Page 1 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Monday, March 7, 2016, 6:30 P.M. SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE 425 Jermyn Avenue Pages 1. CALL TO ORDER We hereby acknowledge that we are on the territory of the Okanagan First People. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the agenda be adopted. 3. PRESENTATIONS BY SCHOOLS AND/OR STUDENTS 4. RECEIVING OF DELEGATIONS AND GUESTS 4.1 Penticton 2016 BC Winter Games Chair Van Alphen will acknowledge the receipt of a painting presented to the school district for their incredible corporate partnership when hosting the Penticton 2016 BC Winter Games. The painting was commissioned from a recent graduate of Princess Margaret Secondary, Samantha Johnson, who will be recognized at the meeting. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the minutes of the regular meeting held on February 1 and the special meeting held on February 23, 2016, be approved. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.1 2016-17 and 2017-18 School Calendars At the January 11, 2016 Board of Education meeting, the Board made publicly available the proposed 2016-17 and 2017-18 draft calendars until March 1, 2016 so that parents and partner groups had the opoportunity to provide comments to the Board with respect to the proposed DRAFT 1 Page 2 calendars prior to the March 7th Board of Education meeting. To date, no feedback has been received. The school calendars will therefore be considered for final approval. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the 2016-17 and 2017-18 school calendars as presented. 6.2 Policy No. 340 - Graduation Functions 5 At the January 11, 2016 Board of Education meeting, Policy No. 340 Graduation Functions - Secondary Schools was approved in principle and forwarded to partner groups until February 12, 2016 for any suggestions for changes. To date, no suggestions have been received to modify this policy and the policy is therefore recommended for adoption. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That Policy No. 340 - Graduation Functions - Secondary Schools be approved by the Board of Education. 6.3 Policy No. 110 - Policy Development and Maintenance At the February 1, 2016 Board meeting, Policy No. 110 - Policy Development and Maintenance was approved in principle and forwarded to partner groups until March 7, 2016 for any suggestions for changes. To date, no suggestions have been received to modify this policy and the policy is therefore recommended for adoption. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That Policy No. 110 - Policy Development and Maintenance be approved by the Board of Education. 7. REPORT FROM CLOSED MEETINGS The following items were discussed at the closed meeting held on February 1, 2016: • • • • • • Received information and approved a property matter; Received information related to two job postings; Received information related to student suspensions; Received information on a potential partnership and contract; Reviewed a staffing report for both teaching and CUPE staff; Discussed information related to the long range facilities review and requested additional information. February 23, 2016: • 8. Reviewed new information related to Option I CORRESPONDENCE 7 Page 3 8.1 Correspondence Requiring Action a. 2016-02-24 Okanagan Hockey School 10 107 A letter from Okanagan Hockey Academy requesting a letter of endorsement/partnership from the school district RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education will provide Okanagan Hockey Academy with a letter of endorsement/partnership b. 2016-03-01 District of Summerland 108 A letter from the District of Summerland regarding a possible school closure in Summerland 8.2 Correspondence to the Board of Education 8.3 Correspondence Copied to the Board of Education a. 8.4 Correspondence on Behalf of the Board of Education a. 9. As per correspondence listing dated March 7, 2016 As per correspondence listing dated March 7, 2016 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 9.1 Business Committee Trustee Manning will report on the business committee meeting held on February 23, 2016: a. Cheque and ePAYMENT Listing b. 2016-17 CNCP Project Submission c. 2015 Health and Safety Report d. Police Liaison RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education write to the City of Penticton, District of Summerland, RDOS and RCMP to request their financial support for the re-instatement of a School Liaison Officer for SD67. e. 2016-17 Budget Process 116 Page 4 RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the 2016-17 budget process and dates as presented. 