Page 1 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Monday, May 9, 2016, 6:30 P.M. SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE 425 Jermyn Avenue Pages 1. CALL TO ORDER We hereby acknowledge that we are on the territory of the Okanagan First People. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the agenda be adopted. 3. PRESENTATIONS BY SCHOOLS AND/OR STUDENTS 3.1 Recipient of BC School Sports Outstanding School Award BC School Sports selected Princess Margaret Secondary School as the recipient of the 2015-16 Outstanding School Award. The purpose of the award is to recognize a school whose special commitment to improving the lives of its students and staff through athletics, intramurals, leadership and public service has contributed significantly to the welfare of the school athletics in its local community and within the province. Principal Terry Grady and students will attend the meeting. 3.2 Changing Results for Adolescent Readers Building on the success of "Changing Results for Young Readers", the district launched a new initiative for adolescent readers who were not yet meeting grade level expectations. Kirsten Odian, District Literacy Helping Teacher, will provide an overview of the project and share successess, challenges, and next steps. 4. RECEIVING OF DELEGATIONS AND GUESTS 4.1 Mike Pleasance, a Parent from Trout Creek Elementary Mike Pleasance, a parent from Trout Creek Elementary, will speak to the Board regarding the following: 1) SD67 is at a cross-roads with the opportunity to accelerate enrolment 1 Page 2 growth through adding a Montessori Program of Choice to Trout Creek Elementary School. This program is worth the initial investment required because it will get SD67 out of funding protection sooner and reduce required cutbacks in the future. 2) Closing Trout Creek Elementary school will have a profound negative impact on special needs children currently in Grade 2 at Trout Creek Elementary School. These children, many of whom struggle with transition, will have to cope with attending three different schools in a three year span. 4.2 Phil Burman, a Parent from Trout Creek Phil Burman, a parent from Trout Creek Elementary, will outline some of the enrolment and funding forecasts wither either path - whether to motion to rescind passes or not - as well as the pros and cons of the choices the trustees are faced with. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the minutes of the regular meeting held on April 11, 2016 be approved. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.1 The Summerland Solution At the April 11th meeting, the Board of Education approved a motion that this item be discussed at the May 9th meeting. 6.2 Motion to Rescind At the April 11th meeting, Trustee Johnson gave notice of the following motion to be presented at the next regular meeting of the board of Education: "That the Board of Education will rescind School Closure Bylaw No. 201601 - Trout Creek Elementary School and School Closure Bylaw No. 201603 - West Bench Elementary School." 7. REPORT FROM CLOSED MEETINGS The following items were discussed at the closed meeting held on April 11, 2016: • • • • • • Approved a contract; Received information and approved a property matter; Reviewed a staffing report for both teaching and CUPE personnel; Received information related to legal issues; Received information and directed staff related to a contract; Received information related to personnel. Page 3 8. CORRESPONDENCE 8.1 Correspondence Requiring Action 8.2 Correspondence to the Board of Education a. 8.3 As per correspondence listing dated May 9, 2016 Correspondence on Behalf of the Board of Education a. 9. As per correspondence listing dated May 9, 2016 Correspondence Copied to the Board of Education a. 8.4 7 As per correspondence listing dated May 9, 2016 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 9.1 Business Committee Trustee Manning will report on the business committee meeting held on April 26, 2016: a. Scholarship/Bursary Foundation Request for Clerical Time RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education send a letter to the PSS Scholarship Bursary Foundation thanking them for their many years of fabulous work to help our students and that the Board of Education will provide clerical support of 100 hours to the PSS Scholarship Bursary Foundation for the 2016-17 school year and 75 hours each year thereafter until further notice. b. Cheque and ePayment Listing c. 2015-16 Annual Facilities Grant Expenditures d. School Bus Replacement Program 2016-17 - Call for Proposals e. Carbon Neutral Program f. School Enhancement Program g. Financial Management/Human Resources Software Package h. 2015-16 Anticipated Surplus i. 2016-17 Board of Education Meetings 11 Page 4 RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the proposed schedule of Board of Education and committee meeting dates for 2016-17 be approved. j. Policy No. 750 - School Closure RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Policy No. 750 - School Closure be tabled until September business committee meeting. 9.2 Education Committee Trustee Johnson will report on the education committee meeting held on April 27, 2016: a. Through a Different Lens b. New K to 9 Curriculum c. Making Grading and Reporting Personalized at the High School Level d. Artists in Education Grant Allocation for 2016-17 10. REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 11. REPORT OF SECRETARY-TREASURER 12. NEW BUSINESS 12.1 Field Trips The superintendent of schools will review the attached listing of field trip requests. