Americn's Vol. XIV — No. 14 Largest Weekly for Public Employee* Tuesday, De^^emlier 16, 1952 "i>eople See Page 3 Price Ten Cenl» BASIC WAGE STATISTICS NewStatePay Negotiations Expected ALBANY, Dec. 15 — Official •alary talks between representatives of the Civil Service Employees Association and the State may take place prior to Christmas. Budget Director T. Norman Hurd told T h e LEADER this week. Jesse B. McParland, president, accompanied by J o h n T. DeGrafif and J o h n Holt-Harris, Jr., counsel and assistant counsel for CSEIA, met with Gov. Dewey, Hurd and J. Edward Conway, head of the Civil Service Department, November 11, for preliminary discussions. At the conclusion of t h a t meeting the Governor stated t h a t Hurd would continue to meet with CSEA representatives as soon as each side had completed collection and collation of necessary data. Two vStudies For the Association this work has been done. The 1952-53 salary booklet has been printed and was given general distribution late last week. (The data will appear in full in next week's Civil Service LEADFI.) For the State administration, collection of data included a survey by the Department of Civil Service of some 200 State titles comparing them with similar jobs In private employment for both quantity and quality of work and salaries recei^'ed. According to Civil Service, this survey has been completed as f a r as the Held work Is concerned and the work of analyzing results is well under way. Hurd disclosed t h a t he held a meeting with other State representatives December 9, and some of this survey information was studied. He expects to conduct another meeting with his own team members—possibly this week. If circumstances tlien permit, he will notify McParland and a joint meeting date will be set. Psychologj State / To Deal V Tmt Aa» Nobth UteBt Nooth 1952 Pr«cedlac Month $ Chans* t r m Pr«—• ctdlag Nooth CaoMBera Prle* Index (•) PurdiM* Power of Dollar (b) Vholeaal* Index, Revised r.B.B. Index-CIer. ft Frof.(e) r,.n.B* Index-Compotlte (c) fVB.B. Index-Mfg.(^reekly)(e) FJt.B. Indcs-Mfg. (hourly)(c) October October October Septenber September Septenber September 190.9 $.52 190.8 • •52 /O.l 209 239 293 266 208 237 285 26U >2.8 /1.5 187.^ ••53 113.7 198(r) 227 27'»(r) 255 Dollar Bemlng* Hourly - N.T.S. Mfg. (d) Weeltljr - M.Y.S. Mfg. (d) •Vholeoale Trade (vkly)N.Y.S.(d) RertaU Irada (vUy) m s (d) Hourly Barnlnga-U.S, Mfg. Weekly Bamlnga-U.S. Mfg. Septenber September September Septanbep Saptflmbear • September •1.72 68.9T 75-10 n.7i ei.ik foA /1.8 11.65 65.3? -2.2 1.693 (P)-^ 69.58 1.6701'r 67.801,r 52.32 1.613 111.6 m.2 Source*: a - 1935 • 39 - 0. 8. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statlatlc* b - aa meaaured by the Consumers Price Index e • Federal Reserve Bank of New Tcxrk d - M.Y.S. Dept. of Labor, DHJI Bureau of Re*. & Stat, p - Preliminary r - Revised > Bot«t Percent change* ar* to latest available montli /2.6 i ChaB«« rem jTMur Oct. 19^1 /1.9 -1.9 i Chans* Froa Oct* 1951 /1.9 •1.9 P P 228 /5.1 255 /5.1 /5.5 /5.0 /2.3 /5.0 •1.65 64.20 73. 5^.07 1.615 65.U A.2 113.7 201 -2.2 A.o A.8 272 /6.a /2.7 -0.1 A.8 /6.II / ConpAled by th* Research Staff .Civil Servlc* Baployee* Assa* While the Consumers Price Index has tended to stabilize more recently, hourly and weekly earnings both in the State and United States have, in general, continued to rise. An examination of the changes since October 1951 shows that there is some trend in excess of 5%. Industrial production has moved up in October and early November and early reports on retail sales for Christmas look favorable. Construction activity during: October dropped less than seasonally reflecting the continuing high rate of investment of fixed capital. Employment continues at its high level with unemployment approaching its irreducible minimum. i A Queen and Her Court Outstanding UN Advocate To Address First 1 9 5 3 Western Conference BUFFALO, Dec. 15 — The first 1953 meeting of the Western New York Conference will be held in tlie State Naval Militia Armory, Washington Square, Rochester, on Saturday, J a n u a r y 31. Business meeting will begin at 2:30 P.M., to be followed by Salary Pacts for 1953 by Davis L. Schultes, chairman of the Civil Service E m ployees Association Salary Committee, and Henry Galpin, salary research analyst. Brilliant Speaker Dinner is at 6:30 P.M., at Lorenzo's Restaurant, 33 Chestnut St. The dinner speaker will be Sol M. Linowitz, prominent Rochester attorney a n d president of the District Heads Named to 3 P. W . Offices ALBANY. Dec. 15 — Appointment of three ^.district engineers a n d of one assistant district e n gineer in the New York State Dep a r t m e n t of Public Works was announced by Superintendent Bertram D. Tallamy. Appointment of the district engineers at Rochester. Hornell, and Watertown was made from a newly established civil service list. Elmer G. H. Youngmann has been named district engineer to t h e 4th District Office, Rochester to fill a position left vacant e a r lier this year by the retirement of A. R. Mulligan. J a m e s H. Thomas was appointed district engineer ir^ the Department's Hornell office, where h e will replace Herman F. Brumm who died several months ago. Robert W. Sweet received the appointment as district engineer In the Department's Watertown office to replace Roy P. Hall who retired during the summer, Edgar N. Scott goes as assistant district engineer to the Buffalo office, replacing Mr. Youngmann. Tliree assistant district engl neers who have been acting as district engineers will assume their former positions. They are J o h n P. Larsen at Rochester Samuel B. Ehrenrich at Hornell and Charles C. Cassel at Water town. The position of district engineer carries a salary of $11,925 assistant district engineer is $9,840 JOHN P. PATTERSON KE-NAMEII TO BLIND GROUP ALBANY. Dec. 15 — Governor Dewey has reappointed John P Patterson of Buffalo, New York a member of tlie Couiniissioa for Itie Blind. Rochester Association for t h « United Nations, the largest Association for the United Nations i a the world. Mr. Linowitz Is agaia this year skilfully moderating tho Court of Public Opinion program over station WHAP^-TV, c h a n nel 6. Conference guests will include officers of the Association, s e n a tors and assemblymen from f o u r teen counties comprising the Western Conference area, representatives 'rom other chapters a n d Conference groups, and Maxwell Lehman, Editor of the Civil Service LEADER. Watch the LEADER for f u r t h e r details of the J a n u a r y meeting. Ballet Mysterious 'Cat A c f Feature Christmas Show of A g and Markets Of th*f* beauties, the Queen off th* DPUl chapt*r't Xmas party, held l a i t Saturday a t th* Aurania Club, Albany. Th* oth*r lassies w*re her court. Seated, in the usual order, are Avril Horchhelmer, North Chatham, and Ann* Del Glacco, Troy. Standees ar* G r a c * Anne Dennin, Watervliet; Joan Ann Kane, Albany, and Jo Anne Dolllard, East Greenbusb. Whicll on* w a s Queen? Se* next week's LEADER. E. ARNOLD EVANS NAMED TO MARCY STATE BOARD ALBANY, Dec. 15 ~ Governor Dewey has appointed E. Arnold Bvans of Rome, N. Y., a member of the Board of Visitors of Marcy State Hospital. Mr. Evans succeeds Bradley C. Barnard of Rome, whose term expired. DR. JAMES F. MARTIN VISITOR AT INDUSTRY ALBANY, Dec. 15 — Governor Dewey has appointed Dr. James F. Martin, of Rochester, a member of the Board of Visitors of the State Agricultural and Industrial Scliool at Industry. Members greeted their new co-worker. AIiBANY, Dec. 15 — The Christmas show produced yearly by members of the Agriculture a n d Markets Chapter, Albany, will r u n the. gamut from seriousness to ridjlculausness on Tuesday, December-16. , ^ l^^JSeiiflhg t h e largest cast ever ajssembled for . t h e soiletide performance, t h e show headlines the entertainment scheduled for the Department Christmas party at Panetta's restaurant, Menands. From ballet number to something mysteriously referred to as "the cat act" and said to have been inspired by Lady Wonder, the talking horse of Richmond, Va., the show Is scheduled to r u n more t h a n an hour. More T h a n 200 Expected More t h a n 200 employees and their friends are planning to a t tend the party with festivities getting under way at 5:30 p.m., dinner an hour later, followed by the show and dancing. Arrangements for the dinner party were made by the social committee comprising Burton C. Buell, chairman, Anne Biondi, Elsie Holmes and Margaret Nial. The show with all Its details of production originated with the entertainment committee, Dorothea Bradt, J o h n Korfhage, co-chairmen, Willis J. McKinney, Mary Desauteles, Ethel Doran and Do-i lores Schmitt. In keeping with Its Chrlstma* custom, the Chapter has opened the party to all employees of t ^ Department. No Word on 4-Day Leave For State Aides ALBANY, Dec. 15—At presstime, no official information waa forthcoming either from the Governor's office or from the Stat* Civil Service Commission on th« possibility of a four-day vacation period over the Christmas and New Year holidays. Both days fall on Thia-sday thla year, and employees had hoped t h a t the State would allow t h e m to take off the succeeding Friday, This would mean a holiday of Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. In New York City, Mayor Impellitteri has granted the f o u r day holiday to employees. If there should be a f u r t h e r d«> cislon on this in official State quail, ters, It will appear in next weelrt LEADER, Paf^ CIVIC Two SERVICE TtNitfMlajr, D e c e m b e r 1 6 , LEADER 1937 State Lists Rules For Positions as Court Attendant O p p o r t u n i t i e s to o b t a i n jobs a s e o u r t ofQcers a n d court a t t e n d a n t s In t h e F i r s t a n d Second Judicial D e p a r t m e n t s a r e offered by t h e S t a t e In a n e x a m , now open, f o r w h i c h applications close on F r i d a y , J a n u a r y 9. P a y r a n g e s f r o m |3,500 to $4,SOO. T h e F i r s t D e p a r t m e n t consists ®f t h e counties of New York a n d t h e Bronx. (First J u d i c i a l District). T h e Second D e p a r t m e n t c o n sists of t h e counties of Kings, R i c h m o n d . Dutchess, O r a n g e , P u t n a m , Rockland, Westchester, N a s s a u , Queens a n d Suffolk. (Second, N i n t h a n d T e n t h Judicial Districts). Applicants m u s t h a v e been resid e n t s of e i t h e r d e p a r t m e n t f o r a t least f o u r m o n t h s preceding t h e d a t e of t h e w r i t t e n test, S a t u r d a y , F e b r u a r y 14. Eligibles will be a p pointed only In a courL In t h e judicial district or Judicial d e p a r t m e n t In which t h e y h a d been ' • u c h residents, a n d t h e y m u s t be i such residents, also, a t t l m « of appointment. W h e r e t h e J o b s Are T h e courts In w h i c h t h e Jobs are: Appellate Division—First a n d Second D e p a r t m e n t s . Supreme Court—First Judicial District, a n d Kings, Q u e e n s a n d Richmond. County Court—Bronx, Kings, Queens, a n d R i c h m o n d . G e n e r a l Sessions — New York County. S u r r o g a t e ' s C o u r t — New York, B r o n x , Kings, Q u e e n s a n d R i c h mond. R e s i d e n t s of t h e N i n t h Judicial District (Dutchess, O r a n g e , P u t nam, Rockland and Westchester), a n d of Nassau a n d Suffolk In t h e T e n t h Judicial District, will be eligible f o r a p p o i n t m e n t only in t h e Appellate Division, Second D e p a r t m e n t , located In Brooklsm, Age Limits T h e age limits f o r t h e criminal courts — G e n e r a l Sessions, a n d Bronx, Kings, Queens a n d Ridti- Remember: mmnis a very reasonable man WHiM n COMES TO DEALING Iff r.V.'S MiW AND GREATEST fiCTURf BlACK-DAYUIi with famous ULTRA-VISION huge 21-inch biack-daylite T.V. with blacker blacks* richer grays, whiter whites, in a cabinet of genuine mahogany veneer with concealed casters—at a low, low Gringer price—at yonr own long, long terms—with fine, factory-trained technicians to serve yon. Dr. Baseom 1. Young (l«ft), director of Utica Stat* Hospital, eoagratalatos t w o of tlio 30 o«ployo*« hoaorod recMtly f o r 25 or aioro yoori of Stoto sorvleo. U f t t o r i ^ t : Dr. Yowki: Dr. Hoary Brill, Astistaot Co—iloi fioiior of tb« Mootol Hyglooo Dopartment, who addressed ttM f r o « p ; Kettli Whoever, food sonflco • w g O T t • a d Aaaa Leo, prlselpol iteaogreplier. m o n d C o u n t y Courts — a r e 21 t« 41. F o r t h e o t h e r courts t h e y a r e 21 to 46. T h e period of allowable m i l i t a r y d u t y m a y be d e ducted by those who a r e over t h e m a x i m u m age. M i n i m u m h e i g h t Ib i fwt. f Inches; m i n i m u m weight, 140 pounds, stripped. M i n i m u m vision r e q u i r e m e n t Is 20/30 Snellen, glasses p e r m i t t e d , using b o t h eyes, b u t vision In one eye m u s t n o t be less t h a n 20/40. C a n d i d a t e s for Jobs In t h e criminal courts m u s t pass a q u a l i f y i n g s t r e n g t h a n d agility test. Minhnum Requirements Minimum requirements include: t h r e e years' experience In c o u r t work In courts located in New York S t a t e ; or t h r e e years a s law clerk or public law e n f o r c e m e n t officer. Including m i l i t a r y police; or g r a d u a t i o n f r o m law school; or a c o m b i n a t i o n of t h e foregoing; or admission to t h e New York S t a t e B a r . T h u s h a v i n g a license t o p r a c t i c e law dispenses with o t h e r e d u c a t i o n a l or experience requirements. So m a y law school g r a d u a t i o n , b u t evidently law school t r a i n i n g , s h o r t of g r a d u a tion, ki combinable w i t h e x p e r ience. T h e w r i t t e n t e s t will deal w i t h legal terminology, court procedure, English, a r i t h m e t i c , r e a d i n g and understanding written m a terial, following directions, a n d exercise of J u d g m e n t in dealing with t h e public a n d to e m e r g e n cies. Physical Test T h e s t r e n g t h a n d agility t e s t for criminal court Jobs only — will consist of b a r c h i n n i n g , a b d o m i n a l muscle lift, stacMiing b r o a d j u m p , a n d barbell a r m Uft, given a f t e r t h e w r i t t e n test. M i n i m u m credit is 55 in t h e Jump, for 4 feet, inches, while 8 feet, 4 Inches yields 100. More t h a n 150 a p p o i n t m e n t s were m a d e f r o m t h e previous Ust. T h e application fee Is $3. Central N. Y. Conference Will M e e t on January I Z R O M E , Dec. 1 S ~ A m M t l n g of tihe Advisory C o m m i t t e e of t h e C e n t r a l New York C o n f e r e n c e was held on S a t u r d a y , December 6, a t t h e M a r t i n Club. Rome. A m o n g t h e s u b j e c t s dlsciissed were r e t i r e m e n t , sickness a n d accid e n t i n s u r a n c e , a n d social security fm* S t a t e employees. CIVIL SERVICE LEADER America's Leading Newsmagaxlne for Public Employees LEADER E N T E R P R I S E S , INC. »7 D n a n e St.. New York 1, N. Y. T e l e p h o n e : B E e k m a n S-6010 E n t e r ^ a s second-class m a t t e r October 2. 1939. a t t h e post o f fice a t New York. N. Y^ u n d e r the Aet of M a r c h S. 1879. Members of A a ^ t B v r e a n of Cireulatlons. Subscription Price IS.OO PetY e a r . I n d i v i d u a l eoples. lOe. LIBRARY COUPON DECEMBER U . 1952 RAYEX 29FirstAve.,N.Y.C. ORanurcy S-0600 O r m t : 3 0 - 7 , 1 W av*. '49 9 THIS XMAS BUY A HAT FOR SOMEONE DEAR IN THE FAMILY BUY THE BEST FOR LESS * 3 50 Gnar«iit«ed 1 0 0 % Far Fett HATS HOUSE Sold Tkroughouf tlis Country «t $10 Svei7 •!>« of HATS svailabla WASSERMAN Entrance — CANAL ARCADE: 46 BOWERY Open Until 0 B r e r r S T t o i n c T a k e Srd ATe. aa or "L" to Canal REMEMBER OPEN FOR YOUR SATURDAYS f CONVENIENCI A.M. TO 3 P.M. St. PHONE worth 4-0215 BUY TODAY... Take 6 Months To Pay Why get your tuic today... those shoes next payday.. .that stack of shirts even later. Get what you want-all at once—with Bond's 6«Month« Charge Plan. Pay a sec amount •ach month—automatically renewing your CMdit in that unount. Slight service charge. COUPON DECEMBER U , 19S2 t P l a n s were f o r m u l a t e d f o r tiM n e x t C o n f e r e n c e m e e t i n g , whicU will be held in U t i c a on S a t u r d a y ^ J a n u a r y 17. T h e h o s t c h a p t e r wUl be Broadacres. Helen B. Musto, C o n f e r e n c e president, presided a t t h e c o m mittee meeting, arrangements foe w h i c h were m a d e by P o r t S t a n w i n a n d R o m e S t a t e School c h a p t e n h > As % service t o tntpUcants f o r elvU service lobs. T h e LEADER supplies t r e e n o t a r y service a t Hs office, 91 D u a n e S t r e e t , NYC, across t h e s t r e e t frona t h e NYC Civil Berviee Commission. 'Bond!! Americo's Large«t Clothier 1 ! T a e t d a f , Decemlwr 1 6 | I 9 S 2 CIVIL SERVICE LEADER P a ^ Tlirw . Psychologist Reveals W a y s . O f Dealing W i t h People to * State Insurance Examiners Junior examiners and assistant e x a m i n e r s of State Insurance D e p a r t m e n t were t r e a t e d t o t h e second of two sessions on applied psychology, a t t h e h a n d s of a n e x p e r t . Dr. F a b i a n L. Rouke, on D e c e m b e r 10 a t 270 Broadway, NYC. About 150 h e a r d Dr. R o u k e discuss t h e problems of groups, how t o tackle t h e m , a n d w h a t to do w h e n c o n f r o n t e d by a p a r t i c u l a r l y difiac u l t situation. At t h e first session a test p a p e r was passed out to t h e group, on October 15, to d e m o n s t r a t e one of t h e m e t h o d s used in psychological testihg. However, several e x a m i n e r s showed t h a t t h e class w a n t e d t o know where it stood, as a whole, o n t h e score of group d o m i n a t i o n . I t t u r n e d out t h e extreme scores were plus 29 a n d m i n u s 40. One questioner asked how t h i s c o m p a r e d with t h e average record of salesmen, supposedly t h e more aggressive type of individual, a n d t h e answer was, plus 22 a n d m i n u s 31, with a m e d i a n of plus 2.8, c o m p a r e d to a slightly n e g a tive m e d i a n for t h e examiners. r • H u m a n Element Stressed O n e of t h e s t u d e n t s r e m a r k e d plo t h a t as they were civil service e m bee iloyees, a n d h a d t a k e n t h e i r jobs cause t h e y p r e f e r r e d t h e securi t y offered, it was only n a t u r a l t h a t t h e y would show a slfghtly n e g a t i v e median, a s c o m p a r e d w i t h t h e go-getters of private Ind u s t r y a n d commerce. T h e e x a m i n e r s f a c e a variety of problems in their work, a n d o f t e n h a v e to deal with vice-presidents, a n d o t h e r high officials, of i n s u r a n c e companies, on s u b j e c t s as diverse as t h e sufficiency of investm e n t income a n d reserves, a n d consolidation of f u n c t i o n s . T h e psychology p a r t of t h e course Is i n t e n d e d to guide t h e m in getting t h e i r r e q u i r e m e n t s fulfilled by t h e c o m p a n i e s with t h e m a x i m u m cooperation. Dr. Rouke stressed t h e h u m a n clement, f o r instance, t h a t one of t h e p r i m a r y points of appeal is t o t h e ego of t h e person one is a d dressing. A n o t h e r is to use diplom a c y whereby t h e points of s i m i l a r i t y between t h e e x a m i n e r ' s r e q u i r e m e n t s , a n d t h e ideas of t h e person addressed, a r e stressed, a n d t h e c h a n g e s which t h e e x a m i n e r m u s t see i n t r o d u c e d t a k e on t h e a p p e a r a n c e of being t h e o t h e r m a n ' s own ideas. J i m Farley's Memory As a n e x a m p l e of stressing t h e ego. Dr. Rouke said he'd been told t h a t J a m e s A. F a r l e y knows 5C,000 persons by t h e i r first names. Everybody whom one h a s m e t only slightiv, said Dr. Rouke, feels flattered when one r e m e m b e r s his n a m e , especially a f t e r t h e lapse of a considerable period. H e cited a Louisville h e a d w a i t e r who, to his vast profit in tips, r e m e m b e r e d t h e n a m e s of p a t r o n s . W h e n a m a n who's been t h e r e only once r e t u r n e d a f t e r six years, t h e h e a d waiter not only greeted h i m by n a m e , b u t also asked h i m if h e would like to have S o u t h e r n f r i e d chicken, t h e s a m e as last time. T h e full course, embodying all aspects of t h e duties a n d responsibilities of a n examiner, t a k e s t h r e e years, a n d is given a t t h r e e - h o u r