—CaaAIL S«n/iM£aCorrection LiEAiy^'R Americans Largest IVeekly for Public .Vol. XV — No. 41 Tuesday, June 22, 1934 Employees Price Ten Cents DOIV'T REPEAT THIS F HENRY P 0 Conference: " issioners OALPIN DHAVfF:' See Page 16 l?.*^ CAPli'OL ""A A LPANY I ION N Y Who Holds the Exempt Jobs? Here's Entire List for NYC W H O holds the exempt Jobs tn New York City public life? Who are the politicians, big and little, distinguished and unknown, and under whose regimes were they appointed? Where do they work, and how much do they earn? With the exception of department The semi-annual Correction Conference was held at the heads, here, for the first time, is a 'complete listing of all the ex- Wellington Hotel, Albany, une 14 and 15. Seated at the empt jobs in New York City's po- table, from left, Peter Walsh, Wallkill; Martin Mulcahy, Sing litical circle, together with the Sing; Harold Corcoran, Clinton; John Mullaney, president, names of job-holders, the salaries Auburn; Edna Ricklefs, secretary, Albion State Training they earn, and the dates of appointment. The listing below is School: Harry Joyce, Attica. Standing, from left, William by department and agency, with Quick, Greenhaven; Edward O'Leary, Elmira Reformatory the last name of the incumbent and Reception Center; Kenneth E. Ward, Auburn; Robert (Continued on Page 6) 'DON'T REPEAT THIS' FIRST PREDICTED DEWEY WOULDN'T RUN Again, Don't Repeat This sources and conclusions prove reliable. On Tuesday, June 8, this column first predicted authoritatively that Thomas E. Dewey would not run again. The words were: "This column has just heard talk from a serious-minded, close associate of Dewey that he will not run again, no matter how pressing are the blandishments of his party." Even though our own poll of New York State political writers indicated that newsmen felt Dewey would be the candidate, we expressed our view, and went on to discuss the G O P situation without Dewey heading the ticket. Last Thursday, on June 17, came confirmation in a page 1 New York Times article. On the preceding Sunday, June 12. Tlie Times had carried a Sunday "think" piece discussing the possibilities that Dewey might not be the candidate. Another speculative Times article had appeared a few days earlier. On the evening of June 16, radio commentators were discussing the matter as news. During the week, newspapers all over the State were commenting upon it. , But in politics minds change fast; some persons say Dewey might reverse himself. Telephone OperatorsAsk Higher Pay A L B A N Y , June 21 — Several telephone operator groups have appealed to the State Civil Service Department for an upward allocation to Grade 5 under the new salary plan. The groups that have presented facts and arguments for upgrading are located in N Y C , Middletown and Albany. The operators collected wage data from private employment and utilized wage surveys extensively in presenting their case to Civil Service. They also collected and presented salaries paid by subdivisions of the State government, including authorities and other State agencies, to justify their request. Haight, Matteawan State Hospital; Jack Solod, Woodbourne; Raymond Marohn, State Vocational institute, Coxsackie; Albert Foster, Dannemora State Hospital; Mary Houghton, Albion State Training School; Joseph Grable, Napanoch Institution; Kathryn Randolph, Westfield State Farm; Cornelius Rush, vice president, Greenhaven; Harry Dillon, Auburn, and James Leahy. Great Meadow were absent when this photograph was taken. Nominating Committee Chosen; Hotly-Contested CSEA Election Seen A L B A N Y , June 21—The wheels tee to meet this week in Albany, Service; Celeste Rosenkranz, D i began to roll last week toward the organize and select its chairman. vision of Employment. The entire group will act upoa forthcoming election of ofBcers in Those named to the nominating nominations for State-wide office the Civil Service Employees As- committee are: Past presidents: — president, five vice-presidents, sociation. The Board of Directors Jesse B. McParland, Frank L. secretary, treasurer. The State emnamed a 15-man nominating com- Tolman. Clifford Shoro, Charles ployees will as the nominating mittee to sift candidates for State- Brind. committee for State departmental wide office and for the executive representatives. For the County Division: committee of the State Division. Lulu Williams, Broome County; For each State-wide office, twe Francis C. Maher, a Board mem- S. Samuel Borelly, Oneida; Eve candidates must be chosen, according to the Association's conber, succeeded in having included Armstrong, Suffolk. For the State Division: stitution and by-laws. the names of four past presidents Francis C. Maher. Law; Henry Indications are that this year^ on the nominating committee, a f Insur- election will be a hotly-contested ter a spirited discussion of the Shemin, Unemployment ance; Charles Methe, Mental H y make-in of this committee. John giene; William F. Sullivan, Ju- one, with many prospective candiCSEA Aids dates already in the field — alF. Powers, CSEA president, imIn addition to factual material diciary; Kenneth Ward, Correc- though there has been no publia, mediately dispatched a memoranaccurate job evaluation, the State tion; Noel F. McDonald, Conserva- official announcement yet by any telephone operators pointed out dum to the newly-elected commit- tion; Marget A. Mahoney, Public of them. facts concerning the value of their duties and responsibilities. Emphasis was placed on the public relation aspect of the job, since they are the initial contact between the government and the man who pays the bill — the taxpayer. As with other groups, the Civil Service Employees Association cooperated with tlie employees In reviewing the briefs, supplying A L B A N Y , June 21 — The first Under the system, which is now dling the payroll deductions for some of the raw material and by AiTIVlTIES payroll deductions under the new slated to take effect the latter Blue Cross and Blue Shield policies counseling with them. part of July or August 1, State has been worked out by the DeAfter analyzing the material State employee hospitalization in- workers may take out group hos- partment of Audit and Control ia they gathered, the operators ex- surance program are expected on pitalization and pay for it through cooperation with the Association, SING SING Prison chapter held pressed confidence of the success checks issued for the last half of payroll deductions. The plan was approved origi•lections and installation of offi- of their appeal. nally by Comptroller J. Raymond July. cers at the Moose Club, Ossining, Additional Opportunities McGovern and John T. DeGraf^ About 37,000 State employees on June 9. Once the program is put into Association counsel. tions have been active in repre- have signed up for the program The following officers were senting State employees, he can made possible through negotia- effect new State workers will be elected: president, Prank Grono- not recollect any of them ever tions between the State adminis- given 90 days to join. T w o periods •wetter; vice president, William succeeding in having legislation tration and the Civil Service Em- may be set aside each year also Strieder; delegate, Martin Mul- passed that affected the welfare ployees Association. for receipt of applications from cahy; alternate delegate, James of State employees. The staff of the Association and any State worker wlio may wish Adams; treasurer, Joseph Pesik; He also explained the procedure the Comptroller's office have been to join. sergeant-at-arms, Herman Wein- of getting bills out of committees working out the details. Much of the program in hanegar: executive committee, Thom- during the legislative session. He aj> Wilson, Charles Lamb, James stated another organization sent Adams, Joseph Quinn, Frank out publicity flyers stating they Leonard and Martin Mulcahy; had got a particular bill out of olTicers mess committee, Jolm Pi- one Senate committee and had it The Columbus Day CltizeM ano, Edward Kennedy and Duane recommitted to the Senate FiCommittee named Supreme Court Robison. Justice S. Samuel DiPaico chairnance Committee. Mr. Kelly comJohn J. Kelly Jr., CSEA assist- mented, "What's so great about man of its annual dinner commitant counsel, and Prank Casey, that? All you have to do is draft tee. The dinner takes place at tha field representative, were in at- a bill wrong or put it in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel October 12. Teams from four State institu- and Willard won over Rochester, tendance. Mr. Kelly Installed the wrong committee and it must Fortune Pope is the grand mar20 to 5. officers. shal of the parade and Markets come out of the committee to be tions — Buffalo, Rochester, WilErnest Palclc, business officer Mr. Kelly spoke on the neces- amended or re-submitted to the lard and Craig Colony—have orCommissioner Anthony Masciarelll sity of close association of all proper committee. I can guaran- ganized the Mental Hygiene Soft- at Gowanda, is president of the coordinator. Thomas DiCandi of league, and Joseph Kieta, of BufStale employees tluough the me- tee anyone at this meeting tonight the Department of Correction^ dium of the chapter, Conference that I can submit 100 bills to the ball League of Western New York falo State Hospital, is secretary- president of the Grand Council of treasurer. and A.ssociation levels. He stated, Legislature and have them all out ofr 1954. Columbus Associations, was named Gowanda and Newark State coordinator of the Columbus As"Iti all my experience, I have of committee in jig time, but, that On the opening day of competifound that a majority could al- is far from Insuring passage of tion, June 12, Buffalo defeated School teams, previous partici- sociations' groups in N Y C deparV* pants, have not entered league ments. ways gain more tlian a minority, any one of them." I Craig Colony, Sonyea, 15 to 10, competition this year. 80 Joxi« as sincere eSorts are made Last year, former Presidenl In closing Mr. Kelly challenged by all toward a common end." Harry Truman was the gues| and ottered the services of himMr. Kelly pointed out that alLOOKING INSIDE, inXornlativ^, authoritative eoiunient colunui. speaker. This year's speaker Itvougii other employee orgaolzanot yet beea aanounced. appears weeUr ia The LEADfift. Be uutt t« read it. (C«aUuM<t Ml F » « c IM Blue Cross in State Effective Next Month Sing Sing Buffalo and Willard Win As Softball Season Opens DiFaIco Heads Columbus Day Dinner Croup LATEST STATE ELIGIBLE LISTS Looking Inside By H. J. BERNARD IN T H E MOST RECENT pay increase requests by employees, the Federal government, the State government, and even the N Y C government, did not argue that a raise was deserved but there was no money with which to finance it. The Federal raise is still In the legislative process, the State raise has been granted, and a reclassification to eliminate inequities is under way; In N Y C the raise was small, but a reclassification is offered as a hope of bigger and better results for some groups and individuals. The argument that there just isn't any money for a raise, however much the raise is deserved, used to hold water. No longer. It was an easy escape for an administration. Fiorello H. LaGuardia, when he was Mayor of NYC, used the argument effectively. If he were Mayor today he could not get away with it. Employee organizations are too strong, for one thing; more significant, the argument was fallacious from the start. Government, as an employer, seemed to think Itself immune from the obligations imposed on any employer: to pay his workers what they are worth, in terms of the buying power of the day's dollar. The problem with which public officials are faced today Is to establish the fair rate of wages and see that enough money is raised through taxes, and incidental sources of revenue, to meet the 1-aises that reflect value of services in terms of current living costs. It used to be easy to say, "But where is the money coming f r o m ? " Now officials realize they, and they alone, have the responsibility of answering the question. When they ran for public office, one of the implied obligations was that. If elected, they would not constitute the employees a submerged group. The realization of that responsibility, although an enforced realization, is one of the significant civil service improvements of recent year."?. Pay scales have not been brought up to par, and probably will not be, in any short-term effort. Even the modest 7 percent raise for postal workers, as recommended by the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, probably will be vetoed by President Eisenhower, if it passes the Congress, Postmaster General Arthur Summerfield intimates. He may be merely acting peevish because his pet reclassification scheme has been delayed, and the 7 percent provision substituted, but what he says indicates the obstacles that confront even a small raise. The other Federal workers involved in large-group pay legislation, the so-called classified employees, would get less than the postal workers receive, one may be certain. Despite the insufficiency of what appears likely to be enacted, a Federal administration intent on showing a record of marked economy has not squelched the raise idea with a plea of insufficiency of funds. In the State government, it is impossible to say yet what the overall result will be, pending announcement of the salaries established under the complicated legislated formula, and the later benefits by reclassification for those in specified titles, but. again, no word about no money being obtainable. Both the Federal and the State governments have freer taxing powers than NYC, and can appropriate money for raises, with fewer limitations. It is therefore much more significant when NYC, admittedly hard pressed financially now (as ever) does not put the question that calls for the retort discourteous. It now remains for the leaders of employees groups to wage energetic campaigns to see that the size of the raises more nearly fits the need. H O W T H E N Y C salary and career plan will fare will depend largely on personalities. It is difficult to reconcile the viewpoints of budget directors, personnel directors, city administrators, and civil service commissioners. The personnel director can get along with a civil service commission these days in fine style because he is its president. But a budget director and a personnel director are opposite numbers; a city administrator, as the Mayor's right bower, could manage to get into the hair of both. It will take some reconcilation, which only Mayor Wagner can accomplish, to get all hands working together in NYC. The provisions of the Council bill to implement the career and salary plan, wiiile important in tliemselves, are secondary to the need for cooperative personalities. Legislation is always powerless to enforce teamwork. Mayors can do it, though never easily. .. STATE Open-Competitive SENIOR ARdllTBrrlRAI. HPBTinCATKINH WHITER. 1. 2. .1. 4. B. e. 7. 8, Aniriis. Biuce, E Ch.ith.ini . . . . 8 8 1 3 0 Cllllitjr, Thomax. Dplmar . . . 84080 Dohnti. Diinipl, T r o y 84.'1B0 PhlllipB. William, W Co*8ii<ke 84250 Wcllo, Ward. Albany 83ROO Cytryn. Jacob. Reimwlaer ..,.81(>00 Biinmaii, Sylvester. QiKcni . , . . 8 0 7 8 0 Sadc. SatTHiPl. M ' ^ i o o . . .....70030 J. 2. •T. 4. Dilnninn:, EdBar, Albany AniruB. U n u e . N Y C rerris, John, Loudonvlle Phillip*. Willi.im, W CoxBacke 1, a. •I. 4. 5. Hopkins, Wilbur. Dolmar . . . 00200 Bi'b.in. Danirt. T r o y 83700 Wells, W a r d . A l b a n y 8';600 Hamnipr. Joprpb, Howard Bch 70R.'>0 SlinmatP. C.nrl. St Albans ....76250 1. 2. а. 4, B. R. 7. 8. Dichter, Frances. Syracuse , . . . 8 0 4 1 0 I^amb, Mabel. Buffalo 87100 Wabl. Velni.a. Mt Vision . . . 80520 Collins. Fr.anciB, Dexter 80330 K a W o v e . JeanDclte, Buff.ilo . .78300 I.onB-, Mary. Ray Broiik 77560 Haeirerly. Ann. Buffalo 77500 Pritchard. Mary. Westn W Va 74600 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. fl. 7. 8. n. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. I,'*. 16. Dalolse. AuirusUls. Bronx 92500 Taylor. Robert. Rochester ....91.340 Rublin. Anna. NewburKh . ..80170 Goddaril. Helen. Round l-ake . . 8 8 5 0 0 Sales. Prank. N Rochelle . . . 87840 Joyce, Tiielma, Albany 87840 Whamer. .Tane. Schtrty 8B670 Esran. Katherine. Solray 85500 W.Kle, John, S. htdy R5000 Denno, T^eo. OASininff 84070 Nurro, David. N Roehelle . . . 8IR40 P.-ulovani. Morris. N Y C 80670 Touchetle. T... Industry 80600 Dushkind. W., K Elmhuret 80,110 Steiner, Fi'lix, N Y C 70000 Shepperson, W.. N Y C 78340 Ferris. Orace. 'White Pine ..fl72B0 8. Fehekens, Helen. Xramdale ..MMW T^ewla. Ifargarerite. Armonk .,86770 INTERMEDIATE PSYCHIATRIC MK'IAI. Moore, Midelilie. White Plans 86160 WORKKR (MENTAL IIYOIKNB), Lepre. Oerena. Ml Klseo 8B;»00 Department of Health, Wnlrhester CanatT. Amuso. Marirarcl. Mt KIsco ..84260 1. Brskine. Kenneth. NYC S4M* Chomko, Irene, Tonken . . . . 83600 3. Carpenter, C., CrotoD ria , . ANSOCI.ATK AR< I1ITK< TI RAI, SI'ECIFITATIONS WRITKH. 01780 87020 84B00 . 8'.J280 oiTers you—the government employee—an opportunity A.S,1ISTANT A1M HITE<'TI HAI. KPKCIFICATIONS WRITKK. to own the finest automobile insurance protection at low prejerred-risk fates. If you are not yet a member of our family of satisfied policy owners, we invite SOCIAL WORKKR (.MKnllAI.) you to join over a quarter million government employees who now entrust their automobile insurance protection to Government Employees Insurance Company. SOCIAL WORKKR (YOITII PAROLE). rONSKKVATION EnlTATlOX A.ISI.STANT 1. 2 3. 4. B. «. 7. 8. 9. 10. II, 12. Snittler. Donald, Lake View . .90660 Peet, Barry, Wolcntt 85190 Trimm, H . Chath.am 83810 Irvinsr, Leroy, Rensselaer . . . . 8S200 I^'versee, Gordon. Cohoes ....81940 Seardaniatrli.i. A.. Endwell .,.,81810 Sweeney. Norman. BinglKimton 81420 Amyot, Georpe, North Rose . , 8 0 0 2 0 D e i l i , Warner. Saranac 79^3l1 Hunter, George. T.athani 79380 Drake, PCK^V. Albany 70220 Allen. David. Albany 78280 1. 2. .") 4. B B. Brayman. Shirley, Ft Ann . . . 93050 f h a r l e s w o r i h . M.ary, OffdensburK 01180 Ober, Helen, Potsdam 80400 Relyea, D o n . Saranac L k . . . 85720 Pelkey, M.irion Potsdam . , . . . , 7 4 0 8 0 Dunn. Nona, Otrdensburir ..,,70790 M A I L T H I S C O U P O N FOR R A T E S O N NO OBLIGATION—NO r AGENT CAR YOVR WILL CALL IA CaplM Slock Componr . • • net aWilMtd with U. S. Govtumlit) I I '\ C ^ ' E W W I E N T E l V I P K n ' E E S ^ftiWUUUX (jompan^ « O V n N M E N T I M P L O Y U S INSURAIICE l U I L D I N S , WASHINGTON i , D. C . Rsiidsnc* AddrssK City lecstion ol^Csr Yssr Msiis A9a BSingIs Msrrisd ..Zone INo. ef ChlldrMl- Cotinty... ..Sfsts.. Mods! IDIi..atc.l No. Cyl. Body Styls Coil Purcl«>< 0<t* n Nsw / / (3 U»»d Raiation Marital Statui No. of Childran -K-irnrr (bl U c«r iii«d in any occupation or butinsil? (Eicludinq to and from worltl Q Vat • Ne 1. Eitlmatad milaaqa durinQ nait yaarl My praiant inturanca aipir.as i / 4. ^la«M iaAd..„ rats inquiry cardi for diitribution to iny aitociatat 019 SENIOR STENOORArilKR. .<<tate I>epnrtnientH nnd InstitntiotiH, Fourth Judicial Ulstrirt. SENIOR STENOr.RArHER, St»t» Drpnrlments and Instilufions, Fifth Judicial Dlstrlrt. 1. O'ShaUBhuessy. K., Syr.aeuee 2. Hesselbartb. Doiis, Syracuse 3 Vadal.a. Mary. S.vracnse . 84450 ..83750 79630 SENIOR STENOGRAI'IIKH, St«te Drparlnirnts and InslltiitloiiH, Sixth Jiulicial nlstrirt. 1. 2. 3. 4. learned. Jean. Endi^ott 88130 Kline, Olga, Binfhamlon . . . . 87080 Thurber. Alice Cortland 81300 O'Connor. Marv, Norwich ..77250 SENKIR .'^TENOCRM-HER. State Ileiiartnientn nnd Inst il utlons. Sevenlh Jnclieliil DiKlrict. 1. Cordon. Julia, Clyde 04040 2. Marion. Belty. Rochester ....02280 3. Cook. Eli/,atic(h. Rochester ..844G0 SENIOR STENOGRAI'HEK. Htjkte Departments nnd Institutions, Elshlh .ludielul Distriet, 1. 2, 3, 4. б, 6. 7. 8. fi. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Ernest, Fiizalielh, Buffalo . . . . 0 3 0 0 0 Polder. leabelle, Buffalo 92570 Phillips. Doris, Bullalo OlOHO Landreth. I.Tura. Buffalo 89.370 Ciauciosi, Angela, Buffalo . . . 87910 Purdy. Mary. Buffalo 86400 Rudulph, Catherine, Buffalo . . 8 6 2 6 0 Wittmeyer, Janel. N Boston . RB230 Richter. Helen, Buft.alo 86150 Rampino, Aiuia. Buffalo 82920 Steward, Florence. Cheektowtfa 82600 Halldin. Edna, Buffalo 82070 Martin. Anne. Buffalo 81110 Molinari. Mildred. Attica . . . 80820 Bereut. Helen. Lancaster 80390 Holmes. Diane, Buffalo 77660 Canfleld. Bentice, Buffalo ....77300 Thomas. Mary. Buffalo 76090 STATE Promotton SENIOR Ul'Il.lllNa KIJCC'TRICAL KNtilNBER, (Prom.), Department of Public Works. 1. Atchison. Jolm, Bronx 97370 The compromise revised bill to implement the career and salary PUBLIC HEM.Tll EDUCATKIN PKODl'tTION ISlTPKRVimiK. plan shows Mayor Wagner is diplomatically inducing teamwork among tProm.). Department of lirulth. 1. Witko, Frank. Albany . ....92200 his aids. The real test will come in the case of budget director versus 2. Freitac, Edmund, AH)any ....82800 personnel director. 3. Hodife. Clillord, Chatham ....80900 THE RETIREMENT ALLOWANCES of pensioners of the New York State government, and the communities of the State, are exempt from State income tax. The question came before the Court of Appeals whether the beneficiary of a deceased pensioner is exempt from the estate tax. The Court held unanimously that the tax must be paid. This decision pointed up the distinction between a pensioner and his surviving beneficiary. It also construed the provision of the State Constitution, Article VI, Section 5, which states: "All salaries, wages, and other compensation, except pensions, paid to officers and employees of the State and its subdivisions and agencies shall be subject to taxation." In the first, place, the provision is affirmative, in that it states thai taxation shall apply. An exception is- made of pensions. The question wa.s whether the word "pensions" means only the retirement allowance the former employee receives, an exception that dies with him, or whether it is broad enough to cover heirs, beneficiaries, and the like. The decision was based on the historic background of the constitutional provision. The court was obligod to construe the moaning of the section in the light of the circumstances surrounding its enikc'tuient, since the words alone gave insufficient light. The Court of (Cuntiitued on Putic S, 8. 4. 8. 8. 7. COUNTY A N D VILLAGE Open-Competitive 8ICNIOR STENOURAPHKIt, Westchester C'vuiity. 1. Ferris, Grate. White Plus ... 85730 2. 3. 4. 6. a. 7. 8. VanValkenburr. C., Larehmout 85440 Koseuthal, C.. Ml Vei non . . . . 8 6 3 8 0 MeUaniel. Marjorie, T a r r y l o w n 84820 Piatt, Lillian, t.'happauua ....84330 Devries, O., V\ bite P l n « 842U0 Plato, Dorothy. White l i n s . . 8 2 4 0 0 Kalix. Hehii. Hailndalc 81270 INTKKMKDIATE ISTKNU<iRAI-liEK, U estcliester Count). 1. D<!Vries, 0„ While Plus 80240 CIVIL SERVICE LEADER ^ntcriva's Leadiiig Newsmagazine for Public Employees CIVIL SERVICE LEADER, Inc. 97 Duane St., New Vork 7, N. V. Telephone: BEekman 3-iiOlU Entered as second-class matter October 2, 1939, at the post ofIDce at New York, N. V., under the Act of March 3. 1879. IVIcntbers ot Audit Bureau of Circulations. SubscriptiuM rrU;e $3,001 Per year. Individual copies, lOc. ATTEI^TION! CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES • IF IT'S OK • IT'S GOT TO BE GOOD cm Q You're sure you're OK when you buy a Chevrolet from a Chevrolet Dealer. OWN AND ENJOY ^CHEVROLET^ MORE CHEVROLETS ARE SOLD EVERY YEAR THAN ANY OTHER CAR Special offers for Civil Service Employees Here's a typical offer: 1950 - 4 DOOR CHEVROLET, DELUXE, Radio and Heater 800 What DP YOU Expect of Your Car Dealer? HONESTY — to tell you exactly what you are buying. D E P E N D A B I U T y — to back up every sale with servia*. New Chevrolets start at $1,696.50 for . . . Model 150 2 door, 6 passenger BEDFORD CHEVROLET SALES CORP. 1410 Bedford Ave.. Brooklyn (Cor Prospect Place) 32 Years of Reliable Service Open Weekday Evenings Till 9 P.M. — Sat. 9 to 6 MAin 2-0500 More Win State Awards Newly elected officers of Madison County chapter. Civil Service Employees Association. Pictured, from left. Vernon A. Tapper, a guest at the chapter meeting; Norman Larsen. chapter 3rd vice president; Albert Merrill, treasurer; Mrs. TOWIV AXD €;OIJIVTV KMPl.OYKE IN'KWS Steuben Chautauqua Maude Harrington, secretary; Seymour Clark, 1st vice president; and William Brophy, president. Michael Carnevale. 