l i E A P E Americans Larf^est Weekly for Public Vol. 7—No. 28 Tuesday, March 26, 1946 17 P.C. RAISE VOTED BY HOUSE GROUP R Employees See Page 7 Price Five Cents 41 NEW EXAMS FOR JOBS ^ Dewey Will Order Study Of Pension Improvement Spccial to The LEADER ALBANY, March 26—Dr. P r a n k L. Tolman, President of t h e Association of S t a t e Civil Service E m ployees, a n d Charles M. Armstrong, C h a i r m a n of t h e Association's Salary Committee, conferred with Governor Dewey on t h e Association's long-range program a n d urged his support of m a j o r proposals now on t h e legislative calendars. Among t h e m a t t e r s discussed were t h e automatic cost-of-living salary increase bill t o provide for a d j u s t m e n t of salary in accordance with the cost-of-living index; p a y m e n t of accumulated overtime; unemployment insurance for S t a t e employees; a n d liberalization of t h e S t a t e Retirement System. Will Ask Pension Study Governor Dewey did not indicate his views on t h e first t h r e e measures, but stated t h a t he would request S t a t e Comptroller F r a n k C. Moore a n d Retirement System officials to m a k e a complete study during t h e coming year of proposals to liberalize t h e Retirement System. tatives among t h e employees of the various S t a t e institutions a n d offices have Indicated t h a t t h e retirement system's liberalization is a subject of considerable interest to all S t a t e employees a n d t h a t a n increase in t h e retirement benefits would serve as a powerf u l booster t o t h e morale of t h e S t a t e workers. Earlier retirement options and an increase in t h e retirement benefits to lower-paybracket employees are subjects of discussion a t m a n y meetings of Association chapters. Much Interest in Pensions [Tabulation of action on legisVisits of Association represen- lative bills, page 16.] Full, Official Requirements For 32 State, 9 U. S. Tests Largest in Seven Years Officer, Investigator, Nurse, How U.5. Experts Will Rate Parole Personnel Worker, Inspector, Clerk, Architect, Publicity Steno-Typist Candidates Librarian, Agent, Pharmacist and Technician T h e examination for p e r m a n e n t XJ. S. positions as Stenographer <CAF-2 at $1,704) and Typist ;(CAF-1 at $1,506), application for which close at 5 p.m. today (Tuesd a y ) , offer opportunities for new e n t r a n t s a t t h e stated pay, plus overtime, and, for those especially L O O K I N G competent, for appointment " a t higher salaries." Overtime is ext r a in all instances. Age limits a r e 18 to 62, inclusive, for both men a n d women. War-service employees serving in any grade of stenographic or typist work m a y gain p e r m a - I X S I D K Budget Pay in Transportation; O'Dwyer Pledges Raises By H. J. BERNARD Mayor O'Dwyer is "sold" on t h e principle of salary s t a n d a r d ization. He is also interested in reclassiflcation. T h e 1946-7 budget will contain salary upgradings in the Board of Transportation, so tliat employees, now doing the same work in different titles and a t different pay, will get t h e same pay, he revealed in an interview. T h e beginning of w h a t promises to become a city-wide project was worked out by the Mayor in conferences with Major General Charles P. Gixxss, C h a i r m a n of the Board of Transportation, a n d Budget Director T h o m a s J. P a t terson. As a coincidence, t h e Citizens Budget Commission, with which the Mayor is cooperating closely on other matters, h a s submitted a report to him, containing recommendations for a reclassiflcation ol the city civil service a n d a standardization of salaries a s well. T h e city h a d one reclassiflcation, never h a d a general reclassiflcation, and t h e titles and d u ties of jobs are in m a n y instances conflicting a n d contradictory. A Long-Range Job Several recommendations have been m a d e t h a t the mess be cleaned up. T h e NYC Civil Service Commission, recognizing the necessity, h a s been awaiting t h e go-ahead sign. This h a s not yet been forthcoming, but t h e incipient events in t h a t direction give t h e flrst promise t h a t the reclassiflcation-may become a f a c t . I t will require more Commission e m ployees. Also, the rectiflcation would normally produce equalization by upgrading, hence would increase the budget. T h e reclassiflcation, however, is a longrange project, and could not possibly be effectuated in entirety untU t h e 1947-8 t a x budget, a year hence. (CorUinued on Page 91 nency by taking a n d passing t h e examination. Aid to Federal Employees T h e official announcement of t h e U. S. Civil Service Commission sets f o r t h : " T h e m a j o r i t y of appointments for entry into t h e service in these positions will be m a d e a t t h e grade and a t the e n t r a n c e salary of the appropriate grade, as stated in this announcement. Some a p pointments may, however, be made a t higher grades. "Federal employees serving in any grade of stenographic or typist positions who desire, but do not now have, p e r m a n e n t civil service appointments should apply f o r this examination. Such Federal employees serving in positions in t h e classifled civil service imder other t h a n temporary {Continued on Page 16) Among State Titles—U.S. Speeds Up Special to The LEADER ALBANY, March 26—The first big series of examinations to fill post-war needs was announced by the State Civil Service Commission, headed by Parole Officer as the most popular one of the 32 tests. The full requirem e n t were obtained by The LEADER and are herewith published for the first time in any newspaper. Candidates may file now and until April 26. All the examinations will be held on Saturday, April 27, unless otherwise noted in the deta Nurse, Assistant Food is of each exam, given later Health Chemist, Assistant Laboratory in this story. Worker, Associate Education InstiThe 32 titles are: tution Engineer, Associate PerAssistant District Supervising (Continued on Page 5) Bill Is Withdrawn PENSION BILLS On LEADER Expose < DEEMED LOST Special to The LEADER Special to The LEADER A I ^ A N Y , M a r c h 26—Retirem e n t bills introduced into the S t a t e legislature have r u n into tough opposition a n d practically all have died in committee. However, observers in Albany have optimistic hopes for passage of the bill granting 25-year retirem e n t privileges to uniformed prison guard personnel. This bill which would allow prison guards to make t h e same pension contributions as S t a t e Police a n d choose retirement a f t e r 25 years' service, a t age 60, h a s been passed by t h e Senate. More e p . Sfafe 2. 3, 4, N e w s 8, 9, Ifi, ALBANY, M a r c h 26—The biU which would h a v e taken t h e jobs of 14,000 Labor Class employees out of the merit system h a s been withdrawn a f t e r it h a d been r e ported out by t h e Senate Civil Service Committee. T h e bill h a d been opposed by t h e Civil Service R e f o r m Association and other employee o r g a n izations.* Anderson Explains T h e leading news story in t h e M a r c h 12 issue of T h e LEADER pointed out t h a t t h e bill. If passed, would dispense with f u t u r e labor class examinations a n d i m peril the secui'ity of t h e 14,000 presently employed i a tills class, d.000 in NYC« I n explaining t h e withdrawal of t h e measure, Senator Floyd E. Anderson (R., Broome County) stated t h a t t h e fact t h a t it would jeopardize t h e rights of 14,000 public employees was n o t known to h i m when he introduced t h e bill. He announced h e h a d withdrawn it. Employees h a d protested t h a t the bill would lead to a restoration of t h e "spoils" system by repealing Section 18 of t h e Civil Service Law, which provides for the fllling of labor Jobs by examination. Veterans h a d also objected t o t h e measure as a n attempt to circumvent t h e P r e f e r ence Amendment by allowing t h e fllling of thousands of jobs by appointment without t h e e s t a b ilshmeat of A list, STATE NEWS Page Two i:iVIL SERVICE Classification Announced For Business Office Jobs In Mental Hygiene Dept Tu««<fay, March 26, 1946 LEADER Progress on State Exams OPEN-COMPETITIVE perience Is completed. Clerical Assoctate Civil Engineer (Air- work is in progress. p o r t D e r e l o p m e n i ) , Commerce D e S e n i o r Clerk ( C o m p e n s a t t o a ) , partment: 9 candidates, h e l d D e p a r t m e n t of L a b o r : 90 c a n d i F e b r u a r y 2, 1946. R a t i n g of t h e dates, h e l d December 8, 1945. H i i s w r i t t e n e x a m i n a t i o n is completed. e x a m i n a t i o n h a s been s e n t to t h e T h i s e x a m i n a t i o n h a s gone t o t h e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Division f o r p r i n t Admlivistration Division tor p r i n t - ing. ing. Senior Clerk, D e p a r t m e n t ot Aasociate S U t e Publicity Editor, Labor, W o r k m e n ' s C o m p e n s a t i o n SpTOlal to The LEADER payroll records; p e r s o n a l service statistical d a t a o n compensation Commerce D e p a r t m e n t : 21 c a n - Board, New York OfBce: 88 c a n estimates; s e m i - m o n t h l y p e r s o n - cases as required by t h e S t a t e didates, h e l d December 8, 1945. ALBANY, M a r c h 26—Institu- n e l c h a n g e schedules; w i t h h o l d - I n s u r a n c e F u n d ; assist in t h e didates, held F e b r u a r y 2, 194«. R a t i n g of t h e written e x a m i n a t i o n R a t i n g of t h e w r i t t e n e x a m i n a t i o n tions u n d e r t h e jurisdiction of t h e ing t a x deductions; bond d e d u c - p r e p a r a t i o n of t h e p e r s o n a l service is in progress. Clerical work is is completed. R a t i n g of t r a i n i n g State Department of M e n t a l tions; m a i n t e n a n c e r e f i m d s ; t i m e budget. in progress. I n t e r v i e w t o be h e l d . a n d experience completed. CleriHygiene, in cooperation with t h e records; processing a n d m a i n t e n Court Stenograiriier, S u p r e m e cal work is completed. Held u p SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERKS ance of employees' emplojrment p e n d i n g e s t a b l i s h m e n t of v e t e r Classification Board, h a v e worked (Sereral allowed each tnsiitniion) Court, 9th J u d i c i a l District: 14 a n s claims. records; p r e p a r a t i o n of all s t a t i s out a new p l a n at organization candidates, h e l d Febriiary 2, 1946. tical r e p o r t s dealing with p e r s o n (1) U n d e r supervision of t h e R a t i n g of t h e w r i t t e n e x a m i n a Principal Stationary Engineer, of t h e business offices which sets n e l required by the various D e p a r t m e n t of C o r r e c t i o n : 35 up a title for e a c h position, with d e p a r t m e n t s a t Albany; p r e p a r a - Principal Account Clerk or p e n d - tion is i n progress. Food Scnrice Manager, S t a t e candidates, held December 8, 1945, duty assignments. T h e list does tion of wage s t a t e m e n t s a n d ing t h e establishment of a position to h e a d the p e r s o n n e l u n i t ; a n d County D e p a r t m e n t s a n d I n - R a t i n g of t h e w r i t t e n e x a m i n a n o t include Business Officer or 85 c a n d i d a t e s , h e l d tion is completed. R a t i n g of trainto p r e p a r e s e m i - m o n t h l y salary s t u t i o n s : Senior Business Officer. I t is F e b r u a r y 2, 1946. R a t i n g of the ing a n d experience is c o m p l e t e d . c h a n g e schedules; p r e p a r e over- w r i t t e n e x a m i n a t i o n is completed. Clerical work to be done. s t a t e d these will be t h e subject time payrolls; m a k e deductions Clerical work is i n progress. for s e p a r a t e action. Principal Accountant, Public Reorganization of offices along Service Commission: 8 c a n d i f<w withholding t a x b o n d s , m a i n P r i n c i p a l Economist, D e p a r t proposed lines will proceed w h e n t e n a n c e , etc.; p r e p a r e necessary m e n t of C o m m e r c e : 15 c a n d i - dates, h e l d December 8, 1945. some pending appeals are settled R a t i n g of t h e written e x a m i n a t i o n f o r m s f o r reporting c h a n g e s i n dates, h e l d F e b r u a r y 2, 1946. R a t - is by t h e Classification Board. completed. R a t i n g of t r a i n i n g ing of t h e w r i t t e n e x a m i n a t i o n is personnel to t h e Civil Service T h e titles a n d duties follow: and experience is completed. in progress. D e p a r t m e n t ; process a n d m a i n Awaiting service record r a t i n g s . Special to The LEADER HEAD ACCOUNT C L E R K Publicity P r o d u c t i o n M a n a g e r , tain employees' e m p l o y m e n t Commerce Principal Clerk, D e p a r t m e n t of D a t y Assignments D e p a r t m e n t : 14 c a n ALBANY, M a r c h 26—The b u s i records, etc. didates, held F e b r u a r y 2, 1946. T a x a t i o n a n d F i n a n c e , Albany Under t h e Business Officer or est year since repeal was r e p o r t e d (2) Audit vouchers for s u p - R a t i n g of t h e w r i t t e n e x a m i n a - OflBce, B u r e a u of Motor Vehicles: Senior Business Officer to s u p e r - by t h e S t a t e Liquor Authority, 29 candidates, h e l d F e b r u a r y 2, vise a n d direct t h e personnel of which in 194^ h a d a n increase of plies a n d services f u r n i s h e d t h e tion is in progress. Clerical work 1946. R a t i n g of t h e w r i t t e n e x t h e business office a n d t o assemble over 100 per cent in applications institutions. (Where t w o employ- is in progress. Interview to be a m i n a t i o n is in progress. a n d p r e p a r e d a t a for t h e q u a r t e r - for various types of licenses over e e s ' a r e engaged in t h i s work t h e held. one m a k i n g the final check will Senior File Clerk, D e p a r t m e n t ly estimate a n d s u p p l e m e n t a l 1944 figures. Senior H e a r i n g S t e n o g r a p h e r , estimates for supplies a n d exT h e t w e l f t h a n n u a l report, r e - be t h e Senior a c c o u n t clerk, t h e S t a t e a n d C o u n t y D e p a r t m e n t s of Audit a n d Control, Employees' pense; prepare r e q u i r e m e n t lists leased by Deputy Commissioner o t h e r will be a n A c c o u n t clerk.) a n d I n s t i t u t i o n s : 76 candidates, R e t i r e m e n t S y s t e m : 20 c a n d i for submission to t h e Division of George P. ButtecJy, showed t h a t (3) O p e r a t e t h e r e i m b u r s i n g h e l d F e b r u a r y 2, 1946. R a t i n g of dates, held F e b r u a r y 2, 1946. R a t S : a n d a r d s a n d P u r c h a s e ; place 55,982 license applications h a d accounts ledger, including t h e s t e n o g r a p h i c e x a m i n a t i o n is c o m - ing of t h e written e x a m i n a t i o n is orders for c o n t r a c t items; solicit been received during t h e year. p r e p a r a t i o n of m o n t h l y bills; pleted. R a t i n g of t r a i n i n g a n d completed. R a t i n g of t r a i n i n g a n d experience is being checked. Cleria n d receive bids for open m a r k e t C h a i r m a n J o h n P. O'Connell p r e p a r a t i o n of list of delinquent exi>erience is in progress. cal work to be done. purchases and place orders for noted t h a t t h e personnel h a d a c c o u n t s ; h a n d l e correspondence Senior H o u s i n g Accountant, D i t h e s a m e ; conduct such corres- worked overtime a n d waived v a - in relation t h e r e t o . ( T h i s position vision of Housing, Executive D e pondence as m a y be necessary cations without c o m p e n s a t o r y will exist only w h e r e t h e accounts p a r t m e n t : 18 candidates, h e l d APTITUDE TESTS with r e g a r d t h e r e t o in order t o i n - leave to f a c i l i t a t e t h e t a s k of are k e p t a n d bills r e n d e r e d at t h e F e b r u a r y 2, 1946. R a t i n g of t h e Reveals t h e Job 70U are beet suited sure p r o m p t a n d a c c u r a t e deliv- processing f o r m s . institution a n d will be t e r m i n a t e d w r i t t e n e x a m i n a t i o n is in p r o g for. . . . The trade y o u should learn. ery; p r e p a r e such reports as m a y w h e n t h e accoimts a r e t r a n s f e r r e d ress. . . . The profpfifiion yon should f o l l o w . S t a t e m e n t by O'Connell be required in connection t h e r e to c e n t r a l billing.) LEARN YOUR APTITUDES Title E x a m i n e r , D e p a r t m e n t of Discussing p e r s o n n e l problems, with. A N D CAPITALIZE ON THEM! (4) O p e r a t e m e r c h a n d i s e led- L a w : 107 candidates, held F e b Mr. O'Connell a d d e d : REESEN APTITUDE TESTING gers; p r e p a r e r e p o r t s of receipts r u a r y 2, 1946. R a t i n g of P a r t I P R I N C I P A L ACCOUNT C L E R K S "At n o t i m e d u r i n g t h e year a n d issue of supplies, e t c . (Where LABORATORIES (2 allowed each institution) 1945 was it possible to m a i n t a i n two employees a r e engaged in t h i s is completed. R a t i n g of P a r t I I 1 3 0 WEST 42nd ST., N E W KORK (1) To receive a n d disburse aU our full quota of personnel, be- work t h e one keeping t h e f o o d is in progress. WI 7 - 3 2 8 1 PROMOTION c a s h ; operate t h e cash book to cause of t h e lack of a p p r o p r i a t e ledger will be S e n i o r account Canal Electrical Supervisor, record all receipts a n d disburse- Civil Service lists. Due t o the clerk, t h e other will be a n Account D e p a r t m e n t of Public W o r k s : 16 m e n t s ; m a i n t a i n s u c h subsidiary unavilability of experienced help, clerk.) LEARN TO B E A candidates, held Octot>er 27, cash books as m a y be necessary; it was necessary to accept u n 1945. T h i s e x a m i n a t i o n h a s b e e n deposit all receipts in b a n k ac- t r a i n e d clerks a n d s t e n o g r a p h e r s ACCOUNT CLERKS FINGER PRINT EXPERT counts a n d d r a w all checks a n d as a result considerable time (Several allowed each institution) s e n t to t h e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n DiviMODERNI.X E Q U I P P E D SCHOOL sion f o r p r i n t i n g . E s t a b l i s h m e n t against t h e several accounts; h a d to be devoted to t r a i n i n g t h e m P e r f o r m all o t h e r miscellaneous Convenient t o all Transportation supervise employees engaged In in t h e i r specific duties. However, duties assisting in t h e above; of list held u p p e n d i n g s e t t l e m e n t FAUROT FINGER PRINT h a n d l i n g accounts f o r reimbursing even o u r willingness t o acxsept o p e r a t e p a t i e n t s ' c a s h accounts; of v e t e r a n s claims. SCHOOL patients, p a t i e n t s ' cash, c o m m u n - these problems u n d e r t h e c i r c u m - c o m m u n i t y store a c c o u n t s ; staff Senior S t e n o g r a p h e r , D e p a r t ity store, occupational t h e r a p y stances did n o t m a t e r i a l l y im- a c c o u n t s ; other r o u t i n e duties. 299 Broadway, New York City m e n t of C o n s e r v a t i o n : 15 c a n d i (Nr. Chamber St.) BE S-317* sales, steward's sales, etc.; s u p e r - prove t h e situation, because our dates, h e l d December 8, 1945. (Licensed by State o l N . T . ) STENOGRAPHIC vise p r e p a r a t i o n of financial r e - r a t e of personnel t u r n o v e r , both R a t i n g of t h e t r a i n i n g a n d exports a n d s t a t e m e n t s relative to as to p e r m a n e n t a n d t e m p o r a r y T h e organization of t h e busit h e above accounts; reconcile employees, was exceptionally high ness office provides f o r one Senior b a n k s t a t e m e n t s , etc. approximately 20 p e r c e n t as s t e n o g r a p h e r a n d as m a n y S t e n o (2) Supervise the personnel against a n o r m a l t u r n o v e r of less g r a p h e r s or Typists as are required unit, including t h e p r e p a r a t i o n of t h a n 5 per cent." or provided by t h e b u d g e t . Liquor Authority Regrets Turnover Of Its Personnel Our office at Hearing on Farm Jobs Held by Salary Board Special to The LEADER ALBANY, M a r c h 26—A group of employee representatives p r e sented powerful a r g u m e n t s for reclassification of t h e S t a t o F a r m a n d G r o u n d s employees a t h e a r ings before t h e Salary S t a n d a r d ization Board. Among those who spoke for t h e employees were R. Van Dorpe of Wlll^rd; William Massie of Coxs a c k i e ; ^ . E. Wood of Kirkwood, and Glenn Peterson, William Corr i g a n a n d George Adams of tlie New York State Farm and G r o u n d s Employees Association's Executive Committee. William F . McDonough, Executive R e p r e s e n tative of the Associa^tion of S t a t e Civil Service Employees, a n d J o h n E. Holt-Harris, Assistant Counsel to t h e Association, gave p e r s u a sive talks. Specific requests for reclassification includes: F a r m M a n a g e r , f r o m G r a d e 3A ($2,250 to $2,750) to Service 4, G r a d e 5 ($3,225 to $3,975). H e a d F a r m e r , 2A ($1,650 t o $2,150) to 4-3 ($2,100 to $2,600). P a r m e r , IC ($1,350 to $1,850) to 4-2 ($1,500 to $2,000). G e n e r a l Basis of Plea I n opening t h e appeal, t h e e m ployee representatives outlined t h e general f u n c t i o n s of t h e I n stitution f a r m s : " P r i m a r i l y t h e purpose of a n I n s t i t u t i o n f a r m is for t h e benefit of t h e p a t i e n t or i n m a t e , t o provide constructive e m p l o y m e n t for such i n m a t e so t h a t t h i s individ u a l m a y be r e h a b i l i t a t e d into society a n d lead a n o r m a l life in the community. " I t is also t h e purpose of a n I n s t i t u t i o n f a r m to provide f a r m products for use i n t h e i n s t i t u tion, to care for t h e physical wellbeing of t h e p a t i e n t or i n m a t e . T h e value of f r e s h milk a n d vegetables f o r t h e i n m a t e is obvious. "The Institution farms throughout t h e S t a t e represent a large industry. We should n o t think of these f a r m s a s being a p a t c h of lanti, down t h e l a n e b y the woods. " T h e buildings are m o s t l y mode r n or remodeled a n d in a good s t a t e of repair. T h e m a j o r i t y a r e as good or b e t t e r t h a n o t h e r f a r m buildings in t h e county in which they are located. " T h e soil, regardless of type is in a h i g h s t a t e of fertility, be it on Long Island, St. Lawrence County or W e s t e r n New York State." PLAN TO DISMISS DENTIST WITH 16 YEARS' SERVICE IS FINALLY ABANDONED Spec-ial to The LKAOBB ALBANY, M a r c h 26—The p l a n to abolish t h e position of Dentist a t t h e B u f f a l o S t a t e Hospital and. dismiss t h e i n c u m b e n t . Dr. George C. Stelgerwald, who held t h e p o sition Xor 16 years, has been a b a n doned, t h e Associatioa o l 6 t » t « Civil Service Employees h a s been advised. H a r r y B. Schwarta, President of t h e B u f f a l o S t a t e Hospital C h a p t e r of t h e Association, a p pealed to t h e Civil Service Coramission f o r review of t h i s case, a s reported in last week's issue oX T h e LEADER. 51 Chambers St remains open until John E. Holt-Harris, Assistant Counsel to the Association of State Civil Service Employees, appeared before the Salary Standardization Board no behalf of farm workers. He was a Lieutenant (s.g.) i n the Navy. Mondays & Fridays Interested In A Civil Service Position? Don't Miss Applying for that Position Write U8 reirarilinr t h e type of Joba and Balary range in whii-h you are intci'ested and we will advise y o u for ttie n(>xt six niontbe of forthconiingr examinations by sending you up to 10 reminders for the types of positions y o u select. Feileral, Slate, City and County. Mttil f l la cash, c h e c k or n i o n e j order to LINTON SERVICE WI':ST 3 4 t h HTKKKT Ne^v York City CIVIL SERVICE LEADER Publlthod ovory Iu«sd«y by CIVIL SERVICfi PUILICATIONS, l«c. »7 Uuaae tM.. h e w Vork 7. N . V. EnNr«d at Mcoad-clas* m«ttar Octob«r 2. I93f, at MM poit offic« at New York. N. Y. under the Ac* e l M«rck 3, Il7f. Momboi of Audit Burem of CircuUtions. Svbtcrlptlon Prka $3 por Y««i ladi«Id4Mt COOIM. SC SI C h a m b e r s n ^ at CHy HaN MCMUI WMIAl DfTOSIT INSURANCE CORPOAATIOH U ^ o w n St. Branch: S i a » f 42nd St. A S Y M B O L OP. SiCURITY^SINCI. J S S O Tu<iB(1ay, March 26, 1 9 4 6 CIVIL The State Employee SERVICE LEADER STATE NEWS Sfaie Assn. Diners Between Page Three Bites By FRANK L. TOLMAN President, The Association of State Civil Service Employees The High Art of Human Engineering % PERSONNEL WORK in Government may be described roughly As the art of fitting people to Jobs so t h a t the jobs may become careers. Personnel work is sometimes described as h u m a n engineering. I t deals with h u m a n materials and problems as distinguished f r o m physical materials and the problems of machines. The good personnel officer looks for good h u m a n material not only for the jobs to be filled today, but for t h e higher jobs to be filled tomorrow and next year. When a junior position is to be filled, h e seeks candidates who in time will be filling much higher positions. He naturally hates dead-end jobs and blind alley positions. V As contrasted with private personnel work. Government personnel OfBces operate under civil service laws and regulations. This means t h a t recruitment and promotion have their prescribed methods and limitations, but the basic methods and problems remain much the same. THE 8 MAIN PROBLEMS i These are chiefly problems of: 1. Employment and induction 2. Problems of training ^ 3. Working conditions 4. Promotions 5. Pay 6. Welfare 7. Planning and bargaining 8. Security ' Under employment the chief problems a r e : How to select t h e f i g h t people, how to place them in the right jobs, and how to orient them in their jobs. ^ The paradox of jobs Ls t h a t people create their jobs, but jobs, ^ o n c e created, mould peoRle*to special types or stereotypes. I n Government, this tendency to crystallization a n d even fossilization of jobs is particularly acute a n d widespread. 1 VALUE OF IN-SERVICE TRAINING Problems of training are many and complex. Under civil service. It is assumed t h a t every employee has been trained for the job, but In fact, his education has just begun. In-service training is the , answer to p a r t of the problem. It can give the skills and knowledge ^ r e q u i r e d for the job as it is today, but insight and vision are needed f o r the job as it will be tomorrow. The conference method seems t h e best advice to stretch the mind and to develop the required flexibility and planning. Training of new workers is relatively easy; training of old workers is difficult, but essential. Problems relating to working conditions include safety, health, working hours, congenial working conditions and morale. Promotions, pay, welfare; how much is contained in these areas? They deserve column each a n d perhaps they will get it. ^ ^ Of planning, I have written before and plan to write more. Security means tenure. It means also insurance, pensions, death benefits. Wisely the employer and the employee join hands in providing a measure of security from the first day of appointment until Heath. The Association acts for the employees where the State has wot yet assumed responsibility. T h e Association of State Civil Service Employees is a great personnel office, using the best personnel methods to improve the service of the State to all the people of the State. I t does not duplicate; it supplements all official personnel offices. Clockwise, Harold E. Dressel, Baiavia State School; David L. AUoway, Attica Prison; Robert R. Hopkins and Joseph T. Waters, Buffalo Chapter; PrisciUa Harvey, Gowanda State, and Lawrence R. Law, Attica, at the recent annual dinner ot the Association of State Civil Service Employees. State Eligibles Reconstruction Home Trebles Population CHIEF INS. EXAMINER, LIFE, DEFT. INSURANCE, PROM. 1 Julius Sackman, NYC . . 96000 TELEPHONE OPERATOR, EASTCHESTER, WEST. CO., OPENT h e State Reconstruction Hospi- ating rooms, a shoe and brace COMP. 1 S. Savlano, Scarsdale . . 88250 tal a t West Haverstraw has nearly factory, a bakery, a gymnasium, 2 M. Marra, Tuckahoe . . . .81190 trebled its patient population a n d and a Regents school system t h a t SR. MEDICAL SOC. WORKER, is making a study of extension of enable a pupil to obtain a high WEST CO., PUB. WELF., OPEN- benefits to the orthopedic victims. school diploma. Infantile paralysis after-effect Methods of treatment are being COMP. constitute the big majbrity constantly improved, said Dr. 1 Helen Rehr, NYC 77300 cases about 90 per cent of the p a - Landauer, although there has PRIN. STENOG., LAW, ALBANY and tients are children. The object is been no radically new technique OFF., DEPT. LAW, PROM. restore them to normal, not developed in recent years. A 1 J. Bacheller, Rensselaer .92320 to physically, but socially and modified Kenny system of com2 M. Ruane, Albany 92260 only I n the case of bined use of heat and massage 3 Nora C. Cook, Albany ..92075 temperamentally. adults, they are aided toward be- improves spastic conditions. 4 G. Devery, Cohoes 90100 coming One difficult problem, in Dr. self-supporting. 5 M. Hargrave, Sand Lake. 89733 Landauer's opinion, is to convince 6 U. Wriker, Albany 89508 The Director of the'home is Dr. parents of children stricken with 7 P. Mackey, Albany 88690 K e n n e t h S. Landauer, who is infantile paralysis t h a t rapid and 8 A. Chatfleld, Albany 87882 studying the possibility of service sure results can not be guaran9 E. McGee, Rensselaer . . 87601 extension to include aid subse- teed. So much general publicity 10 M. McVeigh, Albany . . . . 8 6 7 7 4 quent to discharge f r o m the home. has been published about "quick 11 V. Miller, Albany 86652 As matters now stand, the home cures" and so many ill-informed 12 Inex Bentley, Albany . . 86637 retains a patient so long as i m - opinion uttered, t h a t those who 13 A n n e Pally, Albany 84622 provement Is shown, or in sight, must cope with the actual case.s CHIEF LAW DEPT. INVESTI- or until the patient's condition is find themselves on the spot, the GATOR, ALBANY OFF., LAW, such t h a t the home cannot con- doctor said. He finds the public PROM. tribute to its betterment because anxious to believe in miracles. 1 Francis Maher, Albany . .91039 a different kind of help is re- There are no miracles performed 2 J o h n Kane, Albany 87797 quired. Some patients have been at the Reconstruction Home, but PRIN. STATISTICS CLERK, many a patient recovers full use there 15 years since babyhood. BANKING DEPT., PROM. of all members of the body, a n d Scientific Planning 1 Francis Smith, NYC ...85701 New concepts of orthopedic occupational therapy helps t h a t 2 K. Wisecan, Brooklyn . . 84932 t r e a t m e n t are being developed by along, besides offering possibilities SR. ACCOUNT CLERK, WEST- the profession and Dr. Landauer of economic independence. CHESTER CO., OPEN-COMP. Is in the f r o n t ranks of those 1 Roy Chapin, Ossining ..91376 favoring scientific follow-up of 2 F. Seminara, N. T'ytown.79332 t h e patient who h a s been dis3 M. McGuire, Valhalla ..85882 charged from a home or hospital. 2 F. Page, N. Tarrytown. .83188 The large West Haverstraw intitution, comprising about 20 TELEPHONE OPERATOR, Special to The LEiVDER buildings, is not a hospital, in t h a t WESTCHESTER COUNTY ALBANY. March 26.—The P i o II 1 S. Serrecchio, Mamarneck 83940 patients no. longer have the dis2 R. Rowan, Mamaroneck .90250 ease t h a t descended upon them, fesslonal Women's Club of Albany Commission Rules Provide New Leave of but are victims of the effects of has announced their endorsement TOLL COLLECTOR, WESTthe disease, for instance are lame and support of two bills which CHESTER CO., OPEN-COMP. i^bsence Privileges and Aid to y GIs affect State employees. The Wilor h a l t or speechless. Disabled Veterans Under the new rules, the leave 1 W. McGonical, Mt. Ver..81692 The equipment a t the home is liamson-Thompson bills to grant of absence of an employee can employees of Westfield State AMONG the new privileges be extended by t h e appointing 2 A. Brattesanl, Yonkers. .79162 most modern, including a large, Farm and Albion State Training well-lighted swimming pool, a Veterans granted State employees by the officer, with the approval of the 87032 thermostat-controlled recumbent School, who guard inmates, comrecent change in the State Civil State Civil Service Commission, 3 F. Fahey, Yonkers petitive civil service status and {Service Commission's Rules, ap- beyond the one year period, if 4 H. Armstrong, Bronxville.84418 pool for heat treatment, a well- the same r a t e of pay as prison 83600 equipped laboratory, a model phyproved by the Governor, is one illness or disability renders the 5 R. Miller, Ossining which entitles State employees employee temporarily incapable 6 W. Levinus, Mt. Vernon. .76800 sical-therapy division, two oper- guards, won the women's OK. Non-Veterans who wish t o take training under of efficiently i^rforming- t h e 7 V. Kelley, Ossining 92280 ,^the G I Bill of Rights to special duties of his position. leaves of absence. The extension of time for re- 8 A. ladarola, E l m s f o r d . . .91078 Under t h e old rules, leaves of instatement a f t e r resignation has 9 Wm. Hobby, Mt. Vernon.90508 absence, except for war work, a limitation not imposed in cases 10 H. Brinner, Briarcllff.. .90128 were limited to one year in dura- of leaves of absence. T h ^ n e w 11 S. Carroll, Mt. V e r n o n . . 