S-enAMAfl. Supplemental Cask ^Ci/odL StaitK-*^' .t America's Vol. XIII — No. 43 Largest Weekly for Public Tuesday, July 8, 1952 -r. V' Employees Pricc Ten CenU >nth See Page 9 | ro-'" McFarland Installs New Metropoiitan Conference Heads 1952-S3 officers of th« Taxatioa QMI Finane* ehapt«r. CSEA. Seoted om tii« left it Marie Preparation, 3rd vice president, and on tlie right is President Sue Long, of Income Tax. right: Leonard F. Requa, Research and Statistics, 1st vice president: Mary Masterson, Equfliixation, 2nd vice-president. C. Alexander tlover, chapter treasnrer, wasn't present v/as taken. M. BoloMd of Tax Standing, left to State Boord of when Hie photo Promotion Opportunities O p e n Up in State Service ALBANY, July 7—Wide promotional opportunities have been a n nounced for employees in eleven S t a t e agencies, plus other opportunities in positions crossing departments. Salary ranges in t h e new posts range from $3,000 to $10,000 a year. T h e last day for filing in these examinations is August 1. T h e tests will be held on September 6 in various parts of t h e State. Only p e r m a n e n t State employees m a y apply for the promotions. Announcements and application f o r m s may be obtained f r o m any of t h e Civil Service D e p a r t m e n t offices in the State. Requirements for t h e positions are listed below. T h e rates ol pay listed below do not include the latest cost-of-living bonus. 5086. Principal Examiner of Methods and Procedures, Audit a n d Control ($7,754-$9,394). 5082. Principal Examiner of S t a t e Payrolls, Civil Service ($6,J}01-$8,231). 5083, Associate Examiner of S t a t e Payrolls. Civil Service ($5,638-$6.762). 5084. Senior Examiner of S t a t e Payrolls. Civil Service ($4,053-$4,889). 5085. Examiner of State P a y rolls. Civil Service ($3,091-$3,891). 5060. Sergeant. P a r k Patrol, Conservation ($4,206-$5,039). 5061. Corporal, P a r k Patrol, Conservation ($3,731-$4,532). 5087. Principal Clerk, Education ($3.411-$4,212). 5088. Supervising Beverage Control Investigator, Alcoholic Beverage Control Board ($4,964-$6,088). 5089. Senior Beverage Control Investigator, Alcoholic Beverage Control Board ($4,512-$5,339). 5090. Research Analyst (Public Finance). Budget ($4,964-$6,088). 5091. Public Health EJducation Production Supervisor, Health ($6,088-$7.421). 5092. Senior Photofluorographer, Health ($3,411-$4,212). 5093. Senior Hydraulic Engineer, Public Service ($6,088-$7.421). 5094. Senior Valuation Engl- President Jesse B. McFarland of t h e Civil Service Employees Association installed t h e new oflBcers of t h e Metropolitan Conference of t h e Association at t h e Conference's a n n u a l meeting a t Jones Beach. T h e y are T h o m a s Conkling, c h a i r m a n ; William A. Greenauer, vice c h a i r m a n ; E d i t h Pruchthendler, secretary, a n d Clyde H. Morris, treasurer. Miss P r u c h t h e n d l e r a n d Mr. Morris are re-elected officers. Sidney Alexander, former c h a i r m a n of t h e Conference, who is on leave prior to taking a position In private industry, received a n e m bossed testimonial a n d valise In recognition of his valuable services a n d as tokens of esteem. Mr. McF a r l a n d m a d e t h e presentations. Mr. Alexander h a d been a member of t h e Association's board of directors. T h e meeting was held in t h e Marine Dining Room. T h e guests a n d delegates t h e n h a d a s u m p tuous luncheon in t h e boardwalk cafe, with 130 persons present. Many Are Present Officers of t h e Association present, besides Mr. McFarland, were J o h n P. Powers. 1st vice president, Joseph Feily, 5tli vice president; Charlotte Klapper, secretary; H a r r y Fox, treasurer, Mrs. Helen Todd, c h a i r m a n of t h e Association's social committee, attended. Others present were t h e following downstate chapter presidents: William Maher, Metropolitan Armories; Ai-noid Moses, Brooklyn S t a t e Hospital; Mrs. Helen Peterson, Creedmoor; Paul H a m m o n d , Public Works District 10; Solomon neer. Public Service ($6,088-$7,421). 5095. Assistant Valuation Engineer, Public Service ($4,964$6,088). 5105. District Engineer, Public Works ($11,925-$14,223). 5096. Associate Building Electrical Engineer, Public Works ($7,754-$9,394). 5097. Senior D r a f t s m a n , Public Works ($3,411-$4,212). 5098. Principal Clerk (Payroll), Public Works ($3,411-$4.212). 5099. Principal Clerk (Corporation Search), State ($3,411$4,212). 5100. Principal Clerk (Estate Tax Appraisal), T a x a n d Finance ($3,411-$4.212). 5101. Associate Examiner of Methods and Procedures, I n t e r d e p a r t m e n t a l ($6,088-$7,421). 5102. Senior Examiner of Methods and Procedures. I n t e r d e p a r t m e n t a l ($4,512-$5,339). 5103. Assistant Examiner of Methods a n d Procedures, I n t e r d e p a r t m e n t a l ($4.206-$5,039). 5104. Senior Statistics Clerk, I n t e r d e p a r t m e n t a l ($2,931-$3,731). Republicans, Democrats Urged to Adopt Merit Plank ALBANY, July 7 — Jesse B. McFarland, President of t h e Civil Service Employees Association, called upon both t h e Republican a n d Democratic parties to renew tiie pledges of tlieir civil service leaders, Tlieodore Roosevelt a n d Grover Cleveland, by including in t h e platformus of t h e parties a provision to support and jextend t h e merit system in t h e civil service. .Writing to t h e chairmen of t h e platform committees, McFarland said: "The 55,000 members of the Civil Service Employees Association of New York State, like millions of other Americans, are vitally interested in the platforms of 14M liepublicaa and Democratio parties, which will be adopted a t t h e forthcoming national conventions, T h e Civil Service Employees Association is a n o n - p a r t i s a n organization. T h e Association feels t h a t t h e platforms of t h e Republican a n d Democratic parties should renew t h e pledges of Theodore Roosevelt and Grover Cleveland in placing t h e support of t h e principle of "merit and fllness" in t h e selection of governmental e m ployees as one of their p a r i y s first obligations, "We, therefore, respectfully suggest t h e inclusion of t h e following civil service provision in t h e p l a t forms of both parties: "We are living in a world of increasing complexity and tension in which the ideals of tho American people are being challenged. T h e preservation of our way of life depends upon t h e successful administration of our laws through a civil service efficient in p e r f o r m ance a n d free f r o m corruption. Competitive Examination "For t h e last seventy years, we have accepted t h e principle of competitive examination as t h e effective method to secure competent people to r u n our government. We must not only preserve this method, but apply it widely. All government employees, except those who are elected or in policyforming positions, should be chosen as a result of competitive examination. "We pledge the extension of i h e Bendet, NYC; William Josannag Long Island I n t e r - C o u n t y S t a t e P a r k s ; Pliilip Wexler, Metropolit a n Public Service; William Price^ State Insurance Fund; John Wallace, M a n h a t t a n S t a t e Hospital^ Charles Morley, Psychiatric I n s t i t u t e ; Mrs. K a t h l e e n Hennessy, a« proxy f o r Mrs. Catherine WebU, Willowbrook; George Uhl, Nassau County. Others present were Virginia L e a t h a m a n d William H. Hollis of the State Training Division; J a m e s Cavanaugh, former m e m b e r of t h e Association board of d i r e c tors; Dr. H. A. LaBurt, senior d i rector, Creedmoor S t a t e Hospital;! Charles R. Culyer, field r e p r e s e n t ative, CSEA; Dr. Charles B u c k m a n , t h e new senior director afe Kings P a r k S t a t e Hospital; Vernon Tapper, member of t h e CSEIA. executive committee; Mrs. Melba R. Binn, president, Rochester c h a p t e r ; Harold L. Herzstein, a s sistant counsel to t h e Association. I n t h e afternoon, a f t e r t h e m e e t ing, t h e p a r t y played games a n d swam. I n t h e evening they a t tended t h e Mike Todd musical show, "A Night in Venice," a n d enjoyed t h e rippling tunes, th« gowns a n d costumes, t h e singing a n d t h e Venetian replica. The Conference received t h « t h a n k s of Its guests for t h e s u i t ably short summer meeting—consisting only of t h e induction a n d the gift presentation—and for th® fine food a n d Invitation t o tbit gorgeous show. Guests expressed gratitude for t h e all-out hospitality extended t« them. MacDonald Again Named Southern Conference Head W E S T HAVERSTRAW, July 7— T h e seventh a n n u a l meeting of t h e Southern Regional Conference was held a t t h e New York S t a t e R e habilitation Hospital on Saturday, J u n e 28. Francis A. MacDonald, Conference chairman, presided, reporting upon t h e Conference activities during t h e year. Introduced by Miss Helene V. Lummus, president of t h e Rehabilitation Hospital chapter, Mr. MacDonald told t h e assemblage t h a t he considered t h e installation and dedication of t h e J o h n M. Harris Memorial Plaque t h e outstanding event of t h e year. This plaque, sponsored by t h e Southern Conference, resides in Civil Service Employees Association headquarters in Albany. I t will bear t h e n a m e s of illustrious contributors to employee welfare who have passed away. T h e c h a p ters in t h e Conference, Mr. M a c Donald stated, h a d oversubscribed t h e amount needed for t h e plaque. Officers Named Mr, MacDonald was re-elected Conference c h a i r m a n , winning over Joseph Dell of M a t t e a w a n S t a t e Hospital. Louis I. Garrison of Hudson River S t a t e Hospital was n a m e d first vice-president, Charles E. L a m b of Sing Sing Prison was elected t o t h e second vice-presidential post. Roland Schoomaker of t h e Public Works D e p a r t m e n t (in Orange County^ was voted into t h e t h i r d vicepresidential spot. F o u r t h vicepresident is Dorothy Browning of t h e Rehabilitation Hospital i a West Haverstraw. Robert L. Soper^ of Wassaic S t a t e School is t r e a s urer, H i r a m Phillips of L e t c h worth Village was n a m e d s e r geant-at-arms. The nominating committee which h a d brought in t h e slate was headed by Nellie Davis of Hudson River S t a t e Hospital, Reports Read Reports of standing committee* were read by committee chairmen, Mr. MacDonald, in his a n n u a l r e port, told of problems t h a t h a d been solved for member chaptersii of individual employee problems which h e h a d been called upon to handle. Not all these individual problems h a d been resolved, h e stated, but t h e "batting average^ was good. Resolutions dealing with i m provements in employee wprkinc conditions were submitted by t h e following c h a p t e r s : H a r l e m Valley S t a t e Hospital, Sing Sing Prison^ Wassaic S t a t e School. Westfleld S t a t e F a r m invited t h e Conference to hold its fall m e e t ing, scheduled for September 6, a t t h e same place. Installation of ofllcers a n d n a m i n g of committees will take place a t the S e p t e m ber meeting. competitive method of selection as t h e most effective means of assuring t h e m a x i m u m efficiency a n d economy in t h e functioning of t h e government. Progressive Personnel Policies "We further pledge the adoption of modem and progressive personnel policies to provide adequate compensation, just guarantee of tenure a n d advancement based upon satisfactory service, f a i r hours of work, sound r e t i r e m e n t provisions for disabled a n d s u p e r a n n u a t e d workers, a n d t r u e recognition of t h e responsibility and dignity a t t a c h i n g to t h e civil ser« vant as a citizen a n d as a worker. Two CIVIL SERVICE LEADER Tue«4«y, July 1952 1 Activities of Civil Service Employees in N.Y. State ^ in good public relations and offered some valuable suggestions pn how to make our chapter an effective and vital unit. f Sandwiches, doughnuts and coffee were served after the meeting. Plans are being made for the coming Civil Service picnic . CSEA. Installation proceedings are expected to be held In September, with an estimated 1000 persons in attendance. The Suffolk chapter is one of the largest county groups in the Civil Service Employees Association, and has tvon many benefits for civil service employees in the county, including adjusted county wage . Suffolk County scales and vacation and sick leave DAVID L. FROST of Babylon allowances for all township emhas been elected for the t h i r d ' ployees. time to head the Suffolk chapter, I The chapter is comprised of ten Cortland County THE CORTI^ND CHAPTER. CSEA, held a meeting Wednesday evening. J u n e 25th at the Cortland Y.M.C.A. Despite uncomfortably humid weather, attendance was good. (95 degrees!) Donald Lamont, president, Introduced the guest speaker, Philip Kerker. public relations director of the Civil Service Employees' Association. Kerker spoke on the public employees responsibilities units and still growing. Its officers include president, six vice presidents, secretary. treas\jrer, executive representative, alternate, and sergeant-at -arms. The chapter has adopted a nine-point program which It Is following through: 1. New approach to the salary situation 2. Seniority rights 3. Uniform sick leave and vacation rules 4. Equal pay for equal work 73.863 Persons W o r k for N.Y.State ALBANY. July 7—A t o t a l of 80,367 positions a r « listed in New York S t o t e g o v e r n m e n t service. Of these, 73,863 a r e filled. This is exclusive of p o r t - t i m e positions a n d of positions in t h e legislative a n d judicial b r a n c h e s . A summary of positions shows t h a t t h e l a r g e s t n u m b e r of positions is in t h e N Y C a r e a , with 16,891 jobs, closely followed by Albany, with 15,400. The •maltest number of S t a t e positions is in Homilton county, where si* persons m a i n t a i n t h e S t a t e ' s interests. A breakdown following results: of Stote positions, deportment .. D e p a r t m e n t Total .. DEPARTMENT O f AUDIT A N D CONTROL MARKETS D E P A R T M E N T OF C I V I L SERVICE D E P A R T M E N T OF C O N S E R V A T I O N D E P A R T M E N T OF C O R R E C T I O N Main O f f i c e Attica Auburn Clinton Dannemora Great Meadow . Matteowan Wallkill Sing Sing Albion Napanoch Elmira R e f o r m a t o r y Westfleld : Coxsackie Woodbourne Green Haven Elmira R e c e p t i o n C e n t e r C o r r e c t i o n Industry Fund . . D e p a r t m e n t Total D E P A R T M E N T OF E D U C A T I O N Main O f f i c e Albany State Teacher College Buffalo S t a t e T e a c h e r C o l l e g e Brockport S t a t e T e a c h e r C o l l e g e Cortland State Teacher College Fredonia S t a t e Teacher C o l l e g e G e n e s e o S t a t e Teocher C o l l e g e New Palti S t a t e T e a c h e r C o l l e g e O n e o n t a S t a t e Teacher C o l l e g e Oswego State Teacher College Plottsburg S t a t e T e a c h e r C o l l e g e . .. Potsdam State Teacher College Alfred Ceramics e»t. department, gives the NUMBER OF POSITIONS FILLED VACANT TOTAL DEPARTMENT OR DIVISlOA IXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Executive C h a m b e r Division of t h e Budget Division of Parole Division of A.B.C. S t a n d a r d s a n d Purchase Division of S t a t e Police Division of V e t e r a n s Affoirs V e t e r a n s C a m p — Mt. M c G r e g o r . Division of Housing Commission A g a i n s t Discrimination Division of S a f e t y S t a t e Building C o d e Commission S t a t e Civil Defense Commission Division of Military a n d N a v o i Affairs D E P A R T M E N T OF L A W D E P A R T M E N T OF A G R I C U L T U R E A N D l A N K I N G DEPARTMENT by 46 85 401 598 199 753 256 172 163 60 36 37 71 1,051 7 7 12 22 7 221 19 6 23 5 3 II 5 1) 3,928 1,216 457 359 511 227 468 22 26 27 1,735 53 73 21 53 92 413 620 206 974 275 178 186 65 39 48 76 1,062 4,287 1,289 478 533 253 495 1,788 183 354 303 341 344 254 613 165 377 154 220 311 199 223 200 280 73 160 6 8 5 12 2 4 54 2 10 5 6 3 78 1 8 10 1 14 189 362 308 353 346 258 667 167 387 159 226 314 277 224 208 290 74 174 4,754 229 4,983 1,592 239 238 140 149 113 NO )30 103 162 105 121" 52 149 1 i 14 5 8 3 3 8 7 5 5 5 5 1,741 250 252 145 157 116 113 138 110 167 MO 126 57 DAVIS OPTICAL CO. 1917 (Official Optician for Hospitals and Clinics ot New York City) Sun Glasses Ground to Your Rx Costs NO mora than yoHf rcQvlar glasses. Only tli« finest A.O. Calobor and BAUSCH AMD LOMB. Rayban L*ns«s Msed. Tho »!iviiuf» m GUI ittboratory cosU are due to the tremendous volume of f l o f s e i which we produce for official re<|i;irenieiiUi. Tho eoniplele peir of gliwsce frooi the aioKictl optical glaas blank are proccBseU iu our Uboratorirs Eyei Examined — Prescriptions filled — Lenses duplicated Hour,, optometrists and opticians in attondanc* ot oil flmos. SAMI DAY SERVICE Tel: '"^t.^Tji'T 71 W. 23 St.. N. Y. C . CAMERA COUPON ; J U L Y 8. 1952 SiHdy tur Apprentice Exam Get A copy ot a studj bo<|k at The |jc»#4>r Booh iltore, 97 OHanc St. Mew York 7. N. I . 1270 1271 CIVIL SERVICE LEADER America's Leading Newsmagazine (or Public Employees LEADER ENTERPRISES, INC. 97 Duane St. New York 7, N. Y. - Telephone: BEekman 3-6010 Entered as second-class matter October Z, 1939. at the po«t ofdoe at New York. N. Y.. under the Act of March S. 1879. Members of Audit Buruau of Circulations. Subscription Price It.SO Per T«mr. individual eoplet, lOo, DEPARTMENT OR DIVISION A l f r e d University A g . School Cobleskill A g . School Delhi A g . School F a r m i n g d a l e A g . School Morrisville A g . School St. Lawrence A g . School Cornell Agriculture Cornell H o m e Econonf^ics Cornell Veterinary Cornell Ind. a n d Labor Relations G e n e v a Experiment Station Cornell Drill Hall Syracuse Forestry Syracuse M e d i c a l N. Y. M e d i c a l — Brooklyn H o r p u r C o l l e g e — Binghomton C h o m p l o i n C o l l e g e — Plattsburg Binghamton A p p l i e d Arts Buffalo A p p l i e d Arts New York A p p l i e d Arts Utica A p p l i e d Arts W h i t e Plains A p p l i e d Arts N.Y.S. M a r i t i m e C o l l e g e N.Y.S. School for the Blind — B a t a v i a FILLED 80 39 38 ' 204 70 57 1,083 271 138 135 168 4 173 185 220 94 242 44 76 21! 53 42 132 83 D e p a r t m e n t Total D E P A R T M E N T OF HEALTH Moin O f f i c e Roswell Park Roybrook West Haverstraw H e r m a n Biggs Mr. Morris H o m e r Folks Onondaga Broadacres J . N. A d a m Memorial INSURANCE D e p a r t m e n t Total DEPARTMENT LABOR D E P A R T M E N T Labor Proper Workmen's Compensotion S t a t e Insurance Fund DPUl N.Y.S. Labor Relations Board D e p a r t m e n t Total D E P A R T M E N T OF M E N T A L H Y G I E N E .Main Office . Binghamton . Brooklyn Buffalo C e n t r a l Islip Creedmoor G o w a n d a .. . ., .. H a r l e m Valley Hudson River Kings Park . Manhattan Marcy Middletown Pilgrim Rochester Rockland St. Lawrence Utica Willard New York Psychiatric ... Syracuse Psychopathic C r o i g Colony Letchworth Newark School Rome School Syracuse School W a s s a i c School Edge wood Willowbrook D e p a r t m e n t Total DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE ..." DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC W O R K S D E P A R T M I N T OF S O C I A L WELFARE Main O f f i c e School For Girls •— H u d s o n S t a t e A g . & Industry — Industry Thomas Indian W . R. C o r p s . — O x f o r d School For Boys — Warwick Annex For Boys — New H a m p t o n D e p a r t m e n t Total r... D I P A R T M i N T OF STATI D I P A R T M E N T OF T A X A T I O N A N D FINANCE MISCELLANEOUS C O M M I S S I O N S S t a t e Board of Equal, a n d Assessment Youth Commission H o s p i t a l Plonning Commission T e a c h e r Retirement Board S t a t e Housiiig Rent Commission N.Y.S. Thruwoy Authority Grand Island Bridget — ORANO rOTAL ... M 22 2 0 33 8 7 4 9 0 16 53 99 2 25 5 2 9 2 5 7 2 TOTAL 83 40 43 226 72 57 1,116 279 145 139 177 4 189 238 319 96 267 49 78 220 55 47 139 85 7,096 549 7,645 1,320 252 256 373 215 204 212 187 152 282 155 17 to 108 7 13 10 10 4 5 1.475 269 266 481 222 217 222 197 156 287 3,453 339 3,792 374 52 426 1,193 1,456 1,645 5,230 105 72 61 106 S02 7 1,265 1,517 1,751 5,732 112 9,629 748 10,377 289 752 982 691 1,782 1,127 762 1,073 1,226 1,848 959 783 869 2,212 798 1,684 650 646 827 276 88 656 895 648 843 352 854 447 833 5! 35 41 51 96 155 22 115 58 202 72 27 47 230 66 101 11 16 57 22 7 25 119 57 59 7 179 186 140 340 787 1,023 742 1,878 1,282 784 1,188 1,284 2,050 i,Q3i 810 916 2,442 864 1,785 661 662 884 298 95 681 1,014 705 902 359 1,033 633 973 25,852 2,254 28,106 605 6,486 52 1,233 657 7,719 563 178 249 87 89 253 IS f2 18 * 4 3 15 0 655 196 255 91 92 268 45 1,464 354 138 31 166 1,602 385 4,336 19 92 34 12 38 619 62 35 4,170 Totol D I P A R T M i N T OF C O M M i R C i VACANT 3 1 5 73 33 II 33 581 51 34 1 5 38 II 1 • 16 268 56 1 76 AMM., 892 324 •0.367 5. Job classiflcation 6. Security 7. Recognition 8. Opportunity 9. Participation in matters concerning the welfare of civil e m ployees. A substantial portion of the program has already been attained. Other county chapters which might be Interested In the program are Invited to write the S u f folk chapter. 23 Shaw Avenue* Babylon, L. I. St. Lawrence County EMPLOYEES of St. Lawrence State Hospital who have completed 25 years service during the past two yoars were honored at a dinner held In the Central Dining Room J u n e 23. The honors went to Prances McCabe, Mrs. Lera Middlemiss, Mrs. Anna Broeffle, Irene Arthurs, Frederick Erwin, William Axtcll, William Vine, Charles Donahue, Thomas Fields, Mrs. Lynn Porter, Mrs. Blanche Sears, Mrs. Jennie Steele, George Burrows, Leo Driscoll. Earl Hanna, Frederic Houmiel, Robert Klnch and Francis Tavernier. Dr. Robert C. Hunt, director of the hospital, expressed his pleasure at being present to honor t h e employees. Dr. Hunt then suggested tHe formation of a "25year club" which would include all the people of the hospital who had completed 25 years of service, and t h a t this group would be responsible for the activity which would honor all future employees attaining the 25 year service goal. Other members of the hospital staff who spoke at the dinner included Dr. J a m e s Brown and Dr. Samuel Feinstein, assistant directors, Mrs. Hunt and James S a n d burg, senior business officer. Frederick Erwin acted as toastmaster. The Food Service Department of the hospital was responsible for the dinner, and corsages and floral decorations were made up by William Vine, the hospital florist. Dannemora State Hospital NEWLY-ELECTED officers for the local Lions Club for 1952-53 include such D.S.H.'ers as Gaylord Wray, president; Rev. Fennwick Wheeler; and Karl Whipple, vicepresidents; Arthur LePeve and Dr. Ross Herold, directors. The local club is to be congratulated upon the splendid work done for t h e community, especially the village youth. Best wishes to the newly elected officers. All were grieved to hear of the death of Harold Ducharme's and Walter Davey's fathers. Sympathy goes out to these men and their families. Among recent visitors were exemployees Paul Blazier and Phihp Healey. Phil is now employed by DuPont's at Niagara Palls. He was on a visit to his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Healey. Paul is with the American Airlines, and be stopped by to visit relatives and friends. He was on his way f r o m Toronto, Canada to accept a Job in Washington, D. C. The latest f a t h e r of the bride was Clarence Phair as his d a u g h ter Marjorie recently was married to Frederick Dresselt of Schoharie. We wish the newly married couple the best for a happy life together. When it comes to anniversaries, Abraham Lamar and his wife r a n up quite a score when they celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary. Best of luck and health lor another 45 anniversaries. Retirement removed another familiar face when Harry L. Dow left the institution. Harry, a f t e r more t h a n 30 years as a member of the uniformed personnel, deserves a well-earned rest. We wish him well in his roll of gentleman of leisure. Lewis Smart is back at his f a miliar spot in the dining room after a long siege with old m a n sickness. He is looking better t h a n ever. Word ha.s been received from J. Earl Kelly advising t h a t a survey which his board has undertaken will be ready by the middle of July, at which time another conference will be granted to the uniformed personnel in regards to their salary appeal. Chapter members thank reporter Carlton L. Gilroy for the fine job of reporting during the past year. Looking For A Home? Bead Page 11 I 1 CIVIL Tuesday, July B, 19S2 SERVICE LEADEf Full Text Of Statement OnHeatLeave Murray, Zausmer Named to High Civil Service Jobs ALBANY, July 7 — William J . M u r r a y h a s been n a m e d administrative director and Garson Zausmer assistant administrative director of t h e S t a t e Civil Service D e p a r t m e n t , effective July 1, it was announced by J. Edward Conway, President of t h e State Civil Service Commission. Both appointments are on a provisional basis. T h e post of administrative director carries a starting salary of $12,521. T h e salary for assista n t administrative director s t a r t s at $9,840. Mr. M u r r a y will fill t h e position left vacant by t h e retirement of Charles L. Campbell following t h r e e m o n t h s leave of absence. His retirement was effective July 1. Murray's Background He joined the Civil Service Dep a r t m e n t In 1946 as assistant a d ministrative director a f t e r qualifying for t h e job in an open competitive examination. He Is a graduate of Holy Cross College a n d St. J o h n ' s University Law School. Following early experience on t h e editorial staff of newspapers a n d t r a d e publications, he joined t h e examining staff of t h e New York City Civil Service Com- mission in 1934. After six years he became Acting Secretary of t h e Commission, a position he held until 1944. For t h e next two years he was administrative assistant to t h e superintendent of school supplies in t h e Board of Education of New York City. He lives at 953 Madison Avenue, Albany. Zausmer's Background Mr. Zausmer, whose service with t h e Civil Service D e p a r t m e n t goes back to 1932, started as a n examiner. He entered military service in 1943, and until 1946 was personnel officer a n d chief of t h e m a n a g e m e n t b r a n c h on t h e staff of t h e Chief Signal Officer in Washington. He is now a m a j o r in t h e organized reserve. W h e n h e returned to S t a t e service, he o r ganized t h e S t a t e Employees' Suggestion System, serving as Secretary t o t h e Merit Award Board until April 1 of this year. At t h a t time, h e was appointed Acting Assistant Administrative Director, replacing Mr. Murray, who moved up to Acting Administrative Director for t h e period of Mr. Campbell's leave of absence. His home is a t 353 Madison Avenue, Albany. Page Three William J. Murray, left, and Garton .Zausmer, right, appointed admini* strative director and assistant administrative director, respectively, of the State Civil Service Commission. Mr. Murray takes the position formerly occupied by Charles L Campbell, who retired. Mr. Zausmer, who had been secretary of the State Merit Award l o a r d , takes Mr. Murray's former post. Af^BANY, July 7 — Full text of the Civil Service Commission s t a t e m e n t on " h e a t leave" (described in last week's LEADER) follows. It is in t h e f o r m of a letter signed by William J . M u r ray, Acting Administrative Director, S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t of Civil Service. "The State Civil Service Commission a t Its meeting on J u n e 27 considered a m e m o r a n d u m from) the Personnel Council which recommended t h a t t h e A t t e n d ance Rules be changed to provide t h a t closing of S t a t e offices because of h e a t Is not to be p e r m i t ted without charge to employees' leave allowances. " T h e Commission emphasizes t h a t t h e Attendance Rules now In effect do not permit t h e closing of S t a t e offices or t h e early dismissal of S t a t e employees because of excessive heat. T h e Commission therefore h a s determined t h a t n o useful purpose would be achieved by a m e n d m e n t of t h e Attendance Rules. "General closings are not p e r mlssable under t h e Attendance Rules, unless t h e time t a k e n by the employees is charged to t h e i r leave allowances. Under t h e rules, however. It is entirely proper f o r 6125, Assistant Recreation I n - a supervisor to excuse f r o m work any employee who Is unable to structor, $2,611 to $3,411. work because of t h e heat, a n d to 6127, Senior O n - t h e - J o b T r a i n - charge such time to sick leave, ing