sessions, once a week. I n s t i t u t e d by Superintendent Alfred J. Bohlinger, it is in its first year a n d already h a s a t t r a c t e d n a t i o n wide a t t e n t i o n f r o m i n s u r a n c e d e p a r t m e n t s , as well as inducing queries f r o m foreign countries. Tlie idea was originated and pressed by J a c k L a v a n h a r , a n exa m i n e r in t h e d e p a r t m e n t , who is c h a i r m a n of t h e e d u c a t i o n a l c o m mittee of t h e New York S t a t e I n surance Department Examiners Association. Lavanhar Started Idea Mr. L a v a n h a r finally "sold" t h e idea to Deputy S u p e r i n t e n d e n t of I n s u r a n c e Adelbert G. S t r a u b , who helped get t h e approval of t h e S t a t e Civil Service D e p a r t m e n t , which h a s a T r a i n i n g B u r e a u . Mr. S t r a u b acted as c h a i r m a n of t h e meeting, as h e h a s c h a r g e of t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of t h e course. T h e n e x t session will be held on Wednesday, December 17, w h e n f u n c t i o n s , powers, organization and other Insurance Department topics will be discussed by George H. Kline, Mr. S t r a u b , W a l t e r F. Brooks a n d J o s e p h M u r p h y , all D e p u t y S u p e r i n t e n d e n t s of I n s u r ance. One of the fine services available t o State employees is cliest X-rays. Spearheaded by the State Health Department, this progrom — together with the new pilot heart progrom — is designed to produce a healthier corps of public aides and t o l o c a t e serious illness quiciily. In this photo. Dr. Herman Hilleboe, State Health Commissioner, is having a chest X-ray made. The man in the white c o a t (center) is Edward Harris, an employee photofluorographer. Looking on is Dr. William Siegel. head of Tuberculosis casefiinding operations foc the department. Requirements Mamaroneck Lowered on Aides Form Writing Job C S E A Unit \ k f ^ ^ H • M f ^ ALBANY, Dec 15 — T h e S t a t e H e a l t h Etepartment is going to t r y a g a i n to fill a j o b as H e a l t h P u b lications Editor. T h e r e are c e r t a i n c h a n g e s in t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s t h i s year, h o w ever, w h e n c o m p a r e d with r e q u i r e m e n t s established for t h e s a m e job w h e n it was advertised t h r e e years ago. T h e r e q u i r e m e n t f o r general experience in professional writing, a n d t h e r e q u i r e m e n t for special experience in public h e a l t h w r i t ing, h a v e e a c h been reduced one year. T h e s e reductions were m a d e by Civil Service a t t h e specific request of t h e H e a l t h D e p a r t m e n t . T h e e x a m i n a t i o n h a s been o p e n e d t o residents of t h e United S t a t e s . W h e n last advertised it was restricted to New York S t a t e residents. At t h a t time t h e e x a m i n a t i o n p r o d u c e d a list of t h r e e names. T h e t h i r d m a n was a p p o i n t e d to t h e post — in which h e h a d been serving provisionally — b u t a f t e r only a few m o n t h s of p e r m a n e n t s t a t u s left t h e S t a t e f o r private employment. Now applications will a g a i n be received for t h e e x a m which is slated for F e b r u a r y 14. T h e posit i o n pays $6,088 to s t a r t , with a t o p of $7,421 a f t e r five years. Test Date Changed In Correction Exams I MAMARONECK, Dec. 15 Sixty-five employees of t h e Village of M a m a r o n e c k , W e s t c h e s t e r J o i n t Water Works and Mamaroneck Schools, m e t on T u e s d a y n i g h t , December 9, f o r t h e purpose of f o r m i n g a local u n i t of t h e W e s t chester c h a p t e r . Civil Service E m ployees Association. J . Allyn S t e a r n s , CSEA 3rd vice-president, was principal speaker a t t h e meeting in t h e G. I. Civic Center, M a m a r o n e c k . I v a n S. Flood, president of W e s t chester c h a p t e r , presided. Charles R. Culyer, a r e a field r e p r e s e n t a tive, explained special benefits available to Association members. I n s u r a n c e P l a n Pro»*osed W h e n t h e local u n i t is f o r m e d , it is expected t h a t t h e Association's low cost G r o u p Life I n s u r ance P l a n will be m a d e available to m e m b e r s in t h e M a m a r o n e c k a r e a on a payroll deduction basis. T h e m e m b e r s present were e n t h u siastic a b o u t f o r m a l l y organizing a u n i t as rapidly as possible i n order to obtain t h e a d v a n t a g e s of i n s u r a n c e protection u n d e r t h i s plan. Steerinir C o m m i t t e e Appointed A S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e consisting of William P. S p e l m a n , J o i n t W a t e r Works, A n t h o n y S a n t o r o , Village of Mamaroneck, and J o s e p h Welton of t h e School S y s t e m was elected by those p r e s e n t to complete necessary details of organizing t h e u n i t a n d to p r e p a r e f o r t h e n e x t m e e t i n g which was set for Tuesday, J a n u a r y 6. I t is hoped t h a t a t t h i s meeting a slate of u n i t officers m a y be elected a » d a proposed constitu-^ tion discussed. T h e S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t of Civil Bervice postponed t h e d a t e of t h r e e Correction D e p a r t m e n t w r i t t e n exams from Saturday. Dee e m b e r 13, 1952, to S a t u r d a y , J a n u a r y 24, 1953. T h e e x a m s a r e p r o m o t i o n s to c a p t a i n , , l i e u t e n a n t a n d sergeant. T h e s u b j e c t s of e x a m i n a t i o n Have yoa been r e a d i n i t h e h a v e been revised in t h e s e r g e a n t IJBADER's Interesting new column. test, t h e r e f o r e t h e application GIvU Service You'U period in t h i s case alone is r e - a n d It on p a g e Newsletter? <. M a k e it M U S T opened until Friday, Etecember 19, reading every week. « n d t h i s new a n n o u n c e m e n t alone l i now obtainable. CSEA Membership Drive Recruits Many Workers ALBANY. Dec. 15 — I t is a p p a r e n t t h a t t h e Civil Service E m ployees Association will e n j o y s u b s t a n t i a l growth in m e m b e r s h i p s t r e n g t h d u r i n g its c u r r e n t fiscal year which b e g a n October 1. Lists of M e m b e r s h i p C o m m i t t e e s of t h e CSEA c h a p t e r s located in various of I t s ' Conference a r e a s a n d its C o u n t y Division h a v e been c a r r i e d in previous issues of t h e LEADER. T h e following committees were a p p o i n t e d only recently. The m e m b e r s of t h e s e committees a r e now actively a t work building u p t h e m e m b e r s h i p s t r e n g t h of t h e Association in t h e i r c h a p t e r s . Albany D.P.U.I. C h a p t e r . M a r garet J . Willi, President. D o r o t h y Honeywell, C h a i r m a n ; B e t t y Nocella. D a w n Powell, J a n e P a r i nucci, Connie D'Alessandro, R o b e r t Passonno, Leona H a g e r t y a n d Lillian King, A.P.W. B u i l d i n g - B e n e fits P a y m e n t Section; Lawrence Currier, M a r g a r e t S h e r i d a n , Helen Larkin, Lillian Leonard, Ada Mink, C a t h e r i n e Panis, Betty Mozak, J a c k Ellis. Eleanor S a u l s bury, P a u l Orsini a n d A n n M c Coy, A.P.W. Building-Employer C h a r g e Control Section: M a r y Teal, Emily Selley, J a m e s Calllgeris a n d Dora Miles, A.P.W. Building-Monetary Determination Section; P e t e r M u r p h y , Monroe S t r e e t Building; W a l t e r Tips, O u t of S t a t e Resident Office; Emilie S m i t h . M e r t o n Nettleton, J o h n Kope, William Blom, J o h n Allen, Rose D u l g a r l a n , I d a W i t t . E d w a r d Farrell, Sally Cassidy, J o h n B a x ter a n d Hazel Downey, D r i s l a n d Building; Eleanor Rotolo a n d A n drew Oeddis, S t a n d a r d Building; Alice Felock, Woorow L a H a i s e a n d Louise E h r h a r d t , Arcade Building; Irving Marks, S c h e n e c t a d y L. O.; W a l t e r Underwood. T r o y L.O. Newark S t a t e School C h a p t e r . J o h n H, Tyler. P r e s i d e n t . L e n a Manley, C h a i r m a n ; M a r y W. B i d well, Business Office; A n n a L. V e r dow. Medical Office; Vera Pallist e r . O.T. Dept.; Marylouise H i n c h m a n . E d u c a t i o n Dept.; C a t h e r i n e C u r t i n . Pood Service — Girls; M e r t o n L. Wilson. Food Service— Boys; Bernice M c C a f f r e y a n d H a r r y W i n t e r s . Boys' Hospital; Elva R u m s e y . Girls' Hospital; Albert M a r t i n . F a r m s ; B u r n e t t G. P o r t e r . L a u n d r y ; Elmer C, Hcurtnagle. C a r p e n t e r S h o p ; E d w a r d S. S a m m i s , Ehigineers; R i c h a r d S u r ber. S t o r e h o u s e ; Steve Lindley, Police a n d W a t c h m e n ; Francis G r e e n , Nursing E d u c a t i o n ; Bessie Darrow, K a n e , A r m s t r o n g , etc.; Helen B a n c k e r t , Building A; M a r g a r e t Pieters, Building C; Hazel V a n Houte, Building B ; Lois Sweet, Moss a n d B u r n h a m B u i l d ing; E v a Welch, Office in A Building; Eileen Deyo, E a n d F Building; Alice M. H a m m o n d , G a n d H Building; Marion Rumsey, Building I ; P a u l i n e Breen, I n - The gals la Mie Edocatloa Departmeaf fAllMayl ehapier have really caught t h e Christmas spirit aad are doli'dressiag for all they're worth. The group la this picture are oaioag Hie many participating In the projecf. The dolls shewa (oa the table) are ready t o be delivered Cliristaias Eve t o deserving little girls in the Capital District when Santa n a h e s his rennds. Left to right are: IMildred Konig. Katherine Kuadel, Lyna Toohey, Mary Hurt, Peg Simpson, Isat^l Wright, Thereso Morone, Mary Jaae P'Aagelo. Evelya Gilbo, Mory Oalvia tmd Ja Glainielll. firmary; Ford George, South Dormitory; Edward Kiahn and Clifford S. W a r n e r , West D o r m i t o r y ; R a l p h O. Crediford, E a s t D o r m i t o r y ; A n n G r a u , Sewing R o o m ; Frederick S. Coomber, P a i n t S h o p ; D o r o t h y Engels, L a b o r a t o r y ; Alexander F . Mechie, Colonies; Lois J o h n s o n , S w i t c h b o a r d ; R a l p h H i n c h m a n , O.T. Dept.; Angelas E. B u r n , G a r a g e . C h a m p l a i n Unit, B a r g e C a n a l C h a p t e r . T. J . Conners, P r e s i d e n t . T. B r i a n Daly, F o r t E d w a r d . M a t t e a w a n S t a t e Hospital C h a p ter. Foster Way, President. Joseph Brown; George Dombrowskl; D o n a l d O'Neil; M a r y G o r d o n ; K a t h e r i n e ICirby; J o h n B u r n s ; Michael Sholids; J a m e s B r o w n ; Helen M a s t e n ; Susan Smith; Agnes G i b n e y ; Albert N a r r ; P a t rick Davis; LeRoy R u s h ; R a l p h Carpenter; F r a n k Masopust; Crosby; M a r y Bradley. Steuben C h a p t e r . W . Merit Wheaton, President. Elisabeth Morse; William Groesbeck; B. Dixon C u r t i s ; B l a n c h e K n i f f e n ; Florence J o h n s o n ; W m . Hussey; George H u g h e s ; C h a r l e s K e h l e r ; R a y Wilson; M a r i o n M u c k ; H a r o l d McGuire, Genesee C h a p t e r . William F. Black, President. T h o m a s J . M o y n i h a n , C o r f u ; Erwin M c M a s t e r , H a r r y B. H u b b a r d a n d R a l p h M . Phelps, B a t a v i a ; William! P. Blacky E a s t Pembroke. Paft CITIC fonr 8CAVIGE Tuetday, December 1ft, 1 9 9 1 ^ LEADER Special Christmas Sale GENUINE DIAMOND CROSS OR LOCKET Beoutifully Gift Boxed only one to a customer NATIONALLY ADVERTISED ELECTRIC BLANKET Full Size LisI Price Your Price $41.95 $24.95 CASCO PRECISION POWER TOOL SET Lis* Price Your Price $14.95 $8.95 Ideal For The Hobbiest LIONEL CONSTRUCTION SETS 40% DISCOUNT Sunbeam Iron Master Automatic IRONING BOARD List Price Your Price $9.95 $5.95 4 PC. WEAREVER STEAM POT SET List Price Your Price $7.95 $3.95 iLECTRIC SANDWICH GRILL List Price Your Price $12.95 $6.95 PROCTER DELUXE AUTOMATIC TOASTER List Price Your Price $18.95 $10.95 INFRA-RED BROILER List Price Your Price $14.95 $8.95 RADIO & TELEVISION TUBES 40% DISCOUNT AUTOMATIC 3»PC. TABLE LIGHTER SET SPECIAL 79c STAINLESS STEEL KITCHEN TOOL SET List Price Your Price $9.95 $5.95 I QT. TRIGGER TEA KETTLE List Price Your Price $4.95 $2.95 CORY AUTOMATIC VACUUM COFFEE MAKER List Price Your Price $27.95 $18.95 FAN HEATER WITH THERMOSTATIC CONTROL SPECIAL $14.95 Q Q / ^ w HANKS CRAFT EGG COOKER List Price $3.95 FOR AT LEAST YOUR OLD CLEANER! when you buy t/ie N E W 1953 LEWYT VACUUM CLEANER Your Pric« $1.95 VACUUM COFFEE MAKER List Price Your Pric« $5.95 $1.95 UNIVERSAL IRON List Price $9.95 Your Pric« $6.50 STAINLESS STEEL FRYING PAN List Price Your Prieo $3.95 1 $1.95 JOHN POVyERS MODEL STOCKINGS 15 Denier - 60 Gougo (Sold in Boxes of 3 pair only) List Price $1.79 Your Prico 99c Per Pair ^ Swivelsl Rolls Reem-fo-Reemi Silently follows you over bare ^oors, rugs, across door sills on ball-bearing swivel rubber wheelsl Cleans in big 32~ft. radius! ^ Carries Attachments Along! No re-traced steps—always at your fingertips! ^ Always Ready for Action! Rolls from your closet, plugs in — in seconds! ^ No Dust l a q t o Empty! Simply toss out extra-big paper "Speed Sail" a few times a yearl ^ No Whining Roarl Just a gentle hum! It's the quietest cleaner of all — by far! ^ Terrific Suction! ^ Lewyt's motor is over-stie, gets more embedded dirt! No. 80 Carpet Noizle! With its automatic comb-valve and floating brush whisks up lint, threads, even hairs—with less rug wear! ^ No Unhealthy Leaking Dust! Micro -Dust Filter System traps partic!es even finer than the eyes can see—actually smaller than 1/25,000 of an inchi No wonder it's preferred by hospitals! ^ Sweeps Rare Floors! Waxes linoleum: renews drapes; spray* paint; de-mothsl NATIONALLY ADVERTISED LADIES COMPACTS 33-1/3% DISCOUNT ALARM CLOCK RADIO List Price Your Prico $34.95 $19.95 AUTOMATIC FEED PENCIL SPECIAL . 29c NEW HAVEN TRAVEL ALARM List Price Your Prico $8.95 $4.95* *Plus 10% Federal Tax HOME PERMANENT WAVE DOLL COMPLETE $5.50 WALKING DOLL $8.50 JEWELED WRIST WATCH BUG NOZ/IE • DUSING BRUSH • CRIVIC[ lOQl • flOOH & WAU BRUSH • UPHOlSIlRf NOZZU • SPRAYtR • MOIH SNUfOCATOR Jl LIMITED TIME ONLY! COMBS COMPIITII-NO IXTRAS TO tUYI Y o u get everything y o u need t o laper-chmn your r u g t . . . brighten uphoUtery . . . dust furniture . . . luction-ewccp linoleum . , . eprey p a u D t . . . WAX £oor« . . . even de-motb cloeete I Anti-Magnetic Sweep Hand SPECIAL $4.95* *Plus 10% Federal Tax NEW SILVER DEPARTMENT Gifts from $2.75 up Silver for that Special Gift at a Budget Price ' DO IT WITH LEWYTI FREE DEMONSTRATIONS NOWl BIKE WITH TRAINER WHEELS SPECIAL $19.95 CIVIL SERVICE MART, Inc Where You Buy The Best For Less 6 4 LAFAYETTE STREET. NEW YORK CITY The Civil Service Employees Shopping Center DAITY: 9 A.M. to « P.M. — THURSDAY: • A.M. to 8 P.M. — corner franklim sw SATUHDAY: f A.M. t o S P.M. AUTHORIZED RCA DEALERS — SEE US FOR REFRIGERATORS. RANGES. WASHING MACHINES. SILVER. TYPEWRITERS. PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT. CAMERAS. PROJECTORS. ENLARGERS. FILM GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY — WATCHES, ^ CIVIC December 16, 1952 S E R T I C B P a ( e Fir* L E A D E S Cuf-Rafe Buying Plan Offers Fine Perfume as Free Premium with Orders With t h e last minute rush of Christmas buying on. The Employees Cut B a t e Buying Plan added several new members to its staff to make certain t h a t all orders received before December 19 would be shipped or mailed on t h a t day, so they will be received by Christmas. T h e plan will continue its offer of a set of Saint a n d Sinner P e r fume. valued at $9, as a free premium with each order of $10 or more. "We've made a good buy," t h e manager of t h e plan announced, and we want to pass it along to our customers." T h e perfume package consists of two attractive bottles in a cylini drical cellophane container, which only a year ago was widely sold as one of the "top n a m e " brands. Practieal Items Practical items continue to be t h e most popular among Christmas shoppers although toys are running a close second. T h e Buying Plan was formed several months ago, and is a means of helping cut t h e cost of living for civil service employees. A special buying arrangement has bMn instigated by t h e manager of t h e plan which features an extremely low overhead to break down t h e m a r k - u p between t h e actual m a n u r N facturer's cost and t h e retail price. The catalog of special Christmas f W Homes, Houses, PropMiles. items was published in the Civil Ke»d Page 11 Service Leader in t h e December 2 issue. DELEHANTY Students Have Achieved An Unequalled Record of Success • . • la Oitr Nearly 40 Years of TRAINING SPECIALIZATION COURSES APPROVED FOR KOREAN VETERAMS Visit A C I q m Session Of Any C o u r t e A t Our Guat* Applhatlons S t o i * bowling champ Graz Caitellano (front row, center) at the bowling •shibltion a t Central Islip State Hospital, November 13. Pictured at the b e s p i t a l ' s bowliffg lanes are: kneeling, left to right, J. Marcellus, Mr. !C«st»llano,' F. Lindquist; standing, same order. L. Martinson, G. Harold, P. Tiima, J. Connolly and P. Pearson. Clerks^ Typists, Stenos, Others Needed For Civilian Jobs in Alaska The co^ntinued need of the Dep a r t m e n t of the Army for civilians t o staff its facilities in Alaska is reflected in an announcement of employment opportunities for speeialized clerical and administrative personnel. There are immediate openings for a budget officer, organization & methods examiner, shorthand reporter, property and supply clerk, i ^ a l accounting and auditing elerk, stenographers and typists. H i e salaries for these positions range from $2,950 to $5,940 a year, t o which will be added a 25 percent differential when the employee arrives in Alaska. Free transportation is provided, contingent upon the completion of a two-ygar period of employment. It is estimated t h a t housing and meals will cost the employee $133 a month. It is not expected t h a t any of the persons selected for these positions will leave until a f ter the Christmas holidays. American citizenship is m a n d a tory and there is a minimum age limit of 21 years. Specialized experience along the lines indicated by the title is required. Apply to the ofRce, Secretary of the Army, Overseas Affairs Division, 346 Broadway, Room 505, New York, N. Y. Commission Warns \ Mayor's Office on Service Ratin9 Delay The Mayor's offioe, too. got a jacking-up f r o m the NYC Civil Service Commission. Five City departments and agencies were listed on the Commission's meeting calendar last week as delinquent in sending in service ratings. These, the Commission noted, are necessary, so t h a t credits may be given in ehtomotion exams, ^ o m o t i o n lists are about to come out, and if these five d o n t hurry up, they may endanger the prospects of any of their employees ha the competition. Others Reminded The four others: Budget Bureau, Municipal Broadcasting System, Board of Standards and Appeals, and Hospitals .Department. PHOTO by^ Ccyy C c i U c n Re-Openedl Mutt Be FIM by Wed.. DM. T7f* SANITATION MAN Salary $3,930 - $4,095 a Year AffM mp to 40, Veteronc Ofder^Mln. Hgt. 5'4"-^lasses PerniifH^ FINAL RESULTS DEPEND ENTIRELY ON MARKS OBTAINED IN THE DIFFICULT PHYSICAL TEST! Only 6,412 or 34% of those who competed (n the iMt examination tar S m u u o n Man passed. Mo*t of the 0.732 who did not paae failed la t t e Written Te«t although It waa only a qualifying ono. The majoritr those who apply for this examination been awagr l r o « Mdiool for years, haTe had no experience In t h k type of examination an^ :onsequently require some spedaliEeid preparation. FMEE eiatsec for written exain if enreiiod for Pliycieai Coeree. DAY and EVI. CiASSES In MANHATTAN ewd JAMAICA 4pplfcof/oiit Now Open ~ M««f Be FIM Not Lofer Tkttm Doc. 2t IWrltfea Exam to Be HeM Mare* Ml PATROLMAN STARTING SALARY — $3,725 I N. Y. a T Y m POLICI DEPT. INCREASES e > l 7 Q C 3 YRS. T O ^ i # O a S p o c i a l i M d Troiaio^ f o r l o t l i WriHoii a a d Physieol Exoms. a t flio Sekooi That H a s Trainod Ovor 9 0 % of N. Y. C i t y ' s Poiico Offieor* DAY & EVE. CLASSES in MANHATTAN and JAMAICA Applleatloas Now Open — Close Jaa. 9Hi COURT ATTENDANT SUPREME COURT — 1st. 2iid and 10th Judicial Districts GENERAL SESSIONS ft COUNTY COURTS within N o w York C i t y Rosidonts of N. Y. C i t y and N a s s a n and SufFoik C o a n t i o s otlglMo Entrance Salary up to $5,065 a Year Official Writton Examination H a s Been S c h e d u l e d f o r Feb. 14tk P r e p a r a t o r y C l a s s e s F e a t u r e a C o m p l e t e R e v i e w of All Exom Topioc Be O n - G u e s t on MON. or THURS. a t 5:45 o r 7:45 P.M. COLLEGE OFFICE ASSISTANT 0 « r C o u r s e Felly Prepare* for Officio/ Examination CLASS MEETS TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS AT 6:15 P.kl. Propore f o r Open C o n i p e t i t i v e and Promotionol Exams f o r JR. ACCOUNTANT — N. Y. C. Depts* TW« examination Is t e n t a t i v e l y s c h e d u l e d f o r March 2 1 s t CLASS MEETS TUESDAY AT 6:15 P.M. P H Y S I C A L CLASSES F O R F I R E M A N A HIGH PHYSICAL RATING W I U RAISE Y O U t PINAL AVERAGI Troim Under Export Instructors In Our Gym. t h e L a r g e s t a n d Boot B ^ i p p o d Civil S e r v i c e Gym la t h e U. S. DAY ft EVE. CLASSES—MODERATE FEE—INSTALMENTS C l a s s e s Also M e e t i a q N o w ia M a n h o t t a a f o r : • • SOCIAL INVESTIGATOR — $3,260 a Year t o S t a r t CLERK - G r a d e 2 — S a l a r y Range $2,110 t o $2,720 • • • STENOGRAPHY TYPEWRITING SECRETARIAL DUTIES Day ti Eve. C l a s s e s la ENROLL N O W : Still TtaM H GHalify f o r N e x t N. Y. S M m INSURANCE BROKER'S LICENSE EXAM. A t t r a c t i v e P o s i t i o a s Pleatifal A t t e a d la M a n h o t t a a or J a m a i c a App'vd. Practical Training for Better by State Inneranee Dept. Paying P o s j f l o n s a t TV TECHNICIANS - DRAFTSMEN - AUTO MECHANICS 740 DELEHANTY iH^eu^^ **NeaHy 40 Ymare of Service in Advancing thm Careers of Mora Than 450,000 Student*** Tlilir'O Ac T h e HoweUtwina, Joan and Nancy, show how simple • fwlVC E i C l 9 j a it is to mak® their bed with an electric blanket. ITiat's because j u s t the one electric blanket takes the place of several heavy winter covers. And here's a t i p from Con Edison—an electric blanket makes a wonderful Christmas g i ^ I t ' s a pcwant t h a t wiU w a n o tha haart of anyone on your list. F a C I I Sxecutive OfRcMi U S E . 