EL PASO COMMUNITY COLLEGE PROCEDURE For information, contact Institutional Effectiveness: (915) 831-2614 Use of Commercial Vendors for Fund Raising/Sales and Solicitations APPROVED: September 27, 1996 REVISED: May 8, 2001 Year of last review: 2011 AUTHORIZING BOARD POLICY: 4.11.01 Designated Contact: Vice President of Student Services OBJECTIVE: To establish guidelines for College organizations, non-College organizations, and individuals seeking fund raising sale or solicitation in the El Paso County Community College District. No other organization or individual will be allowed except as described within. PROCEDURE: I. The College promotes and supports recognized student and staff organizational fund raising efforts. The fund raising activities are essential for campus organizations to reach their objectives. However, campus organizations do not have an implicit right to use the campus for fund raising activities. Therefore, all campus fund raising efforts must be approved by the President’s designee, the Associate Vice President of Auxiliary Services. II. Off-campus organizations, individuals, and commercial enterprises are not permitted to sell, solicit or advertise on campus except under special conditions approved by the President’s designee (the EPCC Police Dept. will be notified of any exceptions): A. There shall be no door-to-door solicitations of any kind in any College District facilities for personal financial gain or as means of employment. B. Solicitations when approved shall be made in a manner that will not infringe upon the rights of individuals, infringe on traffic lanes, use overzealous or confrontational techniques, or create excessive noise or disturbance in the designated solicitation areas. C. Solicitation through printed materials (flyers, signs, etc.) is permitted for approved activities through the appropriate office (Student Services Managers and or Student Leadership and Campus Life for VV, TM, RG & NW, the top-ranking individual at Administrative Services Center and ALPHA Centers), when content of material is in good taste and conforms to acceptable community standards. Material is posted on bulletin boards or locations specifically designed for such use. (Materials may not be affixed to sidewalks, windows, doors, walls, power poles, trash cans, traffic signs, etc.) Sponsors are responsible for removal and disposal of material after the activity. Printed material may not be placed on motor vehicles. D. Campus organizations are not permitted to represent commercial vendors and sell their products on campus. However, they can invite commercial organizations to their organizational activities for the purpose of affording fund raising opportunities up to once a month per campus per organization. No vendor or group of vendors shall be given an exclusive right to participate in such fund raising activities. Campus organizations must complete the attached Fund Raising/Sales Approval Form and submit it to the Office of AVP, Auxiliary Services for approval. E. College sponsored fund raising off campus must follow College Procedure, College Sponsored Sales for Fund Raising. III. Individual students and employees are permitted to advertise personal items or services for sale at selected campus locations, approved first by student services managers, Student Leadership and Campus Life, or top ranking individual at non-campus sites. IV. There shall be no sales/solicitation, on or off the campus that use College facilities, name, reputation, etc., which result in personal financial gain to any individual. EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 1 of 2 For College Procedure Use of Commercial Vendors for Fund Raising/Sales and Solicitations CAMPUS ORGANIZATION FUND RAISING AND SALES APPROVAL FORM SUBMIT THIS FORM TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO ACTIVITY Requestor: ____________________________________ Phone No._________________________________ Sponsored by: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Campus Organization Name of Commercial Vendor: __________________________________________________________________________ Date of Event: ________________________________ Time of Event: ____________________________ Campus: ( ) Mission Del Paso ( ) Transmountain ( ) Administrative Services Center ( ) Rio Grande ( ) Northwest ( ) Valle Verde Campus organizations will be allowed only ONE activity per month per campus. NOTE: If form is incomplete, it will be returned to requestor, delaying the process. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Approved: Yes_________ No______ If No, reason: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Approved by: _____________________________________________ Associate Vice President, Auxiliary Services Original: Requestor Yellow: Manager, Student Services ____________________________ Date Green: AVP, Auxiliary Services EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 2 of 2