Representative, $4,964 to $6,- overtime, or vacation allowances. Differences 088. " T h e Commission Is aware of 6126, Senior Occupational T h e r t h e differences In working condiapist (Mental Hygiene), $4,206 to tions which exist in t h e various $5,039. buildings occupied by S t a t e d e 6128, Assistant Land a n d Claims partments. I t recognizes t h a t t h e r e Adjuster, $5,414 to $6,537. are offices where work can not be 6129, Junior Land a n d Claims carried on In extremely hot weaAdjuster, $4,512 to $5,339. t h e r without some discomfort, b u t 6130, Factory Inspector, $3,731 there are others where employees to $4,532. are sufficiently comfortable to 6131, Building Guard. $2,451 to carry on their regular duties. T h e $3,251. same situation exists in private In6132, Institution Fireman, $2,451 dustry. There are also d e p a r t m e n t s to $3,251. and units which must m a i n t a i n a 6133, Process Server, $2,451 to full working day due to t h e f a c t t h a t their work is scheduled In $3,251. *The examination d a t e for No. advance, or because they are opdirect public services 6120 Hearing Reporter only will erating which must be continued r e g a r d be October 4, 1952. **Thls examination is open to less of weather conditions. qualified residents of t h e T h i r d "A certain degree of flexibility Judicial District only. is necessary to provide for t h e exercise of discretion In individual PUBLIC RELATIONS HELD cases. This flexibility is Inherent In SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION t h e rules as they now stand. T h e ALBANY, July 7 — Public r e - Commission concludes t h a t t h e lations Is subject t o competitive most equitable solution of t h e examination, t h e S t a t e Civil S e r - problem of leave in hot weather Is vice Commission ruled last week. to repose In t h e departments t h e I t disapproved a request of t h e discretion to dismiss early such Long Island S t a t e P a r k Commis- employees as request early desion for non-competitive s t a t u s for p a r t u r e because of hot weather, a public relations aide for t h e with t h e charge of such time t o Beth Page P a r k Authority. t h e Individual employee's v a c a tion. overtime, or sick leave a l lowances. Such leave may be t a k AUDIT CLERKS HIT en. of course, only when it will BY BUDGET DISAPPROVAL ALBANY, July 7 — A recom- not Interfere with essential s e r mendation to raise t h e pay of vices t o t h e public. S t a t e audit clerks by two grades " T h e Commission Is t h u s in a c — f r o m G - 2 to G-4—which h a d cord with t h e objective sought by been approved by t h e Director of t h e Personnel Council. Since thla Classifications a n d Compensation, can be attained under t h e present was last Week disapproved by t h e Attendance Rules, t h e r e is no Director of the Budget. need for a change in t h e rules." State Test Series Includes Process Server, Other Jobs ALBANY. July 7 — A new series of S t a t e examinations, for which applications will be available on July 21 (not before) will provide opportunities in a variety of government jobs. Deadline for filing for these jobs is August 22. The list includes, among others, positions for factory inspectors, process servers, and building guards. BINGHAMTON, July 7 — An ALBANY, July 7—The follow- The examinations will be held interesting brochure h a s been pre- ing titles have been added to t h e throughout t h e S t a t e on September 27. pared by t h e Broome County S t a t e civil service. T h e listing was T h e full listing of titles, together chapter, CSEA, with t h e title: announced last week by t h e S t a t e " W h a t We Have Done — W h a t civil service. T h e listing was a n - with salaries (not including t h e nounced last week by t h e State latest cost-of-living bonus, which We Are Planning to Do." Division of Classification a n d Com- will be added) follows: Listed among t h e accomplish6111, Senior Librarian, $4,964 to pensation |The salaries listed do $6,088. ments a r e : Job reclassification not include t h e 1952-53 cost of 6112, Assistant Librarian, $4,053 study which went Into effect J a n u - living bonus, which should be a d to $4,889. ary 1, 1952; new salary plan; ded In estimating total pay. T h e 6113, General Manager of Cenheavy work on a m e n d m e n t 3, pro- grades are listed with t h e salary tral New York Parks, $7,754 to $9,394. viding for increases to retired e m - figures. 6114, Junior P a r k Engineer, $4,ployees. Aquatic Biologist (Marine), 053 to $4,889. G-14, $3451-4176. Objectives 6115, Building Codes Field R e p Assistant Director of CollecPresent objectives a r e : resentative, $4,206 to $5,039. tion, G-28. $5860-7120. Salary ranges commensurate 6116, Senior Telephone InspecAssistant Property Manager, tor, $4,206 to $5,039. with salaries paid by private con- G-16, $3715-4440. 6117, Junior Hydraulic EngiAssociate Cancer Breast S u r cerns for comparable positions; neer, $4,053 to $4,889. geon. G-34, $7225-8800. Longevity increments as a r e 6118, J u n i o r Architect, $4,053 to Associate Public Health Physiward for long service; cian (Mental Health), G-34, $4,889. 6119, Gas Meter Tester, $2,931 S a t u r d a y closing of County o f - $7,225-8800. fices; Broader sick leave and vaBlindness Prevention Consul- to $3,731. •6120, Hearing Reporter, $4,206 cation plans; t a n t , G-18, $3978-4803. to $5,039. Liberalized pension laws. Chemist. G-14, $3451-4176. ••6490, Court Stenographer, Concession S t a n d RepresentaWide Interests Sullivan County, $3,100 plus folio Indicative of t h e wide Interests tive, G-10, $2898-3588. Concession S t a n d Supervisor, fees. m a i n t a i n e d by t h e Broome County 6121, Proofreader, $2,451 to $3,c h a p t e r are these questions being G-18, $3978-$4803. C r a f t s Production Representa- 251. asked of employees "for f u r t h e r 6122, Office Machine Operator tive, G-10, $28983588. study:" C r a f t s Production Supervisor, (Calculating-Key Drive), $2,180 to Are you interested in social se- G18. $3978-4803. $2,984. curity? 6123, Recreation Supervisor, $4,Director, Bureau of Plannnlg, Are you interested in unemploy- G-34, $7225-8800. 206 to $5,039. m e n t insurance? 6124, Recreation Instructor, $3,Director of Collection, G-S4, Would you be interested in a n $7225-8800. 251 to $4,052. in-sei'vice training program? Director of Public Health DeDo we need a County m a n a g e r ? velopment and Evaluation, G-44, Do we need an employees' griev- $9050-11,950. ance committee? Director, Services for the Lulu Williams is chapter presi- Blind, G-32, $6700-8145. d e n t ; Charles J . Pierce is viceEye Classification Analyst, G-18, president; Mary Adamosky, secre- $3978-4803. t a r y ; Georgia Yetts, treasurer. Principal Clerk (Binding), G-10, $2898-3588. Sales Representative for t h e Blind, G-10, $2898-3588. Sales Supervisor for t h e Blind, G-18, $3978-4803. Senior Administrative Assistant (Public H e a l t h ) , G-25. $5232-6407. Sewing Machine Adjuster, G-11, $3036-3826. Broome Aides Add 21 Titles Do Advance To State Job Planning Service Citizenship Waived in Health Posts ALBANY. July 7 — The State Civil Service Commission met a problem somewhat unique last week: should it permit non-citizens to hold positions in t h e S t a t e Health Department? T h e problem arose because of acute shortages in a variety of medical specialties. T h e Health Department h a d requested t h a t t h e citizenship requirements be waived in t h e following titles: senior medical bacteriologist, senior medical biochemist, associate cytologist, associate cancer radiologist, principal cancer r o e n t genologist. T h e Commission agreed to allow waiver of citizenship ia all cases except associate cytologist Apparently, t h e Commission feels, it will be possible to recruit lor that post among citieens. STATE ACTS ON TWO SUPREME COURT TITLES ALBANY. July 7 — T h e S t a t e Civil Service Commission last week disapproved a request of t h e S u preme Court. First Judicial District. to t r a n s f e r of t h e position of Assistant Deputy Clerk to Library Clerk. However, It did allow a title change f r o m Court A t t e n d a n t to Library Attendant. LABOR CLASS FOR PARKMEN DEFERRlCD TILL JULY ALBANY, July 7 — The State Civil Service Commission tabled action on a request of the NYC Civil Service Commission to include the position of seasonal parkman in the labor class. This post is in the NYC Parks Department. The Commission may act on this next month. Shanahaa Hall a t Craig Coloay wat t h t teen* of a pieiuretqu* Open H O H S * Party la honor of Dr. H O N R Y Brill, whoM sorvicM a< Diroctor of Craig Colony tormlnotod oa July 1. Dr. Brill asiumot tho dutioi t i of A»> tlafaat ComMlsdoaor of tho Moatal Hygloao Departmoat ia Albaay. At tho loft in tlio photo Is Dr. Brill. Seotod II. Seated _ aroaad tho taMo ar« Dr. W. Voedor, rotired director of Craig Colony; Dr. G. J. Doolittio, rotirod a s s i s t a a t ^ ^ H dh-aetor: Dr. C. I. P. LoHeh and Dr. It Wis*, both assistaat diroctorc Dr. V. I. Bonofedo; Dr. A. S t o k o ^ ^ H <iir*«tMr. Manray Hilli Moaat MorH*. N. Y.i Dr. W. Hoamaaa; aad Dr. Eipoy. protidoat of Ooaoteo too S t d ^ ^ H Ttachor* Colloga. Four C I V I L vides, as does the 55- year plan, a means by which members may voluntarily Increase their own retirement allowances. Another new law permits members to borrow from their accounts such amounts as can be repaid by their 70th birthday. Last year this age limit had been moved to age 65 from age 60, at the request of the Comptroller. One new statute affecting the majority of the members of the Retirement System was enacted. The law formerly provided t h a t when a member retired and later came back to service and again became a member of the system, he became a member as a new e n t r a n t without most of the benefits t h a t had accrued to him because of his previous membership. This in effect meant t h a t when a person reentered the Reth-ement System after a previous retirement, his beneficiary would not receive an ordinary death benefit based on his previous years of service. Instead, the beneficiary would receive only the benefit provided by the member's service since again becoming a member. This year's Legislature amended this section of the law to permit consideration of service rendered prior to the first retirement for computing the ordinary death benefit payable, provided the member renders at least one year of service a f t e r again joining the Retirement System. Following passage of an amendment by the people, the Legislature enacted a law placing a floor under the minimum allowances paid to retired employees. ALBANY, July 7—The following job-titles, no longer in use, have been eliminated from the State titlfe structure. Assistant Income Tax Director (Collections). Chief Accountant (Public Works). Director of Service for the Blind, Employment Assistant for the Blind. Employment Assistant for the Blind. Employment Supervisor for the Blind. Industrial Assistant for the Blind. Industrial Supervisor for the Blind. Medical Investigator. On-the-Job Training Representative. Sales Assistant for the Blind. Senior Compensation Claims I n vestigator. Senior Women's Parole Officer. Supervisor of Sales for the Blind. Welfare Eye Classification Analyst. CHIEF PAROLE OFFICER PEGGED AT HIGHER GRADE ALBANY, July 7 — The State Budget Director has approved a recommendation t h a t the grade and pay of Chief Parole Officer be pegged at G-28, carrying a base pay of $5,860 to S7.120. To this is added the cm-rent cost-of-living compensation. The increase had been recommended by the Division of Classification a n d Compensation. Get M "Uncle Sam^s" Payroll MEN—WOMEN start High as $73.00 a week Experience Usually Hot Needed Be ready when next exaffiina+ions are held In New York and vicinity. R e a r m a m e n t Program Has Created Thousands of Additional Openings. Now you have the best opportunity in many years to get a big-pay U. S. Civil Service Job with generous vacations, sick leaves, retirement pensions and other benefits. Fill out and mail coupon today! Learn how you can prepare at home to g get one of the many j excellent jobs open / NOW! Act Today! t A ^ FRANKLIN INSTITUTE / / Depf. M-56, 130 West 42nci St., Kew York 36. N. Y. * -Not Oov't Coiiti'uUcd Send me, absolutely Fi-ee, (1) list of available positions; (2) free copy of 32-page book-—"How to Get a U. S. Government Job"; •3) Sample test questions; (4) Tell me how to qualify for a U. S. Government Job. Name Age Street Apt. # , City 21" RCA WORLD'S FINEST TELEVISION SET Superpowered 3| Lie. " 6 3 0 " Chassis SPEAKER IN BEAUTIFUL HAND-RUBBED CONSOLE CABINET TRANS-MANHATTAN 75 CHURCH ST. COR VESEY NEW YORK CITY WOrth 2-4790 Neor All Subways. Buses.. Hudson Tubes A i d All Civil C e n t r e s OPEN 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. INCL SAT. OPEN THURS. EVE. UNTIL 8 P.M. FOR ^ MFR. Lie. UKDER RCA PAT. 12" C O N C E R T SPECIAL A L L O W A N C E BRING THIS A D Schedule of State, County Exams Held June 21 ALBANY, J u n e 30—The following State anC county promotion and open-competitive written examinations were held on S a t u r day, Jime 21. The number at the beginning of each item identifies the examination. The number at the end tells how many have a p plied. ADMINISTRATIVE, BUSINESS AND CLERICAL State Promotion 5050. Corp. Tax Examiner, Corp. Tax Bureau, Dept. of Taxation and Finance—33. 5038. Sr. Corporation Tax Examiner, Corp. Tax Bureau, Dept. of Taxation and Finance—10. 5019. Associate Examiner of Municipal Affairs, Dept. of Audit and Control—23. 5020. Senior Examiner of Municipal Affairs, Dept. of Audit and Control--^?. 5052. Income Tax Examiner, I n come Tax Bureau, Dept. of T a x a tion and Finance—68. 5051. Senior Income Tax Examiner, Income Tax Bureau, Dept. of Taxation and Finance—150. 5056. Prin. Offlce Machine Operator (Tabulating-IBM), I n t e r departmental—49. 5057. Sr. Office Machine Operator (Tabulating-IBM), Interdepartmental—102. 5039. Principal Stenographer, Dept. of Audit and Control—24. 5040. Principal Stenographer, Dept. of Commerce—13. 5044. Principal Stenographer, Albany Office, Insurance Department—5. 5045. Principal Stenographer, Buffalo Office, Dept. of Labor—5. 5046. Principal Stenographer, W.C.B., Dept. of Labor—20. 5047. Principal Stenographer, Craig Colony, Dept. of Mental Hygiene—5. 5048. Principal Stenographer, Kings Park State Hospital, Dept. of Mental Hygiene—14. 5049. Principal Stenographer, Dept. of Social Welfare—33. 5035. Principal Stenographer, Dept. of Taxation and Finance— 59. State Open Competitive 6065. Court Stenographer, Supreme & County Courts, 8th Jiuiicial District—24. Labs & Research, Dept. of Health ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL AND AGRICULTURAL State Open Competitive 6069. Harbormaster, Dept. of Public Works—10. —2. DAVID FROST, HEALTH, EDUCATION AND Re-elected president of the Suffolk WELFARE chapter, CSEA, has outlined a State Promotion long-ranged program for his or5042. Associate Bacteriologist, ganization. Division of Labs & Research Dept. of Health—8. 5041. Assoc. Bacteriologist (MyJANITOR POSITION CAN T cology), Div. of Labs & Research BE NON-COMPETITIVE ALBANY, July 7 — "Disap- Dept. of Health—0. 5043. Sr. Bacteriologist, Div. of proved" is what the State Civil Service Commission told the State University of New York in answer to a request t h a t a supervising janitor position be placed in the non-competitive class. The post is in the Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences at Utica. Pass high. Get a study book with practice questions. See p. 15 for list of titles. State... TUBES 299 Pric* Includes Federal Tax 24 Month* to Pay FREE INSTALLATION Window or Roof PARTS {•eluding WARRANTY Picture Tueadaj, July 8 , 1 9 5 2 L E A D E R 14 State Job-Titles Eliminated New Retirement Bills Summarized ALBANY, July 7 — The State Personnel Council, In its Personnel News, has listed changes In retirement which are now In effect as a result of action by t h e State Legislature this year. Among the more important actions was the enactment of statutes which— Extended the filing period under t h e new age-55 retirement plan. Permitted Retirement System members in military service to borrow all but one dollar of their accumulated contributions. Permitted the continuance, until July 1, 1953, of extra contributions equal to one-half of normal contributions as additional savings. Prior to this year's reopening of filing for the 55 year plan, some 66,000 Retirement System members h a d elected to come under the plan. The increased retirement allowance under the plan is paid for jointly by the member and the employer. The filing period was reopened until September 30, 1952. Because it is believed by retirement officials t h a t it is to the advantage of members to join the new plan, members are urged to elect age-55 retirement plan before the latest, and probably the last, extension runs out. Members of ' t h e Retirement System absent in military service can now borrow from their own account in the system all but one dollar of their accumulated contributions. Repayment need not begin until the member returns to his employment. The dollar left in t h e account qualifies the borrower as an active member. The privilege of contributing one-half of the normal rate as additional savings has proved so popular t h a t it has been extended to July 1. 1953. This privilege pror y Have you been readin^r the LEADER'S interesting new cohimn. Civil Service Newsletter? You'll ffnd it on page 6. Make it MUST reading every week. S E R V I C E Tubo Adaptable To Color —10. State Open Competitive 6062. As.sistant in Child Development, Dept. of Education—15. 6063. A.«!s't in Education of Handicapped, Bureau for Handicapped Children, Dept. of Education—20. 6068. Laboratory Worker, State Departments—68. 6067. Sr. Laboratory Worker, Division of Labs & Research, Dept. of Health—59. •6066. Dental Hyglenist and Dental Hygienist (TB Service), State Depts.—12. County Promotion 5419. Intermediate Social Case Worker (Foster Homes), Westchester County—1. 5420, Sr. Social Case Workec (Foster Homes), Westchester County—1. 5418. Ass't Supervisor of Case Work (Foster Homes), Westchester County—2. County Open Competitive 6455. Intermediate Social Case Worker (Foster Homes), Westchester County—14. 6456. Sr. Social Case Worker (Foster Homes), Westchester County—5. 6454. Ass't Supervisor of Case Work (Foster Homes). Westchester County—2. 6449. Food Inspector, Erie County—31. 6452. Milk Inspector, Brie County—11. LAW ENFORCEMENT, INVESTIGATIONS AND PHYSICALS State Promotion 5054. Sr. Investigator (Education), Department of Education —9. 5055. Sr. Pharmacy Inspector, Department of Education—3. State Open Competitive 6064. Estate Tax Examiner, Department of Taxation and Finance —24. CIVIL SERVICE UNIT—DPUI State Promotion 5909. Head Clerk. DPUI. Department of Labor—50, 5908. Principal Stenographer. DPUI, Department of Labor—48. 5910. Unemployment Insurance Accounts Assistant Supervisor, DPUI, Department of Labor—39. LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SECTION County Open Competitive 6457. Janitor, Hamilton County 6453. Water and Street Superintendent, Village of Keesevllle, Essex Co.—0. Weeks of June 16 and 23—Orals CIVIL SERVICE UNIT—DPUI State Promotion 5903. Sr. Employment Manager, DPUI. Dept. of Labor—28. 5904. Sr. Employment Security Manager, DPUI, Dept. of Labor —45. 5905. Sr. U. I. Manager. DPUI, Dept. of Labor—33. •Unwritten. NYC Test for P. O. Clerk Administrator Is Expert Is Protested On Talmud A group of candidates for the positions of administrator, senior administrative assistant, and administrative assistant are vigorously protesting the examinations given by the NYC Civil Service Commission for those positions. They claim the tests, held J u n e 7, were not conducted in a legal manner. Their claim is based on the note in the examinations t h a t the Commission reserves the right to determine which of the answers listed for each question was accredited and acceptable, and whether more than one of the answers listed for each question was acceptable and accredited. The group, headed by Jacob Ockner, charges the statement is contrary to a ruling made by the Appellate Division in April, 1948. In a formal protest to the municipal Civil Service Commission they said the decision made in 1948 Is still binding and unchanged. They object to the note on three counts; 1. T h a t Is contravened the Appellate Division ruling, 2. T h a t it misled the candidate into believing t h a t any question in the examination might be "incapable of a best answer." 3. T h a t because of this it created confusion and doubt in the candidate's mind as to the need of finding the one "best answer." Solomon Lenchitz, who worked as a U. S. Post Office clerk for ten years, became an authority on oddities in the Talmud in his spare time. For the past eighteen years he has been going through the massive collection of Hebrew lore, collecting "believe-lt-or-not" incidents t h a t have been recently published in book form. While working the night shift at the postoffice Mr. Lenchitz still managed to put four or five hours more in studying the Talmud. He discovered items such as the t a b let containing the Ten Commandments brought by Moses weighed 1,700 pounds and t h a t Esther won a beauty contest at the age of 40 to become a queen. The 42-year old former clerk lives in Brooklyn with his wife and for children. He has written a book. "Pictorial Oddities f r o m Hebraic Literature." Mr. Lenchitz has, been lecturing on Hebrew literature and writing a syndicated column for EnglishJewish periodicals in the United States and abroad. The group requested the Commission to Invalidate the entire exam and hold a new test. Mr. Ockner has asked t h a t all those who agree with him contact him in order to press their protest. His address is 272 Division StreeW Brooklyn 11. N. Y, 1 Tyu^mjy July C I V I L 8 , 1 9 5 2 S E R V I C E Page Fhr» L E A D E R New Grade-Pay System W e i g h e d For State A i d e s ALBANY, J u l y 7 — New York I should t h i n k s o m e t h i n g a l o n g S t a t e h a s too m a n y s a l a r y g r a d e s t h e line of t h e 36-grade M i n n e in its p a y s t r u c t u r e , according to s o t a system would be most p r a c J . E a r l Kelly, director of c o m p e n - ticable for us." IS-VMr pint w«re glv^n of S». Lawr«Kc« Sta»« Hospital \m Ogd«iisbiir«. Thoi* to th« photograph a r o : sation a n d classification f o r t h e Frost row: Cliarlos Donahuo, Lymi PortM*. Ilaacko Soari, Mrs. Hmit. U r a MiddlomiM. ProNces McCobo, Dr. D e p a r t m e n t of Civil Service. I n a n interview w i t h t h e Civil Haiit. Soeoiid row: Froderiek Irwin. George iarrows, Francis Tavemler. Robert Kinch. Thomas Fields. Pearl Haaiic. Third row: WllHom Vine, Frederic Houmlel, Leo Driscoll. The three persons ot the right are: Dr. James Service LEADER, Kelly revealed he has reconimended a reduction E. Brows, James A. Sandburg, Dr. Samuel Feinstein. f r o m t h e p r e s e n t 50 s a l a r y g r a d e s to "somewhere betwee^ 30 a n d 40" as being a m o r e workaTjle basis f o r assigning j o b p a y scales. Kelly's r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s took T h e NYC Civil Service C o m t h e f o r m of a letter t o B a d g e t D i established rector T. N o r m a n H u r d last year mission last week a n d oral c o m m e n t s to r e p r e s e n t a - eligible lists f o r n i n e j o b titles. tives of t h e M a h o n e y Commission Following a r e t h e titles a n d t o p studying c h a n g e s in t h e D e p a r t - r a n k i n g eligible in each. Occupational Therapist — ALBANY, J u l y 7 — T h e S t a t e b u t less t h a n $100 t h e increase is w h o a n d how m a n y persons will m e n t of Civil Service. R h o d a S c h e r e r , 353 E a s t 56th St.j be receiving t h e s u p p l e m e n t a l As f a r as h e knows t h e suggested $25 per m o n t h , but a g a i n t h e total of New York expects to send out Manhattan. p a y m e n t s , b u t t h e d e p a r t m e n t c h a n g e is n o t i m m i n e n t . y n o t exceed $100. a p p r o x i m a t e l y 8,000 s u p p l e m e n t a l m aAudit Storekeeper — P r o m o t i o n — D e 36-Grade Structure a n d Control h a s n o t c o m - expects t o find a b o u t 8,000 p e n pension checks t h i s m o n t h to r e - pleted compiling its statistics of sioners Rligible. However, Kelly feels strongly p a r t m e n t of Hospitals — William t h a t if New York S t a t e a d o p t e d a Andrews, 13-02 157th St., B e e c h tire'd p/ersons receiving less t h a n p l a n s u c h as t h e 36-grade s t r u c - h u r s t . $100 per m o n t h . Storekeeper — P r o m o t i o n — t u r e in use in M i n n e s o t a a g r e a t I n most cases t h e checks will many classification difficulties D e p a r t m e n t of P u r c h a s e — R o b e r t a m o u n t to less t h a n $25 per check, Birrell, 82-53 61 R o a d , E l m h u r s t . could be eliminated. w i t h r e t i r e d t e a c h e r s being t h e Storekeeper — P r o m o t i o n — D e " F i f t y g r a d e s is t o m a n y , " h e only g r o u p eligible t o receive asserted. " W e got t h e m w h e n t h e p a r t m e n t of F-ducation — P e d r o more t h a n t h a t amount. s t r u c t u r e was c h a n g e d by legisla- A r r i e t a , 23-19 101st St., Eiast I n n o case will t h e a m o u n t of tive action some years ago a n d E l m h u r s t . s u p p l e m e n t a l pension p a i d b r i n g Storekeeper — G e n e r a l P r o m o t h e f o r m e r ineequities were f r o z e n t h e recipient's t o t a l to m o r e t h a n in to t h e new s t r u c t u r e . We h a v e tion List — R o b e r t Birrell, 82-53 $100 m o n t h l y . An e x a m i n a t i o n f o r indefinite some grades which a r e used i n - 61 R o a d , E l m h u r s t . ALBANY, J u l y 7 — C i r c u m E n a c t e d by t h e 1952 LegislaTechnician (X-Ray) (Third automotive f r e q u e n t l y . if a t all. T h e y could t u r e as C h a p t e r 319 of t h e Laws s t a n c e s u n d e r which t h e r a t i n g of a p p o i n t m e n t as a n Piling P e r i o d ) , 1st G r o u p , J a m e s of New York, t h e S u p p l e m e n t a l t r a i n i n g a n d experience m a y be body a n d f e n d e r repairer to fill be 'eliminated. E. Travers, 319-13 St., Brooklyn. T h e -Spread Pensions Act c o n t i n u e s for a n - o m i t t e d in m a r k i n g e x a m i n a t i o n s vacancies a t H e a d q u a r t e r s F o r t Technician (X-ray) — (Third W a d s w o r t h , S t a t e n Island, was " W e n e e d f a i r l y close grades a t o t h e r year t h e policy of e m e r g ency payments to pensioners were outlined last week in a a n n o u n c e d by t h e U. S. Civil S e r - t h e b o t t o m , b u t we should allow Filing P e r i o d ) , 2d G r o u p — Milwhich was first i n s t i t u t e d a f t e r m e m o r a n d u m f r o m t h e S t a t e Civil vice Commission. Applications will for m o r e noticeable s p r e a d s be- ton G. T o d m a n n , 1515 M a d i s o n a s h a r p Legislative struggle a t Service Commission to T h o m a s be accepted u n t i l f u r t h e r notice. tween t h e m as we go u p t h e l a d - Avenue, M a n h a t t a n . Medical C o n s u l t a n t (MeningiT h e r e a r e two grades of posi- der. I n t h a t way t h e r e will be a t h e 1951 session. However, t h e B r a n s f o r d , director of t h e E x a m i tis). G r a d e 5 ( P a r t T i m e ) — H a r o l d tion, one p a y i n g $1.61 to $1.86 a n clearer d i f f e r e n t i a t i o n between 1952 law differs f r o m t h e 1951 n a t i o n s Division. ^ h o u r , t h e o t h e r p a y i n g $1.80 t o jobs a n d t h e jobs with e x t r a r e - T. F u e r s t . 