2nd vice president, v/as absent when the picture was taken. (Conlon Photo.) Cortland County A L B A N Y . June 21 — Dr. Frank L. Tolman, Chairman of the New York State Employees" Merit Award Board, announced the award of $100 and a Certificate of Merit to Dorothy C. Ahearn, senior clerk in the State Insurance Fund, NYC. Miss Ahearn worked out the details of a master card file to be used as a central record system. Departmental supervisors report her suggestion e f fects considerable savings in clerical time and material costs. Last year she won $25 for another good idea. A certificate of Merit and $50 went to William Pitzz, carpenter at Creedmoor State Hospital, Queens Village, for his design and construction of a form that quickly produces uniform quality of poured concrete for park bench ends and supports. Mental H y giene Depai-tment officials plan extended use of the form. Kerwin Elected to Head CapitalDistrictConference 200 at Successful Affair "PEOPLE I W O R K W I T H " THE A N N U A L meeting of the Dr. Joseph Felix Rudmin Chautauqua chapter was held Is Commissioner of Health. May 3 at the Murray Hill Hotel, Read further down the page to Westfield, with approximately 100 find members and guests present. DinThe rest of all his help. ner was preceded by the "invocation given by Lucy Munger. Na- Frederick Charles Haskell thaniel Elliott was master of cereIs Sanitarian. monies and reminisced a bit about He's in and out from 9 to 5 A L B A N Y , June 21 — The Capi- Siegal, former vice president, and the start of the chapter with a T o tell us where he's been. tal District Conference of the Civil Margaret A. Mahoney, former membership of 40 or 50 members. Service Employees Association treasurer. A great gain was made when the Harry Davis is inspector of chalked up its most successful afElection tellers were Chairman employees joined the retirement The places where we eat; fair last week, drawing more than Jack Plotsky, Mt. McGregor; Josystem. There is a present mem- Taking care of dogs that bite 200 State employees and guests to seph Polts, Saratoga Springs; Olbership in the chapter of 272 memIs another of his feats. its annual meeting and dinner ive Nolan, Education; and R a y bers, with a potential of 1,476 indance in the Crooked Lake Hotel, mond Marohn, West Coxssickie. cluding employees of towns, school Do you know Clara Hebert? near here. A quartet of State Education districts, etc. I'm certain that you do. Highlighting the affair was the Department employees furnished T h e reports of the secretary She's full of gaiety and fun election of officers for the coming entertainment at the dinner. T h e And full of laughter, too. and the treasurer were read and year. Successful candidates were: songs were by Robert Carruthers, approved. President, Lawrence E. Kerwin John Flandreau, James Hatch and New Officers of the Civil Service Department; George Place. "They were accomDo you know Nellie Dimon vice president, Alfonso Blvona Jr.. panicd by Marjorie Poster, also of Is a good stenographer? Lawrence Worster, chairman of Law Department; secretary, Mrs. the department. the nominating committee, pre- If you want a job done now Among the guests at the dinner Esther Wenger, Social Welfare; She says, " I ' l l do It, sir." sented his report. The following treasurer, Michael Petruska, Audit were Assemblyman John W. Tabmembers were voted as officers for ner, Albany County Republican, and Control. the coming year: president, George Coralee has been with us Since March of '54, Mr. Kerwin succeeded Theodore and Mrs. Helen B. Musto, presiM. Stiles; 1st vice president, Lucy Munger; 2nd vice president, She does the work you give to her, C. Wenzl, Education Department, dent of the Association's Central as president of the group. Dr. Conference; "Mrs. Theodore C. And always rea4y for more. Vance Hapgood; 3rd vice presiWenzl had served three consecu- Wenzel; Dr. David M. Schneider, dent, Fannie Fandt; treasurer. Altive terms and was not a candi- past chairman of the Capital Con- . berta McKee; secretary, Allena There are six nurses On call each day. ference; Joseph Felly, Charlotte date for re-election. Calhoun; and delegate, Lavern You give them a patient. In a contest for the top office, Clapper and Harry Pox, CSEA o f Waid, They're off and away. Mrs. Mildred O. Meskil, Com- ficers. Mr. Elliott introduced Grace merce Department, received wideChairman of the dinner comHillery, president of the Western Director of our nurses spread recognition for her service mittee was Deioras Fussell, EduConference; Supervisor Robert Is Helen Rafferty; to the Association and as the cation. Members included: John Tanner and Mrs. Tanner, and She's doing a wonderful job first woman to seek the Confer- Burns, Public Service; Jack PlotCounty Treasurer Robert H. Miller For people like you and me. ence presidency. sky, Mount McGregor; Bstelle and Mrs. Miller, and they reRogers, Law, and Mr. Petruska, sponded briefly. Marjorie Call and Barbara Barnes Outeoingr Officers Audit and Control. Publicity was Noel P. McDonald, purchasing A i e two of them, you see; Outgoing officers, in addition to handled by Edwin J. Roeder, Comagent and finance olticer of Al- They give the best of care to you Dr. Wenzl, include Dr. William merce, and Miss Rogers. legany State Park, discussed the For such a little fee. benefits of the A.ssociation. He has been employed by the State of Jean Petersen's another nurse, New York for 19 years and is an And Lina Johnson, too. active member of the State divi- You ask them if they like their job sion of the Association. I'm sure they'll say, "we do." The new officers were congratThere are two others like those ulated by the master of cerefour monies, wiio called upon President One's Betty Burlingame, Stiles for a few words. The other's Hilda Sullivan— A L B A N Y , June 21 — Governor that he desired because of perThe final ceremony was the inM O R E news of the annual I guess that's all their names. Dewey has named Edward J. sonal and family rea-soiis to restallation of officers by Grace meeting of Onondaga chapter: William P. McDonough, execu- Hillery, followed by adjournment There's plenty more that I could Donovan of Mount Klsco, Alfred linquish the administrative burR. Loos of Albany and Samuel M. dens of the chairmanship. tive assistant to the president, of the meeting. say Birnbaum of New York City as Mr. Loos is a career man in t h « CSEA, was principal speaker and The next regular meeting of About our family. members of the State Board of Parole service, which he joined in installing ofllct!rs. Ernest L. Con- Chautauqua chapter will be held It's hard to put it into words Parole. 1931 as a parole officer at New lon, Association field representa- Thursday evening, July 1 at 7:30 So quick and readily. Mr. Donovan resigned as State York City. He was district director tive, and Thomas Dyer, chairman P.M. at the Court House, Mayville. Commissioner of Correction to ac- of the New York City office when of Onondaga County Board of There will be a salary discussion. The best of luck is due them Supervisors and CSEA regional T o help them through the years, cept appointment to the Board of Governor Dewey appointed him attorney, also spoke. They'll lose and gain their closest Parole. He succeeds Donald H. to succeed Mr. Donovan as » member of the Board of Parole Grant. A special "thank you" to the friends Mr. Loos resigned as chairman in 1952. volunteers who assisted in getting Through lots of joy and tears, and a member of the Board of Mr. Birnbaum has been counsel out the notices for the June quarTHE A N N U A L dinner of MadiParole and was reappointed as a to the State Division of Veterans terly meeting and to the girls son County chapter was held in I've never found a finer group member in a term expiring 1955. Affairs since 1945. He was apT o work with day by day, from the library who assisted with the Grange Tall, Peterboro. The refreshments. ladies of the community served I hope they'll always do their best In his new appointment, Mr. Loos pointed to the Parole Board in Mr. succeeds Louis P. Costuma. Loos' former term expiring ia That's all that I can say. President Norma Scott thinks a most excellent dinner. The Mr. Loos w r o t » Governor Dewey 1955. she has the greatest department meeting was well attended and a Winona Jones niember.'ihip workers any one could fine spirit prevailed. Senator wish for. At 10:30 A.M. June 9, Wheeler Milmoe and Mayor Robthe treasurer reported 1,399 paid ert Kruger extended greetings. Fischer was toastmaster; the Rev. fare, Westchester County: Alverda members, two short of the 1,401 Vernon A. Tapper, chairman of Norman Lawton gave the invoca- Agor, Commissioner's office, has goal for the evening meeting. At the county executive committee, FIVE BROOME C O U N T Y em- tion; and Mrs. Lula M. William, returned from a trip to Pennsylnoon an SOS went out for two explained the committee's pro- ployees. active, retired or post- chapter president, extended greet- vania, where she visited the Amish members and at 3:30 Robert Saw- gram and aims. Ernest L. Conlon, imiously, were honored at the ings and announced citations. country , , , Denis Duhig, Engiyer paid in the necessary amount field representative, installed the third annual dinner of Broome The committee in charge of the to cover. At the meeting the fal- new officers and spoke briefly on County chapter, CSEA, at the dinner consisted of Freda Graf neering, is recuperating from a short stay in the hospital . . . lowing additions were announced: the "Code of the Civil Servant," County Airport. and John Dakin, Highway; Ella Dorothy Grafflin, Social Service, John Bachiuan 6, Mary Sperry 1, copies of the code suitable for Attorney Jefferson F. Meagher, Mayo, County Home; Evelyn has spent some vacation time la June Rust 1, and Norma Scott 2. framing having been distributed guest speake;', praised the coop- Ward, Tuberculosis Hospital; Geneva, N. Y. and environs . , , " B o b " Sawyer ha-s a difficult job erative spirit between County o f - Charlotte Ingraham, Treasurer's Louise M. Bartoluzzi of Ossining because Public Works members to those present. Assemblyman Harold Tyler, ficials and the CSEA chapter, as Office; Larry Taylor, Sheriff's De- has been promoted to the newij are on different shifts and in several locations. He has 22 new principal speaker, discussed the he pointed out that efficient civil partment; Mary Martone, Motor established position of intermemembers coming in and hopes to legislative program as it related service depends on a balance be- Vehicle Bureau, and Mildred Pier- diate stenographer in the Anestween adequate pay and compe- pont, Planning Board. collect before the June deadline to civil service. thesia Division of Grasslands. Several members of the Board tent work. The entertainment program date. 1,500 is now the goal — let's Solomon Leider, sergeant-atof Supervisors and other public Tlie five employees honored consisted of dances performed by go to work, everyone. The Public Library is happy to officials were guests of the chap- were: County Clerk William E. Ann Agard, and solos sung by arms of the Westchester chapte/, Flook, Civil Defense Director Eva Spencer, accompanied by her CSEA, and Mrs. Leider are vacawelcome back James George of ter. tioning at the Lake Plaza Hotel, The new officers a i e : William Claude A. Wheeler. Louis Guthiel, sister, Ruth Spencer. the maintenance staff, after a Brophy, president; Seymour Clark, former buildings custodian; LouMore than 100 persons attended Parksville, Sullivan County. Mr. serious operation. Leider promised to be back la Sympathy is extended to Fred 1st vice president; Michael Carne- ise Sheak, former accounting em- the affair. time to help at the picnic which Boyle of the Water and U g h t vale, 2nd vice president; Norman ployee In the County Welfare Dewill be held June 28 at Grasslands Division, Solvay, on the death of Larsen, 3rd vice president; Mrs. partment; and the late Martin THERE news items are from Hospital grounds. Best wishes foe his father, James E. Boyle, former Maude Harrington, secretary; Al- Klee, popular custodian. bert Merrill, tieasurer. Mayor ol Solvay. District Attorney Robert E. Uie Department Ql PubUc W e l - a happy vacation. THE A N N U A L dinner meeting of Steuben County chapter was held at the Moonlit Rendezvous, Lake Salubria, Bath, June 7. Delightful music was enjoyed during the dinner, with Mrs. Florence Martin at the piano. In place of the usual invocation, Mrs. Robert A. Johnson sang ''The Lord's Prayer" and. Immediately following the dinner, Mrs. Johnson sang "Begin the Beguine" and "Tea for Two." After the report of the nominating committee, which consisted of E. D. Curtis, Curtis S. Taylor, and Michael Maroney, the following officers were elected and installed for the coming year: president, Florence Q. Johnson; 1st vice president, Geroge Deuerlein; 2nd vice president, George Crippen; 3rd vice president, Robert Robinson; secretary, Louise Savage; treewurer, Charles Kehler; directors, Nona Voorhees, Dr. Rudolph Shaffer and E. Dixon Curtis. Ernest L. Conlon, field representative, installed the new officers. Elizabeth Morse was dinner chairman. Dr. Rudolph Shaffer, acting as master of ceremonies, introduced the guests: Carl Wellington, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors; Mary Muccigrosso, Clara Radley and James Hennessey from Elmira, and Mrs. Lula Williams from Binghamton. Elmira group represented Chemung County chapter, Mrs. Williams represented Broome County chapter. The program concluded with an address by Captain James Coletta of Elmira. Captain Coletta spoke of his experiences in Military Intelligence, in connection with espionage, and demonstrated various equipment used by foreign agents in their attempt to secure information from prisoners of wai-. Dewey Names Three To Parole Board Onondaga Madison County Broome County Westchester A State employee played an all-Important but behind-thescenes role In Albany's nationally publicized Cradle of the Union celebration which began June 20 and continues through June 27. Top man behind the celebration, which won recognition in national magazines and the press generally, was Francis P. Kimball, employed at the State Commerce Department. In addition to his civil service post, Mr. Kimball also is an author and historian. Through his research he obtained city. State and Federal approval for the weelt-long "cradle" celebration. It was Mr. Kimball, in a speech before the Albany Dutch Settlers Society, who heralded the fact Albany — not Boston — was the true birthplace of the American union as the meeting-place of the first Colonial Congress 200 years ago. Other State employees, sparked by the Civil Service Employees Association, also played important roles in the event that included an elaborate pageant, special Btamp ceremonies and an historic parade. Philip Kerker, public relations director for the CSEA, obtained the backing of 28 Albany CSEA chapters in backing the important civic event. Harry G. Fox, CSEA treasurer, was chairman of the Association committee working on the program. Other members included the 28 chapter presidents in Albany. The Association furnished much of the working crew that went into planning and execution of the affair. On the pageant. Foster Potter was general stage manager, with Joseph Kilgallen, a fellow Agriculture and Markets em- ployee. taking charge of the entire makeup for the cast. Assisting in the casting of the pageant were Helen Forte and Matthew Fitzgerald, In charge was Thomas Stowell, veteran director of the annual gridiron shows produced by the Legislative Correspondents Association and a former employee of the State Commerce Department. In the cast Itself were these State employees: Richard Davis, Cy Surdam, Lewis Binns, Robert Myer, Edward Seim, Kenneth Sullivan, Jesse B. McFarland, Ernest Deschamps and David Keith. Mr. Kerker, of CSEA headquarters, also was a member of the cast. Mr. McFarland is a former CSEA president. Officials participating in the celebration included Governor Dewey, Senator Irving M. Ives, Mayor Erastus Corning of Albany, Assistant Postmaster- General Albert B. Robertson, Representative Leo W. O'Brien and a 14-member congressional committee Including the governors of nearby states. * • • I N EUROPE — State Health Commissioner Herman E. Hilieboc is in Denmark for the marriage of his daughter, Joyce. Miss Hilleboe met her future husband while working with the tuberculosis research office of the World Health Organization •in Copenhagen. • • T O P - R A N K I N G State Education Department officials and members of the Board of Regents will pay tribute to the outstanding service of Dr. Lloyd L, Cheney at a party on June 28. Dr. Cheney is retiring the end of July as director of business management and personnel ad- GET RELIEF The Economical Way "We are not a bank . . . but you can save money here" SURE RELIEF! Beat summer beat with this thriftpriced desk or wall fan. Quiet, powerful. Super-safe blades. Model 10LA4. 4FN-4214 USE IT T W O W A Y S ! Wbstin^house IP^wemu^ W — f o r me ai a kitchen venKlator. SMAK OUT—for use as a table or floor fon anywhere. 4FN-4217 ••jt NAME TO REMEMBER" for Appliances Radios TV Gifts ministration for the department. A career employee, he has worked in the State education field for 44 years. • • * P R O M O T I O N PARADE—Lloyd A. Maedcr, a veteran State employee with nearly 30 years service, is the new director of the State Traffic Commission at $8,964 a year. He succeeds Robert C. Georger, retired. Arthur LaBoda holds the assignment as chauffeur to Bertram D. Tallamy, Thruway chairman. Robert Tromblee, who formerly held the post, now is motor vehicle supervisor for the Thruway. John F. Nagle is sporting a new promotion as attendant court crier with Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Second District . . . Robert G. Blabey now is a permanent principal attorney for Agriculture and Maricets. Richard H. Mattox, Health, and James J. Sullivan, Social Welfare, have passed non-competitive promotion examinations for director of personnel posts . . . Warren Welch, Public Worlcs, is now a permanent associate personnel administrator. Silverware 20th CENTURY Co. 7 WEST 36th STREET. NEW YORK 18 LOngacre 5-2460-1-2-3-4 "Qualify af Low Cost" Shopping Hours Daily: 9:30 A.M. • 6:00 P.M. Sat. 10:00 A.M. • 3:00 P. M. — Thurs. Till 7:00 P.M. Driver License Examiner Test to Be Open to All Who Are 40 or Less There will be no experience or formal educational requirements in the State exam to fill motor vehicle license examiner jobs. The only requirements to compete will be U. S. citizenship. State residence, age 40 or less, and possession of a driver's license. Veterans, if over 40, may deduct from their actual age time spent in the armed services during war. The official requirements will be issued this week. The foregoing is advance notice of what they will be. Applications are expected to be received from Tuesday, July 6 to Friday, August 16. Do not attempt to apply until the opening date is officially announced. The LEADER will publish the announcement promptly. Margaret McCuire Named Blind Commission Director A L B A N Y , June 21 — Margaret Anne McGuire has been appointed director of the Commission for the Blind, State Department of Social Welfare. Commissioner Raymond W. Houston appointed Miss McGuire from a competitive civil service list to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Ruth B. McCoy. Budget Powers Called Handicap To Recruitment Wfestinghouse -Ltv^eite* SKAK Assistant Principal Keeper P. H. Quinlan and Principal Keeper J. E. LaVallee of Great Meadow Correctional Institution led the march to church for the eighth annual Corporate Communion and breakfast of institution employees. One hundred employees attended. SYRACUSE, June 21 — " I t is utter nonsense to expect satisfactory results from recruiting agencies in government if they are to be subordinate to tlie budgeting agency in the matter of pay, hours, leaves, overtime and ollT£r considerations surrounding recruitment." So said William F. McDonough, executive assistant to the president, Civil Service Employees Association, in an address to the annual meeting of Onondaga chapter, CSEA. He expressed concern at the "lack of understanding of good personnel administration and the yielding to expediency." "Fair pay plans and fair employment practices," he said, "should be definitely established in civil service laws and rules." He feared disastrous results of divided responsibility in public personnel recruitment. DEWEY REMAINS MILK DKINKEU A L B A N Y , June 21 — Governor Dewey paid the first dime and inaugurated the first milk vending machine in the State Capitol as part of his drink-more-milk campaign. Mr. Dewey has called for the installation of thousands of milkvending machines in factories, o f fices and schools throughout the State to help increase the consumption of milk. The written test is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, September 25. New Policy Invoked The pay can not be officially stated until salary conversion is made for the title, under the f o r mula for granting raises to State employees. The present pay Is $3,571 and rises through five annual increments to $4,372. T h e respective weekly figures arc $68.70 to $84. The easing of the requirements is in line with a policy invoked by Chairman Oscar M . Taylor of the State Civil Service Commission. Chairman Taylor, who is also Personnel Director, opposed reducing the maximum age to 35, aoid also requiring high scliool graduation or experience. Those who pass the test, he holds, will prove their possession of an education comparably to that of the" holders of senior high school diplomas. Dr. Thomas L. Bransford, director of examinations, was in full agreement. The Chairman has been studying minimum requirements, in the light of 2,700 different definitions of duties and titles for State jobs, so that a given set of requirements would cover a large number of titles, in contrast to any idea of 2,700 different sets of requirements. Miss McGuire has had 25 years' experience in social work in local. State and international fields, as former deputy commissioner of the N Y C Department of Welfare, and as a university instructor. During the last seven years, she Present List Being Used has been in charge of the social Job offers are expected to be welfare examination unit of the State Department of Civil Ser- made to all eligibles on the existing list, within their geographical vice. (Continued on Page 5) FOR OVER 30 YEARS THE Discount House TO GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES We ore offering our entire sfock of 25 to 65% off on REFRIGERATORS RADIOS TELEVISIONS WASHING MACHINES RANGES PHONOGRAPHS AIR CONDITIONERS DRYERS — IRONERS VACUUM CLEANERS TOASTERS PRESSURE COOKERS ROTISSERIES STEAM IRONS SCHICK RAZORS HOUSEHOLD WARES KITCHEN CABINETS ETC. Free Delivery In the 5 Boros NOW! SIMPLIFIED SHORTHAND YOU CAN LEARN IN 4 DAYS! U'hy Npcnii II iiiiths of Iniin, teiliuDa lessons li'Hrniiii: bhnrthiitiil wln-ii, wllh Abrevitltrix, >oii run liei-onie n »ihorthaiid writer iii I'd I If K A Y S ! Kuilainetl in four eas.^ •to-uiulerstanil lessons all in one book. W'oniteii'nl fur takinK notes on your j o l i _ i i t Mie4'tiiiKSw_ increast^ youi enii-ienc.T. Money baek guarantee. S^.'SO lirepaiil. Senil ardor t o : Kineline Co ( 1 1 7 ) :iO.-i Fifth Ave., New York 10. N. V. Also available Bt Civil Service I.eader, llooksliop. J. EIS & SONS APPLIANCE CENTER 105-7 First Ave. (Bet. 6 & 7 S»».) New York City GR 5-2325-6-7-8 Closed Sot. — Open Sun. FATHER DAD POP — PAPA Whatever you call him he deserves a gift. A fine selection of practical gifts at exceptionally low prices. MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES SERVICE 15 Park Kow, N. Y. C. Room 428 CO 7-5390 LOOKING INSIDE, news and W O 2-2242 views by II. J. Bernard, appears For the most interesting Ideas weekly in The LEADER. Don't about government, hear MESmiss it. SAGE TO THE MAYOR, radio READERS have their say in the station WNBC. Tex and Jinx Comment column of The LEAD- show, 8:30 to 9:30 A.M. Monday ER. Read it weekly. UirMiKb f TO CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES • RADIOS • RANGES • CAMERAS • JEWELRY • TELEVISION • SILVERWARE • TYPEWRITERS • • ELECTRICAL REFI)ICERATO|S APPLIANCES ANCHOR RADIO CORP. ONE GREENWICH ST. iCo' B o i ' e r y Ploce, N V I TEL WHitehall 3-4280 lobby Entrance — One B'woy BIdq. (OPPOSITE CUSTOM HOUSE) n V I L T n m S m j , June 2 2 , 1 9 5 4 Where to Apply for Jobs O. 8.—Second Regional Office. 0. 8. Civil Service Commission' M l Washington Street. New 'Xork 14, N. Y. (Manhattan). Hours 8:3C to 5. Monday through Friday; closed Saturday. Tel. WAtklns 4-1000 Applications also obtainable at post offices except the New York, N. Y. poet office. STATE—Room 2301 at 270 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y.. Tel BArclay 7-1616; lobby of State Office Building, and 39 Columbia Street, Albany, N. Y., Room 212, State Office Building, Buffalo 2, N. Y, Hours 8-30 to 5. exceptlnR Saturdays, 9 to 12. Also Room 400 at 155 West Main Street, Rochester, N, Y „ Tuesdays, 9 to 5. All of foregoing applies also to exams for county jobs. nffl* • I I * — i r r ^ ^ r ^ M j ^ w i M t i ^ ^ ^ m * 1 f o f i i k • RIIU»" a a c^iiifORNiA^ '•< (Continued from Page 4) areas, before the new list Is established. The present list went Into effect on December 6, 1950, and would expire by operation of law on December 6 next. As the new test will not be held until late September, the rating may not be completed by December 6; then the present list would expire before it Is exhausted. The list was certified to the Department of Taxation and Finance for the filling of a position In this title in the Brooklyn o f nce. Latest Appointments The dates of the last appointments made in the various locations and numerical standing of eligibles in these locations follow: Names Left Rank Location 467 15 NYC 430 26 Brooklyn 198 43 Albany 17G 53 Syracuse 170 lU Rochester 163 98 Utlca 156 115 Buffalo The new exam is being held for filling vacancies that will occur after December 6. L A W Y E R S TO DISCUSS N Y C JOB-PAY PLAN The Association of Lawyers in N Y C Competitive Civil Service will meet on Tuesday, June 22 at 5 P.M. In the library of the Law Department. Municipal Building. Reports on the reclassification program will be discussed. MIAMI l<>«_® Miilh Amttitot lilt (tltifrtfi'. L E A D E R License Examiner Test Wide Open N Y C — N Y C Civil Service Commission, 96 Duane Street, New York T, N. Y, (Manhattan) two blocks north of City Hall, Just west ot Broadway, opposite the LEADER office. Hours 9 to 4, excepting Satlirday, 9 to 12. Tel. COrtlandt 7-8880. NYC Education (Teaching Jobs Only)—Personnel Director, Board of Education. 110 Livingston Street. Brooklyn 2. N. Y. Hours 9 tr 3:30: cloned Saturdays. Tel. MAIn 4-2800. Vt S E R V I C E t i m e s SQURRt ,44t BROAOWRY I CORNER 41st S M Are yoa listening? MESSAGE TO THE M A Y O R , every morning. Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 9:30, Tex and Jinx show, radio sUtion WNBC. Don't miss it! rvx* .WASH., » . C. ME 8 6303 PHILA, PA. R1 « 155» 718 14lh St., N.W. 1 M. 13 St. aencial AKCPU lot North Amoricu Alrlluea, Inc. and Othar Irrcrulw AlrllDW P«g« Firm Honored by 200 On Assuming New Tasks Michael V. Mirande, personnel officer for the civilian employees of the Fire Department, was honored by a huge testimonial dinner given him by employees, officials, union members. American Legion officials and others, commemorating his years of service as a City employee. The event, held in American Legion headquarters in Brooklyn, brought out more than Ktrc tvl!;x ANSWl!,K!^) ABLE SEAMAN, DECKHAND. PROMOTION TO DECKHAND (TUGBOAT) (Held Saturday, June 12) 1, W ; 2, W ; 3, C; 4, W ; 5, W ; 6, C; 7, W ; 8, W ; 9. W ; 10, C; 11, C; 12, W ; 13. W ; 14, C; 15, W ; 16. W ; 17. C; 18. W ; 19. C; 20, C; 21, W ; 22. C; 23, C; 24, W ; 25, C. 26. C; 27. W ; 28, C; 29, C; 30, W ; 31. W ; 32, C; 33, C; 34, W ; 35, C; 36, W ; 37, C; 38, C; 39. C; 40. W ; 41, C; 42, C; 43, W ; 44, W ; 45, C; 46, W ; 47, W ; 48. W ; 49 C* 50 C 51. 'W; 52,' C; 53. W ; 54. C; 55. C; 56. C; 57. W ; 58. C; 59. W ; 60. C; 61, W ; 62. W ; 63. C; 64, C; 65, W ; 66, C; 67, W ; 68, W ; 69, W ; 70, C; 71, C; 72, C; 73, W ; 74, C; 75, G. 76, E; 77, B; 78. H ; 79. P ; 80. A ; 81, C; 82, D; 83, C; 84. W ; 85, W ; 86, W ; 87, C; 88, W ; 89, W ; 90, C; 91, W ; 92, C; 93. W ; 94. C; 95. W ; 96. C; 97, W ; 98, C; 99. C; 100, C. Thursday, July 1 is the last day for candidates to file protests against tentative key answers. In writing, with the N Y C Civil Service Commission, 299 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y . 200 persons, who evinced enthusiastic regard for the man who had risen from the ranks as a fighter for labors rights to his present post. 'Ihe affair was held on W e d nesday, June 9. Speakers lauded Mr. Mirande as the type of public otlicial who, rising from the raniis, understood tiie proolems of employees. First Deputy Fire Commissioner George Mand and 3rd Deputy Albert S. Facetta both spoke of the enlightened labor relations policy wnich the Fire Department hopes to pursue. One oi the evidences is tne preparation of a new book of rules for civilian employees. Among the guests wno Honored Mr. iviuande were: City Councilman Thomas J. M i rabile; Judge Emil Barr, past county commanaer, American L e gion;; James V. Mangano, Democratic leader. Eighth Assembly District. Brooklyn; William Jerome Daly, secretary. Transit Authority; Henry Feinstein. president^ Local 237. International Brotherhood of Teamsters; eight ciiairmen of departmental units. T e a m sters; William J. Hennessy, engineer. Fire Alarm Telegraph, who represented Deputy Chief Thomas P. O'Brien; John P. Jordan, supervising chief dispatcher. Firo Communications. Brooklyn; Lieutenant J. Wesley Lyle. of the P o lice Academy; Francis M. Virilll, past county commander, Thomas Duggin. service officer and past county commander, and Daniel J. Tobin, vice commander. Second District New York, American L e gion; and Maxwell Lehman, editor, Civil Service LEADER. iliili AT Y O U G E T 500 homes planned by Miller Homes at Kings Park: Miller Homes, located on East Northport Avenue and Old Commaek Road, Kings Park, L I., is featuring two home models. Th« "King" consists of six rooms, including three bedrooms, and will sell from $9,390 on V4-acre landseajped plots. Th« "Queen" model features five rooms and expansion attic, center hall, separate living room, full dining room and will sell from $9,290 on V4-aere landscaped plots. Trylon Realty are the agents imoMDao DAYSlMMf DEPOSIT M I G H T Y O U FAIL. Y O U R VISION TEST? nioaatuida E S T * Been Pumed Br VI9UA1, TRAININO Dr. H A R R Y BERENHOLTZ OPTOMETRIST 45 W«t 35th St., Nrw York CItr CHIckorlng 4-<!