Inglewood Home & School Meeting – May 7, 2015

Inglewood Home & School Meeting – May 7, 2015
Call to order: Cheryl Gillmer
President: Cheryl Gillmer
The District is adopting a new language arts program for grades K-6 called HMH Journeys. All
grade levels will start the program next fall. It includes more writing, analyzing text, 88 sight
words (vs. current 24), teaching long vowels in kindergarten, and an interactive website.
Volunteer Clearances - We can have computers set up at Back to School Night for people to
sign up for clearances. If we do this, we’ll need to let people know ahead of time what
information (old addresses, etc.) is required. Mobile Fingerprinting is available. You will need a
code from the principal, and there’s a $10 service charge. Address questions to Sandra Collom,
The District plans to offer the Online Safety presentation multiple times next year.
Community Forum on fair funding in education was held on April 23, 2015. If funding was
equally distributed throughout state, North Penn could get an additional $5 million.
Construction – Montgomery is getting rid of modular rooms, Hatfield will be completed on time.
Mr. Hynes is retiring as principal of NPHS.
Welcome to the 2015-2016 H&S Executive Board Members:
President: Margaret Ridge
Vice President: Aimee Heavener
Treasurer: Carrie Skinfill
Co-Recording Secretaries: Christy Johannesson & Lisa Lupinacci
Corresponding Secretary: Jillian Giza
Vice President: Margaret Ridge & Aimee Heavener
Student planners have arrived.
Recording Secretary: Christy Johannesson & Stacy Hull
April 9, 2015 minutes were submitted for approval. Motion by Cheryl Gillmer, second by
Margaret Ridge, approved.
Corresponding Secretary: Jillian Giza
Have only sold 5 tickets to the End-of-Year Dinner so far. Please RSVP!
Treasurer: Cheryl Krause & Carrie Skinfill
We are almost at our fundraising goal for the year, and we still have book fair, YoFresh and
Chick-fil-A to come.
Would like teacher reimbursement requests by June 1. Not a problem if teachers want to wait to
get their teaching assignments for next year.
The 2015-2016 proposed budget was submitted for review. It will be voted on at the June 4
meeting. It is available on the H&S website.
Per the District Treasurers’ Meeting: Contracts must be signed by the H&S Treasurer or
President, not committee chairs.
Teacher Representative: Mrs. Kenworthy
Please reconsider Harleysville Books for book fair since they bring in authors. The District used
to bring them in, but they no longer do that. Reasons for going back to Scholastic were shared
– better inventory and money accountability, receipts vs. open cash box, more low-cost options.
Could take money from assembly budget to cover author visits. H&S is also considering
offering grants from excess teacher stipend and field trip funds.
It would be great to have each “special” sponsor a visiting artist, musician, author each year on
a rotating basis.
Discussed benefits of Enchanted Learning Website. It is used by library and about 12 teachers.
It’s only $125 for a yearly subscription. Sample uses: alphabet dictionary, source citations,
picture dictionaries. Used by teachers for lesson materials as well as students for interactive
projects. H&S has set aside this money in next year’s budget. Christy Johannesson made a
motion to authorize payment of $125 to renew the current subscription, second by Carrie
Skinfill, approved. Miss Reed will notify the teachers and encourage them to take advantage of
this resource.
Teacher Representative: Miss Reed
Presented a letter from Mrs. Ortlieb regarding the Autism Awareness wrap-up assembly.
Inglewood will present an autism charity with $2000+, want to surprise students with a treat in
their classrooms afterwards. Can H&S help fund this? We have some juice boxes on hand.
Take $145 from Assemblies budget, H&S will cover the rest. Cheryl Gillmer motioned to
authorize payment if the total amount needed exceeds $245, second by Hope Heck, approved.
How can teachers help support H&S?
Principal: Dr. Taylor (not present)
No report
Special Events/Fundraisers
Father-Daughter Social: Jen Kile (not present)
No report. Those present noted that it was very cute, a nice evening. Still waiting on pictures.
Carrie Skinfill will call vendor for invoice.
Dining Out: Chris Schwar (not present)
Yo Fresh made $120 (20%). Future Dining Out location: Chick-Fil-A for a week.
Upcoming Events
Book Fair: Alejandra Fellner & Arin Crowley
Set up today on stage for preview day tomorrow. Could use extra help with K & 1st grade
shopping times.
Ice Cream Social/Flower Sale: Chris Schwar (not present)
Flower sale brought in $120, which should cover the ice cream costs.
Clothing Drive: Lilian Harrell
Will be collecting Friday night during the Ice Cream Social and before/after school all next week.
Clothing goes to local shelters. Fundraiser is run by A&E Clothing Drive, based in NJ.
Mother/Son Golf: Hope Heck
Sold 41 tickets so far. Will extend deadline to Monday.
Continuing Committees
Coordinating Council: Aimee Heavener (not present) & Lilian Harrell (present)
Jason Theater, PE teacher at Montgomery ES, presented on the Iron Knight Triathlon. 350
students participated the first year, now there are over 1000. Physical challenges will be
accommodated. Everyone can participate! Mr. Theater is also pursuing his goal of
incorporating daily calisthenics throughout the district. He has done research that demonstrates
the benefits of this type of program.
CC has a full slate of officers for the 2015-2016 school year. David Mumford (VP) and Aimee
Heavener (Corresponding Secretary?) both from Inglewood.
Other Business
Goals for Next Year: Cheryl Gillmer
Ask teachers for input on big ticket items. Still waiting to hear from District regarding a quote to
fix the front sign and when/if they will reinstall the two basketball hoops that were removed to
make room for modular buildings.
Last Meeting: June 4, 2015 at 7pm
Meeting Adjourned: Cheryl Gillmer
Motion by Kristen Kimball, second by Hope Heck, approved.