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the field trip request for April 6 to 14, 2017 for 12 to 20 students Grade 9 to 12 from Penticton Secondary to travel to France and Belgium be approved in principle. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the field trip request for June 30 to July 22, 2016 for 25 Grade 10 to 12 students from Princess Margaret Secondary School, Summerland Secondary School and Penticton Secondary School to travel to Arusha, Tanzania be given final approval. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the field trip request for June 1 to 4, 2016 for 52 Grade 7 and 8 12 Page 5 band students from Summerland Middle School to travel to Edmonton via bus transportation and play for audiences be given final approval. 12.2 Student Fees 13 The School Act requires that student fees be reviewed and reportted to the Board on an annual basis. The attached fee structure is recommended to the Board for the 2016-17 school year. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the Schedule of Student Fees for 2016-17 as circulated with the agenda package. 12.3 International Student Fees 14 An overview of the district's current fee structure for the International Student Program will be reviewed. In addition, based on comparisons to the fees of other districts in the region, a new fee structure for 2017-18 and 2018-19 will be proposed. (Attachments) RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the fee structure for the International Student Program for 2017-18 and 2018-19 school years be approved as circulated with the agenda package. 12.4 2016-17 Annual Budget Bylaw The 2016-17 annual budget and bylaw will be presented in the total amount of $62,399,805. The following motion requires unanimous consent to proceed with all three readings at tonight's meeting: RECOMMENDED MOTION: That, in accordance with Section 68(4) of the School Act, the Board of Education of School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) unanimously agrees to give all three readings of the annual budget bylaw for the fiscal year 2016-17 at this meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) annual budget bylaw for the fiscal year 2016-17 in the total amount of $62,399,805 be read a first time this 9th day of May, 2016. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) annual budget bylaw for the fiscal year 2016-17 in the total amount of $62,399,805 be read a second time this 9th day of May, 2016. RECOMMENDED MOTION: 20 Page 6 (ONLY IF MOTION TO READ ALL THREE PASSES) That the School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) annual budget bylaw for the fiscal year 2016-17 in the total amount of $62,399,805 be read a third time, passed and adopted this 9th day of May, 2016. 12.5 Request for Proposals for Audit The director of finance will bring a recommendation to the board related to district's annual audit and financial statements. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That _____________be appointed as the auditor for School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) for a period of one year, commencing with the June 30, 2016 fiscal year-end, renewable annually for a further two-year period. 13. REPORTS OF REPRESENTATIVES 13.1 BCSTA Annual General Meeting Trustees are reminded to bring to the meeting reports of their attendance at the BCSTA AGM held in Vancouver on April 14 to 17, 2016. 13.2 BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch Meeting Chair Van Alphen will provide information related to the BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch meeting held on April 16, 2016 in Vancouver. 13.3 BCPSEA Meetings Trustee Manning will report on the BCPSEA meeting held on April 13, 2016. 13.4 14. Trustee Comments INFORMATION ITEMS 14.1 Recognition of Student Success 35 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extends congratulations to the students and groups for outstanding examples of success as shown on the attached listing. 14.2 Recognition of Student Artwork Congratulations are extended to the students from Giant's Head Elementary School for their artwork currently on display at the school board office. A copy of artwork is attached. 41 Page 7 14.3 Date of Next Meeting • • June 13, 2016, 6:30 p.m., Regular Board of Education Meeting, at the School Board Office June 16, 2016, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., Long Service Recognition and Retirement Dinner, Penticton Lakeside Resort, by invitation 15. QUESTION PERIOD 16. ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the meeting be adjourned. Page 1 Outstanding School Award– Princess Margaret Sr. Secondary - Penticton Princess Margaret Secondary School in Penticton has quickly established a tradition of excellence in opportunities provided to its students and staff. It has consistently offered an athletics program of a very high standard of performance and achievement. The Leadership and Intramural experience available to students is outstanding. The Public Service and Community Connection has positively contributed to the local community, province and beyond. The school has been a top Okanagan school in several sports on an annual basis and has performed at a high level in BCSS Provincial competitions in a variety of sports. 