9.2 Education Committee Chair Van Alphen will report on the education committee visitation to Giant's Head Elementary on February 17, 2016 and Trustee Johnson will report on the education committee meeting held on February 24, 2016: 10. a. Promoting Physical Literacy in School District No. 67 b. Review of Grade to Grade Transitions and Six-Year Completion and Grade 12 Graduation Rates - 2014-15 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 10.1 School District No. 67 Curriculum In-Service 117 An overview of the sessions that will be held on the first curriculum inservice day will be provided. 10.2 Enhancing Student Learning Framework and Annual District and School Planning Process With the implementation of the new Enhancing Student Learning Framework, each district is responsible for designing an annual district and school planning process that best reflects the context of the district. The proposed annual district and school planning process will be presented. 11. REPORT OF SECRETARY-TREASURER 11.1 Public Meeting on February 22, 2016 The secretary-treasurer will report on the alternate potential uses of school facilities meeting held on February 22, 2016. 12. NEW BUSINESS 12.1 Field Trips The superintendent of schools will review the attached listing of field trip requests. (Attachment) RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the field trip request for May 18 to 21, 2016 for 45 Grade 8 band students from Skaha Lake Middle School to travel to Edmonton via bus transportation for performance opportunities, sightseeing and attractions be given final approval. 118 Page 5 13. REPORTS OF REPRESENTATIVES 13.1 BCSTA Annual General Meeting The BCSTA AGM will be held on April 14 to 17, 2016 in Vancouver. 13.2 BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch Meeting Trustee Sheppard will provide information related to the BCSTA Thompson Okanagan Branch meeting held on February 26 and 27, 2016 in Salmon Arm. 13.3 14. Trustee Comments INFORMATION ITEMS 14.1 Recognition of Student Success 119 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extends congratulations to the students and groups for outstanding examples of success as shown on the attached listing. (Attachment) 14.2 Recognition of Student Artwork Congratulations are extended to the students from KVR Middle School for their artwork currently on display at the school board office. (Attachment) 14.3 Date of Next Meeting • • • March 9, 2016, 7:00 p.m., Special Board of Education meeting, IMC March 30, 2016, 7:00 p.m., Special Board of Education meeting, IMC April 11, 2016, 6:30 p.m., Regular Board of Education Meeting, at the School Board Office 15. QUESTION PERIOD 16. ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the meeting be adjourned. 124 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) POLICY POLICY #340 Graduation Functions – Secondary Schools RATIONALE The Board of Education recognizes the significance and importance of the official graduation ceremonies in which the students, parents, teachers and the community participate with great pride. POLICY The Board encourages and supports the planning by students, staff and school administration of the annual official graduation ceremonies. ADOPTED: November 8, 1999 Reviewed/Revised: Statutory Reference: December 9, 2002 September 10, 2007 Page 6 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES POLICY 1. #340 Graduation Functions – Secondary Schools The school is authorized to organize and present the graduation ceremonies on the following basis: a) That the graduation may contain up to the current four three graduation events which are comprised of the ceremonies, banquet, and dance prom. and tea; b) That the dress for the graduation ceremony will be caps and gowns; c) That a student vote about other graduation issues be held; d) That the graduation events Ceremonies and/or Tea may be held on a weekend prior to the examination schedule, or after all final exams are complete. All other events are to be held on consecutive days after the end of government examinations unless otherwise approved by the Board by January 1 of the school year; e) The graduation activities shall recognize all bona fide Grade 12 students. 2. Unofficial activities are not sanctioned under this policy. With the exception of Dry AfterGrad, the organization of such activities in school time or on school premises is prohibited. 3. The Board supports the concept of “dry-grad” being organized as a community event, following the school-sponsored dance prom or graduation ceremony. 