<i-l9 Br Appt. MpnnCiT THE WOHEY YOU _ LULY 15TL OH OR BEFORE OIVIOEHOS \NIU EARN from lULY tst For the most interesting ideas about government, hear MESSAGE TO THE MAYOR, radio station WNBC, Tex and Jinx show, 8:30 to 9:30 A.M. Monday through Friday. vtnMaN/with a first deposit Openyouraccounttodavv^t come in ot use by Mail, we pay as $10,000. ^oth Applicationi Scheduled Visual Training O f C A N D I D A T E S For Police, Housing Officer, Transit Patrolmen FOR THE EYESIGHT TESTS OP CIVIL SERVICE RE9UIREMENTS DR. JOHN T. FLYNN Optomefriit - Orthaptlst 300 W e s t 23rd St., N. Y. C . Bj Appt. Onljr — %VA. t-KOlt fo Open July 6fh Now li th* tint* to start preparotion for Official Exam MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE EXAMINER S a l a r y $3,800 t o $4,600 a Y e a r 'f IM[S1 OOmiERlY OIVIO[NO ^ (Based on Salary Adiustment Now Being Made) No Maximum Age Limit for Veterans, Others 21 to 40 VISION: 20/40, Each Eye Glasses PermiHed Myst Be Lieeiised Operator or Chaaffevr for 3 Yrs. •e Our Guest at a C/ass Sess/oa of Our Course ot froparatloa MANHATTAN: Tues. or Thurs. at 1:15, 5:30 or 7:30 P.M., or in JAMAICA; Wed, or Fri. at 7:30 P.M. A VIAI mSEXIRA 01 ih« rale ol - DeKaB) Ave. Fully Equipped Gym—Day h Eve. Classes to Suit Your Ceavealeace • a ru FIOMOtT OF OtPOSII I PHYSICAL CLASSES for Candidates for • PATROLMAN • TRANSIT PATROLMAN BUSINESS COURSES: Steae«raphy • Typewrltlag • Secretarial sai«nii*"» 7 offie. ol WoM thU coupon to any 0»m. Sovng. » ^ o . io n Indtvi""" —- . , . witn I 11 JV"— , P TJUM ACCOOW I VOCATIONAL TRAINING checked. Jl^T-V^o'^'cu'Sc, ARE OPPORTUNITIES ESCAPING YOU? Keep iufurmod about coimuf exiuua bj flUnr • OCNiflDSMTIAI, QDH8TIOM. NAIUU Willi u* givius your quali&catious. Wa will iioli<7 70a ber maU wlUk out Cliarife ol approacbiuc popular exam* for whit-ii you mar b* aUcttto. Questiuiuisire forma mailtxl H'UEE or majr be obtaiued at our oOleea. DELEHANTY ^MUMk HAMI ^^mmmmmmmmrn MANHATTAN: 111 I AST IBth STRUT — S-«fM JAMAICA: tO-M SUTPHIN •OUUVARD — Mk * - $ H » 0«ee llourci MON.toni.. • AM • ril| BMF. • iM to ( M Page Six C I V T a e m i a j , June 22, 1 9 5 4 •tiEAPEH. Amerira*M lAirgeai CIVIL fj Weeltlff tor j n t l i i i i e a f i o m P a g e 1) Employee* first,( Cthen the job-title, followed Puhlir Member Aiidil niireau of Ciroiilatioiis i'ublialied every Tuesday by SERVICE LEADER. Str««f, N*w York 7. N. Y. INC. t E a k n i M 3-«010 Jerry Finkelstein. Piibliiher Maxwell Lehman, Editor and Co-Piiblither B . J. Bernard, £.veculir« Editor Morton Yarmon, General Mattager ^HP^IQ N. H. Mager, BuiirtCMM Manager M e Per Copy. Subscription Prire $1.37V4 lo members of the Civil Service Emplovees Assoriation. $3.00 to non-member». TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1954 Testing the Tests And the Testers E N O T E an advertisement of the Civil Service A s sembly, announcing a n e w " r e a d y - t o - u s e " test f o r fire-fighters. T h e ad is fulsome in prais€ of the test, which is supposed to be "pre-tested." A l l o w us the liberty of expressing a bit of skepticism. The more w e learn about testing, the more w e conclude that those w h o make tests have a lot to learn about those w h o take tests. W Quite possibly the " p r e - t e s t e d " test ( j u s t w h a t does that mean, by the w a y — t h a t this test has b e « n proven to select superior-grade firemen) selects men w h o are " v e r b a l , " w h o do well with words. A l l of us k n o w people like that, but do they necessarily make the best firemen? By w h a t criterion? The written test may also demonstrate certain other skills, like mathematical ability, or orientation in space. But that isn't enough. H o w swiftly, in an emergency, can a fireman escape f r o m a mass of f a l l i n g debris? H o w agile will he be in climbing a l a d d e r to save a person at a high w i n d o w in a fire-stricken structure? H o w much physical p o w e r does his body have to handle the numerous lifting tasks that occur at a fire? H o w swiftly do his nerves and muscles respond to the commands of his b r a i n ? N e w Y o r k City has shown, in recent years, h o w enormously important are tests of physical strength, agility, and coordination—none of which the written tests test. Seems to us the w h o l e testing process is in the hands of persons w h o take too n a r r o w a view of the total human mechanism. The examiners are themselves verbal types, and this background tends to spill over in the tests they construct f o r all kinds of positions. Employees Learn To Communicate HESE T columns have often deplored the continuing pattern of attacks upon public employees. W e are g l a d to note h o w public servants themselves are taking the offensive against these attacks. " N e w Y o r k Police R e p o r t " is a n e w series of b r o a d casts describing the workings of the N Y C Police D e p a r t ment. T h r o u g h interviews with key officials, patrolmen on the beat, on-the-spot police stories and news digests of police events, the w e e k l y p r o g r a m will help familiarize N e w Y o r k e r s with the problems and achievements of their police protectors. It can be heard every Saturday at 4:15 •ver W C B S . State-wide, various chapters of the Civil Service E m ployees Association have a r r a n g e d with their local radio stations to tell the story of the public workers. It is often a dramatic story, a l w a y s an important one. T h e people often display a r e m a r k a b l e ignorance of the w o r k done b y their public servants, and are thus the readier to be lieve any smear against them. The new actions of public •mployees, the use of radio and other media of communication to put over the true situation, is a g r o w i n g and desirable corrective. LAW CASES REPORTED BY NYC Sidney M. Stern, cliairnian of flic oommittec on laws and rules, Mbmilted the followinc report on iBKsl matters ta the NYC Civil tm tIce Commission; JUDICIAL DECISIONS Haynes T. Brennan. Petitioner WKks an order directing Commisi i o i i to recertify him as probaHoaary patrolman f r o m which p o i M o n he was removed a f t e r alk a e d determination by the Cotn• M o n that he was a member of mm Oiwni»t«tntet Party. Spccial R e f e r e e Wasservogel granted his that no Intentional falsity or deceit was established on part of petitioner and that there was utter laclc of proof of any subversive activity on his part. ( N Y I J 5-27 54). PROCEUUING INSTITUTED O'Connor v. Brennan. Petitioner claims to have been passed over In certification and appointed for motion after a hearing stating promotion to foreman l i g h t i n g ) Trlborough Bridge Authority. Miller, Allan, Secretary to Member irf Board, $6,200: 10 01-5:). Secretary to Member of Board_two racancles. Rnanl of KstJmate Whaloy, Ruth W., Secretary, 913.600; 6-25-61. McCurdy, William J.. As«i*lant to W roctor of Real K.slate, J8.160: S 01-48. Ellard, William M., Director of Real by salary, and date of appointment. I T i e existing vacancies, column, are again included here, which were printed in last week's so that a complete roster of the exempt Jobs is publicly printed EBtate, $15,000; 6 16 47. f o r the first time. Campanell.T, Salvatore, Secrtttary to Art I'ommlftNinn Director of Real F.Blate, $5 6f»0: S 04 48. I.olicr Gco:ire J.. A«t>lctBnt S«T(>i«ry, Department of Flnaoee JT.OnO; 11.10 1.1. Gilston. Philip, Detnity Treasurer, »10.Air rolllitlon li.ntrol 600: 1.16-.14. Mnxwpll, William S.. IVpiity Commip Deputy Treasurer vacant. ulonor, $10,000; 3 24MI. Ward. Alvin I... Examiner of A e e o m t a . Krllprtnan. Rifharrl. Spf-retary to De- $6,620; 1 0 8 4 6 . pnrlniont. $7,100: ll-'I.IR.T. Enaminer of Accounts vacant. nonrd of ANMOftsorfl Director, Emprircney Revenue IMvJsii Sef^ri^lar.v of the Board Tiw^ant. vac.ant. Rildirct Dlreftor Secretary of the Departmen Bp;inip. .Abraham T>.. Director of thr Deiiartnient of I'arfcs Biidirpt. loo- ."i-oa-BS. Secretary to the Commissioner vacant. ShPa. Willinm. Anai^fant Dir^tor of Secrct.-vry to the Department vacant. the Etld^M, $1S OOO: r) 0.-! 52. Fire Department Oty ronncll P.acetta. Albert .«.. Deputy CommisComitp. I>rpnty City diTli. ffl.- sioner. $8,000: 6 1 S 5 I . 620; 0-00 50 Mand, Georire, Deputy Commissioner, I.i-nanp. Tlir,ma». Dt-pnty City Cl«rk. $10,500: 3 OS-54, $n.n50; 2 07 51. Deputy Oomrripsioner__racant. niy ronrt Lynch, Denis TiUlcn, Secretary of the M<'r>prn\ott. James, rhi<f nwK. JH0 760; Department, $ 8 0 0 0 ; 3 0 1 4 0 . 1 20-51. Breen, Catherine P . ronfldential StenoM<'Inemey. .Tohn, Deputy Chief fHerk. $10,000: 0 o-j-sa. Tjn.m. Janin«. DerHily Olerlt ot Conrl. Richnmnd County. $8000; 4 01-30. MoM.mus, Donald, ronfldential clerk to BoanI of Jiidioes, $fi,700; 4 0« 51. Kenny, Jopi'ph F., neerelary t« Jllfliice. $5,620: looo-;?. Oompers. r.onia, necretiry ta Jnntice »5.fl20; .10-1-30. Tannenbaum. Irrinr, •ecretsry to Jlis tloe. $5,630: 2 01 51. I.aGattnta. MIMon A., •rcretair to jHStiee, $5 620; ,110 53. Walsh. Ma'ie, necretary to Justice. »6.620: ]-0]..1fl. Rcndl, David S., Jr.. •ecratary to Jn»tioe. $5,620: 2-01 36. Parelti. J,-»me« J. accreiory to Justice. $5 620: 4 01 3R. filo.sler. Mae. seeretary t* Jnstlce, »e. B20: 5 01 54. LanSToek. rr.mh C., secretary to Jnn tioe. $5,620; 1 05 50. Glea«on, Geifnule C., Secretary to Justiee. $5,620; 8 25 42. Ep'tein. MrB. Srlvia, Secretary to Justice, $5,620: O i l 42. Bailey, Joseph A., Secretary to Justice. $5 620: 1 1 2 3 13 Haverl.v. Anna t Secretary to Justice. $6 620: 5 01.44. Starace, Paul F. Secretary to Justice. $5,620: 4-00 54. Waitz, Georire, Secretary to Justice. $5 620; a 11 46. Knhn. Mari-nerite B. , Secretary to Jus tice. $5 620; 1 01-47. Powrra. Willi.-im J., Secretary to Ju«ticc. $.1,620: 1-01-43 Flanniran, EtIwartI V . Secretary to JUH ticc, $5 620: 4-00 5 ] . Knrl.and. William H. Secretary to JUBtice, $5,620; 12 06 4R, Hirsch, Gordon B.. Secretary to Justice fltice $5 620; 2 11 51. Blume. riara, Seent,ary to Justice, $5. 820; 2 1S-52. Crews. Robert J.. DepniT Commisi liotici of Record, $0 500: 3 22 52. MaKislrnles Tourts Vetr.ino. T.arry M., Chief Clerk, $!>. 800- 12-2!)-45. Carborr.v, James T . A., Deputy Chief Clerk, $8 450; 12.tO 45, Morris, Robert, S c r e l a i T to Ohief City MaRistratP. $6 3.'i5: 7 - 0 1 3 5 . ( t l y IMannlnie CommlHsInn Mailer, Pauline J., Secretary v f the Commission. $8,600: 2 05 4R, Carillo, Robi-rl. Secretary to the Chair man, $6 620; 5-01 50. Oenn. Irvinr. A«»iBtant to the Ch.'iir man, $5 150; 6 0 1 51. Oepnrtmcnl of Commerre Ccnnauirhlon, Prank J, Director of Commerce, $12,000: 4-18 51. Kr.aus, Barbara. Secretary to Commis. «4oner of Commerce. $4,845: 11 12 63. Secretory Induftrial Relallons »8<»nt. Coniptroller'a Offleo Cohen, Ixiliis. First Deputy Comptroller W 2 , 5 0 0 : 1 01 54. Murph.y, Joseph F , Deputy Comp trollcr, $20,000; 2 01 64. Weiner, Morris W,, Assistant to the Comptroller, $11 600; 12-16-49. Fischhach. Howard C.. Assittanl to the Complroller, $12 000; 1 01 64, M.arine. Joseph E. Administr.illve Assistant to ComptroMer. $ 6 6 2 0 : 1 01 54 M.ackel. John E., AdminiBtrative Asxisl ant to Comptroller. $4 436; 5 03 40 Phillips, Jamns E., Secretary ot the DeiMrtment. $ 1 1 0 0 0 : 2-01 46. Marker, Herbert TT . ronfldential Clerk to Comptroller, $6 450: 8 01 50, Clifford. Jerome G.. l,aw Secretary, $« 900: 1 0 5 54. Mcl.outrhlin. Calherine, Slenofrapher to the Comptroll.T, J 5 . I K 0 : 6 16 47, I.ihertino. Fiank, Confldenllal Inspe.tor $6.830: 1-23 16. HiFcins. M i . b a f l J , Chanffeur Attendant, $4 3SB: 4 16 46. neiiarlmeiit of Cnrreetlon Richer. Fr-d-ri.-Ii (V . r>e|iiity Comniin Bioner. $fi,0(l0' 4 12 .14 Shnlman. Harry M , Deputy Ciimmis sioner, $8 500; 2-1 54, W a l l a . k , Arnold H , Sccrct.'vry of the Deparlnieril. $il,,'!5B: ;j.01 64. Special Tnve"'ii-:,tor _v,ai'anl. ncime'.tle I'eltilionii Ciinrt Kwniin. .li.lin V Tiir,,.tor of Ailminii. tra'iori. $,S,550- 10 07 46. Morrissey. Klisabilh A.. Depilly Dirce tor of Admiiilstr.ilion, $7 400: 3 01 46 lleiiartuieiit of Kduriition W:irF.liaui-r, M o ' r i f . Se.Telary of Iloard of Kiiucaliiin, $14,000; 3 17 60 I.ane, Juliet M Se.relary to City Su peririteHdent, $0 550- 2 06 48 Burci, Nicholas, I.aw Secretary. $11,. 500: 8 (11 411. Cook. r.olliB J . Superinleiiilent of School Supiilies. $13 000; 1 10 46 rh.iniliers, Kilnnind J , S c rctary to Member of Board. $6 200; 12 16 46. Hay. Hlirold K , Secretary to Memlwi of Boa'd. $6,200; 6-30 5 ; . Walhli, M H. Jotelihine R . Sl iretury tn Member of Ho ini. $6 200; 7 11(60 Wilson, Jiini '8 J.. Secretary lo Hemlier of Hoard, $6 200; « IKIH. lloydcll, .MIH Calherine S., Secretliiy U. Member of H » id, $6,200; U 2 1 4 8 M.iliine. Mii:- lil t I , Secretary lu Muui btv o l UnurO, t'U.^UUi i U U l ^ b . prapher. $5 150: 0 10 51. Mihaly. Joseph. Special Inve»ti)r.itor, Bure.iu of Fire Prevention, $4,620; 706 51. Lawler. Thomai! P.. Special Investljrator, Bure.au of Fire Prevention. $4,520; S 01-40. O'Keefe. James J., Special Investicator, Bureau of Fire Prev'-iition, $4 620: 6 01 54. Secretary to the Commission. vacant. Department of lienlth Kandle. Roscoe P., Dipuly Commissioner, $15,000: 3 01-54. Deputy Commissioner v.-i, ant. Osborne. Charles. F.. Seeretary of the Department. $R.600: 8 01 46. Haier. Hannah n , Secntary to the Commissioner. $ r 005; 2 01 54. Board of HIeher F,<lnrnllnn M a x . Mrs. Pearl, Adminislrator, »«, 860: 4 15-38. Deparlment of llokpitals Matzkin. M.aiirice H., D<>nijty Commls sioner, $0,500: 1 10 4 6. Deputy Commif,sioncr v,i,aiit. Rodman. Eslelle, Secretary of the Department. $S,4(lO; 2-23,14. WertdifC. Dorotliv, Director of Nnrsinfr Service, $6 620; 11-16 51. Breen. El"anor, ,Scciet,nrj' to the Com miseioner. $5,150; 3 01 51. Rice, Vincent J General TN ctor. $6, 530; 1-01.,10. N Y C lloiihinc A i i l h o Klorfein. H.ircld. Se< •itary the An thorlty, $11 500; 3 27 Gibbons, Marp-ar •t V. Secretary to the Chairman, $6,000- 7 16 McGuire, John, ronndciiti.-il riiailffeiir Attendant to rli,-;;i iMn. '«:i.,1ii,1: 3 u', r,t). Director of Hons inc vn'-;r It. W'ise, Irvinir, Con i.s-I, $10.,100 : 2 15 52, Assistant to the Cllairmao v a.•ant. r.a-ry, Gera'd G Kxcutive Director, $17,500; 2 15 12 llouslm: HlMl Kliilili RoTers. Hcrnice IV, I)cp, ity CommlH Bioner, $0,500: 1 0 50. Dennty rom.nis.>.inncr .vn.aiit. ronrnv. Josenh J.. S. clary to Dcpartment. $6,880; 2 05 -IS rlarke, Thonia», to lh< Commissioner. $6.HK0: :! 01 -111 Deiiartment of I n i - lit: (ir Murphy, William F., 1 'c„nly. sioner, t n sOO: 1 0 50. Murphv, Patrick ,1, D. imly I'ommiB sinner, $S,5no- 3 1 6 5 4 , O'Connor, D-'iiiel J «c...v.tary of the Di'pnrlment. $7,225: 5 Ol 511. Mr.ckin. James J.. KxaMiininir InsiA'c tor. $^t.750; 2 g ; . , 1 4 . Greenw.nld. Charles, F.xami.ier of Accounts. $7,300: 1 0 1 3 1 . Ander--on. G- o-tre V . F^amiiier of A c counts, $5,100; 30 41, Viseo, John. F x ' ii'iMcr of .A,',-i.mils. I.ato. H.->rold. Examiner of Ae<'onnts. $4 nOO; 7 30 45. Ruhin. Willl'im Examiner ot Account" $6 000; 7 30 45 O R o u r k e . Hliirh J.. Examiner of Accounts. $7,200- 7 01-46. Charlock. Her"',nn. Examiner of Ac counts. S t . 0 0 0 : .3 01 54. Krneally. Jam-'s, F.\,'iminer of Accounts. $6,025; 12 30 16. spila"nik. Moses. Ex.-wiiiiicr of Ac counts $5,570; 3 10 47 Marino. Niclif.las, Rxalnincr of Accounts, $4,880; 8 - 0 1 4 7 . Reran, Jospiih. Fxantiner <if Accouuis $4 040; 8-28-50. Posner. Cinlave 7.:i:a,niiiier of Ac counts, $5,671: 2 00 44. Ma/.zola. Michael Fv.inilncr of Accounts $5 555; 3 20 48 Breslin John. of Ac ounlH $5 000: 5 01 50. Ooodman. «a Kxiuii of counts. $:s.ilO: r 30 48. D a n y , Jani"s, Exaininei of Ae OlIlltH $4 7:10; 6 •.•0 ,12. Meyer, Bernard Exainini nf AecollnlH. $5,515: 10-16-4S. t'rihe. I'.inl. Ex p>f AecountB $4 040: 11.00 18. Carroll. Williao Fxaiii of Aeeoiints. $4 500: 4-01 53. Broiran. I.ncille of Acl'Olints, $7 500; 3 0 1 5 1 s.4arani. .Mbcrt of AecollntJi, $5,360; 1 1 0 0 18, Abbnrman, .la.> of Aceounte, $5 000: 5 10 50, Flynn, .loscph, Exam of Alt'OUIllB $5 875; 12 15 18 Miller, Hcrnarii of Aciountii $5 150: 1 ( 1 3 4 0 . F a r n l l . HaroldI W Kxa of Ae counts. $4 040 6 20 .12. Tiilly, Andrew .1,. -K.-ai liiler of Ac collntj, $6,185: 1 2-02-4(l. Wcsaey, Pi-ter, of Aecounls. $6,250; 2 01 47. Examiner ot AeeounI- . _ t l i i i c viwiuicios. l a w Deiiarlmeiil. S| Counsel vacant. Sullivan. Jean. Stcnot-i aidicr lo Corpo ration Counsel, $5,410: 2 1 54 May, Alfred, Manatine t l i r k , $6,830 3 16 .17, Maii.-ib'ia^ riei-k—^u aiil. Kaiiume, Dr, Micliiiel C., Medical Ite pert, $6,880; 5-5 48. Candlioro. Dr. l a r l C., Mnllcal Export. $(1,070: 1 16 51. tiH', Jiimuii W,, AiultiViwtl (<urt>uir.»Uu« Counsel, $8,000; 3-1 64. ODonnell. Harry E,. A<Miist,ant Oorp*. ration Counsel, $1.3,000; 2 1 46. Olwrti, Francis X.. Assist.-iiit C o t i x m tion Counsel, $ 7 , ' 5 0 ; 10 24 40, Snirlla. John, Assoei,iie Assistant Oarporation Counsel, $7,650; .110 37. Van Waconer. John D., Assnciata Assistant Corporation Counsel, 94 84B3-16-37. Moore. Arnes M Secretary to tk« Corporation Counsel .$5,4 10; 1 2 54. Theodore R. Associate Assistant Corporation Counsel, $8,100: 3 16 37. IJ»rkln, r>eo A „ First Assist.int C n r p » ration Counsel, $17,500; 2-1 64, O'Reilly, J,ames E., Assistant Corporation Counsel, $10,350; 1 1 1 5 23 Callahan. Arthur R,, Assist.nnt to Corp*, ration Counsel, $8 000; ,*) 4 30. Cecil. H,arlan E.. Assistant to Corporalion Counsel. $R,750: 1 1.37. Quel, Seymour B.. Aseist.ant to Cnrp«ration Counsel, $11 000; 4-1 37. ration Counsel. $6,145: 6 I 30. Buehsb.anm, Stanl y. Assist.wt l o Corporation Counsel, $0 150; 1 !) 3fl. Areese, Madeline, Assistant to Corp*Collins, Jr. Cornelius F . Assistant t « Corporation Counsel. $8 050; .121 4 1 Bennett. Edward F., Assist,iTit Oo-por»tion Counsel. $7,050; 7-1 42 Dutf.v, A l f r e d A.. Assist.-int Corpormtlnn Counsel. $6,750: 3 16 50 Rl-'hl.md, W , Berii,ard, AsHi.l,tnt Corporation Couneel, $10 800; 4 1 43 Walker, Arthur B, r . . Assistant C o r p ^ ration Counsel $5,100; 3-20 54 Coliran. William J., Assistant Corporation Counsel. $4 67.1; 1 4 54. K a t z o w l l c h . Georire. A«siBt,-jnt Corporation rounsel, $6,460: ,11.54. Wisan, .Tessp H., ,*«,sistant to Corporatioa Counsel, $6,305: 4 17 44. Hennessy, Gecrirc P . ' Assisl,mt Corporation Counsel, $10,000: 11 1 44, Ferrall Wni, J., A-ssistant Corporation Counsel. $6,500; 2 1 50. Howley. Franees I.. Assistant to Corporation Cotmsel. $7,500; 2 24 47. Hollo. Vincent. Assist.mt to Conwratlon CoHnscl. $6,285; 4 16 46. Bellanca, Andrew. Assistant l o Corporation Counsel. $8,850: 2-15 46 Hcrwitz. Victor J,, Assist.nit to Corporation Counsel, $12 000; 1-22 51. Daly. J.ames J . Assistant to Corporation Coun.sel. $6,620: 3 1-46. Johnson. S.amuel D , .Assistant l o Corporation Counsel, $6,060; 2-15 16, Krielrer. I,awrfi;ce J, Assistanf ta Corporation Counsel, $5,005; 5-1 63 Ludwip, Mich.ael W,. Assistant to Cor^ poration rounsel. $,1 045; 2-15-46. Miller, Matliilda D,, Assistant to Cor^ poration Counsel, $5,4.15: 3 1 46. Mucci.-i. Daniel A . Assistant to Corporation Counsel. ^6 600; 3-1? 46. Patterson. Tliomas r,, Asslsfant 1* Corpor,lli<in Counsel, $8,000; 3 IR46. Pi.lzzi. Frank A.. ssistant Cori^oration CoimscI, $7,245- 2 - i ; 4 6. R o l h , Lotta r . A sistani lo Corporation Conn.sel. $.1,605;; 3-1.4 6. NapoJitano. T.oii's.. Assi^ta lit Corporation rounsel. $7,075;; 3-16 51 S.-Iieehter, Hi ri.'nn.. Assistant to Corporation roiins-1, $7.07' •1: 2 15 46. Washor. M a x w - l l n. Asm-I-M t to Coeporation Coun.cl $.•<,100: 2 1.14 6. Seller, yMTrcd. .A^-'lanl < orporation Counsel. $6,531; 1 1-16. Parisi. Anmln l: As,.|staot r,->tion Counsel. $1 620: 4-1 4<! to CorpoMoskoff, Saul. A'sictant oriii Counsel. $10,500- 4 1 46, Soiisa, G, Gary, A:.si-tant Corpnraliiin Connsel. $7,585: 6 17 46. Yelihenian. Ave. Assistant Conioration Counsel. $.1,500: 2.23-54. Klciman, Alfre.1 H., Assistant Corporation rounsel, $1 600; 3-1.1 5-1, Riley. Florence 1... Assist:int rorporation rounsel, $6 000: 2-23 54, Ostrau, Stanley, Assistant Corporation Counsel, $5 440: 2-1 54, M.trlinelli, Vincent, Assisl.ant Corporation roun.sel, $5,000; fl 1 54, D.-lvis. Dinah M.. Assistant Co rporatioi Counsel, $5,305. 3 22 54. Hi ffcruan. Eilwarii A . Assistant to poration Counsel. $0 000: 6 I 46. Thornton. Jaiiieg. J,, Assistant In po'atioii Counsel, $10 500: 8 26-46, Richard, Rov R., Assislant lo Cor poration Counsel, $7,650; 10 16 46, Cowin, H.-irold T„, Assistant Corporation Counsel, , » f l l 5 0 ; 4 1-48. I^ucchi, Joseph J . Assist,liit Corporation Counsel, $8,,'•,10: 4 16 46. W e i - William (! Assistant to Coriioi tion Counsel, (;4 4-1 47. Scannell, Danirl T,. Assistant Co tion Counsel, $10,500; 3 .'1 47. I.icht, Hernaid, As.'islam to r i . tion Counsel, $1,815: .1 17 47, Callahan, ,losi till M , .Ir,. Awista: It t* Corporation rounsel, $5,150; 4 2 53. Dowd, Doris A,. Assistant lo Ci tion Counsil, $4,675; 4 1 4 7 . Gl.izer, Joseph J.. Assistant Corni ation Counsel, $7,285: 12 1 47. Mandell. Samuil. Assistant Corjioration Counsel, $5 020: 10 18 48. DiMartino, Charles P., AssisLinl I* Corporation Counsel, $ 6 0 8 0 ; 1 0 1 8 48. Tannenbaiini. Harry, Assistant to Corporation Counsel, $5,015; I I 16 48, Newnlan, CcoiBe, Assistiiiit lo CoriHJralion l;ounsel, $5,016: 11 11148, Rii.i, Aniielo P., Assist,inl to Corporation Counsel, $5 400: 2 1 51, Himnieifaib, M Assistant Corparation Counsel, $6 500; 2 164!). Brandwen, Josiiili, A • islam lo C o r p * . ration rounsid, $li,','00- 10 17 4!l, Cimdcllo, Victor F AsBistant tn ration Counsel, $11 00; 10 16 46 Jacobs, Jacob, Assistant C<)l|)0ratt0« Counsel, $6,500; 2 I 50, Bclson, JrTomc. Assistant to Corporation Counsel, $5,150; 5 2', 50, I.ambert, Ira r . , Assi^lant Cori*iralloo Counsel. $5,1135: 4 2 51, U win, Janet H , Assistant CorporaUoa pannsel, $5,400- 4-16 51. Stone. James K . Assiti.int Cor|>iM a l i o o Counsel, $5,400 • 4 0 51, Welnkrantz, !!• rnian. Assistant Corparation Counsel, $- 150; 1 1 54. Buonora, Michail A.. AssisMuit Curp*. ration CouiiBil. jOOOO; 2 15 54, Waldman, J. lb nry. Assistant Corporation CouilBel. .$5,'.'00; 3 1 ,'i4. Goldman. K i i h a n l J.. Assistant Corp*ration Counsel. $,1 500; 1 0 61, Wilhey, Anna T , Assisluiil C o n i o r a t i o * Counsel, $5 150; 3 5 54, Carroll, Barbara H,. Assislaiit Corporalion Couii8<0, $1 150; 7 I f>4, 2ita, Daniel G,. Assistant CuivoraUM (Coiitiuutd ou Fiic« 10). Tamimfy Jmr 22, 195'f C I V I L S K R V f C E L E A D E R ANOTHER AMERICAN HOME CENTER VALUE . You Can Bank B SAV ouse deluxe Laundromat* W a t e r Saver w i t h exclusive / Weigh-to- S a v e D o o r gives y o u m o n e y s a v i n g s in h o t w a t e r a n d soap. Clothes D r y e r dovra on clothing cuts f o r g r o w i n g children the and whole f a m i l y — a budget saver. Westinghousa iSAVESYQl/wdRIO.:- needs And N o more tiring, backbreaking workf no stooping, bending, lifting, of stretcliing to hang heavy wet clothe* on a line. N o more washday trip* and down stairsl big the Laundry T w i n s s a v e y o u time a n d ^ backbreaking w o r k as weflj SAVES Look at These Features Weigh-to-Save D o o r — W e i g h s exact size o f each loadWater Saver—Measures correct a m o u n t o f w a t e r for size of ioad]^ Flexible Control — S t a r t s , stops or repeats a n y p a r t o f c y c l e . Agi-Tumble Action — C l o t h e s are washed g e n t l y , s a f e l y , t h o r o u g h l y . S-Year Warranty—Traiismiaeion, hardest w o r k i n g p a r t , g u a r a n t e e d f o r five full years. „ GIVES YOU BETTER RESULTS. Clothea coma out of the Westing* | house Electric Dryer just as yoa want them . . . sweet, fresh smeLling, There's no sun fading, no exposur® to soot and dirt. The direct air flow system blows warm filtered aif through the tumbling clothes . . i making them soft and fiuily as new;' 410,000 UP TO TIME... Eliminates all the time and bothef of carrying, hanging, taking down, and sprinkling clothes. Saves houn of ironing time, too! And there ar« no weather worri^ or indoor drying problems. lAUHDROMAT ipwi YOU Handy Loading D o o r — M a k e s l o a d i n g and u n l o a d i n g easy.' 3-Way Dry D/a/—Dries clothes as y o u w a n t thetii. Direct Air Flow System—Warm, clean air flows d i r e c t l y throug^i the t u m b l i n g clolhes. Singing Signal —Chimes " H o w D r y I A m " w h e n d r y i n g ia d o n a j Easy Lint Disposal—Unt is no p r o b l e m a t all. Nothing to buy — No letters to write in ttiii Exciting Haif-Time Quiz G a m e . Come in I Register! Get Free Clue Sheet to help you win I 9 you CAN 8 E SUREE.ELF- IT'S AMERICAN HOME CENTER. Inc 616 THIRD AYE., at 40th St., N.Y.C. SAVINGS ON APPLIANCES, AIR CONDITIONERS. TOYS, DRUGS. MU 3 - 3 6 U GIFTWARE. NYLONS C I V I L S E R V I C E L E A D E R Tiiesflar, Jiin^ 22, 1 9 5 4 State Opens New Series of Exams The followine State open-com- VISOR, $3,891 to $4,692; one va- either ( a ) high school graduation petitive exams will open for re- cancy in the Division of Safety, or equivalency diploma, or (b) ceipt of applications on Monday, administrative capacity; and (2) two years of general busine.ss exJune 28. Do not attempt to apply Albany. Requirements: experience perience, or ( c ) equivalent. Fee $3. before that date. Starting June in the building construction field, (Friday, August 6.) 28. application may be made to of which two years must have in0085. M A R K E T I N G LICENSE offices of the State Civil Service volved regular .supervision over INSPECTOR, $3,251 to $4,052; one men vacancy in the Department of Deparlment, at 39 Columbia journeymen, maintenance Street or State OfHce Building;. and helpers. Fee $3. (Friday, Au- Agriculture and Markets, Albany. Albany; Room 2,301. 270 Broad- gust 6.) Requirements: (1) two years' exway, NYC; State Office BuildinB, 0083. PUBLIC B U I L D I N G S perience in wholesale handling, Buffalo. MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR, purchase or sale of commodities; Unless otherwise stated, candi- $3,571 to $4,3f2; one vacancy In and (2) either ( a ) high school dates must be II. S. citizens and the Department of Public Works, graduation or equivalency diploresidents of New York State. NYC. Requirements: two years of ma, or (b) two years of general Last day to apply is given at supervisory experience in cleaning business experience, or ( c ) equivthe end of each notice. and mechanical and building alent. Fee $2. (Friday, August 6.) STATE O P E N - C O M P E T I T I V E maintenance. Fee $3. (Friday, 0086. OFFICE MACHINE OP0077. PRINCIPAL PUBLIC Augu.st 6.) ERATOR (KEY PUNCH—IBM), H E A L T H P H Y S I C I A N (CHRON*0084. SENIOR M A R K E T I N G $2,180 to $2,984; vacancies in AlIC DISEASES), $10,138 to $11.- LICENSE INSPECTOR, $4,359 to bany and NYC. Requirements: 925; one vacancy in Department $5,189; one vacancy in the De- either ( a ) experience in operation of Health, Albany. Requirements: parlment of Agriculture and Mar- of I B M key punch or verifying (1) graduation from medical kets, Albany. Requirements: (1) machines, or (b) completion of school, completion of internship, five years' experience in wholesale course in the operation of I B M and licen.se to practice medicine handling, purchase or sale of key punch and verifying maIn New York State; and (2) four commodities, of which one year chines. Fee $1. No written test. years' satisfactory clinical, teach- mu.st have been in supervisory or (Friday, August 6.) ing or specialized public health experience, plus either two years' experience in public health agency or one-year post-graduate course In public health. Fee $5. (Friday, August 6.) 