EL PASO COMMUNITY COLLEGE PROCEDURE For information, contact Institutional Effectiveness: (915) 831-2614 Articulation of Vocational and Academic Courses with Secondary Schools APPROVED: January 2, 1990 REVISED: July 19, 2013 Year of last review: 2013 AUTHORIZING BOARD POLICY: 6.00.02 Designated Contact: Vice President of Instruction, Vice President of Workforce/Economic Development and Continuing Education OBJECTIVE: To establish the mechanism and criteria under which the articulation of vocational and academic courses with secondary schools is initiated, approved, and maintained. PROCEDURE: I. II. Definitions A. The articulation of vocational and academic courses with secondary schools is a process that provides for the award of College credit in El Paso County Community College District (EPCCCD) programs for competencies achieved in secondary school. B. The Institutional and other educational entity Articulation Agreement (see attachment EPCCCD Articulation Agreement) is a formal document signed by both the secondary school and EPCCCD officials in which both agree to pursue course articulation. The conditions for articulation are specified. One Institutional Articulation Agreement is signed for each school District and entity. C. The Articulation Plans (see attachment EPCCCD Community College District Articulation Plan) is a formal document specifying which courses at the secondary school are accepted at the EPCCCD based on the matching of end of course outcomes. The achievement levels and conditions are specified. The document is signed by officials from both institutions. An Articulation Plan is prepared for each course in which there is articulation credit awarded. D. The Curriculum and Instructional Development Office has the responsibility of coordinating, facilitating, and implementing articulation agreements, plans, and activities with the secondary schools. The Director of the Curriculum and Instructional Development Office reports articulation updates to the EPCCCD Secondary Articulation Officer (Vice President of Instruction or Vice President Workforce/Economic Development and Continuing Education). Process A. The Institutional Articulation Agreement will be initiated by the secondary school or school district or EPCCCD representative when a need has been identified. The Articulation Agreement is signed by the Board of Trustees of EPCCCD and by selected officials from the secondary school or other educational institution or entity. B. The Curriculum and Instructional Development Office will establish annual priorities for articulation. Priorities are established in cooperation with public school representatives and may include the following: 1. Development of Articulation Plans for courses which have not previously been articulated. 2. Review of Articulation Plans with courses previously articulated after a two-year time span has elapsed. 3. The Curriculum and Instructional Office holds regular development sessions between EPCCCD faculty, coordinators and representatives along with the secondary institution coordinators, faculty and other representatives to discuss articulation issues and to ensure matching end of course outcomes. EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 1 of 2 C. 4. At the discretion of EPCCCD appropriate Dean/Coordinator, some courses may require EPCC credentialed instructors. 5. At the discretion of EPCCCD appropriate Dean/Coordinator, some courses may require EPCC approved textbooks. The Curriculum and Instructional Office provides the primary leadership in the development of Articulation Plans following the Articulation Handbook through the following activities: 1. Selecting EPCCCD program representatives for the specific area of study. 2. Assisting with the logistics for the first meeting between EPCCCD and public school representatives. 3. Approving curriculum materials developed for articulation. 4. Reviewing and approving completed Articulation Plans. 5. The Curriculum and Instructional Office will provide the respective Deans with copies of the articulation materials. D. Articulation Plans are signed by the appropriate EPCCCD faculty representative, public school officials, or educational entity representative, EPCCCD Dean, EPCCCD Secondary Articulation Officer (Vice President of Instruction or Vice President Workforce/Economic Development and Continuing Education), and the EPCCCD Director of Curriculum and Instructional Development. E. Copies of the signed original Articulation Plans will be on file in the Curriculum and Instructional Office and the office of the educational entity. F. The Curriculum and Instructional Office will update and disseminate articulation charts as needed. G. The Curriculum and Instructional Office will initiate a biennial review of Articulation Plans. Deans and faculty representatives may be called upon to review data and evaluate any changes in course competencies, content or standards with their public school counterparts. H. All articulation documents remain in effect until terminated in writing by either institution. I. Students will be granted credit based on a student petition and an official transcript submitted to the Office of Admissions and