4. The Board supports the use of community facilities for graduation events: a) in Summerland, the civic arena and curling facilities; b) in Penticton, the Penticton Trade & Convention Centre. For reasons of efficiency, Penticton schools will endeavor to have ceremonies on adjacent days. ADOPTED: November 8, 1999 Reviewed/Revised: December 9, 2002 September 10, 2007 Statutory Reference: January 7, 2016 Ref: U:\SBO-ST-Data\SECTR JULY 2014\00100-00999 Administration\00540 Policies and Regulations\2015-16\P-R 340 - Revised Sept 30 15.docx Page 7 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) POLICY POLICY #110 Policy Development and Maintenance RATIONALE A primary responsibility of the board Board of education Education is to set policy to promote the effective operation of schools and programs. Policy is based on the beliefs and values espoused by the public boardBoard; it is dynamic and provides guidance for future actions. POLICY The Board’s Policy Business and Education Committees shall have responsibility for bringing all new policies and revisions to the Board for decision. Initiatives for new policy or policy revisions may originate from the Board of Education, or its Policy any of the Board’s Committeecommittees, the Superintendent or the Secretary Treasurer. Policy processes will include opportunity for input from stakeholders. ADOPTED: November 8, 1999 Reviewed/Revised: Statutory Reference: September 10, 2007 Page 8 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES POLICY 1. #110 Policy Development and Maintenance Formulation of Policy In general, a draft policy statement shall come to the Board in the following manner: a) The draft policy will be in the form of a recommendation from either the Policy Business or Education Committee. b) The draft policy will be presented at a regular meeting of the Board at which amendments to the draft may be made. c) The draft policy will be presented with the agenda in advance of the meeting at which the policy is considered. d) The draft policy will remain on the table until distribution of the agenda at least for the next monthly Board meeting during which time copies of the proposed policy will be placed on the District’s website for general public input. Notification that the policy has been posted to the website will be circulated to stakeholders stakeholdersdirectly affected by its content.. e) If revisions are made that significantly alter the intent of the statement, the policy draft may be referred back to the policy committee from which it was derived or remain on the table for an additional period. f) If no significant revisions are required, policy statements may be adopted at the regular monthly Board meeting following the introduction of the draft policy. g) Unless specifically stated in the policy, the effective date of the policy shall be the date of Board adoption which shall be recorded with the text of the adopted policy. h) Electronic cCopies of the policyices shall be circulated available to stakeholder groups. through the district website. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5" 2. Policy Implementation 1) Formulation of Regulations and Procedures In general the following steps will be taken in the development of regulations and procedures: a) Executive Officers of the Board will be responsible for the formulation of Regulations and Procedures which shall be submitted to the Policy Business or Education Committee for consideration at the earliest possible committee meeting. Page 9 Policy #110 Regulations and Procedures - Page 2 2) b) The Board reserves the right to review administrative regulations and procedures at its discretion but it shall revise or veto such regulations only when, in the judgment of the Board, they are inconsistent with the intent of the Board's adopted policies. c) Every regulation and procedure issued will be marked with the adoption date and will be filed with the associated governing Board policy. Policy Review and Maintenance The secretarySecretary-tTreasurer shall maintain the one master copy of the district policy book in a paper form. The official Policy Manual shall be the electronic copy held on the District’s website. and Policies shall be responsible for regularly reviewing one quarter of its contents each year reviewed no less than every five (5) years to ensure currency and applicability. He/sheThe Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for ensuring that all copies of the district policy book arethe website and master copy is kept current. ADOPTED: November 8, 1999 Reviewed/Revised: Statutory Reference: September 10, 2007 January 28, 2016 Ref: U:\SBO-ST-Data\SECTR JULY 2014\00100-00999 Administration\00540 Policies and Regulations\2015-16\Policy 110-Policy Developement and Maintenance-January 28, 2016.docx Page Page10 1 OARD OF EDUCATION B SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) BOARD CORRESPONDENCE - OPEN MEETING Monday, March 7, 2016, 6:30 P.M. SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE 425 Jermyn Avenue Pages 1. Correspondence Requiring Action 1.1 2016-02-24 Okanagan Hockey Academy 1 A letter from Okanagan Hockey Academy requesting a letter of endorsement/partnership from the school district 1.2 2016-03-01 District of Summerland 2 A letter from the District of Summerland regarding possible school closure in Summerland 2. Correspondence to the Board of Education 2.1 2016-02-03 BCPSEA Conference Report on the AGM 10 A report on the AGM held on January 29, 2016 2.2 2016-02-08 BCSTA Provincial Council Package 12 The package for the BCSTA