X - r a y technicians starting at $3,250 a year. T h e pay goes up annually to $4,330, with a $150 longevity raise each time. T h e City Department of Health and Hospitals has about 40 v a cancies open. X - r a y technicians are eligible f o r promotion to senior X - r a y technician, starting at $3,750 and rising to $4,830 a year. Candidates must have a high school or equivalency diploma, plus at least one year of experience as an X - r a y technician in an approved hospital or in the offices of a recognized roentgenologist. Candidates are given, a performance test, taken in groups of up to 25. A mark of 70% is passing. A separate list will be established for each group e x amined, and will be certified In the order of the date established. In the performance test, no second opportunity will be given to candidates w h o fail. A medical test will be taken before appointment. In an e f f o r t to cut operatinii costs wherever possible, the D e partment of Sanitation f o r .some wqeks has been conducting a series of tests to determine the effectiveness of a battery additive. This product, distributed by the National Dynamics Corporation, and known as V X - 6 , is now being used on the USS P o r restal and at air bases, in addition to thousands of garages, industrial plants, farms, etc. V X - 6 is designed to prolong the life of storage batteries and restore so-»callert " d e a d " batteries, which have not been physically damaged. T h e Department of Sanitation maintains Its own shop f o r the manufacture and repair of batteries for use in its many types of vehicles and r. achines. A report on the series of exhaustive tests conducted by the Department is expected shortly. I n addition to the tests on V X - 6 being conducted by the provide additional increments Solons S. K a n e of New Y o r k Department of Sanitation, it was ranging f r o m 1 to 10 cents hourCity as associate estate tax atlearned that the M r e Department ly, witlT high-scale workers getalso is using the product In b a t ting up to 10 cents and lower torney in New York. He succeeds teries f o r large searchlights. scales getting as little as 1 cent, Miss Dorothy E. Kent. T h e salary in addition to the 25 cent general is $6,686 a year. R E L I E F O N W A Y T O JOBLESS raise. T h e contract expires JanuMaurice Weingold of Par R o c k a FORMER FEDERAL .YORKERS ary 1, 1960. way as estate tax appraiser f o r Applications will be issued and U T E C is a relatively new align- Nassau County at $6,686. W A S H I N G T O N , M a y 18 — Conment of dissident factions that Prank A. T a t e of Mechanlcville received for an Indefinite period. gress has approved an emergency have never before 'hrown then- as estate tax attorney for Sara- T h e application fee is $3. fund to enable States to make Application blanks are obtain- weekly payments to more than efforts into a united front. On toga County. He succeeds James this fact rests U T E C ' s hope of H. Glavin of W a t e r f o r d . Appoint- able free, either by the applicant 25,000 former Federal employees in person or by his representa- now jobless. ment Is on a fee basis. winning. Andrew J. Musacchio of G o - tive, at the Application Section A mass rally was held by U T E C at the Roosevelt Auditor- wanda as estate tax attorney f o r of the Department of Personnel " S a y Y o u Saw I t In ium, Manhattan, May 14 to Cattaraugus County to succeed at 96 Duane St., New Y o r k 7 T h e Leader" elaborate the union's program. Nicholas J. Rogers on a fee basis. N. Y . T h e M a y 27 date .-et by the Local 100 of the T W I U , the New Y o r k City Local, commonly S L R B for the election is a comknown as T W U , claims more than promise. T W U \sf&nted an early 20,000 members on dues check-off election in order to " g e t it ovsr and has been around for 25 years. with," and U T E C wanted to delay T w o separate Amalgamated lo- It so as to have more time to cals have exclusive bargaining marshal its strength. T h e election was called for in rights in Queens and Staten Islbill introduced in the State and. Between them they claim legislature by Senator MacNeil around 1,500 members. T h e United Transit Employees Mitchell (R. Manh.) and passed Council, an independent organ- in this year's : ession, calling for ization made up of various balloting by June 15. Since a strike by almost any smaller groups, claims 12,000 group of Transit workers could members. T h e other unions listed on the tie up the entire subway system, ballots aie both relatively small- the City wants as few unions to deal with as possible so as to er independents. T W U has been victorious in avoid separate negotiations. If t w o previous S L R B elections and U T E C wins the elections in all feels confident of the outcome of three areas It will be the sole this one, according to John O ' - representative of the entire sysConnel, education and publicity tem. Otherwise it will represent director of the union. T h e r e is no any area in which it wins. I f competition between T W U and T W U and Amalgamated win, representation will continue as at $100 o month may not sound like a lot of money, but H mean* a lot to o the Amalgamated locals. State Hospital employee w h o is recovering from a hip injury. This is the present. A n Argument amount of the disability check this man has received every month for the One a n t i - T W U argument Is past 33 months. He uses it lo help pay some important bills . . . to help that the low-paid T A workers B A R B E R S S T I L L NEEDED keep him out of the red financially. B Y V A I N L O N G I S L A N D such as porters, receive first conBecause a n accident and sickness can strike anybody, even you, you too sideration in collective bargainT h e call is still out f o r barbers need the protection offered under the C.S.E.A. Plan of Accident and Sickness. ing sessions, simply because they to fill $3,495 to $4,065 jobs at the For full dtlailt, get m (oucli with one of lhau expeneaced iniuranca are more numerous, at the ex Veterans Administration Hospital, toun$tllort who work in our Civil Service DopartmoHt. pense of the higher-scale groups Long Island, N. Y . They must luch as motormen. have currently valid barbering 148 Qinton St., Scheiiectady, New York President John M. Devlin T W U ' s Mr. O'Connell answers licenses and a year's experience. 342 Madison Avenue, New York, New York Vice President Hurrison S. Henry 148 Clinton St., Schenectady, New York General Service Manager Application forms and further this charge by pointing out in Robert N. Boyd Association Sales Manager 118 Clinton Stn Schenectady, New York William P.Conboy may be obtained the current contract, negotiated information 148 Clinton St., Schenectady, New York Administrative Assistant Anita E, Hill f r o m the hospital by mail, teleby T W U , that while all T A em 342 Madison Avenue, New York, New York Field Supervisor Thomas Cant; ployees received a 25 cent blanket phone or In person. Telephone 110 Trinity Place Syracuse, New York Field Supervisor Thomas Farley raise, there is a separate fund to Andrew 1-4400, Extension 378. 20 Briarwood Road, Loudonville, New York Field Supervisor Charles McCreedy 148 Clinton St., Schenectady, New York Field Supervisor Giles Van Vorst Tuscorara Road, Niagara Falls, New York Field Supervisor George Wachob 10 Dimitri Place, Larchmont, New York Field Supervisor George Weltmer 342 Madison Avenue, New York, New York Field Supervisor William Scanlan 12 Duncan Drive, Latham, New York Field Supervisor Millard SchaSer four new appointments. T h e y are: For the :hird time in five years New Y o r k City Transit Authority employees will go to the polls. M a y 27, in an election to decide which unions will repr?sent them In collective bargaining with the City. Chief protagonists will be the Transit Worlcers International Union, A.P. of L.; tl-o United Transit Employees Council, the Amalgamated A s s o c i a t i o n of Street, Electrical Railway and M o t o r Coach Employees, A.F. of L., and t w o smaller groups: I n ternational Transportation Employees Union and the American Transport Union. /OO a morff/) he/ps keep h/nj oi/f of the reef mm LOST WITHOUT A • • "HIGH SCHOOL I I I DIPLOMA? EARN ONE AT HOK4E IN SPARE TIME| I f you ar« 17 or ov«r and have left school, you can oarn, n American School diploma. Write for free High Schoolj looklet — tell* how. AM'ERTCAN ' s c h o o l DeptT 9 A P l ' ? " " " " " " " " " 130 W 42nd $i', "NVW York U. H. 1. RIWM U y o n I MW4 Send me your free 55-page High School Booklet. Name Age Address Apt. City Zone Stale li • • • o u r 62nd Y E A R V B l f i S H & P f l W S I X / v . (^TiA'u/m/ru^ MAIN OFFICb 148 CLINTON ST., SCHENECTADY I. N.Y. CRANKLIN 4-77SI ALBANY S 2032 ^ 905 WALBRID6E 8LD8. BUFFALO 2, N. Y. MADISON 8353 142 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK 17, N. Y. MURRAY HILL 2-7895 PROGRESS REPORT ON NYC EXAMS The following table is the current progress repirt on the most popular New York City examinations. The present status Is given, followed by a statement of the next step: Housing caretaker, list established effective April 29 with 1,480 names. Fireman, Fire Department. Qualifying physicals started May 12. Plumber & plumbing Inspector, e x a m i n a t i o n corrected. Key answers released. Probation officer written ex m held for 404 applicants. Medicals being conducted. Refrigerating machine operator. 605 took licensr tests April 18. Motor electrician. 125 took license test April 19. Elevator staiter, written test held. 109 failed. Structure maintalner (promotion), performance test completed. Result notices mailed. Sewage treatment worker, 1,822 took written examination April 4. Tentative key answers released. Assistant s t a t i o n supervisor, Bureau of Transit, corrected list notices sent to 157 eligibles. Motorman, 'iureau of Transit. 431 too", written test April 4. Motorman instructor. Bureau of Transit. 418 took written test Inspector of buildings, key answers released, list soon. Patrolman, Police Department, list established with 3,831 names. College office assistant, list established with 340 names. Bridge and tunnel sergeant. Transit Authority. 154 failed promotion written examination. Portable e n g i n e e r ( A M P E S ) written license examination taken by 233. HOUSE HUNTING? SEE PAGE 11 RE.VL U.S. Calls for Engineers, All Fields. In NYC Area stationary engineer written license test taken. Assistant resident buildings superintendant list established. Key changes; item 14 eliminated: item 38, B and A ; item 46, C and A. Power malntainer, 'Toup B. List established. Housing assistant, medical being taken by 4IJ4 candidates. Lieutenant, Fire Department, 67 candidates declared ineligible. Written test taken by 4,994 men. Elevator o p e r a t o r list established, 2,713 names. Accountant, written test taken by 414 open-competitive hopefuls and 188 promotionals. Plasterer, medicals still going on. Stationary firemen, medicals still going on. Laboratory aid, list to be established with 155 names. Surface line operator, list of 2,025 established. Supervising clerk promotional, list of 2,876 out soon. Asphalt worker Mromotion test, final key a n s w e r s released. Changes fas follows: item 3 from D to D Kind C; to from D to D and C; 30 from C to C. A and B; 38 from A to A and C; 43 from C to A; 48 from C to C and A, and 58 from D to D, A and B, Girls Present Concert, Open House A L B A N Y , May 18 — The staff and students at the Wynantskill branch of the State Training School for Girls has presented a concert and "Open House" program at the new school. The music featured Mrs. Alvonia Rosemond of Hudson, a wellknown dramatic soprano artist. The public also was invited to inspect the cottages a n d ^ o m e of the work of the girls. The program was May 7. Margaret L. Purcell, branch director, was in charge! ESTATE REAL Service station, Trenton, N.J.; Waterseeking vliet Arsenal, Watervllet, N.Y.; Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, N.J.; electronics technicians, architects Headquarters, Fort Monmouth, and engineers in virtually all N.J.; Rome Air Force Depot, fields to fill many present open- Griffiss Air Force 'Jase, N.Y. ings in the New York City area Architect, G S 5-15, form 57 to and throughout the State and the Board of U.S. Civil Service Examiners, N.Y. District, Corps nearby New Jersey. The jobs un all the way from of Engineers, New York 3, N.Y. Technologist, GS 7, 9, 11, send salary grade GS-5, paying from $4,040 to $5,3f0 yearl>, through form 17 to the Board of U.S. GS-15, paying from {>12,770 to Civil Service Examiners, U.S. Na$14,690 yearly, depending on ed- val Supply Depot, Bayonne, N.J. The Federal Commission is Civil urgently ucation and experience. There are excellent opportunities for promotion to higher grades. Nature of the jobs ranges all the way from routine desk work to the most imaginative basic research and field research. In short, electronics men, architects and engineers of many callings can practically write their own tickets in Federal Government work in this area. T o apply, get several copies of Form 57 from nearly any main post office in the region, fill them out completely and send them to any of the addresses listed below in which you might be interested in working. Request that they send back full information on the nature of the positions they offer. Electronic scientist, G S 7, send send Form 57 to the Board of U.S. Civil Service Examiners, Federal Aviation Agency, Jamaica, L.I., N.Y. Slectronic scientist, GS 7, send form 57 to the Boar'1 of U.S. Civil Service Examiners at any of: New York Naval Shipyard, Brooklyn, N.Y.: J.S. Naval Air Station, Lakehurst, N.J.; U. S. Naval Ti-aining Device Center, L. I., N.Y.; Naval Air Turbine Test ESTATE KEVI, ESTATE Engineer, GS 5-15, send form 57 to the Board of U.S. Civil Service Examiners at any of: New York Naval Shipyard, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Naval Supply Activities, Brooklyn 32, N.Y.; U.S. Naval Ammunition Depot, Earle, N. J.; U.S. Naval Air Station, Lakehurst, N.J.; U.S. Naval Training Device Center, L.I., N.Y.; U.S. Naval Supply Depot, Bayonne, N. J.; Naval Air Turbine Test Center, Trenton, N.J.; Headquarters, Fort Jay, Governors Island, N.Y. 4, N.Y.; Watervliet Arsenal W a t ervllet, N.Y.; Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, N.J.; Headquarters, Fort Monmouth, N.J.; N.Y. District Corps of Engineers, New York 3, N.Y.; Buffalo District, Corps of Engineers, Buffalo 7, N.Y.; Plattsburgh Air Force Base, Plattsburgh, N.Y.; 329 th Fighter Group ( A D C ) , Stewart Air Force Base, N.Y.; Mitchel Air Force Base, N.Y.; Rome Air Force Depot, Griffiss AFB, N.Y.; Federal Aviation Agency. Jamaica, L.I., N.Y.; Internal Revenue Service, 90 Church Street, N.Y. 7, N.Y.; Airways Modernization Board, Nat'l Aviation Facilities Experi- NYC Surfctce Line Operator Heads 62 New Rosters T h e New York City Personnel Department has established a 2,025-name surface line operator eligible list and a 109 name laboratory aide list, effective May 13. Both are open competitive. Also established were a 990name general list and 59 separate departmental promotion eligible lists for supervising clerk, effective May 13. Names on the departmental list total 990 also, since everyone on a departmental list is also on the general list. mental Center, Atlantic City, N. J. Metallurgist, GS 5-7, send form 57 to the Board of U.S. Civil Service Examiners at any o f : New York Naxal Shipyard, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Watervliet Arsenal, Watervliet, N.Y. Metallurgist, GS 0-15, send form 57 to the Board of U.S. Civil Service Eraminerrf, W a t e r vliet Arsenal, Watervliet, N.Y. ADVT. "Mom, do we have Blue Crosi for Daddy?" AIR CONDITIONED CLASSROOMS Opportunity f o r Young Women - 19 through 28 Years N. Y. CITY EXAM ORDERED FOR POLICEWOMAN — Salary $6,306 After 3 Years Salary $4,925 a Year to Start. Effective Jan 1, 1960. (Includes Clothing Allowance) Cur Course Prepares for Official Written Exam Be Our Guest at a Class Session In Manhattan TUESDAY at 5:45 or 7:45 P.M. "•4 INTEGRATED A d d i s l e i q h City of New York Exam Hat Been Ordered for COURT OFFICER . $4,000 to $5,080 a Year o f s e c t i o n Mbans III Maiilstrates. Special Sesalons, Domcstio R e l a t i o n s , Slunlcipai and City Courts. Promotional Opportunities to Court Cleric at $8,900 and higher Ages: 20 to 35 Yrs. (Veterans May Be Older) Be Our Guest at a Class on WED, at 7:30 P.M. NEW EXAM ORDERED — Applications Expected to Open in Sept. PATROLMAN — N. Y. CITY POLICE DEPT. $6,306 a Year A f t e r 3 Years of Service .. n e w BRICK ONE-FAMILY i i i i i i i l ! .„r.,. $ 2 8 $990 $15,990 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Our special course is conductcd by Dr. Vincent J. M c L a u K h l l a w h o hai an o u t s t a n d i n e record o f suocess In preparing candidatea t o r this e x a i n l n a t l o a , Class Meets at 126 E. 13th St. on THURSDAY at i P. M. iii^iiii weak POST OFFICE CLERK—New York Post Office Illlillll down . . . 1 0 9 . u c A V E . Post Paid Classes Meeting for CLERK, CITY of NEW YORK Manhattan: MON. & WED. at 5:30 & 7:30 P.M. Jamaica: TUES ft FRI. ot 7 P.M. Classes in Manhattan to Prepare for NEXT NEW YORK CITY LICENSE EXAMS • MASTER ELECTRICIAN & SPECIAL ELECTRICIAN Albans Homes ^ s^so T h o u s a n d s w i l l apply and c o m p e t i t i o n w i l l be keen. Our specialijt prepared H O M E S T U D Y BOOK coTera all phases of the ofOcial e x a m and is on sale at o u r M a n h a t t a n and Jamaica ofBce or by m a i l . N o C.O.D. ordere, send check or money order, w e p a y p o s t a s e . . . . Bal. $15,000 on F H A m t , . . iiiiillliiiijiiil Allowance) L e c t u r e Classes In M a n h a t t a n on T h u « at 1 : 1 5 . 6 : 4 5 and 7 : 4 5 P . M . , lo Jamaica on M o n . at 7 : 1 5 P . M . also g y m classea in both locations. C o m p e t i t i o n w i l l be keen. Start p r e p a r a t i o n e a r l y and attain a high place on t h e e l i s i b l e list. • 6 rooms I AjIraOmS • 2 or A3 Ubedrooms ucu'"-no columns fuU basement open patio iiiil!i;:iiiili ' i ( A f t e r Jan. 1. lUtiO and Based on 4-4-Iluur W e e k • Incliidea U n i f o r m «, 1 7 S » l i & m f h S T . S ^ CLASS MEETS MON. & WED. at 7:30 P.M. ^ • STATIONARY ENGINEER CLASS MEETS TUES. & FRI. at 7:30 P.M. ; • REFRIGERATION MACHINE OPERATOR liiiii^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiPiOiH^ iiiiiiliiijiliiiili REALTY. CLASS MEETS THURSDAY at 7 P.M. A«e»t The DELEHANTY INSTITUTE iiiiiiPiiiiiiiipipiiiiilii MANHATTAN: 115 EAST 15 STREET Phone GR 3-6900 JAMAICA: 69-25 MERRICK BLVD.. bet. Jamaica & Hillside Avei. (n'E,N I i: »ION ' I;; XO ; i lltl ; 0 A.M ^ 0 P.M TI.OSKU ON 8ATI'K1).