1. Extracurricular Program The Extracurricular program offered is of an excellent standard in several sports, as well as top notch band and drama programs made available to students. Almost every team is coached by a volunteer staff member from the school. The school recently hosted the Sr. Girls AA Soccer BCSS Provincials and won the Provincials as host team. We have offered successful sport experiences in Sr. and Jr. Boys and Girls Soccer, Volleyball, XCountry, Swimming, Basketball, Track, Tennis and Badminton. As well the school offers programs in Boys Rugby and Girls Field Hockey. 2. Intramural and Student Leadership Program Student Leaders and teacher volunteers offer noon hour sport and spirit activities in volleyball, basketball, badminton, active games, indoor soccer, floor hockey and special events. Special Events include egg toss, staff vs student challenges, Terry Fox runs, MD walks, Halloween Week, Christmas Week, Spirit days, Ugly sweater days, Pajama days, Jersey days, Coffee House, Karaoke lunch hours, Dance contests and other themed student leadership events occur year round and are popular events in the school. 3. Staff Involvement in Coaching/Sport Administration As a Staff we have been very fortunate to offer teacher/staff coaches to almost all school extracurricular teams and programs. Our staff has an amazing volunteer quality which does not exist in most high schools and shares a unique philosophy of supporting all programs and sports in season with respect and interactive clear communication. The program is administrated with an expectation of excellence and organization. It has a school philosophy of all-inclusion and fair funding to provide the best experience possible to students while achieving and expecting athletic excellence. Page 2 4. Participation in BCSS programs The school has been an active member in BCSS and has annually participated in several Okanagan Valley Championships and Provincial Championships in different sports such as Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Swimming and Tennis. It has hosted Provincials at both the Sr. and Jr. Level in Soccer and Volleyball. The school offers BCSS Sr. and Jr. Athletic teams in Boys and Girls Soccer, Volleyball, X-Country, Swimming, Basketball, Track, Tennis and Badminton. As well the school offers programs in Boys Rugby and Girls Field Hockey. 5. Awards Earned – Sportsmanship/Individual/Team Sr. Girls Soccer HOSTED and WON 2013-2014 BCSS PROVINCIAL SOCCER CHAMPIONSHIPS 2012 – 2013 Sr. Girls Soccer Okanagan Valley Champions 9th Provincials 2013 – 2014 Sr. Girls Soccer Okanagan Valley Champions Provincial Champions 2014 – 2015 3rd Okanagan Valley Championships Sr. Girls Volleyball 2014 – 2015 Okanagan Valley Champions 2014 – 2015 Okanagan Valley Champions 6th Provincials 12th Provincials Sr. Boys Volleyball 2014-2015 2nd Okanagan Valley Championships 2013-2014 2nd Okanagan Valley Championships 3rd Provincials 9th Provincials Sr. Girls Basketball 2013-2014 2nd Okanagan Championships 9th Provincials Sr. Boys Basketball 2013- 2014 4th at Okanagan Valleys 2012-2013 3rd at Okanagan Valleys 2011-2012 3rd at Okanagan Valleys 12th Provincials Sr. Tennis 2014 – 2015 Okanagan Valley Champions (Most Sportsmanlike Team in ‘AA’ BC competition) 2013 – 2014 3rd place in Okanagan Valley’s Sr. Girls Field Hockey 2013 – 2014 2nd Okanagan Valleys 10th Provincials 11th Provincials Page 3 6. Public Service Projects The school participates in many public services projects such as: 5th Annual Africa Trip fundraising and site builds in Tanzania, 10,000 Tonight Community Christmas 10,000 Food items Drive and hampers Cancer Fundraiser – Annual Western Week - 15 years Cancer fundraiser MD walk – Originating BC high school started the event – 6th year First Peoples Students - Salmon Fish release Okanagan River channel Toys for Tots 2 Teens – Leadership students Community Christmas project Art Program – Spring Free Public Art show at Penticton Art Gallery Public Outdoor Remembrance Day Ceremony - 4 venue outdoor rotation Music Program Band - Invite to National Music Festival in 2014 7. Special Population Work Mental Health and Wellness program – Province Wide recognition Mental Health and Wellness Fair - Hosted annually at school MaggieFit - Schoolwide Fitness and breakfast Nutrition program First Peoples English Class Grade 10 and Grade 12 Social Justice Class Special needs recycling program Student- Staff free Yoga sessions afterschool Habitat for Humanity Group – student leader driven International lunch put on by our leadership and international students. Students at PMSS embrace the international students and make them feel like they are as much a Princess Margaret student as any other student. The international students embrace their new school and freely and eagerly participate in all events hosted by the school. 8. Fund Raising Projects Tanzania – Annual Africa trip to orphanage School Garden Garage Sale -Community Garden Fundraiser Cancer Donations – Annual Western Week fundraiser for Cancer. 