1 5 ST.. N . Y . I GRamerey S-6900 DFriOJi HODKts MM. to M . t t J«m«l«e DIVISIOM 90-14 Sufphin BM JAmelee 6 ^ 2 0 i to »:ao pjB. i m . to 1 ». m rage CIVIL Ate —CmIL Swuiaa. I j E A P E R . SERVICE LEADER TncMhrf, December lli, HISS Patronage Jobs Available to Ike Below Is c o n t i n u e d t h e listing of p r i m a r i l y f o r fire prevention or with the prior approval of th« p a t r o n a g e jobs which Elsenhower suppression activities. Commission, be extended lor a a Americana ixirgeat Weehljg tor Public ii,mpioyeeM c a n fill. T h e first p a r t of t h e list(2) T e m p o r a r y , i n t e r m i t t e n t or additional period of not to exceed ing a p p e a r e d i n T h e LEADER, seasonal positions when filled by one year. Member Audit Bureau of Circuiatioiu issue of December 2, t h e a p p o i n t m e n t of persons w h o Office of Foreign Agricultural j Published every Tuesday by Relations ( D E P A R T M E N T O F A G R I C U L - a r e certified as m a i n t a i n i n g a p e r m a n e n t a n d exclusive residence (1) T h e Director. LEADER E N T E R P R I S E S . INC. TURE within, or contiguous to, a n a DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Genera! f 7 D i a n e Street, New York 7. N. Y. lEeliman 3.«Q10 General (1) Agents employed in field tional forest a n d a s being d e p e n d ferry Finlcelstein. Publishmr e n t f o r livelihood primarily u p o n (1) O n e private s e c r e t a r y or positions t h e work of which Is Maxwell Lehman. Editor and Lo-Publishet e m p l o y m e n t available w i t h i n t h e confidential a s s i s t a n t t o t h e h e a d jointly by t h e D e p a r t B«_J. Bernard, Executive Editor Morton Yarmon. General Manager financed m e n t a n d cooperating persons, o r - n a t i o n a l forest, subject to a p - of e a c h b u r e a u in t h e D e p a r t m e n t N. H. Mager. Busineta Manager proval by t h e Commission. of Commerce who is a p p o i n t e d b y ganizations, or governmental 10c Per Copy. Subscription Price $3.00 Per Annum. Production and Marketing t h e President. agencies outside t h e F e d e r a l s e r A d m i n i s t r a t i o n (2) C a r e t a k e r s a n d helpers a t vice. (1) Not to exceed t e n positions m a g n e t i c a n d seismological o b (2) Any local v e t e r i n a r i a n e m TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1952 of A d m i n i s t r a t o r ' s Field R e p r e servatories outside continental ployed on a fee basis or a p a r t sentatives a t salaries equivalent United S t a t e s . time basis. to e n t r a n c e r a t e of CAF-14 or (3) C a r e t a k e r s a n d light a t t e n d (3) T e c h n i c a l or professional a n t s employed on emergency l a n d c o n s u l t a n t s or advisers a t salaries higher. (2) M e m b e r s of S t a t e C o m ing fields a n d o t h e r air n a v i g a t i o n equivalent to e n t r a n c e r a t e of facilities. g r a d e P - 5 or h i g h e r employed for mittees. (3) F a r m e r fieldmen a n d f a r m (4) Agents to t a k e a n d t r a n s m i t n o t t o exceed 180 working days er fieldwomen to I n t e r p r e t a n d meteorological observations in c o n a year. (4) T e m p o r a r y seasonal field explain a n d supervise f a r m p r o - nection w i t h airways whose d u ties require only p a r t of t h e i r he ordinary citizen is certain that all public employees a s s i s t a n t s in g r a d e s S P - 1 t h r o u g h grams. (4) T e m p o r a r y , I n t e r m i t t e n t , time, a n d whose c o m p e n s a t i o n S P - 5 f o r n o t to exceed 120 w o r k a n d seasonal employees t o check does n o t exceed $135 a m o n t h . participate in the advantages of a retirement system. ing days a year. (5) E m p l o y m e n t s of individuals^ (5) T e m p o r a r y , I n t e r m i t t e n t , or allotments, whose aggregate e m Like so many impressions about civil service, this is mythiseasonal clerical, c r a f t s , p r o t e c - ployment shall not exceed 120 firms, or c o r p o r a t i o n s f o r n o t t o cal. exceed one year for special s t a t i s t i tive, a n d custodial positions in t h e working d a y s a year. The Administrator, two cal studies a n d statistical c o m p i l a Here are the facts about local communities in New field service of t h e D e p a r t m e n t of D e(5) puty Administrators, t h r e e tions, t h e c o m p e n s a t i o n f o r w h i c h Agriculture a t places o t h e r t h a n Jork State. civil service regional h e a d q u a r - Assistant Administrators, assist- Is derived f r o m f u n d s deposited paying n o t to exceed e n - a n t s t o t h e A d m i n i s t r a t o r , a t with t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s u n d e r t h e Out of 932 towns, 332 participate in the State Re- ters, t r a n c e r a t e of CAP-4 or its equi- salaries equivalent to e n t r a n c e r a t e act of May 27, 1935 (49 S t a t . tirement System. valent, or CPC-6 or its equivalent, of CAP-13 or higher, f o r t h e d u r - 292): Provided, T h a t such en>whichever is applicable, f o r n o t to ation of t h e w a r ; two private ployments m a y . with t h e a p p r o v a l Out of 550 villages, 332 take part. exceed 180 working days a year, secretaries t o t h e A d m i n i s t r a t o r , of t h e Commission, be e x t e n d e d Out of 800 Boards of Education, the employees of whenever in t h e opinion of t h e a n d one c h a u f f e u r f o r t h e A d - f o r n o t t o exceed a n a d d i t i o n a l year. Commission a p p o i n t m e n t t h r o u g h m i n i s t r a t o r . S14 are members. (6) T e n experts a t salaries equi(6) Agents employed in field p o competitive e x a m i n a t i o n is i m valent to e n t r a n c e r a t e of CAF-13 sitions t h e work of which is finanIn addition, 269 commissions, fire districts, sewer dis- practicable. T e m p o r a r y or seasonal c a r e - or higher, f o r t h e d u r a t i o n of t h e ced jointly by t h ^ D e p a r t m e n t of tricts and other small units of government are members. t a k(6) C o m m e r c e a n d cooperating p e r e r s a t t e m p o r a r i l y closed c a m p s war. (7) Milk M a r k e t A d m i n i s t r a - sons. organizations, or G o v e r n m e n That means there's a long way to go before all public or improved areas. S u c h a p p o i n t - tors. t a l agencies outside t h e F e d e r a l e n t s shall n o t extend beyond a employees enjoy the protection accorded by the State Re- m period of six m o n t h s w i t h o u t prior F e d e r a l Crop I n s u r a n c e Corpo- service. ration Office of t h e S e c r e t a r y tirement System. It means too that thousands of persons approval of t h e Commission's (1) F a r m e r fieldmen. (1) Two p r i v a t e secretaries or regional director. on public payrolls are denied the benefits either of a pub(3) T h e M a n a g e r , t h e Assistant confidential a s s i s t a n t s to t h e S e c (7) Deleted. lic retirement system or social security. (8) O w n e r - o p e r a t o r s of equip- M a n a g e r , a n d two M e m b e r s of r e t a r y of Commerce, one t o t h e e n t w h o a r e r e s i d e n t s In t h e t h e B o a r d of Directors experienced U n d e r S e c r e t a r y of Commerce, o n e It occasionally happens that when representatives of m a r e a of e m p l o y m e n t f o r periods In t h e i n s u r a n c e business who a r e to t h e Solicitor of t h e D e p a r t m e n t n o t otherwise employed by t h e of Commerce, a n d one to e a c h public employees bring the matter up before local super- n o t to exceed 180 a c t u a l working G overnment. Assistant S e c r e t a r y of C o m m e r c e , d a y s in a n y one c a l e n d a r year. Tisory boards or other officials, that various arguments (2) O n e c h a u f f e u r f o r t h e S e c r e (9) Not t o exceed 25 p r o f e s s - F a r m e r s H o m e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n (1) Deputy A d m i n i s t r a t o r . t a r y of Commerce. are brought up to continue denying the privileiges of a ional, scientific, or t e c h n i c a l posi(2) S t a t e c o m m i t t e e m e n to c o n (3) Six a s s i s t a n t s to t h e S e c r e in g r a d e P - 2 or h i g h e r t o be proper pension. Perhaps the best answer to these argu- tions filled on a n e x c h a n g e basis by sider, r e c o m m e n d , a n d advise w i t h t a r y . to t h e F a r m e r s ' H o m e A d Coast a n d Geodetic Survey ments is: they are archaic. In 1900 they may hare had qualified employees on t h e rolls respect (1) All civilian positions o n of S t a t e governments, colleges, or m i n i s t r a t i o n p r o g r a m . •ome point, in 1952 they cannot be sustained at all. The universities, f o r a limited period (3) C o u n t y c o m m i t t e e m e n to vessels o p e r a t e d by t h e Coast a n d consider, r e c o m m e n d , a n d advise Geodetic Survey. plea of poverty, which small communities sometimes make, n o t t o exceed one year. (2) T e m p o r a r y positions r e q u i r Local Agents, except v e t - with respect to t h e F a r m e r s ' H o m e k not a meritorious one at all. Retirement payments must e r i(10) ed In connection w i t h t h e s u r v e y n a r i a n s , employed t e m p o r a r i l y A d m i n i s t r a t i o n p r o g r a m . (4) T e m p o r a r y , i n t e r m i t t e n t a n d ing operations of t h e field service be considered a basic, not a luxury, cost of government. outside of W a s h i n g t o n , in d e m o n - seasonal collectors a t grades n o t of t h e Coast a n d Geodetic Survey s t r a t i n g in t h e i r respective localiThis cost can no more be avoided than can the payment ties t h e necessity of eradlciating h i g h e r t h a n CAF-5 f o r not to e x - as m a y be a u t h o r i z e d by t h e C o m 180 working days a year. mission a f t e r c o n s u l t a t i o n with t h e •f salary for work done or the portion which a private contagious or infectious a n i m a l ceed Ap(5) Employees a p p o i n t e d f o r D e p a r t m e n t of Commerce. diseases. employer must pay into the social security system for all (11) Positions t h e duties of not to exceed one year to engage p o i n t m e n t s to such positions s h a l l which require a speaking k n o w l - exclusively in t h e m a k i n g a n d n o t exceed eight m o n t h s in a n y l i s employees. edge of one of t h e ' I n d i a n l a n - servicing of loans required as a one c a l e n d a r year. result of floods, freezes, s t o r m s or Civil Aeronautics A d m i n i s t r a t i o n guages. t h e r n a t u r a l calamities: P r o - j (1) O n e private s e c r e t a r y o r (12) T e m p o r a r y , i n t e r m i t t e n t ovided, That an appointment may. ' (Continued on page 8) field e n u m e r a t o r s a n d supervisors a t salaries n o t exceeding e n t r a n c e r a t e of CAF-5 or its equivalent, f o r n o t to exceed 180 working d a y s year. Office of the Secretary he bill introduced into the NYC Council by Councilman <1) T w o c h a u f f e u r s f o r t h e 'Secretary of Agriculture. (2) T w o private secretaries or Jack Kranis (D., Brooklyn), to permit City cmploye«6 confidential a s s i s t a n t s to t h e Sec]U> live in a county adjacent to NYC, should be enacted as r e t a r y of Agricultiu'e, one to t h e r S e c r e t a r y of Agriculture, a simple stroke of justice and a recognition of changed Ua nndd eone to e a c h Assistant Secreconditions. Veterans are permitted by law to live outside t a r y of Agriculture. (3) F o u r a s s i s t a n t s to t h e S e c the City limits. retary. When the Lyons Residence Law was enacted origin- (4) A d m i n i s t r a t o r of L a n d a n d INCLUSION of A r t h u r F l e m m i n g , president of Ohio W e s l e y a n Resources P r o g r a m s . ally, depression conditions existed, places to live were as W a t e r Office University, a s a m e m b e r of t h e c o m m i t t e e on g o v e r n m e n t r e o r g a n i z a of the Solicitor tion a p p o i n t e d by Pi-esident-elect Eisenhower, assures inclusion of readily obtainable in NYC as elsewhere, and it was reason- (1) T h e Solicitor. the U. S. Civil Service Commission in t h e study. Mr. F l e m m i n g is a Farm Credit Administration able to require that all NYC employees shall b« NYC f o r m e r U. S. Civil Service Commissioner a n d d u r i n g his a d m i n i s (1) O n e p r i v a t e secretary or t r a t i o n advocated decentralization policies. T h e Hoover Commission residents. That law provided then, as it does now, that confidential a s s i s t a n t e a c h to t h e c a m e u p w i t h a similar r e c o m m e n d a t i o n . D e p a r t m e n t s a n d agencies^ Ad- t h r o u g h local civil service boards, h a v e been holding t h e i r own e x a m s . candidates for NYC exams shall be NYC residents for Gmoi nviesrtnr oa tri oofn . tthhee FLaa rnmd BCredit a n k C o m - B u t M r . F l e m m i n g is expected to go m u c h f a r t h e r t h i s time, a n d the three years immediately preceding appointment. The missioner, t h e I n t e r m e d i a t e Credit seek decentralization of pay jurisdiction, p a r t i c u l a r l y wage b o a r d the P r o d u c t i o n control over m a n y m o r e employees' pay, a n d a simplification of t h e Kranis bill would not alter that aspect of the law at all, Commissioner, Credit Commissioner, a n d t h e Co- job classification. >ut simply make it possible for non-veterai}s in City em- operative B a n k Commissioner. Positions in t h e F e d e r a l I n F E D E R A L g o v e r n m e n t employees were Included in t h e plea l>y ploy to be put on a par with veterans, because of the t e r(2) m e d i a t e Credit B a n k s , t h e P r o - D e m o c r a t s t h a t t h e Elsenhower A d m i n i s t r a t i o n be given every o p p o r identical conditions that both groups must face. d u c t i o n Credit Corporations, t h e t u n i t y to show how m u c h it h a s on t h e ball. D e m o c r a t R o b e r t R a m r a l L a n d B a n k s , t h e B a n k s speck, c h a i r m a n of t h e U. S. Civil Service Commission, told F e d e r a l City employee organizations should get behind the Ff oerd eCooperatives, and positions t h e y ' d e n d a n g e r t h e i r own job security a n d d a m a g e t h e bill.^r. Kranis has made an excellent start in introducing filled by j o i n t officers a n d e m - employees merit system if t h e y d i d n ' t go along smoothly with t h e policies of ployees for these institutions. t h e new Administration. W h a t h e m e a n t was t h a t m a n y F e d e r a l e m It, but can't be expected to tackle single-handed the job (3) J o i n t stock l a n d b a n k r e - ployees were used t o t h e New Deal a n d F a i r Deal ways, a n d m i g h t ceivers a n d positions in receiver- find more conservative m e t h o d s difficult. T h e w a r n i n g was t h a t t h e y ' d iif getting it enacted. ships, a n d n a t i o n a l f a r m loan better not do a n y bucking. President T r u m a n himself h a s said t h a t association receivers a n d conser t h e new A d m i n i s t r a t i o n s h o u l d n ' t be obstructed politically by D e m o vators. c r a t s . but t h e political policy Is Intended to give g r o u n d for s a y i n g Commodity Credit Corporation later t h a t Eisenhower was given every opportunity. (1) T h e President, two Vice WATCH F O R a b a t t l e over u p p e r age limits on F e d e r a l jobs^ Conkling, C h a i r m a n , a t Willow Presidents, a n d one a s s i s t a n t to KD1TI1 F R U C H T H E N D L E B While some agencies a r e u r g i n g t h a t "over-40's" be given every b r e a k brook S t a t e School. S t a t e n Island t h e President. ON CONFERENCE MAIL Notices for t h e J a n u a r y 24 meet R u r a l Electrification A d m i n i s t r a In private i n d u s t r y employment, o t h e r agencies are finding ways of • d i t o r , T h e LEADER: tion denying jobs to older persons who h a v e passed e x a m s a n d meet civil I ' m on vacation and headed for Ing wjU be s e n t o u t in due time (1) O n e D e p u t y A d m i n i s t r a t o r service qualifications. Civil Service Commission won't say m u c h a b o u t I b e wide open spaces of Arlxona. ( I p l a n to be back f o r t h a t m e e t a n d one Assistant A d m i n i s t r a t o r . this; It's " s t u d y i n g " t h e situation. So-called upper age limits of f l I h o p e t o t a ^ e In the good old sun- i n g ) . provided on e x a m i n a t i o n s d o n ' t m e a n a t h i n g . Forest Service I n t h e m e a n t i m e , to all c h a p l ^ n e a n d a sld« trip to Mexico (1) T e m p o r a r y forest workers a n d Los Angeles. W o n t be back tor m e m b e r s of t h e Conference F R A N K LEUCI, p r o p e r t y clerk, NYC Police H e a d q u a r t e r s , best wishes f o r a very M e r r y employed f o r n o t to exceed 180 • n t t l J a n u a r y 19. D u r i n g m y absence, all c o r r e - C h r i s t m a s a n d a H a p p y New Y e a r working days a year, such employ- Mrs. Marie L a G u a r d l a . widow of t h e f o r m e r NYC Mayor, a r e being m e n t to be with h e a d q u a r t e r s considered by Mayor Vincent R . Impellitterl for a p p o i n t m e n t as Civil EDfTTH F R U C H T H E N D L E R , H^oodence relating to t h e I f e t r o o t h e r t h a n in forest supervisor a n d Service Commissioner. O n e vacancy arises J a n u a r y 1 because tlui Secretary M l l t a n New York C o n f e r e n c e S m M b t i v v i i M I s I t e v a i H . i f e U o p o U t a n New York CooXerenc« regional effice* unless employed election ef Commissiooer P a u l A. P i n o to Congress. Public Aides Viithouf Pensions 1 NYC Residence Law Should Be Liberalized T CIVIL S^EKVICE NEWS Comment C I T f n S B n r t c w l e a d b i t 8 WBB * HWI Civtt S*rvic« U o d e r I m mcuto a f|Mciol arrong«m«Bt with a manufacturer to bring you tliis sensational offer — Never a Value Like It! ' Latf CAonc* To Get It For. Christmas Giving This $9.98 Doll is Yours for $3.98 (plus two coupons) because the Civil Service Leader wants to make new friends. JANIE a perfect playmate for your favorite little girl A 2 4 inch doll with arms and legs perfectly molded of flesh-like latex rubber and break-resistant body. With magic Saran hair you can comb, shampoo and set Couriers come without extra charge) Advertised hi New York City newspopers ot a $9.98 Voliio. ond would be ehe<ip ot that price. T o * e«n comb Mad -Jttnle's- hair. Yours td give R9W er for Christmas for only $3.9i plus 27c mailing tmd hon* diing charges. —and—' Y w o "Janie" covpoiifl from the Civfl Servicel Leader or your wroppeif label, if you m %uhm scriber. 