80-40 L e f f e r t s Boulelaw i n m a n y respects. The Commission held t h a t $2.09. At least one year of e x p e r - sponsibilities will be p a i d in p r o - vard, K e w G a r d e n s . t r a i n i n g a n d experience m a y be ience is required. Needn't Apply J u n i o r Civil E n g i n e e r — (2d portion to t h e i r needs." competitive F i r s t of all, t h e D e p a r t m e n t of o m m i t t e d in open Applications m a y be o b t a i n e d Kelly m a d e clear t h a t h e was Filing Period) — S e y m o u r Allen, Audit a n d Control points out i n e x a m s for e n t r a n c e level jobs for a t most Post Offices, f r o m t h e Di- expressing 278 S o u t h 2nd St., Brooklyn. ~ his own opinion a n d its e x p l a n a t o r y m a t e r i a l , t h e p e n - which t h e r e is no experience r e - rector. Second U. S. Civil Service n o t a n official s t a n d . W i t h r e f Assistant Chemical Engineer — sioner does not apply for t h e ex- q u i r e m e n t . Region, F e d e r a l Building, C h r i s Promotion — Fire Department — I t m a y be o m i t t e d in promotion t o p h e r S t r e e t . New York, N. Y. or erence t o t h e o f t e n m e n t i o n e d 20- J o s e p h R. Mrowka, 152 G u e r n s e y t r a assistance. grade s t r u c t u r e , Kelly t h o u g h t e x a m s f o r t h e first promotion level from! t h e Executive Secretary, t h a t t h a t m e a n t "too few" grades. St., Brooklyn. P a y m e n t s will be m a d e a u t o matically to those persons f o u n d in a n occupational series f o r which B o a r d of U. S, Civil Service E x The federal government has a t h e r e is no experience requireaminers, H e a d q u a r t e r s F o rt Wadseligible u n d e r t h e law W I T H O U T of 18 grades. I u n d e r Have you been readiner the ment at the start. worth, S t a t e n I s l a n d , New York. system APPLICATION BY T H E M . s t a n d t h e y are h a v i n g some d i f - L E A D E R ' S interesting new column, I t need not be scored in h i g h e r T h e applications should be s e n t S u p p l e m e n t a l checks will a c ficulty m a k i n g it work properly. Civil Service Newsletter? You'U c o m p a n y regular pension checks level promotion tests which r e - t o P o r t W a d s w o r t h also. I h a v e n ' t a p a r t i c u l a r n u m b e r of find i t o n p a c e 6. M a k e i i M U S T going out t h i s m o n t h . T h e y will quire w r i t t e n or oral e x a m s as grades i n m i n d a t t h i s t i m e b u t readinir e v e r r w e e k . be p a i d as of J u l y 31, 1952 a n d long a s only i n c u m b e n t s of one will be payable e a c h m o n t h t h e r e - title are eligible a n d n o a d d i t i o n a l e d u c a t i o n or t r a i n i n g is needed. a f t e r u n t i l M a r c h 31, 1953. However, t h i s category m a y n o t Who Is Eligible be h i g h e r t h a n g r a d e 15. I t will no longer figure in n o n P e r s o n s who r e t i r e d prior to J a n u a r y 1, 1952, who are more competitive exams. t h a n 6U years ot age, who receive a r e t i r e m e n t allowance without o p t i o n of less t h a n $100 montlily, A p p i i e o i i e u Will Re-Op*B ia S«pt»mbM> who h a v e a t least 15 y e a r s service SYRACUSE, July 7 — The i n t h e pension system a n d who O n a n d a g a c h a p t e r , CSEA, h a § were retired f r o m a s t a t e operbeen actively working to achieve a t e d r e t i r e m e n t system are a u t o t h e best possible p a y p l a n f o r COMPLETE PREPARATION PGR BOTH WRITTEN ft PHYSICAL EXAMS matically eligible for s u p p l e m e n t a l employees of t h e City of S y r a a t the Sckeol Wher* Mor* Tliaa 80% of N.Y. City's Firemen Trailed aid. cuse. R o b e r t Clift, c h a p t e r presi« Experienced Instructor* e Interesting Lectures • Home Study Material dent, h a s s e n t to t h e City's D i Age a n d l e n g t h of service r e a Trial Bxami • riiliy Eqaipped Gym e Outdoor Track « Showers rector of R e s e a r c h a c o m p r e h e n q u i r e m e n t s are waived in t h e case EXPERT ADVICE AND MEDICAL EXAMINATION WITHOUT CHARGE s t a t e M e n t a l Hygiene Dept. is sive analysis a n d proposals for of persons retired for disability. Classes Now Meeting in Manhaftan and Jamaica R e t i r e d t e a c h e r s a r e eligible r e - investigating c h a r g e s leveled a t a n effective plan. Mayor Corcoran gardless of age if otherwise quali- t h e K i n g s P a r k , L, I. m e n t a l hos- h a s given t h e employees a n o p MANHATTAN: WED. a t 1:15 or 8 P.M. JAMAICA: MON. a t 7:30 P.M. pital. T h e probe, ordered by Actp o r t u n i t y of expressing t h e i r fied. Commissioner Arthur W. views on t h e proposals. F o r persons o t h e r t h a n t e a c h - ing Prepare Now! Examination For ers w h e r e t h e m o n t h l y r e t i r e m e n t Pense, began last week following The chapter has submitted publication of a series of articles allowance without opuion is under p l a n s providing for CIP^V ' • B O N $100, t h e s u p p l e m e n t a l a m o u n t is in a New York newspaper. neling of wage . J j . Dr. J a m e s A. Brussell, Assistt h e difference between t h e n u m reclassifications; settint; . .. i . j r SUPREME. GENERAL SESSIONS amd COUNTY COURTS ber of years of credited service a n t Commissioner in c h a r g e of t h e sonnel relations c o m m i t t e e ; esmultiplied by $3.33, a n d t h e pres- New York office, who is h e a d i n g t a b l i s h m e n t of a n i n d u s t r i a l r e e n t m o n t h l y r e t i r e m e n t allowance. t h e investigation, h a d n o c o m - lations d e p a r t m e n t ; r e a d j u s t i n g Entrance Salary up to $4,670 a Year m e n t to m a k e on his findings w h e n grades t h a t require i t ; c o s t - o f I Opportunity for Promotion to Positions Paying np to $9,000 a Year contacted this week by t h e living p a y a d j u s t m e n t ; additional ?25 Increase M a x i m u m Preparation under supervision of M. J. DELEHANTY. for many years T h e increase m a y not exceed LEADER. H e disclosed, however, i n c r e m e n t s a f t e r 10, 15 a n d 20 clerk in the Supreme Court, wlio has prepared more than 807. of $25, n o r m a y t h e t o t a l of t h e t h a t t h e probe h a s not yet been years of service; i m p r o v e m e n t in men appointed in the varioas courts. r e t i r e m e n t allowance plus increase completed. H e a d d e d t h a t h e h a d t e c h n i c a l aspects of t h e p a y p l a n ; Attend as Our Guest Monday a t 5:45 or 7:45 P.M. "no i d e a " how m u c h longer it e x a m i n i n g t h e possibility of a n exceed $100 per m o n t h . escalator p a y clause; employee F o r t e a c h e r s retired f r o m t h e would t a k e to finish his study. I n declining to c o m m e n t . Dr. p a r t i c i p a t i o n in f u t r e development Permanent Positions for Mea ft Women ia N. Y. C. Civil Servic* S t a t e T e a c h e r s R e t i r e m e n t System Appllcatloms to Opea Oct. 7th for w h o receive less t h a n $50 m o n t h l y Brussell said he would " f u r n i s h of t h e plan. An u p w a r d wage a d r e t i r e m e n t allowance t h e increase a complete a n d confidential report j u s t m e n t was also asked, since GRADE 2 • is t h e difference between $75 a n d to t h e Commissioner, "My job," h e salary schedules a d o p t e d now will t h e m o n t h l y r e t i r e m e n t allowance added, "is merely to d e t e r m i n e t h e not be applicable u n t i l J a n u a r y facts. T h e Commissioner will s t u d y 1, 1953. T h e c h a p t e r suggested 6 $2,360 A Year to Start—Annual Salary InciwMM w i t h o u t option. (Tile p h r a s e " w i t h o u t option" t h e m a n d issue a n y f o r t h c o m i n g p e r c e n t on t h e first $2,000, 5 p e r PULL CIVIL SERVICE BENEFITS — PROMOTIONAL O P P O t T O N i m t s t a t e m e n t , as well as t a k e a n y a p cent on t h e n e x t $2,000 of salary, which occurs t h r o u g h o u t t h e law Ages 17 Years ft Upward - No Educatioaal, Experieace Reqnireeeets p r o p r i a t e a c t i o n . " Dr. J o s e p h H. a n d 4 p e r c e n t on wages above m e a n s t h a t t h e person h a s not Oar Course of Training Prepares Fully far O^elal ExamlnwHoa selected a n optional f o r m of r e - S h u f l e t o n is acting director of t h e $4,000. l e Oar Gaest a t a Class Tonight (Taesday) a t 7:3f P.M. hospital. t i r e m e n t p a y m e n t payable to a n estate or beneficiary a f t e r his FreparatloM for M. Y. Ctty LICENSE EXAMS for 21-Name Business death.) STA. ENGINEER . MASTER ELECTRiaAN . MASTER PLUMIER For t e a c h e r s whose montlily r e - Changes in N Y C Operator List Practical Shop Traiaiag ia JOINT WIPING f o r Plaaibert t i r e m e n t credit is more t h a n $50 Fire Captain Five NYC a g e n c i e ^ w e r e given t h e new 2 1 - n a m e open competitive Test Key Answers 270 NAMKS SENT AS list for B u r r o u g h s No. 7200 O p e r a SANITATION LABOKEliS C h a n g e s a f f e c t i n g t h r e e ques- tor, Gr. 2. T h e r e are a total of 24 "Nearly 40 Years of Servic* in Advancing thm A list of 270 eligibles h a s been tions on recent NYC promotion vacancies. 14 p e r m a n e n t a n d 10 Careen of More Than 450,000 Students" submitted for a p p o i n t m e n t as l a - e x a m i n a t i o n to Fire C a p t a i n have t e m p o r a r y . borers in t h e D e p a r t m e n t of S a n i - been a n n o u n c e d by t h e MuniciT h e list was established on J u n e tation. T h e list will be used to fill pal Civil Service Commission. 24, a n d was f o r w a r d e d to t h e New Executive OfTicet: Jamaica DIvisIont openings in Manhattan and O n t h e yellow p a p e r s : Question York City Employees' R e t i r e m e n t Brooklyn. 54 lias been eliminated. Question System, 10 positions; B o w d of I I 5 E . 15 ST., N . Y . 3 90-14 Sutphln Blvd Eligibles who have been certified 69, B or E are correct answers; T r a n s p o r t a t i o n , 4; Board of E d u iway n o t accept a p p o i n t m e n t in Question 70, C or E. cation. 1; W a t e r Supply, G a s a n d GRamercy 3-6900 JAmaIca 6-8200 t h e D e p a r t m e n t , it was pointed On t h e white p a p e r s : Question Electricity. 7; T e a c h e r s ' R e t i r e out, if they have already obtained 52, eliminated; 77, B or E ; 78, m e n t System, 2. T h e position's Oi'K'iCJE HOURS: Mon. to Fri.: 8 a.m. to 0:30 p.m. dost'ii But. durlus BUUiUMr. ftppointment el;>ewUere. salary is $2,230. i C or E. i i i 1 ( -1 .) • ; NYC Sets Up 9NewRosters Of Eligibles Supplemental Cash Starts This Month for Pensioners Rating of Training, Experience Kings Park Hospital Is Probed Auto Fender Repair Jobs In Staten Is. New Pay Plan Is Weighed in Syracuse DELEHAIVTY BULLETIN of Career Opportunities! FIREMAN— ^^^^ ^^^^ COURT AHENDANT CLERKS — 740 DELEHANTY CIVIL Page Six # SERVICE LEADER CIVIL SERVICE fMrgest Weekly tor PubUe Civil Service RIGHTS NEWS Ameriea'g Tuesday, July 8 , 1 9 5 2 Mr. W«l«$*«rf. former 4«•Itfoaf HYC Corb poratl0B CeM««f and uufkor ft* b e e t "Cfv/I UrvIc* HlqUt." coafrlfenfffs t r t q f H H y fo fke CMI Service LBAOeR. Employees GEORGE HALLETT of the Citizen's Union ami veteran Coimcilman Stanley Isaacs usually see eye to eye, hut they can't match opinions on the bills up before the City legislators to create a anioke and air pollution LEADER E N T E R P R I S E S , INC. control commission. Isaacs sees it as a wedge to create a lot of patronage f 7 Duane S t r t « f . New York 7. N. Y. lEokmoii 3-6010 jobs. Hallett says the engineers and other employees appointed to the new department should fall within regular civil service classifications, and Jerry Finkelstein, Puhlinher that creation of any exempt posts would call for approval by the State Civil Maxwell Leiiman, Editor and Co-PuhU$her Service Commission, MVII'CA /WS recently been turning thumbs down on H. J . Bernard, Executive Editor Morton Yarnion, General Manager requests to fill jobs outside of civil service. Joe Sharkey and Hallett agree on this. N. H. Mager, Businett Manager Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Published every Tuesday by • 10c Per Copy. Subscription Price $2.50 Per Annum. • • Morrlf fVeissberg T H R E E t o p Civil service jobs will h a v e to be filled in t h e NYC H O W CLASSIFICATION W O R K S " TUESDA'Y, JULY 8, f 9 5 2 personnel s e t u p : (1) a n e w civil service commissioner; (3) civil (Continued f r o m last week) k service a d m i n i s t r a t o r ; (3) h e a d of classification. P l e n t y of b r e a s t b e a t i n g about who should get second a n d t h i r d posts — a n d t h e r e By MORRIS WEISSIERG will be p l e n t y of fighting a b o u t all t h r e e . . . . NYC Civil Service E M P L O Y E E S aggrieved by any Commission will get m o r e space, m o r e money to operate. classification or p a y scale m a d e by t h e Director of t h e Classification a n d C o m p e n s a t i o n Division m a y , WITH THE DECISION by Mallory Stephens not to seek re-election w i t h i n sixty days, a p p e a l to t h e to his seat in the Assembly, the matter of a successor as chairman of Ways Classification a n d C o m p e n s a t i o n e LEADER has surveyed the views of presidential can- and Means is much under discussion. . . . If seniority alone prevailed, the Appeals B o a r d in t h e S t a t e D e next chairman of the pmverful Assembly committee would he Assemblyman p a r t m e n t of Civil Service. didates on civil service and reports with regret that William H. MacKenzie, of Allegany. However, for a number of reasons O n a c o u r t review of a n y p e r Assemblymon sonnel classification action by t h e no gi^at impulse for the merit system is evident among other than priority, Capitol observers feel that perhaps Elisha T. Barrett, Suffolk, may well be the next chairmaom-. , . The single Director, t h e Appeals B o a r d o r them. Platforms are now being written by the two major factor which would preclude the naming of Barrett is the possibility he t h e B u d g e t Director, t h e . p e r s o n may stand for Congress instead of the Assembly this fall. However, if he aggrieved h a s t h e b u r d e n of s h o w political parties. We earnestly suggest that planks calling elects to run for the Assembly, the wise money says he will head Ways ing t h a t t h e action complained of violates a specific law or is a r b i for extension of the merit system and improved protec- and Means. t r a r y . T h u s , it was held t h a t r e • • * fusal t o allocate a n e x a m i n i n g tions for public employees be included in the statements I N LINE with a L E A D E R t i p in t h i s column some weeks ago, physician to a h i g h e r g r a d e was of both groups. After the dreary action of the United William J . M u r r a y last week received t h e a p p o i n t m e n t as a d m i n i - a n a d m i n i s t r a t i v e m a t t e r w h i c h t r a t i v e director of Civil Service, t o replace C h a r l e s L. Campbell, r e - would n o t be disturbed, a l t h o u g h States Senate voting to retain the spoils system in appoint- stired. . . . W a t c h f o r a n a n n o u n c e m e n t soon of a n e x a m t o fill t h e t h e r e seemed to be no distinction ments for postmasterships, marshalls, and customs offi- post of executive secretary to t h e S t a t e Merit Award Board. J i m between t h e duties a n d responsibiQuigley, of Civil Service, is acting in t h e post l e f t v a c a n t by G a r s o n lities of t h e two grades. Similarly, cials, the least the political t^arty chieftains can do is to Z a u s m e r , a n d m a y well be t h e m a n to fill it p e r m a n e n t l y . a r e f u s a l to reclassify a n a s s i s t a n t b a n k e x a m i n e r to senior b a n k e x write a plank that will enable us to hold the party mema m i n e r would not be disturbed, t h e r e being no clear showing t h a t bers to some account. Such a plan should say specifically N. Y, STATE Civil Service scientists working in TB hospitals went t h e action was a r b i t r a r y . that appointment should be by merit wherever practica- as optimistic about new tuberculosis drugs as dounslate reports indicate. No Claim f o r B a c k F a y The upstaters have performed big batch of scientific tests. Watch for this W h e r e a position falls i n t o a ble ; that promotions such as those in the Post Office should to break in your daily paper soon. . . . This points up again, incidentally, how many vital services are performed by public aides, unnoticed by h i g h e r salary g r a d e upon reclassibe on a basis more substantial than political whim; that general fication or reallocation, t h e i n public. . . . c u m b e n t employee h a s n o claim! • « • Buch ordinary protections as unemployment insurance for back pay for services r e n d e r e d Q U E S T I O N in civil service circles t h i s week was w h e t h e r NYC t i - ' - . j t h e crxecavc d a t e of s u c h should be enacted for Federal employees, who need it as M a y o r is f a m i l i a r w i t h P a r a g r a p h 3, Section 11, of t h e S t a t e Civil reclassification or reallocation. much as employees in private industry. Reclassification or c h a n g e in p a y Service Law, which provides t h a t in a n y case w h e r e t h e r e is a m a y n o t reduce t h e salary of The people, whose instincts about civil service are v a c a n c y in a m u n i c i p a l civil service commission a n d t h e a p p o i n t i n g scale officer (in t h i s case His H o n o r ) doesn't m a k e a n a p p o i n t m e n t w i t h i n a n y employee so long a s h e r e good, would like a little something to offset the cynicism 60 days, t h e S t a t e Civil Service Commission SHALL m a k e a n a p - m a i n s in t h a t postiion. e provisions a r e ambiguous of Congress and provide a pittance of hope for better gov- p o i n t m e n t . Time is u p on J u l y 9, a n d if City Hall doesn't act, Al- a nSdo mneed clarification e i t h e r by b a n y can n a m e a new prexy for t h e Commission. ernment. t h e Legislature or by t h e courts. One such provision r e a d s : "No employee whose position is W A T C H for e s t a b l i s h m e n t of a new citizens c o m m i t t e e calling f o r reclassified shall be promoted, vast c h a n g e s in NYC g o v e r n m e n t setup. Quiet a t t e m p t s h a v e been demoted, t r a n s f e r r e d , suspended m a d e several times, but so f a r they've been failures, m a i n l y because or r e i n s t a t e d except in a c c o r d a n c e jealousies a m o n g civic organizations a r e so great as t o p r e v e n t coali- with t h e provisions of t h i s c h a p tion. Now t h e r e ' s s t r o n g m o v e m e n t t o get group set u p u n d e r h a r d , t e r . " tough, dynamic, well-paid executive secretary who could mobilize t h e R e a d literally, t h i s provision seems to say t h a t reclassification ensioners in the State Retirement System who are re- City for good government. C h a n c e s of success f o r p r o j e c t : 50-50. c a n m a k e no c h a n g e in t h e s t a t u s • * * of a n employee. If it m e a n s t h a t , ceiving less than $100 a month will have their allowP R E D I C T I O N : O u t of t h e m a n y proposals for c h a n g i n g t h e t h e n t h e reclassification does n o t ances supplemented, beginning as of July 1. The same m a k e - u p of t h e NYC Civil Service Commission, here's w h a t you c a n apply to t h e i n c u m b e n t ; a n d t h e conditions that affect these pensioners hit equally hard e x p e c t : about t h e s a m e s e t u p as now, plus a new a d m i n i s t r a t o r . T h e exception of his position c r e a t e s new riian will be a p p o i n t e d by t h e Civil Service Commission w i t h t h e positions w i t h identical q u a l i those in other retirement systems. There's no reason why Mayor's approval. T h e Commission will assign h i m h i s duties by two fications a n d duties, b u t with d i f rule, a n d won't be able to rescind those duties except a f t e r a public f e r e n t classifications, which is e x retired employees of local communities should not also hearing. actly w h a t a n o t h e r provision of have the advantages of the Mahoney amendment, passed • * • law previously quoted seeks to last year by the people who thought it w^ould help all lowH E R E ' S ONE REASON why t h e y ' r e going to be h i r i n g m o r e a n d avoid. A c o n t r a r y i n t e n t is implied public employees h a v i n g to do with traffic — f r o m cops to i n paid pensioners of the State and its local units. New York more spectors: t h e p r o p o r t i o n of drivers exceeding t h e 50-mile New York f r o m a n o t h e r provision of t h e law City looks in a particularly shameful spot. ^ S t a t e speed limit is rising. S t a t e Traffic Commission reveals: t h r e e t h a t i n c u m b e n t s of positions which ago, 15% of t h e drivers were doing over 50; in 1951, t h e a n t e a r e reallocated to h i g h e r s a l a r y Two actions are necessary: First, to include the for- hyears a d risen to 23r'o. . . . Incidentally, if you drive a car, t h i s will i n t e r e s t grades shall receive a t least t h e mer employees of those communities who aren't now par- you: your speed is being checked in a variety of locations a r o u n d t h e m i n i m u m s a l a r y of t h e h i g h e r salary g r a d e or t h e n e x t salary ticipating (although they have the right to under the S t a t e by r a d a r . * • • in t h e higher g r a d e above t h e i r c u r r e n t salary in t h e i r f o r m e r law) ; and second, to bring up the $1200 maximum to a STATE O F F I C I A L S concerned over c u r r e n t blasts being leveled grade. more acceptable figure under present high-cost living con- a t m e n t a l instituiicns. Newark S t a t e School a n d Kings P a r k HospiThe Interpretation o n g those presently u n d e r n e w s p a p e r fire. Politicians a r e r e ditions. There is even thought of including cost-of-living tma il n da m T h e S t a t e Civil Service D e p a r t e d t h a t Dewey used a similar situation a s a m m u n i t i o n i n his compensation for pensioners just as it is provided for in- rise to t h e Governorship. . . . M e n t a l Hygiene employees u p in a r m s m e n t h a s i n t e r p r e t e d t h i s proviover w h a t t h e y call u n f a i r n e w s p a p e r a t t a c k s on t h e m , biased i n f o r - sion law a s follows: cumbent employees. "EFFECT OP CHANGES IN m a t i o n , a n d general t e n d e n c y to blame t h e m f o r conditions beyond t h e i r control. . . . Employee t u r n o v e r in most M e n t a l Hygiene hospi- T I T L E O R SALARY ON E M PLOYEE." tals extremely heavy. " A p p o i n t m e n t to a reclassified position is m a d e f r o m a n a p p r o r i a t e eligible list if s u c h a list Board acted within the law when they refused my ap- pexists. If t h e r e is none, a n e x a m ination, usually promotional, is pointment." to fill t h e job. T h e person Yes, the Board acted within the law, but not within held originally in t h e job m a y compete, ere's a letter we got the other day, from which we're the spirit of civil service. The so-called "one-in-three" if h e is eligible, t o g e t h e r with all deleting only the name of the place where it hapThe appointment rule, under which an appointing officer must have at oist hme ra deligibles. e by t h e d e p a r t m e n t h e a d pened. f r o m a m o n g t h o s e on t h e eligible least three names from which to make a selection, has "On January 19, a civil service examination for been the source of much injustice and unfairness. Where list in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e Civil Law a n d Rules. S h o u l d •uperintendent of public works for my village was held. at best only a few people can apply for the exam, it makes Service t h e employee who m a d e t h e origTwo candidates took the examination, the acting super- it almost inevitable that the favorite, whoever he may be, inal request n o t be a p p o i n t e d to h e reclassified job, h e will be intendent and myself. In May 1952, I received word that will get the job. We're not advocating the abolition ,of the tplaced in t h e vacancy l e f t by t h e employee who is a p p o i n t e d . I had passed with a grade of 84.04. one-in-three rule. We do feel, however, that it could " I n c e r t a i n instances, t h e Civil "On May 25, Village Board met. The Mayor read certainly stand amendment. Otherwise it can be ~ and Service Commission m a y d e t e r m i n e t h a t persons serving p e r m a off the results of the exam. The acting superintendent often is — used to make hash of merit and fitness in the n e n t l y in jobs for which new titles had failed to pass the exam, which meant that I was the public service. or salary grades are established m a y be given t h e new title w i t h only successful candidate. Instead of appointing me, the out a n y r e q u i r e m e n t f o r fxirther Board voted to ask for another exam, and in the meanIT IS JUST as dishonest in 1952 to use the subtle qualification. T h i s h a s been d o n e time re-appointed the acting superintendent, who had technique of building an examination around a favored in cases where no c h a n g e in t h e essential c h a r a c t e r of t h e position failed the exam, until such time as another exam could candidate as it was in 1883 to hand a favorite candidate a h a s occurred a n d t h e employee copy of the que«tions,—Donald J. Sublette, secretary, De- h a d already qualified in a n a p p r o U held. priate examination," "What 1 would like to know i£ whether or not the troit Civil Service Commission. (To be continued) Civil Service Planks Needed by Bofh Parties T More Attenfion To Pensioners P The 7./n-3 Rule Often Works Wrong H TaedlaTt J u l j ^ CIVIL 19SS SERVICE Page Seven LEADEK Exams Now Open for Public Jobs FEDERAL JOBS IN THE NEW YOBK AREA The positions listed on these pagei represent only the most urvent needs in the localities specified. Applications for the«3 positions will 1>e accepted indefinitely. Age limits are 18 to 62 unless otherwise stated (age limits for most positions are waived for persona entitled to veteran preference). Salaries quoted are starting salaries. Send your application to the address indicated for the Job for which you apply. Applications may be received at Second Regional Office, 641 W a s h ington Street. NYC. ENGINEER, $5,060 to $7,040 a curriculum or 4 years professional engineering experience plus IVa to 3'/a years of progressive, specialized engineering experience. Send Forms 57 and 5001-ABC to Director, Second U. S. Civil Service Region, Christopher Street, New York 14, N. Y. year—openings in following fields: ENGINEERING DRAFTSMAN, Aeronautical; Aeronautical Research; Development and Design; $2,950 to $5,060 at Dover, N. J., Architectural; Automotive; Chemi- $3,175 to $4,205 a year in electrical; Civil, Construction; Electri- cal and mechanical options, at cal; Electronics; General; Hy- N. Y. Naval Shipyard (Brooklyn, draulic; Industrial; Internal Com- N. Y.). Requirements: Appropriate bustion Power Plant Research; experience in Engineering D r a f t Development and Design; Main- ing. Send Forms 5001-ABC and 57 tenance; Marine; Materials; Me- to Board of U. S. Civil Service Exchanical; Naval Architecture; Ord- amlners^ Plcatinny Arsenal, Dover, nance; Ordnance Design; Safety; N. J., (for N. J. jobs) or New York Structural; Welding. Jobs located Naval Shipyard; Brooklyn 1, N. Y. in various locations In States of (for Brooklyn Jobs). New York and New Jersey. RePACKER, $1,40 per hour; jobs quirements: Completion of four are located at the Belle Mead years professional engineering Creneral Depot, Somerville, N. J. Requirements: 6 months experience in packing various materials and suppli&s for storage or ship! ment. Send Forms 5001-ABC and 57 to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners. Belle Mead General Depot, U. S. Army, Somerville, New Jersey. mm CLEANING Somerville, N. J. Requirements: vicing, greasing, washing and pro6 months experience i » assisting cessing vehicles and equipment mechanics of higher grade in the Send Forms 5001-ABC and 57 to (Continued on page 8) performance of their work, ser- Complete Guide For FIREMAN STUDY BOOK $2.50 Sample Questions Practice Material LEADER BOOKSTORE 97 D U A N E STREET No Extra Charge for Mail If Prepaid MECHANIC HELPER, $1.40 to i;i.43 per hour; jobs are located at the Belle Mead General Depot, By placing your order now for 7 or mor« tons we will clean your furnace free charge! You'll save money too, for Hudson Anthracite is now at its Low SPRING PRICE. N E W YORK 7. N. Y. Orders for your money at the famous ^^^l^e^/A^^ MORB Buy on Anchor's Easy Budget Plan HUDSON COAL PHONE NE. 9-9308 A N C H O R C O A L CO. READER'S SERVICE Everybody's Buy Air. r i x U GUIDE WrM Wafek»t A4vertUml WrM Watekea M% Ot WITTVa TBI.BVI8ION * A P P l O A N C m 64 WeM 91. 1I.T.0. OK. tMMMM PANTS OR SKIRTS TYPEWUTERS RENTED V* MAtcJi youl lackeu. 800.000 pattanu. For C i v i l S * r v i e « E x a m s lAwaoD railoring A Wearing Co.. 166 Fulton 3 u corner Broadway. H.Y.O. (1 W« de OeUvet tm the Bxamtnation fliffht ap> worth a-2617-8. ALL M a k e s — E o s y T e r m s ADDING MACHINES MIMEOO&APHa Sewing Machlnt* 20% TO 50% OFF KBCCHl, Mliite, rreA-WeattiiKhouM, New BOOM. Domrstie. Pbone LU before jr** k a / . MLt. Uikfi. M%. 