Community College Developmental Education Initiative Program CCDEIP Request for Application 1 OVERVIEW OF FUNDING OPPORTUNITY 1.1 PROGRAM TITLE. Community College Developmental Education Initiative Program (CCDEIP) 1.2 SYNOPSIS OF PROGRAM. The CCDEIP is a state initiative that provides competitive programmatic grants to support developmental education at Texas public two-year institutions. The grants are designed to improve services in developmental education by addressing Innovative Developmental Education, Accelerated Developmental Education Options, Student Support Services, and Professional Development for faculty and staff. The Community College Developmental Education Initiative Program (CCDEIP) is established as part of the College Readiness Initiative (Strategy A.1.3) of the THECB long-range plan. Grantee projects must include provisions to increase Hispanic student success through funded project activities, and must set enrollment targets for Hispanic student participation in non course-based developmental education programs. For the duration of this grant, projects will be managed by El Paso Community College (EPCC). 1.3 POINTS OF CONTACT Lucy Michal Christy Ponce CCDEIP Co-Coordinator CCDEIP Co-Coordinator El Paso Community College El Paso Community College 915-831-4452 512-653-5985 2 AWARD SUMMARY 2.1 MAXIMUM AWARD AMOUNT. Awards to each grantee shall not exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000). 2.2 Based on EPCC’s contractual agreement with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, seventy-five percent (75%) of program funds will be available for distribution to grantees upon selection. The remaining twenty-five percent (25%) of program funds will be available upon receipt and approval of final program reports from grantees. 2.3 2.4 PROJECT PERIOD. Project Period will begin January 1, 2010 and will expire August 31, 2011. APPLICATION DEADLINE Deadline to submit application is 12:00 noon, C. S. T. Monday, November 23, 2009. 3 ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION 3.1 ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS. All Texas public 2-year community colleges, except EPCC, are eligible to apply for funding. 3.2 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SUBMISSIONS BY APPLICANT. Only one submission will be reviewed per community college district although each district may site several campuses. 3.3 All submission proposals will become the rights of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and may be used for dissemination activities at and for research use. 4 PROGRAM COMPONENTS 4.1 REQUIRED PROGRAM COMPONENTS. All proposals must address one or more of the following areas: (a) Innovative Developmental Education (DE) - Projects funded under this area should focus on implementing evidence-based strategies for developmental education students that lead to improvement in DE student achievement and persistence. Activities under this focus area may include non course-based remediation strategies. (b) Accelerated Developmental Education Options - Projects funded under this area should focus on providing developmental education students in need of limited remediation the opportunity to complete remediation in 12 months or less. Accelerated learning options may include course-based and non course-based options that take into account work-life needs, quick remediation, and the best opportunity for student success. (c) Student Support Services - Projects funded under this area will focus on adding or expanding student support services to developmental education students. Types of support services may include: academic advising, counseling services, career counseling, and other wrap-around services that will increase the likelihood of student success and persistence. Services should include support services after students have satisfied Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements and registered for college level courses. Services should also be available to working students in the evenings and weekends. (d) Professional Development - Projects funded under this area will focus on providing comprehensive, sustained professional development for faculty and staff providing direct services to developmental education students. Professional development opportunities for faculty may focus on strengthening instructional delivery using innovative developmental education strategies (i.e. learning communities, modular curricula, and integrated reading and writing) to differentiate instruction based upon student placement needs. Training content must use the most recent evidence-based instructional strategies. Projects should include an opportunity for follow up activities and technical assistance where applicable. Activities such as conferences and workshops for individuals are not allowed under this strategy. Activities should focus on expanding the knowledge-base of faculty that is demonstrated through improved student outcomes. Applicants are encouraged to provide a clearly articulated professional development plan. Costs for consultants and trainers must be connected to comprehensive, sustained professional development activities that expand the knowledge base for the majority of the faculty rather than a small proportion of the faculty. The evaluation plan must indicate how the increase in faculty knowledge will be measured. 