Provincial Council meeting being held February 19 and 20, 2016 2.3 2016-02-12 SD40 (New Westminster) 57 A letter to all boards advising that their board had passed a motion to support Corinne's Quest's goal to have Section 43 of the Criminal Code of Canada repealed, advising their board would be sumitting a motion to the 2016 BCSTA annual general meeting, and requesting support for the repeal of Section 43 2.4 2016-02-27 BCSTA Branch Nominations A letter to trustees requesting nominations for the Branch executive 59 Page Page11 2 2.5 2016-02-24 BCSTA Reminder of Upcoming Events 62 A reminder of almost all future BCSTA events and meetings can be found on the BCSTA website 3. Correspondence COPIED to the Board of Education 3.1 2016-02-01 SD20 (Kootenay-Columbia) to Ministers of Finance and Education 63 A letter to the Minister of Finance and Minister of Education regarding the government's approach toward exempt staff compensation 3.2 2016-02-03 SD72 (Campbell River) to Minister of Education 64 A letter to the Minister of Education expressing concern with government actions and requesting that the Ministry of Education fully fund the additional costs that have been incurred as a result of decisions that have been made at the provincial level 3.3 2016-02-10 SD5 (Southeast Kootenay) to Mayors 66 A letter to the Mayors of Cranbrook, Fernie, Sparwood, and Elkford and copied to Premier, Minister of Education, Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Operations and MLA Kootenay East expressing their Board's support for any provincial funding their municipalities may request for control of ungulates (deer, elk, moose, etc.) 3.4 2016-02-04 SD19 (Revelstoke) to Minister of Education and BCTF A letter to the Minister of Education and President of the BC Teachers' Federation requesting that they continue to work in a collaborative and consultative process to reach agreement on further enhancements to their agreement to support curriculum implementation in the 2015-16 and 2016-17 years, and further advising that their board supports the involvement of all partner groups, including the BCPSEA, BCSSA and the BCSTA in furture planning related to the implementation of the redesigned curriculum 68 Page Page12 3 4. Correspondence FROM the Board of Education 4.1 2016-02-01 Letters of Invitation for February 22 Meeting 69 70 Invitations to a public meeting on Monday, February 22, 7:00 p.m., at the Shatford Centre, regarding alternate potential uses of school facilities; letters sent to: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.2 Mayor Jakubeit and Councillors, City of Penticton Mayor Waterman and Councillors, District of Summerland Chair Pendergraft and Board of Directors, Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen Chief Jonathan Kruger, Penticton Indian Band Sylvain Allison, Secretary-Treasurer, Conseil Scolaire Francophone de la Columbie-Britannique Donna Lomas, Regional Dean, Okanagan College Penticton Campus Doug Levell, Manager of Real Estate Services, Interior Health Andy Oakes, President, Okanagan Hockey School Brandy Maslowski, Executive Director, Penticton and Wine Country Chamber of Commerce Summerland Chamber of Commerce MLA Dan Ashton, MLA Penticton-Peachland MLA Linda Larson, MLA Boundary-Similkameen Aaron McRann, Executive Director, Community Foundation of the South Okanagan Tanya Behardien, Executive Director, Penticton & District Community Resources Society 2016-02-02 University of British Columbia 84 A letter to the University of British Columbia confirming their request to conduct a research project at Skaha Lake Middle School related to the pilot project, "Learning for Life Initiative" and eHealth Literacy 4.3 2016-02-03 Communities for Kids Penticton 85 A letter of appointment for Trustee Shelley Clarke to the Communities for Kids - Penticton 4.4 2016-02-03 PSS Bursary Scholarship Foundation 86 A letter to the Penticton Secondary School Bursary and Scholarship Foundation advising of the appointment of Trustee Bruce Johnson to the Foundation 4.5 2016-02-03 Penticton Chamber of Commerce A letter to the Penticton Wine & Country Chamber of Commerce advising that Trustee Barb Sheppard has been appointed as the Board's representative to the Chamber 87 Page Page13 4 4.6 2016-02-03 Okanagan School of the Arts 88 A letter to the Okanagan School of the Arts advising that Trustee Shelley Clarke has been appointed as the Board's representative to the Okanagan School of Arts for the term ending January 2017 4.7 2016-02-03 Summerland Chamber of Economic Development and Tourism 89 A letter to the Summerland Chamber of Economic Development and Tourism advising that Trustee Linda Van Alphen has been appointed as the Board's representative to the Summerland Chamber of Economic Development and Tourism for the term ending January 2017 4.8 2016-02-03 Corporaton of Summerland 90 A letter to the District of Summerland advising that Trustee Julie