8h« cries "IVfommy^ yoa lift her ap. An adorable little girl doll os big os a reol bobf. toM enough to eat off your choir. She closes her eyes whea she sleeps and cries mommy when you spank hor. You will wont to cuddle this little blue-eyed blondo yourself, with her rosy cheeks, bow mouth and reol eyelashes. Her Ufelike arms ond legs ore moveoble. tei she con sit. She's all decked out, to<^, In Sutidoy finery, with cm erftractive lace trimmed plaid dress and bomiet. poatiei to match, and pretty socks ond shoes. 'Janie" a 24'inch Yon moy sea "Janie*" of fhm LEADBk C o r r y her o0 ond sove the posfoge charfew HOW TO GET YOUR "JANIF* DOLU J««t clip f h e "Jmim" M l which a p p e a r s with this adverfiscment, and which win oppcor oe fmq* S of f u t u r e issues of the Civil Service Leader, a s long os dolls o r e ovHoble^ If yoM a r e a subscriber, yoa may Mbstitute the label oa year w r a p p e r log t h e coupons. Send the coupom (or yoor label) t o g e t h e r wHh $4.2i l$3.9C plus 27e f o r mailing and handling charges) t e the CivU Service L i n i i ^ 97 Dnane street, New York 7, N. Y. Of course, full refund—If yo« wieh yoe « e y return "Jioaim" If y««*re e e l lireiy thrilled whea yoe receive her« $1 Reservation Plan If you prefer we win reservo m "Janle" DoM for you for Christmqs giving. Just send $1 with your name oud oddreM CUKI say: Sovo -Jonle- for mo. Beauty » "JANir DoN Conp— DECEMBER 14. 1 9 n Box MO Civil Service Leader 97 Duone Street New York 7, N. Y. "Jenie* dolk I •AcloM $4J» ($3.91 pins Pt«ase tend me 27c for mailing and handling) and two **Janie" dol coupom f m the Civtf Service Leader, for each doA. (Subscribers mafy w b e ^ tute their wrapper label for two coupofu^ tf mti W Hmr Yei4 a t y add 12c for tales tax. Name ClVIt Page Eight SERVICE LEADER Tuesdajr, December 16, 1952 LIST OF PATRONAGE JOBS THAT EISENHOWER CAN Fill THE TAX COURT OF THE Information Divisions of the Cor- to exceed 36 positions of Assist- fidential assistant to each of t h e M (Continued from page t ) UNITED STATES poration. a n t Loan Agency Manager. members of t h e Board of Dlrec- " confidential assistant to the Ad(3) Executive Directors of the (6) Inventory custodians, watch- tors except the chairman; and one (a) One private secretary and ministrator ot the Civil Aeronautwo technical assistants for each following Offices of the Corpora- men, caretakers, and laborers en- assistant to each member of ttM 1 tics Administration. tion: Defense Plants, Metals Re- gaged In the care and preserva- Board of Directors. Judge of the Court, Bureau of the Census Defense Supplies and R u b - tion of property held by the Cor(1) Supervisors, assistant super- ^ ( b ) One administrative assist- serve, (2) Two assistants to t h e B ^ r d ber Reserve. poration and its subsidiaries. Tisors, and supervisor's clerks and a n t to the Presiding Judge. of Directors; twelve special assistRECONSTRUCTION FINANCE (4) All Directors, Trustees and Office of the Board of Directors enumerators In the field service a n t s to the Board of Directors; ' CORPORATION Officers of the subsidiaries or (1) Two private secretaries or six special representatives (field), f o r temporary, part-time, or Inaffiliated corporations. (1) A Chief Accountant of the confidential assistants to t h e t e r m i t t e n t employment for not to (3) Six adminlstrati»^e asslst(5) Not to exceed 32 positions Chairman, Board of Directors; one exceed one year: Provided, T h a t Corporation. (2) Chiefs of the Agency and as Loan Agency Manager and not private secretary and one con(Continiied on page 10\ Buch appointments may be extended for additional periods of not to exceed one year each. After December 31, 1952, this subp a r a g r a p h shall not be authority f o r employment In full-time, continuous positions for longer t h a n one year. (2) Special agents employed In •ollecting cotton statistics. Inland Waterways Corporation (1) The President, Vice Presidents. and Secretary-Treasurer. (2) All other employees except employees of general offices at St. Louis, Missouri; New Orleans, Louisiana; Chicago. HHnoIs; Birmingham, Alabama; New York. New York; Washington, D. C.; and Division Managers, District M a n agers, District Superintendents, Buperintendents of Maintenance a n d their staffs. (3) All members of the Advisory Board. Bureau of S t a n d a r d s (1) Scientific or professional consultants or advisors a t salaries equivalent to t h e entrance r a t e of P - 5 or higher employed for not to exceed 180 days a year. Appointments under this subparaf r a p h shall be subject to the prior approval of the Commission. Bureau of Public Roads (1) The Commissioner of P u b Bc Roads. (2) One private secretary or eonfldentlal assistant to the Com•ilssioner. Every F r i g i d a i r e Electric R a n g e is f i n i s h e d DEPARTMENT OF LABOR I General in L i f e t i m e P o r c e l a i n — i n s i d e a n d out! (1) Commissioners of conciliaMon, in labor disputes whenever C y c l a - m a t i c , De Luxe a n d M a s t e r R e f r i g e r a t o r s In t h e judgment of the Secretary n o w a v a i l a b l e w i t h p o r c e l a i n e x t e r i o r finish. of Labor the interests of industrial peace so require. (2) One private secretary or confidential assistant to t h e head •f each bureau In t h e Department of Labor who is appointed by the President. Office of the Secretary (1) Two private secretaries or confidential assistants to t h e Secretary of Labor, one to t h e Under Secretary of Labor, a n d one to aach Assistant Secretary of Labor. (2) Three special assistants to ttie Secretary. (3) One chauffeur for the Secretary of Labor. (4) Administrative OflBcer, CAP-15 (Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of Labor). United States Employment Service (1) Chief, Minorities Group Section. Division of Labor Standards <1) Director. Office of International Labor Affairs (1) Pour Administrative Ofaaers. (2) Two labor economists (lialaon ofQcers). EXECUTIVE OFFICE O F THE PRESIDENT r Bureau of the Budgret (1) One private secretary or confidential assistant each to the Director and Assistant Director. Council of Economic Advisors (1) One private secretary or confidential assistant to t h e Chairm a n of the Council. Fresjdcnt's Committee on Religious and Moral Welfare a n d Character Guidance In the Armed Forces. (1) Pour positions of confidential principal assistant and two positions of confidential associate to the Committee. NATIONAL SECURITY REI SOURCES BOARD (a) Six positions of special adTlsers and research assistants to t h e Chairman. (b) Not to exceed 150 positions '<this authority applies to all types ^ J .... •f positions, whether of a confidenI io<niM Icouring powdtr* Cleonj at easy tial or policy-determining charac^ «an't tcrolch M ttalnil o» a ctiina di»h. •fAMOtwl ter or otherwise). NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL j (a) Not to exceed 25 positions. (b) All positions In the Central Intelligence Agency. ^wAiWtr INTERSTATE COMMERCE t m i f n m i COMMISSION (a) One private secretary or :i|AilCNIi . •onfidentlal assistant to each commissioner. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE • (a) One private secretary or confidential assistant to t h e UNf./ »«. < ' Comptroller Oeneral. . I .1 Suturdov (b) Two assistants to the Comptroller General. IDh 7 l i t FlH y, si . r-h- nr CR f BOARD OR GOVERNORS, FEDERAL RESERVE TTTTKII L l a ) All poalUoiu. NOW AT J. andEIS SONS FrigkbiteH Poitelain Bair I Exclusive Lifetime Porcelain Lasting Beauty with Outstanding 3 Years To Pay i i rf ^mi m J\h 1 No Down Payment Tu««day, D«e«mber 16, 1952 it ' C I V I L S E I V I C E L E A D E B Page Nine it S A o f i * k M a i / , COLOGNE Saint or Sinner 2 Ox. Sixe T W I N S Twe->20s.nasks Saint or Sinnor OF HOLLYWOOD COLOGNE Saint Or Sinnor 4 Os. Six*. A GREAT NAME IN PERFUME Row offered sensationaHy feduced prices. Saint and tinner Colognes are known I and demanded the world over ... ' luxurious & tantalizing fragrance. Produced at « frKtion of former JILL WOOLEN BLANKET U 4 Smant C^lo^uf m% Wool, leather S0te<t 99 < Mod* hf tamcm Amoriemi wooUn Co. Handsom* li<nnf Bluo, Oioy. Maroon « Dk. Qrooa ahadM. Whip, pod aoams fc« lono wax renrin9< SLIPPER SOX AN Wool To»t In tm*^ some assorted itt«des. loather Soles a SMt Walls. Small, tmum * Urg«. LEATHER' ^ VolU6i Value $8.95 100%JtfY10M $2.95 1 CABLEKNIT WtSSM SeoMUt/ • HANDY ORDER FORM 100% Virgin Nylon. VNeclc, fancy Cable knit. Rib-knit waist & cuils.' Blue or Tan shade. M*> dium & Larqe only. ORDERS MUST TOTAL $2.00 u p - N O C O * D / $ *Nofe! Please Remit INSURED MAILING S, HANDLING CHARGES | Ordars TotaKng:AMf OMfanrataOtft Adit $2.00 to 2 J 0 . _ J 6 < $2J1to5.00. SSc $5.01 to 7.50. 45< $731 to 10.00 SS< $10.01 to 15.00... ^ J U $15.01 to 20.00.. ^1.00 $20.01 to 30.00.. • S t o l e Sixet & Colors • i^mH by Money Ordef or Cliadu I a A I ? » • A*l W% N4. Iw ee WWdwa Value $9.95 € PC. 8TUKSET With Quanllty Article Silt Coter Stainless Steel Blades SaMd (a a iMaa Stay flitey bacana tiMy'ra Stain* K staal. Samtotf adcaal S ^ ttata « tanriab r^ HaMbonw, coloffiii •am ItoMto*. MMIT MM S a v e Up t o 4 0 % IMPORTED BRITISH Sewing Machine Work* by hand & can actually sew fust like o real machine. Sturdy metal oonstruction. Educational and useful toy ttiat teaches fundamentals of sew* lag' to lAildren. List $4.00 > On NAME BRAND MERCHANDISE • • • • • • • # N4ml tM NOTICE: Hmm arim art ai*i*d to cbaoff aliwr •M410«r.TMi»walclka« Nfriwi artkin * IWV MMNC i IMRg CkKttt ^ mAL Biaoso GENERAL EUCTMC 1 8 4 7 ROGERS COMMUNITY W M . ROGERS ROGERS STERLING UNIVERSAL SCKO • rUNT • OSTER • DORMEYERS • CAMFIELD • • « • • • RIVAL SCHICK REMINGTON DOMINION GENERAL MILLS DETECTO SCALES INGRAHAM CLOCKS f • G.E. CLOCKS • SESSIONS CLOCKS • A.S.R. LIGHTER • EVANS EMPLOYEES CUT RATE BUYING PLAN JdtftfSf your Orders tOt m citfc Pirigte Ten sBHTiev tMA^ntm 0<wilfw> M , IMiX LIST OF PATRONAGE JOBS THAT EISENHOWER CAN FHl llary care if. In the opinion of the confidential assistant to the Com(11} Positions of medical record U N I T E D S T A T E S Veterans' Administration the du- missioner. intem. COMMISSION ties can be satisfactorily perform(13) One chief ot the following («> An positions on PubUe Health Service ed by such members. (1) Special escorts to accom- seetloos In the National Heart In- ment-owned ships operated kr tli9 (2) Positions at Veterans' Ad- pany patients of the Public Health stitute: Kidney and Electrolyte U. a Maritime Commlsdceu ministration hospitals when filled Service in accordance with exist- Metabolism. Metabolism, Chem(b> Twelfll poslUom ot tttbm by paraplegic patients during ing laws and regulations. Employ- istry of Natural Products, Cellular Chief of Bureau or Chtef of DM-i Physiology, Physiology and Phartreatment or convalescence. ment under this subparagraph slon, but not Including the poiifca Office of the Administrator shall be only for the period of macology of the Autonomie N«r- tlon of Director of Perwmuti. (1) Five special assistants to time necessary for the escort to TotM System, and CardlovascttUu' («> One assistant to —eh the Administrator. deliver the patient to his destina- Hemodynamics. fContinued on poo* W (2) One private secretary or tion and to return. confidential assistant to the Ad(3) Positions at OoremnMBt ministrator. sanatoria when filled by patients Department of Medicine audi during treatment or conratoeSurgery cence. (1) One private secretary or (3) An positions in leprosy, yelconfidential assistant to the Chief low fever, and psittacosis InyestlMedical Director. MENTAL PREPARATION hytom tt HM IIM# i i p i r h e M i W. gatlon stations. FEDERAL SECUMTT AGENCY fai HM i;»id — LB. SCHWARTZ, K E. O'NCtU, E. X MANNING. (4) Trainees in cancer research. Office of the Administrator J. GERMAIN. Atk My polk* •ffW. •! My MMI, W Ae eUMy (5) Positions concerned with (1) Two private secretaries or ;)roblems In preventive medicine confidential assistants to the Ad- :lnanced or participated In by the PHTSICAL PR^ARATION k 1U h ministrator. Federal Security Agency and —- nmniiif fraeii, twimmiiif peoL I»MIU«9« reoia. ftaaw mw^ «••. (2) Assistant Administrator. cooperating State, county, munldrM«d intlruclfoti from 9 ajm. V* 9 pjm. mfMy d»f iMipt (3) Three assistants to the Ad- paHty, incorporated organisation, FEE b v«ry ntocUraH; p«y«bl« ia •••y msielmee*!. ministrator. or an individual, in which at least National Office of Vitml Statistics one-half of the expense is contri(1) Supervisors, assistant su- buted by the cooperating agency CLERK — GRADE 2 (N. Y. C . A^mmSMI. pervisors, and supervisors' clerks either in salaries, quarters, maCOLLEGE OFFICE ASST. and enumerators in the field ser- terials, equipment, or other hecesliiBridoy eloM »f 6:1» f, M. vice for temporary, part-time or sayar elements in the carrying on intermittent employment for not of the work. CLERK PROMOTION — GRADE i to exceed one year. (6) Professional, technical, sr MoBdoy or XliTsday ciess of 4t00 P. M. Children's Bureau scientific specialists when emi;>lo7(1) Five positions which are part ed on a fee basis or part-time COURT ATTENDANT ( S t a t * amd C o w t y l of a joint project undertaken basis as consultants in connection with an agency of a State or sub- with problems in preventlre mediFridoy el«M «» «:1l P.M. division thereof or with a private cine, subject to the prior apprvmri organization provided that the of the Commission. STENOGRAPHER P R O I I ' I T ' G R A M I I AND 4 agreement basic to the joint pro(7) Internes and esterass (MedCloM Porailaf — WHftea Teel ject specifies that the agency or ical and (kmtaV and organization is to participate in nurses. AUeHO A CLASS SeSSiOM AS Oifl WIfST the establishment of recruitment (8) Subprofesskmal and erafls, and compensation rates protective NIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA standards and custodial posltloas for such positions and provided In the field service of the ComEQUIVALENCY that at least one-half of the agDisease Aetlrltles when F«ny Recognized by Federal, gregate cost of such project (In- municable filled on a traiporary or seasoniri n O A D W A T ( • ! i m St.1 State & City Civil Service cluding salaries and the furnish- basis for not to escceed IM workof quarters, materials, equip- ing days la any one ealendar year. Commissions, Most Private ing ment, and other facilities and serEmployers, Colleges & Tecb- vices) will be borne by such agency or organization. •ical Schools. Food and Drug AdministratloB • m tbft lar k of a Hirh 8ehoc4 DtpHoM •tood in your wajr for a promotio* ar (1) Professional, technical or appointment r scientific specialists when emfltaato are held by th« 8tat« Kdncatloa ployed intermittently for short Depi. at resrular intervale. Now is fb» periods, not to exceed a total of ®0 tt«M to act Get thai H.3. Diplom* b o v days in any one year, as members llaahattaa Coaohinv Course ia praotieai. of the Standards Committee for P»»TWi and builds needed confidence. duty In connection with the A 15 WEEK COURSE formulation of definitions and CLASSES MEET WEEKLY standards of identity and qualllT of food products, or as consultants TUITION $47.50 upon problems In their specialised — ALSO — fields having to do with the enKA«NN.AR DAY A EVEKINO CI^ASSBS forcement of the Pood, Drug, and ttf TYPINq, STENOORAPHT. 9TEKO- Cosmetic Act. TTPU REPORTING. COMPTOMBTRT St. Elizabeths Ho«pit»l AOOODNTING. BOOKKEEPINO AND BITSINFSS ADMINTSTRATIOM. BRUSH(1) Visiting physicians and m rP COURSES. BUDGET PArMEMTS ganlst. Because ATAILABLE IN ALL COURSES. Freedmen's Hosi»ii«I (1> Pupil nurses. Internes, aad extemes (medical and dental) student dietitians, resident physi a Woman BUSINESS INSTITUTE ci'ans and pharmeu;eutical Internet. MV Vtf. 4X St., Cor. B'dwajr BB •-41S1 Office of Special Services Mr 7«ar« at the Crossroade ot the Worid <1) One private secretary or (Continued from page 8) ai*i two junior admlnistrailT* assistants. (4) Two chauffeurs for the #iftirman and other members of Hm Board of Directors. Office of the Secretary ( D A Secretary of the CorporaIkm; one private secretary or confidential a^ssistant to the Secretary; four assistant secretaries And one assistant to the Secreta^ry. Office of the Treasurer (1) A Treasurer of the Corporation; a private secretary or confidential assistant to the Treasurer and two assistant treasurers. Office of the Controller (1) A Controller of the Corporation; one private secretary or eonfldential assistant to the Controller; one Assistant Controller; the Chief of the Research and Economics Division; the Chief of the Audit Division. Office of the General Counsel (1) A General Counsel of the Corporation; a private secretary «r confidential assistant to the General Counsel; two special counsel and six assistants general counsel. Pric« Adjustment Board (1) The Chief Administratlre OflBcer. VETERANS' ADMINISTRATION General (1) Positions in Veterans' Administration facilities when filled by the appointment of members of such facilities receiving domld- PATROLMAN MENTAL - 1 i PHYSICAL Hi SCHWARTZ SCHOOL i MANHATTAN Sefognize$ SCHOOL DIRECTORY Value Thcfe'i raloe in t *Dime'* Saymgi Account where every weekly deposit, oo matter how small the amount, is a part-payment on the things diac • f t going to count —a home oi your own, aa ' education for the children, a trip abroad, security. Make *The Dime" a hahit. Opea your accouot tocky. is ail you need. Aeademlc mo4 OonunerouU—CoUec* P*ep«niU>ty •OBO HALL AVADBHV—Flatbai* OK (or QI's. M A 2-2447 Bxt. C«r. m i t o a M . M M l n t * r i M t Maa«K«neak. StiUioMry A CwtediM Bkiym. aecente Bnfiiieeni epprovvA UeMUM rrep«i»tiM Baslneea Seliooia IAMB'S IttSINKSS TRAINIMQ SCHOOL—Gr««K PitmaB. Trplnf. BoQ^keei>lnc. Com»tometry. Ctertcal. Day-Eve Indiridna) luctrucUoa 870 9ih St. (oor. <Mh A w . ' BkLyv 16 SOutb B-4230 • K r r i . K ) A BKUWNB 9KCRBTABLU. SCHOOL, 7 Lafayeite Are. ooe. Brooklyr 17 NBvlnt 8-2i)41 Day aod areolae. Veterana BUgible. ...I B^nkafThe Dime n*tbwk MOMKOK S<'iIOOL OF BUSINESS, Secretarial, Accouaiinir, VetertUM AceepUd. d r t ) Service preparation. East 1 7 7 U St. aad Bostcw Uoad (KKO ChMt«r ThoaUa BUIff.) Bronx. KI 2-6600. BLBCTBOLXSIfi INSTrrUTB or BLBCTKOLVSIS — Profitable fnU or parl-tim* emrmr permaneut hair renioyal tor omd aotf vomea. rrac Book 'HT*. It B. 41al tU M. O. MP 3-4498. mmmm L a . ML MACHINKH ' 1m r t i i j f t f If i m t t r MifiiimmiTEM SAVINGS BANK OF BROOKLYN ROR IBM TAB. SOUTINQ. WIRINO. K « T PDNCHINO. VERIFYINO. STO. Uo to tb« Combination BusincM School 139 W. 126ik St. UM 4 8170. BOWNTOWM .,»«».....Fttl«oa SctMC aad DeKalb Am MMSONHURSI Scraet aod 19«H AVCOM HAHUM Am J Bad CoMf Uaad Awemm Merauud Am and 17A Sk UiMGOAtiS SCBOOLii WTOi'liB SiUUOL 0 1 LAMU1J4UE8, (Uptown Sofaooll. Leftra L«iiciiHt«a. O a » rer«atlonal B'rench. Spwolah. OemiMi. Itatlao. »t«. MaUtc l>a«ctMr A n t . for VAU. Approved by Stftte O e p u unent of BdocsUoB. Daily 0 A. M. T* f P. M 200 WMt 1S6UI Si. MTO. W A 0 3780 Motloa Piatat* Oparatlag aaOOKLVN VMCA TKADK SCHOOL—111» Bedford Brea (Oataal Bklya. JI^MN^tfP J^A^tfm^ HA t-USS Maala |flM OioMifavliifS Bonk of Brookfys JhOhm m d DaKoib k m ^ WKW yOKK COLLKOK o r MCHIC (C%art«red 18781 aS branobea. PrlTaU or elaai Uiatructiona. 114 Eaat 86tb Street. EUceat 7 ft761. H. t. SS, M. T. Oatatocua. Kefrtferatloa ~ UU Burnw MBW yOKK TKt'UNICAL INSTITUTB—668 Sixth Ava. (at IBtb St.) M. T. a Day A Eve. ciiUiNt!* Oonientlo A fKitDmerctat UistailaUoa aud aervicinc Oor 42Dd r e a r Koqueat oataiovua. L. C B e l m 8-6830 R»(llo — Tel«vUtua aAUlO-TKI.KVti^lON INMTHUTB. «80 Lnzlnrton Ava. (48tb St.), K. T. O. Day an« evtaaioif SiutUl wecklj pa^oiauta. Vuiaei 80. P L U-bOOtt. TO U n i BY %im THIS COUPON U CH^ I endoit <&f flm d«()o<i« ol I . JUoonai m ivxed Q lodividaftl^QJoiat QIH W« Pax Postage SeorctaHat »aAH»:8, 154 NA88AU HTHIcm:. H.)l.V, S«cr«tartai Aooouutiof. Dr&ftlnc. JoamallHa Uar Nifbt WHt« fni Oataiof BK 9 4^40 iriUtfUNU't^ft ai)81NKi!ito tMBX. 4 i e 6 - 7 t b Ava. <oor^lli6t6M»tT*ll.