2 – School Busses owned by school – Fundraisers Kaylee Kozari –Fundraised $40,000 for student in Community who had cancer Muscular Dystrophy Walk and Bus Pull Page 4 9. Athletic Program Contribution to School The Athletic program is a focal program of the school that unites and connects the students to the very special Pride Inside that exists at Princess Margaret Secondary. Team sports are a focus for academic achievement above the provincial standards the puts the meaning of “student” in student athlete. As a smaller AA school we have defeated our rival AAA/AAAA Pen –High in cross city challenges in both Sr. Girls and Boys Volleyball and Basketball. Huge pride and unparalleled school spirit exist at our school and athletics is the glue that holds it together and forms the support base. 10. Special Characteristics/Activities Unique to School Impact: This school is referred to as “magical” and “life-changing” by students’ and parents’ who have transferred from other schools and communities to Princess Margaret Secondary in Penticton. Culture: The culture and tone and spirit in this school are incredible and create an atmosphere that is a special place in the public school system of British Columbia. New students are openly accepted, teacher’s volunteer above and beyond the call of duty and administration supports all aspects and programs of the school. Spirit: From Spirit weeks such as Halloween and Christmas, from Western Week Cancer fundraisers and MD walks to Africa orphanage building annual trips this school is loaded with unique and special activities each week of the school year. The spirit of the Mustangs is strong in the school’s athletic program as evidenced by outstanding results from a wide variety of teams in different sports that obtain great success at both the Okanagan and Provincial levels. Perseverance: The school has persevered through two serious bus accidents, one in which a pregnant teacher and several students were injured. The other was a Sr. Boys Volleyball team who rebounded to win a bronze medal at the 2014 AA VB Provincials. Activities: The following are some of the special events offered at the school: Annual Africa trip Mental Health and Wellness program Walk and Bus Pull MaggieFit - Schoolwide Fitness Western Week Cancer Fundraiser Christmas Skit Student- Staff free Yoga Habitat for Humanity Group Muscular Dystrophy First Peoples English Social Justice Class 10,000 Food Items Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 1 OARD OF EDUCATION B SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) BOARD CORRESPONDENCE - OPEN MEETING Monday, May 9, 2016, 6:30 P.M. SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE 425 Jermyn Avenue Pages 1. Correspondence Requiring Action 2. Correspondence to the Board of Education 2.1 2016-04-07 Email from Dawn McKenna - Down Syndrome Research Foundation 1 An email from Dawn McKenna requesting use of a Summerland school for Down Syndrome Research Foundation 2.2 2016-04-11 MLA Linda Larson Re Budget 7 An email response from MLA Linda Larson declining invitation to the budget meeting on April 27, 2016 2.3 2016-04-13 Email from MLA Ashton's Office 9 An email from MLA Ashton's office enclosing a letter from Paul Susheski regarding the Good Will Shakespeare Festival in Summerland 2.4 2016-04-13 Email from Mike Pleasance Re Comments Made at Meeting 11 An email from Mike Pleasance regarding comments made at the April 11th Board of Education meeting by the superintendent regarding programs of choice 2.5 2016-04-13 BCTF Graduation Requirements Brief 14 A BCTF updated graduation requirements review brief 2.6 2016-04-15 Ombudsperson A report of files closed from January 1 to March 31, 2016 for the school district 30 Page 8 2 2.7 2016-04-15 Letter from Elections BC 32 A letter from Elections BC requesting support for the provincial election on May 9, 2017 2.8 2016-04-15 Meghan Steele Thank You for Support 34 A thank you for the incredible support received for the Summerland Solution 2.9 2016-04-15 Minister of Education Re New Curriculum Funding 36 A response to the Board's letter to the Minister of Education requesting additional funding for teachers on call to assist with planning and implementation of training activities 2.10 2016-04-18 BCSTA Regarding Co-goverance MOU 38 At the request of boards, BCSTA is extending the final submission date for the survey regarding the co-governance Memorandum of Understanding through to May 6, 2016 2.11 2016-04-19 Email from BCSTA 39 An email from BCSTA attaching a letter sent from Deputy Minister Dave Byng to BCSTA responding to our concerns regarding inclusion of parttime teachers and TTOCs in curriculum implementation/professional development activities 2.12 2016-04-09 Email from Ministry Re Calendar 42 An email from Ministry approving the 2016-17 and 2017-18 school calendars for SD67 2.13 2016-04-10 Email from Dr. Stevens Re Cost of Rebranding SMS 43 An email from Dr. Kyle Stevens regarding the cost of rebranding Summerland Middle School 2.14 2016-05-06 Phil Burman 44 An email from Phil Burman regarding the motion to rescind the closure bylaw 2.15 2016-05-06 Email from Trout Creek PAC An email from Trout Creek PAC suggesting that the Board request a special advisor. 