School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Monday, January 11, 2016, 6:30 P.M. SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE 425 Jermyn Avenue MEMBERS PRESENT Linda Van Alphen, Chair Bill Bidlake, Vice Chair Shelley Clarke, Trustee Bruce Johnson, Trustee Ginny Manning, Trustee Julie Planiden, Trustee Barb Sheppard, Trustee ALSO PRESENT Wendy Hyer, Superintendent of Schools Bonnie Roller Routley, Secretary-Treasurer Dave Burgoyne, Assistant Superintendent Daniel Francisco, Director of Information Technology Doug Gorcak, Director of Facilities Don MacIntyre, Director of Instruction Todd Manual, Director of Instruction Daphne Adey, Executive Assistant _____________________________________________________________________ 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Van Alphen called the meeting to order and acknowledged that we were on the territory of the Okanagan First People. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2016-239 MOTION Duly moved and seconded That the agenda be adopted. CARRIED 3. PRESENTATIONS BY SCHOOLS AND/OR STUDENTS 3.1 International Student Program Jeff Guy, the administrator of the International Student Program, provided an update on the program, noting there were 114 international students (58 FTE) who during the past year stayed anywhere from two weeks to a full year. These students came from 10 countries and are enrolled in each middle and secondary school in the district. Mr. Guy also noted the program brought in close to $1.5 million to the district and provides a great “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 2 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of January 11, 2016 service to SD67 students by introducing them to these international students and cultures. Current students attending are from Germany, China, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Columbia, Spain, Brazil, Austria, and Vietnam. Mr. Guy acknowledged that one of the biggest challenges faced with the program is getting quality homestays for the students. The program is continuing to grow with a goal of 75 FTE students for the coming year and a move from fewer short-term programs to more long-term programs. 4. RECEIVING OF DELEGATIONS AND GUESTS 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 2016-240 MOTION Duly moved and seconded That the minutes of the inaugural and regular meetings held on December 14, 2015 be approved. CARRIED 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. REPORT FROM CLOSED MEETINGS Chair Van Alphen reviewed the following items which were discussed at the regular closed meeting held on December 14, 2015 and the special closed meetings held on December 14 and 16, 2015: December 14, 2015 Received information related to BCPSEA; Received information related to an acting principal appointment; Received a staffing report for teaching and CUPE staff; Approved an item related to property; and Received information related to a meeting with City of Penticton staff. December 14 and 16, 2015 Received information and approved a legal matter. January 5, 2016 Discussed the long range facilities review and approved that Option I be brought forward for public consultation. 8. CORRESPONDENCE 8.1 Correspondence Requiring Action a. 2016-01-07 Letter from Okanagan Skaha Teachers' Union A letter from the Okanagan Skaha Teachers' Union requesting that the Okanagan Skaha Board join the Saanich Board of Education in lobbying the Ministry of Education to commit funding which enables all teachers paid attendance for all non-instructional days “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 2016-241 b. Page 3 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of January 11, 2016 MOTION Duly moved and seconded That the Board of Education write a letter of support for the Saanich Board’s quest in lobbying the Ministry of Education to commit to funding which enables all teachers paid attendance for all non-instructional days. CARRIED 2016-01-07 Community For Kids A letter from the Community for Kids Summerland requesting a school district appointment to the Community for Kids Community Table in Summerland 2016-242 8.2 Correspondence to the Board of Education 8.3 Correspondence Copied to the Board of Education a. 8.4 As per correspondence listing dated January 11, 2016 Correspondence on Behalf of the Board of Education a. 9. MOTION Duly moved and seconded That the Board of Education appoint a trustee as a representative appointment to the Community for Kids Success by Six Summerland and that this appointment be added to the policy for representative appointments. CARRIED As per correspondence listing dated January 11, 2016 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 9.1 Business Committee Trustee Bidlake reported on the business committee meeting held on January 5, 2016 at which a listing of cheque and ePAYMENTS was reviewed and a request by the Penticton Secondary School Scholarship and Bursary Foundation for clerical time was referred to the business committee meeting on February 23. A review of the Educational Resources Acquisition Consortium (ERAC) showed the district had saved 58% on software and licenses purchased through the consortium. The committee reviewed an annual video surveillance report and was advised that the mileage rate for employee travel reimbursement had gone down by one cent per kilometer, effective January 1, 2016. The following action items were on the agenda (complete minutes are available on the district website): a. Policy No. 290 – Freedom of Information Protection of Privacy 2016-243 MOTION Duly moved and seconded That the Board of Education approve Policy No. 290 – Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy. CARRIED “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) b. Page 4 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of January 11, 2016 Policy No. 750 – School Closure Discussion on this draft policy was tabled to next meeting. 