<<l» aad civU (wrvUw irauuu«. Mo<Wa(« oual. MO i-OOBft. """ JiagrauwUi r-T'^rr ^C4tk ibtmkk > -I <J wjr i C I V I L / T o M d a r , December 16, 1952 MATTHEWS. SHIELDS. MASS HONORED FOR SERVICE Auffustine H. Matthews, Henry J. Shields and Edward Mass, who •tarted as office boys In the NYC Law Department, were honored at exercises In the department's Ubrary recently. Corporation Counsel Denis M. Hurley praised them. All three have completed "their first 50 years" as City employees. The three received gifts from fellow employees. DeBARY HEIGHTS NEWEST SUBDIVISION toR . RETIRED FOLK Moderafa Pricad 2 and 3 Badroom Homa or Homai Built fo Ordar Choica Homa or Businast Lots SAM FARON •ex 80. D«Bciry, Ra. LEGAL NOTICE CITATION—P 3 1 9 » — 1 9 5 2 T H E PEOPLE OF T H E STATE OF NEW TORK, BY THE GRACE OK GOD F R E E AND INDEPENDENT. TO: ROBERT BARUCH. HERTA BARUCH-MERLANDER and FRANZ KALPH BARUCH, persona v h o kkra dia appeared under circumstancea adordinf reasonable rround to believe that they are dead: and the PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR OF T H E COUNTY OF NEW TORK. Send Greeting: Upon the petition of P I E T E R J. KOOI X A N . w h o rcBidee at No. 8 1 North Hillaide Placar Ridgewood. New Jersey, You are hereby cited to show cause before the Surrogate's Court o l New York County, held at the Hall of Records in t h e County of New York, on the 3 0 day • I December, 1 9 5 2 . at hall-paet ten o'rtock In the forenoon of that day, w h y the Burrogate should not inquire into the i a c t s and circumstances and m a k e a decree determining that the said ROBERT BARUCH died on May 31. 1 0 4 6 at Mauthausen, Austria, HERTA BARUCH-MERL A N D E R . died on November 30, 1 0 4 4 In Eastern Europtt, and FRANZ RALPH BARUCH, died on May 1. 1 0 4 6 at Eben• e . Austria: why the Laet Will and Ttesta•nent of ROBERT BARUCH, Deceased, ahould not b© recorded; and why An «;illary Letters of Administration with t h e Will Annexed, on the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the said ROBERT BARUCH l a t e of the Kingdom of the Netherlands • h o u l d not be issued to PIETER J. KOOl M A N , petitioner IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have cauHcd the seal of t h e Surrogate's Court • I the said County of New York to oe hereunto fixed. WITNESS, HONORABLE GEORGE F R A N K E N T H A L E R . a Surrogate of our aaid County, at the County of New York t h e 2 0 t h day of November, in the y^ar of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and flfty-two. PHILIP A. DONAHUE, (Sea<) Clerk of the Surrogate's Court S U P R E M E COURT. BRONX COUNTY: MAX SAKOW, plaintiff, against MART C. C A H I I X and A N N A J. DONNELLY, bcin? sued Individually and as joint ten ants. Bridget Leary. individually and Administratrix of the Estate of John H Ijoary, deceased. Jeesie Brower. E. H. De Jarnette, Jr.. Frank Marion, Frank Sagior. "Mrs. Frank Sagrior," said name being fictitious, true name unknown to plaintiff, person intended being the w i f e or widow if any, of Frank Sagior, Marie Dages and all of the above, if living, and if they or any of them be dead, then it ia intended t o sue their heirs-at-law, devisees, dis tributees, next-of-kin, executors, wivee, ^ i d o w a , lienors and creditors, and their respective successors in interest, wives, 'widows, heirs-at-law, next-of-kin, devisees distributees, creditors, lienors, executors administrators and succeasors in interest, all of whom and whose names and wherea b o u t s are unknown to the plaintiff and •who are Joined and designated herein aa a claae aa "Unknown Defendants," defend ants. S E R V I C E > L E A D E R R E A L Page E S T A T E Eleri ^ HOUSES — HOMES — PROPERTIES BE 3-6010 MANHATTAN LONG ISLAND APARTMENTS JAMAICA. L. I. 1 Fomily BROOKLYN and MANHATTAN 2. 2V2. 3. 3V2 Rooms NOW RENTING Rrerythlng m o d e m and completely done over. Reasonable renta, ateam. nr. transportation Carrolls' Renting Service ST 0 - 0 0 0 4 LONG Detached home, corner plot 5 3 x 1 0 3 . 8 car detached ^arafcc, 7 rooms w i t h 2 enclose<l porches, side hall, modern bath and iiitchen. Many extras such as brass pflumbing, now oil burner, new roof, f u l l basement. Price $ 1 4 , 0 0 0 Terms arranged MT. VERNON - $14,000 Country liTinr, yet near all city transportation. Larre 8 room house, c o m e r plot. Unfinished attic of 3 rooms?" Modern throuirhout, recently renovated Inside and out. T h i s m u s t be seen. Cash $ 3 , 6 0 0 . Many others. HICKS STREET Terms arranKed—Act to-day. Call 4 f a m i l y , I/2 a n d l ^ t D u p l e x t a r r a c a a p t s . BROOKLYN BROOKLYN BARGAINS Nawly Ranovatad, $10,000 G A T E S AVE. 3 family. Cash $500 MACON ST. 4 family. Cash $3,500 L A F A Y E T T E AVE. 4 family. All vacant. 4 room apt. Terms MANHATTAN PROPERTY W E S T 117th S T R E E T Two 10 family — Cash $2,000 EARLE D. MURRAY L B 4-22S1 rooms, datachad, $11,500 MILCAR 450 Gates Ave. ST. UL. HQME 9ara9a REALTY Brooklya, N. Y. 9-0553 5-2336 $2,500 BUYS 3 aiory and basement, legal 3 family, 14 rooms. Plumbing, heating, (oil) and roof in excellent condition, parquet, a n t i r a ^ vacant. CUMMINS IS MaeDoagal St. (Cor. Ralph A FaHaM) rs 4.6611 Houses Wanted Bought, Sold, Refinanced Town & Country Real Estate Corp* room tetached house. Sxpaneion attie, ateam heat, n o d e m kitchen, eaecUent condition. G . I. Needs $500 with OL y-85«l BRING $2,000 St. Albons $12,250 l a a beautiful aetting, nice neighborhood, S large rooma. In immaculate eondition; acasl-detadked. S large bedrooms, k n g e UTIn* room, parquet floors, atonna, renetlaaa and many extraa, garage, landacaped, att iMiroer. Mova right in Cash and terms. WM. RICH H. R . H E Y D O R I V M l - i O Merrick Blvd. — Near l l l i h Avenue JAmaica 6-0787 . JA. 6-0788 - JA. 6-0789 Ofllee Hours* Monday to Saturday 9 to 7 P.M. — Sundays 1 2 Noon to 8 P . l l . CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS TO INSPECT SPECIALISTS IN FINER HOMES CALL JA 6-0250 The Goodwill Realiy Co. I I SasaO farm, 9 0 0 0 aquarc feet, iwrt a l aomea aa< beautiful country aatata, amidat naajaatic boroa. Lia4 aorroandlnga. High Healthy climate, large aaiek aala. abada traea, -^ood aoU, Town road, aleet r l d t j . aaia lake, good awlmmlng and Sahln*. a o boUdinga. f u l l price $3B0.00. SSO.OO doUara down, $ 1 0 . 0 0 month. & UL. S-SSSS S t r o n . Phona Selden S 2 a 2 . We nave buyers waiting for T o the above named defendants: investment propertiea in all You are hereby summoned to answer the yoor property with a s for a complaint in this action, and to serve copy o( your answer, or if the complaint i s not served w i t h this summons, t o serve 4 6 0 OATKS A T E a Notice of Appearance on the plaintiff' ST. 9 - 0 6 6 3 attornev wjthin twenty ( 2 0 ) days after t h e service ot thi« summons, eatclusive of LBOAL N O n C B t h e day of service. In case of your failCITATION—r3368 1 9 6 8 ure to at^iear or answer, judgment will BKBNIJtK KANCH HOMK The People of the State of Mew Tork be taken against you by default for the l a t h AVK.^aiid 147tta ST. By the Grace of Ood f r e e and Independent, Mow ander eonstrvction, 6 rooma (S bedrelief demanded in the complaint. To Mendel Varshavsky. Minna Varahavaky, r o o m s ) , t a l l baaement, ateam, oil, aewer Dated: New York. May 10. 1 0 5 3 . Parkway, HARRY HAUSKNECHT Moisei Varshavsky, Simon Varshavaky, Lar » l o t 4 4 X 100. Convenient Varshavsky, Rachil Tarshavaky, i t Urlmr WhiteatMte Bridge, bua, etc. Attorney for Plaintiff Office and P. O. Address, 1 3 6 Broadway. and if dead to their heirs at l a w . a e x t kin and diatributeea whoae n a n e a and Hew York, New York. I'laintiff's address is 2 1 7 1 Bogart Street, plaoea of residence are u n k n o w n a a d it Bronx. New York and plaintiff designatea tbej died aubsequent to ^ e decedeaA. kareIn, t o their executors, administrators, toBronx County aa the place of trial. gateea, deriaees, aasigneea and aucceaaora To the above named defendants: The fdregoing s u m m o n s ia aerved a p o n In intereat w h o s e namea and placea of y o u by publication pursuant to an order rcaidence are u n k n o w n and to all othar • f Hon. Thomas J. Brady, Justice • ( the heirs at law, next of kin and diatributaea Supreme Court of the State of New York, of GBIQORY B E N I A M I N VARSHAVSKY, dated November 7, 1 0 6 2 , and filed w i t h the decedent herein, whoae namea aiM t h e complaint in the office of the Clerk of placea of residence are u n k n o w n and caa- Caaapletaly eqnippad w i t h Sxtiirea «ar af' Bronx County, at 1 0 1 s t Street and Grand Dot, after diligent Inquiry, be aacertainad, Aea and bnainaaa. Laaae kaa t w o yeara Concourse, in the Borough of The Bronx, the next of kin and heirs at l a w of OBI- mora to go w i t h c a t i o n o t renewal. City of New York. GORY BENIAMIN VARSHAVSKY. da- Typawritan, deaka, adding maehinea, eaMT h i s action is brought to foreclose eeaaed, and to Attorney General of M e v nata, ate., etc. Recently renovated. B4MMOB aeveral transfers of tax liens sold by the York State, and the Public Adminiatratar aWa Price. CaU City of New York to the plainUff. Yon of New York County, seod greeting: Whereas, Samuel Dmitrovaky, w h a raare interested in the First. Second, Fourth, I'ifth. Thirteenth and Fourteenth Caueea aides at 2 3 6 Weet 7 6 t h Street, ManhatS S S l r a l t a a St.. B'klya. MA. S-S7SX • f Action of the complaint, which are for tan. New York City, and Mark JCanevleh t h e foreclosure of the following liens: w h o reaides at Jonee Siding Road, K.VJD. Bronx U e n No. 6 3 8 7 3 , in the sum of Freehold, New Jersey, haa lately ai»$ 7 6 8 . 0 1 with interest at 1 2 % per annum plied to the Surrogate a Court Ml our trom March 23. 1 0 4 3 , affecting Section County of New York to have a certain 1 6 , Block 4 2 2 0 . Lot 3 0 on the Tax Map instrument in writing bearing data Auguat • f Bronx County; Bronx Lien No. 8 3 8 7 7 , a i , 1 8 4 0 , relating to both real and pertn the sum of $ 2 , 3 0 4 . 2 3 with interest at aonal property, duty proved aa tba laat 1 2 % per annum from March 23, 1 0 4 3 , ill and testament of Qrigory Beniamin f r e e and clear, « tamUy, « kltchana. ol) affecting Section 16, Block 4 2 2 1 , Lot 7 on Varshavsky, decessed, w h o w h o waa at bauntar, muat ba aold at oooe. t h e Tax Map of Bronx County: Bronx the time of his death a resident of M CALL OyrNEB. PL. 7 - 0 8 8 6 Lien No. 7 6 0 7 0 , in the sum of $ 2 4 7 . 3 0 Weat 6 6 t h Street, Manhattan, the Comity w i t h interest at 1 2 % per annum from of New York, " February 16. 1 0 4 0 , affecting Section 16, Therefore, you and each of y o u ara Block 4 2 2 1 , Lot 6 3 on the Tax Map of d t e d to show cause before the Surrogate's Bronx County; Bronx U e n No. 6 4 2 0 0 , in Court of our County of New York, at the tlie sum of $ 1 , 0 1 8 . 6 6 w i t h interest at Hall of Records in the County of New INVESTIGATE and compare 2 family, 1 2 % per annum from March 23. 1843, York, on the 8 t h day of January, ooa aolid brick of 9 rooms w i t h 3 kitchens, in affecting Section 16. Block' 4 2 6 8 , Lot 6 3 fifty-three, axoellent condition, w i t h heat and every • n the Tax Map of Bronx County; Bronx thousand nine hundred and U e n No. 6 6 0 7 2 . in the sum of $ 1 , 3 4 0 . 7 6 at half past tec o'clock in the forenoon Improvement. Caah and terms. Here is a of that dayr why the said will and teata- aloe buy. In a good neigUborhod and at w i t h interest at 1 2 % per annum from Wovember 19, 1040, affecting Section 16, u e u t ahould not be admitted to probate a reasonable price 1 Full price aa a wUl of real and peraoual property. Block 4 7 9 4 , Lot 6 cm the Tax Map o l In testimony whereof, we have eauaed Bronx County, and Bronx Lien No. 6 6 8 7 4 , l a the Mini of $ 1 , 7 6 2 . 7 8 with intereat at t h e seat of the Surrogate's Court af tbe 1 2 % Ker annum from November 19, 1840, said County of New York to be hereunto 1S0 Howard Ave QL-2-7610 affecting Section 16. Block 4 7 9 4 , Lot 10 affixed. Brooklyn, N. Witneas, Houuruble Ckiorge Fraukaathe Tax Mav of Bronx County, S a t a d : Mew York, November 20. 1869. tkaler. Surrogate of our aaid County a t New York, at said eounty, t t e S l a t day a< Have jvm been readlnf tbe HABHY HADSKNBCHT Movember l a t h e year of a v r liord a LEADER'S Interestinf new column. Attorney tor n a i n t i S thousand aine hundred and S f t y - t w o . Oflka aad P. O. A i U r a « , I M W t o t a w w . i L . t . ) Ctvy Servke N e w s l e t ^ T Vesni P H I U P A. IK>MA9UB. m m Tark, X a v Tark. Qmk U IM tarrasaU'a Oawrt. M M puce i . H a k e It MUST MILCAR REALTY WHITESTONE $1S.500 EGBERT AT WHITESTONE H . 3-7707 BROOKLYN STORE FOR SALE RUFUS MURRAY BIGGEST SACRIFICE NO MORTGAGE $3950—ALL CASH INVESTIGATE! DECATUR $12,500 HILLSIDE GARDENS: 2-fatnily semi-detached solid brick dwelling, 3-rooin a p a r t m e n t and modern tiled bath on 1st floor; 5-large rooms, modern tiled bath a n d open porch on 2nd floor; parquet floors throughout, attached 1-car garage, automatic steam heat, completely redecorated, 2-new refrigerators, 2-tabletop gas ranges, Venetian blinds, screens and storm windows. Reduced price $12,000. Mortgage already on property. RIMI Move right in for down payment of • ^ • i5#llw SOUTH OZONE PARK: 1-family detached f r a m e dwelling, 5 rooms, enclosed sunporch, tiled bath, parquet floors throughout, steam heat. House in excellent condition, ^ Q CLAA Cash for veterans $1,000, mortgage $8,500. Price SPRINGFIELD GARDENS: Detached brick veneer, f r a m e and stucco. 5-large rooms, expansion attic, finished basement, modern tiled bath, scientiflc kitchen, automatic steam heat, hardwood floors throughout, cyclone fence encloses property, 2-car brick garage, screens, storm windows, Venetian blinds. House in excellent condition. Cash for veteran C 1 1 QUA J2,800. G. I. loan $10,000, Price ^ I L kOWI H U G O IN Iile. Broker, Real Bstate l e e - A S Mew Xark Blvd., i a m a l e a , G.I. & F.H.A. INSURED LOANS IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF THE FOLLOWING HOMES OTHER GOOD BARGAINS IN ALL PRICE RANGES WHY PAY RENT? HOLTSVILLE. L 510 LONG ISLAND'S BEST INTERRACIAL PROPERTIES . 115-43 Sntphin B h d . . Janutica MOVK RIGHT Suite SECURE YOUR FUTURE! Civilian Needs $1,000 SO. OZONE PARK $8,250 Sxelnslve Your family deserves the best aiid at tha right price. Investigate and — COMPARE! — COMFARKI CKOWN HEIGHTS section, CarroU St. (Kingston) 8 rooms, 2 baths, garage. Todays beat buy. Price and tcrma. ST. JOHNS PLACE ( N o s t r a n d ) , hrawBatone. 2 family, 10 rooms, oil. yarqiMt. Cash $ 3 , 0 0 0 . 1st and 2nds BAISLEY PARK Beautiful brick and f r a m e 1 - f a m i l y dwe411nr. 2-yearB old, 6V4-«PacioU9 rooms, modern Hollywood tiled b a t h and acientiflc kitchen, steam h e a t ( o i l ) , hardwood floors throughout, finished baaement, e x t r a lavatory, landscaped p ! ^ 4 0 X 1 0 0 . B i f h e . I. Mortgrare. DIPPEL BUYERS Bank Mortgages Arranged W O . 2-2228 Pm* . $14,500 ST. ALBANS 1 family, 4 large rooms — Cash $2,500 MURIEL E. SPENCER 2 family, brick — Cash $2,500 l l * - 3 4 Mevriek Blvd., Jamaica S3, 2 family, brick, 9'/i rooms $14,000 New York — KKpublie 9 - 8 3 6 9 VALLEY S T R E A M 2 fahtily, IO>/2 rooms, detached, ail, plelnty of yard spaca, $14,000 MASSAPEQUA VILLAGE SPRINGFIELD GARDEN I family, $8,000 $8,750 RICHMOND HILL • room detached home. SO x 1 0 9 . Oil kaat, refrigerator. I family, $7,500 2 family, I LONG ISLAND 305 Broadway LONG ISLAND BEST BUYS WEST N. Y.. NEW JERSEY ISLAND CHARLES H, VAUGHAN AT LOWER PRICES READ THIS FIRST THE BUY OF THE MONTH SPRINGFIELD GARDENS: 8-large rooms (5-bedrooms), finished basement with extra lavatory, m o d e m tiled kitchen and bath, steam heat (oil), garage, plot 40x100. Excellent C l ^ OAA neighborhood. Price ^•^lAVW FOR THE FINEST IN QUEENS ALLEN & EDWARDS UI-18 Liberty Ave.. Jomoiea. N. Y. OLympia 8-2014—8-2015 EXCEPTIONAL BUYS ON BETTER TYPE HOMES SPRINGFIELD GARDENS SPRINGFIELD GARDENS Brick, Bungalow, ntoderp tbrougbout, 2 family, detached 0 0 z 100, oontaiufluUhvd S I v v e r o o m i w i t h S flnlebcd roonoB In i u r t w o 4 room apts w i t h • t t l c . Slato roof, in wtcellent condl- attic. Automatic heat, 2 car rarave. tioa w i t h many e t t r a e on plot 4 0 x 1 0 0 . Kxcellent location. Pos(te«<7too trutire. Beal b a y »t bou^e. $13,250 $13,000 Many oMier Good Buys IN Springfield Gardens, St. Albons and Vicinity TOWN REALTY 186-11 MERRICK BLVD. SPRINGFIELD GARDENS LA 7-2500 For The Largest Selection Of BETTER INTER-RACIAL HOMES & LOTS IN THE BETTER SECTIONS OF LONG ISLAND (Nassau & SufToIk) In All Price Ranges • Easy Commuting '''WM. URQUHART, Jr. 53 Grove Street, Hempstead, Long Island HEmpstead 2-4248 ~ Evenings: GArden City 7-6075 As ft service to applicants tor elvU service jobs. The LEADER supplies free notary service a t its office. 97 Duane Street, NYC. fteross the street from the NYC Civil Service Commission's AppU(NkUon Burefttt. LOOK HERE FOR BUYS CITID r a i « Twclt« S K R T I C I L I A D I B IWMllIf, IfSI LIST OF PATRONAGE JOBS THAT EISENHOWER CAN FILL (g) One private secretary or NATIONAL CAPITAL HOUSOfQ trict Board which may be estab- pensated on piece-rato basts) confidential assistant to each AUTHORITY lished by the Railroad Retirement accept registration of unemployed Commissioner and to the General (a) T h e Executive OfBcer. Board, one member to be appoint- railroad workers residing In areas Counsel. UNITED STATES 8 0 U > n M r ed friMn recommendations made in which no employer facilities a r a (h) The Financial Assistant t o HOME by the representatives of t h e e m - located, or in which no employer the Chairman. (a) AU positions. loyees, and one f r o m recommen- wlU mfake facilities available foff FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION GENERAL SERVICB8 ADMDf- .ati(ms made by t h e carriers. the registration of such employeeau ISTRATION (c> Special claims agents (com(a) One private secretary a n d fContinued Next Week) General one confklential assistant to each <l) Agents employed lii IMd Commissioner. lUons t h e work of which la (b) A Secretary o< UM ComOATAIXM O^ COVT. SURPLUS anced Jointly by General Sermission. (c) Consultants, experts and spe- vices Admlnlstratkm a n d eooparcial counsel whose emplosrments ating persons, organisations, or Vk' SMANRS St Pa. McessMry Set PLANNING AN agendes outside Kit e o n t a l M Orindliie WbMta. H i r h Sp«ed B o t a r r and compensation ' a r e l ^ e d tjgr Governmental OFFICE PARTY? VttM. TaiMT Pin Reanun, Fait POIWIIBC Wbaat. Wire contract within t h e limita of spe- the Federal serrloe. Drill BH. Bl«1i SeMd OoonU f Longchampi Catering D«cial funds appropriated by Ooo(S) Temporary field positions BnMhM. XDgk Spe«« aU ahaoka. • t t^TII? p a r t m a n t ir— y o u o f aN th* gress for this purpose. concerned with t h e inspeeUoo. Chrirtmai Sjiilal « M work and w o r r y . A n d y o u CM (d) Three special assistanto to Inventory, prlcloff. sale, and aiiipPMT. * Mapd. S«O hava a w o n d a r f q l t i m a w i t l i ping at surplus property a t t h e the Commission. MCTRIS HANM-SPRAYIR S t . t t 1M ASSORTID l / i r A 3/31" r a i t o f tba gang. (e) One assistant to t h e Chair- stte o f ' t h e p r o p e r ^ . Poatace * Handliii* 5 0 c W a can s u p p l y y o u w i t h t m f man. ( t ) Custodians, guards, watcfaLataatt Tba o o l r Preett h i n g f r o m canapas t o a fuNaloa B o a t Sprarer of non(f) A General Counsel and tfarM men. laborers, a n d other en>oorroalTa materiala on th« courta dinnar. if you with — Assistant General Coiinsels. ployees engaged In ttM euatody. markat today I . . . With t a r v i c a , c h i n a , l i n a n and iMvw SECURITIES AND EXCHANOB care a n d preserratlon of plants, A l i f o t l m a Serrloa CKiarean b a f u r n i i h a d . COMMISSION warehouses, dilpyanli. alrlleldi, antaa. .Paaturea adjoatM o w n w S T o m s Call Plaia 9-2600. Ask for fha (a) One private secretary and surplus facilities c i % rtmllar CWTTMS . . . STANOARO LIN«11f abla SwlTet Moaala. Ideal f o r a a a w i t h Paint. VarCataring Dapt. Lat tham t«ll confidential assistant to n a t u r e pending disposition of Mieii aiah. Lacanar, Inaecttdda. SHANRS — A U M W y o u how ntuch—or rathar haw member of t h e Commission. faclHttes. D M a f e e t a n t a . Watar and h'ttia—it will eoit. lAUT %nM N«W $ f . f t Water Baaad Cbetnicale. (b) A General Counsel. Office 9t «iM Admldbtrator PM*. * Hand. SO* t i e T o l U . A.C. o n l j . (c) Director, Diyislon of T r a d h i c (1) On* prtrato secretary a r I mStAURANTf and Exchanges; Director, DiTision confidenUal aswlstiit to t h e Ad- D e M SpeslaHy ft Soke C*., Dept. CSI. P. O. Rm «92. » r M t Ne«k. N.Y. of Public Utilities; Director. D m - ministratMT. sion of Corporation Finance. (2) Two expert assietanti to Itai (d) One Chief Accountant. Administrator. CLOSE OUT (e) One assistant to the Chair(S) Deputy Administrator. la time for y o « r gift bnyiMf man. (4) One iM^vato secretary er NATIONAL RAILROAD ADJUST- confidential assistant to t h e YOUR OPPORTUNITY MENT BOARD puty Administrator. TO SAVE UP TO 50% (a) One private secretary or M U e BnUdings Admlnlstmtlea confidential assistant to eaeh (1) Conmiissloner. L a r f e Stock Eiectrieal Appliaecet member of the Board. (3) One private secretary er and Gift Items (b) One private secretary or confidential assistant to tiM OoanJewelry • Baby Items confidential assistant to each missioner. Electric Trains • Fiirnitur* member of regional a d j u s t m e n i Bureaa of OommnnHy PaeOtUsa A C T T O D A Y FOR BEST boards. (1) Commissioner. S i U C T I O N . Supplies Limited NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND (3) One privato sesrotary er< PLANNING COMMISSION oonfldentlal assistant to the OomFree Gift Dally (a) Architectural or engineer- missioner. T o F i r s t 10 easterners Bureaa of F e d e r a l t m w i y ing consultants, land appraiser* (1) Director. and land purchasing officers for MUNICIPAL temporary, intermittent, or p a r t (3) One privato secretary time service. confidential asatotant to t b s DiEmployees Service FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANOB rector. CORPORATION Archivist of t h e Ihrftod Matoa "Esiablhhod 1929" (a) Two special assistants, pri(1) T h e Archlvlat 15 Park Row vate secretaries, or confidential (3) One privato secretary assistants to each member of t h e c o n f i d e n t assistant to the ROOM 4 2 8 — C o r t l l a n d 7 - 5 3 9 0 • M i m e lANSCS Board of Directors. chlvist • EAMEMS • JEWILRY (b) All field positions concerned FEDERAL COMMUNIOATlOm • mEVtSHM • SIIVERWARE with the work of liquidating t h e OOMBaS»ON assets of closed banks or the li{mi A Secretary to t h e OOnMBto• T Y K ^ T C M e REFRIGERATOft quidation of loans to banks, and slon. e E l E C T R K M APPLIAIltES all tempoiary field poetitiona t h e (W One iMrlvato s i i r e t M y e»FOR MEN work of which is concerned with confklentlal assistant to tmti^ ANCHOR RADIO CORP* paying the depositors of closed In- Commissi oner. Now We Have sured banks. (e) A general counsel MB4 on*' H i a b i g g a t t a n d finast s h i p m a n t of ONE GREENWICH ST. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION assistant general counseL Aufomafs quality hats wa'va avar liad! •Co* Battary Ptoca, N. Y.I (a) General Counsel. (d) A chief engineer a n d oom^ TEL WHItthall 3-4280 (b) Director, Bureau eC assistant chief engineer and. i m Shop Now! B« Wise! lobby Entronca — Ooa B'woy BIdfl. nomics. tU the positions are abolished folCOME I N TODAY Cafeferiat (c) Director, Bureau of AntlzMH lowing completion of t h e present (OPFOtlTE CUSTOM HOUW) nopoly. reorganisaticm. two additional ABE WASSERMAN (d) Direct(Mr, Bureau of Antlde- assistant chief engineers. ceptive Practices. Entrance • Canal Arcade: (e) A dilef accountant a n d one ^ Retail Shops (e) Director, Bureau of Induetnr assistant chief accountant and, 46 B O W E R Y Cooperation. until t h e positions are abolished Op— uafll 6 e v e r y e v e n i e f • wonderful nowfollowing completion of the presIjr deeigmed Una e< Electric TaU 3rd Ava. Bu« or "L" ent reorganisation, two additional train tabloa. Providing Rnett Quality Food al Canal Street assistant chief accountants. Train Lowest Possible Prices for mora (f) One chief ot each of the f<4Tim* For la FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE than 350,000 Naw Yorkari tyMy lowlng bureaus: Broadcast, ComXMAS. Christmas fOUDiHG Opee Saterdays 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. li-*. mon Carrier. Safety and Special Only TABLES Services, and Field Engineer a a d w o r t h 4-0215 Greetings I POLD-A-TRAIN Monitoring. features: UNl'IHD STATES TARIFF m TVaeka baildinf*. acoeaaorCOMMISSION SiZES laa eao ba permanently THE "NEW" POCKET KNIFE (a) The Secretary of tb» Cocn- 4 It. S tt^ ft.. faataoed. ONL.T _ « mlssion and one private secretary 44 ft. zX 8S ft. r c M a a w a j like a cabinet. of 1001 uses! 5 U C PP. or confidential assistant to each Save* Bpaoa, nnfokla (or instant usa. Sarea time. Commissioner. M e a d at B«aUatie roada, •imolated RAILROAD RETIBCMENT $12.9S rraaa f o r landscaped panBOARD $19.91 orma. Bxceasiye nolaa eli(a) Two m e m b m ot t h e Aaminated. $25.91 Caal in your pocket I I tuarial Advisory Committee to be Ideal tor Mcretariea, eliippinr rooma, Write for F R M BOOKLET 7 BROADWAY. NEW YORK selected by tlie Board, one f r o m clipping cli>xkf>. sewingr baskets, irift wrapping and myriad other uses. OTie recommendations made by repreT ^ l o r - M a d e Pocket Knife is made of sentatives of t h e employees, a n d THE MARK-O-CORPe the flneat enr^icaa steel available and one f r o m recmnnendations nuide 17 W. 60M STREET, M. Y. C. ia honed in oil. Limited time offer— 1 0 for $ 4 . 5 0 - ^ e n t postpaid. by the carriers. a 5-8949 C k r i t t m a s T O Y S ^ G r e e t i a g C a r t b Moner Back Guarantee I Dept. C.8. H O T E L (b) Two membeM of eafdi DlaBROWN'S S t a t i o n e r y — P r i n t i i H i on the Hudson ME W. 48 St.. N.Y. 36. N.Y. iU 2-86M OfttrrinK to CItU ttocTiM K m p l o r M • 7 0 ACRI SCENIC PARADISi '(Continued from oage 10) bcr of the Commission a n d two assistants to ttie Chairman of the Commission. (d) Ten special assistants to the TTnited States Maritime Commission. (e) The Secretary of the Commission. (f) The General Counsel. FREE! FREE! MiiMMttllil'. loiKaiAMK Season's Greetings mmm TO CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES NORN & NARDART f Weattier Social Hotpifabie • Dancing, Record Penslon Loon Blanks EUGENE H. TOWER Being Distributed S p e r H Activities Aroasd a Hearth Ping Pong, STATION BKY • TV, Ixtentlve Library •Delicious Food and Plenty rUKK FOLK, n\I,LHOOM DANCING INSTllUCTION EVKHY WKKKIOND Oac&r Uraikd, Activities Director ill Residence of tt NEW WINDSOR 5, N. M r . FbUt PANTS OR SKIRTS iUyfat up> worth 8-8617-8 TYPEWmTERS RENTED Service Application forms are being dlatributed by the NYC Employees Retirement System for a i v l y i n f 311 B'WAY^ N. Y. C. by mail for pension annuity loans. Most of the departmente already WO 2-1666 tiave received the forms, and all of t h e large ones have. Departments who have not received t h e m "Janie" belongs in your home. should send a representative to See details on P a i g e 7. Room 312, City Court Building. 62 Chambers Street, NYC, for their allotment. Mallei — Easy GUIDE Htip Wanted MEN Terms IJ^DINQ MACBINBS MULEOOUAPHFI For homes and propertiea, be WrKKNATiONAi. TYmWBITKK sure to see the beat bays o« pa^a 11. I M I . l i t h Si. Ii t « 0,09m m pm.' Have WOMEN rom L B A D E B ' s CivU find been M l readliif Interestliiff new Serviee It paira NewsletterT t. M W s i R E C O R D S S|«ee*al dlaoount to Otrfl Servloa Bmployeea luonff Plajlnr T8'S S for 09c>. Clasaical * Popular standard 7 8 rt»<M>rd that parrakeet ta 4 6 &FM • for ift M C O R O S H O P Ownntta Olty Hall Park, N. T. W o a U jom. IUM l a eoppleroea* y a w Incoma and a* tlM aame ttma, h a r a • rOK VOUK HOMK MAKIMO Uincounta *m aiwili, haapttallaatloa and 8UOPP1MO NKKUiii vacatltw wttfc p a r t IfurnlFure, appllancea. r i l u . eto- (at ra«i We haTO a UniMad Miiabar o( aataa •avinsTi) Municipaa Bmployeea Serrloa, openintra, boUk f a l l tlma and part-ttina. Uoou) i S S . 16 Park Bow OO 7-5300In our dnur and drar dapartmenla. IntereatedT R«Ani)thinf aiMl rapalrlng and pottidtlav CtU Mr. aUTermao — Oraiwa 4 furniture at your home. S86 Main St.. Oran««, » . JT. Kooau A. S M U I W X . BBAUTDTDL flowera. HaaMa Olrlnc Te*etablea eaa aU ba romm, Vorm jroar waataa. sraaa laaTaa, v a r b a i * and oflal Into l i e h ORaANIC VartUlaer with tha OABDENERS n u m m OOMPOSTSa. InaxxtenatTCly. Writa f o r boUdajr offer today. O. ZIMMBRMAM, M f f r . Fairfax, Minn. I T ' S CaU Df 9-oam Exama I N So Uetivet to tlit KxamloaUon ALL COST. Household N e c e o i f J e s matcb roui lackeU, auu.OOO pktterna, WBoo Xailonus A Weavlnit Co.. lOfi C VuUoa 8 U corner Broadway. M.TX} il Civil PHINTIN« •UY NOW M TOWER'S READER'S SERVICE For HATS! TRAVELLERS LUGGAGE . CORP. lLUAlb lOIH • C o l d • HATS! the eotamn. ToaH i r a N r t rABK aow wo is • yoor a i-sses POLICE UNIFORMS W E KPM. Here will teach talk. eheck, raouey order, or order COflW THC HOUSE Of TALKING PETS r.o. B«« s m uouxwood. n t . BUY 6 StU CALL WO 2-3281 Or Brlaf t e S4er# SS BAYARD ST* N. Y. IMMIIMANDIUUTIPW. •MilSniUMPT jkSSRi 1.80' T«Md«7, December Activities Syracuse CITID I95!l BIftTTCK L I X D I K Thl of Civil Service Employees in N,Y. State Ranger, and Tlce-presldent, director. 1. Education: Bd Killeen (Forestry), . chairman; Doris Kelley (Tax) and Leslie Smith (PubUc Works). 2. Grievance: Jerome Freeman (Employment), chairman; Margaret Thomas (Psychopathic) and Eleanor Fleming (Public Works). C. External Affairs, Etola Muckey (Labor), Srd rice-president, director. 1. Public Relations: Ida Meltzer ^Compensation), chairman; Margaret Obrist (Labor) and Lois B y ington (Public Workis). 2. Civic Affairs: R. C. Atwood (C^anal), chairman; Douglas Petrie (Rehabilitation) and P. Tracy (Rent Ctontrol). 8. Inter-Chapter: Molly Doyle (Insurance Fund), chairman; Mabel Smith (Compensation) and Agnes Weller (Parole). 4. Legislative: John Crowley (Labor), chairman; Katherine Blaich (Employment), John Kania (State Fund) and Bertram Hess (Social Welfare). Each member of the Syracuse chapter was furnished a iMifited copy of the chapter's revised constitution and by-laws, in which the duties of the officers and representatives were fully prescribed. The chapter voted to rejoin the Central Conference, and delegates are anticipating the next meeting of the Conference, t o be brid at Broadacres in January. THE N E X T m e e t i n g of t h e S y r a cuse c h a p t e r . CSEA, will be h e l d in the 5th floor lounge of t h e Merc h a n t s B a n k Building, 214 S o u t h W a r r e n Street, Syracuse, on M o n d a y , December 22. P r e s i d e n t R a y m o n d O. Castle will hold a s h o r t business m e e t i n g t o discuss t h e a n n u a l d i n n e r a n d d a n c e , to be h e l d a t t h e O n o n d a g a Hotel on S a t u r d a y , F e b r u a r y 14, a t (1:30 P.M. T h e c h a p t e r ' s legislative p r o g r a m will be p r e s e n t e d to t h e S t a t e legislators, w h o will be guests on t h i s occasion. A f t e r t h e business meeting, a social h o u r will be held, a n d T o m R a n g e r , c h a i r m a n of t h e C h r i s t m a s c h e e r committee, will choose t h e lucky winners of t h e C h r i s t m a s baskets. 1 At t h e last m o n t h l y m e e t i n g . P r e s i d e n t Castle appointed t h e f o l lowing c o m m i t t e e s f o r t h e y e a r : A. Administrative Aflfairs, E t h e l C h a p m a n . 1st vice-president, direc. tor. 1. Membership, Shedrick S c o u t (Public W o r k s ) , c h a i r m a n ; K a t e Powers a n d M a r g a r e t T h o m a s , P s y c h o p a t h i c ; M a r y McDonnell a n d K a t e O'Connell, D P U I ( J a m e s S t . ) ; J o h n Crowley a n d C a t h e r i n e Blaich, D P U I (Empire B l d g ) ; H e n r i e t t a S o u k u p a n d Molly Doyle, S t a t e F u n d ; M a r g a r e t Obrist, L a b o r ; P r a n c e s Egloff a n d B. Hess, Social W e l f a r e ; M. Pierce a n d Ed. Killeen, Forestry; Alice Corbett a n d W. H. Strong, M e n t a l Hygiene; R a y Castle, Commerce; Estelle B r o w n a n d P. T r a c y , R e n t Control; D. S. C u s h m a n a n d A. D a v e n p o r t B a n k i n g ; Anne T a g u e a n d R. H e n n i n g a n . H e a l t h , Dist. Office; M a r y Pogue a n d Bill Dilsch, H e a l t h , Reg Office; Doris Kelley, A n n Broderlck a n d Rose H a m a n j i a n . T a x . Agnes Weller. J o h n S J d a n n a n d J i m Sheedy, P a r o l e ; Elizabeth B r y a n a n d M. Powers, S t a t e P a i r Mal)el S m i t h a n d I d a Meltzer W o r k m e n ' s Comp. Bd.; Douglas Petri. Rehabilitation; Mary Anne G a l e . Eleanor F l e m i n g a n d Ada Yonnick, Pub. Works, Dist. Office Leon Brown a n d Alvin D u f f y , P u b Works, E n g i n e e r i n g ; William Hie key. Pub. Works, C a y u g a Co.; C. H Sullivan, Pub. Works. C o r t l a n d Co.; J. McEntee, Pub. Works. O n o n d a g a Co.; A1 CXirtis, Pub. W o r k s Seneca Co.; A. Pearce, P u b . W o r k s T o m p k i n s Co.; H. Tarbell. P u b Works, W a y n e Co.; George G a l d P u b . Works, Split Rock S h o p ; R. C. Atwood, C a n a l ; T h o m a s R a n g e r Medical C e n t e r ; M a r g a r e t W h i t m o r e . M e n t a l Hygiene. 2. F i n a n c e C o m m i t t e e : H e n r i e t t a S o u k u p ( S t a t e F u n d ) , R a y Field ( T a x ) a n d Mildred K e t c h u m ( P u b Works). 3. Member R e l a t i o n s : K a t h e r i n e Powers ( P s y c h o p a t h i c ) , c h a i r m a n Anne Tague (Health). Burdette P a r k e r (Pub. W o r k s ) , M a r y Pierce (Forestry) a n d Alice Corbett (Men t a l Hygiene). B. Internal Affairs. Ttiomas Westchester H I E NEXT regular meeting o( the Westchester County Competitive C?ivil Service Association will be held on Monday, December 32. at Fritz's Restaurant. 16 West Post Road, White Plains, at 8:30 P. M . After the business meeting, Christmas refreshments will be served, and some lucky members will take home Christmas turkeys or baskets of Holiday Cheer. Congratulations to six staff members of the County Probation Department and Children's Court who recently received from the State Department of Correction, a 20-year certificate of award i n recognition of service i n probation work. County Director Probation William J. Harper, Casework Supervisor Ethel N. Cherry, District Supervisor Richard A, Fllnn and Senior Probation Officers Margaret A. Harrington, Marie J. Swain and Jane R o t h w«re t h e i « dplents. Middletown Stote Hospital REPORTED FROM Middletown State Hospital chapter. CSEA: Mary Carroll, who resigned from the hospital, left on Wednesday. December 10. <m the S S Mauj-etania for England, where s h e l l a t tend t b e CoronatloB kt JNHM. Where to Apply for Jobs In Government Service S h e l l return to the States In August. Paul Hayes, Mental Hygiene representative, John D. O'Brien, vice-president of the Mental H y giene Association, and Laura 8. Stout. Middletown chapter president, attended the regular D e cember meeting of the Rockland State Hospital chapter o n T u e s day, December 9. Get well cards are In order for member Henry Hermann, who is a t present confined to his home. A concentrated effort Is being made to finish up the membership drive for CSEIA and Mental H y giene Association dues. , Member Mary Hamill is recovering from a n automobile accident. Next regular chapter meeting will be on Wednesday. December r e t i r e d a n d r e t i r i n g employees of G o w a n d a S t a t e Hospital w a s h e l d in t h e employees' c a f e t e r i a on T u e s d a y evening, December 9, with 160 employees p a r t i c i p a t i n g . Dr. Erwin H. Mudge, a s s i s t a n t director, was m a s t e r - o f - c e r e m o n i e s . Dr. R i c h a r d V. Foster, director, was u n a b l e t o be p r e s e n t , h a v i n g been called t o Albany. A message of r e g r e t a t his being u n a b l e t o a t t e n d was r e a d by Dr. Mudge. T h e h o n o r e d guests w e r e : Lee Fess, f a r m supervisor; Lee Fish, motor equipment foreman; J o h n A. S m i t h (better k n o w n as J a c k S m i t h ) , chief inspection s a f e t y supervisor; T h o m a s Q u i n n a n , m a chinist; D o r a L e i n h a a s , f o r m e r chief supervising n u r s e ; E l e a n o r Coulter, h e a d n u r s e ; J o h n Hering, a t t e n d a n t ; Albert J . O'Brien, a t tendant (absent). IT. E a c h guest was p r e s e n t e d w i t h a wallet a n d s u m of money. Harold Kumpf, recreational director. was in c h a r g e of e n t e r t a i n ment. A DINNER honoring eight recent Little R o n n i e Lee Willett, f o u r Gowando State Hospital Beame Welcomes Ideas O n Vacations and Sick Leave Budget Director Abraham D. Beame, at a press conference at his office last Friday, said that the office was under mandate from the Board of Estimate to come up with a uniform vacation and sick leave plan, that the mandate would certainly be obeyed, and whatever the Board adopts will probably be i n corporated in the terms and eonditions of the 1953-54 budget. Mr. Beame explained that a proposed Irian, which he circulated among employee organizations, was a revision of a similar one formulated two years ago. on which n o action was taken. He intimated t h a t the City Administration was determined that adoption of a uniform plan should not be delayed another year. l l i e old plan became out of date for various reasons, including a bill passed by the Legislature, h e explained, while the present form tal up-to-date. 'We had a choice of either calling (m employee wganizations to submit their ideas, or offering a plan ourselves for discussion purposes only," h e went on. "We decided to submit a tentative plan, but imfortunately the Impression got around that it was all set. It is wide open." The Budget Director's offlice did not release the irian to the press, but from other sources it was shown to embody this fundamental arrangement: Days Annual Annual For Week Yme. Days Mck Leave 6 24 12 5 20 10 S 12 • Differences Stressed I n some departments, one of his aids pointed out. n o sick leave is g r a n t e d , in o t h e r s t h e g r a n t Is discretionary, while in still o t h e r s It is on a s t a n d a r d basis. T h e r e f o r e t h e City is compelled t o i n t r o d u c e a u n i f o r m plan, so t h a t employees in one d e p a r t m e n t will n o t get a n y m o r e or less a d v a n t a g e t h a n those i n a n o t h e r d e p a r t m e n t , h e added. S o m e employee organizations h a v e complained t h a t t h e t e n t a tive proposal t h a t t h e B u d g e t D i rector offered reduces sick leave. Mr. B e a m e said t h a t those getting too m u c h should expect t o get less, those n o t enough, t o get more, a n d t h a t his office would hold f a c e - t o f a c e discussions w i t h employee representatives, a n d was confident t h a t a n acceptable p l a n c a n be devised. If n o t , h e a d d e d , t h e t e n t a tive p l a n would b e revised to I n clude s u c h points o n w h i c h t h e differences h a d been resolved, a n d t h a t new plan, w i t h employee objections, would be s u b m i t t e d t o t h e Board. Only one organization s u b m i t t e d its report, b u t o t h e r groups a r e p r e p a r i n g t h e i r responses. year old d a u g h t e r of H e n r y a n d J u d i t h Dye Willett, s a n g t w o C h r i s t m a s songs. Shirley S m i t h , r e c e n t w i n n e r in t a l e n t scout show f o r W e s t e r n New York, s a n g a selection a n d Mrs. Sadie Tesch a c c o m p a n i e d h e r a s pianist. T h e Harmonica Cats presented a selection, a n d a t a p d a n c e n u m b e x completed t h e e n t e r t a i n m e n t p r o gram. T h e following were on t h e a r rangements committee: Margaret M. L u n d b e r g , Vito F e r r o , H a r o l d K u m p f . Victor Cohen a n d Charlea Burkhardt. T h a n k s t o (Gordon Woodcock a n d his staff f o r t h e lovely d i n n e r . Brooklyn State Hospital M R S . ALICE K. S I M M S o t Brooklyn S t a t e Hospital s e n t t h « following letter t o T h e L E A D E R : I n t h e Civil Service LEADER of November 25, a n item said good luck t o Mrs. Alice S i m m s a n d M r s , Gertrude Keane, hospital e m ployees, who recently retired. I wish t o say t h a t I, Mrs. Alice Simms, was on a m o n t h ' s v a c a tion t h e m o n t h of November a n d was o n t o u r to Hou.ston, Texas* stopping off at Chattanooga,, T e n n . , New Orleans, La., Biloxi, Miss., r n d spent two weeks In B i n g h a m t o n . I h a v e not retired a s yet a n d wish to h a v e you r e p r i n t t h a t s t a t e m e n t . Also you c a n s a y t h a t my retirement takes effect on J a n u a r y 1. T h a n k you f o r correction, tf you will please do so. Very t r u l y your.s, M R S . ALICE K. S I M M S . U. S. Auditor Exam Open 845. A U D I T O R (industrial cost audits, i n t e r n a l a u d i t s ) , $4,205 t o $10,800. J o b s in t h e D e p a r t m e n t of t h e Army, W a s h i n g t o n , D. C.