85438 tion. Inasmuch as the GI Bill of rules provide t h a t the one year 12 A. McKechnie, Yonkers. 84082 Rights courses may be taken for period within which a person may 13 Chas. Keller, No. Pelham.76430 78110 as many as four years, many State be reinstated a f t e r resignation 14 T. Beary, Rye employees would have been com- may be extended by the State 15 E. CuUen, L a r c h m o n t . . . 75502 If you are a policyholder under If you will be off the payroll pelled to forego such courses if Civil Service Commission for addi- PHARMACIST, FIRST AID MAN, they wished to maintain their tional periods not to exceed one ERIE COUNTY, OPEN-COMP. the Group Plans of life and acci- for a n extended period, arrangecivil service status. Their appoint- year in the aggregate, where ill- 1 T. Cunningham, Buffalo.88000 dent and sickness insurance spon- ments can be made for payment of ing officers could not grant them ness or disability renders such 2 J. Dipasquale, Buffalo ..79000 sored by The Association of State your premiums on a quarterly, Civil Service Employees, and are semi-annual or annual basis upon leaves of absence beyond one person temporarily incapable of CHIEF, INS. EXAMINER, temporarily off the State payroll, receipt of your first payment by year. I n order for the leaves to efficiently performing the duties toe renewed, the former GI would of his former position at or prior MUTUAL FRATERNAL, INS., deductions cannot be made f r o m the Association. Remember, howPROM. your salary to keep your insurance ever, to make the necessary payhave to return for a pay roll to the termination of the original 93111 in force. Send t h e Association ments. within the 31-day grace period between leaves. This re- one year reinstatement period. 1 Wm. Gould, Bronx 2 Isaac Siegel, NYC 91097 period allowed. quirement has now been changed. Accordingly, the total period DEPUTY CHIEF CT. ATTEND- sufficient remittance to cover t h e Check or money order in pay\ Present Rule period you will be off the payroll between resignation and relnstateANT, KINGS CO. COURT, to avoid interruption in your in- ment of premimns for Group Life Now, a veteran, holding a posi- m q i t cannot exceed two years insurance should be made payable PROM. tion under the civil service loUes unoer ^his rule. surance protection. to the Association and sent to its 1 J o h n Lehrltter 88280 may, in the discretion of his Computing One Year Period I n computing the amount to headquarters. Room 156, State 2 Harry Feinberg 87668 appointing officer, be given sucAnother innovation incorporated 87568 send. If you are temporarily oft Capitol, Albany 1, N. Y. Remitcessive one year leaves of absence into the rules is the manner of 3 D. H. Hall t o take training courses under computing the one year period 4 Herbert J. Hlrshman ...89867 the payroll, just multiply t h e tances for accident and sickness 88468 semi-monthly deduction usually Insurance premiums should be f e d e r a l or State laws, without re- within which reinstatement must 5 G. S. Koenig 6 E. J. Fltzslmmons 88280 made fw>m your pay by the n u m - made payable to TerBush & l ^ a u i r i n g his return between leaves. ordinarily be h a d . 7 J o h n E. Dunn 87052 ber of semi-monthly periods you Powell, Inc., and sent to 423 State P P s u c h successive leaves may be The rules now provide t h a t in Sti-eet, Schenectady, N. Y. 86640 will be off the payroll. ifranted only for the period t h a t computing the one year period 8 George Meek 86507 t h e veteran is eligible for such within which a person may be 9 A. L. Stark 85391 courses and actually continues to reinstated a f t e r a resignation or 10. J. S. Moskowltz SR. MECHANICAL STORES attend them. leave of absence without pay, the CLERK, DIST. 4, PROM. Rule Eases Effects day the resignation takfes effect, Another important change in or the leave of absence without 1 W. J. Lang. Rochester ..89741 t h e State Commission's Rules pay commences, shall not be con- 2 A, Miller. Warsaw, N.Y.. 82820 takes account of tlie hardships sidered. This means t h a t if resig- 3 J. L. Wicks. C a n ' a l g u a . . .82061 which results when an employee nation takes place on July 1, re- SR. ELECTRIC ENGINEER, N.Y. who has resigned or h a s taken an instatement need not occur on or OFF., PUB. SERV, COMM., ordinary one year leave of absence before the succeeding June 30 in SpeciiU to The LEADER PROM. drawn up by the Association ot is unable to return within the order t h a t it take place "within 1. W. Adams, White plains 86680 ALBANY. March 26.—Seniority State Civil Service Employees, lequired one year because of ill- one year." Inasmuch as July 1, 2. L. Troeller, Rocky Ft. .86100 on appointments f r o m special lists provides t h a t application to bo ness or disability. Under the pre- the date the resignation took 3. A. Dmbkln, Brooklyn . . 83400 would be extended by the terms placed on a special list may be vious rule, an employee who effect need not be comldered, a TOWN WELFARE OFFICER, of a measure now on Governor made at any time during the lile failed to return to work within reinstatement the following July BUSTI, CHAUTAUQUA CO., Dewey's desk a f t e r passage by of the list, instead of the present one year could be reinstated only 1 is deemed to occur during the OPEN-COMP. both houses of t h e State Legisla- 90-day requirement; seniority to toy a waiver of the rule, which same year as the resignation, and 1. M. Bootey, Lakewood . . .81600 ture. Such lists are composed of be determined by the date the next necessitated the sp<>cial approval will, therefore, be considered 2. B, Mullard, Lakewood ..80700 veterans. person below a veteran on original ot the a o v e r n w . timely, T h e bill, which been list was appointed! 3. E. Winch, Lakewood ,..79400 ^Whof State Employees Should Know Albany Women | Endorse 2 Bills How To Protect When Oft The Insurance Payroll Seniority Bill Passes; Aids ^Special' Appointees Page Fo«r STATE NEWS CIVIL Promoticn Special to The LEADER Special to The LEADER 250 300 150 100 120 150 100 ALBANY, M a r c h 26—Operators of w a t e r works a n d sewage p l a n t s t h r o u g h o u t New York S t a t e will have a n o p p o r t u n i t y to l e a m of t h e latest developments in t h e i r respective fields a t two t r a i n i n g schools to be held in Albany. T h e school for w a t e r works o p e r a t o r s is iicheduled for April 8 10, a n d sewage p l a n t a t t e n d a n t s will h a v e classes April 11-13. E a c h school will hold its sessions in H e a r i n g Room No. 1 in t h e S t a t e Oflfice Building. T h e special 3 - d a y schools a r e sponsored by t h e Municipal T r a i n ing I n s t i t u t e of New York S t a t e . T h e y are a d m i n i s t e r e d by officers a n d m e m b e r s of t h e S t a t e C o n f e r e n c e of M a y o r s a n d a r e c o n d u c t e d in cooperation w i t h t h e S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t of H e a l t h . Municipal officials have been u r g e d to a u t h o r i z e t h e i r w a t e r a n d sewer s u p e r i n t e n d e n t s a n d operators to apply f o r enrollment in t h e schools a n d to a r r a n g e f o r p a y m e n t of all or t h e m a j o r p o r tion of their expenses of a t t e n d ance. " E n r o l l m e n t is i n no way l i m ited as to n u m b e r a n d all applic a n t s will be supplied with a schedule a n d detailed i n f o i m a t i o n , " according to !fctorgan S t r o n g , a s s i s t a n t director of Mimicipal Training Institute. M r . S t r o n g also advised all p e r sons who p l a n t o a t t e n d e i t h e r school to m a k e hotel reservations early because of t h e scarcity of s u c h facilities in Albany. 250 250 250 150 200 200 300 300 100 400 300 300 300 5250 plus 5200-6450 8000-10,000 6700-8200 6250-7750 8000-10,000 6250-7750 4000-5000 2400-3000 250 400 300 300 400 300 2100-2600 3100-3850 2400-3000 3500-4375 1800-2300 1800-2300 1800-2300 5500-6750 4500-5500 2400-3000 1800-2300 4000-5000 4000-5000 2200-2700 3120-3720 3225-3975 1500-2000 1400-1900 2600-3225 6700-8200 3120-3870 7000-8500 3500-4375 3120-3870 1800-2300 2760-3360 2000-2500 4000-5000 4000-5000 3120-3870 3900-4900 3120-3870 3000-3750 3120-3870 4000-5000 3225-3975 4000-5000 3120-3870 3120-3870 4000-5000 2100-2600 3400 plus 3120-3870 1800-2300 2400-3000 2760-3360 5000-6000 5000-6000 5200^450 2400-3000 3120-3870 3940-4690 4350-5350 2760-3360 3500-4375 2760-3360 4000-5000 5200-6450 6200-6450 5147 BROOME COUNTY Claims Clerk—Dept. Public W e l f a r e 7-18-42 5151 OTSEGO COUNTY Case Supervisor—Dept. Public W e l f a r e 7-18-42 1169 3035 3041 200 120 100 150 120 175 100 100 100 250 200 120 100 200 200 100 120 150 100 100 125 300 150 300 175 150 100 120 100 200 200 150 200 150 150 150 200 150 200 150 150 200 100 150 100 120 120 200 200 250 120 150 150 200 120 175 120 200 250 250 ONONDAGA C O U N T Y "" Chief E n g i n e e r — S a n a t o r i u m 10- 5-40 Senior Investigator—Dept. Public W e l f a r e 3- 1-41 Case Supervisor, G r a d e —Div, P u b l i c Assistance, Dept. of F a m i l y & Child Welfare. D e p t . Public W e l f a r e . 3 - 2 2 - 4 1 Senior Account Clerk—I>ept. Public Welfare 5-24-41 Senior Claim Clerk—Dept. Public W e l f a r e 5-24-41 Senior Supply Clerk—Dept. Public W e l f a r e 5-24-41 Senior Statistics C l e r k - D e p t . Public W e l f a r e 5-24-41 Chief R e c o r d e r — C o u n t y Clark's Office 6-21-41 A b s t r a c t Cashier—County Clerk's Office 6-21-41 S e r g e a n t — D e p t . of Police, Solvay 10-18-41 S u p v r . of P r o p e r t y Holdings—Dept. Public W e l f a r e . . 10-18-41 Case Supervisor, G r a d e A—^Dept. Public W e l f a r e 3-28-42 Clerk a n d I t a l i a n I n t e r p r e t e r — D e p t . Public W e l f a r e . 5-23-42 Sergeant—^Dept. of Police, Solvay 5-23-42 Case Supervisor, G r a d e B—Dept. of Veteran's A s s t . . . 7-18-42 S. Soc. W o r k e r — D e p t . Public W e l f a r e , Children's Div. 1-23-43 Case Superv., Gr. B—^Dept. P u b . Welt are, Chid's D i v . . . 1-23-43 H o m e Finder—^Dept. Public W e l f a r e 2-27-43 H e a d Wing K e e p e r — O n o n d a g a C o u n t y P e n i t e n t i a r y . . 5-29-43 Head Jail Keeper—Onondaga County Petitentiary 5-29-43 H e a d Q u a r r y K e e p e r — O n o n d a g a County P e n i t e n t i a r y 5-29-43 K e e p e r M e c h a n i c — O n o n d a g a C o u n t y P e n i t e n t i a r y . . . 5-29-43 H e a d K i t c h e n K e e p e r — O n o n d a g a Cty. P e n i t e n t i a r y . . 5-29-43 Senior Clerk—County Clerk's Office 9-18-43 NIAGARA COUNTY Sr. Case Worker (Pub. Assist.)—Dept. Public W e l f a r e . H e a d Index Clerk—County Clerk's Office Bookkeeper-Typist—Moxmty W e l f a r e Dept C a s h i e r County Clerk's Office Accountant—Social W e l f a r e Dept Case Worker (Pub. Assistance)—Dept. Pub. W e l f a r e . ADDED TIME OFF ON CANALS Special to r h e LEADER 6700-8200 6700-8200 5250 plus Workers Here Is t h e seventh i n s t a l m e n t of t h e listing of S t a t e p r o m o t i o n e x a m i n a t i o n s given d u r i n g t h e year. S t a t e employee v e t e r a n s w h o missed these tests because of military d u t y , b u t were otherwise eligible, m a y file for special military e x a m i n a t i o n s . Previous listings of these tests a p p e a r e d in t h e J a n . 8, 22 a n d 29 a n d Feb. 5, 12 a n d 26 issues. A n o t h e r i n s t a l m e n t will be p u b l i s h e d next week. T h e s e e x a m i n a t i o n s a r e open only to veterans who were a b s e n t on m i l i t a r y leave w h e n t h e tests were originally held, a n d only t o those veterans who were S t a t e employees. ESSEX COUNTY No. Title Division or Bureau Held , Exam. Date 5145 Account Clerk—Dept. Public W e l f a r e 7-18-4a 5181 Senior Investigator—Dept. Public W e l f a r e . . . 9-19-42 7176 Resource Assistant—Dept. Public W e l f a r e 9-18-43 3085 3084 3088 3093 3109 3110 3177 3219 5072 5085 5100 5187 5263 5264 7008 7096 7097 Coxsackie Yets Back 7098 7099 T h e following m e n h a v e r e - 7100 t u r n e d to Coxsackie I n s t i t u t e f r o m 7146 m i l i t a r y service: Harry Fritz, J o h n M. V a n Deusen, George Roddy, George Dollerd, L e l a n d J . 3213 Casscles, P r a n k Gavin, C h a r l e s E. 5004 Flood, R i c h a r d P r e n d e r g a s t , F r a n - 5005 cis P . Foley, E d w a r d Fiegel, B e r - 5077 n a r d Gallagher, L. Stanley Dibble, 5131 H a r r y Case a n d J a m e s J . Walsh. 7043 300 ExamS' Open To Vef Sfafe PiOTt%eratws ALBANY, M a r c h 26—The c h a n g e s a n d a d d i t i o n s m a d e since M a r c h 31, 1945, or in n e a r l y a year, in t h e E i g h t h R e p o r t of t h e T e m p o r a r y S a l a r y S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n B o a r d were r e c a p i t u l a t e d today by t h e P e r m a n e n t Board. These c h a n g e s will bring t h e r e p o r t u p to date. T h e list follows: IncreService Salary ment Title & Grade $6700-8200 $300 Administrative Director of Commerce 11-6 Administrative Secretary to t h e Commission 4500-5500 200 Against Discrimination f r o m 11-4 to . . l l - 4 a 4000 plus Administrative Super, of Title Abstracts . . 3-6 200 4000-5000 A d m i n i s t r a t o r of Apprentice T r a i n i n g 5-6 150 3120-3870 Agronomist 7-3 150 3120-3870 Apprentice T r a i n i n g Field Representative . . 5-4 120 2400-3000 Aquatic Biologist 7-2 250 5200-6450 Architectural R e n d e r e r 7-5 300 7000-8500 Arterial Highway Delineator 7-6a 200 4400-5400 Asst. A d m i n i s t r a t o r of Compensation Claims 8-6 150 3120-3670 Asst. Architectural Specifications W r i t e r . . 7-3 100 1500-1900 Assistant Colony Supervisor l-3a 300 5500-7700 Asst. Director of Compensation Claims 6-7 300 6200-7700 Asst. Director of Criminal Hosp. f r o m 7-5 to 7-5b 175 l l 3 a 3500-4375 Asst. Director of Crim. I d e n t i f r o m 5-4 t o . 250 5200-6450 Asst. Director of Corr. Reception Center . . 11-5 200 4500-5500 Asst. Director of M e n t a l Hyg. Personnel . . l l - 4 a 200 4500-5500 Asst. Director of Milk Control f r o m 4-6 , . l l - 4 a 5200-6450 6200-7700 3940-4690 1500-2000 2400-3000 3120-3870 1200-1700 5100 plus 5200-6450 5100 plus 5200-6450 5200-6450 3000-3750 4000-5000 4200-5200 6250-7750 5500-7000 1700-2100 8000-10,000 6700-8200 7300 plus 6700-8200 Tuesday, March 26, 1946 LEADER Courses to Train List Of Year's Changes A n d Additions M a d e In Salary Standardization Asst. Director of Public Relations, E d u c a t i o n 8b-6 and Research 7-5b Asst. Director of Tuberculosis Hospital . . . 9b-5 Asst. I n d u s . S u p e r i n t e n d e n t f r o m 9b-4 to . . 5-lb Asst. Interviewer f r o m 5 - l a Asst. Principal, School of Nursing 7-2 Asst. Soils Engineer 7-3 Assistant to t h e Blind 5-la Associate Business C o n s u l t a n t 2-7 Associate Claims Engineer 7-5 Associate Industrial Consultant 2-7 Associate Research Engineer 7-5 Associate Soils Engineei7-5 Business C o n s u l t a n t 2-5 Chief I n d u s t r i a l Investigator 5-6 Chief I n d u s t r i a l S a f e t y Inspector 9a-6 Chief Securities Accoimtant lOb-6 Chief S e l f - I n s u r a n c e E x a m i n e r 6-7 Colony Supervisor l-3b Director, B u r e a u of P l a n n i n g 7-6c Director of Civil Service E x a m i n a t i o n s 7-6 Director of Compensation Claims 6-8 Director of Corr. Reception Center 11-6 Director of I n d u s t r i a l Relations, W o m e n in I n d u s t r y a n d M i n i m u m Wage 11-6 Director of I n d u s . S a f e t y Service 7-6 Director of Labor Elec. Realloc. f r o m 5-5 to 5-7 Director of M e n t a l Hygiene Psychiatric 5-7 Social Work f r o m 5-6 to 11-5 Director of Personnel a n d Office Admin. 7-6c Director of Reconstruction H o m e Director of Salary S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n 7-6 Director of* Special Investigations lOc-6 Director of Tuberculosis Hospital 7-6c Director of U n e m p l o y m e n t I n s u r . Accounts 10b-6 Director, R e h a b i l i t a t i o n of t h e Blind 5-6 Drill Supervisor 9b-3b Elevator M a i n t e n a n c e Styiervisor 9b-3a Exec. Secy, to Medical Practice C o m m i t t e e 11-3 Field. Invest, of Narcotic Con. f r o m 2-4 to 7-2 Field Rep. (Comm. Against Discrimination) 5-5 Greneral M e c h a n i c f r o m 9b-2a to 9b-2b H e a l t h Invest. (Grp. of Classes) f r o m 2-4 t o 5-2a I n d u s t r i a l Investigator 5-2a I n d u s t r i a l R e s e a r c h Ck>nsultant 7-5a I n d u s t r i a l S u p e r i n t e n d e n t f r o m 9b-5 to . . 9b-6 J u n i o r Building S t r u c t u r a l Engineer 7-2 J u n i o r Utility R a t e s Analyst 10b-1 M a r i n e Academy Business Officer 11-4 M e n t a l Hygiene Publications Editor 8b-5 Motor Carrier Investigator 8d-2b Motor Equip. Main. Super, f r o m 9b-3b to . . 9b-4 News P h o t o g r a p h e r f r o m 8b-3 to 8b-4 Park Ranger 4-2 Personnel Aide 2-2a P o u l t r y M a r k e t i n g l^>ecialist 4-4 Principal S a l a r y R e s e a r c h C o n s u l t a n t . . . . 7-6 Principal, School of Nursing 7-3 P r i n . TTioracic "Surgeon f r o m 7-6 to 7-6a Recording Secretary f r o m 11-3 11-3a Regents T r a n s l a t o r fnwm 7-2 t o 7-3 R e h a b i l i t a t i o n Counsellor 5-2a Salary S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n B o a r d Asst 7-2a Secretarial S t e n o g r a p h e r I 3-3 Senior Engineering e u l o g i s t 7-4 Sr. Field Rep. (Comm. Against Discrim.) . . 5-6 Senior Fish Pathologist : 7-3 Senior Foreign T r a d e C o n s u l t a n t 2-6 Senior G a m e Pathologist 7-3 Senior Municipal Research Assistant 2-5 Senior Research Assistant 7-3 Senior Soils Engineer 7-4 Senior S t a t e Publicity Agent 8b-4 Senior S t a t e Publicity Editor 8b-5 Senior Supervising R e h a b i l i t a t i o n Counselor 5-4 Senior Supervisor of W e l f a r e I n s t i t u t i o n s , . 5-4 Senior Tuberculosis Physician 7-4 S t a t e Publicity Aide 8b-2 S u p e r i n t e n d , of Exec. Mansion f r o m 1-6 to 1-7 Supervising I n d u s t r i a l Investigator 5-4 Supervising P a r k R a n g e r 4-2b Supei*vising Physical T h e r a p y T e c h n i c i a n . 2-4 Supervising R e h a b i l i t a t i o n Counsellor . . . . 5-3b Supervising R e h a b i l i t a t i o n Physician 7-4b Supervising Tuberculosis R o e n t g e n o l o g i s t . . 7-4b Supervisor, B u r e a u of I n d . I n v e s t i g a t i o n . . . 11-6 Supervisor of H o m e a n d I n d u s t r i a l T r a i n i n g 5-3a Supervisor of Payroll Analysis lOb-3 Supervisor of P r i s o n I n d . f r o m 9b-4 t o . . . . 9b-5 Supervisor of Public W o r k s P u r c h a s e . . . . 8c-5 T>^>eTx:uk>sis Physician 7-2a Veterans' Assistance Offtcer 5-5 Vocational Servioe Analyst 5-3b Welfare Training Consultant 5-6 W o r k m e n ' s Compensation C o n s u l t a n t 11-5 Y o u t h Commission E d u c a t i o n Director 7-5 SERVICE ALBANY, M a r c h 26 — in a recent c o n t a c t with officials of t h e D e p a r t m e n t of Public W o r k s , t h e S t a t e Association h a s received a s s u r a n c e t h a t t h e Labor Law covers overtime p a y or leave i n lieu of p a y on canals. T h e 1945 a m e n d m e n t s to t h e law provide in Subdivision 3 ( a m e n d e d by C h a p t e r 765 of t h e L a w s of 1945) t h a t a n y " C a n a l employee" whose weekly h o u r s a r e limited t o 48, a n d who is n o t allowed t i m e off f o r holidays or p a s s days to which h e was eligible, shall w i t h t h e a p proval of t h e S u p e r i n t e n d e n t of Public W o r k s a n d t h e Director of t h e Budget, b e entitled to overtime compensation therefor. T h e f u r t h e r provision is m a d e , however, t h a t i n lieu of overtime compensation, w i t h t h e a p p r o v a l of the S u p e r i n t e n d e n t of Public Works, t h e employee m a y be allowed a d d i t i o n a l time off. Overtime compensation was p a i d u n d e r Subdivision 3 f o r t h e M OF PAY holidays worked d u r i n g t h e fiscal year 1944-45. D e p a r t m e n t Policy As a m a t t e r of d e p a r t m e n t a l policy it h a s been decided, in lieu of overtime compensation, to g r a n t additional t i m e off for holidays or pass days worked d u r i n g t h e fiscal year 1945-46. T h e District E n g i n e e r s have been requested so to a r r a n g e t h e i r work schedules d u r i n g t h e closed season as t o allow c o m p e n s a t i n g time off t o any employee, w h o d u r i n g t h e navigation season worked on holidays or p a s s d a y s o n which h e was entitled t o t i m e off, a n d w h i c h h a s n o t been given. O v e r t i m e compensation will b e considered only in those r a r e i n stances, w h e n u n d e r emergency conditions, it is n o t possible t o g r a n t t h e employee t i m e off. However, in s u c h cases, a t t e n tion h a s been directed to t h e f a c t t h a t t h e overtime m a y be t a k e n u p to w i t h i n five m o n t h s a f t e r t h e closei^of t h e fiscal y e a r . I t Is LOW-COST t h e r e f o r e a p p a r e n t t h a t only i n isolated cases will additional c o m p e n s a t i o n be considered for lost holidays or pass days. Mminery itATS IMBflRl&D f v m . tuaUty oeauty. $1.50 to $6.U0 Over l.OUO bata M select trom. T H S Mi-LL1N£BT MARX. Cor. Broadway and Maiden Lao* (Opposite Poet Office). Albany. IM Main St.. aioversvllle. M. T Hair Hmmoved PERMANENTLY B\ BLECTKULISIS. Quarantced DO re-growth. No after-markaw^ Mode-rate fee. Consultation free. Brneat H. Swanson (Kree Graduate), Electrologiat L23 State St. Open ev«8. ALbany 3- i 9 8 8 . Hairdresser KMIUK'S BKAUTV Salon oilers a special 2 0 % oO on all permanents. Also $ 2 0 . Cold wave for $16. All types of beauty treatments expertly done. Open Wednea* day and Friday eveninca by appointmeot. 266 Central Avenue. A L b ^ 4-9994. . We^uiMol Radio Repairs ALL. MAKES—^home and auto—repaired. 90 days guarantee on all parts. Service^ We also repair all makes small electrical appliances. Colonial Radio Service, 3 1 S CJentral Ave. ALbany 5-0512. John WhiU ley (Prop.). Yarn TO CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES I I "I I I I I I C o m b i n e all t h o s e D e b t s i n t o O N E L o a n , p a y a b l e O N C E a m o n t h at O N E P h i c e — o n t e r m s to suit y o u r i n c o m e . Loaiia from $60 to $3,S00 can be arranged bjr M a i l or Phone at Low Bank R a t e s . * Quick and Confidential 12-20-41 2-14-42 3-28-42 5-23-42 7-18-42 4-17-43 Service I I I I I I I I \ I I I NEISNER'S PERMANENTS LASTI You get real value—laHting hair beauty. UKGIII.AK ¥10 I.ANO CKKMK l>KKMA. NENT Hair cut, styled wave, M Q | ? oiaohine or niachineleaa; coiu- Q ' f S plc'te only ~ Open Wed., Tliurs. and F r . evenings. I I I I I I Shop BKTTKR MAKE OF YARNS and linishina^ of handbags. KNITTING NOOK (Chris-*^ tine Hahn). 48 North Pearl St.. 1 flight up. ALbany 5-3611. 1 5 3 CENTRAL AVE. Phone 5-0360 I I BRONX COUNTY TRUST COMPANY NINE CONVENIENT MAIN OFFlCEi OFFICES THIRD AVENUE A T 148th S I V E E T FOHDHAM llOA* THIRD AVB. B.TIICaiOMTAVK. K.TKCMOMT AVB. at Jsroms Avenue at 137Ui 8trM( at Boston Road at Bruckner Blvd. THIROAVC. OaOCNAVC. WHITCM.AINS AV. NUOH OnANTCmOLK at ParkchesUc at Boston a o a d at University AT*. at S33rd Strest Ortani»»d ISMM MBMBER FKDERAL DEPOSrr INBURANCB CORPORATION I I I \ I I I I I I t i k I k 1i 1\ 1 i Ue^JieOi' For Smart Sprlag Far Scarf* STONE MARTEN MINK, RANCH oad WILD RICH KOLINSKY Buy Now for Htiriiig Wear ConvMiieat Budget Terms. For the i>erfect flnisliing touch . . . this Spring add a fur »'arf to your auits. . . . Menchel's prices aie tuned to modest budgets. EXCLUSIVE »6 HTKt'UKN FURRIER ST., AIJtANY. N. Tuesday, March 26, 1946 Full Requirements For State Exams CIVIL SERVICE LEADER STATE JOB NEWS Page Five r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s as to proper BIGGEST IN 7 YEARS salary allocations on the basis of This series of 39 State and available i n f o r m a t i o n . 9 Federal examinations is Minimum Qnaliflcaiion: Candidates must meet the following re- the largest group of openq u l r e m e n t s : Graduation from a competitive testa offered to f o u r - y e a r course in a recognized fYie niiblic in sevpn vpar«« Tt college preferably with specializa-; ^ ^ in seven years, i t f r o m a 4-year course for which (Continued from Page 1) tion in personnel or public a d - I represents the begmning of Bonnel T e c h n i c i a n (Accounting), a bachelor's degi-ee in n u r s i n g , m i n i s t r a t i o n , law, e n ^ n e e r i n g , o r ; post-war recruitment by Associate P e r s o n n e l T e c h n i c i a n a r t s , or science is g r a n t e d , includbusiness a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , a n d six > government agencies for (Professional E x a m i n a t i o n s ) , As- ing or supplemented by the courses years of responsible experience in i ; f p f j m o i n h c sociate Personnel T e c h n i c i a n prescribed for a n approved p r o personnel or related work which | (Salary R e s e a r c h ) , Boiler Inspec- g r a m of i n s t r u c t i o n in public h a s included a s u b s t a n t i a l a m o u n t tor, Chief ( B u r e a u of Curriculum h e a l t h nursing f o r t h e responsiof experience In t h e analysis a n d Application fee $5. At present Development), E s t a t e T a x E x a m - bilities of supervision, a n d t h r e e evaluation of a variety of o c c u p a - , vacancy exists, iner, H e a d Account Clerk, H e a l t h years of s a t i s f a c t o r y public h e a l t h tional jobs for t h e gurpose of al- ' M i n i m u m Qualifications: C a n Investigator (Venereal Disease), n u r s i n g experience, two years of locating t h e m to salary levels a n d didates m u s t meet t h e requirey Head Account Clerk, J u n i o r Archi- which must h a v e been under a d e of which two years m u s t h a v e , m e n t s of one of t h e following t e c t u r a l D r a f t s m a n , J u n i o r P h a r - q u a t e nursing supervision; or (b) been in a supervisory capacity; or : groups: macist, J u n i o r T a x E x a m i n e r , a n y combination of education a n d a n y equivalent combination of t h e ' Either (a) eight years of satisOffice M a c h i n e O p e r a t o r (Calcul- public h e a l t h n u r s i n g experience above requirements. ' f a c t o r y experience as a s u p e r i n a t i n g K e y - S e t ) , Parole Officer), which in t h e opinion of t h e p u b 4035. Associate Personnel TechPersonnel T e c h n i c i a n (Engineer- lic h e a l t h council is t h e equivaC a n d i d a t e s m u s t have a good • t e n d e n t of schools, a h i g h school nician (AcMsountins), E x a m i n a - knowledge of t h e principles of o r - ' principal or a curriculum speciali n g ) , P r i n c i p a l P r i n t i n g Clerk, lent of t h e above qualification. tions Division, D e p a r t m e n t of School Transportation Superganization a n d m a n a g e m e n t a n d i ist responsible for t h e developC a n d i d a t e s m u s t have a t h o r visor, Senior Housing Control o u g h knowledge of approved p u b - Civil Service. Usual s a l a r y r a n g e of t h e work c o n t e n t a n d require- i m e n t of t h e secondary school c u r $4,000 to $5,000, plus a n e m e r ^ Architect, Senior I n s p e c t o r of lic h e a l t h n u r s i n g practices a n d m e n t s for a wide variety of posi- riculum in all of its aspects, of compensation of 14 per tions P e n a l I n s t i t u t i o n s , Senior Lib- principles, also p r e - n a t a l in various occupational which two years m u s t have been a n d gency cent. Application f e e $3. At rarian (Traveling Libraries), child care; ability to supervise g r o u p s : ability to m a i n t a i n coop- in a responsible supervisory or a d present, one vacancy exists. Senior Medical Biochemist, Senior a n d i n s t r u c t groups of n u r s e s ; erative relationshiiJs with d e p a r t - miinistrative capacity, a n d g r a d u a Minimum Qualification: C a n - m e n t a l officials; ability to m a i n - tion f r o m a recognized college or Personnel T e c h n i c i a n (Civil E n - ability to organize public h e a l t h didates m u s t meet t h e following gineering), Senior P e r s o n n e l p r o g r a m s ; t o m a k e inspections tain harmonious relationships university f r o m a f o u r - y e a r course T e c h n i c i a n (Mechanical E n g i n - a n d r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s f o r i m - r e q u i r e m e n t s : Six years of high w i t h supervisors a n d employees; f o r which a bachelor's degree is eering), Senior P e r s o n n e l T e c h - p r o v e m e n t s i n existing conditions grade accoiuiting or a u d i t i n g ex- ability to p r e s e n t ideas effectively, g r a n t e d , a n d not less t h a n two nician (Police), Senior S t a t e f o u n d in homes, nurseries, etc.; perience t h a t h a s involved a e i t h e r orally or in w r i t t e n f o r m ; years of g r a d u a t e work leading ^ Publicity Agent, Senior Supervisor ability to m a k e concise, intelli- t h o r o u g h knowledge a n d applica- ability to p l a n a n d direct t h e a c - t o w a r d a directorate in p r o f e s of School Medical Service (Eye g e n t a n d comprehensive r e p o r t s ; tion of a c c o u n t i n g principles t o tivities of a technical staff eflect- sional fields related to secondary financial ively. e d u c a t i o n ; or (b) six years of a n d E a r ) , Senior Supervisor of knowledge of Social Security A c t ; multiple problems of s a t i s f a c t o r y experience as deSchool Medical Service ( G e n e r a l ) , ability to p r e p a r e concise a n d i n - control, p r e f e r a b l y including some Subjects of Examination S t a t e Publicity Agent, a n d T a x f o r m a t i v e speeches a n d lectures experience i n t h e o p e r a t i o n of W r i t t e n e x a m i n a t i o n on t h e scribed u n d e r (a), including two Examiner. t o b e delivered b e f o r e professional i m p o r t a n t g o v e r n m e n t fiscal b u d - knowledges a n d abilities involved years in a responsible supervisory a n d lay groups; a d m i n i s t r a t i v e getary a n d accounting p r o g r a m s , i n t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o i t h e duties or a d m i n i s t r a t i v e capacity, a n d OPEN C O M P E T I T I V E ability; resourcefulness; good a n d g r a d u a t i o n f r o m a 4-year of t h e position—relative weight 3. g r a d u a t i o n w i t h a doctor's degree course f o r which a b a c h e l o r ' s d e S t a t e W r i t t e n E x a m i n a t i o n s of j u d g m e n t ; good address. T r a i n i n g a n d experience (An in school a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , school gree Is g r a n t e d in accounting, fiApril 27, 1946 Subjects of Examination evaluation of t h e c a n d i d a t e ' s p a s t organization, or secondary school nance, or business a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . ^ W h e n writing for detailed cirW r i t t e n e x a m i n a t i o n on t h e A C.P.A. (New York) degree is education a n d work experience in curriculum f r o m a university of cular a n d application f o r m , speci- knowledge a n d abilities involved r e l a t i o n to t h e m i n i m u m qualifi- recognized s t a n d i n g ; or (1) a s a t f y n u m b e r a n d title of position, in t h e p e r f o r m a n c e of t h e duties desirable a n d will be given a d d i - cations for the position)—relative isfactory equivalent combination of t h e foregoing experience, e d u a n d enclose a 3y8"x9" or larger of t h e position—relative weight 5. tional credit. Experience i n t h e weight 7. p r e p a r a t i o n a n d r a t i n g of e x a m i self-addressed envelope bearing T r a i n i n g a n d experience (An inations in accounting a n d r e 4038. Boiler Inspector, B u r e a u cation, a n d p o s t g r a d u a t e t r a i n i n g . 