9.2 Education Committee Trustee Johnson reported on the education committee meeting held on January 6, 2016 which included presentations on Maker Spaces and the 2015 Dream Lift Trip. The following policy was also discussed (complete minutes are available on the district website): a. Policy No. 340 – Graduation Functions – Secondary Schools 2016-244 10. MOTION Duly moved and seconded That Policy No. 340 – Graduation Functions – Secondary Schools be approved in principle and forwarded to partner groups until February 12, 2016 for any suggestions for changes. CARRIED REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 10.1 December Events During the month of December, Ms. Hyer and district staff attended a number of Christmas concerts and winter events. These festivities were entertaining and well done. Ms. Hyer recognized the outstanding work that SD67 staff did in organizing these events and thanked them for their efforts. 11. REPORT OF SECRETARY-TREASURER 11.1 Long Range Facilities Review The secretary-treasurer advised that an additional Option I had been added to the options to be considered by the Board of Education. Option I would see the reconfiguration of Summerland area schools with grades K-3 at Giant’s Head Elementary, grades 4-7 at Summerland Middle School, and grades 8-12 at Summerland Secondary School. Trout Creek Elementary would close. A Public Consultation/Possible School Closure meeting will be held at Trout Creek Elementary on January 12, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. 12. NEW BUSINESS 12.1 Field Trips The superintendent reviewed the listing of field trip requests included in the agenda package, some of which had been approved pursuant to district policy. She also reviewed a legal opinion that covered some of the risk management points or strategies that should be considered when deciding whether or not a board should approve such trips in light of recent terrorist events where some groups are perceived to be targeting citizens of western countries. During a review of the guidelines to be considered, it was noted that schools will be asked to hold one additional meeting with parents to review the safety precautions associated with the trips. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 12.2 Page 5 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of January 11, 2016 2016-245 MOTION Duly moved and seconded That the field trip request for March 12 to 23, 2016 for 50 grade 9 to 12 students from Penticton Secondary and Princess Margaret Secondary to travel to Berlin, Prague, Krakow, Budapest, and Vienna via flight from Vancouver to Germany and bus transportation for guide tours to introduce students to European culture, history and way of life be given final approval. CARRIED 2016-246 MOTION Duly moved and seconded That the field trip request for 50 grade 6 to 8 students from KVR and Summerland Middle schools to travel to Quebec City from February 3 to 9, 2016 via flight and then tour bus transportation for a cultural experience for students to become excited about Quebec's history, to practice their French in a real setting, and to participate in the Quebec Winter Carnival be given final approval. CARRIED Committee and Representative Appointments Chair Van Alphen presented committee and representative appointments as well as trustee school liaisons for the period January 2016 to January 2017. It was noted that DPAC hold their meetings on the fourth Wednesday of every month and trustees will attend these meetings on a rotational basis. 12.3 2016-17 and 2017-18 Draft School Calendars The superintendent advised that in accordance with the School Calendar Regulation, the Board of Education is required to make the proposed calendar publicly available for feedback from its stakeholders at least one month before the date the school calendar is to be submitted to the Minister, which is March 31. Assistant Superintendent Burgoyne reviewed both draft calendars noting that summer pro-d had been moved into the calendar and spread out during the year. It was noted that these calendars have no changes to bell schedules. The proposed calendars meet the minimum instructional hours required by the Ministry of Education. 2016-247 12.4 MOTION Duly moved and seconded That the Board of Education make publicly available the proposed 201617 and 2017-18 draft calendars from January 12 to March 1, 2016 so that parents and partner groups have the opportunity to provide comments to the Board with respect to the proposed DRAFT prior to the March 7, 2016 public Board of Education meeting. CARRIED BC Integrated Youth Services Initiative Superintendent Hyer advised that over the Christmas break, the provincial government announced the BC Integrated Youth Services Initiative, which is looking to support a lead agency in an initiative that provides a variety of services to youth in one location. Ms. Hyer advised that she is a member of the Youth Engagement Strategy (YES) Collaborative Partners Table, the Penticton and District Community Resources Society “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 6 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of January 11, 2016 will be the lead agency, and they have requested a letter of support from the Board for a grant application. 