\V8 ^ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Questions Answered On Social Security OLD C I T Y PENSIONERS My company makes retirement ARE T R E A T E D SHABiJlLY at age 65 mandatory. I will get Am4tHea*» iMrgegi Weekly lor Public Employee» Editor, tlie eader: Long-retired City employees an automatic company pension Member Andit Bureau of Circulations need help. Tlie reason City serv- ' when I retire. How do I go about i'uhliihetl every tuesday hy ants pensioned during the last getting social security payments? Your social security benefit dozen years or more who are not LEADER PUBLICATION. INC. will not be paid automatically. ex-polliie, firnmer or teachers, 97 Dae** Straat. Naw Verk 7. N. Y. Ilalimoii 3-tOIO get no increases whatsoever in T o receive it, you must file an Jerry Finlielslein. pithliiher their miserably small pensions is application for o l d - i t e insurance Paul K j e r , edilor Herbert Hill Duvij, cily editor that they have no organization benefits at your local social seRirliard Evani, Jr., Ai$iitnnt Editor curity office, and also present to fight for them. N . H . MnRer, himiiiext xlntmner If they rould murch around certain proofs which tha^ ofBce lOe per COPT. Subscription Price SS.flO to membert of tli« Civil City Hall with banners, get on will request. The amount of your Bcrvice Emplayees Association $4.00 to non-members. television with thei'. st.iry of benefit is based on >oui average .19 monthly earnings. Pull informashabby treatment by the world's tion will be furnished you about richest city and get some pubT U E S D A Y , M A Y 19, 1959 the possible family benefits paylicity in the new.spapers, the City able. government might hooft their pensions so they could meet today's rising living costs. How can I And out 'vhat social The pension of 12 years ago is security will pay me and my not as lai ge as the Social Se- family on my retirement or to H E G H O S T o f Boss T w e e d w e n t w a l k i n g in S u f f o l k curity checic alone that goes to my survivors In vne event of my employees retiring now. We are death? C o u n t y last w e e k . not eligible for any low cost You can get genera! informaT h e s o r d i d s t o r y t o l d b y t h e g r a n d j u r y , o f p a i l y health in.'iurance, either. tion about family benefits at your Unless various vigorous groups social security office. If it will "assessments" and p a y - o f f s by Huntington Township p u b l i c e m p l o y e e s , h a d j u s t t h e s o r t o f m e a t h e f e d on. help, the indifference shown the be some years before you reach old retired City pensioners be- retirement age, general informaA n d Boss T w e e d w o u l d h a v e c h i m e d in w i t h an A m e n , cause of their waning numbers tion will • given, anc you can w h e n t h e m a n w h o w a s t h e r e at t h e p a y - o f f t o l d t h e will continue to forstall pension pick up some of the free pampress: increases. phlets about social security bene" T h i s is p r o b a b l y a p r e t t y c o m m o n p r a c t i c e in a n y $90.34 Monthly Pensioner fits. If you will be 65 within New York City three months, you can get more town, any city, a n y w h e r e . " specific e s t i m a t e s concerning W h e n a m a n g o e s to w o r k f o r t h e c i t y , s t a t e o r na.MUTUAL A D M I R A T I O N payments. There is no charge t i o n , h e puts h i m s e l f in a p o s i t i o n t o b e e a s i l y p r e s s u r e d , IN THE CS F A M I L Y for this service. e a s i l y h u r t — i f C i v i l S e r v i c e w e r e n ' t t h e r e . I t ' s C i v i l S e r - Editor, the Leader: v i c e t h a t cuts his j o b off f r o m t h e ins a n d outs o f p a r t y Don't you think that editorials I have life insurance, and 1 p o l i t i c s . I t ' s C i v i l S e r v i c e t h a t k e e p s t h e p r e s s u r e o f f , m o s t or articles ii. the Leader, which know what family protection is reach only civil service employees ef the time. are almost meaningless? It is like provided by it in return for the W h e n y o u r p a r t y t a k e s a b i t e out o f a m a n ' s s a l a r y , a mutual admiration society in premiums I pay. What protection j u s t b e c a u s e h e h a s a p u b l i c j o b , y o u ' r e t e l l i n g h i m t o whicla all the members are does the social security taken out p a y t o k e e p his j o b . Y o u ' r e t e l l i n g h i m t h a t h e can be praising each other — so what? of my check each month give b o u g h t a n d s o l d . Y o u s t r i p o f f his s h i e l d o f C i v i l S e r v i c e . The public is generally quite ob- me and^my family? The social security tax >ou and livious to all this ard after all, t Theft of (.haracter aren't they the ones to be con- your employer pay, and the tax W h e n y o u " a s s e s s c o n t r i b u t i o n s " — a n d 99 p e r c e n t vinced? the self-employed individual pays e f the S u f f o l k e m p l o y e e s paid their a s s e s s m e n t s — y o u r o b The public thinks civil servants provides funds to pay insurance ev-ired men p u b l i c j o b s o f t h e i r p u b l i c c h a r a c t e r , a n d turn t h e m i n t o are underworked and overpaid benefits to insured and women, payments to totally and retire on half pay. It is the a business. Y o u t a k e a w a y t h e i r r e a s o n to w a n t t o s e r v e civil servants' problem to dispel disabled workers and their dethe public w e l l . these ideas. We civil servants pendents when the v/orkers are Y o u r a i s e t h e g h o s t o f B o s s T w e e d a n d t h e s p o i l s must talk to the public at every between ages 50 and 65, and sursystem. opportunity: in the public press vivors insuranc benefits to the T h e e x a c t p l a c e w h e r e it h a p p e n e d , t h e p o l i t i c a l through letters to the editor and families of i n s u r e d deceased available workers. The amount of th9 payp a r l y t h a t w a s g u i l t y , a r e o f l i t t l e c o n s e q u e n c e e l s e w h e r e . through every other ment an individual or family means. I t is o f o n l y l o c a l i m p o r t a n c e t h a t t h e p a r t y lost t h e Lets stop telling one another may receive depends upon the e l e c t i o n f o r w h i c h it w a s r a i s i n g m o n e y . A s t h e m a n s a i d , how good we are. It means insured person's average monthly earnings rather than on the It can h a p p e n in a n y t o w n , a n y c i t y , a n y w h e r e . nothing. amount of the tax an individual Michael Magee T h e p u b l i c e m p l o y e e in C i v i l S e r v i c e h a s a r i g h t t o has contributed. Brooklyn, N. Y. b e p r o u d o f t h e r e c o r d o f C i v i l S e r v i c e in m a k i n g this A Ghost In Suffolk T c o u n t r y a b e t t e r p l a c e t o l i v e in. Sometimes, the general public cares little, because it k n o w s l i t t l e , o f t h e h o n e s t y a n d c o n s c i e n t i o u s e f f i c i e n c y o f t h e p e o p l e in C i v i l S e r v i c e . I t o n l y k n o w s w h e n paid employees Huntington "make Township trouble" or casts a stink when a under- case like o v e r the- l a n d . Sidney M. Stern, counsel, sub- matter was remitted to Special mitted to the New York <;ity Civil Term for further proceedings, h u r t us a l l . A c y n i c is a m a n w h o d o e s n ' t b e l i e v e in p e o p l e . Service Commission the fnllowBerke v Schechter. The matter C i v i l S e r v i c e is p e o p l e . A n d c y n i c s in a c t i o n c a n d e s t r o y ln( report on law eases: involved the removal of petitioner's name from the eligible Civil Service. JUDICIAL DECISIONS list for patrolman iP.D.) after In any t o w n , any city, a n y w h e r e . Court of .\ppeals investigation by the Commission. O'Neill V Schechter. Petitioners The Court of Appeals has afsought credit, cn examination for firmed the action of the Compromotion to sergeant tP.D.), for mission. That is w h y the Boss T w e e d type of cynicism can My wife and I both work on jobs covered by social security. Will our social security brneflta be enough for us to live on upon retirement? Probably not. Social security payments only partially replao* the loss of income through retirement, disability or death o l a family member. At your social security office, you can get a booklet explaining the eligibility requirements, and how to figure the approximate amount of your social security benefit. With thi« estimate, you should be able to plan ahead and make provision for necessary incoro* upon your retirem'nt. i I am unmarried and live with my 68 year old parents whom I support. I have been told there are family benefits under social security. What would my parents get upon my retirement or if I I should die? There will be no insurance benefits your parents in the event of your retirement. However, in the event of you) death, since you are the sole support of your aged parents, they may be eligible for parents in.sui-ance benefits. It will be nocessary for each of them lo file an application. and present proof of age and dependency. I've been tol.' social security, provides protection for persona besides retired workers and their families. Is this so? Yes, it 's true. The S D C i a l .security law now provides for disability insurance payments to disabled workers, aged 50 or over and to their eligible dependents. Workers under age 50 who aie permanently and totally disabled may have heir social security account frozen and so protect the amount of their benefit i»nd their dependents' or survivors' benefits in the years ahead. Since (he beginning of llie .year niy take-home-pay is sniailfr. .My employer explained that it was caused by an increase in the social security tax. Can I expect more social security protection now? Yes. Due to higher living costs most families need higlier benefits than provided by the old law. To get those higher benefits it is necessary for you and your employer to pay more in social security taxes. Beginning January of this year, you started payment of 2'a percent social security tax on the first $4,800 of your yearly wages. Your employer matches this tax with an equal amount. These slightly higher taxes will pay for higher benefits voted by Congress last year and still keep the social security system in sound financial condition. No Holiday answers other than tlie key anL M O S T e v e r y b o d y in N e w Y o r k C i t y w i l l b e e n j o y i n g swers to certain questions. At a t h r e e - d a y h o l i d a y c o m e t h i s M e m o r i a l D a y . O n e Special TerM the application was g r o u p o f p e o p l e t h a t w o n ' t h a v e t h e t h r e e d a y s is e m - denied because, the proceeding was instituted more tha)i four ployees of N e w Y o r k City. T h a t ' s b e c a u s e M e m o r i a l D a y f a l l s this y e a r ou a months after, t h ; publication of the final key answers. The ApS a t u r d a y . A n d t h e C i t y d o e s n ' t g i v e an e x t r a d a y f o r t h i s pellate Division unanimously afb u t d o e s if t h e h o l i d a y f a l l s on S u n d a y . firmed. The Couit of Appeals has W h e n m e n and w o m e n enter e m p l o y m e n t with any reversed, holding that because of e m p l o y e r , part of the a r r a n g e m e n t includes a definite the manner in which the examin u m b e r o f p a i d h o l i d a y s . T h e s e h o l i d a y s ai'e c o i n i n g t o nation instructions were framed City p e o p l e , and they should h a v e t h e m . and arranged, the four month T i i e r e m a y w e l l b e a d m i n i s t r a t i v e d i f f i c u l t i e s — d e - statute did not start to run unp a r t m e n t a l s c h e d u l e s , s a l a r y s c h e d u l e s a n d t h e l i k e . B u t til the date on which candidates a t h r e e - d a y h o l i d a y is no g i f t f r o m the C i t y . T h e C i t y h a s were permitted to examine their e m p l o y e d its w o r k e r s on a c e r t a i n p r e m i s e . It s h o u l d papers in order to ascertain their answers to the questions. The honor that premise. A .Appellate Division Walling V Schechter. Petitioner took and passed ar open competitive examination for traffic device maintainer. He was over forty-five years old and a veteran. He did not claim preference but was appointed subject to investgation and later, after investigation, his certification was revoked because he Xds over age. He brought tliis proceeding for restoration to his position. Special Term found termination of liis e m p l o y m e n t unwarranted since he had already been appointed from the list. The Appellate Division has affirmed the order. I am receiving disability benefits from Social Security. My doctor says that shortly I may ba able to do a litle work, but I know I wouldn't earn $1,200 in a year. In this case should I contact you? Edgar Yes, you definitely should. For those getting disability benefits there is no earning- test. A determination would have to b® made as to whether or not your condition had improved so that you were able to perform "substantial gainful activity." If so, your benefits would stop regardless of the amount of your earnings. AUTOS, new and used. Sea weekly Ubting in a d v e r l l s l n f columns of The Leader. NOW YOU CAN GET A REBATE OF 3% to Th PER CENT ON MOST OF YOUR PURCHASES Hundreds of stores throughout New York State have agreed to return a percentage on all sales slips issued to Members of the Public Employees Buying Plan. As a member of CSEA you are automatically a member of the PEB Plan. Here is how the Plan works: 1) 4 You buy from any of these hundreds of stores—on the same basis as if you were not a Member of the T o speed the processing of your sales slips, please send along a list of the sales slips you submit (store and amount of purchase) and enclose a stamped, PEB Plan. Y o u need not identify yourself, but if a return addressed envelope. purchase is over $200, please inform the store of your membership after you make your purchase. (5) Listings of stores which are members of the Plan will appear in the Civil Service Leader from time to time. Similarly, stores which have been withdrawn from the Plan will be noted. If you wish to recommend (2) Then send your sales slips to PEB Plan, 97 Duane any reputable store f o r membership in the Plan, Street, New York 7, New York, with proof of mem- please send the name and address to the Plan Office, 97 Duane Street, N e w York 7, N e w York. The Plan bership in the C.S.E.A. (Your Leader label will d o ) . will attempt to enroll reliable merchants from all parts of New York State to provide a cross-section of merchandise and services in all price levels. 3) You will receive a rebate of IV-i per cent on sales Listings of affiliated merchants appear on Pages 8, slips submitted by the stores listed below. A f e w 9 and 10, and will appear in the Civil Service exceptions are indicated—discount houses, etc.— Leader from time to time. Additions and corrections where the rebate is half this amount. appear almost every week. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES BUYING PLAN, INC. (NON-FROFIT) 97 DUANE STREET, NEW YORK 7. N. Y. Your Sales Slips from those Merchants affiliated with the Public Employees Buying Plan will bring you rebates of to 7'/^ per cent. ^(Clip These Pages for Reference) Aeeerdlont TERKII.I.'S SERVICE STATION I H » Mllln S t . , KIIIKH I ' l i r k , I . . I . , N . A I . A S . \ ( C O K D I O N CO. H7I llrmiilwny, N f w V n r k , N . Y , m C O N K N ' H M I S I C CO. I l . t : t NInipfinn St., I l r n n i nn, N. V . BliC.II l ) K K ACCORDION A I ' l A N O H T I DIOS 4 t l ) Snillll Clli'lsra Rnnil. fVlllte riRlna, H. Y. 4';o nl-(l'J 03 37-:.'7 KITT 2174 U « AUTO M AUTO Central AITO 3Ist Everitreen 2.">r>-.1(i L Instruction N.Y. N.Y. Flushinu OB, A M N.VIIONAL Carriages Vork VENETIAN N.Y. PENN A GLASS 71-70 Pennsylvania T I I802 O R O Castleton SALES A (O ANV v eM . ,P Stalen (11)0 New Vork N.Y. Y. 82 Elnnvood JOHN A A v e . , Butlalo, ROSE, North N. L.I. Carpet llEAtTV Pearl SI., N.Y. SALON Albany, N.Y. JOHN'S B E A l ' T V S A L O N WestBute ShoppiuK Center, A l b a n y , N . Y M E R L E NO.MAN ( O S . M E T I C S T U D I O .Vil» .Main St., BulValo 3, N . V . S M I T H T O W N BE.VUTV SHOP 58 Nortii CoiiiUry Road, S n i K h l o w n , L . 1., N . Y . Bedding CASCO F U R N I T U R E . I N C . 1)50 B r o a d w a y , No. .Mas«upe(iua, L I , Service eOTTRELL WHEEL A BRAKE SERVICE 02(1 NiaKarit Falls Blvd. Butlalo 23, N . V . D Y G E R T ' S COI.VIN S E R V K E INC. 127 East Calvin St., Syracuse, N . Y . EPSTEIN'S BRAKE A FRONT END SERVICE 1. City, N. Y. BEINRICH'S A I T O M O T M E SERVICE 132-134 N o r ( h L a k e A v e . , A l b a n y , N . Y . H E I M S T A D T A ( (»., I N C . .McCord Railllor Service 48-25 Nortliern Blvd., L . 1. C i l y , N . Y . B I G B I E S E R V I C E C E N T E R INC. 208 lliubie Lane, Wcs( Islip, I.. L , N . Y . M c K A S T Y ' S t i l I.F SERVICE ( R o u t e No. Uabylou-FarininBilale Roat I'lndenluirst, lUO) A Wcllwood Ave, N N.Y. r i . A Z A A U T O BODY CORP. 62-10 Oucens Blvd.. Wocidside. ,.!., N . V , i H A W AUTO A HOME S U P P L Y 8 3 0 (iuincy Ht., U i o u k l y n l U , N . * . 2301) .Vvenno HV.AIIE'S 33 Lee JACKSON 82-11 LANE "U", Brooklyn Roosevelt Ave., FURNITURE 8(1-12 • 3 7 l h LEVINE 21), N.Y. Vve., Brooklyn I I , N . Y . H E U i H T S BEDDING SHOP Jackson Hiiishls tORP. A v e . , Jackson Heights, .NY FURNITURE CO. 1514 Soutiiern Blvd., Bronx UO, N . Y . LEVISS FURNITURE 3(i-22 NEW Main St.. ROY.Vl.TV 511 E. llUlli ( O. Flushini;, N.V. UPHOLSTERY St., Bronx, CO. N.V. • V K T O R Ft R M T l RE C E N T E R 210-15 Horace llardiuK Blvd., Bayside . M A M F A C T I R E R S DISCOl N T C E N T E R (lUI Sunrise I l i K h t t a y , West Babylon, L. L , N . V . BI.ACO L I N E N S I N C . 1).-.I7 - (i3rd D r i v e , Reno P a r k , L . L , N . Y . t E v c l u d i n i ! S h e d s A Pillun Casca PUBLIC •Rebate limited to 3V4% NY DAKLIN(i 97 ERWIN'S Childrens Wear SHOP Bronx, N.Y. Dinette Y. 00, Y. BLIND St., B r o o k l y n N.Y. 5, N . A v e . , Bayside, L . L , BLIND 410 Utica A v e . , B r o o k l y n N.Y. CO. 13, N . Y. Y. Draperies CHURCH FABRICS 2270 Church A v e . , B r o o k l y n 20, N . T . H. J. G R E E N E I N C . 111-12 (lueens Blvd., Forest Hills, N . Y . HOME MAKER.S SHOP X81: Genesee St., B u f f a l o 11. N . Y . J A N E T L U C I L L E R O B I N S , INC. 5 1 1 2 Main St., W i l l i a m s v i l l e 21, N . Y , MANCHESTER FURNITURE BUILDERS, INC, 173-15 Jamaica A v e . , Jamaica 3 2 , N . Y DECORATORS T H3E1 0 I0V YM eB INC. Wantagh, L . L , r rAi cRkN Road, J O N A S CO. 2(143 Jeromi Ave., Dry N. A N N JACOBS ( O R S E T SHOP INC, 2310 .Mermaid A v e . , B r o o k l y n 24, N . Y, DORA'S S P E d A I . T V SHOP 2208 A v e n u e " X " , B r o o k l y n 36, N . Y , E V O I . I T COISSET S H O P P E I N C . 2010 - 8(llh St., 14, N . Y . (nut Including lltted g u r m c n l s ) MAX PANITZ 40'!0 Ciiurch A v e . , B r o o k l y n 3, N . Y . N.Y Cleaners P A R K S I D E CORSETS 733 Flalbush A v e . , B r o o k l y n , N . V. •BEDFORD INC. DIS(OUNT CENTER Brooklyn, N. YORK Y. INC. V. E A02(1 STER N HOA MvEe , ,S U Second NP o rPl L h Y T rCO. oy, N. BUYING NEW CENTER A v e . , B r o o k l y n 22, N. 1(182 B r o a d t v u y , ( N O N - P R O F I T l STREET, DISCOUNT *. PLAN. 7. N. Y. Y. A CO. B A Y RIDGE FLOWER SHOP 5201 F i f t h A v e n u e , B r o o k l y n N . Y . H A H FLORIST F l o w e r s f o r all occasions 402 Oiiderdonk A v e . . R i d g e w o o i l 37, L . I , JOHN R O S A L I A FLORLST A FRUITERERS 150 Graliam A v e . , B r o o k l y n 0, N . Y . LIBERTY FLORIST 1402 B r o a d w a y , B u f f a l o , N . Y . LINDEMAN FLORIST 0 1 8 East i n t h St., B r o o k l y n , N . Y . M A I N F L O W E R SHOP 0 3 8 WashluKlon St., B u f f a l o 3, N . T . ROSEDALE FLORIST 321 Ocean A v e . , B r o o k l y n , N . Y . ST. A G N E S F L O R A L SHOP 2123 South A v e . , Syracuse 7. Y. A 3 T H O M A S J. A T K I N S FOAM H E A V E N 2004 Front St., Electrical Appliances 12 Bedford NY SONS N. Y. T. Foam Rubber Products V. A I R W.VY G R E . V T E R N E W V O R K CORl< Sales A S e r v i c e 88-30 - I(15th St., Jamaica 32, N . Y . •BEDFORD Sla., THO-MAS J. A T K I N S & 5 SONS 1371 Eastern P a r k w a y , B r o o k l y n , T H003 E OButternut R C H I D S H.street, O P P E Syracuse, N . Y , Fixtures Bronx, Hunfton 403 Sutter A v e n u e , B r o o k l y n , 28-54 Steinwuy St., A s t o r i a , L . I., N . Y & Curtain L.I., Florists Y, S T3A4- 1 N URogers V E N EATv IeA BoLkIlN D 25, CO. N , . ,N B r o yn Drapery Y. N.Y. Jleri.V, n i S I N S K I FLOOR COVERING 24 Granite A v e . , Elm P a r k , Stnten Island 3, N . Y . CO. VENETIAN MEVER i N.Y. TV 1.532 Genesee St., B u f f a l o 11, N . Y . TROJAN FLOOR A W A L L COVERINGS TROJAN FLOOR COVERING lOUd B r o a i l w a y . B u f f a l o , N . V. TWENTIETH CENTURY CARPET CO., I N C . Y. INC. M ENGINEERING PARKE A Floor Coverings CO. 071 W y o m i n g A v e . , B u f f a l o , N . 203-18 • 3 3 l h Y. B A G D A D C . V R P E T A L I N O L E U M CO. 130-27 R o o s e v e l t A v e . . F l u s h i n g , N . J A N E T L U C I L L E R O B I N S . INC. 5 4 1 2 Slain St., W i l l i a m s v i l l e 21. N . MADISON F U R N I T U R E A FLOOR COVERING 42 Market St.. .New Vork 2, Y. >1 A M F L O O R A W A L L 30 E. 3 0 l h St., N e w Vork 10, N . Y , R E . A I O D E L I N G CO. Sets Y. NATIONAL T.V. Fireplace Equipment INC. N.Y. 1000 B r o a d w a y . B r o o k l y n 21, N . A <0. Mcll.KOV'S 2 W . Jericho T r n p k , Y. L A Fishing Supplies K R A F A V E N E T I A N B I . I N D CO. 13(i - 7tli A v e . , Brooklyn 13, N, L A U N D R O B L I N D CO. CO., INC. 5. N . 01 TDOORS.AI.VN, I N C . 257 W . Sunrise I l i R l i w a y , N. Y. Doors L. B. S A C K S SERVICE Albany P a r k A v e . , B u f f a l o 20, RADIO N.Y. L E V I N E F U R N I T U R E CO. 1311 Soulhern Blvd., Bronx 28-30 Kosciusko INC. V. J A N E T LUCII.LE ROBINS. INC. 5 1 1 2 Main St., W i l l i a m s v i l l e 21, N . Y , MODERN SEWING C E N T E R W e s t v a l e S h o p p i n g Center, Syracuse 4 W h i t e Plains Electrical Supply Co., Inc. 37 T a r r y t o w n Roail, W h i t e Plains, N . Y . N.V. VENETIAN CENTER Fabrics HOME C L E A N I N G SERVICE INC. 47(1 F i l t h A v e n u e , B r o o k l y n 16, N . Y 1707 Townsend A v e . , Bronx 63, N . I KENItlORE I.Al N D E R E T T E M.VISV B A B Y S H O P .'380 E l m w o o d A v e . , Kenniore 17, N . 70 Graham A v e n u e . B r o o k l y n , N . Y . METROPOLITAN CLEANERS T O48U T A WTiE S H OBPu f f a l o 0, N . Y . llE i aN mS St., 103 iJirk Street, A l b a n y , Y. O N E HOUR DRI C L E A N I N G INC, 13(17 M a i n Street, B u f f a l o , N . V. Coal Suppliers PAT'S SAFE-WAY DRY CLEANERS A.MIIERST FUELS, INC. 178 Seymour St., Syracuse 4, N . Y . 533 Amherst .St., B u l i a l o , N . Y . T H E NORTII SIDE L E A D E R LAUNDRY E A t i l . E C O A L CO. 12-38 - 150th St., Whitestone 37, N . Y 8 0 l h Street and L . I . R . R . , Glendale, C L E A N AS A W H I S T L E C L E A N E R S LTD, B r o o k l y n 27, N . V. 1005 Muctiuesten P k w y , .Mt. Vernon, N . Y .MODEL CLEANERS A ISLAND SHOE Contractors REPAIR A I . T M A N C O N S T R U C T I O N CO. Hawkins Ave., I.ake Ronkonkoma, L.I. 210-17 Braddock A v e . , Bcllerobe, I , . l . , N. Y, VAmi.VLLA CLEANERS 18 B r o a i l w a y , Vulhalla, N . Y . Corsetierei EMPLOYEES DUANE N.Y. A A P VENETIAN BLIND A STORIM W I N D O W CO. II.'IO P i t k i n A v e . , B r o o k l y n , N . Dyers CHILDREN'S Y o r k 40, J AE W BE r oLaEdRwSa,y , I N TC r o. y , ARKWIN 4 Y. B A4 0D8 Boston E I . E I T RPost I C MROoTa O P .mMoTnitS, d ,R L aRrE ch I . S T A H L . M A N A SON W o o d , Metal A F o r m i c a Dinette Set* 41 East 21)th St., N e w Y o r k , N . Y . KINGSWAY CARPET CLEANERS 4718 F a r r a g u g t Road, B r o o k l y n 3, N , Y . HAIRDRESSERS NEWKIRK Ave., RADIO 2120 South 111, N . Y , A I , L D I E T FOODS D I S T R I B U T I N G 1'23 East 31111 St., N e w Vork 10, »(). ELECTRONIC MIDCENTER Diet Foods Blvd., Bronx (SO, N . V . DISCOUNT 1(150 Central Diaper Service N U - M I R A ( LE C A R P E T ( I.EANERS., INC. 202 Caton A v e . , B r o o k l y n 18, N . V . UNITED RUG A CARPET CLEANERS CORP. 1381-87 F u K o u St., B r o o k l y n , N . Y . Y. Ave., Brooklyn, STRAND 133 llundnntun, LAKE Y. JACK A J I L L D I A P E R S E R V I t E 1(103 JIac(|ueslen P k w y , Mt. Vcriion, N Y KINGSWAY CARPET CLEANERS 4718 FarraRUt R o a d . B r o o k l y n 3 , N . Y . PERFECT CARPET CLEANING CO., I N C . KiOO A d a m s St., Bronx (iO, N . Y . T H E NORTII SIDE LE.VDER LAUNDRY 12-58 - I.'