Registration, which verifies that all requirements specified in the Articulation Plan have been met. J. The standards and the process for implementing articulation are described in detail in the booklet Secondary/Post-Secondary Articulation Handbook. K. Any appeals will be appealed to the appropriate Vice President. L. The following sample forms and information follow this procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Definitions of Attached Articulation forms El Paso County Community College District’s Articulation Process El Paso County Community College District Articulation Agreement El Paso County Community College District Articulation Plan Articulation Course Competency Analysis Addendum Form for Nonsubstantial Change(s) in an Articulation Plan Addendum II Form for Nonsubstantial Change(s) in an Articulation Plan Articulation Expiration Form Sample Articulation Chart—(San Elizario I.S.D. and EPCCCD) Sample Certificate for Articulated Course Credit—(Ysleta I.S.D. and EPCCCD) El Paso County Community College District Articulation Process EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 2 of 2 For College Procedure Articulation of Vocational and Academic Courses with Secondary Schools DEFINITIONS OF ATTACHED ARTICULATION FORMS ADDENDUM This form is used to make changes to course titles. ADDENDUM II This form is used for granting students credit for a course that they take at a neighboring school whose district does not articulate that particular course. ARTICULATION AGREEMENT The Institutional Articulation Agreement will be initiated by the appropriate Dean and/or the Curriculum and Instructional Development Office when a need has been identified. The Articulation Agreement is signed by the Board of Trustees of El Paso County Community College District (EPCCCD) and by selected officials from the secondary school or other educational institution or entity. ARTICULATION CERTIFICATE Articulation certificates are distributed to qualified secondary school students at the end of each semester by secondary school instructors. The Articulation Certificate includes steps for claiming articulated credit. ARTICULATION CHART The Articulation Chart is used for recording and communicating which courses are articulated by secondary school districts. The charts are widely distributed within the College and within respective secondary school districts. ARTICULATION COURSE COMPETENCY ANALYSIS Used in identifying and matching career/technical competencies between EPCCCD courses and other entities. One Competency Analysis form is used for each EPCCCD course involved. ARTICULATION EXPIRATION FORM If the competencies are no longer equivalent and it is agreed that there can no longer be articulation for the specified courses, an Articulation Expiration Form will be completed, signed by the reviewing instructors (both EPCCCD and the secondary school district), and forwarded to the Director of Curriculum & Instructional Development for further processing. ARTICULATION PLAN The Articulation Plan is a formal document specifying which courses at the secondary school are accepted at El Paso County Community College District based on the matching of competencies. The achievement levels and conditions are specified. The document is signed by officials from both institutions. An Articulation Plan is prepared for each course in which there is articulation credit awarded. Articulation Plans are signed by the EPCCCD faculty representative, public school officials, or educational entity representative, EPCCCD initiating Dean, the EPCCCD Secondary Articulation Officer (Vice President of Instruction or Vice President Workforce/Economic Development and Continuing Education), and the Director of Curriculum and Instructional Development Office. EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 1 of 1 For College Procedure Articulation of Vocational and Academic Courses with Secondary Schools EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT’S ARTICULATION PROCESS 1. Independent School District (ISD), with an articulation agreement, contacts El Paso County Community College District’s (EPCCCD) Curriculum Office in the form of an e-mail for suggestion of a course to be articulated or EPCCCD contacts the ISD to initiate a biennial review of all Articulation Plans. • If the ISD is not sure which EPCCCD course could be articulated, the Curriculum Office sends the ISD’s Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) to the EPCCCD District-Wide Discipline Coordinator (DWDC) for course recommendation. 2. The EPCCCD Curriculum Office or appropriate Dean makes contact with high school counterparts and exchanges course materials. 3. Once the course is selected, the Curriculum Office creates the Articulation Course Competency Analysis form by filling in course data and the course objectives portion. 4. The Curriculum Office then sends the Articulation Course Competency Analysis form to the ISD to complete the high school course data, course objectives, and related information on the form. 5. The ISD returns the completed signed Articulation Course Competency Analysis form with course documentation materials to the Curriculum Office. 