4.2 PERFORMANCE MEASURES. Applicants should provide performance measures for projects and include measures for provisions to increase Hispanic student success through funded project activities. Projects must also measure enrollment targets for Hispanic student participation in non course-based developmental education programs and improved level of DE student success. In addition, grantees will be asked to submit quarterly reports and performance measures for each of the following areas that their specific programs address: DE Student Success, Acceleration, Support Activities, and Professional Development. Performance Measures for the End of Project Final Evaluation Report Area: DE Student Success Objectives Improve DE student success by decreasing the number of DE students that withdraw from DE coursework Improve DE student success by increasing the number of DE students that complete developmental education coursework with a “C” or better Demonstrate DE student success by the number of DE students satisfying TSI requirements in reading, writing, or math Data Grantee Provides Number of students enrolled in DE course(s) Number of students completing DE course(s) (baseline and end of project) Number of students enrolled in DE course(s) Number of students completing course with a grade of “C” or better (baseline and end of project) Number of DE students satisfying TSI requirements by passing a State approved TSI assessment in reading, writing, or math prior to program evaluation Number of DE students satisfying TSI requirements by passing a State approved TSI assessment in reading, writing, or math after program implementation Area: Acceleration Objectives Improve rate DE students satisfy TSI requirements in reading, writing, or math in 12 months or less Data Grantee Provides Number of students that satisfy TSI requirements in 12 months or less prior to program implementation Number of students that satisfy TSI requirements in 12 months or less after program implementation Area: Support Objectives Build organizational capacity by adding or enhancing the structured activities or opportunities for participant to receive advising, counseling, or mentoring services Data Grantee Provides Number of structured activities or opportunities for advising, counseling, or mentor services prior to program implementation Number of structured activities or opportunities for advising, counseling, or mentor services after program implementation Number of participant contacts with advisor, counselor, or mentor prior to program implementation Number of participant contacts with advisor, counselor, or mentor after program implementation Area: Professional Development Objectives Build organizational capacity by implementing or enhancing the on-going training and support available to developmental education faculty, counselors, advisors, or mentors Data Grantee Provides Number of staff eligible for training Number of staff receiving training prior to program implementation Number of staff successfully completing training after program implementation Number of trained staff demonstrating increased knowledge of the program area 5 SELECTION CRITERIA Proposal Narrative should not exceed fifteen (15) pages. All applications will be reviewed by EPCC grant review committee in consultation with the Developmental Education Policy Team led by the Texas Association of Community Colleges. 5.1 STATEMENT OF NEED (10 points). The statement of need must describe the extent to which specific gaps or weaknesses in services, infrastructure, or opportunities have been identified and will be addressed by the proposed CCDEIP. 5.2 PROJECT DESIGN (40 points). At a minimum, the Project Design must address the following: 5.3 (a) The extent to which the proposed CCDEIP includes the Required Program Components, and addresses the need for the Program as identified in Subsection 5.1, Statement of Need. (b) The extent to which the goals, objectives, and outcomes to be achieved by the proposed CCDEIP are clearly specified, measurable, and logically linked to the identified need. (c) The extent to which the design for implementing and evaluating the proposed CCDEIP will result in information to guide possible replication of project activities or strategies, including information about the effectiveness of the approach or strategies employed by the CCDEIP. (d) The extent to which the proposed CCDEIP is designed to build capacity and yield results that will be extended and sustained by the institution beyond the period of this grant. (e) The extent to which the design of the proposed CCDEIP reflects up-to-date knowledge from research and effective practice. (f) The instructional design and pedagogy to be used in the proposed CCDEIP includes strategies that will (1) incorporate the CCRS into the content area, (2) accelerate college persistence and success, and (3) appropriately address the academic area(s) of need of each participating student. (g) The extent to which the proposed CCDEIP is part of a comprehensive effort to improve teaching and learning and support rigorous academic standards for students. QUALITY OF MANAGEMENT PLAN (10 points). At a minimum, the management plan must address the following and should include a timeline as part of Appendix I, Project Timeline Management and Evaluation Plan, with milestones for accomplishing project tasks clearly identified for planning: (a) The adequacy of the management plan to achieve the objectives of the proposed CCDEIP on time and within budget, including clearly defined responsibilities, timelines, and milestones for accomplishing project tasks. (b) The extent to which the time commitments of the project director and other key project personnel are appropriate and adequate to meet the objectives of the proposed CCDEIP. 