.Oth St., Whitestone 57, N . Y . HOME C L E A N I N G S E R V K E INC. SHOP 1820 Flalbnsh JOHN'S SALON Ave, I I E4lli PP Y. Repair 1082 B r o a d w a y , Brortklyn, N . E.\RL H A R T 211 S. A . A K. BIdg. 20(1 E. Genesee St.. Syracuse 2, N . GERALD'S JEWELERS NY 53, N . BEDFORD JEWELERS Ave., N. Appliances Service 18, N . 1820 N o s l r a n d A v e . , B r o o k l y n 2(5. N . 4331 Broadway. N e w 301(1 Bnhre Brooklyn BEDFORD DISCOUNT C E N T E R INC. 12 Bedford A v e . , B r o o k l y n 22, N . Y . JEWELERS 88 T h i r d St., T r o y , 1707 T o w n s e n d A v e . , Bronx C. R O B E R T l I A I R D E S K i N E R U(1 Westchester A v e . , W h i l e Plains, N . Y . BROWN B. B R O W N CO.M.MACK C A R P E T ( E N T E R 1007 Jericho T u r n p i k e , East N o r t h p o r t , N . V. E D W A R D ' S RUG C L E A N I N G S E R V I C E (11 Dupont St., B r o o k l y n 22, N. V . GLOBE HEIGHTS C . I R P E T CLEANING CO., I N C . 03-28 - 3 7 ( h A v e . , Jackson Heights 72 Beauty Salons Y. Supplies BROWN JEWELERS 71 Westchester S(|., Bronx B. Ave., Electric Diamonds A M I T Y SPOTLESS ( A R P E T C L E A N I N { i CO. 721) Cleveland St.. B r o o k l y n , N . Y . C A R N E G I E C A R P E T C L E A N E R S INC. 5 0 0 T i l l a n y St., N e w Vork 50, N . I . C L I N E S RUG A U P H O L S T E R Y CLEANERS 781 Union Street. B r o o k l y n 15, N . Y . N.V Island, Dancing B. I. 05 Church VIC'S T V S E R V I C E 2712 F i f t h A v e . . T r o y , Y, POHI.'.S JI V E N I I . E S H O E S T O R E 2 1 5 « y 2 Seneca St., BufTalo 10, N , Corpet & Rug Cleaners N. Y. N.Y. Instruction P O S E Y SCHOOI. OF D A N C E 8 Union Place, N o r t h p o r t , N . • P E R F E C T RUG S A L E S CORP. KiOO A d a m s St., Bronx (iO, N . Y . TWENTIETH CENTURY CARPET CO.,E. I N3C 30 0 .l h St., N e w Vork 10, N . Y . Y INC. FURMTIRE 1511 Southern A v e . , Bklyn 7 BEAUTY Y. 8(i-12 - 37th A v e . . Jackson Heights, LEVINE STORE FREI> A S T A I R E DANCE STUDIOS 1(1 E . T u p p e r Street, BulTala, N , G L O B E H E I G H T S C A R P E T CO. 05-28 - 37111 A v e . , Jackson HeiKhts 72 JOSEPH A. K A I N C A R P E T TEXTURES 18 E. .Second St., .Mt. Vernon, N . Y . L.VNE FI R N I T U R E CORP. CO. 13, N . MIRROR, JOE'S B E A U T V BOB R U B I N A U T O R A D I O REPAIR 70 Union A v e . , B r o o k l y n . N.Y. DRON.X M I D T O W N TELE\LSION H AUTO RADIO 777 Bruckner Blvd., Bronx 5.'^, N . Y . K « K SPEEDd^lETERS A AUTO RADIO REPAIRS 84-13 (lueens Blvd. B R Y A N T ' S A U T O BODY BLIND 411) Utica A v e . , Brooklyn GLAMOUR Service 148-20 Liberty A v e . , .lanittica, L . L , CO. Bath Tub Enclosures N.Y. A A T SERVICE CORP. 0 8 W'inliani A v e . , Slaten Island (t, N . N.Y. CURTAIN BI.Atm L I N E N S INC. 0517 - (13rd Drive, R e c o P a r k , L . I . , N . Y . tExcludinic Sheets A P i l l o w Cases Carpets Y. CO. B. S A C K S CO.. I N C . (171 WyomiuK A v e . . Buftaio, N . Y , L A M E N G I N E E R I N G ( (». 203-18 • .3.1lh A v e . , Bayside, N . Y . Automobile Repairing & Service L. DOOKP N.Y. 148-05 Jamaica A v e . , Jamaica, M , Carpenters BI.ACO L I N E N S INC Ret'O P a r k L . I. N . V t).'517 • C.Mrd Di t E x c l n d i u K Slu-et A P i l l o w Cases A L B A N Y S U P E R SONIC C A R W ASH, INC. lO'JS Central A v e . , A l b a n y , N . Y . E A K SPEEDOMETERS A AUTO RADIO REPAIRS 8 t - l 3 Uueens Blvd., Elmhurst 73, .N.Y. LOTMORK TIRE SERVICE 1(1(1-02 Hillside A v e . , Jamaica, N . Y . T H U M A N ' S G A R A G E , INC. 1131-45 Jellerson A v e . , BulTulo 8, (II. Street, T r o y , Dance A I . T . M A N C O N S T R U C T I O N CO. 210-17 Braddock A v e . , Bcllerose, L . B E T T E R - . M A D E W O O D W O R K I N G C(L 437 Sutter A v e n u e , B r o o k l y n , N . Y . Bathroom Accessories T E74-7(1 N N GL ASS A MIRR Pennsylvania AO v eR. ,. BI'N kC l y.n 7, N . Y Blvd., A ENGINEERING N.Y 17, Bronx Y. Curtains GENE'S Cameras DOOR CO. N.Y, SHOP BI.OCH'S U3 Mainaroneck A v e . , W h i t e PlHlns, N . Y . EARL HART 211 S. A . & K. BldK. 20(i E. (ienesee St. Syracuse 2 N . Y . CEROI D S JEWELERS 88 T h i r d Street, T r o y , N e w Y o r k I I E P P . l E W E L E R S , INC. -nil A B r o a d w a y , T r o y , N . V . C O L O R T O N E ( AMER.V INC. 3 1 Maniaroiieck .\ve.. W h i l e Plainn, N . Y . Bags Repaired I.OCKS.MITHS Northern Ave., A A R T K R A F T BAG STUDIO ()Ci2 l exington A v e . , N e w U9-42 Cooper A v e . , Gleiidale 27, N . Y , 8007 Y DARLING ;», N.Y. , Bronkly 2:i(ii> .V IIV.MIE'S 33 Lee A v e . . B r o o k l y n 11. L E V I N E F l R N I T U R E ( (). (iO, N . Y , I . T l l Soulhern Bivil.. Briii N.Y, 4014 N e w Court A v e . , E. Syracuse, Auto Treinont Baby N.V. BON-TON AUTO SEAT COVERS & A I T O GLASS 4'.!0 Eric Blvd. East, .Syracuse 2, N . Y . C A R N E Y ' S GLASS A MIRR(H( CO. 1125 N. B r o a d w a y , N. Massapeiiua, N . Y , EASTWOOD GLASS SHOP Radio 7, N . N.Y. JEWELERS 88 T h i r d Y. T. • G R I N G E R A .SONS I N C . '2» First A v e n u e , N e w Y o r k , N . T . JAMES RUGGIERO ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 2 i e 4 A F u l t o n .St.,, N , Y , HONIG J E W E L E R S 1001 B r o a d w a y , B u f f a l o 12, N . Y . JEFFERSON HOME A A U T O S U P P L Y 1'201 Jefferson A v e . , B u f f a l o 8, N. V . LEE VACUUM C L E A N E R EXCHANGE 1840 Seneca St., B u f f a l o , N . Y . E A R L n.\RT 211 S. A . A K. Bldg. 20(1 E. Genesee St., Syracuse 2. N . Y . SCHARFS' H A R D W A R E A ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 011-015 South Geddes St.. Syracuse 4 • S O L B E R N R A D I O A E L E C T R O N K S CO. T. 2'408 A v e n u e " X " , _ B r o o k l y n 38, N . L A I N D R O B L I N D CO. 10011 B r n a d n a y , B r o o k l y n 21, N . Y . .M. K. P O S T CO. 713 Coney Island .Ave., B r o o k l y n 18, N Y 203.18 - 3.5th ,\ve., Bayside, N . V . nt Cenle T Th l l eO l tH Oo mSeA L Iniproven ES ((I 80'; Castlelnn Ave, S.I. 10, N . Y . T R O V S A L E S CO. .lim-ddO R i v e r St., T r o y , N CORP. W O L> ERIN E « IN r E R S E AI ll-l.T N i a g r a Falls Blvd., HnlValo, N . Y . Auto Glass Auto N.Y Upholstery 4 ; 3 West A v e . . I . o i k p o r t , N.Y. Kenmore City, relmtes on lalior WINDOW B 6 « 7 1B StraiKllt A U T O DPRaItVhI, N Babylon, G S C H O OL.L L , N . Y GARAGE I Ave., Islanil Y o r k 40, JEWF.LERS 88 T h i r d Street, T r o y , N . JEWELERS GERALD'S Cabinets Ave., Brooklyn WINDOW N.Y. N.Y, I.OCK S E R V K E BROWN DORA'.S . S P E C I A I . T Y CONCORD C O M P A N Y I'iOO Soiitli A v e n u e , Syrai'use 7, N , INC. 31 1 D e l a w a r e St., T o n a w a n d a , N . Service Brooklyn, East EKINOMV II, OEROLD'S JEWELERS Broadway, New 3010 Bnhro A v e . , B r o n x , N.V. Brushes, Brooms, Mops & Vacuum Cleaner Bags CO. A I M ! S T A B L E A L U M I N U M A W N I N f i S CO. KlOi) Kenniore A v e . . IlulValo 23. N . V . A L L - R I T E " V . B . " M A N ! F A C T I ' R I N C . CO. ECONOMY « 4 - n 3 - (I3rd A v e . , R e e o P a r k . I . I . , RALPH'S 2718 N.Y. Elmsford, B. INC. Books Awnings r . J. A U T O D R I V I N G S< I I O O L 2 ( i - i n - 23rd A v e . , L . 1. City, N . Y . n'OODHAVEN BOII.EVARD AITO SCHOOL GLISNDALE I.onit No Auto SCHOOL Blvd.. St., A I TO OI.ASS 4 SCHOOL 41-38 Kissena Ave., Brooklyn BROWN 4531 3fl D O V E R BOOK S H O P •MTi Broadway, New York N. Y. E N G I N E E R S ' BOOK S E R V I C E 3 5 0 N . Central A v e i u i e , \'alley Stream CO. CO., Ave., PARTS (t) OF Road, TRIM CO., B. BAY Bklyn BON-TON A l TO S E A T COVERS « A|:T0 (il.ASS 4'JO E r i e Blvd., East, Syracuse 2, N . l ^ •lOS S. A I T O R , \ D 1 A T e0.R. Brooklyn CO.. I N C . I N CN.. Y . BON T OWlllonRhhy N A I T O I APvH O I S T E K Y .1, 15 West M a r i e St., I l l i k s v i l l e , I..I.. N . Y , PARKWAY Clarendon AITO BICYCLE Rd., Boat Tops & Boat Windshields N.Y. MIRROR Bay 1701 Orenn A v e . , B r o o k l y n 30, H Y.33 M I ELee 'S >'.Y. 2, ¥. IN S H E E P S I I E A D SheepHhenil HUillWAV I.OTMOR T I R E SERVICE l(i(l-0'! Hillside A v e . . Jiimniea, N . Y . .ST\TKN ISI.AND A I T O S E A T COVERS AA S T A T E N ISLAND A I T O RADIATOR WORKS 107 1 Bay St., Stalen Island B, N . Y . t W I N N K K A I TO STORES •jr> So. I.exini-ton ,\ve.. Wliite Plains, N . Y . Artists' Materials CLARENDON SyracliM INSTRIMENT Nordi 731 8(14 Eastern P a r k w a y , B r o o k l y n , N.Y. CO. C.I.ASS 4 (iENEHAI, DOMESTIC I ' A I N T CO., I N C . Village !J14-7I J.iiniile.i Ave., (liieeiig BRniN M. R I E I I E C O U P . York, N.Y. 110 E. (iOth St., N e n RIEIIC'S n R I ' H l I - N - I ' A I . E T T E SHOl' 701 Wult Whiliiinn Roiiil HiintliiElon Slntion, I,. I., N . Y . EASTERN East TIRE EI.MSKORD K N O r F ' S DEI'AKT.MENT STORE 4SU Hoillll Turk A v e . , lliifTiilu, N . SCHOOL 1717 l l ' ! n N . Broartivay, N . SlHSHeiieqiia, N . Y , Appliances Driving 3, B r o n d n a y , Woodnlde 77, CARNEY'S A A T S E R V I C E CORP. im Winlinm A v e . , SIntrn Islnnil (!, N . Y . BOH I I U R N S INC. !!n;i3 Dolnnnre A v e . , I l i i f f n l o I T , N . Y . mtlVINO FIRESTONE SI P P I . Y St., S y r a n n e Blvd.. Hori.EVARD Air Conditioning, Repair & Installation Automobile A l TO I','3(> Bedford A v e . , B r o o k l y n , Air Conditioners AUTO Erie BROADWAY AM.KITE v.II." MANl'FACTl'RINO ^ n n i - m i K. F m n n n t Ave., Itroni • R E D K O K I ) D I S C O U N T C E N T E R INC, I(S8^ Rrnnilwny,, N.Y. * n K D F O R D D I S H d ' . N T C E N T E R INC V i llriirnnt A r e . , Ilnmkl.vil T i , N.Y. BOn n i K N S INC. aO:i:l IH-linvnre A t e . , R i i f f . i t o 17, N . Y . W I M . I A ^ I D A N N E R E R O , INC. 1185 SiilTnlk A v e . , Ilrrntwnnil, Repair RATE Brooklyn, N. Jewelry B. B R O W N JEW E L E R S 71 Westchester Square, Bronx 111, N . STORE 870(1 Firth A v e . , AI.'S T I R E SHOP, INC. 7S-00 (liieenil Blvd., WoodHlde, I..I., N . Y . AMERICAN A I T O RADIATOR 117-ai I.ll>ert.v A v e . , JniiiBlm, I,.I., N . Y . ATLANTIC AITO A MARINE S I P P I . Y CO. W0(1 Atlnntlc A v e . , Brooklyn 7, N . Y . BON-TON AITO SEAT COVERS « A I TO (II.ASS A M , F O I I K S T LILL.L.H T Y P K W R I T E R C O l U I - l i n Cnntliirnlnl A v e . ( I n A r c a d e ) F n r m t IIIIIH, I,. 1., N . V. A M . - W R I T R T V P K W R I T E R CO. 4'>l) llrmiiHtrnil T|>kp., KImoiit, N . I . I V T E I . t . T Y P K W R I T K R CO., I N C . 12;l Flllloii St., N f w Y o r k 3H, N . Y . Auto Clocit CUT (110 S. Tnwnsenil Adding Machines BOB R U B I N A I T O REPAIR 70 Onoln A v e . , B r o o k l y n , (1, A< L I N ' S B I C Y C L E Automobile Supplies & Parts ABE'S Costume Bicycles Y. Meadow, L.I., N.Y. Foam Rubber Sleepers & Mattresses FOAM HE.VVEN 24 West Jcricho Station, L . L , N . Turnpike, Y. Iluiillnglon Folding Chairs P A R T Y T I M E D I V I S I O N OF A C A D E M Y C H A I R R E N T I N G CO. 82-10 (lueens Blvd., E l m h u r s t 73, N . Y . Folding Doors C A R O L E S A L E S CO. 403 F i f l l i A v e . , B r o o k l y n , Fruit & Candy N.V. Baskets JOHN R O S A L I A F L O R I S T A FRUITERERS 130 Gruhaui A v e . , B r o o k l y n 0, N. Y. LINDE.MAN FLORIST 018 East Kith St., B r o o k l y n , Y. T H O M A S J. A T K I N S A 3 SONS 1371 Eastern P a r k w a y , B r o o k l y n , N , TIIOAI.VS J. A T K I N S A 3 S O N S 4U3 S u d e r A v e n u e , B r o o k l y n , V, Y, (Continued on Page 9) INC. Y. E. FOAM H E A V E N 24 West Jcrieilo T u r n p i k e , I l n n l i n g l o n Station. I.. I., N . V . FOAMCRAFT 10 .Marline A v e . , W h i t e P l a i n s , N . Y . ( Your Sales Slips from those Merchants affiliated with the Public Employees Buying Plan will bring you rebates of 3^/4 to 7'/^ per cent. (Clip These Pages for Reference) (Continued from Page Fuel Oil CK.>TK.\I, o n , I H . R N K R S E R V l f F , •l(in 4tli A v e . , M t . V c r i i o n , N . Y . Fur Full Dress To Hire Furniture Cleaning HOME C I . K A N I N O S E R V I C E INC. 1707 Townseiicl A v e . , B r o n j B.'J. N . K I N O S W A V C A R P E T CI,EANER.S 4 7 1 8 F n r r a x u t RnR(I, Hrnnklyn a, Furniture LEDER I N.Y F I R N I T I K E CO., :tlO LIvlllEHtoil INC. St., 11, Mcll.ROY'S '4 W . Jerieho Sta. 17, GRAND mil St., I.. I NION sixth I. Cil.v EdllPMENT Avenue, New I, B. B. FI R N I T I RE CASCO EMBASSY 140 l-,'0-0l St., New KAWALER York N. LEONARD Y ALBERT'S Fl R N I T I RE •407 F r o n t St., lleniiistead, 10011 LEVINE ini4 LinlN M 3»7-7lli 33«8 V, 1, N.Y P k u y , K e n n i o r e '48, N . RS BASSO'S FIKS « t F o u r t h «>t., Sew Troy, Vork, N.Y. N.Y, N.Y. Brooklyn Southern GALLERIES Bronx MIRMAN Fulton Y St.. New West 8th ft Sireet, 8, N.Y. Ilunlington Cards 28, N . an. Y. N.Y. Guns & Ammunition Interior City GENESEE HARDWARE INC. 2001) Genesee Street, B u f f a l o 11, N . Y . JEFFERSON HOME & AITO SUPPLY I'.'Ul J e f f e r s o n A v e . , B u f r u i o 8 , N . Y . .MORRIS SINGER 140 Jersey SI., S t a l e n Island, N . Y . S C H A F F E R ft G R O S S 18'4(1 Nohlrand .\ve., B r o o k l y n 2 0 , N . Y . .SCILVRFS- H A R D W A R E ft ELECTRIC APPLIANCES (111-010 S o u l l i Geddea St., Syracuse 4, N.V. S T . A L B A N S I . U J I B E R CO. 10(1.20 Linden B l v d . , St. A l b a n s , N . H. Aids BEI.TONE H E A R I N G S E R V I C E OF «|l E E N S 1()1-10 Jamaica A v e . , Jainaic ica 3 2 , N . Y ENNIS HEARING INSTITITE 1 N e v i n n S t „ B r o o k l y n 17, N . Y ENNIS HE.VRING INSTITUTE N.Y 3 2 1 F r o n t St., I l e n i p s l c a d , L.I. ENNIS HEARING INSTITUTE N.Y 1,13 Main SI., l l u n l i n K t o n , L.I. ENNIS HEARING INSTITUTE 1 0 4 - 0 I B • 8Ulh A v e . , Jumaicu N . Y . F U S H I N G H E A R I N G AID CENTER 3U-IS Main Street, L o b b y , Flushing L.L, N.V. MAKO HEARING SERVICE 8 U , « 0 • l U 5 t h St., Jamaica S'J, N . Y PUBLIC N.Y. Hgt»., N.Y. 3400 Merrlek Road, Wantagh, L.I., N.Y. FI R N I T I RE IVY BARN N.Y. INC. Lighting Limousine CARI..\N STIDIOS 4li40 W h i t e P l a i n s ft FURNISHINGS WORLD Third Sireet, EMPLOYEES Troy, New York N.Y. 3n, N.Y. Long Island CU !i7, 97 DUANE STREET, 1 3 103 Y Marine PPlains, t.l. Hempstead, f..I, Supplies Maspetli Y. 78, N.Y. INC. 9 3 Nanssau St., N e w Y o r k , N . Y . M c M A R T I N - W H l T E . INC. 333 Broadway, Troy, N . Y . SWANK STEINWAY INC. 3 1 - 1 3 S l e l n w a y St.. A s t o r i a 3, L . I . , N . Y , U N I O N M E N ' S SHOP 1010 Union St., Sclieneclady 9 , N . Y Men's ADAM HAT STORE 100 Nassau s t r e e t . Hats New H A T STORE Nassau St., N e w HAR'rSDALE 203 E. MEN'S Harlsdale York, ft York, BOVS' Ave., N. N. T, N. N.T. 18, N.T. N.T. 713 PAINT Coney ^lain CO., Island ARC.VDE P A I N T 214-71 CO. St.. B r o o k l y n , Ave.. SUPPLY, St., W h i t e PAINT Y. Brooklyn SHOP N.Y 27 N.Y. INC. Aveniie, <)neeni Village GENESEE HARDWARE '4009 Genesee S i r e e t , B u f f a l o I I , N . T . JA.MES B U R R O W S P A I N T S ft WALLPAPERS 2 3 E . M a i n St., B a y Shore, L . I . , N . T . MORRIS SINGER 149 Jersey St., Staten Island. N . Y . M ft y F I . O O R ft W A L L REMODEI.INO CO. Genesee Street, Bu r of of akll oy n ,11,N . Y N.. Y . R . P O S T CO. 2314 - 86lh S i r e e t , B r o o k l y n 26, N . T . S C H \ F F E R ft G R O S S 18'4(t N o s t r a n d A v e . , TROJ.VN FLOOR & W A L L COVERINGS ft T R O J . \ N F I . O O R C O V E R I N G S 1096 B r o a d w a y , B u f f a l o , N . Y I N T E R - C O U N T Y P A I N T ft W A I . L P A P E B CO. 924 Carmans R o a d , . V m l t y v i l l e , I..1., N . T . Paint—Spraying—Refrigerator, Furniture & Kitchen Equipment STONE SERVICES, INC. 1383 M c D o n a l d St., N e w Y o r k (11, N . T . Party Supplies — Rented PHAR.MACY 1200 (ienesee KLING.M.IN 31 West PARK 313 Musical Instrument & Supplies B O N N E M U S I C CO. I 121 South Sallna St.. Syracuse 6 , N . Y , •Sales l*rlced Items E x c l u d e d E L I T E MUSIC S I I O P P E 701 M a n h a t t a n A v e . , B r o o k l y n 22, N . Y E N S E I . B E R G .MUSIC S H O P , I N C . 17 G r a h a m A v e . , B r o o k l y n 6 , N . Y . 317 lOu St., Bronx, N. .St., Geddcs N. V. INC. PHARMACY PAItKE THE St., BlllTalo, PHARMACY t83rd N.T. INC. AVENUE N.Y. Syracuse, N.T. PHARMACY Elmwood KNOLLS Knolls Ave.. Bullalo, PHARMACY Crescent, New N, X, INC. Vork, N,T. N O R T H V I E W D R U G CO., I N C . 39-4 1 T a r r y l o w n R.iail, W h i l e Plains, N. V . (Continued on Page 10) INC. Y. T, Pharmacists IRR'S N.Y. PLAN, N.T. BKONXVII.I.E PET SHOP 6 B Cedar St., B r o n x v l l l e , N.Y, V A L H A L L A P E T ft G I F T S H O P 2 Broadway, Valliulla, N . V, BURNETT PHARMACY 701 S. Cronse A v e . , Syracuse, N.Y. PHONO-T.VPE S E R V I C E ( O . 1973 - 73th St., B r o o k l y n , 18 INC. Plains, CO., Jamaica N. INC. Pets and Pet Supplies Y. llarlsdale, T H E H A T BOX 81 N . Pearl St., A l b a n y , (Cash sales o n l y ) N. 2, Vork AI.GIER PET SHOP 304 S. Sallna St., Syracuse, N . Milliners 7. AL-BRITE Y. .M.\RK'S P L A C E 33-16 M y r l l e A v e . , R I d g e w o o d , B k l y n YORK York P A R T V T I M E DIVISION OF A C A D E M Y C H A I R R E N T I N G CO. 82-10 ((iieens B l v d . , E l m h u r s t 73, Men's & Boys' Wear ADAM 100 New PAINT 8«lh 332 Clothing Ave., N.T, M. CLOTHES Grand '4314 33 A T L A N T I C A U T O ft M A R I N E 2 3 9 6 A l l a n l l c A v e . , 7, N . Y FIRESTONE IN SHEEPSHEAD BAY SI P P L Y CO. 1 7 1 2 Sheepshead Bay R o a d , B k l y n 3 3 McGRATH-TOWNLEY, St.. B K O TSt., I I K RNSe w 3(1111 DOMESTIC Hills, & Fishing York, Paints Tables Forest STORES Fullon Ave., Essex AI.-BRITE 00-10 Queens B l v d . , R e g o P a r k 7 4 , N . Y . CARRARA 364-3(10 CO. JOSEPH BURGER 781 East 142nd St., N e w Y o r k 3 4 , S T . X T E N I S I . A N D O R T H O P E D I C ft SURGICAL SUPPLY CO. 124 Bennett St., S t o l e n Island 2 , EARL HART 211 S. A . ft K. B l d g . '400 E . Genesee St.. .Syracuse N.Y. GEROI.D'S JEWELERS 8 8 T h i r d Street, T r o y , N.Y. L E O N A R D S. T U C C I 710 N . Sallna St., Syracuse, N . Y . STEINMI LLER S LUGGAGE SHOP & Mosaic SHOE St.. N e w BROTHERS JAC O BWest SON 13 Luggage & Brief Cases Marble Delancey JACOBSON V I C T O R I A I.UGGAGE. INC. 177 M a m a r o n e c k .Vve., W h i l e N. Y. N.T. Orthopedic Shoes DOKTO-MATIK Lumber BUYING NEW BONNE MUSIC CO. 1421 South Sallna St.. Syracuse 8, G E I G E R B R O S . P I A N O CO. ( M i l l e r ' s Music Store) 73 F o u r t h St., T r o y , N . Y . N.Y, (NON-PROFIT; •Rebate limited »e IV4<>4 B I R V E R SERVICE Ave., Mt. Vernon, N . Y . LEON PORTRAITS 2 3 0 P a r k s l d e A v e n u e , B r o o k l y n 26, N . T . 70, Movie Prolectors Repair Service 0 0 0 S. T o w n s e n d St., S y r a c u s e 3 , N, TOY 46 C E N T K \I OIL 4 0 3 So. 4th T. Service Organs GLENDAI.E I.OCKSJIITHS 69-42 Cooper A v e . , Glendale (19-33 N.Y Furniture HOME Oil Burner Loclismith Men's DARLING !4301) .Vvenue " U B r o o k l y n 20, N . Y IIYMIE'S 33 Avenue, B r o o k l y n 11, N . Y , LEVINE FURNITURE CO. N.Y 1314 Southern Blvd., Bronx 60 SANFORD'S Opticians T H E S I G H T ft H E . V R I N G C E N T E R 21 (irand Street, W h i t e P l a i n s , N . Lingerie CARRARA STORES 1111-10 tlueens B l v d . , Service Oil Painting Rd., B r o n x DORA'S S P E C I A L T Y SHOP 2208 Aveiuie " X " , Brooklyn I.ODICO'S N.Y. FURNITURE Office Machines—Repair Service ft B L O C K C O R P . 23-'id Jackson A v e . , 1, N . Y . (O. ARDITO BUSINESS M A C H I N E S 3 0 8 S. Merrick Rd., l . i n d e n h u r s t , L I . N T A l l . F O R E S T H I L L S T Y P E W R I T E R CO. 107-';.5 C o n l l n c n l a l Ave. (In Arcade) Forest H i l l s . I.. L . N . Y . Fixtures S T . A L B A N S L U M B E R CO. 190-20 Linden B l v d . , SI. A l b a n s , N . LORD'S, CREDIT J E W E L E R S 1034 B r o a d w a y , B u f f a l o 12, BABY Y. Mason's Materials N.Y. ADLER'S N. New York MACHINE 80-(i0 L e f f e r t s B l v d . . K e w Gardens 18 SANFOKD'S HOME FURNISHINGS 9 0 0 S. T o w n s e n d St., Syracuse 3 , N . T . 8. ( i l B S O N ft S O N S BO Reade St.. N e w V o r k . N . V . U N I O N N A T L . B U S I N E S S M A C H I N E S CO. 1 2 r 4 s i x t h A v e . , N e w V o r k 3(1, N . Y . N.Y. S T . A L B A N S L U I M B E R CO. 190-20 Linden B l v d . , St. A l b a n y s , X . Syracuse, Juvenile 270 • 7lh A v e . FISCHER OFFICE Mowers C O N C O R D L A M P CO. H West 18lh St., N e w V o r k , N . Y . P A R I S L I G H T I N G F I X T l ' R E CO. 130 B o w e r y , N e w V o r k , N.Y. WHITE PLAINS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO., I N C . 