6. The Curriculum Office reviews the form/materials and then forwards it to the EPCCCD’s District-Wide Discipline Coordinator for review and recommendation. 7. The District-Wide Discipline Coordinator reviews the Articulation Course Competency Analysis form and course materials. The DWDC makes a recommendation, signs, and sends back form to the Curriculum Office. 8. The Curriculum Office then forwards Articulation Course Competency Analysis form to the appropriate dean for signature. 9. The Curriculum Office receives the form back from the dean and prepares two copies of an Articulation Plan (formal document specifying which course) based on the information provided on the Articulation Course Competency Analysis form. • The Curriculum Office makes four copies of the Articulation Course Competency Analysis form and sends one each to the District-Wide Discipline Coordinator, appropriate Dean, ISD, and El Paso Area career and technical education/Tech Prep Program Director. • Sometimes a secondary school course cannot be matched with a College course. The same Articulation Course Competency Analysis form indicating a mismatch, course materials, and signatures must be turned into the Curriculum Office. This information is kept on file. 10. The Curriculum Office accepts the responsibility for obtaining the signatures required on the Articulation Plans. An original Articulation Plan will be sent to the secondary school administrative representative for the secondary school district’s records. The other original plan will be kept on file in the Curriculum Office. 11. The ISD charts are updated on the College website (http://www.epcc.edu/Articulation/Pages/default.aspx), e-mailed to EPCCCD personnel, and printed. Copies of the updated Articulation Chart are sent to the secondary school district administrative representative for distribution. 12. The high school instructors receive the Articulation Chart and inform their students about how to obtain credit for articulated courses. The Curriculum Office sends an Articulation Certificate to the ISDs that includes steps for their students to claim articulated credit. EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 1 of 1 For College Procedure Articulation of Vocational and Academic Courses with Secondary Schools EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ARTICULATION AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made this day of , 20___, between the Board of Trustees of the El Paso County Community College District, P.O. Box 20500, El Paso, Texas 79998, hereinafter referred to as "EPCCCD,” and ____________ Independent School District, hereinafter referred to as "LEA" (Local Education Agency). RECITALS The purpose of this agreement is to approve the mechanism by which college credit is awarded to students who successfully meet the articulation criteria. Articulation is defined as an agreement between EPCCCD and the LEA that common educational objectives, content, and student competencies exist. Based on the identification of common course content and exit competencies, an appropriate arrangement can be made to award college credit for those courses for which the student has achieved the competencies required in the corresponding college course. Articulation will be based on specific course content and evaluation criteria agreed upon by both institutions and does not require additional testing or challenge examinations for the award of credit. EPCCCD and LEA are to share in the responsibility of carrying out the activities needed to keep respective faculty and counselors informed and up-to-date with respect to the day-to-day function of the system. Specifically, EPCCCD administrators, LEA administrators, and contact personnel directly involved with the articulation process are expected to distribute copies of up-to-date articulation documents to all counselors and faculty members. Those documents include the Articulation Chart, articulation brochures, etc. Career and technology counselors and faculty members are expected to inform students about the opportunity to obtain college credit for specified courses taken in the secondary school system. Students are to be informed about how to apply for credit once they enroll at the EPCCCD. EPCCCD agrees to supply each LEA with a master copy of documents such as the Articulation Chart. The LEA agrees to make enough duplicate copies to supply the above identified personnel. EPCCCD will supply other documents such as brochures and certificates for distribution. AGREEMENT Under this articulation agreement the following conditions of articulation are hereby set forth: 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 The student must meet all of the EPCCCD’s admissions requirements and be officially enrolled in the EPCCCD to be eligible for credit via articulation. The student enrolled in the EPCCCD under the early admission program must graduate from high school before articulation credit can be granted. The student must have a complete high school transcript on file with the EPCCCD Admissions Office. The student must be enrolled in the College in a credit degree program at the time he or she applies for articulated credits. Courses for which