46 Page 9 3 3. Correspondence COPIED to the Board of Education 3.1 2016-02-12 BCPSEA to Minister of Education 48 A copy of a letter from BCPSEA to the Minister of Education providing the motion stemming from the BCPSEA AGM related to the Attendance Support and Wellness Initiative project and a copy of the response from the Minister 3.2 2016-03-31 Letter from Minister to Michael Marchbank 51 A copy of letter from Minister to Michael Marchbank, Public Administrator, regarding the Attendance Suport and Wellness Initiative 3.3 2016-04-14 Letter from Minister to BCSTA 53 A copy of letter from Minister to BCSTA regarding Integrated Resource Packages (IRP) for Indigenous languages 3.4 2016-04-22 Letter from Minister to Rick Hatch 54 A copy of letter from Minister to Rick Hatch regarding closing and reconfiguration of Summerland schools 3.5 2016-04-01 SD50 Haida Gwaii to Minister 56 A letter to Minister of Education from School District 50 (Haida Gwaii) regarding funding pressures 3.6 2016-04-11 SD05 Southeast Kootenay to MLAs and BCSTA 57 A letter to MLAs and BCSTA from School District 05 (Southeast Kootenay) regarding decisions made related to the report titled Realities, Risks and Rewards: Taking a Systems Approach to Executive, and Exempt Staff Compensation (ESC) in the K-12 Public Education Sector Discussion Resource 3.7 2016-04-25 Letter from Minister to BCSTA Re 2016-17 Funding 70 A letter from the Minister of Education to BCSTA and others regarding 2016-17 funding 3.8 2016-04-25 Letter from Minister to BCSTA 72 A copy of letter from Minister to BSCSTA regarding additional funding for education in 2016-17. 3.9 2016-04-25 Letter from Minister to Michael Marchbank A copy of letter from Minister to Michael Marchbank, Public Administrator, regarding the economic stability dividend. 73 Page Page10 4 4. Correspondence FROM the Board of Education 4.1 2016-04-07 Letter of Invitation to Public Budget Meeting 77 Invitations to Budget Meeting April 27, 2016 were sent to the following: City of Penticton, Penticton & Wine Country Chamber of Commerce, Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen, Penticton Indian Band, MLA Linda Larson, MLA Dan Ashton, District of Summerland, Summerland Chamber of Economic Development and Tourism (Sample letter is attached) 4.2 2016-04-07 Letter of Invitation to 2016-17 Budget Development Process 78 Invitations to Budget Development meetings were sent to the following: CUPE Local 523, OSTU, all PAC Chairs, DPAC, OSPVPA (Sample letter is attached) 4.3 2016-04-07 Letter to Minister of Education 79 A letter to Minister of Education regarding school closure bylaws 4.4 2016-04-12 PDCRS Regarding Endorsement 83 A letter endorsing the Penticton and District Community Resources Society as the lead organization to host the Penticton Youth Health Centre 4.5 2016-04-12 Letter to Michael Brydon RDOS 86 A letter to Michael Brydon, Director RDOS, regarding rural subsidy for West Bench Elementary School 4.6 2016-04-12 Letter to Graham Tournaments re: Beer Gardens 87 A letter to Ryan Graham in response to request to hold beer garden on school district property Jun 17 - 19 and Sep 2 - 4, 2016 4.7 2016-04-12 Letter to Smoking Aces Fundraiser A letter to Chris Atkins in response to request to hold a beer garden on school district property Apr 29 - May 1, 2016 89 Page 11 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Office of the Secretary-Treasurer MEMORANDUM TO: Trustees FROM: B. Roller Routley, Secretary-Treasurer RE: Board and Committee Meeting Dates DATE: April 15, 2016 OUR FILE NO.: 00300-01 OPR: SECTR Based on a monthly meeting being held on the second Monday of each month as well as the practice of holding committee meetings two weeks prior to the board meeting (with adjustments for statutory holidays), the following dates are proposed for the 2016-17 school year: Board Meeting Dates Beginning at 6:30 p.m. September 12, 2016 October 3, 2016 (Thanksgiving, Oct. 10, 2016) November 14, 2016 December 12, 2016 (Inaugural and Regular) Business Committee Meetings beginning at 4:00 p.m. Education Committee Meetings beginning at 4:00 p.m. August 30 August 31 September 20 September 21 October 19 – Education Committee School Visitation November 1 November 2 November 29 January 9, 2017 February 6, 2017 (Family Day – February 13, 2017) January 3 November 30 January 4 – Education Committee School Visitation January 24 January 25 March 13, 2017 February 28 April 10, 2017 April 4 March 1 April 5 – Education Committee School Visitation May 8, 2017 April 25 April 26 June 12, 2017 May 30 May 31 As in previous years, committee meetings will be cancelled and/or combined depending on agenda requirements. Points to consider: Recommendation: That the schedule of Board of Education and committee meeting dates for 2016-17 be approved. March 20 to 31, 2017 – Spring Break April 3, 2017 – first day after spring break April 14 and 17, 2017 – Good Friday and Easter Monday /da c. W. Hyer, Superintendent of Schools Ref: U:\SBO-ST-Data\SECTR JULY 2014\00100-00999 Administration\00300 Board of Education General\00300-01 Bd Mtg Comm Mtg Dates 2016-17.docx “Working Together for Student Success” Page 12 FIELD TRIP REQUESTS School Board Meeting – May 9, 2016 1.0 LEVEL 1 – (LOW RISK DAY TRIPS APPROVED AT SCHOOL LEVEL) (PRELIMINARY APPROVAL FOR LEVEL 3 AND 4 TRIPS) 2.0 LEVEL 2 - LOW RISK (UP TO 2 NIGHTS IN BC) APPROVED BY PRINCIPAL 3.0 LEVEL 3 – MED/HIGH RISK (2+ NIGHTS IN BC) APPROVED BY SUPERINTENDENT 3.1 3.2 4.0 May 16 – May 18, 2016; Queen’s Park Elementary; 65 (Grades 4 and 5) to Camp Tulahead, Princeton, BC; supports the physical education, science and career and health outcomes; Scott Edwards and Rachel Clarkson with 6 chaperones. June 13 – 15, 2016; Trout Creek Elementary; 42 students (Grade 