El Paso Community College Instructor’s Course Requirements I. COURSE NUMBER AND INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION ARTS 1312, DESIGN II INSTRUCTOR’S NAME Ron Clark CAMPUS AND OFFICE NUMBER VV A-1306 TELEPHONE NUMBER 831-2480 OFFICE HOURS per semester *NOTE: If I am not in the office look in studios A1318, A1325 or A1326. II. TEXT AND MATERIALS A. Required Text: Barrett, Terry. Making Art: Form and Meaning. McGraw-Hill B. MATERIALS/SUPPLIES/TOOLS that must be provided by student: Pencils, markers, 18" metal ruler (cork-back), scissors, x-acto knife, utility knife, brushes, compass, masking tape, transparent tape, acrylic paints, rubber cement, tool or tackle box, illustration board and/or matte board, poster board, foam core, and/or veneers. This is not a complete list of supplies. Other materials will be requested as the semester progresses. The projects will require that the student provide all of their own materials, raw or manufactured. Supplemental materials may be requested depending on the development of each project. Supplies such as sand paper, sanding belts, glue, nails, bolts, wire must be provided by the student. The Art Department has some basic hand tools for use by all students in the Department. Therefore it is the student’s responsibility to provide one’s own hand tools that are not available in the Department. Each material used for assigned projects will determine the type of tools needed, depending on the student’s personal expression through the depiction of form and their technical experience in constructive processes. C. Power Tools: Specialized and power driven tools are provided and will be made available (on request) after instruction for their use and care has been given. The tools should not be left lying about on the workbench or when you have finished using them. They should be returned to the instructor or lab assistant, clean and in good condition. NEVER REMOVE TOOLS FROM THE STUDIO. CLEAN YOUR WORK SPACE BEFORE LEAVING THE STUDIO. 1 III. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Each day of class participation has an approximate value of 3 points. Each original project has a value of 20 points, 2 points for the model, 2 points for the rough draft, 6 points for the Language of Form in a typed proposal and 10 for the actual constructed Form. Language of Form Student research and application to project Integration of personal expression Critique Points 2 2 2 Actual 3-D Form Aesthetics and critical judgement Execution and technique, especially durability 2 8 16 Models, rough drafts, sketches and proposals and projects are due at the beginning of class. Late/Incomplete work is subject to a 50% point penalty. Late/Incomplete Work submitted after the turn-in date is due at the beginning of the next class session. Any work submitted after that will not be graded. There are no Make-up Work assignments. Models, rough drafts, sketches Test on Elements and Principles Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Project 5 Participation Journal TOTAL POINTS 20 30 16 16 16 16 16 90 30 250 A=250-230 points B=229-221 points C=210-192 points D=191-172 points F=171- 0 points The total points that can be earned in this system may change depending on the progress of the class. Assignments, quizzes, or charrettes may be added or deleted. A journal representing the semester’s work will be evaluated for your overall development or progress in this course (packaging=0 or 5 or 10 points, complete portfolio=0 or 5 or 10 points, improved comprehension in applying the Language of Form=0 or 5 points, improved craftsmanship=5 points). Late Journals are penalized 10 points. 2 IV. INSTRUCTOR’S POLICIES A. Attendance/Drops 1. Attendance is not graded. Therefore, there are no excused or unexcused absences. It is the student’s responsibility to attend and participate in class as scheduled. 2. Students who accumulate more than three (3) absences before the last day to drop with “W” may be dropped by instructor. However, it is the responsibility of the student to drop himself/herself from the class if he or she is failing due to lack of attendance and/or failing grades. Students may be dropped for disruptive or inappropriate behavior. B. Participation 1. 2. 3. V. Participation is graded. Each day of full participation = three (3) points. There is no point penalty for the first absence during the semester. Participation means to always bring proper supplies and doing concentrated class work. Each day of partial participation, coming late, leaving early, taking breaks of excessive length, failing to bring supplies, or not working in class is valued as if you are not in class. Distractions by personal listening devices, cellular phones, laptops and electronic notebooks are treated as if you are not participating in class. These kinds of distractions are also considered as inappropriate behavior and may be a safety issue. Turn off all paging devices and cell phones! CALENDAR FOR ARTS 1312 DESIGN II (PROPOSED) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week10 Week11 Week12 Week13 Week14 Week15 Week16 Design Intro, Project 1 begin (Ch.3, 5,8, 9, 10) Project 1 Proposal Draft Project 1 Proposal Final, Test (Ch. 2) Project 1 Critique, Begin Project 2 (pp.8-10) Project 2 Proposal Draft, Model Project 2 Proposal Final Project 2 Critique, begin Project 3-Model Project 3 Proposal Draft Project 3 Proposal Final Project 3 Critique, Begin Project 4 Project 4 Proposal Draft, Model Project 4 Proposal Final, Project 4 Critique Begin Project 5-Model, Project 5 Proposal Draft Project 5 Proposal Final Project 5 Critique, Turn in Journals Final 3