College of San Mateo Delivery Mode Course Comparison (02/23/2012) Distance Education vs. Traditional Mode Student Success Indicators: Fall 2009, Fall 2010, Fall 2011 ENGL 100 Composition and Reading (3.0 Units), Online Mode Part I—Summary: Enrollment and Student Outcomes # Sections #Enrollments % Success % Retention Fall 2009 Distance Traditional 0 30 0 823 0 65.5 0 81.3 Fall 2010 Distance Traditional 1 29 26 794 34.6 65.5 61.5 79.8 Fall 2011 Distance Traditional 2 29 41 742 56.1 60.4 73.2 78.4 Total Distance 3 67 47.8 68.7 Traditional 88 2359 64.6 79.9 Part II—Demographic Profile: Enrollment and Student Outcomes Distance Demographic Variable Traditional Distance Traditional Count % Count % Success Retention % Success % Retention Success Retention % Success % Retention Ethnicity Asian Black Filipino Hispanic Native Am Pac Islander White Other Unrecorded Total 12 4 4 16 1 1 22 3 4 67 17.9 6.0 6.0 23.9 1.5 1.5 32.8 4.5 6.0 100 355 92 193 441 7 73 736 251 211 2359 15 3.9 8.2 18.7 0.3 3.1 31.2 10.6 8.9 100 6 2 1 6 1 0 11 2 3 32 10 3 2 7 1 1 15 3 4 46 50.0 50.0 25.0 37.5 100.0 0.0 50.0 66.7 75.0 47.8 83.3 75.0 50.0 43.7 100.0 100.0 68.2 100.0 100.0 68.7 252 51 121 264 6 43 483 160 145 1525 298 77 147 332 7 58 591 197 178 1885 71.0 55.4 62.7 59.9 85.7 58.9 65.6 63.7 68.7 64.6 83.9 83.7 76.2 75.3 100.0 79.5 80.3 78.5 84.4 79.9 Gender Female Male Unrecorded Total 46 19 2 67 68.7 28.4 3.0 100 1005 1266 88 2359 42.6 53.7 3.7 100 22 8 2 32 32 12 2 46 47.8 42.1 100.0 47.8 69.6 63.2 100.0 68.7 664 799 62 1525 796 1014 75 1885 66.1 63.1 70.5 64.6 79.2 80.1 85.2 79.9 Age 19 or less 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-49 50+ Unrecorded Total 11 23 11 4 3 12 2 1 67 16.4 34.3 16.4 6.0 4.5 17.9 3.0 1.5 100 1232 699 180 72 41 49 29 57 2359 52.2 29.6 7.6 3.1 1.7 2.1 1.2 2.4 100 3 9 6 1 3 7 2 1 32 9 13 6 4 3 8 2 1 46 27.3 39.1 54.5 25.0 100.0 58.3 100.0 100.0 47.8 81.8 56.5 54.5 100.0 100.0 66.7 100.0 100.0 68.7 832 403 110 48 28 38 23 43 1525 1018 526 134 55 32 42 27 51 1885 67.5 57.7 61.1 66.7 68.3 77.6 79.3 75.4 64.6 82.6 75.3 74.4 76.4 78.0 85.7 93.1 89.5 79.9 DEFINITIONS AND NOTES: Distance course not offered Fall 2009. Overview of Data: This is a delivery-mode comparison of student success in online courses with their traditional mode counterparts, if offered. The comparison spans Fall semesters only: F’09, F’10, F’11. Part I: Enrollment & Student Outcomes Displays summary data of total enrollment, numbers of sections offered, retention, and success. Part II: Demographic Profile Displays comparative demographic data aggregated with retention and success data. This includes totals for all Fall semesters combined. Enrollments: Indicates a duplicated headcount that is the sum of end-of-term enrollments. Retention %: The percentage of enrollments with a grade of A, B, C, D, F, P, NP, I, at end-of-term. (Only excludes W’s.) Success %: Also known as “successful course completion.” The percentage of enrollments with a grade of A, B, C, P at endof-term.” (*) Indicates no distance course offered and no comparison Prepared by the Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE) Page 1 College of San Mateo Delivery Mode Course Comparison (02/23/2012) Distance Education vs. Traditional Mode Student Success Indicators: Fall 2009, Fall 2010, Fall 2011 ENGL 110 Compos., Lit. & Crit. Thinking (3.0 Units), Online Mode Part I—Summary: Enrollment and Student Outcomes # Sections #Enrollments % Success % Retention Fall 2009 Distance Traditional 1 11 24 294 54.2 74.1 62.5 81.6 Fall 2010 Distance Traditional 0 13 0 360 0 74.1 0 81.9 Fall 2011 Distance Traditional 1 15 23 382 56.5 68.8 65.2 80.9 Total Distance 2 47 55.3 63.8 Traditional 39 1036 71.6 81.5 Part II—Demographic Profile: Enrollment and Student Outcomes Distance Demographic Variable Traditional Distance Traditional Count % Count % Success Retention % Success % Retention Success Retention % Success % Retention Ethnicity Asian Black Filipino Hispanic Native Am Pac Islander White Other Unrecorded Total 12 1 1 6 1 1 18 2 5 47 25.5 2.1 2.1 12.8 2.1 2.1 38.3 4.3 10.6 100 192 19 85 192 5 31 338 76 98 1036 18.5 1.8 8.2 18.5 0.5 3 32.6 7.3 9.5 100 6 1 0 3 1 0 9 2 4 26 9 1 0 4 1 0 9 2 4 30 50.0 100.0 0.0 50.0 100.0 0.0 50.0 100.0 80.0 55.3 75.0 100.0 0.0 66.7 100.0 0.0 50.0 100.0 80.0 63.8 140 10 63 129 3 21 250 57 69 742 156 16 72 151 4 25 277 63 80 844 72.9 52.6 74.1 67.2 60.0 67.7 74.0 75.0 70.4 71.6 81.2 84.2 84.7 78.6 80.0 80.6 82.0 82.9 81.6 81.5 Gender Female Male Unrecorded Total 26 21 0 47 55.3 44.7 0.0 100 495 496 45 1036 47.8 47.9 4.3 100 17 9 0 26 18 12 0 30 65.4 42.9 0.0 55.3 69.2 57.1 0.0 63.8 365 342 35 742 417 388 39 844 73.7 69.0 77.8 71.6 84.2 78.2 86.7 81.5 Age 19 or less 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-49 50+ Unrecorded Total 7 18 13 2 2 3 2 0 47 14.9 38.3 27.7 4.3 4.3 6.4 4.3 0.0 100 404 470 68 23 9 23 11 28 1036 39 45.4 6.6 2.2 0.9 2.2 1.1 2.7 100 5 9 6 2 0 2 2 0 26 7 10 7 2 0 2 2 0 30 71.4 50.0 46.2 100.0 0.0 66.7 100.0 0.0 55.3 100.0 55.6 53.8 100.0 0.0 66.7 100.0 0.0 63.8 331 304 38 18 7 17 5 22 742 361 362 46 18 8 19 6 24 844 81.9 64.7 55.9 78.3 77.8 73.9 45.5 78.6 71.6 89.4 77.0 67.6 78.3 88.9 82.6 54.5 85.7 81.5 DEFINITIONS AND NOTES: Distance course not offered Fall 2010. Overview of Data: This is a delivery-mode comparison of student success in online courses with their traditional mode counterparts, if offered. The comparison spans Fall semesters only: F’09, F’10, F’11. Part I: Enrollment & Student Outcomes Displays summary data of total enrollment, numbers of sections offered, retention, and success. Part II: Demographic Profile Displays comparative demographic data aggregated with retention and success data. This includes totals for all Fall semesters combined. Enrollments: Indicates a duplicated headcount that is the sum of end-of-term enrollments. Retention %: The percentage of enrollments with a grade of A, B, C, D, F, P, NP, I, at end-of-term. (Only excludes W’s.) Success %: Also known as “successful course completion.” The percentage of enrollments with a grade of A, B, C, P at endof-term.” (*) Indicates no distance course offered and no comparison Prepared by the Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE) Page 2 College of San Mateo Delivery Mode Course Comparison (02/23/2012) Distance Education vs. Traditional Mode Student Success Indicators: Fall 2009, Fall 2010, Fall 2011 ENGL 165 Advanced Composition (3.0 Units), Online Mode Part I—Summary: Enrollment and Student Outcomes # Sections #Enrollments % Success % Retention Fall 2009 Distance Traditional 0 2 0 51 0 64.7 0 76.5 Fall 2010 Distance Traditional 1 2 26 49 42.3 64.7 61.5 79.6 Fall 2011 Distance Traditional 1 3 25 72 28 65.3 40 84.7 Total Distance 2 51 35.3 51 Traditional 7 172 63.4 80.8 Part II—Demographic Profile: Enrollment and Student Outcomes Distance Demographic Variable Traditional Distance Traditional Count % Count % Success Retention % Success % Retention Success Retention % Success % Retention Ethnicity Asian Black Filipino Hispanic Native Am Pac Islander White Other Unrecorded Total 7 2 1 12 1 0 19 4 5 51 13.7 3.9 2.0 23.5 2.0 0.0 37.3 7.8 9.8 100 25 10 9 48 0 5 56 9 10 172 14.5 5.8 5.2 27.9 0 2.9 32.6 5.2 5.8 100 2 0 0 4 0 0 10 0 2 18 3 1 0 5 1 0 13 0 3 26 28.6 0.0 0.0 33.3 0.0 0.0 52.6 0.0 40.0 35.3 42.9 50.0 0.0 41.7 100.0 0.0 68.4 0.0 60.0 51 18 7 6 20 0 4 38 8 8 109 21 9 9 34 0 4 46 8 8 139 72.0 70.0 66.7 41.7 0.0 80.0 67.9 88.9 80.0 63.4 84.0 90.0 100.0 70.8 0.0 80.0 82.1 88.9 80.0 80.8 Gender Female Male Unrecorded Total 29 20 2 51 56.9 39.2 3.9 100 76 93 3 172 44.2 54.1 1.7 100 13 4 1 18 19 6 1 26 44.8 20.0 50.0 35.3 65.5 30.0 50.0 51 44 62 3 109 58 78 3 139 57.9 66.7 100.0 63.4 76.3 83.9 100.0 80.8 Age 19 or less 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-49 50+ Unrecorded Total 4 22 14 1 5 3 1 1 51 7.8 43.1 27.5 2.0 9.8 5.9 2.0 2.0 100 38 91 21 7 3 4 5 3 172 22.1 52.9 12.2 4.1 1.7 2.3 2.9 1.7 100 0 5 7 1 1 2 1 1 18 0 10 8 1 3 2 1 1 26 0.0 22.7 50.0 100.0 20.0 66.7 100.0 100.0 35.3 0.0 45.5 57.1 100.0 60.0 66.7 100.0 100.0 51 28 50 15 6 1 1 5 3 109 34 70 18 7 1 1 5 3 139 73.7 54.9 71.4 85.7 33.3 25.0 100.0 100.0 63.4 89.5 76.9 85.7 100.0 33.3 25.0 100.0 100.0 80.8 DEFINITIONS AND NOTES: Distance course not offered Fall 2009. Overview of Data: This is a delivery-mode comparison of student success in online courses with their traditional mode counterparts, if offered. The comparison spans Fall semesters only: F’09, F’10, F’11. Part I: Enrollment & Student Outcomes Displays summary data of total enrollment, numbers of sections offered, retention, and success. Part II: Demographic Profile Displays comparative demographic data aggregated with retention and success data. This includes totals for all Fall semesters combined. Enrollments: Indicates a duplicated headcount that is the sum of end-of-term enrollments. Retention %: The percentage of enrollments with a grade of A, B, C, D, F, P, NP, I, at end-of-term. (Only excludes W’s.) Success %: Also known as “successful course completion.” The percentage of enrollments with a grade of A, B, C, P at endof-term.” (*) Indicates no distance course offered and no comparison Prepared by the Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE) Page 3