5) to Camp Tulahead, Princeton, BC; tie into healthy living / physical education / team building skills and outdoor education; B Thorpe and B Hutcheson plus parents TBA. LEVEL 4 - TRIPS REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL FOR APPROVAL IN PRINCIPLE: 4.1 April 6 – 14, 2017; Penticton Secondary; 12 to 20 students (Grades 9 to 12) to France and Belgium (Paris, Normandy and Vimy); Stephane Delisle and Julie Cornett-Ching plus parent chaperone. FINAL APPROVAL: 4.2 June 30 – July 22, 2016; PMSS/SSS/PSS; 25 students (Grades 10 to 12) to Arusha, Tanzania to provide students with the opportunity to have a hands on humanitarian experience, via air and ground transportation; Sandra Richardson, Leona Tank and Ashley Aoki plus plus chaperones TBA. 4.3 June 1-4, 2016; Summerland Middle; 52 students (Grade 7 and 8 band) to Edmonton via bus transportation to have the opportunity to play for an audience that is excited by the performance – the students will experience pride and responsibility of representing their school; Rick Papineau plus six chaperones. Don MacIntyre May 9, 2016 Page 13 Schedule of Student Fees for 2016-17 u St Penticton Secondary Princess Margaret Secondary Summerland Secondary KVR Middle Skaha Lake Middle Summerland Middle ee s y A m de ca $50 $500 Soccer $50 Academy $400 Hockey Skills $50 Academy es Fe l R t rs er en ne ck ud lan t o S P L Included in student fee Included in student fee ta en s ce ts an os g rm ity s/C n v ti rfo i i t e s Vi Pe A c Fe s st s ue e G Pr e er nt Included in student Included in student fee fee $35 $35 $30/yr for G6; Included Included $35/yr for G7; Included in Included in in student in student covers all sports; student fee student fee fee fee includes t-shirt $35 $8 (included in student fee) Included student fee Included Included in student in student fee fee $6 $7 ar ul ric r cu tra es E x Fe Depends on the team and how much travel is involved; $80 varies n tio s ua rge d a ra G Ch $100 $50 - refundable when student leaves school if no outstanding costs due to lost or damaged textbooks, library books, other resources Included Included in student in student fee fee Included in student fee $7 le s/ s ok rce dab its bo ou un os t s f p x Te R e R e D e Included Included in student in student Included in student fee fee fee Included Included Included student student fee student fee fee Elementary Schools ConnectED F nt de ok bo ar Ye Sports teams costs are based on $70 tournaments se ur Co e Fe s es ub Cl Fe Range from $15 to $35 $65 ee s t O $20 for PE G9 and 10; $40 for PE 11 and 12; some teachers sell workbooks at cost; Outdoor rec charges for field trips Adventure tourism cost is based on certificate $140 - covers $50 - refundable when costs of grad student leaves school if no gown rental, outstanding costs due to prom, school lost or damaged textbooks, sanctioned grad library books, other events through resources the year Cost from $75 to $400 for team sports; fees vary by # of students, athletic fees, officiating costs, uniform rentals, tournament $60; costs optional $15 upon entry; returned at end of G8 if student is in good standing $50 - G8 plus $50 for basketball referee costs; $20 - G7; $35 G8 - includes a shirt they keep $30 for approx 10 sessions of yoga $15 upon entry; returned at end of G8 if student is in good standing $35 + $15 uniform rental for G8; included t-shirt Vary (user play); example, golf club None $50 - G8 plus $50 for basketball referee costs; $20 - G7; $35 G8 - includes a shirt they keep None rF he Student fee includes technical, leadership, equipment, consumables, student voice, student assistant fund; $10 to $30 for optional workbooks, specific to course; field trips - $26 to $365 depending on event and location $25 to $60 PE Multisport activities Players may still be asked to pay for weekend tournaments and travel. KVR App communication tool included in student fee Optional activities (ski days, winter camping, etc.) up to $20; in consult with PACs None Ref: U:\SBO-ST-Data\SECTR JULY 2014\06000-06999 Fiscal Matters\06060 Site-Based Financial Records - General\2016-17\Schedule of Student Fees for 2016-17.xlsx 5/9/2016 Page 14 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) International Student Program – Fees 2017 – 2018 & 2018 - 2019 Long Term Program – One or Two Semesters: SD 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Two semesters (10 months One semester (5 months) 300.00 300.00 12,500.00 6,500.00 Placement/Monitoring 500.00 250.00 Homestay 8000.00 4,000 Medical Insurance 900.00 450.00 Activity Fee 100.00 $50.00 TOTALS $ 22,300 $ 11,550 Non-Refundable Application Fee/Custodianship Tuition Page 15 Short Term Programs (1 to 4 months) Short Term 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 1,350.00 2,700.00 4,050.00 5,400.00 Placement/Monitoring 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 Homestay 800.00 1,600.00 2,400.00 3,200.00 Medical Insurance 90.00 180.00 270.00 360.00 $ 2,640.00 $ 4,930.00 $7220.00 $9510.00 Non-Refundable Application Fee/ Custodianship Tuition TOTALS Page 16 Summer/Winter Programs 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks Non-Refundable Application Fee/ Custodianship 300.00 300.00 300.00 Tuition 675.00 1000.00 1,350.00 Placement/Monitoring 75.00 75.00 100.00 Homestay 400.00 600.00 900.00 Medical Insurance 45.00 70.00 90.00 Activity Fee 450.00 650.00 