Inglewood Home & School Meeting – March 10, 2016

Inglewood Home & School Meeting – March 10, 2016
Call to order: Margaret Ridge
School Board Representative: Josie Charnock
Boundary Realignment: There is an ECP Meeting this Monday. We are now looking at capping
rather than transferring current students. New students would go to Nash (unclear if that will
apply to all grades or only K & 1st). New construction is taken into account with this planning.
Final decision will be made by the end of the school year. The last district-wide redistricting was
in 2005. Inglewood parents expressed that they and others throughout the district would rather
see complete redistricting than small fixes every year or so. It’s very disruptive to the students.
It was also expressed that more notice for relevant meetings and better communication is
Budget: Act I Index. The state maximum tax is 2.4%. NPSD can ask for exceptions for special
education and pension fund. We have requested 4.3% as a safety measure. We don’t expect
to use it once the final budget comes out.
Teacher Contracts: Current contract expires June 30. Negotiations have started. Health care
costs are a major issue up for discussion.
Advertising on website: All ads must be approved by the administration. Our feedback was
solicited, no negative comments.
Charter Schools: There is a hearing in April, but nothing is expected to open next fall. A new
school is opening in the Souderton school district that could accept NP students.
President: Margaret Ridge
Gifts to School: Forms for the laminator and Buddy Bench have been submitted to the School
Board. We’re still waiting for an installation estimate for the back stop.
Spring pictures will be April 6. Parents will be able to preview pictures before purchasing.
Scholarship Fund: Mrs. Czarnecki will take over. She’ll send solicitation letters in mid-May and
before Thanksgiving. She’ll also send letters for acknowledging donations and notifying
teachers. Zeenat Walji will encourage homeroom parents to give to the fund as a year-end gift.
Presidents’ Meeting: Boundary realignment meeting is Monday. Inglewood will departmentalize
in grades 4-6 next year. Students will have different teachers for different subjects. Extra
security will be in place for Election Day on April 26. NPSD will release a mobile app by the end
of the year. New admittance procedure at ESC: You must get buzzed in to the Family Welcome
Vice President: Aimee Heavener
Have looked into vendor-provided school supply kits for next year. Contacted four companies.
We would NOT be using it as a fundraiser, only as a convenience. Prices range from $11 for K
to $50 for 3rd grade. There is no minimum order
NPSD may buy student agendas in bulk next year.
Recording Secretary: Christy Johannesson & Lisa Lupinacci
February 11, 2016 minutes were submitted for approval. Motion to approve by Kristen Kimball,
second by Aimee Heavener, approved.
Corresponding Secretary: Jillian Giza
Received thank you notes from Mrs. Dooling and Mrs. Welch for baby gifts.
Treasurer: Carrie Skinfill
Mommy Market did well, has $46 in expenses still to be paid. Yearbook money is coming in, we
haven’t paid for books yet, so that number will come down.
Principal: Dr. Taylor (not present)
No report. Dr. Taylor is ill.
Special Events/Fundraisers
Movie Night: Betsy Eppers (not present) & Kristen Kimball (present)
Well attended. The movie expense hasn’t been paid yet. Will need to buy more popcorn for
next event.
Dining Out: Chris Schwar & Michele Farrell (not present)
We had our best Applebee’s turnout to date. 463 people attended, 6 th graders collected $250 in
tips. Thanks for promoting it at Movie Night. The next Dining Out will be March 29 at
Margarita’s, going home in backpack next week. Monthly locations are scheduled for next year.
Mommy Market: Karen Mondoro & Suzanne Chapman
Made $530 in sellers/tables, $506 in admissions, ~$200 in snacks. $1187.11 after expenses.
Sold $28 in Inglewood shopping bags, that money goes in apparel account. Only problem was
that some sellers tried to enlarge their space by using the stage. Will make that clear next time.
Yearbook: Kristen Kimball & Carrie Skinfill
Have had 30 orders received since the deadline, for a total of about 250 books.
Upcoming Events
Science Night: Christy Johannesson (present) & Suzanne Cole (not present)
We need more volunteers, both teens and adults. ICN didn’t provide any. Volunteer sign-up
sheet was passed around. Other preparations are on schedule.
Helping Hands Day: Wendy Blanch (not present)
6th graders will pack up baked goods for police/firefighters. We have enough volunteers. Need
people to drop off donations, people signed up to make deliveries.
Father-Daughter Social: Jennifer Kile
April 8. Flyer will go home in backpack next week. DJ is booked, but contract has not been
signed yet (must be signed by President or Treasurer). Photographer is returning from last year
and will make changes to ensure better picture quality (no shadows). Hospitality has sent out
baked-goods requests, may need additional volunteers, not many are needed. Will ask to have
A/C turned on.