6 cents postage. Do n o t enclose evaluation of t h e candidate's p a s t C a n d i d a t e s m u s t nave a wide of Boiler Inspection, D e p a r t m e n t e x a m i n a t i o n fee w i t h t h i s request. education a n d work experience i n lated fields Is also desired, a n d of Labor. Salary varies. At knowledge of t h e S t a t e p r o g r a m Address request t o E x a m i n a t i o n s relation to t h e m i n i m u m qualifica- experience a s a t e a c h e r of a d - p r e s e n t , one a p p o i n t m e n t expected of secondary education a n d t h e Division, S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t of tions for t h e position)—relative vanced a c c o u n t i n g in a recognized at $1,680 per year, plus a n e m e r - S t a t e E d u c a t i o n Law as it applies business school or college m a y be ^ Civil Service, Albany, N. Y. weight 5. They substituted on a year f o r year gency compensation of 26 per to secondai'y education. Applications m a y also be obbasis f o r n o t to exceed t h r e e years. cent. Application fee $1. P r e f e r r e d m u s t h a v e a d m i n i s t r a t i v e ability 4032. Assistant Food Chemist, t a i n e d a t R o o m 550, S t a t e Office a n d t h e ability to secure t h e coage u n d e r 40 years. C a n d i d a t e s should h a v e some Building, 80 Centre S t r e e t , New Division of Food Laboratory, D e W a i s t m e a s u r e m u s t not be over o p e r a t i o n of officers a n d staff of p a r t m e n t of Agriculture a n d knowledge of the t e c h n i c a l p r i n York 13, JSr. Y. 36 inches a n d m e a s u r e m e n t m u s t public schools; leadership, f o r c e Applications f o r t h e written Markets. Usual s a l a r y r a n g e $2,400 ciples a n d practices of m o d e r n be written at top of application fulness; good j u d g m e n t ; good a d to $3,000, plus a n emergency public personiiel a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , e x a m i n a t i o n s listed below will be dress. blank. received up to April 6, 1946. Most compensation of 22 per cent. especially w i t h t h e p r e p a r a t i o n 4040. E s t a t e T a x Examiner, M i n i m u m Qualifications: C a n Application fee $2. At present, a n d r a t i n g of e x a m i n a t i o n s ; of of these e x a m i n a t i o n s will be held d i d a t e s must meet t h e r e q u i r e - D e p a r t m e n t of T a x a t i o n a n d F i n one vacancy exists. the New York S t a t e Civil Service lll^ on April 27, 1946. Some m a y be m e n t s of one of t h e following ance. Usual salary r a n g e $2,400 M i n i m u m Qualifications: C a n - Law, Rules a n d Regulations; a n d g r o u p s : held earlier or l a t e r a s circumto $3,000, plus a n emergency d i d a t e s m u s t m e e t the requireof g o v e r n m e n t a l accoimting genstances require. I n case of a n y E i t h e r (a) five years of satis- compensation of 22 per c e n t . m e n t s of one of t h e following erally. d e p a r t u r e f r o m t h e scheduled f a c t o r y practical experience in t h e Application fee $2. At p r e s e n t , date, c a n d i d a t e s will be given g r o u p s : m a n u f a c t u r e or installation of one v a c a n c y exists in Brooklyn 4036. Associate Personnel TechE i t h e r (a) two years of satisa d e q u a t e notice. None of these (Professional Examina- h i g h pressure s t e a m boilers; or (b) District Office. C a n d i d a t e s m a y e x a m i n a t i o n s , however, will be f a c t o r y professional experience in nician tions) , E x a m i n a t i o n s Division, t h r e e yeai's of practical experience compete also in No. 4045 J u n i o r t h e chemical a n a y s i s of food p r o d helcT before April 6, 1946. D e p a r t m e n t of Civil Service. Usual as a boiler inspector holding a T a x E x a m i n e r a n d in No. 4062 u c t s a n d related substances, a n d Completed applications, together salary r a n g e $4,000 to $5,000, plus certificate of competency; or (c) T a x E x a m i n e r . A s e p a r a t e appliwith t h e required fees, should be g r a d u a t i o n f r o m a recognized col- a n emergency compensation of 14 five years of practical experience cation a n d fee m u s t be filed f o r lege or university f r o m a 4-year filed or p o s t m a r k e d on or before per cent. Application fee $3. At as operating engineer of a h i g h each. April 6, 1946 for w r i t t e n e x a m - course for which a bachelor's de- present, one vacancy exists. pressure s t a t i o n a r y or m a r i n e 4041. Head Account Clerk, State gree is g r a n t e d with a m a j o r in lnations. Albany. Minimum Qualifications: C a n - s t e a m boiler p l a n t of more t h a n College for T e a c h e r s . chemistry, including courses in 100 horsepower capacity; or (d) Usual salary r a n g e $3,120 to A salary r a n g e is given for each analytical, organic or physiologi- didates m u s t have g r a d u a t e d f r o m a s a t i s f a c t o r y equivalent c o m b i n a - $3,870, plus a n emergency comof t h e e x a m i n a t i o n s listed below. cal a n d d a i r y c h e m i s t r y ; or (b) recognized college or imiversity tion of t h e foregoing experience pensation of 18 per cent. AppliA p p o i n t m e n t is expected at t h e a s a t i s f a c t o r y equivalent combi- f r o m a 4 - y e a r course for which a n d education. cation fee $3. m i n i m u m plus emergency com- n a t i o n of t h e foregoing t r a i n i n g a bachelor's degree is g r a n t e d , D u t i e s : U n d e r general direction, Technical education will receive a n d in addition t h e y m u s t meet a n d experience. pensation. to be responsible f o r t h e business C a n d i d a t e s m u s t have a t h o r - the r e q u i r e m e n t s of one of t h e credit in proportion to its value i n m a n a g e m e n t a n d a c c o u n t keeping 4031. Assistant District F-uperlieu of experience, graduation vising Public H e a l t h Nurse, De- ough knowledge of the a n a l y t i c a l following groups: E i t h e r (a) six years of respon- f r o m a f o u r - y e a r mechanical e n - activities of a college; a n d to do V p a r t m e n t of H e a l t h . Usual salary m e t h o d s a n d techniques of food gineering course for which a d e - related work as required. E x a m r a n g e $2,400 to $3,000, plus a n chemistry, especially dairy c h e m - sible experience in one or more gree is g r a n t e d being credited as ples (Illustrative o n l y ) : Collecting e m e i g e n c y c o m p e n s a t i o n of 22 istry, and of t h e p u r e food laws. of t h e professional fields of work four years of t h e required ex- all fees; receiving, paying a n d a c per cent. Application fee $2. At T h e y must have ability to conduct listed in t h e s t a t e m e n t of duties perience. counting for s t u d e n t loan f u n d s ; present, several vacancies exist in research in food chemistry a n d above, of which (1) two years C a n d i d a t e s m u s t h a v e a knowl- posting all c a s h in b a n k a c c o u n t s ; to develop a n d evaluate new m e t h - have included experience in a t various districts. edge of t h e S t a t e Boiler Code; be drawing a n d signing checks f c * Duties: Under general supervi- ods of analysis; accuracy, r e - least two of the fields indicated f a m i l i a r with t h e various types of p a y m e n t of s u n d r y accounts; p r e sion, to assist in p l a n n i n g a n d sourcefulness; scientific integrity either in t h e evaluation of cre- boilers a n d boiler room equip- p a r i n g pi'oposals a n d specifications dentials of applicants for positions coordinating public h e a l t h n u r s - a n d good j u d g m e n t . or of a p p l i c a n t s f o r a d m i t t a n c e m e n t ; possess ability to r e a d blue- for t h e p u r c h a s e of all equipment, ^ ing activities in a n assigned S t a t e 4033. A s s i s t a n t Laboratory to professional schools or t o pro- p r i n t s and to m a k e drawings a n d supplies, materials, a n d c o n s t r u c h e a l t h district; a n d to do related Worker, Division of Laboratories fessional examinations, or i n t h e sketches of boilers a n d r e l a t e d tion work; directing a n d s u p e r work as required. Examples (il- a n d Research, D e p a r t m e n t of e q u i p m e n t : be able t o meet a n d vising m a t t e r s incident to t h e oplustrative only). Acting as n u r s - H e a l t h . Usual s a l a r y r a n g e $1,200 testing of such applicants, a n d work with industrial m a n a g e m e n t ; e r a t i o n a n d m a i n t e n a n c e of t h e ing c o n s u l t a n t to district h e a l t h to $1,700, plus a n emergenvy c o m - (2) two years m u s t h a v e been in secure cooperation a n d avoid a n - college buildings; p r e p a r i n g In deofficer, local h e a l t h officers, n u r s - pensation of 30 per cent. Appli- a supervisory or a d m i n i s t r a t i v e t a g o n i s m ; possess t a c t , t h o r o u g h - t a i l t h e budget a n d o t h e r s t a t i s capacity; or (b) a s a t i s f a c t o r y ing committee, officials, a n d so- cation fee $1. equivalent c o m b i n a t i o n of t h e ness, good observation; good j u d g - tical a n d financial r e p o r t s ; h a n d cial, medical a n d lay groups; r e M i n i m u m Qualifications: C a n m e n t , and good physical condi- ling all correspondence relative viewing a n d analyzing n u r s e s ' r e - didates m u s t m e e t the require- foregoing experience a n d addi- tion. to t h e finance a n d business of t h e ^ p o r t s a n d assisting t h e District m e n t s of one of t h e following tional t r a i n i n g . 4039. Chief, B u r e a u of C u r r i c u - college; directing a n d supervising C a n d i d a t e s m u s t be f a m i l i a r Supervisory Public H e a l t h Nurse groups: stenographic, clerical, a n d m a i n with t h e s t a n d a r d s required f o r l u m Development, Division of t e n a n c e assistants. in setting u p work schedules a n d E i t h e r (a) two years of satisn u r s i n g p r o g r a m s for t h e district. f a c t o r y p r a c t i c a l experience in e n t r a n c e t o various professions Secondary Education, E d u c a t i o n Minimum Qualifications: C a n M i n i m u m Qualifications: C a n - r o u t i n e l a b o r a t o r y work in c o n - a n d m u s t be able to establish a n d D e p a r t m e n t . Usual salary r a n g e cooperative r e l a t i o n - $5,200 to $6,450, plus a n emergency didates m u s t m e e t t h e required a t e s m u s t be g r a d u a t e s of a n e c t i o n with t h e production of m a i n t a i n (Continued on Page 8) school of professional n u r s i n g a p - media, a n d / o r sera a n d / o r t h e i n - ships w i t h professional groups compensation of 14 per cent. [>roved by t h e New York S t a t e jection a n d bleeding of l a b o r a t o r y a n d with d e p a r t m e n t h e a d s ; t h e y aoard of examiners of nurses, a n d animals, in a public h e a l t h l a b - should h a v e a knowledge of t h e m u s t be licensed or eligible for oratory or in a commercial l a b - principles a n d practices of m o d V e x a m i n a t i o n for license to p r a c - o r a t o r y engaged in t h e wholesale ern public personnel a d m i n i s t r a HICKORY GALLEY tice as registered professional m a n u f a c t u r e of biologicals, i n - tion a n d of t h e techniques of testing. College t r a n s c r i p t is r e Little Kunkletown, Stroudsburg, Pa. * i m M l - i T A nurses in New York S t a t e . Suc- cluding some supervision over . cessful c a n d i d a t e s who have not s u b o r d i n a t e employees, a n d g r a d - quired. SMOKED TURKEY obtained t h e i r licenses a t the time u a t i o n f r o m a s t a n d a r d senior 4037. Associate Personnel Techt h e eligible list is established will h i g h school with courses in sci- nician (Salary Research), D e p a r t (Uader Govsronent Inspecfion) not have their n a m e s certified for ence; or (b) a s a t i s f a c t o r y equiva- m e n t of Civil Service. Usual Fruui I.Utle Kuiikletuwn—ae«p in th« hrart of the Pviiiittylvunla-Duti-h uuuiitry a p p o i n t m e n t until t h e y have r e - lent combination of the foregoing s a l a i y r a n g e $4,000 to $5,000, plus —eomc these plunip. beauMfuI, Koliien-brown Hiiiok(<d turkeys cured tinU Hiiioke«I to perfection over selected hickory emberH. • l ^ c e i v e d their license a n d have so experience a n d education. a n emergency compensation of 14 P ^ notified t h e Civil Service Comper cent. Application $3. At C a n d i d a t e s m u s t have a p r a c U e a d y to Serve _ llul or Cold mis.slon. I n addition, they m u s t present, f o u r vacancies exist. Special methoda ot curing and proceesinr result in tender and juicy sniuked meet thg r e q u i r e m e n t s of one of tical knowledge of routine l a b o r a - Vacancies in lower g r a d e positions turkey of unequalled flavor Breast meat, a creaniy white; dark meat, a deep tory work; ability to I n s t r u c t the following groups: piuk. A delight to tbe eye as well aa the heart of every true gourmet. Recipeu o t h e r s a n d get t h e m to wcnk e f - m a y be filled f r o m t h e list resultfor hot dishea are enclosed with each ehipnient. E i t h e r la) g r a d u a t i o n from a fectively; ability t o keep simple ing f r o m t h i s e x a m i n a t i o n . WIIKN YOU TALK TUKKKY. SAY—"HICKORY VALLKY" recognized college or university records of t h e p a r t i c u l a r work Duties: U n d e r direction, to p e r Pric«: fl.SO per pouud. exceptionally responsible p e r f o r m e d ; m a n u a l dexterity; a c - f o r m Hise: From 8 to 18 pounds wiioked weixht. c u r a c y ; c a r e f u l n e s s ; dependabil- technical personnel work in t h e Bliippiitg: Charge* prepaid anywhere in U.S.A. study a n d evaluation of positions ity; a n d good physical condition. Special Uultet SumpUmg ot Smoked Deiieafien for salary d e t e r m i n a t i o n , t o s u Complete with Lenset f ^l;*;"Th«M Products Mod* on Our Owa Form 4034. Associate Education Insti- pervise a n d review t h e work of lilote tution Engineer, D e p a r t m e n t of assistants a n d to m a k e r e c o m m e n GOLD.FILLED FRAMES On* Day 8 ei. SMOKED TURKEY SPREAD (jor) RH Education. Usual salary r a n g e dations of a technical n a t u r e ; a n d Strvic* RIMLESS FRAMES 1 lb. SMOKED TURKEY A LA ULtHQ liar) ^ij.UU $5,200 to $6,450, plus a n e m e r - to do r e l a t e d work as required. Fullvue Shell Framei Sptcial Oi(C. 2 lb. SMOKED SAUSAGE E^pr^T Pr.p.Id (Illustrative only): gency compensation of 14 per cent. Examples to Civ. Sary. Uifovals Extra 2 lb. PENN.DUTCH PRANKFURTMS (all aiaat) check or Application fee $5. At present, P l a n n i n g a n d directing salary s u r Employ**! veys for f o r m a n d c o n t e n t : directone vacancy exists. 1 lb. SMOKED LIVERWURST Mon»y Ord»r Minimum Qualifications: C a n - ing t h e p r e p a r a t i o n of o r g a n i z a d i d a t e s m u s t be licensed to p r a c - tion studies in connection w i t h tice professional engineering in salary surveys; devising a n d a p t h e S t a t e of New York on last plying m e t h o d s for c o m p a r a t i v e 64 NASSAU ST. off John, Rm. 30B LITTLE KUNKLETOWN — STROUDSBURC, PA. d a t e for filing applications. C a n - evaluation of positions; m a k i n g didates must meet the requirements of one of t h e following groups: Either (a) eleven years of s a t isfactory experience in professional engineering work of w h i c h four years m u s t h a v e been specialized in building construction a n d two years m u s t h a v e involved work of considerable difficulty a n d responsibility; or (b) seven years of general experience a s described under " a " of which f o u r years must h a v e been specialized in building construction a n d two years m u s t h a v e involved work of considerable difficulty a n d responsibility; or (c) a s a t i s f a c t o r y equivalent combination of the foregoing t r a i n i n g a n d experience. r ^ GLASSES $7 50 imSCIiiT OPTICAL Co. HICKORY VALLEY FARM CIVIL SERVICE Page SfK ^ QjiAAl liJBAJDLER. ^ 'Americans Largest Weekly for Public Employee* Member of Aadit Bureau of Circulations Published every T u e s d a y by CIVIL SERVICE PUILICATIONS, INC. 97 Duane Street, New York 7, N. Y. COrtlandt 7-5665 J e r r y Pinkelstein, Publisher Maxwell L e h m a n , Editor H. J . B e r n a r d , Executive Editor Brig. Gen. J o h n J . Bradley ( R e t . ) , Military Editor N. H. Mager, Business Manager Merit TuesJuy, M«re1i 26, 1946 LEADER Man Looking Inside O'Dwyer in Interview Discusses City Pay By H. J. Bernard (Continued from Page 1) T h e Civil Service R e f o r m Association h a s long advocated ft T. t h o r o u g h g o i n g reclassification, as well as salary s t a n d a r d i z a t i o n . ; SALARY I N C R E A S E S A S S U R E D ' I n t h e B o a r d of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n t h e city h a s its best e x a m p l e of classification, since t h i s p r o j e c t was expertly done i n 1940 i n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h unification. Classification of n e a r l y all of t h e other, d e p a r t m e n t s d a t e s m u c h f a r t h e r back, i n some instances, decades. T h e decision t o introduce t h e first m e a s u r e of salary s t a n d a r d ization in t h e B o a r d of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n was r e a c h e d by t h e Mayor, ^ because t h e inequalities were m o s t glaring, a n d also because t h e B o a r d is a m o r e or less a u t o n o m o u s body, r a t h e r a S t a t e agency^ ITH more than a million employees in the Federal certainly n o t a city d e p a r t m e n t . T h e r e f o r e i t would m o s t likely b0 DAVID DU VIVIER considered s e p a r a t e l y f r o m t h e i n t e g r a l city d e p a r t m e n t s anyway^ service on a war-duration basis, and with veterans " I F YOU W O R K f o r a n y b r a n c h b o t h as t o regularizing salaries a n d duties. Mayor O'Dwyer also disclosed t h a t t h e r e will be salary increasea government, get all t h e experientitled to preference in appointments, the Federal service of B o a r d of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n employees, b u t t h e s e a r e n o t to be c o n ence you c a n a n d assiune all t h e has its own peculiar problems of "reconversion" to peace- responsibility t h a t your superior f u s e d with t h e salary u p g r a d i n g resulting f r o m t h e first m e a s u r e s a l a r y s t a n d a r d i z a t i o n in h i s a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . T h e general raises ^ time stability. This is what undoubtedly prompted Presi- will allow, a t as early a n age a s employees engaged in operation, m a i n t e n a n c e a n d o t h e r services possible," advises David DuVivier, dent Truman's recent Executive Order permitting the Assistant District Attorney. t h e B o a r d of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n are being considered by a c o m m i t t e e Federal departments to continue to make temporary " I t is f a r p r e f e r a b l e t o s t a r t a w h i c h t h e M a y o r appointed, of which A r t h u r Meyer is C h a i r m a n , " T h o s e increases m u s t b e g r a n t e d a n d t h e y will be g r a n t e d , " in t h e public service t h a n appointments on their own responsibility, and authorizing career t o e n t e r public service f r o m p r i - t h e M a y o r assured me. " T h e employees are n o t being p a i d e n o u g h enable t h e m t o cope with t o d a y ' s living costs. I t is only a question the departments when filling positions on a permanent vate i n d u s t r y or outside p r o f e s w h e n a n d h o w m u c h , not a question of w h e t h e r . " work, because t h e opporbasis to do so through their own departmental boards of sional BURDEN A B I T L E S S E N E D tunities are greater t h a n those i n T h e M a y o r expects t h a t t h e creation of a n Idlewild A i r p o r t examiners. In the latter case the plan is to apply to private employ, w h e r e you h a v e your way u p t h r o u g h t h e Authority, t o complete t h e project, will p e n n i t h i m some f r e e d o m , specialized positions involving scientific, technical or htoi efight r a r c h y of a large corporation." by excluding millions of dollars f r o m t h e c o n s t i t u t i o n a l d e b t limit. professional experience peculiarly needed by the depart- M r . DuVivier is b a c k a t his post However, d e m a n d s are so pressing a n d f r o m so m a n y directions in t h e Appeals B u r e a u of t h e f o r c a p i t a l b u d g e t construction t h a t t h e M a y o r says h e is still very ment. N. Y. County Prosecutor's oflace. h a r d pressed, a n d m a n y construction p r o j e c t s m u s t await solution Although the Executive Order is not altogether District Attorney F r a n k S. H o g a n of t h e f i n a n c i a l riddle. Also, t h e 1946-7 b u d g e t h a s given h i m exdefinite and clear as to where the line will be drawn, it gave his a i d e a t i n g l i n g h a n d - t r e m e trouble. N o t only h i m , b u t also M r . P a t t e r s o n , who, s p e a k i n g of city service, h a d told m e a f e w m i n u t e s earlier: is contemplated, however, that the Civil Service Commis- shake w h e n t h e daimtless Hyer f r o m" T40h i syears is t h e toughest budget I've ever t a c k l e d — t h e m o s t difficult f r o m 30 c o m b a t missions sion will continue to hold examinations for all clerical and rine t utrhnee d Southwest ^ Pacific, where t a s k in m y experience to f i n d t h e m o n e y f o r r e n d e r i n g necessary administrative positions which are more or less routine h e was a C a p t a i n in Air Corps services." " , 18,500 POLICE N E X T Y E A R ' an nature, as well as for positions in other fields, including Intelligence. T h e M a y o r freely discussed h i s plans f o r t h e f u t u r e of t h e Police the professional, technical and scientific categories where Decorated for Feats Capt. DuVivier t r a v e r s e d t h e a n d Fire D e p a r t m e n t s . such positions are commonly found in a number of T h e u n d e r m a r m e d Police D e p a r t m e n t is to be b r o u g h t u p t o airways over NeW G u i n e a , t h e departments. Celebes, F o r m o s a a n d t h e P h i l i p - 18,500, which would require a n addition of 5,000 P a t r o l m e n , h e .said. No Carte Blanche pines, a n d f o r his fine work was H e set t h e d a t e by which t h i s is t o be accomplished as J u l y 1, 1947. involve a d d i t i o n a l millions, b u t t h e Mayor feels t h a t a d e ^ It is alleged that this order is in effect no more than a w a r d e d a n d h a s i n his possession Tq uhai st e will police protection in t h e p r e v e n t i o n a n d detection of crime, an extension of the system long in vogue in the field t h e Air Medal w i t h O a k Leaf a n d t h e saving of life, limb a n d t i m e by a great increase in t h e a n d h a s been recomservices, where the Civil Service Commission has in the Cluster m e n d e d for t h e B r o n z e S t a r . If Traffic Squad, a r e a p r i m e m u n i c i p a l need. As to promotion e x a m i n a t i o n s in t h e Police D e p a r t m e n t , which past designated employees in the departments to act as anybody a t Bronze S t a r H e a d will be necessary so t h a t t h e r e will be a workable r a t i o of h i g h e r special civil service examiners, particularly in the postal q u a r t e r s h a p p e n s to r e a d this, will officers t o lower officers, a n d S e r g e a n t s a n d P a t r o l m e n , t h e Mayor h e please see t h a t t h e p r o p e r service. officer is told t h a t t h e decoration said t h a t these would of course be held, a l t h o u g h h e h a s n o t gone The practicalities of the situation may possibly war- h a s n ' t come t h r o u g h yet, b u t i n t o details a b o u t holding t h e promotion tests. He indicated t h a t h e expected to discuss t h e m a t t e r soon with t h e Civil Service C o m rant or justify this departure in centralized control of civil should? T h a n k s . service examining procedures and classification of positions Mr. DuVivier is 35 years old, mission. T h e total n u m b e r of P a t r o l m e n is t h e reference q u a n t i t y f o r normally vested in the Civil Service Commission. If the k e e n - m i n d e d , possessed of too comparison w i t h officers. F o r i n s t a n c e , t h e Administrative Code, ^ a t t r a c t i v e a personality f o r connew plan helps to accelerate "reconversion" of the Federal Sec. 434-a, provides t h a t C a p t a i n s shall n o t exceed one t o each 50 ^ s a f e t y in a m a d society, P a t r o l m e n , in addition t o t h e C a p t a i n s detailed a s I n s p e c t o r s ; L i e u ^ service it may prove to be a reasonable solution in bringing tinuous smiles most beamingly, but is t e n a n t s , n o t t o exceed 4 to e a c h 50 P a t r o l m e n , a n d S e r g e a n t s n o t the Federal civil service back to normal procedures. plenty t o u g h w h e n occasion r e - to exceed 6 t o each 50 P a t r o l m e n . At p r e s e n t t h e r e is one C a p t a i n It would be unfortunate if the departments were to quires. He's prosecuted criminals t o 70 P a t r o l m e n , one L i e u t e n a n t to 23 P a t r o l m e n a n d one S e r g e a n t court w i t h f a r m o r e zing t h a n to 13 P a t r o l m e n . get the notion that the^ have been given a carte blanche in h e y liked. However, w h e n t h e F I R E D E P A R T M E N T PLANS to fill vacancies on a permanent basis with little regard tequities are f a i r enough, he's n o t As t o t h e F i r e D e p a r t m e n t , it will h a v e t h e 3 - p l a t o o n system to the competitive merit system, or that the Civil Service stiff-necked a t all, as was proved in general o p e r a t i o n by t h e s a m e d a t e t h a t t h e Police D e p a r t m e n t ' s > Commission has been divested by the President's Execu- anew d u r i n g his service as a n m a n p o w e r s h o r t a g e will be overcome—July 1, 1947. T h i s r e a f f i r m e d Assistant Corporation Counsel. H e tive Order of responsibility for the conduct of examina- h a n d l e d civil service a n d allied w h a t F i r e Commissioner F r a n k J . Quayle told T h e LEADER in a n interview published in last week's issue. T h i s is expected to be a tions or personnel procedures. cases almost exclusively, a n d g r a d u a l process, especially since m o r e b a t t a l i o n s already h a v e b e e n The suggestion the National Civil Service League has m a n y a n employee who h a d a good b r o u g h t i m d e r t h e 3 - p l a t o o n system, a l t h o u g h t h e O'Dwyer a d m i n i made that the special examiners designated by the depart- case remembers t h a t M r . DuVivier s t r a t i o n is only about to finish t h e first q u a r t e r of its first year. r e a c t e d with brass knuckles Following a r e t a b u l a t i o n s of Police D e p a r t m e n t a n d Fire D e ments should be deemed to be acting for and be responsible never Of course, since h i s A r m y experit a s a n d personnel. to the Commission for their official acts while serving as ence, it's o u t of b o u n d s t o use t h e p a r t m e n t q u oPOLICE FIRE I special examiners is sound. The League is correct in word brass in a n y connection. Includes Latest Changes Excludes Latest Changes Scholarship Winner In stressing that the responsibility for recruitment, selection Allowed On Quota Service T h e d a p p e r young Assistant Title In Budget D u t f and classification throughout the Federal service mus Prosecutor Inspector i 1 Chief of Dept. (Acting) . . . 1 1 h a d t h e good f o r t u n e (Jhlel Chief Inspector. . . . 4 4 Deputy Chiefs 64 53 remain under the direct supervision and control of the of l e a r n e d p a r e n t s a n d a solid Asst. Dep. Chief Inspector 15 1 5 Battalion Chiefs 128 113 1 Commission. 1 Acting Batt. Chief (Captain) 85 f a m i l y b a c k g r o u n d , b u t h e d i d n ' Chief Surgeon 23 S3 Chief Medical Officer 1 i on t h e s e assets; instead won Surgeons There is much skepticism both in official and unofficia coast C.O. Detective Divieion. . 1 1 Medical Officers H IJ. own spiu-s. H i g h scholastic Inspectors 33 3 3 Medical Officer (Military Requarters as to the ultimate results of the new Executive his ;J0 a t t a i n m e n t a t school i n F r a n c e Deputy Inspectors 30 Replacement) 1 \ 135 135 Medical Officer (Temporary) 1 V, Order. Some groups are quite optimistic that the new a n d California, a Carnegie Fel Captains Lieutenants 677 5 7 5 Chaplains 5 tt plan may prove to be an improved pattern for the Federa" lowship t h a t took h i m back t o Lieutenants (Acts. Capt.) 61 51 Captains 365 859 1,047 Europe, followed u p his P r i n c e t o n Sergeants 1,046 Lieutenants 1,060 »80 civil service of the future. Patrolmen 16,700 13,420 Chief Fire Marshal . . . . . . . . 1 1 A.B. ('32) a n d H a r v a r d M.A. ('33) Policewomen J. 90 1 5 3 Engineer of Steamer 2 2 21 Anyway, it will bear close watching. I n '37 h e got his LL.B. a t Colum Veterinarian 1 Chief Marine Engineer 1 2 O bit University a n d became law Asst. Supt. T e l e g r a p h . . . 1 Marino Engineer (Uniformed) 80 1 05 — 2 3 0 Pilots 40 35 secretary t o District Court J u d g e Temporaries Provisionals — 1 4 8 Firemen 8,051 7,608 J o h n C. K n o x . Firemen (Temporary) 150 0 TOTALS 18,816 15,874 H e l a t e r worked awhile f o r t h e W O N ' T RUN F O R G O V E R N O R . t h e n Corporation Coimsel C h a n l e r I n t h e course of t h e conversation w i t h t h e Mayor politics n a t - ^ ' as a volunteer a n d soon a f t e r leaving t h a t t e m p o r a r y assignment urally was discussed, especially t h e Mayor's ambitions f o r t h e f u t u r e . was called back t o t h e NYC Law H e sees a h o t contest a h e a d for Governor of N. Y. S t a t e . T h e election D e p a r t m e n t to fill a steady j o b is n e x t November. Governor Dewey is in t h e bag as t h e R e p u b l i c a n candidate. W h o t h e D e m o c r a t i c c a n d i d a t e will be, t h e Mayor doea a n d steady was his rise. n o t p r e t e n d to know, except t h a t it won't be William O'Dwyer. H e I n '42 h e w e n t to t h e work f o r was very c e r t a i n of t h a t . M r . Hogan, a n d a b o u t 6 m o n t h s Christmas-New Y e a r season. We " I ' d r a t h e r have this," said t h e Mayor, r e f e n i n g t o t h e M a y o r ' s , State Fair shall see how m a n y c a n s t a n d t h e r e a f t e r was in t h e Army, t e a c h office, " a n d do a good job here. T h i s one is big enough f o r me." ^ ing a t a n Intelligence school. A boy p a t i e n t a t t h e S t a t e R e - t h a t kind of gaff. H e e m i t t e d a h e a r t y l a u g h as t h e double m e a n i n g of his l a a t ^ H e ' s Ski-Minded construction Home, who works a By t h e way, M r . DuVivier h a s sentence broke upon h i m . t y p e w r i t e r with his feet, because City Circus you're big e n o u g h f o r it, Mr. M a y o r , " I said, a n d b a d e plenty of intelligence himself h i m "And polio paralyzed his a r m s , now also good n i g h t . C a n d i d a t e s f o r NYC P a t r o l m a n speak F r e n c h , a n c i e n t Greek, Ger e a t s w i t h his feet Also, boys a n d girls in braces play b a d m i n t o n a n d h a d t o provide t h e i r own ink a n d I t a l i a n fluently, arKi i n baseball. T h e h o m e is a t West None could be o b t a i n e d a t t h e l u s achievements is following H a v e r s t r a w , u n d e r t h e able d i r e c - places of e x a m i n a t i o n , a t least not i n h i s f a t h e r ' s footsteps. J o s e p h t i o n of Dr. K e n n e t h S. L a n d a u e r . f r o m monitors. However, c a n d i DuVivier was a n Assistant District I t c a n use plenty of comic books, dates_ w h o arrived w i t h w h a t Attorney i m d e r William Txavers Thanks from Menial Hygiene W e also wish to express t h a n k « $0 please get busy i n a g r a n d proved t o be d r y f o u n t a i n p e n s J e r o m e a n d Charles S. W h i t m a n to P r e s i d e n t J . E d w a r d Conway of Editor, T h e L E A D E R : f o u n d ex-servicemen c a n d i d a t e s 1905-13, is t h e a u t h o r of com m a n d i n g legal articles, a n d is full of t h e b r o t h e r l y spirit, W i t h t h e reclassification of t h e t h e Civil Service Commission; J^ Advertiu'ers w h o open new 11- great risk t o t h e i r own supply writing a law book. Son David Is O c c u p a t i o n a l I n s t r u c t o r s In t h e E a r l Kelly, Director of Classificaf iruor stores, most of t h e m v e t e r - they let go a f e w d r o p s of ink t o write a book on civil service S t a t e M e n t a l Hygiene D e p a r t m e n t tion, a n d B u d g e t Director J o h n a n s , h a d better h a v e plenty of f r o m t h e i r own pens i n t o t h e dry Nice work! i n I n s t i t u t i o n s t o O c c u p a t i o n a l B u r t o n for t h e i r fine cooperation m o o l a h , because t h e distillers' t i e - pens of t h e otherwise doomed. David DuVivier was b o m In T h e r a p i s t , we express o u r g r a t i - in t h e solution of our p r o b l e m ; also t o M e n t a l Hygiene C o m m i s NYC, lives t h e r e now, h a s a i n s require t h a t t h e storekeeper T w o NYC m a t r i m o n i a l cases on c o u n t r y place a t Sloatsburg, just t u d e a n d t h a n k s to T h e LEADER. sioner F r e d e r i c k M a c C u r d y for hia Imy slow movei-s t o get t h e p o p lUar b r a n d s a n d types. T h u s calendars r e p o r t e d In t h e Law outside Tuxedo, N. Y., a n d loves W e could never h a v e d o n e it w i t h - p a t i e n t consideration of our proto* Mea$lej( a n d skiing. A good p a i r of sklis a r e out t h i s cooperation in our s t r u g - lem» t h o u s a n d s of dollars are tied u p J o u r n a l : Measles gle for reclassification^ in t h e m a r k e t for hini« I PRANK J. ROOERfl. I n liquers a n d cordials u n t i l t h e Ho V. HO. TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1946 Trumans Hiring Order Faces a Critical Test W Comment, Please CIVIL TfumAmj, March 26, 1946 s K R V i c r : House to Vote $400 Postal Raise Recommended by Committee Special to The LEADER W A S H I N G T O N , M a r c h 26—A flat | 4 0 0 - a - y e a r p a y raiae, r e troactive t o J a n . 