850.00 $ 1,945.00 $ 2,695.00 $ 3,590.00 TOTALS Customized winter and summer programs for groups are available upon request. Page 17 International Student Programs Fee Structure Comparisons for the Okanagan Valley 2017 – 2018 & 2018 – 2019 Kelowna 200 Vernon (2016 – 2017) 250 Tuition: 10 month (5 month) 13,000 7,000 12,600+ 6,400 12,500 6,500 Medical Ins. 10 month (5 month) 900 450 850 425 900 450 Homestay Placement Fee 400 550 (+custodianship) 500 (+monitoring) Homestay Fee 8,000 8,000 (+monitoring) 8,000 User pay 250 100 Application Fee: Activity Fee Penticton 300 (+custodianship) (Less than 4%+) Total (10 month) 22,500 22,500+ 22,300 Page 18 Program Fees LONG TERM One or Two Semesters: Non-Refundable Application Fee/Custodianship Tuition 2015-16 and 2016-17 2 Semesters (10 months) 300.00 1 Semester (5 months) 300.00 12,200.00 6,300.00 500.00 250.00 7,500.00 3,750.00 Medical Insurance 850.00 425.00 Activity Fee 100.00 50.00 $21,450.00 $11,075.00 Placement/Monitoring Homestay TOTALS: SHORT TERM One to Four Months: Non-Refundable Application Fee/Custodianship /Custodianship Tuition 1 Month 300.00 2 Months 300.00 3 Months 300.00 4 Months 300.00 1,300.00 2,600.00 3,900.00 5,200.00 Placement/Monitoring t/ 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 Homestay y 750.00 1,500.00 2,250.00 3,000.00 85.00 170.00 255.00 340.00 $2,535.00 $4,720.00 $6,905.00 $9,090.00 Medical Insurance su TOTALS: All prices are quoted in Canadian Dollars. Prices subject to change without noƟce. Page 19 2 Weeks 3 Weeks 4 Weeks Non-Refundable Application Fee 300.00 300.00 300.00 Tuition 650.00 975.00 1,300.00 75.00 75.00 100.00 375.00 565.00 750.00 40.00 60.00 85.00 400.00 600.00 800.00 $1,840.00 $2,575.00 $3,335.00 Placement/Monitoring Homestay Medical Insurance Activity Fees TOTALS: Personalized Winter & Summer programs for groups are available upon request. School District No. 67 Soccer Academy (Princess Margaret Secondary School) $500.00 Optional Community Programs & Student Activities Dance Schools Tae Kwon Do Clubs Minor Baseball Tennis Music Schools Golf Minor Hockey Figure Skating Skiing Snowboarding Soccer Fees for these opƟonal acƟviƟes are set by each individual club Printed and Designed by: School District No. 67 JO 14May06 SUMMER & WINTER GROUP PROGRAMS Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 PARKWAY ELEMENTARY •Thank you to everyone who ordered flowers for the PAC Growing Smiles Fundraiser. The fundraiser was a great success! •Hot lunch is always a success with delicious hot dogs! Thank you so much to Kelly and her team (Jeannie, Tiffani, Andrea and Jodi), for all of their time and hard work! What is Success? APRIL SUCCESS 2016 •Thank you to the Paper and Juice recycling teams for continuing to do a wonderful job with all of the school recycling! The students love the trophies!! •Breakfast Club is going really well at Parkway and they have a larger group of students than ever before. Thank you to Shelene and Tiffany! •Crazy Hair day on Thursday was fantastic! The students looked great and many House team points were awarded! The T e whole purpose of education is to tu turn mirrors into windows. - Sydney JJ. Harris •The Kindergarten classes had a great field trip to the Firehall! Thank you to all of the parents that joined in on the fun! •Principal, Kelly Jones announced that Todd Lindsay will be the new Principal of Parkway Elementary School and will start August 1st. Mr. Lindsay is currently the Principal at Naramata Elementary (and was formerly the Vice Principal at McNicoll Park Middle school). Mr. Jones mentioned to staff and students that Mr. Lindsay will be a great fit for Parkway. •Some of Parkway’s primary students had fun working on the new school garden project. It is looking really good! •The Ballet attended Parkway and put on a wonderful performance for the students. The students really enjoyed it and took part in some audience participation. Ar ork photo’ pphotoss pprovided by: y GIANT’S HEAD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Kindergar en to Grade 5 Success Stories ffor the Board of Education Meeting May 9, 2016 Parkway Fun & Learning. . . Page 36 SUCCESS PARKWAY ELEMENTARY Continued C ti d . . . •There were many Earth Day projects taking place around the school! The students had a fun time getting their hands dirty! •Thank you to all the parents and grandparents that attended the reading session with Kindergarten students! •Thank you to the Grade 5 Brown Bag Lunch team that continue to do such a great job making lunches and delivering them every day to the classrooms. •The Cheerleaders had very good sessions on their lunch breaks! Thank you to Ms. Tucker! •Choir is still going strong on Wednesdays at lunch. Thank you Mrs. Levant! •Parkway has duck eggs in the library in their incubator. The Grade 1 classes are keeping a daily eye on them!!! •The new Farm-to-School Garden will be starting soon in the newly fenced area parallel to Kinney Ave. Great work Mrs. Doyle! •The three school wide runs went extremely well. Parents were invited to join in on the fun. •Math Club is happening three days a week and the group is growing enormous!! Thank you Mrs. Johnson. •The Grade 4, After School Gym Program is still going strong. The students are really enjoying it and having a wonderful time! SUCCESS Page 37 Cupcake Sale WILTSE ELEMENTARY The Kindergarten students at Wiltse Elementary