End of Year Volunteer Dinner: Jillian Giza
Do we want to continue with preordered, sit-down meals or do something less formal? People
were still interested in the preorder format. Stove & Tap was suggested as a location. Date
was set for May 19. Jillian will compile some options.
Clothing Drive: Karen Mondoro
Will be held May 4-11 to overlap with Ice Cream Social.
Continuing Committees
Coordinating Council: Aimee Heavener (present) & David Mumford (not present)
No report.
School Board Representative: Duane Spencer
See attached notes.
Other Business
Events/Fundraiser for 2016-2017: Margaret Ridge
Calendar meeting will be held Friday, April 1 at 2pm. Board members and event chairs are
asked to come or provide information. It was decided to repeat the Fun Run as our main
fundraiser. Should we have a Vendor Night? Didn’t make much this year, but could do better
with more advanced planning. Could have it on a Saturday with Key Club volunteers
supervising a coloring area for kids while parents shop.
Nominating Committee: Aimee Heavener & Karen Mondoro
Nomination forms will go out the last week of March.
By Laws Committee: Carrie Skinfill, Wendy Blanch, Nancy Kralik
Will add Volunteer Coordinator and look at potentially conflicting info about the deadline for
presenting the next year’s budget.
Next Meeting: April 14, 2016 at 7pm.
Meeting Adjourned: Margaret Ridge
Motion by Kristen Kimball, second by Aimee Heavener, approved.
Inglewood Home and School Association
North Penn School Board liaison report
March 10, 2016
Last Board meeting February 18, 2016
Marissa Huntinger, Casey Dillon and Mia Braud-Knaub, students from the NPHS and North Montco Technical School,
were recognized for their participation and presentations at the 2016 Pennsylvania Farm Show Agricultural Education
Horticulture Competition.
The Association of School Business Officials (ABSO) International has awarded the North Penn School District its
Meritorious Budget Award for excellence in budget presentation during the 2015-2016 budget year.
Education/Community/Policy: Discussion occurred regarding the proposed boundary realignments that would affect
the attendance areas of Nash Elementary, Walton Farm Elementary, Inglewood Elementary and Gwynedd Square
Elementary. The boundary adjustments are being proposed due to the increasing enrollments at Inglewood and Walton
Farm and the decreasing enrollment at Nash. Mrs. Leonard stated the meeting "went well". Under this proposal,
middle school boundaries would be adjusted so that all students from Nash and Walton Farm would attend Pennfield
Middle School and all students from Inglewood and Gwynedd Square would attend Penndale Middle School. A large
number of parents attended the meeting to express their concerns and ask questions pertinent to the proposed
boundary realignments. As a result, a separate meeting was proposed and scheduled between representatives of the
parent group and Dr. Dietrich, Dr. Holben and Dr. Santoro. There was no specific report on this separate meeting.
Finance: 2016-17 Extended School and summer camp rates were discussed and noted to be an increase of 2.4% and
2.9% respectfully. A comparison between other area programs was included in the Board packet. Unpaid real estate
taxes were down $500k from prior year. The upcoming 2016-17 budget timeline and meeting schedule was reviewed
(available on website).
Safe Schools: No report, no meeting since last School Board meeting.
Support Services: Hatfield Elementary School was the recipient of three Green Globes signifying that the building was
designed and built with sustainable features. Hatfield is one of three elementary schools nationally that have achieved
this recognition (Inglewood is one of the other two). A recommendation to consider performing an outdoor athletic
facility audit and master plan for the High School and Middle Schools was presented with significant discussion. The
audit would assist in long range planning, provide a current assessment of the conditions and provide information for
enhanced maintenance of all of the athletic facilities. This audit is considered a planning tool, would determine the
status of all fields used by NPSD and also contracted for use by outside parties, would determine the safety of field and
their use by students and customers and would serve as a guide for future changes, upgrades and use. Approved after
MCIU: Has received 95% of its state funds, no need to access reserves. No funding increase $$ for school year 16-17.
Inglewood Home and School Association
North Penn School Board liaison report
North Penn Education Foundation: Two new board members, John Strobel, former NPSD Manager of Support Services,
and NPSD parent Marion Fraley. The Foundation is supporting a new initiative in funding up to $6,000 for the use of
Google Cardboard in all three middle schools. This program utilizes smart phones allowing students to participate in
virtual educational experiences. The Foundation received two Educational Improvement Tax Credit donations, $5,000
from Waste Management and $10,000 from Univest. The annual online auction to be held from April 25 to May 1 st and
they are looking for local donations to support the event. The Foundation recently supported LitFest at NPHS and "The
Iditarod: The Last Great Race" at Knapp Elementary School.
Superintendent Report: In addition to the above approvals, the Montgomery Elementary Construction Fund Account
was established along with general fund money market investment accounts. Additionally, Thomas Seidenberger, the
new Principal for Montgomery Elementary was present and introduced.
Personnel (specific to Inglewood). There were no personnel changes
Duane Spencer