1 last, f o r postal workers outside W a s h i n g t o n h a s been r e c o m m e n d e d to Ck)ngress by t h e House Post Office a n d P o s t R o a d s Committee. T h e postal emplojrees originally h a d asked only $300 per year. And in r e c o m m e n d i n g t h e $400 Increase t h e C o m m i t t e e overrode its own s u b - c o m m i t t e e , which earlier on t h e same d a y h a d recommeiKled a $360 raise. T h e average postal salary is a r o u n d $2,350 per year. O n this basis, t h e $400 increase a m o u n t s to between 17 a n d 18 per cent. Other Recotninendations However, a n e s t i m a t e d 90 per c e n t of postal carriers, 85 per cent of t h e clerks, a n d 75 per c e n t of all o t h e r workers get a flat $2,500 p e r year. And f o r these employees, t h e proposed increase figures out a t 16 per cent. T h e House C o m m i t t e e also recommended: Safety Program Proposed For Federal Employees U. S. NEWS L E A D E R T w e n t y - c e n t a n h o u r raises for custodial employees in t h e postal service. (The s u b - c o m m i t t e e h a d r e c o m m e n d e d only 18 cents.) U n der t h e new scale, postal c h a r w o m e n will get 85 cents a n h o u r . A 20 per cent raise for f o u r t h class postmasters. T h e proposed increases will go to t h e floor of t h e House very soon, p e r h a p s even t h i s week. T h e y probably will win overwhelming approval in t h e House. S o m e observers, however, expect t r o u b l e in t h e S e n a t e . More Navy Yard LayofFs Are Immment Paffe 8eveii 17 P . C R A I S E IS V O T E D B Y HOUSE CROUP Spccial to The LKADER W A S H I N G T O N , M a r c h 26—The House Civil Service S u b - C o m m i t tee h a s r e p o r t e d out a n e w pay bill f o r G o v e r n m e n t white-collar workers, providing a f l a t increase of 17 per c e n t . Only two members—^Representatives E d w a r d Rees (R., K a n . ) a n d J o h n W . Byrnes (R., Wis.), dissented. T h e f u l l Civil Service C o m m i t tee w'ill t a k e u p the bill a t a m e e t ing t h i s week, probably T h u r s - day, a n d p r o m p t approval is expected. Along with t h e 17 p e r cent i n crease, t h e s u b - c o m m i t t e e also r e c o m m e n d e d a $14,000 ceiling, i n s t e a d of t h e p r e s e n t $10,000 ceiling, o n salaries of Grovernment scientists. T h e s u b - c o m m i t t e e also reco m m e n d e d t h a t t h e effective d a t e of t h e p a y raises be postponed u n t i l J u l y 1 next. Both the House a n d S e n a t e a r e now considered almost c e r t a i n to go along with t h i s proposal. Mauro Elected Head of Yets In N. Y. P. O. Protest Is Made Against USES Filling U. S. Jobs Spccial to The LEADER WASHINGTON, March 26— Navy D e p a r t m e n t is p l a n n i n g Special to The LEADER t h e p r o g r a m of t h e Council a n d new a n d drastic c u t in its Navy W A S H I N G T O N , M a r c h 26.—A t h r o u g h e s t a b l i s h m e n t of a small, y a r d s a n d similar e s t a b l i s h m e n t s . r e c e n t survey showed t h a t F e d e r a l highly c o m p e t e n t c e n t r a l safety U n d e r tentative plans, these l a y employee accidents killed 2,852 staff, consisting of a t least a di- offs would s t a r t about April 1. a n d i n j u r e d 327,926 F e d e r a l e m - rector a n d two s a f e t y engineers, Between t h a t d a t e a n d J u n e 30, Special to The LEADER ployees d u r i n g a 5^2-year period. to o p e r a t e u n d e r t h e direction of a p p r o x i m a t e l y Peter T . Mauro, f o r m e r B-25 200,000 workers T h e direct costs of such accidents t h e Council. W A S H I N G T O N . M a r c h 26—The would be dropped. n a v i g a t o r w i t h 45 missions t o his to t h e F e d e r a l G o v e r n m e n t t o t a l credit, was unanimovisly. elected United F e d e r a l W o r k e r s of A m e r a t least $16,000,000 a n d p e r h a p s ica protested to t h e Civil Service C h a i r m a n of t h e New Y o r k Post Commission a g a i n s t t h e use by $20,000,000 a year, based on 2,000,000 employees. T o t a l direct Office C h a p t e r of t h e American F e d e r a l agencies h e r e of tb^e U.S. a n d indirect costs a p p r o x i m a t e Veterans Committee a t a m e e t i n g E m p l o y m e n t Service a s a source $340,000,000 a year, or $20 f<xc a t t h e H u d s o n Guild. M a u r o f o r recruiting workers f o r governe a c h employee. m e n t jobs. T h e tmion said t h a t works a t t h e Morgan s t a t i o n of t h e local office of U S E S segregates xiie F e d e r a l I n t e r d e p a r t m e n t a l S a f e t y Council approved proposals t h e NYC post office. j o b applicants according to race, to be s u b m i t t e d to President T r u O t h e r s elected were A1 F e n s t e r , m a i n t a i n s s e p a r a t e files of w h i t e Special to The LEADER m e n for t h e development of e f ters a t t h e time t h e y e n t e r e d t h e F i r s t Vice-chairman; P r e s t o n a n d Negro wokers a n d refers workW A S H I N G T O N , M a r c h 26—A 5- service a n d would h a v e received fective s a f e t y activities t h r o u g h ers to job on t h e basis of r a c e out t h e F e d e r a l G o v e r n m e n t . J o h n point p r o g r a m to correct " a b u s e s " a p p o i n t m e n t s b u t were passed Wooding, Second V i c e - c h a i r m a n ; p r e f e r e n c e of employers. M. C a r m o d y , Commissioner, U. S. in t h e r e c e n t Presidential order over because of m i l i t a r y service J o s e p h Goldberg, R e c o r d i n g and Corresponding Secretary; Law"nae UFWA delegation pointed M a r i t i m e Commission, presided a t placing F e d e r a l employees on a rence B r e n n e r , F i n a n c i a l Secre- out to Civil Service Commissioner t h e meeting a t which a p p r o x i m a t e - peacetime basis is proposed by t h e t o be p u t on p r e f e r r e d registers. 3. All W a r Service appointees, t a r y ; H a r o l d Klien, T r e a s u r e r , F l e m m i n g t h a t such practices are ly 100 representatives of t h e v a - F e d e r a t i o n of Architects, E n g i n v e t e r a n s a n d f o r m e r F e d e r a l e m - a n d L a r r y H a n d e l m a n , S e r g e a n t - c o n t r a r y to Civil Service h i r i n g rious d e p a r t m e n t s a n d agencies eers a n d C h e m i s t s (CIO). ployees who do n o t m e e t c o n a t A r m s . I r v i n g Saxe, Arnold rules a n d violate t h e President's were p r e s e n t . T h e employee g r o u p contends ditions under 1 a n d 2 above should D a u m a n n a n d R a l p h B a u m were order a g a i n s t discriminatory h i r Among t h e recommendations t h a t p r e s e n t regulations leave t a k e a competitive e x a m i n a t i o n elected trustees. ing in t h e Federal Service. ar^ the following: (1) S a f e t y p r o g r a m s to be e n - m a n y p e r m a n e n t employees u n - w i t h v e t e r a n s receiving t h e i r usual 5 a n d 10 point preferences. Credit p r o t e c t e d a n d do n o t extend to lar^sd, if now in operation, or created, if n o t now in existence, F e d e r a l employees t h e s a m e rights f o r experience will show u p i n in all d e p a r t m e n t s a n d agencies a n d privileges which a p r i v a t e e m - t h e qualifications f o r t h e e x a m wi h a m i n i m u m e x p e n d i t u r e of ployer n o r m a l l y extends to his inations. 4. T h e p r e f e r r e d registers should $3 yearly f o r each employee. T h e employees. T o improve t h e s e cone s t i m a t e d cost of employee acci- ditions, t h e group m a d e t h e f o l - be set u p in t h e following seFOR CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES dents d u r i n g a 5y2-year period is lowing proposals to t h e U. S. Civil q u e n c e : Service Commission: a. Career employees seeking r e $23 a n n u a l l y per employee. 1. All employees whose n a m e e m p l o y m e n t a t t h e i r old classi(2) To be effective, such p r o DAILY MASSES —7. 7:30 I, S:30. 9, I2:IS. 12:45 g i c m s m u s t include: (a) a staff a p p e a r e d on a register before fication. SUNDAY MASSES-2:20. i. >. 8. 9. 10. II, 12. i2:5« b. Veterans describe^ in 2. organization within each agency M a r c h 16, 1942 a n d who received Holy Innocents DAILY SERVICES- 11:50, 1:15, 3, 5:15. 5:4i 7:30 w a r a p p o i n t m e n t s f r o m registers c. Applicants described in 3. of c o m p e t e n t s a f e t y technicians, SUNDAY SERVICES IP. M.) - 5:30 and 7.30 128 WEST 374h STREET CONFESSIONS - M all timet. a-lsguate to the size a n d n a t u r e at a l a t e r d a t e be given p e r m a n - T h e s e include career employees N E W YORK CITY of t h e operation; (c) a definite e n t status. T h i s is based on t h e w h o seek c h a n g e in classification. SUNDAY MASSES—2:M. 2:45. S. 4. 7. 8. 10 II. I I : * . 5. O p e n competitive e x a m i n a p r o g r a m of safety engineering a c - consideration t h a t such employees 12, I2;30. 2:45 tivities. a n d intensive s a f e t y e d u - took a n d passed r e g u l a r o p e n - tions, open to t h e public t o b e St. Francis of Assia (For Matnbars ol Armtd Forcts Only: 3 P.M.) (N«M«i«l Shrln. of St. Anthony) DAILY MASSES-S. 4:30 7. 8. 8:30. 9 10 ll:l« ca/.on a m o n g employees; a n d (d) competitive e x a m i n a t i o n s before h e l d as soon as possible. T h e s e (II Tue»day). 12:15 registers to be used a f t e r p r e f e r r e d publications a n d other m a t e r i a l s s t a n d a r d s were relaxed. I K WEST 31 it STREET CONFESSIONS - Evar* da* •« t<M yMT kom 4;3« KM. registers are exhausted. 2. Veterans who were on regist o f u r t h e r safety education a m o n g N i W Y O l U CITY to W PJrt. en: iloyees. (3) S a f e t y expenditures to be .considered in relation to compens a ' i o n costs, medical costs, a n d NOONDAY MASS — 12.ir> Night Worker's Mass o t h a r accident losses w i t h i n t h e Every Doy During Lent aeancy. 1 A.M. Every Sunday (4) Coordination of. all agency and Holy Day. ST. BONIFACE Q m m H a n d bureau safety work t h r o u g h Weekday Noon Mass at 12:26 P.M. (except Sat.) during: Lent. strengthening and accelerating SCCOND AVE. eor. 47th ST.. N. Y. Mondays at 1 2 . 2 0 d u e t o MirncuSt. Alphonsus Church By JAMES E. BOSSELL sorniel m a n a g e m e n t works as a n West Broadway at Canal St., NYC lous Medal Devotions at 12. lU Director, Second Region, U. S. aid t o t h e operators themselves Civil Service Commission in c a r r y i n g t h r o u g h worthwhile From a talk delivered before the Re- t r a i n i n g of whole groups doing trional Conlereuce of the Civil Service t h e s a m e k i n d of work. This Assembly. T o d a y t h e following topics a r e t r a i n i n g also carries t h r o u g h t o a m o n g w h a t are considered essen- assembly line operations where it See America's Oberammergau tial in m o d e r n G o v e r n m e n t p e r - is pointed out where one group lets loose a n d a n o t h e r t a k e s up. The Greatest of All Lenten Dramas sonnel m a n a g e m e n t : Six'cinl tn Tlu> LEADER 1. E a c h employee should know Personnel m a n a g e m e n t insists t h a t W A S H I N G T O N . M a r c h 26—De t h e operators a n d t h e employees spite t h e rrew ruling p e r m i t t i n g w h a t h e is doing. T h i s m e a n s a alike know who is responsible f o r overtime p a y on holidays, a F e d - job description t h e employee c a n w h a t , also why, a n d who is r e eral employee who dpesn't work u n d e r s t a n d as well as his boss. sponsible f o r how m u c h . 2. A j o b description t h a t can be on a holiday will get paid regard 32dl SeasoH at th« A Good Day's Work less a t regular rates. T h e em used for equalization in duties a n d ployee who does work on a holi pay. T h i s is k n o w n a s classifica4. T h e item "how m u c h " j u s t Grieff Passion day will get base pay a n d 50 per tion. m e n t i o n e d brings us down t o t h e 3. T r a i n i n g . I n this field p e r - n e x t item. W h a t is a good day's ceni in addition. Play Auditorium work? Good personnel m a n a g e 32d St. a«d Hiidseii Blvd. m e n t says we shall m e a s u r e w h a t a n average employee does, w h a t Union City, N. J. t h e o u t s t a n d i n g employee does, a n d w h a t we should expect as a m i n i m u m froin all employees who 6 Performances are r a t e d in efficiency as a d e quate. W h e n we once know w h a t SUNDAYS a good day's work is a n d how Only Under c u r r e n t procedures, a p - been t r a n s f e r r e d f r o m one agency m u c h we are t o expect of e a c h employee on a given t a ^ , we a r e pl bat ons for reemployment are to a n o t h e r will have to be given t h e n in a position to give h i m March 10, 17, 24, 31 a special efficiency r a t i n g for r e n o t b ; i n g accepted f r o m Federal duction in force w h e n h i s last w h a t is icnown as a service or an April 7, 14 e n n i o y e e s affected by reduction I official r a t i n g was given by t h e efficiency l a t i n g . Since these effimi 2.30 P.M. ciency ratings, in t h e F e d e r a l in force unless they are entitled to previous agency. 0 2. W h e n a n agency gives a spe- service especially, coutrol r e g u l a r t h ? benefits of Executive O r d e r Priecf s a l a r y i n c i e m e n t s , it is highly es9538 or Executive Order 8937; or cial efficiency r a t i n g t o a n e m O r c b e i t r * nn^ L * f « h 2 restoration or reemployment ployee f o r reduction in force p u r - s e n t i a l t h a t t h e employee and h i s r i g h t s a'"tei military service, serv- poses in t h e full t>eUef t h a t a r e - supervisor, as well a j all in t h e $ 1 . 2 0 . $1.TO, $ 2 . 4 « ice in tiie M e r c h a n t M a r i n e , or duction in force will be necessary organization, know w h a t is e x M c o n y , 40 c e n t s pected of e«ch person in his rewar t r a n s f e r , and fail of r e s t o r a - in t h e I m m e d i a t e f u t u r e aiul t h e spective ;ob. C h i M r M Half P r i c e tion or reemployment. F o r m 2888 reduction in force is deferred, t h a t ( F X E A ^ A ^ L 7 MMD 1 4 ) should n o longer be issued a n d special r a t i n g , if it was a n official Hence, it is the responsibility reduction in force notices should rating, m u s t s t a n d until a n o t h e r of personnel management to see Mata r««r be a m e n d e d accordingly. T h e fol- official efficiency r a t i n g Is d u e ; that all operators are trained i n iMorvatlenf ffaHy a n d . if a reduction in force l>elowing decisions were m a d e by t h e the application of service or e f o U. S. Civii.Service Commission: coineo necessary between t h e time ficiency ratings in accordance with t h e r a t i n g was given m u s t be used standards of performance — in F o r Mmrmmtlma a r F r e e lllustrmM fmldme. C a l f e r WrH9 Keduction-in-Foroe Decisions 1. An efficiency r a t i n g given an in t h a t reduction in force. This is other words in accordance with l t f ¥ . C . M. W E I T f M A y P . D i r e c t o r eu-pioyee by one agency is n o t t r u e even t h o u g h t h e special r a t - what a day's work chould be. MO i i i k S t r e e t , UiUen C i t y . N. J . PhoM V M m 7.463 S official for reduction in force p u r - ing is based on a very s h o r t period These points are some of the JMiiiut«w (r«iu TiitMw Htimur«—Uir«rl AudMuriiMU—t l.iiMrwIu Tunnel poses in a n o t h er agency t o which j of service a n d a longer period tiighiighls of personnel manager. TcMuUlid, «l»t M. <ieH«rr«i Ttl4 niMl t'Ui Ku. tlie employee lias been t r a n s - elapses before tlie a c t u a l reduc- ment as viewed from one in Civil Ili4t«w« KM« TmuiiMM, 4S<I IM ( U H m ^ <Mli aiul At**.), tVtf MMi lliu Service. f e r r e d . An employee who h a s tion in force is necessary. Truman Plan Opposed By Technical Croup Church Announcements Rossell Lists Essentials In Personnel Management Overtime Worker F nds Self Ahead Holf a Day's Pay 'THE PASSION PLAY' Rating on Former Job Slo Help to a Transferee JOB NEWS Page Eight CIVIL SERVICE LEADER Tuesday, MarcK 26, | TWmlay, MarcK 26, 1 9 4 6 CIVIL S E R V I C E LEADER JOB NEWS Page Nine LARGEST LIST OF EXAMS FOR PERMANENT JOBS IN SEVEN YEARS STATE separate application and fee must stituted for t h e required social t h e foregoing t r a i n i n g and ex- must have been In the field of Institutions, State Commission of Candidates must have a good responsIbiHty In a public library, (Police), Examinations Division, education. I n addition, they must be filed for each. case work experience, one year of perience. large size housing developments, Correction. Usual salary range knowledge of t h e s t a n d a r d s of a n d graduation f r o m a recognized D e p a r t m e n t of Civil Service. Usual meet t h e requirements of one of Candidates m u s t have a t h o r - and graduation from a recognized $3,120 to $3,870, plus an emer- good administration of penal In- college or university f r o m a f o u r - salary r a n g e $3,120 to $3,870, plus t h e following groups: 4046. OfHce MacTiIne Operator such study with supervised field {Continued from Paoe 5) work being the equivalent of one ough knowledge of school t r a n s - college or universdty with a de- gency compensation of 18 per cent. stitutions, of S t a t e laws relating year course for which a bachelor's a n emergency compensation of 18 Either (a) three years of satism e n t s of one of t h e following (Calculating Key-set), S t a t e a n d year of experience. portation a n d routing m a t t e r s ; gree in architecture or civil engi- Application fee $3. At present, to such institutions a n d their i n - degree is granted, supplemented per cent. Application fee $3. At factory experience in t h e practice County D e p a r t m e n t s a n d I n s t i t u groups: spection a n d administration. They by satisfactory completion of one they must possess administrative neering; or (b) nine years of sat- one vacancy exists. tions. Usual salary range $1,200 T h e law provides t h a t parole of medicine, of which two years Either (a) graduation f r o m a to $1,700, plus a n emergency comability a n d t h e ability to secure isfactory experience In architecl ^ n i m u m Qualifications: Can- must have a n understanding of year's work In a n approved library present, one vacancy exists. C a n s t a n d a r d senior high school a n d pensation of 30 per cent. Appli- officers must be physically, m e n - t h e cooperation of school officials; tural office practice of which three didates must meet the require- plans a n d specifications, a n d t h e school; or (b) four years of ex- didates who h a v e filed a n appli- must have included specialization tally a n d morally fitted for parole eight years of satisfactory experi- cation fee $1. At present, a they m u s t have alertness, good years must have been in the field jhents of one of the following ability to conduct Investigations perience as outlined In (a) a n d cation In J a n u a r y for No. 2127 in t h e fields of ophthalmology a n d ence in the maintaining and con- vacancy exists in the Accounts work, a n d they must be selected judgment, accuracy, forcefulness, of large size housing develoU* ^j^iHbps: a n d to prepare statistical a n d graduation with a bachelor's de- S e n i o r Personnel Technician otolargyngology; or (b) a satisbecause of definite qualifications f a c t o r y equivalent of the foregotrol of complex financial accounts Bureau of t h e Albany Office of a n d dependability. Either (a) seven years of satis- other reports as required. ments, and graduation f r o m a gree, supplemented by satisfac- (Police Examinations) need not ing experience a n d additional as to character, ability, and t r a i n a n d records, a t least four years of the Department of Audit and Con4051. Senior Housing Control four-year s t a n d a r d high shool factory experience in t h e work of 4053. Senior Librarian (Travel- tory completion of either (1) two file a n o t h e r application for this medical training. ing primarily with respect to their which shall have been in a r e - trol. Candidates will be r a t e d on Architect, Division of Housing, course; or (c) a satisfactory equiv- penal institutions, such as pris- ing Libraries), Education D e p a r t - full year's work in an approved examination. sponsible supervisory position; or the basis of a practical test which capacity for rightly influencing Executive I n r a t i n g the subject of t r a i n Department. Usual alent combination of the forego- ons, penitentiaries, jails, police m e n t . Usual salary range $3,120 library school, one year of which h u m a n behavior. Minimum Qualifications: C a n - ing a n d experience, credit will be (b) graduation f r o m a college or will be given at a later date. salary range $4,000 to $5,000, plus ing training a n d experience, which stations, lockups or court detento $3,870, plus a n emergency shall have been of recognized Candidates must have a good a n emergency compensation of 14 must include three years in large university of recognized standing Minimum Qualifications: Cantion pens. Including t h r e e years compensation of 18 per cent. g r a d u a t e grade, or (2) one f u l l didates must be graduates of a given f o r satisfactory experience s t a n d a r d senior high school or w i t h specialization in accounting didates must meet t h e require- knowledge of t h e principles and per cent. Application fee $3. size housing developments. in a responsible position in con- Application fee $3. year's work in a n approved li- have education accepted as equiv- in the compilation and evaluation or business administration a n d ments of one of the following practices of m o d e m social case of school h e a l t h d a t a a n d in r e Minimum Qualifications: Cannection w i t h t h e inspection, suMinimum Qualifications: C a n Candidates must have a t h r ' brary school and one year of work a n d of techniques involved didates m u s t be licensed to pracfour years of responsible super- groups: ough knowledge of planning and p ^ i s i o n or administration of a didates must meet t h e require- g r a d u a t e study in a n appropriate alent by t h e S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t of search or investigations relating in m a k i n g investigations as a p Education. They must passess a visory experience in the m a i n to programs in school health. tice architecture or professional developing large size housing penal institution; or (b) not less ments of one of t h e following field of specialization such as Either (a) one year of satisfaccertificate of graduation f r o m a taining and control of financial tory experience in the operation plied t o parole work; ability to engineering in t h e State of New projects; thorough knowledge of t h a n three years of t h e specialized groups: 4060. S e n i o r Supervisor of adult education or r u r a l sociology; Police School which in its curricugain t h e confidence a n d cooperaaccounts and records; or (c) a n y of one or more of the s t a n d a r d York on date of filing application. housing rules, regulations, a n d experiences outlined in (a), above, Either (a) five years of satis- or (c) a satisfactory equivalent lum requires a m i n i m u m of fifty School Medical Service (General), tion of parolees; ability to handle equivalent combination of t h e types of key set calculating m a Division of Health a n d Physical Candidates m u s t meet the r e - laws; imagination; initiative; re- and graduation f r o m a recognized factory professional public library combination of t h e foregoing hours of instruction over a period Education, Education D e p a r t m e n t . foregoing education and experi- chines, and graduation f r o m a emergencies, to work under pres- quirements of one of the follow- sourcefulness; diplomacy; good college or university f r o m a four experience, of which two years t r a i n i n g a n d experience. sure, a n d to detect, apprehend, not to exceed four years. An offience. Usual salary r a n g e $4,000 to ing groups: s t a n d a r d junior high school; or j u d g m e n t ; ability to lay out work year course for which a degree is must have been in county library Candidates m u s t have a t h o r - (b) three m o n t h s of satisfactory arrest, a n d t r a n s p o r t parole vioCandidates must be eligible t o cial s t a t e m e n t f r o m t h e school $5,000, plus a n emergency comEither (a) five years of satis- f o r others effectively a n d effi- granted; or (c) a satisfactory service or library extension a n d lators; tact and discernment in a t t e n d e d must be submitted with ough knowledge of finance, ac- experience in t h e operation of one pensation of 14 per cent. Applifactory experience in architectural ciently. e c ^ v a l e n t combination of t r a i n - of which two years m u s t have obtain a New York S t a t e profescounting and management. or more of t h e s t a n d a r d types of dealing with parolees and sympa- office practice of which three years been in work of administrative sional personnel grade 4 library t h e application, giving t h e dates cation fee $3. At present, two 4052. Senior Inspector of PenA* a n d experience. thetic understanding of their attended, t h e subjects taken, a n d vacancies exist in t h e Albany certificate or higher. 4042. Health Investigator (Ven- key-set calculating machines, a n d problems of a d j u s t m e n t ; resource4054. Senior M e d i c a l Bio- t h e number of hours of instruc- Office. ereal Disease), Department of graduation f r o m a standard senior fulness, stability; good judgment. chemist, Division of Laboratories tion devoted to each subject. C a n Minimum Qualifications: C a n Health. Usual salary range $1,800 high school; or (c) a satisfactory They must be physically strong a n d Research, D e p a r t m e n t of didates also must have h a d six didates must be graduates of a n to $2,300, plus an emergency com- equivalent combination of t h e a n d active and f r e e f r o m any deyears of continuous police service foregoing training a n d experience. Health. Usual salary range $4,000 approved medical school and m u s t pensation of 26 per cent. Applior deformity t h a t would have to $5,000, plus an emergency com- with a civilian police agency duly be licensed to practice medicine T h e successful completion of fects cation fee $1. At present, two a tenaencv to Incapacitate them. created a n d m a i n t a i n e d by law, of pensation of 14 per cent. Applia n acceptable course in key-set in New York S t a t e or be eligible vacancies exist. cation fee $3. At present, two which two years must have been to enter the examination for such machine operation A physical examination may "l/'fe Minimum Qualifications: C a n - calculating required. TRANSCRIPTS OP COLin a t least one grade above t h e vacancies exist. will be accepted in lieu of three license. (Successful candidates didates must meet the requireLEGE AND P O S T GRADUATE Minimum Qualifications: Appl,- perform all duties required of a Vacancies in the same or r e Minimum Qualifications: C a n - e n t r a n c e level. Candidates must who have not obtained their lim e n t s of one of the following months of the required experience. W O R K REQUIRED. same didates m u s t be graduates of a have a good knowledge of penal censes a t t h e time the eligible list cants must have at least six general laborer; m a i n t e n a n c e of lated positions in t h e One year of satisfactory office groups: m o n t h s of experience in t h e buildings a n d grounds, which in- locality, requiring similar quali- medical school Subjects of Examination . will be accepted in lieu of recognized law. criminal procedure, crime i n - is established will not have their BRAKEMAN Either (a) completion of a f o u r - experience operation of a locomotive on a cludes collection of rubbish, scrap, fications and a t approximately t h e standing, a n d must be licensed to vestigation, police practice and n a m e s certified for appointment W r i t t e n examination on t h e of each, year of the required eduyear high school course and either cation. knowledges a n d abilities involved Salary—$.92, $.98, $1.04 per hour s t a n d a r d American railroad, and ashes, etc., coal passing, t r e n c h - same r a t e of pay, m a y also be practice meddcine in t h e S t a t e of procedure, first aid, traffic regu- tmtil they have received their li(1) one year of experience as a n Closing date: Applications must must show a knowledge of t h e ing, Blading, snow removal, etc.; filled as a result of these exam- New York or be eligible t o enter lations and enforcement, a n d censes a n d have so notified t h e Note: This examination will be in t h e performance of the duties investigator in venereal disease given for Key-Set machines only. of t h e position—relative weight 4. be filed with t h e Recorder, Labor operation of diesel engines, a n d of handling of incoming, stored, and inations. If f o u n d in t h e interest t h e examination for such license. other laws and activities within D e p a r t m e n t of Civil Service). They control work involving diagnostic, outgoing materials, loading a n d of the service, however, any posi- I n addition, they m u s t have h a d t h e scope of police duties. I n t h e T r a i n i n g and experience (an Board, Naval Ammimition Depot, air-brake systems. Subjects of Examination have completed an internethereapeutic and epidemiologic Earle, New Jersey, not later t h a n iKliioadrng, warehousing, binning, tion may be filled by reinstate- t h r e e years of satisfactory post- r a t i n g of training a n d experience, must NOTE: Applicants must sh?JV evaluation of t h e candidate's past ship of one year in a hospital a p Practical test on the calculating procedures; or (2) one year of ment, t r a n s f e r or promotion. credit will be given for education t h e close of business on March 27. etc.; salvage work such as baling ability to read a n d speak the education and work experience in g r a d u a t e experience in biochemiproved by the American Medical field investigation experience sup- machine—relative weight 10. Place of employment: Naval language sufficiently well and stacking paper, pulling nails Closing d a t e : Applications will cal laboratory work, of which one beyond high school and in addi- Association for interneship. T h e Date of examination to be a n - relation to the m i n i m u m qualifi- Ammunition Depot, Earle, New English plemented by one year of experifrom limiber. tion to the required police school to understand spoken and written be accepted by the Recorder, La- year must have been in m a j o r cations for the position)—relative preparation must include, in ence as a medical technician in nounced. Jersey. directions. Lal>orer (Female)—^To perform bor Board, Naval G i m Factory, biochemical research or any s a t - training, in appropriate fields such graduate or u n d e r - g r a d u a t e work, venereal disease control work; or Candidates will be notified when weight 6. as law, sociology, penology, crimiDuties: Under immediate supergeneral labor duties of a moder- Washington, D. C., until t h e close isfactory equivalent experience. Scope of Examination: The ex(3) two years of experience as a and where to appear for practical nology. a n d psychology. Candi- at least 12 hours in approved a n d with limited latitude for BAKER—$6.32, $6.56, $6.80 PER ate n a t u r e : Binning, equipment of business on M a r c h 29. medical technician in venereal dis- test which will not be given on amination will include questions vision, Candidates m u s t have a t h o r DIEM must have initiative; tact; appropriate courses in education handling; incoming a n d outgoing covering the application of case independent planning or laying Certification of Eligibles: I n ough knowledge of organic a n d dates ease control work involving diag- April 27. good judgment, and abilit:f to de- a n d h e a l t h education. I n addi(Appointments to present vacajSjj^ya terial handling; assisting pack- filling vacancies in these positions, work procedures to parole work; out of working details, to assist tion, they must meet t h e requirenostic. therapeutic and epidemio4047. Parole Officer, Division of parole laws and related statutes; a railroad conductor in shifting cies will be made a t the m a x i m ' ^ ^ i m in wrapping of materials and certification will be m a d e of t h e biological chemistry; ability to velop and m a i n t a i n successful r e - m e n t s of one of t h e following logic procedures; or (b) a satis- Parole, plan a n d direct i m p o r t a n t bio- lationships with others. Executive Department, preparation a n d maintenance, of and spotting cars by coupling rate of $6.80 per diem) placing in containers, etc. highest eligibles on the register chemical work; ability to direct groups: factory equivalent combination of Usual salary range $2,400 to and uncoupling cars, throwing 4058. Senior S t a t e Publicity Closing d a t e : Applications must Place of Employment: Naval who have not expressed unwilling- subordinates; a high degree of t h e foregoing training and experi- $3,000, plus a n emergency com- case histories a n d records; devel- switches, applying brakes, and sigEither (a) three years of satisbe filed with t h e Recorder, Labor Supply Depot, Scotia, New York. ness to accept appointment a t t h e technical ability; accuracy; de- Agent, Division of State Publicity, opment and use of community f a ence. pensation of 22 per cent. Appli- cilities in the rehabilitation of nalling the engineman. D e p a r t m e n t of Commerce. Usual factory experience in the p r a c Board, U. S. Naval Center, Sampplace where t h e vacancy exists. Minimum Qualifications: AppliCandidates must have a knowl- cation fee $2. At piesent, several pendability; good judgment. salary range $3,225 to $3,975, tice of medicine, or which two Minimum Qualifications: Appli- son, New York, not later t h a n the cants m u s t have a t least six I n filling vacancies f r o m t h e parolees; and other knowledge a n d edge of the etiology, identification vacancies exist. 