Planiden has been appointed as the Board's representative to the Summerland Recreation Committee for the term ending January 2017 4.9 2016-02-03 OSTU Pro-D Committee 91 A letter to the OSTU Pro-d Committee advising that Trustee Bill Bidlake has been appointed as the Board's representative to the Pro-D Committee and Pro-D Funding Committee 4.10 2016-02-03 Child and Youth Summerland 92 A letter to the Child & Youth Committee - Summerland advising that Trustee Linda Van Alphen as been appointed as the Board's representative to the Child & Youth Committee for the term ending January 2017 4.11 2016-02-03 Communities for Kids Summerland A letter to the Communities for Kids Success by 6 for the Summerland Table advising that Trustee Linda Van Alphen was appointed as the Board's representative to the Communities for Kids Summerland Table 93 Page 116 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 2016-17 Budget Process February Begin to build a very global budget March 29 to April 15 Work with senior management team to further define the budget March 15 (or so) Ministry will release funding estimate During April Meet with trustees and stakeholder reps (individual meetings); present budget for conversation, feedback and/or input April 18, 4:00 p.m. Special Closed Business Committee of Whole – give preliminary presentation of budget April 19 P/VP Meeting – a budget will be presented; conversation, feedback and/or input will be sought (IMC) April 20, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. OSTU and CUPE presentation (IMC) April 26, 3:00 p.m. April 26, 3:30 p.m. April 26, 4:00 p.m. OSTU feedback to trustees and district staff (Board Room) CUPE feedback to trustees and district staff (Board Room) Principal/vice principal feedback to trustees and district staff (Board Room) April 27, 6:30 p.m. Public and DPAC meeting (IMC or PSS); present budget and receive feedback at meeting May 2, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Special Closed – Business Committee of the Whole (present a balanced budget after feedback from all groups) (Board Room) May 9, 6:30 p.m. Open board meeting (final budget presented; do first two bylaw readings) June 13, 6:30 p.m. Open board meeting (do third reading of bylaw) If budget is not ready for May open meeting, we will do presentation at June open and ask for all three bylaw readings; if not, we will call special meeting for third reading. February 22, 2016 Ref: U:\SBO-ST-Data\SECTR JULY 2014\03000-03999 Budgets\03200 - Budgets Operating\03200-20 Operating Budgets, by Sch Yr\2016-17\03200-20 2016-17 Budget Process and Dates Revised.docx “Working Together for Student Success” Page 117 OPENING REMARKS 8:30 – 8:40 SD 67 CURRICULUM IN-SERVICE MAUREEN DOCKEDORF APRIL 27TH JAN UNWIN PENTICTON SECONDARY SCHOOL 8:40 – 10:10 REVISED CURRICULUM 10:10-10:30 12:15 BREAK BREAK 10:30 JO CHRONA 11:15 ABORIGINAL PERSPECTIVES 11:15-12:15 LUNCH JAN UNWIN PAT HORSTEAD 1:45 SECONDARY KIM SCHOENERT REICHL SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING K-12 MAUREEN DOCKENDORF CURRICULUM AND COMPETENCIES K-9 JO CHRONA ABORIGINAL PERSPECTIVES IN THE REVISED CURRICULUM K-12 FOCUSSED DISCUSSION WITH FACILITATORS 1:45 – 2:30 JAN UNWIN SECONDARY KIM S/R - SEL MAUREEN/PAT-K-9 JO CHRONA-AB ED Page 118 FIELD TRIP REQUESTS School Board Meeting – March 7, 2016 1.0 LEVEL 1 – (LOW RISK DAY TRIPS APPROVED AT SCHOOL LEVEL) (PRELIMINARY APPROVAL FOR LEVEL 3 AND 4 TRIPS) 2.0 LEVEL 2 - LOW RISK (UP TO 2 NIGHTS IN BC) APPROVED BY PRINCIPAL 3.0 LEVEL 3 – MED/HIGH RISK (2+ NIGHTS IN BC) APPROVED BY SUPERINTENDENT 4.0 LEVEL 4 - TRIPS REQUIRING BOARD APPROVAL FINAL APPROVAL: 4.1 May 18-21, 2016; Skaha Lake Middle; 45 students (Grade 8 band) to Edmonton via bus transportation for performance opportunities, sightseeing and attractions; Dave Brunelle, Will Schlackl plus parent chaperones. Don MacIntyre March 7, 2016 Ref: U:\SBO-DOIC-Data\2015-2016\10000 - 19999 Curriculum\Field Trips\11150-20 fieldtrip 2015-03-07.docx Page 119 PARKWAY ELEMENTARY Hot lunch was fantastic - from Panago!!! Thanks to Kelly and her crew! Thank you to Parkway’s Paper and Juice recycling teams for continuing to do a wonderful job with all of the school recycling! The classes love the trophies! What is Success? FEBRUARY SUCCESS 2016 S Breakfast Club is going really well and is experiencing and even larger group of students than ever before. Thank you to Shelene and Tiffany! The pancakes were delicious! Parkway’s cheerleading team practised in the gym on Monday’s. Thanks to Ms. Tucker! Thank you to the Grade 5 Brown Bag Lunch team that coordinates the lunches each morning and then delivers them to the classrooms. In order to succeed, we The multi-cultural group met Friday at lunch and had a great session in the Math portable. we can. Bricks4kidz got together after school in the gym! Parkway is excited about their school Facebook page and school web site. All their exciting news and