Minutes of the Wichita State University Faculty Senate May 12, 2014

Wichita State University Faculty Senate
May 12, 2014
Minutes of the Wichita State University
Faculty Senate
Monday, May 12, 2014
CH 107
3:30 pm
Members Present: Barut, Brooks, Castro, Celestin, Decker, Horn, Houseman, Hull, Johnson, Klunder,
Lewis, Matveyeva, Miller, Moore-Jansen, Mosack, Pile, Rillema, Rokosz, Yildirim
Members Absent: Anderson, Driessen, Hamdeh, Hanawalt, Kagdi, Liu, Lu, Oare, Perry, Taher,
Thiessen, Trechak, Yeager, Yu
Members Excused: Baker, Close, Ross
Summary of Action
1. Accepted the following Senate Standing Committee annual reports: Faculty Affairs, Honors &
2. Accepted the two motions from the General Education committee
3. Removed the Senate Honors Committee as a standing committee
I. Call to Order
President Mosack called the last meeting of the 2013-14 Faculty Senate to order at 3:30pm.
II. Informal Statements and Proposals
• President Mosack announced that a KBOR committee had completed its revision of the language of the
“Social Media Policy” and posted on the KBOR website. This revised policy will be presented to the full
KBOR tomorrow (May 13) for its approval.
• President Mosack acknowledged each of the members of the FS Executive committee and thanked
them for their hard work this year.
• She also thanked Bobbi Dreiling for her service and support during her term as president.
• She also acknowledged all of the senators that are leaving the senate after this meeting and thanked
them for their service.
• She then reviewed the goals that were established for the Faculty Senate and detailed the progress
made by this senate during the year.
III. Approval of the Minutes
The minutes of the April 28, 2014, meeting of the Faculty Senate were approved as written.
IV. President’s Report
Parking: Brief Update, Mary L. Herrin, Vice President for Administration and Finance, and Emily
Patterson, Chair of Facilities Planning, gave a brief update on the “WSU Parking Plan” to be instituted
next Fiscal Year (beginning July, 2014). Major changes that are in the final stages of development
include the following:
1. Everyone that parks on campus must purchase a parking permit
2. More faculty spaces will be created
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Wichita State University Faculty Senate
May 12, 2014
3. Faculty can only park in faculty spaces (no spill-over into student lots)
4. Students must park in student lots
5. All lots will be “open parking” after 6 pm, EXCEPT two lots that will be restricted to faculty and
6. Students residing in the new residence hall (Shocker Hall) must park in the MetroPlex lot (Oliver/29th);
24-hour security and shuttle service will be provided
7. Approximately 300 spaces in the parking lot of the shopping center at Oliver/21st Street have been
leased for WSU parking; these will be free and a convenient shuttle bus stop will be available for
transportation to the campus
8. The increase in the cost of faculty parking has not been finalized yet
9. Maps of the parking opportunities will be available online after next week.
V. Committee Reports
A. Rules Committee - Senator Mehmet Barut, Chair of the Rules Committee, had one item for senate
action that he would propose under “New Business.”
B. Faculty Senate Standing Committee Annual Reports – The Senate accepted the annual reports from
the Faculty Affairs, Honors, and Rules committees.
C. Faculty Senate General Education Committee Proposal (2nd reading) President Mosack recused
herself from presiding over the discussion of the proposal and Vice President Moore-Jansen resided over
the discussions. Jeff Hershfield, Chair of the General Education Committee, came forward again to
speak for the committee’s position on the proposal. The discussion surrounding the proposed changes in
the general education policies regarding transfer credits from Kansas community colleges (and associate
degrees in nursing) was light. The motion was split so that the transfer credits from Kansas community
colleges was considered separately from the issue surrounding transfer credits from nursing associate
degrees to the BS in nursing at WSU. The question was called after very limited debate. Senator Klunder
(2nd Hull) moved that“A student transferring to WSU having earned an AA or AS degree from a
Kansas Public Community College will be considered to have satisfied WSU’s general education
curriculum provided that he or she successfully completed (with a grade of C- or better) two upper
division Tier 3 courses, i.e. those qualifying sas Further Studies of Issues & Perspectives” Motion
passed. Senator Hull moved (2nd Brooks) that “A student enrolled in WSU’s RN-toBSN degree
completion program will be considered to have satisfied WSU’s general education curriculum
provided that he or she successfully completes (with a grade of C- or better) any two of the
following I & P courses -- HMCD 308; HMCD 310; HMCD 326; HP 330; MLS 430” Motion passed.
VI. Old Business
College Updates of the Strategic Planning Process - Tony Vizzini, Vice President for Academic Affairs
and visiting College Deans shared the current status of strategic planning in the various
colleges. Rodney Miller, Dean of the College of Fine Arts, announced that Phase II of the Strategic
Planning within the College of Fine Arts has been completed. Ron Matson, interim Dean of LAS,
announced that the first draft of a plan had gone to the full committee on May 9, it will be posted on the
website by May 30, and will be presented to the faculty of the college for a final vote on June 6. The
College of Health professions Phase II was accepted by the faculty vote of 67-1, and has been posted on
the college’s website. Strategic Planning within the Honors College is in progress.
VII. New Business
Senator Mehmet Barut, Chair of the Rules Committee, brought forward a motion from the Rules
Committee and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to remove the Faculty Senate Honors
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Wichita State University Faculty Senate
May 12, 2014
Committee as a standing committee. The question was called and passed unanimously.
VIII. As May Arise – Senator Brooks thanked President Mosack for her service as senate president and
asked the Senate to join him in expressing thanks with a show of appreciation through applause. All
senators responded enthusiastically.
IX. Adjournment – President Mosack adjourned the meeting at 4:30 pm.
Submitted by Walter Horn
Secretary of the Faculty Senate
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