4055. Senior Personnel Tech- plus a n emergency compensation years must have included service close of business on M a r c h 28. cants must show t h a t they have Laborer register in positions inskills applicable to t h e duties of months of experience in m a n u a l a n d course of treatment of veas a school physician; or (b) a nician (Civil Engineering), E x a m The majority of the parolees the position. had at least six months of experiDuties: To bake cakes, pies, work involving s t r e n g t h and sus- volving 50 per cent or more inations Division, D e p a r t m e n t of of 18 per cent. Application fee $3. satisfactory equivalent of nereal diseases and of public the At present, one vacancy exists in are male and the appointing offience as a brakeman on a s t a n d a r d janitorial duties, certification will N O T E : If, in the opinion of the muffins, pastries, a n d occasionally tained physical effort. h e a l t h measures and procedures Civil Service. Usual salary range t h e Albany Office. Candidates foregoing experience and addicer is desirous of securing men to American railroad. be restricted to veteran eligibles. Civil Service Commission, aderolls, biscuits, a n d other baked NOTE: Applicants must show designed to control their spread. $3,120 to $3,870, plus a n emer- m a y compete also in No. 4061 tional medical training. Duties: T h e duties of the posi- gency quate satisfactory competition NOTE: Applicants must show goods; m a y requisition supplies They should be familiar with t h e handle male parolees. P ^ i g j - ^ iility to read a n d speak t h e compensation of 18 per S t a t e Publicity Agent. A separate I n rating t h e subject of t r a i n tions are as indicated by their and equipment a n d be respons Duties: Under general supervidoes not develop f r o m this a n ability to read and speak t h e glish language sufficiently well technique of confidential investicent. Application fee $3. At application a n d fee must be filed ing a n d experience, credit will be titles. for accountability of same; sion, to make pre-parole investinouncement, the Commission may English language sufficiently well ; ^ I R understand spoken and written gation, and should possess t a c t present, one vacancy exists. for each. given for satisfactory experience gations of inmates eligible for re- postpone the examination to a to understand spoken and written supervise t h e work of t h e employ- directions. Qualifications Required: integrity and good judgment. Minimum Qualifications: C a n ees as may be assigned; and to Minimum Qualifications: C a n - in the compilation and evaluation directions. Laborer: Six m o n t h s of experi4043. J u n i o r Architectural lease on parole from State Prisons later date. perform related duties as required. LABORER ence in m a n u a l work involving didates must be licensed to p r a c - didates must meet the require- of school h e a l t h data, and in reD r a f t s m a n , Department of Public and Reformatories and I n s t i t u 4048. Personnel Technician (EnCONDUCTOR, RAILROAD tice professional engineering in m e n t s of one of the following search or investigations relating Place of Employment: U. S Salary-$.74, $.80, $.86 per hour s t r e n g t h and physical effort. Works. Usual salary range $1,400 tions for Defective Delinquents; gineering), Examinations Divi- Salary—$1.00, $1.06, $1.12 per hour to programs in school health, and Naval Hospital, Sampson, New (Appointments to present vacanHelper, General: Applicants t h e S t a t e of New York on the groups: to $1,900. plus an emergency com- to do social case work a n d com- sion, Department of Civil Service. special training a n d experience date of t h e written examination, Closing date: Applications must U.ther (a) five years of satis- for pensation of 30 per cent. Appli- munity protection in the surveil- Usual salary range $2,400 to be filed with t h e Recorder, Labor York. cies will he made at the inter- must show t h a t they meet t h e a n d in addition must have h a d t h e fields of mental hygiene, ance, supervision, and guidance, $3,000, plus a n emergency comrequirements set f o r t h in either Minimum Qualifications: Ap;^- xpediate rate of $.80 per hour) factory a n d progressively respon- in cation fee $1. pediatrics, i n t e r n a l medicine, pubfive years of satisfactory responCandidates must pass a medi- of paroled prisoners; and to do pensation of 22 per cent. Appli- Board, Naval Ammunition Depot, cants must show t h a t they ImVe Closing date: Applications must (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), or (f), as sible experience in civil engineer- sible experience in publicity or lic health, and orthopedics. cal examination before be-ing ap- related work as required. Exam- cation fee $2. At present, two Earle, New Jersey, not later t h a n h a d a t least two years of experi- be filed with t h e Recorder, Labor follows, or any time equivalent ing of \ ^ i c h two ' ears must have advertising work including t h e 4061. State Publicity Agent, ples (Illustrative only): Investi- vacancies exist. Several tempor- t h e close of business on M a r c h 27. ence as baker, baking bread and Board, New York Naval Shipyard, combination thereof: origination a n d execution of pubpointed. been in highway cc istruction, and Place of employment: Naval all kinds of pastry in large quan- Naval Base Station, Brooklyn 1, Minimum Qualifications: C a n - gating inmates' piXKspective homes, ary appointments are also ex(a) Six m o n t h s of progressive graduation f r o m a f o u r - y e a r day licity pi-ojects, a n d graduation Division of S t a t e Publicity, DeAmmunition Depot, Earle, New tities. This experience must have New York, not later t h a n t h e close training a n d / o r experience, which f r o m a recognized college or u n i - p a r t m e n t of Commerce. Usual didates miust meet the require- family relationships, employment, pected. course in civil engineering for included or must have been sup- of business on M a r c h 28. ments of one of the following and general environment; securm a y include apprenticeship, in which a degree is granted by a versity f r o m a four-year course salary range $2,600 to $3,225, Minimum Qualifications: Can- Jersey. ing for the Parole Board's con- didates must have h a d two years Duties: To direct train crew in plemented by n o t less t h a n six for which a bachelor's degree is plus a n emergency compensation groups: Duties: T o perform m a n u a l one or more of t h e recognized recognized college or university. g r a n t e d ; or (b) seven years of of 22 per cent. Application fee $2. Either (a) one year of satis- sideration information regarding of satisfactory professional engi- the operation of freight trains on m o n t h s of experience in the labor requiring some skill, t r a i n - mechanical trades, or in a skilled Candidates m u s t have a t h o r factory d r a f t i n g experience on inmates' conduct, health, religious neering experience and must be a s t a n d a r d gauge railroad under supervision of other bakers. Im, or experience, or involving a occupation n o t necessarily a recog- ough knowledge of the principles satisfactory experience as de- At present, one vacancy exists in NOTE: Applicants must scribed under (a), and graduation the Albany Office. If eligible, architectural plans or tracings, observance, and general attitude, graduates from a four-year day s t a n d a r d railroad rules; to direct nroderate degree of responsibility nized mechanical trade, b u t which a n d graduation from a s t a n d a r d and other information pertinent course in engineering for which a moving and shifting of cars, r e - ability to read a n d speak the or hazard; a n d to perform related requires the use of tools, machines, a n d practices of highway a n d f r o m a s t a n d a r d senior high candidates may also compete in senior high school; or (b) satis- to their applications for parole; degre is granted by a recognized ceiving and delivery of cars a t English language sufficiently well work as assigned. or processes common to skilled bridge engineering design, con- school; or (c) a satisfactory No. 4058 Senior S t a t e Publicity ^ and maintenance, a n d equivalent combination of t h e Agent. A separate application main-line junction points; t o to understand spoken and written factory completjion of one year of supervising persons released on college or university. Place of Employment: U. S. occupations, or common to indus- struction, a good knowledge of other general foregoing training a n d experience. a n d fee must be filed for each. a four-year day course in archi- parole; doing social case work Naval Ammunition Depot, Lake trial production processes; Candidates must have a good keep records of cars received or directions. civil engineering principles a n d tecture for which a degree is with parolees and their families knowledge of t h e principles and delivered; t o assist in or direct Denmark, Dover, New Jersey. Candidates m u s t have -a t h o r - Note: The eligible list resulting (b) Six m o n t h s of training and granted by a recognized college and assisting parolees in their re- practices of one of the following the work of replacing derailed COOK—$5.68. $5.92, $6.08 per diem Minimum Qualifications: Appli- experience as afforded by t h e practices. Experience in p r e p a r a - ough knowledge of publicity, pro- f r o m this examination may also (Appointments to present vacantion of questions a n d t h e rating motional activities, and in positions for or university; or (c) a satisfac- habilitation and reinstatement in branches of engineering: civil, cars, a n d in making any necescants m u s t have at least six advertising ment, sary running repairs; to keep cies will be made at the maximum months of experience in m a n u a l National Youth Administration in of papers on engineering subjects a n d radio practices and proce- be used to fill vacancies in tory equivalent combination of t h e the community; investigating em- meclianical, or electrical. cooperation with t h e Air Corps rate of $6.08 per diem) is desirable. records of train movements, time foregoing training and experience. ployment opportunities a n d a r dures; ability to write clearly, con- positions for Public Relations Subjects of Examination Closing d a t e : Applications must ^ r k involving s t r e n g t h a n d sus- Depots; employees a n d make reports. 4056. Senior Personnel Tech- cisely, and interestingly. Candi- Assistant, Division of Alcoholic tained physical effort. Candidates must have a f u n d a - ranging for placement of parolees; Written examination on t h e of be filed with the Recorder, Labor (c) The completion of 1 year mental knowledge of architectural investigating complaints lodged knowledges a n d abilities involved Executes orders from t h e Y a r d - Board, U. S. Naval Center, SampNOTE: Applicants must show of a mechanical course in a voca- nician (Mechanical Engineering), dates must also be able to ef- Beverage Control, Executive Dedesign and <li-afting; elementary against parolees; checking law In t h e performance of the duties master. ability to read a n d speak the tional school of at least secondary Examinations Division, D e p a r t - fectively meet and deal with peo- p a r t m e n t , a n d in positions for son, New York, not later t h a n the Usual ple a n d must have good addi-ess. Assistant in Public Health Educaknowledge of applied m a t h e m a t - violations; apprehending and re- of t h e position—relative weight 5. Minimum Qualifications: Appli- close of business on M a r c h 28. English language sufficiently well grade which is a p a r t of a public, m e n t of Civil Service. tion, D e p a r t m e n t of Health, a n d ics; ability to make ordinary cal- turning to custody parole violatto understand spoken and written state, county, or municipal school salary r a n g e $3,120 to $3,870, plus y r a i n i n g and experience (an cants must have at least- six Duties: To do cooking in large 4059. S e n i o r . Supervisor .of in positions in other departments culations with accuracy; skill in ors; securing the return of ab- evaluation of the candidate's past months of experience as a Con- quantities, of various kinds of directlQns. This requirement does system, or a resident trade school an emergency compensation of 18 School Medical Service (Eye a n d per cent. Application fee $3. At when similar vacancies occur. sconded parolees; maintaining relation to the minimum qualifi- ductor on a standard American meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, not apply t o former p e r m a n e n t the use of drawing in.5truments. E a r ) , Division of Health and giving t r a d e courses of at least Minimum Qualifications: C a n 4044. Junior I'hannacist, De- case records; making reports; in- cations for the position)—relative railroad. Must have a thorough soups, sauces,' a n d gravies; Ai;id ^ p l o y e e s of t h e establishment one s t a n d a r d scholastic year's present, one vacancy exists. Physical Education, Education knowledge of all rules and regula- to perform related work as Its- sfefcking reemployment. Minimum Qualifications: C a n - D e p a r t m e n t . Usual salary range didates must meet t h e requirep a r t m e n t of Mental Hygiene. terpreting t h e work of t h e Parole weight 5. duration; ments of one of t h e following operation of signed. NOTE: Persons entitled to vetdidates must have h a d five years Usual salary range $1,800 to Division in t h e Community. 4049. Principal Printing Clerk, tions regarding (d) The completion of a couxse of satisfactory responsible engi- $4,000 to $5,000, plus a n emer- groups: erans preference should include Minimum Qualifications: Can- Workmen's Compensation Board. trains, placing of cars and various $2,300, plus an emergency comgency compensation of 14 per Place of Employment: U. S, in their experience s t a t e m e n t t h e of at least 6 months' duration in Either (a) three years of satispensation of 26 per cent. Appli- didates must meet the require- Usual salary range $2,100 t o train signals. Application fee $3. At Naval Hospital, Sampson, New duties performed while serving in day class attendance, or of 9 neering experience in two or more cent. of the following lines of work: present, one vacancy exists in the factory experience in publicity or cation fee $1. At present, one ments of one of the followiing $2,600, plus an emergency comNOTE: Applicants must show York. months' duration in evening class (1) design, (2) construction or i n advertising work including t h e the armed forces. vacancy exists in Gowanda Stale groups: Albany Office. pensation of 22 per cent. Appli- ability to read and speak t h e origination and execution of pubMinimum Qualifications: AppliCredit will be given for all attendance, in a "specialty" resi- stallation or (3) operation and reHomeopathic Hospital. Either (a) six years of satisfac- cation fee $2. At present, one English language sufficiently well Minimum Qualifications: Can- licity projects, and graduation valuable experience of t h e type dent trade school (such as auto- pair of mechanical a n d electrical one valu Minimum Qualifications: Can- tory full-time paid experience in vacancy exists in the New York to understand spoken and written cants must have h a d at leastt on^ year of experience as cook, uired, regardless of whether motive, electrical, radio, Diesel, power machinery, of which two didates must be graduates of a n from a recognized college or unidirections. didates must be graduates of a (1) social case work, probation, or Office. gaged in the preparation ol ^ pensation was received or etc.): years must have been for s t e a m - approved medical school and must versity f r o m a four-year course recognized college of pharmacy parole, (2) criminal investigation 4050. S c h o o l Transportation (e) The completion of a course electrical power geenrating plants, be licensed to practice medicine for which a bachelor's degree is kinds of food in large quantities whether the experience was gained ENGINEMAN, LOCOMOTIVE a n d must be licensed to practice work of a high level, or (3) work Supervisor, D e p a r t m e n t of Educaat least 6 months' duration, in and graduation from a four-year in New York S t a t e or be eligible granted; or (b) five years of s a t pharmacy in New York State. in a correctional institution in- tion. Usual salary range $3,600 to Salary—$1.04, $1.10, $1.16 per hour in t h e kitchen of a n establishment in a p a r t time or full time oc- of classroom a n d shop Instruction, course in mechanical or electrical to enter the examination for such isfactory experience as described where it is necessary to serve a Candidates must have a t h o r - volving the handling, interviewing, $4,500, plus a n emergency comClosing date: Applications must large number of persons; such cupation. in any aircraft school or in any or similar engineering for which! under (a), a n d graduation f r o m ough knowledge of the proper tie? and guidance of inmates, and pensation of 18 per cent. Appli- be filed with t h e Recorder, Labor LABORER mechanical field in aircraft. (Fly- a d e e r e e i s c r a n t e d h v a r p r n t r - 1 and uses of drugs and chemicals; graduation f r o m a standard senior cation fee $3. At present, one Board, Naval Ammunition Depot, experience to Include t h e supero b t a i n e d t h e i r 11- a s t a n d a r d senior high school; or 15.44, $5.92, $6.40 per day ing instruction is not qualifying vision of other kitchen help. t hey, must have knowledge of and high school or equivalent educa- vacancy exists in Albany. Earle, New Jersey, not later t h a n c o l l e t or univerStv ^^ ^he time the eligible list (c) a satisfactory equivalent comHELPER, GENERAL for the purpose of this examina- nized mzea college or unlveisity. | established will not have their bination of t h e foregoing training NOTE: Applicants must show skill In compounding prescriptions tion; or (b) two years of satisMinimum Qualifications: Can- the close of business on March 27. ability to read and speak the $6.16, $6.64, $7.12 per day tion) ; Candidates must have a thornames certified for appointment and experience. and stock phaimaceutical prepa- factory full-time paid experience didates must meet the requirePlace of Employment: Naval . For Probational Appointment (f) The possession of certifica- ough knowledge of the principles until they have received their li4062. Tax Examiner, D e p a r t as described under (a), and grad- ments of one of the following Ammunition Depot, Earie, New English language sufficiently well Under rations; accuracy; reliability. Civil Service Regulations tion of satisfactory completion of a n d practices of modern s t e a m - censes and have so notified t h e ment of Taxation and Finance. tq understand spoken and written Jersey. 4045. Junior Tax Examiner, De- uation from a recognized college groups: at the V. S. Naval Gun Factory, an intensive training course imder electric generating power plant I D e p a r t m e n t of Civil Service). directions. Usual salary range $2,400 to partment of Taxation and Fin- or university from a four-year Duties: To operate diesel-elecWashington, D. C. Either (a) graduation from a the training program of t h e Fed- operation and t h e operation of T h e y must have completed a n in- $3,000, plus a n emergency comance. Usual salary range $2,100 course tor which a bachelor's de- recognized college or university tric locomotive in switching a n d LABORER electric motors, and a good knowlOvertime Pay: Employees will eral Office of Education in a n y of terneship of one year in a hosto $2,600, plus an emergency com- gree is granted; or (c) a satisfac- f r o m a four-year course for which shifting cars in the depot using Salary—$.74, $.80, $.86 per hour be paid a t t h e r a t e of time a n d the metalworking or woodworking edge of internal combustion en- pital approved by the American i k n s a t i o n of 22 per cent. Application fee $2. At present, several pensation of 22 per cent. Appli- tory equivalent combination of the a baclielor's degree is granted, and standard American railroad equipClosing date: Applications must a half for all work in excess of 40 trades or skilled occupations (ingines a n d machine shop practices. Association for interne- vacancies exist. Candidates may cation fee $2. At present, several foregoing training and experience. six years of satisfactory experi- m e n t ; making minor a d j u s t m e n t s be filed with t h e Recorder, Latoof hours per week. All basic salaries cluding the operation of produc- Experience in the preparation of Medical sliip. T h e preparation must i n - also compete in No. 4040 Estate vacancies exist. If eligible, canIn any of the above outlined ence in the supervision of the op- and repairs as required to keep t h e Board, N a v a l Supply Depot, are subject to a deduction of 5 tion machines such as lathes, questions and the rating of papers didates may compete also in No. groups, satisfactory completion of eration and m a n a g e m e n t of school locomotive in efficient operating Scotia, New York, n o t later t h a n per cent for retirement purposes. punch presses, stamping presses, on engineering subjects is desir- clude, in graduate or under- Tax Examiner and in No. 4045 g r a d u a t e work, at least 12 hours Junior Tax Examiner. A separate 4040 Estate Tax Examiner and full-time training in a n approved bus maintenance; or (b) a satis- condition. Directs activities of the close of business on April 3. Place of Employment: Naval boring mills, or power woodwork- able. in approved and appropriate application and fee must be filed in No. 4062 Tax Examiner. A school of social work may lie sub- factory equivalent combination of brakeman a n d fireman. Duties: Laborer ( M a l e ) — T o Gun Factory, Washington, D. C. ing machines. 4057. Senior Personnel Tel^hnician courses in education a n d health for each. Exams for Public Jobs U. S. CM'IL SERVICE NYC NKT/S Page Ten New Promotion [im^r Se-f llrf) In Board of Tranf-^r: JcbtJcn Union Will Ho!d Budget Mass Meeting L ^ e w promotional units for t h e ; NYC Board of Transportation' have been set up by the Municipal Civil Service Commission in accordance with actual conditions of transit employees. In the future, maintenance of way and power eligible lists will be established for General Ad- ministration (Power): and General Administration (Maintenance of Way). Operating force lists will be established for IRT and BMT divisions. Transportation and Construction divisions will also be recognized as promotional units. Your Future! in CIVIL SERVICE • INSTITUTE^ *'More than 30 Years in the Field of Specialixed Education^' A oarepr in Civil Service must be conrticierpd in terms of your future. Rtnipnibcr that private employment cannot offer these Important Classes in Preparation for ADVANTAGES^ Security — Pension P A R O L E OFFICER Fay While Sick Vacation With Pay Automatic Salary Increases and Promotion Opportunities (Male and Female) Tlieso are all youra in a Civil Service position 1 Think of yonr future security and happinesB. Meet TUES., MARCH 26 at 7:30 P.M. And 3 Times Weekly Thereafter on TUESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY EVES. Look Ahead! Choose Civil Service STATE IH DIV. o f POLICEWOMAN EXAMINATION REQUESTED Entrance Salary Attend CLASSES MEET TUESDAYS—6 & 8 P.M. FREE MEDICAL EXAM TUESDAYS 5 to 8 P.M. 27 Parol*. Ix*ciitivtt $2,400 to $3,000. D*pt. Plus Bonus. a Class Session as Our Guest! F I R E M A N and PATROLMAN Another examination la expected witkw I M • in a year becaute ot the larc« number who will compete, those w h o wish t o attain a high arerage should start preparinar "Without delay. #^ Classes Tuesdays, 7:30 P.M. MASTER PLUMBER'S LICENSE THEORY & JOINT WIPING Fridays at 7:30 P.M. O U R Tl lR A I N I N C 9 Delehanty preparation consiirta WWIV ^^^i r^ll^W of lecture® and Phyaical claseea meeting at convenient day and eveninc hours. Students are instructed by men who have been successfully traininr CiTil Service candidates for many years. • FREE M E D I C A L E X A M I N A T I O N We invite anyone interested to call any weekday from 1 0 a.m. to 8 p.m. (except Tuesday eveninr) for a free medicid examination by our physicians to determine whether h e meets the medical requirements or suSers from some minor defect that may be remedied in time. ^ PEES classes. ^^ Fireman or Patrolman oourse Is for 8 months' traininr, inclndinc both mental and physical Payable In installments. We are approved by both the Mew York State Department of Education and the V e t ^ a n s Administration. Our training i s therefore available under the provisions of the OI Bill. However, w e di8coura«re any veteran (particularly those who are entitled to two. three or four years of education) to use these rights for a short inexpensive course. The regulations w e d f y that having concluded one course, no matter h o w short, the veteran ki not entitled to any future educational benefits. FEDERAL TESTS Classes Every Monday & Friday at 1:15, 6:15 and 8.30 P.M. for POST OFFICE CLERK-CARRIER RAILWAY MAIL CLERK CLERK-TELEPHONE OPERATOR, STEINOGRAPHER-TYPIST VOCATIONAL COURSES DRAFTING ARCHITECTURAL & MECHANICAL .4rchitecturttl Blueprint Reading and Building Estimating DAnin APFTLL A P ATPOLlul AM (BUILDING INSPECTOR) f A»OUT A F I R E M A M Minimum height 5 ft. S H in. Applications w i-ii^fcr^ji^i^ expected in AprU. Mental examinaUon should be held In May or June—physicid in the early Fall, Competition will be extremely keen. Those who deeire to make a creditable showinr shonld begin preparation at once. Inspector of CARPENTRY & MASONRY • EXPECTED Mental and Physical Preparation for incl. bonim Automatic IncreaneB to $3,000 ATTENTION VETERANS TEST 20 V A C A N C I E S AT PRESENT Salary $2,420 A mass meeting of NYC employees in AFL locals has been called for 8 o'clock this evening (Tuesday), at the M a n h a t t a n Center, 34th Street, west of 8th Avenue, M a n h a t t a n . The meeting, under the auspices of the Central Trades and Labor Council, will discuss the NYC budget for 1946-7. City Commissioners and other officials have be m invited. DELEHANTY THE SERVICE I f A U l U & REPAIR F.M. and TELEVISION Day & Evening — Moderate Rates Tuesdiay, Mareh 26, 1946 LEADER CITY E X A M I N A T I O N S ORDERED! Classes Now Forming For CLERK, Grade 2 — PROBATION OFFICER CUSTODIAN ENGINEER — SOCIAL INVESTIGATOR AUTO ENGINEMAN (Chauffeur) PLAYGROUND DIRECTOR (Men and Women) ELEVATOR OPERATOR (Men and Women) ATTENDANT (Men and Women) HIGH SCHOOL TRAINING Accredited by Board of Regenu DAY — EVENING — SUMMER SESSIONS Individual Attention —- Make-up and Repeat Progri 9 0 1 4 SUTPHIN BLVD., JAMAICA, N. Y. Phone JAmaica 6-8200 Fur (Complete Information Concerning Any of Our Ckiurse* VISIT, PHONE OR WRITE The DELEHANTY INSTITUTE 115 EAST 15th STREET • NEW YORK CITY STuyvesant 9-6900 Ofliie Hours—Daily, 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M.—Saturday, 9 : 3 0 A.M. to 1 P.M. • • • ^ • • ^ ^ • • • • • • • • • • M H B M H M H H B B B ^ B H B H H H H H H H H B H H l Suits Test Pensionsin Sanitation The widow of Sanitation M a n J a m e s A. Dowd, who is suing t h e city for an additional 6 months' salary as death benefit, received » setback In Supreme Coiut. However, her attorney, Samuel Resnt- ' ^ * coff of 280 Broadway, is plaiming to appeal the decision of Justice Cohalan. After Dowd's death, the ;Ity paid the widow a 6-months' salary equivalent, claiming t h a t Dowd had h a d less t h a n 10 years' membership in the NYC Retire- , ment System, although he h a d over 10 years' actual city service. Attorney Resnicoff contends t h a t a case (Verdecanna) which he carried to the Coxirt of Appeals and won in 1941, established t h a t it was the obligation of t h e City to begin making retirement The NYC Uniformed Firemen's deductions on the appointment of Association, of which J o h n P. an employee and t h a t the survivor Crane is President, is holding two could not be penalized for the special meetings this week to give City's failure to do so. the membership an opportunity to Another Case Started vote on an application for afBliaIn another case involving t h e tion with the International Association of Fire Fighters made by old DSC Pension F\md, a group of the Uniformed F i r e Officers' Sanitation employees have started an action to have themselves Association. The UFA is affiliated with t h e transferred from the NYC E m l A F F hence its approval of the ployees' System to the Sanitation request of the officers to join is System. Under the Sanitation necessary. The Executive Board retirement plan, their widows of the UFA has endorsed the would enjoy life-time pensions officers' application and recom- (or until remarriage). Under t h e mended t h a t It be approved by city-wide plan, the widows receive the Firemen. The meetings will a refund of contributions plus t h e be held on Thursday, March 28, equivalent of a year's salary if t h e at 11 a j n . and 8 p.m. to allow employee h a d more t h a n 10 •<) members to attend during their months' service; otherwise six months' pay. hours off duty. The case (Barbarita V. Board of Estimate) came before Justice BPM Catholic Guild Walter of the Supreme Court, who ordered a trial held. The issue Seeks to Set Record dates bacfe to the Verdecanna V. case in which the Court of ^ In Communion Event Carey Appeals decided t h a t the DSC's •"I At a meeting held by the Plan- method of postponing the g r a n t ning Committee for the Annual ing of membership was illegal. Communion and Breakfast of the Previously, Sanitation men were Catholic Guild of the office of the eligible for the Retirement Fund Borough President of M a n h a t t a n , only after 10 years of service as Joseph A, McCarthy, Chairman, a "regular." A m a n might have reported t h a t Borough President been an "extra" for 8 years a n d Rogers gave assurance of full co- a "regular" for 9, but on his death, operation. Commissioner of Bor- he would not have been considered ough Works Zichello ^^d likewise. a member of the DSC f u n d beT h e mass will be held in St. cause he lacked one year as a ^ Andrew's Church on Foley Square "regular," This practice was out- ^ at 9 a j n . on Sunday, May 19, lawed by the Verdacanna case ^ and the breakfast at the Hoel decision. In the Barbarita case, Pennsylvania. Speakers are being the Sanitation employees contend invited and special entertainment t h a t the city should have granted is planned. The Guild hopes to them membership in the DSC make this its biggest turnout for Fund, not In the NYC Employees' the annual event. Retirement System. * T h e committees and membership to d a t e : Executive Committee: Chair- Dongan Guild to Hear man, Joseph A. McCarthy; Vicechairman, Charles McCarty; Secretary, Anna Douglas, and Treas- Father McGowanTc^ik urer, Thomas I ^ n c h . The Dongan Guild of New Ticket: George Godfrey, ChairState Employees will hold m a n ; Thomas Golden, Katherine York monthly First Friday dinner Tierney, Madelyn Edwards, J. its the Carroll Club, 120 Madison Jackamarra, William Cavanagh, at Ave., NYC on Friday, April 5. J o h n McHugh and John O'Rourke. The speaker will be Rev. Joseph Hotel: Charles McCarty, Chair- J. McGowan, S.J., the Chaplain m a n ; J o h n J . Gyves, J o h n Mc- of the Goldwater Memorial HosHugh and Fred Bayer. pital on Welfare Island. He will Speakers: James Driscoll, Chair- speak of the work being done at man, and J o h n Carroll. that institution. The Rev. Bernard Reception: Ralph Lewis, Chair- J. Fleming, Spiritual Director of man. the Guild, will also speak. A short Guests: Joseph Sefclk, Chair- business meeting will follow the man. dinner and talks. Publicity: Mrs. L, Tornese, President Lawrence V. Cluen Chairman, and Anna Kelly. announced t h a t the card party Printing: J o h n Gyves, Chair- committee will report at this man, and J o h n Murphy. meeting. Program: Edward J. O'Ryan, Chairman. Decoration: Mary O. M. Sullivan, Chairman; Mildred MoUoy, Civil Service Catherine F a e t h and Mary Fitzpatrick. Investigation Society Entertainment: Michael Petrofessi. Chairman. Mail Your Grievauceji Ushers: Charles Lagattute, To Us Cbairman. 