0078. ASSOCIATE PUBLIC HEALTH PHYSICIAN (RHEUM A T I C FEVER), $9,065 to $10,All governmental employees of Beach to get tickets in advance, 1.38; one vacancy in the Albany Ihe metropolitan area — Federal, Dr even as late as the afternoon office, Health Department. Re- State, City and Authority—are o f - Df the evening show. quirements: (1) graduation from fered 25 per cent reduction on the medical school, completion of in- $3.30 and $2.20 seats at the Jones Exchange Tickets ternship, and licen.se to practice Beach Marine Theatre where Guy For those who are not familiar medicine in State; (2) two years Lombardo's new musical extravaof medical experience in pedia- ?anza, "Arabian Nights," will open with exchange tickets it should be trics or internal medicine, includ- an June 24 and play all summer. sxplained that these are distributed without cost or obligation to ing one year in a hospital with Lauritz Melchior, the celebrated those who wish to consider using service in pediatrics or internal jpera singer, will be the star, and them. T o obtain exchange tickets medicine; and (3) either ( a ) two the cast will include Mia Slaven- for the Jones Beach Theatre one years' public health experience in 3ka, the ballerina, in dances of must write—phone requests canpublic health agency, or (b) com- ;he Ballet Theatre. Included also not be honored—on the letterhead pletion of a one-year post-gradu- will be a whale holding about 70 3f a governmental agency—estiate course in public health ap- men which will swim into the per- mating the number of tickets that proved by the N.Y.S. Public formance and a revival of the f a - can be used. The request should Health Council, or (c) equivalent. mous disappearing chorus that be mailed to Joseph Lilly AssociFee $5. This examination is open made the old Hippodrome Thea- ates, 145 East 54th Street, New to any qualified citizen of the tre famous. York 22, N. Y., which will honor U. S. (Friday, August 6.) Since these features have the request immediately. Those 0079. P H A R M A C I S T , $4,053 to iroused such a large advance sale. who wisli to convert them into re$4,889. One vacancy at Danne- ;he management has been com- served seats may then take them mora State Hospital and one at pelled to restrict discounts to Sun- to the Rivoli Theatre box office. With exchange tickets the $3.30 Green Haven Prison. Require- day, Monday and Tuesday evements: (1) license to practice nings (except July 5). And since seats co,st $2.50 and the $2.20 pharmacy in State; (2) gradua- ill seats are reserved a box office tickets $1.65. The discount is aption from school of pharmacy; bas been established in Manhat- plied to the ticket price minus the and (3) two years' experience as tan at the Rivoli Theatre, Broad- required tax and the tax on the a licensed pharmacist. Fee $3. way and 49th Street, so that reduced price is then added, as those desiring to see the show required by Federal law. (Friday, August 6.) Qeed not go all the way to Jones Special group "package" dis0080. PUBLIC H E A L T H DENcounts also are available for those T A L H Y G I E N I S T , $3,251 to $4.ivho wish to make up parties in 053; two vacancies in Albany. Remultiple of 35. These "packages" quirements: (1) State dental hynclude bus or railroad tran.sporgienist's license; (2) graduation tation, meals, bathing facilities, from dental hygiene school; (3) and show tickets. The buses can one year's experience as a dental oe chartered to go and return hygienist in a public health or Last day to apply is given at the from any point in the city. A list Bchool health program; and (4) end of each notice. 3f the "packages" available also graduation from a standard high 408 B. N A V I G A T I O N SPECIA- can be obtained by mail only from school. Fee $2. (Friday, August 6.) L I S T ( M A R I N E ) , $4,205 to $5,810 Joseph Lilly. Associates. 0081. SENIOR X - R A Y TECH- a year. Jobs with U. S. Navy H y NICIAN, $3,411 to $4,212; one va- drographic Office and other Fedcancy each at Middletown and eral agencies. Requirements (for Famous Brand Pilgrim State Hospitals and one $4,205 jobs): either ( a ) graduaSPORT and DRESS tion from U. S. Naval, Coast Guard at Willowbrook State School. Requirements: (1) high school grad- or Merchant Marine Academy, or uation or equivalency diploma; from State Maritime Academies, (2) two years' experience in the plus experience, to total five years' operation of X-ray apparatus and training and experience; or (b) auxiliary equipment; and (3) two years' sea experience and either ( a ) two more years' expe- three years in field of nautical rience, or (b) one more year's science. Apply to Board of U. S. Examiners for experience and completion of Civil Service Scientific and Technical Personcourse in X - r a y technology, or nel of the Potomac River Naval ( c ) equivalent. Fee $2. (Friday, Command, Building 37, Naval ReAugust 6.) search Laboratory, Wasliington 25, 0082. M A I N T E N A N C E SUPER- D. C. (No closing date). Discount Tickets for Government Employees U. S. Jobs SHIRTS Cef Your STUDY BOOK FOR Social Invesfigator $2.50 97 Duone Street, N. Y. C. Candidates In the following exams for jobs with counties and villages of New York Stat€ must be residents of the locality mentioned, unless otherwise stated. Apply to offices of (he St.at« Civil Service Department, unless otherwise indicated. Last day to apply is given at the end of each notice. Do not attempt to apply before June 28. 0513. ASSISTANT DIETITIAN, Westchester County. $3,375 to $4,135. Open nationwide. (Friday, August 6.) 0511. JUNIOR CIVIL E N G I NEER, Westchester County, $3,715 to $4,555 (appointment at $3,850). Open nationwide. (Friday, August 6.) 0512. ASSISTANT CIVIL E N G I NEER, Westchester County, $4,655 to $6,095 (appointment at $4,940). Open nationwide. (Friday, August 6.) ^kpifm with a CLOCK RADIO THE SUPER CLOCK RADIO 1520 Special socket o p e r a t e s y o u r coffee-maker, toaster, bed lamp, or other appliances aiitomalically. Available in French Green, Ivory, Walnut, and Scotch Grey plastics. THE FM AM CLOCK RADIO J733 Enjoy all the benefits of FM reception. Stations won't drift or facie away. Available in Scotch Grey, Maroon, and Ebony plastics, with contrasting pleated-ribbed grille. «..rERENCE I N C l O C K RADIOS OlffERENCt ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ R A D I O ! ZEHITH EXaOSIVE BUIIT-IN WAVEMAGNEI® ANTENNA ZEHITH-BUIIT SPEAKERS "COHSOU-TQNE CHASSIS" PRIClsmSBBEOCOHTROLS THE MULTI PURPOSE CLOCK RADIO L915 Listen to its rich tone! Look at its modern styling! Check its new low pricel Available in a variety of attractive colors. THE SUPER-DELUXE CLOCK RADIO L622 New plug-in Phonograph Jack for extra pleasure of record lislening. Available in Ivory, Walnut, Scotch Grey, and French Green plastic cabinets. — Abe Wassernian's Price $2.50 other shirts bargain i>riced at $3.50 Swim trunks and shirts $8 to match, per set Come h NOW ABE WASSERMAN Oi>i>. New C u i r w o e to MaiihuUaa Ur Telvphone WOrIb 4-IHtie Take Srd Ave. Biia or " L " to Caual St Open Ciitit 6 30 Every Eveuiiir H K M K M I I K R . For Your ('anvriiiriirf> OI-KN .S.*Tl KI>A\K, S A. M. to 8 1". M • AliiO Oil rkj incii'ii lil.i. U Hats at 1.150 The U. S. Civil Service Commission is recruiting laiid.scape architects, $3,410 to $10,800 a year, for jobs with various Federal agencies throughout the country. Age limits are 18 and 35, but do not apply to persons entitled to veteran preference. Either a bachelor's degree In landscape architectiu'e or landscape design, or four years' technical experience in landscape architecture, is lequired for the $3,410 Jobs. Additional experience is required for the higher paying positions. Students who expert to meet the educational requirements within six Jiionths of application, are eligible. Apply to U. S. Civil Service Commission, 641 Washington Street, New York 14, N. Y. until further notice. The exam is No. 409. liM&ilf), ( l o i J Miracle Fabrii-s. Iniporti'd Fabriofl. W h i l e on whili'B, L,unir and luiU sleevi«. All Bizeii paUerns, colors. Oriifinally marked t7 60. CANAL Entrance: 4G Bowery ARCADE and 16 Elizabeth St. LEADER BOOK STORE COUNTY A N D VILLAGE Open-Competitive Landscape Architect Jobs Open TERMS ARRANGED J. Eis & Sons Appliance Center 105-7 FIRST AVENUE (Bet. 6th & 7th Sts.) N.Y.C. GR 5-232S-6-7-8 Closed Sat. — Open Sun. DON'T BEl'EAT XlllS, AuthoriFor that extra help you need to rank high on the list get a special tative political analysis culumn. study book and prepare for the appears weekly in THE LEAUEB. examination you plan to take. Read it every week, to k<ep ahead Duane St., NYC. of the political news. QUESTIONS oi general interest are answered in the interesting: Question I'lease eulumit REAL ESTATE buys, see Pim* The LKAUEK. Medical Technician Exam Open for Filling U. S. Postions in NYC Latest Eligible Lists COUNTY A N D VILLAGE Open-Competitive 1N T K mi l; I) 1.1T K TAVIST, Mpill<'liPHter Counly. M c G i i i r e , Caroline. Whltn r i n s 80070 Medical technician and medical months' course in a resident Bijwm.m. Margaict. Elmeford . . S 5 ( I 7 0 X - r a y technician jobs will be •school for X - r a y technicians may . 8f)3K0 Ha-'hagcn. M.. Artlsley filled by the U. S. In agencies in be substituted for the two years .S3S8n R.inp. Di.an. Y o n k c r g N Y C , except the Veterans Admin- of experience. Dnniirlly, Zola, YoiiUnrs Applicants must have reached istration. Apply until Tliursday, R'.'SOO Ptarobin, n i l t h . P t chpsHT P h l n n r y . Dorolh.T. W h i l o P i n s 8C070 July 8, at U. S. Civil Service Com- their eighteenth birthday. There Parsonpon. D o r o t h y . P l c a s o n t v l 70S00 mission, 641 Washington Street, is no maximum age limit. AppliSK< R K T A l t ' * - S T K N O f . H A I ' l l E R , New York 14, N. Y. Applications cants must be citizens of or owe Wps<^he^lp^ <'oiinfy. P o e t . MirLini. M t . Vrrnoti . fioiao are issued by mail, as well as in allegiance to the U. S. Go7,mai,in, M a r j . P i v k s k i l l . .!100!IO The exam is No. 2-89-4 (54). person. Pcnn. Shirley. M i l l w o o d ... .00040 The jobs pay $2,950 to start Rosenthal. C., M t . Vernon . .SR070 I V p a u l . M a r y . Whitfi Pins . KMPLOVKK.S .S7S70 and rise to $3,410. W a e n e r . Clare. W h i t e P i n s . . .S7r>.10 Medical Technician ACTIVITIK.S s i o a t . Jo.an. N W h i t e P i n . R7140 MeF.adden. T.ucile. M t Vernon Except for the substitution of R71.')0 W o l f e . Helen. I.arehniont . . R70.'>0 education, applicants must have Winirate, H.iirlet. W i t e Pins .804.10 technical, clinical laboratory exHolIoni.an. Kloise. W h i t e Pins .siinoo perience as follows: Cotton. R u t h . T l i o r n w o o d . . SiiO.10 Robinson. A . , Maniarone<.k M.\RIE DOYLE as the chapter's GS-3, $2,950, one year Fr.ran. M.iry. B r o n x v i l l e . . . .84000 new president held her first GS-4, $3,175, two years Klohs. Helen. W h i t e P i n s . . R.H 00 meeting on June 9. Membership GS-5, $3,410, three years O r i m a W i . Frjirces. R.ve . . . .80730 Kaliir. Hel^n. Harteil.ile . . Applicants for all grades may figures were announced: 635 as .80400 B I ' l M U V f ! A N D n . l MRINT. INSPF.i TOR, B\ibstitute a full course of at least of June 1. T o w n of Somers. M'estrheflter County. She appointed the follow- 1. Gerhard, N o r m a n . I.incolnille . . S 5 0 0 0 12 months' duration, successfully CASHIER. ing chairmen of committees: legcompleted in a resident school for F.rip County. clinical laboratory technicians for islative, Bill Steingesser; negotiatWeyPT, Otilda. B n f f a l o .. n.nf.O two years only of the above re- ing, Grace Nulty; appeals, Paul P f l n r . Clarence Hamhiirfr 05500 M a y . Mildred. Cheektowgra quired experience. No substitution Mengers; special, Gertrude Carr; P47C0 SiJeetor. R u t h . B u f f a l o . . Federgreen; Is permitted for partly complsted publicity, Bernard BJ ' OGO Kistner, R o b e r t . B n f f a l o . . grievance, A1 Reinhardt; member01040 courses. Smith. Walker. Kenniore !>IB0{. Carhart. Anna, B n f f a l o ., Applicants for all positions who ship, Carl Mueller and Harold 00400 Myers. Fred. Ehenezer . . . have successfully completed a full Heltzle; insurance, Bernard Fed90:40 Green. Hilda. B l l f f n l o .... post-graduate clinical laboratory ergreen; education. Bob Forsyth. nnooo R.app. F r e d e r i c k . B u f f a l o 88800 The Employment and Senior internship in a recognized hospiRobinson, W i l l i a m . B u f f a l o 80700 tal may substitute this internship Employment Interviewers AssociBrauD. A r t h u r . B n f f a l o 80.300 for one year of the required expe- ation, with a dues of 50 cents per Alexander. Harel. Buffalo . . . . 8S7'J0 year, is holding its annual mem88400 rience. Ramisa. Vito, Bnffalo 87040 Sehwendler. R u t h . B u f f a l o Applicants may substitute edu- bership drive. Those interested in 80.T;0 W i l l a * . Carol. B n f f a l o cation. which has included eight joining this organization should 80240 Cosrrore. Dorothy, Bnffalo semester hours a year in courses contact Martin Donnenfeld, the MeCarth.v, T h e l m a . Alden . . . . 84 000 8.3760 Hurley, M a y , B n f f a l o in either or any combination of organization's president, at UL Sand.-iez, Genevieve, B u f f a l o . . S'?400 biology, chemistry, or bacteriology, 2-6700. SIS'IO Considine. V . . B u f f a l o Staff wishes Elizabeth Francencompleted in a residence school Viererir. L o r r a i n e . B n f f a l o . . . . 81120 81120 cr institution above high school tense of L.O. 200 a speedy recovTriaska. Rita. Buffalo Hotehkifw. Marie, Buffalo . . . . 80720 level on the basis of one academic ery. Miss Francen tense is now on 78600 Pmlth. Anna. Bnffalo year of education for nine months a leave of absence. 77300 Zielinski, Anna. Buffalo John Lo Monica, L.O. Rep of cf the required experience. DETKNTION WORKER niHdrra*9 C o o r t , K r i e Counly. In every case in which educa- 630, bid farewell to his two sons, Campana. John, Buffalo . ..PflOOO tion is substituted for experience, John Jr. and Leon, who entered 1. I . Hllliira*. M.. Buff.ilo 77000 at least the following amounts of the Army June 14. rNTERMEDIATR MEDICAl, 80CIAI. experience must be shown and no Peter Albavidis of L.O. 650 reWORKER, substitution of education may be signed to take up the position of OmmlAnds Roapltsl, Drparlmnil of Fublir Welfare. l^'estrheHter County. made for this part of the expe- employment parole ofBcer. I . Fvanp, Helen. Hastings .8.S800 rience; Medical Technician, GS-5, Staff welcomes back Bill Honig t . P o r c e l l . Marion, Harrison . . 8 7 0 0 0 » . Hasne. J.met, NYC nine months; GS-4, six months; to L.O. 650. .80480 T e r a . Bklyn .70070 GS-3, three months. However, for Marvin 'W^yne of L.O. 630, who 4. Solomon. H o f r i e h t e r . Hilde. Valhalla .70850 the GS-3 grade the substitution was formerly a counselor at BellePSTCHIATRIST. of successfully completed study of vue Hospital, takes up the same W M t c h w i t e r County. 1. Horner, James. W h i t e Pini .76000 at least nine months in a resi- assignment in this ofiBce. STF.NOGRAPHER, dent school for clinical laboratory The staff of L.O. 710 gave a H'yomiiii: C o u n t y . technicians may be made for the luncheon to Fred Gilson to cele- 1. Baker. L o r e t t a , W a r s a w . . . . 8 2 7 1 0 one year of required experience. brate his 25th wedding anniver- 5. Robinson. Joanne. W a r s a w . 75706 M R D I C A I . RECORDS I . I B H A R I A N , Completion of a course in clin- sary. W y o n i i n c Connty. ical laboratory work in a Medical Returning from vacation are 1. r » T O e T » l e . M a r i e . B u f f a l o 84000 Department Enlisted Technician's Ronia Solar and Gldays Parker » , W a l k e r , VIneent. P k e e p s i e . . . 7 0 0 0 0 rOLICK PATROLMAN School may be considered as a of L.O. 710. Ttiwm »t E r s n s , TlllaKeo of Depew, Kast like amount of experience. A u r o r s , R u n b n r K , Orehard F » r k , Sprinx- Employment, NYC and Suburbs X - R a y Technician Except for the substitution of etiucation provided for below, applicants must have technical X - R a y laboratory experience as follows: GS-3, $2,950, one year GS-4, $3,175, two years GS-5, $3,410, three years Applicants for all grades may (Bub.stitute a full residence course of at least 12 months in a school for X-ray technicians for two years only of the above required experience. No .substitution is permitted for partially completed courses. Applicants may substitute train-. Ing or experience in X-ray laboratory work in the military or naval service on a month for month basis. TJie amount of experience for which education may not be substituted is, for GS-5. nine months. However, for the GS-4 grade, the successful completion of a 12 McDonough Speoks At Lions Club A L B A N Y , June 21—William F. McDonough, executive assistant to the president. Civil Service Employees Association, discu.ssed " T h e Citizen and the Civil Servant," at a meeting of the Albany Lions Club last week. Jesse B. McFarland, former president of the CSEA and 1st vice president of the Albany Lions Club, also attended. H I P CENTER OPENS The Astoria Medical Group, an affiliate of the Health Insurance Plan, opened its medical center at 25-35 31st Street, Astoria, Long Island. T h e new center includes more than 30 rooms and offices, in addition to many dressing units. It is one of 29 similar professional units affiliated with H I P located in N Y C and Nassau County. HOW TO PUT YOUR SAYINGS TO WORK FOR YOU By PETER ALLEN Say $50 of each of your payments is invested for you in X Y Z stock. On the first purchase date the opening odd-lot price is $25 a share. So you get two shares. At the next purchase date it's at $20 You buy 2'2 shares. At the third date it's down to $15. 'You get 3-1/3 shares. The same for the fourth date $15 a share, 3-1/3 shares. But then it turns up. At the fifth purchase date it's $20; you get shares. At the end of six months It's back to $25 and you get 2 shares. Then it goes to $30 and you get only 1-2/3 shares. The average odd-lot price of the ,-itock on those seven purchase dates was $21.43. But, if you total up the numk>er of shares you've Here's how dollar cost averag- bouglit, you'll find you've acquired ing works, with the price swings 17-1/3 shares for $350. Each exaggerated lor the take at the share, In other words, b u coist you ' ftaly «20.1». example: Many plans have been developed during the years that profess to "Beat the Stock Market." One of the few of these that is based on sound logic is called -dollar averaging." This system works on the principle of investing the same amount of dollars at regular intervals to buy stocks. After a period of time the person who invests on this method has bought his stocks at a price considerably below the average price during the period. This is so because the same $100 Invested when stocks are low in price, will buy more shares than tlie $100 Invested when the price «X the stock Is higlL T i n e , K r i e Caunty. 1 Dodd. W i l l i a m , Orchard P k .92870 » . H i n . E d w a r d . Orchard P k . .80300 a. P i e l « e b . E d w a r d . W F a l l s . .89390 4. H i n m a n . Roirer. E A u r o r a . .87660 » . Coffed, James, D e p e w .87060 « . Relsey, Richard. Hamburir . .80780 7. I n p p e l l i . Richard. Depew . .80600 8. Anderson, Reynold, H a m b u r » .85010 » . S w r e r e , Donald. E A u r o r a . .86040 10. Baist. M i l t o n . E A u r o r a ... .86040 .83520 I I , L o m b a r d o , V i c t o r , Derby . .82060 1?. MacCarone, John. Depew . .80910 1.1. W o h l h u e l e r . L „ Orehard P k 14. Batenian. T h e o d o r e . Orchard P k 7 7 4 3 0 16, Beek, R o b e r t . A n r o l a 74820 HKIIWAT eRNERAI. MAINTENANCE FOREMAN. Allegany 1. McDonald. Daniel. Friendship . . 9 7 1 3 0 a. M c M a b o n . Stephen. Friendship 80030 Joyce. Harold, A n d o v o r 82880 ChemuHic 1. Drake, Charles, Horse hea<l# . . . CliennnRo 1. Miller, .Tames. Sherburne ... S. W h i t t a k e r . Rose. O x f o r d ... 3. Glllland. Tvan. G r e ' n e 4. W a t s o n . Ger.ald. M t Upton ... Clinton 1. Derniody. Thonins. Morrisnvle Cohimbla 1. M i l l e r , P e r r v . ,\noram .... 2. Stotiter. Stephen. L e b a n o n 8pps 3. Spath. A r t h u r . Hudson Cortland 1. R o w e . Halford. M.Craw ... Delaware 1. Clark, Georse. P e l l i i Dutehess 1. (}1ark, W i l l i a m . P a w l i n r Esse* 1. B r o w n , Stanley, Kliznhethtwn 3. F.'irrell. E d w a i d . X ' w Russia . Fulton 1. Bentley. R,iy, Johnstown , .. Green 1.Powell. Willard, Ea.-lton ... 2. Seyler. W i l l i a m . Cox«-a' lne , , . 3. Desantie. A l b e r t . CatfUill . . . liiinillton Buyce. R o y . ^^ ells Coon, Rallfli. Blue N t L a k e . Herkimer V i c k e r s , Jtimes. Salisbury Ctr Conroy, Cyril. L i t t l e P i s ... Eaker, Dwight, Herkimer ... Jefl'i^son D e l a w y e r , Francis. A d a m s . , . Madison M y l e s . e e r a l d , OneiOa Monroe Krenaer, L o u i s . C h u r o h v l l e . Nassau Riueus. P a u l . Bi l l m o r e Oneida Lareen. Julius. Clinton P4260 01260 on no 88380 86380 1. 80380 1. 5, 88380 87600 >•1030 1. 2. 3. 90000 1, 90030 1. P5630 1. 2. 3. 4. 6, RfiC.SO t.'JOOO 82600 80000 8SMK0 87500 03500 81880 01830 •'0130 84380 88250 84000 83760 87130 1. 2. 3. 4. B. McFaul, Alexander, ftica Pleto. P h i l i p . IlineUly 8088* P e m m a , Carles, Oriskany F l i 8038» Casamenlo, John. S t i i t v i l l e ,.78<>0* OnondtiRn Chilson, F l o y d . Klbridpe 8200« Ontario W o l f a n f f e r , Earle, Canantlaiira P0260 F l o o d , R o b e r t . Sl.liiley 81)030 0rnni;e Lnncaster. L c r o y . ( K i s v i l l e . . . 9 0 2 6 0 Atiffiis, Jann!9. Middl''t(,w n . . 8ii260 S.-iycr, Jacob, M i d . l l i t o w n ,,..871.30 Osueiio Chase, James. M-'xieo 910.10 Kensselner Sliter. CUrenec. T r o y 94000 Nariito^a Keenan. R o b e r t , 9 tili-ns FI . 89.'>00 Green. Aeil, Eall,<ton 8Ii(MiO Fonda, H a w l e y , C.al«My fsZi.O r,eon;ird, James, Snrjiltty,'! . . . , 8«.',f»0 Turcotte, Wm„ S.huylrvle . 86;50 Hteuhen Wise, G., Bath 9-?ii00 M i n i c h e l l o . N,. Kano:;a Ol'-fiO Bates, I J n f o r d , H o n u l l 8f.r!80 Toon, R o b e r t . T r o u p s l u i r r ....^2500 H u y l e r , Rushton. W o o d h u l l ..80380 be an an^el— HERE'S Y O U R CHANCE T O BACK A BROADWAY SHOW! At last, the B,oa<lwuy theatre is an v ' s t m o n t within y o u r reiir-li. F o r only a share, you can Want By " p o o l i n g " the capital of many i n v e s t o m . B R O A D W A Y A N t i E L S . I X C , , or. ales a f u n d larpc enoufirh t o back entire s h o w s and t * a'-quire broivd i n t t r e s i s in the entertainmeitt field by diversifyinir jiot n^ore t h a « 4 0 % of its capital. A board of e i i . < r ieuced. profo.ssional n<l\iset-s. n.any of them f a m o u s , all of Hirm re.siie, t. il nnmen in the theatre, m a k e the scle<jiion of s h o w s w o r t h y of investment. WORTH OF STOCK? F e w tA'opIc realize the m a r t i n of profit r « lurned on orisrin.tl investnieiifs m su« ..espf u l shows. F o r e x a m p l e . 'Voi.'e ttf tb« T u r t l e " showed a profit of ; l . 0 0 0 r r . on the initial i n v e s t m e n t : ' ' M i s t f T Roberts" paid off 6 to 1 " H a r v e y " paid oft $.10 l « J50 f o r e v e r y $1 invesli,,l. Tliese are extremes, of course, the returns on the avcraffe KU,eeessfij| sbowe not that hitrh ami many s h o w s urv a complete fin,-uicia1 loss. By spreaiUnfr the inilial iiivestnu nts and hy applyinfr p r o f i t aKainst loss, w c b e l i e v e th.at w e are offerina: the safest, most d c w a T h e new M o n t h l y Investment P l a n of the N . Y . Stock Exchange shows you how you can own stock in your choice of 1,200 listed stocks . . . out of currcnt incomc. Y o u can invest in regular amounts as l o w as $40 monthly or quarterly. W e can help you with your selection of stock—at no charge. T h i s is a carefully worke<l out, long-range investment program. T h e f r e e booklet. Monthly Investment Plan, tells you about cash dividends, your rights m an owner, payments, etc.; and you can terminate your plan at any time without obligation. Send now f o r your f r e e c o p y of this booklet giving all the facts on h o w to buy stock regularly out of current income. STIEGLITZ & CO. N. Y. Stock to-earth theatre investment y e t devisi d and the investment w i l h the l>i st as^'lir.-inee of brineinff BUbst.mtial returns. B R O A D W A Y A N G E L S . I N C . is offerinfr M this t i m e 670,000 shares at 50o x Hbare. H an established ei-eui-ilies firn) le employed t o distribute these securities, thero is an a l l o w a n c e of S.71 ,•;,")() lirnUei iu.-e oj.mmissions and 2.000 f o r expenses leavinir 1201,760 workiiiff capital. I f the e n t i r e issues is sold direct, the w o r k i n t ' e a p i t a l IS estimated at $200,0110. A L e t t e r o f N o t i f i c a t i o n under R e p u l a t i o i i K has been filed with the Se.Mintit s A E x change Commission. T h i s does not mean that the Commission has « i t h e r a p p r o v e d or disapproved these s e r n r i l i * « or p:w4st.<l upon the completi^iiess or ac- nra'-y of vlte statements in the Offeiinir Circular ismied in connection t h e r e w i t h . I I R O A D W A V A N f . M . S . I\< .. DKI'T. C West O.'illi St., N . \. j;!, N. V . TR 41815 Send Offering: Cireulur w i t l i o u t cost or oblifration. NAME ADDRESS Exchange 4 0 W a l l S t r e e t , New Y o r k 5 Phont: 60« in a e o r p o r a - ra^lio. $1,000 $3,000 $5,000 Members buy s l o f k ti*m that invi'StB regularly in FrojuJwaT shows, motion pictures, telcviejon »nd VHitehall 4-S550 CITY ZONE ST.\TE Phone Number FREE BOOKLET EXPLAINS How to buy the stock you v^ant by our nev^ Monthly Investment Plan N o w yon d e n t hav® to pofltpona owning that "blue-chip" stock you've thought •bout. Start owning it right away by a new plan that leta you buy shares " b y the dollar's worth," in small, regular monthly payments. Shares in top companies —listed on the New York Stock Exchange. bought for your account at the customary commission. Cash dividends are yours to keep or have us reinvest for you. N o extra commissions, starling fees, dues, interest or carrying charges. Discontinue without penalty at any time. Send lor free booklet How $40 or more a month buya any atock Learn how Plan works, your rights as an owner, annual reports, dividends, etc. Tell us the stock you want, bow much yoa can comfortably Invest—from $40 to bs bigh as $990 (monthly or quarterly). With Mch payment, shares (and fractions) are c om) & I'o. Out tlull HI., N. \.S Own your share of American business PleawBeiidmefree booklet on .MonI lily luveatmeut Plan without obligation. Addj«iH_ Minihers New York StiM'k Kxrbujiue One null HI,, N, Y. ft BUwIinf (irMU 8 City it SUt«_ Exempt Jobs, Who Fills 'Em, and at How Much Thomt>son. 0<-orir« W., Assistant Com- » » . 3 0 0 ; 7 01 60. $.1,830: 9 15-48. Scheyer, Rm.aneal, IMvistoa •utiles^ of Borouirh Works. $0,600; Travcrs, Jane B. Clerk to eiu-h JuBtiee, missioner W.SOO; 3 0 1 - 5 1 . :; 0 1 6 0 , $.1.(130; O I O ^.I. Welch, Kesinald O., Dtvisia Rose, Stanley B „ Assistant to the Clerk to ei»eh Juetiee, Dcvine. Owen J, MoMtn, Miltnti, Ap^ipi.'int Corporation $10,000: 4 01 54. dent, $B,T36; 1-01-64. $.1,810; 1 1 0 1 4 4 , Connwl. 517.»50; 2 IB 3'J. Division Engineer raoant. Ponrtison, Florence M., Secretary W ' Ga»vin. Jr., Maurice M „ Cli^-k to e»eh TotToli. Bvrnnrrl O.. A w W a n t CorporaWarner. Harold U. Boroush. $6,20: 0-21-48, Ju«tii'e. $3,010; 1 01 45. Hcditeman, Anna. Assistant Exeiutlrc Hon Coiinsfl, »17,500; 8 0 1 4 4 , Oreenlnffer. Arthur, Secretary W Quinn. Marfr.aret A.. Clork to B«ch J a « Secretary, SH.OOO: 1 01-Bt. Oro»«, I.nwrcKP J., Assistant Corpora Moore, John W., AsaistaaM President, $8,000; 1 01 62, Green, Bert, Secretary, $ 6 5 0 0 ; 1-01-54, lice. $3.flS0; 11 31-4B. Bon f o i i n w l . ¥5.ISO: 4-24-r)I. » 7 . 4 0 6 ; 12 16.37, ExecutiTe Maiiafrer vacant, Kelly, Frank X „ Clerk to CB<I1I Justice, Scer-^-tary vacant. M.-r,niiffhlin. K.lwartl J.. Assistant CorGobel, Edward Aaststaat e o u n M l , Donarro. Anthony J., Chief B n f i n Oulick, I.Mllicr H., City Administrator. $,1.