credit is granted must be a part of the student’s degree plan at the College if he or she is going to reduce the time required to complete his/her degree plan. Students complete a Request for Award of Non-traditional Credit form available on the EPCC website and submit it to the Office of Admissions and Registration. The request forms may be initiated at any EPCC counseling office. The administrative assistants will forward the form to the Evaluations Department at Valle Verde. The student must have completed high school within 28 months of the request for credit. All specific Articulation Plans will be on file with the secondary school district’s administrative representative, the appropriate instructional dean, the EPCCCD’s Secondary Articulation Officer (Vice President of Instruction or Vice President Workforce/Economic Development and Continuing Education), and the Curriculum and Instructional Development Director. The secondary school administrative representative distributes an updated Articulation Chart to all counselors, instructional supervisors, and teachers within the subject area stated on each Articulation Plan. This partnership will commence upon the date of execution of this agreement and will continue until the agreement is canceled or the articulation expires. This agreement may be canceled in whole or in part by either party’s giving a full thirty (30) days’ notice in writing to the other party. Such notice will be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the address of the respective party listed on page 1. However, such cancellation will not apply to a student already enrolled in the articulated course(s) as long as the course is on EPCC’s course inventory list. EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 1 of 2 Executed at El Paso, Texas, on the day and year above mentioned. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT: By: Chairperson, Board of Trustees ATTEST: Title: BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT (LEA): By: Chairperson, Board of Trustees ATTEST: Title: EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 2 of 2 For College Procedure Articulation of Vocational and Academic Courses with Secondary Schools Date: Revised: EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ARTICULATION PLAN Division: Discipline: The purpose of this instrument is to document the approval of an Articulation Plan for specified courses in the above-noted division and discipline between El Paso County Community College District (EPCCCD), P.O. Box 20500, El Paso, Texas, 79998, and ____________ Independent School District, __________________, El Paso, Texas 799___, hereinafter referred to as "LEA" (Local Education Agency). The Board of Trustees of EPCCCD and the Board of Trustees or other responsible official(s) of the LEA previously approved an Articulation Agreement document. The Articulation Agreement provides the authority for granting credit based on the Articulation Plan. EPCCCD and LEA are to share in the responsibility of carrying out the activities needed to keep respective faculty and counselors informed and up-to-date with respect to the day-to-day function of the system. Specifically, EPCCCD administrators, LEA administrators, and contact personnel directly involved with the articulation process are expected to distribute copies of up-to-date articulation documents to all counselors and faculty members. Those documents include the Articulation Chart, articulation brochures, etc. Career and technology counselors and faculty members are expected to inform students about the opportunity to obtain college credit for specified courses taken in the secondary school system. Students are to be informed about how to apply for credit once they enroll at the College. The LEA contact person must notify the Curriculum and Instructional Development Director at EPCCCD about any changes in course titles, major changes in course content, and changes in the way courses are listed on students’ transcripts. This document provides a mechanism to enable a student to be granted college credit by articulation. The student must complete specified courses and/or programs at LEA under the specific conditions of articulation. The course(s) articulated via this document are: LEA COURSE NAME & NUMBER CREDITS AWARDED EPCCCD COURSE NAME & NUMBER CREDITS AWARDED Representatives from both institutions formulated the conditions of the Articulation Plan based on an agreement of evaluation criteria, course content, and exit competencies. Under the Articulation Agreement, the following conditions of articulation are hereby set forth: 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 The student must meet all of EPCCCD’s admissions requirements and be officially enrolled in EPCCCD to be eligible for credit via articulation. The student enrolled in EPCCCD under the early admission program must graduate from high school. The student must have a complete official high school transcript on file with the EPCCCD Admissions Office. The transcript must show a graduation date and all courses taken at the high school. At the time of enrollment, the student must have filed a degree plan with the appropriate EPCCCD