226 W. 42 ST. N. Y. Sth flear UFA WILL VOTE ON OFFICERS JOINING lAFF Brooklyn Engineers Re-elect Officers The Brooklyn Boro Engineers' Association re-elected Patrick J . OT>aly as President, Joseph E. Collins as Secretary and Thomas J. Toomey as Treasurer. T h e members are employees of Borough President Cashmore's office. Others to serve on the enlarged Executive Conomittee are J a c k Brlmberg, Joseph B. Dociohue, Arthur Drake, Daniel J . Pitzharrls, Matthew Forte, Samuel Friedman. Alexander W. Stern, Daniel J . Taylor and Pred Travis. The Association was organized in 1944 to promote the professional and social activities of the men designing the highway and sewer systems of Brooklyn. UNIFORMS BOUGHT — SOLO Poliec, rirMtien. Conductor*, Kic JOE LKITMKB'S CLOTHES SHOP 41 lAYAlU) ST.. NIW YOtK CITY CO 7-874« Manufacturing 4 Doalius ui P O U C B AND MILITABT KOUirMENT I U » I N I D«MAYO « SON S l « B. l i t tit bt., Broax, N f Expet'li aloe* 1018 CIVIL SERVICE HOW NYC APPOINTMENTS ARE MADE IN NEW SET-UP TO GIVE YET PREFERENCE^ I n response to m a n y requests, t h e following e x p l a n a t i o n Is given of t h e m a n n e r In which t h e NYC Civil Service Commission h a n d l e s t h e a p p o i n t m e n t s f r o m lists when t h e r e a r e veterans, disabled v e t erans, non-veterans, a n d other eliglbles with p e n d i n g claims for disabled- v e t e r a n s p r e f e r e n c e a n d for veterans preference. T h e e x p l a n a t i o n below is f r o m Instructions f u r n i s h e d by the Commission t o t h e d e p a r t m e n t s w h e n certifications a r e s e n t out by t h e Commission: "Eliglbles w i t h approved or p e n d i n g claims for disabled vete r a n s p r e f e r e n c e m u s t be oonBidered first i n order of t h e i r s t a n d i n g o n t h e list; eliglbles w i t h approved or p e n d i n g claims f o r v e t e r a n s p r e f e r e n c e m u s t t h e n be considered in t h e i r order or s t a n d i n g on t h e list. "At t h e time of interview eliglbles with p e n d i n g claims f o r disabled veterans preference must p r e s e n t a certificate f r o m t h e Veterans Administration indicating t h a t t h e y h a v e a war-service connected disability. Those eliglbles w h o f a i l t o p r e s e n t such a certificate shall be considered a s disapproved disabled veterans p r e f e r e n c e c l a i m a n t s , since t h e law requires t h a t Disabled Vete r a n s P r e f e r e n c e be extended only t o persons who a r e certified by t h e Veterans A d m i n i s t r a t i o n , a t t h e t i m e of a p p o i n t m e n t as h a v i n g a war-service connected disability. S u c h eliglbles shall t h e n be considered as p e n d i n g v e t e r a n s p r e f e r e n c e c l a i m a n t s only, in t h e i r o r d e r of s t a n d i n g a m o n g all o t h e r eliglbles w i t h approved or p e n d i n g v e t e r a n s p r e f e r e n c e claims. " E a c h eligible willing t o accept a p p o i n t m e n t m u s t sign t h e s t a t e - m e n t of conditions of certification and appointment appropriate to his case before appointment. These s t a t e m e n t s m u s t be f o r w a r d e d t o t h e Commission w i t h t h e disposition of t h e certification. Discharge Paper Photostats Opposed Special to The LEASED W A S H I N G T O N . M a r c h 26—The Council of P e r s o n n e l A d m i n i s t r a tion h a s r e c o m m e n d e d t h a t U. S. agencies discontinue t h e p r a c t i c e of r e q u i r i n g job-seeking v e t e r a n s t o fiu-nish p h o t o s t a t i c copies of t h e i r discharge p a p e r s . T h e Council holds t h a t no law or r e g u l a t i o n requires t h e p h o t o s t a t s , a n d t h a t t h e y a r e merely "excess p a p e r . " I t h a s also r e c o m m e n d e d t h a t whenever agencies feel t h a t t h e p h o t o s t a t s a r e absolutely necessary, t h e cost of m a k i n g t h e m should be borne by t h e agency. Civil Service Coaching Clerk grade Poet Office CIerk< Carrier, Raliway Mail Clerk, Castodian KiiKineer, Inspector of Carpentry & Masonry, Assistant Engineer, I'rom. (Civil, Meclianical, BlectricaJ,). Boiler Insi>ector. subway exams. ALL CITY, STATE, FEDERAL EXAMS ENGLISH & BUSINESS COl/RSES Enfciish (eleinentary-advanced). Report writing. Business Aritli., Bookkeeping. MATHEMATICS Civil Service Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trig,, Calculus, Physics. Coaching Engineering Subjects DRAliTING Architectural, mechanical, electrical, structural design, Building and Engineering, Construction Estimating. Veterans Accepted Under G.I. Bill LICENSE EXAMS COACHED Professional Engineer, Architect, Surveyor, Electrician, Plumber, Stationary Engineer, Boiler Inspector, Rjfrigeratlon, Oil Burner, Portable Engineer. MONDELL INSTITUTE 230 W. 41. WI 7-2086 D'ly 0-0 Sat. 9-2 120 Montague St., Brooklyn. MA 5-2741 BALTIMORE WAGES UP B a l t i m o r e h a s recently increased t h e hourly wages of laborers i n t h e Public W o r k s d e p a r t m e n t f r o m 5 c e n t s t o 20 cents u n d e r a n a g r e e m e n t b e t w e e n t h e city a n d a n AFL local union. pa^ tMb^E • • • • • • • • mn\ Prepare for a high test icore with the aid of a g o o d civil jervice question and answer book. Send N O W for your FREE C A T A L O G listing more than • hundred helpful books for all types of Federal, State, and City Civil Service examinations. NOBLE & NOBLE. Publishers, Inc. 72 Fiftli Avenue (Dept. CS-2) New York 11. N. Y. I R O N PREPARATORY SCHOOL 153 rwoy ot 14 Sf.. M. Y. C. AL' 4-4M2 ^ Be a Technician MED. LAB. & X-RAY Dental Asslst'g Course, 8 Weeks MEN and WOMEN arrentlr needed In hospitals, laboratories and doctors' offices. Qualify NOW for these fine positions. Call or write. Get Book R. Mom., aftn., evg. classes now fonnlnKt Training Available Under G.I. 8111 MANHAHAN HV t-eaa* STENOGRAPHY rYPIWRITINC • BOOKKEEPING Spidsl 4 MMiths CMTsa • Day er Cv*. CAICOUTING OR COMPTOMETRY latwis>»i 2 Motrtits Coune BORO HALL ACADEMY 4 2 7 FUTBttSN AVENUE EXTENSION •ir.MlNSt.rMfi. MMs 2-2447 DRAFTING Mechanical, aeronautical, electrical, architectural, tool and die d e s i ^ . machine desisms. If qualified under 0 1 Bill, this training is available under Oovernment auspices. New York Drafting Institute WI 7 - 6 6 M APTITUDE Prepare Here For CIVIL SERVICE PHYSICAL EXAMS For POLICEMAN and FIREMAN EXCELLENT FACILITIES T h r e e Gyms, R u n n i n g T r a c k , Weights, Pool a n d general c o n ditioning e q u i p m e n t . Mi* C« 55 H a n s o n PI., B'klyn 17, N.Y. P h o n e STerling 3-7000 You May Join For 3 Months BRIDGE LESSONS SPECIAL JJ^MBr"^ Class Tuesdays 7.30 to 8.30 P.M. HOTEL DES ARTISTES BALLROOM 1 W. 67tli St. £ N !i-6700 BOWERS S h o r t h a n d b e g i n n e r s or review. I n d i v i d u a l i n s t r u c t i o n . Speed dictation. Coiirt reporting. D a y a n d evening. 233 West 42 S t . B R y a n t 9-9092 BUSINESS INSTITUTE Day-Eve. 8-Day Week Dictation-Typings I ^h Speed, Brush Up, DrUls, Short Cuts Bejfinners, Jll^iruction. Advanced 117 WEST 48d ST. LO. 6-9335 R-A-D-l-0 Radio TeehRieian-Communieatioa And Radio Service Courses Day and Evening Classes American Radio Institute 101 W. 63d St., Neiv York KS, N. X. Approved under G.I. Bill of Bights Permanent Government Jobs! START $165 TO $220 MONTH WAR SERVICE EMPLOYEES . . . VETERANS All examinations will be held soon. Thousands permanent appointments to be made. Veterans get preference. War Service employees must take these examinations. Full Particulars and 32'Page Civil Service Book FREE Write your name and address on coupon and mail at once. This may result in your getting • big paid U. S. Government job. FRAHKLIN IHSTITUTE, Dept. p.56, Rochester 4, N. Y. Rush to me, entirely free of charge; ( 1 ) A full description of U. S. Covernnient Jobs; ( 2 ) Free copy of illustrated 32-page book--"How to Cet a U. S. Covernnient Job"; ( 3 ) List of U. S. Government jobs; ( 4 ) Tell me how to qualify for a U. S. Government job. I ADDRvESS lJ$e This Coupon »R» Vet? Be/ore You Mitlay ll^Write or Print trainingr Typing. tuition I cost to lUSINESS TRAINING EXCHANGE Evening High Schoo EXAMINATIONS NAME. Progressive method I Office combined with studies. Steno, Comptomeiry Office pays lull Registration fee $5 (only student). BE 2-5979 IN YOUR O W N H O M E FOR . . NO TUITION FEE . . SECRETARIAL COURSE 5 BEUKMAN ST. (at Nassau St.), NYC PREPARE IMMEDIATELY S8th Yr. Co-Ed'n'I. Begents, A I X Colleges. W. Point, Annapolis, Accelerated Program Oraduates admitted to leading collexes New Yoric Preparatory (Evening Dept. of Dwight School) Park Av., N ¥ 16, Nr. 38 St. OAl 5-5S41 MEDICAL LABORATORY TRAINING Qualified technicians in demand I Day or Evening courses. Write for free booldet C." Register now I ST. SIMMONDS SCHOOL 2 last 54fli St., N.Y.C. I I 5-3«ll Offers You These ADVANTAGES SMALL CLASSES • INDIVIDUAL A n E N T I O N D I A S N O S T I C TESTS • U N E X C E L L E D P H Y S I C A L F A C I L I TIES • P E R S O N A L I Z E D I N S T R U C T I O N and C O A C H I N G PATROLMAN May New Classes Start FIREMAN SANITATION May il May I WRITE, PHONE OR CALL Y M C A S C H O O L S (N'r B'way) 5B W e s t 63rd St. S U 7-4400 SCHOOL DIRECTORY LISTING O F CAREER T R A I N I N G SCHOOL Accounting '' AMERICAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, 126 Liberty St., New York 8, Home Study Courses, Accountiug. Fed. Taxes. Free trial. Booklet 3. BA 7-9060. Academte and Commercial—College Preparatory BORO HALL ACADEMY—Flatbusli Ext. Cor. Fulton St., Bklyn. Regents Accredited. MA. 2-2447. Ante OrlTlng AAl—AUTO SCHOOL—operated by Georgre Gordon, World War II, Expert instructor. 293 South Broadway, Yonkeis. A. L. a . DBITING SCHOOL—Expert Instructors, 620 Lenox Are,, AUdubon 3-1438. MODEC a u t o d r i v i n g SCHOOLS, 145 W. 14tli St. (bet. 6th and 7 t h ) . CH 2-0663 —229 East 14th (2nd-3rd), GR 7-8219—784 Second Ave. (MU 6-7509). D a y eveningr. License, ex. arranged. Cars furnished. Experts. ALPINE AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL. Expert driving: instruction. Dual controlled cars. Cars lor hire for road test. 6716 Fifth Ave., Brooklyn. BEachview 8-3124. ABB1E AUTO SCHOOL—815 Amsterdam Ave. (100 St.) Day-Eve. t a r s rented lor tests. AC 2-9403. PARKER AUTO SCHOOL. Dual control cars. Expert Instructors. Open eveningrs. 1884A Broadway (53d St.) CI 6-1757. LEARN TO DRIVE. Double clutch and brakes $1.50 lesson. Cars for road test, IRV'S, 545 E. 6th St., N. Y. AL 4-0648. Beauty Culture BEAUTY SCHOOL—Weber Academy of Beauty Culture. Days, Evenioffi—Term*. 2545 Webster Ave., Bx. SB 3-0483. i Business Schools t MERCHANTS A BANKERS', Coed, S7tb Year—220 East «2nd St., New York City. MU 2-0986. Business and Foreigm Serviee LATIN AMERICAN INSTITUTE—11 W. 42 St. All secretarial, and business subject* la Snclish, Spanish. Portuguese. Special ooursea In international administration and foreifn service. LA. 4-SBM. Civil Service FREE, GOVERNMENT JOBS FACTS; Men-Women train lor exams, for well payinff lifetime Civil Service career. Many exams expected. Write NOW. Career Traininjr Insttiute, Dept. COO, Newark 2, N. J. WANT A GOVERNMENT JOB I Commence $125-!5220 month. MEN-WOMEN. Prepare now at home, for 1946 examinations. Full particulars and list positions, FREE. Write today. Franklin Institute, Dept. P15, Rochester 4, N. Y. Cultural and Professional School THE WOLTER SCHOOL of Speech and Drama—Est. over 25 years in Carnegie Hall. Cultured speech, a strong, modulated voice, charm of manner, personality, thorougli training in acting for stage, screen and radio, etc. Circle 7-4352. Dance Studio BOAS SCHOOL—323 W. 21st St., NYC. Modern Dance for Professionals, Amateur* and Children. Beg. Daily 11-6 PJd. Call for interview. CH. 3-7551. Dunce SMITH SCHOOL OP DANCING. Ballet. Toe. Tap, ballroom. Children, adults. Eves ning classes lor business girls. 859 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn. BU 4-9571. Detective Inst. DETECTIVE INSTITUTE—Instruction for those who wish to learn the detective pr<i« fession. 507 5lh Ave. MU ^-3458. Diesel Engines & Power Plants HEMPHILL DIESEL SCHOOLS, 31-04 Queens Blvd., L. L 0. ST 4-4791. Veterans eligible. Economics EUGNRY GEORGE SCHOOL—Chartered by University" of Staie of New York. Free classes in economies. Starts April 8. Booklet C. 60 E. 69 St. RHinelander 4-8700. Drafting NATIONAL TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, 65 West 42nd St.; LA 4-3929—Mechanical* Architectural. Day, evenings. Moderate rates. Veterans aualifted invited. Elementary Courges tor Adults THE COOPER SCHOOL—316 W. 139th St., N.Y.C. specializing in adult education. Mathematics, Spanish, Franch-Latin Grammar. Afternoons, evenings. AU, 3-6470. English and Arithmetic I •ASTERN INSTITUTE, 140 W, 4 2 St.: WI 7-2987.—AU branches. Oor private lessoni teach y m quickly. ^ Knitting School HAITI SHOP CO., 1815 Amsterdam Ave., cor. 150th St.—DVee classes for childi-e« and adults. Crocheting and Knitting School, Monday-Wednesday 1-7 P.M^ Thursday-Saturday 1-9 P.M. ED 4-9576. Ijuiguages LEARN A PRACTICE—Spanish, rrench, Russian, Italian, German. l i s West 67th St. CI 6-6270. Language Cluta^ Millinery LEARN BY EARNING—training, personal guidance for career, professional, or home, day-evening classes. Enroll now. De Gora's Method, 297 Sumner Ave. (neajj Gates, Brooklyn). GLenniore 6-8740. LOUISE ROBINS MILLINERY ACADEMY (Est. 1 9 3 4 ) — 2 3 8 8 Seventh Ave., NYC, AU 3-7727. Complete education in millinery profession. Day-Eevening, CorrsN spondence courses. Motion Picture Operating BROOKLYN YMCA TRADE SCHOOL—1110 Bedford Ave, (Gates), Bklyn,,, MA 2-1100. Eves. Musle NEW YORK COLLEGE OF MUSIC (Chartered 1878), All branches. Day and eveninf instruction. 114 East 86 St. BUtterfleld 8-0377. N. Y. 28, N. Y. Public Speaking WALTER O. ROBINSON, Utt.D.—Est. 30 yrs. in Carnegie Hall, N. T. 0. Circle 7« 4262. Pi-ivate and class lessons. Self-confidence, public speaking, platforog deportment, effective, cultured speech, etrong, pleasing voice, etc. Padio Television RADIO-TELEVISION INSTITUTE, 480 Lexington Ave, (46th St,), N, T, 0, Day an4 evening, PL 3-4585. Refrigeration N, Y. TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, 108 5th Ave. ( 1 6 ) . Day, Eve. classes now lormln», Veterans invited. Secretarial COMBIN.\TION BUSINESS SCHOOL, 139 W. 136 St. UN 4-8170. Sec'l, Adult. Eda. Grammar. High School, Music. Fingerprinting Office Mach. DRAKE'S, 1 0 4 NASSAU STREET. Secretarial. Accounting, Drafting. Journalisnt, Day-Night. Write for catalog. BE 3-4840. MONROE SECRETARIAL SCHOOL, complete commercial courses. Approved to trai(i veterans under O.I. Bill. Day and evening. Write for Bulletin C. 177th St^ Boston Road (R.K.O, Chester Theatre Bldg.) DA 3-7300-1. GOTHAM SCHOOL OV BUSINESiS, Secretarial, Accounting, Office Machine Courses, Day-Evening Classes. Co-ed. Enroll for Fall term. Booklet, 606 Fifth Avenue (at 42ud St,) VA6-0334. OBFrLBY « BROWNE SECRETARIAL SCHOOL, 7 U f a y e t t * Brooklya 17, MBvlns 8-2041. Day and evooinr, cor. riatbusb. RADIO-TELEVISION ^ ELECTRONICS MANHATTAN BUSINESS INSTIILTB, 147 West 42nd St.—Secretarial and Booko keeping. Typing, Comptometer Oper., Shorthand Stenotype. BR 9-4181. Open evea. WaSTCHESTKR COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, 628 Main S(M New Rochelle. N. Y. Account* tng.'Stenogriwhie, Secretarial. Day A Eve. Sessioni. Enroll now. Send for booklet. PrMtiul sad ThMrstUsI Oeun* iMdi ts ti* sortunItU* Is Industry, Broadcaitini tr twn BUIIMU. Day and tv*. 8«uloni. Enroll sow Ur stw (la*M«. auallflad VtUrani illglbU. Spttech CorrettioD STAMMERING AND OTHER SPEECH DEFECTS, Charks Pellmun, 78 W, 55th Room 6. CI 6-3321. RADIO-TELEVISION INSTITUTE Plainly ( Y M C A Schools of the City of New York) ASSISTS' SCHOOL L l c e n s ^ by the State of New York « • E. 42d St. <Opp. Grand Cent.) 165 W. 46th (oor. Bw»y) FREE TBIAIi TO TEST CIVIL SERVICE INSTITUTE in BROOKLYN CENTRAL S U T T O N REGENTS CREDIT ' COLLEOE ENTRANCE DAY - EVE. CO-ED; ?xp«rt Faculty/ Chorfitd by Stofa Board of ll*g»<th Udih'^) O.h/ifPnOViO FOR VETS Coniult 0«or. Tolk>. WANTED—WORLD WAR VETERANS IN CIVIL SERVICE TO BECOME UPSTATE COUNTY CHAIRMEN OF WELL ESTABLISHED VETERANS ORGANIZATION. W. E. SKILLMAN, 1602 MUNICIPAL BUILDING, NEW YORK 7, N. Y. Pag« Eleven VETERAN NEWS LEADER 410 Lnlsttas Av*,, N. Y. 17 (4eUi St.) Plj^s .w. Uj|>Md fcy H, Y. Wats Watchniaklug STANDARD WATCHMAKERS INSTITUTE—206], UieUm* (tuyiug trade. Veterans invited. ^ Broadway (72ud). TE 7-8630. Page IVeiTe JOB NEWS CIVIL SERVICE LEADER How to Pass Police Physical Test the o t h e r foot back. R u n t o i r a n k t h e J u m p i n g line and try to reach it in full stride by regulating your stride. T h e beat procedure is t o m a r k off t h e outline of one foot j u s t i n f r o n t of t h e J u m p i n g line, a n d t r y to s t ^ o n t h a t spot every time. It is extremely i m p o r t a n t to gauge your stride a c c u r a t e l y if you are t o develop speed u p t o t h e j u m p i n g line a n d precision at t h e line. Be siure to give yourself a leeway of a t least a n i n c h or t w o i n f r o n t of t h e j u m p i n g line i n order to avoid fouls. K e e p your eye c o n s t a n t l y on t h e spot f r o m which you will t a k e off f o r t h e b r o a d j u m p . W h e n you h a v e s u c ceeded i n r e g u l a t i n g your s t r i d e so t h a t you c a n h i t t h e correct position f o r t h e j u m p every time, t h e n increase your speed t o i t s maximium. Now you a r e ready t o p r a c t i c e t h e a c t u a l b r o a d j u m p . W h e n you r e a c h t h e j u m p i n g line i n full stride, t a k e off w i t h one f o o t a n d try to land on the other foot at t h e completion of t h e j u m p . If you m a n a g e t h i s , you will be able to continue y o u r stride w i t h o u t interruption. However, l a n d i n g o n one foot i s n ' t always possible. S o m e m u s t l a n d on b o t h f e e t i n order to keep p e r f e c t balance. K you h a v e t r i e d sincerely a n d find t h a t you lose yoiu* b a l a n c e by l a n d i n g o n o n e foot, t h e n you will h a v e t o r e s o r t t o t h e t w o fOot landing, t h o u g h It will n o t be as efficient. I n t h e b e g i n n i n g d o n ' t t r y t o s p a n t h e f u l l dist a n c e of t e n f e e t . T r y about sixfoot j u m p s i m t i l you c a n m a n age t h a t d i s t a n c e without loss of stride, speed or balance. T h e n work u p t h e d i s t a n c e gradually, a f o o t a t a t i m e , imtil you h a v e r e a c h e d t e n f e e t (Pig. 1). You m u s t continue to practice t h e initial t e n - y a r d r u n a n d t h e b r o a d j u m p if you wish t o r e t a i n your precision a n d speed. I t will do n o good t o give a p e r f e c t p e r f o r m a n c e in practice two weeks before t h e a c t u a l test, a n d t h e n rest on your laurels, confidently expecting t o be able t o r e p e a t your p e r f o r m a n c e w h e n it coimts. If you do n o t practice constantly, you will quickly lose your timing. Devote several m i n u t e s every day t o going t h r o u g h t h e m a n e u v e r s in order t o k e e p a fine edge on your p e r f o r m a n c e . . n. The 3-Foot-6-Inch Hurdle Place a broomstick across two boxes t h a t a r e two a n d a half feet high. Y o u will practice h u r d l i n g t h i s h e i g h t first, a n d l a t e r work u p t o t h e t h r e e a n d a half foot level. Flf.t Fig. 1 Fig. 3 C a n d i d a t e s passed the first h a z ard on their way as NYC P a t r o l m a n w h e n they took t h e w r i t t e n portion of t h e e x a m i n a t i o n . T h e next goal is t h e physical e x a m i n a tion. To help c a n d i d a t e s p r e p a r e for this e x a m i n a t i o n , T h e LEADER shows how t o get in condition. TwmAmf, Mmnk 26, 1946 Fig. 4 The Agility Test la t h e one used in t h e last P a t r o l m a n ' s e x a m i n a t i o n given in New York City. I t is used as a s a m p l e By DR. FRANCIS P. WALL, Professor, Physical E d u c a t i o n , test, since f u t u r e e x a m i n a t i o n s , N. Y. University, a n d Special b o t h f o r P a t r o l m a n a n d F i r e m a n , C o n s u l t a n t to t h e NYC Civil will probably n o t v a r y f r o m i t t o a n y g r e a t extent. T h e t r a i n i n g Service Commission course outlined s h o u l d adequately T h e agility test outlined below p r e p a r e a c a n d i d a t e for e i t h e r position. S u c h c h a n g e s as m a y be a n n o u n c e d a t f u t u r e dates c a n Help Wanted—Female easily be included b y the c a n d i d a t e intb t h e p r o c e d u r e as outlined below. requires a c a n d i d a t e MEN A N D W O M E N OFFICE HELP WAHTED to Tpheirsf o rtest m several d i f f e r e n t m a n Pernnanent Position euvers in sequence w i t h i n a given Part Time time limit. F r o m a s t a r t i n g p o i n t open f o r or m a r k , a c a n d i d a t e m u s t r u n a STENOGRAPHER distance of t e n y a r d s , p e r f o r m a t e n - f o o t b r o a d j u m p , continue t o r u n f o r t e n y a r d s m o r e , go over Experienced a three-foot six-inch hurdle, Daily 5 or 6 P.M. to 10 P.M. BILLING CLERK a g a i n r u n ten y a r d s t o a n 8 - f o o t Burroughs Training Preferred high board fence which he must m o u n t . Upon a t t a i n i n g t h e t o p O t h e r s will be considered of t h e fence, h e m u s t reach f o r a 6 Union Square, N.Y.C. TYPISTS, CLERK h o r i z o n t a l ladder five feet above t h e fence, travel h a n d over h a n d Good at Figures on e a c h r u n g to t h e end of t h e Free Hospitalization ladder, swing a r o u n d and climb down a s u p p o r t i n g l a d d e r to t h e C a f e t e r i a on Premises SECRETARIES floor. H e m u s t t h e n r u n five y a r d s Apply Personnel Dept. between to a f o u r - f o o t s i x - i n c h vaulting T r a v e l Bureau CLERK-TYPISTS 8:30 A.M.—12 noon box, clear It, a n d continue on t o Late Model Cars Leave Daily finish line t e n y a r d s away. T h e SWITCHBOARD RELIEF e covered is approxi- All cities in U. S. A. Low cost. WALDES KOH-I-NOOR mt oat at el l yd ifsitfatnycyards. F a s t service A score of one Inc. (KnowIrdKe Typing) h u n d r e d per cent is a w a r d e d f o r a 1703 F l a t b u s h Avenue, Brooklyn 47-10 Austell PI. LI.C. p e r f e c t p e r f o r m a n c e of these Permanent Positions! E s p l a n a d e 7-5399 I.R.T. to Hunters Pt. Sta. m a n e u v e r s in t w e n t y seconds or With Pine Food Company less. F o u r per cent is deducted f r o m t h e final score of a c a n d i Dutchess County JOE LOWE CORP. d a t e for t h e commission of a foul. W O M E N YOUR RETIREMENT HOME »!0l WEST 26th 8TRKKT Foulg are knocking down a hurdle, ONE ACRE, 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, m a k i n g a s h o r t b r o a d jump, leavSTATE ROAD, ATX IMrKOVEMENTS. ing t h e course, or a n y other violaPart Time FIKEl'LACE, GAKAGE; I ^ W TAXES. tion of t h e procedure outlined. C l E T O l WORK S. KLEIN COAST to COAST COMPTOMETER OPERATOR Experienced Age 25-35 years 5 day week 40 hours Good A p p e a r a n c e Excellent Worljing Conditions Phone Mrs. Wilson ST 8-0200 Ext. 17 5 or 6 P.M. to 10 P.M. S. KLEIN 6 Union Square, N.Y.C. FAIRCHILD PUBLICATIONS wants INFORMATIOH CLERK Hours 8-4 10-8 Att. Wks. Work every other Saturday Salary to Start 8 EAST 13th ST. NKW YOKK CITT PACKERS' WOMEN — GIRLS • •I 'II DO YOU NEED STEADY EMPLOYMENT? IF SO APPLY AT ONCE QUAKER MAID CO., INC. 80—39th ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y. Starting Rates 65c Per Hour After 3 Months BTVac Per Hour After 1 Year 70c Per Hour Holiday Pay—Steady Employment Group Insurance—Evening Shift Premium Automatic Increases—Paid Vacation UNIFORMS FURNISHED Only those interested in steady full time jobs will be considered DlUECTIONSi-St. George (39th St.) Ferry to 39th St., Brooklyn. Plant adjacent to ferry slip. S t o o d In front o( the hurdl« a distance of three inches mora ttvan your leg length. Mark t h a t spot o n the floor. T h a t will b« t h e point from which you taka off i n the hurdle. You m u s t k e e p yooir eye on t h e m a r k e r at all times. Now go back several strides from t h e m a r k e r . Jog u p t o t h e m a r k e r , stop short a n d kick u p with one foot, p o i n t i n g t h e toes, b u t do n o t hurdle. W h e n you kick, be sure t h a t your toes a r e about t h r e e inches away f r o m t h e broomstick. Now r e p e a t t h e jog, a n d kick u n t i l you have r e g u l a t e d your stride a n d c a n h i t t h a m a r k e r every time. I t is extremely I m p o r t a n t to be able to r e a c h t h e s a m e spot in f r o n t of t h e h u r d l e every time. If you d o n ' t you will h a v e to b r e a k your stride, you m a y lose your balance, a n d m a y u p s e t t h e h u r d l e . A f t e r you h a v e a c quired accuracy a n d precision i n a p p r o a c h i n g t h e h u r d l e , you will be r e a d y to practice a c t u a l h u r dling. Approcah t h e h u r d l e i n stride, kick u p w i t h one leg, k e e p i n g t h e knee s t r a i g h t a n d t h e toes pointed. J u m p off w i t h the o t h e r leg. T h i s will l i f t your body a n d c a r r y y o u r f o r w a r d leg over t h e h u r d l e . T h e o t h e r leg is t h e n b r o u g h t over by bending t h e k n e e a n d lifting t h e whole l i m b f r o m t h e h i p o u t w a r d (see d i a g r a m ) . L a n d on t h e f o r w a r d f o o t , t h e n b r i n g t h e o t h e r foot a h e a d to continue a smooth stride (Fig. 2 ) . If you h a v e never done a n y h u r d l i n g before, p r a c t i c e with t h e t w o a n d a half foot h u r d l e i m t i l your p e r f o r m a n c e is p e r f e c t a n d t h e r e is no loss of balance or stride. T h e n increase t h e h e i g h t t o t h r e e feet, r e p e a t i n g all t h e m a n e u v e r s until t h e y a r e l e t t e r p e r f e c t . A f t e r t h a t , increase t o {Continued on Page 15) 250 Rooms Available Day or Night SINGUE OR COUPLES RATES $2.00 DAY 313 West 127th Street {N.E.*Corner St. Nicholas Ave. 8th Ave. Subway at Door) 271-75 West 127th Street (Near 8th Ave. and All Transportation Facilities) DininR Koom Specialty Southern Fried Chicken and Wanten The Harriet Hotels UNiversity 4-9053 • 4-8248 Owned iind Operated by Colored E. T. RHODES, Prop. Country Board 0 A KWQ 0 D New Windsor, N. T. Ncwburgh 4 4 7 7 Delightful — All Sports — Privarto lake—open fireplaces. DifTerent—the colonial atmosphere. Delicious—our unexcelled cuisine. Diverting—recordings for liateninc and dancing. Adults. Only 53 milfs from N.Y.C. Strickland's Mountain Inn Mt. Pocoiio, I'rnna. I.ocateti in tlie heart of the $6,000 . . TEUMS ['oconos. Open all year. T h e various p a r t s of t h e test (Every stoson has its own beauty) R. B. ERHART a r e broken down i n t o individual The Inn is modern throughout, excelVassnr Rank BIIIK., VouKiikeepsic, N. Y, lent food, steam-heated rooms, all in. courses of t r a i n i n g , a n d are l a t e r N. ¥ . Office (Monday o n l y ) : door and outdoor sports. 10 East 43rd St. MU 3 - 7 0 8 8 coordinated in groups. T h e test A paradise for vacationists, noneystresses n o t only agility but speed, mooners. and servicemen and women a n d it is essential, therefore, to E. A. STRICKLAND, Owner. Ugt. l e a m to coordinate all t h e m a Tel. Mt. I'orono 3081 neuvers with a m i n i m u m loss of FLANDERS, L. I. Stride. I n t h e beginning it is well Detached Frame Biinto l e a r n each m a n e u v e r slowly (ralow, furniHhed 4 TO RELAX rooma, suitable all I N V I T A T I O N a n d thoroughly before speed is year. Plot 5 0 x 1 6 2 . En}oy the serenity of Plum Point, Gurgeattempted. White picket fence, 0118 countryHlile, roaring llreplnres, ilclielI. garden tools. Near 0U8 food—and fun. water. $ 4 , 0 0 0 . Ideal Only 6 5 miles from Running Broad Jump for retirement. EGNew Vork. ^ ^^ M a r k off a s t a r t i n g line, m e a s - BERT at Whitestone. FLushing 3-7707. Make ICeservalion» ijfg^ Whitestone. FLushingr 3-7707. ure a s t r a i g h t r u n w a y of t e n •AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA yards, m a r k off a j u m p i n g line, a n d m e a s u r e t e n feet beyond t h a t , m a r k i n g off t h a t distance. JUST OPENED Crouch down a t t h e s t a r t i n g line HOTEL M I D W A Y with one foot toeing t h e line a n d Help 12 Story fireproof. All light outside rooms. Cross ventilation. Brand new furniture. Carpeted wall to wall. Runninr water. Adjoining baths.. Reduced Daily Rates: Rooms available every day. Telephone in every room. lOOth St. (H.B. Cor. Broadway) MU 2-UlOO ^'•'anted—Female ASSEMBLERS OPERATORS INSPECTORS STOCK CLERKS Tel. New ''ork 968 R.F.D.. Spring Valley Bctautiful c o u n t r y ; best eats $25 Booklet. Only one houi travel TRIPS TO LAKEWOOD GIRLS — W O M E N GREENBERG'S HOUSEWIVES Lakewood Line No experience necessary Day Shifts — Good Pay Permanent Position Cafeteria on Premises Apply Personnel Dept. between 8:30 A.M.—12 Noon WALDES KOH-I-NOOR lue. 17-lU AuHtfll IM. 1.U.1', tu UuuttfiM I't. CEDAR REST L.I.C Door to Daily trips to LukewuoU Door Service. 7 Patibeng r Cadillat cuit all occaiiioiis. lor Suutlirrn Ulvd., B r u m , DAytun Brooklyn Phone GLenmore 8-7221 l.C.C. Currier L A K E W O O D EXPRESS SERVICE BROOKLYN SKIdmor* 4-1596 Heated cars leave daily door t o dour, V(»r T«Mervutiuu« and i n f o r u m t i u n phuuc S A M ' S L A K i : W O O D NEW YORM and BRONX FOrdham 7-5194 LINIi) Manhattan. Brooklyn, Bronx and Lakewood, N. J. Dour to Uuur Service C'ark L«aviuc Dully Brooklyn: BEnsonhurst 6-9264 Bronx & Monhattan: SEdgwick i-8367 Curg for All UeeabluuH CIVIL SERVICE Tuesday, March 26, 1946 Page Thirteen NYC NEWS LEADER WELFARE BRIEFS ' FOLLOW THE LEADER FOR BARGAIN BUYS " Have you seen the new watches that "double" as alarm clocks? No more oversleepinff! I The alarm rln^s for 30 seconds and BtopB automatically. They sell for $15.40 at The Mailway Company, 516 Fifth Ave., N. Y. S U I T S ^ jSi XJ BUSINESS. SPORTS. RAINCOATS. TOPCOATS. OVERCOATS ;5.oo $10.00 I'.s.oo A t \UY)? Priced orlglnallr from 7 1 M $*6.00 to $100.00 / I 4 1 ffuU Line of Women't and J P JfJi Chlldren-i Clothes « V—/Ay ComplRte Selection of Men'® i^f-' Clothei Ask for Catalog € • BORO CLOTHING EXCHANGE 39 MyrtU Av«. Ireekylii, N. Y. FURS REJUVENATED SleoHliig - Elcctrifyfiiq • R«pairiiig Your old coat will look like new. Special Consideration given to Civil Service Employeea. An army and navy vet have Joined forces. They now operate a ladles' »pecialty shop at 306 Broadway (1 flight down). This week they are featuring ai six-gore slip with fagotted neckline and seam. Savinge from 10 to 25 per cent on all garments. In fact everything is sold below ceiling. There are just 200 boys shirts available at the Jack Sc. Jill Shop, 3414 Jerome Ave., Bronx, priced at $1.50. These shirts have regular collars and shirt tails, stripes, prints and checks. It will pay yon to visit Jeanne Filler at 130 West 42nd St., Room 856, between 8 and 6 p. m. She is a jobber in ladles' and men's undies, and is giving special buys to civil service employees during those hours each day. Edith Associated Fur Process Mien 29S SEVENTH AVE., NEW YORK Corner 87th St. WI 7-0058 Brooklyn Custom Hatters INC ,9 Willoughby Street IROOKLYN. N. Y. • STETSON • KNOX « DOBBS 0 MA1.LORX, Et«. At Low »a Halt Price OTHER S ^ lAS FAMOUS BRANDS J J , -^jp" 2 DOORS FROM AUTOMAT TEL. MA. 6-9B75 Largest Selection ot All Kinds of FRESH SAUSAGES, BOILED and SMOKED HAM and FRESH PROVISIONS For the paat 48 ymra w« taavc produced only ONK qnaUty—the BK8T HENRY KAST, Inc. • 277 Greenwich R E U P n O I ^ S T E R Make lowr Famitnre Look Like New. Sofa f ^ A and Chair ap. New coverings. Thoroughly sterilized. Frames reglued, repolished; springs reset. Slip covers made to order. Salesmen will call with samples. Estimates free. Loraine Upholstery Co. Street Bet. Murray^and Warren Sts.. N.X. • 7 Beach St., Stapleton, 705 Nostrand Ave., Bklyn. MAPLETON S. 1. ICE CUBES that are dif^ ferent; last 10 to 12 hours in r o o m temperature; packed in leak-proof containers; delivered to home or ofBce. Try some today 1 PALUMBO BA 7-8732 Modern Reducing Salon laeorporaHdl Mastog*s - Steam Cobfiicf Eicrefsfng 1 DcKalb Av«. 