(t;;0: 1 - 0 1 4 5 . poralion rolinsol. .fK.nnf): 10-1-4S. $1.1.000: 3-25-41. Manio. Charle*, Clerk to each Juatice. of Highways, $0,600: 1-01-60. Katz. Stfinlfv Tt.. Assistant Corporation $,10,000: S in 54. Chief Electrical Enslneer vaoant. Parley. James J., Chief Bxaminer, I I'reusse, Charles P.. Di'puty City Ad- $.1,(l!>0; 1 0 1 4 5 , Coltnwl. 54 75(1: 7 - i n S : ; . Bau«man, Wild*. Clerk to e a i h Justice, 000; 1-18 64. Trtbornaich Bridge and Tonnet A n t h o r l t y Tra»rn. irarnlc n . Assistant Corpora- ministrator. ,f';';..'>oo: : ; - i n 5 4 . $.1,010; 4 10 IB, Engineer, ConBtniction of Yehicula* Smith, Eurene H., Confldeotial Connorton, lohn J., Deputy City Adtion roiinsi-i, S B 5:. Carbone, Stephen J „ Clork to e»ch Ju«- tor, $ « , I 4 6 ; 2-01 62, Tunnels vacant. Kaplan, (li-nran. Assistant Corporation ministrator. $"20.000: 2 10 54. tice, S3,two: 1 03 51, Mechanical Engineer, Tehicular Tunnela Carroll, John T.. Consultinr Bnciaeer, Clapr*. Cordon. Deputy City Adniini» Coiinsri. $r. (11(0: 0 1 5':. vacant. Frisse. Joseph, Clerk to eaefe Juetiee, $10,000; S-10-54, traior. $10 000: S ' - S - S t . f'anoillH. William M.. Assistant Corpo $3,810; 4 30 50. Qraily, Mary, Secretary-Stenocraphsi^ Whelpley, Madeleine M,, Stenorraphar Civil Seivire CommiHsion ration Conns.'l S.5.7(i0: l':.1-5n. l.,yon, Maiiraret D., Clerk to e » c h Jus- to Commissioner of Boroutrh Works, $4,- $7,000; 1-03-61. Schaefer, Frank A.. Secrct.ary U the Sc-tiw.\rlr. M.ix M.. Assistant Corporatice, $3,010: 8 18 45, Chief Engineer—vacant. 600; 2-01-50, Coniniwsion, $0,050: 10-14,18, tion Coiitiscl S i S t l f l : 10-1.1-53. Taylor, Mary A,. Clork U each JusUce. Deputy Chief Engineer vacant. Brooks, Oretha, Stenographer to the Miiiiieipal Courts I>fntir(nirnt of l.irrnspfl $3,810; 1101-46. Secretary to Chairman vacant. President, $4,500: 1 01 64. Poltarty, Danic 1 M.. Clerk to each JuiO N c i l l . Th'i ni.-if ^f . Df-r^ity CotnniloOiustl, Anthony J.. Clerk to eack Jus McKnight. Madeline. Assistant Seer*. tlce. $.1.0'.'0; 4 01 54. BorouRh rresldent, Queens «inn>^, 5(1(1: 5 rr iH, tary to Authority, $8,000; 6-16 61. I'arisl, I.ouis, Clerk to each Ju«tie«, tice. $3,810; 2 01-63. Masterson, C. Parke. Commissionsr of Koptil'T. ! ( • rl./-rt A., T>''pn(y ComniiBKarpcr, Samuel, Clerk to each Juatice, Architect of Vehicular Tunnels Ta/*ani. $;i.(l';0; 1 01.50. «innor. IfSOOil: 1 05 50. Borough Works. $15,000; 1-01-52, Electrical Engineer o l V,ehicular Tunnel* Crowley. ,Mae E., Clerk to each Justice, $3,010; 1-17-47. notlimhrr-. Rosp, ;Spprrt.-vry to the Croat, William B. I l l , Assistant ComSliaus. Bernhard, Clerk to eacfc Justice. vacant. S3.(v;o: l o i . ; i o Comniissiortr •Kfi (i-TO! ':-n.t 54. niissioMT of Borouirh Works, $6,460; 1Engineer of Design, Vehicular ' Morris, Kliz.iix-lh, Clerk to each JUBtice, $3 810; 4-OB 40. IMnrini- noH .Vviation Fleary. Nathan H., Clerk to JusUce, 01 62. vacant. ?:!.(! ;o; l-o:; 51, Gowf^. Miinni^l A. Deputy ConiniUBaasin. 1. Robert. Assislant to the Cliiiisano, Jaiiiep L , Clerk to ea<h Ju» $3,810; 101-54, Board of Water Buppty eloni-r, $11500: J 0-07 S.T. President. » 0 . 8 0 0 ; 1-01-63, Simmons, Andrew, Clerk to each Jus tice, «:t.(W0; 1-01 50 Li-r-'itmrin M.-irvin. O'Connor. Mrs. Dorothy D., CoiTimli»t)ppnty Ijackner, Theodore P,, Secretary o< the Gilliifaii. Frank D r:lt.rk to ea. h Jus- tice, $3,010; 1 02-61, nlotK-r. $(1.50(1: 5-'.:5 4!l. U tho President. $4,510; 11-01-52. Priolo, Louis, Clerk to e«w;h Juetice, Boroush, $6,000; Z-01-54, tice, $:i.(l10: ••) 11-50. Burke, J r „ Richard H., Secretary, $ 0 ^ ffliim. AlirriliJim. SC P t.nry to the Com laone, Erma B., Secretary to tho Yininir. Murry A., Clerk to eaeh Justice, $3 810: .1 01-48, 600; 3 0 38. Dilssionnr, ¥7.000: I0-07-5;l. dent, $8,366; 1-01-53, Kessler, MarceHa. Clerk to each Justice, ,$;i;(i10: 1-01-51. Kennison. Karl K., Chief Engineer, $ 1 * ^ n. Artliiir. .';rv.ri-t;vry of the A b e a m , William J,, Executive EKI $3,010; 1 03 18. llrnnjes, Fred M., Clcik to ea-h Jui 000; 5 28-53. .1, $7.-; 50: S 0:!.54. ner, $0,460; 2 01 64, Slern. M.ix, Clerk to ea<>h Justice, tice.. .$.1(110: 1-07 :10. Oi'rmrtnipnt of Markets Cohen. Betty, Aasistalit Secretary, $ 7 ^ Edward H,, Superintendent of 810: 1-18-40. Gentile-, Frnult A.. Clerk to eaeh Ju« r.e.vvitl. A l l v r l .M . D ' P i l t y ConimisfiioTl000; 11-01-62. HlKhways, $7,050; 1-01-62 Salerno, Frances T,, Clerk to each Jusline, $:i,!i10: 11-01 5:!. «<1000: ;i-'!0-in. Hammond. N. L^'Roy. Departme nent E s Schneider, Henry J, Jr., Superintendent Scliirr. Max, Cli Ik to' each Justl.-e, $.1,- tice, $3,810; 11-27-50, P-rlmnn. M:iv. = "•irctary ginoer. $11,350; 8 01 47. of Ilcpart- (!'iO; il 10 50. Doniber, Gcorire L., Clerk to each Jus- of Sewars, $7,400; 1-01-62, ni 'fit. $(i.,S.SO: 0 1 7 , ' Department Ensineer vacant. Suppan, Herbert, Deputy Superintend Boylin^. Arlliur, Cl"rk to each Justice, tice, $3,010; 3 1 1 4 8 . Oannoi Bide. Torris. Department Bnginesai, I PS P . Director. Rn- $ , i . i i i o ; ;!-o;i-:i7, Sharpe, Mary F „ Clerk to each Justice, ent of HipHways, $5,036; 1 01 52, renn of S.Tvir' ^rt.HROVotte, Madeline M., Stenographer to the $10,500; 3-16 49. Gari.'uilo, Jo^'-ph, Clerk to each Justice, $3.(110; 1 - 0 1 4 7 . 4 •;o .?K. Donald. N. Henry, P r i v a t e Secretary Lewine. Archibald E., Clerk to each IVesldent, $5,935; 1-01-52, $,'i.ni(): 4 - i ! i r u . I.OTr:rlir:in. .1 .T.. Direetnr, Biirf Alexander. Anna. Secretary to Com- Chief Ensineer, $4,770; 8 01 43. lioldt, H.nr.v, Clerk to each Justice, Justice. $3,010; 3-18 53, Wcisl.ts :iii.l Mi-.isiirrs. S.S.OOO: 1 Dore. Stanley M.. Deputy Chief Ena*. of Borouph Works. $6,410; 4(?. Cohen, Jerome, Clerk to each Justice, miesioner $:i.tiio: 4 01 51. Zu.'lifrmii. neer. $12,000: 9 01-52. Peni.nniin H.. Direelnr of 3-01-62, Ri-i.-ibcrir, Sol S.. Clerk to each Justice, ,$3,010; 1-16 47, Lh'c I'nuMi-y •ri riiiriiiil. SIVO-.'O: 7 OK ^."). Mertik, Ruth. Conndential Secretary la St»ooi;rapher to Commissioner of Boi^ Tabone. Georire T., Clerk, to each Jus$.'l.(i10: 4-10-51. 7fornr..M. Uns.-inir.iicl, Si'r.retarv to the Commissioner. $4,330; 3 15 64, oUR-h Works Vacant, ttoscnthal. Uanicl. D., Clerk to each tice, $3,010; 4-10-47, Cnnir>,i»sioni' . "<1(110: .1-01.4(1. Porsl>ers, Gertrude M., Confidential Baker. Thomas A,, Confidential Ina»ee Lawrence, I.,ueil1e. Clerk to each Justice, Justiee. $;!.(i10; x - l i ( : i s . irrlfcr, I., ui-i. Coiiriclenlinl fnsneetor of cn^tary * « Commissioner, $4,520; tor. $6.8.10; 1 0 1 6 2 . ralUulino, Anna, (.'Icrk to e-ach Juetice, $3,810; 6-00-17, M'nsiirfS. « 4 . 1 4 0 : r!-lt!54. .-inil Cuimingham, Thomas, Consultinc Knffl- 01-52, M,attura, Elsie e „ Clerk to each Justice, $.1,010; 1 01-50 HolhiMd.T, Water Supply, Gas aud Kleetrielty riariy. General Inspector. necr. $10,000; 7 - 0 1 5 3 . Seaman, I.awn-nce J., Clork to each $3,810; 1 0 1 - 4 8 . Ji5 100: 1 .1(1 .11. Deputy Commissioner vacant, Pointkowski, Sylvester, Execntlve Mao. Ginsberir. J:n-ob, Clerk to each Justice, Justice, $,1.li10- 1-01 40. ink. General Inspector. 'Horak, Joseph A „ Deputy C o m m i s s i o n ager. $8,000: 10 16 52. Sacco, Frank, Clerk to ea.-h Justice, $3,010; 1 0 1 38, R'JO: t 01 51. $8,500: 1-00 50, lioroilEh President, Richmond Clerk to each Justice, Wh.aleii, Ann A $;),()10: 1-01-40, Ev:iinin(T ( McDonald, Francis J., Secretary to tlw nit-Mtbi' vacant. R«illy, Thomas P , Jr,, Conimiesioner of Hatch, Freda B., Clerk to each Justice, $3,820; 8 10 48. Commissioner, $5,675; 13-28 48. ivor'H Onico liiwinter. Murray. Clerk to Juatico, $8, Boroush Workfl, $10,500; 6 01-52, $:j.tiH): 11-01-5.1, Err-lei Hoclisteiu. Bernartl, Confidential I n v s » . IV TMlty M.iyor. $-::5.000: Assistant Commissioner of Boroarh .Molyneauv. G-or-.-e H Clerk to each 820; 1-03 52, 1 01 5 1 tisator, $4,305; 9 06 51. vacant, McKeown, Ailelfc P., Clerk to each Ju»- Works Justice. $:i,()10: 111.141. Moseow. War reii. Grand. Jennie. Secretary to tho Assistant tice, $3,810; 1-01 49, DiSpaeno, Koss J,. Assistant to the to the Burke. John, Clerk t « ea<-h Justice, M.ayor, 5!I7 500: 1 0 1 .'14. partment, $6,355: 3 01-50, Rode, Anna M, I',', Clerk to each Justice, President, $6,466; 1-01-54, $,1.(i10: 1 0 0 1 4 1 , IVer. Williiiiii H., e Se Brerotc, Cornelius, Secretary at the I'.apctti, Ralph, Clerk t « ea<>h Justice, $3,810; 1 13 4S, n e p a r t m m t of Welfara SI7.500: 1-01 51 Hi?i;ins, P.uircne, Clerk to each Justice, Boroush, $6,670; 1-01-64, $3.(110: 1 03 41, Piccirillo, JoaeiMi P,, Deputy O a m m l » Seitel. Nelson. tlie Assistant to Mayor. JobnsoB, Joeeiph A., Suverintendea* of Bennett, L e w i s J „ Clerk to each Justice, $3,820; 1-18-40. sioner, $9,500: 12 01-43, Mayor. $15.()00' 1 (11-54. O'Sullivan, Cornelius' Patrick, Clerk to Hishways, $6,070: 1-01 64. $.1.li10; 11-1150. Potter, Crystal M., Deputy ComniissiottI.owell. St,nil. V H.. Assitil.int in the Calarco, Anthony D., Clerk to exrh each Justice, $3,820; 1 01 63, Torniey. Edward P., Superintendent of Deputy Mayor. SilS.OOO: 1-01-54. er, $0,000; 1-22 46. Ijoweree, Jr,, James H,, Clerk to each Sewers, $0,070; 1 0 1 - 5 4 , Justice, $:i.(i10; 1 01 4.1. Secretary of the Department vacant. Cliauffelii-Allcnclar.l vacant. I-evy, Sylvi i. Clerk to e»ch JUBtice, Justice, $3,820; 8 14-49. t^immlnss. William, Secretary to ComLewis, John H., Secretary to ConaSicBcl. Seymour N.. Director of Radio $3.010: 1 04 4:1, Goldstein, Simon H „ Clerk to Justioa, mission of Borouph Works, $6,4.36; misBlon, $8,000; 8 16-51. ComniUMi. aliciiis. $10,500; 11 00 47. McGouirli, Mary V., Clerk la each Ju*- $ 3 0 2 0 ; 6 21 48. 16 53. Secretary to each Department Coninii»> Whclan. lliilph W., Secretary, N Y C tiee, $,1,010; 1-05-4,1. Meei^an, Harry J., Clerk to each Justlca, Ixnao, Thomas P „ Secretary to the sioner one vacancy. T o n t h Buar.l. $11,500; 1-13-4!!. Block, Jerome. Clerk to ea<-h Juatice, $3,020; 1101-49, President, $6,436: « 16 63» Hanellin, Harriet. Secretary to eacfc l,cvay, l^ester. Clerk to each JusGilmartln, Joseph A., Stenocraphsr to Department Commissioner, $4,770; 2-11 &A. tice, $3,030; 2 01-61, the President, $4,396; 6-16-63. Secretary, Commieeion on r o s t e r C a M Bruno, P a w u a l e , Clerk to each Justieo, Smith, Eusene J.. Confldentisi Inspecot Children .vacant. $3,810: 1-01-60. tor. $6,046; 1-01-64. Fanelli, Frank, Clerk to each JuaUee, Crosson, Robert CoiieuUinir BmcI$3(120; 3 1 9 4 8 . oeor, $8,860; 1 01-54, Suchman, Harry, Clerk to each Justice, Department of P o b l i s Works $3,810; 1 0 1 6 2 . Wiles, Meyer ! • „ Deputy Commisstonar, Carpenier & Cabinetmaker Uonaehold ISeceiisilie$ Tyson, H o w a i d P., P r i v a t e Secretarr to $9,100; 13-33 53, Preaidiiiff Justice, $7,026; 2 09 64. Oaffney, Henry C., Depiaty Commisstoa K l l N K S T O I ' A R t . N T 4c SON, CarpenterB, COUNTY AND ViLLAGE lyUlDATlON SALE OP IMl'OUTED sr. $10,360; 2-19 64. Furniture made or restrode, InteriorB. r o l l e e Departmeni W O O L E N S ; Mill Ends I m p o r t « luiuidatee Director of M o t o r e q u i p m e n t — v a c a n t . Open-Competitive Kennedy, James B., I s t U e p a t r Ooai Television & Radio CabinetB. Cornicej, woolen department, Before catling in O'Brien. James T., Secretary of the Domiasioner, $10,600; 1-12 64, Alterations, Jobbiiis, ViolatlouB removed. BIGHWAV GRNRKAT, M,\INTKNANCa jobber and Bcllini; in one lot we are partment, $8,160; 1 02-46, I l l University I'l., at 131h S t „ A L 4-1037. O'Connor, John J., 2nd Dei>ut^ Oeaii'ORKMAN ftei HIT imported tine woolenB at a ffreat Neufeld, Ernest, Executive Asoistaat to missioner, $10,000; 3-16-49, losa Briny tliiu ;h1 with you. your savinee Suffolk Brodarick, Vincent !>„ 3rd D e M t y (Commissioner, $8,600; 1-01-62, Moving and Storage will be worth putting- these woolens away Department of Purchase ,972S« Gordon, Charles, W Hamptoa until next fall. Also sale on imported Commissioner, $8,600; 2 08 64, Mattes, Abram, Deputy CommissloMr, Watts, Ralph, Bay Shore . , Mitchell, George P., 4th IX>pntr Coai TOSCANOS NEW INSURED VANS cottons and silka. Mill End IniportB, 7e $9,000; 6-26-49. Wlialen, Martin, Babylon , . .8000* $7 Hr, I'Hat Rate to All roirils. CY b 1110 East l l t h St. (a lew doors west « f missioner, $11,500; 11-01-60, Schneider, John, I j n d e n h r s t .8588» Meaney, Martin H., 6th Deputy Com I>asarus. Max, Secretary the DoB way.l G R . 7 l.'iiia. Bongiovanni, John, W Islip .8538« niissioner, $9,500; 1 0 1 34, partment, $8,100; 9 0 1 6 0 . Television — Service K.arpinski, Stanley, Patchosue .8600* Nolan, James B., 8th Deputy ComMcMillan, Archihold I^, Director of Hater FUKNITDKB RLOS missioner, $11,600; 10 15-46, Purchase, $8,000: S 01-46, A N Y T V SET R K I ' A I R E D to your BatiB.8838* AT f U l l l i S \Ot CA^ AFFORD DcWitt, Montcfiia, Woodstock Manguni, Roliert J., 7th Deputy Police Masuire, Arthur, Director of Stores, fai-tion or no cliarBe. Try UB. D . W E S T V .8675» Fleming, Edward, KingBton Furniture, apptianceB, eilta, clothiu», etc Coniniissionor, $0,000; 2-03 54, LU 3 61U3. $8,760; « 0 44, Haver, Joseph, M t Tremper .8683* Dougherty, Richard A,, Secretary of the Archer, Theresa M., Secretary tat real lavingB) Municipal EmpioyecB SerDuBois, Rolwrt, Aehokaa . . .83830 CommiaeiOBcr, $4,910: 7-01-49. vice. Room 418. 15 Fark Row. CO 7 6390 Del<annient, $10,500; 1-16 64, Sanitariiini Mauro, Prank, Glasco . . . . .83830 Farrell, Sarah L „ StcJloirrapher to each CahiU, Thomas A., Special InvestiraKenible, John, Kyserike . , Deputy ConimisBioiier, $4,045; 4-16-49, tor, $7,126; 9-01-60 KVEliORElON HEALTH REST SANITA Warren Qoldetein, Barbara B , Stenographer to Assistant to the Comniiaeioner. KlUM, 17 & 45U Warburton Ave., Yon .9.176* Whittemora, C„ Warrenabnr $4,160; %• Department of Hanitatlon Uers, N. Y. CouvalesceiitB, Incurable, Dia- All makes, all sizes A.C.. D.C., Gas. From ea<,*h Deputy Commissioner, Stone, C „ Warrensbrg . . . . .8938® Pusco,. Michael J,, -Deputy Commisaien' bcticB ai d Nervous Cases. Hakiiie Lamps one to two yrs. guarantee. Expert Service 07^61, .8838* L a t h a m . Pred, Warrensbrg er, $9,000: 1-22-64, Leuia, Frank, Property (Tlerk, $6,670: M aSH<ai7c and Di.'ilheimy short Wave a« and Repair. We al»o sell or rent small WiMlhington 12-34 46. Menkes. Jacob D.. Deputy Conunla1 by pliysu ian. I'lione Office: relriffcttes. Buffer, Robert. Ft EdwartI .9383* Rosetti, Tliomas A-, Assistant Property sioner. $8,500; 9 01-63. YOiik.TB 5 0113. Anna .M Donovan, KEM R E F R I G E R A T I O N SALES Wayne O'Brien. Warren J.. Secretary to th. 51 Seventh Ave. So. W A . U 0082 Clerk. Whitcomb. Robert, Palmyra .8826* Escoffery. Dorothy, Secretary to the Com D<?partment. $7,100; 7 - 0 1 6 3 . Mr. H.vit CHIKP PSYCHI.-ITKIST, Creta. Prank, General Inspector, $7,iOO R E F R I G E R A T O R S . $1P.uO up All Bizes mission, $8,400; 1-01-54. Department of Health, Westcbcatar Countib Assist,ant Property Clerk—vacaJit. I I 05 51, .iar.iiiteed. New and used. Air-conditionine H.aber. Sidnoy. White Pins Stenographer to each Deputy CommisKlrwin, Bessie, Secretary l< nils $1.10.00 and lip. 5S-17 yuth Ave., SENIOR ENGLNEERINa AID, sioner five vacaneie«. sioner, $6,095; 4-01-64, To mafh voui lacketB, Sou.uuu patterns WocMiside. 1.. 1, HA 11-4150, Westchester County. BorouEli I'reBideiit. Bronx City Shwlir LUWBOB railonus Si Weavins Co., 1 0 6 1. Stubing, Ernest, Yonkers . . . 933M Works—•»Commissi ner o l Borough Poener, Sidney, Counsel to Fultou S t . corner Broadway N.y.a tl I . Smith, James, PeekakiU ...8500« Utiflii uul w o r t h i-1517-8 cant, $8,500; 6-12-42. V pholntering » . S<humacher, C,. M t Kisco ...8333* McGinloy, John 9., Assistant CommisCourt o f Special Seeslons JUNIOR E N G I N E K I U N a AID, sioner o l Boroush Works, $10,600 T Y l ' E W R I T E H S U L N T E O For Civil Sorvice Kelly. DeWItt V., Caiief Clerk, »8.T60 Westchester County. 8 23 53, E.ianifl. SVu do d t l n c r to the E.vaniiua 6 24 49. 1. Keed, Harry, M t Kisco . . .763M tiou llouiiis. All makes. E.isy tenna. Add Gilhoolcy, Edward Executive Man Mi<8hans. Joseph H., Deputy TOLL tOIXBCTOIl, ins Macliuies, .Miiiieuuraphs. Inti'i-iiatumaJ ager, $0,000 6-13 63, Clerk, $6,366; 12-19-30. .Made to o r d e r — y u u r or our fabrics. Also Park Commission, Westchestsr County. Typowriler Co., 1 lo E, SOUi St, R E 4-71)00 A., Superintendent of Deeriuff, James Thek, Ann. Private SecretMT to C a ^ f ivera rods, any leusth, made to order Hii;hwayB. $7,900; 6-33-53. 1. Campbell, Robert, Tuekaboe . . 1 0 1 2 G * Y. C. Open till U:OU p.m. Justice. and installed at re.isonable prices. Addorlsio. IXJUis, Dobbs »fl25« Harry. Superintendent of Saoibcr, Boar4 of Standards and Appcnls S l ' K H A l . S A L E : 3 WEEKS ONLY 3. Rucci, Dominic, Yonkera ....9600* Sewers. $0,750; 2 01-64 Manley. Prank J.. Secretary of t illering I'acilities S o f a ; T w o I hairs and O t ualllou Slip Cov. 4. Douglas. Loryo, K RochelU . . 9 3 7 5 * Gulick, K u n i i « A „ Assistant to the Board, $5,410; 12-16 61. crs »!>5.00; I'ornierly »133.00. 6. Wallace, Robert, R y e 0',i6O« President, $9,000; 4 1 6 3 5 T a x Department Free estimates. 6, Boemer, Roualdr Croton 8360* Waters, Florence C., Secretary of the Dolen. Irving. Assistant to tho Avail.ilrtB lor tvi-u,,,,,;; Rcceptiona and 7, Nehrebecki, Edward, Yonkera . . 92&0* Boroush, $0,000; 6-10 61, dent. $6,436; 4-01 54. t'rivalc l':ii-tica 8, Douglas, William, White Ptais g i Z M Kiermui, Thomas J., Swrotary to the I>?ary, Noreen N., Confidential Stepo TIKI.S. O ' l l K I E N Open cvcniliss till 8 P.M. 8, Cataldo, Thomas, Tonkers . . . . O O O O * President, $8,250; 1 10 30, grapher, $3,460; 9 16 63, 23,->lh Street uii.l llradiluek Aveii., 134 7th Ave. S., nr. l o t h St.. Cil 3-7468 10, Pulsoni, Joseph, N T a r r y t w a . . 8 7 6 0 « Roach, Anna Slater, Stenosrapher to the Spara«ra. Michael. Secretary to the Belle Ituae. L. 1. llollls 5 U S i l 11, Zielmski, Frank, Yonkers 8750* President, $0,725; 6-21-51, President, $6,020, 7-01 52. FINE QUALITY U P H O L S T E R I N G _Bot 12, L a i n , Anthony, Mt Verooa ,.8626* Muldoon, Martin M., Confidential In Walsh. Ethel, Secretary ml tko China U are loins reliuilt expertly your home. Chairs Bpector, $7,850; 6-13-63 1.3, Poll, Anthony, Peekskill 862&« Commission, $6,880; 1-16 46, $4,116. Sufas SU.b6. Furniture recovere<i 14, Kennedy, Thomas, H RocheOe 8 6 2 6 * B«-han, Marsaret E,. Sej-relary to Com Epstein, Mildred, Confidential .MEN ami WOMEN wide selection Encore Decorators. 1637 missioner of 16. Crcutzberser, E „ Mt V o m o n , . 8 a 2 6 « Boroush Works, $7,850 grairtier, $3,450; 3-16 53. KAKN EXTRA MONEY Sei'ond Ave., UU u 3150 and 72 West &6th 1 « . McPadden, Edward, M T a r r y t n B S 2 M 6-01 54, Teachers Keilremi^it System IN S l . V l i K T I M E MO 0 3143. 17. Pernandes, Joseph, Yonkera . . . .90269 Healy. May Andres, Secretary, $10,SO« Coiisultlns £nsilHH.>r vacant, N o invenlniriil, i-cll watlcla, jewelry, 18. Valentine. Ralph. Peekskill 8600* 10 2 6 6 1 , Koroush President, Brooklyn veiware, olli.-r uciiiu al discount pj 15. Colasuonna, W., H Rochell* . . 8 6 0 0 * Department of Traffle Lynch, Joliu J,, ('ouinilasioiiHr of Bor Call MU 1 3737. A>k lor M R . W I N , 20. Reilly, John. W h i t e I t o s .,,.8500« Air Conditioning Myers, Dwight T „ Deputy Conimlselonsr ough Works, $15,000; 10-13 4H. 21. Yambrick. John, Yonkera , , . . 84i7M $12,000; 6-15 53. Nol:in, Frank A., Assistant ComniissioB INVE>iTI(.Arill\S E\ E l t V W H E K K Savint- T o 3 0 % For civil Service 22. O H e i l l y . James. Ml V s m a a ..8878« PoBt. David K., Deputy Commi « r of Boroush Works, $0,500; 2 01 40 lillN S l l l E l . l l s 1)I:1'K( T I V E B I R E A U Inc '.23. Barieko, Edward. Tonkers . . . . 8 3 7 6 * $10,500: 12-18 60, Hiuus, John P., Assistant to the Presi 10 E lire; SI. MU 1 OOUl 24. Conaway, Mento, M Rochaila 8 2 6 0 * N V C Transit Authority All makes - C h 3 11105. A f t e r 10 A M dent, $10,500: I 10-50, 1-luiM,. Day or Niijlit 26, Pulcu, John, Mamaronock . . . , 8 1 S 6 « Bingham, Sidney H „ General Mani tteicii, Joseph, Secretary of the Bor G E R M AI -S E N l ' E R P R1S E S. 28. Vanderherg, Frank, N P s U k M , . S I S M $30,000; 6 18 47, oush, $0,880: 1-01-41 A i r Ciiiiihtioiunir Bpeeialisls 'I'ilisniilli and Hoofing 81SM Assistant Director of I . « b o r R e l a t f o o a — 27, Capobianco, A „ Yonkera 204 W 14lh St. Sniilli, Kathrya J.. Slonosraphor to 28, Portuso, Nicholas, P t 812M vacant. Presideiit, $5.8,10; 0-10 40, J.\MKS J. 111)1.1 I.N, Inc. K^t. 1U07 29, Hoist, Clarence, Yonkers ...,787M Daly. Williiun Jei ome. Secretary to llcliliell, Gcor;,'() E., Secretary to CoinRooliUit ul E i r l i<riptiun Sk.vliirhie 30, Ranelloue, Joseph, Yonkers . . . . 7 7&0* misBlolii'r of Hiiruush Works, $0,500: N Y C Tranait Authority, $11,000: 5-01-34 l.e.idcrs, (;iiilcis. Rep: ir w,M k a spi .lly 31, Ruffalo, Robert, H t Vernon . . 7 7 6 0 » Kolley, Caryl, Assistant to General Man 4 30 10, Special ( illlil,..y til (.: nl 32, Vonderbank, Kurt. Mt. V s n m 7 a2M i ico Workers 8 A l T O - M u b l L E SALKS.ViEN U lliutfs, J.iiiies U., Conlidcnlial Inspector, aser, $8,500; 6-15 53, l l i l d l f l u i i l>l:e. li k l j u 3.S, N. V. Tele 3 » , Hall, Robert, Mt VenuM ....7600» lie Sutu i'lyniuutli, coniiiuehiuii bawis, full $5.3(10; 1-01 4U, Grinin, James II., Chief Ensiuwir, $20 iiiiune M.\iii 1 34, Barkley, Prank, If Rochelle . , 7 60«« i.r part time, llimr liniu .iv.iilable, WriU' 000; 6 01 46. Slipcrinlfiident of Hiyliways va.aut, full rcauinc, including phono numlior, Daly. Jon W , Deputy Chief i^nperiiiteiidcnt of Sewers vacant. P. O, Ilux i ; i . Jacktiiii llciiilils, N, Y, $10,850; 7 01 60, Consullintf Eiitiiiieer vacant, For the most interestiar Waiie, Donald C., Division Enriueer, si. criitary to Uiu Piesulcnl _.vac:uit, W l l II All AND about government, hear l f l i S « 8chnialaekiir, Joseph 11., Executive $15,000; 11-10 46. ri'ccive 3 p u a o l 1)1-I j li.\ Ion a ussTuicrioys M.'Naushton, William C „ Division Mn Manaitcr, $ti,500: 4 10 51, S A G E T O T H E M A Y O R , radl* Slu.ll-1 bunill cr and sp.uu dre».si. Slliccr, $10,600; 2 -15-52. iiu.iluy i "> tu M'.MM. Air I 111 station W N B C , Tex aa4 J i m I . K A f t N I U M KEV I ' l ' N I ll, 40 to 60 lliirou.iili President, Manhullitu Marshall. Wiliium J., IHvisiua Bagi G M ( .. 176 Chun >l SC., Uct. Dli liours. li.notliy liaiiu Sdiool, i i W. l l u d show, 8:3* U t : M Coinniitteioiiof o ( Boiotush WoiiisJ v» |ie(ir, $U,UUO; 7 01-00, Kcade St. Street, N . Y . y . COUt. - . : - - ; - » . • ! • throuKb Fri«U#, lierusteia, Jusrph, UustuMr, (Continued from Page 6) C^nnwl. SS.I-.i): U Hl-r.I. $5.r,r,n; 2 IT).:,''. Horn. Frank E., Fxecntivi. Stcnoltrapher. Sn.OHO; 1 0 1 40. Neil, Helen Nolan. Executive Stenoirraiihir, $((.000; 1 01 54. Kelly, Anns M., Secretary, $7,600: I-01-51, OonnMt, Assistaol An Df-nar »a, Mr (Vi- 1. M ^rxeciu READER'S SERVICE GUIDE ELIGIBLES .Oll.'l* .7826* Rebuilt Refrigerators l»rc9iTibc n83M PANTS OR SKIRTS Nie SherM, Upholstering • New & Old Slip Covers - Draperies 11ALI. ANDREW FISCHER Wurkeis Air Conditioner - Brand New Cbeatsr HEl.I' W.-WTEI) — M.-VLE Biigii Women's Specialty Store 1111 Uivivtoa >REAL ESTATE > HOUSES — HOMES — PROPERTIES THE BEST GIFT OF ALL — YOUR OWN LONG LONG ISLAND BROOKLYN S. OZONE PK. BROOKLYN'S BEST BUYS! DECATUR ST. Nr. Howard Ave. 2 story and basement. Brownstone. 9 rooms. Heat. All vacant. Price $14,500. Cash $1,500. 3 Story and basement. Brownstone. 12 rooms. 2 baths. Steam-oll. All vacant. Price $14,000. Cash $2,000. 147-05 Hillside Ave., Jamaica OPEN 7 D A Y S A WEEK 962 Halsey St., B'klyn. Open Sundays till 4 P.M. GL 5-4600 JA. 6-4034 •************-*******»*»* BE A PROUD HOME OWNER * arallaWe to Ota. A C l TO DAV • J CUMMINS REALTY ** • PR. 4-6611 UlM-n Sunclnja Brooklyn^ 11 ui « * X Kitchens & Bathrooms MODERNIZED for only pennies a FREE Call NO CASH G.I. S. OZONE PK. $9,490 BAISLEY PK. $8,900 6 Rooms 5 rooms, garage, oil heat. Close to everything. $1,000 Cash lor Civilian. BAISLEY PK. $11,750 1 family, can be used as two. 2 large 4 room apartments. 2 car garage, oil steam heat, detached. Corner. \ larce vrlectlon of othc« e h o l c In all price niOKes H u r e Selection of rnpainted Furoiture ESTIMATES 7-8585, or Tlflt AXtfl otir nhowroomg ATLANTIC-CRAFT PRODUCTS 147-30 Archrr Arr.. Jitmaira 3A, N. T . ( 1 bluck f i o m L I K R Station, juat oO Siitphin Blvil., J.-iniaioa A v e . ) Open D.-iily to 6 . a 0 P M . , Mon.. r r i . to 0 I' M. AXtel 7 8585. F-REE P A R K I N G VACANT Brownstone - Oil $1,475 Cash Hrownnlunc 2 story ami habcnioiit. D<-W oil burner, 2 nioderii kitchentt aiui baths. I'urQUel floorn. briiMH plunibinr. ht'uudful tree-liix'd block, bitr beautiful bark THrii, nr:tr i^ubwaye and butM'0. Move rife'ht in. KeuHiPBt trnjtt? Call Coberg NE. 8-9212 Ol'EN 7 DAYS A WEEK MorttilKFt and T r r m t Arrange* DIPPEL 1 1 5 - 4 3 Sutphin Blvd. (Corner H5th Drive) OLympic 9-8561 SPRINGFIELD GARDENS Fully detached 5 rooms and porch, oil heat, garage, excellent condition terrific location. $9,000 — ALSO — 2-family, 5 rooms and porch down, 4 up; modern kitchens and baths; oil heat, garage. Excellent location Many Other Excellent Values In 1 and 2 Families TOWN REALTY 186-11 Merricic Blvd. Springfield Gardens, L. I. Laurelton 7-2500-2501 BUY NOW RIGHT IN EAST ELMHURST BROOKLYN MANSION Corner mansion, 20 room.s, 7 bathrooms, push button elevator, brick and stone, oil, parquet. An excellent house, well located. A C r NOW — CALI. PR 4-6611 Are you listeninc? MESSAGE TO THE MAYOR, every mornine. •JtiadUv '|ijvu4ja °f 'II weekly In The LEAUER. Don't BtiliS it. $9,990 MOLLIS Two family, brick, consisting of one 5 room and one 4 room apt. nice location, clean throughut. Only $9,500 SPRINGFIELD GARDENS Lvfe beautiful one fatiiiljr W rrt-r lutior iluc'-'o Willi nix siucioui, well laid out rooniu. liviiir room moUorn kitchen and tiled, colored bath flniehnl bawincnt oil heat, jaiiute Modern and exdueive with qniel street. »«ar trausportalion. All lor. $12,990 Tt-riut Of Conrne MAN^ (iOOD BUYS JtwiiMca Si. Aibans, So. Oxon« Park CALL JA 6-0250 GOING FAST Three 3 room pats, complete. Plot 40x100. 2 car garage, oU. $11,999 MOLLIS CMAPPELLE GARDENS ACT QUICK "Good Hoii»ekeepinfr," Kit- «hen» Korg:eou8 H • 1 1 ywood eolored t i l e , bath, pieture | window, aire o n d itioiied hent Mid oil burner, b i g roomy elo«eto, mU., et4>. Beautiful 6 room bungalow. Just 3 years old. Plot 50x100. Modern, garage, oil. $12,990 ST. ALBANS All BRICK, ranch hme of 6 •ice rooms, large plot 50x100. Only 4 years old, modem, clean and uptodate, all you would want in a home. 10 ROOMS Built of beautiful stucco, a mansion of 10 rooms with 3 baths, large plot, finished basement, oil, modern and Immaculate condition. NO C A S H NEEDED Sun. 11 8 PM 3-year-old bungalow, 40 x 100, 5 beautiful rooms, oilsteam, pla-ster walls, full basement, landscaped plot, A-1 location. No. 69. BETTER MOUSES FOR SALE The Goodwill Realtv C o . WM. RICH Ue. Bioher Real Beiate 108 IH New York Blvd., JuiiiHlca, N.«, REDUCED TO $10,900 1 and Z Family Homes E S S E X ADDISLEIGH PARK > s ' y 88-32 138th STREET, JAMAICA 100 feet North of Jamaica Ave. on Van White Blvd. — Call for detail driving directions. Open everyday. » .. ^ OUTSTANDING VALUES $23,000 — Also — Corner L o t « in Wonder till Loealione VERT REASONABLT PRICED Other Bomee in Jamaica, Sooth O w u c I'ark and Ticinity $8,500 A np Mortgages Arroaged Call for Mr. Smith W. D. HICKS IU-04 Merrick 11 vd. Janoica .L.I. JAfliaiea 6-4592 LAareltos 7-«8S5 SPRINGFIELD GARDENS 1 fiuiiily solid Uet&ohed home. brii*k $11,500 1 family dctiK-btMl, 6 rooniu aiid ititn t>oreh, oil heat, lot 40 z 100, nice I j landscaped. Small oa«h. $9,900 I family delated ti roome, puniuct noors, newly derorateii. raraKe. Muiiy extras. G. I. $500 dowo. ST. ALBANS Ueai >100 dwellln*. 7V4-"lra roonw, 4-beUrooli)l. walk-in doeets. kll rooms entereil off hallw.