5.4 QUALITY OF KEY PERSONNEL (5 points). Applicant shall briefly describe the qualifications, including relevant education, training, and experience, of key personnel, including but not limited to the project director, and the amount of time each will devote to the CCDEIP. Applicant must provide the process by which faculty/staff have been or will be selected to administer and teach in the project. One-page curriculum vitae(s) must be included as Attachment C, for all specific key personnel being proposed. Position descriptions which include the criteria for hiring may be substituted for vitae. 5.5 QUALITY OF EVALUATION PLAN (20 points). Applicant’s evaluation design must be comprehensive, providing both formative and summative data on student progress and faculty participation. Applicant must include a short description of individuals responsible for conducting the evaluation and their qualifications. (a) At a minimum, the evaluation plan must provide a description of how the goals and objectives of the CCDEIP will be evaluated. Please use the format and measures indicated in Appendix I, Project Timeline Management and Evaluation Plan. Please keep in mind appropriate considerations of FERPA requirements. (b) Comprehensive Evaluation. Evaluation activities must be included in the project timeline and included in your Project Timeline Management and Evaluation Plan. Please use the format provided in Appendix I. (c) Follow up Activities. Applicant must indicate if there will be any follow up activities with the participants, the nature of those activities, and how activities will be evaluated. 5.6 ADEQUACY OF RESOURCES (10 points). At a minimum, the Applicant must demonstrate commitment and adequacy of resources to the extent to which the requested budget is reasonable in relation to the proposed activities and desired outcomes. 5.7 STATEMENT OF IMPACT (5 points). Applicants must describe the alignment of project goals and potential impact of the CCDEIP in helping meet statewide goals of Closing the Gaps and institutional Closing the Gaps targets. The narrative must describe the alignment of project goals and potential impact of CCDEIP in helping meet accelerated statewide goals for Latino student participation by 2015. 6 APPLICATION FORMAT AND CONTENT 6.1 APPLICATION FORMAT (a) Applications must be typed, double spaced, one inch margins, on 8 1/2" x 11" paper, clearly legible, with all pages sequentially numbered and submitted electronically in a single PDF (Portable Document Format), no larger than 4MB. The proposed Applicant’s name and “Community College Developmental Education Initiative” must be typed at the top of each page. Do not use a font smaller than 11 points. (b) Applicant shall submit an Application according to the Selection Criteria outlined under this Request for Application. See Appendix II for List of Required Information. 6.2 COVER SHEET. In the format provided in Appendix III, list contact information for the Program Director and Co-Director (if applicable) and the Institutional Representative authorized to submit an Application on behalf of the institution. 6.3 TABLE OF CONTENTS. A Table of Contents must be included with respective page numbers opposite each topic. The Application must contain the items in sequence as outlined under Subsections 6.4 through 6.7. 6.4 TRANSMITTAL LETTER. A Transmittal Letter addressed to the Point of Contact (see Subsection 1.3) that identifies the person or entity submitting the Application and includes a commitment by that person or entity to provide the services required by EPCC. The letter must specifically identify that the Application is in reference to the Community College Developmental Education Initiative Program. The letter must include "full acceptance of the terms and conditions described in this Request for Application." Any exceptions must be specifically noted in the letter. However, any exceptions may disqualify the Application from further consideration. The letter must state, "The Application enclosed is binding and valid at the discretion of EPCC.” Additionally, the Transmittal Letter shall include the following items: (a) Proposed eligible student population to be served; and (b) Indication that the Application is good for ninety (90) days. 6.5 ABSTRACT. The Abstract, limited to two hundred (200) words, highlights key points of the proposed CCDEIP. The Abstract must include the identification of the Applicant, the defined goals and objectives, the number of DE students to be served and a brief rationale for selected strategies to achieve the goals and objectives. 6.6 PROPOSAL NARRATIVE. The Proposal Narrative of the Application must not exceed fifteen (15) pages. The Proposal Narrative must include the information as outlined in Section 5, Selection Criteria. 