37 T a r r y l o w n R o a d , W h i t e Plains, N . Y BROWN JEWELERS 71 Westchester Sd., B r o n x 61, N.Y. B. B R O W N JEWELERS 301U B u h r e A v e . , B r o n x , N . V . B. B R O W N J E W E L E R S 4334 B r o a d w a y , N e w Y o r k 40, N . Y . GEM JEWELERS 1312 J e f f e r s o n A v e . , B u f f a l o 8 , N , Y , GERALD'S JEWELERS 360 Broadway, T r o y , N e w York EARL HART 211 S. A . ft K . Bldg. 2 0 0 E . Genesee St., Syracuse N.Y. H E P P J E W E L E R S INC. 88 T h i r d Street, T r o y , N e w York HONIG JEWELERS 1001 B r o a d w a y , B u f f a l o 12, N . Y . L E O N A R D S. T U C C I St., SHOP Huntington 0, Machines F O R E S T H I L L S T Y P E W R I T E R Ct). OtHce Machines 107-'4ft Continental Ave. (In Arcade) Forest Hills, N . Y , ARDITO BUSINESS MACHINES 3 0 8 S. M e r r i c k Rd., l.indenhurst, L I , N T F I S C H E R O F F I C E M A C H I N E CO. KENMORE LAUNDERETTE •4.'i80 E I n i w o o d A v e . . K e n m o r o 17, N . V. THE NORTH SHORE LEADER L A U N D R Y l'4-n8 - 1.10th St., W h i l e s t o n o S 7 , N . Y W H I T E M O U N T A I N T.AUNDRV 1005 M a c d u e s t c n P k w y , M t . V e r n o n , N Y Decorators D. O. C O I R 3 1 4 Van Rennselaer St., S y r a c ' e « , Sallna Office ALL CORP. A v e . , Jackson D F - R I T E L A U N D R Y INC. ftO.'S W a s h i n g t o n A v e . , A l b a n y Janitorial & Building Maintenance Supplies N. Y. INC. .MIDCENTER R A D I O ft T . V . CO. 2 1 2 0 Soulh P a r k A v e . , B u f f a l o 2 0 , WOI.VKKINE WINTER-SEAL CORP. 1133 .Niagara F a l l s B l v d . B u f l a l o 21, N . Y . T R O Y S A L E S CO. 3 0 8 - 0 0 0 R i v e r St., T r o y , N . Y . 710 N. Wllllamsvllle St.. Lawn Jewelers Island Bronx, RIEBE'S BRrSII-N-PAI.ETTE 701 W a l t W h i l n i a n Road, S t a t i o n , L . I., N . V . E C O N O M Y W I N D O W ft DOOR CO. 4 2 3 W e s t .\ve.. I . o c k p o r l . N . Y . E C O N O M Y W I N D O W ft DOOR CO. 3 1 4 D e l a w a r e St., T o n a w a n d a , N . Y . L . i M E N G I . N E E R I N G CO. 2 0 3 - 1 8 - 3Bth A v e . , Bayside, N.Y. N A T I O N A L V E N E T I A N B L I N D CO. 4 1 9 U l l c a A v e . , B r o o k l y n 13, N . Y . T H O R O S A L E S CO. T h e H o m e I m p r o v e m e n t Center 80'4 Castleton A v e . , S t a l e n Island 10, N.Y. Hardware Hearing 23, Jalousies SON Long Brooklyn N.Y. Brooklyn ft B L O C K C O R P . 28-'4(l Jackson .-Vve., 1, N . Y . SI., St., N.Y, INC. Main Y. 28, 01 TDOORWMAN. INC. 2n7 W . Snnrise H i g h w a y , M e r r i c k , L . I., N. Y. ZIK.MO C O M P A N Y 14(1 P a r k R o w , N e w Y o r k , N . Y . A N. N'.Y York DOLLY LONG SHOP (iU'40 F t . H a m . P k w y , B k l y n . DOVER BOOK SHOP 2(!7'4 B r o a d w a y , N e w York Roclielle, INC. ROBINS, • S O L B E R N R A D I O ft E L E C T R O N I C S CO. 0 3 Church A v e n u e , B r o o k l y n 18, N . Y . INC. St., N e w Y. flO, N.Y, CO. Bvld., N. ESI B A S S Y D E C O R A T O R S I N C . I ' M East 170lh St., B r o n x , N . Y . H. J. G R E E N E I N C . 111-12 (liieens B l v d . F o r e s t H i l l s , N . Y . J.VNET LUCII.I.E R O B I N S INC. 3 4 1 2 Main St., W i l l i a n i B v i l l e 2 1 , N . Y . STURDY UPHOLSTERY INC. l O l i l B r o a d w a y , B r o o k l y n 21, N . Y . S. G I B S O N ft SONS. INC. H o m e ft O f f i c e I n t e r i o r D e c o r a l i n g 3(1 Reade Street, N e w V o r k 7, N . Y . 2i, 170lh 1(11(7 Broadway, CBS Theaire Bldf., New Vork, N. Y. J E R R V B R A G I N MUSIC STUDIOS 8 Whilehail Ij>ne, N e w Hyde Park, L . L , N. Y . E N S E I BERG MUSIC SHOP, INC. 17 G r a h a m A v e . , B r o o k l y n 0 , N . Y . Laundry INC. Selden. N.Y. 21, THE Housewares N.Y CO. FIIRNITIRE Y. COTSONAS Ave., Syracuse, FO.\M H E A V E N 24 W e s t .Icrleho T u r n p i k e , S l a l i o n , L . I., N . Y . Fur Remodeling & Repairing COI.BE BLIND Broadway, WILLIAM ADIRONDACK F I R RENTAL SERVICE I'40 West !J7lh S i r e e t , N e w Y o r k 1, N . Y . F R E I M A N 4 SHAVEI.SON ISU West '48111 St., N e w V o r k I , N . Y . F l RS B Y C O T S O N A S •438 H i g h l a n d P k w y , K e n n i o r e '43, N . Y . C E O R C . E J. B I C K W E A T F I R S 117 F o u r t h St., T r o y , N . Y . COI.BE F I KS 307 - " I h A v e . , N e w VorU, X . Y . HAS.SO'S F I R S 4 1 F o u r t h St., T r o y , N , Y . l-ANUS T H R I F T FIRS 73 W e s t 4(ilh St., N e w Y o r k , N . Y . I.EDER F I R S INC. 3 0 W e s t 4(!th St., N e w Y o r k , X . Y . S A K S I I R CO., IN<'. , 143 West '4»(li St., N e w Y o r k 1, Y, BIMON L E V Y & SONS F l R CORP. 1'40 East Brttadway., N e w V o r k '4, N . Y IIV St.. PENN GLASS & MIRROR, INC. 71-7(> P e n n s y l v a n i a A v e . , B r o o k l y n 7, . YA. R O N E C K G L A S S CO. M ANM 400 :\lt. Pleasant .Ave., M a m a r o n e c k , N Y Furriers '438 lliglilaiiil Salina Greeting I.. I., N . FRKni.XN S SIIAVEI.SON m o West '48lh St., N e w V o r k N.Y. TICCI 17.% East 871h V ACross L M O RC oFul nR T I RE Yonkrrs, N. Y . t yM Center, C A S C O F Furniture I R N I T I R E , Refinishing INC. « f t O B r o a d w a y , N o . .^lassaiieQUa, I . I , N Y F l RS N. INC. York, N. S. LAINDRO FLAXMAN FI RNITIRE (ORP. 4 0 0 West .Main St., PatchoBue, I , . I . , X . Y T H E I V Y B A R N INC. «;m|;.0 .Merrick R o a d , W a n l a g h , L . I., N . Y A, PAPPALORDO 3 1 8 -Main St., H u i i l i n g t o n , L . I., N . Y . RIEBE'S BRl'SH-N-PALETTE SHOP 701 W a l t W h i l i n a n Roail, Huntington S l a l i o n , L . I., N . Y . V A L M O R F l R M T l RE l l ' J O Second .Ave.. N e w St., T r o y , Glass, Mirrors, Pictures and Paintings Y 11, N . Y . CO., N'.Y. 34110 M c r r i c k R o a d . W a n l a g l i . L . I . , P E O P L E S F I R N I T I I R E CO. T M ' J Church A v e . , B r o o k l y n 2 « , N . Y . R O O S E V E L T F I R N I T I R E 4 A R T SHOP 82-18 R o o s e v e l t A v e . , .laekson H e i g h t s L . I., N . Y . S A X O N Y H O C S E F I R N I T I R E CO. I l l ) W e s t a 4 l h St., N e w Y o r k I I , N . Y . S E L I N C . E R F l R N I T I R E CO. r.4-.T4 M y r t l e A v e . , B r o o k l y n , N . Y . 8. r.IB.SON & S O N S , I N C . SO Reaile Street, N e w V o r k 7, Y. 8 0 L K S T 0 F I R N I T C R E SHOWROOM.S •4!J7 Canal St., N e w Y o r k , N . Y . •VICTOR F I R N I T I R E CENTER • i l O - l a H o r a c e Harcling Blvil., Uayslde W E B E R ' S F I R N I T I RE, INC. 310 B r o a d w a y , Brooklyn Vork, CO., Drive, S T A G N I T T A M U S I C CO. 74 4 N . .Salinn St., S y r a c u s e 8 , N . Y . S U T I ' O N CO. 7 3 1 0 Bay P a r k i v a y , B r o o k l y n 4 , N . T . J E R R Y B R A G I N MUSIC STUDIOS N.Y. LUCILLE 80-12 - 37th ft M E N G I N E E R I N G CO. '403-18 3.'>lh A v e . . Bayside, L . I . , N . Y . L O N G ISL.XND HO^IE E d l ' I P . M E N T CO. 71,5 Sunrise H w a y , B a b y l o n , I . . I . , N . Y . T R O Y S A L E S CO fil)8-(i00 R i v e r St., T r o y , X.Y, VASCO P R O D f C T S CORP. I.ln W . Sunrise H w a y , l.indenhurst, N . Y . •WIND'-O-AWN 10 F i r s t St., P e l h a m , N . Y . TRORO SALES COMPANY 8 0 2 C a s l i e l o n A v e . , S l a l e n Islan.l, N . T R I E B E ' S B R I S H - N - P . \ L E T T E SHOP 701 W a l t W h i t m a n Road, llunlinKton S l a l i o n . L . I.. N . Y . VAl.Il.M.I.A P E T S G I F T SHOP 2 B r o a d w a y , ^'allialla, N . V . Y. N. Y. T H E SHAD'OWBOX G I F T SHOP 200.'> Viflorv Blvd.. Meiers Corners S t a l e n Island 14, N . Y . F O A M HE.VVES: 21 West .Icricho T u r n p i k e , H u n t i n g t o n S t a t i o n , L . I., N . Y . T H E I V Y B.\RN INC. INC. - 101st A v e . , O i o n e P a r k , INC. New N.Y. York, DECORATORS East LANE 17, L (ORP. St., Main 171)8 Y .lEWELERS Third 710 RIEBE (iOlh GERALD'S 88 28, N . 1701h St., B r o n x , N . M. E. N.Y. SHOP DECORATORS rj.'i East l.EVISS 44 K . 8lli LONG fin JANET F E D E R A I . F E N C E CO. I i n 3 Snllolk Ave.. Brcnlnood, N. Y. GENE HOWARD HEATING & SHEET M E T A L INC. 107 F a i r d a l e Hd., L a c k a w a n n a , N . Y . KO/.Y K I T C H E N KABINETS INC. Ft. Ham. P k w y , Bklyn. ERWIN N.Y N.Y, N o . Massapequa, FENCE .MoKuolla 140 40, EMBA.SSY AI.I.RITE V . B . " M A N I F A C T I R I N G CO. 2 n . 5 l - n « East F r e m o n t A v e . , Bronx ( i l , N.Y. BETTER MADE WOODWORKING CO. 437 S u i t e r A v e n u e . B r o o k l y n , N . Y . CRITERION GENERAL. CONTRACTORS CORP. N.Y. New York FIRNITIRE, noLI.V Y. I ' l R N I T l R E CO., I N C . Slain Sireet., I'lusliiiiB, N . Y . 1,1 B I N O A I . I . E R I E S I N C . 17,'5 East 8 7 ( h St., N e w Y o r k 38, N . MADISON FIRNITIRE H FLOOR COVERINli M O D E R N DECOR INC. •408 .lEWELERS 1)50 B r o a d w a y , ( O. 1 , ' i l l S o u t h e r n Blvil., Bronx (10, N . MORRIS BROWN 4531 Broadway, ! 61, Fl'RNITURE, fi412 Buffalo Plaini, ono B r o a d w a y , N o . Massapequa, Home Improvements AI.LBRIGIIT .lEWELERS 3 0 1 0 Buhre A v e . , B r o n x , O R A N D i:PlIOI>iTERINO SHOP 7(i!l OramI Street, Brnokl.vil, N . Y .N . Y . I I , ,1. ( i R K E N E I N C . 1 1 1 - r . ! QiH'ens RIvil., Forest Hills, 1. S T A I I I . . M A N & SON 41 East •-•lltli SI., N e w Y o r k , N . Y . JA( KSON l l E K i H T S ItEDDINO SHOP 82-1-1 R o o s e v e l t .-Vve., Jaekson H e i g h t s , I,. I., N. V. J A N E T I.ICIl.I.E ROBINS. INC. n l l ' , i Main SI., W i l l i a i n s v i l l e '41, N . Y . 4'4 .Market St., N e « Y o r k N. Y. I . A N E F I R N I T I ' R E COUP. - ;i7th A v e . , .laoksfl n l l e i i t h l s , N Y I.EVINE BROWN JEWELERS 71 Westchester S(|uare, Bronx B. B R O W N N.Y, N. Hunt'ton CASCO Hobby Shops N.Y W. C O N C O R D L A M P CO. (t W . 18th St., N e w JEFFERSON HOME ft AI TO SI PPI.Y l'49l J e f f e r s o n A v e . , B u f f a l o 8, N . Y . POLK'S MODEL CRAFT HOBBIES 314 F i f l h A v e . , N e w Y o r k 1, N . Y , Giftwore CO. York, Trnpk G L O V E SHOP .Mamaroneck A v e . , V, Service BOB B I R N S I N C . aO.IS D e l a w a r e A v e . , F I R E S T O N E IN S H E E P S H E A D RAY I 7 I ' 4 Sheepshead Bay R o a d , B k l y n 3n, N.Y. I, N Y F l l.TON D I N E T T E CORP. :inO E. iMerrirk Rcl.. l.lnilenlilirKt, I. • F l I t N I T r K E I N D I S T R I E S OF AMERICA 877 Hroiiclnny, N e w Y o r k , N . Y . F l R N I T l R E n i Y E R S OF A M E R I C A :i7 East W i l l St., N e w Y o r k , N . Y . I'ERMAORAIN CORP. 47-;il - (Will Y o r k .Ifl, N . Y . Gardening Supplies N.Y. Bninkl}-!! Heating INC. GENESEE H A R D W A R E INC. 2001) Genesee Street, B u f f a l o THE 37 Lamp & Shades Heating GOI.BE Fl'RS .•l07-7lh A v e . , N e w York. N.Y. SIMON LEVY 4 SONS Fl R < OP.P. 1'40 East B r o a d w a y , N e w V o r k '4, N . Y . CIIRO.ME C E N T E R N . T. I W East (ienesee St., S.vrnniRe, INC. CREIGIITON I.ANE II'HOI.STERV N. ¥ M e r r l e k B l v d . , I.niirelton, F I E I . D S T O N F I R N I T I R E CO. N. y 110 W e s t 2 U h St., N e w Y o r k 11, FOX F I RS, 2, GENE HOWARD HEATING ft SHEET METAL INC. 107 F a i r d a l e R o a d , L a c k a w a n n a , N . Y. W I L L I A M P A N N E N B E R G , INC. l i n s SuR-olk A v e . , B r e n l w o o d , N . Y . Storage '10 W . 4<ith St., N e w Dealers CASCO F I R M T I R E . INC. u n o llroiifhvii.v, N o . Masfinpeaiin Rentals Fur T. N. T H E S I G H T ft H E A R I N G C E N T E R 24 Grand S i r e e t , W h i t e P l a i n s , N . ABET FIR CO. 150 W e s t 28th St., N e w Y o r k 1, N . Y . ADIRONDACK FIR RENTAL SERVICE l ' ! » West '47th St., N e w Y o r k 1, N . Y . LANGS THRIFT FIRS 73 West 4flth St., N e w Y o r k , N . Y . B R I I . M A N T ' S F r l X DRESS rARI.OR r < l , 1 A v e n u e " l " , !J0, N . V. Ladies' Accessories S T A T E N I S L A N D O R T H O P E D I C ft S I R G I C A L S I P P L V CO. 1'44 Bennett S i r e e t , Staten Island N.Y. I.EDER FURS, INC. 30 West 4Hth St., N e w Y o r k 3 « , N . Y . S I M O N L E V Y ft S O N S F I R CORP. 1'40 East B r o a d w a y , N e w Y o r k '4, N . Y . 8) Your Sates Slips from those Merchants affiliated with the Public Employees Buying Plan will brinq you rebates of to 7'/? per cent. (Clip Th« Reiigious (Continued f r o m Page 9) Ariiclei NEW ROV,\I.TV nil K. I i n t h I I'llOI.STERY St.. Rrnnx, N. Train CO. V. Repair RLASDEI.I. HOBBV 1)0 IMarlowe A v e . . Specialist Upholsterers SHOP Hlasdell, CAMBRIA DECORATORS IKM I V I.(IN<i S M ( » I ' Photo Finishing P A R K E M E V E R l>E( ( ) R . \ T O R S N.Y. 30n-lll IJnden B l v d . , St. A l b a n s 1!l ( M r ; « I t. H i i m l l l o i i I'kw.v, I l k l j n a s , N . V. C A K I I A K T S t l R V K K INC. '."S-.-M Stpinway St.. A s t o r i a , l-.l., I CREKiHTON L A N E liPHOLHTERV INC. < ; i < : k \ i . i i ' s 4 K « I'.i.FRS B'lO nilttpriiMt St., .S.vnipiiBc 8, N . V . T r a v e r i * Rods WEINUERO nE((HtATORS 331-11 M E R R I C K B l v d . , L a u r e l t o n , N . Y . HS T l i l n l St.. TNI.V. N . Y . 3(11 Kolckl^-hopker AVP., B r o o k l y n , N . V . G R A N D I P H O L . S T E R I N O SHOP S T A ND V E N E T I A N B L I N D ( O . Photo Suppliet 7(1» (Irand St., B r o o k l y n . N . V . 311 RoKPrs A v e . , B r o o k l y n 3S, N . Y . Sports Equipment OARII.VKT s r . I I V K F, INC. H. J. O R R E N E I N C , «|1 I IMIOKS>l V V . I N C (I'TO l l i l l l r r n t i t S t . , H y r i i c m e 8 , N . T . 111-13 (iueens B l v d . , Enrest H i l l s , N . T . A ( I l \ ' S B I C Y ( I.E S T O R E Highway, Mprrlpk, •'.•i; W. Sunrlsp TV, Radio & Hi-Fi Dealers JANET LICILLE ROBINS. INC. THK ZAI.^IANOIF STCDIO H;(»(1 Firth A v e . , B r o o k l y n . N. I.. I . N. V. 5 4 1 3 IMaIn St., W l l l i a m s T l l l e 31, N . Y . » t » t « T o w i t IthlK., Syrnouiiei 8 , N . V . •BEDFORD DISCOUNT C E N T E R INC. CAMP * T R A I L OITFITTERS .MANCHESTER E l R N I T I RK N. r. WM.OKTONK C A M K R A INC. 1083 B r o a d w a y , Brnokl-rn, N.Y. I I ' ! ( h a n i l i p m St.. N p w Y o r k . .H Mnm«rnncik Ave.. Wliltd Plnlin, N.V. Sewing Accessories BUILDERS, INC. B O N N E .MtSIC »0. ROVAI, T R t D I N O POST 17R-1K Jamaica A v e . , J a m a i c a 33. N . T . MODEKN SEWINfi CENTER 1431 S. Salina St., Syrapiise If, N . V . N. Y . Photograpl^ers l.-.lll E r i e B l v d . East, Syrapuse, M A N CHESTER FURNITURE BUILDERS, W p « t v « l p ShoplllilR I'pntpr, S y r a c u s e 4 •BEDFORD I)IS(<I)INT C E N T E R INC. SKI-SCAPE INC, CARI.AN STI'DIOS 13 Rpdford A v e . . B r o o k l y n 3 3 , N . Y . in, N.V 17-14 Janmipa A v e . , Jainaira .33, N , T . 4*110 W h l t P IMHIMA KNND. llrnnx 70. N . V . 3<i:i West nKth St., Npvv Vnrk CRYSTAL ELECTRONICS Sewing Machines ROYALTY UPHOLSTERY CO. DEI.MAR < ANDLN ZIRMO ( ( l > f r \ N Y l).f -07 • 101 St AVP.. O i o n e P a r k , N . V . N E W I 1(1 P;irk ROH , N e w Y o r k , N . L & >1 S E W I N C ; M A C H I N E S T O R E S B l l E . I 4 9 l h St., B r o n x , N . Y . 407 H n l f i i n l \vp., Rrn(, N.V. EARL HART •N NPVIIIH St., B r i i o k l y n . N . Y . P A R K E M E Y E R DECORATORS N V A N S - S T O N K INC. 31 1 S. A . & K . BIdu. stationery 38-04 S l e i i i w a y St., A s t o r i a , L . I . , N . T . MODERN SEWINti C E N T E R 20J AVI'.. NI-W Rnrhpllp, N . V 30fi E. (Ipnpsee St., Syraeuse 3, N . Y . Wpstvnip ShoiMilnK Ctr., Syracuse 4, N . V . STURDY UPHOLSTERY INC. JACK-a P l i O T d STINIO MOI T I I S I I I E STATIDNI I!Y FORDHAM AITO R A D I O CO. 10(!4 B r o a d w a y , B r o o k l y n 2 1 , N . T . PKTIIREH f o r A l l OrraHloiift •.*()•; s . I.exlOKton A v . .. W . Plains, N . Y ( ! l ! ) East Forilhani R o a d . Bronx 88, N : Y . Sewing & Knitting Machines i n I (irniiil S t r e r t , l l r o n k l y n II, N.V C.EROI.D'S J E W E I . E R S K E R R Y D I S T R I B I T I O N CO., I N C . Vacuum Cleaners I.KON PORTRAITS 88 T h i r d S t r e e t . T r o y , N . Y . Stereo Conversion Experts i:il> E l m Slrppt. BulTalo 3 . N . V . 2:T0 Parksiili' \vp., Hrnnklyn 3(1, N . V E'llllt II. T.V. HI-FI CENTER HI-FIDELITY lENTER A I R W A Y G R E A T E R N E W YORK CORP. M K I I A P , ! , R(»LL':(> IO ; i ( ooey Island A v p . , B k l y n 3 0 , N . V 334 Central A v e n u e , A l b a n y , N . Y . SALES 4 SERVICE Sport Equipment 12K \V. \VN»lmKtn. St., Syrnclise 2, N.V IMIDCENTER R.VDIO Si T . V . CO. 88-.10 - K l . l t h St., Jamaica 3 3 , N . Y . H l l i l ^ ^ A Y R l ( V( I E ( <!., I N C . PARKW.W I'MOTOriRAPllKRS 313(> S. P a r k A v e . . B u f f a l o 3 0 , N . Y . Storm Windows & Doors i;!M Ocpan A v p . , B r o o k l y n ;iO, N,Y 4<1« ENST r i i n l l m i i i I!onil. N e w York R O B E R T H.VLI. T V S P E C I A L I S T S Venetian Blinds & Window Shades A M . - R U E " V . B . " J I A N I F . M T l R I N G CO T H i A R S S r O H T I N t i COODS, I N C . T H E CIIII.DRIOVS STCNID 7(;3 J e f f p r s o o A v e . , B u f f a l o 4, N . Y . •;.-.ri-,l(! E. Trpmpnt A v p . . B r o n x , ( i l , N . Y . S A A R E L E C T R O N I C S CO.. I N C . 1.1 Klni; Sirppl. T r o y , N . Y . »'J8 llnyilpii .St., S y r a n m p O, N. V. A L L - R I T E " V . B . " M A N U F A C T U R I N G CO. TRAVEI.I.IND l'IIOT()fiR.\PllER A R K W I N V E N E T I A N B I I N D CO. 3.';a4-a(l E . T r e m o n t A v e . , Bronx 0 1 , N T 108-18 Liberty Ave.. Richmond Hill. Shoes Pnrtmit ((miiiiprrliil PliotoBrapli.T 3K-:tO K o s c i u s k o St.. B r o o k l y n .f, S . V. S C H A F F E R S (iROSS A & P V E N E T I A N BLIND & STORM AO.'I W i n o w b r o o k Hoail, Stntpn I s l a n d I i AI.BIA SHOE SHOP C A K O I . E S M . E S CO. 183(> Nostrand A v e . . B r o o k l y n 36, N . V . W I N D O W CO. VICTOR A. M A N N I N O ! l : ! Pawlinit A v p . , T r o y , N . V . I ( , l Firth A v e . , Brooklyn. N . V . T H E RECORD SHOP. INC. 1430 P i t k i n A v e . , B r o o k l y n , N.T. Nplinpr P n i ' t r n i t Stiidln E A S T E R N H O M E S l P P t . Y CO. A K K O W SHOE (It. ( i l l Main St., B u f f a l o , N . V . C A R O L E S A L E S CO. 4 « 0 .Main Strppt. Ititrfaln 2, N.V. (13(1 .Hppond A v p o n p . N o r t h T r o y , N . V . F i r t h AVP.. B r o o k l y n . N . V . VIC'S T V S E R V I C E 4(15 F i f t h A v e . , B r o o k l y n , N.T. ECONOMY WINDOW & DOOR CO. 3713 F i f t h Ave., T r o y . N . Y . B E K K I . E Y B E D CROSS S H O E S Photographic Workshop T H803 O R O Castleton SALES C A tNa Y 3 1 1 D p l a w a r e St., T o n a w a n d a , N . Y . A vOeM . ,P S t e n Island, N . T . Red < roHS X AniprUan ( i l r l T H E / V I . M A N O J ' F S T I 1)10 E C O V O M V W I N D O W & DOOR CO. l l i i : i PUUiti AVP.. B r o o k l y n , N . Y . TV & Hi-Fi Dealers s t a l e Toivpr ULILC., Syrariine N.V. C::! Wpst Avp.. I . o c k p o r t , N . Y . BI E E C K E R SHOE S T O R E Wallpaper ETHIC.VL T . V . & HI Fl Cf^NTER I . A I N D R O B L I N D ( O. -.11".I .Myrtlp A v e . . R i d l i c w o o d , N . Y . 1031 t onpy I iland A v e . . B k l y n 30, N . T . A R K W I N V E N E T I A N B L I N D CO. Pianos l o o t ) B r o a d w a y , B r o o k l y n 31, N . Y . ( E I . I S V IIEl.l.A SHOE SHOP HoriHAN'S 28-30 K o s c i u s k o Street, B k l y n , 8 , N . T . A . .1. N R C C I I K R I L . B. S X C K S ( ( ) . . I \ C . 718 lloosiek Road. T r o y , N. Y. ' ! I K ( o l l l i n h i a St.. B r o o k l y n 3 1 , N . Y . J A M E S B U R R O W S P A I N T S /t 8LL-N5 .Iniiiaiia A v e . , ((iieeiiB Vllloite '!S fill W y o n i l n i ! A v e . . B u R a l o , N. V . :l,INA REI.I.A SI1»E SHOP WALLPAPERS D O N N E .MCSK ( <>. L * M E N t i l N E E R I N f i CO. .-iliC. I l n i i A v e . . B r o o k l y n , N . V. 1421 H. Salliin St., Syrapliso 5, N . V 2 5 E . M a i n St., Bay Shore, I . I . , N . T . 3(i:(.|8 - 3, AVP., Baysidp, N. Y . TV, Radio, Hi-Fi, Type Recorder Y o r k , N. Y . III F <»t 3!llh St.. NPW ( ( ( N I O R M A I . FOOTWEAR B K O N E N ' S M l SIC C(». KRAFT VENETIAN B L I N D CO. NATIONAL VENETIAN B L I N D CO. RDUItlNS INC. Repair Service DINNV 11.1.1 .Slinpsiiii S t . . I t n i n i .W, N. S . I I ! ) I t i c a AVP.. B r o o k l y n 13. N. V . 13(1 - 7lh A v e . , B r o o k l y n 15, N . T . SI tor M P O OEUiER ItRO.S. l ' l \ N O CO. .MODEL H O M E S T O R M W I N D O W CO. A.VT S E R V K E CORP. L A U N D R O B L I N D CO. I Pitlihi AVP.. Brookl rn 12, N. V . ( M l l l e r ' A Miisip I 131 M o r r i s Park Avp.. Bronx ( i l , N . Y . (18 Winhani A v e . . Statpn IslumI fi. N . Y . 1001) B r o a d w a y , B r o o k l y n 3 1 , N , T , D I N N \ ,V R O I U I I N S IN(. 7 3 r o l i r l h St., T r n y , N . V . T I I O R O S A L E S ( O. A S S O . T E L E V I S I O N S E R V I C E C O R P . MORRIS SINGER Shoi" ror Men T h p llonip lni|iro\pinpnt Cpntpr 8li-tKi 3Jth A v e . , Jksn llithts, L . L , N . Y . N. y . n i l ) ( hainliers St.. Npn 1 It) Jersey St., Staten Island, N . T . Piano Instruction Kfl'; Castleton A v e . , Statpn Islaiul 10 N Y ASTRO ELECTRONICS CORP. •M. R . P O S T CO. BOBBINS INC DIN NY T R O Y S A L E S CO. NRC.H D K F A T C O R D I A N * PIANO 521 West 23rd St., NPW V o r k , N . V , Shoes tor Men 7 1 5 Coney Island A v e . , B k l y n . 18, N . T . .sTinios .Vlcoa AInniinuni W i n d o w s & Doors ARC TELEVISION SERVICE Delilncpy St.. N e w Vork '!. N . Y . N A T I O N A L V E N E T I A N R I . I N D CO. 4 l n Smith ( h r l s p a RDJUL, W h i t e P l a i n s r.DS-IKM) R i v e r St., T r o y , N . V . 10 A v e n u e ' S " B r o o k l y n 23. N . Y . D I N N V * B O B B I N S INC. 4 1 ! ) U t i c a A v e . , B r o o k l y n 13, N . T . N. v. AI THORI/ED M.XNUFACTURERS V.\S( II P R O D I C I ' S CORP. Shiies tor Men S T A - N U V E N E T I A N B L I N D CO. I >1) W . Sun H w a y . I.ii ilpiiiiurst. N . V . S E R A K E ( O . . I N C . IS I Sevpnlh A v p . . N e w Y o r k 18, N . Y . 311 Rogers Ave., Brooklyn 35, N.T. Picnic Supplies WO V E R I N E W NTER.SFAI. CORP. 1)11) W y p k o f f A v e . , i l r o o k y n 27. N . Y . K. M K i E I . I N C . WILLIAM MIRMAN 4- S O N riRE.STONE IN S H E I C P S I I E A D II.VV II.->.