4-4MS. Typcwrlttrs TYPJCWHITEU SPEiClAJLS $15.00. AU MakM Ueniea U e p a u ^ New Portable Ea«y Terms. Uoeenbaum'a. 1683 Broadway Brooklro. N y OL «-8409 Household Noeostlflma f RdM Of DEPOSIT C O M P O U N D E D OtlARTERLY \ R« *-7«H)« Op«a UU e:aO »JM Travel VACATION TIME IS HERE Make arraoreiueBU with authorised asenta in making Air-Sea trips. AU travel MrTloe free local or (or^im. Conauit aa with eo» fldeoce (or all Tacatlon plana. Pan ••OMTI can and all scheduled airlines and steamers. BITHORN TRAVEL AQENCT • 864 Serentk Are. Near 66tli Street, New York CM# PLam 7-8400. VACATIONISTS HAVE YOU READ PAGE 11? For home, and properties, be cure to see the jest buys on page 11. r i r Ptierto Rico ihrourh Miami. (MUntrf Air Line) 900.60 round trip. Friendl/ service and personal attention. WiNOa TB.4VBI. BUREAU, 18A0 8r<l AT*. SA S OSSl, N.X., N.Y. Complete Guide to Your Civil Service Job G«t Me only book that gives yea I I I 26 page* ot samplm elvU service exams, all Bubjeets: 121 roqalnmo»t$ tor 500 governmeef lobs; 13) Information about how to get a "patronage" fob—without taking a test and o complete lUtlag of tech jobt; 141 fell Information about vi/teran preference; (51 tell$ yoe how to trantfer from one job to another, and 1,000 addltloaal fact* aboet governmeet fobs. "Complete Guide to Yoer CIvO Service Job" Is writtee se yo« can understand It, by LBADBR editor Maxwell Lehmae aed general manager Morton Yarmoe. I f s eely SI. LEADER BOOKSTORE 97 Ouane Street, New York City Please send me immediately a eopy of "Camplete Guide te T o w Civil Service J o b " by Maxwell Lehmaa a«d Mortoa Yarmeo. I enclose $1 ia payment, pies lOe for postage. Now as always it's more in Dividends, more in Services, more La Gjnveniencc when jrou bank at "The Dime". For example: The money you deposit on or before July 15ch will cam dividends from July 1st. The money you deposit after July 15di will earn dividends from Jay of deposit. Oi«en your account today. Deposit as little as $5, as much as |10,00a (120,000 in Joint Accounts.) \ SAVINGS BANK OF B R O O K I Y N DOWNTOWN ....Fulton Street and DeKiilb Ave. BENSONHURST . . . 8 6 t h Street and 19th Avernie FIATBUSH Ave. J and Cooey Island AveDiM CONEY ISUND ...Mermaid Ave. and W. 17th Sc M*mh«r P0d0nU D«p<ni$ Imm^nct Corporatiom The Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn Fulton Street and DeKolb Avenue, Brooklyn 1, N. Y. I enclose my first deposit of $. Please open a Savings Account as noted Q Individual • Joint Q Trust. Send bank book and Ixce mail kit to the address below. Name. AddretiCity, Zone No., Stat*. CmS thotUi Addresf •LATEST DIVIDEND tNTEKr<h%'riON.%L TYPEWRITES 0*. 2 4 0 E. S i t l i S t . M. T. a t U K yUtJK HOMK MAKING SHOPPING NUKU8 Vumiture. uppliancea, vifU, etc. (at real Mringit) Municipal Employeea Service, Room 438. 15 Park Kow. CO 7-6aiH). ^ Neitwlly t9n$ r»iisi0r0d mmt. CIVIL Page Eight SERVICE LEADER Tu^amy, July «, 19SS Federal Positions Open in New York Area (Continued from page 7) Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Belle Mead General Deot, U. S. Army, Somervllle, New ersey. STENOGRAPHER, $2,750 to $3,175 a year and TYPIST, $2,500 to $2,950 a year; jobs located In Metropolitan New York City area. Requirements: Eligibility in written examination. Send Form' 5000AB to Director, Second U. S. Civil Service Region, Federal Building, Christopher Street, New York 14, N . Y. GUARD, $2,974 a year; jobs arc located at Newark Transportation Co^itrol Depot, Newark, N. J . Requirements: 18 months active service in Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Merchant Marine, a local or Federal police or fireflighting organization or in a position which required guarding of property against hazards, protection of life, maintenance of order or enforcement of laws. Send Form 5000-AB only to Board of U. S, Civil Service Examiners, Newark Transportation Control Depot, 400 Delancy Street, Newark 5, N. J. No maximum age limit. (Open to iwts ahead of non-vets.) LABORER, $1.29 to $1.33 per hour; jobs are located at the Belle Mead General Depot, Somervllle, N. J . Requirements: Must be able t o speak and understand the Eng- S lish language. Send Forms 5001ABC and 60 to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Belle Mead General Depot, U. S. Army, Somervllle, New Jersey. HOSPITAL ATTENDANT, (Northport) and HOSPITAL ATTENDANT (MENTAL), (Montrose) $2,500 and $2,750 a year; jobs located at Veterans Administration Hospitals, Northport and Montrose, N. Y. Requirements: No experience or training required for $2,500 jobs but written test will be given. For $2,750 i jobs, 3 months experience is also necessary. Send Forms 60 and 5000-AB to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, V. A. Hospital, Northport, L. I., N. Y. or Montrose, N. Y. KITCHEN HELPER, $2,420 a year; jobs located at Veterans Administration Hospitals, Northport and Montrose, N. Y. Requirements: Ability to read and write the English language. Send Forms 5001-ABC and 60 to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Veterans Administration Hospital, Northport, L. I., N. Y. or Montrose, N. Y. (Open to vets ahead of nonvets). LABORER (GENERAL & CUSTODIAL), $2,420 a year; jobs located at Veterans Administration Hospital, Montrose, N. Y. Requirements: 3 months appropriate experience. Send Forms 5001-ABC becnuse yoii are REFIITftED RISKI • • YOUR CHANCES OF ACCIDENTS ARE LOWER HENCE, YOUR INSURANCE RATE IS LOWER Civilion governmeiit •mployees save up t o 30% liy placing their automobile insurance with the company organiied specifically to give government employees the finest insurance protection a t the lowest possible cost. Government Employees Insurance Company ossures you unsurpassed CLAIM SERVICE backed by • vast network of 500 claims attorneys ond adjusters located in every siieable city in the U. S., it's territories and Canada. It's yours wherever you ore—whenever you noed if—'round the clock or 'round the hemisphere. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES INSURANCE COMPANY fVot Available Through Agents gr Brokers SEND FOR FACTS A N D FIGURES TODAY! (A O M a u l stock ComiMnjr . . . Mot affiUated v l U tiM Uaitod StatM €NrrwiuD«nt) ••v«rain«iit Einploy««s iMHraiic* lalMiBg WaskiigtoB (i). D. C. NAME .AGE .. ADDRESS C*t Y.«r TyfM »o«iy MaU Mod.l ......... H*. CyJ...„ PiircK.wd '/ '/j • • U»«d N.W A j i t 3 e i p « f t d M i t c a g * Noxl 12 months A f * vf Y a u n g o t t Driver m your HousoKoid b C « r U t t d For Butinait P u r p o M t O i h « r 11i«n t « «nd f r o m worfc ( ) Yot ( } N o EMPLOYEE O F FEDERAL ( ) STATE ( ) CX>UNTY ( ) MUNICIPAL ( ) and 60 to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Veterans Administration Hospital, Montrose, N. Y. (Open to vets only). LAUNDRY WORKER, $2,420 a year; jobs located a t Veterans Administration Hospital, Montrose, N. Y. Requirements: No experience required. Send Forms 5001ABC and 60 to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Veterans Administration Hospital, Montrose, N. Y. (Open to vets ahead of nonvets.) MACHINIST, $14.48 to $16.88 a day; jobs located at N. Y. Naval Shipyard (Brooklyn) and at Bayonne, Kearney and Port Newark Annexes in N. J. Requirements: Completion of 4 year apprenticeship or 4 years practical experience in the Machinist trade. Send Forms 60 and 5001-ABC to Board of U .S. Ciyil Service Examiners, N. Y. Naval Shipyard, Brooklyn 1, N, Y. (for Brooklyn) or the Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, U. S. Naval Supply Depot, Bayonne, N. J. (for N. J. jobs). WAREHOUSEMAN, $1.36 to $1.40 per hour; jobs are located at the Belle Mead General Depot, Somerville, N. J. Requirements: 6 months experience in loading, u n loading, packing, counting, labeling and selecting material in the physical receipt and storage of supplies and equipment in warehouses. Send Forms 5001-ABC and 57 to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners. Belle Mead General Depot, U. S. Army, Somerville, New Jersey, FORK LIFT OPERATOR, $1.40 to $1.43 per hour; jobs are located at the Belle Mead General Depot, Somerville, N. J. Requirements: 6 months experience in the operation of motor vehicles such as trucks and tractors, including a t least three (3) months of experience operating, adjusting and performing minor repair of gasoHne or electrically propelled fork or finger lift trucks. Send Forms 5001-ABC and 57 to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Belle Mead General Depot, U. S. Army, Somerville, New Jersey. CRANE GROUNDSMAN, $1.36 per hour; jobs are located a t the Belle Mead General Depot. Somerville, N. J. Requirements: 3 months experience as groundsman for crane operator Involving knowledge of proper hitches and hooku p methods. Send Forms 5001ABC and 57 to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Belle Mead General Depot, U. S. Army, Somerville, New Jersey. SANDBLASTER, $1.51 per hour; jobs are located at the Belle Mead General Depot, Somerville, N. J. Requirements: 6 months experience operating sandblast machine on various types of vehicles such as weapons carriers. Mack Bodies, trucks, trailers, etc. Send Forms 5001-ABC and 57 to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Belle Mead General Depot. U. S. Army Somerville, New Jersey. 2-89-2 (52). KITCHEN HELPER. $2,420. No experience or t r a i n ing required. Jobs are a t U. S. Public Health Service Hospital. M a n h a t t a n Beach, Brooklyn. J i N plications will be received only f r o m those entitled to U. 8. eran preference. (No closing dateK 330. PLATE PRINTER, |26.M a day. Apply to Board of CivU Service Examiners, U. S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, W a s h ington 25, D. C. (No closing date>« r Where to Apply for Jobs In Goyernment Service U. S.—Second Regional Office, D. S. Civil Service CommlssIoB* 641 Washington Street, New York 14, N. Y. ( M a n h a t t a n ) Hours 8:30 to 5, Monday through Friday: closed Saturday. Tel. WAtkins 4-1000. Applications also obtainable a t post offices except in the New York post office. STATE—Room 2301 at 270 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y., TeL BArclay 7-1616; lobby of State Office Building, and 39 Columbia Street, Albany, N. Y.: Room 302, State Office Building, Buffalo 2, M. Y, Hours 8:30 to 5, excepting Saturdays, 9 to 12. Also, Room 400 at 155 West Main Street, Rochester, N. Y., Thursdays and Fridays, 9 to B. Same applies to exams for county Jobs. NYC—NYC Civil Service Commission, 96 Duane S t i ^ t , New York 7, N. Y. ( M a n h a t t a n ) Opposite Civil Service LEADER office. Hours 9 to 4. excepting Saturday. 9 to 12. Tel. COrtlandt 7-8880. NYC Education (Teaching Jobs Only)—Personnel Director, Board of Education, 110 Livingston Street, Brooklyn 2, N. Y. Hours 9 t o 3:30; closed Saturdays. Tel. MAin 4-2800. NYC TraTel Directions Rapid transit lines t h a t may be used for reaching the U. tkf State and NYC Civil Service Commission offices in NYC follow: State Civil Service Commission, NYC Civil Service Commission— IND trains A, C. D. AA or CC to Chambers Street: IRT Lexington Avenue line to Brooklyn Bridge; BMT Fourth Avenue local MT Brighton local to City Hall. D. S. Civil Service Commission—IRT Seventh Avenue local im Christopher Street station. Data on Applications by Mail Both the U. S. and the State issue application blanks and r e ceive filled-out forms by mail. In applying by mail for U. S. jobs, d« not enclose return postage- If applying for State Jobs, enclose 6-cent stamped, self-addressed 9" or larger envelope. The State accepts postmarks as of the closing date. The U. S, does not, but requires t h a t the mail be in its office by 5 p.m. of the closing date. Because of curtailed collections, NYC residents should actually do their mailing no later t h a n 6:30 p.m. to obtain a postmark of t h a t date. NYC does not issue blanks by mail or receive them by mall, except for nationwide tests, and then only when the exam notice so states. The D. S. charges no application fees. T h e State and the local Civil Service Commissions charge fees, and a t the same rate fixed by law. J Vs SCHOOL DIRECTORY Academic Md C«niinercm!—College YMCA EN. 2-8117. Preparatonr KVKNING HIGH SCIIOOl. — lor Adults. Accrediteil aoa<lcinie commercial subjects. Eeviow ilati*) lor e<juivalenoy exam. FoUler, 15 W. 634L BOKO HALL AC.AUEMV—Flatbueb OK for Ql'f MA 2.2447. Ehit. Cor. Fulton St., BklTd Recents approved. LEOAl. NOTICK BaUding * Ptant ftlanacement. StutloiiM^ A Cufitodian Engineers License rreparfttloB*. BURDSAL, ALMS. — CITATION. — THE PBX>PLE OF THE STATE OF NEW TORK. BY THE GRACE OF GOD. FREE AND INDEPENDENT TO: ALMS BURDSAL. JR.. SANDRA LEE BURDSAL, DENNIS BURDSAL, VIOLET WAGNER WADE. BEOTY A. YOUNG. MARY LOUISE YOUNG, MARY JANE HERMANN KIDD, JOHN D. KIDD, DAVID B. KIDD, THOMAS H. KIDD. MARY JANE KIDD. RICHARD KTDD, THOMAS HALL HERMANN, CHARLOrrE ANN HERMANN. THOMAS HALL HERMANN, JR.. THE CHILDREN'S HOSPITL, being the persone interested M creditore, legatees, devisees, beneflciaries, dletributecs or otherwise in the trust for the benefit of Alms Burdsal, Jr. created by the Laat Will andTestament of Alma Burdsal, late of the City, County and State ol New York, deceased, by the exercise of the power of appointment pranted to •aid deceased by the Will of Louise -^Ims Burdsal, deceased. SEND GREETING: Upon the petition of THE CHASE NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, a national bankinp corporaiion having ita principal place of business at No. 18 Pine Street in the City. County and state of New York. You and each of you are hereby cited to show cause before the Surrogates' Court of our County of New York, at a term thereof to be held at the Hall of Records in said County on the 16th day • f September, 1953, at half past ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day. why thtf account of proceedings of said The Chase National Bank of the City of New York, aa Trustee of the Trust for the benefit of Alms Burdsal Jr. created by the Last Will and Testament of Alms Burdsal, deceased, by the exercise of the power of appointment granted to said deceased by the Will of Louise Alms Burdsal, deceased, which account of proceedings covere the period from September 11, 1040 to and including September 10, 1861, should not be judicially settled and allowed, and why said petitioners should not have such other and further relief aa the Surrogate should deem just and proper. IN TESTIMONY WHEllEOP, wo have caused the beal of thu Surrogates' Court of said County ol New York to be hereunto aftixed. WITNESS HONOUAHLE OEORUE rSeall FRANKENTHALER a Surrogate of our said County of New York, at »aid County on the lOtU day of June, in the ypar of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred flfty-two. PHILIP A. DONAHUE, 06L-7-I Olerk of the Surrogates' Court. AMKHICAN TECH., 44 Court St., fiblyn. Stationary Bnglneeri. Custodiana. Supta. Firemen. Study bldg. * plant management tncl. license preparation. MA §-2714. Haslneea 8etaoots LAMB'S BLSINESS TRAINING SCHOOL—Gregg-Pitman. Typing. Bookkeeping. Oomp* tometry. Clerical. Day-Eve Individual inetruction 370 9th St. (cor. Ctta Bklyn IB SOuth 8-4236 MONROE BCIIOOL OF BUSINESS. Short Courses, Switchboard, Typewriting. Comt*tometi-y. Day and evening. Bulletin C. East 177th St. and Boston Road ( M O Chester Theatre Bldg.) Bronx. HI 2-5600. Drafting NATIONAL TECHNICAL [NSTITVXK—Mechanical. Architectural, job e«tiroatiiic 1m Manhattan. 66 W. 42nd Street. LA 4-2820. 214 W 23rd Street («t 7tli AT*.), WA 4-7478. In New Jersey 114 Newark Ave^ BErgen 4-2260. BLECTROLVSIS KKEE INSTITUTE OF ELECTKOLTSIS — Profitable full or part-time c«fMC ki permanent hair removal for men and women. Free Book "C". 18 B. 41at M N. Y. O. MU 3-4498. B. M. Machlnea FOB IBM TAB, Sorting, Wiring, Key Punching. Verifying, Etc.. So to the ComWi tion BuGiriess School, 138 W. 125tb St. UN 4-3170. LANGUAGE SCHOOLS CHRISTOPHB SCHOOL OS LANGUAGES, (Uptown School). Learn Language*. Ooa* versational e'rencta, Spanteb. Qenuan, Italian, etc. Native Teachor Appr. for Vets. Aptn-oved by State Depar tment of Education. Daily & A. M. to • P. M. 200 West 136th St. NYC. WA 6-2780. Motion Pletnrc Operating BROOKLYN YMCA TKAUE S C H O O I ^ l l l S Bedford Ave. (Gates) BMyn. MA > - l l « 0 . Bvea. Matle NEW !tORK COLLEGE OF MUSIC (Chartered 1878) aU branchea. Privat* or tnstructiona. 114 East 86tb Street. REgent 7-6761. M. Y. 28, M. Y. OctakNTM. B«dlo TelcvlNlon RADIO-TELEVISION INSTITUTE. 480 Lexington Ave. (4etb St.). M. Y. O. Day evening. Small weekly pajnuatB. I'okler 30. I'L 0-5Gt53. SMretarial DRAKES. 1S4 NASSAU STREET. N.y.C. Secretarial Accounting. Drafting. Journalism, Day-Night. Write for Catalog BE S-484U HEEFLEY A BROWNE SEIKETAKIAL SCHOOL, 7 Lafayette Ave. cor. Brooklyn 17 HEvint 8-'2&41 D&y aod svening. Veteranr Eiigible. riatbnali. WASHINGTON BUSINESS INSi;. ZlH-Hii Ave. (cor. 126th St.) M.Y.O. SMvatMlal and civil •errlce traininii Moderate co«t. MO 3-0086. Kefrlgcratloo. Oil Burners OVERNMENT EMPLOYEES INSURANCE CoMPANY For K«inef. UopiCii. F r o j ^ i i U f . send ]P»ff« 1 1 < NBW kOKK TKCHMCAL Sixth Ave. ( a t I f t h St.) « . T. a ' > X>v«. Domestic h eoaitn«feia)< l o e ^ a U o a aud wrTicinc Oar • • « U M t M M o f f t i t . U OHetMA t esao. Owr * CIVIL f Tmt^mf , July S, 1952 SERVICE Page Nin« V LEADER FEDERAL JOBS IN WASHINGTON $5,060 to $0,600. — Jobs are In AND CARTOGRAPHIC DRAFTS* fl>Xl-5S. INSTRUCTOR (RAPhiladelphia, Pa. Apply to Re- MAN, $2,500 to $4,205. — Minim o , WIRE, RADAR). $3,175 to corder, Board of U. S. Civil Ser- mum age: 17 for D. C. area resi$5,060. Jobs w e mt Port Monvice Examiners, Philadelphia Naval dents; 18 for others. Announce^ mouth, M. J. (No closing date). Shipyard, Naval Base. Philadel- ment 312 amended. SUPPLY INSPECTOR, $1.82 to phia 12, Pa. Announcement 3-12CHEMIST, ENGINEER. i l . 8 7 an hour; Jobs located at 8 (1952). TIIEMATICIAN, MET.-ILLURNewark Transportation Control LOAN APPRAISER (Telephone ACCOUNTANT (Comprehensive AGRICULTURAL GIST, PHYSICIST. EI.ECTRONIC Depot, Newark. N. J. RequireFacilities), $5,060 to $7,040; Audits), $4,205 to $7,040.—Most AGRICULTURAL MARKETSCIENTIST, $3,410 to $10,800 a ments: 2 years experience in the SPECTALIST, FISHERY jobs are In the General Account- AUDITOR (Telephone). $5,940.— year. — Most jobs are in field Inspection, Identification and ING Jobs are country-wide. Apply to ing Office in Washington, D. C. MARKETING SPECIALIST, $4,establishments of the Potomac classification as to serviceability of Board of U. S. Civil Service Ex- River Naval Command in WashAir Force material. The exper- 205 to $9,600; DAIRY AND POUL- Announcement 295 amended. aminers, U. S. Department of TRY PRODUCTS INSPECTOR ington, D. C., and vicinity, and in ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR, ience must have given knowledge Washington 25, D. C. the Engineer Center at Fort Belof the nomenclature of Air Force AND GRADER. FRESH FRUITS $3,410 and $3,795; ACCOUNTING Agriculture. Announcement 246 amended. AND VEGETABLES INSPECTOR, voir, Va. Maximum age for $3,410 AND AUDITING CLERK, $3,175. supplies and equipment. Send Forms 57 and 5001-ABC to Board AGRICULTURAL COMMODITY —Announcement 291 amended. ENGINEERING AND SCIENTIFIC jobs: 35. Apply to Board of U. S. MARKET REPORTER, $4,205 to of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH Civil Service Examiners, Building BUSINESS ANAI.YST — COM37, Naval Research Laboratory, Newark Transportation Control $7,040. — Jobs are contry-wide. MODITY-INDUSTRY INTERN, $3,410; AERONAUTIANALYST Depot, 400 Delancy Street, Newark For places to apply see Announce- — INDUSTRIAL SPECIALIST, CAIi RESEARCH SCIENTIST, Washington 25, D. C. Announcement 257 amended. ment 4-34-3 (1952). N. J. $3,795 to $7,040. — No maximum $4,205 to $10,800.—Jobs are country-wide. Age limits for I n t e r n CHEMIST, PHYSICIST, BIOAGRICULTURAI^ RESEARCH SUPPLY CATALOGUER, $3,310 age limit. . Announcement 259 positions: 18 to 35. For places to LOGIST, BIOCHEMIST (In the to $5,060; jobs located in Brook- SCIENTIST, $4,205 to $9,600.— amended. apply, see Announcements 313 and field of Radioisotopes), $4,205 to lyn, N. Y. Requirements: Prom 3 Jobs are countrywide. For places COMMODITY - INDUSTRY $9,600. — Jobs are in Veterans to 5 years appropriate experience to apply see Announcement 109 ANALYST (Minerals), $3,795 to 314. Hospitals and ASTRONOMER, $3,410 to $9,- Administration which must show technical knowl- amended. $7,040. — Jobs are country-wide. the United to Board of U. S. <^vil Centers throughout edge of material or items of AGRICULTURIST, $4,205 to Apply to Board of U. S. C?ivll Ser- 600.—Apply property. Including the ability to $10,800. — Jobs are country-wide. vice Examiners, Bureau of Mines, Service Examiners, Building 37, States. Apply to Central Board of read and interpret blueprints, Apply to Board of U. S. Civil Ser- Department of the Interior, Wash- Naval Research Laboratory, Wash- U. S. Civil Service Examiners, schematic diagrams, m a n u f a c t u r - vice Examiners, U. S. Department ington 25, D. C. Announcement ington 25, D. C. Announcement Veterans Administration, W a s h ington 25, D. C. Announcement 4-34-1 (1951) amended. ers' catalogs or specifications. Ex- of Agriculture, Washington 25, 255 amended. 324. perience must have been In one or D. C. Announcement 202 amended. BACTERIOLOGIST — BIOECONOMIST, $4,205 to $7,050. CHEMIST — PHYSICIST —• more of the following commodity CHEMIST — SEROLOGIST, $4,COTTON TECHNOLOGIST, $4,- —^Announcement 209 amended. METALLURGIST — MATHEMA^ areas: electronic equipment and 205 to $7,040. — Jobs are countryINDUSTRIAL SPECIALIST, $4,TICTAN — ELECTRONIC SCIEN^ • component parts; electrical equip- 205 to $7,040. — Jobs are in W a s h and In Puerto Rico. Apply to TIST, $3,410 to $10,800. — Maxim e n t and component parts; build- ington and t h e South and South- 205 to $10,800. — Jobs are country- wide Central Board of U. S. Civil Sering and construction materials; west. Apply to Board of U. S. wide. No maximum age limit. Ap- vice Examiners, Veterans Admin- m u m age for $3,410 jobs: 35. A p metals and alloys; plumbing m a - C?ivll Service Examiners, U. S. De- ply to Board of U. 8. C^vil Ser- istration, Washington 25, D, C. ply to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, National Bureau of terial and equipment; marine p a r t m e n t of Aerkndture, W a s h - vice Examiners, Small Defense Standards. Washington 25, D, Q^ hardware; deck and hull fittings; ington 25, D. C. Announcement Plants Administration, Washing- Announcement 236 amended. ton, D. C. Announcement 327. chemicals; paints and varnishes; 230 amended. CARTOGRAPHER, $5,060 to Announcement 325. tools and machinery; general BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS CARTOGRAPHIC AID (Continued on page 10) INDUSTRIAL SPECIALIST, $8,360; hardware and metallic fastenings; anti-friction and plain bearings. Send Forms 57 and 5001-ABC to Recorder, Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, U. S. Naval Supply Activities, New York, 3rd Avenue and 29th Street, Brooklyn 32, N. Y. SHEETMETAL WORKER, $14.24 to $16.48 a day; jobs located at N. Y. Naval Shipyard (Brooklyn) and at Bayonne, Kearney and Port Newark Annexes In N. J. Requirements: Completion of 4 years apprenticeship or 4 years practical experience in the Sheetmetal trade. Send Forms 60 and 6001-ABC to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, New York Naval Shipyard, Brooklyn 1, N. Y. (for Brooklyn) or to Board of XJ. S. Civil Service Elxaminers, U .S. Naval Supply Depot, Bayonne, N J . (for N. J. jobs). BLACKSMITH, $14.40 to $16.24 a day; jobs located at N. Y. Naval Shipyard (Brooklyn). Requirements: Completion of 4 year apprenticeship or 4 years practical experience In the Blacksmith trade. Send Forms 60 and 5001ABC to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, N. Y. Naval Shipyard. Brooklyn 1. New York. 2-43-1 (52). AIR FORCE PROCUREMENT INSPECTORS, $3.410 to $5,060. Jobs are in NYC, and in Westchester. Columbia, Dutchess. Greene. Orange, P u t nam, Rockland and Ulster Counties. The options are in anti-airc r a f t materials and equipment, tools and gages, radio and elec-* tronics equipment, fuels, lubricants a n d chemicals; textiles (including parachutes and complicated items) aircraft engines, aircraft instruments. including optics; aircraft propellers (metal); aircraft m a imfgrant depotitort •arrfd IH lh«y tav^d nguiaHyTand today 1h*yV« sharing terial and processes. Experience f r o m three to five years required. in HM bIggMt Mmi-annuai dividend •v«r paid by HM Emigrant Savings Banki No written test. (No closing date). ENGINEER. $5,060 to $10,800 a IP YOU'Vt B S N THINKING ABOUT OPBMINO A SAVINGS ACCOUNT,' year—openings in following fields; Aeronautical; Aeronautical Reh«r«'s your opportunity: deposit yoor mon«y on or boforo July 15th, and your search, Development and Design; Architectural; Automotive; Chemtavbigs will •am bif^tt from July Jgf, Youli bo bi on Emigrant's noxf big ical; Civil; Construction; Electrical; Electronics; General; HydrauMml-annual dlvidond. Quick, fHondly sorvico opons your account in minutos; lic; Industrial; Internal Combustion Power Plant Research, De^pon yours today. Stop at Emigrant on your way home from work or mall velopment and Design; Maintenance; Marine; Materials; Metho coupon bolow. chanical; Naval Architecture; Ordnance; Ordnance Design; Safety; Structural; Welding. Jobs located If you're a regular Emigrant depMltor,^odd to your present account. You In various locations in States of New York and New Jersey. Remay deposit up to $10,000 in your Individual account, or up to $20,000 in quirements: Completion of 4 year professional engineering curricua {olnt account. It will earn more for you because deposits made on or lum or 4 years professional engineering experience plus I'/a to 4 before July 15th eorn /nfereit from July Uh years of progressive, specialized engineering experience. Send Forms 57 and 5001 ABC to Director, Second U. S. Civil Service Region, 641 Washington Street, •1 Chamber! Street, N.Y. 8, N.Y. • last 4 2 n d Street, N.Y. 17, N.Y. New York 14, N. Y. 0|>«n Mondays 'HI 6 P. M.-Frldoys *ril 6 P. M. Opw Mondoys 'Ml 7 P. M.>Fridoys 'III 8 P. M. ENGINEERING DRAFTSMAN. •2,750 to $3,795 a year at Naval Air Station, Lakehurst. N. J., $3,175 to $4,205 a year in electrical One of America's Great Savings Institutions " and mechanical optIor\s, at N. Y. finclostd U $ . . . . . . . " . . . . . : . . . . t o o p e n a n a c c o u n t in t h e n o m e o f Naval Shipyard (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Requirements: Appropriate experience In Engineering Drafting. Bend Forms 5001-ABC and 57 to Board of U. S. Civil Service ExP / t o i f Mnc/ patsbook and Bank hy Mai! forms tot aminers, Naval Air Station, l a k e hurst, N. J. (for N. J. jobs) or New Industrial York Naval Shipyard, Brooklyn 1, Nam« r. r. r. r. r . . r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r. N. Y. (for Brooklyn Jobs). 3l)6iHI0 DEPOSITORS SHARE MIGRANT'S BIGGEST SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND OF OVER ^7,600,000 o interest rate pays LARGEST semi-annual dividend in Emigrant!s 102'year history New EMIGRANT SAVINGS Ww Uoiiu^, lIoui»e8, .Prop«r|i«s. . ) c I M r ^ e n BANK MctnlMr F«d«rfil 0«p«tit lnivt«n<« C«rpffr«ili»n ii • . ' . v - f j . 1! •• •U'ljUJ Addrois • • • « • < • • • ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ Ik.yJ ^^^^ ^^^ CIVIL Page T«n SeitVICE LEADER FEDERAL JOBS THROUGHOUT THE U. S. cies. 62. Announcement 217 amended. MEDICAL OFFICER — Rotating Intern. $2,200; Psychiatric Resident. $3,400 to $4,200; Surgical Resident, $4,200 to $4,700; General Practice Resident. $3,400 Apply to Board of U. S. Civil Ser- to $3,800. — Maximum age limit: vice Examiners for Keesler Air 35. Apply to Committee of Expert Force Base, Department of t h e Examiners, St. Elizabeths Hospital, Air Force, Biloxi. Miss. Announce- Washington 25, D. C. Announcement 300. ment 10-8-4 (1952) amended. RADIO ENGINEER, $3,410 a n d MEDICAL TECHNICAL AS$4,205. — Jobs are country-wide. SISTANT. $3,410. — Jobs are in Age limit for $3,410 jobs: 18 to Federal Penal and Correctional 35. Apply to Board of U. S. Civil Institutions throughout the UnitService Examiners, Federal Com- ed States. Male applicants only munications Conrunission, W a s h - desired. Announcement 308 ington 25, D. C. Announcement amended. 328. MEDICAL X-RAY TECHNIRESEARCH AND DEVELOP- CIAN (PHOTOFLUOROGRAMENT METEOROLOGIST, $5,060 PHY), $2,750. ~ Jobs are countryto $7,040. — Jobs are country- wide. Announcement 315. wide. Apply to Board of Civil SerNURSING CONSULTANT (Pubvice Examiners, U. S. Weather Bureau. Washington 25, D. C. An- lic Health). $5,940. — Positions are country-wide in the Children's nouncement 297 amended. Announcement 171 TELEPHONE ENGINEER, $5.- Bureau. 060 to $7,040. — Jobs are country- amended. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST wide. Apply to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners^ U. S. — PHYSICAL THERAPIST, $3,Department of Agriculture, W a s h - 410 to $5,606.