2016-248 13. MOTION Duly moved and seconded That the Board of Education write a letter in support of the application for the BC Integrated Youth Services Initiative grant. CARRIED REPORTS OF REPRESENTATIVES 13.1 BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting In preparation for the BCSTA Provincial Council Meeting to be held on February 19 and 20, 2016, trustees have been requested to discuss issues which will be discussed at the Provincial Council meeting, in particular the following: Audits and Their Implications for Boards of Education Key Questions 1. What do you believe are the most significant and/or most important findings of recent audit reports in the K-12 sector (including the OAG audits of Board Governance and Aboriginal education, the Ernest and Young audit of SD39, the recent Ministry of Finance Administrative Efficiency Reviews, and the regular Ministry of Education Compliance Enrolment Audits)? 2. Does your board have concerns about the current spectrum of audits and reviews being applied to school districts? If yes, what are your concerns? 3. What do you believe will be the short and long term implications of the current audits for school districts? 4. What actions are your board likely to take as the result of the audits? 5. What further information, processes or discussions regarding these audits would be of use to your board? Trustees agreed to discuss the questions following the business committee meeting on January 26. Additionally, it was noted that the deadline for motions to be presented at the Provincial Council Meeting is January 19, 2016. 13.2 BCPSEA Meetings Trustee Manning brought forward three resolutions to be discussed at the BCPSEA meeting to be held on January 29, 2016: Ordinary Resolution 0-1: That the BC Public School Employers' Association members direct the BCPSEA Public Administrator to write a letter to the Minister of Finance “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Page 7 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of January 11, 2016 requesting that the association be released from the direction of the Public Administrator and that the Trustee Directors be reinstated to the BCPSEA Board of Directors. Ordinary Resolution 0-2: That the BC Public School Employers' Association members direct the BCPSEA Public Administrator to write a letter to the Minister of Education requesting that costs incurred by boards of education from the Economic Stability Dividend be fully funded for the duration of the Provincial Framework Agreement. Ordinary Resolution 0-3: That the BC Public School Employers' Association members direct the Public Administrator to write a letter to the Minister of Education requesting that the Ministry respect local board autonomy and ensure that board of education implementation of the Attendance Support and Wellness Initiative project will be on a voluntary basis. Following discussion, by general consensus, trustees supported Resolution 0-1; made suggestions for a possible amendment for Resolution 0-2; and based on current understanding that the program is mandatory, Resolution 0-3 may need some language reworked as support for this wellness initiative project might be a threat to the Joint Early Intervention Services. 13.3 Trustee Comments Trustees provided comments related to their various district activities. 14. INFORMATION ITEMS 14.1 Recognition of Student Success School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extended congratulations to the students and groups for outstanding examples of success as shown on the listing circulated with the agenda package. 14.2 Recognition of Student Artwork Congratulations were extended to the students from Parkway Elementary School for their artwork currently on display at the school board office. 14.3 Dates of Next Meetings 14.4 January 12, 2016, 7:00 p.m., Public Consultation/Possible School Closure meeting at Trout Creek Elementary January 20, 2016, 6:30 p.m., Special Board of Education Meeting, at IMC February 1, 2016, 6:30 p.m., Regular Board of Education Meeting, at School Board Office Financial Disclosure Forms Trustees were reminded that they are to file the annual Statement of Disclosure form between the 1st and 15th of January of each year in which they hold office. “Working Together for Student Success” School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) 15. Page 8 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of January 11, 2016 QUESTION PERIOD Questions/comments from the audience included: 16. Appreciation from OSTU President Leslea Woodward, for considering and supporting her request for teachers to get funded for professional development days; and Clarification on Option I from Sawyer Klassen, Penticton Western News. ADJOURNMENT 2016-249 MOTION Duly moved and seconded That the meeting be adjourned at 8:25 p.m. CARRIED _____________________________________ Linda Van Alphen, Chair _______________________________________ Bonnie Roller Routley, Secretary-Treasurer January 20, 2016 Ref: of Education_Jan11_2016/eSCRIBE Documents/Post-Meeting Minutes - Board of Education_Jan11_2016 - English.docx “Working Together for Student Success”