counselor. Courses for which credit is granted must be part of the student’s degree plan. Students complete a Request for Award of Non-traditional Credit form available on the EPCC website and submit it to the Office of Admissions and Registration. The request forms may be initiated at any EPCC counseling office. The administrative assistants will forward the form to the Evaluations Department at Valle Verde. EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 1 of 3 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 The student must have completed high school within 28 months of the request for credit. All specific Articulation Plans will be on file with the secondary school district’s administrative representative, the EPCCCD’s Secondary Articulation Officer (Vice President of Instruction or Vice President for Workforce/Economic Development and Continuing Education), appropriate dean(s), and the Curriculum and Instructional Development Director. The secondary school administrative representative will distribute an updated Articulation Chart to all counselors, instructional supervisors, and teachers within the subject area stated on each Articulation Plan. The student must have successfully completed specified high school courses and received a grade of ____ percent or better in each course as stated on the Articulation Course Competency Analysis form and Articulation Plan in order for credit to be awarded. The Curriculum and Instructional Development Director will initiate a biennial review of this Articulation Plan to evaluate any changes in competencies, content, or standards. This partnership may be canceled in whole or in part by either party’s giving a full thirty (30) days’ notice in writing to the other party. Such notice will be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the address of the respective party listed on page 1. However, such cancellation does not apply to a student already enrolled in the articulated course(s) if the course is still on the College’s course inventory list. Personnel from EPCCCD and LEA agree to negotiate any future changes in the above courses. The following attachments will be kept on file with the Curriculum and Instructional Development Director: - Course Competency Analysis form of the courses being articulated, - EPCCCD outlines and/or syllabi of courses being articulated, - Description of high school courses being articulated, and - Other supporting materials as appropriate. EPCCCD and the LEA are to share in the responsibility of carrying out those activities needed to keep respective faculty and counselors informed and up-to-date with respect to the day-to-day function of the system. Specifically, College administrators, LEA administrators, and contact personnel directly involved with the articulation process are expected to distribute copies of up-to-date articulation documents. Those documents include the Articulation Chart, articulation brochures, etc., to all counselors and faculty members. Counselors and career and technology faculty members are expected to inform students about the opportunity to obtain college credit for specified courses taken in the secondary school system. Counselors and faculty members will be informed about how to apply for credit once the students enroll at the EPCCCD. EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 2 of 3 Articulating Institutional Representatives: By the signatures below, the institution acknowledges a commitment to comply with the conditions of articulation: Current Date EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ____________ INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT , Coordinator Articulation Faculty Member Articulation Faculty Member (optional) (Confirms that the discipline has reached a consensus regarding the above curriculum match-up.) , Dean (Confirms discipline approval.) , Facilitator Career and Technology Education (Confirms that the school district supports articulation as represented above.) , Director Curriculum and Instructional Development , Director Career and Technology Education (Confirms completion of the Plan.) (Confirms that the school district supports articulation as represented above.) Vice President of Instruction Secondary Articulation Officer (Confirms EPCCCD support.) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 3 of 3 For College Procedure Articulation of Vocational and Academic Courses with Secondary Schools ARTICULATION COURSE COMPETENCY ANALYSIS (Used in identifying and matching career/technical competencies between El Paso Community College courses and other entities) The Articulation Agreement signed by EPCCCD and __________ ISD provides for the sharing of the activities needed to keep students informed about the opportunity to earn College credits based on articulated courses. EPCCCD agreed to send to the ___________ ISD Articulation Chart to the Career and Technology Education representative. The representative is to make copies of the Articulation Chart and send it to each counselor and instructor involved. The counselors and instructors are to inform eligible students about this time and money-saving opportunity. Students can apply directly for