793 Fiatbasli Av*. Bklyn, MA 4-3738 Albee Bid*. Bklyn. I S 8-4707 Hard To Get Items JEANNE FILLER Markers Attention Veterans SUITS NEW SUITS AND OVERCOATS — SPORT JACKETS — LEATHER JACKETS — PKACOATS — PANTS, ETC. We Pay the Highest Price for Used C OOPER'S CLOTHING STORE »168 SEVENTH AVE. ( l « 9 t h St.), NEW YORK MO 2-6860 Discount to All Servicemen If You Mention The LEADER P h o n e R E 4-5116 NEW TIRES Large Stock Always om Haad Phone TRafalgar 7-6559 TRAFALGAR TIRE CO. FUEL QIL FROM THE DRUDGERY OF COAL IN A FEW HOURS, EVEN BEFORE HOME COOLS OFFl No Delay—^No Discomfort . . . HEATIHG D o It Now! SYSTEMS Installed, Serviced and Repaired by Heating Specialists IDEAL OIL BURNER CO., 510 Flatbush Avenue BUckminsler 4-3000 LBUAI. NOTICE STATE OF MEW TORK.. DBPAHTMENl OF STATB. ss.: 1 do bereby certify that • curtiticata ot dissolution of THE LIFTON MFG. CO., INC. has been Hied In thii> departmeni tUU da; and that it appears therefrom that such corporation has compiled with Section lOfi of the Stock Corporation Law. and that it is disBolved. Given in duplicate under my band and official seal of the Depaitment of State, at the City of Albany. (Seal) thiH 31st day of February, 1040. Thomas J. Curran. Secretary ot State. By Walter J. Qointf, Deputy Secretary of State. Learn to Drive Safety Controlled Cars Auto Driving School 1912 Broadway - N. Y. C. (bet. 63rd and 64th Streets) Operators and Chauffeurs license renewed. Private lessons at your convenience Cars supplied for Road tests tETTEK D41IVE AUTO SCHOOi M LEARN TO DRIVE UTICA AUTO SCHOOL LEARH TO DRIVE The Safe and Quick Way A satisfied customer is our best a d . Special consideration given to v e t e r a n s a n d civil service employees. Cars f o r r o a d test. Quickly and Safely Cars Hired for Road Test Phone NEvins 8-1690 Nr. Utica Are., Bklyn, PR 4-2028 988 1st Ave., N. PL 9-«136 IN TRAFFIC 1421 ST. JOHNS PLACE All Star Auto Driving School NostTMd AT. (ar. Pk. PI.) Bklyn. Dual Control Cars N. T. State Ucensed Instruction 856 UTICA AVENUE Nr. Church Ave., Bklyn., PR 2-1440 FIREARMS i O U « H T . SOLD - EXCHANGED Gnnsmith w Premises Pistol Range on Pr«misca J O H N J O V I N O CO. 5 CENTRE MARKET, N. Y. C. Bet. Grande & Broome. BACK AGAIN BENCO SALES CO. with A SPLENDID ARRAY OF NNE GIFT MERCHANDIU NaUonally AdTwtiaed ^n«mendoiu S a v i n n to Ci^il Serrio* Employee* VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT 41 Maiden Lon* HA 2-7717 RID YOUK HOBfK OF BED BVGS - ROACHES USE NON-POISONOUS, ODORLESS BVX'MT'SPHAY MONEY ^ $3Ifuon D e l i v e r e d ™ ^ " " " • Ouaranloe DUZ IT EXTERMItlATOItS »78 Atlantic Ave. Used Gars W a n t e d CAnal 6-9766 WE W I L L BUY We Want Your Used Car! Cash or Xrmle Highest Prices Paid Any Car in Good Condition All Models from 1936-1942 CAMEO MOTORS MORRIS ODGIS 1431 Bedford Avenue Bklyn, N. Y. ST 3-9626 m i COMEY ISLAND AVENUE BrooklyB. N. Y. ESplaBa4« 7.f741 CASH W A I T I N G We Pay More For Your Car AU Makes and Models 1 8 3 4 - l M S MAX SCHIFFMAN 1995 BEDFORD AVENUE BrM>kiyB. M. Y. INKerM>U B-SSST Hirh Allowance on Trade-ins. CALL LO 2-9160 We urgehtly need cars—any make from 1936-1942. Highest Possible Prices Paid Fieldstone Motors MOADWAY at 23»tli STREET Ask f o r J i m M o r a n MA 4-1779 L-EGAX NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE coitificate of dissolution of STORMY WEATHER SHOPS. INC. aas been tiled in this department this day and that it appears therefrom that such corporation has complied with Bectloa 101 of the Stock Corporation Law. and that it is dissolved. Given in duplicate under my hand and official seal ot the Department of Stato, at 4be City of Albany. (Seal) this 10th day of February, 1048. Thomas J. Curran. Secretary of State. By Walter J. Goinj, Deputy Secretary of State. and that it appears therefrom that radi corporation baa complied with Section 105 of the Stocls Corporation Law, and that it is dissolved. Oiven in (Wplicate under my hand and offlcisJ seal ot <he Department of State, at the City of Albany. (Seal) this 6th day of March, 1040. Tlioniaa J. Curran, Secretary ot State. By Edward D. Harper, Deputy Secretary of State. STATE OF MEW YORK. DEPAHTMEN'l OF STATE, ss.: I do hereby certify that > certificate of disaoluUon of FUR CORP. STATE OF NEW YORK. DEPARTMENT ha* iMen SHUSTER filed in this department this day OF STATE. M.: 1 do hereby oerUfy that • and that it appear* therefrom that such certlficatfl of dissolution of oorporatloo ha* complied with Section lOfi TAXPAYER REALTY CORP. • f th* Stock Corporation Law. and that U kaa beea filed In thla department thla day is disaolved. Glreo in duplicat* under my and that tt appear* therefrom that such band and official ••al of th* Department ol •orporatloo haa oompUed with SocUon 106 State, at the City of Albany. (8*al) of th* Stock Oorporation Law, and that U this 87th day of February. 1846. I* dls*olv*d. Olvan in dupUcat* under oiy Thomas J. Curran, Svoretary of State. By kand Mid o f S d a l •*•! of th* Departmont ot Edward D, Harper, Deputy Secretary of Stat*, at th* City of Albany. (S«al) State. this 7th day of Februaj-y, 1046. Thomas J. Ourraa, Secr*tary ot Stat*. By STATE OF NEW YOUK, DEPAKTMKN'I Walter Going:. Deputy Seoretary of State. OF STATE, ss.: I do heieby owUfy that * certificate of dissolution ot BTATB OF NEW YOHK. DEPARI'MENT KAY AND LKVY, INC. OF STATE, ss.: I do hereby oortlfy tUat a ha* bean tiled In this department thla day —ENdicott 2-2564— LEARH to DRIVE • • Spcciul' discount to veterans •" " FINEST GRAD€ CHANGEVTO. AUTOMATIC OIL HIEAT 8 5 NASSAU AVE.. BROOKLYN S15 ROEBLING ST.. BROOKLVN Evergreen 4-8457-809ii Lie. N. Y, S. ROBERT ABELS Clothing See Vb First! DRIVE Tri-Boro Auto School 860 IJBXINGTON AVE., N.Y.C. 368 Amsterdam Ave., bet. 77 * 78 Sts. BUYS and SELLS SLIGHTLY USED TO THRU TRAFFIC QUICKLI TAUGHT Day and Nirht Classe* Oars f«r Hire for R«muI Tesito Poregrn uniforms, medals and antique firearms, caps, insisrniae. Located At 1243 E. 14th St. E S p l a n a d e 7-9564 (Bat. Avenue L aad Avenue M) 6224 17th A v a . BEnsonhurst 6-1080 (Corner 63rd St.) both in Brooklyn LEARBf 13© WEST 48d ST.. N. Y.. Room 856 2 P.M. to 9 PJ4. Including- Sat. EARN EXTRA MONEY! Agnes Lichner, P r a n c e s Campbell, P e a r l B o n n e r , Vincent Soscia, Helen Pisaurelli a n d Ann Williams, Social I n v e s t i g a t o r s ; G l a d y s K i l patrick, Clerk G r a d e 2. W e received f r o m W C 32: I r i s C. Wallace, Assistant S u p e r v i s o r ; Elizabeth B r a d y , D o r o t h e a S c h u m a c h e r , K a t h r y n Edwards, Lottie Brender, A b r a h a m Dubin, M a r jorle Poole a n d M a r y J . E v a n s . Social Investigators, a n d T h e l m a Foss. Clerk, G r a d e 2. T h e office h a d a party and luncheon. E n t e r t e d n m e n t was p r o vided by local t a l e n t : Sylvester B r y a n t a n d Lyllian E l m o r a , vocalists; Claire Gonzalez, rumba d a n c e r ; W e l f a r e Center m e m b e r s of t h e D e p a r t m e n t ' s Chortd G r o u p a n d folk d a n c e s by f e m a l e m e m bers of clerical s t a f f . VETERAN ASSOCIATION T h e D e p a r t m e n t of Welfsire V e t t e r a n Association is s t a r t i n g a m e m b e r s h i p drive. H e r b e r t Alexander, S e c r e t a r y , said t h a t tiie object of t h e Association is t o u n i t e all civil service employees in t h e d e p a r t m e n t w h o a r e h o n o r ably discharged veterans, wives, widows, p a r e n t s , sons a n d daugh> tens of v e t e r a n s . W e l f a r e emplgyees a r e invited t o a t t e n d t h e n e x t m e e t i n g of t h e g r o u p a t t h e 77th Division Clubhouse. 28 E a s t 39th St., M a n h a t t a n , o n T h u r s day, M a r c h 28. T h e m e e t i n g will s t a r t a t 6:45 p. m . A bite m a y be obtained at t h e club. Driving Instructiaii Women's all silk slips, lace or t«iIor«d top, 38-44 <rec$3.98 Gowns, Pajamas (res. 93.08) flowered rayon A t th® Beit Prices Kosher a n d Non-Kosher Freshly Killed W h i l e You W a i t SAMOR SALES 30 E. Bway. N. Y. BO 9-5114 R 48 E. 81 St ST., N.Y.C. Specializing in Live First Class Poultry C 1rc u 1 a r T r a n sparent Gift Box with I n d i v i d ual name or monogram. Colors: Red. White Blue and Black. Stamped in gold or silver. E STYLE WISE CLOTHES WELFARE CENTER 26 S t a f f m e m b e r s recently r e t u r n e d f r o m military leave: B a x t e r Lowe, Cornelius Cooper, H e r m a n R o b i n son, Thomsus Moseley, M a r i o n L. ChrLstler, a n d E r n e s t S m i t h , S o cial I n v e s t i g a t o r s ; Agnes S c h u t z , F r e d e r i c k Gorey, J a m e s J . M a loney, Eugene Uzel a n d E u g e n e Hlggins, Clerks. R e c e n t m a r r i a g e s : Isabel Libori, Social Investigator to A s h t o n Goldberg, Social I n v e s t i g a t o r ( W C 23). T o b e m a r r i e d soon: M i l d r e d Ingber, Clerk, G r a d e 2. E n g a g e m e n t s : M a r g e Williams. Clerk, G r a d e 1. Sylvia Opert, Stenographer, is o n m a t e r n i t y leave. T h e r e was a s h i f t of s t a f f I n t h e WC. T h e following went t o W C 23: V a l e n t i n e Kedrov a n d R i t a K e n n e d y , Assistant S u p e r visors; B i a g i n a Bellomo. B l a n c h e G r a n a t a , I t a l i a F e r r i g n l , Agnes Ballinger, F r a n c e s D u n n e , S i d o n i a E i s e n s t a d t . AdeUne W a l k e r , Enrico Interdonato, Catherine Litsch, M a t t i e M a s o n , M a r g a r e t O'Brien, P h i l i p D ' A m a t o , Ant o i n e t t e Auletta, B a r n e y Osit, We Buy W a r Souvenirs 195 s I c Announcing Openinfr of Our Genuine Factory Loft Where you can buy your new suit and topcoat at tremendous reductions l a t e s t Spring Fabrics—Styles—Colors PR 3-8402 Live Poultry Markets o o p : GI'S FIRST : SUITS and TOP COATS W E L F A R E C E N T E R 11 Miss P a u l i n e Siegel, Clerk, h a s t a k e n over t h e n e w s a s s i g n m e n t . S h e r e p o r t s t h a t M r s . Madeline Carey celebrated t h e m a r r i a g e of h e r d a u g h t e r , Audrey, to C h a r l e s Ewald. Her son c a m e in on f u r lough f o r t h e occasion. TOP PRICE On Your Cars—All Models 1936-1942 C a s h on t h e line Exchange Motor Sales 1110 Coney iHlunc] Ave., Urouklyn MAuKiield (i-SMUMi We Heed Your C a r W e Will P a y Y o u r P r i c e All Makes Models f r o m 1932-42 Call or Drive to Halsey Motor Sales 235 Btvdronl Ave., Bklyn. MA «-6446 CIVIL SERVICE LEADER. 97 Duane Street. New York City STATE OP NEW YORK ) DEI'ARTMENT OF STATE) ss.: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY that a certillcate ol dissolutiou of NEI.VANBAM CORPORATION has been filed in this department this day and its appears therelrom that such cori>oration has complied with section one hundred and five of the Stock Corporation LAW, aud that it is dissolved. OIVEN IN DUPLICATE under my haud and official seal ot the Department of State, at the City of Albany, this sixth day of March, one thousand uiue hundred and forty-six. THOMAS J. CURRAN. Secrctai-y of State. By Edwurd D. Ucwptr, Deputy Seac'tttiy ol State. GAR APPRAISAL SERVICE BUREAU If you wish to k U your ear, send in the following information or write to •ne of the dealers Usted above: We will get an estimated valuation for yon based on the best price we can find from a reputable dealer. Make vf Car Tear Type MOeace Equipment Condition of Tires. Your Name Address Page Fourteen • CiViL VETERAN NEWS READER'S AFTER HOURS r o r R SOCIAL LIFE Mak^ new Iriends and enrich your social life throusrh SOCIAL INTRODUCTION SERVICE. New York's famous, exclusive personal and conlldenllal service, deslBned to bring discriminating men and women togrcther. Organization nationally publicized in leading magazines and newspapers. Send for circular. May Richardson, 111 W. 72nd St.. N. Y. EN 3-2033. 10-7 Daily, 12-6 Snn. ELITB MEN AND WOMEN MEET At Irene's Service Bureau, with the purpose of enhancing sociad life. Dignified. Gcnfldential. FO 4-6343. Apointmenta to 8:30. SERVICE SERVICE GUIDE Tueiday, Mari>h 26, 1946 LEADEH • N. Y. C. Extends Veterans' : Appointment Rights A new policy to protect the rights of veterans has been adopted by the Municipal Civil Service Commission. I n cases where eligibles have been reached for certification for LENMOR RADIO SALES SERVICE (15 appropriate positions, but were years experience) all work guaranteed. Electrical appliances and radio sets. ioi2lP®ff®d ^^er because they Were in Boston Rd. (Cor. 165th St.). Bronx, N.Y. military servlce, speclal military DAyton 9-2584—215 W. 145th St. (bet. lists will be set up. 7-8th Ave.), AUdubon 3-382B. These lists will have preference over lists established later—even Roofing though the later lists are estab- TRAVEL EXPERT RADIO SERVICBt All work CARS leaving dally—California, Texas, guaranteed and done by army trained Florida. Share expense plan. Brown's veterans. Concourse Radio & Appliances. Travel Bureau. 137 W. 46th St. LO. 6- Formerly Jack's Radio, 2310 Grand Con9750. courso (183rd St. subway), Bronx. FO St., New York. 4-0854 ffines and Liguort LET FULTON Throop Wine & Liquor Store serve you as they have served our country. Choicest of wines and liquors on hand. Just call tis. 646 Throop Ave. Corner Fulton St. PResident 4-5880 (Lie. 1699). Help Wanted—Agencies hh ROOFING—Build up—Pitch—all types. Specification Bonded. Jobs. Also waterproofing. Call NEvins 8-3711. Mr. Condon, Premier Roofing, 602 Pacific Street, Brooklyn 17, N. Y. A BACKGROUND OF SATISFACTION in personnel service since 1910. Secretaries, Stenographers. File-Law Clerks, Switchboard Operator. Brody Agency (Henrietta Roden). 240 Broadway (Opp. City HaU). BArclay 7-8133. Sewer Cleaning SEWERS OR DRAINS RAZOR-KLEENBD. No digging—If no results, no charge. Electric Roto-Rooter Sewer Service. Phone JA 6-6444: NA 8-0588: TA 2-W28. lished specifically for the same position. Formerly, veterans who had been reached for "appropriate" appointment did not gain the advantage of special military list rights. An "appropriate" appointment is one to a title other t h a n t h a t for which the exam was held, but which title the Commission feels t h a t candidates who passed t h e similar or related test can fill satisfactorily. YETS CAN CLAIM FULL CREDIT FOR SERVICE ON U. S. FORMS Special to The LEADER mate, machinist's mate, etc., which WASHINGTON, March 26—The are assigned to enlisted men Under the law, where experienca U. S. Civil Service Commission In a statement issued recently said is a factor in assigning ratings, TypetvriUra BOOKKEEPERS, Stenographers, Billing and t h e Civil Service Commission Bookkeeping Machine Operators. All office BOUGHT, SOLD, RENTED. Exchanged. AU t h a t the standard application for gives full credit for all experience N. T. LEAGUE OF OIRLS CLI!BS, 138 assistants. Desirable positions available repair work done immediately. Complete Federal employment provides E. 35th St. Social recrealtonal activities. daily. Kahn Employment Agency, InCn lino adding machines. We buy very old every possible opportunity for acquired by a person serving in Weekly Dances. Ball room instruction. 100 W. 42d St.. N.Y.C. WI 7-3900. typewriters. High prices paid. ATLANTIC persons who have served In the the armed forces, whether as a n Rhythm exercises. Summer vacation house. TYPEWRITER CO.. 2367 60th St., Brook armed forces to give a complete enlisted m a n or as an officer. LB 2-9719 lor information or descriptive lyn, N. Y. ES 6-5610. GOODWLL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, leaflet. account of t h e service rendered. Room 212A. 200 West 135th St.. NYO. Question No. 16 makes proviAU 0-3810. Receptionists, typists, couple* EXPERT TYPEWRITER REPAIRING $1 $360. sleep in;; maids, family ironers. up. All work guaranteed. Economy Type sion for detailed information as Madam Rhode (Licensee). writer Service. MElrose 5-6553. to all types of positions held by HEALTH SERVICES persons either in or out of the armed forces. MR. FIXIT Question No. 17 is designed to MISS and MRS. obtain detailed information as t o JDI}RX NURSING HOME. Reg. by N. Y. Special to The LEADER the training which persons have Dept of Hospitals. Chronics, invalids, elderly people, diabetics, special diet conacquired in t h e armed services Auto Repairs ALBANY, March 26—State e m Talescents. N. Y. STATE REG. NURSE in GENERAL REPAIRS, COLLISION—Duco BLOUSES. GOWNS, SLIPS, PAJAMAS. either as officers or as enlisted ployees with 6 months' temporary attendance. Rates reasonable. 120-24 FarGirdles nna all other ladles' specialties. service would benefit by a bill mers Blvd., St. Albans. L. I. Vlffilant 4- painting, welding. Specialists on bodies, These are nationally advertised items eold men. fenders. Personal Service. 18th Avenue 9504. Question No. 36 is designed to which has been reported out by Body Works, Inc., 4509 18th Ave., Bklyn. below ceiling prices. Do come in and get Windsor 8-9417. J. Sheinluk and A. acquainted with excellent values. SAMOR provide the information which is the Assembly Civil Service ComSALES, 305 Broadway, 1 flight down. Druegiats DiCasoU. needed in order to establish the mittee. The measure, introduced SPECIALISTS IN VITAMINS AND PRE fact t h a t the veteran is entitled by Assemblyman William M. Corsetiere •criptions. Blood and urine specimens Auto Seat Covers SPENCER CORSETIERE — Specialists in t o veteran preference under the S t u a r t of Steuben County a n d analyzed. Notary Public, 15c per signature, CUSTOM AND READY MADE AUTO SEAT style and surgical garments. Free figure Veterans' Preference Act of 1944. Senator Fred S. Hollowell of P e n n Special genuine DDT liquid 6% Solution b9o quart. Jav. Drug Co., 305 Broadway COVERS. Auto tops, carpets, rubber mats, analysis. Your home or our shop. 1425 T h e portion of this question Yan, both Republicans, provides cushions made to fit all cars. Leather Broadway, JVO 2-4736. Metropolitan Opera House upholstery repaired, reconditioned. E-Z Studios, 40th St. and Broadway, NYO. calling for "grade (rank) or r a t - t h a t a person in a competitive Auto Covers, 1543 Coney Island Avenue. WAtkins 9-1961. ing a t time of separation," as well class position in the civil service Esplanade 5-0613, C// as "serial number" has been found under temporary appointment as by the Commission over a period a substitute a f t e r military service, EVERYBODY'S BUY Electrolysis Auto Upholstery HAIR REMOVED PERMANENTLY by of m a n y years to be very helpful a temporary war appointee or war AUTO TOPS, SEAT COVERS, carpets, electrolysis. Reasonable rates. Phone for in Identifying the records of emergency appointee, or as a n rubber mats. Custom made to fit your appointment. HELEN M. DB CESARE. armed emergency Patrolman or Fireman, car. Leather upholstery for home, office, 1659 10th Ave.. B kiyn, N, Y. SO 8-2766. former members of t h e Autos for Hire forces who claim the preference shall not be barred from competHKATKD LIMOUSINKS for hire. Chauf etc. A. Eisenberg, 1303 Coney Island Ave,, DASHA ELECTROLYSIS STUDIO. Hair which Is granted to disabled ex- ing in an open-competitive exam leur, low rates, by the hour, day or trip Brooklyn, N. Y. ESplanade 7-1125. skillfully removed by multiple electrolysis servicemen. The request for this for appointment to the same or Call GILES. DAyton 3-3031. and new electronic methods. Personal attendant. Satisfaction assured. 33 W. 42nd information was previously con- a lower grade position because of Cleaners tained in a supplemental form education training or experience CLEANERS & TAILORS—A trial will con- St., N.Y. PE 6-2739. Check Cashing Service which all ex-servicemen claiming requirements. A. 4. PETRONI-]—654 WESTCHESTER vince you of our efllcient service. "King" SUPERFLUOUS HAIR PERMANENTLY disability preference were called Ave., Bronx (Near Jackson Ave, Sta.). The Tailor Special Design. P. & H. Cleaner® Tailors. 532 W. 145 St. (near Broadremoved, medically endorsed. Free trial Prompt Check Cashing Service Open Daily way). AUdubon 3-8850. P. Hale, Prop. treatment. Day and evenings. Francine upon to fill out The type of in- ENDS "WAR DURATION" 9:30 to 7:00 P.M. Fridays 8 P.M. MELewis, 1506 Avenue J, Brooklyn. Avenue formation called for in the sup- APPOINTMENTS lrose 5-5605, Station, Brighton Beach Line. ESplanade plemental form has now been Clockwork The California State Pei-sonnel 3302. consolidated with the new appli- Board will hold normal civil serV" KEEP IN TIME! Have youf watch checked Furniture (jation blank in Question No. 36. HAIR ON FACE or legs out for good by ice competitive tests, thus disFURNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD AND at SINGER'S WATCH REPAIRING, 169 scientific multiple electrolysis. Strictly REPAIRED. Complete homes our spe- Park Row, New York City, Telephone private. Consultation free. By appointment It will be noted t h a t Question continuing the war time policy of cialty. Highest cash prices paid. Special w o r t h 2-3271. only. Nelly Engel, 2575 Jerome Ave. (192 No. 36 calls not only for informa- permitting war duration appointprices to Civil Service employees. Dan's St.). Bronx. FOrdham 4-0038. tion f r o m officers but also for in- ments. During the transition peRepair Shop, 301 Flatbush Av. MA 2-7263 WATCH REPAIRING—5DAY SERVICE I Large factory shop now oCering services SUPERFLUOUS HAIR ON FACE, body and formation relative to special r a t - riod the number of names on each to retail public; guaranteed work. Whole limb permanently removed by electrolysis. ings ^uch as technical sergeant, eligible list will be limited to t h e Household ISecessitie§ sale prices. Dependable Watch Co., 132 Results guaranteed. Privacy assured. seaman first-class, pharmacist's number necessary to meet t h e Nassau St.. nr. Fulton. 13 fl.; BE 3-4427. Evangeline McLeod, 21 Fort Place. St. FOU VUUK HOME MAKING immediate needs of the State deGeorge. S.I. Bus. G1 7-4058. Home GI SHOPPING NEEDS partments. Eligible lists will t e r -3096. Furniture, appliances, gilta, etc. (at real WATCH REPAIRING—1 WEEK SERVminate at the end of the year savings). Municipal Employees Service, 41 ICE. All watches timed and tested by Park Row, CO 7-6390. 147 Nassau Street, Western Electric Watch Recorder. Irving HAIR REMOVED—FASTEST METHOD. Stop Tweezing Those Hairs a f t e r their establishment, presumHeinrich, 64 West 47th St., N. Y. C. (1 Permonent results; treatment $2.00; day. NYC. ably to enable veterans hereafter I Guarantee Permanent Removal. flight up). BRyant 9-3148. evening. Edith Bresalier (Licensed), Phone Safe, Painless, Reasonable. discharged to complete in later MAnsfield 6-7635. HAKD TO GET ITEMS—Toaster, heating examinations. pads, iicaters, chimes, radios, record play- EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING. All work Dresses ers and changers. Many otiier items. New guaranteed one year. Quick service OlVlIi SERVICE, PROFESSIONAL and Business Clientele. Personal Social Introductions. Investigate my Method. Booklet Free. Helen Brooks. 100 West 42nd ^t., WI 7-2430, Room 602. Bill Eases Exams For Yets Entering State Service r stock. Immediate delivery. UNIVERSAL RADIO, 118 West Burnside Ave., Bronx. LUdlow 7-2140. BETTER QUAI.ITY ,SHIRTS AND SPORT SHIKTS, 14-17, $3.l»5. French back and boxer siiorts 3 lor $4.50, elsewhere $1.95 eaoii. Jeanne Filler, 130 West 4ana St., Room 850, NYC. Wholesale shop, now catering to retail service at wholesale prices. Estimates clieerfully given. Economy Watch Serv ice. 19 W. 34th St., N.Y.C. Boom 827 (nr. McCreery). Wlsconsion 7-2620. Dog Training School DOROTHE'S EXCLUSIVE DRESS SHOPPE has the very newest in exquisite suits, street and cocktail dresses for Fall and Winter. 270 St. Nicholas Ave. Cor 124th St.) RI 0-9621. Hosiery Professional Postage Stamps DON'T THROW THOSE ST.\MPS AWAYt They may have value. Send 3c for "Stamp Want List" shoviiiig prices we pay for U. S. stamps. Stu^npaziue, 315 W. 42ud Piano Tuning SUMMER PIANO CO. (Est. 187»). Tun ing, repairing, remodeling. Also musical instruments repaired by expert. Full line of popular records. 337 Tompkins Ave Brooklyn, N, Y. (nr. Gates Ave,). GL 6 0480. Pipes Repaired SMOKKRSI PIPES REPAIKED EXl'ERT Smokers' Supplies LY. Any repair $1.00 Send check with BELL DRUG SMUKEKS DEl'T,, for all pipe or pay postman. C.O.D. SMOKE KITE, 941 Intervale Ave., N. Y. 69, N. Y civil service employees a discount of pur cunt on all sniokers' ai tivlcs and cigars by the box. 97 Chambers St., N. Y, 0 . Plumbing Sportswear l^llIUTS — SHIKTS — HHIKT.S, all sUea Uu»on, gabariline and other fubri' s, $3.76 Universal Sportswear, !J20 W, 4'Jna St Room 701. Wlfi onsiu 7 2934. Tires XlltES-TIUES-TIRE,s — Havd them Re citpvt-d, Rebuilt, Uotreudoa and Vulcanizud by Experts at the RIVERSIDE TIRB SERVICE 910 0(b Av*. lA>a«tiete S-8atf« and Heating FOB PLUMUING CALL DEWEY 0 - 2 3 M George W. Green, licensed plumbing and heating. Oil burner inbtallatlons. Time payments arranged. 2312 Avenue llrooklyn, N, Y. Radio Repairs 818 LEXINGTON AVE. (Nr. 62d St.) New York City REgent 7-Q834 Service SPECIALIST^— Have a permanent wave done at your home by Carol & Peter. GL B-1780. Anywhere. Phone early A.M. or late P.M. Reasonable prices. Pawnbrokers A G. EDEI.STE1N & CO. Oldest established pawnbrokers In the Bronx. '20!i9 Thiid Ave. at 141st St. MO 9-1066. WHERE TO DINE SCOOPI The place to eat in the Village: Calypso Restaurant. Creole and So. American dishes. Lunch 60c to 70c. Dinner 75o lo $1,126. 148 McDougal St. (Op. Province town Theatre). GKamer«y 6-9337. 20% DISCOUNT GLASSES ON To Civil Service Employees Prescriptions filled. Broken lenses duplicated. Adjustments no charge. Repaired NYLONS AND ALL OTHER HOSE reHAI-L'S TRAINING SCHOOL FOR DOGS paired. Wide runs a specialty, expertly Teaching of obedience, tricks and house- mended—30c and up. Anne Mattel, 85 breaking. Dogs boarded, clipped, plucked Christopher St. (nr. Bleecker). Hours 10and bathed. Pets and supplies. 287 Flat- 12:.30. 2:30-9 daily. Monday until 7 p.m. Lamps bush Ave., Brooklyn, ST 3-4290. CH 2-4699. TRX US. '<We know you will find all we say is true." Harlem Lamp Exchange and Reducing Repair Service, 2794 8th Ave. (between Firearms 148-149 Sts.). EDgecombe 4-6325. LADIES REDUCE, RELAX, Massage and AVAILABLE NOW new colt commando 3 8 steam cabinets. 10 treatments $25. Frledel calibre. Special $26.00. All types rifiea, Lachman, 174 W. 76th St., ENdlcott 2Men's Clothing—iVew shotguns, pistols, bought and sold. MET6309 for appointment. UNCALLED for men's clothing. Custom ROPOLITAN FIREARMS CO.. 165 Canal tailor sacrifices odds and euds iu men's St.. NYC. WA 5-8132. LOOK YEARS YOUNGER—Try Madam fine quality suits and coats, own make Ersl's delightfully relaxing facials at her 177 Broadway, NYC., 4th floor. Fountain Pen Hospital home or yours. $3.00 up. For appointment call Madam Ersi. LO 3-2447. No FOUNTAIN PENS REPAIRED. All makea answer call after 7 P.M. 416 W. 24th Portraits Imediate service. L. Pollak Cortland Co St., New York City. 243 Broadway. NYC. BA 7-0877. NATURAL COLOR PORTRAITS, taken at RAD SWEDISH AND MEDICAL MASyour home. You child or baby at your SAGE. Reducing overweight. Residence convenience. For appointment and in Furniture Service. Electric cabinet. License No. formation regarding our special ofler Call RE 4-1713, Coiograph Studios, 801 WK PAY TOP PRICES FOR USED FUB- 376797. 400 West 147th St. (cor. St. ^NITURE. Turn your old or slightly used Nicholas Ave.) for appointment. Phone Madison Ave., N. Y. furniture into cash money. Call Riverside EDgecomb 4-2928. 9-5287. Harlem Furniture Exchange, 116 West 110th St.. New York City. Pianos - UPRIGHTS, PLAYERS, $85 up. Cash or credit to civil service personnel. Man hattan Piano Service, 545 West 146 St NYC. EDgecombe 4-0014. CARAMAR ELECTROLYSIS & SHORT WAVE NEVINS PUR CO. Fine Furs Coats Made to Order Repairing -Remodeling 30 NEVINS ST. Bklyn. MA 4-8368 All Work Guaranteed CLEAR-VUE OPTICIANS 100 W. 4% St. WI 7-8361 (cor. 6th Ave.) Suite 001 of NERVES, SKIN AND STOMACH KIdntyi. Bla4««f. Qtnsral Lam* Back, SwstUn QIandt. PILES HEALED HAIR REMOVED By modem, sclentlflc, ^painlesi method and no loss of tim« from work. By Reliable ELECTROLYSIS EXPERT RESULTS GUARANTEED Moderate FEE At JAFFREY'S, 717 7th Ave. at 48th ASK FOR MISS GREENSTONE LO 5-9883 WMkMM, ConsHltatlon FREE, X-RAY ExaminatioH t Ltb«rai«ry Ttst $2 AVAILABLE VAKirOSR VEINS TIIKATKD . F £ E 8 TO SUIT YOU Dr. Burton Davis 1411 415 Lexington Ave. ^.rrtu I Hours: Hoi HAIR REMOVED V J Mon.-Wed.-Fri. 9 to 7, Thurs. Sat. l>-4. Sun. & Holidays 10-Vi (Clustid all day Tuesday) P£/?A/A f/SNTL Y.^ BY ELECTROLYSIS Ualrliite, Eyebrows Shaped RESULTS ASSURED Men also treated. Privately Erucst V . Capaldo 110 W. 42d (Uouri 1-8 p.m.) PU 6-1080 USE 666 COLD PREPARATIONS FOR GUARANTEED RADIO REPAIR ROYAL RESTAURANT (CoP. 163rd St.. St»i'vice. Call GRam 8-309.-i. AU makes Third Ave., Bronx), features special Sun Limited quantity of all tubea now avail day dinner $1.60. Sauerbratpn vitU dum. LIQUID, TABLETS. SALVE. N O S E D R O P b able. CITY-WIDE RADIO BERVICB, 0 0 pliiigs $1.25. a. Erler, Prop, MOtt Hiven C A U T I O N l USE O N L Y A S PIRECTEDI 9-7487-74M. University PL, Bet. &Ut * lOtb jStt. Palmer's "SKIN SUCCESS" Soap a •/NTM/ WMII containing tlie lam* coitly madication a» 104 yo^r provad Palmer'f "SKIN SUCCESS" Ointment. WIto up tha rich claanting, tO tMY »IKI)H riHt.S w«h fingar tips, watiiclotli or Lruth and allow to raniafti on 3 aiinutat. Ainaiiniily quick raiulti com* to niaojr tl<in«, afflicted with pimpUa, blackhaads. Itching ^ •czama. and rathat axtarnally cauaad that niaU Ak aciantifie hygiana action of Palmar'a "SKIN SUtfCES8" Soap, f'at your youth-cltar, loft lovalin«tiS, fiva your akin thi« tuaurioui 3 minuta foamy niadiea«ton-traatmant. At toilatry eountara avarywhtra 2&c 1 C T « 5 J' SX"* ^ ^ Wawr i u CIVIL Tuetdlay, March 26, 1 9 i 6 SERVICE LEADER Agility Test for Patrolman and Fireman (Continued from Page 12) t h e final level of t h r e e - f e e t - s i x Inches. W h e n you have m a s t e r e d t h e hurdle, you m u s t l e a r n to coordin a t e it with t h e Initial r u n a n d broad j u m p . To your original layout of t h e t e n - y a r d r u n a n d t e n f o o t j u m p , add a t e n - y a r d s t r a i g h t r u n w a y , a n d place your h u r d l e a t t h e end of t h e m e a s u r e d distance. Now go back to your s t a r t i n g line, crouch down, r u n t h e t e n yards, j u m p t h e t e n feet, run t h e r e m a i n i n g distance up to the h u r dle a n d go over. At first do all t h e m a n e u v e r s slowly in order to properly gauge your distances, t i m i n g a n d stride. Once your stride is s m o o t h a n d you can go t h r o u g h all t h e m a n e u v e r s p e r fectly, gradually increase your speed u n t i l «rou r e a c h your m a x i m u m p e r f o r m a n c e . Continue to practice daily in order to keep in f o r m . P a y p a r t i c u l a r a t t e n t i o n to m a i n t a i n i n g your balance a n d stride. III. Fence Climb and Ladder I n t h e fence climb you will h a v e to rely on your a r m s to pull you to t h e top, a l t h o u g h your legs will play a n extremely i m p o r t a n t p a r t (Pig. 3). F i r s t practice c h i n n i n g in oi'der to s t r e n g t h e n your a r m pull. Use t h e o v e r h a n d grip, w i t h t h e back of your h a n d t o w a r d you. You c a n practice on a c h i n n i n g bar, b u t if one is n o t available, you m a y be able to use t h e t o p f r a m e of a doorway in your h o m e , provided you can grip it with your fingers. C h i n u n t i l you tire, c o u n t i n g t h e n u m b e r of times you do it t h e first day, a n d try to increase daily until you can pull yourself up at least t e n t i m e s w i t h o u t tiring. For practicing t h e actual f e n c e climb, a n e i g h t - f o o t fence is of LEOAIi h i t t i n g and p u s h i n g up f r o m t h e wall with your foot. Speed will Increase your efTectivaness, but too m u c h speed c a n be a h i n d r a n c e . You will h a v e to discover for yourself w h a t r a t e of speed gives y o u the g r e a t e s t efficiency. T h e horizontal ladder is a t t a c h e d to t h e e i g h t - f o o t fence by m e a n s of two u p r i g h t bars, five feet high. I n climbing ;ne fence, t h e best procedure is to m o u n t it .slightly to one side of t h e u p right-s. After you h a v e drawn your body t o the top of t h e fence w i t h your waist resting against it, place t h e leg w h i c h is f a r t h e s t f r o m t h e u p r i g h t s on t h e ledge a t t h e t o p of t h e fence. Now, w i t h t h e opposite h a n d , grasp t h e n e a r e s t upright a n d pull yourself u p to a s t a n d i n g position on t h e ledge. R e a c h over a n d grasp t h e first r u n g of t h e horizontal l a d der w i t h one h a n d . T h e n swing off t h e ledge, a n d h a n d over h a n d , work across t h e full l e n g t h of t h e l a d d e r without skipping a n y of the rungs. During this maneuver keep your elbows slightly b e n t a n d j a c k - k n i f e your k n e e s up in f r o n t of you. This position will p r e v e n t excessive swinging or swaying of your body, a n d will bring your c e n t e r of gravity forward, t h e r e b y giving you m o r e f o r w a r d drive. P r a c t i c e going across t h e l a d d e r u n t i l you h a v e r e a c h e d your m a x i m u m speed. W h e n you are s a t i s fied t h a t your p e r f o r m a n c e is good, you m u s t practice d e s c e n d ing t h e vertical l a d d e r a t t h e f a r I n a c t u a l practice t h e f e n c e end of the horizontal. climb is m u c h easier t h a n it m a y a p p e a r f r o m the description. T a k e Wide Descend Option it slowly until you are p e r f o r m i n g easily. T r y for speed only a f t e r T h e r e are no restrictions or r e you have acquired t h e k n a c k of q u i r e m e n t s in t h e descend except t h a t i t must be p e r f o r m e d on t h e NOTICK o u t e r side of t h e u p r i g h t l a d d e r . You can climb, slide or j u m p filed and recorded in said cleik's office. New York County, and further, that a down. Use the m e t h o d t h a t s u i t s copy of this order and the papers upon you best, b u t t r y t h e m all first which it is based be served upon tho a n d exercise due c a r e to avoid i n Chairman of the Local Board of the United States Selective Service at which j u r y . Time yourself a n d clioose said SAMUEL RABINOWITZ has submit- t h e f a s t e s t a n d s a f e s t m e t h o d . ted to registration, within twenty days W h e n you come to t h e end of t h e after its entry and that proof of such service shall be filed with the Clerk of h o r i z o n t a l ladder, continue your this Court in the County of New York, f o r w a r d m o t i o n b u t swing y o u r within ten days after such service, and body a r o u n d one of the end u p that aftfer said reqiiirements are complied wih, and on and after the 29th day of r i g h t s . If you r e a c h the last r u n g April. 