—Jobs are countryington 25, D. C. Announcement wide and in Puerto Rico. Apply to Central Board of U. S. Civil Ser246 amended. vice Examiners. Veterans AdminMEDICAL Washington 25, D. C. DENTAL OFFICER ( I n t e r n ) , istration, $2,200. — Maximum age: 35. Ap- Announcement 233 amended. ply to Committee of U. S. Civil PHYSICAL THERAPIST. $3,Service Examiners, St. Elizabeths 410 and $4,205. — Jobs are Hospital, Washington 25, D. C. country-wide and In Puerto Rico Announcement 252. and the Virgin Islands. AnnounceEXERCISE THERAPIST, $3,- ment 169 amended. 410. — Jobs are country-wide. PUBLIC HEALTH NUBSE, $4,Apply to Central Board of U. S. 205. — Jobs are with the Bureau Civil Service Examiners. Veterans of Indian Affairs on reservations Administration, Washington 25. west of the Mississippi River and D. C. Announcement 299 amended. in Alaska. Maximum age limit: MEDICAL OFFICER, $5,940 and 40. Announcement 243 amended. $7,040. — For duty country-wide STAFF NURSE, $3,410; HEAD and In Alti.ska and P a n a m a . Maxi- NURSE, $4,205. — For duty In the mum age: P a n a m a Canal Service, Indian Service west of the Missis45; Indian Service, 50; other a g e n - sippi River and in Alaska. Maxl- (Continued from page 9) CHEMIST — PHYSICIST, $5.060 to $10,800; METEOROLOGIST, $4,205 to $10.800.—Jobs are In Cambridge, Mass. Apply to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Air Force Cambridge R e search Center, 415 Summer Street, Boston 10, Mass. Announcement 1-12-1 (52). ELECTRONIC ENGINEER — PHYSICIST, $5,060 to $9,600.— Jobs are in Mass. and Conn. Apply to a laboratory listed in Announcement 1-34 (1947) amended. ENGINEER, $3,410 to $10,800.— Sanitary Engineer jobs are country-wide. Maximum age for $3,410 jobs: 35; no maximum age for higher-paying jobs. Announcement 301 amended. ENGINEER, $5,060 and $5,940. —Jobs are in Dayton, Ohio. Apply to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (MCACXB), Dayton, Ohio. Announcement 6-42-7 (1950) amended. ENGINEER, $3,410 and $4,205. —Jobs are in West and Midwest. Maximum age limit: For $3,410 jobs, 35; for others, 62. Apply to Central Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver Federal Center, Denver, Colo. Announcement 13-1-3 (51) amended. ENGINEER (Aeronautical, Electrical, Electronics, and Mechanical) — PHYSICIST, $5,060 to $8,360. — Jobs are at Johnsville, Pa. Apply to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, Pa. Announcement 3-39-1 (1951) amended. ENGINEERING AND STATISTICAL DRAFTSMAN, $2,750 to $4,205. — Announcement 254 amended. FIELD REPRESENTATIVE (Electrical Utility M a n a g e m e n t ) ; RURAL ELECTRIFICATION ENGINEER (Distribution and T r a n s mission, Electric Power Generation. F a r m Electrification), $5,060 to $5,940. — Jobs are countrywide. Apply to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, Md. Announcement 4-69-1 (1950) amended. GEOGR.^PHER, $4,205 to $10,800, — Announcement 290 amended. GEOLOGIST, $5,060 to $8,360. —Jobs are country-wide. No maximum age. Apply to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Geological Survey, Department of t h e I n terior. Washington 25, D. C. Announcement 287 amended. HIGHWAY ENGINEER ~ HIGHWAY BRIDGE ENGINEER, $4,205 to $5,940. — Jobs are country-wide. Apply to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, B u reau of Public Roads, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C. Announcement 323. INSPECTOR (Communication and Electronic Equipment), $5,060 and $5,940. — Jobs are countrywide. Apply to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Signal Corps. 225 South 18th St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. Announcement 3-40-3 (1952). METEOROLOGIST, $3,410 and $4,205. — Jobs are country-wide. Maximum age for $3,410 jobs: 35. Apply to Board of Civil Service Examiners, U. S. Weather Bureau, Wa.shington 25, D. C. Announcement 298 amended. NAVIGATION SPECIALIST 'Air), $4,205 to $7,040.—Apply to Board of U. S. Civil Service E x a m iners, Building 37, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington 25, D. C. Announcement 4-34-5 (51) a m e n d ed. OCEANOGRAPHER, $4,205 to $10.800.—Apply to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Building 37, Naval Research Laboratory Washington 25, D. C. Announcement 4-34-3 (1950) amended. PATENT EXAMINER. $3,410 and $4,205. — Maximun age for $3,410 jobs: 35. Announcement 274 amended. PHYSICAL SCIENCE AID — ENGINEERING AID, $2,950 to $4,205. — Announcement 289 amended. P H V S K I S T , CHEMICAL EN (;INI:ER. MATHEMATICIAN CHEMIST, $5,060 to $B.360. — Jobs are in Pittsburgh or Bruce J o n . Pa. Apply to Board of U. S ^ivil Service Examiners, Bureau .Mines, 4800 Forbes St., Pitts Ikjh. Pa. Announcement 3-35-1 Ll* amended. \ D A R INSTRUCTOR, $4,205 LR i n s t r u c t o r (Trainee) Job^ are in Biloxi, Mi^i*. mum aire for staff nurse: 40. Announcement ail amended. STAFF NURSE, $3,410; PSYCHIATRIC HEAD NURSE, $4,205. — For duty In Washington and vicinity and in Panama Canal Zone. Maximum age limit for the Panama Canal Service: 35. Announcement 267 amended. VETERINARIAN, $4,205.~Job« are country-wide. Apply to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, U. a Department of Agriculture, Washington 25, D. C. Announcement 143 amended. MISCELLANEOUS ARCHITECT, $4,205 to $5,940. —Announcement 244 amended. COAL MINE INSPECTOR, $5,060 to $7,040.—Jobs are coimtrywide. Maximum age: 48. Apply to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C. Announcement 326. CORRECTIONAL OFFICER. $3,435. — Jobs are country-wide. Age Umits: 21 to 45. Apply to Board of U: S. C^vil Service Examiners, U. S. Penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kans. Announcement 9-14-1 (1950) amended. DIETETIC INTERN, $1,470. Coiu-ses will be given in Veterans Administration hospitals In Calif., N. Y.. m., Tenn., and Tex. Age limits: 18 to 35. For places to apply, see Announcement 269 amended. DIETITIAN. $3,410 and $4,205. —For duty in the Veterans Administration country-wide and in Puerto Rico. Apply to Central Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Veterans Administration, Washington 25, D. C. Announcement 240 amended. DIETITIAN, $3,410 to $5,940.— Jobs are country-wide and In Panama. Announcement 52 amended. FISHERY METHODS AND Tvf&mf, Jwij I , I M i EQUIPMENT s P B C i A L n r r , n, 410 to $8,360. — Jobs require SM duty in varying localities, chlsOy In the Atlantic and Pacific Oce«na. Announcement 310 amended. INSPECTOR OF LOCOMOTIVKli $5,940. — Positions are countrywide. Age limits: 28 to 53. A»* nouncement 284 amended. INTELLIGENCE R E S E A R C K SPECIALIST — MILITARY IN^ TELLIGENCE RESEARCH SPKCIALIST — FOREIGN AFFAIIUI OFFICER, $4,205 to $7,040.—A». noimcement 258 a m e n d ^ . INTERN IN HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION. $1,600. — F t * duty in the Veterans Admlni*tration. Age limits: 18 to 35. Aply to Central Board of U. a Clvfl ervlce Examiners, Veterans Administration, Washington 35, IX C. Announcement 277. LIBRARIAN, $3,149. — A » noimcement 119 amended. OFFICE APPLIANCE REPADU MAN, $2,750 to $3,435. — Announcement 293 amended. ORGANIZATION AND METHODS EXAMINER — BUDGET EXAMINER. $4,205 to $7,040. ~ Announcement 270 amended. PHARMACIST, $3,410 and $4,205; PHARMACY RESIDENT, $2.02 an hour. —Jobs are countrywide and In Puerto Rico. Apply t« Central Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners. Veterans Administration, Washington 25, D. C, Closing date for position o i Pharmacy Resident: July 30. 1951, Announcement 232 amended. PHARMACOLOGIST, $4,205 t* $10,800. — Announcement 111 amended. PHOTOGRAPHER, MICROPHOTOGRAPHER, PHOTOSTAT OPERATOR, BLUEPRINT OPERATOR, B L U E P R I N T AND PHOTOSTAT OPERATOR^ PHOTO REPRODUCTK g (Continued on page 12) US m h uen, FBom-DgY- FINEST BEER YOU EVER TASTED! Extra delicious and refresliiiigless 'Tilling;' tool Enjoy it Now! Want real beer enjojnment? Motb beer pleasure than ever before? Make your next one Knickerbocktti Not just a "dry" beer—it's irosty-drj... more appetising, more satisfying. Not just a "Ught" beer—it's extra light, extra delicious t And Knickerbocker is actually less "filling"—you can drinic your fill without feeling "too fulL" So get Knickerbocker t o d a y . . . Aneat beer yo« •v«r tasted 1 At stores, taverns, restaurants •verywhenk Set Kiilckerboektr 'Caiidld Camera" on CIS^TV, Cfi«nn«l t . Wflifs, 10t30 f t 11 f , M. I oiw. mw KiCKtweewi Kit I imiT lu. IMM mm. I.U. TueA^iiy, J u l y 8 , 1 9 5 2 Best U. S, Job Chances for Disabled Vets Which Federal positions offer the best opportunities for disabled veterans? The Federal Civil Service Commission has made a listing. Most of the positions below (but not all) are in or near Washington, D. C. Veteran preference goes not only to veterans, but also to the following members of their families: Wives of former servicemen who can't support themselves because of service-connected disabilities; unmarried widows of deceased ex-servicemen; mother of veteran who died or was disabled while on duty, if she has a problem' of support. CIYIL SERVICE Page Eleven LEADER > REAL ESTATE ^ HOUSES — H O M E S — LONG ISLAND ADDISLEtGH PARK ST. ALBANS No Mortgage—All Vacant 176 St.. Linden Blvd Comer, 9 rooma, 3 batbe, 2-c«r carafe, purquet floors, new waebinR msohine, new Friridalrca. bra«s i>luinbinr. landleaped, AAA-1 condition. Price retlnced 34 1 / 3 % . Rc.iBonable cnsta. CAUL, OWNER PL. 7-6086 HOLTSVILLE. L I. LONG ISMND ST. ALBANS-S15,500 H « r « it a beautiful horn* with every luxury and convenience, boasting every improvement. It has 6 large rooms a n d porch, plot 30 X 100, semi-fmished basement, parquet throughout, built in book eases, Ideal quiet neighborhood. N e a r transportation, shopping and schools. Detached garage, everything In A t condition. ASK For # 5 8 4 For this te other good buys in Qncen®, call RUDDER ASSOC. INC. PROPERTIES BROCTKLYN BROOKLYN ^ATTENTION! HOME BUYERS=^ W * have the homes you are looking for. I, 2, 3 and some four family homes with every motfern improvement. M a n y locations to choose from. G . l . ' i can own their homes with very low down payment. M o r t g a g e for all can be arranged up to 20 years. C a l l us and let us know what you are looking for and our salesmen will drive out to make your selection. — _ Realty Corp. 622 NOSTRAND AVE.. BROOKLYN BERGEN ST. Small farm, 8000 equiure feet, part \>eautiful country eetate, amidet majeetie rarroundinffs. High Healthy climate, lar?e AX 7-4609 0I> 8-4761 ALL VACANT shade trees, rood soil, To^n road, elec110-;27 Sudihin Blvd., ^amnicA tricity, near lake, good sivimmincr and Open Daily From JO A,M.-9 P.M. 3 story and b.isrnient, 10 rooms, 2 modern fishing', no buildings. Full price $.350.00. Sundays: Noon To 7 P.M. kitchens. 3 tiled baths, oil steam heat, all $20.00 dollars down, 710.00 month. K. improvements. Must be seen. Strom, Phono Selden 3233. NE 8-6077 INVESTMENT PROPERTY 16 FAMILIES Fully improved, annual profit, $2,400, Small Cash Renuired. Many other good buys. You may obtain complete information about the listing below RUFUS MURRAY ST. ALBANS $13,500 from most first or second-class 1351 FHU JU Street A beautiful stucco home with every poesiMA a-aToa post offices, or from the Second We convenience, confistinK of 8 large Regional Office of the United rooms, parquet floors 1 ^^ modern tile C A S H $2,000 bath, with llnishe<l attic, gav.n«irc and all States Civil Service Commission, FOR YOU JAMAICA modern inprovcnient«. Oa«h and terms. 641 Washington Street, New York i family, steam, MR.N E MYRICK DKCATUR ST. (Nr Hopkins) 2 family, S1*KINGFIEIJ> <iAKDKNS — $l.3,:i00 semi detached, modern 8-3063 City; or from' the United States throughout, parquet floors, combination Made of solid brick, a gorfreons one a story and baecnipnt, brownstone, 1 1 family home of 6^/2 rooms, 3 colored modCivil Service Commission, W a s h - sinks, bra£B plumbinir, big back yard. vooms, combination sinks and tubs, steam, $80.00 A MONTH. KO EXPENSE ern title baths, 2 hit<hene, eemi finished .ill vacant. Tcrrinc at $13,750. HOMES — ROOMING BOUSES ington, D. C. Ask for the a n - INCOME basement, garatre, oil heat And many, Priced reduced 33 1 / 3 per cent STERLING I'l.ACK (litlca) 2 family We have the houbcs you aie Joohinr nouncement by number. I n most many other fe.iturfs. Caeh and trrms. Call Owner PL. 7-6985 brick, 13 rooms, nr shoii'pine'. school, oil for with as little ca.sh Other Kood buys in 1, 2 and 3 family cases, your application form will heat, possession. 0 rooms, low »lown pay$500 homes in the better section of Queens. ment G.I. SOUND BUY at $14,o00. have to be sent to Washington. We also have compltiely UNION ST. (Nr. itrooklyn Ave.) BeautiBROOKLYN The List MALCOLM BROKERAGE ful block, 3 story wliite lime stone, porch, VACANT I06-ft7 New York Rlv«I., Jnmaiea Now here's the list: 10 rooms, steam. T ) a r ( i u e t . Price !fl(5,500. liouses 13 and 17 rooms tuilable for / A 9-22FI4 Addressing Machine Operator, BIGGEST S A C R I F I C E R K 0 - ( N ; 4 5 CUMMINS ROOMING HOUSES Graphotype Machine Operator, 19 Macnotisiil St. (Cor. Ralph A FIIUOD) Very eaey terms, write or call I'K 1-0857 Addressing Machine and GraphoNO MORTGAGE MR. RECCA type Operator, Bookkeeping MaiJ«8 Tompkins Are. > E 8-8674 bungalow on a fully corner chine Operator, Calculating MaPRESIDENT ST. $3950—ALL C A S H Light 40stucco X 100, beautifnlly ehrnbbcd and chine Operator, Card Punch Ma- Free and clear, 4 family, 4 kitchens, ell plot S family house consisting: of 10 roomw flowered. Full bearing fruit trece, steam with every modern improvement, parquet chine Operator, Tabulating Equip- burner, must be eold at once. heat, oil burner, strong ehiny hardwood aU through, modern tile baths. $17,000. floors, 2 immense bedrooms, modern hitCALL OWNER. PL. 7 6085 ment Operator, Tabulating MaCash and Terms chen, full basement. chine Operator, $2,500 to $2,950. PRESTON This is a buy of buys, slop ou+ Announcement 279. I'R 1 - 3 ITS I Ammunition Inspector (Surveiltoday and let us show you somelance), $3,795 to $5,060. Announcething worth while. BRONX BRONX ment 187. Archives Assistant, $2,750 to $3,LIQUIDATION SACRIFICE 410. Announcement 218. EXTRA SPECIAL ON OUR E X C L U S I V E PLAN Cameraman and Platemaker, WEST BRONX $2,750 to $3,410. Announcement WALTER, INC. WILLIAMSBRIDGE ONLY $1475 D O W N 127. M - S t 138th St., Jamaica AX 7 . 7 0 0 0 VACANT — BRICK Van Wyck Expway Between Hilltlde and SNmmit Ave. — W. USth St. Clerk, $2,750 and $2,950. AnJamaica AVCB 1 Block UKden Are. nouncement 185. The names of persons on the MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK Detached 1 fan)i!y. big backyard. Dltra 2 and 3 family detached garages, biir Contract Officer; Technical following civil service eligible lists modern. Reduced. 3 3 1 / 3 olf. SPRINGFIELD backyard, modern, block school, Assistant, Loan Guarantee, $5,- have been submitted to various 2-family detached Call Owner PL 7-6985 near stores, countrfled, parciuet floors ho\iEe. two 3 room 940 and $7,040. Announcement 208. New York City departments. The apartments, large rooms, tile<l Intchen and comb sinks, new oil burner, washing machine, fripidaircs, building: in per^See Announcement for place to title of the position, the list stand- bath, houee in excellent condition, hot R. H. ZEPPENFEI.DT REALTY fect condition. file application.) ing of the last eligible certified, water heat (oil), gar.ige 893 East 109th St. P^ICE REDUCED 3 3 1 / 3 * HOE AVE. 3 f-tmilj, brick, 17 roome, 6 $10,500 Film Assembler, $1.34 and $1.96 and the department or departvacant. Cash $3,500. an hour. Announcement 129. ments to which certified, are given. SOUTH OZONE PARK SMALL C A S H GRANT AVE. 3 family Miih ba«etneiit, Geologist, $3,410 and $4,205. An- "Y" after the list standing means Lecral two-family detached. Five rooms. brick, 14 rooms. Price reapon.ible. Call MR. BEMPSEV C A L L O W N E R — PL. 7 - 6 9 8 5 t h a t the investigation of the eligi- l » t floor apt. (3 private betlrooms). Oil, nouncement 316. heat, garage, occupancy of both KI 2-1644 LU 9 04T0 Geophysicist, $4,205 to $7,040. ble has not been completed. "V" steam apts. Kear all conveniences. .Ashing means veteran, and "D", disabled Announcement 177. $10,200 LIQUIDATION SACRIFICE Guard, $2,750 and $2,974. An- veteran. ALLEN & EDWARDS nouncement 40. PROMOTION FULL PRICE ONLY $8,750 LIQUIDATION SACRIFICE 168-18 Liberty Ave., Jamaica, N. Health Program Specialist, $4,Senior Accountant, 63. OLympia 8-'40l4-8-r<©ia West Bronx ~ East 2Q6th St. NO MORTGAGE 205. Announcement 92. Inspector of Construction, Grade MORRIS PARK SECTION New Grand Concourse, Laboratory Electronic Mechanic, 4, 8. IjQUIDAtToN SACRlFICE $2,750 to $5,940. Announcement WILLIAMSBRIDGE Senior Accourtkant (AdminisST. ALBANS $1975 MosKolu Porkwoy 215. Fully detached, vacant 0 rooms, 3 bathn, trator), Revised, 13. No Mortgage family. 14 rooms, oil heat. Dott neiphbor- brick, 3 years old, earage, new refiiir. Landscape Architect, $4,205 to Electrical Engineer B T Const. Brick » rooms. 2 baths, braes p>!umbinir 3hood, comb, sinks, parquet lloors, tabletu|> 1 block subway, reaeon,Tble caeh. $8,360. Announcement 165. Div. (Revised), 23. Btoves, big: backyard. parquet «oor8. comb, sinks, double lot Call Owner I'L 7-6085 REASONABLE PRICE Library Assistant, $2,750 to $3,Foreman of Asphalt Workers, 1. bi» backyard. Price reduced 25^4. Balance 4% — 35 years to pa» CALL OWNER PL. 7-698a 410. Announcement 218. Asphalt Worker—P.M. (ReCALL OWNER, PL. 7-0986 CARTER AVE. Lithographic Transferrer (Hand) vised), v55. HO. OZONE PARK 1867 $1.48 and $2.11 an hour. AnnounceForeman of Asphalt Workers, Up to date and up to the minute, 1 family, LIQUIDATION SACRIFICE consisting of five large roores* of eolid Carter Ave., 1807. 3 family, 5 room ment 58. v5. apartment vacant. Newly decorr.itd, new brick, tile bath, eteani, garage, all in WEST BRONX Meteorological Aid, $2,950 to Clerk, Grade 3, 131. beautiful setting and nr transportation sink, new stove. Oil burner. Call Owner. $3,410. Announcement 264. Structure Maintainer, Group E, House in excellent tH>ndi<ion. Very reason JE 7-2418 — CY 2-0757. ONLY $1975 DOWN able. $8,750. Cash !ifl,500 civilian. Meteorologist, $5,060 to $7,040. Revised, v50. West 181st St., University Ave. Announcement 117. . Foreman (Track), NYCTS, 18. DIPPEL OL 9-8561 1 family detachcd. 8 rooms. 3 car farajfe. ROOMS 1 block New York University, 1 block 115-43 Suluhin Blvd., Jam.iica Museum Aid, $2,750 to $4,205. Foreman (Signals) NYCTS, v23. SELF SERVICE. Hotel, modern furnished Ave., 1 block schools, 1 block park. Announcement 218. Maintenance Engineer <Line roome, cooking: facilities, respectable work- Jerome Bie backyard. CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO OWN ing adults. 135 Bruckner Boulevard tBet. Nautical Scientist, $4,205 to Equipment), NYCTTS, 1. St. Anns & Brook) take Pelham Bay Call Owner PL 7-6985 YOUR OWN HOME??? $7,040. Announcement 104. Clerk, Grade 5 (HD), 30. WHEN looking to invest in a real buy train. 3rd Ave. Loc. Fordham R<1. Bus. Negative Engraver, $1.48 to OPEN COMPETITIVE as a home it would pay off to consult me Call Mr. Crawford. QY 2-0757. CY 8-7433. $2.31 an hour. Announcement 129. Attendant, Grade 1 (Female), We have lovely homos in eorne of the bet ier sections of Queens. Some at very reaOccupational Analyst, $4,205 to 866. LIQUIDATION SACRIFICE sonable prices. We will assist you in your $7,040. Announcement 263. Telephone Operator, Grade 1, choice as to condition, plumbing and the HANDYMAN SPECIAL No Mortgage—All Vacont fine points in making jour selection, with Park Ranger, $3,410. Announce- 171y. WEST BRONX WEST BRONX ment 179. Blacksmith's Helper (Revised), out atUlitional cost to you. NO MORTGAGE-SACRIFICE CALL J A 6-0250 Physical Science Aid and Engi- v36. 2 Blocks Grand Concourse 212 ST. & GUNHILL RD. neering Aid, $2,500 and $2,750. Bricklayer (Appropriate), 15. 1 Block Jerome Ave. The Goodwill Realty C o . ALL VACANT Announcement 288. Supervisor of Motor Transport, WM. RICH Morris Ave., Burnside 13 rooms with no iciit control. 2 block* Plate Grainer, $1.13 and $1.41 Grade 4, v4. Lie. Broker. Real Eietale Montefiore Hospital. 3 blocks Jerome, ]| 16 rooms, 3 bathrooms, big back}08-4<^ New Vork Blvd., Jamaka, N. X. Brick an hour. Announcement 129. Batteryman, 3. yard, brass piumbingr, pavouet floors, Mocks 8th Ave.. Subway. Call Owner PL 7-0086 comb, sinks, no rent control, all rooms Printer's Assistant (Bureau of Clerk, Grade 2, 6698. private, treelined block, exclubive neighEngraving and Printing), $1.10 an Plumber, 18. NO CASH G. I. borhood. Price reduced 25 Keaeooable hour. Announcement 110. Plumber, 21. IN ALL BOROS cash. J A M A I C A — 2 FAMILY CALL OWNER PL. 7 6085 Process Plate Maker, $1.41 and NOW IS THK TIMK TO BUY Mechanical Engineer Drafts- 11 ROOMS, STEAM, DETACHED, ^ We have the homes for the thritfy buyer, $1.96 an hour. Announcement 129. man, v54. back yard, moilern house, sunken tuUC Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, WeBtchester. parquet floors, comb, sinks, brass plumbPsychologist, $4,205 and $5,060. Junior Bacteriologist, 45y. Some good investment buys in Muiihait^** MANHATT-4N inr, prit>e reduced 3 3 l / 3 ' / o . Announcement 292. CaM Assistant Resident Buildings CALL OWNER PL, 7-6»85 Rate Examiner «Public Utilities) Superintendent, 6y. EARLE B, MUtRAY LIQUIDATION SACRIFICE Communication Rate or Tariff Machinists Helper, 137. LI. 4.22S1. BEECHURST All Vacant — No Mortgage Examiner, $3,410 to $7,040. AnPhysic Therapy Technician <Re154-50 11th Avenue nouncement 210. vised), 1. CONVENT AVE., 148 St. frame, 8 rooms, hot water heat. LIQUIDATION SACRIFICE Scientific Aid (Cotton), $2,750 Telephone Operator, Grade 1 Detached Plot 05 X ] 00. liunudiate occupancy 12 rooDiB, brick, oil, braee plumbing, parauet floors, sunken tube, big back No Mforf^age to $3,410. Announcement 221. 3,760. (Men), 61. yard Price reduced 2 6 % . Reasonable Social Worker, $3,410 to $5,Telephone Operator, Grade 1, EGBERT OF WHITESTONE ca«b, 2 Vacant Apts. 060. Announcement 99. 297. CALL OWNER PL. 7-6080 FINDLAY AVE. FL. 3-7707 Statistical Assistant, $4,205 to Photographer, 12. West Bronx — 170th St. $5,060; Statistical Officer, $5,500 Electrician's Helper vised), KAINI.KV I'K. — BI;N(G.^I.0W HOUSES WANTED S family brick, fully detached, new oit to $8,360. Announcement 152. v21. burner, new brass plunibinir, sunken tube, $1500 CASH For quick action place your properties Storekeeper. $2,500 to $4,205. Junior Electrical Engineer (Rail-* 6 rooms, large stall showers, 2-car garasre, parplot, modern ihroutfhout, with UB. Buyers waiting for Brooklyn, extra auet floors, new Krisidaire, combination Announcement 138. road Signal), 2. •team heat. exorlUnt location, nr pavk and WilliamsbriUere and Louif Island. Ask for sinks, tile kitchen, bitf backyard, lake. Substitute Postal TransportaSPECIAL MILITARY LIST block public school. A.AA 1 neii(hboihood. MR. WALLACE. Broker OZONE PAHK. f6,760 tion Clerk (formerly Substitute Machinists Helper < Revised), 1 SOUTH Price reduced ~3 Vo. Uea«ioiiable cath. family, 6 rooms, steuni garage, Ctwh KI •-57ia CALL OWNER PL 7-0085 Railway Postal Clerk), $1.71 >a an v71, »1,760. liour. Announcement 318. Railroad'Porter. 3869y. HOMELAND LIQUIDATION SACRIFICE LIQUIDATION SACRIFICE Supply Specialist, $3,410 to $7,Car Cleaner. 488y. 14K03A HIM^IUIS A \ K . Hfc;. • .{40« No Mortgoge — Big Profit NO MORTGAGE — VACANT 040. Announcement 225. Railroad Caretaker, 488y. Tobacco Inspector, $2,950. AnRailroad Watchman, 488y. ALL VACANT 16 ROOMS, 3 BATHS FOR SALE nouncement 219. , Electrician's Helper, v2. Beautiful waieri'roiU plot on WEST 160 ST.-B'WAY. BRYANT AVE. 172nd ST. Tobacco Inspector, $3,410 to Laborer. 2823y. Centerport Harbor, L. L 11 roome, 3 bathroome. tuuWn tubs, Brick. New oil burner, sunken tubs, kU $5,060. Announcement 320. Clerk. Grade 2, 8388y. uew oil burner, bratss piuml/int', pai'- private rooms, new Fritriduiiee, new coiaWrite: quet floors, bigr backyard, no rent ceil- binatiou sinUs, tablutop -tover, full lot, Traffic and Transportation SpePREFERRED LIST MATHIAS SHOGEN inr, no OPA ..ontrols, I'ii.^o e»hKed big back yard, modern Uitchcii.- Piilte cialist, $3,410 to $7,040. AnnounceCivil Engineer (Tunnelsi), ApMain Street, lliiiiOiiKton, L. ), a a - l / 3 r » . U.m^oiuible cuhh. reduced 25<><>. Rcu«uiiuble cutii. ment 210. i'lione Hunttiitton 'iVO PiOPCA'LL OWNER PL. 7 6086 CALL UWNKK PL. 7-608« Price $12,000 NO CASH SO. OZONE PARK $9,500 NYC Eligibles' Names Sent To Agencies LOOK HERE FOR BUYS CASH $ 2 0 0 - G . I. NO CASH C I T I L P a f e Twelr* FEDERAL JOBS (Continued from page 10) TRAINEE, variqus rates from $2,500 to $3,410. Minimum age limits: 16 for D. C. area residents; 18 for others. Announcement 294 amended. SCIENTIFIC ILLUSTRATOR (MEDICAL). $3,410 to $5,060; M E D I C A L PHOTOGRAPHER, $2,950 to $4,205. — Jobs are country-wide. Apply to Central Board of Civil Service Examiners, Veterans Administration, Washington 25, D. C. Announcement 319. STATISTICIAN, (Mathemaiiical. Analytical, Survey), $4,205 to $10,800.—Apply to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Bureau of the Census, Washington 25, D. C. Announcements 275 amended 321. SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST, $5,940 to $10,800. — Jobs are country-wide and in Puerto Rico. Apply to Central Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Veterans Administration, Washington 25, D. C. Announcement 247 amended. ELEMENTARY TEACHER, $3,410. — For duty In the Bureau of Indian Affairs in various States and in Alaska. Maximum age limit: 40, For places to apply, see Announcement 231 amended. INSTRUCTOR (Radio - Wire Radar), $3,175 to $5,060. — Jobs are in Fort Monmouth, N. J. Apply to Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Headquarters, Signal Corps Center and Fort Monmouth, Fort Monmouth, N. J. Announcement 2-21-8 (1952), PtTBLIC HEALTH EDUCATOR, $5,060 to $8,360. — Jobs are countrywide. Announcement 190 amended. RESEARCH PSYCHOLOGIST, $5,940 to $10,800. — Jobs are country-wide. For places to apply, see Announcement 329. RESEARCH PSYCHOLOGIST (PSYCHOPHYSICS), $4,205 and 974. — Announcement 281 amended. BOOKBINDER (Hand Work) — BOOKBINDER (Machine Operations), $2.43 an hour. — Announcement 296 amended. CYLINDER PRESSMAN, $2.64 an hour. — Annoimcement 296 amended. ELECTROTYPER (Finisher) — ELECTROTYPER (Molder), $2.88 an hour. —- Announcement 296 amended. LITHOGRAPHIC D R A F T S MAN, 11.41 to $2.17 an hour. — Announcement 282. LITHOGRAPHIC OFFSET PRESSMAN (Also ForeiliMi), $1.27 to $2.63 an hour, — Announcement 280 amended, OFFSET DUPLICATING PRESS S E R Y I C E OPERATOR. $1.41 to $1.76 an hour. — Announcement 306. OPERATING ENGINEER, $2,750 to $3,740. — Announcement 283 amended. PLATE PRINTER, $26.94 a day (average). — Apply to Boar<| of U. S, cavil Service Examiners, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Washington 26, D. C. Announcement 330. PRINTER: HAND COMPOSITOR, $2.67 an hour. — Announcement 296 amended. MONOTYPE KEYBOARD OPERATOR, $2.67 an hour. — Announcement 100 amended. PROOFREADER, $2.67 an hour. —Announcement 145 amended. SLUG - MACHINE OPERATOR, $2.67 an hour. — Announcement 100 amended. STEREOTYPER, $2.81 an hour. —Announcement 296 amended. NYC EXAMS T « M i l « r , JwAf t , 1 9 5 1 L E A D E R ed. Written test, weight 40, oral, weight 60. The oral test will be conducted" aboard a forry boat. (Thursday, July 24). 6639. FIRST ASSISTANT MARINE ENGINEER (DIESEL). $3,710; Tiro vacancies In the Department of Public Works. Fee $3. Written test probably November 1. First assistant marine engineer (diesel) eligible for promotion to chief marine engineer (diesel). Requirements: Three years' experience as a marine engineer, one of which r-.-'rt have been as a First Assistant Marine Engineer (Diesel) on Diesel powered boats; or a satisfactory equivalent. Candidates must present their Coast Guard license prior to certification. A first assistant engineer, motor vessels at least 1500 h.p., license will be required. Written test, weight 100. Candidates who pass will be required to pass a qualifying practical-oral test. (Thursday, July 24). 6486. RADIATION TECHNICIAN, $2,650. Open to all qualified citizens of the U. S, One vacancy in the Department of Hospitals. Applications must be filed in person or by mall, on forms furnished by the NYC Civil Service Commission and must be notarized. Mail application will be accepted if postmarked to midnight on the last day for the receipt of applications and received by the Commission not later than 4 p.m. of the tenth day prior to the date of the first test. The fee of $2, certified check or money order, must accompany the filled-out application. Radiation technician is eligible for promotion to senior radiation technician. Candidates must have one of the following or a satisfactory equivalent: (a) graduation from a four-year senior high school and at least one year of experience in the operation of the X-ray therapy equipment in an approved hospital or (b) graduation from a registered school of nursing and at least six months of the experience described above. Performance test, weight 100. (Thursday, July 24). 