-oi, excellent condition, eleajn heat ( o i l ) , r » r a * c . nice landscaped plot, WICIMKH) b j eyclone Jence. Price karre $9,4M OraHous w h i U Colonial 2 a l o r j liume, 7 large rooms, Tcry nicely decoratcxl, extra lavatory on first floor. Screenedin porch, hot water heal ( o i l ) , located on • l4ot, Frlt« beautiful (arafe. In lalKlsc.ipcd (15>1(I0 a beautiful locution. SI 3,300 We Can't advertise them all . . . These are only a few of nianj Mtstandinc values. If you want a home . . . We have it ! 1 I ALLEN & EDWARDS $13,990 and tit>l4lHtoiio, rounie. lot 40 o/ extrua. S. OZONE PARK ST. ALBANS BAISLEY PARK 1M-18 Liberty Av«., Jamaica, N. T. OLympia 8-2014—«-2015 * 100, wotKl burninff flreplao®. Ivoatie ST. ALBANS /v AX. 7-7900 T w . l a r i e 1-family bomee. one with 7 % - r o o m i , finiohed attic ami baMtmenl. rarare, lot 60x100. Many u t r a e Jur rracioua ilTinc. Askinir $19,000 ST. ALBANS & HEMPSTEAD fli/^i rooms, plus 3 room apt. tn basement. all Viioaiit, oil heut, rarace No. 2 ' 0 . No Cash for Yets ll«-se I7S Place, St. Alban. iA 09269 Price $19,000 ADDISLEIGH PARK NO C A S H NEEDED Fully detached Corner/ SPECIAL!—SPECIAL!—SPECIAL! Arthur WaHs, Jr. Slacco, 8 % -rooini, 2-car gara«c, fioiithed atlie and baaement, modern kiti'hen. I H - b a t h e , Venetian blindi. Krrena and •torm window, refrirerator, mao/ extnu. P r i c I S L A N D DirertionB. Southern State P a r k w a y t o Kxll. N o . 32 (Brondway, A n i l t j v l l l r ) , Inrn rlcht (Kontli) lo HiinrlHC H i n h w a ; then Raat to .\ll>any Ave., then l e f t ( « R i h l l i l t Home. OR from Trilioro Bridce: Grand Central rarkua.* to B i i t No. .1.1, t-hen rlnht to Southern state Tarknay, then Ka«t and an above. ItY T K A I N : I.IHK to A m l t j t i l l e Ntatlon. AmltyTlllo 4-.tl)70. ru^ly detached aud 0hingle<]. rooms, oil. steam, oTer-siKcd irarace, A-1 Condition. Redm-ed to $10,500. No. 210. $14,999 A M to 7 PM PARK LIVE LIKE A KING IN QUEENS r.H.A. A G.I. MORTGAGES ARRANGED ror every type home wll » RONCK A M I T Y V I L l i a O N G NO CASH for Vets $13,999 Cbappelle Gardens A . Siy^-roooi home with Z - c w ffaraire. l o t 40x100. finished attic and batwmxnl. reai fireplace and a^l the modem c«nTenieneee. Near lran«portation, ahop pine and •eiioolB. A e k i n r ST. ALBANS $15,500 MOVE GET RICH QUICK k.M*. day NO DOWN PAYMENTS F R A Tcrmn 5 Yre. tn Tsty 8th Ave. Subway " E " train to Sutphln Blvd. Sta. North Exit. % * d; { Investieate these exceptional ^ • buys. * J ATLANTIC AVE. (Nostrand)| * 1 family, store and shop. Price* I $10,750. * • MARION ST. 6 family, cold* Sfc water. Vacant apt. Cash re-J • quired. $1,500. * I ST. FRANCIS PL. 2 family. 14!^ • rooms, excellent condition.* |Pi1ce $15,500. * • JEFFERSON AVE. 2 family,* ?semi-detached. All vacant. Priced 5$12,500. Cah $1,500. * ' 10 MucDuiisal St. 6 Large Rooms Completely Detached Garage New Oil Burner Completely Modern 'The Real Estate Super Market!!!!' HERMAN ROBINS, Inc. ISLAND ST. ALBANS HOLIDAY ST. JAMES PLACE LONG MONEYMAKER Five rooms with 3 room ba.sement apt. 2 kitchens, 2 batiis, oil. brick. FOR GI'S • • • • • ISLAND Own Your Own Home NO CASH Nr. 5th Ave. 3 story and basement. Brownstone. Legal rooming house. 12 rooms. 2'/2 baths. Steam-oil. Price $15,500. Cash $2,000. Mnriy S l ' E C l A L S DON-r W A I T . $9,990 ABSOLUTELY BERGEN ST. LONG ISLAND HOME $13,750 1 family solid brick, fli^ larve roomtt, larre plot. finiMhed baticnient apart ment. Q. 1. $2,000. MANV OTIIIJKH TO CllUOKK KKOM MALCOLM BROKERAGE 106-57 New York Blvd. Jamaica 5. N. Y. Rlj;. a-0645 — JA. 3-2716 ST. ALBANS TERRIFIC VALUE 6 large rooms with finished basement and baths, 1 car garage with oil heat, nice buy at $9,000 Call Agent OL 8-0405 FLORIDA DeBARY. "Haven for the Retired." Ultra modern homes from $7,250 up. Polder on Request. Franklin Realty, Route 17 — DeBary, Pla. ************************ MOLLIS I I * I CHAPPELLE GARDENS | LOOK THIS UP! J Legal 2-family 5 and 4iji room apts.; finished ba.se* ment and bar; garage; plot I 40x100. Lovely buy. Call * Agent — JA 9-1605. | **»********************^ HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA RETIREMENT homes, enjoy homestead tax exemption. Write Margaret French, Realtor, 2120 Madison St., Hollywood or N, Y. tel. HAvuineycr 9-7606. C I T I L P a f a TWCIT* S K R T I C E L E A D E R t W I q r , J«M 22,19S4 ANOTHER AMERICAN HOME CENTER VALUE . . . W H A T Y O U G E T AT AMERICAN HOME CENTER. Inc A DELUXE 1953 TV^stin^house REFRIGERATOR MGFIOZDI CAPAOnr I C D B K FEET O f STOtAGI IMMOfSlMtal F U U - W I D T I VEGETABU H U M D N A W E I . . . kMVi b M M i l ferik A U IN A eABINET OHLT M M G H B v o a CAN t l WUCl i i t \ \ & S t i l l g } ] O U S e A.MERICAN HOME CENTER. Inc 616 THIRD AVE^ at 40lli S t . N.Y.C. S 4 V I M O S O N APPUAMC§$, AM GOMmiqMMS, MU 3-3616 T O r S . O t « « f . tfTWAU, >'':'l I. NfLONS T t M M k r , l « M C I T I L 2 2 , 1 9 5 4 S B R V I C I L B A D B B Pa0» TVIrtaMi How a Riffed Employee U. S. Exams Can Get Rehired by U.S. Now Open Many Federal employees who lost their jobs through reduction In force, although they have permanent civil service status, ask about the opportunities for being re-employed by the U. S. Reinstatements are not made on a Perth anent basis, but rehiring is on an indefinite basis. The BNJOY TilM' word "reinstatement" In Federal service means rehiring with full Career standing. Aside from that distinction, rehiring Is taking place, if the employee with permanent status Is qualified for the Job. The employee's problem. If the U. B. Civil Service Commission can not find DELICIOUS POTATO CHIPS Thinner—Crispier—Mor» flavorful—Keep lott en hanti alwayi... Guaranteed Preshl I J Taniiy Tr*«f HERB IS A LISTING OF ARCO COURSES for FENDING EXAMINATIONS INQUIRE ABOUT OTHER COURSES a a • a L_) • U _t • • • • n • • • • • _| • • • J • LJ • • • • • • • • n n • • • • • n • • • n • a • • • Adminittrativ* AMistwt • \eceiiataat t A«ditM--_$2.M • M. I. C. iitSO Q Auto Enginemoa $2.50 U • Army & Navy Practice f M t i _$2.00 • Ais't i^reoioB • (SanitatioB) $2.50 • Attendant $2.00 • Attorney $2.50 • 8ooklieep«r • Bridge & Tunnel Officer $2.50 • M l Mointoinar _ _ _ . . . i 2 . S 0 Captain (P.O.) $3.00 • Cat Molntoiner $2.50 • Chemist $2.50 a Civil Engineer $2.50 • Civil Service Handbook $1.00 • • Clerical Aisistant (CollegesI $2.50 • a Clerk C A f 1-4 Clerk, 3-4-5 .$2.50 • Clerk, Gr. 2 _ -$2.50 • Clerk Grade 5 ..$2.50 Conductor $2.50 • Correction Officer U.S. $2.50 • Court Attendant $3.00 • Deputy U.S. Martkal $2.50 • Dietitian $2.50 • Electrical Engineer $2.50 a Employment Interviewer $2.50 • Engineering Test* $2.50 • Fireman (F.D.) $2.50 • Fire Capt. $3.00 Q Fire Lieutenant $3.00 Foreman $250 •• Gardener Assistant $2.50 • rt > Oiplomo fests $3 00 • Hospitol AHendaat $2.50 a Housing Asst $2.50 • Housing Caretakers $2.00 • Housing Officer $2.50 J How to Pass College Entrance Tests $3.S0 • How to Study Pest Office Schemes $1.00 • Home Study Course for Civil Service Jobs $4.95 • • How to Pass West Point • and Annapolis Entrance Exams $3.50 • 'nsuronce Ag't-Broker ...$3.00 U Internal Revenae Agent $2.50 • Investigator (Loyalty Review! $2.50 • Investigator • (Civil and Law Enforcement) $3.00 n Investigator (Fed.) $2.50 • Jr. Management Asst. _.$2.50 • Jr. Government Ass't $2.50 n Jr. Professional Asst. _ $ 2 . 5 0 • Janitor Custodian $2.50 • Jr. Professional Asst. _ $ 2 . 5 0 Law & Court Steno $2.50 • FREE! Lieutenant (P.D.I -$3.00 ..$2.50 Librarian Maintenance Man .00 $2.50 Mechanical Engr. Malntainer-s Helper .$2.50 (A & C ) Mointainer's Helper (B) $2.50 Malntainer-s Helper (D) $2.50 Maintalaer-s Helper (E) $2.50 Messenger (Fed.) $2.00 Messenger, Grade 1 $2.50 Motorman $2J0 Motor Vehicle License Examiner $2.50 Notary Public $1.00 Notary Public $2.00 Oil Burner Installer $3.00 Park Ranger $2.50 Patrolmon $2.50 Playground Director _ _ $ 2 . 5 0 Plnmber $2.50 Policewoman _ _ _ _ _ _ $ 2 . S 0 Postal Clerk Carrier _ $ 2 . 0 0 Postal Clerk In Charge Foreman _____$3.00 Power Maintainer $2.50 Practice for Army Tests $2.00 Prison Guard $2.50 Probation Officer $2.50 Public Health Nnrse —$2.50 Railroad Clerk $2.00 Real Estate Broker $3.00 Refrigeration License _ $ 3 . 0 0 Resident Building Supt. $2.50 Sanltationman --$2.00 School Clerk $2.50 Sergeant P.D. $2.50 Social Investigator $3.00 Social Supervisor $2.50 Social Worker f * «" Sr. File Clerk $2.50 Surface Une Dispatcher $2.50 State Clerk (Acconnts, File & Supply) $2.50 State Trooper $2.50 Stationary Enginieer * Fireman .$3.00 Steno (ypist (CA»^1-7) .»2.00 Stenographer, ftr. 3-4 .$2.50 Steno-Typlst (Practical) $1.50 Stock Assistant $2.00 Structure Maintainer ._$2.50 Substitute Postal Transportation Clerk $2.00 Surface Line Opr $2.00 Technical ft Professional Asst. (State) $2.50 Telephone Operator $2.00 Title Examiner $2.50 Trockmon $2.50 Train Dispatcher $2.50 Transit Patrolman $2.50 Treasury Enforcement Agent -.$3.00 U. S. Government Jobs $1.50 bvsry N T. C. Arco Book— You Will Receive an Invaluable New Areo "Outline Chart of New tork City Government." 125 W 31 St.. MY. C H 4-4081 ^lllllillllllllillllllllilllllllllllilllllllli E E E E = • • • * • H.T Board ot = i = B«««ila Coaching Conri* Begin Anytime individual Attention Men M d Women Small Clatie* E = = E E = = = E Call or send lor toldor E YMCA Evening School I S W . e 3 r d St.. N e w l o r k KNdlcott = 23, M . T . FOK 24 W . 74 St. (oB Cent P k l 8 0 7-1720 97 Duane St^ New /erk 7, N. Y. Plaau Mttd ( lae b««U eepiM e( e « a l « M alMck o r O M e e y order ier ehssksd ALL VETERANS ekeve. $ Y O D m a y attend s c h o o l f r o m 8 A . M . l o 1 P . M . or 1 to « P . M . and r e c e i v e f u U ^ubsiatenoe w i t h p a r t - t i m e w o r k p r i v ilutres. F l e x i b l e proifram arraneed. ALI. KXKCUTIVK 8ECKKTAKIAI. A C C O U N T I N O * B U H I N K S S CiltJK8Ktj Day A K v e . Free Placement Service Also classes for Non-Veterana • p M » e add i% fer NYC • • v*^* • • • • t • Soles Twi it Sfat# yenr • • • e• • addrew in i a 1 NYC ADDRESS Boro UI-l'^N AIJ. PZ POLICE CANDIDATES * Rcqalation Obstacle Conrie BRONX UNION YMCA 4 7 0 B. 101 St., ME 6-78M St. ( o f f Cent P k ) SU 7-1720 Socfls SrowB soys: JOBS THERE ARE For the Properly Trained BUSINESS ADMINISTRATON Jr. Acooiiiiting EXECUTYE High Sciiool Equivalency Diploma Learn IBInl T A I or KEY PUNCH—Day & Eve. Co-Kd - A l l V e t s A o r e p t r d Apply COLLEGIATE WWHKBUIMIFC NOW BUSINESS INSTITUTE SOI Madison Ave., N.Y. PL 8-1872 Olty. B u t e a F e d e r a l Jobs A v a i l a U e . Mo experience Kequired. Teachinr Latest Equipment. W r i t e , CaU oi v i s i t aur Classrooms Daily * M O B . . Wed.. F r i , Eventnrs CO.ZD. m S E placement S e r r i c * PK llookke^pinK SECRETARIAL Stcnnitrapliy -:- T y p i n s -:- K e a l K s t a t e I n s u r a n c e -:• P u b l i c S p e a k l n c A d v e r t i s i n j ; -:- Salesmanship KefreNher Courses DAT A KVKMNG e («-BD OPEN ALL Sl'MMKK 97 DUANE S T R E E T N E W Y O R K 7, N. Y . (air-cond.) 'BP) ^/jtJbiAjbiria ^l/uiiiuh 24 W . 74 LEADER BOOK STORE 4»St, (3rd A » IN 2 MONTHS T o o Can E a r n ifoS a W e e k or M o r e , o r T o u Can S u p p l e m e n t Y o u r P r e « ? n t E^rninirs If Y o u L e a r n • COMPTOMETRY • BURROUGHS EII.LINQ • BURB0UGH9 BOOKKEEPING A l s o c o m p l e t e seoreturial and business courses Begisterod by Bo.-ird o f R c r e n U P R I C E $2.50 W. * D a y A E v e . Sessions Small S r o u p « . ladiTidual Instruction. Free MedicaL Membership Privileges. Prepare for June 26 Exam (At 62nd St.I Tral^i for Physical Exams 8-497S PATROLMAN ASaUWAKT CIVIL KNGINKBK n s s T S Tuesday A Thursday Svealnis Aaat C i v i l B n c i n e e r - B i d s C o n s t r u c t i o n Jr O v O . M e c h a n i c a l , Electrical Eukt CIvtl, M e c h t . , EJec'l. I t e r r J>raftsmaa S t a t i o n a r y B n r i n e e r - Custodian Stationary Kn(r-Elec'l. Snpt-Bldi Const A u t o M e c h a n i c - Steel I n s p e c t o r E l e c t r i c a l Heli^er - T r a n s i t E x a m s STATlOHAaT ENGINEER'S LICENSE EEFBIGEBATINO ENGR LICENSE Classes M a n * W e d E v e * s t a r t July 7 t h M a s t e r Blectrioian, P l u m b e r L i c e n s e s Ctaoses T n e s A T b u r s E v e s s t a r t J u l y S Prof Emrr. A r c h . S u r v e y . P o r t a b l e E i i r r D R A F T I N G - DESIGN - MATHEMATICS A i r e . M e c h „ Blec., A r c h . , Struct., Blueprint Sdr., Bldr. Eetimat'c., d v l l Serv., A r i t h . , A l x e b r a . Q e o m . , T r i * . , Cal., P h y s . A P P E O V E D FOR A L L VETS and Transit Patrolman Expert Instructors Conduct Special Classen Equipment Available 8 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. on Weelidays Central YMCA 55 Hanson PI., Brooklyn Near MONDELL INSTITUTE Flatbush Ave. I'hone ST and L . 3-7000 1. B . R. DON'T R E P E A T THIS, Authoritative political analysis column. Bead it every week, to keep ahead of the political news. 2 a e W . 41m St. ( E s t 19101 w i s 7-208« Branches In B r o n x A Jamaica O v e r 4 0 y r s . P r e p a r l n s Tfaonsands f o r G I V H Bestlce E n g r s , License E x a m a . SCHOOL DIRECTORY Academic illitfe^^o^o i l i M i f f i ^ LEADER BOOK STORE Social NAMK Housing Officer BuUdUic * WKLL PAYING ThoruuKh Intensive preparatioa. W r i t e e r pbune f o r I n f o n m U l o a a b e v t t r i a l eonrsee. He <of 24 IMMT special dvKvery C . O. Dl's 30c wtre kmni P l e a s e w r i t e me f r e e , al>o>it t h e i B T e e t l K a t o r course. STUDY BOOK for KXAM8 REPORTING STENOGRAPHER ORDER DIRECT-4liAIL COUPON = E C-8I1T Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? PRKPARE Kxam Eaitnrn Seiioel AL 4-5029 133 2nd Ave., N.Y. 3 (ot I Sf.l E $35 . TOTAL COST - $35 = — START Class m e e t s Tuesil.i.vs at 6 : 3 0 P.*. Write or Phone f o r Information MocUne Aceonnting Sciieol 138 WashlnfTtoB St., N e w a r k . M I S - 1 9 M by TO INTENSIVE COURSE COMPLETE PREPARATION W e e k at Sept. SO M E N w i d W O M E N F i l e A p p l l c a t i o n g June 16-.-Sept. 1 AKT S Y S T E M OF SHORTHAND ACCEPTABLE n e € . 30-45. Substitutes 19-80 I N T E N 8 I V K C O A C H I N G COrilSIC S « w i o n i 1, 2. S, 4 , etc. 7 - 9 : 3 0 P J t . W e d . « 3 , SO. JulT 7. 21, etc. 7 l A f a r e t t e A v e . , B M y n , N . T . , 2 floor Sewdona 1, 2. » . 4, etc. 10 12:.30 Sat. June 28. July 10, 24, etc. SS W . 4 8 St. N T C . . R o o m 2. 2 floor • D A v m J. K A P P E I . , BCA, B«l, M A . • T e a c h e r oi Ortgg A P i t m a n Steno. f o r 2 8 Teara in businese echools, etc. 3215 M o t t A T e . . P a r R o c h a w a y , N . T . Call o n l y F a r R o r k a w a y 7 4 4 8 9 •Instractor • ( School R e c o r d * A A e connta. A t B r o o k l y n College. K x e e l t e n t reunite 1 M 8 - 1 9 5 4 Bianu 1 0 0 % o f men and 9 6 % o f w o m e n in m y l a « t c o a r h i n r course p a « c d w r i t t e n Biam f o r r e r u l a r school clerk in 1062. ISa A m e r i c a ' s Oldest B<dioal at D e n t a l T e e h n o l o c y • a t . 1920. L AppiwreA. T r a i a f o r w e l l » a i d >ob« I * O t U B«rTice. D e n t a l L a b o r a t o r i e s e r m i l i t a r y career. L o w cost. B n d r e t p i a a . I > r M placement. Booklet U lamd $3,426 y i l l n ^ June 2-30 School Clerk Exams N. Y. SCHOOL MECHANICAL DENTISTRY E F*r PHYSICAL TRAININft The agency appointing officer decides whether to make an indefinite appointment or indefinite appointment in lieu of reinstatement. I n the latter case the employee is covered by the civil service retirement system; in the former, he probably will be covered by the Social Security system rather than the civil service retirement system, unless the law is amended. Non-Status RifTed Employeea A nonstatus employee or f o r mer employee may be reappointed only under one of the following circumstances: 1. When his name Is reached on an appropriate civil service list of eligibles for a particular kind of position. 2. When the U. 8. ClvU Service Commission does not have a list of eligibles for a p o r t i o n for which an. agency Is recruting and gives that agency direct hiring authority. 3. When he Is a former nonstatus Federal employee with specialized experience needed for the position being filled, and U i lected by a defense activity. (To Be Continued) EQUIVALENCY HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA ixam ConMnf SOCIAL INVESTIGATOR The following Federal exams arc now open for receipt of applications. Starting salaries are indicated. Apply to the address mentioned. Last day to apply, if any, is given. 2-21-3 (54). TECHNICAL W R I T E R (radio communications, radar, wire communications, electro-acoustics). $3,410 to $5,940. Jobs at Fort Monmouth, N. J. Requirements: three to five years' scientific or engineering experience in one or more of above fields; for $5,940 Jobs, one more year of experience in technical writing or editing; education may be substituted for part of the experience requirement. Apply to Board of U. S. cavil Service Examiners, Fort Monmouth, N. J. (No closing date.) an opening, is to find the Federal agency in which a job he or she can fill Is vacant, about to become vacant, or is newly established. Status Has Special Valne Former employees with competitive status are entitled to some special consideration for reappointment on an indefinite basis. Under certain conditions, such employees, separated as a result of reduction in force, may be reemployed with permanent status and tenure. Former nonstatus employees may be reappointed only under certain circumstances. Having once obtained clvU service status, a person need not again compete with the general public for a Federal Job. While there U no guarantee that a former career employee can return to the Federal service whenever he chooses, civil service procedures make it easy for an agency to reappoint him to a Job for which he is qualified. If the separation has been long, a qualifying test may be required before returning, yet a former career employee may be reappointed regardless of the length of time he has been out of the Federal service. i E E CKy Plaat and Commercial Uauacement. atatlonaiy — CoUeKS A Oastodlan Preparatory Knclnccrs BOKO H A L L A C A O K M X , f l a t b u s h t U t . Cor. f u l t o n , Bklyn. UL. 8-3477. Business Ucens* Regeuls A Preparadaaa, QI Approved. Schools W A t M U N U T O H S U B I N B S t ) IMSX. X l W - 7 i h Ave. (cot. l » 6 t b and otvli servioe trauuus M o d e r a t e ooai M O '.i-OOSS St.l H.¥.C. liecnitAirlal M U N K O B S C H O O L O F U U S I N B S S , Sccretarisl, A c c o u n t i n i , V t l e r a n s A c c e p t e d . C i v i l Scrvioe preparation East I 7 7 t h St, a o d Boston Uoad I K K O Cbe-jter T h e a t r a B l d l . l Bronx. l U 2 6 6 0 0 . LEAllN IBM KEY PUNCH— I. A. M. 4U to 50 liuui'a. Uurutliy K u n e 11 W . - l i n a S l K c l , N . V . C . Sohoul, MACUINEH r o a IBM T A B , SOltTlNQ. WIUINO. K E * P U N C I U N O , V E K I F Y I N Q , ETC. G o to the C o m b l n a t i u n Business School, l a o W . l ^ S t h St. U N 4 a i T U . Bus. Machine Inst. • IBM KKV PUNCH Giiaranleiil Tininlug. Bay AND TAB or K v o llolol Woodward 6 6 t h a n d B w a y . JU S O ^ U SUMMKU COLLEGIATE firr'i^^ SOI U a d l s d n A v e . ( a t S « 8 t . ) P L 8-1872 SMrclwM UUAKKM. IS4 N A I M A U JMr-Mwttl. w n u OTKIUCI, N . k . l ) . Secretkrlnl AOOEOULUIF. to> OAtatof UD S - A M O . UsvtUiic, JounutUa State Eligible Lists STATE Open-Competitive 2. 3. 4 5. H. 7. B. I), 10. II 1 I ir.. 111. 17. IH. l^t. 2(1. 21. 2-! 2:1. 21. 2r, 2(i 27. 2H. 21t. .10. 31. .•w. .11. 35. 311. .17. »M. 311. 4(1. 41 T K K K WKKillKK P o l o tun, M y r o n . A u b u r a . . 1 OllOOO . . ,..lOHOOO Natl.in, Ilol It. T r o y . . . . . .107(100 A u s t i n . GiTri I. C i i l i o ,1.1, ( a n n i o h i i •e ] 0 7 0 0 0 II.UIK'M. DUJI ( iiTir.oii. Koli r l . Hitrlilanil . . 10(1000 n. Ct.hoi'S . ,. .lor.ooo Oriint. N o r m H i c l i n r , Jlllil S llltl.vn . . . . . . l o s o o o Oiili.-k, H u i r . \V:it>rlown . . I 0 5 0 0 0 llir-bo. I ^ l t l M ...lOftOOO Dath KiKTiicr. H:iy iionil. R o c l u s pr 1 0 5 0 0 0 Jordan . ,..105000 Ilyr, l.nwnn lymonil, .Niwport . . l o t o o o U.v.w. R;i.vmi ChcKlM'. H u d s o n . .1010(10 I'al.hi Kdiirt, Auburn . 101000 l>;ll.oi'H< Albert, Johnslov n 101000 ...101000 Sim. H.n P7. A l b a n y .tohii. F l o r i d a . . . . K U O O O Soclta nip . ...101000 f ' m i f n rli. V i n . v n t , N Y C . .101000 H a n l o r d . Owpfr Ntiwl; lotooo Ckmh, Willi a Fli 1(11000 C'^irloi . Myln NVC 104 0 0 0 IVtit Barton .... r.( lO.'IOOO K i a i i i ipy. Uii'h iril. S t a t e n Iio;iooo Craile . N a t h a n . f t i i i i Knlx-i •ts, W i l l i im, T r o y lO.'IOOO . . I'-.iK'kf <r. R i H i a r<l. S i l v i r C r k KI.'SllOO Tstr-c,, W i l l i a m , Silvf-r Crk . 1(1.1000 Vcllia 1. UlUiK, St A l b a n s ..10:1000 W i l l i irns. T h e nsas. S a r a t o c a 10:i000 S o m . rs. W i l l i : ni. W a t p r t o w n lO.'IOOO .loiiot . W a y i IP. i f , HI ill 1 o;iooo C. bo. H rbprt. Dpxt lO.'IOOO MaroHok. n o i i a l d . U t t l o Fla lO.'IOOO H irris, Charlps. P. b t d y 10,1000 Straiib. Gporp-e, Warsaw , lO.'IOOO I.pibpnspprffpr J., Schirhtke 10.'IOOO Hprrlinp. P a u l , A u b u r n . . . 10:1000 Charl Bkijn lira 10'lOOO W., Hudson Mllpliin lO'iOOO T.. W a t o r v l i p t lO'.'OOO AndiPcll 1, H . , D o l c e v i l l t lO'IOOO i.lPlil U a l p h , B k l y n , 1 O'lOOO nh: lO'JOOO s. B r o n x iclins. L o ' I t o w n l o r i o o o It. Aubui lO'iOOO 10'iOOO )il. I ' t Byr rtlcss 41. 4:t. 41. 45. 40 America s VALUEI —Powerized for MORE hours of better performance • l o n g - L i < « Super B o t l e r i n . . . lost up t o I Q times l o n g * r . • DetachobI* Wovemofln.l* Anienna . . . for extra r o n g * in remote a r e o t . Reel-Away Power Cord . . . pulli out to plug into l o c k e f , t p r l n g i back oulomolicQlly. • Spring Bulloi you tune in dark. II. V^ai.Lr, X i u y . x^uuti I, IVOI.llI .lu;;uoo Ui •U l l l l U O u nil . . .lulouu , JoM'ijli, I ' l (.11 bti' . .loiuou OL. bo. >, F i a n ' i«, B r o n x . , . . l U O U O O 5 i . On , W a l t i r , B a t a v i a . . .lououu 5:1. Wi u r n , AllK'rt, Adanii ..100000 51. W:i Ip, I'ptpr. L i t t l e Fl, . . 10(KM.I0 5!i. H - M . . i r o . .Anthony, Uli.,. .100000 DO. t aU;,, Frxi, Albany . . , . .10000^) 57, JlllV.i HI. W lllium, Bklyn ..100000 5S. M i d i . . .100000 5 I » . Jaii.-H Thoinas, Canaan 0 0 . I), in III r. K i p h a r d . I 1 Cily . .100000 (!l. , R a l p h , Hilvipr Crk . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 ...100000 Broi IB, H I. . . 10(1000 W,it rto dolill n.'t. 11 100000 I.aurelt n dino, I.I ,'is, 01. Hi. Coxsapt e lOOOOH low, Krn. 05. I' 0 0 . I'fTsiiiiM, I ' a u l . WPSIIIPUI , . . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 (17. K o r ndi^zyn, H nry, Splilrn . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 P p r r y . . . .011000 OH. Adai;US, ll.iym Dnd, , ....00000 Donald, Albany 0 0 . O r i y •, Bakp•r, TbPOdr rp, O l o v p r s v B . . » 0 ( i 0 0 ....00000 Mp«P•rvo. Albany Krai:nk, N Hydp P k OllOOO K d w aird, i 7 ' ! . I'rb.iin. MpC, noooo a r l y . ,l:ini UPS. T r o y 7:t. (HIOOO 71. B.'lli John. B u f f a l o BOOOO 75. r . i l l i . Amstprdiim . . llOOOO 7(i. W i l k •.' Riph( ird. Dpp.-iuville OiKlOO R i . h a i d. Cold Sprir 7 7 . Gilps nnooo nv. T h ( imas. M i d d l c t o w 7 « . P.ndi noooo 71>. Kndli( •li. Dav id. B k l v n flOOOO 80. Simon ds. llrilM t. N Y C Wppdspo noooo 81 . V a i i w IP, SI. w a r t . Paul, I.iltle FIB . nnooo 8^!. P a n i k , Rpiriiiald, IJlPtPr P k nnooo 8,1. Niinil. noooo 81 K.'iinp ily. James. T r o y . . . nnooo 85. Gp"ry, Vpvnon. Mnsppth nnooo 8(1. Myi-ri , W i l l i . ; m . AmslPrdam nnooo Gpnrifr, W a t p r l o o . 87. Ac nnooo f^.irlp. A m s l p r d . i m . 88, St, nnooo inr. ,Tolin. L I C i l y . 8I>. 00 B r o w l ipll I,Pou.ird, Amstprd.im 0 0 0 0 0 C'haunpPT, r o r n w a l l , . 0 0000 Gr nt. T. H o w a r d . S i l r p r Crk n n o o o N. K M n nooo I. F i s h k i U .... K 1 ibl. nnooo 01. BI Din. Corninsr nnooo ben kpl, n5. H.irold, Albany nnooo n o . K l ihli n.in. W a l l p r . P t Chpsl nnooo •n. .ToBPph. N R o c h p l l e n7. W nnooo Oporffp. WOIPOU . .. OS Bi Hiii 1. T i i o n i a s . B u f f a l o ,, , . . n n o o o no. •r, f l a i r , TVifavia ... t o o . n'l nnodo n. Prpd. Coxs.-lPkio . ..nnooo 101 . H. imi.LPB. .Iclin. B k l y n . nnooo 10'!. T . s. Lpslpr, A l p x a n d P r .. . . . n o o o o l o : ! . Rr T. .Tolin. f i r n e . a F I s . nsooo 101 Fr rl . . n s n o o 105, Pr •lit . T.orinsr. • St J o h n s•1 mo. W i l l i a m . A u b u r n •n . nsooo 1(10. M.i-fli Buffalo . n.sooo 107. K d l p h p r . J o h n . rt. W Coxsa- k e .. . . . n s o o o lOS. f o l p . Alli nsono m i l . T i t u s , n r. A u b u r n nsnoo n o . D i l l y , n," •id. Pkppps •ui. W i l l i a m . H 1 1 1 . Hipk iffion n « o o o Adrian, G nsooo I r^ H i . k nsooo II.1. T„anini. C l i a i l e s . N Y C nsooo 111 An.I.MSon, E n o . Lpwisboro nRooo n r . G o u l d . R a y m o n d , MiddletoWT nsooo l l " t St.'Yes. K^niiPth. W h i t p h a l l nsooo 117. T>nesl.T. l.pon. F t Pl.-vin .. nsnoo I I S . O'Mpil. B i l w a r d , J o h n s t o w n nsnoo 1 1 0 . H e n d e r s o n . Ployrt, A d a m s . . nsooo I i». T.vmdi, P h i l i p . U t i p a 08000 t i l . Coolpy, D w i c h t , Rlafford .. nsooo •! MOWPIH. Burr. Romo . . . n aooo .1. B r o w n e M . V e r i o n . Walertowi ftsooo • Crysdale. Stanlpy. Auburn n sooo 5. Blirkp. P r n e s t , Flbririfro . . nsooo I'flt. Tilrfler. Jarob. Middlptown jO. O •71. lor.. inc.. 1117. ins. inn. ;()«. ;o7, ;os ;nn !10 :i I m . :i I . ;i5. ;io. .'17 MS. ;in. ;';n. !';i. I. 5. :(1. :7. :S. in. Question, Please p.-nt .n. f r a n k M.mphis ..nnooo do m o . ( Jam , R o p h i y i l r r 1)0000 t lark n, W i l l i a m . W a p p n r Fl 115000 B a r l l t U , S i l v p r ( k . , n.inoo Adam Hpan IVPSIOU, Bay Slw •p ..nnood ,><w.-illio, T h p o d o r p . Japk»ll HI 05000 Rosp, A l v a i P Z , Kimrsloil , ^ 05000 Distinti, Simoup, Bklyn . , . . nriooo . . ..05000 Misnpr, John. L i t l l p K H Ilildpr-dc in. K a r l . S a l i s b u r y ..05000 f n l l i n s , John. Glcivprsvlp . . . n o o o o P a l r i i k. Alli.my ., ..nsooo Molan. WilrOK, H:lrrl^nn. J i n i p s l o w n n n o o o Apalaphin ' . . n n o o o Hiplip.v. R o l ) P i l . V o o r h p s v 11 nnnon Campion . Willi.im. AMriPb. John. Pt fhpstpr ., . nnooo F.wpn . . n 5 o o o f o n n s i l . f h a r l p s . Pt ,..nnooo Pi' Ralph. Albany fl ntP, M i t h a p l . Ulip.l , . . . n n o n o n nnooo MPN IP.V. J o s e p h . K i i ..nnooo inp. W i l l . a m . M i d d l o l riiim .. nnooo Srip dpkpr. James. I l i o n . . .nnono n.-v anpy. .Tohn, Syrlli'lis ...nnono H P I iry, Saniui-1, C.aledoui . . .nnooo f o i l kp.v. D o n a l d . Syrapu! Andrew. Alb; iiy . f o r nor. t.oi lie, Q p o r s p . R i p h m rl HI l . o i •p. F r a n k . Kpnt . , Ow, •lis. James. A l e x a m l Mvprs. R o b rt. U i Ion Sprit . Kinfpldt. J Broplon . Grenier R o n a l d , Klcmprp . Huopiai . G e o r s e , Sppneer Gpors-p. R o b e r t , A t l i p a , . . H o w p l l J a m e s , Ropk S t r m Brown. fl.i-de. C o r n , a n d . . H a a e m I. F i f i l . B.iy Sore R o f f o w s l i. Sl.anlry, B a t a v i a r l i ! Tiser, Curtis, Montrose . Sehn. f h a r l P R . Norton HI .Tohiison, Charles, A l l i p i l , farter, Miehapl, Syr.aeusc f.arson, K n u t e . Slaalsbur? M.areiano. A n t h o n y , R o . h e s l W.ii-MPr, Tee. Odessa ... •JIO. O'Bripn, Wallpr. Bkl.vn . •^II. Murphy. Daniel. Bronx ... • ; l ' ; . W e i s . Fi'Pderiek. A l b a n y . I F I R E T I R E on a pension f r o m government service, at age 65, and obtain a job in private employment covered by Social Security, how long would I have to work to be fully in.sured, and retire at maximum primary benefit? C, L. E. A n s w e r — T o qualify for m o n t h ly Social Security payments, an individual must contribute under the Social Security system f o r a required period. T h e period depends on date of birth. T h e Social Security Administration f u r nishes a free booklet which contains a chart showing the v a r i ous eligibility requirements for amounts of monthly payments based on an . individual's average monthly earnings. Assuming you were born in 1889, six or seven ...H5000 quarters of coverage would be . .ftnooo nrooo necessary—six f r o m January to June, seven if July to December. n n' o o o nnooo nnooo nnooo nnooo 05000 n,-)0oo nnooo 05000 nnooo nnooo nnooo nnooo nnnoo nnooo nnooo nnooo nnooo onooo 05000 05000 271. LEGAL supRi'MR cotnn. NUTICK bronx countt: N e w Y o l k Lien Corp.. plalntlH. ar.llnrt Bronx. W h i t e Coiporation, Morria l.ow, Clara l.ow, his w i f e . Abrahain Dloom, Mrs. A b r a h a m B l o o m , " « a i d n a m e b c l n c f l p t i l i o u s , true n a m e u n k n o w n t o pl.alnlift, pernon Intended beinc ( l i e w i f e or w i d o w , if any, o f A b - a n a i n B l o o m . R o b e r t L o w e n t h a l . " M r i ! R o n e r t I . o w p n i l i a l , " said n a m e Inir ni'tiliona, true n.anie u n k n o w n to p l a i n t i f f , person intended b i l n j the w i f e w i d o w . If any, of Robert t.owcnthal, Mildred Bloom. Tillie Bloom. Philip PinP i i i d a e k . " said name il k. " M r s . " b i l i p beinc ficlilioil e name unknown to nil IT. perso lite Ided being the w i l e o r dow (f Philip Pindack, Id.» y. of y m c r . Rr individually 'ca I.I i w c n t h . i l , d ns Adi l i s l r a l •IX of the E s t a t e o f deceased, Marciu ibert I.