-. N sa l ulls B l v d . BEDFORD DISCOUNT C E N T E R INC. Shoes & Riilini: Boots 33(18 F u l t o n Street, B r o o k l y n 8 , N.T. 713 Shpppshpnrt B a y Road, Rrookl.VII BuH:ilo N.V. 13 ItPdford AVP.. B r o o k l y o 3 2 , N . Y . Mil'le l o Order Ready Made INTER-COUNTY PAINT & W A L L P A P E R BEDFORD DISCOUNT C E N T E R INC. 31 W a r r e n St.. N e w V o r k . N . Y . Co. Picture Framing Surgical & Orthopedic 1(183 B r o a d w a y , B r o o k l y n , N , V . F A I . K N E R ' S SHOE STORE 0 3 1 Carnians R o a d . A m i t y v t l l e , L . L , N . T . BRWIN M. R I K H E C O R P . BRONX M l l n O W N TEI.EVISION Appliances •;:k() Seneia SI,. BnlTalo 10, N . Y . AUTO RADIO I l l * E. C l l l l i St.. N e w Vnrk, N . V . Wallpaper HANNVII BOOTERY E X P E R T S I R d K .M. A P P L I A N C E CO. 777 Bruckner Blvd., Bronx 55, N . Y . I,RON PORTRAIT.S I ililies. Men .V Childrpu 11.1-10 .lumaiea A v e . . Jamaica 35, N . V. D O M E S T I C P A I N T CO., I N C . BUFFALO TELEVISION SERVICE 330 Parksiilp A v e . , Ilriiiiklyn 3(!, N . V IliOJ AVP. " I " . B r o o k l y n 3U, N . Y . .STERNBERG ORTHOPEDIC A P P L I A N C E S 314-71 Jamaica A v e . , ((ueens V i s , , N . T . 1 3 1 » J p f f e r s o n , B u f f a l o 8, N . V , RIEITK'H IIRI S H - N - P A I - E T T E S H O P H \l!\ E V S ( i ; o & (!30a F l a l h i i s h A v e . . B k l y n . 25 CRV.STAL ELECTRONICS M . R . P O S T CO. 701 W a l t W h i t n i a i i Rnad, Hiinliiiiilai< ( l l o s l o n i a i l ) Shoes f o r Men A B o y s STATEN ISLAND ORTHOPEDIC & Htntlon, I.. I., N. Y . 7 1 5 Coney Island A v e . . B k l y n . 18, N . T . 95-07 - l O l s l A v e . , O z o n e P a r k . N . Y . 111(1 Eastprn P a r k w a y . B k l y n . 13, N . Y S r i C G K A l . S U P P L Y CO. TROJAN F L O O R S, W A L L COVERINGS IIOSPITAI. ARCH S r i ' P O R T (().. INC. F O R D I I A M A l T O R A D I O CO. 131 Bennptt St., Stalpii Island 3, N . Y . COVERINGS Slriilp-Rltp Shops. IIMcior R i Filled ( I l l ) East F o r d h a m Rd.. B r o n x 5 8 , N . Y . & T R O J A N F L O O R Plastic Accessorlas 10l)(l B r o a d w a y . B u f f a l o . N .Y. 33J K n i e k e r h o i k e r A v p . . R k l y n 3 7 , N . Y HOOSICK T E L E V I S I O N SERVICE CONCORD C O M P A N Y Tables JAIOBSON BKOTIIFRS I'iOO S m i t h A v e . . 7, N . V . 3(141 Sixth A v e n u e . T r o y . N . V . Washing Machines & Dryers Part* EMBVSSV DEt O R A T O R S INC. 103 Essex .St., NPW V o r k 3, N. Y . I.AKE ELECTRONIC SERVICE INC. 135 East u n t i l St., B r o n x , N . Y . DU A L L W A S H E R SERVICE J A (13IIIISON B B O T SI IIKRS Ifi.-.o Central AVP., A l b a n y 5 , N . V . N e w Y o r k 18, N . Y . Pillows West 3(illi 3 5 - 1 3 S t e i n w a y St.. A s t o r i a , L . I . , N . T . LEEDS ELECTRONICS (O. Jl N I O R B O I I T E K V IH.ACO L I V E N S INC. L E E D S A L L S E R V K E INC. Table Pads 4 !•; So. SiiliMii SIrept. Sy cute, N . Y , 1711) P i t k i n A v e . , B r o o k l y n , N . Y . I M N - (I.-lril L)rivp. RPRO P a r k , I,.!., N . V 131-01 R o c k a w a y Blvd., South Oione JO-ANN BIKITERV C A R O L E S A L E S ( (). t E i c l i i d h i K Shppis & P i l l n w Cases MIIHI E N T E R R.VDIO & T . V . CO. Park, N.Y. •MOM .Mermaid .\vp.. B r o o k l y n , N . 4(i.-, F i f t h AVP.. B r o o k l y n , N . Y . 313(1 S. P a r k A v e . . B u f f a l o 3 0 . N . Y . L.\N(i'S SIIOI: STOKE L . \ l N D R O B L I N D ( (I. Polishes MOBILE TV SERVICE Washing Machines ft Dryers, I K I P a r k .Xve.. .\mit v i l l c , L . I . , N . V . IIIOI) Broiidwa.-., B r o o k l y n 31, N . V . CONCORD CD.MPANY 81-33 - 2(i3rd St.. F l o r a l P a r k , N . T . .MOI L D E D S H O E CO. Repairing ft Service 1 3 0 0 South A v e . . Syracuse 7 , N . Y . NATIONAI. VENETIAN BLIND CO. P H O N O T A P E S E R V I C E CO. ( o n f o r m a l F o o l <\ car I I ! ) I t i p i i AVP., B r o o k l y n 13. N . V . CENTRAL WASHER SERVICE 11)75 - 7.-.lh St.. B r o o k l y n , N . Y . III Eiist 3111 II St., N P ' V o r k 1(1, N . Y . Porch Enclosures STA NI VENETIAN BLIND ( (I. 10(1-17 I.iberty A v e . , 0/one Park IT OI.OFF's SHOES R S Z TELEVISION SERVICE I , « M E N ( i I N i ; i ; i t l \ C . CO. 3 H RoBprs A v e . , B r o o k l y n 3,"), N . Y . 7.-.3 (;raiill St.. Ill loklyn 11, N. V . DU A L L W A S H E R SERVICE 40 B r o a d w a y , Staten Island 10, N.Y. 3 0 3 I 8 :(.%lh A v p . . llayslde, I..I., N . V W I I . I . I X M M I H M A N A- S O N 35-13 S t e i n w a y St., A s t o r i a , L . I . , N . T . SAAR E L E C T R O N I C S CO., I N C . P.VRK SHOES ( F l o .helm) 3::<!8 F u l t o n St., B r o o k l y n 8, N , Y , WOI.VERINK WINTER-SEAL CORP 3.-> P a r k l ; o „ , N w V o r k . N . V. I U 8 - I K I.iliprty AVP., R i c h m o n d Hill LEEDS A L L SERVICE INC. l a a N h m a r a Falls B l v d . 134-01 R o c k a w a v B l v d . , South O z o n * Tailoring P O I I I . ' S .11 \ E N l l i: S H O E S T O R E T - S ( » l A R E T V S E R V U E & R E N T A L CO Bunal.i ' ' I . N . V . P a r k . N . T . •;l.-.ll'/i Seneca St.. B l i n a l o 1(1. 311 G r a h a m A v e . , B r o o k l y n , N . V . ... SANFORD-M.VNDEl CO. P O S I F K S SHOES VIC'S T V SERVICE Printed Invitations 5 F i f t h A v e . . N e ,IV V o k 3, N , Y , Watches & Clocks N.V. pn M ' d 3713 F i f t h A v e . , T r o y , N . Y . I 13 R i c h m o n d A v e C A R I . A N S T I DIOS B. B R O W N J E W E L E R S V I C ' S R A D I O ,«! T V Tile — Plastic & Ceramic 4(110 W h i l p Plains RomI, Bronx 70, N . V , .S.\l I.VS S H O E S I N ( , Brooklyn N. V . 71 Westchester .Si|., B r o n x 6 1 , N . T , 133 WR maam A A v evn u e .Staten B u l l a lIsland o 13, 8, N , NY. , Y (>8 i noh 4.-|»H - I 3 l h .\te., DOVER BOOK SHOP M Si M F L O O R & W.VI.L BROWN S H O E S R E M O D E L I N G A V T S E R V K E CORP. B. B R O W N J E W E L E R S W A l . T E I f S 111 S T E K 3 0 7 3 l l r o a d H a y . NPW Y o r k 25, N.V CO. , Brooklyn ; l ) l N o s i r a m I .\vc. 301(1 Buhre A v e . , B r o n x . N . T . I.VI3 ( TV Parts ft Tubes T H E OBCHID SHOPPE lesee St., B u l l a l o 11, N . Y . (10,^ B u l l e r i i i i t St., Syracuse, N.Y. B. B R O W N JEW E L E R S Shoe Repairing L E E D S E L E C T R O N I C S CO. N.T. Tires 171!) P i t k i o A v e n u e , B r o o k l y n . N . Y . 4531 Broadtvay. N e w York 40 Radiator Enclosures MOIIEI. ( l.i:.\NERS * ISl \ND L E E D S E I . E I T K O N I C S CO. J U L I E N ' S CLOCK SHOP INC. REP MR A l . ' s T I R E SHOP. INt . C A R O L E S . M . E CO. .V\e.. L a k e R o n k o i i k o i u a , L . 1. 73-0!) duppos lllvd/, Woodsidp, L . I . , N . Y 4.10 T e n t h A v e . . N e w V o r k , N . Y . I l l B r a d f o r d St.. A l b a n y . N . Y . 4(15 F i f t h AVP., B r o o k l y n , N.Y, A A T S E R V I C E ( O R P . .V S T I R E CI). G E88 K O LTD E W E L ETR L A U N D K O B L I N D CO. h i' rSd JStreet, r oSy , N . T . (18 W i o l i a m A v e . . Staten Island (1, N . T . 17311 A t i i i i i l i c A v e . . B r o o k l y n , N. Y . 1001) B r o a d w a y . B r o o k l y n 3 1 , N . V . F I K E S T O N E IN S H E E P S H E A D B A V Silverware Wearing Apparel N.ATIONAI. M:\ETI.VN BLIND CO. 17 1-: Shcaiishcad Bay R o a d , B k l y n . TV Rental Service G K R d l . D ' S .11 i:i.i:us 411) Uticu A v c n i i p . B r o o k l y n 13, N . V I.OT.MOItE T I K E S E R V K E A N N JACOBS ( O R S E T S H O P INC. SS T h i r d SI reel, T r o y , N. V. T - S d C A R E T V S E R V I C E & R E N T A L CO llill-03 Hillside A v e . , J a m a i c a , N . V. S T3 A4- N VFNEA T vI .pV. .N B rBoLoIkNl yDn CO E.VKI. I I A R 3310 M e r m a i d A v e . , B r o o k l y n 3 4 , N . T . 1 I lRosprs 23, N . Y . 311 G r a h a m A v e . , B r o o k l y n , N.Y. I ' l l M F K T I R E D I S T K I I I l TORS. I N t . 31 I S. BLOCH S Bidit. A,\T S E K M C E CORP. 3(l(; E. Gi lari y t o » n Roiid. W h i t e Plains, N , Y I I St.. S N . Y . (18 W inham A \ c . . Staten Island 6, N . T 1)3 M a m a r o n e c k A v e . , W h i t e P l a i n s , N . T . Radios North Storp) Syracuse HEPP 4th .lEWEI Broa Its. u>. INC. Troy. Reducing Slip N.V. Salon NHII.AtK SPOT lii:il'lCIN( 844A Cenlr:li Ave., iiwrpilce. ( HI Kl II N.Y. 1 AIIRII S •; : ; i l t hnreii (RKitnniiN Records 3.11-11 iRCADE ASSOCIATES INC. 71-Oli R u o a e i p l t .\vc., .luclison l U h l s 7' VitVST.M, FI.FCTROMCS 1)5.0J - K l l s t A v e . , O z o n e P a r k , N . V E N S E I . I I F I t G >11 S K SHOP, INC. 17 G r a h a m A \ e . . B r o o k l y n (1, N . V , T H E R F ( ( I R D SHOP. INC. « 1 4 Jlilin St., B u f f a l o , N . Y . Recordings Ill-I'; HOI I D A V Merrick 3V4% III i d 13 , N V . Itk<ln III. N. V . I ' M O I M ' l l t V 1 NC. aurelton, N V. Forest I l i l U , N . V. Blvd.. JL, N. V, l.-ilh St.. I l r o o k l IKEATIONS t iislom-Madp Plastic Sli|i ( o v e r s 3111'.' West •-'oil St.. B r o o k l y n , N . V , 11(11 I( I Iiistoiu-.Maile AV ( R E A T I POl a NsSt i c Slip C o v e r s .Sheppsiicail Bay Rd.. Bklyn, N.V. J A N E T L I ( II I E R O B I N S , I N C . 5 I I ' ; M a i n St., W i l l i a m s v i i l p 31, N . Y . .M.\N( H E S T E R I I K N I T I R E III II.DERS I N I17A-1A . J a m a i c a A v e . , Jamaica 3 3 , N , Y 97 Typewriters A K ( \1)E ASSIK A-SSIK l . V T E S I N C . 7 | . » l i K o o s e v e l l A v e . , Jackson l l c i g l i t t T ; . N. \ . \l)l F K S HVUV i l K N I T l K E & T ( l \ W O K I II 111 T h i r d Slreet, T r o y N e w V o r k l).\KLLN(; 3:i01) AvpJinc • I " , Dii\ I:R ( UlvVTIONS PUBLIC limited to I INC. (llicclls 3 7 1.-. \>est H O I . I l l \\ .\ipmie I \Ni; H. .1. ( . K L I A i : 4 17 C A R L VN s n DIOS 4(110 W h i l p Pins. Rd., Bronx 7 0 , N . V E N S E I B F I K , >11 SIC S H O P , I N C . 1 ) U i a h a i u . \ i c . , Bruoklyii (I, N . V , 'Rebate Toys and Games Covers ( . V M I I K I A DEC t ) l ! V T O R S 'Jll.-i-ltl l.inilcii IIImI.. St. A l h a n s BOOK Brooklyn 31), N. V, SIIIII' 3(173 Broaiiwa.v, N e w Vork 3.-., N. Y . F I I S E S T O N F IN S H I ; E P S H E A D B A Y 35 17 13 Sheepshcad Bay R o a d . B k l y n . J E F I E R S t i N H O M E .V A I T O S U P P L Y I :t)l JelVersou A v e . , B n l l a i o 8, N . V , S( A R S D A L E T O V I . , V N D 3 3 ( ; a r t h R o a d , Scursdalc, Y, Trains FIRESTONE 1713 IN S I I E E I ' SIIEAD Hheepsilcad EMPLOYEES Bay Road, BAY Bklyn 35 « ) FOREST H I L L S T Y P E W R I T E R Olliee >lacirincs A v e . ( l o A r c a d e) 107-35 timtlncutal Forest Hills, N . V. Al I.-WRITE T V P F W RITFR (I). 471) Heinpstead T p k e . , Elinont N . T . A R D I T O B U S I N E S S INIACIIINES 308 E. .Merrick Rd., I.indpnliurst I.I, N V F I S C H E R O F F K E M A d l l N E CO. \LL 80-(i0 L e f f e r t s Blvd., Kpw ( ( a r d e n s F1S( H E R O F F l t E M A d l l N E CO. 3 7 0 - 7lli A v p . \ p i v V o r k I , N . Y , PLATO TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE (100 N . Salina .St., Syracuse 8. N . Y , T V T E i . L T V P E W R I T F R ( t)., I N ( . T y i i e w r i t e r s w i t h .Special Keyboards, Forpiiiii & T p c h n i c a l 133 Firlton St.. N e w V o r k 38, N . Y . U N I O N N A T L . B U S I N E S S M A C H . CO. 1313 S l v t h A v e . , N e w Y o r k 3U, N . T BUYING (NON-PROFIT) DUANE STREET. NEW 15 YORK PLAN. 7, N. E V A N S S A L E S CO. 1743 Prospect PI., B r o o k l y n , N . Y . KNOPF'S DEPART.MENT STORE 451) South P a r k A v e . , Biin'alo, N , T . LEVY'S DEPARTMENT STORE 4 1-01 • l(i3nU St., FlushiliK 5 8 , L . L .Mc(iRATH-TOWNI.EV, INC. 1)3 Nassau St., N e w Y o r k , N . Y . PARKSIDE I'ORSETS 735 Flalhush Urouklyn, BuflTalo N.T, 0, n.T. Window Screens THORO SAI.ES I ' O M P A N V 8 0 3 Castleton A v e . , Staten Island, N . T, Wrought Iron ft Aluminum Railings T H O R O S A L E S CO. 8 0 3 Castleton A v e . , Statoa INC. Y. Ave., T H5(>0-.V13 E S T Y L EW i lSl iH aO i nP St., laland. N , t 4 REAL ESTATE ^ CALL BE 3-6010 HOUSES - HOMES - PROPERTIES CALL BE 3-6010 THE BEST GIFT OF ALL — YOUR OWN HOME LONG ISLAND LONG ISLAND LONG ISLAND THE ADVERTISERS IN THIS SECTION HAVE ALL PLEDGED TO THE SHARKEY- BROWN LAW ON HOUSING NO CASH DOWN G. I. E. Elmhursf. Queens Only $500 Bown — FHA Terms 114 FARMERS BLVD. ROBINSOIV ST. ALBANS Open 7 Day a Week Free Pick Up Service From Subway Dirrctionn:—Grand Crntnil Parkwily are., l e f t to OOth St. « Modeli. to ST. Hillcrest. MOLLIS Mollis. South Oione GARDENS $10,990 1 FAMILY N e w ! — N E W ! ! 2 family, solid B R I C K . 5 and 3 ' 2 rooms, garage, modern kitchens and baths, beautiful location, overlooking park. PRICE: $24,500 Call $8,300 JA 9 - 5 1 0 0 - 5 1 0 1 LA S-319 JA 6-9121 200-27 LINDEN BLVD., ST. ALBANS, L. I. 135-30 ROCKAWAY BLVD SO. OZONE PARK Van W y i k R i p r r f w n n } ' and Kookaivay Blvd. F R K E P U K - I I ' C A R S E R V I C E . 2 FAMILY 6 RMS. & 6 RMS. $360 CASH FREE PirK CP 114-44 Sutphin Blvd., 4 BEDROOMS JAmaica 9-2000 rgcmn. completely <tetaehe<1. 1 f l n l b b t d l)lini|i>. otuniis aiul feCiCL-nH. location. Price: $18,990 rooni« Down: $1,890 Pri. f i «i om all area.. $15,800 RANCHES and up. L o w <lo» n Piuniinm, if 1,000 CALL TO M A K E AIM'OINTMENT Many other available — Call for liowu * i i) up In Informotlcn J. J. FRANKLIN HOLMES 119-40 MERRICK <LVD. > L A U R E L T O N ST. ALBANS 34. N, V. 7-2800 EAST ELMHURST SOUTH OZONE PARK 2 S O L I D B R I C K . 1 f a m i l y , excellent hny. splendid condition, 6 large I'oonig w i t h finished basfmcjit, garage and many extras, r r . transportation. Only $16,000 FAMILY Large Selections Large 2 f a m i l y — solid b r k k — 6 rooms — 8 & 4 room apartments — oil beat — modern throughout — loTely neirhborhood. LIVE KENT FKBE. Only $19,500 NEW 1 & 2 FAMILY HOMES AVAILABLE of EDWARD S. BUTTS REAL ESTATE 26-05 94th G or F Train to Tarsont Blvd. INTEGRATED ^ 2 DUTCH COLONIAL • 5 ^ • • DETACHED — INSUL BRICK 5 ROOMS — 2 CAR G A R A G E NEW AUTOMATIC HEATING SYSTEM NEW ALUMINUM SCREENS ft STORMS COUNTRY NEIGHBORHOOD — CONVENIENT TO SCHOOLS, SHOPPING & TRANSPORTATION TO BE COMPLETELY REDECORATED INSIDE B-119 • • • E-S-S-E-X ^ ^ AX7.7900 A. ^ A l l a i u o i i t Dia<-'ailam n]. Tronl tote I'rU'e WOO. on monthly t u n i B . — Uuliaerlanil C r n t r r ei'olion. 6 ai-rtu with some woods, l - t k e $1,800. — Hnox V i l l w e . L o t S23 f t . niaiu tnueadam Til. f r o i i t a « e and 2t)0 tt. depth. r r i c » ^600. Some b u y . — W w t r r l o S'lU acMes of tielde and » o o d » , old bnildintfe. Lai'ge niacadani rd. froi)ta«e, also other id. IrontaKo. Akking Price ¥8.000, all oBei'8 BUbmitted. — Knox 36 a i r n , i:iOO f t . macadam rd. frontajre, some wooiln. I'rice $«,SOO, teimt. — AltauiuiitGiiilileiland Cinter hcition. Most beautif\i) woods S to 10 a.iv8, buildinir ijlot and riilinir home uasture land. I'rire $3,500. terniB. — D u a n e b b u r g ai-ction. .'10 aiTi'B o l nni'Bt woo.l« w i t h apurox. I ' O O f t . niaciidani rd. front five, just otf Rt. 20. »treut v i t w . I ' r k e $S,000, What a place to build honwe and the lumber in thcee woodb In worth $5,000. 1 hu%e many other such propertice coming in all the time. Why don t y o i i come up ami Bce me Bonie time. Om.'e open weekenilH. i'lione I'NIon 1 - H I I I M A i r B t X l , , A L T A M O N T , N. J. ^ ^ J 9 • 2 4 JAMAICA 1 family. A 1 condition, new gas heating unit, new plumbing, new roof, aHbeBtoe ihingle, t o m e furniture included, 1 car garage, plot 60x100. $13,200 CAMBRIA HEIGHTS Solid b a c k bungalow, 3 maiter t i z « bedroomt, f u l l dining room, 1 car garage, many t x t r a , beautiful residential •ectioD. Price: $19,500 HAZEL B. GRAY Lie Broker 109-30 MERRICK BLVD. JAMAICA Entrant SI 2,490 $400 DOWN • • 2 J • 3 BEDROOMS • FULL BASEMENT HAS EXTRA LAVATORY 9 g| J AND SHOWER • SEPARATE GARAGE Month to Bank 9 A W A REAL ESTATE CO. # $73.20 A B C O 168-22 Hillside Ave. Jamaica, N. Y. U 9 St. Sta. 6-8 Ave S'woy OL 7-7900 • A X 9 • ^mmmmmmmm 4• 2 GOOD BUYS Price: _ <4 143-01 HILLSIDE AVE. JAMAICA • 42 <X NO CASH DOWN Gl $400 CASH ALL OTHERS ST. ALBANS • IV2 BATHS • 6 ROOMS • 4 0-8717 4 IV M. A 2 160-13 HILLSIDE AVE. JAMAICA $12,990 Street Jackmln HeiRhts — T W Open Snnday Betneen OL 7-3838 OL 7-1034 ' Knotty Pine S/Finished Basement CAPITOL DISTRICT LOT & ACREAGES NEW HOMES CAPE CODS — LIVE IN Park & Vicinity INTEGRATED UPSTATE PROPERTY Trc^jan l l n i l e d B r i i k bunnalow. m tttti>> V*'nctiitn • kj 135-21 ROCKAWAV ILVD. SO. OZONE PARK 'SEE HOLMES FOR HOMES' HOLLIS SPRINGFIELD GARDENS • This modern home is located in an A1 area. Situated on a 30x100 plot, hos automatic got heat and sells for the low price of $14,500. Seven beautiful rooms in all, plus porch. Jamaico OL 7-6600 ^ 0 ST. ALBANS $550 CASH SERVICE U8-20 Hillside Ave., Jamaica, N. Y. Oi'EN ; » nBEK Low, low price of $11,990. This stucco home in Jamaica has 2 completely private 6 rooms opts. A deal for the large family that needs Income. OLympia 9-6700 MOVE RIGHT IN ?5)h LIST REALTY CORP. I N T E G R A T E D C A L L to 1 & 2 FAMILY Fully detached, 5 large rooms, new oil heat, new shingles, tip $9,000 to $12,000 top shape. Excellent for fam- 1 FAMILY $9,500 ily with Camp age children. Detached, oil heat, 1 car gaFREE INFORMATION—Call Now rage, semi-finished basement. Also Many Unadvertised Near everything. Bring Small SPECIALS Deposit. RUSH! Terms arranged for Small cash A real beauty, completely detached and located on large landscaped plot. 8 lorge rooms, full basement, oil heat. Extras tool All in convenient Jamaica at ONLY $11,990. Sonth Fully detached 60x100 plot. 5 Reduced to $12,000 rooms, 2 master sized bedrooms, plus guest room, oil heat, ga- Fully detached, oil heat, nice land. Separate entrance to up roge, A1 condition. stairs apt. Nr. everything. Bring $i9. A Mo. Pays MTGE. Small Depoiltl 2 FAMILY $8,990 HURRY! LIVE RENT FREE 2 fully separate 5 room opts, 1 FAM. $61.71 Mo. $9,500 2 full kitchens and baths, near 2 FAM. $88.02 Mo. $13,500 everything. BUNG. $78.17 Mo. $11,900 HURRY! BRING DEPOSIT BE SMART - BUY A 2 FAMILY HOME AND LIVE pf-RENT FREE FIVE BEDROOMS $360 CASH thrn $300 DOWN TO ALL SPRINGFIELD $8,200 Eilt, HOMES TO FIT YOUR POCKET" . . . SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY HOME COTTAGE Detached income property. 4 large opts, total of 14 rooms and baths, full basement ond enclosed backyard. Only $1,300 cosh required. LIVE RENT FREE IN JAMAICA St. REAL BARGAINS IV 9-5800 FOUR FAMILY 9tth ON C O N T R A C T REAL ESTATE C O . f:30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. GOODLET $490 INTEGRATED HEMPSTEAD Model open for inspection. For Directions, HOMES NATIONAL Open 7 Days a Week SP 6-0800 6 Rooms, 3 Airy Bedrooms, Tremendous Basement, Gos Heat. Tel.: HI 6-9618 25(h Ave. and 99th St (Near Astoria Blvd.) REALTY 17 SOUTH FRANKLIN A SENSATIONAL BUY WITH EVERY LUXURY Ottly $29.50 WEEKLY VharVe! BRING SMALL DEPOSIT $11,909 Detached. 1 family, features 3 RANCH master bedrooms, modern kit- Attractive home with rooms all chen and bath, full basement, on one floor, linotty pine kitautomatic h e a t , garage. chen, modern bath, patio, Vocant! Move Right In. breeiway, ail en large landscaped plot. RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY S80.92 A MO. PAYS ALL BETTER "eiT" BRICK RANCH 6 Rooms — 1V2 Both S and bafh up, 4 and bath down, Large C a p Cod, S rooms en one full basement ell unit, garage, floor, expansion attic, full baseA1 area. Sftotlest throughout. ment, garage, large garden plot. A once in a lifetime buyl HURRY! LIVE RENT FREE $9,990 ST. ALBANS Only $15,900 Brofid New l-FamlEy Ho^r.^s $12,990 HEMPSTEAD & VICINITY $14,500 Datoched, 50x100, 2 lorg* opts, SOLID BRICK JAMAICA i tFITEGRATED Only 10 minvtes from City — One Fore Zone $300 CASH CIVILIAN 6 ROOMS Uil Integrated N T I f t R A T E D Read These First I • ® A 7 • H O L L I S — 2 family, 5 and 3, finished basement, 3 car garage, modern thruout. ? V A 2 X 9 ADDISLEIGH PARK — English Tutor, solid brick, 7 rooms, sunken living room, 2 fireplaces, finished basement with bar, garage, oil heat, brass plumbing. Hollywood kitChen and bath. M ^ ^ ^ w A 7 9 H T • A ^ W •^ Asking $21,500 Dn. $1,000 Ashing $17,900 $98 Mo # 0 0 • H o r t y Real E s t a t e J 0 180-23 Linden • Fieldston* M 9 5 0 Blvd. ^ W 109th Rd. AX 1-5858.9 RIVEUSIDE! O U I V B , I H •partmenta Intcrrtclal, IWk'iu 7 - 4 1 1 » & Z >/i prlTaW rurnltbfd T a » BROOKLYN HOUSE FOR RENT FIND 9 0 % pOj}R^|EDSEL-«o.FORD O F F VERY LOW ON AUTO AND TRUCK LIABILITY INSURANCE WW YOU CAN'T BUY BETTER INSURANCE! » JML ^^^ For A Full Year F«r Eligibit Rtsirftnti of Ireni territeriti $10,000/20,000 Body Injury and $5000 Proporty Damago limits —Roquirod by Now York State Compulsory lr)turance l a w olio includes tho coveroge required under the N. Y. State Automobile Accident Indemnification Law. STATE WIDE INSURANCE COMPANY 152 West 4 2 n d ST., N.Y.36 BRyant 9-5200 M A I L AT O H C E \ - Address ..Phone, City I I I I Present Insurance Company . C5-5-59 ijiEZEY MOTORS W i I Date Policy Expires Open Tuesdays Till 8 P.M. I and I . . " ? ' ' ' ' * -"I- Lor » , „ ( „ i «r. "••mWrpow^"'/ow, LOWEST PRICES: BIGGEST TRADE-INS! EASIEST TERMS! JajcJcStketiJiK.t^t NAVONE 74 SIXTH AVENUE, Cor.ConalSI. Phone CA. 6-1400 ^ y j Q SALES USED C A R S 172S Q l ' E E X S BI.VD. K L M H I R S T . L.I. T W 9-1181 H ¥ s Oldest Aulhonied. Chrysler Plymouth Ocjlet YOU AUTO BUY YOUR New or Used PONTIAC ON OUR CO-OP SAVING PLAN Right Now APUZZO PONTIAC CORP 1840 E. Trement Av«., TA 3-5100 Poniiac Bronx iviodel & Yr. Desired NAME T h U coupon will bring you full lotorni' ! ADDRESS •Hon at>aut our money t a v i o i plan. i PHONE New C a r s Authorixed Sale. & Seryic. 