6.7 BUDGET. In the format provided in Appendix IV, Program Budget, Applicant must provide a budget and budget narrative for the CCDEIP. Indicate matching funds and in-kind services that will be used to support this project. A final budget will be negotiated between Awarded Applicant and EPCC. Brief explanations of budget line items are provided below: (a) Project Director or Co-Director. Include salaries projected for the managing director and co-director(s) employed by the Awarded Applicant to implement the CCDEIP. (b) Other Professional Staff. Include other professional staff including salaried faculty. (c) Support Staff. Include salaries for support staff such as secretarial, clerical, or other classified staff supporting the administration of the Program. (d) Work-Study Interns. Include work-study internships if Applicant elects to receive funding and incur costs for Associate of Arts in Teaching or education students to assist in the delivery of instruction. (e) Fringe Benefits. Since state colleges and universities are funded through state appropriations, those fringe benefits likely will be paid from another account. For Applicant, include on this line only those fringe benefits projected to be paid from grant funds. (f) Travel. Include travel costs associated with the program. (g) Professional or Other Fees. Include fees paid to consultants, tutors, or other non-staff persons necessary to provide appropriate services for the Program. Include work-study interns in item (d) above. (h) Student Incentives (if applicable). Include costs associated with any incentives provided for students. (i) Other Direct Costs. Include other direct costs to implement the Program including faculty/student materials, supplies, and non-capital expenses necessary for successful project implementation. NOTE: Fundable Direct Costs activities include the following: • program staff salaries and fringe benefits; • stipends for work-study interns; • student room and board costs; • student incentives; • student testing fees; • program staff travel; • subcontracting costs (if prior approval given by EPCC); • general program supplies; • instructional materials; • information technology instructional resources that incorporate established best practices for instruction; • technology used primarily for the delivery of supplementary instruction; • and teacher training and professional development, including educator stipends. 7 INQUIRIES All inquiries shall be directed to Applicant must not discuss an Application with any other EPCC employee unless authorized by the Point of Contact. For a list of frequently asked questions please visit Questions must be submitted in writing and received by EPCC no later than Monday, Nov. 16, 2009, 12:00 noon, C.S.T. All responses by EPCC will be in writing in order to be binding. Any information deemed by EPCC to be important and of general interest or which modify requirements of the Request for Application shall be sent in the form of an addendum to all institutions that have submitted an Application. 8 APPLICATION PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS 8.1 PACKAGING INSTRUCTIONS. Applications must be received electronically and addressed to: by 12:00 noon, C. S. T. on Monday, November 23, 2009. Late applications will not be accepted. No mailed, hand-delivered, or faxed applications will be accepted for this Request for Application. APPLICATIONS DUE: 12:00 noon C.S.T., Monday, November 23, 2009 Community College Developmental Education Initiative Program Appendix I Project Timeline Management and Evaluation Plan Program Area: Goal: Milestone(s) for Accomplishing Goal: Strategies/Activities/Tasks to Responsible Achieve Goals Person Program Area: Goal: Milestone(s) for Accomplishing Goal: Strategies/Activities/Tasks to Responsible Achieve Objectives Person Timeline Timeline Expected Outcomes Short‐term Long‐term Expected Outcomes Short‐term Long‐term Measures to Evaluate Success Methods for Collecting Measures/Data Measures to Evaluate Success Methods for Collecting Measures/Data Program Area: Goal: Milestone(s) for Accomplishing Goal: Strategies/Activities/Tasks to Achieve Objectives Program Area: Goal: Milestone(s) for Accomplishing Goal: Strategies/Activities/Tasks to Achieve Objectives Responsible Person Timeline Responsible Person Timeline Expected Outcomes Short‐term Long‐term Expected Outcomes Short‐term Long‐term Measures to Evaluate Success Methods for Collecting Measures/Data Measures/Data to Evaluate Success Methods for Collecting Measures/Data Community College Developmental Education Initiative Program APPENDIX II LIST OF REQUIRED INFORMATION 1. Cover Sheet 2. Table of Contents 3. Transmittal Letter 4. Abstract 5. Narrative Statement of Need Program Design (addressing required components) Quality of Management Plan Quality of Key Personnel Quality of Evaluation Plan Adequacy of Resources Statement of Impact 6. Program Budget and Budget Narrative 7. Attachment A 8. Attachment B 9. Attachment C (or C‐1, C‐2, etc.) Curriculum Vitae Community College Developmental Education Initiative Program Appendix III COVER SHEET Applying Institution: Address: City State Zip: Applicant Contact’s Name: Phone Number Fax Number E‐mail Address Director Contact’s Name: (If applicable) Title Phone E‐mail Address Applicant Certification Authorized signature Printed name and title Date I certify that this proposal is the sole proposal for a Community College Developmental Education Initiative Program for this institution. Community College Developmental Education Initiative Program APPENDIX IV Program Budget Program Period: January 1, 2010 – August 31, 2011 I. RFA Budget Line Item II. Item Description III. Purpose and Explanation IV. Percent of Time on Project V. Amount 01/01/2010 to 08/31/2011 VI. Matching funds and in‐kind services (If applicable) (a) (c) Program Director, Co‐Director Other Professional Staff Support Staff (d) Work‐Study Interns (e) Fringe Benefits (f) Travel (g) Professional or Other Fees Student Incentives (if applicable) Other Direct Costs* (b) (h) (i) Total Direct Costs Proposal Amount _________________________________________________ Authorized Signature _____________________________ Date _________________________________________________ Title *Include other direct costs to implement the Program including faculty/student materials, supplies, and non‐capital expenses necessary for successful project implementation.