these credits at Evaluations of the Valle Verde Campus or at any of the counselors’ offices at any campus. The representative will inform the EPCCCD’s Curriculum and Instructional Development Director about any changes in course titles or curriculum. El Paso County Community College District ______________ Independent School District Course Title: Course Title: Course Number: Course Number: Contact Hours: Lec Lab Total Contact Hours: Total Contact Hours: PEIMS #: Number of Semesters: Number of Credits: Text(s) Used: Recommend Articulation: Text(s) Used: Yes No _______ ISD course grade average required by EPCC if articulation is recommended: % Comments (required if articulation is not recommended): EPCC reviewer's name: EPCC reviewer’ signature: Phone Number: _____ ISD reviewer's name: Phone Number: I certify that this course does meet _______contact hours to complete El Paso Community College Objectives. _____ ISD reviewer’s signature: EPCC Dean: Date: Date: EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 1 of 4 El Paso County Community College District ______________ Independent School District High School Instructor’s Name(s) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Phone Number Page 2 of 4 Match El Paso County Community College District _____________ Independent School District Yes No 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. 6. 6. EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 3 of 4 El Paso County Community College District COURSE EVALUATION: ______________ Independent School District COURSE EVALUATION: EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 4 of 4 For College Procedure Articulation of Vocational and Academic Courses with Secondary Schools ADDENDUM FORM FOR NON-SUBSTANCIAL CHANGE(S) IN AN ARTICULATION PLAN This form may be used to make changes to an Articulation Plan that do not alter the match-up of objectives in the Articulation Plan. An example is a change in a course title. (Current and correct course titles are extremely important to articulation since they are recorded on students’ transcripts. Counselors and the EPCCCD use transcripts to determine which courses students have taken for articulation credit.) Current Date School District EPCCCD Program EPCCCD Course Name/Number ISD Title/Course Number EPCCCD New Course/Number EPCCCD Course Name/Number ISD Title/Course Number EPCCD New Course/Number EPCCCD Course Name/Number ISD Old Title/Course Number ISD New Title/Course Number EPCCCD Course Name/Number ISD Old Title/Course Number ISD New Title/Course Number 1. Course(s) affected: (Use the back of this form for additional courses.) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 1 of 2 NONSUBSTANTIAL CHANGE(S) ARTICULATION PLAN 2. Other nonsubstantial changes: Date EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT _______________ INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT EPCCCD Curriculum & Instructional Development Director Administrative Representative (Confirms that involved EPCCCD personnel are aware of this change and have had an opportunity to provide input.) (Confirms that the change[s] do not affect the course objectives as matched in the Articulation Plan.) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 2 of 2 For College Procedure Articulation of Vocational and Academic Courses with Secondary Schools ADDENDUM II FORM FOR NONSUBSTANTIAL CHANGE(S) IN AN ARTICULATION PLAN This form may be used to make changes to an articulation chart that do not alter the match-up of objectives in an Articulation Plan. An example is granting student’s credit for a course which he or she takes at a neighboring school whose district does not articulate that particular course. (Current and correct course titles are extremely important to articulation since they are recorded on students’ transcripts.) El Paso Community College’s Evaluations Department uses transcripts to determine which high school courses have been taken for articulated credit. Current Date _________ Independent School District _________ Independent School District (CCTE/PL) Home School District Neighboring School District 1. Course(s) affected: Home ISD Course Name/Number Neighboring ISD Course Name/Number Home ISD Course Name/Number Neighboring ISD Course Name/Number Home ISD Course Name/Number Neighboring ISD Course Name/Number Home ISD Course Name/Number Neighboring ISD Course Name/Number EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT EPCCCD Curriculum & Instructional Development Director (Confirms that involved EPCCCD personnel are aware of these additions.) _________ ISD Administrative Representative (Confirms that this change does not affect the course objectives as matched in the Original Articulation Plan.) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 1 of 1 For College Procedure Articulation of Vocational and Academic Courses with Secondary Schools ARTICULATION EXPIRATION FORM District Name (LEA) EPCCCD Reviewer’s Name Independent School District Course Name EPCCCD Course Name & Number Reason for Expiration: Current Date EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ______________ INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ______________, Coordinator Articulation Faculty Member Articulation Faculty Member _____________, Dean Math, Occupational Education, and Science ________________, Facilitator Career and Technology Education , Director Curriculum and Instructional Development __________________, Director Career and Technology Education , Interim Vice President of Instruction EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 1 of 1 For College Procedure Articulation of Vocational and Academic Courses with Secondary Schools SAN ELIZARIO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ARTICULATION CHART (SAMPLE) EFFECTIVE DATE HIGH SCHOOL COURSES HS GRADE REQUIRED EPCCCD COURSE TECH PREP 05-07-12 Accounting I CTE 514-101 #13016600 (2 semesters) 85 ACNT 1303 Introduction to Accounting I 05-07-12 Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance CTE 510-101 #13011200 (2 semesters) 85 BUSG 1301 Introduction to Business 05-11-12 Child Development (CHILDDEV) #13024700 (1 semester) 85 CDEC 1313 Curriculum Resources for Early Childhood Programs X For students who took this course starting Fall 2011. 05-01-01 Health Science Technology I (HST I) #12101300 (2 semesters) 80 HPRS 1201 HPRS 1205 X X Review 03-11-02. HPRS 1206 Introduction to Health Professions and Essentials of Medical Law/Ethics for Health Professions and Essentials of Medical Terminology Expired 08-31-10 X COMMENTS For students who took this course starting Fall 2011. For students who took this course starting Fall 2011. Reviewed 06-13-05. X 05-01-01 Health Science CTE 541-101 #13020400 (2 semesters) 85 HPRS 1201 HPRS 1202 Introduction to Health Professions and Wellness and Health Promotion X Reviewed 04-19-12 05-01-01 Principles of Health Science CTE 543-101 #13020200 (2 semesters) 85 HPRS 1205 Essentials of Medical Law/Ethics for Health Professionals X Reviewed 04-19-12 For students who took this course starting Fall 2011. 10-10-95 Business Computer Information Systems I (BEGBCIS 1) #12011200 (2 semesters) 85 ITSC 1301 Introduction to Computers X Reviewed 05-22-06. X For students who took this course starting Fall 2011. Expired 08-31-10 05-07-12 Computer Maintenance (COMPMTN) CTE 583-101 #13027300 (2 semesters) 85 ITSC 1325 Personal Computer Hardware 06-13-12 Practicum in Health Science II CTE 542-101 #13020500 (1 semester) and Practicum in Health Science II CTE 542-102 #13020510 (1 semester) 85 PHRA 1309 PHRA 1301 Pharmaceutical Mathematics I and Introduction to Pharmacy Anatomy and Physiology SC 160-101 #13020600 (2 semesters) 75 VNSG 1405 VNSG 1420 Health Science and Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health 05-10-12 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. X For students who took this course starting Fall 2011. For students who took this course starting Fall 2011. Page 1 of 1 For College Procedure Articulation of Vocational and Academic Courses with Secondary Schools CERTIFICATE FOR ARTICULATED COURSE CREDIT (SAMPLE) Awarded to __________________________________________________ For having met the competencies and minimum grade required for articulated credit in the following El Paso County Community College District occupational/technical course __________________________________________________ Course Title through successful completion of the following Ysleta Independent School District course. _________________________________________________ Course Title This articulated credit is available through an articulation agreement between your school district and the El Paso County Community College District. See the reverse side of this certificate for the steps to follow to get your articulated credits. You must apply for the credit within 28 months after high school graduation. CONGRATULATIONS! ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Mr. Steve Smith, Interim Vice President of Instruction Secondary Articulation Officer El Paso County Community College District High School Instructor Dr. Michael Zolkoski, Superintendent Ysleta Independent School District ____________________________________ Date EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 1 of 1 For College Procedure Articulation of Vocational and Academic Courses with Secondary Schools EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ARTICULATION PROCESS Step 1: Students must request the articulated credits within 28 months of high school graduation. Ask your high school to send an official copy of your complete transcript to the El Paso Community College (EPCC) Office of Admissions and Registration. Step 2: You must be enrolled in College credit courses and be a degree-seeking student when you apply for the articulated credits. The articulated credits must be part of your declared major. Step 3: Students complete a Request for Award of Non-traditional Credit form and submit it to the Office of Admissions and Registration. The request forms may be initiated at any EPCC counseling office. Step 4: Once the credits are approved, the Evaluations Department posts the credits on your EPCC academic record within 30 days. If any problems occur, call the Director of Curriculum and Instructional Development, at (915) 831-2654. EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Page 1 of 1