( •nihal. i w c i i t b a l . SK •lla L.j w c n l b a l , Sadie S t e m , 5, A r i s l c d e s S ofllas, loiiffla nslauline " J o h n Souffl.TS" and I r i o s Sf i i r f i j e S3ld names being Jan • S o f f l . i s , " names of the said the t: •tiliou , to t h e plainfendai 13 being I t i n . the pen Icnded being the h( at l.iw I id succe-^sors in interest o f ChrisG e o f C S o u n i a s also k n o w n as C h r i s t f f l a s w h o s e n a m e * nnd addresses and w h e r p a l outs are u n k n b w n t o t h e plalntilT, b u t it Inlendcd by this d e s i g n a t i o n t o ! all o f such successor In iulcrcst as • ss. G e o r g e M i l l c i . " M r . G e o r g e M i l l e r , " d n a m e being f l c t i l l o l I, t r u e n a m e uno w n t o p l a i ' i l i f f . pcrsi intended b e i n g : w i f e or w i d o w , ir any. o f G e o r g e M i l l J u l i a J a f f ' . A n n e Braude, sued herein A, A . i n i e Braude. J u l e s W e i l l , " M r s , J u l e s V Mil" said n a m e being nctitious, tru» „ ame unknown Ic plaintiff, person in( , nded being the w i f e or w i d o w . If any o f F lies W e i l l . Bertha Gross, A n n e Connors, ehille D'liinoccuzo. "Ms. Achille N • T n n o c c n i o , " said n a m e being f i c t i t i o u s , tl •ue n a m e unlsiiown t o I f l a i n t i n , person I , itcndcd being t h e w i f e or w i d o w , i f a n y . f Aehille D'lnnocpnio, Annantonia D'lnnoT„ i * o , A b r a h a m S h a l z k i n , "John J o n e s " „ :l " P e t e r D o e . " t h e said names beliir l i l i o u s . t h e t r u e n a m e e o f I h e said d » i d a n l s being u n k n o w n t o t h e p l a i n t i f f , tieing all of the tl ! persons intended Abraham Bloom, who was eTCdilors o f :djudicated a b a n k r u p t m the United Court for the Southern S ICS D i s t r i c t r trict of N e w Y o r k on M a r c h 21, 1 9 3 1 . niooo A niooo ' SpKinablc. W i l l i a•ni, P t By l.app. Albert. Allica .. Argplsiiiger. P.. Van E(tei 04000 Mariiio. Domii.i .'k. Bklyn 04000 Farley, Joseph, A u b u r n ,01000 S t i n o v c r . J . Co bleskill . . 94000 Burke, Harold, Johuslowi ,04000 Murph.v, John. T r o y . . ,04000 Swainliank, E., I . i l l l e Fli .03000 Cassld.v, C h a r l e s . T r o y . .03000 Raszeja. Joseph . C o r f u l . 03000 M c K e a , n , Jamc-1, A m s l c r d am Dusel, J o s e p h , C' o r f u , . . . 03000 RoIktIs, E d w a r .1, S a l i « b i i r y . , 0 3 0 0 0 Rosen lhal, Noel . Albany Maliefsky. N., B r o n x . . M K ' r a n e , V i i i e e il l . R e c o r•:irk 9 3 0 0 0 G u c c i a n l l . Jasp er. A u b u ri .03000 G o r k o , Tll-vldeus. B u l f a l o . Miller, Cliffoid, Cheslcr , 03000 • ; n . Orr. R o b e r t . Walerlown . nnooo E r i e s . N . i l b a n , .03000 M i d d l e VI • I i n . r.e,xr.r. .losepli. R o m u l u s . 04000 2 0 1 . Rodland. I.ouis. C o r f u , . .03000 -JIO. Babpoek. W i l l i a m . Ttiidson . niooo .03000 V •317. Buseh. T.ewis. I . i l l l f i F I ss . n i o o c 2 0 2 . Ebnike, HaroM, Angola . . 1 whereabouts are un20,1. Mannctli, R o c c t), P t Che alcr 9 3 0 0 0 k n o w n t o t h e pla ntiff and w h o are sued T tS. Butler. Julius. Bkl.vii . .. niooo H a r l a n d, PralUburg 03000 h ercin as a cl.ass by the f o r e g o i n g d e s i g • I i n . Coehr.an. H o w a n l . Alexanrti ander 04000 2 0 4 . Beunell, Hendricks, r.evii, Sprakeri f;50. ColanB:..do. A n t h o n y . B a l ai vviiaa . . m o n o 0 3 0 0 0 n ation and it is i itcndcd t o i n c l u d e e v e r y M i n a r d i . S a l v a i rire. S i l v e r Crk 0 3 0 0 0 c r e d i l o r o f t h e si id b a n k r u p t and all o l • ; 5 I . D o l a n . James. N Y ( ^ n4ooo .03000 t a b o v e . If llvi 5, and if they o r a n y I . v ; . D o h v . W i l l i , i m . Hiirhl 1 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 7 . Grcgor.v. James,, Goslien T.eonard. H u g h . S a r a t o g a . 0 3 0 0 0 0 hem b e dead, then i t is intended t o Tn.l. M i l l e r , R i . ' b a r d . Orpb I Pk n4ooo .03000 s t h e i r heirs at l a w . d e v i s e e distribu•;5t Nipholxs. Paul. T r o y 04000 2 0 9 . Tower. E , Albi .93000 t n c x t - o f kin c x c c u l o r s , w i v I, w i d o w s , ? 5 5 . F i l i i r e r a l d . Dipk. T r o y . . . . . 0 4 0 0 0 .'100. C h o p l i n s k i . Jose•ph, nVo . 03000 i: cnors and creditors, and t h e i r r e spective •:.5rt. A l m y . W i l l a r d . Middlpburir .04000 3 0 1 . Brown. Melvin. Corllalid Id their Alfred, Elmhurst .03000 s iiccessors in interest 1 5 7 . Judsre. H u t h . K i n e s l o n . . , , . ! ) 4 0 0 0 3 0 2 . Gross. wives, widows, .10.1. C o g s w e l l , D o u c I as. M o n l i c (410 9 3 0 0 0 h eirs a t l a w , n e x t o f k i m s . A m i r p w s . Flo.vd. H e r k i m e r . . . 0 4 0 0 0 , devisees, dislriW i l l i a n1. Syracus lion •s, e x c c u l o r s . .03000 I; ntees. c r e d i t o r s , S5n. C o m b e s . R i e h a r i l . N Rophelli n i o o f ) 3 0 4 . Mah,\r, odH e n r y . Bay^-idc ,, . O.'IOOO R i l n i s l r a l o r s and SUCCCB ors In interest, a l l •ino. H.vde. T.loyd. D e p a u v i l l e . , . . 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 5 . Geeb, Edwin, N Y C whose .. .03000 0 f w h o m and •Iftl. L a n e a s t e r , T.eroy, Olisville , 9 1 0 0 0 300. Cornish, lanics and where. 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 7 . F o l l i e s , F r c d f r i , •k. A d a m s C t r 0 3 0 0 0 a re u n k n o w n t o t h e pKaintiff and 101. M a n y . J o h n . Ossininir .02000 V 0 4 0 0 0 .108. R y a n , E d w a n I , T r o y j o i n e d and d e s i g n a t e d herein as a <!«,'!. Swept. Altiert. Walerl "Unknown Defendants." defend•!r>4. M o n t e t n o r a n o . M . , R<i •kwy B c h n i o o o 3 0 9 . R o b i n s o n , P e r c y . L i l l l n F I s . . 0 2 0 0 0 0 R a l p h1. A l b a n y 03000 I •ion. Vine,int, Carles, A l b a n y . . . . .04000 310. Balfoort, t h e sort. T.awriHiee. Josoph. U t i c a . . . .04000 l o v e n.imed defendants: (Continued N e x t W e e k ) .94000 Y o u are h e r e b y s u m m o n e d t o answer •!fl7. G l o o r . H e n r y . F r e d o n i a •fllOOO t LEG.\L NOTICE ! c o m p l a i n t in this a c t i o n , and t o s c r v s • ; 0 « . Ghwi.-k. S t a n l e y . B a l h .04000 c o p y o f y o u r a n s w e r , o r it the c o m ;ni». r.<-onard. Geoisre, Grafton i70. T o w n s e n d . Bruee, RhineliPek 04000 S U P R E M E C O U R T . B R O N X plaint is n o t s e r v e d w i t h this s u m m o n s , t o COUNTY Notice ol Appearance on lbs M a * Donner. plalnlirf, arainst Marcus (Continued in N e x t C o l u m n ) plaiiitiir's attorney within twenty (20) Di.amond. C a t h e r i n ? O Mc.ara. M i c b a e l A i r ilays a f t e r t h e s e r v i c e o f this s u m m o n s , e x Mrs. Michael Alex", said name bci I.KGAI. NOTICE fictitious, t r u e n a m e u n k n o w n t o p l a i n t i f f , e l u s i v e o f t h e d a y o f s e r v i c e . In case o f ur f a i l u r e t o a p p e a r o r answer, j u d g person Intended being- t h e w i f e , if any ASPHAI.T Tlf.E FLOORS 7. Guziplpk. F r a n e i s . A m s t e r d a m OSOOO •nt w i l l be t a k e n a g a i n s t y o u by d e f a u l t o f M i c h a e l A l e * . " M r s . T o n y P c s c i a . " said STATB DEPARTMENT OP I.ABOR t . ripats. R n l w r l . A l e x a n d e r 07000 r t h e relief d e m a n d e d in t h e c o m p l a i n t . name beine flctilioua. true name nnknowi 1140 BROADWAY I ' i n . Casli. Frpdprick. Angola .07000 D a t e d : N e w Y o r k A p r i l 14. 1954. to plaintiff, perron Intended beinff th NKW YORK CITY 1.10. 'Mashnr, C h a r l e s . T r o y .. ,n7oon w i f e or w i d o w , i f any. o f T o n y Pcaeia HARRY HAUSKNECHT, N O T I C K TO BIDllKHS 07000 i : l l . Mason, Karl. T r o y .loh,anua J a c o b . John Theodore Knight Sealp<I proposals for lust.allation .07000 Attorney for Plaintifl, i : t ' ! . Olson. G e s l a . f o r n i n ? . . J a m e s J. M-pSorle.v, s o m e t i m e s knoy A s p h a l t T i l e on t h e T l i i r d and F o u r t h ,07000 I.'t.l Npbb. M y r o n . T.iltio F I s OlJlce A P . O. Address, 1 3 6 Broadwa/, J a m e s J. M e C o r h y . " M r s . J a m e s J. M c . 0 7 0 0 0 F l o o r s . Dpparlnipnt o f I..abor, D i y . o f E m i:il Robinson. Eusene. Buffal S o r l p y . " said n a m e b e i n s n c t i t i o u s . t r u e New York. New York. . 0 7 0 0 0 p l o y n i e n t I n s u r a n e e , 1440 B r o a d w , i y , N e w I . m Eikl.ir, Harry, Oweffo .. name unknown to p l a i n t i f f , person ii Y o r k City, in a e e o r d a n e e w i t h Spceiflea.07000 1H(I J i e k s o n . V i n e c n t . B l l f f . l l o Plaintiff's address is 135 Broadway, tended b e i n r the w i f e , i f any. o f Jami 1.'t7. P a t t e r s o n . F r a n k , R a y B r o o k 0 7 0 0 0 tion N o . 1 8 7 5 7 and a e e o m p a n y i n s d n N p w Y o r k . N e w Y o r k , and p l a i n t i f f dcaigJ. M c S o r l e y , T.onifia A . S o u l i e r and all i inirs. w i l l b e r c e e i v e d b y H e n r y A . Cohen . 0 7 0 0 0 I.'tS Buplipiibaum. M . , Cohoei t h e a b o v e , i f l i v i n e . and i f they or any n a l e s B r o n x C o u n t y as t h e place o f tri.al. of Coulraets and A 0 7 0 0 0 Dir,-ptor. B u r e a u Ktrt R i e k p t s o n . F l o y d , Kinsston T o the a b o v e named d c f c n d a n l s : o f t h e m b e dead then i t is Intended t< . 0 7 0 0 0 e o m i t s . Depiarlnipul of P u b l i c W o r k s , 1 4 l h I K ) . I.ammers. Harold, Fredonia T h e f o r e g o i n g supiflcniental s u m m o n s is sue t h e i r heirs at l a w . devisees, distribi F l o o r . I l i e G o v p r n o r A . E . S m i t h Stat . n 7 0 0 n I I I . E.-WIPB. James, U l l l e F I s . r v e d upon y o u by p i i W i c a l i o n p u r s u a n t tees, next o f kin c x e c u l o s. w i v e s , w i d o w o f f l p e Biiildiiiir. AU>.viy, N . Y . . on beh.alf .n7noo If! Tnd.f. W a l l e r . A u b u r n ... l o an o r d e r of H o n . B e n j a m i n J. l l a b i n . l i e n o r s and creditors, and t h e i r rcsppptiv o f t h « D p p a r l m p n t o f T.abor, unii? 2 : 0 0 1 1.1. Widr.ow,.ki. M i e h a p l . C o h o e e .n7000 j u s t i c e of the Supreme Court of the Stale o'plopk P.M.. Advaneed Sl.andard T i m e , succcssors in tutpresl, wives, widow) .07000 f N n v York, deled May 11, 1054. and i n . n a (is. Ospar, Holmes . . . w h i e h is 1 : 0 0 o ' e l o p k P . M . . E a s t e r n Stand licirs at-law, n e x l of k i deviacps, disn i " d w i l h the an,ended c o m p l a i n t in t h e n-ooo 1 1 5 . V.N i.xlystyne. U.. B a l a ' ar\l T i m e , on ' H u i r s d a y , J u n e 24, i n B 4 tributces, c r e d i t o r s , lieni rs, cripculoi-a. s Itice o f the t l e r k o f B r o n x County. l O l s t Bp1!i •ills 1 1(1. H E idprson. E a r l . .07000 when they will be publicly opened m i n i s t r a t o r g and BUcecas rs in interest, i Street and Gr.iiid C o n c o u r s e , in the B o r I 1 7 . F ( I iil.l. S h e l d o n . F t P I .07000 of w h o m and w h o s e i ames and whei o u g h of T h e Bronx C i l y o f N e w Y o r k . U S . Gl mib. I'ptpr. C o r f u , ,07000 a b o u t s are u n k n o w n to t h e p l a i n t i f f a I Bronx n o . F.i itp. W i l l i a m , .07000 E i c h propoi m u s t be m a d e u p o n thi T h i s a c l i o n Is b r o u g h t to f o r e c l o s e t h « w h o are Joined and ileeiffunled as 1 5 0 . M a b o n e y , Mii-liael, S l o f o l l o w i n g I r . i n - f c r s of tiix liens s o l d b y Rdi;i : 0 7 0 0 0 f o r m and sub n i l t e d in t h e e n v e l o p e p r o a clai t'nki 3 W D c f e n d a lis de I t a r l l e t t . W a l l e r , C o r f u . n 7 0 0 0 v i d e d t h e r e f o r and shall be aeponip.anied 151 . I h e C i l y of N e w Y o r k and n o w ownetl b y fendanta. er. E d m u n d . St J o b n s v l .07000 b y a certifleil pheek m a d e p.ayahle t o th 15'!. the p l . i i n l i f l . all b e a r i n g interest a t 12% T o the a b o cd d e f e n d a n t iipll. W i l l i a m . Mohawk .07000 I N;I. per a n n u m .ami arf.'cliiig p r n i w r l y s h o w n New Yo of State < f Y o u are hei eby u m o i i c d to ai iswcr th. 111. Rip.inl. B k l y n . .. .07000 TaxaUoi I5<. on t h e T a x Map of the Borough and and Final of B% of the c o m p l a i n t in this l i o n , and to s e r v e prbaeh. P a u l . Sheriilan . 0 7 0 0 0 .amount of t h e bid as 1 r.5. C o u n t y o f B r o i i ' . . City and S t a t e of N e w g:uar.auty t h a t the c o p y o f y o u r a n s w e r , or if the •ompla dyee. B., TTnion SpKS . , 0 7 0 0 0 bidder w i l l 15(;. Y o r k , ,as f o l l o w s : nip n i o Uii [tract i f it bp Is not s e r v e il wilh this sunn iiona, t ikerhoft. A., Auburn . . 0 7 0 0 0 awarded to him. T h e s 157 pccineation number spi N o l ice of A p p e a r a n c e on tl l.ien No. •o. N o m a n . Addison . , . 0 7 0 0 0 must l>e w r i t t e n on the f r o n t of t h e en15S Data p l a i n t i f f B a l t o r n c y w i t h i n T w ity ( 2 0 1 55140 150. U i . i s p h . G e o r f f e , W o l e o t t . ..nnooo v c l o p e T l i e b i n k spaces in the p r o p o s a l July 1940 1(10. Sw.in. Vineent. Buffalo . , . nc.ooo must he flllpd in. and n o chanire shall d a y s a f t e r t h e s c r v i c c o f t h i s iumm 5514 0 July a! 104U . .0(1000 lH> m a d e in t h e pliraaeoIoBy o f t h e pro- e x c l u s i v e o f the d a y of s e r v i c e , I n I 55150 101. K c a n . Joseph, Bkl.vn J u l y 2. 1 0 4 0 f y o u r f,ailure t o a p p e a r or answ judft 11!-:. f l y a n . W i l l i a m . T r o y . . . , • . . . n o o o o p o s a l . P r o p o s a l s tb.it c a r r y any oniisstonfl, m e n t w i l l be taken aitainst y o u by d e f a u l t 5 5 1 5 1 1040 July 5515'; 1li:t. F r a r a s s o . Mieh.ael, S i l v e r Crk nOOOO erasures, aUer.»li oils o r a d d i t i o n s m.ay be f o r t h e relief dcniaAdcd in the comiyialn Janiiary 1941 reservs 551,53 1(11. O r a m , J imes. G e r m . m t o w n . . nOOOO r e j e c t e d as i n f f rni:i». T h e S t a t e J u l y 3. 1 0 1 0 D a t e d : N e w Y o r k . D e c e m b e r 20. 1053 55151 1(15. Casey, f h r i s l o p h e r . B a t a v i a . , OliOOO t h e riitht to n-ii •I any or all bids. Su. July 1040 HARRY HAUSKNECHT, 55155 1(1(1. n . i l y . E d w a r d VemUnek . . . . n i l O O O e o s s f u l bidder w i l l t>e reiiuired t o ffi July 1040 Attorney for Plaintiff, 55150 conditioned for the faithful per- o m c e and P . O. Address, 1 0 3 B r o a d w a y 107. W a l l a e c . R o b e r t , B y e n O O O O bond J u l y a! 1 0 4 0 55157 I (IS. G u t n i a n n . P a u l , W a p p n i r r F l nOOOO f o r m a n c e o f the c o n t r a c t and a a c i t e r a l " July 1010 New York, New York and lltn. V e e p b i o l l a . M.. P t fhpster . 0 0 0 0 0 t>ond f o r t h e p a y m e n t q f l a b o r e r s July 1040 P l a i n t i f f ' s address is .170 E a s t 149lh 55158 each bond in t h e sum o f Street. . n o o o o materialmen, 170. M i l l e r , H o w a r d . W a t e r t o w n July 1940 Bronx, New York, and p l a i n t i f f 55101IB 1 0 0 o f the .amount of the c o n t r a c t . 171. D i i m a i n . C.asppr, TTIipa . . . . .noooo July d c s i s n a l e s B r o n x C o u n t y as t h e p l a c e o f 5 5 1 7 0 1940 55173 0(1000 17'?. Houith. H o w a r d . Portl.and . . D r a w i n f f s .and speciricatinn m.ay be e x a m - t r i a l . January r 1941 71210 17:». Zininier. W i l l i a m , A l b a n y . . .noooo ined free of chanre at the lollowins o v e m b c r 9. 1 9 4 3 T o t h e a b o v e named d e l c n d a n t s : 55175 . n o o o o om,H>s: 174 J a n b o n e n . I - e i m o , Spencer J u l y 1940 T h e f o r c e o i n f f s u m m o n s is served upc noooo 55130 175. Daniels, Ri. hard, G l o v c r s v i l l State Arcliitecl. 370 Broailway, N e w y o u b y p u b l i c a t i o n p u r s u a n t t o an ord^ July 1040 55131 17(1. CHement. U o l i e r t , S t a f f o r d . . . n o o o o York City. July 1940 o f H o n . B e n j a m i n J. R a b a n Justice o f th. .noooo 551,'1'1 S t a t e A r c h i l e c t . T h e G o v . A . E . S m i t h S u p r e m e C o u r t of t h e S t a t e o f N e w Y. July 1910 177. H e n d r i e k s . Fdirar. E l m i r a . . 0 0 ( 0 0 S t a t e O O l i v Bl.lir., A l b a n y . N . Y . 55131 J u l y si 1 0 4 0 178. Hpniu^sy. Patri. k. G e n e v a d a l c d M a y 19, 1!I51. and filed w i t h thi .noooo 5 5 1 3 5 17!). I ' f p f f p r . J o h n . W C o v s a c k i e District E n f f i n e e r , 10 N . Genesee St. J u l y 1 040 c o m p l a i n t In t h e o l l i c e of the C l e r k o f .noooo Utica. N . Y . July 1040 ISO. Slip.Hly, N.':il. S y r a c u s e nroni County, 101 st Street and Grand 55130 . 0 ( 1 0 0 0 5 l 7 i ( i M a y 28 . 1 0 4 0 District Enuineer, .lOl E. Water St.. Concourse, in t h e B o r o u g h o f T h e Bi I S I . F i i i p o u t . John P h o e n i x . . . . 51710 Syracus.., N . Y . M a y :!8, 1 0 4 0 I S ' ! . Spward. Nnrr s. B a l a v i a . . .noooo City o f N e w Y o i k . .noooo i s n . Snopk. W i l l i a i 1. S i l v e r C r k District E n ? i n r e r Barire Canal T e r m i n a l . T h i s a c t i o n is b r o u g h t to f o r e c l o s e t h e See. Bluek lot Amount .noooo 181 I i w i i i , G e r a l d W C o x s a i k e Rocliesler. Y. f o l l o w i n g t r a n s f e r s of tax liens sold by 10 4 701 ,00000 »1.317.40 1H5. M . - ( ; o w a n , Ha rold, C a l s k i l l District Ene-ineer,, 65 C o u r t St., B u f I h e C i t y o f N e w Y o r k aud n o w o w n e d by K i 4 701 2(1 00000 017.14 ISO. M a h o n y , G rse, Bklyn .. falo. N. Y . t h e p l a i n t i f f , all bearinif interest at 12 10 4701 3-: 277.08 187. N a y l o r Joseph, B k l y n . , , . .noooo ,10 W e s t M a i n St. Dislrict Eiiffineer per a n n u m and affectinir p r o p e r t y sho' III 4 7 0 1 . 0 0 0 0 0 4M 081.2<» I S S . S.-hoonin.aker, C.. N o r t h p o r t Horliell. N . Y . on the T a x M a p of the Borouirh a 10 4701 61 186.06 IHU Karppl . Be.i. R o c h e e l e r . . , . . n o o o o C o u n t y o f B r o n x . C i l y and S t a l e o f N Dislrict E n e i n e e r . 414 V a n D u z e e St. 10 4 7 0 1 00(100 5 2 703.Orf 1110. W a r d . N i i o l a s , B i n e h a m t o n Y o r k , as f o l l o w s W a l e r l o w n , N. V. Irt 4701 64 375.78 I l t l . Wariieir. H o w a r d , Alb.any . . . 0 0 0 0 0 District En.;inecr. P l e a s a n t V . a l l e j R o a d , l.ien N o . Date 10 4701 6(1 1.733.13 Ur! Harl.ui , Janieg, G e n e v a . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 P o i i c l i k c e p s i e . N . Y . 78:!!I0 M a r c h 27, 1 0 5 1 noooo 1(1 4701 50 637.00 lO.'l. H m i l h . f l i a i T e s . S a r a t o e a , , .noooo District Enifineer, 71 F r e d e r i c k St.. 7 821(7 M a r . h 27, 1051 K I 4701 (10 5(10.40 t',14. Curtis, E d w i n , A d d i s o n 03747 Binuha ton, N . T . F e b r u a r y 3, 1 0 4 3 m 4701 04 770.81 Distr •t E n s i n e c r . B a b y l o n , I . o n i I s l a n d , 7 7 S 5 1 M a r c h 27, 1 0 5 1 10 470'! 43 Sll.OO O.'tS,'!'! N. Y . M,arch 23, 1 0 1 3 10 4702 4 1 771.78 Div. of Placement and Uncni p l o y n i e n t o;i8,<!;t M a r c h 23, 1 0 4 3 10 470-! 60 330.01 Insurai ce, 1440 B r o a d w a y , N . Y . C , AURUst 13, 1040 sni'irt K) 47(1'! 57 300.70 Dravi iiiKs and s p e c i f l c a t i o IB m a y be ob- 7 4 4 2 0 June 21, 1047 Besin Studying 10 47«') . 68 005.24 taiiied by c a l l i n g at t h e otllce of the 8 e e . Hlock lot .\mi Irt 4000 1( 071.86 N O W for N Y C S t a t e A r c l i i t e c t , T h e G o v e r n o r A l f r e d E . 10 4710 18 » 2 0 6 . 5 1 10 4(190 270.5» IS Smith S t a l e Ollice B u i l d i l i e , A l b a n y , N . Y . , 10 47l(' in 2 0 5 , 6 1 10 4000 Irt 208.79 and m a k i i i e d e p o s i t f o r e a c h l e t of $ 5 . 0 0 is 4'!0I» 2': 1,586,48 Ki 4009 60 070.07 or by m : i i l i i i i such d e p o s i t t o t h e B u r e a u 15 4':()9 no ;;;i8,30 10 4(i;)0 61 611.OS of Contracts and Accounts, D e p a r t m e n t 15 4'.'1S 21 1 8 ^ , 0 3 1(1 4000 000.70 6'! S T U D Y B O O K $3.00 o f P u b l i c W o r k s , ' H i e G o v e r n o r AlTred E 16 42IK 25 551.01 IB 4057 3.1 770.71 S m i t h S t a t e OHlce B u i l d i n g , A l b a n y , N . Y . I t ) 4725 44 4.070.41 1 « onfl.7» 4067 34 Cliccka s h a l l be m a d e p a y a b l e t o t h e De- 16 4706 60 407.06 HAUSKNECHT, piutmcnt of Public Worln. Proposal HARRY D a t e d : N e w Y o r k . M a y 26, 1 0 6 4 . b l a n k s and e n v e l o p e s w i l l be luniibbed 97 D U A N E S T R E E T HAttUY HAUSKNECHT A t t o i rney f o (r P l a l n t i S , w i t h o u t chari{3. Altorncy for PlainUn N E W Y O R K 7. N, Y . Oltlcs A P . O . Address, 1 3 6 B r o a d w a y , DATED: 0 1*64, Office & P O. Address, 1 3 6 Broadway M F M N. Now Y o r k , Mew Yorlu M e w Tgk-k, M e w Y o r k . (>•1 27:1. 274. 275. 2T0. 277. 27S. 270. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 280. 2S7. 2.SS. 289. 2no. onoon o noooo N . noooo fl 2n5. 2no. 208. ?! The N e w Super Deluxe T R A N S O C E A N I C P o r l o b l e . The w o r l d ' i moit p o w e r f u l S h o r t - W o v e porto b l e . 6 S h o r t - W o v e Internalionol Band» plus long distance A M . P l o y s a n y w h e r e on A C / D C or b a l l e r y pack. Tropic-lreo^ed " B l o c k S l a g " cose. (also o v a i l o b l e in Genuin > Brown Cowhide) - e . g U. $. Pa Off. Choose Z E N I T H with the most advanced Portable Radio Features ever offered! TERMS ARRANGED J. Eis & Sons Appliance Center (Bet, 6th & 7th Sts.) N.T.C. CJR 5-2325-6-7-8 Clotied Sat.—Open Sun. FIRE LIEUT. TEST Leader Book Store C I V I L fiiesday, Junf. 22, 1 9 3 4 S E R'V I C C L E A D E R U. S. Jobs Open Page rifteen Vacafion Varieties By J. Richard Burstin STAT OPERATOR. BLUEPRINT OPERATOR, B L U E P R I N T AND Zindorest, the year round re- tel, the Daytona Plaza extends an P H O T O S T A T O P E R A T O R , vari- sort at Monroe, N. Y., which was invitation tp summer vacationers. ous rates from $2,750 to $3,410.— once a palatial estate, is already Its facilities are hard to match Jobs are in the Washington, D. C., turning away would-be vacation- anywhere. Besides—it's a paradise area. ists for the Fourth. There's some- for those who fish or would like 9-14-1 (54). P R I S O N L I B R A R Y thing about the personnel, the lay- to master the art. A S S I S T A N T , $3,410. — Jobs are out, the service that keeps drawThe Feder Sisters, stars of the in Federal penal and correctional ing the multitudes. . . . Speaking Yiddish stage, radio, and T V , will institutions in various States. For of sellout weekends: Lew Miller headline the July 4 weekend fesmales only. of Camp Log Tavern in the Poco- tivities at the Grand Hotel. Parks39. S C I E N T I F I C I L L U S T R A T O R nos tells us he had the biggest ville's famed family re.sort. T h e ( M E D I C A L ) , $3,410 to $5,060; Memorial Day weekend yet this Grand Hotel caters to young couMEDICAL P H O T O G R A P H E R , year. For contract bridge enthu.si- ples and their children. $3,175 to $4,205. — Jobs are with asts, a Duplicate Contract Bridge The July 4 weekend shows at Club, with a franchise from the Holiday Hotel, Loch Sheldrake vathe Veterans Administration. 395. SEASONAL P A R K R A N - American Contract Bridge League, cation spot that has been newly decorated and renovated, will f e a G E R (genoral, naturalist, histor- operates at Camp Log Tavern. Banner Lodge, in Moodus, Conn., ture some prominent olT-Broadway ian, archeologist), $3,175. 275, 321. S T A T I S T I C I A N (math- has entertainment lined up that stage talent. Jack Rechtzeit is the ematical, analytical, survey), $4,- would put many topflight show- feature. T h e resort is under the management of the 205 to $10,800. — Jobs are in the places in the shade. It's a sport-o- personal rama season with swim meets, Weisstuch and Neuwirth families. Washington, D. C., area. tournaments, and exhibitions set Among the attractions: the new 372. TABULATING EQUIP- for the coming weeks . . . The lobby, dining room decorations, M E N T O P E R A T O R , T A B U L A T - Clarendon Country Club, Ferndale T V and game room, and approach I N G M A C H I N E O P E R A T O R , $2,- family resort, is open under new to the pool. 750 to $3,175; T A B U L A T I N G management. Its children's facilVACATIONERS' SPECIAL E Q U I P M E N T O P E R A T I O N SU- ities, including day camp, are the $38 Week r . S. E X A M S P E R V I S O R , T A B U L A T I N G M A - talk of the countryside . . . The Inclndlnr meals. Children H • Hoime406. L I B R A R I A N , $4,205 to $7,CHINE OPERATION SUPER- Woodbourne Resort Owners are H I G H FALLS, N. Y . keepint Cottagos, J15 week, all con VISOR, $3,175 to $4,205; T A B U - highly enthusiastic this sea.son. 040. Jobs in Washington, D. C. $35 - $38 W E E K venienc«a. Request Folder. LATION PROJECT P L A N N E R , Rentals of bungalows are running area. Requirements: either ( a ) C H I L D R E N $20 - $22 CHOCOBOA VIEW HOUSE. CHOJewisb-Amer. Cuiaine. All SporU, $3,410 and $4,205; T A B U L A T I O N far ahead of last year. Many in- college graduation, with 30 hours COKDA. N E W H A M P S H I R E . Governess. Television N. y . T e l . : T A 8-3014 P L A N N E R , $3,175 to $3,795.—Jobs novations and improvements have of library science study; or ( b ) PH N I 5 1002 are in the Washington, D. C., area. been added to the excellent facili- one year's library training in library school, and either (1) three 9-14-1 (52). W O M E N C O R R E C - ties offered by the region. years of college or (2) three years' lONAL OFFICERS, $3,410. — Breezy Hill Hotel, Parksville, of* D . 4, Box « : o . Tel Kinit»lon 1B40-R? Jobs are In the Federal Reforma- fers the right combination of va- experience; or ( c ) four years' exFor Plenty of Good Pood, Relaxatory for Women, Alderson, W. Va. cation features: atmosphere, en- perience; or ( d ) combination. A p ply to U. S. Civil Service Comtion, Recreation Hall, Swimming PARKSVILLE 14, N. T. 334. A D D R E S S I N G M A C H I N E tertainment, and facilities , . . The mission, Washington, D. C. ( N o nearby. Rates $25 per person per Liberty 4-1042W O P E R A T O R , G R A P H O T Y P E M A - Ideal, Parksville, gives its guests closing date.) week f o r June. $30 for July-Aug. CHINE O P E R A T O R , ADDRESS- much more than they pay for; Deluxe Accommodations.