happenings are now available. Thank you Michael and Kelly A. must first believe that Nikos Kazahizakis Ar ork photo’ pphotoss pprovided by: KVR MIDDLE SCHOOL Grade 6 to Grade 8 Success Stories ffor the Board of Education Meeting March 7, 2016 Page 120 Rock and Roll School Spirit Dayy SUCCESS PARKWAY ELEMENTARY . . . CONTINUED Friday was Jungle gym day again and everyone had a great time in the gym!! Thank you to the great job setting up the blue mats . . . . Sadie and Satara! ROCK AND ROLL school spirit day was Off the Charts!!! The students and staff looked great and lots of House team points were awarded. Math Club has been taking place three days a week and the group is growing! Thanks to Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Levant had a great choir session with all the students. Students will be singing at the next assembly as well as the Music festival in March. We had a great turn out for the Vees game last Saturday! Huge thanks to everyone that went and supported the team! Currently, the Grade 5’s are doing a unit on small business and entrepreneurship. Marc Leger from Junior Achievement British Columbia has visited for two of his four sessions. PRINCESS MARGARET SECONDARY Congratulations to the Pen High Sr. Boys’ basketball team and the Princess Margaret Sr. Boys’ basketball team for providing all the spectators a first class game of basketball at the annual Cross City Challenge at Princess Margaret on Thursday, February 18, 2016. While Princess Margaret won the game, the real winner was the Kaylee Kozari-Bowland Trust Fund. All money collected at this game was donated to the trust fund in Kaylee’s name. Thank you to everyone who participated in this spirited event. In total $1,368.00 was raised for this very worthwhile cause. The Kaylee Kozari-Bowland Trust Fund Page 121 SUCCESS SKAHA LAKE MIDDLE February 3 Grade 6 classes went swimming at the Community Pool as an extension to their PE classes. February 23 Grade 7 students went skiing/snowboarding at Apex Mountain. For the vast majority this was their first experience on the mountain. SUCCESS Page 122 SKAHA LAKE MIDDLE . . . CONTINUED CONTINUED Pink Shirt D P Dayy February 24 “Pink Shirt Day”- As part of our Pink Shirt Day, SLMS had Dr. Ty Binfet, a researcher from UBC Okanagan present on “Kindness”. We also had a visit from Cpl Wigglesworth and Cst. Knock from the RCMP detachment in their pink-dyed uniforms. Basketball Teams Congratulations to the school basketball teams who wrapped up their seasons the last week of February. Special congratulations to the Grade 8 Girls team that placed 3rd in the South Zone and the Grade 8 Boys team that placed 4th. Page 123 SUCCESS Anti-BullyingDay SUMMERLAND MIDDLE Summerland Middle School took time to reflect on the symbolic nature of this important day. The focus this year at SMS, and especially for February has been on KINDNESS. A big thank you to all of the teachers and students at SMS for the efforts they make each and every day to make SMS a safe and enjoyable, Kind and Inclusive place for all kids to grow and learn. Page 124 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Recognition of Student Artwork KVR MIDDLE SCHOOL School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extends recognition and appreciation to the following students/groups of KVR Middle School for the artwork they submitted to be displayed in the boardroom for the month of March 7, 2016. A study on: Acrylic paint on cardstock. Art piece study: ‘John Lennon’. Description: A headshot of John Lennon in various gray tones, white and black with dark shadowing. A bright yellow background creates a striking balance against the black foreground. Grade 8 Alexandria Picton A study on: Acrylic paint on cardstock. Art piece study: ‘Albert Einstein’. Description: A headshot of Albert Einstein in various gray tones, white and black with dark shadowing. A hunter green background creates a striking balance against the white. Kaleb Stewart Grade 8 Page 125 Ashley Rathwell Grade 7 A study on: Pencil Drawing | Watercolour Art piece study: Portrait of a girl. Description: Pencil used to incorporate a shading technique. Watercolour paint used for the background in red, blue, teal and mauve. Grade 7 A study on: Pencil Drawing | Watercolour Art piece study: Portrait of a boy. Description: Pencil used to incorporate a shading technique. Watercolour paint used for the background split in teal and purple. Tyler Witkowski Page 126 Maia McCoy A study on: Black Pen & Ink. Grade 6 Art piece study: ‘‘Doodle Art”. Description: An owl drawing cut out of medium white card stock. Black pen & ink used to create various designs with lots of negative space. A study on: Black Pen & Ink. Art piece study: ‘‘Doodle Art”. Description: An owl drawing cut out of medium white card stock. Black pen & ink used to create various designs with lots of negative space perched on a branch. Grade 6 Gebrielle Zaitsoff