6531. SENIOR DIETICIAN. $2,781; two vacancies in the Department of Welfare. Fee $2. Requirements: Candidates must have each of the following or Its equivalent; a baccalaureate degree in home economics, with major studies 1m foods, nutrition, or institutional management, plus one year of experience as a dietician. Tests: Written, weight 100. (Thursday^ July 24).. 6637 CHIEF MARINE ENGINEER (DIESEL), $4,100. One vacancy. Fee $4. Written test probably November 1. Requirements: Five years' experience as a marine engineer, three of which must have been as a chief marine engineer ''^iesel) i Diesel powered boats; or a satisfactory equivalent. License issued by the Coast Guard required as a chief engineer, motor vessels, at least 1500 h.p. License v/ill be required. Written test, weight 100. Candidates who pass the written test will be required to pass a quallfsrlng practical-oral test. (Thursday, July 24). 6650. RADIO REPAIR MECHANIC, $4,000; one vacancy. Fee $3. Written test probably October 6. Requirements: Five years' practical experience as a radio repair mechanic; or a satisfactory equivalent. License as commercial radio telephone. 2d class or better, issued by the Federal Communications Commission. Proof of possession of such license must be presented at the performance test. Written test, weight 100. Candidates who pass it will (Continued on page 13) Applications for the following Written test probably September NYC exams open Wednesday, July 27. (Thursday, July 24). 9 for NYC jobs. The last day to 6565. ASSISTANT MECHANIapply appears in parenthesis at CAL ENGINEER (SANITARY), the end of each notice. $4,391; five vacancies in the De6644. MARINE STOKER, $3,- partment of Education. Appoint620, 250 days; 15 vacancies In the ments are exempt from the NYC Department of Marine and Avia- residence requirement. Fee $4 tion. Fee $3. The practical-oral Written test probably September Summer Rentals test may begin Oct. 6. Marine 25. Assistant mechanical engineer (sanitary) is eligible for promostokers are eligible for promotion to marine engineer. Requirements: tion to mechanical engineer inHUNTINGTON BEACH Three years' experience in stok- cluding various specialities. Reing. The practical-oral test, weight quirements: A degree in engineerLong Island Wkterfront and waterview bungalow 100, will be conducted aboard a ing and three years' experience in U M others with Priyate Bcach riffhta preparing contract drawings for steampowered vessel. A qualifying Price from $500.00 and up. written test also may be given. plumbing and drainage work, in Francis X. McUMghlin eluding knowledge of NYC Plum(Thursday, July 24.) 1001 Wasiiing4»ii Drive ing Code; preparing all engineer• T d . Hunt. 4-4790 or Har. 9 301V 6481. HOUSEKEEPER, GRADE ing calculatlon.s and studies Inci1, $2,110; 16 vacancies in the De- dental to the design of drainage partment of Hospitals, Fee $1. systems, hot and cold water supHousekeeper, Grade 1, is eligible ply system, gas service pressure Save Money on Furniture for promotion to senior house- and house pump installations, MamifactHrers • Distributors keeper, grade 2. Requirements: sewage ejector systems, vacuum In grade 1, one year of experience cleaning systems, laboratpry pipCan save you up t« in the suprvision of a housekeep- ing, all as they apply to public J0% on your purchnsa of furniture. For full ing unit in an institution, hotel, buildings; develop standard details nfornintian without $5,050. — F o r d u t y i i j N e w L o n - or residence, with 100 rooms or relating to plumbing and drainobiiKation. Visit or don, Conn. Apply to Board of more. Experience, weight 50; oral, age work; prepare specifications, Phone Mrrray Hill 8-7779 U. S. Civil Service Examiners, weight 50. The oral test will deal keep records and make reports; U. S. Naval Submarine Base, New with speech, manner, technical prepare estimates of costs; make DAVID TULIS and judgment, field inspections and investigaLondon, Conn. Announcement competence i Park Space 181» (Thursday, July 24). tions; perform related work. Tests: 1-6-1 (50) amended. (at 32nd St.) NYC Written, weight 50; experience, 6636. CHIEF MARINE ENGISOCIAL WORKER, $4,205 to $5,940. — Jobs are country-wide NEER, $4,650; eight vacancies in weight 50. (Thursday, July 24). and in Puerto Rico. Apply to Cen- the Department of Marine and 564S. CHIEF MATE, $3,710; tral Board of U. S. Civil Service Aviation. Fee $4. Written test vacancies in the DepartExaminers, Veterans Administra- probably November 1. Require- Three ment of Public Works. Pee $3. The tion, Washington 25, D. C. An- ments: Five years' experience as performance and experience tests a marine engineer, three years of nouncement 256 amended. probably August 11. Chief mate is Tkcs* mail o r d e r a d v e r t i s e r s ofFer you a simple and quick which must have been as a chief TRAINING INSTRUCTOR marine engineer; or a satisfactory eligible for promotion to captain method of doiiiq your shopping f o r unusual novelties a n d (Communications - Radio Equip- equivalent. License Requirements: (sludge boat), $3,710. There are h a r d t o g e t equipment. When you p l a c e your o r d e r be s u r e ment Maintenance), $3,410 and Chief engineer, no minimumi requirements of exocean steam ves$4,205. — For duty at Scott Air sels, any horsepower, chief en- perience or training for admission to PRINT your full name and a d d r e s s . Force Base, 111. Send applications gineer. lakes, bays, or sounds and to this examination. The only reto Board of U. S. Civil Service rivers, steam vessels, any horsequirements are Coast Quard inExaminers, Scott Air Force Base, power, or chief engineer, ferry spection and navigation certificate III. Announcement 7-46-4 (51) steam vessels, any horsepower. as Chief Mate on coastwise steam amended. Tests: Written, weight 100. Candi- or motor vessels of 1,500 tons or STENOGRAPHY AND TYPING dates who pass the written test over, and as pilot first class thereWhen You G e t Your SHORTHAND REPORTER, $3,- will be required to pass a qualify- of on all inland and coastwise waters sailed by sludge boats Y O R K A D O 795 to $5,060. — Announcement ing practical-oral test. (ThursTests: ^perlence, weight 100. Ex317. day, July 24). WORLD'S FINEST AIR CIRCULATORS > perience will be rated after an STENOGRAPHER - TYPIST, Hi(h Veiocitr - Deep Penetration • Better CirculatiOH 6464. EXTERMINATOR, GR. interview and after review of $2,750 to $3,175 (most jobs start 2, $3,081; Fee $2. Requirements: oral Y«a will b* proud of your Vornodo . . . c the candidates experience to de at $ 2 . 9 5 0 — No maximum age Two years' experience in the ex- termine the extent to which he basic new principle in air circulation. limit. Minimum age limits: 17 for termination of insects, vermin and has demonstrated his fitness to Terms Arranged— D. C. area residents; "18 for others. rodents, of which at least six perform the duties of the position Announcement 272 amended. months in servicing large multiple No written test. There will be dwellings. Candidates must have non-competitive qualifying test TRADES AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC, or get a current exterminator per- XJandidates will be required, under House of Standard Merchandise mit, or employee-exterminator op- the supervision of the msister, to $2,750 to $3,200. — A n n o u n c e erator permit. Tests: Written, pilot the vessel and direct the ment 286 amended. l l t o Rreadway, MYC (at 28th St.) M4J 6-8771 M o M 14C 9 1 6 . M BOILER FIREMAN, $2,552 to $2,- weight, 70; experience, weight 30. work of the second mate and able Before Buying Call Gutko For Price seamen. (Thursday, July 24). 5644. SECOND ]»IATE, $3,300; seven vacancies in the Department Eliminate Embarassing of Public Works. Fee $3. The performance and experience tests Body and Mouth Odors may begin on August 1. Second mate is eligible for promotion to Dr. Shoub of P«t Lotion fame has dechief mate, $3,710, and captain veloped a small green pill called (sludge boat), $4,500. No miniNew York, July 8th. — A Cloro-Pills which contains the mum requirements but at the nonliUle further uptown but lots M I R A C U L O U S substance C H L O R O competitive qualifying performSPRING PMCES less to pay! See how Triang^ie PHYLL. ance test candidates must present Motor's (5066 B'way-215th St. a Coast Guard inspection and Cloro-Pills can be taken by tlie EGG S T O V E N U T 20.75 navigation certificate as second LO 7-5911) amazing "package" whole family including your pets to d/eai of $35 mo. covers monthly PEA - - . - - 17.00 mate on coastwise steam or mokeep everyone free of objectionable pai ts. insurance, low interest. tor vessels of 1,500 tons or over, body and mouth odors. Nothing down! Up to 36 nios. BUCK No. I - . 14.25 and as pilot first class thereof on to pay^ Within 2 hrs. from time Cloro-Pills are small enough to be all inland and coastwise waters you enter Triangle's door, RICE swallowed by childr4n and pets, or - 13.25 sailed by sludge boats. Tests: Exyou'll leave in your car. they can be added to any food. perience, weight 100. In the perWiWiiPiiiiiii\\\\\# YOUR CREDIT IS <H>OD ——i— Open Evenings -m.— Bottle of 100 Clore-Pills only $1 Why Not Open A Charge Aeet. Now formance test candidates will be required to pilot the vessel and Take Months To Pay Send « dollar bill, check or M . O . to: direct the work of able seamen. (Thursday, July 24). Or. H. L Sboub. 222 W. 42 St., F U E L O I L No. 2 • - 11 V i 6643. MARINE ENGINEER. $4,New York 36. N. Y. NEW AMAZINO PLAN FREE Oil Burner Service with the 250; Five vacancies in the De• lAOIOS • RANGES purchase of our oil partment of Marine and Aviation. • CAMERAS • iEWELRY Pay'ts as low as $ 3 5 m o . Furnace & Chimney Cleaned 7.00 Pee $3. Written test probably No• TELEVISION • SILVERWARE • vember 1. Marine engineer Is eligiNO DOWN PAYT • TYPEWRITERS • REFRt6ERAT0|S SALT & PEPPER ble for promotion to chief marine '52 Piymi., Ponts., DeSotoi • ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES engineer. Requirements for marine COLLEOTORS! Alto 'Si's ft '52'f engineer; Three years' practical experience as a marine engineer C o l o r f u l l y (mifK«4 ANCHOR RADIO CORP. COKE & O I L CO., INC. or ARGO MOTORS a satisfactory equivalent. First m*Ut G r a n d m a t n ^ Autti. DeSoto-Plymoufh Dir. ONE G R E E N W I C H ST. 3298 ATLANTIC AVE. assistant engineer, ocean steam Rock.r, S«H and P«p« 3SI0 Websfer Ave., Bx. OL 4-7200 iCof Boltary Ploc*. N Y.i vessels, any H.P., or first assistant BROOKLYN 8, N. Y. ID cttal>.ini{ auto hibtory i Bin'cial Fl'iance per. Only $1 p«tk|>«id. engineer, lakes, bays, sounds and pi iti di'livers ear of yOUH choice TEL. WHit«hall 3 - 4 2 8 0 [Sorry, N o C. O . D.'^ wittiiu ti w hours. Wo invite ail llioiio rivers, steam vessels, any H.P., or TAylor 7-1534-5 lobby Entronc* — O n t B'woy BIdfl iiit' r<-.t.\{ in oNMiiiis: a car to see us ^ HemAILBOX first assistant engineer, ferry (OPPOSITE CUSTOM NOUSC) If iiiieJiaiely. steam vessels, any H.P., issued by Na Uuwii I'uy't Ke4llulri^dI the Coast Guard Maiine requirSept. u i ^Mail Order Shopping Guidn GULKO PRODUCTS $35 Month ' Buys Anyone Automobile COAL TO CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES 3 Yrs. to Pqy! DIANA COAL CITIU Julj ft, 19S2 UMAL MINFORD, MARY. — CITATION. — THE I'EOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK BY THE GRACE OF GOD FREE AND INDEPENDENT TO: AGNES MARTINSEN, RUDOLPH V. MARTINSEN, HAROLD MARTINSEN. THOMAS M. MARTINSKN. LEVIS MINFORD. 3ND, PAMELA MINFOUD, THOMAS MINFORD, CAROLINE F. MINFORD, CATHLEEN M. OSTHUES. PATRICIA L. MINFORD, EMILY MINFORD WARDELL, LEVIS W. MINFORD, ANNE L. BOND, MINFORD W. BOND, EDITH MINFORD. JOYCE MARTINSEN, at) infant over 14 yeara of age, THOMAS K. MARTINSEN, an infant over 14 years of aire, PHYLLIS MARTINSEN, an infant over 14 years of age, CATHLEEN M. OSITIUES, JR., an infant over 14 years of a^e, KERRY S. OSTHUES. THOMAS MARTINSEN, an infant under 14 years of a?e. PETER N. MARTINSEN. an infant under 14 years of are, LEVISA MINFORD, LEVIS W. MINFORD, 3RD. an infant over 14 j^ars of are, being the persons interested as beneficiaries, lecali-r'H, devisees or otherwise in the trusts created under Article THIRD and Article FOURTH of the last Will and Testament of MARY MINFORD. deceased, who at the time of her death, was a resident of the County of New York. SEND GREETING: Upon the Petition of BANKERS TRUST COMP.ANY, a corporation duly organized and existing under the Banking Law of the State of New York, having an office for the transaction of bu«iness at 16 Wall Street, New York, New York. You and each of yon are hereby cited to show cause before the Surrorate's Court of the County of New York, held at the Hall of Records in the County of New York, on tho Ifith day of September, 1!>52, at 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, why 1. Thia Court should not construe the last Will and Testament of Mary Minford, deceased, and instruct Petitioner as to its power and authority to invest funds of the trusts created vinder said Will in the Discretionary Common Trust Fund or in the Lethal Common Trust Fund established and maintained by Bankers Trust Company under Section 100-c of the Banking I^iw of the State of New York. •Z. The compensation of White & Case, Esqs. for their services in this proceediiifr should not be fixed in the amount of and approved for payment, toyettior with their proper disbursements. .J. This Court shouUl not grant »Hch other and further relief to Petitioner aa it may deem just and proper. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have caused the seal of the Surrogate's Court of the said County of New York to be hereunto aflixetl. WITNESS, HONORABLE fSeal-l William T. Collins, a Surrotrate of our said County, at the County of New York, the 30th day of June. 1962, in the year of our l^ord, one thousand nine hundretl and fifty-two. PHILYIP A. DONAHUE, Jyl5-Tu Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. ALTERATIONS ETC. TO BUILDINQ STATE HOSPITAL WEST HAVERSTRAW. N. Y. NOTICE TO IUNUEKS Separate scaled proposals coverinir Construction and Electric Work for AUerationa and Addition to Treatmrtit Building to I'rovide Dressing and Locker Space, New York State Rehabilitation Hospital, West Haverstraw, N. Y., in accordance with Sj>ecilications Noa. 17'-;03 and 17206 and accompanying- drawings, will be received by lienry A. Cohen, Director, Bureau of Contracts and Accounts, Department of Public Works, 14th Floor. The Oovernor A. E. Smith State Ollice Building. Albany, N. Y., on behalf of the Department oE Health, until 2:00 o'clock P.M., Advanced Standard Time, which is 1:00 o'clock P..M., Eastern Standard Time, which is 1:00 o'clock P.M., Eastern Standard Time, on Thursday, July 24, in.'iS, wiien they will be publicity opened and read. Each proposal mutit be made upon the form and submitted in the envelope provided therefor anil shall be accompanied by a cerlitled check made payable to the State of New York, Commissioner of Taxation and Finance, of 5 '/o of the amount of the bid as a guaranty that the bidder will enter into tho contract if it be awarded to him. Tho specification number must be written on the front of the envelope. The Wank spaces in the proposal must be filled in, and no change shall be made in tho phraseology of the proposal. Prol/osals that carry any orolssions, erasures, alterations or additions may be rejected as informal. Successful bidders will be reQUired to givo a bond conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and a separate bond for the payment of laborers and materialmen, each bond in the sum of 100% of the amount of the contract. Coi-porationa iubmitting proposals shall be authorised to do businees In the State of New York. Drawings and specitlcations may be examined free of charge at the following ottiees: State Architect. 270 Broadway. New York City. State Architect, The Gov. A. E. Smith Statu OtUce Bidg., Albany, N. Y. District Engineer, 10» N. Genesee St., Utica, N. Y.. District Engineer, 301 Water St., Syracuse, N. Y. District Engineer. Barge Canal Terminal, Rochester, N. Y. DiHtrict Engineer, 66 Court St., Buffalo, N. Y. District Engineer, 80 We«t Main St., Honu'll. N. Y. District Engineer, 444 V»n Duiee St., JH'atcrtown, N. Y. District Engineer, Pleasant Valley Road, I'oughkocpslt', N. Y. District Engliictr, 71 yrtHlerlek St., Blngluunton, N. Y. Ditilricl Engineer, Babylon, I.«nr Island, N. Y. New York Stato Rehabilitation Hospltkl. West Haverstraw. N : Y. Diawings and bpecillcatlons may bo obtained by calling at the uflice of the Stale ArchltPct. 'nio Governor Alfred B. Smith Statr> onicG Building, Albany, N. Y., and inuklng deposit for ench set ot $5,00 or by nsallliig such drpu»U to the Bureau of Contraots and Accounts, Depurtmcut of rublio Works. Tho Governor Alfred E. Smith State Oflllca Building, Albany, N. Y. Checks shall be made payalife to the Department of Fublii; Wort?s, Propos.il blanks and eiivulopdw Will lurnj»hed without charge Dated: d 6'^. MFM/i) \. fContlnutd from page W be required to p«ss • qualifylnf performance test. c n i u r w U y , July 24). 8572. FOREMAN (CUSTODIAL), GRADE 2, $3,081; one • » c a n c y . Public W o r k s Dept. Pee $2. W r i t t e n t e s t probably October 4. F o r e m a n (Custodial), G r a d e 2 Is eligfible for p r o m o t i o n t o f o r e m a n (custodial), g r a d e 3 i n t h e B o a r d of H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n , or J a n i t o r , G r a d e 2 in t h e Departnaent of Public Works. R e q u i r e m e n t s In grade 2 f o r e m a n ; T h r e e y e a r s ' e x perience in t h e cleaning of large; t e n a n t e d l o f t or ofBce buildings; or a s a t i s f a c t o r y equivalent. perience p b t a i n e d in t h e o p e r a tion of small t e n e m e n t s , p r i v a t e dwellings, two or t h r e e family houses will not be acceptable a s basis of equivalent experience. W r i t t e n test, weight 100. ( T h u r s day, J u l y 24). PROMOTION «604. C H I E F MATE ( P r o m . ) , $3,710; T h r e e vacancies in Public Works Dept. open only t o emfployees of t h e D e p a r t m e n t of P u b lic Works. Fee $3. T h e p e r f o r m ance a n d experience tests will begin on August 11. Eligible titles: able s e a m a n a n d second m a t e . At t h e qualifying p e r f o r m a n c e t e s t c a n d i d a t e s m u s t p r e s e n t a Coast Page TliiriMM LIAHBR Bookkeepers Must Be Allowed to Compete in Clerk Promotion Tests, Court Says NYC EXAMS NOVICB fTATB OF K»W TOBK. XWPA&niBMT OF STATU. I DO HERKBT CKBTIFT UUt • CVUflc*t« of diwiolution of FASHION FAIH. INC., taM b««n flUsd in tbia depvtmmit thia dsT t h a t it appear* tberefrom that •uch corporation han complied with aectlon one hundred and five of the Stock Corporation Law, and that it la diaeolred. OIVEN IN DUPUCATE «nd«r my hand and offlcial seal of the Department of State, at the City of A<bany, thia twentyaixth day of June, one thousand miM hundred and fltty-two. THOMAS J. CURRAN, Secretary of St«t«. By SIDNEY B. GORDON, , Deputy Secretary of Stat«. SIRYICB Ouard Inspection and naTication certificate as chief mate on a coastwise steam or motor Tessels of 1,500 tons or over, and as pilot first class thereof on all Inland and coastwise waters sailed by Actual duties p e r f o r m e d a r e sludge boats. Tests: Record and seniority, weight 50, experience, m o r e i m p o r t a n t t h a t titles of civil service employees, says t h e S u weight 50. (Thursday, July 24). p r e m e C o u r t of New York County. 8605. SECOND M A T E (Prom.), M a n y ' NYC employees h a v e been $3,300. O p e n only t o employees of w a t c h i n g with i n t e r e s t t h e p r o g t h e D e p a r t m e n t of Public W o r k s ; ress of t h e case of Wirzberger seven vacancies. T h e p e r f o r m a n c e a g a i n s t t h e Municipal CTivil Service a n d experience tests will begin on Commission, in which t h e e m August 11. Eligible title, able s e a - ployees c o n t e n d e d t h e y h a d been man. Candidates must present a unfairly barred f r o m promotional Coast G u a r d inspection a n d n a v i - e x a m i n a t i o n s for Clerk, G r a d e 3 gation certificate a s second m a t e a n d 4. on coastwise s t e a m or m o t o r I n a decision by J u s t i c e H a m vessels of 1,500 t o n s or over, a n d mer, t h e court ruled t h a t t h e p a as Pilot F i r s t Class thereof on all pers t u r n e d in by t h e employees, Inland a n d coastwise w a t e r s sailed listed as bookkeepers m u s t be r a t by sludge beats. T e s t s : Record ed. T h i s action also m a k e s possia n d seniority, weight 50, e x p e r - ble t h e publication of t h e eligible ience, weight 50. ( T h u r s d a y , J u l y list by t h e Civil Service C o m m i s 24). sion, which h a s been r e t a i n e d 6525. S T R U C T U R E MAINTAIN- f r o m publishing t h e list while t h e ER, G R O U P C ( P r o m . ) , $1.74 t o decision was being awaited. $2.04 a n h o u r . T r a n s i t System. J u s t i c e H a m m e r pointed out Open only to employees of t h e t h a t " D e t e r m i n a t i o n of t h e C o m System". F i f t y vacancies. Pee $3. mission c o n s t i t u t e d a n abuse of T h e p e r f o r m a n c e test will begin discretion . . . T o c a r r y out its December 2. Eligible title, m a i n - f u n c t i o n it ( t h e MCSC) m a y of t a l n e r ' s helper — group d. T e s t s : course establish promotional record a n d seniority, weight 50; s c h e m e s a n d c h a n g e s u c h as needs p e r f o r m a n c e , weight 50. ( T h u r s - a n d experience dictate. d a y , J u l y 24). " C e r t a i n l y t h e t y p e of work p e r - f o r m e d by t h e petitioners as bookkeepers, j u n i o r a c c o u n t a n t s a n d j u n i o r s t a t i s t i c i a n s is similar in scope t o t h e d u t i e s of cicrks grr.des 3 a n d 4. All of t h e petitioners in t h e proceedings passed prior e x a m i n a t i o n s f o r a g r a d e lower t h a n clerk, g r a d e 4. a n d most of t h e m passed a n open competitive or promotional e x a m i n a t i o n f o r a clerical position . . . such p r o m o tees hold positions similar -in t h e scope of duties a n d in t h e n a t u r e of e x a m i n a t i o n for original e n t r a n c e t o t h e position of clerk, g r a d e 3. " T h e r e c a n be no question of t h e i r qualifications . . . T h e d e t e r m i n a t i o n of t h e Municipal C:\:i Service Commission which excluded petitioners f r o m t h e e x a m i n a tions in question is hereby a n nulled a n d t h e Commission is d i rected to r a t e t h e p a p e r s of p e t i tioners." Opportunities for Hundreds In Coming N Y C Clerk Test T h e clerk, grade 2, e x a m is o n t h e NYC CSvil Service C o m m i s sion's schedule for fall opening a n d will offer jobs a t $2,110 t o s t a r t , with $120 a n n u a l i n c r e m e n t s , half of t h e new bonus a f t e r t h e first year, t h e o t h e r half a f t e r t h e second year. T h u s t h e p a y gives us $366.60 a year, in t h e second year, to $2,476.60, or $47.62 a week. T h e position offers a n u n s u r p a s s e d o p p o r t u n i t y to h i g h school g r a d uates. Advice of civil service observers is s t a r t p r e p a r i n g now f o r t h i s test. T h e t e n t a t i v e period f o r receipt of applications is Tuesday, O c t o ber 7, to W e d n e s d a y . October 22. T h e Commission expects t o hold t h e written test in December. T h e Openings T h e r e are 388 provisionals In t h e title, in CJity d e p a r t m e n t s , a n d 13 in t h e IBoard of T r a n s p o r t a tion, total 401. Of t h e 388, by f a r t h e largest n u m b e r is i n t h e Dep a r t m e n t of Hospitals. Additional openings will be available in other departments. No T r a i n i n g Needed F o r t h e clerk job, no t r a i n i n g or experience will be required. T h e r e are no special age limits. T h e m i n i m u m age to apply is e x p e c t ed to l)e t h e s t a n d a r d 18, while t h e maximum! age of 70 is a p r o vision o f ' t h e pension law. Anybody with a high school e d u cation, or equivalent, will find t h e written test not difficult, judging by t h e r e c e n t e x a m s NYC h a s held f o r filling these jobs. Questions i n volving j u d g m e n t , p a r a g r a p h i n t e r p r e t a t i o n , spelling, o t h e r a s Looking F o r A Home? R e a d P a g e 11 pects of g r a m m a r , a n d a little a r i t h m e t i c usually a r e asked, as well as something, t h o u g h n o t imich, about NYC civics. W h a t NYC seeks m a i n l y a r e b r i g h t yoimg c a n d i d a t e s who I n t e n d to m a k e a career of NYC service, a n d who c a n c a t c h on to a n e x p l a n a t i o n w i t h o u t requiring Topside in NYC Fire Dept. Putting in a Lot of Unpaid Overtime; More Men Asked Nominating petitions for the election of t h e U n i f o r m e d P i r e Officers Association m u s t be t u r n ed in a t t h e n e x t m e e t i n g of t h e Association o n T h u r s d a y , J u l y 24 a t t h e Hotel M a r t i n i q u e . T h e r e will be n o lull i n t h e a c tivities of t h e TJFOA d u r i n g t h e summer months in the two-fold c a m p a i g n f o r m o r e firemen a n d a g a i n s t elimination of fire houses. Officers are p a r t i c u l a r l y incensed against t h e a p p r o a c h of t h e city a d m i n i s t r a t i o n in disregarding t h e views of t h e m e n who actually fight fires. UPOA officials point out t h a t in t h e r e c e n t 8 a n d 5 a l a r m fires, some of t h e companies which h a v e been scheduled for elimination were most active on t h e scene. 1500 More M e n S o u g h t I n t h e i r plea f o r a n additional 1,600 firemen, t h e officers point out t h a t some c o m p a n i e s h a v e averaged 10 r u n s a day d u r i n g t h e I CAN SNOW YOU HOW T O GET A NIGN SCNOOL DIPLOMA IN 90 D A Y S And You Won't Have To Attend Glosses Prepare For New Sork State Hearing Reporter Exaaaa Sarn while yon learn. Indivldna] laatmoUon Theory to court reportioc in 80 week* «eO. S. 0. eoldner C.S.&. Official N.T.S. S4g|>orter. AJl elawM* 0-8 P. M. Hon. wad Wod.—126-22S v.p.m. Tuee. and Hiurs.^ 80-126 w.p.m. LEARN A TRAIE Auto MechaoicF Dlooel Machinist-Tool & Die Welding Oil Burner KeXrigeration Radio Air ConditioulDi Motion Picture Operating DAT AMD EVENING CLASSES •rooklyn Y.M.CJ^. Trad* School t l i M Bedford Are.. Brooklyn 18. N. X. MA C-tlOO SCHOOL KOLIVALENCl DIPLOMA Issued by N.V. State Oept. of Education ALSO Shorthand, Typing, Execiifive Secretarial, Accounting Conrset New Classes Now Forming, Co-ed COLLEGIATE ^^ST^^^e^ ftOf Madison Are.. N. tXCiFTIONAl iMPLOYMENT P U 8-1873 Oppiflknlll AU WIDiLY'ADViiaiSeD tcn SECRETARIES, ^STENOGRAPHERS, a n d TYPISTS IktW*"* , •lOINNIRS or AOVANCIO DAY-IVININO-MRT TIMI C<l-ICDI)CATIONAl Plaremeni 4s«Uf«nc« ' Moderate Roies-intioimonU DELEHANTYtcnoit **t-fcrN. r. Itmf frfwratUa Asst. Civil Eng. Sir. Aset. Elec. Kngr. Custodian Ensr. Marine Enarr. Valuation En«r. LICENSE .\woilutant J'urole Oilioer .\UC Inveslit r. Subway Exams Surlace line iJispalck PREPARATION STATIONAKV KNIJINEKK KEFRIOEK.VRINCI UI'UK.VTOK Professional Enpr. Arch. Surveyor Master Electrician Stat'y. Fireniau Portable Engr. Master PhiiBber Oil Burner Boiler Inspector Drofting, Design, Mathematics Alrvraft. Mecliaultai, Klectrlcai. Arcbiteetural. istruvtural. Muriilnr. Piping, Concrete Design. Civ. Serv. .-Irlth., AlfebnK Geoui., Trie., Calculus. I'hjkles* MONDELL INSTITUTE t • Apt. •t»i«. ...«,«• .......... Orar CtvU Weet 41st St., Wise. 7-20fie l M - 1 8 Jamaica AT. AX Gl u Ihiys A Evea. 40 jn. PreiMiniitf Thousauds lor Borvteo Enffrr.. Exams. STENOGRAMIY TYPEWRITING'BOOKKEEPING Speelal « Mouths Conr«c Day or Eve. CalCMlatiiig or Coniptom*fry Intensive Course STATIONARY ENGINEERS LICENSE PREPARATION Stationary Engineers. Cattodlan Entra. Coatodiaaa. Superintendents A riremen STUDY BUILDING A PLANT MANAGEMENT IneL Uoenae Prep. A Coaching tor Xxamo-vClaMroom A Shop—8 Breo(ngi • Week TECH M Ooart St.. Bklya. MA. 11-9114 Please send » « , rREIl, fuU Information about the Arco School High School Equivalency Course. It !• understood that this requMt doe« not obligate ma ni any way whatsoever. Name Age Ion* MACHINE S T E N O T Y P E BUOKTUAND $3,000 to $6,000 per yeor AMERICAN Arco P M U . CO., Inc. Dtpt. LK2. 