1946, the petitioner shall be known of t h e horizontal ladder w i t h your by the name of SAMUEL RAEBURN, r i g h t h a n d , swing t o the l e f t a n d and by no other nanie. p u t your l e f t f o o t on t h e n e a r e s t Enter, r u n g on t h e outside of t h e v e r t i c a l F . E. R.. Justice of the City Covu-t of l a d d e r . Now g r a s p a r u n g or t h e the City of New York. side of t h e ladder with your l e f t h a n d as you let go of t h e h o r i At a Special Term, Part II of the City Court of the City of New York, County z o n t a l with t h e r i g h t , a n d b r i n g of New York, at the Courthouse, at 52 t h e rest of your body a r o u n d . Chambers Street, Borough of Manhattan, T h e n descend i n a n y m a n n e r you City of New York, on the 22nd day of choose. W h e n you r e a c h t h e floor, March, 1046. Present: HON. FRANCIS E. RIVERS. t u r n about quickly a n d r u n five Justice. y a r d s . In the Matter of the Application of WILLIAM MARGOLIS, ELAINE RUTH A f t e r you h a v e practiced all t h e MARGOLIS and WENDY MARGOLIS for individual f e a t u r e s of t h e h o r i z o n leave to change their names to WILLIAM S. GAILMOR, ELAINE RUTH GAILMOR t a l a n d vertical l a d d e r m a n e u v e r s and WENDY OAIIJVCOR respectively. a n d can p e r f o r m t h e m quickly a n d On reading and filing the petition of smoothly, go b a c k to t h e f e n c e WILLIAM MARGOLIS and ELAINE RUTH MARGOLIS. duly vertifled the a n d go t h r o u g h t h e complete f e n c e 22nd day of March. 1040, and entitled as a n d ladder test f r o m beginning t o above, praying for leave of the petitioners end. Time yourself a n d try to i n to assume the names of WILLIAM S. GAILMOR, ELAINE RUTH GAILMOR crease your speed daily. E m p l o y and WENDY GAILMOR in place and a n y legal m e a n s of b e t t e r i n g y o u r stead of their present names; and it ap- t i m e without risking i n j u r y . pearing that the petitioner WIIXIAM course ideal, b u t you m a y have difficulty in finding one you can use. I n t h e beginning you can practice on a n y fence, or even a wall. Practice r u n n i n g u p against the fence or wall a n d h i t It with the ball of one foot, giving y o u r self a n u p w a r d p u s h f r o m t h e wall. W h e n you have gotten the k n a c k of h i t t i n g t h e wall properly, begin to r e a c h u p with b o t h h a n d s as you hit. R e a c h as h i g h as you can. Go t h r o u g h t h e m a n e u v e r s slowly a t first until you a r e sure of yourself. T h e n increase your speed a n d see how h i g h you can reach. Finally practice on a n e i g h t - f o o t fence with a top s u r f a c e t h a t you c a n grip safely. As you p u s h u p f r o m t h e fence with your foot, g r a b t h e t o p of t h e fence with both h a n d s a n d pull up a t t h e s a m e time. P r a c t i c e this u n t i l you a r e able to d r a w your waist u p to t h e t o p of t h e fence. F r o m this point, m o u n t i n g t h e t o p of t h e f e n c e will be relatively simple. I n practicing, always be c a r e f u l t o avoid body c o n t a c t with t h e wall. H i t t i n g t h e wall with your body m a y prove injurious, a n d will also d e f e a t your purpose by slowing you up. M a n y m e n c a n n o t pull themselves u p in t h e m a n n e r described above, which is t h e ideal way. T h e y find it more expedient to get one foot on t h e wall, grasp t h e top with both h&nds, ^ d t h e n scramble u p t h e wall with both feet. T h e y t h e n p u t one elbow over t h e top of t h e wall, a n d swing t h e toe over on t h e same side. T h e n they hook the knee over t h e top a n d pull u p to t h e top of t h e fence (Fig. 4). At a Special Term, Part II, of the City Court of the City of New York, held in and lor the County of New York, at the Courthouse, No. 63 Chambers Street, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on the 21st day of March, 1946. Present: HON. FRANCIS E. RIVERS, Justice. In the Matter of the Application of PAUL JOSEPH FRIEDMAN for leave to changre his nanie to PAUL. JOSEPH FARR. Upon rea<lingr and filing: the petition of PAUL JOSEPH FRIEDMAN, duly verified the 2nd day of March, 1940, praying lor leave to assume the nanie of PAUL JOSEPH FARR, in place and steatl of his present nanie; and it appealing: that the said petitioner, pursuant to the Selective Training and Service Act of 1040, has submitted to registration as therein provided; and the Court being: satisfied that the averments contained in said petition are true and that there is no reasonable objection to the change of name proposed, NOW, on motion of T. Stanley Bloch, Esq., attorney for the petitioner, it is ORDERED, that PAUL JOSEPH FRIEa>MAN be and he hereby is authorized to assume the name of PAUL JOSEPH FARR on and after the 30th day of April, 1946. upon condition, however, that he shall comply with the further provisions ®f this order. a:id it is further ORDERED, that this order and the aforementioned petition be filed within ten days from the date hereof in the office of the Clerk of this Court, Cotinty of New York and that a copy of this Older shall, within ten days from the entry thereof, be published once in The Civil Service Leader, a newspaper publi.shed in the County of New York, State of New York and that within forty days after the making of this order, proof of such publication shall bo filed with the MARGOLIS, pursuant to the provisions of Clerk of this Court, County of New York the Selective Training and Service Act of and it is further 1!>40 has submitted to registration as ORDERED, that a copy of this order therein provided; and the Court being and the petition upon which it is based satisfied thereby that the averments conVaation Dine ehall be served upon the Chairman of the tained in said petition are true, ajul that Local Board of the United States Selec- thpre is no reasonable objection to the Honeymoon Week-End tive Service at which the petitioner sub- change of names proposed. AT — mitted to registration as above set forth, NOW, on motion of A. E. ROBERT within twenty days after entry and that FRIEDMAN, attorney for the petitioners, proof of such service shall be filed with it is the Clerk of this Court, County of New ORDERED that WILLIAM MARGOLIS, York, within'ton days thereafter, and it ELAINE RUTH MARGOLIS and WENDY is further MARGOLIS bo and they hereby are OUDEHED, that following the filing of authorized to aesumo the names of WEST HAVEN, CONN. the petition and order as hereinabove di- WILLIAM S. GAILMOR, ELAINE RUTH rected, the publication of such order, the GAILMOR and WENDY GAILMOR. reOb Long Island Sound filing of proof of publication, the service spectively, on and after May 1, 1940, PHONE NEW HAVEN e-'4340 of a copy of said papers and the filing upon condition, however, that they shall of proof thereof, all as hereinabove di- comply with the further provisions of Bar 6 Grill • Home Coofclng rected, that on and after the 30th day this order; and it is further Including Shore Dinners of April, 1940, the petitioner shall be ORDERED that this order and the known by the name of PAUL JOSEPH aforementioned petition be filed within Comfortable Reomt FARB and by uo other name. ten days from the date hereof in the office Private Dineing Enter. of the Clerk of this Court: and that OPEN THE YBAR ROUND F. E. R., copy of this order shall, within ten days (Special .Winter Kates) J.C.C. from the entry thereof, bo published onee For Reservatione write oi In the Civil Service Leader, a newspaper published in the City of New York, fhone New Haven 9-2340 At a Special Term, Part 11, of the City County of New York; and that, within Court of the City of New York, County forty days after the making of this order, of New York, at the Courthouse thereof, proof of such publication thereof shall 62 Chambers Street, in the County of filed with the Clerk of the City Court New York, City of New York, on the be of the City of New York, in the County 10th day of March, 1040. of New York; and it is further Present: FRANCIS E. RIVERS, P I A N O ORDERED lhat a copy of this order Justice, and the papers upon which it is based In the Matter of the Application of SAMUEL RABINOWITZ for leave to as- shall be served upon the Chairman of the eunio the name of SAMUEL RAEUURN. Lo<'al Board No. 27 of the United States Service at which petitioner On reading and filing the petition of Selective SAMUEL RAHINOWITZ. duly verified the WILLIAM MARGOLIS submitted to regis11th day of Mareh, 1940, and this court tration aii above set forth. Probation having been satislieit that there is uo Ik'partment, Court of General Sessions, reasonable objection to the change of the New York County, and upon the District petitioner's name to SAMUEL RAEBURN; Attorney of the County of New York, This Method U your Instructor within 20 days after its entry; and that Now on motion of Juaeph Halpern, at- proof (Churt-Uriglnal size—'.i'^xlS Inrheti) of such service shall be filed with torney for petitioner, it is the Clerk of this Court in the County of "Mirrored Reflection," Ordered, that the said SAMUEL RA- New York, within ten days after such with instructions on. If BINOWITZ, bt! and he hereby is authoryou wish to learn to i«t'<l to assume the nan>e of SAMUEL service; and it is further play the Accordion, at ORDERED that followhig the filing of RAEUURN, on and after the liOth day home, buy this Chart-— of April, 1940, upon his compliance with the petition and order as hereinbefore by all moans, it will directed, awd the publication of such order, the provisions of the Civil Uights Law help you—quickly to relating thereto, namely, that within ten and the filing of proof of publicatiou b ecome acquainted thereof, and of the service of said petidays after the date hereof, tliis order aiu] with your instrument. the pat>erii upon which it is granted, be tion and of said order as hereinbefore directed, that on ami after May 1, 1940, Ludwig J u r e v a t y filed with the Clerk ot thltt court, and the petitioners Wll.LIAM MARGOLIS. it Is lOaO Auisterdtini Ave., Further ordered, that a copy of this ELAINE RUTH MARGOLIS and WENDY New York SJ5. N. Y. ordw be published in The Civil Servii-e MARGOLIS shall be known by Uie names Send me your eopyriehted musical ehiwt, ELAINE which will be sent. Post-paid. I enclose $1. I.ieailer, a newspaper published in the of WILLIAM S. GAILMOR, County of New York, City and State of RUTH GAILMOR and WENDY GAILMOR, Naaie Nt-w York, withiu ten days after entiy u( respoctivuly, and by no other name. Address , • tbi^ order, and within forty days after JiUiter, the makiuif of tliis or^ler, an atlidavit of r. JC. U.. I CUy Zone . . State liublicaUuu thereof, as aL>ovu OticctcU be J.C.C. House of Hawkins 372 Beach Street ACCORDION Learn to Play the Simplified W a y — ^ ^ By J. RICHARD BURSTIN VIVIAN BLAINE is the dollface of the new Roxy Theatre Show. ^ ^ A r e c e n t l y produced film, "Stormy Waters," with J e a n C a bin a n d Michele M o r g a n , is o n its way to America. M O M Is r e sponsible for It, a n d for " I t H a p pened a t t h e I n n , " which is still scoring a t t h e 55 t h S t r e e t P l a y house." A t a l k i n g fish, w i t h a bit of h e l p f r o m Crosby a n d Hope, h a s d r a w n 420,000 eager laugh-seekers to t h e P a r a m o u n t T h e a t r e in " R o a d t o Utopia." Every few y e a r s Robin Hood emerges f r o m oblivion to s a t i s f y t h e a d v e n t u r o u s spirit in t h e h e a r t s of m a n y movie-goers, but this time t h e c h a r a c t e r is no less t h a n t h e son of Robin Hood! Cornel Wilde in " T h e B a n d i t of Sherwood Forest" opened at Loew's Criterion a n d his c h a r m ing c o - s t a r is Anita Louise. Lovely Evelyn Keyes i s coming i n t o h e r own in a film about A1 Jolson a n d will a p p e a r also in "Rendezvous in Rio" opposite Melvyn Douglas. Brooklyn's own bloom, t h e f o r sythia, h a s h a d a swank supper club n a m e d a f t e r it, a n d somet h i n g to see, too. I n t h e Hotel G r a n a d a , the new F o r s y t h i a R o o m will f e a t u r e S t e p i n P e t c h i t of movie f a m e . Long Islanders should visit t h e Queens T e r r a c e for a springy revue to t h e t u n e s of Milt M a n n a n d Joe De Cailo. B e t t e Davis generously c o n t r i b u t e d her efforts to t h e filming of a Salvation Army short t h a t ' s titled " M a r c h i n g F o r w a r d to a B e t t e r World." A Paramounl Picture 'JDARAMOUNT 9 TIMES SQUADE Midnight F«alwr« Nightly PERRY ViVIAN DENNIS BLAINE O'KEEFE CARMEN COMO MIRANDA I n 20th CENTURY FOX DOLL FACE n On Stage: LOU WALTERS' LATIN QUARTER REVUE Extra! ARTHUR LEE SIMPKINS R O X Y Deer epeii 10.30 7th Ave. and 5th St. Gory Cooper • Ingrid Bergman EDNA FERBER'S " S A R A T O G A TRUNK" WARNER'S BIGGEST wiffc FLORA ROBSON A H A L B. W A L L I S PRODUCTION HOLLYWOOD Joan LESLIE • BROADWAY a t 51st STREET Robert ALDA In WARNEE BROS. HIT. "CINDERELLA JONES" Cab CALLOWAY IN PERSON And His Jumpin* B R O A D W A Y AT 47th STREET Zhnmerman's Hungaria AMIRICAN HUNGARIAN 108 WMt 46tli St. BAL BmI sf Bway. TABARIN Jive Jubilee S T R A N D raiiiou* for Ita cuiievb food, OUtinKuiithe^ for its Uypity Muvio. Uinn«r from $1.25. U»ily from A F.M. Suaduy from 4 P.Bf. SlMtrkliug Floor bbowi. Two Urcheiitr»s. No Cover Kver. Topi* for I'urtiM. UtiiKUcre 3 U115. 2!4rt W. 40th St. ''GAV P.^KKJi: IN N.*.'» CI U 004U Del.ux« French Uiuuer 91.'49 3 Kevue* Niteiy. * Urcbi. DaacinK No c o v w Page Sixteen STATE N t W S CIVIL S E R V I C E LEADER Tuesday, March 26, 1946 A C T I O N O N BILLS BEFORE LEGISLATURE A summary, reporting the act i o n on Legislative bills, p r e p a r e d Just before presstime, follows: PASSED B O T H H O U S E S B e f o r e Governor f o r F i n a l Action M i n i m u m salary bill, w h i c h fixes a n n u a l salary a t $1,200 f o r all f u l l - t i m e S t a t e employees. E m e r a g e n c y p a y t o be a d d e d t o t h i s minimum. Liberalization of the PeldH a m i l t o n Law to provide f u l l i n c r e m e n t u p o n p r o m o t i o n t o posit i o n in over-lapping g r a d e a n d gives i n c r e m e n t credit f o r service under temporary appointment upo n p e r m a n e n t a p p o i n t m e n t to position i n s a m e occupational service a n d salary grade. Professional classification shall Include "professional" r a t h e r t h a n ' ' g r a d u a t e " nurses. Extension of t h e d a t e to r e classify positions. Feld-Hamilton inclusion for Forest Rangers. Transfer between retirement syctems. Veterans' n a m e s t o be placed o n special list a t a n y t i m e d u r i n g life of list, i n s t e a d of within 90 days. Seniority to be d e t e r m i n e d by t h e d a t e t h e n e x t p e r s o n below v e t e r a n on original list was appointed. Period of m i l i t a r y service to be d e d u c t e d f r o m civil service age requirements. Removal proceedings, except f o r t h e t h e f t of public f u n d s , m u s t be brought w i t h i n 2 years of t h e occurrence of acts or i n c o m p e t e n c y complained of. Institution patrolmen are police officers outside of i n s t i t u t i o n grounds. P A S S E D SENATE ONLY Raises to t h e m a x i m u m of t h e P e l d - H a m i l t o n salary grades e m ployees who h a v e been a g r a d e f o r 5 years. New grades f o r U n e m p l o y m e n t I n s u r a n c e Division. R e t i r e m e n t a f t e r 25 y e a r s for u n i f o r m e d or prison personnel (Correction Dept.) a t age 60. E x e m p t i o n on all r e t i r e m e n t benefits f r o m estate t a x on death of employee. Extension f o r one year of t h e time within which employee c a n c l a i m credit f o r t i m e h e was on leave of absence for w a r w a r k . R e d u c t i o n of Interest o n loans f r o m pension system to 4 per cent f r o m 6 per cent. Resolution requesting Congress to exempt pensions of $2,000 a n d under from Federal Income Tax. Employee w h o resigned t o enter t h e m i l i t a r y service f o r t h e sole purpose of w i t h d r a w i n g his contributions f r o m t h e r e t i r e m e n t system m u s t be r e i n s t a t e d . Also p e r m i t s discfetionary r e i n s t a t e m e n t of any S t a t e , city, coimty or village employee w h o resigned during, or 6 m o n t h s prior to, entering m i l i t a r y service. Extension for one year of t h e provision t h a t R e d Cross foreign d u t y shall b e deemed military duty. Merit Award bill granting awards, including c a s h a n d salary Increases, for meritorious suggestions or o u t s t a n d i n g ability. Extension of t h e life of eligible list for architects. Providing f o r t h e r e i n s t a t e m e n t of demoted engineers i n t h e P u b lic W o r k s D e p a r t m e n t . P A S S E D ASSEMBLY ONLY Extending Feld-Hamilton to Parole Oflicers. Providing t h a t if prison g u a r d was eligible t o r e t i r e or was r e ceiving a r e t i r e m e n t allowance, widow, if m a r r i e d to h i m f o r a t least 5 years, shall receive a n n u a l pension of $600, t e r m i n a t i n g on her remarriage. Extending veterans retirement loans. Providing f o r civil service r i g h t s News About State Employees CREEDMOOR T h e Creedmoor C h a p t e r h e l d t h e i r a n n u a l d i n n e r d a n c e in t h e Commercial R e s t a u r a n t , Q u e e n s Village. G u e s t speakers were D a n S h e a , P e r s o n n e l Director of M e n t a l Hygiene, Jesse H. B e n n e t t , M.D., Assistant Director of C r e e d m o o r S t a t e Hospital; Mrs. W i l l i a m s a n d Mrs. S u t h e r l a n d , m e m b e r s of t h e B o a r d of Visitors of Creedmoor Hospital. B o n d s were a w a r d e d t o Leo O'Connell, J i m M a s t e r s o n a n d G e r t r u d e Jirisko. T h e basket of cheer was given t o o u r P r e s i d e n t ' s son, J o h n M u r p h y , Jr. Get-well wishes go t o E d n a Searles a n d T h o m a s C a l l a h a n . C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s go to M r . a n d Mrs. M. R o t h e n b e r g on t h e a r rival of a son. Our s y m p a t h y is e x t e n d e d t o M a r i e Gerker on t h e loss of h e r m o t h e r , a n d to Eleanor Cox on t h e loss of h e r g r a n d m o t h e r . Dr. a n d Mrs. H. A. A b r a h a m m e r h a v e r e t u r n e d f r o m Buffalo. Mrs. A b r a h a m m e r received h e r B.S. degree in Nursing E d u c a t i o n a t t h e University of Buffalo. M r s . Abrahammer is t h e Assistant P r i n c i p a l of t h e T r a i n i n g School. Good luck, Florence. Julia and Grace Canning vacationing f o r a week. are GENEVA T h e G e n e v a C h a p t e r h a d as its guest L a u r e n c e J . Hollister, Field Representative. M r . Hollister visited t h e offices of t h e D e p a r t m e n t of U n e m p l o y m e n t I n s u r a n c e a n d a t t h e E x p e r i m e n t S t a t i o n , discussing employee problems. I n t h e a f t e r n o o n , Mr. Hollister a n d two m e m b e r s of t h e Experim e n t S t a t i o n staff c o n f e r r e d with D r . Day, President of Cornell U n i versity, concerning m a t t e r s discussed in r e c e n t correspondence. T h i s visit t o I t h a c a was carried out in connection w i t h t h e G e n eva C h a p t e r ' s e f f o r t t o obtain f o r local S t a t e employees t h e s a m e p a y a n d privileges already enjoyed by S t a t e employees elsewhere. A c a r d p a r t y was held in J o r d a n Hall following a brief business meeting. The committees in c h a r g e consisted of D o r o t h y Cass, Carrie Legnini, B e t t e Cullinan, G r a n t Stevens a n d M. H. C a m p field. CENTRAL I S L I P T h e m e m b e r s h i p drive Is well over t h e top. L a u r e n c e Hollister, Field R e p r e s e n t a t i v e of t h e Association, is expected a t C e n t r a l Islip t h e early p a r t of April, w h e n a soecial meeting will be held. F r a n c i s Linguist of t h e S t o r e house h a s arrived a t t h e W e s t Coast f r o m t h e Pacific a n d is expected at Lido B e a c h a n y d a y now. O n t h e sick list a r e Agnes Steele, Louisa S h a l a n s k y , J o h n R y a n a n d Michael Sweeney. RAY B R O O K T h e R a y Brook C h a p t e r held its m o n t h l y meeting. W e were very f o r t u n a t e in h a v i n g William P . McDonough, Executive R e p r e sentative of t h e Association present. Mr. McDonough spoke to t h e m e m b e r s on various bills before t h e Legislature. E m m e t t J. D u r r , President of our C h a p t e r , a t t e n d e d t h e St. L a w rence C h a p t e r ' s a n n u a l d i n n e r r e cently. W e are glad t o welcome E s t h e r Penci back as our Dietitian. E s t h e r l e f t R a y Brook in 1941 t o r e s u m e studies a t Cornell U n i v e r sity. S h e completed h e r studies t h e r e In J u n e . 1943, a n d accepted a position a t t h e Montefiore Hospital, Bronx, N. Y. At Montefiore she was in c h a r g e of t h e t u b e r culosis pavilion. A farewell d i n n e r p a r t y w a s h e l d for Florence K i r c h e recently. Florence h a s resigned a s Dietitian, a n d Is now v a c a t i o n i n g In Florida. of U S E S employees o n r e t u r n t o S t a t e jurisdiction. Also a bill providing for r e t i r e m e n t r i g h t s of these employees. BILLS D E E M E D DEAD Overtime in S t a t e P a r k s . T i m e a n d a half a f t e r 40 hours. F i v e - d a y week. E x t e n d i n g 8-hoiu: d a y to H o u s e - keepers, Domestic Vehicle O p e r a tors a n d Mechanics, F a r m e r s . S i x - d a y week for S t a t e Police. MISCELLANEOUS A bill to provide for p a y m e n t of moving expenses of employees by t h e S t a t e h a s been recalled f r o m t h e Governor's office by the S e n a t e . T h e Governor was r e - Ratings Of Typists And Stenos (Continued from Page 1) a p p o i n t m e n t s l i m i t e d to one year or less, who become eligible a n d who m e e t t h e conditions of E x e c u tive O r d e r 9691 f o r acquiring a classified civil service status, m a y have their non-status appointm e n t s converted t o a p p o i n t m e n t s with civil service s t a t u s , in t h e i r p r e s e n t positions, w i t h o u t c h a n g e of g r a d e or salary. I n case t h e i r salaries h a v e been increased above t h e m i n i m u m of t h e i r grades i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e provisions of t h e Federal within-grade salary a d v a n c e m e n t law, t h e y will n o t lose t h e benefits of s u c h salary i n creases by reason of this c h a n g e of s t a t u s . " How to Apply G e t C a r d F o r m 5000-AB f r o m t h e Director, Second U. S. Civil Service Region, F e d e r a l Building, C h r i s t o p h e r Street, New York 14, N. Y. Fill it out completely. B e s u r e t o s t a t e t h e t i t l e of t h e exa m i n a t i o n f o r w h i c h you a r e a p plying. Only one c a r d f o r m should be filed by a p e r s o n wishing t o a p p l y for b o t h S t e n o g r a p h e r a n d Typist positions. Applicants m u s t s e n d t h e C a r d F o r m 5000-AB t o t h e Director regardless of where they want to work. C a r d F o r m 5000-AB m u s t be r e ceived b y t h e Director n o t l a t e r t h a n M a r c h 26, 1946 (at 5 p.m.) to b e acceptable. Place of Employment Applicants w h o p a s s t h e s e exa m i n a t i o n s m a y h a v e their n a m e s placed on registers f o r a p p o i n t ment either: (1) i n W a s h i n g t o n , D. C., a n d t h e i m m e d i a t e vicinity, or (2) i n t h e Second U . S. Civil S e r v ice Region. F o r t h e S e c o n d Region t h e Zones of Certification, f o r t h e filling of vacancies in t h e S t a t e s of New Jersey a n d New York, a n d : Zone 1—All p e r s o n s residing i n New Y o r k S t a t e except t h e C o i m ties of Rockland, Westchester, Nassau, Suffolk, a n d G r e a t e r New York City. Zone 2—All persons residing in the five boroughs comprising G r e a t e r New York City, a n d in t h e Counties of Rockland, W e s t chester, N a s s a u , a n d Suffolk, In New York S t a t e . Zone 3—All persons residing in t h e S t a t e of New Jersey. Any zone of certification m a y Include s u c h p a r t of a n a d j o i n i n g zone which is within t h e c o m m u t ing a r e a local to t h e agency w h e r e t h e vacancies exist. Salary a n d Workweek T h e s t a n d a r d F e d e r a l workweek is 40 h o u r s . S t e n o g r a p h e r s a n d Typists w h o are reqiiired t o work overtime receive overtime pay a t t h e r a t e of IVJJ t i m e s t h e basic h o u r l y r a t e . A u t o m a t i c p a y increase, u p t o a fixed m a x i m u m are provided by law f o r those whose services m e e t given s t a n d ards of efficiency. G r a d e of position, m i n i m u m basic s a l a r y ( e n t r a n c e s a l a r y ) , r a t e of yearly increase a n d m a x i m u m basic s a l a r y : CAF-1 $1,506 $66 $1,902 CAF-2 $1,704 $66 $2,100 All basic salaries a r e s u b j e c t to a d e d u c t i o n of 5 per cent f o r r e t i r e m e n t purposes. Official D a t a on R a t i n g s T h e first of t h e e x a m i n a t i o n s will probably be h e l d on M o n d a y , April 22. T h o s e t a k i n g t h e e x a m s will be interested in t h e following official d a t a on r a t i n g s : " C o m p e t i t o r s will be r a t e d on a scale of 100. " F o r Typist, (a) in t h e G e n e r a l Test n o n - p r e f e r e n c e competitors m u s t a t t a i n r a t i n g s of a t least 70; competitors entitled t o 5 - p o i n t p r e f e r e n c e credit, r a t i n g s of a t least 65, excluding p r e f e r e n c e credit; a n d competitors entitled to 10-point p r e f e r e n c e credit, r a t ings of a t least 60, excluding p r e f erence credit, (b) I n t h e s u b j e c t of copying f r o m p l a i n copy n o n p r e f e r e n c e competitors m u s t a t - t h a t n o w m e m b e r s are looking f o r w a r d to a s p r i n g dance t o be held in our r e c e n t l y redecorated assembly hall. J o h n B u r n h a m , Mrs. J a n e t B r a i n a r d a n d Mr. Robert Silverman attended the annual dinner a n d meeting in Albany on Feb. 28. W e are sorry to r e p o r t t h e r e s i g n a t i o n of Mrs. Eleanor T h a y e r Hughes, our Senior Dietitian, w h o leaves t h e h o s p i t a l to join h e r h u s b a n d in Chicago. Mrs. H u g h e s h a s been w i t h us since 1934 a n d h a s done m u c h to h e l p w i t h p a r ties a n d e n t e r t a i n m e n t s f o r t h e ST. LAWRENCE p a t i e n t s a n d employees of t h e W e a r e going t o miss T h e second a n n u a l d i n n e r f o r hospital. t h e Hospital C h a p t e r was held a t h e r . t h e Masonic T e m p l e in O g d e n s CRAIG COLONY burg, a n d 183 a t t e n d e d . G u e s t s included Dr. J o h n A. P r i t c h a r d , Fred Beurlein was elected Senior Director, a n d M r s . P r i t c h - T r u s t e e of t h e Village of M t . a r d ; William McDonough, Execu- Morris a t t h e a n n u a l election. tive R e p r e s e n t a t i v e ; E m m e t t J . J e r r y Rolison, Clothing Clerk, D u r r , President of R a y Brook As- h a s resigned. sociation, a n d Albert S. McClay, E. J . Hally is r e c u p e r a t i n g f r o m Secretary of R a y Brook. a m a j o r operation i n a R o c h e s t e r T h e committees a r e t o be c o m - hospital. ^ ^^ p l i m e n t e d on t h e excellent m e n u , Charles Peritore, r e t u r n e d G I , t h e colorful decorations a n d t h e is working o n t h e Village G r e e n Division. entertainment. W e u n d e r s t a n d Sonyea will b e J o h n B u r n h a m , President, p r e sided at t h e d i n n e r a n d R o b e r t represented in t h e W e s t e r n New S i l v e r m a n acted as t o a s t m a s t e r . York Baseball League this season. T h i s p a r t y was s u c h a success George (Meat Ball) R i c h a r d s o n will a g a i n be at t h e helm. S t a n l e y B a k e r h a s been ill. M r . a n d Mrs. P a u l S c a e t h were in Rochester recently. T h e local C h a p t e r will h o l d a d i n n e r meeting at t h e Moose Club a t Dausville T u e s d a y , April 2nd. Special to The LEADER Dr. a n d M r s . V. I . B o n a f e d e a r e COXSACKIE, N. Y.. M a r c h 26 s p e n d i n g t h e m o n t h i n s u n n y —More t h a n 200 employees of Florida. t h e S t a t e Vocational I n s t i t u t i o n William H e r m a n h a s r e t u r n e d g a t h e r e d at a d i n n e r in h o n o r of to d u t y a f t e r a long illness. William E. C a s h i n w h o on April 1 quits his post as Acting S u p e r TAX TRAINING i n t e n d e n t . H e will r e s u m e h i s f o r m e r work in t h e B u r e a u of A p l a n of "in service" t r a i n i n g Criminal Identification. in t h e Yonkers, N. Y. D e p a r t m e n t H e h a d held t h e S u p e r i n t e n d - of Assessment a n d T a x a t i o n will ent's post d u r i n g t h e absence of soon be i n s t i t u t e d t o p r e p a r e D o n a l d S c a r b o r o u g h on m i l i t a r y j u n i o r m e m b e r s of t h e d e p a r t m e n t leave. M r . S c a r b o r o u g h will r e - f o r promotion. The National s u m e t h e position. Association of Assessing Officers Speakers lauded M r . C a s h i n ' s r e p o r t s t h a t t h e t r a i n i n g will be fine work d u r i n g t h e 3 years lie available to all m e m b e r s of t h e h e a d e d t h e institution. d e p a r t m e n t on a v o l u n t a r y basia. 200 at Dinner Honor Cashin p o r t e d opposed to t h e bill. T h e a c t i o n avoids a veto. A bill g r a n t i n g W o r l d W a r H v e t e r a n s holidays on Memorial a n d Armistice Day h a s been passed by e a c h House. However, one House will h a v e t o p a s s t h e bill of t h e o t h e r before it m a y be signed by t h e Governor. t a i n r a t i n g s of a t least 60 in speed a n d 60 in accuracy, a n d a w e i g h t ed average of 70 i n speed a n d a c c u r a c y combined; competitors e n titled to 5 - p o i n t p r e f e r e n c e , r a t ings of at least 55 in speed a n d 55 in accuracy, a n d a weighted average of 65 in speed a n d a c c u r a c y combined, excluding p r e f erence credit; a n d competitors e n titled to 10-point p r e f e r e n c e , r a t ings of a t least 50 i n speed a n d 50 i n accuracy, a n d a weighted average of 60 in speed a n d a c c u r a c y combined, excluding p r e f e r e n c e credit. F o r S t e n o g r a p h e r , S u b j e c t 3, S t e n o g r a p h y will n o t be r a t e d u n less t h e competitors qualified a s a typist. I n S u b j e c t 3 n o n - p r e f erence competitors m u s t m a k e a r a t i n g of a t least 70; competitors e n t i t l e d to 5 p o i n t s p r e f e r e n c e credit, a r a t i n g of a t least 65, excluding p r e f e r e n c e credit; c o m petitors' entitled to 10 points p r e f erence credit, a r a t i n g of a t l e a s t 60, excluding p r e f e r e n c e credit. General I n f o r m a t i o n 1. Positions t o Be Filled—Vacancies in these positions a n d p o sitions requiring similar qualifications will be filled f r o m t h i s e x a m i n a t i o n unless it is in t h e i n t e r est of t h e service to fill a n y position by r e i n s t a t e m e n t , t r a n s f e r , o r promotion. 2. N a t u r e of A p p o i n t m e n t s . ~ Appointments for entry into t h e service will b e p r o b a t i o n a l a p pointments. Probational appointm e n t s become p e r m a n e n t u p o n s a t i s f a c t o r y completion of a p r o b a t i o n a r y period of 1 year. A p p o i n t m e n t s t o F e d e r a l positions w h i c h are s u b j e c t t o t h e Civil Service Rules a r e m a d e t h r o u g h t h e Civil Service Commission. N o fee is charged. I t is n o t necessary t o p r o c u r e t h e services of a p r i v a t e e m p l o y m e n t agency in o r d e r to obtain Federal employment. 3. Citizenship.—Applicants m u s t be citizens of or owe allegiance t o the United States. iiT[TTiiiii^ • ^ ^ ^ D I R E ^ FROM THE MAHUFACTURER We manufacture and carry In stock » complete line of Coneys, Sealines, Caraculs, Muskrats, Skunks, Red Fox, ete. Hishest Quality . . . Lowest Prices. We also Repair, Remodd, Clean, Reline and Store Your Fur Garments FIREMAN Thorough Enroll l\ow! Mental and Physical Preparation Compiet* Your Training in Tims for Coming Examination C L A S S E S START APRIL 11 ENJOY ALL PRIVILEGES OP "Y" MEMBERSHIP Flu$ EXPERT INSTRUCTION PERSONAL ATTENTION SMALL CLASSES FINEST CIVIL SERVICE GYMNASIA INSTITUTE YMCA SCHOOLS OP CITY OP NCW YORK Call • Phono • Wrif* 5-1 «3rd STREET (Noor Broadway) BS HAMSEN PLACE, Breoklya SU 7-4400 ST 3-7000