1959 BUIGK OPEL i . . . I ' £xecui;v0 Cart HILLMAN SUNBEAM JEEP tak about our New Cur I.i>aiilii( I'lan Inspected, Serviced and Tested in our O W N SHOP before certified for sale on OUR O W N LOT. • m N E W & USED CAR DIVISIONS* CALCON BUICK Ned Miller & Sons 231 E. 161 St. (Juit K ot Uraiid Goueuurse) LUdlow e-3100 RESORTS Summer Rental Rse Illll (iurdrnn, I later Park, N . T . near Kingston. — 2 Furnished Cottaites, all conveniencea, in beautiful aeeluded country setting: nr. lakes, shopping:; reasonable. Wk., mo. season. Vacation In a floral paradise I Box No. 88(1. c/o The Leader, 07 Duane St.. N. Y . 7. N. Y . SARATOGA SPRINGS T w o story, 4 apts, 5 rooms each. Klaai enclosed porches on side, open front porch, oil heat. 70x150 plot. Can build in rear facln?. $,'1,000 cash. Total $8,500. Potential income Si'J,lilfl. 8S Woodlawn Ave., Haratosa Springs, Box 68 c/o The Leader, 07 Duane St., N.Y.Clty. SUMMER PLACES FOR RENT Small new modren cottase (Adirondacks), situated in center of I S hole KoU course on main hishw.ay. 3 minutes drive to 4 lakes, 'i churches, 2 amusement parks. Week or month. H. Wandel, '.iO Jay St. Uloversiville, N Y LKf.AL NOTICE C I T A T I O N . The People of the State of New York. By The Grace of God, Free and Independent T o Attoi'ney General of the State of New Yoi'k, Christodoules Tozios, Christoforos Tozios, Alexander Theotiarolis, Siatista Soeiciy and to "^lary Doc" the name Mary Doe" being fictitious, the alleged widow of John Tozis, deceased, if living and if dead, to the executors, adntinlslrators, distrlbutcea and assigns of "Mary Doe" deceased, whose names and post olHcc aildi'casea are unknown and cannot after diligent inquiry be ascertained by tlie petitioner herein: and to the distributees of John Tozis, deceased, whose names and post ollicc addi-csscs are unknown and cannot after diligent inquiry be ascertained by the petitioner herein: being the persona interested aa creditors, distributees or otherwise in the estate of John Tozis, deceased, who at the time of hie death was a resident of 204 West 25th Street, New York, N. Y., Send G R E E T I N G : Upon the petition of The Public Administrator of the County of New York, having his office at Hall of Records, Room 30!l, Borough of Manhattan, City and County of New York, as administrator of the goods, chattels and credits of said decea.sed: You and each of you are hereby cited to show cause before tho Surrogate's Court ol N e w York County, held at the Hall of Records. In the Coimty of N e w York, on tho Iflth day of June 1050, at half-past ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, why tho account of proceedings of The Public Administrator of the County of New York, as administrator of the goods, chatlels and credits of said deceased, should not he judicially settled, and why tho sum of $800 should not be expended f o r the erection of a monument on decedent's grave. In Testimony Whereof, We have caused the seal of the Surrogate's Court ol the said Connly of New York to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Honorable JOSEPH A. COX, Surrogate of our said County, at the L E G A L "JOTICB County of N e w York, Ihe 30th day of April in the year of our DAGES, M A R G U E R I T E (also known as (Seal) Lord one thousand- nine hundred MARGUERITE M. DAGES). — CITAand fifty-nine. T I O N . — P, 31. 1957. — T H E P E O P L E P H I L I P A. DONAHUE OF T H E S T A T E OF N E W Y O R K By the Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. Grace ot God Free and Independent. T O : George Biffuerie, Jean Bifruerie, Yvonne FOR 1959 BiKuerie, Yvonne Landard, Germain Flecti- H A R R Y N E G I N 4 SONS.—Substance ot Certiflcato filed on, being the persons interested as credit- a Limited Partnership Choose from fhe Greatest ors, legatees, devisees, beneficiaries, dis- in the N e w York County Clerk's Otlice tributees. or otherwise in tho estate o l on April 15, 1059 signed and acknowledged Selection In New York Partnership: M A R G U E R I T E DAGES (also known as by all partners. Name of Harry Negln & Sons, located at 84 Bower-y, Marguerite M. Dagea), deceased, who at New York, N. Y. Business: In New York tho time of her death was a resident of City and elsewhere, a jewelry, silverware, 114 West 70th Street, Borough of Manwatch and watch repairing business, and ^ ^ ^ § Down cr H k. hattan, City of New Y o r k , Send Greeting: the sale of all types of jewelry and klddrcl Upon the petition of Marie Louise Ca- articles. Name and place of residence zettc, executrix of the estate of Alexander of each general partner Is as f o l l o w s : IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Gazette (a/k/a Alex Gazette, deceased, Bert Negln, 2810 Tilden Avenue, Brooklyn, residing at 700 Geai-y Street, San Fran- N Y., Jack Negln, 1715 East 3rd Street, HERE—AND ABROAD cisco, California, and of Jacqueline G. Brooklyn, N. Y. Name and place of resiStiiley, residing at 02-37 Slst Avenue, Elm- dence of limited partner Is as f o l l o w s : hurst, L . I., New Y o r k City, Administra- Dorothy Negln, 1727 West 2nd Street, trix, e.t.a., both on the estate of Margue- Brooklyn, N. Y. Term of partnership: rite Dagea, deceased. March 1. 1059 to February 80. 1000, Authorized Dealer You and each of you are hereby cited to thereafter from year to yeiir, until disshow cause before the Surrogate's Court solved by mutual consent. Tho amount o l cash and the description and agreed value 1842 Broadway at 60th St. of New York County, held at the Hall of of the other property contributed by Reeords In the County of N e w Y o r k , on Opposite the ColUeuni—PL 7-1700 limited partner. It as follows: Dorothy tho i n t h day of June, 1060, at half-past Negln, Cash $400., Agreed Value ot Lo. Ml. J ten o'clock in the foi-enoon of that day, Property—$12,600., Description of Prowhy the account of proceedings of Mario perty—Jewelry Inventory, Contribution of " - i * * * * * * * * * - X - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Loulso Gazette, executrix of the estate of limited partnership to he returned upon said Alexander Caaette, deceased, formerly dissolution ot partner'shlp. Share of pro.executor of the Estate of Marguerite Dagcs, lita or other compensation by w a y of deceased, and Jacqueline G. Stalcy. ad- income, which the limited partner ahall ministratrix 0. t. a. of estate of Margue- receive by reason of contribution. Is twenrite Dages, decea,sed. should not be judi- ty percent share of profits which each cially settled. And why the fees of Jerome general partner ehall receive Is 4 0 % . In F. P. Tobln, as counsel herein should not the event of Ihe death or retirement ot be fixed in tho amount of Twenty-eight any general partner, the remaining genhundred dollars; and why the Administra- eral partners shall have the right to trix c. t, a. shoulil not withhold the sum continrre the partnership buainesa by purof Three Hundred Dollars f o r a period of chasing the deceased partner's Interest In I Better Perrormthe partnership at a price equal to the six months to cover contingent tax liabili DELIVERED ance ties that may be imposed by the U. S. decedent'! capital account on the date of FR0.\1 his death, plus his share of partnership Federal T a x Ofllcials. • Greater Economy profits, or mlnira his share ot partnerIn testimony whereof, we have caused ship l^sce. f o r the period from the the seal of the Surrogate's Court • I p to S3 mllea Ireginning of the fiscal year In which of the said Sounty of New York per sal. Lo uil Ilia death occurred, until the date of to be hei-enn(o allixed. Witness, his death. Honorable S. Samuel D1 Falco, a |L. S.J Suri'ogate of our said county, at P U R S U A N T TO A N ORDER OF HONSPECIAL DEALS the County ot New York, the 5lh day of May in the year of our ORABLF. 8 S A M U E L DIFALCO. Surrogate of the County of New York. for I.ord one thousand nine hundred NOTICE 19 HEREBY G I V E N , accordlnr arul tilly-nine. CIVIL SERVICE to law, to all persoirs having claims againit P H I l . I P A. D O N A H l ' B , DAVrD T . BONNER, late of the City at EMPLOYEES Clerk of the Surrogae'a Court New York, In said County, deceased, to present the same, with the vouelrer-s thereof, to the undersigned. Administratrix of l-'orfl|;i) Cur Uiviiiion o f t the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the said FUEE B O O K L E T by U. S. G o v - deceased, at the otik-e of H E N R Y STEINernment on Social Security. Mail IlERfl. attorney for the Admlrrlstratrlx, No ;M2 Madison Avenue. In the City and •il70 JEliOMR A V r . N l ' K only. Leader, 97 Duane Street, County of New York, on or before the lit NORTH 01 I H U t ST., ItltONX ilay ot October, 1050 New Yorii 7. N, Y. I L l d l U H «-'!HUU| Dated, till! laiti day ot Mwcta, 1&B8. BRIDGE MOTORS Plymouth Chrysler Imperial Where to Apply For Public Jobs The foilowlug directions tell where to apply for public jobs dnd hoTC to reach destinations •54 OTl'DE Cpe Automntle J in New Yorlt City on the transit '03 FORD Srilnn Fiirdninntle * system. 'S3 01.09 8«1nn llydrnniatl, ^ anil nmn> otlirrn ^ NEW Y O R K C I T Y — T h e DeEZEY M O T O R S ^ partment of Personnel, 96 Duane Autlioilzrd l.lncoln-Mircury Ornler.^ Street, New York 7, N. Y. ( M a n 1229 2nd Ave. (64 St.l < tiattan) two blocks north of City TE 8-8700 Oiicn K v c i ^ Hall, Just west of Broadway, opposite T h e Leader office. Hours 9 to 4, closed Saturdays, except to answer inquiries 9 to 12. T e l COrtlandt 7-8880 Any mall in'88 R E S A I L T » t«S tended for the N Y C Department '87 P O N T powered . . . . » I 0 8 . ' 5 of Personnel, other than applica'86 n t i C K led fnoa tions for examinations, should oe '81 DeSOTO » MS addressed to the Personnel Department, 299 BroaJway, New •0.1 B U C K »ed » 818 York 7. N. Y Mailed applications '58 CHEV »ed » 400 for blanks must be received by all oars, eiiuippeil, clean the department at least five days prior to the closing date. Enclose Auth. Pontlac-Vaiixh.ilt, Dlr self-adJressed envelope, at least nine inches wide, with six cents Pontiac Corp. TA 3-5102 in stamps affixed. S T A T E — First Floor a. 270 1901 BRUCKNER BLVD. Broadway, New York 7, N V.. Corner H I I I T E l'l,.\INS ItO. corner Chambtrs Street, Tel BArclay 7-1616; S:;ate Campus ".NOW A T i M E Z K Y " and lobby of State Office Building, Albany, N Y., Room 212; State Office Building, Buffalo 2, N Y . Hours !J:3r to 5, closed Saturdays; Room 400 ai 155 West ^.aln Street, Rochester, N. Y.. Wednesdays only, 9 to 5; 221 WITH 7 NEW BIG FEATURES Sweden's Qnallly Aireraft Ciir Washington Street, Binghamton. All of forgoing applies also to exams for county jobs conducted by the State Commission. Apply also to local Offices of the State Authorized Dealer For I.INCOLN-MF.KCI RY-EDSEL Employment Service, but only in 1S39 and A V E . ( « 1 S T . ) T E 8-2700 person or by representative, not by mail. Mail application should be made to State Civil Service DODGE D e p a r t m e n t offices only; no stamped, self-addressed envelope PLYMOUTH to be enclosed. SIMCA C. S. - S e c o n d Regional Office. D. S. Civil Service Commission, Come See Us For a 641 Washington Strset. New York GOOD DEALI 14, N Y . ( M a n h a t t a n ) Hours 8:30 to 5, Monday through Friday; Direct Factory DeaJcra Since 1030 c' se ' Saturday T e l WAtkins 4!J.'»4r. Or. Coneourse (Bet 18.1-181 St.) 1000. Applications also obtainable 1031 Jerome Ave., B.t. ( N r 17'.2d 81.) at main post offices, except the New York, N. Y., post office Boards of Examiners of separate agencies also issue applications for jobs in their jurisdiction. Mall applications require no stamps on envelope for return. 0 For Exact Rates On Your Car Name . . MERGURYS ...^..ww...w u ond MfliM'Btivelv low r«to« lot 0(1 e t h t r 2411 B O S T O N RO.-KI 14SSS 2 2 N E. T R E M O H T AVE. B X . t TERRIFIC DISPLAY—ALL < • MODELS & C O L O R S In STOCK 4 ^ Also Used C a r Closeouft 4 COMPARE STATE-WIDE RATES! ONLY GERHARD MOTORS For rent, Integrated. 7 room hotiao I V j baths, corner plot adjointnfr •chool.'i. newly built all Improvemnnls. Rent $150 por month. Seonrtty $500. Will apply- rent and ancurtty towarda pnrchaa© priee. IDA R n a w k o f f . owner 280 Bu»hwlck Ave., Brooklyn 6, N . Y. Phone morninsrs only before 10 a.m. at EVenrreen 2-0018. Summer Resorts SCIIROON R I T E R COTTAOES In tho Adlrondarka—now rentlnit aoason or m o n t h — 2 A bedroom houaekeepinff eott.TGres—screened porch—free waaliinr machlnc. Swimmlnir—hoatlnsr—flahins:— tennis—free itolf near by. Cooperative day crimp—crafts f o r arliiltn & children—folk danclnff—social hall—confrcnial ffroup. From $.170 per seajon. Bnh Knxer — OReicon 7 001.') « 7 l Ave. C N. C. 9 Top in the Imported Car Field E ng Ii s h FORDS .95 RALPH HORGAN, Inc. FIAT ni23 CARRAZZA LEGAL S & S Bus Service R.D.-1, lei *, Atboii^y R«ii(Ml«*r, N. V. IS CONVENIENT FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE ~4-6727^2-3851 Troy. ARstnal 3-0680 ' Nntiirilny, May thn 23rd anil Huiida) M»y the 2 4 t h — ! \ e w Vork City Thmtpr Tour. StBKO I'lay, My Knlr I.ttdy. Matlnpfl pprformnnri'. IlntFl, trniinportntlon, hiKKAirfl Krnliiftyx. RuHm frDin Troy A Albany «2n.n0. "FRIEND TO THE MAN IN UNIFORM" Y»f, i t ' i our s p e c i a U y . G a m e ward«n« forest rangers, stafo police. Thruway toll collectors, all who w e a r uniforms head for our doorway when they have clothes problems — everything f r o m s i m p l e r e p a i r s , s e w i n g o n insignia to the more c o m p l i c a t e d jobs of alterations and cleaning. Free pick-up & delivery. 3-4444, King's Broadway Close to the glamorous theatre-andnightlife, shops and landmarks. Express subway at our door takes you to any part of the city within a few minutes. That's convenience! A handy New York subway map is yours FREE, for the writing. IMMEDIATE 1.HR. DRY CLEANERS S31 ' CONFIRMED RESERVATIONS Albany In New Y o r k : C i r c l e 7 - 3 9 0 0 In A l b e n y : 6 2 - 1 2 3 2 In R o c h e s t e r : L O c u s t 2 - 6 4 0 0 GET THIS FREE BOOKLET bi S i n g l e s f r a m $6.50 Doubles from $10.00 Fells how YOU can earn Current Annual Dividend BAKEH, ELTZABKTH G—CITATION— File No. P 1688. 1U50.—Tbe people of the State o f New York B y the Grace of Ood Free and Independent. T O : FHEDERICK PAUL BAKER: GLORIA ANN B A K E K K U Y P E R S ; W I L L I A M E. B A K E R ; E D N A C. B A K E R H U G H E S : S T E P H E N B. B A K R R : EDITH B A K E R GREENWOOD; S T E P H E N H. B A K E R . JR.: JOSEPH J. BAKER; M A R Y BAKER DEVLIN; ALF R E D J. B A K E R : DOROTHY BAKER B O R S E L L I . Y O U A R E H E R E B Y CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Siirroyate'ii Court, N e w York Connty, at Room 601 In the Hall of Rernnis in the County of N e w York, New York, on June 25th, 1050, at 10:.30 A.M. why a certain writlni dated the I s t day of June, 1055, which has been offered f o r probate by CAROL I N E E. L A W L O R , residing at 42-17 lfl7th Street. Fluahinir. New York, ehould not bo probated ai the last Will and Testament. relatintr to real and personal property, of E L I Z A B E T H G. B A K E R . Deeeaaed. who w a i at the time of her death, « resident of 11.3 West OOth Street, In the County of N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k ; and Why s decree of this Court should not be issued appointlnir D O N A L D T . M U L L A N E , ESQ., of 280 Broailway, New Y o r k . N e w York, as A D M I N I S T R A T O R with the Will Annexed herein with such reduced bona as the Surroitate may direct since all persons havinir a prior rlcht to saiil Letters of Administration w i t h the Will Annexed have renounced their rlirhts and have consented to the Issuance of I,etters o f Administration with the Will Annexed herein to saiil D O N A L D T . MTTLLANE. with such reduced bond as the Surrogate may dlroct; and For such other and further relief as to this Coiirt may seem just and proper in the premises. Dated. Attested .md Sealed. May 11. ISTtO. HON S. S A M U E L D1 F A L C O . (Seal.) Surrogate, New Y o r k County, /s/ P H I L I P A . D O N A H U E , Clerk. 3 % + v»% Extra per Year Compounded this COURT MAYFLOWER . BOTAL A P A R T M E N T S — Furrisbed, Unfurnished, and Rooms. Phone 419.14 (Albany). Cocktail ^/GU^S I ' N T ^^ I ?^ ^ 1 738 Weilern Ave. WESIMIRI. N y to a Lounge ARCO Dancing CIVIL SERVICE BOOKS and all tests PLAZA BOOK SHOP 380 Broadway Albany. N. Y. Mall & Phone Orders Filled 89-9803 Pass yonr copy of T h e On A R B y o u • safe driverf Are yon tamllias with the Albany city streets? Are y o a over 25 years of ace? T h e most modern radio equipped taxi fleet Is now acceptIns applications of employment, if y o a meet the above requii-ements. P A R T T I M E WORK A V A I L A B L E . COMM I S S I O N S U P TO 4.1%, W E S U P P L T GAS. O I L A N D M A I N T E N A N C E . A P P L Y P I N E IIILI«S T A X I , 1.17 I.«ili Bt., Albany, N.V., between 0 anil 11:30 A.M. dally. Leader Non-Member YOU HAVE RUG PROBLEMS If You Are Moving Into The Capitol If You ore Moving Away L e t L E K T R O I K L E E N l o l v e t h e m with Its 10,000 sq. t . of c a r p e t r o o m & workshop for binding, repairing, c l e a n i n g . M o d e r n e q u i p m e n t plut 2 4 L e t L E K T R O - K L E E N s o l v e t h e m w i t h its 1 0 , 0 0 0 s q . ( t . of c a r p e t r o o m W e make it fit. M e m b e r N I R C . LEKTRO-KLEEN, Meyer Cohen 24 S h e r m a n St., A l b a n y , Phone N. Y. 5-7870 tJoial'^SeoeLjUifyiS^ Quarterly New high dividend rote gives Increosed value to the proven lofe, convenient Donlting by Mail plan of thii strong old mutual Sovingi Bonk. Use the coupon to open your occouni or to g e l full details. mail NOVICES c o u p o n EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED . . . n o w HOME S A V I N G S BANK Dept. B, Albany 7, N. Y. tnclued li my liitl d»po>il ol ) _ f l t o i e moil poiibook to oddraii belew. • Send lanking by Mail loldtr I No Appo/ntmenI Necessary MAYTAG AUTOMATIC •Addreu . Stele '<lly. ). HAROLD DOLING rtgisltred Optomefrift 65 NO. PEARL, ALBANY SPECIAL RATE For N. Y. S t a t e Employees Now Open single room, wiHi private both a n d r a d i o i mony rooms with TV. In NEW YORK CITY DRIVING and MINIATURE GOLF In East ikt Routes Pork Ave. fc 34th St. WASHER Uktlo BLEACH DISPENSER PREVENTS DAMAGE T O FABRICS— BY providing automatic dUutlon and Greenbush 9 & 20 Phoa* 77-9994 300 Tarda Eaat o l Howard Johnion Reitauraot In ROCHESTER die wwJtened bteaching fibres, associated the with uneven strong liquid bleaches. |Form«rly Hie 5«nMa) 2 6 Clinton Ave. South • in ALBANY Hi^WkCt^ Stote and E a g l e Streets ' s p e c i a l r a l e does not opp// when legislature h In l e i i i o n In Time off Need, Call M. W. TebbuH's Sons -JB^Dd the country shop for the yausual in casual w e a r f o r men a n d w o m e a g/fts a n d ont/ques 193 Lark Street 176 state 12 Colvin Alb. 3-2179 Alb. 89 0116 420 Kenwood Delmar 9-2212 Over 107 fears fun»ral Olffiigultted Serv/c* Outdoor* $2.00 Per Hour Albaay, N . T . Eveninis CHURCH NOTICE CAPrrOL AREA COUNCIL OP CHURCHES of HORSEBACK RIDING Indeeri - Open 72 Churches united and Community ROOM FOR for Church Service RENT—ALBANY L A R G E . Ltstat & Airy. Newly dccorated^ Near ( 1 block) to all State Bldxs. $0-$8 •inrle. « 1 6 double. Phoae 4-3110, daye. 2-e788 evenings. Free Instruction Daily 10 Sat.