4<0 Lo>ilii««eii Av«.. Now York 17. N. Y. •• HIGH NTC 230 C A R I E R SERVICE DIVISION. Address Sodlo f r o w n soys: Ot'K IB-WKKK roArmxo COUK^E Wll.L PKKl'AKE VOU FOR THE GOOD CONDUCT SUPERVISOR MANHATTAN: IIS C. IS S T . - O R T - M M JAMAICA: M-M SutpMfi BM.-JA (-aM* GETS BETTER PAY DE.IIL ALBANY,JuIy 7—The title S u pervisor of Good C o n d u c t B u r e a u , formerly a G-20 grade carrying a base p a y of $4242-$5232, h a s been reallocated to g r a d e G-23, s t a r t CIVIL SERVICE ing a t a base of $4,836 a n d going COACHING t o $5,826, T h e B u d g e t Director h a s approved t h e c h a n g e ( w h i c h w e n t Civil EiifeT. Prom. Fireman mental Jr. Civil Engr. fk'rli sfruOc 'Z Into effect as of August 1.) Dictation 76o per MMIOO if you act at once I M»ll Coopon Now tot Full Details. Let me b<dp you help yourself to a happier future, u I have done tor many other grateful students. Fill out tho attached coupon. I will bo happy to tell you, without any obligation, exactly what you will get, what Jeesone consist of, how litUo opare time you need to devoto to them. etc. You may consult me personally, without obligation, at our New York ofHce— Room 819, araud Central Palace. 480 Lexington Are. at 4eth Street—any weekday from 10:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. Bat don't delay I The aoouer you take this Equivalency Homestudy Course—the sooner you'll be able to take your exama KM«y, Inexpensive OO-Day Course —and If yon obtain a satisfactory acore My oourse, providing eaey, individual on ati parts of The State Exam, you'll get instruction based on your own special need the High School Equivalency Diploma you and btM-'kground can get you this diiAowa want I Mall coupon NOW for FBKE doand open a new world of good Jobs and tails. opportunity for you . . . la only 00 days. Cordially yours, lac.—EL S.6S42 C A R I E R S E R V I C I D I V I S I O N . ARCO PUBL. CO Oity p a s t m o n t h , a n d t h a t officers u p to t h e r a n k of b a t t a l i o n c h i e f s a r e too busy sliding poles i n answer to a l a r m s t o keep u p with t h e i r h e a v y p a p e r work. As a result, t h e y say. orders f r o m t h e 11th floor of t h e M u n i c i p a l Building t o "clear desks daily." m e a n u n p a i d overtime f o r t h e top officers. Stonotypo Speed Reporting. Rn. 32$ B Boekmaa 8*.. M.T. FO «-744t MO X-M6A Tea, it'« true. If you niisaed High School —you can itill get a valuable High School Diploma in a few short montha without having to attend school one single day I Hero's why; In M. Y. State, the State Dept. of Education oftera anyone who is not attending high school and is over 21 years of age and who passes a series of exumlnotlone h HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVAI.ENCY DIPLOMA, And this diploma — fully recognized by Civil Service Commissions, City, State and Federal, aa weM aa pi^yate employers, trade and rocational schools, etc.—can be yours if you enroll in my comprehensive streamlined course today. I It to be r e p e a t e d , a n d who h a v e e n o u g h k n o w - h o w to c a r r y out a n order t h a t requires some i n t e r p r e t a t i o n or exercise of j u d g m e n t . T h e City, however, does not d i s courage applications f r o m older persons, n o r f r o m h a n d i c a p p e d ones, b u t welcomes all who c a n p e r f o r m t h e work. L. I. PARK ARCHITECT S SERVICE IS EXTENDED ALBANY, J u l y 7 — T h e S t a t e Civil Service approved a n e x t e n sion of t h e services of C h a r l e s A m o r e n o as senior a r c h i t e c t f o r t h e Long I s l a n d S t a t e P a r k C o m mission. T h e extension is good u n til December 31, 1952. Have you been reading the L E A D E R ' S interesting new column. Civil Service Newsletter? You'U find It on pace 6. Make U MIJ8T readinf •very week. BORO HALL ACADEMY 427 FL.4TBt6U AVENUE EXT. Gov. Fulton St.. B'klyn M.lln »-»44'} ••MECHANICAL DENTISTRY « yeai-s tucceMlol crada. Caniplete Course* UD Plates, Bridges, Cronus, eto. !• Acrylie, Cersnilcs, Steel. Visit, wrtte. phone (or I I R •i PKEK Catalog 0 Vros Placomeni Sonrlos N E W YORK SCHOOL ias ( 18S W West Hist St. Cll 4i-4Mt Wsalilnitoo St.. Nt w«rb 1S8 « |U S-liNNt -I I I m • C I V I t Page Fourteen U. S. Promotion Becomes Easier WASHINGTON, July 7—The U. S. Civil Service Commission h a s Issued new promotion regulations, revised in t h e light of t h e r e c e n t ly-altered Whitten amendment. U n d e r t h e new regulations all service of a F e d e r a l employee m a y be counted in determining w h e t h e r h e c a n be promoted, t h e Commission pointed out. Until t h e law was revised it w^s possible to count only t h a t service t e n d e r e d d u r i n g t h e year p r e c e d ing t h e promotion. Exceptions Possible T h e Commission is also now p e r m i t t e d to m a k e exceptions t o t h e general promotion restrictions When it finds this necessary i n o r d e r to avoid u n d u e h a r d s h i p . A f u r t h e r a d v a n c e authorized u n d e r t h e revised law p e r m i t s e m ployees to be p r o m o t e d to F e d e r a l positions not u n d e r Civil Service w h e n t h e y are within r e a c h f o r origir*al a p p o i n t m e n t to t h e s a m e positions. F o r m e r l y a n employee could n o t be given equal conside r a t i o n for non-civil service positions with t h a t given to n o n - e m ployee applicants. Similar a u t h o r - ity which h a d already been g r a n t ed f o r positions u n d e r civil service was continued in t h e new law. Permanent Promotions T h e new law a n d t h e r e g u l a tions of t h e Commission p e r m i t p e r m a n e n t promotions u n d e r c e r t a i n circumstances. Especially i m p o r t a n t is t h e provision which permits such promotions when t h e Commission is permitting original p e r m a n e n t a p p o i n t m e n t s to t h e s a m e positions. H e r e t o f o r e F e d e r a l employees were a t a d i s a d v a n t a g e in t h a t t h e y could be p r o m o t e d only t e m p o r a r i l y to such positions while outsiders could be a p p o i n t e d p e r m a n e n t l y to t h e s a m e positions. T h e revision m a k e s it possible t o t r e a t t h e m on a n equal basis. T h e law also p e r m i t s agencies to make permanent promotions w h e n t h i s will n o t Increase t h e numl>er of employees holding positions p e r m a n e n t l y in t h e p a r t i c u l a r g r a d e above t h e n u m b e r t h e agency h a d prior to S e p t e m ber 1. 1950. * • BoaiKK LEADKR A Govt. Job Overseas T h e overseas jobs listed below are available t h r o u g h t h e ofRce of t h e S e c r e t a r y of t h e Army, O v e r seas Affairs B r a n c h , 346 B r o a d way, R o o m 505, New York 13, Merfon Yarmon, LEADER General Manager, discusses part-time {ob opN. Y., or t h e New York S t a t e E m - portunities for civil service workers with Kathi Korris, Dumont televisien ployment Service a t 1 E a s t 19th star, on a recent WABD broadcast. On the table between them is a S t r e e t . NYC. copy of "Every Woman's Guide to Spare Time Income," a book written A L A S K A — T w o - y e a r c o n t r a c t ( o d d 2 5 % by Mr. Yarmon in collaboration with Maxwell Lehman. LEADER editor. « M A N O R , N. Y. lUding; • Tsnnls • Square-Social Dancing Trout-Bass Fishing • 2 Lakes k Pool evUint • MMiilcM Sapper—Call EBlortalnmenl J N M R a t « s — $ 3 7 . 5 0 fill «ccommodatieii$, 400 Acres Private Estate 2,500 Ft. Above Sea Level. Complete Children's Day Camp - 5 children per counselor. Nigirt Patrol N. Y. C. Phone V»E 6-6131 EJrt. 5 -SMpervised 'round the clock. Weekends-Eves.: IN 3-6611 cost-of-living allowance. C o s t of subsistence t o e m p l o y e e , $133 a R e c r e a t i o n supervisor (staff ent. dir.) month.) ( m a l e ) , $5,940. Personnel assistant, $5,940. Post m a n u o l orts consultant, $4,205. O r g a n i z a t i o n & m e t h o d s examiner, Librarian ( f e m a l e ) , $3,795. $5,940. J A P A N — T w o - y e a r c o n t r a c t ( A d d 10% C o m m u n i c a t i o n s utilities a c c o u n t a n t , post d i f f e r e n t i a l . Free housing. $5,500. C o s t of subsistence t o e m p l o y e e , Position classifier, $5,060 $40 a m o n t h ) . O r g a n i z a t i o n & m e t h o d s examiner, Korean l a n g u a g e specialist, $7,040. $5,060. S a f e t y engineer, $7,040. Property i supply clerk, $3,795. S a f e t y director, $5,940. O f f s e t press o p e r a t o r (hourly r a t e ) , Military intelligence r e s e a r c h a n $2.68 alyst, $5,940. O f f s e t press o p e r a t o r (hourly r a t e ) , C o s t analyst, $5,940. $2.46 O r g a n i z a t i o n Ji m e t h o d s examiner, Bindery worker (hourly r a t e ) , $2.57. $5,940. R e c r e a t i o n l e a d e r ( f e m a l e ) , $3,410. Position classifier, $5,940. R e c r e a t i o n l e a d e r ( f e m a l e ) , $3,795. G o v e r n m e n t a l a u d i t o r , $5,500. R e c r e a t i o n supervisor ( f e m a l e ) , Production control specialist (signal $4,205. c o r p s ) , $5,500. AUSTRIA—^Two-year c o n t r a c t (Free housO r g a n i z a t i o n & m e t h o d s examiner, ing, C o s t of subsistence t o em$5,500. ployee, $60 a month.) Position classifier, $5,500. S h o r t h a n d r e p o r t e r , $4,205. Position classifier, $5,060. R e c r e a t i o n supervisor ( f e m a l e ) , S h o r t h a n d r e p o r t e r ( o n e - y e a r con$4,205. t r a c t , K o r e a ) , $5,060. Librarian ( f e m a l e ) , $4,205. Business a c c o u n t a n t , $5,060. Librarian ( f e m a l e ) , $3,410. S a f e t y inspector, $5,060. GERMANY—Two-year contract (Free Training officer (supervisory & inhousing. C o s t of subsistence t o service), $5,060. e m p l o y e e $60 t o $100 a month.) Property & supply supervisor, $5,060. O r g a n i z a t i o n & m e t h o d s examiner, C l e r k - s t e n o g r a p h e r , $2,950. $5,060. R e c r e a t i o n l e a d e r f e m a l e ) , $3,410. Property & supply control supervisor, R e c r e a t i o n l e a d e r f e m a l e ) , $3,795. $5,060. R e c r e a t i o n supervisor ( f e m a l e ) , S h o r t h a n d r e p o r t e r , $4,205. $4,205. R e c r e a t i o n l e a d e r ( f e m a l e ) , $3,410. Librarian ( f e m a l e ) , $4,205. R e c r e a t i o n supervisor ( f e m a l e ) , OKINAWA—One-year contract. (Add $3,795. 2 5 % o v e r s e a s d i f f e r e n t i a l . Free R e c r e a t i o n supervisor ( f e m a l e ) , housing. C o s t of subsistence t o $4,205. e m p l o y e e , $45 a m o n t h ) . R e c r e a t i o n supervisor (music & solS a f e t y director, $5,060. dier show asst.), $4,620. Stenographer (hearings & conferR e c r e a t i o n supervisor ( p o s t e n t . dir.) e n c e s ) , $3,795. ( f e m a l e ) , $5,060. Clerk-typist, $2,950. R e c r e a t i o n supervisor (chief, music], $5,060. Resort Directory THE COLONI.4L showers; ELM REST HOUSE TRESCENT C.lXl^CJVjKil'* A K A S T D U U I i A M , N. S . Hot-Cole Water All Uooms. Tennis, B a . , inff, Caaiao, Orchestra, Horses, Churchee.' Booklet. $31 up. Tel. Freehold 7313. York: 80.exeellerit modern; all amuae. accom. $35 tofood: $13. allV^rite tor Booklet C. Durham. JM. Y. Tel. Oak Hill 3-2301. Excellent home cookingr. All Amuse. Reaa. rates. Write. I'Odse & Cottagee, in the Poeonos. Fine Food. Write lor Booklet: J. y^ Uunlop. Cresco 3, Pa. HOTEL n v / A E ^ m . WAITERS w n . o v i eC asf o .. Ifcw Write.rork. Tom comfortable, Gilmour, Mgr. homelike. All amuse.. JOE'S MT. VIEW FARM CatskUl, N . Y . , P . O . BOX L e i . Excellent Italian j V E i o i T i i . Y I C . W r ^ i v i T i American Cuiaiue. Excellent home cooking. All •lodern, churches, private swimming pool. Dancing nightly. Cocktail lounge. All sports. Write for bkiet. Uatos $36-$a8. "LA CASCAi M' ''' Haines Falls, N. York. gOOO ft. elev.. KxceW. French Cuisine. sportf ihowera. bathe, mod Impte, Children's play ground (counsellors). Uates from $45. Write Lucienna—Paul Dumas, owners. MAPLEWOOD F'ARM iTiiVC-i^E.** w v ^ L f r.'^iXiTi Oroenville 6. Gr. ,0o.. N. Y. AW amusements. Concrete cooking. All mod. impts. Special JuneSeptember rales, all churches. Write for Booklet F. Jack WiAter, Prop. MILL BROOK HOUSE churches. Write BUlta. Qer.-Amer. N. York, BOX 82. concrete pool, excell cooking all mod. new mod. annex. MORREALE t'^'t-nville, N. Y. Est. 85 yrs. Italian-American cuisine, all modern inipti., sliowcrs, hot-cold water in all rooms, all amuse, new conPine Grove lioufcc cr-.'le pool, dancing and entertainment every night, golf course nearby, churclics. ri'a.sLnable. Write for Uooklet. F. A. Alorrealo. NAPOLI TOWN MLLA Catskill N. Y. B. D. 1. Excell Italian homelike all Impta. Write for Bklt. NEW COLOMAL HOUSE cuisine, bathing on premises ex- Bryan Mv'Manus. PALM lINN Hurliam. N. Y Tel. Freehold 7408. Conrenial atmosphere for • pleasant vacation. Concrete swimming pool, 40 x 80. Uecreatiou laciiitiea. IC.kccH table Hales $.'16 wky Special Rates June & Sept. Write Taxpery. PINE SPRING cottages. Freehold. N. Y. Dancing every night, baud. fxeell. food, all mod. impta. pool, all* amuso. Write lor Bklt. RAVINE FARM •(^Tii-im^ » Write Mrg. 0. C. Schn.-iiier Durham. N. Y. Excellent Oer.-Amer. kitchen. All modern iresh vegetables. All churclics. Shower-baths $38. Tel. Greenville 5-'t3o3. RIEIILR.\UER'S RAVINE Jloracs, lii.ycliiig. Gajiio Near All Churoiies. Kami, Oerman American looluntr. t'rutent Swimming pool. Tennis, Hiking TiuiU, Hot and Cold Watw AU Rooms. SMITH'S ADARE MANOR. I'foae cai'o 02407. ow ^ faahioutjd American meals. Hot and water, uat. pool, uU bports, iieui- churches. Ueasouable rates. Write or phone. WASHINGTON r^^ooK*"' ^ cold LEGAL NOTICE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OT NEW YORK. COUNTY OP BRONX.— CONTRACTORS STORAGE YARDS. INC.. Plaintiff, against JOHN J. BRODERICK, KATHRYN F. GARDNER, wife of FRED L. A. GARDNER. ALBERTO CARDENAS. "JUANITA" CARDENA.S, his wife, if any, first name fictitious, true name being unknown to paaintiff. MAX COHEN. "MARY" COHEN, his wife, if any. first name flctitU 0118, true name being unknown to plaintiff, if all the aforesaid defendants bo living; and all the heirs at law, next of kin, devisees, distributees, grantees, trustees. trustees in bankruptcy, creditors, lienors, .-Wisigiices and successors in interest of any of the aforesaid defendanta who may bo deceased; and the respective heirs at law. next of kin, devisees, distributees, grantees, trustees, trustees in banliruptcy, creditors, lienors, assignees and successors in interest of the aforesaid classes of persons, if they or any ol them be dead, and their respective husbands, wives, or widows, if any, all of whom and whose names and places of residence are unknown to the plaintiff. Defendants.—Plaintiff's address is Longfellow and Viele Avenues, Bronx, New York. I'iaititiff designates Bronx County as the place of trial. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DF.FENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the amended complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the amended complaint is not served with this suppflenientai summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on the Plaintiff's attorney within twenty (30) days after the service of this supplemental summons, exclusive of the day of service, and in case of your failure to appear, or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded In the amended complaint. Dated: New York, November 10th. 1951. LESTER GROSSMAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Office and P. O. Address, 301 Broadway. Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEPENDANTS IN THIS ACTION: The foregoing supplemental summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the HON. BENJAMIN J. RABIN, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated the 22nd day of May. 1952, and filed In the office of the Clerk of the County of Bronx with the complaint, at the Bronx County Building. No. 851 Grand Concourse, in the Borough of Bronx, City of New York. This action is brought to foreclose Transfers of Tax Liens bearing the following numbers and sold by the City of New York to the plaintiff and affecting the following real property described as beHONEYMOON or VACATION low: Lien No. 57024 Section 10, .Block a Verfect ANOLOMINK 93. VA. 2775C, Lot 190. Lien No. 57030 Section A Pocono Mt. retreat 10, Block 2775D, Lot 210. Lien No. 57031 that is perfect for your Section 10. Block 277oC, Lot 220, all as honeymoon or vacashown on the Tax Map of the City of tion. Individual cotNew York as the same existed on Notages, with private vember 18th, 1941. bath. Beautiful RainVacation or Iloiipymoon bow Falls. Wonderful Dated New York, May 27, 1052. MOUNT AIRV L(»I)UK food, dancing, LESTER GROSSMAN, II.\S KVERTHING Attorney for Plaintiff. cocktail lounge, • Private I.ake « Ocean swimming, ridr CITATION—THE .PEOPLE .OF .THB .'^ndy Beach • Free ing. Rates from phone STATE OF NEW YORK BY THE ORACH Iloatiiig 9 Swimming $45-$03. Write for folder OP GOD FREE AND INDEPENDENT. Pool • Oroht'Htra NiteStroudsburg 2003. TO: PAZ AZAOLA VIUDA DE PARDO ly • Cocktail Lounge DE TAVERA, LILLIAN DE GURIDI. • TV • .Stwldle Horses JOAQUIN PARDO DE TAVERA. JR.. • Tennis • ANDREA PARDO DE TAVERA, and Vour Vacation Spott Main Lodge on ICO Acre estate BONDING AND INSURplus 45 new DeLuxe CABANA 8tw Ufc« 0«iii» bivUM VM I* MASSACHUSETTS ANCE COMPANY, SEND GREETING: COTTAGES. Reasonable rates v V S r'®* • hontymooB or vm*. WHEREAS, City Bank Farmers Trust incl. delicious meals, sports and lion riiht on thit basutlful Comi>any. a domestic corporation havingr mou^ntsTn Uk« In tfis Adiron* entertainment. its principal place of business at No. 2 2 dacU Ttia Camp k equipped William Street. City, County and State of ISr 'Jf." ModBTs. Write for Booklet New York, and Paz Pardo de Tavera King, Irjendly, Infomisl. Fin* food. MOUNT AIRY LODGE Inetani Lav Obaerwd, a citizen of the United States residing at Mt, Pocono 18, Pa. 1802 Romeria Drive, Austin, Texas, have Tel.: Mt. Pocono 356JI filed an account of their proceedings as OPEN ALL YEAR administrators of the goods, chattels and N. Y. Office BR 0-8404 credits which were of Joaquin Pardo do Tavera, late of the Republic of the PhilipFor the Perfect Vacation Come To pines, deceased, and have also filed • petition praying that the said account b« judicially settled and allowed and that the ALU SPORTS . . . OANCINQ AT NITB decree heroin direct distribution of the Ont.itfty trip* arranpMl to nearby AuUbls estate in the hauds of said petitioners, a« L"*!?. «••• Thoiind i S * . * wSto administrators as aforesaid, and that said petitioners have such other and further •r phono f«r illustratoil Brochure STAR LAKE, Ht. Lawrence Co., N. ¥., Ph. KGUT relief as to the Court may seem just and proper; NOW. THEREFORE, you and N. City Olllce: SiiO Itroudway, Room U06, CO 7-2414)7 each of you are hereby cited to show Sundays, l<:venings, Uolidays PK 4-13iH> cause before one of the Surrogates of ths County of New York at the Surrogate'* Court of said County of New York to b« held at the Hall of Records in the Borough of Manhattan. City, County and REST • RELAXATION . RECREATION State of New York on the 15lh day o l A 70-aere paradise for vacationers, 66 July, 1052 at 10:30 o'clock in the foremiles from NYC . Spacious grounds, noon of that day why said account should breathtaking sccnory . . , Tennis, badnot be so judicially settled and allowed minton, handball, volley ball, shuffleboard and why the decree herein should not di, . . Golf practice cage, putting green and rect distribution of the estate In th« driving range on premises . Course hands of said petitioners, as administranearby Planned activities under ditors as aforesaid, and why said petitioner* rection of Oscar Riand. Write for Folder. should not have such other and further relief in the premises as to the Court may seem just and |)roper. NEW WINDSOR S, N. yj*' Nj^J^/sh IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we haT» caused the seal of the Surrogato's (iourt of said County of New Vork to be hereunto aQizt-d. WITNESS HON. GEORGE FRANKEMVaccrlion a t Beautiful THALER, one of the Surrogates of th« said County of Now York at said County, LOON LAKE the 0th day of June, in the year of Oar la the Heart of the Adirunaacks Lord One thousand nine hundred Double Uooms, Double Beds 93a wkly. flftytwo. tiliigle Uuoiu 940 wkly. (Seal) PHIf.IP A. DONAHUE. (ihlldreu under 8 ytg. % rate Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. Childreu 8 to 16 yrs. % rate MITCHELL, CAPIVON, MARSH, ANGULO For Homes, Houses, Properties. & COONEy, LAKESIDE HOUSE Read Page 11 Attorneys for Petitionordi .BL O O H N K U U ywm. C b w t w t o w 20 Exchange Pluce, {<EW York ft, M. T. PENN HILLS L O D G E BARLOW'S Tiies<1ay, July 8, 1 9 5 2 to eight junior management t r a i n e e s a t t h e Naval S h i p y a r d , Brooklyn, by R e a r Admiral R . T . Cowdrey, u n d e r - a six-months training program of Federal agencies in t h e Second U. S. Civil Service Region. T h e recipients were S e b a s t i a n Esposito, R o w l a n d H o r t o n , Allen P a r m e t , Daniel L a Rossa, Leon Groisser, S a m Kravis, J o h n Yetto, a n d J a m e s K i r k . T h e eight m e n were chosen t h r o u g h a competitive e x a m a n d oral interviews. P r o m o t i o n s a n d increased wages were one a m o n g t h e benefits t h e y received on completion of t r a i n i n g . C E R T I F I C A T E S were p r e s e n t e d LIVINGSTON • Fr» Horseback • Excilent * S E R V I C E VCCJtC LUMn CIVIL Twmdmj, Julj 8, 1952 SERVICE Page Fifteen LEAMER Future N Y C Opportunities Key Answers, NYC Exams P R O M O T I O N TO MATE (FIRRY SERVICE) Department of Sanitation E X A M I N A T I O N N O . 6590 MATE (TUGBOAT) TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF NEW YORK CITY EXAMINATIONS IN PROCESS tnmm. Hm. AMI AMittoni ArckitMt *670 Auistont Chcmitt 4672 A»*l(tont Ch«mi*t «S62 A u t . Civil Engr. (BIdg. Const.) Oct. Sept. Oct. Oct. '52 '52 '52 '52 Exam. trv** Dfrte Exomitwtion 12. 3.52 Written n.22JS2 Written n.22.52 Written 12.18.52 Written «S63 4543 4597 6559 5687 6500 6633 6565 6566 6471 6634 Atit. Civil Engr. (Bldg. Const.) Asst. Civil Engr. (Slrwcturol).— At>l. Court Cl«fk, Grod« 3.._. Asst. Elwetricol Engineer Asst. FoTMnon (Struc. Group C) Asst. Foremen (Traclt) Assistant Maintoiner Asst. Mecli. Engr. (Sanitary) Asst. Mech. Engr. (Sm. Cont.).._ Asst. Resident 'Bldgs. Supt. Asst. Television Cameraman Nov. Sept. Oct. Sept. Sept. Oct. Sept. July Oct. Sept. Oct. '52 '52 '52 '52 '52 '32 '52 '52 '52 '52 '52 12.18.52 11. 1.52 12.27,52 11 J2.52 11.22.52 1.24.53 10.20.52 9.25.52 12. 4.52 10.18.52 11.17.52 Written Written Written Written Written WriHen Performance Written Written Written Performance 6503 6636 6637 6604 5645 6505 6472 6638 6585 6587 6464 6639 6572 6508 6268 6510 Asst. Train Dispatcher Chief Marine Engineer Chief Marine Engr. (Diesel) Chief Mate Chief Mate Conductor Custodian Engineer ,.. Door Stop Maintoiner Electrical Engr. Draftsman Engineering Assistant Exterminator, Grade 2 First Asst. Mar. Engr. (Diesel).._ Foreman (Custodial), Grade 2.. Foreman (Lighting) Foremon (Structures—Group C) Foreman (Structures—Group D) 5«pt. July July July July Sept. ^pt. Oct. Sept, Oct. July July July Oct. Oct. Oct. '52 '52 '52 '52 '52 '52 '52 '52 '52 '5^ '52 '52' '52 '52 '52 '52 12.13.52 11. 1.52 11. 1.52 8.11.52 8.11.52 1.10.53 11.15.52 11.24.52 11.15.52 12. 6.52 9.27.52 11. 1.52 10. 4.52 1.30.53 2 27.53 2.20.53 Written Written Written Performance Performance WriHen Written Performanc* WriHen WriHen WriHen WriHen Written WriHen Written WriHen 6641 6481 6647 6648 6649 6582 6583 6667 6671 Furniture Maintainer's Helper— Housekeeper. Grade 1 — Insp. of Elevators, Grade 3 Insp. of Pipe Laying, Grode 3.._ Insp. of Plastering, Grade 3 Insp, of Smoke Control, Gr. 3 ... Junior Architect Jr. Asst. Corp. Counsel, Gr. 3 Junior Chemist — Sept. '52 July '52 Sept.'52 Oct. '52 Oct. '52 Nov. '52 Sept. '52 Sept.'52 Sept. '52 12. 8.52 Written 11.19.52 n.24.52 12. 5.52 12.18.52 11.1.52 n . 8.52 11.22.52 Written Tech-Oral WriHen Written Written Written Written 6673 6592 6601 6602 6642 6643 Junior Chemist Junior Draftsman Jr. Landscape Architect Jr. Mechanical Engineer „.., Maintenance Man Marine Engineer Oct. '52 Oct. '52 Oct. '52 Sept.'52 Sept. '52 July '52 11.22.52 12.13.52 12. 4.52 11.8.52 12.17.52 11. 1.52 Written Written Written Written Performance Written Filing Pariod Till* LJCUAc. NOTICK •pAWCETT. CASSANDRA, also known M CASSIE FAWCETT.---CITATION. — P »043, 1961.—The People of the State of Hew Tork. By the Grace of God Free and Independent. To Arthur R Curtis, Dt nnia C. Curtis, William Bajley, the npxt of kin »nd heirs at law of CASSANDRA FAWCETT. alflo known im CASSIE FAWCEirr. dtoceased. sond rreetinjr: Whereas. MAY THOMPSON MoMURDO, who rcBidPB at No. 503 Vimont Street. Montreal, Canada, has lately a!)plied to the Surrograte's Court of our County of New York to have a certain inntruriient ta writinr bearinR date July 25, 1023 relAtinir to both real and personal property, i u l y proved as the last will and testament •f CASSANDRA FAWCETT. a k a CASSIE FAWCETT, deceased, who was at the time Perfect PART I I, C ; 2, B; 3, B; 4, B; 5. C : 6. A ; 7, 8, C : 9, C : 10, A ; I I , D; 12, D; 13, 14. C : 15. B; 16, B; 17, A ; 18, C ; 19, 20, C ; 21. B; 22. A; 23. B; 24, D; 25, 26. C ; 27. D; 28. D; 29, D; 30, A ; 31, 32. A; 33, A : 34, B; 35. C ; 36, D; 37. 38, A : 39. C ; 40. C . PART 11 41, W : 42, C ; 43. W ; 44. W ; 45. 46, W ; 47, C : 48, W ; 49, W ; 50, 51. W ; 52. W ; 53. C ; 54, C ; 55, C ; 56, 57. C ; 58. W ; 59. W ; 60, W ; 61. 62, W ; 63, W ; 64, W ; 65, C ; 66, 67, W ; 68, W ; 69, W ; 70, C ; 71, 72, C ; 73. W ; 74. W ; 75. W ; 76. 77, C : 78. W ; 79. W ; 80. W ; 81, 82. W ; 83. C ; 84. C ; 85, C ; 86, 87. W ; 88, W ; 89, W ; 90, C ; 91. 92, C : 93, W ; 94, W ; 95, C ; 96, Tynar Miniature Cameras Are Now Available At All M O D E L L S STORES Prices) MANHATTAN: 204 Broadway 243 W. 42d St. A; B; A; A; B; C; C; C; W; C; C; C; W; W; C; C; W; C; C; for Picnics and Parlies TREAT CRISPS AOL7>EK 'BWWK POTATO CHI'PS 4 f w o y s fresh E X A M I N A T I O N N O . 6548 J U N I O R ANALYST (CITY PLANNING) and E X A M I N A T I O N FOR ANALYST (CITY P L A N N I N G ) Notice to Readers of the LEADER: 198 Broadway 280 Broadway PLANNER (MUSIC) C o n d i d a t e s who wish t o file p r o t e s t s o g a i n s t t h e s e t e n t a t i v e key answers h a v e until July 18, 1952 t o submit their p r o t e s t s in writing, t o g e t h e r with t h e e v i d e n c e upon which such p r o t e s t s o r e b a s e d . C l a i m s of m a n i f e s t error in key answers will not b e a c c e p t e d a f t e r July 18, 1952. I, A : 2, B; 3, C ; 4. A : 5, D; 6. B; 7, B; 8, B: 9. C : 10, A : I I . C ; 12, D; 13, A;' 14, B; 15, D; 16, C ; 17, A ; 18, B; 19, A ; 20. D. of her death a rtwideiU of 337 Weet 4eth Street, the County of New York. Therefore, you and ea<-h of you are cited to show cause before the Surrocate's Court of our County of New York, at the Hall of Records In the County of New York, on the 25th day of July, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-two, at half past ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day. why the eaid will and testament should not be admitted to probate M a will of real and personal property. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of the Surroirate's Court of the said County of New York to be hereunto afSxed. Witness, Honorable George Krankenthalor. SurroKale of our said C/Ounty of New York, at said county, the 13th day of June, in the year of our Ix»rd one thoueand nine hundred and flfty-two. P H I O P A. DONAHlB. " C ; 98 W ; C , ^ C ; .01, (Seal) Clerk of the Surrog:ate-a Court 102, W ; 103, C ; 104, C : 105, C ; 106, ( S t o r e s With Roll-Back ASSISTANT CITY T e n t a t i v e Key Answers for W r i t t e n Teit EMBALMERS, LEGAL MEN and H*ld J u n e 28, 1952 DENIED PAY RAISE ASSOCIATE CITY PLANNER ALBANY, July 7 — Applications C a n d i d a t e s who m a y with t o subnrtit for salary increase have been deprotests a g a i n s t t h e s e t e n t a t i v e l e y a n PART I swers h a v e until July 18, 1952 t o submit I. D; 2, D; 3, B; 4, B; 5, D; 6. A; 7, A : nied by the State Director of Clasto their p r o t e s t s in writing, t o g e t h e r with 8, A; 9, C : 1,0, A ; M, B; 12, D; 13. C ; sification and Compen.sation t h e e v i d e n c e upon which such p r o t e s t s 14, B; 15, B; 16. C ; 17, D; 18, C ; 19, B; embalmers and legal research aso r e b a s e d . C l a i m s of m a n i f e s t error in 20, C ; 21, D: 22. D; 23, D; 24, B; 25. D; sistants. key answers will not b e a c c e p t e d a f t e r 26. B; 27, C ; 28, D; 29, B; 30, D; 31. D; July 18. 