^ a n d regional offices of t h e A r m y Audit Agency t h r o u g h o u t t h e U. S, M e n only. R e q u i r e m e n t s : thre« years' general experience, a n d f r o m one to t h r e e years' specialized experience in i n d u s t r i a l cost a u d i t s or i n t e r n a l audits. E d u c a tion m a y be substituted for g e n eral experience requirements. F o r m s 5001-ABC a n d 57. (No closing d a t e ) . CIVIL SERVICE U. S. E X A M S 2-57-1 (53). K I T C H E N H E L P E R (MALE), $2,420. J o b s a t V e t e r a n s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Hospital, Brooklyn. R e q u i r e m e n t s : ability to r e a d a n d write English. No specific l e n g t h of experience required. R e s t r i c t e d to persons entitled to v e t e r a n p r e f e r ence. F o r m s 60 a n d 5001-ABC. (Wednesday. December 18). COACHING Asst. Civil Enpr Supt. Const. BIURS. Insp. Cons. HoaitlnK E«a. Bldg. Supt. LICENSE Ste<l Inspeotor CnstO(li.nn Enfrr. S i a f y Enerr. Ele«. Subway E x a m s PREPARATION stationary Engr., Kefrigeratins Opcr. Prof. Engineer. Architeot, Snrveyo* Master KIcctrlriiin, riuniber, PoriabI* Engr., Oil Burner, Boiler Inspectw M a t h e m a t i c s , D r a f t i n g , Design Aircraft, Mech'l. Elect'l. Arcb'l. S t r n e t l Sarver. Civil Ser*. Arith. Alg. Oeom. Trig, C»lc., Pfayslea. Prep Engineering CoUefca. MONDELL INSTITUTE Sadie Brown soys: OUR COACHING COURSE WILL PREPARE YOU POR THE HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA mro 830 West 4lBt St.. wise. 7-2086 iea-18 Jamaica Ave.. Jamaica AX 7-9439 All Coarsec Given Days A Eve*. Orer 40 yra. Preparlnt Thousandt 1m Glvi] Service Engrv. APPROVED ALL Ll'^^nse Exftina. I. BILLS KQUIVALENCK PATROLMAN MENTAL TRAINING %maN Classes • M. Coaeblag U. 8.—Second Regional Office, U. S. C»vll Service Comjnlssion 641 Washington Street, New York 14, N. Y. (Manhattan). Hours 8:30 Apply Now to 5. Monday through Friday; closed Saturday. Tel. WAtkins 4-1000. Applications also obtainable at post offices except the New York, N. Y., post office. N W. 43 St.. N. T. 23 . IM 2-1117 STATE—Room 2301 at 270 Broadway, New York 1, N. Y.. Tel. BArclay 7-1616; lobby of State Office Building, a n d S9 Columbia Street, Albany, N. Y.: Room 302, State Office Building, BuflTalo 2, N. Y. SANITATION MAN Hours 8:30 to 5, excepting Satiwdays, 9 to 12. Also, Room 400 a t 155 HREMAN • PATROLMAN West Main Street, Rochester, N. Y., Thursdays a n d Fridays. • t o i . All of foregoing applies to exams for county Jobs. PHYSICAL T H A M I N G CUHsea Mow l a Prosrees NYC—NYC CMvil Service Commission. »6 Duane Street. New YcKk J , N. Y. (Manhattan) two. blocks north of City Hall, Just we«t of Pur a >•«• SeMiozw. BmaJl Qronpe. Broadway, opposite the LEADER office. Hours 9 to 4, excei:^ng S a t iMl. iMtracUon. rre« Medical. Ker. Oboiacle Coore«. Membership PrlTil«CM urday, 9 to 12. Tel. COrtlandt 7-8880. NYC Education (Teaching Jobs Only)—Personnel Director. Board • f Education. 110 Livingston Street, Brooklyn 2, K. Y. H o u n • to 1:80; closed Saturdays. Tel. MAln 4-2800. 4T0 L I t l St., N. T. M • ME 5-7aN NYC Travel Directions Rapid transit lines for reaching the U. S.. Ot«te M ^ M K i O M l Service Commission offices in NYC follow: S U t e ClvU Service Commission, NYC Civil Service Commission W D trains A. C. D. AA or CC t o Chambers Street; I R T Lexington Avenue line to Brooklyn Bridge; BMT F o u r t h Artmm loe«l or Mochutlca DleMU Brighton local to City Hall. M*ebini8t-To<d A Dto WalOins aefrlgeratloa U. S. Civil Service Commission—IRV Seventh Hmum local to OU Burner BMUO A TUerlaloB Air CondlUoolnc Oirlstopher Street station. Motion tncture OtMrsUng Data on AppUcaUons by Mall DAJ AND BVBNIMa OLASSBS lr«olilyB Y.M.CJI Trad* Sekoel Both t h e U. 8. and the State issue application bteidcf «Bd reoetre U»a Mford Art., BwHriUm 16, M. X. mied-out forms by mall. In applying by mail f o r U. 8 . Job* do n o t MUl a-iioo •nclose return postage. If applying for State Jobs, enclose «-cent •tamped, self-addressed 9-inch or larger ehvelope. The State accepts UCABM IBM TiUIVUiTKNO postmarks as of the ck)6ing date. The U. 8. does not. but requires f n t m r e tor Hlrb Ptyiuf Jobs ki t h a t the mail be in Its office by i p.m. of t h e closing date. Because federal. State, City (JtrU Serrioo • I curtailed collections. NYC residenU should actually do t h e i r m a U Bapid Conrae, PlacenMnt Serrlea. MaauaU, Oartiflcate Oranted taff no later than 6:30 p.m. t o obtain a postmark of t h a t date. iBtarviewa BToolnca 6 1 0 P M , NYC does not issue blanks by mail or receive them by mall except or Call JX7 S-6211 tor nationwide tests, and then only when the exam notice ao states M S m i S S MACHIHI INST. The U. 8. charges no application fees. T h e State and tlM HOTKL WOOUWARU C M k tevlM O M n m i j r t n n i «1MUPM Urn U M I M AZMI k f tew. I. A Bwmr, M.X.O. YMCA SCHOOLS BRONX UNION YMCA LEARN A TRADE iriiich wlU belp roa K«* a better position and ImproTC roar •o«la) ttandlnK. CPhU diploma, whlcb Im lasued by the M.T. State Dept. of Education, la fully recomixed by the Civil Serrice Commission, City. State and federal Governmente. Industry and for admission to CollegreB. SPECIAL 16 WEEKS OOUBSB U eondncted by experta. FIREMAN PATROLMAN SANITATIONMAN Physical Training Ciastes Under Expert Instruction Complete Equipment For Civil Service Test ALSO BUS. ADM., ACCTO. A AIXIED 8VBJ. BXEO. 8E0TI>., REAL EST., INS. ABVO., SALESMANSHIP, ete. 8TEN0 TYPING AND REFKBSIIEB COURSES. SPECIAL CLASSES FOB COLLEGE WOMEN. Day A ETenlng « Oo~Bd New Classes Now VonnlnK Veterans AccetMed for All Courses COLLEGIATET^S^^I^E"^ Gym and Pool Available Hrcrjr Day From 8 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. BROOKLYH CENTRAL Y M C A SS Hansen PI. B'klyn. 17, N.Y. Near Flutbusb Ave. I^.I.R.K. Statloa Phone STerilng 3-7000 501 Madison Av«.. N.Y. 22, N.Y. Cat 52iid St.) PL 8-1872 evening cmd taturday courses t U O I N G to CERTiriCATE or D E G R E E MlaiauM ra*i • l#au«>l tV SIMEUN»ITYOFNEWYORK iNSTIIUIEOFAPPliEDiUnS&SW VUluc January, Exam Mareh JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT N.Y.C.—Ail Deportments $3,385 to $3,865 Prepare Now to Pass the Ixam Oiveo by Laocolu Oren, CPA »00 f t A t l ST..»gOOKiYN I . N . t . . H a-3954" STENOGUAPHY TYPEWRITING-BOOKKEEPINO Special 4 Mouths Courac Day or Eva. CalculatliQ or C e n p f o a i c t r y Inteualv* Course 91 CIVIL SEKVICE DIVISION WA School ot iBtiuttrlal TechiiolOKy 890-7Ubt Ave., N . * . 1 (at 278t.> 4-0a»l Pleaae write nie, free, about your EuipSoyinent Interviewer courim B Junior Accountant CourMo |B Nam* (Print) lORO HALL ACADEMY Addresa UT rLATBCSB AVBJNVB U T . OM. F«Um at^ B-klrm MAIm t-MAI Boro Pk P u f e Fourt CITIL SERVICE LEADER Tuetdaj, De^emW 16, 1952 Activities of Civil Service Employees in N.Y, State c h a i r m a n of the Blood Bank com> hospitalized once again because of in his new position. Louis G e n e r - Alice Williamson Nemley? Well, ous celebrated his birthday on time will tell . . . Extend condolmittee was also praised. T h r o u g h his ailing legs. GUARD HAROLD SMITH, chapter efforts, 100 Fundites are E n t e r t a i n m e n t : The Sing Sing December 3. Congratulations, Lou! ences to Ethel Newman on the lo«i Chairman of dues collecting for now proudly wearing t h e Red chapter announces t h a t t h e New From Signe Norris, PCR, Public of her mother. t h » . Coxsackie chapter, CSEA, Cross blood donor's pin. This is Year's Eve party will be held at Health Nursing Bureau, comes the Note to all members of t h e NYC «t%tes t h a t there are still some truly a worthy cause. T h e ready t h e Emergency Police H e a d q u a r - following news: Florence Manley c h a p t e r : This Is your meeting employees delinquent In their availability of blood to Fundites ters, B a n d r e t h Street, Ossining. h a s gone to I n d i a n a to attend t h e ground! Send all news Items t o dues. How about it, men? wedding of her niece. She left e a r - t h e . c h a i r m a n of t h e publicity when in need has already been G u a r d Stanley Dibble relin- demonstrated in the case of one ly enough to spend Thanksgiving committee, Ben Chase, 55 F r a n k quished his two doe hunting days Fundite. Its need by our Armed Willard State Hospital Day with her family. Congratu- lin Street, New York 13, N. Y., or CO t h a t Ray Marohn and family Forces is also well known. And ITEMS from Wiilard lations to Mary Sullivan on her call him at WAlker 5-3000. could make a fast trip to Malone donating blood is easy. Any F u n - S t aNEW promotion to senior stenographer t e Hospital chapter, CSEA: f o r Thanksgiving dinner. T h a n k s dite may still contribute. The P e r in t h e Bureau. T h e e n t e r t a i n m e n t J o h n VonBergen, Joseph Gunio • lot, Stan. sonnel D e p a r t m e n t will gladly a r - a n d B a r b a r a Gunio have accepted committee is planning Its a n n u a l Psychiatric Institute Welcomr m a t is out to new range an appointment to augment Christmas party. J a n e t Farley Is THE PSYCHIATRIC I n s t i t u t e a t the hospital. Ifuards Karl Pfeil, T h o m a s Dono- or replenish the S t a t e F u n d Red employment loaded down with bundles a n d chapter, CSEA, Dixie D. Mason, J e r r y Beck, Rella M. Beck, MaP»van, Eugene Harbaugh, William Blood Bank. ilyn Covert, Margaret Parish a n d looks like S a n t a Claus. Connie president, is currently conducting Shufelt and Edwin Mensching. I n PERSONAL NEWS I T E l ^ S : Betty Lewis have resigned their LeMolne, "hello girl." is back to a Christmas event with several cidentally, Mensching is the son- Welcome back good wishes are positions. work a f t e r a short absence. Mary prizes to be awarded to t h e winin-law of guard J o h n MacLaugh- sincerely extended to Harvey H u r Sullivan h a s recovered f r o m her ners. Officers a n d delegates can be Association membership is i n lin. On his first day on duty, Sgt. witz, who recently returned to t h e recent operation and Is back at contacted for tickets. Glasheen placed him under t h e U. S. a f t e r a tour of duty with t h e creasing rapidly and is now a t 34 her desk "again. T h e Donohues Blue Cross payments are due percent of the goal, 100 percent. wing of papa. Army in Germany. Harvey will Groups with t h e highest member- really enjoyed a very h a p p y this coming payday, December 20, Everyone shot himself a deer soon return to the State Fund. Thanksgiving Day, with a family All are urged to co-operate a n d ship records are supervisors, 90 this year except Sgt. Glasheen. Theresa Roche of Underwriting percent; head nurses, 53 percent, reunion with their daughter and make their payments as quickly as A h u n t e r from New Jersey asked Files has recently returned a f t e r and staff, 50 percent. S u n n y c r o f t her family, returning to t h # r possible. t h e "good sergeant if he might her maternity leave of absence. Building is now at 95 percent a n d home in Buffalo. J o h n P. Neary, Engineering Deh u n t in back of his house and per- Her co-workers are glad to have G r a n d View at 85 percent. Chapter members extend their partment, attended t h e recent mission was granted. A few her back with t h e m again. You may join by giving your $5 sympathy to Rose H a m a r (Legal meeting of the American Society minutes later, this same h u n t e r Congratulations and best wishes to any member of the membership Affairs) on the passing of her of Mechanical Engineers. shot a buck. The sergeant is really to chapter member Bridget CavJ o h n Dwyer, paint shop, who committee. Your support is needed mother on December 10. a t NYC, embarras.sed this year. anaugh. who recently left t h e for the legislative program, which and to Pauline Hough (Planning) h a s been in sick bay, is well on t h e Lt. Casscles is conducting an State F u n d when she was sworn includes a 10 percent increase in on t h e passing of her mother r e - way to full recovery. He wishes to In-service training course in rules, in as NYC policewoman. All City salary, incorporation of the pres- cently. T h e Oface of Executive t h a n k his friends and co-workers regulations and correction law. newspapers fully reported the ent cost-of-living allowance into Divi.sion is planning a Christmas for their cards a n d hospital visits. He's doing an excellent job. ceremony at which she was sworn base pay, a n d liberalization of r e - party, to be held at Jack's resLouis Caliendo, Engineering D e G u a r d Daniel Shelters t r a n s - in. t a u r a n t on December 22. p a r t m e n t , underwent a n e m e r tirement. ferred to Clinton Prison on DeMembers of t h e S t a t e Fvmd gency appendectomy and is coming T h e following have renewed cember 1. Good luck, Dan. chapter join with all Fundites in their membership during the past along fine. Binghamton Kitchen keeper H a r r y Starck's extending congratulations to AlexWilla Mae Johnson, Housekeepweek: Arlene J. McDonald, Angela daughter, Arlene Joyce, was m a r - ander Greenfield of Claims, who ing Department, is on vacation. State Hospital Mbntaglione, Ora Bogardus, Alvah ried on November 23 to George marked his 25th anniversary with DR. HUGH S. GREGORY, DeBocco of Ravens. The marriage the Fund on November 21, a n d Bogardus, Lillian I. Northrup, took place at Catskill, and m a n y also to Lawrence M. Cloonan, Lloyd C. Northrup, Clayton B. senior director of B i n g h a m t o n Manhattan of Harry's friends from Wood- assistant director of Claims, upon Traphagen, Walter E. Caward, S t a t e Hospital, who will retire on Virginia W. Bastian, Edward McState Hospital bourne Prison attended. J a n u a r y 1, was guest of honor a t his 30th anniversary with t h e J a m e s McCoy, Lillian Mc- a farewell p a r t y given by hospital G u a r d Peter Christensen is off Fund on December 6. These occa- Guire, T H E OFFICERS a n d members Coy, J o h n Farrell, Dr. Tadeusz staff and employees on Deceniber on a holiday to a t t e n d his son's sions were noted by William Fol- Lewandowski, of t h e M a n h a t t a n S t a t e Hospital Marion R. Stewart, 3 in t h e assembly hall. At the a f wedding, down Jersey way. Pete's ger, executive director, who perT. Latimer, Arlene W. falr, a gift was presented to Dr. chapter. CSEA, extend their sinhobby is collecting and repairing sonally presented gold service pins William' Sadie McArdle, Lloyd Gregory. Round and square d a n c - cere expressions of sympathy a n d clocks; sometimes he sells them. to Mr. Greenfield and Mr. Cloon- Haviland, R. Sheldon, Charles E. Williams, ing was enjoyed by all, a n d light condolence to Dr. J o h n H. Travis, Right now. he has more t h a n 200 an. Good luck to both of them. senior director, upon t h e recent Leon R. Charles, Lorna Webster, In all shapes and sizes, some very T h e Glee Club has been meet- Richard Webster, J a m e s F. Kelley, refreshments were served. loss of his f a t h e r , a n d to Walter expensive, too. Dr. Gregory h a s headed Bing- Howard, whose wife passed away, ing regularly on Wednesday nights Bertha M. Kelley, Erma E. Moore. at the Proctor Hall, 58th Street Everett E. Moore, J a m e s P. Nicii- h a m t o n Hospital since 1942 and a f t e r a long illness. near Lexington, at 5:30 P.M. olson. Perry J. Hunt, Thelma B. has h a d 40 years of public service, T h e non-resident car-owner emiState Insurance Fund President most of it with t h e State Mental ployees Ed Carolan and t h e Anna L. Carroll, Mae C. Hygiene are looking forward t o T H E STATE Insurance F u n d other officers, I d a Amendola a n d Keebler, Department. After J a n Dorothy Mannix, Peter E. uary 1, he and Mrs. Gregory will t h e favorable action of Commischapter, CSEA, held another exe- Bill McClain, report wonderful r e - Carroll, Clayton E. Crane, Robert Moses, in reply to t h e cutive board meeting on T h u r s - sults. Bill Dillon is music director. Hungerford, at 180 Matthews Street. T h e sion e n n e t h C. T r o u t m a n , Gordon B. reside request of t h e Mental Hygiene day. December 4, a t t h e Hotel It's not too late to join. See any K doctor will be available as a conTichenor, J a m e s E. Ellis, G r a n t S. sultant in psychiatric diseases. Commissioner, Dr. Newton BigeNassau, NYC. This meeting, pre- of t h e officers now. Hall, Leo J. Fitzsimons, Harold H. low, to secure free toll privileges sided over by Bill Price, affable He joined t h e St. Lawrence for t h e m on t h e T h e Bowling League h a s been at Alice M. Matzell, Nellie Triborough chapter president, covered a wide it regularly every Tuesday night Bellinger. E. S c h r a m m . Frieda White, Alice S t a t e Hospital staff a f t e r g r a d u a - Bridge. I t would be a wonderful range of topics of great interest to since its three-week layoff in No- M. Hoagland, Helen Y. With, Anna tion f r o m Albany Medical College. New Year's gift. members a n d other Fundites. vember. T h e y too have managed S. Rice, Herbert P. Yells, Alvis W. He h a s served at Craig Colony a n d T h e chapter extends its h e a r t y Ed Bozek, former president, a n d to have "big f u n . " At t h e meet on Van Lone a n d Halsey C. Huff. Creedmoor Hospital, a n d is t h e holiday wishes to all fellow S t a t e Chairman of t h e grievance com- December 6, individual high score author of m a n y scientific papers employees, and t o t h e editor a n d mittee, reviewed some of t h e recent was won by Nunziato who rolled dealing with neuro-pathology. employees of T h e LEADER, as work of his committee. He can be 218. T e a m high game honors were James E. Christian well as to t h e Civil Service E m justly proud of its accomplish- divided for the first game between ployees Association. New York City Memorial ments. Through t h e work of Ed Claims Seniors and Medical, each These employees are on t h e sick Bozek and Bill Price, the chapter with 871. Claims Examiners a n d THE HEALTH Department, AlPRESIDENT SOL BENDET a p A few words of cheer t o t h e m won a great victory for t h e p r i n - Policyholders won honors t h e sec- bany. will hold its a n n u a l chil- pointed t h e following committees list. be appreciated. Hope they'll ciple of promotion f r o m within, in ond a n d third games, with scores dren's Christmas p a r t y on S a t u r - for t h e New York City chapter, will be back on t h e job in good s h a p e the recent a t t e m p t by t h e F u n d of 922 and 839. Standings at eve- day. December 20, f r o m 10 to 12 CSEA: in t h e very n e a r f u t u r e . Vincent to hold an open-competitive exam ning's end were: Policyholders, o'clock. Personnel a n d grievance: Mich- Wlnfield, Ed O'Connor. M a r t i n for assistant director of accounts Claims Seniors. Payroll, UnderAs in previous years, t h e p a r t y ael L. Porta, c h a i r m a n ; Max William Franklin, Revftnd finance. After full presenta- writers, Claims Examiners, O r - will include presents for all chil- Lieberman, Joseph J . Byrnes, Scanlon. tion of the facts, t h e S t a t e Civil p h a n s . Medical, Accounts, Ac- dren who attend, r e f r e s h m e n t s Irene Waters a n d K a t h l e e n York. erend Bliss and S a r a h T y n a n . A r t h u r Gillette; business officer, Service Commission ruled t h a t tuarial a n d Safety. (including ice cream a n d cookies) Legislative: Solomon Heifitz, is coming along nicely a f t e r a t h e r e are a sufficient number of for the ctiildren, a n d coffee a n d c h a i r m a n ; Edwin C. H a r t , N a t h a n nasty accident. He is back on flualified personnel within the doughnuts for the adults. E n t e r - Robinson, Max Lourie, Edwin C. duty. Sing Sing Fund, and ordered a promotion t a i n m e n t will include t h e showing Jackson and J o h n D. Byrne. T h e laundry employees are exam. This victory is especially Membership: Sam Dmmet, SING SING employees report of movies t a k e n at t h e 1951 p a r t y sweet because this is a high level the death of William A. Besfer, and the singing of Christmas c h a i r m a n ; all members of t h e planning their a n n u a l Christmas party, a n d from all appearances it position a n d thus lessens the Sr., who died suddenly at t h e age carols. T h e p a r t y committee is chapter's executive committee. will be a success. The employees chances for attacks on t h e civil of 57 at the Ossining Hospital on headed by William E. Byron a n d Publicity: Ben phase, c h a i r m a n ; also regret t h e loss of their coservice principle in lower echelon December 6th. Helen V. McGraw, c h a i r m a n of F r a n k Newman, M a r t i n Brown worker, Josie F l a n a