-Sun. A.M. 9 TAomas A.M. Du . f P.M. . • P.M. Mary Fort Orange Stabks WESTERN TURNPIKE A L I A N Y , N. V. Phoae Albany 8-1717 r O K T U K BK8T In Books — Gifts — Toys — tJaines — Slattouery Artists' 8upi)U«i and UUce ISqulpiuent VISIT TUB UNION BOOK CO. Incorporated 237-241 State Schenectady. Street N. Y. ' MAYTAGfttCb^li^O^ll^Cuft-^UMA&M^i Maximum Lint Removal Positive D>tefgent Distribution Greoter Wosiiing Action N e w f u l l t i m e filter is under water w h e r e a l l lint is, p r o v i d e s constant filtration. L i n t is f i l t e r e d o u t a s w a t e r circulates t h r o u g h Bgita< t o r . N o pans o r t r a y s t o get i n the w a y . iDetcrgenl i d i s p e n s c r hi agitator prevenU damage to fabrics from undis•"iwlved d e t e r gent. S i m p l y a d d d e t e r gent; circulating water dissolves it c o m p l e t e l y b e f o r e c o n t a c t w i t h clothcs. |Wash water circulated through the Filter Agitat o r is f o r c e d out through c h a n n e l s in the b o t t o m t o a m p l i f y noirmal a g i t a t i o n . L o o s e n s even deep d o w n dirt i n KcondSi American Home Center, Inc 616 THIRD AVENUE AT 40tli STREET, NE WYORK CITY CALL MU 3.3616 FOR YOUR LOW, LOW PRICE! RADIOS. R£FMQERATORS. WASHERS, TELEVISION A C T I V I T I E S O F B M P I . O Y E E S T M I t O U O H O U T f ^ E W V O K R S T A T E the T e n Eyke body gets paid and it's a labor of and CHfton-Fine Hospital. Star frlends and families. There will plre R o o m of Lake, and for the Aluminum be music for dancing, checking Hotel, Albany, on M a y U . Dr. love, so come on out, all you facilities and a cash bar. Hot and Charles A. Brlnd. Jr.. counsel. lovers. A dinner-dance sponsored by Company of America at Massena. Catherine Barazone of Bldg. L cold hors d'ouevres will be served Department of Education and a Previously h was a board psythe Middletown chapter. CSEA. starting at 5:30 p.m. Dinner will past president of ohe Association, Informs us that she is going to held M a y 9 at the Park Lane, chiatrist. Donald Peck, Gouverneur, Include: fresh fruit cup, celery was the principal speaker. Among do the curtains for all the male Port Jervis, N . Y „ proved a great and olives, sirloin oi beef, vege- distinguislied guests was CSEA wards In the future so If any of success for the eighty members chairman of the St. L.awrence Harry you male charges want the curBoard of Supervisors, table, baked potato, salad, ice- President John P o w e " . and guests attending. Following County cream cake and be-'erage. Tickets Langworthy, Jr., outgoing presi- tains done just contact her. • cocktail hour and roast beef and Mrs. PecK, have accepted K e n Pavreau would like to orare priced at $3.50 per person dent of the Chapter, presided. dinner, Thomas Veraldl, Chapter the Chapter's invitation to atand should be purchased in adT h e following officers and dele- ganize a golf team here at the tend. Mr. Peck will present citapresident, Introduced Dr. Hyman vance f r o m any one of the f o l - gates were elected. Kenneth hospital. Contact K e n if UiterPleasure, hospital director, and tions to about 35 Chapter memlowing committee members: Flor- Duryea, president; Samuel Cle- ested in the project. Elsie M c bers who have more than 25 Mrs. Pleasure; Charles P. O'Conence Osinski (chairman of the ments, vice president; Mary M c - Kiernan attended the New Y o r k nell. business officer, and Mrs. years' State service. These are: Baxter, John Corcoran, dinner committee), Mildred Egg- Namara (incumbent), treasun •; State Occupational Therapy ConO'Connell; and several members Carl Rochester. ler, Thomas Powers, Lillian M o n - Eleanor B u r n e t t (incumbent). vention recently at of the medical staff. Music was John H. Church, Prank Corbett, tag and Philip Wexler. Everyone secretary, and the following dele- New York. Mrs. Thlele, staff a t provided by Carl Berg's quartette, Lee Trombley, Elizabeth Whalen, is heartily Invited to attend this gates who will represent the tendant of Bldg. N. and Mlsii and the dancing Included every- Aliee Needle, Leo LeBeau, Philip affair. I Chattel at Asroclatlon meetings: Weeks went to Niagara Palls to thing f r o m the cha-chu through L. White, Stanley Mallette, Fi'anInvited guests include Chair- ' K e n n e t h Duryea, Deloras G . Pus- attend the Practical Nurses Conthe waltz, polka, and even a Paul cls Cadleux, Henry Montroy, Augustus Ashley, Arthur Dubrule, man James A. Lundy, Commis- sell, Harry Langworthy, Samuel vention held at that city on Jones. Prom all reports, another Victor Taber, John M a y 18th. James Gore, Mitchell LeMay, sioners Francis T . Mylott and Clements, such a f f a i r will be In demand In McGuire, Eleanor Barber, Ruth Leona K e d d y likes her new job Walter Hollis, Charles L a V a r n Aaron L. Jacoby; Alton G. M a r the near future. All members are Birdseye, Joseph Penton, Arthur as housekeeper. Ruth Dibble, R N urged to attend the next chap- way, Edgar Lajole, John Bastlen,' shall, secretary of the CommisP. Jones. Howard Kehrer and of buldlng N, just returned f r o m ter meeting on M a y 20 at the Norman LeClair, Simon Sargeant, sion; James Casey, manager of a visit to her mother In T a m p a , New Y o r k City office of the Beth Ewel. Rushman, F l o r e n c e the " Employees Residence, at 7:30 Cleytia Florida. Frank Lanzara is whip^ . M . T h e new officers, installed Woods, Lottie Malturner, Edgar Civil Service Emp'oyees Associaping the Creedmoor soft ball at the April meeting by Francis Mooney, Henry Forsythe, Steward tion; and Paul Kyer, Editor of team Into shape. Anybody who Is Casey, CSEA field representative Ritchie, Marian C. Murray, M a y - T h e Civil Service Leader. a ball player should contact f r o m Albany, are anxious to get fred McDonough, Clark LivingT h e recent elections at Marcy Prank in the Maintenance desuggestions and Ideas f r o m the ston. Dr. Leo Fortune. Frederick State Hospital Chapter, for the partment. membership on future plans, and Hammond, Mable Kittle, Frank W e just learned that Charlie term of office running from M a y Albert H ugh, William to be informed of employee prob- Lytle, lems and grievances. I n particu- Fountain and E. Stanley Howlett. T h e Onondaga Chapter. Civil 1, 1959, to April 30, 1361 had Fox, manager of the Community store. Is to undergo m a j o r surgery lar at the present time, each It is understood that several of Service Employees Association, the following elected: Charles D. Methe, president at the Glslnger Memorial Hosmember's opinion on the pro- these silver anniversary members extends deepest s y m p a t h y to posed Increase In CSEA dues Is will be given tokens of esteem by Board of Directors member Ruth (beginning 12th y e a r ) ; Mary M. pital, in Danville, Pennsylvania. of the Chapter are needed, so that the Chapter dele- their fellow workers in addition MacCollum on the recent death Terrel, 1st vice-president; Bern- Members gate may be Instructed as to to the citations. of her mother, and to Virginia ard A. Maloy, 2nd vice-president; asked to write to Charlie and how this hospital wishes to vote Other business at the dinner Thoreck of the Syracuse Public Elizabeth Cahill, 3rd vice-presi- cheer him up. Charlie has been on the matter. will Include Installation of Chap- Library on the death of her dent; O. Paul Rhodes, 4th vice- around these parts a long time president; Kenneth W . Haken, and we hope to see hhn back in ter officers for the coming year. father. the store soon. Vernon A. Taper, CSEA third Congratulations to William M. treasurer, (beginning 13th y e a r ) ; A. Gallo, corresponding vice-president, will do the in- Chiles, case supervisor. Depart- Carol stalling. Edmund L. Shea, CSEA ment of Public Welfare, who was secretary; Gertrude White, recording secretary; and Alex M a g T h e annual dinner-dance of regional attorney, will act as appointed by Mayor Henninger as nltzky, delegate. the St. Lawrence State Hospital toastmaster. Many guests f r o m director of the relocation office, Representatives to the Chapter Chapter, Civil Service Employees the Association and main/ chap- effective f r o m M a y 1. Antoinette M. Bonaccio's en- Executive Council will be elected Association, was held on M a y 2 ter representatives are expected gagement to Stanford T . Vanna- during the month of May. at the Elks Club. T h e attendance to attend. Chairmen of standing commitA L B A N Y , M a y 18 _ Legislamee was announced recently by was large. her parents and the Chapter o f - tees will be appointed, after the tion to broaden the powers of Among out-of-town guests fers them its heartist best wishes. council representatives have been were Robert Soper, CSEA second municipal police officers has been elected. vice-president, f r o m the Wassaic At a regular chapter meeting Plans for a Hospital-Chapter vetoed by Governor Rockefeller. State Hospital, and his w i f e ; held recently, the following canpicnic will be announced soon, Vernon A. Tapper, CSEA thirddidates were nominated: T h e bill. If signed, would have vice president; Raymond G. President, H e r b e r t Kampf; conferred on police officers all of Castle, CSEA fourth vice-presiThe board of directors of Nasvice-president, Joseph F. Holt; dent, f r o m Syracuse, and Mrs the powers of constables within secretary. Alice Dunleavy: treas- sau Chapter. Civil Service EmCastle; A. J. Donnelly, CSEA ployees Association, will hold its urer, Nathan L. Elgot. T h e Brooklyn State Hospital the county in which they are e m field representative; W i l l i a m RosFor the Executive Council: ex- monthly meeting at the Hemp- Chapter, Civil Service Employees ployed, except for the service of siter, president of the New Y o r k ecutive, John L. Keegan; water, stead Elks club at f P.M. W e d - Association, will hold its biannual civil process. State Mental Hygiene Employees 20. T h e regular elections telephone, motor carrier, Mildred nesday, M a y Wednesday, May 20. I t would have authorized such Association, f r o m Rochester; Sam of the Polling will be continuous f r o m Eggler; power, Bernard T . K e n - membership m e e t i n g Borrelly, chairman of the County Chapter will be held at 8 P.M. nedy; utility accounting and gen7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. in the police officers to execute in any Chapter of the CSEA Central The main topic of discussion lounge room of the Community part of the county any warrant eral engineering, Lillian Montag; Conference, Utica; Claude Rowell, railroad and transportation, A m - will be the dues increase pro- Store. Due to the favorable re- for search or arrest Issued by past chairman of the CSEA posal. Everyone should attend to sponse two years ago. the Chapalia B. K i n g . any magistrate In the state. Western Conference; E m m e 11 T h e actual election (by ballot) vote on this very important sub- ter will again use voting m a Durr of the Raybro'ok Sanitorlum Mr. Rockefeller commented: ject. chines in the election. Chapter, CSEA; Tom Ranger, will take place in the immediate "Under the bill the police officer Selections b j the Chapter president of the Syracuse State future and the newly-elected officould perform acts outside of his cers will be officially installed at nominating committee are: Frank School Chapter, and Mrs. Cole, Albert Traynor and Arthur municipality, which neither his Ranger; W e l t h l i Kipp, member a dinner meeting to be held on June 2. 1959 at Weinberg for president; Lillian municipality nor the municipality of the board of directors of the T u e s d a y , The E d u c a t i o n Department Hammond, first vice-president; Canton Chapter, ana William Churchill's, 139 Broadway, New Chapter, Civil Service Employees Phyllis Singer and R a y Watklns, In which he performs the acts, Conboy and Thomas Parley of Y o r k City. to a n n u a l second vice-president; William requested or expected him The dinner will be open to all Association, held Its the T e r Bush and Powell InsurIncon- perform." Commission e m p ' o y e e s , their meeting and luncheon . the Em- Cunningham, Genevieve ance Company. trera and Andy Prainto, treasUnable to attend because of illurer; Arnold Moses, and Barbara ness were John Powers, CSEA Sweet, official d e l e g a t e . The president; Joseph P. Felly, CSEA board of directors will also be first vice-president, and Jesse elected. All members are strongly McFarland, senior administrative urged to vote. as.sistant. ALBANY, May 18 — Stata Installation d i n n e r of the Other guests included Albert Chapter will be held in Farragut T a x Commissioner Joseph H. O. Barton, chairman of the hosInn, 1442 F l a t b u s h Avenue, Murphy has announced the f o l pital's board of /isi;.ors. and Mrs. Brooklyn at 7 P.M. Wednesday, Barton; Edmund L. Shay, CSEA lowing new appoir^tments: M a y 27. Invited guests are James regional director, and Mrs. Shay, George W . Mclsaac of T r o y as Casey, CSEA field manager, and and William O'Connell, member John Kelly, CSEA attorney. I n - estate tax appraiser for Rensselof the board of visitors at the stalling officer will be Dr. Nathan aer County at $6,i)64 a year. Ha hospital. Recently retired emBeckensteln, director of the hos- succeeds Edward M. Murray, also ployees from the hospital who atpital. Toastmaster will be T e r tended the dinner-dance included rance Lynan, business officer at of T r o y . Nellie Darrow, Marg K r o g e r and Philip A. Rayhlll of Utlca as the hospital. Winnie Topham. associate estate tax attorney f o r John Graveline presided as Oneida County at !|>7,086. He sucmaster-of-ceremonles for the evening. ceeds Frederick C. Barnes of Fred Kotz, Chapter president, T h e newly elected officers of Westmoreland. held a general meeting In Curtis the Creedmoor Chapter, CSEA, Herbert H. R a y of Binghamton Hall recently to discuss the prowere recently Installed. Dr. Frank as estate tax attorney for osed dues Increase, among other Crlden, assistant director, swore County. He succeeds the new officers In and then Broome uslness. T h e Chapter has gone spoke on the wonderful job that John J. Buckley, also of Bingon record favoring acceptance of the CSEA was doing. Our new hamton. His appointment is on the Increase. president, Joseph Bucarla, then a fee basis. T h e recommended slute of offiaccepted the ga 'el from R a y cers for elections for the coming Duncan S. McNab of Schenmond Sanson?, the outgoing year has been chosen. Elections ectady as estate tax attorney for president. will be held in Curtis Hall on Joe made a short speech and Schenectady County on a fee June 5. All members are strongly then proceeded to name the new basis. He succeeds Lawrence L. urged to vote. chairmen for the following com- Ott, also of Schenectady. mittees; Luther Baird, Auditing Committee; John Murphy, Legislative Committee; Helen Poran, T h e St. L a w r e n c e County Social Committee; Ruth Bickle Chapter, Civil Service Employees and Ed. Sotong, Publicity; Mike Association, will hold its annual Pyros, Membership Committee; dini\er at the new Elks Club in to help yoH get a hlghtr grade Kenneth Roseboom, Grievance Gouverneur at 6:30 P.M. Saturon elvll $«rvle» teifi may b« Committee; R a y Sansone, EduShown above, left, receiving an award for the best Mental day, May 23. obfalned at Th* Laadar Bookcation Committee; Margaret Most cou! ty employees and Health Week poster at Brooklyn State Hospital School of Hansen, Sunshine Committee and •tore, 97 Ouaiia Street, New many city, town, village and non- Nursing, is Carole Roberts. Her poster depicts the theme York 7, N. Y, Phono erder$ acKatherine Barazone, Budget teaching employees, are expected of the hospital s open house, "operation Friendship." Rose Committee. Members are asked to cepted. Call BEekmaa 1-6010. to attend. Quest speaker will De for 'lilt of 10010 cvrrent title* get behind these committees and Dr. William R. Carson, Potsdam Mary Cammarata, instructor of nursing at the hospital, is help ixi a n y ' way they can, NOfago 19. shown at right. Who U raoiologlst at tU« Potsdam Middlelown Stale Marcy State Hospital Onondaga St Lawrence State Police Refused Wider Powers Metro Public Service Nassau Brooklyn State Education WINNING FRIENDSHIP POSTER RIE®SB Four More Tax Posfs Are Filled Creedmoor E St. Lawrence County OUTss oF the dorKness INTO Exam Study Books STOP WORRYING ABOUT YOUR CIVIL SERVICE TEST PASS HIGH the EASY ARCO WAY Administrative Asst. 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VV i iinii . . . .n.Mrll W a l l ; i c c . .lohn. -OcilrniliiiiK ...!il.><ll flpo<l, ITclcn. K . KIniliiii - l . . . . !i 1 ."10 7 . W h i t e .'nr. W . n f f r t u w n . . . I M . " i 5 !MI(I s. KrI). M:ii-ilyn, !>. Keller, Aline, Hini;lianitiiii M'KI 1 0 . Kinir. Rle;inor. Dl-lyn !i.'l.">r) 1 1 . Crill. W . l l , i z i l , Klii-liini: . 1'3. Clierrtaclt. F.slliei-. UUI.vii. !i-:.-)(i i : t . K e e f e , .Tohn, ,"\Ioii-:i !f::iii 14. H u l l , Dlanche. Kilci m e r e . . !i-;:in IR. N u g e n t , .I.Tme«». 'J'rnv . . . . !i-;i.-) 1(1. S p . i f h e r , ,Toh,nnn,n. HUl.vii. . !i;ir> .. 17. Seiclel, Pnlriciii, T i i i y !l)!l() FN. 1 8 . Rr.iw, B o r i s . TliliNon III IH. r o p a i n , Mildreil. Ni wlinri^ll, , !l|T,-i :;(). I.erner, Kletinnr. .... !l|ll,'i Ml. S.ivoy, Y v o n n e . N V " M a e k e y , ,Teniint', llttlyn . . iM.'in S l l i z n o l , n o r n l l i y . ll^^l.^n . !I I :ir. T r o l l e r , Ver.'i. Mrunx . . . !IIP!1.5 Maleacly, A n n . H'insi<*li T'l IHIIl.^ Mnry, Hnrni-ll Peli-elli, !i(ir>n .. Rellieose, •lohn, S. lilily !iii:io . r,ili«on, Eniannrl. Albany SIMM) L o n i b a r d i . Jfarian .S.-llMy . ..slirn Kt-amcr, Barhar;i, F I n f l i i n R , SllV.'j Miller, Florence. T i ny .. . , ,siir,'> Bil-d. Helen, N Y C r.ilierda, Stella, Valhalla . . . , .SI)TO . SII.'IO H o l d ^ w o r l h , r... ,Tan)ej;Inwn (Tasliill, Lneille, I'niondale . . SS!).'-. . ss<)r) Fishner, .Tune, Bi-onv .s.s!ir> Doris, Catherine. NYC . SS7() nillin. Rose. Bronx , ss:io Hnnt. .losenh. Albany r a n i p b e l l , N o r w o o d . Tli'onx . . . . S S 1 5 Dorinjjr, A n n a m a e , T r o y . . . . . STT.') Cobni-n. Beatriee. M a l o n e . . . , .sr4() C r e e n W a t t . G., X Y C . sTn5 Ka.rl, ^ t a r g a r e t , .Albany Shanffhnessy. A.. Ti-oy .... . Colella, r.illian. A n b n r n . . . . si)n.5 Howe, William. CohneB . . . . . snii.'j (laneas. Catherine. Alb;iny . . . . Sl"l!ll) l-'lander. D a w n . .lolinBo C l y . . SlITO . snro Benedlet, S h i r l e y . Ho.hfi'liT W o l b e r t , V e r o n i e a , t ' o p i a t j u e . . Sd.-i.'-. L u b i n e r , R o s a l i e . .Mbany . . . . . Sli.K) S n r p r e n a n t . M a r y , Colioep . . . . . SO'^O Beaildett. C.. T r o y Staton, Betly, HUlyn . s,-.!)n f'n«h?nan. j\TadaIine, T : oy . . . , s.')t)n W h i l e , P h y l l i s , TlUlyn , s.^im 58 Slevens. Mai-y, follBO I ' n t . . . . S.-)T5 5!l H o l m e s , James. T r o y . (10 W a g o n e r , L o r i n e , T r o y . S.'-H I) ni Xi<'hols, Coriime. M(Hit(roniery S.'l'^.'i IMeyers, I 'a l r i e i a . .. . ... 8 5 ( 1 5 (i-;. Me.vers, P Albany .. ., . . 8 4 i l 5 (l:l. F i s h e r . L a u n r e tl t a . -Astoria Astorm 04. P i t a n i e l l o . B.. Troy 84(15 (15. Oreisler. Greisler. W i l l i a m , Sebtdy . ,. , . 84115 (in. SiiKarinan. Snsarnian. L e o n a r d . M .Mb.iny b.iny ..81(15 (17. P r o v i n o , M a r y Ti,. B i i f l a l o 84110 r,S. Riibenstein. M a y . B r o n x 8455 fill. W a t s o n . R u b y v . , N Y C 8):K1 7(1., A n n e , BUlyn 84:11) 71. F a r a h . A d e l e , CohoeB .S4':5 7':. K l y n i a n , A b e , BUlyn S4';() 7:1, W h a l e n , A r l e n e ,1.. T r o y 8415 74. .lessamy, K e n n e t h . BUlyn .,.,8415 75. Bauseh. A l i c e S.. C o x s a . U i e ..8415 J'rout. Doreen P.. l^enmore . 8:180 77. .Seiueeo, Rose, M i d d l e l o w n . . . . 8:1(15 78. HeroUl, X.nney E., R o c h e s t e r . . 8:i(15 71). Collins. ICdward L.. A l t n m o i i t . 8:150 SO. E t u e , Sarah E.. T r o y 8:150 81. T a y l o r . M a r s a r e l . hulyn 8:i4 5 S';. .lacobs, R n b y , ,lamaica 8:i:i5 8:1. W o l f . E i l e e n . W a l d e n 8r!:!5 84. F a z i o , R o s e m a r y , T r o y 8:l,'l() 8,S. Darlinir, A l i e e F.. C d p e e y v l . .8:115 8(1. D n n h a m , Charles G 8:110 s r . R o b e r t s , N e v a d a , BUlyn 8:ino 88. McHiigrh. Catherine, Bronx 8-;85 Sit. G r a y . F l o r a B.. St. A l b a n s . . . 8-.;ilfl JK). B u r s h e r . Norni.a, . l a m a i f j i , , . . 8 ' ; f i O H I . Santiairo. L u c y . RUlyn 8-;55 !)','. .loelink, M a n i l a , Rrnnx 8','55 !):i. Scott, M i l l i e e n l . BUlyn SeSS !)4. W h i l e , Anne. Bronx S';55 !),"i. D e G e o r s e . E t h e l H.. A l b a n y . . 8'.';i5 !)(!. He.adley, V e l m a M.. .lamaica . . 8 ' ! : i ( ) !)7. R u b i n , .lurtith. BUlyn .S'; I 0 H8. Kirsehenliatnn. H., NY'C . . . ! ! 8';oo !)!). Haekner. ,Toan, St. .Albans . . . 81110 100. C r a w f o r d . F l o r a W . . N Y C ....8i;5 101. .Abbott, .Anna. R . . .Asloria . . . 8175 lO-;, W i l e n s k y , Dora. Bklyn 8175 i n : ! . .Asadorian, Frances, T r o y ,,.,8171) 104. Sidoek. L o u i s e H.. S a l a m a n c a ! , S I 5 5 K)-.. M a i o n e . Ruth A.. Bronx . . 8140 1011. Goldblatt, E s t h e r . BUlyn 8140 107. Sheldon, K e n n e l h , W a t i r v l i e t .8140 108. F i o r e l l a C. Snsan, .lamt-stown .8140 10!). W i l k e r s o n . L c o n i a . Bklyn ....81:15 11(1. Mason. ,Toan. W a t e r v l i e t ....81-;5 111. Clipper, A l i c e , M l , W n i o n ,!.8r;5 l l ' l . Kearney, Norah. B k l y n sonn l i : t . T.a.Gasse. F l o r e n c e . Cidioes . . . 8005 114. G l a s s f o i d , T h c l m a . I l i o i i x i ! ! ! SoV'o 113. W a s n e r , A m y . BUlyn 80(10 1111. .loseuh. A m y . N Y C S055 117. Sherman. .Slephen. S . h t d y ...]8(1B5 118, L e i b o w i t z , Tda. W o n d s i d e ....8(155 I I I ) . N y s t o r i a k , Tessie. O l i o e s ....8050 I'M). F a r n h a n i . R o s e M,. F n l t o n ...,80:i0 l : ; i . Smith. Winifred. Albany 8ii:i0 I'.";. W a l k e r . Frauees. Corona 801B r ; : i . McMamis. Dorothy. Watervliet .8015 r : 4 . Kaner. -1-'aye. FliiKhinir .,,,..8015 l';5. Rowland. A l i c e . BUlyn 8(10,i> I ' K I . C a m e r o n , Francis. Coboee ,.,,"1)75 l ' ; 7 , .I(dmson, H a z e l . SI, A l b a n s ..7!)70 l : ; S . K i l l i n e r , G o r t n t d e . Sebtdy . . . . 711(10 I ' l l ) . R a w l i n , M a r y . Trhy 7ii(in i : i ( ) . Harrison, M a r i o r i e . W e s i b u r y . . K K I O i ; i l . Alleyne. Anita. ' N Y C .. . . . . 7!)';5 i:l'J. Bnbel, Irene, Bronx 71)15 i:i:i. Bible, E v e l y n . Bronx 7inn i : i 4 . Filsinffer, R u t h , Albany 71)15 i ; ) 5 , Croce. E m m a . L . I . City 71)15 i:i(!. Marlin, M y r n a , T i o y ^oio i ; i 7 . M i l l e r . Iris, .lamaica , 7805 i ; i 8 , ,Tohn8on, V i r a i n i a . B k l y n ....7S05 1,'llt, Fils. S y l y i a , B k l y n 7815 140. Lanir, M o l l y , BUlyn 7815 141. J'arrti. T e r e s a . N Y C 7815 14'!. Q u a t t r i n i . M a r y . K l m i r a "745 I 4 ; i . M o f f a t . Doris. W a i e r v l i e t . ..7715 144. M a z z a r e l l a , P e a r l , T o n a w a n d . i , 7 7 1 5 4. ». B. 14. Ifi. HI. 17. 15. 11). :;i). :!1. W o o d w a r d , l-'tiralle, B onx ,.. .laller, R h o d a . L . I. l i l y ... H n n t . .Alberta. Colonie Da.vs, R n t h , Blslyn . ( i a b e l l . Const. St. Albanfi Mann, A l e c n c , lironx .. .. Berry, Mary, Bronx cnlline.v, .