Tutor Recommendation Form

Tutor Recommendation Form
Semester to begin: ___Fall ___Spring ___Summer
Year: 20 _______
To Instructor: ______________________________________ Department: __________________________________
From Ron Andrade, Learning Center Manager
The following student is applying for a position as a tutor in the Learning Center and has requested that you
complete this recommendation. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Student: __________________________________________ G Number: ___________________________________
Course(s) requested to tutor: _______________________________________________________________________
Instructor Recommendation
Ability to tutor these course(s): _____________________________________________________________________
Above Average
Below Average
Not Observed
Knowledge of Subject
Ability to Communicate
English Speaking Ability
Friendliness, Enthusiasm
___ I fully recommend this student without reservation to tutor the above course(s).
___ I recommend this student to tutor the above course(s), but with reservations.
___ I am unable to recommend this student as a tutor at this time.
Instructor Signature: ________________________________________ Office: ____________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
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