-Rooma with 2-71-7 (52). GARDENER, $2,pvt. bath h ahower. Free boating. I N G M A C H I N E A N D G R A P H O - they say there's more fun at the Ashing, pool, aports, orch.entortaiii T Y P E O P E R A T O R , CARD P U N C H I d « i l resort . . . F o x ' Mountain >52. Jobs at V A Hospital, Northment nightly. OPERATOR ( A L P H A B E T I C ) , House, Parksville, continues its port, N. Y. Requirements: six RESERVE NOW FOR B O O K K E E P I N G M A C H I N E OP- long list of improvements and rec- months' experience as gardener E R A T O R , $2,750 and $2,950 a year, reational features. Besides, there at private estate, or botanical garCALCULATING M A C I U N E O P - are low seasonal rates and extra den, with In.stitution or comINFORMAL A n r i T CAMI' IN THE ehlldren'B day camp and Nite patrol. mercial organization, or in FedE R A T O R , $2,750 to $3,175; T E L E - low June rates. AniKOM)A(K.S Fine Food Dietary Laws oral, State or municipal work. I , I M I T K I > TO 100 N.T.C. I'hone: G R A P H I C - T Y P E W R I T E R OPERR P B C I A L JUNK K A T E S RATES $ 2 0 up JE 8-629;"/Svgs One of the finest vacation o f - Men preferred. Apply to Board of A T O R , $2,950 and $3,175; O P E R A 6 elST tennis courlB. all s t » r t » , private T O R ( S E M I A U T O M A T I C T E L E - fers reaches us from Daytona iU. S. Civil Service Examiners, V A lake, orchestra, dancinp, theatre workTYPE EQUIPMENT), B O O K - Beach, Fla., where its mo.st fash- 'Hospital, Northport, N. Y. ( N o shop N . T . omee, W . 4Snd St. L O 6 3674 K E E P I N G M A C H I N E U N I T SU- ionable (and mo.st reasonable) ho- r>lncinK date). T h e r » r « eh .-urn of an intimate eon PERVISOR, $3,175; M I S C E L L A N Vacation With »enial group. EOUS D U P L I C A T I N G EQUIPT h e Nicest People B v « MENT O P E R A T O R , MISANNUAL JUNE CELLANEOUS OFFICE A P P L I ARTS FESTIVAL DAILY CREATIVB ANCE O P E R A T O R , $2,500 to $2,Artists and Gueati 950.—Jobs are in the Washington, GET TOGETHERS D. C., area. (Continued from Page 2) Falntlns - Music - Dane* Arts * Crafts - Sealpture Appeals found the exception regarding pensions was inserted in the 80 Mil. from N . T . 326. COAL M I N E I N S P E C T O R , Theater rersonallUe* Why ga further r Reserve $5,060 to $7.040.—Jobs are with bill by amendment, and that the purpose was to reaffirm the existFree Instruction in all WOW ior S U M M E R VACAAll Seasonal Sporta the Bureau of Mines. Department ing statutory exemption from State income tax, which applied to the TIONS. Tennis, Handball, Square Folk Sods* of the Interior. Shuftle . Board. Horses. Dancpensioners themselves. Dancing ing. Oreh. Tap Room on 9-14-2(54). CORRECTIONAL L o w One Kate Throughout promises, $.'I6 W ' k l y . up. S7 Thus the widow of Herman K. Endemann, a member of the N Y C ask f o r full program AID, $3,175. — Jobs are in FedDly. Includes meals. Write N. Y . 0 9 . W I 7-882«. eral penal and correctional insti- Employees Retirement System, has to pay the estate tax. It's less Helen HenBst, SallBtiury M i l U 14, N . T . " I HiKiinn Mfwn n m nMm .*•>. tutions in various States. T e l . WaBhinrville 7.155. than $100, but there was a principle involved, for which a hard 370. D I E T E T I C I N T E R N , $1.- fight was fought. The Queens County Surrogate decided in the 800. Courses will be given in widow's favor, the Appellate Divi.sion reversed his decision, the Court Woodbourne urne 14, N . T . Tel W o o d b o a m e l l l i Veterans Administration hospitals T y l e r Hill, Pa. f l i o n e C.alllln H'J K 410 in Calif., N. Y., III., Tenn., and of Appeals affirmed the Appellate Division. Cabins with private bath, hot & cold Tex. The law on the subject is now final, unless amended by the •water In house rooms, both oveilookine largo lake, swinmiiiur. boating and flsh| 389. D I E T I T I A N , $3,410 and $4,- Legislature. Ing, saildle horses, piilff l*)iig: a'.l recrea205. — Jobs are with the Veterans tions, f o r lartre & taimll. Fresh veBCtables Jrom our itwu I.'irrii. Write for rates, Administration. A N E X C I T I N G F I G H T will be waged over the bill in the N Y C pietllrea. etc. Norman A Editli Dennis 52. D I E T I T I A N , $3,410 to $5,940. — Jobs areicountry-wide and Council to repeal the Lyons Residence Law. This is one of the most restrictive provisions regarding civil service jobs. It requires that in Panama. M/tSHimnnmit. ogAwicei/tfr/.M y. 374. I L L U S T R A T O R , $2,500 to appointees shall have been residents of N Y C for the three continuous SPECIAL LOW $7,040. — Jobs are in the Wash- years immediately preceding appointment. ington, D. C., area. J U N E RATES The law works many hardships, and renders recruitment difficult DON'T MISS OI;K CALA 368. L I B R A R I A N , $3,410 — Jobs In some instances. On the other hand, it is protective to City resi• BK M I L E S FROM N . t . C. on Kt. 208 JULY 4Hi WEEKEND are in the Washington, D. C., area. H Modej-n conveniences. French-Ameri N . Y. Tels.: Dally, 01 7-36»7 dents, since it safeguards against a possible influx of a large number 333. M E D I C A L R E C O R D L I H can euisine. Swimming pool with Sat., Sun. * Eve. I ' K S - H 7 1 H tateat filtering system. All sporta, B R A R I A N , $3,410 to $7,040.—Jobs of out-of-town applicants, to fill jobs for which N Y C taxpayers have H Bar. Bus stops at door. Booklet " E " are with the Veterans Adminis- to foot the bills. • T K L . : VI A S H I N C T O N V I L I . E 7260 tration. PARKSVILLE 14, N. Y. READERS have their say in the A residence law may be controversial, but certainly it Is not 270. ORGANIZATION AND Comment column of The LEADM E T H O D S E X A M I N E R — BUD- uncommon. ER. Read it weekly. G E T E X A M I N E R $4,205 to $7,T h e fact there is probably no pat answer to the problem .should 040. — Jobs are in the Wa.shing- help make the debate over the Council bill all the more interesting. ton, D. C., area. At the friendly guest house of a Civil Service Pensioner I.KGA1. N O T I C E T h e foIlowlnK tJ. 8. exams are •pen until further notice for receipt of applications. Apply to the V. 8. Civil Service Commission, «41 Washington Street, New York 14, N. T . Mention announcement number Indicated. 363. PATROL INSPECTOR ( T R A r N E E ) , $3,795. — Jobs are with the Immigration and Natura- lization Service In certain land border and coastal area. 232. PHARIVIACIST, $3,410 and $4,205; P H A R M A C Y R E S I D E N T , $2.02 an hour. — Positions are with the Veterans Administration. Closing date for pharmacy resident: June 30, 1954. 294. P H O T O G R A P H E R , MICROPHOTOGRAPHER, PHOTO- liiweffejuit (^^fihheitmi^my aeatifl BUDGET WISE SPONDERS Marbletown Mt. View LAKE PLAZA HOTEL DECORATION 3 Looking Inside rmmf- SILVER LAKE HOUSE KLEIN'S Hillside r Enjoy A Perfect Adirondack Vacation ELIGIBLE LISTS The VILLA TOROK 25 Riverside Drive. Saranac Lake, N. Y . Plcturraqa« Vi(^w ot Lake and Mountains; Ample Facilities for RelaxaUoa; Swimming, Buating and Fishing at tba Uouae: Congenial, Inlorinal Atmospher*. MoOem Storu;>, Theatcri, etc., within S Minutes W a l k ; Airport, Railroad and Bus Terminals Delicious Meals Served, If Desired Meal Rales: « a 0 weekly per adult; |ier child under JO. f:iO weekly per double room (special family rateu). Write or Call Saranac Lake 1318-J for Additional Information A d u f t w Summet^ CAMP Peso^f^ ATHLETIC C SOCUL Slaf* 10 OUy TENNIS OOURTS I ZVi Milt PRIVATE LAKE ' NIGHT BASKETBAU Rual'iiM SOFTBALL naO PesodENTERTAINMENT • ORCN. CAMPFIRES'Squart DANCES LOG TAVERN ^ Thi l^ifomal FOCONO DUPLICATE CONTRACT BRIDGE CLUB Everything lor YOUR Vacation Pleasure! t Fin« Aecommoddtiont Fdmous Am«ric4n-j9Mfith Cuiiint i<<Mt>t New For Your Sumnof Vi««ll«« O i « r l « r * d by Amtf. Cwihact Biidg* L«9U« Gamsi Daily; Frictioaal and M«itw Pointt Write (or color picture brochure tnd relet. ; N . Y . T e l ; IE 2 . 2 7 V 1 — I v e j , * W k e » * » I P o s i o i e , M.J.I PHoscoM » 2 3 1 » ~ MILFORD14 Pike Coiinfy, P A . ii iiu*« FRO« ILTJ. I'EUSON. S A L O M O N CITATION The People of the State of New York, By the Gr.ioe of God Free and Independent. T o : SAIX)MON PEKSON. EDDY PERSON, IMIKX CI.EKK, COUNTY A N D VILLAGE I . E N A P E R S O N , M A L W I N E P E R S O N , ne« < P r o m . ) , County Clerk's Otflee, Krlc A r o n o w i t i , persona who have disapp<'arcd Promotion County. under circunj stances affordinff reasonable 1. Riehter. Eernite. lUifTalo . 7H700 CM)l'RT C K I K I I , <iR.AOK H, frrounde to believe that they are dead, and ( r r o m . ) . Court of <;eneral Sessions, County i . S.hmitz, Alice. Hiitfal.i . .7««l»0 the PUBI.IO A D M I N I S T R A T O R OP T H E of New York. K K C O K I ) CI.KKK, C O U N T Y OV N E W Y O R K . Bend ireetlnff: ( P r o m . ) , Counl.v Clerk's Oltlre, 1. Rowe, Thonias. I.aurelton . . . . 1 0 5 0 7 0 Upon the petition of M A U R K I E ARONOCount.v. 2. Garr, Morris, Wanlash tlMlUd W I T Z , w h o residOB at SIO River»ide Drive. 1. Riehter. R, iiate, Buffalo ..79119 3. Hurley. Dennis. N Y C ICiTilO New York, Now Y o i k , you and eneh of 2. Mazuca, M o n n e e . Uiiffalu ..70600 4. Ureakell, Georse, N VO NHIlOll you are cited to show eause before the STATISTICIAN, 6. Yochelson, Mauriee, N Y C KB440 Surrorate's Court of New Y o r k County, ( P r o m . ) , Depurtnient of Health, Mrle 8. MeDonough, Thoina". Bronx ..84S00 at the Hall of Records, in the County of County. COI N T Y DKTK.CTIVE. ( i R A D K « , New York, on the 1.1th day of July, one 1. Stpierre, Gloria, Kenmore . ..ROIva* < r r o n i . ) , Ulstrirt .Xttornej's Olllce, thousand nine hundred anrl flfty four, at h.'jUpast ten o'clock in the forenoon ol that day, why the Surrofrate should not inquire into ttin facts and circ\]nistanres and make a decree detemiininir that the said Salomon PerHon died on January 31, I04S, at Oranieiibunr, Germany; that the said Eddy Person diwl on Mareh 20. IfMB, at Mauthausen, Auntria; that the said IT BEGINS WHIHE Th.'J^be lEFT O ^ Lena Person died on April DO. 1(146. in Germany: and that the said Malwine Person. nee Aronnwitz. died on May 8, 1045. ill H.miburff, G' lniany; and why ancillaiy letters of adiiiiTiii-tratlon on the froofls, i-hnttels anil cr.'dits of tlio said Salomon person, late of the Netherlands, Bhr>nld not be Iseue,] to Mauriee Aronowltz, the petitioner, I N T E S T I M O N Y WHEllEOI-', wo have eausT'tl the seal of th Surrotfali-'s t'oiirt of the said County of New York to he hereunto affl^eil. Wl'I'NESS, Honoralile Genrttc PranUenthaler. Siirrotrate of onr said County of N'-w Y o l k , at said county, the ;3nd day of June, in the yeru* o l our T.ord one tliousand nine hundred and ft^ty four, I ' H l l l i ' A, D O N A H U B , ( L . S.) tSerlt o l the Surrot-alc's Coart. A C T I V I T I E S O F E M P r O Y E R S T H R O V G H O U T Metro Conference to Award Beauty Crown on June 26 N E W A f Y O R K S T A T E T I V I T I E S O F E M P I . O V K K . S (Continued f r o m P a g e 1) I N S T A T E Marcy State Hospital self, John D e G r a f I or John H o l t Harris, Association attorneys, to have an open debate, any time, any place and with any organization representing N e w Y o r k State employees as to a comparative record of achievement in passage of legislation benefitting State employees. T H E T H I R D annual picnic of M a r c y State Hospital chapter. C S E A , will be held July 21 at Stanley's Grove, f o r m e r l y W a r s a w Park, the same place the picnic Eleven finalists in the MetropoU- surance F u n d ; Margaret F i t z - L a Burt, senior director. Creedwas held last year. Tickets will t a a Conference beauty contest will gerald, K i n g s P a r k State Hospi- moor State Hospital; and H e r m a n be $1.25 f o r adults and 50 c e n t i compete for the crown at the an- tal; Florence Fryling, P i l g r i m B o e t t j e r , general superintendent, f o r children. Since the c o m m i t nual luncheon and outing June 26 State Hospital; Irene Hillis, W i l - Jones Beach State Park. tees that worked last year on t h « All C S E A members are invited at Jones Beach. T h e young ladies, lowbroolc State School; Ann picnic did such a capable job, pl^ce de resistance of the lunch- Loverdi, Psychiatric Institute; to attend. Reservations m a y be Charles D. M e t h e , chapter presieon, were selected June 15, f r o m Phyliss Mensing, Brooklyn State made with Conference secretary dent, asked the cooperation of photographs, by the beauty con- Hospital; Joan M . Peithman, Dis- Edith Fruchthendler, by mailing -these same people to carry o n test committee, headed by S a m trict 10, Public W o r k s ; Barbara to her a check, payable to the this year as well. T h e committees Emmett. Schmidt. Division of Employment, Metropolitan N e w Y o r k C o n f e r M I D D L E T O W N State Hospital Judges in the final event will be: Hempstead; and Renee Singer, ence, care of Public Service C o m - Chapter Is proud to report that it are as follows: General c o m m i t t e e : M a r y T e r mission, 233 Broadway, N e w Y o r k G u y Lombardo, the orchestra lead- Division of . Parole. er; Mrs. Jeanne Sands, director T h e beauty contest committee, 7, N. Y . Re.servations are $2.50 has set a new record f o r m e m - rel, Evelyn Huss, K e n Hawken, bershiu in the M e n t a l H y g i e n e Joan Mason and M a r g a r e t Coyne. of the Nassau Model A g e n c y of in addition to M r . E m m e t t , con- f o r adults, $1 for children. Publicity: Alex Magnitsky, M o » Hempstead; Commissioner Alex sists of Edith Fruchthendler, C o n N e w Officers Employees Association, as well as F a l k of the State Civil Service ference secretary; Angelo Coccaro, N e w Conference officers will be that C S E A membership is still Moshaty, Joan Mason and M a r garet Coyne. D e p a r t m e n t ; State Senator F r e d Biagio Romeo, K e n n e t h A. V a l e n - Installed: H. Shemln, chairman; M o r i t t ; John F. Powers, president. tine. A l e x Greenberg, W i l l i a m Angelo Coccaro, i s t vice chairman; climbing. Congratulations to the Salads: Helen Owens, Mary Civil Service Employees Associa- O'Morrissey, Rose Schwartz, Mrs. A. Greenberg, 2nd vice chairman; membership committee, to F r a n - Methe, O l g a Ailwood, Esther K i t tion; Charles R.. Culyer, C S E A field Jeanne Sands and Frank Cole. Edith Fruchthendler, secretary; ces M c W h o r t e r , chapter treas- tredge, Anne Qulnlan, M a r y T e r representative; Fred Claiisen of and Joseph J. Byrnes, treasurer. Amazons, T o o urer, and to G o r d o n Hobbs f o r rel, Evelyn Huss, Rose R o b e r t ^he Long Island Daily Press; and and Sophie Markowski. Athletic prowess will also be Registration of guests and m e m - their efforts. Maxwell Lehman, editor. T h e rewarded at the Jones Beach out- bers will start at 11 A . M . in the S o f t drinks and ice c r e a m : K e n Paul Hayes, chapter president, LEADER. ing, when individual and team lobby at the west end of the H a w k e n , B e t t y Smith, Frances has r e t m n e d to duty a f t e r being W h o Finalists A r e bowling trophies will be presented. M a r i n e Dining R o o m , located at A m o , Verna Bayer, M a r y Buck, to Horton M e m o r i a l Florence T h e beauty contest finalists, in T h e Conference will welcome as the West Bathhouse. T h e instal- confined Spring, K a y Watson, Hospital f o r ten days. It's nice to alphabetic order are: Barbara guests Mr. Powers, Commissioner lation will take place at noon, and M a r y Magnitsky and Janet B o x Allen, Central Islip State Hospital^ Fallc. Mr. Lehman, Dr. Charles the luncheon will follow at 1:30 see you back, M r . President! all. Charles Klingman, telephone G e r r y Bandiow, Creedmoor State Buckman. senior director of K i n g s P.M. in the Boardwak Cafe. F o o d and beer: Bill Rice. J o « operator, has been o f f duty ill. Ailwood, Charles Methe, P a t M o r Hospital; T o n i Bayer, State I n - P a r k State Hospital; Dr. H a r r y A great turnout is expected. Best wishes f o r a speedy recovery. ris, Gene Skorulski, A r t P o w e l l , M r . and Mrs. Owen Fishback H o w a r d K a n e , Joe Mizzga, L e o n and Mr. and Mrs. W a l t e r Cooley ard Jackson, H u m p h r e y Jones. are vacationing. Gene Markowski, Arthur W a l s h , M r . and Mrs. Willis Markle were F r a n k Pizer, F r a n QuiiUan, H o w away f o r three days attending ard Austin. Carl Robert, Bill their son's graduation f r o m S y r a - M a n g a n , Joe Mezza, R a y W i c k cuse University. wire, Gene Schmelcher, Bill B a y Martha Flynn and Dorothy er, Dick Buck, John A m o and B e a Morris attended a meeting of the Bathke. Telephone Operators Foa'um in Sports and entertainment: R o b recently. They report ert Stockwin, Joyce L y n a m , E d A L B A N Y , June 21 — State pris- ance question. Commissioner M c - Shield, life insurance, sickness and N Y C that a large enthusiastic group that on many accident Insurance. on guards f r o m all institutions of Guinnis advised K n a m m , Arthur Cole, M i k e P r e n met with H e n r y Galpin, salary dergast, G e o r g e Humphrey, G o r T h a n k s Voted to Legislators the Department of Correction met occasions this has been submitted to the Budget Director's office, but research analyst of the CSEA, to A resolution was unanimously don Crill, F r a n k Filler and M a i T f o r tiie semi-annual Correction has been denied. adopted thanking Assemblymen f o r m plans f o r an appeal f o r sal- W e n g e r t . Conference June 14 and 15 at the I.«ffislative P r o g r a m Charles A. Cusick, H y m a n E. ary upgrading. Hotel Wellington, Albany. John T h e Conference legislative pro- M i n t z , K e n n e t h L . Wilson and John O'Brien and Laura S t a Mulianey, Conference president, gram, adopted a f t e r a thorough James A. FitzPatrick f o r attending del attended a meeting of the R O C H E S T E R Telephone Corp. discussion by delegates, includes: a salary hearing on guards' pay. boaad of directors of the Southpresided. 1. 25-year pension plan at h a l f H a r r y Dillon and Jack Solod ern Conference in Poughkeepsie has taken over maintenance of Institutional problems submit- p a y ; 2, 40-hour week with the reported on the 25-year pension, on June 9. the telephone system at Craig ted « t the M o n d a y meeting were same pay as 48 hours; 3, m a n d a - and A1 Foster read the report of Mrs. K a t h e r i n e Gibbons, chief Colony. T h e hookup has been maintained by the State since tha discussed witii Commissioners tory 40-hour week; 4, additional the ways and means committee. supervisor, is on vacation. W i l l i a m E. Leonard and Paul D. increments after 15 and 20 years' I t was announced that about Paul Hayes wishes to express institution was established. A new McGinnis, and many questions service; 5, equal pay f o r matrons 800 men have filed f o r the new his appreciation to his m a n y switchboard is being in.stalled and the entire communication system were promptly settled. Much pro- at Albion and W e s t f i e l d ; 6. 15-year gruard exam. friends f o r their visits, cards, and modernized. gress was made, the delegates felt, vested rights pension; 7, 37VaConference officers who set up gifts during his recent illness. as they commented on the genuine hour week f o r Institutional office the agenda were, in addition to Bill Barber is driving a new Interest and understanding e x - help; 8. 11 paid holidays each Mr. Mulianey, Cornelius Rush, Cadillac DeVille model. hibited by the Correction officials. year, instead of the pi-esent 10; 9, vice president, and Edna Ricklefs, A large group from Craig paid Blue Cross, Blue secretary. I n answer to the u n i f o r m allow- State S T A T E T R A I N I N G School f o r Colony attended the Institute held at W i l l a r d State Hospital June 2 Boys Softball team is in sole possession of first place in the W a r - and 3. wick T o w n League by virtue of Friends of Elmer Chrysler will an unblemished record, four wins, be pleased to learn that he is r e no losses. Last year's team m e m - covering rapidly, having transbers playing again this season ferred back to Peterson Hospital are: Frank Piranio, A n t h o n y G o - a f t e r being confined in Strong beo. Jay Burd. R o l a n d Spencer, Memorial. Jack Wolek, A r t and T o n y P i g A large crowd attended the p r o gery, Dave Chitwood Bobby P o w - motional exercises f o r the Class ell, Snake Logan. M o e M i n o r and of 1956 of the School of Nursing to represent their chapters at this resolutions to the resolutions cornT h e annual meeting of the Ed M a t t h e w s MacDonald. N e w June 8 at Shanahan Hall. T h a Southern Conference, Civil Service important meeting. T h e n o m i n a t - mittee prior to the meeting or members: A1 Raponl, H a n k Mason, ceremony was most colorful and Employees Association, will be ing committee will report, and present them f r o m the floor f o r Saverio LaGuardia, Joseph B e r t - impressive. T h e process was h e a d held at State School, W a r w i c k , at nominations m a y be made f r o m approval of the Conference. This holf, Gustav Unger and R o b e r t ed by Mrs. R u t h Dillon and A n the floor. Officers for the year be- will be the last business meeting 7 P . M . on Thursday, June 24. Crank. thony Privitera, School of N u r s A n y member of the Civil Service ginning July 1 will be elected at prior to the deadline f o r resoluing instructors. Speaker was D e a n tions to be presented to the stateEmployees Association is welcome this meeting. AH chapters should send their wide Association. Y o u r next year's T h e attendance and support has Louise K u h l of Geneseo Stata to attend. All delegates are urged legislative program will be a d i - been outstanding. Let's keep up Teachers College. W o r d s of c o n rect result of your efforts on res- the good work! A n d don't f o r g e t gratulations were o f f e r e d by D r . olutions now. the collection f o r new pants f o r Charles Greenberg, Craig Colony M a r g a r e t Wilson is president of our team. W e ' d like to see a well director. Mrs. Cecelia T . A b r a the host chapter, Charles E, L a m b groomed team. See B e t t y R e y - hamer, assistant director of nursis Conference president. nolds, Emily Stulb or A n n a Bruen ing service of the State D e p a r t ment of M e n t a l Hygiene, gave a if you agree. Other State School flashes: S. talk titled, " T h e Future Horizons E M P L O Y E E S Zirin still reigns as " S c r a b b l e " of Nursing." T h e entire student champion with A b e A m c h i n and body, 50 strong, took part in tha A C T I V I T I E S T h e Mental Hygiene Employees Powerhouse. Frank Cole, BrookSam W i t t in close pursuit . . . Mr. exercises, as well as graduata Ajwociation will hold its annual lyn State Hospital. Manson out of the hospital and nurses, who served as sponsors Group 10—Laundry. Mrs. Sarah meeting for election of officers on on the mend . . . Booker Wilkins f o r the members of the Cl«iss o* Collins. L e t c h w o r t h Village. July 12. T H E N E W Y O R K Parole chap- and f a m i l y in their recently pur- 1956. Luncheon and dance music Committees: Appointees. T h e present officers, and execufurnished by Link M i l l i m a n and ter, CSEA, held its annual spring N o m i n a t i n g : T h o m a s Conkling. picnic at Hempstead Lake State chased home . . . Also, Jake P o r - " H i s G a n g " followed, making tha tive committee representing servter and wife in their new home Willowbrook State School; W a l t e r Park on June 9. T h e well attended ices indicated, are: . . . Dr K n a p p was happy for evening a gala one indeed f o r the P. J. K r u m m a n , President; Jenner, Syracuse State School; a f f a i r included families of staff a while,, with the Dodgers in first m a n y who attended. St. Lawrence members and officials of the N a s John O'Brien, First Vice Presi- John Graveline. . . . P a t Nolan now recuperating The carpenter shop "handy dent; Emii Bellman, Second Vice State Hospital; Rabella Eufemlo, sau County Police Department. at home a f t e r a recent operation RociUand State Hospital. Arthur President. Baseball f o r both men and . . . Recently returned f r o m v a c a - m e n , " namely S a m Binder and Cole, M a r c y State Hospital. Executive Committee: women was the main athletic f e a - tion are M a g g y Wilson, Clara Joe " O l d Bones" Melville, proudly hung all the swings on tha LegiUative: John O'Brien, ture. Group 1 — W a r d Service of State Coddington and Victoria M l r e o p grounds recently Their high Hospitals. John Graveline, St. Charles Methe, T h o m a s Conkling. Steaks, corn, hamburgers, f r a n k - . . . Fran Horton and M a g g y W i l Emii Boliman. Mrs. Nellie Davis. furters and all the fixin's helped son spent Memorial D a y weekend class, skilled and precision work Lawrence State Hospital. was greatly appreciated by thosa Group 2—Ward and Cottage John Graveline. make a gala occasion. touring the southern states, visitconcerned. Publicity: Emii Impresa. Laura Employees of State Schools. ing Washington Crossing, Pa., Nobody was thirsty! Charles Ecker, Syracuse State Stout. Helen Peterson. Edward The Craig Colony Catholia Bill O'Morrissey i « president of where the famous painting is now Kelly, Arthur Cole, Robert Soper. the chapter. School. Nurses chapter will hold its a n on two-year display. nual picnic August 10 at the H a r G r o u p 3—Professional Services Herbert Nelson. Now on vacation: the W a r r e n t z , gather cottage at Conesus Lake. A u d i t i n g : Sarah Collins. W a l t e r and otlices. Emii Impresa, Brookthe Gates, the Ritchies, Fred D i x John M . Hughes has been named Jenner, Robert Soper. lyn S t a l e Hospital. on, H a r r y Strain and Mr. SteNurses: S a m Cipolla, R a y m o n d G r o u p 4—Educational & Allied T H E summer picnic will be wart . . . Russ Cole recently re- chairman f o r the occasion. Services. Robert Soper, Wassaic Sansone, Dixie Mason. Stella Bell is convalescing i a held at Hogarty's Hotel, Burden turned f r o m Boy Scout camp at Ilntertainnient: Sarah Collins, Lake, on Saturday, June 26, R e - Watklns G l e n . . . T h e Van Dunks Peterson State Scliool. Hospital. Her many friends wish her a speedy r e G r o u p 5 — Food Service E m - Neifie Davis, Dorris Blust, Rabella freshments will be served at a r - are now D - 1 cottage parents. ployees. Edward K e l l y , P i l g r i m Bufenuo, Catherine Webb, Beulah rival, and a buffet supper will be T h e regular June meeting of covery. Bedford. Helen Peterson. fcj^ate Ho.spital. T h e Sonyea nine turned back served later on. Dancing will be- W a r w i c k State School chapter. Group e — A d m . Stores & Allied Committee to meet with the gin at 7:30. Tickets on sale now C S E A . was held recently in the the strong M t . Morris baseball Services. Mrs. Beulah Bedford, Commissioner: P . J. K r u m m a n , f r o m Colony's the building chairman club rooms of the lower staff. A t e a m recenty on the Craig Colony. John O'Brien, Emii Boliman, Members and member's guests f o r picnic is planned In conjunction diamond by a score of 5 to 3. A « G r o u p 7 — S a f e t y Div. & T r a n s Those desiring to submit names $2.50, non-members $3 and chil- with the opening of a new shelter a result of their hard-earned v i c portation. Charles Methe, Marcy of candidates for office should dren, 12 years of age and younger at the staff beach. Please get your tory the Colonists now are t i e d State Hospital. contact one of the nominating $2. A variety of sports will also be beach tickets early and avoid the f o r second place in the Genesea League. Their G r o u p 8 — F a r m & Garden. W a l - committee. T h e president will a n - offered. T h e r e are a limited n u m - rusli. B e generous with your c o n - Valley Baseball ter Jenner, Syracuse State School. nounce new conunittec uppoint- ber of reservations, so S M your tributions. so the goal m a y be record is now threa gamos worn » a d (MM lost. r c a c b e d i u o r « qiUcUjr. Gi-oup 9 — Maintenance »ad uMobi at U l U m w t i a t . buiidiac c t u U m a a aow. Middletown State Hospital Correction Conference Tells Aims to Commissroners Craig Colony Warwick State School Southern Conference To Meet on June 24 Mental Hygiene Assn. Prepares to Elect Officers Parole Employment, Albany