>I:u"-Mict. li.iy-ido . Selnvarl?., Sadie, BUlyn Waffiier. L o u i s . BUlyn Perliino, C l a d y s , ,laniai. a ,., Keeiian, .Mariraret, J'llmbnrst •;». Hi.hai-dsoii, K d i l h . Illtlyn ... '17. neane. .^larion. .Tamaica ... 'JS. I l i e n z o , Helen, K e w (idns. . . , •;il. H.iriis. Charles, N Y C ;U). Osborne, A n n , llnrrnlo ; i l . Re-nielt. A I . BUlyn H a l s a l l , .lanie.^, liUlyn Schieli, Hermine. ncllero^c ,'U. ScDvoHi. Am-'i'la.. Bronx Oreen. N o r m a n . Ozone I'k .. Jarkoft, .Miiniie, NYC :i7. F r a z i e r , M,ie, N Y C ••IS. Sten-art, .lames. Aslori^i .. .'III. Cohen. M i l t o n , Bklyn 4(1. T h o m a s . A l i c e , N V C ...... 41. Chandler, A l m a . Clay 4';. Ostrove. ,loan, Bklyn 4:1. Nenin.inii, Ellen, Buffalo .. 4 4 . Aliierin, .Amie. NY'C 4.1, ( i r e e n b e r j . L e o n a r d . Flu.shini; 4(i, W r i s h t . Louise. Alltauy , . .. 47, Franeis, H e r b e r t . B k l v n .... 48, W r a d s c . Hilda. N Y C 411, D a w s o n . L e o n a r d . N Y C . . . . ,'iO. j r i ( i o u « h , .lames, N Y C ... 51. Callender. Ilernieo. Bronx . . B r n h l , Franees, Bklyn , . ,, f i e l u s o , A n s e l o , .Tamtiiea . . . . Bttssetti, ,losi T>h, N Y C .. . . Schlosaiii, Aili'en. B u f f a l o .. .Vbrahani, Isidore. NYC .., Thoiras, Theresa. Buffalo . . .IS, Sharp, E v a . X Y C Hodife. Carl, B k l y n (in. ,TenkLns, .Marie, N Y C ni. M i s t e r , ( i e r t r u d e . N Y C . . . . (i'J. H i b b e l . Celien. Bklyn .lohnson. .N'orma. Bklyn .. n4, P e r i l z . A l i c e . .laekson Hts . . H.5, M.annins. H e t t y , St. A l b a n s (IH Amendol.'i. Tda. M l . Vi rnon 07, L e e . Lena, NCC 68 Greer, L i l l i a n . N Y C iiKNKIK d . K K K (( (IMrEN'S XTION) T H K S'lWTK INSl H W C K H \u, I ) K 1 ' A I I T M K \ T o r I tKtIK 1. Stanley, Murgltret. Haisley P k . Dl 15 Feeney, Bettv ll';05 :i. .Miller, P h y l l i s , N Y C 11575 4. Burke, R n t h , Syr,aeiiHe ......1)505 ft. M i r a n . Syilelle. Bronx ICIIK) (1. Baas, D a v i d . Bronx H.IRO 7. M o o r e . Gloria. N Y C i;:illl) 8. Greenburit. M i r i a m . A l b a n y ,.!):iOft 1). Morris. Gertrude. Bronx !)'!1)() 10. M c D o w e l l . U o z e t t a . K o c h e H t r .l)'!.10 11. M o o r e . Hazel. NVC 1)175 i ; . WeiBU l<loiiin((». H i e n x , 0176 l a . Limon, Lubu, N Y C ,,.4)07^ •rr ri':. r):i. n5. r,(i. r>7. CIVIL SERVICE •Ir & Asst A n h . Civil Emrr-W S, Custodian .nniB .iiiiDn .liriin . !M):i() .111) I,-I . sir, .ss;)ii . ss:iii tilt M e C o n n c y . Mil.l ed, Bklyn 711. I.ayne, Utta, L. I. C i t y .. V I . B o s w o r t b . .lohn, NYc'.... Robinson, Sai .'ib, N Y t ; . . , , ... Getzofl, l!o«c. N Y C ,.. l'"renkel, I'.laine, N Y C .. Bennett, .Mal-y, N Y C BUlyn .MuMen, Catherine. ICvclyn, Corona , Parker, ,8:il» .8:m» .s:i(IB 8'.;78 ,8V :i8 .SSl.'i . SSL L."I . lin .KVir> . sr I n ..Hri.'i ,.-114,') .."iii.-i , SH.'tl) .Sti.'IM .,>'11:11) ,st;i,5 ,81115 ..'•'((15 .S11115 Young People & All'Veterans "Never Underestimate A Business Education"' NOW . S.IKO . 8.'i(l() .854,5 .854 5 .85,)5 . 85:«) .8515 . 8515 .85(15 .84!MI , 84:15 .84;)(1 ,84-;(l .84-,'() . 8:175 .8:1^5 . 8:175 , 8:175 , . 8:!f;n 8:i(i(i . .8:15(1 , . 8:!,50 is the time spocinh/.iitioi) in Suli'tiiiifinRlilp. AdvertisinK. MerrhiUMnRinK, RetiiillnR, Kltmnrc. Dltitiiifiirtiirint* Kailio tinil Tole\ tslmi. « t c . DAY A KVKMNO A l s o Stenovriiphlo SI K e f r e s h e r I'niirHefi cu-Kn \ r o \ r n i \ ( J roi KSES FOR HIGH SCHOOL ririii'oMr COLLEGIATEH -.<11 MRilison Ave (At! S I , ) e r L 8-1872 Do You Need A Higli Scliool Diptoma? (K(i)llvaleney) • FOR PERSONAI SATISFACTION • FOR JOB PROMOTION • COR ADDITIONAI E D U C A T I O N STAKI COACHING MONOELL INSTITUTE W 41 St ( 7 - 8 A v e s ) W l 7 - ' i « » 7 preporel with ANVriHIB. TRY THE "Y" PLAN C i v . M e c h . KIcc EUBT C i v i l E n s r - B l d t Const Subway Exams IM.VTHEMATICS .Vrith A l s Geo Triir r a l P h y s i c s I.K F N S K I - K K I ' A K A T K I N S l a t i n i r i r y E n i r Refrig- Op P o r t . E n c r to Special Courses in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Jr. Accountinq • Bookkeeping EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAL . S(1(I5 C.S. •;;i« , 8,1,'tO . 8,1^0 ,8:)1» 8:11» Send tot BooUlct CL YMCA EVENING SCHOOL i n West n.'Iril St.. \e\v Tell I. Viirk '.23, N RNilleiilt 2 HI 17 SCHOOL DIRECTORY Kl>iNEf>S gCIIOOLS MU.VKOB SCHOOL-IIIM C U L K S E S . Keypunch, Tabulating, Wiring ( A P P R O V E D F O B VET3I, Accounting Business Adtulristration, Switchboard (all live boardel Comptometry Day & E v e . Classes S P E C I A L P R E P A R A T I O N F O R C I T V STATE A FEDERAL TESTS Kast T r e m u i i t A v e . SI lloatnn Kd., B r o n x , K l '.i-.KiUO. eeeretarlal D R A K E S , 134 N A S S A U S T K K E T , N . Y . C . Secretarial, Day-Night W r i t e for Catalog BE .<l-4840 Accounting. Drafting. Journallsia. M u s i c H I L T O N ' S A L B A N S M I S I C . t C A I I E M V . Speciallxlng In A c c o r d i o n i Guitar. I n « t m . ments loaned f r e e . M u s i c instruciion in all instruments. Beginne « & advanced t l u dents. SpeciiU di.soonnt. 48 S l a t e St.. .*lh,iiiy. N Y . 88-0946. In T r o v , T R O Y M U S I O A C A D . , 3 4 3 F u l t o n St.. A R s e n a l 3 0 7 ' ; 7 . Shoppers Service Guide MEN (100) W A N T E D F o r lar3:o well* k n o w n concern t o act aa guards at inlerestiiiK" special events in M e t r o p o l i t a n area. Mtifct be 5 f t , S in. or o v e r and o v e r 18 year^ of age. B'ree h o s p i t a l u a l i o n . Blue, Paid v a c a t i o n . H o l i d a y s . Must h a v e clean l-ecoid. V c i s In-intr liischartfti p:vi)er3. P o s s i b i l i l y of f u l l or steady part-time eiuiiloyment. Apply Mon. to T h u r s . in.lUfive, 1) a.m. to 1) p . m . : lOH E.AST 41st ST., ROOM (Corner Park Ave.I. N.Y.Cily. HELP ffAM'ED MALK and FEMALE K E E P y o u r j o b . W o r k part time. Earn ¥ : ; 0 0 - S j 0 0 m o n t h . Build i n t o f u l l time business. Ideal husband-wife teHnis. CIRCLE 7-oma. EMl'I.OY.MENT INFOKMATION S H I P J O B S : I ' P t o SlOO w e e k l y ; beginners; men, w o m e n . Instruction .Manual I f l . sterllnc, ( D e p t 1 ) , I'nrona 68, N. V. ( M o n e y l>acl[ g u a r a n t e e ) BHsiness Opportunities WOMEN Earn p a r t - t i m e money at h o m » , addressing e n v e l o p e s t t y p t i n g or l o n g h a n d ) f o r advertisers M a l l SI for Instruction .Manual l e l l i n t h o w I .Money-back gutiraiitee) Sterling V a l v s Co., C o r o n a . N . T. FOR SALE TYPEWRITER BARGAINS Smlth-$17 60; Dnderwood-$3a.50; o t h r r i I'etirl Bros. 4 7 6 S m i t h . Hkn, T R B-.SOH't GI'MMED NAME LABELS — 500 in ( i i f t Box — 50c Print n a m e and address plainly. Other Ititns, catalog FREE. Adironriaek iinles S> S e r v i c e , PntMilam N, V . Appliance Services T K A C I S E U V I I I N G COKP, Sales & S e r v i c e recond Retries Store*, Wash Machines, c o m b o sinks. G u a r a n t e e d T R A C Y R E F R I G E R A T I O N — C Y 2-6900 2 4 0 E 149 St i 1204 Castle Hill A T 6a, UTILITIES S U . N D E L L CO,. I N C 3 0 0 Central A v e n u e . Albany. N . T Tel •-2800 Quaker Uaid HELP IfAMTED . FEMALE PART-TIME JOB OPPORTUNITIES HOW TO GET That Part Tim* Job A handbook oX j o b a p p o r t u n l t i e e a v a l l a b U now. by S Norman Feinguld A iiaroia Lilt tot (tuilenta, (or emuloyetj adult* and p e o p l s o v e i 86 Qet this l u v a l u a b i c guida f o r $1.50 plus lOo ( o r niailini Send to LEADER BOOK 8T0RB. «7 Duans Street. N Y C Personal Notice HAIR removed permanently, tlectiolyela, no r e g r o w t h guaranteed in e v e r y case. 28 years' experience, Ernest and Mildred SwanaoD, 113 State, A l b a n y , N. Y 3-4088 Low Cost • Mexican Vacation $1.80 per person, riu/bd It bath In Resort M E X I C O f a b u l o u s l o w cost vacufRjue. Send $2 00 (or Directory. Satlefaction Gpar*ntee(1 R E. IIU IV)«t A v e . N . Y , 31. N . T . Typawritart Adding Machlnat AddreMing Machlnas Mimaographf O u a r a a t e e d Alaa C e n t a l s , ALL llcpain LANGUAGES TYPEWRITER CO. l i e w. LEARD ST., NKW V<>KK i, N. I . ClleUea 3-8080 F R E E B O O K L E T by U. S. G o T ernment only. on Roiial Leader, 97 Security. Duane Mall Strati, CSEA Counsel's Report On 1959 Legislative Session ( N O T E : Each year following the elose of the iO-day bill period, Counsel for the Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. reports on civil service measures and other bills of particular interest to public employees that were considered by the State legislature. The Civil Service Leader annually publishes this report for the information of Association mem')ers.) JOHN J. KELLY, Jr., Associate Counsel more favorable circumstances, have been passed. This is particularly true in our case when one considers that this Association had about 80 bills which we either drafted, sponsored, or supported. Summary of Session A summary of the 1959 legislature shows that It convened on January 1, 1959; that the last day to introduc bills was February 17th, 1959; that the budget passed on March 11th, 1959; and that the legislature adjourned on March 25th, 1959. 8215 bills (a new record) were Introduced in the legislature, and of this number 1202 bills passed both Houses. The Governor signe-^ 880 bills into law, and vetoed 322. Approximately 100 fewer bills were passed by the legislature this year than last, and approximately 100 fewer were signed into law this year. Assessing the accomplishments of the Association and the public employee at the 1959 session of the legislature involves a variety of factors and circumstances. If we ignore all of the circum•tances which iiad a direct bearing on this particular session, the results of 1959 legislation could probably only be deemed passibly fair. On the other hand, if all of the complicated factors About 80 bills were drafted, inwhich were inescapable ave con- troduced, supported, co-sponsored, sidered, the results must be or endorsed by this Association. deemed most successful. Of these, 29 passed both Houses, This was not only the first 28 were signed and one was year, but the first two months vetoed. In addition, the Associaof a new administration, which tion opposed three bills which always makes for greater diffl- passed both Houses and became culty in attaining executive sup- law, which will be commented on port for a variety of measures. later, and of course, opposed InThe new administration, of numerable other bills which were course, was not available to con- not passed—did not become law. fer with in detail until after Six other Association measures January 1st. Moreover, there is a passed one House OTT the legislanatural and proper tendency ture only. The rem£,inder of the among these executives and their program was not passed, alassistants to feel their way along though in several instances subrather carefully before initiating stantially i d e n t i c .1 legislation broad liberalizations and reforms. listed with the "Passed" bills was But what of the legislature? accomplished either in whole or Essentially, the legislature was in part. bers. T h e legislative authorization for another opportunity to join the Social Se-jurity program was of considerable significance to many employees. The vexing Albany parking problem was recognized and legislation passed authorizing the alleviation of this problem. While the two-year death benefit was not accomplished, the one-year death benefit was made permanent and therefore is constitutionally protected. T h e 55-year plan was reopened for those who had not previously joined, and a variety of other bills of less general importance were accomplished, which will be discussed In detail below. sence, this bill provided a salary increase for all employees allocated under the Civil Service Law of $200.00, or the equivalent of one increment, — whichever resulted in a higher salary. Other employees, whether they were governed by s t a t u t o r y salary schedules or not, received increases which correspnnded to the amount which they would have received if they were in the grade under 'he Civil Service Law, th maximun. of which was closest to their slary. (For those employees with statutory salary schedules, the amount of increase was, of course, specified in the legislation by amending the applicable schedule or Irw.) T h e major oisappoimments at the 1959 session were the failure of the passage of legislation to increase the, retirement allowance of retised members, the failure of legislation which would accomplish the long sought vesting program, and the lack of any significant legislative accomplishments which applied to the county and local public employees (although such employees, of course, benefited equally with state employees in the Retirement and Social Security legislation discussed herein). For exf mple, an employee who had been receiving $4,360 prior to April 1, 1959, and who was covered by a statutory salary schedule, ..fould be closest to the maximum of Grade • under the Civil Service Law, and would receive the same amount which an employee in Grade " would receive. Since the incren.ent of Grad 8 was than $200.00, such employee would receive a $200 increase. V/'.th respect to employees who wer receiving salaries less than the minimum salary of Grade 1 under the Civil Service Law, i.e. $2,500.00,—the Budget Director was authorized to give salary increases to such employees substantially in proportion to those received by persons with salaries above the minimum oi Grade 1. 1959 SALARY BtLLS In approving the three salary bills affecting the Judiciary, the Legislature, and oth^r state employees, Governor Rockefeller in a brief message stated as follows: "These bills provided for urgently needed salary increases for State employees. In the last two years, the cost of living has increased more than 5.5%, but our State employees have received no increase in pay during this time. Although every effort must be made toward effecting economies in the operations of the State government, it not only would be inequitable, out false economy, to deprive our State's loyal civil servants of salary increases which they justly deserve. We should seek always to attract and to hold able, qualified people in the service of the State. This can only be done by paying fair and reasonable compensation. The bills are approved." While the legislation authorized the withholding of the increase for administrative reasons until the payrolls could be changed, and for the payment of a lump sum when the payroll changes could be accomplished, the Comptroller's office performed such an outstanding-job in expediting the payroll changes that the increased salaries were refiected In the salaries of ail employees in the check received on April 8th. When one realizes that the legislation was not formally approved by the Governor until March 31st, 1959, the magnitude of the accomplishment of the Comptroller's office can be appreciated. higher on March 31, 19.i9 received at least a $200 increase. 2. This increase, f i r those employees who were receiving a noloss in pay guarantee under prior law, was in addition to the total salary including no-loss pay which such employees were receiving prior to April 1. 3. Employees who were receiving over the maximum of the grade of their position also received the same amount of increase as other employees in that grade. Judiciary Increase The salary increase for employees of the Judiciary is found in Chapter 202 of the Laws of 1959, and simply stated, provides an increase of 4% with a minimum of $200 and a maximum of $500, for all employees of the Judiciary other than Judges and Official Referees. (The Judiciary increase was reflected in the April 22 checks.) The salary increase for legislative employees constituted an appropriation of $160,000 for salary increases for legislative emp'oyees in such amounts as may be determined by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the Assembly. At this writing, employees of the Legislature have not yet received the benefit of the increases proposed for them, since there remain determinations of amount to be made by the officers designated in the legislation. The legislative salary increase is found in Chapter 201 of the Laws of 1359. I t became apparent rather early in the tax fight that the Association 12V2% salary increase, with a minimum amount of composed of the same personnel Considered in the light of the $500.00, costing C.'lO million, was and leaders as for the past few above background, at least in the doomed. W e express our appreyears (with the enrettable ex- opinion of the writer, this was ciation to Senator Hatfield and ception of the Minority Leader an extremely successful session. Assemblyman Wilcox for their of the Assembly, the Honorable For example, a salary increase, sponsorship and support of our Eugene Bannigan, who died prior which will be discussed in detail bill. The Senate numbers were: to the 1959 session). While the below, was achieved, much to^the Intro. 2553, Print 2660, and in legislature was not in the same surprise o ' many veteran observthe Assembly the bill was Intro. position as the new administra- ers. Although the increase ac2781, Print 28'?8. I t was, of tion, during the great bulk of complished only about one-half course, only when the demise of the session they were necessarily the increase that the facts and the Association-sponsored bill preoccupied with the tremendous figures bearing on state salaries was imminent and the fate of problems involving the tax in- indicated, it is nevertheless true the administration salaiy increase creases which were proposed and that the $20 million of salary proposals extremely -doubtful, passed this year. Obviously, until increase was more money than that the Association. .supported More on Salary Bill the taxes and the budget were the total of all other increases Further explanatory comment the less liberal meadUres'. settled, they were in no position in the state budget which were to consider new legislation that not mandated by prior law. The We feel that the * acconiplishThe measure affecting all state with respect to the salary Inwould cost money or have a sig- guarantee of retention of no-loss employees except the Legislature crease bill might be: ment of anything at all in the nal effect upon the future bud- pay on promotion was likewise and Judiciary became Chapter 1. All employees who were re- salary field this year is a tribute getary plans of the state. welcomed by many o^ our mem- 200 of the Laws of 1959. I n es- ceiving a salary of $2,500 or to the "out of season" legislative work done by the officers and I t was not until March 11th members of the Association. P e r that the 1959-60 budget was haps more was accomplished last passed. Fourteen days later, the Fall in convincing the gubernasession was over. torial candidates of the necessity Unfortunately, however, most of a salary increase and obtainof the Assembly standing coming their support therefor, than mittees lost Jurisdiction of bills anything that was done later on. before such committees on the Without the courageous action of day before the budget was passed. the Governor in making proviT h e significance of this fact is sion for an increase in his budthat sucli committees had to get, there would have been no either take affirmative action and salary increase; just as truly report the bills out of committhere would have been no salary tee, kill the bills in committee increase were it not for the skillor refer such measures to ihe ful and forthright handling of Rules Committee of the Assembly the salary increase measures by One can imagine the magnitude of the task that faced the Assem- Sliown above are Brooiclyn State Hospital employees who recently completed a course In the leaders in the legislature. T h e bly committees, and more par- the fundamentals of supervision, along with the hospital's director and several assistant legislative revolt was not just ticularly, that which faced the directors. Seated, frem left: Flora Giles, head nurse; Barbara Sweet, head nurse; Victoria newspaper talk, and it required legislative representatives inter- Millander, senior stenographer; Clara Straker, head nurse; Nina Brown, recreation instruct- the highest of political statesested in certain legislation, in at- or, and Dorothy Szarwas, head nurse. Standing, from left: Henry A. GIrouard, chief super manship on the part of the M a tempting to obtain proper con- vising nurse; Dr. Carmelo J. Chiarello, assistant director; Dr. James E. Rappa, assistant di jority leaders. Sens. Mahoney and sideration of various measures in rector; Terence J. Lynam, business officer; George Prizgint, the instructor of the course; Erwin and Assemblymen Heck the short time available. The con- George Ames, food service manager; Dr. Nathan Beckenstein, director of the hospital; John and Mackenzie, to hold this clusion is obvious. Many bills Stoffa, head nurse; Philip Holt, motor equipment maintenance foreman; Emanuel Kucker, money In the budget. COMPLETE SUPERVISOR COURSE AT BKLYN STATE were killed wliich could, under head nurse; Bernard Dikeman, senior account clerk, and Leslie McDonough, head nurse. ( T o Be Continued)