32. D; 33. C ; 34, C ; 35, B; 36. B; 37. C ; 98, C ; 99, C ; 100, C ; 101, C ; 102, W ; I. C ; 2. C ; 3, W ; 4, W ; 5. C ; 6. C ; 38. B; 39. B; 40. A; 41, C ; 42. B; 43. C ; 103, W ; 104, W ; 105, C ; 106, W ; 107. C ; 7. W ; 8, W : 9. C ; 10, W ; I I , W ; 12. C ; 44, B; 45. B; 46, A; 47. C ; 48. B; 49, C ; 108, C ; 109, W ; 110, W ; I I I . W ; 112, C ; 13, C ; 14, W : 15. W : 16, W ; 17, C ; 18. 50, C . 113, W ; 114, W ; 1 1 5 , - V ; . : 6 . C : 117, W ; W ; 19. W ; 20, W ; 21. C t 22. W ; 23, C : PART II I IS, C ; 119, W ; 120, W ; 121, C ; 122, W ; 24. W : 25. C ; 26. C ; 27, W ; 28, C ; 51, W ; 52. W ; 53, W ; 54, W ; 55. W ; 123, W ; 124, W ; 125. W ; 126, C ; 127, W ; 29. W : 30. W ; 31. W ; 32. C ; 33. C ; 56, C ; 57, C ; 58, C ; 59. W ; 60, W ; 61, C ; 128, W ; 129. W ; 130, W ; 131, W ; 132, C ; 34. C ; 35. W ; 36. C ; 37. C ; 38. C ; 62. W ; 63. C ; 64. W ; 65, C ; 66, W ; 133. W ; 134, W ; 135, C ; 136, C ; 137. C ; 39. W ; 40. W ; 41. W ; 42. W ; 43. C ; 67, W ; 68, W ; 69, C ; 70, C ; 71, W ; 138, C ; 139, W ; 140, W ; 141, C ; 142, C j 44. C ; 45. W ; 46. C ; 47. C ; 48. C ; 49. W ; 72, W ; 73. C ; 74, C ; 75, C ? 76, C ; 77, W ; 143, W ; 144, C ; 145, W ; 146, C ; 147, C ; 50. W : 51. C : 52. D; 53. B; 54. F; 55. E; 78, C ; 79, W ; 80, Cr 81. C ; 82, W ; 148, C ; 149, C ; 150, W . 56. A : 57. B: 58. E; 59. C ; 60, A ; 61, F; 83, W ; 84, W ; 85. W ; 86. C ; 87, C ; Last d a y t o p r o t e s t t o New York Crty 62. D; 63, H ; 64, I; 65, G . 88. C ; 89, W ; 90, W ; 91. C ; 92. C ; Civil Service Commission, 299 Broadway, 93. W ; 94. C ; 95, W ; 96. W ; 97. C ; July 16. ASSISTANT L I B R A R I A N July '52 10. 6.52 Proc.-Oral Oct. '52 11.22.52 Written Sept. '52 10.23.52 Exp.-Oral July '52 Sept.'52 11.1.52 WriHen July '52 10. 6.52 Written Oct. '52 12. 9.52 Performance July '52 8.11.52 Performcmce July '52 8.11.52 Performance July '52 Sept. '52 10.23.52 Exp.-Oral Sept. '52 10.23.52 Exp.-Oral July '52 12. 2.52 Performance Sept.'52 11.18.52 PerforTncmce 6644 Marine Stoker 6584 Mechanical Engr. Draftsman 6622 Physicist (Radiation) 6486 Radiation Technician 6246 Radio Promotion Ajst 6650 Radio Repair Mechanic 6645 Rubber Tire Repairer 6605 Second Mate 5644 Second Mate 6531 Senior Dietitian 6623 Senior Physicist 6621 Senior Physicist (Isotopes) 6525 Structure Maintoiner, Group C.. 6652 Television Comeromon 107, W : 108, C ; 109, W ; 110, W ; I I I , W ; 112, C ; 113, C : 114, W ; 115, W ; 116, C ; 117, C : 118, W ; 119, W ; 120, C ; 121. W ; 122, C ; 123. C ; 124. C ; 125. C . Last d a y to p r o t e s t , July 18. SUPERVISOR OF BLIND JOB RAISED ONE GRADE PAT ALBANY, July 7 — The title of Supervisor of Home Teaching for the Blind has been raised one grade. The base pay of the title, formerly in grade 17, wa.s $3,847 to $4,572. I t is now grade 18, $3,978 to $4,803, y • Ai AH Goo J Food Stores • Always WONDERFUL NEW A R C O COURSES HERE IS A LISTING OF ARCO COURSES for PENDING EXAMINATIONS INQUIRE ABOUT OTHER COURSES Accountant & Auditor^. 4dmini«trotive N f • • • .>2.50 • U ^...$2.50 • U $2.00 • ..$2.50 U „.$2.50 • .Si.&o • .$2.50 • ..$2.50 • $2.50 • B $2.50 D ....$2.50 E $2.50 Mechanicafengr i2.S0 Messenger (Fed.) $2.00 Misc Otiice Machine Oper. $2.00 Motorman $2.50 Oil Burner installer ...„.$3.00 Patrolmai (P D ) ..$2.50 Playground Director $2.50 . Plumber «... .^..$2 50 Policewojnon _.$2.50 Postal Transp. Clerk . .. $2.00 a • • a • • G • • n • Practice for Army Tests $2.00 Railroad Clerk $2 00 Railway Mail Clerk $2.50 Real Estate Broker ...„$3.0i School Clerk ......$2.00 Sergeant P.D. „.$2.5t Social Investigator $2.56 Social Supervisor .$2.50 Social Worker $2.50 Sr. File Clerk .... $2.50 Sr Surtace Line Dispatcher .„..$2.50 State Clerk (Accounts. File & Supply) $2.50 State Trooper ..$2.50 Stationary Engineer ft Fireman ...._....$2.50 Steno-Typlst (Procticol) .._$r50 Steno Typist (CAt^-l.?) .$2.00 Stenographer, Gr. 3-4 .$2.50 Structure Maintainer ..$2.50 Student Aid $2,00 Substitute Postal Transportation Clerk $2.00 Surtace Line Opr ...$2.50 Technical & Professional Asst. (State) ...$2.50 Telephone Operator —....$2.00 Train Dispatcher ....S2.5B Assistant C. Apprentice (Fed.) D Army * Navy Practice Tesft Ass'* foremon (Sanitation) Attorney ... Bookkeeper B«i Maintainer Car Maintainer Ci.vil Engineer —. Clerical AsslstaHt (Colleges) — ...$2.50 .12. bC Clerk CAf 1-4 .$2 50 Clerk 3-4>S — ,.$2.50 Clerk, Gr. 2 NYS Clerk.Typist Stenographer i2.50 Conductor $2.50 Correctior CHIicer U.S $2.00 Deputy Zone Collector .^$2.50 Dietitian $2.50 Electrical Engineer ,..$2.50 Engineering Tests .... _..$2.50 Fireman (F O.) ..$2.50 Fire Capt ....$2.50 "ire Lieutenant ...$2.50 Gardener Assistant ,....$2.00 General Test Guide .$2.00 H. S. Oiplomo Tests ..$3.00 Hospital AHeadant $2.00 Housing Asst. .$2.50 • Bsurance Ag't-Broher _.$3.0D Internal Revenue Agent $2.50 Investigator (Fed.) —...$2.50 Jr. Management Asst. —$2.50 Janitor Custodian $2.50 n Jr. Protessional Asst. _$2.50 Law & Court Steuo ..,^:..$2.50 n Lieutenant (Fire Dept.) $2.50 Maintoiners Helper A ond C $2.50 • • • • • • • • • • • • • n n n• • • n •n FREE! BROOKLYN: 381 Fulton St. C' • • • • • • • • • • n • • fowei Maintainer M « f*r 24 hour C. O. D.'s iOc'oirihra LEADER BCX^K STORE O U T D O O R STORES 97 Duane St., Now M n*«M Mud KM 7, N. Y. .copiM booiw ftkecUd tbove. ( • n a i o t * ch»ck mr iMMiey ordor fer | Nam* AddroM City ik.SO With Every N. Y. C . Arco Book— You Will Receive an Invaluable New Arco "Outline ChaH ot New York City Soverr»m«i*.^ 1 ORDER P m E C T - I I J m , , j f c U P O i } NEWARK, N. J.: 164 Market St. JHUMeJUk fosfv Stat* Pafpe Sixteen VIL SERVICE LEADER Tuesdiiy, July 8, 1952 Activities of Civil Semce Employees in N.Y. State ^ All wish t h e m a very p l e a s a n t va- a m u s i n g incidents as well as c o m ne.ss Admin, where she will serve m e n d a b l e work t h a t h a d occurred cation. as Senior Clerk foi: D a n K l e p a k , Mr. Israel Sedofsky of oiu: gruard d u r i n g h e r career. Miss M a r j o r i e Chief, Office of Services Section, T H E BROOME COUNTY C h a p force is also on vacation a n d plans H u b e r r e n d e r e d two solos a n d diT h e office of Medical Defense la t e r . CSEA held its first a n n u a l to buHd a n outside fireplace a n d rected t h e group singing. Mrs. doing a splendid job in alerting meeting a t t h e Mt. E t t r l c k Airport rock garden. Good luck on your Caroljm Vlall a n d Mr. Frederick New York S t a t e citizens t o p r e Cue provided t h e a c c o m p a n i m e n t . r e s t a u r a n t on J u n e 5. projects. p a r e themselves f o r possible a t T h e aflfalr was climaxed by t h e tack f r o m e n e m y forces now a n d F r o m t h e t i m e Eva Spencer, singing of "Auld L a n g Syne." in t h e f u t u r e . song leader, s t a r t e d "We're H e r e Metropolitan Armories T h e committee in charge of t h e For F u n " until C h a p t e r President Representatives of M a n h a t t a n T H E M E T R O P O L I T A N Armory luncheon consisted of Miss J a n e Lula Williams said Mizpah, a n Employees c h a p t e r , CSEA, extends F l y n n a n d Mrs. N a n Goldsberry, S t a t e Mt. McGregor Hospital employees are c o c h a i r m a n ; Mrs. Anne S w a r t air of gaiety prevailed. awaiting results of t h e i r visit t o a h a p p y b i r t h d a y greeting to J i m a n d Mrs. Elise S h a f e r . PLANS for t h e s u m m e r picnic T h e dinner was moved f r o m t h e D e u c h a r , past president a n d o r Albany on t h e s u b j e c t of tolls b e - of t h e Mt. McGregor C h a p t e r , m a i n building to t h e m a i n t e n a n c e ganizer of t h e c h a p t e r . T h r o u g h ing paid by hospital workers to CSEA h a v e been completed. T h e building because of t h e large t h e grapevine, we h e a r d t h a t Ben t h e Triborough Bridge Authority. gala a f f a i r will be held W e d n e s d a y , Civil Service Dept. number attending. F. Aluls of t h e Hudson Valley T h i s h a s for years been a festering J u l y 16, a t t h e Glen Lake Casino. C H A P T E R O F F I C E R S a n d r e p G r e e t i n g s were read f r o m S e n a - c h a p t e r was over to visit J i m on point w i t h employees who work T h e picnic is F R E E t o C h a p t e r resentatives elected a t t h e a n n u a l t o r Orlo Brees. Assemblyman his b i r t h d a y J u l y 1st a n d p r e f o r M a n h a t t a n S t a t e a n d m u s t members. Guests of members will dinner of t h e Civil Service D e R i c h a r d K n a u f presented a gavel sented h i m with a beer mug. J i m get to W a r d ' s I s l a n d via t h e bridge. be c h a r g e d $1.50. Free t r a n s p o r p a r t m e n t c h a p t e r , CSEA, a r e : J . t o the organization. Philip K e r k e r , would like t o see a n y of t h e A r Commissioner R o b e r t Moses h a s t a t i o n Is being provided for t h o s e CSEA public relations director, m o r y employees who h a p p e n to P a u l Gregware, president; J a m e s repeatedly t u r n e d down requests who have no conveyance of t h e i r addressed t h e group, saying, in be passing by while on vacation McCue, vice-president; M a r y Col- f o r relief. own. A large t u r n o u t is expected well, secretary; M a t t h e w Lavenia, p a r t : " B a d public relations are to drop in a n d say hello. as last year's picnic was such a t r e a s u r e r ; Elmer Wise a n d P e t e r J o h n Wallace, h e a d of t h e M a n c r e a t e d t h r o u g h a surly a t t i t u d e t r e m e n d o u s success. The chapter congratulates o n t h e p a r t of employees," a n d "news c h a s e r " F r a n k M. G o n - Hilton, delegates. h a t t a n S t a t e Hospital c h a p t e r , J o h n J . McCabe, r e c r e a t i o n a l cautioned Broome County c h a p t e r salves on his most recent achieve-Council representatives chosen CSEA, points o u t t h a t S t a t e e m - supervisor, is currently confined m e m b e r s to employ good m a n n e r s m e n t as a h o t shot. On 26 a n d 27 included J o h n P. Norton, E u g e n i a ployees p a y between $9,000 a n d in t h e c a m p i n f i r m a r y . All a r e a n d courtesy in t h e i r dealings J u n e a t C a m p S m i t h , New York, Bessette Fowler, F r e d Hughes, $10,000 a year t o get t o work. NYC looking f o r w a r d to his early r e "With t h e public, saying t h a t p u b - t h e Old G u a r d of t h e City of New K e n n e t h W. Haselton, B e t t y S a n i t a t i o n a n d P a r k employees t u r n to duty. lic employees need more a n d more York held a n n u a l rifle m a t c h e s S c h o o n m a k e r , F r a n k Benoit, A n n who use t h e bridge, o n t h e o t h e r Dallas Petteys a n d family, w h o intelligence a n d less emotion. which t h e m e m b e r s of rifle t e a m s Cozzolino, M e r t o n T h a y e r , a n d h a n d , p a y n o fee. are currently vacationing in Virginia Leathern. Mr. Wallace, t o g e t h e r w i t h C e n a d a , h a v e sent a card. H a v i n g T h e social h o u r , u n d e r Mrs. in t h e Centennial Legion p a r t i c i O n J u n e 17 t h e New York S t a t e Dennis O'Shea, laid t h e problem a w o n d e r f u l time. H u g h B a k e r is T h e l m a Sovereign, was given over pated. F r a n k Gonsalves won a cup to h u m o r o u s skits a n d specialty f o r t h e second t i m e in t h e J u r y D e p a r t m e n t of Civil Service cele- before M e n t a l Hygiene officials in also vacationing in C a n a d a , w h e r e b r a t e d its a n n u a l picnic a t t h e Match—20 shots, off shoulder. Albany, a n d a r e now receiving t h e h e hopes t o l a n d some of t h e numbers. T h e social committee, consisting S t a n d a r d .30 Cal. Rifle. He also Crooked Lake Hotel. L u n c h e o n assistance of t h e CSEA h e a d q u a r - C a n a d i a n fish, sooooo big. T o m a n d d i n n e r were served. E n t e r t e r s stafT. a n d Lillian Griffith h a v e j u s t r e of Miss Sovereign, Clarence Chase, placed h i g h on t h e t e a m m a t c h e s t u r n e d f r o m a weekend in S c h e n I d a Gialanella, Ella Mayo, Helen of which his t e a m , t h e 71st Vet- t a i n m e n t included swimming a n d w a t e r skiing a n d picnic games. Cucci a n d Iris Gaige m a d e i n d i - erans, won both t h e Clement C h a p t e r , H e a l t h Dept., CSEA, on ectady where t h e y visited w i t h of t h e D e p a r t m e n t J u n e 26th. members of t h e i r family. Cecelia vidual blue a n d silver airplanes as M a t c h a n d t h e Centennial Legion Members d a n c e d t h e evening away. J o h n P. favors. Door prizes with Mrs. Match. Nice going, F r a n k ; keep An a t t e n d a n c e of more t h a n F e e h a n , of t h e n u r s i n g s t a f f , is M o r t o n a n d Charlie Rappazzo M a r i a n K n i g h t , Miss Doris Chase, h i t t i n g t h e bulls. 170 left t h e social committee, u n - c u r r e n t l y on a t h r e e week v a c a Cecil Crowe a n d M a r t h a Race, in Charles J . S m i t h , 71st Regt., h a s were c h a i r m e n of t h e event. der t h e direction of Irving Gold- tion, d e s t i n a t i o n u n k n o w n . A cordial welcome is extended t o charge, were awarded. r e t u r n e d to duty a f t e r a brief illberg, c h a i r m a n , satisfied t h a t t h e A television p r o g r a m was a r - ness. Welcome back, Charlie. picnic was a success. Fleeing f r o m Dr. a n d Mrs. A b r a h a m L. F r a m e r .Brooklyn State Hospital A nice c a r d was received f r o m ranged. t h e record-breaking h e a t wave of of Brooklyn, N. Y., t h e newest T h e a n n u a l report was given in H e n r y Clark, who is now enjoying THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS t h e Capital city, t h e eager, h u n - arrivals on t h e m o u n t a i n . D r . b r o c h u r e f o r m with a f r o n t sheet his days a t t h e shore on t h e J e r - of t h e Brooklyn S t a t e Hospital gry members proceeded to reduce F r a m e r , a f o r m e r c a p t a i n in t h e of " W h a t ' s Cooking." R e p o r t s were sey coast. c h a p t e r , CSEA, h a s appointed t h e h u g e plates of h o t dogs a n d A r m y Medical Corps in World T h e Armory delegation who a t - Mrs. Stella O c h a b a n d J o s e p h to e m p t y t h e i n n u m e r a b l e cases of W a r n , h a s joined t h e medical given on job reclassification study, legislation, m e m b e r s h i p a n d a t e n d e d t h e a n n u a l meeting of t h e M u n n t o t h e Board of Directors, beverages t h r o u g h o u t t h e early staff. We wish t h e m b o t h a very message f r o m t h e president, clos- Metropo i t a n Conference a t J o n e s filling t h e vacancies created by hours. A buffet l u n c h consisting p l e a s a n t s t a y on t h e m o u n t a i n . ing w i t h "seasonings f o r f u r t h e r Beach, S a t u r d a y , J u n e 28, were t h e election of Miss J a n e t L a u t e r - of favorite cold cuts, salads a n d H i l d r e t h Viele, l a u n d r y Supervisor, Mr. a n d Mrs. Bill M a h e r , Mr. a n d stein £ts secretary a n d R u d o l p h picnic t r i m m i n g s , climaxed t h e is c u r r e n t l y e n j o y i n g a two week study." G u e s t s included: Assemblyman Mrs. J a c k DeLisi a n d Mr. F r a n k R a u c h as- t r e a s u r e r of t h e c h a p t e r . p r o g r a m a r o u n d 6 P.M. Because of vacation, d u r i n g which h e p l a n s a n d Mrs. R i c h a r d K n a u f ; C. A. Wallace. Gee, F r a n k , why didn't T h e y will serve u n t i l May. 1953, t h e h e a t t h e sport p r o g r a m was to visit with f r i e n d s i n P o r t l a n d , Kenworthy, president of t h e you say you were coming stag? T h e a t which time t h e biennial g e n - cancelled a n d a goodly crowd r e - Me. C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o D o r o t h y B i n g h a m t o n CSEA c h a p t e r , a n d boys could have a r r a n g e d . eral m e m b e r s h i p election will t a k e laxed in t h e cooling lake waters. a n d Charles V i n t o n on t h e e v e n t Among t h e personalities glimpsed of t h e i r eleventh wedding anni-^ Mrs, K e n w o r t h y ; Clyde Eggleston, place. they celebrated c h a i r m a n , B o a r d of- Supervisors; M a n y s t a t e employees went t o in a n a t m o s p h e r e of p l e a s a n t s u r - versary which Social Welfare E r n e s t L. Conlon, 4 t h vice-presit h e g a t h e r i n g of t h e clans a t roundings were; Dr. William Sle- S a t u r d a y , J u n e 28. d e n t , Civil Service Employees Aso r d h a m University's a n n u a l r e - gal, c h a p t e r president, a n d Mrs. T H E ANNUAL M E E T I N G of t h e Fception sociation. Also sitting on t h e dais i n t h e a^icient I r i s h f e s - Siegal; Virginia Clark, c h a p t e r Social W e l f a r e c h a p t e r , CSEA, Binghamton was Mary Adamosky, c h a p t e r sectival known as t h e "Feis." Here secretary; George Fisher, c h a p t e r was held on Monday, J u n e 30. r e t a r y ; Georgia Yetts, c h a p t e r t h e y joined in t h e dancing, sing- t r e a s u r e r ; Clifford C. Shoro a n d REPORTING f o r t h e Public Mrs. E s t h e r Wenger, retiring prestreasurer; John Perhach, chairing a n d athletic events which Carl Berger, m e m b e r s of t h e E x e - Works personnel of B i n g h a m t o n m a n of t h e Employees Committee; ident, presided. were climaxed by a huge choral cutive Council. Among t h e guests C h a p t e r , CSEA; ailing b r e t h r e n T h e n a m e s of t h e newly-elected presentation. Among t h e employ- noted enjoying t h e picnic were Dr. a r e doing well. C. G. ( " J e r r y " ) George Mulqueen, m e m b e r E m ployees Committee Board of S u p e r - officers a n d u n i t representatives ees present during t h e day were: H e r m a n Hilleboe a n d Mrs. Hllle- Adams is recovering a t h o m e f r o m visors: Ben Joggerst, c h a i r m a n were announced. These included: J o h n O ' K a n e , William O'Connell, boe; Dr. William Brumfield, Dr. i n j u r i e s a f t e r being h i t by a car. Airport Committee, B o a r d of S u - F r e d G r i m m , president; Willard P a t r i c k a n d Rose McLaughlin, Hollis I n g r a h a m , Dr. Levine; Dr. Leon J o r d a n is convalescing f r o m pervisors; Howard Davis a n d R u t h F. J o h n s o n , 1st vice-president; T i m Leonard, Michael M u r p h y Shultz,^Mrs. Shultz a n d f a m i l y ; recent illness a n d Harold McFee Marion Henry, Assist. Director, is back on t h e job now. All h a v e Spencer, clerk a n d deputy clerk, Sidney Honigsberg, 2nd vice-pres- a n d Dennis McGadey. Board of Supervisors; Charles ident; Miss Gladys Brown, t r e a s S e a m u s M u r p h y , popular male Office of Business Admin.; R i c h - been in hospitals until recently. urer; Mrs. Jessie Lockwood, sec- reception cook, officiated in t h e a r d Mattox, Director, Office of O'Brien, County Attorney. As previously noted, t h e r e a r e Irish football game a n d was given Personnel, a n d M u r r a y N a t h a n , two S t a t e civil service t e a m s i n S t a t e c h a p t e r guests also i n - retary. Procedures. t h e G r e a t e r B i n g h a m t o n S o f t B a l l Representatives of t h e Units of a s t a n d i n g ovation as h e left t h e Director of P l a n n i n g cluded: Mr. a n d Mrs. F r e e m a n T h e social committee consist- League. T h e Engineers have m a i n Drew, Mr. a n d Mrs. G e r a l d Reilly, t h e D e p a r t m e n t include: Mrs. Vir- gridiron. ginia Corrigan, Mandel Schwartz George Bley. T h e c h a p t e r congratulates Mr. ing of A t h a n A. Baskous, Marilyn t a i n e d a " p e r f e c t " record of n o —Accounting; Mrs. Alice Kelly, a n d Mrs. Lawrence G a m a c h e on Curtln, B e r n a r d Ferber, Helen M c - wins to date. Mrs. Sally C h a m p a g n e — A d m i n i s - t h e i r baby girl. Best wishes also G r a w , F r e d Seeberger, George Speaking of distinction, Muriel Manhattan State Hospital t r a t i o n ; A d a m L. Russell, J a m e s to Mrs. Mary Columbo, going on S m i t h , Lena S m i t h , M a r y Sulli- T u r k of t h e Public- Works e n g i Regina Warhurst, J a n e n e e i i n g staff a n d t h e B i n g h a m MANIL\TTAN S t a t e Hospital E. Mahony—Office Administration; vacation a n d a leave of absence. van, Wiltsey a n d t o n C h a p t e r h a s become by p o p u Arnold H e a r t , Miss J a n e F l y n n — H e r assistance to H e n r y Girouard, Wheeler, Howard news: De Mola, did a b a n g - u p job lar vote "Miss Broome County." T h e hospital celebrated its a n - R e s e a r c h a n d Statistics; Miss t h e c h a p t e r publicity director, Angle d are to be congratulated. Muriel m a d e t h e grade in c o m n u a l field day on J u l y 1. A fine Marie Maguire, Miss M a r g a r e t d u r i n g these m a n y m o n t h s h a s a n C h a p t e r news clilps: O u r o n - petition with m a n y others i n a and Medical been appreciated. p r o g r a m was scheduled u n d e r t h e Sayers—Welfare Miss Nina LoSardo is enjoying t h e - j o b publicity committee r e - popularity contest designed t o skilled supervision of Walter Foley, Care; Miss Mercedes Lovegrove, Miss R o s e m a r y Fay—Institutions. a vacation in Cuba while Michael porter, K a y Tierney, gives o u t promote t h e coming observance Piiysical T h e r a p y D e p a r t m e n t . Michael Hoey a n d with some interesting items i n of J o h n s o n City's sixtieth m u n i c i T e m p e r a t u r e s of 110 degrees a r e Delegates to t h e Association a r e Kingston, B. A. Doris Benway, a n d t h r e e pal b i r t h d a y . n o t luicommon to t h e l a u n d r y e m - F r e d G r i m m a n d Mrs. Esther M. Leonard Pembleton are t a k i n g a O. rest on t h e Hudson, n e a r E. D u r - f r i e n d s f r o m Glens Falls, will Muriel will h a v e a week in New ployees, with high h u m i d i t y a n Wanger. motor to Miami, Fla., where t h e y York City in recognition of h e r Miss F r a n c e s Landsborough was h a m , N. Y. added f e a t u r e . While S t a t e e m One of t h e active m e m b e r s of will t a r r y f o r a spell a n d t h e n sticcess. A t a l e n t e d actress a n d ployees are m a k i n g a n issue of h o n o r e d a t a farewell luncheon a t to H a v a n a , Cuba, a n d P u e r t o p a i n t e r . Miss T u r k is active i n " h e a t leave," l a u n d r y woi-kers s u f - J a c k ' s R e s t a u r a n t by over 100 of t h e m e m b e r s h i p committee, Mrs. fly . . . Mr. & Mrs. M a r i o n L, d r a m a t i c s with t h e B i n g h a m t o n f e r t h r o u g h t h e p e r f o r m a n c e of h e r fellow workers on T h u r s d a y , Lily Nash, is sick. A card or visit Rico H e n r y a n d f a m i l y a r e v a c a t i o n - Civic T h e a t r e a n d recently played t h e i r varied duties without proper J u n e 26. She h a s retired f r o m would be appreciated. T h e c h a p t e r m o u r n s t h e loss of ing a t Lake George f o r t h e m o n t h t h e lead in t h e i r production of distribution or issuance of f a n s . S t a t e service a f t e r 35 years in t h e one of its popular m e m b e r s of of J u l y . . . Mrs, C a t h e r i n e Neldl " S t r a n g e Bedfellows." S o m e employees have strenuously D e p a r t m e n t of Social Welfare. Deputy Commissioner Byron T . t h e Board of Directors, J o h n is a t h e r s u m m e r c a m p a t B u r d e n Muriel wishes t o m a k e a n a c k urged tliat when h e a t leave is beJr., commended Miss Drogue. Mr. Drogue was actively Lake* . . . Mrs. M a r g a r e t Golinski nowledgment t o those who c o n ing considered, first application be Hippie, a n d h e r h u s b a n d are visiting i n t r i b u t e d t o h e r success. given to those h a r a s s e d employees Landsborough. He read a letter engaged i n t h e a f f a i r s of t h e Brooklyn with t h e i r respective T h e District Office of t h e D e p a r t f r o m Acting Commissioner R a y - c h a p t e r . His o u t s t a n d i n g work a t i n t h e laundry. families . . . Miss Rose M. O ' G r a d y m o n d Houston, paying t r i b u t e to T h e patients' baseball t e a m r e - Miss Landsborough's service i n his parish. Holy Cross, a n d a t t h e is vacationing a t H a m p t o n B e a c h m e n t of Public W o r k s will hold cently played t h e Kingsbridge t h e d e p a r t m e n t a n d n o t i n g t h e Hospital with p a t i e n t s a n d e m - . . . R o s e m a r y Wineski a n d h e r a picnic S u n d a y , J u l y 20, a t Hos:?>l«.ai t e a m . Score was 4-3 i n changes t h a t have occurred in so- ployees. h a d m a d e h i m a popular "guy," J i m (Rebel) Willing a r e H a z a r d Adams Farm! n e a r C h e n Employees, t h e i r favor of MSH. Those viewing t h e cial welfare a d m i n i s t r a t i o n d u r i n g figure. I n early life Mr. Drogue v a c a t i o n i n g a t Oceanside, Md. ango Forks. was a bass singer i n a vaudeville families a n d f r i e n d s are invited t o g a m e enjoyed it immensely. F r o m our publicity committee r e t h a t time. A gift of money in t h e q u a r t e t , a p p e a r i n g in various t h e a t t e n d . T h e r e will be a n i n f o r m a l porter Florence Lepper, Cancer p r o g r a m of games, b a t h i n g , d a n c f o r m of a money tree was p r e - a t r e s t h r o u g h o u t t h e country. Control, we learn t h a t Dr. P a u l R. sented by J o h n M a g l n n , president ing, etc. C o m m i t t e e : M a r y PoloI Champlam''^O^Iege He is survived by his wife, Mrs. of t h e Good Will F u n d of t h e D e - Mildred Drogue, a n d his b r o t h e r s G e r h a r d t , Director of Cancer Con- sky a n d E d w a r d Pitel. STATE UNIVERSITY P r e s i d e n t p a r t m e n t . trol will spend his vacation a t M a j o r E d w a r d R. Brown, v e t Joseph, A r t h u r , a n d Alt)ert. I n t e r William S. Carlson spoke a t W a u s a u , Wisconsin a n d also m o - e r a n of m a n y years military a n d Jesse B. M c F a r l a n d , president C h a m p l a i n College exercises for of t h e Civil Service Employees As- m e n t will be a t M o u n t Carmel tor t o C a n a d a . Florence Lepper civil service, took his f o u r year 261 graduates, their families a n d sociation, "a fellow worker of Miss Cemetery, Englewood, N. J . T h e will also be on vacation for two old grandson on f o r a romp. I t friends. Tlie exercises were held Landsborough's for m a n y years, c h a p t e r expresses its deepest s y m - weeks. ( H u r r y back Florence a n d t h r e w t h e old soldier f o r a lo.ss of In t h e Macomb gymnasium. I t was s t a t e d t h a t she typified t h e type p a t h y to Mrs. J o h n Drogue a n d cover t h e news!). M u r r a y Cooper one half day sick leave a n d $4.00 C h a m p l a i n ' s second commence- of public servant of whom t h e As- family. a n d Noreen F r e d e t t e h a d t o h u s t l e T h e c h a p t e r alsp extends its in order to join t h e J u n e Bride to t h e doctor. " T h i n g s h a v e come m e n t since it became a u n i t of t h e sociation is proud. to a p r e t t y pass." s y m p a t h y to Mr. a n d Mrs. B r u n o S t a t e University. I t was possibly a n d G r o o m Club of t h e m o n t h . Dr. R o b e r t Axel, associate direct h e College's last c o m m e n c e m e n t tor of t h e B u r e a u of Research a n d Oshinskl on t h e recent loss of Mrs. T h e y said " I d o " a t B r a n t Lake, a s t h e Air Force is seeking t h e use Statistics, of which t h e guest of Osliinskl's m o t h e r . N. Y., on Sat., J u n e 28th. Con- MUSICAL INSTRUMENT of t h e site owned by t h e Federal honor was a member, r e a d a h u g r a t u l a t i o n s ! M a r y a n d Cecil E d - KEPAIBMAN IS MADE government for Inclusion in a p r o - morous original poem in tribute. wards of T B O a r e va<catloning a t NON-COMPETITIVE posed $36,000,000 bomber base. S a c a n d a g a P a r k . . . B e n Locke. Dr. David M. Schneider, direcALBANY, July 7 — The position S t a t i s t i c i a n i n t h e s a m e office, is of musical instrument repairman Mr, a n d Mrs. R a y Gebo are tak- tor of t h e B u r e a u of Research a n d combining a vacation and busi- was placed In the non-competitlv« ing a vacation a n d are going to Statistics, presented Miss L a n d s Buffalo. Mr. Gebo is t h e chief of borough with a n orchid corsage, HOOABTY'S B E S O B T on Bur- ness t r i p while he a t t e n d s a c o n - class by the State Civil Servlco t h e C h a m p l a i n College Fire De- a n overnight bag a n d a check den Lake, outside of Troy, waa ference a t Ann Arbor. Michigan. Commission last week. T h e posipartment a n d Mrs. Gebo Is a tele- from her f r i e n d s l a the depart- the soeoe again for the Annual Mary Hanrahan, typist in T.B.C.. tion Is In th« State Univeraity t i phone operator here at Uie toUege. ment. H« recalled some of ttM Plcnte of kht J m o m ChrUiUaB >htm t r a n s f e r i ^ to Offlod of Buai- New Yoria Broome County Manhattan State Aides Resent Tolls James L Christian Memorial