managed to raise $350.00 for the animals at the SPCA with their Cupcake Sale! Some of the students commented that it was the best day ever! Center: Carolyn Hawkins, Branch Manager. Cupcake Sale Ar ork pphoto’s pprovided by: y GIANT’S HEAD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Kindergar en to Grade 5 SUCCESS PRINCESS MARGARET SECONDARY Law Week Activities at the Penticton Court House – April 15, 2016 Penticton was one of twelve locations around the province that held activities to celebrate the Canadian Bar Association’s Law Week. This is the third year Vice Principal Trevor Robinson had the opportunity to work with members of the local bar association to organize a mock trial event at the Penticton Court House for Grade 8 students from Skaha Lake Middle School and Law 12 students from Princess Margaret Secondary School. This year, they were able to include Law students from Pen High in the event as well. On April 15th, approximately 60 Law 12 students from Princess Margaret Secondary and Pen High visited the Penticton Court House for the morning and participated in the trial of Luke Skywalker on 5,999 counts of murder for blowing up the Death Star. In the afternoon, 55 Grade 8 students from Skaha Lake Middle School put Superman on trial for breaking and entering in connection with smashing a hole in a warehouse. The trials themselves are scripted and definitely tongue-in-cheek. However, they provide students with the opportunity to experience the trial process in a court house setting, assisted by practicing lawyers and local sheriffs. Students fill the roles of counsel, defendant, witnesses, jurors and sheriff and the local crown and defense counsel serve as advisors to them as well as judge and court registrar. In addition to the trial, the sheriffs provided students with a behind-the-scenes look at the court house cells and prisoner transport vehicles, and spoke to them about the tools and techniques they use to maintain order and security within the courthouse. The local bar and sheriffs also provided a lunch including barbecued hot dogs and hamburgers, and the students had the opportunity to mingle with and ask questions of the lawyers, sheriffs and courthouse staff in an informal setting. Law 12 students consistently identify this event as one of the highlights of the course. Our district is very grateful for the generosity of the members of the local bar, sheriffs and court staff who support this event with both their time and money. Photographs of the event were taken by Dale Boyd at the Penticton Western News, as well as a link to an article that appeared in Castanet (below). as Law Week at the Court House Page 38 Page 39 Law Week at the Courtt H L House S S E C C SU Page 40 SUCCESS PRINCESS MARGARET SECONDARY Outstanding School Award Terry Grady, Principal of Princess Margaret Secondary, announced that the awards committee of BC School Sports selected Maggie as the recipient of the Outstanding School Award this year! BC School Sports will announce their award winners and will be doing presentations on May 6, 2016 as part of the lead up to their AGM. The social and awards will take place from 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm at the Fortius Sport and Health in Burnaby. BCSS are hoping some staff and students will be able to attend to represent Princess Margaret as well as receive this prestigious award. Ar ork pphoto’s pprovided by: y GIANT’S HEAD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Kindergar en to Grade 5 Page 41 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Recognition of Student Artwork GIANT’S HEAD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A study on: Watercolour Paint on paper. School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extends recognition and Art piece study: Birch Trees. appreciation to the following students/groups of Giant’s Head Elementary School for the artwork they submitted to Description: A group of tall birch trees, bright be displayed in the boardroom for the month of May 9, 2016. white, gray and black placed in a tangerineorange-yellow background with white snow flecks throughout. Pencil outline with watercolour paint. Grade 2 Avarie Hartskamp A study on: Watercolour Paint on paper. Art piece study: Robin. Description: A large red robin sitting on a branch surrounded by many red-pink berries. The bird is placed within a vivid-bright blue background. Grade 3 Alistair Martin Page 42 Hope Longbothan A study on: Watercolour Paint on paper. Art piece study: Sun. Description: A large bright yellow sun, set within a very dark blue sky. In the foreground, beautiful tree stems are covered in bright red-pink flowers and buds. Grade 4 Kaia Quinton A study on: Watercolour Paint on paper. Art piece study: Sheep. Description: A group of six sheep in various sizes within a bright green background which includes scattered yellow polka dots. Grade 3 Page 43 A study on: Watercolour Paint on paper. Art piece study: Trees. Description: A group of three trees in various sizes within a bright blue sky. Large flowering buds in red, pink and pale pink. A small baby animal sits in the center of the painting. Kindergarten Kaleb Mangubat Grade 5 A study on: Black Ink & Paint on paper. Art piece study: Abstract. Description: Six abstract squares joined as one main design in black & white. Each individual design is unique. Julia Bauman