g a n , a n d sinposts. and Mae Katz. Mr. Besfer was print shop f o r e - the attendance committee. cerely h o p e she will be back with Also reviewed was the fine work m a n a t Sing Sing for the past 5 Another annual Christmas party Audit: Henry Shemin, c h a i r - t h e gang again soon. of this committee in securing a years during which he h a d taken t h a t always a t t r a c t s a goodly m a n ; Leonard Aster and Edward Lt. R a l p h Pace and his Mrs. salary differential for a reemploy- an active interest in employee crowd is sponsored by t h e Office Azirlglan. wish to express their t h a n k s to all ed veteran who should have been affairs. of Business Administration. I t will Division of Employment: Everett t h e friends a n d employees who reemployed a t t h e top of t h e A group of approximately 50 be held at Becks, on t h e Schenec- Johnson, c h a i r m a n ; Henry S h e t h e m tokens a n d c o n g r a t u grade salary r a t h e r t h a n a t the fellow employees representing both tady Shaker Road n e a r t h e Wolf min, Albert Corum, Ellas A. Iser. sent e n t r a n c e salary. A substantial t h e Sing Sing officers' post of t h e Road, on December 18. T h e a r - Emily Ostfeld a n d George Roht. latory cards. salary rise was achieved for this American Legion a n d t h e Sing rangements committee includes Bert Blatt. of the Motor Vehicle employee. Another instance was Sing chapter. CSEA, held special B e n j a m i n Schwartzer, Marcia Bureau, surprised friends recentMount McGregor t h e case of a stenographer whose services for Mr. Besfer. Weis, Regina Hickey and R u t h ly when he stated t h a t he was a T I C K E T SALES for t h e C h r i s t entitlement to promotion was Connors. Dancing and carol singserious a r t student. He exhibited Besfer, a member of Sing Sing established in the face of another Post of t h e American Legion, was ing will follow t h e supper. a vividly colored drawing, and m a s p a r t y to be held on Decemapplicable list. T h e question in buried in Dale Cemetery on DeChapter news chips: everyone admired what was ber 20 at Milfrank's are going like this case hinged on a fine point in cember 8th. A West Point firing T h e first edition of t h e "Good thought to be a modern surreal- hot cakes. I t looks like this will be civil service law In connection squad took part in t h e funeral Will Grapevine," a newsy little list picture. Imagine t h e e m b a r - t h e greatest social event ever held with the filling of reclassified services. bulletin published by and for m e m - rassment when he said t h a t It was by t h e Mt. McGregor chapter, CSEA, Don't get s h u t out. Get positions. Other work in progress T h e Sing Sing fine pistol t e a m bers of t h e Good Will Fund, is off a cross-section of a n inflamed your ticket f r o m your Council was reviewed. T h e Board members won gall bladder. How were they to t h e press and in circulation. Beafirst competition last week, representative now. Chapter m e m expressed great interest in the as a its newcomer to the Westchester trice Hetrick, t h e editor, was know he was studying medical bers may bring guests. problems and work of this com- County a r t ? assisted by t h e following reporters: Police Pistol League, by T h e chapter extends its c o n mittee. J a m a i c a Motor Vehicle Bureau defeating t h e North T a r r y t o w n Marcia Weis, Doris Benway, Betty gratulations to Ken and Dorothy As always, whenever he finds it Police pistol team. Slick, B a r b a r a Dunney, Irene W i t - news: possible to be present, t h e Board Happy birthday to E t t a Scudder K r a e m e r on their recent marriage. Representing Sing Sing in its ko, Charles Mcintosh, J e a n W a r members were happy to have J o h n debut were: Sergeant W. Byrne, hurst, Eleanor Plum, Joe Stein- a n d Veronica Kelly. Mrs. Kelly got T h e couple have just r e t u r n e d Powers, Association 1st vice-presi- Floyd Moore, Matt De Simone and inger, B a r b a r a Kinch and K a y quite a surprise — a set of stone f r o m a wedding trip In Buffalo. I r a Meeker Is confined at t h e dent with them. J o h n reviewed t h e P a t McCawley. Neidl. They are to be compli- m a r t i n s f r o m h e r children . . . work of the chapter and praised mented for t h e swell job per- W h a t blond secretary was dared Albany Veterans' Hospital where Glad to learn t h a t Captain Fred h e is undergoing surgery. Ed Bozek and A1 Greenberg, mem- Vetter, who recently underwent a formed. to send her picture t o T o m m y ThQ Hashers (Pood Service a n d bership committee chairman, for m a j o r operation in t h e Ossining Ray Barnes h a s received his Manville? Result: He brought two Department) t h e fine work each h a d been do- Hospital, is convalescing nicely and discharge fromi t h e Army a n d will bodyguards along on their date. . . Pood Preparation ing. He presented to A1 G r e e n - is expected to be home soon. rejoin t h e staff around t h e first of Dan Cupid h a s been strumming. have just t a k e n over 1st place in t h e Bowling League a f t e r a r a t h e r berg a n Association pin. T h e gesSorry to learn t h a t fellow-em- t h e year. Rae Tabachneck h a s r e - Eddie a n d Tillle have been h a r - slow start. t u r e was appreciated by all prest u r n e d to her desk a f t e r a n abmonizing a n d h u m m i n g "TogethPrances Vandecar h a s r e t u r n e d ent. T h e api>ointments of Ed ployee V. J. McQueeney h a s been of several weeks. J o h n and er." Now they are Mr. and Mrs. Bozek to the Association ResoluGrace D u n n spent a week in t h e Edward Walsh . . . T h e popular to work a f t e r a long Illness. Good tions Committee and of A1 G r e e n - LOS ANGELES EMPLOYEES Big City recently. Richard Bolton bachelor, A1 Dan Ingwen, can t a k e to see you back, P r a n . J a c k Underbill a n d t h e Grlfaths, berg to t h e parent Membership GET TIME O F F FOR COFFEE h a s been given a month's leave of off his r u n n i n g shoes. He's been Committee were also announced. City employees of Los Angeles absence, during which time he will snatched . . . Welcome back f r o m Tom a n d Lillian, are currently o a T h e r e is no doubt t h a t they will have been authorized by the city enter t h e hospital. George P e - Carrlbean and Florida vacations vacation. bring to State-wide activities the council to take 15 minutes each truska Is welcomed back a f t e r a n to K e n n e t h Nlcollotl« Rose Frlesame Interest, enthusiasm and morning a n d afternoon for a "cof- Illness of three weeks. Tom M a - feld. a n d Mae K a t z . , CongraLovely ''Janle**. t h e blne-ejred know-how they have demonstrated fee b r e a k " at no loss in pay or lone h a s t r a n s f e r r e d to t h e Divi- tulations to Inspector A r t h u r blonde doll, is a n answer to yo«r in t h e chapter. time on the job, t h e Civil Service sion of t h e Budget, a n d his co- Cohea upon t h e birth of a d a u g h - Christmas fift problem. See PiMTt T h e work of ISd O'Donnell as Assembly reports. workers wish h i m t h e best of hick t e r . . . I i the stork buazinf around T» Coxsackie I C I T I C 16^ 1 9 S 2 T H E C O R S E II T I C S T L L E A D C H A N D Fag« n f t c c i i T C O . ' S CHRISTMAS SALE EXTRAORDINARY AN these items new and fully guara nteed, Quantities limited while the merchandise lasts. These are but a few of the value packed bargains available at The Cortlandt Co. OUR REG. PRICE PRICE Electric Dry oand Steam Irons $ 10.88 $ 19.95 Portable Radio 11.95 22.95 Electric Kitchen Clocks (Ass'td. Colors) 3.39 6.95 Noma Xmas Lights (Indoor & Outdoor) . . 40% Off Desk Pen Sets .89 3.95 Toys 20 to 40% OflF Automatic Stroke Saver Iron 5.95 13.95 Tape Recorders—Webster 89.50 169.50 Garbage Disposals 39.50 179.95 8 Cu. Ft. Refrigerators 139.50 299.95 4V2 CU. Ft. Freezers 199.95 137.50 6 lb. Baby Washers 79.95 44.95 9 lb. Wringer Washers 149.95 99.50 Dishwashers 159.95 329.95 24" T.Y. Famous Make Console 249.50 Webster 3 Speed Record Changer 29.95 Gilbert Hair Dryer 8.95 5.37 Carpet Sweepers 1.49 6.95 3.49 Complete Camera & Flash Outfit 6.95 Electric Blankets 39.95 22.95 Assorted Record Changers (78 R.P.M.) . . 10.95 Large Variety of 10" & 12" T.Y. Sets . . . . From 39.95 to 69.95 fiAsy Mm\ moR mm f b r l M m o t X^ •ndwdiJiLBwy StaiMloMt40 THE CORTLANDT CORTLAKDT CO BMriOaf. OomthlorafirMdeinoiwtradoik i I I I Z m m fbid«r—> f b r 4 Imtet, Indadfaig wide a n ^ W I M t p ^ c d m n g 9 — including slow motion. r p i h l t i i flly1«cl — t t m m l i n e d ID ohronM and everlasting vfmyi I x i r m —tingle frame for trick ahotai eontinuous run; pinh button ejector; automatic rundown atop . • . and morel Spind wbif yoy wishl You con afford • Porkerl Complete gift package! argus MMW PAUMW "^Sl" Gift Box New Parker Op«i th« box and start taldng pictures right awayl—Tlta W l Id'a d easieat camera to use—tlia ARGUS 7i. With genuine ithar oarryinf caae—plug-In flash unit—batteries—flash pa and film-everything it takes to make good picturea. Y ond PIncH World's owM* wanted pen, outching pencil, with Lustralojr cap*. Finest precision wri»p mf features. SUPERB UFETIME GIFT! tMSofloiiol POLAROID CAMERA A 8 to 95 m M W ' ^ M ' CliSYOM N N Only gold ca|^ ped pen any* where near this price on tha market. Has 12K gold-filled c a p . . . "21" writing feat« PEN Ouutanding f ^ value. OctanaMB point. Fast« action filler. Parker inkUow control. TirM Tha Caaiara tkat TAKCS^ N ^ VELOPS am4 PRIHTS PIWmHM! PICTURES la ONE MtNtlTII pictwrs la a-miwuta camara. Easy ia Msa Taka« Uf I pW»M MMMra d o t •vMyHOiM aufomatieally. Tak May ar aifltti Guaraat^d far Mi* by H i m M . "ST DeLuxt Ptn ir ••ly SPECIAL A fpecial Parker gift value. " J l " style and many "51" features including new ink-flow conttoL m i v CORTLANDT CO. at^ S P i t l A L 243 BROADWAY (OPPOSITE CITY HALL) BEekmn 3-5900 Fage Sixteen C I T I D S E R T I C B Attendance Rules W e i g h e d ALBANY, Dec. 15 — The State Civil Service Commission will consider proposed r e u s e d attendance rules for Institutional employees fit its meeting in Albany this week. IThe new rules concern the length Tuesdiif, Deeember L E A D E R Hundreds Expected at Annual Christmas Party Of State Education Dept, visits, leave required by law, and maternity leave, and leave for educational purposes. The employees concerned are In the following departments: Correction, Health, Mental Hygiene, SoALBANY, Dec. 15—The annual cial Welfare. Christmas party given by the Women's Council, the Men's Qroup and the CSEA chapter of the State Education Department will be held on December 23 at 2 P.M.. on the inside steps and in t h e rotunda of the Education Building. Albany. Gifts For Children The affair, which will be attended by several hundred persons. Including over 100 children, will be featured by choral singing by all employees, assisted by the DepartTo keep its G.l.'s warm and comfortable in mnd ment Chorus, who have been practicing for several weeks for the and snow at temperatures down to 40"* below lero of the work-week, the employment year, overtime, tardiness, absence with pay, vacation, sick leave, leave due to death or serious illness in the family, leave for court attendance, leave for civil service examinations, leave for medical 195S Remember the frostbite cases during the first winter in Korea? THE ARMED FORCES HAD THIS PROBLEM occasion. The group will be led by Dr. Joseph Saetvelt. Santa Claus will be there, with the Education Department elves as his helpers. There will be presents for all the children. Refreshments will be served l a the rotunda. The committee for the party consists of: Elvryn Thomas, chairman? Hazel Abrams, president. Women'® Council; Carl Guthe, president* Men's Group; Florence Reynolds* J a n e Bartelle. Harriet Stoetzel, Eleanor Smith, Hazel Ketzer. 011I« Nolan, Hugh Templeton, Jacicl* Quacicenbush. J a n e t Stnibe a n d Marion Hemstreet. and up to 60*" above zero. THIS WAS THE ANSWER that won the Distinguished Civilian Service Award for two Civil Service workers. NOW you too can work outdoors, hunt or fish oil winter WITH YOUR FEET FULLY PROTECTED against extreme cold INDEFINITELY. thanks to frost-bite-proof THERMOBOOT. A Boon fo Policemen, Firemen, P o s t m e n , Truck Drivers, Sportsmen and everyone who wants to or h a s to stay out in the cold. Keeps Your Feet Comfortably Warm in Temperatures Down to 40'* Below! THERMOBOOT C o m f o r t ond w a r m t h a s t a f d due t o built-in r e v o l u t i o n a r y heat . retention "MOISTURE BARRIER" principle. May be w o r n f o r wading through streams—for plodding Htrough deep snow In extremely low t e m p e r a t u r e s w i t h no f e a r of f r o s t - b i t e , chilblaint or any other f o o t discomfort f r o m cold, h o w e v e r extreme. N e e d MO o i l i n g — N O overnight drying N O special c a r * w h a t e v e r . Will wear for years w i t h normal c a r e . N O seams or stitches t o spilt — scuff. Scratch-resistant. Lighter w e i g h t than ALL o t h e r so-called low > t e m p e r a t u r e f o o t w e a r w i t h more uniform, b a l a n c e d w e i g h t distribution than o r d i n a r y f o o t w e a r . 4 m a i Ingly shock absorbent. 6Nti8E iNStOe ItNtNG ^NO iNNERSOie BUSBEftlZEO im^io. tiu r. rMtau- ^^ffher lyiy ntw PUUOM imsmm Better Local Government Results When Civil Servants Are Called in: McDonough ALBANY, Dec. 15 — Speaking at promotions and tenure t h a t apply a recent meeting of the Madison equally to State government a n d Chapter of The Civil Service E m - to each unit of local government. ployees Association, William P. "The fact t h a t responsibility for McDonough, executive assistant to application of the merit system In the President of the Association, the various civil divisions may rest praised the growing practice by in the Board of Supervisors, th® local legislative boards and coun- Common Council, the Village or cils In inviting participation of Town Board, the Mayor, r a t h e r civil service employees in the t h a n directly in the State Legismaking of salary plans and rules lature, or t h a t the local Civil Seraffecting conditions of work. vice Commission functions locally Mr. McDonough said: "The where the State Civil Service Association faces squarely the big Commission functions for S t a t e problem of government today and government, does not lessen t h e always—the Integrity and ability responsibility of any jurisdiction of the men and women who do the to follow the constitutional m a n work of government — by insis- dates as to appointments and p r o tence t h a t the merit system of ap- motions to each job of governpointment and promotion plus ment. modern oersonnel methods and f a Getting Close to Roots cilities offer the only certain "The closer members of t h e r e means to achieve the %flaclency sponsible boards and commissions and economy of government de- get to the civil service employees sired by the people. Each advance in all ranks of local government, in technology and each advance the more certain it Is t h a t t h e in political and social planning ways and means for Improvement increases the responsibility of civil of services and economy within servants from the lowest to the the services will develop. Local highest. chapters of the Association are promoting this type of cooperaLocal Government Units "While the spotlight is usually tion. A real need is the s t r e n g t h upon the large units of govern- ening of staff and facilities of loment and the sue ;ess or failure of cal Civil Service Commissions so their operations, government, on that classification of positions and the county, city, town, village and examinations and promotions may district level must also t>e judged be cared for as needed. Sound by the highest of standards. Gov- salary plans and rules governing ernment on these levels Is today, working conditions rest with t h e in this State, subject to the same local boards very largely and here merit system principles as the again the cooperation and regovernment of the State. This is search resources of the Associathe people's safeguard of efficient tion chapters are available to the local boards in ail nersonnei p l a n service. "The Civil Service Law outlines ning and budgeting. All civic o r sound procedures as to classifica- ganizations have an interest In tion of positions, examinations. such planning." r Employee ActivLties /i* . I K. Forest Rangers D0U6l£ DUTY aEAtEB WSIGN, KM IRACriOM AND HEAVY WEAI C o l d f e e t won't d r i v e you Indoors I f y e a a r e a w i n t e r sports enthusiast. Y O U C A N N O W STAY O U T I N SUB-ZERO W E A T H E R FOR H O U R S , in T H E R M O B O O T . O r i g i n a l l y d e v e l o p e d f o r the U. S. N a v y , i t Is now G o v e r n m e n t Issue f o r all four branches of t h e service a n d our United Nations allies f o r w i n t e r w e a r in Korea. T H E R M O B O O T utilixes t h e Insulating medium of w o o l and d e a d a i r space, as Illustrateci below. Techno Efficiency Council, Injc. ^^ • Research and Sales I n Textiles, CJothing, and Footwear • Mail Discount Coupon For Civil Service Employees enclose PA IB check or money ord*r for {No C.O.D.'i Pteata) NAilE ADDRESS I CITY ..........ZONE STATE I f Motor Vehicle Bureau THE CHRISTIVIAS project u n dertaken by the Motor Vehicle chapter, CSEA, was enthusiasincl. poatara and handliiir tically supported by members and other employees of the Motor Vehicle Bureau. One hundred and forty-four dolls were dressed for the Salvation Army for Christmas distribution. These dolls were on display December 4. There were bride dolls and bridesmaids, roller skaters and ice skaters, baby dolls and junior miss dolls—in fact, dolls STYIJC Voe temperature* of every description. The display dowa to 400 be. was arranged by Veida Main, low aero, to OOo Myrtel Brimhall, Josephine Van above zero. Galen, Elsie Parvis and Marguerite $23.95 Duval. Chapter president A1 CasI* A IK teliano and Mrs. Capt. Kenneth incl. poiitaM Wheatley of the Salvation Army uiid hatidliuf express their t h a n k s to CommisUM }0% With Thla Coupoe l^ioner James a . Macdu£t, Deputy $14.95 Uoduct 1U% from llu-8e prices when jrim wake out yuiu check. I NEvini 8-7479-80-81 8T¥I.B r-10 for teniperaturea down to 100 bolow zero, to OOo above zero. T E C H N O EFFICIENCY C O U N C I L 1 H A N S O N PLACE BROOKLYN 17, N E W YORK Pleas9 rush my Thermoboott Pott-Paid imm«cliat«ly. If I am dii< safisflsd for any reason whatsoevar, I will return tham within 10 days for a complete and immediate refund of my full purchata price, no questions aiiced! Sixes 5 through 14 available. State size and widtk. SIZE WIDTH Please send me the style checked below. Style SZ-40 . $23.95 P.P. • Style F - 1 0 - $ 1 4 . 9 5 P.P. • Fields THE FOREST RANGERS chapter, CSEA, is the new name of the former Forest Protection chapter. The change of title was approved by the CSEA Board of Directors, I t in no way alters the chapter's present or previous constitution. Article i n , Section 1 reads: "Any civil service employee of the State of New York and an employee in the field of the Division of Lands and Forest, Conservation Departnient, who is a member in good standing of the Association of the State Civil Service EmployIts of the State of New York, shall be eligible for membership in this " chapter." Commissioner Howard P. Miies^ members and other employees for their co-operation. Ai Weissbard, chairman of t h e social comniittee, gave his initial report regarding the Christmas party at a recent meeting of t h e executive council. The party will be held December 22, at the Aurania Club. Annette McCullough has again accepted the task of a r ranging the entertainment program. Annette has directed fine shows at previous -partiei,^ there is no doubt tha-t theh tainment wilj ^ o j ^ q ^ d t Weissbard Ihasrlappbintedlowing cornmittees: -Al tickets, Josephine Van Galen, llcity, and Rose Holland, hospV tality. Cortland Teachers College FOLLOWING ARE the newly elected officers of the Cortland State Teachers College chapter*^ CSEA: President, James Savage;' vice-president. Earl Lawrence; treasurer, J o h n Benedict; secretary, Mrs. Dorothy Greenman. Canton Institute AT THE ANNUAL meeting of the Agricultural and Technical Institute chapter, Canton, of t h e CSBA, the following officers were chosen to serve for the coming year: Walter McCarty, president: Walter Kingston, vice-president; Mary Mayne, secretary; Hilda Kenyoa, treasurer.